Brand Decisions
Brand Decisions
Brand Decisions
36. Brand Decisions Aaker identified five levels of customer attitudes toward brands: Will change brands, especially
for price. No brand loyalty. Satisfied -- has no reason to change. Satisfied -- switching would incur costs. Values
brand, sees it as a friend. Devoted to the brand.
37. Brand Decisions Brand identity decisions include: Name Logo Colors Tagline Symbol Consumer
experiences create brand bonding, brand advertising does not.
38. Brand name decision Individual name – zen, esteem Blanket family name – GE,maruti, tata Separate family
names- Pantaloons, Sears, Walmart Corporate+individual prod. Name – Maruti800, honda city
39. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand Name Selection Desirable qualities • Suggests benefits and qualities
• Easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember • Distinctive • Extendable • Translatable for the global economy 8-48
XMR, preference, and loyalty among consumers. Valuable and powerful brands enjoy high levels of brand loyalty.
XMRthat knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product or service 8-43
XMR has on customers. Brand equity: is related to many factors. allows for reduced marketing costs. is a major
contributor to customer equity.
43. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Customer equity is the value of the customer relationships that the brand
creates Brand valuation is the process of estimating the total financial value of the brand 8-45
44. Brand Decisions Key Challenges To brand or not Brand sponsor Brand name Brand strategy Brand
repositioning Advantages of branding: Facilitates order processing Trademark protection Aids in segmentation
Enhances corporate image Branded goods are desired by retailers and distributors
45. Brand Decisions Key Challenges To brand or not Brand sponsor Brand name Brand strategy Brand
repositioning Options include: Manufacturer (national) brand Distributor (reseller, store, house, private) brand
Licensing the brand name
46. Brand Decisions Key Challenges To brand or not Brand sponsor Brand name Brand strategy Brand
repositioning Strong brand names: Suggest benefits Suggest product qualities Are easy to say, recognize, and
remember Are distinctive Should not carry poor meanings in other languages
47. Brand Decisions Key Challenges To brand or not Brand sponsor Brand name Brand strategy Brand
repositioning Varies by type of brand Functional brands – Maruti 800 ( fuel efficient) Image brands – raymond
suitings Experiential brands-barista, disneyland Line extensions Brand extensions Multibrands New brands Co-
48. Line ext. Brand extension Multi-brands New Brands Product category Existing New Existing New Brand Name
49. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand Development Line extensions occur when a company extends
existing brand names to new forms, colors, sizes, ingredients, or flavors of an existing product category Brand extensions
extend a brand name to a new or modified product in a new category 8-52
50. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand Development Multibrands are additional brands in the same
category New brands are used when existing brands are inappropriate for new products in new product categories or
markets 8-53
51. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand Development • Line extensions e.g: surf excel, excelmatic • Brand
extensions e.g:nature fresh sunflower oil, fresh flour, honda motorcycle • Multibrands, e.g:Maruti zen, titan sonata •
New brands • Co-brands e.g:TATA-IBM, Birla –AT&T etc. 8-51
52. Brand Decisions Key Challenges To brand or not Brand sponsor Brand name Brand strategy Brand
repositioning A brand report card can be used to audit a brand’s strengths and weaknesses. Changes in preferences
or the presence of a new competitor may indicate a need for brand repositioning.
53. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Brand Sponsorship • Manufacturer’s brand-Merchandise bearing a
manufacturer's brand name, rather than a private label brand • Private brand - Product brands owned by a retailer or a
wholesaler rather than the manufacturer; also called house brands. 8-49
54. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Private brands provide retailers with advantages • Product mix control •
Slotting fees for manufacturers’ brands • Higher margins • Exclusivity 8-50 Brand Sponsorship
55. Brand Sponsorship • Licensed brand - A product or service using a registered brand name offered by the brand
owner to a licensee for an agreed fee or royalty. • Co-branding is a process when two companies form an alliance to
work together, creating marketing synergy.
56. Co-branding According to Prof.Chang there are three levels of co-branding: Level 1 includes joining with another
company to penetrate the market Level 2 is working to extend the brand based on the company's current market
share Level 3 tries to achieve a global strategy by combining the two brands
57. Types of co-branding Ingredient co-branding – This involves creating brand equity for materials, components or
parts that are contained within other products. E.g: Pillsbury Brownies with Nestle Chocolate, Dell Computers with
Intel Processors
58. Types of co-branding same-company co-branding This is when a company with more than one product promotes
their own brands together simultaneously. E.g; cosmetics, shampoo+conditioner .
59. Types of co-branding Joint venture co-branding two or more companies going for a strategic alliance to present a
product to the target audience. British Airways and Citibank formed a partnership offering a credit card where the card
owner will automatically become a member of the British Airway’s Executive club
60. Types of co-branding multiple sponsor co-branding involves two or more companies working together to form a
strategic alliance in technology, promotions, sales, etc. e.g: Citibank/American Airlines/Visa credit card partnership
61. Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands Managing Brands Requires: • Continuous brand communication •
Customer-centered training • Brand audits 8-54
62. Product and Service Decisions Individual Product and Service Decisions Packaging involves designing and producing
the container or wrapper for a product Label identifies the product or brand, describes attributes, and provides
promotion 8-31
63. Packaging and Labeling Packaging includes: The primary package The secondary package The shipping
package Many factors have influenced the increased use of packaging as a marketing tool.
64. Packaging and Labeling Developing an effective package: Determine the packaging concept Determine key
package elements Testing: Engineering tests Visual tests Dealer tests Consumer tests
65. Packaging and Labeling Labeling functions: Identifies the product or brand May identify product grade May
describe the product May promote the product Legal restrictions impact packaging for many products.
66. Services Marketing Nature and Characteristics of a Service • Intangibility • Inseparability • Variability • Perishability
67. Services Marketing Nature and Characteristics of a Service Intangibility refers to the fact that services cannot be
seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are purchased Inseparability refers to the fact that services cannot be
separated from their providers 8-57
68. Services Marketing Nature and Characteristics of a Service Variability refers to the fact that service quality depends
on who provides it as well as when, where, and how it is provided Perishability refers to the fact that services cannot be
stored for later sale or use 8-58
69. Services Marketing Types of Service Industries • Government • Private not-for-profit organizations • Business
services 8-55
70. Services Marketing Marketing Strategies for Service Firms Managing service quality provides a competitive
advantage by delivering consistently higher quality than its competitors Service quality always varies depending on
interactions between employees and customers 8-64
71. Services Marketing Marketing Strategies for Service Firms Service recovery can turn disappointed customers into
loyal customers • Empower employees • Responsibility • Authority • Incentive 8-65
73. Managing ServiceManaging Service DifferentiationDifferentiation Develop offer, delivery and image with
competitive advantages.
74. Managing Service QualityManaging Service Quality Empower employees Become “Customer obsessed”
Develop high service quality standards Watch service performance closely
75. Managing Service ProductivityManaging Service Productivity Train current or new employees Increase quantity
by decreasing quality Utilize technology