The Art of Space and Architecture Asta Kosala Kosali and Asta Bumi

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Bali Tourism Journal (BTJ) 2018, Volume 2, Number 1, January-December: 14-18

P-ISSN. 2580-913X, E-ISSN. 2580-9148

The art of space and architecture;

Asta Kosala Kosali and Asta Bumi

Ida Bagus Agung Wicaksana1


In designing space and building, the Balinese follows the guidelines to live. The Undagi as the executor needs to understand several
that have been passed on by their predecessors. The concepts points to build a perfectly balanced nesting area to live such as
experienced countless refinement and enrichment throughout Vastu Purusha Mandala, Hulu Teben, Tri Mandala dan Tri Angga,
ages with the philosophical influence of Hindu teachings, by the Traditional Metric system, etc. The guidelines of Asta Kosala Kosali
prominent historical figures, from Bali Aga to Majapahit period. The as well as Asta Bumi, offer not only an artistic value but also solidity
Balinese refers to the idea by the name Asta Kosala kosali and Asta against extreme natural conditions. Besides as a place to live, the
Bumi. Lontar Asta Kosala kosali encompasses the layout, guidance architecture and space management act as a symbol of Hinduism,
and building arrangements for the house and holy shrine in Bali, art, and social role. The history has been proving that the design
while the Lontar Asta Bumi summarizes the rules about the width is stable in facing various local disasters, such as earthquake,
of the courtyard of a shrine or temple, including the division of flame, torrents, flood and so forth. Furthermore, the concept is
space, and the distance between shrine. If concluded, the ideas rich in philosophical value; Expert suggests the government should
are aiming for one noble purpose; to create a harmonious place maintain the local genius. Thus, it would not be faded in future.

Keyword: Asta Kosala Kosali, Asta Bumi, Space, Architecture

Cite This Article: Ida Bagus Agung Wicaksana, The art of apsce and architecture: Asta Kosala Kosali and Asta Bumi, Bali Tourism Journal
(BTJ)2018, 2 (1): 14-18

In designing space and building, the Balinese The Balinese believes that Bhagawan
follows the guidelines that have been passed on by Wiswakarma; the grand architect of the gods
Kantor Kepala Desa, Sanur Kauh their predecessors. Starting from how to choose a created the Rule of Asta Kosala and Asta Bumi. suitable place to live, a good day to build, how to His expertise in making a floating-palace on
organize space and determine the ideal building the sea, as told in the epic story of Mahabharata,
structure to occupy. This concept is believed to made him a central figure in the architectural art.
have been existed long before the Bali Aga. In its Lontar Asta Kosala kosali encompasses the layout,
development, as in the Bali Aga era, some of the guidance and building arrangements for the house
historical figures of Bali Aga and Majapahit period and holy shrine in Bali, by Philosophical, Ethical,
such as Kebo Iwa, and Mpu Kuturan who lived in and Ritual foundations with due regard to the
the 11th century, then continued in the reign of King conception of manifestation, selection of land,
Anak Wungsu in Bali, they enriched the concepts good days (Padewasan) to build houses, and the
with refinement and philosophical influence of implementation of Yadnya. While the Lontar Asta
Hindu teachings.1 Bumi summarizes the rules about the width of
Editor: Danghyang Nirartha who lived at the time the courtyard of a shrine or temple, including the
Ida Bagus Ngurah Tri Pramana of King Dalem Waturenggong after Gajah Mada division of space, and the distance between shrine.3
expedition to Bali in the 14th century also If concluded, the ideas are aiming for one noble
contributed to the repertoire of the architecture. In purpose; to create a harmonious place to live.
the present, society combines modern architectural Harmonization in life, indeed, is an absolute
technology and the traditional ideas based on this thing to be achieved. The spirit of living in harmony
manuscript. The guideline, summarized in Lontar. with all beings reflects on Tri Hita Karana teaching.
Received: 2 July 2018 The Balinese refers it by the name Asta Kosala kosali Tri Hita Karana is the living philosophy of Balinese
Accepted: 5 July 2018 and Asta Bumi.2 society which contains three elements that build
Published: 16 August 2018

balance and unity on the relationship between Hence, the concept of Vastu Purusha mandala
human to God, interhuman, and a human being applies as the concept of how to manage space in
with their environment,4 then it all becomes the the residential area. However, some believe that the
source of prosperity, peace, and happiness. idea was a long journey of wisdom in observing
natural phenomenon by the previous sage and
THE CONCEPTS IN BRIEF ancestors. They realized how the placement of
specific building and sunshine timing might affect
Balinese culture absorbs the values of Hindu the fortune and health of the resident.6
religion which has three elements as the basic The following theory is Hulu Teben. “Hulu”
framework; they are tatwa, susila, and ceremony. means the upper course, while “teben” means the
It aims to help people to achieve the ultimate goal downstream or opposite direction to the upstream.
(Dharma).5 Asta Kosala Kosali and Asta Bumi The literature mentions that the east is considered
become implementations of Hindu religion in the as a holy direction, while the north is a symbol
architectural field. Based on the scripts, in a nutshell, of the mountain. Both courses are the upstream
several points need to be taken into account when direction. In addition, if it refers to the concept of
someone ought to build a perfectly balanced nesting Vastu Purusha Mandala, the meeting of the east
place to live. First, it is the Vastu Purusha Mandala and north or North-east is the position where the
or Sanga Mandala. head and upper body of the giant god. Hence in its
According to the story, there was a Giant God application, the place where the head of the giant
that had been subdued by Lord Brahma and other god lies is the ultimate location to build the temple.
Gods since he wreaked havoc in the universe. The direction can be precisely determined by
However, Lord Brahma realized it was his mistake using a compass. When deciding the location of
in the first place; after defeated the giant, then he the temple, it should be exact. It must not deviate
granted the Giant God an authority to bring chaos to the northeast or southeast. If someone chooses
to those who unable to fulfill his request. Lord North as Hulu, or in observing the mountains and
Brahma assigned him as the base of all resident. hills’ location, they should check the compass.
For example, if the mountain is in the north, the
compass should point the same direction, not to
deviate to the northeast or northwest. The precise
location of Hulu will make it easier to determine
shrines’ position, based on its purpose to facilitate
the implementation of the ceremony and worship.7
Third, is the Tri Mandala and Tri Angga
concepts. Tri mandala concept explains that both
the macrocosms and the microcosmos could be
divided into three parts, they are Nista, Madya,
and Utama.8 For instance, on the human body, or
known as ‘Tri Angga,’ lower body is Nista, Middle
frame is Madya, and the head is Utama. while for
the earth, Mountain is considered Utama, Land is
Madya and Sea is Nista. In managing an area for
Temple, Balinese Hindu treats Utama as the holiest
place. Thus only prayer-related activity may be
conducted in this area. Madya is a middle area;
this area serves as a supporting place for the prayer
activity. However, it is off limit to a specific action
that belongs to Nista Area. In Nista Area, or the
outer area is where people may behave as what they
usually do. As in a temple, Nista mandala is where
the food stalls are open, the parking area, or where
the people slaughter animals for offering purposes.
The concepts also applied in selecting material to
build or to craft something; the article is divided
into Nista, Madya or Utama.
Figure 1 Vastu Purusha mandala applied as the concept of how to manage Next, the metric system used in applying this
space in the residential area 6 literary method is different from the generally 15
innermost area of the house.
One of Bali’s most famous architects, Popo
Danes, claimed the conventional Balinese
construction is a culturally rich architecture. It is full
of philosophy, such as applying the concept of Asta
Kosala Kosali. “Asta Kosala Kosali is the blueprint
of traditional Balinese building. Starting from how
to arrange the space and room, thus we have Sanga
mandala, where an area is divided into nine to
determine where they should build Sanggah, main
house, natah, teba and so on” Popo said. In making
the floor, He observes the Balinese tends to build a
higher stepping floor. “I think it has been through a
long process based on life experience when torrent
occurs in the rainy season, the water level is below
the floor’s level,” Popo said.
The ancestor had taken into account about
the availability of constructing material. Since
in the past, the article on the island is limited,
unlike nowadays, where we may import wood
from Kalimantan. “In Bali, the resources are less
to be expected; the wood is rare and mostly short,
the stones are mostly local stones. Thus these
Figure 2 The blueprint of traditional Balinese building11
traditional rules also discuss hierarchy related to
the availability of materials,” he added.
used by modern architect worldwide. The teaching According to Popo, since Balinese addresses
is Bhuwana Agung must be in harmony with the spirituality highly, therefore the highest quality
Bhuana alit. Therefore, the measuring instrument material is used to build a place for prayer. For
used to measure the size of the residence, or the instance, the best quality woods to build a temple
shrine is the size of the building’s owner. Whereas are Cempaka, Jackfruit, and Majagau. These woods
if the building is a village’s temple, then the size are considered the first-class (Utama) in Bali. Popo
of the village head or village elders is used as a added “in the past, If wood was five meters in
benchmark.9 length, it is a long one. At that time, there were no
Many other aspects should be taken into bolt system or glue to extend it. T h ey were applying
accounts by The Undagi; the local term for people measurement using body size, like adepa, anyari,
who work in designing, crafting and building, alangkat due to it was impossible to make a pillar
related to the rules set by the predecessors. An more than three and a half meters”.12
undagi, should not only equip themselves with the The Grand design of Balinese architecture and its
knowledge of the design but also need to learn and management, are proven, to offer not only an artistic
understand the art, culture, customs, and religion.10 value but also solidity against extreme natural
conditions. Experts believe the Balinese house has
EXPERT’S OPINION its uniqueness, which is resistant to earthquake
The distance between one building to other shocks. Furthermore, the local architecture of Bali
building, according to the elder, apparently was is one of the essential findings, in the history of the
carefully calculated. For example, the kitchen is earthquake in Indonesia, especially in Bali.
situated next to the bathroom. Kitchen acts as Some prominent figures that well-known as
a place to cook, and fire-related area. When the quake observer experts, Anak Agung Ngurah
kitchen got caught by fire, the resident may obtain Sentana, Gde Krisna and I Made Kris Adi Sastra gave
water in the next building, the bathroom, to put off their comments on earthquake disaster ‘Gejer Bali’
the flame. The distance between one structure to in 1815 ago. They believe the old house construction
other, if correctly following the rules, would keep is resistant to shocks since locals utilized wood
the fire spreading to other building. Other brilliant frames that flexibly move during earthquakes. The
examples such as the position of the gate that placed installation prevented the inhabitants from the
not adjacent with the yard, thus people outside building’s rubbles that caused by the earthquake.
cannot directly see the inside of the house, or the “This bale structure does not root into the ground,
placement of Gedong which served as a vault, in the and if there is an earthquake, it just graciously

The guidelines of Asta Kosala Kosali as well
as Asta Bumi, offer not only an artistic value but
also solidity against extreme natural conditions.
Besides as a place to live, the architecture and space
management act as a symbol of Hinduism, art, and
social role. The history has proved that the design
is useful in facing various local disaster, such as
earthquake, flame, torrents, flood and so forth.
Since the concept is rich in philosophical value,
Expert suggests the government should maintain
the local genius. Thus it would not be faded in

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