Condolence and Requirement Letter PDF
Condolence and Requirement Letter PDF
Condolence and Requirement Letter PDF
Insurance Corporation of Pakistan
We are sorry to learn about the death of the life insured under above policy. We pray to the
Almighty that his / her soul may rest in peace.
For assessment and evaluation of death claim, we need certain information. For this purpose,
we are enclosing a set of following claim forms for completion as per the instructions given in
Please return us the above forms duly completed and attested along with following documents.
In case the life insured has expired as a result of an accident or murder, please provide
following additional documents:
If the life insured has expired outside Pakistan the claim forms, relevant reports and
documents, executed abroad and issued by the foreign authorities, must be attested by the
concerned Embassy of Pakistan in that particular country. If burial has taken place in Pakistan,
documents related to the carriage of dead body to Pakistan and burial here must be provided.
This is for your kind information that issuance of claim forms does not mean that your claim
under the policy has been accepted or that the Corporation has been acquitted of the rights
vested to it through the policy contract. State Life reserves the right to call for any other
information, documents and evidences, as it deems necessary. If you face any difficulty in
completion of claim forms or other requirements, you may please contact us on the address
given above. We will be glad to assist you in this connection.
Yours truly,
Manager (Claims)