Tinrhert Field Development Project - Epc 1 Inlet Separation and Boosting Facility in Ohanet

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Inlet Separation and Boosting Facility in Ohanet



This document is based on FEED Document 116Z-TRHT-SP-L-1800101 Rev.B.

0 18-Apr-19 Issued for Design SK GV / KNM SPD RL / MB

B 03-Apr-19 Re-Issued for Approval SK GV / KNM SPD RL / MB

A 31-Jan-19 Issued for Approval SK GV / KNM SPD RL / MB

Prepared Approved Project

Rev Date Reason for Issue Checked by
by by Approval

Project Plant Document Discipline System Equipment Sequence

No Identifier Type Code Number Type No

08572 TRHT TB PL 18 OO 202 0



Rev. Section Description of Revision

A All Issued for Approval
(Added pipeline related sections from Piping stress analysis
Specification (Doc no. 116Z-TRHT-ST-P-0000003) in section
4.2.1 to 4.2.4)
B 1.1,1.2,2.2,3,4.3.2, CA comments incorporated and Re-Issued for Approval
5.9,6.1 & 6.2
0 4.2 Issued for Design


Rev. Section Description of Hold

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Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 4
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Project Overview ................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Purpose of Document ......................................................................................... 6
1.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 6
2 CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................ 7
2.1 Local Regulations ............................................................................................... 7
2.2 International Codes and Standards ..................................................................... 7
2.3 Project Documents.............................................................................................. 7
2.4 Order of Precedence........................................................................................... 7
3 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................... 8
4 BASIS OF ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 9
4.1 Computer Software ............................................................................................. 9
4.2 Stress Analysis Code Requirements ................................................................... 9
4.3 Design Conditions ............................................................................................. 13
5 GENERAL STRESS ANALYIS CONSIDERATIONS ......................................... 15
5.1 Stress Models and Analysis .............................................................................. 15
5.2 Soil Parameters and Depth of Cover ................................................................. 16
5.3 Bend Radius ..................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Pipe Sag ........................................................................................................... 17
5.5 Pipe Spans ....................................................................................................... 17
5.6 Temporary Pipe Supports ................................................................................. 17
5.7 Concrete Anchor Blocks.................................................................................... 17
5.8 Load Cases and Load Combinations ................................................................ 17
5.9 Stress Analysis Report ...................................................................................... 18
6 PIPE SPANS AND GUIDE SPACING ............................................................... 19
6.1 Allowable Pipe Spans ....................................................................................... 19
6.2 Guide Spacing .................................................................................................. 19

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A/G Above Ground

API American Petroleum Institute
ARH Autorité de Régulation des Hydrocarbures
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CA Contracting Authority
CPF Central Processing Facility
CS Carbon Steel
DLF Dynamic Load Factor
FEM Finite Element Model
NPS Nominal Pipe Size
P&ID Piping & Instrumentation Diagram
PTFE Poly Tetra Fluoride Ethylene
RP Recommended Practice
SBF Separator and Boosting Facility
SIF Stress Intensification Factor
SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength
U/G Under Ground
GOR Gas Oil Ratio
ROW Right of Way

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1.1 Project Overview

SONATRACH has decided to develop the TINRHERT fields with its own resources these fields
are in southeastern Algeria within the Wilaya of Illizi. The geographic position of these fields is
indicated on the map below.

Figure 1: Geographic position map of the Tinrhert Fields

SONATRACH have awarded Petrofac International (UAE) LLC the Contract for TINRHERT Field
Development Project – EPC 1 Inlet Separation and Boosting Facility in Ohanet.
The EPC 1 project shall broadly consist of
• A collection network (Flow lines & Trunklines) for the production of 36 wells including all
surface facilities required for wellheads and manifolds
• New SBF with Separators, 1st Stage Compressors, CO2 removal unit, mercury removal for
Gas & Condensates

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• All associated Utilities for new SBF

This Inlet Separation and Boosting Facility in Ohanet shall process the gas produced from
Tinrhert fields. The separated gas after compression, mercury and CO2 removal shall be sent to
existing CPF for further treatment.
1.2 Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to establish the basis and modelling techniques for stress
calculations of the pipeline system associated with The Sonatrach “Tinrhert Fields Development
Project EPC-1” – inlet Separation and Boosting Facility at Ohanet. Stress analysis shall be
carried out in accordance with ASME B31.8.
1.3 Definitions

The following definitions shall be applied to the standard terms used throughout this document
and its attachments:

CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Direction Centrale Engineering & Project Management EPM

or “CA”
SUB-CONTRACTOR Provider of goods and services to Contractor
SUPPLIER/ VENDOR The party(s) which manufactures and / or supplies materials,
equipment, technical documents / drawings and services to
perform the duties specified by PURCHASER
PROJECT Tinrhert Fields Development Project- EPC-1
IND. VERIFICATION BODY Inspection Body or Authority appointed by the CA
DPEM Direction des Patrimoines Energétiques et Miniers (Algerian
Ministry of Energy and Mines)
ARH L´Agence Nationale de Controle et de Regulation des
Activites dans le domaine des Hydrocarbures (Agency for
Regulation of Hydrocarbons)
ONML Office National de Metrologie Legale
CTC Controle Tecnique de la Contruction
Shall The word “shall” is to be understood as mandatory
Should The word “should” is to be understood as strongly
May The word “may” is to be understood as giving a freedom of
Flowline Pipeline from wells to Manifolds
Trunkline Pipeline from Manifolds to CPF’s

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Stress analysis shall comply with the applicable regulations, codes, standards and project
documents stated herein.
2.1 Local Regulations

T he following Algerian Pipeline Code shall prevail over international codes and standards:

Edition Sept 1991 Règles de Sécurite pour les canalisations de transport de Gaz

Note: Multiphase pipelines shall be designed in accordance with the Gas Pipeline Regulations
as the estimated GOR will be increased during the life of the field.
2.2 International Codes and Standards

The following international code shall apply:

ASME B31.8 - 2016 Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Systems

ASME B31.3 - 2016 Process Piping
API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
API 520 Size Selection and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices
ASME Sec VIII Div 1 & 2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sec VIII Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels
ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges

ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged fittings

2.3 Project Documents

08572-TRHT-TB-PL-18-OO-201 Pipeline Design Basis

08572-TRHT-CE-PL-18-OO-201 Pipeline Wall Thickness Calculation Report
08572-TRHT-CE-PL-18-OO-202 Pipeline Mechanical Calculation Report
08572-TRHT-SP-MT-00-OO-204 Pipeline Coating Specification
08572-TRHT-SP-MT-00-OO-203 Painting and Coating Specification
08572-TRHT-SP-PL-18-OO-224 Specification for Pipeline Hydrotesting
08572-TRHT-LD-PL-18-OO-202 Pipeline Schedule
08572-TRHT-LL-PR-00-OO-201 Line List
08572-TRHT-SP-PI-00-OO-209 Pipe Support Specification

2.4 Order of Precedence

In the event of any apparent conflict between these regulations, codes, standards and
project documents, the following order of precedence shall be applied:

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• The Contract
• Algerian Statutory requirements
• Contracting Authority Documents
• Project Design basis
• All other Contracting Authority Technical Data
• EPC ITT Package Documents
• International Codes, Standards and Specifications

Stress analysis shall be carried out for the entire pipeline system in the scope of this project with
the following objectives:
• Analysis of the required pipeline flexibility and the effects of the different loads acting upon
the pipeline system to ensure that stresses and maximum displacements are within the
allowable limits.
• Prevention of influence of thermal expansion or contraction of a pipeline system on an
adjoining system
• Prevention of resonance due to externally imposed vibration
• Verification of the pipeline support system for the implementation of solutions for mitigation
of stress effects
• Identification and design of stress critical points
• Identification of anchor block requirements
• Prevention of leakage at flanged joints (ASME Sec III division 1 – Clause NC-3658.3)
• Guarantee the system operability
All relevant load cases (such as pressure, weight, external displacement, and thermal
expansion/contraction) shall be considered in the pipeline stress analysis.
Pipeline systems shall be adequately flexible and wherever possible this should be achieved
using the natural flexibility of the pipe work. If necessary, pipe routing should be modified or
expansion loops/offsets incorporated to obtain required degree of flexibility.
Line lifting should be avoided and where it cannot be avoided, the nearest support shall be in
such a way the span does not exceed the limits.
Excessive stresses at supporting or restraining elements shall be avoided.
Interference between adjacent lines due to thermal expansion or contraction of the pipeline
system shall be taken care with suitable line spacing.
Special supports requiring complex design details or impractical construction tolerances should
be avoided.
The Allowable nozzle loads for Pig traps shall be as per Piping stress specification (08572-TRHT-

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4.1 Computer Software

Pipe stress analysis shall be carried out using the COADE Pipe Stress Software, Caesar II 2018.
Caesar-II creates a model of the pipeline system using simple beam elements and loading
conditions imposed on the system resulting in deflections, loads and stresses for the pipeline
The calculated stress shall be within the limits specified in the applicable pipeline design code
ASME B31.8.
4.2 Stress Analysis Code Requirements

Stress analysis for both restrained and unrestrained pipelines shall be in accordance with the
applicable pipeline code ASME B31.8.
4.2.1 Longitudinal Stress (Unrestrained Pipeline Sections)
The Longitudinal Stress, SL, is the sum of axial stress due to pressure (S P), longitudinal bending
(SB) caused by external loads (weight of pipe and contents) and to direct applied external axial
force (SX):

SL = SP + SB + SX

P  OD (0.75ii M i ) 2  (0.75io M o ) 2  Mt 2 4 FAXL

SL   
4t Z   (OD 2  ID 2 )

P = internal pressure (MPa)
OD = outside diameter of pipe (mm)
ID = inside diameter of pipe (mm)
t = pipe wall thickness (mm)
ii = In-plane stress intensification factor
io = out –of – plane stress intensification factor
Mi = In-plane bending moment (Nmm)
Mo = out-of-plan bending moment (Nmm)
Z = pipe section modulus (mm3)
Faxl = External direct axial force other than thermal expansion and pressure (N)
The allowable sustained stress is given by (paragraph 833.6):
SL ≤ 0.75 · S · T
Where S is the minimum yield strength (hereafter, SMYS) and T is the temperature derating
factor as per para 841.1.8.

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4.2.2 Displacement Stress (Unrestrained Pipeline Sections)

Thermal expansion stress range, SE, is calculated as per equation in paragraph 833.8, ASME
B31.8 as shown below:

(ii M i ) 2  (io M O ) 2  Mt 2
SE 

Mi= in plane thermal expansion bending moment (Nmm)
Mo = out of plane thermal expansion bending moment (Nmm)
Mt = torque moment (Nmm)
ii = In-plane stress intensification factor
io = out –of – plane stress intensification factor
Z = pipe section modulus (mm3)
The allowable expansion stress, SA, is given by:

SA = f · [1.25 (Sc + Sh) - SL]

f = 6N-0.2 ≤ 1.0
N = equivalent number of cycles during the expected service system life
Sc = 0.33·Su·T at minimum installed or operating temperature (MPa)
Sh = 0.33·Su·T at maximum installed or operating temperature (MPa)
Su = Specified Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa)
SL = longitudinal stress calculated according to the following formula (MPa):
SL = SP + SX + SB
4.2.3 Longitudinal Stress (Restrained Pipeline Sections)
The net longitudinal stress, SL, is calculated according to the following formula as per the
equation listed in section 833.3 (a)

SL = SP + ST + SX + SB

SP = longitudinal stress due to internal pressure in restrained pipelines, given by:
SP = 0.3 · SH; where SH is the hoop stress
ST = longitudinal stress due to thermal expansion, given by:
ST = E · α · (T1 – T2)
E = Elastic modulus at installation temperature (N/mm 2)

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T1 = pipe temperature at time of installation (°C)

T2 = Pipe operating temperature (°C)
α = Coefficient of thermal expansion (°C-1)
Sx = stress due to axial loading other than thermal expansion and pressure given by:

Sx = Faxl / A

A= pipe metal cross sectional area (mm2)
Faxl = external force axial component (N)
Sb = Nominal Bending stress, given by:

Sb = M / Z

Sb = Nominal bending stress in straight pipe or large radius bends due to weight or other external
M = bending moment across the pipe cross section (Nmm)
Z = pipe section modulus (mm3)

In this case: Sb = MR / Z

Sb = nominal bending stress in fittings and components due to weight or other external loads
MR = resultant intensified moment across the fitting or component

The resultant moment is calculated as:

MR = [ (0.75·ii·Mi)2 + (0.75·io·Mo)2 + Mt2 ]1/2

Mi = in – plane bending moment (Nmm)
Mt = torsional moment (Nmm)
Mo = out – of – plane bending moment (Nmm)
ii = in-plane stress intensification factor from Appendix E
io = out-of-plane stress intensification factor from Appendix E
The maximum permitted value of |SL| is 0.9·S·T:
|SL| ≤ 0.9·S·T
Where S is the SMYS and T the temperature derating factor.

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4.2.4 Combined Stress (Restrained Pipeline Sections)

The combined biaxial stress state of pipeline in operating mode is evaluated using the calculation
in equations (1) or (2) in section 833.4 (a) of ASME B31.8.

(1) Max. {|SH – SL |, |SH |,|SL|} or

(2) [SL2 – SLSH + SH2]
SH is the hoop stress,
SL is the longitudinal stress
The maximum permitted value for the combined biaxial stress is k·S·T, where S is the SMYS and
T the temperature derating factor, while k is defined as reported here below:
• For loads of long duration, the value of k shall not exceed 0.90 (paragraph 833.4, point (b)
of ASME B31.8)
• For occasional non-periodic loads of short duration, the value of k shall not exceed 1.0
(paragraph 833.4, point (c) of ASME B31.8)
4.2.5 Hoop Stress (Restrained and Unrestrained Pipeline Sections)

The hoop stress, SH, is calculated as shown in Equation 1 of section 841.1.1 (a),

SH = PD/2t

P = internal pressure (MPa)
D = outside diameter of pipe (mm)
t = pipe wall thickness (mm)
4.2.6 Hydro Test Stress

The hydro test stress, SHY, is evaluated using the formula below. Should be considered the
maximum value as per equation (1) and (2) in section 833.4 (a) of ASME B31.8.

1) Max. {|SH – SL |, |SH |,|SL|} or

2) [SL2 – SLSH + SH2]

SH is the hoop stress,
SL is the longitudinal stress.
The maximum permitted value for the combined biaxial stress is k·S·T, where S is the SMYS and
T the temperature derating factor, while k is defined as reported here below:
For loads of long duration, the value of k shall not exceed 0.90 (paragraph 833.4, point (b) of
ASME B31.8).

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For occasional non-periodic loads of short duration, the value of k shall not exceed 1.0
(paragraph 833.4, point (c) of ASME B31.8).
Acceptance criteria above described are summarised in the following table:

Stress Acceptance
Load Case NOTES
Condition Criteria
Weight + Pressure Sustained 0.75 SMYS (4) Unrestrained pipe portions
Thermal Displacement 0.825 Su(7) – SL(8) Unrestrained pipe portions
Pressure Hoop 0.90 SMYS Restrained pipe portions
Pressure + Thermal + Longitudinal 0.90 SMYS (4) Restrained pipe portions
Bending + Axial Loadings (5)
Pressure +Thermal + Combined 0.90 SMYS (4) Restrained pipe portions
Bending + Axial Loadings (5)
Weight (6) + Test Pressure Hydro test SMYS (4) All
Specified Minimum Yield Strength
Axial loadings other than thermal expansion and pressure
Self weight plus content weight (water)
Specified Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength
Longitudinal stress
Flexibility, k, and stress intensification factors, I, are calculated according to Table E-1 in
Appendix E of ASME B 31.8.
4.3 Design Conditions

All relevant process design data, including design, operating temperatures, pressures and
density, listed in process line list shall be used for the stress analysis.
The process information shall include identification and details of lines subjected to slug flow.
4.3.1 Design Life
The design life to be considered for the stress analysis shall be 25 years.
4.3.2 Temperature Conditions
The temperatures for stress analysis for above ground / buried portion shall be followed as
Pipeline above ground portion:
T1 : Max. Design temperature / Solar temperature whichever is greater
T2 : Min. Design temperature

Displacement Stress range in a Pipeline System shall be computed for Minimum to Maximum
temperature range and compared against allowable displacement Stress range SA as per ASME

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B31.8 Code. For stress range calculation, the greatest temperature gap between
maximum/minimum Design and installation temperatures shall be considered as specified below:
• Max design temperature – Average installation temperature
• Average installation temperature – Minimum design temperature
• Maximum design temperature – Minimum design temperature
Pipeline buried portion:
T1 : Max. Operating temperature
T2 : Min. Operating temperature
Buried portion will not experience solar radiation and will be subjected to operating temperature
only. The same will be considered for stress analysis purpose.
4.3.3 Friction
Friction coefficient shall be considered in stress calculations at all pipe supports and friction
loads shall be considered into structural design and anchor loads. The following friction
coefficients shall be considered:
PTFE on Stainless steel = 0.10
Stainless steel on mirror finished stainless steel = 0.15
Carbon steel on Carbon steel = 0.30
Stainless steel on Carbon steel = 0.30
Steel on Concrete = 0.45
4.3.4 Slug Flow
Where two-phase flow results in “slugging”, slug densities and velocities shall be obtained
from Process Department to include in Stress analysis of pipeline systems. Slug flow loads
develop because of momentum change at bends or intersections. Slug loads are proportional to
(p)(A)(V2), where (p) is the density of slug fluid, (A) is the inside area of the pipe cross-section
and (V) is the velocity of the moving slug.
Slug loads shall only be considered in changes in direction of above ground sections.
Particular attention shall be given to the pipe support design for these systems. Pipe supports
shall be capable of restraining the piping system without concurrently overstressing the pipe in
the thermal expansion cases. A dynamic factor of 2 shall be applied.
In long length aboveground pipelines subject to slug flow, consideration shall be given to the time
lag between slug ‘impact’ at changes in direction such that lines of force do not balance out in
4.3.5 Wind
The effects of wind loading on pipeline systems should be taken into account where the
Stress Engineer considers significant. As a general rule, wind loads should be calculated
for above ground pipelines when the outside diameter (including insulation) is 450mm & above
and elevated at least 10m from the ground.
Wind effect calculations, when applicable, shall be in accordance with NV-65 modified 99 and
N84 modified 2000.

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4.3.6 Seismic
The project area is under Seismic Zone 0. Seismic activity is not anticipated in this region
and therefore, Seismic activity need not be considered for pipeline stress analysis.
4.3.7 Process Relief Load
Input and output lines of the safety valves shall be supported in such a way that the stresses
along all its sections, due to the originated reaction forces, are in within the allowable limits.
Supports shall be designed to prevent line vibrations.
Reaction forces shall be calculated according to the code API RP 520. For process relief valves
systems, analysis shall include:
• Relief valve discharge reaction.
• Piping flexibility for thermal expansion during hot relief or contraction during cold relief.
• Applying a DLF (Dynamic Load Factor = 2) from worst possible flow condition. A Static
Load case analysis can be made as an occasional load.
Suitable restraints will be required to absorb these forces and prevent overloading and
over stressing of the piping or valve in line with good engineering practices.
4.3.8 Pressure
All stress calculations shall be based on the design pressure in accordance with pipeline basis of
4.3.9 Site Data
The site data is as per Process design basis (08572-TRHT-TB-PR-00-OO-201).
Installation Temperature (Average Ambient temperature) : 25°C
Black Bulb temperature/solar temperature : 90°C

5.1 Stress Models and Analysis

All pipelines shall be analyzed from PIG trap to first virtual anchor and up to code ASME B31.8
break in line with P&ID and first limit stop in ASME B31.3 piping near to barred Tee. All computer
runs shall include temperature, pressure, weight and insulation if any as a minimum. Any specific
gaps, other than standard, shall be noted on the stress sketches and isometrics. Friction shall be
included in the analysis.
The permanent Launcher and Receiver pig traps shall be included in the stress model as
The buried model of the pipeline system shall be created by American Lifeline Alliance (ALA)
Buried Modeller module of Caesar-II. From the soil parameter input, Caesar-II automatically
calculates the various soil spring stiffness and ultimate loads and place these at the suitable
nodal points of the model. In this process, Caesar-II overwrites user defined nodal points and
provides new nodal numbers for the buried sections.
Stress analysis shall be done for the uncorroded or corroded condition (actual wall thickness
minus corrosion allowance) in line with ASME B31.8/B31.3 requirements.

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5.2 Soil Parameters and Depth of Cover

Soil parameters used for buried sections shall be standardised for uniformity of analysis for all
lines. Below Soil data will be considered in stress analysis. The same will be verified after
Geotechnical survey report.

Parameters VALUE
Coating factor 0.6
Effective/ dry soil density 1650 kg/m3
Internal Friction angle 32
dT, Yield displacement factor, axial (mm) 5
dP, Yield displacement factor, lateral (Max. multiple of D) 0.1
dQu, Yield displacement factor, upward (Max. multiple of H) 0.02
dQu, Yield displacement factor, upward (Max. multiple of D) 0.1
dQd, Yield displacement factor, down (Max. multiple of D) 0.1
D- Pipe outside diameter
H- Depth of cover
The minimum depth of cover for all pipelines, from finished ground level to the top of the pipe
shall be as shown in the table below. To be conservative and to take care of soil wash out,
flooding etc., the soil cover shall be taken as the normal cover without considering the berm.

Area Gas Pipeline cover (m)

Zone Ia 1.0
Zone III 0.8
Open cut road crossings (from the road surface) 1.5
Wadi crossings 1.5
Flood areas with braided channels 1.0

5.3 Bend Radius

Elastic bends, cold bends, and hot induction bends shall be used for change in direction of the
pipelines. The use of elastic bends shall be based on the criteria that the sum of the Longitudinal
stresses and combined stresses are within the specified limits as per ASME B31.8.
Cold bends and hot induction bends shall be applied only in the cases where the construction of
elastic bends is not possible.
The minimum bend radius for elastic, cold and hot induction bends is as follows
• Elastic Bend: 500D minimum
• Cold Bend: 40D minimum
• Hot induction Bend: 5D
Where “D” is the pipe nominal diameter.

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5.4 Pipe Sag

Pipe sag or pipe deflections due to weight of piping and contents shall be kept to 12.7mm,
recommended maximum deflection for the normal operating weight case.
For all stress analysis, mid-point nodes shall be considered in order to monitor deflections and
stresses. Temporary supports shall be considered only as a last resort.
5.5 Pipe Spans

Horizontal aboveground section of the pipeline shall be supported at sufficient distances to

prevent excessive sagging, which is particularly important at changes in direction.
The standard pipe spans for carbon steel and other metallic piping systems are as per Pipe
support specification (08572-TRHT-SP-PI-00-OO-209). The standard pipe span shall be used as
a first hand reference and use. These indicate the maximum length of pipe allowed between
supports based. It is recommended to limit the pipe spans to a maximum of 6m within process
units (if spans are more than 6m as per section 6.1).
Deviation from the pipe line spans is permitted provided spans are calculated based on the
criteria that Pipeline spans are limited to a corresponding maximum mid span deflection of 12.7
mm due to self-weight or a stress limit of 50% of the basic allowable stress, whichever is more
For maximum guide spacing for straight pipe runs, refer to Pipe support specification(08572-
5.6 Temporary Pipe Supports

The use of temporary pipe supports for hydrotest and for transportation shall be minimized.
If required, they shall be clearly identified on the Stress Sketch for inclusion in the final
design isometrics / detail design drawings. Final design should consider easy identification for
removal prior to commissioning.
5.7 Concrete Anchor Blocks

Based on the stress analysis results, the requirement of concrete anchor blocks shall be
finalized. The requirement of anchor blocks shall be based on the maximum stresses and
maximum displacements at the pipeline end points, typically the barred tee locations which are
critical and hence the stresses and displacements of these points shall be closely checked. Any
overstressing or large displacements shall be contained by providing suitable concrete
anchor blocks at the buried location of the pipeline/flowline near its soil entry/exit points.
Concrete block anchors shall be installed near the A/G U/G transition using anchor flange
attached to the pipeline.
5.8 Load Cases and Load Combinations

The stress analysis shall be carried out for each line for the requirements of ASME B31.8, for
the load cases and load combinations given in the table below:
(Note-1: The load combinations listed below are the basic ones. When slug forces, wind loads
etc. are present, these load combinations shall be modified suitably to include the additional
loadings as applicable).

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Analysis Cases Load case Load Remarks

Load Case 1 Hydrotest WW+HP As Per ASME B31.8
Load Case 2 Operating W+T1+P1 As Per ASME B31.8
Load Case 3 Operating W+T2+P1 As Per ASME B31.8
Load Case 4 Sustained W+P1 As Per ASME B31.8
Load Case 5 Sustained WNC Weight no contents
Load Case 6 Expansion L2-L4 As Per ASME B31.8
Load Case 7 Expansion L3-L4 As Per ASME B31.8
Load Case 8 Expansion TH (T1-T2) As per ASME B31.8 (Stress range from min
to max. design / operating temperatures)

W - weight of pipeline components and Fluid etc.
WW- Water filled weight
WNC- Weight no contents
T1 – Max. Design temperature/ solar temperature in A/G Portion and Max. Operating
Temperature in U/G portion T2 - Min. Design temperature in A/G Portion and Min. Operating
Temperature in U/G portion
P1 – Design Pressure
TH- Stress range as per section 4.3.2
Thermal stresses shall be calculated for the maximum design/ operating temperature (the T1 in
load case-1) and minimum design/ operating temperature (the T2 in load case-2), with reference
to stress free installation temperature. The aboveground and the underground sections shall
consider the maximum/minimum temperatures as applicable for these sections.
An analysis shall be carried out at hydrostatic test conditions to determine loads under line fill
conditions. These loads shall be necessary for the design and selection of supports of the
pipeline for the hydrostatic test.
5.9 Stress Analysis Report

A stress analysis report shall be issued for each line. The report shall include the following details
as a minimum:
• Load cases
• Stress mark-ups showing all critical node numbers, types of restraint, guides, anchor
blocks (if any) etc.
• Alignment sheet markup showing the node numbers at bends
• FEM figures (when applicable)
• The system maximum stresses summary

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• Nodal displacements
• Concrete anchor block load calculations when applicable
• Equipment or Component loads when applicable
Note-1: C-II native files, C-II input reports, C-II output reports and Reference documents will be
provided along with report in electronic form. The stress report may not include the restraint loads
summary as the pipeline systems are buried and hence will have listings of numerous soil spring
restraints. However, all restraint loads from the analysis shall be used for the civil
design/selection of supports, including its foundations and design of any anchor blocks.

6.1 Allowable Pipe Spans

The allowable Pipe Span shall be followed as per Pipe support specification (08572-TRHT-SP-

6.2 Guide Spacing

The allowable guide Span shall be followed as per Pipe support specification (08572-TRHT-SP-

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