Ten Top Books For Gear Failure Analysis

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Ten Top Books for Gear Failure Analysis

Robert Errichello

Introduction outdated nomenclature, but it does con-

The purpose of this article is to pro- tain many good images of failure modes.
vide an overview of proven books or The chapter on causes of gear failure is a
standards dealing with failure analysis. good discussion of microsegregation in
Following you will find a short descrip- forgings and its detrimental effects on
tion of ten books or standards. At the diffusion of carbon during carburizing,
end of the document you will find an which causes patchy, retained austenite
overview and a detailed reference list. at the surface of a carburized compo-
nent. The discussion of case/core sepa-
ration, which the author calls “internal
rupture,” is especially valuable because it
points out the four factors that aggravate
case/core separation:
• Deep case depth
• High core hardness
• Sub-zero treatment
• Shot peening

The author states: “Each factor by  SM Handbook, Vol.
itself may be beneficial, but, when these 11, Failure Analysis and
factors exist together, they can be det- Prevention
rimental.” The discussion of induction The ASM Handbooks are known for
hardening illustrates the important fact their authoritative quality and con-
that the terminus of a hardened case and tent, which is largely due to the devoted
unhardened area is an area with a high efforts of their editors, authors, and
peak of tensile residual stress, which is reviewers. Unfortunately, Vol. 11 (2002)
a self-induced “metallurgical notch” that does not have a separate chapter devoted
often results in fatigue failure. to gears; rather, it provides the infor-
mation on gears in separate chapters

ANSI/AGMA 1010-F14, devoted to failure modes such as mac-
Appearance of Gear Teeth- ropitting, micropitting, bending fatigue,

 ystematic Analysis of
S Terminology of Wear and and so on. The earlier version of Vol.
Gear Failures Failure 11 (1986), written by Lester Alban, was
This book, by the metallur- This is AGMA’s official nomenclature better organized and it had a separate
gist Lester E. Alban, who retired from for failure modes, mechanisms, and chapter on failures of gears. However,
Fairfield Gear in 1983, was published root causes of gear failure. Written by the material is essentially the same as
in 1985, so it contains some outdated the AGMA Nomenclature Committee, Alban’s textbook, so one is better off by
nomenclature, such as “case crushing,” it includes recommended remedies for simply referring to his textbook. A yet-
which is now called “subcase fatigue.” each failure mode. Table 1 is an updated earlier version of the ASM Handbook,
Nevertheless, it contains good practical table of the original ANSI/AGMA 1010- Vol. 10 (1975) and written by the ASM
knowledge from an experienced met- F14 Table 1. It shows the latest classifica- Committee on Failures of Gears, also
allurgist that is helpful in understand- tion system nomenclature that is cur- had a separate chapter on failures
ing the metallurgical aspects of failures. rently being considered for the next ver- of gears. However, it is dated and the
It emphasizes a systematic approach to sion of ANSI/AGMA 1010. Although nomenclature is essentially obsolete.
investigating failures, which includes Table 1 is only a draft version of the clas- Currently, ASM is planning a new ver-
careful review of all available back- sification system, and therefore not yet sion of Vol. 11, which apparently will
ground information and documentation, officially adopted by AGMA, it is likely have a separate chapter on gear failures.
field examination of failed components to be approved by AGMA and published
by visual and physical means, and labo- in the next version of ANSI/AGMA
ratory examination of all relevant com- 1010.
ponents. It provides reliable guidance on
For Related Articles Search
the proper metallurgical properties of
carburized gears. The chapter on modes failure
of failure is relatively brief, and it uses at www.geartechnology.com

30 GEAR TECHNOLOGY | June 2020

pages) treatment of fracture mecha-
nisms, which includes numerous fracto-
graphs that illustrate the many ways that
cracks can propagate. Plastic deforma-
tion by crystal slip due to shear stress,
and by cleavage due to tensile stress, is
explained, and examples of ductile void
coalescence and quasi-cleavage fracture
are given. Fatigue fracture topography
including Stage I crack initiation, Stage 2
crack propagation, and Stage 3 fracture,
is illustrated with fractographs. Features
including microscopic striations and
macroscopic beach marks are illustrated
and their mechanisms explained. A
series of six SEM fractographs at steadily
increasing magnification presents excel-
lent views of the morphology of beach
marks. The chapter concludes with a
treatment of high-temperature fracture
topography, environmentally assisted

Tribosystems Analysis fracture, and stereo examination of frac-

Peter J. Blau is a renowned tri- Metallurgical Failure ture surfaces, comparing SEM and TEM
bologist who recently retired Analysis fractographs.
from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This book by Professor Charlie Chapter 4 illustrates the fractogra-
He is currently the co-editor-in-chief R. Brooks and Dr. Ashok Choudhury phy of tensile overload, torsion over-
of the Wear Journal, and a consultant is an excellent introduction to failure load, bending overload, and fatigue frac-
in tribology. He contributed to ASTM analysis. It emphasizes fractography, ture. The unique morphology of fatigue
G40-15 “Terminology Relating to Wear i.e. — the study of fracture surfaces. It fractures of rotating shafts in bending is
and Erosion,” ASTM Annual Book of includes numerous fractographs to illus- illustrated by charts that show the influ-
Standards, and has developed a clas- trate the morphology of fracture surfaces ence of high and low nominal stress in
sification system for wear problems in for many modes of crack propagation. combination with high and low stress
tribosystems. His book, “Tribosystem The text accompanying each fractograph concentrations. Fractographs are used
Analysis,” features a good overview of is the best I’ve seen. to demonstrate the correlation of micro-
the tools a tribologist uses to investigate Chapter 1 describes the many tools and macrofractographic features of frac-
wear problems, types of surface damage, that failure analysts use for investigat- ture surfaces.
options for solving wear problems, and ing failures — including light optical Chapter 5 presents eight case histories
tribotesting. The chapter on tools for microscopy (LOM), transmission elec- that illustrate the application of the prin-
imaging and characterizing worn sur- tron microscopy (TEM), and scanning ciples of metallurgical failure analysis.
faces is especially good, and includes electron microscopy (SEM). It includes Overall, this book is an excellent
discussion of light optical microscopy seven appendices that cover all aspects introduction to failure analysis that
(LOM), specimen mounting, specimen of the handling and cleaning of fracture emphasizes the principles without get-
cleaning, and cross-sectioning, taper- surfaces. ting bogged down in needless detail. It is
sectioning, and transmitted-versus- Chapter 2 explains the macroscopic one of the best resources for understand-
reflected light illumination. Surface orientation and features of fracture sur- ing fractography.
roughness imaging and measurement face topography, starting with tensile

methodology are also presented in testing and continuing with the effects of ISO DTS-10825-1
detail, and the capabilities of SEM and 3D principal stresses; material response

TEM microscopy are compared. The to stresses; stress concentration; triaxial and ISO TR- 10825-2
book introduces the tribosystem analysis stress and constraint; plane stress versus These two ISO docu-
(TSA) form that provides a systematic plane strain; strain rate and temperature; ments remain in draft
method to define the characteristics of crack propagation; ductile versus brittle form as of this writing; they were cre-
specific wear problems, which facilitates fracture; fracture mechanics; fatigue fail- ated in cooperation with the AGMA
diagnosis and remedy for wear prob- ure; and ending with creep deformation. Nomenclature Committee and are very
lems. Overall, this book provides a good The description of ductile versus brittle similar — but not exactly the same — as
overview of failure analysis of wear prob- fracture is the best I’ve seen on this often ANSI/AGMA 1010-F12. ISO DTS
lems from a tribologist’s perspective. complex subject. 10825-1 provides the terminology and
Chapter 3 is a very thorough (93 definitions including a lot of illustrations

June 2020 | GEAR TECHNOLOGY 31


of the appearance of the individual fail- the original images. Nevertheless,

ure modes. ISO DTR 10825-2 provides Tallian’s Atlas remains a classic work.
additional information for finding the
cause of a failure mode and mitiga-
tion possibilities. Both documents shall
replace the ISO TS 10825:1995.

F ailure Atlas for Hertz
Contact Machine Elements

Tibor E. Tallian created the Understanding How
comprehensive “Failure Atlas for Hertz Components Fail
Contact Machine Elements;” the Atlas Donald J. Wulpi is a great
consists of parts I and II: teacher, which makes Understanding
Part I has 1-Introduction, 2-Failure How Components Fail an easy read. It is

 ractical Plant Failure
P Classification, and 3-Appearance ASM’s classic best-seller and is a must-
Analysis Classification. Readers should read Part read for any person interested in becom-
Neville W. Sachs has written a I to understand how to navigate and ing a failure analyst. Wulpi has a knack
guide to understanding machinery dete- interpret the Atlas before proceeding to for relating component failure to every-
rioration and improving equipment reli- actually using it. day examples that make complex met-
ability. It is a book for engineers and Part II consists of plates (images) that allurgical subjects easy to understand.
maintenance people, which explains why illustrate the morphology of the failure There are 14 chapters:
failures occur and how to prevent them mode. Each chapter of Part II is intro- 1. Techniques of Failure Analysis
from recurring. It describes how to per- duced by a description of the defini- 2. Distortion Failures
form a thorough failure investigation tion, failure process, morphology, causes 3. Basic Single-Load Fracture Modes
4. Stress Systems Related to Single-Load
and emphasizes the importance of on- and effects of the failure mode(s) cov- Fracture of Ductile and Brittle Metals
site visual inspection of failed compo- ered. Sixteen failure modes are discussed 5. Mechanical Properties
nents. It is a primer on failure analysis (chapters 4 through 19). The Annex 6. Stress versus Strength
that is written in a practical, down-to- gives titles of the failure modes (plates). 7. Residual Stresses
earth style that would appeal to most Examples include: rolling element bear- 8. Brittle Fracture
mechanical engineers. The text covers ings, gears, and cams. Each image is 9. Ductile Fracture
many different components, including fully described by type, scale, compo- 10. Fatigue Fracture
11. Wear I
belt drives, rolling-element bearings, nent, speed, load, lubrication, and failure 12. Wear II
gears, fasteners, chains, lip seals, and code. Following the image data, the fail- 13. Corrosion
flexible couplings. ure description, image description, and 14. Elevated-Temperature Failures
suspected causes are listed.
Overall, Tallian’s Atlas is a very com- Each chapter illustrates the subject
prehensive treatise on Hertzian contact matter with large drawings and large
failure modes. Unfortunately, some of images of the failed components and
the images have relatively poor reso- their fractographs. The many sketches,
lution (due to publishing problems). analogies, photographs, and examples
The publisher provided a supplement of make for a very thorough, yet easy to
enhanced printing of a few of the prob- understand presentation of the basics of
lematic images. However, the enhanced failure analysis.
images were not much improved over

32 GEAR TECHNOLOGY | June 2020

Summary and Conclusion
Ref. Strength Weakness
1 Good, practical, metallurgical guidance on failure analysis. Especially good for Outdated nomenclature. Only for gear failures.
carburized gears. Best description of case/core separation.
2 Most comprehensive classification system for gears. Best resource for Only for gear failures.
morphology, mechanism, and root cause of failure.
3 Most authoritative and best writing style. Best resource for all aspects of failure Poorly organized, which makes it difficult to find
analysis including how to manage a failure investigation. information on gears.
4 Highly systematic nomenclature for wear failure modes. Good description of Some nomenclature conflicts with reference 2.
tools used by tribologists. Only for wear failures.
5 Best resource for microscopy and fractography. Excellent text accompanies Limited information on gears.
each fractograph. Best description of ductile versus brittle behavior.
6 Similar to reference 2. A work in progress. Some outdated nomenclature.
7 Similar to reference 2. A work in progress. Some outdated nomenclature.
Best description for how to conduct a failure investigation. Good practical Some outdated nomenclature. Information on
8 information for industry. gears limited.
Good description of morphology of shaft failures.
9 Classic Atlas for Hertzian contact failures. Good writing style by a renowned Images have poor resolution due to reproduction
bearing expert. Good description of morphology and mechanism. problems. Only for Hertzian failures.
10 Good writing style and best introduction to the basics of failure analysis. Many None.
everyday examples of failures enhance learning.

engineering course at the UK Open 5. Brooks, C.R., and Choudhury, A., “Metallurgical
University for 30 years. He is now an Failure Analysis,” McGraw-Hill, 1991.
6. ISO DTS 10825-1. “Gears-Wear and Damage to
independent failure analyst with over 800 Gear Teeth-Terminology,” ISO, Draft Jan., 2020.
forensic investigations to his credit. His 7. ISO TR-10825-2, “Gears-Wear and Damage to
book contains a multitude of case histo- Gear Teeth-Supplementary Information,” ISO,
Draft Jan., 2020.
ries that demonstrate the principles of 8. Sachs, N.W. “Practical Plant Failure Analysis,”
failure analysis. His teaching experience CRC Press, 2005.
has shown him that case studies are effec- 9. Tallian, T.E. “Failure Atlas for Hertz Contact
Machine Elements,” 2nd Ed., ASME Press, 1997.
tive teaching tools. As Confucius said: 10. Wulpi, D.J. “Understanding How Components
I Hear, and I Forget Fail,” 3rd Ed., ASM International, 2011.
I See, and I Remember 11. Gagg, C., R. “Forensic Engineering-the Art
and Craft of a Failure Detective,” CRC Press,
I Do, and I Understand 2020.
The moral: tell me and I will for-
get. Show me and I will remember. Robert Errichello,
Involve me and I will understand. In PE, heads his own
other words, we learn best by doing. gear consulting
After teaching the AGMA Gear Failure firm — GEARTECH
(rlegears@mt.net) — and
Analysis Seminar for over 25 years, I is a founder of GEARTECH
wholeheartedly agree that case studies Software, Inc. A graduate of
are effective teaching tools. the University of California
at Berkeley, he holds B.S. and M.S. degrees
Dr. Gagg’s book contains over 400 in mechanical engineering and a master of
Room for One More — Addendum high-resolution, color images of failed engineering degree in structural dynamics.
to “Ten Top Books for Gear components that illustrate a wide variety In his more than 30 years of industrial
Failure Analysis”. Shortly after of product failures and serve as a work- experience, Errichello worked for several gear
companies; he has also been a consultant
I submitted the manuscript: “Ten Top ing manual for practitioners of forensic to the gear industry for more than 20 years
Books for Gear Failure Analysis” to Gear engineering. His well-written case histo- and has taught courses in material science,
Technology, I discovered a new book on ries are a joy to read, and I guarantee you fracture mechanics, vibration and machine
failure analysis (Ref. 11), i.e. — Forensic will obtain a good background in the art design at San Francisco State University
and the University of California at Berkeley.
Engineering — the Art and Craft of a and craft of a failure detective. He is also a member of ASM International,
Failure. The book, by Colin R. Gagg, is For more information. STLE, ASME Power Transmission and
for anyone interested in learning what it Questions or comments regarding this Gearing Committee, AGMA Gear Rating
paper? Contact Robert Errichello — rlgears@ Committee and the AGMA/AWEA Wind
is that a failure investigator does, what Turbine Committee. Errichello has published
the responsibilities are, and what tools dozens of articles on design, analysis and
and methodology are used to discover References the application of gears, and is the author
failure modes and root causes. Although 1. Alban, L.E. “Systematic Analysis of Gear of three widely used computer programs for
Failures,” ASM International, 1983. the design and analysis of gears. He is also a
the book is not specifically for gear failure 2. ANSI/AGMA 1010-F14. “Appearance of Gear longtime technical editor for Gear Technology
analysis, it will appeal to all professionals Teeth-Terminology of Wear and Failure,” magazine and STLE Tribology Transactions,
that are interested in failure analysis. AGMA, 2014. and has presented numerous seminars on
3. ASM Handbook, Vol. 11. “Failure Analysis and design, analysis, lubrication and failure
Dr. Gagg, now retired from academia, Prevention,” ASM International, 2002. analysis of gears.
has taught the postgraduate forensic 4. Blau, P.J. “Tribosystem Analysis,” CRC Press, 2016.

June 2020 | GEAR TECHNOLOGY 33

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