6 Training Plan
6 Training Plan
6 Training Plan
Table of Contents
1. DOCUMENT OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................2
1.1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Audience...........................................................................................................................................2
1.3Training Objectives..........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Assumptions.....................................................................................................................................3
2. TRAINING NEEDS IDENTIFICATION................................................................................................3
3. TRAINING APPROACH........................................................................................................................4
3.1 Training Methods............................................................................................................................4
4. TRAINING ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................4
5. TRAINING ROADMAP.........................................................................................................................4
5.1 Training Schedule............................................................................................................................5
6. TRAINING EVALUATION...................................................................................................................6
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Training Plan is to identify the appropriate training strategies for better health
and safety standards and imparting the skill and knowledge in a structured manner in a relatively
safe environment.
The Training Plan provides a clear understanding about the training requirements that have been
defined and hence employees receive training in the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities required
to support the new roles, business processes and/or technology.
1.2 Audience
This document is intended for use by:
Site In charge
HSE Engineer
1.3Training Objectives
Outline what the objectives for the Training Plan are:
Ensure that all staff including the management and the worker receives relevant training
to prepare them for any Safe working practices and new working practices.
Ensure that adequate skill is achieved for performing any relevant kind of job safely.
Ensure a good safety culture is imparted in all the participants in the training.
Develop the awareness and understanding the specific hazards and risks with their jobs
and environment
The following bullets describe what is “in scope” for the project:
Managers, Supervisors, Functional Staff and Operational Staff who will need training on
Health, Safety and environment issues will be included “in scope” for the purposes of
training development
1.5 Assumptions
The following assumptions apply to the Training Plan:
The Training Plan will be based on the training requirements gathered through safety
meeting, preliminary site visit and any incidents/near miss/accidents reports.
Annual Training Schedule
S. No Month Apri Ma Jun Jul Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe
January February March December
Training Topics l y e y t r r r
√ √
1 Risk Identification
√ √
2 Work Permit System
√ √
3 Emergency Plan
Hand tools hazards and control √
4 measures
work at height hazards and control √ √
5 measures
√ √
6 Change Management
√ √
7 Usage of equipment and materials
Lifting activity hazards and control √ √
8 measures
Scaffolding related Hazards and √ √
9 control measures
√ √
10 ladder usage
√ √
11 Body Mechanics
√ √
12 Personal protective Equipment
√ √
13 DCP Fire extinguisher usage
√ √
14 First Aid
Nut and bolt fixing hazards and √ √
15 control measures
√ √
16 waste disposal
Vehicle related hazards and control √ √
17 measures
18 Movement inside the workshop
Electrical hazards and control √
19 measures
Pipe bending machine hazards and √
20 control measures
Welding hazards and control √
21 measures
Grinding machine hazards and √
22 control measures
Air compressor hazards and control √
23 measures
24 Manual lifting
25 Housekeeping
Chemical hazards and control √
26 measures
27 Emergency response
Reporting near miss, √
28 accidents/incidents
Confined space hazards and control √
29 measures
Biological hazards and control √
30 measures
Environmental hazards and control √
31 measures
Exposure limit, hazards and control √
32 measures
Drilling Machine hazards and
33 control measures √
Following are some of the indicators that show the training has been effective:
A reduction in accident severity and frequency.