JCB Art 30512-10 PDF
JCB Art 30512-10 PDF
JCB Art 30512-10 PDF
Original paper
Purpose: Brachytherapy is a cost-effective method for the management of oral cavity cancers in low to middle in-
come countries. We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy (HDR-IBT) in
patients with oral cavity cancer.
Material and methods: From 2009 to 2013, 78 patients (49 combined external beam radiotherapy [EBRT] plus IBT
and 29 IBT monotherapy) with oral cavity cancers had been treated in our center. Slightly more than half the patients
were male, and the median age was 54 years. The treatment was planned based on the Paris system. The main out-
comes were disease-free and overall survival.
Results: The median follow-up duration was 36.5 months (range, 1.17-54.23). The actuarial four-year overall and
disease-free survival rates were 83% and 65%, respectively. The local and locoregional control was achieved among
89.74% and 87.17% of patients, respectively. None of the factors including tumor size, node status, gender, and radia-
tion modality (IBT alone vs. IBT + EBRT) had a significant statistical correlation to the local control rate. All the patients
tolerated the planned treatment in the IBT alone group. Late complications included a case of trismus and three cases
of catheter insertion site fibrosis.
Conclusions: HDR-IBT as a monotherapy or in combination with EBRT is an appropriate option for the manage-
ment of oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas, and supports the improvement in treatment outcomes and toxicity
profiles in adjuvant settings.
J Contemp Brachytherapy 2017; 9, 4: 323–329
Oral cavity cancer is a true example of the role of
Oral cavity cancer is the sixth common cancer world- multiple medical armamentaria against cancer, includ-
wide, while it ranks third in Iran. The prevalence of this ing surgery, radiotherapy (external or brachytherapy),
cancer is much higher in the developing countries, where- and chemotherapy. Historically, surgical excision was
as there is scarce information regarding disease outcomes. the mainstay treatment in early lesions, and gradually,
Concluding from previous research, oral cavity cancer in radiation and chemotherapy were added for survival
Iran is typically seen as squamous cell carcinoma in male benefits as an addition to surgery. Nowadays, no one
smokers in their fifties or sixties; it occurs in the tongue, can deny the role of radiotherapy as a part of the best
buccal mucosa, or gingiva with about 30% chance of pa- therapeutic strategy in head and neck cancers, and even
tient surviving for five years on an average [1,2,3,4,5]. the sole use of radiotherapy shows similar results to sur-
This relatively poor outcome is partly due to diagnosis at gery in early lesions [6]. After the establishment of clin-
late stages and ineffective treatment strategies in the past. ical outcomes recognized by radiation in the treatment
Address for correspondence: Mahdi Aghili, MD, Radiation Oncology Research Center (RORC), Received: 05.05.2017
Cancer Institute, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Keshavarz Blv., Tehran, Iran, phone: + 98 21 6694 8672, Accepted: 11.07.2017
e-mail: Published: 30.08.2017
Fig. 1. The patient underwent adjuvant high-dose-rate brachytherapy for oral tongue carcinoma. A) Catheters inserted through
submandibular region. B) The position of catheters in sagittal view of digital reconstruction radiograph obtained with com-
puted tomography simulation. C) The position of catheters in sagittal, coronal, and axial views in treatment planning system
Two different dose schedules were selected, based on daily 2 Gy-fractions. The mean prescribed dose for the
the radiation modality being used. In the patients who adjuvant and salvage treatment is presented in Table 3.
received IBT alone, the total dose was 39 Gy, in 3 Gy- The median dose of brachytherapy was 39 Gy (BED =
fractions bid/ five days a week, with a six-hour interval 50.7 Gy) and 15 Gy (BED = 19.5 Gy) in the exclusive IBT
between the fractions. In addition, IBT was combined and the combined IBT+EBRT groups, respectively. The
with EBRT among the patients with locally-advanced median dose of EBRT was 46 Gy in the combined group.
disease (T3/4 or node-positive) who received 15-16 Gy in The mean number of catheters used to achieve the opti-
3-4 Gy-fractions bid, usually after 45-50 Gy of EBRT in mal dose distribution was 9.6 ± 2.65. The mean clinical tar-
Combined BT & EBRT (n = 51) 17 ± 7.84 21.9 ± 10.43 18.2 ± 8.7 46 ± 10.20 64.4 ± 5.87
(9-40) (11.7-56) (9.75-46.7) (14-68) (53-81.2)
Exclusive BT (n = 27) 40 ± 1.67 51.4 ± 2.17 42.9 ± 1.8
(39-45) (50.7-58.5) (42.2-48.7)
Total (n = 78) 25 ± 12.67 32.1 ± 16.51 26.7 ± 13.8 46 ± 10.20 64.4 ± 5.87
(9-45) (11.7-58.5) (9.7-48.7) (14-68) (53-81.2)
BT – brachytherapy, EBRT – external beam radiotherapy, fr. – fraction, BED – biological effective dose based on α/β = 10 for head-and-neck cancer, EQD2 – equivalent
dose for 2 Gy – fraction treatment
get volume was 26.4 ± 11.3 and 32.3 ± 12.8 ml in combined Statistical analysis
BT + EBRT and BT alone, respectively. Other brachythera-
The time interval between the last fraction of radio-
py planning parameters are presented in Table 2.
therapy to the last uneventful follow-up or death due to
any reason was considered for the calculation of overall
Peri-radiotherapy care and follow-up
survival. Similarly, disease free survival was defined as
Deontological consultation was mandatory before the the time between end of radiotherapy to last uneventful
initiation of the treatment, and any intervention was per- visit, or occurrence of failure or death. All statistical anal-
formed about 10 days prior to the first fraction. The pa- yses were performed by using the software SPSS version
tients, during IBT, were visited daily in the admissions 20 (IBM Corp., Chicago, IL, USA). The actuarial survival
ward, whereas during EBRT were seen weekly in the clinic rate and curves were estimated according to the Kaplan-
to monitor any possible treatment-related toxicity. After Meier method.
the completion of radiotherapy, the patients were told to
return a month later for the first follow-up visit. The rou- Results
tine follow-up visits were made every three months for
two years, except for the patients who confronted a prob- Clinical outcomes
lem requiring urgent assessment. The patients were eval-
Local control and survival
uated both clinically (for catheter site necrosis, fibrosis,
osteoradionecrosis, and xerostomia) and radiologically The median follow-up duration was 36.5 months
(ultrasonography – US) every three months and by MRI (range, 1.17-54.23). Nine patients died during the fol-
every six months for the first two years. Then, they were low-up period of their disease. The actuarial 4-year over-
evaluated by US every six months and with an annual MRI all and disease-free survival rates were 83% and 65%, re-
for up to five years. When there was a suspicion over a lo- spectively (Figures 2 and 3). The local and locoregional
coregional recurrence, fine needle aspiration (FNA) or core control were achieved among 89.74% and 87.17% of the
needle biopsy was called for. In case of a confirmed recur- patients, respectively. The locoregional control rate was
rence, a surgical consultation was completed to assess the 81.4% among those treated with IBT alone versus 90%
resectability of the disease, and when unresectable, radio- among those treated the combined IBT-EBRT. None of
and/or chemotherapy were the expected options. the factors including tumor size, node status, gender, and
Death Recurrence
100 100
80 80
Survival probability (%)
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (months) Time (months)
Fig. 2. Overall survival based on treatment setting. Fig. 3. Disease free survival based on treatment setting.
radiation modality (IBT alone vs. IBT + EBRT) had a sig- terms of local control, surgical excision is the preferred
nificant statistical correlation with the local control rate. initial approach for early stage oral cavity cancers. After
In five patients who were treated with IBT monother- the surgery, adjuvant radiotherapy for improving local
apy, the cancer recurred (one in the primary site and four control is considered for patients with adverse pathologic
in the neck). The time interval between the brachyther- features, i.e., neck lymph node involvement, perineural
apy and the local and neck recurrence were 12 and 18.1 invasion, close margin, poorly differentiated tumor, or
months, respectively. Interestingly, no distant recurrenc- deep muscle invasion of oral tongue cancer.
es occurred. Our patient with local recurrence had a node In patients who are candidates for adjuvant external
negative T2 tongue tumor, whereas the regional recur- radiotherapy, especially with the oral tongue, mandible,
rent cases occurred in patients with T1 (2 patients) and T2 and salivary glands as the irradiated fields, xerostomia
(2 patients) tumors of the tongue. After performing neck and caries are the undesirable side effects of the treat-
dissection for two of the four regional recurrent cases, ment. For patients with high-risk local failure except
pathologic examinations revealed tumor cells seeding in regional recurrence, adjuvant radiotherapy could be
the cervical soft tissue and not lymphatic metastasis. performed by brachytherapy as a whole or as a boost to
In the combined modality group, five out of 51 pa- external radiotherapy. Brachytherapy is the best way to
tients reported locoregional recurrence. Considering the irradiate tumor bed and encompass contiguous spread
recurrence sites, four occurred in the oral cavity (local) of the disease while preserving healthy tissues. Hence, it
and one in the neck (regional). The mean time to local and is associated with lesser side effects compared to EBRT.
regional recurrences was 12 ± 6.3 and 12 ± 9.5 months, The advantages of brachytherapy in head and neck can-
respectively. Distant metastasis occurred in two patients. cer consist of a very local irradiation due to inverse square
law, a high gradient dose around the tumor and a rapid
Treatment-related complications dose fall-off around the radioactive sources, making it
possible to increase the tumor-received dose and sparing
All patients tolerated the planned treatment in the IBT the surrounding structures (such as tempro-mandibular
alone group. There were no treatment-related acute com- joint (TMJ), salivary gland, mandible). Short duration of
plications that led to interruptions. Nevertheless, there overall treatment reduces the risk of tumor repopulation,
were some interruptions due to acute toxic effects of ex- decreases integral dose, and presents the best dose con-
ternal beam radiation, but no patient left without being formity for the tumor.
subjected to the total prescribed dose. However, one pa- Since the introduction of the Paris system for intersti-
tient complained of trismus. He was 54 years of age and tial brachytherapy in the 1960s, this modality, due to its
suffered from a pT2N0 tongue squamous cell carcinoma promising results, has gained a great deal of popularity in
(SCC) that underwent adjuvant combined IBT + EBRT the management of patients with early stages of oral cavi-
(total BED, 65.5 Gy). There were no reports of osteoradio- ty cancers [7]. However, there has not been a head-to-head
necrosis (ORN) in our patients. comparison of surgery versus radiotherapy (BRT ± EBRT)
Among the patients treated by IBT alone and com- as the primary treatment modalities so far, though, the
bined EBRT+IBT, the rate of xerostomia was 2/27 and outcomes have been comparable [8,9]. Thus, the choice of
12/51, respectively. Of two cases in the IBT monotherapy treatment should be completed on age, performance sta-
group, the first was a 54-year-old man with pT2N0 SCC tus, and quality of life [10]. Accordingly, reports suggest
of the tongue, and the second was a 57-year-old man with that definitive treatment with brachytherapy is not only
pT1N0 (tumor thickness, 10 mm) SCC of the mouth floor. safe, but also effective even in people above 80-years of
Both patients received 39 Gy in 13 fractions (BE, 50.7 Gy) age when surgery is usually not possible [11,12].
after surgical resection with clear margins. Their problem Our findings suggest that adjuvant brachytherapy (as
persisted up to their last follow-up visit. The other 25 pa- a monotherapy or combined with EBRT) when added to
tients in the IBT alone group did not complain of xerosto- surgery is effective in the treatment of oral cavity cancers.
mia. Among the other studied complications, there were Using brachytherapy (completely or partially) instead of
three cases of catheter insertion site fibrosis, including external beam radiation, when indicated, shortens the
two in the combined and one in the IBT alone group. The treatment time and protects the tissues from being ex-
patient who received only IBT (39 Gy/13 fractions) was posed to radiation. These benefits are translated to de-
a 54-year-old man with pT2N0 tongue tumor. Therefore, creased overall treatment time and reduction in machine
the total late complication rate (other than xerostomia) overload rate, which is a major issue in developing coun-
was 3.84% (3/78) in our patients. tries with long waiting lists.
Interestingly, our results have shown that the four-
year overall survival of our patients exceeds 80%. In ad-
dition, the disease-free survival rates were also encourag-
Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or combined ing. Another encouraging finding of this study was the
modalities are general treatment options for patients with extremely low rates of radiation-induced complications,
oral cavity cancers. The choice of treatment modality de- especially xerostomia that lasts for a long time and is im-
pends on the stage of the tumor, the toxicity of the treat- mune to treatment [13]. If anything, low complications
ment, and patients comorbidities. Single modality treat- should complement the large benefits seen with HDR-IBT.
ment is preferred for the early stages of T1-T2 tumors. There are some explanations other than the use of BT for
Although the outcome of radiation is equal to surgery in relatively high survival rates compared to similar reports
in Iran and other Asian countries [1,5]. Based on earlier 3/4 late complication by Hepel et al., and 22% of grade
national reports, more than 50% of patients had stage III ≥ 2 necrosis by Goineau et al. [20,21,34]. This difference in
or IV [14], while in our series, the majority of the tumors the frequency of complications is partly because we only
were node-negative T1-T2, which implies better outcomes reported grade 4 toxicity that required intensive inter-
than more advanced lesions [15,16,17]. Another explana- vention. Another explanation is that surgery and external
tion is that all lesions were treated with surgery and post- radiotherapy, aside from BT, have a major impact on the
op radiation, which brings about better survival in com- rate of complications, while these modalities have vari-
parison to surgery or definitive radiation alone [18,19]. ous contributions in the mentioned studies.
There are a number of reports in the literature pre- Our study had a number of limitations. The follow-up
senting the efficacy of BT in primary malignant lesions time was relatively short. The retrospective design of the
of oral cavity. Most published studies show the use of study could impact the cause-effect relationship and lim-
low-dose-rate (LDR)-IBT. The incidence of long-term it our understanding of the predictors of survival. Many
complications is significant, and necrosis and other unde- patients have been referred to our institution from far
sirable side effects led to the discarding of this technique sites of the country, and this issue has negatively affected
in most centers. Nowadays, HDR is becoming the stan- our follow-up duration. Some patients were referred to
dard in brachytherapy, but there is a fear of increasing other centers after the occurrence of complications such
late complications. Guinot et al., in patients with stage as bone and soft tissue necrosis because we were short of
I/II oral tongue cancer, reported five years of disease-free dental facilities in our Institution.
survival of 79% patients who had undergone HDR-IBT.
The dose of 40 Gy and 18 Gy were prescribed to patients Conclusions
when BT was used as monotherapy or boosted to 50 Gy
EBRT, respectively [20]. In another study on primary Adjuvant brachytherapy, combined with external beam
mobile tongue cancer after partial glossectomy and BT radiation or as a monotherapy, is associated with promis-
monotherapy, Goineau et al. reported five-year local ing outcomes as well as good safety profiles for oral cavity
control and five-year overall survival of 76% and 56% in cancers treated at our Centre. Thus, we are encouraged to
the patients with LDR-BT, respectively [21]. Kakimoto use brachytherapy in the treatment of oral cavity cancers
et al. indicated 71% three-year local control in T3 mobile in various settings. However, our experience is mainly in
tongue cancers with definitive HDR-BT [22]. In patients adjuvant settings and there is a substantial need to test the
with definitive HDR-IBT, Lee et al. showed five-year over- efficacy of HDR brachytherapy in the definitive setting.
all survival and three-year local control of 70% and 84%,
respectively [23]. As evident, our outcomes are in agree- Disclosure
ment with the other reports despite the extensive variety
in patient characteristics and treatment composition of Authors report no conflict of interest.
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