This document provides the schedule and topics for a capability building training on environmental and urban planning to be held on February 24-25 and March 3-4, 2018 in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The training will cover introductory topics such as the planning profession, history and concepts of environmental planning, city growth theories, and regional planning. It will also include sessions on comprehensive land use planning, planning information management, development planning, economic and demographic sectoral planning, and environmental management planning. Participants will take a mock exam after the first two days and resource persons will include planners, engineers, and academics to lecture on the various topics during the 3-day training program.
This document provides the schedule and topics for a capability building training on environmental and urban planning to be held on February 24-25 and March 3-4, 2018 in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The training will cover introductory topics such as the planning profession, history and concepts of environmental planning, city growth theories, and regional planning. It will also include sessions on comprehensive land use planning, planning information management, development planning, economic and demographic sectoral planning, and environmental management planning. Participants will take a mock exam after the first two days and resource persons will include planners, engineers, and academics to lecture on the various topics during the 3-day training program.
This document provides the schedule and topics for a capability building training on environmental and urban planning to be held on February 24-25 and March 3-4, 2018 in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The training will cover introductory topics such as the planning profession, history and concepts of environmental planning, city growth theories, and regional planning. It will also include sessions on comprehensive land use planning, planning information management, development planning, economic and demographic sectoral planning, and environmental management planning. Participants will take a mock exam after the first two days and resource persons will include planners, engineers, and academics to lecture on the various topics during the 3-day training program.
This document provides the schedule and topics for a capability building training on environmental and urban planning to be held on February 24-25 and March 3-4, 2018 in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The training will cover introductory topics such as the planning profession, history and concepts of environmental planning, city growth theories, and regional planning. It will also include sessions on comprehensive land use planning, planning information management, development planning, economic and demographic sectoral planning, and environmental management planning. Participants will take a mock exam after the first two days and resource persons will include planners, engineers, and academics to lecture on the various topics during the 3-day training program.
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Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners
ZamPen BaSulTa Chapter
Capability Building Training on Environmental and Urban Planning
Dates: February 24-25, 2018; March 3-4, 2018; March 11, 2018 Venue: Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Research Building, Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) Main Building, Zamboanga City
Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons
Day 1- February 24, 2018 (Saturday) 8:00-8:30am (30 minutes) Registration & Opening Program Registration PIEP Secretariat Opening Prayer Engr. Rodrigo S. Sicat, EnP, Introduction of Participants & PIEP-ZamPen-BaSulTa Chapter Resource Persons Opening Remarks 8:30-10:30am (2 hours) I Introduction to the Course Outline & Schedule of the Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP Training Training Coordinator Diagnostic Examination 10:30-12:00noon (1 & 30 II The Planning Profession R.A. 10587 “Environmental Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP minutes) Planning Act of 2013” Training Coordinator Professionalization of Environmental Planning Practice in the Philippines Code of Ethics 12:00-1:00pm LUNCHBREAK 1:00-3:00pm (2 hours) III History, Origin & Foundation of EnP Marie Angelique Go, REA History/Concepts/Theories/Principle Planning & Environment s of Environmental Planning Concepts, Goals, Nature, Classification & Theories of Planning 3:00-5:00pm (2 hours) IV City Growth & Spatial Planning Patterns of Human Settlements EnP Ofelia Despalo City Image, urban forms and functions City Growth Theories and Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons Urban Ecological Processes Urbanization: Issues and Trends Planning and Development of Cities and Urban Areas Day 2-February 25, 2018 (Sunday) 8:00-8:30am (30 minutes) Recap of Day 1 Session Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP 8:30-10:30am (2 hours) V Regional Planning & Development Concepts, nature, types of EnP Ofelia Despalo regionals and regional delineation Rational, concepts, policies and principles, development issues and regional plan components Regional Development Strategies 10:30-12:00noon (1 & 30 1st Mock Exam on History, Concepts, History, Concepts, Theories, Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP minutes) Theories, Principles of Environmental Principles of Environmental Planning Planning City Growth & Spatial Planning Regional Planning & Development 12:00-1:00noon LUNCHBREAK 1:00-3:00pm (2 hours) VI Planning Information Physical parameters, data Engr. Rodrigo S. Sicat, EnP Management & Geophysical Aspects requirements and tools of Planning Geological and natural features in land use and development planning Identification and determination of maps for various purposes HLURB Guidelines on Map preparation (color coding) 3:00-5:00pm (2 hours) VII Development Planning Rationalized Planning System Dr. Annabelle G. Cajita, EnP Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons Hierarchy of Plans (National, Regional, City) Comprehensive Development Plan Executive-Legislative Agenda Local Development Investment Program & Annual Investment Program Day 3-March 3, 2018 (Saturday) 8:00-8:30am (3o minutes) Recap of Day 2 Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP 8:30-10:30am (2 hours) VIII Comprehensive Land Use Basic Concepts, Functions and Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP Planning (CLUP) Contents of the CLUP Demand and Supply of land, strategies to deal with deficit Generation and evaluation of spatial strategies Land Use Controls and Incentives Zoning 10:30-12:00noon (1 hour & 30 IX Sectoral Planning: Economic Understanding the Structure of EnP Marie Angelique Go, REA minutes) Planning the Local Economy (primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors) Economic Sector Data and Development Indicators Tools, techniques, methodologies for Economic Profiling, analysis and planning including location quotient 12:00-1:00pm LUNCHBREAK 1:00-3:30pm (2hours & 30 X Sectoral Planning: Demography Importance of population and minutes) and Social Planning demography in planning Tools and methodologies for determining population and Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons demographic characteristics: population projections Understanding the core concerns of the social sector and its sub-sectors (education, health, housing, social welfare, public order & safety, sports & recreation Social Sector Data and Development Indicators Tools, techniques, methodologies for social sector profiling, analysis and planning 3:30-5:00pm (1 hour & 30 XI Sectoral Planning: Infrastructure, Components of the Engr. Rodrigo S. Sicat, EnP minutes) Utilities and Transportation Planning Infrastructure, Utilities and Transportation Sector Data, tools and methodologies for profiling, analyzing and planning for infrastructure and utilities development Essential components of Infrastructure, Utilities and Transportation Day 4-March 5, 2018 Sunday 8:00-8:30am Recap of Day 3 Session Engr. Rodrigo S. Sicat, EnP 8:30-10:30 (2 hours) XII Sectoral Planning: Environment, Physical parameters in land use Dr. Jihan Hasim-Adil, EnP Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate & development planning Change Data, tools, methodologies, techniques for profiling, analyzing and planning for the environment and natural resources sector Mainstreaming Climate Change Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons and Disaster Risk Reduction into Local Planning (including concepts and definitions Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement 10:30-12:00noon (1 hour & 30 XIII Sectoral Planning: Institutional General Administration EnP Jeffy A. Baluran, REB, REA minutes Sector Human Resource Development Fiscal Administration Salient Features of the Local Government Code (LGC) 12:00-1:00pm LUNCHBREAK 1:00-2:30pm (1 hour & 30 XIV Area Planning Basic Concepts in Planning Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, Enp minutes) Ecosystems: watershed/river basin, agricultural, coastal development, forest land us Integrated Area or Integrated Rural Development (IAD or IRD) 2:30-4:00pm (1 hour & 30 XV Site Planning & Urban Design Site Planning and Urban Design Engr. Eduard Zon S. Estandian, minutes) Site Planning for Specific Uses: EnP Industrial estates/Economic Zones, Heritage Areas, Urban Renewal, Redevelopment, Regeneration, Revitalization 4:00-5:30pm (1 hour & 30 2nd Mock Exam on Processes, Tools, Planning Information System Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, Enp minutes) Techniques and Strategies for & Geophysical Aspects of Environmental Planning Planning Development Planning Comprehensive Land Use Planning Sectoral Planning Area Planning Site Planning & Urban Design Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons Day 5- March 11, 2018 (Saturday) 8:00-8:30am (30 minutes) Recap of Day 4 Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP 8:30-10:30am (2hours) XVI Legal Foundations of Planning Planning Laws EnP Jeffy A. Baluran, REB,REA Environmental Laws Planning Institutions and Organizations (NEDA, DILG, DENR, Housing Agencies, etc) 10:30-12:30pm (2 hours) XVII Project Planning and Project Planning and EnP Luz Agbayani Development Administration Project Cycle and Management Tools Project Monitoring & Evaluation including Results- Based Monitoring 12:30-1:30pm LUNCHBREAK 1:30-3:30pm (2hours) XVIII Project Financing, Budgeting & Project Financing EnP Mohaimen C. Lagoyo Management Budgeting Procurement Sources of Funds (GAA, PPP, ODA) 3:30-5:00pm (1 hour & 30 3rd Mock Examination on Plan Laws and Legal Foundation for Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP minutes) Implementation, Legal Aspects and EnP Practice Administration Project Planning and Administration The Project Cycle and Management Tools Project Monitoring and Evaluation Project Financing and Budgeting 5:00-5:30pm (30minutes) Orientation on the EnP Board PRC Requirements Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP Examination and Requirements/Tips Schedules of Application and on the Licensure Examination Licensure Examination Day/Time Topics Scope/Content Resource Persons Post Test Evaluation Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP Closing Ceremony Awarding of Certificates Dr. Reynaldo C. Navacilla, EnP