Cost Effective Analysis of Solar and Wind Power in Oman

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Cost Effective Analysis of Solar and Wind Power in Oman

Article · October 2013

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1 author:

Dharmasa Hemadrasa
Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman


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Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
Cost Effective Analysis of Solar and Wind Power in Oman

Dr Dharmasa

IEEE Br. Counsellor, Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman

This paper presents solar and wind energy relevance for th ecountry Oman with feasibility
analysis. The study first identifies the available strength of power generation: Concentrating
Solar Power (CSP); Photo Voltaic (PV) and Wind Turbine (WT) based on the environmental
conditions of the country. Then the study looks closely at the Oman‟s major past and present
renewable energy initiatives towards industrial and research capabilities in the region with a
specific focus on solar and wind energy technologies. The paper discusses about the specific
options of these resources in the remote and rural regions. The cost effective generation of
electricity using solar and wind power is compared to existing electricity power tariff, that is
mainly based on diesel based power plants. The paper simulates some cost benefits studies
conducted on the PV based solar power and wind power generation and its utilization as
independent resources (non-grid). Furthermore, the work extends in all alacrity along some
highlights of active roles of Rural and Urban Electricity Companies for the coming future plan.
Paper justifies cost effectiveness and feasibility of green energies based on factors like location,
size, management, selection and the operation of plants.

1.0 Introduction

Globally research and development has been carried out in the field of renewable
energy resources due to its positive impacts on the environmental, economic, and
political issues of the world [1]. The interest behind this study is the government of
Oman‟s encouragement towrads the development of green and clean energy
technologies. As far as the geography of the country is concerned, some areas are
particularly difficult to access, in particular the mountainous north with the
propagation of transmission and distribution of generated energy being extremely
difficult as such.

The country is located in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula between
latitudes 16°40‟N and 26°20‟N and longitude 51°E and 59°40‟E, and shares
borders with the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. The land area in Oman was last
reported at 309500km2 as per a World Bank report published in 2012. The land

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
area regarded as country's total area, excluding area under inland water bodies and
exclusive economic zones. In the latest news [2] Renewable Energy Readiness
Index, Oman received 5.2 points out of a total of seven followed by the UAE and
Saudi Arabia with scores of 4.7 and 4.55, respectively. Oman has a high ratio of
„sky clearness‟ and receives extensive daily solar radiation ranging from 5,500-
6,000 Wh/m2 a day in July to 2,500-3,000 Wh/m2 a day in January, giving it one of
the highest solar energy densities in the world. In the year 2008 Oman‟s Authority
for Electricity Regulation (AER), Oman submitted a study report [3] on Renewable
Energy Resources of Oman and Government initiates, policies. It was established
by Article (19) of the law for the regulation and privatization of the electricity and
the related water sector promulgated by Royal Decree 78/2004. This “Sector Law”
also describes the role of alternative energy in the future economic development of
the country. Additionally, in the year 2012 an independent researcher wrote a note-
book on the renewable in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. Both [3]
and [4] reports gave much emphasis on the potential availability of green
resources like Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) & Photo Voltaic (PV) and Wind

The application of CSP in Oman found suitable with reference to the Direct
Normal Irradiation (DNI) intensity of worldwide capacity. For the class of 2000-
2099 kWh/m2/y DNI can generate 3242TWh as per [5] in case of Middle-East
zone. Also, it is interesting to note that in the year 2009 the cost of construction of
a CSP station was typically about US$2.50 to 4 per watt, while the fuel (the sun's
radiation) is free. Thus a 250 MW CSP station would have cost $600–1000 million
to build. That works out to $0.12 to 0.18 USD/kWh [6]. In [7] the geographical
mapping models are focused to locate the most appropriate site for large CSP plant
in Wilayat Duqum, Oman based on a parabolic trough / dish, tower etc. But this
technique requires large amounts of water for `. A cost effective Motor-Wiper
based dust cleaning/washing technique is developed in [8] to improve the
efficiency of solar panels. Directly, this technique can be applied to clean the
mirror with minimum use of water. The study [9] presents to minimize average
production cost per kWh of CSP (West Africa) with the selection of reference
plants (like Parabolic Trough, Central Receiver etc.,). For example: DNI greater or
equal to 5 kWh/m2 shows the lowest output is about 0.6 GW using Central
Receiver, whereas Parabolic Trough gives higher output nearly 21.3 GW.

In [10] overview of PV technology, opportunities and challenges are presented, as

well as a case studies reported on residential energy of 46kWh for Oman and PV
base 0.76kWwater pumping(18m3/day) system in village at near by Sur. Then we

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
can find [11] PV system optimal sizing for 0.7kW which produces 1316 kWh/yr
energy. After sizing results shows that the solar energy utilization is an attractive
option with initial cost, Net Present Value(NPV) of the system, and energy cost are
3,425 US$, 6,233 US$, and 0.561 US$/kWh, respectively, when compared to
diesel generator output cost 0.558 US$/kWh. In the year 2010, PV base 3.2kW
standalone system is installed at Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman report
articulated in [12] and found the unit cost of energy equal to 0.3926 US$/kWh.

2.0 Solar and wind energy relevance for the country like Oman:

For Oman, firstly the Main Interconnected System (MIS) has to studied/analyzed,
because it is based on single purchaser model [Appendix A]. This perticular data
will help to connect solar and wind energy technologies to the grid as per[3] the
future (2011-2017) electrical power plan shown in Fig 1.

Fig. 1 Load plan as per Oman Power & Water Procurement Company(OPWP)

In Oman actual generating cost of one kilowatt of electricity is around 205USD.

The electricity is provided to people in Oman with 70% subsidy [As per Oman
Observer news dated 1 Sep 2013: for the year 2012 Electricity subsidy =718
Million USD] (OMR 1=1000 baisa= 2.6 USD). It is fact that, [13] oil and gas form
of energy is unsure and also have an impact on environmental like emissions of
CO2, Sulfur, etc. Subsequently, the relevance of solar and wind energy exits for

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
Oman, which offer energy independence and sustainable development and in
addition creates long-term local jobs and industries.

2.1 Solar insolation in Oman

The weather data were taken from the monthly climate summary reports issued by
the Directorate General of Meteorology and Air Navigation (DGMAN), Oman, for
each city for Oman map as shown in Fig 2.

Fig.2 Oman map with 10 locations

The solar radiation varies from place to place and can verify for 5 cities using
[] in kWh/m2/day onto a
horizontal surface. The measurement for ten different cities values are as follows:
Seeb 5.6 kWh/m2, Suwaiq 5.59 kWh/m2, Buraimi 5.38 kWh/m2, Sur 4.52
kWh/m2, Salalah 6.06 kWh/m2, Ibri 5.6 kWh/m2, Muscat 5.6 kWh/m2, Fahud 5.69
kWh/m2, Khasab 6.09 kWh/m2, Sohar 5.43 kWh/m2 per day. The average solar
insolation of country varies from 4.52 – 6.09 kWh/m2/day, corresponds to 1650 –
2223 kWh energy per yr( Remote location of Suwaiq is considered under study).

2.2 Wind strength in Oman

Data required for a wind speed study like elevation and roughness length was
obtained from the DGMAN, Oman The wind strength at any location can be
utilized for power conversion from the rotational energy into mechanical energy by
turning a rotor. The equation for power converted from the wind into rotational

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
energy: ½*AV3Cp (Air density= ρ in kg/m3 ; Blade swept area A in m2; V=Wind
speed in 12 m/sec; Power Coefficient ( Cpmax = 0.59)).

Researchers of [14] evaluates five (2004-2008) years hourly wind data from
twenty-nine weather stations to identify the potential location for wind energy
applications in Oman. The power output, vertical profile, turbulence and peak
demand fitness with reference to 29 stations have air densities less than 1.2 kg/m3
apart from Sur location. It is clearly seen that few stations have annual theoretical
power density above 150 W/m2. These stations are with twelve-monthly wind
speeds above 4.5 m/s. Only two stations, specifically Thumrait and Qayroon
Hyriti, have yearly wind power densities above 200 W/m2]. The Oman Solar
System (OSS) local company [15] has designed, supplied and installed the first
10kW Wind Powered Electrical Water Pumping System in Oman for Ministry of
Water Resources (MWR) at Heelat Ar Rakah Camp, Thumrait in December 1996.
Similarly, OSS has developed solar base projects agriculture, telephone, refineries
etc. In Oman Rural Area Electricity Company(RAEC) in its five year plan(2013-
2017) taking care to work on two other wind farms in Masirah and Thamrait, this
can produce 200 kW to 300 kW of power. They are already in an move head step
to start building a 350 kW solar project and a 750 kW wind power project in Al
Mazyuona and Masirah.

3 Major renewable energy initiatives and progress in Oman

The availability of oil and natural gas in Oman quite is easy, as on 2008 in [3]
Oman 92 % of electrical power produces with less cost source i.e. natural gas. At
the present [As per news: Times of Oman, dated: 28-08-2013] Oman has imported
gas through a pipeline from Iran, which is commencing from 2015, in a 25-year
deal valued at nearly $60 billion. For the reason that, Oman has plants able to
produce up to 10.4 million tonnes of LNG a year, but has not produced more than
8.8 million in the last five years and output fell to 8.4 million in 2012, domestic
energy needed etc. Electrical energy for year 2012 growth like 6.4% i.e. Fr:
11510GWh to 12240GWh (as per National Centre for Statistic & information).
As per [3] AER shortlisted six projects in Oman as the production costs of
renewable energy technologies decrease due to increased efficiency and overall
structure optimization.

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
In July 2011, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) honored the first solar thermal
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) project to GlassPoint Solar. The PDO will use a
7MW solar array to produce 11 tons/hour of high pressure steam which will be
used to extract 33,000 barrels of oil. It will also provide 24 hour heating expressed
by CEO and can cut 80% of natural gas. (Muscat Daily news dated 26th May
2013). As per [7], it was proposed to start with a 100MW power plant which is
expected to consume about 2.4 km2 of flat land for the parabolic trough CSP
technology. The total calculated potential of yearly electricity generation would be
about 2.3 TWh.

AER supports the implementation of pilot projects in conjunction with the RAEC
diesel generation in rural areas. These six projects would allow RAEC to replace
11GWh of annual diesel generation with renewable sourced electricity, this would
reduce oil consumption by 19498.4139 barrels per year and avoid 8,298 metric
tons of CO2 per year [14]. It also sumits, if the solar water heaters are used in the
Seeb region over 31,182 building roofs (8.8km2), then total annual energy saving
was estimated to about 335,431 MWh/year which is equivalent to a total annual
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction of 148,590 tCO2, which is equal to
2,625,374 oil barrels per year. Study suggests the Capital Cost Allowance in the
format subsidy=> 50% : 50%= User: Government. Further, as per [Muscat Daily
news dated 28 Aug 2013] in Sur, Sohar, Ghala and Wadi Kabir many have
switched to solar based hot bathing water, which can provide around the clock hot
water with built in Thermos Flask technique.
In case of Duqum area, future plan supervised by the Supreme Committee for
Town Planning, the demand load is expected to meet 100MW in 2013 by solar. On
the other hand, the Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) has already
planned the construction of a 400 KV transmission line which is expected to reach
Duqum and connect it to the main grid by the year 2013.

In teamwork with the Middle East Best Select fund, Terra Nex, a Switzerland-
based global wealth management company, recently announced plans to invest
US$2bn to develop a solar energy value chain project in Oman [Muscat Daily
news dated 31 Aug 2013].

4. Case Studies: Separete and combined analysis of solar and wind stations

In the year 2008 (Authority for Electricity Regulation) AER Oman [3] received
proposals from 12 developers for 35 pilot projects with a capability of around 48.7
MW in Oman. Two proposals are WT based with a total capacity of 4.7 MW.

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
Proposals were received for 33 solar projects with aggregate capacity of 44 MW,
of which 27 MW (61%) proposed PV plant and 17 MW (39%) CSP. This leads to
the cost effective analysis of pilot projects like 3MW to 5MW.

We can find good economic solution for Oman as per [16-17] the role of policies
on the economic feasibility of 5MW PV base plant for 25 locations. These papers
also expressed that capital cost allowances will reduce impact of taxes and
improve the project economic feasibility significantly, this study respected the
New Royal Decree 28/2009 corporate tax rate for companies as 12%.
The grid-connected PV Solar System can be connected to MIS in Oman. A visit is
conducted to study grid connected PV solar project located at Raichur-Karnataka-
India as views(left side first) shown in Fig. 3 (Approximately area =60703 m2;
Grid voltage=11kV, Average. Output of April 2013 =284. 55MWh). This station
does not effectively, utilize the shaded- land available below the panel, which have
direct impact on initial cost and unit cost of energy. It is well known that solar
panel surrounding area is non-hazardous, not revolving, these points will help PV
based power generator to think towards for forming veggies and this will support
to cut the initial land cost need.

Fig. 3 Combined views of Visit palce- PV shaded panel Land –Gap Management

Partial shaded place under PV panels can be used to grow cooler temperature
preferring veggies such as Broccoli, Cabbage etc. They will grow with only 3 to 4
hrs of direct sunlight per day [18]. To add boost to the Oman‟s deserts land,
Hydroponic farming may suits better, which requires an investment of up to
[News as: High-Tech Agriculture, Tribune, dated 23 Mar 2013] USD 15424 per
acre, though it can yield net profits of up to USD 30848 per acre annually.
Adaptability of this farming-technique as shown in Fig.3, may be production cost
is so high, which cannot compete with the traditional farming, especially where
agricultural land water is easily available. Finally, taste of product must accepted

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
by the people. As per [] report (1-10MW projects) in India
expresss that 15% rise in initial cost/ MW PV panel with inclusion of land cost.

4.1 Cost Effective Analysis of 3MW PV Solar Station

Here, 3MW PV plant is studied at Sawaiq, for Oman with the objective of Cost
Effectiveness of energy. The data table 1, which can provide considerable input to
the grid to supply deffereable AC load, this may kindle to analyse at other
locations of Oman. Table 2 and Table 3 represets outcome with major input
parameters fed into simulation software Homer[19]: Capital Cost of 3 MW PV
Module=$6000000; Replacement Cost=$5100000; Rate of interest=6.5%;
Derrating Factor=80% ; Defferable Load=8700kWh/day; Peak =1987kW.
Latitudes =26°20‟N and Longitude =59°40‟E. Energy $ 0.160/kWh is appreciable
[Appendix C] ( CSP is not analysed, bcz insolation have direct impact on same).

Table: 1 Input Laod Data

Month J=6429 F=7896 M=8565 A=9812 M=10916 J=10730

kWh/d J=9688 A=9423 S=9128 O=8506 N=6982 D=6174

Table: 2 Net Present Costs

Capital Replacement O&M Fuel Salvage Total

($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
PV 5,100,000 0 0 0 0 5,100,000
Grid 0 0 710,579 0 0 710,579
Converter 350,000 125,180 1,757,051 0 -29,637 2,202,593
Other 0 0 87,959 0 0 87,959
System 5,450,000 125,180 2,555,589 0 -29,637 8,101,132

Table 3: Cost Effectivenss of kWh with Land-Gap Management


Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
Before Land- Gap After Land Gap
Content Management
Total net present cost $9001130 $ 8,101,130
Levelized cost of energy $ 0.178/kWh $ 0.160/kWh
Operating cost $ 211239/yr $ 211,239/yr

4.2 Cost Effective Analysis of Wind Turbine (WT) Station

Usually, WTs are loacated away from the city, same as in case of marble cutting
industry. Fig.4 shows the load data of industry (,
@Sawaiq, Oman) and it shows nearby place suitable height 30m for WTs . Again,
the HOMER [19] simulated cost-effective of energy by neglecting tr.line cost.
Major parameters submitted are: Capital Cost of WT=$6045000; WT
Replacement Cost=$5138250; Rate of Interest=6.5%. The results are: Total net
present cost=$ 8,524,006; Levelized cost of energy=$ 0.222/kWh; Operating
cost=$ 195,034/yr are tabulated in Table 5 (Diesel Denerator of 200kW support).

Load (kW)
Load (kW)
02:00 -…

12:00 -…
00:00 -…

04:00 -…
06:00 -…
08:00 -…
10:00 -…

14:00 -…
16:00 -…
18:00 -…
20:00 -…
22:00 -…

Fig. 4 Combined views of load variation, proposed WT location & company

Observe, variable load not connedted to the grid, because in [20] discussed that
power generation must match load to maintain the stability of the electrical grid or
choose variable load not connedted to the grid. It is found to that, building a wind
plant closer to load than would be profitable for generation solution comparatively
a higher cost of transmission line.

Table 5: AC Wind Turbine: [Fuhrländer 250] and Electrical Power Contribution


Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU

Variable Value Units Component Production Fraction

Total capacity 15,000 kW (kWh/yr)
Mean output 5,463 kW 47,859,220 =>99%
Capacity factor 36.4 % Generator 1 278,053 =>1%
Total production 47,859,220 kWh/y Total 48,137,272 =>100%

4.3 Feasiblity Analysis of PV Solar Plus Wind Stations

To achive the energy feseability systems are combinedly operated to meet load of
marble comapny as choosen earlier i.e: PV Arry=1000kW; WT30 Fuhrländer
250kW; Gen=200kW; Inv=1kW; Rec=1kW. It is observed that, as the PV
contribution is added, which improve the reliability of the system and also reduces
the number of system of WTs to 25 Nos. This have direct impact on capital cost
and as well deccreses the unit cost from from $0.222 to $0.190. Combined system
economic results are tabulated in Table 6 and 7. With reference to Appendix A, B
and C system feasibility may still improve to obtain cost effectiveness.

Table 6: Tabulation of Optimal cost & Bar chart-Net cash flow

Table 7 Net Present Costs Comnined Structure

Capital Replacement O&M Fuel Salvage Total

($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
PV 2,000,000 454,075 0 0 -248,565 2,205,510

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
Fuhrländer 250 3,022,500 998,937 0 0 -177,387 3,844,051
Generator 1 100,000 229,330 148,131 683,465 -4,198 1,156,728
Converter 400 124 0 0 -22 502
System 5,122,900 1,682,467 148,131 683,465 -430,172 7,206


The cost effective energy study outcome will assit to append more and more
clean and clean energy in Oman. At present Oman offers best price for more
stable energy with the impact on environment. The paper found technicality of
green resources like CSP, PV Solar and WT power and its suitability of feeding
energy to main interconnection system (grid). The reference load data of Oman‟s
future plan directly renewable energy thinkers. Minization of capital cost of the
system both Solar and WT setup, based on selection of Land-Gap Managemnet and
location selection, respectively found straight reduction in unit price. Optimal cost
effectiveness and feasibility can found by combined operation of solar PV and WT
systems, when comparative independent opearation of system. Homer displays
both sensitivity and optimal solutions, which contains other details like
Emissions,Annualized cost etc. Grid rate( energy purchased, energy sold, net
purchases, peak demand, energy charge, demand charge). These data may
significant role to decide the new tariff for renewable energy in future.

Ackowledgements: Thanks to: AER, OPWP, Oman, Caledonain College of

Engineering, Aljazeer Marble, Sawaiq, Oman, Oman Solar System LLC ,
zenithenergy, Hyderbad, A.P India, KPTCL, Raichur-India, Authors in references
papers & News : Oman Observer: Muscat Daily, Times of Oman, Tribune.


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Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
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[4] Imen Jeridi Bachellerie, “Renewable Energies in the GCC countries,
Resources, Potential, and Prospects”, Gulf Research Centre, 2012,
[5] Franz Trieb, Christoph Schillings, Marlene O‟Sullivan, Thomas Pregger,
Carsten Hoyer-Klick, Global Potential of Concentrating Solar Power Solar Paces
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[6] P Gupta and Laura I Ca Bishopric, ed. "Google Plans New Mirror For Cheaper
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[7] Yassine Charabi, Adel Gastli , “GIS assessment of large CSP plant in Duqum,
Oman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”, No. 14, 2010, pp. 835-841,
[8] Dharmasa , Ranjana. D, Nagaraj.H.P, Mohammed AAG, Firas AAAI and
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[ 13] R. Foster, M. Ghassemi and A. Cote, “Solar Energy, Renewable Energy and
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[14] Adel G,Yassine C, “Solar Water Heating Initiative in Oman energy Saving
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[15] Oman Solar System Co. LLC,
[16] A.H. Al-Badi, M.H. Albadi, A.M. Al-Lawati, A.S. Malik, “Economic
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[17] M. H. Albadi, A. H. Al-Badi, A. S. Malik and A. M. Al-Lawati, “ Role of
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Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
[18] Xenia Y. W and Robert R. C, “Productivity Under Shade in Hawaii of Five
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[19] “Optimizing Clean Power Evergy Everywhare”, Energy Modeling
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[ 20] Stephen Rose And Eric Hittinger, “ Novel Strategies To Reduce Variation Of
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Appendix A: Power Generation-Distribution-Transmittion-Purchaser link

Appendix B: Solar and Wind based projects plans in Oman

Project Rating Locations Developer

Wind Power 500 kW Masirah Island Gulf Renewable Energy
PV Solar 100 kW Hij Gulf Renewable Energy
Wind Power 4,200 kW Saih Al Khairat, a Zubair/Tefirom/Suzlon
Wilyiat of
Solar Power 292 kW Al Mazyonah DSME/Conergy/Bahwan
Solar Power 1500kW Not confirmed Centrotherm

Vol.48.No. 5-6 The union of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Bulgaria, `EU
Solar Power 28 Al Mathfa Phoenix Solar / Silver
kW(storage) Circle
Solar thermal 7000kW PDO, Amal West Glasspoint

Appendix C: Solar PV Module Spot Price

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