Fast and Accurate Image Super Resolution by Deep CNN With Skip Connection and Network in Network

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Fast and Accurate Image Super Resolution by Deep CNN

with Skip Connection and Network in Network

Jin Yamanaka1, Shigesumi Kuwashima1 and Takio Kurita2[000-0003-3982-6750]

ViewPLUS Inc., Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 102-0084, Japan
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan
{jin, kuwashima},

Abstract. We propose a highly efficient and faster Single Image Super-Resolu-

tion (SISR) model with Deep Convolutional neural networks (Deep CNN). Deep
CNN have recently shown that they have a significant reconstruction perfor-
mance on single-image super-resolution. The current trend is using deeper CNN
layers to improve performance. However, deep models demand larger computa-
tion resources and are not suitable for network edge devices like mobile, tablet
and IoT devices. Our model achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction performance
with at least 10 times lower calculation cost by Deep CNN with Residual Net,
Skip Connection and Network in Network (DCSCN). A combination of Deep
CNNs and Skip connection layers are used as a feature extractor for image fea-
tures on both local and global areas. Parallelized 1x1 CNNs, like the one called
Network in Network, are also used for image reconstruction. That structure re-
duces the dimensions of the previous layer’s output for faster computation with
less information loss, and make it possible to process original images directly.
Also we optimize the number of layers and filters of each CNN to significantly
reduce the calculation cost. Thus, the proposed algorithm not only achieves state-
of-the-art performance but also achieves faster and more efficient computation.
Code is available at

Keywords: Deep Learning, Image Super Resolution, Deep CNN, Residual Net,
Skip Connection, Network in Network

1 Introduction

Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) was mainly used for specific fields like security
video surveillance and medical imaging. But now SISR is widely needed in TV, video
playing, and websites as display resolutions are getting higher and higher while source
contents remain between twice and eight times lower resolution when compared to re-
cent displays. In other cases, network bandwidth is generally limited while the display’s
resolution is rather high. Recent Deep-Learning based methods (especially with deeply
and fully convolutional networks) have achieved high performance in the problem of

SISR from low resolution (LR) images to high resolution (HR) images. We believe this
is because deep learning can progressively grasp both local and global structures on the
image at same time by cascading CNNs and nonlinear layers. However, with regards
to power consumption and real-time processing, deeply and fully convolutional net-
works require large computation and a lengthy processing time. In this paper, we pro-
pose a lighter network by optimizing the network structure with recent deep-learning
techniques, as shown in Figure 1. For example, recent state-of-the-art deep-learning
based SISR models which we will introduce at section 2 have 20 to 30 CNN layers,
while our proposed model (DCSCN) needs only 11 layers and the total computations
of CNN filters are 10 to 100 times smaller than the others.

Fig. 1. Our model (DCSCN) structure. The last CNN (dark blue) outputs the channels of the
square of scale factor. Then it will be reshaped to a HR image.

Feature Extraction In the previous Deep Learning-based methods, an up-sampled im-

age was often used as their input. In these models, the SISR networks can be pixel-wise
and its implementation becomes easier. However, they have 20-30 CNN layers in total
and heavy computation is required for each up-sampled pixel. Furthermore, extracting
features of up-sampled pixel is redundant, especially in the case of a scale factor of 3
or more. We use an original image as an input of our model so that the network can
grasp the features efficiently. We also optimize the number of filters of each CNN layer
and send those features directly to the image reconstruction network via skip connec-

Image Detail Reconstruction In the case of data up-sampling, the transposed convo-
lutional layer (also known as a deconvolution layer) proposed by Matthew D. Zeiler [1]
is typically used. The transposed convolutional layer can learn up-sampling kernels,
however, the process is similar to the usual convolutional layer and the reconstruction
ability is limited. To obtain a better reconstruction performance, the transposed convo-
lutional layers need to be stacked deeply, which means the process needs heavy com-
putation. So we propose a parallelized CNN structure like the Network in Network [2],
which usually consists of one (or more) 1x1 CNN(s). Remarkably, the 1x1 CNN layer

not only reduces the dimensions of the previous layer for faster computation with less
information loss, but also adds more nonlinearity to enhance the potential representa-
tion of the network. With this structure, we can significantly reduce the number of CNN
or transposed CNN filters. 1x1 CNN has 9 times less computation than 3x3 CNN, so
our reconstruction network is much lighter than other deep-learning based methods.

2 Related Work

Deep Learning-based methods are currently active and showing significant perfor-
mances on SISR tasks. Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) [3]
is the method proposed at this very early stage. C. Dong et al. use 2 to 4 CNN layers to
prove that the learned CNN layers model performs well on SISR tasks. The authors
concluded that using a larger CNN filter size is better than using deeper CNN layers.
SRCNN is followed by Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-
Resolution (DRCN) [4]. DRCN uses deep (a total of 20) CNN layers, which means the
model has huge parameters. However, they share each CNN’s weight to reduce the
number of parameters to train, meaning they succeed in training the deep CNN network
and achieving significant performances.

The other Deep Learning-based method, VDSR [5], is proposed by the same authors
of DRCN. VDSR uses Deep Residual Learning [6], which was developed by re-
searchers from Microsoft Research and is famous for receiving first place in ILSVRC
2015 (a large image classification competition). By using residual-learning and gradi-
ent clipping, VDSR proposed a way of significantly speeding up the training step.
Very deep Residual Encoder-Decoder Networks (RED) [7] are also based on residual-
learning. RED contains symmetric convolutional (encoder) and deconvolutional (de-
coder) layers. It also has skip connections and connects instead to every two or three
layers. Using this symmetric structure, they can train very deep (30 of) layers and
achieve state-of-the-art performance. These studies therefore reflect the trend of “the
Deeper the Better”.

On the other hand, Yaniv Romano et al. proposed Rapid and Accurate Image Super
Resolution (RAISR) [8], which is a shallow and faster learning-based method. It clas-
sifies input image patches according to the patch’s angle, strength and coherence and
then learn maps from LR image to HR image among the clustered patches. C. Dong et
al. also proposed FSRCNN [9] as a faster version of their SRCNN [3]. FSRCNN uses
transposed CNN to process the input image directly. RAISR and FRSCNN’s pro-
cessing speeds are 10 to 100 times faster than other state-of-the-art Deep Learning-
based methods. However, their performance is not as high as other deeply convolu-
tional methods, like DRCN, VDSR or RED.

3 Proposed Method

We started building our model from scratch. Started from only 1 CNN layer with small
dataset and then grow the number of layers, filters and the data. When it stopped im-
proving performance, we tried to change the model structure and tried lots of deep
learning technics like mini-batch, dropout, batch normalization, regularizations, initial-
izations, optimizers and activators to learn the meanings of using each structures and
technics. Finally, we carefully chose structures and hyper parameters which will suit
for SISR task and build our final model.

3.1 Model Overview

Our model(DCSCN) is a fully convolutional neural network. As shown in Figure 1,
DCSCN consists of a feature extraction network and a reconstruction network. We cas-
cade a set of CNN weights, biases and non-linear layers to the input. Then, to extract
both the local and the global image features, all outputs of the hidden layers are con-
nected to the reconstruction network as Skip Connection. After concatenating all of the
features, parallelized CNNs (Network in Network [2]) are used to reconstruct the image
details. The last CNN layer outputs the 4ch (or the channels of square of scale factor)
image and finally the up-sampled original image is estimated by adding these outputs
to the up-sampled image constructed by bicubic interpolation. Thus the proposed CNN
model focusses on learning the residuals between the bicubic interpolation of the LR
image and the HR original image.

In the previous studies, an up-sampled image was often used as their input for the
Deep Learning-based architecture. In these models, the SISR networks will be pixel-
wise. However, 20-30 CNN layers are necessary for each up-sampled pixel and heavy
computation (up to 4x, 9x and 16x) is required, as shown in Figure 2. It also seems in-
efficient to extract a feature from an up-sampled image rather than from the original
image, even from the perspective of the reconstruction process.

Fig. 2. Simplified process structures of (a) other models and (b) our model (DCSCN).

3.2 Feature Extraction Network

In the first feature extraction network, we cascade 7 sets of 3x3 CNN, bias and Para-
metric ReLU units. Each output of the units is passed to the next unit and simultane-
ously skipped to the reconstruction network. Unlike with other major deep-learning
based large-scale image recognition models, the number of units of CNN layers are
decreased from 96 to 32, as shown in Table 1. As discussed in Yang et al. [10], for
model pruning, it is important to use an appropriate number of training parameters to
optimize the network. Since the local feature is more important than the global feature
in SISR problems, we reduce the features by the following layer and it results in better
performance with faster computation. We also use the Parametric ReLU units as acti-
vation units to handle the “dying ReLU” problem [11]. This prevents weights from
learning a large negative bias term and can lead to a slightly better performance.

3.3 Image Reconstruction Network

As stated in the Model Overview, DCSCN directly processes original images so that it
can extract features efficiently. The final HR image is reconstructed in the last half of
the model and the network structure is like in the Network in Network [2]. Because of
all of the features are concatenated at the input layer of the reconstruction network, the
dimension of input data is rather large. So we use 1x1 CNNs to reduce the input dimen-
sion before generating the HR pixels.

The last CNN, represented by the dark blue color in Figure 1, outputs 4 channels (when
the scale factor s = 2) and each channel represents each corner-pixel of the up-sampled
pixel. DCSCN reshapes the 4ch LR image to an HR(4x) image and then finally it is
added to the bi-cubic up-sampled original input image. As with typical Residual learn-
ing networks, the model is made to focus on learning residual output and this greatly
helps learning performances, even in cases of shallow (less than 7 layers) models.

Table 1. The numbers of filters of each CNN layer of our proposed model
Feature extraction network Reconstruction network
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A1 B1 B2 L
DCSCN 96 76 65 55 47 39 32 64 32 32 4
c-DCSCN 32 26 22 18 14 11 8 24 8 8 4

4 Experiments

4.1 Datasets for Training and Testing

For training, 91 images from Yang et al. [12] and 200 images from the Berkeley Seg-
mentation Dataset were used [13]. We then performed data augmentation on those
training images. The images are flipped horizontally, vertically and both horizontally
and vertically to make 3 more images for each image. While in the training phase, SET
5 [14] dataset is used to evaluate performance and check if the model is likely to overfit

or not. The total number of training images is 1,164 and the total size is 435MB.
Color(RGB) images are converted to YCbCr image and only Y-channel is processed.
Each training image is split into 32 by 32 patches with stride 16 and 64 patches are used
as a mini-batch. For testing, we use SET 5 [14], SET 14 [15], and BSDS100 [13] da-

4.2 Training Setup

Each CNN is initialized with the method proposed by He et al. [11] and also initialized
to 0 for all biases and PReLUs. During training, dropout [16] with p = 0.8 is applied to
each output of PReLU layers. Mean Squared Error (MSE) between the estimated output
and ground truth is used as a basic loss value and we also add the sum of L2 norms of
each CNN’s weight (scaled by the factor of 0.0001) to the loss for regularization. We
use Adam [17] with an initial learning rate = 0.002 for the optimization algorithm to
minimize loss. When the loss does not decrease after 5 epochs of training steps, the
learning rate is decreased by a factor of 2 and training is finished if the learning rates
goes lower than 0.00002. We also present a compact version of our proposed network
(c-DCSCN) as the parameters are shown in Table 1. An example of the results are
shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. An example of our result of img_013 in set14 [15]

4.3 Comparisons with State-of-the-Art Methods

Comparisons with accuracy Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) are used to compare
the accuracy of the proposed DCSCN with other Deep Learning-based SR algorithms.
Table 2 shows quantitative comparisons for 2x SISR. Red text indicates the best per-
formance and the blue text indicates the second-best. The result shows our proposed
algorithm (DCSCN) has either a best or second-best performance for those datasets.

Table 2. PSNR/SSIM Comparisons of accuracy with other SR algorithms. (scale = x2)

(ours) (ours)

Set5 36.66/0.9542 37.63/0.9588 37.53/0.9587 37.66/0.9599 37.62/0.9590 37.62/0.9569

Set14 32.45/0.9063 33.04/0.9118 33.03/0.9124 32.94/0.9144 33.05/0.9126 33.05/0.9090

BSD100 31.36/0.8879 31.85/0.8942 31.90/0.8960 31.99/0.8974 31.91/0.8956 31.91/0.8905


Comparisons with computation complexity Since each implementation occurs under

different platform and libraries, it’s not fair to test execution time to compare these
methods. Here we calculate the computation complexity of each method instead. Since
deep learning computation is usually difficult to parallelize, computation complexity of
1 pixel is used as a good indicator of computation speed. CNN layers are calculated as
size2 times input filters times output filters. Bias, ReLU, adding or multiplying layers
are calculated as number of filters. When bicubic up-sampling is needed, we calculate
it as 16 multiplications and additions. Thus the approximate computation complexity
for each method is shown in Table 3. The complexity calculated may slightly differ
from true complexity. For example, FSRCNN [9] and RED [7] contain transposed CNN
and it needs to pad 0 before processing. However, those differences are much smaller
than CNN calculations and therefore are negligible. So they are ignored to create a brief
comparison between performance vs. complexity, as shown in Figure 4. We can see
our DCSCN has a state-of-the-art reconstruction performance, while the computation
complexity is at least 10 times smaller than VDSR [5], RED [7] and DRCN [4].

Table 3. Comparisons of approximate computation complexity. (scale = x2) For comparison,

we chose f1, f2, f3, n1, n2 = (9,5,5,64,32) for SRCNN and d, s, m = (56,12,4) for FSRCNN
(9,5,5) (56,12,4) (ours) (ours)
CNN layers 3 8 20 20 30 11 11
CNN filters 32, 64 56, 12 256 64 64 32 to 96 8 to 32
bias and
3, 2 7, 7 20, 19 20, 19 0, 36 10, 10 10, 10
activation layers
Input image size x4 x1 x4 x4 x4 x1 x1
complexity [k] 229.5 26.2 78,083.2 2,668.5 4,152.8 244.1 26.1

Fig. 4. Comparison between reconstruction performance for set14 vs. computation com-
plexity. DCSCN’s complexity is taken as 1.00.

5 Conclusion and Future works

This paper proposed a fast and accurate Image Super Resolution method based on CNN
with skip connection and network in network. In the feature extraction network of our
method, the structure is optimized and both local and global features are sent to the
reconstruction network by skip connection. In the reconstruction network, network in
network architecture is used to obtain a better reconstruction performance with less
computation. In addition, the model is designed to be capable of processing original
size images. Using these devices, our model can achieve state-of-the-art performance
with less computation resources.

Since SISR tasks are now beginning to be used on the network edge (the entry point
devices of services like mobile, tablet and IoT devices), building a small but still effec-
tive model is rather important. While this model has been proposed through numerous
trial and error processes, there should be a better way of tuning the model structure and
hyper parameters. Establishment of a method to design suitable model complexity for
each problem is needed.

Another noteworthy aspect of this study is the use of the ensemble learning model.
Deep Learning itself has a good capacity for complex problems, however, classic en-
semble learning tends to lead to good results with less computation, even when there is
great diversity within the problem. Also, the ensemble model makes it easier to paral-
lelize for faster computation. Therefore, small sets of Deep-Learning models could be
made and combined to work as an ensemble model to fix real and complex problems.

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