Et Al. v. Macalibo " Given The Nature of Their Relationship With
Et Al. v. Macalibo " Given The Nature of Their Relationship With
Et Al. v. Macalibo " Given The Nature of Their Relationship With
Judgment: 2. SC: The belated claim of the SIBLINGS OF CECILIO to enforce a right
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. We REVERSE and SET ASIDE the acquired allegedly as early as 1930 is difficult to comprehend.
decision rendered in CA-G.R. CV No. 04429, and we hereby REINSTATE the Art. 1145, CC: “The following actions must be commenced within six
decision of the then Court of First Instance of Rizal (Branch 28, Pasay City) in Civil years:
Case No. M-5276-P which ruled for the dismissal of the Complaint for Cancellation (1) Upon an oral contract . . .”
of Titles and Reconveyance with Damages filed by the Heirs of Macario, If the SIBLINGS OF CECILIO allegedly derived their right of action from
Esperidiona Raymunda, and Celestina, all surnamed CLAUDEL. Costs against the the oral purchase made by their parents in 1930, then the action filed in
private respondents. 1976 would have clearly prescribed bc more than six years had lapsed
SC: We do not agree that an implied trust in favor of the SIBLINGS OF
Ratio: CECILIO was established in 1972, when the HEIRS OF CECILIO executed
1. Rule of thumb: sale of land, once consummated, is valid regardless of a contract of partition over the said properties
the form it may have been entered into for neither law nor jurisprudence Law recognizes the superiority of the torrens title
prescribe that the contract of sale be put in writing before such contract can o Torrens title in the possession of the HEIRS OF CECILIO carries
validly cede or transmit rights over a certain real property between the more weight as proof of ownership than the survey or subdivision
parties themselves plan of a parcel of land in the name of SIBLINGS OF CECILIO
o HOWEVER, in the event that a third party disputes the o The Court upheld the indefeasibility of the torrens title – no
ownership of the property, the person against whom that claim possession by any person of any portion of the land could defeat
is brought cannot present any proof of such sale and hence has the title of the registered owners thereof
no means to enforce the contract; thus, the Statute of Frauds “A torrens title, once registered, cannot be defeated, even
was devised to protect the parties in a contract of sale of real by adverse, open and notorious possession. A registered
property so that no such contract is enforceable unless certain title under the torrens system cannot be defeated by
requisites, for purposes of proof, are met prescription. The title, once registered, is notice to the
Provisions of the Statute of Frauds pertinent to the case: world. All persons must take notice. No one can plead
Art. 1403, CC: The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they ignorance of the registration.”
are ratified: x x x x x x x x x
2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds as set forth in o True that in some instances, the Court did away with the
this number. In the following cases, an agreement hereafter made irrevocability of the torrens title, but the circumstances in the case
shall be unenforceable by action unless the same, or some note or at bar varied significantly from these cases
memorandum thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the party
charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot
be received without the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:
e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer period than one year,
or for the sale of real property or of an interest therein;
Purpose of the Statute of Frauds: prevent fraud and perjury in the
enforcement of obligations depending for their evidence upon the unassisted
memory of witnesses by requiring certain enumerated contracts and
transactions to be evidenced in Writing
o Statute of Frauds provisions originally appeared under the old
Rules of Evidence but when the Civil Code was re-written in 1949,
the provisions were included under the title on Unenforceable