mcb130 Sci Paper
mcb130 Sci Paper
mcb130 Sci Paper
Plasmid isolation was performed via the alkaline lysis method. The
strains used were Escherichia coli BW20767/pRL27 and E. coli with
pGEM, which are kanamycin resistant and ampicillin resistant,
respectively. An E. coli wildtype was used to serve as the control setup.
The strains were added with three solutions (I, II and III) which aid for
the lysis and release of the cellular constituents involving the plasmid
DNA. A series of centrifugation was done to pellet out the plasmids.
Also, the concentration and purity of the extracted DNA was verified
spectrophotometrically while the structure and size of the plasmid was
determined via agarose electrophoresis. From the results of the
electrophoresis, the size of the plasmids obtained was 0.1 kb, which was
relatively smaller to the theoretical size of the strain that is 4kb (E. coli
BW20767/pRL27) and 3kb (E. coli with pGEM). The plasmids gathered
may be smaller than the theoretical size of the plasmid or the DNA
sample was already fragmented.
After World War II, the study on plasmids arose as antibacterial drugs were starting to be
commonly used. Scientific laboratories have isolated bacteria with antibiotic resistance and they have
noticed the rapid spread of the resistance (Summers, 2009). The resistance was then associated to the
presence of plasmids in the bacteria. Furthermore, plasmids have been significant to the development of
molecular biotechnology because they serve as vectors for gene transfer between bacteria. They have
been widely distributed among bacteria due to their own origin of replication that enables them to
replicate independently from the bacterial chromosome. Also, since plasmids carry various types of genes
that help the bacteria to adapt to adverse conditions, the bacteria containing plasmids are more likely to
pass it to daughter cells or to other bacteria. Such genes involve those responsible for antibiotic
resistance, ultraviolet-C (UV-C) resistance, unusual carbon sources catabolism and heavy metal
detoxifying enzymes (Banu and Prasad, 2017). They can be transferred via conjugation, transformation
and transduction. Most plasmids are covalently-closed circular double-stranded DNA molecules but
linear plasmids have also been observed in Borrelia and Streptomyces (Barbour, 1988; Holmes and
Jobling, 1996). Their size range is from 1 kb to 200 kb (Schumman, 2008). The criteria for classifying
plasmids involves their conjugative ability or mobilizability, incompatibility groups, copy number and
Depending on their properties, plasmids are classified as F-plasmid, Col plasmid, R plasmid,
Suicide plasmid and Virulence plasmid (Banu and Prasad, 2017). In this experiment, R plasmids or R
factors, which contains genes for antibiotic resistance, are used (Holmes and Jobling, 1996). Specifically,
the strains used were a kanamycin resistant Escherichia coli BW20767 /pRL27 and an ampicillin resistant
In plasmid isolation, alkaline lysis method is usually performed. This is a method in which
alkaline solutions are used to remove cell debris and lyse the cells, thereby, releasing the plasmid DNA
(Ehrt and Schnappinger, 2003). In addition, gel electrophoresis is executed to determine the size and
structure of the plasmid. The electric mobility of the DNA sample would depend on the size of the DNA.
Smaller plasmid DNA would migrate faster through the gel as compared to those that have larger sizes.
In the experiment, the same methods were used. The isolation of plasmid was done via the
alkaline lysis method. Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed to determine the size and structure of
the plasmid and then a BioRad Gel documentation system was used to further visualize the plasmid DNA.
For this experiment, it is hypothesized that plasmids could be isolated via the alkaline lysis procedure.
Moreover, the purity and concentration of the plasmid can be confirmed spectrophotometrically while
The experiment aimed to isolate the plasmid of E. coli BW20767/pRL27 and E. coli with pGEM.
3. determine the plasmid size and structure through agarose gel electrophoresis
The study was conducted at Room C-321, Research Laboratory and Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology Laboratory, Institute of Biological Sciences, Biological Sciences Building of the College
of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna from October 24-26, 2017.
Plasmid Isolation
Plasmid isolation was performed by initially growing Escherichia coli BW20767 /pRL27 (kanamycin
resistant) and E. coli with pGEM (ampicillin resistant), separately into 30 ml LB broth with 50 ug/ml
kanamycin and 100 ug/ml ampicillin, respectively. For the control, E. coli wildtype was grown in a 30 ml
After incubation, 1 ml of each strain were transferred to a sterile eppendorf tube in which 5 tubes
were allotted for the E. coli BW20767/pRL27, 5 tubes for E. coli with pGEM and 2 tubes for the E. coli
wildtype. The cells on the tube were pelleted out via centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 2 minutes. The
supernatant was removed prior to the resuspension of the cells in 100 ul of Solution I. The solution
2 mg/ml of lysozyme that was added before use. The EDTA was added to allow binding of cations, such
as Mg 2+, to allow lipid molecules in the lipopolysaccharide to pack more compactly, thereby,
destabilizing the outer membrane of the cell. Moreover, Tris served as a pH buffer while the lysozyme
was to digest the cell wall. The suspension was vortexed vigorously to ensure that the pellets were
completely dissolved. A 200 ul of Solution II (pH 12.45), which contained 0.2 N NaOH and 1% sodium
dodecyl sulfate (SDS), was added to the previous suspension. SDS was responsible for the release of
cellular components, including the DNA, via solubilizing the membrane. It was also added at high pH to
release fats by chemically breaking down lipids. The resulting suspension were then mixed gently on a
vortex before it was kept on ice for 5 minutes. Once the suspension appeared clear and viscous, 150 ul of
Solution III (pH 4.8), containing 3 M Na acetate, 1X Tris Acetate EDTA (TAE) buffer and Tris EDTA
(TE) buffer (pH 8.0), was added to neutralize the suspension. The TAE buffer was prepared by mixing
4.48 g Tris base, 1.142 ml glacial acetic acid and 2 ml of 0.5 M EDTA. Moreover, the TE buffer was
prepared with 10 mM Tris-HCl and 1 mM EDTA. The suspension was neutralized by Solution III to
allow renaturation of the circular plasmid DNA to become double-stranded DNA. The resulting
suspension of the three solutions containing the cells were mixed gently via inversions before it was kept
on ice for 5 minutes. It was again centrifuged at 12, 000 rpm for 5 minutes to separate the supernatant into
a second sterile eppendorf tube. Cold ethanol with a volume of 1 ml was added to the supernatant to
precipitate the plasmid DNA. The solution was mixed via inversion before it was kept on ice for 5
minutes. The plasmid DNA was then pelleted out via another centrifugation at 12,000 rpm for 5 min at
4C. The ethanol was discarded while the tubes containing the pellets were inverted and air dried.
After drying, the DNA was dissolved in 30 ul of TE buffer to solubilize the DNA while protecting it
from degradation. The plasmid DNA concentration was determined via NanoDrop spectrophotometry.
Also, the purity and the OD reading at 260 and 280 nm were obtained.
Gel Electrophoresis
Before running subjecting the DNA sample to electrophoresis, the plate and the end spacers of
the setup were first washed and rinsed with ethanol to remove the grease. Moreover, 40 ul of 1.0-1.5%
agarose in 0.5X TAE was prepared and boiled until the agarose was completely dissolved. Upon cooling
at about 50 C, GelRed was added and then the agarose solution was poured on the gel plate. GelRed was
used because it gives off a red fluorescence under UV light. The spacers were then inserted into the plate
and the gel was allowed to solidify. The spacers created the wells for the loading of the sample.
Furthermore, 2 ul of the DNA sample was added with 2 ul of loading buffer to increase the density of the
sample and to allow it to sink upon loading into the wells. After the gel solidified, the spacers were slowly
removed and the gel was set in the mupid in such a way that the samples moved from the negative to the
positive electrode. The gel was submerged below 2-3mm of the buffer.
The setup used 12 lanes in which lane 1 was loaded with 1 ul of the molecular weight marker,
lanes 2-6 with 4 ul of E.coli with pGEM DNA sample, lanes 7-11 with 4 ul of E. coli BW20767 /pRL27
DNA sample and lane 12 with the E. coli wildtype. The apparatus was ran at 50 V for 30 minutes until the
After electrophoresis, the gel was inserted in a BioRad gel documentation system to obtain
After the procedures, the results from the spectrophotometer confirmed the purity of the extracted
DNA. A 1.8 ratio of the OD reading at 260 nm and 280 nm was considered a pure DNA (Wilfinger,
1997). Nucleic acids are absorbed at 260 nm while proteins are absorbed at 280 nm. It indicates that if the
DNA sample is pure without proteins, then the absorbance at 260 nm is high, thereby, resulting to a high
ratio (approximately 1.8) between the absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm. From the data in Table 1, the
sample located on D2 obtained a 1.8 ratio, thus, the purity of the samples were confirmed. Moreover, the
Table 1. NanoDrop Spectrophotometry results of the extracted DNA from E. coli BW20767 /pRL27 and E. coli with
Sample Location Name 260 280 320 260 280 260/280 ng/ul
Consequently, the DNA sample were subjected to electrophoresis to determine the size and
structure of the sample. In Figure 1, the image of the electrophoresis results were shown. Lane 1 contains
the molecular weight marker, Lanes 2-6 contains E. coli with pGEM, Lanes 7-11 contains E. coli
BW20767 /pRL27 and Lane 12 contains the E. coli wildtype. The topmost band on the ladder was 12 kb
while the bottom was 100 bp or 0.1 kb. The plasmid for E. coli with pGEM and E. coli BW20767 /pRL27
has a size of 3kb (Vector pGEM-T: Information, n.d.) and 4kb (Althubiani, 2013), respectively. In an
electrophoretic apparatus, plasmids tend to migrate faster in the gel due to their compact size. DNA
molecules with a smaller size tend to travel through the setup faster as compared to those with a larger
size size. However, considering the theoretical size of plasmids of the strains used, the bands of the
sample should be located in between the top and bottom part of the ladder. As indicated in Figure 2, the
bands of the DNA sample extracted were located at the bottom strand of the marker, which was at 0.1 kb.
This could possibly mean that the DNA sample obtained were fragmented because of the smaller
kilobases indicated by the results or the plasmid obtained was smaller than the theoretical size of the
Figure 1. Photo of the results of the agarose gel electrophoresis in which lane 1 - molecular weight marker, lanes 2
to 6 - E. coli with pGEM, lanes 7 to 11 - E. coli BW20767 /pRL27 and lane 12 - E. coli wildtype
essential to the bacteria but it helps them survive through adverse conditions. An example of those genes
is antibiotic resistance. In the experiment, two strains containing plasmids coding for antibiotic resistance
were used. The strains were E. coli BW20767 /pRL27 and E. coli with pGEM, which are kanamycin
resistant and ampicillin resistant, respectively. Moreover, an E. coli wildtype was used for the control.
The plasmids of the strains were isolated via alkaline lysis procedure methods. The cellular constituents
of the bacteria used were released via a series of centrifugation and addition of solutions that would lyse
the cells. There were three solutions used for the lysis of the cells. Solution I involved the addition of
EDTA, which was responsible for destabilizing the outer membrane of the cell, Tris as the pH buffer, and
lysozyme which aid in digesting the cell wall. Solution II contained SDS which caused the release of
cellular components, including the DNA, via solubilizing the membrane of the cell. It also released fats
when added at high pH. Lastly, Solution III was added to allow the renaturation of the plasmid into
double stranded DNA. Furthermore, a volume of LB broth inoculated with the strain underwent a series
of centrifugation before and after the addition of the three solution to pellet out the released cellular
constituents. Cold ethanol was also used to precipitate the plasmid DNA. The pellet obtained after the
final centrifugation was air dried and then it was mixed with TE buffer to solubilize the DNA while
protecting it from degradation. The sample was further subjected to spectrophotometry for the
confirmation of purity and then it was followed by electrophoresis to determine the size and structure of
the plasmid.
Theoretically the plasmid size of E. coli BW20767 /pRL27 and E. coli with pGEM were 4kb and
3kb, respectively. Due to the compact and small size of the plasmids, they tend to migrate faster through
the apparatus. However, the results from the electrophoresis showed that the size of the samples were 0.1
kb. The obtained plasmids were smaller than the theoretical size of the plasmid of the strain or the
electrophoresis could confirm the isolation of the plasmid by comparing the actual sized obtained from