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In the Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for

Diploma in mechanical Engineering
Submitted By
Name Of Student Enrollment Number Exam Seat Number
1] Sudarshan Arjun Sonawane 1714800037
2] Jyoti Sudhakar Dhakane 1914800019
3] Pooja Sudhakar Shinde 1914800020
Under the Guidance Of
Prof. Nijve V.M











This is to certify that MR. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Of Fourth semester of Diploma in ‘Computer Engineering’ of institute’
K.S.S.E.D. Polytechnic College Rakshi .Has submitted the Micro-project “GUI
for academic year 2019 to 2020 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: - Rakshi Enrollment No: ---------------

Date: ------------- Exam. Seat: -----------

Subject Teacher HOD Principal


I would like to acknowledge great help given by my teacher Prof. Nijve V .M Without
his encouragement and guidance the this is would never have been complete. Similarly, I would
like to thank my teacher Prof. Nijve V.M For his extremely helpful suggestions in thesis
correction both linguistically and conceptually before its submission

Lastly, but not least, I would like to thank K.S.S.E.D.Polytechnic for providing me with
excellent education for a number of years without asking anything in return and helping me
achieve my dreams.



Machining :-

itis any of various processes in which a piece of raw material is cut into a desired final shape
and size by a controlled material-removal process. The processes that have this common theme,
controlled material removal, are today collectively known as subtractive manufacturing,
 in distinction from processes of controlled material addition, which are known as additive

manufacturing. Exactly what the "controlled" part of the definition implies can vary, but it almost
always implies the use of machine tools (in addition to just power tools and hand tools).
Machining is a part of the manufacture of many metal products, but it can also be used on materials
such as wood, plastic, ceramic, and composites
.[2] A person who specializes in machining is called a machinist. A room, building, or company where
machining is done is called a machine shop. Much of modern-day machining is carried out
by computer numerical control (CNC), in which computers are used to control the movement and
operation of the mills, lathes, and other cutting machines

Machining operations:-

 Turning operations are operations that rotate the workpiece as the primary method of moving
metal against the cutting tool. Lathes are the principal machine tool used in turning.
 Milling operations are operations in which the cutting tool rotates to bring cutting edges to
bear against the workpiece. Milling machines are the principal machine tool used in milling.
 Drilling operations are operations in which holes are produced or refined by bringing a
rotating cutter with cutting edges at the lower extremity into contact with the workpiece. Drilling
operations are done primarily in drill presses but sometimes on lathes or mills.
 Miscellaneous operations are operations that strictly speaking may not be machining
operations in that they may not be swarf producing operations but these operations are
performed at a typical machine tool. Burnishing is an example of a miscellaneous operation.
Burnishing produces no swarf but can be performed at a lathe, mill, or drill press.

Overview of machining technology:-

Machining is any process in which a cutting tool is used to remove small chips of material from the
workpiece (the workpiece is often called the "work"). To perform the operation, relative motion is
required between the tool and the work. This relative motion is achieved in most machining
operation by means of a primary motion, called "cutting speed" and a secondary motion called
"feed".[7] The shape of the tool and its penetration into the work surface, combined with these
motions, produce the desired shape of the resulting work surface.


Non-traditional manufacturing processes is defined as a group of processes that remove excess material
by various techniques involving mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical energy or combinations of
these energies but do not use a sharp cutting tools as it needs to be used for traditional manufacturing
processes. Extremely hard and brittle materials are difficult to machine by traditional machining
processes such as turning, drilling, shaping and milling. Non traditional machining processes, also called
advanced manufacturing processes, are employed where traditional machining processes are not
feasible, satisfactory or economical due to special reasons as outlined below. • Very hard fragile
materials difficult to clamp for traditional machining • When the work piece is too flexible or slender •
When the shape of the part is too complex Several types of non-traditional machining processes have
been developed to meet extra required machining conditions. When these processes are employed
properly, they offer many advantages over non-traditional machining processes. The common non-
traditional machining processes are described in this section.

A machining process is called non-traditional if its material removal mechanism is basically different
than those in the traditional processes, i.e. a different form of energy (other than the excessive forces
exercised by a tool, which is in physical contact with the work piece) is applied to remove the excess
material from the work surface, or to separate the workpiece into smaller parts.

Non Traditional Machining (NTM) Processes are characterised as

• Material removal may occur with chip formation or even no chip formation may take place. For
example in AJM, chips are of microscopic size and in case of Electrochemical machining material removal
occurs due to electrochemical dissolution at atomic level

• In NTM, there may not be a physical tool present. For example in laser jet machining, machining is
carried out by laser beam. However in Electrochemical Machining there is a physical tool that is very
much required for machining

• In NTM, the tool need not be harder than the work piece material. For example, in EDM, copper is
used as the tool material to machine hardened steels

• Mostly NTM processes do not necessarily use mechanical energy to provide material removal. They
use different energy domains to provide machining. For example, in USM, AJM, WJM mechanical energy
is used to machine material,

Need for development of Non Conventional Processes:

The strength of steel alloys has increased five folds due to continuous R and D effort. In aero-space
requirement of High strength at elevated temperature with light weight led to development and use of
hard titanium alloys, nimonic alloys, and other HSTR alloys. The ultimate tensile strength has been
improved by as much as 20 times. Development of cutting tools which has hardness of 80 to 85 HRC
which cannot be machined economically in conventional methods led to development of non –
traditional machining methods. 1.Technologically advanced industries like aerospace, nuclear power,
,wafer fabrication, automobiles has ever increasing use of High –strength temperature resistant (HSTR)
alloys (having high strength to weight ratio) and other difficult to machine materials like titanium,
SST,nimonics, ceramics and semiconductors. It is no longer possible to use conventional process to
machine these alloys. 2.Production and processing parts of complicated shapes (in HSTR and other hard
to machine alloys) is difficult , time consuming an uneconomical by conventional methods of machining

The correct selection of the non-traditional machining methods must be based on the following aspects.

i) Physical parameters of the process

ii) Shape to be machined

iii) Process capability

1]Physical parameter of the process:

The physical parameters of the different NTM are given in the Table 1.0 which indicates that PAM and
ECM require high power for fast machining. EBM and LBM require high voltages and require careful
handling of equipment. EDM and USM require medium power . EBM can be used in vacuum and PAM
uses oxygen and hydrogen gas.

2]Shapes cutting capability

The different shapes can be machined by NTM. EBM and LBM are used for micro drilling and cutting.
USM and EDM are useful for cavity sinking and standard hole drilling. ECM is useful for fine hole drilling
and contour machining. PAM can be used for cutting and AJM is useful for shallow pocketing

3]Process capability
The process capability of NTM is given in Table 2.0 EDM which achieves higher accuracy has the lowest
specific power requirement. ECM can machine faster and has a low thermal surface damage depth. USM
and AJM have very material removal rates combined with high tool wear and are used non metal
cutting. LBM and EBM are, due to their high penetration depth can be used for micro drilling, sheet
cutting and welding. CHM is used for manufacture of PCM and other shallow components

Types of NTM processes is carried out depending on the nature of energy

used for material removal. The broad classification is given as follows:
• Mechanical Processes:-

 Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM

 Ultrasonic Machining (USM) ⎯
 Water Jet Machining (WJM)

• Electrochemical Processes

 Electrochemical Machining (ECM)

 Electro Chemical Grinding (ECG)
 Jet Drilling (EJD)

• Electro Thermal Processes

 Electro-discharge machining (EDM)

 Laser Beam Machining (LBM)
 Electron Beam Machining (EBM)

• Chemical Processes

 Chemical Milling (CHM)

 Photochemical Milling (PCM)

1] Mechanical Process:-


USM working principle

• Material removal primarily occurs due to the indentation of the hard abrasive grits on the brittle work

• Other than this brittle failure of the work material due to indentation some material removal may
occur due to free flowing impact of the abrasives against the work material and related solid-solid
impact erosion,

• Tool’s vibration – indentation by the abrasive grits.

• During indentation, due to Hertzian contact stresses, cracks would develop just below the contact
site, then as indentation progresses the cracks would propagate due to increase in stress and ultimately
lead to brittle fracture of the work material

Applications of USM
• Used for machining hard and brittle metallic alloys, semiconductors, glass, ceramics, carbides etc.

• Used for machining round, square, irregular shaped holes and surface impressions.

• Machining, wire drawing, punching or small blanking dies.

Some disadvantages of USM

· USM has higher power consumption and lower material-removal rates than traditional fabrication

· Tool wears fast in USM.

· Machining area and depth is restraint in USM.



Working principle Non-Traditional Machining

In Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM), abrasive particles are made to impinge on the work material at a high
velocity. The jet of abrasive particles is carried by carrier gas or air.

The high velocity stream of abrasive is generated by converting the pressure energy of the carrier gas or
air to its kinetic energy and hence high velocity jet.

The nozzle directs the abrasive jet in a controlled manner onto the work material, so that the distance
between the nozzle and the work piece and the impingement angle can be set desirably.

The high velocity abrasive particles remove the material by micro-cutting action as well as brittle
fracture of the work material

The following are some of the important process parameters of abrasive

jet machining:
1. Abrasive mass flow rate

2. Nozzle tip distance

3. Gas Pressure

4. Velocity of abrasive particles

5. Mixing ratio

6. Abrasive grain size


Abrasive mass flow rate:

Mass flow rate of the abrasive particles is a major process parameter that influences the metal removal
rate in abrasive jet machining.

In AJM, mass flow rate of the gas (or air) in abrasive jet is inversely proportional to the mass flow rate of
the abrasive particles

Due to this fact, when continuously increasing the abrasive mass flow rate, Metal Removal Rate (MRR)
first increases to an optimum value (because of increase in number of abrasive particles hitting the work
piece) and then decreases

Nozzle tip distance:

Nozzle Tip Distance (NTD) is the gap provided between the nozzle tip and the work piece. Up to a certain
limit, Metal Removal Rate (MRR) increases with increase in nozzle tip distance.

After that limit, MRR remains constant to some extent and then decreases.

Gas pressure:
Air or gas pressure has a direct impact on metal removal rate. In abrasive jet machining, metal removal
rate is directly proportional to air or gas pressure.

Velocity of abrasive particles

: Whenever the velocity of abrasive particles is increased, the speed at which the abrasive particles hit
the work piece is increased. Because of this reason, in abrasive jet machining, metal removal rate
increases with increase in velocity of abrasive particles.

Mixing ratio

: Mixing ratio is a ratio that determines the quality of the air-abrasive mixture in Abrasive Jet Machining
(AJM). It is the ratio between the mass flow rate of abrasive particles and the mass flow rate of air (or
gas). When mixing ratio is increased continuously, metal removal rate first increases to some extent and
then decreases.


Working Principle:-
Abrasive water jet cutting is an extended version of water jet cutting; in which the water jet contains
abrasive particles such as silicon carbide or aluminium oxide in order to increase the material removal
rate above that of water jet machining.

Almost any type of material ranging from hard brittle materials such as ceramics, metals and glass to
extremely soft materials such as foam and rubbers can be cut by abrasive water jet cutting.

The narrow cutting stream and computer controlled movement enables this process to produce parts
accurately and efficiently.

Advantages of abrasive water jet cutting

 In most of the cases, no secondary finishing required

 No cutter induced distortion

 Low cutting forces on workpieces

 Limited tooling requirements

 Little to no cutting

 Typical finish 125-250 microns

Limitations of abrasive water jet cutting

 Cannot drill flat bottom

 Cannot cut materials that degrades quickly with moisture

 Surface finish degrades at higher cut speeds which are frequently used for rough cutting

 The major disadvantages of abrasive water jet cutting are high capital cost and high noise levels during

 Abrasive water jet cutting is highly used in aerospace, automotive and electronics industries.

 In aerospace industries, parts such as titanium bodies for military aircrafts, engine

components (aluminium, titanium, heat resistant alloys), aluminium body parts and interior cabin
parts are made using abrasive water jet cutting.

 In automotive industries, parts like interior trim (head liners, trunk liners, door panels) and fibre glass
body components and bumpers are made by this process. Similarly, in electronics industries, circuit
boards and cable stripping are made by abrasive water jet cutting.

Electro Chemical Process:-


Working Principle:-
Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a metal-removal process based on the principle of reverse
electroplating. In this process, particles travel from the anodic material (workpiece) toward the cathodic
material (machining tool).

A current of electrolyte fluid carries away the deplated material before it has a chance to reach the
machining tool.

The cavity produced is the female mating image of the tool shape.

Similar to EDM, the workpiece hardness is not a factor, making ECM suitable for machining difficult-to –
machine materials. Difficult shapes can be made by this process on materials regardless of their

Advantages of ECM
 The components are not subject to either thermal or mechanical stress.

 No tool wear during ECM process.

 Fragile parts can be machined easily as there is no stress involved.

 ECM deburring can debur difficult to access areas of parts.

 High surface finish (up to 25 µm in) can be achieved by ECM process.

Limitations of ECM
 ECM is not suitable to produce sharp square corners or flat bottoms because of the tendency for the
electrolyte to erode away sharp profiles.

 ECM can be applied to most metals but, due to the high equipment costs, is usually used primarily for
highly specialised applications.

Electro Thermal Machining Process:-

 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most widely used non-traditional machining
processes. The main attraction of EDM over traditional machining processes such as metal cutting using
different tools and grinding is that this technique utilises thermoelectric process to erode undesired
materials from the work piece by a series of discrete electrical sparks between the work piece and the
electrode. A picture of EDM machine in operation

Working principle of EDM

at the beginning of EDM operation, a high voltage is applied across the narrow gap between the
electrode and the workpiece.

This high voltage induces an electric field in the insulating dielectric that is present in narrow gap
between electrode and workpiece.

This cause conducting particles suspended in the dielectric to concentrate at the points of strongest
electrical field.

When the potential difference between the electrode and the workpiece is sufficiently high, the
dielectric breaks down and a transient spark discharges through the dielectric fluid, removing small
amount of material from the workpiece surface

. The volume of the material removed per spark discharge is typically in the range of 10-6 to 10-6 mm3

Design considerations for EDM process are as follows:

 Deep slots and narrow openings should be avoided.

 The surface smoothness value should not be specified too fine.

 Rough cut should be done by other machining process. Only finishing operation should be done in this
process as MRR for this process is low.

Application of EDM
The EDM process has the ability to machine hard, difficult-to-machine materials.

Parts with complex, precise and irregular shapes for forging, press tools, extrusion dies, difficult internal
shapes for aerospace and medical applications can be made by EDM process.

Some of the shapes made by EDM process

Advantages of EDM:
 By this process, materials of any hardness can be machined;

 No burrs are left in machined surface;

 One of the main advantages of this process is that thin and fragile/brittle components can be
machined without distortion;

 Complex internal shapes can be machined Limitations of EDM

 This process can only be employed in electrically conductive materials

 Material removal rate is low and the process overall is slow compared to conventional machining

 Unwanted erosion and over cutting of material can occur;

Rough surface finish when at high rates of material removal.



Working Principle:-
Laser-beam machining is a thermal material-removal process that utilizes a high-energy, coherent light
beam to melt and vaporize particles on the surface of metallic and nonmetallic workpieces

Lasers can be used to cut, drill, weld and mark. LBM is particularly suitable for making accurately placed

Different types of lasers are available for manufacturing operations


 CO2 (pulsed or continuous wave): It is a gas laser that emits light in the infrared region. It can provide
up to 25 kW in continuous-wave mode.

 Nd:YAG: Neodymium-doped Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet (Y3Al5O12) laser is a solid-state laser which

can deliver light through a fibre-optic cable. It can provide up to 50 kW power in pulsed mode and 1 kW
in continuous-wave mode.

Laser beam cutting (drilling)

 In drilling, energy transferred (e.g., via a Nd:YAG laser) into the workpiece melts the material at the
point of contact, which subsequently changes into a plasma and leaves the region

 A gas jet (typically, oxygen) can further facilitate this phase transformation and departure of material

 Laser drilling should be targeted for hard materials and hole geometries that are difficult to achieve
with other methods

Laser beam cutting (milling)

 A laser spot reflected onto the surface of a workpiece travels along a prescribed trajectory and cuts
into the material.

 Continuous-wave mode (CO2) gas lasers are very suitable for laser cutting providing high-average
power, yielding high material-removal rates, and smooth cutting surfaces.

Advantage of laser cutting

 No limit to cutting path as the laser point can move any path.

 The process is stress less allowing very fragile materials to be laser cut without any support.

 Very hard and abrasive material can be cut.

 Sticky materials are also can be cut by this process

Limitations of laser cutting

 Uneconomic on high volumes compared to stamping

 Limitations on thickness due to taper

 High capital cost

 High maintenance cost


 Google.
 Library.
 Books of Power Plants.
 Internet.
 Power Plant.

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