Report Card Comments: For French As A Second Language Teachers
Report Card Comments: For French As A Second Language Teachers
Report Card Comments: For French As A Second Language Teachers
For French as a Second
Language Teachers
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-*Name* shows a limited *Name* shows a limited - *Name* shows an - *Name* shows evidence of
understanding of what was understanding of what was understanding of various being able to interpret
being said in French with being said in French (insert messages in French (insert messages in French with a
assistance (insert examples*) examples*) examples*) strong understanding (insert
Next Steps:
- At school, *name* is encouraged to ask for clarification or repetition if he/she is having difficulty understanding.
- *Name* understood simple - *Name* demonstrated a basic - *Name* demonstrated an - *Name* accurately interpreted
oral French messages with understanding of oral French understanding of short oral oral French messages and
teacher support and prompting messages French messages and provided demonstrated a strong
basic interpretations understanding of the content
- began listening for and - recognized high frequency
- answered simple and open
identifying familiar French words in French oral texts - provided logical answers to
ended questions to French oral
words and words that sound comprehension questions about
texts and summarized the
similar to English words in - used tone and expression as French oral texts
content for peers
French oral texts clues to aid in understanding
French media (e.g., facial - identified strategies that
- provided meaningful
- demonstrated a limited expressions in videos) helped in understanding French
responses to French media
understanding of French media media (e.g., active listening to
(e.g., video clips and music)
by using visual clues (e.g., French music)
video/movie clips)
- *Name* has begun - *Name* has begun - *Name* is able to - *Name* is able to
communicating his/her ideas communicating his/her ideas communicate in French in confidently communicate in
in French and participating in in French and participating in guided and spontaneous French in guided and
limited interactions with limited interactions with interactions (insert examples) spontaneous interactions
others with assistance others (insert examples*)
(insert examples) (insert examples)
Next Steps:
- At school, *name* is encouraged to increase the amount of French he/she speaks in class in order to practice his/her oral
- spoke French in simple - spoke French in simple - used compound sentences - used compound and complex
sentences using high frequency sentences using high frequency when speaking during French sentences when speaking
vocabulary and visual supports vocabulary conversations and discussions during French conversations
and discussions
- learning to use technology to - attempted to use low - used the definitions of difficult
find the French word to replace frequency unit vocabulary when French words to substitute it - connected words and phrases
English words speaking with some success with familiar vocabulary to show relationships between
events and ideas
- communicated basic ideas - communicated basic ideas - effectively communicated with
with others using some French with others in French while others in French while - added to guided conversations
mixed with English while participating in real-life participating in real-life by using prior knowledge
participating in real-life scenarios (e.g., ordering food in scenarios (e.g., ordering food in
scenarios (e.g., ordering food in a French cafe) a French cafe) - actively and effectively spoke
French with others while
a French cafe)
participating in real-life
scenarios (e.g., ordering food in
a French cafe)
-*Name* has started using -*Name* has started using -*Name* uses reading -*Name* uses reading
reading strategies with reading strategies such as strategies such as (insert strategies such as (insert
assistance such as (insert (insert examples) in order to examples) in order to examples*) in order to
examples) increase his/her demonstrate an demonstrate a deeper
understanding of the French understanding of the French understanding of the French
texts texts explored in class texts explored in class
Next Steps:
- At school, *name* is encouraged to use the reading strategies taught in class in order to increase his/her comprehension of the texts.
- determined the basic meaning - determined the meaning of - used known reading strategies - effectively used reading
of unfamiliar vocabulary using unfamiliar words using to determine the meaning of strategies to determine
visual clues (e.g., prices and technology unfamiliar words (e.g., meaning (e.g., made
important details in French knowledge of sentence
connections to text using prior
advertisements) - used visual clues in the text to structure)
aid in understanding the context
- identified and read high (e.g., diagrams and pictures) - used visual clues in the text to
frequency French vocabulary aid in understanding the
meaning in text (e.g., diagrams
and words similar to English
and pictures)
-*Name* has begun writing -*Name* writes simple texts in -*Name* actively engages in -*Name* displays a strong
simple texts in French and French by engaging in some all parts of the writing knowledge of vocabulary,
participating in some aspects aspects of the writing process and applies language conventions and
of the writing process (insert process (insert examples) language conventions to elements of writing style in
examples) his/her work (insert their written work (insert
examples) examples*)
Next Steps:
At home, *name* should ensure that he/she is completing the assigned work and reviewing concepts taught in class.
- wrote simple French - used mainly simple sentences - used simple and some - used a variety of sentence
sentences with teacher and when writing in French compound sentences when structures (e.g., simple,
peer support while using writing in French compound, complex) when
provided graphic organizers - used teacher feedback, writing in French
and writing models classroom resources, and word - used feedback from the
lists to edit written work teacher and peers to assess - used feedback from the
- used direct teacher feedback and edit written work teacher and peers to enhance
and guided checklists to edit - used examples and provided and improve written work
written work graphic organizers and models - used technology to check
as a guide when writing spelling and meaning of - used technology to investigate
- used word lists and unfamiliar words to use when new French vocabulary and
technology to aid in spelling and writing phrases to elaborate on ideas
checking the meaning of
unfamiliar vocabulary
1 *Name* listened to what *Name* began to use some *Name* used some reading *Name* used resources such
others said in French and French vocabulary to express strategies (e.g., previewing as model texts, vocabulary
identified some key words to himself/herself in French during vocabulary) with teacher lists, etc. to produce basic
help with his/her guided and spontaneous prompting and support in order written texts (e.g., store signs).
understanding (e.g., during interactions (e.g, was able to ask to increase his/her
our directions unit while trying for items during our shopping comprehension of the French
to figure out locations). scenario). texts explored in class.
2 *Name* listened to what *Name* used conversation *Name* used some reading *Name* applied his/her
others said in French and models to express strategies (e.g., focused on key knowledge of the unit
responded with some himself/herself in French during words in the text) with teacher vocabulary to produce basic
understanding (e.g., figured guided and spontaneous support in order to increase written texts (e.g., store signs).
out some locations accurately interactions (e.g, was able to ask his/her comprehension of the
during our directions unit). items during our shopping French texts explored in class.
3 *Name* listened to what *Name* clearly expressed *Name* used reading strategies *Name* applied his/her
others said in French and himself/herself in French during (e.g., making predictions) in knowledge of the unit
responded with understanding guided and spontaneous order to increase his/her vocabulary and language
(e.g., followed instructions in interactions (e.g, was able to comprehension of the French conventions to produce written
order to identify locations order items during our shopping texts explored in class. texts (e.g., store signs).
during our directions unit). scenario).
4 *Name* listened to what *Name* clearly and confidently *Name* used multiple reading *Name* applied his/her
others said in French and expressed himself/herself in strategies (e.g., contextual knowledge of the unit
responded with a high level of French during guided and clues) in order to increase vocabulary and language
understanding (e.g., spontaneous interactions (e.g, his/her comprehension of the conventions to produce
accurately followed directions was able to ask questions and French texts explored in class. detailed written texts (e.g.,
to identify various locations order items during our shopping store signs).
during our directions unit). scenario).