An Advocate of Diversity & Inclusion and Women in The Tech Industry
An Advocate of Diversity & Inclusion and Women in The Tech Industry
An Advocate of Diversity & Inclusion and Women in The Tech Industry
Hi, this is Shine from Connected Women. I wanted to bump this up to the top of your inbox. Let me
know if you're interested in connecting next week.
You may also click on this Meeting Link and select a time that works for you.
Hi Anthony,
It’d be great to find out more about our business and see if we’d be a good fit. Would you be interested
in hopping on a quick 15-minute call to learn more?
Hi Pamela,
Hi, this is Shine from Connected Women. It’d be great to find out more about our business and see if
we’d be a good fit. Would you be interested in hopping on a quick 15-minute call to learn more?
Our companies work in the same niche, so I believe we could both benefit from cooperating with one
Our product suite is specifically tailored to helping Filipino Women to remote work and could really help
with [prospect’s pain points], so I’d love to discuss how we could work together. Are you free to meet at
[location] on [date and time] to talk this through?
Hi Pamela,
This is Shine from Connected Women. I saw in your profile that you are an advocate of Diversity &
Inclusion and women in the tech industry.
I would love to set up a quick call to discuss some of your areas of focus and see if there is some
common ground between your priorities and our plans for the years to come.
How does your schedule look on Monday or Tuesday? You may click this Meeting Link and select a time
that works for you.