Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Explain how Brands affects their everyday lives and the state of our nation;
Compare and contrast the differences between Local Brand and International
Attitude Give the importance of Local Brand in our daily lives.
Perform the given task with oneness and solidarity.
2. Content Develop a brand name
1. Market (locality/town)
2. Key concepts of market
3. Players in the market (competitors)
4. Product and services available in the market
4.2 Activity Video Presentation: The teacher will provide a video clips about the brand names.
4.3 Analysis Present or shows an example of local and international brand names to the learners.
Do you think these products have characteristics of a good and high quality brand
names based on our discussion today?
4.4 Abstraction The teacher will give oral questioning or re-teaching based on the response of the
What are the most popular brands in our country?
Do you have a favorite brand?
Are local brands as good as foreign ones?
4.5 Application In a group of five with a four members, the learners give importance in making
their own brand name and discuss it by the following format:
Own brand name created
Target Audience/Customers
5 Characteristics with elaborated explanations
4.6 Assessment Give your inputs based on our discussion on the following statements:
1. As an entrepreneur, it is a must that I
2. If I am going to establish a brand name in our town, the following
characteristics are necessary because;
a. ________________-______________________________
b. ________________- _____________________________
c. ________________- _____________________________
4.7 Assignment Guide Question: (1/2 sheet of Paper)
“Think of a brand name and how it works.”
1. Get one local product and explain why is it marketable with the buying
public based on the characteristics we discuss.
Prepared by:
SHS-Teacher II
Noted by:
Learning Cites studies showing proofs of positive and negative effects of media, information
Competency/ies: on individual and society (MIL-11/12PM-IVa-1)
Key Positive and negative effects of media, information on individual and society
ings to be Developed
1. Objectives
Attitude Work with his or her classmates with enthusiasm and cooperation.
1. Definition
2. Characteristics
- internet
4. Procedures
Preparations Motivation/Introductory The teacher will flash different TV, print, radio, and
Activity (5 mins.) social media personalities through a multimedia
- How will I make the presentation. She will tell the class that these people
learners ready? This part introduces the might be familiar to them because they might saw
lesson content.. it is serves
- How do I prepare them in TV, magazines, internet, etc. They might
as a warm-up activity to give have heard some of them in the radio as well.
the learners for the the learners zest for the
new lesson? incoming lesson and an idea
(Motivation about what it to follow. One
/Focusing principle in learning is that TV Personalities:
/Establishing Mind-set learning occurs when it is 1.) Noli de Castro
/Setting the Mood conducted in a pleasurable
/Quieting /Creating and comfortable 2.) Kris Aquino
Interest - Building atmosphere. 3.) Karen Davila
Experience – 4.) Piolo Pascual
Presentation Activity (15 mins.) The teacher will then let the students watch these
- (How will I present This is an interactive
the new lesson? strategy to elicit learner’s
prior learning experience. It
- What materials will I serves as a springboard for A.) a Ted Talk of Karylle Yuson, a famous TV
use? personality.
new learning. It illustrates
- What generalization the principle that learning B.) Karen da Vila interviewing a Leni Robredo
/concept starts where the learners
are. Carefully structured C.) Ann Curtis being interview by Boy Abunda
/abstraction should activities such as individual
the learners arrive at? or group reflective
exercises, group discussion, Given some guide questions, the students will
(Showing/ self-or group assessment, choose a partner and answer the guide questions
Demonstrating/ dyadic or triadic after watching the video clips.
Engaging/ Doing interactions, puzzles,
/Experiencing simulations or role-play,
/Exploring /Observing cybernetics exercise, gallery
- Role-playing, dyads, walk and the like may be
dramatizing, created. Clear instructions
brainstorming, should be considered in this
reacting, interacting part of the lesson.
- Articulating
Analysis (10 mins.)
observations, finding,
conclusions, Essential questions are The teacher will ask the following questions to the
generalizations, included to serve as a guide students about the activity.
abstraction for the teacher in clarifying
- Giving suggestions, key understandings about
reactions solutions the topic at hand. Critical 1.) What have you learned from the videos shown?
recommendations) points are organized to
structure the discussions
allowing the learners to
2.) What are the sources of information you know?
maximize interactions and
sharing of ideas and
opinions about expected
issues. Affective questions 3.) Where do you get sources of information?
are included to elicit the
feelings of the learners
about the activity or the 4.) How important are people as sources of
topic. The last questions or information?
points taken should lead the
learners to understand the
new concepts or skills that
5.) What are the positive and negative effects of
are to be presented in the
media on an individual or society?
next part of the lesson.
6.) How did you come up with your answers?
Abstraction (20 mins.) The teacher will present first the meaning of people
and media. And, for better understanding of the
This outlines the key lesson, she will discuss the different between people
concepts, important skills media and people in media/ Afterwards, the teacher
that should be enhanced, will also discuss the characteristics of people in
and the proper attitude that media.
should be emphasized. This
is organized as a lecturette “Based on the dictionary definition, we may say that
that summarizes the people media consists of men, women, even
learning emphasized from children
the activity, analysis and
new inputs in this part of that widely influence the people by reaching them
the lesson. through different means.
- What practice This part is structured to The class will do an activity entitled, “ Paint Me A
exercises/application ensure the commitment of Picture”. They will be divided into five groups. Each
activities will I give to the learners to do group will choose a facilitator/leader.
the learners? something to apply their
new learning in their own
(Answering practice environment. Each group will pick out a paper with a scenario that
- Applying learning in they will do. Once they have received the paper,
they will be given 3 minutes to brainstorm on how to
situations/actual portray or act their given scenario.
- Expressing one’s The scenarios are as follows:
thoughts, feelings,
1.) A leader or a president is giving a speech.
opinions, beliefs
through artwork, 2.) A group of students are talking in the canteen.
songs, dances, sports
- Performing musical 3.) A meeting of teachers
4.) A person is posting an information in the
activities, etc.)
5.) A child is glued on the television.
Assessment (___6_minutes): For the teacher to: a) The teacher will show some pictures with different
Assess whether the learning objectives have been met scenarios about the effects of media on the
for a specific duration, b) Remediate and/or enrich individual and society. In a dyad, the students will
with appropriate strategies as needed, and c) determine if the effects are positive or negative to
Evaluate learning intentions and success criteria have an individual or the society.
been met. (Reminder: Formative Assessment may be
given before, during, or after the lesson.) Choose any
from the Assessment Methods below:
a) Observation
d) Tests(
Enhancing the
day’s lesson
Preparing for the Research about the Format and types of People Media
new lesson
Concluding Activity: (2 mins.) The teacher will let the students watch a short clip or video that
speaks about facebook and its effect/s on an individual.
(This is usually a brief but effective
activity such as a strong quotation, a
short paragraph, a short song, an
anecdote, parable or a letter that
inspires the learners to do something to
practice their new learning.)
Prepared by:
SHS-Teacher II
Noted by:
Explain how ICT affects their everyday lives and the state of our nation;
Compare and contrast the differences between online platforms, sites and content
Attitude Give the importance of ICT in our daily lives.
Perform the given task with oneness and solidarity.
8. Content Information and Communication Technology covering the topics of:
1. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent
technologies, social,
mobile, and assistive media)
2. Online systems, functions, and platforms
9. Learning Books, CG, Power point, internet.
10. Procedures
4.1 Using the concept map, write words that are related to ICT.
4.2 Activity Form the class into group of 8 members. Take turns answering the questions. Share
by group.
1. How many times have you checked your phone this morning?
2. How many status updates have you posted in FB or Twitter today?
3. Did you use internet for an hour after you woke up this morning?
4. Do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account?
Prepared by:
SHS-Teacher II
Noted by:
C. Presenting Through concept map the teacher will engage into a discussion on the traits and
examples/instance characteristics of journalists. Ask the class to provide examples of journalists that
s of the new lesson they like on the traits they like most and ask why?
E. Developing Present a case about a specific person and tell his/her personality --his/her skills
mastery (leads to and characteristics. Then ask the class to identify which career opportunity fits for
Formative him. And ask the learner to explain their answer.
Assessment 3
F. Finding What is the importance of knowing the career opportunities where you should go?
applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living
G. Making Ask: How would a journalist know that the career he has chosen fits him/her?
and abstractions
about the lesson
I.Evaluating QUIZ:
learning Give your inputs based on our discussion on the following statements:
1.As a journalist, it is a must that I
2.If I am going to establish a brand name in our town, the following characteristics
are necessary because;
b.________________- _____________________________
c.________________- _____________________________
1. Give the career opportunities for communicators and journalist.
2. Describe each career opportunity you have listed. (15 minutes)
J. Additional
activities for ASK: Do you like to become a journalist someday? Why or why not?
application or
17. Remarks
18. Reflections
Prepared by:
SHS-Teacher II
Noted by: