Polysemy As A Lexical Problem in Translation
Polysemy As A Lexical Problem in Translation
Polysemy As A Lexical Problem in Translation
(55) 1430/2009
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem
in Translation
Essam T. Mohammed
2009/4/1 :تاريخ القبول 2008/12/30 :تاريخ التقديم
Department of Translation/ College of Arts/ University of Mosul.
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
indifferent to the linguistic context and the relations that hold
among the constituents of a linguistic stretch.
Many definitions have been given to the concept of
polysemy. Ullman (1967: 159) defines polysemy as a
“situation” in which the same word has two or more different
meanings. He adds that polysemy is a fundamental feature of
human speech which can arise in a multiplicity of ways. Nida
(1969: 63), on the other hand, does not consider polysemy to
be a crucial problem for the translator, since the different
meanings of a single word are rarely in competition, for they
not only have relatively well defined markers which help to
differentiate the meanings, but so often they are so diverse as
not to compete with one another for the same semantic
domain. According to Crystal (1980: 274), polysemy is a term
used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a
range of different meanings. As for Palmer (1981: 100),
polysemy is a case in which the same word may have a set of
different meanings. Cruse (1986: 80) defines polysemy as a
lexeme which has a number of senses. Lyons (1987: 146)
refers to polysemy as a property of a single lexeme. Yule
(1987:97) states that polysemy is a case in which one form
(written or spoken) has meanings which are all related by
extension. Kharma & Hajjaj (1989: 64) believe that polysemy
is closely connected to homonymy and it occurs when a word
has more than one meaning. Ghazala (1995: 98) regards
polysemy as one of the major distinguishing characteristics of
both English and Arabic, and it may be English more than
Arabic. As for Finch (2000: 173), polysemy is a sense relation
in which a lexeme has acquired more than one meaning. He
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adds that a word which is capable of more than one meaning is
polysemic. Löbner (2002: 45) believes that polysemy plays a
major role in the historical development of a word meaning
because lexemes continually shift their meanings and develop
meaning variants. According to him, polysemy is abundant
and it is rather the rule than the exception and a lexeme
constitutes a case of polysemy if it has two or more
interrelated meaning variants (ibid: 44).
From this, one can define polysemy as a case in which a
single word has multiple meanings; each of these meanings
has to be learnt separately in order to be understood. The
following example illustrates our notion: the term flight, for
example, can mean all of the following: (i) the power of
flying; (ii) an air journey; (iii) a series of steps; (iv) a
digression; (v) a unit of air force, (Finch:2000: 173).
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
538), denies the existence of polysemous words in Arabic and
he affirms that if the polysemous words exist, this would be
due to two reasons: first, if they occur between two different
languages and the second reason is the omission or the
economy of speech. According to Al-Munjid (1999: 15)
polysemy is one of the most common linguistic phenomena in
all languages. He defines polysemy as multiplicity of meaning;
a case in which one word has different meanings.
The following examples taken from the Holy Quraan
can illustrate the phenomenon of polysemy in Arabic:
1. ?atä Has at least six different meanings:
a. approach
b. grant
c. commit lewdness
d. come
e. bring
f. practice lusts
These six meanings of ?atä can be best understood as
used in the following glorious ayäs:
a. Approach: (Al-Sabuni, vol.1, 1976: 142)
) ْ ُث لَ ُ ْ فَأْتُوا َح ْرثَ ُ ْ أََّى ِش ْئت ُ َ ِ ( :في قوله تعالى
ٌ اا ُ ْ َح ْر
(223 من اآلية:(البقرة
(your wives are As a tilth unto you; so approach your when
tilth or how ye will) (Al-Baqara: 223) (Yousif, A., 1989)
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(He granteth wisdom to whome he pleaseth; And he to whom
wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing)
(Al-Baqara: 269) (Yousif, A., 1989)
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
2. Al-najim Has at least two different meanings:
a. star
b. herb
The two meanings of Al-najim are clearly viewed in the
following two glorious ayäs:
a. Star: (Al-Sabuni, vol.2, 1976: 122)
ٍ (وعَّلم:في قوله تعالى
َ ُ َات َوِبال َّ ْجِ ُ ْ َي ْهت
)16:ون) (ال حل َ ََ
(And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars guide themselves)
(Al-Nahl: 16) (Yousif, A., 1989)
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b. Consummation of marriage: (Al-Sabuni,vol.1, 1976: 152)
)إن لقت ال اا ما ل تم و ن (َّل ج اح علي:في قوله تعالى
)236 من اآلية:(البقرة
(there is no blame on you if ye divorce women before
consummation) (Al-Baqara: 236) (Yousif, A., 1989)
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
(But God has blotted out their fault: for God is often-forgiving
most forbearing) (Āll-i-Imrän: 155) (Yousif, A., 1989)
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of the different meanings of the word, while if two words are
treated as homonyms, they will typically have two separate
entries (ibid).
In the opinion of Lyons (1977: 550), if two identical
forms have different origins, i.e., "belong to different
etymologies", they are treated as homonyms, while if they
belong to the same etymology they are treated as polysemous.
According to Palmer (1981: 101), polysemy is the case of one
word having several meanings, and homonymy refers to the
case of several words with the same shape. He adds, the
dictionary has to decide whether a particular item is to be
handled in terms of polysemy or homonymy.
It seems that most of the scholars have depended on the
etymological information and unrelatedness vs. relatedness of
meaning in their attempt to draw a distinction between
polysemy and homonymy as the principal criterion. But, that
would lead us to decisions which are counter-intuitive. This
criterion was criticized by Finch (2000: 165), the polysemic
word "pupil", for example, refers to "eye" and "student" and
they have a common origin and are therefore, by an
etymological criterion, polysemic, but the senses are so
unrelated that most people would intuitively classify them as
separate lexical items as homonyms.
According to what has been stated above, the distinction
between polysemy and homonymy is still lacking and not clear
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
1.5 Data Analysis:
The following data were chosen from two English –
English dictionaries to be translated by "20" fourth year
students at the translation Dept., College of Arts. University of
Mosul(Academic year 2008-2009)the students were asked to
pay attention to the underlined words.
1. She is British but also she has German Connections.
(Oxford, 1995: 243)
2. Cover the food with a piece of plastic film. (Longman,
1989: 380)
3. The man died without issue. (Longman, 1989: 559)
4. We were looking for Adam, while he was in the
headmaster’s study. (Longman, 1989: 1051)
5. A strong new wine goes well with this game. (Longman,
1989: 427)
6. I did a spell in the army before becoming a policeman.
(Longman, 1989: 1014)
7. My husband relations are my relations by marriage.
(Longman, 1989: 877)
8. I saw troops of children going out of the school. (Oxford,
1995: 1278)
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The following tables give the renderings of the
polysemic words as given by the subjects.
1. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Connections أقارب 3 A
ارتبا ات 4 B
أصول 5 C
صَّلت 6 D
رواب 5 E
أص قاا 3 F
2. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Film بقة رقيقة 4 A
فرشة 3 B
وليفان 4 C
فل م ا ي 6 D
شري بَّل تي ي 3 E
3. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Issue مبرر 6 A
قضية 5 C
تهمة 2 D
بب 3 E
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
4. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Study ي الع 7 A
يق أر 4 B
في ال ار ة 4 C
ي رس 5 D
5. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Game الشو 5 A
ري ة 3 B
محاولة 7 C
لعبة 5 D
6. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Spell م ة قصيرة 3 A
فترة قصيرة 6 B
حر 5 C
رقية 6 D
7. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Relations أص قاا 6 A
عَّلقات 2 B
أقرباا 3 C
اصة زوجتي 5 D
ارتبا ات 4 E
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8. Renderings
Items in Arabic No. of subjects Groups
Troops مشاة 7 A
ج و صغار 3 B
"حشو "مجاميع 2 C
َّلئع 7 E
1.6 Discussion:
A huge number of English words are polysemous, some
of which have several meanings. Students are required to bear
this in mind when translating a word which seems strange if
translated into its common meaning. For example, most of the
subjects of our study failed to handle the meaning of the
polysemic lexeme "connections" of sentence no. 1 by
rendering it as ""أصدقاء, ''"زواتظ, ""صالخ,
ِ ""أصىل, ""ازتثاطاخ.
Only group (A) has succeeded in giving the concise meaning
of the polysemic lexeme which matches with the linguistic
context by translating it into ""أقازب. The polysemic lexeme
"film" in sentence no. 2 was translated into Arabic by most of
the subjects as " "فلم مطاطي, ""سىليفان, ""فسشح, " "شسيظ تالستيكي.
None of these meanings are clear cut or convincing. Only
group (A) gave the right translation " "طثقح زقيقح. The subjects
may know only the common meaning of the polysemic lexeme
and usually use it in their translation into Arabic without
giving attention to any of its other possible meanings. Again
most of the subjects were unable to give the right translation of
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
the polysemic lexeme "issue" by rendering it into ""سثة,
""تهمح, " "قضيحand ""مثسز, while some of the subjects gave the
right translation ""ذزيح" أطفال,". In fact, the translator should not
stick to the core meaning of the word without considering the
type of the text or even the context. The subjects were
indifferent to consult a comprehensive dictionary since
dictionaries are of great use in such cases. The polysemic
lexeme "study" in sentence no.4 has been translated into
Arabic as ""يدزس, ""في الدزاسح, " "يقسأand ""يطالع. In fact, all the
subjects failed to give the right translation because they did
not consider the collocational relation between the preposition
"in" and the noun "study". This type of collocation refers to
the place of the study or reading and it does not refer to the
action at all. Text type is another good guide to students. For
instance, the polysemic word "game" in sentence no.5 is in a
text about hunting not about anything else. So, it likely to be
translated into " "طسيدجaccording to the text and the context in
which it has occurred. Most of the subjects translated it into
""لعثح, " "محاولحand " "الشىطexcept group "B" who has rendered
it into Arabic as ""طسيدج. A similar case is that with the
polysemic word "spell" in sentence no.6; the polysemic word
has been translated by few number of the subjects as ""تعىيرج,
" "زقيحand ""سحس. Such renderings are clearly irrelevant to such
context and seem unreasonable. Other subjects succeeded in
giving the right translation by depending on the cotext to find
out a reasonable translation to this word by translating it as
" "فتسج قصيسجor ""مدج قصيسج. As for sentence no.7, group "C" was
able to give the polysemic word "relations" the concise
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translation which goes with the given context by rendering it
into Arabic as " "أقستاءwhile other subjects gave irrelevant
translations: ""ازتثاطاخ, ""عالقاخ, " "خاصح شوجتي, ""أصدقاء.
Finally, the polysemic word "troop" in sentence no.8 has been
translated by most subjects into Arabic as ""طالئع, ""مشاج, " جنىد
"صغازand ""مقاتليه مه األطفال, while other subjects were able to
provide the right translation which goes with the context as
It can be concluded that translators, whose task is to
produce a TL text that bears a close resemblance to the SL
text, should be aware of polysemic words when translating
from English into Arabic or vice-versa. Therefore, it is not
enough for the translators to know only the core meaning of
the words but they must chose other meaning variants that
match with co-text and they must give a great attention to co-
text, text type, and the collocational relations as well, since
they play an important role in determining the meaning of the
polysemic words.
1.7 Conclusion:
The following points are concluded:
1. Most of the subjects did not give an attention to the co-text
in their attempt to translate the polysemic words and since
polysemous words are co-text dependant, the subjects
failed to translate them correctly.
2. The majority of the subjects resorted to the "central or
core" meanings of the polysemous words regardless of
other associated meanings or "meaning variants".
Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
3. Most of the subjects treated the polysemous words has a
monosemic ones, consequently, they committed serious
4. Although collocational relations are of a great assistance in
guessing the meaning of polysemous words, most of the
subjects did not depend on them in their renderings.
ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(55) 1430/2009
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Polysemy as a Lexical Problem in Translation Essam T. Mohammed
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)ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(55 1430/2009
االشرتاك اللفظي كمشكلة يف الرتمجة
م.م .عصام طاهر حممد
االشتراك المفظي "تعدد المعاني" ظاهرة لغوية شائعة جداً ،ويحدث
االشتراك المفظي عندما يكون لممفردة معنى واحد شائع ومتعارف عميه بصورة أكبر
من يرر من المعاني الممترنة بالمفردة التي هي أأق شيوعاً .وألن ظاهرة االشتراك
المفظي إحدى أهم مسببات الغموض المفرداتي فهي تشكق عمبة لممترجمين الذين
يواجهون صعوبة في البحث عن المفردة الممابمة في المغة المراد الترجمة إليها.
تمع الدراسة في أسمين :األوق يهدف إلى البحث في ظاهرة االشتراك
المفظي ،أما الثاني فيركز عمى دراسة المشكالت األساسية التي تواجه المترجمين
في محاولتهم ترجمة المشتركات المفظية من أجق وضع الحموق التي تساعدهم في
التغمب عميها.
تشمق الدراسة مفهوم االشتراك المفظي في كق من المغتين العربية
واإلنكميزية واالختالفات ما بين االشتراك المفظي والمجانسة المفظية مع تحميق
ومناأشة المعطيات ومن ثم االستنتاج الذي توصمت إليه الدراسة.