Vexl Environ Projects Pvt. LTD
Vexl Environ Projects Pvt. LTD
Vexl Environ Projects Pvt. LTD
PO Date : 07/05/2019
1. Description: Hydrological & Hydrogeological Investigations & route finalization for piping from
source till the plant
2. Scope of Work
1) Water resistivity survey season wise (Hydrogeological survey) to locate the underground
water currents.
2) Hydrological studies of proposed system at site.
3) Tentative yield of the well.
4) Fixing the location of dug wells & Jack well.
5) Finalizing the depth and diameter of the dug wells and Jack wells.
6) Designing layer wise shrouding zone to develop high yielding through the aquifer
7) Topographical survey for all components of works.
8) R Route survey of pipe line & its design from pump discharge to intermediate tank.
2.1 Over and above scopes the detailed scope also includes following jobs:
The scope of work has been divided into the following parts:
A. Hydrological Investigations for estimation of flood and Assessment of maximum flood levels for
the proposed site. This section consists of the below items:
a) Site visit and investigation at the core area (maximum of 50 Acre each site) and in the
Study area that is 10 km radius from the boundary of project site.
b) Study of the local drainage (streams/nallahs/creeks/tanks/ponds etc.) in the project area
and buffer area through Survey of India (SoI) Topo Sheet/remote sensing data and field
c) The study shall include review of topographical features of the proposed site and
its surrounding area.
d) Review and analysis of rainfall information to arrive at design storm scenarios
e) Estimation of peak rainfall intensity for different durations for various return periods.
f) Stream flow analysis if any for pre and post project scenario / Check Dam/dam/barrage
PO No. SERC/MC1/23575410/415
PO Date : 07/05/2019
B. Assessing the Hydrogeological aspects and Groundwater status and availability for the
plant. This section consists of the below items:
I. Collection of various published Hydro-geological and other relevant data from various
State and Central Government sources such as CGWB and other relevant organizations.
C. Pipe line route survey & its design suitable to deliver 150 m3/hr up to intermediate tank of
200 m3.
PO No. SERC/MC1/23575410/415
PO Date : 07/05/2019
2.2.2 Study of the local drainage (streams/nallahs/creeks/tanks/ponds etc.) in the project area
Drainage system is the pattern formed by streams, rivers and lakes in a drainage basin. As an
indivisible part of the land, drainage system is an important component in terrain analysis. In a
drainage basin, a number of factors such as topography, soil type, bedrock type, climate and
vegetation cover, influence input, output and transport of sediment and water. Hence studying the
local drainage is a key step in hydrological study of the area. The drainage patterns for the project
area will be developed by compiling input data in three stages:
i. Primary data collection: This includes data obtained through field visit and directly studying
the topography.
ii. Secondary data collection: Secondary data such as Survey of India (SOI) toposheets serves as
an important source for identifying drainage network such as ponds, tanks, streams and
nallahs. Toposheets from SOI are to be provided for this purpose.
iii. iii) Tertiary data collection: Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS)
technologies are widely used by VEXL to generate drainage networks. Sources such as
Google Earth elevations and India WRIS data have been extensively used for the past
projects for identifying natural drainage patterns prior to siting of industries. One such
example can be found in the map shown below.
2.2.4 Review and analysis of rainfall information to arrive at design storm scenarios
PO No. SERC/MC1/23575410/415
PO Date : 07/05/2019
The total rainfall received in a given period at a location is highly variable from one year to another.
The variability depends on the type of climate and the length of the considered period. In general, it
can be stated that the drier the climate, the higher the variability of rainfall in time. The same holds
for the length of the period: the shorter the period the higher the annual variability of rainfall in that
period. The rainfall analysis will be carried out using the available hourly rainfall record for a long-
term period, which can be collected from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). The
methodology adopted for rainfall analysis is as given below:
i. Analysis of the annual rainfall distribution in the area: This analysis will give the annual
rainfall distribution over the entire period for which rainfall data will be available.
ii. Monthly rainfall distribution: This analysis will give the monthly rainfall distribution and
determine the months with highest rainfall.
iii. Rainfall event analysis: Rainfall event statistics such as identifying rainfall individual events
and corresponding event statistics will be computed from the long-term hourly time series.
2.2.5 Estimation of peak rainfall intensity for different durations and return periods
Peak rainfall intensity will be estimated using IDF analysis is carried out to understand the
relationship between rainfall intensity, duration and its return period. These curves play an
important role in the design of hydrological, hydraulic and water resource systems. The curves are
obtained through frequency analysis of hourly rainfall data over a long period of time.
2.2.7 Estimation and routing of design flood hydrograph considering boundary conditions
Flow routing within a conduit link in PCSWMM is governed by the conservation of mass and
momentum equations for gradually varied, unsteady flow i.e., the Saint Venant flow equations.
2.2.9 Suggesting final disposal point for the storm water & plant drainage
The final disposal point for storm water will be based on the feasibility at the site. This will be
decided only after completion of all the above steps. Lowest point at the site must be identified to
determine the outfall of the drainage network. Also based on the site visit and review of the
topographical features, availability of nearby water body suitable for disposal or re-utilization of the
storm water will be determined based on the client requirement.
PO No. SERC/MC1/23575410/415
PO Date : 07/05/2019
Vendor will use GIS based methodologies for further delineation of potential aquifers. Largely, below
features will be identified for developing potential aquifers:
2.3.3 Observation of water level from the existing dug/ tube wells
Static levels of water will be determined using strings and weight. Ground water levels are being
measured by Central Ground Water Board four times a year during January, March/April/ May,
August and November. A network of 23125 observation wells, as on 31.03.2017, located all over
India, is being monitored. Maharashtra alone has 1850 observatory wells, from which data will be
obtained for the wells located nearest to the proposed site.
2.3.4 Collection of water samples from select dug/ tube wells and surface water source
Ground water samples are collected from these observation wells once a year during the month of
March/April/ May to obtain background information of ground water quality changes on regional
scale. This database thus generated will form the basis for planning the ground water development
and management programs. In case of absence of water quality information, water samples will be
collected to assess the quality of the water. Samples will be taken from locations that are
representative of the water source. The most important tests used in water-quality surveillance are
those for microbiological quality (by the measurement of indicator bacteria) and turbidity and for
free chlorine residual and pH where chlorination is used.
The test conducted on water samples from the region by CGWB have shown that water is alkaline in
nature & TDS is less than 2000 mg/l in most parts of Maharashtra.
of withdrawal for rabi crops. The data is analyzed to know about the frequency distribution of water
levels during different periods and seasonal, annual and decadal fluctuations in water levels. Hence
all the above will be collected for the nearest wells to study the groundwater utilization. Also, during
field visit, purpose of water utilization will be examined by interacting with local population.
not. In GIS platform, water quality maps will be prepared to understand the variability of water
quality for the entire region.
2.3.9 Preparation of report on Occurrence and Movement of ground water in and around the
proposed Site (10 km radius).
Completion time for above task shall be 6 weeks from PO date i.e. by 15-6-2019.
Cost for the above defined scope of
Rs 7,00,000*/- (Rupees Seven Lakhs only)
1 works and (inclusive of charges for all
type of data collection, site visit for
primary data generation, analysis,
reporting, attending technical
meetings and presenting report to
2 GST or any other taxes Extra at actual as per prevailing Govt. Norms
Payment terms (Within 21-30 days 1. 10% after first site visit completion
of hard copy of the bill duly signed 2. 70% on draft report submission.
by the project coordinator) 3. 20% on final report submission and on
evaluation and acceptance by RCCPL
Authorised Signatory