Everyday Aesthetics
Everyday Aesthetics
Everyday Aesthetics
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Everyday Aesthetics and Artification
Yuriko Saito
About CA
Contact CA Everyday aesthetics aims to illuminate the rich aesthetic
dimensions of our lives that have been neglected in the
Links modern Anglo-American art-centered aesthetic discourse.
Artification, a new concept and practice, encourages us to
Submissions experience various aspects of our lives normally not associated
with art or aesthetics, such as business, education, and
Search Journal medical practice, from an artistic viewpoint. Both discourses
are helpful in sharpening our aesthetic sensibility and enriching
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our aesthetic life. However, precisely because the aesthetic
Search dimension of our lives exerts a considerable power in shaping
our lives and the world, we need to cultivate aesthetic literacy
and a vigilant attitude toward the use of this power. I argue
Editorial Board against the indiscriminate and uncritical adoption of artification
by exploring the ways in which the artification strategy can
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undermine the intended purpose and the value of art in a
Privacy workaday environment and organizational practice.
6. Concluding remarks
Yuriko Saito