Issue 19 Final
Issue 19 Final
Issue 19 Final
58 – Centaur of Attention
Another successful Kickstarter for your perusal.
The Workshop of Zalaman Tekash
Article by Tyranno
This article will show off some of the new units and options in the up coming Infernal Dwarf Legendary Army Book!
This is going to be less of a guide from now on, as
there is much less subtlety in the models.
Ask the Sage
Article by Scottish Knight
Another installment from our venerable scholar, enlightening the intrepid about the wider world of the 9th Age.
The Dwarves of Vetia shun the nether powers, unlike their eastern brethren. But if a
hold-dwarf were to learn magic somehow, what would happen to him? Would he be
shunned, exiled, imprisoned, executed? If executed, could he find refuge with his
eastern kin?
I can't say I have spoken with any dwarves at length on this topic, they seem to be
rather closemouthed whenever matters of the arcane are raised. From my own studies,
I have found the dwarven relationship with magic to be one of necessity rather than
choice or culture.
The wolfram which dwarves craft into all manner of potent enchantments appears to
draw magic from the surrounding area, once one schooled in the arts has worked rune
into it. I have speculated that this is the source of its capacity for power, yet the very
quality which gives it this potential makes it very hard to study with magic.
Wizards on the battlefield report that being in proximity of so many runes can make it
difficult to cast spells effectively. Now imagine living within a hold, surrounded by items
crafted with wolfram, of which every hold dwarf appears to possess and carry at least
one, and it is soon apparent why most dwarves in that situation do not display or
develop a magical aptitude.
I have heard stories, albeit rare and not something I have substantiated personally,
that dwarves with a talent and a desire to learn have made that unlikely transition from
the holds of the mountains to the ziggurats of the plains. Certainly those who can
cast spells are well respected by the Infernal Dwarves, making it a more natural home.
An interesting point, which strikes at dwarven society on a wider level. Dwarves appear
to have little regard for gender. Male and female dwarves can be clearly distinguished,
but aside from the duties of childrearing, they both participate at all levels of dwarven
The word “King” is our best translation for their title, yet there are no gender specific
titles, and no special honours afforded to the partners of a King. I have observed female
Kings as regularly as males in the records.
This focus on merit runs very strongly through their society. Inheritance has no direct
translation in Dwarven. Parents and children work toward a common cause but handed
down wealth and power is all but unknown.
To some, this represents an equality and industrious attitude through dwarven society.
Yet for others, their every effort is turned to work, whereas privilege in our society
affords elites to turn their mind to more elevated and intellectual concerns.
Elves and humans look similar from the outside, but what makes them biologically
different? Internally speaking, do they have different organs? Are there "half-elves"
(i.e. can humans and elves mate to produce an offspring)?
It is a well-known truth that elves, with slim and lithe bodies, fine features and delicate
skin, have always held a fascination for humans. We see in them many of the qualities
we aspire to: grace and wisdom, beauty and culture. Yet for all these parallels, it is
often overlooked that elves are as different to us humans as dwarves, orcs, ogres or
even saurians.
Elven fragility, their adeptness with magics unfathomable to humans, and their
incredible longevity – these are all indications that there is as much separating us as
there is uniting. Most marked of all though is their worldview and intellect. I have
engaged with their scholars, and while a trade of information was beneficial, their
philosophies were utterly alien. How can one hope to comprehend the thinking of a
being which can expect to live for centuries, and for whom the lives of their brethren
represent a millennium of potential?
As for the tawdry physical aspects – physical relationships are not unheard of between
elves and humans. Each no doubt makes gains from the pairing, but offspring is not
one of them. The species of this world are much too different to breed – like a horse and
a cow, we may all walk on the same number of legs, and have roughly equivalent vital
organs, but cannot mate. It is a blessing in truth – those liaisons are complex enough
without the addition of half-elves!
What do ogres eat? Are they somewhat reasonable or complete savages? Could you
trade or ally with ogres?
Food, however, is both their most valuable resource and their greatest weakness.
Appetites such as theirs are not easily sated. Those who can feed a warband are
considered wealthy, those few who can sustain an army and put on repasts for their
favoured are the true power in the region. After all, ogres rely on the great strength of
their bodies and the might of their trained creatures, and require huge amounts of food
to sustain that power.
All that said, ogres are far from predictable or safe to cross. They have little patience
for those who disrespect them or their traditions, and it is wise to make an offering at
the outset of dealings. Rumours have always abounded that ogres consume the flesh
of the dead, and while I am sure the stories of enemies being eaten alive are
exaggerated, I cannot entirely rule them out – after all, it is said ogres consider almost
anything to be food.
TThe Fight for Avras
away, powerful rulers ruled and lost it. Numerous
Article by Lich King legends still ring the ears of visitors to the city, who
tell of glorious times, hideous monstrosities, bloody
battles, countless treasures and mystical artifacts.
Avras – it’s probably among the oldest human cities One could confidently say that Avras is the center of
in the world that is still populated by humans. And the world and only very few people would refuse this
throughout all the ages, it was never less important rating to the Eternal City.
than old. Great individuals grew out of it and passed
Dear Diary,
Today is only Wednesday, and already I have seen more sights than I
thought the entire world could contain! I have seen the great Senate
House, and the mighty Sepulchre behind it. You can only enter this most
holy site on the wide road from the East, and for three hours each
morning, starting at the moment of sunrise, they close the great doors of
the Flame Gate for pilgrims and pennants to watch the glory of the dawn
through the fiery colours of its stained glass. Now that was a sight to
behold,let me tell you!
After worship, I saw other remarkable monuments such as the ancient
Forum, Amphitheatre (where I am told that Sunna’s victory over the Rat
King is yearly re-enacted) and Sunna’s Lantern, the famous lighthouse of
antiquity, which still guides ships through the mists that wreath the
Omiphorous river. Here I saw citizens from each of the city’s 27
“contradas” (districts) compete in a very dangerous race to swim to the
western shore and back, cheered by an enormous crowd, to win glory for
their contrada. What a thing to stumble upon! I visited shops of every
description in the great bazaar (once an Avrasi bathhouse) and visited the
dead in the legendary Necropolis! I even saw the Ruined Quarter where
city mages keep watch over a magically contaminated patch where they
say the Veil was torn many centuries ago.
All in all it has been a very enjoyable and interesting trip. I am also glad to
report that so far I have not fallen victim to any of the criminal activities
that everyone told me were such a problem here. I think their concern may
have been a little overblown.
Which place in the setting should serve better as a since it is always possible for the player, due to the
basis for a global campaign? I thought to myself in the degree of freedom of our setting, to implement their
summer of this year and started working on a set of own story in the existing system without
rules for managing such a campaign. The aim was to fundamentally contradicting the background of the
offer the community more. More than the reputation T9A world. And so gradually a rule system for a
that is so often attached to our beloved system: it is campaign called The Fight for Avras was developed.
only a competitive tournament system. But far from This should cast the T9A in a different light to what it
it! is usually; a tabletop wargame with all facets instead
of a purely competitive tournament system.
This fantasy setting is richer than most people think.
There are numerous real-world references that have The Campaign needed to provide a setting from
been mysteriously woven into the background in all which the campaign players could influence the
corners. The free narrative style is refreshing and progress of the storyline by collecting so-called
encourages the reader to make assumptions on the Influence Points. To get the campaign of the ground
reliability of the sources. Which part of the narrative we started with only three starting factions (and
is credible? Which part of the narrative could have leaders of unions), namely the Empire of Sonnstahl,
been consciously or unconsciously “adjusted” by the the Vermin Swarms and the Vampire Covenant. But
corresponding source? from the start it was intended to get as many players
as possible interested in the campaign. For this
Nothing seems 100% dictated. The reader is always
reason, so-called “stretch goals” were formulated.
able to subject the overall appearance of the world to
These determined which additional faction was
her own interpretation and to make her own
activated by how many Influence Points were
adjustments here and there.
reached by the players of the same union. Initially,
This was also the perfect template to offer a story- the factions should not act independently of one
based campaign for the players of the T9A forum, another, but in more or less stable alliances.
Background Introduction for the Empire of Empire again. A Vampire covenant wrested control of
Sonnstahl by Adaephon_Delat the city from the Equitanians last winter. We humbly
ask that you send your prelates and inquisitors join
Emperor Matthias left the sparsely furnished room.
this army to eradicate this evil brood in the name of
Jürgen von Kleppersbusch was leaning over a huge
our Goddess."
table that was crowded with hundreds of wooden
miniatures which obviously represented imperial "Good, seal this letter and take care that the Supreme
troops. The miniatures seemed to be put into position Prelate gets it as soon as possible." von
to lay siege on a huge city with a great bridge as it's Kleppersbusch ordered and followed the Emperor out
single entrance. of the room.
“As you know, the Eternal City has been denied ever
since the so-called rulers fell to dark powers and
revealed their true nature. Vampires! Openly feasting
on the blood of our honoured, oppressed ancestors.”
As he sat down, the first fights were already breaking
An angry hiss went through the crowd and he could out in the plebes, even as the senatorial
hear the supporters of the mercantile faction begin representatives of the various tyrants were trying to
the classic “Stake the rich and eat their ashes” chant, shove each other off the podium. A short rat with
like the thoughtless sheep they were. Lashing his tail dark fur struggled to the podium for a moment
for silence, he threw a bundle of letters down on
“If Maximus Gloriosus is given this command, he
podium in front of him.
promises that in his triumph, he will give a talent of
“These are letters between the humans who call silver to every household an- ” He was cut off as
themselves the rulers of the temporarily occupied another ambassador punched at his kidney and
Avrasi provinces of Solaria Magna and Equitania. Our shoved him off stage. “Julia Invicta will personally bite
shrewd Sicarians have slain their messengers and the throat of the vampire queen and bring her head
intercepted these messages. In short, they are to the senate floor if she-” That was all this speaker
planning a second crusade for Avras, in the name of could proclaim before he was tackled to the floor by
their false, pagan avatar Sol Invicta. Brethren, a much larger representative who was kicking at the
countrymen, Avrasi, this is an opportunity. We let the black-furred runt who was hanging on his tail.
barbarians and the bloodsuckers fight. Weaken each
“Give the command to Lucius Armiger! He will
other. Then we heroically reconquer the city by
conquer Avras for you and give slaves to every true-
strategically striking at the right time. What's more,
blooded Avrasi!”
by intercepting these messages, we have ensured
that the Equitanians will not be forewarned of this Tullius smiled. He loved democracy.
attack by Sonnstahl and will see it an attack on them,
leading to more divisions between the barbarians!
Background introduction for the Vampire Covenants she noticed the seal of Emperor Matthias. Her
by Lich King: glamour dissipated as she frantically unrolled the
scroll and began to read. Her face darkened visibly.
"My Queen!" a resolute scream echoed through the
Where only a few moments ago the delicate face of a
wide hallway, hung with expensive carpets which led
young beauty was visible, the facial features
to the bedchamber of Nereida. The pale beauty
hardened, causing them to wrinkle. Under the pale
lounged on a typical Avrasian couch made of the
skin, dark veins suddenly appeared all over her face,
finest ebony. With a sneer, the Vampire threw her
forming pulsating black rivers. Involuntarily, she
long black hair over her graceful shoulders and
smashed her fist into the small side table made of the
straightened her wafer-thin white tunic. The shift was
same dark ebony and clove the wooden surface into
perfectly shaped to her lithe body and adorned with
splinters. "No, it's enough ... IT'S ENOUGH! Tell me,
numerous gold decorations.
brother: how many times have I been lenient with the
Breathing heavily, Pachymeres reached the people of the Empire? How many unforgivable
apartment of his older sister. Sweat glistened in the mistakes have I forgiven? How many times have I
candlelight on his naked upper body. Nereida rose wilfully turned a blind eye to the fact that they
gracefully from her couch and approached treated us like lepers, sometimes even hunting us
Pachymeres with an unnatural flowing motion. As she down with their priests and their inquisitors? For how
approached, she glided the tip of her index finger long I contented myself with pulling the strings in the
along his broad shoulders and chest. With a seductive background of human society, in THEIR INTEREST?!"
expression on her face, biting on her lower lip, she
"But sister ...", Pachymeres interjected.
whispered in his ear: "Brother!
"WHAT, brother?! Do you want to
I haven’t experienced you so
appease me again? Do you want to tell
out of breath for a long time! I
me that an open war against the
should care for your heart ...
Empire would not be wise right now
if it were not already dead."
again? Not this time ... NOT AGAIN, I
With these words she turned
tell you! My patience is exhausted!
away from Pachymeres
For far too long, we have had to live
again and returned
in the shadow of humanity. Each
to her couch like a
of us is the equal to hundreds…
cat, here hips
thousands of these humans in
swinging as she strode.
the heat of the battle. They
Shaking off the seductive should worship us like gods!
glamour that Nereida had Falling on their knees and
woven in the room, asking for forgiveness, is
Pachymeres managed to what they should do! I
speak. "My queen." He will teach them respect! I
started again " My Queen. will remind them of their
Your spies have been able mortality! We are the
to intercept the race that should reign
following exchange of over all of Vetia, strong
correspondences." He as the warriors of the
hurriedly pulled a scroll north, swift as the elves,
from one of his tough as the dwarfs,
pockets, which hung fierce as the swarm and as
from his heavy belt, and magical as the ancient
handed it to his sister. Sauirans. I am Avras ... and
She leant slowly over, her I am Death to those who
eyes wide and unblinking and dare to oppose me!"
wrapped her fingers erotically
around the scroll before returning to
her comfortable perch. Immediately
Overview of the Alliances individual alliances collected so far at randomly
determined times and develop the progress of the
Unpredictable Threats
plot from the most excellent contributions of our
participants. For example, a character elaborated by
• Vermin Swarms a player could appear in our main plot or a scenario
elaborated by a player could lead to a separate side
• Warriors of the Dark Gods quest in which as many players as possible have to
test this scenario on the battlefield.
• Daemon Legions
Influence Points can be obtained during the campaign
• Undying Dynasties for the following aspects of our hobby:
• Painting
• Sylvan Elves
• Writing Background
• Designing additional rules, scenarios etc.
• Saurian Ancients
• Playing Games
• Building Terrain
Pro Status Quo This means that anyone can individually adapt their
focus to their own abilities and priorities as well as
getting motivation by the contributions of the other
• Vampire Covenants
• Infernal Dwarves For reasons of fairness, it is not a question of who
paints the most beautiful model (which from personal
• Kingdom of Equitaine experience can be very demotivating on less talented
painters), but how many models are painted for the
• Highborn Elves campaign and it should be quickly apparent that a
powerful general riding his majestic dragon takes
• Beast Herds
much more time to paint than a simple foot soldier.
This fact is considered in the table below.
Contra Status Quo
• Ogre Khans
Influence Points
In this article are just a few of the many outstanding
contributions that have so far been submitted for the
campaign. In order not to go beyond the scope of this
magazine, I have mainly selected contributions from
the painting aspect, but you will find many other
contributions worth seeing in the corresponding
Campaign Contributions Threads, in which all
contributions of the participants are collected sorted
by faction.
Barbarians by Tibo
Necromancer’s Graveyard by PTG-Lucky-Sixes
Blazing Glory by ZardukZarakhil
Grenadiers by JimMorr
Myrmidons by ZardukZarakhil
EoS Artillery by Adaephon_Delat
Slaves by Joel127
Every hobby content is honoured and this led to the
most unusual results that we never expected. For
example, the two guys from ProxyTableGaming
supported us with great video content.
The Arena built and painted by Little Joe – if you’re curious to see the
progress of how this beauty was build have a look at Little Joe’s stunning
Exploring the world of T9A in Terrain thread (https://www.the-ninth-
Intermediate Results
The above table shows the current status of the Fight moment they are fighting predominantly against the
for Avras. The ‘Unpredictable Threats’ may have built VC and the ID. The dwarves have no trouble
up a relatively large lead, but in the next phase of the defending their district and are pushing into
campaign, the individual factions are now more in the neighbouring districts step by step. Since the strange
foreground than before. The Fight for Avras is occurrences happened in the city, they are also
entering the hot phase. Depending on the Influence increasingly fighting with the DL, especially the
Points collected so far, the individual factions are now Cultists.
assigned a certain number of districts in Avras. Then,
In addition, the reinforcements from the dwarf towns
after internal voting by each faction, players can fight
in the mountains have arrived, led by the rangers of
battles against other factions that are located in
the Clan Treacwood. On the way to Avras they had to
neighbouring districts. Whoever ultimately holds
deal with the Sylvan Elves, as a part of the dwarven
most or maybe even all of Avras' districts decides the
troops have moved through the woods around the
fate of the city.
God Trees. The Dwarven reinforcements have
Below is a brief summary of what has happened so far camped next to the EoS armies, reinforcing the
in the Fight for Avras, sorted by factions and deals: attacks on the city and helping the EoS against the
Contra Status Quo
The main forces of the EoS are still at the gates of The fleets of the Dread Elves have sailed from the
Avras' and have set up a large camp there. After the south to Avras via the Middle Sea and have attacked
arrival of the Warriors of the Dark Gods, the the fleets of the HbE and KoE. After causing serious
onslaught on the city has been slowed down, but still damage to them initially, they have been pushed back
takes place. As a result, EoS battles take place almost and are now engaged in serious battles with the city's
exclusively outside the city, which is why most battles defenders. Some DE have infiltrated the city. These
happen with the Faction Pro Status Quo (VC, ID, KoE, troops are in particular involved in fights with the
HbE) defending the city. In addition, there are always defenders of the city, the VS and the invading troops
skirmishes and battles with the WDG incoming from of the WDG.
the north and with the SE, whose forces are west of
the city in the woods around the God Trees. As
The tribes who have rallied around the ogre Khan
smaller squads of the EoS have also infiltrated the
Wuqran are in control of a city district and fight
city, skirmishes with other factions could also be
mainly against the VC defenders of the city.
offered. These could ideally be played with the great
Occasionally the ogres fight with the VS, which
rules of Veil of Ages or the QS rules.
occupy a neighbouring Disctrict, the cultists and the
DH WDG, which now seem to be everywhere in the city.
Part of the forces of the Dwarven Holds are located Other ogres have come to Avras from the east. Their
within the city in the Dwarven Quarter. At the first advance, however, was stopped by troops of the
Infernal Dwarves and the DL.
Pro Status Quo WDG
With the support of the Asklanders, the Warriors of
the Dark God hit Avras like a tidal wave and managed
As defenders of the city, the troops around the VC are
to penetrate the walls of Avras from the north. Since
fighting on all fronts. Recent event have meant that
then, they have caused fear and terror in the northern
they are regularly engaging the DL and the Cultists.
districts of Avras and are engaged in battles with
Reinforcing troops of the VC see themselves faced
other factions throughout the city.
against the SE and the EoS, which has brought the
cities supply lines from the west under their control. In addition, they have attacked the siege forces of the
The VC as 'co-rulers' of the city also have to grapple EoS and thus have contributed to the faltering of the
with the logistical problems in order to secure the humans’ attack on Avras.
supply of the citizens of the city. The citizens are an
important source of food for the vampires that lead
The DLs seem to be standing in the center of the
the Covenant.
weird incidents in the middle of Avras and are
ID appearing all over the city, engaging in battles with
After the Infernal Dwarves pledged their support to almost all factions. In addition, DL forces had some
the city's defenders, the EoS's first onslaught on the battles with OK troops outside the city in the east.
city was slowed. The IDs have mainly occupied the
outer walls, but sometimes also fight within the city
(especially against the DH). Reinforcements of the ID
from the southeast have also stopped Ogres from the
East arriving to aid their allies within the city.
The HE have a trading base in Avras and have a large
amount of warships moored in the harbour. Due to
the surprising attack of the fleets of the DE many
ships of the HE were sunk. With the aid of vessels of
the KoE and reinforcing fleets from Gan Dareb and
Caraten the HE have been able to push back the
attacking fleets of the DE.
The KoE forces in Avras fight with the VC. In addition,
reinforcements from the Kingdom have recently
arrived from the West and are trying to tame the
siege forces of EoS and DH. They face attacks by the
SE from the forests and their attacks on EoS and DH
have stalled. SE
The SE in the woods around the God Trees were
Unpredictable Threats heading to Avras, fearing that the clash of forces in
VS Avras would unleash a chaotic magic that will destroy
It seemed as if the VS had only waited for this the life in the region. The SE are mainly engaged into
moment to conquer Avras. Initial successes within the battles arounds their forests but smaller forces have
first few weeks were impressive. However conquered also been seen in and around Avras, fighting both,
districts were largely lost again since then. attackers and defenders of the city.
Nonetheless, vermin troops are constantly involved in
skirmishes with the city's defenders and assailants.
Roundup Acknowledgement
As you can see, the campaign has been an huge On this occasion I would like to say a few words of
success so far. We have even extended the deadline, thanks! First of all, thanks to all of our participants,
which was initially set at the end of October, without whom the campaign would never have been
indefinitely due to the many wonderful contributions possible! You are great, keep up the good work! Then
from our participants. It will be interesting to see how to my campaign-leading supporters, Marcel
and when the Fight for Avras will come to an end and (Adaephon_Delat) and Hugo (HKYUGOK). Thank you
who will ultimately be able to gain the upper hand in for continuing to believe in the project despite my
the fight for the throne of Avras. long absence and still supporting it with your
creativity and drive! And of course, many thanks to
I hope I was able to present a good overview of what
the 9th Age Background Team for the amazing world
9th Age has to offer to us players beyond the
that you’ve created so far, so that fluff bunnies like us
competitive tournament game. If you want to follow
can't get around to wanting to participate in it.
the campaign or even join in you can get started and
Thanks to Ghiznuk, who diligently translates our
start your own Placeholder in the respective
numerous background stories into French and thus
Placeholder Threads, depending on the faction(s) you
attracted even more attention to the campaign, and
want to take part with.
not at least also thanks to Calisson and Blonde Beer
https://www.the-ninth- as advisors in various positions and as a supporter in the field of PR.
That's it for now, I’m quite confident there will be
You can also find us in our own subforum: The 9th Age more wonderful hobby content in the next few
-> General Discussion -> The Fight for Avras - a fun months just like the stuff we’ve collected in the last
campaign! few months, which I can then introduce to you here
in the Ninth Scroll again.
https://www.the-ninth- Happy wargaming!
Tom (Lich King)
Kingdom of Equitaine Heraldry Contest Results
Article by Ludaman
1st Place
Special Mention
Army Showcase: Knights of the Black Tower
Article by Sabious
I was in a mood for a darker theme. My other armies most only as the Ebon Phoenix. He'll fit right in with
are rather bright and colourful and I wanted to try the other named champions in my army; the Black
something new. One thing I always shied away from Swan and the Night Stallion.
was black, so I wanted to make this colour a part of
Not a lot of change was done to these Fireforge
the heraldry. I decided to pair it with a burgundy red
miniatures apart from green-stuffing the musicians
to give it a vibrant secondary colour, yet not so
left hand arm into a right-hand arm, and then the
striking to be your typical “red and black.” I also
homemade standard of which more later. I am quite
decided to try painting without metal colours (not
happy with how the banner turned out, showing a bit
that I lose any sleep over trying to make fancy light
of wear and tear.
effects on the armour). I just wanted these guys dark
and gritty. A disgraced order. An army of “Black The History of the Knights of the Black Tower
Knights." The tower struck me as iconic in a classic
sense for heraldry, but with the added gloom of being Marceau de Cas was eager to rise in power and
solely black, as if it looms over you, appearing only as quickly pledged himself and his knights to Henry the
silhouette. Young when he inherited the throne. Marceau tried
to gain leverage in the courts and spent fortunes on
Knights! More knights! bribing people or buying information about the
different lords and ladies. However, he found himself
My first unit of Knights. Every shield portraying the
outmatched and quickly running out of gold, selling
Black Tower and every man wearing the burgundy
off lands and market rights.
and black; they are the tried and true of the Knights
of the Order. Leading them is the champion known to
Marceau’s rhetoric became more aggressive in his scholar, in Marceau’s opinion. Upon arrival, they
attempts to sway the courts in his own favour, which learned the worn-down keep was not as deserted as
only led to several humiliations. His standing amongst previously thought. Left to itself in the desolate
the nobility and the King fell drastically. Eventually landscape between the mountains and the sea,
others made moves against him and managed ratmen had made a decent nest of the keep’s hollow
through subterfuge to lay claim to what little land the interior. When asking the King’s emissary to send for
de Cas family still had not sold. Embittered, Marceau aid, Marceau was met with dull indifference on
demanded of the King to be given a chance to prove Garand’s face. This was Marceau’s task. There were
himself. Any chance. no reinforcements.
So it came to be that Marceau de Cas and his knights Stuck between the key to regain his family honour or
were tasked with refurbishing and defending the to waste away, Marceau prepared his knights for
abandoned keep of La Etreille sur Mer, all in the King’s battle. After a short siege, Marceau made an assault
name. This was a strategic outpost for the King but to capture the keep. He found the resistance was
the land surrounding the keep was a mix of dark bogs minimal. What happened next surprised every man
and windblown stretches of passable land. It was on the battlefield. As the knights cheered in victory,
currently a vacant seat; a harsh land with little value. the walls and towers suddenly collapsed. Bricks and
Its previous occupant having died with no heir or stone came crumbling down on the meager army,
family. crushing knights, squires and serfs with abandon.
Although the unimpressed emissary lifted an
Travelling with Marceau was the King’s appointed
eyebrow, though he stayed virtually unmoved by the
emissary, Garand d’Orbert, who was there to oversee
dramatic outcome, watching the dramatic event
the deed and keep an eye on Marceau – a pestering
unfold from the camp.
She dared to turn his chin with her hand, making him
gaze at the lonesome tower again. There it stood,
grim and dark. A black tower silhouetted on a red
sunset. When Marceau hesitated the maiden leaned
in, whispering in his ear. His face twisted in wrathful
fury subsided to a grim resolve. Releasing the knight
as if from a spell, Marceau calmly turned to face
Garand d’Orbert, and spoke “You may inform
the King his task is done, emissary. Ride now and
begone.” When he turned back to the maiden, she
was nowhere to be seen.
Banner Making
Army Showcase: The 48th Foot
Article by Nemeroth
Inspiration behind the 48th Foot Infantry Regiment. The regiment was raised in
1741 and amalgamated into the Royal Anglian
It was important for me to have a coherent plan
Regt in the 1960’s. It saw service in the 7 years
and aesthetic from the start. I wanted to base my
war, The Siege of Gibraltar, French Revolutionary
army on the uniforms and symbology of a British
Wars, the Peninsula War, the Crimean War and
regiment of foot from the Napoleonic era, but of
both world wars and boasts 6 VC winners. The
course with an abundance of Games Workshop
Northamptonshire Regiment badge was a castle
models it would have to look like it had stepped
with a wreath and crown.
out of the 16th century!
I also find the period covered in CJ Sansom’s
Mathew Shardlake novels particularly
interesting. The books tell the story of a sleuthing
lawyer set at the height of the reformation. Two
of the novels are set in a military storyline, one
detailing the organisation of an infantry company
and their dress and equipment at the time of the
sinking of the Mary Rose and a later novel deals
with Robert Kett’s rebellion in East Anglia during
the reign of Edward VI. I would recommend the
series to anyone interested in the 16th century. I
have also taken inspiration from these novels for
my army.
Their heritage lives on in some of the symbology
I wanted to evoke the heritage of my hometown and customs of the 2nd Bn, Royal Anglian
into my EoS project. Therefore, I based my Regiment which is my local infantry Regiment
project on the old regimental number of the today.
Northamptonshire Regiment. The “48th” Heavy
The 48th Heavy Infantry Regiment Recce unit who recruit from Northamptonshire.
The fictional 48th are a heavy infantry battalion The militia are reservists who are raised by local
and therefore infantry focussed. They have government and attached wherever they are
various attached arms and a detachment of needed in their local garrison.
I’ve envisaged the EoS faction as fielding both
professional soldiers and aristocratic knights. All
core infantry and imperial auxiliary section
belong to the line, that is the infantry and cavalry
of the line. These are the professional volunteers
and draftees in times of crisis.
The overall colour scheme for my army is based
on the red doublets and black/brown hose I’ve
chosen for the heavy infantry; roles being
defined by the colour of feathers. So heavy
infantry are Black with a white tip, light infantry
are white, rietars are white with black tips and
the Imperial Guard and Knightly Orders wear
We have the halberdiers, support company, light
company of the 48th and a troop of Reiters
attached from the 12th Reiter Regiment. This is
to evoke the 9/12th lancers which is an armoured
I’ve created a rank structure for the line, from The electoral cavalry and knightly orders are
Corporal’s with white shoulder puffs or ribbons, drawn from the gentry and landowning
Sergeants with yellow, Colour Sergeants who aristocracy who can afford the equipment and
carry the banners and the Officers who wear are taught the martial arts from a young age.
purple sashes. They also are not enlisted like soldiers and serve
in their own orders and attached where needed.
They are under the operational command of a
Marshal. The Great Sword-equipped Guardsmen
are drawn from the Line; all experienced troops
who have volunteered for increased danger but
better pay. This means that all strata of society
can serve in the 48th Imperial Guard.
The Knights of the Sun Griffon represent the elite
of Sonnstahl aristocracy and are removed from
the chain of command entirely, following only
the direction of the Marshal General.
The Cavalry: Knights of the Sun Griffon, the banner reads “Blood and
Glory, Blood and Fire”.
Wizards: I have two wizard colour schemes which His legs are from the old mounted champion kit.
depend on what magic path they choose. I like how this one has a more militaristic bearing,
Alchemy/Pyromancy or Divination /Cosmology. like a proper battle wizard.
With the mounted wizard, I wanted to represent Prelate: My Prelate conversion has just had his
his Light Armour and barding to make him look extra HW replaced with a Demigryph Knight
like he’s got a 4+ AS. To achieve this, I did an shield, and the mounted prelate is a standard GW
extensive kit-bash using a GW Knight of the resin model.
White Wolves head, an outrider cape, huntsman
arms and a leftover staff from the GW
Hurricanum kit.
Battle Standard Bearers: I have a foot BSB and a
mounted BSB. They bear the regimental colours
of the 48th (real world) regiment as they are the
unit that the battle group is centred on. The
Regimental Motto translates as “Faith is Our
Rampart” as the regiment are a meat and
potatoes garrison unit, charged with defence of
the realm rather than expeditionary warfare.
Altar/Engine: I wanted to be able to distinguish
between the two options available for the Altar
and Engine. I magnetised the globe and statue
separately on a 20x20mm base which fits the top
of the chariot perfectly.
For the Altar version I bought an Avatars of War
Sunna of Sonnstahl model and painted her up as
a bronze statue. Her sword burns with enchanted
flame, the embodiment of her glory and a
warning to those who would dare threaten
Imperial soil. Similarly, I use my foot Prelate and
Wizard on the pulpit to denote what kind of
model is being used. I kept the chassis relatively
streamlined so it wouldn’t look out of place for
either version.
Works in Progress
I have a few more models to assemble and paint.
Huntsmen, Militia, Knights and Great Weapon
Imperial Guardsmen amongst others.
Knight Commander: This Character is currently a
work in progress. Cavalry Pick with Titanic Might
cowboy is so hot right now so I’ve kit-bashed one
for myself. The Lion cloak is from the Games
Workshop White Lion kit.
Flagellants: I have chosen to use Frostgrave
cultists models. I really dislike the cartoony
GW sculpts so I went looking for an
alternative. The Frostgrave cultists look like
they belong to some sort of grouping with
their hoods and robes but also have a wild
sinister look.
They’re not totally insane like the GW
aesthetic but you can tell they will smash
you up and die in the process. I haven’t
decided on a colour scheme yet, but I want
them to look like they have a semblance of
a uniform to tie them into the regimental
theme. Another option could be grey and
black, like the fanatical Dominican monks of
the middle ages.
Raging Heroes Product Review
Article by Henrypmiller
The material is some kind of light resin. I would say
that the resin has a good combination of flexibility
and rigidity which means that it does not break easily
and still has some solidity.
Basic Unit Construction
Article by DanT
I will keep these very simple as I think list building • Tarpits need to have enough bodies to do
advice is easier to get, and mostly comes from their job.
understanding game mechanics and how units • One could think about panic (i.e. how many
interact on the battlefield. It can also be very army kills to cause a panic check), although this is
book and player dependent. not something I regularly take into account.
The exception might be medium discipline
• First ask yourself why you are using that unit light units expected to operate outside of the
and what you want it to do. Then add the bubble, where 9 can be quick a common
necessary upgrades or additional models for number. Using this as an example, losing two
the unit to do this task, but no more models does not cause a panic test, but if the
• Of course, if the unit's job is to be multi- unit was 8 strong, loosing two models would
purpose, then maybe it does need cause a panic test.
everything! • There is always a trade-off between making
• Musicians are often the most important units bigger/upgrading them more and
upgrade (unless the unit skirmishes or is light having more units. It is often worth asking
troops, in which case you don't need oneself whether shaving a couple of upgrades
musicians). For bigger units this is more or models somewhere might allow a whole
important. unit to fit in the list. Equally, sometimes one
goes too far, and realises that some units are
• Standards and champions are more of a
now too small to do their job.
luxury. Take champions to either duel your
opponent's characters, or to prevent yours
from being duelled. Standards are often
taken because the unit wants a particular
magic banner, but that aside they do provide
a nice bit of extra combat resolution for
fighting units.
• If a unit's role is about not being important
(because you plan to throw it under the bus,
or just use it as a distraction, extra
deployment drop etc), then think carefully
about upgrades but particularly about extra
models. This typically includes things like light
cavalry, eagles etc.
• Shooting units can become quite unwieldy (or
• waste shots) if they have too many models,
because only the front two ranks can shoot
(an important exception is volley fire units
that don't move and are 8 models wide).
• Credible combat threats typically begin at
around 300 points. Many units need to be
400-500 points to be credible combat threats.
I would classify a unit in this range as a
medium combat unit. This includes things
like18-20 elite infantry, 3-4 large cavalry, 30-
40 basic infantry. If you want a unit that will
really start to dictate what your opponent
does, you are looking at spending over 600
• Combat unit formations/sizes should take • Have an idea in mind for what formation you
into account the equipment, stats and role of want to use a unit in, this might inform the
the unit. Standard sized units with more than number of models you take. BUT, remember
1 attack per model (or large sized units with that the enemy might shoot the unit before it
more than 3 attacks per model) probably can do its job. Also, don't get too hung up on
want to be wider to maximise their output "this unit goes 6x5 "etc; avoid using such
due to the restrictions on number of "default" thinking and make active decisions
supporting attacks. Anvils probably want to and choices based on the battlefield
be deep to minimise enemy attacks and situation.
ensure extra ranks for rank bonus and • Just because a unit needs to be 5 or 3 wide to
steadfast. Think carefully about the pros and get a "full rank", doesn't mean it needs to be
cons before using line formation. I use it quite 5 or 3 wide to do its job: light troops gain little
a lot because I think rolling more dice is more from such formations for example, so maybe
fun, but it can drop you in a hole if not used your light cavalry could be 3 wide with 2 in
carefully. Spears get FIER anyway, so are the back rather than 5 wide.
often pretty good 7-wide to tread a middle
(HPM – For more detailed advice on formations, see:
ground between attacks and rank bonus.’
Differences in Shape – 9th Scroll, Issue 17)
Flying Bases, Terrain and Unit Fillers
Article by Henrypmiller
What are Flying Bases? Unfotunately these are not Not only could you use these trees as unit fillers, they
bases which can sprout feathers and flap around the could also be used as trees on a forest base, to make
tabletop. However they are quite useful tools for a terrain piece. I could also be a great way of using
flying models. The idea is that you build up a base those extra round bases that are lying around.
which can be used for flying models, so they appear
These particular trees however, I will be using for
that they are flying over the battlefield, without
flying bases for my Kestrel Knights. I have four
having to use a clear-plastic flying stand. This makes
perfectly good Kestrel Knights however they were
the modles both more robust and more realistic (in
made from Great Eagles from the Hobbit range from
that they do not have a giant plastic rod sticking from
GW. While these look great, they were a little
somewhere uncomfortable. This “tutorial” can also
unweildy and prone to falling or being knocked over.
be used to make trees for either terrain and unit
They are also a nightmare to rank up due to their size
and no longer using them in skirmish formation. I
The finished product you can see below. These are on really wanted some models that were more robust
40mm bases and could therefore be used for unit and smaller so that the unit was easier to transport.
fillers for 40mm or 20mm based units. What is great
This tutorial will show you how to make the trees and
about using unit fillers like these is that you can use
show the end result of the Flying bases.
them as generic unit fillers in any of your units.
To begin with, use some left over sprues and glue
them to the base in a basic tree shape. The tree can
be as elaborate as required but think about how you
want your flyer to sit on the tree and what points of
contact to the tree will be used. Typically there needs
to be at least two points of contaxct with the tree and
this is pretty easy to achieve for any model and any
tree. You can also do it with one point of contact and
a really good pin, or if you don’t want to use pins, you
should probably try and build the tree so that it will
fit to the model with three points of contact. This will
take a little more careful planning. I went for two
points of contact.
Start with the roots of tree. Cover them in sausages lines so that the miliput doesn’t crumble. The miliput
of miliput, the wrap the trunks in miliput. I dipped my dries quite quickly so I did the whole trees in stages,
finger and thumb in a little water to smooth down the but it depends how fast you work.
trunks, roots and cover the gaps where the bits of
When the miliput is dry I added some branches and
milput meet.
bits to give some character to the trees, otherwise
While the miliput is still wet use a tool to texture the they look a little “dead.” You can also do this with
tree. For an even, bark-like texture, I did two layers of wire and miliput, but it takes a little time and
vertical lines. One layer of wider lines and one layer patience.
of thinner lines. Apply a lot of water for the thinner
When the trees are finished and the miliput dry, we
need to decide where the models will be positioned.
Once I decided where the kestrels would go, I wanted
to pin them in at least one place to make sure that
they would be secure and the glue them in another
Be Careful What You Fish For
Article by Adam
I want to share my biggest painting success to date. I managed to complete the thing two days before the
competition. I still saw some flaws in painting and
To give some backstory, my friend suggested to me
execution but decided to go anyway without much
that I should go to Hussar miniature painting
hopes of getting anything. A couple of days before I
competition as it is wonderful event. He was nagging
learned that this year for the first time there will be
me for quite some time and in the end, I decided to
two categories - masters (for magical robots from
go, even if to just attend to the workshops and to see
space) and standard (for normal humans, like me).
some amazingly painted miniatures. Then after some
That sparked a bit of hope that maybe I could bring
time I figured out that I could paint something for the
home "Good Job" pin that they were handling for
competition as I never painted a competition piece
decent miniatures.
before and that was a good opportunity to try.
We went to Warsaw for the competition and my son
Since I love terrain making and I lack good miniature
and I were amazed by works presented there. We also
painting skills I figured out I would make a diorama. It
managed to attend some workshops and to talk to
took me some time to imagine a scene that I would
some amazing artists. We couldn't stay till the awards
be content with. I settled for something that tells a
ceremony, but I wasn't expecting much success
funny story. I imagined I would make a running
fisherman (using the classic running man from the anyway. Still I arranged a friend to pick up my diorama
GW giant kit) who caught a zombie out of a pond after the ceremony and we went home.
while fishing. I would title it "Be careful what you fish
When I got a call from him after the ceremony, he told
me that I won my category! My jaw dropped to the
It took me countless hours to build, reposition trees floor and I was speechless for a long time. It seems
and parts, paint the scene and pour water. I failed that next year I will have to defend my title with a new
multiple times and had to redo large pieces of it. My piece.
resin pouring experiments failed multiple times until
I found a good method to do it. Still despite all that it
was amazing experience to make a piece at the best
of my ability.
Centaur of Attention
Article by
The box looks like it will contain 4 of the male faun
sprues (each makes 3), 4 of the female sprue (again
each making 3) plus the bonus centaur sprue.
x8 bows
x8 quivers
x16 cross compatible shields
x16 Paired weapons
x32 spears in various bracing, overhand and at rest
x24 hand weapons
x8 Musical Horns
x8 javelin racks
x24 shoulder pads
x48 heads
+ bonus sprue
Centaurs x2 These are the same high-quality hard plastic that we
Non horned heads have seen before from Wargames Atlantic and go
Heavy Armor together easily. A sharp hobby knife is required to
Dual wielding axes and hook swords trim off the sprue connections, but there is not a lot
Pole weapon of flash on these.
The horse bodies come in two halves, and are
interchangeable, so you can get 4 different horse
bodies. After the horse bodies, the upper torsos,
heads and arms are all compatible with the male and
female faun sprues - this gives you a tremendous
amount of flexibility by mixing bodies and weapons
between all the sprues.
Since these are designed to be compatible with the a catch-22 - and ultimately why these are mythical
faun sprues, I figured it made sense to compare them, creatures that cannot truly exist :-)
and they fit very well. The bodies are all
proportionally the same - however this makes the
horse bodies a little small - they are more centaur