Group Presentation
Group Presentation
Group Presentation
Teamwork All of the members worked Most of the group members Few members of the group The group members has a
together in the presentation work well in the participated in the presentation poor participation,
and effective full collaboration presentation and and lapses in the group communication and
is seen as well. communicated with one communication occur. collaboration.
Content/Topic The topic is clear and well The topic is clear and slighty The topic is somewhat clear and The topic is unclear and not
supported with accurate supported with accurate supported with few accurate supported with evidences
evidences and factual details and evidences. details and evidences. and details.
Mastery The group has mastered the The groups demonstrated The groups can somewhat discuss The groups has diffuculty in
topic and has demonstrated understanding of the topic, and present the topic but lacks discussing and presenting
proficiency in all concepts. and presented well the proficiency in some concepts of the assigned topic.
topic. the topic.
Delivery The topic was overtly deliver, The group deliver well the The group has difficulty in The group can't deliver the
and effective eye contact with topic, eye contact and use delivering the topic with topic. No eye contact is
others established. Use of of verbal/non verbal cues confidence. Eye contact is hardly made; no verbal and non-
verbal and non verbal cues somewhat established. established; verbal and non- verbal cues used.
effectively used. verbal cues seldom used.