Excel Notes and Questions Office 365 Ipad
Excel Notes and Questions Office 365 Ipad
Excel Notes and Questions Office 365 Ipad
365 FOR iPAD
Microsoft Excel is a computer application designed to make the manipulation of
numbers (calculations, sorting, presenting) easier and faster.
We will be Excel from Office 365 on the iPad. For those already familiar with Excel,
the layout looks very similar. Most of the commands on the Ribbon are under Home.
The Ribbon only shows commands when they are needed e.g. picture or chart
commands only show when you select a picture or a chart. As in other iPad apps,
when text or objects are selected, contextual menus appear with relevant commands
e.g. copy, paste.
Each worksheet consists of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and a
column is called a cell. Each cell can contain a value (number), formula, or label
(text entry). The use of formulae means that it is easy to change figures and see the
resulting changes without having to recalculate figures.
These are examples of formulae. Each formula must start with “=”. Excel for iPad
has a special formula keyboard that we will use.
The sum formula is best used when adding a column or a row of figures. It can be
accessed on the ribbon under formulas (sigma button – autosum) or it can be
accessed when using the function keyboard.
If you want to add up several figures that are not adjacent to each other it is
better to use + (as in the first example).
Fill in the blank with the correct word from the word bank below.
_______________ To choose the direction of the page when it prints out. (Horizontal =
Landscape; Vertical = Portrait). Portrait is the default setting.
_______________ A box formed by the intersection of a row and column.
_______________ A cell surrounded by a black border. Data can only be entered into an active
_______________ Information stored in a spreadsheet.
_______________ The horizontal divisions in a spreadsheet. They are named with a number.
_______________ The term for a number in a spreadsheet. These can be added, subtracted,
multiplied or divided.
_______________ A mathematical equation that will calculate a result. All formulas in Excel
start with =
_______________ A pre-set formula. The name of the function will tell Excel what to do. E.g.
SUM adds together data in selected cells.
_______________ The formula bar shows the data contained in the active cell and is located at
the top of the worksheet next to the Name Box.
_______________ The term given to the words entered on a spreadsheet. They usually name a
_______________ The term given to the way the document is formatted to print.
_______________ The working of mathematical equations. Formulas are usually used in
spreadsheets and allow the computer to automatically perform these.
_______________ This is next to the formula bar and shows the cell address (or name) of the
active cell.
_______________ A single sheet in a workbook. By default, Excel starts with three sheets in
each spreadsheet.
_______________ The strip of buttons and icons located at the top of the work area.
2. Open the file Jack and Jill Semester.xls and save it either in OneDrive or on your
At the moment, page 1 has an Income Statement in it, and page 2 has the
Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet).
2. Select cells A1 to F1. Merge and centre the heading “Jack and Jill”.
3. Select cells A2 to F2. Merge and centre the heading “Income Statement”.
4. Select cells A3 to F3. Merge and centre the heading “for the year ended 31
March 2019”.
5. Format the headings ‘Jack and Jill’, ‘Income Statement’ and ‘for the year ended
31 March 2019 as:
Size 14 point
Red colour
6. Insert a row above the $ signs. Tap on the 4 for row 4, on the contextual
menu tap on insert above.
7. Format the text in cells A8 (GROSS PROFIT) and A29 (PROFIT FOR THE
YEAR) to be bold.
8. In cell F8, write a formula to calculate the Gross Profit. Double tap in F8, choose
the Function keyboard. Type = and then?? Enter when you have the answer.
10. Use the autosum formula in cell E18 to calculate the total distribution costs.
Double tap on cell E18. Tap on the sigma button on the function keyboard.
Then select the range D15 to D17, enter.
11. Use the autosum formula in cell E24 to calculate the total administrative
12. In cell F25 use a formula to calculate the total for distribution costs and
administrative expenses.
13. In cell F26 use a formula to calculate the operating profit before interest.
14. Use a formula in cell F29 to calculate the Profit for the Year.
19. Use a yellow fill colour in cell F29.
20. Centre and bold the dollar signs in cells D5, E5 and F5.
21. See if you can add a $ sign to F29 – DO NOT TYPE IT. You are changing the
cell formatting. CLUE: Go to Number formatting.
22. The formatting you have chosen has added the $ sign but also made formatted the
amount to two decimal places. Click on the next to the format you chose
and see if you can change this back to 0 decimal places. This will be covered later in
Exercise Three if you can’t work it out now.
5. Format the headings ‘Jack and Jill’, ‘Balance Sheet’ and ‘as at 31 March 2019’
Size 14 point
Green colour
6. In cell F8 use a formula to calculate the total current assets. Think about the
most appropriate formula.
7. In cell F13 use a formula to calculate the total non-current assets. Again, think
about the formula you will use.
10. In cell F21 use a formula to calculate the total non-current liabilities.
12. Insert bottom borders in cells E7, E12, E17 and E20.
14. Use a formula to calculate the net assets in G23. Insert a top and bottom border
in this cell.
15. Use a formula in cell G26 to make the Equity the same as G23. Insert a top and
bottom border in this cell.
17. Add a $ sign to G23 and G26 – DO NOT TYPE IT. You are changing the cell
formatting. Also format to 0 decimal places. Add yellow fill to both of these cells.
Student Marks
2 Merge and centre cells A1 to E1. Format the heading to Arial, bold, size 22.
4 Format cells B3:E4 so that the headings will be right-aligned over the data.
7 Adjust the column width of column A so that you can see all the data. Double
tap on the A at the top of the column and it will automatically increase.
9 Now fill in the same formula in cells D6 to D9. Close the keyboard before you
start. Tap on cell D5. The contextual menu will appear. Tap on Fill. As you
want to fill down, drag the down arrow to D9.
10 Format the cells E5 to E9 to display the numbers as percentages. Change the
number formatting using the ribbon on the Home tab. Tap on the
to change the number of decimal places to 0. (The default is 2 decimal
12 Fill the formula in cell E5 down to cell E9.
Oh no, what has happened? The formula has been copied as a relative reference,
not as an absolute reference. Tap on each cell from E5 to E9 to see what has
happened. Look at the formula bar.
It is obvious that the other formulae are incorrect. This is because Excel is dividing
by the number to the left and above of the first number which is not correct.
To correct this we need to give cell D4 an absolute reference so that each score
will be divided by whatever number is in D4.
13 Go to cell E5 and edit the formula in the formula bar to: = D5/$D$4, then fill the
formula down. See how Excel has now calculated the percentages accurately.
14 Insert a row before the students’ names. Tap on the 5 for row 5, on the
contextual menu tap on insert above.
15 In cell B12 enter a formula that will find you the highest value in column B.
Tap on B12, tap on the Formulas ribbon, tap on AutoSum, choose Max,
check the cell range does not include B4, enter.
17 In cell B13 enter a formula that will find you the lowest value in column B. Check
the cell range.
19 In cell B14 enter a formula that will find you the average value in column B.
21 Format the cells E12 to E14 to display the numbers as percentages and 0
decimal places.
Sally’s Budget
16. Format all of the figures:
a. Select the figures C5:F18
b. Ensure you have selected the Home tab.
c. Go to Number Formatting and choose:
i. Number
ii. Click on the i: see the default is 2 decimal places.
iii. Turn the separator on.
iv. Choose the black number with brackets for all negative
17. Tap on the B in column B. Delete this column (choose delete from the
contextual menu) so that we can make a chart.
18. Copy the following into Sheet 2 so that we can create a Chart:
a. Sally’s Budget – copy into Row 1 on Sheet 2.
i. Tap on the heading, choose Copy from the contextual menu.
Tap on the paste icon and choose Paste, Values.
21. Double tap on the Chart Title and change to Sally’s Budget. Tap on the Home
tab so that you can bold the heading.
22. Tap on the Chart tab (it appeared next to View once when we inserted the
chart), then Elements, Axis Titles.
23. Choose Axis Titles – Primary Vertical. “Axis Title” will appear for you to edit it
to “$”.
24. Tap on Styles and scroll through, choose one you like. The suggested
solution is the first one with the black background.
25. If you don’t want the gridlines, go to Elements, choose Gridlines and untick
Primary Major Horizontal.
26. Rename Sheet 2, “Chart of Christmas Budget”.