Data Used in Estimating
Data Used in Estimating
Data Used in Estimating
1. Ceiling
Frame Installation 2 carpenters work 1.33 Hr./S.M.
5. Excavation Manual
Common earth 1 man work, 1 cu.m./8hrs. .125 cu.m./hr.
6. Mechanical Excavation
Common earth .15 cu.m./hr.
Gravel fill Manual .06 cu.m./hr.
12. Trenching and Backfilling of underground piping using excavated materials – manual.
31. Tinsmithing
Corr. G.I. Sht. Lifting 4 men .27 hr./s.m.
Corr. G.I. Sht.
Installation 2 tinsmith 1.22 hr./s.m.
Gutter Cut & Shape 1 tinsmith 6.25 l.m./hr.
Gutter Installation 2 tinsmith 2.25 l.m./hr.
Downspout Cut & Shape 1 tinsmith 3.38 l.m./hr.
Downspout Installation 1 tinsmith 7.50 l.m./hr.
34. W-Panel
Installation 2 men work 5 pcs./hr.
37. Waterproofing
Rubberized 2 men 3.63 s.m./hr.
48. Tinsmithing
Corr. G.I. Sht. .685 pc. /s.m.
Hookbolt 4 pcs./1.47 s.m. = 2.52 sets
Strap (1 sht.) (1)
(792) (1.47) = .015 shts./s.m.
For waterproofing mixture : 1 part daraweld, 3 cement, 6 part sand and 1 part
4. Hornseal:
Floor Hardener : 1 liter /10 square meter
Curing Compound : 1 liter /5 square meter
Sealing : 1 liter /6 square meter
If rough seal : 1 liter /9 square meter
5. Hydratite Compound : 1 lb. /1 bag cement
6. Sahara Compound : 1 lb./ 1 bag cement
85. Scaffolding
1. To estimate scaffolding, compute the area elevation of the structure
2. To obtain the boardfoot of lumber: using 2x3
3. To obtain nails : divide the total boardfoot by 2500 will give you keg nails.
86. Formworks
1. To estimate formworks, compute the area that need formworks
2. To obtain boardfoot of lumber
For column Area x 33 = bd. Ft.
For Pedestal Area x 19 = bd. Ft.
For Beam Area x 34 = bd. Ft.
For concrete wall Area x 19 = bd. Ft.
For slab Area x 25 = bd. Ft.
For curb & gutter Area x 8.5 = bd. Ft.
For con slab Area x 36 = bd. Ft.
For sill & lintetol Area x 18 = bd. Ft.
3. To obtain ½ x 4 x 8 plywood, divide the area by 2.88
4. After arriving on the total boardfoot and plywood, divide it by the number of use, then answer is
the required BDFT of lumber and pieces of plywood.
5. To obtain keg of nails, divide the required BFT by 2500
6. To obtain #16 tie wire : divide the BDFT by 4000
7. To obtain formoil : change square meter area to square foot then divide by 200, will give no. of
gallon of formoil.
1. To estimate wooden studs at 0.60 o.c. compute the area of the sidings of partition, then multiply
by the factor of the lumber to be used.
For 2 x 3: Area x 9.84 = Boardfoot
2 x 2: Area x 6.54 = Boardfoot
2 x 4: Area x 13.08 = Boardfoot
2 x 5: Area x 16.38 = Boardfoot
1. To estimate s-cut siding, compute the lineal meter of spread the multiply by the factor
For 1 x 3: 1m x 20 = pieces
1 x 4: 1m x 13.16 = pieces
1 x 6: 1m x 7.87 = pieces
1 x 8: 1m x 5.95 = pieces
2. To change the keg to kilo, multiply the keg by 45
1. To estimate plywood double walling, compute the area of both side of the wall, then divide the
total area by 2.88 to obtain pieces of plywood.
2. To obtain nails: pieces of plywood by 1.33 then divide the answer by 1000 and multiply by 9.10
for kilos of 1” finishing nails.
3. For studs, use wooden studs.
1. To estimate ceiling joist, compute the area then multiply by the factor:
2. For #12 guidewire and tie wire hanger : total area multiply by 6.54 divide by 4000 equals roll.
94. Basedboard
1. To estimate boardfeet:
For 1x4: 1m x 1.09 = boardfeet
1x5: 1m x 1.37 = boardfeet
1x6: 1m x 1.64 = boardfeet
2. For nails : same procedure in onbtaining nails
1. To compute the total lineal meter of the roof end where fascia board is required, multiply the
lineal meter by the factor to obtain boardfeet.
2. To obtain nails : same procedure – bd.ft. divide by 2500 or bdft divide by 1000 multiply by 5.5 =
97. Purlins
1. To estimate total boardfeet of purlins : make an actual counting of the purlins as shown in the roof
framing plan and truss details, the compute the boardfeet according to the specified size and
length of the lumber.
2. Or compute the area then multiply including the greats.
1. To estimate GI sheet roofing by area, compute the area in flat then add the pitch factor (sum of 1
& 2 percentage)
2. To divide the slotted area by factor from the table of GI sheet coverage and the answer is the
pieces of sheets to be used.
3. Another procedure : length of spread divide by 0.67 if the length is in meter and 27” if the length
is in feet, then multiply by the no. of lapping or row.
4. To obtain metal rivet:
For strap:
Pieces of GI sheet x 12 or 9 = pieces of strap to convert this to pieces of plain GI
sheet, see the table of strap.
Length of spread or lineal meter divide by 2.10 = ridge roll, valley roll or flashing
6. For copper rivet : no. of joint multiply by 8 then divide by 50 = no. of box of copper rivet
7. For nikolite : length of foot divide by 24 = kilo
8. For muriatic acid : piece of nikolite x 10cc = total cc of muriatic
No. 1 symmetrical
No. 2 Unsymmetrical
Pitch Inch % Decimal
0.32 2 0.02
0.36 3 0.03
0.40 4 0.04
0.45 5 0.05
0.50 6 0.06
0.55 7 0.07
0.60 8 0.08
0.70 11 0.11
0.80 14 0.14
0.90 18 0.18
1.00 21 0.21
1.20 23 0.23
1.50 27 0.27