Gandcrab Ransomware Decryption Tool
Gandcrab Ransomware Decryption Tool
Gandcrab Ransomware Decryption Tool
Technical description:
In order for this recovery solution to work, you are required at least 1 available
ransom-note on your PC. The ransom-note is required to recover the decryption key. Please
make sure that you do not run a clean-up utility which detects and removes these
ransom-notes prior to execution of this tool. The information inside the ransom-notes, taken
as input for the key-recovery procedure, may look in one of the two ways, shown below.
Judging by this information, GandCrab ransomware had a significant shift since January
2018, which relates to encryption mechanism.
GandCrab V1,V2,V3:
GandCrab V4,V5
The shift of the ransomware was about using a different encryption type and, and if
versions 1,2,3 of the ransomware used AES-256-CBC, versions 4 and 5 use Salsa20.
The ransomware kept constant the encryption flow, but considered the damages they
have done to files exceeding 4GB in their first versions, and now they only encrypt at most
Steps for decryption:
Step 2: Double-click the file (previously saved as BDGandCrabDecryptor.exe) and allow it to
run by clicking Yes in the UAC prompt.
Step 3: Select “I Agree” for the End User License Agreement
Step 4: Select “Scan Entire System” if you want to search for all encrypted files or just add
the path to your encrypted files.
We strongly recommend that you also select “Backup files” before starting the decryption
process. Then press “Scan”.
Regardless of whether you check the “Backup files” option or not, the decryption tool
attempts to decrypt 5 files in the provided path and will NOT continue if the test is not
successfully passed. The chances that something goes wrong are actually low, however we
make these supplementary checks to make sure that nothing goes wrong nor on your, nor
our side. This approach may not suits some testers, which might want to decrypt 1-2 files at
most, or not conforming file extensions.
At the end of this step, your files should have been decrypted.
To get rid of your left encrypted files, just search for files matching the extension and
remove them bulk. We do not encurage you to do this, unless you doubled check your files
can be opened safely and there is no trace of damage.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project, for use in the
OpenSSL Toolkit (