HE Alone
HE Alone
HE Alone
HE Alone
The Common Ground
Acharya Shams Naved Usmani
Syed Abdullah Tariq
2|Sanatan Dharma
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan
Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1 Sanatan Dharma Part 1
My Right!
Form Worship
Form Worship:
Form worship is prevalent in some way or the other among
many sects of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians but of
these Hindus are clearly the most vocal or apparent practicers
of Form Worship. All the other seem to justify their practices
which are essentially form worship.
The Vedas:
“----uSuewn~/aoZ u fr¸;ZŒpa u e/;s ifjtxzHkr” (Y.V. 32:2)
He cannot be comprehended from either sides or in
the middle.
In Gita:
“votkufUr eka ew<k ekuq"kha ruqekfJre~A
ija HkkoetkuUrks ee Hkwregs’oje~”AA (Gita 9:11)
(In his translation of Veda, Griffith has mentioned in the foot note of the
above Mantra that Shankaracharya has defined Asambhuti as
Undeveloped Prakriti or Nature in its casual or germinal state)
In Purans:
It is declared in Srimad Bhagawat Maha Puran that:
them? To this question the Jains proudly claim that they taught
idolatry to Hindus. They who did not believe in the Sovereignty
of God could have found solace in material objects only but why
did Vedic Dharmis sent their spiritualism in to hibernation so as
to need symbols for worship? Lala Sumer Chand Jain writes:
One day Taaran went in to a temple and placed the food plate
before the lord. After a while he went there again and
Lala Sumer Chand Jain, Jain Mat Saar (Urdu) Jain Mitra Mandal
Dharampura Delhi, May 1938, P. 293.
observed that the idol had not eaten anything from it. He
thought it was perhaps because the lord had not taken a bath.
He took the idol to the river, dived to the bottom and left it
there. After he came out of water he called the god to come
out. Getting no answer he said, “I am going home and shall
visit the temple after my lunch. Meanwhile you come over to
the temple”. The idol was not there when Taaran reached the
temple. The same evening when his father came home,
Taaran narrated the event to him. Filled with rage, he ordered
Taaran to be drowned in the river. He escaped. He was
poisoned but he survived. This lad later became Taaran Swami.
“e`fPNyk/kkrqnkoZafn ewrkZoh’ojcq);%
fdy’;fUr rilk ew<k% ijka ’kkfUr u ;kfUr rs”
The fools think that the idols of clay, stone, metal or
wood are gods. They can never attain peace.
The Solution:
The Rig Veda had declared in the very beginning, “lR;f’p=
JoLre%” i.e. only that image or idol is true that hears or in
other words which is alive. The man is a God-made idol in this
temple of universe. The man, made of earth is a masterpiece
model of His Creation. Every art reminds of its artist. The man-
made idols speak of the artistry of their makers. The human
being reminds of his maker-artist, the Creator. This living idol
is the unique medium of His worship. Elaborating this
principle, Gita said:
Dr. Chaman Lal Gautam, Vishnu Rahasya, P. 149
Akhand Jyoti, April 1981, P. 9
Akhand Jyoti June 1985, P.15
Akhand Jyoti, July 1985, P.28
This in fact has been the wisdom (or imprudence) of the seers
that they remained completely incapable of thinking at the
mental level of general masses by descending from their
higher plane, while assigning the principles for the masses
that were different from their own perceptions. By calling an
attribute of One God as Shiva and imagining its form and
figure they could not foresee that Shiva’s birthday will be
started and this imaginary figure will take form of a definite
person to the extent that its Linga (male organ) will become
the object of worship. Let the Sanatan Dharmi brothers think
whether there can be a birth day of eternal God. Is it possible
for any of his attribute to have male organ? How deep is the
dark ignorance in which those proud ones are lost who had
once enlightened the world? The only solution of this sorrow
state is that Sanatan Dharmis should destroy all the symbols
of imaginary partners of One God with their own hands. Pt. Sri
Ram Sharma has invited to reflect in this direction:
Akhand Jyoti, June 1985, P.13-16
Akhand Jyoti June 1985, P. 14
Akhand Jyoti June 1985, P. 16
The belief in incarnation of God is an important part of present
day Sanatan Dharma. It is said that whenever there is decline of
Dharma and rise of Adharma, God takes birth on earth in
human mould to re-establish Dharma. This belief is called
Avtar-vaad or incarnation-ism. Let us see how rational it is and
how far it is justifiable in the light of Vedas, called Word of God.
Is it logical that God who even after being at one place is also
omnipresent, and is getting every scheme implemented from
heaven to earth, will have to take birth in human mould for the
purpose of establishment of Dharma and destruction of evil
and then after growing up he concludes this work and then dies
like a man? Why at all Dharma is subdued in the world? Why
do the evil prosper? It is because God has given the discretion
to man to act as he wills after giving him knowledge of good
and bad. This is the scheme and design of God. When Adharma
(Anti-Dharma) prospers and the knowledge fades then Divine
Guidance is needed. But God does not descend Himself for this
purpose. Instead He selects the pious to guide the people and
reveals His Word to their inner self. Had He willed He could
have instituted Dharma without going through this process but
then the liberty and free-will of man to act would have become
meaningless. “vnC/kkfu o#.kL; ozrkfu---” (R.V. 1:24:10) i.e. the
laws of God do not change. The liberty He has given to man will
last till his death. He could have preached the Truth after taking
birth in a human mould but then the man could have argued,
“O Lord, You could face the hardships and trial associated with
the path of Truth as you were in fact God in the mould of man.
A mere human being could not bear it”. Therefore for guiding
people in every era, God chose a human being who not only
would guide but be a model also in practice. Ish-Doot
(Messengers of God) is the most appropriate word for such
people. There is no harm in allegorically calling the arrival of
such seer in the world as the arrival of God Himself but those
saints were not God. They were humans.
Dr. Tara Chand in ‘Influence of Islam on Indian Culture’ and Kabir, Shabad
8 quoted in the above book, 1963 P. 163
Kabir, Shabad 8 quoted by Dr. Tara Chand in ‘Influence of Islam on Indian
Culture’ 1963 p.163
(The gist of) Guru Granth sahib, Ram Kali Ki Vaar, Shloka M 1, P. 153-54
Akhand Jyoti, March 1981, P. 39
God has never been casual about His creation. During this long
span of time called Kaliyuga, the messengers of God kept coming
to different parts of the world at different intervals. The Dharma
never totally collapsed in all parts of the world. Even today the
righteous are born and preach according to the guidance of the
messengers of God. It may be that a pious person has already
passed during the Kaliyuga whom the Purans have allegorically
called Kalki otherwise there is no rational basis of God visiting the
earth in human mould in the meager time remaining in Kaliyuga.
Satyuga was the age of Truth and Dharma. There were no evil
and sins. For whose destruction in the times of righteousness
God had to visit the earth in human body as many as four
times? There were some evil in Treta and God assumed three
incarnations. The evil increased in Dwapar but God visited
only twice for the reform and Kaliyuga is the age of pitch
darkness and evil and not only God has not yet taken birth but
it is said that He will be born only once in the remaining time
of Kaliyuga! How irrational is this? The only acceptable
assumption in this context would be that there had been four
virtuous persons of such a high stature in Satyuga, three in
Treta, Two In Dwapar and One in Kaliyuga that their advent
was allegorically called as the descent of God. This is totally
unacceptable that for the eradication of evil, God visited
frequently in the age of righteousness and the number of his
visits decreased with the increase in evil.
This is also worth considering that had there been God in the
human mould, He would have left the body by His own will at
the time of His choosing. Sri Krishna was accidentally hit while
asleep. It was an accidental death.
(The doctrine of God’s fragments)
There are great names behind the theory that all creation
originates from God. All of them with minor variations have
adopted the theory propagated by either of the above
Acharyas. The doctrine has two basic variants. One, that
everything we see is an optical illusion, Only God being really
present. Two, there is part of God in everything. How so great
these scholars were, such doctrines may be the result of their
thoughts or their propounded philosophies but they do not
corroborate the Dharma given by God. The scholars of this
class base their contention mainly on Vedanta or Uttar
Mimansa Darshan instead of any divine scripture. Vedanti
scholars claim that Vedanta is the synopsis of Vedas. Vedanta
is one of the six ancient Indian philosophies. Whereas the
other five philosophies either reject the sovereignty of God or
put limits to it, Badrayan the creator of Vedanta has
For the detailed discussion of this subject you may see Ch. ‘Agni Rahasya’
in our Hindi book ‘Kitney Door Kitney Paas’.
“e vfXuukfXu% lfe/;rs dfox`Zgifr;qZok gO;kokM~ tqgokL;%”
(R.V. 1:12:6)
Knowledgeable, Home-protector, Oblation solemnizer
and bright faced Agni is lighted by Agni.
It evolves that there are two Agnis. One is the Creator Agni and
the other creation. The word ‘Agni’ has been explained by both
Arya Samajis and Sanatan Dharmis as Agrini (vxz.kh) i.e. Foremost,
the First of all. Now the God is Agni as He is First of all. Nothing
existed before Him. When He created his first creation, He gave
him His attributive name Agni as he was the first and foremost
among all creation. This first creation was a soul, the first soul
Param Aatma (ije vkRek) or Paramatma (ijekRek) because before
being given the material body it was in celestial world.
The Forgotten
Eternal (Shashvat) Dharma
down before man-made figures is His insult and a great sin. Let
us revise the judgment of Vedas once again:
(In the same way, in the succeeding Mantras of this Sukta i.e.
2:1:4,6,7,&11 the same One Sovereign is called Mitra, Aryam,
Rudra, Pusha, Savita, Vayu, Ida and Saraswati etc.)
— End —