Stm8 Programming Manual

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Programming manual

STM8 CPU programming manual

The STM8 family of HCMOS microcontrollers is designed and built around an enhanced
industry standard 8-bit core and a library of peripheral blocks, which include ROM, Flash,
RAM, EEPROM, I/O, Serial Interfaces (SPI, USART, I2C,...), 16-bit Timers, A/D converters,
comparators, power supervisors etc. These blocks may be assembled in various
combinations in order to provide cost-effective solutions for application-specific products.
The STM8 family forms a part of the STMicroelectronics 8-bit MCU product line, which finds
its place in a wide variety of applications such as automotive systems, remote controls,
video monitors, car radio and numerous other consumer, industrial, telecom, and multimedia

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1 STM8 architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1 STM8 development support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2 Enhanced STM8 features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 STM8 core description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 CPU registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 STM8 memory interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.1 Program space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Data space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 Memory interface architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5 Pipelined execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.1 Description of pipelined execution stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.1.1 Fetch stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.1.2 Decoding and addressing stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.1.3 Execution stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.2 Data memory conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3 Pipelined execution examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.4 Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.4.1 Optimized pipeline example – execution from Flash Program memory . 24
5.4.2 Optimize pipeline example – execution from RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.4.3 Pipeline with Call/Jump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.4.4 Pipeline stalled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.4.5 Pipeline with 1 wait state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6 STM8 addressing modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.1 Inherent addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.2 Immediate addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.3 Direct addressing mode (Short, Long, Extended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

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6.3.1 Short Direct addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

6.3.2 Long Direct addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.3.3 Extended Direct addressing mode (only for CALLF and JPF) . . . . . . . . 38
6.4 Indexed addressing mode (No Offset, Short, SP, Long, Extended) . . . . . 39
6.4.1 No Offset Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.4.2 Short Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.4.3 SP Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.4.4 Long Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.4.5 Extended Indexed (only LDF instruction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.5 Indirect (Short Pointer Long, Long Pointer Long) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.6 Short Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.7 Long Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.8 Indirect Indexed (Short Pointer Long, Long Pointer Long,
Long Pointer Extended) addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.9 Short Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.10 Long Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.11 Long Pointer Indirect Extended Indexed addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . 53
6.12 Relative Direct addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.13 Bit Direct (Long) addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.14 Bit Direct (Long) Relative addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

7 STM8 instruction set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7.2 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.1 Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.2 CPU registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.3 Code condition bit value notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.4 Memory and addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.5 Operation code notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.3 Instruction set summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.4 Instruction set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
ADD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
ADDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

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BCCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
BCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
BCPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
BREAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
BRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
BSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
BTJF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
BTJT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
CALLF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
CALLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
CCF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
CLR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
CLRW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
CP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
CPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
CPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
CPLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
DEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
DECW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
DIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
DIVW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
EXG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
EXGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
HALT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
INCW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
INT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
IRET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
JP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
JPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
JRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
JRxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

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LD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
LDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
LDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
MOV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
MUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
NEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
NEGW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
NOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
POP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
POPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
PUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
PUSHW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
RCF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
RET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
RETF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
RIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
RLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
RLCW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
RLWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
RRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
RRCW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
RRWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
RVF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
SBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
SCF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
SIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
SLL/SLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
SLLW/SLAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
SRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
SRAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
SRLW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

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SUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
SUBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
SWAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
SWAPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
TNZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
TNZW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
TRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
WFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
WFI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
XOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

8 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

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List of tables

Table 1. Interruptability levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Table 2. Data/address decoding examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Table 3. Example with exact number of cycles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Table 4. Example with conventional number of cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Table 5. Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Table 6. Optimized pipeline example - execution from Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Table 7. Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Table 8. Optimize pipeline example – execution from RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Table 9. Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Table 10. Example of pipeline with Call/Jump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Table 11. Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Table 12. Example of stalled pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Table 13. Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Table 14. Pipeline with 1 wait state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Table 15. Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Table 16. STM8 core addressing modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Table 17. STM8 addressing mode overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Table 18. Inherent addressing instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Table 19. Immediate addressing instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Table 20. Overview of Direct addressing mode instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Table 21. Available Long and Short Direct addressing mode instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Table 22. Available Extended Direct addressing mode instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Table 23. Available Long Direct addressing mode instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Table 24. Overview Indexed addressing mode instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Table 25. No Offset, Long, Short and SP Indexed instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Table 26. No Offset, Long, Short Indexed Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Table 27. Extended Indexed Instructions only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Table 28. Overview of Indirect addressing instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Table 29. Available Long Pointer Long and Short Pointer Long Indirect Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Table 30. Available Long Pointer Long Indirect Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Table 31. Overview of Indirect indexed instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 32. Available Long Pointer Long and Short Pointer Long Indirect
Indexed instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 33. Available Long Pointer Long Indirect Indexed instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 34. Long Pointer Extended Indirect Indexed instructions instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 35. Overview of Relative Direct addressing mode instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Table 36. Available Relative Direct instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Table 37. Overview of Bit Direct addressing mode instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Table 38. Available Bit Direct instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Table 39. Overview of Bit Direct (Long) Relative addressing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Table 40. Available Bit Direct Relative instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Table 41. Instruction groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Table 42. Instruction set summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Table 43. Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 7/162

List of figures PM0044

List of figures

Figure 1. Programming model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Figure 2. Context save/restore for interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 3. Address spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Figure 4. Memory Interface Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 5. Pipelined execution principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 6. Pipelined execution stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 7. Immediate addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 8. Short Direct addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Figure 9. Long Direct addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Figure 10. Far Direct addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Figure 11. No Offset Indexed addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 12. Short Indexed - 8-bit offset - addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 13. SP Indexed - 8-bit offset - addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Figure 14. Long Indexed - 16-bit offset - addressing mode example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Figure 15. Far Indexed - 16-bit offset - addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Figure 16. Short Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Figure 17. Long Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Figure 18. Short Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 19. Long Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Figure 20. Long Pointer Indirect Extended Indexed addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Figure 21. Relative Direct addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Figure 22. Bit Long Direct addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 23. Bit Long Direct Relative addressing mode example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

8/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 architecture

1 STM8 architecture

The 8-bit STM8 Core is designed for high code efficiency. It contains 6 internal registers, 20
addressing modes and 80 instructions. The 6 internal registers include two 16-bit Index
registers, an 8-bit Accumulator, a 24-bit Program Counter, a 16-bit Stack Pointer and an 8-
bit Condition Code register. The two Index registers X and Y enable Indexed Addressing
modes with or without offset, along with read-modify-write type data manipulation. These
registers simplify branching routines and data/arrays modifications.
The 24-bit Program Counter is able to address up to 16-Mbyte of RAM, ROM or Flash
memory. The 16-bit Stack Pointer provides access to a 64K-level Stack. The Core also
includes a Condition Code register providing 7 Condition flags that indicate the result of the
last instruction executed.
The 20 Addressing modes, including Indirect Relative and Indexed addressing, allow
sophisticated branching routines or CASE-type functions. The Indexed Indirect Addressing
mode, for instance, permits look-up tables to be located anywhere in the address space,
thus enabling very flexible programming and compact C-based code. The stack pointer
relative addressing mode permits optimized C compiler stack model for local variables and
parameter passing.
The Instruction Set is 8-bit oriented with a 2-byte average instruction size. This Instruction
Set offers, in addition to standard data movement and logic/arithmetic functions, 8-bit by 8-
bit multiplication, 16-bit by 8-bit and 16-bit by 16-bit division, bit manipulation, data transfer
between Stack and Accumulator (Push / Pop) with direct stack access, as well as data
transfer using the X and Y registers or direct memory-to-memory transfers.
The number of Interrupt vectors can vary up to 32, and the interrupt priority level may be
managed by software providing hardware controlled nested capability. Some peripherals
include Direct Memory Access (DMA) between serial interfaces and memory. Support for
slow memories allows easy external code execution through serial or parallel interface
(ROMLESS products for instance).
The STM8 has a high energy-efficient architecture, based on a Harvard architecture and
pipelined execution. A 32-bit wide program memory bus allows most of the instructions to be
fetched in 1 CPU cycle. Moreover, as the average instruction length is 2 bytes, this allows for
a reduction in the power consumption by only accessing the program memory half of the
time, on average. The pipelined execution allowed the execution time to be minimized,
ensuring high system performance, when needed, together with the possibility to reduce the
overall energy consumption, by using different power saving operating modes. Power-saving
can be managed under program control by placing the device in SLOW, WAIT, SLOW-WAIT,
ACTIVE-HALT or HALT mode (see product datasheet for more details).

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STM8 architecture PM0044

Additional blocks
The additional blocks take the form of integrated hardware peripherals arranged around the
central processor core. The following (non-exhaustive) list details the features of some of the
currently available blocks:

Boot ROM Memory area containing the bootloader code

Flash Flash-based devices
RAM Sizes up to several Kbytes
Sizes up to several Kbytes. Erase/programming operations do not require
additional external power sources.
Different versions based on 8/16-bit free running or autoreload timer/counter are
available. They can be coupled with either input captures, output compares or
Timers PWM facilities. PWM functions can have software programmable duty cycle
between 0% to 100% in up to 256/65536 steps. The outputs can be filtered to
provide D/A conversion.
The Analog to Digital Converter uses a sample and hold technique. It has 12-bit
A/D converter
Multi/master, single master, single slave modes, DMA or 1byte transfer, standard
and fast I2C modes, 7 and 10-bit addressing.
The Serial peripheral Interface is a fully synchronous 3/4 wire interface ideal for
SPI Master and Slave applications such as driving devices with input shift register
(LCD driver, external memory,...).
The USART is a fast synchronous/asynchronous interface which features both
USART duplex transmission, NRZ format, programmable baud rates and standard error
detection. The USART can also emulate RS232 protocol.
It has the ability to induce a full reset of the MCU if its counter counts down to
Watchdog zero prior to being reset by the software. This feature is especially useful in noisy
They are programmable by software to act in several input or output
I/O ports configurations on an individual line basis, including high current and interrupt
generation. The basic block has eight bit lines.

1.1 STM8 development support

The STM8 family of MCUs is supported by a comprehensive range of development tools.
This family presently comprises hardware tools (emulators, programmers), a software
package (assembler-linker, debugger, archiver) and a C-compiler development tool.
STM8 and ST7 CPUs are supported by a single toolchain allowing easy reuse and
portability of the applications between product lines.

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PM0044 STM8 architecture

1.2 Enhanced STM8 features

● 16-Mbyte linear program memory space with 3 FAR instructions (CALLF, RETF, JPF)
● 16-Mbyte linear data memory space with 1 FAR instruction (LDF)
● Up to 32 24-bit interrupt vectors with optimized context save management
● 16-bit Stack Pointer (SP=SH:S) with stack manipulation instructions and addressing
● New register and memory access instructions (EXG, MOV)
● New arithmetic instructions: DIV 16/8 and DIVW 16/16
● New bit handling instructions (CCF, BCPL, BCCM)
● 2 x 16-bit index registers (X=XH:XL, Y=YH:YL). 8-bit data transfers address the low
byte. The high-byte is not affected, with a reset value of 0. This allows the use of X/Y as
8-bit values.
● Fast interrupt handling through alternate register files (up to 4 contexts) with standard
stack compatible mode (for real time OS kernels)
● 16-bit/8-bit stack operations (X, Y, A, CC stacking)
● 16-bit pointer direct update with 16-bit relative offset (ADDW/SUBW for X/Y/SP)
● 8-bit & 16-bit arithmetic and signed arithmetic support

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Glossary PM0044

2 Glossary

mnem mnemonic
src source
dst destination
cy duration of the instruction in CPU clock cycles (internal clock)
lgth length of the instruction in byte(s)
op-code instruction byte(s) implementation (1..4 bytes), operation code.
mem memory location
imm immediate value
off offset
ptr pointer
pos position
byte a byte
word 16-bit value
short represent a short 8-bit addressing mode
long represent a long 16-bit addressing mode
EA Effective Address: The final computed data byte address
Page Zero all data located at [00..FF] addressing space (single byte address)
(XX) content of a memory location XX
XX a byte value
ExtB Extended byte
MS Most Significant byte of a 16-bit value (MSB)
LS Least Significant byte of a 16-bit value (LSB)
A Accumulator register
X 16-bit X Index register
Y 16-bit Y Index register
reg A, XL or YL register (1-byte LS part of X/Y), XH or YH (1-byte MS part of X/Y)
ndx index register, either X or Y
PC 24-bit Program Counter register
SP 16-bit Stack Pointer
S Stack Pointer LSB
CC Condition Code register

12/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 core description

3 STM8 core description

3.1 Introduction
The CPU has a full 8-bit architecture, with 16-bit operations on index registers (for address
computation). Six internal registers allow efficient 8-bit data manipulation. The CPU is able
to execute 80 basic instructions. It features 20 addressing modes and can address 6 internal
registers and 16 Mbytes of memory/peripheral registers.

3.2 CPU registers

The 6 CPU registers are shown in the programming model in Figure 1. Following an
interrupt, the register context is saved. The context is saved by pushing registers onto the
stack in the order shown in Figure 2. They are popped from the stack in the reverse order.

Accumulator (A)
The accumulator is an 8-bit general purpose register used to hold operands and the results
of the arithmetic and logic calculations as well as data manipulations.

Index registers (X and Y)

These 16-bit registers are used to create effective addresses or as temporary storage area
for data manipulations. In most of the cases, the cross assembler generates a PRECODE
instruction (PRE) to indicate that the following instruction refers to the Y register. Both X and
Y are automatically saved on interrupt routine branch.

Program Counter (PC)

The program counter is a 24-bit register used to store the address of the next instruction to
be executed by the CPU. It is automatically refreshed after each processed instruction. As a
result, the STM8 core can access up to 16-Mbytes of memory.

Figure 1. Programming model

7 0

15 8 7 0

15 8 7 0

15 0

23 16 15 8 7 0

7 0

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STM8 core description PM0044

Stack Pointer (SP)

The stack pointer is a 16-bit register. It contains the address of the next free location of the
stack. Depending on the product, the most significant bits can be forced to a preset value.
The stack is used to save the CPU context on subroutines calls or interrupts. The user can
also directly use it through the POP and PUSH instructions.
After an MCU reset the Stack Pointer is set to its upper limit value. It is then decremented
after data has been pushed onto the stack and incremented after data is popped from the
stack. When the lower limit is exceeded, the stack pointer wraps around to the stack upper
limit. The previously stored information is then overwritten, and therefore lost.
A subroutine call occupies two or three locations.
When an interrupt occurs, the CPU registers (CC, X, Y, A, PC) are pushed onto the stack.
This operation takes 9 CPU cycles and uses 9 bytes in RAM.
Note: The WFI/HALT instructions save the context in advance. If an interrupt occurs while the CPU
is in one of these modes, the latency is reduced.

Figure 2. Context save/restore for interrupts


053(## #05#9#,%3


).4%225042/54).% 0#,

0#, 34!#+
0#, 053(

5.34!#+ 8,
0/0 8(



14/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 core description

Global configuration register (CFG_GCR)

The global configuration register is a memory mapped register. It controls the configuration
of the processor. It contains the AL control bit:
AL: Activation level
If the AL bit is 0 (main), the IRET will cause the context to be retrieved from stack and the
main program will continue after the WFI instruction.
If the AL bit is 1 (interrupt only active), the IRET will cause the CPU to go back to WFI/HALT
mode without restoring the context.
This bit is used to control the low power modes of the MCU. In a very low power application,
the MCU spends most of the time in WFI/HALT mode and is woken up (through interrupts)
at specific moments in order to execute a specific task. Some of these recurring tasks are
short enough to be treated directly in an ISR, rather than going back to the main program. In
this case, by programming the AL bit to 1 before going to low power (by executing WFI/HALT
instruction), the run time/ISR execution is reduced due to the fact that the register context is
not saved/restored each time.

Condition Code register (CC)

The Condition Code register is a 8-bit register which indicates the result of the instruction
just executed as well as the state of the processor. These bits can be individually tested by a
program and specified action taken as a result of their state. The following paragraphs
describe each bit.
● V: Overflow
When set, V indicates that an overflow occurred during the last signed arithmetic
operation, on the MSB operation result bit. See INC, INCW, DEC, DECW, NEG, NEGW,
ADD, ADC, SUB, SUBW, SBC, CP, CPW instructions.
● I1: Interrupt mask level 1
The I1 flag works in conjunction with the I0 flag to define the current interruptability level
as shown in the following table. These flags can be set and cleared by software through
the RIM, SIM, HALT, WFI, IRET, TRAP and POP instructions and are automatically set
by hardware when entering an interrupt service routine.

Table 1. Interruptability levels

Interruptability Priority I1 I0

Interruptable Main 1 0

Interruptable Level 1 Lowest 0 1

Interruptable Level 2 Highest 0 0

Non Interruptable 1 1

● H: Half carry bit

The H bit is set to 1 when a carry occurs between the bits 3 and 4 of the ALU during an
ADD or ADC instruction. The H bit is useful in BCD arithmetic subroutines.
For ADDW, SUBW it is set when a carry occurs from bit 7 to 8, allowing to implement
byte arithmetic on 16-bit index registers.

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STM8 core description PM0044

● I0: Interrupt mask level 0

See Flag I1
● N: Negative
When set to 1, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical or data
manipulation is negative (i.e. the most significant bit is a logic 1).
● Z: Zero
When set to 1, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical or data
manipulation is zero.
● C: Carry
When set, C indicates that a carry or borrow out of the ALU occurred during the last
arithmetic operation on the MSB operation result bit (bit 7 for 8-bit result/destination or
bit 15 for 16-bit result). This bit is also affected during bit test, branch, shift, rotate and
load instructions. See ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC instructions.
In bit test operations, C is the copy of the tested bit. See BTJF, BTJT instructions.
In shift and rotates operations, the carry is updated. See RRC, RLC, SRL, SLL, SRA
This bit can be set, reset or complemented by software using SCF, RCF, CCF
Example: Addition
$B5 + $94 = "C" + $49 = $149

C 7 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

C 7 0
+ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

C 7 0
= 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

The results of each instruction on the Condition Code register are shown by tables in
Section 7: STM8 instruction set. The following table is an example:

V I1 H I0 N Z C
V 0 0 N Z 1


Nothing = Flag not affected

Flag name = Flag affected
0= Flag cleared
1= Flag set

16/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 memory interface

4 STM8 memory interface

4.1 Program space

The program space is 16-Mbyte and linear. To distinguish the 1, 2 and 3 byte wide
addressing modes, naming has been defined as shown in Figure 3:
● "Page" [0xXXXX00 to 0xXXXXFF]: 256-byte wide memory space with the same two
most significant address bytes (XXXX defines the page number).
● "Section" [0xXX0000 to 0xXXFFFF]: 64-Kbyte wide memory space with the same most
significant address byte (XX defines the section number).
The reset and interrupt vector table are placed at address 0x8000 for the STM8 family.
(Note: the base address may be different for later implementations.) The table has 32 4-byte
entries: RESET, Trap, NMI and up to 29 normal user interrupts. Each entry consists of the
reserved op-code 0x82, followed by a 24-bit value: PCE, PCH, PCL address of the
respective Interrupt Service Routine. The main program and ISRs can be mapped
anywhere in the 16 Mbyte memory space.
CALL/CALLR and RET must be used only in the same section. The effective address for the
CALL/RET is used as an offset to the current PCE register value. For the JP, the effective
address 16 or 17-bit (for indexed addressing) long, is added to the current PCE value. In
order to reach any address in the program space, the JPF jump and CALLF call instructions
are provided with a three byte extended addressing mode while the RETF pops also three
bytes from the stack.
As the memory space is linear, sections can be crossed by two CPU actions: next
instruction byte fetch (PC+1), relative jumps and, in some cases, by JP (for indexed
addressing mode).
Note: For safe memory usage, a function which crosses sections MUST:
- be called by a CALLF
- include only far instructions for code operation (CALLF & JPF)
All label pointers are located in section 0 (JP [ptr.w] example: ptr.w is located in section 0
and the jump address in current section)
Any illegal op-code read from the program space triggers a MCU reset.

4.2 Data space

The data space is 16-Mbyte and linear. As the stack must be located in section 0 and as
data access outside section 0/1 can be managed only with LDF instructions, frequently used
data should be located in section 0 to get the optimum code efficiency.
All data pointers are located in section 0 only.
Indexed addressing (with 16-bit index registers and long offset) allows data access over
section 0 and 1.
All the peripherals are memory mapped in the data space.

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STM8 memory interface PM0044

Figure 3. Address spaces


0x82 INT28E INT28H INT28L 0x00807C
0x82 RESETE RESETH RESETL 0x008000 0x010000

0x008000 STACK AREA

18/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 memory interface

4.3 Memory interface architecture

The STM8 uses a Harvard architecture, with separate program and data memory buses.
However, the logical address space is unified, all memories sharing the same 16-Mbytes
space, non-overlapped. The memory interfaces are shown in Figure 4. It consists of two
buses: address, data, read/write control signal (R/W) and memory acknowledge signal
The STALL acknowledge signal makes the CPU compatible with slow serial or parallel
memory interfaces. When the memory interface is slow the CPU waits the memory
acknowledge before executing the instruction. So in such a case, the instruction CPU cycle
time is prolonged compare to the value given in this manual.
The program memory bus is 32-bit wide, allowing the fetch of most of the instructions in one
As the address space is unified, the architecture allows data to be stored also in the Flash
memory and program to be fetched also from RAM (data bus). In this later case the
performance is impacted, besides the fact that data and fetch operation share the same bus,
the instructions will be fetched one byte at a time, thus taking longer (1 cycle /byte).

Figure 4. Memory Interface Architecture

Memory Interface (Flash)


STALL A23..0

0x00 Data@E Data@E0:H:L
N Y 17




STALL A15..0 R/W


Memory Interface (RAM)

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Pipelined execution PM0044

5 Pipelined execution

The STM8 family uses a 3-stage pipeline to increase the speed of the flow of instructions
sent to the processor. Pipelined execution allows several operations to be performed
simultaneously, rather than serially:
● Fetch
● Decode and address
● Execute
The Program Counter (PC) points always to the instruction in decode stage as shown in
Figure 5.

Figure 5. Pipelined execution principle


0# N



5.1 Description of pipelined execution stages

Figure 6 and Section 5.1.1, Section 5.1.2, and Section 5.1.3 provide a detailed description
of each stage of the pipeline execution.

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PM0044 Pipelined execution

Figure 6. Pipelined execution stages




BIT )4#





2!- BIT



5.1.1 Fetch stage

The first pipeline stage includes a 64-bit fetch buffer and a 32-bit prefetch buffer, totalling 3
words named F1, F2 and F3. This buffer structure allows any instruction code (up to 5 bytes)
to be available for decoding immediately after F1 (and F2 when needed) is/are loaded.
The instruction access from Flash Program memory is 32-bit wide and it is performed from
an aligned address i.e. 0xXXX0, 0xXXX4, 0xXXX8, or 0xXXXC.
Unlike the decode and execute stages that are performed at every cycle, the fetch stage
accesses the program memory only when needed, and stops memory access when the
buffer is full. This allows reducing the core power consumption,
Reading program from RAM is similar to reading program from ROM. However, since the
RAM data bus is 8-bit wide, 4 consecutive read operations have to be performed to load one
FX word, thus resulting in RAM execution being slower than Flash execution.

5.1.2 Decoding and addressing stage

The decoding stage includes an instruction alignment unit. The alignment unit uses the 64-
bit input from the fetch unit and feeds an instruction (from 1 to 5 bytes depending on the
instruction) to the decoding unit.
The instruction code consists of 2 parts (see examples in Table 2):
● The op-code itself (1 or 2 bytes)
● and a data/address part (0 to 3 bytes).

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The op-code is decoded in this stage. When present, the instruction address is used for
address computation, whilst the immediate operand is forwarded to the execution stage.

Table 2. Data/address decoding examples

Instruction Syntax Op-code Data/address

Register to register
LD A, XH 0x95 -
Register load LD A,($12,SP) 0x7B 0x12
Register store LD ($12,SP),A 0x6B 0x12
Data load / store with
LDF A,($123456,Y) 0x90 AF 0x12 34 56
extended address

Long/unaligned instructions
For long instructions (i.e. 5-bytes instructions), the fetch may need 2 program memory
accesses to be completed. In this case, the decoding stage (after decoding the op-code
part), is stalled waiting for the fetch stage to complete the 2nd fetch.
In case of shorter instructions, this may also happen when they cross a 32-bit boundary.

Indirect addressing
For indirect addressing, the CPU is stalled in this stage to read the pointer from the data
memory (i.e. RAM). The number of cycles during which the CPU is stalled depends on the
pointer size (short, long or extended addressing mode).

5.1.3 Execution stage

In the execution stage, the operation is executed and the result is stored in the accumulator,
index register or RAM.

5.2 Data memory conflicts

3 types of operations perform accesses to the data memory:
● Effective address computation in case of indirect addressing
● Data read: source operand
● Data write: destination for store or read-modify-write operations
In case of simultaneous accesses to the same memory area both in execution stage (write)
and decoding stage (read), the decode stage is stalled till the execution stage releases the

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5.3 Pipelined execution examples

A few pipelined execution examples are reported below. The numbers of cycles for the
decoding and execution stages correspond to the minimum number of cycles needed by the
instruction itself. In some cases, depending on the instruction sequence, the cycle taken
could be more than that number.

5.4 Conventions
Although the decode and/or execute stage of some instructions may take a different number
of cycles, a simplified convention providing a good match with reality, has been used in this
● The decode stage of each instruction takes one cycle only
● The execution stage takes a number of cycles equal to
C y = DecCy + ExeCy – 1

Cy is the number of execution cycles. In case of decode and execute cycles, It
corresponds to the minimum number of cycles needed by the instruction itself, and
does not take into account the impact of the instruction sequence.
DecCy is the exact number of decode cycles.
ExeCy is the exact number of execute cycles.
The decode stage of the next instruction starts during the last execution cycle. In
instructions performing pipeline flush, the convention is that, in case the branch is taken, the
next fetch are performed during the last instruction execution cycle.
The exact number of cycles (see Table 3) and the number of cycles obtained using this
convention (see Table 4) are identical.

Table 3. Example with exact number of cycles

Time (cycle)
Decode Execute
Address Instruction lgth
cycles cycles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0xC000 LDW X, [$50.w] 4 1 3 D D D D E

0xC003 ADDW X, #20 2 2 3 D D D D D E E
0xC006 LD A, [$30].w 3 1 3 D D D D D D E
0xC009 ….

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Table 4. Example with conventional number of cycles

Time (cycle)
Decode Execute
Address Instruction lgth
cycles cycles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0xC000 LDW X, [$50.w] 4 3 3 D E E E E

0xC003 ADDW X, #20 3 3 3 D D D D E E E
0xC006 LD A, [$30].w 3 3 3 D D D D E E E
0xC009 ….

Table 5. Legend
Symbol/Color Definition

F Fetch
D Decode stalled
D Decode
E Execute

5.4.1 Optimized pipeline example – execution from Flash Program memory

In the example shown in Table 6, the code is stored in the Flash Program memory (32-bit
bus). As a result, 3 cycles are needed to fill the 96-bit prefetch buffer. At each cycle, one
word is loaded and stored in F1, F2 and F3. The next fetch operation can start only when all
the instructions contained in one of the Fx word are decoded. In fact, at cycle 9, the last
instruction contained in F3 (SWAP A) is decoded, and a fetch operation can start to fill F3

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Table 6. Optimized pipeline example - execution from Flash

Decod. Exec.
Add. Instruction lgth
cycles cycles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0xC000 NEG A 1 1 1 D E
0xC001 XOR A, $10 1 1 2 F1 D E
0xC003 LD A, #20 1 1 2 D E
0xC005 SUB A,$1000 1 1 3 D E
0xC008 INC A 1 1 1 D E
0xC009 LD XL, A 1 1 1 D E
0xC00A SRL A 1 1 1 D E
0xC00B SWAP A 1 1 1 D E
0xC00C SLA $15 1 1 2 D E
0xC00E CP A,#$FE 1 1 2 D E
0xC010 MOV $100, #11 1 1 4 F2 D E
0xC014 MOV $101, #22 1 1 4 F3 D E

Table 7. Legend
Symbol/Color Definition

F Fetch
D Decode
E Execute

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5.4.2 Optimize pipeline example – execution from RAM

In the example shown in Table 8, the RAM is accessed through an 8-bit bus. As a result, 12
cycles are required to fill the 96-bit pre-fetch buffer. Every 4 cycles, one word is loaded and
stored in Fx. The decoding of the first word instruction can start only when the Fx word is
filled. This occurs for example till the 4th cycle, and the first instruction (NEG A) can be
decoded only at the 5th cycle.
In case of read/write access to the RAM, the fetch is stalled. This occurs during the 6th cycle
since RAM address 10 is read during the decode stage of XOR A, $10.

Table 8. Optimize pipeline example – execution from RAM

Execute cycles
Decode cycles



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

0xC000 NEG A 1 1 1 D D D D E


0xC001 1 1 2 D E


0xC003 LD A, #20 1 1 2 D D D D E


0xC005 1 1 3 FS D E

0xC008 INC A 1 1 1 D D D D E

0xC009 LD XL, A 1 1 1 FS D E

0xC00A SRL A 1 1 1 D E

0xC00B SWAP A 1 1 1 D E

0xC00C SLA $15 1 1 2 D E


0xC00E 1 1 2 D E

Table 9. Legend
Symbol/Color Definition

F Fetch
FS Fetch stalled
D Decode
D Decode stalled
E Execute

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5.4.3 Pipeline with Call/Jump

In the example shown in Table 10, a branch is taken after the JP/CALL instruction, and the
fetched instruction(s) are lost (flush). New instructions must be fetched. 3 fetch sequences
are required to refill the pre-fetch buffer. The fetch start depends on the instruction being
For a JP instruction, the fetch can start during the first cycle of the "dummy" execution.
For the CALL instruction, it starts after the last cycle of the CALL execution.

Table 10. Example of pipeline with Call/Jump

Decode Execute
Add. Instruction lgth
cycles cycles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

0xC000 INC A 1 1 1 D E
0xC001 JP label 1 1 3 D E

0xC004 LDW X,[$5432.w] X X 4 F2

0xD010 label: NEG A 1 1 1 D E

0xD011 CALL label2 1 2 3 D E E

0xD014 LDW X,[$5432.w] X X 4 F2

0xD018 LDW X,[$7895.w] X X 4 F3 FS

0xE030 label2: INCW X 1 1 1 F1 D E

Table 11. Legend

Symbol/Color Definition

F Fetch
FS Fetch stalled
D Decode
E Execute

5.4.4 Pipeline stalled

The decode stage can be stalled when the execution lasts more than one cycle.
The flush is due to the branch. Fetching the branch address is performed during the second
execution cycle of the BTJF instruction.
The Decode operation can also be stalled when the memory target is modified during the
previous instruction. In the example given in Table 12, the INCW Y instruction writes the X

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register during the first execution cycle. As a result, in this cycle, the next instruction
(LD A,(X)) cannot be decoded since it reads the X register.

Table 12. Example of stalled pipeline

Time (cycles)
Decode Execute
Address Instruction lgth
cycles cycles
1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0xC000 SUB SP, #20 1 1 2 D E

0xC002 LD A, #20 1 1 2 D E
0xC004 BTJT 0x10, #5, to 1 2 5 F2 D E E
0xC009 INC A 1 1 1 F3 D D E
0xC00A BTJF 0x20, #3, to 1 2 5 D E E
0xC00F NOP X X 1

0xC010 LDW X,[$5432.w] X X 4 F2
0xC014 LDW X,[$1234.w] X X 4 F3
0xD020 to: INCW Y 1 1 2 D E
0xD023 LD A,(X) 1 1 2 D D E

Table 13. Legend

Symbol/Color Definition

F Fetch
D Decode stalled
D Decode
E Execute

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5.4.5 Pipeline with 1 wait state

In the example given in Table 14, performing the fetch takes 2 cycles, and there is no
overlap between the 2 fetch cycles.
If the instruction is decoded/executed during the last 2 fetch cycles, then the wait state is
transparent compared to the no-wait state execution.

Table 14. Pipeline with 1 wait state

Time (cycle)
Decode Execute
Address Instruction lgth
cycles cycles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0xC000 NEG A 1 1 1 MS D E
0xC001 DEC ($10, X) 1 1 3 D E
0xC004 LDW X, #20 1 1 3 MS D E E
0xC007 LD (X), A 1 1 1 D D E
0xC008 INC A 1 1 1 MS D E
0xC009 NEG ($5A, Y) 1 1 1 D E

Table 15. Legend

Symbol/Color Definition

F Fetch
D Decode stalled
D Decode
MS Memory stalled
E Execute

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6 STM8 addressing modes

The STM8 core features 18 different addressing modes which can be classified in 8 main

Table 16. STM8 core addressing modes

Addressing mode groups Example

Inherent NOP
Immediate LD A,#$55
Direct LD A,$55
Indexed LD A,($55,X)
SP Indexed LD A,($55,SP)
Indirect LD A,([$55],X)
Relative JRNE loop
Bit operation BSET byte,#5

The STM8 Instruction set is designed to minimize the number of required bytes per
instruction. To do so, most of the addressing modes can be split in three sub-modes called
extended, long and short:
● The extended addressing mode ("e") can reach any byte in the 16-Mbyte addressing
space, but the instruction size is bigger than the short and long addressing mode.
Moreover, the number of instructions with this addressing mode (far) is limited (CALLF,
● The long addressing mode ("w") is the most powerful for program management, when
the program is executed in the same section (same PCE value). The long addressing
mode is optimized for data management in the first 64-Kbyte addressing space (from
0x000000 to 0x00FFFF) with a complete set of instructions, but the instruction size is
bigger than the short addressing mode.
● The short addressing mode ("b") is less powerful because it can only access the page
zero (from 0x000000 to 0x0000FF), but the instruction size is more compact.

Table 17. STM8 addressing mode overview


Destination Pointer

Mode Syntax
address address

Inherent NOP
Immediate LD A,#$55
Short Direct LD A,$10 000000..0000FF
Long Direct LD A,$1000 000000..00FFFF
Extended Direct LDF A,$100000 000000..FFFFFF
No Offset Direct Indexed LD A,(X) 000000..00FFFF
Short Direct Indexed LD A,($10,X) 000000..0100FE

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Table 17. STM8 addressing mode overview (continued)

Destination Pointer

Mode Syntax
address address

Short Direct LD A,($10,SP) 00..(FF+Stacktop)
Long Direct Indexed LD A,($1000,X) 000000..01FFFE
Extended Direct Indexed LDF A,($100000,X) 000000..FFFFFF
Indirect LD A,[$10.w] 000000..00FFFF 000000..0000FF 2
Pointer Long
Long Pointer
indirect LD A,[$1000.w] 000000..00FFFF 000000..00FFFF 2
Long Pointer
indirect LDF A,[$1000.e] 000000..FFFFFF 000000..00FFFF 3
Indirect Indexed LD A,([$10.w],X) 000000..01FFFE 000000..0000FF 2
Pointer Long

Long Pointer Indexed

Indirect LD A,([$1000.w],X) 000000..01FFFE 000000..00FFFF 2
Long (X only)
Long Pointer
Indirect Indexed LDF A,([$1000.e],X) 000000..FFFFFF 000000..00FFFF 3
Relative Direct JRNE loop PC+127/-128
Bit BSET $1000,#7 000000..00FFFF
Bit Relative BTJT $1000,#7,skip 000000..00FFFF PC+127/-128

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6.1 Inherent addressing mode

All related instructions are 1 or 2 byte. The op-code fully specifies all required information for
the CPU to process the operation.

Table 18. Inherent addressing instructions

Instructions Functions

NOP No operation
TRAP S/W Interrupt
WFI, WFE Wait For Interrupt / Event (Low Power Mode)
HALT Halt Oscillator (Lowest Power Mode)
RET Sub-routine Return
RETF Far Sub-routine Return
IRET Interrupt Sub-routine Return
SIM Set Interrupt Mask
RIM Reset Interrupt Mask
SCF Set Carry Flag
RCF Reset Carry Flag
RVF Reset Overflow Flag
CCF Complement Carry Flag
LD, LDW Load
PUSH, POP, PUSHW, POPW Push/Pop to/from the stack
INC, DEC, INCW, DECW Increment/Decrement
TNZ, TNZW Test Negative or Zero
CPL, NEG, CPLW, NEGW 1’s or 2’s Complement
MUL Byte Multiplication
DIV, DIVW Division
EXG, EXGW Exchange
RRC, SLAW, SLLW, SRLW, Shift and Rotate Operations
SWAP, SWAPW Swap Nibbles/Bytes

1000 98 RCF ; Reset carry flag
1001 9D NOP ; No operation
1002 9F LD A,X; Transfer X register content into accumulator
1004 88 PUSH A; Push accumulator content onto the stack

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6.2 Immediate addressing mode

The data byte required for the operation, follows the op-code.

Table 19. Immediate addressing instructions

Instructions Functions

LD, MOV, LDW Load and move operation

CP, CPW Compare
BCP Bit Compare
AND, OR, XOR Logical Operations
ADC, ADD, SUB, SBC, ADDW, SUBW Arithmetic Operations
PUSH Stack Operations

These are two byte instructions, one for the op-code and the other one for the immediate
data byte.
05BC A355 CP X,#$55
05BE A6F8 LD A,#$F8
Load X = $FF
Compare (X, $55)
A = $F8

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Figure 7. Immediate addressing mode example

Before Completion

Steps to Determine
Previous Value Effective Address
LD A, #0F8h A6 05BE PC = 05BE
F8 05BF PC = PC + 1 = 05BF
EA = PC = 05BF
New PC = PC + 1
= 05C0

After Completion

Instruction Complete

F8 A = (EA) = F8
A6 05BE New PC = 05C0

F8 05BF New PC
05C0 05C0


6.3 Direct addressing mode (Short, Long, Extended)

Table 20. Overview of Direct addressing mode instructions
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Ptr Size Dest adr

Short Direct shortmem (shortmem) op + 1 Byte 00..FF

Long Direct longmem (longmem) op + 1..2 Word 0000..FFFF
Extended Direct extmem (extmem) op + 1..3 Ext word 000000..FFFFFF

The data byte required for the operation is found by its memory address, which follows the
Direct addressing mode is made of three sub-modes:

Table 21. Available Long and Short Direct addressing mode instructions
Instructions Functions

LD, LDW Load

CP Compare
AND, OR, XOR Logical Operations
ADC, ADD, SUB, SBC, ADDW, SUBW Arithmetic Addition/Subtraction operations
BCP Bit Compare

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Table 21. Available Long and Short Direct addressing mode instructions
Instructions Functions

MOV Move
CLR Clear
INC, DEC Increment/Decrement
TNZ Test Negative or Zero
CPL, NEG 1’s or 2’s Complement
SLA, SLL, SRL, SRA, RLC, RRC Shift and Rotate Operations
SWAP Swap Nibbles
CALL, JP Call or Jump subroutine

Table 22. Available Extended Direct addressing mode instructions

Instructions Function

CALLF, JPF Call or Jump FAR subroutine

LDF Far load

Table 23. Available Long Direct addressing mode instructions

Instructions Function

EXG Exchange
PUSH, POP Stack operation

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6.3.1 Short Direct addressing mode

The address is a byte, thus require only one byte after the op-code, but only allow 00..FF
addressing space.
004B 20 coeff dc.b $20
052D B64B LD A,coeff

A = (coeff) = ($4B) = $20

Figure 8. Short Direct addressing mode example

Before Completion

Steps to Determine
A Effective Address

Coeff .byte 20h 20 004B Previous Value

PC = 052D
PC = PC + 1 = 052E
B6 052D 052D
EA = (PC)
LD A,Coeff 4B 052E = (4B + 0000)
052F = 004B

EA 004B

After Completion

Coeff .byte 20h 20 004B 20 Instruction Complete

B6 052D A = (EA) = 20
LD A,Coeff 4B 052E New PC New PC = PC + 1 = 052F
052F 052F


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6.3.2 Long Direct addressing mode

The address is a word, thus allowing 0000 to FFFF addressing space, but requires 2 bytes
after the op-code.
0409 C606E5 LD A,coeff
06E5 40 coeff dc.b $ 40
A = (coeff) = ($06E5) = $40

Figure 9. Long Direct addressing mode example

Before Completion

Previous Value Steps to Determine

Effective Address

LD A,Coeff C6 0409 0409 PC = 0409

06 040A 06E5 PC = PC + 1 = 040A

E5 040B EA = (PC) : (PC+1) = 06E5


Coeff .byte 040h 40 06E5 EA 06E5

After Completion

Instruction Complete
LD A,Coeff C6 0409
06 A = (EA) = 40
New PC = PC + 2 = 040C
E5 040B New PC

040C 040C

Coeff .byte 040h 40 06E5 40


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6.3.3 Extended Direct addressing mode (only for CALLF and JPF)
The address is an extended word, thus allowing 000000 to FFFFFF addressing space, but
requires 3 bytes after the op-code.
000409 8D0106E5 CALLF sw_routine
0106E5 4C sw_routine INC A
PC = $0106E5

Figure 10. Far Direct addressing mode example

Before Completion

Previous Value Steps to Determine

Effective Address
CALLF 0409
sw_routine 8D 0409 PC = 0409
01 040A PC=PC+1
0106E5 EA=(PC):(PC+1):(PC+2)
06 040B =0106E5
New PC = EA
E5 040C

EA 0106E5

INC A 4C 0106E5

After Completion

Instruction Complete
CALLF 0409
New PC = 0106E5
01 040A
06 040B

New PC

INC A 4C 0106E5 0106E5


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6.4 Indexed addressing mode (No Offset, Short, SP, Long,

Table 24. Overview Indexed addressing mode instructions
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Ptr Size Dest adr

No offset Direct Indexed (ndx) (ndx) --- --- 00..FFFF

Short Direct Indexed (shortoff,ndx) (ptr + ndx) op + 1 Byte 00..100FE
Direct Indexed (shortoff,SP) (ptr + SP) op + 1 Byte 00..(FF+stacktop)
Long Direct Indexed (longoff,ndx) (ptr.w + ndx) op + 1..2 Word 000000..01FFFE
Extended Direct Indexed (extoff,ndx) (ptr.e + ndx) op + 1..3 Ext Word 000000..FFFFFF

The data byte required for operation is found by its memory address, which is defined by the
unsigned addition of an index register (X or Y or SP) with an offset which follows the op-
The indexed addressing mode is made of five sub-modes:

Table 25. No Offset, Long, Short and SP Indexed instructions

Instructions Functions

LD, LDW Load

CLR Clear
CP Compare
AND, OR, XOR Logical Operations
ADC, ADD, SUB, SBC, ADDW, SUBW Arithmetic Addition/Subtraction operations
INC, DEC Increment/Decrement
TNZ Test Negative or Zero
CPL, NEG 1’s or 2’s Complement
SLA, SLL, SRL, SRA, RLC, RRC Shift and Rotate Operations
SWAP Swap Nibbles

Table 26. No Offset, Long, Short Indexed Instructions

Instructions Functions

CALL, JP Call or Jump subroutine

Table 27. Extended Indexed Instructions only

Instructions Functions

LDF Far Load

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6.4.1 No Offset Indexed addressing mode

There is no offset, (no extra byte after the op-code), but only allows 00..FF addressing
00B8 11223344 table dc.w $1122, $3344
05F2 AEB8 LD X,#table
05F4 F6 LD A,(X)

X = table
A = (X) = (table) = ($B8) = $11

Figure 11. No Offset Indexed addressing mode example

Before completion

Steps to determine
Effective Address
Previous Value
Table .word 1122 11 00B8
00B9 PC = 05F4
B8 EA = X + 0000 = 00B8
33 00BA

44 00BB


LD A,(X) F6 05F4 05F4



After completion

A Instruction Complete
Table .word 1122 11 00B8 11
22 A = (EA) = 11
New PC = PC +1 = 05F5
33 B8

LD A,(X) F6 05F4 New PC

05F5 05F5


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6.4.2 Short Indexed addressing mode

The offset is a byte, thus requires only one byte after the op-code, but only allows 00..1FE
addressing space.
0089 11223344 table dc.l $11223344
0759 AE03 LD X,#3
075B E689 LD A,(table,X)

X = 3
A = (table, X) = ($89, X) = ($89, 3) = ($8C) = $44

Figure 12. Short Indexed - 8-bit offset - addressing mode example

Before completion

A Steps to determine
Effective Address
Table .long 11223344 11 0089 Previous Value

22 008A X
PC = 075B
33 008B 03 PC = PC + 1 = 075C
44 008C EA = (PC) + X = 89 + 03 = 008C
LD A, (table,X) E6 075B 075B

89 075C

075D 89 03

EA 008C

After Completion

Table .long 11223344 Instruction Complete

11 0089
22 008A A
A = (EA) = 44
33 008B 44
New PC = PC + 1 = 075D
44 008C X

LD A, (table,X) E6 075B

89 075C New PC

075D 075D


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6.4.3 SP Indexed addressing mode

The offset is a byte, thus require only one byte after the op-code, but only allow 00..(FF +
stack top) addressing space.
0086 4B11 PUSH #$11
0087 4B22 PUSH #$22
0088 4B33 PUSH #$33
0089 7B03 LD A,($03,SP)

A = ($03, SP) = ($03, $1FFC) = ($1FFF) = $11

Figure 13. SP Indexed - 8-bit offset - addressing mode example

Before completion

Steps to determine
LD A, ($03,SP) 7B 0089 0089
effective address
03 008A
008B PC = 0089
Previous Value
PC = PC + 1 = 008A

SP EA = (PC) + SP=03+1FFC= 1FFF


33 1FFD

22 1FFE

11 1FFF 1FFC 03


After completion

LD A, ($03,SP) 7B 0089
Instruction Complete
03 008A New PC
008B 008B A = (EA) = 11
New PC = PC+1 = 008B

33 1FFD

22 1FFE A
11 1FFF 11


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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.4.4 Long Indexed addressing mode

The offset is a word, thus allowing up to 128 KB addressing space, but requires 2 bytes after
the op-code.
0690 AE02 LD X,#2
0692 D6077E LD A,(table,X)
077E BF table dc.b $BF
86 dc.b $86
X = 2
A = (table, X) = ($077E, X) = ($077E, 2) = ($0780) = $DB

Figure 14. Long Indexed - 16-bit offset - addressing mode example

Before completion

PC Steps to Determine

LD A, (table, X) D6 0692 Effective Address


07 0693
PC = 0692
7E 0694 X
PC = PC + 1 = 0693
02 EA = (PC):(PC+1) + X
table . byte BF BF 077E A = 077E + 02 = 0780

86 077F Previous Value

DB 0780

CF 0781 077E 02

EA 0780

After Completion

X Instruction Complete

LD A, (table, X) D6 0692 02
A = (EA) = DB
07 0693
New PC = PC + 2 = 0695
7E 0694 New PC

0695 0695

table . byte BF BF 077E

86 077F A

DB 0780 DB

CF 0781 VR02059E

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6.4.5 Extended Indexed (only LDF instruction)

The offset is an extended word, thus allowing 16Mbyte addressing space (from 000000 to
FFFFFF), but requires 3 bytes after the op-code.
0690 AE02 LD X,#2
0692 AF010780 LDF A,(table,X)
010780 BF table dc.b $BF
86 dc.b $86

X = 2, A = (table, X) = ($010780,X) = ($010780+2)) = ($010782) = $DD

Figure 15. Far Indexed - 16-bit offset - addressing mode example

Before Completion
PC Steps to determine

LDF A, (table, X) AF 0692 0692 Effective Address

01 0693
PC = 0692
07 0694 X PC = PC + 1 = 0693
80 0695 02 EA= (PC):(PC+1):(PC+2)+X
A = 010780+02 = 010782

Previous Value
table . byte BF BF 010780

86 010781 010780 02
DD 010782 Adder
FE 010783

EA 010782

After Completion
X Instruction Complete
LD A, (table, X) AF 0692
01 0693 A = (EA) = DD

07 0694 New PC = PC+3 = 0696

80 0695 New PC
0696 0696

table . byte BF
BF 010780

86 010781 A
DD 010782 DD

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.5 Indirect (Short Pointer Long, Long Pointer Long)

Table 28. Overview of Indirect addressing instructions
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Dest adr

Short Pointer Long Indirect ((shortptr.w)) ((shortptr.w)) 00..FF Word 0000..FFFF

Long Pointer Long Indirect ((longptr.w)) ((longptr.w)) 0000..FFFF Word 0000..FFFF

The data byte required for the operation is found by its memory address, located in memory
The pointer address follows the op-code. The indirect addressing mode is made of three

Table 29. Available Long Pointer Long and Short Pointer Long Indirect Instructions
Instructions Functions

LD, LDW Load

CP Compare
AND, OR, XOR Logical Operations
ADC, ADD, SUB, SBC Arithmetic Addition/Subtraction operations
BCP Bit Compare
CALL, JP Call or Jump subroutine

Table 30. Available Long Pointer Long Indirect Instructions

Instructions Functions

CLR Clear
TNZ Test Negative or Zero
CPL, NEG 1’s or 2’s Complement
SLA, SLL, SRL, SRA, RLC, RRC Shift and Rotate Operations
SWAP Swap Nibbles
INC, DEC Increment/Decrement

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6.6 Short Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode

The pointer address is a byte, the pointer size is a word, thus allowing up to 128 KB
addressing space, and requires 1 byte after the op-code.
0040 42E5 ptr dc.w var
0409 92C640 LD A,[shortptr.w]
42E5 11 var dc.b $11
A = [shortptr.w] = ((shortptr.w)) = (($40.w)) = ($42E5) =

Figure 16. Short Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode example

Before Completion

Steps to determine
Effective Address

ptr .word var 42 0040 A

PC = 0409
E5 0041 Previous Value
PC = PC + 2 = 40B
EA = ((PC)) :((PC)+1)
LD A, [shortptr.w] 92 0409 0409 = 42E5
C6 040A

40 040B


var.byte 0x011 11 42E5 EA 42E5

After Completion

Instruction Complete

ptr .word var 42 0040

0041 A = (EA) = 0x11

New PC = PC +1 = 040C

LD A, [shortptr.w] 92 0409

C6 040A

40 040B New PC

040C 040C

var .byte 0x011 11 42E5 0x11

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.7 Long Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode

The pointer address is a word, the pointer size is a word, thus allowing 64 KB addressing
space, and requires 2 bytes after the op-code.
1040 42E5 ptr dc.w var
1409 72C61040 LD A,[longptr.w]
42E5 11 var dc.b $11
A = [longptr.w] = ((longptr.w)) = (($1040.w)) = ($42E5) = $11

Figure 17. Long Pointer Indirect Long addressing mode example

Before Completion
Steps to determine
Effective Address

ptr .word var 42 1040 A

PC = 1409
E5 1041 Previous Value
PC = PC + 2 = 140B
EA =((PC):(PC+1)):
LD A, [longptr.w] 72 1409 1409 ((PC):(PC+1)+1)
= 42E5
C6 140A

10 140B

40 140C

EA 42E5

var.byte 0x011 11 42E5

After Completion
Instruction complete

ptr .word var 42 1040

1041 A = (EA) = 0x11

New PC = PC + 2 = 140D

LD A, [longptr.w] 72 1409

C6 140A

10 140B

40 140C New PC
140D 040D

var .byte 0x11 11 42E5 0x11 VR02059G

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STM8 addressing modes PM0044

6.8 Indirect Indexed (Short Pointer Long, Long Pointer Long,

Long Pointer Extended) addressing mode
Table 31. Overview of Indirect indexed instructions
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Ptr Size Dest adr

Short Pointer
Indirect Indexed ([shortptr.w],ndx) ((shortptr.w) + ndx) 00..FF Word 000000.01FFFE
Long Pointer
Indirect Indexed ([longptr.w],ndx) ([longptr.w] +ndx) 00..FFFF Word 000000.01FFFE
Long Pointer
Indirect Indexed ([longptr.e],ndx) ([longptr.e] +ndx) 00..FFFF Extword 000000.FFFFFE

This is a combination of indirect and indexed addressing mode. The data byte required for
the operation is found by its memory address, which is defined by the unsigned addition of
an index register value (X or Y) with a pointer value located in memory. The pointer address
follows the op-code.
The indirect indexed addressing mode is made of four sub-modes:

Table 32. Available Long Pointer Long and Short Pointer Long Indirect
Indexed instructions
Instructions Functions

LD, LDW Load

CP Compare
AND, OR, XOR Logical Operations
ADC, ADD, SUB, SBC Arithmetic Addition/Subtraction operations
BCP Bit Compare
CALL, JP Call or Jump subroutine

Table 33. Available Long Pointer Long Indirect Indexed instructions

Instructions Functions

CLR Clear
TNZ Test Negative or Zero
CPL, NEG 1’s or 2’s Complement
SLA,SLL, SRL, SRA, RLC, RRC Shift and Rotate Operations
SWAP Swap Nibbles
INC, DEC Increment/Decrement

Table 34. Long Pointer Extended Indirect Indexed instructions instruction

Instructions Functions

LDF Far load

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6.9 Short Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode

The pointer address is a byte, the pointer size is a word, thus allowing up to 128 KB
addressing space, and requires 1 byte after the op-code.
0089 0800 ptr dc.w table

0800 10203040 table dc.b $10,$20,$30,$40

0690 AE03 LD X,#3

0692 92D689 LD A,([shortptr.w],X)
X = 3
A = ([shortptr.w],X) = ((shortptr.w), X)
= (($89.w), 3)
= ($0800,3) = ($0803) = $40

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Figure 18. Short Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode example
Before completion

ptr .word table 08 0089

00 008A Steps to determine

PC Effective Address

LD A,([shortptr.w],X) 92 0692 0692

PC = 0692
D6 0693 PC = PC + 2 = 0694
89 0694 X EA = ((PC)) : ((PC)+1) + X
03 EA = 0803

table .byte 0x10,0x20,0x30, 10 800 A

20 801 Previous value

30 802
40 803 800 03

EA 0803

After completion

ptr .word table 08 0089 Instruction Complete

00 008A
X A = (EA) = 40
New PC = PC + 1 = 0695
LD A,([shortptr.w],X) 92 0692 03

D6 0693
89 0694 New PC

0695 0695

table .byte 0x10,0x20,0x30 10 0800

20 0801

30 0802 A

40 0803 40

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.10 Long Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode

The pointer address is a word, the pointer size is a word, thus allowing up to 128 KB
addressing space, and requires 2 bytes after the op-code.
1089 1800 ptr dc.w table

1800 10203040 table dc.b $10,$20,$30,$40

1690 AE03 LD X,#3

1692 72D61089 LD A,([longptr.w],X)
X = 3
A = ([longptr.w],X) = ((longptr.w), X) =
(($1089.w), 3)
= ($1800,3) = ($1803) = $40

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Figure 19. Long Pointer Indirect Long Indexed addressing mode example

Before completion

ptr .word table 18 1089

00 108A Steps to determine
Effective Address
LD A,([longptr.w],X) 72 1692 1692 PC = 1692
D6 1693 PC = PC + 2 = 1694
10 X
1694 EA = (((PC) : (PC+1)) :
89 1695 03 ((PC) : (PC+1) +1)) + X

EA = 1803
table .byte 0x10,0x20,0x30, 10 1800 Previous value
20 1801
30 1802 1800 03
40 1803

EA 1803

After completion
ptr .word table 18 1089 Instruction Complete
00 108A
X A = (EA) = 40
New PC = PC + 2 = 1696
LD A,([longptr.w],X) 92 1692 03

D6 1693
10 1694
89 1695 New PC
1696 1696

table .byte 0x10,0x20,0x30, 10 1800

20 1801

30 1802 A

40 1803 40

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.11 Long Pointer Indirect Extended Indexed addressing mode

The pointer address is a word, the pointer size is an extended word, thus allowing 16-Mbyte
addressing space, and requires 2 bytes after the op-code.
1089 180000 ptr dc.b page(table), high(table), low(table)
180000 10203040 table dc.b $10,$20,$30,$40

1690 AE03 LD X,#3

1692 72A71089 LDF A,([longptr.e],X)
X = 3
A = ([longptr.e],X) = ((longptr.e), X) =
(($1089.e), 3)
= ($180000,3) = ($180003) = $40

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STM8 addressing modes PM0044

Figure 20. Long Pointer Indirect Extended Indexed addressing mode example

Before completion
18 1089

ptr .word table 00 108A

00 108B Steps to Determine
Effective Address
LDF A,([longptr.w],X) 72 1692 1692 PC = 1692
A7 1693 PC = PC + 2 = 1694
10 X
1694 EA = (((PC) : (PC+1)) :
89 1695 03 ((PC) : (PC+1) +1) :
((PC) : (PC+1) +2)) + X
EA = 180003
table .byte 0x10,0x20,0x30, 10 180000 Previous value
20 180001
30 180002 180000 03
40 180003

EA 180003

After completion

18 1089

ptr .word table 00 108A Instruction Complete

00 108B
X A = (EA) = 40
New PC = PC + 2 = 1696
LDF A,([longptr.w],X) 72 1692 03

A7 1693
10 1694
89 1695 New PC
1696 1696

table .byte 0x10,0x20,0x30, 10 180000

20 180001

30 180002 A
40 180003 40

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.12 Relative Direct addressing mode

Table 35. Overview of Relative Direct addressing mode instructions
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Ptr Size Dest adr

Direct Relative off PC = PC + off op + 1 --- PC +127/-128

This addressing mode is used to modify the PC register value, by adding an 8-bit signed
offset to it. The offset added to the PC register value is relative to the start of the next

Table 36. Available Relative Direct instructions

Instructions Functions

JRxx Conditional Jump

JRA Jump Relative Always
CALLR Call Relative

The offset follows the op-code.

04A7 2717 jreq skip
04A9 9D nop
04AA 9D nop
04C0 20FE skip jra* ; Infinite loop
if (Z == 1)then PC = PC + $17 = $04A9 + $17 = $04C0
elsePC = PC= $04A9

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Figure 21. Relative Direct addressing mode example

Before completion
Z Steps to Determine
JREQ SKIP 27 04A7 Effective Address
17 04A8 04A7
PC = 04A7
04A9 02
PC = PC + 1 = 04A8
TEMP = (PC) = 17
Adder PC = PC +1 = 04A9
Stop here if there
is no Branch; i.e., Z = 0
04A9 EA = PC + TEMP
= 04A9 + 17
= 04C0
New PC = EA if Branch is taken

After completion
(Branch taken)
Instruction Complete

JREQ SKIP 27 04A7 New PC = EA = 04C0
17 04A8


17 04A9


SKIP : 04C0 04C0

New PC
04C0 EA

After completion
(No branch taken)
Z=0 Instruction Complete

JREQ SKIP New PC = EA = 04A9

27 04A7

17 New PC
04A9 04A9

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.13 Bit Direct (Long) addressing mode

Table 37. Overview of Bit Direct addressing mode instruction
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Ptr Size Dest adr

Bit Long Direct longmem, #pos (longmem) op + 1..2 Word 0000..FFFF

The data byte required for the operation is found by its memory address, which follows the
op-code. The bit used for the operation is selected by the bit selector which is encoded in
the instruction op-code.

Table 38. Available Bit Direct instructions

Instructions Functions

BRES Bit Reset

BSET Bit Set
BCPL Bit Complement
BCCM Copy Carry Bit to Memory

The address is a word, thus allowing 0000 to FFFF addressing space, but requires 2 bytes
after the op-code. The bit selector #n (n=0 to 7) selects the nth bit from the byte pointed to by
the address.
0408 721006E5 BCPL coeff, #0
06E5 40 coeff dc.b $ 40
(coeff) = ($06E5) XOR 2**0 = $40 XOR $01 = $41

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STM8 addressing modes PM0044

Figure 22. Bit Long Direct addressing mode example

Before c ompletion

Steps to d etermine
e ffective a ddress
BCPL Coeff,#0 90 0408 0408
10 0409 PC = 0408
06 040A 06E5 PC = PC + 2 = 040A

E5 040B EA = (PC ) :(PC+1) = 06E5


Coeff .byte 040h 40 06E5 EA 06E5

EA = (PC ): (PC+1) = 06E5

After c ompletion

BCPL Coeff,#0 90 0408 Instruction c omplete

10 0409
06 (EA) = (EA) | 2**0 = 40 | 01 = 41
New PC = PC + 2 = 040C
E5 040B New PC

040C 040C

Coeff .byte 040h 41 06E5 40 XOR 01

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PM0044 STM8 addressing modes

6.14 Bit Direct (Long) Relative addressing mode

Table 39. Overview of Bit Direct (Long) Relative addressing mode
Addressing mode Syntax EA formula Ptr Adr Ptr Size Dest adr

(longmem) op + 1..2 Word 0000..FFFF

Bit Relative longmem, #pos, off PC +127/-
Direct PC = PC + off op + 3 Byte

This addressing mode is a combination between the Bit Direct addressing mode (for data
addressing) and Relative Direct mode (for PC computation).
The data byte required for the operation is found by its memory address, which follows the
op-code. The bit used for the test operation is selected by the bit selector which is encoded
in the instruction op-code. Following the logical test operation, the PC register value can be
modified, by adding an 8-bit signed offset to it.

Table 40. Available Bit Direct Relative instructions

Instructions Functions

BTJT, BTJF Bit Test and Jump

The data address is a word, thus allowing 0000 to FFFF addressing space (requires 2 bytes
after the op-code). The bit selector #n (n=0 to 7) selects the nth bit from the byte pointed to
by the address. The offset follows the op-code and data address.
104B 00 DRA dc.b $00 ; Port A data
register (input
bit0 equ $0 ; data bit 0

04A7 7201104BFB wait_1 BTJF DRA, bit0, wait_1

04AC .... cont_0

Test = select_bit(0, ($4B)) = select_bit(0, DRA)
if (Test /= 1) then PC = PC + $FB = $0004AC - $05 =
else PC = PC = $0004AC

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STM8 addressing modes PM0044

Figure 23. Bit Long Direct Relative addressing mode example

DRA.b0 =? 0 Steps to Determine

DRA .byte DRA b0 104B Effective Address
PC = 04A7
PC = PC + 2 = 04A9
EA = (PC):(PC+1) = 104B
Test = (EA).b0
wait_1 Adder
BTJF DRA, #0, wait_1 72 04A7 PC = PC + 2 = 04AB
01 TEMP = (PC) = FC
10 PC = PC +1 = 04AC
04A9 04AC
Stop here if there
4B 04AA EA is no Branch; i.e., Test = TRUE (1)
= 04AA + FD
After completion = 04A7
(Branch taken)
New PC = EA if Branch is taken
Instruction Complete
b0 = 0
BTJF DRA, #0, wait_1 72 04A7 PC
New PC = EA = 04A7
01 04A8 New PC 04AC
10 04A9
4B 04AA


04A7 EA

After completion
(No branch taken)
b0 = 1 Instruction Complete
72 04A7
wait_1 New PC = EA = 04AC
BTJF DRA, #0, wait_1 01 04A8

10 04A9
4B 04AA
04AC 04AC

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PM0044 STM8 instruction set

7 STM8 instruction set

7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes all the STM8 instructions. There are 96 and they are described in
alphabetical order. However, they can be classified in 13 main groups as follows:

Table 41. Instruction groups

Load and
Stack PUSH
operation W
Compare and
Conditional Bit
Test and BTJT BTJF

Jump or Call
Branch/ JRxx WFE
software break

The instructions are described with one to five bytes.

PC-1 End of previous instruction
PC Op-code
PC+1..4 Additional word (0 to 4) according to the number of bytes required to compute the
effective address(es)

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STM8 instruction set PM0044

Using a pre-code (two-byte op-codes)

In order to extend the number of available op-codes for an 8-bit CPU (256 op-codes), four
different pre-code bytes are defined. These pre-codes modify the meaning of the instruction
they precede.
The whole instruction becomes:

PC-1 End of previous instruction

PC Pre-code
PC+1 Op-code
PC+2 Additional word (0 to 3) according to the number of bytes required to compute the
effective address
These pre-bytes are:
0x90 = PDY Replaces an X based instruction using immediate, direct, indexed or
inherent addressing mode by a Y one.
It also provides read/modify/write instructions using Y indexed
addressing mode with long offset and two bit handling instructions
0x92 = PIX Replaces an instruction using direct, direct bit, or direct relative
addressing mode to an instruction using the corresponding indirect
addressing mode.
It also changes an instruction using X indexed addressing mode to
an instruction using indirect X indexed addressing mode.
0x91 = PIY Replace an instruction using indirect X indexed addressing mode by
a Y one.
0x72 = PWSP Provide long addressing mode for bit handling and read/modify/write
It also provides indirect addressing mode with two byte pointer for
read/modify/write and register/memory instructions.
Finally it provides stack pointer indexed addressing mode on
register/memory instructions.

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7.2 Nomenclature

7.2.1 Operators
← is loaded with ...
↔ has its value exchanged with ...

7.2.2 CPU registers

A accumulator
X X index register (2 bytes)
XL least significant byte of the X index register (1 byte)
XH most significant byte of the X index register (1 byte)
Y Y index register (2 bytes)
YL least significant byte of the Y index register (1 byte)
YH most significant byte of the Y index register (1 byte)
PC program counter register (3 bytes)
PCL low significant byte of the program counter register (1 byte)
PCH high significant byte of the program counter register (1 byte)
PCE extended significant byte of the program counter register (1 byte)
SP stack pointer register (2 bytes)
CC Condition code register (1 byte)
CC.V overflow flag of the code condition register (1 bit)
CC.I0 interrupt mask bit 0 of the code condition register (1 bit)
CC.H half carry flag of the code condition register (1 bit)
CC.I1 interrupt mask bit 1 of the code condition register (1 bit)
CC.N negative flag of the code condition register (1 bit)
CC.Z zero flag of the code condition register (1 bit)
CC.C carry flag of the code condition register (1 bit)

7.2.3 Code condition bit value notation

- bit not affected by the instruction
1 bit forced to 1 by the instruction
0 bit forced to 0 by the instruction
X bit modified by the instruction

7.2.4 Memory and addressing

M(...) content of a memory location
R 8-bit operation result value
R(...) 8-bit operation result value stored into the register or memory shown inside parentheses
Rn bit n of the operation result value (0≤n≤7)
XX.B bit B of the XX register or memory location
imm.b byte immediate value
imm.w 16-bit immediate value
shortmem memory location with short addressing mode (1 byte)
longmem memory location with long addressing mode (2 bytes)
extmem memory location with extended addressing mode (3 bytes)
shortoff short offset (1 byte)
longoff long offset (2 bytes)
extoff extended offset (3 bytes)
[shortptr.w] short pointer (1 byte) on long memory location (2 bytes). Assembler notation = [$12.w].
[longptr.w] long pointer (2 bytes) on long memory location (2 bytes). Assembler notation = [$1234.w]
[longptr.e] long pointer (2 bytes) on extended memory location (3 bytes). Assembler notation = [$1234.e]

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STM8 instruction set PM0044

7.2.5 Operation code notation

ee extended order byte of 24-bit extended address
ww high order byte of 16-bit long address or middle order byte of 24-bit extended address
bb short address or low order byte of 16-bit long address or 24-bit extended address
ii immediate data byte or low order byte of 16-bit immediate data
iw high order byte of 16-bit immediate data
rr relative offset byte in a range of [-128..+127]

7.3 Instruction set summary

Table 42. Instruction set summary

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)
Set if there is a carry from bit 3 to 4 Set if there is a carry from bit 3 to 4

Set if there is a carry from R7

different from the carry bit C
Set if the carry from R6 is

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

A ← A + M(SP+shortoff) +
ADC Add with carry - - ADC A,($12,SP) 19 bb 1
Set if there is a carry from R7
different from the carry bit C
Set if the carry from R6 is

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

Add without - - ADD A,($12,SP) A ← A + M(SP+shortoff) 1B bb 1


- - - - - - - ADD SP,#$12 SP ← SP + imm.b 5B ii 2

Set if there is a carry from bit 7 to 8

Set if there is a carry from R15

different from the carry bit C
Set if the carry from R14 is

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

Add word
ADDW - - ADDW X,($12,SP) X ←-X + M(SP+shortoff) 72 FB bb 2
without carry
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

AND Logical AND - - - - AND A,($12,SP) 14 bb 1


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PM0044 STM8 instruction set

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)
Copy carry 90 1n ww bb
BCCM - - - - - - - BCCM $1234,#1 M(longmem).bit ← CC.C 1
in memory bit n= 2*bit

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00
test {A AND
Logical bit M(SP+shortoff) }
BCP - - - - BCP A,($12,SP) 15 bb 1
compare N and Z are updated

Complement bit M(longmem).bit ← 90 1n ww bb

BCPL - - - - - - - BCPL $1234,#1 1
in memory M(longmem).bit n= 2*bit
BREAK - - - - - - - SW-BREAK 8B 1 Flush
72 1n ww bb
BRES Bit reset - - - - - - - BRES $1234,#1 M(longmem).bit ← 0 1
n= 1 + 2*bit
72 1n ww bb
BSET Bit set - - - - - - - BSET $1234,#1 M(longmem).bit ← 1 1
n= 2*bit
Bit test and
relative if M(longmem).bit=0

72 0n ww bb Flush
BTJF jump if - - - - - - BTJF $1234,#1,label then PC ← PC + 4 + rr 2/3

n= 1 + 2*bit (2)
condition is else PC ← PC + 4
Bit test and
if M(longmem).bit=1

relative 72 0n ww bb Flush
BTJT - - - - - - BTJT $1234,#1,label then PC ← PC + 4 + rr 2/3

jump if n= 2*bit (2)

else PC ← PC + 4
condition is true
PC ← PC + 4
Call to M(SP--) ← PCL
Subroutine with
CALL - - - - - - - CALL [$1234.w] M(SP--) ← PCH 72 CD ww bb 6 Flush
address in
same section PCH ← M(longmem)
PCL← M(longmem + 1)
PC ← PC+4
Call to
M(SP--) ← PCL
CALLF - - - - - - - CALLF $123456 M(SP--) ← PCH 8D ee ww bb 5 Flush
with extended
M(SP--) ← PCE
PC ← extmem
PC ← PC + 4
Call Subroutine M(SP--) ← PCL
CALLR - - - - - - - CALLR label AD bb 4 Flush
relative M(SP--) ← PCH
PC ← PC + rr
CCF - - - - - - C CCF CC.C ← CC.C 8C 1
carry flag
Clears the M( M(longmem).w + X ) ←
CLR - - - - 0 1 - CLR ([$1234.w],X) 72 6F ww bb 4
destination byte 0x00
Clears the
CLRW destination - - - - 0 1 - CLRW X X ← 0x0000 5F 1
index register
Set if A<mem (unsigned values)
Set if A-mem (signed values)
overflows, cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

CP Compare - - - CP A,($12,SP) test { A - M(SP+shortoff) } 11 bb 1

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STM8 instruction set PM0044

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)

Set if X<mem (unsigned values)

Set if Xmmem (signed values)
overflows, cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000
CPW Compare word - - - CPW X,($12,SP) test { X - M(SP+shortoff) } 13 bb 2

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

M(M(longmem).w +X) ←
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

FF - M(M(longmem).w+X)
Logical 1’s
CPL - - 1 CPL ([$1234.w],X) or 72 63 ww bb 4
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

X ← FFFF - X
Logical 1’s
CPLW - - 1 CPLW X or 53 2
Set if sign overflow Set if sign overflow
cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

Decrement byte M(M(longmem).w + X) ←

DEC - - - - DEC ([$1234.w],X) 72 6A ww bb 4
by one M(M(longmem).w + X) - 1
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

DECW - - - - DECW X X← X - 1 5A 1
word by one

X ← X/A (Quotient)
cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

Set if divide by 0 Set if divide by 0

DIV X,A 62 16
Set if Q=$0000

A ← X%A (Remainder)
16 by 8
DIV Unsigned 0 - 0 - 0
division Y ← Y/A (Quotient)
DIV Y,A 90 62 16
A ← Y%A (Remainder)
Set if Q=$0000

16 by 16
X ← X/Y (Quotient)
DIVW Unsigned 0 - 0 - 0 DIVW X,Y 65 16
Y ← X%Y (Remainder)

EXG A,$1234 A ↔ M(longmem) 31 ww bb 3

Data byte
EXG - - - - - - - EXG A,XL A ↔ XL 41 1
EXG A,YL A ↔ YL 61 1
Data word
EXGW - - - - - - - EXGW X,Y X↔Y 51 1
Halt oscillator CC.I0 ← 0 , CC.I1 ← 1
HALT (CPU + - 1 - 0 - - - HALT Oscillator stopped till an 8E 10
Peripherals) interrupt occurs

66/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)

Set if sign overflow Set if sign overflow

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00
Increment byte M(M(longmem).w + X) ←
INC - - - - INC ([$1234.w],X) 72 6C ww bb 4
by one M(M(longmem).w + X) + 1

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000
Increment word
INCW - - - - INCW X X←X+1 5C 2
by one

INT Interrupt - - - - - - - INT $123456 PC ← extmem 82 ee ww bb 2

CC ← M(++SP)
Updated according to the value pop A ← M(++SP)
from the stack into CC register X ← M(++SP); SP++
IRET Interrupt return IRET 80 11 Flush
Y ← M(++SP); SP++
PCE ← M(++SP)
PCH ← M(++SP)
PCL ← M(++SP)
Jump to an
JP address in - - - - - - - JP ([$1234.w],X) PC ← M(longmem).w + X 72 DC ww bb 5 Flush
section 0
Jump to
JPF an extended - - - - - - - JPF $123456 PC ← extmem AC ee ww bb 2 Flush
JRA - - - - - - - JRA Label PC ← PC + 2+ rr 20 bb 2 Flush
relative jump
if CC.C =1
JRC Jump if C = 1 - - - - - - - JRC Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 25 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.Z = 1
Jump if Z = Flush
JREQ - - - - - - - JREQ Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 27 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
JRF Never Jump - - - - - - - JRF Label ---------------- 21 bb 1
if CC.H = 1
JRH Jump if H = 1 - - - - - - - JRH Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 90 29 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
if Port INT pin =1
Jump if Port INT Flush
JRIH - - - - - - - JRIH Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 90 2F bb 1/2 (2)
pin = 1
else PC ← PC + 2
if Port INT pin = 0
Jump if Port INT Flush
JRIL - - - - - - - JRIL Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 90 2E bb 1/2 (2)
pin = 0
else PC ← PC + 2
Jump if if I0 AND I1 = 1
JRM Interrupts are - - - - - - - JRM Label then PC ← PC + 2 + rr 90 2D bb 1/2 (2)
masked else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.N = 1
Jump if N = Flush
JRMI - - - - - - - JRMI Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 2B bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.C =0
JRNC jump if C = 0 - - - - - - - JRNC Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 24 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 67/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)
if CC.Z = 0
Jump if Z =0 Flush
JRNE - - - - - - - JRNE Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 26 bb 1/2 (2)
(not equal)
else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.H = 0
JRNH Jump if H = 0 - - - - - - - JRNH Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 90 28 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
Jump if if I0 AND I1= 0
JRNM Interrupts are - - - - - - - JRNM Label then PC ← PC + 2 + rr 90 2C bb 1/2 (2)
not masked else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.C =0
JRNV jump if V = 0 - - - - - - - JRNV Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 28 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.N = 0
Jump if Flush
JRPL - - - - - - - JRPL Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 2A bb 1/2 (2)
N = 0 (plus)
else PC ← PC + 2
if (CC.N xor CC.V) = 0
Jump if Flush
JRSGE - - - - - - - JRSGE Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 2E bb 1/2 (2)
(N xor V) = 0
else PC ← PC + 2
if (CC.Z or (CC.N xor
Jump if
CC.V)) = 0 Flush
JRSGT (Z or (N xor V)) - - - - - - - JRSGT Label 2C bb 1/2 (2)
then PC ← PC + 2+ rr
else PC ← PC + 2
if (CC.Z or (CC.N xor
Jump if
CC.V)) = 1 Flush
JRSLE (Z or (N xor V)) - - - - - - - JRSLE Label 2D bb 1/2 (2)
then PC ← PC + 2+ rr
else PC ← PC + 2
if (CC.N xor CC.V) = 1
Jump if Flush
JRSLT - - - - - - - JRSLT Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 2F bb 1/2 (2)
(N xor V) = 1
else PC ← PC + 21
JRT Jump relative - - - - - - - JRT Label PC ← PC + 2+ rr 20 bb 2 Flush
if CC.C = 0
JRUGE Jump if C = 0 - - - - - - - JRUGE Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 24 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 2
if (CC.C = 0 and CC.Z = 0)
Jump if
JRUGT - - - - - - - JRUGT Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 22 bb 1/2 Flush
(C+Z = 0)
else PC ← PC + 2
if (CC.C = 1 and CC.Z = 1)
Jump if
JRULE - - - - - - - JRULE Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 23 bb 1/2 Flush
(C+Z =1)
else PC ← PC + 2
if CC.C = 1
JRULT Jump if C = 1 - - - - - - - JRULT Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 25 bb 1/2 (2)
else PC ← PC + 21
if CC.V =1
JRV Jump if V = 1 - - - - - - - JRV Label then PC ← PC + 2+ rr 29 bb 1/2 Flush
else PC ← PC + 2
A register load LD A,($12,SP) A ← M(SP+shortoff) 7B bb 1
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

A register store LD ($12,SP),A M(SP+shortoff) ← A 6B bb 1

LD - - - - -

Register to
- - LD A, XH A ← XH 95 1
register move

68/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)
AF ee ww
LDF A,($123456,X) A ← M(X+extoff) 1
90 AF ee ww
A ← M(Y+extoff)

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
LDF A,($123456,Y) 1

Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00
Data load /
store LDF A,([$1234.e],X) A ← M(X+[longptr.e]) 92 AF ww bb 5
LDF - - - - -
with extended A7 ee ww
address LDF ($123456,X),A M(X+extoff) ← A 1
90 A7 ee ww
LDF ($123456,Y),A M(Y+extoff) ← A 1
LDF ([1234.e],X),A M(X+[longptr.e]) ← A 92 A7 ww bb 5
X register load LDW X,($12,SP) X ← M(SP+shortoff) 1E bb 2
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

X register store LDW ($12,SP),X M(SP+shortoff) ← X 1F bb 2

Y register load LDW Y,($12,SP) Y ← M(SP+shortoff) 16 bb 2

Y register store LDW ($12,SP),Y M(SP+shortoff) ← Y 17 bb 2

LDW - - - - -

SP register load LDW SP,X SP ← X 94 1

/ store LDW X,SP X ← SP 96 1
- -
Index register
LDW X, Y X←Y 93 1
MOV $1234,#$12 M(longmem) ← imm.b 35 ii ww bb 1
MOV $12,$34 M(mem1.b) ←
44 b2 b1 1
MOV Data byte move - - - - - - - MOV mem1,mem2 M(mem2.b)
MOV $1234,$5678 M(mem1.w) ← 45 w2 b2 w1
MOV mem1,mem2 M(mem2.w) b1
8 by 8 MUL X,A X ← X*A 42 4
MUL multiplication - - 0 - - - 0
(unsigned) MUL Y,A Y ← Y*A 90 42 4
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

Cleared if R=$0000 Cleared if R=$00
Set if R7 is set

set otherwise
Set if M=$80

Set if R=$00

Logical 2’s M(M(longmem) + X) ←

NEG - - - NEG ([$1234.w],X) 72 60 ww bb 4
complement 00 - M(M(longmem) + X)
cleared otherwise

Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000
Set if X=$8000

set otherwise

Logical 2’s
NEGW - - - NEGW X X ← 0000 - X 50 2

NOP No operation - - - - - - - NOP --------- 9D 1

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

OR Logical OR - - - - - OR A,($12,SP) A ← A OR M(SP+shortoff) 1A bb 1

Pop data byte

- - - - - - - POP $1234 M(longmem) ← M(++SP) 32 ww bb 1
from stack
code condition POP CC CC ← M(++SP) 86 1

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 69/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)
Pop index
XH ← M(++SP)
POPW register from - - - - - - - POPW X 85 2
XL ← M(++SP)
Push PUSH $1234 M(SP--) ← M(longmem) 3B ww bb 1
PUSH data byte onto - - - - - - -
stack PUSH #$12 M(SP--) ← imm.b 4B bb 1

Push index
M(SP--) ← XL
PUSHW register onto - - - - - - - PUSHW X 89 2
M(SP--) ← XH
RCF Reset carry flag - - - - - - 0 RCF CC.C ← 0 98 1
PCH ← M(++SP)
RET return - - - - - - - RET 81 4 Flush
PCL ← M(++SP)
from section 0
PCE ← M(++SP)
RETF - - - - - - - RETF PCH ← M(++SP) 87 5 Flush
from extended
PCL ← M(++SP)
Reset interrupt
RIM mask/ - 1 - 0 - - - RIM CC.I1 ← 1 9A 1
Interrupt enable
Bit 7 of the byte before rotation Bit 7 of the byte before rotation

R0 ← CC.C
R1 ← bit 0
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

R2 ← bit 1
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

Rotate left R3 ← bit 2

RLC logical through - - - - RLC ([$1234.w],X) R4 ← bit 3 72 69 ww bb 4
carry R5 ← bit 4
R6 ← bit 5
R7 ← bit 6
CC.C ← bit 7

R0 ← CC.C
R1 ← bit 0
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

R2 ← bit 1
Rotate word left
RLCW logical through - - - - RLCW X 59 2
R13 ← bit 12
R14 ← bit 13
R15 ← bit 14
CC.C ← bit 15
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

Rotate word left A ← XH

RLWA through - - - - - RLWA X XH ← XL 02 1
Accumulator XL ← A
Bit 0 of the byte before rotation

R7 ← CC.C
R6 ← bit 7
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

R5 ← bit 6
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

Rotate right R4 ← bit 5

RRC logical through - - - - RRC ([$1234.w],X) R3 ← bit 4 72 66 ww bb 4
carry R2 ← bit 3
R1 ← bit 2
R0 ← bit 1
CC.C ← bit 0

70/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)

Bit 0 of the byte before rotation

R15 ← CC.C
R14 ← bit 15

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00
R13 ← bit 14
Rotate word
RRCW right logical - - - - RRCW X 56 2
R2 ← bit 3
through carry
R1 ← bit 2
R0 ← bit 1
CC.C ← bit 0
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

Rotate word A ← XL
RRWA right through - - - - - RRWA X XL ← XH 01 1
Accumulator XH ← A

Reset overflow
RVF 0 - - - - - - RVF CC.V ← 0 9C 1
Set if the signed subtraction generates
an overflow, cleared otherwise

Set if there is a carry from R7

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

Subtract with A ← A -M(SP+shortoff) -

SBC - - - SBC A,($12,SP) 12 bb 1
carry CC.C

SCF Set Carry Flag - - - - - - 1 SCF CC.C ← 1 99 1

Set interrupt
mask/ CC.I0 ← 1
SIM - 1 - 1 - - - SIM 9B 1
Disable CC.I1 ← 1
Bit 7 of the byte before shifting

R0 ← 0
R1 ← bit 0
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

R2 ← bit 1
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

R3 ← bit 2
Shift left
SLA - - - - SLA ([$1234.w],X) R4 ← bit 3 72 68 ww bb 4
R5 ← bit 4
R6 ← bit 5
R7 ← bit 6
CC.C ← bit 7

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 71/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)

Bit 15 of the byte before shifting

R0 ← 0
R1 ← bit 0

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000
R2 ← bit 1
Shift word left R3 ← bit 2
SLAW - - - - SLAW X 58 2
arithmetic .....
R14 ← bit 13
R15 ← bit 14
CC.C ← bit 15

Bit 7 of the byte before shifting R0 ← 0

R1 ← bit 0
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

R2 ← bit 1
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

R3 ← bit 2
SLL Shift left logical - - - - SLL ([$1234.w],X) R4 ← bit 3 72 68 ww bb 4
R5 ← bit 4
R6 ← bit 5
R7 ← bit 6
CC.C ← bit 7
Bit 15 of the byte before shifting

R0 ← 0
R1 ← bit 0
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

R2 ← bit 1
Shift word left R3 ← bit 2
SLLW - - - - SLLW X 58 2
logical .....
R14 ← bit 13
R15 ← bit 14
CC.C ← bit 15
Bit 0 of the byte before shifting

CC.C ← bit 0
R0 ← bit 1
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

R1 ← bit 2
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

R2 ← bit 3
Shift right
SRA - - - - SRA ([$1234.w],X) R3 ← bit 4 72 67 ww bb 4
R4 ← bit 5
R5 ← bit 6
R6 ← bit 7
R7 ← bit 7 (unchanged)
Bit 0 of the byte before shifting

CC.C ← bit 0
R0 ← bit 1
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

R1 ← bit 2
Set if R=$0000
Set if R7 set

R2 ← bit 3
Shift word right
SRAW - - - SRAW X .... 57 2
R12 ← bit 13
R13 ← bit 14
R14 ← bit 15
R15 ← bit 15 (unchanged)

72/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)

Bit 0 of the byte before shifting

CC.C ← bit 0
R0 ← bit 1

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
R1 ← bit 2

Set if R=$00
Set if R7 set
R2 ← bit 3
Shift right
SRL - - - - SRL ([$1234.w],X) R3 ← bit 4 72 64 ww bb 4
R4 ← bit 5
R5 ← bit 6
R6 ← bit 7
R7 ← 0

Bit 0 of the byte before shifting

CC.C ← bit 0
R0 ← bit 1
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

R1 ← bit 2
Set if R=$0000
Set if R15 set

R2 ← bit 3
Shift word right
SRLW - - - - SRLW X .... 54 2
R12 ← bit 13
R13 ← bit 14
R14 ← bit 15
R15 ← 0
Set if the signed operation generates
an overflow, cleared otherwise

Set if there is a carry from R7

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

- - - SUB A,($12,SP) A ← A -M(SP+shortoff) 10 bb 1

Subtract without

- - - - - - - SUB SP,#$12 SP ← SP + imm.b 52 ii 2

(unsigned values) cleared otherwise

Set if dst < mem (unsigned values)

Set if X< mem (unsigned 16-bit
values), cleared otherwise

Set if dst(7:0)< mem(7:0)

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

Subtract word
SUBW - - SUBW X,($12,SP) X ← X -M(SP+shortoff) 72 F0 bb 2
without carry
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

R0 ↔ R4
R1 ↔ R5
SWAP Swap nibbles - - - - - SWAP ([$1234.w],X) 72 6E ww bb 4
R2 ↔ R6
R3 ↔ R7

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 73/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

Table 42. Instruction set summary (continued)

Effect on CC register Example

Description Syntax example Operation op-
V I1 H I0 N Z C code(s)
R0 ↔ R8
R1 ↔ R9

cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000
R2 ↔ R10
R3 ↔ R11
SWAPW Swap bytes - - - - - SWAPW X 5E 1
R4 ↔ R12
R5 ↔ R13
R6 ↔ R14
R7 ↔ R15

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise cleared otherwise

Set if R7 is set

Test for Set if R=$00 CC.N ← R7

TNZ - - - - - TNZ ([$1234.w],X) CC.Z ← 1 if R=$00 72 6D ww bb 4
negative or zero
← 0 otherwise
Set if R15 is set

Set if R=$0000

CC.N ← R15
Test word for
TNZW - - - - - TNZW X CC.Z ← 1 if R=$0000 5D 2
negative or zero
← 0 otherwise

PC ← PC+1
M(SP--) ← PCL
M(SP--) ← PCH
M(SP--) ← PCE
M(SP--) ← YL
Software M(SP--) ← YH
TRAP - 1 - 1 - - - TRAP 83 9 Flush
interrupt M(SP--) ← XL
M(SP--) ← XH
M(SP--) ← A
M(SP--) ← CC
PC ← TRAP vector
Wait for event CPU clock stopped till the
(CPU stopped, event input is activated.
WFE - - - - - - - WFE 72 8F 1
Low power Internal peripherals are
mode) still running
Wait for CC.I0 ← 0, CC.I1 ← 1
interrupt CPU clock stopped till an
WFI (CPU stopped, - 1 - 0 - - - WFI interrupt occurs. Internal 8F 10
Low power peripherals are still
mode) running
cleared otherwise

cleared otherwise
Set if R7 is set

Set if R=$00

Logical A ← A XOR
XOR - - - - - XOR A,($12,SP) 18 bb 1
exclusive OR M(SP+shortoff)

1. Number of cycles corresponding to the example op-code.

2. If branch taken.

7.4 Instruction set

The following pages give a detailed description of each STM8 instruction.

74/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

ADC Addition with Carry ADC

Syntax ADC A, src e.g. ADC A,#$15
Operation A <= A+ src + C
Description The source byte, along with the carry flag, is added to the contents of the
accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. This instruction is
useful for addition of operands that are larger than eight.
The source is
a memory or data byte.
Instruction overview:

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
ADC A Mem V - H - N Z C

V⇒ (A7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.A7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + M6.R6 + R6.A6)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
H⇒ A3.M3 + M3.R3 + R3.A3
Set if a carry occurred from bit 3 of the result, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ A7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.A7
Set if a carry occurred from bit 7 of the result, cleared otherwise.

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 75/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

Detailed description:

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte ADC A,#$55 1 2 A9 XX ✗
A shortmem ADC A,$10 1 2 B9 XX ✗
A longmem ADC A,$1000 1 3 C9 MS LS ✗
A (X) ADC A,(X) 1 1 F9 ✗
A (shortoff,X) ADC A,($10,X) 1 2 E9 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) ADC A,($1000,X) 1 3 D9 MS LS ✗
A (Y) ADC A,(Y) 1 2 90 F9 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) ADC A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E9 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) ADC A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D9 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) ADC A,($10,SP) 1 2 19 XX
A [shortptr.w] ADC A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C9 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] ADC A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C9 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) ADC A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 D9 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) ADC A,([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 D9 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) ADC A,([$10.w],Y) 4 3 91 D9 XX ✗

See also: ADD, SUB, SBC, MUL, DIV

76/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

ADD Addition ADD

Syntax ADD A,src e.g. ADD A,#%11001010
Operation A <= A+ src
Description The source byte is added to the contents of the accumulator and the result
is stored in the accumulator. The source is a memory or data byte.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
ADD A Mem V - H - N Z C

V⇒ (A7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.A7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + M6.R6 + R6.A6)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
H⇒ A3.M3 + M3.R3 + R3.A3
Set if a carry occurred from bit 3 of the result, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ A7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.A7
Set if a carry occurred from bit 7 of the result, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte ADD A,#$55 1 2 AB XX ✗
A shortmem ADD A,$10 1 2 BB XX ✗
A longmem ADD A,$1000 1 3 CB MS LS ✗
A (X) ADD A,(X) 1 1 FB ✗
A (shortoff,X) ADD A,($10,X) 1 2 EB XX ✗
A (longoff,X) ADD A,($1000,X) 1 3 DB MS LS ✗
A (Y) ADD A,(Y) 1 2 90 FB ✗
A (shortoff,Y) ADD A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 EB XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) ADD A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 DB MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) ADD A,($10,SP) 1 2 1B XX
A [shortptr.w] ADD A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 CB XX ✗
A [longptr.w] ADD A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 CB MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) ADD A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 DB XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) ADD A,([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 DB MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) ADD A,([$10.w],Y) 4 3 91 DB XX ✗


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 77/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

ADDW Word Addition with index registers ADDW

Syntax ADDW dst,src e.g. ADDW X,#$1000
Operation dst <= dst + src
Description The source (16-bit) is added to the contents of the destination, which is an
index register (X/Y) and the result is stored in the same index register. The
source is a 16-bit memory or data word. The ADDW instruction can also be
used to add an immediate value to the stack pointer (SP).
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
ADDW X Mem V - H - N Z C
ADDW Y Mem V - H - N Z C
ADDW SP Imm - - - - - - -

V⇒ (A15.M15 + M15.R15 + R15.A15) ⊕ (A14.M14 + M14.R14 + R14.A14)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
H⇒ X7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.X7
Set if a carry occurred from bit 7 of the result, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ X15.M15 + M15.R15 + R15.X15
Set if a carry occurred from bit 15 of the result, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X #word ADDW X,#$1000 2 3 1C MS LS
X longmem ADDW X,$1000 2 4 72 BB MS LS
X (shortoff,SP) ADDW X,($10,SP) 2 3 72 FB XX
Y #word ADDW Y,#$1000 2 4 72 A9 MS LS
Y longmem ADDW Y,$1000 2 4 72 B9 MS LS
Y (shortoff,SP) ADDW Y,($10,SP) 2 3 72 F9 XX
SP #byte ADDW SP,#$9 2 2 5B XX

See also: ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, MUL, DIV

78/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set


Syntax AND A,src e.g. AND A,#%00110101
Operation A <= A AND src
Description The source byte, is ANDed with the contents of the accumulator and the
result is stored in the accumulator. The source is a memory or data byte.
Truth table:

AND 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1

Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
AND A Mem - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte AND A,#$55 1 2 A4 XX ✗
A shortmem AND A,$10 1 2 B4 XX ✗
A longmem AND A,$1000 1 3 C4 MS LS ✗
A (X) AND A,(X) 1 1 F4 ✗
A (shortoff,X) AND A,($10,X) 1 2 E4 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) AND A,($1000,X) 1 3 D4 MS LS ✗
A (Y) AND A,(Y) 1 2 90 F4 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) AND A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E4 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) AND A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D4 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) AND A,($10,SP) 1 2 14 XX
A [shortptr.w] AND A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C4 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] AND A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C4 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) AND A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 D4 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) 4 4 72 D4 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) AND A,([$1000],Y) 4 3 91 D4 XX ✗

See also: OR, XOR, CPL, NEG

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 79/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

BCCM Copy Carry Bit to Memory BCCM

Syntax BCCM dst, #pos (pos=0..7) e.g. BCCM $1234,#1
Operation dst(pos) <= CC.C
Description Copies the Carry flag of the Condition Code (CC) register in the bit
position of the memory location given by the destination address.
M(longmem).bit <- CC.C
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst bit position
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BCCM Mem #pos - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst pos = 0..7 Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem n =1+2*pos BCCM $1000,#2 1 4 90 1n MS LS

See also: LD, RCF, SCF

80/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

BCP Logical Bit Compare BCP

Syntax BCP A,src

Operation {N, Z} <= A AND src
Description The source byte, is ANDed to the contents of the accumulator. The result is
lost but condition flags N and Z are updated accordingly. The source is a
memory or data byte. This instruction can be used to perform bit tests on
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BCP A Mem - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte BCP A,#$55 1 2 A5 XX ✗
A shortmem BCP A,$10 1 2 B5 XX ✗
A longmem BCP A,$1000 1 3 C5 MS LS ✗
A (X) BCP A,(X) 1 1 F5 ✗
A (shortoff,X) BCP A,($10,X) 1 2 E5 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) BCP A,($1000,X) 1 3 D5 MS LS ✗
A (Y) BCP A,(Y) 1 2 90 F5 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) BCP A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E5 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) BCP A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D5 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) BCP A,($10,SP) 1 2 15 XX
A [shortptr.w] BCP A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C5 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] BCP A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C5 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) BCP A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 D5 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) BCP A,([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 D5 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) BCP A,([$10.w],Y) 4 3 91 D5 XX ✗

See also: CP, TNZ

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 81/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

BCPL Bit Complement BCPL

Syntax BCPL dst, #pos (pos=0..7) e.g. BCPL PADR,#4

Operation dst(pos) <= 1 - dst(pos)
Description Complements the bit position in destination location. Leaves all other bits
M(longmem).bit <- -M(longmem).bit
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BCPL Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst pos = 0..7 Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem n = 2*pos BCPL $1000,#2 1 4 90 1n MS LS

See also: CPL, BRES, BSET

82/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

BREAK Software break BREAK

Description In debug mode, the CPU is stalled and can be restarted by the debugger.
This instruction equals a NOP when the debugger is not connected.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
SIM - 1 - 1 - - -

Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent BREAK 1 1 8B ✗

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 83/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044


Syntax BRES dst,#pos pos = [0..7] e.g. BRES PADR,#6
Operation dst <= dst AND COMPLEMENT (2**pos)
Description Read the destination byte, reset the corresponding bit (bit position), and
write the result in destination byte. The destination is a memory byte. The
bit position is a constant. This instruction is fast, compact, and does not
affect any register. Very useful for boolean variable manipulation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst bit position
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BRES Mem #pos - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst pos = 0..7 Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem n=1+2*pos BRES $1000,#7 1 4 72 1n MS LS

See also: BSET

84/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set


Syntax BSET dst,#pos pos = [0..7] e.g. BSET PADR,#7
Operation dst <= dst OR (2**pos)
Description Read the destination byte, set the corresponding bit (bit position), and write
the result in destination byte. The destination is a memory byte. The bit
position is a constant. This instruction is fast, compact, and does not affect
any register. Very useful for boolean variable manipulation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst bit position
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BSET Mem #pos - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst pos = 0..7 Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem n=2*pos BSET $1000,#1 1 4 72 1n MS LS

See also: BRES

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 85/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

BTJF Bit Test and Jump if False BTJF

Syntax BTJF dst,#pos,rel pos = [0..7], rel is relative jump label

e.g.: BTJFPADR,#3,skip
Operation PC = PC+lgth
PC = PC + rel IF (dst AND (2**pos)) = 0
Description Read the destination byte, test the corresponding bit (bit position), and
jump to 'rel' label if the bit is false (0), else continue the program to the next
instruction. The tested bit is saved in the C flag. The destination is a
memory byte. The bit position is a constant. The jump label represents a
signed offset to be added to the current PC/instruction address (relative
jump). This instruction is used for boolean variable manipulation, hardware
register flag tests, or I/O polling. This instruction is fast, compact, and does
not affect any registers. Very useful for boolean variable manipulation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst bit position jump label
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BTJF Mem #pos rel - - - - - - C

C ⇒Tested bit is saved in the C flag.

Detailed description

dst pos = 0..7 Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem n = 1+2*pos 2/3 5 72 0n MS LS XX

See also: BTJT

86/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

BTJT Bit Test and Jump if True BTJT

Syntax BTJT dst,#pos,rel pos = [0..7], rel is relative jump label

e.g.: BTJT PADR,#7,skip
Operation PC = PC+lgth
PC = PC + rel IF (dst AND (2**pos)) <> 0
Description Read the destination byte, test the corresponding bit (bit position), and
jump to 'rel' label if the bit is true (1), else continue the program to the next
instruction. The tested bit is saved in the C flag. The destination is a
memory byte. The bit position is a constant. The jump label represents a
signed offset to be added to the current PC/instruction address (relative
jump). This instruction is used for boolean variable manipulation, hardware
register flag tests, or I/O polling.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst bit position jump label
V I1 H I0 N Z C
BTJT Mem #pos rel - - - - - - C

C⇒ Tested bit is saved in the C flag.

Detailed description

dst pos = 0..7 Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem n= 2*pos 2/3 5 72 0n MS LS XX

See also: BTJF

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 87/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044


Operation PC = PC+lgth
(SP--) = PCL
(SP--) = PCH
PC = dst
Description The current PC register value is pushed onto the stack, then PC is loaded
with the destination address in same section of memory. The CALL
destination and the instruction following the CALL should be in the same
section as PCE is not stacked. The corresponding RET instruction should
be executed in the same section. This instruction should be used versus
CALLR when developing a program.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CALL Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem CALL $1000 4 3 CD MS LS ✗
(X) CALL(X) 4 1 FD ✗
(shortoff,X) CALL($10,X) 4 2 ED XX ✗
(longoff,X) CALL($1000,X) 4 3 DD MS LS ✗
(Y) CALL(Y) 4 2 90 FD ✗
(shortoff,Y) CALL($10,Y) 4 3 90 ED XX ✗
(longoff,Y) CALL($1000,Y) 4 4 90 DD MS LS ✗
[shortptr.w] CALL[$10.w] 6 3 92 CD XX ✗
[longptr.w] CALL[$1000.w] 6 4 72 CD MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) CALL([$10.w],X) 6 3 92 DD XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) CALL([$1000.w],X) 6 4 72 DD MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) CALL([$10.w],Y) 6 3 91 DD XX ✗


88/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set


Syntax CALLF dst e.g. CALLF label
Operation PC = PC+lgth
(SP--) = PCL
(SP--) = PCH
(SP--) = PCE
PC = dst
Description The current PC register value is pushed onto the stack, then PC is loaded
with the destination address.This instruction is used with extended memory
addresses. For safe memory usage, a function which crosses sections
must be called by CALLF.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CALLF Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

extmem CALLF $35AA00 5 4 8D ExtB MS LS
[longptr.e] CALLF [$2FFC.e] 8 4 92 8D MS LS

See also: RETF, CALL, JPF

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 89/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

CALLR CALL Subroutine Relative CALLR

Syntax CALLR dst e.g. CALLR chk_pol

Operation PC = PC+lgth
(SP--) = PCL
(SP--) = PCH
PC = PC + dst
Description The current PC register value is pushed onto the stack, then PC is loaded
with the relative destination address. This instruction is used, once a
program is debugged, to shrink the overall program size. The CALLR
destination and the corresponding RET instruction address must be in the
same section, as PCE is not stacked.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CALLR Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

shortmem CALLR $10 4 2 AD XX ✗

See also: CALL, RET

90/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

CCF Complement Carry Flag CCF

Syntax CCF
Operation CC.C <- CC.C
Description Complements the Carry flag of the Condition Code (CC) register.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
CCF - - - - - - C
C =C ,
Complements the carry flag of the CC register.
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent CCF 1 1 8C

See also: RCF, SCF

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 91/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044


Syntax CLR dst e.g. CLR A
Operation dst <= 00
Description The destination byte is forced to 00 value. The destination is either a
memory byte location or the accumulator. This instruction is compact, and
does not affect any register when used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CLR Mem - - - - 0 1 -
CLR A 0 1

N: 0
Z: 1
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A CLR A 1 1 4F ✗
shortmem CLR $10 1 2 3F XX ✗
longmem CLR $1000 1 4 72 5F MS LS
(X) CLR (X) 1 1 7F ✗
(shortoff.X) CLR ($10,X) 1 2 6F XX ✗
(longoff,X) CLR ($1000,X) 1 4 72 4F MS LS
(Y) CLR (Y) 1 2 90 7F ✗
(shortoff,Y) CLR ($10,Y) 1 3 90 6F XX ✗
(longoff,Y) CLR ($1000,Y) 1 4 90 4F MS LS
(shortoff,SP) CLR ($10,SP) 1 2 0F XX
[shortptr.w] CLR [$10] 4 3 92 3F XX ✗
[longptr.w] CLR [$1000].w 4 4 72 3F MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) CLR ([$10],X) 4 3 92 6F XX ✗
([longptr.w].X] 4 4 72 6F MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) CLR ([$10],Y) 4 3 91 6F XX ✗

See also: LD

92/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

CLRW Clear word CLRW

Syntax CLRW dst e.g. CLRW X
Operation dst <= 00
Description The destination is forced to 0000 value. The destination is an index
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CLRW X - - - - 0 1 -
CLRW Y - - - - 0 1 -

N: 0
Z: 1
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X CLRW X 1 1 5F
Y CLRW Y 1 2 90 5F

See also: LD

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 93/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

CP Compare CP
Syntax CP dst,src e.g. CP A,(tbl,X)
Operation {N, Z, C} = Test (dst - src)
Description The source byte is subtracted from the destination byte and the result
is lost. However, N, Z, C flags of Condition Code (CC) register are updated
according to the result.The destination is a register, and the source is a
memory or data byte. This instruction generally is used just before a
conditional jump instruction.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CP Reg Mem V - - - N Z C

V⇒ (A7.M7 + A7.R7 + A7.M7.R7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + A6.R6 + A6.M6.R6)

Set if the signed subtraction of the destination (dst) value from the
source (src) value generates a signed overflow (signed result cannot be
represented on 8 bits).
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ (A7.M7 + A7.R7 + A7.M7.R7)
Set if the unsigned value of the contents of source (src) is larger than the
unsigned value of the destination (dst), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte CP A,#$10 1 2 A1 XX ✗
A shortmem CP A,$10 1 2 B1 XX ✗
A longmem CP A,$1000 1 3 C1 MS LS ✗
A (X) CP A,(X) 1 1 F1 ✗
A (shortoff,X) CP A,($10,X) 1 2 E1 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) CP A,($1000,X) 1 3 D1 MS LS ✗
A (Y) CP A,(Y) 1 2 90 F1 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) CP A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E1 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) CP A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D1 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) CP A,($10,SP) 1 2 11 XX
A [shortptr.w] CP A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C1 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] CP A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C1 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) CP A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 D1 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) CP A,([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 D1 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) CP A,([$10.w],Y) 4 3 91 D1 XX ✗

See also: CPW, TNZ, BCP

94/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

CPW Compare word CPW

Syntax CPW dst,src e.g. CPW Y,(tbl,X)
Operation {N, Z, C} = Test (dst - src)
Description The source byte is subtracted from the destination byte and the result is
lost. However, N, Z, C flags of Condition Code (CC) register are updated
according to the result. The destination is an index register, and the source
is a memory or data word. This instruction generally is used just before a
conditional jump instruction.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CPW Reg Mem V - - - N Z C

V⇒ (X15.M15 + X15.R15 + X15.M15.R15) ⊕ (X14.M14 + X14.R14 + X14.M14.R14)

Set if the signed subtraction of the destination (dst) value from the source (src)
value generates a signed overflow (signed result cannot be represented on 16
N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ (X15.M15 + X15.R15 + X15.M15.R15)
Set if the unsigned value of the contents of source (src) is larger than the
unsigned value of the destination (dst), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X #word CPW X,#$10 2 3 A3 MS LS ✗
X shortmem CPW X,$10 2 2 B3 XX ✗
X longmem CPW X,$1000 2 3 C3 MS LS ✗
X (Y) CPW X,(Y) 2 2 90 F3 ✗
X (shortoff,Y) CPW X,($10,Y) 2 3 90 E3 XX ✗
X (longoff,Y) CPW X,($1000,Y) 2 4 90 D3 MS LS ✗
X (shortoff,SP) CPW X,($10,SP) 2 2 13 XX
X [shortptr.w] CPW X,[$10.w] 5 3 92 C3 XX ✗
X [longptr.w] CPW X,[$1000.w] 5 4 72 C3 MS LS
X ([shortptr.w],Y) CPW X,([$10.w],Y) 5 3 91 D3 XX ✗

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 95/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

CPW detailed description (Continued)

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

Y #word CPW Y,#$10 2 4 90 A3 MS LS ✗
Y shortmem CPW Y,$10 2 3 90 B3 XX ✗
Y longmem CPW Y,$1000 2 4 90 C3 MS LS ✗
Y (X) CPW Y,(X) 2 1 F3 ✗
Y (shortoff,X) CPW Y,($10,X) 2 2 E3 XX ✗
Y (longoff,X) CPW Y,($1000,X) 2 3 D3 MS LS ✗
Y [shortptr.w] CPW Y,[$10.w] 5 3 91 C3 XX ✗
Y ([shortptr.w],X) CPW Y,([$10.w],X) 5 3 92 D3 XX ✗
Y ([longptr.w],X) CPW Y,([$1000.w],X) 5 4 72 D3 MS LS

Note: CPW Y, (shortoff, SP) is not implemented, but can be emulated through a macro using
EXGW X,Y & CPW X, (shortoff, SP)
See also: CP, TNZW, BCP

96/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

CPL Logical 1’s Complement CPL

Syntax CPL dst e.g. CPL (X)
Operation dst <= dst XOR FF, or FF - dst
Description The destination byte is read, then each bit is toggled (inverted) and the
result is written to the destination byte. The destination is either a memory
byte or a register. This instruction is compact, and does not affect any
registers when used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CPL Mem - - - - N Z 1
CPL Reg - - - - N Z 1

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z ⇒R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ 1
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A CPL A 1 1 43 ✗
shortmem CPL$10 1 2 33 XX ✗
longmem CPL$1000 1 4 72 53 MS LS
(X) CPL(X) 1 1 73 ✗
(shortoff.X) CPL($10,X) 1 2 63 XX ✗
(longoff,X) CPL($1000,X) 1 4 72 43 MS LS
(Y) CPL(Y) 1 2 90 73 ✗
(shortoff,Y) CPL($10,Y) 1 3 90 63 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) CPL($1000,Y) 1 4 90 43 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) CPL($10,SP) 1 2 03 XX ✗
[shortptr.w] CPL[$10] 4 3 92 33 XX ✗
[longptr.w] CPL[$1000].w 4 4 72 33 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) CPL([$10],X) 4 3 92 63 XX ✗
([longptr.w].X] CPL([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 63 MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) CPL([$10],Y) 4 3 91 63 XX ✗

See also: NEG, XOR, AND, OR

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 97/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

CPLW Logical 1’s Complement Word CPLW

Syntax CPLW dst e.g. CPLW X
Operation dst <= dst XOR FFFF, or FFFF - dst
Description The destination index register is read, then each bit is toggled (inverted)
and the result is written back to the destination index register.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
CPLW Reg - - - - N Z 1

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ 1
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X CPLW X 2 1 53 ✗
Y CPWL Y 2 2 90 53 ✗

See also: CPL, NEGW, XOR, AND, OR

98/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

DEC Decrement DEC

Syntax DEC dst
Operation dst <= dst - 1
Description The destination byte is read, then decremented by one, and the result is
written to the destination byte. The destination is either a memory byte or a
register. This instruction is compact, and does not affect any registers when
used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
DEC Mem V - - - N Z -
DEC Reg V - - - N Z -

V⇒ (A7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.A7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + M6.R6 + R6.A6)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A DEC A 1 1 4A ✗
shortmem DEC $10 1 2 3A XX ✗
longmem DEC $1000 1 4 72 5A MS LS
(X) DEC(X) 1 1 7A ✗
(shortoff.X) DEC($10,X) 1 2 6A XX ✗
(longoff,X) DEC($1000,X) 1 4 72 4A MS LS
(Y) DEC(Y) 1 2 90 7A ✗
(shortoff,Y) DEC($10,Y) 1 3 90 6A XX ✗
(longoff,Y) DEC($1000,Y) 1 4 90 4A MS LS
(shortoff,SP) DEC($10,SP) 1 2 0A XX
[shortptr.w] DEC[$10] 4 3 92 3A XX ✗
[longptr.w] DEC[$1000].w 4 4 72 3A MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) DEC([$10],X) 4 3 92 6A XX ✗
([longptr.w].X] DEC([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 6A MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) DEC([$10],Y) 4 3 91 6A XX ✗

See also: DECW, INC

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 99/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

DECW Decrement word DECW

Syntax DECW dst
Operation dst <= dst - 1
Description The value of the destination index register is decremented by one.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
DECW Reg V - - - N Z -

V⇒ (A15.M15 + M15.R15 + R15.A15) ⊕ (A14.M14 + M14.R14 + R14.A14)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X DECW X 1 1 5A
Y DECW Y 1 2 90 5A

See also: INCW, DEC

100/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

DIV Divide (unsigned) DIV

Syntax DIV dst,A e.g. DIV X,A
Operation dst <= dst / A (Quotient) A <= dst%A (Remainder)
Description Divides a 16-bit unsigned value, dividend, contained in an index register (X
or Y) by an 8-bit value, divisor, contained in A. The quotient is placed in the
same index register and the remainder is placed in A.
The register values are unchanged in the case of a division by zero.
Note: Note: This instruction is interruptible, generating a latency of 1 cycle only.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
DIV X A 0 - 0 - 0 Z C
DIV Y A 0 - 0 - 0 Z C

V⇒ 0
H⇒ 0
N⇒ 0
Z⇒ Q15.Q14.Q13.Q12.Q11.Q10.Q9.Q8.Q7.Q6.Q5.Q4.Q3.Q2.Q1.Q0
Set if the quotient is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ A7.A6.A5.A4.A3.A2.A1.A0
Set if division by 0, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X A DIV X,A 2 to 17 1 62
Y A DIV Y,A 2 to 17 2 90 62


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 101/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

DIVW Divide word (unsigned) DIVW

Operation X <= X / Y (Quotient) Y <= X%Y (Remainder)
Description Divides a 16-bit unsigned value, dividend, contained in X register by a
16-bit value, divisor, contained in Y. The quotient is placed in the X register
and the remainder is placed in Y register.
The quotient and remainder values are indeterminate in the case of a
division by zero.
Note: This instruction is interruptible, generating a latency of 1 cycle only.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
DIV X Y 0 - 0 - 0 Z C

V⇒ 0
H⇒ 0
N⇒ 0
Z⇒ Q15.Q14.Q13.Q12.Q11.Q10.Q9.Q8.Q7.Q6.Q5.Q4.Q3.Q2.Q1.Q0
Set if the quotient is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ Y15.Y14.Y13.Y12.Y11.Y10.Y9.Y8.Y7.Y6.Y5.Y4.Y3.Y2.Y1.Y0
Set if division by 0, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X Y DIV X,Y 2 to 17 1 65

See also: ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, MUL, DIV

102/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

EXG Exchange register EXG

Syntax EXG dst, src e.g. EXG A, XL
Operation dst <=> src
src <= dst
dst<= src
Description Exchanges the contents of registers specified in the instruction as shown
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
EXG A XL - - - - - - -
EXG A YL - - - - - - -
EXG A Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A XL EXG A,XL 1 1 41
A YL EXG A,YL 1 1 61
A longmem EXG A,$1000 3 3 31 MS LS

See also: EXGW, LD

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 103/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

EXGW Exchange Index register EXGW

Syntax EXG dst, src e.g. EXGW X, Y
Operation dst <=> src
src <= dst
dst<= src
Description Exchanges the contents of registers specified in the instruction as shown
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
EXGW X Y - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X Y EXGW X,Y 1 1 51

See also: EXG, LDW

104/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set


(CPU + Peripherals)
Syntax HALT
Operation I1 = 1, I0 = 0, The oscillator is stopped till an interrupt occurs.
Description The interrupt mask is reset, allowing interrupts to be fetched. Then the
oscillator is stopped thus stopping the CPU and all internal peripherals,
reducing the microcontroller to its lowest possible power consumption. The
microcontroller resumes program execution after an external interrupt or
reset, by restarting the oscillator, and then, fetching the corresponding
external interrupt, which is an I/O interrupt, a specific peripheral interrupt,
or the reset vector.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
HALT - 1 - 0 - - -

I1: 1
I0: 0
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent HALT 10 1 8E ✗

See also: WFI

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 105/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

INC Increment INC

Syntax INC dst e.g. INC counter
Operation dst <= dst + 1
Description The destination byte is read, then incremented by one, and the result is
written to the destination byte. The destination is either a memory byte or a
register. This instruction is compact, and does not affect any registers when
used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
INC Mem V - - - N Z -
INC A V - - - N Z -

V⇒ (A7.M7 + M7.R7 + R7.A7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + M6.R6 + R6.A6)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A INC A 1 1 4C ✗
shortmem INC $10 1 2 3C XX ✗
longmem INC $1000 1 4 72 5C MS LS
(X) INC (X) 1 1 7C ✗
(shortoff.X) INC ($10,X) 1 2 6C XX ✗
(longoff,X) INC ($1000,X) 1 4 72 4C MS LS
(Y) INC (Y) 1 2 90 7C ✗
(shortoff,Y) INC ($10,Y) 1 3 90 6C XX ✗
(longoff,Y) INC ($1000,Y) 1 4 90 4C MS LS
(shortoff,SP) INC ($10,SP) 1 2 0C XX
[shortptr.w] INC [$10] 4 3 92 3C XX ✗
[longptr.w] INC [$1000].w 4 4 72 3C MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) INC ([$10],X) 4 3 92 6C XX ✗
([longptr.w].X] INC ([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 6C MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) INC ([$10],Y) 4 3 91 6C XX ✗

See also: INCW, DEC

106/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

INCW Increment word INCW

Syntax INCW dst e.g. INCW X
Operation dst <= dst + 1
Description The destination index register value is incremented by one.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
INCW Reg V - - - N Z -

V⇒ (A15.M15 + M15.R15 + R15.A15) ⊕ (A14.M14 + M14.R14 + R14.A14)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X INCW X 1 1 5C
Y INCW Y 1 2 90 5C

See also: INC, DECW

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 107/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

INT Interrupt INT

Syntax INT dst
Operation PC <= dst
Description This instruction is used only in the interrupt vector table.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
INT Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

extmem INT $2FFFFC 2 4 82 ExtB MS LS

See also: JP, JPF, CALLF

108/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

IRET Interrupt Return IRET

Syntax IRET
Operation CC = (++SP)
A = (++SP)
XH = (++SP)
XL = (++SP)
YH = (++SP)
YL = (++SP)
PCE = (++SP)
PCH = (++SP)
PCL = (++SP)
Description Placed at the end of an interrupt routine, returns to the original program
context before the interrupt occurred. All registers, which have been
saved/pushed onto the stack are restored/popped. The I bit will be reset if
the corresponding bit stored on the stack is zero.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C

Condition flags set or reset according to the first byte pulled from the stack.
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent IRET 11 1 80 ✗

See also: Interrupts, TRAP

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 109/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

JP Jump (absolute) JP
Syntax JP dst e.g. JP test
Operation PC <= dst
Description The unconditional jump, simply replaces the content of PC by destination
address in same section of memory. Control then passes to the statement
addressed by the program counter. This instruction should be used instead
of JRA during S/W development.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
JP Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem JP $1000 1 3 CC MS LS ✗
(X) JP(X) 1 1 FC ✗
(shortoff,X) JP($10,X) 1 2 EC XX ✗
(longoff,X) JP($1000,X) 1 3 DC MS LS ✗
(Y) JP(Y) 1 2 90 FC ✗
(shortoff,Y) JP($10,Y) 2 3 90 EC XX ✗
(longoff,Y) JP($1000,Y) 2 4 90 DC MS LS ✗
[shortptr.w] JP[$10.w] 5 3 92 CC XX ✗
[longptr.w] JP[$1000.w] 5 4 72 CC MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) JP([$10.w],X) 5 3 92 DC XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) JP([$1000.w],X) 5 4 72 DC MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) JP([$10.w],Y) 5 3 91 DC XX ✗

See also: JRT

110/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

JPF Jump far JPF

Syntax JPF dst e.g.:JPF test
Operation PC <= dst
Description The unconditional jump simply replaces the content of the PC by a
destination with an extended address. Control then passes to the
statement addressed by the program counter. For safe memory usage, this
instruction must be used, when the operation crosses a memory section.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
JPF Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

extmem JPF $2FFFFC 2 4 AC ExtB MS LS
[longptr.e] JPF [$2FFC.e] 6 4 92 AC MS LS

See also: JP, CALLF

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 111/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

JRA Jump Relative Always JRA

Syntax JRA dst e.g. JRA loop
Operation PC = PC+lgth
PC <= PC + dst, if Condition is True
Description Unconditional relative jump. PC is updated by the signed addition of PC
and dst. Control then passes to the statement addressed by the program
counter. Else, the program continues normally.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
JRA Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

shortoff JRA $2B 2 2 20 XX ✗

See also: JP

112/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

JRxx Conditional Jump JRxx

Relative Instruction
Syntax JRxx dst e.g. JRxx loop
Operation PC = PC+lgth
PC <= PC + dst, if Condition is True
Description Conditional relative jump. PC is updated by the signed addition of PC and
dst, if the condition is true. Control, then passes to the statement
addressed by the program counter. Else, the program continues normally.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
JRxx Mem - - - - - - -

Instruction List

mnem meaning sym Condition Op-code (OC)

JRC Carry C=1 25
JREQ Equal = Z=1 27
JRF False False 21
JRH Half-Carry H=1 90 29
JRIH Interrupt Line is High 90 2F
JRIL Interrupt Line is Low 90 2E
JRM Interrupt Mask I=1 90 2D
JRMI Minus <0 N=1 2B
JRNC Not Carry C=0 24
JRNE Not Equal <> 0 Z=0 26
JRNH Not Half-Carry H=0 90 28
JRNM Not Interrupt Mask I=0 90 2C
JRNV Not Overflow V=0 28
JRPL Plus >= 0 N=0 2A
JRSGE Signed Greater or Equal >= (N XOR V) = 0 2E
JRSGT Signed Greater Than > (Z OR (N XOR V)) = 0 2C
JRSLE Signed Lower or Equal <= (Z OR (N XOR V)) = 1 2D
JRSLT Signed Lower Than < (N XOR V) = 1 2F
JRT True True 20
JRUGE Unsigned Greater or Equal C=0 24
JRUGT Unsigned Greater Than > C = 0 and Z = 0 22
JRULE Unsigned Lower or Equal <= C = 1 or Z = 1 23
JRC Carry C=1 25
JRULT Unsigned Lower Than C=1 25
JRV Overflow V=1 29

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

shortoff JRxx $15 1/2 2 Op-code XX ✗
shortoff JRxx $15 1/2 3 90 Op-code XX ✗

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 113/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

LD Load LD
Syntax LD dst,src e.g. LD A,#$15
Operation dst <= src
Description Load the destination byte with the source byte. The dst and src can be a
register, a byte (low/high) of an index register or a memory/data byte. When
half of an index register is loaded, the other half remains unchanged.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
LD Reg Mem - - - - N Z -
LD Mem Reg - - - - N Z -
LD Reg Reg - - - - - - -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte LD A,#$55 1 2 A6 XX ✗
A shortmem LD A,$50 1 2 B6 XX ✗
A longmem LD A,$5000 1 3 C6 MS LS ✗
A (X) LD A,(X) 1 1 F6 ✗
A (shortoff,X) LD A,($50,X) 1 2 E6 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) LD A,($5000,X) 1 3 D6 MS LS ✗
A (Y) LD A,(Y) 1 2 90 F6 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) LD A,($50,Y) 1 3 90 E6 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) LD A,($5000,Y) 1 4 90 D6 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) LD A,($50,SP) 1 2 7B XX
A [shortptr.w] LD A,[$50.w] 4 3 92 C6 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] LD A,[$5000.w] 4 4 72 C6 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) LD A,([$50.w],X) 4 3 92 D6 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) LD A,([$5000.w],X) 4 4 72 D6 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) LD A,([$50.w],Y) 4 3 91 D6 XX ✗

114/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

LD detailed description (Continued)

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

shortmem A LD $50,A 1 2 B7 XX ✗
longmem A LD $5000,A 1 3 C7 MS LS ✗
(X) A LD (X),A 1 1 F7 ✗
(shortoff,X) A LD ($50,X),A 1 2 E7 XX ✗
(longoff,X) A LD ($5000,X),A 1 3 D7 MS LS ✗
(Y) A LD (Y),A 1 2 90 F7 ✗
(shortoff,Y) A LD ($50,Y),A 1 3 90 E7 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) A LD ($5000,Y),A 1 4 90 D7 MS LS ✗
(shortoff,SP) A LD ($50,SP),A 1 2 6B XX
[shortptr.w] A LD [$50.w],A 4 3 92 C7 XX ✗
[longptr.w] A LD [$5000.w],A 4 4 72 C7 MS LS
A LD ([$50.w],X),A 4 3 92 D7 XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) A 4 4 72 D7 MS LS
A LD ([$50.w],Y),A 4 3 91 D7 XX ✗

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

XL A LD XL,A 1 1 97 ✗
A XL LD A,XL 1 1 9F ✗
YL A LD YL,A 1 2 90 97 ✗
A YL LD A,YL 1 2 90 9F ✗
XH A LD XH,A 1 1 95
A XH LD A,XH 1 1 9E
YH A LD YH,A 1 2 90 95
A YH LD A,YH 1 2 90 9E

See also: LDW, LDF, CLR

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 115/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

LDF Load Far LDF

Syntax LDF dst,src e.g. LDF A,($555555,X)
Operation dst <= src
Description Load the destination byte with the source byte. The dst and src can be a
memory location or accumulator register.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
LDF A Mem - - - - N Z -
LDF Mem A - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A extmem LDF A, $500000 1 4 BC ExtB MS LS
A (extoff,X) LDF A,($500000,X) 1 4 AF ExtB MS LS
A (extoff,Y) LDF A,($500000,Y) 1 5 90 AF ExtB MS LS
A ([longptr.e],X) LDF A,([$5000.e],X) 5 4 92 AF MS LS
A ([longptr.e],Y) LDF A,([$5000.e],Y) 5 4 91 AF MS LS
A [longptr.e] LDF A,[$5000.e] 5 4 92 BC MS LS

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

extmem A LDF $500000,A 1 4 BD ExtB MS LS
(extoff,X) A LDF ($500000,X),A 1 4 A7 ExtB MS LS
(extoff,Y) A LDF ($500000,Y),A 1 5 90 A7 ExtB MS LS
([longptr.e],X) A LDF ([$5000.e],X),A 4 4 92 A7 MS LS
([longptr.e],Y) A LDF ([$5000.e],Y),A 4 4 91 A7 MS LS
[longptr.e] A LDF [$5000.e],A 4 4 92 BD MS LS

See also: LD, CALLF

116/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

LDW Load word LDW

Syntax LDW dst,src e.g. LDW X,#$1500
Operation dst <= src
Description Load the destination word (16-bit value) with the source word. The dst and
src can be a 16-bit register (X, Y or SP) or a memory/data 16-bit value.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
LD Reg Mem - - - - N Z -
LD Mem Reg - - - - N Z -
LD Reg Reg - - - - - - -
LD SP Reg - - - - - - -
LD Reg SP - - - - - - -

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X #word LDW X,#$55AA 2 3 AE MS LS ✗
X shortmem LDW X,$50 2 2 BE XX ✗
X longmem LDW X,$5000 2 3 CE MS LS ✗
X (X) LDW X,(X) 2 1 FE ✗
X (shortoff,X) LDW X,($50,X) 2 2 EE XX ✗
X (longoff,X) LDW X,($5000,X) 2 3 DE MS LS ✗
X (shortoff,SP) LDW X,($50,SP) 2 2 1E XX
X [shortptr.w] LDW X,[$50.w] 5 3 92 CE XX ✗
X [longptr.w] LDW X,[$5000.w] 5 4 72 CE MS LS
X ([shortptr.w],X) LDW X,([$50.w],X) 5 3 92 DE XX ✗
X ([longptr.w],X) 5 4 72 DE MS LS

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

shortmem X LDW $50,X 2 2 BF XX ✗
longmem X LDW $5000,X 2 3 CF MS LS ✗
(X) Y LDW (X),Y 2 1 FF
(shortoff,X) Y LDW ($50,X),Y 2 2 EF XX
(longoff,X) Y LDW ($5000,X),Y 2 3 DF MS LS

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 117/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

LDW detailed description (Continued)

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

(shortoff,SP) X LDW ($50,SP),X 2 2 1F
[shortptr.w] X LDW [$50.w],X 5 3 92 CF XX ✗
[longptr.w] X LDW [$5000.w],X 5 4 72 CF MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) Y LDW ([$50.w],X),Y 5 3 92 DF XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) Y LDW ([$5000.w],X),Y 5 4 72 DF MS LS

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

Y #word LDW Y,#$55AA 2 4 90 AE MS LS ✗
Y shortmem LDW Y,$50 2 3 90 BE XX ✗
Y longmem LDW Y,$5000 2 4 90 CE MS LS ✗
Y (Y) LDW Y,(Y) 2 2 90 FE ✗
Y (shortoff,Y) LDW Y,($50,Y) 2 3 90 EE XX ✗
Y (longoff,Y) LDW Y,($5000,Y) 2 4 90 DE MS LS ✗
Y (shortoff,SP) LDW Y,($50,SP) 2 2 16 XX
Y [shortptr.w] LDW Y,[$50.w] 5 3 91 CE XX ✗
Y ([shortptr.w],Y) LDW Y,([$50.w],Y) 5 3 91 DE XX ✗

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

shortmem Y LDW $50,Y 2 3 90 BF XX ✗
longmem Y LDW $5000,Y 2 4 90 CF MS LS ✗
(Y) X LDW (Y),X 2 2 90 FF ✗
(shortoff,Y) X LDW ($50,Y),X 2 3 90 EF XX ✗
(longoff,Y) X LDW ($5000,Y),X 2 4 90 DF MS LS ✗
(shortoff,SP) Y LDW ($50,SP),Y 2 2 17 XX
[shortptr.w] Y LDW [$50.w],Y 5 3 91 CF XX ✗
([shortptr.w],Y) X LDW ([$50.w],Y),X 5 3 91 DF XX ✗

dst src cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

Y X LDW Y,X 1 2 90 93 ✗
X Y LDW X,Y 1 1 93 ✗
X SP LDW X,SP 1 1 96 ✗
SP X LDW SP,X 1 1 94 ✗
Y SP LDW Y,SP 1 2 90 96 ✗
SP Y LDW SP,Y 1 2 90 94 ✗

Note: LDW Y,[longptr.w] and LDW [longptr.w],Y are not implemented. They can be emulated using
See also: LD, CLRW

118/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set


Syntax MOV dst,src e.g. MOV $80,#$AA
Operation dst<= src
Description Moves a byte of data from a source address to a destination address. Data
is examined as it is moved. The accumulator is not affected.
There are 3 addressing modes for the MOV instruction:
● An immediate byte to a direct memory location
● A direct memory location to another direct memory location (from $00
to $FF)
● A direct memory location to another direct memory location (from
$0000 to $FFFF)
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
MOV Mem Imm - - - - - - -
MOV Mem Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

longmem #byte MOV $8000, #$AA 1 4 35 XX MS LS
shortmem shortmem MOV $80,$10 1 3 45 XX2 XX1
longmem longmem 1 5 55 MS2 LS2 MS1 LS1

See also: LD, EXG

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 119/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

MUL Multiply (unsigned) MUL

Syntax MUL dst,src e.g. MUL X,A
Operation dst:src <= dst x src
Description Multiplies the 8-bit value in index register, low byte, (XL or YL) by the 8-bit
value in the accumulator to obtain a 16-bit unsigned result in the index
register. After the operation, index register contains the 16-bit result. The
accumulator remains unchanged. The initial value of the high byte of the
index register (XH or YH) is ignored.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
MUL X XL,A - - 0 - - - 0
MUL Y YL,A - - 0 - - - 0

C: 0

Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X A MUL X,A 4 1 42
Y A MUL Y,A 4 2 90 42

See also: ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC

120/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

NEG Negate (Logical 2’s complement) NEG

Syntax NEG dst e.g. NEG (X)
Operation dst <= (dst XOR FF) + 1, or 00 - dst
Description The destination byte is read, then each bit is toggled (inverted), and the
result is incremented before it is written at the destination byte. The
destination is either a memory byte or a register. The Carry is cleared if the
result is zero. This instruction is used to negate signed values. This
instruction is compact, and does not affect any register when used with
RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
NEG Mem V - - - N Z C
NEG A V - - - N Z C

V⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if there is an arithmetic overflow on the 8-bit representation of the
result. The V bit will set when the content of "dst" was $80 (-128) prior to
the NEG operation, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ R7+R6+R5+R4+R3+R2+R1+R0
Set if a borrow in the implied subtraction from zero, cleared otherwise. The
C bit will be set in all cases except when the contents of "dst" was $00 prior
to the NEG operation.
Detailed description
dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A NEG A 1 1 40 ✗
shortmem NEG $F5 1 2 30 XX ✗
longmem NEG $F5C2 1 4 72 50 MS LS
(X) NEG(X) 1 1 70 ✗
(shortoff,X) NEG($F5,X) 1 2 60 XX ✗
(longoff,X) NEG($F5C2,X) 1 4 72 40 MS LS
(Y) NEG(Y) 1 2 90 70 ✗
(shortoff,Y) NEG($F5,Y) 1 3 90 60 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) NEG($F5C2,Y) 1 4 90 40 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) NEG($F5,SP) 1 2 00 XX
[shortptr.w] NEG($F5) 4 3 92 30 XX ✗

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 121/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

NEG detailed description (continued)

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

[longptr.w] NEG($F5C2.w) 4 4 72 30 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) NEG([$F5],X) 4 3 92 60 XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) NEG([$F5C2.w],X) 4 4 72 60 MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) NEG([$F5],Y) 4 3 91 60 XX ✗

See also: NEGW, CPL, AND, OR, XOR

122/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

NEGW Negate word (Logical 2’s Complement) NEGW

Syntax NEGW dst e.g. NEGW X
Operation dst <= (dst XOR FFFF) + 1, or 0000 - dst
Description The destination word is read, then each bit is toggled (inverted), and the
result is incremented before it is written at the destination word. The
destination is an index register.
Instruction overview.

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
NEGW X V - - - N Z C
NEGW Y V - - - N Z C

V⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if there is an arithmetic overflow on the 16-bit representation. The V bit
will set when the content of "dst" was $8000 prior to the NEGW operation,
cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ R15+R14+R13+R12+R11+R10+R9+R8+R7+R6+R5+R4+R3+R2+R1+R0
Set if a borrow in the implied subtraction from zero, cleared otherwise. The
C bit will be set in all cases except when the contents of "dst" was $0000
prior to the NEGW operation.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X NEGW X 2 1 50
Y NEGW Y 2 2 90 50

See also: NEG, CPLW, AND, OR, XOR

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 123/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

NOP No operation NOP

Syntax NOP
Description This is a single byte instruction that does nothing. This instruction can be
used either to disable an instruction, or to build a waiting delay.No register
or memory contents are affected by this instruction
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
NOP - - - - - - -

Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent NOP 1 1 9D ✗

See also: JRF

124/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

OR Logical OR OR
Syntax OR A,src e.g. OR A,#%00110101
Operation A <= A OR src
Description The source byte, is logically ORed with the contents of the accumulator
and the result is stored in the accumulator. The source is a memory or data
Truth table

OR 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 1

Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
OR A Mem - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte OR A,#$55 1 2 AA XX ✗
A shortmem OR A,$10 1 2 BA XX ✗
A longmem OR A,$1000 1 3 CA MS LS ✗
A (X) OR A,(X) 1 1 FA ✗
A (shortoff,X) OR A,($10,X) 1 2 EA XX ✗
A (longoff,X) OR A,($1000,X) 1 3 DA MS LS ✗
A (Y) OR A,(Y) 1 2 90 FA ✗
A (shortoff,Y) OR A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 EA XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) OR A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 DA MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) OR A,($10,SP) 1 2 1A XX
A [shortptr.w] OR A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 CA XX ✗
A [longptr.w] OR A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 CA MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) OR A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 DA XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) OR A,([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 DA MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) OR A,([$1000],Y) 4 3 91 DA XX ✗

See also: AND, XOR, CPL, NEG

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 125/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

POP Pop from stack POP

Syntax POP dst e.g. POP CC
Operation dst <= (++SP)
Description Restore from the stack a data byte which will be placed in dst location. The
stack pointer is incremented by one. This instruction is used to restore a
register/memory value.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
POP A - - - - - - -
POP Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A POP A 1 1 84 ✗
CC POP CC 1 1 86 ✗
longmem POP $1000 1 3 32 MS LS

See also: PUSH, POPW

126/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

POPW Pop word from stack POPW

Syntax POPW dst e.g. POPW X
Operation dstH <= (++SP)
dstL <= (++SP)
Description Restore from the stack a data value which will be placed in dst location
(index register). The stack pointer is incremented by two. This instruction is
used to restore an index register value.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
POPW X - - - - - - -
POPW Y - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X POPW X 2 1 85 ✗
Y POPW Y 2 2 90 85 ✗

See also: PUSHW, POP

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 127/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

PUSH Push into the Stack PUSH

Syntax PUSH src e.g.:PUSH A
Operation (SP--) <= dst
Description Save into the stack the dst byte location. The stack pointer is decremented
by one. Used to save a register value and a memory byte on to the stack.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
PUSH A - - - - - - -
PUSH CC - - - - - - -
PUSH Imm - - - - - - -
PUSH Mem - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A PUSH A 1 1 88 ✗
CC PUSH CC 1 1 8A ✗
#byte PUSH #$10 1 2 4B XX
longmem PUSH $1000 1 3 3B MS LS

See also: POP, PUSHW

128/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

PUSHW Push word onto the Stack PUSHW

Syntax PUSHW src e.g. PUSHW X
Operation (SP--) <= dstL
(SP--) <= dstH
Description Save the dst index register onto the stack. The stack pointer is
decremented by two. Used to save an index register value onto the stack.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
PUSHW X - - - - - - -
PUSHW Y - - - - - - -

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X PUSHW X 2 1 89 ✗
Y PUSHW Y 2 2 90 89 ✗

See also: POPW, PUSH

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 129/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

RCF Reset Carry Flag RCF

Syntax RCF
Operation C=0
Description Clear the carry flag of the Condition Code (CC) register. May be used as a
boolean user controlled flags.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
RCF - - - - - - 0

C: 0
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent RCF 1 1 98 ✗

See also: SCF, RVF

130/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

RET Return from subroutine RET

Syntax RET
Operation MSB (PC) = (++SP)
LSB (PC) = (++SP)
Description Restore the PC from the stack. The stack pointer is incremented twice. This
instruction, is the last instruction of a subroutine in same section.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
RET - - - - - - -

Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent RET 4 1 81 ✗

See also: CALL, CALLR

Note: Please note that the RET should be in the same section as the corresponding CALL.

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 131/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

RETF Far Return from RETF

Syntax RETF
Operation PCE = (++SP)
PCH = (++SP)
PCL = (++SP)
Description Restore the PC from the stack then restore the Condition Code (CC)
register. The stack pointer is incremented three times. This instruction is
the last one of a subroutine in extended memory.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
RETF - - - - - - -

Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent RETF 5 1 87

See also: CALLF

132/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

RIM Reset Interrupt RIM

Mask/Enable Interrupt
Syntax RIM
Operation I1 = 1, I0 = 0
Description Clear the Interrupt mask of the Condition Code (CC) register, which enable
interrupts. This instruction is generally put in the main program, after the
reset routine, once all desired interrupts have been properly configured.
This instruction is not needed before WFI and HALT instructions.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
RIM - 1 - 0 - - -

I1: 1
I0: 0
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent RIM 1 1 9A ✗

See also: SIM

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 133/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

RLC Rotate Left Logical RLC

through Carry
Syntax RLC dst e.g. RLC (X)
Description The destination is either a memory byte or a register. This instruction is
compact, and does not affect any register when used with RAM
variables.This instruction shifts all bits of the register or memory, one place
to the left, through the Carry bit. Bit 0 of the result is a copy of the CC.C
value before the operation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C

RLC Reg - - - - N Z bit7

RLC Mem - - - - N Z bit7

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b7
Set if, before the shift, the MSB of register or memory was set, cleared

C b7 b0

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A RLC A 1 1 49 ✗
shortmem RLC $10 1 2 39 XX ✗
longmem RLC $1000 1 4 72 59 MS LS
(X) RLC (X) 1 1 79 ✗
(shortoff,X) RLC ($10,X) 1 2 69 XX ✗
(longoff,X) RLC ($1000,X) 1 4 72 49 MS LS
(Y) RLC (Y) 1 2 90 79 ✗
(shortoff,Y) RLC ($10,Y) 1 3 90 69 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) RLC ($1000,Y) 1 4 90 49 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) RLC ($10,SP) 1 2 09 XX ✗
[shortptr.w] RLC [$10] 4 3 92 39 XX ✗
[longptr.w] RLC [$1000].w 4 4 72 39 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) RLC ([$10],X) 4 3 92 69 XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) RLC ([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 69 MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) RLC ([$10],Y) 4 3 91 69 XX ✗


134/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

RLCW Rotate Word Left Logical RLCW

through Carry
Syntax RLCW dst e.g. RLCW X
Description The destination is an index register. This instruction shifts all bits of the
register one place to the left through Carry bit. Bit 0 of the result is a copy
of CC.C value before the operation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
RLCW Reg - - - - N Z bit15

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b15
Set if, before the shift, the MSB of register or memory was set, cleared

C b15 b0

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X RLCW X 2 1 59 ✗
Y RLCW Y 2 2 90 59 ✗


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 135/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

RLWA Rotate Word Left through A RLWA

Syntax RLWA dst e.g. RLWA Y,A
Operation A <= dstH <= dstL <= A
Description The destination index register and Accumulator are rotated left by 1-byte.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
RLWA X A - - - - N Z -
RLWA Y A - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X A RLWA X 1 1 02
Y A RLWA Y 1 2 90 02

See also: RRWA, SWAPW

136/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

RRC Rotate Right Logical through Carry RRC

Syntax RRC dst e.g. RRC (X)
Description The destination is either a memory byte location or a register. This
instruction is compact, and does not affect any register when used with
RAM variables.This instruction shifts all bits of the register or memory, one
place to the right. Bit 7 of the result is a copy of the CC.C bit value before
the operation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
RRC Reg - - - - N Z bit0
RRC Mem - - - - N Z bit0

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b0
Set if, before the shift, the LSB of register or memory was set, cleared

C b7 b0

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A RRC A 1 1 46 ✗
shortmem RRC $10 1 2 36 XX ✗
longmem RRC $1000 1 4 72 56 MS LS
(X) RRC (X) 1 1 76 ✗
(shortoff,X) RRC ($10,X) 1 2 66 XX ✗
(longoff,X) RRC ($1000,X) 1 4 72 46 MS LS
(Y) RRC (Y) 1 2 90 76 ✗
(shortoff,Y) RRC ($10,Y) 1 3 90 66 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) RRC ($1000,Y) 1 4 90 46 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) RRC ($10,SP) 1 2 06 XX ✗
[shortptr.w] RRC [$10] 4 3 92 36 XX ✗
[longptr.w] RRC [$1000].w 4 4 72 36 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) RRC ([$10],X) 4 3 92 66 XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) RRC ([$1000.w],X) 4 4 72 66 MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) RRC ([$10],Y) 4 3 91 66 XX ✗


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 137/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

RRCW Rotate Word Right Logical through Carry RRCW

Syntax RRCW dst e.g. RRCWX
Description The destination is an index register. This instruction shifts all bits of the
register or memory, one place to the right, through the Carry bit. Bit 15 of
the result is a copy of the CC.C bit value before the operation.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
RRCW Reg - - - - N Z bit0

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b0
Set if, before the shift, the MSB of register or memory was set, cleared

C b15 b0

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X RRCW X 2 1 56 ✗
Y RRCW Y 2 2 90 56 ✗


138/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

RRWA Rotate Right Word through A RRWA

Syntax RRWA dst e.g. RRWA Y,A
Operation A => dstH => dstL => A
Description The destination index register and Accumulator are rotated right by 1-byte.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
RLWA X A - - - - N Z -
RLWA Y A - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.

Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X A RRWA X 1 1 01
Y A RRWA Y 1 2 90 01

See also: RLWA, SWAPW

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 139/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

RVF Reset overflow flag RVF

Syntax RVF
Operation V=0
Description Clear the overflow flag of the Condition Code (CC) register. May be used
as a boolean user controlled flags.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
RCF 0 - - - - - -

V: 0
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent RVF 1 1 9C ✗

See also: RCF, SCF

140/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

SBC Subtraction with SBC

Syntax SBC A,src e.g. SBC A,#$15
Operation A <= A- src - C
Description The source byte, along with the carry flag, is subtracted from the contents
of the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. The source
is a memory or data byte.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SBC A Mem V - - - N Z C

V⇒ (A7.M7 + A7.R7 + A7.M7.R7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + A6.R6 + A6.M6.R6)

Set if the signed subtraction generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ A7.M7 + A7.R7 + A7.M7.R7
Set if a borrow request occurred from bit 7 of the result, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte SBC A,#$55 1 2 A2 XX ✗
A shortmem SBC A,$10 1 2 B2 XX ✗
A longmem SBC A,$1000 1 3 C2 MS LS ✗
A (X) SBC A,(X) 1 1 F2 ✗
A (shortoff,X) SBC A,($10,X) 1 2 E2 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) SBC A,($1000,X) 1 3 D2 MS LS ✗
A (Y) SBC A,(Y) 1 2 90 F2 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) SBC A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E2 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) SBC A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D2 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) SBC A,($10,SP) 1 2 12 XX
A [shortptr.w] SBC A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C2 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] SBC A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C2 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) 4 3 92 D2 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) 4 4 72 D2 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) 4 3 91 D2 XX ✗

See also: ADD,ADC,SUB, MUL

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 141/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SCF Set Carry Flag SCF

Syntax SCF
Operation C=1
Description Set the carry flag of the Condition Code (CC) register. It may be used as
user controlled flag.
Instruction overview


Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
SCF - - - - - - 1

C: 1
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent SCF 1 1 99 ✗

See also: RCF, RVF

142/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

SIM Set Interrupt SIM

Mask/Disable Interrupt
Syntax sim
Operation I1 = 1, I0 = 1
Description Set the Interrupt mask of the Condition Code (CC) register, which disables
interrupts. This instruction is useless at the beginning of reset routine. It
need not be used at the beginning of interrupt routines as the interrupt level
is set automatically in CC.I[1:0].
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
SIM - 1 - 1 - - -

I1 and I0: 1
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent SIM 1 1 9B ✗

See also: RIM

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 143/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SLL/SLA Shift Left Logical/Shift SLL/SLA

Left Arithmetic
Syntax SLL dst e.g. SLL (X)
SLA dst e.g. SLA (X)
Description The destination is either a memory byte or a register.It double the affected
value. This instruction is compact, and does not affect any register when
used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SLL/SLA Mem - - - - N Z bit7
SLL/SLA Reg - - - - N Z bit7

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b7
Set if, before the shift, bit 7 of register or memory was set, cleared

C b7 b0 0

Detailed description

dst Asm(1) cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A SLL A 1 1 48 ✗
shortmem SLL $15 1 2 38 XX ✗
longmem SLL $1505 1 4 72 58 MS LS
(X) SLL (X) 1 1 78 ✗
(shortoff,X) SLL ($15,X) 1 2 68 XX ✗
(longoff,X) SLL ($1505,X) 1 4 72 48 MS LS
(Y) SLL (Y) 1 2 90 78 ✗
(shortoff,Y) SLL ($15,Y) 1 3 90 68 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) SLL ($1505,Y) 1 4 90 48 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) SLL ($15,SP) 1 2 08 XX ✗
[shortptr.w] SLL [$15] 4 3 92 38 XX ✗
[longptr.w] SLL [$1505].w 4 4 72 38 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) SLL ([$15],X) 4 3 92 68 XX ✗

144/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

([longptr.w],X) SLL ([$1505.w],X) 4 4 72 68 MS LS

([shortptr.w],Y) SLL ([$15],Y) 4 3 91 68 XX ✗
1. For the shift left arithmetic instruction, replace SLL by SLA.


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 145/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SLLW/SLAW Shift Left Logical SLLW/SLAW

Word/Shift Left Arithmetic
Syntax SLLW dst e.g. SLLW X
SLAW dst e.g. SLAW X
Description The destination is an index register.It double the affected value.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SLLW/SLAW Reg - - - - N Z bit15

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b15
Set if, before the shift, bit 15 of register or memory was set, cleared

C b15 b0 0

Detailed description

dst Asm(1) cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X SLLW X 2 1 58
Y SLLW Y 2 2 90 58
1. For the shift left arithmetic word instruction, replace SLLW by SLAW.


146/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

SRA Shift Right Arithmetic SRA

Syntax SRA dst e.g. SRA (X)
Description The destination is either a memory byte or a register. It performs an signed
division by 2: The sign bit 7 is not modified.This instruction is compact, and
does not affect any register when used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SRA Reg - - - - N Z bit0
SRA Mem - - - - N Z bit0

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b0
Set if, before the shift, the LSB of register or memory was set, cleared

b7 b7 b0 C

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A SRA A 1 1 47 ✗
shortmem SRA $15 1 2 37 XX ✗
longmem SRA $1505 1 4 72 57 MS LS
(X) SRA (X) 1 1 77 ✗
(shortoff,X) SRA ($15,X) 1 2 67 XX ✗
(longoff,X) SRA ($1505,X) 1 4 72 47 MS LS
(Y) SRA (Y) 1 2 90 77 ✗
(shortoff,Y) SRA ($15,Y) 1 3 90 67 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) SRA ($1505,Y) 1 4 90 47 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) SRA ($15,SP) 1 2 07 XX ✗
[shortptr.w] SRA [$15] 4 3 92 37 XX ✗
[longptr.w] SRA [$1505].w 4 4 72 37 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) SRA ([$15],X) 4 3 92 67 XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) SRA ([$1505.w],X) 4 4 72 67 MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) SRA ([$15],Y) 4 3 91 67 XX ✗


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 147/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SRAW Shift Right Arithmetic SRAW

Syntax SRAW dst e.g. SRAW X
Description The destination is an index register. It performs a signed division by 2. The
sign bit (15) is not modified.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SRAW Reg - - - - N Z bit0

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b0
Set if, before the shift, the LSB of register or memory was set, cleared

b15 b15 b0 C

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X SRAW X 2 1 57
Y SRAW Y 2 2 90 57


148/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

SRL Shift Right Logical SRL

Syntax SRL dst e.g. SRL (X)
Description The destination is either a memory byte or a register.It perform an
unsigned division by 2.This instruction is compact, and does not affect any
register when used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SRL Reg - - - - N Z bit0
SRL Mem - - - - N Z bit0

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b0
Set if, before the shift, the LSB of register or memory was set, cleared

0 b7 b0 C

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A SRL A 1 1 44 ✗
shortmem SRL $15 1 2 34 XX ✗
longmem SRL $1505 1 4 72 54 MS LS
(X) SRL (X) 1 1 74 ✗
(shortoff,X) SRLL ($15,X) 1 2 64 XX ✗
(longoff,X) SRL ($1505,X) 1 4 72 44 MS LS
(Y) SRL (Y) 1 2 90 74 ✗
(shortoff,Y) SRL ($15,Y) 1 3 90 64 XX ✗
(longoff,Y) SRL ($1505,Y) 1 4 90 44 MS LS
(shortoff,SP) SRL ($15,SP) 1 2 04 XX ✗
[shortptr.w] SRL [$15] 4 3 92 34 XX ✗
[longptr.w] SRL [$1505].w 4 4 72 34 MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) SRL ([$15],X) 4 3 92 64 XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) SRL ([$1505.w],X) 4 4 72 64 MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) SRL ([$15],Y) 4 3 91 64 XX ✗


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 149/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SRLW Shift Right Logical Word SRLW

Syntax SRLW dst e.g. SRLW X
Description The destination is an index register. It performs an unsigned division by 2.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SRLW Reg - - - - N Z bit0

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ b0
Set if, before the shift, the LSB of the register was set, cleared

0 b15 b0 C

Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X SRLW X 2 1 54
Y SRLW Y 2 2 90 54


150/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

SUB Subtraction SUB

Syntax SUB A,src e.g. SUB A,#%11001010
Operation A <= A- src
Description The source byte is subtracted from the contents of the accumulator/SP and
the result is stored in the accumulator/SP. The source is a memory or data
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SUB A Mem V - - - N Z C
SUB SP Imm - - - - - - -

V⇒ (A7.M7 + A7.R7 + A7.M7.R7) ⊕ (A6.M6 + A6.R6 + A6.M6.R6)

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ A7.M7 + A7.R7 + A7.M7.R7
Set if a borrow request occurred from bit 7, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte SUB A,#$55 1 2 A0 XX ✗
A shortmem SUB A,$10 1 2 B0 XX ✗
A longmem SUB A,$1000 1 3 C0 MS LS ✗
A (X) SUB A,(X) 1 1 F0 ✗
A (shortoff,X) SUB A,($10,X) 1 2 E0 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) SUB A,($1000,X) 1 3 D0 MS LS ✗
A (Y) SUB A,(Y) 1 2 90 F0 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) SUB A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E0 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) SUB A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D0 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) SUB A,($10,SP) 1 2 10 XX
A [shortptr.w] SUB A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C0 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] SUB A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C0 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) SUB A,([$10.w],X) 4 3 92 D0 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) 4 4 72 D0 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) SUB A,([$10.w],Y) 4 3 91 D0 XX ✗
SP #byte SUB SP,#$9 1 2 52 XX

See also: SUBW, ADD, ADC, SBC, MUL

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 151/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SUBW Word Subtraction SUBW

Syntax SUBW dst,src e.g. SUBW X, #$5500
Operation dst <= dst - src
Description The source 16-bit word is subtracted from the contents of the destination
index register and the result is stored in the same index register. The
source is a memory or 16-bit data.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SUBW X Mem V - H - N Z C
SUBW Y Mem V - H - N Z C

V⇒ (X15.M15 + X15.R15 + X15.M15.R15) ⊕ (X14.M14 + X14.R14 +

Set if the signed operation generates an overflow, cleared otherwise.
H⇒ X7.M7 + X7.R7 + X7.M7.R7
Set if a carry occurred from bit 7, cleared otherwise.
N⇒ R15
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
C⇒ X15.M15 + X15.R15 + X15.M15.R15
Set if a borrow request occurred from bit 15, cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X #word SUBW X,#$5500 2 3 1D MS LS
X longmem SUBW X,$1000 2 4 72 B0 MS LS
X (shortoff, SP) SUBW X,($10,SP) 2 3 72 F0 XX
Y #word SUBW Y,#$5500 2 4 72 A2 MS LS
Y longmem SUBW Y,$1000 2 4 72 B2 MS LS
Y (shortoff, SP) SUBW Y,($10,SP) 2 3 72 F2 XX

See also: SUB, ADDW, ADC, SBC, MUL

152/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

SWAP Swap nibbles SWAP

Syntax SWAP dst e.g. SWAP counter
Description The destination byte upper and low nibbles are swapped over. The
destination is either a memory byte or a register. This instruction is
compact, and does not affect any register when used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SWAP Reg - - - - N Z -
SWAP Mem - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A SWAP A 1 1 4E ✗
shortmem SWAP $15 1 2 3E XX ✗
longmem SWAP $1505 1 4 72 5E MS LS
(X) SWAP (X) 1 1 7E ✗
(shortoff,X) SWAPL ($15,X) 1 2 6E XX ✗
(longoff,X) SWAP ($1505,X) 1 4 72 4E MS LS
(Y) SWAP (Y) 1 2 90 7E ✗
(shortoff,Y) SWAP ($15,Y) 1 3 90 6E XX ✗
(longoff,Y) SWAP ($1505,Y) 1 4 90 4E MS LS
(shortoff,SP) SWAP ($15,SP) 1 2 0E XX ✗
[shortptr.w] SWAP [$15] 4 3 92 3E XX ✗
[longptr.w] SWAP [$1505].w 4 4 72 3E MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) SWAP ([$15],X) 4 3 92 6E XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) SWAP ([$1505.w],X) 4 4 72 6E MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) SWAP ([$15],Y) 4 3 91 6E XX ✗


Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 153/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

SWAPW Swap bytes SWAPW

Syntax SWAPW dst e.g. SWAPW Y
Description The destination index register upper and low bytes are swapped over.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
SWAP Reg - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X SWAPW X 1 1 5E ✗
Y SWAPW Y 1 2 90 5E ✗


154/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

TNZ Test for Negative or Zero TNZ

Syntax TNZ dst e.g. TNZ A
Operation {N, Z} = Test(dst)
Description The destination byte is tested and both N and Z flags of the Condition Code
(CC) register are updated accordingly. This instruction is compact, and
does not affect any register when used with RAM variables.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
TNZ Reg - - - - N Z -
TNZ Mem - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A TNZ A 1 1 4D ✗
shortmem TNZ $15 1 2 3D XX ✗
longmem TNZ $1505 1 4 72 5D MS LS
(X) TNZ (X) 1 1 7D ✗
(shortoff,X) TNZL ($15,X) 1 2 6D XX ✗
(longoff,X) TNZ ($1505,X) 1 4 72 4D MS LS
(Y) TNZ (Y) 1 2 90 7D ✗
(shortoff,Y) TNZ ($15,Y) 1 3 90 6D XX ✗
(longoff,Y) TNZ ($1505,Y) 1 4 90 4D MS LS
(shortoff,SP) TNZ ($15,SP) 1 2 0D XX ✗
[shortptr.w] TNZ [$15] 4 3 92 3D XX ✗
[longptr.w] TNZ [$1505].w 4 4 72 3D MS LS
([shortptr.w],X) TNZ ([$15],X) 4 3 92 6D XX ✗
([longptr.w],X) TNZ ([$1505.w],X) 4 4 72 6D MS LS
([shortptr.w],Y) TNZ ([$15],Y) 4 3 91 6D XX ✗

See also: TNZW, CP, BCP

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 155/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

TNZW Word Test for Negative or TNZW

Syntax TNZW dst e.g. TNZW X
Operation {N, Z} = Test(dst)
Description The destination 16-bit word, index register, is tested and both N and Z flags
of the Condition Code (CC) register are updated accordingly.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst
V I1 H I0 N Z C
TNZW Reg - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R15
Set if bit 15 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R15.R14.R13.R12.R11.R10.R9.R8.R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x0000), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

X TNZW X 2 1 5D
Y TNZW Y 2 2 90 5D

See also: TNZ, CPW

156/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

TRAP Software interrupt TRAP

Syntax TRAP
Operation PC = PC + 1
(SP--) = LSB (PC)
(SP--) = MSB (PC)
(SP--) = Ext(PC)
(SP--) = YL
(SP--) = YH
(SP--) = XL
(SP--) = XH
(SP--) = A
(SP--) = CC
PC = TRAP Interrupt Vector Contents

Description When processed, this instruction forces the trap interrupt to occur and to be
processed. It cannot be masked by the I0 or I1 flags.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
TRAP - 1 - 1 - - -

I1 and I0: 1
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent TRAP 9 1 83 ✗

See also: IRET

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 157/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

WFE Wait for Event WFE

(CPU stopped,
low power mode)
Syntax WFE
Operation The CPU Clock is stopped till an external event occurs. Internal peripherals
are still running. It is used for synchronization with other computing
resources (e.g coprocessor).
Description The state of the CPU is frozen, waiting for synchronization with an external
event. The CPU clock also is stopped, reducing the power consumption of
the microcontroller. Interrupt requests during this period are served
normally, depending on the CC.I[1:0] value.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
WFE - - - - - - -

Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent WFE 1 2 72 8F

See also: HALT

158/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 STM8 instruction set

WFI Wait for Interrupt WFI

(CPU stopped,
low power mode)
Syntax WFI
Operation CC.I1= 1, CC.I0 = 0. The CPU Clock is stopped till an interrupt occurs.
Internal peripherals are still running.
Description The interrupt flag is cleared, allowing interrupts to be fetched. Then the
CPU clock is stopped, reducing the power consumption of
the microcontroller. The micro will continue the program upon an internal or
external interrupt.
Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

V I1 H I0 N Z C
WFI - 1 - 0 - - -

I1: 1
I0: 0
Detailed description

Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7
Inherent WFI 10 1 8F ✗

See also: HALT

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 159/162

STM8 instruction set PM0044

XOR Logical Exclusive OR XOR

Syntax XOR A,src e.g. XOR A,#%00110101
Operation A <= A XOR src
Description The source byte, is logically XORed with the contents of the accumulator
and the result is stored in the accumulator. The source is a memory or data
Truth table

XOR 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 0

Instruction overview

Affected condition flags

mnem dst src
V I1 H I0 N Z C
XOR A Mem - - - - N Z -

N⇒ R7
Set if bit 7 of the result is set (negative value), cleared otherwise.
Z⇒ R7.R6.R5.R4.R3.R2.R1.R0
Set if the result is zero (0x00), cleared otherwise.
Detailed description

dst src Asm cy lgth Op-code(s) ST7

A #byte XOR A,#$55 1 2 A8 XX ✗
A shortmem XOR A,$10 1 2 B8 XX ✗
A longmem XOR A,$1000 1 3 C8 MS LS ✗
A (X) XOR A,(X) 1 1 F8 ✗
A (shortoff,X) XOR A,($10,X) 1 2 E8 XX ✗
A (longoff,X) XOR A,($1000,X) 1 3 D8 MS LS ✗
A (Y) XOR A,(Y) 1 2 90 F8 ✗
A (shortoff,Y) XOR A,($10,Y) 1 3 90 E8 XX ✗
A (longoff,Y) XOR A,($1000,Y) 1 4 90 D8 MS LS ✗
A (shortoff,SP) XOR A,($10,SP) 1 2 18 XX
A [shortptr.w] XOR A,[$10.w] 4 3 92 C8 XX ✗
A [longptr.w] XOR A,[$1000.w] 4 4 72 C8 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],X) 4 3 92 D8 XX ✗
A ([longptr.w],X) 4 4 72 D8 MS LS
A ([shortptr.w],Y) 4 3 91 D8 XX ✗

See also: AND, OR, CPL, NEG

160/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

PM0044 Revision history

8 Revision history

Table 43. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes

14-Jan-2008 1 Initial release.

05-Jun-2008 2 Modified Figure 2: Context save/restore for interrupts on page 14
Changed notation for hexadecimal numbers from XXh to 0xXX.
Removed CPU register context saving from Section 3.2: CPU
Added LDF in Table 22: Available Extended Direct addressing mode
Updated Figure 2: Context save/restore for interrupts.
Added BREAK instruction in Table 41: Instruction groups.
Added Section 5: Pipelined execution.
Table 42: Instruction set summary: updated ADDW, BCCM, BRES,
20-Sep-2011 3
SRA, SRAW, SRL, SRLW, SUB. Added BREAK and INT instructions.
Section 7: STM8 instruction set: updated ADD, ADDW, BCCM, BCP,
SRLW, SUB, and SWAPW. Added BREAK instruction. Merged JRA
with JRL instructions, SLA with SLL, and SLAW with SLLW.

Doc ID 13590 Rev 3 161/162


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162/162 Doc ID 13590 Rev 3

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