Sales Contacts:: Companies Within The Atlas Copco Group
Sales Contacts:: Companies Within The Atlas Copco Group
Sales Contacts:: Companies Within The Atlas Copco Group
Companies within
the Atlas Copco Group
Sales Contacts:
• Asia, Australia,
New Zealand, Japan
telephone (852) 235 70 963
facsimile (852) 276 31 875
• Austria
telephone (43) 2246 4677
facsimile (43) 2246 4682
• Belgium, Luxembourg
telephone (32) 2 660 4938
facsimile (32) 2 672 6092
• France
telephone (33) 2 40 80 20 00
facsimile (33) 2 40 33 27 07
• Germany
telephone (49) 6181 4110
facsimile (49) 6181 411184
• International
telephone (44) 1442 344 300
facsimile (44) 1442 344 602
• Italy
telephone (39) 039 244 101
facsimile (39) 039 465 5025
• Netherlands
telephone (31) 765 878 668
facsimile (31) 765 878 825
• Portugal
telephone (35) 11 3158792
facsimile (35) 11 3158793
• South Africa
telephone (27) 11 821 9300
facsimile (27) 11 821 9360
• Spain
telephone (34) 91 590 3152
facsimile (34) 91 590 3161
• United Kingdom
telephone (44) 1442 344 301
facsimile (44) 1442 344 600
• U.S.A., Canada and Mexico
telephone (1) 800 867 2442
facsimile (1) 800 232 6611
Editions Coiffard, Nantes
CVIC: Mastering assembly
GEORGES RENAULT: Excellence in assembly
The ultra-quick motor braking allows for high working speeds and contributes to reducing cycle time. The perfect control of servo-
motors makes it possible to sometimes increase speed by 50 % as compared with pneumatic screwdrivers.
The reliability of the assemblies with a CVIC eliminates the need for check and repair operations as well as discards.
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CVIC: Mastering assembly
GEORGES RENAULT: Excellence in assembly
The ultra-quick motor braking allows for high working speeds and contributes to reducing cycle time. The perfect control of servo-
motors makes it possible to sometimes increase speed by 50 % as compared with pneumatic screwdrivers.
The reliability of the assemblies with a CVIC eliminates the need for check and repair operations as well as discards.
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CVIC: Technological expertise
Brushless autosynchronous electric motor, no friction parts, and therefore no wear.
PC • All types of serial printers, including
• Networking label printers
• Programming
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CVIC: Technological expertise
Brushless autosynchronous electric motor, no friction parts, and therefore no wear.
PC • All types of serial printers, including
• Networking label printers
• Programming
4 5
Automatic or Manual Torque Tuning The partnership
The tools supplied have been tuned and can perform thou- 2. Your tool is used for several torque values. We recommend
sands of tightening operations without re-tuning, but to comply that you use the automatic tuning process in order to opti-
with ISO9000, you will have to re-tune your tools at regular mise the time and accuracy of the tool over its entire opera-
intervals. This task can be performed by you or our aftersales ting range. Chicago Pneumatic, Desoutter The International Alliance features 3 product companies based in USA, UK and France, utili-
department. You can choose between two processes: Limited and Georges Renault have sing state-of-the-art CNC machining and 3D CAD systems to aid innovative product develop-
1. Your tool is used on a station for tightening at a given formed an International Alliance.
With the combined strengths and
torque, then you can use the manual tuning process with all
the GEORGES RENAULT torque and torque + angle mea- expertise of the three brands, we
can offer an even greater range of
suring units products and services, covering a
wide spectrum from simple faste-
ning tools, drills and abrasive tools Chicago Pneumatic, Rock Georges Renault, Nantes,
to state-of-the-art assembly and Hill, USA. Focused on France. Focused on manu-
drilling systems. We will maximise assembly of impact facturing of abrasive tools,
wrenches and pneumatic electric tools and torque
the use of product development
hammers. measurement equipment.
skills, manufacturing expertise in 2
continents, state-of-the-art centrali-
sed distribution centres and local
market support and service from our
combined sales companies.
Power Tools Distribution
Through this integration, come Centre, Hoeselt, Belgium.
many benefits to the customer: one All power tools, accesso-
Desoutter, Hemel ries and spare parts reach
invoice, one point of contact, reco- Hempstead, England. our customers from our
gnised brand strength in priority Focused on manufacturing Global Warehouse in
market sectors, application/techni- of drills, pneumatic and Hoeselt, where a direct
cal knowledge and a full product electric screwdrivers, ham- delivery system is operated
range to satisfy customer and distri- mers and autofeed drills. to distribute stocked items
butor needs. within 24 / 48 h.
Other products
Drills Pneumatic motors Autofeed drills and tappers Screwdrivers
The standard measuring line consists of a torque transducer connected to the tool and a measuring unit of the new DELTA4000
generation to control the tool associated to the CVIC.
The results of the standard measuring line are automatically compared with the results of the tool over the entire torque range to
set up a conversion table between the actual torque and the electric power consumption.
This linearisation table is memorised in the tool. It allows you to use the tool over its entire torque range with no need to readjust
the torque tuning coefficient.
Actual torque
Actual torque
Torque displayed
Current read
Torque displayed
Time Time