Rathod Oral Annoucement PDF
Rathod Oral Annoucement PDF
Rathod Oral Annoucement PDF
Supervisory Committee:
Dr. Rishi Gupta, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Victoria (Supervisor)
Dr. Cristina Zanotti, Department of Civil Engineering, UVic (Member)
Dr. Caterina Valeo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UVic (Outside Member)
External Examiner:
Dr. Cristina Zanotti, Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia
Aging infrastructure such as bridges, water mains, roads, dams, electrical transmission
lines, etc. is at a major risk in terms of potential failure for any country around the
world. 33% of the Canadian municipal infrastructure and the entire American
infrastructure have been given a D+ condition rating by the Canadian municipalities
and the American society of civil engineers. This includes some of the structural
elements of infrastructures that pose a significant risk. In the U.S., almost 4 in 10
bridges are 50 years or older. Hence, there is an urgent need for frequent and effective
inspection to ensure the safety of people. Visual inspection is a commonly used
technique to detect and identify surface defects in bridge structures as it has been
considered the most feasible method for decades. However, this currently used
methodology is inadequate and unreliable as it is highly dependent on subjective
human judgment. This labor-intensive approach for inspection requires huge
investment in terms of an arrangement of temporary scaffoldings/permanent platforms,
ladders, snooper trucks, and sometimes helicopters. This approach typically warrants
traffic closures and hence becomes time-consuming and managerial intensive. Owing
to these issues, infrastructure owners pay a very high price and spend hours
inspecting structures. To address these issues associated with visual inspection, the
completed research suggests three innovative methods; 1) Combined use of Fuzzy
logic and Image Processing Algorithm to quantify surface defects, 2) Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV)-assisted American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) guideline-based damage assessment technique, and 3) Multi-
device robotics-based sensor data acquisition system for mapping and assessing
defects in civil structures. In the first method, fuzzy logic-based decision-making tool
along with the image processing algorithm is developed. Using this tool, damage
indices for civil structural elements can be determined. In the second method, to
expedite the visual condition assessment procedure, a UAV-assisted AASHTO
guideline-based condition rating system is suggested. It utilizes a combination of a
UAV system, an image processing tool, and a bridge element inspection guideline
published by AASHTO to inspect bridges. In the third newly invented patentpending
method, a combination of multiple sensors is proposed to be integrated into a UAV
system. These sensors include two optical cameras, an infrared camera, an acoustic
assembly, and two laser sensors. The sensors are integrated such that the data
collected could be overlaid to detect and quantify damage more accurately and
reliably. To detect and quantify subsurface defects such as voids and delamination
using a UAV system, another patent-pending UAV-based acoustic method is
developed. It is a novel inspection apparatus that comprises of an acoustic signal
generator coupled to a UAV. The acoustic signal generator includes a hammer to
produce an acoustic signal in a structure using a UAV. An outcome of this innovative
research is the development of a model to refine multiple commercially available NDT
techniques’ data to detect and quantify subsurface defects. To achieve this, a total of
nine 1800 mm × 460 mm reinforced concrete slabs with varying thicknesses of 100
mm, 150 mm and 200 mm are prepared. These slabs are designed to have artificially
simulated defects like voids, debonding, honeycombing, and corrosion. To determine
the performance of five NDT techniques, more than 300 data points are considered for
each test. The experimental research shows that utilizing multiple techniques on a
single structure to evaluate the defects, significantly lowers error and increases
accuracy compared to that from a standalone test. To visualize the NDT data, two-
dimensional NDT data maps are developed. This work presents an innovative method
to interpret NDT data correctly as it compares the individual data points of slabs with
no defects to slabs with simulated damage. For the refinement of NDT data,
significance factor and logical sequential determination factor are proposed.