Safe Movement of Legume Germplasm: Fao/Ibpgr Technical Guidelines

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Edited by
E.A. Frison, L. Bos, R.I. Hamilton,
S.B. Mathur and J.D. Taylor

In collaboration with


Wageningen, the Netherlands


Collecting, conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources and their global
distribution are essential components of international crop improvement

Inevitably, the movement of germplasm involves a risk of accidentally introducing

plant quarantine pests along with the host plant material; in particular, pathogens
that are often symptomless, such as viruses, pose a special risk. In order to
minimize this risk, effective testing (indexing) procedures are required to ensure
that distributed material is free of pests that are of quarantine concern.

The ever increasing volume of germplasm exchanged internationally, coupled

with recent, rapid advances in biotechnology, has created a pressing need for
crop-specific overviews of the existing knowledge in all disciplines relating to the
phytosanitary safety of germplasm transfer. This has prompted FAO and IBPGR
to launch a collaborative programme for the safe and expeditious movement of
germplasm reflecting the complementarity of their mandates with regard to the
safe movement of germplasm. FAO has a long-standing mandate to assist its
member governments to strengthen their Plant Quarantine Services, while IBPGR’s
mandate - inter alia - is to further the collecting, conservation and use of the genetic
diversity of useful plants for the benefit of people throughout the world.

The aim of the joint FAO/IBPGR programme is to generate a series of crop-

specific technical guidelines that provide relevant information on disease indexing
and other procedures that will help to ensure phytosanitary safety when germplasm
is moved internationally.

The technical guidelines are produced by meetings of panels of experts on the

crop(s) concerned, who have been selected in consultation with the relevant
specialized institutions and research centres. The experts contribute to the
elaboration of the guidelines in their private capacities and do not represent the
organizations to which they belong. FAO, IBPGR and the contributing experts
cannot be held responsible for any failures resulting from the application of the
present guidelines. By their nature they reflect the consensus of the crop specialists
who attended the meeting, based on the best scientific knowledge available at the
time of the meeting.

The technical guidelines are written in a short, direct, sometimes ‘telegraphic’

style, in order to keep the volume of the document to a minimum and to facilitate
updating. The guidelines are divided into two parts: The first part makes general
recommendations on how best to move germplasm of the crop concerned and
mentions available intermediate quarantine facilities when relevant. The second
part covers the important pests and diseases of quarantine concern. The information
given on a particular pest or disease does not pretend to be exhaustive but
concentrates on those aspects that are most relevant to quarantine. In general,
references are only given on the geographical distribution of the diseases and
pests, their seed transmission and methods of indexing.

It should be realized that the information on pest distribution is strongly influenced

by the intensity of research carried out in a given country or region and should
therefore be considered as relative.

The naming of legume crops is often confusing. A lists the accepted Latin and
vernacular names of major cultivated legume species is given in the Appendix.

The present guidelines were developed at a meeting held in Arnhem, the

Netherlands from 16 to 22 April 1989. The meeting was convened by the Research
Institute for Plant Protection (IPO) and sponsored by the Directorate General for
International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Mr S.E. Albrechtsen Dr G.R. Johnstone

Danish Government Institute of Seed Tasmanian Department of Primary
Pathology for Developing Countries Industry
Ryvangs Allé 78 PO Box 192 B
2900 Hellerup Hobart
Denmark Tasmania 7001
Dr L. Bos
Research Institute for Plant Protection Dr K.M. Makkouk
PO Box 9060 ICARDA
6700 GW Wageningen P.O. Box 5466
The Netherlands Aleppo

Dr E. Feliu Dr S.B. Mathur

AGPP Danish Government Institute of Seed
FAO Pathology for Developing Countries
Via delle Terme di Caracalla Ryvangs Allé 78
00100 Rome 2900 Hellerup
Italy Denmark

Ir E.A. Frison Dr D. McDonald

c/o FAO of the United Nations Patancheru P.O.
Via delle Sette Chiese, 142 Andhra Pradesh 502324
00145 Rome. India

Dr R.I. Hamilton Dr G.I. Mink

Agriculture Canada Irrigated Agriculture Research and
Research Station Extension Center
6660 N.W. Marine Drive P.O. Box 30
Vancouver, B.C. Prosser
Canada V6T 1X2 Washington 99350

Dr F.J. Morales Dr J.D. Taylor

Centro Internacional de Agricultura Institute of Horticultural Research
Tropical Wellesbourne
Apartado Aereo 6713 Warwick CV35 9EF
Cali UK

Dr D.V.R. Reddy Dr H. Vermeulen

ICRISAT Research Institute for Plant Protection
Patancheru P.O. PO Box 9060
Andhra Pradesh 502324 6700 GW Wageningen
India The Netherlands

Ir H.W. Rossel Dr Zhang Zheng

International Institute of Tropical China Animal and Plant Quarantine
Agriculture Headquarters
Oyo Road, PMB 5320 Liang Ma Qiao, Chao Yang District
Ibadan 100026 Beijing
Nigeria China


A . Germplasm

All legume germplasm collections should be maintained free of known seed-

associated pests (seed-borne or seed-transmitted in the case of fungi and bacteria;
seed-transmitted in the case of viruses). Descriptor data should be obtained from
pest-free germplasm.

Only seedlots certified to be free of such pests should be distributed.

In recipient countries, seedlots should be established and maintained for one

generation under conditions of isolation (temporal and/or spatial) or contain-
ment, with periodic inspection, testing and roguing.

B. Breeding lines

Legume seedlots to be exchanged among breeding programmes should be pro-

duced under conditions of isolation (with appropriate chemical protection) or
containment, with periodic inspection and roguing to eliminate seed-associated

Seedlots should be tested for seed-associated pests and certified by the appropri-
ate regulatory agency before distribution.

C. Commercial seedlots

Commercial seedlots should continue to be subject to current regulatory proce-



A. General recommendations

Vegetative material of legume species should go through intermediate or post-

entry quarantine and should be tested for absence of viruses.

Legume seed should not be moved internationally in pods.

Seed should be harvested at optimal time for the crop and care taken to ensure
effective drying.

Seed samples should be cleaned to eliminate all soil, plant debris, seeds of noxious
weeds, and phanerogamic parasites.

Unless specified otherwise, seeds should be surface-disinfected (with sodium

hypochlorite or a similar product) before being given appropriate fungicide and
insecticide treatments.

Seedlots suspected to contain insects should be fumigated with an appropriate


Parcels containing seeds should be unpacked in a closed (insect-proof) area and

packing material. should be incinerated or autoclaved.

B. Movement of germplasm

1. Introduction of germplasm

Introduction of new germplasm entries should satisfy local regulatory re-


Each new introduction should be grown under containment or isolation.

Plants should be observed periodically. Plants suspected to be affected with

seed-associated pests should be destroyed.

All symptomless plants should be tested for latent infections by viruses

known to occur in the place of origin of the material and in the country of
maintenance (see Table 1 on pp. 50-52). Ideally this testing should be carried
out at this stage or, if not possible, it should be carried out before the
germplasm is distributed (see International distribution of germplasm).
Infected plants should be destroyed.

Seed should be collected from healthy plants only.

2. Further multiplication of new introductions or rejuvenation of germplasm


Seed should be sown under containment or isolation with appropriate chemi-

cal protection.

Plants should be observed periodically. Plants affected by seed-associated

pests should be removed and destroyed.

Seed should be collected from healthy plants only.

3. International distribution of germplasm

Germplasm accessions that have been introduced and multiplied according to

the procedures described above can be certified and distributed internation-

Germplasm accessions which are not yet in a pest-free state should be handled
according to the same procedures as described for new introductions.

Movement of germplasm should comply with regulatory requirements of the

importing country.

In addition to the phytosanitary certificate, a ‘germplasm health statement’,

indicating which tests have been performed to assess the health status of the
material, should accompany the germplasm accession.

C. Movement of breeding material

Seeds used for the multiplication of breeding material should be pest-free.

Breeding material under multiplication should be grown under containment or

isolation with appropriate chemical protection.
Plants should be inspected soon after emergence and periodically thereafter.
Plants infected with seed-associated pests should be destroyed. For field grown
plants, suitable precautions should be taken to prevent soil spread from infected
plants and introduction of possible seed-associated pests from local sources of

Seeds should be harvested only from symptomless plants.

Seed samples of appropriate size should be tested for seed-associated pests.

When non-destructive seed health tests are available, all seeds should be tested

Movement of germplasm should comply with regulatory requirements of the

importing country.

In addition to the phytosanitary certificate, a germplasm health statement, indicat-

ing which tests have been performed to assess the health status of the material,
should accompany the breeding material.


Viral diseases

1. Alfalfa mosaic virus

Alfalfa mosaic virus group; four classes of bacilliform particles c. 18 nm wide x 57,43,
35, and 30 nm long; readily transmitted in sap (Jaspars & Bos, 1980).

Host range
Occurs often symptomlessly in many legumes. Natural host range is very wide and
includes over 150 species in 22 families of dicotyledons.

Mosaic and mottle symptoms in lucerne, but often masked at higher temperature. In
soybean, brilliant yellow mottle or mosaic (calico); in common bean, cowpea and
mungbean, systemic yellow mosaic. Lethal systemic necrosis may occur in pea, and
wilting in chickpea. Red and white clover often exhibit mosaic.

Readily transmitted by aphids (at least 14 species) in the non-persistent manner. Seed
transmission depends on host genotype and virus strain and amounts up to c. 50% in
lucerne (Beczner & Manninger, 1975; also in pollen to embryos on virus-free mother
plants, but not to these plants when pollinated with infected pollen: Hemmati &
McLean, 1977). Seed transmission of berseem mosaic virus (most probably alfalfa
mosaic virus) in Trifolium alexandrinum was 60 - 70% (Mishra et al., 1980). May be
transmitted by hay-cutting machinery.

Geographical distribution

Mechanical inoculation of Phaseolus vulgaris (usually necrotic lesions); Chenopodium
amaranticolor and C. quinoa (chlorotic or necrotic lesions, sometimes systemic); and
Vigna unguiculata (necrotic lesions for certain isolates and strains). Can also be indexed
using ELISA; infected seedlots can be screened by ELISA, but testing of whole seeds
may also reveal antigen in coats of seeds of which the embryo is free of virus (Pesic &
Hiruki, 1986).
Beczner, L. & Manninger, S. 1975. Epidemiology of alfalfa mosaic virus, investigations
on aphid transmission and seed transmission. Különlenyomat A
Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet Evkönyve 1 3:167-176.
Hemmati, K. & McLean, D.L. 1977. Gamete-seed transmission of alfalfa mosaic virus
and its effect on seed germination and yield in alfalfa. Phytopathology 67:576-
Jaspars, E.M.J. & BOS, L. 1980. Alfalfa mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant
Viruses No. 229. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Mishra, M.D., Raychaudhuri, S.P., Ghosh, A. & Wilcoxson, R.D. 1980. Berseem
mosaic, a seed-transmitted disease. Plant Dis. 6 4:490-492.
Pesic, Z. & Hiruki, C. 1986. Differences in the incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus in seed
coat and embryo of alfalfa seed. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 8:38-42.

2. Bean common mosaic virus

Potyvirus group; flexuous filamentous particles c. 750 nm; low to medium concentra-
tion in systemically-infected plants; readily transmitted in sap; comprises highly
different strains(Drijfhout, 1978; Morales & Bos, 1988).

Host range
Mainly found in Phaseolus species, mungbean (Kaiser et al., 1968) and some wild
legumes such as Rhynchosia minima. Also reported from Lupinus luteus (Frencel &
Pospieszny, 1979). Several other legumes including cowpea are suspected but uncon-
firmed hosts. Non-leguminous artificial hosts include Nicotiana benthamiana and N.

Vein-banding mosaic of dark green areas along main leaf veins, sometimes accompa-
nied by leaf malformation (curling or blisters). Mosaic-resistant bean genotypes may
show local and/or systemic necrosis (Drijfhout, 1978).

Transmitted in a non-persistent manner by several aphid species, mainly Aphis fabae
and Myzus persicae. Transmission via seed of common bean may be high, depending
upon bean cultivar and virus strain (Morales & Castano, 1987). Seed transmission also
reported for mungbean (Vigna radiata) (up to 25%: Kaiser et al., 1968), phasemy bean
(Macroptilium lathyroides) (Provvidenti & Braverman, 1976), tepary bean (Phaseolus
acutifolius) (7-22%: Provvidenti & Cobb, 1975) and urdbean (Vigna mungo) (2-10%:
Agarwal et al., 1979).

Geographical distribution
Highly susceptible common bean genotypes, such as Dubbele Witte, show both
mosaic and leaf distortion. Bean cvs Topcrop and Widusa develop local and systemic
necrosis when inoculated with necrosis-inducing strains of the virus. ELISA.

Agarwal, V.K., Nene, Y.L., Beniwal, S.P.S. & Verma, H.S. 1979. Transmission of bean
common mosaic virus through urdbean (Phaseolus mungo) seeds. Seed Sci. &
Technol. 7:103-108.
Drijfhout, E. 1978. Genetic interaction between Phaseolus vulgaris and bean common
mosaic virus. Doctoral Thesis. Centre Agric. Publ. Docum. Wageningen, 98
Frencel, I. & Pospieszny, H. 1979. Viruses in natural infections of yellow lupin
(Lupinus luteus L.) in Poland. IV. Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). Phyto-
pathol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 14:279-284.
Kaiser, J.W., Danesh, D., Okhovat, M. & Mossahebi, H. 1968. Diseases of pulse crops
(edible legumes) in Iran. Plant Dis. Reptr 52 :687-691.
Morales, F.J. & Bos, L. 1988. Bean common mosaic virus. AAB Descriptions of Plant
Viruses No. 337. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
Morales, F.J. & Castano, M. 1987. Seed transmission characteristics of selected bean
common mosaic virus strains in differential bean cultivars. Plant Dis. 71 :51-
Provvidenti, R. & Braverman, S.W. 1976. Seed transmission of bean common mosaic
virus in phasemy bean. Phytopathology 66 :1274-1275.
Provvidenti, R. & Cobb, E.D. 1975. Seed transmission of bean common mosaic virus
in tepary bean. Plant Dis. Reptr 59:966- 969.

3. Beanpod mottle virus

Comovirus group; isometric particles c. 30 nm; high concentration in plants; readily
transmitted in sap (Semancik, 1972).

Host range
Common bean and soybean. Also reported from Desmodium paniculatum (Moore &
Walters, 1969).

Plant stunting, severe leaf mosaic and pod mottle in common bean. Leaf mottle and
puckering and pod and seed-coat mottling in soybean.

By Cerotoma trifurcata and other leaf beetles. Seed transmission in soybean reported
only once (0.1%; Lin & Hill, 1983).
Geographical distribution


Lin, M.T. & Hill, J.H. 1983. Bean pod mottle virus: occurrence in Nebraska and seed
transmission in soybeans. Plant Dis. 67:230- 233.
Moore, B.J. & Walters, H.J. 1969. Desmodium paniculatum, a perennial host of bean pod
mottle virus in nature. Plant Dis. Reptr 53 :154-155.
Semancik, J.S. 1972. Bean pod mottle virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses
No. 108. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.

4. Bean yellow mosaic virus

Potyvirus group; flexuous particles c. 750 nm; transmitted in sap (Bos, 1970); various
strains exist such as the bean mosaic, pea yellow mosaic and pea necrosis strains (Bos
et al., 1974).

Host range
Many legumes, including common bean, faba bean, pea, chickpea, cowpea, Crotalaria
spectabilis, soybean and perennial legumes and some non-legumes such as squash,
spinach, Freesia, Gladiolus and a number of bulb crops (Derks et al., 1980).

Causes mosaics and necrosis in legumes depending upon host genotype and virus

By many aphid species in the non-persistent manner and via seed in some legume
species such as faba bean (Quantz, 1954; 0.l-2.4%: Kaiser, 1973; 0.l-0.2%: Fiedorow,
1980), pea (Dickson, 1922), white sweet clover, and white and yellow lupin (3-6%:
Zschau, 1962; 6.2%: Corbett, 1958).

Geographical distribution

Diagnostic hosts are selected cultivars of common bean, faba bean and pea (‘Perfec-
tion’ type peas are immune), and Chenopodium amaranticolor and C. quinoa. ELISA and
immuno-specific electron microscopy are sensitive tests for detection and recognition.
Bos, L. 1970. Bean yellow mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No.
40. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Bos, L., Kowalska, Cz. & Maat, D.Z. 1974. The identification of bean mosaic, pea
yellow mosaic and pea necrosis strains of bean yellow mosaic virus. Neth. J.
Plant Path. 80 :173-191.
Corbett, M.K. 1958. A virus disease of lupins caused by bean yellow mosaic virus.
Phytopathology 48:86-91.
Derks, A.F.L.M., Vink-van den Abeele, J.L. & Muller, P.J. 1980. Bean yellow mosaic
virus in some iridaceous plants. Acta Hort. 110:31-37.
Dickson, B.T. 1922. Studies concerning mosaic diseases. Macdonald College, Canada,
Techn. Bull. 1.
Fiedorow, Z.G. 1980. Some virus diseases of horse bean. Tag.-Ber. Akad. Landw.- Wiss.
(DDR, Berlin) 184:361-366.
Kaiser, W.J., 1973. Biology of bean yellow mosaic and pea leafroll viruses affecting
Vicia faba in Iran. Phytopath. Z. 78 :253-263.
Quantz, L. 1954. Untersuchungen uber die Viruskrankheiten der Ackerbohne. Mitt.
Biol. Bundesanst. Land- u. Forstwirtsch. (Berlin-Dahlem) 80:171-175.
Zschau, K. 1962. Versuche und Beobachtungen zur Samenubertragung der Mo-
saikkrankheit der Lupinen, insbesondere der Gelblupine. Nachr. Bl. Dtsch.
Pfl.Sch.D. 16:1-7.

5. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus

Potyvirus group; flexuous, filamentous particles, c. 750 nm; moderate concentration
in cowpea plants; readily transmitted in sap (Purcifull & Gonsalves, 1985). The virus
is closely related to cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (Purcifull & Gonsalves, 1985;
Dijkstra et al., 1987), from which it differs in host range and serology (Taiwo et al., 1982)
but perhaps not sufficiently to treat the latter as a distinct virus (Dijkstra et al., 1987).

Host range
Occurs naturally in cowpea (Anderson, 1955; Lima et al., 1979), asparagus bean (V.
unguiculata var. sesquipedalis) (Tsuchizaki et al., 1984), common bean, mungbean
(Green, 1985), soybean (deviant strain, Dijkstra et al., 1987), and Crotalaria spectabilis
(Anderson, 1955). Experimentally transmissible to various other leguminous crop
species and several test plants of a number of families.

Prominent mosaic, mottle, green vein-banding and distortion in susceptible geno-
types. When occurring together with cucumber mosaic virus, severe stunting in
cowpea (Pio-Ribeiro et al., 1978) and rugose mosaic in asparagus bean (Chang, 1983).
By Aphis craccivora, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae in a non-persistent
manner (Anderson, 1955), and probably by many other aphid species. Transmitted up
to 30.9% in seed of several cowpea genotypes (Anderson, 1957; Zettler and Evans,
1972), and in mungbean (0.6-2.5% in 7 out of 13 lines tested with a virus closely related
to the virus and adzuki been mosaic virus (Green, 1985).

Geographical distribution
Possibly wherever cowpea is grown.

Serologically, in agar (SDS, pyrrolidine), but more reliably by ELISA.

Anderson, C.W. 1955. Vigna and Crotalaria viruses in Florida II. Notations concern-
ing cowpea mosaic virus(Marmor vignae). Plant Dis. Reptr 39:349-353.
Anderson, C.W. 1957. Seed transmission of three viruses in cowpea. Phytopathology
47:55 (Abstr.).
Chang, C.A. 1983. Rugose mosaic of asparagus bean caused by dual infection with
cucumber mosaic virus and blackeye cowpea mosaic virus. Plant Prot. Bull.
(Taiwan) 2 5:177-190.
Dijkstra, J., Bos, L., Bouwmeester, H.J., Hadiastono, Tutung & Lohuis, H. 1987.
Identification of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus from germplasm of yard-long
bean and from soybean, and the relationships between blackeye cowpea
mosaic virus and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus. Neth. J. Plant Path. 93:115-
Green, S.K. 1985. Seed transmission of a new mungbean virus and screening for
resistance. Progress Report AVRDC 1985:168-171.
Lima, J.A.A., Purcifull, D. & Hiebert, E. 1979. Purification, partial characterization,
and serology of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus. Phytopathology 69:1252-1258.
Pio-Ribeiro, G., Wyatt, S.D. & Kuhn, C.W. 1978. Cowpea stunt: A disease caused by
a synergistic interaction of two viruses. Phytopathology 68 :1260-1265.
Purcifull, D. & Gonsalves, D. 1985. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus. AAB Descriptions
of Plant Viruses No. 305. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
Taiwo, M.A., Gonsalves, D., Provvidenti, R. & Thurston, H.D. 1982. Partial characteri-
zation and grouping of isolates of blackeye cowpea mosaic and cowpea aphid-
borne mosaic viruses. Phytopathology 72 :509-596.
Tsuchizaki, T., Senboku, T., Pholauporn, S., Srithongchai, W., Deema, N. & Ching,
A.O. 1984. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus from asparagus bean (Vigna
sesquipedalis) in Thailand and Malaysia, and their relationships to a Japanese
isolate. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 50:461-468.
Zettler, F.W. & Evans, I.R. 1972. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in Florida: host range
and incidence in certified cowpea seed. Proc. Fla St. Hort. Soc. 85:99-101.

6. Blackgram mottle virus

Possibly carmovirus group, isometric particles c. 28 nm; transmissible in sap (Scott &
Hoy, 1981).

Host range
Blackgram (urd) (Vigna mungo) in seeds of which it was first detected (Phatak, 1974).

Mottling and stunting in blackgram.

Transmitted in sap, by beetles (Cerotoma trifurcata and Epilachna varivestis), and via
seed of blackgram (8%: Phatak, 1974).

Geographical distribution
Australasia, India, Thailand.

On assay hosts (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, Macrotyloma uniflorum, Phaseolus lunatus, P.
vulgaris ‘Pinto’, ‘Puregold’. Latex serology (the virus is a good immunogen), ISEM.

Phatak, H.C. 1974. Seed-borne plant viruses - identification and diagnosis in seed
health testing. Seed Sci. & Technol. 2 :3-155.
Scott, H.A. & Hoy, J.W. 1981. Blackgram mottle virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses No. 237. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.

7. Broad bean mottle virus

Bromovirus group: isometric particles c. 27 nm; high concentration in plants; readily
transmitted in sap (Gibbs, 1972).

Host range
Only found in faba bean, but infectious to 12 of 27 legumes (including chickpea, lentil
and pea, which suffered severely, and soybean, Phaseolus vulgaris, Trifolium spp. and
Melilotus albus) and 9 non-legumes.

Faba-bean plants react with mottling, marbling or diffuse mosaic often associated
with leaf malformation and sometimes with plant stunting and bushy growth. Some
genotypes may show necrosis,
Artificially by beetles (Acalymma trivittata, Diabrotica undecimpunctata and Colaspis
flavida) and possibly weevils (Sitona lineatus). Via seed of faba bean when occurring
together with bean yellow mosaic virus (Murant et al., 1974; Makkouk et al., 1988).

Geographical distribution
North Africa, Portugal, Sudan, Syria, UK.

Test plants (Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, cotyledons of Cucumis sativus),

Gibbs, A.J. 1972. Broad bean mottle virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses
No. 101. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Makkouk, K.M., Bos, L., Rizkallah, A., Azzam,O.I. & Katul, L. 1988. Broad beanmottle
virus: identification, host range, serology, and occurrence on faba bean (Vicia
faba) in West Asia and North Africa. Neth. J. Pl. Path. 94 :195-212.
Murant, A.F., Abu Salih, H.S. & Goold, R.A. 1974. Viruses from broad bean in the
Sudan. Ann. Rept. Scottish Hort. Res. Inst. 1973: 67.

8. Broad bean stain virus

Comovirus group; angular isometric particles, c. 28 nm; high concentration in plants;
transmissible in sap (Gibbs & Smith, 1970). Pea green mosaic virus and pea seed-borne
symptomless virus are strains (Musil et al., 1983).

Host range
Only found in faba bean (Vicia faba), lentil, pea, vetch and hybrid clover (Makkouk et
al., 1986,1987; Musil et al., 1983; Tapio, 1970) but infectious to chickpea, some cultivars
of Phaseolus bean and mostly symptomlessly to a number of wild Leguminosae. Not
infectious to non-legumes (Makkouk et al., 1987).

Mild mottling in faba bean and diffuse mottling in pea. No symptoms in most other
artificial hosts. Seeds of infected faba bean may show a characteristic necrotic pattern
of the testa around the periphery of the seed.

By weevils (Apion vorax and Sitona spp.). Via seed of faba bean: up to 10% (Gibbs &
Smith, 1970) or 2.7% (Jones, 1978), even when unstained (Makkouk et al., 1987); and in
seeds of pea (Kowalska & Beczner, 1980), lentil (Makkouk & Azzam, 1986), and Vicia
palaestinae, a symptomless artificial host of the virus (Makkouk et al., 1987).
Geographical distribution
Europe, North Africa, Sudan and West Asia (Makkouk et al., 1987). Detected in
Australia and in experimental plots in China, but probably eradicated.

In leaves, ground seeds and developing embryos of faba bean with ELISA. Virus
sometimes detectable in cotyledons while notin embryonal axis (Makkouk et al., 1987).

Devergne, J.-C. & Cousin, R. 1966. Le virus de la mosaique de la fève (MF) et les
symptomes d’ornementation sur graines. Annls Epiphyties 17 (No. H.S.):147-
Gibbs, A.J. & Smith, H.G. 1970. Broad bean stain virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses No. 29. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Jones, A.T. 1978. Incidence, field spread, seed transmission and effects of broad bean
stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus in Vicia faba in eastern
Scotland. Ann. appl. Biol. 88 :137-144.
Kowalska, C. & Beczner, L. 1980. Characterization of a seed-borne virus in Pisum
sativum. Tag.-Ber. Akad. Landw.- Wiss. (DDR, Berlin) 184 :353-359.
Makkouk, K.M. & Azzam, O.I. 1986. Detection of broad bean stain virus in lentil seed
groups. LENS Newsl. 1 3:37-38.
Makkouk, K.M., Bos, L. & Azzam, O.I. 1986. A preliminary survey of viruses affecting
faba bean, lentil and chickpea in the Middle East and North Africa. Poster Int.
Food Leg. Res. Conf. Spokane USA, 6 -11 July, 1986.
Makkouk, K.M., Bos, L., Azzam, O.I., Katul, L. & Rizkallah, A. 1987. Broad bean stain
virus: identification, detectability with ELISA in faba bean leaves and seeds,
occurrence in West Asia and North Africa, and possible wild hosts. Neth. J.
Plant Path. 93:97-106.
Musil, M., Valenta, V., Kowalska, Cz., Wiatroszak, I. & Beczner, L. 1983. Serological
properties of some comoviruses. Biologia (Bratislava) 38:231-236.
Tapio, E. 1970. Virus diseases of legumes in Finland and in the Scandinavian
countries. Annls Agric. Fenn. 9:1-97.

9. Broad bean true mosaic virus

Comovirus group; angular isometric particles c. 28 nm; high concentration in plants;
transmitted in sap (Gibbs & Paul, 1970).

Host range
Only found in faba bean (Gibbs & Paul, 1970) and pea. Artificially transmissible to
several legumes but not to non-legumes (Gibbs & Paul, 1970).
Malforming leaf mottle and mosaic, often masked at high temperature. Cyclical
development of disease (Paul & Quantz, 1959).

By weevils (Apion vorax and Sitona spp.) and via seed of faba bean (up to 17%:
Blaszczak, 1970,1974; Cockbain et al., 1976; Jones, 1978,1980).

Geographical distribution
Europe and northwest Africa (Gibbs & Paul, 1970), and China (Ji, 1987). Found in
South Australia in crops grown from imported seed, but no evidence of spread
(Boswell & Gibbs, 1983).

Diagnostic hosts are faba bean and pea, with C. amaranticolor and N. clevelandii as
insusceptible hosts; ELISA.

Blaszczak, W. 1970. Influence of the time of inoculation of horse bean by the broad
bean true mosaic virus (Viciavirus varians Quantz) on yield and seed transmis-
sion of the virus. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk. Roln. 11 :11-20.
Blaszczak, W. 1974. Pathogenicity, effect on plants and some other features of broad
bean true mosaic virus Quantz. Roczn. Nauk Roln. Ser. E. 4 :121-137.
Boswell, K.F. & Gibbs, A.J. (eds.). 1983. Viruses of legumes 1983. Descriptions and keys
from VIDE. Austral. Natl Univ., Canberra.
Cockbain, A. J., Bowen, R. & Vorrai-Urai, S. 1976. Seed transmission of broad bean stain
virus and Echtes, Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus in field beans (Vicia faba). Ann.
appl. Biol. 84:321-332.
Gibbs, A.J. & Paul, H.L. 1970. Echtes Ackerbohnemosaik-Virus. CMI/AAB Descrip-
tions of Plant Viruses No. 20. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Ji, Liang, 1987. Recent advances in legume virus diseases research in China. Soybean
Science 6 : 1 5 7 - 1 6 6 .
Jones, A.T. 1978. Incidence, field spread, seed transmission and effects of broad bean
stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus in Vicia faba in eastern
Scotland. Ann. appl. Biol. 88:137-144.
Jones, A.T. 1980. Seed-borne viruses of Vicia faba and the possibility of producing seed
free from broad bean stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnen mosaik-Virus. pp.
319-333. In: Vicia faba, feeding value, processing and viruses. Ed. D.A. Bond.
Martinus Nijhoff, the Hague.
Paul, H.L. & Quantz, L. 1959. Uber den Wechsel der Konzentration des Echten
Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus in Ackerbohnen. Arch. Mikrobiol. 32 :312-318.
10. Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Potyvirus group; flexuous, filamentous particles, c 750 nm; moderate concentration in
plants; readily transmitted in sap (Bock & Conti, 1974). The virus is closely related to,
if not identical with blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (Dijkstra et al., 1987); and probably
also azuki bean mosaic virus, occurring in Vigna angularis in Japan (Hino, 1962).

Host range
Occurs in cowpea. Experimentally transmissible to various other leguminous crop
species and various test plants of the Chenopodiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Lamiaceae and

Severe mosaic, mottle and distortion in susceptible genotypes. All degrees of suscep-
tibility exist. A range of types (strains), widely differing in symptomatology in
cowpea, have been identified (Bock, 1973; Purcifull & Gonsalves, 1985; Rossel and
Thottappilly, unpublished).

By various aphid species (Lovisolo & Conti, 1966; Bock, 1973) and at variable rates in
seed of several cowpea genotypes (up to 40%; Kaiser & Mossahebi, 1975; Aboul Ata
et al., 1982). Azuki bean mosaic virus was also found to be seed-transmitted (Tsuchizaki
et al., 1970a; 1970b).

Geographical distribution
Possibly wherever cowpea is grown

Serologically, in agar (SDS) but more reliably by ELISA. Various, biologically and/ or
serologically distinct strains identified.

Aboul Ata, A.E., Allen, D.J., Thottappilly, G. & Rossel, H.W. 1982. Variation in the rate
of seed transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in cowpea. Trop.
Grain Leg. Bull. 25:2-7.
Behncken, G.M. & Maleevsky, L. 1977. Detection of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
in Queensland. Austral. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb. 17:647-678.
Bock, K.R. 1973. East African strains of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus. Ann. appl.
Biol. 74 :75-83.
Bock, K.R. & Conti, M. 1974. Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descrip-
tions of Plant Viruses No.134. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Dijkstra, J., Bos, L., Bouwmeester, H.J., Hadiastono, Tutung & Lohuis, H. 1987.
Identification of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus from germplasm of yard-long
bean and from soybean, and the relationships between blackeye cowpea
mosaic virus and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus. Neth. J. Plant Path.
Hino, T. 1962. Studies on the asparagus-bean mosaic virus. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan
Kaiser, W.J. & Mossahebi, G.H. 1975. Studies with cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
and its effect on cowpea in Iran. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 23:33-39.
Lovisolo, O. & Conti, M. 1966. Identification of an aphid-transmitted cowpea mosaic
virus. Neth. J. Plant Path. 72:265-269.
Purcifull, D. & Gonsalves, D. 1985. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus. AAB Descriptions
of Plant Viruses No. 305. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
Tsuchizaki, T., Yora, K. & Asuyama, H. 1970a. The viruses causing mosaic of cowpea
and Azuki bean, and their transmissibility through seeds. Ann. Phytopath. Soc.
Japan 36 :112-120.
Tsuchizaki, T., Yora, K. & Asuyama, H. 1970b. Seed transmission of viruses in cowpea
and Azuki bean plants. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 36:237-242.

11. Cowpea mild mottle virus

Affiliation uncertain; formerly grouped under the Carlaviruses; filamentous, rather
rigid particles, c. 650 nm; high concentration in plants; readily transmitted in sap
(Brunt & Kenten, 1974).

Most range
Reported from cowpea (Brunt & Menten, 1973), bambara groundnut (Vigna subterra-
nea), soybean, winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) (Fauquet et al., 1979; Thouvenel
et al., 1982), groundnut (Iizuka et al., 1984), mungbean (Mink & Keswani, 1987), and
some leguminous weed species (Anno-Nyako, 1984). Commonly found in common
bean, and lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) in Nigeria, in which it causes prominent
disease symptoms (Rossel, unpublished). Also reported from tomato (Brunt & Phil-
lips, 1981). Experimentally transmissible to other legume crop species and some test
plant species including Nicotiana clevelandii and N. megalosiphon (Anno-Nyako, 1984).

Mild mosaic, mottle in soybean and a few susceptible cowpea genotypes. Symptoms
in soybean are generally mild. Prominent chlorosis, stunt and rugose symptoms in
common bean. Certain strains cause bright yellow mosaic in soybean (Rossel and
Thottappilly, unpublished).

Transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). Seed transmission reported (up to nearly
100%) for cowpea, soybean and common bean (Brunt & Kenten, 1973) and for soybean
(0.5%: Thouvenel et al., 1982). Seed transmission in soybean could not be confirmed in
Nigeria (Rossel and Thottappilly, in preparation). Similar studies in India have shown
low (0.5-2%) seed-borne infection rates (Reddy, in preparation). Virus also detected in
mungbean seed obtained from Tanzania (Mink, pers. comm.)

Geographical distribution
Probably worldwide in the tropics. Common in leguminous crop and weed species in

Serologically by ELISA.

Anno-Nyako, F.O. 1984. Identification and partial characterization of a mild mottle
disease in soybean (Glycine max (L) Merril) in Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis, Univer-
sity of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Brunt, A.A. & Kenten, R.H. 1973. Cowpea mild mottle, a newly recognized virus
infecting cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) in Ghana. Ann. appl. Biol. 74 :67-74.
Brunt, A.A. & Kenten, R.H. 1974. Cowpea mild mottle virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions
of Plant Viruses No. 140. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Brunt, A.A. & Phillips, S. 1981. ‘Fuzzy vein’, a disease of tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum) in western Nigeria induced by cowpea mild mottle virus. Trop.
Agric. (Trinidad) 5 8:177-180.
Fauquet, C., Lamy, D. & Thouvenel, J.C. 1979. Viral diseases of winged bean in the
Ivory Coast. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 27:81-87.
Iizuka, N., Rajeshwari, R., Reddy, D.V.R., Goto, F., Munyappa, V., Bharathan, N. &
Ghanekar, A.M. 1984. Natural occurrence of a strain of cowpea mild mottle
virus on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in India. Phytopath. Z. 109 :245-253.
Mink, G.I. & Keswani, C.L. 1987. First report of cowpea mild mottle virus on bean and
mung bean in Tanzania. Plant Dis. 71 :557.
Thouvenel, J.C., Montsarrat, A. & Fauquet, C. 1982. Isolation of cowpea mild mottle
virus from diseased soybeans in Ivory Coast. Plant Dis. 66 :336-337.

12. Cowpea mosaic virus

Comovirus group; isometric particles, c. 25 nm; high concentration in plants; readily
transmitted in sap (Van Kammen & De Jager, 1978). This virus was originally
described as cowpea yellow mosaic virus (Chant, 1959; Swaans & van Kammen, 1973).

Host range
Occurs in cowpea (Chant, 1959; Bock, 1971), also reported from groundnut and
soybean in Japan, from Crotalaria juncea (Ladipo, 1988) and Cajanus cajan (Bock, 1971),
sporadically found in soybean in Africa (Rossel and Thottappilly, unpublished).
Experimentally transmissible to other leguminous crop species, and some test plants
like Chenopodium spp. and Nicotiana benthamiana.
Severe mosaic, mottle and distortion in susceptible genotypes. All degrees of suscep-
tibility exist. Numerous cowpea genotypes have high levels of resistance (including

By the chrysomelid beetles, Ootheca mutabilis and Paraluperodes quaternus, and by
Nematocerus acerbus (Curculionidae) (Chant, 1959; Bock, 1971; Whitney & Gilmer,
1974). Other chrysomelid beetles also incriminated as vectors, and vectors may remain
infective for l-2 to more than 8 days (Van Kammen & De Jager, 1978)., Suspected seed
transmission (l-5%: Gilmer et al., 1973) could not be confirmed (Thottappilly and
Rossel, 1987).

Geographical distribution
Occurs in the humid savanna and forest zones of West Africa. Also reported from
some countries in East Africa: Kenya (Bock, 1971), Tanzania (Patel and Kuwite, 1982)
and in Suriname, Cuba and the USA.

Serologically, in agar or by ELISA.

Bock, K.R. 1971. Notes on East African plant virus diseases. I. Cowpea mosaic virus.
E.A. Agric. Forestry 1. 37:60-62.
Chant, S.R. 1959. Viruses of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. in Nigeria. Ann. appl.
Biol. 4 7:565-572.
Gilmer, R.M., Whitney, W.K. & Williams, R.J. 1973. Epidemiology and control of
cowpea mosaic virus in Western Nigeria. Proc. Ist IITA Grain Leg. Impr.
Workshop: 269.
Kammen, A. van & Jager, C.P. de. 1978. Cowpea mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descrip-
tions of Plant Viruses No. 197. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Ladipo, J.L. 1988. Viruses associated with a mosaic disease of Crotalaria juncea in
Nigeria. J. Phytopathol. 121 :8-18.
Patel, P.N. & Kuwite, C. 1982. Prevalence of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus and
two strains of cowpea mosaic virus in Tanzania. Indian Phytopath. 35:467-472.
Swaans, H, & Kammen, A. van. 1973. Reconsideration of the distinction between the
severe and yellow strains of cowpea mosaic virus. Neth. J. Plant Path. 79 :257-
Thottappilly, G. & Rossel, H.W. 1987. Seed transmission of cowpea (yellow) mosaic
virus unlikely in cowpea. Trop. Grain Leg. Bull. 34:27-28.
Whitney, W.K. & Gilmer, R.M. 1974. Insect vectors of cowpea mosaic virus in Nigeria.
Ann. appl. Biol. 77:12-21.

13. Cow-pea mottle virus

Possibly carmovirus group; spherical particles c. 27 nm; high concentration in plants;
readily transmitted in sap (Boswell & Gibbs, 1983).

Host range
Occurs in cowpea and bambara groundnut (Vigna (=Voandzeia) subterranea) (Robertson,
1966; Rossel, 1977; Shoyinka et al., 1978). Experimentally transmissible to other
leguminous crop species and some test plants like Chenopodium spp.

Severe mosaic, mottle and distortion in susceptible genotypes. All degrees of suscep-
tibility exist. Cowpea genotypes identified which possess high levels of resistance
(Allen, 1980).

By the chrysomelid beetle, Ootheca mutabilis. Seed transmission in all three cowpea
cultivars tested (up to 10%: Shoyinka et al., 1978; Allen et al., 1982), in inoculated plants
of common bean (Shoyinka et al., 1978) and in bambara groundnut (Robertson, 1966).

Geographical distribution
Occurs throughout the humid savanna and forest zones of West Africa.

Serologically in agar or by ELISA.

Allen, D.J. 1980. Identification of resistance to cowpea mottle virus. Trop. Agric.
(Trinidad) 5 7:325-332.
Allen, D.J., Thottappilly, G. & Rossel, H.W. 1982. Cowpea mottle virus: field
resistance and seed transmission in virus-tolerant cowpea. Ann. appl. Biol.
Boswell, K.F. & Gibbs, A.J. (eds.). 1983. Viruses of legumes 1983. Descriptions and keys
from VIDE. Austral. Nat1 Univ., Canberra.
Robertson, D.G. 1966. Seed-borne viruses of cowpea in Nigeria. B.Sc. Thesis,
University of Oxford, Oxford.
Rossel, H.W. 1977. Preliminary investigations on the identity and ecology of legume
virus diseases in northern Nigeria. Trop. Grain Leg. Bull. 8:41-46.
Shoyinka, S., Bozarth, R.F., Reese, J. & Rossel, H.W. 1978. Cowpea mottlevirus, a seed-
borne virus with distinctive properties infecting cowpeas in Nigeria.
Phytopathology 68:693-699.
14. Cowpea ringspot virus
Cucumovirus group: spherical particles c. 25-30 nm; low to medium concentration in
cowpea; readily transmitted in sap (Phatak et al., 1976).

Host range
Found naturally in cowpeas. Also found in lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) and winged
bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) (Rossel, unpublished). Experimentally transmis-
sible to other leguminous crop species and some non-legume species such as Chenopo-
dium spp., Nicotiana glutinosa and N. benthamiana.

Generally very mild and consisting of characteristic patchy chlorosis or mottle.

Naturally by numerous aphid species in the non-persistent manner and through seed
of cowpea (10-30%: Phatak, 1974; Phatak et al., 1976).

Geographical distribution
Probably occurs wherever cowpeas are grown.

By mechanical transmission to N. glutinosa and serologically by agar-gel double dif-
fusion or ELISA.

Phatak, H.C. 1974. Seed-borne plant viruses - identification and diagnosis in seed
health testing. Seed Sci. & Technol. 2:3-155.
Phatak, H.C., Diaz-Ruiz, J.R. & Hull, R. 1976. Cowpea ringspot virus: a seed-
transmitted cucumovirus. Phytopath. Z. 87 :132-142.

15. Cowpea severe mosaic virus

Comovirus group; isometric particles, c. 25 nm; high concentration in plants; readily
transmitted in sap (Swaans & van Kammen, 1973; De Jager, 1979).

Host range
Occurs naturally in cowpea (Dale, 1949; Van Hoof, 1963; Agrawal, 1964); also found
in common bean and other leguminous crops (Dale, 1949; Lin et al., 1982). Sporadically
found in soybean (Thongmeearkom &Goodman, 1976). Experimentally transmissible
only to other leguminous species.
Severe mosaic, mottle and distortion in susceptible genotypes. All degrees of suscep-
tibility exist. Resistance not commonly found among cowpea germplasm.

By several leaf-feeding chrysomelid beetles, mainly Cerotoma ruficornis and C. trifur-
cata. Reportedly transmitted in seed of cowpea (up to 10%: Shepherd, 1964; Haque &
Persad, 1975) and of asparagus bean (Vigna sesquipedalis) (8%: Dale, 1949).

Geographical distribution
Occurs in cowpea and common bean in Latin America and the southern USA.

Serologically in agar or by ELISA.

Agrawal, H.O. 1964. Identification of cowpea mosaic virus isolates. Meded.
Landb.Hogesch. Wageningen 64(5):53 pp.
Dale, W.T. 1949. Observations on a virus disease of cowpea in Trinidad. Ann. appl. Biol.
Haque, S.Q. & Persad, G.C. 1975. Some observations on the seed-transmission of
beetle-transmitted cowpea mosaic virus. pp. 119-121. In: Tropical diseases of
legumes. Eds. J. Bird & K. Maramorosch, Academic Press, New York.
Hoof, H.A. van. 1963. Transmission of cowpea mosaic virus in Surinam. Surin. Landb.
Jager, C.P. de. 1979. Cowpea severe mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant
Viruses No. 209. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Lin, M.T., Anjos, J.R.N. & Rios, G.P. 1982. Cowpea severe mosiac virus in five legumes
in central Brazil. Plant Dis. 66 :67-70.
Shepherd, R.J. 1964. Properties of a mosaic virus of cowpea and its relationship to the
bean pod mottle virus. Phytopathology 54 :466-473.
Swaans, H., & Kammen, A. van. 1973. Reconsideration of the distinction between the
severe and yellow strains of cowpea mosaic virus. Neth. J. Plant Path. 79:257-
Thongmeearkom, P. & Goodman, R.M. 1976. A severe disease of soybean caused by
an isolate of cowpea mosaic virus. Proc. Am. Phytopath. Soc. 3 :209-210 (Abstr.).

16. Cryptic (or temperate) viruses

Cryptovirus group; spherical particles c. 30 nm in diameter with segmented dsRNA
of about 4 x 106; good immunogens but no mutual serological relationships (Boccardo
et al., 1983; Natsuaki et al., 1986). The group includes: alfalfa cryptic virus (Boccardo
et al., 1983), hop trefoil cryptic virus (Boccardo et al., 1983), red clover cryptic virus
(Boccardo et al., 1983), Vicia cryptic virus (Kenten et al., 1980; Abou-Elnasr et al., 1985)
and white clover cryptic virus (Boccardo et al., 1983).

Host range
Single plant species.

None. N o t known to be of any economic importance.

Not mechanically or by grafting. No known vector. In high rates via seed (Boccardo
et al., 1983) but most probably not of quarantine importance.

Geographical distribution
Europe and Japan, probably worldwide. Rather common in cultivated legumes
(Boccardo et al., 1983).

Only after purification or by immunosorbent electron microscopy (Boccardo et al.,
1983). No routine test available.

Abou-Elnasr, M.A., Jones, A.T. & Mayo, M.A. 1985. Detection of dsRNA in particles
of Vicia cryptic virus and in Vicia faba tissues and protoplasts. J. gen. Virol.
Boccardo, G., Lisa, V. & Milne, R.G. 1983: Cryptic viruses in plants. pp. 425-430. In:
Double-stranded RNA viruses. Eds. R.W. Compans & D.H.L. Bishop. Elsevier,
Boccardo, G., Milne, R.G., Luisoni, E., Lisa, V. & Accotto, G.P. 1985. Three seedbome
cryptic viruses containing double-stranded RNA isolated from white clover.
Virology 147:29-40.
Kenten, R.H., Cockbain, A.J. & Woods, R.D. 1980. Vicia cryptic virus. Rothamsted
Exp. Stn. Ann. Rep. 1979: 176.
Natsuaki, T., Natsuaki, K.T., Okuda, S., Teranaka, M., Milne, R.G., Boccardo, G. &
Luisoni, E. 1986. Relationships between the cryptic and temperate viruses of
alfalfa, beet and white clover. Intervirology 25 :69-75.

17. Cucumber mosaic virus

Cucumovirus group; spherical particles c. 29 nm; concentration variable in plants;
readily transmitted in sap (Francki et al., 1979). The seed-transmitted cowpea banding
mosaic virus (Prakash & Joshi, 1980) is probably a legume strain of cucumber mosaic

Host range
Found naturally in many angiosperms, especially Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae.
Also reported from many Leguminosae such as azuki bean, chickpea, cowpea, faba
bean, groundnut, lentil, lucerne, lupins, Phaseolus bean, Pisum sativum and various
clovers (Bos & Maat, 1974). Legume isolates are often weakly pathogenic to non-
legumes (Bos & Maat, 1974).

Symptoms vary from none to mottling and mosaic on systemicleaves, sometimes with
stunting and leaf malformation. In cowpea, severe stunting and in asparagus bean,
rugose mosaic when in complex with blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (Pio Riberio et al .,
1978; Chang, 1983). In Phaseolus bean symptoms often confused with those of bean
common mosaic virus (Bos & Maat, 1974; Meiners et al., 1977). Necrosis in some
species, such as yellow lupin. Plants often recover.

Naturally by numerous aphid species in the non-persistent manner. Artificially by
mechanical inoculation. Through seed of common bean (Bos & Maat, 1974; Meiners et
al., 1977), cowpea (Green, 1985), groundnut (Xu & Barnett, 1984), mung bean (Phatak,
1974; Purivirojkul et al., 1978; Iwaki, 1978), yellow and blue lupin (Golebniak, 1979;
Jones, 1988).

Geographical distribution

Test plants Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Cucumis sativus, Vigna unguiculata;

BOS, L. & Maat, D.Z. 1974. A strain of cucumber mosaic virus, seed-transmitted in
beans. Neth. J. Plant Path. 80:113-123.
Chang, C.A. 1983. Rugose mosaic of asparagus bean. caused by dual infection with
cucumber mosaic virus and blackeye cowpea mosaic virus. Plant Prot. Bull.
(Taiwan) 2 5:177-190.
Francki, R.I.B., Mossop, D.W. and Hatta, T. 1979. Cucumber mosaic virus. CMI/AAB
Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 213. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,
Golebniak, B. 1979. Transmission of cucumber mosaic virus by seeds of blue and
yellow lupins. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Roln. 226:99-102.
Green, SK. 1985. Cucumber mosaic virus: host range, seed transmission, and sources
of resistance. Progress Report AVRDC 1985:171-l74.
Iwaki, M. 1978. Seed transmission of a cucumber mosaic virus in mungbean (Vigna
radiata). Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 44:337-339.
Jones, R.A.C. 1988. Seed-borne cucumber mosaic virus infection of narrow-leafed
lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) in Western Australia. Ann. appl. Biol. 113:507-518.
Meiners, JP., Waterworth, H.E., Smith, F.F., Alconero, R. & Lawson, R.H. 1977. A
seed-transmitted strain of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from bean. J. Agric.
Univ. Puerto Rico 61:137-147.
Phatak, .H.C 1974. Seed-borne plant viruses. Identification and diagnosis in seed
health testing. Seed Sci. & Technol. 2 :3-155.
Pio-Riberio, G., Wyatt, S.D. & Kuhn, C.W. 1978. Cowpea stunt: A disease caused by
a synergistic interaction of two viruses. Phytopathology 68 :1260-1265.
Prakash, J. & Joshi, R.D. 1980. Some aspects of seed transmission of cowpea banding
mosaic virus in cowpea. Seed Sci. & Technol. 8:393-399.
Purivirojkul, W., Silleyos, P., Hsu, C.H., Paehlman, J.H. & Sehgal, O.P. 1978. Natural
infection of mung bean (Vigna radiata) with cucumber mosaic virus. Plant Dis.
Reptr 6 2:530-534.
Xu, Z. & Barnett, O.W. 1984. Identification of a cucumber mosaic virus strain from
naturally infected peanuts in China. Plant Dis. 6 8:386-389.

18. Guar symptomless virus

Potyvirus group; flexuous particles c. 760 nm; transmitted in sap (Hansen & Lese-
mann, 1978).

Host range
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba.

None or mild green mottle. Plants recover.

Non-persistently by aphids and via seed (up to 70% in commercial seed: Behncken,

Geographical distribution
Found in seed from several continents. Occurs in Australia, India, Pakistan, USA.
Diagnostic hosts are Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Glycine soja, Macroptilium
lathyroides, Macrotyloma uniflorum, Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Bountiful’.

Behncken, G.M. 1983. Guar symptomless virus. pp. 59-60. In: Viruses of legumes 1983.
Eds. K.F. Boswell & A.J. Gibbs. Descriptions and keys from VIDE. Austral.
Natl Univ., Canberra.
Hansen, A.J. & Lesemann, D.E. 1978. Occurrence and characteristics of a seed-
transmitted potyvirus from Indian, African and North American guar.
Phytopathology 68:841-846.

19. Lucerne Australian latent virus

Nepovirus group; spherical particles c. 24-27 nm with angular profiles; low concentra-
tion in plants; transmitted by mechanical inoculation (Jones & Forster, 1980).

Host range
Found in nature only in Medicago sativa and Trifolium repens. Experimental hosts
include Cajanus cajan, Cicer arietinum, Lupinus spp., Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum spp.,
Trifolium spp. and Vigna unguiculata.

Most susceptible host species were infected systemically without symptoms. White
clover may display chlorotic line patterns seasonally.

The virus spreads in nature in lucerne fields, but the mechanism is unknown. Seed
transmission up to 8% in lucerne and to 9% in seed from inoculated Chenopodium
quinoa plants (Blackstock, 1978). Pollen transmission to seed and progeny seedlings
occurred in C. quinoa (Blackstock, 1978).

Geographical distribution
Recorded only from Australia and New Zealand.

Diagnostic species are Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Gomphrena globosa and
Pisum sativum. Antisera react well in gel-diffusion tests. Isolates from lucerne and
white clover and their homologous antisera showed little or no cross reaction in DAS-
ELISA (Forster & Morris-Krsinich, 1985).

Blackstock, J.McK. 1978. Lucerne transient streak and lucerne latent, two new viruses
of lucerne. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 29 :291-304.
Forster, R.L.S. & Morris-Krsinich, B.A.M. 1985. A distinct strain of lucerne Australian
latent virus in white clover in New Zealand. Ann. appl. Biol. 107 :449-454.
Jones, A.T. & Forster, R.L.S. 1980. Lucerne Australian latent virus. CMI/AAB
Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 225. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,
Jones, A.T., Forster, R.L.S. & Mohamed, N.A. 1979. Purification and properties of
Australian lucerne latent virus, a seed-borne virus having affinities with
nepoviruses. Ann. appl. Biol. 92 :49-59.

20. Lucerne transient streak virus

Sobemovirus group; spherical particles c. 27-28 nm with angular profiles; low concen-
tration in plants; transmitted by mechanical inoculation (Forster & Jones, 1980).

Host range
Found in nature only in Medicago sativa. Experimental hosts infected systemically
included Trifolium incarnatum plus several species of Lupinus and Medicago.

Systemic vein clearing and chlorotic vein banding. Reduced dry matter yield of
lucerne by 18% (Blackstock, 1978).

Increasing incidence of infection with age of lucerne stands suggested that field spread
occurred but the mechanism is unknown (Blackstock, 1978). All seedlings (> 200)
grown from seed collected from infected plants were symptomless, but the distribu-
tion of infected plants in lucerne fields suggested that the virus could be seed-borne
and it was detected serologically in 2.5% of seedlings of Melilotus albus (Paliwal, 1983).

Geographical distribution
Recorded from Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Diagnostic host species are Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Medicago scutellata,
Pisum sativum and Nicotiana clevelandii. The virus is weakly immunogenic but an
antiserum readily detected it in gel-diffusion tests.

Ashby, J.W., Forster, R.L.S., Fletcher, J.D. & Teh, P.B. 1979. A survey of sap-
transmissible viruses of lucerne in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Agric. Res. 22 :637-640.
Blackstock, J.McK. 1978. Lucerne transient streak and lucerne latent, two new viruses
of lucerne. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 29 :291-304.
Forster, R.L.S. & Jones, A.T. 1979. Properties of lucerne transient streak virus, and
evidence of its affinity to southern bean mosaic virus. Ann. appl. Biol. 93:181-
Forster, R.L.S. & Jones, A.T. 1980. Lucerne transient streak virus. CMI/AAB
Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 224. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,
Forster, R.L.S., Morris-Krsinich, B.A.M. & Musgrave, D.R. 1985. Incidence of alfalfa
mosaic virus, lucerne Australian latent virus, and lucerne transient streak
virus in lucerne crops in the North Island of New Zealand. N.Z. J. Agric. Res.
Paliwal, Y.C. 1983. Identification and distribution in eastern Canada of lucerne
transient streak, a virus newly recognised in North America. Can. J Plant
Pathol. 5 :75-80.

21. Pea early-browning virus

Tobravirus group; straight tubular particles of two predominant lengths c. 105 and 215
x 21 nm; transmissible in sap (Harrison, 1973); broad bean yellow band virus (Russo
et al., 1982) is a serotype (Robinson & Harrison, 1985).

Host range
Causes disease in pea, common bean, faba bean (Bos & van der Want, 1963; Gibbs &
Harrison, 1964; Lockhart & Fischer, ‘1976: Gerhardson & Ryden, 1979; Fiedorow, 1980,
l983) and yellow lupin (Pospieszny & Frencel, 1985), and infects symptomlessly other
legumes, including lucerne, and some non-legumes (Bos & van der Want, 1963).

In pea irregular leaf, stem and pod necrosis; entire shoots may be killed; in some
cultivars leaf mottling (Bos & van der Want, 1963). In common bean irregular leaf and
stem necrosis with severe plant stunting (Gerhardson & Ryden, 1979; Bos & Huijberts,
unpublished data). In faba bean infection is often symptomless (Fiedorow, 1980;
Lockhart & Fischer, 1976), but plants may die prematurely if simultaneously infected
by bean leafroll virus (Coskbain et al., 1983); yellow vein banding is caused by the
broad bean yellow band serotype (Russo et al., 1982).

In crops the disease occurs in patches and transmission is by trichodorid nematodes
(Trichodurus spp.). Above-ground spread is by seed. Rate of transmission in pea is 1
1- 2 % ( Harrison, 1973) or up to 37% ( Bos & van der Want, 1963) and up to 10% in faba
bean (Fiedorow, 1983).
Geographical distribution
Europe (Harrison, 1973; Kowalska, 1979; Fiedorow, 1983) and Morocco (Lockhart &
Fischer, 1976).

Inoculated leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor, cucumber (cotyledons and foliage
leaves, even when detached in petri dishes), and of common bean (primary leaves)
react with characteristic local lesions in 3 - 4 days (Bos & van der Want, 1963). ELISA
for detection in seeds (Van Vuurde & Maat, 1985).

BOS, L. &Want, J.P.H. van der. 1963. Early browning of pea, a disease caused by a soil-
and seed-borne virus. Tijdschr. Pl.ziekten 68:368-390.
Cockbain, A.J., Woods, R.D. & Calilung, V.C.J. 1983. Necrosis in field beans (Vicia faba)
induced by interactions between bean leaf roll, pea early-browning and pea.
enation mosaic viruses. Ann. appl. Biol. 102:495-499.
Fiedorow, Z.G. 1980. Some virus diseases of horse bean. Tag.-Ber. Akad. Landw. Wissensch.
(DDR, Berlin) 184 :361-366.
Fiedorow, Z.G. 1983. Pea early-browning virus on horse bean (Vicia faba L. ssp. minor).
Zesz. Probl. Pst. Nauk Roln. 291 :97-110.
Gerhardson, B. & Ryden, K. 1979. An isolate of pea early browning virus from field-
grown Phaseolus vulgaris. Phytopath. Z. 95:93-96.
Gibbs, A.J. & Harrison, B.D. 1964. A form of pea early-browning virus found in
Britain Ann. appl. Biol. 54:1-11.
Harrison, B.D. 1973. Pea early-browning virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant
Viruses No. 120. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Kowalska, Cz. 1979. Viruses infecting pea (Pisum L.) in Poland. Genet. Pol. 202 :212-
Lockhart, B.E. & Fischer, H.U. 1976. Some properties of an isolate of pea early
browning virus occurring in Morocco. Phytopathology 66:1391-1394.
Pospieszny, H. & Frencel, I. 1985. Viruses in natural infections of yellow lupin
(Lupinus luteus L.) in Poland. VI. Pea early-browning virus. Acta Phytopath.
Acad. Sci. Hung. 20:91-95.
Robinson, D.J. & Harrison, B.D. 1985. Evidence that broad bean yellow band virus is
a new serotype of pea early-browning virus. J. gen. Viral. 66:2003-2009.
Russo, M., Gallitelli, D., Vovlas, C. & Savino, V. 1982. Properties of broad bean yellow
band virus, a possible new tobravirus. Ann. appl. Biol. 105:223-230.
Vuurde, J.W.L. van & Maat, D.Z. 1985. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
and disperse-dye immuno assay (DIA): comparison of simultaneous and
separate incubation of sample and conjugate for the routine detection of
lettuce mosaic virus and pea early-browning virus in seeds. Neth. J. Plant Path.
22. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
Potyvirus group; filamentous rods c. 12 x 770 nm; moderate concentration in plants;
readily transmitted in sap (Hampton & Mink, 1975; Khetarpal & Maury, 1987).

Host range
Occurs naturally in Lens esculenta, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba and V. villosa. A few non-
legume species infected experimentally.

Stunting, systemic vein clearing, leaf rolling, rosetting, flower distortion or abortion,
small pods. Leafrolling is easily mistaken for physiological disorder. Some pea geno-
types react with necrosis and premature plant death. In Yugoslavia a latent pea strain
was described (Milicic & Plavsic, 1978). A lentil strain was non-pathogenic to most pea
genotypes (Hampton, 1982), whereas another isolate was much more severe on peas
and two other pathotypes differed on pea genotypes (Alconero et al., 1986).

Naturally by aphids in the non-persistent manner. Artificially by mechanical inocu-
lation. Seed-transmitted in pea (Mink et al., 1969; Alconero & Hoch, 1989) up to 95%
depending on cultivar (Cockbain, 1988), in lentil up to 44% (Hampton & Muehlbauer,
1977), and in faba bean up to 3% (Musil, 1980). Infected seeds are erratically distributed
in pods and on plants of pea (Musil, 1980).

Geographical distribution
Asia (India, Japan, Taiwan), Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North Africa and North

Test plants: Chenopodium amaranticolor, Pisum sativum (especially ‘Perfection’-type
cultivars immune to bean yellow mosaic virus). Efficiently in seeds with ELISA in
group samples of up to 100 seeds (Maury et al., 1987).

Alconero, R. & Hoch, J.G. 1989. Incidence of pea seedborne mosaic virus pathotypes
in the US national Pisum germplasm collection. Ann. appl. Biol. 114 :311-315.
Alconero, R., Provvidenti, R. & Gonsalves, D. 1986. Three pea seed-borne mosaic
pathotypes from pea and lentil germplasm. Plant Dis. 70:783-786.
Cockbain, A.J. 1988. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV). Rothamsted Annu. Rept.
for 1987:70-71.
Hampton, R.O. 1982. Incidence of the lentil strain of pea seed-borne mosaic virus as
a contaminant of Lens culinaris germplasm. Phytopathology 72:695-698.
Hampton, R.O. & Mink, G.I. 1975. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descrip-
tions of Plant Viruses. No. 146. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Hampton, R.O. & Muehlbauer, F. J. 1977. Seed transmission of pea seed-borne mosaic
virus in lentils. Plant Dis. Reptr 61 :235-238.
Khetarpal, R.K. & Maury, Y. 1987. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus: a review. Agronomie
Maury, Y., Bossennec, J.-M., Boudazin, G., Hampton, R.O., Pietersen, G. & Maguire,
J. 1987. Factors influencing ELISA evaluation of transmission of pea seed-
borne mosaic virus in infected pea seed: seed group size and seed decortication.
Agronomie 7 :225-230.
Milicic, D. & Plavsic, B. 1978. Contribution to the knowledge of pea seed-borne mosaic
virus. Acta Bot. Croat. 37:9-19.
Mink,G.I., Kraft, J., Knesek, J. & Jafri, A. 1969. A seed-borne virus of pea. Phytopathology
Musil, M. 1980. Samenübertragbarkeit des Blattrollmosaik-Virus der Erbse. Tag.-Ber.
Akad. Landwirtsch.- Wiss. (DDR, Berlin) 184 :345-352.

23. Peanut clump virus

Furovirus group: rod-shaped particles, bipartite, 245 nm and 190 x 22 nm; transmis-
sible in sap (Thouvenel & Fauquet, 1981b).

Host range
Infects naturally groundnut, chillies (Capsicum annuum), great millet (Sorghum
arundinaceum). Experimentally transmissible to several dicots and monocots. High
concentration in Nicotiana clevelandii, N. glutinosa, Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Topcrop’.

Groundnut plants are severely stunted and dark green; leaflets are smaller, not
deformed; young leaflets show small chlorotic rings.

Soil-borne by the fungus Polymyxa graminis. Seed transmitted 6-14% in groundnut (up
to 20% in groundnut seeds collected from diseased plants: Thouvenel & Fauquet,
1981a). Also seed transmitted in cereal crops.

Geographical distribution
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, India, Niger, Senegal and South Africa.

For Indian isolates: Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Topcrop’ produces necrotic lesions or veinal
necrosis; Canavalia ensiformis produces necrotic or chlorotic patches or symptomless
infection, depending on isolate. For West African isolates: Chenopodium amaranticolor
produces concentric ring spots and line pattern extending along the veins. The virus
occurs in several serologically distinct isolates. Five isolates have been reported for
Indian PCV and two isolates for West African PCV. Thus serology may not be useful
for detection unless antisera specific to each isolate could be obtained. However,
complementary DNA probes prepared for one of the Indian isolates detected all five
Indian isolates and one West African isolate.

Reddy, D.V.R., Nolt, B.L., Hobbs, H.A., Reddy, A.S., Rajeshwari, R., Rao, A.S.; Reddy,
D.V.R. & McDonald, D. 1988. Clump virus in India: isolates, host range,
transmission and management. pp. 239-246. In: Developments in Applied
Biology Vol. 2. Viruses with fungal vectors. Ed. J.I. Cooper. Association of
Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
Reddy, D.V.R., Rajeshwari, R., Iizuka, N., Lesemann; D.E., Nolt, B.L. & Goto, T. 1983.
The occurrence of Indian peanut clump and soil-borne virus disease of
groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) in India. Ann. appl. Biol. 102:305-310.
Thouvenel, J.C. & Fauquet, C. 1981a. Further properties of peanut clump virus and
studies on its natural transmission. Ann. appl. Biol. 9 7:99-107.
Thouvenel, J.C. & Fauquet, C. 1981b. Peanut clump virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses. No. 235. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Thouvenel, J.C., Fauquet,C., Fargette, D. & Fishpool, L.D.C. 1988. Peanut clump virus
in W. Africa. pp. 247-254. In: Developments in Applied Biology Vol. 2. Viruses
with fungal vectors. Ed. J.I. Cooper. Association of Applied Biologists,

24. Peanut mottle virus

Potyvirus group: flexuous rod shaped particles c. 750 nm; high concentration in plants
(Bock & Kuhn, 1975; Bock, 1983).

Host range
Infects naturally groundnut, wild groundnut (Arachis chacoense), common bean,
cowpea, lupins (Lupinus angustifolius and L. albus), mungbean (Vigna radiata), pea,
soybean, and forage legumes such as subterranean clover and arrowleaf clover
(Trifolium vesiculosum). Twenty-seven legumes (among which are several important
legume crops) and 4 non-legumes have been reported as experimental hosts.

In groundnut mild mottle on youngest leaflets; older leaflets show upward curling of
edges, interveinal depression and mild mottling. Some genotypes may not show
upward curling of leaf edges. Can reduce yield of pods up to 40%.

By aphids in the non-persistent manner; Aphis craccivora appears to be the principal
vector. Seed transmission frequency: 0-8.5% (Adams & Kuhn, 1977) or 20% (Bock,
1973) to less than 1% in the majority of groundnut cultivars (Bharathan et al., 1984).
Less than 1% found in one cowpea plant introduction (Demski et al., 1983a) and in
Lupinus albus (Demski et al., 1983b). Low percentage in seeds of navy bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris) (Behncken & McCarthy, 1973).

Geographical distribution

Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Topcrop’ produces reddish-brown local lesions: non-systemic.
ELISA (Bharatan et al., 1984). Seeds of groundnut can be non-destructively tested in
ELISA on thin slices from apical ends of seeds (in groups of 25).

Adams, D.B. & Kuhn, C.W. 1977. Seed transmission of peanut mottle virus in peanuts.
Phytopathology 67:1126-1129.
Behncken, G.M. & McCarthy, G.J.P. 1973. Peanut mottle virus in peanuts, navy beans
and soybeans. Qld Agric. J. 99 :635-637.
Bharathan, N., Reddy, D.V.R., Rajeshwari, R., Murthy, V., Rao, V.R. & Lister, R.M.
1984. Screening peanut germplasm lines by enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay for seed transmission of peanut mottle virus. Plant Dis. 6 8:757-758.
Bock, K.R. 1973. Peanut mottle virus in East Africa. Ann. appl. Biol. 74:171-179.
Bock, K.R. 1983. Peanut mottle virus. pp. 71-72. In: Viruses of legumes 1983. Eds. K.F.
Boswell & A. J. Gibbs. Descriptions and keys from VIDE. Austral. Natl Univ.,
Bock, K.R. & Kuhn, C.W. 1975. Peanut mottle virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant
Viruses. No. 141. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Demski, J.W., Alexander, A.T., Stefani, M.A. & Kuhn, C.W. 1983a. Natural infection,
disease reaction, and epidemiological implications of peanut mottle virus in
cowpea. Plant Dis. 6 7:267-269.
Demski, J.W., Wells, H.D., Miller, J.D. & Khan, M.A. 1983b. Peanut mottle virus
epidemics in lupins. Plant Dis. 6 7:166-168.
Kuhn, C.W. & Demski, J.W. 1984. Peanut mottle. pp. 45-46. In: Compendium of peanut
diseases. Eds. D.M. Porter, D.H. Smith & R. Rodríguez-Kábana. American
Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.

25. Peanut stripe virus

Potyvirus group; flexuous rod-shaped particles 730-750 nm; high concentration in
several hosts (Demski et al., 1984).

Host range
Natural hosts are groundnut, cowpea, soybean and Dolichos lablab. Experimentally the
virus infects 15 legumes and 8 non-legumes; preferred propagation host is Lupinus
In groundnut initial symptoms are distinct stripes or blotches on young leaflets. Older
leaflets show conspicuous mosaic in the form of green islands or oak-leaf patterns, and
unlike the symptoms of peanut mottle, these symptoms persist in older leaflets. Can
reduce yield of pods up to 50%.

By aphids in the non-persistent manner. Aphis craccivora appears to be the principal
vector. Under experimental conditions the virus can be seed-borne in groundnut up
to c. 40% (37%: Demski et al., 1984; 43%: Ohki et al., 1989). Under field conditions seed
transmission is usually from 1 to 5%.

Geographical distribution
China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), North America, Philip-
pines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa (local lesions). The virus reacts strongly with
blackeye cowpea mosaic, bean common mosaic and soybean mosaic virus antisera
and is not serologically related to peanut mottle virus. ELISA with monoclonal anti-
bodies (Culver & Sherwood, 1988). Seeds of groundnut can be non-destructively
tested in ELISA using slices from apical ends of seeds (in groups of ten) (Demski &
Warwick, 1986).

Culver, J.N. & Sherwood, J.L. 1988. Detection of peanut stripe virus in peanut seed
by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a monoclonal
antibody. Plant Dis. 7 2:676-679.
Demski, J.W. & Lovell, G.R. 1985. Peanut stripe virus and the distribution of peanut
seed. Plant Dis. 69 :734-738.
Demski, J.W. & Warwick, D. 1986. Direct test of peanut seed for the detection of
peanut stripe virus. Peanut Sci. 1 3:38-40.
Demski, J.W., Reddy, D.V.R., Sowell, G.Jr. & Bays, D. 1984. Peanut stripe virus - a new
seed-borne potyvirus from China infecting groundnut (Arachis hypogaea).
Ann. appl. Biol. 105 :495-501.
Ohki, S.T., Nakatsuji, T. & Inouye, T. 1989. Peanut stripe virus, a seedborne potyvirus
isolated from peanut plants in Japan. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 55 :72-75.

26. Peanut stunt virus

Cucumovirus group; spherical particles c. 30 nm; moderate concentration in plants;
readily transmitted in sap (Mink, 1972).

Host range
Found naturally in several legume species such as groundnut, Phaseolus bean, many
clovers which may act as important sources of infection, and in some non-leguminous
plants. Also reported from faba bean, pea and soybean. Experimentally infectious to
a wide range of non-leguminous plants.

Pronounced stunting of groundnut. Necrotic or chlorotic lesions on inoculated leaves
of bean, followed by systemic mottling, leaf distortion, epinasty and plant stunting.

Naturally by aphids in the non-persistent manner. Experimentally by mechanical
inoculation. Transmitted through seed of groundnut (0.1%: Troutman et al., 1967).

Geographical distribution
Africa, Asia, Europe, Japan and North America.

Test plants Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Vigna unguiculata; ELISA.

Mink, G.I. 1972. Peanut stunt virus. CMI/ABB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 92.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Mink, G.I., Silbernagel, M.J. & Saksena, K.N. 1969. Host range, purification and
properties of the western strain of peanut stunt virus. Phytopathology 59:1625-
Troutman, J.L., Bailey, W.K. & Thomas, C.A. 1967. Seed transmission of peanut stunt
virus. Phytopathology 57 :1280-1281.

27. Southern bean mosaic virus

Sobemovirus group; isometric particles c. 30 nm; concentration high in infected
tissues; readily transmitted in sap (Tremaine & Hamilton, 1983).

Host range
Very narrow natural host range; only leguminous species are susceptible. Occurs
often in common bean, cowpea, black gram, mungbean, and, to a lesser extent, in
soybean. Isolates from bean rarely infect cowpea and those from cowpea rarely infect
bean. The Ghana cowpea strain infects bean systemically without symptoms.
Mosaic and mottle, of ten associated with leaf deformation.

Transmitted by several species of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in a circulative manner.
In North America, the bean and cowpea strains are transmitted by Cerotoma trifurcata
and Epilachna varivestis; in Africa, the main vector is Ootheca mutabilis. Possibly
transmission through contact. Seed-transmitted in cowpea (1-40%: Shepherd & Ful-
ton, 1962; Lamptey & Hamilton, 1974; Givord, 1981; O’Hair et al., 1981) and common
bean (l-30%: Jayasinghe, 1982; Morales & Castano, 1985);probably in seed coat only
(McDonald & Hamilton, 1972). Seed transmission in cowpea is enhanced by simulta-
neous infection with cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (Kuhn & Dawson, 1973).

Geographical distribution
Warm, temperate and tropical regions of the Americas, India and Africa. May occur
in other regions as a consequence of importing infected seed.

Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Pinto’ and ‘Top Crop’ and Vigna unguiculata ‘Clay' are useful local
lesion hosts for bean and cowpea isolates, respectively. The high concentration of
virus in sap allows reliable detection using serological methods (immunodiffusion
and ELISA).

Frison, E. 1988. Les viroses du niébé dans le Sahel. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 36:9-18.
Gaikwad, D.G. & Thottappilly, G. 1988. Occurrence of southern bean mosaic virus on
cowpea in Senegal. J. Phytopathol. 121 :366-369.
Givord, L. 1981. Southern bean mosaic virus isolated from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
in the Ivory Coast. Plant Dis. 65:755-756.
Jayasinghe, U. 1982. Chlorotic mottle of bean. PhD Thesis, Agric. Univ. Wageningen,
the Netherlands:156 pp.
Kuhn, C.W. & Dawson, W.O. 1973. Multiplication and pathogenesis of cowpea
chlorotic mottle virus and southern bean mosaic virus in single and double
infections in cowpea. Phytopathology 63 :1380-1385.
Lamptey, P.N.L. & Hamilton, R.I. 1974. A new cowpea strain of southern bean mosaic
virus from Ghana. Phytopathology 64 :1100-1104.
McDonald, J.G. & Hamilton, R.I. 1972. Distribution of southern bean mosaic virus in
the seed of Phaseolus vulgaris. Phytopathology 62:387-389.
Morales, F.J. & Castano, M. 1985. Effect of a Colombian isolate of bean southern
mosaic virus on selected yield components of Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant Dis.
O’Hair, S.K., Miller, J.C. & Toler, R.W. 1981. Reaction of cowpea introductions to
infection with the cowpea strain of southern bean mosaic virus. Plant Dis.
Shepherd, R.J. & Fulton, R.W. 1962. Identity of a seed-borne virus of cowpea.
Phytopathology 52:489-493.
Tremaine, J.H. & Hamilton, R.I. 1983. Southern bean mosaic virus. CMI/AAB
Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 274. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,

28. Soybean mosaic virus

Potyvirus group; flexuous, filamentous particles, c. 750 nm; moderate concentration
in soybean; readily transmitted in sap (Bos, 1972; Irwin & Schultz, 1981).

Host range
Occurs in soybean; recently found in Vicia faba in China (Xu et al., 1986) and in white
lupin (Vroon et al., 1988). Experimentally transmissible to only a few other legume
crop species and some other test species such as Chenopodium spp. Certain isolates are
transmissible to Nicotiana benthamiana (Rossel, unpublished).

Generally mild, and consisting of characteristic leaf rolling, mottle and rugose
symptoms. Severe mosaic and distortion with some isolates. Only a few genotypes
possess high levels of resistance and, in most cases, only to a number of isolates (Cho
& Goodman, 1979).

By several aphid species in the non-persistent manner. High rates of seed transmission
observed in soybean greatly depending upon cultivar (Bowers & Goodman, 1979;
Goodman et al., 1979; Goodman & Oard, 1980) and 1.2% in one experiment with white
lupin (Vroon et al., 1988).

Geographical distribution
Occurs wherever soybean is grown.

Not visually, since seed-coat mottling, though stimulated by infection by the virus, is
not directly correlated with the presence of the virus in particular seeds (e.g. Ross,
1970). Serologically, in agar (SDS), but more reliably by ELISA. For testing of soybean
seeds in ELISA in groups of 30 or more and the avoidance of false positives due to seed-
coat infection, see Maury et al. (1985,1987).

Bos, L. 1972. Soybean mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 93.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Bowers, G.R. & Goodman, R.M. 1979. Soybean mosaic virus; infection of soybean seed
parts and seed transmission. Phytopathology 69:569-572.
Cho, E.K. & Goodman, R.M. 1979. Strains of soybean mosaic virus: Classification
based on virulence in resistant soybean cultivars. Phytopathology 69:467-470.
Goodman, R.M. & Oard, J.H. 1980. Seed transmission and yield losses in tropical
soybeans infected with soybean mosaic virus. Plant Dis. 64 :913-914.
Goodman, R.M., Bowers, G.M. & Paschal, E.H. 1979. Identification of soybean
germplasm lines and cultivars with low incidence of soybean mosaic virus
transmission through seed. Crop Sci. 19 :264-267.
Irwin, M.E. & Schultz, G.A. 1981. Soybean mosaic virus. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 29 :41-
Maury, Y., Bossennec, J.-M. & Boudazin, G. 1987. Virus transmis par les graines de
légumineuses: méthode d’évaluation rapide du taux de transmission d’un lot
de graines (Seed-transmitted viruses of legumes: a method of rapid assess-
ment of the rate of seed transmission). EPPO Bull. 17 :149-155.
Maury, Y., Duby, C., Bossennec, J.-M. & Boudazin, G. 1985. Group analysis using
ELISA: determination of the level of transmission of soybean mosaic virus in
soybean seed. Agronomie 5 :405-415.
Ross, J.P. 1970. Effect of temperature on mottling of soybean seed caused by soybean
mosaic virus. Phytopathology 60:1789-1800.
Vroon, C.W., Pietersen. C. & Tonder, H.J. van. 1988. Seed transmission of soybean
mosaic virus in Lupinus albus L. Phytophylactica 20:169-175.
Xu, Z.G., Pu, Z.Q., Cao, Q., Fang, Z.D. & Cockbain, A.J. 1986. Virus diseases of the faba
bean (Vicia faba L.) found in the Yangtze river valley. pp. 116-122. In: The
selected work of virus diseases in leguminous crops (1968 - 1985) to celebrate 60 years
teaching career of professor Yu Dafu. Nanjing Agric. Univ. Publ., Nanjing

29. Soybean stunt virus

Cucumovirus group; isometric particles c. 28-30 nm; moderate concentration in
plants; readily transmitted in sap (Boswell & Gibbs, 1983).

Host range
Found naturally only in soybean. Experimentally infectious to 14 legumes (including
Cassia tora, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, C. occidentalis, Dolichos lablab, Lupinus chamissonis,
Medicago sativa, Phaseolus angularis, P. aureus, P. lunatus, P. vulgaris, Pisum sativum,
Vicia faba, Vigna sesquipedalis and V. sinensis); 15 of 24 non-leguminous species were

Soybean plants exhibit mottle, leaf crinkle and stunt; some varieties exhibit vein-
necrosis on the leaf apex or margin and top necrosis.
Naturally transmitted by aphids in the non-persistent manner. Via seeds of soybean
(up to 50%: Koshimizu & Iizuka, 1963).

Geographical distribution
China, Indonesia, Japan, USA, USSR.

Test plants (Chenopodium amaranticolor, Nicotiana tabacum 'White Burley', Phaseolus
vulgaris ‘Monroe’). Agar-gel double diffusion, ELISA.

Boswell, K.F. & Gibbs, A.J. (eds.). 1983. Viruses of legumes 1983. Descriptions and keys
from VIDE. Austral. Natl Univ., Canberra.
Hanada, K. & Tochihara, H. 1982. Some properties of an isolate of the soybean stunt
strain of cucumber mosaic virus. Phytopathology 72 :761-764.
Koshimizu, Y. & Iizuka, N. 1963. Studies on soybean virus diseases in Japan. Bull.
Tohoku Natl Agr. Exp. Sta. 27:1-103.

30. Subterranean clover mottle virus

Sobemovirus group; spherical particles c. 30 nm with angular profiles; high concen-
tration in plants; readily transmitted by mechanical inoculation (Francki et al., 1988).

Host range
Found in nature only in Trifolium glomeratum and T. subterraneum. Medicago truncatula
was infected systemically in experimental tests. Host range studies on this virus have
been very limited.

Severe stunting with leaf mottling, reddening and distortion in subterranean clover.
Barrel medic plants develop a mosaic and are stunted. Dry matter production is
reduced by 60-100% following infection.

The virus spreads in nature and an aerial vector is implicated but it has not been
identified. The virus was found serologically to be present in up to 10% of seeds of
commercial seedlots of subterranean clover and in up to 3% of seedlings obtained from
such seed lots (Francki et al., 1988).

Geographical distribution
Recorded in all southern states of Australia where subterranean clover is grown.
Incidence in pastures sometimes exceeds 50%. The virus may be endemic to Australia
(Francki et al., 1988).
Pisum sativum is a local lesion host. Medicago truncatula and Trifolium subterraneum are
diagnostic hosts, while Phaseolus vulgaris, Vicia faba and Vigna sinensis are diagnostic
non-hosts. The virus is readily detected serologically in gel-diffusion tests, ELISA and
dot immunobinding assay.

Buchen-Osmond, C., Crabtree, K., Gibbs, A. & McLean, G.D. (eds.). 1988. Viruses of
plants in Australia. Austral. Natl Univ., Canberra.
Francki, R.I.B., Graddon, D.J. & McLean, G.D. 1988. Subterranean clover mottle virus.
AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 329. Association of Applied Biologists,
Francki, R.I.B., Randles, J.W., Hatta, T., Davies, C., Chu, P.W.G. & McLean, G.D. 1983.
Subterranean clover mottle virus: another virus from Australia with en-
capsidated viroid-like RNA. Plant Path. 32 :47-59.
Graddon, D.J. & Randles, J.W. 1986. Single antibody dot immunoassay - a simple
technique for rapid detection of a plant virus. J. Virol. Methods 13:63-69.

31. Sunn-hemp mosaic virus

Tobamovirus group; rod-shaped particles, 300 nm; readily sap-transmissible.
Synonyms: Dulichos enation mosaic virus, southern sunn-hemp mosaic virus, Crota-
laria mucronata mosaic virus, cowpea mosaic virus (Kassanis & Varma, 1975).

Host range
Wide among legumes: cowpea, sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Dolichos lablab, Mucuna

Mosaic, blistering and malformation of 1eaves.

Readily in sap and through contact. No vector. Via seed of cowpea (17.5%: Kulthe &
Mali, 1979; cowpea chlorotic spot isolate 4-20%: Kassanis & Varma, 1975). In sunn-
hemp little or no seed transmission (Capoor, 1962; Nagaich & Vashisth, 1963; Capoor
et al., 1947). The serologically distinct rosette virus of Crotalaria juncea with similar
though slightly longer particles, was reported to be transmitted in 10 - 20% of the seeds
from infected. plants (Verma & Awasthi, 1976,1978).

Geographical distribution
Africa, India and North America.
Local lesion hosts are Nicotiana glutinosa and N. tabacum ‘Xanthi nc’.

Capoor, S.P. 1962. Southern sunn-hemp mosaic virus: a strain of tobacco mosaic virus.
Phytopathology 52:393-397.
Capoor, S.P. & Varma, P.M. 1948. Enation mosaic of Dolichos lablab, a new virus
disease: Curr. Sci. 17 :57-58.
Capoor, S.P.; Varma, P.M. & Uppal, B.N. 1947. A mosaic disease of Vigna catjang Walp.
Curr. Sci. 16:151.
Kassanis, B. & Varma, A. 1975. Sunn-hemp mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses No. 153. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Kulthe, K.S. & Mali, V.R. 1979. Occurrence of a tobacco mosaic virus in cowpea (Vigna
unguiculata) in India. Trop. Grain Leg. Bull. 16:8-13.
Lister, R.M. & Thresh, J.M. 1955. A mosaic disease of leguminous plants caused by
a strain of tobacco mosaic virus. Nature 175:1047-1048.
Nagaich, B.B. & Vashisth, K.S. 1963. A virus causing atypical mosaic disease of bean.
Indian J. Microbiol. 3:113-116.
Verma, H.N. & Awasthi, L.P. 1976. Sunnhemp rosette. A new virus disease of
sunnhemp. Curr. Sci. 4 5:642-643.
Verma, H.N. & Awasthi, L.P. 1978. Further studies on a rosette virus of Crotalaria
juncea. Phytopath. Z. 92:83-87

32. Tobacco ringspot virus

Nepovirus group; isometric particles c. 28 nm (Stace-Smith, 1983).

Host range
Wide natural host range, infecting annual and perennial herbaceous and woody
species. Principal legume host is soybean, al though common bean is also infected (Tu,
1981). Also found in sweet clover (Melilotus spp.) (Henderson & Wingard, 1934), red
clover (Jones & Diachun, 1976), Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (Orellana, 1966), Crotalaria
(Komuro & Iwaki, 1968), Lotus corniculatus (Ostazeski, 1965), Lupinus polyphyllus
(Kowalska, 1971) and Pisum sativum (Stubbs, 1937).

Young infected soybean plants exhibit severe stunting, curvature of the terminal bud,
and necrosis of most buds (bud blight), depending on virus strain and cultivar (Tu,
1986). Pods may be underdeveloped or aborted. Similar symptoms occur in soybean
infected with tobacco streak virus (Fagbenle and Ford, 1967; Sinclair, 1982), indicating
need for correct identification of causal virus.
Naturally transmitted by nematodes (Xiphinema americanum) but transmission in
soybean is inefficient. Thrips tabaci may be a natural vector. Readily seed-transmitted
(70-100%) in soybean (Athow & Bancroft, 1959; Owusu et al., 1968).

Geographical distribution
The virus is endemic in soybean production areas of North America. Also reported to
occur in Egypt, Turkey, India and Sri Lanka (Hamilton, 1985).

Mechanical inoculation to Nicotiana clevelandii, N. tabacum, Chenopodium amaranticolor
and Vigna unguiculata, which are useful local lesion hosts. ELISA is applicable to seed-
testing (Lister, 1978) and plant assays (Moore et al., 1982).

Athow, K.L. & Bancroft, J.B. 1959. Development and transmission of tobacco ringspot
virus in soybean. Phytopathology 49:697-701.
Fagbenle, H.H. & Ford, R.E. 1967. Tobacco streak virus isolated from soybeans,
Glycine max. Phytopathology 57:814-820.
Hamilton, R.I. 1985. Soybean bud blight: seed transmission of the causal virus. pp.
515-522. In: Proc. World Soybean Res. Conf. III. Ed. R. Shibles. Westview
Press, Boulder.
Henderson, R.G. & Wingard, S.A. 1934. Occurrence of tobacco ringspot-like viruses
in sweet clover. Phytopathology 24 :248-256.
Jones, R.T. & Diachun, S. 1976. Identification and prevalence of viruses in red clover
in central Kentucky. Plant Dis. Reptr 60:690-694.
Komuro, Y. & Iwaki, M. 1968. Bean yellow mosaic virus and tobacco ringspot virus
isolated from Crotalaria (Crotalaria spectabilis). Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 34:7-
Kowalska, C. 1971. Lupinus polyphyllus Ldl. - Russel’s form - as a natural host of
tobacco ringspot virus. Rev. Plant Pathol. 51: Abstr. No. 444.
Lister, R.M. 1978. Application of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for
detecting viruses in soybean seed and plants. Phytopathology 68 :1393-1400.
Moore, D.L., Lister, R.M., Abney, T. & Athow, K.L. 1982. Evaluation of virus contents
in soybean by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Plant Dis. 66 :790-793.
Orellana, R.G. 1966. A new occurrence of tobacco ringspot of guar in the United States.
Plant Dis. Reptr 50:7-10.
Ostazeski, S.A. 1965. The natural occurrence of tobacco ringspot virus in birds-foot
trefoil (Lotus curniculatus). Plant Dis. Reptr 49:855-856.
Owusu, G.K., Crowley, N.C. & Francki, R.I.B. 1968. Studies on the seed transmission
of tobacco ringspot virus. Ann. appl. Biol. 61 :195-202.
Sinclair, J.B. (ed.). 1982. Compendium of soybean diseases. American Phytopathological
Society, St. Paul.
State-Smith, R. 1983. Tobacco ringspot virus. AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No.
309. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
Stubbs, M.W. 1937. Certain viroses of the garden pea, Pisum sativum. Phytopathology
Tu, J.C. 1981. Identification of a severe strain of tobacco ringspot virus isolated from
white beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Phytopath. Z. l01 :153-162.
Tu, J.C. 1986. Strains of tobacco ringspot virus isolated from soybean in southwestern
Ontario. Can. J. Plant Sci. 66:491-498.

33. Tobacco streak virus

Ilarvirus group; isometric particles, 27-35 nm; readily transmitted by manual inocu-
lation (Fulton, 1985).

Host range
Affects soybean (Costa and Carvalho, 1961), cowpea (Kaiser et al., 1982) and common
bean, in which it causes red node disease (Thomas & Zaumeyer, 1960; Greber, 1971).
Also reported from pea (Patino & Zaumeyer, 1959) and some clovers. Causes disease
in a wide range of ‘non-legume crops.

Bud blight on soybeans in Brazil and the USA. Early infection may lead to complete
yield loss. Irregular chlorotic spots on leaves which later may be dwarfed in appear-

Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips tabaci) have been reported as vectors. High
rates of seed transmission reported for soybean (2.6-30% depending upon cultivar:
Ghanekar & Schwenk, 1974; up to 90%: Kaiser et al., 1982), less than 1% in cowpea
(Kaiser et al., 1982) and up to 26% in common bean (Thomas & Graham, 1951). Also
transmitted in seed of Melilotus albus (Kaiser et al., 1982) and of several non-legumes.

Geographical distribution
Australia, Europe, Japan, North and South America (Fagbenle & Ford, 1970) and New

Serologically in agar and by ELISA.

Costa, A.S. & Carvalho, A.M.B. 1961. Studies on Brazilian tobacco streak. Phytopath.
Z. 42:113-138.
Fagbenle, H.H. & Ford, R.E. 1970. Tobacco streak virus isolated from soybeans
(Glycine max). Phytopathology 60:814-820.
Fulton, R.W. 1985. Tobacco streak virus. AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 307.
Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
Ghanekar, A.M. & Schwenk; F.W. 1974. Seed transmission and distribution of tobacco
streak virus in six cultivars of soybeans. Phytopathology 64 :112-114.
Greber, R.S. 1971. Some characteristics of tobacco streak virus isolated from Queensland.
Qld J. Agric. Anim. Sci. 28:105-114.
Kaiser, W.J., Wyatt, S.D. & Pesho, G.R. 1982. Natural hosts and vectors of tobacco
streak virus in eastern Washington. Phytopathology 72 :1508-1512.
Patino, G. & Zaumeyer, W.J. 1959. A new strain of tobacco streak virus from peas.
Phytopathology 49 :43-48.
Thomas, W.D. & Graham, R.W. 1951. Seed transmission of red node virus in pinto
beans. Phytopathology 4 1:957-962.
Thomas, H.R. & Zaumeyer, W.J. 1960. Red node, a virus disease of beans. Phytopathology

34. Tomato aspermy virus

Cucumovirus group; spherical particles 25-30 nm; fairly concentrated in plants;
readily transmitted in sap (Hollings & Stone, 1971).

Host range
Found naturally in tomato and chrysanthemum. Experimentally infects a wide range
of plants.

Systemic mottle, mosaic, blisters and distortion on young leaves of Phaseolus bean. In
some varieties, yellow spots along the veins.

Naturally by aphids in the non-persistent manner. Experimentally by mechanical
inoculation. Seed transmitted in beans up to 18.7% (Wang, 1982).

Geographical distribution
Reported from Australia, Europe, India, Japan, New Zealand and North America.

Test plants (Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Nicotiana glutinosa and Phaseulus
vulgaris); gel-diffusion serology.

Hollings, M. & Stone, D.M. 1971. Tomato aspermy virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses, No. 79. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Wang, 1982. Tech. Bull. Pl. Quarantine Res. No. 3. Inst. Pl. Quarantine, Dong San
Huan, Beijing.

35. Urdbean leaf crinkle virus

Ungrouped spherical virus, c. 25-30 nm; transmission in sap (Beniwal, 1983).

Host range
Urdbean (Phaseolus (Vigna) mungo) cowpea, mungbean (V. radiata), pigeon pea
(Cajanus cajan) and tepary bean (Phaseolus (Vigna) aconitifolius) (Kolte & Nene, 1975;
Beniwal, 1983).

Leaf rugosity, crinkling and distortion.

In sap and naturally by beetles (Henosepilachna dodecastigma). Via seed of urdbean
(18%: Kolte & Nene, 1972) and in 3 out of 49 mungbean germplasm accessions (6 -15%)
at Pantnagar (Beniwal et al., 1980).

Geographical distribution

Assay hosts are cucumber ‘National Pickling’, Lagenaria cylindrica, Vigna aconitifolia, V.
mungo and V. unguiculata.

Beniwal, S.P.S., Chaubey, S.N. & Bharthan, N. 1980. Presence of urdbean leaf crinkle
virus in seeds of mungbean germplasm. Indian Phytopath. 33 :360-361.
Beniwal, S.P.S., Kolte, S.J. & Nene, Y.L. 1980. Nature and spread of urdbean leaf
crinkle under field conditions. Indian J. Mycol. & Pl. Pathol. 9:188-192.
Beniwal, S.P.S. 1983. Urdbean leaf crinkle virus. pp. 85-86. Viruses of legumes 1983.
Eds. K.F. Boswell & A.J. Gibbs. Descriptions and keys from VIDE. Austral.
Natl Univ., Canberra.
Kolte, S.J. & Nene, Y.L. 1972. Studies on symptoms and mode of transmission of the
leaf crinkle of urdbean (Phaseolus mungo L.). Indian Phytopath. 25 :401-404.
Kolte, S. J. & Nene, Y .L. 1975. Host range and properties of urd bean leaf crinkle virus.
Indian Phytopath. 28:430-431.
Nene, Y.L. & Kolte, S.J. 1972. Leaf curl. In: Viral diseases of pulse crops in Uttar
Pradesh. Ed. Y.L. Nene. Govind Ballabh Pant Univ. Agric. & Technol. Pantnagar
Res. Bull. 4 :109-134.
Table 1. Naturally seed-transmitted viruses occurring in different legumes.
Host Virus % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Arachis hypogaea Cucumber mosaic 0-2 82 China

Peanut clump 6-14 76 Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire,
India, Niger, Senegal
Peanut mottle 0-8.5 2,13 Probably worldwide
Peanut stripe 0.1-10 25 China, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma),
Philippines, Thailand, USA, Vietnam
Peanut stunt 0.1 78 Europe, Africa, Asia,
North America, Japan

Crotalaria juncea Sunn-hemp mosaic 10-20 80 India

Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Guar symptomless 12-70 39 Australia, India, Pakistan, USA

Desmodium canum Desmodium mosaic 8 27 USA (Florida)

Glycine max Bean pod mottle 0.08 56 USA (Nebraska)

Cucumber mosaic 30-100 74 Indonesia, Japan, USA, USSR
Soybean mosaic 0.1-30 16,36 Worldwide
Soybean stunt 0-50 54 Japan
Tobacco ringspot 0-100 6 North America
Tobacco streak 0-90 31,79 Argentina, Brazil, USA

Lens culinaris Broad bean stain 14 57 Syria

Peaseedborne mosaic 5-44 37,38 USA

Lupinus albus Cucumber mosaic ** 35 Europe

Peanut mottle 0.4 24 USA (Georgia)

Lupinus angustifolius Cucumber mosaic 3-34 4,47 Australia

Lupinus luteus Bean yellow mosaic 6 7,21 Worldwide

Table 1. Naturally seed-transmitted viruses occurring in different legumes (cont’d).

Host Virus % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Lupinus luteus Cucumber mosaic 21 84 Europe

Macroptilium lathyroides Bean common mosaic 5-33 68 Guyana, Hawaii, Philippines, Suriname

Medicagopolymorpha Alfalfa mosaic 0.2-49 46 Australia

Medicago sativa Alfalfa mosaic l-30 66 Worldwide

Lucerne Australian latent 0-8 10 Australia, New Zealand

Medicago truncatula Alfalfa mosaic 2 46 Australia

Melilotus albus Lucerne transient streak 2.5 10,65 Australia, Canada, New Zealand
Tobacco streak 0-3 51 USA

Phaseolus acutifolius
var. latifolius Bean common mosaic 7-22 69 USA

Phaseolus vulgaris Bean common mosaic 0-83 60,62 Worldwide

Cucumber mosaic 0-7 14,59 Worldwide
Peanut mottle 0-1 8 Australia (Queensland)
Southern bean mosaic l-30 43,61 Africa, Americas, India
Tobacco streak 0-27 75 USA
Tomato aspermy 19 81 China

Pisum sativum Bean yellow mosaic 5 26 Worldwide

Peas eedborne mosaic 10-100 53 Worldwide
Pea early-browning 1-37 15,41 Europe, Morocco
Pea mild mosaic 15 19 New Zealand

Trifolium subterraneum Subterranean clover mottle 3 30 Australia

Viciafaba Bean yellow mosaic 0.1-2.4 48,63 Iran, Sudan

Table 1. Naturally seed-transmitted viruses occurring in different legumes (cont’d).
Host Virus % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Viciafaba Broad beanmottle 1-2 58 North Africa, Portugal, UK, Syria,

Broad bean stain l-10 32,44,45 Australia*, China*, Europe,
North Africa, Sudan
Broad bean true mosaic 1-17 11,12,20,44 Australia*, Europe, northwest Africa
Pea seed bome mosaic ** 64 Europe
Pea early-browning l-10 28,29 Europe

Vigna catjang Sunn-hemp mosaic 17 18 India

Vigna mungo Bean common mosaic 2-10 3 India

Blackgram mottle 8 70 India, Thailand
Urdbean leaf crinkle 18 9 India

Vigna radiata Bean common mosaic 8-32 49 Iran

Cucumber mosaic 10 42 Japan

Vigna sesquipedalis Cowpea severe mosaic 8 22 South America, southern USA

Vigna unguiculata Blackeye cowpea mosaic 30 83 Worldwide

Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic 7-18 1,50 Worldwide
Cowpea mild mottle 90 17,77 Worldwide
Cowpea mosaic 1-5 33 Cuba, Kenya, Nigeria, Suriname, USA
Cowpea mottle 0.2-10 5,73 Nigeria
Cowpea ringspot 10-30 67 Iran
Cowpea severe mosaic l-10 22,40,71 Americas, Puerto Rico, Trinidad
Cucumber mosaic 15-20 67 Worldwide
Peanut mottle <l 23 USA (Georgia)
Southern bean mosaic l-40 34,55,72 Africa, Americas
Sunn-hemp mosaic 4-20 52 Africa, India, US A
Urdbean leaf crinkle 6-15 9 India

* Detected in small plantings and eradicated ** Data on rate of seed transmission not available

1. Aboul Ata, A.E., Allen, D.J., Thottappilly, G. & Rossel, H.W. 1982. Variation in the
rate of seed transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in cowpea. Trop.
Grain Leg. Bull. 25:2-7.
2. Adams, D.B. & Kuhn,. C.W. 1977. Seed transmission of peanut mottle virus in
peanuts. Phytopathology 67 :1126-1129.
3. Agarwal, V.K., Nene, Y.L., Beniwal, S.P.S. & Verma, H.S. 1979. Transmission of bean
common mosaic virus through urdbean (Phaseolus mungo) seeds. Seed Sci. &
Technol. 7:103-108.
4. Alberts, E., Hannay, J. & Randles, J.W. 1985. An epidemic of cucumber mosaic virus
in South Australia. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 36 :267-273.
5. Allen, D.J.l Thottappilly, G. & Rossel, H.W. 1982. Cowpea mottle virus: field.
resistance and seed transmission in virus-tolerant cowpea. Ann. appl. Biol.
6. Athow, K.L. & Bancroft, J.B. 1959. Development and transmission of tobacco
ringspot virus in soybean. Phytopathology 49:697-701.
7. Beczner, L., Horvath, J. & Borbely, F. 1983. Susceptibility of Pisum sativum and
Lupinus species and cultivars to some economically important viruses. Tag. -
Ber. Akad. Landw.- Wiss. (DDR, Berlin) 216:313-322.
8. Behncken, G.M. & McCarthy, G.J.P. 1973. Peanut mottle virus in peanuts, navy
beans and soybeans. Qld Agric. J. 99 :635-637.
9. Beniwal, S.P.S., Chaubey, S.N. & Bharthan, N. 1980. Presence of urdbean leaf crinkle
virus in seeds of mungbean germplasm. Indian Phytopath. 33 :360-361.
l0. Blackstock, J.McK. 1978. Lucerne transient streak and lucerne latent, two new
viruses of lucerne. Aust. J Agric. Res. 29 :291-304.
11. Blaszczak, W., 1970. Influence of the time of inoculation of horse bean by the broad
bean true mosaic virus (Viciavirus varians Quantz) on yield and seed transmis-
sion of the virus. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk. Roln. 11:11-20.
12. Blaszczak, W. 1983. Virus diseases threat to main crops in Poland. Zesz. Probl. Post.
Nauk. Roln. 291:33-47.
13. Bock, K.R. 1973. Peanut mottle virus in East Africa. Ann. appl. Biol. 74 :172-179.
14. Bos, L. & Maat, D.Z. 1974. A strain of cucumber mosaic virus, seed-transmitted in
beans. Neth. J. Plant Path. 80:113-123.
15. Bos, L. & Want, J.P.H. van der. 1963. Early browning of pea, a disease caused by
a soil- and seed-borne virus. Tijdschr. Pl.ziekten 68:368-390.
16. Bowers, G.R. & Goodman, R.M. 1982. New sources of resistance to seed transmis-
sion of soybean mosaic virus in soybean. Crop Sci. 22:155-156.
17. Brunt, A.A. & Kenten, R.H. 1973. Cowpea mild mottle, a newly recognized virus
infecting cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) in Ghana. Ann. appl. Biol. 74 :67-74.
18. Capoor, S.P. & Varma, P.M. 1956. Studies on a mosaic disease of Desmodim
cylindrica Skeels. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 26 :95-103.
19. Clark, M.F. 1972. Purification and some properties of a comovirus group virus
isolated in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Agric. Res. 1 5:846-856.
Table 2. Legume hosts in which natural seed-transmission has been reported.
Virus Host % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Alfalfa mosaic Medicago polymorpha 0.2-49 46 Australia

M. sativa l-30 66 Worldwide
M. truncatula 2 46 Australia

Bean common mosaic Macroptilium lathyroides 5-33 68 Guyana, Hawaii, Philippines, Suriname
Phaseolus acutifolius
var. latifolius 7-22 69 USA
P. vulgaris 0-83 60,62 Worldwide
Vigna mungo 2-10 3 India
V. radiata 8-32 49 Iran

Bean pod mottle Glycine max 0.08 56 USA (Nebraska)

Bean yellow mosaic Lupinus luteus 6-14 7-21 Worldwide

Pisum sativum 5 26 Worldwide
Viciafaba 0.1-2.4 48,63 Iran, Sudan

Blackeye cowpea mosaic Vigna unguiculata 30 83 Worldwide

Blackgram mottle Vigna mungo 8 70 India, Thailand

Broad bean mottle Viciafaba 1-2 58 North Africa, Portugal, UK, Syria,

Broad bean stain Viciafaba l-10 32,44,45 Australia*, China*, Europe,

North Africa, Sudan
Lens culinaris 14 57 Syria

Broad bean true mosaic Viciafaba 1-17 11,12,20,44 Australia*, Europe, northwest Africa

Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic Vigna unguiculata 0-40 1,50 Worldwide

Table 2. Legume hosts in which natural seed-transmission has been reported (cont’d).
Virus Host % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Cowpea mild mottle Vigna unguiculata 0-90 17,77 Worldwide

Cowpea mosaic Vigna unguiculata 1-5 33 Cuba, Kenya, Nigeria, Suriname, USA

Cowpea mottle Vigna unguiculata 0.2-10 5,73 Nigeria

Cowpea ringspot Vigna unguiculata 10-30 67 Iran

Cowpea severe mosaic Vigna unguiculata l-10 40,71 Americas, Puerto Rico, Trinidad
V. sesquipedalis 8 22 South America, southern USA

Cucumber mosaic Arachis hypogaea 0-2 82 China

Glycine max 30- 100 74 Indonesia, Japan, USA, USSR
Lupinus albus ** 35 Europe
L. angustifolius 3-34 4,47 Australia
L. luteus 21 84 Europe
Phaseolus vulgaris 0-7 14,59 Worldwide
Vigna radiata 10 42 Japan
V. unguiculata 15-20 67 Worldwide

Desmodium mosaic Desmodium canum 8 27 USA (Florida)

Guar symptomless Cyamopsis tetragonoloba 12-70 39 Australia, India, Pakistan, USA

Lucerne Australian latent Medicago sativa 0-8 10 Australia, New Zealand

Lucerne transient streak Melilotus albus 2.5 10,65 Australia, Canada, New Zealand

Peaseedbome mosaic Lens culinaris 5-44 37,38 USA

Pisum sativum 10-100 53 Worldwide
Viciafaba ** 64 Europe
Table 2. Legume hosts in which natural seed-transmission has been reported (cont’d),
Virus Host % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Pea early-browning Pisum sativum 1-37 15,41 Europe, Morocco

Viciafaba l-10 28, 29 Europe

Pea mild mosaic Pisum sativum 15 19 New Zealand

Peanut clump Arachis hypogaea 6-14 76 Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire,

India, Niger, Senegal

Peanut mottle Arachis hypogaea 0-20 2-13 Probably worldwide

Lupinus albus 0.4 24 USA (Georgia)
Phaseolus vulgaris 0-1 8 Australia (Queensland)
Vigna unguiculata < l 23 USA (Georgia)

Peanut stripe Arachis hypogaea 0.1-10 25 China, India, Indonesia, Japan,

Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma),
Philippines, Thailand, USA, Vietnam

Peanut stunt Arachis hypogaea 0.1 78 Europe, Africa, Asia,

North America, Japan

Southern bean mosaic Phaseolus vulgaris l-30 43,61 Africa, Americas, India
Vigna unguiculata l-40 34,55,72 Africa, Americas

Soybean mosaic Glycine max 0.1-30 16,36 Worldwide

Soybean stunt Glycine max 0-50 54 Japan

Subterranean clover mottle Trifolium subterraneum 3 30 Australia

Sunn-hemp mosaic Crotalaria juncea 10-20 80 India

Vigna catjang 17 18 India
V. unguiculata 4-20 52 Africa, Australia, India, USA
Table 2. Legume hosts in which natural seed-transmission has been reported (cont’d).
Virus Host % transmission Reference Geographical distribution

Tobacco ringspot Glycine max 0-100 6 Egypt, India, North America,

Sri Lanka, Turkey

Tobacco streak Glycine max 0-90 31-79 Argentina, Brazil, USA

Melilotus albus 0-3 51 USA
Phaseolus vulgaris 0-27 75 USA

Tomato aspermy Phaseolus vulgaris 19 81 China

Urdbean leaf crinkle Vigna mungo 18 9 India

V. unguiculata 6-15 9 India

* Detected in small plantings and eradicated ** Data on rate of seed transmission not available
20. Cockbain, A.J., Bowen, R. & Vorrai-Urai, S. 1976. Seed transmission of broad bean
stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus in field beans (Vicia faba).
Ann. appl. Biol. 84:321-332.
21. Corbett, M.K. 1958. A virus disease of lupins caused by bean yellow mosaic virus.
Phytopathology 48:86-91.
22. Dale, W.T. 1949. Observations on a virus disease of cowpea in Trinidad. Ann. appl.
Biol. 3 6:327-333.
23. Demski, J.W., Alexander, A.T., Stefani, M.A & Kuhn, C.W. 1983a. Natural
infection, disease reaction and epidemiological implications of peanut mottle
virus in cowpea. Plant Dis. 6 7:267-269.
24. Demski, J.W., Wells, H.D., Miller, J.D. & Khan, M.A. 1983b. Peanut mottle virus
epidemics in lupines. Plant. Dis. 6 7:166-l67.
25. Demski, J.W. & Lovell, G.R. 1985. Peanut stripe virus and the distribution of
peanut seed. Plant Dis. 6 9:734-738.
26. Dickson, B.T. 1922. Studies concerning mosaic diseases. Macdonald College,
Canada, Techn. Bull. 1 :125 pp.
27. Edwardson, J.R., Purcifull, D.E., Zettler, F.W. & Christie, R.G. 1970. A virus
isolated from Desmodium canum: characterization and electron microscopy.
Plant Dis. Reptr 54 :161-164.
28. Fiedorow, Z.G. 1976. Some virus diseases of horse bean. Tag.-Ber. Akad. Landw.-
Wiss. (DDR, Berlin) 184 :361-366.
29. Fiedorow, Z.G. 1983. Pea early-browning virus on horse bean (Vicia faba L. ssp.
30. Francki, R.I.B., Graddon, D.J. & McLean, G.D. 1988. Subterranean clover mottle
virus. AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 329. Association of Applied
Biologists, Wellesbourne.
31. Ghanekar, A.M. & Schwenk, F.W. 1974. Seed transmission and distribution of
tobacco streak virus in six cultivars of soybeans. Phytopathology 6 4:112-114.
32. Gibbs, A.J. & Smith, H.G. 1970. Broad bean stain virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions
of Plant Viruses No. 29. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
33. Gilmer, R.M., Whitney, WK., & Williams, R.J. 1973. Epidemiology and control of
cowpea mosaic virus in Western Nigeria. Proc. 1st IITA Grain Leg. Improve-
ment Workshop. p. 269.
34. Givord, L. 1981. Southern bean mosaic virus isolated from cowpea (Vigna
unguiculata) in the Ivory Coast. Plant Dis. 65:755-756.
35. Golebniak, B. 1977. Transmission of cucumber mosaic virus by seed of blue and
yellow lupins. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk. Roln. 226:99-102.
36. Goodman, R.M. & Oard, J.H. 1980. Seed transmission and yield losses in tropical
soybeans infected with soybean mosaic virus. Plant Dis. 64: 913-914.
37. Hampton, R.O. 1982. Incidence of the lentil strain of pea seed-borne mosaic virus
as a contaminant of Lens culinaris germplasm. Phytopathology 72:695-698.
38. Hampton, R.O. & Muehlbauer, F.J. 1977. Seed transmission of pea seed-borne
mosaic virus in lentils. Plant Dis. Reptr 61 :235-238.
39. Hansen, A.J. & Lesemann, D.E., 1978. Occurrence and characteristics of a seed-
transmitted potyvirus from Indian, African, and North American guar.
Phytopathology 68:841-846.
40. Haque, S.Q. & Persad, G.C. 1975. Some observations on the seed-transmission of
beetle-transmitted cowpea mosaic virus. pp. 119-121. In: Tropical diseases of
legumes. Eds. J. Bird & K. Maramorosch. Academic Press, New York.
41. Harrison, B.D. 1973. Pea early-browning virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant
Viruses No. 120. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
42. Iwaki, M. 1978. Seed transmission of a cucumber mosaic virus in mungbean (Vigna
radiata). Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 44:337-339.
43. Jayasinghe, U. 1982. Chlorotic mottle of bean. PhD Thesis, Agric. Univ. Wagen-
ingen, the Netherlands:156 pp.
44. Jones, A.T. 1978. Incidence, field spread, seed transmission and effects of broad
bean stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus in Vicia faba in eastern
Scotland. Ann. appl. Biol. 88 :137-144.
45. Jones, A.T. 1980. Seed-borne viruses of Vicia faba and the possibility of producing
seed free from broad bean stain virus and Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus.
pp. 319-333. In: Vicia faba, feeding value, processing and viruses. Ed. D.A. Bond.
Martinus Nijhoff, the Hague.
46. Jones, R.A. C. 1988a. Seed-borne virus diseases in annual pasture legumes. J.
Agric. West. Australia 29:58-61.
47. Jones, R. A. C. 1988b. Seed-borne cucumber mosaic virus infection of narrow-
leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) in Western Australia. Ann. appl. Biol.
48. Kaiser, W.J. 1972. Seed transmission of bean yellow mosaic virus in broadbean in
Iran. Phytopathology 62:768.
49. Kaiser, W.J. & Mossahebi, G.H. 1974. Natural infection of mungbean by bean
common mosaic virus. Phytopathology 64 :1209-1214.
50. Kaiser, W.J. & Mossahebi, G.H. 1975. Studies on cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus
and its effects on cowpea in Iran. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 23:33-39.
51. Kaiser, W.J., Wyatt, S.D. & Pesho, G.R. 1982. Natural hosts and vectors of tobacco
streak virus in eastern Washington. Phytopathology 72 :1508-1512.
52. Kassanis, B. & Varma, A. 1975. Sunn-hemp mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions
of Plant Viruses No. 153. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
53. Khetarpal, R.K. & Maury, Y. 1987. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus: a review.
Agronomie 7 :215-224.
54. Koshimizu, Y. & Iizuka, N. 1963. Studies on soybean virus diseases in Japan. Bull.
Tohuku Natl. Agr. Exp. Sta. 27:1-103.
55. Lamptey, P.N.L. & Hamilton, R.I. 1974. A new cowpea strain of southern bean
mosaic virus from Ghana. Phytopathology 64 :1100-1104.
56. Lin, M.T. & Hill, J.T. 1963. Bean pod mottle virus: occurrence in Nebraska and
seed transmission in soybeans. Plant Dis. 8 5:99-101.
57. Makkouk, K.M. & Azzam, O.I. 1986. Detection of broad bean stain virus in lentil
seed groups. LENS Newsl. 1 3:37-38.
58. Makkouk, K.M., Bos, L., Rizkallah, A., Azzam, O.I. & Katul, L. 1988. Broad bean
mottle virus: identification, host range, serology, and occurrence on faba bean
(Vicia faba) in West Asia and North Africa. Neth. J. Pl. Path. 94:195-212.
59. Marchoux, G., Quiot, J.B. & Devergne, J.C. 1977. Caractérisation d’un isolat de
virus de la mosaïque du concombre transmis par les graines du haricot
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Ann. Phytopathol. 9:421-434.
60. Morales, F.J. & Bos, L.J. 1988. Bean common mosaic virus. AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses No. 337. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
61. Morales, F.J. & Castano, M. 1985. Effect of a Colombian isolate of bean southern
mosaic virus on selected yield components of Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant Dis.
62. Morales, F.J. & Castano, M. 1987. Seed transmission characteristics of selected bean
common mosaic virus strains in differential bean cultivars. Plant Dis. 71:51-
63. Murant, A.F., Abu Salih, H.S. & Goold, R.A. 1974. Viruses from broad bean in the
Sudan. Ann. Rept. Scottish Hort. Res. Inst. 1973: 67.
64. Musil, M. 1980. Samenubertragbarkeit des Blattrollmosaik-Virus der Erbse. Tag.-
Ber. Akad. Landwirtsch.- Wiss. (DDR, Berlin) 184 :345-352.
65. Paliwal, Y.C. 1983. Identification and distribution in eastern Canada of lucerne
transient streak, a virus newly recognized in North America. Can. J. Plant
Pathol. 5 :75-80.
66. Pesic, Z. and Hiruki, C.1986. Differences in the incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus
in seed coat and embryo of alfalfa seed. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 8:38-42.
67. Phatak, H.C., Diaz-Ruiz, J.R. & Hull, R. 1976. Cowpea ringspot virus: a seed-
transmitted Cucumovirus. Phytopath. Z. 8 7:132-l42.
68. Provvidenti, R. & Braverman, S. 1976. Seed transmission of bean common mosaic
virus in phasemy bean. Phytopathology 6 6:1274-1275.
69. Provvidenti, R. & Cobb, E.D. 1975. Seed transmission of bean common mosaic
virus in tepary bean. Plant Dis. Reptr 59 :966-969.
70. Scott, H.A. & Hoy, J.W. 1981. Blackgram mottle virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of
Plant Viruses No. 237. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
71. Shepherd, R.J. 1964. Properties of a mosaic virus of cowpea and its relationship
to the bean pod mottle virus. Phytopathology 54 :466-473.
72. Shepherd, R.J. & Fulton, R.W. 1962. Identity of a seed-borne virus of cowpea.
Phytopathology 52:489-493.
73. Shoyinka, S., Bozarth, R.F., Reese, J. & Rossel, H.W. 1978. Cowpea mottle virus,
a seed-borne virus with distinctive properties infecting cowpeas in Nigeria.
P h y t o p a t h o l o g y 6 8: 6 9 3 - 6 9 9 .
74. Takahashi, K., Tanaka, T., Iida, W. & Tsuda, Y. 1980. Studies on virus diseases and
causal agents in Japan. Bull. Tohoku Natl Agric. Exp. Stn 62 :1-130.
75. Thomas, W.D. & Graham, R.W. 1951. Seed transmission of red node virus in pinto
beans. Phytopathology 4 1:957-962.
76. Thouvenel, J.C. & Fauquet, C. 1981. Further properties of peanut clump virus and
studies on its natural transmission. Ann. appl. Biol. 97:99-107.
77. Thouvenel, J.C., Monsarrat, A. & Fauquet, C. 1982. Isolation of cowpea mild mottle
virus from diseased soybeans in the Ivory Coast. Plant Dis. 6 6:336-337.
78. Troutman, J.L., Bailey, W.K. & Thomas, CA. 1967. Seed transmission of peanut
stunt virus. Phytopathology 57:1280-1281.
79. Truol, G.A., Laguna, I.G. & Nome, S.F. 1987. Detection of tobacco streak virus
(TSV) on soyabean crops in Argentina. Fitopatologia 22:15-20.
80. Verma, H.N. & Awasthi, L.P. 1978. Further studies on a rosette virus of Crotalaria
juncea. Phytopath. Z. 92:83-87.
81. Wang, 1982. Tech. Bull. Pl. Quarantine Res. No. 3. Inst. Pl. Quarantine, Dong San
Huan, Beijing.
82. Xu, Zeyong & Barnett, O.W. 1984. Identification of a cucumber mosaic virus strain
from naturally infected peanuts in China. Plant Dis. 6 8:386-389.
83. Zettler, F.W. & Evans, I.R. 1972. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in Florida: host
range and incidence in certified cowpea seed. Proc. Fla St. Hort. Soc. 85 :99-101.
84. Zschau, K. 1960. The transmission of cucumber mosaic virus through seeds of
Lupinus luteus. Tag. -Ber. Akad. Landw. - Wiss. (DDR, Berlin) 29:41-51.
Bacterial diseases

Most of the pathogens listed in Table 3 are carried internally and externally on the seed.
They may also be carried with the seed in contaminated dust, crop debris or soil. The
latter method is probably one of the means by which Pseudomonas solanacearum is
disseminated, but the frequency of transmission is likely to be extremely low and its
importance is uncertain. For the majority of the pathogens, seed-borne inoculum is of
major importance to their survival and dissemination.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Levels of bacterial infection in seed stocks are often low and range from < 0.01% to 1%
(1% is considered a high level for a bacterial disease). The transmission from seed to
seedling is also relatively inefficient (about 1 out of 10). It follows that very large
amounts of seed would be necessary to detect infection by growing-on tests. More-
over, in the glasshouse, conditions may be unfavourable for disease expression and
infected plants may remain symptomless. Because of this, laboratory seed tests are
preferred. These methods involve extraction of bacteria from seed by soaking or
m a c e r a t i n g The bacteria are theneither isolated on agar medium, with or without
selective agents, or detected by indirect serological methods; immunofluorescence
(IF) or enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). The agar isolation procedure
has some advantages: it is potentially highly sensitive (102 bacterial cells per ml seed
extract) and it may be linked to a variety of identification techniques such as cultural
and biochemical tests, bacteriophage, serology (agglutination, gel diffusion, IF, ELISA)
and host inoculation (leaves, pods, stems).

Many of the detection methods have recently been assembled (Saettler et al., 1989) and
general identification techniques suitable for all the pathogens mentioned are given
by Lelliot & Stead (1987) and Schaad (1980). The currently available seed tests are
particularly appropriate to the pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas
campestris. Serological methods may not distinguish between some of the pathovars,
especially the pathovars of X. campestris. With considerable overlap in their host range
there is some doubt as to their distinctness.

Antibiotic seed treatments have shown some promise in reducing both internal and
external seed infection (Taylor & Dudley, 1977; Taylor & Dye, 1976). However, disease
control is not completely effective and antibiotics are not generally permitted on crops
destined for food. Treatment of seeds with short soaks (l-5 mins) or dips in sodium
hypochlorite (l-2% available chlorine) will reduce both surface infection and contami-
nation by infected dust or debris.
For the safe movement of legume germplasm a combination of methods should be
Multiply small seed samples under containment and harvest seed only from
healthy looking plants.
Surface sterilize seed with sodium hypochlorite or other chlorine containing
Apply laboratory seed tests if available.

Lelliot, R.A. & Stead, D.E. 1987. Methods for the diagnosis of bacterial diseases of plants,
Methods in Plant Pathology. Volume 2. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Saettler, A.W., Schaad, N.W. & Roth, D.A. 1989. Detection of bacteria in seed and other
planting material. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.
Schaad, N.W. (ed.). 1980. Laboratory guide for the identification of plant pathogenic
bacteria. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.
Taylor, J.D. & Dudley, C.L. 1977. Seed treatment for the control of halo blight of beans
(Pseudomonas phaseolicola). Ann. appl. Biol. 85:223-232.
Taylor, J.D. & Dye, D.W. 1976. Evaluation of streptomycin seed treatments for the
control of bacterial blight of peas. (Pseudomonas pisi Sackett). N.Z. J. Agric. Res.
Table 3. Seed-borne bacterial pathogens of grain legumes.

Bacterium Principal leguminous host

Clavibacter* michiganense subsp. insidiosum alfalfa / lucerne

Curtobacterium* flaccumfasciens pv. flaccumfasciens bean

Pseudomonas solanacearum groundnut

Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea soybean

pv. p h a s e o l i c o l a common bean
pv. pisi pea
pv. syringae -
pv. tabaci soybean

Xanthomonas campestris pv. alfalfae alfalfa / lucerne

pv. cajani pigeonpea
pv. cassiae chickpea
pv. cyamopsidis clusterbean
pv. glycinea soybean
pv. phaseoli common bean
pv. pisi pea
pv. vignaeradiatae mungbean
pv. vignicola cowpea

* formerly Corynebacterium
1. Bacterial blight of pea

Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi (Sackett) Young, Dye & Wilkie.

The disease affects all above-ground parts (stems, leaves, pods and tendrils). Lesions,
at first water-soaked, become brown and necrotic. Infected seeds may be shrivelled
or show olive green patches, they may also be symptomless.

Geographical distribution
Widespread (Anonymous, 1971).

Host range
Lathyrus spp., Pisum sativum. Isolates of the pathovar are categorised into at least 6
races on the basis of the reactions of a range of differential pea cultivars (Taylor et al.,

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted externally or internally in Pisum sativum (Skoric, 1927; Sutton &
Katznelson, 1953; Close, 1966; Watson & Dye, 1971).

Anonymous. 1971. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 253 (edition 4).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Bradbury, J.F. 1967. Pseudomonas pisi. CMI Description of Pathogenic Fungi and
Bacteria. No. 126. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Close, R.C. 1966. Campaign to defeat bacterial blight of peas. N. Z. J. Agric. 113: 97-
Skoric, V. 1927. Bacterial blight of pea: overwintering, dissemination and pathologi-
cal histology. Phytopathology 17: 611-628.
Sutton, M.D. & Katznelson, H. 1953. Isolation of bacteriophages for the detection and
identification of some seed-borne pathogenic bacteria. Can J. Bot. 31: 201-205.
Taylor, J.D., Bevan, J.R., Crute, I.R. & Reader, S.L. 1989. Genetic relationship between
races of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar pisi and cultivars of Pisum sativum.
Plant Path. 38: 364-375.
Watson, D.R.W. & Dye, D.W. 1971. Detection of bacterial disease in New Zealand
garden pea seed stocks. Plant Dis. Reptr 55: 517-521.
2. Bacterial blight of soybean

Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea (Coerper) Young, Dye & Wilkie.

Small leaf spots, initially water soaked, becoming brown and necrotic, surrounded by
yellow halos. Lesions may enlarge and coalesce, causing extensive necrosis. Lesions
may also occur on stems and pods.

Geographical distribution
Worldwide (Bradbury, 1986).

Host range
Glycine max, Glycine spp. and possibly a number of Phaseolus spp. Isolates of the
pathovar are categorised into 9 races on the basis of the reactions of a range of
differential soybean cultivars (Cross et al., 1966; Thomas & Leary, 1980; Fett &
Sequeira, 1981).

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted in Glycine max (Coerper, 1919; Nicholson & Sinclair, 1971; Leben,

Bradbury, J.F. 1986. Guide to plant pathogenic bacteria. CAB International, Slough.
Coerper, F.M. 1919. Bacterial blight of soybean. J. agric. Res. l8: 179-194.
Cross, J.E., Kennedy, B.W., Lambert, J.W. & Cooper, R.L. 1966. Pathogenic races of the
bacterial blight pathogen of soybeans, Pseudomonas glycinea. Plant Dis. Reptr
50: 557-560.
Fett, W.F. & Sequeira, L. 1981. Further characterization of the physiologic races of
Pseudomonas glycinea. Can. J. Bot. 59:283-287.
Leben, C. 1975. Bacterial blight of soybean: seedling disease control. Phytopathology
65: 844-847.
Nicholson, J.F. & Sinclair, J.B. 1971. Amsoy soybean seed germination inhibited by
Pseudomonas glycinea. Phytopathology 61: 1390-1393.
Thomas, M.D. & Leary, J.V. 1980. A new race of Pseudomonas glycinea. Phytopathology
70: 310-312.

3. Bacterial brown spot

Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae van Hall.
Brown spots on 1eaves and pods, shrivelled seeds.

Geographical distribution
Worldwide (Anonymous, 1988).

Host range
Many important legume and non-leguminous crops.

Biology and transmission

Seed transmission in Phaseolus lunatus (Thaung & Walker, 1957), P. vulgaris (Harri-
son & Freeman, 1965; Hoitink & Hagedorn, 1966; Hoitink et al., 1968, Vigna unguicu-
lata (Gardner & Kendrick, 1922; 1925; Hoffmaster, 1944).

Anonymous. 1988. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 336 (edition 4).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Gardner, M.W. & Kendrick, J.B. 1922. Bacterial spot of cowpea. Science 57: 275.
Gardner, M.W. & Kendrick, J.B. 1925. Bacterial spot of cowpea and lima bean. J. Agric.
Res. 31: 841-863.
Harrison, D.E. & Freeman, H. 1965. Bacterial brown spot. (Pseudomonas syringae) of
French bean. J. Agric. Victoria Dep. Agric. 63: 523-533.
Hayward, A.C. & Waterson, J.M. 1965. Pseudomonas syringae. CMI Description of
Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 46. Commonwealth Agricultural Bu-
reaux, Slough.
Hoffmaster, D.E. 1944. Bacterial canker of cowpeas. Phytopathology 34: 439-441.
Hoitink, H.A.J. & Hagedorn, D.J. 1966. Bacterial brown spot (Pseudomonas syringae) of
bean and pea. Phytopathology 56: 881.
Hoitink, H.A.J., Hagedorn, D.J. & McCoy, E. 1968. Survival, transmission and
taxonomy of Pseudomonas syringae van Hall, the causal organism of bacterial
brown spot of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Can J. Microbial. 14: 437-441.
Thaung, M.M. & Walker, J.C. 1957. Studies on bacterial blight of lima bean.
Phytopathology 47: 413-417.

4. Bacterial wilt

Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith.
Divided in 4 biovars (Hayward, 1964), 13 ‘pathotypes’ (Okabe & Goto, 1961) and 3
races (Buddenhagen et al., 1962). The latter based on their host range on important
solanaceous hosts.
Systemic infection of the vascular system causes wilting as the main symptom, with
or without browning of vascular tissues, bacterial exudate from cut vessels, stunting
and chlorosis of plants.

Geographical distribution
Widespread mainly within latitudes 40° N & S (Anonymous, 1977).

Host range
Very wide host range mainly non-legumes but including important legumes such as
Arachis hypogaea, Glycine max, Lablab purpureus, Medicago sativa, Phaseolus vulgaris,
Pisum sativum, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, Vicia faba, Vigna radiata and V. unguiculata.

Biology and transmission

Occasionally seed-borne in soybean (Muras, 1964) and in groundnut (Palm, 1922).

Anonymous. 1977. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 138 (edition 5).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Buddenhagen, I., Sequeira, L. & Kelman, A. 1962. Designation of races in Pseudomonas
solanacearum. Phytopathology 52: 726. (Abstr.)
Hayward, A.C. 1964. Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum. J. Appl. Bacteriol.
27: 265-277.
Hayward, AC. & Waterson, J.M. 1964. Pseudomonas solanacearum. CMI Description
of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 15. Commonwealth Agricultural
Bureaux, Slough.
Muras, V.A. 1964. Bakterial’nye bolezni Soi i ikh vozbuditeh. Referat. Zh. Rasten
14: 464. (Abstr.)
Okabe, N. & Goto, M. 196I. Studies on Pseudomonas solanacearum. XI. Pathotypes in
Japan. Shizuoka Univ. Fac. Agr. Rep. 11: 25-42.
Palm, B.T. 1922. Aanteekeningen over slijmziekte in Arachis hypogaea (Katjang tanah).
Meded. Inst. voor Plantenziekten (Buitenzorg) 52: 1-41.

5. Bacterial wilt of bean

Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Hedges) Collins & Jones.

Seedlings are stunted, wilted and usually die. Older plants wilt, show a dull green of
affected parts, and sometimes breaking of the stems. Infected pods show discoloured
sutures and may show yellowish areas.
Geographical distribution
Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Rumania,
Tunisia, Turkey, USA, USSR, Yugoslavia. (Anonymous, 1987).

Host range
Lablab purpureus, Phaseolus coccineus, P. lunatus, P. vulgaris, Vigna angularis, V. unguicu-
lata, Zornia spp. (cover crops), and possibly in Glycine max (Bradbury, 1986). All
members of the Leguminosae.

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted externally or internally in Phaseolus vulgaris and possibly in
Glycine max (Leonard, 1924; Burkholder, 1926; Dunleavy, 1962). The pathogen can
survive from 5-24 years in seed (Schuster & Coyne, 1974).

Anonymous. 1987. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 370 (edition 4).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Bradbury, J.F. 1986. Guide to plant pathogenic bacteria. CAB International, Slough.
Burkholder, W.H. 1926. A new bacterial disease of the bean. Phytopathology 16: 915-
Dunleavy, J. 1962. Pigmentation of soybean seed coats associated with bacteria.
Phytopathology 52: 730. (Abstr.)
Hayward, A.C. & Waterson, J.M. 1965. Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens. CMI Descrip-
tion of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 43. Commonwealth Agricultural
Bureaux, Slough.
Leonard, L.T. 1924. Effect of moisture on a seed-borne bean disease. J. Agric. Res.
28: 489-497.
Schuster, M.L. & Coyne, D.P. 1974. Survival mechanisms of phytopathogenic
bacteria. Ann. Rev. Phytopath. 12: 199-221.

6. Bacterial wilt of lucerne

Clavibacterium michiganensis subsp. insidiosum McCulloch, Davis, Gillaspie, Vidaver &

Stunted plants, yellowed with darkened vascular tissues in the roots. Plants may be
killed the second year after infection.
Geographical distribution
Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand,
Poland, Saudia Arabia, South Africa, USA, USSR (Anonymous, 1987).

Host range
The main natural host is Medicago sativa; also reported to occur naturally on Lotus
corniculatus, Medicago falcata, Melilotus alba, Onobrychis viciaefolia and Trifolium sp.

Biology and transmission

Seed transmission in Medicago sativa both by seed and by debris mixed with seed
(Cormack & Moffatt, 1955; Cormack, 1961; Golenia, 1965).

Anonymous. 1987. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 67 (edition 4).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Cormack, M.W. 1961. Longevity of the bacterial wilt organism in alfalfa hay, pod
debris and seed. Phytopathology 51: 260-261.
Cormack, M.W. & Moffatt, J.E. 1955. Seed transmission of bacterial wilt of alfalfa. Proc.
Can. Phytopath. Soc. 23: 15. (Abstr.)
Golenia, A. 1965. Corynebacterium insidiosum (McCullock) Jensen an Lucerne in Polen.
Phytopath. Z. 52: 145-165.
Hayward, A.C. & Waterson, J.M. 1964. Corynebacterium insidiosum . CMI Description
of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 13. Commonwealth Agricultural
Bureaux, Slough.

7. Common bacterial blight of bean

Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye.

On leaves, initially small water soaked lesions develop narrow, yellow halos. Lesions
may enlarge and coalesce, causing extensive necrosis. Lesions may also occur on
stems and pods. Infected seeds are sometimes wrinkled and the hilum may be
discoloured. Symptoms similar to halo-blight of bean.

Geographical distribution
Very widespread (Anonymous, 1971).
Host range
Macroptilium lathyroides, Phaseolus lunatus, P. vulgaris and the weed Strophostyles
helvola. Lablab purpureus is reported as a natural host but most references involve
inoculation. Special races or strains are reported to occur naturally on Phaseolus
aconitifolius in India, on Vigna umbellata (Phaseolus calcaratus) and V. radiata (P. aureus)
in China and on V. mungo in India.

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted in Phaseolus vulgaris (Zaumeyer, 1929; Burkholder, 1930; Wallen &
Sutton, 1965; Saettler & Perry, 1972). A common variant, formerly referred to as var.
fuscans, produces a brown diffusible pigment in agar culture.

Anonymous. 1971. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 401 (edition 2).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Burkholder, W.H. 1930. The bacterial disease of the bean. A comparative study. New
York (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta., Mem. 127. 93p.
Hayward, A.C. & Waterson, J.M. 1965. Xanthomonas phaseoli . CMI Description of
Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 48. Commonwealth Agricultural Bu-
reaux, Slough.
Saettler, A.W. & Perry, S.K. 1972. Seed transmitted bacterial diseases in Michigan navy
(pea) beans, Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant Dis. Reptr 56:378-381.
Wallen, V.R. & Sutton, M.D. 1965. Xanthomonas phaseoli var fuscans (Burkh.) Starr and
Burkh. on field bean in Ontario. Can. J. Bot. 43 :437-446.
Zaumeyer, W.J. 1929. Seed infection by Bacterium phaseoli. Phytopathology 19:96.

8. Halo blight of bean

Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder) Young, Dye & Wilkie.

Small leaf spots, initially water soaked, becoming brown and necrotic, surrounded by
broad yellow chlorotic halos. Chlorosis is due to a toxin produced by the bacterium.
Toxin may be translocated producing virus-like interveinal chlorosis and distortion of
leaves even in the absence of lesions. Lesions on stems and pods are also water soaked,
sometimes with bacterial exudate. Pod lesions have the appearance of ‘grease’ spots.
Seeds from infected pods may be shrivelled and wrinkled. White-seeded varieties
may show buttery yellow patches on the seed coat but infected seed may also be symp-
Geographical distribution
Worldwide (Anonymous, 1973). In temperate climatic conditions and in the tropics
at medium to high altitudes (1000-2500 m). Race 3 of the pathogen has been found only
in East and Central Africa.

Host range
Cajanus cajan, Lablab purpureus, Macroptilium spp., Phaseolus coccineus, P. lunatus, P.
vulgaris, Pueraria spp., Vigna angularis, V. radiata, Neonotonia wightii.
Isolates of the pathovar are categorised into three races on the basis of the reactions of
a range of differential bean cultivars (Taylor et al., 1987).

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted externally or internally in Phaseolus vulgaris (Burkholder, 1926;
Katznelson et al., 1954; Grogan & Kimble, 1967; Taylor, 1970) and probably all other

Anonymous. 1973. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 85 (edition 4).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Burkholder, W.H. 1926. A new bacterial disease of the bean. Phytopathology 16: 915-
Grogan, R.G. & Kimble, K.A. 1967. The role of seed contamination in the transmission
of Pseudomonas phaseolicola in Phaseolus vulgaris. Phytopathology 57: 28-32.
Hayward, A.C. & Waterson, J.M. 1965. Pseudomonas solanacearum. CMI Description
of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 45. Commonwealth Agricultural
Bureaux, Slough.
Katznelson, H., Sutton, M.D. & Bayley, S.T. 1954. The use of bacteriophage of
Xanthomonas phaseoli in detecting infection in beans, with observations on its
growth and morphology. Can. J. Microbiol. 1: 22-29.
Taylor, J.D. 1970. The quantitative estimation of the infection of bean seed with
Pseudomonas phaseolicola (Burkh.) Dowson. Ann appl. Biol. 66: 29-36.
Taylor, J.D., Teverson, D.M. & Davis, J.H.C. 1987. Halo-blight of Phaseolus bean.
Report of the National Vegetable Research station for 1986, pp.63-64. National
Vegetable Research Station, Wellesbourne.

Fungal diseases
1. Angular leaf spot of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Phaeoisariopsis griseola (Sacc.) Ferraris
Synonym: Isariopsis griseola Sacc.

Reddish brown lesions on leaves with typical angular margins. Sporulation under
continuous moisture for 24-48 h. Circular or irregular spots on stem, petioles,
branches and pods.

Geographical distribution
Widespread (Anonymous, 1986a; 1986b).

Alternative hosts
Desmodium cephalotus, D. gangeticum, D. pulchellum, Dolichos lablab, Phaseolus lunatus,
P. multiflorus, Pisum sativum, Vigna unguiculata.

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted (Orogoco-Sarria & Cordona Alvarez, 1959) and through plant
debris. Rain splash and wind help in disease spread. Seed infected at the hilum region
(Sohi & Sharma, 1974).

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

The fungus can be detected by incubating seeds on either agar or wet blotters at
24°C (Orogoco-Sarria & Cordona Alvarez, 1959).
Seed treatment with 0.2% benomyl powder controlled the disease (Bose &
Sindhan, 1972).
Storing seeds for over one year kills the fungus completely.

Anonymous. 1986a. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No 328 (edition 3).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Anonymous. 1986b. Phaeoisariopsis griseola. CMI Description of Pathogenic Fungi and
Bacteria. No. 874. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Bose, S.K. & Sindhan, G.S. 1972. Leaf spot of French beans caused by Isariopsis griseola
Sacc. and its control. Progress. Hort. 4: 69-75.
Orogoco-Sarria, S.H. & Cordona Alvarez, C. 1959. Evidence of seed transmission of
angular leaf spot of bean. Phytopathology 49: 159.
Sohi, H.S. & Sharma, R.D. 1974. Mode of survival of Isariopsis griseola Sacc., the causal
agent of angular leaf spot of beans. Ind. J. Hort. 31: 110-113.
2. Ascochyta blight of chickpea

Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labrousse;
perfect state: Mycosphaerella rabiei (Pass.) Kovach.
Two races are reported from India (Vir & Grewal, 1975).

All aerial parts are affected. Brown to dark brown elongated lesions on stem, and dark
brown on leaves, with sunken tissue and dark margins. Pycnidia can sometimes be
observed in the affected tissues.

Geographical distribution
Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Ethiopia, France, Greece,
India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Spain,
Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, USA and USSR.

Alternative hosts
Not known.

Biology and transmission

Seed transmitted, but plant debris also play an important role in transmission.
Mycelium is present in seed coat and cotyledons (Maden et al., 1975).

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

The pathogen can be detected by two methods:
Plate seeds directly on water-soaked blotters, incubate at 22°C for 7 days
under 12 hours photoperiod of NUV or artificial daylight (Mathur, 1981).
Look for pycnidia and characteristic pycnospores.
Plate surface sterilized seeds on PDA containing 1 g dicrysticin/litre and
incubate at 20°C for 8 days under 12 hours photoperiod of NUV or artificial
daylight (Haware et al., 1986). Creamy fungus colonies with black centre.
Seed treatment with tridemorph alone or in mixture with benomyl gives complete
control (Reddy, 1980).

Haware, M.P., Nene, Y.L. & Mathur, S.B. 1986. Seed-borne diseases of chickpea.
Technical Bulletin No. 1. Danish Government Institute of Seed Pathology for
Developing Countries, Copenhagen.
Maden, S., Singh, D., Mathur, S.B. & Neergaard, P. 1975. Detection and location of
seed-borne inoculum of Ascochyta rabiei and its transmission in chickpea (Cicer
arietinum). Seed Sci. & Technol. 3: 667-681.
Mathur, S.B. 1981. ISTA Handbook on Seed Health Testing, Section 2, Working Sheet
No. 38. International Seed Testing Association, Zurich.
Reddy, M.V. 1980. Calixin M - an effective fungicide for eradication of Ascohyta rabiei
in chickpea seeds. International Chickpea Newsletter 3: 12.
Vir, S. & Grewal, J.S. 1975. Physiologic specialization in Ascochyta rabiei, the causal
organism of gram blight. Indian Phytopath. 27: 335-360.

3. Bean anthracnose

Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magn.) Bri. & Cav.
Three races have been reported (Cruickshank, 1966).

Symptoms can appear on any plant part. Rust-coloured specks on cotyledons, brick-
red to purple or black lesions on petiole, leaves and leaf veins. Brown sunken cankers
delimited by black rings on pods. Lesions on seeds are brown with white centre, or

Geographical distribution
Africa, Asia, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Europe, Guatemala, Mexico,
North America, Venezuela.

Alternative hosts
Phaseolus spp., Vigna spp., Vicia spp. and many other plant species.

Biology and transmission

Infected seeds (cotyledons and seed coat) and plant debris are the primary sources of
inoculum. Intermittent moderate rainfall and temperature between 13 and 26°C are
conducive for spread.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

The pathogen can be detected by two methods:
Pretreat the seeds for 10 min in sodium hypochlorite solution (1% available
chlorine) and plate on wet blotters, incubate for 7 days at 20°C in darkness
(Anselme & Champion, 1981).
Growing-on test in sand at room temperature for 14 days (Kummer &
Schmidt, 1961).
Seed treatment with benomyl (Sindhan & Bose, 1981) and Orthocide (Petrov, 1972)
give best control.
Anselme, C. & Champion, R. 1981. ISTA Handbook on Seed Health Testing. Section
2, Working Sheet No. 45. International Seed Testing Association, Zurich.
Cruickshank, I.A.M. 1966. Strains of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magn.) in
Eastern Australia. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 32: 134-135.
Kummer, H. & Schmidt, B. 1961. Health examination and assessment of anthracnosed
bean and pea seed. Zbl. Bakt. 114: 616-630.
Petrov, B. 1972. Anthracnose of bean. Rastit. Zasht. 20: 24-26.
Sindhan, G.S. & Bose, S.K. 1981. Evaluation of fungicides against anthracnose of
French bean caused by Colletotrichum, lindemuthianum. Indian Phytopath.
34: 325-329.

4. Brown spot of soybean

Septoria glycines Hemmi.

Irregular dark-brown spots on leaves, stem, branches, petioles and pods. Leaves turn
yellow and drop.

Geographical distribution
Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, USSR and Yugoslavia.

Alternative hosts
Not known.

Biology and transmission

Infected seeds (mycelium in seed coat), leaves and plant debris are the sources of
primary inoculum. The lesions produced on young plants act as secondary sources
when the weather is warm and wet and the inoculum is distributed by wind and rain
splashes. Dry weather is inhibitory (Sinclair & Backman, 1989).

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Although no standard testing method has been established, the fungus can be
detected by plating seeds on wet blotters and incubating under light (12 hours
daily) for 7 days.

Sinclair, J.B. & Backman, P.A. (eds.). 1989. Compendium of soybean disease. American
Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.

5. Charcoal rot of groundnut

Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) G. Goid.
Synonyms: Macrophomina phaseoli (Maub.) Ashby.
Sclerotium bataticola Taub.
Pycnidial stage of Rhizoctonia bataticola (Taub.) Butl.
Various strains of M. phaseolina are reported to occur in nature.

Seed and seedling rots, root and stem rots, rotting of developing pods and seeds. The
tap root turns black and later becomes rotten, shredded, and studded with sclerotia.
Pods are also attacked, the pathogen rapidly infects the fruits, developing symptoms
of blacknuts and leading also to concealed damage. Infected seeds are discoloured,
small, shrivelled, and have a dirty black appearance. Severely attacked seeds are
covered with a profuse growth of the mycelium of the fungus on the inner as well as
on the outer surfaces of the two cotyledons, and black sclerotia can be observed in the
endosperm tissue. Some infected seeds do not show external symptoms.

Geographical distribution
Argentina, Gambia, India, Israel, Nigeria, Senegal, USA and Venezuela.

Alternative hosts
Found throughou t the world, causing diseases in a large number of crop species.

Biology and transmission

Charcoal rot is both seed-borne and soil-borne. Mycelium in seeds and sclerotia in
plant debris in the soil are primary sources of inoculum. The fungus persists in the soil
for long periods either as actively growing mycelium or as dormant sclerotia. The
pathogen is commonly present in groundnut seeds (mycelium in cotyledons or
endosperm) and pods, and can readily be disseminated by their movement. Mycelial
fragments as well as sclerotia can be present on the testae of seeds.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

The pathogen can be detected by two methods:
* Pretreat the seeds for 10 min in sodium hypochlorite solution (1% available
chlorine) or for 2 min in a 0.1% aqueous solution of mercuric chloride, plate on
wet blotters and incubate at 25°C in darkness.
* Plate seeds on to potato dextrose agar in petri plates and then incubate at 25°C
in the dark for 5-7 days. Surface-sterilized cut pieces of seeds can also be tested
for seed-borne infection. To obtain quick results, plating on agar is preferred.
Seed treatment with fungicides such as Quintozene (PCNB) and Captan com-
pletely eradicates seed-borne infection without any adverse effect on seed germi-

Jackson, C.R. & Bell, D.K. 1969. Diseases of peanut (groundnut) caused by fungi.
University of Georgia Agric. Exp. Stn Res. Bull. 56: 91-100.
Lal. S.P., & Mathur, S.B. 1967. Studies on seed-borne fungi of groundnut. I. A new
method for detecting fungi in small samples of seed, with special reference to
Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby (syn. Sclerotium bataticola Taub.). II.
Laboratory assay of fungicides for controlling seed-borne infections. Proc. Int.
Seed Test. Ass. 37: 655-666.
McDonald, D. & Mehan, V.K. 1984. Charcoal rot. pp. 27-28. In: Compendium of peanut
diseases. Eds. D.M. Porter, D.H. Smith and R. Rodriguez-Kabana. American
Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.

6. Downy mildew of soybean

Peronospora manshurica (Naum.) Syd.
There are 32 known races (Sinclair & Backman, 1989).

Pale green to pale yellow spots on the upper leaf surface, turning brown to dark brown
with yellow margins. On lower surface grey to purple-coloured conidiophores in
moist weather. Symptoms may not appear on pods, which may contain white
mycelium on seeds. Infected seeds are small and encrusted with mycelium and

Geographical distribution
Widespread (Anonymous, 1979).

Alternative hosts
Not known.

Biology and transmission

Systemically transmitted to seedlings (Novakova & Pfeiferova, 1964). Infected seeds
and plant debris are the primary sources of inoculum. Mycelium and oospores can be
found on seed, and mycelium in the seed coat.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Examination of seed washings (Hansen & Mathur, 1987).
Seed treatment is only partly effective.
Anonymous. 1979. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 268 (edition 3).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Hansen, H. J. & Mathur, S.B. 1987. ISTA Handbook on Seed Health Testing, Section
2, Working Sheet No. 64. International Seed Testing Association, Zurich.
Novakova, J. & Pfeiferova, J. 1964. A contribution to the study of Peronospora manshu-
rica on soybean in Czechoslovakia. Ceská Mykol. l8: 42-47.
Sinclair, J.B. & Backman, P.A. (eds.). 1989. Compendium of soybean diseases. American
Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.

7. Early leafspot of groundnut

Cercospora arachidicola Hori.
Synonyms: Mycosphaerella arachidicola W.A. Jenkins
Mycosphaerella arachidis Deighton
There is some evidence of variation between isolates of the pathogen, but the
pathotypes have not been clearly characterized.

Subcircular lesions, dark brown on the upper leaflet surface where most sporulation
occurs, and light brown on the lower leaflet surface. When attack is severe, the affected
leaflets first become chlorotic and then necrotic, lesions often coalesce, and leaflets are
shed. In addition to leaf spots, lesions are also produced on petioles, stems and pegs.

Geographical distribution
Commonly present wherever groundnut is grown (Anonymous, 1985).

Alternative hosts
Some members of the genus Arachis. There is no record of any hosts outside the genus

Biology and transmission

The principal source of initial inoculum is probably conidia produced on groundnut
crop residues in the soil. Inoculum is blown or splashed on to leaves giving rise to
primary infection. Conidia are disseminated by wind, rain splash and insects leading
to secondary infection. The pathogen may also survive on volunteer groundnut plants
and on groundkeepers. Long distance spread may be by movement of infected crop
debris, pods or seeds externally contaminated with conidia. There is no evidence of
the disease being internally seed-borne. The role of seed-borne inoculum on disease
spread is not known.
Quarantine measures and seed health testing
Seed treatment with carbendazin has been recommended to eradicate externally
seed-borne inoculum.
Information on seed health testing is not available.

Anonymous. 1985. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 166 (edition 5).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Jackson, C.R. & Bell, D.K. 1969. Diseases of peanut (groundnut) caused by fungi.
University of Georgia Agric. Exp. Stn Res. Bull. 56: 7-15.
McDonald, D., Subrahmanyam, P., Gibbons, R.W. & Smith, D.H. 1985. Early and late
leaf spots of groundnut. ICRISAT Information Bulletin No. 21. International
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru.
Porter, D.M., Smith, D.H. & Rodriguez-Kabana, R. 1982. Peanut diseases. pp. 326-410.
In: Peanut science and technology, American Peanut Research and Education
Society, Yoakum.

8 . Groundnut rust

Puccinia arachidis Speg.
Synonyms: Uredo arachidis Lagerheim
Uromyces arachidis P. Hennings
Bullaria (?) arachidis (Speg) Arthur & Mains.

Orange-coloured pustules (uredinia) observed on lower surface of leaf, but with
advance of disease, they can be seen on upper surface and other aerial parts except
flowers and pegs. Rusted leaves tend to remain attached to the plant.

Geographical distribution
Almost all groundnut growing areas of the world (Subrahmanyam et al., 1 9 8 4 ;
Anonymous, 1985).

Alternative hosts
Some species of Arachis.

Biology and transmission

Long-distance dissemination may be by air-borne urediniospores, infected crop
debris, or pods or seeds externally contaminated with urediniospores. Seed-borne
inoculum may play a role in disease transmission (Peregrine, 1971) but according to
Subrahmanyam & McDonald (1982) and Subrahmanyam et al. (1984) there is no
evidence that peanut rust is seed transmitted. However, rust spores present on the
seed surface or in packing material may become a source of primary infection if
released during handling.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Avoid movement of pods.
Packing material should be carefully inspected for the presence of urediniospores
upon arrival and a washing test performed (examination of seed washings).
Seeds should be treated with appropriate fungicide (Varma & McDonald, 1984).

Anonymous. 1985. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 160 (edition 6).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Peregrine, W.T.H. 1971. Groundnut rust (Puccinia arachidis) in Brunei. PANS 17 :318-
Subrahmanyam, P. & McDonald, D. 1982. Groundnut rust - its survival and carry-
over in India. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Plant Science
Subrahmanyam, P., McDonald, D. & Hammons, R.O. 1984. Groundnut rust. pp. 7-9.
In: Compendium of peanut diseases. Eds. D.M. Porter, D.H. Smith & R.
Rodriguez-Kabana. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul.
Varma, B.K. & McDonald, D. 1984. Groundnut rust disease and plant quarantine. pp.
55-58. In: Proceedings of discussion group meeting, 24-28 September 1984.
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru.

9. Groundnut scab

Sphaceloma arachidis Bit. & Jenk.

Small chlorotic spots, spread uniformly or in clusters near the veins, on both sides of
the leaves. Spots on upper surface later become tan with raised margins, while those
on lower surface are darker and not raised. The maximum size of spots is less than 2
mm. On stem and petioles, the growth is corky, giving the plant a burned appearance.
The fungus produces fructifications under high humidity.

Geographical distribution
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Japan.

Alternative hosts
Apparently restricted to the genus Arachis.
Biology and transmission
The fungus persists in crop debris that acts as source of inoculum. There is some
evidence of possible seed transmission (Giorda, 1984) but these observations were not
substantiated by further work.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Incubate seeds on wet blotters or agar for 7 days at 22°C ±2°C under alternating
cycles of 12 hours of light from NUV and darkness.
Foliar application of benomyl is effective in controlling the disease but its efficacy
as a seed treatment is not known.

Giorda, L.M. 1984. Scab. p. 12. In: Compendium of peanut diseases. Eds. D.M. Porter,
D.H. Smith & R. Rodriguez-Kabana. American Phytopathological Society, St.

10. Late leafspot of groundnut

Phaeoisariopsis personata (Berk. & Curt.) v. Arx
Synonyms: Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. & Curt.) Deighton
Cladosporium personata Berk. & Curt.
Cercospora personata (Berk. & Curt.) Ellis & Everhart
Passalora personata (Berk. & Curt.) Khan & Kamal
Septogloeum arachidis Racibolski
Mycosphaerella berkeleyii W.A. Jenkins

Lesions are dark, usually small and nearly circular. On the lower surfaces, where most
sporulation occurs, the lesions are black with a slightly rough appearance. When
attack is severe, the affected leaflets first become chlorotic, then necrotic, lesions often
coalesce, and leaflets are shed. In addition to leaf spots, the pathogen also produces
lesions on petioles, stems and pegs.

Geographical distribution
Almost all groundnut-growing areas of the world (Anonymous, 1987).

Alternative hosts
Some members of the genus Arachis. There is no record of any host outside the genus

Biology and transmission

Same as early leafspot.
Quarantine measures and seed health testing
Seed treatment with carbendazin has been recommended to eradicate externally
seed-borne inoculum.
Information on seed health testing is not available.

Anonymous. 1987. CMI distribution maps of plant diseases. No. 152 (edition 5).
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough.
Jackson, C.R. & Bell, D.K. 1969. Diseases of peanut (groundnut) caused by fungi.
University of Georgia Agric. Exp. Stn Res. Bull. 56: 7-15.
McDonald, D., Subrahmanyam, P., Gibbons, R.W. & Smith, D.H. 1985. Early and late
leaf spots of groundnut. ICRISAT Information Bulletin No. 21. International
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru.
Porter, D.M., Smith, D.H. & Rodriguez-Kabana, R. 1982. Peanut diseases. pp. 326-410.
In: Peanut science and technology, American Peanut Research and Education
Society, Yoakum.

11. Pepper spot and leaf scorch of groundnut

Leptosphaerulina crassiasca (Sechet) Jackson & Bell
Synonyms: Pleospora crassiasca Sechet
Leptosphaerulina arachidicola Yen, Chen & Huang
Pleospora arachidicola Huang
Leptospaerulina trifolii (Rest.) Petr.
Pseudoplea trifolii (Rost.) Petr.

Dark brown to black discrete lesions on both sides of the leaflets. When lesions are
abundant, they tend to coalesce giving the leaflet surface a netted appearance. In such
cases leaflets soon die and production of numerous ascocarps occurs in necrotic areas
of abscised leaflets. Leaf scorch symptoms frequently develop on the tips of leaflets,
forming a wedge-shaped lesion with a bright yellow zone along the periphery of the
advancing margin of the lesion. Ascocarps of the fungus are abundant in the dead

Geographical distribution
Argentina, Burkina Faso, China, India, Madagascar, Malawi,. Mauritius, Niger, Nige-
ria, Senegal, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam. The disease is probably present in several
other groundnut-growing countries.

Alternative hosts
Apparently restricted to the genus Arachis.
Biology and transmission
An asexual stage of the fungus is unknown. Ascocarps are produced abundantly in
infected leaf debris. The longevity of the pathogen and the mode of spread of the
disease are not known.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Not known.

Jackson, C.R. & Bell, D.K. 1969. Diseases of peanut (groundnut) caused by fungi.
University of Georgia Agric. Exp. Stn Res. Bull. 56: 37-43.

12. Soybean root and stem rot

Phytophthora megasperma Drechsler var. sojae Hildebrand
Twenty races are known (Keeling, 1982).

The fungus can attack soybean at any stage of growth and can cause seed rot and pre-
emergence damping-off. In young plants, stem appears water-soaked, leaves turn
yellow and ultimately the plant dies. In mature plants leaves become chlorotic and
droop due to fungal infection in vascular bundles.

Geographical distribution
Australia, Canada, USA.

Alternative hosts
Lupinus spp., tomato, alfalfa, garden pea, snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), Trifolium
subterraneum and T. repens.

Biology and transmission

Primary inoculum, chiefly as oospores, comes from crop residues in the soil where the
fungus survives long periods in the absence of soybean crops. The pathogen is also
transmitted by seed and by soil mixed with seed.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

No specific test is described in literature. A selective medium developed by
Keeling (1980) may be used to isolate the fungus from seed. The ingredients of the
medium are 40 ml of V-8 juice, 0.6 g of calcium carbonate, 0.2 g of yeast extract, 1
g of sucrose, 10 mg of cholesterol, 20 mg of 50% benomyl, 27 mg of pentachloroni-
trobenzene, 100 mg of neomycin sulphate, 30 mg of chloramphenicol and 20 g of
agar in 1 litre of water.
Infusion of pyroxychlor, dissolved in acetone, into seed before planting is recom-
mended by Papavizas & Lewis (1976).

Keeling, B.L. 1980. Research on Phytophthora root and stem rot: Isolation, testing
procedures, and seven new physiological races. pp. 367-370. In: World
Soybean Research Conference II: Proceedings, Ed. F.T. Corbin. Westview
Press, Boulder.
Keeling, B.L. 1982. Four new physiological races of Phytophthora megasperma f. sp.
glycinea. Plant Dis. 66: 334-335.
Papavizas, G.C. & Lewis, J.A. 1976. Acetone infusion of pyroxychlor into soybean seed
for the control of Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae. Plant Dis. Reptr 60: 484-

13. Wilt of chickpea

Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. emend. Snyd. & Hans. f. sp. ciceri (Padwick) Snyd. &
Different pathogenic races are known.

The pathogen causes vascular, wilt in chickpea. Wilting can occur in seedling or adult
stages. The initial symptom is drooping of petioles and rachis along with leaflets.
Within 2 to 3 days, drooping is seen on the entire plant. Roots of wilted plants show
no external rotting, but when split vertically, clearly show internal discoloration of the

Geographical distribution
Algeria, Bangladesh, Chile, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Italy, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico,
Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Peru, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and the

Alternative hosts
Pigeonpea, pea and lentil are symptomless carriers of the pathogen.

Biology and transmission

The disease is transmitted to new areas through infected seed (chlamydospore-like
structures in the hilum region of the seed). Soil-borne inoculum is also a source of
primary infection. Once it is introduced to soil, it is difficult to eradicate the pathogen.
Therefore, it is important to stop spread of the pathogen through seed.
Quarantine measures and seed health testing
Seeds are surface-sterilized by dipping for 2 min in 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and
then plated on modified Czapek-Dox Agar, which contains, in addition to normal
ingredients, 500 mg PCNB, 25 mg malachite green, 750 mg dicrysticin-S and 2 g
yeast extract per litre of medium . The plates are inoculated at 20°C for 8 days in
a cycle of 12 h NUV and 12 h of darkness. The white mycelium can then be seen
emerging from infected seeds (Haware et al., 1978).
Haware et al. (1978) demonstrated that a mixture of 30% benomyl and 30% thiram
can completely eradicate seed-borne inoculum.

Haware, M.P., Nene, Y.L. & Rajeshwari, R. 1978. Eradication of Fusarium oxysporum
f.sp. ciceri transmitted in chickpea seed. Phytopathology 68: 1364-1367.

14. Wilt of pigeonpea

Fusarium udum Butler.

The pathogen causes vascular wilt in pigeonpea. The disease is characterized by
gradual chlorosis followed by drying of the plant. Black streaks occur in the vascular
region as well as under the bark in the lower part of the stem and tap root. Partial
wilting of plants is common.

Geographical distribution
Widespread in Africa and India. It is reported from Bangladesh, Ghana, India,
Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Nepal, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and

Alternative hosts
Not known.

The pathogen is both seed-borne (mycelium present in the seed coat and cotyledons)
and soil-borne. Once established in the soil, it is difficult to eradicate.

Quarantine measures and seed health testing

Plating of pigeonpea seeds on Nash and Snyder’s medium. After incubation at
25°C for 10 days, mycelium growing out of infected seeds can be observed.
Seed dressing with a mixture of benomyl 50 WP and thiram 75 WP (1:l) should
eradicate the internal seed-borne F. udum.
Appendix : Accepted latin names and vernacular names of some legumes*
Latin name English French Spanish German Other

Arachis hypogaea groundnut arachide mani gemeine Erdnuss kacang tanah

Cajanus cajan pigeonpea pois d’Angole guisante de paloma Straucherbse red gram
Canavalia ensiformis jack bean haricot sabre haba de burro fève Jacques
Canavalia gladiata sword bean pois sabre haba de burro kacang parang
Cicer arietinum chickpea pois chiche garbanzo Kichererbse chana, Bengal gram
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba cluster bean cyamopse á 4 ailes guar, aconite bean
Glycine max soyabean soja soja Sojabohne soybean
Lablab purpureus lablab dolique d’Egypte Helmbohne hyacinth bean
Lathyrus sativus grass pea gesse commune almorta Saatplatterbse khesari
Lens culinaris lentils lentille lenteja Linse masur
Lupinus spp. lupins lupins lupino Lupinen
Macrotyloma geocarpum Kersting’s lentille de terre Kandelabohne ground bean
groundnut kerstingiella
Macrotyloma uniflorum horse gram grain de cheval Pferdekorn kulthi, Madras gram
Mucuna pruriens velvet bean pois mascate ojo de venado
Pachyrhizus erosus yam bean dolique tubereux jicama knollige Bohne Mexican yam bean
Pachyrhizus tuberosus yam bean
Phaseolus acutifolius tepary bean haricot riz frijol trigo Texan bean
Phaseolus lunatus Lima bean haricot de Lima haba Lima Limabohne
Phaseolus vulgaris common bean haricot commun frijol Fisole
Pisum sativum pea pois guisante Erbse
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus wing(ed) bean pois ailé sesquidilla Goabohne
Spenostylis stenocarpa African yam bean girigiri
Trigonella foenum-graecum fenugreek
Vicia faba faba bean fève haba comun Ackerbohne
Vicia sativa common vetch vesce commune veza Futter-Wicke
Vigna aconitifolia moth bean haricot papillon math, phillipesa
Vigna mungo black gram ambérique judia de urd Urdbohne urd
Vigna radiata mung bean haricot doré judia de mungo Mungobohne green gram
Vigna subterranea Bambara groundnut voandzou kacang Bogor

Vigna trilobata pillipesara jungli moth

Vigna umbellata rice bean haricot de riz frijol arroz Reisbohne meth
Vigna unguiculata cowpea pois vache chicaro de vaca Kuhbohne kacang panjang

* Table kindly provided by Dr L.J.G. van der Maesen, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Agricultural University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.

FAO/IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Germplasm are published under the joint
auspices of the Plant Production and Protection Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) and the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR).

The designations employed, and the presentation of material in these

Guidelines, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
the part of FAO or IBPGR concerning the legal status of any country,
territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of
its frontiers or boundaries. Similarly, the views expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAO or IBPGR. In
addition, the mention of specific companies or of their products or
brandnames does not imply any endorsement or recommendation on the
part of the FAO or IBPGR.

IBPGR is an autonomous international scientific organization under the aegis of the Consultative Group
on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). IBPGR was established by CGIAR in 1974. The basic
function of IBPGR is to promote and coordinate the collecting, conservation, documentation, evaluation
and use of plant genetic resources and thereby contribute to raising the standard of living and welfare of
people throughout the world. Financial support for the core programme is provided by the Governments
of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, FRG, India, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands,
Norway, Spain Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA, as well as the United Nations Environment
Programme and the World Bank

Frison, E.A., Bos, L., Hamilton, R.I., Mathur, S.B. and Taylor, J.D. (eds.). 1990. FAO/
IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Legume Germplasm. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome/International Board for Plant
Genetic Resources, Rome.

ISBN 92-9043-150-2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the
prior permission of the copyright owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the
purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Publications Officer, IBPGR Head-
quarters, c/o FAO of the United Nations, 142 Via delle Sette Chiese, 00145 Rome, Italy.

© FAO/IBPGR 1990 M/T9745E/1/4.90/4000

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