Human Growth and Development: A.Individual Planning
Human Growth and Development: A.Individual Planning
Human Growth and Development: A.Individual Planning
SY 2018-2019
Rationale: The School’s Guidance Program is the total of all helping services purposely established to facilitate and show ways to realize optimum
Human growth and development
Goal: To provide students a venue to
acquire competencies in the areas of
academic, career and personal-social
1. Individual Inventory
Goal: To identify the Gather data or information about student’s June-July Guidance Updated and 90%
characteristics and potential of every personal and educational background through: 2018 Counselors systematically filed
client through comprehensive data 1. Requiring freshmen, transferees and Throughout Parents/Guardians records of information of
gathering that can be used in returnees to fill out the Individual the first Teachers students as well as
diagnosing properly and predicting Inventory Record form. semester pertinent data collated
progress and behavior and can be 2. Creating a file/ compiling records of from interviews are
utilized further for accurate placement students in an individual readily made available for 95%
and program evaluation. envelope/folder containing the reference.
Accomplished Individual
Inventory Record form
Counseling Needs Assessment
Psychological Test Summary,
Counselor’s Interview Report,
referral notes and other pertinent
3. Orientation and
Information Dissemination Provide information to all students Information on vast
Goal: To publicize the Guidance through: opportunities with respect
Services and to inform the 1. Guidance Brochure to job vacancies and 90%
students about the school’s 2. Bulletin and Postings 1 Semester qualifications are made
policies, rules and regulations and 3. Forum and Talks available to the students
also the school’s mission-vision, 4. Advocacy Program as well as the
its historical and philosophical 5. School-to-School Campaign Guidance corresponding rights and
background, purposes and (Marketing) 2nd Semester Counselors responsibilities of
objectives. 6. Guidance Activities Throughout different
7. Room to room visitation the year Professionals in the
Sponsor talks/forum.
Grade 12 SHS students – Career
Guidance 2018 Resource Speakers
Individual 98%
Goal: Help students to solve their Conduct individual, group and peer 1st and 2nd Referred students are
personal growth and able them to counseling on the following areas: Semester Guidance counseled and are
clear 1. Academic Counselors monitored academically.
2. Career-Vocational
3. Personal-Social
4. Spiritua-Moral
Goal: Provide a situation Create a good environment between peers and Throughout
that sets off an ambience that help them to build relationship with different the year Guidance
supersedes individual ineptness group. . Counselors
and hesitation.
Goal: Provide an atmosphere of
understanding and acceptance that
can only take place among peer
2. Referrals Distribute referral brochures. Throughout Constant monitoring is
the year Guidance done regarding a previous
Conduct an awareness education regarding Counselors referral.
referrals to teachers, parents, administrators or Teachers
any person concerned.
6. Placement Service
Goal: To facilitate the needs of Conduct career activities, forums and Throughout Staff are updated on 70%
the client in finding their seminars to increase the student’s level of the year Guidance learning new techniques
appropriate place that will awareness among students in relation to their Counselor to facilitate student’s
contribute to their physical, interests and inclinations. services.
mental, emotional and spiritual
health and well-being and to Provide venues to students to explore their
provide them with options that talents and skills and spend their time on
would enable them to act on their worthwhile activities.
own choice and help them adjust
to the chosen environment.
1. Staff Development
Goal: To provide an active system
support for full delivery of Obtain a license. Throughout Application of methods
programs and activities through the year and procedures to the
training, seminars and community Continue pursuing post-graduate studies. students that would
extension services anchored on benefit and enhance the
the vision-mission of the Attend in-service trainings and seminars for student’s welfare.
institution. To provide good work efficiency.
welfare to the staff.
Conduct round of reviews on counseling
strategies to update skills. To obtain and process the
Continuing Professional
Attend local, regional and national Development for the
conventions and conferences sponsored by the licensed staff as a
Philippine Guidance and Counseling requirement for PRC
Association. And Psychological Association demands
of the Philippines.
2. Peer Facilitation
Goal: To establish a student To meet the student’s
support system that is equipped Recruit new members to join the organization. Beginning standards and enable
with leadership and facilitating of the them to engage and 40%
skills and has the sense of service Conduct monthly meetings with the peer school year participate to each
to others that will aide in the facilitators to provide updates in line with the activities and apply their
achievement of the vision-mission implementation of the guidance program and abilities and capabilities
of the college. services. in handling peer related
Conduct a teambuilding seminar to equip the
peer facilitators with leadership skills. Every
NOTE: Requesting to be part in Club (During
schedules/ time. club time)
Reports on significant
Come up with at least one research output that findings are provided to
Research: To discover new is focused and directed on guidance program administrators, teachers
knowledge, advance it and support or development. and parents.
substantiate theory.
Prepared by: