Structure Structure: Magazine Magazine
Structure Structure: Magazine Magazine
Structure Structure: Magazine Magazine
structures against such severe events as
hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados and
blast? This article proposes that struc-
tures be investigated for such events,
using their “reserve strength” which
derives from their ductility and post
elastic strength.
The pushover procedure is used to h t
evaluate this reserve strength and Cop
identify a structure’s primary weak
links, to strengthen them for compliance
with statutory requirements for severe
events, as they are further developed.
This article re-visits the pushover
procedure, to clarify its essential
elements that may not have been
R z
properly applied.
T a
Alaska Earthquake March 27, 1964. Wreckage of the J.C. Penney Department Store at Fifth
We have traditionally designed struc-
Avenue and D Street in Anchorage. The building failed after sustained seismic shaking. Most of the
tures to meet requirements of codes, rubble has been cleared from the streets. Courtesy of
standards, and guidelines, using good
Structural Practices
practice. This standard practice, we will but, more importantly, to make changes Structural Engineers
call “Design Strength Level” or DSL,
maintains structures in the elastic range,
where material stresses are below yield,
buckling or ultimate strength, by a com-
to substantially increase it to meet severe
events demands.
This article proposes that structures,
designed for DSL, be investigated for
Can Provide:
A) Strength designs for A above,
having been “weaned” on elastic
fort margin (safety factor), recognizing their reserve strength, ductility, energy design, whether it is Allowable
reliability of materials, design process, absorption capacity and stability in the Stress Design (ASD) or Load and
and acceptable risk. It is based on provid- post elastic range, to meet the demands Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).
ing adequate stiffness to limit deflections of RSL, using the Pushover procedure. B) Safety assessment, using the
and provide for operating requirements, It will revisit this procedure, to highlight structure’s reserve strength.
cladding compatibility and comfort. It its basic elements and focus on correctly But what is reserve strength, how to
has served us well and continues to be the interpreting them. measure it, how to increase it?
basis for design. For a moment, let us put all codes, Before we proceed, let’s clarify the fol-
Recent events have focused attention of standards, and books aside to answer two lowing, as they pertain to this discussion:
policy makers and the public on safety basic questions. Structure: A building, a bridge, an off-
of structures. They have prompted us shore platform, a silo, or any configura-
practical knowledge beyond the textbook
to look beyond this standard practice, tion that requires structural engineering
A Structure Is Intended To: to bring it to form. A structure can resist
to find ways to address “severe” events.
These may be natural disasters caused by A) Remain functional, under loadings gravity and lateral loads through frame
the environment (hurricanes, tornados, consistent with its intended use action, shear walls, or a combination of
tsunamis and earthquakes) or by people and that of the environment, with both.
(blast and terrorism). no damage, throughout its useful Foundation: An essential part of the
Severe events are not amenable to life. structural system. Coupling structure-soil
strength design, mainly because of pro- B) Provide a safety net for its occu- system is necessary for simulating true
hibitive cost. They demand a higher lev- pants under severe, uncommon performance, even more so under severe
el, which we will call “Reserve Strength demands placed on it by the envi- event loading.
Level” or RSL, which capitalizes on the ronment or other events. In this Cladding, Mechanical & Electrical
inherent reserve strength of structures in condition, the only requirement is Systems: are essential, but are beyond the
the post elastic range, up to collapse. A that the structure will not collapse. scope of this article.
rational approach, commonly referred It can buckle, yield and undergo Reserve Strength: is simply a measure of
to as the “Pushover” procedure, allows large deformations, but must the ability of a structure to sustain addi-
us to not only evaluate reserve capacity remain stable. tional loading, past the DSL, up to collapse.
collapse to that at DSL. (Hardly used.) D) Allow for increase in critical damping using an appropriate damping factor, to
C) The ratio of the target displacement at ratios, especially for large deformations determine DSL inertial joint loads.
a point of interest (roof is commonly prior to collapse. The lateral and vertical components
used) at collapse to that at DSL. E) Perform dynamic (modal) analysis and of these inertial joint loads, along with
summation (SRSS, CQC, others). dead and appropriate live loads, be-
F) Have reliable routines for post elastic come the initial loads to start the
Pushover Defined
performance of yielded joints and pushover analysis. The lateral load
Pushover is simply a step-by-step procedure,
buckled members, to analyze a struc- distribution (shear diagram) is
intended to “mimic” the progression of post ture inpyitsri “deformed shape”. instructive, but not necessary for
elastic deformation of a structure until col- Co models can be used, if justified
Many simpler pushover analysis.
lapse. For dynamic loading, it “mimics” the
by their demonstrated, or intuitively arrived 4) Check that the P-Delta option of the
changes of the inertial loading pattern, recog- at, post elastic performance of the structure- software is active. Increase both the
nizing all significant mode shapes, as it pro- foundation system. Offshore structures have horizontal and vertical inertial loads
gresses to collapse. It is a series of snap-shots of
had the good fortune of ample funding for monotonically until either a member
the deformed structure, at progressive stages, such software. buckles or a joint yields. Buckled
up to collapse. DSL response spectrum with lateral and
i n
members will now have a reduced
The pushover procedure was originally used vertical components, preferably site specific, capacity, which may still be a substan-
to evaluate the reserve strength of offshore otherwise from statutory requirements. The tial portion of its buckling capacity,
platforms for severe earthquakes. Developed
vertical component can be critical, to avoid because it is prevented from total
by this author and implemented by the collapse due to columns punching through collapse by constraints of the overall
co-author, it was presented in an Offshore slabs or beams. deflection of the structure. Yielded
Technology Conference paper in 1975. It was RSL requirements in the form of minimum joints will now either have reduced
adopted by the American Petroleum Institute
in 1977, as its design standard for offshore
reserve strength ratio, or a specified target de-
flection and location. Roofs are commonly
capacity, or full Mp for compact sections.
Perform a new modal analysis using the
platforms, which led to extensive post-elastic used as acceptable locations. The 1975 paper deformed model, to revise the inertia
behavior research and testing of plane and proposed the ratio of the platform deck de- loads. As the structure becomes less
space frames. The paper won the Inaugural flection at collapse to that at DSL be a mea- stiff, inertia loads decrease. When
Hall of Fame Award in May, 2006. sure of reserve strength. It also proposed that and how often to perform such analysis
The concept of evaluating the inherent post this ratio be based on the ratio of the effective is an important call by the engineer,
elastic strength of a structure up to collapse, as ground acceleration at RSL to that at DSL. based on experience and/or intuitive
a measure of its reserve strength to resist major
seismic events, is at the heart of the pushover
procedure. The 1975 paper also proposed two
levels of earthquake events: a “Strength Lev-
el”, with a high probability of occurring dur-
ing the life of the platform, to insure adequate
stiffness, for another round of inertia other severe events incrementally increases is stiffness, and therefore the inertia loads trying
loading revision. Dead and live loads essential, because it is event dependent. Let us to force it down. As deformation continues,
look at a couple of common examples. structural as well as soil damping increases,
are unchanged.
7) As the structure moves towards col- and so does the structure’s resistance. Mass, of
lapse, its stiffness tends to diminish, Hurricanes course, remains unchanged. A structure, well
while its damping tends to increase. These may have lateral and vertical com- designed for post elastic ductility and strength,
Here again the engineer is called upon ponents from waves, stands a good chance of survival.
g h t currents and wind. For
to revisit the damping ratio when up i
offshore platforms,
yr for example, it is critical
dating the inertia loads. This is impor- Cop that this loading increases with
to recognize Fundamentals Of Well
tant in tracking performance. higher waves, stronger currents and faster Designed Structures
8) At collapse, RSL displacement is deter- winds, rather than monotonically, as many er- 1) Critical joints should have high ductil-
mined and compared with statutory or roneously assume. ity, as in compact sections. This allows
target requirements. If it meets these,
the joint to undergo large post elastic
analysis is terminated. It is best to Storm Surge deformations and still maintain full
continue the analysis up to collapse,
Effects of hurricanes on near-shore build- plastic moment (Mp) capability.
to gain insight into the behavior
ings or other structures require a different Concrete columns can provide much
of structures.
approach. In this case, the actual position ductility, as demonstrated by the Olive
9) If RSL displacement at collapse does
T a
of the building is defined by its latitude and View Medical Center ground floor
not meet requirements, the analyst can
longitude, and the maximum surge, with its columns with lateral deflections of
bring it to compliance by :
accompanying wind, is determined for each
2-feet in story height of 12-feet, during
a. Upgrading critical joints to
of the Hurricane Categories. The owners, in the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake.
compact sections
the absence of statutory requirements, select 2) Critical bracing members should have
b. Reducing kl/r values of critical
the level of risk appropriate for their needs, lower Kl/r values, preferably between
bracing members. A high Kl/r value
based on the cost of upgrading to each next 50 and 70, to increase lateral load
provides little reserve strength
level of hurricane category. In each case the resistance and provide signifi-
compared to a lower one.
building is checked for its ability to survive, cant increase in ductility and
using Pushover. reserve strength.
Alaska Earthquake March 27, 1964. Million Dollar Bridge on the Copper River Highway; no. 4 span off
no. 4 pier. View is southwest. Courtesy of
comply with requirements. To illustrate, as- large or complex structures in full 3-D, ficient owner funds to perform the
sume a mid-rise building with a large number with sufficient accuracy to reasonably required analysis for reserve strength.
of joints and members, entirely supported by predict performance. This would allow
three columns, which make up 2% of its total for inclusion of significant higher modes, Conclusion
steel tonnage. If one of these columns buckles torsion, P-Delta effects and coupling of
This article proposes going beyond standard
first, the structure will collapse. The balance of foundation to structure. Efficient
design practice by evaluating structures for
the steel, almost all of it, is worthless, unable software with extensive
t graphical displays
ighreview and understanding “Severe Events”, using their reserve strength.
to help. This would be easily remedied. is essential
p y rfor
It uses the Pushover procedure to evaluate and
The ideal structure is one designed such of theCostrengths and weaknesses of
enhance reserve capacity to achieve compliance
that every major component will “give its all” the structure.
with requirements to be formulated.
before collapse. • Good routines for representing column
Key elements of this procedure are revisited
and joint post elastic behavior are critical.
to underscore their importance for realistic
Future Needs (Wish List) • Software ability to “snap-shot” a de-
representation of structural performance up
formed structure to perform modal
To perform meaningful and realistic pushover to collapse.
analysis and revise inertia loads, as push-
analysis, it is critical that software be made A “wish list” of future needs is proposed,
over progresses.
available which can integrate all elements with emphasis on buildings and other on-
• Determining soil properties that are
needed for such analysis. The offshore industry shore structures.▪
consistent with the level of loading that
had the means and the will to climb this
the structure will be subjected to, espe-
mountain, with both software and testing of
cially as it approaches collapse. For
planar and 3-D braced frames, to investigate
earthquake events, dynamic soil proper- The author wishes to thank Mr.
their performance, and to try and emulate it
ties can be critical to stability. Qi-Song “Kent” Yu, P.E., S.E., Degenkolb
with the software.
• Providing realistic critical damping Engineers, for reviewing this article.
Buildings and onshore structures are more
ratios for structure and foundation, as
complex and diverse. However, they do have
they undergo significant post elastic
the resources to climb their mountain, if one
were to consider the tragic human and mate-
• Establishing free field site dependant
rial loss that natural disasters impose. FEMA, Joe Kallaby, P.E., S.E., is President of
response spectra for groups of foundation
NIST and NSF through ATC, EERI, univer- Offshore Structures, Inc., Houston, Texas.
soils that might be expected, to be evalu-
sities, and similar organizations may hopefully He served as President of ATC and SEAoT.
ated for near field.
see the need and come forth with the resources. He can be reached at
• Establishing “safety” demands for “severe
They have done much for earthquake research For a copy of the Pushover Procedure, please
events,” appropriate for evaluating reserve
and are progressing on wind and blast, but email
strength. For example, for earthquakes,
have yet to commit to address severe events,
this can be a roof target drift or displace-
using reserve strength. Software vendors
ment, an RSR value, or simply the ratio
would follow, having the incentive to develop
of the RSL effective acceleration to that
the software needed. Simplifications and rules
of the DSL.
of thumb in applying Pushover for diverse
small and medium sized structures, classified
Ref. 1: “Inelastic Analysis of Fixed offshore Platforms for Earthquake Loading” by Joseph Kallaby and David N. Millman,
Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Paper No. OTC 2357, May 1975.
Ref. 2: “Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms”, American
Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practice 2A, 7th. Ed., January 1978, Dallas, Texas.