Myeloproliferative Disordersandthe Hyperviscosity Sy Ndrome
Myeloproliferative Disordersandthe Hyperviscosity Sy Ndrome
Myeloproliferative Disordersandthe Hyperviscosity Sy Ndrome
Disorders a nd the
Hyper viscosit y
Bruce D. Adams, MD, COL, MC, US Armya,b,*, Russell Baker, DOc,
J. Abraham Lopez, MDc, Susan Spencer, MDc
Hyperviscosity syndrome Essential thrombocytosis
Hyperleukocytosis Leukostasis Polycythemia vera
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
Department of Clinical Investigation, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, 5005 North
Piedras Street, El Paso, TX 79920-5001, USA
Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA
Department of Emergency Medicine, Texas Tech University Heath Sciences Center, Paul L.
Foster School of Medicine, 4801 Alberta Avenue, El Paso, TX 79905, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Clinical Investigation, William Beaumont Army
Medical Center, 5005 North Piedras Street, El Paso, TX 79920-5001.
E-mail address: (B.D. Adams).
Fig. 2. Hyperleukocytosis in the setting of AML. This low power photomicrograph (hematoxylin-
eosin, original magnification 10x) of a peripheral blood smear shows a markedly increased
number of large (2–3 times the diameter of normal red blood cells). These cells display a high
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. The total white blood cell count is well over 100,000/mm3 with
about 60% to 70% blasts. Whereas blasts may be seen in regular bone marrow on up to 5%
of the population, they are not a normal finding in peripheral blood. These large distended cells
do not deform or easily traverse through the microcirculation causing hyperviscosity. (Courtesy
of Thomas Repine, MD, El Paso, TX).
Myeloproliferative Disorders and Hyperviscosity 461
Viscosity is formally defined as the internal frictional resistance of fluid to flow, or in
simple terms, the ‘‘thickness’’ of the fluid.14,15 Water has a lower viscosity than syrup;
it therefore travels faster and easier, especially through small passageways.15 Simi-
larly, hyperviscous blood creates sludge and stasis in the capillary beds resulting in
clinical manifestations at the tissue and circulatory level.16 Viscosity derives from
physical and chemical properties, most notably the concentration, the size, and the
shape of the molecules. Centipoise (cp) is the standard unit for measuring dynamic
fluid viscosity, named in honor of the French physiologist Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille
(who also described Poiseuille’s Law). Water has a viscosity of 1.00 cp at 20 C The
large protein IgM pentameters in WM are highly viscous but HVS can also be seen
in kappa light chain disease, which tends to form unstable, asymmetric, highly poly-
merized circulating aggregates.4,5 The clinical manifestations of HVS appear when
the serum viscosity relative to water is greater than about 3 cp; at higher levels of
4cp and 5cp the prevalence of HVS rises to 67% and 75%, respectively.17 The under-
lying physiology of the patient creates significant variability from one patient to
another, but for a given patient symptoms will manifest at about the same level of
viscosity over time.4
Clinical Presentation
HVS should be considered in at least three different Emergency Department (ED)
scenarios: the patient presenting with the classic triad of HVS; the ED patient who
has a previously established immunoglobulin-producing hematologic diagnosis; and
critically ill patients with certain laboratory clues pointing to a concurrent underlying
The classic presentation triad for HVS consists of bleeding, visual disturbances, and
focal neurologic signs. However, a variety of end organ damage can be observed.17
The bleeding typically arises from oozing mucosal surfaces including epistaxis,
bleeding gums and gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to a supposed mechanism of
impaired platelet function.1,18 Retinopathy caused by thrombosis, microhemorrhage,
exudates, and papilledema results in the common visual derangements.19 These find-
ings can be directly observed under fundoscopy with the classic picture of ‘‘sausage
link’’ or ‘‘boxcar’’ venous engorgement of the retinal veins.5 Neurologic complications
may present with headache, generalized stupor, and coma, or focal findings including
vertigo, hearing impairment, seizures, and stroke syndromes.4,20,21 Not in the diag-
nostic triad, but often more hazardous, are the cardiopulmonary complications of
HVS.4,22 Among other mechanisms, the effectively expanded plasma volume seen
in HVS may drive demand beyond cardiac reserve resulting in high output cardiac
failure, valvular dysfunction, or myocardial infarction.6
Physicians should consider the diagnosis of HVS if a patient presents with unex-
plained neurologic symptoms such as visual change or headache in the setting of
a concomitant immunoglobulin-producing hematologic condition.21,23 HVS is often
the presenting characteristic of dysproteinemias. Renal failure has been reported
with HVS but is generally more common in myelomas. One mechanism of renal failure
in HVS may be that the glomeruli are exposed to a relative hypoperfused ‘‘pre-renal’’
462 Adams et al
Plasmapheresis is the definitive treatment for HVS. The ED physician should establish
large-bore central venous access while awaiting the plasmapheresis team, preferably
with a dialysis catheter. As noted, IgG- or IgA-related HVS will require longer and more
frequent plasmapheresis treatments. The IgM found in WM is mostly intravascular and
therefore is cleared more readily. The major complication of plasmapheresis is hypo-
calcemia related to citrate binding from automated plasmapheresis systems.
Erythrocytosis results from an increase in the red cell mass with concomitant increase
in RBC number, red cell count, and hematocrit.32–34 This finding may be generally
attributed to hemoconcentration given the many cases of dehydration, hypovolemia
and other relative low-volume states encountered in the ED.35 However, the critically
ill patient presenting with an acute increase in hematocrit or in association with
increases in other blood cell components (ie, platelets, leukocytes) requires consider-
ation of a more aggressive diagnostic workup.32
The incidence of polycythemia vera (PCV) is about 2.6 cases per 100,000 persons,
and is highest among Ashkenazi Jews.36 PCV is associated with a point mutation of an
auto-inhibitory Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) protein kinase domain.37,38 The activation of this
domain results in erythropoeisis losing its dependence on erythropoietin signaling and
becoming virtually autonomous.39 Recent studies have identified several additional
mutations within the JAK2 gene site that are now considered essential to the diagnosis
of PCV.32,38
Hematopoiesis exists in a homeostatic balance between the body’s requirements for
particular blood cell lines and loss or destruction of those cells.36 In the red cell line this
balance is maintained by a feedback mechanism primarily involving the hormone
erythropoietin.36 Erythropoietin is primarily produced in the renal cortex, accounting
for 90% of this circulating protein.40 Secondary sites of production consist of liver,
spleen, lung, testis, brain, and erythroprogenitor cells. Erythropoietin stimulation
results in the production of 2 1011 red blood cells per day.41 All blood cell lines arise
from a common hematopoetic stem cell. These stem cells begin their initial differenti-
ation onto erythrocyte progenitors when stimulated by one of several cytokine
Erythrocytosis is the proper term for a state of increase in circulating red cells.
Specifically, PCV possesses these additional features and has potential for progres-
sion to advanced disease. Erythrocytosis is initially identified by the increased in
hematocrit and red blood cell count, but it is important to remember that these indices
are dependent on red blood cell mass and plasma volume.43 Thus, a relative erythro-
cytosis occurs in cases of dehydration and low volume due to hemoconcentration.
Correction in these cases can be accomplished by volume replacement and the
condition may be short-lived.
464 Adams et al
The diagnosis begins with determining the red cell mass/body surface area in patients
presenting with a persistently increased hematocrit in the absence of secondary
causes of erythrocytosis. The Polycythemia Vera Study Group and the World Health
Organization (WHO) have issued criteria for the diagnosis of PCV (Box 1).51,52 New,
proposed WHO criteria incorporate the presence of erythrocytosis or increased red
cell mass and the presence of a known PCV molecular lesion.51
Phlebotomy and low-dose aspirin are the mainstays of PCV treatment. The current
recommendations are phlebotomy to a hematocrit of %45% in men and %42% in
women.36 However, no evidence exists for this goal of phlebotomy other than corre-
lation between increased risk of thrombosis and a hematocrit >45% in these
patients.48 Low-dose aspirin (either 81 or 100 mg daily) is recommended unless there
are specific contraindications.36,53 More recent studies support initiation of aspirin
therapy even in those patients with a previous history of gastric bleeding in the setting
of concurrent use of a proton pump inhibitor.43,54 Further treatment is individualized
based on the patient’s risk for thrombotic complications. A history of thrombosis,
age more than 60 years, and associated thrombocytosis are indications for more
aggressive treatment.55
The next step in the management of higher risk patients is the addition of cyto-
reductive therapy.36,56 Options include hydroxyurea, chlorambucil, or intravenous
radioactive phosphorus-32.55 Recombinant interferon alpha is another option in
Box 1
Diagnosis of polycythemia vera (PCV) requires meeting either both major criteria and one minor
criterion, or the first major criterion and two minor criteria.
Major Criteria
Hemoglobin >18.5 g/dL in men
Hemoglobin >16.5 g/dL in women
Or increase red cell volume
Presence of JAK2V617F or JAK2 exon 12 mutation
Minor Criteria
PCV bone marrow changes
Low serum erythropoietin level
Endogenous erythroid colony formation in vitro
Leukocytosis refers to an increase in the total number of white blood cells in circula-
tion. By definition it is an elevation greater than two standard deviations above the
mean circulating white blood cell count based on the age.57 Hyperleukocytosis is
an extreme elevation of the blast count or white blood cell count greater than
100,000/mm3. It occurs in malignant and nonmalignant disorders, especially acute
leukemia.16 Hyperleukocytosis occurs more frequently in acute leukemia than in
chronic leukemia, and its incidence ranges from 5% to 13% in adult acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) and from 10% to 30% in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia
(ALL).58–60 Risk factors for hyperleukocytosis include age <1 year, male gender,
certain subtypes of leukemia (French-American-British (FAB) Classification M4, M5),
and select cytogenetic abnormalities (11q23 rearrangements and the Philadelphia
Leukocytosis and leukostasis should be considered a medical emergency as the
mortality rate may approach 40%.59 The management of acute hyperleukocytosis
and leukostasis involves supportive measures and reducing the number of circulating
leukemic blast cells. Patients may also present with tumor lysis syndrome although
this is more often seen after therapy for aggressive hematological disorders such as
acute leukemia.62 Tumor lysis syndrome is discussed in detail in a separate article
in this volume.
The granulocytic and lymphocytic cell lines are routinely measured in the ED. The
granulocytic series is primarily involved in phagocytic activities and is derived from
a common progenitor cell located in the bone marrow that also gives rise to erythro-
cytes, megakaryocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes. Granulocytes are
maintained in a series of developmental and storage pools. The most important is
the postmitotic storage pool for neutrophils, which represents 15 to 20 times the
circulating population and contains metamyelocytes, band neutrophils, and mature
neutrophils. The pool can be drawn on as a ready reserve during rapid consumption
of granulocytes. Cytokines and complement components release granulocytes from
the marrow storage pool into the circulation, which can result in a two- to threefold
increase in the granulocyte count within 4 to 5 hours.16,57 Circulating neutrophils are
subdivided equally into the circulating neutrophil pool and the marginal pool. The
marginal pool consists of mature cells adherent to the blood vessel walls, which
can rapidly enter the circulating pool and can cause a doubling of the WBC count.63
A leukemoid reaction is an excessive leukocytic response in the peripheral blood of
the granulocytic cell line. The WBC exceeds 50,000/mm3 and resembles chronic
myeloid leukemia.64 A leukemoid reaction is characterized by a significant increase
in neutrophils in the peripheral blood and a differential demonstrating a left shift.65
The precursors (myelocytes, metamyelocytes, promyelocytes, and myeloblasts)
may occasionally be observed in severe reactions. In contrast to acute leukemia,
proliferation and orderly maturation of all normal myeloid elements is observed in
the bone marrow and the morphology of the myeloid elements is normal.57 Diagnosis
466 Adams et al
A unique problem with white blood cell disorders is the wide variability of normal quan-
titative values. Total WBC and neutrophil count in neonates younger than 1 week are
physiologically higher than those in older children and adults; however, young infants
less than 3 months old have smaller storage pools of neutrophils.71 The proportion of
lymphocytes and absolute lymphocyte counts in children are higher than those in
adults. Failure to recognize age-specific lymphocytosis may lead to unnecessary
Clinical Presentation
In general, leukostasis is observed in AML if the WBC is >100 109/L and in ALL if the
WBC is >400 109/L.72–74 Leukostasis is usually associated with a high number of
circulating blasts but has also been described with blast counts less than 50,000/
mm3.75 Hyperleukocytosis is seen in up to 13% of patients with AML, is less common
in ALL, and even less common in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and chronic
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).58 The frequency of complications is higher in AML than
in ALL because the myeloblasts are larger and more adhesive than lymphoblasts.
Leukostasis is present in 12% of adult patients with CML and in up to 60% of pediatric
cases, but CML represents only 2% to 7% of childhood leukemias.76
The manifestations of acute hyperleukocytosis are protean (Box 2). Fever is
common, but can be traced to definitive infection in only a small number of these
patients.65,77 Blood cultures should still be obtained so that infection can be ruled
out, because hyperleukocytosis can mimic several viral, bacterial, and fungal
The hallmark complication for the lungs is pulmonary leukostasis. Pulmonary symp-
toms may range from dyspnea and chest pain to adult respiratory distress syndrome
respiratory arrest.62,77 Chest radiography may be normal or may reveal varying
degrees of interstitial or alveolar infiltrates with or without pleural effusions.78,79
Pulmonary leukostasis may be difficult to distinguish from pneumonia, but bronchoal-
veolar lavage or perfusion lung scanning may be helpful tests.80 Definitive diagnosis is
most often retrospective after clinical response to chemotherapy.80 Pulmonary
leukostasis is the single worst prognostic factor in patients presenting with hyperleu-
kocytosis of either AML or CML in blast crisis.62,79
Neurologic manifestations can range from headaches and altered mental status to
focal deficits and intracranial hemorrhage.81–83 Vascular complications involve small,
medium, and occasionally larger vessels presenting with either hemorrhage or throm-
bosis.84 Disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs in 30% to 40% of patients
with AML and in 15 to 25% of patients with ALL.58,85
Myeloproliferative Disorders and Hyperviscosity 467
Box 2
Reported clinical manifestations of hyperleukocytosis
Pleuritic or nonpleuritic chest pain
Respiratory distress or arrest
Pulmonary leukostasis
Altered mental status
Mild confusion
Stupor and coma
Focal central nervous system
Hearing loss
Cranial nerve deficits
Intracranial hemorrhage
Retinal hemorrhage or renal vein thrombosis
Myocardial infarction
Acute limb ischemia
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Laboratory Evaluation
Evaluation of an individual with concerning symptoms or an abnormal complete blood
cell count should include a chemistry panel to evaluate for hepatic or renal dysfunc-
tion, and uric acid, potassium, and phosphate levels. Determination of prothrombin
time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrin degradation products, and
fibrinogen is necessary to evaluate for coagulopathy or disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy (DIC). Platelets may have to be counted manually, because a spurious
elevation of the automated platelet count can occur due to the presence of fragments
of white and red blood cells.86 ABG samples should be interpreted cautiously in hyper-
leukocytosis, as spuriously low arterial oxygen tension can result from rapid consump-
tion of plasma oxygen by the markedly increased number of white blood cells.87 In the
presence of an elevated cell or platelet count, spuriously low levels of PaO2 are
believed to reflect dissolved oxygen consumption from the arterial blood gas spec-
imen; this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as ‘‘leukocyte larceny.’’87 Pulse
oximetry may be more useful to accurately assess oxygenation status in the setting
of hyperleukocytosis.87 Ultimately, diagnosis depends on the results of bone marrow
aspirate and biopsy, which typically reveal replacement of normal hematopoietic
468 Adams et al
precursors with >25% leukemic blasts. This bone marrow biopsy is usually not
performed in the ED.88
Rapid reduction in the number of circulating blast cells (leukocytoreduction) is funda-
mental to managing hyperleukocytosis and leukostasis syndrome.65,72,89 Prompt
introduction of chemotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment of acute hyperleuko-
cytosis and leukostasis with leukapheresis as an important adjunct.59 Hydroxyurea
given at dosages of 50 to 100 mg/kg/d in 3 to 4 divided doses has been shown to
reduce the leukocyte count by 50% to 60% within 24 to 48 hours. Hydroxyurea should
be started at the time of initial diagnosis and continued until the count has decreased
to safer levels.58,90 Specific chemotherapy modalities should be initiated in emergent
consultation with hematologists.91
Leukapheresis rapidly yields leukoreduction and is the initial treatment of hyperleu-
kocytosis with symptoms.59,92,93 Leukapheresis involves the removal of circulating
cells with re-infusion of leukocyte-poor plasma. Evidenced-based guidelines are
lacking on when to initiate leukapheresis but it is usually initiated in patients with symp-
toms of leukostasis or in patients with AML if the blast count is more than 100 109/
L.72,93 Clinical leukostasis occurs in fewer than 10% of patients with ALL with WBC
counts less than 400 109/L and is rarely indicated.59,74 However, children with
ALL who have WBC counts more than 400 109/L have more than a 50% chance
of developing central nervous system (CNS) and pulmonary complications and leuka-
pheresis should be strongly considered.59,74 The goal with leukoreduction is to reduce
the count to 50,000/mm3 or less.59 Leukapheresis is associated with an increase in
short-term survival.94,95 Leukapheresis requires the placement and maintenance of
a central venous catheter, which may cause complications. In addition, leukapheresis
requires trained personnel and specialized equipment not readily available in most
EDs. In significant incidents of hyperleukocytosis, intravenous hydration and hydroxy-
urea administration as well as leukapheresis may be required; however, these treat-
ments should be performed in consultation with a hematologist or an oncologist.
Direct treatment of the underlying cause is the ultimate therapy.
Thrombocytosis by definition occurs with platelet counts above the normal reference
range of approximately 150 to 500 K.96 Thrombocytosis that occurs as part of an
exaggerated physiologic response or inflammatory state is termed ‘‘reactive thrombo-
cytosis’’ (Box 3).97 The ED provider should attempt to differentiate between benign
reactive thrombocytosis and essential thrombocytosis (ET) from an underlying myelo-
proliferative disorder (MPD) in conjunction with hematologic consultation (Box 4).
Reactive thrombocytosis accounts for most cases.98 Children are more likely to
display reactive thrombocytosis and adults more than 60 years old are more likely
to have MPDs. Thrombosis occurs more often than bleeding in ET and arterial throm-
bosis is three times more prevalent than venous thrombosis (Box 5). Bleeding is more
likely in ET if platelet counts exceed 1.5 million, but bleeding and thrombosis may
occur simultaneously.96 Longstanding ET patients, like all MPDs, are at risk of acute
leukemic transformation.99
Megakaryocytic production increases in response to elevated cytokines, growth
factors, thrombopoietin, interleukins, and granulocyte-stimulating factors.100,101
Myeloproliferative Disorders and Hyperviscosity 469
Box 3
Causes of reactive thrombocytosis
Paraneoplastic malignancies
Chronic inflammatory diseases – inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and
Asplenic states
Acute or chronic blood loss
Rebound thrombocytosis after chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia
In assessing thrombocytosis, it is important that the ED provider recognizes the
possible presence of an MPD but it is not critical that the specific MPD is identified.
Because all MPDs arise from overlapping genetic and clonal abnormalities, disease
manifestations often overlap.102 Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly may occur in any
of the MPDs.96 Bone marrow and cytogenetic results that indicate underlying clonal
abnormalities are supportive of an MPD.103 JAK2 mutation is also present in ET and
it carries a higher risk of thromboembolic events than in patients without the
mutation.104 These patients also exhibit higher red and white cell counts. Acute phase
reactants including elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels or increased sedimenta-
tion rate suggests reactive thrombocytosis.105 Numerous megakaryocytes, megakar-
yocytic fragments, or other myeloid precursor cells seen on peripheral blood smear
are more consistent with an MPD.27
Pseudothrombocytosis occurs if automated blood analyzers cannot distinguish true
platelets from amorphous cellular fragments.106 Pseudothrombocytosis is most
commonly seen with extreme leukocytosis (CLL), rapid intravascular hemolysis,
Box 4
Causes of thrombocytosis in chronic myeloproliferative disorders
Box 5
Thromboembolic complications of essential thrombosis
Upper and lower extremities
burns, postsplenectomy states (Howell Jolly bodies are also seen) and in the ‘‘sticky
platelet syndrome.’’107 If thrombocytosis is present, serum potassium levels will be
elevated (pseudohyperkalemia) due to the degranulation of platelets in vitro; however,
the more accurate plasma potassium levels will be normal.108
Platelet counts are not a reliable predictor of thrombosis in any individual patient with
essential thrombocytosis, although platelet counts higher than 600 K are generally
associated with an increased risk of thrombosis.98 Thrombohemorragic risk is negli-
gible in cases of clear reactive thrombocytosis without underlying MPD.98 Patients
with a possible underlying MPD are considered low risk if they are <60 years old,
have no symptoms or history of a thromboembolic or hemorrhagic event, and platelet
counts are less than 1.5 million.109,110 Reactive thrombocytosis and select low-risk
MPD patients can be safely managed as outpatients.98
Treatment of ET in intermediate- and high-risk groups includes aspirin and hydroxy-
urea.96,102,109,111 Hydroxyurea reduces massive splenomegaly, and can be added
to aspirin therapy to decrease microvascular symptoms in resistant cases.102 Short-
term side effects include neutropenia, macrocytic anemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
skin ulcerations, and teratogenicity.96,109 The greatest concern with hydroxyurea is the
risk of leukemic transformation, so long-term therapy decisions should be referred to
specialists.109 Sudden withdrawal of hydoxyurea can result in a rebound thrombocy-
tosis and doses must be reduced in the presence of renal insufficiency. Interferon
alpha is best reserved for pregnant patients with thrombocytosis and a known
MPD.96 Since 2005, anagrelide, a platelet-reducing drug that decreases megakaryo-
cyte maturation has fallen out of favor due to evidence of unacceptable risks and
superiority of hydroxyurea.111,112 Treatment of acute major thrombotic or bleeding
events also includes hydroxyurea, interferon alpha in pregnant patients, and emergent
platelet pheresis.
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with a hematologist is essential for management of this complex patient population.
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