Document of Risk Assessment & Management
Document of Risk Assessment & Management
Document of Risk Assessment & Management
219 -
1.1 Risk Assessment & Management 222
1.2 Disaster Management Plan 235
1.2.1 Information Stage 235
1.2.2 Assessment Stage 236
1.2.3 Action Stage 236
1.3 Issues raised in Public Consultation along with action plan 237
Document of Risk Assessment & Management
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The following are the possible hazards identified for the proposed project basing on the
Tasks / Activities / Work places involved.
1 Inundation
No major streams are flowing across the proposed project area; there will not be any
danger due to sudden inrush of water from streams in to quarry. During heavy rains
there is a possibility of inrush of rain water from catchment area of surrounding tanks.
2 Fires
Fire in coal stock yard may be expected due to spontaneous heating of coal. As the
proposed project is mining of virgin coal seam there will not be any fire on coal bench.
3 Slope stability
i. In Pit Slope Stability (OB benches)
The ultimate working depth of the proposed quarry is between 30 m to 250 m.
There may be chances for slope failure, where the depth is more.
ii. Overburden dump slope stability
The external overburden dumps were planned to a maximum height of 90 m
above ground level with 30 mtrs height decks. The height of external dump of the
existing KTK OC Sector - I Project will be 120 m. No dump sliding was noticed in
KTK OC Sector - I Project. The voids of de-coaled area will be brought to ground
level at mine closure stage.
4 Sliding
Sliding of material may possible, whenever the height of OB or coal bench exceeds
the digging height of the machine, while excavating Near Fault Plane, while handling
fiery material etc.
5 HEMM Movement
Accidents may occur due to failure of vehicle stability, run over by vehicles / HEMM,
sliding of dumpers / tippers / dozers at dump edge, simultaneous operations at
loading and un loading points, Crossing 3 way / 4 way junctions, un authorised riding
on HEMM, spillage of boulders from loaded tippers / dumpers etc
6 Drilling
Accidents may occur due to toppling, while transporting the drill machine with mast in
raised position, Mast contact with overhead power transmission line, while changing
drill barrels / rods etc
7 Blasting Operation
While transporting, loading and blasting, there are chances for premature blasting of
explosive result into accidents.
8 Electricity
Accidents / Incidents may occur due to switching on power when persons are at work,
dragging of cable by hoisted body of dumper / drill where the Transmission lines /
cables cross the haul roads.
9 Lighting
There are chances for accidents due to insufficient lighting at work places.
10 Health Hazards
Health hazards due to inhalation of air borne dust, while working in dust atmosphere
and noxious gases while working near fiery coal in coal yards. Noise levels can create
stress, increase workplace accident rates.
11 Storage, Handling and Disposal of Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste generated such as used oil, waste oil, empty oil drums, batteries,
non-ferrous scrap etc due to mining activities. Explosives, HSD oil, Hydraulic oils shall
be handle, storage, disposed, transport as per Hazardous Waste (Management,
Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules.
The following table illustrates in detail about the control measures and action to be taken for
each hazard for elimination or reduction of risk involved.
Mechanism Control Action
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Inundation Errakunta tank exist The tank will be lost in Shift In charge to inspect
over quarry area and during mining and the the surface drainage
one nalla passes over nalla will be diverted system at weekly
the quarry area. along quarry edge. Periodicity to arrest any
possibility of water entry to
the quarry.
Catchment Area All around the dumps Periodical inspection of the
water during Rains drains are to be drains by competent
prepared to collect the person is arranged after
rain water from the every rain with a minimum
catchments of the interval of one week.
dumps. In case of any
Sufficient capacity pumps
siltation or damage, the
shall be maintained.
drain may cause water
entry into the quarry. Manager, Asst Manager,
Under Manager should
De-siltation will be done
inspect the protective
every year before onset
of monsoon and when
ever required during
Sufficient height bund
shall be maintained all
along the edge of the
quarry to prevent
inadvertent entry of
A berm with dimensions
of not less than two
metres height and 2
metres width at the top
shall be made in
trapezium shape all
along the edge of each
deck to prevent erosion
of dumps and gully
The terrace shall be
kept free of
obstructions (OB
heaps), sloped in bye
and maintained with
uniform gradient for
free flow of water in
order to avoid
accumulation of water
leading to gully
formation and dump
Plantation shall be
done over and around
OB dumps to ensure
stability of slopes and
prevention of dust
generation by wind
Mechanism Control Action
Water danger plan will
be prepared and
2. Fires Spontaneous heating Water pipeline with A suitable provision has to
in coal stock yard sufficient pressure will be made for this purpose
be laid all along the and a separate Fire
periphery of the coal Fighting Organization with
stock yard to quench trained personnel shall be
the fire. maintained for fighting
these fires.
Coal will be lifted on
first dumped first
dispatched basis.
3. Slope Stability Failure of Pit Slope The overall pit slope The movement of the
when the depth is varies from 40 (on the slope shall be observed by
more south west side) to 42 installing subsidence
(on north east side of movement pillars.
the property). This has Surveyor should ensure
been done to ensure frequently.
safe pit slope for the
prevalent strata
conditions. This may,
however, be confirmed
through slope stability
Dump Slope Failure The overall dump slope The movement of the
for spoil has been kept slope shall be observed by
at 25.64 . The dump installing subsidence
slope stability be movement pillars.
confirmed through
studies. A minimum width equal to
the height of the dump
To leave safe margin
shall be maintained
between the dump and
between the toe of the
dump and the line of the
To protect the dump excavation.
from getting water
charged. No water shall be allowed
to accumulate / stock over
any dump top particularly
near the edge of the
Mechanism Control Action
dump edge / slope height.
ii) How ever HEMM can be
allowed up to a distance
of 3.00 mtrs. from the
edge of consolidated
dump with the provision
of a berm at the edge of
the dump as required by
Fall of hot material or
a) No hot / fiery material a) Thorough quenching of
ash on men and shall be handled with hot/fiery material shall be
machinery while any machine as it is. done before it is
excavating fiery handled.
5. HEMM Failure of vehicle i) Ensure placement a) Level and compact the
movement stability resulting and movement of blasted material before
toppling. HEMM only on the allowing any HEMM to
stable and level ply over it.
ground. b) Not to allow any HEMM
movement with in a
distance of 5 m from the
edge of blasted / loose
Mechanism Control Action
presence of any person
before starting the same.
c) Create awareness
among all the employees
not to sleep while on
duty in mine premises
Sliding of dumpers / i) Restrict the deck a) To ensure that the height
tippers / dozers at height to 30 mtrs. of each deck doesn’t
dump edge. only. exceed 30 m. under any
ii) No HEMM shall be
allowed to work over a) Ensure sufficient size of
the edge of any berm at the edge of the
unconsolidated dump. dump always as required
by law.
b) Not to allow any HEMM
over the edge of any
unconsolidated dump.
c) To deploy a spotter for
guiding the tippers /
dumpers at unloading
point on elevated
Simultaneous i) Not to allow more a) To maintain a minimum
operations at loading than one operations distance of 50 mtrs.
and un loading points. at the face at a time. between the places of
For this purpose the i) Drilling & Loading
following are ii) Charging & Loading.
considered as
b) To maintain a minimum
(separate) individual
distance of 15 mtrs
between drilling and
i) Drilling charging operations.
ii) Charging & Blasting c) Except as above, no two
iii) Dozing operations shall be
iv) Grading allowed to under go at a
v) Loading time at one place.
vi) Un loading d) To maintain a minimum
distance of 15 mtrs.
between loading tippers /
dumpers and dozer at
unloading point.
Crossing 3 way / 4 i) Not to allow traffic in a) To engage a signal men
way junctions. more than one at all the junctions.
direction at a time at
b) To ensure traffic
controlling by surprise
Un authorised riding i) Not to allow un a) Educate all the
on HEMM. authorised persons to employees about the
ride on HEMM danger involved in riding
b) Check the un authorised
riding on HEMM by
surprise inspections.
c) Ensure even authorised
person also travel by
sitting in the cabin
having pillion.
a) Ensure whether
Mechanism Control Action
sufficient no. of suitable
and comfortable
conveyance vehicles are
made available.
b) Ensure vehicle
availability at the reach
of the persons whenever
they are required to
ii) To provide sufficient
no. of suitable and
conveyance vehicles
to all the workmen,
available at their
reach when ever they
want to move.
Spillage of boulders i) Avoid over loading of a) Educate all the operators
from loaded tippers / tippers / dumpers. not to over load the
dumpers dumpers / tippers.
b) Ensure the loading is up
to the brim level of the
tippers / dumpers.
ii) To control speed of a) Ensure strict
the vehicles. implementation of code
of traffic rules.
iii) To avoid sharp a) Haul roads shall be
curves. formed without sharp
Where ever mild curves
are inevitable suitable
super elevation shall be
Stoppage of HEMM / i) Break down a) To keep emergency
vehicles on active equipment from steering mechanism in
haul roads due to active haul roads order. So that operator
break-down. must be attended himself can remove the
immediately and equipment.
repair / remove at the
b) Immediate information to
earliest possible.
Engineers / Technicians
ii) To provide protection about the break down
against break down machine on active haul
equipment an active roads.
haul roads. c) Engineers / Technicians
must repair / remove the
equipment at the earliest
d) Till the equipment is
repaired or removed
protection against hitting
by running equipment
shall be provided on both
sides by dumping OB
e) To arrange red flags and
lights on both traffic
sides of the breakdown
Mechanism Control Action
6. Drilling Toppling of drill While transporting drill Transportation of drill
machine. Mast machine, its mast must should be done under the
contact with overhead be lowered, even with supervision of competent
power transmission in the drilling area on person.
line inclined plane (High
gradients) to avoid
toppling of drill machine
and in contact with over
head power
transmission line.
For positioning on
inclined planes (High
gradients), wedges
must be used under
jack pads for levelling
of the drill machine.
While changing drill Ensure proper holding Drill operator should
barrels / rods of drill barrels, while ensure.
loading / unloading
(Attachment /
Detaching) on the drill
While drilling Prior marking of drill Drill operator should
holes as per the ensure.
designed pattern shall
be taken up to ensure
proper blasting
All the holes drilled
should be pegged to
avoid leg in.
7. Blasting While transportation Transport the Transportation of
explosives and explosive should be done
accessories in vehicle under the supervision of
approved under competent person.
explosive rules.
Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP)
should be followed
While charging i) Blasting design and 1. Blasting in charge
initiation pattern such should design the
that the maximum drilling pattern.
charge per delay is
within the stipulated
ii) Wherever possible, 2. The blast parameters
the progress of will be established
detonating holes, during actual mining
through delay operations, after
intervals, should conducting field trial
progress away from blasting considering the
the structures to be local geo-mining
protected. conditions
While blasting i) Avoid blasting during Blasting in charge should
cloudy days and ensure.
when the wind is
blowing towards
ii) All loose debris will
Mechanism Control Action
be cleared off from
the blasting site
iii) A free face will
always be
iv) In multi row blasting,
greater relief will be
provided between
rows using suitable
delay intervals.
v) Proper use of
different type of relay
/ delay detonator for
proper sequencing
of the blast will be
vi) If required, all the
holes will be suitably
muffled before
blasting to control
the fly rock.
vii) Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP)
should be followed
8. Electricity Switching on power Shut down procedure Supervisors having valid
when persons are at shall be strictly electrical supervisory
work implemented. certificate only shall be
deployed on the jobs.
Identification of cables
Dragging of cable by
and switches shall be
hoisted body of
dumper, where the
Transmission lines / Transmission lines / Planning shall be done in
cables cross the haul cables shall only be laid initial stages for laying of
roads. on 12 meter height 12 m height towers.
towers, as per by Indian
Electricity Rules 1956
9. Lighting Insufficient lighting at Working places shall be Engineer and electrical
work places illuminated as per the supervisor shall ensure the
standards fixed by lighting as per the DGMS
DGMS Circular No.1 of circular.
All persons shall wear
radium jackets in during
dark hours.
All persons shall
possess Cap Lamps in
dark hours.
All persons shall have
10. Health Hazards
Occupational safety and health is very closely related to productivity and good employer –
employee relationship. This subject is dealt with strictly as per circulars and orders of
DGMS including the Mine Rules and Coal Mines Regulations, 1957. Some of the
measures proposed for occupational safety and health have been listed below:
1. Effective dust removal system in the crusher house
2. Provision of wet drilling
3. Provision of rest shelters for mine workers with amenities like drinking water, fans,
toilets etc.
4. Provision of personal protection devices to the workers.
5. Rotation of workers, if necessary, exposed to noise to reduce exposure time
6. Closed control room in crusher house with proper ventilation.
7. Dust suppression of haul road and dumps
8. First - Aid facilities in the mining area
9. Provision of communication network between pit working areas and manager.
10. Provision of alarm system at working areas
11. Training of personnel including contract workmen in Mines Vocational Training
Centres to inculcate safety consciousness through modules, video clippings slogans
and posters and introduction of safety awards
12. Safe design of height, width and slope of working benches of OB & coal, overall pit
slope kept less than 42°.
13. Safe design for formation of OB dumps, over all dump slopes kept below 25.64
14. Safe design of haul roads.
15. Provision of fire fighting equipment
16. Safe storage of explosives and other inflammable substances.
17. Regular / periodical monitoring of mine environment to ensure the efficacy of various
protective measures.
18. Initial and Periodical medical examination for the employees.
11. Minimum of 1 meter clear space shall be left between two adjacent rows of pallets in
pair for inspection.
12. The storage and handling shall have at least two routes to escape in the event of any
fire in the area.
13. In order to have appropriate measures to prevent percolation of spills, leaks etc. to
the soil and ground water, the storage area should be provided with concrete floor.
14. Measures shall be taken to prevent entry of runoff into the storage area. The Storage
area shall be designed in such a way that the floor level is at least 150 mm above the
maximum flood level.
15. The storage area floor should be provided with secondary containment such as
proper slopes as well as collection pit so as to collect leakages / spills etc.
16. All the storage yards should be provided with proper peripheral drainage system
connected with the sump so as to collect any accidental spills in roads or within the
storage yards as well as accidental flow due to fire fighting.
17. The stacking of drums in the storage area should be restricted to three high on
pallets (wooden frames). Necessary precautionary measures should be taken so as
to avoid stack collapse. However, for waste having flash point less than 65.5 °C, the
drums shall not be stacked more than one height.
18. Drums containing wastes stored in the storage area shall be labelled properly
indicating mainly type, quantity, characteristics, source and date of storing etc.
19. The storage areas shall be inspected daily for detecting any signs of leaks or
deterioration if any. Leaking or deteriorated containers should be removed and
ensured that such contents are transferred to a sound container.
20. In case of spills / leaks / dry adsorbents / cotton should be used for cleaning instead
of water.
21. Proper slope with collection pits be provided in the storage area so as to collect the
spills / leakages.
22. Proper records with type of waste received, characteristics as well as the location of
the wastes that have been stored in the facility need to be maintained.
The Risk Management Plan (RMP) prepared for the project under the provisions of
DGMS Circular and Recommendations of 9th National Safety Conference will be
implemented to tackle risks associated with each and every operation(s).
The RMP will be modified periodically to the changed conditions / circumstances by the
project authorities.
the above information with name of the person who informed and the exact time and pass
on the same to the manager. He should not leave the place for any purpose what so ever.
The Manager shall inform the Project Officer, General Manager and Nodal officer to
initiate DMP and also rush to the spot / mine if he is at out of project premises. Personally
assess the gravity of situation by contacting the frontline supervisors / witness available
or through wireless set.
Nodal officer shall rush to the mine and inform: CGM (Safety), All Directors, SO to C&MD,
DGMS authorities, District Magistrate and Collector, Supdt. of Police, Mine / Area level
representative and recognized union delegates, local dispensary, Chief medical officer, all
area departmental heads.
Supporting Committees:
The composition, functions, infrastructure required for core and supporting committees,
etc. will be envisaged in the detailed DMP available during operation.
7. Public Relations committee
8. Catering committee
9. Medical committee
10. Men and material management committee
11. Transport committee
12. Survey committee
13. Casualty committee
14. Security committee
15. Cash committee
16. Accommodation committee.
The Disaster Management Plan for proposed KTK OC - 2 Project OCP is enclosed as
Figure No.
detail, the salient features of the proposed Kakatiyakhani OC - 2 Project and its summary
EIA /EMP report.
General Manager, Bhoopalpalli Area explained the salient features of the project and
power point presentation was given by representative of corporate environment
department on various environmental protection measures. Then DRO requested the
public to present their comments, views and their suggestions if any, specifically with
regard to environment aspects of the proposed Kakatiyakhani OC - 2 Project.
Some of the photographs of public hearing meeting are enclosed as Annexure V. The
minutes of the public hearing is enclosed as Annexure - VI.
Statement showing issues raised during public hearing held on 26.11.2015 for the
proposed KTK OC - 2 Project and the clarification given by the project proponent is given
in Table No. 1.3.1.
Table 1.3.1 Statement showing issues raised during public hearing held on 26.11.2015
for the proposed KTK OC - 2 Project and the clarification given by the project proponent