11th CS Eng Notes
11th CS Eng Notes
11th CS Eng Notes
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |2 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Chapter-1 (Revision of 10th Class)
(Note: Only 1 or 2 marks questions will be asked from this chapter)
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |3 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
(Note: Only 2 or 4 marks questions will be asked from this chapter)
(2 Marks questions)
1. Which symbol is used to terminate stements in the C Language Program? (Semicolon (;))
2. How many main functions can be used in the C language program? (One)
3. Which symbols are used to define the body of a function? ( { })
4. Which header file is used to setup Math library? (math.h)
5. Which format symbol of printf() function is used to represent the signed integer value. (%d)
6. Which symbol is used to represent the null character? (\0)
7. C is a which level of language? (Middle Level)
8. Which symbol is used to end each Statement of C language? (Semicolon (;))
9. Which character is represented using zero (0) value? (Null Character (\0))
10. Which character is represented using \t in C Language? (tab)
11. Write an example of compile time directive. (#define)
(4 Marks Questions)
Q:1 Write the limitations of C Language.
Ans: C Language has the following limitations:
1. It is a case-sensitive language.
2. C Language has no control over data.
3. C Language is difficult to learn.
4. This language is not based on the principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Q:2 Write about the application areas of C language.
Ans: Application areas of C language are given below:
1. It is used in developing application programs
2. It is used to build the Commerical Applications
3. It is used to develop System Softwares.
4. It is used to develop Graphical Applications.
5. It is used to build hardware drivers.
Q:3 What are the Preprocessor Directives?
Ans: Some activities are carried out during compilation of the C programs. Those statements which are used to carry
out these activities are called Pre-Prcessor directives. Preprocessors are implemented before compilation.
Preprocessor directives always begin with # (hash) symbol. Some of the common examples of pre-rpcessor
directives aer #define, #include. Following examples shows how to use these directives:
# define PI 3.14
Q:4 What do you mean by global declarations?
Ans: Declaration of those variables and functions whose existence is present outside main function or other user-
defined functions is called global declarations. Follwing code shows the example for global declaration of variables:
int a=5; //global declaration of variable
void main()
In the above example program, variable a is the global declaration which can be used anywhere in the program.
Q:5 Write the general structure of C Program.
Ans: The general structure of C program is as follows:
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |4 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Q:6 What are the Fundamental Steps of C program implementation?
Ans: Fundamental Steps of C program implementation are given below:
1. Create Program File
2. Save the Program
3. Compile the C Program
4. Link the system library functions
5. Execute/Run the program.
Q:7 What are the stages of Compilation and Linking?
Ans: Following diagram shows the different stages of compilation:
Q:9 Why printf() and scanf() functions are called Input/Output functions?
Ans: The function printf() is called output function while the scanf() function is called input function, because printf()
function is used to show the formatted output on the monitor screen and scanf() function is used to get data from
the user using keyboard. Both of these functions are present in the stdio.h header file.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |5 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
(Constant, Variables and Data Types)
(Note: Only 1, 2 and 4 marks questions will be asked from this chapter)
Objective Type Questions
Q:1 Which of the following is not the correct data type of C language? (float)
a. Char b. float c. long d. double
Q:2 Which of the following is not an arithmetic operator? (&)
a. + b. & c. % d. *
3. The operator % can only be applied on which type of values? (int values)
a. float values b. double values c. int values d. All of these
4. Which of the the following is not a correct value for the type int? (32800)
a. 3750 b. 32800 c. -32767 d. 0
5. What is the value range of data type int in C language? (-32768 qoN 32767)
a. 0 to 32767 b. 0 to 65535 c. -32768 to 32767 d. -32767 to 32768
6.Which of the following is a reserve word? (doo)
a. for b. goto c. doo d. switch
7. What will be the value of the expression 5/6/3/+8/3? (2)
a. 4 b. 2 c. 2.333(appr.) d. None of these
8. Which of the following is not a C Token? (all of these)
a. keywords b. constants c. operators d. all of these
9. Which of the following is not a keword in C Language? (main)
a. const b. main c. sizeof d. void
10. There are ________ no of arithmetic operators in C Language. (5)
a. 5 b. 4 c. 6 d. 7
11. Which name of the variable is wrong? (roll-no)
a. roll-no b. interest_paid c. SUM d. none of these
Write True or False
1. Variables are those quantities which allow change in their value during program implementation. (True)
2. Delimeter is a symbol which has statement structure and importance. (True)
3. One char data type always occupies one byte. (True)
4. Size of operand is its data type. (True)
5. Semicolon is a declaration delimiter. (True)
2 Marks Questions
1. if x=12.4565, then printf(“%3f”,x); wil print _____________? (12.457)
2. What will be printed by the statement printf(“%d”,‘B’); (66)
3. What will be the value of float x=1/2.0 – 1/2? (0.50)
4. A computer program can be extracted into a number of _________________ (Tokens)
5. Which keyword is used to declare a variable as a constant? (const)
6. if a=-11 and b=-3, then what will be the value of a%b? (-2)
7. How many relational operators are there in C Language? (6)
8. If we have operators *, /, ( ), % in an expression, then which of these has highest precedence? ( )
4 Marks Questions
Q:1 What are delimiters?
Ans: Delimiters are also called seperators. Delimiters are those symbols which defines the fundamental limits of
program elements. Some of the commonly used delimiters are given below:
Hash - # - It is used for pre-processor directives. For example: #define PI 3.14
Comma - , - It is used as separator during variable declarations. For example: int a,b,c;
Curly Brckets - { } - It is used to define the block of statements
square brackets – [ ] - it is used for arrays. For example: int a[5];
Paarenthesis - ( ) - It is used for functions. For examples: printf( )
Colon - : - It is used for defining labels. For example- mylabel:
Q:2 What are Identifiers?
Ans: Identifers are the names given to different elements in the C program. A Program element can be a variable,
constant, function, array, structure, union etc. An identifier consists by the combination of alphabets and numbers.
When we define the name of identifier, we have to follow some naming rules. These naming rules are given below:
1. An identifier must not begin with a digit.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |6 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
2. No special character except underscrore is allowed in the identifier.
3. We can not use two consecutive underscores.
4. Maximum 31 characters are allowed in the identifier.
5. We can not use blank space in the identifier.
6. A keyword can not be used as the identifier.
7. Identifers are case sensitive.
Q:3 What are Data Types?
Ans: In programming languages, data types are the set of defined values. A data type points out the type of data.
There are many data types already built into the C Compiler. We can also defin our own data types also in C
language. Therefore, we can say that there are two categories of data types:
Built In data types
User defined data types
Following table shows the list of buil-in data types in C language:
Data Type Keyword Memory Size Range of Values
Character char 1 Byte -128 to 127
Integer Int 2 Byte -32768 to 32767
Float/Real float 4 Byte 3.4x10-38 to 3.4x10+38
Double double 8 Byte 1.7x10-308 to 1.7x10+308
Empty void -- --
4 Marks - Extra Questions
Q: 1 What are Tokens?
Ans: Tokens are the fundamental and smallest elements of the C program. These are like the words and punctuation
marks in the C Language. A C program can be extracted into a number of tokens. There are 6 types of tokens in C
language which are given below:
1. Keywords: These are the predefine words in the c language. For example: int, float, char, if, else, void etc.
2. Identifer: These are the name of elements in the program. For example: main, printf, scanf etc.
3. Constants: These are the fixed values in the program. For example: 5, -25, 3.14, ’A’ etc.
4. Strings: These are the set of characters written in double quotes. For example: “Hello”, “H.No.196” etc.
5. Operators: These are the symbols to perform operations. For example: +, -, *, /, >, <, = etc.
6. Special Characters: These are the special symbols in the program. For example: #, &, { }, ( ), [ ], :, ; etc.
(Operators and Expressions)
(Note: Questions of 1, 2 nd 4 marks will be asked form this chapter)
Fill in the blanks:
1. __________ symbol is used for Modulus operator. (%)
2. __________ operators are used to combine different conditions. (Logical)
3. int i=5 is called ___________ assignment. (declaration)
4. i=5 is called ____________ addignment. (general)
5. ___________ operators have no precedence. (relational)
Write True or False
1. The expression ++(a+b) is valid if a=7 and b=5 (False)
2. The expression a&&=b is valid if a=7 and b=5 (False)
3. The expression --10 is a valid expression. (False)
4. The assignment statement a+b=c; is valid in C language. (False)
5. Underscore can be the first character in the identifier of c language. (True)
2 or 4 Marks Questions
Q:1 Where does the modulus operator be used?
Ans: Modulus operator is an arithmetic operator. It is a binary operator. It requires two operands to perform its
operation. The symbol % is used for this operator. This operator is used when we want the remainder value after
dividing the two integer values. This operator works only for the integer type values. It does not work for the float or
double type values. Example of modulus operator is 6%4=2.
Q:2 Write the difference between Relational and Logical Operators.
Ans: Relational and Logical Opeartors are used for testing conditions in control statements. These operators return
true or false value after testing conditions. The common differences between them are given below:
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |7 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Relational Operators Logical Operatos
1. These operatos are used to test single condition at 1. These operators are used combine multiple
a time in control statements. conditions at a time in control statements
2. There are 6 types of relational operators 2. There are 3 types of locgical operators
3. Symbols of these operators are < (less than), <= 3. Symbols of these operators are && (AND), || (OR)
(less than or equals to), > (greater than), >= and ! (NOT)
(greater than or equals to), == (equals to) and !=
(not equals to)
4. All these operators are binary operators 4. The operators && and || are binary operators
while operator ! is unary operator
5. These operators have no precedence 5. These operators have precedence
Q:3 What are Unary Operators?
Ans: These operators are those which reqire one operand to perform their operations. For example: Increment (++)
and decrement (--) are the unary operators. Increment operator increase unit value in its operand, while decrement
operator decrease unit value in its operand. For example:
if int a=5;
than, a++; it will increase the value of variable a from 5 to 6
a--; it will decrease the value of variable a from 5 to 4
Q:4 Write an example of increment and decrement operator.
Ans: Increment (++) and decrement (--) are the unary operators. Increment operator increase unit value in its
operand, while decrement operator decrease unit value in its operand. For example:
if int a=5;
than, a++; it will increase the value of variable a from 5 to 6
a--; it will decrease the value of variable a from 5 to 4
Q:5 What is Expression? OR What is the use of expression in c language?
Ans: In C Language, expression is like a formula. An expression is a combination of operators and operands.
Operators return result after performing operation on their operands. This result can be used in our program.
Consider the following example:
in this expression, a,4,5 are the operands while = and + are the operators. Here, + operator returns 9 after adding
values 4 and 5. This result will be stored in a using the = operator.
Q:6 Write the different types of assignment operators.
Ans: Assignment operator is called set equals to operator. It’s symbols is =. It is a binary operator that requires two
operands to perform its operation. This operator is used to store the value in a variable or constant. Consider the
following example:
a=5; In this example, value 5 is stored in variable a.
There are many types of shorthand assignment operators. Following table shows these operators with example:
Operator Name of Operator Example Equivalent to
+= Additon Assignmnet a+=5 a=a+5
-= Subtraction Assignmnet a-=5 a=a-5
*= Multiplication Assignmnet a*=5 a=a*5
/= Division Assignmnet a/=5 a=a/5
%= Modules Assignmnet a%=5 a=a%5
Q:7 What are Operands?
Ans: Operands are those values or variables on which operators perform their operations. Combination of operatos
and operands is called Expression. Consider the following example of expression:
In this example, variable a and value 5 are operands while + operator will be performed on these opearands.
Other Important 4 Marks-Questions
Q:1 What are Operators? Explain different types of operators.
Ans: Operators are the symbols used to perform specific operations on their operands. According to the no of
operands used with the operator, they can be classified into 3 categories:
Unary Operators: These are those operators which require one operand to perform their operation. For
example: ++ (increment), --(decrement), ! (not) operators etc.
Binary Operators: These are those operators which require two operands to perform their operation. For
example: a+b, a*b, a>b, a<b etc.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |8 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Ternary Operator: There is only one ternary operator in C Language. This operator requires three operans to
perform its operation. For example:
operand1 ? operand2 : operand3
Q:2 What are Arithmetic Operators?
Ans: These operators are used to perform arithmetic calculations. There are 5 arithmetic operators in C language. All
these operators are binary operators. Each operator require two operands to perform their operation. Following
table shows the details of arithmetic operators with example:
Operator Name of operator Example on Integer values Example with float values
+ Addition 5+3 Result is 8 5.0+3.0 Result is 8.0
- Subtraction 5-3 Result is 2 5.0-3.0 Result is 2.0
* Multiply 5*3 Result is 15 5.0*3.0 Result is 15.0
/ Divide 5/3 Result is 1 5.0/3.0 Result is 1.67
% Modulus 5%3 Result is 2 Not allowed
Chapter 5
Control Flow (Part-1)
(Note: only 1 and 6 makrs questions will be asked from this chapter)
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
Page |9 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Post-Test Loop: The loop ‘do while’ is an example of post test loop in C language. In these loops, body of the loop is
executed before the test condition of the loop. If result of test-condition becomes true, only than the body of the
loop will be executed. Even if the test –condition becomes false initially, it must execute at least once.
Q:2 What do you mean by Forward and Backward Jumps? Which loop is used as alternative of these statements?
Ans: When we execute a C program, the control may jump from current statement to some forwarding statement.
Such jumps are called Forward Jumps. Similarly, if the control jumps from the current statement to some previous
statement, it is called Backward Jump. For such jumpings in C Language, we use Jumping statements. Goto, break,
and continue statements are used for these jumps in C. Do while loop can be used as an alternate of these
Q:3 When will you prefer to use if else statement?
Ans: If else statement is a branching statement in C language. This statement is used in decision making tasks. When
we want to execute one of many statements, we will use this statement. Following code shows the syntax of if else
In the above syntax code, either statement1 or statement2 will be executed which entirely depends on the result of
condition. If given condition returns true value than the statement1 will be executed otherwise statement2 will be
Q:4 What are the four fundamental conditional stataements in C?
Ans: Following are the four fundamental conditional statements in C language:
if else
if else if
switch case
These are the branching statements. These statements are used in decision making tasks. When we want to execute
one of many statements, we can use these statements. These statements are also called decision making
Q:5 What is meant by implementation of condition? Where are these useful?
Ans: Computer requires set of instructions to perform a specific task. These instructions are written in a sequence in
the form of a program. Computer implements these instructions one by one in the given sequence. This way of
implementing instructions is suitable in those situations where no decision making task is involved. But actually, it is
required to control the execution sequence of instructions in the program. In such situations, where we want to
control the execution sequence of instructions, implementation of conditions is required in the program. These
conditions are useful for decision making statements. In C language, branching and looping statements – if else,
switch case, for, while, do while are used for implementation of conditions.
Q:6 What are case labels and how are they used?
Ans: In C Language, case is a keyword. Case labels are used in the switch statement of C language. In switch
statement, instructions are implemented by testing the value of a variable or expression with the help of case labels.
In each case statement, a fixed constant value is added as a label after the case keyword. Each case statement is
different from all other case statements in the switch block. Each block of case statement should ends with the break
statement. Folliwing syntax of switch statement shows how to use case labels:
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
P a g e | 10 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Q:7 When will we use for loop? How is it different from while loop?
Ans: C Language has for, while and do while as a looping statements. These statements are used to repeat the
exection of set of statements. The loops – for and while are the pre-test loops in C language. The for-loop is used in
those cases when we know, in advance, the no of iterations of a loop. But in those situations where we do not know
the no of iterations in advance, we prefer to use while loop. These both loops are pre-test loops. It means in these
loops, condition is tested before the execution of the body of the loop. If condition becomes true only than the body
of loop will be executed otherwise control will be transferred to the next statement after the loop.
6 Marks – Other Important Questions
Q:1 What are Control Flow Statements? Write about their types.
Ans: Those statements which are used to control the execution flow in the program are called Control Statements.
There are three types of controlstatements in C language. These are as follows:
Branching Statements: These statements are also called Decision Making Statements. In these control flow
statements, execution of instructions depends on result of test-condition. The statements – if else and switch case
are the examples of Branching statements.
Looping Statements: These statements are also called Iterative Control Statements. These statements are used to
repeat set of instructions. The statements - for, while and do while are the examples of looping statements.
Jumping Statements: These are also called skipping statements. These statements are used to transfer the execution
control from one location to some other location in the program. The statements – goto, break, and continue are the
examples of jumping statements.
(Control Flow – Part II)
(Only questions of 2 or 4 marks will be asked from this chapter)
2 Marks Questions
1. What is the general-syntax of ‘do while’ loop? (do statement while(expression);)
2. What is ‘do while’ loop called? (Post Test Loop)
3. What is ‘while’ loop called? (Pre-Test Loop)
4. What are the minimum no of repeatitions for a ‘while’ loop? (May not even once or zero times)
5. What are the minimum no of repeatitions for a ‘do while’ loop? (At least one time)
4 Marks Questions from Exercise
Q:1 What are the three different types of expressions in for loop?
Ans: Three types of expressions are used in the for loop which are shown below:
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
P a g e | 11 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Syntax: for(expression1; expression2;expression3) Example: for(i=1 ; i<=5 ; i++)
{ {
} }
Expression1: It is called initialization Part. It is used to initialize the loop coutner variable. For example: i=1;
Expression2: It is called the test-condition Part. It is used to test the condition for the loop. For example: i<=5;
Expression3: It is called Iteration Part. It is used to increment /decrement the loop counter value. For example: i++;
Q:2 When we execute the loop, what will be the minimum no of iterations for the do while loop?
Ans: When we execute a loop, the minimum no of iterations for the do while loop is one because it is a post test
loop. In this loop, body of the ‘do while’ loop is executed first than the test-condition is tested. Therefore, body of
the ‘do while’ loop must exeute at least once, even if the condition becomes false initially.
Q:3 How can we represent the null statement in the loop?
Ans: Loops are the iterative control statements which are used to repeat the set of instructions on the program.
There are three loops – for, while and do-while in C language. In any of these loops, if we want to represent the null
statement, we use semicolon (;) symbol. For example:
; // it shows the null statement in loop
Q:4 How working of while loop is terminated?
Ans: While loop is a pre-test loop. Its body is executed only if its conditional expression becomes true. If this
conditional-expression evaluates to false, the while loop gets terminated and it will stop repeatition of execution of
it’s body.
(Array (Part-1))
(Note: Only questions of 1 or 2 marks will be asked from this chapter)
Objective Type Questions
1. Array is a name _________ (A Common name given to set of elements)
a. Array Variable b. A Keyword c. A Common name given to set of elements d. None of these
2. Array subscript in C is always begins with __________________ (0)
a. -1 b. 0 c. 1 d. any value
3. In C language, Square brackets [] are used for __________________ (Arrays)
a. Function b. Array c. Statement d. All of these
4. The maximum no of elements in the declaration int a[4][5]; will be _______________ (20)
a. 28 b. 32 c. 20 d. 9
5. If the declaration is int a[10]; then identify which of the following is the wrong? (a[-1])
a. a[-1] b. a[0] c. a[1] d. a[9]
Write True or False
1. An array is set of same type of values (True)
2. Array elements are contiguous in memory. (True)
3. It will be an error if array size is lesser than the size of array initialization. (False)
4. An Array can be initialized in the declaration statement. (True)
Write the appropriate word or result
1. If we remove the size from the array declaration int x[size]; than what type of variable will it become?
Ans: A Simple type of variable
2. In an array declaration, [ ] helps to define the size of _____________ Ans: Array
3. When we prefer to use loops in array, then array size must be ___________ Ans: known
4. What will be stored in the array cells when we write int x[5]={8,-2,20,26,-1000};
5. How can we declare array named data with 50 elements? What will be its upper bound?
Ans: int data[50]; and 49 will be its upper bound
6. What is the meaning of the given statements? a=4; num[a]=7;
Ans: This statement stores 7 at the 4 index of array num. In other words, it stores value 7 at the 5th location of
the array-num.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
P a g e | 12 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
7. What is the purpose of array initialization?
Ans: Its purpose is store values in array at the time of array declaration.
Short Questions of Exercise
Q:1 Write the difference between array and simple variable.
Ans: The difference between array and simple variable is given below:
Array Simple Variable
1. It can store more than one value of the same type 1. It can store only one value at a time.
at a time.
2. Square brackets [ ] are used to declare arrays. 2. Square brackets [ ] are not used to declare simple
Q:2 What the basic rules for naming arrays?
Ans: Basic rules for naming arrays are given below:
1. It must always begin with a character.
2. No special character except underscore (_) is allowed in array name.
3. Two consecutive underscores are not allowed.
4. Maxiumum no of characters can be 31 in array name.
5. Blank space is not allowed in the name of array
6. Keywords can not be used as the name of identifier.
7. Identifiers are case-sensitive.
Q:3 Write the answers of following question with respect to array declaration: int amount[25];
a. No of elements in the array b. Lower and Upper Bounds of the array
Ans: a. No of elements in the array amount will be 25.
b. Lower Bound of the array will be 0 and upper bound will be 24.
Arrays (Part-II)
(Only questions of 4 marks will be asked from this chapter)
pR:1 Define Multi-dimensional arrays.
Ans: Arrays which have more than one subscript or index value to access any element, is called multi-dimensional
array. These arrays can be 2 Dimensional or 3 Dimensional. For example:
int a[3][2]; - It is two dimensional array. It store 3x2=6 values in matrix form.
int a[3][2][3]; - It is three dimensional array. It can store 3x2x3=18 values
Q:2 What are the different ways to define two dimensional arrays?
Ans: Two dimensional array is a multidimensional array. It is also called Matrix. It stores values in tabular form. It
means it store values in rows and columns as shown below. The different ways to define two-dimensional arrays are
given below:
int a[2][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int a[2][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
int a[ ][2] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
int a[2][2] = {
{1, 2},
{3, 4}
Q:3 What is the importance of #define row 10?
Ans: #define is a pre-processor directive. It is used to define symbolic constants in the C program. In the given
example: #define row 10, a symbolic constant named row with value 10 is defined. During the execution of whole
program, value of row will be fixed, i.e. 10. We can not change the value of row during program execution. If we
change the value of row during design time, all occurences of constant row will automatically changed to the new
value. We need not to change manually every occurrence of constant row in the program.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
P a g e | 13 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Chapter - 9
(Desktop Publishing)
(Only questions of 1 and 6 marks will be asked from this chapter)
Fill in the Blanks
1. ______________ means spacing between two or more lines (Leading)
2. Frames __________ related information and graphics. (Combine)
3. Meaning of WYSIWYG _____________________ (What You See Is What You Get)
4. We can __________ documents in many ways. (print)
5. Fastest coloured laser printer can print _________ no of pages in a minute. (200)
Write True or False
1. Headers are written at the bottom of the page. (False)
2. MS Word is a Desktop-Publishing software. (False)
3. We need not to plan during Page prepration. (False)
4. Style includes bullets etc. (True)
5. Scalling is the space between two or more lines. (False)
Short Questions of Exercise
Q:1 What is meant by Desktop Publishing?
Ans: Desktop Publishing is also known as DTP. DTP applications are those applications which are used to print good
quality Visiting Cards, Magazines, Calenders, and Advertisements etc with the help of computers. This task is related
with the publishing and printing.
DTP applications are used to prepare beautiful, correct and high quality design of documents. It is easy to prepare
Page Layouts using DTP applications. We can control each object (text and graphics) separately in these programs.
Q:2 What are the different Methods of Printing?
Ans: There are two ways of printing:
1. Offset Printing: In this type of printing, ink sets on paper for printing documents. If we want multiple copies
or printing, than we have to use the offset printing. It is the cheap and best way of printing.
2. Lazer Printing: This is the common printing method. It prints text and graphics with good quality. It uses lazer
technology to print the documents.
Q:3 Explain the concept of Scaling, Tracking and Leading.
Ans: These are the different ways for setting of fonts. These are explained below:
Scaling: Scaling means increasing or decreasing of size of characters without increasing or decreasing the font
Tracking: Tracking means setting space between characters of a word or line. It is measured in points.
Leading: Leading means increasing or decreasing gap between two or more lines. It is measured in points.
Q: 4 What is meant by WYSIWYG?
Ans: The full form of WYSIWYG is What You See Is What You Get. It means we will get the same print of document
as it is seen on the computer screen before printing. The documents prepared with DTP seem very close to
Q: 5 What are Margins?
Ans: When we prepare documents, we set extra space along with the edges of the page. This extra space is called
Margin. It is the gap between text and edges of the page. Margins can be set at top, bottom, left and right edges of
the page. We can increase or decrease the value of margins according to our requirements.
Q:1 What is meant by Page Layout?
Ans: Page layout means preparting the structure of the document. By structuring, we mean that where to put
objects on the page. Object can be a text, picture or it can be a special symbol. During the setup of page layout, we
should take care about the margins of the page, objects, text, font size, color and design. To control the layout of a
page, we have to use Desktop Publishing Software. Before designing the Newspapers, magazines, business cards etc,
we have to create the layout of these publications.
Q:2 What are Fonts?
Ans: Font means shape of characters. It is the combination of type face and other features of characters such as Font
size, its width etc. Some of the commonly used fonts are ARIAL, Times New Roman etc. Arial, Times New Roman are
the type faces that define the shape and size of characters. Many different types of fonts are used to create
documents in desktop publishing softwares. Set of fonts having similar type faces are called Font-Family.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
P a g e | 14 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Q:5 What is Desktop Publishing? What is its need? Which softwares are used for Desktop Publishing?
Ans: Desktop Publishing: Desktop Publishing is also known as DTP. DTP applications are those applications which are
used to print good quality Visiting Cards, Magazines, Calenders, and Advertisements etc with the help of computers.
This task is related with the publishing and printing.
Ned of DTP: DTP applications are used to prepare beautiful, correct and high quality design of documents. It is easy
to prepare Page Layouts using DTP applications. We can control each object (text and graphics) separately in these
Desktop Publishing Software: Desktop publishing is commonly of three types as given below:
Page Layout: Adobe Pagemaker software is used for scuh type of publishing work.
Editing: Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photo Paint etc are used for such type of publishing work.
Illustration: Corel Draw, MS Publisher etc are used for such type of publishing work.
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))
P a g e | 15 Computer Science – 11th Class (PSEB, Mohali)
Note: Question paper is divided into 4 parts: A, B, C and D. Part contains 6 Objective type
questions/True/False/Fill Ups and each question carry 1 mark. Part-B contain 6 questions fro Q:7 to Q:12 and each
question carry 2 marks. Part contains 5 questions from Q:13 to Q:17 and each question carry 4 marks. Part-D
contains 2 questions with internal choice from Q:18-Q:19 and each question carry 6 marks. All questions from
Section A,B,C and D are compulsory.
Q:1 HTML tags are closed using {} brackets.
Q:2 Modulus operators cannot be applied on which value?
a. float values b. double values c. int values d. All these
Q:3 ________ operators do not have precedence?
Q:4 An empty statement can be represented by ____________
a. new line b. blank space c. semicolon d. colon
Q:5 Array subscripts are always begins with ______________ in C
a. -1 b. 0 c. 1 d. any value
Q:6 Full form of DTP is _____________
Q:7 Write the full form of HTML and stdio.h
Q:8 C is a which level of language?
Q:9 A program can be divided into uncountable ____________ by computer.
Q:10 What will be store in the array cells when we write as given below?
int x[5] = {8,-2,20,26,-1000};
Q:11 int i=5 is a ____________ type of assignment.
Q:12 while loop is called ________________ ?
Q:13 What are Preprocessor Directives?
Q:14 What are identifiers?
Q:15 Write the difference between logical and relational operators.
Q:16 What are the three different types of expressions in for loop?
Q:17 Write the different ways to define two-dimensional array.
Q:18 What are control flow statements? Write their types. OR
What are the four fundamental condition based conditional statements?
Q:19 What is Desktop Publishing? Why it is required? Which software are used for DTP? OR
Write the difference between Desktop Publishing and Word-Processor
Prepared By: Vikas Kansal-9501010979 (Computer Faculty, Govt. Sen. Sec. School (Girls), Sunam (Sangrur))