Food Irradiation: Radiations
Food Irradiation: Radiations
Food Irradiation: Radiations
• Radiation is an energy form travelling through space (radiant energy) in a wave pattern and
can be either naturally occurring (e.g. from the sun or rocks) or produced by man made
objects (e.g. microwaves and television sets).
• Waves produced by different sources distinguishes the different types and functionality of
radiation, with high frequency radiation of UV, X-rays and gamma-rays posing the most
significant risk to human health
➢ Radiation is called ionising radiation when it is at a sufficiently high frequency (gamma rays
and X-rays) that it results in the production of charged particles (ions) in the material that it
comes in contact with.
➢ Ionising radiation has higher energy high enough to change atoms by knocking an electron
from them to form an ion, but not high enough to split atoms and cause exposed objects to
become radioactive. Therefore, the sources of radiation allowed for food processing cannot
make food radioactive.
➢ Non-ionising radiation, such as that from microwaves, does not produce ions but can create
heat under moist conditions and is routinely used for purposes such as cooking and re-
heating of foods.
➢ Electric power, radio and television, microwaves, and light have lower energies. They cause
molecules to move, but they cannot structurally change the atoms in those molecules.
➢ Food irradiation facilities that are built and maintained to accepted standards are no more
hazardous than hospitals that carry out numerous X-rays each day and as such do not pose
a significant exposure risk.
➢ This energy can be in the form of Cobalt 60 sourced gamma rays, machine generated X-rays,
or an electrically generated electron beam.
Radiation Sources
✓ The electron beam is a stream of high energy electrons, propelled out of an electron gun.
✓ The electron gun apparatus is a larger version of a standard television tube.
✓ The electron beam generator can be simply switched on or off. There are no radioactive
materials in the process.
✓ The electrons can penetrate food only to a depth of 3-5 cm, so the food to be treated must be
no thicker than that to be treated all the way through. Two opposing beams can treat food
that is twice as thick.
✓ E-beam medical sterilizers have been in use for at least 15 years
➢ These are placed in a rack and the entire rack is immersed in a water chamber underground
when not in use. W en irradiation takes place, the rack is raised.
Radiation unit
➢ Radiation dose is the quantity of radiation energy absorbed by the food as it passes through
the radiation field during processing.
➢ It is measured in Gray ( Gy) [1 Gy equals one Jo ule of ener gy absorbed per kilogram of food
being irradiated] or in rad (1 Gy = 100 rads).
➢ Practical range for food use: 50-10,0 00 Gy
➢ International health and safety authorities have endorsed the safety of irradiation for all
foods upto 10,000 Gy
Applications of irradiation
1. Sterilisation or pasteurisation
➢ Irradiation can kill insects and microorganisms in cereals, legumes, spices and dried
vegetable seasonings, as well as other stored foods.
➢ Irradiation could be used in place of chemical fumigation with ethylene dibromide (EDB,
now banned in the U.S. and most other countries), ethylene oxide (banned in the European
Union and Japan) and methyl bromide (MB).
4. Sprout inhibition
➢ Low-dose irradiation also delays ripening and therefore extends the shelf-life of some fruits,
including bananas, mangoes, papayas, guavas and tomatoes.
➢ Medium doses can be used to control mould growth on strawberries, raspberries and
blueberries, thereby extending their shelflife.
➢ Cap opening of mushrooms can also be delayed by relatively low dose irradiation and cool
➢ Irradiation can produce desirable physical changes in some foods.
➢ Bread made from irradiated wheat has greater loaf volume when certain dough
formulations are used,
➢ Irradiated dehydrated vegetables reconstitute more quickly than non-irradiated vegetables,
➢ When fruits such as grapes are irradiated they yield more juice than non-irradiated ones.
6. Eliminating parasite hazards in foods
➢ A low dose of radiation can eliminate the hazards of humans contracting trichinosis and
toxoplasmosis from consumption of fresh foods such as pork without significantly affecting
the flavour or texture of the meat.
➢ Irradiation treatment works by impairing the development of these parasites
(Trichinellaspiralis , Toxoplasma gondii) so that they cannot mature, complete their life
cycles or cause human diseases.
Any irradiated food, or food containing an irradiated ingredient must carry the word “Irradiated” in
a prominent position either as part of the main label or next to the ingredient that has been
irradiated. It m ay also (optional) show the international icon for irradiated food called the “Radur”