Toledo v. People
Toledo v. People
Toledo v. People
Toledo, Ricky Guarte's uncle, was on his way home when he saw
Ricky with his friends at Guarte's parents' house having a
drinking spree (Toledo was neighbors with Guarte's parents).
Toledo told them to keep quiet to which Guarte and his friends
Around 9pm, Guarte and his friends heard rocks being thrown at
the house. Upon Guarte's inspection, Toledo was apparently the
one throwing stones. When Guarte approached Toledo in his house,
Toledo suddenly stabbed him with his bolo, causing his death.
Around 9pm, Guarte and his friends were being noisy. Toledo told
them to keep quiet. Guarte, evidently inebriated, approached
Toledo and pulled out a balisong. He pushed the door of Toledo
and threatened to stab him. Toledo tried to block the door with
their sala set. He then went upstairs to get his bolo. While
stopping the door with his left hand, he held the bolo with his
right. The bolo accidentally hit Ricky on the stomach, and the
latter lost his balance and fell to the floor. Toledo surrendered
himself to the barangay captain the following morning.
CA affirmed.
4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due care,
causes an injury by mere accident without fault or intention of
causing it.
However, before the SC, Toledo changed his defense and now
alleges self-defense. As such, he contends, he is not criminally
liable under Article 11, paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code
which reads:
(2) If the door fell to the sala, Guarte must have fallen on top
of the door, thus Toledo could not have hit him on the stomach.
Paula P.