Tsio 520 L
Tsio 520 L
Tsio 520 L
Revision 17
Textron Aviation
October 12, 2016
This data sheet which is part of type certificate No. A23CE prescribes conditions and limitations under which the product for
which the type certificate was issued meets the airworthiness requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
I. Model 58P, Pressurized Baron, 4, 5 or 6 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved May 21, 1974
Model 58PA, Pressurized Baron, 4, 5 or 6 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved May 12, 1976
Engine limits (1) With propeller per (a) or (b) and governor per (e):
For all operations, 2700 r.p.m. (38 in. Hg. MAP), 310 HP
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
(2) With propeller per (b) and governor per (f):
For all operations, 2600 r.p.m. (38 in. Hg. MAP), 301 HP
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
Single Engine Operating Limits:
2700 r.p.m. (38 in. Hg. MAP), 310 HP, mechanical control device which cannot be
over-ridden by pilot.
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Rev. 17 2 A23CE
Engine limits With propeller per (b) or (c) and governor per (e):
Take-off and maximum continuous power 2700 r.p.m. (39.5 in. Hg. MAP), 325 HP
Maximum normal operating power 2600 r.p.m. (39.5 in. Hg. MAP),
297 HP (for S/N TJ-242 through TJ-435 and TJ-437 through TJ-443)
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
Engine limits With propeller per (d) and governor per (e):
Take-off and maximum continuous power 2700 r.p.m. (39.5 in. Hg.
MAP), 325 HP
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
or PHC-J3YF-2F/FC84688-6R
or PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC8468-6R
or PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC8468B-64
or PHC-J3YF-2F/FC7663DRB
or PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC7663DR
or PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC7663DRK (for S/N TJ-349 through TJ-435 and
TJ-437 through TJ-443)
C.G. range (landing Model 58P: (+78.4) to (+84.5) at 6100 lb. (TJ-3 through TJ-168)
Gear Extended) Model 58P: (+79.0) to (+84.5) at 6200 lb. (TJ-169 and up)
Model 58PA: (+77.8) to (+84.5) at 5995 lb.
(+73.0) to (+84.5) at 5150 lb. or less
Straight line variation between points given
` Landing gear retraction moment (+623 in.-lb.)
Maximum baggage and/or Forward compartment (above floorboard) 300 lb. (+ 15)
Optional equipment Rear compartment (aft to Sta. 170.00) 400 lb. (+150)
(Structural limits) Aft baggage compartment (Sta. 170 to 190) 120 lb. (+180)
With 3rd and 4th seats removed for luggage,
maximum baggage is as follows:
Aft of rear spar cover to Sta. 170.00 400 lb. (+145)
Rev. 17 4 A23CE
*One left and one right tank. Each tank consists of three interconnected cells - two
leading edge cells and one box section cell.
**One left and one right tank. Each tank consists of four interconnected cells - two
leading edge cells, one box section cell and one integral wet wing tip cell.
Control surface movements Wing flaps (up, approach & full down) 0° 15° 30°
Aileron Up 20° Down 20°
Elevator Up 20° Down 15°
Rudder Right 25° Left 25°
Aileron tab (LH only) Up 10° Down 10°
Elevator tab Up 10° Down 23°
Rudder tab Right 25° Left 25°
II. Model 58TC, Turbocharged Baron, 4, 5 or 6 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved January 23, 1976
Model 58TCA, Turbocharged Baron, 4, 5 or 6 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved May 12, 1976
Engine limits (1) With propeller per (a) or (b) and governor per (d):
For all operations: 2700 r.p.m. (38 in. Hg. MAP), 310 HP
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
(2) With propeller per (a) and governor per (e):
For all operations: 2600 r.p.m. (38 in. Hg. MAP), 301 HP
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
Single Engine Operating Limits:
2700 r.p.m. (38 in. Hg. MAP), 310 HP, mechanical control device which cannot
be over-ridden by pilot.
Rev. 17 5 A23CE
Engine limits With propeller per (a) or (b) and governor per (d):
Take-off and maximum continuous power 2700 r.p.m. (39.5 in. Hg. MAP), 325 HP
Maximum normal operating power 2600 r.p.m. (39.5 in. Hg. MAP),
297 HP (for S/N TK-112 through TK-146 and TK-148 through TK-150)
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
Engine limits With propeller per (c) and governor per (d):
Take-off and maximum continuous power 2700 r.p.m. (39.5 in. Hg. MAP), 325 HP
(Critical alt. 22,000 ft.)
or PHC-J3YF-2F/FC7663DRB
or PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC7663DR
or PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC7663DRK (for S/N TK-139 through TK-146 and
TK-148 through TK-150)
C.G. range (landing Model 58TC: (+78.4) to (+84.5) at 6100 lb. (TK-1 through TK-84)
Gear Extended) Model 58TC: (+79.0) to (+84.5) at 6200 lb. (TK-85 and On)
Model 58TCA: (+77.8) to (+84.5) at 5995 lb.
(+73.0) to (+84.5) at 5150 lb. or less
Straight line variation between points given
Landing gear retraction moment (+623 in.-lb.)
Maximum baggage and/or Forward compartment (above floorboard) 350 lb. (+ 15)
Optional equipment Center compartment (between spars) 300 lb. (+108)
(Structural limits) Rear compartment (aft to Sta. 170.00) 700 lb. (+150)
Aft baggage compartment (Sta. 170 to 190) 120 lb. (+180)
*One left and one right tank. Each tank consists of three interconnected cells - two
leading edge cells and one box section cell.
**One left and one right tank. Each tank consists of four interconnected cells - two
leading edge cells, one box section cell and one integral wet wing tip cell.
Control surface movements Wing flaps (up, approach & full down) 0° 15° 30°
Aileron Up 20° Down 20°
Elevator Up 20° Down 15°
Rudder Right 25° Left 25°
Aileron tab (LH only) Up 10° Down 10°
Elevator tab Up 10° Down 23°
Rudder tab Right 25° Left 25°
Leveling means 2 external screws in frame aft of cabin door on left side.
(Use plumb bob) (58P and 58PA)
2 external screws in frame aft of rear cabin window on left side.
(Use plumb bob) (58TC and 58TCA)
Certification basis Part 23 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, effective February 1, 1965, and
Amendments 1 through 12. Part 36, See NOTE 5. Application for type certificate dated
July 21, 1972. Type Certificate No. A23CE issued May 21, 1974, obtained by the
manufacturer under Delegation Option Procedures.
Compliance with ice protection requirements has been demonstrated in accordance with
FAR 23.1419 of Amendment 23-14 when ice protection equipment is installed in
accordance with Beech Dwg. 102-000018 or Beech Kit Dwg. 102-5006.
Equivalent Safety Findings: FAR 23.621 for 58P and 58PA (S/N TJ-3 through TJ-415)
and 58TC and 58TCA (S/N TK-1 through TK-150); 23.1323 and 23.1545(a); FAR
23.807(b) (58TC and 58TCA only)
Production basis Production Certificate No. 8 issued and Delegation Option Manufacturer No. CE-2
authorized to issue airworthiness certificates under Delegation Option provisions of Part
21 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
Equipment The basic required equipment as prescribed in the applicable airworthiness regulations
(see Certification Basis) must be installed in the aircraft for certification. This equipment
must include, for all operations, a current FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual.
NOTE 1. Current weight and balance data, loading information and a list of equipment included in certificated empty weight
must be provided for each airplane at the time of original certification.
NOTE 2. The following "Operation Limitations" must be displayed in clear view of the pilot:
This airplane must be operated as a normal category airplane in compliance with the operating limitations stated in
the form of placards, markings and manuals.
Rev. 17 8 A23CE
NOTE 3. Mandatory retirement times for all structural components are contained in the Limitations Section of the FAA
Approved Airplane Flight Manual. These limitations may not be changed without FAA Engineering approval.
NOTE 4. Model 58P airplanes may be converted to Model 58PA airplanes when modified per Beech Aircraft Corporation
drawing 102-000017. Model 58PA airplanes may be re-converted to Model 58P airplanes.
Model 58TC airplanes may be converted to Model 58TCA airplanes when modified per Beech Aircraft Corporation
drawing 102-000018. Model 58TCA airplanes may be re-converted to Model 58TC airplanes.
NOTE 5. Part 36, Amendments 1 through 4 for 58P and 58PA (S/N TJ-46, TJ-55, TJ-83, TJ-85 through TJ-168) when
equipped with propeller per I(b) and governor per I(f) only. Part 36, Amendments 1 through 7 for 58TC and
58TCA (S/N TK-1 through TK-111). Part 36, Amendments 1 through 10 for 58P and 58PA (S/N TJ-242 and On);
58TC and 58TCA (S/N TK-112 and On).