Sachin MBA Final Project Report
Sachin MBA Final Project Report
Sachin MBA Final Project Report
I , Sachin Kumar hereby declare that this submission is my own work under the supervision
of Miss. Shivangi Verma towards the Masters of business Administration ( Human
Resource) and that, to the best of my knowledge , it contains no material previously
published by another person nor material which has been accepted for the award any other
degree of the university ,except where due acknowledgement has been made in the next.
Certificate by Guide
We would like to sincerely appreciate to the individuals who give us guidance, advices,
opinion and support throughout the entire research project. Thus , we only can complete our
research efficiently and effectively.
Works like this kind cannot be carried out without the help and guidance of an experienced
supervisor for her suggestions, support, patience and constructive criticism throughout the
research period.
Lastly, to my parents, husband, children, brother and sisters who by their encouragement
2.0 Introduction 17
2.10 Conclusion 44
3.0 Introduction 45
3.8 Conclusion 52
4.0 Introduction 53
4.2 Formal policy for the recruitment and selection of Employee 55-56
4.6 Conclusion 66
5.0 Introduction 67
economy in this era of globalization, employers must be in the position to propound and
practice recruitment and selection of employees in the best way. The success of a business or
an organization is directly linked to the performance of those who work for that organization.
Underachievement can be a result of workplace failures. Every organization has its own
requirements in acquiring employees. It is vital that organizations select people with the
quality essential for continued success in this competitive global village. The only means of
Recruitment and selection can play a pivotally important role in shaping an organisation‟s
effectiveness and performance, if work organizations are able to acquire workers who already
possess relevant knowledge, skills and aptitudes and are able to make an accurate prediction
regarding their future abilities. Recruitment and selection also has an important role to play in
ensuring worker performance and positive organizational outcomes. It is often claimed that
selection of workers occurs not just to replace departing employees or add to a workforce but
rather aims to put in place workers who can perform at a high level and demonstrate
commitment. Differentiate the two terms while establishing a clear link between them by
stating that recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable people to apply for
employment to an organization. Selection is the process by which managers and others use
specific instruments to choose from a pool of applicants a person or persons more likely to 1
Succeed in the job(s), given management goals and legal requirements. Recruitment and
selection forms a core part of the central activities underlying human resource management:
namely, the acquisition, development and reward of workers. It frequently forms an important
part of the work of human resource managers or designated specialists within work
organisations. It is the human resources that give competitive edge” and therefore should be
However, recruitment and selection decisions are often for good reason taken by non-
specialists, by the line managers. There is, therefore, an important sense in which it is the
responsibility of all managers, and where human resource departments exist, it may be that
Human Resource (HR) managers who play more of a supporting advisory role to those people
who will supervise or in other ways work with the new employee. According to Mullins, for
the Human Resource Management (HRM) function to remain effective, there must be
consistently good levels of teamwork, plus ongoing co-operation and consultation between
line managers and the HR manager. This is most definitely the case in recruitment and
repository of up-to-date knowledge and skills, for example on the important legal dimensions
of this area.
The growth and development of any economy is connected directly or indirectly with the
construction industry. t is the wish of most construction firms to engage the best human
resource in order to channel their collective effort into excellent performances, increase in
productivity, job satisfaction and above all meeting client’s expectations in terms of quality,
cost, time and safety. However, there is little evidence in the construction industry to show
how workers are recruited and selected. The processes of recruiting and selecting workers
have been a matter of concern to many and needs attention. It has also been observed that due
to the inadequate information and evidence of how selection and recruitment are done in many
construction firms are likely not to achieve or meet their stated objectives and goals. It is
therefore clear from the foregoing that unconventional selection practices can ruin any
business plan thereby affecting the overall target of construction firms. There is the need for
management to put in place policies or strategies that will help recruit and select the best
Objectives of this study are grouped into two, the general and specific objectives
performance of workers.
The under listed research questions will serve as a guide to the study
c) What are the challenges associated with the recruitment and selection practices of
d) What are the ways to help improve staff recruitment and selection in construction
Recruiting staff is a very costly exercise. It is also an essential part of any business and it pays
to do it properly. When organisations choose the right people for the job train them well and
treat them appropriately, these people not only produce good results but also tend to stay with
the organisation longer. In such circumstances, the organisation's initial and ongoing
investment in them is well rewarded. An organisation may have all of the latest technology
and the best physical resources, but if it does not have the right people, it will struggle to
achieve the results it requires. Significance of this study will help construction firms in .
especially those in the Ashanti region to adopt measures in the context of human resource in
relation to recruitment and selection and the performance. Construction industries in the
Ashanti region will have the opportunity to identity the benefits of these practices and
challenges facing their recruitment and election practices in their organization and find lasting
solutions to them. For other researchers it will also serve as reference and be beneficial to the
academic community and the ministry of works and housing who deal directly with the
In addressing the aim of this study, it is important to adopt an appropriate statistical approach,
which would enable appropriate data collection, analysis and interpretation of the findings for
the benefit of practitioners and researchers. Consequently, the research was mainly based on
primary and secondary source of data. The primary source was designed based on
information, which was obtained from the literature review in connection with the research
objectives of the study. The questionnaire comprises of closed and open-ended questions to
facilitate categorization and analysis and to ascertain respondents view on peculiar issues. The
secondary sources were obtained from journals, publications, library and internet.
The study was limited to employee recruitment and selection practices by some selected firms
.this was used because it enabled the researcher to have easy access to information needed
Every research has its own challenges. Notwithstanding, this research had its own limitations.
During data collection, most of the workers were on site so it was quite difficult getting in
touch with them. Some senior members were reluctant in releasing vital information about
recruitment and selection in their respective organisations. Due to the combination of studies
and work the researcher also did had limited time, but these limitations did not affect the
2.0 Introduction
Chapter one broadly introduced the research aim and objectives and presented an overview of
the organization of the thesis. This chapter reviews critically employee recruitment and
selection in organisations and from the perspective of human resource management. The
The choice of a particular recruitment strategy by a firm is specific to the resources available to
the organization at hand and its environmental dynamics. Those questions are “Whom to recruit?”,
“Where to recruit?”, “What recruitment sources to use?”, “When to recruit?” and “What message
to communicate?” The notion of effectiveness in this study relates to the manner by which
organisations implements its employment policies. The essence is to understand whether such
policies are applied appropriately in the way they have been designed.
Human resource management approaches in any business organization are developed to meet
corporate objectives and materialization of strategic plans. The nature of recruitment and
selection for a company that is pursuing HRM approach is influenced by the state of the
labour market and their strength within it. Furthermore, it is necessary for such companies to
monitor how the state of labour market connects with potential recruits via the projection of an
image, which will have an effect on and reinforce applicant expectations. organizations are
now developing models of the kind of employees they desire to recruit, and to recognize how
far applicants correspond to their models by means of reliable and valid techniques of
Also related to the success of a recruitment and selection process are the strategies an
organization is prepared to employ in order to identify and select the best candidates for its
developing pool of human resources. Organizations seeking recruits for base-level entry
positions often require minimum qualifications and experiences. These applicants are usually
recent high school or university/technical/college graduates many of whom have not yet made
clear decisions about future careers or are contemplating on engaging in advanced academic
activity. At the middle levels, senior administrative, technical and junior executive positions
are often filled internally. The push for scarce, high-quality talent, often recruited from
external sources, has usually been at the senior executive levels. Most organizations utilize
both mechanisms to effect recruitment to all levels. The focus of recruitment and selection is
on matching the capabilities and inclinations of prospective candidates against the demands
Postulated that the quality of recruitment practices put in place by an organisation is a function
of the quantity of application that will be received; he stated further that the relative
effectiveness of the next human resources phase (selection) is inherently dependent upon the
quality of applicant attracted. Furthermore agreed with the above assertion by stating that the
more effectively the recruitment phase is implemented and carried out, the easier and accurate
the selection process becomes in making decisions on which applicant to select.Added that the
result of effective recruitment and selection are the reduction on labour turnover, good
Various researchers have contributed to the field of HRM, and have offered intensive and
profound knowledge on the branches of HRM especially on recruitment and selection. Below
According to Eze, recruitment is the process of finding and attempting to attract job
candidates who are suitably qualified and therefore capable of filling vacancies in jobpositions
effectively. The purpose is to encourage them to apply for the vacant position. Costello (2006),
affirm that recruitment is a set of activities and processes used to legally obtain adequate number
of qualified applicant at the right place and time to enable applicant and the organization to select
individuals with the requisite skills and profile (potential candidates) to apply to fill existing or
future vacant positions in the organization by making them aware that such vacancies exist.
Full-cycle recruiting is a term used by human resources specialists who manage the
recruitment process from start to finish as shown in Figure. Full-cycle recruiting begins with
sourcing candidates, which means looking for prospective applicants whose qualifications
Employment Agencies
Every organisation has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes
from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organisation
itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position
are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruiting candidates from all the other
sources (such as outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of recruitment.
Internal sources refer to recruiting employees from within the organization. In deciding
employees, which is concerned with internal recruitment. They include those who are already
available on the pay roll of the company. This is important source of recruitment as it
provides opportunities for better development and utilization of existing human resources in
the organization. Armstrong (2000a), proposed that first consideration should be given to
internal candidates, although some organizations with powerful equal opportunity policies
(often local authorities) insist that all internal candidates should apply for vacancies on the
It refers to promoting or upgrading an employee who is already existed in the pay roll and
contributed to the organizational performance. It is shifting an employeeto a higher
position with high responsibilities, facilities, status and pay. Usually, many companies fill
higher job vacancies by promoting employees who are considered fit for such positions.
This is due to fact that it has a great psychological impact over other employees for their
motivation towards better performance. Internal recruitment efforts very often result in
promotions. Promotion signifies reward for past performance and encourages employees
in their efforts.
Transfer is a lateral shift causing movement of individuals from one position to another.
Langseth (1995), consider transfers as being effected when the need for people in one job
or department is reduced or increased, if the work load reduced employees would want to
relocate to other areas where they can have enough tasks to perform. Under it, employees
are recruited internally through transfer from one work place to another. It refers to the
process of interchanging the job duties and responsibilities of employees from one place to
another or from one department to another without any promotion in their position or
grade. It is a good source of generating qualified employees from over-staffed departments
(Keshav, 2013).
working in the organization. Today it has become a very common practice in many
organizations across the world. Under this, vacancy announcement is made through
bulletin boards or in lists available to all employees. Interested employees, then apply for
the post being advertised. In this way, it has become one of the cost saving techniques of
organization to fill vacant positions. Like internal sources, they are useful to attracting
varieties of methods are available for external recruiting. Organizations should fully assess the
kinds of positions they want to fill and select the recruiting methods that are likely to reduce
employment agencies, labour office, education and training establishment (Beardwell, 2007;
Cober & Brown, 2006). Details of these sources are discussed in this section.
communication as its basic underlying principle and it should be worded in a manner that
triggers responses from job seekers. Recruiters should formulate the wording of
attract a larger pool of applicants than internal recruitment processes. It is, however, more
difficult to evaluate external applicant than those that are already employed within the
be to:
E-Recruitment: or online recruitment uses web-based tools such as a firm‟s public
internet site or its own intranet to recruit staff. The processes of e-recruitment consist of
attracting, screening and tracking applicants, selecting, and offering jobs or rejecting
candidates. Cappelli (2001), has estimated it that it costs only about one-twentieth, as
much to hire someone online. The internet has become a way for employers to display
company image and advantages over competitors (Rotella, 2000). Many internet users
know the difficulty, frustration and inefficiencies of sorting through information to find
applicable and useful material. However, many companies find it difficult to integrate the
organizations if the suggested candidate is hired, the employee receives a cash bonus.
working employees. Hence, the HR managers of various companies depend on the present
employees for reference of the candidates for various jobs. This source reduces the cost
and time required for recruitment. Further, this source enhances the effectiveness 9of
the current employees for referring the best candidates (Rajarao, 2010).
efficient in recruiting applicants for specialized positions. For a fee collected from either
the employee or the employer, usually the employer, these agencies do some preliminary
screening for the organization and put that organization in touch with applicants. Private
employment agencies differ considerably in the level of service, costs, policies, and types
of applicants they provide. Employers can reduce the range of possible problems from
these sources by giving a precise definition of the position to be filled (Sims, 2002).
Labour Offices: are sources of certain types of workers. In some industries, such as
construction, unions have traditionally supplied workers to employers. A labor pool is
generally available through a union, and workers can be dispatched to particular jobs to
meet the needs of the employers. In some instances, the union can control or influence
recruiting and staffing needs. An organization with a strong union may have less
flexibility than a nonunion company in deciding who will be hired and where that person
will be placed. Unions also can work to an employer‟s advantage through cooperative
staffing programs, as they do in the building and printing industries (Keshav, 2013).
2.4 Definition of Selection
selection as „the process of choosing from a group of applicants those individuals best suited
encourage individuals to seek employment with the organisation, the selection process is to
identify and employ the best-qualified and suitable individuals for specific positions.
Traditionally, it was assumed that organisations could choose amongst applicants and that
they would accept all job offers. However, attracting a large number of applicants was not the
problem, but recruiting the right applicants became the main concern amongst employers
(Branine, 2008). With the oversupply of unskilled applicants (Nzukuma & Bussin, 2011), it
can be assumed that employers would be very careful before selecting any applicants. y.
Employer decisions about the selection of employees are central to the operation of
society. Perhaps the most basic question in this area is why employers engage in selection
efforts at all. Managers who are involved in hiring employees need to understand the skills
and abilities that are required in a particular job and determine which candidates have those
capabilities. Interviews, reference checks, tests, applications and résumés can all help identify
differences among candidates. Managers can make their selection decisions with a fuller
2.5.1 Screening
Screening, popularly known as short listing, is the first step after the recruitment process is
completed and applications received. In this step, all the applications received by the due date
are screened and those that do not correspond to the requirements stipulated in the
advertisement are immediately eliminated in this step. As Cuming (1994) and Nel et al.
(2009), caution, selection panels have to be careful not to discriminate against applicants with
potential. Their decisions should be guided by short-listing criteria that is developed against
the job requirements stipulated in the advertisements. Furthermore, they need to ensure that
Selection tests are often used as part of a selection procedure for occupations where a large
number of recruits are required, and where it is not possible to rely entirely on examination
results or information about previous experience as the basis for predicting future
performance. Tests usually form part of an assessment centre procedure. Intelligence tests are
particularly helpful in situations where intelligence is a key factor, but there is no other
reliable method of measuring it. Aptitude and attainment tests are most useful for jobs where
specific and measurable skills are required, such as typing or computer programming.
Personality tests are potentially of greatest value in jobs such as selling where „personality‟ is
important, and where it is not too difficult to obtain quantifiable criteria for validation
It is essential to evaluate all tests by comparing the results at the interview stage with later
battery of tests may be used, including various types of intelligence, aptitude and personality
tests. These may be a standard battery supplied by a test agency, or a custom-built battery may
be developed. The biggest pitfall to avoid is adding extra tests just for the sake of it, without
ensuring that they make a proper contribution to the success of the predictions for which the
Usually advertisements require that applicants provide the names and contact details of people
who can serve as referees to them in case their applications are considered. Reference checks
are used to verify the information that is supplied by applicant and are usually done
telephonically. Although most referees are reluctant to respond to certain questions (Mathis
and Jackson, 2006), reference checks can be used to gather as much information that will be
References provide the organization with other people‟s perceptions of the candidate‟s
professional ability. The company should contact the candidate‟s previous employers and
colleagues. Questions to ask references might address the candidate's creativity and initiative.
This is mostly the reason why conditional job offers are given in other to check the
authenticity of what the candidate provided on the application form (Snell and Bohlander,
2010). References are one of the more popular and „traditional‟ tools in the selection process.
However, the validity and reliability of references has been questioned, particularly with
respect to their unstructured and often ambivalent nature (Heraty and Morley, 1998).
2.5.4 Interview
Interviews are virtually used by all organizations for selection purposes. In support of this,
Newell and Tansley (2001), indicate that interviews are by far the most widely used personnel
selection procedure. With the use of interviews, managers of organizations get an opportunity
to meet the applicants directly. The interview also provides the applicants with an opportunity
to also learn more about the public institution. The purpose of the selection interview is to
gather as much information and to use such information to arrive at a selection decision
(Redman & Wilkinson, 2001:31). During the interview, panel members (interviewers)
normally pose questions to which the interviewee is expected to respond. Responses to the
questions are often captured by means of scores as determined the interviewers. The applicant
that obtains the highest score is recommended for appointment (Wilkinson, 2001:32). Because
of interview ambiguity, efforts must be made to ensure that all interviewees are being asked
Applicants are often expected to undergo test(s) to determine if they are fit to perform the job,
should they be appointed. The most common example of the employment tests that applicants
placement medical testing, is conducted only where the applicants are required to use physical
The next step in selection process is job offer to those applicants who have crossed all the
previous hurdles. In other words, it is the last step in the selection process. Development of an
offer via e-mail or letter is sometimes a more formal part of this process.
According to Cooper et al. (2003) recruitment and selection of employees is the most
important job of a Human Resource person. CIPD (2009), suggest that effective recruitment is
central and crucial to the success of day-to-day functioning of any organization. The success
of recruitment depends upon finding the people with the right skills, qualification and
expertise to deliver organization objectives and the ability to make a positive contribution to
Briggs (2007), identified some of the problem affecting recruitment and selection as, the
delegation of recruitment function. These problems have resulted to inadequate use of job
description and standard employee requirement in the process of recruitment. Kaplan and
Norton (2004), indicates that a common problem in recruitment and selection is poor Human
Resource Planning (HRM). This is particularly so with recruitment and selection policies and
The key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills,
experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. Detailed and
robust recruitment and selection policies, such as recruitment and selection procedures,
assessing criteria, talents auditing and processing the information about the labour market are
important in recruiting and deploying appropriate employees at the right time. Batt (2002),
affirms that recruitment and selection experience can also impact on the likelihood that a
candidate will accept a job offer and on their subsequent commitment to remaining in the
Appointment decisions are the most important ones a manager has to make; they affect the
manager‟s ability to achieve targets, the quality of services or products delivered to the
customer and the well-being of the whole team. Previous research shows that the competency
level of HR managers have a major influence on recruitment and selection and experienced
HR experts within the HR department will not only shorten vacancy duration, but also
improve the quality of the applicants. Moreover, effective recruitment and selection is
possible only if there is a dedicated and competent HR team (Kaplan and Norton, 2004).
Conducting a thorough job analysis and identifying the right caliber of candidates bring about
a good blend between applicants and the job. Argument has been given that under qualified
employees may not able to effectively perform their job positions due to lack of knowledge
and competencies, while on the other hand over qualified employees tend to experience less
job satisfaction due to their higher qualification than a desired level for a given job.
For every job in the organization as Armstrong (2006), identified, there are stages by which a
thorough job analysis must aim to achieve -defining requirement, preparing job descriptions
and specifications; deciding terms and conditions of employment, attracting candidates, and
reviewing and evaluating alternative sources of applicants inside and outside the organization.
Job analysis process generates information which is converted into tangible outputs of a job
description and a person specification, that is what has to be done and who does it before
recruiting for a new or existing position. It is important to invest time in gathering information
about the nature of the job since it prescribes relevant personal qualities and attitudes as well
as skills and knowledge required for the job (Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2006).
Organizations in the selection process use methods such as application forms, interviews,
formal tests, references, assessment centres and official transcripts. An organization needs to
choose a method that is most appropriate to the job positions. HR experts generally drive the
staffing process and the purpose of the staffing is to fulfill the requirements of business, and
the skill levels presented by each new recruit is likely to be judged better if the line managers
are involved in the recruitment and selection process. In business strategy implementation, the
involvement of line managers in the entire staffing process (that is, drafting of job
descriptions, setting selection criteria and being on the panel of recruitment) is vital for
ensuring recruitment and selection to meet business needs. In other words, the line managers
are the owner of the recruitment and selection process along with HR playing a facilitator role.
Organization that are less selective or hire lower-skilled employees are likely to experience
significant effects on productivity, while hiring a mismatched employee can result in poor
performance and higher turnover rates (Batt, 2002). Scholars have argued that other key issues
and controversies run through analyses of human resource management and recruitment and
selection: efficiency, control, and the difficulty of orienting practice towards social justice are
often cited. The first two problematic, as (Burton, 2001) notes, have been central to the
management of people for as long as managers have been present in organizations. The latter
is also common across all organizations, but is a particular academic and policy concern for
In recruitment and selection practice, the construction of formalized selection frameworks and
between efficiency, control and social justice. In their advice on how to achieve the perfect fit
of person, organization and job, they argue that selecting on the basis of managerial opinion is
„utterly unscientific and unreliable and that managers are „liable to be turned this way and that
these scholars propose that the physical self-provide the key to „unlocking the inner secrets‟
of the individual seeking employment, and therefore should inform the selection process. The
underlying philosophy of this process is that everything about man indicates his character and
Recruitment may be conducted internally through the promotion and transfer of existing
personnel or through referrals, by current staff members, of friends and family members.
Where internal recruitment is the chosen method of filling vacancies, job openings can be
advertised by job posting, that is, a strategy of placing notices on manual and electronic
bulletin boards, in company newsletters and through office memoranda. Internal recruitment
does not always produce the number or quality of personnel needed. According to McKenna
& Beech (2002), some of the organisations traditionally taken the employees from education
institutions have operated many processes to recruit the young people, who are in their final-
year or just completed their studies. In such an instance, the organization needs to recruit from
external sources, either by encouraging employee referrals; radio advert, TV advert,
recruitment from school, job fairs, talent hunt, job proofing, initial job offer and the use of
labor office.
and developing economies in both public and private enterprises. Organizations are
however not exempted from the necessity of performance as they are continually
to the extent that organizations go to the length to appraise and manage it (Armstrong and
Barron, 1998).
achievement after having exerted effort. Hayward (2005), stated that individual performance
and motivation. Qureshi and Ramay (2006), argue that HR practices are positively correlated
with the profitability and suggest that management of organization must focus on these HR
successful candidates and the organization. This is made possible by the use of selection
criteria as basis on the questions asked by the selection panel and in interview. By selecting
the required candidates for positions in respective departments, line managers could help
achieve a better fit between job and candidate (Zhuand Dowling, 2002).
Other researchers Terpstra and Rozell (1993) have found a positive relationship between the
extensiveness of recruiting, selection test validation and the use of formal selection procedures
and firm profits. Other studies have shown that implementing an effective staffing process is
positively related to organizational performance (Syed and Jama, 2012). Koch and McGrath
(1996), also found that sophisticated recruitment and selection procedures are positively
According to Foot and Hook (1996), the primary aim of the recruitment and selection
processes is to ensure that the best applicants are appointed into positions. This implies that
the recruitment and selection processes can assist in predicting applicants‟ future performance
and the period the applicant will stay as an employee. As evidenced, human resources should
be partners in strategic planning to determine the types of skills and competencies that are
required to achieve objectives (Cascio, 1991). Inappropriate selection decisions also reduce
unfair on the individual recruit and can be distressing for managers who have to deal with
unsuitable employees”.
Recruitment and selection is very important for the survival of every organization but that
does not end there, new recruit need to be develop and appraised from time to time in order
for them to be abreast with new trends and challenges. When employees are developed it help
Poor recruitment practices and recruiting poor performing employees can have several
Employees with limited role specific capabilities take time to become productive and
need more training to build their skills, good employees hit the ground running and are
interested in learning
People who are not a good fit to the role require more time and attention from
their manager. The time that managers spend on developing their best people is
Higher human resources cost may arise as a result of time spent in recruiting
poor performing employees;
encouraged, developed, supported and sustained.” This implies that performance needs to be
designed and implemented within the context of the organizational structure. Armstrong
(2009), was also of the view that performance is the process, which contributes to the effective
2.8 Improving the Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection
An HRM approach can be adopted to recruitment, which involves taking much more care in
matching people to the requirements of the organization as a whole as well as to the particular
needs of the job. Moreover, these requirements will include commitment and ability to work
conscious recruitment policy with rigorous selection procedures. Aptitude tests, personality
questionnaires and group exercises were used and the initial pre-screening device was a
detailed „bio data‟-type questionnaire, which enabled the qualifications and work history of
successfully completed the first stage was designed to assess individual attitudes as well as
The need for a more sophisticated approach to recruitment along these lines is characteristic
by HRM. The first requirement is to take great care in specifying the competences and
extend the data obtained from the interview. Well-planned and administered assessment
centres are the best predictors of success in a job, but they are only practical for a limited
number of more complex or demanding jobs or for selecting graduates and entrants to training
This flow chart is aimed at enabling employers to recruit the right people for the right job. It was
realized that most companies did not have standard procedures it followed in recruiting staff. This
resulted in an inability to recruit the right caliber of personnel, which lead to poor performance, hence
the need for a plan such as a flow chart for staff recruitment and selection plan as shown in Figure 2.2
Is there No
a recruitment
Job Description
References and Background checks
Figure 2.2: Flow chart for staff recruitment and selection plan
According to Jackson et al. (2009), recruitment involves searching for and obtaining qualified
applicants for the organization to consider when filling job openings. The aim of this plan is to
buttress the assertion of Richardson (2012), which states that acquiring high quality staff is
critical to an organizations success. The proposed plan is in two parts that is the recruitment
s Description
and selection
3. Sourcing
6. Test
5. Interview
Figure 2.3 Staff Recruitment and Selection Plan. Source: Richardson (2012)
The recruitment process, (shown in Figure 2.2-flow chart), is the first process, followed by
the selection process in recruitment and selection which is outlined in Figure 2.3
keep abreast of developments in research in this field. One of the assets of every organisation
is its employees. To engage and employee‟s services the employer needs to undertake
recruitment by creating a pool of applicants, which mainly leads to the selection of qualified
people to work in the orgnaisation. Recruitment and selection also has an important role to
play in ensuring worker performance and positive organiational outcomes. Two main sources
Initial Screening
Job Posting
Reference Check
Job offer
Employee referrals
Employment Agencies
Labour office
Whilst the external source of recruitment are advertisement, e-recruitment, employee referrals,
employment agencies, labour office and educational and training establishment. Selection
process followed recruitment which entails, initial screening, interview, reference check,
selection test, job offer that mostly leads to organisational performance. The conceptual
2.10 Conclusion
The main intention of this chapter was to explain the theory of recruitment and selection.
Through the research, it became evident that there is an abundance of research on recruitment
and selection processes, mainly on how they are undertaken in organisations. In this chapter,
the study revealed recruitment definitions by different authors. Internal and external sources of
recruitment was identified. Selection process used to fish out qualified employees who possess
the required abilities, skills and behaviours was detailed explained. The study also revealed
challenges during recruitment and selection by organisations and the impact of recruitment
Recruitment and selection helps in determining the destiny of organisations. Recruitment and
avoid appointing candidates with skills irrelevant for the attainment of objectives. However, it
would be a waste of resources to recruit, select and appoint competent applicants and not
retain them. The success of human resources departments is measured on their recruitment
3.0 Introduction
This chapter explains how the research was conducted. It starts with a brief definition of
research, the design, strategy, then followed by the method and procedures that were used in
collecting data:, the population, sampling size and sampling technique, data collection, data
analysis and limitations. In addition is the organizational profile of the study area in the
Kumasi metrolopolis.
Research is something that people undertake in order to find out things in a systematic manner,
thereby increasing their knowledge. It is noted that this definition captures two significant phrases:
“systematic way” and “to find out things”. “Systematic” suggest that research is based on logical
relationships and not just beliefs (Saunders and Thornhill, 2009). It portrays the exact idea the
researcher is carrying out (William, 2001). “To find out things” suggests that, there are multiple
possibilities or purposes for your research. These may include describing, explaining,
framework associated with a particular set of assumptions that can be used to conduct
research (O‟Leary, 2004). Research methodology also involves considering the methods of
data collection and the theories and concepts underpinning the research topic.
3.1.1 Research Design
Research design is a plan, mode or conceptual structure of the research and type of approach
adopted in the study. It can also be explain as the blue print for the measurement of variables,
collection and analysis of data. The choice of research design depends on the objectives of the
research in order to be able to answer the research questions (Crotty, 144). The study used a
cross sectional survey design for data collection and data analysis. The research design helped
in examining relationships among the variables as argued by Fowler (1993). Cross sectional
survey design refers to the selection of a relatively large sample of people from a
predetermined population
The research based on assessing recruitment and selection practices of selected construction
firms in the Ashanti Region. Quantitative analysis was used as the research strategy to achieve
the research aim of investigating into recruitment and selection practices adopted by these
firms. The study used questionnaires. These approaches were satisfactory tools for collecting
data for the sample population to investigate the topic under study (Ritchie and Lewis, 2003).
Quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are
The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data for the study.
The primary data was obtained using the survey method. These include the distribution of
questionnaires and collection of data from key respondents and professionals pertaining to the
construction industry. In order to achieve the aim and objectives of the study, well-designed
questionnaire with both close-ended and open-ended questions were formulated to gather
information from appropriate respondents. The wordings were without bias and the questions
provided multiple-choice options, which gave the respondents the opportunity to present their
ideas by way of selecting from the options, provided. Data obtained was analysed using SPSS
to get meaningful conclusions and recommendations. The close-ended questions were used
because theorist such as Nachmias and Nachmias (1996), as cited in Naom, (2007) indicated
Secondary data is data collected by someone other than the user. A clear benefit of using
secondary data is that much of the background work needed has already been carried out or
analyzed (Funsho, 2012). Because the data already exist, you can evaluate them prior before
using it. These include desk review of both published and unpublished material including
policy documents, newspapers, internet, journals, articles, reports, bulletins, newsletters. The
recruitment and selection within the .ian construction industry. The information gathered from
these sources helped guide the second phase of the questionnaire structuring, distribution and
3.3 Population
Malhotra and Birks (2006), defined population as the group of elements that possess the
information sought and about which inferences will be made. The population, as far as this
research is concerned, embodied contractors and human resource officers within the various
departments in established construction firms and statutory authorities and other government
institutions in the Ashanti region whose duties include the recruitment and selection of
construction workers. The population for this study concentrated on private and public sector
institutions. Ahadzie (2007), revealed that there are over 20,000 registered “building
contractors” with the Ministry of Water Resources Works and Housing and 12% of these
building contractors are in the Ashanti Region. Meaning, the region has about 4,400 registered
contractors. Nevertheless, according to the Ashanti Region branch of Association of Building
and Civil Engineering Contractors of . (ABCECG, 2012) there are (62) members of
contractors in good standing who have also registered with the Ministry of Water Resources,
Works and Housing. Therefore, the sixty-two (62) contractors was used for the study. In
addition to this, 30 human resource officers were approached adding up to a total sample size
of 92 respondents. The selected registered contractors within the Kumasi metropolis ranges
(Ahadzie, 2007).
Sampling is the process of selecting observations (Babbie, 2008).The two types of sampling
are probability and non-probability sampling. The simple random sampling technique under
the probability sampling was used to select respondents from registered contractors with the
exception of the Human Resource Department. This is because the population will have an
equal chance of being selected. Significantly, the purposive sampling technique, which is a
non-probability sampling technique, was used to select respondents who deal directly with
recruitment and selection from the Human Resource Department. This was because the
researcher wanted to deal with only typical cases based on the objectives of the study.
The research tool used for data collection was questionnaires. The questionnaire covered all
the necessary information needed for the study. The developed questionnaires were
distributed to and retrieved from the respondents in person. This process of distribution and
retrieving of the questionnaires in person was taken for two reasons as suggested by Ahadzie
(2007) and cited in Danso (2010), first, to make sure that the questionnaires get to the
intended recipients and secondly, to help improve the response rate. In all, some of the
questionnaires were collected back on the same day while others were collected later from the
Part I: Personal data – gender, age, position, profession, academic qualification and
Part II: Recruitment and Selection issues – existing formal policy for the recruitment
and selection of employees, types of recruitment and selection processes usually used
After the responses were gathered, every type of data relating to the questions were separated
and gathered to answer different research objectives. The information received were classified
into answer categories and expressed as percentage frequencies. The research methodology
that was used is quantitative. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for
the analysis.
precisely in the Kumasi metropolise as shown in Figure 3.1.Ashanti Region is the third largest
of 10 administrative regions, occupying a total land surface of 24,389 km (9,417 sq mi) or
10.2 per cent of the total land area of .. The region is centrally located in the middle belt of .. It
lies between longitudes 0.15W and 2.25W, and latitudes 5.50N and 7.46N. It shares boundaries
with four of the ten political regions, Brong-Ahafo Region in the north, Eastern region in the east,
Central region in the south and Western region in the South west. The region is divided into 27
3.7.1 Construction
Having introduced a review of HRM literature including a justification of the research in the
context of developing countries, this section further underpins the literature by introducing HRM
practices in the study area, .. The problems and challenges facing the industry are also well known
(Ofori, 1980; 1990; 1993). As in many commonwealth countries, the .ian construction industry
derives its practice from the British construction industry. Consequently, a key feature of the .ian
construction environment is the separation between design and construction. Furthermore, the
professionals tend to operate independently and often owe allegiance to their respective
and . Institution of Surveyors (GIS). Thus, the seemingly adversarial tendencies believed to be
associated with the construction industry (Masterman, 1992), is also very reminiscent in the
.ian industry (Banini, 1983). The development and introduction of alternative procurement
systems and the subsequent emergence of the project management concept have also been
alongside their primary profession. This trend is similar to practices described by Odusami et al.
(2003), in Nigeria. Thus, while the traditional system of managing projects is still popular, the
emerging growth of the project management concept has gradually led to the expansion of project
The construction industry dates back to pre-independence period with total dominance by a few
large foreign firms that executed all new infrastructural works in the public sector. The
maintenance of these projects was however, the responsibility of the Public Works Department
(PWD) (IMC Report, 2002).The period immediately after independence in 1957 saw massive
investment in the infrastructure sector of the economy, intended to create the socio-economic
environment for rapid economic growth and development. This effort culminated in the setting up
of the . National Construction Corporation (GNCC) in joint venture with Messrs Sahrel of Israel
with capital share of 60% for Sahrel and 40% for Government. Their mandate was to execute
some of the public buildings, roads and housing estates (IMC Report, 2002), revealed.
With the dissolution of GNCC after the change of government in 1966, the State Construction
Corporation (SCC) was established to take over the role originally performed by GNCC (IMC
Report, 2002). With Independence came the aspiration of government to expand the economy and
ensure rapid development. It became necessary for the PWD to be broken up into specialized
functional areas like the provision of water, electricity, roads, etc. These functional areas created
the need for locally trained professionals as well as local contractors to undertake works in
specified areas. The Government, realizing the need for trained and skilled professionals to
manage the institutions created out of PWD, saw the need to train such personnel (IMC Report,
Currently, the construction industry is composed of about 22,500 local contracting firms and few
large foreign firms (IMC Report, 2002). In spite of their limited number, the foreign firms
dominate the industry, handling almost all large construction projects funded with external
resources. Donor funded works constitute about 55% of total infrastructural works with GOG
accounting for the remaining 40%. The remaining 5% is accounted for by the private sector (IMC
Report, 2002).
Construction activities and its output is an integral part of a country‟s national economy and
industrial development. The construction industry can mobilize and effectively utilize local and
human material resources in the development and maintenance of housing and infrastructure to
promote local employment and improve economic efficiency (Anaman and Amponsah, 2007).
Field and Ofori (1988), stated that the construction industry makes a noticeable contribution to the
economic output of a country; it generates employment and incomes for the people and therefore
the effects of changes in the construction on the economy occur at all levels and in virtually all
aspects of life. Hence, the construction is regarded as an essential and highly visible contributor to
Ofori, 1988). Ahadzie (2007), supported the above assertion when he mentioned that in the early
1990s, the contribution of the industry to Gross Domestic Product dropped to a long-term low of
about 2.7% but mentioned again that, recent figures indicate that it has once again appreciated to a
significant level of 4.2%, (ISSER, 2007). .‟s construction industry continues to grow steadily. The
This chapter has outlined the research methodology, design and strategies used in the study,
including, data collection tools, data collection and analysis methods. The research design for this
study was descriptive that was analysed largely through quantitative methods and statistics. The
study area for the study was also included. This chapter also mentioned the construction company
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the results, analysis interpretation and discussion of the data collected.
The results are displayed with regards to the order of arrangement of the questionnaires. The
major findings are briefly presented and discussed consequently. The different sections are:
questionnaire responses rate, experience of respondents, formal policy for recruitment and
selection of employees, ranking of recruitment and selection method used mostly, ranking of
recruitment and selection method which leads to performance, ranking of the significant
Out of 92 questionnaires issued, 100% valid questionnaires response achieved. However, one
of the respondents did not complete the last question of the questionnaire but this was
disregarded and considered valid. From table 4.1 below 67% response representing
contractors and 33% representing human resource personnel from various disciplines.
Contractors 62 62 62 67%
Total 92 92 92 100%
of the questionnaires. The researcher waited and took back the completed questionnaire
immediately, took contacts of respondents who were unable to make time available for the
immediate completion of the questionnaire and subsequently call to check and possibly collect
such questionnaires.
From (Table 4.2) a good number of the respondents (77%) had more than 5years of
experience. It was also noted that none had working experience less than a year. This implies
that the outcome represent the point of view of very experienced people (Sazuolang, 2009).
This was to find out the highest qualification of the various respondents in the study area.
From the chart, it was realized that 37 respondents constituting 47% had 1st Degree from
various fields, while 11 (16%) had Higher National Diploma (HND), 18 (27%) had
2nddegree qualifications, 14 (10%) respondents had „A‟ Level qualifications and other
professional affiliations. It is noticed that the respondents were of higher level of
Figure 4.1: Professional Qualification
Here, the intention was to know if these construction institutions have policy for recruiting
employees. From the chart, 79 (86%) respondents confirmed that no formal policy was used
in the recruitment and selection of workers in their respective establishments. The few
respondents, 10 (14%) in number, who had policy for recruiting workers, further added that
the policy allows for internal scrutinizing at all departments within the firm to find out if there
is worker within who best fit for the available vacancy. The policy is that recruitment is done
through invitation of qualified applicants and interviews are followed before selection is done.
This line of reasoning corresponds with Smith et al. (1989) that when an organization makes
the decision to fill an existing vacancy through recruitment, the first stage in the process
involves conducting a comprehensive job analysis. Three (3) respondents shared similar
opinion; they stated that one has to apply in writing with copies of certificates after which one
Figure 4.2: Formal policy on recruitment and selection
The results of data collected in this respect were processed and tabulated as shown in Table
4.3 and Figure 4.3. The table contains the following information for each entry: the
recruitment and selection method suggested above, relative important index, overall ranking
Table 4.3 Recruitment and selection methods
Labour office 0.8
Initial job offers0.60 0.6 Internet recruitment0.64
In-house (internal … Radio advert
Job proofing TV advert0.52
0.49 0.44
Job fairs association(s)
0.61 0.40
Recruitment from
school Employment agents
procedures adopted by construction firms used in engaging workers in the Ashanti region. The
method used in employee recruitment as suggested by Armstrong (1991), and other literature
for the purpose of this study included: internet recruitment, radio advert, television advert,
door, telephone, recruitment from school, job fairs, talent hunting, job proofing, in-house
(internal recruitment), initial job offers and the labour office. The results indicate clearly that
newspaper commercials on job vacancy is the most frequently used recruitment and selection
method with relative important index 0.7908. This is followed by in-house (internal
recruitment) with RII of 0.7853. The labour office was also realised to be the 3 ranked
workers. The 5 ranked recruitment method was radio advert. It was found to be very effective with
RII of 0.6413 followed by internet recruitment with RII of 0.6359. Recruitment from school, initial
job offers, television advert, job fairs, job proofing, professional association(s), telephone,
employment agents, talent hunting, door to door followed concurrently with RII values of 0.6141,
0.79 0.79
0.4 0.72 0.69
Figure 4.4: Highly ranked recruitment and selection method
The results showed that the six most used recruitment and selection method in the order of
merit are as follow: newspaper advert (RII=0.7908), in-house (internal recruitment with RII of
0.7853), labour office (RII=0.7174), employee referrals (RII=69.29), radio advert (RII=64.13)
and lastly internet recruitment (RII=61.14) as shown in figure 4.4. These methods are
The literature revealed that newspaper advert is the best traditional approach employers use to
attract and recruit employees for most open jobs. It was added that for many positions, an
advertisement in the local paper was enough to tap into the local labour market. In very small
organizations, the owner often places the newspaper ad first, based on the recruiting criteria
Armstrong (2000a). assertion on internal sourcing of employee clearly depicts that this
approach has competitive advantage. The IPD (1998a). states that the biggest single cause in
the increase of outsourcing has been the concept of the core organization which focuses its in-
house expertise on its primary function. It was further proposed that for large redundancy, the
media would have to be informed on job vacancies, only after the internal announcement has
Among the ways in which internal recruiting sources have an advantage over external sources
is that they allow management to observe the candidate for promotion (or transfer) over a
period of time and to evaluate that person‟s potential and specific job performance; a
2006) revealed this. It added that an organization that promotes its own employees to fill job
Labour office
Within the government institutions, statutory bodies like the labour office have higher
recruiting authority in selecting employees to fill available job vacancies. Most of the public
sector employees get employed through this department. It also provide workers for some
Employee referral
Despite the weak advantage it has on the part of the employer, it is mostly used in employee
sourcing where existing employees inform their friends and relations of existing job
employees can be a low-cost but very effective method of recruitment (Compton, Morrissey,
Nankervis, 2009).
Radio advert
Radio adverts seem to have equal advantage as the newspaper ads but is costly as compared to
the print advert. The radio ads though very effective in employee recruitment may not reach
Internet recruitment
The Internet has become a way for employers to display company image and advantages over
construction labour shortage, according to Hornberger (1998) and he states: “The increased
turnaround, minimal recruiting cost, and favourable candidate demographics make the
Internet a potential solution to the labour shortage.” Some of the benefits he points out are:
convenient accessibility for both the recruiting firm and the job seeker (jobs are posted 24
hours a day, 7 days a week), and immediate feedback (via online communications) which
results in a faster hiring cycle and reduced cost per hire. Many predict that the Internet will
become more popular as a recruiting tool in the future. Internet Recruitment does not only
save cost but also enables organizations to provide much more information to applicants,
which can easily be updated. Internet has been recognised as a low-cost advertising medium
The study asked respondents whether the recruitment and selection method adopted has
Recruitment and selection has an important role to play in ensuring workers performance and
positive organisational outcomes. Majority of the respondents 58 (63%) indicated that the
practice had incredibly affect their performance. 27 (29%) where of the view that there had
not been any improvement in their performance. Employees who did not recognize the effect
on their performance were 7 constituting (8%). From the chart, one can notice that recruitment
and selection practices have influence most of the employee‟s performance. Successful
The researcher wanted to find out possible barriers hindering the effectiveness and efficiency
of the recruitment and selection of construction employees. Data collected from respondents
Involvement of agents
One major challenge identified to be frequently facing recruitment and selection practices in
the .ian construction industry is the poor human resource (HR) planning (RII=0.97). From
literature, according to recruitment and selection practices survey report by Shella and Paul
(1999), the top seven barriers to effective recruitment and selection of candidate (with the
highest in descending order), poor human resource planning appeared first. In this report, it
was added that ineffective planning of your human resource is as disastrous as a collapsing
firm because the workers form the core of the business and the business represent the workers.
Kaplan and Norton (2004), were also of the opinion that a common problem in recruitment
Ineffective job analysis had RII of 0.84, which was also part of the Shella and Paul‟s (1999),
report on the top seven barriers to effective recruitment and selection practices. The
recruitment process consists of a job analysis and job description. In recruiting staff, the
company must perform a job analysis to identify the requirements of the job. A job analysis is
the systematic process of describing and recording information about job behaviours,
activities, and worker specifications (Jackson et al., 2009). The job analysis is intended to
bring out what the company needs and the required skills or abilities needed to carry out the
job. It literally analyzes the job position available to be filled and gives the organization
information about the particular position, the task or work involved. The analysis goes on to
the job. A job analysis will help the company in recruiting the right caliber of people.
Recruited employees will know what their required responsibilities are and the skills and
selection is Competency level on the part of employee (RII=0.80). The aim of this factor is to
buttress the assertion of Richardson's (2012), which states that acquiring high quality staff is
critical to an organizations success. This is one of the biggest challenges confronting most
management when it comes to worker recruitment and selection. The competence levels on
the part most candidates or job applicants are usually not to expectation, low or do not meet
working condition of workers (RII=0.68), and among others as shown on figure 4.7 are also
identified barriers to employment recruitment and selection in the highest descending order.
The researcher wanted to find out from respondents how recruitment and selection practices
15% 36% description
competency should be
opportunity of being selected and treated fairly while all favouritism and biases are eliminated
to ensure that all get a fair chance of being selected and employed. Respondents further
suggested that the public should be aware through advertisement for all to apply while at the
same time given an equal opportunity. Another group of the respondent was of the view that
Proper job analysis (20%) and job description (15%) spells out the descriptions of jobs to
individual for them to know exactly what the job is (Werther & Davis 1989). Werther and
Davis, (1989) further said, it is a written statement that explains the duties, working conditions
and other aspects of a specified job to the potential employee. Usually most advertised jobs
have no job description to specify the actual duties of the job and the working conditions. The
purpose of jobs, duties and required skills and qualifications were not made available for
candidates. New recruits do not find their comfortable levels in carrying out those functions
when they are employed because they have no idea of their responsibilities. Hence, it was
4.6 Conclusion
st nd
In this chapter, the researcher found out that most of the respondents had 1 degree, 2
degree and HND. The study revealed that more than 80% of these constructions firms did not
have formal policy for recruitment and selection. However, there were other methods they
mostly used for recruitment and selection. These are newspaper advert, internal recruitment,
labour office, employee referrals and radio advert. Majority of the respondents also confirmed
that the practices used affected their performance positively. Challenges encountered during
recruitment and selection was ranked and ways to improve them were also identified and
5.0 Introduction
This part of the study presents summary of result together with conclusions of the analysis
and recommendations made to address the main problems identified from the study in line
Summary of the main findings is devoted to the first part with regard to the objectives
assigned to remind the reader of the achievements of the objectives. The succeeding parts
deals with the conclusions of the analysis. A suggested performance appraisal structure and
The objectives of the study were to identify existing recruitment and selection methods
contractors encounter in the recruitment and selection of workers. Below are the findings
obtained from the analysis of the data gathered from the survey conducted.
recruitment and selection. Most respondents constituting 86% confirmed that no formal policy
was used. The few 14% who had the policy for recruiting workers added that the policy only
From the study sixteen (16) methods were identified as recruitment and selection media
adopted by contractors in recruiting workers. Out of these sixteen mediums identified, the
following six methods were ranked as the most frequently used method of recruiting and
selecting of construction workers (in the highest order of merit). Newspaper advert, in-house
(internal recruitment), labour office, employee referrals, radio advert and lastly internet
The study established that majority of the respondents constituting 63% of the population
confirmed that the recruitment and selection practices in their respective firms helped them
improve their performances. Odiorne (1984), stated that the result of effective recruitment and
selection are the reduction on labour turnover, good employee morale and improves
organisation performance.
5.2. Conclusion
The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process should be to obtain at minimum cost
the number and quality of employees required to satisfy the human resource needs of the
Following the analysis and findings, the subsequent conclusions drawn based on the
Few organisations had existing formal policy for recruitment and selection of workers.
The methods for the recruitment and selection of construction workers by contractors
telephone, recruitment from school, job fairs, talent hunting, job proofing, in-house
Out of these identified recruitment and selection methods, the most frequently used medium
of selecting workers for reason of their respective merits are listed in the descending order of
highly recognized method: Newspaper advert, in-house (internal recruitment), labour office,
Hence, the management objective for recruiting workers despite the existing recruitment and
selection policy must be re-looked at to avoid critical failure in-terms of recruitment purpose
including undesirable levels of staff turnover and claims of discrimination from unsuccessful
job applicants
Out of the seventeen (17) barriers to the use of a choice of recruitment and selection
method; the top six (6) ranked, in the highest order includes, poor human resource
(HR) planning, ineffective job analysis, competency level on the part of employee,
5.3 Recommendations
In view of the above conclusions drawn from the findings, the following recommendations
were made to contribute to the practices of recruiting and selecting of construction workers by
contractors. The integral benefits of the identified recruitment and selection practices cannot
Although a good number of the respondents did not have recruitment and selection policy,
to those who had it, a policy requiring recruitment and selection processes to engage the
best person for the job on merit must be put in place. Ensure that workers of your
organisation or any person engaged in recruitment or selection is aware of the policies and
Organizations with no policy should adopt formal recruitment and selection policies in a
better way. Formal recruitment and selection policies would help the firms in attracting
internal and external candidates in filling any vacant position. Existence of formal policies
can also improve the transparency and accountability in recruitment and selection. Policies
job analysis to determine job description, job specification, and job evaluation. Through
proper job analysis, firms will be able to fix up the specific duties and responsibilities of
every employee. Job analysis will help in determining skills and knowledge to be
possessed by the employees to hold various positions. It will also facilitate in providing
In situations of internal recruitment, ensure that the job vacancy is communicated to all
divisions of the workplace, intranet, notice boards, newsletter, team meetings etc. and
include communication to those on leave to avoid any perception that the internal
From the literature review, a number of issues were identified and discussed from the concept
of staff recruitment and selection to staff. Considering the fact, that recruitment is a complex
practice. Further research can be made by enlarging the research sample size and more
stakeholders involve for interview to form a basis to adjudge the recruitment style that have
This is part of a MBA research project is looking at employee recruitment and selection in the
Construction industry in Ashanti Region. It would be very much appreciated if you could
complete this questionnaire as objectively as possible. The information given out is solely for
academic purpose and would be treated as confidential.. Thank you for your cooperation and
4. Occupation/Profession ……………………………………………………………………
[ ]
d. Others …………………………………..……………
Project Management [ ]
Part II: Recruitment and Selection
8. Do you have any formal policy for the recruitment and selection of
a. Yes [ ] b No [ ]
a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ]
a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ]
12. Which of these employee recruitment and selection processes identified in the study
S/No Recruitment and selection method
1 2 3 4 5
1. Internet recruitment
2. Radio advert
3. TV advert
4. Newspaper advert
5. Professional association(s)
6. Employment agents
7. Employee referrals
8. Door to door
9. Telephone
13. Has the recruitment and selection practice of your organisation affected your
Yes [ ] No [ ] Other [ ]
14. The underlisted are some identified challenges construction firms encounter in the
recruitment and selection practices. Rank them using 1 to 5 scales,
6. Involvement of agents
11. Leadership
15. Please suggest initiatives that can improve the current recruitment and selection
procedure used by your firm; aimed at retaining recruited workers?
a. …..………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………….
c. ….………………………………………………………………………………
d. ….………………………………………………………………………………
e. ..………………………………………………………………………………