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Research Article
Synthesis, Spectroscopic, and Anticancerous Properties
of Mixed Ligand Palladium(II) and Silver(I) Complexes with
4,6-Diamino-5-hydroxy-2-mercaptopyrimidine and
Synthesis of two new water-soluble mixed ligand [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 complexes (dahmp and
Hdahmp are the deprotonated monoanion and the protonated neutral 4,6-diamino-5-hydroxy-2-mercaptopyrimidine, resp.) is
reported. The composition of the reported complexes was discussed on the bases of IR, 1 H NMR, and mass spectra, as well as
conductivity and thermal measurements. The reported complexes display a significant anticancer activity against Ehrlich ascites
tumor cells (EACs). The higher activity of these complexes with their higher conductivity values corresponds to their complete
ionization in aqueous solution.
Copyright © 2008 S. I. Mostafa and F. A. Badria. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The cells of Ehrlich ascites (EACs) tumor were obtained 2.5. Anticancer activity against Ehrlich ascites
from National Cancer Institute (Cairo, Egypt). After harvest- carcinoma in mice
ing and preparation of the cells, their total number and via-
bility were determined by counting using Trypan blue [14]. All the compounds were screened for their anticancer
activity by dissolving samples in minimum amount of
DMSO (Hdahmp) or water (complexes) and diluting with
2.2. Instrumentation phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH = 7.2). The anticancer
studies using Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (EACs) were car-
Microanalyses were determined by the Micro Analytical Unit ried out by incubating 0.2 mL of cells IP. All the treat-
(Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt). Electronic spectra were ments started 24 hours after inoculation for 45 days. The
recorded using a Unicam UV2–100 U.V.-vis. Spectrometer. IR tumor-bearing mice were divided into three groups. Group
spectra were measured as KBr discs on a Matson 5000 FT- (1) is the standard one that received the 5-florouracil
IR spectrometer (Cairo University). 1 H NMR spectra were [16] (5-fu; 20 mg/kg/day of mice) for comparison. Group
measured on a Varian Gemini WM-200 spectrometer (Laser (2) received Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl, [Ag(bpy)-
Centre, Cairo University). Thermal analysis measurements (Hdahmp)]NO3 complexes (0.01 mg/mice/day). Group (3)
were made in the 20–800◦ C range at the heating rate of 10◦ C is the control one received physiological saline (0.9% sodium
min−1 , using α-Al2 O3 as a reference, on a Shimadzu Ther- chloride).
mogravimetric Analyzer TGA-50. Conductimetric measure-
ments were carried out at room temperature on a YSI Model
32 conductivity bridge. Mass spectra were recorded on a
Matson MS 5988 spectrometer (Micro Analytical Unit, Cairo 3.1. Synthesis of complexes
Table 1 lists two new complexes of 4,6-diamino-5-hydroxy-
2-mercaptopyrimidine (Hdahmp). The elemental analyses of
2.3. Synthesis of complexes
the isolated complexes agree with the assigned formula. The
2.3.1. [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl·H2 O conductivities (ΛM ) in DMF at room temperature showed
the electrolytic character of these complexes [4, 16].
To a stirred suspension of [Pd(bpy)Cl2 ] (0.17 g, 0.5 mmol) The complex [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl was prepared from
in methanol-benzene (3 : 2, V/V) (15 cm3 ), was added a [Pd(bpy)Cl2 ] and Hdahmp in methanol-benzene in presence
methanolic solution of KOH (0.055 g, 1 mmol) contain- of aqueous base, while [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]+ was made from
ing Hdahmp (0.08 g, 0.5 mmol). The resulting suspension aqueous AgNO3 with bpy and Hdahmp in methanol.
was stirred for two days and a brown complex was ob- The complexes are powder-like, stable in the normal lab-
tained. It was filtered off, washed with water and methanol, oratory atmosphere, and soluble in water, DMF, or DMSO.
and then air-dried. Conductivity data (10−3 M in DMF): We had hoped to characterize the structure of one of the
ΛM = 97.0 ohm−1 cm2 mol−1 . Elemental Anal. Calc. for complexes by single X-ray crystallography, but were thwarted
C14 ClH15 N6 O2 SPd: C, 35.53; H, 3.17; N,17.76; S, 6.77; Cl, on numerous occasions by very small crystal dimensions.
7.51. Found C, 35.72; H, 3.11; N, 17.71; S, 6.85; Cl, 7.63. Thus, the characterization of these complexes was based on
the physical and spectroscopic techniques.
2.3.2. [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3
3.2. Vibration spectra
Silver nitrate (0.087 g, 0.5 mmol) in water (2 cm3 )was The characteristic IR bands observed and the vibration as-
added to bpy (0.078 g, 0.5 mmol) in methanol (35 cm3 ) to signments of 4,6-diamino-5-hydroxy-2-mercaptopyrimidine
produce a colorless solution, to which Hdahmp (0.08 g, (Hdahmp) complexes are reported in Table 1. The spectrum
0.5 mmol) was added. The reaction mixture was stirred in of Hdahmp supports the existence of the thione form in
dark for 3 hours to produce a pale brown solid. It was fil- the solid phase (Scheme 1). This can be attributed to the
tered off, washed with little water, methanol, and diethyl presence of ν(NH) stretch at 2970 cm−1 [17], the absence of
ether, then dried in vacuo. Conductivity data (10−3 M in ν(SH) near 2600 cm−1 , and the production of the character-
DMF): ΛM = 60.0 ohm−1 cm2 mol−1 . Elemental Anal. Calc. istic thioamide bands due to extensive coupling of δ(NH),
for C14 H14 N7 O4 SAg: C, 34.72; H, 2.89; N, 20.25; S, 6.61. ν(C=N), ν(NCS), and ν(C=S) at 1652, 1562, 1455, and (1375,
Found C, 34.54; H, 2.78; N, 20.00; S, 6.42. 1268, 1177) cm−1 , respectively [18–20].
In the spectrum of [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl, the stretching
2.4. Conductivity measurements vibration ν(OH) at 3305 cm3 in the free ligand is missing in
the complex [21]. The bands at 3390 and 3185 cm−1 , aris-
The conductivity values for [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl and [Ag- ing from νs (NH2 ) and νas (NH2 ), respectively [21], in the
(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 were determined. The compounds free ligand are shifted to lower wave numbers upon com-
were dissolved in water and the measurements were done at plexation [21, 22]. The bands arising from ν(C=N), ν(NCS),
concentrations; 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 mM. The conductance and ν(C=S) are not affected while the bands arising from
values (ΛM ) were calculated and plotted against concentra- ν(NH) and δ(NH) stretches are slightly shifted to lower
tion [15]. wave number in the complexes. This suggests that Hdahmp
S. I. Mostafa and F. A. Badria 3
IR spectral data
ν(C=C) ν(M–N)
Complexes ν(OH) νs (NH2 ) νas (NH2 ) δ(NH) ν(NCS) ν(NCS) ν(M–O)
[Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl — 3165 1640 1556 1450 1255 524 409
[Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 3308 3396 3171 1650 1543 1479 1277 —
NH2 +
3 4 OH
3 4
5 N N
2 NO3 −
Ag 2
S N 6 NH2
1 S N 6
N 1
NH2 +
The spectrum of [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 shows new
3 4 N
strong band near 1370 cm−1 assigned to the ionic uncoor-
dinated NO−3 [16, 26, 27].
Pd Cl−
S N 6 N 3.3. Electronic spectra
1 N
H The electronic spectrum of [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]+ complex
shows bands at 475 and 326 nm due to 1 A1g → 1 B1g and
1g → E1g , transitions in a square-planar configuration
1A 1
Scheme 2: Structure of [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl.
[4, 23, 27]. Also, the spectrum of [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]+
shows bands at 467, 382, and 277 nm; the latter two may arise
from charge transfer of the type ligand (π) → b1g (Ag+ ) and
acts as a mononegative bidentate ligand, coordinating the ligand (σ) → b1g (Ag+ ), respectively, in a typically distorted
metal ion through the deprotonated hydroxyl and amino square planar environment around the metal ion [4, 28, 29].
N(6)H2 groups, without any participation of the thione sul-
fur or cyclic nitrogen atoms in coordination [23]. This fea- 3.4. 1 H NMR spectra
ture is further supported by the observation that a band
near 1178 cm−1 arises from ν(C=S) stretch that remains The 1 H NMR spectrum of Hdahmp in d6 -DMSO shows
unchanged [18] (Scheme 2). The vibrational spectrum of two singlets at δ6.07 and 6.18 ppm arising from N(4)H2 and
[Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 suggests the participation of the N(6)H2 , respectively (Scheme 1). The proton of the hydroxyl
thione sulphur and the cyclic N(3) in coordination due to the group O(5)H appears as a broad singlet at δ9.13 ppm and the
shift observed in the ν(C=S) and ν(N–C=S) stretching vibra- N(1)H proton gives a singlet at δ7.43 ppm. In the 1 H NMR
tions (Scheme 3). This suggestion is supported by the slight spectrum of [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]+ , the proton of the hydroxyl
shift of ν(NH) and δ(NH) to lower wave number with the group is not observed while the resonance arising from
existence of νs (NH2 ), νas (NH2 ), and ν(OH) stretches more N(6)H2 is shifted to lower field [24, 30]. Also, the resonances
or less in the same position as in the free ligand [18, 22, 24]. arising from N(4)H2 and N(1)H are slightly shifted to lower
Also, the bands of the free bpy ligand near 740 cm−1 are field. This is probably due to the decrease in the electron
shifted to higher frequencies in the complexes (773 cm−1 ) density caused by the withdrawing of electrons by the metal
[4, 25]. ions from the pyrimidine ring coordination centers [13, 23].
4 Metal-Based Drugs
Λm (Ω−1 cm 2 )
comparison to binding of chloride and aquo species, respec- 80
tively [4–6].
3.5. Mass spectra
Hb(1) (12– HCT(3) WBCs(4) (4000– EAC Count
Compound (4.0–6.0 × MSt/day(5)
16 g/dl) (35.0–50.0%) 11000 × 106 cell/cm3 ) (×106 cell/cm3 )
106 cell/cm3 )
Hdahmp 10.7 6.3 40.3 8800 44.8 13.2
[Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl 11.4 6.4 40.3 12000 31.8 11.4
[Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 11.0 6.3 41 9000 30.4 11.2
5-fu 10.2 6.0 37.7 7600 80 13.6
Control (0.9% NaCl) 7.8 4.72 22.2 2400 220 9.0
Hb = hemoglobin, (2) RBCs = red blood cells count, (3) HCT = hemato crate value, (4) WBCs = white blood cells count values in normal mice are in paren-
theses, (5) the mean survival time.
cancer without side effects on the hematological and bio- mal unbound DNA. The results are prevention of DNA syn-
chemical parameters. thesis, inhibition of transcription, and induction of muta-
In order to detect the influence of Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)- tions [5, 39].
(dahmp)]Cl, and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 on the hema- Regarding the tumor size and EAC count, in the control
tological status of EAC-bearing mice, a comparison study group was (220 × 106 cells/cm3 ), reduced in using 5-fu to
was made among three groups of mice (each group con- (80 × 106 cells/cm3 ) while the strong reduction to 44.8 × 106 ,
tains seven mice) from the second day after inoculation. 31.8 × 106 , and 30.4 × 106 cells per cm3 was observed in using
Group (1) tumor-bearing mice treated with 5-fu (stan- Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]+ , and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]+ ,
dard [36, 37]). Group (2) tumor-bearing mice treated with respectively. The strong reduction in EAC count and tumor
Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl, [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 . size may be due to the reductive nature of many tumors that
Group (3) is the control tumor-bearing mice. The an- contain significant regions at low oxygen tension. Thus, they
ticancer activity of Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl, and initiate a catalytic auto-oxidation process involving genera-
[Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 shows remarkable efficacy man- tion of reactive oxygen species. The coordinated dahmp and
ifested by survival and activity, as well as reduction in bpy may reduce toxic effects caused by xenobiotic core of the
the tumor size. The hematological parameters including complexes, contribute to their anticancer action, and facili-
hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cells count (RBCs), and white tate their transport through cell membrane [40]. Our investi-
blood cells count (WBCs) data are reported in Table 3. gations have shown that glutathione content, in liver and kid-
It is clear that the hematological parameters of tumor- ney, and glutathione-S-transferase activity were decreased,
bearing mice treated with Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl, suggesting that the partial reduction products of oxygen, in
and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 exhibits much better signifi- the presence of the complexes, yield very reactive species,
cant figures with the use of small doses of (0.01 mg/mice/day) which could start catalytic oxidation of substrates and show
compared with the standard (5-fu), the market drug antitumor action [41].
(∼0.4 mg/mice/day). In order to detect the influence of the solvent in the cy-
There are reports that complexes containing pyridine totoxicity of Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]+ , and [Ag(bpy)-
ring (cyclic nitrogen) display significant anticancer activity (Hdahmp)]+ . As expected, the water-soluble [Pd(bpy)-
[4, 38]. Thus, the presence of the pyrimidine ring increases (dahmp)]+ and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]+ are less kidney toxic.
the anticancer activity and activates the binding of metal ion
to the tumor DNA as it contains two cyclic nitrogen atoms 3.9. Effect of survival time
The hematological parameters show that [Pd(bpy)- The mean survival time (MST) of groups 1 and 2 was
(dahmp)]Cl and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 are more effec- compared with that of the control group using the fol-
tive than Hdahmp itself, as the presence of both bpy and lowing calculations [42]. Percentage (%) increase in lifes-
dahmp in the complexes possess a multiring planar area pan over control = [(MST of treated group × 100/MST
with nitrogen bases and hence higher hydrophobicity, which of control group) −100]; MST = days of each mice
would lead the intercalation more deeply into the tumor in the group/total number of mice. Percentage (%) in-
DNA [5]. crease in lifespan over control showed to be high in
In order to investigate the action of Pd(II) and Ag(I) mice treated with Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)(dahmp)]Cl, and
complexes in the tumor DNA, the intercalated complexes [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]NO3 (Table 3).
affecting the structure of the DNA prevent polymerase and
other DNA binding proteins from functioning properly. As 3.10. The side effects and toxicity
the complexes covantely bind to DNA with preferential bind-
ing to the N-7 position of guanine and adenine, they are able The side effects and toxicity of Hdahmp, [Pd(bpy)-
to bind two different sites on DNA, producing cross-links (dahmp)]+ , and [Ag(bpy)(Hdahmp)]+ have been detected.
that cause increase in the viscosity in comparison to the nor- After the first week of the treatment, the mice show flu-like
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