Boq Volum Swtchyrd PDF
Boq Volum Swtchyrd PDF
Boq Volum Swtchyrd PDF
1 Site clearing m2 1200,00
2 Setting survey (thopographi : line profile & cross profile) and installation of setting plan Ls 1,00
3 Site storage ( 3 m x 10 m ) m2 30,00
4 Site office ( 4m x 6 m ) ls 1,00
5 Soil Investigation :
5.1. Sondir pcs 2,00
5.2. Boring and Test Lab. pcs 1,00
5.3. Soil Investigation Report pcs 3,00
6 Remove and reinstall existing BRC height 1.2 m m' 70,00
7 Dismantling ex-PLTD building Ls 1,00
1 Earth Work
- Excavation work m3 1080,00
- Backfill m3 500,00
- Soil Disposal m3 -
- Import Filling ( compaction in layer of 20 cm) m3 840,00
- Retaining wall or slope protection m3 67,50
2 Road (new) m2
a. Prepare Compacted subgrade : Compacted Sand Gravel 150 mm m2 72,00
b. Base Structure : Crushed Stone 3-5 cm, 150 mm m2 72,00
c. 50 mm Asphalt hot mix m2 72,00
d. 50 mm Ashalt penetration m2 72,00
3 Kerbs (15/30) m' 90,00
4 Fence
- BRC 1.20 m height m' 45,00
- BRC 1.90 m height m' -
- Fabricated concrete 2.00 m height m' -
5 Gate
- BRC 1.20 m height - 4.00 m wide unit 30,00
- BRC 1.90 m height - 6.00 m wide unit -
- Steel Pipe - 6.00 m wide unit -
6 Landscaping m2 -
7 Gravel (dia 3 - 5 cm); t = 20 cm m2 588,00
8 Cable trench (K225, BJTD 40 incld cover, Galvanized Cable Tray L 50.50.5 and PVC Pipe)
- Cable duct type 1 (Large) m' 80,00
- Cable duct type 2 (Medium) m' 50,00
- Cable duct type 3 (Small) m' 10,00
- Cable Duct (Crossing Road) m' 10,00
12 Drainage m' 50,00
13 Sub soil Drainage PVC dia 6 inc including knie PVC dia 6 inc to ground reservoir m' 20,00
14 Fire wall reinforced concrete grade 225/20; thickness = 15 cm, wide = 10 m unit -
Oil Pit Capacity for Trf 60 MVA incld knie and tie pipa dia 6 inc (from foundation transformer to
15 unit 1,00
oil pit) complete with flasplate
16 Bored Pile dia 60 cm m' 300