Design of Solar Powered Drainage Cleaning Machine
Design of Solar Powered Drainage Cleaning Machine
Design of Solar Powered Drainage Cleaning Machine
Submitted by
This is to certify that the report entitled “DESIGN OF SOLAR POWERED DRAINAGE
Dept. Mechanical
Mr. Babeesh M
Assistant professor
Dept. Mechanical
I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have been instrumental to the
successful completion of my project session. Firstly, I thank God Almighty without whose blessings, this
effort would not have been a reality. I thank Mr. Latheesh K (Head of Department) for providing us with
all the necessary activities for the completion of this project and also for his timely advice and support. I
am greatly obliged to Mr. Babeesh M (Assistant Professor), coordinator of the project for their valuable
guidance and support for conducting the project. I would also like to thank my project guide Mr. Arjun P
(Assistant Professor) and the entire teaching and non-teaching faculty for their support and guidance for
my project session. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents and friends for their prayers
and moral support throughout the project session.
In India disposal of solid waste in major issue, according to the source 80% of solid waste is
disposed in drainages, river, lake and other water bodies. A SOLAR POWERED DRAINAGE
CLEANING MACHINE is a mechanical device which is design to filter the river, sewer and drainage
line passing through cities. The solid wastes like plastic bottle, polythene bags, soft drink cans, solid scraps
etc., are mostly flow with these lines which need to filter stage to stage. Otherwise this solid waste can
cause blockage of these lines which tends to flood like situation in rainy season. To avoid this kind of
situations this waste is need to take out of the drainage for continuous flow of drainage water. Drainage
can be clean using automatic mechanical system instead of manual robots and labor work. The proposed
models chief function is to collect solid waste from drainage system and collect in bucket. This system
will work on solar energy so it can be use where electricity will be unavailable. The filtration is carried out
by fully mechanically. This will reduce the problem faced in manual drainage cleaning. This system will
help to reduce diseases causes due to the sewage water like malaria, dengue, typhoid, etc.
No Title Page No
4.1 Specifications 27
No Title Page no
1.1 Floating Plastic 1
3.1 DC Motor 5
3.4 Armature 7
3.9 Sprocket 11
3.10 Battery 12
5.5 Welding 31
5.7 Drilling 33
5.10 Inspection 36
PV Photo Voltaic
MS Mild Steel
L Length
D Diameter
V Voltage
I Current
A Amphere
P Pressure
T Torque
W Watt
1.3 Objectives 2
3.1 DC Motor 4
3.3 Battery 11
3.4 Bearings 17
Chapter 4 : Specifications 26
5.2 Sawing 30
5.3 Welding 31
5.4 Drilling 32
5.5 Inspection 35
5.6 Assembly 36
Chapter 6 : 3D Drawing 37
Chapter 10 : Advantages 42
11.1 Disadvantages 43
11.2 Applications 43
12.1 Conclusion 44
Chapter 13 References 45
The wastewater management is become major issue nowadays. Usually seen in densely
populated country like India is that common waste like plastic bottles, covers and other plastic scrap
left on the streets and in the open drainage. This waste because blockage of drainage system during
monsoon season when flow of water through the road and drainage systems. These cause accumulation
of waste water in drains. This accumulation of sewage water leads to water borne disease like cholera,
worm disease, typhoid, malaria etc. This can cause health issue and can also cause death. In India there
is need of automated machine which can clean drainage system and collect this solid waste. Currently
these drains are cleared with the help of manual workers where the workers have to get into drains and
manually remove the waste. This affects the health of the workers. These workers suffered by the
various diseases which affect their life and reduce their immunity. To overcome this kind of problems
faced by the manual workers and health issues, we proposed an automated mechanism, “Solar Powered
Drainage Cleaning Machine”. This system is used to clean drainages eliminating human labor
involvement and to optimize the process of collection of waste.
A conveyor system is a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from
one location to another. Conveyors are especially useful in applications involving the transportation of heavy or bulky
materials in the water bodies. Conveyor systems allow quick and efficient transportation for a wide variety of
materials, which make them very popular in the material handling and packaging industries. Many kinds of
conveying systems are available and are used according to the various needs of different industries. Aconveyor
systemis a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from one location to
another. Conveyors are especially useful in applications involving the transportation of heavy or bulky materials in
the water bodies. Conveyor systems allow quick and efficient transportation for a wide variety of materials,
which make them very popular in the material handling and packaging industries.
We chose the belt conveyor system in this project because of its various advantages such as,
Ø Increased production.
Ø Increased safety.
Ø Reduction in fatigue.
Mainly automatic drainage cleaning system focus on the unwanted elements present in our nearby
water resources such as garbage, plastic, thermacoals. This system is simple and effective invention on
sewage treatment. Now a days the amount of waste material in lakes ponds wells etc. is increasing day by
day due to people’s constant use. This amount of waste also increases to the extreme level on festivals.
This drainage system in build with solar panel increases the life span of the system and also reduces energy
usage from other electrical devices
i Purpose of this project is to replace the manual work in drainage cleaning by an automated system.
ii The manual cleaning causes various disease to the workers to avoid it.
iii To avoid the blockage of drainage line cause by solid waste.
iv To avoid floods situation in rainy season
R. Sathiyakala 2016, said that the usage of mechanical drainage system cleaner to replace
the manual work required for drainage cleaning system. Drainage pipes are very dirty. Sometimes
it is harmful for human life while it is need for cleaning drainage system. To overcomes this
problem, they implemented a mechanical semi – automated drainage water cleaner and so the water
flow efficient because the regular filtration of wastage with help of that project.
Mhael Okpara (2014) reviewed about drainage cleaning to replace manual work to automated
system because manually cleaning system it is harmful for human life and cleaning time, is more
so to overcome this problem they implemented a design “automatic drainage water pump
monitoring and control system using PLC and SCADA”. In this project the use efficient way to
control the deposal of wastage regularly treatment of disposal in different way toxic and non toxic.
This paper literature survey in outcomes depends upon the automatic control of sewage
treatment. It is not depend on the deposited sludge of the drainage system. The purpose is this paper
are design the mechanical drainage system, taking into account the various factor that might affect
the functionality of the equipment.
S S Rattan explained a bucket use for draining system because bucket lifted sewage and used
evaporation system for this sewage wet sewage was converted into dry matters, with the ARM
board this process was performed. After this process they were add this waste a government without
any kind of affection of the bacteria.
Manoj Rathod ,Vasant Pund, Rahul Pangale, Jivan Rathod highlighted the flood issue that
takes place in Mumbai in 2005. An approximately 2000 peoples died in the flood. The main cause
of the flood was blockage in the drain pipes due to plastic bags, plastic bottles, thermocol and other
non-biodegradable waste. Due to all this waste problem of flood becomes very severe. The drainage
system designed by them was able to clean the waste time to time and helps in saving the time
required to clean the drainage pipes.
The major components used in the fabrication of Solar Powered Drainage Cleaning Machine
Description of DC Motor
An electric motor is a machine which converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. Its action is
based on the principle that when a current- carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a
magnetic force whose direction is given by Fleming’s left hand rule.
When a motor is in operation, it develops torque. This torque can produce mechanical rotation.
DC motors are also like generators classified into shunt wound or series wound or compound wound
Keep the force finger, middle finger and thumb of the left hand mutually perpendicular to one
another. If the fore finger indicates the direction of magnetic field and middle finger indicates direction
of current in the conductor, then the thumb indicates the direction of the motion of conductor
Fig 3.1 -DC MOTOR
The 24 V DC motor is used to rotate the shaft in order to complete required torque and load. This
will carry whole conveyor mechanism. The motor is run at 1500 RPM & 372 watt.
i Armature or rotor,
ii A commutator
iii Brushes
iv An axle
v A field magnet,
Fig 3.2 – A Simple Motor
An electric motor is all about magnets and magnetism: a motor uses magnetsto create motion. If
you have ever played with magnets you know about the fundamental law of all magnets: Opposites attract
and likes repel.
So if you have 2 bar magnets wih their ends marked north and south then the north end of one
magnet will repel the north end of the other (and similar south will repel south). Inside an electric motor
these attracting and repeling force creating rotational motion. In the diagram above and below you can see
two magnets in the motor , the armature or rotor is an electromagnet , while the field magnet is a permanent
magnet (the field magnet could be an electromagnet as well, but in most small motor it is not to save power
To understand how an electric motor works, the key is to understand how the electromagnet works.
An electromagnet is the basis of an electric motor. You can understand how things work in the motor by
imagining the following scenario. Say that you created a simple electromagnet by wrapping 100 loops of
wire around a nail and connecting it to a battery. The nail would become a magnet and have a North and
South pole while the battery is connected.
Now say that you take your nail electromagnet, run an axle through the middle of it, and you
suspended it in the middle of a horeshoe magnet as shown in figure below.
If you were to attach a battery to the electromagnet so that the north end of the nail appeared as
shown, the basic law of magnetism tells you what would happen: The North end of the electromgnet would
be repelled from the north end of the horeshoe magnet and attracted to the south end of the horeshoe
The south end of the electromagnet would be repelled in a similar way. The nail would move about
half a turn and then stop in the position shown.
You can see that this half-turn of motion is simple and obvious because of the way magnets naturally
attract and repell one another. The key to an electric motor is to then go one step further so that, at the
moment that this half turn of motion completes, the field of the electromagnets flips. The flip causes the
electromagnet to complete anoher half turn of motion.
You flip the magnetic field simply by changing the direction of the electrons flowing in the wire
(you do that by flipping the battery over) . If the field of the electromagnet flipped at just the right moment
at the end of each half turn motion, the electric motor would spin freely.
The armature
The ‘flipping the electric field’ part of an electric motor is accomplished by two parts: the
commutator and the brushes. The diagram at the right show how the commutator and brushes work
together to let current flow to the electromagnet, and also to flip the direction at the electrons are flowing
at just the right moment. The contact of the commutator are attached to the axle of the electromagnet, so
they spin with magnet. The brushes are just two pieces of springy metal or carbon that make contact with
the contact of the commutator.
When you put all the these parts togethor, what you have is a complete electric motor. In the
below figure, the armature winding has been left out so that it is easier to see the commutator in action.
The key thing to notice is that as the armature passes through the horizontal position, the poles of the
electromagnet flip. Because of the flip, the North pole of the electromagnet is always above the axle so it
can repell the field magnets North pole and attract the field magnet south pole. If you ever take apart an
electric motor you will find that it contains the same pieces described above: two brushes and an
electromagnet made by winding wire around a piece of metal.
Fig 3.6 – Put it all togethor
Almost always, however, the rotor will have three poles rather than the two poles as shown in this
article. There are two good reasons for a motor to have three poles:
Ø It causes the motor to have better dynamics. In a two-pole motor, if the electromagnet is at
the balance point, perfectly horizontal between the two poles of the field magnet when the
motor starts; you can imagine the armature getting ‘stuck’ there. That never happens in a
three- pole motor.
Ø Each time the commutator hits the point where it flips the field in a two pole motor, the
commutator shorts out the battery (directly connects the positive and negative terminals)
for a moment. This shorting wastes energy and drains the battery needlessly. A three pole
motor solves this problem as well.
Ø It is possible to have any number of poles, depending on the size of the motor and the
specific application it is being used in.
A conveyor system is a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves material from
one location to another . Conveyors are especially useful in applications involving the transportation of
heavy or bulky material. Conveyors system allow quick and efficient transportation for a wide variety of
materials, which make them very popular in the material handling industries. Many kinds of conveying
systems are available, and are used according to the various needs of different industries. There are chain
conveyors (floor and over head) as well.
The conveyor mechanism is consist of four ball bearings, two shafts, four sprockets and two chains.
There will be fork attached to the chains which will rotate and collect the waste from drains. The shaft are
made up of mild steel.
Fig 3.9 - Sprocket
A Sprocket is a profiled wheel with teeth, or cogs that mesh with a chain, track or other perforated
or indented material. The name sprocket applies generally to any wheel upon which radial projections
engage a chain passing over it. It is distinguished from a gear in that sprocket are never meshed together
directly, and differ from a pulley in that sprockets have teeth and pulleys are smooth except for timing
pulleys used with toothed belts.
In isolated systems away from the grid, batteries are used for storage of excess solar energy
converted into electrical energy. The only exceptions are isolated sunshine load such as irrigation
pumps or drinking water supplies for storage. In fact for small units with output less than one kilowatt.
Batteries seem to be the only technically and economically available storage means. Since both the
photo-voltaic system and batteries are high in capital costs. It is necessory that the overall systems be
optimized with respect to available energy and local demand pattern. To be economically attractive the
storage of solar electricity requires a battery with a particular combinatio of properties:
Ø Low cost
Ø Long life
Ø High reliability
Ø High overall efficiency
Ø Low discharge
Ø Minimum maintenance
i Ampere hour efficiency
ii Watt hour efficiency
We use lead acid battery for storing the electrical energy from the solar panel for lighting the street
and so about the lead acid cells are explained below.
Where high values of load current are necessary, the lead-acid cell is the type most commonly used.
The electrolyte is a diluted solution of sulfuric acid. In the application of battery power to start the engine
in an automobile, for example , the load current to the starter motor is typically 200 to 400A.
The lead acid cell type is a secondary cell or storage cell, which can be recharged. The charge and
discharge cycle can be repeated many times to restore the output voltage, as long as the cell is in good
physical condition. However, heat with excessive charge and discharge currents shortens the useful life to
about 3 to 5 years for an automobile battery. Of the different types of secondary cells, the lead acid type
has the highest output voltage, which allows fewer cells for a specified battery voltage
Inside a lead-acid battery, the positive and negative electrodes consist of group of plates welded to
connecting strap. The plates are immersed in the electrolyte, consisting of 8 parts of water to 3 parts of
concentrated sulfuric acid. Each plate is a grid or frame work,made of a lead-antimony alloy. This
construction enables the active material, which is lead oxide, to be pasted into the grid. In manufacture of
the cell, a forming charge produces the positive and negative electrode. In the forming process, the acive
material in the positive plate is changed to lead peroxide. The negative electrode is spongy lead(Pb).
Automobile batteries are usually shipped dry from the manufacturer. The electrolyte is put in at the
time of installation, and then the battery is charged to from the paste. With maintenance free batteries, little
or no water needed be added in normal service.some types are sealed,except for a pressure vent, without
provision for adding water.The construction of this lead-acid battery is shown in figure.
Chemical action
Sulfuric acid is a combination of hydrogen and sulfate ions. When the cell discharges, lead peroxide
from the positive electrode combines with hydrogen ions to form water and with sulfate ions to form lead
sulfate. Combining lead on the negative plate with sulfate ions also produces the sulfate. There fore, the
net result of discharge is to produce more water, which dilutes the electrolyte, and to form lead sufate on
the plates.
As the discharge continues, the sulfate fills the pores of the grids, retarding circulation of acids in
the active material. Lead sulfate is the powder often seen on the outsie terminals of old batteries. When the
combination of weak electrolyte and sulfating on the plate lowers the output of the battery, charging is
On charge, the external DC source reverses the current in the battery. The reversed direction of
ions flows in the electrolyte result in a reversal of the chemical reaction. Now the lead sulfates on the
positive plate reactive with the water and sulfate ions to produce lead peroxide and sulfuric acid. This
action re-forms the positive plates and makes the electrolyte stronger by adding sulfuric acid.
Fig 3.12 - Chemical Reactions in Batteries
At the same time, charging enables the lead sulfate on the negative plate to react with hydrogen ions;
this also forms sulfuric acid while reforming lead on the negative plate to react with hydrogen ions; this
also forms currents can restore the cell to full output, with lead peroxide on the positive plates, spongy lead
on the negative plate, and the required concentration of sufuric acid in the electrolyte.
Pb+PbO2+2H2SO4 2PbSO4+2H2O
On discharge, the Pb and PbO2 combines with SO4 ions at the left side of the equation to form lead
sulfate (PbSO4) and water (H2O) at the right side of the equation.
One battery consists of 6 cell, each have an output voltage of 2.1V,which are connected in series to
get an voltage of 12V and the same 12V battery is connected in series, to get an 24V battery. They are
placed in the water proof iron casting box.
Caring for lead-acid batteries
Always use extreme caution when handling batteries and electrolyte.Wear gloves, goggles and
old clothes. ‘Battery Acid’ will burn skin and eyes and destroy cotton and wool clothing.
The quickest way of ruin lead-acid batteries is to discharge them deeply and leave them stand
‘Dead’ for an extended period of time. When they discharge, there is a chemical change in the positive
plates of the battery. They change from lead oxide when charge out lead sulfate when discharged. If they
remain in the lead sulfate for a few days, some part of the plate does not return to lead oxide when the
battery is recharged. If the battery remains discharge longer, a greater amount of the positive plate will
remain lead sulfate. The parts of the plates that become sulfate no longer store energy. Batteries that are
deeply discharged, and then charged partially on a regular basis can fail in less than one year.
Check your batteries on a regular basis to be sure they are getting charged. Use a hydrometer to
check the specific gravity of your lead acid batteries. If batteries are cycled very deeply and then recharged
quickly, the specific gravity reading will be lower than it should because the electrolyte at the top of the
battery may not have mixed with charged electrolyte.
Check the electrolyte level in the wet-cell batteries at the least four times a year and top each cell
of with distilled water. Do not add water to discharged batteries. Electrolyte is absorbed when batteries are
very discharged. If you add water at this time, and then recharge the battery, electrolyte will overflow and
makes a mess.
Keep the top of your batteries clean and check that cables are tight. Do not tighten or remove
cables while charging or discharging. Any spark around batteries can cause a hydrogen explosion inside,
and ruin one of the cell, and you.
One charge, with reverse current through the electrolyte the chemical action is reversed. Then the
Pb ions from the lead sulfate on right side of the equation re-form the lead and lead peroxide electrodes.
Also the SO4 ions combine with H2 ions from the water to produce more sulfuric acid at the left side of the
The requirements are illustrated in figure. An external DC voltage source is necessory to produce
current in one direction. Also, the charging voltage must be more than the battery emf. Approximately 2.5
per cell are enough to over the cell emf so that the charging voltage can produce current opposite to the
direction of discharging current.
Note that the reversal of current is obtained just by connecting the battery VB and charging source
VG with + to + and – to - , as shown in figure. The charging current is reversed because the battery
effectively becomes a load resistance for VG when it higher than VB. In this example, the net voltage
available to produce charging currents is 15-12=3V
A commercial charger for an automobile is essentially a DC power supply, rectifying input from
the AC power linr to provide DC output for charging batteries
Floating charging refers to a method in which the charger and the battery are always connected to
each other for supplying current to the load. In figure the charger provides current for the load and the
current necessory to keep the battery fully charged. The battery here is an auxillary source for DC power.
It may be of interest to note that an automobile battery is in a floating charge circuit. The battery
charger is an AC generator or alternator with rectifier diodes, driver by a belt from the engine. When you
start the vehicle, the battery supplies the cranking power. Once the engine is running, the alternator charges
the battery.
It is not necessory for the vehicle to be moving. A voltage regulator is used in this system to
maintain the output at approximately 13 to 15V. The constant voltage of 24V comes from solar panel
controlled by the charge controller so far storing this energy we need a 24V battery so two 12V battery
are connected in series.
It is a good idea to do an equalizing charge when some cells show a variation of 0.05 specific
gravity from each other. This is a long steady overcharge, bringing the battery to a gassing or bubbling
state. Do not equalize sealed or gel type batteries.
With proper care, lead-acid batteries will have a long service life and work very well in almost any
power system. Unfortunately, with poor treatment lead-acid battery life will be very short. In this project
we choose 24V and 10A, Lead-acid battery.
The bearings are pressed smoothly to fit into the shafts because if hammered the bearing may
develop crack. Bearing is made up of steel material and bearing cap is mild steel.
Ball and roller bearing are used widely in instruments and machines in order to minimize friction
and power loss. While the concept of the ball bearing dates back atleast to leonardo da vinci, their design
and manufacturer has become remarkably sophisticated.
This technology was brought to its present state of perfection only after a long period of research
and development. The benefits of such specialized research can be obtained when it is possible to use a
standardized bearing of the proper size and type
However, such bearings cannot be used indiscriminately without a careful study of the loads and
operating condition. In addition, the bearing must be provided with adequate mounting , lubrication and
sealing. Design engineers have usually two possible source for obtaining information which they can use
to select a bearing for their particular application;
Ø Textbooks
Ø Manufactures
Catalogs textbooks are excellent sources; however, they tend to be overly detailed and aimed at the
student of subject matter rather than the practicing designer. They in most cases, contain information on
how to design rather than how to select a bearing for a particular application. Manufactures catalogs, in
turn, are also excellent and contain wealth of information which relates to the products of the particular
manufacturer. These catalogs, however , fail to provide alternatives-which may divert the designer’s
interest to products not manufactured by them. Our company, however, provides the broadest selection of
many types of bearings made by different manufactures.
For this reason, we are interested in providing a condensed overview of the subject matter in an
objective manner, using data obtained from different texts, handbooks and manufactures literature. This
information will enable the reader to select the proper bearing in expeditious manner. If the designers
interest exeeds the scope of the presented material, a list of reference is provided at the end of the technical
section. At the same time, we are expressing our thanks and are providing credit to the sources which
supplied the material presented here.
Construction and types of ball bearings
100 Series 200 Series 300 Series Axial Thrust Angular Contact Self-aligning Bearing
Fig - 3.13
The heavy series of bearing is designed by 400. Most, but not all, manufactures use a numbering
system so devised that if the last two digits are multiplied by 5, the result will be the bore in millimeters.
The digit in third place from the right indicates the series number. Thus, bearing 307 signifies a medium
series bearing of 35 mm bore. For additional digits, which may be present in the catalog number of bearing,
refer to manufactures details.
Fig – 3.14
Some makers list deep groove bearing and bearings with tworows of balls. For bearing designations
of QBC, see special pages devoted to this purpose. The radial bearing is able to cary a considerable amount
of axial thrust.
However, when the load is directly entirely along the axis, the thrust type of bearing should be used.
The angular contact bearing will take care of both radial and axial loads. The self-aligning ball bearings
will take care of large amounts of angular misalignmet. An increase in radial capacity may be sequired by
using rings with deep grooves, or by employing a double row radial bearing.
Radial bearing are divided into two general classes, depending on the method of assembly. These
are the conra or nonfilling-notch type, and the maximum, or filling- notch type. In the conrad bearing, the
balls are placed between the rings as shown in figure. Then they are evently spaced and seperator is riveted
in place. In this project we choose 6205 ball bearing.
This is made up of MS pipe material. This is used as a body of this project. All the components are
fitted bellow this bottom frame with the help of end bearing.
To make use of non-conventional energy solar panel is selected to recharge the battery. The solar
panel is of 24V, 250 watts. This solar panel will charge a 60Ah battery. This will enough to run the motor
for required time. The time required to charge battery is of 8hrs.
Ø Wave Energy Method
Ø Ocean Power method
The most useful way of harnessing solar energy is by directly converting it into electricity by means
of solar photo-voltaic cells. Sunshine is incident on solar cell, in this system of energy conversion that is
direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity.
In the stage of conversion into thermodynamic from is absent. The photo voltaic effect is defined
as the generation of an emf as a result of absorption of ionizing radiation. Energy conversion devices,
which are used to convert sunlight to electricity by use of the photovoltaic effect, are called solar cells.
In recent years photo voltaic power generation has been receiving considerable attention as one of
the more promising energy alternatives. The reason for this rising interest lie in PV’s direct conversion of
sunlight to electricity, the non polluting nature of the PV widespread are of PV generation has been
hampered by economic factor. Here to force, the low cost of conventional energy sunlight has obviated the
devolopment of a broad-based PV technology. At the present time, PV generation can be justified only for
special situations mostly for remote sites where utility lines on other conventional means of furnishing
energy may be prohibitively expensive and is one of the most attractive non-conventional energy sources
of proven reliability from the micro to mega-watt level Like other energy system this system also has
some disadvantages,
The photo-voltaic effect can be observed in nature in a variety of materials that have shown that the
best performance in sunlight is the semiconductor as stated above. When photons from the sun are absorbed
in a semiconductor, that create free electrons with higher energies than the created there must be an electric
field to induce these higher energy electrons to flow out of the semiconductor to do useful work. A junction
of materials, which have different electrical properties, provides the electric field in most solar cells.
To obtain a useful power output from photon interaction in a semiconductor, three processes are
Ø The photon has to be absorbed in the active part of the material and results in electrons
being excited to a higher energy potential.
Ø The electron hole charge carriers created by the absorption must be physically seperated
and moved to the edge of the cell.
Ø The charge carriers must be removed from the cell and delivered to useful load before
they loose extra potential.
The photo-voltaic effect can be described easily for p-n junction in a semi conductor. In an intrinsic
semi conductor such as silicon, each one of the four valence electron of the material atom is tied in a
chemical bond, ande there are no free electrons at absolute zero. If a piece of such a material is doped on
one side by a five valence electron material, such as arsenic or phosphorous, there will be an excess of
electron in that side, becoming an n-type semi conductor.
The excess electron will be practically free to move in the semi conductor lattice. When a three
valence electron material, such as boron dopes the other side of the same piece, there will be deficiency of
electron leading to a p-type semi conductor. This deficiency is expressed in terms of excess of holes free
to move in the lattice. Such a piece of semi conductor with one side of the p-type and the other , of the n-
type is called p-n junction. In this junction after the protons are absorbed, the free electron of the n-side
will tends to flow to the p-type, and the holes of the p-side will tend to flow to the n-region to compensate
for their respective deficiencies. The diffusion will create an electric field from the n-region to thep-region.
This field will increase until it reaches equilibrium fro V, the sum of the diffusion potentials for holes and
During the day time the battery gets charged and when the intensity of light decreases, the LDR
makes the light to gets ON and the light glows by using the stored charge in the battery.
Solar cell
A solar cell works on the principle of photo-voltaic principle, the photo-voltaic solar energy
conversion is one of the most attractive non-conventional energy source of proven reliability from the
micro to the mega watt level.
Disadvantages are :-
While the first disadvntage can be party overcome by concentration, the second is an inherent
disadvantage overcome in PVsystem by the use of conventional storage batteries. Effort are being made
world wide to reduce costs per watt through various technological innovations.
Cells may be connected in parallel to achieve the desired voltage. The optimum operating voltage
of a photo voltaic cell is generally about 0.45V at normal temperature, and the current in full sunlight may
be taken 0.270 ampere/
If the exposed area of the cell is 40 square cm (6.2 or 40*10^-4 sq.m, the current and power
are decreased or increased proportionality. By combining number of solar cell in series that is in a string,
the voltage is increased but the current is unchanged. In this case, if one cell get damaged then the whole
string would become incoperative, similarly by combining number of cells in parallel, the current is
increased but the voltage is unchanged, in this change one cell get damaged than it does not effect the other
cell in the string.
To get a voltage of 0 to 36V we require 72 cells to be connected in series so that we connected 72
cells in series to a required voltage.
Spur gear are the simplest type of gear. They consist of cylinder or disk with teeth projecting radially.
Through the teeth are not straight-sided, the edge of the each tooth is straight and aligned parallel to the
axis of rotation. These gears are meshed togethor correctly only if fitted to parallel shafts. No axial thrust
is created by the tool loads. Spur gears are excellent at moderate speeds but tend to be noisy at high speeds.
We choose the gear ratio is 1:4 and it is made up of cast iron.
DC Motor
Ø Volt = 24 V
Ø Speed = 1500 RPM
Ø Power = 0.5 HP
Ø Permanent magnet DC motor is used
Ø Length = 600mm
Ø Breadth = 12 inch
Ø Thickness = 3mm
Ø Material = Nylon
1 Solar panel 1
2 Battery 1
3 Sprocket 4
4 Chain 2
5 Solid shaft 2
6 Dust bin 1
7 Motor 1
8 Spur gear 1
9 Bearings 4
Manufacturing processes are the steps through which raw materials are transformed into a final
product. The manufacturing process begin with the creation of the material from which the design is made.
These material are then modified through manufacturing processes can include treating (such as heat
treating or coating), machining, or re shaping the material. The manufacturing process also includes tests
and checks for quality assurance during or after the manufacturing, and planning the production process
prior to manufacturing.
Metal cutting or machining is the process of by removing unwanted material from a block of metal
in the form of chips.
Fig 5.2 - Metal cutting
Cutting processes work by causing fracture of the material that is processed. Usually, the portion
that is fractured away is in small sized pieces, called chips. Common cutting processes include sawing,
shaping (planning), broaching, drilling, grinding, turning, and milling. Although the actual machine, tool
and processes for cutting look very different from each other, the basic mechanism for causing the fracture
can be understood by just a simple model called for orthogonal cutting.
In all machining processes, the work piece is a shape that can entirely cover the final part shape.
The objective is to cut away the excess material and obtain the final part. This cutting usually requires to
be completed in several steps -in each step, the part is held in a fixture, and the exposed portion can be
accessed by the tool to machine in that position. Common fixture include vise, clamps, 3-jaw or 4-jaw
chucks,etc. Each position of holding the part is called a setup. One or more cutting operation may be
performed, using one or more cutting tool, in each setup. To switch from one setup to the next, we must
release the part from the previous fixture, change the fixture on the machine, clamp the part in the new
position on the new fixture, set the coordinates of the machine tool with respect to the new location of the
part, and finally start the machining operations for this setup.
Therefore, setup changes are time-consuming and expensive, and so we should try to do the entire
cutting processin a minimum number of setup; the task of determining the sequence of individual
operations, grouping them into (a minimum number of ) setups, and determination of the fixture used for
each setup, is called process planning.
Cold saws are saws that make use of a circular saw blade to cut through various types of metal,
including sheet metal. The name of the saw has to do with the action that takes place during the cutting
process, which manages to keep both the metal and the blade from becoming too hot. A cold saw is
powered with electricity and is usually a stationary type of saw machine rather than a portable type of saw.
The circular saw blades used with a cold saw are often constructed of high speed steel. Steel
blades of this type are resistant to wear even under daily usage. The end result is that it is possible to
complete a number of cutting projects before there is a need to replace the blade. High speed steel blades
are especially useful when the saws are used for cutting through thicker sections of metal.
Along with the high speed steel blades, a cold saw may also be equipped with a blade that is
tipped with tungsten carbide. This type of blade construction also helps to resist wear and tear. One major
difference is that tungsten tipped blades can be re-sharpened from time to time, extending the life of the
blade. This type of blade is a good fit for use with sheet metal and other metallic components that are
relatively thin in design.
Welding is a process for joining similar metals. Welding joins metals by melting and fusing, the
base material being joined and the filler metal applied. Welding employs pinpointed, localized heat input.
Most welding involves ferrous-based metals such as steel and stainless steel. Weld joints are usually
stronger than or as strong as the base metals being joined.
Welding is used for making permanent joints. It is used in the manufacture of automobile bodies,
aircraft frames, railway wagons, machine frames, structural works, tanks, furniture, boilers, general repair
work and ship building.
Several welding process are based on heating with an electric arc, only a few are considered here,
starting with the oldest, simple arc welding, also known as shield metal arc welding (SMAW) or stick
In this process an electrical machine (which may be DC or AC, but nowadays is usually AC)
supplies current to an electrode holder which carries an electrode which is normally coated with a mixture
of chemicals or flux. An earth cable connects the work piece to the welding machine to provide a return
path for the current. The weld is initiated by tapping ( striking ) the tip of the electrode against the work
piece which initiates an electric arc. The high temperature generated (about 60000C ) almost instantly
produces a molten pool and the end of the electrode continously melts into this pool and forms the joint.
The operator needs to control the gap between the electrode tip and the work piece while moving
the electrode along the joint.
In the shield metal arc welding process (SMAW) the stick electrode is covered with an extruded
coating of flux. The heat of the arc melts the flux which generates a gaseous shield to keep air away from
the molten pool and also flux ingredients react with unwanted impurities such as surface oxides, creating
a slag which floats to the surface of the weld pool. This forms a crust which protects the weld while it is
cooling. When the weld is cold the slag is chipped off.
The SMAW process cannot be used on steel thinner than about 3mm and being a discontinous
process it is only suitable for manual operation. It is widely used in jobbing shops and for onsite steel
construction work. A wide range of electrode materials and coating are available enabling the process to
be applied to most steels, heat resisting alloys and many types of cast iron.
Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut or enlarge a hole of circular cross-section
in solid materials. The drill bit is a rotary cutting tool, often multipoint. The bit is pressed against the
workpiece and rotated at rates from hundred to thousand of revolution per minute. This forces the cutting
edge against the work piece, cutting off chips (swarf) from the hole as it is drilled.
The geometry of the common twist drill tool ( called drill bit ) is complex; it has straight cutting
teeth at bottom, these teeth do most of the metal cutting, and it has curved cutting teeth along its cylindrical
surface. The grooves created by the helical teeth are called flutes, and are useful in pushing the chips out
from the hole as it is being machined. Clearly, the velocity of the tip of the drill is zero, and so this region
of the tool cannot do much cutting. Therefore it is common to machine a small hole in the material, called
a centre hole, before utilizing the drill. Center holes are made by special drills called centre center-drill;
they also provide a good way for the drill bit to get aligned with the location of the center of the hole. There
are hundreds of different types of drill shapes and sizes; here, we will only restrict ourselves to some
general facts about drills.
Fig 5.8 - Drill Bit
Common drill bit materials include hardened steel (High speed steel, Titanium Nitride coated steel);
for cutting harder materials, drills with hard inserts, eg: Carbide or CBN inserts are used.
In general, drills for cutting softer materials have smaller point angle, while those for cutting hard
and brittle materials have larger point angle.
If the length/diameter ratio of the hole to be machined is large, then we need a special guiding
support for drill, which itself has to be very long; such operations are called gun drilling. This process is
used for holes with diameter of few mm or more, and L/D ratio up to 300. These are used for making
barrels of guns;
Fig 5.9 - Drilling Machine
Drilling is not useful for very small holes (eg: < 0.5 mm , since the tool may break and get stuck in
the work piece; usually the size of the hole made by a drill is slightly larger than the measured diameter of
the drill this is mainly because of vibration of the tool spindle as it rotates, possible misalignment of the
drill with the spindle axis, and some other factors;
For tight dimension control on hole diameter, we first drill a hole that is slightly smaller than
required size (eg: 0.25 mm smaller ), and then use a special type of drill called a reamer. Reaming has very
low material removal rate, low depth of cut, but gives good dimension accuracy.
In quality control ( Which is guided by the principle that ‘Quality cannot be inspected into a
product’ ) the role of inspection is to verify and validate the variance data, it does not involve seperating
the good from the bed.
The working of the system is fully mechanical, it runs in 24V dc motor the speed of this motor is
1500 RPM and power is 372 Watt. The permanent magnet dc motor is used in this mechanism. For the
working of dc motor we use lead acid battery (24V,10A) and it is rechargable. The battery can be charged
by using 24V, 250 Watt solar panel. This motor is used to rotate the shaft where two sprockets is fixed.
The input sprocket is connected with another sprocket by chain transmission (another two sprockets are
connected in another shaft ). Hence all the sprockets are drived same time. 6205 ball bearing is used in this
system to reduce the rotational friction. Spur gear is used to reduce the speed of the shaft, so we use 1:4
gear ratio. A sheet metal jaw is fixed on rotating chain, which is used as conveyor to collect the waste on
the drainage. The collected waste in jaw is again dropped in sheet metal dust bin. All those structure is
supported by mild steel frame stand.
= ( 2 * 3.14 * 1500*2.37)/60
= 372 Watts
= 372 / 735.5
= 0.5 HP
By the term torque, it is meant the turning or twisting moment of a forceabout an axis. It is
measured by the product of the force and the radius at which this force acts.
For an armature of motor, to rotate about its centre, a tangential force is necessary. This force is
devoloped within the motor itself.
Thickness of Bearing (B) = 15 mm
Corner radii on shaft and housing (r1) = 1.5 (From Design databook)
= ( 52+25 ) / 2
= 38.5 mm
Diameter of shaft = 32 mm
= 16 mm = 0.016 m
9.47 = F * 0.016
F = 591 N
m = 591/9.81
= 60 kg
8 Chain Nylon
Waste removal in water bodies are more important in the technical field, where quick response
is is very simple to make this equipment and very easy to maintain and repair. Making cost
of this equipment is very less as compared to other equipments, comparatively the operation cost is
very less. We can continusely use this operation without rest. This equipment is ecofriendly and only
lesser no of workers are needed. The most important advantage of this equipmet is no health issues are
caused by using this equipment and also avoid the flood in monsoon season.
The main disadvantage of this equipment is we need additional cost to implement the system
in water bodies and while using this eqipment a small vibration may happen. Sometimes the rusting
happens for the equipment which is also a disadvantage. The other disadvantages is we should clean
the container all the time and in the rainy season we cannot use this solar panal.
The machine is usually used for cleaning the drainage. It can be used in all the type of drainages.
The project is very efficient way for controlling the disposal of wastage with regular filtration in the
The solar powered drainage cleaning is more economical and efficient in many ways and it has
all the qualities to replace the manual drainage cleaning system.
Usuallay it is difficult to obtain and feels like bulky work. To solve this issue we should
understand the difficulties in maintaining the tolernce and the quality. We may found some issues that
can be occurred such as the flow of water is a crucial factor effective removal of waste. The power
generated from solar panel may be fluctuating due to cloud influence the charging process. Since the
system is placed in water bodies , the precaution measurement taken is to provide such as painting,
coating, lubrication and other techniques to resist the structure from corrossion. The problem we faced
will be solved and further improvements will be made in future to attain better technical and efficient
one. This idea makes a motivational concern towards the Government to work with environment safety,
and to make aware of the seriousness of these issues in future.
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9) K Mahadevan and K Balaveera Reddy “Design and Data hand book for Mechanical Engineers
10) R.K. Bansal “ Strength of materials” “Laxmi publications” Fourth edition 2007.
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