Goal Report of NFL, Bathinda
Goal Report of NFL, Bathinda
Goal Report of NFL, Bathinda
Study of Plants in NFL
Submitted By
Ankita Anand
When there is trip in PSPCL incomers, then it effects the frequency and load
variation instantaneously that causes harmonics in Turbine Generator.
In ammonia plant, synchronous motors are used. These motors need some
external arrangement for its starting and synchronizing. The cost per kW is
commonly higher than that of induction motor.
Learning about following-
Power generation and Power Supply System
Fuel Coal System
Ball Tube Mill
Equipments that is installed in CPP switchyard
Synchronous Motor Selection Criteria
It was thought to install a captive power plant in which electric power for our requirement shall
be generated in a COAL FIRED BOILER. The benefits envisaged were:
Any disturbance in the PSEB grid used to trip the whole plant. Lot of money was lost
due to this as each re-startup costs around 40 to 50 lac rupees. Moreover, frequent
tripping had an ill effect on machines and equipments extending the restart up period.
Three boilers of 150Te/hr steam capacity were initially installed in SGP to keep 25
boilers running and one stand by as designed steam requirement was less than 300
Te/hr. but in actual operation steam requirement was more and all three boilers had to
be run and there was no breathing time for their maintenance. As new boiler was to be
installed for CPP, its capacity was so designed that it could export around 60 Te of
steam for process requirement so that only 2 boilers of SGP would be run keeping the
3rd as stand by.
The functioning of CPP can be sub-divided into following parts.
The purpose of fuel coal system is to pulverize coal to dry coal and to convey the pulverized
coal from ball tube mill to burners by primary air for coal firing.
The basic principle of the boiler is the formation of steam by heating boiler feed water inside
furnace fired by coal and heavy oil, utilization of heat of the gases and venting these gases at a
safe height. Main differences between the two boilers are:
i. SGP boiler is tangentially fired where as CPP boiler is front fired with 6 coal burners
and 6 oil gun fixed inside the coal housing.
ii. SGP boiler can be loaded up to 30% load with oil firing only whereas CPP boiler can
be fully loaded with oil alone.
iii. Height of combustible zone in CPP boiler is more and it has residence time of 1.5 sec
where SGP boiler has 1.0 sec.
iv. Due to more residence time and better pulverization the efficiency of CPP boiler is
about 4% higher.
v. Boiler feed water required for steam generation can be fully generated in CPP itself.
The turbine used is supplied by M/S SGP of AUSTRIA. It is condensing cum extraction turbine
designed as single casing reaction turbine with single control stage and high pressure (HP), mild
pressure (MP) and low pressure (LP) reaction parts. The turbine is fed with high pressure steam
at 100 kg from boiler and flows through various control valves for normal and emergency
operation. It gets high velocity through the nozzle group and then passes over the impellers
fixed on to the rotor and fixed diffusers thus rotating the turbine. The enthalpy of steam is
utilized in steps. Steam is also extracted from various stages. HP1 at 10.4kg/cm2, HP2 at
8.1kg/cm2, feed water bleed at 4.3kg/cm2 and LP bleed at 0.9kg/cm2. The exhaust steam from
the turbine is condensed in a condenser maintained under vacuum to extract maximum steam
enthalpy. The output of the turbine depends on flow of steam and heat difference that is on
condition of steam at the main stream valve and the pressure at the turbine outlet or condenser
pressure. The turbine is connected to the generator through speed reducing gears.
Power Generation:
In CPP, two generators of 15MW capacity generate a voltage of 11kV which is fed to the two
transformers in the yard. The rating of the transformers is 31.5/25 kVA, these two values depend
upon the cooling which we provide, as here 25kVA capacity is when cooling is oil and air
natural and 31.5kVA capacity is when cooling is oil natural air forced. Both these transformers
step up the voltage level to 132kV. From the transformers the three phases pass through the
lightning arrestors (LA). After this they pass on to the isolator. After this, the two lines pass on
to the transmission pole called double circuit transmission. Then these lines go to MRS i.e. main
receiving station.
Ball Tube Mill:
Grinding the coal to the proper fineness is done by ball tube mill. The crushed coal and air
mixture from the crusher dryers enter the mill through the mill inlet boxes on both ends of the
mill. The mill barrel rotating at constant speed contains thousands of kilograms of various sizes
of hardened steel balls which cascade down upon the entering coal and pulverize it to talcum
powder consistency. The heated primary air, entering with coal, not only completes the drying
process, but now conveys the coal dust from the mill through the mill output boxes to the
classifiers on both ends of the mill. The specifications of the ball tube mill are as:
Degree of Protection IP 55
Insulation Class F
No of Poles 4
Voltage 3300V
Frequency 50Hz
Current 98A
Power Factor 0.89
Type of Construction IEC-34
Power Rating 445kW
Connection Y
Temp risk limit normal 70C
RPM 1430
The pulverized coal from the BTM is fed to the boilers with the help of primary air fans. The
coal is burnt in the boiler to generate steam to move the turbines. The forced and induced
draft fans are used to assist in the combustion of fuel and steam production. These two major
types of fans are supporting the units operation.
LV- 31.5/25MVA
Frequency 50Hz
Rated kV HV- 132kV
LV- 11kV
SV- 11kV
Connections Star/Star/Delta
Rated Amperes HV- 137.94A
LV- 1655.28A
SV- 318.18A
Oil Temperature Rise 50C
Winding Temperature Rise 55C
Power Supply System:
In urea plant, two feeders of 11kV supply are received from MRS in urea substation at 11kV
panel. This is further stepped down to 3.3kV and 415kV through transformers in urea plant.
There are two 11kV/3.3kV, 10MVA transformers and four 11kV/415V, 1.6MVA transformers.
The stepped down voltage i.e. 3.3kV and 415V is further fed to HT and LT motors, 3.3kV
motors are directly fed from motor control centre. Further new buses are made at 415V and
hence 415V motors are fed from power control centre.
Normally similar feeders are divided into two groups and fed from alternative sections. It is
being done to have availability of partial equipments in case of limitation to some sections.
These two feeders are connected together through bus coupler so that when one feeder fails, the
bus coupler operates and the load connected to that feeder gets connected to the other feeder
Synchronous Motor:
Output 2200kW
Speed 333.3RPM
Poles 18, excited field voltage-55V
Voltage 11kV, excited field voltage-13A
Power Factor 0.8
Current 153A
Motor Field Volts 220V, motor field current-152A
Armature Insulation Class Motor-B, exciter-B
Field Insulation Class Motor-B, exciter-B
Space Heater 2.5kW, 240V
Purpose For CO2 compressor
Synchronous motor is not self starting. The current in a synchronous motor is approximately in
phase opposition in phase to the EMF generated current, remains high for longer period to avoid
the tripping of motor circuit. The effect of armature reaction is to increase the flux in leading
half of each pole. The flux is distorted in the direction of rotation and the lines of flux in the gap
are skewed in such a direction as to exert a clockwise torque on the rotor. Since the resultant
magnetic flux due to stator current rotates at synchronous speed, the rotor must also rotate at the
same speed. As in case of induction motor if load is increased, speed slows down but in case of
synchronous motor if there is increased in load then there is no change in speed. But in case of
synchronous motor, if there is increase in load, there is no change in speed. But in case the RPM
decreases, the motor will stop running even a point difference in RPM causes the motor to stop
running. Varying the field current can control power factor of synchronous motor.
Synchronous Motor Selection Criteria
We are having 2200kW, 11kV synchronous motor for running CO 2 compressor UNB102. Why
this motor was selected? Why we have not gone for an induction motor or steam turbine?
In electrical AC system, voltage and current are concurrent. They always deviate with each
other by some angle when drawn vertically. Cosine of this angle is known as power factor.
It affects the efficiency of generating station. Large electrical equipment such as transformers,
motors are inductive in nature and they result in low power factor of the system. Resistive
loads have limiting pf. Capacitive loads are used to improve power factor, which takes care of
the motor of the loads. If we would have used an induction motor of 200kW, then capacitor
requirement to improve the power factor must have increased considerably. To overcome that
problem, synchronous motor has been used, which maintains its own power factor along with
improving the power factor of the system.