Arcc - Apollo Remembrance and Celebration Calendar - Publiek
Arcc - Apollo Remembrance and Celebration Calendar - Publiek
Arcc - Apollo Remembrance and Celebration Calendar - Publiek
05-01 1930 - Birth of Edward Galen "Ed" (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Givens Jr. was on the support
crew of Apollo 7, but
died in a car crash near
Houston, Texas on
June 6, 1967.
2018 - Death of John Watts Young. Info: see birth 2.3. 7-3-2020
September 24.
10-01 1932 - Birth of Milton "Milt" Windler. Flight director. Maroon 3.4. 8-3-2020
Flight. Apollo missions
8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and
15-01 1935 - Birth of Roger Bruce Chaffee. (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Selected as Pilot (third
seat) on Apollo 1, was
killed with Grissom and
White in the fire.
16-01 2017 - Death of Eugene Andrew Info: see birth March 2.3. 8-3-2020
“Gene” Cernan. 14.
20-01 1930 - Birth of Buzz Aldrin, born (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr. Second-seat veteran on
Gemini 12, flew as
Lunar Module Pilot on
Apollo 11, the first
Moon landing.
21-01 1967 - Apollo 4. S-II second stage The S-II development 3. 13-3-2020
delivered to KSC. was known to be about
a year behind schedule,
and the first flight-ready
stage did not make its
delivery in 1966.
28-01 1991 - Death of Clifford Eugene Flight director. Info: see 3.4. 8-3-2020
“Cliff” Charlesworth. birth November 29.
29-01 1964 - Mission SA-5. 16:25 GMT First flight of live 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn I SA-5. Launch second stage. First
Complex 37B. orbital flight.
2016 - Death of Edgar Dean "Ed" Info: see birth 2.3. 8-3-2020
Mitchell. September 17.
07-02 1932 - Birth of Alfred Merrill "Al" (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Worden. Command Module Pilot
on Apollo 15.
14-02 1967 - Apollo 4. CSM 017 was After Apollo 1 fire, CSM 3. 13-3-2020
removed from the stack for repair. was subjected to an
intensive inspection that
found a total of 1,407
errors in the spacecraft.
Repair required another
four months until it was
ready to be re-mated to
the rocket on June 20.
16-02 1965 - Mission AS-103. 14:37 GMT Carried first Pegasus 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn I SA-9. Launch micrometeorite satellite
Complex 37B. (Pegasus A) in addition
to boilerplate CSM.
26-02 1966 - Mission AS-201. 16:12 GMT First test of Saturn IB. 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn IB AS-201. Launch First flight of Block I
Complex 34. Apollo CSM. After a
suborbital flight the CM
landed in the Atlantic
Ocean demonstrating
the heat shield;
however a propellant
pressure loss caused
premature SM engine
01-03 1924 - Birth of Donald Kent "Deke" (Mercury Seven). 2.3. 7-3-2020
Slayton. NASA's Director of
Flight Crew Operations
during the Gemini and
Apollo programs was
Donald K. "Deke"
Slayton, one of the
original Mercury Seven
astronauts, who was
medically grounded in
September 1962 due to
a minor cardiac
arrythmia – paroxysmal
atrial fibrillation. Slayton
was responsible for
making all Gemini and
Apollo crew
assignments. In March
1972, Slayton was
restored to flight status,
and flew on the 1975
Apollo–Soyuz Test
Project mission.
06-03 1927 - Birth of Leroy Gordon "Gordo" (Mercury Seven). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Cooper Jr. veteran of Mercury
Faith 7 and commander
of Gemini 5, was
replaced as Apollo 14
commander by Alan
Shepard and resigned
from NASA in 1970.
12-03 1923 - Birth of Walter M. “Wally” (Mercury Seven). Pilot 2.3. 7-3-2020
Schirra Jr. of Sigma 7 and
commander of Gemini
6A, was selected to
command a second
CSM test flight which
was canceled in late
1966, at which time he
was reassigned as
Grissom's backup.
Twenty-one months
after the Apollo 1 fire,
Schirra commanded the
first Block II CSM test
flight, Apollo 7. He was
the only member of the
"Mercury Seven" to fly
on all three programs.
14-03 1928 - Birth of Frank Frederick (Astronaut Group 2). 2.3. 7-3-2020
Borman II. Commander of Gemini
7, selected to command
a higher Earth orbit test
of the complete Apollo
spacecraft. But when
delays prevented the
LM from being ready in
time for its first flight in
December 1968,
Borman's mission was
changed to the first
lunar orbital flight of the
CSM on Apollo 8.
16-03 1932 - Birth of Ronnie Walter (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Cunningham. Flew third seat on
Apollo 7.
17-03 1930 - Birth of James Benson "Jim" (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Irwin. Lunar Module Pilot on
Apollo 15.
1967 - Apollo 6. S-IVB and S-IU erected in the VAB four 3. 15-3-2020
delivered at KSC. days later, with the S-
S-IC erected with S-IVB and S-IU IVB third stage and
and substitute spacer for S-II. Instrument Unit
computer arriving the
same day. The S-II
second stage was two
months behind them
and so was substituted
with a dumbbell-shaped
spacer so testing could
proceed. This had the
same height and mass
as the S-II along with all
the electrical
30-03 1966 - Saturn V SA-500F was first F stands for “Facilities 3. 11-3-2020
stacked on Mobile Launcher 1 in the Integration Vehicle”.
Vehicle Assembly Building High Bay
1 up to the Instrument Unit.
03-04 1926 - Birth of Virgil Ivan "Gus" (Mercury Seven). Pilot 2.3. 7-3-2020
Grissom of Liberty Bell 7 and
commander of the first
crewed Gemini mission,
Grissom was selected
in 1966 as Command
Pilot for the first crewed
mission, Apollo 1, a low
Earth orbit test of the
Block I
Module. This mission
ended a month before
its scheduled launch
when a cabin fire on the
launch pad killed
Grissom and his entire
crew—Ed White and
Roger Chaffee—on
January 27, 1967.
According to Slayton,
Grissom would have
been his choice to be
the first to walk on the
1990 - Death of Ronald Ellwin Evans Info: see birth 2.3. 8-3-2020
Jr. November 10.
1972 - Mission Apollo 16. 17:54 GMT Duration: 11d 01h 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn V (AS-511). Launch 51m 05s. Landing in 3. 9-3-2020
Complex 39A. CM Casper, LM Descartes Highlands.
Orion. Crew: John Young, Ken Conducted 3 lunar
Mattingly, Charles Duke. EVAs and one deep
21:15:53 UTC Docking LM. space EVA.
24-04 1967 - The official Apollo mission The failed first crewed 3. (Apollo 4) 13-3-2020
numbering scheme approved by flight was
Mueller. asynchronously
designated Apollo 1 in
honor of the crew
widows' wishes.
Although three
uncrewed Saturn IB
flights already occurred,
only two contained an
Apollo spacecraft (AS-
203 carried only the
aerodynamic nose
cone). Accordingly,
Mueller resumed the
numbering sequence at
Apollo 4.
25-04 1962 - Mission SA-2. 14:00 GMT Dummy upper stages 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn I SA-2. Launch released 22,900 U.S.
Complex 34. gallons (86,685 l) of
water into upper
atmosphere, to
investigate effects on
radio transmission and
changes in local
weather conditions.
02-05 1966 - Saturn V SA-500F. The See March 30, 1966. 3. 11-3-2020
Apollo Command/Service Module
facilities verification boilerplate was
added to the stack.
2007 - Death of Walter Marty “Wally” Info: see birth March 2.3. 7-3-2020
Schirra Jr. 12.
09-05 1931 - Birth of Vance DeVoe Brand. (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Was on the support
crew for Apollo 8 and
Apollo 13; was named
as Apollo 15 backup
Command Module Pilot.
Flew as CMP on the
Apollo–Soyuz Test
Project. After Apollo, he
also flew as
commander of STS-5,
STS-41-B and STS-35.
11-05 1971 - Apollo 15 Rollout. Space 7. 10-3-2020
vehicle and MLP #3 transferred to
launch complex 39A.
13-05 1964 - Mission A-001. 13:00 GMT LES transonic test, 1. 5-3-2020
launch Little Joe II. success except for
parachute failure.
18-05 1969 - Mission Apollo 10. Day 1. Duration: 08d 00h 1. 5-3-2020
16:49:00 GMT launch Saturn V (AS- 03m 23s. "Dress 7. 17-3-2020
505). Launch Complex 39B. CM rehearsal" for lunar
Charlie Brown, LM Snoopy. Crew: landing. The LM
Thomas P. Stafford, John Young, descended to 8.4
Eugene Cernan. nautical miles (15.6 km)
16:51:42 GMT S-IC/S-II separation from lunar surface.
16:52:17 GMT Launch escape tower
16:58:13 GMT S-II/S-IVB separation
17:00:53 GMT Earth orbit insertion.
19:22:19 GMT S-IVB 2nd burn
restart command.
19:28:20 GMT Translunar injection.
19:51:42 GMT CSM separated from
S-IVB (ignition).
20:06:36 GMT CSM docked with
20:45:25 GMT CSM/LM ejected from
21:34:36 GMT S-IVB lunar slingshot
maneuver - APS ignition.
22:17:55 GMT S-IVB lunar slingshot
maneuver - APS ignition.
19-05 1965 - Mission A-003. 13:01 GMT. LES canard maximum 1. 5-3-2020
altitude abort test.
22-05 1969 - Apollo 10. Day 5. -The ascent stage was 7. 17-3-2020
01:14:08 GMT Lunar orbit loaded with the amount 3. 17-3-2020
circularization ignition. of fuel and oxidizer it
19:00:57 GMT CSM/LM undocked. would have had
20:35:01 GMT Descent orbit remaining if it had lifted
insertion ignition (SPS). off from the surface and
21:30:43 GMT LM closest approach reached the altitude at
to lunar surface. which the Apollo 10
23:33:49 GMT Anomalous motion of ascent stage fired; this
LM started. was only about half the
23:34:12 GMT LM in rapid roll. total amount required
23:34:16 GMT LM ascent for lift off and
stage/descent stage separated. rendezvous with the
23:34:25 GMT LM ascent stage CSM.
anomalous motion under control. -During descent stage
23:44:02 GMT Ascent orbit insertion separation, the lunar
ignition. module began to roll
unexpectedly because
the crew accidentally
duplicated commands
into the flight computer
which took the LM out
of abort mode, the
correct configuration for
this maneuver. The live
network broadcasts
caught Cernan and
Stafford uttering several
expletives before
regaining control of the
1961 - Kennedy’s proposal to put a “... I believe that this 3. (Apollo program) 21-
25-05 man on the moon before a joint nation should commit 3-2020
session of Congress. itself to achieving the
goal, before this decade
is out, of landing a man
on the Moon and
returning him safely to
the Earth. No single
space project in this
period will be more
impressive to mankind,
or more important in the
long-range exploration
of space; and none will
be so difficult or
expensive to
2018 - Death of Alan LaVern Bean. Info: see birth March 2.3. 8-3-2020
28-05 1964 - Mission AS-101. 17:07 GMT Tested first boilerplate 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn I SA-6. Launch Apollo command and
Complex 37B. service module (CSM)
for structural integrity.
02-06 1930 - Birth of Charles "Pete" (Astronauts Group 2). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Conrad Jr. Second-seat veteran of
Gemini 5 and
commander of Gemini
11, commanded Apollo
12, the second lunar
landing. He went on to
command Skylab 2,
successfully completing
repairs to the
spacecraft that saved it
for this and two
subsequent missions.
06-06 1932 - Birth of David Randolph Scott. (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Second-seat veteran of
Gemini 8, flew as
Command Module Pilot
on Apollo 9, and
commanded the Apollo
15 lunar landing.
1967 - Death of Edward Galen "Ed" Car crash. Info: see 2.3. 8-3-2020
Givens Jr. birth January 5.
08-06 1966 - Saturn V SA-500F was rolled Though the ground 3. 11-3-2020
back from Pad A to the VAB crew supposed the
temporarily as Hurricane Alma rollback was more of an
passed. exercise than necessity
because winds
remained below critical
for the entire storm.
10-06 1929 - Birth of James Alton McDivitt. (Astronaut Group 2). 2.3. 7-3-2020
Commander of Gemini
4, selected in late 1966
to command the first
Earth orbital flight test
of the Apollo Lunar
Module with the CSM.
This mission flew in
March 1969 as Apollo
9. After his flight,
McDivitt was promoted
to Manager of Lunar
Landing Operations,
and in August 1969 was
promoted to Manager of
the Apollo Spacecraft
1993 - Death of Donald Kent "Deke" Info: see birth March 1. 2.3. 7-3-2020
20-06 1967 - Apollo 4. CSM 017 was re- Removed from stack on 3. 13-3-2020
mated to the rocket. February 14.
2005 - Death of M. P. (Pete) Frank. Flight director. Info: see 4.5. 8-3-2020
birth August 20.
23-06 1930 - Birth of Donn Fulton Eisele. (Astronaut 3). Flew 2.3. 8-3-2020
second seat on Apollo
29-06 1965 - Mission: Pad Abort Test 2. LES pad abort test of 1. 5-3-2020
13:00 GMT. near Block-I CM.
1969 - Apollo 12. CSM #108 moved NB: 20-3-1969: Apollo 7. 10-3-2020
to VAB. 12. Spacecraft moved
to VAB. ???
03-07 1935 - Birth of Harrison Hagan (Astronaut Group 4). In 2.3. 8-3-2020
"Jack" Schmitt. 1970, he was selected
as Lunar Module Pilot
for the Apollo 15
backup crew, and prime
crew on Apollo 18.
When program
cutbacks canceled
missions 18 through 20,
NASA's lunar geological
community insisted on
having a geologist on
the Moon, so Slayton
reassigned Schmitt to
Apollo 17.
1971 - Mission Apollo 15. 13:34 GMT Duration: 12d 07h 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn V (AS-510). Launch 11m 53s. Landing at 3. 10-3-2020
Complex 39A. CM Endeavour, LM Hadley–Apennine. First 7. 10-3-2020
Falcon. Crew: David Scott, Alfred extended LM, three-day
Worden, James Irwin. lunar stay. First use of
13:36:41 GMT S-IC/S-II separation Lunar Roving Vehicle.
command. Conducted 3 lunar
13:43:10 GMT S-II/S-IVB separation surface EVAs and one
command. deep space EVA on
16:30:03 GMT TLI. return to retrieve orbital
17:07:49 UTC Docking LM. camera film from SM.
27-07 1934 - Wernher von Braun was Thesis entitled "About 3. 19-3-2020
awarded a doctorate in physics from Combustion Tests"; his
the University of Berlin. doctoral supervisor was
Erich Schumann.
However, this thesis
was only the public part
of von Braun's work.
His actual full thesis,
Theoretical, and
Experimental Solution
to the Problem of the
Liquid Propellant
Rocket (dated April 16,
1934) was kept
classified by the
German army, and was
not published until
30-07 1965 - Mission AS-105. 13:00 GMT Carried Pegasus C and 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn I SA-10. Launch boilerplate CSM.
Complex 37B.
05-08 1930 - Birth of Neil Alden Armstrong. (Astronauts Group 2). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Commander of Gemini
8, commanded Apollo
11, becoming the first
human to set foot on
the Moon.
08-08 1991 - Death of James Benson "Jim" Info: see birth March 2.3. 8-3-2020
Irwin. 17.
09-08 1968 - Apollo 7 Rollout. Space 7. 12-3-2020
vehicle moved to launch complex 34.
16-08 1933 - Birth of Stuart Allen "Stu" (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Roosa. Command Module Pilot
on Apollo 14.
17-08 1933 - Birth of Eugene Francis Flight director. White 3.4. 8-3-2020
“Gene” Kranz. Flight. Apollo missions
7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16 and
2012 - Death of Neil Alden Info: see birth August 5. 2.3. 8-3-2020
26-08 1932 - Birth of Joe Henry Engle. (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
was originally named as
Apollo 17 Lunar Module
Pilot, but lost his slot to
Schmitt. After Apollo,
he flew in the Space
Shuttle Approach and
Landing Tests, then
commanded STS-2 and
28-08 1963 - Mission QTV. 13:05 GMT Little Joe II qualification 1. 5-3-2020
launch Little Joe II. test.
30-08 1931 - Birth of John Leonard “Jack” (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Swigert Jr. Flew as Mattingly's
backup on Apollo 13.
07-09 1942 - Birth of John W. Aaron. Flight controller 3.4. 9-3-2020. For date
EECOM. He is widely of birth:
credited with saving the https://www.facebook.c
Apollo 12 mission when om/goflightunsunghero
it was struck by es, post September 7,
lightning soon after 2017. Retrieved 9-3-
launch (try SCE to 2020
Aux), and also played
an important role during
the Apollo 13 crisis
(designed the
power budget for its
10-09 1944 - Birth of John Royer "Jack" Flight controller GUIDO. 3.4. 9-3-2020
Garman. Assisted during Apollo
11 in the Backroom,
recognised 1202 en
1201 program alarms,
advised GUIDO Steve
Bales to proceed.
12-09 1962 - Kennedy speaks at Rice “We choose to go to the 3. (Apollo program) 21-
University about moon program. Moon. We choose to go 3-2020
to the Moon in this Origineel:
decade and do the https://www.jfklibrary.or
other things, not g/asset-
because they are easy, viewer/archives/JFKPO
but because they are F/040/JFKPOF-040-001
hard; because that goal
will serve to organize
and measure the best
of our energies and
skills; because that
challenge is one that
we are willing to accept,
one we are unwilling to
postpone, and one we
intend to win.”
17-09 1930 - Birth of Thomas Patten “Tom” (Astronaut Group 2). 2.3. 7-3-2020
Stafford. Second-seat veteran of
Gemini 6A and
commander of Gemini
9A, commanded a lunar
orbital test of the Lunar
Module on Apollo 10.
He also commanded
the Apollo–Soyuz Test
Project mission.
1930 - Birth of Edgar Dean "Ed" (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Mitchell. Lunar Module Pilot on
Apollo 14.
24-09 1930 - Birth of John Watts Young. (Astronaut Group 2). 2.3. 7-3-2020
Second-seat veteran of
Gemini 3 and
commander of Gemini
10, flew as Command
Module Pilot on Apollo
10. Young later
commanded the
successful Apollo 16
lunar landing. He also
commanded the first
Space Shuttle flight,
STS-1 Columbia, April
12–14, 1981, and STS-
9, also on Columbia,
November 28-
December 8, 1983.
26-09 1932 - Birth of Clifton Curtis "C.C." (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Williams Jr. Was named as
Schweickart's Lunar
Module Pilot backup
crew, but was killed
when the T-38 jet he
was flying crashed near
Tallahassee, Florida on
October 5, 1967. He
was replaced by Bean,
who flew on Apollo 12.
03-10 1935 - Birth of Charles Moss (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
“Charlie” Duke Jr. First achieved public
recognition as capsule
communicator during
the Apollo 11 Moon
landing; notable for the
quote: "...we copy you
on the ground. You've
got a bunch of guys
about to turn blue; we're
breathing again.
Thanks a lot."[5] Duke
flew as Lunar Module
Pilot on Apollo 16.
2004 - Death of Leroy Gordon Info: see birth March 6. 2.3. 8-3-2020
"Gordo" Cooper Jr.
05-10 1929 - Birth of Richard Francis “Dick” (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Gordon Jr. Second-seat veteran on
Gemini 11, flew as
Command Module Pilot
on Apollo 12. Gordon
was selected to
command the Apollo 18
lunar landing, which
was later canceled.
1967 - Death of Clifton Curtis "C.C." Crashed. Info: see birth 2.3. 8-3-2020
Williams Jr. September 26.
07-10 1942 - Birth of Steve Bales. Flight controller GUIDO. 3.4. 9-3-2020
during the descent of
the Apollo 11 Lunar
Module Eagle, when
"1202" and "1201"
program alarms came
from the LM. GUIDO
Steve Bales, not sure
whether to call for an
abort, trusted the
experts in the guidance
backroom, especially
Jack Garman,
11-10 1968 - Mission Apollo 7. Day 1. Duration: 10d 20h 09m 1. 5-3-2020
14:53:45 GMT Unscheduled 2- 03s. Test flight of Block 7. 19-3-2020
minute 45-second hold to complete II CSM in Earth orbit;
propellant chilldown. included first live TV
14:56:30 GMT Countdown resumed broadcast from
at T-6 minutes 15 seconds. American spacecraft.
15:02:45 GMT launch Saturn IB (AS-
205). Launch Complex 34. Crew:
Wally Schirra, Donn F. Eisele, Walter
15:05:10 GMT S-IB/S-IVB separation
15:05:31 GMT Launch escape tower
15:13:11 GMT Earth orbit insertion.
16:21:19 GMT Start of two-minute
power failure in Mission Control
Center started. No loss of
17:57:47 GMT Separation of CSM
from S-IVB.
18:22:54 GMT 1st rendezvous
phasing maneuver ignition.
17-10 1933 - Birth of William Alison “Bill” (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Anders. Flew third seat on
Apollo 8.
21-10 1966 - Saturn V SA-500F destacked. See literature for further 3. 11-3-2020
fate of the stages.
25-10 1935 - Birth of Russell Louis "Rusty" (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Schweickart. Flew as Lunar Module
Pilot on Apollo 9.
Schweickart performed
an EVA outside the
spacecraft, testing the
portable life support
system used on the
27-10 1961 - Mission SA-1. 15:06 GMT Test of Saturn I first 1. 5-3-2020
launch Saturn I SA-1. Launch stage S-I; dummy upper
Complex 34. stages carried water
31-10 1930 - Birth of Michael “Mike” (Astronaut Group 3). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Collins. Second-seat veteran on
Gemini 10, flew as
Command Module Pilot
on Apollo 11.
03-11 1963 - Mission: Pad Abort Test 1. Launch escape system 1. 5-3-2020
16:00 GMT. (LES) abort test from
launch pad.
06-11 1967 - Apollo 4. The 56½ hour In total there were 89 3. 13-3-2020
countdown sequence began with trailer-truck loads of
propellant loading. LOX (liquid oxygen), 28
trailer loads of LH2
(liquid hydrogen), and
27 rail cars of RP-1
(refined kerosene).
2017 - Death of Richard Francis Info: see birth October 2.3. 8-3-2020
“Dick” Gordon Jr. 5.
10-11 1933 - Birth of Ronald Ellwin “Ron” (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Evans Jr. Command Module Pilot
on Apollo 17.
14-11 1930 - Birth of Edward Higgins (Ed) (Astronaut Group 2). 2.3. 7-3-2020
White II. Second-seat veteran of
Gemini 4 who made the
United States' first walk
in space, selected as
Senior Pilot (second
seat) on Apollo 1. White
was killed in the Apollo
1 fire along with
Grissom and Chaffee.
1933 - Birth of Fred Wallace Haise (Astronaut Group 5). 2.3. 8-3-2020
Jr. Flew as Lunar Module
Pilot on the
unsuccessful Apollo 13.
Haise was selected to
command the Apollo 19
lunar landing, which
was canceled. Haise
would later be named
commander of the first
crew for the Space
Shuttle's Approach and
Landing Tests using the
prototype Space Shuttle
18-11 1923 - Birth of Alan B. Shepard Jr. (Mercury Seven). 2.3. 7-3-2020
America's first man in
space on Freedom 7
was originally selected
to command Gemini 3,
but was medically
grounded for the
duration of Gemini due
to Ménière's disease
and assisted Slayton in
Flight Operations. After
corrective surgery,
Shepard was restored
to flight status and
commanded Apollo 14,
the third successful
Moon landing mission.
19-11 1967 - Apollo 5. The LM was mated After four months of 3. 15-3-2020
to the launch vehicle. tests and repair the LM
was mated to the
launch vehicle.
26-11 1968 - Apollo 10. CM #106 and SM 7. 11-3-2020
#106 mated.
27-11 1936 - Birth of Glynn Stephen Flight director. Black 3.4. 8-3-2020
Lunney. Flight. Apollo missions
7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 and
29-11 1931 - Birth of Clifford Eugene “Cliff” Flight director. Green 3.4. 8-3-2020
Charlesworth. Flight. Apollo missions
8, 11 and 12.
02-12 1987 - Death of Donn Fulton Eisele. Info: see birth June 23. 2.3. 8-3-2020
08-12 1964 - Mission A-002. 15:00 GMT. LES maximum altitude, 1. 5-3-2020
Max-Q abort test.
10-12 1967 - Apollo 6. CSM stacked on See info on CSM: Sept 3. 15-3-2020
rocket. 29, 1967.
1994 - Death of Stuart Allen "Stu" Info: see birth August 2.3. 8-3-2020
Roosa. 16.
17-12 1967 - Apollo 11. LM-5 failed test at LM-5 under test failed 3. (Apollo 5) 15-3-2020
factory. in the Grumman Aircraft
Corporation ascent
stage manufacturing
plant. A window in LM-5
(Apollo 11's LM Eagle)
shattered during its
initial cabin
pressurization test,
designed to pressurize
the cabin to 5.7 pounds
per square inch (39
kiloPascals) above the
external pressure.
25-12 1934 - Birth of Gerald D. "Gerry" Flight director. Gold 3.4. 8-3-2020
Griffin. Flight. Apollo missions
7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16 and 17.
1982 - Death of John Leonard “Jack” Info: see birth August 2.3. 8-3-2020
Swigert Jr. 30.