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Understanding Aspocts ~ CoveTt Interactia1

With Alien Culture, Technolm_ And Planetazx Pololer Structures

Valdamar Valerian

Copyright , 988

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This project is the distillation of over fifteen

years of research. ().lt of those fifteen years, the last

year has been most significant. t-b3t of the controversial

data has appeared in the last year. Although sane of it may

seem a bit "far out", much of it has been coxxoborated frau

so nany sources that it is no longer a question of coincidence.

I am convinced that the following basic items are true:

o The Government has and is interacting with alien

o 'nle Goveuauent has captured alien technology and
has interacted with them to ensure a similar
developoent of our technology along the same lines.

o 'Ihe Government maintains undet~zound facilities, sane

of which are jointly occupied by alien entities.

o Different alien species are interact.i.rv; with human

beings. sane of the alien species maintain ~o~.La.ei'I;rrc>Und
facilities. Humans are being manipulated in these

o Manipulation of the htrnan species extends to very

deep l evels; levels of alien manipulation affect
hunan evolution, qenetics, and planetary '£XM!T

o Various entities that have a non-terrestrial origin

walk freely aroonq us •

o KJ-12 / PI-40/54-12 organizations do C aoo did) exist.

o AniJnal and human rrutilations are being performed.

o Abduction of human beings occurs on a regular basis.

o Alien interaction with the hunan cu•mmity will soon

have increased impact on society.

o A mini mum of 70 species are interactinq with our

planet; four or five alien species are doing the
most interaction.

o Star tm-s, SDI, and the "space pro,tam" are superficial

public c::onstructs that are "fronts" for funding ether
"black projects".
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o The U~ted States and ~~e Sov1et Union are not

adversar1es at ail, especially in terms of
interact~on with al~en spec~es.

o The pr oj ect l oosel y known as "Alternative Three''

is at l east 60% true.
. .
o Aliens have af f ected ~~e human religious systems.

o Sare of the rrost outsp:>ken uror.a:aS'lS work for

and with the Government.

o The public is being acclimated through the media

-. to the following information:

* Reinforcement of the ''One World" concept.

* Aliens do exist and are among us.
* Alien rotives may not be pleasant.
* Acceptance of the dehumanization of man.
•• o Mind control is actively being used by alien entities
inso far as their ability to manip.1late the human mind
is being used to suooue human beings for their own

o '!be CIA and other Government agencies have used Mind

Control Techniques to perfonn assasinations and to
further negative operations that are counterproductive
to human progress.
o World danination groups are inte.rv.oven with alien
control groups. The Illuminati 1 Bilderbergers 1 Council
on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Ccmnission, CIA, FBI,
NSA, NRO, the milit.azy, Federal Reserve and other
groups have areas within them that have conspired to
rule the world under a cbnination based system. This
system is catani tterl to the dehumanization of man and
the "cne World" concept. SOciety is maintained in a
static s tate of disarray, fostered by ego-oriented
activitie.s that focus on security, sensation, and p::JWer .
. .. . . ..

There are many more areas to cover, and I am sure that you will
reach some conclusions yourself. These conclusions may not be
comfortable, but they will appear. You will think very hard
after reviewing this book. That's the p.lrpose of it. To stimulate
thought and change within the consciousness of those who read it.
We're all after peace in our lives. We all want and need the
same kind of things out of life ( in the end ) • Saneday, we may
see a better ~rld and a better life for all beings, no matter
where they cane fran. This book is intended to be part of the
start of that process. Read it, reflect on it, and do a little
checking on your own. You'll be glad you did.
v. Valerian

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Notiee: All information and data for this 'NOrk ~e obtained through
various sources in the public <X:main.

This report is a a:Nf"IDENTIAL \o!Ork that is int~ for review by the

serlous researcher, and ass'LmleS a basl.c familiarity with the general
subject matter in the field. It was not produced specifically for the
general p.lblic.

t-1any thanks go to the follO'Wing researchers who have made a rea] _

contribution to the store of knor..iledge ~ have about these subjects:

Gray Barker Linda Moulton Hc:7we

Ralph E.i~rscrt Leonard Stringfield
BadiHopkins Whitley Strieber
Jozaa 8.1i st Jacques va llee
John Keel Ivan Sanderson
Jd'u"l Lear Trevor J. Constable
Weriielle Stevens William Steinman •
Bruce Cathie Riley J. Ctabb •
Alson Fry D.Hateher Childxess
Ted Holiday Michael 91\i th
Barry Greerfoo100d Lawrence Fawcett
George Andrews John Andrews
Tan Adams Tan Bmrden
Lew Terj Nikola Tesla
Juspeh Cater C.W.I.eadb:ater
Shakti Gawain William l'bore
Cli £ford Stene Helena .B.lavatsky
Lyall Watson J .Havelock Fidler
Rho Sigma Aileen Edwards
Dal Wilson John M::)ray
Wilhelm Reich Ruoolph Steiner
Ray Stanford Jerane Eden
D.Scott Rcqo Andrij a Puharich
0\errie Hinkle Marge Blakely

The author also IJishes to thank the au~n; for pennissioo
to draw fran their WJOrks for inclusion in niE MAnU:X:

Tan .Adams, for permission to quote "GRUIXiE 13: 0\NARD OR R::E:AI.ITY?.. fmn
I Stigmata No. 14' •

George Andreows, for permission to quote ".A. TENI'ATIVE T.AXCl-0!1' OF EXr.RA-

TE:RR~rRJ:AL Ht.MANOIDS" fran his forthc:::aning }x)ok: " .. F"RRnnDS
~'m FuFS", to be p.lblished by Llewellyn Publishing Co.

John A. Keel, for permission to quote fran ''UF'Os: OPERAnCN 'IroD.N OORSE".

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.. -.
The Media Connection

. As author and publisher Robert C. Girard ~c1nts . cut in

his work •• Ph-enomena Conspiracy". t~ere is a s1gn1f icant
problem wit~ our society that lends itself to main~aining
the state of confusion as far as t~e public is concerned.
!be work by Mr . G1rard is an attempt to point out some
of the constants in our society , and I will take the time
to elaborate on some of thcee points.
.·- One of the main points that Kr.Girard brings out is that
the media plays an important part in our society as a
"normalizing agent", and it does this by <1) Reinforcing
mass conditioning in reporting pnencmena by using buzz
words such as "UFO Buffs", "little green men",etc. ,and
<2 ) Relying on so-called "experts" who are generally united
in their ferocious drive to "protect the tb.ree-dimens1qnal
-. framework they require to preserve their illusion of human
These are good points. Anthrcpomcrph1c1ty ,or viewing the
universe in terms of human perception and symbols, is one
of the big ego-ur1ented barriers that are to be conquered
before an individua l can hope to have a clear mind to be
able to see is directly in front of his face.
Mr.Girard further points out that the "media creates and
makes availab:~ a network of opinion sampling as a means of
reinforcing the psychological conditioning of the general
populace". Maintenance of a status-quo reality is important
and you can readily see .~wh:t'' i-;e.~. su~:::.Q.... as j:)$M-:!U ~.1 •.1la_~e_. . ...."
arisen to combat variance in perception. Again, trademarkS
of a suppressive society - dangerous signals that we shou ld
all be aware of. ·
Further d1scus~1~g t he news media. Mr.Girard has a most
interesting definition of "news". He defines news as "care-
fully staged or manipulated illusions maintaining a
constant focus on intra-human topics, which lends itself as
the vehicle by which 'right thinking' is reinforced".
A few pages ago, I discussed the concept of "right think-
ing" in terms of what is or is not the "case", remember? ! !
you take the time to relate these two concepts to eacn
other, you will be amazed thAt anyone at all can break
away from th~s imposed mental conditioning, but break away
they do, and because of this the human being does evolve.
So you see, therefore, that the media supports. an image
of reality tnat is myopic and narrowminded, and why they
do not go out ot their way to publicize information dealing
with the presence of aliens on our planet. The media is ,
however, an effective tool for psychological acclimation
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Public Acclimation through Television

of the public

As you will realize later, the government has made a lot
o ! use of television in an effort to acclimate the public
to the idea of alien presence. Programs like the "V"
series introduced the idea of invasion, aliens with habits
that could be rep.U.s1 ve to some people, the idea o:f a
resist~nce movement that eventually triumphs, storage of
human bodies for food, and graphic images ot all these
t~ings . Th~ " I nvader" series introduced tbe idea of aliens
that look j ust like us, except for small variances, and
that they came in disks and were dematerialized when they
were killed . The "Star Trek" series introduces the concepts
of space wars, good and evil races, moral and ethical
issues , and high l y intelligent approaches to dealing with
aberrant beings and societies . The recent movie "Something
-:.s Out Tbere" , which will presumably be made into a series,
tntroduced the idea o! alien/ human cloning, cross-breeds ,
and humans for food . Again, the idea of active resist~nce
to them ts presented . ·
·- · ·-·-· ·-·.. ··- . . ... --·· .. •

Subliminal Messages to the Public

If 1n fact MJ -1 2 is using these !or a vehiele, and the

chances of that are 99% from what we can determine then it
wo uld indicate and support what we already know -- aliens
are already here and have taken over portions of our
s ociety. We already know there are humanoids here,etc, ae
~ mentioned before . It makes sense . They could be trying
~ c ge~ subliminal messages to society. realizing that they
:~n do nothing about any alien timetable for operations. We
~ ~ ~ e ady know they're in trouble . and tha~ they formul~ted
~ 20-month plan for acclimation but feel that there is~t
1 · t :ne to carry it out . Intelligence in the l as~ few months '"- \
/ : ~.di clltes that certain alien groups p l an to make some overt ) I
" ::::ve s . Exactly what they are remains to be seen, and we ,.
~ · ~ll se e it very shortly.

Cnc e a being realizes that there ie more than his own

~:~ns1o n to reality, 1t frees him from that speeifie set
·: : ?erceptual self-11m1 tat ions . The whole discuseton of
- · ·- h e:- e do they come from" relies on the person1:s percept ion
.,~.1 his self-limitations. If I am acutely aware of other
- ~~ l~ty systems and frequencies and you sit around drinking
-~~ ~ and philosophize about getting laiQ, dent bother to
· , ~ k to me about where you think they come from . I have
· ···. ter thing s to do . Do not pass go and collect 200 aliens .

.• "':.:• .. *"*=* ........ ·t ., .. * Document Archived at:
Now , after that interesting review of today•s society , let' s
.. get down to discussing aliens .. why not .. thats what we ' re here
for isn't it?
Living here hasn't been easy . It's a high activity area
for a lot of strange things . Disks and alien beings seem
to fit in very nicely. Since I have been here, I have
run into a lot of interesting people.
Some of these people have been abducted, some as early as
four or five years of age. Some of these people have children
that are crossbreeds. There are numerous magnetic and
gravitational vortex areas here. T~~r:~ ... ~!S heavy MIB .
-~.c:tJ. vity : ___ There are people here who have bad interaction
with aliens for almost 50 years . There are numerous UFO-
or1ented groups . There are CIA operatives here, both ex-
CIA and those who are still with "the company". The FB!
and other government agencies are active here . There are
plenty of s1ght1nge. What more could a researcher ask for?
~ot much. After almost 12 years of research that has
taken me all over the world I can still say that I have
retained my sense o! humour and still play with a full
deck. So what gives with all this? Well, I intend to g1ve
you a smattering of some of the more interesting aspects
of this whole thing - some of the 1nte~eet1ng connections
and observations that I and othe~s have m~de - and put 1t
all together in one place so you will have it at band wben
you have that 10-po1nt experience ... . if you havent bad 1t
a.lread.y .. ...
There are a lot of humanoids here. Humanoids? Beings wbo
look more or less like terrestrial humans except they're
not. Just the other night, I had a conversation with a
lady who bas had interaction with ETs for over 50 years.
and she related an incident where she was covering an event
downtown and she spotted one of tbem. How could she tell ?
Well, presumably after 50 years experienc~ sbe could. She
_ said th.A:t;__~-~e.r~ . wal$_ ~o~tb...1n.g_ dif!~ .+.ent aQ.out their eyes. I
. as~e4....he_;r:- !'fAA-~-- that waa. a.nd. said t.hat the part _of ..:ULe"'---
_4!.Y~ far~_heet away from t .he t}OS~"f.~~-A l_lt.:tle_~ld!l*-. thap _ _
~c.:?.~JA ~~- ~9r~JJ._y .. ~.~~c.:ted. She evidently went right up to
him and asked him "what are YOU doing here?". He replied
"learning . . the same as you".
A friend of mine and four of his friends experimented
"With cryst.~.J ~.~r~9..i._ur~s .. a year or two ago, and they
__iigured ou~_ _how tQ 9_\~.t t~~ .ll!.. ~l9!lg ce.rtain EJ.anes . so tbey
could aetually see the aura or energy field around people .
That's when they discovered that all people arent people.
or the people they thought they were . It appears that some
._gT bu~no1ds ~~V4!. a darlf_J~J .u~... o"'-.oi~ aura . It so happens
that all the people they checked that met this criteria

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x CO:rlF ! DEN'TI AL *

-~lso wore dark glasses and. made .e..very att•mpt . Hl-1~e
1~~-!L...r.~-a~ .l_y '1"!!4.n:t.e..d....._not.h..i..n..g tc. . do w1tt. --pegp-l-e- ·-1-a
geaer.a--1- ..
They followed one of these people out into the desert
where he evidently had a trailer. After waiting until
dusk. they made a pretense of needing help and knocked.
on the door . After a short while , the light went on and
the man came to the door . He looked normal, except that
h is pup_1J:~__we_£e v~rt_ica~ __ sl tt~ _.~n=s t e~!i of c1r ~les . 1-=t'----
wo rks . Th e o nly trouble is that it costs S2 , 000 to put
a pair o f these glasses together .
• Vhat if you had a pair of glasses like this? How
would you react if your friends exhibited the signs
of being non- human? How would you · alter your life
once you had confirmation of thi67 What would you
do? Who wou l d you tell? See the proclem?

~e l l , le~s turn now t o t he s u b j ect at hand , which

is t he UFO pr o blem and re l ated subj ec t s .
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One must start somewhere in sorting this mess out . 1

believe the best place to start would be with what we know
at this time of the reaction of the United States to the
discovery of the presence of alien 11feforms on the planet .
It is ou1te clear at this time that when the first

disks started coming down around the world that people did
..I not really know how to handle 1t, especially governaental
people . Somewhere in every government , there are people who
are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they know
what is best for everyone, and their concern in this case •
• at least initially, was <l) To find out wbat these things
were and where they came from , <2> To prevent any form of
panic with the mass populace and subsequent destabilization
,..l of the world sociological and economic structure .
Now before I go any further, 1 must restate the fac~
that governmental structures are very compartmentalized,
and also that there are several parallel power groups in
control <on the human side >. World power domination group~
such as the Illuminati, the Bilderburger group and the Club
o! Rome were just as concerned, especially about <2) above .
The military industrial complex was worried about <1)
and also about destabilization of the process of controlled
release of technology for maximization of profit.

- -
CIA---- .. -

At the end of VWII, Gestapo intelligence personnel

were brought to the United States under the guidance of
Allen Dulles and Reinhard Gehlen, given c1t1zensh1p,and
helped create the structure for the Central Intelligence
Agency. All this was done without the knowledge or consent
of American citizens.
The primary !unction of the CIA. as soon as all this
UFO business began, was UFO R&D and security . They still ,
to this day, maintain that stance , although the MJ-12
group maintains general control over general policy and
public integration and acclimation procedures.

The Saga Begins . ..

During the period from 1947 to 1952 , when our nations
capital was overflown by disks, the MJ-12 group was formed .
. If you wish a list of the original members, check the
. MJ-12 docuaent near the end of the book. For now, let us
say that most of the members had high level functions in
government, were ex-directors of the CIA or other 1ntel and
scientific groups . In general, the group was formed from
stable, logical groups of people that apparent ly could
handle the situation .

... .
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In December ~947 , Project Sign was initialized to get

as mucb information as possible about tbe disks and tbe1r
occupants. Plans were made at that time to create public
"front" projects, which eventually matured into Project
bzma, SETI. and the radioastronomy antenna at ~ibo in
later years. The purpose for the front projects was to
aid in detection of lifeforms an~ eecondly to convince
' the public that <1) nothing out of the ordinary was
nappening, and <2) give the impression that there was
a real searc!l :for life in "outer space" . The :front projects
also provided funding which, like the space program of
today. can be diverted to classified technical projects.
In order to preserve security, at least at a lower
level, liaison between Project Sign and MJ-12 was limited
to two individuals within the intelligence division of the
Air Materiel Command. It was their role to pass along
certain types of information and intelligence through
channels to MJ-12.
Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge about one
year later, in December 1946. By this time, tbe govern-
~ent had discovered that there was something to be
c oncerned about . The investigation of Thomas Kantells
:947 death while chasing a UFO had been completed, and
! ~ was decided that a series of dis1nformat1cn programs
.,.,er-e needed . There were 14 reports to come out of Proj ect
·~ rudge. Number 1: was net disseminated due to its nature,
and to this day there are arguments over its veracity. As
: mentioned before, we bave bad word as of Kay 1986 that
:~e underground copy <facsimile> of the Grudge 13 report
accurately reflects tbe original material. For details
~~ o ut tbe contents of the report, consult the Appendix
s~rles at the end of this report.
f'roj ect Grudge, which w1us basically an interna-l
::-oject, had its civilian public counterpart in Pro j ect
=luebook, with which we are all very familiar. Only
~::nocuous or "safe" reports were passed to Bluebook tor
In 1949, MJ-12 evolved an initial contingency plan
~3 l led MJ-l949-04P/ 78 tbat was designed to make allowance
: :.r eventual public release ot data . 1 t wae
• •
within a month after its creation.
Majestic Twelve was originally organized by General
. ~crge C. Marshall in July 1947 to study data from the
~: s well-Magdelena disk retrieval operation, and the data
:~=~~his and other retrieval operations produced a
: ~~i i n g of extreme paranoia, and prompted an internal
:·. ~ ~try on how the public was perceiving the concept
: ~ l !en l1feforms and vehicles. Admiral Hillenkoetter, who
-~~ ~1•e c tor ot the CIA !rom May l, 1947 until September
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1950 , decided to ac~ivate the Robertson Panel,which was

.. designed to moni~or civilian UFO s~udy groups ~hat were
appearing nationwide. He also joined BICAP in 19~6 and
was ehoeen as a member of its board of directors. It was
from this position tnat he was able to act as the MJ-l2
"mole", -alonq with his team of other covert experts . !hey
were able to steer HICAP in any direction ~hey wanted 1~
to go.
·.;1 th the "! 1 ying saucer" program seemingly under the
complete c~ntrol of MJ-12 and with the physical evidence
hidden away, General Marshall felt more at ease with ~he
' . si tuaticn.
Within six months of the Roswell crash on 2 July 1947
and the discovery of another crashed UFO at San Augus~ine
flats near Magdelena, New Mexico on 3 July 1947, a grea~
deal of reorganization of agencies took place. The main
thrust behind the original "security lid.. , and the very
reason for its construction, was the analysis and atte~ted
duplication of disk technology. Compartmentalization of
this effort went to the Research and Development Board,
Air Force Research and Development, the Office of Naval
Research, the" CIA Office of Scientific Int~ligence, and
the NSA O:f:! ice o! Scient if 1c I ntell igeuce. The BSA, I mE!
might add, was created 1n~1ally to protec~ the secret of
the reccvered disks, and in the proce~s attained control .
of all communications in the United States, including the I•
us Mail.
!he NSA can monitor any individual in minute de~ail. It
brings to mind a story an ex-agency follow had to tell
about the "singing rock" . It was discovered. that sound
waves <voices,etc) beamed at a rock could be recovered
minutes later after the sound had stopped . That was mere
than 20 years ago. Toclay, the state of technology is such
that a som~l~te audio and video record of you can be mad~ ..
more than two weeks after you were at any location. an~ /~
all this is by satellite . / '

At any rate, witnesses to any aspect of the program \

have their lives monitored in every detail, for each bas
signed a security oath. For those working in the program, '
breaking that oath could have any of the following direct
1. A verbal warning accompanied by a review of the
..lecuri ty oath. •
2. A stronger warning, sometimes accompanied by
browbeating and intimidation.
3. Psychologically working on an individual to bring
on depression that will lead to suicide.
4 . Murder of the individual tnat his made to appear as
an accident, suicide, or heart attack < a favorite

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method used by the CIA).

5. Strange and sudden accidents-always fatal.
e. Total memory loss . NASA has a black metallic '
hood-like device for this. Some alien groups
have o~her devices that accomplish this.
7. Confinement in special detention centers.
8. Con! i neme n t in '' 1 nsane asylums" where they are i

"treated" by mind-control and de-progra:mming I
techniques. ln<11v1duals are released with changed ''
personalities, identities, and altered memories. ·',
Alien groups do this too, but I will explain that I

part later. I
9. Bringing the person into the "inside" where be is I
employed. and. works !or "them", and where he can be 'I

watched. This is usually in closed facilities with I

little or no access to the outside world. Underground
facilities are very often used. !or this method.

Any individual whom they perceive to 'be "too elose to

the tru'th" will be treated in the same manner. You might
remember Gary Stellman, who pointed an empty BB ~un at .·.
'I '
David Horowitz on KNBC Channel 4 in Los Angeles in 1987 . He \

had cu1te

a tale to tell in the statement he wanted David
to read. We'll discuss tnat later , but Gary is now residing
in a " company nut neuse".
Tnere is one thing that took MJ-12 by surprise < the
first in a long list of things that would do that>,and tnat
was when contact was finally made with an a l ien group. We
are not exactly sure when that was, but we do know that the
disk crashes in 1947 were caused by our radar interfering
w1th equipment aboard the disks. A good guess would be in
the early 1950's, 'but is generally placed in the g&neral
period from 1947 to 1971 . There is plenty of evidence to
suggest that Presid.~nt Eisenhower was present for a demo
of alien ~echnology at Edwards AFB in the 1950's.

Now , governDents being wnat they are, there was a

?roposal to them that they give us advanced technology.
and evidently that request was refused . That request was
:ater reoeated

with other races that were contacted. All
~efused - except on~ - the Greys.
The beings known as the Greys are about 3 l/2 to
4 l / 2 feet high, with grey to greyish-brown skin, and big
~~a~~ eyes. They are the ones pictured in Whitley
Strieber•s book "Communion" . There is a separate chapter
=n the Greys in a different area in this report.
These beings are the ones who perform most of the
a~ductions, implantations < or inculcations, as the Gr-eys
:3 1 1 them) , and animal mutilations.
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At this point, I might say that the main reason for doing this report
is that over the years I becarte tired of seeing people get hurt unnecessarily
.. . and suffer :because sane others were withholding technology for their own
purposes. 'Ibere is a solution, and it is t.ilTe that it was lnt>lenented.

People always do W'hat they feel they have to do.. I arn sure that
the ones wb:> made the deal with the Greys felt that they had to do 'What they
had to do·· It does not, ~, make it right.

Primary Energy Technology is oue of the big areas Where su~ression also
reigns suprme. Quite a few people have been pe:Y:"secuted in this country for
their discoveries. Any " Ha 11 of Fane " ~d have to include Dr.
Wilhelm Reich, Ruth Drown, John tot>ray, and a host of others. 'nle effort to
maintain a state of cultural stasis seems to be the prine object - to all"-1
those in ~ to remain that way, and to daninate the rest of society for
the sake of poNer and greed.

Fran one point of view, the people Who l.k!de a deal with the Greys were ,
parhaps, just as bad as th::>se who sold us out during all the wars we have
been "involved" in. '!bey sold out the United States of Anerica for greed
and power. Arrj person who views this country with such distain warrants
investigation, for the United States, even though it has its faults, is one
of the last places where any investigations like this can take place. To have
people suppress others is unacceptable. To have people attatpt to overthrow
the govenment is unacceptable '!his is the oti1e1. reason for this report - I
do not agree with the situation, and I INOU.l.d like to see it stop before every
vestige of freedan and evolvenent is purged fran our midst.

* *
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Smith is a journalist who evidently has a


- ~u~ber of inside connections to the CIA, as well as other

sources that have revealed some interesting data about
t~e aliens and their interactions with human beings. The
following data is extracted from public domain materials
" ...
~e1ng circulated about these matters that bad their origin
wi th ~arren Smith.



1 . During the 1947 "Flying Saucer Flap", the CIA knew that
R~ssia did not have the knowledge or tbe technology to
?r~duce a weapon'that would be as advanced as the flying
c!sks. They did, however have a nagging suspicion that
··· ~ -

~laz 1 sc tent ists and Germanic knowledge might have been

? ~ t to work behind the Iron Curtain . Tbe world was just
e nt ering tbe jet age and high-speed ~erable craft
. . wo u l d give the Russians vast superiority in the air.

2. l t therefore became imperative that the United States

~~nd out about flying saucers. As covert activities require
~~ney , the intelligence community turned to their wealthy
!!"1ends. There has always been an "Old Boy" network
3~ong spies and their various agencies !rom the start. The
: :A bas been an agency heavily l oaded with people from Ivy
:.eague colleges and the eastern establishment.

: . According to my information. a meeting was held shortly

' !~er the Arnold sighting < 1947. Mt. Rainier ) at the
~:e st1gious Brooks Club 1n New York . Funds were obtained
· ~ l aunch an official check-out on what flying saucers
~~~~t be and where they originated . At the same time, tbe
:A was chec king out US military ·and foreign sources to
~ :~d out about the UFOs. All reports came back negative,
: ~. : !'.J<i1ng a statement from Truman that he didn't know of
,~ ·:t~1 n g like that on the line in the military industrial
. .. !."'"' "' ·

~ r~at left the CIA with tbe thought that UFOs were of
- :c:~ !on origin, but tbere were doubts about Russia as a
- ~r~e. The disks did~t react in a predictable pattern,
•. • '! as the flap built up, 1 t became apparent that some-
• • •
· · ~ ! unusual was happening . People in all parts of the

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country were seeing these disks. They were definitely

machines of unknown origin .
--5 . Tbe CIA recognized that a half-dozen of these disks
could throw the citizens of the US into a panic. The
disks appeared to have the capability to extremely
rapid mobility and could f l y coast-to-coast in a very
~ short time . lf panic arose, it was projected that the
phone and radio communication systems would break down.

The next meeting took place at the N~s~u _Gun . Club
, _on t~~--~ampus of Princeton Univers1ty 7 _(lt - was decided·l
to start an immediate debunking of sightings . Psych /
\ Warfare and Propaganda branches of the OSI would be ·
I used to develop hoaxes, false s1ght1ngs and wild _ ___
f reports. Stories ridiculing UFOs and the sighters
-. --could be planted 1n the newspapers and magazines .
'1. When Frank Scullys book "Behind the Flying
Saucers·was debunked. the rumors seemed to stop .
r-uFOs were to become the exclusive property of the
~ CIA, a group that has effectively controlled the
1. field since 1947 . •·
- ···-·· -····- -··-- . · ·-··· . .... - ··
...... . .
8. In 1953, the Air Force is said to have developed
sophisticated radar tracking equipment. On thirteen
occasions that year. the Air Force picked up blips
on huge spaceships that were orbiting aro~nd tne
earth at altitudes from 100 to 500 miles. It wae
found that these ships preferred an equatorial
Q. This information was rushed to DOD and the CIA .
The appearance of the ships was so unnerving that a
tracking station was set up at White Sands under the
direction of Dr .Clyde Tombaugh , t he noted astonomer
who discovered Pluto . According to my informant, the
hastily constructed system was to maintain a complete
record of the orbiting UFOs.

10.S1nce that time, the agency has maintained a "duck .

bob and weave" stance on these ET visitations. The
agency has compiled a vast amount of data on the ETs .
.; their technology and point of origin .

11. The agency maintains a world-wide surveUlance on

UFO data .
- -

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12. UFOs are rea l and tbey represen~ an advanced t e chnology

from ano~her planet , Their bome 1s si milar to ear~b and
they bave an atmosphere s o mewhat li ke ours .

13. The problem is that their sun is dying . !heir p l anet

bas started to cool and has begun to enter an ice age .

14 . The aliens bave decided the only way to survive was

to go to Earth, which was selected for the purpose . !be
problem for mankind is that we are living here.

15. Ye have obtained data that reveals they are conducting

a systematic project of survei l lance . The first phase of
their mission on earth involved l ong distance sur-
v~l~nce by drone aircraft. !hen a high l evel base was
established on the moon. A cartograph1cs survey was
l aunched and the new data transmitted to base was
• •
to data ' in the computer from earlier times .

16 . The nev.t phase was to survey to check continental

. : .
drift , polar misalignment. and grid-pin misplacement
from the last catastrophe. All remaining pins were
located and their coordinates were plotted, computed
and recorded in permAnent data storage.

17. During the carrying out of this mission. other

teams from the Confederacy were bust doing biological
surveys and collecting specimens, and checking on
the feasibility of interracial compatab111ty at the
protoplasmic and genetic levels .

:8. Upon co mpletiou of these projects. vast comm

rel ay stations were set up to monitor the culture&
existing and future media networks and all military
projects. !he Watchers are operational . Every aspect
of our civilization is recorded by the would-be
i nvaders .

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* CONFI DEliT ! AL #.

Mutilation of L1fe!orms and its Apparent

Relationship to Alien Activity

or "Vhere's the Bee!'?"

A General Chronology:
J I n the middle of 1963, a series of livestock at~acks
occurred in Haskell ccunty, Texas . In a typical case , an
Angus bull was found with its throat slasned and a large
round wound in its stomacb. The c1ti:enry attributed ~he
a-t t acks to a wild beast of some sort, or a "vanishing
varmint". As it continued its furtive forays through ~he
Kaskell county outback. the bloodluster assumed somewhat
more mythic proportions and a new name arose which was
destined to endure : The Haskell Rascal.
Throughout the following decade, there would be a.
cont inuous series of reports of similar attacks on live-
stock, These attacks would be eventually described as
"muti l ations", or "mutes" . !be most prominent of these
reports was the mutilation death of "Snippy" t.b.e horse i n
southern Colorado in 1967, accompanied by area UFO sight-
ings, the tru=pe~-up Condon Committee Investigation and
wor l dwi de press cov .. rage .
In 1973, the modern era of biological mutilat i on can
be said to have begun in earnest. That year is genera ll y
tbought o! as the year o! the last conce~ted UFO flap .
'l although there may be reason to questi o n that contention .
given the events of two yea~s later.
In 1973 and 1974, the maj ority o! the ., classic"
t mutilation reports o~iginated in the central United States.
I n 1975 , an unprecedented ons l aught of muti l ations

across the west~r~ two-thirds of the United States .
Mutilation reports peaked t hat year, accompanied by
accounts of UFOs and Unidentified Helicop~ers.
In 197 8, the attacks increased . By 1979, numerou s
livestock mutilations were occurring in Canada, primarily
in Alberta and Saskatchewan . At t acks in t he Un i ted S t a t es
began to level of!.
In l9e0, there was an increase in activ i ty in the
United States. These mutilations bave been REPORTED less
frequently since t~at year, though this may be due i n par~
to an 1ncreasd reluctance to report mutilations on the pa"~
of ranchers and farmers. The mutilations st i l l conti n ue .
Somewhere between 0000 and 10,000 animals <and some
humans ) have died in the United States, althou gh i t !s
a wor l dwide prob l em.
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Genera l Obse~vat~ons:

Any 1n~es~tga~1on which intends to probe the systematic

occurence of ~he mu~i1at1on attacks upon livestock must
include within its purview certain :actors which may or may
~ot be direct~y related to the acts of mutilation the~
selves . These mutilations - the slaughter and r--moval of
external or internal body parts - have been directed at
li~erally thousands o! animals <primarily livestock > since
the 1960's, although mutilations have occurred as early
, as 1ee0 .
The surgi c al procedures that appear to have been
conducted have been done so witA uncanny precision.
suggesting the use of highly sophisticated implements and
techniques. !he numbing and persistent regularity of the
mutilations and the seemingly casual disposal of the use-
less carcasses all hint at extreme confidence - even
arrogance - of the perpetrators . It is a,!;__~;:.;-:Qg_~ce_~hi~
I _a ppears to be just1t'iec1 by the freedom ~_!ld_ ~~-Uil,ity wi'th
·- ...._ these acts have been carried out.
. . · ··
The pertinence of a specific element of the problem is
shortly revealed i~ the course of ~ny thorough research
or investigation into the mutilations. I refer ma!nly to
the appearan~e of unmarked and otherwise unidentified
helicopters within a spatial and temporal proximity to the
mu~i l ation sites . T~e occurence of the two has been always
pe~s1stent enough to supercede coinci~ence.
These mystery helicopters are almost always without
identifying markings. or markings that are there appear to
have been painted over or covered with something. The heli-
ccp~ers are frequently reported flying at abnormal, unsafe
or illegal altitudes. They may shy away i! witnesses or law
officers try to approach.
There are several accounts of aggressive behavior on
the part o! the helicopter occupants . with witnesses being
chased, "ou:z:ced", hovered-over or even fired upon . At times
these choppers <all puns intended) appesr very near the
mutilation sites, even hov•reing ever a pasture where a
muti l ated carcass is later found. They may be observed
shortly before - or after mutilations occur- or within days
of a mutilation. The intention here is merely to stress the
fact that the "mystery helicopter" element is a part o! the
issue which deserves scrutiny.
The concept of mystery helicopters did not develop
concurrently with the animal mutlations themselves. Such
helicopters - unmarEed, flying at low levels, soundless
<or sounding like helicopters> - have been reported for
years, and have been linke4 to an even more widespread

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phenomenon - the "phantom" <fixed-wing> aircraft . These

aircraft appear and disappear while in flight, and even
change sha~.
The relationship between helicopters and UFOs is
apparent on a worldwide basis. In some of the more
interesting accounts, the mystery helicopters were seen
accomp~nying UFOs, or very shortly after ~FOs were sighted .
. . The most apt case 1 can think of, but certainly no~
the most isolated, i s a case described by Virgil Arms,rong
in his lecture on "what NASA didtft tell us about tbe Moon" .
In this lecture, he discusses the subject of the
apparent relationship between UFOs and helicopters. He
describes a friend of his who bad invented a special
camera arrangement with the idea that it would increase the
chances of getting good pictures of UFOs . The camera was
mounted on a gunstock with a laser. The idea was to fire
the laser at the UFO. 1! one appeared, and hopefully the
UFO would come to a halt, with \ quality pictures being
.. .
Bot too long after they were set up in the desert, a
UFO did in fact appear, and they fired the laser and the
disk stopped in a hovering mode . Shortly thereaf~er, the
disk !lew away. Within minutes , they heard the souna of
helicopters coming their way. Tbe helicopters land~d
strategically around their group, and out of the choppers
came a group of black berets, which are strategic Air
Foree security forces . What appeared to be the comD0nder of
the berets walked up to the group and said, "what are you
doing here'?" . "Obviously, we are photographing !lying
objects, and we just saw a flying saucer and we got some
very good pictures of 1t", said one of t.b.e group. The
commander of the berets then asked the leader of the ~roup
if he knew where he was, and the group leader replied
"no" . The coDUMnder then said, "we suggest you get out o.f
here right now!". Tt\e group leader then asked, "what right
do you bave to tell us to get out of here? Is this govern-
ment land'?" . The commander of the berets, a captain.
replied. "indeed 1t is. and if you are not cut of here in
ten minutes, you are under arrest ". With that, the berets
removed the film from the camera, and the group lett.
•ot only does this illustrate one kind of in~tanee
where UPOs are seen in relationship to helicopters, but 1t
also illustrate• the fact that either the disks are ours or
we have a military/governDent relationship with those who
fly them. The helicopters mentioned above were ~nited
States military helicopters.

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Made in USA

Ano~ner case . of military he l icopters and what are

, =? arent1y disk owned and operatea by the United S~ates
: ~~es :·rom ~he book "UFO Crash at Aztec " , by Ste.i.nnan and
:::evens . In the book he re l a t be 1 nc i den't in ~¥hicl:t
~ ~dian was backpacking 1n 'the mountains in tbe vicinity
' .
=: Area 51. Groom Lake, on the Nel li s AFB range nort.b oi
:._.3. 5 'J egas . !Jh1le backpacking, tbe tndian beard the sound
== approaching helicopters and hid out of sight. The heli-
,- : oo~ers were broadcasting a warning over their public
~odress systems for anyone in the area to show themselves
·;)e c ause they 1 ntended to conduct a "dangerous m.i l i ta.ry
-:est." . The indian maintained his hidden posture, and ~he
je l icopter flew directly overhead and then back ~own ~award
~~e Groom Lake facility. Minutes later, two other heli-
c ~oters were seen flying back up the canyon w1th a black
~:sk flying between and slightly above them. The trio flew
cverhead and then the helicopters turned around and flew
oa c lt towards the base, followed short:ly thereafter by the
di sk . The individual~ name and information en how to ge~
: n touch wtth him are related in the book . One may presume
t oat ~h i e scenario may be the result of Project Snowbird ,
where captured alien disks were allegedly tested and
e ven~ually flown out of this facility .

Mystery Helicopters and Orientals

Situations involving the mystery helicopters appear to

be a l ittle mere insidious than the experience of the man
n ear Groom Lake. A good example of this is an event wh1cb
occurred in Madison county, Montana. between June and
Octooer 1976 . Twenty-two confirmed cattle mutilations had
occurred during that period. and they were accompanied by
reports throughout the county of silent , unmarked, j et-
bl ac~ helicopters, flashing/steady anomalous lights in the
air and near the ground, and unmarke~ fixed-wing aircraft
accompanied by white vans -- all in remote and presumab ly
inaccessible areas.
Toward the latter part of this period. in early a utumn
of 1976, a hunter from Bozeman, Montana was out alone at
3PM one day in the Red z.t:runudn area near the little town of
Norris . Hw watched as a black helicopter without markings
flew overhead and disappeared below a small bill . The man
climbed to the top of the hill and saw the black chopper
<a aell Ranger , he thought ) on the ground, the engine still
running . Seven men had apparently exited from the craft and
were walking up tbe hil l towards him. As the hunter walked

towards the seven individuals, he wave~ and shouted a

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congenia l greeting . It was then ~hat he noticed that all

seven appeare~ to be oriental. !hey had slanted eyes and
olive skin <sounds like XIB-types> and were jabbering
among themselves in sou. undecipherable language . They
wore "everyday'' clothes, not uniforms. Sud.denly, they
began to return to the helicopter . The hunter, still
waving and shouting friendly greetings , started after
them. The Orientals quickened their pace. Vbeu the
. .. hunter approached to within five or six feet, they broke
into a dead run, crowded into the chopper and took ot! .
In a documented "mystery he l icopter" wave in England,
accounts place Oriental-appearing occupants in an un-
identified chopper. Slant-eyed, olive-skinned Oriental
occupants have been a stap l e at the heart and at the
periphery of UFO accounts for many years . Significant
numbers o! the infamous "men-in-black" <MIB > have a similar
appearance. but very often they are seen as very pale and
gaunt men who appear to be very sensitive to light.

Some Conclusions . . .

In STIGMATA No.5 <Fall-Winter 197S ) , Tom AdAms out li ned

the most prominent speculative explana~aions accounting f~r
toe mutila t ion-helicopter li n~. i ncluding the following :

a . The helicopters are themselves UFOs . disgu ised t o

appear as terrestrial aircraft .
b . The choppers or i ginate from or are allied with the
government / military and are not invo l ved in the
actual mutilations but are invest1ga t aing them.
e . The choppers originate from within the government
and are conducting some of the mutilations .
d . The he l icopters are government/ military. and they
know about the identity and mo~ives of those who
are perpetrating the mutila~ions and oy t heir
presence are trying to divert at t ention to the
poss i bi l ity of involvement by the military.

The answer, as far as Tom Adams was concerned, cou l d be

a combination of the above proposals . There bas also been
speculation that the government 1s involved·in part of the
mutilations as a samp l ing procedure !or programs involving
biological warfare, 'ciogeological testing for petroleum and
mineral deposits or other similar programs . At the site o f
one mutilation, for instance, a US Army issue scalpel was
found . S i nce the disks have been mostly involved when it
comes to mutilati o ns , it is genera l ly ~bought that this was
a diversionary plant.


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These o r the discussion of ~hem , is just the

even~s .
~ re : ursor ~o the actual revelations of waat really may be
: e~:nd ~~e bulk oi the mutilations: alien acquisition o!
= ~=~ogical materials for their own use. There is quite a
. o~ o! evidence ~o support this , and t here is one case
~ ~at goes a long way to illustrate this connection, and
: ~at this interaction involves direct interaction with
~ xtra-~errestrial Biological Entities <EBEs ).

Individuals Witness Alien Pickup of Cattle

7 he c ase i n mind is one involving Judy Doraty and

~er son. who were driving on a rural highway in Yew Mexico
:~ 1980. Vh1le driving along the highway near Cimarron.
~.·oey observed two disks in the process of abducting a
.,oung calf . As a result, both of them were abducted and
: aKen on one of the craft to an underground installation
~ear Du lce, New Mexico. They were later released and tell
:be story of how they observed l arge vats with a blue
: tquid with cattle body parts floating around in them. They
d~so recall one vat which contained the body of a mAle
~u man . The woman was subjected to an examination and it
... a s fur't.her alleged t hat smal l meta l lic objects were im-
~ ~anted into her body and that of her sen . More than one
·=-c·.;r c e has confirmed that catscans have locAted these

Other individuals nave witnessed the abduction of
animals . In another case, a woman was picked up while
Qncther calf was being abducted. She observed pincer-like
~r~ pick up the ca l f, apply what appeared to be a high
-ro : tage charge to kill the animal, and inject some
subs t ances into the animal. It was then hau l ed aboard
~~e c raft and parts extrac~ed, aiter which it was simp l y
~~opped onto the ground.
Discussion about the nature , location, and apparent
~ur p o se of this and other laboratories will be discussed
.l-: length later on .
Lets return to something we can get ncre of a direct
;.and.le on . Ae you know, mauy times psychics have been used
:·r ~o vestigative authorities to evaluate situations . More
_:': en than not, what these people contribute has been
·~e r oot of what solves the case .
ln 19$0, Peter Jordan engaged several psychics to
~ ~nd er their impressions from various photos of mute cases
~ :-.d ma ps of areas where these events occur . I will now
: ~ tail some of these findings for your information, and
-~~st that this information , like all of the rest of the rmat1on in this report, will save you a let of time.

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t. ~ ~ ;f :n: x ::u: :.t :.t :.t ::s: 1: ~ ~

Name cf Psychic: Ronald Kangravite

a. This animal has been dead a few days.

b. Some parts are decaying faster than others
c. There 1S an overload of electrolytes in the body,
possibly due to injection of a citrate .
d. Something wrong with the blood. Picking up a higher
portion of plasma which may be lymphatic fluid.
.. e. Two men working on the animal . Very sharp surgical
f. Men dre$eed in ~lack. Jumpsuits. Shiny black oylon .
8· W1nchl1ne coming down from helicopter.
h. Men are skilled ex-military.
1. Something is going to be done with . the tissue.
j . Flourometry connection. Spectrophotometers.
k. Choppers are brown or gray .
l. Underground implications .
m. Experimentation with different analytical techniques.

Bame of Psychic : Elisabeth Lerner

a. Paramilitary forces
b . A serious invasion of American privacy
c. Bon-American indians part of secret project.
d. The word AHIIDE
e . The word CARMiNE or KARMlNE.
f . The symbol DK.
g . A new wave of mutilations will strike near SW Hew Mex.
h. The Hobart Company is involved in this <refer equip?)
1 . Three huge doughnut shaped objects will be seen in
connection with these new mutilations.
j. Breakthroughs in research.
1 . Muscle relaxant injections .
m. Someone with the name EMPlDA .
n. This is a Mexican Operation.
o. Names KIELMAH and KELMAN.
p. lns1tut1on with many Lincoln Continentals and Cadillacs.
q . Laboratory underground .
r. Lilly Pharmaceuticals.
s . Roman numerals IVIII
t . The name STEPHABO. •
u . The number 1?14.
v. The last name AUDLER
w. The first name MASE
x. Jet rocket labs nearby
y. Domes above the ground
z. Vehicle ID# MP 1936. Small jeeps
aa . The last name PLENTO

t: T. .'1: '1: "1: T T '!: T ;S' '!: 1:: T '1:: 1: J:
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l""'...r= •
C '-'!tt'L-~-'-"
• .~:t:;;;; x;;* :~: *:x *** %;; *
bb. Initials C.B.P. heads operation. He we~rs brown
military shoes. Army.
.. . cc . Humber llf31
dd. Around an oil field
ee. Pl.a.ce where oil crosses 1.n an "X" pattern
ff. Chemical engineering connections
' . gg. Mustard.
hh. Periscope device on bottom of aerial craft. Chopper
called "the shari;" .
11. Man with Blond hair. English features. Rigb forehead .
Years square ring. Insignia reads C.B. P. aa.s something
' to de with ammunition. Colonel.
••' .
'" of Psychic: !laucy Fuchs

a. Dusk scene. Men talking about some animals throat.

Something ~ssing .
b. Cylindrical object.
e. Long thick object inserted into jugular vein.
d . Powerful energy flow emanating from device U$ed to kill
e. Feeling of tremendous anger and hostility.
f. Research 1mol1cat1on.

Minerals needed tor research .
:. g. Intimidation of rancher Gomez
l h. Embryos.
1. Thousands of samples needed for this breeding effEct.
J. Cross-breeding
k. Animal dies in seconds
.-. 1. Jolts of electricity through animal.
... .
m. Breeding and genetics involved. •
-.· n. Army background..
o. Liquid filled shoes leave no prints.
p. Marshall. Army. Cap with olaek rim and gold braid.
Pompous. White haired.. Very influential . Walks into
Pentagon whenever he pleases. Commission given 15-18
•' years ago for mutilation project when he was overseas .
Grand. Marshall. Friend of General McArthur . Lives in
Dakotas. Money invested. High priority issue. Tall.
Heavyset. Only 17 people know of this .
q. Project with 52.5 million allocated early in game for
breeding experimentation. Lates '60s through Pentagon.
More and more money invested every year.
r. Land wa~ted, Vant to destroy ranchers prime source of
income. •
s. John Kitchell connected to this.
t. Howard Hughes
u. Uranium connection.
v. Picture complex. Faction-ridden.


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w. I nterest in speeding up the growth of c attle .

x. Importance of pancreas .


One of the most outstanding cases < not the only case )
of human mutilation stories comes from the con~roversial

reports . Tbe veracity of this report is what the contro-

versial issue 1s all about, not so much o! what is actual l y
in the report. As of May 1968, we have received word from
highly placed sources that both the Eisenhower KJ-12
document,the current existence of MJ-12, Projects Snowbird,
Aquarius, and Grudge 13 reports are all true and valid . It
real l y doesnt matter i n the end, for the main issue 1n May
1988 seems to be obfuscation of the real issues by looking
for that "smoking gun", steering varioue rese&i' Ch groups
in circles and making them hang on waiting for the "real
truth" . Well .:folks, as I said 1t doesn't really matter if
you believe me or not. For your convenien~e. 1 will discuss
the Gr.Jldge J.~ _reJtq_rt later . . From _! _1; 1 _ __ )lowever, cc~•--t~4L.
case of one Sgt J onathan P . Lo)Jette_ in . U .• d.~ee~t.... i.u..
New Mexico in the 1950's.
Air Force Sergeant Louette was in the desert with a !
Major William Cunningham on Karch of 1956 on t he White
~issle Range when Major Cunningham saw Sgt Louette go over
a sand dune and disappear . A short while l ater the Ka j ar
heard Sgt Louette scream in what can be on l y described as
sheer terror. Rushing over the dune, Major Cunningham saw
a silvery disk hovering in the air o ver the Sgt , ho l di n g
him with some kind of mechanical arms . As he wa~ched, the
Sgt was dragged into the craft, which took: off vertica l ly .
Af t er filing a report with the Air Po l ice, a search
was conducted over a three day period . Sgt Louette~ body
was found nude and mutilated approrximately ten miles !ro n
where he was taken by the craft. The tongue had been taken
out from the lower portion of the jaw, his eyes bad been
removed as well as his entire anus . Comments were made on
the apparent surgical skill coincident with the removal
of these body parts . There was no sign of blood anywhere
in the body, despite the LACK of vascular collapse, wbicb
they could not fathom at the time . There were a number
of dead predatory bird$ in the vicni t y of the body , who
had apparently tried to partake of tbe corpse .
This report is interesting, especially when paired
wit h the severa l reports whi c h exist about the bodies

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o! human mAles , females and babies that have been seen by
various witnesses over time in some of these underground
alien labs . Vho runs these laoe ? Ye'll discuss that later,

I but for now let us just say it is an al i en race otherwise


known as the "Greys".

Additional Observations Related to Mutilations

xon February 2, 1964, UPI ran a story which referred
to Dr.James Yomaek at Texas A&M university where he made
and announced his discovery that humans "perfect
match" chromosomes with cattle . Apparently, the perfect
match is with portions of the 21st chromosome pair, a
strand known to carry characteristics of Mongolism or
Downs Syndrom, associated with mental retardation. Dr.
'Womack stated that 11 We must bve more in common than
previous ly believed".
XA recent arrival on the scene is the subject of
protomorphogens, or glandulars - ground up glands of
cattle. I! a human takes this substance ;or a year,
as was done in test subjects, the persons own glands
stop producing hormones.
xVhen FBI agent Rom=el was provided with $50,000 to
investigate the mutilations in one district in Jew Kex1co,
all mutilations stopped in that district during that year .
* In one mutilation ease, a seven year old heifer was
found whose unborn calf bad been remcved without breaking
the placental bag .
* Analysis of the fluid in mutilated bodies indicates
the presence o! crystalline substances not normally found

in blood products. Elongated rectangular crystalline
,1 :

.. ..... .
structures o! two different sizes were found.
•• •

' Vhen one considers all this data, it beco~s evtcent
.'.,.. that there are several things going on at once. In the
.• •
! •
face of what is known about the Greys, for instance, 1t
. • ,<
will become quickly evident that they are the pr~ ~s
· ~ cattle mutilations. There is. however, an
1ncication that there is a corporate /~litary connection
with the mutilations, and it probably haa some sort of
interface with the interrelationship between the Greys
and the United States Government. At any rate, 1t is
t he cattle who are mainly on the losing end. I remember
•~•• asking a friend who was psychic if she could get some
impressions from a photograph of a mutilation of what
.. the cow felt or thought, and she was sucessful. The
anima l 1 n question apparently felt sensations of extreme
heat and then pain and darkness. Cattle !unction on a
pseudo-emotional l evel that 1s apparently very basic
..' *************%**
. 41
Document Archived at:


'!his a5fX!Ct of the ten:estrial/alien interaction is one that

has recently been brought to the forefront of publ ic consci ousness,
due mainly to VN.tley Strieter arxi Budd li:>pk.ins and their lxloks
"camunion", "Missing TiJte'• and "Intruders". Strieber r s new book,
"Transformation", is due for release before November 1988.
Human atrlnction first became p.lblical ly l<:nown as a result of
the Villas Boas case in Brazil. Boas was picked up on o:tober 15,
1957 and was mated with an alien female. 'n1e case of Betty and
Barney Hill in 1961 was another exanple. one outstanding feature
of the Hill case is that it featured release of what was allegedly
a star map inferring the point of origin of the aliens as Zeta
Peti culi 1 and 2. Since that tine, 27 years ago, ~ now Jm::)w that
there are Reticulans visting our planet.
According to Jenny Randles, British author who wrote "tJro
Conspiracy" , the little Grey beings who ?!rform mst of the
atrlnctioos have, on at least one cx:casion, nade a statemant to t...,e
effect that " a thousand of yoor years are blt a day to us .•. ".
Certainly, that can reflect the apparent ability of the Greys
to travel outside a1r t:iite track, t the
g the onsh.i.
the ~rr~str
that the Zeta

~ew hOWleVer not

relatiansh.i;p. .
Human interaction with occupants of unusual aerial machines :.5
not as recent as people might suppose. DurilxJ 1897, the year t.~t
.. featured a virtual "wave" of Zepplin-like machines, interaction wi::.
occupants was apparently pretty peaceful. In that same year, hO'weve: ·
began the first string of animal alxhlctioos. This might L'1dicate ::- ·
hunan abductions were not far l:ehind or that 'v.'le have insuffi .cie~t
data regarding that ~if ic ti.m:! track period.


Document Archived at:

1: CON.F 1 DE!lT I AL %

:Early Abductions

Abdue~icns oecurred 1~ t~e 1960's. such a$ t~a~

o: 3e~~y and Earney Hill. served a l so to 1ll~$~~ate tba~
~:<3n:.:-~ ~tion o! abdu·= t!.on cases ::ay reil~-=~ soeial
:er c e~t:c~ . !~e l9e0's re! ~ ec~ed th9 soc~al atti~ude
~~~i: ab~".JC1:iOn$ d!.cr/t sound. .ear-t i c u !arl·r - c:-~'!i!bl9 .
In addi~1~on to t~at. there was c~ns1der-aole ~on!us!.~n
1 :1 - ~~9 ~ub11c mind b9t ·r~e~n wha~ a "contactee" was aDd
what aD "abductee" ::1;-.b.t 'be.
D'l;r!ng the "wave" of 1897, tbe socially accepted
ce l 1e! ~as that all t~ese fantastic a!rc:-att were the
product of acateur 1n~entors . In t~ose days, the appearance
o! a Ze~ol!~-like
.. aircraft had the same i~~act - as does
a beam sh i .~ todav . . Terrestrials are reQuired.
a fra~e of re!erence, and when no~e are to be fe u ~~. must
- to search tor
1.~-:ernally generate one to co.::pe:.s.~te tor ";~~ ::1en~.a l

dis.:ari~v . !h~ na~ure of th1s 1nta:-na l lv ~ener~ted. ~~~

~r~ j ec~ed ~ra:e o~ reierence is that 1t a l so retlec~s t ~e

. -
ot awareness/ coDsc1ousness of the oec~l•
Any ot the~~ items ~y also 'be implanT.e~ as ~~og~a:s.
- . at t~~~

I n 196 4 • t .b.~ L o no.!~ . Z~.m~:H: ~~ c ~;-:;s:::..:e~~f..::u7n:...:c:..t..:.....;:.i.;:c:...:.n:::..:e:..d~-:-t...;;:o:-:-=a:;..=..

l :7e:...:.r-~:.....
!he___pu_E_!_ic to wh,~L~as._pe~ ter:ted tbe "cc:-e val1d1tv"
o: the . abduct i_on s ~~nar_io. __thfL.E~-1~r_y _ reason.__'b..~~ .ng _t hat .
Za:::aor~- was ~ ..ES'.!J.. c~:a:l, ~~~s su ~h le ~~ - ~r~ cred1.P.1.~_1_t..Y._ ..
t~ ~he sceDario .
The abeuct1on of Herber~ Scbi:-~er, a Webraska
I _.E_at!"ol~ .n. __p~ __ pe~~-~-ber 3. 1967 was one of tho5~ case~ tha't
was s i srni!_!s.ant in that 1t prov1ci~d. ~- larg_~-Q~Y-O..f .
1nf2_~-~~ o~_tb.~t . gav~ researchers so:ethi ng to : ul l ov,er .•
Schir~r related details tb~t the E3E's ~ad. g1ven to

I . ;;;;1-'.........;A=l...::1:..:e=-:n:-=--=b-=a:...:s::..e~s~a:::..:r~e.::a:.:s::-::::.b.e:..:
:: n::..:e=-a ..::..::h~ o c e a n o!_t_ _t_h_~ F:1.9 ~ _i d. a
I £9ASt, tbe polar ~egion, and off the ccast of Argen~io.~~

2 . Tbe Craft was "operated" by reversible elec':rocagnetic
systems wb1eh involved a crystal-like rotor which was
linked tQ two large columnar reactors . Revers!ns magnetic
a~ electrical en~rgy allowed them to control Qatter and

I overcoce gravit y.

3 . The 52!c1f1c aliens be encountered had Xas~esium ships.

4.- .T bey- wor·e- an-embl"em·· showT ng. ··s erpent :·· . -a -,_.-inge·d.-

. I
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;f. • ... lli % ~ )!: ;f.

5. Their ship• could drsw power from elec~r1c power lines

ana process wa~er to obtain energy .
6. Their mother craft were cigar-shaped.
7. They used 0-fcot diame~er disks for recon and

8. 'n1ey ~ fran a nearby galaxy.
·- ··--·- ---- - ·· - . ···- ··- - . .
- -·- - --~

Granted . all this information wa~ kind of bard to take

1n 1907, out in later years much ot the information. if not
all o! it, would prove to be validated by other cases .

Abductions that occurred later. like those de~a1led 1n
many ot the books that have come ou~ in l9e7 and 1988, have
revealed much more information as to the intent o! both the
ZRs and the other group of Grey species tha~ apparently
hails from the R1gelian system.
More 1n:!ormat1on appeared. to indicat~ various pa.ttern5
in activity ot the abductors. as well as information about
...,hy they were performinq these acts.


Thomas Bullard. introduces a series of eight coftponents

to abduction cases . ~bile every case may not include al l
of these components. most of them have one or more of them
included . The components are :
- 1. Captur~ : Person is procured for ~ne process.

2 . Examination: Person is prepared , sea.nned,spec1mens

are taken, reproductive organ5 are
examined, and implants are made .
3 . Conference: Subject is talked to and told 1nforma~1on
or misinformation.
4. Tour: Subject 1s shown around the ship .
5 . J ourneys : Subject is taken to another location .
6 . Theophany : Subject has experience with religious
7 . Return : Sub~ ect is returned to poir1t ot or 1g1n .
8. Aftermath : Subject deals with resultant physical
or psycbic effects of abduction.

~~*¥*#**&•· **1~*~
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-· . . . .j'J' v
Statistics J

Dr.Hynek, who 15 presumed now to have been · a member

of or assoc!ated w1tn MJ-12 when be was alive, was onee
a~ked bow many people are abducted. He unhesitatingly
replied, " about 1 out of 40 ". This little phrase see~
to say ~hat massive number~ ot people have unc~rgone
experiences of abduction, and by tbe response to lectures,
books and general d1~sem1nation of information about the
abduction experience, 1t might be estimated tbat more
. - than 40 ~1111on Americans alone have be~n abducted. ~ I "l •l'i
In approximately 66~ ot tbe known abduction ca~e~.
tbe EBEe were little Grey Humanoids . In about 33% o! the
iJ,.. ~. I '
- ..d -~
c ases . the EBEs had more human appearance. Some of these "'" . '- 1.3-/l/'-
humans proved to be tbe Tall Blonds , who apparently were
eltber Greys masquerading as Tall Blonds < s1nee tbe I - !0
Greys have the ability to manipulate tbe human mind) or
genuine Tall Blonds who had abducted the people ior
otber purposes . Approximately l% of the cases surveyed
bad the EBEs as being android/synthetic clones , robots,
or other types of ent1t1es.


Generally, .sbductions seem to occur at t1mee

with the sleep t-.abits of people in vario1s· regions. . For
. example, in a rural area, abductions and/or sightings
occur most between 10pm and Jam, when rural people
would be asleep. Urban area sigbt1ngs reflect a similar
· line of logic . There are of course, exceptions to tb1s
pattern. dictated primar il y by the direct and immediate
needs of the EBEs.

·- Memory Loss

Memory loss 15 a primary effect of abduction cases,
and l s apparent 1n most cases, but not all. Only 30% of
c ases investigated require regression hypnosis in order
to extract details of the event.
There ~eem to be two primary thoughts with rega~~­
t o me l'll.Ory loss. The t i rst follaws a theory which holds
that a l ien abductions are a manifestation oi the
unconse1ou5 mind, and says that memory loss is to protect

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ll(ll(ll.l[ll(ll(ll .. %ll(). ........ ll

~be conscious m1nd. Obviouslv. , ~nis tbeorv. ~s no~ ~c o

. ~lth those who have b~en abduc~ed. Manv sav
that this vit3~ is the "easy ~a·r ou~" far <:ho sa steeoed •
in traditional w~stern psychology so ~hat they dent
have to iac@ 1:ne real fac~s .
Another observation is that slowly pulsed microwaves
will also c reate gaps i~ memory . Emissions irom some
... :
aerial machines include microwave freq1.lel'IC:ies, but this
does not ?rec l ude direct application ot m1crowave
frequancies to subject~ or neural alteration.

EBE Oistntormatton

Another i nteresting theory 1s that EBEs program human

observers , including 3bductees. with mistniormat1on ~n
order to hide their true nature. I presume that this
.Process would be in the best interests ot the EBEs 1 f the
knowledge oi their nature would preclude thetr acquiring
terrestrial s u bJects .

Archetypal Situationa l Theories

It is maintained by some peopl e that abduction

events contain embedded symbology, 1nfluding religious
data pertinent to either the abductees life or the
culture in which the abductee lives . In other words ,
~ his i s part of ~he unconscious manifes~a~ion theory,
which goes to say ~hat th~ v1c~1m is confron~1ng an

or h.iJnself, It is :tur"ther maintained t.ha't
each experience u; m;xijfied for each Sfeeific pe.rscn.

Mv. :1rst answer would be that anvone . w.ho 1s needed

wil: be abduc~ed. although some who have reviewed and / or
inv.:!st 1ga.-t.:d c.:. ases maintain that EBE abductions are not
chance occurances, but iocus on 1nd1v1duals undergoing
l ife c r i ses or serious problems and ~bo hav~ faculties
the five senses. One of the .problems ~ith theortes
of u nc o nsc1o u~ manifestation ls that very little evidence
seems to exlst relating abduc~ee l1ie cri s es to tbe case .
~est of ~he t i me. events oi ~he scen~r1o are the
details concentrated on , and not ~he abduc ~ee~ lite .

' · Jl; "- ~ ;f: .:r. ;f. :t. ;f. ;f. ;f. 1: )1'. .. :4. ..



4-8 •
Document Archived at:

Heloina t.'"le Abductee

. ·.

Fortunately, I have had t...e opportunity to deal with

several ab:fucti on situa1;~ons, and I nus-c say that the first
thing the abductee needs is to be able to trust sateene -
sareone who will listen and be non-jud.genental.
For abiuction simat.ions that are basically non-physical
in nature, or psychic scenarios, there are other considerations.
In rrost cases, people are taken (non-physically) ...nen they
are asl eep, and it is later foun:l that ~they gave
cennission to t::e taken. 'n'le person might have sajd satethinq
.. • Like , " ~ anything J'OU want and get it over with ••. " and then
let it go. If the person can reflect an the situation and see
if there is anywhere 1olhere they might have given (or infened)
pemission, then that is the first thing to be dealt with.
'lbe second a5f'&'OO'l of these siM ~ations appears to be the ,A.Jlj., A ~ 1 ..J c ~A. -0 "t"
focus of attention or the attitude of the individual. If the /)N~> M el'\~
individual naintains a negative state of mind or a negative p'ifL1A.J(, ,I) (~.!--+A)
attitude, then the perscns thcught patterns will rescnate in :;- 1~ P"'L • ,~ --1 L ,,.....;
that way and attract those of . 1~ focus. '1b! EBEs can detect t!.fi~"<2-L.!.nc:Yvl
~.processes along certa.l.n ll.nes that are advantangecw's f'~:J#o.)f! ~.... AAa {[<"1...
;,JAY y Ae:AJ•-.J) 'N rric ~
~zaticnal Help At"It 4 e-1 rot1.. ·714;z.,/1..
i-l.J~) ~/"11.. jlJ<Ih<.lfl. .
A good organization to contact alxut these events ~s: s . v ~It e>/!. f> ,_. , p.} ~
I 1< )<!:. 7, ;._, M 1!. jJ I ~
,At;. M~ t!l.~ /3£ ~
uro Calact Intematia'lal.
UFO Contact International IT I > I,._, P'..-1 C. I yV1G..
Aileen Edwards S'¥ i2 "7f.! I p .
FeE 46404 71/J.::.. 'I :;1!.. . . ¥t4l.!.,.vj j .!_(.. " l
Seattle, Washi.nqton 98146-o404 VI' !'dt. /}13 /) Lh::: .-;..o..-v
v tl.-J ~''"{I L-"'{ ';) uJ.
Defense Strategies Jt=f(y /A.fl<..y(,A,tV'T
cne defe-ru;e against the aliens is siltply to "say no". Although Tb ,L-JAAJ ,~VL .-i i
this rray seem naive, it has p~ to be effective in sore cases. tpuA~J ·/-} 1'- 17/.tt.
'Ihe act of negatioo interrupts the manip.llatioo pro:ess and '" IJ ........,
creates energy which is strong enough to enable your sleepir¥; body r'oc.l(:c_ ''
to realize that "you aren't in it". You will be drawn back to it. /e . 1-?1~
nus strategy arolies in cases involving "astral" atrlnction J'\1AJV.I(ib t.'LA~ S
of sleeping humans.
Other 'Ibo.lghts abrnt Abductions
~ rV i2 c~L 2;{ s
A lot of currcents have been put forth in recent books and
literature in regard to abductions, and one of those catlle.nts is
that only people of low to rred; um IO are abd1JC'ted. 'Ihe evidence is
that IQ has less of a part to play than the rescnant vibratiooal
rate of the individual. It is CtRM'rent that the electranagnetic
emissicns of the individnal are scanmd, ani people are chosen
by this nethod. Sinoe the CIA also possess this technology, I
suggest that ~ of the abdllctions could t::e perfo1:ned with
intentions that wcW.d benefit bOth qrrups. The perSO'l can, in effect ,
. be pro;ramed for slavery and have no nencry of it. See the section
on Mind Control.


Document Archived at:

Details Regarding Abductions

Abduction of htr.lan beings is being ?.!"forrred by 1MnY

different species. Artong t..'"lese species are three distinct
of the species lcosely referred to as the "Greys",
the beings aOOu.t 3 • 5 to 4 • 5 feet in height who have big
. ...
heads and gray skin.

L . Gray S:c:ccies 1 exists in bet'wween the physical >world of
- . . .. .r. . -_..,. ).. '
~ -- -
'-"' r-.
W Earth and the non-physical . It is a SfCCi es that appears ,..r . ... , '·
... ' . .
' ' • II

to be on a devoluting spiral. '!bey do not cate here in

I o ' •
I •
· physical rrach.ines as do the other t'WO Grey Species. Di /. ... - ·
Grey ~ies 1 has the ability to manipulate the human
nenta 1 field as well as the ability to travel ootside r: .
..-. .
.. . ..I . .i

oor subj ective linear time track. I '

.. 1
I .~ .
r '
..) "' .. "'

Grey Species 1 had a najor role in prcx;ramning

religioos concepts, for this plays a pr:ilnary role in
their maintenance of position within the dimension
t:oey exj st in. It is the energy they extract f:tau the
human that provides them with the ability to remain in
close prax:imity to o,r density level.

me apparent purpose of religion ( for them ) is that it

I ~
· ' ..--p·
~ ..... ('
.~\ r-~·' 'J :<
·. t' J - • ._
' ' \{ ..
progtams the hunan being with i.nages of an afterlife that ' I ""'. J • I , .. ,

they will hopefully retajn when they leave their body for
the last tilie at physical death. It places them in a
;:osition ..mere their "soul" can be ten;:orarily captured.

It has been said that part of the UFO scenario has to

du w~th the creation of a basic "auestion" in the minds
of humans, who are trawed both in a linear subjective
tine track and a physica 1 body, so that when people on
Earth "die" they find Grey Speci es 1. ed humans are conditioned to ":rove toward the

light" that they see they die. '!hat's ~the
Grey species have electraraqnetic devices that they use
to rertDVe accteted particles fran the SOUl. Human experienr=e
can be withdrawn as ~11. In fact, this is often dc:ne to
"astrally" abducted ht.m'ans. It might be noted at this point
that this involvenent of the Greys · is fairly recent and
has not always been there. Other beings, however, have
been involved in the progzession of the human Soul.

Withdrawal of experi ence, phy sical exanWla.tian arxi other

processes occur when human beings are taken physical 1 y. The
process involves the upgrading of the atanic structure of
the l:x;)dy insofar as its' vibrational rate until that rate
resonates with their din'ensional density level. ~rations are
perforr.ed and then the human is returned. It's like cosmic
farming, i sn't it?

------------ ---··
Document Archived at:

~yrrb:Jls, Brea~lates arr.1 to:ps Seen by Contac:tees

. .. and Alleged Si9tli!is:ano! • PIM!: l of 2


~""'r-_-1. Q•

Document Archived at:

t~ a ~
·- . .
. - . -- ,• - .
,-,......., .... ... ...,,.. !11"'.
r. ~h.Ln""~
•- '=-
par3phys1~al baings be1ore
was lnhabi{ed by

-..,1 ... ,!~ ...
'-1 - ....... - •
1J"' ·... ;,.,,.n·""
• • - - - • """' ..&.

~erres~r1al humans were implan~ed an the suriace. They ~ave

b~ en here ior a long ~1me, and there has b een a contlicT. for
a long time with the_ beings implanted on tbe surtace . .
I t i s maintained that the Fatima incident in 1917 ~eld
~he tact that Religion i s a talse concept, and this i s wny
the sealed envelope containing the data transmitted d ur ing
t h a t incident i s held bv the Roman C a~ool i cs in order to
5usta1n religious belief systems and maint~ in their power
over people. At least one Pope~was murdered axter he had
intended to reveal the data to the public. ----. '* '!_,\-.p ..::_ ~
Yes Virginia, there really is no Religion . Tbere is ,
however, u nconditiona l love and non-judgement. These are
(L{c..:if'J.:..-!.Dsl)... . .
11. )11...; '(
the prime movers o£ all reality systems . Tbe universe , /N t '' L.I:~i~)
. '
embodying all reality systems and dimensional resonant L/'1 ·,IG I.\ .N
irequencies is a consc ious entity. Vhat terrestrial
(i '.f/' L ·
humans can visually observe they are not able to perc eive
/1) -1'-'7 A.:.. :.: . ...,,.>;
as being conscious . It is another one of the prob l ems
\ S l.,Y.- .:> 0 ~
associated with being stuck both in a physical body and
on a li near ti me track. 1. 17?z_ 0 4t ....
The process that is occuring now i s occurring i.VAA 1 ..v
t'1 dJ lh I! · I!As. --;-
because religiou s concept systems are breaking down and
it t.hreatens severa l established systems on Earth and f '7 '/ 3 iJ : /)c.r.:.: --.t
e l sewhere . JNV~'>t...vdJ_
One of the other more insidious processes that can -2.... I 76 J T'l1!.-
occur is that the human can be dragged out of his body )"t...U :i"! · Ctir1 .;; -;-
and another consciousness can be inserted that will c arry w•)l> '/l:V , ......
out the physical existence of thht body. tJ ,)_"" .
Grev S~ecies 1 has no individuation within its ranks

as terrestrial humans do. The sp~cies was c r eated before ' .3 I9 $ Y' ! ; y ~
individuation ot the essence ox the Universal Inte lli gent
Matrix took place. On l y through individuation can the
/1,/(H~ ~ ..-~1\J
...--· ··- ·" · -
4 'Z.. t 'lC>\
-- _

of differentiation be maxim1=ed 1n order to c rea~e . c /'-f~ •) .-
the ~ximum number ot probable realities to manifest ~he ~ .!.. T'-~ :U.)
potent1al . wh1ch lie s i n the Matrlx» ~ in human terms
part of the Matrix is differentiated thr ough each person
and allows the conscious universe to exoerience itself
,_..- - ·-

in the maximu m number of ways . There i s no duality system
of good and evil except from a certain perception .


** **·****·
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Document Archived at:


' .

Grev Specie~ 2 - !he Re~i cui ans

This ~pectes is the one ~ost commonly thougbt of as

bel:ig t:!'le " •. Jreys", and is the one popular1=ed in recent
books about the subJeCt. This species consists of beings
t~a~ exist at 3 rd,4th and 5th density levels. Most of them
exist at t:he 4th density level. which means that they are
telepdth1c in nature. !hose ex1st1ng at the 5th level have
no J'hysical bodies but musT. inhabit what they call "doll
··- bodies" , or android bionic bodies. Connection 1s susta i ned
with these bodies through chakra points.
Grey Species 2 is a species that functions in a mode
tnat is apparent l y military in nature, wtth a rigidly
defined social structure that holds science and conquering
wor lds to be the prime mover. Vhat appear to be officers
in this society have a diagonal band running across their
un~!orm. Oti1cers are often 5th density, and sometimes
retain what appears to be a toy doll that they exhibit
to others around them . It is thought that this functions
as a symbol of authority among them.
Grey Species 2 are about tour feet high , have heads
that are l arge and black wrap-around eyes. They also have
devices that magnify their mental fields 1n order to
maintain control over humans abducted. They can withdraw
1n!ormat1on from the mental field of the human and use
that information to form the basis for mental projec~tons
that influence the human to behave in certain ways.
Some of these ways include disguising themselves as
other humans or other beings in order to gain control
over the human being.
Mentally, these species function in what might be
termed a "group mind". Thev do not have 1ndtv1dual1zed
consciousness. This fact is an advantage to humans
~cause the Greys cannot respond adequately to a sudden
shift in what they perceive to be happening. They cannot
1:ake a "curve ball", either psychologically or otherwise.
Grey Species 2 1s a scientifically based society that
functions to studv other lifeforms. They have had a part
to play in alteration of human genetics over t housands
of years . They seek to cross-breed with hu~ns to create
a rn1Kture-race ~hat wtll be better than ei~.

******1':«~~~ . . ~~**
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Document Archived at:

~ls, Brea~l.ates ~ rms See.,., by Contactees

4M Alleged Sianific:anc:e - 1'LM'E 2 ot 2

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Document Archived at:

Serre Alien Anat anica l Features


UlNA- .

1·m av81ina her.. but

woWd need to b. tomctbina
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dilawed !Sec. A·]. _CARPAL BONES
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-May b. too Ilion. but
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· -look u hW~WL Thee
art II!Ud haw;.,,-
To flan thia out.
taka overlay ud piaa
it OW!' t!w ua J'O'l
want to look at.
[! -
Mud\ lonpr.

'!he ab:Jve illustration depicts
a skeletal hand structure of
an alien hand. 'lhis was allege-lly
verified by a former CIA euployee
in 1978 who claimed to have seen
deceased aliens during a recovery
in New Mexico. !be drawings are
circulating in underground circles •

, >..;.; -.;:--.J
.. .: ..,_ ..1 ·;·. . . t~• .._

Document Archived at:

Bo~h Grev Soeciec

. 2 a~d Grev
. Soecies
- 3. which we shall
mention lat-:r . are members o! a " Network" which i s a loose
alliance oi ~rouos- .. that have common ourooses
. or a1ms. ~

Grev Spectes 2 have made it their business 1;o mon it or

our soec1es
. ~nd also 1;o .pro~ram
- the soec
.. 1es with data tor
the purposes ot ~aising human awareness and enabling the
proce~s ot extrac~ion of biological maT.erta l s to proceed
on a more timelv '
Thev call t he process of programming "i ncu l cation",
which is a process of imposed force-learning. Humans
taking part 1n this process are actual ly volunteers, but
-~:h~ 1nc.ul c. ~1:1on met-.b.ods block: their awar'='ness of 1:-h'='ir
voluntarv participation .
S ometimes a targeted human will be picked up in
childhood and taken to an earth base for_crysta~ implant-
at ion and will be mcn1 tored throughout his or her growth
period. 1 n young adul ttlood the human is picked up and
the crystalline device is removed . The human is then
categorized as reserve status for tuture triggering
and employment . These are sometimes referred to as
human "sleepers", r~adv to be act.lvs.ted to per'iorm
certain tasks at a later time .
The Roswell 1nc1dent was one ot ~he first retr1evai:
that the United States performed . Grey Species 2 was found
on b oard. There were also human bodies and body parts found
on board the craft, which was one ot the primary tactors
t hat c aused the retr i eva l to ~e so h1~hlv classified.
I t is estimated that 1:he "Network:" has been on Earth
- '

for the last 50 years , a l thougn the i r abi lit ies ~o functi on
outside our linear t1me track make tnat uncertain.
Efforts at contact with terrestria l humanitv •
been suppressed by various governments, who solicited the
assistance of Grey Species 2 in obta.in1 ng technology . It
happened that the Re~iculans refused. Grey Species 3,
however, did no1: refuse . (';rey Species 3 , originating
from the Rige l ian svstem, were the ones that made an
agreement w1 tb. the Un1 ted States t:;overnment tact 1ons
during ~he last for t y years. The agreement was that the
Un ited States Government <CIA,NSA,etc> would ignore the
abductions and mutilations that were being pertormed by
Grey Species 3 in 'trade for technology in atom1c powered
gravity technology ( using plutonium, restocked from ~os
Alamos ) , beam weaponry techn ology. and thought beam/implant
technology <mind control >. This agreement eventually broke
down in several p lac es when the government factions had the
realization 'that thev had "sold their souls" to the "bad
tuys". There i s now an effort by the government, as of
~ay 1988, to engender a two-step process. The tirst process
co nsists of <l) Acclimation ot t he oubl1c mass-
~X.* ·«- :.l *:.: *:.: 1: * **:-.: **
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- -
Document Archived at:

c c ns c~~u s n~~E ~o ~he c oncep~s of a l ien in~eraction b y way

:"J ! m.=dla ' 7V/r.: . re:s::; .l . Var i ous -o::.ans ·...te:re -:;u~ in action to
3 C cn m!:ll::. ~. il T:r. i s . s u ch a s l1i<:e "V" a nd the recent

movie, socn '!'":,:; b~ ~ s~r 1e s . "Somel:hln>T' s Out There". 11:
w3z rcalt:ed at cPe .ooin1: that thev cou - l d n ot br1n~ the
~tter in'tc !"Ubl i c awareness without b r1nging the full
~ moa ~'t oi wh 31: had been done also ::. n1:o •public awarenes5 .

facl:ions oi the Government are b e~ween a "rock and.
a r.ard 1?la.~e"

because OI this .
The se~ond step 1n the process 1s to actively seek
a defense against ~he EBEs , and this is ~u rrent ly being
ct one. and. done wl'th ~he help of the Tall Blonds. who
ooj ect to the ac tions of the EBEs known as Grey Spec i es
3 . One ot l:he actions that had been taken by th~ EEEs
was to set uo . elecl:roma~netic confinement :ones in order

to keep t he Tall Blonds he l p i ng ~he humans confined. The

govern~ent has also set up electromagntic zones to kee p
out the EBEs. so it is a standotf sltuat1on. The EBEs
are now < as ot Ma y 88 ) overextended in their efforts
in this direc~ion. and it is es~1mated tha~ a solution
to the p rob l em oi how to reverse this grievous error
will be round very shor~l y.
The ori~inal intent of tbe CIA and the NSA in
acquisition of beam weaponry was ~o gain an advan~age over
the Sovte~s . The Greys, however , nave no interest in
having one stde gain superiority eve~ the other and
d es ire to keep the human population divided and
tac tionalized 1n order to have mere con~rol over tbem. The
Grey S pecies 3 entities have been in control over this
planet tor decades. The process of ~rading technology tor
le~~1ng the aliens pertorm their opera~ions was a l so d one
dur ing Wll w i~h the Germans. Since the EBEs gain a ".high"
!rom displavs of intense emotion, tt i s rapidly seen that
what the Germans were doing during the war co n~r1bu t ed to
~he EBE psychologic~l cl 1mate. Especially with the mass
murder o x t:he J ews and the wa~ in g enera l . which was a
contrived aiiair as all wars are. One otten remarks about
the p resenc e of disks in war zones. That's why they ' re .
Before studying Grey Species 3 in greater detail, let us
return to our discussion relative to Grey Species 2.

I n electronic s nace
. societies of oosittve
. orientati on.
such as the Zeta Re'ttculans, Y.:nowled..:e ~nd d~ta are roost
often disseminated under duress . Training or educat ion
1~ accomplished by forcef ul means $uch as the electronic
implant . There are several means of rapid. inculcation,
depending on whether the recipient makes use ox a ''mea't
body" <physica l/o rganic ) or an android. body .
:4: -*,.:l:*********;lf:~*
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Document Archived at:

In one rrethod, the individual is made to don a hel.Jret covered

with wires, and a crystalline cubic affair i s put into a niche in
the top of the hel.Jret and a strobe light is rrade to play on t.."le
individual's optic nexve in order to entrain patterns onto their
brain waves.
'lbe recipient's initial reaction is that his consciousness is
aware of scrantlled images, which - after the initial shock wears
• off - are aligned sequentially and impressed into his consciousness .
In short, the person is given a prcxjrarmed res?Jnse syster:t. In
this way .individuals are trained in a brief tine to oo conplex ta~\:.s
without having to unde~ lengthy training.
Sanet.i.Ites the subject is hypnotized or made to sleep and a
high frequency rnicra..Jave emission is used as a carrier wave on which
to transmit encoded data into the nerve cotplex. '!his information may
be triggered into conscious awareness at a later tine by a preset
stim.llus-response signal in the environment, such as a sub-aooio or
visual signal. It might be ooted here that not only do different alien
, groups use this technique, rut nodifications of t.~s technique are
used by the Central Intelligence Agency and the National security
~ency. Many of the farrcus political assassinations in the united
States ~Nere carried aJt in this Iranner. 'n'lere are innUirerable references
to supp::>rt that statertent. ~ · c: 101 (\ A 1,.J
'lbe carrier waves are usually emanations that will parallel me ~ .c
biological field freuqncy of the entity itself, or resonate UfXID it. S '1.N(, I._ ~ IJ z.. '­ 1

lhey are often samd--code synmls or visuals in facsiJrlile form.

'lbe Grey SJ;:eeies 2 ( ~ticulans} have an in~resting variation
in technique whereby the recipient sits fully aware facing a sc.:L"een
and mtputer console and interacts with .iJnages on a holcx;;raphic display. ~ , .1 • •,.
It is thought that the events during the Bentwaters incident in -- -~; ·.-.-=:_'· ,. , · --
1980 that took place underground to one of the military rrembers -was 1.~ t · - ' ·'
one of these processes. 'nle subject was put before a similar screen, '· ~'
anc even t."loogh there ~re ot.lo)ers in chairs in the roan, t..""le scree..'1
\.faS addressing hiln as an individual.
Th.ere is another orocess 'Which occurs which i..·wolves t.""le recioit::nt

lying 6n a table ( or beinq suspenC!ed in the air ) facin9 UP'.Na.rds

where they can view a light bar of rrulti-colored flashing lights. It is
here where billian-year~ld psychological i.Itplants rray be restjJml atee.
Some of these implants are resportsible for humans not realizing
their true nature and also for the system of self-ilt;:osed limitation
that is rampant on earth. During this process, the recipient is re-
PI'CX3rattr.ed to perform other activities which can be triggered at a
later nm!!lt. '!here is soue evidence that many atrluctees over t.l-)e
past several years have been programed with instructions , but -we
cannot determine the exact nature of the instructions - only that t.."ley
are to be carried out in the next ~ to five years.
~Vhile these interactions serve to slaw the evolution of h~s ,
they do not bring anything to a halt. 'Ihe Grey species ii"l general will
bnly gain a temporary interactive benefit from t.ljese actions, and
eventually all Grey species will cease this type of L'1teraction a'ld
will progress to other activt.ies.
Document Archived at:

!t is net at present i.."l the i!1terest of some of t.~e EaEs to have

<:errestrial hur.'ans nove 4th density ( S;?ecifically, develo;xrent
~ .
=f telepathic abilities ) , and t."le Grevs in do not want t..~e
old energy grids on earth reactivated again. Well, they are graeually
::, reactivated anyway, 'Nhether t."ley like it or not. ~ct.:.vation of
t.l-te energy grid, from vmat we can determine, will serve to ~ sooe
or all of the dir.ensional dooiWays which interlink earth with other
:.ocations. This, t."le EBEs perceive, will i."lterfere with their activities.

Grey Species 3- '11le Rigelians

'11le third species of the Grey races under discussion is the one
that hoodwinked the United States into a deal later referred to as
the "Great Deception". Although the United States also interacts with
other EBEs, this race is a genetically damaged one that has, 'Nhen healthy,
a yellow-greenish sk~. 'When they lack sufficient glandular substances
in t.~eir system, they appear to have a greyish cast to their skin. 'lbe
::1utrient glandulars extracted frcm terrestrial biological organisms is
absorbed through their skin in a dual ostotic process. Nutrients are
taken in and waste materials are excreted.
Keeping track of this species is made difficult by the apparent
ability to rrove outside our physical tilte track. It is generally t."l.ought
by t.~e rrost advanced researchers that variations in this species occur
because we· are seeing the sane { or related ) species at different stages
in their evolution. It is a nice theory, and one that seems to apply - at
least until we find r:cre data. Because of this, it could well be that we
have less of a profusion of Grey species than we suppose. Obviously, t.""
v.on' t make too nuch of a difference as far as the total ir.pact of EI' visits
on Earth. It is estimated ~"lat there are over 3, 000 species that have
interacted with our planet. over 70 species are apparently interacting at
this tirce, with only five or six playing a predcminent role. us
return to our discussion of the Greys.
A general characteristic of all Grey species, as far as we can see,
is that the majority of them have telepathic capabilities and function as
a "group-mind". 'n'le mass-consciousness of this grouping is not entirely
individualized as are terrestrial humans, which again gives each species
( Greys and humans ) its awn advantage over the others.
Reproduction processes of this species are similar to other EBEs. 'n"ley
use a cloning process which produces reasonably exact duplicates. Details
about sate of their operations can be reviewed later on in the section
al:x:>ut the unde;ground laboratories near Dulce, New rmsiCQ. ,.
According to sor.e sources, there are clones of hurrans l:eing produced ::
as \<Ell. Genetic materials rencved fran humans are cloned into android ~
type bodies and consciousness is transferred or induced at a later tine. !
Crystalline technology plays an itrp::>rtant part in the rrcclification
and manipulation of the human. '11lose of you who are familiar with the
tenn 11 chakra" will know that these energy networks sustail'l the physical
form and to some degree contribute to various psychological predispositions
that affect the terrestrial human. For your viewing pleasure, a diagram
of t."le human energy system is included in the report. Electronic and
crystalline manipulation of human bioenergetic fields is the prime method
used by EBEs to interact with humans, especially when they are after
genetic materials or using hurnans for food. Food? Yes, they have been
observed do:hg that .tao. Although rather rare, we have uncovered cases where
humans have been placed in the category of "foodstuff" by t..~e EE.Es. There
is evidence that this was occuring at Dulce labs.
Document Archived at:



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-.. C·J NF I DENT I AL * Document Archived at:

?er!orm some ot ~he ro l lowing actions:

o C l o nin~
o Inpreqr.ation- th ~ ~selves1n b l adder-like wombs.
ot hum.:!l n fel'U.:!lles for la' extract1on ot
te-r.uses .
o Creat.ion of android b u:nanoids witb limited life spans ..
o ~sition of biologica l materials, such 'as I:NA and
tissue frcm cattle and human beings for genetic based
re s earc h e f forts.

The ~fforts of these EBEs to save their species 1s

most det~rm1n~d . Efforts at cross-breeding are more
difficult, ! i not impossible, because the genetic
differences t,et.ween the species are so vast. Yet · tbey
still persist at the attempts . They bave achieved some
limited success .
The degree to which the EBEs have interpentrated
our civilization is massive . They maintain bases all
over the world. esp&c1ally 1n the United States, and
control virtually every aspect of our society at the
root level . At the superfic i al power domination l evel,
the Illuminat1 - rel~ted groups control areas that
i nteface directly with ~errestrial bu~ns. What humans
view as " c onspil·acy" 1s only a e..uperfic i al perception
of ~ deeper, multi-level problem.
Insid e the Federal Government in the United States
there is an 1n~er government , including MJ-12, which makes
u~e of the CIA, NSA. ~~1. NASA, the military and the
Federal Reserve banking system. Mind control of the
o ulac e to further preserve the status-quo 1s one o f tbe
r ~ asons why~ ou ~ t- eam an imp ant technology ecame.~ne

- of t he drivi~g forces to make an agreement with ~he EEEs.

Release of various substanc~s. such as viruses and
bacteria, to further reduce undesirable elements ot the
human populaT.ion and wit hdrawal of social programs to
further fact1onal1=e the population have been and are
..being perforrced ·under the guidance of the EBEs to enable
fur~her control oi the population ot the earth. These

;procedures are designed to benefit both the EBEs and the
fac T.ions that maintain the ego-domination power structure
that exists .
}.t this point, I feel that it is necessary to say t.hat
what people vi ew as. "the government" <or what !b.omss
Jefferson and George Vash1ngton had in mind)
~a~ long since been overthrown bv these other torces, and t~
freedoms that Americans " enjoy" are contrived and well -
controlled "liber~ies". The human race as a whole h~s b een
betrayed and ~ubverted.
t l ... ' ' .s f ..~ f. .:.:. \., , . • ' ,. (

1 ::..JNF I DENT 1 A:. ..: Document Archived at:


1ile idea oi wila~ was " !or ~he conuucH, ;rood" tL.:a.~ !:-:e n
- - :ess ·::)1
~ransior'!'11ed from a peace:' u l pro.
evolution into a devolutln~ .orocess of dehumanl.2a~ion .
Now. the idea ot "One W'orld, One ~ovo:rnmen~" t!l<n has
oeo:n -ProPosed is onlv an extension oi ~urrent oroces=es
~ ; . to
envelop • ~he entirte Planet. It the situa'tlon were aiiferent .
~na the human race were no~ being assaul~ed !rom so manv
direct ions. it mi~ht d.eve lop tha't way on its own as more
bumans aeveloo • Iurtber into 4tll densitv and. become rtore
telepathic . Being a te l epathic society does not destroy
i ndividualism , but it ~oes set the stage tor a society
whic h , in its interac-r.ion, is honest, l oving and r.on-
.i ud.2"emental
., ln itz relationships ... with each other and
oth~r species . However , it will only develop t:his way
ii not: diverted bv other influences.
If the .Planet has been influenced this wav then i t
must be changed if we are to advance and evolve into a
peaceful progr~ssive civilization .

Document Archived at:

E~a-Systemics i=rc•n Re·bc.ulu.m.



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Document Archived at:

' -
Selected F.esults of Autopsies on Alien Bcxhes
~ • The a~;tro,.imacc !Ieicht of lilt alien humanoid ill~ to 41~ (en ~l One source a;! rm . The
wc•cm u appra ..uMccly o60 lbs. ·

')( • Two ro11nd cyu ..nthO\It puptls. 1:114cr lla~ bre~w r\drc.eycs dcK~b.d variot.uly u l.&I"JC. atz::onc·sllapc¢.
clonJIIftl. sunite11 or daq tcl, far a pan. slillltly slantrd , appunn1 -orir.~1.1 1 · Of' ·~onJoloiO . •

• The head . by hu~n nandards. is lai'Jf whntompatcd ..;Lil Ulcsi.zt o!thc tana a!ld Limbs. -Tate a ioot at
a S-moncb human !n111.• t wu told .
.. ·~

'C' • No ur loba or prolt~Wve flab. u~andilll btyoNI apcn~ oo aell side of hllad .

• Moulh il illdicaud u a NII&II "slit• wilho11t lips, opc-llint iAIO I aaaD cavity. MouLil&ppca.n ootto CvoetiOII
u a ma111 ar coCDrDWiica!iolll or u 111 orifiCI !or food iA~CSUC111.

• !'Jed: dac:ibcd u bci111 Lilia: aad ill some iuaoca, DOt !Mini visible bcca\llllt of prm=t on WI ~.ioa o(
body. \

• Mott Obscl"'ltn describe !.he hod or r.hc buzuaoi4s u ba.irllu Oae •id tNt lhc pau sllOIII.-! a slip! tuu.
loclia 111 deacribecl u ll&i.rlaL

• SmaU l2'd \1\in fi&s Lhe ~I dtKriptioa of thr tono. lnm.c iasullftl. r.hc body wu obsel"'led we&ril'll•
IN\&Ilie bill na..i b'- pnM!IL.

't • Amu art dacribed. lon1 &ad 1J1i11 a!ICI radli111 do- to Ole lulft ICC'lioa.
lfl • Oa. rype ofbaftd.s 1w !a~&r MI'!S , 10 lhum~. Two tltll'fl appbt loftacr \!wl ~. Somc obtcl"''tn bad
Md ('Uipruill; Ol.hcn ..;lhO\IL A lli!PI wcbbi111 cll'ect bct111Uft r"11m 111&1 110\Cll by Ull'tC aucllon~Uvt
obtcrwn. (Sec AtllcN!Int l .) Other ~TU ia~tc 'YP• wi" ' - ot _ , . Lhaa fo~o~r fintcn-

• L.l~ saon aad 1hi11.. Fwt of oa. ~ dacnbcd u u¥tna ao toea. M oJc o'"-m oaaibc fcwt u eo~ml.
One soui'Q said f001 looked like 111 orupiU'L

• Skia daeriptioa iii'JOT liKIL Softie claim kitt. ~aa.. brown. or taMiah or pil\kish sny ud one said it
looked almost •bluiah Ji"'Y• Udcr deep f~t lipu. lA two U..•a~. till ltodia """ Q&rnd 10 a oark
broonL Tbc tllltwt is dclcribed u sc:aly or rep Ulloa a., ud u Amc!t.a bk. tIll tic or 1110 bile o"" unaoUI
CI&IClt or steltw tiul& No Niald muacll. No prnpirl.tioA. DO !lady odor. •

·fit • No~
< • No &PJiartat reptoel~o~c:Un orprs. Pemap• 11rapi!Md "Y C¥01utionary detmr.suon. I'Jo plli\alia. (n my
AOD•pTIIfalilln&l judpm.a~t. \AI abMnQ of S&S\611 OrpJ\IIIIQCSU IMI tollle O( Ole alinv.. Ud peril& ;IS a ll.
do 'lot rtPfoducc u do tilt Homo •pieR&. ~ 111&1 tome of Ulr bodia mdieC .are procluczd pcrb&pJ by a
rystaa of doll.iaa or olhft unkDO- r~e•uj

• T11 most oblc,.,m till IIIUIIaa~ appar 10 tie "famed cnat of a 111016.• or WMI idnltical faCal

• CalorlasliqWd p~nll ia body. ,;t!ulut ml eelli. I'Jo lylaplloeyu&. N'ot a carncr o( Ollylft.I'JO foocl or •
walcr is Uo'Wt\. Na (ood rouncl•boud. C~t ill 0111 liDO- rttt'ICYIL NodircstiYIS}'IIIm or vi U'UL
l'l o iaLnliiW or allmeatary caw Ot tmaJ area dal:l'ibed.

• More UlAn one bumanoid type. Ult span vnknown. Ontriptivc wariauona of anatomy rP.ay be 110 ~o"
c:liw~e th:ln !hose tnoWl'l I!D4>1lJ f.anh ·, Horzo 111pccna. Other m:ovtrll!d a.lit11 t)'tla o( llurDJ.n or glller
sro1csqon con.fiprallolll are uakllown to l!le . On1111 uatllo-.

.. .
·- ... ...

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** CCNFinENI'IAI.. **
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'!be "Taxonany of Extra-Terresttial Humanoids", a channeled

~rk by George Andrews, yields scue inte.restil'lg observations:

1. w:>rking under the instructions of the humanoids f1XJ!t1 Rigel,

CIA and fonrer Nazi scientists have developed and deployed
nalignant strains of bacteria and viruses, including AIDS,
in order to exteminate undesirable elenents of the human

2. 'lhe Rigelians are a.lJrost entirely devoid of ell'Otions, rut

can obtain a "high: by telepathically tuning in the different
kinds if intense human E!rotion, such as ecstacy or agony.
Note: toes this explain the presence of UFOs in warfare
and disaster areas?

• 3 • 'nu:'oughout recorded history, as well as during pre-historic

ti!res, there has been constant genetic manipulation of and
in · g with hunans in order to breed out the less
evolved simian straits. '1he Nordic/Blond races have participated
in this frau the beginning, and we are as nuch a part of them
as they are of us.

4. Rigelians have the ability to cancflage themselves as tall

Blonds th.rouqh nental energy projecticn. Blonds never project
themselves as Greys. SCm! Blonds seen with the Greys are physica 11y
real, rut are prisoners of the Greys who have either paralyzed
them or have destroyed/halted their ability to travel/telepJrt
through tine and other d.i.nensions by application of certain
devices. ( I nay cover this in deta i 1 later on) •

s. Both Greys and Blonds have the ability to disintegrate matter

into energy and reintegrate it back into matter. nus ability
allows them to pass through walls and transport abductees out
of their cars with the doors still locked.

( aN3 presumably a calf fetus out of a placental bag)

6. 'nie Original Rigelians were Blonds until they -were invaded by
the Greys, a parasitic race, who took over and interbred with
them, 'lbe original Rigelians were the ones who seeded the Earth.
It is because of this ccmton ancestry that terrestrial humanity
is of such interest to both the Blonds and the Greys.

7. Terrestrial human fenales can be ~regnated either on toard

ship or while they sleep in their hanes . Males need not be
manifested in visible form for this to occur.

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8. n-te blonds now L~it the Procyon system. 'nie conflict bet"ween
... the blonds and the Greys is in a state of teup:::>rary truce , although
the conflict between the Rigelian system and the Sirius system i s
being fought actively.

9. 'Ihe Blonds with speech abilities will resfOnd violently if attacked

or threatened, rut the telepathic ones will resp:>nd ~cefully.

( That makes sense : 3rd density vs 4th density )

r ..

./ .

'Ihooght Provokers for the Aspiring Man • • •

Well, ncN that you've reviet£d a little ncre charmel led rraterial,
I am sure by rON you are beginning to see sate light at the end of
the tunnel. tet!s discuss sate rtere data about the W'hole "problem" of
"UFOs" and the hunan race . Lets start with t.ine. Tine is one of the
rrost in¥Jrtant asoects of the whole thing. It plays a strange but
significant role. In a way, part of the answer to sate of your quest i ons
may lie not in the stars but in the clock ticking on your fireplace.
OJr \toOrld exists in three dirtensions. We can rr:ove :in rrany d:irect.ions
within these di.ITensions, since nest t=e'ple here are locked onto this
tine-track. Space, for many, does not exist except when we make it exist.
To us, the distance between atans in our matter is so mL'iute t.l)at it
can only be calculated with hypothetical neasurenents. Yet, if we lived
on an atan, the distance to the next atan might sean awesare fran a certai.~
conscicus perception. Tine is a nad~de construct. unlike the other
d.i.nensions , what appa.ars as a dilrension of till'e appears to have us
trapped. T:ilre becooes very real to the human being and yet it doesrk
exist at all for other beings. All there is is the rrcment. t:bes this ttean
the ~ natent is being shared by other beings?
If one rrust look at the "UFO Ph~", it does seen to be
controlled. It does follow what apt'ear to be intelligent patterns. If the
objects themselves are manifestations of higher energies, then smething
has to rranipulate those energies satehow and reduce them to the visibl e
frequencies. Not only do they enter the visible frequencies, but they take
forms \tJh.ich physical and real, and they carry out actions which see.'Tl
to denote intelligence.
We therefore rrust consider the SOurce. The SOlrce has to be sore
form of intelligent energy operating at the highest fOSSi.ble fX)int of the
frequency spectrum. If such an energy exists at all, it might penteate the
universe and maintain equal oontrol of each COtp:>nent part. We have,
therefore , the devel optent of the idea of the Universal Intell i gence
Matrix, of which eve.ryth.i.n;J i s a part. Perhaps i f we 'WI&e in a pure energy
state, each particle of energy INOUld itself serve as a synap se , and
information could be stored by a slight alteration in frequency. All t.'le
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rrerrory fragnents of a rose, for exzmple, would be recorded at one

...... frequency, ard the whole energy fonn coul d tune into that trencry
by adjusting frequencies, as we might adjust a radio receiver. In other
~ds, no cuuplex circuitry wo.lld be requiied. No body WOJ.ld be
necessary. '!he energy patterns w::lUJ.d not need rraterial fonn. It 'WOUld
pexrreate the entire universe. It could surround you curpletely at this
nurent anj it could be aware of all the feeble in'pJlses of low energy
passing throogh :your brain. If it so desired, it could control those
~ses and thus control what happens in your brain. Man has always been
aware of this intelligent energy or force. He has always worshipped his
projection of it •••.•

All hunan events occur sinultaneo.lsly when vi~d by a greater

.intelligence. If a 'greater intelligence wants to camunicate with a
lower fonn, all kinds of potential problems arise. ~e carm.mication
nust be conducted in a rranner which will be ~ful and understandable
to the lower life form. An acceptable frane of reference nust be found
and used.
"Phenarena. associated w.ith flying disks, especially the "soft"
phe!"'arena, are frequenUy reflective , that is, the observed rranifestations
tc, be deliberately tailored and adjusted to the individual beliefs
and attitudes of the witnesses. Contactees are given information Ylhich ,
in nost c-4ses, conforms to their beliefs. Researchers ¥1ho concentrate
on one particular aspect or theocy find themselves inundated with
seemingly reliable reports '-which tend to substantiate that theory.
J'ohn Kee!s extensive experiences with this reflective factor led
him to carry out e_vperi.rrents with this reflective as;:ec:t which c:onfi..rned
that a large part of the reported data is eng:U\ and deliberately
false. '!he witnesses are not the ~tpetrators, rut rrerely the victims.
'Ihe awarent p.n:p:>se of all this false data is nultifold. M.lch of
it is Ireant to create confusion and diversion. Sate of it has served to
support certain beliefs which were erroneous rut which 'IO.lld serve as
stepping stones to the higher, rrcre ca~lex tzuth. wtx:>le generations
have cate arxi gone, happily believing in the false data, unaware that
they -were rrerely links in the chain of developing consciousness.
If i t w:are all understood too SCOll, many ~d crurrble under the
weight of the truth. nus earth is covered with windows into those
other unseen v.orlds, If we had the inst.rUitents to detect them ,we ~ld
find that these windows are the focal points for sup=-r high frequency
waves --- the "rays" of ancient lore. 'Ihese rays might cate fran Orion
or the Pl eiades as the ancients cla.iJred, or they might be part of the
Universal Intelligent Matrix that emmates throughout all reality 51'Sterns
and di.Irensions. We have the evidence that such rays exist. Now ~ are
being told why •••••

• *
•* ~IDEN'I'I.AL **
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' .

:hi~ is ~ ~rel1ainarY and ·~~\o~tory at~••~t to eRt&bli3h a
taxonn•~ ~t •~tr--~·~~~tri&l hum•~ i d~. ks t 4nn't have any na~

~vidence ":.o 'back up •"' statement3, thtv 1111-"t ther•!nr" 'btt C" nsid"r"
a11 ~ptc"~a.t1ol:l, thowrh they hasecl on ~•ed.ota.l •vid.l'!nc• vhich

is 1.n mv o~ini n n sinc•re and truthful. '1'he tvo tnes I aa abnut tn

dt3C r i 'be repreoent onlv a. 11m.o..ll !net ion o! the unv tTP.. ft, both •

..>hoTt- a.n4 ta.'l., a"ll o! aecHua-neicht, ·are '&t -p-r •• otnt '1'\ovnri M
above us or aao~ un.
Tho !1~:~ explosion~ of o~r nuclear veapnna at th~ ~nd "t
World ~ar Il ~ent cut a si~nal that broucht t n a verit~ble tr~!~ i e

jam Of Anti~1~~ !rom MnnV dl!fl'!~nt rOCi OnR nf this cal~V and nf
neichbori~ ~al~xi e~, a3 wel1 ~~ !rn• ~~v other d1ae~1ons. ~e:iu~

thi3 sva~ n! ncve na~r~, we have been vi oit•d by a wiu~ v~riety o~

""'r'C' AfOIC.I"'t At"" I.

h01vo not d.•"'P ant i auit v, bu"o b

~~~~ I o.£) "'\, "'"4

vhieh res••ble embryo~ and •v•~• about !nur 'nd a hal! !e•t 1~

he1eht. they a~- trom • snl~r av~t~• that r~vnlv•• ~round Ul=el.
l\is•l is a clouhle bl~f sh-whit ... etar on the left toot of o.c .. "'•

about BOO li~h't v•e~.r11 tro• ~u·th. f h ov 11rob, ftaa Vi ~h th•i r I
· slo.nd•. part1 cular, 1 wHh the' r :"Jflb:\.Ceou:~ !' art.c :"J, which 11ak~ 1t t
d1t!icult to~
them to dic•st r~od. These ~l~ndular prob~ems ver"'

caused. M1 nl v b, e~'PO=nl'l"C to ~d• o~""tivitv durtac a nt•c'l·ear w:J.~


their race tnucht in tho di:t~"lt: pa::t, Mnv thou:ta:1ri1 o! ycuu·~ :...~;,.,


• •


.... .
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't~ is thhl '\yPe ot huao.noiet that is ,ertorsi~ aall"t n!' ~he

deal 'IIi th our e;ov~trn~~ent,

'l'he:v <ienve nouri:shaent fro• tn" cla.nciul•.,. secretion. aftd. the

' -.
CI'\ZY'III"'C they e::rtr.ct froa th• ani n) I theV 1Nt1late t whiCh they
~b=oro th~o~h their ~rea. Our covernaent poraita .uch activitie~

Mr'tially bee~uae of 1ta acute tear of thetu• b-t~a. and partially

_because it 1s unoer the 4eluaion that ~hey will give ua technical
in!nl"'l&t1on el'\c.bli~ uo tn att~i ft a1l1. tary SU'I)Crio ~- t:r over the
... Ru.uians 1n uchaage !o'l" our-peni't't1 ng "the autilatiou and. ·- - ··-
t~~.b4uct ions.

~ea1is~ that vn•n it C"aea t." tho~~ C"Jneh thl t•chn~1o~ th•Y a~e

tran~a1ttinc V11l not vork •= it 1~ ~ppo~nd to. I~ i~ not in th••~

d•c1~1v~t ail sup~t~nri~Y nver

~~r \1.\. ~ ~ 1"'""

tt no aniaal,. "'"""' availa.llle, the~ .!'nbdat upon .clanl1

"n ractJ' d.eri ved. troa hu•na. A.a a N\., t!'le:r d.o DOt \ll"' h"a&D.I'I in
this t&!lhi on, but thev cou1 <1 and vould in o.n ell~t"f:eDc1. '1'h~ti r I

:~.ttitucl• towa~ hu•a.n.:J 1~ tn to1 ol" u~ to thn •nont that ve are


untul in ..Uai.~ the ~D111als :n.~tcus~.,.... for thd.,. nou.rtah.aent.

tle:spitlt u.n.v &tteapta. none o! OUT' t.-~ftstr-1 &1 ~n1Ml.f' (nor the1 ~ l
• '

back to their
apen or ovua
O'" eabrvoa) have aul'T1.ved the .loo.c joun'l•-.
They vould not atta.clc Ul'l W"tth nuelea,. "•~liOn"Y, aa, 1:1u.cloar ~,.
. . '
wou'l.d. 1r,.evoea.blv poisnn l'lr tota.llv destroy thi.~t gla.n~t+.''s
I -
~tos!lhere, including anv h'f'llC'Ithetie&l hu!IIAft o~ ul su""''1.vorA,
.. -

----~ · -
- ----

Document Archived at:

.. . •

nature to those ihev &~e &l~e&4y &ttl1cte4 ~. th. The• do have the
ability to throv thi~ planet sl16htlY ft~f it~ &%is.
... Ri.:•' iAr. tec:l-nolocY is •"-r• &clVft"COIIci aurs, but that is
the onl:." .,.y i n llhich thev ao'"• a.4v~ncfl4 th&ll - &~Ill. '!'hey
:~~~l\i~1 l at~ u~ throuch our l~zi ne::~a a.cci icnorance.
Workinc und•,. the 1.nat~ct1on::~ ot the huaanoid~ fr~• Rigel,
CIA ancl tot"aer Ua~i sc ienti sts hav• develnped aud. dfllploved.
lll&li(ltM.nt straii\S of bACtA~a &nd vi"'2s•us,
. . . . ... . -- -
-· - . . .. .. . . . - . . - ' ~ -incluc11
·-. -· 1\S aoinS.
. . .. . .
be - ··- ....

rationale frr~m thft f~ Ci 3t point Of Viav 1~ tn exterminate portions

o! th,. ~ n pul&tion•recl to be ucci•siranle. !he rat1~e tro11

the ft1~el1&~ point of viev is to 4eci•ate th• hua&n ~pul&t 1~D tn

such a.n extent tha.t the ~u rv1 V t,'::J vnuld :~c rtpt "'P""n contrnl bv ·th•

Thft Ri~ el1&ns arft almo:t entirely davoid ~t eaot\nns, but c~n & 3e~ond-hand ' hleh' by te\t~thie~ly tuntAg in tn di!!eren~

k1nd~ Af int~n~e hum&n ~action, such as eo•~~~v o~ ·~n~T. this 1~

not done !o~ the ~r~o~e Of ~Adistie Cr&t1tic~t1on, &I •ost nf

thltll are nhli vinu3 to the cli!!llrencC! b•tweltn 1)'1ait1.vlll anci n~A.tivlll

~sntal states. Tt 1~ a bioch~mtc3l ~~ wall as a p::~ych~~ocicaL

Cert:ain tYl)r.~ of unusual •~&l. p:.c:t1.ces attr-c:t tb-.e

entities lik111 !lie~. Tt v&R ~leister Crnw1ey's ~•xu•l ~rsuit~

r~ther ~~n anyth1~ els• which ~~1"&Cted thes- entities to bia +.n
abso,.b the •ne~ci•~ releA•ed. Crovlev vaa aore etfect1ve as a

. •
th~ ve&k ve,.• ciue to telepathic l1nk•ce with 111at1t1ea Vhh were


• I

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solar •rst•• ttl&t · revo l v •• &rcNn"' l'rocynn, a 'b1. DAl'Y yel.lowi a!)- wl:li t •
and Yellov ~tar syst•m that r13e3 D~!ore Siriua in ea~. H1ao~s
( i~ the bo4v ot the Les3er D~) . about ~1.4 licht years troa ~rth.
~•Y cu·e !rca the fou~h olane-t in orbit arounG the Procvnn 4nuble
ew.. o
star url ... the tall humaMicb :t:-oa ProeYftn &n.G the short ~~~"~1
,._ f"'of\.9'1-"f ~~OY1. ...1'1S oF "'(C'AA\
bu~noids !roa ntgel have been en~ies
"'i"~\., C!io\.-b$ fj\Df'\ • ,.
the ,.Proe yon? LS h"ve a ben! an attitude tovari bue•ns t'Y, uce'l:lt
~or th Ri r s trona di sa 'P~ NIV&l. . ot. our. . 1.ntN•an 1:t J'_ to . eae)l other. 1"h 1 a
- ·- -·
s t rn~ cUsapp~oval 1s :tunh-r in+"n"1!1ri b'Y ou'" ~ovel"M!•nt h&v1~
aad• a seeret all i~DCft vith tb•1r her•dit~~ •n"•i••, in orde? ~o

obt&in 011ven aor• destructiv~ ~•aoon!l syRT.ea~ than tho"• &lr•"d"' in

exi~•n~ ... ~~~ cover~ont is Dnt 1Dtereat•c1 1D n•enti•.,i~ W1th th•
P~ocyoni~n~, :LO theT vnulcl not proV1,d011 "S vith vo&t»Oft!l sv3tctan •
.,..,..lo,l.. 1iJ l.o oH)
'l'bo ..,hulll:lnoi d.= ca~ried ou-t -ape,.i.aae:ta th"t

i~volved ~oth &rt i !ici&l inseai nAtion and 1ntArb"•R41~ wiT.h

primiti ve hu-nitv. the de•i ,..d r••ut t V&!'! .+Jio the \a~•,.
~·1.\o s ...... 0)
br:~.i n capacitv o! tho ...• • 1 vith th" lu~' and
rupirator:r •"n"teiD o! Prillit1 vt hWI&ni ty, 'bette'!' suite<l 't.n th1e
pla.ne1: 's &traonph ere. Th• au!olden .. ercezaect of Cr~~DOil •&.~:~ V&!\

the result ot theiJ" intlt'I"Vttntion. A. l&rce pro;~"rT10il o! preaent.-dav

humanitY ia 4esetnrie4 !~• ~his •1xe4 &UCRstrv.

Document Archived at:

• I
5 ~
tr.Lce ~~oncl ful~y u.nc1erst&ftd the binlO(;icBl aDd P.SYChnlCCi c&l

. . rami!1c&t1nns of these emotion~. ~heir aotivatt~n tn~ bre•~i~ vith -
hu111aM ia to tune u11 tl\"' !I"Mut~ru:y "f our 1'1!)-<:i~to, 1A ord•l"' -; ...
help u.s to help ours~ves. th~tir c~nc~tl"'n 13 tn~ the v~l-~et~ n!
all 1'or=f: or li!e, not ju:Jt hu•a.nitT. '.L'ho ctnti r" biosph~tro v'~ 1

benefit i f ve !u.l!!ll ~ur po~itiv~t potftnti~l. inzt"' of ~elf­

destructinG and destroTtnc nur ~l~net'e biol'lph•re in the p~oe•ss.

It vould be a aist~~~~ tn count a: th~ to clean u~ the =•~s we

nave ll&de of our ,ollute4 'Dlo.not, r~~ T.n- briDC peace bv 4tsman<;l!.nG
ou.r nuclear veapon•. It is unto u.e to ~"lVt th• p~blaas thaT. ve
have ou.rselvea c~•atod. No nn• tls• v\ll 4n this tar us. Ru~a~•

~•rrostr~al or •n~er-rlimen3ional vis~torn 1 1n order to absnlve

thems•\Ve3 tr"~ tht~~ r•spool'l1~1\ity far their ovn act1nns. this is a

:::~1!-<le!'P-ntin.-: str.1.t~v th:l.t uo•!l not vorlc, th:~ot n-vor ba:; 11.nd.
novor v' ll. 1\.vai.,inq
11. ~o.vior !T"OIIl thn skY 1.!) a ~Cill"' tor c:ha"-~t,.r.

l! ve eaeh d.o our very be!)t t~ titt the bala=ce tnvar4 tho eo"~i~ · ·d

; lllpt"f\vement ot t\Ur splltCi ., ::a.ufi ~he quali t:T a! li !e on th~. s 'Cii.&net,

ve stan4 a chanr.e of ~•~nlvi~ t~e ~amense p?Ob\ODa ve ar• faced
vith, but there ar• no l:\t&U'1U\tees. Chri:rt-con::.ciou.snesa shou.l.d no~

be con!u.3e~ vi~h Christ. It is easY to kneel 1u ave. It 1• far more

deaan4icg to d•volnp the full s~ec+.rua t\f avareoess th&t is ChT"~st­

eonsc\ou.aness. tt is u~ to us t9 shape ogr oyn de~1nv.

;.ltho~ th• l'!'oeyon•an:t are !rna a spec:t!ic pb7s1·cal plac•
vi thtn our ~ala.xY~ tbf!Y e~n. tr:~ovel throu,.:n time and betveen
dia•nsicns. The Ri~elian; do not have these abilities. the
Proc:v~"~nians !recnaently use aeeha,ic&l vchic1 es tor t~por"t, but
are not exclusively 4epen~ent nn thea (as the Rieelians . are), since
ther ctft al:o use thouaMt prncesso~ tn toleDort theas&Lves physicall y.
Our C)V!\ lecends intUcatA that a tev , and hiO\ly developed. hu m•t'
. .'
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P~t•<-'1o"'" .. s
Which th•i~

~o•• ~l&n-t ~~·la~•• 1ntn ~~li•h &R •th• hnae o! tho•~ whn
travel throuah ·t1••". !h~ eton• c1 rc\ ee •aaaJ.i-t:hs cn.. st~•et•d
under thei• sup•~tinn 1n d~e~ antiftnity wwr• ~eon•ntric&1l~ ~~

. ·- ·. ·-··- --·· · - ~•l es'tial.l T &li~tnl'ld. to 1:1 ve a.cees• tn tta,. t ~vAl, theT"'bY ••~ "«
a.s t111e porta., s. It was ala,., po:ssi 'ble to •c:nu1 r• access tn crt:h-r
d.iaen:~i nn!'l th ,.....\.l&h thea.
'tn o~•,. t n •xt r1 r:a.t• our:se1 ve!'l tr"'ll the cov•?-t a.lliance the
CL\. bka ucie ..n.:h Ri~"l, without ou~ knowlen~e o,. conJ~~en1:, we aus1:
!irst recain cn~ro1. n! nur ~oV~SMUII•"+-•

At this poin+. lhyla. of Procyon, th• Vatche~ who tr&nsa\ tted.

the 1n!ormat1on ennt»1ned in thift a~iele, intervened. to make th•
!ollov1~ st&t•••nts
"Tyrants hav• been d.afcated a&nY t1•es nn ll&nY ~l &Det~, in
eountl~~~ !'lola,. SV!'Iteas and ~&l&xie•. Bow etr&n~tA \t 1a that a~

soon a• nn• tYrant ot anv spaci•s is thoueht to be b&ni~b~ !orRV•r

another alwaTs~ but al~, taken hi' place. the ide&listie

revn 1nt 1nnal'1 •"' vhn defeat ~td ~1~ CAn 'l"'e"' l:II 1n A.a~t1"'i c& went on
to npp,!ll +.t.e tnd1ans and Black:.. .....r._y nt those who tnu~b+. ao•t
cou~eou~lY CC&in=t th• AX1!11 powers or t~aci~ lAter 'bec&ae
!aac6st111 theasAlv••, &!II 1~ deaonat~ted by the pre111•nt uli~tht nt
- the ?alut:i Aians, At~, Chi.l•~UJ.S aDd Hica~r•ne. Yes, :You aust
t " to re~aL1 eott4: ~,. of •""~" c:overaaent, 'hut if an ~ch att nne
l ndiv i du~ involved i" thia p'l"'ocess ha.s not ti'~"st ~ainttd cnntrnl ,.,!

hio or hAr selthnod, it will h• !or naueht. OnA can never d~fe&t nr
s~1n control of ~nythi~ but oneool!. Tho=" dentined tn ou~ the

• I
' -- - I
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RiGcliana mu~t ~way~ k.-p t~ck of th• a~~to of ~n~~r eel:h~n4,

~nd learn !ir~.t~ d~!eat within th•aaelve~ th• eaaence o! that

which i~ t:vrro.n::r. Th~ouch thi' t)'l)e ot •-l"''n~•. theY will kno"
vh•n to act and "When uot to ~~. ~hr~h underatan~iD« & hostile
· '!l'\1:i t :v to be but one o! t hn Ina{!ablc: ' :t countle:::s !:u:n.llos, 1t
l o:e= i ts ~ower over ynu. ~hro~h tho &bilitv to vi::elv perceive
~ ho:t il G ent i ty, you .ay cain control o! it. In overcoaine the
Ri~eli ~n:, one .u::t take ar•~t precautions not to beco•• onesel!
the enemy. Certain level:l o! cnn:c1nu~ exi:tence will &lvay1 be
.Lib.1 •ot to · t:r,.nnv~ ·"lt· is-·th ... nature -ot tn..-vibr&tori ·t-at-.:· - · - · ·
control o! yourself bv ceasi~ to trr to contrnl. Anythi~ you try

to con~uer, you only saxe stro~er. tan Tse v&a one nf nur best
~pila. Thn ~atch~r: hGve alwuy~ been here . those who he~r or touch
or ~re touched by them will evolve t hem:lelvea into Vatchers. All
eul~ures co throucrh a stace of hieh technolocteal achiev••~nt prinr
to learnina thaT. eve~hin& ~ h~y got thei~ ~eh1ne~ T.n aecnmpli sh
c~n b~ dnne vith ~r~ thoueht, Th111 ~ntc~ft~ n~·~ no tnnl~ tn conT.~ct

an.v mind . 'Hu !I'Ani t;r as a C"1 l cct 1 Vf! f!ni:1 tv mav e.,.e~te vha.,,.v, ... ~ ny it chon3ea fo~ 1t:el:t •. 1'h"'s• paths 1.ncl,J4" ensl"-V"'D""nt,

nuc 1 e~.,. destruction, and p~ac-tul ~ouriohinp, crowth. ~-tev•r

path h"IIILD.i tv seloctl'l 1a riGht !or it, Soull'l dn not ceas• to eXi!IIT..
I! thi s planet in. de:rf:.,.ovod, they will ~o on to l•"~ el~e"h"'~-.

Tf •ou &1"1'! fT'O" ofrl'lm th~ f'ctt~r!'l n'f i llnr.~ion, no tore-. eaa bat'111
ynu. ~o eocape, one ••~lY acceptn, 1o accept is to t ~Aeend.

'Jhen •ou knov unc~~incly ~hn+. evon in a ~c\e~'" hnlocauot ~ftth

ant~ofti .~•. the b~ttle it."-1!, anu the perceptinn of that vhol~

--- event
1~ tn111
nn111n"'•~ of the Tne!!~bl•

vnu vill nn lonce.,. need t n •xi~~ ~t thi~ 1•vel. The Csta;:cosmos

in " ~nee vith 1t• l'lh&dov, i

il' but. the unifej~~~t&tion ot thf! mind anct J iaht and """"'"If" nf 'f:)\•


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OD• In-tf~blt. Var ia D•ithll? rir~~ DDr v~. W1•dAa C~A ~- s-in~
· on ~D• pa•h. ~vea tha~ ~1cb ~--•• c•rt~~a t~~l~ is nnl~ ~.~a~ ~f
11 ~ht a ad. 1111hAdov. !her. &rt ci'Wl'tl•111• ....v,. tn l•rn. It is ••rely
aon 1:11-,.a~ to ••lsco:t a cu"'~c~1ua tl\a't ill l••s prnne tn b•i~
pai ntn 1. If a.n i n.4 c V'1 d,& 1 or a cnlloc'l: • YO ent 1 t T cl.ct • \" :t.... rn
•h,.O~ "'U!!tH"in.!o •o 'b• ito fl\f'1"'0 Qf"'" J ctOO 't:..-:ine•tic W.Y'a tn C::P•ther
UAClfll ...ta.tsdJ ~· '1'1'1411 ntcelia.M ~lUi tl\e CL\ b:I.Vt ll''i: in aotii'IZI. tbe
l)nteni:111J. to,. a "'1:b~tr d.n~ti c IIOC~t ot l~~~&"'!li.l:lt$. 1'hi1 Call hft alt•r-<1
at a.n:r 1::! 11•. \lh&t ev•r i t •Y b,., th• outo "lit 11111 &l VA:YS ILa 1t should.
be. However, this does not ll~~~&n tl\4t vt shnuld ~tit back &.,d. t•k11
nn act1nn."
. --· .. 1'he
&"ce::to,.s ·-
. - -. .
l'lf-·-the.. short
- - - . .G"'Y!t
.. --.. . --
~ .-- - -
- ...tA, 1 !lozuls. ~h,.
- '

Gre&t 'lar t~,..k "lac•. !ehnld tlut 'a1~t-r fruit of vtct"'r7• The G""'Y*
•n a. ceuetic~ly da.-eed s:pec1.••· It terzestrt&l hu••n• wert tl'l
•urvt ve a vint er, th•:r l'li~ht vell lonk like that, severa.l
~·ZI.e~t\nns l~ter. ,
De!on the CTQ~t V:~.r, Ricel ws a ~t n1:1ir"• vhich hM been
the sou rce o! mo~t ~~+ i c =~~i~. All ni=~li:l.n• were t:~o,l !lnnd:.
A eolon.Y hali a.l.rea.dy boon •ct~blish~ on Proc:PZI.. Tb~t Great \lar was
:l. e i vil vur of R1.cnli"'n: Tl'lr:::u~ n1a~l1~""• ~u1d lasted th11 eauinl~tnt
ot three ~rth et'nturie:::.
A. c:onup n! Rieeli~a who re:l.liaed thAt the Gt"eat War was
~bout to br~ out t~nk of! !or +.he Prftcvnft colon~ in crude,

cland~s~in~tly built ships. At that tiae, all the sophist i c~ted

eoui pm•nt vas ovned. bv the 3ute. 'l'bey vere the onl ~ t,..
11•ca~e the cataelysai~ d.c~st:~oti~~. All tho:e vho had remained on
Ri~Z:Al were tranatoraaltll into the short Grays.
A.fter tbe Great Wa.r, vb.en the Riaeliana hAd beco111tt the short
C~v~, it tooK th . . thou;~nd~ of :rear~ tn recnnstruct thetr •ociety,
They wer• d•m•eed not nnly genctieall:r a.nd in their glan4ula.r
~:nt.,.as. 'b1:t al.;n aD4 ps:rcholocically. As ~tnon u the shn'l"'t
Cra:r:s hd "coutituted. a. pover ~·. they lauDChe4 an. attnok on
the -tall lJloDls vbo bad. eoca;~ed to the Prne70n coloftJ'.
· l.l 1houch the Jn nzuis of Prnc,.on b:P.4 b-u "l*n4 'be e:ctr. .e
ci\Z"t''aO:IOPII a.nli cJ.:p.=nlar cSn-.c• sustAin-d. 'by tbo•• who W •~ayed
behiZIAl OD Ricel. the:r did Ru!tcsr :wnae r'G41~t1on "••c.,. durina t!lei r
var!•r• ~th tho Gra~, which ~= •inor 1n cna~rison. How~tver, 1~
1s this that has rendered t~cir tcmal~a vulner-ol• to a 4ise-a•
th~t 13 dllcimatinc their numbers. the aute tel~~tnic Blnnds, vho

do Dot have speech abilit1e~. ~t!!ered eore oxteusive rad1&t1on


Document Archived at:

daa~e than tho•• vbo ret~1nM their apeech ab1l1t7.
1'vo •Jor wn an still 1n l'~~u. t'bo· one betveen n1cel

~nli ProcYOn 11 at pnscnt in a stn-:e of teaporary truce, in vn1eh

~=~i·n !1~htinl; could bre4k out at nuy t1ae, coaparable to th~~t
lT .S.-Sovin eol4 var situation. 'lhe V&r between ntsel and the
Sirius sY~t•• ia beiac toucht actively.
t&rth va~ ~eeded ~1 the oria1na' tall blond R~el1ana, before
the Creat ••r took place. the ortai!lrll ta.l.l l>loa.d R1aeliana ve:-e
tho ~rocenitors o! Cro-~n .an. Tt ia ~ause of this co.-on
ancestry that terrestriAl bu1muty h of wc:h 1uterest to 'bnth the
lllotwts anli the Gn1ys. the abductoea vbo are not retumed &1'"e 1uec1
!or brcedi~ purposes, and are_ _i~ ~cn~tral treat.U· well.
·- 1'-.,.restiiai. l\\lman- !~~lea can be iapl"'~nat d ei th•r on board
shi~ o~ vhile ther sleep in their hoaea. !&lea n•ed uot be
aanifesteci in Viaible fona for this to nccur.
:Both Gr"l'L.,. and !loads the ab1l1t1 to cUsintec~te !lAtter
into ene~y, then reint~crate the en•r~r back into ~t~er. ~at i s
hov they l):lSS throu_:h ~ll:: anll roo!a, :t.nd trans-oort abduc:tees
through valls ~nd roo!K.
Cray~ have the abilitY to c~mnu!lnce the. . elvea as ~&l~ Dlonds
throueh mental ene~v projection. ~lends do not ever proj~t
themselves as Crays. Soaetim" Dlnn\ls 11te ;thyaic&lly real, b11": • r-
p1"1 .!'lnn.-,.s n~ the Cr-Ao~S. the Cra va wst par&1 'Y•~t n.,. dest rcy th~~ti r
"-'bili";y to tdC!port thrnn~h t1m•!~ other cUaen.oti on,. in ol'dflr t o
ta~e th~~ta prisone~.

Just a~ 1n te•.,.e~rial vnrr~~~~~ the~• ~~ soaet1aes trnito~~.

c1e!ecto,.:t, Qel'erter::s and pr1soocr:r of war, 10 the,.. •'"• in var!
betveen ext"'· t•rr~~f'i&ls. ADd 3ust &A in t~~trrestri&J
there are periods ot tnee, duri ns whicb t•' 1'rn• o-opn•inc ar1:11 e!'l
snv C!'OPe"t~t teaporarily on cc~ain pro1ee1':!'1, en there &1"e p~~t,.intl,.
nf' true.., in v&rlnT"e betva-n fll.%1:,...._t ern:t"inls.
• clon-lik" et!•ct causes •n.• of the lnnnda to :took"•
the snll• if' t,-ue o! -.n'Y nt the llra'f'S. Sna• DloDda na•• hi.Ch
intellectual an4- YerbfLl abUittes, vhil~t others ~,.. aute and
- tele~thic. the Blond1 vtth sp~ecb o.'bil1t1em wtU re:n~nwl nol111ntlY
i t •t"tAued ol" th~ate""<l, but the telepa1:hic: tne v1ll Bot!\
t vpes ~,.e e&re!\ll to avf'l1d --xpn111Ure, and usuallT encou.n1:~tr human•
in nnicrt 1:1olated p,~,.~. 'rheY contl'ct !tt~alel'l aorit !reauently.
f hAv fiiiiY jul't lft~re ~nd. ob!I07'V~'~ hucn:: , 'then "retreat. lSl~"~MS wer•
so••tim•~'~ ai~takon for ~nr.•1• in •arli~~ c~ntuTie~. The DlnndR do

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llO't a.-• to ~"• &Dri consisterrtly &'PJ>M"' to b~t trna 27 tn 35 ._. .ll
• .,...,.,. olcl, n.o •tt,..,. vhat thai,. ,....._, a&• •1 ~"•

Mo.,.e t)la.n nne t:rpe of e%t t -~... ,...stl"i~ V1.11i 'tor 11 1nterln·••d1~
vi th husan,.. ~~ Blond.• ~r• the ille"-J choice to 1zrt erbre'"'d Vi th
hn•na, btteanse th•r• 111 :l COUOD aenatic •llcer:or. Inta,.~r•ed1~
of hnlll'n.a Y1 th :3.ft..T o-thor ~poe i•ll IIUS't be c~re!ul' • coat.,.ollecl 1 u
hum;sns h•ve d1 !!erent iuune syst ••• than ert r:l.•terrutrials. New
hYbT"id bacterial strains ~ e:u,. di:saster both vaTs. !lntld.s can
1n!ect hn•na, aNi huun:~ c:2.n infect Dlnnd11. BloD4• ~· l>e carrrtnc
<r1.l"'&l and bat::~ eri&, air:ro--"' ..(t.&niu:s tbt .... sate to theuel ve11 'D~t
ha!"'lfY.l to h"•na, Alltl Vice •er~.
'the Gn.7s con•icl•r the Inonds to be. -..rebellious
.. . -··
and u~t&hle.
. .
fl"le G'l"":ra 1:"":r to · prevent · tl'i~t !l.onds ..thev bAv-. t&ken pn-.nn.. r tro•
escap1ns to ~lore terrest,.i&l huaanit:r ~P'"'rvised. Hovever, a
substAnt1~ number o! a~h Dlond~ have escaped and are int•rmincli~
vith hUlla'D"'·
Ther" are over a thou3ADri h~man,. in the United S~ato~ ~\on~
(not countinn tho:o in othc,. ~tion~l vho are the offsprinG o!
ihter8&.lo.c:t:c nr extn,c~l~ctic beinc: il.nd tcrre:::tn&l nnm:lns. 0!
these, about tvo hundred knov or su:~oct thei~ ori~1n.
All hu1113.rus have some extr~-te rrc:::t rial c e!'let ic: bacqround..
• I! they did net, a.ll thAt voulu exist en this plan•t vould 'be !lora
an&i !::wna. that 1nc:lud.e4 but did not co 'beyend the &l)es. The c:la.azs,
~o~ft, st~r!ish, sponaes and ether primitive orsanisas !rom vnich
the entire !lora and fauna of thi• plan.t GYnlved vera d.e~oeited
in th• pr1.11ev&l as tho prel1111na,..... of planetary
:~e'~1'1Gr vnich shoY.lcl l>e obviowa fl""ll anv :stutiv o! the record. len
in tb.e Cu'brt:~on ll.l'l!i
Pr.-Caahrl:a.n rock:~.
fhrour.hout recorded hi:::tory, as vell &3 durinc prenisto~c

times, there ha3 'b ..n cnnotant aenotic aunioul:2.t1on of and
interbreedinG vith hwans, 1n. o~•r tn brel\l out o~r less evalved.
:silli&n traits. 3ollatilloa intcr'b?"e~i:n.ot betvee11 tmvns aM space
bei~3 hAs been a .ucces~, ~nd soac~1acs it ha.s l>een ~ 41~··1
!&ilure. HoweTer, the species Homg aQpiea= would. not ex13t if it
- h&U not been tor th1~ por=i~tent cenetic ~nipulatia'D and \
1nterbree~11nto, vhich vill ennUnue (unle:ss nucle&,. wr d.utroys
our species) u.nt1l h.wMnity tul!il1a it petezrt1al b7 learnins to
"USe it~ tot~l, . instead o! a aero frac":!. on c! 1t •

1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·------------------~

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Crystal~ Sioloaical Structures

turing one of the autopsies an Alien kxx!ies, it was found that

there existed a separate lOOe of the brain that CQltaiMd a crystAlline
t'leOoQrX. 'nlis , to m. , • e • an interestinq, for it nde the
connec:tian with other Wometiat ....n.ich 14 Alnady posses. ~t INCh
net\oiQ::'X.. ~inq e:xamination of data fra11 ancient taxt.s, such u the
xeys ot Eh:ch, we can see that tJw net'oQrlcs pertinent tc ar!vanced
P,Ysica.l fo:m., and that these ~rk.s &!low than to tap into the
thiwrsal Intelligent Matrix. In these ancient texts, brains of ~
; l beira;s, pre~ly those of Jrd. anc! 4th densities that requ.ire
the n•e of physical bodies, are described u havinq the riqht and left
~ens of the brain tl.lsed and a ""'11 fral.tal 1 cte which acts as a
"c:::rystal reoorde.r" struct:un, or third brain. '!his is exactly 'What the
.wtcpsies fOund.
With this datA in %!lind, it mi¢\t be preU!Ied that the developtent
of the netwQrk ~ is a later physical manifestaticn that o::curs
subsl!quant to the devtiopnent of 4t."l density telepa~ abilities. With-
in the hualm, a stz'UI:tUr8 Jcngwn u the .:audate nucleus tunetiaw an an
:initial suuct::ure for~~ telepathic onw teen
antankanna, or bridge i:\ the tnin. refers tc the .-,olutia\a.ry o:::nnction
ol the caUdAte ru:l~ with the rest at the brain.
'Ib:Jught. forms pervade the universe, aR! evidently it is this net'-Qrk
whidl &l.lows a bein:;J to tap .into the llllltrix and cpsin i.nfol:mltjan. "ele
raauix, or 'Chi.wrsal Intelligence Matrix, pervades the univerJe. tt is
a hierarc:h.ically ordered intell igergt-field C:Oi\"OII!c! of infinite dana.i.ns,
djmensia'IS/densitieS/ parallel \ooOrld.s, aM c::onsciQllS entities. b pr~
funcotia\ of the rratrix is that it enac:u the ~it: patterns of the
tJU.vcsal Mind into aan.ifestatiat. 'nle Rsultant divvsific:.ation exists
as sn infinite ~of in mct>inaticm.s and perl!\ltaticns.
In · · ouitllmicatian is the 1esnlt of attunment to one1$
own net'looerk so that it~..ions u a I!Ul.ti~ extension t.~ •
which o::lml.1nicatiw k"CeSS to desirld aspects of the matrix can oc:cur.
Dewl~e1t and eOJClution of ~lc:qical pat.~a in t."le is
a process klnc; tAU.c:h brain eells ~. crystal.l.ine orie:ntatiCT'.s
sh.ift, and ~ireW.try pat."lways are qradnally overridden. ~ pathwa~
uron which this devel.optant taXes place is ~ esoterically tet•.e:l.
the tlrim ~~. '1ha c:ilaliay is nt:N mstly dQcuant. i:\ hlm'ans, ~t
can Eli itlm1 ahu:! at its ncmal evolutiaw:y prccpession.
In~ian&l miiaun.i~t;on is the birthright of &ll bein;s. As
every beinr; .wlves, the cxmrunic:atiw capacity is heit;l&tenac! ala.; with
the a\ T I ei • • • Of its abilii.nq USe! ."t iaJiey 1 anci th,U p%:ocesS is wtlat 5Cr.'e
alan fo1ces '..tic an in contrOl of the Earth are t:ryin; to retard: ot."u!r
~ ....nt to st.iJIWAte the p:ooess ~ help hulzans ac::hieve a c;reaeer
fCCIJS i:\ 4th derwity, with the · ucr~ spirit:ual develcptent.
'Dle hunn skull c:altains intet'Nl ~s 'olhich are :ruonarrt
l.ic:;uid c:rystal-o:)lloida 1 nenLn.nes. 'Ihe• IIBitlnnes and st."""UC't.Ures rupond
to the spec:trum of the ~versa! Intelligent Matrix by to st.and.i..nq
waw .interlezwce patterns. ·
Sane have stated that use of in~sion&l. c:aft by tnr.ans is ret
possible''e of t."le physical developtent (craniAlly) of the h\:tan ,· W'\
&::les not permit foeuse4 rnind-li.~ge . .Kind-l..inlcage pemi.ts a grouping of
beinqs to be "of one mind." and foc:::oJS t."le technology to pemit transfer of
t."le equiprent and theln.selves to ot..,er locatiCirls, danai."ls or de..'\si1;.ies.
Document Archived at:

'l'his diSC'.Jssion lays t."le gr=unc!'..Qrl< for a dl5C"'.lSSion on one of

t.'"le 1\'Cre iJt\X)rtant uus: Light--based tec!'~loc;y.

'n'le 11se of crystallil'le matrices to M:ldnl ate er.ugy, cor".SC:iousness

and matter is the hAl..lmark of the mst aclvanced t«hnoloqies. 'Iru.s
technical capability ex; su in many of the species t.."'at are not
indigenous to our planet, an:! rtany beinc;s Ql'l o.g planet are , 4M ha~
been, subjec+~ to nevi i fiation of their psyd'l.ic ·and genetic pa'ls

usinq t.~ tec.~logy •
'Ihe Mdreass::~n affair was a good exarrple, in that it illust:ated
SCI'le of the ted'lnica.l capabilities t." are beinq ircp:>sed al hurta."\S
to ach.ieve ends t."'at are u yet unspecified. 'l!'le lv.'ett bcrly, a resonant.
bioelectraU.c c:rystalline structure, can be de~ly affeeuci b':{ pat~e:':'\5
that are ent.nined up-.m. it. !aaminq ean be achieved - ar taken ~tWa'f. r.-.e
bioloqieal state of health can be iJ!t:lrowd - or deyxaded. We are deali.-.g
wit.."l a system of science that hu its roou in a deep urderstandi.~ of
~ the un.i'I.IVse and reality systsa operate, and it is quite evident
that hlmans are beqinninq to recall suce of those factors. 'l'Mre is
an ~licit Jcncwledge of spiritual func:t.ioM that is coincident wit.t,.
lcnowledge of c:::ystal aM liquid-light Nne! ~loqi,es. AWan!'1tl'f ,
l!'Cst of the beinqs that uae this ta:hnclo;y an at least 5th density,
and have the capabUity to r.10nantly erer¢ze the human bioloqic=a l
sysum to n i se the denSity level in order to apply the ~l.oqy t.o
the l'uman system. 'illl! hAve had undal:grcuncS anna desc:ril:e:3 to us t.."lat
contain gteen cyl..inirical ch•'"ers wit."'t JUts, similar to t:ose ~isc.!Ssee
in the Ar:dreassc:::n affair, and one of t....._ locat..ia\5 of those c.~s is
riqht outside of IAs Veqas, Nevada. 'Ihe function of these is to
increase the vibratory resonance of the {Xtysical body to t=anSfer it
to a higher densit:y le....J., interact with the indivianal, and retxt i t
to i u nccral density after the interactions are ao atpl i sh@d.
Far your i.nforl'Nltjon, a good litanry souee for details regar'' :-Jg
C:.."""fSt.a.l. based te<:hnolol:ri is '"Ihe C::"jSUJ. Connection", by Baer ani Saer.
Document Archived at:

':':"\e Dulce ;:aa~er1 wen e~~i'rtsecs of ZS ~Lac it en<! whiU #I!'ICtOI , • v \ d•o ~ t•
wtt !:\ no d..L& .Loq"'• a .n-o • ••c o i pe ~r• that tee: :-.:uc:e!. J..~Jc:r::~e ue~ of ~ n•
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· Paul Bennewitz , who prefers t.c: te .::a.lled Dr. Bennewitz , is
President of 'lhunder Scientjfic carpany in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
, ..
He lives next to the Manzano Wearx:ms Storage Area, near Sandia
Base in . Paul roticed strange activity over the area
and decided to ~ his resources together and phot.oc;raph what he
saw. After thousands of feet of film, he was convinced that sacething
\es happening there, and decicled that he should tJ:y to calllunicate
with whatever was flyin; over the area. lbrough a ca!p.lter, using
a O>ie, he succeeded in naking contact with whatever was flying the
disks over the area. Gradually, he learned that 'Whoever the aliens
were, they were basically rot friendly, and after a while he was
able to develop a psychological profile of the aJ iens based on his
contact with them. •
'lbe follcwinq list of items was extracted fran a ret=art called
Projec:t Beta, whi::h Bennewitz apparenUy gave to the United States
Govex:nment in 1983. Also in the re~rt ~e his recaur:endatioos for
dealing with the aliens, W'hich the Govemrnent (already aware of
the aliens) decided to ignore. As publicity gterw regarding whAt Paul
has discovered, he withdre'w his ~lie contact and 'NCU.ld no longer
have contact w'.th anyone. We 'Nere fortunate to have contact with him,
and we understand that as of May 88 he is talking with people again.
Be advised.. Paul has undergaJ.e a lot of stress, l::x:>t.h f:ta\l his
ex~riences and f:tcru the governnent. If you oo clecide to contact him,
take it easy, ok?

Document Archived at:

The attached papers are k.'1own u t!le •~~:Jr.!.and Coc:t.&:~en:s•. Most an

avaUa!)le t~uqh t!le Fruc!om of Wormauon .\ct. Cne notable uee;t~on
1s t!le telex ~rn 3oll1."'1.q Al'i DC//IVOt CAI.r Force Inte 1Uqenee/ Cc:t.&nten:lte 1Uo;ence}
to tirtland An BID (Base 1Avest1;at1ve Attac:~en:). ':)'Us cocumer.t , . .
ol:ta1r.ed !;)y ~fol091lt WUUam Moore frcm W\cUsc:!osed sow-ces. T~e!'e ts
a rut::~ or that Moore mace several ~henqu on the cocume:o~t. One cf t~ue
chanqes 11 r.ported to be the c:!'lan;e of NS.\ to read ~ near the end of
t!:AI telex. Belew are several a brevtauoc ce fln1Hoo 1:

rvct A1t Foree t.'1teWr;ence/ Cou.nterlnte W;enee

BID k u IAvuu;auve Attac~en:
HQOH Threau aqa1nst nt.&c lear w"pons stonac;e ar"s
M J.1r Foree LnteWqenc:e 'l'eehn!c:.l
7602 AINT'tLG S peeial AC'tJ V1t1u !'HUMIYT)
• SPA Special P':'o)e~s Ac:eeu
MCSI A1t Force OWc:e SPKtal (or seeretl Invesur;sUo:":s

Dr • .Pat.&l F. BeMewitz, Pres!cent of Thur.~er Sc~e:::t!!ic: La~ratcrtu l.., Al!:uquerqt.&e,

wh.o ls menUoneci 1n uven~l of the doc~ero.u c1a11111 to h.lve about 6r.oo !ut
of 8mm and vi<!eo 0)1ct~U of UTO ' s openst.t.."!.q 1n the Manzana nt.&c:leer wea~:::s
ttcraqe area taken frcm tus perch which hAd a n -."\obst:uc::ed View of .:. ceposUory.
Be a lso claims wtule soa~e of the fil.= wes ~e1:19 C:evelopeci by ll:oe..k, c~.u
so~:~:eone removed 1111t1ous sectJ.ons of t.!:le file t!-,tt C:Qnta1."\ed c:lou \oiP s ~c:ts of
tlTO' s. One l:*rtie\llar moVie film took % Cl.O:\t!'ls to proceu a:'ld was rece1ve<!
wlth sevenal feet ~llinq and was on a cU.!!en~t :1~at1ve than ot'1q1."!.alty
filmed , a c:cordlnq to 8e:m.-.1U •

Document Archived at:


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'- )i....: ur r~ ot the in n.n.:c lH 9".1l . ~ ( "-~ 'f"C)' II'CI'U I.Dt'S repert-.'IJ t.hc
r( ,., •nee be . . ..,.. wJde S';:)~..:J ...-.::1 • type ~ l.c !..heir eler:tn:ni~l C',t .
J .. . ,. <.:I cc:k'l of the .,..... - . beinJ c:t.l"ddx'Uid by 'T'I.'Ctt"' i c:a l Sc,..,iees . AI-"QS.Z:.

- H•) • • ~an~~orcs IN/I AFQSt,. 12' · ~ be: ccr~~l vL4CI

' •
·•••u• •.,. •• • .,.

1·-·. -··-.......... O•u o-

( J )
- • -
.,...,., -:fi·~ - tr.__.= •
.. ~ • •
. • • (c)

Document Archived at:



- C.Oa.,U.JMT '0b
• - .
Ht \ v ~ s
~'I) .:.n. :l-4.

. ~- 3 Sep 10,
A. .n••'TI.&tt,.l ••'•

c -..

·-· 1
.AU"!';ed. s.1~-urr;;s or lhl~a"1Qfic .... ,.c r
Mn&l l..iif'U .1n Rasut~ iat. "-IQa· AFeSI De': 17CXI IC! r-.J. .-.:1 An tfo(

X ~·· ....... · - &••-..v•, ...
1. .
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~~E. ~
••.,.•••c& •• •..,........ •••••aa .._ &
cau.zde:r. 1&::1 Si'S. Ma:&aiO

Urt.l.-d N'1S' ~ . .~-:15i&
loU•-n 0' .. ,Oiou TID•
·····u: en 1. 2 s ,n: eo, SCl.:IC10 rd&eed en a .lu; ao. ~ S 1 :=..zri ~ Poli<'!'Ce I MS si ~s:l tc
1605 Si"S, JC»B, Hte, cn duty i.ns.iae ~ ~ HMiOOo• ~ Aru sig'ltc ~
1.n1d~ied 11~ 1l'l the &1r trAt cr•.....t..S !r"atl Not Ui to SO..~ ~e:l" the Cqoot.e
• <:.no_,'a\ &r"U
Sei:'.~noe-1 PQUc:
of.;;; ~...-·.l¥i't of D&!•:se ResuiC"!.:l T~ ~9* en JC.ti'B, Not .
1~1nt1!1ed. u: ss:;r SiDt«N ~ • .lrU S.pervi-.or , A.:C ~

' \1(, JUr. .-d IHf .a."''nC'fY D. f"MZ I I R. ~ lae.r 1nte:v1 • :s • q:& by SOJt f
I .-a:! &l.l ~,.._ re.leted. tt. •
a.r.:y .1n O'At"lie s.etcr, . ~ Sice
a:..~ate rt: At 41A)tCd.~t.eJ.y ~ : , ~le ~
Mr.z.lncl, the tt-~ c:cservc a ~ iln~c
li~C 1."1 :he sk'/ """'\X!..'M:cly :::5 m:U• NaP.:•-Hc:r:n E.Mt ol ;:c&i~Q'I . "i'l"w
h~1;, trwtled. Wi':h !P="Ut s;:: I! 1 ret su~ct ~Y !.n the sky~,. C."'YCte c.-:y,:n.
no. ~ ~!.~ ~"11:u;ht t:. cCJa:t _ . • hLI.i~~r . he~. a!'t.Er ClbSe.-..~...;
t:w s.;.~:a..-. ..n&J.·t.,.,..VV"S (~ zod gr;~), ~wy !&lt--. -~iiccpe••9o'>c2\•t •

"t-..11\.--e!o:J•1 sen skills. n.. l!~ 1~ 1n :he ~t.e Cr.jUJ IU"U .
later-, t....,._ ...C.~r ·rj tna Uwttt t'N! c!! ..a b-,e pn:z::~ SI:.I"-.19"\C: ~ at a
~~t iiiF'~~~~~ ~ dis a: nr. • .

2• t:er: t:."'U s:eo.:-:. ty

Cc::rn:rol (C:S:J 1t'Si c. r"' :za c , ~cl .s.-dia S ~ty . ~..s :~.-nt tluilciin; d'Nd::s cr. t:..c &l&r.DC ~..J..2'W in t:'lle ~ . 'D"aey
~ thl.~. pAt.n)l .... .&lrea:::y 1n ~ &t'U. .-d -Q tl d ~9Re ·
3. en 11 .-uw 10. P.IJSS ~-S, s dia s o~:y. .cvisc:s tt-•e at t JuJ eo, a su~a
s.c-n '=Y ~. { Willhes hU r.-re nclt be di\IIJl~ tor ~...,. ot ~t ). relr..C
t."ae t' At ~~C&ly c.cov-s., he .,.. dn.VU'Iq Eut cr1 ~ ~te ~
ac:c us 1 e.d en • ra.r...inl taJ,n.cUI"q c • >c ol . , al&tlliiid s ~~ •
trw •~ he • t>se!"\JC a bn~ l!~t I"''Ut" t:'le ;rcu-d Oolhird t:"W ·~~ - He
l"'e &j:lp tee: liilld ...
a l so ce:.&ro~C . , cb j ~ l"'e fil"'r- t1 a *J .t was a h&l!~ti'!Z" . !U~ &!':cf" V'; en.
c:l :Stl". he cbsu'YW::t • t"Q,J"C cUiok ~ cb j ~. He ·~~etC 0::0 ncUo ror a 'Jw:::!or
~ pat.l"Ql tlut 1'\U l"ad.! o ...,.ol cS ret · OCll'k. M l"• ~rT.«!IC ~ Cbje': en !cot. an '
...C.~"l. ~. t.~ c:Cj~
te0t a!! 2n a d:l.n;cUcn at • t'Jg, ~tee! ~:::a:l •
nw ~- .. !or-mer he!.ic:cpe- -;;:twu.e in t:n. u.s. /lnlf .-.:1 r...aec t:2-. Cib JC':
he~- ret • twl.i~t.el".
- 4. $O.K% &eM.~ en.: q 10, U\ree ...,t2 LpP
tre.:rity p;l icawL ~ the -=-
:; ... ·p-
\.tiLlS /~ t1~ ,j"{l

..,........... ·~····· c::::l• u o ..

!S ~c:
, ........... y ••
11:0UJ110 e.

...c .........

~ •-::?2
, ~~ ,,_,~ t1 r::rr'y• ,
....., ,. r

······-c• 8--·"'a· ....

t'1 fr 9.;-cj..2.~ .~ 'r~'" ..
~ -u ,~·• : . .•t f ~·•' '"' I
... '
, ,._. ••
AfO~ ···-
-·· 1
.....,...,........,....... ~ ~n.. ... . . •


Document Archived at:

.et"1&l ~ ..w :H b'cl t:ly tne !1~ thre-e. JlqUn Qw cbJC't l..w&i!C 1n ~
c.nya ' . ~ W""/ 41c:1 l'lCI'e se. t:w co J co: t.Me ot!.
s. ~ ~ 1s ~ a~ ct a::st:f' tz t r•JOt .,._, 't:ly
e. ...
r r~e ltsar-zw ~- S.zdia Wtaorauries , ~--- ,.,'Cl. r Aqacy
rd ~ !')e,?&l . test: tsl ~. 'll» 'a~;e ~ !aaue ly ~U'Qll~ t:1y s 'd.'• ·
= *'*
:: so..r.. -.:y. h!r", _.y <nly ca ..:. e bt ri 1 a·~ t:t e nD~~ .
6. Ql 10 JuJ 80, • Net ~texicn St.&te Paa<•'....., si~ 111Ml"i&: Clbj?C'C lift!
i.r. '::'lit ~•=-c·s ~ ~a• 3cl-n a"'l:l Al~, No«. ~ Pat:r'OliNn ~
~ &i<JI~ to C. JUI"U..C N'!l Coatuw d ilcat. ~ ~e a't'd ~ ~'ta'l
to trw »CSI 01St 17. NUSI 01.R l.'7 adY:i..sld the pa~ to =liut a N ; « t
~~ hi.s CW\ ..,e cy. Q\ 11 ~ eo. ~ lir-tlrd P. cue Idat' at!ice
cvuc t:w pat:I"CCllaww the t 'S.sJ' no laJWICS • d \ si~ \Z\l.u
= ilt'.f c:c:.:nt en ~ us.,



9. ~ "::oD &lanzae ~ 1=-ta::S 'CithU\ the aru ca1::&1ns HQ ~ u. I'
D~&l .

• •

• •


Document Archived at:

" inciCe.nt 'WaS ••11-publ i cized at t..~ t i::P. ~ new apa;e.... a.!"'t:.i cle
be) OW' goes i..,to S:Xte Of t."'le oven deta D S. Several • wiee• a U"OU r.a W
revealed, ~ . that this was one of the c::raft that the f:!Fs gaw to
t.~ u.s. Gove.r.":D!nt, am that it was having c:ritieat px:obler.s ?~
i ts desce.~t. 'Ihe pe'9le .i.nvolve<i ~ bathe:! in neutral rac.jaticn !-'XI t."'le
c:raft. It· is interesting to note that in t."1e rext tc the parag:aph of
the article, the lawsuit d'lan;es tc 0111! clajminq that tre c:a..~ ai:"'lJ!l)y
' beloJqed to t.~ ~t. Note the refarenoe tc 23 • 'lhink

ak:out it ...•

I • •


U.S. Contesting Tlw
p 111. Oil. ~
~11 eLl-
;'! 1•
IIUII a-.1 t
'41 1\rls 'lndt"i
Lawsuit Over lOP ' ""' !'l<lmf'O ' " s;..,on Atan a
' '"2H!i• ro.<1 11'1011 1 ~ll f'l ~a n l'l ­
.,., , ~ ~~-Oft. I l l I~ .,.('iMin.
UFO Radiation rlft'O a llftP\1\' ~\DI
- f l l 1 my qlf'l' UNff . n Dootl td

.. '""'OJ ..,...._11M rM Ulll onnar
' ~ 'S """"" !l"ftt Ill IIGU.O& UIC

I T1uft P"Pil so inC U•• lfoll·

tnl ao.er11111nL lor DIS n\illlo•
... ~. ~~ do •" uov ~ llLb
l'loLIItd I twill 1A lftiii\MIIUt !~ WOO•
lftiJDIDIII. bffDA. WU ~fd
•• 4Y .,., It lt'ISI ~ lllt!t'aP'tn. (&;
,.,. .... , " wu UuL bou1ii1f
far OOJft' llllir bft45 IDd laP,.. nM>tr La~. n1~ ~"~~" •tr
I ,...,f'O"l l T~ C':~I!IU -~ - (WIN ll'oll
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I lhc ~nn 110.
TtlIT eWIII it na ID a11id 11ft 1).
tl\cm or •IW' L70 w "lltlh&P!ttl...
nr~ u~ l'ft~- .Uiowf'd 11

n.t nTV\1 oo~ uu' ... ~" ,0 0 Y crorer IJNhtitiYIDI'd tWd &::ld
~ lDt•tan •lUI U1t ptaumth.-
'"""' lrt' rmliUt'.' ~~ n ..
MY~~ It Yll I IIUW\ li.S. ,.. 1 1 a.rl. ad tuf1 Pn":: '' ~
mlliW'y ~-I. !a &117 1'\'ftL ~~~ e:'' IIL YDftlll;ns. CIYrT~U. ~~
IM)' M". W l"emiii«<l ~d I lOft ll II l"fUo. '.1 I I - i II II C ., ·es I I !'I I •
I llaft ~ r-~ftY IJW I ~"PO &n~ ' '" wo.-11 o 1\&lr !tli <NI ancl
... wu..ara. (l"r* 0.c& Y !tS I Ql!!tttnl 0 P :Ii1 ~tt .

,_IIWiW't .,-s ll IUo4 .,..11i.&IC
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fUit 1\o"'n' MIWI~t 10 SllllllS!'It.
"'tffri'i11tllten ,;;;a
111.-. .,._

~a. ltm.. a""" raM ~ lnd ti\ai AA a...aoa Srtt.~~ !U
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14 jiOf'l

I '"\11'1• lll'onlft Ye-r\IIONI am11 0~

jPM OW' 0" I !'It bf'UC'OOI tn. I."\ I :J w .
IWI ftaa f Pci3 11Y -Pel !~111 \I:TI•
I 1!!~ W&!ei1111S 1Ei1 Ull i!!"'"lllf'!IL
iiJir;;w '"_... a§§i\ :hJiUO ,pJlt·
IJI" UM m~· ~~~~~ ~. ..
I • . ~· ,_&lsu:•-..a U.OIIItn!Sal·
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IIW. Ulll Wl!,.l Ill do W"'\D 1M
. · ~..,;...:.~:-:.
. -.....La" .... '' I

... '
Document Archived at:

The report that follows is called" Project Beta ". On l y 16

of 17 pages were available. Despite many · errors in grammar and
punctua~1on, it stands as au excellent report about _the aliens
that Bennewitz observed at Manzano Veapons Storage Area near
Sandia Base in Albuquerque, New Mex1eo . It 1s the same report
that Bennew1tz presented to the U. S. Government . Bennew1tz
was unaware ~hat the people to whom he submit~ed the repor~
already mew of the alien activity. He also was not aware
of interactions with other alien groups that were taking





Document Archived at:


' •



Investigate~- Physicist - Paul F Sennewitz
The followin9 are key milt posts established or discovered durin9 the continuin9
scientific study concernin9 Alien intervention and the I"''Sult. (Study limite<! so lely
to Hew Mexico)

l) T.a years continuous recorde<l electronic survie11anee and tracking with D.F.•
24 hr/day data of alien ships w1th1n 1 sixty (60) mile radius of Albuquerque
plus 6000 feet motion picture of sam. -dayl ight and night.
2) O.tection and disassembly of alien communication and video channels· both local,
earth, and near space.
J) Constlnt re~eption of video froa alien shfp an<l underground base vi~creen•

Typical alien, humanoid and at ttm.s apparent Home Sapien.

4) A case histol")' of an Encounter V1ct111 tn Hew Mexico whtc:h lead to the c:caiiiUnicattons
link and discovery t~t apparently all encounter victims ~ve deliberate alien •
iMPlants along wtth obvious ac:c:~anyfn9 scars. The victim's t~lants wer. .I
verified by x-r.y and Clt Scan. Ftve other scar cases were veriff.O.
5) Established constant direct cowaunic:attons with the Alien ustn9 1 computer and
a forM of Hex Decim~l Codt wtth Graphics and print-out. This ~nication was
instigated apparently lfter the US base was vacated.
6) Through the alien ~nication loop, the true underground bast loc1t1on was
divulged by the alien and precisely pin po1ntec.

7) Subsequent aerial ind ground photographs revelled landing pylons, ships on the
ground- entrances, beam weapons and applrent launch ports • tlong with aliens
on the ground in electrostaticly supported vehicles; charging beam weapons also '
appa~ntly electrostatic.

- .. • •

... - .. . . . -·- - -- . - · - - - - --· - --· -- -- . .. --- - ··-···· ·- ...

. . - ..J

. . -

Document Archived at:


' -
8) Cross corre1lation 1nd metthing by triangulation, etc., to official~ CIR
(color i nfrared) hi gh resolution tilts confirmed base locations and resulted
in revealing US Hilit&ry envolvement y1eld1ng proec:fse coordinates and the US
base layout.
9) Prior t lf en comMUnication 1\14 fndfc.ted • ilftary tnvolvment and tht fact the
USAF hid 1 ship but due to stY4ied alien psychology this w1s ignored It the
t1• .

10) Suosequent ly. the al ien COMNUni tate~ follo-nng verification w1th the CIR, t~•t

there w1s i ndeed 1 shtp ; actUAlly mare tl\ln one • that two wert wrecked &nd
left behind and another byflt • this ship is atoeic powered and flyinq.
The A
c~1 S £'1 +
alien fndfc~ted ft's b.lsing location. ---- \) t C..J-< ' L. -'\-N L) 1._ •1 :-

rt was learned as stated th1t two wonen and 1 boy ntlr Austin, Texas were exposed
L <-c. ~n t.." "-' /V(l:Z. ·.~(
(\ F {4-c L 1s Tl?o..J
to severe radiation at close range and tht ship w•s last seen go ing West with
helicopters . In addition, the US Government was qu ietly picking up the ex~nses.

lZ) Subsequent inspection of mtion picture photographs t&lten durlf\9 the study
reve1l td the US ship or one like 1t f1yt nq w1 th the aliens. !"'est Jl!l~th the
CIR where two ' ' " bt
. - --s.en
-·-- an- ·-----
the ground and tn the later photographs
.. - - ·-. --- . ·-· . - -·· ·-"'
taken on
... .... -- .. .. - .

the ground after the base w.s abandoned.
~ -- .

So in very brief form the prologue to learn;ng within reasonable accuracy whit
transpired pr;or to the end of 1979 or shortly thereafter .

The computer cowaunie&tions and constant i nteracti on with the alien in this manner

without direct encounter 1\is givtn a reasonably clear p;cture of tht alien ·psychology,
. .. -- ·-- - · ·- - -- ---- ...-- -·- - -
their logic and logic ..thods 1nd their prfme fnttnt.
It is important note at the outset, the al ien is devious, employs
-··- deception,
·· nas _ , _, ____
no intent of any apptrent pe1ce .. king process and obviously does not adhere to any

• ••

. - ·-- -

Document Archived at:

. ..

.. ~ ...

In truth they tend to lie, however their memory for lying is not long and direct
comparati ve computer printout analysts reveals th;s fact. Therefore much ~drops

through the crack• so to spe1k; 1nd from this coats the apparwnt truth.

It is not the intent of this rtpOrt to cr1t1ctze or point fingers. Obviously whoever
made the in i tial agreement was oper•ting upen our basis of logic and not that of the
ali en and i n so doing apparently walked innocently, in time, into a trap.

The alien indicated thlt the •Greys•, apparently the group initially envolved fn the
agreement were still upset about the initial capture and subsequent death af the
first eight of their co-ftllo~.

Another group, calling th.-setves fn the Computer language, the •orange• - their base
is on the west slope of Mt . Archeleta • directly west of the south end of the US bASe
the apparent mtin landing area they call, in the Computer language,
-and near HW of
. . . . - ·· - .. -· ··- .... _·--- --- -- -
--···-- · - ··· . -- ... ... ·-·· ·-· -
- ··· Diamond•.
-· . This,
. . . . because ..
from 1 distance,
. --···-·--
'' .. -
it looks .... ~1~mond
·-- . . . . sha~
. .
i n...the photo·
·- .

-graphs .
··- - -·-
when looking sa.ewhat south west p&st .the observation
. - . ·- . . ... ....... -· - . . --- --·· - -
tower - ·toward
--·-·- -- - - the
· ...
peak sE of Mt. Areheleta. This rid9ed peak has no name, I call it South Peak .
- ridged
- - - ·-·- ·- · - -···- -··- - ··- ·- - ·- ·-··- .. ------ - ------ - -
-The. base
. -
extends-· .north
of th1s peak to tht edge of the e11ff
-· --- ·-- .... - · --·---- ·- ·--- - -· - ·-- · ' .... .... ··-down which goes.
.. -· ··-·
. .road
. .... .

j:~a~t ~ _la~ a11_or. ~~~~~- ~~ir"!1:t19!'.t.J~~ f~()~~ss·--~-~ttOIII ~~~~d.~th a ~n_ty_

- .- .. foot
·····- ·-hole
.. -- ·· --in-.the ___
____.. top. _ .,.

8ased uPOn some of the aerial photographs during which tht alien was caught 1n the
open and launching • same launches appear to be com;ng fro. the direction of the dome .
1 would guess ft 1s an undeMJrounct launch egress facil1 ty. In the NASA CIR there 1s
-- - -·
what appears to be bl ack limousine alongside the dome on ramp. Surprisingly it
- 1 1

ts precisely the s1ze of~ 79 Lincoln Town car. Wheeled vehicles and what appear
··- ·· · -· . . ·-·- · -
to be Snow Cats Or" CaUpillars ean be seen thr-ou9hout the CIR • Clr" and ---truck
trucks and jeeps. I ~on ' t believe aliens hive wheels - hunans do.
-·- - · .. --- -·- - -· ... - - - - --- -·


Document Archived at:

. .

Mumerous road blocks extend nort~ard through the US base along a we ll maiotainec

ro.d thirty so~·odd feet wide • appa~ntly gravel • ne&r

.. . all. ·-weather
. • numerous
- -·. . .....

turn arounds and wheel tracks

into launch preparation···-. . .
areas with the shiPS>
.- - ' ' ' -· . - ..
' '
1111rted with twenty-six (25 ) foot Xs· and sei"'Vf cJ "9 fac:1 11!.f_e~. tar.t_ks • .etc:. - -~ .~wo
dQII~Jd poly_qQn high Vt)l~g' ~-~il~t~9.~ on I'IC)rth on__!.he us~_~i_de_ _ of _~~~a_!,__a1so _ ~..!!.
apparent foundation for another or 1 helo pad - test
stands, human housin9,
. .. . . . . - ·· . . ·-- ·water
- ··· ··· -
unt (thirty-two foot across) :- and at one of the ~in ro~~locks,_ ~ 111"9e_~!~.i.£.~ ~~­
p.lrked across the road. ~. Also at _;ut poi n~ another .~PP_~re~t . b}ac~. 11MC)u~_i_"::'_ ~ _t_f! leading_ tc. ft__to the. 'lf!St . of t~. road.___ All trac~s_an,c1 _vehicle~_ na~e _ b,~J! -

d1Nrtsi oned artd •t~h 111f1itan vehicles_. If I ~~· ~- g_ue;~_s, .!. would .est'ii!IIU
the lfkelyhood that the apparent black limousines _a_re CI~~

This is but 1 limited inventory of what was there on . ~~pt 8, 1978 _- included only as
evidential lllltUr for yt~ur peruul and conffmation. The,. road,_ which incide_~tly the

natives, the tribal c:h'ief, reservation police and __h_ighw_!l_ P!_t_J"'lma~ k.n~.. no ~h~ ng_

about. C:OflltS .1n off~~ a tra~l. fro~~ ~h~_!IO_~h.___ ~tl':_t_t_rlg at t.~ tr.!.iJ.LJ~~--~~Jqtl~

-~- -t~. llrg_e plat~au _area and __the _al1or... ci9~L t_~ _road, .1_~ the middlt..~Lrt~JtC.~.JI.~

~~-~-c~~.!H1~- Re_se~~~ i~~.L 1.'-.- l?r"~i~ili .. _!!.888 _!.~· .JQ-'!9 afrl1ne g!_stanc~- The total -·
al i en- bts~.~rea, which apparently contains stveral cultures{now all under the d1Sig-
nat1on •UnitY.~ fn th~_ ~-~ter lan~ge ) is approtiJMtely three (3) ICJn wide_by eight _ 1 / . ·!' .....: S X

'-r ) /• "J "'- C-.)
.{8) ~ long. A conservative guess based upon the number of ships presently over this
area and the nunber on the ground fn the CIR and photographs; .-
the total . ..alien
... - -· · ··
- ·· · · - - . . .. .
at thfs point 1s at least t.o thousand (2000 ) and most likely more. The alien indicates
·- --- . --··- ' •- -- ··- ....
110re are eo~aing or on the way.

I -.on't atteiiiPt to speculate in this report u to IIOif the fnftfal US contact "as 1111cte
-what transpired, nor how ~ny were able to escape. The alien has communicated hi s
"count, and ff totally tNe, 1t certainly is nat pal atabh.

Document Archived at:

Much detail has b-.n omitted for futYrt d1scuss 1on if des i red - ho-eYtr tht import
fs this. ConstAnt computer communication- full on line fn February of this year-
~nual prior to that - has al l owed 1 constant accounting of w~t i s and has been

going an - conditions of II'Orale and a total insight into "whit IIWikes the alien runM.
JJtf s _j s Ytry _va_l_uab 1e da u.

1) Most i mportant ly , the alien will allow _no __ one to go without an i ~hnt and
&fter knowledge of it fs w'lped out •. Tnt)' simply will not allow ft. All in-
dic:~tions are t hat COIIIIIUn~.c~_ t1on C?r languagf! c:a_nnot l"tSult ~1thout tne _imvlant •
.t~.~~~ the e~ceptfon of_!he -~.!!'-~"Y-. -•!:.1~. the __~~~~~r.) __ Jhi~ __would_ f _~fcate 1

. ~~~ i ~l e iuwd1ate_ thl"tlt or danger for ~!'~~lllil_f ~ary, ~1!:__F_~_!':C.!.! Ho~ .

otllerwise :@ ~ .h.•~- betn 1t the base._. They will not re"-"'""' the fi!'Rlant jn
tnY gse (t_he C.Q.f.I~C~t

_The r-eason for the illll!lt!'lt _fs snuHtple Jor_ ~_t;h langyage 9!.. _1;~hii1Unigtlon bl'.
thought (there i s no apparent language ba~ier with thought) and also compl ete
abso 1ute .c:on ~ro 1 b:t. ~he a1! ~n . th~~gh 1'.~9.r.~-~ by _!!lti r __beu -~r .d.11"tct.. ~o~tact ~-

_ LI\Ive. tested this and found that during thfs p~gran~~~ing the person ts .
· tDt.allx a l !.!!!L~!'ICt one l ~a~s to_ ~cogni ;!,._the_s1 gns and t':'!._pers_~'! t_ner:t 1\as

-~ 111!!111!)~ ~( the. !!c;~L~o_n~~_r~a-~1o~ -~-ft,rwa~..!~:..:. ..l!.-t~;-~ _ .tl!.~... ~m~~-~ the .mtl i t~.r...Y. ~

I need not el aborate as to the possible consequences. The v1c:t1• ' s •svitch•
can be pulled at any time and at the sa~ time they are •walking cameras and
•ieraphones• if the al ien c:hooses to listen i n with the use of their beams .
~classified area of any ~nd!a~or.J.'! ._t_hil.. ~ ts_1_n~j ~J-~t~ ~qr.. t.!'.,$.~.c~~~H1ons .
Haaner -realize • the scars. barely visible- an be s-.n - al1 f_~ exact_l.J:
-loCJttd 1nd all are ac:c:essfble by x-ray.
- .. -.. ·--· - ·-· ·-- . -· ·- --· .....-

Document Archived at:


2) ~lso note thlt all of the a)t,ns -human\ humanoid alike· all must have .
t~~pla"-.~ ~ w~ tho~~ t!!~.. . no <H"tt ~~ni catton t~ ap_~~l!.t l .r _possible. So
one can most 91nerally arbi trlr11y say that i f
.. .
1 person
- states he/ she
- -----· --
COIIIIIUnicated b.r thoug1Jw1th an alieJ!._- he/she most 11kel.r has been 1mphntea,_

J~.r 11111 al_

so chi.• to be overly urc:.hit; and bt a~J~---~-~-J~~~' thi_s - ag11n_

_thrvug_h the link transplant, he/she is i1 ven. th~ . info~;t4:1~ b.r_~he~.~ i_en_ -~-~­
does not realize.

3) Most importlntly, the alien, ei ther through _ ~v~lYm!nt _ o~ _because t~-~~naj~

-· . ·-· .

ts 111de • wi 11 exhtbf t tendencies for bl.d logic ( ~d by earth __ l ogic COtDPar~ son)
.JO they are not infallible • in point of fact they appear to have r~~~ny IIIOP"e
frail_tjes and weaknesses than the nal"''llll Homo Sap_;~"~·-· TIL~h.!_aH_e_n,_ ~~~ .. mt~.
_js k.e.l__and t_h erein 1 ies a great wetkness which w111 be di scu_ss~ _ l_a_t•r: .
- -- ··--.. -· - ·. ·---·-·-·-

4) They are not to ~ trusted . It 1.s sus pee ted .i f one wu cons 1_dered a ~friend M and

Jf o~e were tl) "11 uP.On that •friend• tn ti~~~e_ of ~ire _p_h~s i ca l th"'at, _the.
~~~i ena• MGuld quickly s ide·- with the
-. - ·-
- - side.
-··- . -
-- indicates in canpartson,
. . ·· ··--- that no known
· - .. ··- ····· - ·-·earth
- .. protagonist
- Russian
. -- ·-. .'·- -·- •

o~ o~~!:Wi se uh'i bit these t.ndenc: ~ ~!. to_ any_1111j~r._ _deg~~~-~ nd ic~ t~ ng_~~ -~~!"gJt..

_inv()}ll~ t~ maki_n_g. ~nl__!t. ~ of_ a~~.!_~".!.__wi _t!l_ t~ese a] ~'-~-L~ &..Ll"-'S~ o.f this.._
-~ci~_s_. _

S) The alien does k1 11 with the bea• generally . Results on a wi ll •xh i bit
a ttl!'H to fou~ aa purple ct~te . If done f-ro~~ the ~ear. on one or both _

shoulders . The results on Clttlt are the same, essenti ally exhibi ting purpl e
beneath the hfdt, with bu~ed circles on the outside .

Document Archived at:


6) Cattle mutilations Ire the other side of the coin 1nd will not be delved i nto
here though th.ey are a pal"'t of t"' overall • It_.!E..Pt!a ~ tl'le ~~no; ds 1re fed

--~-~ f.ol"lf!Ul& _madt from h~n- ~r c_attle_m.ater.ial _or both and. ~~e.r . a.Mtlllld~ from
t~. u~ llll_t,r_i~l b~. !l'-~' _sp_Hcing_ and_ tl\e ~s.~. qf _f~.l~l!nt:!)_unter >~i t:ti~a' ~
~v~. _!,he_ resul.ta'!_; .•~l")'OS -~-~- r:tfer~d . to .~5_h_!__ al_i_ef!. ~La~__ orn~·-- .Tfme_
_Qf_gestat~!)n to full u~e as. a u~11_Hy. _readl_~o. ~rk. appearL to .b.t. about one _
..1'-•r ~ .. ~-fl•r . i n alien__!illle • . L do__n_ot -~n()W_,_

Solution: per se • however, they must ~

- I doubt
.. - ··
there is an immediate total ____
. -· ··- - -·-- ·· ·-· - ·-· ···-- - · --- ,
. . _
_.. ... · ·--- --~- --· . .
.._::,__ .

- &nd··--we. . have . .......

-stopped to gtt ---
- - off -- center -·-before w -find
·- -- · ·- - - ·-ti111e hu run C\lt • • Tt1ey
. - ·- ·--· . ·-· - -·

&re picking up and •cu;t1 nq• _~-~-~·--~lien ca.l .l~ __!!l__~nr. ,.ople_evt!1~i9.11t.
Eac~ ;~~ted individual . is apptrently ready for the pyll of. their •switch~ L- W~~ther

all _:imp_!_lnt~·- ·-~-to_t_J ll~-~!-~eet i_v~..J. ea_nnot p~df ct, -~~~ conserv~_!_f y~ l..l. J ~u!.~
estimate at least 300,000 or more in the US 1nd at least 2,000,000
•- :..=..:......::..:._--=;...::.._...;.;..;.,_:_ .._-. .
ff nee more worldwi~e .
- - ·· - -- .....

Weaponey and Inherent Wetknesses

Weaponry is one of the keys 1nd in the alien's present state we can prepare 1n effecti ve

One ten4s at the outset (I did) U) l ook at their uenfnes and say • there 1s no defense
or offense. One fs overwhelmed by their speed, apperent caplbflity of 1nvis1bil!ty
and •cloaking•, and other covert e~pabi11ties not discussed It this time. In perticui&r
• the bea~ weapons are themselves a direct threat and obviously one that must be
serio.alycons1dere4 but not overly so.

Let us first look at just what this weapon ts. It i s an electro-stati c weapon with

pltsmt generating voltages • 1nd an interntl storage dtvice • 1t is pulse powered.
The bt&m, totally effect i ve~ atmosphere can be loaded with hydrogen or oxygen.
Range? Average, ground weapons - maximum t~ (2) Km if it 1s dry, capable of sus-
taining Just so many full power discharges - slow leakAge occurs continuously,

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therefo~e. they DUSt be recha~ged pe~iodtctlly. If it is raining the weapon becomes

ineffective and fs s~ed thus disenarge4. The range is nea~ totally lost at that

and has a -.~imu. ~•nge of two hundred (200)
., .
On the disks and saucers, the weapon fs generally on the left side or top center
- . ~lj 1..~ ::;
at which point it will plow 1

trench fn desert soil. When fired- ft fires both to the front and to the blck equally .
Reason 7 Because of their IIIOde and methods of f1 f 9ht. If equilfbriu. is not m~in-

tafned, the saucer will spin out. •

Hind ••pons? Estimate btsed upon visi ble da1111ge observed. not too IIIYCh velocity
no~ staying but at she~ range. deadly (less than 1 .45 cal autolllltic ). At
one meter range, estimate of beaa temperature 1600•F or higher; ft can vapo~ize metal.

Apparently the disks and weapons opertte fro• a storage source. In time, without
periodic recharge. this storage is depleted. The design they traded to ~~ was at
letst th1~y years old • eaploytng an atomic source. Possibly they may st11l have
soee • 1t would appear so • thetr staying power fs obviously much longer.

Aircraft Htlicgpter Vulne~abiltty

Any of our ai~raft, helicopters, •iss11es or 1ny at~ fl i ght veh icle can be tlken down
instantly with no use of wtlponry. The alien simply need do no more than one
i nvisible pass and their bow w1ve or screen or both will take the air lift vehicle
down. The pilot obviously will not even know wn.t hi t hia.

For ~non the ground, the alien can use weaponry or bow wtve. The partial pressure
envelop e~n hit with the power of a tornado • shock rise time and G force is fnstantaneou~

However, they cUrt not ht t the eraft phys 1cally bee~ use they are frag11 e and 1n f •c:t •

under slow flying conditions within ou~ atmosphere. hold 1 vtry tenuous posit i on.
Without power, balance or equilibrium. they ,oose tt .

Document Archived at:


In brief- these are ~~parent capabil i t i es obstrved and gleaned through the compute~

communication and obse~at i on . You mey know of these. however, they art di rectly
~lated ta the last and fina l portion of this ~po~t. What can -=~
be done?

l) Because of the alien's appa~nt logic system (they appear ta be logfc controlled)
a key decision cannot be made without higher clearance. All are under the
control of what they call "The Keeper•; yet ft would appear this is not the
final say. Therefore, dependent upon urgency, delays of as long as twelve to
fiftten hours can occur for a dec i sion. How short/ 1ong this tf .. frame unQ,r
battle eondftfons m~y be, I do not know.

Because of this apparent control, 1ndfvid1ua1 instan~neous decision making by

the alien is 11mittd. If the ftplan• goes even slightly out of balance or
context, they b.come confused. Faced with this, possibly, the hum.noids would
be the first to break and run.

The same appl ies to their M1ssfon Master Plan, if one can call it tn.t . If pushed
out of context, ft will come apart • they wi ll be exposed to the world so they
will possibly run before they fight in the open. They def1nittly do not want
'that to happen.
Psychologically, at present, their morale 1s down • near dfsinttgration. There is
p~nounced dfseension in the ~anks; even with the humanoids. ~nic&tion can
encou~age this (no necessity to expound upon this othe~ than to say because of

thei~ own 1nterna1 vulne~abi li ty mind-wise to each other, therei n l i es a prime
weakness ). Inter-echelon o~ individual •trust• appears to bt totally lacking so

suspicion of each other fs ~ampant. They are highly segregat.C as to levels - a
•1ow• dare not conflict with a •meetum• or •high• or it literally means death.
Dttth being, to tht humanoid, deprogramming or, in the end perhaps total physical


Document Archived at:
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: -.

They appetr to be totally death ori ented and because of this, abso l ute~ death-
fear oriented. This is 1 psychological ad~1nt1ge . The c~uter also gives
i ndications of 1 ~•1 possi bility of adverse or •ground programming•.

Z) Consider thei r ships - mast lf not near all rvn on c~rge. That source depletes
and so depemtent upon stze • depletion can occur for so• with1n a week or less.
Ships can replenish each other but only up to charge b1l1nca. This is done with
antennae-l ike extens ions and the charge i s di stributed obse~ing conse~atfon of

energy laws . They can repl eni sh from power l ines - but 191in only t o 1 point -

so time of f l fght is lfanted. Deprived of their base ~cha~e capabi lity, i t i s
• indicated that all ships will come down within sfx months to 1 ye•r unless they
can get transpo~ed out - that is back to the prime launch shi p.

The disks and saucers tn general cannot fly 1n space because of their mode of
flight. Therefore, deprived of hom~ base, it ts not likely they can su~tve.

Thtir capab ili ty in power survival outlasts the i r capab ili ty in food or formula
survt v1l. It t hey do not get formula/ food within a certai n period of t fae they
will weaken and die .

ln the case of Mt Arc:heleta and South Peak, they .,.. dependent upon the Navajo
River for water supply and water to theM is totally lffe. Without wettr they
hl~e no power; withOut power, no oxygen or hydrogen to servia the ships and
weaoons . No wate~ to sust1 i n the organs and feeding formlula.

Simple? Not ~a l ly . However, there is a water intake and there 1s 1 d.. upstream
that can be t:2tall y cut off and the water re·routed to Chula, New Mexico. Should
this occur·, at 1east thrtt of the 1nter-nal bues will go down. They c:ould
possibly go &tomic: periodically but obviously problem$ without cooling.

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.: . •

Once :ne bases are ~ressed on a l~rge scale, all disks and saucers will go
&irborn i mmedilt~ly. T~ops on the ground ~n ga i n tarrain cover. to quite a
degree - ft t s rough terrain. •

3) Our need is for awu~ron,worltable and preferably not like the alien's. I believe
unless the alien is caught unaw&res (with their screen up their weapons are
equal so they are like children pillow boxing) there can be no result; the
Mtapon must penetrate their screen and ft must also penetrate the g~und. I

believe I Mve tNt weapon. T.a sNll p~totypes nave been funded and constructed
by my Co~ny. •
Tesu c:onduc:tt4 to due i ndieatt they do work and won rather well
cons ideri ng their small Silt. Be~use of this weapon's present status and
pro pri et.lry nature (a basic patent is f n process) , the theory wi 11 not be. exp h i ned
here. However, the weepon appears to do two things at very low power. 1) The
disks within it's range begin to discharge when exposed to the weapon beam. To
counteract, they must apply more power and so doing consume ~re power. Again
conservation of energy laws strictly apply. _

This effect can be observed on the detection instruments as they blck aw1y i n
response to slow discharge. Discharge, &t low pow•r is slow but &high power in
the final sophisticated weapon, the rate can be increased by -any orders of

magnitude. ·2) Host importantly, thfs weapon c1n penetratt the screen - hull
&lloy, everything. They cannot shield it in any way. Lastly, because of the
impl&nts, the weapon ' s beam gets to them mentally; they loose Judgement &nd i nd i -
date &lmcst fnmed i att confus ion, partic~larly the humanoids.
It is believed at this early stage - based upan present ttst1ng t~t the weapon
when full on.and full size w111 kill or br1ng down dfsks at substantial range.
The alien weapons operate substantially the sa.e as their disks using & charge
. source and charge distribution. So, fn the same stnst it is fndfcated that this

weapon design will pull their charge weapons down very rapidly •

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The range of my weapon exc~ds t hat of t heir present weapons and in its most
sophisticated form can be readily c~uter controll~ to allow extremely rapid
tracking and 1oclt-on reg~rdless of speed along with el ectron ic wobbulatfon of
tht beam. It 1! a bt.. weapon and even It this early stage of mfniatu~ proto•
type testing and development, it indicates eventual superiority to their weapons.

4) Ini tial logistics would indicate a plan sequential ly impl emented IS fol lows :
This plan does not include all requirements and preparatory safety measures to
be employed by the ground fo~e; however, 1f Air Force Intell i gence desires to
pursue the approaches suggested in this report, tach significant requirement will
bt discussed 1n depth .

An lttaclt be directed near enti~ty on the ground for obvious reason . One
would, i f familiar with the al ien capability, indicate that ve~fcle ignition
prob lems wil 1 bt encountered. This 1s pree i se 1y true ; howe~ter, the , r. foP' t hi s
is not mysterious but 1s based upon good sol id laws of phys ics and are known.
Experience gained through my study, it 1s new known how to prevent this from
happening and wi11 be discussed in 4et ail at sa.. l ater date. Al l elect r i ca l
and electronic equipment must bt •hardened• using thlse specifi c techniques prior
to 1mplenentat1on. Because of the known capability of the alien (by use of
scanni ng beaas to know i n advance detai l s of planning ) only the i ni t i al outli ne
is p~sented in this report.

Aq1 i n through the coasuunic.lti ve 1ntel"act ion with the al1en, testi ng has simul -
t.leneously been done upon thi s facet, i . e.eavesdropp ing and ways to abort tnis
cap1bflfty have been tested and proven.

The progr.. woul d bt instigated in phases . The first phast - planni ng and 1ogist1cs
·would include continued implementation and testing of the final weapon pr ·totype

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thru the ~re·production stage. Production of at le1st fifty minimum qulntity

.. · should be planned. Additional backup spares shou1d also be included •

On a full time shift basis, it is estimated that at least one year or less wou;d
be. required to arrive at the pre·prcduction stage. A team would be organized by
Thunder Scientific to accomplish this. The key work is now and would be done
by an associated company, Bennewitz Labs. ,Ltd.

Specific attack phases would be incorporated.

1) The first procedure would be to close the g1tes of the dam above the Navajo
River. This dam would be held closed for the duration. Intern1l to the one
cave, there is a small dam for water storage. tt•s capacity is small. There
is also a discharge outlet downstream that could be closed causing waste water
to back-up into the caves. The water is vacumn pumped apparently by some
electrostatic means from the river. At close range, the weapon will take out
this cabability.
2) Once deprived totall~ of water for 1 minimum period of four weeks, conditions
in the alien· bases under diseussion will have badly deteriorated. Psychological
shoek is extremely effective with the alien; total advantage
. can be tlken by
• •
1nstentatneovs action or planned observable deviation from the no~. At least
three bases will go down.
3) If they follow their normal strategic patternas when pressed previously, they
will launch most ff not 111 ships.
4) Prior to the implementation of water deprivltion, the weapons should be deployed
at strategic hardened locations and activated 1n a certain pre-planned menner
deter.ined by f1na1 weapon coordinate locations.
5) This will put an in11ediate power drlin upon those ai~orne and the alien
weapons rfngtnq thefr bases.

Document Archived at:

6) 8ecayse of tht inhe~ent psychological aspect of the alien, much can be'done
1n the open w; th no attempt to pr-eserve secrecy. Much of wh& t 1s done can be
of 1 d1ven1onary naturt. UndeJ" ~st conditions they wi11 att~t 'b) hArass
but will not openly attack.
7) Throughout and prior to this, the open computer communications link wilt bt
ope~lt1onat for continued psychological interrogation.

8) At sam~ point in ti~ • again resting upon battle status, the deployment. of
offensive for:es will begin. This deplo~nt should be done in a near ins:an-
taeneous manner under ctrtain special condftfons that can be discussed.
9) The weapon syste~~~ should be kept powe-red up throughout. In this manntl". the
disks will be made to stay airborne. They cannot land in the interval the
system 1s powred.

10) When the weapon is used in one specific power mode, in addition to continuous
dfsch& rge on the df sks that art airborne and the ground based ~~~eapens , the m; nd
confusion and disorientation will build in those personnel at the blse end under-
ground. At the end of four to five weeks or less, all weapons should be totally
dfsch&ritd lnd power out on the bues. Host pei"'Sonnel if not &11, will be totally

incapacitated. The fted1ng formula will be down and it's critical precessing
rufned. A11 embryos should be dead and all hydrogen and oxygen consumables

11) Based upon da u gathered on the min ia turt pro to type we apons , the fu 11 power wupons
should hiYe no problem holding off the disks. In many cases some will break

··- within the ff~t forty--eight hours without being directly hft.
12) At that point, standard weapon technology and logistics can come fnto play ~nd
used to the extent of destruction desired at the df~ctfon of those in charge.
13) The communications can be used throughout to determine status and near the end
to attempt to fnstigate surrende~. If no response results. then they should
sfmply be closed in and wafted out •

Document Archived at:

It is important to note that the initial implementation of the computer communications

..• WIS not instigated for the pu~ose of talking to the alien for the •fun of it•; but
was ~elfbel"ately instigated to use as a tool to study, i_n depth, long tet'l!l without
physical conf~ntation. the strengths and weaknesses of the &lien.

The 'le&pon theory and prototypes were bui 1t to cap1 tali ze upon and test the t-o !,ex
and prominent weaknesses discovered. This 1n-nouse funded progr~ has been expensive •

fn exCeSS of $200,000; done Oft behalf Of OUI" nation and handled in tht beSt representative
manner humanly possible.
1} The prime and weakest area discovered, probtd and tested is exactly what they have
used thinking it is their key strength ~ that being. the manipulation of and control
of the mind; not only of command but also humanoid. Mantpul&ted in reverse psycholo~­

gically and by the language (computer) and due to the extreme of mental distortion lnd
incapacity caused by the weapon, ft has bttn found that this facet is for them a disaster
and a directly vu1ner&ble integrated weakness.

2) Though their ships are magnificent, they are also weak • solely because of thetr
method and uniQue mode of flight. They do not have 1 stable fighting platform. Charge

distribution ean also be discharged. Tbe we1pon does this • even i" it's present
p~totype stage.

It is not the purpose of this report to imply that the over&11 problem will be solved
with the c&pture of these bases. Obviously tt will not, but it is 1 firmly based
beginning with a high degrte of rated projected success ratio. It 1s not intended
to fmply the &lien will not fight; they may- though their inclinttion is generally
the opposite • this basing area is kex. Without it, their mission ts in very deep

Document Archived at:

' ..

trouble. It ts nottd that these are not the only blsts on earth thtre are 9thers.
With 1 conservative tsttm~te using typieal log1st1' support numbers. tt is net un-
' -
realistic to say there are 50,000 aliens within tnt ecosphere of earth and near space.

Soaa of us wil l be lost in the endeavo~ thlt 1s obvious - howeve~. done now the
advantage ts gained &long wi th new add i tional ~hnology to prepare for the next stage.

The key to overall success fs - they totallt respect force. An4 with them, the most
. ~

effecti ve

Faced with the total l oss of

fs to stubbornly continue to pick and pull at their defense with no
1 b1se that his taken years to construct, \t
btltev!d that their • i sston wil l ~ grossly weakened and badly s1~d.

in this particular 1nstanct, we must realize • that we~~t~

1 cannot rely upon our inherent moral principles to provide the answer. Negotiation is
·-- . - - - - - ·· · · · - - ··· · · · - - · · -· -· · -· · ' '' •'' - . - . ~· . • .. . - - · ·- · - .... p .. · - - - -- · · - - - -- - -

-= Tll1 s parti cu1ar
...- group--can
-- be dult with · no
·--·--·-- d1 fferent ly_______
___.:. thin one must oeal
with 1 .. o dog. That ~thod tney understand. They have invaded our country our air
- -- - --'--·-·· · -··-- ·-·· ····---- . ._, ::.:::..:...~:.::.=:....;.;==:~.:..:.:.::: -
_:y_a_re _ -'-pe_:.sonal and mental 1ntegri tt of our peop 1e. There-
fore. in eliminating this threat most certainly we cannot be call.O tht •aggressor",
because we have literally been inYaded.

Jn final conclusion A)
total ly deceptive and death. orient~
cii'CIIIIStlnces be trusted.
&nd have no moral respect for hunln or human life.
B\ They art


C) ~negot i ation, agreement nor P!•ceful comoromise can be settled upo~ fn any way.
- .. -- - --- -··- -- ·- - - ·-- ·- ·
D} .... ~~9".'~"t_~i~~ed_ b?'__~.~t~ ~P:.:•:.:..r.::.t.:.:t•:.:s:....:.:w..:.i..:.1l~e:.:.v.:.e.:...r...:b:.:e;_:_•;..::o:_;,;
respecttiS by the al ; en, though they rni ght attemot to make us believe othti"'Wise. E)
Abso1ute lx no quarter can bt allowed under anr circumstances. Once the offense is
--- - -- . ·- · - = · - i

instigated. f t cannot be aba~oned. If i t is, reci pMOcal reprisal will tmmed1ataly

- ----------·--·- . ·· - -- ··- - ---
result. They must be m&dt tw co.~ down • destruct themsel ves which fs 1 standing order
. ·- ------ -----· -·--- - - ·---- - - ··--··--·~

1f the ship is fa111 ng or luvt

- ·- ·- ' --·-· · - . -·-·· .. . earth itlltlii!diltely ·no l eeway of any k1nd
- · .......__ ___ .. .
c:an be ·
·--- ____
1ll~d no~ tolerat~d.


Document Archived at:


this is Jim McCampbell making a recording o! a remarkable episode on

July 13, l98lt. It has ~ do with a UFO base, ca'ttle IIU'tilationa, advanc: eel
weaponry, contact with aliena, etc.

Th~ episode began about a week ago when I received a lit~• aemi-
annu~~ peliOdical titled Stigmata. lt is number 21, the First H&l! ot 1984.
Thi~-~ittle bulletin is prepared by ~omas Adams at P.O. Box 1094, Paris,
TX 7~60. He has a hotl1ne !or reporting poasi~le or c:oncurrinc mutila-
t1ons at (214) 784-~922.
He has a rather lengthy article.
. ~ •
One finds point o! interest on ~age

9 and I suppose the only way to pursue this is to read what he has here as
it is fundamental to the entire story.
Quoting "In May o! 1980 a most interesting event occurred in ncrther.1
New Mexico. An event similar in m3nY rftspects to the Ooraty Case. A
mother and her young sen were driving on a rural highway near Cimarron,
New Mexico. They observed two or more cratt and as Judy Doraty did, they
observed a cal! being abducted. Both observers were themselves abducted
and taken on separate craft to what was apparently an under~und 1nstal-
'l"lil•""".w ~ITNWIIID ,_\ITH.. _...,_ IM Till~ ,.,W~·· D ...... JIIN•M•r. .,.• ...,,., .,,~ ........... .
laticn, ~here the women witnessed the aut1lat1on o! the cal!. It has ~een
... CL•~I.e'
alleged that she also observed a vat containing uniden~1!1ed~body parts

floating in a liquid~ and &Dother vat containiDC the body o! a mtle human •
The wo~n was subjected to an examination and it has been further alleged
that small •etallic objects were 1•planted into her body.aa ~ell as. into
- .

More than one source has in!o:wed 'l.lS that E,llscans·;.have

her son'~ bo<!y.

confirmed the pre~ence or these 1aplants. •

Paul 'Bennewi tz, President or his own scianti!ic company in Al.wquer:_..•
and an 1nvest1g~t~r with the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organ1zat1on,has

I been the principal 1nvestisator o! the caae. Interviewed 1D his o!tiee in
l ••
-- ---·-- ----

Document Archived at:

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I •
·, '·.ip:-il 198,, S.Mh1U reports that throu&h :rep-esaive ·hypno111 o! the
' •
.other and child and his own fellow-up 1nvest1cat1on, (1nclu41nc co..

IIUnications received via his cocputer teraainal which ostesiD··lY 11 !Z"CII
a UFO- related source~ he waa able tO deter111ne the location o! the under-
cround facility; & kilOIIeteJ" undeJ"~TQund beneath the ~1carill8 A~ache

Ia41aD Reservation near D•lce, New Mexico. (since 1976, one o! the areas
o! the U.S. hardest-hit wy IIU~ilations coincidentally or whatever).
Becnewit~'s information is that this installation ia operated jointly ••
part ot an oncoinc procra- of cooperation between the U.S. rovernaent and
UE~auta. The story continues
" . tha~&!ter 1n1t1~

years a&o, the aliens •&reed to )lve u. certain technolorical ad-


vante' while we provided the• v1 th the location. the N.v Mexico 'base
and at least three others. Plus, the aliens vere to be aJ.loved to carry out
certain operations, abductions anc mutilations vithout our intervention.
The mother and son, by thl! way, vere ret~ed 'back to their car that nicht.
Since the incident, they have su!!ered repeated trauma and difficulties
u they attea~pt to recover !roll the epiaod.e. Ve pau this along becau,.
the account 1sJ ot course, 110•t crucial 1! tr\.le~ lNt ve are not in a pos1 t1 on
to confirm the alltg~ !indl.ngs. Hope!Ully, 110re 12\!onD&ticn recarcUng

this 1Dcit1ent will be aired in the oear !utun. Ve can only such
reports while continuing to seek the evidence to retute or cont1rm.•
That's the encl ot thil reurkable quotation !ro11 St1pata,
As I have been atudy1nc the 1d.ea o! bases !or aliens !or ao•e time,

this hal caught .y attention and I also auspected cooperation betyeen the

u.s. covern~~ent anc1 the aliens. It also g1ves the nu~e and location o! a
men who h. . his o-.n scientific operation, Or. Paul Ber&n.v1 u. 1 :tr1tc1 to
set in touch vith him.Through the telephon• information eervice I was able
to do so.

Document Archived at:

. -.

. -.
. ·- -·
I cot 1n touch ~ith Or. !enn~1tz by telephone and indicated that I

hacl sun this rtt'trenct to him ancl his owork and I "'Ulte<l to ti.nd out
. .. ~het~er he ~as being misrepresent~ or whatever. I tol~ him that I ~oulcl

xerox a eo;Jy ot it and !or-ani 1t to hi• tor comments, '<thich I cUd. ':'h.11
1110mi1'!&, July 13, 1984, be telephoned lilt and said that he, bavtl1g looj(&d
over the article,tound that it ~as substantially correct. I torcot to
~ent1on ~~at in my letter to h1• I said that none ot the detaila·that ~ere

in this p~rtieular artielt pvt •• any strain. Then Dr. !ennt~1 tz, who I -
~111 rt!er to as Paul •••• Mt took t!mt to close tht door
. to his ottict
. and
elaborated upon the 'Whole story and tht conversation lasted somewhere near
an hour. !t is rather mind boggl1n& 1nd here 11 the substance ot that
telephone con~ersation.

:ht articlt is basically accurate and he dots have the coordinate•

ot the base. Ht is a physicist and he started tour years aco to determine
in his own mind ~hether UFOs exist or do Dot an~ he has cotttn much mo~e
- 1
~eeply 1nvolve4 than he ever intended. It has caus~ h1a a rreat deal ot I

trouble from the covernment 1ntell!ience rroups. Ht haa pic~es fro• the
location. He went with a Hi&h~ay Patrol O!t1cer and th~ saw a UFO ~~

o!t troe a =•sa at the location. He obtained photocrapha and what be

calls launch ships w•• :5-'0 tt. lone and 130 tt. aero... 'I'he cattle ~cher

named Co11ez and he went back to this location ..,hicb 1.s a 11ua ancS saw a
-. surveillance veh1clt which was about S !t by 10 tt,l1kt a satellite, he said.
Me had ~en us1n1 a Polaroid ca::~era aDd tl':en sot a Hausel-!l.add to produce
'' much better pictures. Ht set up a ~n1torinc station &ad observed that UFO•
. •~• all over the a~a. Ht was also able to pick up s1cnals and obtain
• •
'' • '
: . video pictures that are transmissions !rca the aliena screecs. He has
I r :!.·""~'~'f 4c..,.,., ",_, 1 wit 0~ - M Alii~ AN •
b~en dealin& teav11y ~1th a Major Edwa~s (soaebody) who was with Mefte~•e
• I'
I• I
• I

' '

Document Archived at:

ri . ,. •
t • • ' ... M"/ "-' I ~~ • r
• Security and two"ot thea saw tour object.t outaicle ot a wameacl atora1• ar..
. ~

at a nqe ot about 2500 : . .t aM. obutned. 110vtea ot ~... He DOw haa
about 6000 teet ot 110vh footace, ot vb.icb 5000 n. 1a 1n Super E1cht. 'l'bt
objects bave tht abUi ty to "cloak, • that' a b.11 vorcl, apeUa CLOAIC like
cloak and dager, like cover up and he aays that they cus ca~e theaelvu
to 10 iaVis.iblt by & !1tlcl that C&Uitl the li&ftt 'tfaves to 'ben4 around the
+ 01'1. . , ( '....
object and that '"'• ('? )
Ht con!1nad tht tact that the wom•n waa picked up when she acctclently
observe-d the cal! beinc abducted. He has paid tor a patholoey wcrk Uld
a aedlc&l doctor work. 'l'h• patholoc1st h a !ota•r bead ot the aicro--
'b1olocr department ot New MeXico un1 versi ty.
~ -.J1!' e.."'~J/tN~D rJ~~
!bey bavt clone e.A!scan.t to
..,e"""'"'"' ,...,. ,..". '•""
show that the woman and her son did intact bave impl&At.t in their bodies •
She has a vaginal ~isease like streptococei-bul'bie and tried .any ant1-

"bod1 es to destroy the bacteria. That 1 t has surv1ved ot: tht an t1 bocli u
themselves. The aliens keep ha~slinc her. * :T•• L "~"• .,... t),_,.,.
PaW. kept the WOII&I\ ahc1 her 110ther at 1:11s houat and the UFO• wtl"e

tly1nc overhead constantly. There is DO ESP involvt4, but it is Just pla.ln

ir T H £V ~IT"'~) ~ 1!1,~,.., P•""'"'- ,., •., ·-!I~"" C)•w~,.
. 'l'heyA~u• de· •. They have a l>eu taroucn wbicb they c·~ aenae her
thoughts. 'l'bey can eoiiiiiiUn.i.cate thrcusb this l>eaa. She p1c.kt4 up their
tra.nsmi.sdons. He c1rthe11 a eeans ot comvnication 'bued. upon hex &l.!b1e
· Al.ICI I
coda; one is equ•l to •no• andtwo 'beinc •yes.• Tbroueh this code be has
bun able to talk to the aliena. He then co.-puttri:ed. the syatea
. that
would reject extl"U\eou.t inputs. He ·tl.i.d that they can be very threatening

and ... hvoleat. One ot thea he talked to a&id that be vould clrop ott co,._
munieat1on 1! he btcaee to tamSlial". He vas tald about the 'baae.
He then told the 0. S. I. of the .Ur Force and be baa been requested. to
* Pll) ~1'1/E

give several presentations to high lrvel .Ur Force people 1n brie!1ngs on

the subject, wing level Ccu11111anc1 and aany others 1.zlcl111'1z:L& this tellow Edwards.

.. . . . --· .... ---..:•:....--

Document Archived at:


• • • •
And. he took • hdicopter to tbe aite - It turnecl out that the
* "'•· r-w• ...
wing commander,
.,... • ,,., .. I&T •1 r~J.r "'~"'" - ~"'• •Y A e.u.. e. ,.,,."'1V
atter • pr.sent&tioD that this tallow aade, then took a •

s ,.,,
helicopter to the side and . .de photorrapha.
He says that you ean see saucers on the lt"'und• He saya 'there is a
kind a! a cone - a lar1• cone and the larcer vehicles COlle and. land on top
o! the cone '4i th the top ot the cone t1 ttinc into a bolt ill the bot toll.
There is an eleva tor inside ot the cone and that aoes do'4n into the
1110Ut1tain or 1round a~ut one kiloeeter. You can see the aliens Nnning
around the 'base &ettinc into the
vehicles and stu!!. 7hey use small
vehicles to Itt around that have no wbeels. They are rectangular •in shape
anc1 they levitate. They d.o not show up in color - ~cau. . they are hichly
re!lec'ti ve, but in B & 'rl they are visi'ble. He says that there are b . .•
weapons that are floating in strategic locations and there is a road into
the 'base. He obuinec intra-red photos o! the area !rom an altitude o!
-;- 1>4 •• - ~r.
1400 !eet. There is a level hilhvay 1oinc into the area that 1a 36 !t wide.
It 1s a JOVernment road. One can see telemetry tlallers and bu1lc11ngs
t~at ar~ !ive sided buildincs with a do••· It is standard mili~ary pro-
, ...
e~un • . There are many guard points and stake• •nd there are launch
~... ,.,c..
domes that one can see.
and another at some distan~e
Next to the

wa ..A doe•
,.,.,".., he 1aw a blaclc
Tbe caretul measurements sho~ed

the limousine was the aame len(th as bis Lincoln !own car, It 1s a C.I.A.
vehiele. Also there was a blue van. He hal ~en cautioned about these
limousines as they will run you ott tbe road 1! you try to c•t into the
I6W c..~,. ,.. ... ,.N ~~· . • ,., ... G~,D
area and 1n tact soeel:lody hu ~en killed 1n that unDer. To the nor-th 1s

a launeh s1 te. There are tva wrecked shipa there: they are 36 .teet w1 th
• wings, and one can see oxycen anc! hydrocen t•n.k•· There are tour cylindrical
objects Socorz"O type -- two carryinc soaethinr while nyinc. The whole
• operation is based upon a covernment arreement and a technology trade. We
get out ot it ato111c ships that are operated by plutoniuaa. Tbe Cash-LandNID

l .... -

Document Archived at:

.' -
.. •

. ' .'

,ue wes oae o! thn. 'n2e doors jes · ed opea awl rac11at1on c:ue out.
DWtroa. •
+ N'•- 0/ltJA..Y lli:N"~ OP ~6 llilt'lllliD l'fr ~~--~·• :
'beyf£1-:t.r•g.:; ~Xizara~; !Z..~ ao,;:-!~. 4FB an~.!!'l,~a:;.•,. ;.~.~:ft.:~ . ': ·- •

!e saU ~~ covemaea~ is payinc the ho~i tal 'bUls tor the Cash-Land.nm ~ T ~
,.. IISZ - • Sf. • n&. •
~~~•r % J...U~
.-..C"J?I.I«a ...... a• .,.~ ...,_.rttt., " """~e..,..._
·1ct1•s.A Re!\Jel1nc ot the plu~niWI
is &f;:CDIKJ)lisbecl at Los Al.a.aa. He haci •
-traced pic:t:ures o! this 'base 'back to l~ and 1t haa 'been there star1nc 1n
111 .~~.a.
'.948. in 1952, you

dnter tin. The road was "passed ott• to tbe local 1nhabi tants as a lWDber
ontract. He haa photocrapha (I 'believe) o! the !1rin& o!/bn• 'lleapon that •

•Jects in two <11rect1ons. (That would be necessary oa a !lyinc saucer. The
·eactioc !orces would impede the vehicle.) He~ computfhi the speeds at
• ~~ Oll.lf.S _
'lyinl saucers at 15.000 mph and indicates that the pilota~are troaa N.S • .A..,
-:he National Security AJtncy. '!'he alhns have bad the atoiiLic propulsion
~stem tor ~a years and the sauc~rs th~aselves operate on an electric charr•
'lt M l't'l 1!1 ,. .Ill
~sis havinc to do with a crystal semiconductor and ~super latiee. I
:h!nk he said ~as >ou in~rease the voltage. the current goes down.• (Now
:ypically). At present there an six to eight vehicles, ~~~aybe up to ten
1vu the area and sometimes up to 100. 'lhey can be •eeza in the clouds.
1ft r 11 u "~~"~ tr •IC .1 Prc..,~~~>TI '"' ·~ "" •:
~ey co into tht etm•ulus cloucta and produce DJ.trocen Ditr1de. You vill see
'lack spots in the c:loud. They eat holes in the cloud. It you can see
:llack spots in a cloud, then you can tell tbat a vehicle is 1D there.
He seys that they come !rca si% di!!ermt cW.turea and 1n bis coiiiiiiW\.1-
:ations that soee come !roll a binary systn, pcaaibly Zeta Ret1cW.1 and !rom
l.istances up to and larcer than '2 lieht years away.
* r• ~t~-,.EIItlt
They also have one to
• 81'!J •• 'tl~e,./ P ""'A
:hree ships in urth or'blt at 50,000 Q! altitude.-" He had to !ona 'the vorc1s

:o try to co.WU.cate and he produced a voca'bulary ot ~Sa. wor'd.s in a ~~~&triX
• • ww srr
:·orm and u.aes a coaputer. The Fl. yin, SaucerJA&re liaJ. teeS to operation in
;ae ataacsphere.
Now Vi th nrare to the cattle pro'bln. the aliens an uainc the IJU.
~ro• the cattle and are making humanoids. He got pic~ea o! their video

• • .
• ••

. - · -- ·- ~-- --···".
..,.. ....... .. .

Document Archived at:


• • • • •
~· • .

• •
~ome are human and short with lar-ce beads. '%hey crow the . .broy-Oa. Uter

the eml:lroyos bee"•• active by a year of tra1Ainc. pre.,Jmably that is required
!or the• to beco11e operational. 'When they die, they co 'back into a tank.
'!'heir parts an recovered..
In 1979 ~omething happened and 'the base w&lll c:lo ..d.. '%here was an
arsument over weapons and our · pecple were chased out, IDCN than 100 people
lnvolv~. (Somepl~ce later he 1n41cates turtber details on this point.)
'l'he base is 4000 tt.lonc and our helicopters an colne in there all the
time. Vhen it became known that he ..,.. t••1l1ar w1 th &ll thh, the •wtila-
- tr 171'II C
tions stopped. They are takinC hum&no1cl embroyos out of thh ba. . to some-
.,., .ot:& ~ 1/&/l'ftt- .L h Acl~'h '<.Iii 0 u 1 \.
where else. I asked 1t 1 t 'tfU .Albuquerque ar Lea Alamoa, but be s&ic1 be
did.n' t know. He uid there are still quite a tn ot the hel!copte;·s in
operation. They
tly at night.
.11\ '- L. Vf'i M,. ,_IC II•
He went up there hiaaelt in a helicopter
and the O.S.I. briefed the copter pilot and he thought perhaps the cap~~r

pilot hiuel! 'tf&s an undercover Nn, 'ftley saw helicopter pacls up there -
Viet Naa type, with l>earinc urkers and the tree 1 :pushed. a tt .way !ro11 the
location. It is such a 'tfild area he a•td. He _,reed to send •• the coordi-
nates or this base.
Regarding abductions ot people, they pick out medium to low IQ person-
nel. They are able to •cope ovt each ..,. can do the same thine with
'*' { r :>.,,/r ..._f'l•w T,. ,, ,.,..,,..-.v.-.;p
-magnetic spectr"WD analyzer~ They :pick up then people and then

put implants into tbe11 and then take tisaue samples, 1nc:lud.1~g ow. trom
the wo11en, speMII troll the aen and. IJfA.
- They can prop-a~~
these people as alaves to do whatever they wish ud

"" ~If • "' ,.,.11 c.. ,. , ,., ,

they will have no 11eaory ot 1 t. They 1tai.Zftchly reruu to be xr-ayed or
hypnotically Nr;res.secl. Tou can recocnize tbe11 beccue o~ their ey... He
says peculiar look 1n the eyu and a f\mny nile.
* /ltJ<J ~-. .,., rjJ • • N "
HyneK !mows about all o!
this and hu been in contact with Coral (Lorenua), He reprds Hynek u a

., •
-- I

Document Archived at:

• •
. • ' .. Ht'T . ~AI.\.)' • Z 3U& 1" .,.,.,/'11114. ~"~' l j U"''-"' .14 G-o lie eo VI!'...
threat. At his ho\Ut, he showed. Hynek t1la1 •ncl out 1.n the back yard a
• • •
.tlyiD( uucer. He asked. Hynek hia Yin with re(U'Cl to abductions
aa ~ bow uny people llilht have 'beea al:lducted.. Hynek, unhes1tat1ncly
said about one out ot torty.
He said that many people come to his cSoor to see hi•. JU•t •out ot
the blue" and he sees scars oa the back ot tbe1r n~ks. '.nat previous

old scars are easy to detect and that new ones are hard to detect. He

!eels that this is a s1cken1nc situation. J4. I ~>•JIIIT -"'""ow ~'rHcJt

~ r ,
:he aliena have 1one wild and u11 hypocleraaics Land notes a parallel
!our time~J (Mc:Caap'bell: I don • t know that means) He h. . be'n
panlyaed !our ti1111 and. -
has been hit 250 times 'ely hypoderaics. He says
they knock you col4 and they do whatever they want to do and the abcve
paints have been ver1!1e4 medically.
A man came to see him with a top secret 4ocument th•t was dated in
the 50's, 1ncUcat1nc 1t anybcdy round out about all o! tll1s they kill
thea. He was asked "doesn't that bother you?" He said •no it didn't."
He said he had seat 1D some !Us to Jtodak and there were seven rolls.
They were Ecu .o kn. C wtUch could not be proc:essed locally. so they had
to 10 to X:odak. He clon all of the til.- work COIITerc:ially so ~t nobcdy
N ,.
coW.d claim that he had .onkeyed with the t1lm. IUs tUaa -:ame 'back, but
oce o! them--one waa plain
1t ""Ill £ ,.,., ... .Ill'.. ~If />1.
2 - •
• ,.,.,
Ectrochrome, tut.4n1ne teet was
'IIJ ,.. ...,., ,.. ..... I If..
•W this
was close-ups o! UFOa that he had taken. The 111u1n1 pictures o! the
'>•oN-r • ,.,.,..c tr"'~"" .,.,,_, r• ,.., r l>•~>·
.,.. 'Tif, ~ ~,.
nine teet showed up 1n a top secret document that he stu41ed and the code
~ r "'"J T'• "~» ,., 1u ~ ·
na•• is Aquariua an4 1 t 11 a projec:~ of the National S.curity A&ency.
• . -~
Tbey art the ones that kept his !11111 and copied it with deletfons on
£ctrokro. . and sent it back- *"'% 1.,,,.,_7 •

Th•r• have been indirect threats by the Air Force Intell1cence

acainst h.1m .
The location ot the base is 21 aihs north..,est ot I)!l ce and almost


Document Archived at:


. .
: o·verlcoka tbe town. It 1a up on & aua. Ve cUscuaaecl tbe dllilari ty be•
• •
tveRn eve~ing ve have been talk1nl about here and the .av1e Close !n-
eounters ot the Third Xind. He aa1d be speculated that aeeaed to be a plan
o! disclosure, that is tbe movie. coordinates of the location are not
!ar err L'ld the mountain where the ac~al 'base is looks auch like the
., aountain in the movie • next thing vas -- Oiscussin£ the trade-orr -- alri,ht. Here ia
what we got in the trade ott. We aot the atomic tachnolocr, the atoa1c
tlying ships. Several or them, the first one was wrecked on the 12'"0'-lnd
and 1t can 'be seen and J)hotographed from the air. A second one was wrec:ked,
A third one vas wrecked. Apparently this last one was repaired and vas ........
···- -
one that was in Houston -- near Houston in the cash-Landrum case.
second item that ve get out or it, the beu weapons, the beam technoloSY
*: .s ,.,... \J ~--,. ..
and thirc,..1s 'the thought beam. ~at is the Hans by which coiiiiiiW\ication is
accomplished. It is L electrostatic in character with a
ma,netic component
A tr'r'J ~~u~

and 1 t 1.1 the only way o! co~~~~~~UnicatinC vi th people. They have to have 'the
implants in orcler to use it. In tbe crash th.-t occurred at the 'baae when
there vas a disturbance of some aort, tbe aliens killed 66 or our ~ecple and
'ft " u, , e.. o ,., PY1" ~.L IN P tiT' • '1/PtA '! £. ~ '1.67 .OS N 'k"' ,
l.4 sot away. OYer an arSUJDent - they tumed on us •

I discussed with him whether he wished H to reby any of this infor-
mation to other pec~le. He said he had no objection. He would like to
review any wr1t1ns that I aiaht do, to make aure that it is r1cht in advance,
and also tc uke sure that the aource of the intorsation was. 11ven~ I men-
tioned _izl particular, J'ohn Schuessler 1 who would ~e utrnely 1n:erested
in part o! this data.
I sa•• b1• a •u,..ry or WIY analyaia of the elaetra•cneuc e~tv1roaaent

arouncl UFOs rebtecl to propulaioJ:l. He waa ,cine to at\ady that, 'but be did

J:lOt colllleDt of.t·band. He vas t••111ar with what the aliens ealled MPS
which mean~ manipulations per aecond •• ao,aaa1pulat1ons per aequence. In



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.. • •
.aJl_ elec'U"'ita'Uc rilleS tba~ c•n 'be aanipul.ahd into ••ay con!1curat1on• and
the c•a stall. In of"'1er to pr.vent the~, thh !hld· 11 adjusted
once every forty ailliseconds. He bas atudied the trail• !roa UFOs and
they ••e• to break down into a pulse rate ot 6a. per nc:ond. Baaed upon
the color .avh p1ctw-e~, there seeu to 'be a blut ot lieht and a spectral
coaq:~onents and compoa1t1oo 1n there, wah a Bow-Wave 1t1 !ront o! the UFO
with n1trocen ahow1nc rr••n and oxyaen showin& blue, bu~ with the $&ucer
being 1nv1s1ble. They can Mm into a car or a.i%1)l&ne and this Bow·Wavt vill
destroy thea. Rocxet.s can tu. t t.h1 s Bow-Wave and be destroyed. Tbey can 1 t
penetrate it. .lt White Sands he was shown pict\U'es ot an F-15

rockets wi tA a llisdle at a tarcet and the saucers cue in behind -!he

1111 s.sil e, .30 !t. behind , and then n..., thnl the expi!lsion. He cU.dn • t !mow
what the purpose o! the demonstration wa.s, but suspected it lllieht be just
to show how invulnerable they are. But soaetimes the saucers cet into
tl"Cuble and they are all consumed in some kind or way •.
Vhen he went up to D 1Jce in a helicopter, they landed and lett some
equii)llent there, but then when they cue back the pilot was extr.mely
nervous. Paul wanted to l•nct on the base. but the pilot "oulcm • t do that.

larce Huey helicopters.
"l'hey cue baclc to Mce and at • amdl strip there, where they tound
~ I 6o J1 W "'"f 'P lilt,.~. ~,.., ~N
'I'be :&Mtt• in ch&rc• there nue<i Valdez vent
aboard one o! the choppers and they !ounc! them to be !Ull ot collllllo&Nloa.
f\1•- f'J?JI. ~ *
* .. '
"l'hey est1mated a total of 75 co111111andos, tully ~-.1 w1 th M l: r1tles anc1
lhlltlt:,. ~.&1
They did not have any indication o! rank. 'they only had shoulder
11r V'A&. D~&. J A't~ N • - N• r Tlfllt!- ""''~ ,.., r,..w :Z "'" ltl¥7 ~~.,..,,.or &.•u .. 6

patcnes on an4 the helicopters had no · identification Other than numbers .

The helicopters were part ot a project called Blue Licht · and 'they were
'# 61 r ,~.,or

I !1"'0111 F't. Carson, Colorado. 11'hen they lett they wen escorted. 'by tbeu two
large Hlley helicopters. .U they were fiyin& alon& -- in the back&: ound,
they saw rise up _one o! the advanced space technoloCY vehicle• that looked
like a manta ray with a nesative dihedral and projections c:omina down. It

Document Archived at:

• !'lew n~ieally ;>est the two accow.p.ny1nc helicopters. hul !tell that 1t

11 1mp~rative that this 1n!ormat1on be relea1ed because he !eels ~t it is
unconstitutional for the SQVt~ent to be involved 1D IUCb &a arr&nlteent
that invades the )'rivacy o! the indivicluab by the i~l.ntations. He said
that once they have been tUJ)ered '111'1 th 'by the &lien• , they an never t...,e

same.• (I suppose one c.n easily believe that.) (Jia McCampbell comments)
it appears that the -- !or the privilece o! correcting the ~1olog1c&l

materials in the mutilation o! .nd the abductions &nd the operationa on

'ooard. the c:ra!t, the govenuDent has allow-ed thi1 to co on ancS even to
assist !or the privilege o! cett1n& the nuclear !lilht technolorr,, the
'bum w. .ponry ancS the thou~t btu technolo~, plu. also the embroyos
which are !lovn out of the base. (• rather fantastic •tory.) (Jim McCampbell
comment ) Paul stri kes me as being an extremely can1ervat1ve, extremely
kno-.l .dgeable anc1 reliabl e sc i entist, who '111'11 1nt1.. tely familiar with
sophisticated la'boratory equipment. He 11 t horoughly sc1ent1!1c and
reliable. (Jim McCampbell evaluation ) Th• baa• was 1tarted 1n l948 and i n
the text above, I indicated a reference to 1942 that ahould be 1952. sho~ing

major construc~ion o! the base !rom the photorrapha that were atud1ed.
~is the end of the messaJe. - Jim McCt•pbell


Document Archived at:

. ..
Side I ot ea..ette r.,, 1
- ~
'this is a cont.J.nua'tion ot the
episode or the ••J• of Dr. Paul
~~ t.elwphoned shortly a!ter noon today, on July 17, 1984 and excused hiz-
•• • I
sel! then to close the o!!ice door and I sucaest.ed I would uae that. t1ce to
~ick up some ~ote pape~which I did. He indicated that in a separate 1nc1-
:!ent; it .ust have been a court order or somethinc like that to Kodak Corp.
to intercept some o! his tile; to either tAke it or copy it. He bas a
neret report where apparently his pictures that wer. IUaainc ar. included,
t'here are sotM reference ~\.UDbers 1nv:~lved there m4 also includinC his can
number. He is cc1nc to be sendin1 •• that 1ntormat1on. He asked it MUFON
would search 1 t out and I said I coulcSn' t say 1 al thou&h I &ilht. have sld-

!icient interest to pursue 1t myselt 1 and asked "'hy he would not do 1 t and
he said that •perhaps somebody else could be more successful.• This ma-
terial came to him anonymously and I'm be1n& very spec1!1c because 1t has
some "bear•.nc on a piece or paper that we know about in northern C&li!ornia.
~rt is a ~:~ceo! paper,• quot.e. It describes this !11m and the tests that
were performed on t.hem, beinc very sophisticated. He 1nd1cated. something
else about a case nu~ber and reterrinc to intellicen~• croups accesa, to •
very highly clasa1!1ed-·up 1n the 20 bundnds, which is a re!erence tigure
that· I am not !am111ar v1th. 'nle Air Force bas claia.S 'that this docuzaent
is a !orcery. The !or"lller Major Eclwarrb 11 now a Lt. Colonel •

Paul· o!tered, because he ju.t volun~al"'ily o!!ered. thia 1n1'ormat1on
that Edwards is at Hann A. F. B. 1n Geru.ny and his hoae telephone ~um~r is
,r•;Jr. ... 'll'•...,
v-~·- c .• ~~.,..; 114,. ........ ·%'~ ...... .,~.
4ial e 11-49-6543-3115. ~e ia in charce ot security there .nd has around

500 people. (They happen to be seven hours ahead ot us OD the west coas-t. )
He said that Edwards aight be somewhat reucent to speak tleely becau. . he
knows that the National Security Agency mcnitors all the international calls.
I inquired about the other 'bases that •ere re!erred to 1.n the Stieatt
report or art1ele. He said all that he knew that ooe was to the south,
~ne ~o the "'est and one to the east and he doesn't want to kno"' &nythlna more

Document Archived at:

------------- . - .- - ·-

abcut it.
• •
I discussed the prospeet o! uainc the paper 1n the MUFON 19~ Ut'O

Proceedings to try to find the center o! gr1v1ty !or the mutilation cases
from those ma~s that run · !rom abcut 1972 to 1982 or 19S,. The word gravity

triuered in his mind another connection having to do ,1 th the Dept. of

Interior that ·has a gravity dept. and they do in !act survey the United
States and publish maps indicating the gravity contours. There 1s a very
~eak gravity at the site near Ou1ce. He said that the era!t are very
sensitive to the gravity levels and that au11tsted that perhaps the other
s i tes micht also be located relative weak &Javity.
- to

He indicated that the objects !ly in a wobbly way.

His pictures have
sho~ that. He says"like the rocking o! a boat." He has measured many
ri~ht an£le turns and also tull lBoP turns in a 20th of a second with the
object sti ll ins i de of the bow-wave. He has also observed and photocraphed
the object or li,hts moving in a triangular pattern and square patterns . He
says high powered radar can interfere with them. I reported on the meeting
that we had on Sunday afternoon and raised some o! the questions that came
out Of that meeting. One of them was why not remove the implant? He said
thattis had been d1s~ussed and the lady witness !inda that acceptable i !

she can be assured that there can be no nerve damage. He then Y~t into
treat detail, which exceeds my knowledge of in describing the loca-
~i~n Q! the implants. One appears to be adjacent to and eR•ena to the cor-
te~, which ! think he indicated was at the base o! the brain. The image
in the CATsean is o! a v,ry small helix, like it was jolninl two major nerves

near the spinal column. 'nle.n on the latual ri&ht aide tZ"'m the back, there
is an implant or perhaps like the one above. Mclther 11 on the left aide.
Two others are on the forward part o! the skull, which appear to be small
l millimeter electrodes &&ainst the radial nerve. There is a shape to these
things which he inaicated is like a baby bottle Dipple upeide down, not . the
r 11 t.l t ~'~, ,.1! (0, l ~ ~if,.........,~
"'o .- JI>~A 7Vr .J
_ _,P;f. w ,... • c."'
""R£ Jll:r
~·"'~'~~" ~J/K~. --r,. ~ p,.. .. 4 •AJt.J' "ftr
~ ~ f" "'1--*: ~ T ~~ ~~'~. ~1..y ·• •'! !.. P~ .~ ,rc...,e P ~I V Y T 14 C It ~.,.ltl,

Document Archived at:

.- .

• ,
(r raia~ the question o! the U.S.S.R •

· ~•P part, but just the nipple itselt. I

* '"J'
· utd .1tes sedng th.1, tue .) He aclulovled&ed that arid also ~at ours can
9 ! os~ fi'Jh r• ltNI'H-YI'f'
He had a discussion with soae tull analyst who indicated
that he had seen tracks up a hill and a la~ch location that vas definitely
not a rock but some kinc1 c! artificial construction. On the hazard ot
enterinG a~a, ! asked about that. He said that there is a risk it we went
in on !oot, but i ! a person tried to do that likely that tbe peo~le would
+: I ~i~t,•"zAI":• 1"f4~ e11111 l t f t .-~ ,.,.~r ltte_.~.,.,..
"wack them," llut he thin!P that a helicopter "'Culc1 be sate.
., ·~t
But he wants
to do is to do additional aerial aurveillance. ~Then 10 in with a &rQUp,
the lar,9er number o! people the better. A Hilh--.y Patrolman, a triend or h!s,
is ready to ,o in at any t~me. He says one c~t act on 1&pul$e, You have
to plan out a program. He said tour times he hac1 near encounters and one-
1t If..!..~ N oT lf'rc r' \1 riJ - % ,. J llC CD .,.,. , _ ,.., r,.,., tlllf '- &. '/ -
was with this l"'.ajor Edwards. He had received a m.nul colllllluniaation
'T'_.,ay ~.NIC#t~ ..,II'II'JIIIIIr"'"''l St.IUi/'II J Nf. M. •% '?'a,tr"~N~* l'tWYTIIfllllf. M6N'f#lftLI..'J
while watching seme UFOs and he aske~ ~o be- picked up, He asked !or them to

~l!nk their force field twice 1! they we~ 1villins ~c
do !t and all !our UFOs
under surveillance ~1~ blink twice. He aslced to be piclced vp on Sunday i f
he received one blink !rom all !our UFOs, which were repo"ed about 300 !t.

!rom eat:h other. He took this to mean no. He askec1 1! they were not
authorized and he sot a a11D1lar response. This establishe~ a co~e system

by vhieh some further communication was aecomplis~ed.

At some later time, an arreement had been He was reache~ tor a meeting.
Dt~rr• ~tr,_,e, .~ I'J,.;Jr '*' ·•
on his root and observed a UFO on the rround near an intertence, (This ap-
pears to be in reference to a sovernment reservation.) An acreement seemed
to have been reached to •eet at northeast
• comer ct the 1nru;r
= compounc1.
~Ajor Edwards pieked him up and they vent to thia aeetin& place. He said
•don't use the radio.• !bey encoutered two .~rda in lr.~ia Section who had
been orde~d to !ire upon anything that •eves. They stopped their jeep and
walked 1nto the ~esert, There had been a miscalculation and they vert in

the wrona place. On three other occasions on some property he owns on 95

Document Archived at:

... ~

•cr~s. UFOs came within 400 yards ot h1• durinc daylilht. Appar.ntly,
'both he and 'the alieni •chickerf~ou~· on a dd'1nit.e ••Unc. We had a r•-
, ..
ccrd er
!or he said
one time and ..,ai ted until atter dar!c (8 ~ ) and th•n pulled back
1"1 Y VOl ... •"' ,.._,~ Jff•c.•JPDIA. l .......... l.e"'•vt'•N•
on his (? ) recorded was •eased UJ) and this rather fricht•n•d
-k fttJ ,._.,_, , yo.~ "/lfllll•L.~ ~OAI.&rA~~)' ~•te L•I'IJI'tl.l,.,., "jlf.ll .JIIJ)'e ... w•t,•fA~ VT'tll ltfou.t
nim. I asxed who was fly1n& tht ·UFOs? He said aliena. He says they call
it ,lt.&wP• tB•l nr alterttion." He think.somethinc should be done about all
~~oe.-,r 2•c.• e.w•tr rN•J.. •Ac.rr..c•r••"W'" •r Tlftl lh•hll lloJt-CJ) ~~'•A. ,,..,.L,.n.
this and quick. UFO activity is still ro1nc on all araund Albuquerque. It
is hard to separete their activity tro• sround lights because they mcve
- slowly at less than zoo r~ elevation, particularly over ~st .esa where a
l~t of lovers go. He has been observinl that area with binoculars an~ then

he talked about rctati nc the binoculars. ( I inquired about this 1n some
length. } If you rotate th• ends o! the binoculars, you ~111 get 1 blur
into an oval and if you try this on a street light you iet ve~ical . str!pes

that represent 60 cycle· in~ut to the light. For airplanes, you get ~00

cycles -- ynu get the sa~e type or bri,ht stri~ts with di!ftrent separation .
On O.C. one sees nnly a circle. On a saucer you see the oval, but the bars
that are s~read out change their positions so apparently what he calls the
M.P.S. (manipulations per sequenc~second) changes its frequency on a periodic
basis, I guess. I suggested it "''uld be helpful 1! he had a photosraphic )
1r /l-IE ,... P'£ u ", .s, /SLI" o"' '""·"
1N C.• ,.~ Jll T ""' 0,.14 r. ( ,.,• .,.., • ~ P,t r .,_,:
record o! this .spec and he said that this could never be (?) possible. I
~ •·''"" ... .,. r ,..,CANr
......- ...,rrl"""'\ .
tt.~,., 7~c St.v•c."''-
1. ..IL I'•~""
"""'M"'.,,.".,,.,.. ...
••tt"''"~*' ~·c.w-~·
~I!' o/Jrf!"..,.ve.~
...~ •
inquired about his business and his,olid nate physics. r-!!:~lU!.:!'e~)·.!J
my bag too· and I stucle~ physics at night school in years a:ter college and
sot just up to doctoral level, but never rot a Ph.O. because I was ski~ping

around the country tryinc to a&Ximize sy income and raise three children •

• He said that ~•s his experience also.· Sptc1t1cally, be did not acquire a He is president ot Thunder Science Corporation, a "'•ll kno-.m opera-
~ ion there, with their speciality beinc temperature and humidity dtviaet.
Their equipment has bun on the shuttle and 1110at ot their business is w1 th
the top ' 500 corporations.

-- . ~ . . - ·~ · .

Document Archived at:

frey •
H1• company 11 ~ Sanclia on i acre aDC1 now an .cid1 tional ·I

3!>00 aq • !t. bull cHnc. • '1'here ia another orsanizat1on · called Benn•w1tz

l.Abonto.ry which is the research ana ot Thunder Science Corporation o"'Ded

~ by the lattr and operated by hi.s three sona. 'nley have invented a
hear!nc device that has no .ov1n1 parts that aakea totally dea! people
able to hear and in ad~ition, expandin1 the !requency ranse plus 1000 HZ
~n the hi'h side and down~lesa than lO HZ on the low frequency end.
Ht said that he cot involved in all o! this •trely as a hobby and it
became an obsession. H• limply wanted to know what was ~oin& on and to
1evelop 1nstru&entat1on to ..asure data 1 etc. Since the s1,nala !rom the
uros are very ~w frequency 1 do"'D around 200 HZ and with an analyzet you
just think you are lookinc at some noise. !ut I believe he said it was a
memory scope th~t was able to filter out the signal involved there whereas
ordinary !1lters do not. They tr111•r signals 1n an on and o!! fashion,
instead o! 0 and l volt ~presenting that type o! communication or sicnal
a distinction is made
~~~een a narrow pulse and wide pulse. Each communiea~1on is preceeded by
four or !ive pulses. He had previously been in touch ~ith the O.S.I. which
has been veri!1e4 in Clear Intent. But now he says that when he calls
them, they ~on•~ speak to him so he is in a "shut out• situation. I ~ointed

out tHat there were two o.s.I.'a (0!!1ct or Special Investigation ) and the
other is C.I.A. {O!!ice ot Scienti!ic Investigation)
was not the C.I.A. group.
He assured me that it
He ~1d-~~~;~~1tltv&roup that he ~•• deal~ng
with vas the "O!fi ce o! Secret Investigation.• He says there is alao a new

J)atient or called Hwun Inttll1&enee, that is they 1nvest11att the hum~s,

that is the covernment. l ••ntionolt~ him that 1.n c;'lear ~ten~t ·1 t said
he was under surveillance. That happens to be in ttl'Or. That 1t1!onaat1on
comes from S~"~lii.Whtre else. & he quickly sa,·tzg "I knew that I am under
.. .
surfeillance." They aet up a aitt across the street !1ve his house with

computers and recorders. A girl rented the house. He had a detective look
Document Archived at:


into this and !ound that she was operat1nc under an aasuatd nace and she had
no social seeuri ty nuaber. He has photocraphl or people co•inc and goinc
'. . ..
with NORAO license pla~es, Air Force, 4.F. weapon~ab,

H• is also concerned that thert are two levels o! security involved
(l) Project Aquarius ~hich is TOP SECR£1 and another (2) hicher than that ;
vhere people in charge o! the higher level 1nformit1on having these nev
vehicl es could si~ply take over the government. He called the Air Force
"*" y~:. rltu• • JltF z,.,r~'- . '
i ntel l i gence headquarters in (~ashington ).~ {He d%dn't say Washington, but
that vas the i dea. ) The Commandin' O!!ieer vas not present but he talke~
~ a Captain vho vas t he adjutant or exeeut!ve and started talking. He said
~r know all of these !acts, and this and that and vhat do you think about

that~" The Captain said •just write us a report and tell us vhat we should
!'Ia• u,.. ••r."
co."A S~ he pr~pared a 20 pare report and Edwards saw it. He ! orwardtd 1 ~
by Federal Express and also a copy to the Vhite House in a double envelop~ ,

indicating that sensitive material vas 1n the inner envelope. Edvards got
';ffN•r s,•.,r.~&>.,.,
a call !rom Colonel'l•itA who vas the White House Liaison to
~ ~l't"' r• e.,..~ ..1nqu1~
""'·~~ . ,
&ennewitz fellov was. Edwards cave a poaitive re~ort. The White House vas
extremely i nterested and issued orders to get on with it; to do something.
assur1nc Edwards that Bennewitz woul4 receive a letter vith1n two weeks"'.

Such a letter was never reee1veJ. r :nall~ , Col. Seith tro• tht Air Force
Secretary sent him a lttttr eventually

just pursu1n1 the •cl4 party l ine.•
That saic1 ..he should not be troublinl the b·eadquarters of the Air Fo~e and
the ~&CUt1Vt Of!iCtS Of tht ~itt HoUSt With all Of hiS
!ennew1 tz showed this letter to Edwards who bltv up
* .......

and called s••


got an ans~er !rom the Air Force that they were not interested and knew
nothing about it. On another point: re!ereneinc the Stipau article wheore
Document Archived at:

.. .

• •
. -..he tazur thoueht that the two huwanoid.a . .y have been nakecl.
cue with which he 1 ~ clealinc with •• the WOII&n and the •on, the boy upon
In the
beinl questioned lauJhecl, and he aaid ~·~•Y had DO !ronta or behinds." 1
asked no sexual orcans, and be aaid yes, no oreana at all. He has re-
. .
ceived 1n!ormat1cn concerning a hieh •etabolisa rate o! the creatures, even ·' /

•' ' ' I
I' I
birdlike. by~
the hand, said the hand. o! the creature wa1 -red bot.• '. -..
/ ~~ . I
• ~

environa~ent. They wear au1ts tor protection aca1nst excessive heat.

01minat1on h through the skin. The creature• are very strong.

1ng on uros. I ~romised him to scare up a copy o! my book to send to him

md also • personal r"eSWH to cive h1111 an Uea or lilY 'backp-oun4 an~ copies
~,one or more ot my papers.) 1 asked about his reac~ion to the ~ammary of
the UFOs !1el4s that I de4uced that I relayecl to him 1n the !1rst. call. {He
thinks that I may pro'bably be richt.) He says that the Ui'Oa eM be deuct.ed
by radar detectors and they also triccer highway patrol radar or Police radar
runs. His friend Valdt%, at hi1 suggestion, vas look1nc !or a water intake
to the s1 te and 'tfi thin a bout a li miles he cue upon a tlyinc saucer at a
distance o! about ,00 tt. The Indians own the ar.. -- an qu1 te .scared
and very superstiUous and ~ ot them have moved into town. The Chie! o!
~lice ~old bim about aa experience he had. A tribal ch1et had cone deer

hunting on a mesa south ot t)zlce. Two days went by. Whe he dicin't "turn,
a aearch party was sent out. In the daylight on the meaa, a Jhip •hopp~d

up• trom down below and cue up above the mesa. Tva guys (hum•n) kicked
the tribal chief t.o the sround.
. "'
Then they 1nto the ahip and cl1sappeare<L
He had been hunting and had tell • He had a broken lee and he wu picked up

Document Archived at:

'. ·/ · *
r/'i~ h#,,_ WltJ tJ~AC...IC..
N# .. /110-
'I . •
'by thtu human people in the
, .
'l'bey were 'bbcJu - q,ec1!1.cally ne~
L Dutf AIV•w ""r'I"Ar

' humans. He discussed someth1nc about ao.. devices called ~her1cals that
f'IIIIJ 1-.I,.'Jr" .. ,or-r .,. __ J"t,.., ,.,. IISf' ..,AW'~ - I I V/lll:tl,ltlr•••.·,'- W *~"'·
'AC ._ .,,. , ....... I.
are optical,1n sound ( ? } &nd apparently r~tely controlled little veh~cles ••
Spheres !rom
.... .a
r~"CY .. ,."'~ o~~ t '"""" """"~"' f ,.,...,
to 12" in ~1ameter. Ve
M•"' ~te ~ "ff'-Y.
diac~ssed veapona used by al i en~ ~n~

whether or not they are used to parally1e people. Yes, they consist o! a
cube about z• on • side -- call~ a len1 hunc around the neck that emits a
beam. Ano-ther on the ship produces a blut licht that he bas .. en. lt comes
!rom a devict a'bout ~" hi&h .nd 14" lon1 with &rid 'black lines on it. The
color produced is very light .bl~e which 1s like ioni~ed oxycen. He has not
sought pu~l1c1ty on any o! this. He is interested only in cett1ng ~. !ac:s
• He did not-object to the idea that I would send a copy ot our telephon~

conversation to Tom Adama when I told him about my plan. He had received a
eall !rom a William Allen !rom Seattle, concerning an Enclish publicat!on
o! the Ki~land AFB ease. I told h1m that 1! it was the same !ill Allen t~at

I kne'll, it "'as a good contact, since I had beco•• ver-· well acquai nted wi <:h
Bill All~n at the 1983 MUFON SymJ)osium. in hsadena. (V1ll1u IC • .Allan
l!ves in Kelowna, B.C. Canada), The Encl1sh publication seemed to be the
Flying Saucer Revie"' 'Which I assured bim vas the leadinc publication or 1t5
kind in the world. (So there 1~ some more 1ntorm.t1on that we can put into
• .
the equation of Paul Bennrdtz anc: it is indeed a puzzlinr situation. I
continue t~ set a reassurance that the ruy is continually on the level and
..,hat he has to say should be taken seriously and· not look 1nto it in great
details 'Without beins over skeptical at tbe outset.) Jim MeC•mpbell eo~ents .

S.KC.-r"'~'~'-~- tF IT' WE~&
1~ 1'1 ~PFNIAIC.. J"" 'F t JIUT Patru ON. r
af ~ / 4rvr

• l -----------
.A~... . . . . .... .. _ • -------------· ·- - - -
........ •

Document Archived at:

, _


After se~a..l years o f painst:aking reseaxt:."l , ~o.e have un-

ean."'ed t."le hi¢\ posai.bilicy o f !liE base areas in t."te
Neva& Area.. Cbserv.ttions f ra:1 many ~v:~-cuals , sare of
wnan have been threa.tenec! by van ous, have led co
the ~ell~ =nclusion.s:
• Sewral facilities exist within a 100-i!lile radius of
the lAs Vegas area that are ::BE operate<i or related.

• tr.derqr. ound '1\lnnels exist bee..~ facilities al1d

~"lese ti.IIVlelS have been cons~ by or with the
ass is~ of the EBFs.

• ElE!IC'aa1lagneti.c o:lnfi.r.e tllfl l t. zones have been set up at

va n .ous l ocations, and one of t.."'ese locations ~sses
t."le Nevada Test Range CC:m>l ex .
• F'urtl-er .i.n1erior electranagnetic confi."''eeT'ef''t zones have
been =sttuct;ed wit.'llrl the pr.i.m!.ry zones.

• &treau of Land ~t (Blbt) equiptent doui:>les as

cor..:inenent field ?rojectors.

* TJnderqrc-u:nQ facilities in the area have the follO'Winq


* an:i develo pnent of Defense 5;lace Weaponry

• Clonirp of. huppruepli!ccncnt. tnljes Qat WJ-11
.Qe oc::cupiecim:. illplao;ed !jiODSCN'Flt'sei•
• BnzJO!i 'XI l amratoQrl es .tor iiM'Gtert tl#!'M
• Siolo;~cal Material fntx:essing lab:lratories.
• Confinetent facilities for hurrans.
• EBE-Govt Joint Facilities .
• Facilities for 'I'enniNtion of ltlmans.
• for ~st.inq a.nd De\lelop.cnt of
Gravit.atiOI.a.l Vetucles for USA? ,NSA, a.rd t."le
Depar'tl!m\t of catuerce .
• Transference Facilities for Human abductees .

Vehicles as l arge as 200 ' <iiam!ter
have been seen for a lonq tine at t.."le .:'lm'bo ~
voru:x area. Slue Oiancnd vertex area is a.lso very
active , and as o f J une 1988, cisu !'lave been seen
during daylight hours .

• ~ mao~litan ~ Vegas &rea is f~lle9 ""i,.th, t:qB

r elated activity &~Jij.ous i":!,l!lWlC)l.C~ ~'"lat are
observing human act~vties.

L What follows are various illus trations of sane

areas nentioned a.bove.
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Document Archived at:

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Document Archived at:


1\l.ien Technology Division

The February 1987 issUe of Qmq-Ho, a popular military rragazine,

had a very interest.i:lg article in it re;arcll.nq Stealth technology. Towarci end of the article, on page 43, it discussed projects called "OnFundeci
~rtunities" (t.RI). The article bears quot.inq:

As for ''OnFunded CMxlrt:unities", these are pmgrams eea 1 ing

with technology levels so advanced that one Air Force officer
involved in SR-71 develqmmt said: ''We are flight testing
vehicles that defy description. TO catpare than conceptually
to the SR-71 \tQ1J.d be l.ilce catp!rinq teona.rdo da Vinci • s parad1ute
design to the space shuttle~
Other officers are similarly enphatic about the nature
of t.iese
new systans: " We have thinqs that are so far teyom th&
mup.rehension of the average aviation authority as to be really
alien to our way of t.~,.. says one retired ool.orlel.
~Urcr ha.s it sooe of these syS't:emll involve force-field,
gravity-drive systems, and "flying saucer.. designs. Rz.m'lr further
hrls it that these designs are mt necessarily of Earth hunan
origin- but of~ might have designed them or helped. us do it,
there is less talk.
ltU!ts just put it this way, n explained QJ.e retired lockheed
engineer. " we have things flyinq around in the Nevacla desert
that 'AOllct make George I.ncas cirool."

Frlitors Note and cxmclusion: -x'he Air Force has had a unit at
Nell is for several years: its narre: Alien 'l'el:::hmlcgy Center. 'nle
first question is, do you thil'1k they are studying ~? The
center is~ to have obtained alien equiptent and, at tiltes,
personnel to help develop our new aircraft star wars "Weaponry ,etc.
Yes, I mow I sound cz:azy I but the rtmDr is awfully solid! The
Alien ~logy center is for real. SCmething remarkable has
caused the Russians to sudaenly want to play tell, and I personally
believe this cn1ld be it. Snre, it sounds strange, tut the rrcst
advanced J<na,m a.iipl.arle in the ~ld ~ (SR-71) was se :retly
flying in 1963-4. D:l liQU really thil'1k our best, 23 years later,
is the F-16? .


Document Archived at:

A Conuctee Storv in Nevada 0

Briefly, this is the ao:oun~ of a wanan in Vegas who believes

herself to be not of this ~ld - an a J i en st:ra:x1ed in a human
body. She interacts With a 1 ; ens ; at least she rna i ntains that. she
does. We shall ca ll this lady •aea·" • "'Sea" has me i nta.ined contact
with certain groups for many years. She is basica 11y an uneducated
Spanish lady who has ted years of notes on i tems of int.erest
that the aJ..iens channel through her. 'Ihis type of materi al is quite
novel, and. it does jibe 'With other material qiven by ~er people.
In the pages that follow, sate of her channeled material is presented.
I find the drawing of the mercury vortex enqine quite intriqui.nq. It
is mentioned in ancient Indian docurrents hew the "vilrmla" used nercury
for prcp1 1sion. At any rate, take a look at them. and file your ~ressions

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Document Archived at:

t'efense hivanced Re!N?SP Proj~ .Agency (OARPAl

Architect Bnildjnq .
l400 wilson EDU.evam, Arl.ington, VA 2209 202-694-3007
Olief Scientist: .Dr c:raiq Fields 694-3781
Directcr: .Dr. Pd:le.rt C. Dlncan
Oeputy Director: Dr James A. 'l'egnel ia 694-3035
Director, Aerospace 'l'echrlology: Dr Allen R. Atkins 694-35.28
Director, Prototype Projects: Dr Albert Brarldenstein 694-36.2.2 ·
Director, Directed Energy Weapons: Dr Sben Shey 694-1959

Def~ In~lJ:igence Pgancy [,DIAl

lb:nt 3E258, .Pentagon 20301-6111 202-697-8841
Dl.rec-..or: Lt.Gen Leonard H Perroots, USAF 695~7353

National 5ecuri.!-Y ~ [NSAJ

FOrt George G • Meaae;JMO 20755 301-688-6311
Director: Lt. Gen Wj 1 liam E:. 03em, U!iA

Stra~c F!!ense Ini+jative Otgani~tion [SDIO]

Roan2E252, Pentagon 20301-7100 20.2-695-7060
Directir: Lt. Gen Jams Abrahamson, USAF
Ote.if Scientist: Dr Allan Mensa, Ro:JD JC444 695-8730
CiVil Applicatiats: Col Joseph Paugeau, l'.lSM
I:eputy for Technology: Dr Wuis Mu"quet
D.i..rected Energy: Dr John Haaau:d
Imovative Science and Technology: Dr Jarres IalSOn

USAF Off!ce of Pe~ ch, Devel.A.e!ent and I.ogistics

Jl.dvan:ed Technolohy: Bernard Pai.ew:lnsky, Ibn 4D961 .202-694-2256
'•.• Space Plans ¢ Policy: Olarles w. COok , Ra:•u 40939 202-695-2317


AF Cperational Test and Evalua~_Center [AFOt1):J

Director: Maj. General Michael c. Hall
Kirtland AFB, No! 87117-7001

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA]

Washington, oc Offices 482-1100
Congressional !nqu.i.ries Office 482-6136

Document Archived at:

.Additional _Qrganizational, Data

Uni.t;ed States AIIIIy:

Desiqnated k:tivities
~cs AND
US AI:my principal integ1:at.ed circuit
facility which executes broadbased
Fort Mc:ll:li!out.~, NJ 07703
internal and contnctual programs in
201-532-4511/ 12/ 13
areas of mic:rcwave and mn wave devices,
higi.l-po..>er subsystems, and e.leC"..IOnic
materi a l s.

US, AR-1Y E:I...ECI"F!NNCS RESF..lUOI Princi ple electronics research,

AND OE.VEWFMENI' a::M-WID (EAAIXX:M) devel0f%tent and acquj sition center for
2800 ~ Mill !bad the Al:my. Contro:l:-s and rran.ages seven
Adelphi, MD 20783 major army laroratories and four project
202-394-1076 managers.

ELEX:'l'KNIC WARFARE ~RY (00..) Applied research and dewl.oprent in

Fort M:n"mcuth , NJ 07703 elE'!Ctranic counter and counter-counter

12/ 13 neasures. Electratagnetic spectrum
• research •

• HARRY DIAl-DID LABORATORIES (HDL) IPad laboratory for fluidics technology.

2800 ~ Mi 11 !bad
Mel~, MD 20783

SIQW.S WARFARE LAB (SWL) Research and Deve.J.o}:mmt for

Arlingtcn Ha l 1 Station of hosti 1 e electronic devices and systems.
Arlinqtcn, VA 22212

(F'onterly langley Directorate)
Hanpton, VA 23605

(Fm::nerly Lewis Directorate)
Cleveland, Chio 44135
(Fomerly AMES Directorate)
Moffett Field, CA 94035


5001 Ei~Ave
Alexand=i.a , VA 22333 •

Document Archived at:

HtJMrull IAOORA:rolU'ES (HE!.)

ABE:tmEFN ProviNG GRJONO, MD 21005

t:ru.ted States Navy

NAVAL AIR SlSTEMS aM-WID Mater:i al StipJ;:Ort of Naval Astronautics and

OEPARIMENT OF THE NAVY Space Systems as well as R&D programs.
~ING'!CN, oc 20361
NAVAL AIR CElm:R Naval R&D. i'brk on mgnetics and
"WARMINstER, PENN 18974 . el~ical systems.

NAVAL :RESEAOCH LAEOAAroRY Directed Energy ~ (Beam Weap=>ns) ,

WASHCN:;'IQil 1 CC 203 7 5 high energy lasers, sensor systems, J aser
207-767-3698 and quartz crystal ~rk .. ~cs.

NAVAL C OEl''ICE: Magnetic Survey and Magnetic and GravitatiCI'lal

BAY ST.LOUIS, MISS 39522 ~ ,._ """'"' t.

Uti.ted States AU' Force

AFLC Supply and services :in SUfp)rt of operatiana.J.

wright-Patterson AFB weap:ms systems
Dayton, Ohio 45433

Foreign Technolo;y Division WID) lesearch and Developrent of Foreign

Wright-Patterson AFB Aerospace systems and catp:>nent subsystems.
Dayton, Ohio 45433
wright-Patterson Tabs:
' Aero Pl:g?ulsian
AF ~~tory Explorator:y and advanced developtent programs
for advanced p:rop.llsion and poiro!er generation.

M' Avi onics I.ab;?ratory Exploratory developtent picgtams in the

areas of electranagneti.c transmission and
rece~n arove lSGC, rolecular e l ectronics,
bionics 1 and e lectranagnetic warf are.

AF Dynamics La??ratoE'i_ EKploratory and advanced developrent prcx;rarns

in flight dynamics and ext=erilrenta l f l i ght
testing techniques.

6770 Aerospace ReSearch

Larora tocy Developrent of new life support techniques,
research and develo-prent in biarechanics,
toxicology, human engineering, and unusual
• •
enVliOnm:nts. ·

. -
Document Archived at:


M' Materials r.aN?ratory Exploratory and advanced devel~'1t

programs in nateri a l s sciences, metal s
and ceramics, technology,
and materials application.

SPA:E AND MISSI.E SYSID1S (OC) ~ibon of space systems and managenent of
AFSC resea.rch on space systems. Operat jon and
ILls Angeles AFS maintenance of the Western Test Range in
ILls Angeles, Ca 90009 Sl.lpfX:)rt of IXD, ~~ and other prQ3tams.

AF SYSTDSS a::r+wiD Engineering , testing, and evaluation for

KIRrLAND AFB I spcci a l weapons ( rnlclear ann high energy
ALEW.lERI::JUE, r-M 87117 laser). Provides air SlJI?POrt for atnoSF(1eric
505-264-3819 :resecrch and "exploratory develOfllent ~ams .
AF FLicat 'l'ES£ CElm (OC) Testing arid evaluation of rew and research
~AFB aj rcraft; research and develofm2nt of propulsia
EDoiAPDS, CA 93523 systens.
805-277-2012 •

rotE AIR DEVEWPMEm' CENIER {OC) Fese.arch and Develotmmt in surveillance,

AFSC electratagnetic ~, en.."j''ffitic trace
GRIFFISS AFB t.echniques, and high power electraragnetic
l01E , NY 13441 generators.


Document Archived at:

B u 1 '_e. h ;:s . ..
?' ....
One of the 1~ems that !ac;:~ons c: the governmen;: got
was atomic ?Owered grav1~a1:1=nal technology. They received
several ships inl~lally . Three of ~hem crashed. One of them
was subsequently repaired bu;: had additional problems t~a;:
i n volved people on the ground. 7he Cash-Landrum 1nciden;:
was one of i:hese, where the doors jammed and neutron
radia~lon l eaked out. Another ship crashed near i:he Dulce
installation, and caused problems that e'·entually caused
the death of 66 governmen~ employees. Forty-four people
got away.
c ~ The remaining atom1c ships are based at various
rams. governmen~ i nsta llations. As of January 1986, one was
based at Kirtland AFB . Indications were at one time that
one was based at Fort Hood, Texas.
~sic: ~ Helicopters that are attached to the Dulce lab are
allegedly part of a project called Blue Light th~t 1s
based out of Fort Carson, Colorado. ·
* The Dulce installation was apparently initiated 1n
1948 . I n 1962 many disks were observed there. It was
briefly closed in 1979 after there was an argument of
some sort over weapons. Our people were chased out at
that time .
* Human embryos from the lab were allegedly taken
to Al buquerque. New Mexico for further processing.

- Aerial Vehicles and Clouds

Many people are aware of disks genera~1ng cloud

cover to conceal itse l f. Sometimes a black spot will
appear 1n a cloud. The spot is nitrogen nitride . I t
you see a cloud witn a black spot in it, you• 11 know
what's inside ....
Technology for cloaking also makes use of bending
l1 gbt around the vehicle, so you actually see what is
behind the veb1cle .

EBEs and L~~.t Hand Spin
As oi May 1988, we have discovered that the EBEs
are sensitive to materials with a left hand atomic
spin . Sugar is a common substance like this. It could
be construed trom this that a good way to repu l se the
EBEs would be to entrain some sort of signal on their
biological frequency that would force a change in the
spin vector oi their atomic structure . I dorft think
they would l ast long under that abuse.

- -

~ CSNF I :>ENTlAi.. ~ Document Archived at:


1964 Mee~1ng with Aliens

I n 1964, ev1dent. ly was a mee~1ng 't.ha~ was evidently

recorded on !11m of a meet!ng between government. OI11C1~ l s
and an alien group. Nine hundred feet oi 16mm color film
was shot . It showed the a li e n s landing and walking ~o
meet. military officials. They then walked into a building.
!his took •o l ace at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Month
is unknown . !he film was recently 1n the possession of an
individual in California for three months while he was
waiting for instructions to 1nser't. it in a documentary
t~at was to be made . Three months after the film was
given to him another colonel showed up and took it back .
A similar event ~ook place with Linda Howe, producer
of the documentary "Strange Harvest", several years ago.
Sbe was con~acted by MJ-12 to do a documentary , and
she was promised 60,000 feet of film. After several
months went by , tha't. was withdrawn.
The individual in California was told that ""the
political climate was no~ right".

CIA Recall in Progress

As of December 1987, all folks who bad ever worked

with UFO material were being recalled back into the
agency. There might be a good reason for this . The effort.
to construct defensive measures against tbe EBEs, funded
by the !ron~ called "SDI" , failed 1u December 87, and they
decided to embark on a 2.5 year progr~m to come up with new
~echnology . One fellow we know received a call from a friend
who was being recalled and was told information confirming
~hat MJ-12 was real. Roswell and Corona were real , et.c ...

- ------- ---- ---·-- - - ----------

Help Offered in 1976

It is rumored that 1n 1976 the US government was
offered assistance with the EB£ problem by a group called
the Coldas1ans . after they set up several bases in the
Nevada Test. Range . In a stupia et:fort t o gain their
technology by terce, the US forces allegealy attacked
and tried to overrun the Coldas1an bases. Naturally,

the Coldasian£ were upset , and they a ll eged ly grabbed
200 o! our scien~1sts and spirited them off to a base
on the far side of the Moon.
Supposedly. tq,e Colda$ians had ~heir go1nt of.
origin in -:he Polaris system . .
~ ~ ;t. ~ ~. ~ ~:.: :f, :T. ~X :,:;(. ~_.:

- -

Document Archived at:

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.. ~AI~ IDnmT'/ ProBT.fM- WHO's WHO?

cne of the problems of trying to sort out which a l ien is

ft'"'CX"'mtl where and exactly what they are doing here is the profusion
of descriptions and cases. Other in.fonnation cares to us ~gh
f"'I"L''tnn• ~ - 1 which is also a valid source of data. If you dont agree,
t."lats OK - you den~ have to. we do have enough c:o:z:roboration and
interrelationships between data to fotm a small body of data at:oJt
~ tllese folks are I \llbat types of follc:.s we • re dea 1 inq with, why
they're here, and what they may ~t. Without further discussion,
here is an overview:

One of t."le dangers of advocating ooe s~ific source, such

as the extra-terrestrial or tet restrial hypothesis is that you
, Will always ce proven wrong on the ne.u_~ase .y ou Observe. It I s
a function of MJ.rphy' s I I guess. After beinq in the oJsiness
of research for a lang tine, here are Itrf personal conclusions for
the sources:

A. 'this Physisa 1 Universe, 'lbis Dinension

It is quite clear fmu reviewinq all the data that it doesnt"

matter how nany light years away the source is. Their tec:hrlology
generally is such that they have a way around large distances 1 so
I dent want to hear that because they o:xte fran 38 LY away that
t."ley coul.ant ~ssibly be interested in the Earth. You •re wrong.

B. 1lti.s Physical Universe, a Para.l.lel Dinension

• 9y rDtl parallel d i !lEn.Sions are ccmt:en ktxJwledqe. 'there are

apparently as rMny is 12 main d jnensional divisions, with rrcre
or less infinite haJ::ncnic levels within the scope of these dimensions.

C. Another tJniverse , .Anot."ler Tilre ar.d/ or Another Diltension

!t is quite apparent that many of the alien visitors have the

abil i ey to travel outside our conce~ of tirtr!, and mani~late
and fold spa.ce to their lik.inq. In fact, many of the upper density
folks can man.ip.U.ate time ,mass ,energy and consciousness (mass , energy
and consciousness being functionally related) aey way they wish .

• ~ENl'IAL.

• •
Document Archived at:

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* ~IDnmAL ..

With all this in mind, I wi 1l naw relate these factors
with rrore specificity:

1. Inside the Earth

2. <)1r Solar System
. .. 3. Other Dimensions
4. Other Times
5. COvert Areas on the surface of the Earth.

We know 1 absolutely 1 that all these factors have a part to
play in it, and it is also knc:Ml that many of the alien groups
have stea 1 th-type technology or the ability to cloak themselves
within OJr space. 'Ihe whole point is that there is a profusion
of life all around us, and just because the materia l ist
az:nc:hai r philosopher_ :an't see it doesn't
t isnt there. With
the p~lem having this large a scope, it is no~ that the
level of confusion anong resea.rc:hers is nther high.
Ckle inur.-:esting revelatjon that has cane to light recently is
that the~ known as the Greys have apparently several kinds
of species, either by virtue of genetic~ or elating. We
have learned of another factor which further serves to c:xxuplicate
the problem of sortinq it out sane of the species of that
race cate ftun different ~tracks. '!be group known loosely as
the Zeta Reticulans, the ones with the biq wrap-around eyes, have
a point of origin in our linear past. '!be positively oriented ones
have a point of o-rigin in our physical future. Here I am referring
to the Essessani, which have arrived ftan 300 years in oor linear
fut11re, us that they are the product of the cross-breeding
bettNeen the Zeta ~ticulans and Ha1c Sapiens.
To be rrore Sf«:ific, the general species k:nown as the Greys
have been known to have qreenish""""diey ,yell ow-grey ,g:tey ,whitish--;,.,.L....ey ,
yellow-tan,and tan""'9Ley skin colors. 'Ihey are l<:nown to have three,
four, or six fingers, with or with::3ut oppos~ thl.llTbs. For a race
that has the ability to travel in varioos dinensions, tirce, and
manipulate the hlJl\'Bn mind. with halluci.natoey scenarios, it is surely
ludicrws to think that 'Ne are loalting at a single evolutionary
trend, or just s~le cloning. Naw, -we do knoW that they clone
as far as how they are reprodncing, and that they do have a certain
mastery of genetic engineering.
It "--Uld probably help at this point to trake an effort to go
into a little detail about sore of the s~:eeific

data that 'We have

* *
....,. a:N"!Drnl'IAL .*
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lt . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . ..


rv-..Tr ........ ~T:'IT
\.."'-4'W.a _...,.... ... ~


The following is a list of the potentia 1 reasons that
alien entities may visit our planet:

' .. 1 . Scientific Research

2 • r-t:lni toring our Devel.optent
3. Conquest with possible retardation of our develOfltent
4 • Aiding our developtent
5. Co-existent residence in our dilrension or a parallel one
6. Acquisition of genetic materials
7. Acquisition of physical substances: water, minerals,gases.
8. Acquisition of san;>les of biological lifeforms.
9. Accidental intrusion due to technical problems.
10. "Just passing through ••• "
11. Cross-breeding
12. Survival-based scenarios

'Ibere are auy tw:::> general categories, holistica J ly,

why interaction takes place:
1. Service to self
2. Sel:vice to Others

Generally, if the whole notivation is based on

either of the above, then one could safely say that for those
who have (1) as their notivation they probably have negative
influences wherever they go. '!hey ~d have not advanced to the
tx>int where they w::mld realize that if their rrotivation was (2)
that ( 1) would be taken care of anyway.

It is probably safe to say that either of the above two

rotivations for interaction \ofOU.ld cover all possibilities, and
that beings subscribing to the second rrotivation, Service to
Others, ~d also subscribe to sarething like '!be Law of c:ne,
where differentiation in species \IIOUld be viEl\lled as valid and
acceptable manifestations of potential of a Universal Intelligence
Matrix of sene sort. HCiro sapiens, while living here in an ego-
cbnination based system, cannot generally view the universe in
a progressive way when trapped in the system of Self-Limitations
that they are. Scire of them can see it, tut they are usually
repressed by the others, who fear loss of support to their ego
••* C'Cl\FIDENTIAL •'**

Document Archived at:

based system of security, sensation and power. Sate of these
civilizations that end up here have oo doubt existed for a long,
long tine. Maybe for billions of years without a break. All of the
.beings in the universe have an equal right to exist, to develop,
am to express their own individual manifestation of All '!hat Is.
Interaction between species is based on a need being fulfilled
in sare way. If that need is one-sided, then the other siae nay
suffer because of it. Maybe rot. I am sure there are selfish
syrtt>iotic relationships that satehow survive. It is clear, haNever 1
that we are having interactions and that sate of them are less than
desirable for the participants. ~st of the interactions are suppressed
because of fear .and self-l.i!nitation. Unfortunate for both parties.


EvoluHon of CXlnSCiousness is an interesting subject. For rrN,

just concentrate on the fact that you are a being and not t'l'\at you
may or may not be human, depending on who is reading this. As one~
consciousness evolves, one acquires the ability to further mani~ate
na.tter, energy and space. Many of these beings have the ability to
manipulate one or mxe of these factors. Many have the ability to
manipulate the nenta 1 perceptions of hun'ans, and create scenario~.
that only exist in the mind, which of course still makes them real,
rut they are not co-shared reality scenarios, only individual Ork:S.
~en one finally develops to a specific :rx>int, one can travel
f''"'ta....,u FQint to point (since distance and duration are ultinately
illusions) by th:Juqht alone. Since '4We create our ~ reality systems,
developtent to a certain point ensures that a being can create whole
universes. It has been said that all of reality, on all planes and
d:inensions, are sircply tlnlqhtfotmS of the universa 1 Intell..igence
Matrix. I'm not go~ to talk about the cmcept of God, because that
is a projected thoughtform. &It, if yo.:1 really insist on discussing
that, I wULonly say that you have the ability to manip1 l ate time,
space and matter •..• you ult..ilt'ately have no limitations. In terms
of ancient humanity, you are the GJd that you fo:rnerly projected. You
are it and part of the 'Whole, and it is part of you.
NcM 1 it is ~4Well koown that many of these beings who care here
,. .ca.. .,rc"""e in contrivences that may or may not do one or rrore
of the following:
1. Travel in Space
2. Travel outside of Tine
3. Travel between Dinensional Harmonic Frequencies
cnce one has the ability to generate technology that will do these
things, one rrust assune that the piUgress of consciousness i s not
far behirxi, and once it catches up, especially to beings who are
4th density and do not require bodies, all becomes clear pretty quickly.
Cbn't v.orry. You will learn all t.~is as you develop . One of t.-.,.e
interim events is the apparent conflict between technology and ethical
.................. *******•
• •
: CCNFID~.o..Al.. :

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-.. * •

.. fac~rs. Very often. they develop at different rates. nte concept

of ethics vanishes when one views the universe with urconditional
love and non-judgen'ent. 'nlere is nothing that says that you cannot
have an advanced species without technology at all, ani there are
plenty of those in the universe. EVen on Earth. Ever hear of the
Colphins? How about you folks that dent interact with material


Many of you will insist, due to your develoEJrenta 1 level, on

going through the. exercise of carparing one manifestation t.o another
one, so to make you feel canfortable with your self; I will huncr
you by doing so ..•• in my own way •••

originally, I set out to do what many have tried to do, such

as Wendelle stevens, ani that is to list various and sundry beings
that have been observed, descrtbe where they might cute fran and
what they look like, but so what? ~t i f you la'lew exactly who
/ ')
was frau wherever? !hen 'What • s next? ~d you invent your own
.. r • '.. . '\y
'1. version of the 09\-Ill to further separate yourselves?
),.->- Basically, if you ItUSt insist on this, entities that use txx3ies
~· have infini'te variation, with differently sttuctured physical
c.ut\X)nents depending on:

l. Their physical envi.ronn'ent

2. '!heir physiological deve~t
3. '!heir ability to manipulate matter and energy
4. 'nleir ability to manipulate the mind/consciousness of ot.~ers.
I might further illustrate this by revi~ing autopsy results of
one of the aliens done after one of the crash retrievals in the
l ate 1940's. "n1e being in question was between 3.5 and 4.5 feet
and height, with a large head and deeply sunken black eyes, slightly
slanted. 'n1ere was a crystalline ne~rk in the right frontal lobe
of the brain, indicatin;J developrent of a third brain area. v;Je hapFE--11
to knew that these beings have the ability to camunicate telepat.""lically
and that they can man.ip.llate natter and energy, which goes a long way
to explain the develot:Ztent of the crystalline nebOrk. to you see "What
I rrean? Physiological developtent parallels the develo-ptent. of awareness
and consciousness.

Document Archived at:

Mystery object
amid the chromosomes
SIR-The very tiny object snown below,
much like a fragmented crossword in
appearance, was recently found in one of
our routine chromosome preparations for
prenatal diagnosis following amniocente- •

sis. But what is it?

Is it a mari-made device? Packing text as
binary coded information on the minia-
ture scale (the scale bar is 10J..lm) would
seem advantageous. Or is it a naturally
occurring subst~nce? ~one of the possibi-
lities we have been able to think
. . of
. would

.. ~ . • •
• •

...~~··c ~·
• -,._.:: :>1:
~ .
. ·- '
I .............. . • . •'
... ..
' _.. •. •..,

seem to be appropriate for amniotic fluid, ~

so if anybody is able to suggest an answer f •

to this mystery we would like ·to have it. ~

We are as intrigued as we are ignorant. ·


.. Department of Medical Genetics,
Churchill Hospital, Headington, •
Oxford OX3 7U, UK

/ ..._
-.- . ... .. ... ...... .... ... . . . ··-·· ... -. .. . . .. - -- ..--··-- - ·- ...
Document Archived at:

- SClENTlf1C CORRES?JNDENCE ----...;."';:.:;"":.:.:n:.::l•:.:.;."..;.;~:=.:.~.;:.:.'~·;...;;oc:;;;..;.;;;•o:..:.:."£~ 111

.' I iiTl.V-t -..· ~ uri~in:11l~ Cltri~\.1 ~· prei'IU.

:orie J•r<~n"~ ( AM:al~. C~u"-a~•iu. Ainu I
anu Ryui; ~"'""~) , lnccrt"llin~:l;.-. I he Ainu
&rt' cothnic:.lh· n:!;ue\1 to the El kimcn. wllo

h::m: I hij:h J'lrt'\'Uicntt of HTl.Y •I,
IC'C"'Nin~ to Gallo anli hi~ rollc:lj:UC'S•.
So. •~ all HTL V-1 fi'\Sitivc fl<lpul:ltions
I in Jar<ln di~tly ~~~ted to Ainu or
Ryultyuam7 I su~nl th•u HT\.V·l wu ,I

once enc!OKd in Okin:1~01 1nd ri~t I
t~nsmin~ to Kyus)'\1 thmu1h the tndc Di~""' fral"'~a 00'1 iNwr ~tf«~ of,..,.. .. I'
I between Okin.:~w:~ and south~m province
b&Jb. /..1ft, x&MJ; ,.·rlv. x 1.190.
oC Kyusyu (K.l&o1hi m~). Further e~pan­ ments, the more cells in metaphase ·

sion o( HTt.V-1 to ocher coout01l 1rcu of were ilffected, and fewer spre-:.ds
Japan misht h:.\·c b<-C'n c:utied out by anal~b le.
I fhhcrmcn alontt the ocean C'UITcnt
Kuroshio. Until 100 aso. the move·
Tuo~"'s S. ,Mc'C'oMo
GU~D T. ~L.:LC<:I()8~
mcnl of ordinary people l'lcyond provinc:c
l'lordcrs -...~s ~tril:t~· limitoed by Shogun
but. C"''cn then. fashcrmen rould travel
r.~thcr freely by ship. The situation is wcU
PATJU('lA 0. B"CC,
0UHOA E. Ml~
RoBERT E. W A"l'e~UC.u
D~partmrnu of razhology Qnd Anazo'"7
democut~tc:d in l<ochi prefct1urc• where Th~ Univ~rsiry of Nt..· M~zico '
a hi~;hcr nrc: of HTt.Y·I positi\"ity i.s found School of M~dicint,
in the: east and wc~r fishcrmcn ·s b~ than Albuqutrqut. Nnv Maico871JJ, USA
in the a:ntra! aru. Thus,.it is ci~ that 1. 'Wo!Mc.rrt ... J.'W. ".r. .v-m.:'CII 11'11116).. ..
evidence for the hyporhc:sis o( an 1. lo4ce-a. r .s. .... ~.,. •IL.J...a o~ • .
origin of HTT.v.r in hpan is stilllack.inJ. •' . •

Htl'lOJJ.:UNI T ACiUOU Sut-%cn 1 showed the q~ • '

.. . . .• •
puzzle-like but only 10-micrometlt
D~partmc-nt o{lrrt~rn12l Mtdicirrt, Mm)'5tery object amid the chromoso~·
Kochi Mtdkal School, reported by Wolstenholme ~r a/. 1 to an '. ' .
Kochi78/-Sl,Japan mythical friend Dr Orpheus o( the I - ~-'!"':'. 1
...,,, ...
I. c;.,_, ~C., Sku. AH • .I ...., .. Slut. 'F. t.-co1 L "!•

:Z. ,...,.._SoMI. F. A Oaik. ll{'. ,,._ liT. ln•CI

tulc of Ncuropocti~. he responded ,;u ~- ~
the following: - ~~ I
). lbv....... J..V - )1L r.J 11-\. The laic AJ Lchmnpr, of te::nboolr.: (.unc, -~ !:
4. Wia.llC.. Shli A.H..o\'-lA.!lJ(l - ). In 1966wudccmed Wipid j ·!
S. rwot&. S.S. A'-J11.1ll (IW I.
L 1 . - . T . .I l f i - Y. A._ l%7. ~·I( l91'l.
By plilycrs of nucleic ..Cct's pmc: _..
7. S.H. .....,.... ,. .. I .... I . - · lin. , .. 1M,_.. For spcc:uliltinJ' 11\i11 01's lipid I
_._ .
L I...... T. ,..._ J. ~~~ U . IJJ•I$'l'(I...,L Mighc ~c cn,;ronmcnt~ inform,;uion ••
9. ~t-..-o.-n.~ t.... J. .M. ""1-6SHI""l. Acros.s its rwo-c:limensioul atn)",
10. ..,....,..._,H.,..._ I err la:'t(l"l).
A rnoushc 1ha1 ailed ri~hlcous
._+- .
From pri~ts o( one-dimensional D~ A,
ystery ..
object in Wol- Bul j us1 as v;ruses. •hich tnvcl liJ!II.
-• I

5lcnholmc's chromosom( prcpararion 1 is a

fragment oC the silica skeleton of an :alga
known as a di:uom. We had signifiant
H;~ve usefully evolved the economic •
Rndin' fr;~mc·ihifts. to tile !eft or ri 1h1,
And 1hcn both Jc{& and right, or p.liJindrocuic.
-- I


problems -...·itt. contamination from lhis
tiny or~anism •~ remains for several years.
So lhill, u i( pounscd o{ rru,al wits
That make 11\e mO\& o ( beins j usl a line
or four-male points I hal gn't bear tn'ln) bi~
·- I
Eventually we ac-cid.:ntally di$Covcrcd The P~Jim~l ·lik.c ,-;rus,o do t'inc.
1hct 1he source of the ccli:U;lm ination w:1s ··-••
diatomaceous ~nidcs from rubber hulbs So. likc"'·i~ 10 spac·c. a.karyot~
• -, I

placed on P;mcur pircuc:s. used for the Cells. to ...-hich !he nt-urones dict<ale ch~nrr. .. .
h.1r.·c:~ting pha~ · oC c:hrommomc Muse comf'lcmcnt their chromm.omc:s' d.:ma>a~
prcpar:uions:. Di<~IOm:ac:cous cacth i~
~pparcntl)' u~u b)· .\4.1me m:~nuf~C:t\lr~n in
P.lorK ·Iikc c:odint of sc:ncric maucr
By inlcrlockinc nc'A"\ Anon Jnd Down
Their rrou: i n ·s- unctur~ Hrid me mtlrJ nn.
Ihe J'l tOUUCI ion n( ru tiber gonds. -""b
As ~o"' n b)' \\'ol~ll"nholmc n 11. 1 • • • ~- ~
Diatom particles duns to m01ny c:1:lls, Dnn 'l

fr0'4"11 ,
cunins their mcmhr;JnC!\ ,,nd rc:lc:!l\ing the Oh. J.Q dostnatistJ! (Oid G, J<t P'·c rhct~
' '
contents (in 11'1c S;lmc m01nncr thai dia to- br~in~:')
m::~cc:ous c:~rth i~ used as an o rg:.nic in~· . ;

ticidc). This dimini~hcd th~ numtx:rs of lldiron Foundation, '

• ....-cll-~prc:ad chrom~me mct:.rn:~~s. -M22 Snnrt F~ Strt'rt, S1211 Di,.~o• 1•
The: ranicullrly vulnerable cc:lb in lhis Cali[or11ia 91109, US/t
proccllurc ..,.·her\! tho~ in mc1:1pha5oe (:lnd
1h..:rdNc: without a nuc:Jc:~r mcmhranc)
I. '4\~"'""'•- , I. n • _,._ .•U.
,lll'l, 1•..1..
I 1. I ~'-~'"1""', A l. ~tWCJw......,, !,...niat v.·.~•. -~ \.•I
I which were under intctnlll <nmotic press• 1'11)1.
• urc: due: to f!rior hypotonic trc:llmcnl. The ) ua......._,..,_ A L 111111 .~t, w a...,.., .,.,.,_.It .f,,.......,..
' J_,.. \'nl. li•<h s..-•. t 0 ~.\&.lac...._ I''
I &r~~ ICt the: ..,_~ n( IJi~tOm:ICCOU~ fra&•
/1,.., (.~. t ,,.., ( - . . . . . ........
Document Archived at:

·· --···· ...... . . ...... ...

~, ~- ... ··- ..... ......... .. . . .... .. . ..... . .... ...... . .. .. . . . .. ... ~ .. , ••• •~, ... , 11 1 1 \, ~· r . '
'II •ned o~ oll l c~p•.:c t cd 111 1:11m..: o n
t , 1, .trc .l p l'-.: .Ifl"o.,; ' ' ''- i..01 1~ l o l.111un ...
. I'J~•J linl.' ~:i\ml! ~.IJI XJ rcJ~·t"r yc 01r \ of Full l'>\1~ .:~ in lh..: p:..lh.:rn 1.7uui,J 1c':"'
pre: .. npt: r:11 ic1r1'. The f"rll b~t-oili ty o( one o r ~en t the cy t' ' \:C
.•' ·' J . . nt: \ i..: " ' " n i k)t:Jt iu11 ~•~~-~
I ll ''U C.: mor c.: ac:l.'iuc.: nt , in 1h.: no: li t t~:n yc;an. i, then I c nt to I he P' '' " ' ~ u( :mdlu r :o~ ~:c th.: ...... . ur
I ·•·.;n :m J' ..... o_c)(v:-: ~~o·ith :.1 IIS'Y. cnnfiuc:m:c level pha.~c ch romusomc ~ ( tc: lome ric c:n,h r_ ;
· t
:""-' '"".
tha t it
uf !',.>lUll!. 1 hus one na~ :1. quanti t;ttivc:
~li mat~: n( huw \mall th e.: pruba hi!icy of
fr:~g•lc SHe$) onto the l:1mi n:~r ,urf.- .
thus rcO.:ctinx rhc: p~ d• i n g of t h",..
J c-cin•- a~,;idc=nt j,. lilu:ly tH he. sam.:~ durin& inccrpha~ in :a ·cOIJ.:.J' f~ ·
J,. We: C ittcn th:.t thcrc h:a•·o: been majm two The ;:~vcr:~¥c: c:r~,·cr spa~.: of 1h.: 1\~o~~ ·
.t tiiCIII• a~,;i l.l..: nr ' in rht: ~~~o·urtJ·~ rt:a Cl t>r in,·cntury l~m i n;1 is 0. 5~ 11m . A 'd.:coJcll' pil'tur t '
"" tho: uvr:r ~.~I« I rt::al'tur yc;al'\ of opcr;.~ t illlt the the pattern o( n:1t ivc nudc:a r lam 10 1 i
t Giant u.Ju.,. :m: :n: I Cp>95'Y.} that in \00 iJc:nti· x~,opru ta~ ..i..t ooc yt\.'~ can b1= r~•un.J ':: 1
n in th.: c::•l c n)c:mhk 1 of rc:~c:.tors foJJ c n~ m b lc:s p.:m issue of this journal'. ,·_!
~ h •ln~i- 11o ill have UIIL' ur mllrc ~cil.lcnts within 11:n G.M. J .,s~; d:
., !.
. ruu~:h

!.: mc.:nt ~
)cars. A similar c.alcul;.~ tion 1ho""·s th;al
c:"c:n if thc ~~o·u rl ll's rca~'lors ;arc: ph;acJ out
Clinic for ff u~m11rology.
Fac11lty of ,\ ((Jicinr, ~
:.:muns· O\·c:r the: nl!~l 25 years the prohability o( J I .000 8~/gradt, ;;
major accident is P::~•0.99-r.:: with ul. Ko~~ TorJorovica bb, YuJaslcn-ia :;
I H•.' ~ S() :"j P=->O.MS at 9~ ?'. confidence. I. W..twft...- . J <1..:. s ....., JlJ . ;vll ( l - 1.
,·:-.; JuM:: JOSEP'H SclfWAII.TZ l. ....... U.,..J.•V-JU . ~CI._l .

2 LDncu.sur Dri'·~. • I
Lo11cfnn .VWJ -I FlA. UIC Archaeopteryx,
;· I
I . 1!.,._4,~. A"'' F ..~,:., •ll~l-11-1. .. ''
. Bovne. !. I " -. S . .II l>••Jf;h"10. 1C... -~• JU. ...I _ ! t 1- ).
J. s--~l.f.T.A. ~ .....-. lft. l'- .' .,_.r: cJ•,.St.
the primordial bird? .
•r;.·ui()J..':-' ~- .'1.-t. ,..._ l l ' .t l ~. 1-1~ t i.... 'J. S•~t-In view of the highly cri ti~l rr•i ·
of our boolc Archu~optcryr. T1tr Pri./r.. .
•diD/ Bird: A CtUrof Fossil Forg~ry {.\'~ :
J%4. 185; 1986) l would like to brins' :
$rid-like tJI)'Stery ohject or your notice recent devc:lopmenn t; I
Wublc:1hL1Imc ~~ ul. 1 m:1v. t'lc: :1 fr:1 ~men! of would seem to have vindic-.ah:c.i our ,;c:-- ·

•tut'lul:ar mydin' . whilo':h is the cunt~cted The is.s.uc hinges o n ~~o· hct hcr or nut ' ·
or non-sprc:a\f Corm of lipoprotdn3ceous mnterial on which fc:~other lines :src C. ;
pulmonary surfJct:lnt. Fct:ll surf:lct:lnt pres.sed. and or whkh a few cxtr:~"!'~
h:u been i..Jcnt iric:d in hum:zn amniotic blob$ emt el.scwhcre on the fossil suri~
nu;,f. :ln~ the tul'tul:lr myc:lin form is com- is comprised o{ a c-c:mcnt which is ru".

to the rock. At our request the mu~ .
-:1 rr.m t authorirics supplied us ,,,,.j th a 50lmplc.
' ;; cJo not the suspect m:1terial :~nd of the nati,·c "i
:npk~. In matrU.. These s:tmplcs have now ~en ·
-"~ func- amined by Dr Lee M. SpetrKr :nd ~

Cor collc::~gues in l.sracl using :1 ~nnins ~ ,
J n! p;sni· tron microscope :1nd X·r:3Y spcctro~ ;
,,r ~~o:nt~ The sample !rom the roct CNtrU sh~ :
:trpruach c:har.tetcristic aystallinc structure c~ .
· ~1.'\'idcnt as in other specimens of So lnhuCcn li1: ·
c fam ili:tr Tnuumwic)lt "~""" miHVfrtJttl•i QI ti.JbWIU stone, 'Mith idcn ti~ l
.X-ray rcwna•
c.: limits m.•·~lin in tnt' lmt f tt{ll Nl ~.tpclk'rl 10 .uMrcu. s~C11':l- But the sample fr~•m the 1usp-.
; famili:lr T~kt" ' ' "'" ff{ ..l. ma1tri;ll shoW5 a no n ·n• ·stJIIi ne stf\1:::-.
mnnly ul-rs<.:n ·L:d. Th ~ d::lrk ·St;lin~d resembl ing that t.> C Jo nllH't' h\liJS rn :ll~
\J nt ro~h:. i~ ~uan:s prut-;,t-ly rL:prn<o:nt protdn 'A'hich bound by an organic ~lu c. X-r~y rc.
• il.:dih.)(~ is pt:t h:tps ~tain.:u Jurin~ ' h rt' mosome nance s~tra shu w.:J large amllunu
•nv~· nt " silicon ~ "''e ll :IS lcac.! an:.! l·hllHin.: ~n.
(ur "'hil·h AMN OI..I) R. 8KOOY are ccrt:1inly :~.lien to nath·t: So lnhc-
( i IS Ill ;.t.'\ • L ILA H. Ovt!.U Y limcstone. :
~:cl) cu n (i - Lulwruwry nf r ulmcmur:r PuthcJ biology, 1111:se striking differenc-es in tc~t.
.ng fur r in N uri1 mlll /Ju ritttt~ 1J{ £n,· and composition bct..,·ccn the suspo;:~: ~
llt"ulrlt Sc·ir m·fl. PO Btu I ~JJ, sionl o.nd the n;ativc m;ltrl:t ::ne. in c
R (~''"r.·lt Tri,m~ lr- r11rl.:, view, a m on1 inJiotion t ~t this lii.~p<
Nurth c.,,.,fitru ~ n(N, USA will eventually be in our t:~v("'
lik&.·l ih\"~ . .. ~·............. J. , . "i(ft"J.:,\. , ... , , . ... The results ~n tlltnmunil.~ted
th~n ~ : 11..... . 1; f. ,. .. ·'"' a.., - ,.._ !U. .... I ·~~II•71\. the British Museum ;~o l•lnt.: with a r~'- :
.. (I
.I '"·-"'·A A. .. J f,,J,o ,.... . . . . ~-;.... t c........
Cor fun her ~mp!.:s 11C m; t~rh1l frucn · ·
~•rJ l'tt•'"
t>:thllii:OO' 1', SIll - \ \\ liSt ~·nhc 1ln1~ rl 11/.' h;l\'C' rruhot~ly f~~\il (4\r C: ~:uTI in:lti\ln ,,,.j Ih 01 vi cow Ul •· ;
ut-....·n·,;oJ ~ w.: ll·p r c~I'\'.:J :ur::t n( a m"·:-h• Nwin8, Jow n the'\1~ ,,r~;~ni.: ,, . '
r :u~.

-'li\'C ~ .~'N wnrk ,,( th.: nu.:kar l;tnlio.llinin~ th.: nu-.:·

h:••pla~mic.: ~ur!.ll.~ nf t h~· innc:r nul.'k~1r
l"''unds that a roc invui·.-~J in the ·~luc '.
N. wll ' " M.AMA;oo.l :o-l '
·~ the ~.~t i·
an .... ith
,, ....
;1 n • ~·m l •r:• nc \\ hi.:h --~•r l"'''b th.: i n to: rf!h a~ F. tl• '~ I
,,~ _ ; .m ,·hr•'lll.ltin. II i~ lllllll>U.II II• c•~rw Jny Unin•r:titv Collt'gr-.
II H' .1N ~.'I r~·nm.utt ,,f IJmina in J nll' t:J('II\.1'( J'f~ I'J • CurJif!CFJ JXJ.. U~ ;l '
.li. :.•
.. I

• ,... ~ 1 ~
Document Archived at:

.;Lcry solv
1'!1~ ntini:uu~ Uuu the
rdiJII Un~rit&&llcllm ~t"rN in lhc:ir
__.lmC' c:uunl
xc- wu rn,.,:a~lv . the rt'•
; . . of a ~nn:ue diarum. ThC'5t O'J<~ft·
produ~ silic:ous fnutuln whic;h
rrtfC lhc ~Jular ptutcm seen in their
a ThC' paucm is d'4Jc tu pcrlt>n-
lftd il a pn,ponion of them retain
~bbJj=s during mountinc they ..,ould
the crOSJ'Nord a~~rana:, as tiny
arrear black in mounted


~~_,. tit~ tD
~ oflj s~,l~mJu~?
aouwurd lfWJiicm pow4 ilt

• ~tions. The fossilized remains of cfi..

•...., - as diatomite - arc II$Cd u an
~n1 (dynamite is composed of nil•
~rinc and diaaomire. for example)•
• • Lbc Jabon~rory diatomite has been used
'" .....' • Qtm. None oC this should discourage
* adventurous wordsmidl from wriainc
for the punic. however. whic:h
c:) ;s
'IIQCI.Id be a !~:at in itself. ·
BRl..vt J. Foao
J1i11 Prult; Hause.
J714'arvill~ Rot:d,

Sia-lden ti fica 1ion o{ the ·myst cry object

Mnid the chromosomes· reported by Wol-
~lmc tt 41. 'IVU sU".tig!'ltfoN-ard.

!.be intriguins was whac this object.

....• c:k.vly genetic in n~ture. could predicr
lbouc the luture o{ the individual amonpt
•hose c:bromosomcs it was found.
Vj Sadly, the future is not bright. Alter 47
ccncrations he (orshc -only a pan of the
~ womosomc spread was 'isiblc) 1ums in.
ncap:Lbly inco a traitic light. That's Life:.

~~· •
8iochtmistry D~pcmm~nl (lnd Siophyisa

t·,.;~ miry of Wifcons in.

\loll/iJott, Wisconsin 5J706, USA.
• I ·~--....... J. ,. •• , \ ' - ),U, .lift 11-1.
• I ~ ....,,_~ £., C'.-.,..
Ut .. c..,., L ._ ,.., ""I
• ,., v.,. 2rA.-d:llc, ~ y..,,, r-.:a.

• Turing,s ny

'll-'rlJc \'i.:w 1h :~ t rompart m~nt:11iz:a·
!"""' i\ a mu;i:d cv.:m in e:arly Drosoplliltt
... Jnd~lpnu:nr hils frc:4utnlly !K-en pwp·
·~\J•n Ihi~ journ:1l (~c. for Cl~mpl.: rids
• ~n~ 3). In :~. rc.:c: nc N<:"A'S ;.~nd Vi~ -.·s
vtl\:le Nonh• tcpurrcd Mcinlt~rdfs

~Ut'l inn' 1ha1 im01 gi n:ll dill lu ., rc: ~pcci·
oJ C'l111hc ~mhrynnic :r.ur(ac-~: :11 the pniniS
·"f li'Uc-r-...•ctinn n( illlli; tu·(\("'ll.'tiur ( NP)
Document Archived at:

- .
* *
. . ..
The Other Side of the Coin

'!here is a balance in nature, and there also seems to be a balance in the
uro pict'IJI'e. People have actua 11 y died after exposure to the gamna and W rays
f:ton UFOs. att other people have actually had their ailments cured by similar
rays. Occult literature is filled with accounts of this type.
fXC:ept for those who might be specially construc::.ed for inCUbus-succubus
activtiesl it does appear that our "angels" and "spacernen" cane fran a ~rld,
in many cases 1 without sex an:i 1 very probably, a world without an organized
society; a '-'Orld in which each individual is nerely a unit in the whole and is
totally ccntrolled by the collective intelligence or energy mass of that whole. ·In
other '4110rds, these beinqs, or sane of them anyway, have no free will. They are
slaves of a very high order. Often they try to oonvey this to percipients with
their statements, "We are ()}e 1 " ,"We are in bondage". ·
We face a great task in trying to isolate the UFO phenomenon f.tan the l arger
and nore il1q:ortant ''big pict.ure", the overall situation of which the UFOs are
merely a small part.
Elemental beings are another aspect of the "--rld we live in. O'lildren see
them rrore than adults, perhaps for the reasoos discus~ before. Historical
records certainly indicate that the little people have always existed all over
t.'' planet; that they possess the ~ of flight, the pc:l'lller of invisibility ,and,
to varying ~ees, the power to <bni.nate and control the h\lman mind. Accounts of
little humanoids with supernatural powers can be found in almost every culture.
'Ihe manifestations have remained the same throughout history. cnly our
interpretations of those events have changed. It brought the birth of Spiritualism,
which was in its heyday in the 18 50 1 s and 1860 ' s , and was just another form of
camn.micatioo bet'Ween the u1 tratert:estrial.s and owselves.
UFO flaps also parallel outbreaks of ~ltergeist cases. It all ties in
Assuning that each discovered historical report ~resents a larger number
of lltfUblished or undiscovered reports, just as tcrlays UFO reports represent on
the averaqe 250 unrepxted or unpublished sightings, \oolle can conclude that a flap
coodition existed, for example, in the years 1820 1 1834, 1844, 1846 and 1849. We
als9 find that there was an outbreak of ~ltergeists in 1835, 1846, and 1849.
,. As the 19th century ptogxessed, reporting improved, and we are able to make
more precise correlations. A UFO flap took place in 1850, and there was also a
series of ~ltergeist cases. A larger poltergeist outbreak occurred in 1867,
foll owing flaps in 1863-64. uro activity became more intense beginning in 1870, and
there were ootable flaps in 1872, 1877 and 1879. ~be 1880 1 s produced a major
explosion of all ki.nds of phenanena, including the sudden disappearances of
people. Poltergeist c:ases were 'in abundance in that decade, particularly in the
big flap years of 1883 and 1885.
Astrophysicist Morris K. Jessup labeled the years 1877-87 the Incredi bl e
Decade after scouring astroncmical journals of the period. Astronaners made sane
remarkable discoveries during those years. The previously unobserved satellites
~t Mars popped into view in 1877, new craters appeared on the moon, all kinds of
.ranqe objects flitted around the upper atrrosphere.

t 14-
. :•. \, Document Archived at:
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• --
Document Archived at: ••


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In the summer of 1958. a mechanic made thiS

dmwing of the UFO he saw hovering
- over a runway at Holloman Air Force Base.

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Document Archived at:

jidgnetic 9ield ~elector


The ~acn-tic Field ~r ~ •IDOdanl. hi Ply -.iti,... lOUd. ~t dwi~Md

to del«\ I.IIY :DOUI-W')' or iwod in ta. ~ filM! tJa& IIUmlllllda til. !MtA. J.31y
'~"CDetic cl.i.nurbacc:e ill U!e Yid.a.ity o! the @ii oC rullicieat nzeugt.b. which Olllr •
era a or IDOre 1"'111 tbe ciireecioa o/ Ule Et.nll'1 ~ pola 11'\11 t:l"iept the <Wf'i01 izl.ta opoit'P
The c:irc:Wuy i.Dd\ldes a coiDbi.Da&iOQql pbo~c, ~.aDd iu~ drcuii tech·
Diq.- wbich. r:o"pled ,.;tb &A iD'-frN~ ~ lienal, p,"rid. 1 tenllitiTe, IWil CJYV!y CGUpia
&luiD tha& will p •• y~ yura of t1011 bJe..ll'IOt IU?ice.
S.rup t•ket ot11y a autwr o( _..,u Tbeteslt.r the~ will~ aootiA-'"'Y Uld will I
am be n~bjt"Ct to IW. &Wmt ·~ tho~~C~a ~ ioo 1 IDOIIIesl~ or rubnaiDed iAanupcioa ol UJ.
elec\ric ICI'I'ic:e. •
The Ja~&n a.llf1!l it • pul11tiac 2900 Ill a:ipal, wdibl.t OYft 1111 area o( a llalmAl a-t
llo\llei)old. lA the eve~~c ot .a a.llf1!l (whidl Joeb..iA ~ beinc qigvwi), it il OG!y nat•ary to
pula lob• ,_, button to IW.t1D lh1 cletectm f01 Lll~rT !iMd ~


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0,-• ......... •• -- Ill. ala VAC
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n.. ~~c r sdd ~c.ctor, lfode:l E-tOU, eanpt.tdy .......bled, {lllltOry win:d Uld pat-
- tart..d i.e avo.iWlle for U4.~ ~hu shippiq. A 90 day ~ADd aampletAI op.
•ui"" wwc:tioDL acaxn~y the Ptu. ai£ow W ....U. for Qe.ti....,..
Plio. il 111bjK\ to
cb•~~Ct W'itl1ollt ll~c:e.
f~~ C - . J)l- OWlY: We ""'not be r111poaaibJe !ot opii'Uiocl o{ \hla llllit OIL U.J'
otllu fnqumcy th&D 60 HJ •

1.. ?7

Document Archived at:


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Document Archived at:

. -

.. .
• :.:. • I of ro safe ~itory of the ultir.ate
?C'nrs of scciety but the people t.".e:::selve.s, ~
-• U ~ think them oot enlic;hU!.neci e.."nlgh to exercise
their conttol with a ...nole.91te discretim, the
retedy is not to take it fn:m tr..em, but to infor2
tbeir d; scretia'l by ec! •

.' . Jeffersr.:n

·. '• 'n.JCII;as

• In the tec:hnal:ratic society the trend W"Jl.ld

•. se zu to be towards the acJgregatia'l of the i."'X!iviQaJ
·. •... ,.
·support of ari 11 ia'l.S of un:::oordinat.ed citi:e!".s, easUy
f:. • within the reach of mac;:•t.ic and attractive pet"scr.alities

. ,.. ·. effectively exploiting t."le latest c::amunicaticn tec::-W~
.• •'
to mni;:ulata erotial.S and cxrJ~l reason. •
., .
.• Z!)ic;nie.; aru zinski,
•1' • • •
Nat.iCXlal. Security
;dvisor to cart.e.r
.. Jo~ukr, Trilaten.l ca:t:'.issicn

'. :!".
. !
. ..
.••..J •

. .,,.:

Document Archived at:



k:quisitia. of m.ini control and thought beam technoloqy

nat-hlmlan sources is the final act in a long series of eve."'lts
that! many years a90. 'the pure:?se of mind control, as far
as the thitt'S\ States Govvnment is oc:::ncemed, is to devise
operational techniques to disturb the nerory, to discredit fEOple
through abenant behavior, to alter sex patte.rns, to elicit ir.for.ration,
and to create IStCtionaJ. dependence. 'n'le goa!_ of mind 'D'Itrol is to
program individuals to carry ~ any mission of espicr.a~ or assasi:'Mlltion,
even against their 'Will ••• even aqa.inst such fundmtental laws of
nature as self-preservation ... and to ca1trol the absolute behavior
and thouqht patterns of individuals. ·
In this era of psyc:hcpolitic:s, the guise of National 5ec'Urity is
used as an excuse for illegal activties, a CO'\Ier for un.sanctioned
deeds, and as an i.nsttunent of manipulation of public ~inioo and.
incii.vidual citizens. Mini C-altrol plays a vital put in this ..mole
scenario. '!he pr:i.Jraey target of Natiooal Security has been the ft!OPle
of the thitec3 States, sinc::e a se ;;x et gove.rnnent canrot exist in a cli."rate
of free S', open criticism and pW::»lic e>tpesure •
'I.he fottth of NatiCX'Ial securitt_

'!be great root of war is the vulnerabi J ity of the p.Jblic to

Nnip.llatioo m nat.icnal security issues. Pecflle O:l not percieve
INhere their true interests lie and hence are easily swayed by
eteticnal ~~~ l s to support policies that cost ~~l their rroney,
their sons, and their cwn lives. Ber-..anse they have been willing
to accept unc:ritically the myth of natiooal interest-i.e., the
definition advancea by the national security rranagers - they exercise
alJTost no ca1trol over the cannituents the tTBnagers l'TBke ill t..~i:
_.. nane. COnstitutialal protect.ions that existed were £ffective until
they were circumvented by the technological revolution and the
National Security Act of 194 7.
Orog Related Projec."t.!
Plbst of the druq related mi..nd control projects were done under
the directi.oo of the CIA ancl under the operat.inq authority of the
lhited States Navy. At Bethesda Naval Hospital, under the direction
of Dr. Gaefsky, the druq project that began in 1947 cxntt:iJlued until
1972. CIA .reports defined the project.s at Bethesda as ones which
sought to isolate and synthesize pure drugs for use in ef!ecting
psychological entry and control of the individua..' .• Che z~s
...nen Janes Fonestal jutt:ped backwariis out of a 16th story ~
at Bethesda shortly after he becam! overly interested in the handling
of ~ and alien related matters witrun i.rlteinal c.ircles. Project
Bluebird ( funny hc:u things having to do with UFOs/ ali en.s start \~lit.-...
. ''blue" ) was the Wt}lll designation for druq related projects.
~ electronics began to develop, other ltinds of mind control
projects began to take shape, esfE>Cially under the ret~ project
name, Project Artichoke.
Document Archived at:

For details a.t:out: Project Arichoke and subsequent project.s, see

t.~ Ooc:'.ments section for Mind Cont..."""l.

RHIC-'1 eM File
"n'le RHIC-ElOt file was a 350-paqe docu!Tent prepared by the
CIA iltatediately after the rrurder of JFK. 'Itle report descrited a
way of ~ into eleetrwically cattrolled rOOot.s tl'wlt
were prcqicullled to kill oo dem!nd. In the RHIC phase, t.'"le individual
'45 put: into a tra.u am gi~ suggestions that~ activated in
one or zrore levels by key ...ords or tones. In the n CM phase, whic.~
-was an acronym for Electronic Dissolution of Merrcry, t:.e !ti!!I'!'Ory of
the indivici>al '4-S affected to either el:imi.nate or alter the
rrerrory of eyents that the individual wu involved in. By electronically
ja:nnirq the brain, the existing acetylcholine creates static which
blocks both sic;hts and sound. 'nUs nethod can be used to either
block/erase the menc.ry, or to slow it down so that eve.~ts seen• to ha.;.?E=-'1
after they act:ually have occurred.

Bioloaical Radio Effects

'!he qse of Very tQJ FreqtJeney Sculd or Ul trasc:nics has been

well doo.;mented. VU' sound and. Oltrasonics can affect l:;Qth the
electrical behavior within the brain and the actual brain tissue.
In the of inte.rnational VU' warfare, pulses of
7-12 H2: are b::lunced off the 8 Hz ionospheric envelope ~ the
earth. Within these pulses are entrained bizarre and al=errant
patterns that proouc::e equivalent t::ehavior mhumans. In both
california. and Washi!lqtJ:ln state there are exten.sive problaTS
with the results of this type of activity.
In 1961, the university of Illinois di4 experiltent.s on ultra-
sonic research that eventually got into the hancis of military
industrial carplex. ·
--. Other Ultra.scnics Research
The ex;:erir.Ents done in 1961 by on. W.Frf and R. Meyers used
focused ultrasonics to mke brain lesions of a ca1trolled si21e. "n1eir
research derrcnstrated the advantage of ultra.scnics aver psychosurgical
techniques which iltplanteci ela:ucdes in the brain.
In 1963, Dr. Peter Lindstran at the University of Pittsturgh used
a single unfoc:useQ scnic beam to destroy f iker tracts in the brain damaging the ne.r... cells next to them. 'Ihis pre-frontal
saU.c treatnent replace<i lobotany.

Early Projects

As detailed in the docum!nts section havinq to do with mind control ,

early experiltent.s 'o.lere te.rrTEd Project MKUL'l'PA, which had to do with
the research ..nd develop1ent of mind control. Project .MJ<OELTA t:egan
the operational phase, duri.nq ....t\.ich techniques of mine:\ control were
awlied to individua.J s. nus ptoa!SS is still occurri."'lg today I only
it is even rrore sophisticated anCl danaqinc;.

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Mind control is not needed to nctivate assassins. It is useful

to protect assassins ani their f:tan their cwn incrimi.~t:i.nq
m::ncries. 'Ihose ltB'tories cannot be FUlled out later to incrilninate
those involved. In the sarre way, nwtories of those who are involved
with alien irlteraction are altered, but the ~lo;y is a bit
ncre advanced. In either case, SCile people never rec:over. In the .

mi.lital:y, the majority of those ~ed with are enlistea person."'lel,
since CO'lc! have their pension withdrawn and have other
neasures inposec3 c:n them if they revealed details abo.Jt the dealings
of the gc:MmU.ent with non-human beinqs. career officers are Also
usually bolnd by sec:urity oaths.

An Interview with a CIA etpJ.o:t!e

'Ihe irlterview will be revi~ by including excerpts. In sa•e

cases, I wil.l present it in question and ans~o~er fotllat for el.arity.

0: A eareer officer dremt need to be &briefed by mind control, does


A: You want to bet? • • • this debriefin; is done in such a way, in

nany cases, to eau=e actual rrerroey darrage.

0: ~t about how' the ~t '-!Orks?

A: Don't kid yoursel£. 'Ihis cc.ultry is coo trolled by the PentAgon. All
rna jor c3ecisiCXlS are "'r"<1e by the tary. '1M CIA's just the
whi.pp~ ~- NSA are the ones who have the hit teams. Iook. into
their r~ords - you walt find a th.inq. T'Xlk into their bua9et - you
can~. 'I1le CIA is just a figurehead, hlt as far as intelligenee goes, rnc.
NSA' s far s11perior to them ... far in advarx:e in the 'black arts'.
The CIA gets blane::l for 'What the NSA does. NSA is far Jtere vicious
and far ncre accatplished in 1k · q:erations. "nle Anerican pecple
are kept in ignorance atoJt - they sh:luld be, too •

... _
Q: Yh!t you're saying is that the militaJ:y is rrore dangerous to
our demx:racy than the CIA or other intelligence groops?

A: '1he CIA gathers the infomation, oot t."le militacy heads the shew.

0: ~t yc;u are suggestinq, I guess, is that there is an invisible

coup d'etat W'hich has CCCUI ted in the unitec3 States?

~ A: 01<. 'n"lere is a qrrup of eighteen or t:lolenty people running

this country. 'lbey ha-ve not been electe<i. '1'he elected people
are only figureh&a.ds for these guys 'who have a lot rrore
than even the President of t."le Unitecl States.

Q: You rrean the President is po.ondess?

A: Not exactly ~less. He has the poor•r to make decisions on what

is presented to h.ilft. '11'1e intelligence ageneies tell hiln only what
they want to tell him. 'Ihi.nk of the Pentagon papers. It's ?-Jblic
knc:wledqe that the CIA has falsifiec3 dccurrents and done a host of
other ~s. YOJ have to -..onder at ~'lean stupidity. What peopl e
don't know is t."lat the global cor:txJrations have their own version

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-- ~

cf t."\e CIA. 'lol'lue t.."ley don't interlace with the CIA, they have
t."leir awn organizations - all CV.-tra.i.ned. 'they also have double
agents inside the CIA ~ are lcya.l to those corporations.

0: What do ~ lc:r'Dol atnlt the use of pain~g hypnosis?

A: ~ey use several di!ferent thinqs. I've seen guys caning

bade with blanks cnly in c:ertain places of their l'I'II!T'OrY. 'ttley
use hypnosis aNi hypnotic druqs. 'n1ey Also use electronic
rreni~tion of the brain. ~ they use hypnosis, they'll
be usinq at t."le sane tine a set of ~s which repeat
'You do not knooi this or that 1 over and owr. 'n'ley tur.n oo
the sonics at the sane tine, and the electrical pattarns which
give you :rerrory are scral!bled. Yo.1 can't hear the ultrasonics and
you can't feel it, unless they leave it on and then it boils your
gray rratter •
FCitors Note: CIA doc:urtents released in 1976 revealed that ultra-
sonics research was undertaken for a period of rrore
than 20 years. 'the Ooc:unents said that the research

Q: I thought that research had stepped a1 ultrua\ics?

A: Yeah, t..'1e research has stepped. They've gale ~~ratietlal. It

ain't research any :rrore. '!hey kncr.T ~ to do it. Q1r
Constitution doesnt permit us to do I'I'IJCh that is legal.

Q: D:> the police use l'l'1ird control?

A: At the highest levels, yes. 'lbe FBI uses it, and they give a lot
of help to lcc211 I;X>lice. Let lTe tell i'Ol saretrun;: the c."leapest
o:mrcrl1 ty in the \oo'Orld is human beings.

Q: Vllat alnlt conspiracies?

A: All you hear atoJt are left-wing conspiracies to overthro- oor
governrrent. Yo.1 never hear a't=oJt right~ conspiracies. Well,
!Ure of these right......-inq CjiOJf9 are far 1rore dange.rou.s than
the left wing gtoops. 'l1le rightwinq is usually retired militar.f.
If the right ~ took ovv right nc::w there t.r'\lld be a military
dictatorship. We've got a1e right new, wt it ain't overt, it's

Q: You those 20 ~ten i'Ol were tal.k.inq ab"Jlt?

A: Yeah ••• if the people of this c::o.mtry actually knew that, they
~d say 1 no' the N!Xt tiJte they ~ asked to qo to Vietnam. We
need the pe~le behind us to fight a war, anc1 if they 1<re.' t."le
true facts, ~·s IWU'ling thiz)qs, there ....,.,lan't be the follcwing
W1:! 'd need to defend the COlntry. 'Ihat fact alone keeps the sham
of politics and 'free elections 1 qoing. '!he Anerican _people ,
like rrost ?!C'Ple, have to feel that t.'1ey have sc:ate right in what
they do, that they're the 'good guys 1 • 'lhis is the reason W1:! have
never lost a war and have never w::n a peace. You've get to ma.L"'ltai.n
t."le sham of freedar\, no matter what. It \IO.lldn 't make any di!:eren::e
...nat party is in c::harge or whether it was the elected governr."ent or
...nat is called t,.;.e cryptcx::r:acy that was t"Ul''lling it; fran an
sense, t."le ~t ~d operate as it presently is. .
. - -.. -- -·- ... -..
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Sac! of t.~e High Points in teveloptent of Mind COntrol

'A research and developtent team at the Space and Sioloqy

laboratoey of the lhiversity of California at the Los Angeles
Brain J:!esearch Institute f~ a way to st.inul.ate t!":.e brain by
creatine; an electrial field <.Utplet.ely OJtside the head. Or.
W.Ross 1iJey stinulaW the brain wit.~ electric pulse levels which
.. -..ere far below those t:hc:Juc;ht to be effectuAl in the old ~lanting
technique. Ten years before, Or. ~lc;ado desc:rUed a society kept
under control by electraUc brain manip 1 latic:.\. By the late 1960's,
ratote control of the was well oo iu way to being realized.
In 1975, & primltivoe '"mind-readinq Jreeh.ine" was tested at
the Stanford P.esea.rat Institute. 'l.1'le mchine zn::nitorec! silent
~ghts. '!be rrach.ine was the creation of psychologist Lawrence
Pinneo and~ experts Daniel ~lf and Dsvid Ball. 'lb!ir
oriqinally stated goal was to ~t a <XItplter programer .into

direct contact with a catplter. 'Ihe oonoept premised benefits for
the t:nysiolly handicaPfecll a.s with ewrythinq new the military
applications c::ane quickly into view.
In 1976, a young scientist at the Rr:x:kefelle.r t:ru.wrsity
naned Or. M•ro Peed made another ea:.ceptual propos· l. He said that
"try 1996 it will be feasible to encode ancl transmit brain waves
f:rou a sttall device inplantecl inside the skull.. 'l'his dew 1.q:acent
pzouisecl transnissicm of data fran cat'plters directly into thf, brain,
'Which parallels the processes ( accordinq to channeled ~.s ) that
sene of the alien grrups use in their inculcation (forced learninq)
process that they i:tp:>se on anclrolds or h\JZtanOW that t.~y ".,..
a.s workers. 'lhis ~ss was eventually ~keel out and~ the
way clear for the devel.qxuent of RHIC-E::ot ( JwHo Hypnotic !nt.-a.-
Cerebral Control - ElecLraU.c Oissoluticr. of Merto%y) and allied
Intelligence forces have already developec! resrote controlled
tren who have no netcry of their proqrarm', blt will perform a
pre-assigned task when exposed to an audio or vism•l cue. These
~~en, Who are essentially cytx:>rqs (altereci a.ncl controlled hurransl,
are far ·less expensive than robots. 'n1ey are also· expendable. 'nlere
is now sufficient eviderloe to indicate that the assassinations of
John and ~ Kennedy, a.s wel 1 as Martin L.Kinq, -were carried out
by .indi.vidnaJs ~ were pro;ramtei with EUiiC-F1~ techniques by
intelligence forces.
'!he CXJIJrt system, in all t:ut a few cases, has re~ the
t:esitjon that c:rilninal behavior cannot l::e induced under hypnotic
M.ethocls. If the intelligence forces in the un.iteci States aNi
elsewhere stanc! outside the law that applies to the rest of us 1
then it tX:esnt take a lot of imaqination to see where eve.'its
will lead if we are not vigilant.
To review the l.abyrinth of events: CUt of the natural fear
of technology grew an unnatural reliance on security. Sececy led
to covert c:ontrol and prc:rlnced a well-organized ill.stitution of
"national security" that \IIOW.d function as an I.:JI'brella for all
activties outside t.~e law. I.'istitutionalized seciecy directed covert
research and produced ~ration Mind Control I the ult.iJnate
technology of secrecy ~ control next to W'hat is being thrust
on the human species by alien forces iltt>;i.N; on our planet . Cl'le
can easily see h01o1 thought-beam technology and iltplantation of
biological ncnitoring am control devices fits nicely into t.~

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~ese t!.i.nctivu an issued ey !:xeoJti•.~e ~ to ~le.e.1t

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~mportant Background on Mind Co ntr ol

in tne On1ted States

According to most data that is avai l able, the mind-

control program that was conducted by the Central Intel l igence
Agency was run under four different project names.
In 1949, the CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSil
decided to conduct an analysis of unconventional warfare
techniques with an objective of development of techniques
that would enable their operatives to resist foreign mind-
control efforts. Apparently, the preliminary phases of this
effort were conducted at several hospitals (See page 191 for
the listing of hospitals involved).
The first project that they decided to undertake was
called Project BLUEBIRD. Project BLUEBIRD was designed to
discover var i ous means of conditioning agency personnel in
such a way as to preclude extraction of information by any
foreign power. The project also had a secondary purpose of
investigation of control methods using spec techniques
of interrogation, memory alteration, and defensive means for
preventing interrogation. Many of the processes involved
multiple levels of conditoninq, each with a specfic trigger
word or sound. In this way, information could be buried deep
wi thin the mind of an agent and retrieved by special l y trained
personnel at a later time.

Project Artichoke

Project Artichoke was the name assigned to Project

Bluebird in August 1951. After the change in Froject name,
the Office of Security took over administration of the
pro j ect. The Office of Scientific Intelligence retained the
responsibility for evaluation of foreign intelligence aspects
of the program.
Testing of LSD on agency personnel was proposed by the
OSI in 1953. There are no records that seem to i ndicate whether
experiments with LSD were act ua l ly carr i ed out at this time,
although we do know they were carried out later under the
auspices of the United States Army. OSI's invo l vement i n the
pro j ect allegedly ended in 1956.
The original tools t hat Project Artichoke used in the
investigations were drugs ( such as Sodium Pento thal ) and
various methods of hypnosis. Some o f the contro l met hods u sed
s l eep depr i va t i on in combination w1th hypnosis and drugs.

, 9 0
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Partial List of Hosoitals Used

ln CIA arug-related work

Mayo Clinic
Detroit Psychopathic Clinic
National Institute of Health
Mount Sinai Hospital
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
Boston Psychopathic Hospital
Valley Forge General Hospital

Artichoke Results

Initial results indicated that it was possible to

induce a full interrogation lasting over two hours using
drugs and hypnosis that featured tremendous regression
on the part of the subject. During the regression, the
subject actually relived portions of his life. Regressions
at that time carried the subject back 15 years, while
inducing total amnesia of the entire episode .

Sodium Pentothal and a drug called Desoxyn were

used to aid the hypnotic trance.


In 195 6, a CIA memo authorized the use of this and

other drugs on inmates in state penitentiaries. It was
deemed necessary that areas be found where a large number
of 11 bodies" could be found to experiment with. Prison
environment seemed to be the ideal place. The alkaloid
Bulbocapnine was a psycho-chemical substance that was
particularly effective in producing catatonic states
that aided the implantation of information into agents
or unwitting subjects. ·
During this time period, psychiatrists were also
engaged by the CIA to test various substances on patients
on an "experimental" basis.

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Allen Dulles, the intelligence officer who figured
prominently in the formation of the Central Intelligence
·Agency from leftovers gained from Nazi Germany, approved
an umbrella project for use in funding sensitive projects.
This umbrella project was termed MKULTRA. Another
designation MKDELTA covered policy and procedure for use
of biochemical substances in clandestine operations.


As well as the use of drugs, these projects promoted

use of radiation, electroshock, psychological techniques,
psychiatric techniques, harrassment substances and other
insidious techniques in order to further research into
control of the minds of subjects.

Tests under Normal Situations

In 1955, the most promising drugs that had been

developed were given to unwitting subjects "in normal
social situations". One hundred thirty-nine drugs were
first tested under laboratory condi~ions and then given
to unsuspecting people under these programs.

Objects of the Program

The objectives of these initial programs were

behavioral control, production of behavior ano~lies,
and production of counter-measures that would be in
opposition to techniques being developed in foreign
countries. Executive Order # 102702 seemed to play a
part in this process.

Additional applications of the CIA mind control

efforts seemed to develop into high level methods of
controlling and manipulating society by instituting
methods of psychological conditioning.

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~ical Sca~io :or ProducL~a SOcial ~.anae

Artif i cial ~~~oulation c f SOci etv

1. Wan~: :..~crease social cor.trol and power
over soci~ty. Increase police
control. Extract speci!ic people.

2 • Step 1 : Withdraw soc ia 1 prograr.15 . nti.s will

cause an increase in crilte rate and
seemingly "justify" an increase b
control. cause specific social problems.
3. Step 2: Apply authoritarian measures. Reap
benefits. Incarcerate "troublemakers".
4. Step 3: State publically that the treasures
have been sufficient and that a
new depart:m:mt has been created to
deal with this "new problem"

5. Step 4: Reap benefits fran newly created

institution. Profits o::rte in fran
dealing with artifically created
social situation.
6 . Step 5 : Institute new social programs that
have a higher level of control over
the individual.

Q::lservations on the sustenance of the current
Econc.rnic and Politica.J.. System

'n1e assault on the mind of the consumer has an

econanic necessity in an industrial society dependent upon
an ever-rising rate of consurrption which becares not only
conspicuous but cx::rrpulsi ve.
~an this it follows that in order for the econon:Tj to
continue in its present fotm, people !.lUSt continue to be
fuzzy-minded and ~lsive ... i f j?eOple were a ll l ogical
the econc:my would not survive, and herein lies a paradox. In
order to exist econanically people rust be forced and
guided to remain "stupid". 'Ib this it might be added that if
people ~e logical, the politics of personality also could
not survive, for in order to exist I=Olitically, people rrust
be guided to renai.n mindless.

1 9 3
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A C1pnneled Sol ution to Worl? a.'1c Societal Stagnation
'lhe entity .known as Bashar ~ up with sare interesting
observations in regard to societal stagnation:

Qlestion: With all the conflict in the t,~Crld, what do

our t,~Crld leaders lack in order to bring
peace to the Earth?

Answer: Trust in the self t of every individual.

'lbe idea is s~ly lack of trust - each and every
individual is capable of great understanding. You have created
your govemnent leaders to be what they are. You are your
governrrent. SO in a sense what is lacking is also the willingness
on the part of the individna l s in your society to take back the
res[OX)nsibility for the things in life that they fear - to take
back their power, and for yoo. to actively generate the circumsta."l.ces
in yo.xr life that you prefer to experience in your life. You can
then share the idea with the individuals in your governxtent - t.'ie
awareness and the krrJwledge that they cb oot have to " go it alone. "
In this way, they do not have to "run" , "daninat.e" I and
"control" · • You can in that way allO'W them to gain their
self ez~....rnent even as you gain your own.

Eru tor CUcuent: \that has to happen here is that the Illuminati
and the military industrial cacplex will have to release
ca1trol of the society which is not likely to happen unless

there is sa.e large factor which 'oO.lld affect the whole planet
simll taneously. To allow this kind of change to ha~ as a
"1:~t~er of course" \<o'OU.ld take a long, long tine. '!here is no
:::t.Ulte expectation that the negative individuals in control
~d suddenly .. see the light". What Bashar says is valid, but
it "-"Uld take sate sort of "overwhelming factor" to bring arout
a definitive change of that rragni tude. In addj tion, we have the
problem of negative oon-luran beings that are corrtri b.lting to the
problem. 'Ihese beings have no interest in the developuent of
human civilization, and wish to keep the "status quo" at any

, Q 11
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Various Asoects of Mind Control


Mind Control has existed in various forms on this

planet for some time. From ancient times man has tried
to control the destiny of other human beings by depriving
them of liberty and submitting them to obedience.
What has been termed as "biological assault" has
also existed throughout recorded human history. In ancient
China, the feet of female children were bound to reduce
their size. In many countries thi~ves have been punished
by having their hands cut off.
Various elements of the intelligence community
believed that, thanks to electronic brain· stimulation,
science was at last on the verge of a ''process of mental
liberation and self-domination" which was perceived as
a continuation ( in a perverted sort of way ) of the
evolutionary process. Through the direct manipulation of
the brain, society could produce 11 more intelligent education,
starting from the moment of birth and continuing throughout
life, with the preconceived plan of escaping from the blind
forces of chance.
Thought patterns of this nature seem very familar. They
parallel the "elite man 11 concepts forwarded in Germany
during the war.

In 1969, Dr. Jose Delgado pleaded that the U.S.

government increase research into electronic stimulation
of the brain (ESB) in order to produce the fundamental
i nformation which would give birth to what he termed " a
psycho-civil ized society ... Delgado believed that brain
research would produce benefits ~o society equal to, if
not greater than, those produced by space technology.
By the time Delgado's remarks were published, the
intelligence community had come a long way in developing
the techniques to create the "psycho-civilized society"
that Delgado had dreamed of.
Twenty years earlier, Dr.Irvinq Janis of the Rand
Corporation had recommended that the USAF undertake a
study of the effects of electricity on the brain. He
believed that there was an indication that electrical
shocks to the brain might be conducive to mind control.
Or. Janis was really taking about electro-convulsive
therapy instead of ESB.
Gradually a trend developed that included stimulation
o f the pleasure centers of the brain as a method of control .
St i mulation in this way is a logical development in
a soci ety that depends on ego oriented psychological
structures for i ts• existence.

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The !andia Corporation in New Mexico was asked by
the Department of Defense to set up a demonstration of
ESB and film the results. Sandia produced a striking film
which showed electrodes being implanted into an army
mule. When the mule would face the sun, pleasure .centers
would be stimulated in the brain.
Sandia • s mule film created a great deal of enthusiasm
at the Pentagon. It soon became clear that electronic
stimulation of the brain held the qreatest promise for
specific, selective mind control.
From this sequence of events, it is easily seen
that electronic implant technoloqy, such as that used
by both intelligence groups and alien entities, was a
logical development.

In 1964 Richard Helms reported to the Warren Commission

that the trend in the USSR was to "build 11 the "new man 11
through cybernetics ( the use of machines as control
The Soviets viewed cybernetic techniques as .a
·way that they could mold a child's character, inculcate
knowledge and techniques, and amass experi~nce. In short,
control of the growth process of the individual.

When one considers that some of the alien groups

that are interacting with this planet may be thousands
or even millions of years ahead of us ( or on a divergent
technological path), it is easy to see

why they prefer
implantation of biological monitoring and control devices
as a way to influence or program human beings.
There is evidence that humans have been pre-programmed
by their abductors with several levels of instruction. Some
people that have undergone regressive hypnosis appear to
respond only partially when they are brought to deep levels
within their mind. Individuals have revealed parts of
imbedded instruction, often stopping in the middle of a
sentence when questioned by the therapist. Sometimes people
have discovered that they will feel pain or other sensations
when they attempt to describe specific specific aspects of
their abduction experience.
Acquisition of thought control technology by terrestrial
intelligence forces is a dangerous development. It is most
dangerous when used in a domination-based civilization.
One might think that telepathic societies wculd rely on
other methods for control. This is not, apparently, the case.

1 9 6
Document Archived at:

• •


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Document Archived at:

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Document Archived at:

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An Exalrole of Use of Govern:tent Mind Control on
an observer of Classified Activities

A good illustration of the use of mind oontrol by the government :.s

related in a case 'Where a mining engineer by the nane of Rex Ba; 1 ~re
that he cam! up against a mysterious installation in the 1940's
that was manned by "small orienta.l-lcoking .. nen and a few Anerican military
officers. ·
Bail said that he was caught in the tunnels of the catplex, ard 'When
~ that happened, one of the officers issued the o::::mnand to "make him loo.k like
' ·- a nut! ". .
Bail woke up in a field, as to the re.!lity of his experien:e. •


~ll/Jw!>-'G5 IJY c) 1\L Sr'~~4/ 12 • ~ 7

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Document Archived at:



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Document Archived at:

Bush vows
to ferret out
guilty ones
Unit~ l>r•a.a lnt•m.tlon&l
COLl."MBUS. Ollio - Vice Pro.
sidst ~rre BIUII tll:ut.ed tbOLM
involveoc! in tile Pea~100 pl"'C:W"t-
msc JODd.a.l Sw!•"•r &Jld YVWeoli
La "&o .alter tban • il elected prai-
Spnkinc at aDe.., eon!en:ace
JoUowiDc ~ appun.ace t-Uore
Ule D.&tio!W uec-; bou'IS of GEORGE BUSH
s..•usK,,....._ · _moe them p.y • price


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Document Archived at:


'l'he above article :i5 !:tau a tabloid o Tabloids are mt subject to
the restrietia\s that major news medja ~. Major l'liNS r:tdh have
catp%11!tlts allied with the conttelling factions of society and are.
not pemitte<i to release data such as this. en a recent:~
Winfrey shew, major tabloia papers were ~ana the conclusion
was that ucst of the f'llroiS rep:lrted is factual. Tabloids are the
excepted way for disseminaticm of news with SUQnc; tstutional ~ct
and st.range nature.

'Ihis article (above) illustrates the apparently drwlity of Tabloid

art.i.cles . ~ the one hand, the title is s .nrtic:ln&l• t.'"le data, on
• the other hand, is factnal. ~ .acquisiticm o:r. tU!IU'UI for ali en
uses has been la'xM1 for a l.orxJ t..ina. Ewn less ~ :i5 the acquisi t.i
of human 1 abor by eerta in fact.icms of o 'Ibis prcce

· •-... is supp:>rtive of a plan lcncwn as ", \o'h.ich allegedly

mailltains that our ~t, tish and Soviet
Govezurents, has maintained an advanced series of bases on the r-txm
and Mars for many years - that this is part of a rrcw to emigrate
to anJther planet. Allegec!l.y, people are talc.en as part of "batch
cz:on_sigllllents". 'lbese people are de-sexed and progtarllled to tunCtion
1.n mr.n..lJrai type situations. Scientists and zrajor persamel are teD"...,ted""'
"prilre ft"C'Vers". Sources have told us that thi5 data nay be as nuch
as 60\ true, although sare place the figure closer to 90\ true.


~'**~~~·~*·~-~·~ Document Archived at:

A Discussion of Human Perceot1on

Part 1- Blueprint for Tyranny, the DSM-111

This subject has been food for thought fer a gr~at I

many people fer a long time. During the last 40 years, the
mass populace has been aware that many things are not as
they seem, yet they seem i.tlcaflablecf·a - unwilling to inquire
into the inconsistencies. Fortunately, some people have
taken the time to look into these Fortean matters. and
this report is an effort to save you beth dollars and
months of poring tbrough information in au effort to
-.. give you the information that you need.
Ve live in a world where concepts of
perception are rapidly chang1n.g . In the 1900's 1t wa•
rapidly becoming the "in,. thing to express your 1nd1v1d.ual
rendition of what you perceived reality to be, and in most
cases no repercussions followed. The 1900's was an era when
the idea of alternate realities came to tbe forefront, and
after an increased surge along the •ame ~ine in the 1970's
~ie~..1 has be5u_~-~ r~~ess_!_o~ in the . oppos1.te ~1rect1cn ...
t .:yp1f_1ed j ~t _;:e_c~ntl_r by the publi~~.~io~ . cL~:Qe psM-111,
ror the Diagnostic and Statfstfcar·xan.ual of Mental Dis-
orders, Revision Ill. The DSM-IIl was published. primarily
as an secondary aid to insurance billing, but !unctions as
the primary handbook for classifying human perception from
' a psychiatric point of view . According to DSM-111, all
individuals must perceive their reality in identical ways,
or they are suspect. Any psychiatrist knows this is pure
bullshit . The OSM-III views perception beycnd the five
physical senses as a malfunction . There is something very
wrong here. but it typifies the common human condition 1n
our society which lately is de-humanization.
· .Q!J~.recently ran an article in which the OSM-III was
\• discussed.. In thai article, the following points were
\ ItBde: .
'' The overall drift 1s that contemporary modern
psych1atry,epitom1zed by this OSK manual tranelated
into 18 languages, is imposing a mandate to strip
everyone of their civil liberties.
I t also applies to invo~tary incarceration,
chemicalization of people, electric shocks and non-
injurious torture; to homogenize people who are out of
2 . Presented as a medical exercise, it is an undercover
operation. It is not brought tc bear on Shirley MAeLa1ne
- :.lX*X************
- -
~ ~~~ ~~ #~~~~~**"~* Document Archived at:
~****** :e::J:.u::e:**'-«*
wh@ n she gee$ out on a limb. or on any typical daughte~s
of the est~blishment, Democratic or Republican. It is
held. in reserve .

3. Criteria !or mental include any unusual

perceptual experience, magical thinking, clairvoyance.
# - · •
telepathy . sixth sense, or presence of a deaa relative
after three weeks .
There is a game going on -- you alter reality !or other
people . They will take to be the case what YOU
want them to believe is the case, so that they believe what
you believe is good !or them to believe . This situation
. .. sets up a political and economic field ot lies - you are
not lying, but you are living in a lying, false field, both
at a macroscopic and microscopic level. When you have ~ lie
or deception, you either believe the lie or what is the
ease. If you believe in what's not the ease, because you
believe what you're told, then you have to deny your own
senses. I! you credit your own senses and so disbelieve
what you're told, you have to deny the tru•t you place 1n
the authority. That's an agonizing conflict 1! you're faced
with two equally credible sources. Something can be .
absolutely certain. yet impossible. Do you see where this
applies to the field of UPO research? I do. lf you see or
experience something outside another person's realm of ex-
peience .. ... you get the drift. Can you prove without a
\ doubt to me that your great great grandfather existed? You
have l etters be wrote? Pictures of him? Bo, I think you ' re
/ trying to create a hoax, Verne . . . . get the picture?
Well, enough diseussion about the DSM-I II. I'm sure
that you get the picture of where those concepts fit in
with manipulation of society, mind control , ~nd the rest
of 1 t .
. ' ' - -· ... ·-·- · ·-·· _.. .. -
Bow, despite all this stuff, people have experienc es
) such as out of body travel and near death experiences whicb
go a long way to demonstrate to them, much to their relief ,
that existence is not dependent on AHY STRUCTURE, either
physical, mental or otherwise . Be death. Thi& society is
structured as a domination system based around the ego
functions of security, sensation and power . Now, combine
that with identification with the body, and you have a
( bunch o! people wandering around not knowing who they are
l driving fast ears and also driving themselves into the
l ground for their entire lives, just to support a power
) stuct ure they wouldn~ have if they bad tbe cboiee. Sick,
) 1sn • t 1 t ? The best is yet to come . . ..
- -

.. 2o'7
Document Archived at:

Final Ccrnrents on Mi:ld Control

• .

5aTewhere within the States the technology for the
creation of the perfect slave state is being perfected. 'r.'le

slav.! state will be ~signed to finish t.~e job started at the

end of World War II. Whether or not the mind-controlled state

becates .a reality depends not so nuch upon the efforts of the

ceyptocrats, blt n[X)tl the free will, detenni.nation, and strength

of charac::ter of th! Arterican people. 'l1'le predisfOsition to

gain a~ tec:hnology in this f:i.ela f:z:an alien sources is

just an extension of the negative ana devolutionary rrentality

that has been running the countries of t."le Earth for IT8ny

generations. We MUST recognize what is ~, infor.n ?eOple,

ana finQ a '4y to inplenent a productive and j?eaceful transition

to a state ..mere we can l::egin again at a new level .

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Vhat I am about to reveal to you here is highly guarded

knowledge tbat people almost never discover . .In tbe past,
people would be kil l ed a l most immediately when they
discovered what was really going ou, out lately there are
forces that are bringing that to a halt.
Vhat you have been led to believe about the reality
you live in is false, both in terms of your relationship to
the universe and in terms of the structure o! tbe society
you live in.
· for a start, let's cover the data about dimensions a
• •
little more in detail. Wbat most people view conceptually
as dimensions are more accurately ~escr1bed as density
levels. Primary facets of density levels are:
~ Ones ability to manipulate space, matter, and
~ Ones general awareness level o! other density
levels. .
* One~ relationship to other beings in the universe.

This is fine, but what actually characterizes the

different density levels? Let•e take a look at them again,
this time in a little more detail. we•11 discuss the
relationship of all this to the Grey beings .later on.

First Density

The First Density is characterized by the presence

o! the Life force which pervades all density levels. This
Life force is the primary manifestation of the Universal
Intelligence Matrix.

Second Density

The Second Density 1$ characterized by the previous

density plus the presence of, Polarities, Physical
Bodies, and Action by Instinct. An example of ~ second
density being would be the a;n.1mal life on Eart~. such as

Third. Density

The Third Density is characterized by the presence o!

the previous two ~ens1t1es plus the elements of Self-
Recognition and Advancement through Self-Effort. Life forms
are under cense1ous control. Terrestrial humans are among
those residing primarily at this density. This density 1s
also characterized. by individual control of the mind, or
1nd1v1dualized consciousness. Life, Motion and Consciousness .

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Fourth Oensity

The Fourth Oens1ty is characterized by the abilities

of the first three plus t he element of Underst anding,
giving rise to :
* The progressive state of being where entities
understand each ether primarily by means of
thought transference, or telepathic abilities .

Thought transference makes it impossible tor bei n gs

to hide behind false words or meanings. This is the LOVER
level of the beings who are flying their Qists in our ~k1es
as our solar system is progressing into their de nsity
level of space. Some of them are here to examine our !it-
ness for future survival in this Qensity level. Others,
like the Greys, as here to use us ~s pawns . Humans are
used as pawns in several types of games, one of them being
the survival game, others being games of amusement.
Fourth Den$1ty is generally the level of Race
Consciousness. In those beings with a positive orientation.
the concept of Christ-consciousness is possible . I n those
with a negative orientation, service to Self is a primary
motivating force .
Entities residing totally in 4th density are in the
uni~ue position of being to transit between 3rd and 4th
density, and are largely what we would term . paraphysical
entities. These entities use android-type bodies in order
to interact within the 3rd 4ensity. The Greys are primarily
situated as 4th density beings, although there are a small
number that are 3rd and 6th density . To 3rd density humans
they appear col~, cruel and heartless. They are, in fact,
extremely curious about all aspects of existence, high l y
analytical and devoid of sentimentality. They can
experience emotional manifestations radiateQ from the
terrestrial 3rd density human, and use this ability
generally as a mood-elevator. The Greys manipulate humans
in order to create situations of conflict or extreme pain
and emotion to acquire these sensations . They are, in
effect, sensation junkies. '"
The Greys have the ability to pick out our emotions.
thoughts and experiences. For them, this is the closest
they can come to experiencing feeling.
To those beings who have some form of ethical cond uc ~ .
the Greys appear psychotic and degrading . They are masters
of mind-control and mental implantation technique. Their
physical attributes reflect their psychotic souls - we
could easily consider them to have anti-social attributes
as well as tendencies toward meglomania and schizophrenia .
They have been described by some as being abso lute ly
mad . To make matters worse, they are performing other
actions with terrestrial humans that are quite perverse .
The Greys are playing a game with us that depe ncs
heav i ly on maintaining a situation where humans view
themselves as limited . fatalis ti c bei n gs with no contro l
over their own destiny. They continually manipu l ate humans
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1n hl~. her l evel!! , s uch as in SO'-'ernment, Illuminati. etc.,

. .,
to enable them to achieve their ends. On a paraphy~ical
level. they were responsible for i mplantation of religiou s
imagery in order to withdraw energy and experience from
human Souls when humans physically die. Humans are t~en
.. re-implante~ and returned to the earth to begin the
process all over again. It's very insidious and a very
nasty business, and they dent want you to know about it.
We'll discuss more about these items when we discuss
more about some of the games tbey are playing with us.

Fi:ftb Density
, ..
Beings on this density level are again entirely non-
physical, and in this density one has the capability to
experience himself as the entire dimension . This density
level is tbe last one in ~h1ch tbe element of negat-ivity
can be pursued. Entities on this density are capable of
interdimensional travel and are chiefly responsible !or
the continuation of the games. Entities in this density
·can control an entire sector of physical space. You must
understand that a being, knowing it is immortal, some-
times gets bored, and games are one of the distractions
or act1vties that can be pursued. The game of Self-
Limitation is one of the components that terrestrial
humans are being involved in.

Sixth Density

A sixth density being is aware of the many dimensions

while still maintaining tbe separation between his many
Selves that exist at different density levels and other
"probable realities". The other Selves are conscious
projections of awareness.

The Game of Master and Slave

Some .EB:Es are playing the game of master anci

slave with us. Again, they view humans as ants view
aphids. Humans are not players in this game, and in
order to become a player anci leave the game, humans
must beccne aware of the rules of the game.

Psychological Profile

A true psychological profile on the Greys may be

adequately done by someone proficient in the study
of insanity . The Greys are destructive to themselves
and all beings with whom they interact.
The Grey EBE species consists of a broad spectrum
of entities. They are led primarily by non-corporeal
beings of 6th density, of which there apparently are
only a few . These are ultimately the game masters,
and each of these beings knows himself to be capable
of creation of other beings propagated from himself .

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' .
Characterizing a Solution

Solutions must be formulated that will resolve the

problem o! the negative Grey entities and remove them from
the terrestrial sphere of influence. However, by raising
our vioratory rate < oy virture of the nature of our
thoughts an~ actions ) we will be able to co-exist until
we can spiritually grow beyond their reach. Solutions must
pe reached rather quickly, for they appear to be
.- destroying the Spiritual matrix and the suostrata hol~ing
what's left of our eulture . By their interaction with tbe
terrestrial human Souls, they are slowing the evolution of
the human species.

Other Activities

As we have seen, the negative Grey entities have been

engaged in aod~ct1on of terrestrials < they are not the
only ones who do this) and other activities primarily to
sustain the 3rd density base for their hold on this planet.
The Greys that are a little less negatively oriented,
referred to previously as the Zeta Reticulans, are primarly
i _nterested in scientific research and genetic engineering
1~ order to enrich their gene pool.
The Greys that are primarily negatively oriented,
referred to previously as the Rigelians, are interested
in survival. Survival for both the 3rd density entities t-V O SCFI
~ cattle mutilations and genetics> and the higher density
ent 1 ties < Soul manipulation and implantations> . ~DC~

O'bj ect 1 ves of the Greys lvt <..--,..; fZ)t?..,

Over and above what has already been discussed, t he
Greys' concept of religion is their scientific capability.
a~d they make use of this rather nicely 1n their efforts
toward degradation and destruction of all who oppose them
an~ their act1vt1es . I guess this 1e why the UFO researcher
is so subject to being manipulated ? Socially, it appears
that they have a high sense of duty and 'blind obedience,
but their negative leanings cause internal social disorder
due to their telepathic abilities. This 1& a prime
weakness, as Pa~l Bennewttz pointed out.
Their activities are planned around the concepts of
conquest and colonization. Their basic game 1s to use
nullification and domination to control the leaders of
the population of a planet. They appear to accomplish
this primarily 'by taking out the leaders and replacing
then with their own entities made to resemble the leaders
that are taken .
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Military Operational Strategies

Colonization of unprotected civilizations in early

.. . ~tages of formation are the prime motivation. Tbese
c1v1l1zat1ons are either unaware of tbe existence of
other en~ities, density levels and tbe general rules
of reality , or are considered prime sources for slave
mentalities. The exercise ot domination and enslavement
of planetary populations. expressed as service to Self,
~reates power for tbat group. In doing so. however,
it causes rapid dissipation of power of the conquered
civilization. Tbis is a result of games of limitation
and negativity.
One ot the results ot this spiritual atrophy i s
that it causes them to experience disintegration of their
social memory complex , further enhancing the downward
devolutionary spiral that characterizes the negative
Grey entities.

Other Planetary Considerations

The Earth is a somewhat unique planet, as it bas such

a broad spectrum ot beings occupying several densities and
from :many races . It is inhabited inside, outside .. and in
the atmosphere in thousands ot little pockets and time-
stream projections. Earth 1e a crowded place, a universal
nexus, and is highly valued by the Greys ae a new home.
Another way to characterize the basic operation for
conquering a planet such as the Earth is to say that the
Greys locate terrestrial humane who vibrate spiritually
in resonance with their frequency. whether it be on a
mental level or a negative spiritual level.
7hese terrestrial beings are then informed that they
are the "Elite" or the "chosen ones", destined to lead
or conquer other terrestrial groups and rule the planet .
These terrestrial beings < as far as this pseudo-
political policy is concerned > are often taken physically
aboard a craft and transported to a bizarre environment
where they are stven physical · exam1nations, have control
implants installed, or inculcated with technical data for
use in some future program < sleeper agents > that wi ll
benefit the activities of the Greys.
7he function of the "Elite" terrestrials, as far as
the Greys are concerned, is to cause decimation of portions
of the terrestrial civilization to enable better management
and control. Good examples of this policy on Earth are
Adolph Hitler. Nazi vs Jew, and ware in general.
Life is characterized by games of varying emotionality
and complexity as far as the Greys are concerned. Vben you
are aware of the game, then you have the capability to leave
the game if you choose . Tbey choose to leave most of
humanity in this condition where, according to entities

.. -
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such as Bashar, humans are both culturally cond1toned ano

1mplanteo with programs that will keep them enmeshed in a
world of apparent limitation . The world is then perceived
to be · fragmented.. Science and Physics are !rag:mented . All
aspects of culture are fragmented to prevent people from
realizing their true power and their true nature - to keep
them 1n a condition where they cannot realize the true
Cod-like powers that they have - to keep them enslaved. .
Bow you have a good idea why things are the way they

are around. you .
Games of conflict are only PLAYED by beings of less
than 5th density. !hey can, obviously, oe implemented by
beings of greater than 5th density, especially when it is
realized that there is no duality of good. and evil that
. . applies. Entities occupying 5th densities and higher know
what is happening. It'& the players at 4th and 3rd density
who most often don't even know that they are pawns in the
game .
In societ~, the culturally conditoned ego functions
pt security, sensation, and power are used to manipulate
humans into playing the game of domination and limitation .
. . The factor• of sex, fear and pain are also used to
manipulate humans into remaining within the system.
According to some channeled sources, humans are
maintained as "slaves" within the system oy biding the
fact that t~ere is a game, removing goals and inhibiting
satisfaction of culturally generated ego fixations.

How Bot to Play the Game

* Maintain ethical conduct with other beings.

* Find out about chakras and how to keep them balanced.
* Limit your viewing of public media such as TV .
* Keep abreast of the world situation.
* Look for ways that humans may be duped or
* Beware of disciplines that are scientific-religious
* Refrain from taking dr~~s and other substances that
are harmful to the body.
* Find a personal belief structur~ or a personal
philosophy that works for you and dig yourself
* Your best protection is in the knowledge that
they're here and not being afraid of them.
* Try to practice unconditional love and non-judgement .

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t.u: .ta•:toot7 ", dll'r :• • • b~t:!Da te:nnlutel'd .£2'0111o the N!tvlc«, I·~ w u
dlt~on~ trmA bclllDt M a11 "uniellb..o~lll~ •lJa" , -~~ ram.U y 0 1' ~l'tP:• Cl) Ql IIAd to 't'.bt · l ..~to<:k::·• t)l S'~C:W..\."r.'\ l.ll tJ.I• flU QQ
bl!b.hld. lit t'llt'llnltld 1:0 l!ba l;11dlttd ~ibuall tlu'c~~~ e tll.cU~t,. lAili: J:r.Wcett :tt· ~ that CHtt:"'C;:E: J:J c:o~::a!r1 ~ tl~o.ruuat:iCIJI J!'C·J&nllll~&' ll:u.w:ra•f •Ito ·~1'11


.:.:oy:~llt lf\tiD Ln• rauar tl) • • ~• tNr12 • l!rtr1ll.b ~LS~:~, l.l ~&:~cm . 1: '1J::t:l.r'DI c1t "c:.lll;Jitlc " m.at1lll ti o a··um.:itn. i.'~n _,.._,..,_,_
t'l:l1n0rs cil 4:lu~1A:;t.l;· ,, •
..,.,.. U!Cr'le 1' ~l.iDI!t l.ea.~,•d til&:: d~a c.olo Del Ul c~. :fl el-f tl'» Wi'U ::Jl.£ ·::iot' liJI.ItlU l)~d t~Salrtanl b...., b. .: 11..' UlJ'OuaiiCIUC tJ:.~ &D;:li~IB •l%1111~-t:r~:l-
'"Ill . .;IIICI ::ot~l•~ ;Lfoed \IIIGel" II:HJ"t:e Cl!'l:'ll'mll't&!:IU S . nit ''c:i'I1.1.J.u . 1' C:OUi.llll!:t t•s:t C'f tbf p.,w, M'...r:l l , ..Ll... lf1 ~l&'t'lt lbitfrd 1'11':131 .C!:' C)TD C:;ar~J•Iofl r
~oe loc·.attld tO 1:b1t f:O~bw••cn . U~•MI .5at1Ut, ·• tw:n: b: rtru.&UJ& ~ ~.1.~~ ~·rOi:lll"&tiQ,I tbntiC tii-J cl tQJ'Ot'.21&J:1-ot1t.l llr~Ulun ard not· ,..,uu:·Jli
IS•8l.. 01111 a :::.=cl\lDt lw.t ll I:Aal ~:JI J~atrlih l"~l~liAed l:il EDrLud 1.1:. t:~ r'"':1~ u ly .wp;rttad lllllu.uD;liiKI oi) " til'··C:Od I l'lt.u·•, l!tl% tbl1 tYJm t1r11
U !:zl.ll. tUid rJI•~ awr ... l"IIIG to la•p . tbu pl'IU\l'tlt CD b1~ lltet-. ti l t! St.ut~ ! .
. t.a ..f p•r:•llll!e~ . I.Dd wtcJa W I ·· <irwlp "' tu ~ t:u, tlwv ' •~: t ..\t4:§ :111
IJII ft;!Jy 19 su. loa ll11111: 1:0~1 Pf,>)et;:t Sdtrrl!.ll cw as o1' "'H"' • bl:t ra.o1~1 ••t#'r.. ~" .:~oartDst ") ,~~..
re~=.~y 1:bal: pnnl&l~ t.l.ct«" '""'*
'·nc· \tJJI&'I:' a fil roblt~ZD ·•
1' oul.lDI:·t r.wu c:'l<~ri1St·:t tD !c)l'JU ttoo ita tbe ''Metll•3t ut:ilf~:" • uu :l'o r
The lllltl:l:loe'Jct. w~&t be! ?\&d ,r.h1l1, '"•rr aJid ,,.,,. :", du.ri:IB' t~r.. 4 c.& y:r; 11• l"l •:aU~~ c 1:• a( CRlJI>GF. H •:Ollf:&I.Md I :tlfl)J"':lAl:~l" ac htO 11111 ptl:'ltN
h J,lJ.y ut 1:91'7, ,.,.. tw~ co :111)1"'· 1-tr . 1'oul1H'I:. w o~rt >:IH IJJ c :rt trlitn&Jl a:n~t l la ·tt. ClS. Si.:IICI '-·• Y!Jll' .rc·•~nr.!l,ttlt :14 t''l'lCt , tc l:1u
co:at.&Ct • he 11:UJ !111&111UJ:~~e!li. t•ru• tt• cs.:~ • })II oil :.D"~stll'&'l1!ll; on hi• ll•K; b.i. crtrll l_,11'CIU uf (:OOri;CtJ P.CI ~! • : auf· lil...a IX• tJ·c ttl l•!i t1:1 20
Ollrll. A ra u•U,. ':'t,@tt tlaci b"l) ao tntnr~r co 1:bt~ ll}o"'C: p i'MUiartt<tDIT.I. n~~:~r• n<: l!lllt ball'~~~~ rt~~~~U .uu ~l c1.1urs . lD~: :.uc~l1 are :!. c. ala!~ . I ~«n~&l" ·,
b1 V\«1l).uo tr11 ·.aar "a Ctutllbl:r "' li Sp! Fc:" :u I.D'rul't1f:autl'~~t t4!.1: rn 1J1 tl• HowlltO:Il. ~· •u &l'lell !11 ~~~ 11(1, 1:•lu11 6 C.ltlll·!l J'IC"'' UliiM:M~ : IZII•IS·;tt:tar- •
ti~1 ftDt tD tr) :el:%1cM 11 B·~i2 r.h&•: •u fo1U1f r.\C1'1'11 bf a :;rp;:, ,'l,liC All tia.a 1D -:: aU f·'l~~ • 1111 l :t:D hr 1210 D&. He !\ilr. anc ANtol)lt)· ~~~~·rU dt~ll ·

th1 act:Up!~l ~~o•eJ'Ie .ldlM!cr ·. Wl::.e!tbt:r :ll:s, 111 tlLc:t , -.s tbe " t.t~;n.•ti · i.J: • c;;tb mlT " ~u 'I':II¢DJ:-. n~ tc.),.d t •Jr•IIJ" t:b~ t~C&~: . U•r e.:·, brr.p ·~·:1 ·~•co•·o •
c:<!fe;:,t ~..; re•~.IJI"f-d ri:Je ~··~t.IJU~c -debl:'lle.~m.r · u 120: k:xnl'D. T :mJu:1e~· a&:: tl " ,; ~ ,.~ zfIK:tJy .:J.I':1)J.I r' " •llll~ ., -.,•be, :l, l ··cut.~lt b..•d IIIM~:CI; (II) f• l,lol l1!.i ,
•lao cluo:r.t ·-Jl.a: " Ill aoe: potD :. to tlllt I&.L"l:y 19!10' 1 tJCII:ll · m~ ·I Q!! 0 r rt':.IUJ'IJ,~U'Y fl'a D:IJ r~:~:~cr"Wd •..~.l'f•r'I.!'I«.I J , tt~a Plll:riUc I ~' ·· IU:ilCJU.t~ Ct:.<l ~~! :le ·of
:hill .'\.U' F•,I"Ctt t~'l.lJ~t.c lntd ~~kiC&:J~u &Qid d•b:r1e t1 :111 •: t)IC ; s !r1r ~~c·p:.r · t :l :helkl ;!.111>4t. ta:l:l.l'~ ~'011!:1 '\tJ:pct ..,U-.r .. 1:0 "f7r~:i4to·r d&11IIAJrt " tt:.
will!, llol•:l ·~tt'il!!le..~ d;:~M •ccP~.IIICin"' · o~ r.lll 3rd &ad .ftb id~. l'be ·:r "lf'IJ1~t1a ad llr:lll i.u r' ·. ll'~'~"'~l,., ·r,J~.Il:.or~ ·• ttltiA:::.& l :: tt'ol.~ttl~.D ter-..o ~o
•tn la coll1 &:1: :2 l'or U.. ti:lllllt Jltj, aot. ~~tti'Dt•le.ll fllr.r tliiiC: rer:tt ot 1:.beu· l.i'l1lt t · ·. %'1"1Jti:1Li:rt h.ta Ja onef'tiJIIC•::rw, J'l~l : "I .!ll:&l,:edl 1'":111W)g tntc LtlttJ:"!e ::'I:Do:OI!
~--aOjjii'~i1i1a»dai'"''CQiOQJ.i~-ar:'~r"'iD"i~fti;.;:--:r'Oiiltiit"";;~;;;;s «. o-..ber le .. !l.• . !i<=lft\Cbod)· c.:ur11e ill uad IM!t rrrr bol).' N' 0 3 f~'l .u .c t:t:r :u:
chat: bit eD:i a:~•~~ "'":e r~~ lrJ'C• u, 'lle:IU.pta:r ~;a"" pu:rwed 11e o.a.nt•e Iff· A ~od JXI rtta:ll cl ~~~~·· l".,.:crrcilk''. Ill ;U:: Ultel:'"'il~ • ·~; t h llt~~~t S:1!f'Jnl!..·
T':W.A on t:ot~m..-:ed f l.lrt!: u tx , u.. . : cntdu 110 a (It tlH: u:.J.ItiJ.a n~•' bu m a~z!l:
"n10.1t Cltt1:3 ~e:l, • IIUppon.rr • ''P'I':IJ4'::1' ~Lll na: •r.:
UlJI.• af Ul '9C llti!( ttiOX &l!ldl 111.1.. Clitarl'11~15<[ l:bllt U, S. fO·... ::'IIM:'Iflt:t
t.t'lc: ;IJll' •11:h UP:Q,,,
aDd c: a,oz:z'lld .tJ!. Ill" ", A.:•::Crrd:iZII to bl bo1J1 llla.r.Dt!Cio t~ lJ, S. I~" ' 'ilM· "'CIU!IC~ El.lJI "'t
1:1.1:~ 'I' I• ~::'ttt•na• 0.1' ·~~JiLl a;~.lHi o;a •
u·~-211 DIIC:e c.a pnllred • a- to c f atC~a~• GtJ•. .ux! tJut au o 1 r~c ..HI 31 . lltii.IUIC'UI.a ti •:rtl IU cbtt (~t d t llft ~·; CCII~!"·• -ILZ''t l'I!IU(I••d
·IIDit crt tbt be LIICII .,,., JUll 11.11..,cr ts1 Cll·pc t·rte,.. ?t"bee:ie r t ...,.,. •11:~, !}tt ttLn:~ttaa th• Jo ••!:"
}"~" •d•:~ :a. l'be:,,, lJ DO bl :JlX'. u· tbt: .. ,t,.
~a;u · ;~ lhiac·· ill <; kt:t)(;E 13 •• ,zrlka~lfl.. .31. ~.,. :961 U l __
tcftl . 'Tblez• II :a -a ...!btJcJ.. In tbl1 ..,,~tttm )ll!t l:hlf:r't! 1.- DO ·~•·:·.IJ,• r
l~ri.:JICliGI Jru::.~U.~IOQ.. ctw n:~:S.:)N W!!XL.'I' NElf! o~ '7•1:11 J".IJ:.UIIbr!:<l C:OU 11. J•M, t .a '"'"~ ~· I)G riZI&l liD t IIIII CA.I&4t at IIO::t•o:ta.• bl11 ••1 ·
taa to clent. .

.. - -
.. '"'·- -·----··· - ·- - .. .~..- --···-
'I A.u; Ia • t. c· l'l&:r'"1"':-<l t» c·rruu.::..Ltkelll.t.i <Ot$p·· •~ltl.!)t
!:Dt..U'D llllez::

• hu -c::b-.·n~t•!'t1Jtad T,:JUllzowt .,. ..., lltiL blo!~ ~ arid 1J•.t t:tle Oc~IC a~ RqiQ :-:
•..c~JJ':r "t~prU.fl trCMJI .:~ tP~A.11J Diet~ lc1r ane:':ll:k:rzt ra~:be r tba.::~. l'ro.c\
. AC.:C'!'d!.ll 1 tc. p 11-ll C 1 A IIC 1. t&l P'''
J' frpo l'~.t ::bUll: ·~· Gill&lllt ll &II I ees:1, ·:• ._.. «0:'1:11 1 r..::1 -, ~!MIItl'ltJ· t:1"() t:t..:oltlJIIOr Wl%h ID.U..b:tt'T/l'III:Ci.L1t·I!D :.Ct
pu-d.~ ~U. a.a·to~.,, s•rt
or111•i .t:.~ lbl6(1)111 c;e • hul.aa cr.ajJa~twu .,.,:s1111. c:waact.t hU ··c.• d:ed tlllltc'.. 1'o4lU.!1, lUdlzLa; to h1t c,,.,. twt1 111:~.1oc
'" llrld... till! CIC:ba.Jc Ul&'l.l "'a.. plt:r.fO:I'IA.~ ·d:l11 ua.IJ, l:l•y •:Ud Ill:It I) t1 .. tt..r rrM.U-r. ........ ~: r.,..:l:l.illf: be ...,. Ill~ ....... .. • Ocl1111!~~' l ~tra•:
• •:r"ffll f•ro~tr ~~:era.. c:eoitdOI:.I ..u ! tlw'!• bec:.-:111! ,•rr tn
~. t!dJ.- ur· TOJliJIW~ · • ac:c:OI.Ilt • •tt:~Ju 11c< 'oe•II::Jt t:UJt:{;J ~c:c:.,ptr:<: u ~·::':\1 11.l ~
Jl~ t:lllt ~ill1:i ~A1 'A. p.ltllJII•b II c.allj IIIWLrJ IIOCI: %'K1rriLIUJJCl112 J 141liiU'11lll:ll lh:~ld s:or ~· :re j1!'1:tllo~ •Jttt .:If', • .llbt~:r ,
at ~,Itt' :.c t lttltr1l.t co~a~iltiOtU .. t.a J:C rfc.r«mJJ~ ll'llt~~tptrw a •~"~'"' tllt!
lsini.Ul Cpt ~~~ 11:1&:; amtL :.a tl. aa r IC rj 1:1 I, •1 tllllllt IU'tull '', ll•
• •
''Tblr;t .,,,,I, "rllil.t,. fo.r t.b~ ll'!IDI:O~I;&, I• 5c:l#!Dil ' I •11!&.'-:1 1:111 Cl111 QJ.I.r.l:.e I' •
.Ur -o 1-der to Jlt A~ ~C\IZ•:t \ ilt• &l:ltU'I' 111 a a :\ alii t 1 •• p~e c: t :., 1.ecb.~ ;~~, ttter :~:c ·~¥&:: 1or n!~::ti<tm..
D: Ia U :t 'I <UIIC:!WJl 1:D It tl'l.-:' ••&r IU :l'tl•* ltaJI I nnd IJ)O'"I'il ill
Ul t::ln*t. lr 1 b • ~ '"'·' aptti n.ct d)o~~: wt:J.&a-..:~ lQ.Dtl e.r ::.w.c'(ctr'U'
C})RlrD~•G:E~ 13; T...~:I:•llt\~f']~
( 1;f. ~I 'POi "Iii I,l P~IUI 0&11:1\l ,. w ...
.'ut et l'tJOI'lliCI IJI !il1G'1Lr! J). :JoiD . 1~• . 1. "·ar~,.. ;Jtol" ~lt t,..Jl; ·a.orr' tilt &!loCIII !'IDI :•lolJ holt a J
!.II'" r.l(~~tt~~:d te.
~~I~ till·. 'lll~ke:'r'II\Dd !)/ Ill• ··~ ' 'I Cll)~Mt '1'c.;;L~1~ •, .-1:11 •:~lo.lll!Je<. lz: •
Al11e1, 'T ~al111e: ••1• 't.llll~
''tb'm 1-..n:ar· '"'' u : ODe t:ldll: ..·or:ctA 1r 111:1 111. e:be·:"· 11-""t IUc·•·•~lf' , Iolii. 1:11l1· ~ till· l!laca~a.n:tc·lf•>:a,., '"':l'fo)..:c C.\illf" II.II:.O:tl ·~,. ;;3·• •·.a•
'"-1 t~ 1.1: ~ ~ f»IN~ blood t.t.a, <f.dC l:lt C"tmallt Dl t:t» t; l'?'JIQ 11 J.z.e 11&'1, ''Qr,clr• l.l"). 'IIIII 01 • tr.rvt •If ~lll'llo&D llltiUl.IIOOIUI N1 "'11..1. ·r~e:. II .mCMA ~·.~. ••b. lS.
41;7 Up, l.ttUU; f. CID11 ·A JOOW::Im:')' :rr.tMJue, 1:111 IIIM\Idtlll ,:>CIIU ·~:-t·• ·~· !:l&prJ.~p •:J!':;I:IA:a t ot .,. tiiUUaet I • c:IUID.I: • ball! ll'llj!'I'C\11: t . ;:.1
7M<!iaet. t: ~ b~' ••J
"lft1p 13- IUI!ll. ) I a CIJ.III.>JO :•t• CQ:!I81'&Ult0111 L' loU !y i ~:&.4 .

Toii.IJJ~ •• , .. the (i .RQOCE l3 dclC111211CIII: be ., • . h 1d !:1H11 p@l:l 1hc~ La.

,,.. " ..~f':ll'"U tiD,. ~llUir "•)ltclltil '"X.~· • •·••·•·nllll,.. rtt t~• Cil._
~•· lllnlli:Jr to:r:':I ;·~C~ •
·~ t11 . . .~~~ 111 t•d ~~M.crft rud 11'11prd1Jad -•w~ "lu~ ' "• ·- ·,.
&lxrt~t 19 S3, a~xl ur:.c~ 1:t;) lUI b tJ:I ~1111 c.ddtld cu. 6llft'I'Ll d•n• t 11~11 tbl:
,..:,. 11 p ttl l '15 9, II 111 ,. •L J:raO' 1:11111 thine '"~~ .& .. ~,J• Ci nacl . .... .:( l'\rt"-· ·•' 11w ctt•..lll ot • J....S2 114;r•u•oJ!: • '•'\~ l,. .... l ..~llt~I'IJ.e~ llrf Tac;Uao'~ 4.:.1 ·~::11.!1
!: •oru. dt r. t1. S• .o\1.:~ ::= ·l:.a:·c:.e 1 ucood c•t.r! IP aib.LJ c l~r I.IIDNEC811:1)• lo·
,,.,tll &d C• ~' i 1ac tbr t.if'CI pboeall!l211tl:llt''Ja, It ''"LI p:r.~~e:ltte: b'r "~>J• ct
.Htr II .. I m tbt~ ltte n..o .•, I I Cl I olllo. .:l .,. t lu :! .lrDII'J.II•;t.IIXI ·•ll~l::tiC\U
!iplrt.IIU J•o I"!:IU pll~<. .lll: 11'bt· I • U -..1 ID•oJI4 -ti:CIICtv •ltii:."J Ill Ii i Jla:l!• • 1•11 " n.,:tl!..
ltldl.l~!l-.. at • t.:-t~~ •l.l.aU~~t:• ,"b~ J' Jll.&l:<l ""·' c.o,:lll!llocel• llll..:ll 1.111 •:i~ tD:Jou •)/. 1.11 lb:
Olll''lr • •t.rt ,. ~11-1"11 ~' :.W,. ~ltd llool Dill: lllcJ UJ~a.d), ll \& C'Jfol.I~JOC! l,~l:t C:D lata•• !! •
'ho:J-o:~: El\.e li.)CI·ll· ~ tv. tblt • .. rl. y 19'5(1' iJ • 10.. .c : Ol:"Clll:ta -:o Ooe· &lu,·~~:iiSI.ti:Jr
CI.IW• t••
liM.. l'llo::.·... ·~ IJ'Olll , .., l .. s:z lptQI~ ll . . .,t 4111..<. Ill tl:• ortr.,-;, t; II ••• ''1,11"
dlllf llfll~ 1tJJ a \IM:·· , ,, •~,e,_ 1.1... ~. ~P Jl.... • •• lolll••l. C..: !Ill ~c ,..:..: o .. a.t••
l•rll!C h u l'lt:!lfll..locbed! t"'lb!•~i~;t tl:. en , •. IJ!'t! t 11 ••rift. Q! "Cn.Sa'r.. ret:J~'IU • cS•l' _,1111 Jaj11,"riii&:IM O.P •I 1t!l ••l'l"rct •11.' 61~ f U)itPMI.
i:t'GIQ I tb :11:.ql~ ll, •rtl.M: b w I !'I~ ' •el'•lJ ! 11:1. DX\14)\111 •lSI~ CO.ID:&Ut t!d Qll
c:l.UIIu :le :1 Ill'' ~1: ,· tl<ftii!Zn• t c:. lltl~ :t1iLJ.. T' i:d • I.D ' . It:. r IIIlO ·~ ILJid T~ll.l• '"X ••,~ .,.., ••rode:l:'lld •••t
IH .aJI·. PI)I~I:/K•t •~e:C.f(""DI~I "'f!G rt~ II••J'o::• ,..d <l~ll't' 1·~~­
t« litttl Uut d:l4 ·•rc."
.illcret ' ~~.!~' , .,u· rel4~ z-.~d h'!· 1'1l1XI't wa:Lber 13. .1.1, CIIG ·•~,. ••11 !alii 1.:1 ~ll'IIC·••~ c.:d• •• 1'1toaa1t ueu.a) ~ad :~,~ llh• IIDnl: ll~•li•J~~
l'l:l, h Ill 1111tl~ ·lo10.,o a 1 llt<Jl..{J,.,l, .111.!1 eaJrt.,. cl Jol:l. I~ •·~ b•• H rr:n :!ly d.U:!11I:ol.lte., L :~ •
1"•COI.IUDotrt :~tiJ I t.¥1 ,at 1U !Jea•; O.De pa,t l:.t DIJ t ile CIO::Ill!»ol!lllt, llf tf:llll rtt •
~·~tt·ed U) .u- 1A•:>J£C'r CiJtut)(;f;/IWE llCX'>IC :R!E~~1· Nl.t.lli£R R3, T~·1e
~~ ll •id eJ~r i; JIOW A :r •l':fiiUt It 14. i!:t f.lll:t, l!ZI . .1 n: DIJIC).; billl ~l • t·IJ:: ll:ll
·~ 112lt•l ·lli!Jl.41d ~~tot:J ••I ,._~,..C,:II•:lll <ila.ti:Z~•d. • Qtb '' l~>r cop>\oel be IJif r"W>• lll••j· I'll
cr,......,, sw:ll.:.ul( Rllo .... ~:11'1&1.11• • ... i
tl:ZI\1t .a: (~" ::.'itNG !§.>\UC!:.RS : AN 1-N.\L YS 'I S ()F ·~·1~; .\Ill I:OC>lt C[~ "'X•ll" e;r&cla.S ·r.,~aatt • ca_.,., • :fW.II.I ad' LM.Il t tiii".JIIII ) . C:ur lll•·••14..,::~ r ••1• t:o~:r
'"-O;mc:.""; RUI'l iOC•IC. !lPI~t::l.Al. I'!PORT ~C·. 16 lin Or..,o Catr1.d• 1'DIIIIIao111' .,,.1:41,_<2' 1 •rt:tcllitlo~ auo~llle,.-s.x l!r'~ID !Pall '"'·l'l'IIUI~ 'II> 1'11,11 .Lir.ll!aoalll r. •u
~:~ : U:a f'IJ.It.'l 1! C!blu plbi.Ute.:i l97E t.,. IW~·l~o._ .!\~hit!'I ; 6·~ I>.too~ ~ .batdal:lll·ltl ~-ooa:.n•••" ·
~IICC !it. : ~'hlltl JP'I.uo.t, Nl~r l 'crk :lCISOli). ,,.. "Getl. J~IUIC!" 'WI!X~<J•
t~~Wtl1al - . . ilt cb• repott 'IPIUI *
Major ~rt J. 1aimd (lluta:r
C11ct •Jill~ •• tlwot. .... 'Tur.JJI..,I l:'l!t:l.o;r11md to c.• ',]ldl.e~ !iouro!la ~· Ill ~~~~ .\11,, . :.t IPIU
" HPII'IIIt8111"' b.,,. !Ill! M:t-111 ·~ .ft•r •t ,,..IV,.
l U I rita. •u u~o.~ly r.a Idol( "llf•: r ft•f ,,. lltlot ;JJ ·
a·oa~111riCI t1::1 %.t. :::ol-oiiii!J) •wl:1111 ._,,de;j .~'C !ftc:c :sh~o• ltoo;,: t• tbt. :;..~~.~: J·~ ~t· • J'a&~ a.uola~t:~m•llll . T'lla"' .,,u JI'IC.~!
-oa.n:- tn
"'I •
~,.!llldllO:~::·ttii.!SOio " r•o:.aJlrtr·:~,, p•r': or •:.a~:t. ,..,_.
...,It_ ••"c,.••·
•~ t:a.rly tSI6o·a• .A~ i:l'f'eftifl\~~ cnu,, :w~ tbllr. t:bt 1\lr f:lc>.r·~• c:l.u.ll'.ll *'I!'• . ., •~
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- - --··---~~------- - -···· . .
--- ·-
Document Archived at:


Ch August 19,1987, Guy Stollman walked into mE!C Clannel 4

television studio. His father, Max, was a reporter
for t.~e station. "n'le followi."1g day, t..~e newspa;ers reported
t."l.e :allowing:
Bti'RBNI!K, calif (t.'PI) - 'A rran Who talked his way
into a television st'~<iio pulled out wnat appeared
to be a hancigun dnrinq a live newscast Wednesday
and forced constmer reporter David ~rowitz to read
a razroling "nonsensicaP statenent about space
creatures and the CIA ••••

A..-tua.lly, Horowitz never read the statemant over the air,

for the station went to a camercial and blacked out the
statement. 'When it was over and Gary handed over his
unloaded BB gun, he was taken into custody. We obtained
the staterte.nt fmn Na: 24 hours later. It refers to mmy
things Wich ring true when buu::peti against other facts that
are appaa ring in regard to EBEs and the intelligence .
camunity. Here, for your infounation, is the text of Garys

""n'le man who has awaz ed on I<NBC for the

last 3 years is not my biological father. He is
a clone, a double created by the Centn.l Intelligence
'/tqenl::y and alien forces. It is only a small part
of a greater plot, to over throw the fJnited States
Govunment, and pOssibly the h1Jman nee itself. The
CIA has replaced and tried to destroy my family, and
those of my friends.
. .Although I have Jcncwn about this since 1981, I
have not taken any action about it for fear of the lives
of my family. I have been forced into CIA-run m!ntal •
hospitals, ~ as Cedars-sina.i 'nlalians, wbel:e I am
shewn being interViewed by many different doctors,
although I spoke to nobody there for ~ weeks. At u::I.A-
NPI, I attertpted to have myself released by a court several
tilres, rut was asked by a Dr. Martin Zsuba to keep
rencving my requests for a wri t-heari.nq. I have been
unable to obta j n records frau several other hospitals,
including Ben Taub Bospital in <:in i llMtti, where all
the phones were tumecl off for 48 hours after I arrived.
I do not laloW where my real family or others are
being held, but I believe it is sanewhere in california·
'lhe records for Ben Taub Hospital, I have been infonur:.d,
no longer exist, or have been misplaced.

( Continued on Next Page )

Document Archived at:

( Cont.inuatior. o f ~e.-ct. of Gar-] Stoll."'t"a.nS State.•:e!"l't )

:_~-he~ a!'! .. ,i,.'.1te££~~ . ~;~-~ -~go, . .C?n ..~~q~q

station m_j<, in...~9h a__f_9_~-~~- o~~ici..<tl._1;9ld a __
CPllege -~ence ii} San o~ heM the C!A. has ~
Mrges filled with di5e4ses a~ss New York harl or'"
plac~_ ligtttbn 1 bs in ..ttle subways to crea,~ ~SQ.r
anci_gmeras to Qbseeye _w_ reactions, anci nay }Jave
created t.."I-J.e AJDS vi.l:u.s to wipe out the gay ~ation.
He also scoke of secret t.."lat ~ created

after ~~rld War II. I 8Y 1;het the CIA ~~ss4-,p.~ ­

John ~ •._K@Medy .and the 22 mater_H-1 witnesses that__
day, ~ ..~l. _c:ii~.Y4~ 2 yers of ~~ other'~­;y. 'lfl'lat they ue capable of,
I kix:lw only too well. I demand the public release of
all secret Air Force files c::oncerning UFOs , which were
kept secret even f:an Senator Barrt Goldwater. Ql my
'loolay back frau Expo 86 last year, I heard a broadcast
in oregon that (said that) he once asked to see the
files , and 1N8.S told, "Hell, no!". I demarxi the release
of infouuation the objects contained in
Hangar 18 at wright -Patterson Air...J.Qrce J?tse, ~
.Q.b..scurely refenee to as the Enviromental COntrol
~1Udinq, the..!!!?~ ~ghly 9''arded bnj ~dinq in tne_
\o.Orl~ Why has the knowledge of such advanced beings
and;;Jtl!nt beerl kept so se:tet that ewn the united
States Cong-..."'ess does not know?
I YoJCU.ld have been satisfied to let rrrt situation
stand if it were only I and my family W'ho ~-=e at stake
here. ~, J sp:>ke to a girl at F~orida Junior_
College -~ ...§Ulmers _agQ1 ~related the sto;y to~
Q! how 7 of her friends had also been ~ ~ She said .
.!;hat she had writ~. a~ en-~ . .~ses fqr them ~ . ~Y
weren't sick, then they . f.or -~ .
cute back with different_~~~ities. Unless~ act
swif~y, there may ~ -~ ~ !Y=h ~¥,__ for ~y o;
us. 'Ihese people, O£~~- tJ1~a~r . are~ over
the phone seryices right now. ~ CIA is either doing
this themselves, or are qelping them.
I was warn.ed__¥1_.19Bl.RY.;r~e ~·~ -.~~.!J..o~ .to. _
the CIA to stay .Qf(_!O!XJitlf'UW.L ..;ha.~ _t;h~ . ~~t t,rus~
peo~le on ca'w~rs ~ ...1he.1-~. began_ .L~iY1J.:!q_ ciistur~il}g_
g: Which lea ~...!0 k:!eU~ve . that . . ~e- terri.b~.e ~- gQMlq_ 9.n.!.-.t -~s . £.9~ -~~-a. nei:l~L
oosp~tal .in Tallahassee, ~e I j.gaii#Sld thAt my brQthe..t:
lp._~ hag_Q!aen clt'iven jn~ in the ~ 'INI'V"'!.t: that scrre-
ane was trying to dq_~ g . I eyrmtu&~.lly was released. but
th§l my trau. cane ~ to visit m:_and I knew .it was .an
-· . - ,._ I .. know
.. -
that the secret service is invol'V'ed in
. - -·-- - ---·· ·-··-- ···-····· - - , _ ..... ··-- .......__

~--~ ~lJ., , SQ_~Q_~ just bow far this Ms gone


( ContL~ued on ~ Pace ) #

Document Archived at:

" I lc'.ow of a counselor ~ ?ae, who ~rked

at t.'"te q,t.i; Boys School near Pasadena, who "--aS
.. i..""l-volved i..'1 rec:--u.iti.."lq neni::lers :or sate secret group
of people. Apparenely I they aeopted Ol:phans and gave
t."lem fake ID '.Land birt.'"t cl)rti~~g~~. Since_~
alrea£[_~ of a, segel;_g:;yu:Q___~e.d by t.."le -~-~~dent .~ ..~
QNn s~ff , sacegne_ had better fi..'"lCi out what i_.s gging
on ~ 1 onl.Y. ~ that t.~e are being~ arounQ.
us DOW wi~-~1e.. JX2Wer to ..~let:Qrt instantaneously ~g
do t."le ~ t.q_others, who can read and co~~l mi..'"lds,
- .... _transform
_____·- ··. - -- matter - ·· ___foutiS
·- - ·. --other
·- -- . ·- - into ,,
., - ··---- create it at
Will. ·-
I ask for a Congressional Investigation and
Federal protection for my family, and those involvee.
'lbere is no way I can ham anyone with an
Q/le,'ri-ty BB gun. ''

Well, there you have it. QJ.ite a statement. &1ried the
state!fte'lt, however,
are references to thinqs that we've heard I
before, arent there? An attenpt .,.s trade to contact Ga.ry Stol l.Jraris
la""Yer, but after the l awyer perceived that we t.~t t."'at some
• of what Gary said could be true, he disappeared himself. 'I11e last
knc:Mn location of his lawyer was in Los Angeles.


Document Archived at:

John Le:1r Statement : Revised \-1:lrch :!5.

Statement Released By: social and traditional values. That was in !be
John Lear 1800's.
December 29, 1987
. Now. about 400 years after the fi.~t truth ""aa
John Lear, a captain for a major US Airline has pronounced we must again face the shOCkiz!l
flown over 160 different types of aircnft in o~ factS. The ..horrible truth" the government ~
50 countries. He holds 17 world speed been hiding from us over 40 Unfor:u-
I' record in the Lear Jet and is tbe only ¢lot ever to nar.ely. the ..horrible truth" is far more horrible
I hold every a1.Imrl certificate issued ·by the Fed- than the government ever imagined.
I enl Aviation Administration. Mr. l..eac has

I flown missions worldwide for the QA and other

government agencies. A former Nevada State
In its effort to protect democ-racy, our govc:n .
ment sold us to the aliens. And here is how it
Senator candidate, be is the son of William P. happened. But before I begin, I'd like to offer l
Lear, designer of the Lear Jet executive airplane, word in tlle defense of those who bargained us
the S-erack stereo, and founder of Lear Siegler away. They had the best of intentions.
Corporation. Lear became interested in the sub-
ject of LTFO's 13 months ago after tallcing with . Germany may have recovered a flying sa.ucer u
United States Air Force Pe~nnel who bad wit- early as 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to
nessed a. UFO landing at Bentwaten AFB, near Nerway in 1952 toinspectaflying saucerthathad
London, England. and three small aliens wallci og crashed there in SpitZbergen.
up to the Wing ComrMnder.
The "horrible truth" was known by only a very
Note to the Press: few pe~ons: They were indeed ugly little crea·
The ~ovemment of the United Sc;ues continues rures, shaped like pnying mantises and who were
to rely on your personal and professional gullibil- more advanced than us by perhaps a billion years.
ity to suppress the informacion contained herein. Of the original group that were the fitst ro le:un
Your cooperation over the past 40 years has the .. horrible truth", sever.U commined suicide.
exceeded our wildest expectations and we salute the most prominent of which was Defense Secre-
you. ury James V. Fone ~tal who jumped to his death •'•
from a 16th story hospital window. Secretary -•
"The sun d~ not revolve around the Earth" ForTtstal' smedica.lrecords ~sealed to thisd:l.y.
"The United States Government has been in •
business ~sident Tru.IIWl quickly put a lid on L~e secret
with little gny extraterrestrials for about 20 and turned the screws so tight tb;n the general

years" public still thinks that flying saucers are a joke. f
&ve I ever got a surprise for them.
The fu-st truth stated here got Giordano Bruno
burned ar the stake in AD 1600 for daring to In 1947. President Truman established a group of
propose that it was real. The second truth 12 of the top military scientific personnel of their
gouc:n far more people killed lrying to swe it time. They were known as MJ-12. Although the
publicly than will ever be known. group exists today, none of the original members
are still alive. The last one to die was Gordon
But the ll'Uth must be told.. The fact that the E3Jth Gray. fonner Secret:Lry of the Army. in 1984. As
revolves around rhe sun was successfully sup- ~ch member passed away, the group itself ap-
pres.sed by the chw:ch for over 200 years. It poimed a new member to fill the position. T here
eventual! y cause a tn:1jor upheaval in the church. is some speculation that the group known as MJ-
government, and thought. A realignment of 12 ex?anded to at least seve:al rnoro= members.

Page I
Document Archived at:

John Lear Statement : Revised March !S. 1988

• loolcs naked. but that doesn't-prove he's naked."

There were seve:-a.l. more saucer crashes in the
late 1940's, one in Roswell New Mexico, one in In July of 1952, a panicked government watched
Aziec, New Mexico, and one near Laredo. Tex;LS, helplessly as squadron of "flying saucers" flew
about 30 miles inside the ~exican border. over Washington. D.C., and buz:zed the White
House. theCapitolBuilding, and the Pen1.1gon. It
Consider. if you will, the position of the United took all the imagination and intimidation the
SLltes Government ac that time. They proudly government could muster to force that incident
thought of themselves a.s the most powetful out of the memory of the public.
nation on E.arth. havir:g recendy produced the
atomic bomb, and achievement so stupendous, it Thousands of sighcings occurred during the
would :alc:e Russia 4 years to catch up, and only Korean war and several more sauces we:-e I':·
with the help of traitors to Democracy. They h.a.d trieved by the Air Force. Some were stored at
built a jet aircraft that had exceeded the speed of Wright· Patterson Air Force Base. some wen:
sound in flight. They had built jet bombers with sto~d at Air Force bases near the location of the
imerconrinentai rarige that could carry weapons crash sight.
of enormous destruction. The post war era. and
the funm: seemed bright. Now imagine what it One saucer was so enormous and !he logistic
was like for those same le.lders, all of whom had prOblems in rranspora.tion so enormous mat it
witnessed the panic of Orson Wells' radio broad· was bwied at !he crash sight and remains there
cast. ..The War of the Worlds", in 1938. Thou- today. The stories~ legendary on transporting
~ of Americans panicked at a realistically crashed saucers over long distances. cooving only
presented invasion of Earth by beings from at night. pun:hasing com?l::te farms, slashing
another planet. ·Imagine their horror as they through fon:sts. major highways, some :
actually viewed the dead bodies of these fright· times d..-iving 2 and 3 !a-boys in tandem wi th and
ening looking linle creatures with enormous extraterrestrial load a hundred feet in dian::e~er.
eyes, reptilian skin and claw Like finger.;. Imagine
their shock as they attempted to determine how On April 30. 1964. tile fJ.nt communicJ.tion
these strange "saucers" were powered and could between these aliens and the U.S. Gove:nc:enc
discover no part even remotely similar to compo- took place at HoUoman Air Fon:e Base;..., New
nentS they were familiar with: no cylinders or Mexico. 3 saucers landed at a prearranged area
pistons, .,o vacuum tubes orturbines cr hydraulic and a meeting was held becween the aliens :u-:d
acrua.tors. Ic is only when you fully understand intelligence officers of the U.S. Governrr.e:n.
the ovetv.'helming helplessness the government
was faced with in the late 40's thar you can During ti:e period of 1969- 1971, MJ-12 ~;;r::­
comprehend their perceived need for a total. senting the U.S. Govemmenc made J. de:1l wim
thorough and sweeping cover up. to include the these rn:arures, called EBE •s (Extr:ue:Tesai3.1
use of "d~dly force". Biological Entities, named by Detlev Bronk,
original MJ- 12 member and 6th President of
The cover-up was so successful that as late as Johns Hopkins University). The "de:ll" was that
1985 a senior scientist with the Jet Propulsion in exchange for "technology" that they would
Laboratory in P:uadena, California. Dr. Al provide to us, we agreed to "ignore" the abduc:·
Hibbs, ':"auld look at a video tape of an enormous tions that were going on and suppress informa-
fly ing saucer and state the !':cord, "I' rn not going tion on the cattle mucil:~.cions. The EB E •s assured
to assign anything ro that (UFO) phenomena MJ-12 th:lt the abductions (usually lasting Jbout
without a !ot more c:Ura". Dr. Hibbs was looking 2 hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring of
at the naked emperor and saying, "He certainly developing civiliutions.

P:tge 2
- .. ~· ·· -··-·-·- ·-···-~ -·· · · . · --- ' . ·- -- - - . .. -- :.•. _____ __:._..

Document Archived at:

John Lear Statement : Revised March !.S, ~

type of accident or nudearwa:, orpossi~IYoaaac

In fac'-. the purposes for the abductions turned oul back. side of and evoluriona.ry g:r.::.ic
tO be: order to suStain themselves they us: an er.:yttlc ar
hormonal secretion obtained frorn the tissue thai
(l) The insertion of a 3mm spherical de- they extract from humans and an.i..7-a ls.
vice through the nasal cavity of the ab-
"I duetee into the brain. the device is used for
;I the biological monitoring, cracking, and
control of the abductee.
The secretions obtained are eben IXWted with
(2) Implementation of Posthypnotic Sug- hydrogen peroxide and applied on the slcin by
gestioo to carry out a specific activity . spreading or dipping paru of their bodies in the
during a specific time period. the actuation solution. The body absorbs t.~e solution, then
.,I of which will occur wilhin the next 2 to 5 excretes the waste back through the slcin. The
" yean. cattle mutilations that were prevalent throughout
the period from 1973 to 1983 and publicly noted
•• •
, (3) Termination of some people so that through newspaper and magazine stories and
•• they could function as living so111t:es for included a documentary produced by Lincb
'' biological material and substances. Howe for the Denver CBS affiliate Ki\1GH-1il.
' we:re for the collection of these tissues bv• the

(4) Termination of individuals who repre- aliens. Tbr mutilations included genitals taken,
sent a threat to the continuation of their recrums c.:>red our to the colon. ey~s. tongue, and
i' acnvuy. throat all su:rgicallyremoved with exrremc:p~-
sion. In some cases the incisions were made bv
(S) Effect genetic engineering experi- cutting between the cells, a process we are not yet
mentS. capable of performing in the field. In many of the
• mutilations there was no blood found at all in the
(6) Impregnation of buman females and carcass, yet there was no vascular collapse of the
early termination of pregnancies to secure inremal organs. 'This has been also noted in the
the crossbreed infanL human mutilations, one of the fll'St of wltich was
Sgt. Jonathan P. Louette at the White Sands
The U.S. Government was not initially aware of Missile Test !Wlge in 1956, who was found three
the far reaching consequences of their '"'deal". days after an Air Fon::e Major had witnessed his
They were led tO believe that the abductions were abduction by a ..disk shaped" objec: at 0300
essentially benign and since they figured the while on a search for missile debris downnnge.
abductions would probably go on anyway His genitals had been removed. ~cru m cored out
whether they a~ed or not. they merely insisted in asurg:icallyprecise "plug" up to the colon, eyes
' I that a current list of abducrees be submitted, on a removed and all blood ~moved with, again. no
periodic basis. to MJ-12 and the National Secu- vascular collapse. From some of the evidence it
rity Cound. Does this sound incredible? An is apparent that this surgery is ac;:omplished. in
!I actual list of abducrees sent to the National most cases, while the victim, anim~ or hurnan, is
Security CoWlcil? Read on, because I have news still alive.
for you.
The various parts of the body are t.l.k:en to various
The EBE's h.ave a genetic disorder in that their undergroundlaboratories,oneofwhichisknown
digestive system is atrophied and not functional . to be near the small New Mexico town of Dulce.
Some speculate that they were involved in sorne This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facility has

.· Page 3

. ·· "'-
Document Archived at:

John Lear Statement : Revised March !5. 1988

been described as enormous. with huge tiled time. These documentaries would ex-plain the
walls tllat "go on forever". Wimesses have re· history and intentioas of the EBE's. The discov-
poned huge vats filled with amber liquid with ery of the "Grand.Deception" put the entire plans,
parts of human bodies being stirred inside. hopes and dreams ofMJ-12 into utter confusion
and panic.
After the initial agreement. Groom Lake, one of
this nations most seczet teSt centers, was closed Mceti.llg at the "Counrry Oub", a remote lodge
for a period of about a ye:tr, sometime between with private golf course, comfortable sleeping
about 1972 and 1974, and a huge underground and wetting quarterS. and its own private airstrip
facilicy wa.s coastrUcted for and with the help of built by and exclusively for the member of MJ.
the EBE' s. The "bargained for" teChnology was 12. it was a factional fight of what co do now. Pan
set in place but could only be operated by the of MJ-12 wanted tO confess the whole scheme
EBE's themselves.Ncedless to say, the advanced and shambles it bad become to the public, beg
technology could .oot be used the EBE's their forgiveness and ask for their support. The
themselves, even if needed. other part (and majority) of MJ-12 argued that
there was no way lh~y could do that, that the
During the period between 1979 and 1983 it simation was untenable and there was no use in
became inaea.singly obvious tO MJ-12 that exciting the public with the ''boni.blc truth" and
things were not going as planned. It became that the best plan was tO continue the develop-
known that many more people (in the thousands) ment of a weapon that could be used against the
were being abducted than were listed on the EBE's under tbe guise of "SDr', the Stniegic
official abduction lists. In addition it became Def~e Initiative, which had nothing whatso-
obvious that some, not all, but some of the ever co do with a defense for inbound Russian

nation's missing children had been used for nuclear missiles. As these words are being writ·
secretions and other parts requin:d by the aliens. tea, Dr. Edward Teller, "father" of the H-Booob
is personally in the test tunnels of the Nevada Test
In 1979 there was an altercation of soru at the Site, driving his workers and associates in the
Dulce laboratory. A special armed forces unit words of one, "like a man possessed". And well
was called in to cry and free a number of our he should. for Dr. Teller is a member of MJ- 12
people trapped in the facilicy, who had become along with Dr. Kissenger, Admi.ral Bobby In·
aware of what was really going on. According to man, and possibly Admiral Poindexter, to name
one source, 66 of the soldiers were lcilled and our a few of the cunene mem~ of W -li.•
people were not freed.
Before the "Grand Deception" was discovered
By 1984, MJ-12 must have been in stark terror at and according to a meticulous plan of ~etered
the mistake they had made in dealing with the re!e::tse of information to the public, 5ever.l..l
EBE's. They had subtly promoted "Clo~ En·. documenrari~ and video capes we.:e made. Wil-
counters of the Third Kind" and "E.T." to get the liam Moore. a Burbank. Cilifomia. oascd 1~"FO
public used to "odd looking" aliens that were researcher who wrote ""The Roswell Incic!c::c", a
compassionate, benevolent and very much our book published ia 1980 that de:ailed the C"::lSh,
"space brothers". MJ-12 "sold" the EBE's to the ~very and subsequent cover-up of a U"FO wi:.h
public. and were now faced with the fact that 4 alien bodies. has a video cape of 2 oews::::e:t
quite the opposite was true. In addition, a plan interviewing a military officer associ;ued with
was formulated in 1968 to make chc public aware W ·12. This miliury officer answen questions
of the exis;ence of aliens on eanh over the next 20 relating to the history ofMJ-12 and the cover-up,
yean to be culminated wh.b several documenta- therecoveryofanwnbcrofflying saucenand the
ries ro be released during 1985-1987 period of existence of a Live alien (one of 3 living aliens

/ -\

Document Archived at:

John Lear ent: March!

c:api'UI"ed and designated. or named, EBE·l. NSA 'sD~ctOro!Poliey ,Julia B. We:zel, WT'O!e.
EBE·2. and EBE·~. being held in a. faciliry there u or was an Air Force projc::

designated a.s YY.n at Los Alamos, New Mex- with that came (Aquarius) wh.ich dealt 'ftiUI
ico. The only other facility of this type. which is UFO's. Coincidently. th~ is also an NSA proj.
electromagnetically sec~ . is a.t Edwards Air CCt by that name. ., NSA' s project Aquarius d~
Force Base in Mojave, California). The officer specifically with the ..communications wit the
names as previously mentioned plus a few othen: &liens" (the EBE' s). Within the Aqua.'ius ?n>
Harold Brown. Richard Helms, Gen. Vernon gram was project ..Snowbird", a projec: to te:A-
Walters. JPL 's Dr. Lew Allen and Dr. Theodore fly a ~covertd alien aircaft at Groor.l La~e,
von .Karman. to name a few of the current and past Nevada. This project continues today at tlut
memben of MJ-12. locatio!"~ In the words of a.n ind.i vidual who woru
at Groom Lake, "Our people are much bena- 31
The officer also ~lares the fact that the EBE 's raking things apart than they~ at p\ thetll
claim to have created ChrisL The EBE's have a back together."
type of recording device that recorded all of
Earth's history and can display it in the form of Moore, who claims he has a. contaCt with MJ-12..
a hologram. This hologram can be filmed but feels that they have been Stringing him along,
because of the way holograms work docs not slipping him documents and providing him
come out very clear on movie film or video tape. leado;, promising to go public with some of the
The crucifixion of Olrist on the Mount of Olives information on elttr.UC::ITesll'i.als by the end of
has allegedly been put on f1lm to show the public. 1987.
The E.BE's claim to have created Christ. which,
in view of the "Grand Deception", could be an Certain ofMoore •s sw.ements lead one to believe
effort to disrupt traditional values for undeter· that Moore himseLf is a. government agent work-
mined ~asons. ing for MJ-12., not to be StrUng along, but string
along ever hopeful UFOI'ogists that the truth is
Another video tape allegedly in existence is an just around the corner. Consider.
interview with an EBE. Since .E.BE's communi-
cate telepa :hie ally. and Air Force Colonel serves l. Moore stateS emphatically he is not a
as an interpreter. Just before the recent stock: govemmeat agent, although when Lee Gt"Aham
market correction in October of 1987, several (a Southern California. based UFO!ogist) was
newsmen, including Bill Moore, had been in- investigated by DIS (Defense Investigativ:: Serv- '
vited to Washington, D.C.. to personally film the ice) for possession of classified documents re- •

EBE in a similar type interview, and disaibute ceived from Moore, Moore himself was not.
the film to the public. Apparently. because of the
correction in the market. it wasfelc the timing was 2. Moore states emphatically thac the cattle
notpropitious.ln any case, it certainly seems like mutilations of 1973-1983 were a hoax by Linda
an odd inform the public of elttrater- Howe (producer of "A Strange") to
restriah. but it would be in keeping with the create publiciry for herself. He. cites the book
actions of a panicked organization who at this "Mute Evidence" as the bonom line of the hoax.
point in rime doesn't know which way to rum. "Mute Evidence" was a government sponsored
book to ext>lain

the mutilations in conventional
Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius . tenDS.
• documentS. a few pages of which leaked out
several yem ago and detailed the supersecret 3. Moore stateS that the U.S.A.F. Academy
NS A project which had been denied by them until physics book, "Introductory Space Science",
just recently. In a lener to Senator John Glenn, voL n chapta 13, enrided "Unidentified Flying

Document Archived at:

John Le3r St:uement : Revised March 25. 1988

Objects", which describes four of me most y~ in fact tbe interView was essentially factual.
commonly seen aliell$ (oneofwhichis tbeEBE) This scenario would cushion somewhat the blow
was written by LL CoL Edward R. Therkelson tO the public. If. however. M~ does not reiease
a.od Major Donald B. Carpenter. Air Force per- the tape by, say, February l of 1988 . but comes
sonnel who did not know what they were talking instead with a story ~milar to: " MJ- 12 has in-
about and were m~ly siring ··~kpot" refer- formed me that tbey are definitely planning a.
ences. He, Moore, states that the book was with- release ofall information bv• Octoberof88. I have
drawn to ex~~ the chapttr. seen !he plan and have seen l:he guarantee lhat this
will happen. so ! have decided to withhold the
If !he govemmenr fell they were being forced to release of my video tape at this time as it may
acknowledge the existence of aliens on Earth cause some problems witb MJ-12's plans." This
becauS¢ of the overwhelming evidence such as would in effect buy more time for MJ-l2 and time
the October and November sightings in is what they desperately need.
Wytheville, Va., and recently released books
sucb as .. Night Siege" (Hynek, I . Now you ask. "Why haven't I beard about any of
Allen;!mbrogno, Phillip J.;Pratt. Bob:Night tbis?"Who do you think you would hear it from?
Siege, Ballantine Books, Random House, New Dan Rather? Tom Brokaw? Sam Donaldson?
York), and raking inco con.sldcnrion the ..grand Wrong. These people j ust read the news, they
deception" alld obviously hostile intentions of don't find it. They have lAdies who call and
the E~E's, it might be expedient for MJ-12 to interview wimesscs and verify statements on
admit the EBE's but conceal the informacion on stOries coming over the wire (either AP or UPI).
the mutilations and abductions. If MI-12 and It's not like Dan Rather would go down tO
Moore were in some lcind of agreement tllen it Wytheville, Virginia. and dig into why there
would be beneficial tO Moore to tow ihe pany were 4 THOUSA.r.'ID reported sightings in Octo-
line. For example. MJ-12 would say... "here ~ ber and November of 1987. Better that Tom
some more genuine documents ... but Brokaw or someone else should risk tbeir credi- ta!king about the mutilations or bility on Uris type of story. Tom Brokaw? Tom
abductions". 11Us would be beneficial to Moore wants Sam Donaldson to risk his credibilirv. •
as it would supply the evidence to support his one, butnoooe, is going to risk: their neck on such
theory that E. T. 's exist but deny the truths about outlandish ideas, regardless of how many people
the E.T.·s. How eva-, ifMoore was indeed wort~ report sigh rings of900 foot objects running them
ing for :VU-12. he would follow the pmy line off the roa.d. In the caS¢ of the W)'thevillc sight-
anyway the E.T. 's but pooh poohing ings, dozens of V:lnS with NASA lettered on the
the cnutil:u:ions and abductions. If working alone, side failed to inte."'Cst newsme:~.. And those that
Moore nor even be aware of the "gnnd asked questions were informed that NASA was
dec::pcion". doing a we:1thcr survey.
Time will tell. It is possible that Moore will go Well lhen, you ask. what about our scientistS?
ahe:ld and release the video in[Ct"Y\ew with the What about Carl Sagllll? Isaac Asimov? Arthur
military officer around the tint of the ye3l', as he C. Oadce? W ouldn' t they have known? If Carl
has promiS¢d. From MJ-12' s point of view, the Sagan knows then he is committing a great bud
public would be exposed to the information through the soliC:r:Ltion of memberships in the
without reilly having to believe it because Moore Planetary Society, .. to sean:h for ex n-ate~ st:ia.l
is esse:1tially not as c:edible a source as. say, ::he intelligence". Anotha- char:lde inm which :he
President of the United States. Afta a few U.S. Government dumps million of dollar eve:y
months of digestion :lf!d discussion, a more cred· yc:Jr is lhe r:l.diotelescope in Arecibo, Pue~o
ibic source couid eCJergc with a srate::nenc that Rico. oper:lted by Comell e niv~icy w\lh. g'-"C SS

- · ·- · - ·-. -·- ·-· ·-· · -.
::::==~-- . . . . . . . .................
Document Archived at:

who?· Ca:-1 Sagan_ Comell is ostensibly search·
ing for signals from Outer Space, a sign maybe,
rime you see a flying saucer and are awed by i::l
obvious display of technology and golleQf.u
tfat somebody is out there. It is hard to believe lightS of pure color· RUN LilCE REI I ~
that: relatively intelligent astronomers like Sagan
could be so ignorant.
Jl!ne J , au
Las Ve9as,
W about !sue Sure!y the most pro-
lific science fiction WTiter of aJJ time would have ln 1983 when the Grand Deception was
guessed. by now that there must be an enormous discovered MJ-12 (which may now t~e
cover-up? Maybe, but if be knows he's not designated 'PI-40')started work on a
saying_Perhaps he's afraid that: Foundation a.nd we&pon or some kind of device to con-
Emp~ will rum out to be inaccurate. tain the EBE ' s which had by now total!.,.
infested o ur s ociety . This program was•
What about Arthur C Cl.ark:e? Surely the most funded through SDI which, co inc ici e:tt.!l !ly
technically accurate of Science Fiction writaS was initia ted at a p pro ximate! y : h e sar.-. ~
with very close ties to NASA would have at le.ut da te . A frantic effort has been made ove:
a of what's n:ally going on. Again, if so he the pas t 4 years by a 11 partie! pa :1: s . T!-.u
isn't ralking. .In a recent Science Fiction survey, pro;ra m ended 1n faih.~:e in Dece r:1be: c~
Clarke estimates that contact with extraterrestrial 1987. A new program has been conceiv~
but will take about 2 years to deve lop.
• intelligent life would not occur before the 21st
Century. In the meantime, it ls absolutely es se~ta!
to MJ-12 (PI-40), that no one, includi::;
the Senate, the Congress or the citize~s
If the government won't tell us the truth and the
of : he United States of America (or a nyct.e
major networks won' r-even give it serious con- e lse for that mat ter ) become aware of ~he
sideration, theo what: is the big p~. anyway? real circumsta nces sw-roundinq the UFC
Are the EBE's, having done a hundred thousand cover-up and tota l disaster it has b e co::-:e.
or more abductions (possibly millions world·
wide), built all untold number of secret under- Moore never did release the video tapes
ground bases (Groom Lake, Nevada; Sunspot, but claims he is negoc1at1:-:g with a major
Datil, Roswell, and Pie Town. New Mexico, network to do so ••• 'soon'.
just to name a few) getting ready to rerum to
whe~verthev• came from? Or, form the obvious

preparations are we to assume that they are
getting ready for a big move? Or is the more
sinister mosr probable siruation that the
invasion is essentially complete and it is all over .· ~-,- :.
but the screaming?

A well planned invasion of Earth for it's re·

- . .

sources and benefits would not begin with mass

landings of ray-gun equipped aliens. A properly
planned and e:tecuted invasion by a civilization
. thousands and probably hundced.s of thousands
of yean in advance of us would most likely be
complete before even ?- handful of people. say
12?, realized what was happening. No fuss, no
muss. The best advice I can give you is this: Next

Page 7

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I •

. T0 P SECRET I 1\1 AJ IC 0u 1
• C" " r t~ /"'\ \ II V

I ,
• TOP !ECRI'l' •


18 JOYEKB!I, 1952

YARn!C: This 11 a 'l'OP S!CR!'I' • BUS OIILY document con~in1M

· c 011pu"t!aen tali :ect in!o %'Ill&tion ua en't ial to the na Uonal ueu r i ty
ot the United Stab•• !I!S Olrt lCCESS to the 111ahNal herein
.. . ~
• • l • •

11 •trictly limit•d to tho•• peaaeeein~ Kajeetic-12 clearance

1~•1. Reproduction
in any form or th4 ~kinK of wr1tt~n or

4a me~han1c~llr ~nscr1bed Dot~s 11 1tr1ctly ·rorbtdd•n •

Top:~~~ret": I f\1 AJ IC
FY~S ON! Y . fl 0 :1

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TOP SECRl:T I M AJ IC . .. \
• ~.Yt~.•Qi'Jl- Y
~~~· ~ \
• • !Of !ECU"!' •
sn.f!l:!: OP!HJ.UOI )II.A.T!!S1'IC·12 l'U%.Vti!Uf !UrFI!Ci ?Oft
l'U:!U.Dt•UICf %ISbROWti.
l'U:PUD 11 IOfJ)QI£1, 19,~.

JUX'%10 OPliCI:Is All(, ICSCOI B. !IIWXO&lr!!R (JIU.. l)

JO'tl1 !!\11 ctoe•nt b" lleefl. 'IIZ'tlflU'H •• a ~trelU1fltot!'T 'brhttn«

oel1. It thosU4 'be rt~d •• 1lltro4uctof1 to a tull ope"Uon.t
ltnenn.r 1Atended ~ follow.

•• ••• • •

OfDAfiOI MAJ'!:!!IC-1~
11 a !Of Sllt!lft leu~h an4 ~.-do~ent/
IDtelli.ruoe opent1o11 r.,pcndUt 41rtU11 &Del only to the
• P!'u1dmt ot tht ll'A1 t1'4 Stat... c~~uoru ot the ~~~ ~·o' are
carr1td o~~ ~d:r ocatrol ot ~· Maje•t1c-l2 (Maj1e·l~) aro~p
wfticbwa8 ttt&ltl11ht4 by 1,.01&1 Ola111t1td ezeouti?e O!'d~~ ot

7Ptt1d•~' !rua&ll on 24 Se~t.-btr. 1947, upon recommendation ltr
~.' '!uah an4 SteJ"t1:&:'7 Juu Pon-ettal. (St• AttACh..,tn~
•A•.) "•sbert ot \bt Ka~tlt1c·l2 Croup were dest,.nAte~ ' ' tollo~t:
A~. loecoe B. Billtnkottter

tlr. T&Mnar lual'l
St~ • Jutl T, Pol'l"tlt.&l•
C..n, lath&a f, !W1J\1~

Oea. Bof'1 s. Tanchnber• .
~. l>et.l•• lroftk
D'r. Juoae B=•ue1'
·• fU'. S1c1~ey
IU". Cor'do!l
Dr. l>oDAld Jllmzel

Oen. lobert Jll. Jllon~t
D'r • tlo14 T .. Jtrlcutr
fh• dut)\ of Seen~ 'Porn11:Al nn 22 ""'• ll)•q, ~r"t"ltlltd
• T"oane,. wtlich nuintd u.ntUll4 Wltil 01 A~et, 1<?~ 0 , u:ort
wh1eh d-t• Geft. VAlter J. Ssita ~• d••1~ted &I "~~~n,nt
rt "Pl"c ~teen 1:. ·

• •
• toP S •


TOP ~C ··r·~f·M AJ lC '


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-- . ..
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·- •

• TOP SECRET I MAJ lC u 1) 3 -

• !Ol' ,&:11'! •

•., • r:~ OIQ

con o!l'! oP c~~ .


' • • •
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-------------- ·- ·- .
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• !"07 sa:•ft •

I! I! dtf
..• .. . COPT OM! OP e~.

1rr.•. ...

~ o~ttt au].:rticll ttfort GZ'&M1ari ll7' IJa. MaUl &Ad

Dr. 'Bub acUAC =
t!l.e 41..nct ft'!Snoe ot t!l.o lftUcltat, r ....
liltM 1ft a puU•1MrT OOD!Oa.t\18 (19 SIJ11•Nr, 19-'7) t~t
ue duo · •• 80411 l1iel7 a Uan. :r 7\1'1' reoormaUttar• c:ra.M.
f!Ua ua.lu1cm • • htM fft tu 8M1 'JIII.rt n UJ.a cn.t1:'1
1U1 •nd • • aJ11&2'111It lacl ot azq 14ean..t1.alllla prO"t11S.onuc.
(!Ia '"u'Wect .,.-.) ~ 1Udlar nelJ111I ot ta1 tovr dud
OCGIZPI&D~I n l ~ ll7 12!". Jranl. ·,.-.%1 -•• ~he tlat&UTe
ocraoluun of ~· crwP ('0 I0'9a!lnt' 1~7) UIAt altU\IC
1:ZlUe G~ . . l'l4"til &~'it •• . - H)'e iA aprsUWioOO, \U 'l ls,olOir1Cal
ud ""1\lUOn&r'f pa0011111 "I)Ce1'1\ I fft ~~I' 4ft~OPteftt
l:A• &n&rntl7 wa cu ta 41.nerat tz• 't2!.o•• o!lu"" or
oo•~'sd 1a ~a.c~ eaps.~. l:lr. Jzou•• wa w nawne4
Ut tars •L:tu-urxum&l 11oloceal lllUUu•, or •!71t••,
be &4o,,•4 u Q t •~4&ri
crea,l&ZU lmUl tW:b U.&l U
wr. of zoett"no• :or
& Mi"W dlt'SJI,.it1TI
4 . . 1,.,.UCIL
c&J\ lilt an-ee4 aJOB• ·

• •

. . . ... .
l\avou e.caatl• ot Wb&t ap,.u to ' ' a to~ ot wrl tin.«
we" toa:u 1a tile wr ..ap. J:ttona u dei:i ~~tr the . . l'lrn
rwsa1n~ ~17 aa.aoeeaatul. (See ~t\&4baant •z•.)
lqY&ll1 ~e•••~ ~· '•.a
etfortl to datarsint t~•
•• U111:1cl o t 111"0 pt111oa or 1:2l• • tau"~ or •• thocl o t n'u'•~ 1 n 1oa
ot ate l'O'WU toa::ract Slltol're4. a.. earob ~C'Do( theu Unu •

~ '••a e~l1e&tl4 ~ the ooaJltta ab•~• of 1~ant1:1~ble

Yinn. vr"Oll'llllft, ~·'-• or o~r eaunl'lt1onal llet'IOdt of
• propultion and ~dance, •• -.11 &I & total lack of ••t~lJ1e
'W1nzv.. Y&Cuua tub. . , or Uular •l-eu•oft1e
ea-~1\aata. (Sat Attacbaeat '?'.) tt 11 •••ua•4 that tht
'Pro'I'Qlt1oa =1 t waa ccmJleta~ 4eatrore4 'or tl:la a%Jloa1oa
wt\1cl:1 c&u.aecl tbt crsaa •

• ••••••••••••••
• !07 S&*l! •
~~TOP SECRET I MAJIC ~2-IX!2'rn' {I)

. . EYES ONLY 004 '
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.:..amr -
n· r z rm r-..~... ••--··--·z-==-· ---·-.. . -·--·.
• I

I • !'0, s'ICZr. •
!1 ~ O!tLT COPT 0~! OP C~.

A n••d tor &a .uch ad41t1an&l 1ntors&t10ft Ll po~s1\lt 1\out

th••• e~tt, ~e1r ,ertors&ftet cb&r&cttr11t1cl and ~heir
JNrJIOU ]fld to the WUif1'~ ROW U 'J'.S. Ail' ~r"et h'ojee~
SI~I' 1n lD order w j\il . . U''Tt ucla1.ty, l1a.ou
t)ecas'ber, 19'7·
11 .. ~.." stcr &Del MaJutie-12 ..,... lsas w to tvo 1nd 1~1d~a.l•
..n.1Js1e ttae tatdli.«erw:• lnT1•1a o't UJ' Jll&tentl Co~~~:Larsli whou
J"'h ..,., to JWUII &loD.C ct1'~1n f1,.a of u.tor=aUoft th.:'oo•«tl
ch&Mala. SIOW n·ol~d into 7N~ect IJIOLGI 1A ~r.:.her, lCJ48.
!!11 open UoD 1• c:""m'l-1 li•UC ooD&tu.o \M under 'the c:o4• na.:~•
~~ !00t 1 wi~h UuoD ••1nt''"lil4 ~ the .Ur hZ"Ct ot~1cer
wbo 1• b•a4 ot tbe pro~eot. ·;

O!l 06 l)eenltn, a ..cnt oll,.ct, nob&~lr ot et&ilu

or~D, 12~~ed \he ear~ at ~1~ •P••d 1ft ~~· P~ !ftd1o •
· ·. ; ClurTII'CI Afte ot the !ezu • Jll.ncu 'bocl.n• &ttu tollov1.n..c

• •

·· a lou tnJeo"l"7 t»ooue Qe ataoaJiben. !7 tbe t1ae a
...-.l"eb tt=ea L~~~~ -="r .. l'ft''"'..d
'o"ll7 iAOUC&tM. s~t~ •u-rul u oo1Ud ~· rwcoured wu 10 . tae 4.J.C. tac 111 '7 •' S&NtU, It• Nul co, tor
~ ~; e-::-.::t ~~c! ~.:4 ,:,~:~

•c..q:... . . .

. .., •


005 I


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- ..

TOP SESR~T I M AJ IC . .' .. .., ( ....

• ro1 s~ •
!t !!3 Olft! COPY ON!' OP ON'!:,

·~rt~CRHlit •1• •••••••• S~1&l Cl&aa1t1•4 EXecut1Ye

- Crier #092U7. (ts/ E:O )
. .
·~rtACSMXIt -J• ••••••••O,.ra~1on X&l••tic-12 Sta~1
··~:-t 11, .P&r~ ~- ~~lfO'V '£7.
: (~C/JC)

·~~ACKMEIT •c• .....••. O~era.tion-~j•etie-12 S~a:us

le~ort #l, ~ !. ~0 JOV ''7·
( %S-IU..TIC/JC )

- •..t.t!AC!H!Hr ·~· •••••••• Operwtion X&jeatie-12 Prel131nary
ln."Ll1't'!eu Report. lCJ SU '47,

•lt-..lC RKEI'!' ·~ ••••••••Operation Kajeatie-12 ! l ue 'l'eu

.. -
·.. . .•
... l•~rt
( ~-MAJ
#5. '0
JOJ '52.
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• · :~ •..t.m~. ~'···· ..... Opera.Uoa Jltaje1tie-~2 Sta~\a

· . . , .:.·i'.:.. . .. I•J>O" 12. ' l JU 48 •
. ... . ·- . .. . .. . (~.11C/Bo)
. . ... ~

-;• •••••••• Operation X&l••t1c-l2 Ccnti~ency
.. ~.., l'la.zs PU-19l9-04l'/7B: ' l JJJf 1 l9 •
.. . . ·:·. .' . ·•• •. (:S K.f.JIC/1\?)
:· ~

•At!ACBMJI~. ~ ••••• ~ •• Opera.t1on M&J•atic-12, Kapl and

. . ~ · ·. . • - ~'tO~ l'ha lo11o ( 'lxt':'acUOJ~A ) ,
.·.~ , · ( t'S =K!J!CIJC )

• ••••••••••••••

!LAS owg EYES ONLY '!'52-llDiPt (I)

-- . .. . 006
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• ••••••••••••••
!!!S CNU COP! O'!f! 01' C~.

- .
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. . --· -· __... . . . . . . . . --..... -- . . . - ---·~ -··· ------illltolillll
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~~---------------- --- ... .



• ...... , .. aTo ...

Dear S ecn ta.zT P'ol'T'9stal•

A• ,.r our r.cent COftYe:-a. tion em thi1 • tter,
"o" &MI her. to' au~rised ~ :p;c ooHd. d th all clue
sp..d and ·caution ~tPCn 7V'Z1" \IDderta.kinc, Menart.r
thia MU.r lhall ~ n.taued. ..t.o . ~ u Opera'tJ.on
•aJeeUc t'wel". , •· • ' "":"'.}-~·"..:
• . 'W\. .. ~- ~
. .. ., ,,r --... .. ~.\

H continues· to 'be . , te.liu.c tM.t. a~r~ h~

conaideratl~ nlati~• 1o tb• altinste dlspoaition
or ~~ -~•r shoW.d rut •ole~ •1 th the Ottice
ot the Pz-es14snt toll-:wlnc apprvpriate diacuaeiona
with yW.nelr, Dr. Juab and 'Use DiMic~r ot Cenu-.J.

- " •

. ..

·-• ·

·..~.-: .: .;
. '•<" ·•'
' ....


• (

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. - . . . • -
-· Tilt MOIIOt-1::11 • Jolin Gl Hn · · .. -· - - --·- -. -. . . .
~i ttcl ShtH SH&tt
A~ I ""'• "&r .t ,,. Oil dOt' f •
SM-:13 M6rt Sto&tt Office l~ildint

Thi1 rttoonct to ~ur let~~ of 7 J&nu&ry Itt~~~~ ~t~ll'

of row~ CDftttatv~t, ~. Clifford t. Stone < L,cloture 1 >.

Tilt N&tional S#Cority ~Hey c~ 1111 rtctivtd n~trout

Fr~aa Of lnf~&tton Act CFOlA> ~~tttt for info~&tltn
p~t&!nt~9 to UFO lncldtntt. Our rtoeordt til~ t~&t ~. Stcnt
ft&t IY~JtttC tiJ IYC~ r~tttt ~~ tilt Pitt 7 ye&rt. Oftt 0~ I

tllost rtQVtttl ~•• for t~t i nfo~t i on atntione• I n '~~''~r a:~ : '
of llit Tttt~ t o you. tilt UFO inci~tftt &t _., MooeDr l c;e i&tt .
111 ov~ I Fit~v&ry I''" """on" to """. Stnt < tnc 1oturt 2 J , ,.,
• IIGt i'fj ...S It iD till t tilt tttiiU ti'CII •lllltOooiH' llld caou ttl" tt&rt~
costs l~lv~ In loc&tint ,.tcordt rttDGfttivt to llit r~tt!t
""""' 12:1.11. )le •o.tC'JH "'• tlll\ 1 upo11 r.ctiot e4 1111• U&t
~•t, 1 tt&rCII -ovid bt a&de. ~. StOftt did not ,.,,oonc ~o
evr It ttlf".
-•91r~ln9 tilt lnf~&tloll in D&r&;r&on 1 of ~. Stont't
1tt ttr, ..,. 11...,, liD record of rtoetlvillt 111 ..-o:• ,.,~~~o~•• t • ~~~,.
~CIC~tntt 4e& l in9 wit& & U'a dtttructio4 04 1 C~a~ "iG•ll.

I" &r 191' IUIII 3 of ft I I h tt If" Ul for NSoll ~& I ytl t1 of t ~ f
docw.e~t ~. &tt&clltd . It &ODt&rt to'' ~A i r '~'' eoc~~t.
Tllt O'I"O.itct lllltOt ..,. l cll &re r.-4tf"tftCid , ll9W lnd S1ua-esrc1, &rt
~•t HSA DrO.ioctt. Wt 11...,, •o lft.,.l~9t of tftt l t~4o~tion
COftt&intf Ia tftt doc~t.

I •

- .-- . .. -·· - ·~

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~~ tu~itcto4 D&ra;racft ~. ,,.,jtct Acwartus, ~'' tttn tht •
suajtct of nus~~~~~ '01~ rt~tttt. A''&rtntly thtrt it or ~••
~ •~~ ~ore• prOJf'-t 'Y t~at ~~~• ~~c~ ctalt ~it~ u'~'•· •
C~l~C;:tllt&lly, t~trt it also~ N~ ~rOJt<t ~Y that ~~~•· ~~
~ :ro~ect GOtt ~ot Gt&l •it~ UFO'S, Mt ~tll~t t~at t~t
(on••aioll 01 tllil inut ~ttul tt frCII Ul FOtA recwntl sutni tttcl
Oy ~otll~ p.rson •itll Interest In UFOs, ~. ~rittian l~ri;~t.

. ·-- a. II . 1•401'S& t1 on 011 tilt NSa FO.i t< t

l't", La.s.l:lr' i ;II t " " " " t til • • • - I

~&riut, aooartfttly ~tli~ia; t&at tilt proitct ~trtaia to U1~s.

Me a~iucl 1'\0. L.UtOI\t t/lat our IM'titct cion not clul •itll uFOs.
Ht t~tn rt~ttt.G rtcorclt r~&llnt t~t 'toal' o4 ~&rius, ana •• •
•i tlllltiCI t:lt ciOC-..tfl t IUCIIIII It I t c hni fi.G. Wt ll .... t r t i t Oft ta
~tli.-t ~ll&t ~r filltl rttOOfllt to~. r.. ..ori~t, cltflyifl9 IIi• &CCIII
to t~t rteorclt, llat bttn dJts .. intt.C •itllla & clrclt of tiiOtt
i~t~tttta i~ U10t lllcl tllat tuot~tntly & aitunatrtt&aclino 1111
C... tlo:e< P't~VC:iiiO :.CS.:., ~Cull' i.ut &110 U,Ot.
te rtt00ftcli•9 to glfttral FQJA r~tttl for UFO lafora&tiOA,
c..- tai a ~OC\ftlft tt """t ::ttft •it!lfltl Cl 4r. . u" ::~~~•H c ,..,.tv&II t to tilt
firu Lilli :air'.l 11-Dtions of tilt IIOIA. Tl\t first ••••tioll
pt'OYiCtt '~ tl'll ;:lf"OUCti~ll of iii40,.,&t i OII WliCII Jt CUI"P'tftt\y &lid
,llt':D~ I 1 C I Uti H HI iII ICCCII'C:&IICt •I Ul tilt ~0\fhlo,i Of !Jitcu tlvt
Dr:ff' lu:•, lllt til i rll u ..aU Oft ~· t tc t a I 114-&U 01'1 frCII
Oitcloturt ~ ttatutt. Tbt ttltlltt• aooiJca•l• 11 tllit ca•t &rt
:• u.s.e. &12 nott c ~uDiic ~a. ••·l4, StctlOft • >, ,. u.s.c.
<3> &114 II U.S.C. '?1. ~it &;tncy' l Ct<ltion to prottct tllott
r.c~c:s 1111 ~ttn v:fltld by tilt ~ittcl St&ttt eo11rt o+ Aootalt for
t~t Dlttrlc~ o+ tolumai&. •
• .
.._ IlOilo tll&t tile infCM u U • lltin; pt"Oifidl'd to ,... •i \\ Itt
o+ 1\tl p to ,.,. • Stone •


Dtrtc tiM' Of ~ol icy

- -

'-,So •
Document Archived at:


WASI'tiH ~TCIH . 0 . c;. I CIS~~


. ./11J"l. 2

CAtcutiv• 8riefin9 <~e•o}

Y1sterday ~2 rtQUISted c~i•f inq an ~rojtct •••• In par:icular.

~~ wan t ed v ;~attd info fro• ~J~ advis ed t~at t~•:
·info was no~ •v• il • bl e to~~. looar•nt ly· Hhit • House ~•o u •stf~
info b 1ca us e of C• n't st~·
t o •• k • t hos e r~ lS no • v • il a ~l l 'J~
a ny diss~~ination. oer £0 ~~~s ~. re~ar~~ess of who r1nues : s
info. Contact T -2~ and se• if h• can assu~• custody or :~ •

Don't •llou AF to 1valuat1 IDE~T info. ·Th1y ~•v ocen u~ •

littll too .. uc:/'1. ((~D-? c an assist to so~• 1xt1nt .


Document Archived at:


~~ •
Coc~••"t •: :!1

=•~• Sent :
~~o~ : u~O fH~O
.--1 ~ -1•••
• · •:I J ec: ~: 1•sa ~-~ WCO~IIt t:I<JI

.. ......... ...

.- •• '- !II•
- · -• y I ·-
--· f

TO: RA~ t ::

1. ~•~ly '" t~• ••~,.,~, o+ ~ =•c: •• t -.o~o•l••t•ly ~3~ l .t•o us~­

••c:~~~~Y DO l le:• D&t~Oiae~ ••• ~n~S~&! l i t~ta O~tll~e t~e 0~- , . , . &t
~~- WCcCD~ I S9•• T~ l nklft' &~ & i ~C~&+t a i J~t ~ave C~&lfteG 0~ Oeen fO~C:e ·
:a~n, t ~ e y :a ll fo~ D•~•III I O~ tO '0 Q~tiiCe t~e ,ate to ln~elt19&te.
!~ • on- ~ ut 'l +11 9"' C:ftle+ ~•co~d•d anc a l~ o·•• t ~ ~•• ~·t'o ~ ••" to a~o­
c:••• on #=ot . ~ ~ • l nG tvi d~& ! S ~ •po~~•• aee 1 n9 & at r &n 9• f l O••~• ~JeCt
' ~ ~ ~ • •c~•• t . T~• oo,ect ••• •••c:~ i ~•• aa oe t n• ••t& ol ~ in ~~·•~&nc:•
• ~ = ~r l & ft 9~ 1 •~ I n wn~e, ao~roa , aate l y t•o t~ tn~•• ••t•~• ~~o•• t n•
~••• anG ~o~o& l •&te l~ t•a ••t•~• ~ 1 9ft• :t ll l •~ ~~ &te: tft• ent1re to-
·••t •ltn • •ntt• 119nt. T~• ooj•ct Itself ~·• a~~ ' """' ~•• ' ' ' " t o n
t :o &nO a oanWIII a+ Dl~• IIJnts ~nde~neat~ . T.. • aDJect ••• nove~'"'
=r =" 1•9•· AI tfte oat~:lsen ·~oroa=n•a t~• OD J •c~. lt ••n•Yv•~•• tn•
~ •~'" t~• t~••• &~S Gls&GO•~•• · ~t t~l• tla• t~• an••• l • en a ne&~~Y
••~• ••nt Into & •~•nzy. Tne ccject ••• o~ l •+ly s t ,nteo &Go~o•L•&tely
&n nc~~ lat•r nea~ tn• O&ck 9•t•·

~~ T~• ne•t aay, t~~e• •••~•••tanw

1 1 1 2• ano ~· In ctaa•t•~ •••o
••-• •o~na •"•~• t~• aOJ•ct ~•• o••" ai1~t•c lne tr=~no. rh• +all• an
CM \ "9 "'~"t t:• C•e ••• t"• ar•• ••• c:neck•c for ~a:siat~cn.~et&/0 . .•&
~•••'"'• o+ •• 1 a&llt~o•nttens we~• ~•co~a•a •itn ~·•w ~••4~"~ 1n tn•
t~~•• aeor•••tcna ana n••~ t~• cent•~ af tn• t~l&n,le +or••• or t~•
••=~•••••"•· a n•a~oy t~•• naa ••••~ate c.•!·.~ l ~eas'"'• on tne 11••
of tn• tree ta•&~4 tne ••o~•••lons.

~. Later tn tne nltnt a ~•• •~n-ltk• ll9~t ••• •••" t~~•~t~ tn• tree
• ~~ aovea &DO~t anc p~l•••• At one point i t &Qc••~•• ta tnro• a+~
t l a•ln9 o&rtl:lea an~ t~•" orok• 1 ntc fi v e ••oarate .n 1 te CDJ•cta

- ans tnen Gt••~~··~••· :•••alat•l ~ t n ere&+ter, tnr•• at&~-l l ~e aDJeCt•

••r• notlc:ec 1n tne sky.T•O acJ•c:ts to tfte "o~tn an~ one to tne aa~tn
, a ll cf wftlC~ ·•~• &Oo~t 1• •·~~·•• a++ tne no~t:on. T~• OO J •cta
'Sc •o~ ec ~ ao l a l ~ '" anaro .,.,.. , _ •• v •••,.~• •"~ 4 i ao i &'/ •:S rea, ,,. •• " &1'14
~ ~~ · llJnta. Tn • OD J •c:ta to tne n=~~n ~••~•• tc ee e1 1 1Dt!c&& t~~o­
u ~ ~ a" 8- 1 ~ ~o••• ~·~•· T~•Y ~~•~ t ~~ ~•4 t o • ~:1 : 1 .• : ! •~ · ~ ~• ~~ J ·c~•
t= t : •• 'I O~ ~ " ~ •.,atre4 ~:\ t .l'l e •k'/ +::~,. "" .l'lc;• ~ cr- •o~•· T;, . O~J •.:~ c.o
t. ~ • •c._. -:.,. ..... .., l 1 1 ~ 1 • .f. ora t":~ :r- ~ ~ ~•• 1'\.:~.· s ~ .. ~ ;:.,..._.: .:,;,..., & at.~ • . . I

' :. + ! ~ ] ~. ~ f•:!J t. l :w ~~ t. 1ae. ~'hi.~~r=·• s !1: ~ , .~~-~ ! a, •· ·-~ -' .: ~ n'f tn• \Ant-~•• I

·~~,,. •• , •l~·••••• t!'• s.c~:. • i ~ ! •• i.~ i:.&:-.&9,...,.,..." .. .: A"• ::.

,, -- .. - ..... -· ··- -. - .......,_ ..... .. ·--·- -·· --·---
Document Archived at:

• -
~ •
., G-· . .._.,.-
'~· ~~w•~
i --

C~l. H~lt: !~~ +••t g~ ~o~• ~~=• t~• Initial, I ·~=~14 sa, •~ag•~t•4
l~t~cao:t: p:o i r.O.. Mav• a lie. tl• 11ff ~c:~l C}' • ... ~an· t 1•c t.lle
l..ldall to •ork. S•••• ~o ~· •~•• ki~d of a.c:n~nl~al ~ro~l••·
Oo I ti'J tc: ••t~4 l t 1: ao:loc &tiG :~~et &l'lo t.h•r 1..1 :Ia ~I. :!••"
t. ••• •••·• •
'JO 1 "'J t.a talc• so•• ,. •• 4 I "9• -.1 t.h t.n• Cl•lg•r C:OYn ,.,. .a.. 4 ,.,. •
etlo:k aro~~c II•,.• a llttl• =it w&lt.lng fa~ anotn•,. ~•~••• ~o
c:=m• tlac;lc in.

Malt.: C.K,I wer• tiOW &DP:I'O&C:~Ing t.fte area nlthin &bo~t. 2~ 01' ~ . . . ,,
W"'at. lc I nd af ~••4 ~ "'9• •• 9•t t.l n'9? An·yt.ll i "9?
• •

W~•"• ar• t.~• l•o,.•••ions? -




Sc!4t~~t.-~ Ye• Slr, "•'~• n~• aft tn• ~/1atns •~•1•, •~~ wer• reaGin9
6bcut, un, tne thtr~ ar fcu~th l~cr•••n~.

H&l ~:



Sal :lie,.:
f ~•" r-ead ~hat, th• ••t•r is 4•f~n•t••t glv1ng •••• l~~ ~~{••·
l..•t• ga to th• ~•nte~ ~f the ar-• n•~t &ft4 ••• ~nat ~>n4 OT
r•ad1~9 "• i • t out ~her•. Tou•re readin9 th• click•, : C&•>'t
hear ~~· cltckw. Tha' &OOYt ~h• , .... ~.r sr~c•?

. .' •

Document Archived at:

O.l':. , 9~ ",CI ,_;, ~ c:en t e,.. ,
letw That't. '-~'~• t>••'- o•+~•.::'-lon
n••~l• t'v• wee~ yet, C .~. , can y~~ 91vW ge an eetlm6~4~n.

~•• ,...on the ~oint five scale, a~d ••• ,... 9etl1"'' _..,...
Sc:~lltle,.. : ~·tt\n9 ~l9ht at, ~~. & half Qof & aill1ren~1n•

H.a I ·t ::

Halt :

Sc:~ I Cllel" :
Cl~l ~-~•1 One 1nclent&tian Mh•~"• ~• f•r•~

ThiS is toM&I"d the
90l the stron~est l"e&di"9· lt'A alalo&l" to wh&l •• ~;t

This ICIO~ll 11~• an area hel"e posslbl/ t~~; :=~~; ;• • :las;.
So t~J er-:
It JUSt JU.·~·CI lCI 17-
Ha lt: What "?

SoiCI I •r> :

u,.., I'IU.h·


We fo~nCI a blast, wh&t la:ks 11~• a ~~aat•~• o,,
Haiti •r:,.u-fofecl loiP &l"e& her.~. We'l"• ••ttl"9 ve:-r gas1ti •Je I"&&CI~t·i•·
~ets •••• 1• that near th• centel"? I
tenths. Seven u.ntts J•L• call It on tn• p•int
u~ tc:~ s•"•" WhY Clon't ~• ••~• . -'

fl I v• seal•·
O.K., •"Y don't •• 4CI t nl •·

-• -~

. SCI141•1" :




- •



Document Archived at:


• •

~ak• a ~•r l m• t •~
run 6r:~n~ i ~, a;~:~~~~
:= ==t
~· t•.: &Cout out..
~PI• :~rner . ~&c k £t th~ ••~• ?~r~t ~=rn•r
~~~~t b&C~ ~•re &t
'-•ts '!10 I"()PI~ b.t.C: II h•re. t ......~t t.: 4•r... n.:
M~•~• ~• ca-• 1ft.

S at :l le,.:
O.loC. l•t•· ,,l"l<fl'll'. put tr••
light. en 1~ 1 lets " .. ••P aroun.1 ~t.
~t It on t.~• ,,.o~nd evel"y on~• In a wh it e.

0. K. , ... • II c:atc: h tha&. on t.l•e ,.._y b&c: Lo. , l•t• ,c &ra .. /\4, 1\ It. 'L •
t. .......

I 9et an tnter••tln'J on• ave,. here, 1aa ~ s ! Ik e ~ 4b~&a~on
So l dier :
~o int In to t.h• :ent•r·

~a l t : tt ts.

3a t.11 er :
Yeah , this Is an a~w&r:l th in~ to ~•• Isn't lt. Are . - . ~etti n i
Hal t :
&l'l•· •.h I nof 'fo.u• t P\er-?, : • :11 90 I ng to allu t t hI s r e cor:le r of+ un' > ~
.... +ln4 so•ethln9•

So l::ll er:
wnat are ~• ua to? ~ •• ,.. ~a to ~ ~ ~r.t~a o; Ple.l<ln'J up?
• de+ tectU:In • You're 'Jett.ln9 In cl o se to an• ~=~·

Hat t.:

S ol:ller :


Soldle .. : G•t one o+ ~~·•• tr••• t~a~s ~ac~ ~ ~ tne btas~. •••~•• w"•t ••
Is the 1an41n9 s1~nt.. All aro~ n 4 Ln ~raaicn t~a~s facini in
the s&M• 41rectton to~&rds t h e c:en~er .

Halt. :
Th ats Int er••~ !~ ~. 1 •t• ~ = thla wa ~ ar a~nd tn• c1r-c t • .
It ~ac k 4o•n here, •


Document Archived at:

• •

.. -- --- --------------------------·-------~·· -- -· --·------ -- ~ ------------------- -

'-•t •• ••• tl'"l&t.. Tcu" th&~a :.01 n~ c.f "*""")'., t.n&t-6. T'-._., .
,.1 '!'PIt &1:1 :Ill~ t h • &:!,. & & I Cll) , v• n•
1' ' v .,. s• • •' & ~ :" • • t,,
-:;.o\6; & , ..
"•v•,.. •••n a gln• t.r•• ~t, at• t:••~· ~ .=.=~9•c:s, r•.a.c:. '-+•&'- .;,..~.

t cl 111•,.:

H&l t:


Ha lt: 0. I(. • +r"O!II "0'" .,,. l•ts,
l •t.•, l•t.& ICI•nt.tfy t.t.&t. a& ,s:,,:;;.nt.
"u .. o•~ o.-. •. That at&k••re, So ~ = ~ a ll kn o n ~h•r• ; t 1&
I ~ • • hav• t: ak•~ch it.. Y c~ get that. a i ~• N•~• ll s~

l' c lcll •,. : Y•• S\,.,

Ha lt.:

Halt: •

lto1nt. Twc, •c this t.r"•• i• ~.~ ........ " ;:ct i~t. t.wa •r4~ ~-.~...-.:. t..··•••·
: ~we Gthe~ ~·~s~~n•l ~•qu••t1~9 H&l~• ~~~·~!an :

Halt: T•l! t.~>•• "•'.J&t4vw &t t.hl& t.1••· U•'ll t.•!l i:h•• ..;-.,.,, l.i••.r
can co.e OYt PI•,.•· Don·~ ••nt. t.h•• o~t. h•r• r-l9ht. nu ••
C.K •• t.ft• a&mPI• 1 yo~,. 90nna. •&nt. thia A~Pl• n~QC•,. o~•·


l-l&lt: Have thea ~~t

It a+f and lnclu~• •o•• ~+ th~t sap ana &11,
I• oet~••n 1ndentatlan t"o and tn~•• on a plne t.~•• abo~t, uh
+lv• +••t &•ay, &Da~t ; and a hal~ +•• t o++ ~h• ,~a•nQ.
Tn•~•·• a ~~una &DP"aslon on th• t~•• About, uh, ; an~ a half,
o~ +=u~ \ncn•• tn dta-eter. it. look& 11~ • :t •19ht be o;Q,
-, tt~t., "h •••


' • . t

• Document Archived at:

- C~J
.. 1"•9•

-·-- -------------------·~----------------------- - --------- ·· -- · -···------------- -

~ t.,.. •n·;~•. t, •r •' • &. 1 1 1 .1 w " 1 n • .i.&a ~:-• .a.:~ c~=-• w.. c. L. r•• ~
\!:,.. >' '1 ". &
filS t • YC-'-' .&/ •.h.1"' •11 C t, t •• r t.ret. 1-. ~ r ~ t.7\•!. ~· • .:-....i .. ~ -• .... ~~
111.l11ll&,. ~~ ~-"45 &1'

..'<• •
' . .,,~<:., ..h~· . •
don'': you t..ake a plc:t.-..r• c+ t. n&-•
pt~tu,. •• ~•y, yo~ eu~ht to be wr i ttn~ •
~.:!' 1 ~ .•
'~lni tc b• ~" t~• tap•.

Matt: T~t• Is th• plet.u~•, y our flr•t pic:t~r• ~ill at. 'h• f•,•t.
tr-e•. T'JI\• o"• betwe•n • u.h ~ ••~k ~ •:'· ~ ~.•, "••n ! ••
•ol~9 to lee~ a coupl• of the•• tr••• cv•r he~ •••

~,.. ~cu 3ettl~9 an y ~••~lngs o n the tr••• / ~u~ t~~ ~" i •.am~:•• •
~~c•?, en th• s id e f&c 1 ~9 the •u•~·c~e4 l &n4~n~ s17~t~ I
~ .::11.::" • • •.a::. .
..,,a : t : Up to
.& •
II Q,.,
In O:.eres ~ I>UJ ,

:icl~i .,.: ..... $1,..

• ).4.alt: No cll.::ks .at. all en tl'le tJ&c:k, lt • • all c., t.he 1 ~~~• SlOe
f~ln1 tr. ••.• t~terest.l~g. All th• tissues laaw llke aaa•t~&ni
twist•~ it, •• It dcwn en the~. ••t.~o aks like saaean• tao~
saNet~lft9 &"4 sat. lt dew~ ~"" t.w i st•d It fro• si~e ~a •~aw.

Uh, h<411,

V•r'l str.&nCJ•• w•·~· Yl:l &t th e •••• t.r•• - . tack

c1>+ wltl'l th1s, wh.&~ da yo~ C.&ot It , s t. .&,.s~ap~?

Sa!<a i e,.: Ul'l ' h~.&h •

·-- ... --- --· " ·- .. ....... M, ~· o . _ _, _ _ _

Document Archived at:

• •

-- ·---------------------------·----p-------------------------------------------

:i~ttl1"' • cllt~ i ... a~• "••'=-
r•-f l•ct.iCin o~+ t l·,., ~ , ,.,., ,.:;.;;.-.t ~,,,..,.
~CI f~u,. +eet c+ 4 U•• ~rc:. ... ncl.


H&. ~ t.:
On ~he spot e~n ~h• tree ~lr•~t.!y beh1n~ us, : plck•d up t.~•
·~· t.hl"~· th• on• ~~~ to yci.Lr rttnt..

Tl'l~•• t.~••• in the ar-ea, u•••11at•ly &:I J ac•nt tc tn• -~~;,t.,

•lthln t•~ f • • t 1:1+ the auap•cted lancl!nt sl~nl, ••'r~ PL=k~ng
..p neat ,..of l•ct. io,; 1:1+ of ~h• tr-•••. IJhat • • that ao;a! n?

O.K., tu.-n th• U <.;hl on.

~a:a' . ~.:

Halt :

Sc l cl l •" :
Halt: •• turn &I"OUnd &I'd lcCik at tnl• tr•• aver h•~"• ftCI"'• J u•t ·· :..!~

a •econcl.
••• 1 t..
Wh/ don't you direct It to•a.-d• lhi• l can
0. K. , no• '9 i ve •• • I I t. t I • • 1d • I i ;h t 1 no; sCI ! c; ...,
t.-••· ;i. ..
.. C,l(,, \lh 1 1 lcet U•• t.,.••· O.K., at..:.p, •~~~.
c;ll•b t.he """"'
L I '!II'll or~. H•y, t.h I• Is el r I•, Ttl Ia i a a t.r an9•, i'l•r•, a;a•.:;;,•
want. tc leo~ at the •pot• 1:1n t~• trc~n~. O.K., l•t.• atep
Dack &ftd not walk all over lt. CA•• Qack her• and a~m•DOGy
put a bea• on·•~· W•'re 901n9 to h&v• to co•• Dac~
+•et. C,K,, 119ht.s a++.
or •~
Yeah. Q,l(., that• what ••":1 c&ll
apat ftu•b•~ ~. Leta ga to tn• b&Ck part and get ~ot n~o•r
on•• SpCit nuMber one, he.-•'• apat ny•aer on• r-ight h•r••
· soot nY•b•r or~• rltht her-e. N••d ao•• litht~ Th•r• 1t lS ••
ri'9ht ther•· Focuse4? O.K., look araynd spot n~•b•r one
t.hrau9h tne $tarlltht scope. '
SCIId i el":

Halt.: Sll~ht lncl"e&se ln light at. aoat n~•b•,. Cine. •

at spe~t. nu~oer two.

I •

I '


-- ..
•' '"
Document Archived at:

..' .
< •

< •
, . •

1/ . -------------- -- -----~~-------------------------------------------~~-----------

..' . Spot , ....c .,.. t ..a·s r'l'31'1t o v e,. he .-e. 11'!1-;.h:. ~'~••· •· ••• 1t1
' 0.1<. geo; fOC:~.£se<S 0" It , t ell •• .. nen,
1 0 ,)(,, 1 i g,:.s O .l ,
l e t s see •hat we ~Je t en lt.


Halt: tt•s sl l ~.h~ly o++ cen~e.-•4, It's right t.he.-e.

yo"'" ,.eadln~ on It r" the.-e.

So l dier": 0 . 1<.
• •
Malt :


O. K., lights an. This Is the cente.- s~ot ~•• ,.. lQQwl~; •~
now, o,. al•o•t the c:ente,..

H&lt: Slt<Jf>t. lnr;.-ease the.-e. Thts t•· sllgl'lt.l:: c:~+f c:ente.-eC: ~ ............
t roe , uro, one · two S l<l •. It. • • so•• t. YO.• o+ &II,. &sl ~n or- •

soMe t h 1 "" I n t h • '3,.o.. n<S whe,. • t h• g I :ooe "•' :l.les ~.-• ~; 1 ,;._a;·,•<~
b&r:k &nCl ,.. <J•t. & hi'Jh r"w&4 1 n':3 &t:CI<'to \1~• • .!e~~•::::t. • .:ln gf t.- to
t h r"ee, ••ybe +cu.-, 4•~-n~ ln g on o:~. ;erl=•te.-.

~eans that •hen the ll9hts are t"''""•4 o~+, once •• ~-•
+ g r:~.£se4 In and allow t l •• +o.- the •Y•• to &4 J~ st, •• are
9ett l ng an ln~tr:atlon o+ a heat sou rc e cc• lng o .. t of tl'l&t

Heat o.- so•• +o~~ o+ ene.-gy , hardly h•a~•4 at tht• sta9e o+

tl'l• , .......


. / '\_
··--- - . ·- ···---
... " ·-· . - . ·- .. '"-·~ - -· - .. -··-·-·-···-·------- ..
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.. • • • 18 )

~· --------- -------·------~----·~---------------------------- --------------------·

• Halt: Lockl~9 ~:,..ectly cve,..neaCI, an• can ••• ~" opening In th•
t. . . . . . , l:lii.IS Felli• 41".Sh J '/ DrcUce" 1:111 n• 1:.- a r.: r,es ;n tn• ;ro~r.~
un4e,.n•att.. l.calcs 1 i ~<• •c:a•• :If tl\e• C:&.Q• a4 + ~o-1. .o: te~
28 +.,t uc. Sa•• ••all b~an:~es , ac ~~~ ~ inch:::~,.. I••• 1n
cua••t•,... •

- Halt: It's ~148, ••''"• he&,.ln9 v•'"Y &t,.&n9• nat••• cut Cf th•
~.,....,.,.. •• b&rnyarCI anl•ala. T~•,..• v•r '/ , v•"Y &C:tlva •&k1ng a
a"4wl :at af nal••· You J~at &&M a 119ht7 Whe,.e?
$cl4te .. :


~tght up Jr. tnla poaltlan her•, •t,..alght ahea~, tn Det•••n

the t,.••···th•,..• tt la again ! Watc:"·
st,.atght an•a4 o++ the +taeh back there Sir. ~here It 1a.

So t ~ l •r- :

l-4att: Yeah, It '~ a atrange amal : re4 l l 9h t, 1aa~a t~ ~• •ay oe a

q u arter t: a half • ll e, ••~ be fu,.the,. out. %' • go l n' to
••Itch of . +or •~h il e.

11& 1~:
Th• 119ht Is 90ne no~, 1t ••• app,..o xlaat• ly ~ ~ 4•9r•••• &a
It I:>&C:.k ag•in?

11al t :
W•ll oou•• tn• fla•hllghts t"•n• L•t• 70 out to the ed9• o+

tne ele&rln9 so I c:•n 9•t & b•tter loow at i t . See If yo~
can 9•t the Sta~•cap• on 1t. The ll9ht's •tlll th•r• ~4
all th• b•,.nyaro &n1•als have 90tten quiet now. Y&&h, ••'r•
h•a41ng acout 11• o,. 1a. deg,.ees fl"a. the •19hl, l'a thro~~h
to the c:learlng no•, •till 9ettin9 a r•a41ng on the ••t•~.
About twa c:tlcka. Ju•t counted ~ to 4 clLcka, 9•tt1ng

Now it'• •toppe~. Now It's co•in~ up, hoJQ on, tn•r• . . 9~.
Aoout 4 foot a+f the ,,.c:aund w1tn a co•p aaa heae11n9 o~ ••~
-' . . J


I .



• •

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...,.. (,.,


)ola!t: T~rn t~ • ~•t•~ a~~. now s&Y t~at &9&1n.

f ---------------------~-·----------------------------------------~--------------
~co~t ~ 4••t a++ th•
.,r ound, &bout ll.::J .se-;,...•••• 9et•. i,., a r•&4 in"9 o ·i ~:.ot "'
c: tl c:ks"'
• Salc! t e.- : Yes S £~. Na~ its ~led .
. Naw ~ t• 4\ed. I t.~ink it ' a so~eth l 1'19 . Cith•~ than th• ~ra~od.
~' 1-!att.:
• • I t.Pi l nk Its •-•tl•ln.,s t.t•at, SCI!'Ietit4n<J ver;r ... ,,..,,
. ~

Sol~ I•,.: Maw •oaut the tr•• f'I'Jht. aver,,,

Halt: We J ... at the ., lr-•t. n 1311t ... ' ·•• •••~"~· W• · •••
&baut 1~• Or" ~B yards lr"o• t~• ••'Jilt. 7~• "aada &r• j~at
4ea41;.· c:al•. TI-er• Ia ~to <lao..Ot. &bcut. tt., the"•'• ao•• t.,p•
o+ stran<J• ~lash.II'I'J f'ed ll<Jht. ah•ad.
n••r•, 1 t • s ·1'• t 1 a ...
I ••~ • Y•llo• t.ln'J• lh it. t.oCI. W•lrd, it., it ~~•ars that
he ••Y b• •ovin<J it. t.nla ,... y~ It's br"i<JIIt.~r t.nan It llaa O••"·
Y•l law,

It's ca~ln'J this w&y ! 1 tt.'s de~lnat•ly c:a.l n ; tills ~y. J

l" l ec:es a+ It are ahaat. ln 'J o+f."e I• no 4c~~t ~o~t 1t, I
this l s ••• we ! f'd, It 1• de+ ln •t.•l ~ •••
~a14t•,.: T•a ll<Jht•, oft• 11111t to the ~11ht, on• li<Jht tc t~• ~.,t.
.Halt: !:I.!<. , "••11 tn• + 1 a all 1 1<ilt c+ +, Tn•r • · • ac•• t:~ i. n-:J .... ,.. ·; , ••r
s er an~•· K••= the ~ea4a•t cr., ••• if i t ;~t• ~n y •~: ~··~•r.
O.K., 91v• us a run~c•n,
Hatat!on t~at. this Ia an a Be~& re&~l~i t~~. '
It ' • o ~ ~ B•t.a readin9, O. K.

Bo&t. It •till ha.• O••n re111~ve<J.
O.K. •

H.a I t: ~~~c•s ar• fal\tn' o++ ~~ &9& 1n ,
:Sal<tie~: ~"4 It J~ •~ •cved to ~~~· r19ht.
Halt: Y•&"'!
'S'~ : .1 i.e,..: 3~•t off to t h• rt~ht.
H& 1 t.: Stran9 • ···WII7 41~ lt. 90 left?
to! .a I t: Leta, lets ~P r o~ ~ ta t.lle •<~9• of tile H004S ...~ th•r•, o.~.?
Yol.i ...,". ~o "I tllou.t. 11' <So It. ;.ar .. f~ll ,. , ;~:3• - " ·

O.K., ••' r• lookln'J at the tllln9, .... ,.. pr~b~l ~ .oou.t 2 tw
~efl y &r"4 • •••Y, 1 ~ I oaks 11 ke &n • :1• "Ink i "'9 at. ~-~..... r t. • :a
still ~ov1~9 +l'aa S14• t~ aid•, &n4 •ll•n 7ou. Q"'t til• at~· •~CI~~
gn It, it., It sort. o+ h&a a Ito! low :an~•'"• &, ~. ·.s ..r;. .;•<>
It'•• It."•• you. l<n:liH, llk• til• ,u.
ptl cf an •:.·• ~o.:::.an9 •t. )'C... ,
~lnkln9. And t.lte +\&till Ia •o brl1ht. t.c t.tta at~ra~op• th6t.,
a, I t & Lilla• ~ ~~~,. n • )'QV.r" e y e •

.. \_.;
Document Archived at:

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• •

------~------·----------·---~·------------·---------------------------- - --- -....
Halo: : w~ a::~••••dthe ~.,. •• ,. • • ha~•• ancl ~r-aasecl Into the n•~t +•••~.
a"d n~: .. - have •r.llliPI• si-JII li"'J•• ~+ ~~ to : l i 7~t.a •l':. h "'
sl•t lar- shape and &II. ll~&t thll')' •••• t;: O• at.eall;r nw.. , r-.t ... ..
than a pulsating o~ 9!0• with a r-eel +1aah.
H&!t.; We J~•t cr-oss•a tna cr-eek.
Scld:.e~: Her-a •• 'JC, at.ron<J.
Jolalt: 4n4 1 uh, we're 9•ttl~9 w~at kind of rea~in9a no~~
:i~l~i.~: . Th.-•• c.llck• ..
Mal t: T~r••· gooll ctl=k• on the •et•r- ancl we're aee1n9 strange l&'Jhla
Jn the sky.
Halt.: ·At 02•4 ••'r-e at the far aide Of the Far-••~·a, second ~L' &+r ' a
fleiG. Ana ••de ai'jhtln'J &'J&In, &Do~&t l l • ae9r•••• l~ia
looks like lt'a cl•ar out. to the coast, it ' s rlsht on the
horizon. "ovea &Dout a bit, anll tl&ah•• +ra• tt•• t.a tl••·
Still steady or, Alao after ne9at:.lve
~eadin9• In thia other field, ••'r-• Dl~kin'J u-, a, •'~'Jill
reaGin9a, a, 4 or ' cllcka now, on lhe ••l•~.
Halt. : ~~. ~• ••• et~•n9• stroDe llk• ~taanes tg t.h• 1 r&t~er
apc~aotc D~t t~•~•·• O•+i"&tely soset~tng, aose kl~¢ ef
phenc•ena. •
Ma l t: r-~, at &Dout 111 de9rees hor-t:on, dl~ec~l ;: Hartt. , w•'we ~c.t
t•o stra~~· ab j e~ts, uh, h&l+-•oon s~a=ec, a&ncir.~ ~=~t
colo~•~ ilg~ta on th••· At, ~n, what : -c~l~ 9u••• to b•
&DOYt ~ to 10 •11•• o~t. •aybe 1•••· The hal+-•cona ar• no~
t~~nin~ +~11 ctrci••· It's altnou9h there ••• an e:lip&e or
•o•etnln'J the~• fo~ & ••n~t• or tMo,
Halt: ~1~, no• ••'v• got •~ object &Clout 1~ ae9r-••• So~th.
1• deg~••• off t~• horizon. And l~e anea to the North are
aovlng. One's •ovln~ a.ay fro• ~•·
Sollller: They·~• aovin9 o~t f&&t ~
Se~lcller-: Thia one on til• right Ia headJng &May too !
lolalt: And they'r-e Doth ~eaOing North. Here he coaea +roa the So~tn,
• "•'• heading taM&~d ua no•. No• ••'re abaervin; •hat ~pear&
to be & be . . eo-tng dOMn to the g~o~nd, Thla la un-ea~.
Halt.: ~. D~ r-::• &nil the ottjecla a~• still in the al<y &lt.ho~&-t~• •
U•• one t h& t • a Sou t 1'1 1 ook a 1 II< • · I l • • 1 oat "' a 1 1 t t t • ~ 1. t. o t
altitude. w.·~· t~~nlng ·~o~n4, he&lllng b&~~ towa rd s :.n.
base, The ObJect tO the , the Ob j ect to the So~th I a &t il;
be. . lng Go•n ll9nts to the 9round .
Halt.: ••a• hO~~•, one ob j ect. stil l hower ln g Over Woo4Dr-149e ia. .
at aoout ~ to 1• degr••• a++ tn• horl:on, •~11 1 aovin;
•~rat1c 1 &ncl •1•llar lights, ana be . . tng down •• ••~lie~.


• (


' '
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... a

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.a.. ,_ • - · au w ...,h\H • ...,..,, • \oM hMl'\C ..r
& .,..f'\ ef •'::-ua ~ CIWUM li:r N9WI'&l • AIIU l.a.7 ,___._.,_ ~

••1 iilt.l \ll&t \M -~s.u .. •en

appazr1e~ li' .. uu ~. ••• W'U\ ar;au-tl "' '- .,le ••W ' " ' " "
• ~-, )U " )tlJ!f,.• C.-'t.Ue• • \M ''~*'' ~. li""'-C \ll.t •wa• •
I an 11"121
• *' \M •UUUi ••• •
~ &~£¥1 p ±I 1-1.

'fa,.,_..,,.......... ...Uil * -u~."" u..ft

•• \e IIIEk ia • •l•nar 1 ee 1 '11 f7W\M•.S.•" •a a.• llf lellSu, ~~ a na ltol •

• &!!ilia • •••••• UaJn u ..a ..liiZ SaWiN•,••
bftfllolu'-1 ll:r II£ .,,.,
' 1,,(s.. atw"llll • n., .l) • •

' .• hua4'•r
• "' an, •t:S.U..W laM e1a.-ua .. _.. rs.~ v ..
I •
• . . ., . .. \1. --~- .
lleqiU ~ ..., . . . (na,. I - 1), all • I I ~· ~ .

wu • ' feert ~ laMM h l &'M"~ .. ~ .t.• left. . et ~u ,.
uc •....
1a au . . lun,.. . . . . . .
•wu'*)l • u ~
leu u. .n
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t1zut liJ
Llw'ar u . , z ..uad • • ut uz• 11... loa .-1. . wt tu
'"'' ,z,.•tsl •tta• .r * ..,.,.,. _, Un1~u. . _,sa..,. ,. • .. •

• -~ • .,.-,:a•ur. lu=·•~ )ha t• tRDtr.-

' •. J.ata Uu at a ln:Z w•al...UC-.. ~a ~
.- -

- . U ala Jl7 1111 I fd, - ·.
• •
I • •

I •
thr• ,.,

• •


Document Archived at:


- .

State-.nt MaQe 8y ~ward E. Coldfluas,

~ct1ng Justi~e. Sw9r1~ Court, State or
New York, OMNl ·Ju~_J987 laaue
. --

t waa skeptical aa the next fel low ae~t un1dent1fiec fly1n9 oojects. My l eQal

tra1ninq reouired evide~e to prove the axlatence of uros. ~ ••s forthcDft~Q.

exctpt for the typical taaloid tweoJ..i.rwa ( I waa sexu~lly aaaaultad by • 1'\artun )
found at auper-arket checkout counters. But .net •u lauCJ"'IOle nes now becMe
serious. Solid evielence dOes nut t~ erue Uw slceptic:i•· Beron tl'lis ev1denc:e
- --
_!!!!ll_!~d,_I ~~-~uvea, . tt!e_ .~~.r ~on:e, ~ C~-~~a}~~~l~Qann .A.~~.,. ana ev~_t:~O.~r_
I would have c:ontinuea to accept
- th1a
... - · ··- .pronounce-.nt
- --· of lnfanqtion
... ·-·--· ..forever
-··- . . . .. --
··-- ·had -- lt--·not
- . . . ·- ---
- . been- for
··-·· . ...
...... ' .t~
Act ( F'OIA l . C11n9reaa anKted thu law beeau• i t falt that

- ·~-
of the
~ qovec• ant wea keep1nQ too meny facts from public: inspe~t.i.on. This concern was
-·---·- . . ...... . ··- " . .. ." --- . . . . .... - ·. .. -
~ertainly justified.
- -- - · -~· - -. . . . . . Tn~ks to the F"OIA, ..---·now·- - know
. --· ··- ·---· ·--·- -· that ·----
si tting on ev~oen~• that urea do exist •~ tnat ver, suoatant~al people nave seen
-- · ... _ __
s.. n.._, been

T~.-lll!l•t. __~~!_lli~g- 1n.f~~tion .. ~ ~-!~~- -~~~ Air Intell!gence Divisi~. ~ ~udy_ i ~. I.O .S. :
...Z~J..: -~allowing ere s011e of ~ ~efer.~•· . ~~- w1tnin:
-- . -· - - -
· Whits Sends, New ~x1co, June 2,, 1'47. Three acient1ata siqhted a large,
wingl••• ditc or sonere moving horizontally .
' Portland, Orsgon, July 7, 1947. rive police officers tl;Mtad • varying n~r of
11•ilar dis~s flying over difrerent aeetiona of the city.
· ~ndrews Fiel d, Haryl~cs. Nov.-ber lB, 19~8. Reserv. pilots Liewtan~t Kenwooa
Jacxson, Liautenant Clen Stalker, and Lieutenant Henry Conca encountered a liQnted
UFO ~ircling at 17,000 feet. They described the ObJeCt II an oblong ball w1tn one
li9ht, no w1ngs, and no e~nauat r1..-.

lf I -could still doubt

--- tne· -sanity
or sobriety
or tht Observers
-·-·· ··-- - --·- - - - ·· - ·
._,. mentioned, _ _____ _
an 1nspect1on of Ai r lntell i~ence Report 1R-l9J·S5, dated October lS, 19~~. would
- ... ···--· ··--···--
Document Archived at:

, .

Paqe Z

ha~• to be ~
------·'---··. eonv1ncer. Tna reoart waa comp1led after------·---·--
....... ····-· -···· ·-·--·- -- ····-·--··--·-·
interview• with Senator
... --
. .
..------.-· . af
Senate; ~ieutenant Colonel (.
·---- ... . thin ____
cnai~an of the Armed
. .. ····--- -· - .....
V. Hethawey,
.. rare••·----·.
Cam.ittee or tne· -
a starr officer aee1qned ·------to ~
- · .... · - -·---·--··· . --·-- ·-··· . . . ··- .. ·- · - - ' . .. . --· -· - - - - ---·
I;CIIIIIIittee.; -~ Reuben_ ~!ro_n,__a c~t_tel! c:_C!'Su_ltant. On_Octotler 4, 19~5, at__
7:l0 P.M., after departing by train fran the USSR, all three acaarvad two fly1ng
.. -·· . . --.--- . -- . -·-·-----
dlscs takin~ off almoat vert1cally-·ona
-... ..
minute apart.
. ...._ , . , __
.,at .. ultwttly seek in the couz:-ta 11 the truth. If even a portiOI'I of t.he
facta is auooressed, the truth will not t~~~erC)I. Haw could I or any judge reKn
a pr~er deciaion 01'1 the iaaue of Uf"Oa When the teatiiiiOI"'y of responaible and
c:reoible witnesses haa never been heard?

..,. nave no. t~aard the other side of the e••·

We had bean leCI ta believe that
only enarlatana, Cl~a. fooll, or paycnOQatna ab. .r~ tne pf'la~nan. we now
know that many of tnoH vi tnaaaes wre f'eSCIOnlible. credible, ll'ld rese»c teo
1)8~1· --
teUOf'l to .eonaioer
---- --· •!Oit
- . or. .wt'..ICIIII .... re tecnnoloq.J.eall
-··--··. .. . . -·--)'... trained.
We now have .---·--.
.. --. . .. .--
the 1\IOJect or UF'Oa in light of strot~g avidettce neretarora su~reaMd.-HiliiARO E •
. ··-· -- - .--- ·- ... . .- . ··-- .. ______ . ·- ··-· -·-
CO~F'LUSS, Acting -~•tiee, Supreme_Cout~.!...~tate_~.!_'-• ..!~r~ !. ..~d__ -·~~o~- of_~
_.. . . ._ .____
. . _ .. . . .,...___
____..... .w, .__- -·-···...- . -· ---
. ._ _....._ . . . . . , . _ _ , . _ . , _ . . . . _ . . . . , . . . _ _....... . _ _..... .;.•br· • • . • _ . f .r - · r ntt
rt ·•••• . . --------- ... ...-.... ......- ··-------...
Document Archived at:

.\2. . •..

• 2
•. ...






K!: :0 lU.~ ClY. FQ :~ c;;: ::rIJ.I. :-o.rnr r;.r.
:J~ I :!::C/}:J'-12 :)pc-ciaJ. Stllc!ie, P'rc j«1t

~. ~:s1t!e:-..t ~..&.! 4eeid.! that t~ KJ'-1~ SSP b~~

~d take d':l:-:..Of. the ~ sc~ued WU1 ~• ila'.:u
c~ ~ 16, ru~ r Ct•n t•llov1:l.c it u Jrr~sl.y
illt~d~. Mor~ ,ree!.s• ~~ta 'W1ll ~ r.t?la"~ =1.! to
~ u:ocm &rri"':"r.l. Plcrua &ltn- ~ }llnzu aoco:-d!.:-..tlJ-.
IQUr O~t!!lce !n the abaTe ehn.n~:~
is auu::o4,. ot ~'""%":1-"lt"E~t.s

RO!.EIC' CG!l.!:H
s!'~bl A-3 n•~t
to the ?re~tent


. .,-
i' .'.

·- ,· ···-- 1,.. :1 ' '
.. . .· ''. .,_
~' b t( u
•• •
.. ,,. -
. ... ' ~.~CHiVES 't
1 'TI{''!~
·· . ...
; r·:t~
:I.,~·.. ,. •• ,,. ,~, .. · ~ ··. .'\"". ...lA·--...
. . .. . - ~-

- -- - - - - ~ ..
....... t

/ ' "-'
Document Archived at:

• • • •


- ~. P~ea1~nt Will ~ece1ve tae Gove~nor ot
t~t Fir= Credit A4=1~1atrat1on and the
Member 1 ot ~ ': e ::'ede ral r a.r: Cr ecU t 3oa..rd •

9.00 - ~b1ntt Meet1ng

ll.OO - Tne ?r•tldent Will 11gn s. J29l, · An ~ct

·~tbcr1:1ng t~e Prea1dent to present
& ~ld cedal to Irving Berlin•

12.1~ - The ?rea1dent

wtll ~eee1ve
a ~~~ ot
Congr~ssaan, vho W1~h to P4Y the~: res-
pects and pledge theLr cont1nu1ng aupport
or tha Prea1dcnt 1 a program •

l.CO - ( L~!Cl:i) •


· "-.,
/ '
.... _...._ -· ·--· . . . .-, ...._....

Document Archived at:

-- -.


. - •

J.n ·:3 ~::o
NUL.T :rn~,k 1.. ~- ~ti •
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I.&D~(~ll J!Cf') J31N~CC NtC! Sftcr,CI7)
.&UOrAEreil HOII'.I.&£(111) ttOUCUl Nl\lC
• c~~ ce ~'~"%Hr.TOk oe
• C~&r W'SN!HCTO~ De
•• t~o ••s~:wcTow DC
•. Ct! WASWlN,TON ~=
•• arcstAT£ w•s"lwCTnN De
• H~, us~ I'IC

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fR,~S1Ttl542t15115•2?171~1'1!2TOI1!•~~;, .

~[ RU[SL~A ••ISS 1~4,115 f,
h' ecece
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TO IU£XJCSID1' ••swo~
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4·. (U) nRJCi IISI'IAI;) A%1 L%111A II'(IIU I
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I. (II) St'lu~tcr 1 6 U 6 till. OH !CtR lJJ h t ~~'E•uVI.lN .1 til FOitC£
WHO OBSE•vto T~E [V[~T A~O JS t~ 1 IIIOSfTJO~ TC 8' lll.~oiTT
TO to~vt•$•TTo~ CONtrA~%~'
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0~ TwO DTF'E'E~T • Ott,STO~S N[At ~Etuvt•~ AtA '0Rt£ ('A~) B•S~
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DEP..a..R"f~lf:NT Of DEFENSE
••• t•tfl If STAll

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CfH H S I SQ IJ ~![
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T'lL.~ IO .&~O U T TME S~OTT fldi OF
Tw£ Yl~%111tTY Or •AllAH~ M[LCAI

I.&S(, L.l JOH, ' f:ftll tleU~~, 1115)~6V) 0 SOUitC[ IT.&Tfn Tloi.&T TN£
V[MJCLF W.&S ~P ~T TE~ ON TwO OTF,[t!~T O ~ t.&ltOws: TH! '11!T V.&~
0U~1.,; TWE MO~~I~~ H~ U IS O' 0 HAY ~PI AN~ TH£ I[CONO 0UR1NC
TM[ r.&ILT tV£NI~r. MOUltS nF 1~ •.&Y 18, ..' .
. I~UDC~ ~T.&TtO T~AT 0111 8 M.&T, VMtL! .& GIOU' OF ,,, ' ' • I

OFFlC[IS vr•E TN ,nR•.&TlOH AT •.&•IAHO M.&L,.&I, THtY I'OTT!O A ..

U,O TH.&T ~AS •oUNO fill SM.&,£, KOV!R!Hf. 111[&1 TW[ AfRrtFLO, 1"£
.&It CO~MIHOED SCD.&~8 L ED .&H IU•12 .&fRCI.&,T TO M.&~r JN
'"[ V[NICL.t .&H~ FJt[n U' ON JT .&T V!IY CLOif 1.&111~[ WJT~OUT
CAUif~~ ANY AP•AI[HT OA ~ .&~[, T~[ 'fL.DT Ttl[O TO ~&~[ A
I(CCHO PAS3 ON TWE W[~JCLE, ~ U f T~[ U,O OUT•t.&N TM[ I U•2'·
T"E I£C ~ H ~ S I C~T1NC W&S OURfNC "OURS 0' O.&t«HES~.
T"[ Y[14lC L£ W&~ LJ r."T[O. 4GJ1H jN SU•27 V.&t tCI.&•I l E~. ) UT T~(
vt~lC L. ! ~ u T.t.tH ' " ' ar•c•arT.
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\2, tul ,_A(P 8TI IIII'II'"A H 14, II II H~[, COL, &U4 .
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A.'lll trniOtN":IFICI O~C:: !AVx:;Q lttN FOtr.m ON A 1'AA't llEM.

SA!n'A C:AU:t.

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TliZ &v~SSY KEitt P.LC!IV'ED L'\T0~'1A':'ION TBI\:' A S':'M..'ic.t
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SOURa STA':':m 'l"RAT '.r~ O&.ne: ~ ASCtn' 70 Cl:n.'I.W!!:TtAS

Itt CW~Itlt A."'D THO l".rn::RS IN Ct~a b"l'nt A BOLt r.t •

c:n: U'Ot A.~!) A Kri.AI. s~tr.~ C:O\~U~C or .ur~x o~"'E-Vt.r '
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FOLLOtiS: QUOTE • PAr. OF \\1~:' CQU'U) BE A Sh'!'Et LITE
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fEI-L llV.R COTOCA. · A J'l~lOftc:OS T1iM' COT:t.D FOCUS

'S'~ AT'r~'I'IO~l OK ':'HE "'OJUJ) ON DOt.IVlA OC:c:tr.U\Et) lK CU1t

~I~ .U. '-1i ~'f 1\ ~ :i' tJU: t:J.S 1:11 SC:OVE JtQ '1"HAt J'n t. APPROX- •

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DAn ACO oa A r.MM t«ATC) 15KM I'Jt.0:1 ccr.oa..

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':'tiE S?!!Ei'~ 1S ~:.>.%)!': OF SztCLU. LICI.":' u LOY ID'l' ~

~sts~~~=. Posst!LY A FUrL ':'~~ oR A PA.'t or A siTELLITr!

'n!E ODJ'!CT DOES NOT Jt\VE JJf't Sic:NS Oil ~ 1'!!AT COt."U)

C:Ot. COO. SJ.!D ':'8.\1' HE W'IU. l~TOR.'f. liS S'CP!:.JUORS OP

~IS P!!I:!lC:·~iO~ SO TV.': A S'nmY CA..'f BE .,..ADZ ~ Dt:'EA:U~

.. ITS OP.IGl:I ANi TO IE A.~Y%tl) nf CUE 1'1' CO!I'"IUS

AA.DlOAC:'I'n St1!S":'A..~C't. ':'~ P!:OPU: ~'710 t.n"E ~ TlrE

\-~ ':'HI$ VLt. OP FIAE ( A.$ TAT! t,1t.t.!:l) ttf I'~' • •

r.f TEL:.INC TKI: AU':'UOJll:'lE$ .UOtr: '1'HE E'lr'r.l'1' !I~USE

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sso:-is cot. ceo., co:~x::u. ol' nu: !ot.IVV...'I Aill ro~a

HIS r::"!~S ;...,'o-:J }.PPV.~ ':'0 !!: ?~lU'EC:~Y JtOt.~~ EXCt?': FOJt •'
-· •
A 1.0:.1: C!'HSS::l: PO~t;:o:: OF Oti'"':'Eit St..:l-\l t\'lUCB lS .UOU':'

• • • •


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A :ROt.%. OF jJS:'!!4 Fit..'t FOA C:OLOJl PJliin'S .UJD A AOLI. or
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as pert of Pro)ect lOOC<X ln 1154. Became a separate Pr"CIKt 1, 191!: . Its
- miUion wei to estebUs h COCDIIIU:"!IC:eUon wtth Aliena . !his ~Ject met
.. - .. ----- ---- ·- - -
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wtttl poatuve 1uceess when 1n 195 X the On1tad States estll:Ushad
..... - -·· . .. - ·---· ··---·- . .. . ··---
Pf1mit1ve c:ommuntc:euons wlt 1\ the A Uen 1 • AIX11 15 , 195 4·, 1 t1SAF
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IntelUqe:'lce Cffieer met ~o Alien• at a preemnqed loeauc:t l:'l the delert
-· ---···· ····-·-··-··· --·. . - --··-···· --
oC Nhl MeJUc:o. !he eontec:t luted for approJUmete ly three l'lclurs • JOOOO(
. ------------ ·- ----- -·-- ---

uc:l'lanqa 0.11c l 'torm.~Uol\ with the two Aliens (Acc:h 1). !hU proJect
··----- ·-- . ------- .... . ........ . . .--·-··· - -
11 c:onttn\Unq Foree ball 1n New MelClco .
····· . .ec. .. •- n A1r -- . - ---- . ' .. -··· --


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':his ~ iect 1• c:ont11'1utnq 1n Nevada. xxxx:.ooooooooo
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1. $ti-ru:T ~vts.-l"IL.'.f wt..-.: NW.r.a:D D'r HO lvt' NO 1(i02 Altm;IA IT NO 'niE
ror 1 INC R! SJt:rs wtRt FOJc:
A.. i-'fM'PW ll : ~tC'TIH.i ~-Yl AI1l:IVFT al ·~I NC Sillf;N(lt&J liUcntftFUD •
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1.DT i 'Onlat tT l'MJIO.. ritM ro.rD TC U tl~'!tN:D. F1UC 90C Q!•.""D:r TC B£ '
CC$i!'n:HT WI1H f'l!UI CO'H .N~l'Q;JicS.IST1llf WI'nt ~~Tlvt SlZJ: Cl f'l.r...O CIJJC.S. I
eoCJJ£%~:¥.-:1: ~TM . CF ~n»llrlF'IE:D · N:RI;\1,, C&Jt...""T. 80..TO"f, ftE.INfll.D
:.t.,n> oro·.P.nT' ~ VISISU: MMI<lti.:S (J'( tnJtrT.
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eta CU.'SICN ~ L.D:rt'D'J\'r!: . t~TIVE. CF lMCDlflf' J.Ol feDtl N.. CWtr.."T .
2. RE7 ~ REtL!:ST F'c::R j:\m1"'
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Document Archived at:

Exarmtions to Freedan of Wonration Act

There are prim:lrily ten areas t.'"la.t are exerupt frcrtt disclosure under
the roiA. Before making an rov. request, you will have to know these

(1) D:x:urrentsproperly classified as secret "in the interest of

national defense or foreign ~licy". U1der the 1974 atre.'··.tdnents,
ho~Never, federal courts may examine a claim for national
security to see if it being used to suppress material t.~t 'M:lUld
be too politically errbarrass:i..nq but not truly sensitive. Proper
classification of a few pages does not justify secrecy for t.~e
entire docun'ent.
·•. .
(2} '!he Governnent slipped an exeliption into the Freed:rn of Information
Act as part of a 1984 authorization bill. It allows the Oepaxcnent
of Defense to withhold fran the public any technical aata with
" or space application It •
(3) Dxurrents related solely to internal personnel rules and practices
of an agency that does not affect the public.
( 4) Dxunents kept confident ia 1 by federal law, such as i.ncate tax
returns, applications for patents, etc.

(5) TraCiesecrets and catttercial or f.i.nanc:ial infOrmation furnished

on a cxmfidential basis.

(6) Inter-agency or intra-agency camunications with views and

recattteudations of officials on policy or legal matters. Experts
suggest this does not apply tD reports or analyses.

(7) Personnel and nedica1 files which, if disclosed, \IIOU!d violate

the Privacy Act.

(8) Investigatory files, but only i f disclosure ~d:

a) interfere with law enforcetent.

b) deprive a person of a fair trial.
c) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
d) disclose the identity of a confidential so.Jrce.
e) disclose investigative techniques and procedure .
f) endanger the lives of law enforcerrent personnel.
(9) ~rts prepared by or for an agency resp:>nsible for supervision of
financial institutions, such a.s reports by the SEX:.

(10) Geological and geophysical data, including maps, concerning oil

and natural gas exploration by private fitms.
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**************** *



'Ihe section innedjately follc:Wing thls page has

been CUipiled based on channeled materials, as

~11 as public danain materials, and seeks rrerely

to stimJ.late your ·.thought proa::sses.

Document Archived at:
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19 XX XX 17 - 20
23 X 22 - 24
30 X 30
February 3 X X
e l - 4
X 5 - 6
17 XX XX 15 - 18
25 X 23 - 26
Mareh 3 X
1 - 3
X X 14 - 10
l7 XX XX 16 - 18
25 X 23 - 25
APril 1 X

Mar3l - 2
2 , X Ma.r3l - 2

13 X 11 - 13
14 X 13 - 10
16 X 14 - 10
26 X 20 - 29
May l X Apr29 - 2
l l
X X e - 10
X 9 - 11
15 X X 13 - 16
25 X 23 - 2e
31 X 29 - 1 June
June 4
X 2 - 5
X 5 - 7
X ll - 13
X 20 - 22
29 X 27 - 29
July 2 X 1 - 2
13 X
3 -- 5
19 X 17 - 20
26 X
-- 26
August l
12 X
X Jul3l
-- 2
15 X 13 - 16
-- 23


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Sep~ 10 X X 8 - 11
.. 11 X 10 - 12
21 X 18 - 22 Mars Fer:!. g e
XX 23
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• . 29 X 27 - 29 Flc o<is
·: Jctober 8 X 6 - 9
-- 11
22 XX 20 - 23
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29 X 2e - 29
November 9 X X 7 - 10


23 X 21 - 23
25 X 24 - 25
December 2 X Nov30 - 3
9 X X 7 - 9
1 '5 X XX 13 - 16
23 XX
-- 24

General Notes: Earthquake per1o~s mentioned are Lunar Prox1m1~y

- ------------ Generated .
S i ght 1ngs are espec i a ll y preva l e nt i n
areas o! high geomagnetic and grav1tat 1ona l
anomoly areas, and speci!1cally relate to
those using dimensional windows.

Document Archived at:

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Document Archived at:

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** CCJ\F!DE:'mAL **
······********•* *

SEN'I':ID.'T DENSITY L.:.""VE:L NOI'ES '!he + and - syn'bols

relate to positive
and negative potential.
.. E::'ltities are situaced at different ''density" levels. The
density level reflec~s the generalized state of awareness, of
consciousness, and the ability of that entity to manipulate
space 1 time 1 matter and energy, ¥.tllch are all transfornative
elerrents of the One Universa.l Intelligence Matrix of Which the
entire universe, on all resonant levels and frequencies, is made.

'!he various entities that co-habit the Earth with us and visit
t.~e Earth fran other locations in the space-tine matrix are of
various densities I sate of which are not visible to the huttim
frequency spectrum. For your information, a sin'plistic breakout
of the density spectrum is below:

Density Brief De~ription Renerks

1 Not a"6re, or minimally aware Minerals/ Plants
2 + Aware 1 oot Aware of being aware Anim!Us - to Simians
3 + - Aware of 3 ditrensions. Aware of Humans & others
being aware.
4 +- (above) & developtent of telepathy(+ and -)
and "christ consciousness"; ability
for having uno:Jnditianal love and
non-judgerent.(+ only)
5 + - (above) aro
no longer dependent on
physica 1 bodies. May use android or
"doll" bodies which are ca1trolled
thru chakras.
6 + (atxwe) & centered on Soul center

7 + (ab::lve) & able to travel by thought

go outside universe and create

Note: Entities that use "doll bod)es" or android b::xiies to
focus their awareness at a specific frequency control
those kxxH es by wrapping a "holding beam" arou.nQ it
and directing thei.r energies through the chakras of
that body~ Using the b:>dy, they can interact with other
entities of that frequency 1 to whan they ~NCUld otherwise
be invisible.

* •
! ~ID~IAL!

_ ! ~. -·. - -- =
Document Archived at:

.. ****************

I "nle energy grid network prima;~ily set in place thousands
• of years ago is being restored by re-setting the link-pins or
. .. npdes around the Earth. '!he energy grid produces electrical
flow as -well as opens the cl.i.nensiona.l linkage points to SClTe
of the other points in the universe. cnce these lmkage points
are open, d:ilrensional portals can be used, negating the use
of "space craft" by many groups. 'lhe pyramids, once located
on what was Earths equator, are linkage points. c::nce the net
is reconstructed, the Earth will be manipulated artifically
to tilt the axis to proper aligntrent, \olhich will e.?lergize the

• Every 3 , 600 years, those beings on Earth INho have achieved

4th density are reroved by those known as "light beings", 5th,
6th, and 7th density beings, and will l:e relocated.

galaxy r:asses
through areas of space, each having its o.m vibrational
energy characteristics. At this t.ine,starting with the events
in Feht"tary 1988, our system is passing through an area which
is inducing an ID::rease in vibr'!tional levels to 4th density.
Various individuzsls react to this in various ways. 5crre flip
out and go crar:t and exhibit abberant l::::ehavior. The majority
find that telepathic abilities are increasing as tine goes on
in the near future. 'Ihis effect is being ntxi.ified at this current
tine by a 15-year sunSfOt cycle, which is affecting the Earth's
nagnetic field, Which is those abberant individuals
rrore intensely. ·


*• a:NF'IbENI'v.L *
Document Archived at:

* *

As far as we can determine, there are three primary

races that are interacting with our planet. ~ere are rrany
secondarj races, but for rt:M letS take a look at the primu'y
According to channeled infomation, as tNell as &Fe other
sources, there exist several large groups in this and other
..- galaxies that are generally allied with each other. One of those
groups is loose!) r-vfe.rred to as the 11Network". ~ of the rrerrbers
of the Ne-oo.ork are the tw::> groups that are responsible for the
abductions of human beings, although they each do it for different
I despise using narres, because they're so indefinite, but
one of the groups, allegedly fran Zeta Reticuli, is one of the
groups loosely 7=eferred to as the "Greys". With large black
wrap-around eyes, they are 5}-o.m on the cover of "Cc:rmuni.on"
and "Intruders ... 'l1le Reticulans, fmu what tNe can determine, are
basically a race that is dedicated toward scientific research and
life sciences. 'they are involved in abductions of hunan beings
solely for the purpose of interbreeding and genetic studies. "nley
are also involved in ~lantinq biological ITCni toring and control
devices~ l i tUe 3nm spheres1 in p sople ' s bodl es • We 1o'lool of one
individual who has obtained one of those spheres, and as of May 'as
it is being anal.Y%ed. I suspect what they will find is a blend
of crystal line and electronic circuitcy 1 and they will find or
speculate that the device resonates or entrains onto human brain
n,e i.:Tplants that are inserted are also c3esigned to force
data and infox:rnation into the subjects awareness. 'Ihe aliens
call this process "inculcation", ard they have sophisticated

equiprent to accouplish this. sare of the equiprent is described
in the Andreasson Affaj r. · ~t is significant this
whole prcx::edure is that the s~jects always agree to it. Agreenent
made not be consciously recalled, which is part of the problem. As
rrent.i oned in other places, eventual.l y this will all lead to a
blend.inq of the two races, but tha~. way c:1awn the line. I will
ta} K this ll'Ore later on 1 DJt for rlOW' le~ get to the Other
t-wo races under discussion.
one of the other races interacting direcUy with this planet
is also a netl::er of the Net'\r.lOrk, and ,_,a..s been called the Rigel ians
by sate. 'lbey also resen'bJ,.e the Reticulans, except that their eyes
are rdwrap-around. They are generally of the sarre sE£ci es, but are
probably fran a different evolutiorw:y tine-track. 'l11e ltigelians
appear to be the ones that are interacting rrcre with the United
States Gbverrment. '!hey are also the ones that are doing nost of the
cattle nutilations, fract wnat we can tell. They are genetically
damaged fran sace sort of fusion war that occurred rrore than 10,000
years ago, and they appoar to be here on a semi-permanent basis, since
they require the glandular substances to survive. 'lbey have evidently
tried to transtX>rt lifeforms to other areas, but there is sarething

Document Archived at:

*: CO\F !DD."TTAL :*
about the relationship between the specific lifefonns on Earth
and the characteristics of the zragnetic environrrent here that So
l"'CJt permit lifefonns of a sinple kind, such as spem and eggs,to
. . rrake the transferanc:e to wnere they want to take them. So, as a
result, we're stuck with them.
Unfortunately, the United States Governrrent is stuck with
them too, until tNe can figure out a way to get rid of them. I guess
they really regret having made a del!l with them a while back. '!hera
are ways to get rid of these self-serving1 negatively oriented beings,
rut you're oot goinq to like it. 'lhese entities function on a
resonant basis with people of "like vibration". If you function on
oertain enotional wavelengths, very often you will attract their
attention, because they have the habit of getting a ••charge" out
of the large enotional swin;s that human beings exhibit. '!hat seems
to be the reason why they like us to have wars, aside fran the
fragnenti.n;; aspect of What has to be done in this case is to
project unconditional love and non-judgenent. It ~rks every tilre.
If you finCI yourself under seige, being arrlucted every night
while you're asleep, astrally, or othezwise, there are sare things
that you nust kJXJW. If yoo desire to be free of all that, the first
thing yoo are going to have to do ( and all this has been ve-rified) ,
is find out tNhere JIOl are giving' yo.JI p!rmi.ssion for them to take
you. You may be at your wits' em and say, "<ll ~t the hell, do ~t
you have to do and. leave tte alone". You gave than peDnission. SaTewhere
this is happeninq. Even subconsciously.
As well as pennission, you have the subject of where your attention
is fo:::used Are :tOJ always thinking al:nlt this? Are you maintaining
a negative state of mind that they can resonate to?
In a significant nuntrr of cases, dealing with the problem on these
levels will bring their control to a halt. 'lbey'll be &-..qry ,
tha~ ok. 'lt1ey brOJght it on themselves.
'Ibere are sate cases, however, where even these rrethods don't help,
and it depends heavily on which of the two Ne~rk races you're dealing
with. If its the Zeta !eticulans, ~ '11 generally be poked, prodded.,
~lanted, inpregnated, and sc:anneQ. If its the R~.CJelians, they might
eat you as -well, or cut you up into little pieces; or hassle you with
thouqhtfo:cn projections such as MIB. 'lbe lti~lians are the real ly nasty
ones, and \110! to the l1S Gove:rnnent for letting the CIA interact with
them just to get technology.
SpeaJting of technology, mind control is a gocd subject. Its a
favorite haunt of the CIA and the NSA. 'Ihe ~es had a problem with
its developrent in the 1970's, and it still renains a thorn in a lot
of peoples sides. At any rate , develotzrent of Psionics, Radionics
and Psychotronics is at an ala.Inlinq level , approaching in a s~le
way 'What the Atlans (\oobm they ruled Atlantis) ended up doing. Because
the human race has developed so many ITCral/ethical perversions under
Ne~rk control, the human race is in troJble, even despite the fact
that our system is novinq through 4th density influences now. All I
can advise is to love who you love unconditionally and without
judgenent and do it a day at a tizre while yru 're stuck in this ti.~track.
• •
* c::c:M='IDD\'T!AL *
Document Archived at:


"ll'****'*'********** *

Another race which is interacting a lot with humanity

is the Tall Blond race. There are two possibilities
concerning their origin. They are probably the Pro-
cyonians, who are a positively-oriented race from the
5th, 6th and 7th densities. But there is also a remote
possibility that they are the Orionites, or Aryans,
who are also tall and blond but massively built. We do
know of their existence, but interaction with them appears
to have been rather limited at this point.

The Tall Blondes are basically opposed to what the (Grey )

Rigelians are doing, but will not interfere with them un-
less the Rigelians take some action that will affect more
than the human race. Steps are being taken, from what we
can determine to try to induce the Rigelians to alter their
activities, but immediate direct intervention appears out
of the question.

There is also a race of short blonds, with a whitish-blue

skin tint. These are the Pleiadeans, who are from the
5th, 6th and 7th densities. They would allegedly take
the Rigelians out if our government asked them to do it -
but it would be a ·messy affair and many humans would pro-
bably be hurt in the process.

Document Archived at:

* •
! cet-.T ID~'TIAL !
It was at one time said that J.Allen Hynek stated that
the key to the whole "thing" was in Theosophy. I'm sure that
. . many of you would say,"What's that'?". Theosophy is a branch
of study embodied first in a society that was founded in New
-Yor~ on November 17,1875. The intention of the Theosophical
Society was to:
• § Form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of
Humanity, without distinction of race,creed,sex,
.•. caste, or color •
§ To encourage the study of Compar•tive Religion,
Philosophy, and Science.
§ To investigate the unexplained laws of Nature,
and the powers latent in man •

The name "Theosophy" was coined by H.P.Blavatsky, who
founded the Society in 1875. She wrote Isis Onveiled, a two
volume set of comparative religion and science.It was first
published in 1877, I just happen to have one of the original
sets. She also wrote The Secret Doctrine, a 1300 page, three
volume work that is considered a classic.
The point of this slight digression is that if you want
to bone up on why things have deteriorated the way they have,
and how science and religion got the way they are, tha~s the
real place to look.
Now, the Secret Doctrine also goes into the origin of
man - something we are not taught. As a culture, we are taught
what is acceptable to sustain the belief-system frame of
reference, and no more.
The bottom line is that there are many "root-races" that
have occured during the dveloprnent of man. Here one may find
both evidence and ·explanation about the paraphysical beings
that were on Earth, and the eventual evolution of man. It also
details visits to this planet by others not from this world,
and what their evolution and the evolution of man had both in
common to each other and what they had in opposition to each
Now, le{s get to the meat of the matter. The idea of the
evo lution of man from the ape is utterly rejected. Some of the
most anthlOpoid species are traced to the Third Race man of the
early Atlantean period. Nature had built, at one time, an ape-
like external shape around the human astral form during the
course of its natural evolution.The astral prototypes of the
lower beings o f the animal kingdom were the consolidated
ethereal sheaths of the more ethereal forms produced at the
close of the Third Round of evolution.Sounds obtuse, doesrit
it7 Well, it is rather exotic without some background.

**.. o:t.TIDD.'TIAL
...--·-- . . .. ... . . ....- 1 FE E ,,
Document Archived at:

.. .
One of the ~tioned is t.."lat scr.e of the original
i.'ihabitants of the Eart.~ were "divine", in that they l'iad no
material bodies. There "'is not an i..~finite number o f t-onads, or
Souls, but a fixed mr..ber. Varying nur.ters may i."1carna.te here, and
in fact i.'1Cre.asing numbers, that is because this planet is where
it is in its evolution.
Well, with this slight bit of confusion in r:Und, I will try and
give a brief over.riew of sare of t."le things that r.ay apply in ter!!'.s
of what this report is about.
The original beings that were responsible for the incarnations
are referred to as "the roneless ones". Their progeny ·.vere "phantcrns"
without physical form on this density of existence. This "creation"
was, for all intents and pur?:Jses, a failure. It allegorizes the
vanity of physical natures' unaided att.enpts to construct even a
perfect animal, let alone man. 'n'lese first creations \oolere t."le First
R:x:lt Race. "nle Self-Born. No inner being connected. No higher self
or !vbnad. No body.
rlith .the advent of the Second ~t ~ce. t.~e .. s-weat-l:orn", the
germ of intelligence was seen. It was the prcduct by l:udd.ina and

expansion - the asexual form fran sexless shadow. We kn:7w that 5Cr"e
of t."le EBEs reproduce in e- is way.
The 'lbi.rd Root Race Wille egg-rorn androgynes. Parent material
was used for the forr.atioo of a new being. Fl'Es? Dulce labs?
A rrore or less i:rt;lenetrable wil of secrecy was 'thrown over
the occult and religil"''lls mysteries al:x'lut 12,000 years ago. Why?
'nle First ~ce haVin£ created the Second by "buddi.i"lg", the
Second P.ace gives birth to the 'third - which is separated into
distinct divisions, consisting of men differently procreated.
The fiist two of these are produced by an ovi?3rous rret.'l-tod.
Wrile the early sub-races of the 'nri.rd Humanity procreated t."'leir
species by a kind of exudation of rrcisture or vital fluid, t.'ie
drops of which fo:r:1.ed an oviform ball which as an extraneous
vehicle for the generation therein of a foetus and child, the r.ode
of procreation by the later races changed. '!'he little ones of the
earlier races '-Nere entirely sexless ( as are sare of t.'ie EBEs ) • These
of the l,ater races were rorn androgynous. It is in the Third Pace
that the separation of the sexes occurred. Fran being previously asexual,
hUIT'ani ty becar.e hermaphroditic, or bi-sexual.
Whatever orig:in is cla..irred for man, it SUP?'sedlY took place in
t.l)at way.
01r Fifth Pace, where humanity is nCM, is approaching t."le Fift.'"l
eler.ent - call it interstellar ether.
- ·· - ····-·- ·

Document Archived at:

First Root Race - t!le "shadows"

Second R.R.- heterogeneous gigantic semi-humans
- perished in geological upheaval.
-glacial periods and deluges numerous.
*-earliest deluge 850,000 years ago.(major)
-last deluge about 100,000 years ago~major )
* It is this deluge which is the one people give thought to
when the sub j ect is mentioned. There was a small one about
10,000 years ago. The semi-universal deluge known to geology
occurred about 200,000 years ago after the commencement of the
Fif th Race.
Physical humanity has existed on earth for the last 18
million years. This period was preceeded by 300 million years
. . of mineral/plant development •
During cycles of incarnation, a degree of intellect was
developed, and this enabled entities to become independent and
self-conscous entities on this plane of matter. ·
It is interesting to note that some Indian texts refer
to the coming of the noragons of Light 11 and the "Wise Serpents",
who ''descended and taught men arts and sciences"
The first race was yellow-white colored. The second had
gold-colored skin. The Third, red. The Fourth brown/black.Each
race had seven sub-races.

Races with the Third Eye

There is quite a lot of evidence to support the existence
of be ings who where both giants and who had three eyes, as well
as Cyclopean races. Certain commentaries on texts mention
four-armed human creatures with one head and a third eye in the
back of the head - of which the pineal gland is an atrophied
remnant. While the "Cyclopean" eye was, and still is, in man
the organ of spiritual sight, in the animal-man it was one
of objective vision. This explains why the pineal gland reached
its highest development proportionately with the lowest physical
Oddly enough, there is mention of a race existing in the
Gobi Sea (now a desert) 18 million years ago in another unrelated
source. The oldest record that I can find anywhere of a race
not from our planet that existed here was the one that came here
900 million years ago and founded what was later termed ''Rainbow
City" in what is now the South Pole. Remnants of that city can
still be seen in some places, even though it is beneath a heavy
layer of ice. The so-called Hefferlin Manuscript mentions this
as well~
Document Archived at:

The Fifth Race
History - or what is called history - does not go back
furt~er than the origins of our fifth sub-race, a few "thousands"
of years. With reference to our sub-race, Indian documents say
the following:

§ The "Serpents who re-descended, who made peace

with the Fifth Race, who taught and instructed it •••

§ The Poles have been inverted three times •
§"The Kings of Light" have departed in wrath •.•
They also mention the ''Lords of the Dark face'', who flew
in the Vimanas mentioned in various Vedic texts and th~ fact
that they used them to rise above theri~ng waters of a deluge.
There is evidence that the Americans have become in only
three centuries the "germs" of the sixth sub-race,
the roots of the European Family.

All this is intended to provoke a little thought, and maybe

a little research on your part. That part is up to you.


* *
* a::t-.7IDENI'IAL *
*********"'****•* *
Document Archived at:

The Elohim and Rt.lman Evolution

One of the rrore eso~eric pattems of thought having to do with

human evolution is that of the Elohim. "n1e Elohim, supposedly 6th
- -- and 7th densi t:j beings, are involved in the introduction of the
early human life form onto the Earth. They also supp:lsecily put a
series of 1 , 74 6 dales or nodes all over the Earth. 'nlese nodes
entrained vibratory patterns onto the resonance between the bio-
p~smic body of the human and the bioplasmic body of the Earth. 'ltlese
patterns 1Nere surrosed to rtOOi fy and guide human consciou.sness.
'lbe ne~rk eventually ( for sare reason ) becane disrupted, and
all that remal.n of the neoork are geological features and left-over
energy patterns at the node sites. 'llle gea:.agnetic patterns that are
here are evidently those that remained after the departure of the
dc::lles. to the story, the gridwork is being restored ( there
is evidence of this, ~ to the infonration we•ve seo1red) and
the Eloh.iln and the I:bres will return.
'lbat last part about the Elohim returning is the part that we
ca1tinue to find curious, and have filed the thought away for
future consideratioo based en adch tional data.
Document Archived at:

• ••••••••••••••za:

The bar.antc of l1sh~ ouly bae to be doubled 1u or~•r

to obtain ant1-sra•itatioual anc aDti-l1sht field•
re l ated to the . .ttwr an~ &Dt1-. .ttar cyelae of the
phya1cal aac uon-phy•teal worlde . If tbe two . plu. aDd
ainu., field• are 1uterlockac aud . .ttar and anti-. .~ter
. .uite•t 1u alternate pul.... tbau a double cycle mu.~
- occur bat~eu aacb pul . . of aatter anc anti-matter. Tbe
aut1-. .tter pul•e cauuot be percat•e4, but wbeu
calculatins the fraqency 1nteract1oa bat~ea tbe twa.
both cyelae mu•t be taken 1D accoun~. By •tepptns up
or alowtng 4oWb the frequency of C bat~en tbe two
cyelee, a •bift 1n epace-ti . . muet oce~ .

H&racu1e On1f1e4 Field Bquatton

!rpreeeed in Tarme of L1sht

Gr&Y1ty affects are produced by a h1!bly panetrat1D!

ra~i&t1on in the eleetro. .suet1c epactrum. Tba frequency
range 1e located bet~au the lo~r portion of tbe infra-
red and tbe radar baud . The frequency ie approx1 . . tely a
trillion cyclae par eacond, au~ acre prae1. . ly
correepon41D8 to -ve length• bat~en 0 . 3 anei ~ . 3 - ·

- -
Document Archived at:

~ . ·.

T~a Pl1~etary Cr1d Sy~ta• •

:oord1~•~• ~·~•Lla

1 J1,72'N J,,zo•t hll,..c:ect [gyDt •

2 s2 .111 .,. ::11 .zo•t h~'~o-Hot lola, u r., "~~•' 11
J•111 ••t 81 h "'C:•cl Central US Sit
I 52.62"'111 103.20'[ ''"'O•Hot L.11t1 1111ylc1l
5 SI.21"'N 139,20"'£ !Ia ll.,c:ad Su or :lkl'lotalc
s 52.12'N 175,2~'[ Tai'I;-Hoc leri"t Sea (ll111t11" rs:•nds)
7 SI.21'N 1ti,ID'~ lllhnc:aCI C~lf of lluka
I S2,12'N 112,10'~ •ano-~u Allier u

t 51.21''111 ?&.eo•~ hlancaCI HwctiOfl'l lly
10 u. n•r. 10 .ao•w Tang•Hot North hll"tic:
..• 11 SI.ZII'N t,SO'W hlai\C:ICI Sc:oUafiCI
1~ • 2&. 57''111 S7. ZO'E Yin-Coal Kat1c:hi VIL.E VORTEX
13 31.72'111 103.20'£ hlaroceel H1•11171t
u 21.s?'N 13t.zo•t T1,..·Cool Iwo Jiae VILE VORTEX
15 31,72'N 17$,20'£ hlii'ICtCI 1111dway hhf'ld
11 2&.57'N 111,80'~ fin-Cool Haw•U
1? 31,72'N 112,10'~ lahl'lctel hje C1lHornh
11 n.s?'N•w Yli'I-Cool lah111111 VILE VO~TEX
19 J1,72'N•~ hh"c•c:t lllid•lltaf'ltic: Harth
20 21.n•w•• T11'1-toa1 • llteril VIL.E VORTEX
21 1a. 11 '" 31. zc•t: Tan;-Hot Sudan
22 a• 11.20'£ hllnc•ct 5o•alh U11n
23 1a.a1 •s n.2o•t Tarot-Mot C:111901 lrc:hi;ali~O
21 a• IS.ZC'E ldanc:•ct Ceylon Plt1n (Sri Lanlta)
2! 10,11'" 10l.zo•t Tang-Hot Gulf or Tlleilaflel
28 a••t hla,.,c:ecl · ' Swlawu.l
27 10.a1•s 1J9.zo•t hflg-Hot CUlf or C•roanter1a
21 o• 157 .zo•E hlii\Ced Solot~~IUI h lai\CII
29 10.81'N 175.20'£ hroo•Hot lllatlhlll 11111\CII
3D o• 1&•v hlll'lced l'll~:~e.,1a hhnctt
31 10.11's 1••w Tai'IIJ-HOt C•roliroe l!ltl'ldl
32 a• 1•w 8dal'lc:eCI 1111d·!outll Ptc:1f1c:
33 10.81'N ~12.IO'W Un;·Kot. C:ll;oatlon Itlands
:u o• t•.ao•• hhnc:ed ClliOifOI ltlll'lcll
3!1 1a. 11 •s '"· ao•• h";-Hot. Peru
31 o••w hla,.ceCI ••a a or~ •
l7 10.11 'N•• 'l'ant•Hot C~o~iafla llatifl
31 a••• . .hhfiCIG llo•anche Cao
31 1o.u•s • .ao•w Yaro;•MU lsc:al'llion ISland
10 a• u.zc•t hlerocafl Calion
11 21.57'5 31.20' Uil-tool Sowt.h .trrl ca
12 31.12•s n.zo•t
28.57'5 103.20'£
Ufl- C: ool
Indian Dceal'l ~lilt•
Wharton laaln VILE wDR TE X
5 out. II lu1 t. u lia
Loyalty Isl1rods VIL.E VORTEX
.,•• 31.72'5 ,.l.ea•w lahnceel So\ltrl P1c:H 1c:

.. 2&.57'5•v Tiro-Cool (astir l•laroCI VILE VOATEl

61 J1,72'S 78,10'• hhnced HUCI llhtl
21.57 •s aa. 10''111 u" -eo o1 ~10 01 l1neiro VILE VO~TEI
50 31,72'5 a,IO'lll hlanc:ect IHdtl
51 58.28. s J1. 20'£ ltla,.,c:tct l\llnt1c:•IfiCI111'1 Ocean Bes1n
52 sa.12's n.zo•t Yaf'lt-Hot "c:Oonalcl IaltnCI (Inaiafl Oc••n)
U-· 51.21'5 103.20'£ hla.,ceel Soyth Indian llatin
s. 52.&2'5 139.20'£ hro;-Mot Xen;1rc:o 'rac:tur•
5! 58.21'5 175.2D'E h lal\c:ad E•erllcl Batiro
Document Archived at:

The ~lanetary Crid Sytta•·
( Conti'"''" )
Point I L111eat lon lloln Hx
• "'"''flea
58 52 .u•s tae.eo•w Yaru; •Hot
$1 Uaintaav rrtc:ture
ss.2e•s it2.eo•w hhncell
!51 52 .12•s Albatrota Cordillera
11.10•w hn9-Hot South A•arictn Tio
511 s1.21•s ao.eo•w lllanc:ea Eaat Scotit laa tn
10 52 .u ., a.eo•w Tan9-Hot South Alta ntie ~id91
111 1a.oo•" Yin-tool Hortl'l llola VJL[ VDATtl
u•s Yin-Cool !ovtl'l Pole lllL[ 11011 TEX

Notar Planetary Cries Map eourtaty of Chrittaonar llrd and Co ver nor s Sta t • Univ ers i:• .
• ana alto lacker -Hagant tnd Contarvativa Tec l'l nalogy lntl.

(1) At the 10 Yll[ VDIITICES', •agnet1c•grtv1tat1onal ano•olill are 11ras1nt.
Thera ia to•• •Peculation thet the••~•l•o function •• types of di•antlonal
( 2) Plate oresaure ca•ing nortl'l rro• ISa baws.up the crott oreaturet f ro• 1•3 ana
la5 ana down ~rettura fra• #11 ta cauae t l'la AL i t[ SIIIIINCS / PIN[ CAP ar•• in
Auttre11a, t1te of t he US lDSII~ ba•• in raetrictea 1raa 11233.
Th it llta, •~u tit• at LoD Nor, Chi~•. are w~• r • the •"o~oly atsieta 1" t~ •
l t u";ning of ~••• i~e tDacacrart,aa well 11 tne (~ r••••rch t~e~a.
( l ) A" ato•ic reac ti on betad an u~2lS accurreu at l•o 1,1 blllia~ r••r• a9o.

( S) four pri•• grtwlty rocua Dal"t• are curr e nt ly at Al lee SDr in9a,taa t a r ! t l a"o,
Sa~ Dl190 and l ra okl'laven, New Tork,

Goopollllcal, Metoorologlcol, ontl Goologlc Anornullos
Plollcd on tho Eorth Grid

~ •


, ,
' #


' ., - ·-. ..
" •

, \. C 1 l c. :· :
Plate fot:>venent
:~. L _ ·-- --_.A----------.-

-• •
--·-·.. ..... . ...
, ,... .., _ .. -. .: .. , ... -,.---·.. ·- ·-··-- . - ·-·..- · - - · - .......4..- ................ . . _ ...... .... . ! . . . . . - ) M • n · - ·

Document Archived at:

Bell Helicopter ~ecy

Even t.luugh this article refers to the July 1988 investigatic:n

into Defense Contracting, one ¥.Cnders what else Bell is hiding
about its connections with the U.S .Al::rny?

foiled probe
WASHL~CTO!'J {l.Jt>I) - BeD
Helicopter Tenron Inc. and sorne -·-- ·- r-·- --~11o4.1 "~ ~
of its employees helped foil a l'rk· Eddins said that after lb-
year Jl.!Stic-e Dep;.rtrnent fraud vesli~dtors s;>eot a few We-tb
investigation by refusio g to interviewing Bell E'.r.l_ployus
coo~:- a ~e .:..od iovokl1lg tbe Filth about a $400 mHlioo Armv "-irts
Am~odment, ac<"'rdicg to a pro. coof:-.oct ln e.arly lSS6, tb~ ~o:S.
secutioo memo made public 7\les-
p a O:f "refused
, ~ .,.
'" _.. ~
to t'Oc pe:ra lt"
• • I .4. •
-.-..,. , ~"" ..,"» 11'\ , :,Pfllt

One panei aJde said the pr~

se<"ution memo{~ U;at
~co,ressi onal 11::: r~s.! ! &.a to~s
..B~ll succe-eded in its strategy of ;,
·· ut: in u all !;Orts of roadbiock.s said ic H80, an ad-
mi.nll:tr~ tive _cq'ifracti.1g o!~c-e:r
- Ll)ey (iqves~:g,ators_} lit~ y in the A;m;f's Clffic-e at the Fort
couidn't determine who was
Worth p!ar.~ granted tbe -~L.-m·s

re..<:ponsi~ie !or v;:bal n_ :
The su~orr.mitt.e-e, be;;ded by . re ~;est to <!eslroy rec ords
ocumE:Jt!n e s rc- ~c: ! ::J D
. . ao mo\·er.;eol o s_pa.-e p.;,rts.
A.notber c;rea of bqu.iry i!l·
_ ....... ;:u ,~, ::.<..• me re cei,·ed im· I volved alleged "defect..:H p:ici.n( 'l
mun.ity gr.:.:::~ts, he -~:-Cite, '1 don't by t!le cvrnp.:..!ly. ....
t.hi:-.k t!::at tbc~e i..cvoh.-ed in the --··'.
~vestigatio;:; en:t.felttt::;; l v;e !:ad •
a tl]!e j!ic~ u..-e o! tbe iru:,c:r wor~-
j.c ;;,s o! De C't'mpa..c,.1 aod the bi!Si·
=>~ records ·- <U~d hew they are
compiled and tied tcoge-t.her t.o
s!:lo w tbe truth a~ut gC~ •> e rll!DcDt
ront:acl ccsts a..''ld qc:.otities."
rn. ~ cc::..••"''P\·1"{ ""',.r"""''." ~ .., ....,,. ~ .... _.. '·

, -
Document Archived at:

- •


uwo X (Sa~ I 1119. OOJ
All err'lp loyc• in \J\.e · a~.apen~i~· Laborat.Gry ol •• acrooa~o~ucar lab-
.ln l ory aMi aome ol.hez cmptoycu of \.hia l&b. ...,re by a rinr. Z·l/2.
• 1'7\Jkl from iU m~\.h, W~IS \.h4'f lA• &D Ob~ct. n. U~ ..... &beNt 1700

I hous Of\ }.fay H. 194,. TN ob~'ct ..,., nO.cLint nalipt w> •• obM1"""'e4
a, -k~d eye. Hcrwcn1'1 w tA.a l oo&cd at i.t ..-114 t.po: • u bicaoc!il.&n. at
wiu<lt tam. tben ._.., ftO zLan . (D id JUIIU u.,. {tl~r? ) It 'W'al o.l
M"W~ilic CCMUII"UCUO. an.d .... UCil wit.b fO'Od IIUN~ l"eiOhatio• to lh.o9
I th&L !be ak ia - • di.rtT. Il moved oU ia hG~ri-cal ructL& u a padu.a Uy ia-
c "•a ill I ra~ ol 1pe•d• 1ustil i& uemed to approecll dw a~e11 ol a jet
be fo " i \ di11Ap,.ur.-d. l'fo pr~laio- ..... &~nu.. Tl~ZM ol ob-l"'"'ario•
- • l.•l/2. to l lftiaawa.

. . . /12 h s t
7 L..
t , ~ I

.. 1


I •


•• ••
.. ~- •
-- . .., ~ ...- ......,..""
• -.
Project Blue Book. lv!ay 24, '49 ., - c~

Document Archived at:



"'Oe ' Schri~- H.a.bcrmohl' A~nc diiC drYtloped ~eoen 1~4' ""d ! 94.5.
ln 1944. chmbinr; ~calk·. iurache1hbrir;t11of 12 k.m i"'· l2 min•urund
I bonzonw O~f111pc«d of 2000 uwh.

• •


Vctor Schauberger (1885·1958), an Austriln inventor who was involved ~h Hitler's Third
Rieeh, invented a ,.,_.!Tiber ol '"flying disks" for the Nazis between 1938 and 1945. Sued
o" ,iQuid vortex ptepUision• many of lt\em, 1ee0rding to records, actually flew. Ont "'flying
sauetr" reputedly destroyed at leonstein, had a diameter of 1.S meters. weighed 135
kilos, and was started by an electric motor Of one twentieth horsepower. It had a trout
IUfbint to supply the energy tor lifl-oH. A«.ording to Schaubtrger, "If water or air is rotated
into a rwlsling form of oscillation known as 'coltoCS.r. a build up of energy results, which,
with immense power, can cause levitation." On one attempt the epparetu1 •rose upwards,
trailing a blue-green, and then a silver colored glow.• Tht Russians blew up
Schauberger's apartment in Leonsttin, af\er taking what remained that the American's
hadn, taken first. Schaubtrger supposedly wort<ed on a top s.eret projeet in Texas lor the
U.S. Goverment and died shortly 1fterw1rd of Dl htllth. On his daatl'tbed, Schaubtrger
repeated over 1nd ov•r. "'Thfy tocH< everything from me. Evtrything. I don't even own

c -
Tll~ finr lrtt· model d~loped be~uon 1941 an4 1942. Thu had dl~ wne
Oi(hl prope~ u 11\at in fir; : ~. but WlrMthit\1 wa1 wront witll tlle

~'lall~n1~Sch~"M i~ DUe'. "nw 11nd~ kp

trmliNI«'d 1n inn~~blr nobber a.shiot11. h cuned a. crtw of du·"'

Document Archived at:




matte iJ eryscalli~:. Crysola an the AU crytQ~ forma &rc I'CCI:'IrCI oi ton;

ra:cxd in fcrm ci the so.te of moaan ci the periodic:icia.
poccnaaJ wb.ieh procit.'ICCd that fcnl. IU all &mmlulac:ing mu• il &imln! ~wu
. Solids of ~ncr an but accumulated paten- pufecticln in the a=pic iorm of the spo~ >
cal, to tbertiare &11 IJIUI il an ac:cumulation the ICplnte tOnes wbu=b conatlrute ac.c:umuilt
. ·~
of cryso.ll ai vuymg forma. The vviaaan o£ inr mu. lie ai=inc towud pctiCQCO. :n :b
c:rya:lllic: farm il due to 'Cbc variation of lllllplc farm oi the cube. .
poccncial. True cubic c:rystallmtian can only a.u olac
Aa matter iJ but lipt tnnsionn.ed from at the overtone· pc:llltlen oi the wave iri tn
1peed-Gmc dimcnaion in plane to pawcr·timc cuba oi moaan.
d'imawon in INII apinst raiJQnCe wlUr;:,b is The journey £rom plane to mu is ~
rqjsc.ez ed in bat, 10 are ayso.b the racticn by the lac:kmc oi the successive eioru of er
ftCCird oi that tnNfcrm;aClCQ wbacb ia rep. CIIY developed in the &tUmpc to reach cia
politian into the fcxmaDCD of aysQis.
tercd ill calci.
AJ lilbt accumulate~ tbc cnc sublcancc by IU ~ journey from r::;: to mu i£ an til
dira:tion oi n::sisrancc w · is ind~Caccci enO.:
the uuaction of its ccncraa.,. IIIOCI&Xl and
mclca it inco cbc ida oi fonn aa:otdinc co c.bc chcnluc:llly in ccmpuacure dimcnaaon by gJUtr
dimcaca oi its potential position, so doa c.bc ba' a~tioft, 10 is the raiscancc cc ms
ractKJn o( WC &aiCJn trtce It into the ap- formaaaa mchcaccd by cryscala an a toN
ptata.QCC of chc farm wtticb bcicnra to its periodicu:y rancmr from IOitnaa to budnc
poccoual palician.. So a!JO dtia raJIClftee to mag intqr'atlOil I
Ctyacala are ...... ds in farm of pocmcal
rq;.c:crcd cry&rallically an a tonal pe:nodic:ty c
font~. tanp( ·from amorpbous c:omplutty t
pnaecm amined by the actica oi p:nention. cube aimptic1ey.
So a1ao cbc mum journey to plane is ~i'l
Radiac:ivc ract1cln frrms. by a nver•l ot tb.tse tonal penociict:e:
The IIWtinc paine of any element depends IU the n::sisca.ncc to =au formauca IS tq1:
u~ its por.mtW. pc»itioo., its prasun: en• ..,ta...ed...l in c:acb of the cthcan dimcnswns D
VUONDGlC. equal and ~te pouaw: and acpave ph;
Nature. in ber economy of enG'~)', pn::vmu ami lllinus canal manu, and u ayscallizatlal :
wutc oi her elfon oi ~nan by freninc one of thole ccbtec:n damsicns, tt thcnior
chat cion: into the record of the pc:lliC'ion it bu fallows that variac:icn ofclc:na1tyaiay~callic ion
aCQ.iocci. is u ccmplu u van& oi potcocW is c:ompic:
A volume for thiJ subject ;~lnnr IS necnsr
· Cr,scala are the frown iiiCUi'ds in farm of the 'T'bae cbapccn must occa11rily be um&ua :
pnc:tO'Ictiw elfcxt of a=umulatinc pou:ocW. tbc cmphuirin( of the ooe putpcM for wi:uc
All potcnc:ial paacicnl ue tma I that lfO'lliS or c:bapu:rs bavc bcm wntt£:
All farm is tma 1 ,;~ namely, oi dcmonlcntmi tbac the power oi ma.:
to attraa is u variable u its powa' to gene-nee The mum ;aume, btclr U) du,. i1'CI
litbt pula tiona into appearance u accwnul:ucd b&rdnaa statU £rom cbc bilnu&hcy of a. or
pocential: a!JO chat the power of rna.u to repel is plane paaition. a.mva at the base oi the iema
u v;ari:lble u its power to & hyhc c:onc of cnctCY divided 1n many di.tecttor
pulancns into Jiappa.n.nce u d jscb.u'cd ilnd repwa 14 the v10~ of bluc•re~ 1
pocauiaL c:olor.
The JOYmeY from the soft, amorphous. ecm• If it i.t true rhat tbc ~~ of i!'lvitatic
ple1: c:ryscal to the !'wei simple one a a c:entrip- and the repul11an of ~d101t1on arc !uc6clc:n ~:
eQ1 one in whi~ the int~ndcJ accumula.t1on ~cable to c:au.te arcat dilfcrmc:a an hwine:
ltatu tOWard 1ts ultizutc van:u frocn rmny of c.t)'10.lli=tion ami ~bo llf'Qt dufaotces :
directions and It\ IIW\Y planes whu:h register form, according cc the paccncal pasn::on oi d
the amorphous violet oi rc.d·bluc in coklr. and crystallWna, the tenth dime:ns1cn cause t
mcb in one d1reetton and one planc which Qbn into account in wntm& the Iaws c
reaistcrs yellow in color. . rraviraticc and ttd.ianoa
'H• la ..... fnl tt. &Md~ talk -n.lllhra! r;,J. 1m.a:1 fr. US P, Seaw-. - · +• .. ll~flla:?Hl
.~a .-.1 .. 1t CU' WI t , _, _, ,.t ll llilblti- flow 1tole ..t zt 6 i.- ll.ill. (- CU' lilt•··- r~
Document Archived at:

- ·


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FE..,. ~'IIIIEM-n

MU~.n~u OJT ••
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" '4'Wtflc ~ ~~ ~IPift·
(lwl..l'llisRiacii~"' Ut\IU
'icur fOCI\, adnrl:ecl With varirus crowns ,cl\ll:ls and discs,
is diffic:ul.t to - 1-ec'.anse of its qlar~ effulgence,
'oihic:h is fiery .m:i i"mee surable l i Ire the sun.

ifij!QI.a ft \di .. l "' fhtt<'41i ~ l

t'li"*: 1644Eidlt ~i(IMacA "41ii(iil(, II ' II
I have bMrd !:tall Y0o.1 :iJ\ detail atnrt. the ~arance
and diNtS: arllhCe of ewey livinq entity, a.s .t-elize:!
t.hrc::ugh your ~lA ql.aria.

~ :Wifti<il qS41G (lliliii(i"''i((

iC1f ~ !JCI., 4i4i=tQf1t1Uftl II~ II

~ ycu vi.llt\ tc . . can t. •• • • all at aa in

thia t:cdy. 'l!U.s uni.......U t:cm can stDt you all that
}'aUn::w dasin11, u uell u ~ YQU may duin
in the futm'e. ~is heft CUI\)let&ly.

---~._ ____________________
. .. . ....

Document Archived at: -

* COIU'l'D&RTI "1. *
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He lofto thiz1Jcs that the livinq entity U ~ IUyv

or that he ia •l•in, roes not urderstand.. C... loho
is in kn:lw~ lalcws that the n 1 f slays oor ia

~: q ~ IIIIINIO i(oflij(l8'fj I
tt:a:'"'~'"w'~•«,immro:sr~':" ~ u
'1'tle ~ 91 at ··~ • and t.tor. tt.11 the tc1ur
• othk <]reat sa ;ws and the pro;u.L.itors ot lllln-
• lc.ind an tmn ot M'f !lind, ana all a aeur.s
in theta planet:a "--=-rw:l ftall them •

'lir.ilc ~ '{ft "*'"'"''~""'I

~ ~ ij:i4 wftt•!J JIJtA"! llf nt"ll
Al.tht:Q;h the ~,] •(\*!IrS to be diVided, He
u ne--J~C divided. a. a situated u cna. Altb:u;h
He is the J1aint:.ainer of eo.ouy livinl; entity, it
i.a tot. UIJ.ierst:ccd that Be devtm-s and~

qfi ~ ~ !1114~ I
~\•ad~ 911ta.. Mtsttie4ac"'it'"~·u
Mllterial natur-e me! the livinq entit ia lhoul.d t.
~to be t:.;iminqless. biz tranafotn•t.icrw
and the "CJdes of matter an ~ ot lllltcial

Document Archived at:



Well, I have geaen diis far 1n expr&i~nq san. thinqs to you. I miqhe u
wall turn to rr:y favcntll subject of all • 9Rvit&tiCI'Ia.l p~Sial. n. best
place to start is lofith the .tforts of a persa\&1 ac:qu&i.ntance ot lllinl who I
. hAd the 9QC:ld fortune to ~Teet in Enq.l.&nd - Hr.J.R.S·arl. His inVe:stiqationa into
t. ' s ~ it, and

gravitational pcc:p1ls1on have prcven to be quite revu.l.inq -

I want to tell you •"'Nt it.
In 1949 I he - - ~loyed by the Kidlands Board u an ueco-...ronic fittc. He
145 very enthusiAStic • the subj-=t of elec:tticity, thou;h n. Md no form&l
adncatlC~n at the sub;ect othar than-. nquired by his ) Cib. ~ by
eonv.mtion&l idan• U:olt uec:tricit:y, he c:arrad out his own invut.iqa.Uon into
the subJect. ~ work on electrical motors and qener&tors, he noticad that a
small electraDotive !mce CDtF} wu prudueed by spinninq a.w puu - the
ner;ative toward the outside and the positive U74zd the rotational &Xis.
In 19SO, he ~ud With rotatinri slip ri..nt;s and lf!"Nred a ...n
EMF at a o:::Jm~Wltion&l ~~~eter. He also noticed that when the rinqs 14A spitlni.nq
!r:ely and no electrical current was t~, 1\is hair brUt.led. HiS cxxiClus.i.ona that free electrons in the a~eta.l ·1oMre sp.m out by centrif!Jcpt! fora~ • a
eentrip.tal farc:a bei.n9 pt~ by the static field 1n the 1118W, He tlwn
decided to build a ~tar on the szrw princ:iple.
It had a sz ;:piiwnted rotar disc, pusinr;J throut;h elcU• ua;:•ts at its
pertpn.ry. 'IN electrclllil9nlts wwe enu'qized from the rotor, and 14A in~
to boost the EMF.
By 1 952, tlw first ~tCZ' had b Uri c:cnstructed and - tm.. f.-t
in di.-.ur. It ~oaJ~ tz ted i..n the o; 5I\ by Searl and a frtSlld. on. U!Mtun .,..
set. in IIICtion by a WMll .n;ine. '1t\e devic:e prvJ!.Kwi the elq'e1 :ted el-=t:tic:al
pouar, but at an ~t«ily ~ potllnti•l. At natively low aa.ture s,u1•
a potMitial of the oraer of 10 volts 14!1 produced, as indicated by stAtic
effects on nMrby ce;ec:ts.
~ rully unupe:ted effect then oc:cw:xed. wtU.l.e still spu·Unq ~. the
~tar lifted and rou. to a hs.i¢\t of .eln1t 50 feet above the ~. br ·kinq
the union bet=we«t its•lf and the enqine, a.n i t stayed for while, still spurttr,;
~ and surroundinq itwlf vith a pink qlow. '1hi.s indicatlid i.on.U.ation of air at
a nx:h reduced ~sure of •tolt 10· 3 11111 1f9, ~· i..ntaratinq was the side effect,
eausinq local radio receiwrs to on by thers=lws. Finally, the ~1• ~tar
aa:elerated at a fantastic: rats and is thclu9ht to have gone off into ~··
Since that day, s·arl and others tw.. •da •11w c.! or aDEe WMll !lyin;
c::raft, 5aiiS of which have tun similarly lost, and have drMlopsc1 a fotm of
a21trol. Larc)ar craft haw hen bnilt- ..,.. 12 f • t and. two 30 fcc in ds.-ter.
~ the hu pou d A C81"tai..n threahold of pota7t1&1 vcltw;pa, the
enerqy output ~ the ~. 'n'ls ~ out;~ut aa 72 to be virt•"'llY u m•t-
less. w. l'lldl sone r ·sur• •1ts when I -wu there, ~ u t~5u ,., . - , the
estimated output is ICiiawl'lllnl in the victnity 9S 10 to 10 ._..tts. ~ what
app•rs to be the thnshold potential 1 .xne 10 ~lts, the 9.-..ratCil" and attact.i
parts beD IIW i..nctia ft !I. '1heA is a l !IQ same "matter snatch" llp:xl acoeleratia'l
A"8Y from the ground, sinc:e i t tanda to ~ A little ''turf" With it w"m it
Anal~ini;J ..nat ia happeni.nq is fairly easy, What the qensrator is doinl; u
pl •cinq a "strus" a1 the ambient spac:a uound 1 t. t'he spec:a br z-ks dawn to
provide the Jlll9l*tiSII to rel.i..wt the stresa, but the ~ by~ is
•twacbed by the qancatar, wh.i.c:h rei..nfotQ?S the field.
It should be noted at this point that only • vw:y WMll eount of spaoe
fabric passes t:hrou¢\ the craft and an eYWt .,.uu aDDlllt is converted for
enerqy. ~, I have notic:.:i that small c:l'l.anqa in ethane !orcas lMCl to
l.arqe physical effects. It Wll.ll aptly ,.,_,,..trated and I WU iliCn ••td•, Mr. s.-rl Md (1 9871 a brush vith auehoriti. . , ~ .t. bw)•n
siq!ly 9C.oez:at1nl) his own pcwer fc: his own hou·•· rCiw he 6:1 lit have & vw:y
l.arqe honw, but the Utility Board didnt liD tM f.-ct. that they had l.ollt their
JIDlOPOly. a. now lives i..n B~ unc:1er u assl.llled na•. Simple, .tl?


Document Archived at:

Mass , D'lergy and Consciousness;

Many have said that Einstein never canpleted the unified Field 'ttleory. We
have seen throuc;h many sources that he did. 'n'le Office of Naval Research made

use of those relatiawhips in the 1940's. 'lbese experiments beeame known as the
Philadelphia EXperiments. 'nle logical extension of the unified Field Theory has •
been shown to be a relationship bet'Neen Ener9Y, Mass, and Consciousness. 'n'ley
are all equivalent "forms" of the same thing. Looking back to the discussions
about the psychophysical aspects of the of tJFOs, we can i.mnediately
see the ralationship.
Hunans are all conditioned to kxrlily identification through their u~ringing
in this culture. Those who have out-<)f-the-body experiences ( OBEs) or "near deat."l"
experiences becane quite aware of the fact that existence does not depend on any
structure- physical, mental or otherwise. You have always existed. Like drops
of your water in a vat, each of you is part of each other. It has been said t.lo)at
if you really knew who you were, you would not do to each other what you 0:>.
Again, ~ live in a multi-dimensional reality. Even the "dream" reality you
.nay create "When you rest at night is a real reality, given life by your thoughts
and loogevity by tile strength of those thoughts. 'Ihi.s can be seen when you c:an
return to a "dream". You are the product of a greater ''dream" of the all-inclusive
catSCiousness of all-that-is, an · ~lly referred to as your "God".
Every entity has the ric;ht to exist, and just as humans raise cattle to
use as they Wish, -.Jther entities use humans. It is not at all a pleasant thought
for rtm1y individuals, but in the grander scheme of things it is quite understandable.
'l1'le parasitic noture of the specific aliens called the 11Greys" is well known,
but tolerated. 'lbe 'iir' ~~ the Yang. Fortunately for you, it does not yet becane
an overt process.
Reaenber one thing. '!he existence of all reality is one that is supported
by entities of varying deqtees of consciousness. Scme of that which is produced
reflects that which gave it fmm. A fom of projection. It is a fo.r:m of projectior.
that beccrnes mre evident when you are not confined to the physical body.
Every bit of mass has its a.rm c:alSCiousness. Living cells have their own
consciousness of a higher level. 'Ihe human OOdy has its collective awareness of
itself. ~en your awareness and its awareness merge, you can "feel things,.. If
it wererlt for the neurological delay that creates the illusion of duration, it
'WOUld be a perfect match, wouldn't it'?
'nle transformatioo of human civilization is at hand. Mer9ing with other
dimensions on an increasing basis is part of that transfonnation. Perception with
a degtee of understanding is valuable, don't you think?

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.. *
! C~!ZENI""-AL !

Concl usions

It is quite evident, or it should be, that the uro situation i s both

muplex and dangerous. 'l'he UR) protllem is a nulti-situationa..l and ItU.lti-
Cinensional phenatena. We have established the folle1tow'inq as having a basi s
i.""'l. fact:
o Craft fz:au other worlds have crashed an Fa.rth.
o Alien craft are aan both ultra-di.Irensional sources and
sources within this d.:inelsion.
Early U.S. Gove:rnrrent · efforts at acquiring' alien techno logy
were successful.
.- a 'Ihe u.s. Goverm'ent has had live alien hostages at sate
EX=Jint in ti1te.
The has coarlueted autopsies on a J i en cadavers .
o u.s. intelligence agencies, security agencies, and public
agencies are involved. in the cover-up of facts · ·
to the situation.
- a ~le have been and are currently abducted, rtUtil..ated 1 and ki~ as a result of the oro situation •
. .... o 'lbere is a current active aHen presence on this planet
arronq us that controls dj fferent elaxents of our society.
Alien forces nainta in bases on Earth w on the M::lOn.
The u.s. Goverrment has had a \>Qrking relationship with
a ) ien forces for SCJte! 1 with the express purpose
of gaining technology in gl:avitational propulsion, beam
~nry and mind control.
o Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of
acquiring biological materials.
o Both a J i ens and the U.S. Govenment are responsi.Dle for
ItUtilations, 1:ut for d) fferent reasons.
We live in a nulti-dinensional world that is overlapped
and visited by entities fran other djrrensions. Many of
those entities are tDstile. Many are not txlstile.
'Ihe basis for our genetic devel~ent and religions lies
in intervention by non-~errestria 1 ana terrestrial forces.
0 Actual t.ecl'loology far exoeeds that parceived by the public.

o 'ftle United States space prog%am is a o:Ner OfE'ration that

exists for publj c relations purt:OSes.
- o People are being actively kHled in order to ~re~s t"-
facts about the situation. 'lb! CIA and the NSA are . involved
so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt
- o Facts indicate al jen overt presence within 5 to 10 years.
.. 0 ()Jr civilizations is one of many that have existed in the

last billjcn years.

•*• ,..,....~ENTIAL
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lriHINOI.Y t•JL .utaoM4T1f* UEMCI'I~
* NCN-?RO?!'!' ORGAN!ZAT!ON ,ALL ~/OL'J'N'l'!!:ER.
~(Registered as 50l(c) (J) of IRS code )

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.'•. "'"" Offc-:

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The first Meeting was he~d 1D Indianapol i s,Indiana in 1975 and
organized by J.G. Gallimore and known as the U.S. Radiooics Assn •
. with an attendance of 80-90 people.
rbe ~eeting was such a succeas,that we decided to meet again t h e
fol l owing year io Washington D.C. where the more formal arrangements
were made to esta blish 3y-Lsws, etc. and the name was changed to the
U.S . Psychotron i cs Assn.(a more i nclusive tar~ that deser1~ed ~e
a c tual area of i nterests of the assembled ~~oup and to remove the
st:ig:na assoc i ated w!.t."l Rad i coi e:J in the Cl'S )
We have subsequon~lj meet ea ch year at va~~ io us Co lleges, a nivers! t ies,
a nd R e t~ eat Cen t er:J arroucd tne US durring the suMMer ~ontb3 whe n thes e .
ait-es are avail ab le a t q uite r•usonabl e r a tes,us ua.l l:r i:o July. •

We a cce pt the tact that psychic phenomena does oecur, the next question
is how:~~is is the major area or our ioves t igations by our meMbership .
Our annua l eonrerenee has featured as many as 50 speakers over ao=e
four days,running two separate sess ion at the same time. We currentlr I

have no proceedingsavailable or printed =ater. The 'Record' is kept ,I

via a udio a nd video tapes which are t or sa l e. I

The audio tapes are available rrom 1978 onwards and tho video tapes .
(with some exce ptions) are ava i~ ab l e fro~ 1982 onwards,lists and costs
upon request to Sect/Treas.
Tee c onrernce presents an 'open forum' for t he lates t in r esearch by
our ~e mc ershi? and interes t e d individuals. We are or iented towards the
techni cal sciences, this is not an ex oer i e n ea l ~~:roup. Members or USPA ·-- .
are in the f orefront of the oew parad i gms ~n sc~ence of the ories,
acd instrumenta tion,this is the oh ysi c ~ of the year 2001!
Th~ USPA does not se ll any Radionic d evic es,TE~,ELF.Et c.we can ret e~
you to coMpecent manula c tures,trainicg must also be obta i ned from the mfg . I
We h ave f ound that f1r~s advertizing i n p er iodic als,ma gaz i~es,etc. or the I

above t y pe eq uip~e nt are . very margina l producers and questionable I

q ua li t7 and e thi cs , buyer beware!
We publish a newsletter for the membership qua~terly and a l so have
loca l chapters wh~ch meet monthly arround the US,listing in newslet t ar .

. •'
Document Archived at:

{Under SOl{e)t~ ) or
IRS Code)

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'!be •seociat1a:l de:t'i.JlM ''Peyebotl'CCUcs" u tbe IICience of !!!1nd 'oody-clvtro!fteat
rel.Ll:ion•h,pe. 'nUs 1.s all ixltertUsc1pl1n&ry ecieooe ClC:fOMZ'Decl W1~ 1Dter--
&ct1Ms o! aatter , ""«tV , a.nd 0""8C1ouao s n.

AOO • •
1. 'to pro!IDte tblt .!~ Deht~. d1scuaico, ~ din m1nat1oo ot intaraatioll,
theories, ideas and practices rela.teci "tO psyebotl"'tlics;
2. To !ll!lnta 1n bJ.ib st~ o! etbJ.cs, tnxrwnit&riani., and acieotU1c practices
1n tbe IJtUdy w appl.ic::a.tims o.t paycbotl'Oilics;
3 . 'lb prase~ ·tne ~ uad pc u Joc at pe-ycl~:.n:lll.i.c::a :
4. To 8eCU1"a coopent1w &Ct1a:l 1.u advi.Dc:1JlK tbe cxmnm emma ot ita ~ i
5 . To din rdnate Wonatial ot a ~. econamc, eochl ar ~tal
cb.ancter, to anal ,.u .-ubJeeta "la.l:ine tbereto, and to ueure aZid P1 ueat the
Yin& of its i!Qd!OU'S to otber arpn1za t iaw , tbe ~~ aDd public ;
6. To c:ccpe:u.~ with ot.ber atpnizat1<lQ8 ~ liD inter t;
7. To tun.ber ~ tn1njog uad eC'C&t1..oc ot 1U onltere ;
8. To pruwte 1JtiiJYiudjzat1a:l 1n tt. 1DV'I tiptioc:t, t.Mtiq , reporti.D& aDd
eva.lua.t io:l o! psyc:botron.ics;
9. To prO"l1de 1.u ·1u per1.od.1c&l. (a ) a D&tioa•J fat'UII far tbe repa: t . aDd plblic:&
ot all 1IC%"thy ~1v.1tiea aDd. proJec:t.s o! pe1"'8CCD8, rp"CUPPI ar arpn1zaticc8 "tOrk1nc
1.1:1 tbe fielc1 ~ peycbotmr:Ucs ; •

10. To nlre uard&, locaJly and Da.t i.onally, to pc5CC'S, ua:x:ia.tiona or qeDc.iee,
a rec:ogn1tiaD of ouut&odh1~ o:mtrtklut1Qrw or aco•cc•l j&t•cents 1.u tbe field of
psy~trrxd cs. ·
JIDIBER$B!P PEES : Wail to &!lc ' y{Traa . R. Beut.lich,Z.J.4l 'If • .A.gat1te .A.v. , Qllcago,
Illi00 is, 60b.25

1. CeDeral 'S20.00Jyr. ; &Dy O.S.,Ca nadian,or Me.xic.a:c Citizen.

any !1.rm, corporatioo, or orp nt z.a tioo (DOD-voting )
• ....
~ . \.
2. At:!' $13 . 00/yr •• ...
- 3. $20.00fyr . • ~ ern~ (DOO-vot~ )

.. ..•
$10. 00/ yr .• full-time student or Armed Fozccs
U.S. eit1 :ten active in psydXru'a!.ics deaaad eli.rible
,..... .
$40.00f yr .' ·.....,.
by tile !bard o! Directors ..>.·
5. Facily $25.00;yr. ' ( see ~ tvto, nl.lrber ~ o! oevslener) '"!:
- i ,. ..
Plea se circl.t.! cm.e o:t tbe abcve ~tegorles.
'. ..-
.~ ~~~------------~~~~-------- •
> 'c:: ;r; ; rt-v.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stAn: ZlP CX:OE
------------- ~---------

- - - ··· -
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.t1~ws r~ ~as~ P. O. 9o.r 356l7

Albuaut~aue , ~M
S~a .




Or will you rcuain ill tbe bcrop) 'l':q'? You !mow about f.Daopy-that's the so much
cherished bal tJeadt which Scicnee says our lJaivcne is ~- · ·
This l)ia'Cd umpire iD the pmc where our .Enc!l)' soma:s aft !olin& iJ bein& ulccd tO
~ .
In tbc 1840's ~eaal pbysiciltS. ahzr doin& IOiftC eazefW meuw~:mena and e~encs
came indepcnden&ly, aDd IIIOrC or las snwrarw::OilSly, 10 tbe ~IIISion. tiw CDertY can't be
c:zam . .
Eu::art c:u be nD&fencct Crotil oae place 10 mocbc:ror aiiiiiOtnliiEd !rom one form ro
anotbcr. This !nels liS 10 cbc law gf cm,matim gC ==at wtW:b tells liS. thai the toQl qu.&na~ oi

~w crctl)' is~ callccllhc Ftnt uw ofThcrmoc1yna:rucs. If
we DOW wish tD ~;~ply some of our lcDown devices. we will have to ~q:~t the se:sr:s; of ttc& nptmamjg wbich tells liS th.u ~ · In other worus.
aldMMlJD cbc Uftivcne ana looses Ul)' CZWilf, las less dw euetl)' an convened into
waiL u time aoes oc: or as vieweci in !be eyes ot our sciaeszs. we ftClC Oftiy ~ noc Win - we c3n
not eva'~ break tiC. W1w a sact ae of affairs!
Ob~ously M: are Olll of bll•nce at me pcesen.: widllbe environment to a consUk:nblc u~ent.
lbc nrbjns tbV mere gjm ;ncmszy ONLY '" rr;taQon tg n1Dlr1f Dbcnomcn• is I furutamc:ta' ~c
o( c!mjc;aj mnjs$, The final coaclusi011 of tbaaJOdyN!mics r! ~~ c1ia a I'M:al dl:ath. 15
now mama its pcediaion C!)~De cnac. 'IDe world oC macbines based 011 fa1Je c~lation is now
St.caiD& IOWIIda ics ftaa1 ax!.
Science 'Od.ay dais widl the cl)'Ulg, CXJ)losive. rat in& ll'ut. olowins apart. descrw:tive
enttoyic side of 011r lmi¥Cne's eysli; grz=J, Nobcldy tc EOII-10 bodlc:r Wlth the bi.nh and growth
Qjncsc rueur:km. modem rocacs. recipcuc•rina enp,, jet cnJines. !he way we
prcaJC ~.hell cpa ol all kinds. alllft bued OD maopy anc1 act exactly accorciin! :o
the laws oftbamodyn•rnin. mve:nted machines. u they 1ft, they will always obey
maa made laws.
Is my lllrOW111CC made for me ~·of auropy? Ooa't Ulinp have to come totether
fsnt ~ ~bey c:m come apa tor die? Nobody ucms 10 bacba' wim Implmjgn. s:nmpnl
mpsim pmrjga gr ms: m;;;bmjg or mma SQminl qctbcr- tlNJ1l ::YOW! tbe .apple: on the
nc 1w 10 be UP tbeae first ill arcWr 10 fall cloW1L Newuxa. fat enmplc. coulcl bave solved the
ocbcr balt o( me ,ravit!Mul ~-it be bad fouad oat bow uw II'J'Ic. - tbe II'Cie upon which
it pe•. JOt "P m!be air befOK die~ Cell '~'heft are anti· ctfects OCQ&trins in
N&DR cooeay SreCC!Id. Waa:r ri1c:1 'rly ~planes po• apinst p-avity, plantcs and. suns are
bonl. pln.ies eoa: 10plhu by JCIICUills. Eye tlbin& m the vai'xmc bp m be pscm,bll!!i fiat
bcfom jt ran c;gmc apn QENEBADQN • PEOE."fflR.ADQt:l, It M UN Ill) be a eyciic UNVerse,
Why DOC ciweU on IDe cemncve eycle, Iince -e seem to mow eYei 1dUnJ abol&l the de·ICIICtaO ve.
radi1rive. auropic cycle? Why ftOC blsc our machines end the whole te:hnoiosY on im~losion7
\Vby alway~ rry to bamesl upamioa, explosion or ndi•rion, when the oppostte is so much aster
tO work widl '?
lbm is a a:;nmtinc buildinc 3idi!J)C &}! qgtjou: an JMPLODING insrad ofEXPl.ODC'<G
procas. The= is a ccnaiJt mcch.uUa wtucl\ this process follows: and thm js a Cgr:pgn,tjgn wbJC~
b;uo iQ masbin;s sm rtm Comms@vc McchJftia.
-. - ··- . -------
Document Archived at:

' .

Can we sh•!rc this Enaopy Paradipn whidl f'Cliilate ncx only our scientiflC E.neru md
Technology Sysv:ms of the day. bill our Economic md Poliac:al amtudes IS well'? em we leave it
aioDe, to rat in perc, wilD the adler Doom&: Gloom si!Orics o( today?
T'hnNJh c:cnaarics mmu;aa hm tried m bell: this pm; and iDvent perpetual motion
maduncs. Whh roWna b•lls, SWU11Pnl wesshcs ltld tpinnin& m•JMIS they have tnecl endlessly to
ma!rc madtincs aw coodd ~ em. ow·e smned.. JChift& just & linle CDCrJY from pviry or some
ocher source ID o.;acome !be fricQora in ia bcarUlp. Suctl & mtc=Dilll!, if it could be m•cle, WOiliC
be a wpc:!Jlll mgrign machine of tbe i:ind lhl1 woWd. ¥;ol•• tbc laws of · . Nobodv
lw suc:ecded. oobody ever will. since Ule awNniQ are mn b-sed oa the mcropy principle. ·
"ENERGY UNLIMITED• bas a qu.anmiy publicati<lll which rcpons on the bisiDr'Y aDCi
anrulpcs or tboM mvmrcn cryizla to beal !be pme,IDd their oft times, su:ppresso1 m~tioos.
C4DUt n:s...:rc:h doN by "'CNEROY tJNl.JMI1"ED'S"' R.ESEARCH TEAM mows thm is .a
'NC!f Tc!;tmgloa egmin&. oac wbU:h comn from lbc asmDal,lilc pv\Jls. acrintin& fon:e. This
is a trinnin& ponmm""tive g;s:tmol,Qil' for bnmmty IDd oar pl"'Ct. ·
Self ~ e~:ae c S}'SI!t!DS and lOCally oe• ~ movers m! cow be i:n& ~opeti The
~ ucl devices of tbc1r Sysa:ms m buecl oa a QICW mccbltlics called VOR'IEXlAN
MECHANICS. . lnstcld of the
acs~ve fcx:es bear IDd rcsisDIICC K'QmpaylllJ, macttinQ m based
oa principles · · wilb coolin&, minimal rcsisQna. no
heat bcncr, llld no machines c:-ca a.amal vac•anns and powafW SUClioa
pWls wi:Ucb ~Y allow eue'l)' iDcte&JC .insa:ad of lola.
SoWlds aGOXS. doesn't it! E..U.'s Rcsca:rc:h is~~ in C!IC'D wi'morion just like the
syscms mcy m deYelopi:q.
If you would l&..e 1D know more abou1 tbe poc&ori•ll of die lmp!QSjgn fish Mgtgr (~tus
for power ICI~a •rioD aDd propulsion sy11Cm5); Icl;·Qm;PYnemjc OsQllmo tn:so~Wml, power
mulc:iplyin& ckv1ca (cYr ~ez ~ md. commqmnrioQ ~); md me rcceuc
of me dcvic:c wbir:b ~lac:e clec~ma~J!Cric: coils with
SUPER CCQQCt '"ENEllCY U E I T; P.O. Box 35637, Sta.. 0~
Albuquerque. N.M. 17176.
l!lYeSta ).imc time and fiDd out about "ENERGY tJNL.IMl'TEO'S" R..esearch. Energy
Unlimi•cd is here anc1 bdl'ift& brin& UnlimiU'JCi '&cc \0 YOU. YOU CAN beacfit fJ01n the npid
p-owth of me New Tectmolol)'!
A1J iDwsmw:at mRcwax:b TOOAY will teeM ,oar Ft.TT'tJRE..
Fur~her e~ucatiooal and historical da~a ia •~•ilable fro•
"t~tiC! UMLIMIT£D"'s
Iaforaacioo Ser•ice. Su1111ted, enjoyable,
readins: •

l. Piama;nctic Le•tca;ian-• hitcory aad aceollD.t with photos. etc, o f

t h e vork of Viektor Se~auberaer
vbo constructed Saucer, !ev1:ac:~~
craft for the ~eraaa Hiah Coaaaad ia ww II. s~o .o c
2. G ra~itY field Gcntrasors-aa aeeouat of research iato deYiets ! ~ r
ezcraetioa of eaergy f:oa the Gra•1ty Fi e l d: &ad apparatus !or A

CaaauCI1eat1on ~u the Gra~tty Field. S 10 • ~-~

3. Vorte~ian ~echa n, ies-a booklet of the eurreat research pro j ects
of 11 Eoeray Unlia~ted" fo• Propu l sion and Paver Geaeratiaa. S lO.~C
4. Infor•atton Ser~jee Catalos-listl other iafar•ation ia :he ~on­
Con~ant1oaal S~iea~• riel~s; £1. ~suppressed !a~ent1ons~, the
history of the atte•pt for "free eaer1y", S S. CC
5. Water-Its Potential-~aw to •anase and keep its Life Foree SlO .OC
6. 8EST OF ALL-Subscribe to ~!NEiGT UMLI~ITtD". !y subseribi~1 you
wi ll be infor••d ~ov , when aad where these dev~ces o! the ~ew
Techn o l ogy wi l l be availab l e for f Oil; and fOil v~ l l ~alp f u r~~!~
the research which l i ves our Planet, C. En~ironment and tne Li!e
t~erein a ROPE fOR THE FUTtRE.
Document Archived at:

. ..

f~ll artitle-re&le&SI f56


The seory of ~a ' hil ralat1anlnip vtth ather lita fora• aa tarth 1• a tal• that
11 evarybit •• axcitia& •• aay fictiaa.It i t a tale .uch to lana to put down 1a a
few P•l•• · The ~It ve can do here 11 to condaaae it acd cover 1a.e hiahliabtt.
Itt , pleaee reeasnice t nat the word ·~a · ca8ee fro- the t!m. wnaa kina ~•n•• ruled
Ecypt '.uch of the varld. loth Mal•• & r ...1e1 uader hit juril4ict1on vera called
'Men '. Curreat h&rd feeling• by liberated Woaea over thil ter. are tt.ply unvarrent-
ed . Up to the t1aa of line ~ne1 our speciet were 'NOMe• ' aa4 other a•••• of a 11oaul ar
-lar terainolo&Y• lin& Men•• h&d liDeas• or DMA pattern• back to the ' aod• ' •pakea of
1D "irtully all aac:teat .oc:iet111 . Ia Ollr Chrittiaa Bible ve find tha I aods Vlrl t

caat aut of iaavaa aad foll~d their leader Sataa. ta evea alder aaau1c:ripts like
lleraatic -ru, the deta1l1 •r• evea ude plaiucr. 'The look Of !ftocb ' val one He~e tic
work that val once tu both the Jevilh 6 Cbristi&D Bibles. Our pre1eat Mev Testeeent
lifted a areat de&l of it's c:onten~ free Enoch. Church father• aiaply couldn't allov
tuch aa eabarraa..ent to continue .. •• Oae eaaily accesaable book vbic:h bas 1oae of the
ol d Han.Uc vr1t1DI1 011 the arri val of the '&od• •, 11 "Tba Secret Te&cbinu Of .Ul ••••·;
Manly Ball put thi1 1r1at work toaechar when he was 10 hi• e&rly 20 ' • and ~•t ~eta­
physical bookstore• •till carry it. The '1od1' lt ..... ware a sraup of t~entitial
vbo decided to break V1th the creator• 'Choice' lav1 &D4 eaater into '~flection princ-
1p l aa . tb11 va• ftna ••• eseept thc~ beaan to recruit others to their cauae V1th heavy
handed tactics. o\t thia point they vera takea co a DYWOIY of planet• aod exiled.
Mather E&rth volunteered to serve a1 a bala for these ex~artaeotarl. lt vas •••ua•d
they vould 1ooa ••e the errat of Doaicattoo pattaraa &114 return to the l•thers CKOIC!
pattaraa. Uafortuoately,onl y a h&ndfull l e&ruad chair earl y 1a thc aaae .
leeauaa the 'alieaa'eoapouent or 'entity' ,vas au anercY outside of sattar, ;ha ax-
il•• .veatually had t~ ebooae Earth creature bo41es to dvell in. They at.ply could
not sov. -urtal tMnaa around 1.n t bair noa uurial f o~. Afur eanfull delibar-
atioa,tbay chose special . They cbosa our l aadhaaed 'Hac ' ·~•ciaa, •~ several
Saa baaed a~ecies such &I Delphina . Aa tbe Soul• of these apaciea encountered the nev
tachDoloateal iatelliaeaeas , there vera aaay ebanc•• · The•• cbaar•• ara detailed ia a
work chat vea brousht cat ia t be •14 70'•· A. J.Cl asers Coaprehana1oa Texts told exact-
ly vh&t new coepoaeatl vsre foraed &Dd bov such chana•• cut of the uaual i nacinctua l
kaovleda•• of our rac:a. Once the n•v coeponentl vere runniDI e1rcu1tl to the brain, ve
husans ver• 1D total coufu.ioa. Our simple 'anteal' species vera co.pletely contaainat-
ad by a new '1atall1aenc•' · Tbe Bible y potatl a~at that our spe~iea ' ate of the
fruit of kDovled~e aDd sot kiek.O out of a paradita baaed culture . Inlte&d of aoinl on
'iast1act' , we had to c:oaatantly sake deeiaioua aDd toil for co.pltx ~ev 1oala. .
!be Soul• of ~·-·nl are aov tD a unique 11tuation. Prior t o the of the 'aod•'
our Soule 1\&4 perfeetiotl. For tbouaeacls of ,a•r• DOV ve haw " " tryial to ruch a
nev parfact1ou by adjuaUD& to the oav e-ponenu tb&t vera brecl iato O\lr rac:e. Even
the Soula of Do1ph1DI have for the .oat part, found the h•esa incarnation or body the
~•t desirable for laarutaa to 'balaaca the nav ~d c:oaponanta. Se& creatures ao-ectmu
11ov have sre&t laaovl.edae Nt .ast of the 1atal l111aca factor• are to ~a bodi.. at
th11 tt.e .• • for 1aarataa 1aka. EArth cultural ara the eo1t chaot1c,daaserau• anviroaa-
IDta ia the aatire univarae . A perfect place for niaher leYel le&rai~l aad eelf control.
It va1 fel t that ~at of tha oriainal ' azilea ' woul d eventually return to the father .
Siac• AaiaAl ..a apec1aa var• sucked into thia areat ..... it vaa felt oaly fair to
atva th.. a eh&Dca to eventually nave tbe povara of the 'aoda' alaa. The catch of courae
vaa th&t •uch aiDd ovtr sattar povara,had to be used vtthout vtolatins the CBOIC! of otn-
era. Alter thoua&Dda of ye&rl , ouly a vary ...11 percaatas• of Souls hal laarna4 their
laason val l ecouah to haodl e the retpoaaib i lity . Ttae 11 ruaatns out. Ia t ha ae~t fev
year• the final choicaa vtll ba ..da b1 all baina• aa4 aoula in h•e•a fora . What the
taehaic:al disp«alltioa on Sa\111 to aquatic eavironaeDtl are ia aot •Y field . Thera vera
t o be paraoaa oa •iaaioa aD !arth With thia kaovleds•· tarthl aahabitaats were to be
•uch batter educatecl tD such aattera. Peraoas lika Fraud vare to outline tha huaaa
func:ttonia& 1a .ucb araater detail. Much of Frau4a work va1 daatra1ed at h11 deatb.
Many others vitb knovlacla•• of aquatic intellilences have bl~ chair •i11iona aad aiv•
en the vorda ~01 littl e uDdarscandia& oo theta 1ubject1, Tt.a it rvnnina out. Tboae
vno have a drive to find anveres have but a 1hort ctae . If t say be of &lli ltaDci , VTi te :
A.Fry, 879 ParK,Perr1J, CA. 92370 USA 9237 Craver,Morrouao Valley,CA 92256 USA
Document Archived at:


S.. 30 Ulee •r~IL of tala Spt'iqe C:dU!mlU,U. l.aM rtau lata a ll.1p 4eMn
- t
I' <..

uu ''-' .,.. 1... ~ ••-1au4 witll nnaa• .._,.,_,..... fteay tiMe I ba9e M.e u.
uu a-ru ..,. ••• 'CM -.11 fleclr.a of lllllt ~1catiq tile ...._.. wbicll ..n .,., of
..... '•&lift ellipa' llL1Il -. t.. tile sialic e!rr. n... Ut1:la Uallu eu ..., M • -
ella •••~u e-ru tllol? ere lac • - · VllUa t M9e . . , . 111M a doM ac~
liKda& us
-car, " ' ' ia tUa ..-.. ~. la tile .sacar af ltt1,ea ~-uua,-. •11:
co far tr•
tile Jaa-. frM IIAC1r-el 11.. r t aad W a ••c &a&w. .cSat --car. 1& ... 1a ca.
..rly •n••a lillllll'e.caac M ..,. 3 frt..aa pUla ~nail tM u u - a M'ialit al- s.a
ca. &ucuu . 11aca ella u . . .u crUan"•...,.
witll _ , •~ na&e ,u - • linle c~~h
te llu• ~re ella &lw ia ella •uU~~~~~a. h'ollo&llly e llel.f e Ule tn. clle aTU WUcll 11M
e ur11 &J..n j . .c - a riM, CM IUQ - - t a r... e an...e l1tUe Mia& witll llute
&lw1q .,.... It u ..,_. aa t11a7 atop, •• 1M .-..,...,. U.. ea t'-7 aca,.pa& eat ef thllir
.. co· pu cncll. It .,.. .re.~ te M 1111 • n of ..,bs..c1tat_. &Mrew f t rollot ort.icll CO!o14
&1111• . . . tiM ..rface of tile tr••' witlloNc . .u ...,. U1 en~ co u atuu ritb
t'laU crutioa ...ra f~Ula 'lilac 1t tid. "aJ e ·~ *• _.,.
•tU clla7 hft tiM
ana. u tM Jlw •••!!LieU. t11a c•c~ ll .._ ef e wr1t7 .-r liM u r d te ialltc.u

CIM a na&laN r!H. :Z. tile •raf•l , . . lUYS.aa U. eru t'-7 Mtad
elowly falWJII tile ...-zn UM •• • ~tl7 U7U1 to lMAn cilia 'Pftar lee&.
U. liM • • "':t.aa _ . _ at ~ 117 wtlat tllol? f-.l.t . . . e '-t• 'Mat1rr ellip' j~et 'My•
c•..,..,. tnKir.a
ln Aor11 (If lt87 Orlando Pet.n llld 1 fP'ieftd sUy111f tile ni9ht 011 llh
pi"'"rty 1n MDra~~u Yallty Cll1fo"'ta. 111 tflt ... IQin of tM ~mrii11MJ tllh
1nCih1tklt 1 •u botlltr"H by sG~~~tllint gotn11 tlln1U9II tN flrba" an ouuide
tile t._.r IIMre he •n 51"111119.
Tl'l1nlc1nt 1t 2111 tM t.ISWil dCMJ,he lookM out into tile ,1trd lfld c1MI"1y u. tile
•st fr1911tlll1nt ani•l he heel l'ler '"" · It " " - ' " 1 t1ant till CICMJ witll
f hll9t l1011 11u llet4. l11stttCI Of ... lt1nt,1t lloPpeel II"'IIIIICI 1111:1 I "'rttaroo.
Tilts WIS tilt last nttllt Orl11140s fr1end su,.a .... . .
o. .., l4cll • trs• .... u,... u Man...evall.,. lla4 • urn•• u~Wca wtctl wt~ac
co.alll ftly U... Me. ••• • n of ~~:-. c~•ft.J.u ot' 'ali•· • Mill 1111• wih wlr.a v;p co
e rapp"- • Ilia loeck Nt'C!I. :•k••a 1111• t • ~·•~ly fteaN4 •14 _.
r - 1 - , Ilia to
l'plllial - UUMU lla rec•tly -.&1. Ill' hear I aall tlilll 114,- ftat M • • lealat11
fn e-.11 tile_. . . lie • • loot Mill • • tr'7"111& co UM llLa wy llecll.. •·•u.., fu_.,
~u.~.llo& . .u caac M • • Mt tllfta to Mftl lUll _.,. ,,...,... an ad wllila ,.wu.q ca
IlL• •UIII• 111&111 peat• .. to Da1tata lie W M ...., . .. ull. ..Uc lie _,.,.,,ella oW _.
..u lla could •t fbi& ~ .,. "Nell........ wsMIM - aadn-a. '"lft&1cll wy u 1111" 4"
Vb.Scll wy u • - " ' 11a aeh-.1. "" fn_.. . . . '£II Ilia wa a lU:tla ~lezy _. unc.,. Ilia to
IC07 ~11 •nSII .• ailca U WI ollft- lizJ .... U.l'...... (1-t'~Ute.l, tM eW- tlln
ctl4 ~ ttlat lle W co fW Ilia wy Mck or it 2111.1.111 M tl let.:. co 1 - . 'l"rrs41illl • -
• n d U tM -.~~: can-.!.
uu u r d Uu tM area I:M -
ef tile 'fall.,., lie ela& a, tn.- eorrztMll7 c •• n •
• • lMII\Sac far. sc.,u. f r - , ... ~ .• • or
...., tilL& a U - &Ul_. 'c... wy', c ... - . . . . . t1 ~ea 1 t- &ee• yei'Ce f~ IM
r.U. ~i.lll the •r1y -~1& lllllk,PeQl'a aall ~ . _ aU M - •· !M - npU_. tMt
M w.e . . ., t.s-e olller t.Ma lle WI t"'i1kte1, Ia 1rUIII u •tiU. . a~t MU& U. tbs
area Mhre ... ...,.. tMn • • •U.*•& c~a . uUe rn. , ... -.., 'CI'. . ..... e
aua..• • n of ~n tMC W
la ti"Jial t l p11CI tile ,...1. ell the Wl' 1111 , ... au.
C.Sitllel' laCft,W CINU ....,. 101 ° tNt tM -
tt"7"i'i& u locau a •zrCJ ,n.t , er 4tor An lie ln -
asskf• llalp h r Ill'
Pecua. h r - witlll bawl.... of 'tiM -t'JS...' IM .,.., c-raft tnwll, - u... clilllc
..., 'ali-' 11121 te ltaJ . . C. . . . ~U 11-. pattllftl CO 'CI'811 eM phUU Pll'l1 It
nell ,.&au. Nla •111 - • ,naiti'N nltwu - • - r • of elleN a r17
ac1-• MMd r •r• If u..u m•-•·
.&t cn-ui.a 'I'I"Ul•' ella 'ds-e ' c:OI&l4
crtd•. a•
u Mill wt of av d sMii.llll•••-11. liM tM cr- ,......_ ia r••t ad U 1111c ~·•

t1r P1ure lle4 let . . . zc tM oU '.US.' wa eU.l1 - old - vltll ,._., _.,.,,
. . ,._,. .,.u af n•.,.• u -. ~ cllac tile - Mil at 1 b ..,_. h111 17711 S&llllen
hr•a. . uy l£111tll of Us•.
( . .t l ; llr 1'r7' 1 , '111'0 tiat~W'leal - • ate are aweUallla • •u•
te; eo)
In • •• of 1987 1 LOs An9eles MWSPI"r ".,ortar cl1d en art1tlt 011 snarsl
tltas o1 4tss&pear1ftt peap\a tft tile ~rrQft90 lsl lay-YYCCI Yallay Ira& of the
111911 Clesart. It HIM blo car loaclr. of ~pla saw 1 c• trer tNid of t'- din-
'"'" S1Hkttlll1 frs t!le1r ftft . S.varsl "~Ia rns ~· •11111tC) tft tM Mrly
p.lrt of tile ,..,. 1ft tiltS W. ti"U. The N!'OI'\Ir COIICludM tllare . ., be I!We
strt1191 deYtls trtar~gla ,,... to ~1 .... Aftar 11aartn9 of tile t nctclent 6 ~t·
10111114) 1t to I fT"tend,llt clailltd to M\'1 SPCiklt'l w1th 1ft tncltYtdUal tlllt IIICI
slso set a car c11ss1pear off tht roact tn franc of ~t• tn thts area •••

Several Incredible lnqu1ry reports ~~ available to

extend this 11ne of interest. These include Reports on;
Gr1ds ($7 ) Vortex's ($7 ) Strange Aliens (S9 for ea(2 l
Time Travel Plans #1 or IZ $20 ea by Gibbs. Time Travel
Today CETAR $15. Time Trave1 Report $5 l more ••••••••

3.l g
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' . -- -


As the te,hnology of the -.orld tends to nalltil)ly Of'l on 1tself,the breakthrouohs
are staggering. It ts all the -orlds 'elite' rulers ctn do just to hold back the
mtny free entr9Y desighns thit would cut fnto their profits. To-ard keeping the i r
oi l and nue letr based energy systems in Pltct they hive now bequn to use spy tech-
nology that is far in advance of wnat t~ pyblic ts awere of . Hiqher corperate ex-
eeutives and military people are slowly leaking out info~tion on this thtt is
shocking. A'eord1ng to meny sourses, the me~or governments now have devtces that
can keep track of and monitor citizens no metter whert they are. We are all awtre
of the space surveillance systems that a~ now orbttttng the Earth . What wt don ' t
hear ebOut 1~ j ust how sophisticated these sy~tems are. Our governMent can now spot
individuals tn sensitive areas and see exactly what they are doing. Anti state rad-
icals thit are on "htt 11sts·can now be tracked and taken out with ease. Strange bal ls
of fire hive burned u~ a number of 1.portant personages and noted protesters tn ~ec­
tnt years. What same call 'Teslar Weapons' can burn vict,ms to a crisp in minutes.
Exact target accuracy can ca.e from vfrtwally any tlectrtca~roaocast pattern that
acts as a .aster "hot1ng' s1qnal. A victiMS auto,wrtst N~teh or radio can allow th~ to
be trtclced anY'fhert on the surface of the planet. When you reed of fu9ettves or out-
laws of soctety who art taken 1r burned up tn 1 .atter of days after thetr escape,
~ can see the pattern. Recent txUIPlts wert two Montana uyl\111 escapees who qufclcly
got tnctnerated. &ardon K&hl,tht ta• protester,was another example that was tracked
across the country ' qutctly wiped out. Glenn Mtller the oatrtot,Mathews, I R A
l etcers,and many other cases .wtrt probably examples. Offtctal ~eports credit inform-
ers with targettng such people.~t insiders know better. •
The State now has a vast and effective .anttortng systeM that can ptck out and keep
tabs on any careless ' radtcal', Conversations are often eut~ttcally recorced when
certatn trigger worcs crop wp. There d~sn't even nHd to be any tap on the phone.
Any •tals or wtres tn 1 hen. art tfiOUCJh to pick up convet"Sa ttons and aHow the phone
or other senstt1~• sur¥ef11ance c.vtces to ptck up eonversattons . If '~ohn radteal' has
been put on 1 ltst,the peculiar vibes of his car can be tracked and hfs voice Inside
the ~ar can be picked up by the vtbrattons of the outstde .. tal. Whet corperatt peop le
call ' the watchers' are driving th.. to h'/1ttria . Soohtst1eattd syst~ 1n private and
govetr~t hands are sponqtng up trade setrets &countrmeasures are dtfftcult •.•
To proteet yourself tn the present world tlkes new strategy. Stnee the 'bugs ' and
tn~tc•l reco!"dtng Mcfltnts art now pnse, you can Just anUM that you lr"t being rnon-
ttored tf you are a threat to the elements tn power, If you are Mttttng senstttve peo·
ple wtth sens1ttve objects tn your possess1on,get undet9round or at least under trees
and wooden structures. If you are tn a eo~ate posttton,teep chanttng ears,watcnes or
ft~s that could prtnt you on scanner devices. Never speak of trade secrets or things
whtch would tncr~tnatt you ••• unless you art underground or have a lot of background
noise go1ng at the sa-. ttMe. tomputers,are now easy prey to scanners. Any telephone
w1th1n a few feet of most c~uters can allow a dtstant scanner to dratn tt's data.
Monitortng an tndtvtdual across the world through 1 phone is ktds stuff at thts point .
! f' you have a phOfte ,you 1111y as we11 kteD your conversa ttons 11111ndane.
Watch who you deal w1th and what illegal thtngs you are offered. Many weapons are
sold to radteals by agents who then can keep the radicals under close cruttny through
t~ tllegal ..apon •. •or whatever. ~tme the radical goes to far, the State has 1 per-
fect txcuse to ptclc tnt person up and charge thtm. As long as you pay taxes and don't
-ake btg weves,no problet. FEAR, ts 1 fovorfta .eapon of tyrants,so the State ts al-
ways tooktng foT a raa1cal now and then to use cs an ex~lt . Keep tn ~tnd,nowever that
counter -easurts always cane to ltght for any domination tacttcs that rtse up. We h~·
ans are very tdaptable and ff we fail to stand up agatntt da.tnatton prtnciples,wt wil l
only s1nk lower tn serv1tude.Peop1~ who stay fearfu l l and take no act1on get what they
deserve ."~ governMent or system just 1tke whats CCIIIIfng up, If you love freedCIII,It leest
have the guts to ftg~t for tt . Th1s doesn ' t ~an you .ust bt ,.ranotd and go around af-
ratd to enj oy your l tfe. It s1•p1y means you should devote a little of your ttmf to ed·
ueattng others to the truth and standing up against do.1nat1on pr1ncfples. Only you will
know wtlat ts r-tgtlt and wrong at any gtven t1111t, The Sutt can't get 1n your mfnd and force
a l l~ i ence . Stand up 1nd lets make th1s a better world through action . • . . J. Freem~n
•• • '•
' '


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- - ----- - - ·-
Document Archived at:
Document Archived at:

• •

• OCCl~• oc ue Praa.•t•rr

(7aUn•, Mr:rlaMI
sec.... , '· ~,.,

• 'fO rAt
tl:oi IUIOa JaiOOI. S.UDDI'I'S .u= rAC~n.n

·-~,.• lJ·--·

• rt11at~
lltb SCbaal

10 : 11 A.x. U't

.. . .
1'U niSIDDTs ftant ;rou, A17Me, &ftld U&nt yo. aU •erJ
~eb, CO.araor •~tbaa, Sana'o~ ~~:.ataa, aapc•••n~:.atiwa ••n~:.~•r• •~

.... ..,
tba repraa.ntatl••• oC taa ...,. ot E4ucataoa, tba ada1niatret10~.
ua, aAol , . - , t.M et....ta"' OOdy - . . . ina - · H ll 900011 to

It.' I ttl& II. to M aare at P&UI\Oe I ita SC.._l , 1"11111 of .

t.aa C0o1)ara - U&"911Ur) - aed Ua Ca11t n t' Ill la..Sat I wiiO I

.. ~erltaa4 •ill .. om•,.tiat la a Dit eoftteac tail e•enl... l ~••
l'V• eu aU tU out W .SuuiM for U..t ••••~· % wiaa I - l d ..
t.ll•r •. (I.Avtb ur .J

Tov tnow, I've only o~t ot .c:ool 1 ,.., year•. but
- U& ..fiiUrJ - UIIY tall M Ulat tAillfl U91 =aeatl'll ·~ita I ~it in
tlla -•llt1oa. ':'1lara'a - Uiat Ulat : .. ,, U:CN911• aeae ' t ~ll&ft9ecl.
nan yov baa&C tA.t 1:. yov • 4 lll.a••
1:11 eancal J'MC acileclul M c ~·•• tor a
apecial ••••. .1r, .. 11, I llapa ~ weren't toe diaappoiRte4.
I I ,,... l' •• Me" lool i " ' lorva:4 to t:'lll caance to IJ"& l
to fOV l'•t tot a •err l.,.C\&1\t o•aa;:~ \~It I want yovft•

..... ~r~~~~• to M
a pert ot. ae t1r11:. j~a; ;ivt • .,ttlt


Aa row ~. l&nCT aftd l tetwfft. . ·~·t twO .... , • • • •

Cc• Can••• •litre 1 II ad ••••ru hl\of Ury -n~•• w ~ u C.Rnal
..~~o. S-cretarp COrDle~•• ot Ura ~aaa. I ~4 .ora Uran tiCtteft
aowra ot 4lacwaaiODI •1Ur aia. iac1ud i bf :iwe ~ra of pr 1•ate
COllY I f l i t lOll ' U t Ill tV Hit. Ull ~ Of \11, 1 foo~ 111a tO be I
4eur•1aecl a.~~, wt •• .eo 11 vUUn9 t.o Uau:~ . AM 1 c~u 11'-A
• aDOut ~t i ca'a 4eap lleairt tor peace ~ ~; .. 4o .oc tllrea:~ tile ••

• SO• itt 'aai.on 1M Ulat 1 . . lie•• tllt peooplt o: :ou CNr C1»wfttr i u warn·
tilt aaae ~int .... a aater &Ad Cutwrt to~ tll...el••• al\d tllllf
ca&14raa. tov .,..,, ,..ple .... , IL&tt " ' ' ' • '~varn..n&a do •
ovr . . . tlnt 111 of a~ac;a~ ~ort&I\CI t~ all oC
'1'1!:1 y~. 1 li\OW y~ • ra ¢enCitftld IDOIIC t:'la Cv~~;e, IDOWt t~l 9:0W\~ ll\
d- nwcltar &rlenala. aDO~t in]wltict and per••=•:~;" of :a~:ov ft~"
DU llf I, a ell &DOll t L'lt U U tO , . . ~, arouNII Ul 'lOOt 111. llal.l. 1 t il
.... •
lt.ICI\111 1 IOitecl tlllt CDIICitft Urlt % WIAt t• C.SI91 to ~ l ft I
111alotua tor peaca • i U XI. Gorllacaa•.

....... •
o! o'!enaiwt
We UllM
nwc~''' •••~•
lliOIIt ~r Ui.nta -
oa tacn ••dt,
INint w&tecl 11:11 lnnoa Utlt.Utl &fiii\H SO•ie:•:wcl.C ttt~o.a•a &rOIIIId
ta• world, b~··• . rltlts, &ad ~ . . cow1d ~,_., owr . .•tall
t:M 11. .11
~~• ~•:•
!Nt t.:ra n..aeter

Ill. telu.i.owa.Dip.

··r. % alao atrtlled to~. C.ra.e~•• ~ ~r ~tioe•a
-• •
c=-ai. Ual'lt to "" S'C.UU9 i.e =-fen.. IrH~u:~ T1 = o~r rauarcll atul
dt•••a;:tat ac a non·n~c~ear, ll i ta·cic~ r:~~~~ :~at wow•c rrottc: wl
ata i nat Dalliac1c • i. aa 41••· ~ liOW •• "''' e::: ~ tted co tllat. 1
1 J tOld l'li • Lalt SDI w&l a ri&IOft tO ftOpe, ~ot ~ :ear -- t~at tSt
. • lll¥aaca ot tt~&Ael..J', wl'll~l oritinal~J' t•~• •r ~~l~l•t ic a i •ai ltl


--- • -·- ______ ,

Document Archived at:

-. -
&&tar ~. ..,. ••=-c• tor ,.. .., r-.r. ..1lcrea.
r -.14a·~ • c - - ,......, _.,. .. .t cb-~!. . . .u ...naly
•wlUt C.Mtal. J.lcrer~~.Jl.otllac:'''
... - -~ ~ ~~~.laL. Uat
.~ ._,.., . au.~ ~.,iiK"- · .,..;stZ\•(t2"cF _. -.1~c
... 6._
~lp lllu . .,. ~ II&.., 3~&ac · t.a1- ...,-._..,.a•
"ila · M llltj'l( M
•• t.UH . . .U.1191 tJt,u W . .!AI "Tf nN. .lJ. u.&l'e .wu_a C.llrM& te Utia
WIIIIICld c~ · ~n 1 oUer · ~·atu tr• & pl.a.c oaulllla l• Ula
""'"'er". wa '4 Cortet &ll ·u• Uul.-.l-..1 •uceta~~Ca• u...c ......... •
Mt. . ea ~ 01 au1 .. ...S..,. -1111 'C1M OGII - • ud foe aU &W;~ ..
r-u,- au .u II• . . -.Lot•
~~~u_e: ~.:_ulJ:.:.~.c.l .JoiiWeuu.

NaB ..... W
••u. r doe't ••111:
UIUIUII .... t41t
• .. caa walt tor ., • alia• rae.
1 U!ll& Utat lllet_.a ..a . . c..&
aoo~' ~••' rea11aac1~.
t Applallae. J
~·· ~ a11. OoOd Ill••• ro- au.

- • •


- ...


- •

Document Archived at:



Y/ •

• •
• 'nlZ wnn IOOSI
OfU.c:e of the •~••• Sec:~etary

Po~ aal•••• &~ 11s05 &a EDt

. Man4ay. Septe•be~ 21, 1'17


T!Xf OP J..rJoWI.U U 'IZ 'USIDllft
~ ftZ 'l!fl) ~Df£M%· USD\II.t


II Rev Tor~. Mev York

K:. rreai4eA~, Hz. Sec:et&ry-Geaeral, boaore4 ,vests,
4isti.nlj'\liabe4 delevauu lAt . . U.:st velcoaa Ule secnt.&..-y•
Geaer~l ~&ck fr=a ~~ pilt~ia&t• for peac• iD ~· Ki4tl• !&st.
lwuln4• of ~o,u&~acil b&Yt already blln iD ~ bloody CGa.flic:t
!Mtveec In.A ancl Iraq. All uc u4 woaea of qooclvU.l ;>ray
Ue c&:-aaqe c;~ IOOD.· be stooppecl. we prar tA&t the S.crn.ary•
General provea to be not only a pil9r~ b~t also t.he a:~i:ac~ e~
a 1aatiD9 peac:a betwan those tvo natioaa. Hz. Stcret&--y•
Geaer&l, ue DlliUd Sutu auppona rou. HA:r Gocl f'!lide 1ou iD
you.: l•borl &bea4.

I.ika the Sec::et&ry-Geae=al, all of ~• bare to4ay &re ac a kiftd a!

pilvriP'9•· We co. . fraa every coa~ant, e•ery race, &Ad =oat
~•liticaa to tbia vreat hall of bope, in ~ a&me o& ;>eaca,
w practice dip Nov,, of couua, i.a a a~tle
&DC auenc:ecl craft -- 10 •~=~ 10 ~~ it 11 l&i4 ~~~ ~hiD
oae of ~~· =est wily diploe•ts of ~· lt~ cea.tury passe~ away,
o't.Aer d.ii'louta &akeci, oa. r•po:~• o~ Ua that.h, •Wh.&t ~o !'0~
'";pose Ua old fox a u t by tl\.au•

Jut true at~tes=anabi; re~iret not . .:ely skill ~~t ac=•~~~~q

9reate~. So=e~1n9 ve ~ll ~isio~ ·- a 9:asp o! ~• · r:•••~t and
of ~ possibilities ot eba tu~~·· I bave ec:e bare tod•~ to
. . p out lor you •r OVD ~iaioa of ~· world'• future -- o=•· I
bel1ev•, ~t, ic its ••••ntial elaaents, is s~a:e4 ~~ &~l
Aaerieans. An~ I bope ~cae wbo ••• ~~inqa 4i!!eren~ly will ~o:
• PiDd i l I say that we iD the Ooita~ Statal ~alieva ~; ~~· place
~ look !~:It for ab&p• of tba f~ture is not in coaticental
masaes and ••a l~••· a1~u9h 91o,raphy is, obviously, a! qreat
I ~por~~ce. Nei~er i• it iD natioA£1 rese:vea of bloc: ·~~ i:on
or, on ~~ other b&nd, o: money ar.d i~~us~ial eapaci:y -- I

al~~o~~~ =ilit~ry an~ economic •~•n~~b •=•

also, c: c:~:se,
c:ucial. We be9i.D vi~~ to=•~hin9 ~t is far ti=plar •~~ Y•~ :a:
profound -· tbe bua•n he~.
~--------------------------------~----------------------------------- ~--· · --

Document Archived at:



-. • •

...... -.... .........-:... .. .
~-. ..-.-.·.,· ~·

its contr~Gtio~ 11 reto~

- 7 ~

- .
proqr•••· lut

~r• ia 1till aQcb ~

cio. ne UIU.te4 K&Uont vu ~uilt OD 9reU dzeaaa &44 9U&t
icSeala. Soaetimta it baa atrayecS. It ia ttma for it to co. .
be a•.
1t vaa Daq 3•• ersxjol4 vho aai4, •Tbe eocS of all political
et!o~t •u.t ~· ~· -.ll•bei~9 of the ~diYi4Q&l 1D a li!e of
u hty a.ncS free4oa.. Sbculd tb i. DOt be ou cncS.o iA tt\4 r••n
&bead? . . •

I baY& tpokeo today of a vision &44 of the obstacles to itl

realizatioD. Kor• th&o a ceotury aqo a youn9 7ranchm&n, Alexis
de focque•ille. Yilit•d A=arica. After thAt Yilit he pracSictad
that ~~• tvo qreat power• of ~· fYtore would be, oo o~e band,
~· Onite4 States, wbicb voold be bailt, &I be aaid, •by tbe
plowshare,• and, oo ~· o~er, ~UIIi&, vbicb vould qo forwa~cS,
aqain, •• be said, •by the tvorcS.' Jet aeecS it be .c? Cannot
svor4a be turnecS to plowaharaa7 C&a ve ancS all nations not live
1D peace? ·

In ouz obsession witb &ntaqonia. . of the acaeot, we often forqet
( hew .acb a=itaa all ~· members of bu=•n!~y . 'e~~apa ve Deed
I so. . .o\&'Uii.c!a, v.niYersal tllzea~ ~o e&.k• Qa ~eec,ni.~• this coft:J!Ion ·
• boo4. I occasionally tbi~ bov quickly our dit!•rencaa vorl d•
I vide vo~ld vanisb i~ we vera f&Cinf &n &lieo ~eac t:oa O\&tlida
thil world. AAcS yec, I &J.k yo~, ia Aot &D alieA force already
•mcn9 QJ? What could be ~r• aliea to the ~niversal aapiratioaa •
• ot our peoplu war acui tbe threat of vu'l
~ ceQt~ies &90, LD a hall aucb la&ller tb•= thil oDe, iD
Philaoelpbia, ADeric•na . . t ~o 4ratt a CoattitRtion. In the
" co~r•• ot their 4ebatea, o~e of them sai~ that tb• oav
90vernment, if it vas to rise h i 9h, aost be built on the broadesc
base, t."l.e will ancS ccouot of the people. .\tid so it vu. And so
it h& • beta.•
Ky meaacqa today is that the dre1a1 of ordinary peopLe reach co
astaniah~9 hei9hts. It we diplo~tic pi!9riD1 are t~ ac~ieva •
equal alti tudea , ve •~•t b~ild a l l ve do OD the full ~read~ ot
hwunity'l will ancS coaaect ancS t.ha hll expan,. of ~~ h~n
be art.
- •

I f I


• I

• '
- '
Document Archived at:



• •

Tabloid news articles have been nuch criticized, blt

very often it turr.s out that they are printing, in rea 1 i ty,
is a fact. cne rust re.'":erter that they r.ave a socially accepted
position of not having to rraintain credibility, unlike ne..Js-t'.apers
~"'lat are ulti:..ately controlled by Ilhr.u.r.ati-lini<ed factions and
forr:-al t.!fO ~search organizatic:ns.

\\."'lat follOw'S aze select articles fran various tabloids

over the pa~~ six r.t::nths. Please note the variety and sccpe of
topics, ...ncih range fmo a destnx:tive mind-link with an e."ltity
in S?ac:e to So\riet genetic ex;er:ir.ents. 'there is even an article
which refers to United States kncwledge of alien facilities at
~'1e pole.

Before going into the articles, I wish to briefly ma.'o<e

a distinction'.~ a UFO and an IFO. 'Ihe governr.ent t:eing
truthful \oo'hen it stated that UFOs represented no threat to ~ational
Security. Since the governrnent ~, in I!'eny cases, wh:> trey are
a."ld "Yt'here they ar.e frCI'!:I, then they are not UFOs, IFOs. Se.-antics
are vital in the process of traking stater.e.'"lts to the ?Jblic •••
. -·-------~-
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Leap of faith
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cto. •t hl8 ~~-• •Ma M-~LaiJUty .,__ aad • ............
u.. _.._ I ""I'M P"'- me•e dieoll I• UNo
Document Archived at:


s.riet reaetJdsu b.IYe eo-

,U.eered a Ute-form that's
b.a.lf c:ahbaze, bit IZI&!I!
The b~
c:rurun b,u
bM-n ctabbecl ";ol• n •m.J- by
c:ritics. m•'V o! S1IGm IIJYIM
Ul&t the Russians b.a'l'l finaijy

~ 100 lar ill tbe pun\Ut of
,Oceo tor ICie~'s Ate -

~ ...
W'ltb DO apparent besaeflt tD
~ ....,,.,., ....fll
Uef.- LtouiJ Ceo 1 'W", I CIIID.!et
Lll• _........,. - ou.n. ,.,
s.u.ity ia 5o - . , IAi4 rqottt\en"'
~ ..... aa... ,.-...,_
-~ r.- a >oonnuo ~ """'
.)tllDeCI II .-!Ill Uoat ~ a pluot. T1W
o.a ~ I 1>1"""'1 of Jilt U -
"Sudl ~ ,til 1M b..U~
Ia( bl•'*• Ill Ill• - a ~
................. dm&A."
c ............c:nea.
o1CC If U.
- ...Ill~_., ....

... _
...-..a Wo , _ ""'"' ..,... -
H'tic •IP' u .nac . . ftr.R r.tMucta.t
fll • a ot:leoiUlc pcaiboillty -
. . , _ ... hu dlNet u. "" •
D"'llbcr Ill Sewlet ot:lcaeilla. 1M

d••- 111 -III'Ol-llalltlllllo.,..

lloa aboul !be Sewlet -.p\&Dt a ·
,., i a t. WD.Idl wu ac• p H• Q M
~ ...~u.. ....... ., ......
uod plaa.< ....S . _ l i P
Willi u..t laoG u..u a .,..._ It' •
• h .U h • .LI J
~= -~: ::.W:~"- utsgusting experiments ~~row au umans m vegetDDte garuens
"1"111 IDid UY.t 117 peeUQa Cl'\l4t 1 ~
fll -... thAt no. pLanc .uu .,.Jrwo ..,. u.. ...-..lw....a:y !.6- - - , . La Pan. ......We! .....
Net \Do *"'• ,_ CUI - , boo.ld 1 Dati flilf!"MAisll b~
oa Jun!!Cl>l ..ncm H-r. !but'a loUi.Dc wlul II lbo r caa.tln:11 1101 deny
u.e Ill b..-u taco a\
W"'l9 1 "'Tkn ae 11 llut It lilt .S.O..ou aa IIILir:lll 6a. •
IM&r1, "'POri .,. .,.,, , . _
lfto COA. II IIlio 1\os 1 CO\It'IO, • tM blood Ia• lt t er A fli0Cft11>AZ!Ior Ul• S....el


~~0 :

Document Archived at:

/..,J-5 v~ ..S""v...,.
n tty, J._, 1. 1.-:
/ Genetic tree began in Africa

Study links all humans to woman 200,000 y~
I .. NEW VORX rtlPO - A - ~ :rn11oaa<~ .ad. « Dl'IA. lloldl u. 1M Ulliftniry of c:.J1l01"11ia a/. ~. ~ ac tile ..,t;ea -........ a <
IlDdy ll..t.o inclie11.- !.bat h d j pci- iD bl~ ,.,.. ~ty. II'OftNil 111 lk\r sCIICiy l:olclt- IMT 1 ~~a .. Clf1!c'IJIT •~1 • ~Mae 1 c....
Ulc worl ol "' dcxe>d"" Iron! a ""'&~• ~•• ~ laiiiiJy trft tloat t"'letl 1M DNA ot ID<IDdKiallria. .. lll&tsa}'laU~ci-clcnYetracD- Air
...... ' . ....,...... W!IO Una iD AtrJC11 :00.0011 ,....n .u~y - p u - a ~ biM'IIoUII. tile tiWIIP'"P.,....Iocil>l ~ o( a coil ie- IIIZWe." Slid ~~~ J. ~ a lila

·; •
•10. ,amum ~W-ay. ,Qctau tnceo1 its """' tw:t ~ a :nacl• loeric.ed c:la:oi...ty ~ 1M - -- j)f'of- a( ~ l l u. u ...
~It w1ao U.., uMI wu pRO&bly a TIM ftlady, boalord OD Cl ""k i.atonla- innacy oC !!Ca...o-=a ~ Amlloonl &lid 1
.n. CaUfonW! !Jiodltmilb. l qMDq tile lim JIDIII lwl4 ot 801110 Uoo p&De<l from IDIMMn. ......S DOt i.Jo. •pokUIDU lor lilt -'lllcric.all AA• A!r1
Ill r.c- Sri~ .o....,. jGvD.a.l Na~ sapiem wilD ...,..... 1.11 Atr\c:a abollt cllaw .......u al palolnlitJ, tJoot Ai4. "l"'ci4dooiL
• I ....' . ~- ct!JI&br DNA a( IC7 -
aad made tUit d>llll
200.0011 run ,..,. !Ia' 4acal'l;uo~atoep..a A~pOio psu !At.a"'O....a l*are "'1ft aliD d...-t - _.,. &Ooolt
.. - tile zniqat.iat' Ill £an>pe aad ...,;a ·~· 111e t ilpOft ..-&! poobib~MG coltSdall'l ~ DNA 1'31.1 of <'!lag... "~ ald. ""l1acir t=oe Air
;~ . :
0aM<1 oa lllc &SS!mlpQaa tloat DNA ~ldy ran ~~-. lhcJ au1. QNI!n Cl' ......, lbeaCl lk7' l&id 1M dac:t ClOUd be ,..., od." fin
- - I t a ...,..,M lawooD ~1.&. 0..,.. TIM Jeiccisa. aU ...,.,,eben Ina! a.rtckr llkoc y<loa oat a. ..;m 1oo1oi1 . Umc 111e ~liP! DNA coohaAI ...,

,.. - '


?. ...•
I I•

- t

Document Archived at:


In one of the most astonishing and baffling !bel-
dents ever, an 11-year-old girl ran into a cow pasture
to retrieve a socc:er ball and vanished Into thin air
before the eyes of her shocked playmates.
SiiiC"! the sn.mninr disappearance of little Eva !Unche.:
one month a~:o, 111thorities in ~j,";a Dia. conducted ill
exhawtive lUrCh. but come up empty-banded. ...
Ho.r 1117Stified polie. and pu:zi.ct uperu tu1 Olll,. otter tb-
na• TM IIU:Io Jlrl - -
ID~<~ 1 c~oa,.....r toer.. _
ttw ..:f aootA41r di 'M0 f'OCI
- il ew'ntAtlJ -
Lll ....
_ .............
TH1 .... f!i;t• . ....,It_
•. .
n......, ..... ...,.""'
orch victim
a SiM -
.....,. .wau
cntt.. ...
Obclue\H loT
WbO ~ • tft».
ber up 101
~-~~ ....... It
loses a ra't
• Sbt .... tidAopped ..,
doe- ~ -
raJ po. .n
bel' 1.0~
co IDM•
-<any ...... to lllelr Mir.
with death
"No - ~ .. !.&a at .• -.icj"-J .... wt. - IUD
..u .... - -"b I '11 IIACI I
- - ........ at 11&&1'1 &lid
- 1w UMt ftC. - ,.
Dad ~ - u.s. lla4 ......

Nice thief says he ssorry

A tloJd Wl>o ......... ,, Il l Ml14t .... trll -pty ""'
- of • --·~~. ' "'' ' - I bo«lo . . _ I a U.C Wlaal~"
.__,,.. "' ._,..._& IWID h~tlU~"' tft 1 r..unlfa. • • to " 'H t r C.h&~.


Document Archived at:


Mind-b mountain of lass roves •

' .


- T "D~D
... . .

;a Sc:leDtlsu are seardl1DC tbe Brazil·
Jan jUDgle for I huge IDOUDtaiD of class
- •hieh they believe was ereated by aD
l H·bom.b blast 10,000 years ap..
And tlltY daim tilt aty of AUaaa.· wu de-
stroyed i.D. the same ~udtar e2C:III!Ip. wbieb.
tOOk piaee e.ntwia betore the birth ot. &Dc:ient dTJSTS COMCIP'T10H ., rM ••d•• •• ..... -.., • ··• au'S rw-.
E:&Yllt. • I ~cb it bad -
cstoj ..-t8cl r " ' - - ~

- t.-., lll•l.._...w. ~ I!IMI'". "'Ill 1GU&. u ..,.,.. o.-
=- ..,,, 11 e..,.. •
Ill r .
·Wo &l.$o -e..lievo -
l'lnd som• tncw ot tile sY'toCD
lbat dollYO..... ::110 :S....Ut
AD>ori...o bomb." Dr.
by Cftd !nat.•
, -.
. , ce111otn o1 ._..,, · ~lt•aqoen- ,........,,
Pnf. AJ.o1-. .ut aocicat1 UOIIJ u .lnl&ll4l :tAd ,8..-l.]saa.U fit decz•• ~~~

Atl ant•Is VI•( t1m of nuke .- -w. • . . • 1&14. " •• •. . •• ·

Llloe - d . .
"4/l.or tllo wv wu ov<r.
IJM ...tid pi~ Nca i1110
boJJwo ... · " - bu1>anlm ,,_ •lllcb 01
c:l'fillaUOII prKatod 11M s~ l!ldzn ·-reo lor 01 · · - II>

JOIM. !Ilana CNn Ala=n. I
pbyncts~ &Ad •rpert Oft D._..
eleu woteoad&, · >I
il ..... .ut
baJU.rtle mu:Ne Uta

t h -
at · ·
engu Ifed ~D
monoa ..,.cl ECI'I)....a ~ oebor' s.DOO run. •
pam_• .~aiel hal_ , u , _ 311, • ~llid oJ lbo tarlb COt.lld
"ZIIld that tlo.,. llad r..bc -
e...u ot n~eu wu-
.utcl &lim~> .. a
- " by _ .
IIUl.ltuy our;oon

:n:::~~·~o:.:: tr~~.t:·-,.. the w·or.ld say_· sc"renti"sts ·::::.i:u;.-:~~u."'~

I nrsr ~;: ~:-:c:~":.':':
-,.., ttl•-
Prot. Ala~ .l&ld Broom. but ._. ..,.. DOt the ~ ~ a Jo lu ooat lor
iOD llaDYr.l llo&ore told Cbn.
uao m.t.a~ooan• tor de<"ad..l wntiDp rr-
pie to 1111.100$ lila a . . . -
IJidla tell ot 1 Tll• bomll could ban ~~ 1 - e r vf lbo a&Dm- able.
~ ~~~~ I 111- it ill -
that I biiCI bl.ct IIIOUAllilliDIICit&r - - Ulat Wiped S&Dd 11o_.s. o( !ftl LDto ~· • AUuiU, -Cb IDIIY ba... •U . . ...l't U pnmata•o
s~ deep In the jWlcle. ovt aUa ~ ...,.., OY*D tloo .ur- liM• 1\aod it 1010 • rta:1id :be wv. .-u .,~I u .....,, pooplo IM!io•o. 111
"'Tb• ....-DD.tnc:o played tdY- a"''-'- -ould
40- th~. ,..potU, llnad ~.... linlo rwca..t lot 11\e
!1\al thetr noet ...... ..,,..,..,.... ba<~ LADoaJ>iWI~ o( OIU
'"' Ulo :nountaizt u 1
ba t'ODDJ>.uo<l
,od... p/aAO(.
• 4/I.Or .u_ - ~lo on
'"Tllttt. :a 1~ two C.r- tile •IU'Ill w.n s&l.IJ di"'''Attll
m•a ~~t.aa•n t.A.,. tn"H .,.
climG • &I &Sa n»u.n&.aln •n ~At
~a M:ml 11811111 ~• eacn
GCJsef' lO,OCO ,.... , acv.
JI.IRCI•, but c••• up b«auoo •Sut I JUI.I ~urto IIW\·
Ule 11d.a were too ah. .r a.l\4 rizui W"Q =uc:fll :.ON ld•
m100&a. • . _ ~.. 1!LLS_ ~rnao'
saul d\e moun.,.i.a ~n J~ UlC'W'd :.bUl •• an
wu Dlold; ~d 'lossY. Jll<a ~ 0\u ~non lo ~~·
:->~bid tboDy. >11cl IQm• ;tUI ct• !lur ~ '"'' :ro•1
how :oolttd •rufl~uJ., u FCIIt OtCJ.CU &r-.,s- ,.,.WR... ':l•......,. h..,. t111H .....,.;.R.n.. R • ,..,...,_,...-',...... ta~•• Ule :u.a:de.

leapers, {;UTI'
114,~ iumo!
Document Archived at:


,. ..

~ ·on UFO
a, ...aan ~'""Du lilf~ ).)~
A 16.year-old Jtrl wa.s ta.tea o'l-J./n t
ace a lens
aboard a UFO and C1U'ecl of the '
. .,. muscular dystrophy t.ha& was till-
lac her. say newspapers.

At least 12 people el•im Y ban seea
U.e l'lcutJe orur~
t1anhlp spl.rtt &W'If I • • ... 0

wheelcb&ir·boud PaW Deta. rtcb&. 111

sbe wa&dtec! ber YOUQet' brotben play
so«er 111 a neld Dear Udlpl, IDdla
For Ule acn eadll cUI" 1.11• J"Pm& - ··,
cure een 5
tuatlr 1114 '""cia
*"'"H u 11 w ... ,_.-.

museu ar stro
. . .F. •
~ \bev •• ••• nan..s a ~ •~~a~ tile
,_.Ill' bunt UlnuCII Ult...,, ller ......
~';: =~ U41Pl usd en..s: ~r. twWl.. ,,..,
Dr. ~r IMa. w1lo Ci•P•• Xla Deb ..
u.uaa ~~~~ 4tlltio-
PIIr 1D 1112.. C!IIGf\nDM '-,.an Uil
"'&bat -uu..eatz\Ur- • -
w u"peo.O to c.- "' ,.
..... ....,. - ..
- .._. , . . _.,..,.
._,-* -·-· _,_ __.,........,
.,.,,,,,,0• all- •
•. - l Ult••-tRI._.I _. - I J
I- •
~ ''""" ' " " ' - wd• II
* "* \ """·- -
t - . ....

... .
I - •• t•1
~a. •It :ne ell.bWI&el- liFe•·
,. a s ... -
-~ - : ~":'7 ~ Mlq_!C.l .._ • *J:: ~--~::. 't
. . _ S•pt' ... ;ae-.
•:;. FIFR er
- ·· ..,..,.,,
- ~ w·••
.. I 127,..-.....
..,... hz• • ,,_ .,

Dlatlo. E' 0 --·or!--~­

-ns. •• 1Fil _ . . , . , - ... ~•..._~_..,·-~· •J-za; 1.-a!Ur ---..~- ..1Fi ~ allaa.- sans-
•.::... -:-
~::, lie.~:.
.,..,. - _.,.,

• 5 • ..,.'? •'FERiio&...._ l ~ kiasa)w.l • n aM a • • c Mill .., an.,...,....,..... • UFO._ •

~ ... 11-l .u•M •• ..... ,_ o s • •, '""sl .VIIel w.. luOI. S• ~""'""' I folft """' ..,_ ._, '

Document Archived at:

l Uar~ ars
Y.S. MOlO~t~
A Sonet sctecust died
~r • rpaeoe
alleD llln a nnDre red
npor 1.a Ills fact. eaui.Dr
r.• • aad raplra&ory
,J lDlectJoa tUC lll.enlly
IllUDed Ills hmp &ad
braiD to a ensp.
Coptes . of I IDP MCl'Wt
.I Goc:wDellt swi'aeW iD
1 West <ieniW:IJ late last
IIIODUl ideDutled Ult ICiiD-
I:ist as Dl'. YllnlJ italllA. a
patbolop,t who bad worted
ciOMIJ wttll Ule K:Ga &Dd
Sc:mtt ~ OD MDSitiYf
projec:tL ~~_..,..._,
'nle Gllert"r datil rw- -~~ , _ .. - •
pcrng~,. " - ann tile _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
UfjO eras" SUfVIVDf
•t • ~._=
· 11M _,_ ., ~ae•w-
._,, _
wlttle UCO\IJ ~ "'

ill .uUa•Ul•m
taa JaJr.

c:rua ot • I."FF oo tile f11r-
lllddiAC 1.1•-trn P\aw.ea

..... _..,,,.u..c
..,.... .-n
. . ,. , ,_...
.._d.,,'"~~ IP-"ll~'S
u• 1
mY.. •t .......
1J .'*"',....
. . ·- ..··· ... _.
, - --
•u u,,. • - • ·r • oa
W'1UC1 .,. -
-11M ..... .

T~eViea~s se,~et S tlJtiJy-•-

-~- .. ,..,,_.
A. s Q V . a.~ trf&ll.e 10 II • J=se't ,.. tal • •«p•• • . . . Dr ~

1&. 1 1 M - . . . W!We
1817ca;=:rll4i••&M_,.,.· . ., , . . . . .I=•
-~11M- . fill ... _....
. . au. - -a. auac U7' .._ ___, • ...a ,.._ .,....,. wow a raM ..,..
bU ... Dr. I +&tIn & a A:zld Mn0, N Sk aDuor:::ll " - '- _.c -
IIAIIIY- •~m'l
TlliN;; • ••••1 m# .,..,.. ..,.. w.. .,. ..._ tM •

'111-.IIMIHI'M_IIM _ _ _ .,_
·• -..&17 ~•
.. _... • ~
1 '"'••
· ,. e \. _. ~- ~....., •
'noo·u IN tt111in,&aW•Ca
Ill •
_ , . , ......... rrtc••
l;ra•,- ..,Ill llil ¥*n • .
lllf ca. uwtww

.. F ..... llfJCa'd-a _.,ed:IIIIL• . . . . . . , _ 1:111 ... --~-- LS 't ..U.. -.arata eatt
••"•I ""ca .nnWII UP ~ ' • LID .-y 11M It 'Lii4. lie 1. .""- ~ IIWr . . . , tUt I ll&nllalt- ...... f - lwr tuaaft
lila _ _ , au•,..., ~ lS...,.. llwr I ~Rip ..... a I .... - a ··- ILL 11M ~ c-t IIQ!dy. 11M · - Gene
&II - . . -
-"',.:11.." lUll Dr. ,.,._ , ,,_ it - • ·•'" oa · -u ~ " " 611- • • u "'• ... .....,...d.
a..,_ .,d.
Document Archived at:



• • •

whiskS .lour

fi II
.... -~u ~~~.a ~II i',f )"
~Jtl v
J; 1 r3J t-3
ta.lg t"::
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e. ~·--wa,: Jl lf ~tr __ 5 ft
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.... ..
=~~S•6~ seJG 3JJ~~~
. . .. . ··- ··-· ...
Document Archived at:


•• .

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. .

•. .

• •' "
··--··---- ........... -- - ..•. - ---·· ------···.
Document Archived at:
··---.-..... ...........,._...

THE SUN, Las Vegas, 10/27/87


·.;··. ~

.. .-..
- .



.I -

Document Archived at:


:Scientists say 6,000 lives at risk -

~ ..
.' '

A desperate plea for help' from- an~ alien·
I!~~~~~:~a ~~o s1a~~~--~~!-:~l~~-t~~,
Tltaalc tnveled across the· plaxy ·aad was·

:I The am anne mwie- saicl ti~pa:t· •we "hive .

• 6,000 oa board •• ~ break:iae up la$t .~~"""Dleteor shower0
• - .-:: seacl ' help .;... ......... pleue . seacl help ... ~ ·:•• ;
'AccnrcUnr to repora luted..~ · ... ·.:
to a Wat Gumaa Dews~CQ- ;!' " kI
~. tbe cbilltnr IDIS!.IP. wu"' ..

repeatecl for ~.. I
10 .


• !.



Document Archived at:


•• ..
., ~n
'M"'o~"""- •

of UFO base under

~T~- ••"Ill-
...... .._.,_ _"- _,
1 ,..

'J • - . , . .

..... w-reu.,aEF
............... .
P o/8
IN Ullla•a-,.

'•s • f l
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Abh>tp .
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acCJ ._...._ • . , ttl

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Ita••• ••ll•·•alli••·
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w; hrr ... uro
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- ..ahr· 1 11111"" .... war&&,... ., Is,. •' •• ........ ,
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le4r&la .... ~ ....· - · · · -.. -~ b •• ..., .... -..·

. . . """'ttl·~----·:, .... .._.
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ccCiilt ~ :;. · <lw& ...,. . .. M I • t ; 3 - M Tllco S !Y . .
· lolhrn. .

... , ... ~""-


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Document Archived at:


A,U POI.ICI I"OWIItUSSI ...... .,,;.. e -

lw J t • c""'rtiera .., :U ' t • •I• .._~:·~·:::·~
..~ e4 tiM ,.,chic ~c.-.. -H. ll•n•=•• l':t::: !
I lUll ..rttli ...., . IP Rft.• ~ """'" C... S..
Ht•U.... ..,... ....., lite41Gr ~\o • f"tMit m , 1L•

··"'-J'His f!1y_chic energy_
made vidims' hrafns




. o..·
- ...

-.:-·"hurst out of their skulls

~ - u.d sai4 Uwt b • w-u : N•Yio s.aid.. ..,..h, k.lh tt • •
&<14 h.- llilo LD o-u-tdoor!. J in U>t ....,puur bUSU>- . , mort.,.....,_ UMer II'< '"' ~
Wut Ccrm&rl1, ! ClpL. Nft'\D IIJd.. · •J:i~ &lwa~ •t&l"1 tu.ol!", .
A utopma ~• lh.ol lbo l '"I'bo . n - S&id b • wu a u a.nd .bu bl.od< hur .· b < c-.
Pollee I.D se'~ eoUJltrles :an b.uat.tur 1
Pl)'•l c:ouplo pen.sho<l NDI&I~.&noo..-. 1 ~""""'' ....... up WI til Ua lii\L>.cl..
d:lle tiller - 1 ma.n wbo murden 'll"'th .bu mlud! lr whon U>otr ~~ up~-l""nulo he •urt~orea bor ·s.. t&r U..t'• &J.I -
A••• '"
frienc1. .. !I• CODtlnuK ~she !:ro:....:-.::::.·------,--
-rwchty..,n oeoP'f: b.&we J
d•O<I ADd ""'" wiJJ loU- II I
., fR)fft .,Uw\.
ly II WIM ,ISHU · I A pa~r flf buolnum- 4l..S -
til.., ha4 ju.JI. NP.-1 OUI· 1 ·
Uu• ....., 11 DOt •PI>,..~ _,.Y._ Ho _....,.. - 1 -•tau- iD Auotnallido tho bu Wbn llo ..-tu.o- ~
0<1 uDmecllo .. lr.· poliee Cl!J>t. pooplt .,Ill~ - • week later. pete<!: ' I I ' • - . . , ~lie. a.ow.
r> ·.,;
f\4 j.., ~ ::1
S.,... N"U~ IOid .nti)O<U~ i.Q OftOI'I:J IIIli UWn1.11 Woonl Loonllpto~ l.bftl 1. .,..ed , IIIli: )IOU.'
.lotancUiu, F ..... eot. l.botr lllil>da.. tllot u _,,. 01 %:1 o<Dtr-.._' - se theft Ul~ 1W orms
•tJ~~tortWI& ..Iy, - ~~ PoU.. rint IHrpzo ,. UW.It womon anCI cDiJclroll ba4 - • rtrail bt out. Wll.b IW fU.,.n
!'lbc7 ...,.
•• ..,. bttlo 10 ro ..... Tll• 111\Ut ddJIAc wtlll &II U• IUIIilar ,.,.. Ill GI'MeOl. !Wy, _.....s I C tilt
.s.. ...r - by 111.&117...,.... Ro U"l<lr4u>Uy killer - Franco. Yui!OJ.IUL& &Dd 8~ Hll ...... . , . aac 'Wl40 U>G
...cum·· '"""· 1
CIJ"!'\e:& 110 .....,poa. and h .u uo mysun""' 4uth.a • 1 b& r ,an a ov.-r th• PAS' lt moattas.. ~ ..,IM'Cf liiO J"'DD I ~ lll !111
. nun ..~~.•• u..., ,..&JiiO<I I b4a4. WIU..... ...,..D<il .... "'C•
i Ul~ .,.,. IIIIJOitla& for \h• CU!D ~·,..... ooutd.O o"'!r !

.t.l..lftt ~
T h< ""110 cy...,;QI- 10
&Ad tut U'l• .,.._IJk - dead.
Tht IIJII., nod 011 1 - llld
one a/ ttlt CDW"''t:r'l r.&id • c!.l.s.-ppc&n-4. ...,.d tb• c:a~ . A.o
i J.t\d :a fn•nd CD~t U'l-t p~c-blc : ,uuapry revuJ-c UUIL Vlr·
I ~'"" •n • lu!uoa•t>•• bt.r LO : tuolly ......,. ..,II "' "'~ .,c. .
; Pan1. I
tua '.s br"l..n JWcllrd 1n0 I
H• 1ntrod.....S bjmwlJ u 1 bum · u U Uley bod -,..r.l
J u n.)o(•n: - flYTnr no lw 'H~r-od *'lh a ton:~... Cap1.)

/ \.
Document Archived at:

'. '


I 1
Document Archived at:


Document Archived at:


7tJ!ill' . . . .


.... - _ .... . COSMIC AliARmESS C'a>Mi'NICATI~S

-·-•,_..• ...
,_ ...... ·Generally seen as one of the rrost esoteric channeled
SOt:rces, C.A.C . does present scrre interesting concepts. SaTE
of the data does, in fact, match verified data that we have
···-·-- the EBEs . A sa.rrple oftheir newsletter follows ...


/ '

/ ..:<~
Document Archived at:

• -.

Cewic .AwaN,
,, .. -""' -· - C1 au 'utile

COIMIC AWAR.....SiitiM I I - IMI . , . rll ...l : ? ! , _ _ , P!sp a& 11M

- ··-lllrltllr•n ·~Me-S..1NlCt <A-
1M iafw IMI -w·m11'1Mttra _ , . , ... fl.- dftJ!.
..... -...
l"'lii.,._DII iJIW .... .-o jg I '10 ~- lT • •
• -••·•=tw·.-....,pm.rst ·=-.c:.-.c
, .. r" 1-•W, en :P,.,..- d:U:.-1.
..,"' 21M •
Cr rn::i& ea- ,••••• 1ft an t ..... ia . .

1' 14 I W I S 0 II C 0 N S ' I Ill A C 'Y Clan ~)


• •
U.S. GOVERNMENT .~.$,., I., f4
tWt"A ...... e <u ~-',J#: ....... ~1,1

,. .
• Ho-.M.."f ...,A
DAtil& IIO.CII \.ID IY ..........

UPO AU... AN•I.... • ..... A~t • • ef . . Is ·•

.,•••• , _. . . . . . . . . . et ... . .....

. ..

'ID DA&K la.\DOW or ~·· aJIAIT

....... -
'·' .......... .

Tire Pals alae ........... II •••• , , _ • • C.A.C....., .. ._..... -lit! IIU..MI . . ., • _,,-"TIN Q-w'-1 lh1 ••, Iaiita ...
. . .. s..lea . . . . . • . . Met..,_ lltn a-.. .,......,, lir RIIFIY-..u. Y•'• Tllre ................. telle• ........ • 1M UIIO
ll? • .,_f-.......... 11:•2?1• C-11 Aw-l! IW lllaiutltl elll!lel' - M i l l 111112• . . . . . . 11 #1<1* ....... wiii:Wt 1M .....
c..a..c..... n••••
. . , 11 ~.._ .., • - . . • - . - . 111 • • •kwtJ•• •• ..,, •••, . _ , ...... ...........,.at. •• • ..
..... , . - , _ 11 a• - .... a••• •"•'"
Ae ... 111 II n•• ""· •••n •• •••••• .. •- ••-. u•o...,...
111 A•..
irrr ... _.. ... Attli ..... t11re Ill" .......,. II_.. . ~--tleil 1J1N1 . . Rv•• ,... , •.•, ... . _ ~.owtlat tll4 11 - • - •

_,. . . . ._ .. ···= ....... --..s·-· ...... ., ...._. .,. . . .., ......... ...,...........
.,.. . . . 11 . . u.w-.. su-. ... illfeuc~s• PllleviC . . flole••• "'* T? 1111 11Mf81 ..,. . .a1111 •Ill ..... , . •""'" ...., ""

IIMIII •••• -~111ft . . ele•l "'li?lllaa"' tw _._.,- IIIIN:..I • ._......... 1 - 71181 et ,,_
t .. . .
...... 14&111¥ alii . . .••
Tllft . . ._.,. 1111rofti1• ..,.,.. •• 11:1 UahM lutt1 trill IN: """"I 111 ,...... die een In••• • . . Tltlftl•'*' ..,.._.
(Cn . . . I I ef • • tlllill , _ . . . e1 .... I :I If Ue "GaUiriaf Sur. . ' (aanlrr:.a.w el A•a M J!le. Jfol)

Document Archived at:



AMD O'"Cl C, ITA'' 0 ' C.A .C , ANO TNI
I NTIJI,rlltiTlll , I'AUL. IMOCIL.lY

QUESTION: (FrOfft ikki T.l

.-1.111 to •k 1 I'I'IOI'IPII,_,, pa•ibly UP:O 1111W ca~Kiion Ill!*.._? ..
nil Awarenes~ in~ia.tes this in the aK~tivc.
It~ . . Nit- 1 UFO li\at ..U Ullllt encl ..... wound ,.,... for -..,, en llaur, MI.._,.. - "'llfftint '-"ey, - - ·
_,d.~~....,..~- COfllment Gn i1111U,... 011 .... .,., . . . . . .it. infonfttliorl7


\-This A~tDeSS ~icJ:ta tbat this iD die &ftlmta~. Thil AWUC\aa sua-
~ that thJS u m01».tanz11 the Ccrl)' ticW. IDd ecam1 up a sbicld of protect·
aaa·~f dlia ara, vowwl YOW' pl&ct of .,.k aaclliftlt&.
n't&AWU'CDCII iaclicua this Wo.ocQ&Hcd ill me Ira whaeiA me lllitcr-
' prel:Ct r'¥cta. cturi1:1J the fall of "71, IDd apn u aliter ciDic u a ""'forc.e-
mcnc of ~~ mao ficl4. :.
This A...,.aca iDclic:aws that tbca: anil:ia froaa t:bc Ga1a.cQc Confedcr.

iD the !Wa~e of dUJ ilaf..,..•don, u •Died wit.b dW AWirCDCIL

IDrTOa'l •oT'I I 1
nu •••-'••.. •• MM••••••••.., Iafon~••• •• ._ vro , ....-•••a. ,.• ..,...
I t

wll'-A foDewt • a •••4•ualloa of u.a. aa..nal ... U.e ds nUhlll M1lla1 _.... ~, ge. .
••.,.••• oa OctaiNr 11, -t•T I wlliO wu ••• •• U(N t.a .m.... a •llT'n .. , . _ ""--
, _ tr.a U.a& llla&e Ia • • .,.. . , ~ lalen11tloa • • JawuaW Ilea 'Miq n' ur• ~ .C.
D••• ... ,.ne4C.A.C.
,..IM~D'J ~al
•• a....., Jeetat • ........... • · - - ._,.., • • .._
•••llll dlfte4 • • • pa1d •*i· f t..ll8
'M •••l'tma, 11' • ta ...
· •
C.A.C... .uD Ia ~--- . . . ae an• lea•• an Miat 4' •IIH; tile •nal .._ llaaa
....u, ····"· ' . . ..
h a. ••~ ,.,.••, lllellln tll1t .0 at 1•• NJirUtl aD er put af ••41 11 . . . . . M u.• ••Mital
l.u ... T\• •14•. •••nlaJ
U.a& f.U.•• a. tile,..,_, a• A..-....- putlw•halJ ......, ••
'M rwpr.4•••• ulll 1pred willl1J7. 1h • • • •
UJ'O ,.,.n, &o Nprt•t &II• faiJe•ial wllwll teU. •• llelia ~. ••"'d&l
Mt wl*ial ta .,..,, tlata •tiN

. . .... ·· -
. .. ~
• .~ .. - . ........ 't ..
. . '""·:'M:1o.,.· · ~. ·· -- · . ~ .. .·,...- ' .. .. .
. .. -·- · ....
~ -
. .... . ... •..
. - . ~· -
. ............_,._ . -· .... . -
~· .. I
--·- ·
Document Archived at:

'1"U AWUCIICII izwiiates that more information from this orpniution is being rcluaed. This izlcluding infonn·
.A rdaEinl IIDIC me recmr murder of the Pope. Tlus A~ indicates that this orpruuoon
I ' bon u me JUrirba of M4Uu and ia vlriouJ branches is bcltiC exposed. This Awareness india."tCS this as bcinc
acly ooc pen of u,e Ban, )'Ct this pan u beiDa of such p-eat mapituoc in tbc affairs of humans that it will
u be:iq ~tow piclurc.
This A'WW'CCII tugcsts d\at.much of dais iDform.atioll beinc pa at this time must be .withheld for safety of
tDOIC iavcWcd iJl this worlr.. This AWII'CDCSIIUJICSU mat me iZU~aon be bcid bKk bricflv-that portions of
me Dl"llfC previously pm be rd~OIC poni~ wbich .wUl all~ CDCtics. tO ~ tnt oppomanity for
aunmmr tbe book by lloo Steele. Thil A~ wishes to poe more informa~on m tqU'ds to that which is
occ:wriJII~ ~ ~ a1sa to prot~ tboec ~o an workinc ro ~Ml ~ia. iDformauoft. This Awatencss sugms
mat the onunJI.S not npt for U111 mformaaon ro be rdcUed at thU poult 1ft a ~cr ~t ftlll will gu&r&n.tec:
Qac &ccciom and protecOOD for die l~t~ preter ~ diose.who an rdcaS!.ftl the IDfO~IO~n tO the mmtbenhip.
'Therefore, dliJ AWitenca JUCiftll this mformaaoD be Withheld unol uus Awvcncu 1ftd1ata othcrwiJc. This
AwarenCII sagesa dlat in rcrercnce to the iDfonnatiOD ~y (ivm iD dsis particular question, dm the book
by JtoD Seed£ IS ucurate ~ die probability of tile St~k Market Cf!lh ,!Dei wcomizll 6cpras1on, and the imp-
limanariCD of tbc Exeocuow Poweu ~the mcrmcu to & CODSntu~on ancl the U.S. t.abor Party U1C1 iu
rda• of iafarmaooa u iadiated tbroupout 1his summer--this Awarnaa~UJ~UU 0\ac this infonnation be
rdcuccL • c. ,.. .. • F v~
nil AW"'mmat illdicata mat tbe iDformarion bcU., pvc NOW u chat which Deeds to be wil:hhcld. This Av.~
a a. ~~agesu that me iafC?rmation. rela=- uDto ~ Beast! tbe. K11ifbts t~f ~~· u ~ only one pan of the
JaP~t tbis lnfonnauoe be Wlthhc1d temporarily uotillbis Awvmaa IJ'dacaca. Tbis Awareness docs not
wi1b to~ Nnbcr fucwc acawitia rcprdiDJ the work of Co~Wtie A1llllmlft.f C~riou or the
• A.rr via rd. '>lat• It¥ 'b • ~-.a- ••11• ,
• ' *• IJ 1 a Ou Tan lilt til tM Is 11
Csaa D·d ~Alms ilr• OWL lr m

This Awaac rM • iackaca daat dtc · · n bow1l • the Kltipts ofM.alr.. _,.
or chc Sr. )t~lna'l Crou of },uwlnra, • · cbal which is in conaol of dtc bank·
iDe tyftC"*' ud • reopracrlliJII ODC lnll ol lcut wlC Dl'"Y branc:ba, or UJU·
adcs. ICWh ed to dW arm &Dd mchina don illto IOcio:ff.
nil Aww• sw; F iDcf'casa that dW is DDt. iD fact. *'t bad of tbc lean.
This A~ iDdicalel tbat dUI or&mirlriCil teeeMs iu pDWif from rUins
nac beiDa bach wiman me iDrcrior o£ ibc anh. woricinr upoa r:bc turface of the
anb. IDd UvmJ tbcit oripl iD me tJMcMy Six-ibac ata ill dtc Yicill.iry of Orion.
.1.-1 . .lsz J Ja ..,.~ TbiJ A'lftftrw MiDclicaus daat dus iafonna::iclft IS rclatiftluntO that
... • '• rr._ whicb wiD be funhcr diilcvv•d iD the UFO radiDp.
• ~~~ • 1'bis A:Wiia14M iDcficate chat
Ga1aftic Coal~ a.doacd off m p
500,000 yan ItO• Uic
iD Ge 1rca of OriOD, for cbcy werr
...,, W.., ww iild Mc!K% thrGapout 1bc iah•hited plcea; aad 1hac plaKa. O'fG - , perioch of time, haw
caorire'd iD cDrir IINgta ~ CODCpCr aac pluft at= aaocbcr.
T'bil AWUCDCII iDcticam dlat lbc anta is at ma.Dy iD the pips of • .., bc:t"Weca pi•Mts. IDci ba b nll f«
11.000 yazs &Ia ID iDII""C le¥-d; IDd prior to cba. iDa lev iDu:a•lnd, for apprc»imamy 60,000 yean. This
A••' •• a iDI!icua dl.c:w aalitia &oaa mo. ocbcr realm• baw tbc u~ Of 1n11aendm1, or ll'UIIInu=t.
a:naiD .ibramry tUa iD dlc c:lmroaa-::;zie ~ IDd aaw'i{ fiolll p1lce 10 place iD die UDM:ne. This
Aaaamr D 1Dcliate1 dW rclaanf Uto whida lw beED tamedada and ~ 11w those an the Yibntory
rms kNJ n • Cdctai:A • bc:ia1 capab&e a1 asawti,. hiP 1c¥eis of WIT. to camia apoa. dW plaDc for bcalinJ
tbar aaalies 1ft DOC i1lowcd to iatafctc widl tbc . .Liay Of eacifes 11poa mil plaftc \Udal request•
. .•
• ••

1bis piiDC IDd ~ 1ft up camps iD =

1\il AWinDCII iDdiam ~ tbc eniaa fiOID what .Jora«ory r.m kaon u Mates u bavinl innded upon
Ieveli mel II bavinc
HIIO It die - - or cbrir ~ c:oaqverillt dle £ri U
1IMc arirics bod! 011 Uie surface and
• ocbcr plarca. ADd tbtte cnaaa IS bein&
n a 1 cbc farca wbich IR auawpciDc to prc:Nnt Ulc cooi!Ob rJiiDI tbc CICGipaan ad bnftciinJ of the people
for...Sroaa II o 1 •
Tlais AaUdiF •i:Jha aeries U) •Masuocl d:m tile fwca o( Cdbtai.t. md me forces of Hades 1ft DOt com~
aiD& aida uQ ocbcr 07Wif 11M: lnaam IOQI, bat rlcbcr haw lA lp1 1 'Miil wicl\ csch ode dlat tDOIC who 1ft of
a Ioper ftlnriao. abo lftk DOC to be pa all dw wbicb wCII&Id~ pawoalluu and Jftcd and power
dwJ • - . 6c I wbO aouJd Ibn ochers lftd la!c iiMbwS, IR ibcrU .· by dtc . .leJIWnt, will 'be allowed tD Cftttr
iDtD ihll w wibrautry mJm.a !mown u CA:stua. n.-t wba IR lt!<k"'C 10 ptcane ldf a all costs. ac tbc pnce of
Wllt'ila or lGft for ochers. tboa who teelr:lealrity, wbo 1ft~ to bc:t!JIM .a-iD order to IUI'Yive: chew
au:icies .-o ate wiD.iDJ to harm omen in order to aw tb~ are eM ariria who will be ~~a.ccpablc
• die bn..tinc action ol dlolc from Hades, JDd me• asaaa IbiD iDdccd be per. dw mna11hip of that area
be ... •Hadel ±at Yibratory nte.
Tbil Awvmt~~ indicates dlat in th~ cue a( cbildral or those wbo aft 'dablc ~ ctircC'Ia dcariv. d:tosc wbo an
' ~
M wtlat is OC"CVrrint. 'Char -
many of thac bavc already takm upon mC21Uidw:s the attitude and their part·
. . . . • •• • • • . . t . · - ... _, 1 •••
.~ -~.


•• -""Gsa·• t;,..• • ')- ••• •..•.,. a .l~ .-... w1 a i- tz 111 e e uA I ._,a.t ~ 0:4 " .....~ ~ .c.,_.
• • •• . .. • 5 --.. .. , ,
.z:r.._.,. ~ •-
' •• ~ •

.. .
Document Archived at:

This 1.11dicates that i.n reb.oon to the foUowing infonnaoon. th1s Awuena~ a.siu that U:is not ~c
·"!ft &t th1S nme-d\at when Ull$ is released there is to ec more i.nfonn&oon rdca.scd i.n an enarc p&e~c to
-company 'Chis. . 'l
This Awvcness i.nciicates 'Chat aoproximatcly one
fourth ot tile pcmman of the tJn.itcd States il con·
U'OUcd bv &LieftS. That ascntillly, the television show
called Tli~ /rt-urs, which wu presented some vean
back, 11 ha~ been an accur.ate depicuon of wht
WU OCNmng.
This Awareness indicates the government itself con·
f~Kated those fumJ and burned chan to prevent chis
infonnatioD from bemJ showu further.
This AWlmltll itldicata the Prot-cr Blurbooi: •
ooc~ had rwelw hundred cmployca-merr: are now
Con.&nn.tiOn of dlinccn o( char: entities still al.iVc-for they lulew
too much.
Roman utholic Church Authority •m·.~, ?lcj•aai~Mbook·-af.-.. m c~~,..,.-wc~ ill
1946, • .-a •'•*UfO,.C, L

nil Awaraess iDdicues dw arnc:ially, me mcwie

Iii .•
Sw W..s dcpicud mat placcic bactle wtudl OCC\Irred
soo,ooo yean 110 betwcca moee forces of tile Empire
• ~ me Uftholy 5~. •

E.z~e'J'f• reprodwcell from

The Eneycla,..ll;. Bnt•mt~. Vol11,. .2•. Tbis AW~ND~~~ iDcliclra that mil bclW'Cc che Uft·
.Uth EAition of %9U.
holy Six IDCI me LDta-Gilactic Fcdenticm. Thil ~
Ill!. indicates mat me rebels ~·u DlCG i.D chc Sw
WM~ mcwie u dlat which wu iD rcfemu:c to cbose

..,.........•· ...
who bad come UDder caoqum of the Empire and were
wckiar to brat free.
nil Awarea u iDdic:aus dw in presat time, mere
ue moa UFO's wllicb are from Celemia 111d U,ose
which are from Hada, ud dl01e wbich are from Ten-
atria. T1w dlOIC from Ta1aaia 1ft owmed by me
ptcrmna~o of me Uaiced Staa:s, Briam, Rllssia, and
AlpntiiiL Thil Awarmc. iDdicaus dlose from Hades
cDIJic from areas acar me tarface. but beDeath me sw·
face of 'Cbc Clldt, IDCiare linked with that craiW'C
mc•a u Iii FOK
177 1'1Us A.WVCMII W:tiata 'Cbac c:raNreS u ~
MWDU. Tbis AWVCMIS iDdicaas mat
many of theM
UFO's an coauoUed rcmoldy~tbcrs by robocs, or
dla•e wbich are called'S mmcs'. ./
ITII'hfiTtCS 11111• MA•u•ACTUIIIO J:::._
til MOUM'fAt111 o\R¥1 LAI "lOA

This AwueDCSS indicara 1lw ohm 'lhcn! 1ft cra•cl nu::s~ ut ~ccu but
1ft placed iD nricNs &milO dw 1:bcy U'C - - tpOftld n:co '11'15Ci
This Awareness indieues mese eniries ~ ue openwlrom a radu:r Obtc:urc ~ iD society whcnby
d\ey do Dot call attatiOD to Gl"DUG by the11 ~OD,Dm 1bc:. anizits U YUt UIIOUDU
of mo~. 'this A~CSI indicates dais u pwa fD maa bet'ote ~ • -~is at pra-
cnt 11 bcinc 1$1proKimatcly three to fM haDdml dlausaad clolbn. ThiS to soaety and
c-- ,.,. ~ c._,. ;\.. ~ ~,.... ~.:-' ~ ~ A ·7"' ~ ~ :XI.. ~~fda ,%, •
. . ~-- ~· ·-."

- -- -- - -...
Document Archived at:


WM 0 WAL I. AM 0110 Ul

This AW'Iftnas itlcfjcates that thcx efttitics ill appcat&ft« have. untill.ut year in Ff
naary ( 1977) have had muiJI ~of dunctcrisQcs Uu.t could be discincuished-tha.
· dMy &owed DO Adam's 199le: cbcy did DOt cat in public, for they have non~ for
foocl. They ucd pills, and wnm cauJbt in a situation •llcreby th~ were required to
at. W'CIUid ear oaty ICNp ot liFt Piad-a very •all amount.
This A.armess indicates that thac mcitia pnenlly lwi a monied skin. somethinc
like pizu crust. Tbit Awannns indicates tbae antics often had a walk that W&$ mru
iscent of & penquin or 6uck. a kind of waddle and forth . These entities u not tn
·-. ··-
• ri' . able tO Nm their necks my f:u and oceciiftc w ftU1I their mrirc body , as thouJh th~
had a stiff Mdt.
TbiJ Awarmaa that dlc informacion beia& pen presentlv not beint Jivm
1D Ulow entities to bctom.c paranoid and ~eardl c~n me m
syDihcrics dle:ir midSt Uld
bepft some kiDd of pasc:an:JoD drive, but as bcillc ~ m allow enocia to undmuno
Ibm is ICa'lcdUn( DC:CUJ'riD&. and 10 aaist ahem ill IM:iq cautious ill resud to who the
1ft awrincd wim..
•· This AwueDCD iDdicates that
.... .

._, Iiiii I .•
p ,,. 2
Tbis A...,._. iDd.ica'" dau dUs ft!Jiutioo IIIII dUiaWVCDCII oi mac enciQc:s es
I , ••

...,..-~ • • ~ '' ·• ~ • tl'lit.11 •

• bccOIIIIC mat wllich is duaaow to kaow. aal au:iDcs U.C the miritual awarcnaa
.&..:... ~:-.... f cb-, f --"' -~
...._ • .M&a t; c ms -~/!liM- . .,
•· • • • ' • 1F79, • .. , . . - call "''" ...._:...a. .n ....__ ....._
WIMWiil ...:: as V"7D tD procea w"D"U\\a uoaa...,. aMN o psy.e orcc .... po•cr
...J.. "-

~-·7 k l::: ~\'::'t:. f!J :::-: 1Uc that~~~~~ CDDDa c:aa an•u1L
L!; iiE ~~,1 ~~ , 1 ~ ::'..,...." 11 •
1 Tbia Awuu wilba yau to aMuJI!M tbat tbea powers tboc aeDes ua co~
DGa.!:~z~~;;-:~T.~~ !::.:.MaA•:,otc~o!!':d'-:.~
~ Dt. ,_. ..... Tbia A...,.... iiMiiclca aw ia ~oc variaw
rues mere Aft powcn diu ec
IDd tdlca 6oao ODC ocrac tO IDOdMI. This Awucc r• iDdicata that 'Chc Forces of
Hedes 1ft u•na Oost p.:aus wbidl ~ oi a iowa 't'ibn&ary rau tb•n ~ me- wt.o 1ft' wor.~r..Uaa from levels of Cdes1ria.
'nail A~ iDciicata tbote bipcr -ribratary rara ba¥C Clominioa "a me Iowa ~ taca. This Awarmcss suge
mat thalc wb0 aft muaed to me bilbcst ud bat QMgl be a:oucbcd, QftiiOC be wiiled by tbott forca which &ft open
iDe from cbc Jowa Yl'bn&ory raaa.'l'hia Awvaac. ilwticates chat tb~ C1D be 1iWWC of daolt foreea. Tbcy CIJ!' fed the viU.
I'Uioo1 of ma1c Iowa fon:a. bat • """"' be ID•k" &om lkir piece, or da aoyed. or Jhatta'ed by 1owu "'bntory .
ntn T1bs Awuaas iDdicua dlat the-nty ..,- aacitia oi a qnu vibratory rue c.. be banned bv UlaN of a low• r ,_\
ru.ary na, il if dacy .Uow meuwdl'a 1D bccwoe friab•n rd,tamat aaci iD•iwid•zed 1:01bc paint o(bcilll wrrWecl
'nUl A...-•rw • tagaa that iD ~ 1D ooid dail.lilil Awvmas 111J1C1111blc ariDcs be cautious, c:erdW.. kMq, dl
CIJlial. .ud ~a:ctive of l:bat which is the bilhat md best. ud to &"Clldca cxpr..n to dlose uas and Corea wh1c:
CID be hanlifuJ widtout baviaa coa6deoct mid pcOUii ciaa .ecaaapmyiq $a~ capll ''C.
...... ..... v....,., ........ ., .....

. .

Document Archived at:


U '0 INTI Tilt IT I I.I. A Gill AT TIHII.A T

""'•" 111..11• •• c.~... •• "•""

Thil Awarenus indicates tb:u the entitv Adolph Hitlrr was

pm ~power thtoulft the Vril sticlt of one wt)o worked from
lower vibn.tory "ta throup !he Colden O:~.wn orJaruution.
This A~eu !-ndi.c:ucs that ~crt are forces havinc Jte:atcr
power than me Vrilraclr., 111d this putrr power is known a.s
l011e-and love is accompanied by mcrev. These two being th e
hicbcst vibratory n~ and ha'linc dominion ovrr all other vi"ou ·
tory rates.
TIUs Awareness indic:ata bown·er , that these forcn are still
a pat 1hn:at to catitia ~pon this plane. That this as being J
CNcW time, for tbcse enatitcs lhcMnc in lUJhly secretive pur·
f1C*S and directions, 1ft workitlc tbroup the ba:Wng systems
to coa~er dUs planet for its wc:iltb, which has ~ depleted
&um mc:it owu planeu.
This AWimleSS indiata tbis ~tde for conqum of die euth
• 11 dw wbicb bu bcca iA cff~ for m111y yean, for m&lly cent·
.. . \&ria dat tbm arc ccn:ain ratrictioiU piKed upon dlese aliens
u .to what they arc ano.ed to do to maaes upoc this plue. That CODCf'lest dlroup pa wasioe md uickcrv ~ ~, iui.Siible
by me lDcerplacUc farces, but eot~quat by force il cicDiccl these aaticKs. This A-.rcnas iDd.ian:s tha.t if that aliens em
Q.kt c:ontrol of tbc miDds of auitics upoa this pl&Dc, they c:u tbm pin CObavl of the inhabita~~ts of the eanh~d the
walm of tbc c::anh.
This Awvac:a iftdiota that CDCntially. tbac alims from the area of OrioD ud d\c.e aqdic: bosu tn:Jm dlc lntrr·
Ga1acac forca U'C iD conflict. iD a coafltn whidi bu en:CDdecl over SOO,OOO yean-that the stoty of s~ w.,.. a baving
bcal more we t:btD fabc. Tbat dsac forces zww u coDYUJial "lKID me
plmct anh iD a r
d of alchcmial batde th.u
man rault iD a rec:oDCilia1::ioa of cbc polarities wbicb 6m bCpa 500,000 yan 110·

TMII MATIIIlAL •ow 111•0 lll&.lAIIO AIIIIOU. .TID IY AlfAitiNlll·

.This Awvmta •1guta mat dW illfonuaoa bri"C rdcu«d l l this time CIOIIld briD( dowo rnch bonility md violence
upo11 youndva ad* loD!1pictcr, DOt 10 much bCCIIUC of dte iDfonucioa rclattd, U &0111 dtc mtat tlu.t more mforrr.-
aci.ob may be rdawd md me clein: m pm:cat 1b1l iafcrmacioa fraaa mch ftlaM.
1'bis AwvattSS iDdicua tbat tb01e forca aa-aUY haw: die ability to Nne iD 110 atilics who an: l"=ttlac dote to cfu-
c:overiD.g what is ocaarrinJ, to aonicor dlat w£Uch is Ocauriac ucl tolrc~t l:bt me..e of sucb informlltiDD. This Aw~
MD indicates iD UU. puuaalar cue. this Awuac. lYa *'""'up & _icld and is cau•n1 dtOIC who baYC tuned iD to this
information ~tiM tD ~O'Ift mat ~ hal ~CIIITcd. accpt few daoie ~ci~es of dt.e Jlrslm 9f Ccicscri.a aM thote iD ~ room
who 1ft woak•"' for dais AWift!ifM • Tbit Awvf!l••lllll"ftt mat dLis iafozmauoa be lriDicribcd, ar the tape cop:cd, me
r:lw this tape bC placed iD c:craiA aruqie poiDo for rclCuc ooe yar from dlil elate, if bloclred u this mel. This Awlmlesa.
sugaa dl&t oace mil iDiCailllat1iaa JOC:S out_ dw dlac mcitia daa Clll. bqill m•vinc from lbci: own &ddtcss, if desircci.
&DCi aaay tolic:it • fee f• dUs !Ntl.... ..••••••••
huuq · 'a:' ariastlf•• r · iUPO n ;'q..,.._,. b' J"'ft atlf•\,'WuiS.M-.,a.-.,. ~&l?wl.l! •••·
"'' tn. Cs+ s' • I &I-MAD• .,., C'nlr ... .t Wullt WWIII)«II n , .,,. C'nlr l'a • Pa.. 1111.-. . , . , CAr If )II AEWII JlsU.OQ.
.,IICC. · I" 'tlf . . • ·· • 'n!l UPO • • ef CturillcrhiJMa . , . (D'S · a.•w ' iiiii·U •• ~I C'Tk knie efT.- iazl•&2.0Q.
79-Mrfti!R ' a AftCI -. . ~leAftltaN11a1Al•&IO

,.art: .aa ..,. • .,.._ ... del uro • .,.. _,.

'd;h . . . -. .. . II••• , _ . ,. oa , .. •• -··'aiM
••••-•G•d . . . ..,,., • • .,._., 1 'V")IIifl"l «u . . ea ... ,.._.. . . . . , .. ,h'I!GIIIi••.._.illlat; '•
IPIWAJ.•• .. - · · ••:u..
•dll•••• .-.-zrdd_. 11 · • • • • • • • •••,_,. ..hrurw.
R£VELAT10NS Of AWAFI!N£SS i11 - i c lleWI61ttlf pull'.,__..,
two -II:IIJ!y t.ftic A•lfi1JeE ~icatio"•·

.. -- ..
· ~~··__
~··--~ ...__________.______________________._._-_._-·--·-·--------~-·-·~·~·~·~·--------~----------~

Document Archived at:

f.DITOJt'S NOTE , o.riAc dlt pan r- y -, . . .y . . .DON wee uk.cci ia lbt •oothly c.A.C. Ja-.1 r rdiDp. lllOft or -rca ..._...
. .. . - • MDt ia by liM• • hip, ftica raartMI co 11M UPO pbal-noo . .. PIW'IY cua, ..._..._1-Uomrcd us that ilia p-. wo
1117\ICJI ialonu.Goa oe tail ab~ lad ... ,.,hlillr rid i1.. 'llaa die latapii 1• u4 IIIII rolf of ~C. ..W ~ IIIC l&illeiL
It PfCIG.H liw ia time, Wlwa dlic lirM -apt f• die I'Ci•H of ..a -tcriaJ. IIIUi -llld be~ ()wtr tM ~. omaiJI
.-aa• •ac -•lied _.dl A.....-~ • • 'dE iflcd' .... '0 IIIC JCie~nrllaar alwa •nt UPC ial-·a••-
pranucl. ,._., waa . . .y .-•:io•
wllidl- . . .acrl.IW tIll w· ir\ rdcn to die YUtlti"' plralllftAA ol 1111 caaic
autila00111 illlk w..-.. •••· dM .a ·r &M -•r.&eh lld h iaa ..... off dar ANeDc em•., .-.-... I'NDIIc at licfoot
(cbc $u4tiJMEN, dlit .,,m11141 Tri&asi•· dill Hollow I.-a tiC. All olu ...W il
offfft4 to IIIII •mlwnbip .1aar • (for_. RCdW dosuioe). Howec, U ISS diDt .....prirr• die ilrlpoftU\ illf-t:ioa
ca•1rild • a IMr Kltt .taidl will be
PlllootdM UFO's ill rc.laaaa • llllc ,.,.w.
iaful tO. .a a, ,.wi'hrd lbcMn a. lrr &114 ill plu • piaDft. •<•" ..
nil iatomla'lioo Ulo • ilua ~ ialca ,,.._ • J•awh, dM •·· •al a.1 ofH"'a • · wlllidi MIU.O 'lleaa p1C'riMIIy
,.~ by lb capl'in&ioa. ~ r• t Fft wiD be Ul.t 10 ,_ •ucll crt dlil illfomMD.a wp2wr .,_ .......... dUs p&niNiar
UFO r-di.. . It abo wW bclp '0 ••kc • uc 1'77 c.u crt wt er haa _ , . . . llcs\&H lbr •cur ia W·+iaroa D.C. chlrill11bc Sprizlc
j '

fill lJ?t waa 1tlc J\-en 11ftD 'o rru die , . 1 ohlac . _ . oaw:rwc lLI'y m.r ia 1110•• -tao aae IDout to
11...c a udnr.., • - die ~ict 'UIIin~e:~~~=~
il fiDiii
to caw.a lwy petp:lc ilr die Unalll S1111•
ID I'll e dlat ia'-Ooo fw .... wiOc ia die...- 'liae c_.,,,.ucaciot~~
e.- CAC. u4 lbr ~aurprna, Pull ShoelltJ, •.w he ...,..,_ (lbil lr .., die iCT •' -.e oldie au a ildcar yQne), ~
Aaoua~• U a - rm
pcntillliOD CDr 11-M.,..., IIi Oil. MMft Dr. . . . !Y. ,.,Pled die iDf-tlion ~

~~~~~~nu~! ~ !!'* Pad ;7;~ I~ !!!;!~!.~tclllpialot~'lletWI4

... W.u~p1t-1:ik 11. . . . . - •IIMIIIIrDIIIi .uJiwy &114 1 1
ilr IIICilCOI?a.l."" ... oldM a.:hfdlcr-

btv'tiW lculaa,ilwyiD' WOf lk •nan, elclle h • it hi., Ill: ae4lil'y 1M • ID oe-. mfw IDoa
• llldlil-. hca p,..ioer!ry pu!Whd by C .t..C, • • •" ol .t ic:!t CD lie feuN ia 1M Ci lo"-1 Sir:• ..arill (14.00
,•CAC.l AIIhnpu; ·mrplociiifp•o• ••'-dlc-kof¢r pullr,p•••ll fl'1hukcnco-lae.e
b ei'ftr wicb dlcir 'OMW""4 C.a• m1',il..,. nwdi fad a._ 1M! n ic WptJe~dan rn&irtlltn ol •n•u•
' ,.._1M 'Sur Wan' typc ll&ala 'llerae•,clle Duk ••=•
ad a.. ,...,. Por• tor - • .t tk phs a • • n. iallcncioa
fill dire Dut P~ iato IU pleM, -kiatc 0 I p dw Jodtefdi'IL?' acrrt scmhl"elrill" J -~ AWWt Nilft Ia II
die ••iuri or me 1••.. 1 :kll'll ill ....,aiecilr tk S,ri 1 ollnf a:ll• die •elM! I dl •I - • IJNr•bal
die Ueirt4 S.- - , .. !MilD . .loft OD- ph d 'P'. . JcriM' Pld- WV api T die 5J obn U:r . m IPIIII die ail .... of Saudi
Anllia. Ann.,.,., C: ;_ Aaa , +it lriiiDt- f•pa'lu'"id die • • • 1811 dlelldz"l • P'uu•n'- "-ilisjln!
....a-fllcincbcfen •. a.antMJ.-·a ph l'iapaarol-p• •'-wil-rM'!III ·, ,. .. nr'•:•a•lk•s••
'wpiW;CIIiiDII•cUr, hOODoldliiUPOI £.,_,.WpiDriJ ' . dl&illh stbSf,lllhlfiD.d 'f. . papile=abar
Mil tee leD• t.y dM I . M il . . . p • • ~

.A.tca~dilll liD A - - . DeN il riD a ••>

ol U. •• UPO :sw u-. -*for a. I r.-,. • - ps ''' • • dlil n 011,
Aaucar a llullill mil ie.fw 11iDD • • ,_.,,1M fit_. tsidt a qzi 11d)r • ia P' i'Jb'. nil will . . .-, ..... i:e.f- tM
pulllic ol. rt zt is t r ~ a.
tNl ,..htw, piCW.,. t m • saID die .._, es ol +it as · I _, CAC. 'nlesc a ..
baste ie d: ·*I dM b1n dun dna dlt linn ~~aft ..._ 1\11 aJ.. 1ftdulllila • · d. .a a t ns . . . y d 110 ..,jja• dlil
-aai·a.l . I 'ind, IRPd -.I CGp'r • flill., M5ifif & pi r HMI p null-., .III.U. a; . abo F1171'J 11 d 'n•-
ID Jlf'n•IM .... Gaf*ililll•• zO. W1h
.._ Cc ;. Awu lall .._
wil••* •±4'" t•..__..,. .. _..,!il'&W.of-ppjc
wn. ._ p'ne -."' lHS.
ol a' ' ¢ •liil- :tsep!ry lpirimal
i:e.fWIMIJiel~•••••lrau>aul•.ZaA•• Mlill#:nr•ilr~rerali ,.._.._,.... llt.Mo*•• ••·
&ll•nc••••,.,. · •dlil•'w ui=-··•c< •-•••' n•-••• Urns •
I bnc taka dlcli"baq ol om.- GlnliFI1 cpu ft:
u t dltc il ... -
at 1IPid medi.c UI'O pMI•• •••
u' DMdltN&cplat.~l~Jtbe h,,....HitrtWIMI,
~~ ~ ~ ~-
• ~
;;w;;:.-;'"!ii ~;; .,.lc•••
is aport-

t•.m Cbllt 8GC ~) Plllo.&c u ndu •c fill II •iry ., n *il ,--. nlil
je:~il Uao CICiilllid ie . tcpaL n.twr . k dOOD Aaua uDG .... t!
.._tlt'bepnM-c widldlc llct~Ge • ..._ \1150 eti llll'lc..._.oarpua• •t. "'·- _ , waa
A- •
acr~-.111111 . _ CA.c c

w I 1 1, it . . . . Iii n.w . ~ • ...,...4. ••.•,....

We're...., • ' " q.aU!• ill..,,.. •wok .-hu':ts, ai.c!J•mP' _,_ ifl,...wt a
..... ....._, F • • at b . . if 1il .-lila i' II

'ftis AWGCIJC. iDcliciEes me thil.rouad ••heart m•kra OG!y.
Do dans INIIatl_. • - iaha~n4 tly ., · iu or t *• 11 j '•l
T'1lis anqaciYe, aecpt ill rare ;NiiDCa wbcrcby CC'taift £orca m,ipt J«<MD'IIIr btidty. T1lil Awv=as iDd·
•O:ZICI mex CIUNrt:l II ftQC bcj . . IU.iablc fat me C01Dpd embodimct of l di• ,,.t.:-.t tpirit--Glat lbc JDC'l•
~ of thew c:rnrures is Ncli chat tbc di.,..bodied spirit would Dot mjoy b+ in' ~ iasid-t tudl a
...... t~., , e.. ,.. -...,. 11 ~, ..~ 1 ~. 'Tili,
•........ oo...c '~_. a. D I
\ar~ •;• _,..,li\..-...t """" • Wlwir ialtabirint &n animal {oT
'ef-';)t; .J o . . ., c.,~·- rt~ t , C-..- rl • =~· '' Q...o o
·-------~.......- - ' - - ...... ---.. Document Archived at:




3•• . •
• ''

Pna & C..A..(;. C:ucraJ lt u<IU. ' · A "lun t . 1 f7t
( hal S'ocld.y , T rucc-l•torprcurl

; •
' This Awvenes.s indic•tel :h•t .u the infommion from the Fail oi '78 throu_gh the Spring of '79 hu
-.c ba,sjalJy been oi such Ul unveiling na.turc dm the majority of ske<Jtics ~.if :ney choose, dusify .U of
this u being bur 'inune babble'-r.bis Awvenes.s ma.y u wcil continue roeuing this inionna.tion at this
time. and accept the: rcpuation of being incredible in terms of human consciousness.
• This Awareness suggestS dla.t this is ac~a.blc to this Awue."\CSS, that It simply hopes mu it will open
up areas of the mind oi mus cocucious:ncss upon this plane so tha.t ir .:an look deeply ar ocher possibilities
in terms of its frune of refe~ence. U\d pahapl move: our of iu previous su~ation and bc!icf~st~ based
oa die spring-fed ignorance of those 'wd!ontics' who mempted co hide and shelter reality from the •
pubuc. .
l b AW2rClcss indic.atcs it is time for veils to be i.iheci, the cu~ ro open, the: l.igha to turn on. .and the
sbow to bcpn.__ . · •
For the dawning of tbe At~ of Enligbrnrmnrt is here.
. .
- C..,.IC A••rtnft:a --

- .



HfOTOC~ O'f' na ~tt'Tlf POU ll'f u ~ . - .-dlic. I
- ~' . . . 1).•
Ma.eT -.c:S pdwca-.. t . _ • •
lN&. ~ .. £ •• & drlieiw ~. Ck at»ta al
... . _ . . r:t 4,. dw rb'K..
* .,u...
- -· .- -·-· - · ':'·~ . - ~
. _ ..... -·-
...,...,.~.,~~- ... ..:.-........
·. -- · ~ . .. ... ,.,.--··.
...: • .·............ -- ~ ~ : lc-.;....,o;'\ .. .
...... . -.1· . -
- ~~
..- -
. -- - ..

Document Archived at:

, ..

~- - ·· --··· •

lllacl o• ~ about v-- Pnsioian ~d·lc dial 's eoc dar i.e my miacl. Ace~ to OJ.
lc'lrr. 1'bil d1111bl~r ill a&nl ovt -•t
011 ~r Forccll OIIIOIDe -•oe &ad wu IDot Oo'"'- A Meoed Oo11b~ wu
~~~H~;~~~~·:.llty CIDLitlllll il: I i6011't nw' ••ltd, dla if~ pcopk wtlo Aft CUC111l11J thnc
p ' of wv t..aied 11M ~e••· Ul4 "Fieriac Gin widlaovble wtroy a.~· '"' wo eWrP-
;..Qac die doub!cll dlty lave cnss.dl


This A~ i.edicl- dMft uc two fKDoal czarina doubles. '1'\is A . _ mdicata UICYT ia much n.or~ t.:~ tl'.:.t ··~. Lch
ir. OCCUN&, but Dl&t WI il aot tal pnl,cf time far 11M n'll 1C of dail iaf~
TM A . _ ia4iaas dw JCWia.IIT tpa\iec. y1111 Uld yovr "' dtn alrc&dy 1111.- w m11cb. Tbil Awarma~ in.!i:atn
. ~
Uw IIIDI" will be~~ 1D !iptla.!. ' A....- W t ttl- wtlo an
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Document Archived at:

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• A~ cid me 'RinliaN who tkveioped me ~ robotoidl n:cciw ~ce
from thcx ~ c:natics who baYC als.o bca -.rorkmi with sy~~theacs? I
' I

This A'W'U'eDCSS indiates lhis is in me affix m:ltive mu some inform- !•

as:ion wu ~from me Alien Forces mci some from the Galactic .
. Space Conicdc::uion. This AwarclCSS iDdic::J.teS tb.1t the G&Uctic Confed· 1 . '
cntion as having influoceci the proper or right of the i.niot""~mtion I

which led to these crcsticms md thClr deployment.
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3C:,b ·-·' . • . ·.. . .. -· . I

Document Archived at:

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Well, nOYJ t.""lat you•ve .;:cred through tare, I'm sure
t."lat you real ize t.~e magnitude ot <¥hat is right outside
your door. The tx:>int of all this is that you !1eed to realize your
•.. t..'l.le nature as a being in this universe - that you do indeed have
the :;::ower tO control your own destiny. we once had a psychic look
at a map that FOrtrayed the Grcx:m Lake installation. She said that
" they have a roam there in INhich they kill people who know too
nuch " • Well , they will probably have to decimate rrost of the h\llt'CU'l
race in order to win this "ga.IM!", but I don't think that they will
win this particular garre - in the end. They have failed, partially
.- because of their O'w'Il inherent waakness which sets the scenario f or
them to becate their own -...orst enemy, aro because they fail to fully
eottprehend the nature of the "htman spirit" and our psychology.
After reading all this, you might ask, "What can I do?". My
i.rmediate anS\t.'er would be the following:

1. Try to l:ecane an aware being and realize the power that

you do have. You have NO limitations except those which
you agree to.
2. Stabilize your resonant level in a positive way. Try and
~rk on your orientation. 'Ihe ultimate orientation is
unconditional love and rYOn- judgerent.
3. Constructively resist attEmpts to pervert the planet and
its population by those Who ~d destroy it for their
own profit and gain. Resistance is constt\lct.ive only
when it results in a FOSitive change.
4. You are a nent:er of the living universe. Every being is
a living manifestation of the potential of "All that is".
Try and conduct your existence with this in mind.
5. A lot of people have made mistakes. Recognize that these
mistake_,s have teen made in th'-' course of their evolution
and lets \IIOrk together on the ultimate goal of blending
with other cultures, maximizing the differentiation and
production of evolving realiti es.
6. Negatively oriented entities will not hang around the
planet i f no one will let them. You as a people have
that choice. ~rk to educate others in a way they they
will understand ( when they are ready) they ·will know)
so that we can collectively becate "of one mind" and
repel those who \oJOU.ld slow our evolution as a planet.
7. Work to take care of the living Earth. we need to clean
up our act, using primary energy sources. Work toward
release of data that will permit the conversion to these
rrodes of energy .
8 . There are plenty of races "out there" who are posi tively
oriented ones who 'WOUld like to see terrestrials evolve
in to ::csi

ti ve interaction. We 1
re N':fi' alone in this universe
and we need to mature and recognize that fact -- and stop
playing the Orion-based "reality hoax". Stop fooling
yourself into i:1action and lets ~rk together to develop
new approaches where all beings will benefit.

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