1 Introduction To Digital Simulation: 1.1 Types of Systems
1 Introduction To Digital Simulation: 1.1 Types of Systems
1 Introduction To Digital Simulation: 1.1 Types of Systems
To be able to introduce the concept of model of a system, as well as to present the types of
model simulation and its principal characteristics, it is indispensable to define previously
what we do understand for a system.
A system can be defined as a set of objects or entities that interact in order to reach a
specified objective. If we plant to study the number of available cashiers in a supermarket in
order to offer a good service to its customers, the entities of the system would consist in the
customers waiting to be attended and the cashiers that carry out the service. The state of a
system can be defined as the minimum set of necessary variables to characterize or describe
all those aspects of interest of the system in a specific instant of time. We denominate those
variables state variables. It is worth reiterating that the number and kind of these variables
depend on the goals of our study. So, in the described system example, state variables could
be the state of each one of the cashiers (available or occupied in this case), and the total
number of customers in the supermarket.
Paying attention to the relation between the evolution of state variables and the time
independent variable, systems can be classified in continuous and discrete.
Continuous systems: state variables progress in a continuous way along time. An example
of this kind of systems is the temperature’s evolution in a room for any period of time, or
the evolution of liquid level in a tank (Figure 1.1).
1 that the ticket office is available, and with value 0 that the ticket office is occupied. In
contrast, in the same figure (right) the evolution of the control signal generated by a
computer with a constant period of sampling is represented.
There exist other alternatives to the digital simulation to imitate the behavior of a system.
Typical alternatives are the construction of a scaled prototype of the real system, the
analogical representation of the system by electric circuits, or the analogy with other
physical or biological systems, as it could be the drugs experimentation in animals to foresee
their effects in humans.
Many of these techniques have in common that in order to imitate the behavior of a system; they
require the description of the internal characteristics of the system. The description of the
characteristics of interest of a system is known as model of the system, and the abstraction
process to obtain this description is known as modeling.
There exist many types of models (physical models, mental models, symbolic models) to
represent the systems of interest. However, since one of the objectives to which models are
going to be developed is its use in digital simulation environments, it is necessary that the
models formalize the knowledge of the system in a concise way, with no ambiguities (unique
interpretation), and that could be processed by a computer. These characteristics determine the
use of the symbolic mathematics models as a tool to represent the dynamics of interest of any
system in a simulation digital environment. The symbolic mathematical models map the
existing relations between the physical properties of the system that is pretended to be modeled
in the corresponding mathematics structures. The kind of mathematical formalization used is
going to depend on the intrinsic characteristics of the dynamics of interest that would be
Although it exist a great diversity of methodologies for the development of mathematical
models of physical systems, the following considerations should be taken into account to
guarantee an efficient representation of the real system:
S k 1 S k Fi k Fo k
Simulation is widely used and increasingly popular for studying complex systems. Its
advantages have been already presented in [LAW00].
Most complex, real-world systems with stochastic elements cannot be accurately
described by a mathematical model that can be evaluated analytically. Thus, a simulation
is often the only type of investigation possible.
The model’s use is extended to address questions for which it was never designed or to
extrapolate results beyond the original scope of the model. The initial set of objectives
and the model simplifications hypothesis must always kept in mind when experimenting
with the model.
Consensus exists between the people involved in the development and maintenance of
simulation models, that simple models are preferable to complex models. In spite of it, in
many projects, the simulation models usually are large and complex. It is necessary to
emphasize that the excess of complexity in the models not only has impact in the
computational performance; it also affects other aspects, such the time needed for the model
development, its maintenance, verification and validation.
Although it seems a very intuitive concept, it does not exist a definition or measurement of
complexity accepted as a standard by the scientific community. Some authors relate, for
example, the complexity of the model with “the level of detail” and others with “the spread
of the system”. Some of the advantages about working with simple models are:
They are easier to implement, to validate and to analyze.
It is easier and, in certain way, less painful, to reject a simple model that has, for
example, a design error than a complex model in which a considerable number of hours
of expert personnel have been invested.
It is easier to adapt a simple model than a complex model if the conditions or hypotheses
of operation on the real system change.
The overall project life cycle time is usually smaller.
A simulation project is dynamic by nature. The results that are obtained as it is developed,
expose new problems as well as inherent limitations to the studied system, this can force to
reconsider the initial project orientation. Moreover, the motivation of the client can also
change throughout the project, as a consequence of the obtained results or by external factors
to the own project. In order to be successful in such dynamic environment, it is necessary to
use a correct methodology.
Next table shows the set of phases of a simulation project. Although it can seem that the
development of a simulation process is a sequential process, actually is not thus. For
example, if the obtained model of simulation does not surpass the validation phase (phase 5);
it is possible that it would be necessary to modify the conceptual model as well as the
simulation model.
Introducción a las técnicas de simulación digital - 9
Phase Description
Formulation of the problem Definition of the problem and setting of the objectives.
Design of the conceptual Specification of the elements of the system and its
model interactions considering the objectives of the problem.
Data collection Identification, to gathering and analyzing the data
needed for the study.
Construction of the model Construction of the simulation model based on the
conceptual model and on the collected data.
Verification and validation Verification that the running model behavior agrees with
the conceptual model and collected data. Checking that
the simulation model represents the real system.
Experimentation and analysis Analyzing the results of the simulation with the purpose
of detecting problems in the real system and/or
recommending improvements.
Documentation Providing documentation on the conducted study.
Implementation Putting in practice the decisions taken with the support
of the simulation study.
Table 1.1.Phases of a simulation project
Formulation of the problem: the specification of objectives is one of the most important
tasks of a simulation project. All modeling and analysis activities should be focused on
the objectives. If the objectives are not clear or are little concrete, there exists the danger
of not approaching the problem correctly and being incapable to respond to the
generated expectations. Consequently, it is necessary, in the initial phase of any
simulation project to identify the objectives and to formalize them so that they are
precise, reasonable, comprehensible and measurable. These objectives will serve as
guide throughout the project.
Design of the conceptual model: once the objectives of the project are simulation, the
temptation to initiate the construction of the simulation model immediately should be
avoided. This option leads generally to simulation models with multiple lagoons and
difficult maintenance. For this reason it is advisable to formulate or to specify the
simulation model being used at a level of abstraction (conceptual model) superior to the
level of the simulation code. The conceptual model specifies the more important
structural relations of the system that is tried to simulate and, consequently, constitutes a
means of dialogue and coordination between the different departments or involved
Also it corresponds to this phase to specify what results or statistics we hoped to obtain
from the simulation model in order to respond to the questions formulated in the
definition of objectives.
Data collection: in general, it is recommended to question all the information and data
available. Which is the source? , when was obtained? , how was gathered? , has this one
sense? , we have insufficient data or it is excessive?. In order to obtain good results it is
an indispensable condition having good data. Unfortunately, in many cases this is not
possible. Even so, an answer to the raised questions is required and is necessary to carry
out reasonable hypotheses in collaboration with the end user. If the data is limited or its
quality is doubtful it is advisable to be prudent at the time of drawing conclusions on the
base of the simulation results. Even in the cases in which there are problems with the
data; the acquired knowledge and the results obtained in the simulation study are
valuable information for the decision making.
Construction of the model: often, the effort concentrates more in the construction of the
model than in the resolution of the problem. Obtaining a running model becomes
erroneously a high-priority objective. The dominant motivation should be the
understanding of the problem and the obtaining of solutions. In order to advance more
quickly in the attainment of these objectives, is recommendable to construct in the first
place one or several simplified models that characterize the most essential parts of the
Verification and validation: The presumption of innocence — being innocent until
proven guilty — is a legal right that the accused in criminal trials has in many modern
nations. It states that no person shall be considered guilty until finally convicted by a
court. On the contrary, in the simulation field, the experience recommends to suppose
that all models are incorrect unless the opposite is proven. One of the main dangers of
the simulation is “to forget the real world and to accept without repairs the results of the
model”. In order to have a reasonable guarantee that the simulation model represents the
reality, and as a consequence, to make strategic decisions or operational being based on
the results, it is absolutely necessary to verify and to validate the simulation model.
The verification consists of checking that the model is executed correctly and according
to the specifications (conceptual model). The validation consists of checking that the
theories, hypothesis as well as suppositions, are correct. If the process still does not exist,
is necessary to contrast the results with experts on the process of interest to check if the
model behaves as expected. Validation is a difficult task since there is not a standard
way to solve validation problems [DIJK99]. Though this book does not talk much about
validation, we should not ignore the importance of this phase.
Introducción a las técnicas de simulación digital - 11
Experimentation and analysis: it consists of experimenting with the model with the
objective to carry out inferences that allow making decisions with greater security. In
this stage techniques such as the reduction of the variance or the design of experiments
are often used.
In general, the most important added value of a simulation study is not the final results
obtained with the model. The most valuable result is the insight knowledge acquired in
the analysis process that gives justified qualitative and/or quantitative arguments in favor
or against the different raised design options.
Documentation: it is important to maintain an updated document that reflects the state of
the project. Therefore, the document will evolve and it will become mature in parallel
with the simulation project. The objectives pursued with the documentation are:
1. To show the state of the project at a given moment. In this manner, all the technical
or directive personnel who are related to the project have up to date information on
its progress.
2. To inform about the whole project (final document).
3. To facilitate the reusability of the model in the cases in which a possible interest in
its future use is anticipated.