Growing in Christ requires constant spiritual growth and maturity. Spiritual growth begins with death to self and being born again in Christ. It involves a life devoted to the Spirit through prayer and study of God's word. Signs of spiritual growth include bearing spiritual fruit, engaging in spiritual warfare, and worshipping and witnessing to others. True spiritual growth results in Christ-like character as believers are transformed more into His image.
Growing in Christ requires constant spiritual growth and maturity. Spiritual growth begins with death to self and being born again in Christ. It involves a life devoted to the Spirit through prayer and study of God's word. Signs of spiritual growth include bearing spiritual fruit, engaging in spiritual warfare, and worshipping and witnessing to others. True spiritual growth results in Christ-like character as believers are transformed more into His image.
Growing in Christ requires constant spiritual growth and maturity. Spiritual growth begins with death to self and being born again in Christ. It involves a life devoted to the Spirit through prayer and study of God's word. Signs of spiritual growth include bearing spiritual fruit, engaging in spiritual warfare, and worshipping and witnessing to others. True spiritual growth results in Christ-like character as believers are transformed more into His image.
Growing in Christ requires constant spiritual growth and maturity. Spiritual growth begins with death to self and being born again in Christ. It involves a life devoted to the Spirit through prayer and study of God's word. Signs of spiritual growth include bearing spiritual fruit, engaging in spiritual warfare, and worshipping and witnessing to others. True spiritual growth results in Christ-like character as believers are transformed more into His image.
• A continual, constant, maturing and fruit-bearing growth is essential to life. Without it birth has no meaning or purpose or destiny. • An infant is born to grow into adulthood so a Christian is born to grow into Christlikeness. • 2 Peter 3: 18. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. • Eph. 4: 14-15. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head that is Christ. LIFE BEGINS WITH DEATH • First, Jesus’ Death on the cross gives the possibility of having new life • Free us from the dominion of Satan, Col 1: 13,14 • Free us from death penalty, Rom 6:23 • Free us from the condemnation of sin, Rom 8: 1 LIFE BEGINS WITH DEATH • Second, the death to self, crucifying of the old. Gal 2: 20-21. I have been crucified with Christ; Rom 6:6-11, Our old man was crucified with him. • Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it produces much grain, John 12:24 • Christian life does NOT begin with birth, rather begins with death. There is no beginning unless self is crucified or self is put to death. LIFE BEGINS WITH DEATH • Third, living in the newness of life- sometimes refer to as living a sanctified life. • - growing in Christ is therefore a growth in maturity on the daily basis by reflecting the will of Christ and walk Christ’s way. • Col. 1: 10-11, So that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF THE CONSTANT GROWTH IN CHRIST? 1. A life of Spirit • A Christian life begins with death, death of the old man (born again), John. 3:5. • Christ dwells in our lives through the Spirit and reproduces His character in our lives, John 15: 5; Gal. 5: 22-23. • He brings transformation, 2 Cor. 17 (new creation) 2. A Life of study • Food is essential for growth in the physical world so in the spiritual world, the word of God is essential for spiritual growth. • God’s word is the bread that nourishes our soul. • Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations using the word (it is written), Mat. 4: 4, 6, 7, 10. • Psalmist says, I have hidden your word, (Psa. 119:12) • Your word is powerful, Heb. 4:12 3. A life of Prayer • Just as air is very essential for growth in the physical world so prayer (the breath of the soul) is essential for our spiritual growth. • 1 Thess. 5:17. Pray continually. • Prayer is the oxygen of the soul, without it the soul dies. • “Prayer is one of the most essential duties. Without it you cannot maintain a Christian walk. It elevates, strengthens, and ennobles; it is the soul talking with God.” EGW, Testimonies of the Church, Vol. 2, 313. 4. A life of fruit bearing • Fruit bearing is an important aspect of Christian Growth. Jesus said, “by their fruits, you will know them,” Matt. 7:20. • John 15: 4-5. Connected to the vine (Jesus) leads to fruit bearing • Fruit bearing is thus essential signs of spiritual growth. The absence of fruit indicates the absence of connecting to Jesus. • 5. A life of spiritual warfare • - Christian believers are engaged in a spiritual battle and are therefore counseled to put on the whole armor of God, Eph. 6:12-18. 6. A life of worship and witness • The early church manifested its growth and maturity in study, fellowship, worship, and witness, Acts 2:42-47; 5:41-42. • Devoted to apostles’ teaching, v42. Study • Breaking of bread, v42. Fellowship • Praising God, v47. Worship • Disciples never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news, 5:42. Witness REFERENCE • Seventh-day Adventists Believe… A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Doctrines. Washington: DC, Ministerial Association of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, 2005, 149-162.