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KC et al.

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146

DOI 10.1186/s12884-015-0567-3


Risk factors for antepartum stillbirth: a

case-control study in Nepal
Ashish KC1,2*, Viktoria Nelin1, Johan Wrammert1, Uwe Ewald1, Ravi Vitrakoti3, Geha Nath Baral4 and Mats Målqvist1

Background: Globally, at least 2.65 million stillbirths occur every year, of which more than half are during the
antepartum period. The proportion of intrapartum stillbirths has substantially declined with improved obstetric care;
however, the number of antepartum stillbirths has not decreased as greatly. Attempts to lower this number may be
hampered by an incomplete understanding of the risk factors leading to the majority of antepartum stillbirths. We
conducted this study in a tertiary hospital in Nepal to identify the specific risk factors that are associated with
antepartum stillbirth in this setting.
Methods: This case-control study was conducted between July 2012 and September 2013. All women who had
antepartum stillbirths during this period were included as cases, while 20 % of all women delivering at the hospital
were randomly selected and included as referents. Information on potential risk factors was taken from medical
records and interviews with the women. Logistic regression analysis was completed to determine the association
between those risk factors and antepartum stillbirth.
Results: During the study period, 4567 women who delivered at the hospital were enrolled as referents, of which
62 had antepartum stillbirths and were re-categorized into the case population. In total, there were 307 antepartum
stillbirths. An association was found between the following risk factors and antepartum stillbirth: increasing maternal
age (aOR 1.0, 95 % CI 1.0–1.1), less than five years of maternal education (aOR 2.4, 95 % CI 1.7–3.2), increasing parity
(aOR 1.2, 95 % CI 1.0–1.3), previous stillbirth (aOR 2.6, 95 % CI 1.6–4.4), no antenatal care attendance (aOR 4.2, 95 %
CI 3.2–5.4), belonging to the poorest family (aOR 1.3, 95 % CI 1.0–1.8), antepartum hemorrhage (aOR 3.7, 95 % CI
2.4–5.7), maternal hypertensive disorder during pregnancy (aOR 2.1, 95 % CI 1.5–3.1), and small weight-for-
gestational age babies (aOR 1.5, 95 % CI 1.2–2.0).
Conclusion: Lack of antenatal care attendance, which had the strongest association with antepartum stillbirth, is a
potentially modifiable risk factor, in that increasing the access to and availability of these services can be targeted.
Antenatal care attendance provides an opportunity to screen for other potential risk factors for antepartum stillbirth,
as well as to provide counseling to women, and thus, helps to ensure a successful pregnancy outcome.
Clinical trial registration: ISRCTN97846009 (url.
Keywords: Antepartum stillbirth, Risk factors, Nepal

* Correspondence:
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, International Maternal and
Child Health, Uppsala University, SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden
United Nation’s Children’s Fund, Nepal Country Office, UN House, Pulchowk,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 KC et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:// applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 2 of 10

Background To the best of our knowledge, no studies have been

Globally, at least 2.65 million stillbirths (birth weight conducted in South Asia or Nepal to identify risk factors
≥1000 g or ≥28 weeks of gestation) occur every year; for antepartum stillbirth, such that preventive and man-
and of these, more than half (1.45 million) occur during agement strategies could be developed to reduce these
the antepartum period [1]. Among the total number of preventable deaths. Therefore, we conducted this case-
antepartum stillbirths that took place globally in 2009, control study at a tertiary hospital in Nepal to identify
470,000 (32 %) took place in South Asia [1, 2]. In high- the specific risk factors that are associated with antepar-
income countries, the proportion of stillbirths occurring tum stillbirth in this setting.
during the intrapartum period has substantially declined
with improved obstetric care; conversely, the number of Methods
antepartum stillbirths has not decreased as greatly [3]. Study design
This indicates that even in high-income countries, strat- This study had an unmatched case-control design, nested
egies based on the identification of high-risk pregnancies within a larger hospital-based study aiming to evaluate the
have not been successful in preventing antepartum impact of a simplified neonatal resuscitation protocol on
stillbirth. perinatal outcomes [12]. For the larger study purpose, a
Attempts to lower the stillbirth rate further may be reference population was created to assess the change in
hampered by an incomplete understanding of the risk the perinatal outcomes over a period of time. The refer-
factors leading to the majority of antepartum stillbirths. ence population for the larger study was 20 % of the ran-
There are several risk factors which have been associated domly selected women delivering in the hospital. For this
with antepartum stillbirth in studies from high-income study purpose, all the live birth from the reference popula-
countries; maternal age greater than 35 years, parity tion was selected as reference population and all antepar-
higher than four, low maternal educational status, lack tum stillbirth occurring during the study period was
of antenatal care attendance, chronic maternal medical selected as case population. The sample size for the study
conditions, pre-eclampsia or placenta abruption during was based on the larger study to detect the 20 % reduction
pregnancy, intra-uterine growth restriction, major con- in perinatal mortality with statistical power of 80 % and
genital anomaly of the infant, and poor maternal nutri- level of significance at 5 % [12].
tional status [4–6]. Additionally, a prospective cohort study
from the Netherlands found that substandard clinical Setting
care during pregnancy was a risk factor for antepartum The study was conducted in a government-funded, ter-
stillbirth among term infants [7]. A population-based tiary hospital located in Kathmandu, Nepal. The hospital
cohort study in rural Ghana (a lower-middle-income provides a range of obstetric and gynecological services
country) found an association of antepartum stillbirth with and is staffed by 400 people. Each year, about 22,000 de-
previous stillbirth, increasing maternal age (>35 years), pri- liveries take place in the hospital through three delivery
miparity, multiple pregnancies and no antenatal care at- outlets; namely, the Maternal and Newborn Service Cen-
tendance [8]. ter for low-risk deliveries, the Labor Room for high-risk
Prevention and reduction of antepartum stillbirth is deliveries, and the operation theatre for high-risk and
especially important with the recent endorsement of the operative deliveries (Table 1). In 2011/12, the hospital
Global Every Newborn Action Plan by the 67th World had a stillbirth rate of 19 per 1000 births, with an esti-
Health Assembly, which sets the global target to reach a mated 220 stillbirths occurring annually [13].
stillbirth rate of less than 10 per thousand births by The hospital has a set clinical protocol for the initial as-
2035 [9]. In 2011, Nepal had an estimated stillbirth rate sessment of women admitted for delivery. This protocol
of 22.4 per thousand births, with 80 % of these deaths includes assessment of pre-pregnancy history, maternal
occurring during the antepartum period [10, 11]. There medical conditions, and obstetric complications during
has been a large reduction in the number of intrapartum pregnancy, and antenatal care attendance during the
stillbirth in the last 15 years in Nepal, however, the num- current pregnancy. A clinical examination is also done to
ber of antepartum stillbirths has not declined as sub- determine gestational age, fetal status, stage of labor and
stantially [2]. Therefore, to reduce the current national fetal heart rate, using intermittent auscultation.
stillbirth rate in order to reach the global target by 2035, The study was completed between July 1, 2012 and
reduction of antepartum stillbirth will be critical. Given September 30, 2013. As a part of the larger study evalu-
the socio-economic and health situation in Nepal, there ating the impact of neonatal resuscitation protocol im-
might be different structural and health related risk fac- plementation, ethical approval was obtained from the
tors influencing the stillbirth rate than in high income Institutional Review Committee of the Nepal Health Re-
countries, so it is important to assess the risk factors for search Council (reg. No 37/2012) and Uppsala Univer-
antepartum stillbirth. sity, Sweden (dnr. 2012/267). The study was registered
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 3 of 10

Table 1 Human resources and set-up of each of the delivery units at the hospital
Delivery units Type of Health workers Number of HW Number of delivery beds Type of delivery service

Maternal and Newborn Nurse midwives 11 8 Low-risk delivery

Service Center
Labor Room Obstetricians, medical doctors, 11 9 Low- and high-risk delivery
nurse midwives
Operation room Anesthesiologist, obstetricians, 11 1 Cesarean section
medical doctors, nurse midwives

as clinical trial with the registration number: ISRCTN

97846009. Written consent was obtained from the
women who volunteered to participate in the study.

All women with antepartum stillbirth occurring during
the study period were included as cases. Randomly se- Admission Unit
lected referent women with live births or intrapartum Admission of delivering woman in the hospital
stillbirths were included as referents. Any antepartum
stillbirth occurring in the referent population was ex-
cluded from this group, re-categorized and included in
the case population.
Admission unit-Surveillance team

Data collection
For data collection, a surveillance team was set up under -
the guidance of a research manager (RV). There were 12
surveillance officers placed full time at the admission,
delivery and postnatal units for data collection. Any
woman admitted to the hospital for delivery was marked
in the surveillance registry. From this sampling frame, Admission unit-Surveillance team
study participants were randomly selected using a lottery
technique. If a woman was selected as part of the refer-
ent population, she was tracked from the point of admis-
sion until discharge to assess labor progress and birth
outcomes. Additionally, the surveillance officers tracked
all women who had stillbirths occurring in the hospital.
Delivery unit-Surveillance team
From both the referent and case populations, informa-
tion on parity, previous obstetric and medical history,
care during the current pregnancy, obstetric and/or
medical complications during pregnancy, and intrapar- partum).
tum care was retrieved from clinical record forms. The
surveillance team conducted structured interviews with medical history, care during the current pregnancy, obstetric
each woman at their time of discharge using a question-
naire to evaluate social, demographic and household in- period and birth outcome from clinical record form
formation (Fig. 1).
After the completion of the clinical record and inter-
view forms for each woman, the research manager
reviewed the forms for completeness. The data entry of- Postnatal unit-Surveillance team
ficer further reviewed and indexed each form to prevent
data loss, as well as to ensure data security. Data was en-
tered into a database for data cleaning using the Census
and Survey Processing System (CS Pro) software (US
Census Bureau and ICF International). This dataset was
Fig. 1 Data collection flow chart
then exported to the Statistical Package for Social
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 4 of 10

Sciences (SPSS) software (IBM Corporation) to complete Multiple pregnancy

data analysis. Woman pregnant with more than one fetus.

Variables Gestational age of the infant

Antepartum stillbirth Gestational age measurement was done based on the
Delivery of any non-viable fetus after 22 weeks of gestation, mother’s last menstrual period.
or with a birth weight more than 500 g, with an Apgar
score of 0 at 1 and 5 min and signs of maceration, or ab- Birth weight
sent fetal heart sound before the initiation of labor [1]. Weight of the baby was measured within 1 h of delivery
using an analog pan scale.
Number of times a woman gave birth after the age of Small-for-gestational age
viability, i.e. 22 weeks, including both live and still Babies with a birth weight below the tenth percentile for
births. a given gestational age and sex, based on a standard op-
timal reference population.
The caste to which a woman and her family belong, Appropriate-for-gestational age
based on the social hierarchical system of caste that ex- Babies with a birth weight above the tenth percentile.
ists in Nepal [14]. Since Nepal did not have a nationally representative
population reference for birth weight according to gesta-
tional age and sex, we used the Alexander reference.
Wealth index
This standard reference population included measure-
The wealth index is a measure of socioeconomic pos-
ments from 3,134,879 nationally representative, multi-
ition, used in national representative health surveys
ethnic infants in the USA in 1991 [18].
(Demographic Health Surveys) to compare socioeco-
The outcome variables, as well as exposure variables
nomic inequalities [15, 16]. During the interviews with
on parity, antenatal care attendance, and complications
mothers, data were collected on ownership of durable
were assessed using each woman’s clinical record form.
assets (e.g. car, refigerator, bicycle, radio, television),
The information on ethnicity, educational status, and
housing characteristics (e.g. number of rooms, dwelling
wealth quintile was evaluated through semi-structured
floor and roof materials, toilet facilities), and access to
services (e.g. electricity supply, drinking water source).
Using the scores from first principal component analysis,
Data analysis
a wealth index (asset index) was contructed. Based on
For data analysis purposes, categorical variables were cre-
the value of this index, individuals were sorted and
ated from raw or continuous variables within the dataset.
population quintiles were established using cut-off
Maternal age was analyzed both as a continuous variable
values. These quintiles were then ranked from bottom to
and as a categorical variable, grouping women into four
top as poorest, poorer, middle, richer and richest [17].
groups as follows: <20, 20–25, 26–30 or 30 years of age
and higher. A binary variable was created to categorize
Antenatal care attendance maternal education as primary school education (5 years)
Whether a mother attended any antenatal care visits, and less, or at least six years of schooling and above. Ma-
during which she received clinical examination, counsel- ternal ethnicity was categorized into six groups, as
ing and medication (if needed) from a health worker. Brahmin/Chettri from the hill or terai region; relatively
advantaged Janajatis, like Newar, Gurung and Thakali; dis-
Antepartum hemorrhage advantaged Janajatis; non-Dalit from the terai region; Dalit
Vaginal bleeding before the onset of labor. from the hill or terai region; or Muslim. A wealth index
consisting of five quintile groups was created, including
Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy poorest, poorer, middle, richer and richest quintiles. A
Maternal diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or more binary variable was then created to categorize women as
in two consecutive assessments, which are at least four poor, i.e. those belonging to the poorest quintile, and non-
hours apart, during pregnancy. poor, those belonging to any of the other four quintiles.
Antenatal care attendance was categorized as having
Medical complication during pregnancy attended at least one visit or none. Parity was categorized
Women having diabetes mellitus, severe anemia (Hb <7 into three groups including primiparous, multiparous
gm/L), epilepsy, etc. during pregnancy. (1–2) or multiparous (3 or more). The presence of
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 5 of 10

previous stillbirth, antepartum hemorrhage during preg- binary variables as yes or no. And finally, the sex of the
nancy, hypertensive disorder during pregnancy, any med- newborn was categorized as male or female.
ical complication during pregnancy, multiple birth, or Comparison of the demographic, social and obstetric
small weight-for-gestational age were categorized into characteristics among case and referent populations was

Total number of women who came to hospital for delivery during the study period (N=26914)

Total referent women (N=4891) Total Non-referent women (N=22023)

Excluded: Discharged without Excluded: Discharged without

delivery (N=324) delivery (N=1482)

Non-referent women who delivered

Referent women who delivered (n=4567)


Non-referent women who had live

birth (n=19953)

referent women (n=107)

Total live birth from the referent

women (n=4476)

the referent women (n=62) the referent women (n=245)

referent women (n=29)

this study (n=4505)


Fig. 2 Case-referent study population

KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 6 of 10

done using Pearson’s chi-square and fisher’s exact test. A higher in less educated woman compared to more edu-
comparison of the mean and median maternal age in the cated (cOR 2.5, 95 % CI 1.8–3.4), and 2.5 times higher
two populations was done using a t-test. in the poorest women compared to the non-poor (cOR
For those demographic, social and obstetric character- 2.5, 95 % CI 1.8–3.4). Women who had not attended any
istics that differed (p < 0.01) between the two population antenatal care visits had 4.5 times higher risk of stillbirth
groups, univariate logistic regression analysis was con- compared to those who had attended at least one ante-
ducted to test the association between those variables natal care visit (cOR 4.5, 95 % CI 3.5–5.7). Similarly, the
and antepartum stillbirth. likelihood of antepartum stillbirth increased by 50 % if
For those variables, which showed an association with the women had previously been pregnant compared to
antepartum stillbirth in the univariate logistic regression those who were primiparous (cOR 1.5, 95 % CI 1.4–1.6).
analysis a multivariate model was created to determine Women who had previous stillbirth had four times
whether the association between the potential risk factors higher risk of antepartum stillbirth compared to those
and antepartum stillbirth remained after adjusting for who did not (cOR 4.2, 95 % CI 2.7–6.5). The women
confounders. The variables investigated were maternal age with antepartum hemorrhage and/or hypertensive dis-
(continuous), maternal education, wealth index (poor or order during pregnancy had a 4.5 times increased risk of
non-poor), antenatal care attendance, parity, previous antepartum stillbirth (cOR 4.5, 95 % CI 3.1–6.7). Finally,
stillbirth, antepartum hemorrhage in pregnancy, hyperten- the women who delivered small-for-gestational age
sive disorder during pregnancy, and small weight-for- babies had a 50 % higher likelihood for antepartum
gestational age. stillbirth than those who had appropriate weight-for-
We used the multiple imputation method to deal with gestational age (cOR 1.5, 95 % CI 1.2–1.9) (Table 3).
data missing at random from the case or referent popu- Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted
lations within the demographic, social, and/or obstetric to adjust for the interaction of exposure variables with one
variables [19]. other. In this model, the risk of antepartum stillbirth was
still increased among women with increasing age, who
Results had no education, belonged to the poorest families, had a
During the fifteen months of the study period, 26,914 higher parity, who did not go for antenatal care checkups,
women were admitted in the hospital for delivery. A had a previous stillbirth, had antepartum hemorrhage or
total of 4567 women who were selected as referents de- hypertensive disorder during pregnancy, and/or who had
livered in the hospital; of these, 62 women had antepar- small-for-gestational age babies (Table 4).
tum stillbirths and were therefore excluded from the
referent population and added to the case population. Discussion
There were a total of 307 antepartum stillbirths in the Through this study we found that the risk of antepartum
hospital, giving an antepartum stillbirth rate of 13.6 per stillbirth was higher among women with less than five
thousand births (Fig. 2). years of education, who belonged to the poorest family,
When the demographic, social and obstetric characteris- who were older, had higher parity and who did not at-
tics of the case and referent populations were compared, tend any antenatal care visits. Similarly, the risk of ante-
the mean age for the case population was 25.7 years and partum stillbirth was also increased for women who had
for the referent women it was 23.7 years. Maternal age, a previous stillbirth, antepartum hemorrhage or hyperten-
maternal education, wealth index, antenatal care attend- sive disorder during pregnancy, or small-for-gestational
ance and parity were different between the two groups age babies in a tertiary hospital setting in Nepal. Similar to
(p < 0.001). Women in the case population were less edu- our results, studies in developed countries have identified
cated, were from poorer families, had no antenatal care at- several modifiable risk factors for antepartum stillbirth
tendance and had more children (higher parity). In such as lack of antenatal care, antepartum hemorrhage,
regards to obstetric complications, the case population hypertensive disorder during pregnancy, and small-for-
had more previous stillbirths and a higher prevalence of gestational age babies, however, the socio-economic and
antepartum hemorrhage and hypertensive disorder during health service settings were different [4, 7, 20]. A study
pregnancy than the referent population (p < 0.001). The conducted in India has also identified lack of antenatal
women in case population also had more small- care as a modifiable risk factor for stillbirth [21].
for-gestational age babies than the referent population There are several limitations to this study. First, some of
(p = 0.001) (Table 2). the potential risk factors for antepartum stillbirth, such as
Univariate logistic regression analysis showed that the placental insufficiency or genetic disorders, could not be
odds of antepartum stillbirth increased by 10 % with assessed due to the lack of placental examination, both
each increasing year of maternal age (cOR 1.1, 95 % CI grossly and microscopically, and gene analysis. Similarly,
1.07–1.1). The risk of antepartum stillbirth was 2.5 times not all women, even those who had antenatal care, had
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 7 of 10

Table 2 Background and social characteristics of case and referent populations

Variable Referent Antepartum Stillbirth p-value*
(N = 4505) (N = 307)
Maternal age in years
Mean ± SD 23.7 ± 4.4 25.7 ± 5.7
Median (IQR) 23.0 (20–26) 24.0 (21–29)
Maternal age n (%) n (%)
< 20 1232 (27.3) 57 (18.6) p < 0.001
20–25 1965 (43.6) 114 (37.1)
26–30 980 (21.8) 80 (26.1)
> 30 328 (7.3) 56 (18.2)
Maternal education
Primary school (5 years) or less 1461 (32.4) 50 (16.3) p < 0.001
Six years of schooling or more 3044 (67.6) 257 (83.7)
Brahmin/Chhetri (Hill or Terai) 1743 (38.7) 114 (37.1)
Relatively advantaged Janajatis 817 (18.1) 60 (19.5)
Disadvantaged Janajatis 1299 (28.8) 100 (32.6)
Non-Dalit (Terai) 373 (8.3) 16 (5.2)
Dalit (Hill and Terai) 239 (5.3) 14 (4.6)
Muslim 34 (0.8) 3 (1.0)
Wealth Quintile
Poorest 791 (19.1) 76 (40.6) p < 0.001
Poorer 808 (19.5) 27 (14.4)
Middle 865 (20.9) 22 (11.8)
Richer 838 (20.2) 27 (14.4)
Richest 846 (20.4) 35 (18.7)
Antenatal Care Attendance
At least one visit 3923 (87.1) 185 (60.3) p < 0.001
No ANC 582 (12.9) 122 (39.7)
Primiparity 2432 (54.0) 137 (44.6) p < 0.001
Multi-para (1–2) 1881 (41.8) 125 (40.7)
Multi-para (3 or more) 192 (4.3) 45 (14.7)
Previous Stillbirth
No 4407 (97.8) 281 (91.5) p < 0.001
Yes 98 (2.2) 26 (8.5)
Antepartum hemorrhage during pregnancy
No 4377 (97.2) 271 (88.3) p < 0.001
Yes 128 (2.8) 36 (11.7)
Hypertensive disorder during pregnancy n (%) n (%)
No 4193 (93.1) 265 (86.3) p < 0.001
Yes 312 (6.9) 42 (13.7)
Medical problem during pregnancy
No 4289 (95.2) 295 (96.1)
Yes 216 (4.8) 12 (3.9)
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 8 of 10

Table 2 Background and social characteristics of case and referent populations (Continued)
Sex of newborn
Female 2115 (46.9) 136 (44.3)
Male 2390 (53.1) 171 (55.7)
Multiple birth
No 4463 (99.1) 300 (97.7) p < 0.023
Yes 42 (0.9) 7 (2.3)
Small-for-gestational age
Appropriate-for-gestational age 2811 (62.4) 161 (52.4) p = 0.001
Small-for-gestational age 1694 (37.6) 146 (47.6)
p-value determined by t-test, Pearson’s chi-square analysis or Fisher’s exact test

screening for medical and/or obstetric complications dur-

ing pregnancy, so there could be under-reporting of these
Table 3 Univariate logistic regression analysis for likelihood of conditions. Secondly, this is a case-control study, which
antepartum stillbirth can only demonstrate an association between the various
Variable Crude Odds Ratioa 95 % CI risk factors and antepartum stillbirth, but cannot deter-
(cOR) mine the causal relationship. Third, there may have been
Maternal Age in years (linear) 1.1 1.07– some potential bias within this study, such as failure of
1.1 health workers to correctly assess maternal medical condi-
Maternal education tions during the clinical examination at admission. Fourth,
Six years of education or more Ref the population-based references for determining birth
Primary school (5 years) or less 2.5 1.8–3.4 weight according to gestational age and sex were not avail-
Wealth index
able for the Nepali setting, so US population-based refer-
ences were used. Finally, since this was a hospital-based
Non-poor Ref
study, the background characteristics of women having
Poor 2.5 1.8–3.4 antepartum stillbirths might be different at the population
Antenatal Care Attendance level.
At least one visit Ref There are possible explanations for the associations
No ANC 4.5 3.5–5.7 seen between some of these risk factors and antepartum
Table 4 Multivariate logistic regression analysis for likelihood of
Primi Ref
antepartum stillbirth
Multi-parity 1.5 1.4–1.6 Variables Adjusted Odds Ratioa 95 % CI
Previous stillbirth
No Ref (aOR)

Yes 4.2 2.7–6.5 Maternal age (in years) 1.0 1.0–1.1

Antepartum hemorrhage in Primary school (5 years) education 2.4 1.7–3.2

pregnancy or less

No Ref Parity 1.2 1.0–1.3

Yes 4.5 3.1–6.7 Previous stillbirth 2.6 1.6–4.4

Hypertensive disorder during No antenatal care attendance 4.2 3.2–5.4

pregnancy Poorest family 1.3 1.0–1.8
No Ref Antepartum hemorrhage 3.7 2.4–5.7
Yes 4.5 3.1–6.7 Hypertensive disorder during 2.1 1.5–3.1
Small-for-gestational age pregnancy

Appropriate-for-gestational age Ref Small-for-gestational age 1.5 1.2–2.0

aOR has been adjusted to maternal age, educational status of mother, parity,
Small-for-gestational age 1.5 1.2–1.9
previous stillbirth, antenatal care, socio-economic status, antepartum
Univariate logistic regression analysis to determine the likelihood of hemorrhage, hypertensive disorder during pregnancy and small for gestation
antepartum stillbirth age in the table which had cOR > 1
KC et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2015) 15:146 Page 9 of 10

stillbirth. For example, women with hypertensive dis- Authors’ contributions

order during pregnancy are more likely to have placental AK, MM, JW, and UE conceptualized and designed the study. AK was the
principal applicant for funding. RV was responsible for the data collection
compromise, and thus a higher risk for fetal death. Add- and data management. AK, VN and MM were responsible for the data
itionally, women with increasing maternal age are more analysis and drafting of the manuscript. JW, UE and GB reviewed and
likely to have chronic hypertension and placental path- provided input to the draft manuscript. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
ologies [22].
Studies have shown that antenatal care given by a
skilled healthcare provider is a cost-effective intervention This study was supported by Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine,
[23–25]. These visits provide a screening opportunity for Stavanger, Norway as the part of the larger study to evaluate the impact of
certain risk factors that are shown to be associated with simplified neonatal resuscitation protocol on birth outcomes and health
workers performance. Laerdal foundation for Acute Medicine had no
antepartum hemorrhage, certain medical conditions, in- influence on conceptualization or design of the study. MM, JW, UE and VN
fection or hypertensive disorder [23–25]. If risks are de- was supported through the University grant of Uppsala University, Uppsala,
tected, healthcare providers have the opportunity to Sweden. The study group would like to thank Prof. Kiran Bajracharya and Dr.
Dhan Raj Aryal who reviewed and provided inputs for the design and data
immediately manage or treat specific conditions, or to collection of the study. The group is very grateful to the mothers who
establish a future care plan. Additionally, they can pro- participated in the study.
vide counseling to mothers and families, all of which can
Author details
help to prevent antepartum stillbirth. 1
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, International Maternal and
In Nepal, the government of Nepal provides free ante- Child Health, Uppsala University, SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden. 2United
natal care check-ups through its public health facilities, Nation’s Children’s Fund, Nepal Country Office, UN House, Pulchowk, Nepal.
Foundation for Maternal and Child Health Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal.
and has a standard protocol for antenatal check-ups 4
Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal.
[26]. Nevertheless, only two-thirds of women in the
country go for antenatal check-ups from a skilled health- Received: 5 January 2015 Accepted: 27 May 2015
care provider, and only 61 % of women who do go re-
ceive adequate antenatal check-ups (e.g. blood pressure
examination, urine and blood tests) [10]. Moreover, large References
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