Catalog of Apollo 17 Rocks

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Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 1 -- Stations2 and 3 (South Massif)

By Graham Ryder
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Space and Life Sciences Directorate

Solar System Exploration Division
Office of the Curator #87

January 1993

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 1 u Stations 2 and 3 (South Massif)

By Graham Ryder
Lunarand PlanetaryInstitute

NASNJohnson Space Center

Houston,Texas 77058 U.S.A.

January 1993

The work of producing this volume was accomplished in an excellent manner by Anita Dodson (Lockheed), who
transformed rough input into professional output and organized the production virtually single-handedly. She
remained cheerful through missed deadlines and broken promises about input, and greatly encouraged work to get
done under sometimes difficult circumstanees.

This volume was conceived and promoted by the Lunar and Planetary Sample Team under various chairmen, and
has taken an inordinate number of years to reach fruition. It was produced with the cooperation of John Dietrich and
Jim Gooding, successive Lunar Sample Curators. They provided the facilities needed to do the work: office space,
computer assistance, and access to the curatorial laboratories, thin sections, and data center, as well as allocation of
personnel to the production. I greatly appreciate the help of the data center personnel (alphabetically) Margo
Albores, Sue Goudie, Jenny Seltzer, and Lee Smith, who assisted with the data pack and thin section retrieval, and
Carol Schwarz and Linda Watts who did some of the proofing.

I thank various people who have provided photographs or unpublished data and other assistance in clarifying some
details. In particular, I thank PaulWarren for supplying some photographs and information, Klaus Keil for returning
a large number of thin sections, and Odette James for supplying a large number of reprints.

I appreciate the acquiescence of David Black, the Director of the Lunar and Planetary Institute, to my use of time for
this project. The Lunar and Planetary Institute operates under NASA ConWact # 4574. This volume is Lunar and
Planetary Institute Coutribution # 805.

Introduction ..................................................................................................... v

The Apollo 17 Mission ......................................................................... v

Apollo and Luna Sampling Locations ................................................. vi
Apollo 17 Landing Site Region .......................................................... vii
Apollo 17 Traverse Area .................................................................... viii
Numbering of Apollo Samples ............................................................. x

Sample Inventory ......................................................................................... xiii

Sample Descriptions ........................................................................................ 1

References .................................................................................................... 355



The Catalog of Apollo 17 information on the sample, as dissection and allocations of

rocks is a set of volumes that well as some unpublished the samples is preserved in the
characterize each of 334 information. References Data Packs in the Office of the
individually numbered rock which are primarily bulk Curator.
samples (79 larger than 100 g) interpretations of existing data
in the Apollo 17 collection, or mere lists of samples are Where possible, ages based
showing what each sample is not generally included, on Sr and Ar isotopes have
and what is known about it. Foreign language journals been recalculated using the
Unconsolidated regolith were not scrutinized, but little "new" decay constants
samples are not included. The data appears to have been recommended by Steiger and
catalog is intended to be used published 9_0.!y.1
in such J[iger (Earth Planet. Sci.
by both researchers requiring journals. We have attempted Lett. 36, 359-362); however,
sample allocations and a broad to be consistent in format in many of the reproduced
audience interested in Apollo across all of the volumes, and diagrams the ages correspond
17 rocks. The volumes are have used a common with the "old" decay
arranged geographically, with reference list that appears in constants. In this volume,
separate volumes for the all volumes, mg' or Mg' = atomic Mg/(Mg
South Massif and Light +Fe).
Mantle; the North Massif; and Much valuable information
two volumes for the mare exists in the original Apollo
plains. Within each volume, 17 Lunar Sample Information THE APOLLO 17
the samples are arranged in Catalog (1973) based on the MISSION
numerical order, closely intense and expert work of the
corresponding with the Preliminary Examination On December 11, 1972, the
sample collection stations. Team. However, that catalog Apollo 17 lunar excursion
The present volume, for the was compiled and published module "Challenger,"
South Massif and Light only four months after the descending from the
Mantle, describes the 55 mission itself, from rapid Command Service Module
individual rock fragments descriptions of usually dust- "America," landed in a valley
collected at Stations 2, 2A, 3, covered rocks, usually near the edge of Mare
and LRV-5. Some were without anything other than Serenitatis (Figures 1 and 2).
chipped from boulders, others macroscopic observations, It was the sixth and final
collected as individual rocks, and less often with thin landing in the Apollo
some by raking, and a few by sections and a little chemical program. Astronauts Eugene
picking from the soil in the data. In the nearly two Ceman and Harrison Schmitt
processing laboratory, decades since then, the rocks spent 72 hours at the site,
have been substantially named Taurus-Littrow from
Information on sample subdivided, studied, and the mountains and a crater to
collection, petrography, analyzed, with numerous the north. The site was
chemistry, stable and published papers. These make geologically diverse, with the
radiogenic isotopes, rock the original Information mountain ring of the
surface characteristics, Catalog inadequate, Serenitatis basin and the lava
physical properties, and outmoded, and in some cases fill in the valley. The main
curatorial processing is erroneous. However, that objectives of the mission were
summarized and referenced as Catalog contains more to sample very ancient
far as it is known up to early information on macroscopic material such as pre-Imbrian
1992. The intention has been observations for most samples highlands distant from the
to be comprehensive--to than does the present set of Imbrium basin, and to sample
include all published studies volumes. Considerably more pyroclastic materials believed
of any kind that provide detailed information on the

Figure 1: Apollo and Luna sampling sites on the near side of the Moon. $84-31673

pre-mission to be substantially from a landslide from the characterize and document the
younger than mare basalts South Massif. The traverses site. Descriptions of the pre-
collected on previous totalled more than 30 km, and mission work and objectives,
missions, nearly 120 kg of rock and soil the mission itself, and results
were collected (Figure 3). are described in detail in the
The crew spent more than 22 This total sample mass was Apollo 17 Preliminary Science
hours on the lunar surface, greater than on any previous Report (1973; NASA SP-330)
using the rover to traverse mission. An Apollo Lunar and the Geological
across the mare plains and to Surface Experiments Package Exploration of the Taurus-
the lower slopes of the South (ALSEP) was set up near the Littrow Valley (1980; USGS
and North Massifs, and over a landing point. Other Prof. Paper 1080), and others
light mantle in the valley that experiments and numerous listed in the bibliography at
appeared to have resulted photographs were used to the end of this section. Many

Figure 2: Apollo 17 landing site region showing major geographic features. AS I 7-M-447

of the rock samples have been of the order of 1400m thick, valley fill and part of the
studied in detail, and some, The sequence consists of nearby highlands. However,
particularly massif boulders, several different types of they were found to be not
have been studied in co- basalt that cannot easily be considerably younger than
ordinated fashion in formal related to each other (or other Apollo volcanics, but
consortia. Apollo 11 high-Ti mare only slightly younger than the
basalts) by simple igneous valley fiU. These glasses too
The valley floor samples processes, but instead reflect are high-Ti basalt in
demonstrate that the valley varied mantle sources, composition. The orange
consists of a sequence of mixing, and assimilation, glasses occur in the rocks
high-Ti mare basalts that were Orange glass pyroclastics only as components of some
mainly extruded 3.7 to 3.8 Ga were conspicuous, and is the regolith breccias.
ago. The sequence is perhaps unit that mantles both the

South Massif

Figure 3: Apollo 17 traverse and sample collection map.

The sampling of the massifs chemistry to first type, but is which formed meter-sized
was directed at coherent more aluminous and much clasts or individual boulders),
boulders and some rocks, and poorer in TiO2. It contains a as well as more evolved types
are dominated by a particular much greater abundance and including gabbros and
type of crystalline impact melt variety of clast types. Opinion felsic/granitic fragments.
breccia. This is found on both still differs as to whether these Feldspathic granulites are
massifs, and is characterized aphanites are a variant of the common as clasts in the melt
by an aluminous basalt Serenitatis melt or represent matrices (both aphanitic and
composition and a poikilitic something distinct. Both poikilitic) and occur as a few
groundmass. The samples are aphanitic and poikilitic melts small individual rocks.
widely interpreted as part of seem to be most consistent Geochronology shows that
the impact melt produced by with an age of close to 3.87 many of these granulites and
the Serenitatis basin event (+/- 0.02) Ga. A few rare pristine igneous rocks date
itself. A second type of impact samples of impact melt have back as far as 4.2 and even
melt, dark and aphanitic, is distinct chemistry. Other rock 4.5 Ga. The purer soils of the
represented only by samples and clasts are pristine igneous South Massif contain more
from the South Massif rocks, including dunite, alumina and only half of the
stations. It is similar in troctolite, and norite (some of incompatible element budget


Rakes 72735- 72738-o

,=NE Pan
• Gomon


72415 -18, 72435_t_

.72255, 72275, •_.1
w72215,* 72235* N

• = 72505, Rakes 72535 - 72559 ?

• \72315, 72335, 72355, •
SWPan 72375, 72395

0 10 20 30 40 m
I I I I i

Planimetric Map of Station 2

_"'_ 73225, 73235, 73245,

>_ 73255, 73275

PanA 73215 - 219

©0 ° N

t 20
30 m

Planimetric Map of Station 3

Not Shown: 2A (LRV-4) 73145, 73146, 73155, 73156

LRV-5 74115 - 74119

of the dominant impact melt Schmitt H..H. (1973) Apollo The first digit (7) is the
rocks, demonstrating that the 17 report on the valley of mission designation for
massifs, representing pre- Taurus-Littrow. Science Apollo 17 (missions prior to
Serenitatis material, have a 183, 681-690 Apollo 16 used the first two
component not well digits). As with Apollo 15
represented in the larger Wolfe E. W. and others and 16 numbers, the Apollo
collected samples. (1981) The geologic 17 numbers are grouped by
Conspicuously absent, and Investigation of the Taurus- sampling site. Each group of
not the "missing" component Littrow valley: Apollo 17 one thousand numbers applies
in the soil, is ferroan landing site. U.S. Geological to an area as follows:
anorthosite, common at the Survey Prof. Paper 1080.
Apollo 16 site and widely The first numbers for each
believed to have formed an area were used for drill stems,
early lunar crust, drive tubes, and the SESC.
NUMBERING OF Drill stem sections and double
APOLLO 17 SAMPLES drive tubes are numbered
BIBLIOGRAPHY from the lowermost section
As in previous missions, five upward.
Apollo Field Geology digit sample numbers are
Investigation Team (1973) assigned each rock (coherent The last digit is used to code
Geologic exploration of material greater than about 1 sample type, in conformity
Taurus-Littrow: Apollo 17 cm), the unsieved portion and with the conventions used for
landing site. Science 182, each sieve fraction of scooped Apollo 15 and Apollo 16.
672-680 <1 cm material, the drill bit Fines from a given
and each drill stem and drive documented bag are ascribed
Apollo Lunar Geology tube section and each sample numbers according to:
InvestigationTeam (1973) of special characteristics.
Documentation and
environment of the Apollo 17
samples: A preliminary report. Sampling Site Initial Number
U.S. Geological Survey
Interagency Report: LM, ALSEP, SEP, and samples collected
Astrogeology 71. betweenStation5 and the LM 70000

Apollo 17 Preliminary Station 1A 71000

Examination Team (1973)
Apollo 17 lunar samples: Station2 and betweenit and theLM 72000
Chemical and petrographic
description. Science 182, Station 3 and between it and Station 2 73000
Station 4 and between it and Station 3 74000

Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Station5 and betweenit and Station4 75000

Report (1973)
Aeronautics and Space Station 6 and between it and the LM 76000
Administration SP-330
Station 7 and between it and Station 6 77000
Bailey N.G and Ulrich G.E.
(1975) Apollo 17 voice Station 8 and between it and Station 7 78000
transcript pertaining to the
geology of the landing site. Station9 andbetweenit and Station8 79000
U,$, Geological Survey Rept.

7WXY0 Unsieved Paired soil and rake samples In as much as possible all
material for each sampling area are samples returned loose in a
(usually<1 cm) assigned by centuries starting sample collection bag or an
7WXY1 <1 mm with 7W500. The soil sample ALSRC were numbered in a
7WXY2 1-2 nun documented bag has the first decade. In the cases in which
7wxY3 2-4 nun decade or decades of the rocks from several stations
7wxY4 4-10 nun century, in conformity with were put into a single
Rocks from a documented bag the last digit coding for rocks collection bag however, the
are numbered 7WXY5 - and fines (as explained soil and rock fragments were
7WXY9, usually in order of above), and the rake sample assigned a decade number that
decreasing size. documented bag uses the conforms to the site for the
following decades. For largest or most friable rock.
Sample number decades were example, 71500-71509, The other rocks in the same
reserved for the contents of 71515 were used for the sieve bag have numbers for their
each documented bag. In the fractions and six rocks from own site, generally in the
cases where the number of the soil sample in DB 459. second or third decade of the
samples overflowed a decade, Then for the companion rake thousand numbers for that
the next available decade was sample in DB's 457 and 458, site.
used for the overflow. For 71520 was used for the soil,
example DB 455 contained which was not sieved, and the
soil, numbered 71040-71044, 38 >1 cm rake fragments were
and 6 small rocks numbered numbered 71535-71539,
71045-71049 and 71075. 71545-71549, etc., to 71595-



Sample Type Mass Station Description Page #

(a) _rams

72215 B 379.2 2 Aphanitic impact melt breccia 3

72235 B 61.9 2 Aphanitic impact melt breccia 21
72255 B 461.2 2 Aphanitic impact melt breccia 33
72275 B 3640. 2 Fragmental polymict breccia 55
72315 B 131.4 2 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 93
72335 B 108.9 2 Micropo'ddlitic impact melt breccia 101
72355 B 367.4 2 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 105
72375 B 18.2 2 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 109
72395 B 536.4 2 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 113
72415 B 32.3 2 Cataclastic dunite 127
72416 B 11.5 2 CataclaslSc dunite 137
72417 B 11.3 2 Cataclastic dunite 139
72418 B 3.6 2 Cataclastic dunite 147
72435 B 160.6 2 Micropo'ddlitic impact melt breccia 149
72505 P 3.1 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 161
72535 R 221.4 2 Microsubophitic impact melt breccia 163
72536 R 52.3 2 Microsubophitic impact melt breccia 167
72537 R 5.2 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 171
72538 R 11.1 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 173
72539 R 11.2 2 Microsubophitic impact melt bre_a 175
72545 R 4.1 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 179
72546 R 4.9 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 181
72547 R 5.0 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 183
72548 R 29.3 2 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 185
72549 R 21.0 2 Micropo'ddlitic impact melt breccia 189
72555 R 10.5 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 193
72556 R 3.9 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 195
72557 R 4.6 2 Impact melt breccia(?) 197
72558 R 5.7 2 Micropo'tldlitic impact melt breccia 199
72559 R 27.8 2 Granoblastic impactite 203

Sample Type Mass Station Description Page #

(a) _rams
72705 P 2.4 2 Impact melt breccia 207
72736 28.7 2 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 215
72737 3.3 2 Impact melt breccia (?) 219
72738 R 23.8 2 Microsubophitic impact melt breccia 221
73145 P 5.6 2A Impact melt breccia(?) 225
73146 P 3.0 2A Cataclasfic troctolitic anorthosite 227
73155 79.3 2A Impact melt breccia 231
73156 3.2 2A Impact melt breccia or granoblastic
impactite 235
73215 1062. 3 Aphanitic impact melt breccia 237
73216 162.2 3 Impact melt breccia 277
73217 138.8 3 Impact melt breccia 281
73218 39.7 3 Impact melt breccia 291
73219 2.9 3 High titanium mare basalt 293
73225 P 3.7 3 Impact melt breccia(?) 295
73235 878.3 3 Aphanitic impact melt breccia 297
73245 P 1.6 3 Granoblastic impactite(?) 309
73255 394.1 3 Aphanitic impact melt breccia 311
73275 429.6 3 Micropoikilitic impact melt breccia 335
73285 P 2.6 3 Glass-coated polymict breccia 343
74115 15.4 LRV-5 Friable regolith breccia 345
74116 12.7 LRV-5 Friable regolith breccia 347
74117 3.7 LRV-5 Friable regolith bre_ia 349
74118 3.6 LRV-5 Friable regolith breccia 351
74119 1.8 LRV-5 Friable regolith breccia 353

(a) B=sample of boulder R = rake sample P= picked from soil in laboratory


Sample 72215; 72235; 72255; 72275

Boulder 1 at Station 2 was one of Boulder 1, Station 2 is a 2 m boulder Some closely spaced shear planes
three boulders sampled on the lower with a uniquely foliated or layered and open cracks cross-cut the
slopes of the South Massif. The structure (Fig. 2). It was embedded boulder normal to the layering. The
immediate urea is a strewn boulder in the regolith, projecting 1 m above surface of the boulder is rough and
field about 50 m above the break in the soil line, with a well-developed grainy and has a light, spotty patina
slope at the base of the massif, and fillet about 30 cm high on the uphill of the type that develops on friable
has a slope of 5° to 10" to the north side (fillet material was sampled as materials as they constantly shed
(Fig. 1). The boulders probably 72220, 72240 and 72260). The small particles (Marvin, 1975).
came to rest on the light deposit surface of the boulder had five
after rolling from the upper portions roughly parallel layers, studded with The astronauts took four specimens
of the massif, although none had knobs ranging in diameter from 1 to from three different layers in the
tracks leading to them. In the field 15 cm, giving the appearance of southeast face of the boulder (Fig.
the light blue-gray color of Boulder being highly eroded. The knobs 2). All four samples are complex
1 appeared to match that of blue- were reported by the crew to be polymict breccias, and show that the
gray materials observed near the top mostly free-grained clasts eroded boulder is unique in several respects
of the west portion of the South from a more friable fine-grained other than its morphology. Each of
Massif (Schmitt, 1973). The matrix. The crew also reported dark the samples was a prominent feature
boulder lay approximately 35 m elongate clasts parallel to the on the boulder (Marvin, 1974).
southwest of the LRV parking spot layering, but these are not 72275 stood up in bold relief at the
(Fig. 1). discernable in the photographs, top; 72235 was a black knob from a

Figure I: Location of Boulders at Station 2. The view is approximately to the south into the South Massif, showing
the horizon at the top of the mountain_ The distance from the LRV to the farthest boulder is about 50m. (AS17-138-

lower portion of the same layer; and four samples of Boulder 1 were Indomitabile reports, Vols. 1 and 2,
72215 and 72255 were gently conducted by the Consortium 1974; and the special issue of The
rounded bulges on two different Indomitabile, led by J.A. Wood (see Moon, Vol. 14, #3/4, 1975).
layers. Most of the studies on all in particular the Consortium

Figure 2: The southeast face of Boulder I, Station 2 prior to sampling, and showing sampling locations. The
foliated/layered morphology of the boulder is clearly visible. The gnomon has a height of 62 cnt (AS17-138-21030).
SAMPLE 7221_-3

Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 379.2 g

INTRODUCTION centimeter across (Fig. 1). The clast A slab cut lengthwise across the
population comprises a wide foliation of 72215 (Fig. 2) made a
72215 is an aphanitic, clast-rich variety of lithic and mineral types, comprehensive petrographic and
impact melt that the crew sampled The bulk rock has a low-K Fra chemical study possible. Detailed
as a rounded clast in Boulder 1 (see Mauro composition that is a little maps of the exterior surfaces and
section on Boulder 1, St. 2, Fig. 2). more aluminous and a little less the slab based on the macroscopic
Its groundmass crystallized about titaniferous than the coarser observations, as well as descrip-
3.83 G-aago. The sample, which is poikilitic Apollo 17 impact melt tions of the sample allocations,
nearly 10 cm long, is irregularly rocks. Laser Ar-Ar ages show an were given in Stoeser et al. (in CI
shaped (Fig. 1), tough, and medium age of about 3.83 Ga for the 2, 1974).
light gray [N5-N6]. The exposed crystallization of the groundmass.
surface had many zap pits with Sr isotopes did not equilibrate
glass linings, between melt and even tiny clasts, PETROGRAPHY
showing that the high temperature
72215 proved to be the most period was very short. Rare gas Specimen 72215 consists of
coherent of the four samples analyses suggest an exposure age of coherent material, with a rounded
collected from Boulder 1. It is a about 42 Ma. knob encmsted with a polkilitic
f'me-grained, foliated and anorthositic breccia at one end
heterogeneous, medium gray Most of the studies of 72215 were (Marvin, 1975; CI 2, 1974).
polymict breccia. A few of the conducted by the Consortium LSPET (1973) described the
clasts in 72215 are more than a Indomitabile (leader J.A. Wood). sample as a layered light gray


fresh 4-4,00

Figure I: South (arbitrary)face of 72215 prior to slabbing. Most of the upper part visible is the freshly broken
surface; the lower part visible was exposed and shows patina and zap pits. S-73-23563.
4_AMPLE 72215

poikilitic ANT breccias). The latter

are essentially large crushed clasts.
Most of the sample consists of the
melt matrix material.

Domains 1-3: Domains 1 and 2

were distinguished because of
megascopic differences, with 1
corresponding with dark sugary
gray material and 2 corresponding
with light sugary gray material.
Domain 3 was distinguished from 2
only because of a hiatus in the
sampling. All three are very similar
in thin sections, consisting of dark
melt breccias with a variety of
clasts including globby dark clasts
of material similar to the matrix
itself. The darkest globs are
vesicular. In domain 3 the material
to the left of the dashed line (Fig. 4)
is denser, darker, and more
vesicular than that to the fight.
Defocused beam microprobe
analyses of the matrix domains
show that all three are very similar
in composition (Table 1).

Figure 2: Slab cut from 72215 in 1974. The slab was further subdivided. Domain 5: Domain 5 is darker
S-74-21189. than the others, and has a more
vesicular groundmass. In some thin
breccia; Simonds et al. (1975) and as a partial rim on the knob. In sections it appears to be continuous
listed it as a fragmental breccia thin sections the colors and textures with the denser portion of domain
(clast-supported); and Stoffler et al. are virtually indistinguishable. 3. It is distinct from the other melt
(1979) and Knoll et al. (1979) Typical matrix is shown in Fig. 3a. domains in its greater abundance of
included it among their granular It consists of angular to rounded granitic clasts (Table 2). The
crystalline matlix breccias, a mineral and lithic clasts with a defocused beam analyses show that
product of crystallization of a sedate grain-size down to about 20 the bulk composition of domain 5 is
fragment-laden melt. The most microns. The host melt material is also distinct in being far more
detailed descriptions of the very fine-grained with pyroxenes potassic (Table 1). Silicate mineral
petrography of 72215 are given in and plagioclases less than a few analyses for domain 5 (Fig. 5) show
Stoeser et al. (in CI 2, 1974) and in microns across; Simonds et al. populations similar to those of
Ryder et al. (1975), although these (1975) quoted less than 5 microns other Boulder 1 melt matrices.
refer to the sample as metamorphic for both phases in the groundmass.
rather than impact melt In some places the clasts include Domains 4 and 7, Catadastic
(nonetheless noting the obvious obvious dark blobs of essentially feldspathic granulite: (cataclastic
shearing, areas of melting, and similar material (Fig. 3b). granulitic ANT breccia of Stoeser
fluidity of the sample during the et al., in CI 2, 1974; and Ryder et
high-temperature phase). That the Stoeser et al. (in CI 2, 1974), on the al., 1975). Domain 4 consists of
groundmass texture is that of a melt basis of macroscopic observations brecciated material that is crushed,
was recognized later (e.g. James, and a set of thin sections from the t-me-grained feldspathic granulite,
1977; Stoffler et al., 1979). slab that traversed the entire strung out into a lenticular mass
sample, subdivided 72215 into (Fig. 4), and mixed to some degree
The main mass consists of gray seven domains (Fig. 4). Four into domains 3 and 5. Following
breccia that ranges in color from domains are melt matrix (referred cataclasis, annealing was sufficient
light chalky to dark sugary gray to by Stoeser et a/. as dark matrix to eliminate porosity. The feldspa-
(Figs. 1, 2). The darker material, breccias) and three are cataclastic thic granulite is Freer-grained and
which is more coherent and poikilitic/poikiloblastic feldspathic more heterogeneous than the
uniform than the rest, appears as an granulites (referred to by Stoeser et poikilitic variety in domain 6. A
irregular band through the matrix, al. as cataclastic granulitic and
SAMPLE 72215--5

a b

e d

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of 72215. All plane transmitted light, all about Imm width of view.
a) 72215,184, typical dense dark groundmass, showingfine grain size of matrix and abundance of small clasts.
b) 72215,193, blobby groundmass in Domain 1.
c) 72215,107,poikilitic feldspathic granulite (lithology GA) and crushed equivalent that is Domain 6.
d) 72215,184, basaltic-textured melt clast (left) andfeldspathic breccia (right) in Domain 2 groundmass.
6_AMPLE 72215

o 05 ,o


2-_,4,5 SAO 79_ SAO 797 St'O 794

Figure 4: Photographs and sketch maps of traverse through 72215 (from Stoeser et al., in CI 2, 1974), showing
domain designations as circled numbers. The knob is to the left.

dcfocused beam microprobe found an equant bleb of kamacite include pyroxene, olivine, spinels,
analysis (Table 1) shows that it is that contained both carbide and silica phases. Examples of the
also less feldspathic than domain 6, (cohenite) and residual taenite. The anorthositic breccia and a basaltic-
with a lower rag'. The domain 7 Ni content of the taenite is higher textured fragment are shown in Fig.
granulite is very similar to that of than that in the metal of iron 3d. The latter, some of which
domain 4, and has a sharp contact meteorites; the Ni at the alpha/ contain small pink spinels, are
with domain 6. gamma interface indicates probably at least mainly impact
equilibration down to about 500 melts. Defocused beam analyses
Domain 6, Cataclastic polkilitie degrees C. show that they are aluminous,
feldspathic granulite: (cataclastic olivine-normative fragments (Table
poikilitic ANT breccia of Stoeser et Stoeser et al. (in CI 2, 1974) lc).
al., in CI 2, 1974; also Clast 4). tabulated a survey of clast
Domain 6 consists mainly of a populations in the melt domains The granitic clasts in Boulder 1,
cataclasized, coarse-grained, (Table 2). The populations of each including those in 72215, were
poikilitic granulite 3 (Fig. 3c). are similar, except that domain 5, described by Stoeser et al. (1975)
Equidimensional chadacrysts of which is comparatively darker and and Ryder et al. (1975), with
plagioclase (An90_96) are more vesicular, has a much higher photomicrographs of some clasts.
embedded in pyroxene oikocrysts proportion of granitic clasts. The Those in 72215 show the range of
(En74_77Wo3.5) that are more than populations (clasts larger than 0.2 petrographic features typical of
4 nun across. Augite and olivine nun) are dominated by feldspathic those elsewhere in the Boulder.
are present but minor. Some of the granulites (-20%), anorthositic They are characterized by their
plagioclases contain small spherical breccias (-8%), and plagioclase high K20 (6-10%) and SiO2 (70-
inclusions of marie minerals. (including devitrified maskelynite) 80%) as shown by defocused beam
Modally the granulite is an fragments (-25-40%). Stoeser et al. analyses. Some clasts are glassy,
anorthositic norite, as also shown (1974, in CI 2) reported bulk others crystalline, the latter
by the microprobe defocused beam analyses by microprobe defocused consisting mainly of potash
analysis (Table 1). Domain 6 also beam for several of these clasts feldspar, silica, plagioclase
contains some minor clear brown (Table lb); they show a range of feldspar, and pyroxenes. Some of
and finely devitrified glass and compositions with mg' varying those in 72215 show feldspars in
freer granulitic material, from 0.63 to 0.80. Other lithic the forbidden region of the
fragments include various basaltic- compositional field (ternary
Goldstein et al. (1976a,b) analyzed textured ones (-2%), granites (4- feldspars) (Fig. 6a). Pyroxenes are
metal and cohenite (Fe,Ni)3C in 23%), ultramafics, and norites (less iron-rich angites and pigeonites.
72215 melt (from domain 2). They than 2%). Other mineral clasts
SAMPLE 72215--7

0t I • 72215 Domoin
• 5 B/GCBx
a. An% 9_o 8'0 7b 6'e

72215 B/GCB×

b. i1,oo
Mol %
6o' _'o

D Hd

_ 72215
•• " -._ Domain 5

"_".°° . i .

iz *
•." . .,._"..". .-
• ".-.'.%_. --.,: • ._,.
d. 01J """ 72215 Domoin 5 Motrix

•." . •. .
_ : : ." ••%
.:. _!
. •
: °

e. oi , _ i i , ,
0 OI 02 03 04 05 06 07 018 0'9 I()
Fe / Fe + MQ

Figure 5: Compositions of plagioclases (a), olivines (b), and pyroxenes (c,d,e) in domain 5 (from Ryder et al.,
1975). Most of these analyses are for mineral clasts, rather than for the tiny melt-crystallized phases.
_ _ 0 0 0_

_ _0_ 0 X

O_ _
m _ H



................................. _ _ _ . o

oo _ o I o__ _ oooo_o_o_o_ 0 _ _

. • • • • • • • * I • • • • • • * • * I I " * ° " * " " * " * " " " _ _

_OC_H 0
,_,_ _ ×_'_°,9 _o,_=_'_o_2. _o_ _I _,_,._o_>'_,_._-
_',_ _ '_ :_ > u_ 0 00_ t_

_+ _

oo _o_ o _ o_ _o_ oooo_o_o_ _ _

_ ....


........ ° I ................ " ......

• . . , . . . . ° ° . ....... ° ......

.......... "I ........................ _ °

I(_SAMPLE 72215

c) pink spinel troctolite basalts.

794CI 794C2
ol-pheno. FS 7.1 2.2
PSTB basalt WO 5.7 2.6
OR 2.1 0.6
WT. % OXIDES AB 4.3 3.3
AN 57.3 50.1
SiC2 48.17 43.67 ILM 0.7 0.4
TiC 2 0.36 0.20 CHR 0.I 0.1
AI203 22.30 18.86 QTZ ......
Cr203 0.05 0.04 COR ......
FeO 4.73 6.73 AP 0.i 0.2
MnO 0.07 0.07
MgO 9.07 17.24 COMP. NORM MIN.
CaO 14.44 11.31
Na20 0.51 0.39 OL: FO 78.4 82.3
K20 0.35 0.09 PX: EN 65.3 66.3
BaO n.d. n.d. FS 18.0 14.4
P205 0.06 0.09 WO 16.7 19.4
PLAG: OR 3.2 1.0
TOTAL [00.ii 98.71 AB 7.1 6.6
AN 89.7 92.4
atomic Mg/(Mg 0.820
FO 2.2 25. 1 MgO/(MqO+FeO) 0. 657 O. 719
FA 0.9 7.8
EN 19.5 7.7 NO. of analyses 12 12

Table 2: Clast populations of 72215 matrices; percentages by volume, In three size categories
(from Stoeser et al., in CI 2, 1974).


0.2-0.5 0.5-1.0 >1.0 TOTALS 0.2-0.5 0.5-1.O >I.0 TOTALS 0.2-0.5 0.5-1.0 >i.0 TOTALS
mm mm mm _ mm mm mm _ mm

ANT suite (26.1) (5.5) (3-7) (35-3) (52.6) (7.7) (1.5) (41.83 (51.9) (/1.33 (2.6) 138.B)
ANT breccia, (4.4) (1.83 (2.0) (8.2) (5-7) (0.5) (0.5) (6-7) (7.8) 17.83
marie 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.0
gabbroic 2.1 1.1 1.2 _.4 4- 3 0.5 0.5 5-) 7-8 7-8
anorthositic 1.7 0.5 0.6 2.8 1.4 1.4 - -
G,anuZitie ANT (15.5) (2.3) (I.03 (19.83 ( 16.33 (6[2) (I-O) (23.5) (,8-13 (4.3} (2-6) <25.01
gabbroic 13.6 2.3 0.8 16.7 13. 9 6.2 1.0 21.I 16.4 _.5 2.6 233
anor t hositic 2. 9 - 0.2 ).i 2.4 2.4 1.7 1.7
Poikiloblastic ANT 0.6 0. 3 - 0. 9 1.0 1.0
Poikilit i¢ ANT 0-9 0.2 0.2 1.3 5-3 - - 5.3 2-6 2-6
coarse ANT 3.1 0-9 0-5 4-5 4.3 1.0 - 5-3 3.4 ).4
Unclassified ABT 0.6 0.6

Ult ra_%a f ic particles 2.0 0.2 0.2 2.4 1.4 1.4 1. 7 1. 7

Basalts (1.63 (I.I) (0-9) (3-6) (1.43 (1.4) (0.9) (0.9)

Ol.-r_rm. pig. has. 0.3 0.5 0.8 - - - -
pink sp. tzoct, has. 0. 9 0.6 0.2 1. 7 1-4 1.4 0. 9 0.9
_fic troct, has. 0.2 - - 0.2
uaclassif led has. 0. 5 0.2 0.2 0. 9

Microgranltes ).4 0.6 0.2 4.2 8.6 2.4 11.0 19.8 ).4 2).2

Civet Cat _rite 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.5

)suit rif led maskelynite 12.0 1.7 0-3 14.0 8.6 1.4 I0.0 2.6 2.6

Glassy claets 0.2 0.2 0.4 -

Mineral fragments (38.3) (2.13 (40.4) (31.53 (2.5) (_.03 (30.2) (2.6) (32.8)
Plagioclase 23.4 i.I 24.3 16.7 L0 - 17.7 19.0 2.6 21.6
Olivine 4. 9 0.2 5.i 6.2 0.5 - 6-7 1.7 - 1.7
Pyroxene 9.8 0.8 10.6 8.1 1.0 9.1 9.5 9.5
ChE_ite 0.2 0._ - --
Silica phases 0.5 0.5

TOTA5 % 83.6 11.4 5.5 100.5 84.6 13.0 1.5 100.l 87.1 10.3 2.6 100.0

NO. OF CLASTS 547 72 33 652 177 29 ) 209 i01 12 ) 116

SAMPLE 72215--11

o, o,

" \9o

• \, "\ Il .,_-s ,* oi HO

\ /

'\ , _ x

R \ " \, x
f. ,, x x OUENCH
• _\ _• R[LICT
, x
• o 722_5.180
• \\ .
\ '\ ,o x
An m _ _ An En FS
R.m_ C, CORE
a. b.

Figure 6: Compositions of minerals in granitic fragments from 72215 and other Boulder 1 samples.
a) Plagioclase feldspars, b) Pyroxenes. Ryder et al., 1975.

Spudis and Ryder (1981) showed

photomicrographs of clasts in
72215, including granoblastic ones
and clasts with accretionary finds.
They noted the differences in clast
to' ' ........ ' ' ' ' population of 72215 (and other
Boulder 1 samples) from those of
the coarser poikilitic melt breccias
from the site.

Chemical analyses of bulk melt
0 matrix are reproduced in Table 3,
,_ t0_. arranged according to sampling

Fig.these analyses ofaretheplotted
7. Analyses in
"_"_ "-_" feldspathic granulite (= anorthositic
gabbro, poikilitic ANT breccia,
lithology GA, domain 6, and clast
03 4) are reproduced in Table 4, with
0 ...__ _ domain
the rare and description.
earths plotted in Rare
Fig. 8.earths
Table 4 also reproduces a partial
analysis of an "anorthositic" clast
t0 , _ , , , , , , , , , _ _ separated from a different area.
La Ce Nd SrnEu Gd Tb Dy Ho Tm Yb Lu
Table3 andFig.7 show that allthe
different colored/textured matrix
Figure 7: Rare earth element plots of matrices/bulk rock samples of 72215. domains have essentially the same
Solid line and dots =,64; spaced dotted line = ,60; close dotted line with composition. The major elements
open circles = ,47; dot-dash line = ,92; all Blanchard et al. (1975). Dashed are in substantial agreement with
line and crosses = ,22; Palme et al. (1978). the compositions determined by
microprobe defocused beam
analyses (Table 1), except that the
latter have slightly lower alumina.
Two partial analyses of darker
12_AMPLE 72215

Table 3: Chemical analyses of matrices/bulk rock samples of 72215.

Slab: average matrix (ordinary brecgia OB) Do_ 2.3 ......................................................................... I Slab; d_rk sugary matrix (DSG) Dora 1

164 140 _22 r39a 139b r68a 168b _60 r39 _34
Spill wt % Splil wt.%
SiO 2 45.1 46.7 44.9 SiO 2
TiO2 1.0 0.70 0.9 TiO2
A1203 20.7 20.3 21,2 AI2&3
cr:_03 0,265 0.243 0.25 Q_.c3
FeO (a) 8.45 10.3 (b) 8.49 FeO
MnO 0.133 0.117 0.12 MnO
M80 9.81 10,3 11.5 MgO
CaO 12.0 12.5 11.9 CaO
Na20 0.500 0.475 0.524 Nw20
K20 0.323 0.214 0.235 K20
P_o_ 0.236 P7O5
ppm ppm
Sc 18.9 18.5 18.4 Sc
Co 23.8 26.9 29.5 Co
Ni 120 I54 170 120 158 Ni
Rb 4.88 6.65 5.02 Rb
Sr 160 139.1 Sr
Y 90 Y
Nb 25 Nb
Hf 9.4 9.11 9,9 Hf
Ba 299 Ba
Tit 4.5 3.94 4.298 3.768 4.656 4.327 5.5 Th
U 1.36 1.16 1.185 1.023 1.272 t .170 1.520 U
Cs 0.100 0.216 CS
Ta 1.4 1.14 1.4 Ta
Pb 2.387 2.122 2.658 2.344 Pb
1_ 26 28.1 30 La
Ce 73 72.0 81 Ce
Pr Pr
bld 45 Nd
Sm 13.0 11.2 14.5 Sm
Ett 1.34 1.34 1.41 E/a
Gd 15.5 Cad
Tb 2.3 2.47 2.6 TO
Dy 17.2 Dy
Ho 3.77 Ho
F= Er
Tm 1.56 Tm
Yb 9.6 9.29 10.7 Yb
Lu 1.32 1.26 1.45 Lu
Li 12.2 Li
Be Be

C g
S 320 S

FCI 14.0
18.8 F1
Ixr 0.0281 0.05 0,0286 Ixr
&a Ca
Zu 1.8 1.6 Zu
ppb ppb
Au 2.26 An
Ix 5.02 Ir
At At
Cm 3900 Ga
Ge 141 144 Ge
As As
Se 68 72 SC
Mo Mo
Te Te
Ru Ru
Rh Rh
Pd Pd
A8 0.451 0.464 Ag
C.d 3.6 3.0 CA
In In
Sn Sn
Sb 0.66 0.92 Sb
T¢ 3.32 2.5 Te
R_ 0.372 0.380 Re
O_ Os
Pt Pt

TI 0.53 0.63 171

Bt 0.14 0.32 Bi

(1) (2) (3) (4) (4) (4) (4) (1) (2) (53

Refetenocs and methods: No_s:

(1) Ixlauchard et aL (1774); AAS, IIqAA (a) AAS; INAA = 8.45%
(2) Higuchi mad Morgan (1975a). Morgan ¢.t al. (I975). I_r_ogcn et aL (1977); R.NAA (b) A.AS; _AA = 8.7-5%
O) Paime ©t aL (1978); XILF, MFB, INAA, RNAA (c) AASI INAA = 837%
(4) N_mes mad Ta_umoto (1975); IDMS (d) AAS: INAA = 8.19%
(5) Com_ton et al: (1775); X1LF. IDMS (e) Poor Th o_a,zn_tion data.
(6) lovanovic and Reed (1974, 1975a,b,c_d, 1980); INAA (0 Com_/_.d leach and restd_ fi'acfia_s.
SAMPLE 72215_13

Table 3: Continued

Slab; dark sugary breccia (DSG)----:----I Slab; light gray bre,c_ a (LB) ......................................................... [ Knob; gray brec_a ........ I
t61 tSla r:51b t47 t44 tlSa 115b-1 tlSb-2 r92 tSS
Split wt % Split wl %
SiO 2 45.1 43.6 SiO 2
TiO 2 0.7 0.8 TiO2
AI2C 3 21.4 20.9 /0203
Cr203 0.251 0.224 Cr_O 3
FeO (c) 8.35 (d) 8.44 Ib..O
MuO 0.129 0.125 MnO
MgO 1 t .3 t 0.1 MgO
CaO 12.0 12.3 CaO
Na20 0.548 0.504 Na20
K20 0.195 0.253 KIO
P205 P_05
ppm ppm
Sc 18.5 18,5 Sc
Co 31.6 23.0 Co
h'i 250 146 140 136 Ni
Rb 2.83 3.88 Rb
Sr Sr
Zr Zr
Nb Nb
Hf 9.9 9.4 Fff
Ba Be
Th 4.871 4.635 4.8 _c) 4.633 _¢) 4.081 5.084 3.1 Th

CU s 1.315 1.290 1.32

0.115 1.408 1.232 1.369 1.62
0.198 C$
Ta 1.4 1.3 Ta
Pb 2.936 2.987 2.464 2.716 Pb
la 30 30 La
C_ 76 79 Ce
Pr Pr
Nd Nd
Sm 15.0 15.4 Sm
I_ 1.44 1,34 EU
Gd Gd
Tb 2.7 2.6 Tb
Dy Dy
Ho Ho
Er Er
Tm Tm
Yb 11.1 9.9 "Co
Im 1.47 1.25 Lu
Li Li
Be Be
Br 0.0222 0.0344 Br
Ca Ca
Zu 1.7 1.8 Zn
ppb ppb
As 2.06 1.76 A_
Lr 5.34 3.92 lr
i 1
At At
Ca Ga
Ge 117 124 Oe
Se 49 71 Se
Mo Mo
T¢ Tc
Pm 8 Re
Rh Rh
I'd l_
Ag 0.562 0.466 Ag
CA 3.8 5.3 Cd
In In
Sn Sn
Sb 0.64 0.71 Sb
TO 2.4 4.9 Te
Re 0.397 0,279 Re
Ca 21 O_
Pt Pt
H_ H_
T[ 0.41 0.46 TI
Bi 0.29 0.45 Bi

(6) (4) (4) (1) (2) (4) (4) (4) (1) (2)
14--SAMPLE 72215

Table 3: Continued material picked from 72215,104,

from the knob area, differ in having
extremely high Rb. Possibly these
_ob: _ _g_ b_ ....................................., represent domain 5. The melt
1100 t104 i_ra_, t104 dk a t104 dk b
Split wt % Split wt_ matrix compositions are similar to
s_o2 s_o2 those of petrographically similar
TiO 2 TiO2
,,12o3 A1203 materials from the other Boulder 1
samples. They are a low-K Fra
_o mo Mauro composition, (K20 -0.2 -
CaO r_o
C.aO 0.3%), and differ from the coarser
K20 r*_o
X20 poikilitic melts at the site in being
P2o5 0.57 P2os slightly more aluminous and less
titaniferous. The siderophile
v v element ratios are also distinct from
Ni co
Ni those of these coarser melts;
Morgan et al. (1975) placed 72215
_Y along with other Boulder 1 samples
_ in a meteoritic Group 3L, distinct
Ba r_
Ba from the common Group 2 at
U 3.1
_U Apollo 17. However, Blanchard et
c, c_ al. (1974, 1975) and Winzer et al.
Ta Ta
Pb eb (1975) emphasize the similarity of
Cz L,
C* all the melts at the Apollo 17 site.
Pr Pr
Nd Nd
s_ s_ The data of Jovanovic and Reed
_ mc_ (several publications; see Table 1)
_Dr include analyses for leach and
Ho ao residue fractions for some
Ex Er
Tm Tm elements; these are combined for
Lu _Lu Table 1. They discuss some of their
_1 _Be data as suggesting vapor clouds
B B being responsible for the leachable
cN cN materials, and with varied parents
s s for the non-leachable materials.
F 129 F
CI (0 58.8 CI
Br (0 0.732 Br
Ca Ca

Au Av.
_z Ix

_ iAt Schaeffer et al. (1982a,b) used laser
o, c_ AS-AStechniques to determine ages
As c,
As of clasts and to infer the age of the
melt in section 72215,144,
providing 16 analyses (Table 5).
Rh Xh MOStof the ages were for
plagioclase and felsite ("feldspar-
thoid") clasts. The felsite clasts
s_ s, give the youngest ages; averaging
Te sb
Te 3.83 Ga; the higherages for the
plagioclases range up to 4.02 G-a;
o, some of these plagioclases are in
r_ P_
H_ noritic lithic clasts. The age of the
felsite clasts, which probably
degassed during melting, is the best
(,) (s) (s) (s_ estimatefor the age of the melt
groundmass, which is therefore
about 3.83 Ga old. (The felsite
clasts were preheated to 650 de-
grees C. The ages are total release,
hence K-As, of the greater than 650
SAMPLE 72215--15

degrees C fraction. Assuming there

Table 4: Chemical analyses of poikllitic feldspathic granulate and is a well-developed plateau above
other anorthositic materials in 72215. that temperature, the ages are
Domain 6 (C_st 4) ............................. I An daat
t76 189 f102 154
sp,t wt _ splitwt _ Compston et al. (1975) reported
TiO 2
Rb-Sr isotopic data for whole-rock
_c_ 27.3 A12C_ samples of matrix and an
Ca) 4,80
"anorthosite" clast in 72215 (Table
mo 0.067 _o 6). The matrix and anorthosite clast
CaoV*° 14.9719 c_oV_° fall on a mixing line of about 4.4
Ga, and the Sr isotopes did not
P205 0.12 P705 equilibrate on the scale of the
Sc 7.68
plagioclase crystals (< 0.1ram).
v v Thus the time for high-temperature
ha 11.9
50 56 co
ha assembly was very short. The dark
1.48 o.86
gray matrix fraction has a high Rb
v content that presumably reflects
_._ _ microgranite. This fraction forms a
Ba 2.4 r_
Bit precise 3.95 +/-0.03 Ga alignment
a_ 1.3o _ with the anorthosite-depleted
Us 00516
0.52 0.59 cU_ matrix fractions and BABI (Fig. 9);
Pb 0.310 Tit
Pb this age is a well-determined age
for the granites, and is not sensitive
_, to even quite large errors in
Sm 3.36 r_
$m estimating the Rb/Sr ratio of the
1.0o _Gd granite. These granites are older
_o o.66 Tb than the breccia-forming event.
i>/ I>/
Ho I-1o

Nunes and Tatsumoto (1975)
3.1 ,_ reported U, Th, Pb isotopic data for
Li 0.44 9.2 La
Li 6 matrix samples of 72215, deft-
ving some age parameters (repro-
cN cN duced as Tables 7a,b,e). The data
s s are shown, with other samples from
CI (b) 10.2 F
C1 Boulder 1, on Fig " 10, a lead con-
0.0290 (b) 0.052 Br
cordia diagram. All data, corrected
z_ 1.3 z_ for blanks and assumed primordial
An 0.793 ppb
Aa Pb, lie within estimated uncertainty
2.95 1.6
of a 3.9-4.4 Ga discordia line,
A_ At typical of many lunar highlands
c_ 42.2 ca
ca rocks. Nones and Tatsumoto (1975)
S¢ 14.5
_S¢ interpret the 4:4 Ga intersection as
Mo Mo merely representing an average of
Ru To
Ru events older and younger than 44"
Ga, and the 3.9 Ga intersection
Ag 0.502 A8 representing differentiation or
i_cd 6.7 _cd metamorphic events at that time.
Sb 0.31 s_
Sb Braddy et al. (1975) reported that
<5.4 T_
they measured P and U fission
o.187 _ tracks in whitlockites and zircons in
PrOS Ptca 72215, but presented no data or
T1 0.59 H_
Tl results. They found zircons large
Bt <o.71 m enoughtodateinsections.
(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) Blanchazd et al. (1974y, AAS, INAA

(2) Higuehi mad Morgma (1975a), Margma et at. (1975). I-lertogen et at. (1977); RNAA
O) Jovanovic and Reed (1974, 1975a,b,c,d.1980); INAA
(4) Camtmtoa et al. (19"15); IDMS

(a) AAS; INAA = 4.59%

(b) Combined reaidue and leach fractiolm
16_SAMPLE 72215

Table 5: Laser microprobe data for materials in 72215,144.

Recalculated from Schaeffcr et al. (1982a,b).

Phase K% Ca% Ar40139 Age CJa


K-spar* 3.1 2 35.85+/-0.49 3.905 +/-.040

Plag 0.27 3 35.68 0.72 3.847 .039
Plag 1.2 6 36.82 0.34 3.897 .027
Plag 0.05 1 38.06 0.88 3.949 .044
Plag 0.10 1 39.85 0.91 4.022 .043
Plag 0.14 6 36.14 2.26 3.867 .103
Plag/comp 0.07 1 36.56 0.61 3.885 .035
Pyroxene 0.03 2 30.49 1.17 3.602 .064
Matrix 0.12 2 32.98 0.33 3.723 .027
Felsite* 6 <10 34.66 0.99 3.847 .042
Felsite* 6 <10 31.10 0.75 3.682 .050
Felsite* 9 <10 35.03 0.60 3.868 .043
Felsite* 3 <10 35.40 1.80 3.885 .088
Felsite* 3 <10 33.77 1.30 3.810 .070
Felsite* 8 <10 34.29 0.55 3.835 ,041
Felsite* 5 <10 35.76 0.80 3.899 .050

(Samples degassed at 225 degrees centigrade during bakeout after sample loading)
* = preheated at 650 degrees centigrade

Table 6: Rb-Sr isotopic data for samples from 72215

(Compston et aL, 1975).

Sample Mass mg Rb ppm Sr ppm 87Rb/86Sr 878r/86Sr


,54 gray 12.0 5.02 139.1 0.1042 0.70572+/-3

,54 11.2 0.86 164.6 0.01514 0.70006 2


,104 gray 15.8 4.05 149.7 0.0782 0.70424 3

,104 dark 14.7 44.19 162.2 0.7893 0.74534 3

gray A

,104 dark 13.9 43.98 161.0 0.7915 0.74513 4

gray B
SAMPLE 72215--17

Table 7a: Concentrations of U, Th, and Pb in 72215 samples

(Nunes and Tatsumoto, 1975).
Concentrations_ of U, Th, and Pb in some Apollo 17 whole-rock samples from Boulder 1

Sample Description Run Weight Concentrations _sz'I'h/g3gU 2asU/204pb

U Th Ph

72215,15 Dark clast (GCBx) CI 46.1 1.408 (4.633) 2.987 (3.40) 2801

72215,15 Light-gray C1 46.0 1.232 (4.081) 2.464 (3.42) 3227

breccia (GCBx) C2 • 85,5 1.369 5.084 2.716 3.84 1890

72215,51 Sugary dark gray CI 48.8 1.316 4.871 2.936 3.82 2069
breccia (GCBx) C2 a 98.1 1.290 4.635 b 3.71 b

72215,68 Ordinary breccia CI 55.0 1.272 4.656 2.658 3.78 1010

(GCBx) C2 a 101.8 1.179 4.327 2.344 3.79 2480

72215,39 Ordinary breccia CI 47.1 1.185 4.298 2.387 3.75 7353


72215,39 Light-gray breccia CI 41.3 1.023 3.768 2.122 3.81 3322


72275,170 Pigeonite basalt CI 38.6 1.635 6.255 3.047 3.95 3045

clast (PB)

Totally spiked sample data; other data were spiked after solution aliquoting.
b Underspiking and uncertainty in the sample 2°8pb/z°°Pb yielded poor Pb concentration data.
Data in parentheses uncertain owing to poor Th concentration data.
All 72215 samples are competent breccias with colors ranging from black to light-gray.
C-concentration run (GCBx)_gray competent breccia (PB)=pigeonite basalt.

Table 7b: Isotopic composition of Pb in 72215 samples

(Nunes and Tatsumoto, 1975).

Isotopic composition ol Pb in some Apollo 17 whole*reck samples from Boulder [

Sample Description Run Weight Observed Rabos e Correcled for Analytical Blank n
e_6pb 'OTpb _u_pb _uspb _Orpb _O_pb _oTpb :_spb

72215.18 Dark clast P 498 _402 786,6 1369 4491 2508 4323 0.5584 0.9625
IGCB×} CI 46.1 I I18 628.7 2730 t 528 0 5596

72215,15 Light-gray P 405 1593 837.3 1545 (36540) (19073} {34980_ 0.5220 09573
breccia CI 46+O 1040 549.3 3016 t58t 0.5226
IGCBx) C2 t 85.5 1382 714.6 1755 996.1 0.5162

72215.51 Sugary dark P 47.3 505.7 293.2 498.1 6860 3960 6684 0,5772 0.9744 ::
gray breccia C[ 48 8 1010 5801 2094 1198 0.5720 :•
{GCBx} C2 • 98+[ 1059 627.6 1219 721 6 0.5920 z

72215.68 Ordinary P 37.2 933.0 514.2 902.2 2899 1586 2759 0.5471 0.9520 z_
breccia CI 55.0 662.9 366.9 979 1 539+3 05508
(GCBxl C2 a 101.8 1716 891.5 2311 1199 05186
72215,39 Ordinary P 38+3 1207 635.2 1180 3952 2066 38t5 0.5227 09656
breccia CI 47.1 1629 855.5 6892 3599 0.5223

72215.39 Light-gr&y P 390 1383 763.3 1332 1117311 (6432_ (11145) 05483 09500
breccia CI 41.3 IO96 605.3 3197 1756 0.5492

72275.170 Pigeonite P 38+9 2360 1079 2387 1342871 115592) (344201 0.4547 I 0038
basalt clast C1 38 6 1299 597.2 2672 t 220 04568

P composition run; C :-concentration run; (GCBxl=gray competent breccia; (PB]=pigconite basalt.

Totally spiked ru_s from solid sample splits; other r_tts were obtained from samples which were divided from solution.
" Pb blanks ranged front 1.4 to 2.1 ng for the solubon aliquoted data and were 1.05 ng for the Iotafy spiked data.
" Raw data corrected for mass discrimination of 0.15% per mass unit. _ _Pb spike contribution subtracted from concentration data
Data in patcnthesc_ subject to exlrcme error owing to Pb blank uncertainty.
All 72215 samplc_ are competent breccias with colors tanging from black to light-gray.
18_AMPLE 72215

Table 7c: Age parameters and single-stage ages for 72215 samples
(Nunes and Tatsumoto, 1975).
Age parameters and sinsl_stag¢ ages of $om¢ Apollo 17 Boulder I whole-reck _mplcs

Sample Oescriplion Run Atomic nllios corr_'t ed for Single-stage ages x Io• yr
blank and primordial Ph

_O_pb _oTpb _O_pb _Oapb _o6pb 2o_pb _O_pb _Pb

72215.15 Dark clast CIP 0.9726 74.73 0.5573 0.2740 4380 4394 4400 4895
(GCBxl CI 0.9713 74.70 0.5577 4375 4393 4402
72215,15 Light-gray CIP 0.9344 67.23 0.5218 02612 4253 4288 4304 4690
breccia CI 0.9317 67.13 0.5226 4244 4286 4306 _.
(GCBxl C2 a 0.9299 66.36 0.5131 4218 4259 4279
72215.51 Sugaw dark CIP 0.9985 78.47 0.5699 0.2466 4464 4443 4433 4455

gray breoeia CI 1.008 79.14 0.5696 4493 4451 4432

72215.68 Ordinary CIP 09657 72.61 0.5453 0.2421 4357 4365 4368 4367
breccia CI 09596 72.17 0.5455 4337 4359 4369
(GCBx) C2 1 0.9286 66.09 0.5162 4234 4271 4288

72215.39 Ordinary CIP 09351 67,22 0.5214 02397 4256 4288 4303 4343 __
broccia CI 09360 67.30 0.5215 4259 4288 4303 - _.
(GCBx) :_
72215.39 Light -gray CIP 0.9616 72.64 0.5479 02395 4343 4365 4375 4340
bre_eia CI 09596 72,49 0,5476 4337 4363 4375 =

72275.170 Pigeon[te CIP 0.8776 55.00 0.4547 02228 4061 4087 4100 4065 _"
basalt clast CI 0.8747 54.82 0.4545 4051 4084 4100

Concentrations determined from totally spiking a seParale sample. Concenlration and composition splils were divided from perfect solutions prior to
spiking for all other analyses.
All 72215 samples are competent breccias wilh colo_ ranging from black to tight-gray,
P :compo_ition run: C_concentration run: IGCBxf=gray compelent breccia; (PB)= pigeonite basalt.

_e i .... i , , , , i , , BOULDER1, MATRIX WITH


f/) "S'/'°S ' _./

*r_ 074 -- _, ec¢,l_,ll c_.s:s


,.C _e

°" !-
6_53 UG,r G_*_
/_54 o.,_ o z22zs
_ lo4 G_,Y

0.70 ]_AB I

1 :

La Ce $m Eu 'lib Yb Lu o, o_ o3

Figure 8: Rare earth element plot for poikilitic Figure 9: Mixing line defined by 72215,104 dark gray
feldspathic granulite in 72215. Blanchard et al. (1975). and other samples. The mixing line determines the age
of the microgranite, which dominates 72215,104 dark
gray, because the microgranites are so radiogenic. The
4.03 Ga age is calculated using the "old" Rb decay
constants; using the constant ofl.42 x 10-11/yr gives
3.95 Ga.

I.I- o 72215
A 72255
49 A// /"

a°6Pb D 72275 _._'_'/

I.o- 23eU e, ._.--_
51 ®,_:_ AST
68 "--_-_. Q_67 15 CLAST

o.,- 0_>_.

'_o 2°'PbJZ3SU
0.8 ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' f ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ; I
40 50 so 70 so so _oo
Concordiadiagram(Wetherill,1956)withBoulder1datacorrectedfor blanksandprimordial
Pb.All data for 72215(circles)and pigeonitebasaltclast72275,170are from thisreport; all other
72275(squares)and 72255(triangles)data are fromNuneset al. (1974a).U/Pb errors of 5-2_ are
shownfor the twomost extremeanalyses,but are omittedfrom the other data points for clarity.
Individualanalysesare labelledwith their subnumbers.LB= light-graybreccia;b.y.= !09yr. Ar_or-
thositicbrecciaclast72275,117is consideredto lie outsideof error belowthe 3.9-4.4b.y. discordia
line;all othersamples,includingmatrixsample72275,73,lie withinerror of thisline.

Figure I0: Concordia diagram for 72215 and other Boulder 1 samples (Nunes and Tatsumoto, 1975).

The Shaw method suggests an feature near 0.6 microns. The

EXPOSURE AGES averaged large field of 0.41 Oe at lighter breccias differ from the
4.0 Ga at Taums-Littrow. This is darker ones, with the latter (,58)
Leich et al. (1975) measured the similar to the size of the field having weaker pyroxene and
isotopic compositions of the rare determined from carbonaceous plagioclase bands, more-nearly
gases He, Ne, At, Kr, and Xe in chondrites; the authors suggest a equal shoulders, and a flatter slope
threematrix samples from 72215. field of solar origin. Cisowski et of the continuum.
Trapped gas abundances are very aL (1977) noted that 72215 did not
low, with only small to negligible have hystereris characterization
solar wind components. The available, and did not have the PROCESSING
cosmogenic Kr isotopic spectra minimal requirements of a single
give an exposure age of 41.4 +/- 1.4 phase NRM. Thus, they did not The details of the processing of
Ma, in good agreement with that of accept the paleointensity 72215 were given by Marvin in CI
72255. It is lower than the exposure measurement as meaningful. 2 (1974), with detailed allocation
age of 72275 (52 Ma), probably information. During PET in 1973 a
because of differences in shielding. Adams and Charette (1975) and documented chip was used for thin
Charette and Adams (1977) sections, and others were later
obtained reflectance spectra for taken for varied purposes. Marvin
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES chips and powders of 72215 (Fig. and Agrell made detailed surface
11). All the samples have maps (July 1973). A single saw cut
Magnetic data for 72215 samples absorption bands near 0.9 and 1.9 was planned to section all features
were reported by Banerjce and microns, from Fe2+ in of interest across the foliation;
Swits (1975) and Banerjee and orthopyroxene. The anorthositic during sawing (1974) the knob
Mellema (1976 a,b,c), with the aim gabbro curve (poikilitic feldspathic broke from the main slab,
of determining paleointensity granulite), 72215,101, is producing several subsamples (Fig.
(Table 8). The average direction characterized by deep pyroxene and 2). Two thin subslabs were cut
of NRM was the same as that in plagioclase Fe2+ bands; a high left through the original slab, and
72255 and 72275,while the stable shoulder at 0.7 microns relative to devoted to thin sections (Fig. 12).
components differed in direction, right shoulder at 1.1 microns; and
the absence of any absorption
20_SAMPLE 72215

Table 8: Paleointensity determinations for 72215 samples (Banerjee and Mellema, 1976)

Sample Number of H s.d Range

# determinations (Oersted) (Oersted)

,56 7 0.55 0A0 0.74-0.44

,46 7 0.41 0.17 0.60-0.21
,93 8 0.28 0.07 0.37-0.18

• [ , . r • . :



LB ' I ' 3C8_ DSG

/__'_ KNO__]A
ols .... ,!o'' ' ;5' ' 2'o' 'i-_

Figure 1l: Spectral reflectance diagrams for 72215 Figure 12: Dissection of the original slab to show the
samples (Adams and Charette, 1975). source of the thin section transect (,31; ,36; ,34) and
,101 is poikilitic feldspathic granulite (anorthositic other sample numbers (from Marvin, C12, 1974).
gabbro); ,45 and ,90 are light to medium-gray matrix;
,58 is dark matrix; and ,63 is matrix intermediate to
dark and light.
SAMPLE 72235--21

Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 61.9 g

INTRODUCTION impact melt with numerous clasts. PETROGRAPHY

The light material consists of
72235 is an aphanitic, clast-rich feldspathic granulites, other 72235 consists of a coherent knob
impact melt interlayered with feldspathic breccias, and other of intedayered dark gray-to-black
feldspathic clast material that was lithic types including plutonic and white breccias, with a piece of
sampled as a resistant knob on KREEP norite. The aphantic melt adhering light-gray friable matrix
Boulder 1 (see section on Boulder appears to be a low-K Fra Mauro similar to that of 72275 (Marvin,
1, St. 2, Fig. 2). The knob has a composition, contaminated with 1975; CI 2, 1974). LSPET (1973)
patch of adhering medium light- meteoritic material. No isotopic or described 72235 as a layered light-
gray [N6-N7] friable matrix similar exposure studies have been gray breccia. Simonds et al. (1974)
to 72275 (Fig. 1). 72235 was given conducted, listed it as a fragmental breccia
the name "Dying Dog" during (clast-supported). The most
processing. The knob is about 4 cm Most of the studies of 72235 were detailed descriptions of the
across and angular; its dark gray conducted by the Consortium petrography of 72235 are given in
[N3] and very light gray [N8] Indomitabile (leader J.A. Wood). Stoeser et al. ( in CI 2, 1974) and in
materials are tough. The exposed A slab was cut perpendicular to the Ryder et al. (1975). When 72235
surface is brownish gray with a few layering in the knob for broke from Boulder 1, it proved to
zap pits. comprehensive petrographic and be a clast of roughly layered gray
chemical study (Fig. 2). Detailed and white breecias almost wholly
The dark and light layers of the maps of the exterior surfaces and enclosed within a gray-black,
knob appear to have been crushed the slab based on macroscopic aphanitic rind. Marvin (1975)
and fluidized; veinlets of dark observations, as well as described the dark and light layers
material intrude white layers, and descriptions of the sample as appearing to have been crushed
veinlets of white layers intrude the allocations, were given in Stoeser et and fluidized under confining
dark material. The dark material is al. (in CI 2, 1974). pressure, with the two phases
fine-grained, almost glassy looking, mutually intrusive. The rind varies

Figure 1: Bottom (arbitrary)face of 72235 prior to slabbing. The topmost visible part was exposed and has patina
and zap pits; the remainder is freshly broken. Scale in centimeters. S-73-23589 B.
22_SAMPLE 72235

Domain I: Domain 1 is a
feldspathic polymict breccia
consisting almost entirely of
unshocked mineral fragments of
plagioclase and pyroxene, with
some fragments of dark melt
material and feldspathic granulite.
The monomineralic fragments
appear to be the crushed remnants
of an anorthositic lithology with an
average grain size greater than 100
microns and with 10 to 20% marie
silicates. The contact between
domains 1 and 2 is sharp.

Domain 2: The rind, domain 2, is

the darkest of the melt breccias in
72235, and the least porous. It
contains few clasts larger than 0.5
ram, and is poorer in clasts than the
other domains (Fig. 3c). A
defocused beam analysis indicates
its general low-K Fra Mauro
Figure 2: Cutting of 72235 in 1974. ,13 and,ll are end pieces; ,6; ,14; composition (Table 1, col. 8) and
and,15 are matrix pieces that broke away; ,16 is the slab piece. Apart from similarity to other Boulder 1 melts.
a thin section from ,6, all further subdivisions and allocations were made
from ,16. Scale in centimeters. S-74-20429. Domain 3: Domain 3 is a
monomict breccia consisting of
in thickness from less than 1 mm to The set of thin sections from the fragments of feldspathic granulite
5 nun. slab revealed that the central clast is in a crushed matrix of itself (Fig.
composed of a nmnber of different 3d) with a porosity of about 10%.
The adhering light-gray friable breccias with a complex structural It is similar to other granulites in
breccia contains numerous angular history. Stoeser et al. (in CI 2, Boulder 1 except that is appears to
fragments of aphanitic gray 1974) divided it into 6 domains contain more iimenite. Defocused
material and a few yellowish (Fig. 4). beam analyses indicate that it is
patches that are possibly pigeonite chemically similar to domain 5
basalt. In thin sections it varies Domain 1--anorthositic polymict (Table 2).
from very free-grained and porous breccia.
to blobby (Figs. 3a and b). It Domain 4: The core of 72235 is a
contains a variety of lithic and Domain 2--dense dark matrix complicated polymict breccia
mineral fragments but no pigeonite breccia (impact mel0. consisting of lithic clasts (including
basalts occur in the sections, melt breccias and feldspathic
Domain 3---white feldspathic granulites) and mineral fragments
In the hand specimen the rind looks granulite breccia, that are crushed and intermixed.
markedly darker and more vitleous The core appears to have been
than any of the interior layers. Domain 4----"core" polymict formed in a turbulent environment.
Macroseopically it appeared as an breccia. Some of the melt breccia clasts are
annealed breccia with several very dark and somewhat vesicular.
percent small angular inclusions. Domain 5---monomict noritic Defocused beam analyses of such
The white layers appeared to be anorthosite breccia, materials show the common low-K
"cataclastic gabbroic anorthosite" Fra Mauro composition (Table 1,
with 10 to 20% yellow and brown Domain 6----Markmatrix breccia cols. 9 and 10), although the core
mafic crystals plus traces of metal (impact melt), appears to have more titanium.
and troilite. The white layers
include a few dark gray aphanitic Domains 2 and 6 correspond with Domain 5" Domain 5 is a narrow
clasts and at least two prominent the rim, and domain 1 lies outside zone (Fig. 4) of monomict breccia
holocrystalline lithic clasts of these domains. Domains 3 to 5 are containing no polymineralic
coarse marie silicates, the interior of the knob. fragments. The parent consisted of
about 75% plagioclase and 25%
pyroxene, with small amounts of
SAMPLE 72235---_

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of 72235; all plane Figure 3b: 72235,86 blobby fragmental matrix
transmitted light, all about I mm width of view. a) showing dark melt blobs and mineral fragments.
72235,9 crushed fragmental fine matrix, dominantly
mineral fragments.

Figure 3c: 72235,59 rind (domain 2) of knobby clast. Figure 3d: 72235,61 cataclastic feldspathic granulite
(domain 3).
24_SAMPLE 72235


Chemical analyses for matrix and

clast samples are given in Tables 5
and 6, with the rare earths
diagrammed in Fig. 7. None of the
matrix samples in Table 5 are pure
impact melt, but are mixtures of
melt and white clast material. ,46
and ,48 am the domain 4 polymict
breccia from the interior of the
. clast: ,11 is the entire end-piece
"ii _._ consisting of all the domains. The
_ chemistry is consistent with a
mixture of melts similar to those in
72215 and 72255 (as suggested by
the refocused beam analyses in
Table 1) with dominantly
feldspathic granulites. The
analysed materials are obviously
Figure3e: 72235,52 fragment of KREEP norite, contaminated with meteoritic
siderophiles. The anorthositic
pink spinel. A defocused beam (1975) and Ryder et al. (1975); breccia (Table 6) is the more pure
analysis (Table 2, col. 12) shows some mineral data for the granites material of domain 3, feldspathic
that it is very similar to domain 3 is given in the catalog section on granulite; it too is obviously
feldspathic granulite. 72215. They include glassy and contaminated with meteoritic
holocrystalline varieties, siderophiles. It is far less enriched
Domain 6: The rind represented in incompatible elements than is the
by domain 6 is similar to that of A distinctive clast in 72235 was a 3 bulk rock (Fig. 7).
domain 2 except that it is a little mm fragment of KREEP norite
lighter in color, contains larger (Fig. 3e) that was yellowish-brown Higuchi and Morgan (1975) and
clasts, and is slightly more porous, and embedded in feldspathic Morgan et al. (1975) placed the
material. It was recognized meteoritic signature of 72235 in a
Stoeser et al. (in CI 2, 1974) maeroscopically as distinct, with group 3L with samples from 72215,
reported a survey of clast coarse anhedral brown pyroxene and distinct from 72235 and 72275.
populations in the 72235 melt and gray translucent plagioclase They suggest a heterogeneous
phases (dark matrix breccias; (Stoeser et al., in CI 2, 1974). Thin impacting body (they assume the
domains 2, 4, and 6) (Table 3) for sections show that the KREEP siderophiles are derived from a
clasts larger than 200 microns, norite consists of equal amounts of single impacting body).
Few clasts exceed 1 nun. Comp- plagioclase and pyroxene, with
ositions of olivines are shown in about 1% accessory minerals that
Fig. 5. The clasts in the melts are are mainly ilmenite and troilite, PROCESSING
dominated by feldspathic materials with a trace of phosphate. The
(varied feldspathic breccias and silicate grains occur in interlocking 72235 was left intact during PET,
piagioclase fragments), but there domains up to 1 mm diameter. The and was mapped in May, 1973. A
am significant contributions from compositions of silicate minerals chip of dark aphanitic material fell
basaltic (mainly impact melts?) and are shown in Fig. 6b. The Or off and was mainly used for thin
granitic fragments (see also Spudis component of the plagioclase is sections. In 1974 a 1.5 cm thick
and Ryder, 1981). The basaltic uncommonly high. slab was cut from the center of the
fragments include olivine- large clast, after a chunk of the
normative pigeonite-bearing basalts Stoeser et al. (in CI 2, 1974) note friable matrix broke away. The
and "troctolitic" fragments beating that the textural relations of the main cutting is shown in Fig. 2.
pink spinels. Defocused beam materials in 72235 are inconsistent The slab ,16 was cut into 3 pieces
analyses of these basaltic fragments with simple plastering on of a find (Fig. 8). ,28 was used for thin
are in Table 4. Most of the olivine- to anorthositic material in flight, sections, and ,29 for other
normative pigeonite basalts in the Both lithologies were fluidized and allocations. The remaining piece
boulder are from 72235, and the intermixed with rotation. The ,16 was not allocated.
mineral data given in Fig. 6a are origin is somewhat complex.
mainly from 72235. The granites
were described by Stoeser et al.
SAMPLE 7223.5----25

f I J i J I I _ i L I
0 O,5 t.O

® .

SAO 803

Figure 4: Photograph and sketch map of thin section 72235,59 which is a complete section through the 72235 knob.
The circled numbers on the sketch map correspond with the domains. Dark matrix (melt) materials are indicated by
barbed lines. From Stoeser et al. (in C12, 1974).
.. _ _ _ _ ooo_ oooo_ oo •

o" _ n "" _ _z _ _ o _°°_ _ _

_o z o o _

_ . ° ° . ° • ° . ° ° • . . ° • • ° • • • ° ° ° • ° ° ° • • ° ° ° _ _

oo _o_o o o_o_o_ o oooo_o_oo_ _ _

\_ _ .... _ _"_ _ _ ooo. oooo..oo •

?_ _o_ _ o o

.......... " I ....................... "_"' -a.

SAMPLE 72235--27

Table 3: Clast populations of 72235 dark matrix materials. Percentages by volume in three size categories.
(From Stoeser et 02., in CI 2, 1974).

0.2-0.5 0.5-1.0 1.0 TOTALS

nlm mm him

An suite (46.4) (8.6) (0.2) (55.2)

ANT breccias (17.5) (3.1) - (20.6)
mafic 0.4 0.2 - 0.6
gabbroic 13.0 2.3 - 15.3
anorthositic 4.1 0.6 - 4. 7
Granulitic ANT (24.8) (4.3) - (29.1)
gabbroic 22.9 4.3 - 27.2
anorthositic 1. 9 _ 1. 9
Poikiloblastic ANT
Poikilit ic ANT -
Coarse ANT 3.1 0.4 0.2 3-7
Unclassified ANT 1.0 0.8 1.8

Ultramafic particles 1.6 - 1.6

Basalts (1.8) (0.6) (0.6) (3.0)

Ol.-norm. pig. bas. 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.6
Pink sp. troct, bas. 0.8 - 0.8
Unclassified 0.6 - 0.6

Microgranites 4.5 0.8 5-3

Civet Cat norite 0.2 0.2

KREEP norite - 0.2 0.2

Devitrified maskelynite 10.8 1.2 12.0

Glassy clasts 2.3 2.3

Mineral fragments (19.8) (0.4) - (20.2)

Plagioclase 12.3 0.2 - 12.5
Olivine 1.8 ~ 1.8
Pyroxene 5.7 0.2 - 5-9
TOTAL % 87.4 11.6 1.0 i00.0

NO. OF CLASTS 450 58 5 513

_ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [._ _ _ _ _:_Z CJ '_" "_ C} _ _'-]
• o0 >, .... _ _N::ur_ _ _ ooo_ oooo_,,., oo •
"-._ C) _ (I, 0 00Z'J _ •

_._ ° • • o • ° , . • ...... • ° • • ° , • ° • , ..... • • N i_

o _ _

CO Oob_
_--, , • . * * , • • ...... ° • • = , • • • • ° • * ..... • ,_.

.... • . . , * ........... * • • _ 0 (") *


....... ',I ......... II'"

SAMPLE 72235--29

Table 5: Chemistry of polymict materials Table 6: Chemistry of feldspathic granulite (domain

of 72235. 3) interior clast material from 72235.

,46 ,11 ,40 ,45 f36 f37

• _bladE mdl Split
wt% wt%
SiO2 44.6 Si02 44.5
TiO2 0.8 TiO2 0.8
A1203 23.1 A1203 25.8
Cr_O_ 0.21 _03 0.146
BeO 7.28 _ 6.19
MnO O. 111 M_O 0.080
MgO 9.9 M.gO 8.52
CaO 13.2 CIO 14.4
Na20 0.514 NI20 0.42
K20 0.20 0.218 K20 0.11
P205 P205
ppm ppm
S¢ 15.4 Sc 9.84
v V
Co 24.0 Co 43.7
Ni 190 186 195 Ni 500 307
Rb 8.57 5.10 Rb 1.41
St Sr
Y y
7.r 2r
Nb Nb
Rf 9,5 Hf 2.2
Ba Ba
TU 4,0 4.67 Th 1.6
U 1.15 1.690 1.350 U 0.430
Cs 0,332 0.220 Cs 0.0746
Ta l,l Ta 0.5
Pb Pb
La 22.7 La 7.2
C_ 58 Ce 20

Nd Nd
Sm 10.6
Eat L25 Sm 3.66
Gd Ea 0.92
T'o 2.4 C,d
Dy Tb 0.80
Ho Dy
Er Ho
Tm Er
Yb 8.9 Tm
lax 1.20 Yb 2,9
L_ L_t 0.41
B Be

gr 0.134 0.0361 Cl
Oa Br
Zn 2.0 1.8 Ca 0.0434
ppb Z_ 1.3
Au 2.46 2.77 ppb
It 7,16 7.51 Au 4,89
I Ir 17.6
At I
C4 At
Ge 169 124
AI C-a
Se 67 48 G¢ 210
Mo A_
Tc S¢ 25
Ru Mo
R_ Tc
A8 5,17 0.448 Rh
Cd 7.4 3. l Pd
Ia Ag 0,357
Sn CA 4.4
Sb 1.13 0.65 In
Te 3.5 2.2 Sn
W 5h 0.86
Re. 0.530 0.524 Tc 2.7
Os W
Pt Re 1.19
HI_ Os
T1 2.80 0.57 Pt
Bi 0.26 0.12 }_
TI 0.38
(1) (2) (3) (3) Bi 0.33

References and me_hoda: (1) (2)

(l) Bl_achard etal (1975); INAA,AAS - also in C1(2)
(2) Tmeh_r _ (1975); f_ ray Referents and methods.
O) Higuehi ad Moyen (1975);, RNAA (1) Bl_aeht_ etal (i_5); INAA,AAS also in C.I. (2)
Meyer eta] (1975) (2) Higuelln ad bioyen (1975); RNAA
Meyer et al (1975)
3(_AMPLE 72235

lit 72235 B/GCB_

Ioo 90 80 70 60 _o

Figure 5: Compositions of olivine in the dark matrix material of 72235. From Ryder et al. (1975).

Olivine -Normative

m----% Fo. .m
, i

"_5" 5°0
Fs ^ ^ ^ ^ Hd Olivine-Normative Pioeonite Basalt • ,=_L._,_ 0

Pigeonite Basalt °/oAn

°o °_ * °

• j_.....

En Fs



b KREEP iNotite \0 v "il"

7'o eo */.An 90 En

Figure 6: a) Olivine, plagioclase, and pyroxene compositions for olivine-normative pigeonite basalts, mainly from
72235. b) Plagioclase and pyroxene compositionsfrom the KREEP norite clast in 72235. From Ryder et al.
SAMPLE 7223_-31

]_ I I I J I I I I I I I I I


_ .

LaCe Sm Eu Tb YbLu

Figure 7: Rare earth elements in polymict breccia

(solid line) andfeldspathic granulite (dashed line) in
72235. All data from Blanchard et al. (1975).

[] lljf

Figure 8: Diagram of cutting of slab and subdivision of

slabfrom 72235 in 1974.
SAMPLE 7225_-33

Aphanitic Impact Melt Brecda
St. 2, 461.2 g

INTRODUCTION geneous, and polymict, with color probable crystallization age of 4.12
varying from medium light gray Ga. Other clasts include aphanitic
72255 is an aphanitic, clast-rich IN6] to light gray IN5]. The melt blobs and fragments,
impact melt that was a rounded exposed surfaces show a f'um dark anorthositic breccias, feldspathic
mass or bulge on Boulder 1 (see patina with some zap pits (Fig. 2). granulites, basaltic/troctolitic
section on Boulder 1, St. 2, Fig. 2). impact melts, and granites. The
It may have been part of a single 72255 is superficially similar to melt groundmass has a low-K Fra
large clast in the boulder (Marvin, 72275, but is more coherent. It is Mauro composition similar to
1975a). Its groundmass crystallized fine-grained and heterogeneous, others in the boulder. Rare gas
about 3.8 Ga ago. The sample, with prominent clasts and a zone analyses show an exposure age of
slightly more than 10 cm long but rich in chalky white lenses and about 43 m.y.
only 2.5 cm wide, is subrounded on stringers. The most prominent clast
all faces except for the freshly in Fig. 1 is the Civet Cat norite, a 2- Most of the studies of 72255 were
broken interior (Fig. 1). 72255 is cm cataclastic fragment with a conducted by the Consortium
moderately coherent, hetero- relict plutonic texture and a Indomitable (leader J.A. Wood). A

Figure 1: Top (arbitrary)face of 72255, the broken interior. The dashed lines show the location of the cuts for the
slab. The prominent clast between the lines is the Civet Cat norite. The area to the right (east) is a zone rich in
chalky white lenses and stringers. Scale in cm. S-73-23726B.
3_AMPLE 72255

recrystallized submatrix". The dark

breccia material is polymicL with a
groundmass that is a t-me-grained
impact melt (e.g. James, 1977;
Spudis and Ryder, 1981). LSPET
(1973) listed the sampleas a
layered light gray breccia. Simonds
et al. (1974) described 72255 as a
clast-supported fragmental breccia,
with both matrix feldspars and
matrix marie minerals smal/er than
5 microns, and some angular clasts
larger than 30 microns. Knoll and
Stoffler (1979) described 72255 as
having a dark, fine-groined,
equigranular crystalline matrix that
contains some areas of lighter,
coarser-grained matrix.

The thin sections show a melt

groundmass similar to that of
72215 (Fig. 3a, b), polymict and
dense. The fine material consists of
:_ abundant small monomineralic and
lithic elasts in a crystalline melt
groundmass that consists of
plagioclase, pyroxene, and
disseminated ilmenite tablets.
Magnetic data show that the matrix
- has about 0.76% metallic iron
(Banerjee and Swits, 1975). The
monomineralic clasts are
plagioclase, olivine, orthopyroxene,
clinopyroxene, and sparse-to-trace
pink-to-red spinel, chromite, and
ilmenite. Compositions of the
olivines and pyroxenes are shown
in Fig. 4; at least most of the
olivines are clasts, not melt-
crystallized phases. The olivines
include examples more forsteritic
Figure 2: Slab cut from 72255 (center). Lower is west end, upper is main than those in the anorthositic and
mass, showing exterior patina, and location of other chips. The slab was granulitic elasts. The only lithic
further dissected. Scale in cnt S-73-32620. fragments in the sample with such
forsteritic olivine are the basaltic
slab was cut across the sample to troctolites. The magnesian
include the Civet Cat clast (Figs. 1, PETROGRAPHY pyroxenes have no counterpart in
2), providing samples for any lithic fragments from the
comprehensive petrographic, Specimen 72255 consists of boulder. The mineral compositions
chemical, and isotopic studies, coherent material that is dominantly in 72255 have compositional ranges
Detailed maps of the exterior a dark matrix breccia (Marvin, in similar to those in 72215 and the
surfaces and the slab based on CI 1, 1974; 1975a;Stoeseretal.,in dark breccias in 72275. Ryder
macroscopic observations, as well CI 1, 1974; 1974a,b; Ryder et al., (1984a) analyzed olivine fragments
as descriptions of the sample 1975b). Stoeser et al. (1974a) in 72255, finding that many have
allocations, are in Marvin (in CI 1, calcium contents high enough
1974). suggested about 60% matrix,
although what constituted matrix (0.05-0.15%) to be consistent with
was not clearly defined; it was having an origin in shallow, rather
described as "small monomineralic than deep, plutonies.
and lithic clasts in a finely
SAMPLE 72255_35

a b

e d

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of materials in 72255. Width of field about 1.5 ram, except for d) which is about 300
microns. Figures a and d are crossed polarizers; b anc c plane light.
a) 72255,89; general matrix showing dense dark impact melt with angular to subrounded small mineral and
lithic clasts.
b) 72255,130; contact between Civet Cat norite (right) and groundmass (left). The contact is extremely sharp
and straight, without evidence of reaction.
c) 72255,123; Civet Cat norite, with deformed plagioclase (top) and crushed orthopyroxene (bottom).
d) 72255,123; orthopyroxene in Civet Cat norite, showing its lineated features.
3_SAMPLE 72255

Table 1: Defocused beam Table 2: Ciast population survey of particles greater than 200 microns
analyses of groundmass of 72255 in diameter in 72255. Percent by number, not volume.
(Stoeser et al., in CI 1, 1974). (from Stoeser et al., 1974a).

3 4 Clast type 72255

72255_ 105
72255_ 95 Civet Cat Granulitic ANT breccias 31.3%
matrix rind Granulitic polygonal anorthosite 6.3
Crushed anorthosite 5.2
Devitrified glass 13.8
SiO 2 45.1 46.5 Glass shards --
TiO 2 0.6 0.9 Ultramafic particles 1.5
Cr203 0.2 0.2 Basaltic troctolite 2.2
AI203 20.0 21.4 Pigeonite basalt --
FeO 7.7 8.5
Other basaltic particles 1.9
MnO 0. 1 0.1 Granitic clasts 2.6
M gO 9.1 9.4
CaO 12.7 12.3 "Civet Cat" type norite 07
Na20 0.5 0.3 Monomineralic plagioclase 19.3
KoO 0.2 0.2 Monomineralic mafic silicates 14.5
P205 0.2 0.4 Monomineralic spinel & opaques 0.7
TotM 96.4 i00.2 Number of clasts surveyed 269

Fo 4.3 1.9

En 2.8
17.3 1.2
20.8 microns thick around pyroxenes compositional field (ternary
Fs 10.2 12.1 and olivines, and reaction rims feldspars), about An55Or40.
wo 4.3 o. s around spinels and granite clasts. Defocused beam microprobe
Or 1.3 1.3 Some of the granites have partially- analyses of anorthositic breccias,
Ab 4.1 2.3 melted internally, and all the troctolitic basalts, and devitrified
An 53.9 56.5 glasses are devitrified, including glasses are given in Table 3;
Ilm 1.1 1.7 those of feldspar composition that similarly-produced analyses for a
Chr 0.2 0.3 were presumably once maskelynite, basaltic particle and a granite are
Qtz 0.0 0.0
Cor 0.0 0.0 All these features demand a high given in Table 4. The analysis of
Ap 0.5 0.8 temperature (more than 800 or,900 the Civet Cat norite in Table 4 is an
degrees C), but lack of total estimate (see Table caption).
equilibration shows that the high
temperatures were not maintained The Civet Cat ciast that is
The chemical composition of the for long period£, conspicuous on the broken face of
groundmass (including small clasts) the sample (Fig.l, 2) is an angular
derived by defocused beam A wide variety of lithic clasts is fragment about 2.5 cm long with
microprobe methods is low-K Fra present in 72255. The clast light lenses and streaks in a dark
Mauro basalt (Table 1; see also population (Table 2) is similar to groundmass. The rock is a
chemistry section), similar to other that in 72275, but lacks the cataclastic norite, essentially
samples from the boulder and volcanic KREEPy pigeonite bimineralic and with a grain size
differing from coarser Apollo 17 basalts. Other basaltic fragments originally of 1 to 4 mm (Stoeser et
impact melts in its lower TiO2 and are present. The dark gray melt al., 1974a; Ryder et al., 1975)
higher Al20 3. Goswami and clasts/blobs are abundant, but the Orthopyroxene and plagioclase
Hutcheon (1975) using fission track anorthositic clasts are relatively (Figs. 3b, c, d) have very narrow
methods found that U was small and rare. Most of the latter compositional ranges (Fig. 5). The
uniformly distributed on a 10 are pure white, sugary, and plagioclase (An92.94Or0.5_l.0) is
micron scale. Some of the matrix granulitic. The types of material are partially transformed to
areas are lighter-colored, and more described in Stoeser et al. (in CI 1, maskelynite and otherwise
feldspathic, and contain clasts of 1974; in CI 2, 1974; 1974a, b) and deformed (Fig. 3c). The
dark matrix breccia, visible on the Ryder et al. (1975b), mainly orthopyroxenes (En72-74Wo2-4) is
sawn surfaces. In thin sections the without specific identification of commonly kinked, and contains
dark clasts are difficult to those clasts from 72255 except for abundant small brown plates of
distinguish from the grotmdmass, photomicrographs. The granites ilmenite along the cleavage planes.
and evidently are of very similar were described by Stoeser et al. Rare angite is present as small
material. The groundmass has (1975) and Ryder et al. (1975a). grains and lameUae. Accessory
reacted with the clasts, producing They include varieties with minerals include cristobalite,
re-equilibration rims up to 15 feldspars in the "forbidden H baddeleyite, ilmenite, chromite,
.............. p _p p._:_ pp p_ p _
it _ o_

¢_ o _ co

............... • " " C_ _" _" " --

,_._._ ,.

.......... . .............. 0

............... . . . .... _ _o _ ,_

38_AMPLE 72255

Table 4: Defocused beam analyses of recrystallized (?) intersertal basalt and Ishii, 1975; Takeda et al.,
(col. 1), and a granite (col. 2). Column 3 is an estimate of the 1976a,b, 1982; Mori et al.,
composition of the Civet Cat norite, from the mode of 60 +/- 10% 1980,1982). They used microprobe,
orthopyroxene and 40 4-/- 10% plagioclase, and using two defocnsed x-ray diffraction, and transmission
beam microprobe traverses (2mm x 100 microns) in orthopyroxene- electron microscopy methods.
and plagioclase-rich areas whose modes were determined. Takeda and Ishii (1975) noted
(from Stoeser et al., in CI 1, 1974). intergranular recrystallization with
exsolution of (001) augite from
sioo 47.0 7i. 2 50.3 pigeonite well below the pigeonite
TiO_ o. 4 0.1 t. S eutectoid reaction point line; the
Cr2b 3 0.2 tr. 0. S clinopyroxene inverted to
FeC) 3 14.7
15.1 12.7
0.6 14.4
9.6 orthopymxene (Stillwater-type).
_tno 0.3 tr. 0.3 Takeda et al. (1976a,b) reported
.xtgo 7.2 0.1 l 5.7 microprobe analyses for augite
NaoO 13.9
0.2 1.1
0.2 7.9
0.3 (En46W044) and orthopyroxene
_:25 o. 1 s. 5 o. 1 (En73Wo2), and single crystal
diffraction results. The pyroxenes
s _ _ _ showed very weak reflections of
Total 99.2 95. x loo. 7 secondary pigeonite, as well as
minor augite, with pigeonite having
vo 1.2 o. 0 o. 0 (100) in common with host
En 2.1
16.5 0.0
0.2 0. 0
39.0 orthopyroxene. The diffraction
rs 25.0 1._ 15.I SpoTSwere diffuse because of
wo 12.7 o. 0 o. 6 shock. Augite was detected as
Or 0.6 53.3 0.6 lamellae as well as rare small
An 1.6
39.3 1.4
5.8 2. 5
37.5 discrete grains. Mori and Takeda
nm o. 7 0.2 3.4 (1980) in single crystal diffraction
Chr 0.3 o. 0 0.0 and TEM studies found diffraction
Cor -- 36.
1.3s _. 2
0.0 patterns for orthopyroxene similar
Ap - 0.0 0.0 to those in the Ibbenburen eucrite,
Troi - - - but also diffraction spoTSof
pigeonite. Mori et al. (1982) and
Takeda et al. (1982) reinvestigated
the pyroxenes using ATEM for
0.._ _ _ comparison with eucrites and other
• .r. lunar samples, determining the
' ; C,vetCot Not_le composition of exsolved augite.

[c_ _\ The pyroxene differs from that in

\o _o the 78236 lunar norite in that many
/ , _ grains have abundant augite
/ k_ o lamellae (although some have very
// _ _ Civet Ca, Norite (CN) , \_(3 few). The lamellae average 0.2
_ ¢o _o 9o microns thick, but are as much as
0.4 microns thick. Opaque
Figure 5: Chemistry of pyroxenes (left) and plagioclases (right) in the inclusions are in the lamellae. The
72255 Civet Cat norite. (From Ryder et al., 1975b). host consists of alternate layers of
orthopyroxene and clinobronzite;
metallic iron, and troilite. An (presumably Civet Cat) on there are abundant fine clino-
exceptional phase is niobian rutile diagrams of Mg' (low-Ca px) v. Ab bronzite lamellae or stacking faults
(Marvin, 1975b); two analyses have (plag) and Mg' (liquid, calculated up to 20 tun
common. In present withwide
some areas (100)clino-
19.7% and 18.5% Nb20 5, making from opx) v. Mg' (plagioclase). bronzite slabs intrude the ortho-
it the most Nb-rich mineral (The actual data is not tabulated nor
analyzed (at least by 1975) in any its source described.), pyroxene
There withGuinier-Preston
are no a comb-like texture.
extraterrestrial sample. Ryder et al. zones. Takeda et al. (1982)
(1980a,b) analyzed metal grains in The pyroxenes in the Civet Cat
the norite, finding them to be Ni- norite were studied by Takeda and attribute the presence of the clino-
free, with 2.1 to 4.0% Co. Hansen his group, to assess the thermal bronzite lamellae to shear trans-
et al. (1979b) plotted data for an history of the lithology and formation in shock deformation
Mg-rich plutonic fragment in 72255 compare it with eucrites (Takeda from impact. The exsolution

lamellae are 20x thickerthan those J0, ....... , .....

in theJohnstowneuerite, andare a
productof cooling at depth before
shock. The microprobeopx-aug
data suggestlast equilibrationat
900 degreesC, andthe ATEM
host-lamellaestudies suggest 1000 O_
degreesC, suggesting thatthelatter "_
results from thermalannealingfrom ,_
the shock evenLThese authors
suggesteda model-dependentdepth 0 ,
,_ L_..:.:-=SS......
of 10 to 70 km for the equilibration. U l0 _.._.:_::..,_
........ :7:_:: Y"-_...... . -
The apparentprimarytexture, the _ _":_7------'7::_- ........
widepyroxene solvus, the narrow _ , ",
compositional ranges,theNi-free r,._=:::_ ,_,
metal, and the bulk and trace _ -- _."
element composition (including _ _
lack of meteoritic siderophiles) (see _O
below) are consistent with theCivet
Catnoritehaving been a plutonic
igneous rock. James (1982) and
James and Flohr (1983) classedthe 10_ , , _ J J i , I * i I i t
on norite with
the basis ofthe
its Mg- La Ce Pr Nd SmEu GdTb DyHo V.rTmYbLu
mineralogy and chemistry. Figure 6: Rare earth element plot for matrix samples of 72255. Solid line
without symbols is data of Palme et al. (1978); other data isfrom
Blanchard et al. (1975, and CI 1, CI 2).

Chemical analyses for the matrix

are given in Table 5; for the Civet t0' . , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Cat norite clast in Table 6; and for
other materials in Table 7. Rare
earth plots for the matrix are shown
in Fig. 6, and for the Civet Cat
norite and others in Fig. 7. _ _02......................
.F..4 _\ f.._ ............................. _..
The average of the matrix analyses _ --+_-_----.__,'_ /
is very similar to those of other '13 __+__
melt matrices in Boulder 1, 0
including major and trace element ,_
chemistry. However, the small U to' / i
samples analyzed by Blanchardet _ / _
al. (1975, and in CI 1, CI 2) show a _ / i
range, presumably because of _ .......
unrepresentative sampfing(i.e. _ ......................
varied clast contents). (One sample, _ _0_ ..................
a subsplitof ,52, is distinct in Gq
chemistry, being less aluminous
and more ferrous; it is also lighter
in color.) Both Blanchard et al.
(1975) andWinzeretaL(1975a) to-, , , , , , _ J , , , , , ,
emphasize the similarity in
composition of 72255 with all other La Ce Smgu Tb YbLu
Apollo 17 boulder melts, despite Figure 7: Rare earth element plot for Civet Cat norite (solid line, in center)
the higher alumina and lower and the rind (upper dotted line) and core (lower dotted line) of clast #3. All
titania of 72255. The g abundance datafrom Blanchard et al., (1975, and C11,CI 2).
40--SAMPLE 72255

Table 5: Chemical analyses of matrix and bulk rock samples of 72255.

r2 1731a) t79Ia) _521a ) 1521d_ 164_al t691dl t69_a! 144 153 t52
Split Split
wl % wl %
SiC_ 44.8 45.0 49 45.0 45.1 44.7 46 46.72 $iO2
TiO 2 0.9 0.9 1.4 0.75 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.76 TiO2
A[2C'3 19.4 20.7 14.5 20.4 21,9 20.5 19.8 20.82 A1203
Clio 3 0.630 0.234 0.22 0.232 0.231 0.308 0.46 0.240 Cx203
FcO (b) 9.05 (c)8.31 14 (d)8.55 (e)7.42 9.5 9.8 8.1 FeO
MnO 0.127 0.129 0.163 0.129 0.12 0.108 0.lll 0.117 MmO
MgO 10.3 11.3 9.7 11.3 10.7 10.5 10.4 9.9 MgO
CaO ll.5 12.0 10.7 12.0 12.4 12.3 12.3 12,56 CaO
_4a2© 0.495 0.584 0.32 0.563 0.496 0.400 0.38 0.48 Na20
x20 0.218 0.221 0.393 0.214 0.27 0.231 0.268 0.280 0.25 0.198 :<20
P]O_ 0.252 1'205
ppm ppm
Sc 15.5 18.2 19.8 18.3 17,3 19.5 18.8 SC
Co 2330 28.9 28 25.6 26.0 21 24.5 Co
hrt 7700 260 150 180 150 222 227 N*
Rb 4.98 6.85 5.8 Rb
Sr 151 Sr
y 100 Y
Z_ 400 Zr
Nb 28 Nb
]-Y 9.1 11.2 9.8 10.4 9.9 13.1 10.30 HI"
Bat 328 Ba
Th 4.80 4.4 6.6 5.4 5.8 4.3 4.31 Th
U 1.28 1.20 1.41 1.820 1.790 U
Ca 0.18 0_287 0.240 Ca
Tit 1.5 1.6 1.0 1.27 Ta
Pb Pb
La 25 31 31 35 26 43 31.7 La
Ce 62 79 80 94 69 95 83.3 C_
Pt ll.1 PT
Nd . 51 Nd
Sm 11.7 15.7 15.5 16.5 13.2 20 12.86 Sm
]_ 1.26 1.45 1.49 1,44 1.32 1 36 1.39 ]_
C_ 15.6 Gd
Tb 1.9 2.8 3.8 3,0 2.2 4.7 2.83 To
Dy 17.7 I)y
Ho 4.00 Ho
Er 11.1 Er
Tm 1.68 Tm
Yb 8,55 10.5 l 1.6 12.3 9.04 14.8 10.50 Yb
1ll0 1.34 1.69 1.66 1.15 2.25 1.42 La
L/ 12.8 L/
Be Be
S 375 S

F1 28.0
10.2 CI
Br 0,03 0.104 0,101 Br
C_ 3.01 C_
z_ 2.43 2.2 2.8 Z_
ppb ppb
An 2.6 2.95 2,00 An
lx 7.01 5.28 It
At At
(lit 3660 Ga
Cc <100 174 C.¢
AI 86 As
Se 67 77 Se
Mo Mo
T¢ To
P,u Ra
Kh Rh
Pd <10 Pd
Ag 3.03 0.57 Ag
CA <50 6.8 8.1 CA

Sn Sn
Sb 1.74 0.77 Sb
Tt 3.3 4.7 Te
W 630 W
Re 0.3 0.503 0.498 Re
CA 06
Pt Pt

TI 2.18 1.18 T1
Bi 0.67 0.21 Bi

(l) (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (4) (s) (8)

(1) Prachl_r eta] (1975); gamma-ray
(2) Kcith etal (1974);, gamma-my
O) Bianchard etal (1975k Q(1), C1(2); 1NAA, AAS
(4) P,lme et,l (1978);. ESAA. RNAA. XRP
(5)Margin etal(1975),I_tu,_iand Morgan (1975); P.NAA C(1).
SAMPLE 72255---41

Table $: Continued

141 t$9A(_) 1$9B_RI 1591h_ t$3_h_ 1$3{I} 167Ii_ ,S4_i) t6OIk_ IS2
Split Split
wt % wt %
$iO2 SiO2
TiO2 TiO2
AI203 _203
c_o_ c_o_
CaO {e)12.0 CaO
Na20 Na20
K20 (¢)0.276 K20
P_o_ 0.25 _o_
ppm ppm
Sc Sc
Co Co

Rb 14.95 14.63 9,79 5.69 5.78 Rb

Sr 145.6 141.7 141.2 137.0 141.2 140 Sr
Zr 376 Zt

B_ 324 Ba
Th 4.222 5.724 6.362 Th
U 1 1.145 1.536 1.663 1.42 U
Cn Cs
Tl Ta
Pb 2.4"/8 3.080 3.540 Pb
Lt Lt
Ca Ca
Sm Sm
Ea Eu
Ed Gd
Tb _e
He He
Er Eg
Tm Tm
La tn
Li 11 Li
Be Be

gN N
F 41 p
Ca (09A Ca
Br (00.082 Br
Ca ca
Zn Zu
ppb ppb
An Aa

0+ At
Ca Ga
Ge (3=
As As
Se Se
Mo Mo
Tc Tc
Pat >20
F_ Pd
Cd Cd

Sb Sb
"re "re
Re Re
Os 17 Oe
Pt Pt
Ha Ha
Bi Bi

(6) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (s) (s) (s) (9)

(6) Jowmovic am[Reed(1975b,c,d, 1980 a); IN'AA

(7) Comlwtentit[ (1_r75)_ID/MS
(8) Nan¢8 et al (1974); ID/MS
(9) I.¢ich¢tal 0975); ircadgalicqa/MSCK,Ca), othersID/MS
42_AMPLE 72255

Table 5: Continued Table 6: Chemical analyes of the Civet Cat norite in


Nawa: f42 t42 r42

(a) ,73 Sawd_t Split
,79 Interior CSip wt %
,52 Whit_ to light gray mamx SiO 2 52
,52 Gray to n_dhtm gray maudx TiO 2 0.3
,64 Medium gray material AI2& 3 l 5.5
,69 Derk materiel
,69 Dark maauiel C_O_ 0.16

Ca) _AA; AAS = 9.38% MmO 0.122

(0 INAA; AAS = 8.48% MgO 15.9
(_ INAA; AAS = 8.35% CaO 9.1 Ca) 13.0
(e) ]_AA; AAS = 8.0"2°m Na20 0.33
(f) Combed dast _d residue
fractions K20 0.08 (a) 0.17
(D Gray fr_fi_ ppm
09 Light gray frac_o_s Sc 13,2
(0 Dark numax V
(i) Lighter matrlx Co 29
_) Mb_d darkmd llght maalx Ni 4
(1) Revised f_m CI(2) Rb 1.27
Sr 139
Zr 132
I_ 5.5
B_t 172
U 0.240 0.45
Ca 0.058
La 16
Cc 46

Sm 7.6
Ea 1.75
Tb 1.9
Y5 6.6
In 1.01
Br 15.3
ZU 4.5
Au 0.008

Ge 61
Se 280

A8 0.76
CA 5.0
Sb 0.26
T¢ 14.3
Re 0.0068

T1 0.30
Bi 0.30

{1) (2) (3)

References and methods:

(1) Blanch_d etal(1975)and C1(1), C1(2_ INAA, AAS
(2) Morg_u ctal (1974, 1975 a, b), Higuchi and Morgan (1975); RNAA, C(1)
O) Leith _ (1975); Lwathation, MS (K, Ca), others ID/MS

(a) mvmed from (21(2)

SAMPLE 72255---43

Table 7: Chemical analyses of white core and dark rind on clast #3 and other clast material in 72255.

t4s (.) _4s (b) tS9 (e) ,S3 (0 ts3 (8)

wt %
S£O2 43.0 45.7
TiO2 0.65 1.2
A1203 33.8 19.7
c_o_ 0.003 0_63
FeO (c) 0.13 (d) 9.O5
MnO 0.003 0.136
MsO 1,43 11.3
(_xO 18.9 11.5
Na20 0.631 0.542
K20 0.118 0.277
Sc 0.45 20.1
Co 0.33 24.9
Ni 140
Rb 1.11 5.52 5.57
Sr 140.6 319.7 190.6
I_ 0.10 14.2
Tn 6.6
Ta 1.7
I_ 1.15 40
Cc 2.68 102
Sm 0.39 18.8
E_ 1.39 1.53
Tb 0,08 3.4
Yb 0.202 14.2
Lu 0.030 1.88




Sn (1) Blanchard eta] (19751 CI 1; CI 2); INAA, &AS

Sb (2) Compston et_ (1975, CI 1); ID/MS
Pt Co)tlack
(c) INAA
ItS (d) AAS; INAA = 8.77%
TI (e) _oz_aoJi_ clut
Bi (0 dear plasioclase
(1) (1) (2) (2) (2) _ shoc,
_AMPLE 72255

of the bulk rock as measured by

gamma-ray is lower than that of the o2 , E _ _ [
matrix samples (Fruchter et al.,
1975). Palme et aL (1978) noted o_
that their analyses of 72255 and
72215 matrix material were similar
to some Apollo 16 samples (i.e. _ o os
68516) except for the siderophile _ q___
elements. Higuchi and Morgan
(1975a), Morgan et al. (1975), and 0.02 ]-- 3
Hertogen et al. (1977) assigned the L___
matrix to their siderophile Group
3H (assigned with 72275 to 0o_ ,
Crisium by Morgan et al., 1974a,b).

The Civet Cat norite (Table 6; Fig. 8 9

6) is quartz-normative, and its >_ 7 I
chemistry is consistent with itbeing -Q 3.8 _--
a cumulate plutonic rock containing
20 to 30% of trapped liquid that
would be evolved, approaching
KREEP (Blanchard et al., 1975).
_, 34
J 72255, 52
The norite lacks meteoritic < 30 5
siderophile contamination.

Blanchard et al. (1975) analyze d 22

the dark melt rim and the interior 01 0 2 o. 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 10

white material of clast #3 (,45; Cumulativefraction 39"At released

Table 7, Fig. 7). The rim material is
similar to the general matrix; the Figure& Apparent age and K/Ca data from 72255,52 matrix (Leich et al.,
white material is very anorthositic 1975a). The ages shown correspond with the "old" decay constant;
in major and trace elements, but has recalculation shows that the two highest plateaus correspond with 3.93 Ga,
a high mg' compared with typieal andstepsll and12 with about 3.83 Ga.
ferroan anortbosites. Rb and Sr
analyses for other materials appear which probably degassed during Schaeffer et al. (1982a, b), and the
to represent varied mixtures of melting, is the best estimate for the [eich et al. (1975a) plateaus must
feldspathic material and matrix, age of the melt groundmass, which be compromised by the plagioclase
is therefore about 3.85 Ga, the age clasts that did not completely
of the most precisely dated of the degas.
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND felsites. (The felsite clasts were
FISSION TRACK AGES preheated to 650 degrees C; the Compston et al. (1975) reported
ages are total release, hence K-Ar, Rb-Sr isotopic data for matrix and
Schaeffer et al. (1982a, b) used laser of the greater than 650 degrees C small clast samples of 72255 (Table
At-At techniques to determine ages fraction. Assuming a well- 9). For split ,53 the total rock and
of clasts and to infer the age of the developed plateau above that plagioclase clasts are well-aligned
melt in section 72255,134, temperature, the ages are reliable), on a 4.30 +/- 0.24 Ga "isochron"
providing 20 analyses (Table 8). which should be regarded as a
Most of the ages were for Leich et al. (1975a) reported Ar-Ar mixing line rather than a true
plagioclase or plagioclase- analyses for a matrix sample of isochron (Fig. 9). The clasts are not
composite clasts; two were for 72255 (Fig. 8). Leich et al. (1975a) cogenetic, and the data for 72215
felsite ("feldsparthoid") clasts. The believe that the intermediate- shows that the clasts and matrix did
two felsites, the most K-rich temperature (800 to 1000 degrees not reach Sr isotopic equilibration,
fragments, give ages generally C) and the high-temperature (1400 and so 4.30 Ga does not date the
younger than the feldspars. The degrees C) plateaus are reliable assembly of the breccia. Split ,59
higher ages for the plagioclases, indicators of the age of the sample; materials also fall on a mixing line
some of which are in noritic lithic these plateaus give an age of 3.93 that is the chance result of mixing
clasts, range up to 4.29 Ga. Ga. However, the age of the 1000 unrelated anorthositic material,
Schaeffer et al. (1982a, b) suggest to 1400 degree release is the one unidentified old "basaltic" material
that the age of the felsite clasts, that agrees with the age inferred by (i.e. low-K Fra Mauro source
SAMPLE 72255_45

Table 8: Laser microprobe data for materials in 72215,144.

Recalculated from Schaeffer et al., 1982a, b).

Phase K% Ca% Ar40/39 Age C-a

Plag 0.02 8 37.31+/- 0.333.917 +/-.027

Hag 0.02 3.4 38.56 1.73 3.970 .076
Plag 0.04 8 33.60 1.28 3.753 .065
Hag 0.02 3.5 36.25 1.73 3.872 .079
Plag-comp 0.09 3.6 47.04 0.62 4.288 .032
Plag-comp* 0.30 <10 43.43 0.99 4.161 .050
Plag-comp 0.05 1.3 43.96 1.00 4.179 .044
Plag-comp* 0.04 <10 37.92 1.42 3.924 .069
Plag-comp 0.04 3 38.72 0.61 3.976 .034
Plag-comp* 0.04 <10 40.07 10.00 4.082 .350
Plag 0.19 15 36.31 0.50 3.874 .032
Plag 0.05 4 40.70 1.52 4.055 .065
Plag-comp 0.12 3 38.85 0.31 3.981 .026
Plag-comp* 0.16 <10 36.02 1.24 3.912 .065
Plag 0.02 3 33.36 0.73 3.740 .041
Matrix 0.10 4 37.02 0.35 3.905 .027
Matrix 0.27 5 34.07 0.19 3.774 .024
Matrix 0.32 12 37.60 0.32 3.929 .027
Felsite* 3.9 <10 34.63 0.57 3.846 .043
Felsite* 2.3 <10 32.75 2.75 3.767 .135

(Samples degassed at 225 degrees centigrade during bakeout after sample loading).
* = preheated at 650 degrees centigrade

Table 9: Rb-Sr isotopic data for samples from 72255

(Compston et al., 1975)

Sample Mass m R Rb ppm Sr ppm 87Rb186Sr 87Sr/86Sr +/-se

,59 gray A 16.2 14.95 145.6 0.2967 0.71693+/-6

,59 gray B 16.8 14.63 141.7 0.2983 0.71695 4

,59 light gray 19.7 9.79 141.2 0.2001 0.71116 4

,59 anorth clast 4.3 1.11 140.6 0.02275 0.70050 8

,53 lt-gyl 29.0 5.69 137.0 0.1198 0.70664 6

,53 lt-gy2 14.0 5.78 141.2 0.1183 0.70642 3

,53 plag 1 (dear) 0.8 5.52 319.7 0.0499 0.70223 11

,53 plag 2 (shocked) 3.1 5.75 190.6 0.0871 0.70450 8

se = internal standard error of mean

,59 gray = plagioclase ciasts in opaque matrix
,59 It gy = plagioclase clasts smaller, subrounded, matrix texture variable
,53 It gy = coherent uniform matrix with angular plagioclase and small
anorthosite clasts
A,B -- duplicates from reasonably homogeneous powder
46_SAIvlPLE 72255

Table 10: Concentrations of U, Th, and Pb in 72255 samples.

(Nunes et al., 1974b)

Concentrations (ppm)
Sample (rag) U Th Pb +_2Th/2_U _U/_°'Pb
72255,67 matrix
(dark) 132.5 1.145 4.222 2.478 3.81 1,414
72255,54 matrix
(light) 98.2 1.536 5.724 3.080 3.85 2,998
72255,60 matrix mixture
(dark and light) 196.7 1.663 6.362 3.540 3.95 2,135
72255,49 Civet Cat clast plag.-
deficient 51.6 0.3874 1.216 0.9448 3.24 195
72255,49 Civet Cat clast plag.-
enriched 35.7 0.2151 -- 0.6939 -- 177

*Concentration run divided from solution; all other analyses were Of splits from crushed solid
material obtained prior to spiking.


59 tiGHT GWAY o _ 52
JS t_lt

710 *'S,/ '+Sr ', '\

j 4.4 AE MIXING LIN_EJ_/ '


706 54 OSCAr ,:.

m 72275
0 72255

_ 72215

702 / o53 PLAG_OCLASE


/.o 59 ANOt_:_OSltE
ItRb / 'l+Sr

4 54 ANO*tKOm+E0.O5 I 0"10
0"15 i
0 20

Figure 9: Mixing lines generated by anorthositic clasts within breccia matrix samples and an unidentified gabbroic
anorthosite end-member; and between gabbroic anorthosite and microgranite, for 72255 and other Boulder I
samples, lf anorthositic samples are cogenetic, the line marked 4.4 Ae defines their igneous age. Using new decay
constants, this line has an age of 4.31 Ga. (See also 72215, Fig. 9).
SAMPLE 72255----47

Table 11: Isotopic composition of Pb in 72255 samples.

(Nunes et al., 1974b)

Corrected for blank

and primordial Pb Single.stage ages in m.y.

:c_pb :ovpb _o_pb -'oapb :c_pb :o_pb :o_pb :ospb

Sample Run :_SU 23sU 2°rPb "-3vFh :3SU 23_U 2°'_Pb "_'h

72255,67 matrix
(dark) CIP t).9906 77.36 0.5667 0.2459 4,480 4,486 4,489 4,503
CI 0.9873 77.22 0.5676 -- 4.469 4,484 4,491 --
72255,54 matrix
(light) C1P 0.9321 66,41 0.5170 0.2324 4,285 4.331 4,353 4,281
C1 0.9317 66.13 0.5151 -- 4.284 4,327 4,348 --
72255,60 matrix mixture
(dark and light) C1P 0.9745 74.53 0.5550 0.2349 4,427 4.448 4.458 4.322
C1 0.9743 74.61 0.5557 -- 4,426 4,449 4.460 --
72255,49 Civet Cat clast ping.-
deficient CIP 1.065 92.15 0.6281 0.2499 4.717 4.664 4.64I 4.570
C1 1.069 90.76 0.6159 -- 4,732 4,049 4.612 --
72255,49 Civet Cat clast plag.-
enrichedt CIP [.464 147.8 0.7326 -- 5,382 5,050 4.916 --
CI 1.443 169.7 0.8533 -- 5.867 5,146 4.865 --

*Note: Concentration and composition splits were divided from solution prior to adding the -'°RPb
enriched spike. All other analyses were of splits from crushed solid material and the concentration
portions were totally spiked prior to dissolution.
tThe gross difference between the CP and C only calculations must be because of an heterogeneous
splitting of this sample prior to spiking---calculated U/Pb ratios from the concentration only data (i.e.
where only the 2°*Pb/2'ZPb ratio from the composition run was utilized) are the most accurate.

Table 12: Age parameters and single-stage Pb ages of 72255 samples.

(Nunes et al., 1974b).

Observed ratiosf Corrected for analytical blank_

Weight zoepb 2ovpb 2oSpb 2Oepb 2o_pb 2oSpb 2oTpb 2oepb

Sample (rag) Run 2Otpb 2O.pb 2O4pb 2O4pb 2OVpb 2O4pb ZO6p
b 2Onpb

72255,67 matrix
(dark) . 100.8 P 1.596 908.5 1.526 2,815 1,601 2.682 0.5685 0.9527
132.5 C* t,092 624.7 -- 1.405 802.5 -- 0.5711 --
72255.54 matrix
(light) 124.1 P 2,089 1,085 2,023 3.296 1,709 3.186 0.5187 0.9666
98.2 C* 1.734 898.9 -- 2,803 1,449 -- 0.5171 --
72255,60 matrix mixture
(dark and light1 190.3 P 1,987 1.107 1,909 2,212 L233 2,128 0.5573 0.9619
196.7 C* 1.897 1.060 -- 2,090 1,166 -- 0.5582 --
72255,49 Civet Cat clasl
plag.<leficient 66.2 P 185.7 120.9 163.5 198.2 128.9 173.3 0.6505 0,8743
5t.6 C* 199.2 127.2 -- 217.6 138.6 -- 0.6369 --
72255,49 Civet Cat clast 32.9 P 204.9 153.2 148,8 245.4 183.3 173.3 0.7467 0 7062
plag.- enriched 35.7 C* 160.0 138.5 -- 180.5 156.4 -- 0.8663

*Samples totally spiked prior to digestion.

"t2°SPb spike contribution subtracted from Pb concentration data.
*Analytical total Pb blanks ranged from 0.59 to 1.96 ng except for the 75055 composition blank
(2.9 ng), and the 74220 concentration blank (2.8 ng).
P = composition data; C = concentration data.
48_SAMPLE 72255

Table 13: Fission track analysis of whitlockite in 72255

(from Goswami et al., 1976a). Track density in cm -2 x 107. The table differs from that in Goswami and Hutcheon
(1975) in that the observed track density has increased from 30.2 and the row labelled "spallation recoils" has been
added, exactly accounting for the increase. Goswami and Hutcheon (1975) also mislabelled the density units as
being multiplied by a factor of 10 -7 instead of 107.

Track contributions 72255*

Observed track density 36.3 -+ 1.5

Fe-group cosmic rays 1.0--+0.5
Spallation recoils 6.1 -+0.6
Reactor-induced fission 1.65 + 0.06
Lunar neutron-induced fission < 0.15
+ 1.7
High-energy cosmic ray-induced fission_t 3.3 - 1.0
+ 1.7
Spontaneous fission tracks 24.2_ 2.2
Tracks from -'36Ufission 16.1 -+ 1.1§
+ 1.8§
Tracks from 2"Pu fission 8.1 2.4
+0 10
Observed PP./pu 0.51 -0.14"

*Ooswami and Hutcheon (1975).

fThis work.
_Assumes Th/U = 12:].
§C. = 71 ± 4 ppm; track retention age = 3.96 G.y.
¶C. : 83 ± 4 ppm; track retention age : 3.98 G.y.
Calculations use the following decay constants: a_:J'= 703 x I0-*' yr -L (Roberts er
al.. 19681; A. :_ = t.55 × 10-'° yr-J (Jaff©y et al.. 19711; Ap:_ = 1.045 x 10-" yr-_ (Fields et
al.. 1966); Ao_"=850x 10-_yr -' (Fields et al.. 19661.

Table 14: Rb-Sr data for the Civet Cat norite in 72255
(Compston et al., 1975).

Rb, Sr, and STSr/SgSrfor samples of the Civet Cat clast 72255,41. Total-rock samples are independent
fragments rather than homogenized aliquots, so analytical differences are expected due to sampling
effects. Mineral separates are grouped with the total-rocks from which they were separated

Weight Rb Sr STRb/s6Sr STSr/S6Sr±se _

(rag) (ppm) (ppm)

Plagioclase-rich total-rock (1) 5.2 4.20 219.5 0.0552 0.70250±7

Plagioclase-rich total-rock (2) 4.3 3.96 226.5 0.0504 0.70222±3
'Mixed' total-rock (1) 15.8 2.56 101.4 0.0729 0.70348±2
'Mixed _ total-rock (2) 14.6 3.02 100.9 0.0864 0.70443±2
Plagioclase (1) 4.5 3.59 224.6 0.0461 0.702035_3
Plagioclase (2) 4.6 3.60 221.2 0.0469 0.70202±3
Plagioclase (3) 3.6 3.29 209.5 0.0453 (0.70168±8) b
Plagioclase (4) 3.7 2.89 198.0 0.0421 0.70175±3
Pyroxene (green) 8.8 1.09 16.12 0.1956 0.71080±15
Pyroxene (black) 3.7 0.74 22.08 0.0972 0.70518±6
Pyroxene-rich total-rock (1) 15.5 5.68 79.8 0.2053 0.71148±3
Pyroxene-rich total-rock (2) 14.4 5.75 99.7 0.1662 0.70919-4-4
Plagioclase (5) 5.6 6.67 147.1 0.1309 0.70743±3
Pyroxene (green+black) 4.3 1.80 19.16 0.2721 0.71498±8

a Internal standard error of mean.

b Strong anomalous isotopic fractionation - discard.

material), and granitic material (see

72215, Fig. 9 fat diagram). U,Th-
Pb isotopic data and age parameters o_ _ _ _ J _ T _ t
for matrix samples were presented
by Nunes et al. (1974b) (given here 0.05
as Tables 10, 11, and 12, with data
for the Civet Cat norite), and also u
discussed by Nunes and Tatsumoto
(1975). The matrix data plot within 002
error of concordia in a 4.24 to 4.44 _--
G-arange (see 72215, Fig. 10). _
Although these Boulder 1 data can o.o_ I I I t ! t
by themselves be explained by a _ i _ L , t _ J _
simple 2-stage U-Pb evolutionary a.2
history whereby -4.5 Ga material 14

other intermediate
was disturbed events
by -4.0 Ga could be
event(s), __ 40 _ _-_Z__ _o _ _2 j,

masked by the uncertainty of the
data. Hutcheon et al. (1974b), o 3a
Braddy et al. (1975b), Goswami
and Hutcheon (1975), and _o. 3.6 72255, 42
Goswami et al. (1976a,b) used <
fission tracks to assess the age of a 3_
whitlockite grain in the 72255 3.2

matrix (Table 13, Fig. 13). I ! i _ I ! i I

Adopting 71ppm U for the 0.t o2 03 0.4 us o_ o7 o8 o9 _o
whitlockite, the la'acks are in excess Cumulative fraction 39*Ar released
of those from 238U alone, and the
excess is assumed to result from Figure 10: Apparent-age and K/Ca data from 72255,42. (Leich et al.,
244pu. A (Pu/U) o of 0.020 gives an 1975a)
age of 3.90-3.93 Ga for the
whitlockite (Hutcheon et aL,
1974b); if the ratio is assumed to be
the same as that of the St. Severin
meteorite, i.e. 0.015, then the age is
3.96(+0.04,-0.07)Ga. Sucha "_ _ 72255,41 CIVET CAT CLAST //
track retention age of the _ '
the most probablyevent.
last high-temperature refers to "s_ _s, _ ._, ....

Cat norite clast were investigated
by Leich et al. (1975a,b) (At-At),
Compston et al. (1975) (Rb-Sr),
and Nunes et al. (1974b) and Nunes

and Tatsumoto (1975a) (U, Th-Pb).

The At-At release data are shown
in Fig. 10. From 800 to 1200
degrees Centigrade the sample has



._o/J .............

/ O-6992 3-T-7
- •05' AE r

an apparent-age plateau of 3.93 +/-

0.03 Ga; the plateau includes 57% ,oo a/_AB_
of the total 39*At. The 1400 "Rb/"s'
degree centigrade fraction has an ooo olo_ ' o_,0 ' _
o 15 ' '

age significantly higher (-3.99 Ga)

and contains 25% of the total Figure 11: Isochron defined by total-rock fragments and low-Rb
39*At. The Ar isotopic data as a plagioclases from the Civet Cat clast (72255,41). The age with new
whole suggest that the plateau age constants is 4.08 Ga; the model line corresponds with 4.31 Ga. ( Compston
is reliable, and it is consistent with et at, 1975)
the disturbances indicated in the Sr
5t--SAMPLE 72255

and Pb isotopic data. The Rb-Sr EXPOSURE AGES: greater than 1 cm was good, but not
isotopic data for the Civet Cat are at less than this depth (Fig. 15). The
given in Table 14, and Figs. 11, 12, Leich et al. (1975a,b) measured the disagreement could result from
and 13, and include many mineral isotopic compositions of the rare small-scale (ram size) cratering
separates. The six "bulk" samples gases He, Ne, At, Kr, and Xe in a event late in the boulder history.
alone define a perfectly fitted matrix sample and the Civet Cat MacDougall et al. (1974) had
isochron of 4.10 +/- 0.06 Ga, with norite in 72255. Trapped gas placed an upper limit of 15 to 20
initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.69919 +/- 8 abundances are very low, with only Ma on the exposure, but noted that
(Fig. 11). Compston et al. (1975) small to negligible solar wind erosion was in any case a problem
interpret this age as the igneous components. The cosmogenic Kr for interpretation; such track ages
crystallization age, because (1) isotopic spectra for the matrix do not necessarily date the time that
these entitities were created during sample gave an exposure age of the boulder rolled into its present
an igneous event (2) the intitlal Sr 44.1 +/- 3.3 Ma. (Leich et al., position, but only some later
isotope ratio is low whereas the 1975b, tabulated preliminary Kr spalling event.
Rb/Sr is quite high, and (3) ages of 44.6 +1- 2.9 for the matrix
metamorphic equilibration in the and 36 +/- 10 for the Civet Cat, but Yokoyama et al. (1974) noted that
sample is limited to smaller in Leich et al., 1975a, no Kr age 72255 was saturated in 26A1,
volumes. Including the plagioclase was tabulated for the Civet Cat requiring an exposure of at least a
separates refines the age to 4.08 Ga. norite sample because there are few million years.
Some separates do not fit the "bulk" large uncertainties in the cosmo-
isochron (Fig. 12), and the pattern genie 81Kr/83Kr ratio). The age is
resembles that of response to a similar to that of 72215, but lower PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
younger heating event; however, than the exposure age of 72275 (52
re-eqnilibration was not complete Ma), probably because of differen- Magnetic data for 72255 samples
on the scale of less than 0.2 nun. ces in shielding. The less-precise were reported by Banerjce et al.
An age of 3.81 +/- 0.23 Ga Ar-Ca exposure ages (48 Ma for (1974a,b) and Banerjee and Swits
approximates the time of mineral Civet Cat, 56 Ma for matrix, +/- (1975). Samples from the Boulder
disturbance. A detailed discussion about 25%) are consistent with the were oriented with respect to each
is given in Compston et al. (1975). Kr age. other (accurate to within about +/-
Alternatively, if the Civet Cat was 20 degrees). Two samples from
not a closed system during re- Particle track data bearing on 72255 had the same direction (Fig.
heating, then those separates richest exposure were reported by 16), and within error of those from
in Rb might represent Rb gain. MacDougall et al. (1974), 72255. The two 72255 samples had
Then an alignment of black Huteheon et al. (1974b), Braddy et the same intensity of 1.2 x 10 -5
pyroxene, plagioclase-rich total al. (1975b), Goswami and emu/g. In an attempt to separate
rocks, and other plagioclases give Hutebeon (1975), and Goswami et stable primary NRM from unstable
an age of about 4.36 +/- 0.13 for the al. (1976a,b). The track density secondary NRM, the authors
maximum possible original profile was produced from thick attempted thermal demagnetization,
crystallization age. sections 72255,30 and ,32, using avoiding oxidation; however, from
SEM and optical methods. The the continually decreasing NRM
The U,Th-Pb isotopic data of interpretation is complicated by (Fig. 17), it appeared that perm-
Nunes et al. (1974b) for the Civet correction for exposure geometry anent damage was done to the
Cat norite are in Table 10. The (assumed equivalent to present-day magnetic carriers and the procedure
Civet Cat norite contains excess Pb
exposure throughout) and was nnadvisable. AF-demagnet-
relative to U, plotting well above uncertainty in the erosive history izatlon showed no zig-zag patterns,
concordia. The excess probably (assumed as I mm/Ma). The and the NRM direction after
reflects transfer of Pb from the external surface of the sample is demagnetization in fields at 80 Oe or
matrix, which is relatively Pb-rich, saturated with craters, suggesting a greaterare stable and primary;
into the clast during breccia recent exposure of more than 1 however, these fields differ in
formation, although other times are Ma. Hutcheon et al. (1974b) using direction from those in 72275 by
possible. The two analyses are too a simple one-stage exposure model 130 degrees (Fig. 18). Banerjee and
uncertain to yield an accurate age calculated an age of 19 +/-2 Ma. Swits (1975) presented data for
determination (Nunes and The uneven distribution of shock paleointensity, suggesting a field of
Tasumoto, 1975a). alteration effects could be a 0.35 Oe, different from those of
complicating factor. Goswami and 72275 and 72215 (suggesting 3
Hutcheon (1975) added more data different events, as also suggested
(Fig. 14); they found that if by the differing directions of NRM
normalized to the Kr exposure age under AF-demagnetization).
of 42 Ma, then agreement at depths However, given the problems of
SAMPLE 72255--51

obtaining and interpreting magnetic

data for lunar samples then neither
the directions nor the intensities can
be said to have known meanings
(see also discussion by Cisowsld et
al., 1977).

Adams and Charette (1975)

reported spectral reflectance
measurements for the 0.35-2.5 "_ _ PYROXENE- RICH TOTAL ROCKS jj I
breccia range for heavily
that was a gray noritie _,__ AND
contaminated with saw-blade metal ] __ _xEN_

(,74). The reflectance

be artificially flattened curve
by themay ,,2 i /_" "_ • _E- :
presence of the opaque 7,ok _EEN
contaminant; it shows little | P_o_

that results at the pyroxene
from 1.9 micronand
that _o8-
is typical of other highland rock ,0_L _ _oc Ass
samples, r ///-_ _-4_7_
704 PYROX_N_

PROCESSING _o ,2 ,. _ _8 _o 22 2. 2_ 28

The details of the intial processing Figure 12: Rb-Sr mineral data for the pyroxene-rich fragments of the Civet
of 72255 were given by Marvin in Cat clast. With new constants, the "3.9 Ga reference line" corresponds with
CI 1 (1974). Three documented
3.82 Ga reference, and the 4.17 isochron to 4.08 Ga. The reference
pieces had broken away during
transport, and partly used for thin isochron corresponds with the time of redistribution of 87Sr and/or Rb after
sections. The sawing of a 1.5 cm- original igneous cooling at 4.08 Ga. (Compston et al., 1975).
thick slab (Figs. 1,2) was
accomplished in July, 1973. The
slab, 72255,10, was removed as a
single piece and,11 broke off along
a pre-existing crack. Some chalky [
white material was sawn from the _1__- MAXIMUM AGE ESTIMATE _OXE_ER,C_,o

east tip (,18)

sections and used forand
and chemistry, thinsurface _,ol CIVET CAT CLAST G,EEN
chips were taken from elsewhere . ,_ox_,__,c.
on the main mass (Fig. 2). The slab z0_t- __J ,o,,_

divisions as shown
was subdivided, in the
with Fig.main
19. zo__ [_,XIMUMAOE445 _ ._ *2 _
P_,oc_ UNEI
Many thin sections were made from : o BLACK PYROXENEi

slab materials. A second slab and _ _ _ °_x_o

relatedmass 72255,23
pieces in from
were cut 1984,the
but _o2_-
[ o._'/PtAcaoctme RIC.TOT_rOV'L
studies of them have only recently // 4 PLAGIOCL$4._S

commenced. 7oo

02 04 06 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 13: Maximum age estimate for the Civet Cat norite (4.36 Ga with
new decay constants). The diagram assumes that new Rb entered the
pyroxene-rich component during deformation and shearing at breccia
assembly, but that all plagioclase separates and black pyroxene were
unaffected. Then the "4.2" Ga (new constants give 4.11 Ga) becomes a
mixing line of no simple time significance. (Compston et aL, 1975).
52_AMPLE 72255

I I]1 l J I tl I I Ill I i I I] I I



107 0 PiT COUNT _" SEMDATA "_


Io6 r I II I I E II I I I II I I t II I I I I
10-3 10-2 i0-1 i0o I0 I

Figure 14: Measured track densities in 72255,30 and ,32 plotted as a

function of distancefrom the exterior surface. SEM and optical data,
without normalization. The solid line is the best fit through the data points.
(Goswami and Hutcheon, 1975).

109 i I I I I i i I I I I I I-I
ROCK 72255


\ T= 50 My .........
,\ T=4OMy ......
E I08 - "

c_ 107


Io6 I I I II I I I II I I I I,
10-2 iO-I I0o I0 I

DEPTH (cm)

Figure 15: Observed and expected track density profiles for 72255. The
solid line is taken from Figure 14; the dotted and dashed lines are
calculated for two different exposure ages. (Goswami and Hutcheon,
SAMPLE 72255--53



I i I I

80 60 4-0 20 ]90

0 m
'Or --__ T
0 6



2,o j/q o
180 0 2

• 72275,__
DOWN O0 O 50 ;00
i 150 200 250
: 500
• 72255,__ NRM VECTOR UP T(_C)
[] 72255,__ NRM VECTOR DOWN

Figure 16: Absolute NRM directions of samples of Figure 17: Decay of NRM intensity on thermal
72255 and 72275. Average directions for each sample demagnetization of 72255 and 72275 samples in zero
are denoted by the larger symbols. 95% cones of field and in an H2.C02 gas-buffered furnace.
confidence are indicated. (Banerjee et al., 1974a). (Banerjee et al., 1974a).

S so,o/" / / _N_M'_eo
,,, _,40 L_7S
270 i
I } I t [
I I I 90

/ __80 60 40 20

2°o. ",5o \ !

210 __J 150



• 72275,56
• 72255,55 VECTOR UP
o 72255,55 VECTOR DOWN

Figure 18: Main subdivisions of the first slab cut from Figure 19: Changes in NRM directions on AF-
72255, in 1973 (from Marvin, in CI 1, 1974). demagnetization of 72255 and 72275 samples. The
numbers refer to peak AF values. The stable direction
for 72275 is average of points 75,100, and 150; that for
72255 for points 75 and 100. (Banerjee et al., 1974a).

Fragmental Polymict Breccia
St. 2, 3640 g

INTRODUCTION shapedwith roundedcomers. After and lithic fragmentsconstituting a

collectionit brokeinto several fragmentalpolymict breccia. The
72275 is a fragmentalbreccia that pieces (Fig. 1). The exposed sample is not a regolith breccia. A
may represent the matrix of surface had a thin patchy brown few of the ciasts are more thana
Boulder 1, although it stood upin patina, with a few zap pits on some centimeter across, including a con-
bold relief on the top of the boulder surfaces (N, E, B). Splashes of spicuousrimmed clast (Figs. 1, and
(see section on Boulder 1, St. 2, black glass covered some of the 2) labelled Clast #1 c_ the Marble
Fig. 2). It is predominantly light sample. An opposite face, tilted Cake clast. Other conspicuous
gray [N7], fairly friable, and down toward the boulder, had a clasts are the Apollo 17 KREEPy
encloses severalprotruding powdery covering that was layered basalts (-3.93 Ga old) unique to
subrounded coherent knobs. Most and ripple-marked, this sample, many dark melt-matrix
such knobs are darker colored breccias, and varied feldspathic
(medium gray IN5]). The sample 72275 is a porous aggregate of granulite and other feldspathic
was 17cm long, and irregularly angular mineral, devitrified glass, breccias. Numerous rock types,

Figure 1: Reconstructed 72275, with documented pieces mainly on the right, and undocumented pieces in the
foreground The exposed north side shows thin brown patina. Clast #1 (Marble Cake clast) is prominent on the front
face. Scale in centimeters. S-73-1607Z
56_SAMPLE 72275


72255 is conspicuously polymict

(Figs. 1-5). LSPET (1973)
described the sample as a layered
light gray-breccia. Simonds et al.
(1975) listed it as a fragmental
breccia. The most detailed
descriptions of the petrography of
72275 are given in Stoeser et al.
(1974a, and in CI 1, CI 2, 1974),
Marvin (in CI 1, 1974), and Ryder
et al. (1975b), who described
72275 as a light gray friable
breccia. The Apollo 17 KILEEPy
basalts were described in particular
by Ryder et aL (1977) and Salpas et
al. (1987).

Mapping of the sample before and

after slabbing (Marvin, in CI 1,
1974) showed four main lithologic
types (Fig. 3a, b)

1) the light gray matrix with minor

darker gray zones, appearing as a
friable aggregate of mineral and
. lithic clasts with a range of sizes up
.... to about 0.5 ram. Plagioclase and a
few percent brown and yellow
mafic silicates were identifiable,
with sparse grains of pink or ambe_
spinel, and metallic iron.

2) anorthositic clasts of which the

most conspicuous is clast #1
(Marble Cake clast), with a black
tim. Smaller white clasts, with and
without rims, occur throughout the
specimen. Clast #1 is not pure
_ _ . white, but has 10 to 20% yellow
marie silicates, and appears to be a

Figure 2: Initial slabbing and slab dissection of 72275, leaving irregular fluidized cataclastic breccia,
interlayered with gray breccia and
surface, and exposing the dark clasts #2 and #3. Clast #1 is to the left. black rim material.
Cubes are I inch. S-73-34463.

3) Dark gray aphanitic clasts,

such as other basalts, granites, and petrographic and chemical study including clasts #2 and #3, which
impact melts, are present as smaller possible. Detailed maps of the are hard, resistant dark gray
fragments. Rare gas analyses exterior surfaces and the slab based materials (later identified as
suggest an exposure age of about on the macroscopic observations, as aphanitic impact melts). These
52 Ma, a little older than 72215 and well as descriptions of the sample clasts contain small angular
72255 and suggesting a two-stage allocations, were given in Marvin fragments and thin white streaks
exposure history for the boulder. (in CI 1, 1974) (Fig. 3a, b). Two indicating that they are polymict
new slabs parallel to the fast were breccias. Small fragments are
Most of the studies of 72275 were cut in 1984 (Figs. 3e, 4, 5) for new common in 72275.
conducted by the Consortium consortium studies (leader L. A.
Indomitabile (leader J. A. Wood). Taylor). They were described by 4) Basaltic clasts and zones, which
A slab cut across the sample (Fig. Salpas et al. (1985). are the relics of the Apollo 17
2) in 1973 made a comprehensive KREEPy basalts. Most of the clasts
SAMPLE 72275--57

are rounded, and consist of white Table 1: Population survey of clast types in 72275 light gray matrix,
feldspar laths and yellow pyroxene, excepting the dark impact melt breccias. % by number, not area.
Most conspicuous are clasts #4 and (Stoeser et al., 1974a).
#5 on the slab pieces. The clasts
are embedded in zones of fine-
grained basaltic debris, but these Clast type . -=7_ s
zones are difficult to delineate
macroscopically. (Other basaltic Granulitic ANT
Granulitic breccias
polygonal anorthosite 48.3%
clasts were later found and mapped Crushed anorthosite 5.1
on the newer slab cuts by Salpas et Devitrifiedglass 7.9
al., 1985, 1987). Glass shards 0.4
U]tramafic particles 1.6
Three distinct lithologic units in the Basaltic troctolite 2.0
1984 surfaces were recognized by Pigeonite basalt 5.1
Willis (1985). A darker and coarser Other basaltic par{icles 2.0
Granitic clasts 1.6
unit separated two lighter, more "Civet Cat" type nbrite 0.4
fine-grained units. Each is distinct Monomineralic plagioclase 15.0
with respect to clast sizes, Monomineralic mafic silicates 5.5
abundance, and types. O,e of the Monomineralic spinel & opaques !.2
lighter units consists mainly of
basalts sitting in crushed basalts, Number of clasts surveyed 254
whereas the other changes from
breccia clasts (mainly dark melt
breccias) to basalts towards the ropy glass clasts, nor their (Marvin, in C_ I, 1974; St_ser et
interior of the rock. The dark coarz_e devitrified equivalents that are aL, in CI 1, 1974).._ he clas tm are
zone consists mostly of dark melt characteristic of regofith breccias, rounded, with prominent white
breccia clasts. In all the units the occur in the light-gray friable feldspar and yellow mafic silicates.
average clast dimension decreases matrix. The range of mineral Few of the relict basalt fragments
from the first face exposed to the fragments (Figs. 7-9) is similar to are more than a few millimeters
last. the range in the dark aphanitic across; rare examples reach one
melts (Figs. 9, and 10), with centimeter.
Stoeser et al. (1974a, and in CI 1, plagioclase, low-Ca pyroxenes, and
1974) and Ryder et al. (1975b) olivine predominant, llmenite, Most of the KREEPy basalts clasts
considered that the sample had two tloilite, Fe-metal, pink spinel, have a mesostasis-rich subophitic to
major llthologic types, that of the chromite, and trace amounts of K- intersertal texture (Fig. 6e) (Stoeser
gray polymict breccia, and that of feldspar, silica, zircon, and et al., CI 1, 1974; CI 2, 1974,
the KREEPy basalt (which they armalcolite, are present. The 1974a,b; Ryder et al., 1975b, 1977;
referred to as "pigeonite basalt") differences in lithic clast Irving, 1975; Salpas et al., 1985,
breccia; the latter forms about 30% . populations preclude the possibility 1986a, 1987). Most have a medium
of the exposed surfaces. The light- that the light-gray friable matrix is grain size (silicates 500-1000
gray friable breccia is composed of a crushed version of the dark microns), but there is a range down
porous, poorly-sintered matrix, aphanitic melts. The lack of to fme-grained equigranular and
with angular mineral and lithic equilibration rims and lack of glassy vitrophyric varieties, which
clasts (Fig. 6a, b). A clast extensive sintei'ing suggest that the are less common. The textures are
population survey was tabulated by light-gray matrix was not subjected homogeneous, and the fragments
Stoeser et aL (1974a) (Table 1); to high temperatures for any great contain no xenoliths or other
however, this table omits the dark length of time. features suggestive of an impact
matrix breccias (the aphanitic origin for the melt phase. The
melts) that are the dominant clast A17 KREEPy Basalts: t,'hemical evidence (below) also
type. The dark aphanitic melts, The KREEPy basalts, originally suggests that these basalts are
which resemble samples 72215 and referred to as Pigeonite basalts volcanic. The range in grain sizes
72255 in petrography and (Steeser et al. in CI 1, 1974, and and textures suggests that a
chemistry, are themselves polymict, 1974a,b) occur as fragments and sampling of both flow interiors and
containing all the other clast types breccia zones in the light gray exteriors was obtained. The
except for the KREEPy basalts, matrix (Fig. 3a,b). They have not dominant subophitic basalts consist
Materials similar to the Civet Cat been found in the dark impact melt of approximately equal amounts of
norite and granites appear to be bl"eccias, nor in any other samples, plagioclase and clinopyroxene
dominantly, if not absolutely, The brecciated zones consist almost (mainly pigeonite), with 10% to
confined to the dark aphanitic entirely of crushed basalts, and are 30% of a complex fine-grained and
melts. Neither glass sphemles or clots or bands up to 2 cm thick, opaque mesostasis (Fig. 6e). A
58_AMPLE 72275


,2..... [] []
72275,31 /'

MAIN MASS 72275, IO2 72275,28
C=4 SLAB 72275, 42


_-i_[_ GABBRO

CLASI _1 A [ cm


SLAB 72275, 42 72275,27


A CLAST ? 72275,58



• • x CLAST

_ _ [] _¢m
_ _._- GRAY t cm



i cm _ A_RAN,T,C
_L.S_S <_5*"'_E_.o.P.O_,T,E
a b _] AREA

C _ - "_J ,328

Figure 3: Slabbing and mapping of 72275. a) Sawn surface of the main mass (,102), and the slab (,42). b) Surface
of clast #1 and the east end piece (,27). c) 1984 reslabbing of main mass ,102. Cube is I inch.
SAMPLE 72275--59

Figure 4: Exposed west face of ftrst 1984 slab (,328) after removing irregular surface left in 1973 slabbing. Most of
the surface visible is that exposed in Fig. 2; another large clast has been exposed Cube is I inch; rule scale is
centimeters. S-84-45540.

Figure 5: Exposed east face of second 1984 slab (,337) and its subdivisions. There is an obvious lack of large clasts
compared with the earlier exposed faces. Cube is I inch; rule scale is centimeters. S-84-46145.
60_SAMPLE 72275

a b c

d e

Figure 6: Photomicrographs of 72275. All plane transmitted light except c), crossed polarizers. All about 2mmfield
of view.
a) 72275,13: general friable matrix of undocumented chip, showing feldspathic granulite clasts and schlieren
(right), clasts or blobs of dark melt matrix breccias, and numerous mineral clasts.
b) 72275,134: general matrix of 1973 slab near clast #5, showing rounded dark melt breccia pieces, mineral
clasts, and small fragments of KREEPy basalts.
c) 72275,138: anorthositic breccia from the core of clast #1, the Marble Cake clast.
d) 72275,145: matrix of clast #2, a dark melt breccia.
e) 72275, 147: clast #5, a monomict breccia or cataclasite of KREEPy basalt.
SAMPLE 72275--61

^ • _ A \
72275 t. \ % E

/ t o_ T \

/ t_,;'../= ",,,\

a /
/ ,f
I • }

, x,

Oi ^ ^ ^ ^ ,Hd Oi ^ ^ ___A ^ Hd

b . " c _o! w" I ", _,

/ i " * \

WHITE STREAK _ /I0_/ . (_2,__,,,c-5-_-"

j _ " _1 GRAY MATRIx
72275, "\
128 _X
En 90 50 70 60 50 40 30 20 I0 Fs En 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 tO Fs

Figure 7: Compositions of pyroxenes in 72275 light gray friable matrix samples. The large outlined area is the
range of compositions of pyroxenes in the KREEPy basalts; the smaller outlined areas are the ranges for
anorthositic breccias, a) b) are general matrix, c) is a white streak in the matrix in ,128 a) from Stoeser et al.
(1974a). b) c) from Stoeser et al. in CI 1, 1974.


8l m
n n n p
ndqqFh 70
n n-n
60 50

b ,
n _
60 50

072275, CLAST#1
P7t 72275, 128 ANORTHOSITIC
0 80 70 60 50


d I-no

Figure 8:Histograms ofoliv_compositions in72275 matrixanddasts.

a)monomineralicolivinesin generallightgraymatrix,b) olivinesfrom
feldspathicgranuliteclasts,c) olivinesin clast #1and the whitestreakin
,128.d) olivinesin thetroctoliticbasalts(impactmelts?)and theKREEPy
basalts(= pigeonitebasalts).Stoeseret al.(1974a).
62_AMPLE 72275

"_I encloses
al., 1977)plagioclases, is elongate
Clinopyroxene, which to samples
that form72215 and Boulder
the other 72255, and
,0 ] 72275 Morble Co ke BCBx tabular. Many are twinned; none were similarly eventually

_. t • , to crystallize
are sector zoned.
was The
first pyroxene melts (e.g. Ryder
recognized as aphanitic
and Wood,
8o 6'o orthopyroxene such as is common Spudis and Ryder, 1981) and not
in A 15 KREEP basalts is absent, the metamorphosed breccias
722,5 Gcsxcrofts Zoning to more Fe-, Ca-rich originally suggested (e.g. Stoeser et
i pyroxenes is commonly erratic, al., 1974a, Ryder et al., 1975b).
They are also similar to the Station
5 9_
__L 80
• •
70 •
60 The silica polymorph is a late-stage 3 samples 73215, 73235, and 73255

i',"' 5% of some
phase, clasts. It has
andcomposes the as
as much breccias
(e.g. Jameswere
et described
al., 1978). by
mosaic fracture pattern et al., (1974a,b, and in CI 1, CI 2,
_ characteristic of eristobalite. Some 1974), Ryder et al. (1977b), and
grains are laths (poorly-developed) Spudis and Ryder (1981).
and up to 500 microns long. Most of the dark melt breccias are
! Chromite is a euhedral to subhedral less than 1 mm, but some are much
early-crystallizing phase, most less larger, including Clasts #2 and #3
_o _ ./o _o than 50 microns, that is aluminous exposed on the sawn faces (Fig. 2-
A_ and zoned to titanian chromite rims. 4). Clast #3 was not allocated, but
Figure 9: Compositions ofolivines Olivine is rare, small (less than 300 clast #2 was allocated for
in 72275 lithologies. Marble Cake microns), and a compositional petrographic and chemical studies.
is clast #1; GCBx are the dark range from Fo69-64. It appears to The Marble Cake clast (clast #1) is
impact melt breccias; LFBx is the have survived by enclosure in other a complex rimmed clast (see
general light gray matrix. Ryder et silicates. The mesostasis forms below). Clasts # 1 and #2, and many
al. (1975b). interstitial triangular patches of the smaller dark breccias, have a
several hundred microns across. "globby" nature, with rounded and
silica mineral (cristobalite?), minor There is no evidence of irregular outlines (Figs. 2, 4, and
chromite, Fe-metal, and very rare immiscibility, although it is 6a, b). In thin sections they are very
olivine are present outside of the heterogeneous, appearing to be dark and dense, with a very fine-
mesostasis, q"ne mesostasis consists more Fe-rich adjacent to pyroxene grained groundmass enclosing a
of ilmenite, Fe-metal, cristobalite and more silicic adjacent to variety of clasts, usually small
(?), plagioclase, ferroaugite, plagioclases (Stoeser et al., in CI 1, (Figs. 6a, b, d). The lithic clast
phosphate, lroilite, potash feldspar, 1974). The mesostasis rims are not population consists of feldspathic
zircon, and a Si-rich glass. Both Fe- all sharply defined. The bulk granulites, other feldspathic
metal and troilite occur as veins, composition of the mesostasis is breccias, some basalts and coarser
Fe-, Si-, and P-rich, and poor in K impact melts, and sparse granites.
The compositions of silicate compared with many other lunar Monomineralic clasts are mainly
mineral phases are shown in Figs. mesostasis compositions. Fe-metal plagioclase, but oil.vines and
11, 12, and 13, and analyses of and (less common) troilite occur in pyroxenes are also common. Some
metal grains in Fig. 14. Representa- the mesostasis, as veins, and as dark clasts have vesicles. The melt
tive microprobe analyses of phases blebs in early-crystallizing phases, matrices are fine-grained, mainly
are tabulated in Stoeser et al. (in CI Their low Ni contents are plagioclase and probably pyroxene
1, CI 2, 1974; 1974b; Ryder et al., consistent with lack of meteoritic commonly less than 5 microns, and
1977). Phases in the relict basalt contamination and thus, a volcanic the melt fraction is probably about
fragments and the brecciated zones origin for the basalts. 50-70% of the volume. Composi-
show similar ranges (e.g. Figs. 11, dons of monomineralic silicate
and 12). Dark Impact Melt Breecias: phases, mainly clasts, are shown in
Materials originally labelled "dark Fig. 9b (plagioclases) and Fig. 10
Plagioclases, which form an matrix breccias" (Stoeser et al., in (olivines and pyroxenes). The range
interlocking network of laths, is CI 1, 1974) and later gray to black in compositions of mafic minerals
zoned normally; the trend towards competent breccias (e.g. in Ryder et is greater than that of anorthositic
extreme Or-enrichment in al., 1975b) are a distinctive feature breccias (e.g. granulites), and
plagioclase appears to be unique of 72275. They are the dominant indicates that a wide variety of
among lunar samples. Some of the clast material, and occur as discrete lithologies contributed to the dark
plagioclase borders contain glassy clasts and as finds to, or intermixed melt breccias. However, no
or microcrystalline silicic globules with, feldspathic clasts such as fragments of the A 17 KREEPy
less thanl0 microns in diameter, feldspathic granulites. They are basalts have been found in these
possibly trapped magma.(Ryder et similar to the dark matrix materials melt breccias. Defocused beam
SAMPLE 72275---63

analyses (Table 2) show that the

dark matrix breccias have low-K aaecc._
Fra Mauro basalt compositions n r_ n r_, _ []] _ m ,n _q7
similar to those in 72215 and 72255 90 Bo 70 so 5o

(see also chemistry

suggesting a commonsection),
source, ']
%0 _o -- -_ • - _oI..a- .
_o "_o
although there is some variation. .0,_ F.

Clast #1 (Marble Cake): ...... ,,

The distinctive 3 on clast visible on ,o (_\.:.

slabbing (Figs. 2-4) was described ,o i\/

by Stoeser
and et al. Marvin
CI 2, 1974), (1974a, et
andal.CI 1 _o / _-
(1974), and Ryder et al. (1975b). It ,o . S • :"
consists ofalight-coloredcore /
Ea _-_
so ao ro _ • __
6o z
40 _
_o _
zo _ Fs
(white, with about 10 to 20%
yellow minerals) with a dense .........................................
envelope of dark breccia material -/ ....
that also is crudely interlayered / • ' ;_'_":
with the core. The rim and the core "' "''" :
have been fluidized simultaneously. '" " "
• :'b';_' •
Part of the clast was thin sectioned ..........
and mapped (Fig. 15). ' •
Compositions of marie mineral
phases are shown in Fig. 16. Figure 10: Compositions of olivines (a, b) and pyroxenes (c, d) in dark
Defocused beam analyses of some impact melt breccias (GCBx) in 72275. a) Stoeser et al. (1974a), b),d)
clasts are given in Table 3. The Ryder et al. (1975b), c) Stoeser et al., CI 1.
dark breccia consists of an
aphanitic impact melt, similar to other samples, but are actually clasts were described by Stoeser et
other dark breccias in 72275 except unique. Some exsolved pyroxene al. (1974a, and in CI 1, CI 2, 1974),
that it is darker, more vesicular, and fragments that are 200 microns and by Ryder et al. (1975b) under
higher in K and P than most (Table across (hence bigger than those in the now-obsolete acronym ANT
2, col. 9) (Stoeser et aL, in CI 2, the ilmenite microgabbros) have a (anorthosite, norite, troctolite).
1974). The core material is a composition similar to those in the Some are several centimeters in
complex mix, dominated by a ilmenite mierogabbros; their source size, and are petrographically
coarse-grained feldspathic Ethology could be a coarser-grained similar to those found in other
that has been crushed (Fig. 6c). equivalent. Other clast types Boulder 1 samples and elsewhere at
Some of its fragments are include an orange glass (spinel the Apollo 17 site. Recrystallized
granulitic, and more than one troctolite composition), some fine- varieties (feldspathic granulites,
feldspathic rock type may be grained "basalts" with quenched both poikilitic and granulitic in
presenL The parent rock was appearance that give the impression texture) are most common. The
plaginclase-rich (more than 80%), of being impact melts, and compositions range from noritic to
and contained olivine (Fo60_68), microgranites. The latter are fairly troctolitic anotthosites. They have a
bronzite, and angite: a cataclastic common, range of mineral compositions (e.g.
troctolitic ferroan anorthosite. Fig. 17), though most individual
Iimenite microgabbros are small Feldspathie Breceias: clasts ate fairly well-equilibrated.
igneous (or possibly metamorphic) 72275 contains a variety of The ranges are not unlike those
fragments that are fine-grained and feldspathic lithic materials ranging reported for other feldspathic
not reported from other lunar from cataclastie ferroan highlands breccias; they do not
samples; they consist of 43-57% anorthosite-like materials to include marie minerals with Mg'
plagioelase (An65-80 Or5-15), 25- feldspathic grannlites; some of much higher than 0.83, and the
them reach several centimeters plagioclases are dominantly very
46% pyroxene (Mg' about 50; see long. Apart from the dark melt
Fig. 16), and 9-18% ilmenite. They ealcic.
also contain minor amounts of breccias (in which they are a clast-
cristobalite, troilite, and metallic type), they are the most abundant The samples described by Stoeser
iron. They are more similar to sodic clasts in 72275; they also occur as et al. (1974a, and in CI 1, CI 2,
ferrogabbro fragments at Apollo 16 discrete fragments in the light gray 1974) and Ryder et al. (1975b)
(Roedder and Weiblen, 1974) than friable breccia. The feldspathic
64_SAMPLE 72275

.%" - _5 *0
_..,,_ . - A large number of chemical
a _(REEPy Pigeonitm 8oSOlI(PB) ,.
"_*'_'4_... \ _ analyses have been made on 72275
ro 8o _o matrix and its clastic components,
ranging from fairly comprehensive

15 LAST [ elements as part of

fC -%
geochronological studies. The
chemical data are given in Tables
5a, b, c (light
to analyses
gray matrix
for one

(KREEPy basalts), Table 7 (Clast


Or n # 1, Marble Cake, lithologies), and

.. _ \ melt breccias),
Table Tablesbreccia
8 (feldspathic 6a, b clasts).

Reed (several papers) includes

some combined leach and residue
5 data.
b 15t-aASA
75 L.TiO,
85 Of A n The
graygiven by Jovanovic
friable and
matrix and
dark melt breccias:
The several analyses of bulk friable
Figure 11: Compositions of plagioclases in A 17 KREEPy basalts, a) Ryder matrix show some variability at the
etal. (1975b) b)Salpasetal. (1985, 1987). Clasticreferstoplagioclasesin seale of therather small samples
comminuted zones, generally analyzed (less than 50
mg) (Tables 5a, b; Fig. 19). The
were classified as uurecrystallized, monomict, consisting of about 95% chemistry differs from that of the
granulitic, and poikiloblastic anorthite (An95.1.97.1) and 5% dark melt breccias and from other
"ANT" breccias. Poikilitic pyroxene (augite and pigeonite; boulder matrices at the Apollo 17
fragments are rare to absent. The Fig. 18). The pyroxene occurs as site in being less aluminous and
unre_n-ystallized fragments have small (less than 100 micron) grains more iron-rich. The chemistry is
porous fragmental matrices, and interstitial to larger plagioclases, consistent with a mix of dark melt
appear to be crushed anorthositic Salpas et al. (1986b, 1987a) also breccias, feldspathic breccias, and
igneous rocks. The dominant part described six feldspathic granulite KREEPy basalts. The latter
of the core of the Marble Cake clast clasts from the 1984 slabbing. Their component is seen in the very high
is one such fragment. The granulitic characters are summarized in Table Ge content of the matrix (Morgan
fragments are characterized by 4. In general they are composed of et aL, 1974, 1975), as high Ge is a
triple point textures typical of rounded to angular fragments of distinctive character of the
recrystallization. Their plagioclase and olivine in KREEPy basalts. The matrix
compositions and textures are granoblastic or poikiloblastic analyses reported by Salpas et al.
varied. Poikiloblastic fragments are matrices of plagioclase and (1987b) are identical in all respects
distinguished by their small pyroxene. The amount of olivine is with the KREEPy basalts
poikilitic pyroxenes enclosing rather small (<5%). The textures of themselves and these samples must
smaller plagioclases, set in a the granulites suggest that most are have very low contents of
mosaic of much coarser brecciated assemblages which were feldspathic granulites or melt
plagioclases; all are fine grained, subsequently recrystallized, breecias. Their abundances of
with even the larger plagioclases incompatible elements (Fig. 19b) is
rarely more than 200 microns. 72275 also contains small amounts higher than most other matrix
Salpas et al. (1986b, 1987a) of other lithic clast types, ranging samples and similar to those in the
described an anorthositic clast from from olivine-normative mare KREEPy basalts (Fig. 20).
the 1984 slabbing that they referred basalt-like fragments, ultramafic Of the dark melt brecclas, only
to as the first Apollo 17 ferroan particles, troctolitic basalts clast #2 (Table 5c) and the Marble
anorthosite; however, there are (probably impact melts), and Cake rind (below) were analyzed,
other candidates for that honor granitic fragments (Table 1). apart from the defocused beam
(including the core of the Marble microprobe analyes (the defocused
Cake clast, which is certainly beam analysis of clast #2 agrees
closely related). The small tolerably well with the atomic
fragment (less than 5 ram) is absorption analysis except for its
higher normative feldspar). The
SAMPLE 72275_5


\/ \.,+T.


S "':
/ *
?, °:
/ v v ¢ v v v I ** " v v v "\

illlltl| Dstrltsl

/ IKREE_"S° I • .%"" *
",_' *

/ ,"..... '9" • • "

,* " ,% •

/ •

.,.,,,.,I.: Z -, ..../
*,',,,°* **',dl',

In # i n I * o [11 h
90 70 50 90 70 5_0

Figure 12: Compositions of pyroxenes in A 17 KREEPy basalts and breccias, plotted on quadrilaterals, a) Stoeser et
al. (1974). b) Ryder et al. (1977). c) Salpas et al. (1987)

•+• ,.o •

TiO2 I

0 , , " ts/"at_" , , , Ti

A1203 _ • •* • f •,** * , , •
0 \
Wt% 0t r n .)Wt_'¢'_
I a _**..•. n *•.....
I _ t

I .o •_fet roouglte_
Ti/AI 0.5 **Z .**,* °** •** •
,,,.t.'.d""•" " • •
0 i 1°'_J •1 z I i i i

wt'.,.I01 _'e,_',..
• • •;
-, ..i/:i.-....
O:l O!Z 0:3 04
Af omic
• ".'.•
", :.
0;7 0:8 09 ,0
++ Cr

Figure 13: Abundances and ratios of minor elements in pyroxenes in A 17 KREEPy basalts. Arrow indicates
direction of crystallization. Ryder et al. (1977).
66_SAMPLE 72275

U xx

05"_I xx _. "x • • BLEBS

• o

e" o
a F i i ol t ,Io ,5 _ '
wt % Ni

• BasaltI¢
o Oetrital

.4 Fkjll

.6 _ gleteorlte

% NI

Figure 14: Compositions of metals in A 17 KREEPy basalts, a) Ryder et al. (1977). b) Salpas et al. (1987). In b)
fieM labelled "72275" is taken from a) and the difference is stated by Salpas et al. (1987) to be an analytical
problem in the Ryder et al. (1977) study.

72275, 142


_'_G__ _








Figure 15: Sketch map of the interior of clast #1 (the Marble Cake clast). The white areas consist of a mixture of
finely-crushed gabbroic anorthosite and ilmenite microgabbro. Uncrushed remnants large enough to map are
indicated by clast type. Stoeser et al. (in C12, 1974) and Marvin et al. (1974).
SAMPLE 72275_7

Table 2: Defocused beam electron microprobe analyses of dark aphanitic melt breccias in 72275.
Key: 5) 72275,128, average of 10 analyses of 2 clasts. 6) 72275,134, average of 21 analyses of clast. 7) 72275,12,
average of 5 analyses of rind around anorthositie elasL 8) Clast #2, average of 15 analyses. 9) Dark melt material of
dast #1 (the Marble Cake clast). (Stoeser et al., in CI 1, 1974).

5 6 7 8 9

72275, 128 72275, 134 72275, 12 72275_ 146

DMB Dl_m vesicular clast #2 72275, 140
matrix matrix rim matrix DMB

SiO 2 49. 7 47.7 43.9 47.0 46.6

TiO 2 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.3
Cr203 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
A1203 18.8 20.3 22.9 22.8 19.6
FeO 10. 0 10.6 8. 7 8.9 11.0
MnO 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2
MgO 9.0 10.0 12. 1 8.7 8.2
CaO 11.4 11.5 11.6 12.9 11.4
Na20 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6
K20 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5
P205 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.8
Tot:d 101.6 102.7 101.7 102.9 100.4

Fo 0.0 3.4 16.5 4.5 1.6

Fa 0.O 2.7 8.8 3.3 1.5
En 22.0 19.5 6.1 14.8 18.2
Fs 16.3 13.9 3.0 9.9 15.5
Wo 2.1 0.7 0.0 0.8 1.1
Or 2.0 1.3 1.6 1.3 2.9
Ab 3.9 4.2 5.4 4.9 5.5
An 47.5 51.1 55.1 57.4 48.7
Ilm 2. 1 2.0 1.6 I.8 2.5
Chr 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Qtz 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cor 0.0 0. O 1.0 O.0 0.0
Ap 1.1 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.8

ANORTH. DI/ .... \HD 72275, CLAST #1

S" /

EN v v v v v v FS
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 I0

90' 80 70 60 50 40 _0 _0 ,

Figure 16: Compositions of pyroxenes and olivi_es in phases of tl_ interior of clast #1 (the Marble Cake clast) and
sodic ferrogabbros for comparison.
68-_SAMPLE 72275

Table 3: Defocused beam electron microprobe analyses of four types of A 17 KREEPy BASALTS:
clast in the light-colored interior of clast #1 (the Marble Cake clast). Analyses of the KREEPy basalts
(Stoeser et el., in CI 2, 1974). sampled from the 1973 sawing
(clast 5 and probably clast 4) are
1. 2. 3. 4. 8. 6. given in Table 6a, and numerous
790C10 790C18 790CI 790C2 790C5 790C6 analyses of small clasts (mainly
anorth, gabbroic ilmenite ilmenite orange basalticbreccia)sampled from the
gabbro anorth, microgab, microgab. "basalt" glass 1984 sawing in Table 6b. Most of
w_. _ OXIDES thelatter are partial analyses. The
SiO 2 43. 38 41.16 45. 89 48. 48 47.10 43. 20
rare earths are shown in Fig. 20.
TiO2 0.08 0.06 4.38 6.89 2.89 0.26 The KREEPy basalt is quartz-
Cr203 20.87
0. 06 29.96
0.03 14.70
0.05 14.54
0.05 10.09
0.ii 13.96
0. 05 normative, withan evolvedMg'
Fed 7.85 4.16 11.70 10.01 15.19 8.49 similar to some mare basalts, but
MgO 0.13
8.79 0.04
3.56 0.17
5.67 0.14
3.38 0.19
7.32 0.05
22.87 with elevated rare earths compared
Cad 12.70 16.01 12.16 9.42 13.08 8.96 with mare basalts. The sample lacks
Na 80
K20 0.28
0.05 0.28
0.05 0.91
0.92 0.85
0.90 O.37
0.25 0.66
0.23 meteoritic contamination (Morgan
Sad 0.04 0.04 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.04 etaL, 1974, 1975). The rare earth
P205 0.02 0.03 0.46 0.42 0.35 n.d. elements are KREEP-like, but the
TOTAL 94,29 95.43 97.27 95.05 98.02 98.81 heavy rare earths have a slightly
CIPWNORM steeper slope than other KREEP
basalts. These basalts cannot be
FA 6.1
4.4 5.3
4.9 .........
......... 38.8
11.3 related to other known KREEP
EN 14. 5 1.8 14.5 8.9 18.7 2.7 basalts by fractional crystallization
FS 3.3
9.6 1.5
--- 10.3
14.6 4.8
7.7 16.i
20.6 4.2
0.7 or pardal meltingofconunon
oR o. 3 o. 3 9.6 8.6 1.5 1.4 sources. They are quite distinct
AN 98.9
2.5 83.1
2.3 34.3
7.9 7.8
35.0 28.8
3.2 _4.9
5.6 from the only other volcanic
ILM 0. 2 0. 1 8.6 33.2 5.6 o. 5 KREEP samples known, the Apollo
CHR ......
0.1 --- 2.7
0.1 15.8
0.i 9.3
0.2 ---
0.1 15KREEPbasalts(Ryderetal.,
AP ---
8.1 0.4
0.1 ............
1.1 1.0 0.8 --- 1977; Irving, 1975). Ryder et al.
(1977) discussed the chemistry as
co_. NoRMMira being intermediate between mare
oL: Fo 66.5 60.7 ......... 83.2 and KREEP basalts. Salpas et al.
FS 58.9
29.7 60.7
39.3 42.0
32.2 47.0
31.1 39.0
32.1 39.2
7.9 (1987b) fotmd that the breccias and
wo 11.4 --- 29.8 21.8 28.9 52.9 the actual basalt clasts were
AB 0.5
4.3 0.3
2.9 _1.5
17.4 _. 5
16.5 5. O
ii.0 3.3
14.1 indistinguishable in composition.
AN 95.3 96.8 71.0 72.0 84.0 82.6 They interpreted their analyses to
atomic Mg/ (Mg+Fe) 0.666 0.604 8.463 0.375 0.462 0.827 represent fragmen_ofa single flow
MgO/ (MgO+FeO) 0.528 0.461 0.326 0.252 0.325 0.729 or of a seriesof relatedflows,with
NO. of analyses 26 16 12 4 3 1 a fairly consistent trend on an O1-
Si-An diagram for the 9 samples
that they analyzed more completely
clast # 2 analysis is similar to those those in the other Boulder 1 (Fig. 21). However, this diagram
for 72255 and 72215 dark melt samples: Group 3H, and 3L for the may be misleading: Some of the
breccias except for slightly higher 72215 and 72235 samples. All are variation that they found undoubt-
abundances of incompatible distinct from most other Apollo 17 edly results from unrepresentative
elements (the Marble Cake rind has samples (Group 2). The sampling, and the SiO2 abundances
even higher abundances of distinctions are not a result of the
are obtained by difference, not
incompatible elements). Blanchard high Ge in the KREEPy basalts.
analysis. The trend on the diagram
et al. (1975) described clast #2 as Jovanovie and Reed (e.g. 1975c) is not that of pyroxene or
intermediate in chemistry between interpreted their data on some pyroxene+plagioclase (as the
the rind material and more typical volatile elements as constraining petrography would indicate), but of
dark melt breccias such as those in the thermal history of Boulder 1: olivine control; it may be an
72255. since consolidation it probably has artifact.
not been subjected to temperatures
The 72275 brecciated materials greater than 450 degrees C, and The very high Ge content of the
have obvious meteoritic vapor clouds from external sources KREEPy basalt is distinctive, and is
contamination (Morgan et al., permeated the source regions for accompanied by lesser enrichments
1974, 1975). Morgan et al. (1975) the boulder materials, in Sb and Se (Morgan et al., 1974,
grouped the meteoritic materials in 1975).
72275 and 72255 as distinct from
SAMPLE 72275---69

Clast #1 (Marble Cake clas0: as suggested by Stoeser et al. sources, because they show a range
Analyses of both white and dark (1974a). The rim material contains in Mg' consistent with their
portions of the Marble Cake clast meteoritic contamination, but no mineralogy. All are intermediate in
are given in Table 7, with the rare analysis for meteoritic siderophiles major element compositions
earth elements shown in Fig. 22. was made for the core. The rim between ferroan anorthosites and
Both phases are polymict, although siderophiles have ratios Mg-suite troctolites. Their rare
the white material is dominantly a corresponding with group 3 earth element abundances are
cataclastic troctolitic siderophiles that characterize other similar, with fairly flat patterns and
anorthosite/feldspathic granulite, boulder matrix samples, mainly small Eu anomalies. All
and the dark material is dominantly show elevated Ni, Au, and Ir
an aphanitic melt breccia. The Feldspathie breceias: abundances indicative of substan-
analysis of the white material Salpas et al. (1987a) provided tial meteoritic contamination; these
probably includes some dark melt analyses of an anorthositic clast and elements show abundances higher
component (Blanchard et al., 1975) six feldspathic granulites obtained than in A 16 feldspathic granulites.
and presumably ilmenite from the 1984 sawing (Table 8;
microgabbros and other lithologies. Fig. 23). The anorthosite (,350) is
The rare earth element abundances similar to other ferroan anorthosites STABLE ISOTOPES
are higher than expected for except that its rare earth elements
anorthositic or granulitic rocks. The and transition metals are slightly Oxygen isotope ratios were
dark rim material contains much higher than typical; however, the measured by Clayton and Mayeda
higher incompatible element sample mass was only 17 rag. The (1975a,b) and Mayeda et al. (1975)
abundances than most other dark clast has a positive Eu anomaly and for a friable matrix sample, both
melts in the boulder;, this includes on the basis of the low upper limits bulk and mineral separates, and for
Rb, U, and Th as well as the rare on the Ni and Ir abundances, the mineral separates from a KREEPy
earths. These abundances are sample would appear to be basalt fragment. The bulk breccia,
higher than their counterparts in the uncontaminated with meteoritic for which delta 180 (5.80) and
KREEPy basalts and are more material, delta 170 (2.94) were measured,
similar to the levels in A14 or A15 The six granulites show a range in falls on the earth-Moon mass
KREEP. The rim and the cote are alumina from 22.1 to 27.2%, with fractionation line (Clayton and
absolutely distinct in composition; corresponding variations in Fe, Mg, Mayeda, 1975a,b). A second split
the rim is not melted core, but Se, and other transition metals.
appears to be plastered on in flight, They appeax to represent distinct of the matrix gave delta 18 0 of

-- xa
/ "
;l(." _..

£_NT /_ r_
/ / x,


b/ v • ,;' v v v , , Fs

a En/ •

t10] I Ant Clast in 72275.128

0 = • _ & ,,, 1 =

• °

c Ant " 0
_; io 4o o ,
90 80 70
,='-- ,
60 50

Figure 17: Compositions of silicate mineral phases in feMspathic (mainly feldspathic granulite ) breccia clasts in
72275 (and including data for some similar clasts in 72255). a) pyroxenes, Stoeser et al. (1974a). b) pyroxenes,
Ryder et al. (1975b). c) plagioclases, Ryder et al. (1975b). d) olivines, Ryder et al. (1975b).
70-_SAMPLE 72275

Leich et al. (1975a, b) attempted to

date a friable matrix sample using

diagram (Fig. 24) for this sample

(,57) shows an incipient apparent-
age plateau that is cut short by a
drop-off in the 1000 degree C
fractions. The release is broadly
•- similar to that of clast #5 KREEPy
basalt (also on Fig. 24). As ,57 is
D H 40Ar-39Ar me thods. The release
en , _ Fs from matrix adjacent to KREFA_
basalt clast #4, this matrix sample
Figure 18: Compositions of pyroxenes in a cataclastic ferroan anorthosite may be reflecting the pattern for the
clast (thin section 72275,9018). Salpas et al. (1987a). KREEP basalt. The friable matrix
has many components, so a simple,
one age release cannot particularly
5.40, with plagioclase at 5.61 and between "gabbroic anorthosites" be expected. Leich et al. (1975a, b)
pyroxene at 5.20. The basalt and microgranites discussed in the interpret the pattern as resulting
separates gave plagioclase 5.69 and section on 72255. These data are from trunctation of the plateau to
pyroxene 5.35 (Mayeda et fairly similar to those of the two temperature steps from
a1.,1975). The matrix values are at KREEPy basalt, which is probably outgassing of Fe- or Ti-rich (or
the low end of highlands rocks, a component of the sample both) phases, and state that the data
analyzed. Nyquist et al. (1974a,b) are not adequate for chronological
also anayzed a bulk matrix sample interpretation.
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND for Rb and Sr isotopes (Table 9),
GEOCHRONOLOGY with results similar to those of Nunes et al. (1974), Nunes and
Compston et al. (1975). The Tatsumoto (1975a), and Tatsumoto
Light gray friable matrix: Nyquist et al. (1975a, b) data et al. (1974) reported U,Th-Pb
Compston et al. (1975) analyzed a correspond to TBABI and TLUNI isotopic data and age parameters
16.2 mg sample of mattix for Rb model ages of 4.13 and 4.15 Ga for 72275 samples, incinding the
and Sr isotopes (Table 9). The data, respectively (original calculation friable matrix (72275,73; Table 10).
which are plotted but not of 4.22 and 4.24 Ga +/- 0.05 using The Pb data plots within error of
specifically discussed by Compston the old decay constant), concordia at about 4.25 Ga (see
et al. (1975), fall on the mixing line

Table 4: Petrographic features of 6 feldspathic granufite clasts in 72275 (Salpas et al., 1987a).

INAA/PM: 439/495 355/502 351/9019 397/9021 433/493 none/480

Texn_re c-g g-c c-g g-c c g-c
Mode 46% 66% 59% 57% 76% 52%
Size < 10-350 < 10-400 < 10-650 < 10-500 < 10-340 < IO-5(R)

.am .am .am tam .am .am

An 95.9-97.1 94.1-95.3 95.8-96.4 95.4-96.3 94.8-95.8 95.2-973
Mode 50% 31% 35% 40% 20% 44%

Size < I0 .am < 10 ,am < 10 tam < 10 /am < 10 tam < 10 tam
na na na na na na
Mode I% 3% 5% 1% 2% 2%
Size 40-175 am 50-150 tam 80-450 tam 100-150 .am 30-45 tam 45-500 tam
Fo 80-82 71-77 63-64 76-77 75-76 75-77
Fe metal
Mode 3% < 196 156 196 2% 2%
Size < 10 tam < 10 tam < 10 tam < 10 tam < 10 .am < 10-20 vm
na na na na na see text
c = eataclastie;g = gr'aaulitic;na = not analyzed,Analyzedcompositionsare formineral fragments
and do not include groundmassmineralsthat were generallytoo smallfor accurate analysis.
SAMPLE 72275--71

Table 5a: Chemical analyses of friable matrix samples from 72275.

t57 r57 r101. t57 157 ;52 173 t73 f110 r66
Split 1 2 Split
wt % wt %
SiO2 48.6 48 46.2 SiO2
TiO 2 1.2 0.8 0.94 TiO2
A1203 14.7 17.9 10.4 A1203
cr203 0.444 0.25 0.383 cr203
FeO (a) 13.8 9.9 (b)l 1.9 FeO
MnO 0.226 0.12 0.182 MmO
MgO 9.52 11.0 9.9 MgO
CaO 11.0 11.0 11.7 11.8 (2aO
N_20 0.480 0.40 0.49 HalO
K20 0.276 0.22 0.265 0.30 K20
P2o5 p_o_
ppm ppm
Sc 44.7 39 30.6 Sc
Co 30.4 27 226 CO
1_ 75 950 97 _,5
Rb 5.9 8.2 Rb
Sr 112 115.3 Sr
Zr 667 Zr
Nb Nb
I_ 16.5 14.0 14.1
Ba 346 Ba
Th 6.1 5.6 5.962 6.285 Th
U 1.500 1.52 1.561 1.672 1.6 U
Ca 0.255 Cs
Ta 1.7 1.6 3.096 3.451 Ts
Pb Pb
La 50.5 47 38 La
Ce 130 150 104 C_
p; Pr
Nd bid
Sm 24.6 24.5 19.1 Sm
l_ 1.57 1.67 1.46 _u
Cxi Cad
To 3.9 6.1 3 4 Tt,
Dy Dy
Ha Ha
]_ Er
Tm Tm
Yb 15.0 15.1 13.3 "fb
l_t 2.01 2.21 1.74 La
Li 12 Li
Be Be

P 117 P
El 29.6 Ca
Br 0,048 0.124 Br
Ca O_
Z_ 2.7 7m

ppb ppb
Au 0.82 /m
Ix 2.26 Ix
I 3.3 I
At At
Ga Ct
C_ 406 C,¢
As A_
SO 34 So
Mo Mo
Tc Tc
• u _3 Ru
Kh Rh
Pd Pd

CA 13 Cd
In In
Sn Sn
$b 1.17 $b
Tc 4.14 To
Re 0.225 Re
Os 1,5 Os
Pt Pt

I1 0.71 "1/3
Bi 0.11 Bi

(1) (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (S) (6) (6)

R¢ fc_caccs aad method_:

(1) Blmachm-d et al (1975): AAS; INAA Q(1) (_(2) (t) AAS; INAA = 14.2%
(2) Morgzm _tl.( 1974,1975); RNAA (_(1) C](2) (b) AAS; INAA = 11.g%
O) I_ich _L0_(1975); Ixrmfi
afio_'bi$(K.Ca) otheze, ID/MS 0(2) (c)_ W_e_aann _d Iiabbcrti et al. (1974)gives0/88% )
(4)Compstoa _L,_L(17/5); ID/MS
(5) Nuacs et al (1974) Tatmtmoto et *L (1974) ClOy, ID/MS Tab et ,,1 (1974).
(6) Javm_ovic & Reed (1974, It,b 1975) (21(2); RNAA

Table 5a: Continued.

iS0 t2 _2 t71 t2 tl08

wt %
Si02 47.31 47.54 48.5
TiO 2 0,94 0.91 0.95
A1203 16.90 17.01 17.2
Cr'2O3 0.34 0.343 0.36 0.39
FeO 12.45 11.58 11.4
MnO 0,19 0.18
MgO 9.47 9.35 8.94
CaO 11.72 11.71 11.6
Na'20 0.35 0.36 0.38 0,40
K20 0.22 (c)0,276 0.28 0.25
P_O 5 0,38 0.38
Sc 40 48
V 75 115
Co 37 33
N2 127 67 120
Rb 4.6 8.97 8.7 6.1
Sr 135 122.7 121

YZr 545
88 605 129
613 485
N5 24 32 31
I_ 14.6 13,3
B_ 330 350 440
Ta 5.29 6,70
O 1.56 1.70
Ca 0.31
Pb <2 4,0
L_ 35 41.0 42.9
Ce 106 114
Pr 17
Nd 67.4 73
Sm 18.8 21.3
Ea 1,49 1.57
Clt 23.4 24.4
Tb 3.86
Dy 23.2 24.4
Ha 5.85
_" 13.7 15.8
Tm 2,1
Yb 9.2 I1.6 13.9
LU 1.71 2.1
Li 13 13.8
Be 3.8

Bc 23
N 45
S 800 860 890
Ca 5.4 5
7m <4 3


Ca 3200



(7) (8) (9) (lt) (11) (12)

(7) Rosc ct al (1974); XP_, OE; etc.
(8) I-lubb_rd ctld (1974) Wicm_ama & Hubbm_t (1975); AAS, ID/MS. Nyqulst oral (1974) a,b.
(9) LSPET (1973 a,b);
(I0)Mootc _ (1974. t, b),Moo_ & I_w_s (1976); combustion
(11) CKbsoa _md Moo_ (19"74 a, b)
(12) Taylor _ (1974); SSMS/microlnobc.
SAMPLE 72275--73

Table 5b: Chemical analyses of friable matrix samples from 72275. Shih et al. (1992) also reported Sm-
All data by neutron activation. Salpas et aL (198To). Nd isotopic data for separates of
split ,543. (Table llc). The data
413 417 423 correspond with an age of 4.08 +
,91ajor Elements (wt %) 0.07 CJa (Fig. 25c), with all points
CaO 14.50
10.1 15.05
10.3 15._6
12.I fitting within uncertainty of the Rb-
Na_,O 0.42 0.38 0.37 Sr age (whichever Rb decay
constant is used, and whether the
TraceElements(ppm) whole Sr data set or the subset is
Sc 45.7 48.6 49.8 used). Shih et aL (1992) prefer the
v$ na na na
Cr 3062 3088 3255 old Rb decay constant and suggest
Mn_t na na na that the basalt is 4.08 Ga old, and
co 31.3 33.3 35.3 significantly older than Apollo 15
Ni 12 55 <110 KREEP basalts. The initial
Sr 13
138 12
93 14
<160 (Epsilon) Nd value relative to
Cs 0.37 0.40 0.44 CHUR is slightly negative at -0.61
Ba 370 400 400 + 0.23, suggesting derivation from
La 47.9 50.2 52.3 a non-chondritie, low Sm/Nd (light
Nd 129
80 133
81 139
85 rate earth enriched) source.
Sm 22.2 23.5 25.5
Eu 1.62 1.66 1.68 Leich et al. (1975) provided 40Ar-
Yb 4.59
13.5 4.97
13.9 5.10
13.1 39Ar data for 72275,91, a
Lu 1.73 1.80 1.90 subsample of the clast #5 KREEPy
Zr 600 765 700 basalt (Fig. 24). They found the
Hf 16.4 17.2 17.9 data inadequate for chronological
Th 1.55
5.52 1.66
5.46 1.58
6.01 interpretation, mainly because of
U 1.30 1.58 1.26 the drop-off at 1000 degrees C,
lrt nd nd nd similar to the friable matrix sample.
Au(ppb) <5 <7 <6 The highest ages indicated
weight(mg 105.10 123.88 23.59 correspond roughly with the Rb-Sr
*sio: by ditterence, isochron age.
_'nd: not detected(It detectionlimit = 2 ppb).
tna : not analyzed. Nunes and Tatsumoto (1975)
provided U,Th-Pb isotopic data and
section on 72215, Fig. 10). The Rb-Sr isotopic data for separates of age parameters for 72275,170, the
high U and Th abundances in a split ,543 of the KREEPy basalt same clast analyzed by Compston
72275,73 suggest that it contains a were reported by Shih et al. (1992) et al. (1975) (Table 12). The data
high proportion of A 17 KREEPy (Table 1lb). The data yield an lie within analytical uncertainty of
basalt, isochron age of 4.09 + 0.08 Ga an approximately 3.9 - 4.4 Ga
(new Rb decay constants) and discordia line; varied calculated
A 17 KREEPy basalts: initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.69960 + single-stage ages are in the 4.05 - 4.
Compston et al. (1975 and in CI 2, 0,00012 (Fig. 25b). A subset of .10 Ga range. However, if the
1974) reported Rb-Sr isotopic data whole-reck and 3 separates yields a crystallization age is 3.93 Ga (Rb-
for separates of a KREEPy basalt good linear relationship Sr), then the older 207pb/206pb
sample, 72275,171, described as a corresponding with 4.06 + 0.01 Ga. age (4.1 Ga) must result from
basalt of medium grain size. It was The age is older than and resolved addition of Pb to the sample. This
probably a subsample of clast #4; it from that caieualted from the data is presumably from the boulder
certainly was not clast #5. The data of Compston et al. (1975). The matrix.
conform to an internal isochron age initial isotopic ratios agree within
of 3.93 +/- 0.04 CJawith an initial uncertainty. Shill et aL (1992) infer Dark impact melt breccias:
87Sr/86Sr of 0.69957 +/-14 (Table separate but similar volcanic Leich et al. (1975a) provided 40Ar-
1la; Fig. 25a). All the splits fit the events. The data scatter around the 39Ar data for the dark melt breccia
isochron within analytical best fit line and suggest some elast #2, split 72275,83 (Fig. 26a).
uncertainty. Compston et al. (1975) disturbance. The model age The drop-off of the intermediate
interpret the age to be that of (TLuni) for ,543 is similar to that of plateau precludes an age
original lava crystallization, before other KREEP materials at about 4.3 determination, although an age of
incorporation into the breccia. Ga. about 3.9 +/- 0.1 Ga is surely
suggested by the data.
74--SAMPLE 72275

Table 5c: Chemical analyses of dark melt breccia (clast #2) in 72275.

r$3 183 183 1161

wt %
sto2 46
TiO 2 0.0
AI203 19.7
Cr_O 3 0.24
M_O 0.111
/AgO 10.4
CtO 12.0 11.9
Na20 0.30
K20 0.25 0,28
p_o5 o.6
Sc 28
Co 30
Ni 147
Rb 5.4

Itf 13.7
U 1.840 2.7
Ca 0.255
Lit 41
Ce 112
Sm 18.7
Ea 1.50
Tb 3.8
Yb 12.1
Lu 1.82
Li 0

_ 77
Bt 0.095 0.395
2.a 2.'t
Art 1.30
Ix 3.44

It 1.5
C_ 178
So 52
Ru 6.8

Ag 0.56
CA 26
Sb 1.06
T¢ 2.74
Oe 10

T1 0.62
Bi 0.12

(2) (2) (3) (4)

(1) Bltnf2tard etal (1975); AAS, INAA C(13 (2(2)

(2) Morgan ¢tal (1974, 1975); RI_AA (3(1) CI(2)
('3) Leith et al (1975); Irradia_on/MS C1(2)
(4) ]'ovanov_e & Reed (1975 a,b,¢,d); RNAA C1(2)
SAMPLE 72275--75

Table 6a: Chemical analyses of A 17 KREEPy basalts made from 1973 slab allocations, plus ,543

t 91 r91 r9l rl71 (1) TI71 _2) _170 _543

Split Split
wt % wt %
451.4 sioz
A1203 13,5 m2(_
CZ]O_ 0.46
15 c_o_
MnO 0.156 MnO
MgO 10.0 M60
CaO 10.5 II.6 CaO
Na20 0.29 Na20
K2O 0.25 0.29 K20
P_O_ pIo_
S¢ 61 ppm
Co 37 Co
Ni 43 I_
Rb 8.0 6.34 7.53 7.23 Rb
S¢ 92 61.1 91.8 09.20 S¢
Y y
Zr 625
Nb Nb
FIt 18 Hi"
BI !;55 BI
Tb 6.255 Th
U 1,500 1.53 1.635
Ca 0.355 U
Ta Ta
Pb 3.049 Pb
La 48 La
C¢ 131 Ce
Pr Pr
Nd 65.15 hid
Sm 23 18.13 Sm
1.56 En
Gd _d
Tb 4.5 Tb

Er Far
Yb 11.9 Y'o
Ln 1.75 1.
Be Be

Bf 0.044 Br
Ca (3l
Zn 2.7 Za
ppb ppb
An 0.045 Au
llr 0.023 It"
! !
At At
Ge 1290 (k
Se 230 .f¢
Mo Mo
Tc Tc
Re Ira
Rh Rh
l_t Fe
AI 0.58
Cd 6.3 AI
1, In
Sa 5n
Sb 2.87 Sb
Te 7.8 "re
R_ 0.0066 Re
Oe Ca
Pt Pt
"n HI
Bi 0.14 Bi

(1) (2) [3) (4) (4) (S) (6)

(I) Blmchatd el al (1975); AJ_; INAA O(l) C3(2) .91 it cJtat #5

(2) Morgan et_ (1974. 1975); RNAA C1(1) C](2) .170 and .171 _ pgobab]y dlud #-4.
O) L¢ic_ _ (1975); ImKEatioa/MS (K. Ca) o_ ID/MS
(4) Camp_oa eta (1975): II3_MS (3(2)
(5) Nuael & Tatae_oto (1975); ID/MS
(0 S_h _ (199'2)
SAMPLE 72275--77

Table 7: Chemistry of components ofclast #1 (Marble Cake clast) of 72275.

While (An Bx) Dark (BC Bx)

$6 ,117 ,76 ,80 ,166_,62)a ,81 ,so ,80 ,1601,62 )
Split Split
wt % wt %
SiO2 47 47 47 SiO 2
TiO2 1.8 1.8 I .l TiO 2
A1203 23.5 17.9 18.2 AI203
(_'_ 03 0.20 0.46 0.27 Cr_(_
i%O 7.4 10.3 (b) 10.9 FeO
MnO 0.077 0.104 0.167 MaO
MgO 5.24 9.43 9.14 MsO
C_O 14.2 14.6 11.7 I 1.2 8.5 Ca<)
Ha'20 0.36 0.39 0.63 Na20
K20 0.32 0.40 0.47 0.49 0.41 K20
P.2o_ p?o_
ppm ppm
Sc 25 34 26.3 Sc
Co 18.7 28 22.5 Co
Ni 130 122 121 N_
Rb 11.3 13.0 Rb
St 171 151 St
Y y
2_ 479 908 2_
Nb Nb
I_ 14 19.8 25.1 I_
B, 361 683 Ba
Th 12.8 I3.21 Th
U 0.670 1.60 3.500 3.19 3.100 3.280 U
Cs 0.47 0.50 C_
Ta 3.5 "It
Pb 1.410 7.878 Pb
]at 48 78 78 Lt
Ce 131 213 206 Ce
Pt Pr
Nd Nd
3m 22.5 36 36 Sm
Ea 1,81 2.14 2.10 Ea
C_ C_
To 4.7 7.7 7.7 Tb
Dy Dy
Ha He
I_ F=
Tm I%a
Yb 13.9 24 25.4 Yb
La 2.04 3.5 3.5 Lu
Be Be

Cl C_
Br 0.290 0.283 Br
Ca Ca
Zn 2.8 11.7 Za

ppb ppb
Art 1.16 1.84 .am
Ix 2.54 3.91 IT
At At
Ca Ca
Ge 137 C_
A_ As
Se 63 72 Se
Mo Mo
Tc Tc
Ru Re
Rh Rh
Pd Pd
Ag 0.93 1.46 Ag
Cd 15 13.9 CA
In In
Sn Sa
Sb 0.94 1.42 Sb
"re 3.46 1.9 Te
Re 0.233 0.330 Re
Pt Pt

"1"1 0.71 1.40 'rl

Bi 0.14 0.59 ai

(x) (2) (3) (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6)

(l)Bhmchatd eta](1975); hAS, _ CI(1)0(2)

(2) Nuaes fit[ (1974); Tamtmoto _ (1974); IDIMS f](1)
(3) Lelch flat (1975); Irradla6on. MS (K.Ca) md MS_ID (others) 0(2) (t) Dark sophie _amlnterior whim.
(4) Morgan eta] (1974.1975); RNhA md Higuchi and Moyen (1975) C_(1) (:1(2) (b) hAS; LNhA = 10.8%
78_--SAMPLE 72275

Table 8: Partial analyses of six feldspathic granulites and one anorthosite (FAN)
from 72275, obtained by neutron activation.
Salpas et al. (1987a).

Granulites FAN
351A 351B 355A 397 433 439 350

Major Elements (wt %)

"1302 0.31 0.32 0.29 0.22 O.15 0.32 na
Al203 22.1 23.1 27.2 26.2 24.6 26.3 na
FeO 8.87 7.83 4.85 5.71 5.10 4.95 0A85
MgO 11.5 9.9 7.6 7.9 8.0 9.7 na
CaO 11.9 12.6 14.8 14.8 14.2 14.5 19.2
Na20 0.307 0.316 0.349 0.353 0.362 0.350 0.456
_face f_,nents (ppm)
Sc 14.97 12.92 8.13 7.81 824 7.12 1.12
V 69 65 19 20 24 25 rta
Cr 2414 1646 810 842 881 846 46.6
Mn 934 792 489 499 481 462 na
Co 35.1 34.1 27.0 39.3 30.6 52.0 0,440
Ni 250 290 340 455 422 540 < 7
Sr 124 129 157 160 160 163 205
C.s 0.124 0.118 0.164 0.19 0.23 0.10 0.016
Ba 58 55 70 72 87 62 40
La 4.86 3.56 4.04 3.66 4.72 3.76 0.567
Ce 10.9 8.62 %87 10.1 12.6 10.5 1.48
Nd 7.0 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.2 5.0 < 2.5
Sm 2.04 1.60 1.82 1,56 1.93 1.67 0.228
Eu 0.698 0.713 0.864 0.835 0.860 0.870 0.928
Tb 0.473 0.410 0.456 O.375 0.49 0.381 0.045
Yb 2.05 1.66 1.67 1.69 2.06 1.55 O.125
Lu 0.302 0.242 0.251 0.238 0.292 0.230 0020
Hf 1.67 1.24 1,46 1.46 1.98 1.22 0.133
Ta 0.266 0.199 0.233 0.302 0.309 0.190 0.015
Th 181 1.38 1.18 1.17 2.06 102 0047
U 0.39 0.27 0.30 0.34 0.37 0.19 0.020
lr (ppb) 9.6 11.3 13.0 16.4 14.0 22.2 nd
Au (ppb) 3.4 3.6 5.0 6.8 6.5 4.3 < 0.8

na = not analyzed.
nd= not detected (It detection limit - 2 ppb).

Table 9: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 72275 friable matrix samples.

Sample Mass mg Rb ppm Sr ppm 87Rb/87Sr 87Sr/87_

a),52 16.2 8.20 115.3 0.2053 0.71139 3

b),2 52.8 8.97 122.7 0.2115 0.71188 3

a) Compston et al. (1975) b) Nyquist et al. (1974a,b).

SAMPLE 72275--79

Table 10: U,Th-Pb data and age parameters for 72275 friable matrix and clast #1 (Marble Cake) samples.
Nunes et aL (1974).

Concentrations (ppm)
Sample (mg) U Th Pb :'-'Th/:_U :"Uf_Pb

Boulder 1. Station 2

72275.73 matrix 131.8 1.561 5.962 3.096 3.95 4.284

150.0 1.672 6.285 3.451 3.89 4,712
72275.81 clast # I
black rind 31.7 3.500 13.21 7.878 3.90 2,493
72275,117 clast ¢- I
white interior 50.7 0.670 -- 1.410 -- 2.445

Observed ratiost Corrected for analytical blank¢

Weight x't'Pb raTPb 2°aPb z°t'pb Z°vPb 2°spb '°Tpb '_Pb

Sample (rag) Run _Pb _Pb _Pb 2a4Pb _e_Pb _*Pb _6Pb Z°6Pb

Boulder 1, Station 2

72275.73 malrix 162.0 P 1.097 537.1 1.090 1.22.5 599.3 1,218 0.4893 0.9945
131.8 CI* 2,715 1,308 -- 3.961 1.905 -- 0.4811 --
C2" 3.220 1.545 -- 4.556 2.183 -- 0.4792 --
72275.81 clast # I
black rind 53.3 P 1,578 959.2 1.532 1.937 1.176 1.880 0.6072 0.9705
31,7 C* 1,688 1,000 -- 2.521 1,492 -- 0.5918 --
72275.117 clast # I
white interior 83.3 P 902.2 520.8 860.4 1.423 818.2 1.347 0.5752 0.9472
50.7 C* 920.4 533.3 -- 2.361 1.360 -- 0.5761 --

Corrected for blank

and primordial Pb Single-stage ages in m.y.

:°6Pb _°7Pb 2°"Pb '_Pb Z°6Pb 2°Tpb Z°_Pb -'°_Pb

Sample Run Z3aU _'U 2°ePb z_:_"h Z_aU _U Z°6Pb 232Th

72275,73 matrix CIP 0.9175 61.26 0.4845 0.2274 4,236 4,250 4,256 4,198
Cl 0.9223 60.95 0.4796 -- 4,252 4,245 4,241 --
72275,81 clast # 1
black rind C1P 1.006 83,88 0.6048 0.2478 4.531 4,568 4,585 4,535
C1 1.008 81.90 0.5899 I 4,534 4,544 4,548 --
72275,117 clast ,* I
white interior CIP 0.9595 75.60 0.5717 -- 4.377 4,463 4.502 --
CI 0.9620 76.09 0,5740 -- 4.385 4.469 4.508 --
80_SAMPLE 72275

Table lla: Rb-Sr data for KREEPY basalt separates.

Compston et al. (1975).

Rb, St, and STSr/SaSranalyses for pigeonite basalt 72 275,171. Blank levels for these data are 0.035 ng
Rb and 0.10 ng Sr. Our mean normalised SVSr/S6Srfor the NBS987 reference sample is 0.71028 ± 1 (s.e.I

Weight Rb Sr (total) STRb/a6Sr STSr/S6Sr(±s.e.)_,

(mg) (ppm) (ppm)

Mesostasis 1.48 18.8 122.9 0.4417 0,72489 ± 6

Plagioclase 1.05 1.68 173.3 0.02799 0.70117 ±4
Pigeonite 1.93 0.427 5.80 0.2127 0.71124±42
Total-rock 11.3 6.34 8 I. 1 0.2260 0.71262 2_3
Total-rock 11.9 7.53 91.8 0.2370 0.71307 d:9

Internal standard error of mean.

Table Ub: Rb-Sr data for KREEPy basalt separates.

Shih et al. (1992).

SampLe Wt. (rag) Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) _7Rb/ 86Sr a STSr/_Sr _.h TLUNI (Ga) c.d
WR 11.16 7.323 89.20 0.2375 + 12 (/.713690+ 17 4.31 +0,02
Plag 2.10 1.040 184.1 0.01634-+ 12 0,700530+ 19
Opx 2.76 0.6779 18.95 0.10350 -+74 0.705463 -+25
Opaques 1.04 28.10 96.95 0.8386 -+49 0.748935-+19
p < 2.75 _ 3.50 6.364 199.3 0.09241 -+48 0.705221 _+10
p = 3.3-3.55 6.94 3.250 21.25 0.4424 -+23 0.725513+_29
p > 3.55 2.07 2.859 18.68 0.4428 -+24 0.725716-+ 19

NBS 987 (n = 13) 0.710251 -+28 f

a Uncertainties correspond to last figures and are 2tr m.

b Normalized to 88Sr/a6Sr = 8.37521 and STSr/S6Sr = 0.71025 for NBS 987.
c Calculated for A(S7Rb)= 0.0139 Ga i.
a Model age relative to the LUNar Initial aTSr/S6Sr (LUNI = 0.69903 of Nyquist et al. [21,25]).
e Density in g/cm 3 for all mineral separates obtained using heavy liquids.
f Mean value of thirteen measurements made during this investigation; error limits are 2o.p.

Table llc: Sm-Nd data for KREEPy basalt separates.

Shih et al. (1992).

Sample Wt. (mg) Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) 1475m/144Nd _' 143Nd/ =44Nd_,h TCHONI (Ga) _,d
WR 11.16 18.13 65.15 0.16830-+ 17 0.511036+ 12 4.60_+0.01
Plag 2.10 1.549 6.160 0.15203 _+75 -
Opx 2.76 2.127 6.394 0.20118 -+29 0.511943 + 12
Opaques 1.04 88.47 326.3 0.16398 + 17 0.510937 -+ 13
p < 2.75 c 3.50 9.926 37.63 0.15951 -+ 17 0.510816-+ 12
p = 3.3-3.55 6.94 9.118 30.27 0.18219 + 18 0.511418+ 12
p > 3.55 2.07 10.10 34.71 0.17607_+ 18 0.511257-+ 12

Ames Nd Standard (n = 16) 0.511088-+ 12 f

a Uncertainties correspond to last figures and are 20-m.

b Normalized to 146Nd/144Nd = 0.724140 and 143Nd/lanNd = 0.511138 for the Ames Nd metal standard which is equivalent to
CIT nNd/3 standard of Wasserburg el al. [15].
c Calculated for a(147Sm)= 0.00654 Ga -k
d Model age relative to the CHONdritic Initial J4:_Nd/t44Nd (CHON1 = 0.505893 of Jacobsen and Wasserburg [3l]).
¢ Density in g/cm 3 for all mineral separates obtained using heavy liquids.
f Mean value of sixteen Nd standard measurements made during this investigation; - 325 ng of Nd standard were used for each
measurement; error limits are 2o"o, as reported in [14].

Table 12: U,Th-Pb data and age parameters for 72275 KREEPy basalt (probably clast #4).
Nunes and Tatsumoto (1975a).

Sample Description Run Weight Concentrations 232Th/2asu saaU/204pb

U Th Pb

72275,170 Pigeonite basalt C1 38.6 1.635 6.255 3.047 3.95 3045

clast (PB)

Sample Description Run Weight Observed Ratios c Corrected for Analytical Blank n
(mg) ...............
_o_pb _oTpb 20spb _O6pb _0?pb 208pb -°oTpb 2ospb
2Oapb 2o4pb 2O4pb 2o4pb eo4pb 2oapb _o6pb _o6pb

72275,170 Pigeonite P 38.9 2360 1079 2387 (34287) (15592) (34420) 0.4547 1.0038
basalt clast CI 38.6 1299 597.2 2672 1220 0.4568

P=composition run; C=eoncentration run; (GCBx)--gray competent breccia; (PB)=pigeonite basalt.

Totally spiked ruo.s from solid sample splits; other runs were obtained from samples which were divided from solution.
Pb blanks ranged from t .4 to 2.1 ng for the solution aliquoted data and were 1.05 ng for the Iotally spiked data.
" Raw dais correcled for mass discrimination of O.15_ per mass unit. -°°_Pb spike conlr/butlon subtracled from conc©ntralion data.
Data in parcnlh,l_-_ subj_l IO exlren_e error o_ ing Io Pb blank uncertainty.
All 7_21_ _ m ¢.on_l_:t,e._Lt _ _ilh _olo_ irank_i/llg, rroll_ black 40 llgl,t-_raXt.

Sample Description Run Atomic ratios corrected for Single-stage ages x IOs yr
blank and primordial Pb

toep b 2oTpb soTpb t0spb s0sp b to_pb s07pb zOapb

_as U s_ U so6pb tarl" h ta8 U _ss U SoSpb SaSTh

72275,170 Pigeonite CIP 0.8776 55.00 0.4547 0.2228 4061 4087 4100 4065
basalt clast CI 0.8747 54.82 0.4545 4051 4084 4100

• Concentrations determined from totally spiking a separate sample. Concentration and composition splits were divided from perfect solutions prior to
spiking for all other analyses.
All 72215 samples are competent breccias with colors ranging from black to light-gray.
P=composition run; C=concentration run; (GCBx)=gray competent breccia; (PB)=pigconlte basalt.

Table 13: Magnetic properties of 72275, 2.

Pearce et aL (1974b).

J, X_. Xo Equiv. Equiv. F,eO

Sample (emulg) (emu/gOe) (emu/gOe) H, H,_ wt.% wt.% --
Fe *-
Noritic rocks ×106 ×10" J,,/J, (Oe) (Oe) Fe ° Fe

1.12 19.0 3.4 .005 35 -- .51 8.72 359

82_SAMPLE 72275

Table 14: Magnetic properties (hysteresis parameters) of 72275,67.

Brecheret al. (1974).


Sample (mass, mgl U1351 O1104]

T (°K) 300 160 300 160

J, (emu/g) 1.28 1.19 .877 .93

L, (x 10_emu/g) .05 .07 .12 .145
Xo(x 10' emu/g. Oe) 34.6 48.6 34.3 42.3
Xp (x l0s emu/g •Oe) 6.92 6.62 7.86 7.84
He (Oe) 72 105 150 185
m_. (wt .%) .59 .54 .40 .43
/F,-- (wt.%) 16.1 12.1 16.0 10.5
FeO/Fe*" .036 .045 .025 .04
L, IJ, .04 .06 .136 .156
J,/xo 1850 1790 1115 1185

Table 15: Native iron determined from Js measurement of 72275 samples.

BanerjeeandSwits (1975).

Sample No. j, ( a g-L) Fe ° content (wt. _) Average

72 275,46 3.26 I. 52
72 275,47 ( 1) 4.47 2.08 1.69
72275,47 (2) 2.70 1.26
72275,56 4.09 1.90
SAMPLE 72275_3

7 2 2 7 5 mx parametersfor bouldersamples.
los J I I t I I I I t i I I I
Exposure ages from 38At, 83Kr,
and 126Xe are fairly consistent, but
from 21Ne and 3He are somewhat
lower. Exposures calculated from
38At-Ca determinations are
0_ unreliable 0-,eich et al., 1975a).
Goswami and Hutcheon (1975)
studied the particle track record in
'U 72275,44. They found that the
_ _-:._. extent of shock metamorphism is
0 i -'_'_ ..... "a r-'-_.
[ .......... heterogeneous, and that the sample
"_ t_ , .... retained no solar flare tracks. The
L) I _. "'"-4
, --_ ---_..--'--. constituents of the boulder were not
__!_" exposed to solar radiation pdor to

V _ the assembly of the boulder and it
is not a regolith brecci_
Goswami et al. (1977a, b)
measured track densities in a
whitlockite crystal from 72275.
With various assumptions, they
calculated a track retention age of
3.98 +0.04/-0.06 Ga for the crystal.
10' v _ _ _ _ _ t _ , _ , f _ This age is the age of last
La Ce Pr Nd SmEu Gd Tb l)y Ho Er TmYb Lu significant heating of the crystal,
and therefore an upper limit for the
Figure 19a: Abundances of rare earth elements in 72275friable matrix and age of compaction of the boulder.
dark melt samples. Dark melt breccia clast #2 (,83) is a solid line with +'s,
and is similar to typical matrix. The extremely high REE sample (dashed
line with + 's) is a split of ,57, and is KREEPy basalt rich. Another split of PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
,57 (long dashes) has high light but not heavy rare earths. Split ,101 is
shortest dashes with x's. A larger sample, ,2, is a solid line without added Magnetic properties of 72275
symbols, and,lOS is dash-dot with o's. For references, see Tables 5a and friable matrix samples were
5c. reported by Pearce et al. (1974a, b),
Brecher et al. (1974), Brecher and
Ciast #1 (Marble Cake): Morash (1974), Banerjee et al.
Leich et al. (1975a) provided 40At- EXPOSURE AGES AND (1974a, b), and Banerjee and Swits
39At data for the rind (,80) and the PARTICLE TRACKS (1975). The data from Pearee et al.
interior (,76) of the Marble Cake (1974a, b) is given in Table 13, and
clast (Figs. 26a, b). Like the other Leith et al. (1975a) tabulated that from Breeher et al. in Table 14.
samples discussed above, the data extensive rare gas isotopic data Native metal contents inferred from
for the interior allow no firm (He, Ne, At, Kr, Xe) for 72275 Js measurements by Banerjee and
chronological interpretation, samples: friable matrix (,57), clast Swits (1975) are in Table 15, and
although again some age around 3.9 #1 (Marble Cake) core (,76) and are substantially higher than those
Ga for outgassing is suggested by find (,80 and ,166), and the inferred for the matrix sample by
the data. Leich et al. (1975a) KREEPy basalt clast #5 (,91). Pearce et al. (1974a, b) or Breeher
however do attach significance to Only ,80 shows trapped Ne and Ar et al. (1974a, b). All measured
the intermediate plateau for the components that might he
find, which gives an age of 3.93 indicative of a small amount of samples contain much more native
+/- 0.03 Ga (new constants; Fig. solar wind contamination. 81Kr-Kr metal thanet do
Banerjee al.mare samples.
(1974a, b) and
26b). exposure ages for four of these Banerjee and Swits (1975) used
samples ( KREEPy basalt not samples of known mutual
Nunes et al. (1974) provided U,Th- included in the exposure orientations (known within about
lab data for both rind (,81) and tabulations) give a weighted mean 20 degrees). They found that the
interior (, 117) of the Marble Cake of 52.5 m.y., with a 1.3 m.y. average directions of natural
clast (Table 10). The data plot standard deviation. This age is remanent magnetismin all the
within error of concordia near the about 10 m.y. older than that of 72255 and 72275 samples were
4.5 Ga point, samples 72215 and 72255, and approximately the same (see
indicate different shielding
84---SAMPLE 72275

diagrams in section on 72255). In that is commonly associated with

an attempt to separate stable ilmenite.
primary NRM from unstable
secondary NRM, the authors
attempted thermal demagnetization, PROCESSING
avoiding oxidation; however, it
appeared that permanent damage The 1973 processing and sawing
was done to the carriers and the was described by Marvin (in CI 1,
procedure unadvisable. AF- 1974), and the 1984 processing by
demagnetization showed no zig-zag Salpas et al. (1985). The sample
patterns, and the NRM direction arrived from the Moon with several
after demagnetization in fields of pieces dislodged from the friable
80 (Deand greater are stable and matrix; some of these could be
primary; however, they differ from fitted together, but others remained
those in 72255 by 130 degrees (see undocumented. Some were used for
diagrams in 72255 section), thin sections and chemical
Banerjee and Swits (1975) analyses. A slab (,42) was cut
presented data for paleointensity, (Figs. 2, 3), and subdivided (Fig.
suggesting a field of about 0.19 Oe, 28). Many allocations were made
lower than those for 72215 and from this slab. The end pieces
72255. However, given the prob- remained largely untouched. In
lems of obtaining and interpreting 1984 two more slabs were cut
magnetic data for lunar samples, parallel to the first one (Fig. 3c, 4,
neither the directions nor the and 5) and allocations, mainly of
intensities can be said to have clasts, were made from them.
known meanings. Brecher et al.
(1974a,b) also tabulated consider- Table 16: Magnetic properties of
able NRM data for 72275 (Table 72275,67. Brecher et al. (1974a).
16), with extensive discussion.
They found a paleointensity similar $ampMs 72275,67
to that found by Banerjee and Swits (Mass.
g) (.932)
(1975). Boulder 1, Station 2 differs
greatly in magnetic behaviour from _M (× Io-'_) 6.t
the Station 7 Boulder (sample raM, ° (× i0 -3 _) 4.75
77135) analyzed in the same study, mM&NRM 78
The paleomagnetic intensities _M'(_,.b)x I0-' emu (Oe) 3.36 (.087)
derived appear to depend directly s
on thermal history, since drastic TRM'/NRM
Ha t (Oe) .55

and in magnetic
character mineralogy
result from even brief tRM,'(× lo__) 4s.l
heating cycles at 800 degrees C. rRM"nRM'° 10.1
Housley et al. (1977) in ferromag- _2_n"b) × z0-'_(o_) 2s3_.63)
netic resonance studies found that _M:/NP.M
He 2(Oe)
IRM 2 x 10-_emu 128
72275,109 had no characteristic
FMR intensity. ', _ o g )
IRM,/IRMs 27

Adams and Charette (1975) and

Charette and Adams (1977)
measured the spectral reflectrance
(0.35 - 2.5 microns) of two samples
from 72275 (Fig. 27). 72275,98 is
undocumented fines from sawing,
and 72275,103 is a surface chip of
matrix; both represent general
friable matrix. They show the
typical absorption bands near 0.9
microns and 1.9 microns that arise
from electronic transitions of Fe 2+
in orthopyroxene, and a broad
absorption band near 0.6 microns
SAMPLE 72275--85

72275 mx salp
1_ I I I I t I I _ I L t J I



"_ lo' ":"""


10s I I i I I I I I I [ r I I

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
Figure lPb: Abundances of rare earth elements in 72255friable raatrix.
These samples are all rich in KREEPy basalts, and may be pure KREEPy
basalt breccias. Data from Table 5b (Salpa$ et al., 1987b).

72275 basalts
I_ 1 1 t i I b [ t l _ t I L



0 ...... _.\-..


10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu

Figure20:Rareearthelements insamplesofKREEPy basalts and KREEPy

basalt breccias. 72275,91 is the solid line near the middle of the range
(Blanchard et al., 1975). The other five analyses are the two mast REE-rich
(#357 and 363b), the two most REE-poor (#393 and 359), and one close to
an average composition (#347)from Salpas et al. (1987b).

Apollo T$
_T6 __

4O 50 _ / _ _

alllclul _zo

Figure 21: Pseudoquaternary phase diagram (OI-Si-An)for A 17 KREEPy basalts (Salpas et al., 1987b). The black
dots are the 9 analyses that included major elements, with Si02 by difference; thefilled star is the average of these 9
analyses. The enclosed star is the analysis of Blanchard et aL (1975). The open circles are defocused beam
microprobe analyses of Ryder et aL (1977), with their average as an open star.

72275 marble )
I I I I I I _ i I ] T :

los I I I I I I I I I I I I I !

co !

_ 10

---,--__ 1 ...... o
o i

/ % -'

10(I i 1 I I i I L L,. _ J ,

Io' i i i _ i i i i i J i L i La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb ----------_u
LaCe SmEu Tb Yb Lu
Figure 23: Rare earth elements in sixfelspathic
Figure 22: Rare earth elements in lithologies of clast #1 granulites (toppatterns) and aferroan anorthosite
(Marble Cake clast). The two upper plots are for rind (lower pattern) from 72275. Grid is drawn to conform
materials and are very similar. The lower plot is for the as closely as possible with other diagrams in this
white interior, and probably includes a component of section, so lower pattern falls below grid. Datafrom
dark rind material. All data from Blanchard et al. Salpas et al. (1987a).
SAMPLE 72275_7



0.03 =_
u ==t" "_.

o 02 __ 72275,171 ,_sosrA_s

i-- 7"20
00l • r'"

' J6[

O 8 '/ "715 h- I

/ t
a; L...... ; 710 L. //'/

< 72275, 91

, ^

i 01 02 03 o,s os
o160.7 '
o.a 09_0
2o0_ _,,o,oc_
02 0.3 0.4 0.5
Cumulohve [roclion 39'At releosed

Figure 24: 4OAr release diagram Figure 25a: Rb-Sr internal isochron for 72275 KREEPy basalt (probably
.for 72275,57 (friable matrix) and clast #4). The age is 3.93 +/- 0.04 Ga with the new decay constants. Left
72275,91 (clast #5, KREEPy hand axis is 87Sr/86Sr; lower axis is 87Rb/86Sr. Compston et aL (1975).
basalt). The apparent age scale is
calibrated to the old decay
constants. Leich et al. (1975a).

Apollo 17 KREEP Bosolt Clcst 72275,545

• i i i , r ,

0.76 -.T=4.13±O.O8Go
22 55 3 l! =/-
0.74 1=0.69960 T 0.00012 l
to 3.3-3.55_ IT=4.01-I-O.04Go
4 " J • r • J " i •

- oL _"_'-_ ,-14.13±o_eGom

.f o:0x •

l i



1 .(

0.0 0.2 0.4- 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 25b: Rb-Sr isochron for KREEPY basalt sample 72275,543. Ages calculated with old Rb decay constant.
Shih et al. (1992).
88--SAMPLE 72275

Apollo 17 KREEP Basalt Clast 72275,545

0.5121 , , -

T=4.08+0.07 Ga __ppx

Z 0.5117 eNd(°Pt')=-O'61_-0'25 1
.5-3.5_._ ,47. ,144...

z WR

__.o._ )....
J<2.75 _-o.s[ l ' -_......
0.5105 ....
0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21

Figure 25c: Sm-Nd isochron for KREEPy basalt sample 72275,543. Shih et al. (1992).

0.2 I I

0.1 _

o.o5 /
o,? L_
!i 0.02
oo0_!b--_ ----t

[ •7 0.01 ! 1 I J ,

002 "_ : _ 4.2


! 16 >_

40 6 .f'-'Z---'r ...... _;,:::_, 9 }i] I1_ ?i4 {4 _ --

.....__,_- o
_, _ _ 3.8

a G

3.6 - I
7227S, 8O
<o. 72275, 83 3.4 -


Ol 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 I0 01 02 03 0 4 05 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10

a Cumulotive hacnon 39'At released b Cumulative [raction 39"Ar released

Fig. 26: Apparent 4OAr age and K/Ca for 72275 samples. Age calibrations are with old decay constants. Leich et al.
(1975b). a) 72275,76 (Marble Cake interior) and 72275,83 (dark melt breccia clast #2). b) 72275,80 (Marble Cake

I '' I L I iI


0.5 1.0 1.5 20 25


Figure 27: Diffuse reflectance spectra for 72275 and some other A 17 samples. Adams and Charette (1975).

Figure 28: Subdivisions of 1973 slab 72275,42. (Marvin, in CI 2, 1974).


Sample 72315, 72335, 72355, 72375, 72395

Boulder 2 at Station 2 was one of The astronauts took 5 samples from Most of the studies of Boulder 2
three boulders sampled on the Boulder 2 (Fig. 1). During were made by a loosely-knit
lower slopes of the South Massif sampling, Schmitt observed a Consortium led by the Caltech
(see section on Boulder 1, Station 2 distinctive half-meter patch on the group (Dymek et al. 1976). All are
for description of area). Boulder 2 surface that he interpreted as a clast clast-bearing fine-grained impact
lay approximately 50 m southwest of material similar to the rest of the melts of low-K Fra Mauro with
of the LRV parking spot. It is boulder. Sample 72315 represents composition similar to others at the
greenish-gray or tan gray, and this "clast", and 72335 represents Apollo 17 landing site. The boulder
approximately 2 m wide and 2 m the "contact" with the groundmass, is generally interpreted as a piece of
high as measured from the lunar 72355, 72375, and 72395 represent an impact melt unit created in the
surface. It is rounded, and smoother normal boulder matrix. Serenitatis impact at -3.86 Ga ago.
than Boulder I. Several sets of Petrographic and chemical studies It rolled down the South Massif to
fractures can be recognized, but no show that all five samples are its present position about 20 m.y.
layering is visible.The boulder has virtually identical; the distinctive ago, according to exposure data.
a f'dlet about 25 cm high on its patch was probably a spall. Each
uphill side but overhangs the sample has an exterior side (with
ground surface on its downhill side brown patina and zap pits) and a
(f'fllet material was sampled as freshly-exposed interior surface.

Figure I. Sampling of Boulder 2, Station 2. The gnomon has a height of 62 on. (AS137-20913).

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 131.4 g

INTRODUCTION fractures. Clasts larger than 1 nun 72315, the sample was sawn to
compose less than 5% of the rock. produce mainly two end pieces and
72315 is a f'me-grained, clast- The exposed surface Cl') of 72315 two central slabs. These slabs were
bearing impact melt with a has many zap pits and the broken entirely subdivided and produced
poikilitic texture. Although it was surface is hackly (Figs 1, 2, 3). oriented samples for track studies.
sampled to represent an apparent Irregular cavities forming about
distinctive half-meter clast (see 10% of the sample range up to 3
section on Boulder 2, Station 2), mm, although most are much less PETROGRAPHY
72315 is identical in all analyzed than 1 mm across; the larger ones
respects with all other samples have brown pyroxene linings, All five samples from Boulder 2 are
from Boulder 2. Although no smaller ones have drusy linings, very similar in petrography. Dymek
definitive geochronological data et al. (1976a) gave descriptions of
exist, a general assumption is that 72315 is so similar to other samples the petrography subsequent to a
72315 crystallized at the same time from Boulder 2 that it will not be briefer description by Albee et al.
as other melts of similar described here in detail, but specific (1974b) and Dymek et al. (1976b).
petrography and chemistry at the studies are referenced. It was They did not give individual
Apollo 17 site, i.e. 3.86 Ga ago. studied mainly under a consortium descriptions of the petrography and
The sample, 10 x 5.5 x 2 cm, is an led by the Caltech group (Dymek et that practice is for the most part
angular elongate light gray (N7) al., 1976a), but not in as much followed here. Thus, for a
slab (Fig. 1). It is tough and detail as 72395. The description of description and mineral diagrams of
homogeneous, but with an irregular 72395 can be assumed as a 72315 see sample 72395.
distribution of clasts and vugs, and description of 72315. Following
there are some penetrative chipping of a few small pieces of

_ i¸i .- •

Figure 1: Exposed (top) and broken (lower) surfaces of 72315. The sample is homogeneous, with a few dark and
light clasts visible. Scale in centimeters. S-73-18693.
94_SAMPLE 72315

Figure 2: a) Post-sawing pieces ,16 (Wend); ,15 (broken-off N edge); and,18 (sawn from ,17, andfrom between
,16 and ,17). Split ,19fell off,18. Cube is 2 cnt S-74-15094. b) Post-sawing piece ,17 (E end) and subdivisions of
an unnumbered slab cutfrom it adjacent to ,18. Large cube is 2.54 cm. S-74-17830.
SAMPLE 72315--95

Figure 3: Subdivision of slab ,18. Cube is 1 cnt S-74-17835.

Figure 4: Photomicrographs of 72315,78. Plane transmitted light, all about I mmJield of view. a) Melt
groundmass and smaller clasts (larger white areas), mainly plagioclases with lesser mafic minerals, llmenites are
mainly grown in the groundmass, b) Contact between melt (top) and a larger lithic clast of feldspathic granulite
9_SAMPLE 72315

The sample is a f'me-gmined impact _ _ _ t 2

melt withamicropoikilitictexture l°_--_ , , , _ , , , _ ,
and some small clasts (Fig. 4 and
Dymek et al., 1976a). Simonds et
al. (1974) referred to it as "clast-
rich ophitic" with matrix feldspars
and pyroxenes respectively 10 to 40 ©
and 20 to 80 microns long. -_
Photomicrographs of matrix and
clasts are given in Dymek et al.
(1976a) and Spudis and Ryder
(1981). Engelhardt (1979) noted the 0
poikilitic texture and classified the /Z :_ 4
paragenesis as one with ilmenite \ > -..
crystallizing only after pyroxene 0
fmished crystallizing. 9.


Chemical analyses of bulk rock

(groundmass plus clasts) are given
in Table 1 and rare earth elements
are plotted in Figure 5 with other tY _l _ , ,_
data for comparison. Laul and La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho gr Yb ku
Schmitt (1974a,b, c) and Laul et al.
(1974) analyzed both exterior and Figure 5: Rare earth elements in splits of 72315 (bold
interior chips which are essentially lines) and other Boulder 2, Station 2 samples. 72315 data from Table 1:
indistinguishable. The chemistry is solid line is ,3; long dashed line is ,4. The two splits are identical for
similar to that of the other samples several elements.
from Boulder 2 and other LKFM
poikilitic melts from the Apollo 17 probable crystallization age of the about 1 to about 460 MeV/aan.u.
landing site; the incompatible rock (about 3.86 Ga) because of By tying the intensity of solar flare
element abundances are the lowest thermal fading of lracks over the to that of galactic cosmic rays, an
among the Boulder 2 samples (Fig. last 10 to 20 Ma, in which 50 to exposure age can be determined
5). 60% of tracks have been annealed, assuming production rates. The
track density-depth relationships
are shown in Figure 7. From these
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND EXPOSURE AGES data and the production spectrum of
CHRONOLOGY Walker-Yuhas, Hutcheon et al.
Hutcheon et al. (1974a,b,c) and (1974a) derived an exposure to
Tera et al. (1974a) reported Rb and MacDougall et al. (1974) studied galactic cosmic rays of about 0.22
Sr isotopic data for a 24 mg whole- cosmic ray tracks in samples from Ma, and exposure to solar flares for
rock split of 72315 without specific 72315. Hutcheon et al. (1974a) 0.32 Ma (probably consistent with
discussion. 87Rb/86Sr (0.1445) and described the collection and each other), for an estimated
sampling of 72315; the studied exposure of the crevice for 0.27
87Sr/86Sr (0.70839+/-5) sample was a column (Fig, 6). The Ma. This exposure age is almost
correspond with TBABI of 4.44 inner side of 72315 was a crevice certainly unrelated to the time that
Ga. Hutcheon et al. (1974b) studied on the boulder, and with the known the boulder rolled down the slope,
fission tracks in apatite crystals, orientation, allows the and reflects only the age of a spall
tabulating densities. Assuming determination of the direction in event that removed a large
negligible cosmic ray induced space from which the particles fragment from the surface of the
fission, the densities correspond arrived. The sampling allowed a boulder. Surface microcrater counts
with ages of 3.09 Ga and 2.94 Ga; virtually uneroded Fe spectnma suggest an exposure age of about
assuming induced fission, the averaged over several hundred 0.15 Ma. Hutcheon et at. (1974b)
densities correspond with ages of thousand years, in the range of measured tracks in an unoriented
2.51 Ga and 2.30 Ga (Table 2).
These ages are younger than the
98--SAMPLE 72315

interior chip in 72315, located Table 2: Fission track data and calculated ages for apatltes In 72315
several centimeters from the (Hutcheon et al. 1974b). a=assumlng cosmic ray Induced fission.
column sample. Assuming a simple b=assuming negligible cosmic ray induced fission.
exposure history would suggest an
exposure of about 5 Ma, but from
the shape of the track density ,_315 72315
profile in the whole column it can Apatite I Apatite 2
be shown that the boulder has Uranium conlent 72 78
experienced a complicated (ppm)
exposure extending over several Total track density 1.55 x 10" 1.58 x 10g
million years in an orientation (t/cm -_)
different from that at the present, Reactor induced 2.82 × 107 3.06 × 107
and that a spall occurred about 0.27 (t/cm_)
Ma ago (above). Cosmic ray 3.0 x 10" 3.0 × 10_

Keith et al. (1974a,b) tabulated C.R. induced fission* 2.82 x 10_ 3.06 x 107
count data for cosmogenic nuclides (t/cm'-)
without specific discussion. Age¢ (m.y.) (a)
(b) 2.51
3.09 x× 10_
l0 _ 2.30
2.94 xx 10_
Yokoyama et al. (1974) used the
data of Keith et al. (1974a,b) in
discussing 22Na-26AI
relationships. They found the
sample to be unsaturated in 26A1,
suggesting very short exposure _"_
times (of the order of 105 years),
consistent with the Huteheon et al. i
(1974a) results. I /


Several early allocations were made

from small documented chips (,2 to
,6 and,11) removed from 72315
prior to sawing. In 1973/4 sawing
produced the W end piece ,16 (17.1
g, now stored at Brooks; Fig. 2a)
and E end piece,17 (now 70.6 g).
Piece ,17 was resawn to produce
the slab ,18 (which was
subsequently entirely subdivided,
Fig. 3) and a second unnumbered Figure 6: Sketch of the crevice side
slab that was also entirely of 72315, showing the orientation
subdivided (Fig. 2b). During of the track column emending
sawing a large piece (,15, 7.8 g) fell through the sample. Height of the
off (Fig. 2a). Few of the slab pieces sample is about I0 cra. (Hutcheon
have been used for allocations, et al., 1974a).
SAMPLE 7231_-99

t I I©
n- i i I I i I I

i011 \\\_ OUTSIDE OF ROCK 72515

- ' \x 8_ OM OF SECTION

I0 I0- "'- _ "- _

•-. _,
(_E iO 9 E
c) I09

CO 0")
x\x'__t_,_, IO IC A TEM OF REPLICA

•_ I 08 ,_

0 n i • )_o:.._ I---n"O_
0 108
1_7 CREVICE OF ROCK 72315 ;

I 06 - I


' I _ IO/zm lOOffm Imm Icm

I,u.m IOp.m IOOffm Irnm Icm


Figure 7: Track density profiles through interior (a) and exterior (b) parts of 73215. Triangles are for TEM
measurements and open circles are for SEM measurements. (Hutcheon et aL, 1974a).

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 106.9 g

INTRODUCTION generalassumptionis that72335 describedhere in detail, but specific

crystallizedat thesame time as studies are referenced.It was
72335 is a free-grained, elast- othermelts of similar petrography studied mainly under a consortium
bearing impact melt with a and chemistry at the Apollo 17 site, led by the Caltech group (Dymek et
poikilltie texture. It was collected to i.e. 3.86 Ga ago. The sample, 8 x a/., 1976a), but not in as much
sample the contact of the matrix of 1.5 x 1.5 era, is angular and detail as 72395. The description of
Boulder 2, Station 2, with an greenish gray (5GY 6/1) (Fig. 1). It 72395 can be assumed as a
apparent dast, represented by is tough, homogeneous, and lacks description of 72335. Following
72315 (see section on Boulder 2, penetrative fractures. Clasts larger chipping of a few pieces for
Station 2). However, like 73215, it than 1 nun compose less than 10% allocation, the W end of the sample
is identical in all analyzed respects of the rock. The exposed surface was sawn off (,16; 33.6 g; Fig. 2)
with all othex samples from (N,T, part of E) of 72335 has a thin and stored at Brooks.
Boulder 2. Nonetheless, the patina and many zap pits. Irregular
literature about 72335 is distinct in cavities with drusy crystals form
thata granulite clast dominatedthe about 30% of the surface;they PETROGRAPHY
early allocations, rather than the range upto 1ram, although most
matrix, leading to a temporary are about 0.2 mm across. All five samples from
inference that it was distinct. Boulder 2 are very similar in
Although no definitive 72335 is so similar to other samples petrography. Dymek et al. (1976a)
geochronological data exist, a from Boulder 2 that it will not be

Figure 1: Broken Brace of sample 72335, showing irregular vugs and homogeneous character. The exposed
surface (at the top) has a darker-colored patina. Scale in centimeters. S-73-23543.
102_AMPLE 72335

Figure 2: Sawn face of W end piece 72335,16 showing high proportion of vugs. Small divisions on scale are 1 rant

gave descriptions of the petro-

graphy subsequent to a briefer
description by Alhee et al. (1974b)
and Dymek et al. (1976b). They did
not give individual descriptions of
the petrography, and that practice is
for the most part followed here;
thus, for a description and mineral
diagrams of 72335 matrix see
sample 72395.

Dymek et al. (1976a, c) described

the sample, following a briefer
deso-iption by Albee et al. (1974b).
They noted that the earliest
allocations had been ofa 1-cm clast
of a flue-grained, granalitic
anorthositic norite (feldspathic
granulite), and that the actual
matrix was similar to the other
Boulder 2 samples (Fig. 3). The
decription by Simonds et al. (1974)
is of the granulitic cinst: feldspars
25 to 500 microns and mafic grains
10 to 30 (rarely 100) microns. The
paragenesis of Engelhardt (1979) Figure 3: Photomicrograph of 72335,5 showing poikilitic impact melt
(ilmenite crystallizing later than matrix (left) and feldspathic granulite clast (left). Plane transmitted light.
pyroxene) is for the actual matrix. Field of view about I ram wide.
SAMPLE 7233_-103

1(_3 : ] : I [_3 I I [ I I ] I I E I I 1 I

r_ r_
0 0

10: r I I I ; I i I |01 I I I f I I I I I I I I I

La Ce Pr Nd SMEu GdTb DyHo Er Yb Lu La Ce Nd SmEu Tb Dy Yb Lu

Figure 4: Rare earth element abundances of matrix Figure 5: Rare earth element abundances of
samples in 72335 (bold lines) with other Boulder 2 data feldspathic granulite clast in 72335.
for comparison.

was not specifically sampled as a showed solar flare track gradients

CHEMISTRY clast, extended over several grains; a
maximum density of more than 5 x
Chemical analyses of the matrix 108 cm"2 fell to about 3 x 107 cm-
and the granulitic clast are RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND 2, then rose again. Largevariations
tabulated separately(Tables 1 and 2 CHRONOLOGY in track densities occurredadjacent
respectively). The rare earth to olivines and feldspars. The
elements are also plotted separately Tera et al. (1974a) reported Rb and results may suggest some
(Figs. 4 and 5). The chemistry of Sr isotopic data for a split that is irradiation of grains prior to
the matrix is identical with that of probably at least mainly a compaction, unusual exposure
other Boulder 2 samples, with rare feldspathic granulite clast, without geometries, or annealing
earths at the lower end of the range specific discussion. 87Rb/86Sr differences.
(Fig. 4). In the earliest publications (0.03695) and 87Sr/86Sr
(e.g. Laul and Schmitt, 1974a,b), (0.70136+/-5) are distinct from
the granulite clast was assumed to those of the matrix of the other PROCESSING
represent bulk rock. Later Boulder 2 samples and correspond
publications (e.g. Laul and Schmitt with TBABI of 4.40 Ga. A few small chips were first taken
,1975) recognize that the first for allocations. One of these earlier
allocations were atypical, but chips (,2) appears to have been a
instead of recognizing the presence clast (or dominantly a clast) of
granulitic clast,
wassuggested that EXPOSURE feldspathic granulite. Further
heterogeneous. The distinct MacDougall et al. (1974) and chipping was made for allocations
siderophile ratios of the feldspathic Hutcheon et al. (1974b) studied a of the matrix. In 1975, a saw cut
sample (Group 3, cf. Group 2 of the small undocumented chip, was made to remove the W end
other matrices) was recognized. It supposedly from the surface, for (,16; 33.6 g, Fig. 2) for remote
is possible that the sample of tracks. However, there was no track storage at Brooks.
feldspathic granulite analyzed density gradient diseernable on the
included matrixcontamination, as it edge examined. Interior feldspars
104_AMPLE 72335

Table 1: Chemical analyses of bulk rock/matrix of Table 2: Chemical analyses of a feldspathic

72335. granulite clast in 72335.

,6 ,7 Lo2tt ,2 ,2 ,2
SiO 2
SiO2 "rio2 0.60
TiO 2 1.6 1.6 AI203 27.3
A1203 18.2 18.3 Cr2O3
Cr20 3 O. 19 0 0.200 MaO 0.060
FeO 8.6 8,8 MgO
MnO O. 1 12 0. I 14 r:a2O 0.45
MgO 11 12 K20 0.12 0.1037
CaO 10.7 11.0 P2O5
Na20 0,61 0.60 _m
Sc 8.0
K20 0.27 0.34 v
Co 30
25 28
P205 Ni 330 360
Rb 2.0 1.882
Sr 145 147.8
Sc 16 18 ¥
V 50 50 Z_ 150
Co 23 26 HI" 4.2
Ni 200 230 Ba 12o (a)12o
Rb Tn 2.4
U 0.80 0.71
Sr Cs 0.095
y Ta 0.59
Za" 450 450 Pb
la 13.2
Nb ce 31
}If I0 I0
Ba 300 300 _
Sm 215.8
Th 4.6 4.8 _ 0.90
U 1.3 1.3 cd
Tb 1.1
CS Dy 7.0
Ta 1.5 1.5 Ho
Pb Tm
La 31.6 30.0 Yb 4.2
Ce 82 80 Lu
Li 0.55
Pr Be
Nd 54 50 B
Sm 14.1 13,5 N
Faa 1.84 1.82 s
Gd F
Tb 2.7 3.1 Br
Dy 17 20 cu
Zn 1.7
F1 m 4 5.3
Tm k 12 15
Yb 10.4 10.2 IAt '_
Lu 1.4 1.4 c_ a
Li c_
Be se 67
B Mo "d

C _ _
N gh _ :
S Rt "_
F ca
Ag (b)8o
0.70 _
Cl in o.s -_,
Br sn a
Cu sb
re 15 _
Zn w a
_o _.4 _
AU 4 4 Pt _
Ix Hg
Tt 0.58 _
(1) (1) B!
(1) (1) (2)
l_efgrences arid methods:
(1) Laul and Schmitt (1974); INAA
(1) L_I ,.,,a ._l_'mltt (197_,b&), Lml el _, (1974): INAA, RNAA
SAMPLE 7235_-105

Micropoikilifie Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 367.4 g

INTRODUCTION homogeneous (although apparently al., 1976a), but not in as much

less so than other Boulder 2 detail as 72395. The description of
72355 is a free-grained, clast- samples) and has a few non- 72395 can be assumed as a
bearing impact melt with a penetrative fractures. Clasts larger description of 72355. Only a few
poikilitic texture. It was collected to than 1 nun compose less than about chips were taken from the sample
sample the matrix of Boulder 2, 10% of the rock. The exposed for allocation and it was never
Station 2 (see section on Boulder 2, surface (mainly N) of 72355 has a sawn.
Station 2). It is identical in all patina and many zap pits. Vugs
analyzed respects with all other form 3-4% of the rock, with some
samples from Boulder 2. Although as large as several millimeters. All PETROGRAPHY
no definitive geochronological data have crystal linings, and the larger
exist, a general assumption is that rugs have larger crystals. All five samples from Boulder 2 are
72355 crystallized at the same time very similar in petrography. Dymek
as other melts of similar 72355 is so similar to other samples et al. (1976a) gave descriptions of
petrography and chemistry at the from Boulder 2 that it will not be the petrography subsequent to a
Apollo 17 site, i.e. 3.86 Ga ago. described here in detail, but specific briefer description by Albee et al.
The sample, 10 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm, is studies are referenced. It was (1974b) and Dymek et al. (1976b).
blocky/angular and light olive gray studied mainly under a consortium They did not give individual
(5Y 6/1) (Fig. 1). It is tough, led by the Caltech group (Dymek et

..... :

Figure 1: Brace of sample 72355. The exposedsurface(at the top) has a darker-colored patina; the lower right
area is broken surface. Scale in centimeters. S-73-17285.
106_SAMPLE 72355

descriptions of the petrography, and Figure 3. The chip analyzed by EXPOSURE

that practice is for the most part Laul and Schmitt (1974a, b,c) was
followed here; thus, for a an exterior chip, but is in any case Keith et al. (1974a,b) tabulated
description and mineral diagrams of similar in chemistry to the other cosmogenic nuclide gamma my
72355 matxix see sample 72395. Boulder 2 matrix samples. The count rate data, without specific
siderophiles (equivalent to 2.4% discussion.
Dymek et al. (1976a, c) described chondritic contamination) are
the sample, following a briefer assigned to Group 2, correlated
description by Albee et al. (1974b), with Serenitatis. PROCESSING
noting that the matrix was similar
to the other Boulder 2 samples (Fig. A few small chips were taken for
2). Simonds et al. (1974) described RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND allocations, but the sample was
the sample as clast-rich ophitic, CHRONOLOGY never sawn or extensively
with feldspars 10 to 50 microns and subdivided.
mafic grains 10 to 100 microns, Tera et al. (1974a) reported Rb and
showing a photomicrograph. Sr isotopic data for a matrix split
Engelhardt (1979) tabulated the without specific discussion.
paragenisis as one with ilmenite 87Rb/86Sr (0.1523) and 87Sr/86Sr
crystallizing later than pyroxene. (0.70855+/-6) are similar to those
of the matrix of the other Boulder 2
samples, and correspond with

Chemical analyses of the bulk

matrix are given in Table 1, with
the rare earth elements plotted in

B8 St 2
[0 3 _ t I I i i ! I

.._ •

0 i

_ I(]1 ' ' ' I I L : ' I , i

# t'_ La Ce Pr Nd Sm gu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 7235£4, showing Figure 3: Rare earth element abundances of matrix
poikilitic impact melt matrix. Plane transmitted light, samples in 72355 (bold line) with other Boulder 2 data
Field of view about I nun wide. for comparison.
SAMPLE 72375--109

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 16.16 g

INTRODUCTION 72375 is so similar to other samples followed here; thus for a

from Boulder 2 that it will not be description and mineral diagrams of
72375 is a f'me-grained, clast- described here in detail, but specific 72375 matrix see sample 72395.
bearing impact melt with a studies are referenced. It was
poikilitie texture. It was collected to studied maiuly under a consortium Dymek et al. (1976a, e) described
sample the matrix of Boulder 2, led by the Caltech group (Dymek et the sample, following a briefer
Station 2 (see section on Boulder 2, al., 1976a), but not in us much description by Alhee et al. (1974b),
Station 2). It is identical in all detail as 72395. The description of noting that the matrix was similar
analyzed respects with all other 72395 can be assumed as a to the other Boulder 2 samples (Fig.
samples from Boulder 2. Although description of 72375. Only a few 2). Simonds et al. (1974) merely
no definitive geochronological data chips were taken from the sample tabulated the sample as clast-rich
exist, a general assumption is that for allocation, and it was never ophitie.
72375 crystallized at the same time sawn.
us other melts of similar
petrography and chemistry at the CHEMISTRY
Apollo 17 site, i.e. 3.86 Ga ago. PETROGRAPHY
The sample, about 4 cm long and Chemical analyses of the bulk
the smallest collected from Boulder
All five samples from Boulder 2 are matrix are given in Table 1, with
2, is angular and green-gray. It has very similar in petrography. Dymek the rare earth elements plotted in
a patina and zap pits on the exposed et al. (1976a) gave descriptions of Figure 3. The chip analyzed was an
surface (mainly T), and rugs on the the petrography subsequent to a exterior chip, but is in any case
broken surface. Originally the briefer description by Albee et al. similar in chemistry to the other
sample was retained as a
(1974b) and Dymek et al. (1976b). Boulder 2 matrix samples. The
refrigerated reserve and not studied They did not give individual siderophiles are assigned to Group
under binocular microscope, but descriptions of the petrography, and 3, correlated with Serenitatis.
was later chipped for some
allocations. that practice is for the most part

Figure I: S face of sample 72375. The exposed surface (at the top) has a darker-colored patina; the lower area is
broken surface. Scale in centimeters. S-73-15356.
I10_SAMPLE 72375


Three small chips were taken from
Tera et al. (1974a) reported Rb and a single location for allocations, but
Sr isotopic data for a matrix split the sample was never sawn or
without specific discussion, extensively subdivided.
87Rb/86Sr (0.1173) and 87Sr/86Sr
(0.70632+/-6) are similar to those
of the matrix of the other Boulder 2
samples and correspond with
TBABI of 4.28Ga.

B3 St 3



m l°z

lOl I t I r I I f I I I I I I

La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72375,5 showing Figure 3: Rare earth element abundances of matrix
poikilitic impact melt matrix. Plane transmitted light, samples in 72375 (bold line) with other Boulder 2 data
Field of view about I nun wide. for comparison.
SAMPLE72395---1 t3

Micropoikilitlc Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 536.4 g

INTRODUCTION knobby and rounded. The broken mainly of plagioclase and

surface (S,E,B) is angular and pigeonite. The pigeonite forms
72395 is a f'me-grained, clast- hackly (Fig. 1). Vugs are present on small oikocrysts (less than 100
bearing impact melt with a the broken surface, ranging from microns). The smaller elasts are
poikilitic texture. It was sampled as 0.2 to 2 nun. They tend to be difficult to distinguish from
typical gronndmass of Boulder 2, irregular but some are elongate, and groundmass phases. The total clast
Station 2 (see section on Boulder 2, many are lined with drusy crystal content of the less-than-l-nun
Station 2, Fig. 1). Although no terminations, fraction is probably 10 to 20%.
definitive geochronological data
exist, a general assumption is that 72395 is typical of the samples Most of the studies of 72395 were
72395 crystallized at the same time from Boulder 2, and has only a few conducted under a consortium led
as other melts of similar clasts larger than a few millimeters, by the Caltech group (Dymek et al.,
petrography and chemistry at the Plagioclases and pale green olivine 1977). Following chipping of a few
Apollo 17 site, i.e. 3.86 Ga ago. are the most abundant. The few small pieces for petrographic study,
The sample, 12 x 9 x 5.5 cm, is large lithie clasts are typically fine- a slab was cut across 72395 (Fig.
angular, tabular, and light olive grained feldspathie rocks, including 2). Many other small pieces and
gray (N5Y 6/1). It is tough and granulites. The groundmass two larger end pieces were obtained
homogeneous. Its exposed surface contains abundant vesicles smaller (Fig. 3).
(T,N,W) has many zap pits and is than 25 microns, and consists

Figure 1: Broken surface of 72395. The sample is homogeneous and structureless, and few clasts are visible at this
scale. Slit vesicles are common. The dark feature in the center is a vuggy area lined with pyroxene and plagioclase
crystals. Scale in centimeters. S-73-16052.
114_SAMPLE 72395

Figu_ 2: Firstcutacross72395. Thesecondcutwproduceaslabwasmade m,8. Cube _ 2.54cmacro_.S-7_


matrix (grains less than 1 mm) is micron fraction is not def'mite.The

PETROGRAPHY composed of abundant tiny clasts total amount of elastic material
and a groundmass that crystallized appears to be about 10 to 20%.
All five samples from Boulder 2 are from the melt (Fig. 4a) (Dymek et Voids, approximately 10% of each
very similax in petrography. Dymek al., 1976a, Simonds et al., 1974). sample, are commonly 1 to 25
et al. (1977) gave detailed Simonds et aL, (1974) referred to micron dispersed angular pores,
descriptions of the petrography these samples as "matrix supported with some slit vesicles up to 250
subsequent to the brief description breccias" to emphasize the microns long. Other vugs and
by Alhee et al. (1974b). They did abundance of free-grained material, vesicular pods are present. In 72395
not give separate descriptions of the They labelled 72395 as clast-rich a few areas consist of pyroxene
petrography, and that practice is for ophitic, with matrix feldspars 10 to "shells" enclosing glass of granitic
the most part followed here. 72395 40 microns long and matrix mafic composition; Dymek et al. (1977)
has the most thin sections and will minerals 20 to 100 microns across, believe that these represent a
he the "type" for description. The The texture appears to be distinct residual liquid from the
mineral diagrams for all 5 samples from other coarser poikilitic crystallization of the melt, rather
will be included in this section for boulders at the Apollo 17 landing than relict clnsts.
ease of comparison, site. Dymek et al. (1977) drew a
distinction between clasts and The groundmass of all samples
The samples are rather groondmass at 100 microns grain consists of an interlocking network
homogeneous and consist of several size. Nonetheless, the distinction of tiny pyroxene oikocrytsts that
percent clasts (I nun to 1 cm) in a of elastic material and melt- enclose abundant chadacrysts of
free-grained crystalline matrix. The crystallized material in the <100 plagioclase. Ofivine occurs as

Figure 3:Endpieces,7 and,8 and numerous smaller pieces of 72395. The slab pieces, 9 and ,lO and other small
pieces are not shown. End piece ,7 shows the exterior surface with zap pits. Cube is 2 cra. S-74-15103.

angular, irregularly-shapedgrains at about the same time as high-Ca and Fig. 7 (olivines and Fe-Ti
between the pyroxene oikocrysts pyroxeneentry,anda reaction oxides), which show the general
and between pyroxene and relationship of olivine with the melt similarity of the samples. These
plagioclase, llmenite forms to produce the low-Ca pyroxene is diagrams do not distinguish clasts
irregularly-shaped grains, up to a suggestedby resorbed-appearing from groundmass phases, but they
few hundred microns long, with a olivine cores to olkocrysts. Ilmenite are distinguished on a summary
sieve-texture (enclosing pyroxene and other minor phases completed diagram for all rocks, reproduced
and plagioclase). Engelhardt the crystallization, here as Fig. 8. The majority of the
(1979) noted that ilmenite started oikocrysts arepigeonite (En75Wo2
crystallization after pyroxene Dymek et al. (1977) listed the to En65Wo10), with some high-Ca
startedandfinished crystallization phase abundances,phase types (En54Wo28 to En45Wo40).
after pyroxene finished. Ilmenite compositions, and the bulk- The chadacrysts havea small range
containschromite and futile chemical composition (from a in composition (An92 to An85), but
lamellae and there is some mieroprobe point coun0 of 72395 laths and blocky plagioclases
baddelyite at ilmenite margins. (Table 1). The tabulated phase between the olkocrysts have a
There is some K-richmesostasis, compositions appear to represent wider range (An95 to An79). The
Troilite and lesser Fe-metal are those in the melt groundmass, not olivine in the groundmass has a
pre._nL According to Dymek eta/. clnsts. Dymek et al. (1977) also narrowcompositional range from
(1977), the paragenetic sequence diagrammed the mineral Fo72 to Fo68.
was plagioclase followed by compositions fox the five individual
olivine, then low-Ca pyroxene, then samples, reproduced hereas Fig. 5 Most of the clasts in all the samples
high-Ca pyroxene. Olivine ceased (plagioclases), Fig. 6 (pyroxenes), are single mineral crystals.
116_AMPLE 72395

a b c

d e

Figure 4: Photomicrographs of 72395,7Z All plane transmitted light, all about I infield of view.
a) Melt groundmass and small clasts (larger white areas), mainly plagioclases with lesser mafic minerals, b)
feldspathic granulite clast, evidently a metamorphosed breccia, c) coarser poikilitic feldspathic granulite clast, of
less obvious precursor material. Chadacrysts (white) are plagioclases, oikocrysts (darker) are dominantly low-Ca
pyroxene, d) mafic granulite e) devitrified plagioclase (grayer areas) and ilmenite (black) in a coarse anorthositic
SAMPLE 72395--117

Plagioclase is the most abundant_

then olivine; low- and high-Ca
pyroxene, ilmenite, Fe-Co-Ni APOLLO 17 STATION #2. BOULDER #2-
metal, and pink spinel clasts are PLAGIOCLASE
present (Dymek et al., 1976a). KAtsi3oa
They are typically rounded to 7z3/d _'L°'_
subangular, and a few show shock \
effects. Some display rims that are "' _'x
either overgrowths of the same .NoAISi308...... ",'" J'"_* ".6g_',_:_'Z,.*.b_,_
phase or different minerals Ao,o A..o A,so coAtzsi2os
(curonas).The most prominent _,o,,
coronas are on pink spinels. Clast 7z335
mineral compositions are included
in Figures 5 to 7 for individual ......... "": ...... ;_r...-,
rocks, and distinguished on the A°,o Anl[IO An90 AnlOO

summary diagram of Fig. 8. The . _,

clasts show a much wider range of
compositions than do the ." " 72,5,5.5
groandmass minerals. Plagioclase . " .
clasts are generally unzoned, but • " ".t_)" .: _.., u..,_...k
many show conspicuous reaction Ao,o A°_o A.90 A,,oo
rims. The most prominent reaction
rims are on grains more sodic than 72,375 _o,_
the groundmass plagioclases, and
many of these sodie rimmed grains
•** 6 • o_o .,..,_._o
\ - "_
have clouded cores. The olivines ..................................
include many examples zoned to A,,o A/_l$O _'ngo lfllOO
their rims by reaction with the melt, 72395 \o,_
and some are mantled by low-Ca . _... \
pyroxene. Both high- and low-Ca .t ,L:. ....
pyroxenes have overgrowth rims, . ....................... _,,_.u-_5_ o\
and typically there is tittle A°,o A._o *°_o A,,oo
difference in composition between
clast rim and core, but some cores Figure 5: Compositions of plagioclases in 72315, 72335, 72355, 72375,
are distinctly more magnesian (Fig. and 72395 (Dymek et al., 1976a).
8); rims tend to have compositions
similar to groundmass pyroxenes. Dymek et al. (1977) for its ilmenite were originally reported with little
llmenite and metal clasts typically content of up to 10% and its brown discussion. The samples have a
occur with rounded to amoeboid coloring; its plagioclases are low-K Fra Mauro basalt
forms. The ilmenite clasts contain shocked and partly devitrified (Fig. composition, similar to many other
tiny globules of metal, troilite, 4e). A few clasts of gabbro, impact melt samples at the Apollo
plagioclase, and pyroxene, unlike troctolite, and dunlte are present, 17 site. All the Boulder 2 samples
any seen in any lithic clast in including one troctolite similar to are similar;, the incompatible
Boulder 2. 76535, though more granulated and element abundances for 72395 are
reerystallized. The dunites (Fo70- higher than the average. The
Most of the lithic clasts are of 77) are more iron-rich than the samples clearly have meteoritic
feldspathie highlands lithologies, dunite 72415. contamination. Laul and Sclmfitt
but there is a range of textures, (1974a) identified the siderophiles
grain sizes, and compositions. The with Group 3, attributed to
most abundant group, termed CHEMISTRY Serenitatis, and again like many
anortbosites by Dymek et al. other impact melts of low-K Fm
Chemical analyses of bulk rock
(1977), are typically fine-grained, (groundmass plus clasts) are given Mauro composition at the Apollo
and most are recrystallized in Table 2; the major element 17 site. Jovanovie and Reed
feldspathic granulites (Figs. 4b,c). (1974a, 1975, 1980), who made
analyses agree well with that analyses of leaches and residues
They grade with increasing marie derived by Dymek et al. (1976a)
content into anorthositic troctolites from leaching, identified the CI
and norites (Fig. 4d). A few cases (Table 1). The rare earth elements (residual)/P20 5 ratio with an
are poikilitic, with oikoerysts up to are plotted as Figure 9, with other Apollo 11,12, and 15 basalt line,
3 nun. One type of anorthositic Boulder 2, Station 2 data for but the significance of such an
fragment was distinguished by comparison. These chemcal data identification is not apparent.
118--SAMPLE 72395

/J/ Co(Fe, Mn)SizO 6

t ....... (ge, Mn)2 Si206
Mg 2 Si206

CoMg Si206/ v _ v v v v _ C°(Fe, Mn) Si206

/ • • "

,__2331 Q
" ,,_.-•
. .
...... , (Fe, Mn) 2 Si206
Mg 2 Si206
w _ v v .... _ -

: -".o

/ ....... _i_4b / _"h

_ r " ' (Fe, Mn) 2 Si20 6
Mg 2 Si206

Figure 6: Compositions of pyroxenes in 72315, 72335, 72355, 72375, and 72395 (Dymek et al., 1976a).
SAMPLE 72395--! 19

Table 1: Phase abundances, "average" phases compositions, and bulk chemical composition derived from
point-coun_Ing of 72.395 (Dymek etal., l_/6a).

Low-Ca High-Ca Bulk-

Plag. pyx pyx Olivine llmenite Tro0ite* Metal* Ca-Pht_s. t Me_oslasis composition

VoI.% 56.21 25.4u 5.9_ 8.8_- 1.34 0.1 _ 0.0_ 0.9_, 1.0_ Calculated
±1o 2.0a 1.41 0.6_ 0.82 0.32 0.1o 0.0_ 0.27 0 2_ (1307
Wt.% 50.4_ 28.44 6.56 10.2_ 2.0,_ 0.23 0.2_ 1.0t 0 8, points)

P205 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 43.15 (I.08 0 44
SiO2 46.67 53.53 50.81 37.66 0.21 n.a. n.a. -- 57 98 4647
TiO2 0.02 0.90 1.87 0.119 54.16 001 <0.01 1.82 I 50
AI203 33.51 0.99 1.95 0.02 <0.01 n.a. n.a. -- 23.14 17.52
Cr_O_ n.a. 0.50 0.64 0.15 0.44 n.a. -- 0.03 0 20
CaO 17.78 2.43 18.74 0.16 n.a. (I.08 0.01 54.54 5.29 I I 50
MgO 0.(19 26.36 17.08 35.76 6.56 0.03 <0.01 -- 0.76 12 46
FeO 0.25 15.42 8.65 26.24 37.38 63.17 92.58 -- 1.40 896
MnO n.a. 0.19 0.21 0.32 0.46 n.a. n.a. -- <0.01 0.1 I
BaO <0.01 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. - 090 11.01
Na20 1.51 0.06 0.17 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. -- 053 0.79
K20 0.13 n.a, n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. -- 7.21 0.13
ZrO_ n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.01 n.a. n.a. -- 007 <0.01
V203 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 n.a. n.a. -- n.a. <0.01
Nb20_ n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.13 n.a. n.a. -- n a. < (10 I
NiO n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 n.a. 0.04 6.99 -- n.a. 0.02
Co n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 0.37 -- n.a <0.111
S n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 38.52 <0.01 -- < 0.01 0.09
F n.a__ n .a. n .a. n.a. n .az_ n.a. n.a. 2.31 n.a_ 0,02
Total 99.94 100.39 100.13 100.40 99.35 101.85 99.96 100.00 99 22 100.22

An 86.1 Wo 3.3 Wo 33.5 Fo 711.6

Ab 13.2 En 69.4 En 45.2 Fa 29.4
Or 0.7 Fs 23.1
Others 4.2 8.1

Average--boulder # 2-5 samples

Vol.% 59.9 22.9 5.8 7.7 1.6 0. I 0.1 0.8 0.9
Wt.% 54.1 25.8 6.4 9.0 2.5 0A 0.4 0.9 0.8

*Elemental abundances; converted to oxides for calculating bulk composition.

tAssumed 1 : I mixture of fluorapatite and whitlockite.
n.a. = Not analyzed.




1 72335 r_ /LMEN/[E//_/
..... _.. r_ ...... Or--_ ._ RLInL£(3I.,

. _z "_ 7z355

"F L
l _IV/NE{24] ]LMEN/TE{16/

_I72375 ouv/Me///J
..... C], ...... _. .. Rur/_e/e,_

O) ILMEN/7E(321

Mq % ?_ _ Fe+Mn

Figure 7: Compositions of olivines and Fe-Ti oxides in 72315, 72335,

72355, 72375, and 72395 (Dymek et al., 1976a).
12_-SAMPLE 72395


CoM§Si? " ...... / ..... Co,_Fe.

J /.,;_-;:-'1 87 J _ 47
/ I"_J'._-_ POINTS / ,**.'_POINTS
\: ,o* X / t
PYROXENE / --. "'l / ,,.l

/ Ct_STS _ / / Gh,0UND/,CAL¢t_. /
,./ 124 _%_, J 84 _.'\
/ PO]NTS ./:" ,' / POINTS /.,'...]
/ "_ / /

6 (Fe,Mn]2Si,zO


CLASTS(396) 3o

_ _oN

GROUNDMASS[131) _ )310
& g fo g 80 g Co _ _o

_ .-%_ rn ,, ^ ^ -_ .....rl _'1_ _ _,.......

(z: MO Fe+ Mn


Figure 8: Summary diagram of mineral phases in 72315, 72335, 72355, 72375, and 72395 (Dymek et al., 1976a),
distinguishing groundmass phases from clasts.
SAMPLE 72395--121

Tera et al. (1974a) reported U, Th, 1°_t .............
and Pb isotopic data for a whole-
rock split of 72395 (Table 3)
without specific discussion. As for
other ICREEP rocks, Ix
(=238U/204pb) is high, about -_
2200. The data lie on the same -3.9 ._
- 4.4 Ga concordia curve as most "U 4
highlands samples, and towards the
lower age end as typical of 0
brecciated KREEP rocks (model ,_
ages are in the range 4.06 to 4.09 L) _°_
C-a). \

Hutcheon et al. (1974b) and

MacDougall et al. (1974) studied [ i

Unfortunately the column was

tracks in parallel
oriented a columnto cut
the from 72395.
surface at3 _0_ _ _ J _ , _ _ r r
cm depth, so no depth variations La Ce ?r Nd $m _.u 6d Tb Dy Ho Er Yb Lu
could be measured. No systematic
variations in track density occurred Figure 9: Rare earth elements in splits of 72395 (bold lines) and other
along the column. Track densities Boulder 2, Station 2 samples. 72395 data from Table 2; upper bold line is
among adjacent feldspars vary 72395, 46; lower bold line is 72395,3.
between 2 and 5 x 106 on -2, far
beyond statistical variation. The band near at 0.6 microns that would
authors infer that shock erased be indicative of ilmenite. PROCF_SING
some tracks about 11 Ma ago.
Assuming a single stage irradiation, Hural and Winkler (1976) Following chipping of a few small
the maximum Irack density implies measured the thermal diffusivity of pieces for petrographic and
exposure of 27 Ma (from start of a split of 72395 under varied chemical study, 72395 was sawn
track accumulation at 3 om depth, conditions. The sample had a bulk into two pieces: ,7 and ,8 (Fig. 2).
Fission tracks in an apatite crystal density of 2.539 g/cm 3 and an Between them slab pieces ,9
(Table 4) give ages of about 800 intrinsic density of 3.073 3. (29.5g) ,10 (25.2 g), and smaller
Ma, much younger than the The porosity was 17.4 %. The pieces ,11 to ,26 were cut. Pieces
probable crystallization age of the diffusivity measurements are were then chipped from ,8 (now
sample, suggesting a severe tabulated in Tables 5 and 6, and 59.8 g), as shown in Fig. 3. Many
heating, or shock event exceeding diagrammed in Figure 10. allocations were made from both
100 kb pressme, the slab pieces and the fragments
from ,8. ,7 is now 251.9 g, and ,8
(stored at Brooks) is now 59.8 g.

Charette and Adams (1977)

measured the spectral reflectivity
(0.5 to 2.5 microns wavelength
range) of an interior chip of 72395,
which they referred to as an "ANT-
suite norite". The spectrum shows
deep Fe2+ bands for pyroxene and
plagioclase, with a high left
shoulder near 0.7 microns.
However, there is no absorption
122--SAMPLE 72395

Table 2: Chemical analyses of bulk samples of 72395.

,3 ,3 ,46 ,42 ,43 ,43 ,3

SiO 2 46.9
TiO 2 1.7 1.75
AI203 18.7 18.1
Cr203 .210 0.2044
9.2 9.29
MnO .116 0.12
MgO 12 11.97
CaO 11.0 11.27
Na20 .67 0.694
K20 .32 (¢) 0.286
P205 0.325
Sc 17 18.7
V 50
Co 35 33 31.1
NL 320 290 260
Rb 5.3 6.21
St 152 167
7z 400 570
I_ 12 13.7
Ba 350 (a) 360 386
Tb 5.5 6.05 5.88
U 1.6 1.72 2.06 0.59 1.3 1.67
CI 0.160 0.190
Ta 1.6 1.82
La 36 39.7
Ce 87 95
Pr 13.1
Nd 55 61
Sm 15.2 16.8
Etl 1.81 1.93
Gd 21.1
Tb 3.0 3.7
Dy 20 23.2
He 5.1
Er 13.9
Yb 11 12.4
Lu 1.5 1.88
IJ 24.8
C 105
S 560 770
F 36 41
CI 9.90 (d) 8.4
ar ,044 (d)0.056
Cu 3.55
711 2.1 2.76

All 5 5.8 4.7

It I0 8.0 II
[ (e) 1.7
C_ 4350
C_ 440
As 7g
Se 190
Re 17
All 1.4
Cd Co)170 lh_fem_ a_l m_.
In 0.2 (1) Laul mad$¢hmttt (1974); _NAA, RNAA
Sn (2) Wt_ke etJtL (1975_,b); XRF, INAA,RNAA
Sb 2.1 (3) Moore et It_ (1974t,b); Cripe and Moore (1975)
W 750 (4) Jovanovic and Reed (1974a); RNAA
Be 0.79 0.2 (5) Tefa _t al. (1974a);ID/MS
(31 9

HI[ 0.29 4.4 a) lkted by aothom m Bd

T1 b) coa_7
BI ¢) v_ of 0.2916 _ tab_mtld
d) m_tdoe md Im_ mmbined
(I) (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) (5) ,)_ I,,_ rely.
SAMPLE 72395--123

Table 3: U, Th, Pb isotopic data for 72395,3 (Tent et al., 1974).

Weight LunarLeadb,c (xd 2o*pbb &(ampb)b 2O*pbe

Sah:?|ea mg _Pb x_VPb 2°ePb 2°4Pb comp conc blank blank picomole/g
72395,3 9.628 55.58 26.63 59.11 0.0309 1294 1204 0.0185 0.0018 3.20+0.97

a Total rockunlessotherwiseindicated. Acid washedsamplesdesignatedby L; materialremovedfromsample

by acid washdesignatedby Leach. bInpicomoles. CCorrectedforblankwithc_=18.26,_=15.46and
3,=37.59. d Uocorrectedfor blank, _ values forconcentrationruns (conc) arecorrectedfor crosscontain.
ination fromspikes, e Magnitudeof negativeerror,correspond.ingto + 100%increase in the blank, is twice
the valuegivenforthe positiveerrorshown,which correspondsto --50..0decreasein the blank.

Samplea _eU
nanomole/g _=Th
nanomole/g F _ub
2O4pbX 10.2 2_
2o6 Ages
238 2o7
72395,3 6.96+0.04 25.34±0.25 3.61 ±0.04 22(+33,-5) 4.08 4.06 4.07 4.09

aTotal rockanalysisunlessotherwise indicated, b Atomic ratios, c Aftercorrection forblankand primordial

Pb. Assumedprimordialcompositionsin o_--9.307, /_= 10.294 and "y= 29.476 (50).
dX2_I= 1.5525 X 10"1°y-X, Xsss =9.8485 X 10-l° y-t and _,232= 4.9475 X 10"**y-t


Figure lOa: Thermal diffusivity (K) #72 395,14 as a 1, ........

function of temperature T with interstitial gas pressure I ,o o ,o,......
atm and 10-6 torr of air. Horai and Winkler (1976). o

_06 • •

05 •l


07_ i i , _ , , i .... _ ' ' * _oo 2oo 5oo 4oo so_
72995 , 14 r(*K)

06 =---- _ atm a_r

• _ otto COz 06 i ! i
_ 5 torr COz 72395,14 l
05 _-,_ ...... 10"e tort air 05 zoo *K

0.2 __ ...... = = _, ¢, - -


,, , , , .,,

,2 ,3
. *

0 I I i [ i i [ i i i i_oq_P (Iorr COl)
200 300 400

T('_) Figure lOc: Thermal diffusivity (K) of sample 72395,14

Figure lOb: Thermal diffusivity (K) of 72395,14 as a as afunction of interstitial gas pressure P of carbon
function of temperature T with interstitial gaseous dioxide at temperatures of 200 degrees and 460 degrees
pressure I arm and 5 torr of carbon dioxide. Smoothed IL Horai and Winkler (1976).
curves of K as afunction of T with interstitial gas
pressure I arm and 10-6 torr are from Figure lOa.
Horai and Winkler (1976).
124--SAMPLE 72395

Table 4: Fission track data for an apatite crystal in 72395 (Hutcheon et al. 1974b).


Uranium content 108

Total track density 8.28 × 107
(t/cm -_)
Reactor induced 4.22 × 10_
Cosmic ray 3.0 × 10_
C.R. induced fission* 4.22 × 10"
Aget (m.y.) (a) 0
(b) 8.1 x 10'

Table 5: Thermal diffusivity _ (cm2/sec) as a function of temperature T (degrees K), K = A + B/T + C/T 2 +
DT 2. Horai and Winkler (1976).

Sample Condition (10-2cm2/sec)(cm-'°K/sec)

72395,14 l-atmair 0.207 0.488 0.090 -0.203

10_-torr air 0.160 -0.154 0.133 0.190
1-arm CO2 0.816 -2.735 3.638 -0.789
5-tort CO2 0.214 -0.053 0.028 -0.121

Table 6: Thermal diffuslvity (in the unit of 10 .3 cm2/sec) of lunar solid rock samples under atmospheric
(a) and under vacuum
Ca). Horai and Winkler (1976).

Temperature, degrees K.
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

a) 7.82 5.67 4.65 4.04 3.61 3.29 3.02 2.79

(b) 1.41 121 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.50 1.60 1.71

Sample 72415; 72416; 72417; 72418; 72435

Boulder 3 at Station 2 was the several pieces were collected from bearing, f'me-grained impact melt
smallest of three boulders sampled it. These were later designated as of low-K Fra Mauro composition
on the lower slopes of the South 72415 (two mated pieces), and similar to others at the Apollo 17
Massif (see section on Boulder 1, 72416 to 72418. Astronaut Schmitt landing site. Geochronological data
Station 2 for locations). It probably recognized the clast as light pastel suggest an age of 3.86 Ga, also
rolled from near the top of the green material in an even paler similar to that of other Apollo 17
massif. Boulder 3 is an equant, 40 matrix, and suggested that it was low-K Fra Mauro melts, and the
cm subangular block (Fig. 1) with "olivine and something." matrix is assumed to represent
an overall dull blue-gray color. Laboratory study showed it to be a impact melt created in the
Clasts as large as 10 cm are visible unique shocked danite sample and Serenitatis impact. Sa'ontium
in lunar surface photographs. Three it has been intensively studied. The isotopic data for the dunite suggest
fractures cutting the boulder are matrix of the boulder was also that it crystallized 4.45 Ga ago,
recognized, but no well-developed sampled (72435, Fig. 1). and Pb isotopic data are in
fracture or cleavage sets are visible, agreement with such an old age
The boulder has a poorly-developed Many of the studies of Boulder 3 (4.37 to 4.52 Ga).
fillet, samples were made by a loosely-
knit consortium led by the Caltech
The boulder contained a prominent group (Dymek et al., 1975b,
10 cm pale-colored clast; on 1976a). The matrix is a clast-

Figure 1: Sampling of Boulder 3, Station 2, with view towards north-west. The photograph was taken pnor to
sampling, and shows the location of the samples. The total height of the gnomon is 62 cm. AS17-138-21049.
SAMPLE 72415--127

Cataclastic Dunite
St. 2, 32.34 g

INTRODUCTION homogeneous matched pieces (Fig. of the larger grains appear more
1), originally labelled A and B. Zap grayish, others reddish. In thin
72415 is a complexly cataclasized pits and a patina are prevalent on section the sample is dominantly
dunite that was collected, along the lunar-exposed surfaces of olivine with varied aspects of
with 72416, 72417, and 72418, to 72415. deformation, with some
sample a 10 can clast in the impact plagioclase, pyroxenes, and Cr-
melt matrix of Boulder 3, Station 2 The two pieces of 72415 are each spinel.
(see section on Boulder 3, Station about 4 x 2 x 0.8 era, and pale
2, Fig. 1). It was originally a yellowish to greenish gray (5Y 8/1 Many but not all of the studies of
coarse-grained igneous rock to 5GY 8/1). Although the sample 72415 were conducted under a
consisting mainly of magnesian appeared to break easily in the loosely-knit consortium led by the
olivine. Pb isotopic data suggest an lunar sampling, it is tough, and the Caltech group (e.g. Dymek et al.,
igneous age of between 4.37 and ease of sampling was a result of a 1975b). Following allocation of
4.52 G-a,in agreement with few penetrative fractures, small undocumented and
strontium isotopic analyses of Macroscopically the sample documented chips, piece A, the
paired sample 72417, which consists of about 30% pale yellow thicker of the two, was sawn in
suggest that the dunite crystallized green olivines larger than a 1974 to produce several pieces for
4.45 Ga ago. It Ires since suffered a millimeter, set in a matrix (65%) of study. Subsequently several other
complex history of deformation and mainly similarly-colored material small pieces were taken from
excavation. 72415 is a slabby that is less than 1 mm (mainly less varied locations of both piece A
sample consisting of two than 0.1 ram) in grain size. A few and piece B.

Figure 1: Two matching pieces of 72415 prior to sampling or sawing. Clasts larger than I mm are visible. Cube
has I cm sides. S-73-16199.

Figure 2: Sawing of one of the main pieces of 72415. An end piece was sawn first, and divided to give ,15 and ,16.
A second cut produced a slab that was sawn across to produce,17 and,18; the latter was made into thin sections.

and Cr-Zr armalcolite. The Flohr (1982) and James et al.

PETROGRAPHY abundance of plagioclase varies (1982) suggested that the sample
significantly among thin sections, was related to Mg-norites rather
72415 is a cataclasized dunite The dunite is about 60% angular to than Mg-gabbronorites, but the
(LSPET, 1973; Albee et al., 1974a, subangular clasts of single crystals evidence was not conclusive. The
1975; Simonds et al., 1974; Stoffler of olivine up to 10 nun across in a injection of feldspar-rich material
et al., 1979; Ryder 1992a). The fine-grained matrix that is of uncertain source was a factor
Caltech consortium described the dominantly olivine (Fig. 3a).The contributing to the problem.
petrography of 72415 and 72417 in existing texture results mainly from
detail (Albee et al., 1974a, 1975; cataclastic crushing, and not from The compositions of silicate and
Dymek et al., 1975b), providing recrystallization at the microscopic oxide minerals in 72415 and 72417
photomicrographs and microprobe scale. Many clasts show subgrains are shown in Figure 4, and metal
data. Because the two samples and strain bands (Figs. 3b,c), and compositions in Figure 5 (Dymek
appear to be virtually identical, the many show inclusions that give a et al., 1975b). The olivines show a
descriptions do not always cloudy appearance. Some clasts are small range in composition from
distinguish them. Most of the thin poygonalized olivine (Fig. 3d). Fo86_89, with no systematic
sections were from 72415 and show Sparse symplectites consist mainly variation with petrography. This
a complex history of deformation of chromite and pyroxenes. Fairly range was confirmed by Bell et al.
following original crystallization common veinlets cutting olivines (1975). LSPET (1973) gave a range
(Fig. 3). contain plagioclases as well as of Fo85_90 but this is not
olivines. Inclusions, confirmed by others. Ryder (1984,
The mineralogy of the sample was mictosymplectites, shock and 1992a) showed that that individual
summarized by Dymek et al. reerystallization features of grains were different and zoned
(1975b) (Table 1). It consists of olivines, strain bands, and relict over distances of two to three
93% olivine, with small amounts of grain boundaries are truncated by millimeters, and that the range was
other silicates, and trace amounts of the cataclasis, showing that they wider than in dunites from
Cr-spinel and metal; there is also existed prior to that event. On the terresUial plutonic cumulates, the
extremely rare troilite, whitlockite, basis of the mineralogy, James and Marjalahti pallasite, or troctolite
SAMPLE 72415--129

c tl

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of 72415,28 (a,d) and 72415,25 (b,c). All about 1 ramwidth of view, all crossed
polarizers except a) plane transmitted light, a) General view of cataclastic matrix, with olivine clasts in an olivine
matrix. Olivines show inclusions and cloudiness, subangular shapes, and varied sizes, b) larger olivine clast
showing presence of subgrains and deformation bands, c) larger olivine clast showing subgrains and a veinlet
system (mainly lathy plagioclase + olivine), d) general matrix showing lithic clast to left of polygonalized olivine.
130_SAMPLE 72415

76535 (Figs. 6 and 7). He also

showed that the calcium in olivines 72415 _ 72417
had a substantial range and was
higher than in 76535. The zoning PLAGIOCLASE KA_Si308
is concluded to be an original
igneous feature, not a deformation-
related one. These data suggest a il \ ,

cooling rate faster than is consistent I. L....... _, ii _ '_,,

with deep phitonic prncesses i.e. *='Fe.y °-....... 0
,_ = In Symplectites [[I ,[
_ ilI \

'i i
shallow cumulate processes. ¢_w,t,po_y,o°o,
o,vioe i[ i Tiit,_ _
Ryder (1983) and Bersch (1990) NoAISi,0,Ag._ _ Ag_o Ao_ " co_:i_s,_o_

, . oooovoo
showing a range from 220-70 ppm,
and higherthan in 76535
Bersch (1990) also analyzed

precisely for other minor elements NoA_S_O_


"1"\= FeAI2SizO e *+

--_ MgAI 2 Si 2 0 e
_ A,_o
ttIti i

_ A_

_ \

in olivines. PYROXENE
C°MgSiz0_'/ , /- / Co(Fe, Mn)Si20,

variescomposition of plagioclases
with petrography, with felty _// III[ ,// f // I=w,,,lath-shapedP,ag.....
plagioclases tending to be the most / / t / ¢: _. S,m,_

calcic (An94-97)'
associated and
laths z°ncd the
symplectites / I / _ ' =w_'_
most sodic (An91.89)(Fig. 4). That / _ / °

associated with recrystallized / * / .,# / l . .

olivines covers a wide range / ¢ _/ _ _ _/ + I ,r, x NoAI SizO 6 CoTiAIzO 6

varies petlography
The pyroxene(Fig.also4). / I1; / 1, / _¢} ._l_xcoc,A,s,o,. coA,_s,o,
Those with higher Ca abundances Mg2Siz06 {Fe.Mn)zSi20,
are probably real, not mixtures. The
chrome-spinel has a restricted
composition (Fig. 4), but that in N_m_,
of Analyses

symplecfites is more iron-rich. The

Co (Fig. 5; data also presented in 2s LI IN Cr-

Dymeketal., 1976a);Ryderetal.. A A A m __ A _/,,'_A
_ xL Mq53Fe52Mn°zCr'_AI6*T'°4V'°'q'4
/x #, /" ,_, r A

(1980a) obtained even higher Ni Mg r_ +M°

abundances of 36 to 37%. Analyses
of silicate phases by Richter et al Figure 4: Compositions of silicate minerals and chrome-spinel in 72415
(1976a) are similar to those of
Dymek et al. (1975b). and 72417 (Dymek et aL, 1975b).

The symplectites consist of mainly i i i , , I _ i i i

of Cr-spinel and high-ca pyroxene; Fe-Ni Metal in Ounile samples 72415(o)and 72417(*)

low-Ca pyroxene, olivine,

plagioclase, and metal are present •
in some (Dymek et al., 1975b). o_ t •
Their textures range from granular • • • 00

tovermicular. Albeeetal. o o_ o • • o_,,t

(1974a,1975) and Dymek et al. u L •°
(1975b) interpret these intergrowths _|
as late-stage magmatic products,

not solid-state reaction products.

BellandMao(1975)andBelietal. °21
/ 22_ 23 _ 24 _ _
25 _ 27_ 28_
26 219 310 _ _2 3_
(1975) described these symplectites Ni wt. %
as rosettes, and tabulated bulk Figure 5: Ni and Co in metal grains in 72415 and 72417 (Dymek et al.,
compositions derived from
microprobe data (Table 2). They 1975b).
SAMPLE 72415--131

Table 1: Phase abundances, "average" phase compositions, and bulk chemical composition, derived from
microprobe point counts, of 72415 and 72417 (Dymek et al, 1975b).

Low-Ca High-Ca Cr-

Plag. pyx pyx Olivine spinel Metal* Bulk composition

VoI.% 4.0_ 2.1s 1.02 92.52 0.19 0.07 Calculated LSPET,

Wt.% 3.35 2.17 1.00 93.04 0.2, 0.1_ (4641 Points) 1973

SiO2 44.79 56.05 54.13 40.24 0.04 0.05 40.70 39.93

TiO2 <0.01 0.28 0.11 0.02 1.05 <0.01 0.03 0.03
AI203 35.00 0.96 1.22 <0.01 16.71 n.a. 1.25 1.53
Cr_Oj n.a. 0,26 1.11 0.04 51.81 0.54 0.19 0.34
MgO 0.23 32.29 18.40 47.65 10.60 0.01 45.24 43.61
FeO 0.14 6.94 2.71 12.29 19.27 67.65 11.82 11.34
MnO n.a. 0.15 0.11 0.13 0.58 0.02 0.13 0.13
CaO 19.25 2.24 22.50 0.13 n,a. 0.01 1.04 1.14
Na20 0.62 0.01 0.05 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.02 < 0.02
K_O 0.09 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.003 0,00
BaO 0.04 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 --
ZrO2 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. < 0.01 n.a. < 0.01 < 0.01
V_O_ n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.37 n.a. < 0,01 --
Nb20_ n.a. n,a. n.a. n.a. 0.05 n.a. < 0'.01 < 0.01
NiO n.a. n.a. n.a. < 0.01 n.a. 30.42 0.07 0.02
Co n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.42 < 0.01 --

Total 100.16 99.18 100.34 100.50 100.48 100.14t 100.49 98.07

An 92.0 Wo 3.0 Wo 41.7 Fo 87.2

Ab 5.4 En 84.2 En 49.7 Fa 21.8
Or 0.5 Fs 10.4 Fs 4.3
Others 2.1 2.4 4.3

*Elemental abundances, converted to oxides for bulk-composition calculation.

+Includes 0.02 wt.% P.
n.a. = not analyzed.

Table 2: Microprobe analyses in weight % of symplectites in 72415 (Bell et al, 1975). Each analysis is the
average of four or five separate analyses made within single symplectites that average 30 microns diameter.

No. 1 2 8 9 10 12 13 olivine

Rt 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.0_

MgO 16.06 24.72 24.30 19.07 17.80 17.95 21.68 47.52
|FeO 8.17 9.83 9.32 8.29 7.84 8.10 8.21 11.48
R2* _NiO 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.02 0.04 0,04 0.03 0,0_
|CaO 14.75 5.36 6.90 12.91 14.55 12.22 12.61 0.12
_MnO 0.21 0,11 0.12 0.13 0.09 0.11 0.04 0.12
R3+ _Cr20_ 18.02 15.95 15.48 15.90 16.12 17.04 14.23 0.08
I,AIzO3 4.61 3.97 4.16 4.48 4.13 5.36 3.80 0.00

R" /SiO2 37.13 39.59 39.39 38.12 38.05 38.45 38.39 40.71
(TiO7 0.46 0.30 0.41 0.34 0.32 0.22 0.17 0.01

total 99.58 99.83 100.09 99.26 98.99 99.50 99.14 100.04
132_AMPLE 72415

described their detailed

occurrences. Bell and Mao (1975)
concluded that the bulk

pt 8 _ Dumte72415 compositions of symplectites were

5 I1 i ilali aaliwithin
within about 250 microns equivalent to garnet, and that the
pt. 2 all wilhi rons._.._b _,th,n abou 20 m,crons symplecdtes (and the dunite) bad
220m,c_ formed at high-pressure. Bell et al.
(1975) included authors with

all disagreed with the Dymek et al.

20 Dunito 72415. total (1975b) interpretation of late-stage
magmatic products. Two although
differing interpretations, authors
n=229 I_ continued to prefer the garnet
hypothesis, comparing the
10 observations with high-pressure
experimental products; two

preferred an elements
diffusion of origin from theolivine.
1 Dymek et al. (1975b) outlined the
history of the dunite on the basis of
the deformation features and their
10 Stillwater superpositions. The isotopic data

igneous origin, with little

5- n=2t l_= \ n=11 subsequent disturbance of the
n=61 m_k= #300_, _255[_# (for 72417) suggest an early
, Ii _ '] n petrographically
isotopic system. Nonetheless,
the sample
' 11'.0 ' 12_00 13.0 14.0 underwent a complex history. The
primary differentiation produced a
Wt.% FeO coarse plutonic cumulate, with
olivine and Cr-spinel crystallizing
Figure 6: Variation in olivine compositions expressed as FeO wt% in prior to plagioclase, then Cr-spinel,
samples of dunite 72415, two Stillwater troctolites, and Marjalahti. Ryder pyroxenes, plagioclase, and metal
(1992a). crystallized from trapped interstitial

(a) o --,, (b) __

_ mm

Figure 7: Sketches of zoning in larger olivines in 72415 samples, expressed as contours of FeO wt%. Dots are
analytical locations, a) grains in 72415,27; the smaller grain shows a very steep gradient, b) grain in 72415,28.
Ryder (1992a).
SAMPLE 7221_-133

magma. None of the plagioclase Table 3: Summary of events in the deformation history of 72415
appears to be cumulate. The sample (Richter et al., 1976a).
was then shocked to about 330 Kb
or more (according to work of Snee
and Ahrens, 1975a,b; see below),
consistent with an excavation depth Crystallization--igneous prehistory
of 50 to 150 km, producing Tectonic cracking
maskelynite and a silicic melt from Microcrack annealing. Development of symplectites
the intercumulus material. Major shock (330--440 kbar--probably confined)
However, there are unshocked Plagioclase sealed cracks
plagioclases laths
from that melt. that crystallized
Some Annealing
recrystallization then took place. A Cataclasis by tectonic process
second shock event produced the Excavation by shock
present observed cataclasis; this Sintering
took place prior to the
incorporation of the clast into the
72435 host melt (although perhaps
only seconds before).
cracks even where symplectites are derived a temperature of 1120
Snee and Ahrens (1975a,b)'studied not present. Cracks in olivine are degrees C for the last equilibration
the shock-induced deformation commonly sealed by plagioclase, of pyroxenes. Herzberg (1979)
features of 72415 and compared some of which may be injected estimated a pressure of
them with the products of shock melt. Others contain crystallization of 0 +/- 0.5 Kb using
experiments. 72415 shows varied abundant micropores (0.1 to 0.4 the alumina content of the
shock features, including irregular microns); the micropores have pyroxenes in the ol+2px+plag
fractures, planar fractures (single irregular subspherical shapes. Some assemblage, and assuming a
planes and sets), well-defined form subparallel strings, others are temperature of equilibration of
deformation bands, planar random. The open cracks are unlike 1000 +/- 50 degrees C estimated
elements, isolated mosaicism, and a any others described from lunar from the pyroxene quadrilateral
few completely recrystallized rocks, being narrow (0.1 microns) locations. Finnerty and Rigden
groins. The orientation of the planar with isolated terminations. The (1981) in contrast used olivine
fractures are similar to those barometry (from the Ca-conten0 to
observed in experiments of shock matrix is cataclastic, and most of its derive a pressure of 6.4 to 11.6 Kb
from 330 to 440 Kb. Some plagioclase is free of shock effects. (for a temperature estimate of 948-
bipyramid orientations in the In contrast with the Dymek et al. 988 degrees C), which they claim is
sample are not present in the (1985b) interpretation, Richter et al. consistent with the depth estimate
experiment products; similarly, the (1976a) note that there is definite made by Snee and Ahrens (1975a).
experimental products do not sintering (as revealed by the SEM) However, in the same study they
include recrystallization features, that produced a highly porous derived a depth estimate for 76535
spongy mass in the matrix, with of 600 kin, which seems wholly
Richter et al. (1976a,b) made a delicate necks preserved. The unrealistic. Clearly these
detailed study of the deformation history as derived by Richter et al temperature and pressure estimates
features in 72415, using SEM as (1976a) is shown as Table 3. are inconsistent and unreliable,
well as microscopic and Whileconsistent With that of presumably at least in part because
microprobe techniques, Dymek et al. (1975b) it is more the original igneous crystallization
concentrating on the microcracks detailed. A stage of tectonic did not produce a totally
and micropores. The deformation followed by slow equilibrated assemblage, and
microstluctures show a diverse annealing of cracks and then the because of the complex history
complex history that is different development of symplectites took following crystallization.
from any other rocks studied, place after igneous crystallization.
Healed and sealed cracks are The major shock deformation that
abundant, but open ones are rare. followed was in turn followed by CHEMISTRY
The healed cracks are planes of some recovery before the latest
solid phases and pores; some of the cataclasis and some sintering. Chemical analyses are listed in
solids are Fe-metal. Symplectites . Table 4. The analyses correspond
tend to be on or near to Using the mineral chemical data for with a magnesian dunite with low
microcracks, suggesting a genetic pyroxenes of Dymek et al. (1975b) abundances of incompatible
link; microprobe analyses show that and an orthopyroxene-augite elements and those compatible with
A1 and Cr are concentrated along geothermometer, Ishii et al. (1976) feldspars. There are no analyses for
SAMPLE 72415--135

the rare earths. In addition to the pyroxenes and spinel), summarized Brecher (1975, 1976a) described
tabulated data, Gibson et al. (1977) in Figure 8. The separates were magnetic anislxopy (high-field
published a hydrogen abundance of treated with water-alcohol and very saturation and remanence) in 72415
9.4 ppm without discussion. This dilute acids to remove secondary as reflecting the petrographic
abundance is higher than in mate lab components. The Pb from all texture of the sample. Some
basalts and about twice as high as the separates is very radiogenic features with a preferential
in impact melts. (olivine the most radiogenic), but orientation produced by shock,
very little Pb is in them so such as metal decorating planar
The major element analyses are laboratory blank is a significant structures, would certainly produce
fairly consistent with those for compnent in all. With a best-guess a magnetic anisotropy. (However, it
72417. However, within the blank correction, the magnetic and is not obvious in any petrographic
Caltech consortium, 72415 appears olivine separates give a minimum description that there are preferred
to have been considered as age of 4.37 + 0.23 Ga applicable to orientations within 72415; most
"normal" and 72417 as the dunite as a whole. The two planar features appear to predate
comparatively "alkali-rich" whole-rocks do not plot together the last cataclasis. This puts
(Hignchi and Morgan, 1975a); the and suggest that WR-2 contains Brecher's hypothesis in some doubt
tabulated analyses do not support some uncorrected non-radiogenic in this particular case).
such a distinction, with Hignchi and Pb (above blank). Olivine and
Morgan (1975a) noting that their WR-1 are most reliable and
"alkali-rich" sample had lower Rb indicate an age of 4.52 + 0.06 Ga, PROCESSING
than their "normal" sample. While older but within error limits of the
siderophiles (Ni, Ir, and some Rb-Sr age of 72147 (4.45 + 01 Ga). 72415 was created from two pieces
others) and some volatiles are high Corrections to align the whole rock that matched (Fig. 1), termed A and
in some subsamples, Hignchi and and the magnetic separates with B. The first subdivisions were a
Morgan (1975a) and Morgan and olivine are too great to be explained loose undocumented chip (, 1, thin
Wandless (1979) noted that they by laboratory chemistry, and sections); two combined pieces
were not in meteoritic proportions suggest pre-preparation from opposite ends of piece A (,2,
and considered them to be contamination, possibly meteoritic, chemistry, magnetic); small chips
indigenous. Morgan and Wandless Regardless, the Pb-Pb age is and fragments (,4, unallocated); and
(1988) analyzed for siderophile and constrained between about 4.37 and an undocumented chip (,6, tracks,
volatile elements in further small 4.52 Ga, assuming the olivine data no published data). Subsequently
subsamples that were randomly is unmovable. The data clearly piece A was sawn as shown in
chosen but cannot be considered to indicates derivation from a high-_t Figure 2. Sample, 18 was
be representative whole rocks source (>500), similar to results consumed making thin sections. ,17
because of their sizes. The data from norite 78235 and 76535 by the (4.5 g); and ,16 (1.4 g) remain
confLrm an indigenous origin for same laboratory, intact. Small pieces for chemistry,
these elements, and suggest a radiogenic isotopes, and thin
source magma that contained about sections were later taken from ,8;
6x as high volatile abundances as EXPOSURE ,15; and ,10 (small chips from piece
mare basalts. They also noted that 3 B), and other small chips allocated
of their subsamples were lower in Keith et al. (1974a, b) tabulated for spectral reflectance studies.
volatiles and siderophiles than one disintegration counts for Piece B (now ,9, 12.3 g) is virtually
other in 72415 and than the 72417 cosmogenic radionuclides in 72415, intact and stored at Brooks. Sample
subsamples similarly analyzed, without discussion. Yokoyama et ,8 is now 4.4 g.
al. (1974) used the 26A1 and 22Na
Delano (1980) used the published data to state that the sample was
data for compatible elements to
place constraints on their saturated in 26A1, hence exposed
abundance in the parental magma for at least a few million years.
of the dunite.

Pearce et al. (1974a,b) tabulated
Premo and Tatsumoto (1993) magnetic properties of 72415
reported preliminary Pb-Pb and U- (Table 5) with little specific
Pb isotopic data for four separates discussion. The metal content is
from 72415 (two "whole-rock," one exceptionally low.
olivine, and one magnetically
removed mixture that is mainly
136_SAMPLE 72415

Table 5: Some magnetic properties of 72415 (Pearce et al. 1977a).

J, Xp Xo Equiv. Equiv. Fe o
Sample (emu/g) (emu/gOe) (emu]gOe) H, H_ wt.% wt.% Fe_
×10s xl0" J,,]], (Oe) (Oe) Fe ° Fe**

Dunite clast
72415,2 .064 19.3 .35 -- .03 8.85 .0033

1.a] _.o.=Soo _ 72415 J

1.6 "] j4370 / • • •
] _.+.230Ma / • •p=250

1.4"1 ,I j" /_ °/o_, • p=lO0

_ 1 ' / \ "'¢ _.. •

1.o]; -7 ........... CDT
0.8 _ R. 2 ......... blank Pb

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12


Figure 8: Pb-Pb correlation diagram for lunar dunite 72415 separates. WR-1 and WR-2 are whole-rock samples,
OLIV is the olivine separate, and MAG is a magnetic separate consisting mainly of pyroxene and spinel. CDT is
Canyon Diablo troilite.

Cataclastic Dunite
St. 2, 11.53 g


72416 is a cataclasized dunite that

was collected, along with 72415,
72417, and 72418, to sample a 10
cm clast in the impact melt matrix
of Boulder 3, Station 2 (see section
on Boulder 3, Station 2, Fig. 1).
72416 is an irregular, slabby piece
that measures 2.1 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm,
with many zap pits and patina on
the one lunar-exposed surface (Fig.
1). It is very similar to 72415 and
72417. 72416 has never been
dissected or allocated for study.

Figure 1: Photograph of 72416. The piece is about 2 cm long. Part of

photograph S-73-17968.
SAMPLE 72417_139

Cataclastic Dunite
St. 2, 11.32 g

INTRODUCTION et al., 1974a and Dymek et al., interpretation of 72417 by I_ally et

1975b). However, Dymek et al. (1976a,b) is consistent with but
72417 is a complexly cataclasized al.(1975b) distinguished the more detailed than that of Dymek et
dunite that was collected, along composition of metal grains al. (1975b). High-voltage electron
with 72415, 72416, and 72418, to between the two samples (section microscopy was used to def'me the
sample a 10 cm clast in the impact on 72415, Fig. 5). Bell et al. (1975) substructure of crystals and matrix
melt matrix of Boulder 3, Station 2 gave two microprobe analyses of grains (latter defined as less than 50
(see section on Boulder 3, Station olivines that were hosts for microns). The olivines are
2, Figure 1). It was originally a symplectites, and gave an average moderately deformed, with planar
coarse-grained igneous rock composition derived from kink boundaries, undulating
consisting mainly of magnesian microprobe analyses of 3 extinctions, open and healed
olivine. Radiogenic isotope symplectltes; their compositions are fractures, and inclusions. Subgrains
analyses suggest that the dunite roughly similar to those in 72415. in large olivine clasts are bounded
crystallized 4.45 Ga ago, but has They also depicted symplectites in by dislocations, and the subgrain
since suffered a complex history of 72417. Dymek et al. (1975b) noted sizes are very varied. Symplectites
deformation and excavation. 72417 that heavy liquid separations of occur in planar boundaries. The
is an irregular, slabby chip, with materials in 72417 included a matrix contains the most highly-
many zap pits and a patina on the single grain of ilmenite, a phase not deformed grains, but also some
lunar-exposed face (Fig. 1). identified in thin sections of 72415 recovery and extensive
or 72417. Ryder (1984b) suggested recrystallization. Annealing
72417 is 1.2 x 2.1 x 3.2 on, and on the basis of published olivine followed brecciation, and the
pale yellowish to greenish gray (5Y compositions that 72417 might be a matrix has genuine porosity and
8/1 to 5 GY 8/1). It is tough, but little more iron-rich than 72415. some genuine sintering. Lally et al.
has a few non-penetrative fractures. (1976a) infer that the fractures
It is essentially identical with Lally et al. (1976a, b) made a very observed by Snee and Ahrens
72415 both macroscopically and detailed optical and electron (1975a,b) are probably not from the
microscopically, consisting petrographic study of deformation, original shock event that produced
dominantly of pale yellow-green recovery, and recrystallization of the subgrains, as most of these
olivine fragments in a f'me-grained 72417. They inferred at least four recovered, but are from a later
matrix that is also dominantly stages of shock deformation and at event, or even thermal in origin. A
olivine, least two stages of annealing; at lower limit to the shock pressure is
least one heating event may have given by the presence of
All the early studies of 72417 were accompanied the shock maskelynite and plagioclase melts.
conducted under a loosely-knit deformations. Like the study of Most of the dislocations are
consortium led by the Caltech Richter et al. (1976a) for 72415, the probably shock-induced, since such
group (e.g. Dymek et al., 1975b,
Papanastassiou and Wasserburg,
1975a), and the entire sample was
allocated to that group for
dissection and re-allocation. The
details of the dissection are not
available, although suballocations
to investigators outside of Caltech
are documented by mass.


There are fewer thin sections of

72417 than there are of 72415, and
most authors do not distinguish the
two samples. Thus the petrographic
description of 72415 applies in Figure 1: Pre-allocation photograph of 72417. The sample is about 3 cm
general to 72417 as well (e.g. Albee long. Part of photograph S-73-17968.
14ff_SAMPLE 72417

fractures rarely occur after CHEMISTRY must be enriched in rare earths (cf.
crystallization and slow cooling. In chondrites) and comparatively
large olivine crystals, recovery is Among the chemical analyses are more enriched in light rare earths
dominant; in smaller olivines, there for 72417 given in Table 2, none (e.g. La 14 x cbondrites, Lu 7 x
is both recovery and can be particularly said to represent chondrites; Fig. 3). However, such
recrystaUization; in the matrix, bulk rock. The data from Laul and calculations are very model
recrystallization is dominant- The Schmitt (1975a) in Table 2 are dependent. Laul and Schmitt
smallest olivines must have had the weighted means of 9 different (1975a) explored several possible
greatest dislocation density, subsamples that were chosen to models, favoring garnet in the
sample the visual variety of history to produce the light rare
The history of 72417 as inferred by materials composing 72417, and earth element enrichment. They
Lally et al. (1975a) is given in which themselves show a wide suggested that the parent magma
Table 1. Its main difference from range in compositions (Table 3). was a second-stage product,
that of Dymek et al. (1975b) is the The 9 subsamples range from 70 to needing a previous history in which
matrix recrystallization, which 130 nag. Nonetheless, this mean the products of melting of a
cannot be seen optically. The corresponds reasonably with the gabbroie anorthosite was mixed
reerystaUization might result from analyses given for 72415, and with an earlier Mg-rich cumulate in
the inclusion of the dunite in the corresponds with a magnesian some form of magma pool from
melt matrix of Boulder 3, Station 2. dunite with low abundances of which the dunite crystallized.
The large grains of olivine have an incompatible and felsic elements. McKay et al. (1979) used the data
unusual heterogeneity of sizes. The rare earth elements for the of Laul and Schmitt (1975a,b) to
Shock event IIa (Table 1) produced individual samples and the mean reinvestigate the composition of the
a coherent rock, with well- are shown in Figure 2; their main parent magma; using updated
recovered and reerystallized olivine feature is the consistent flat pattern coefficients and a trapped liquid
and pyroxenes equilibrated at less of light rare earth elements and model, they suggested a parent
than 810 degrees C. The present changing slope of heavy rare earth magma with rare earth abundances
structure of the sample was elements among subsamples. Laul only about half of those of Lanl and
produced in shock event I/la, at 50 and Schmitt (1975a, b) attempted to Schmitt (1975a) but with a similar
to 100 kb, without the production calculate the composition of the overall pattern. The inferred
of maskelynite, parent magma, which in essence magma had Ca/A1 less than

Table 1: Mechanical and thermal history of dunite 72417 (Lally et al., 1976a).

Stage Nature of events Resulting fabric

I Initial crystallization,accumulation of dunite; Coarse-grained;presumably

slow cooling, cumulate or modified
cumulate texture.
lla Shock deformation: plastic deformation of
olivine; melting of plagioclase; and injection of
plug melt. Introduction of crack porosity.
Ilb Recovery and local recrystallization: Texture unknown; probably
Crystallization of injected plug glass, cohesive and massive.
Sintering of crack porosity.
llIa Shock de[ormation: brecciation, cataclastic Present breccia fabric;
deformation; plastic flow especially in fine- state of consolidation
grained material. Consolidation (?) unknown.
lIIb Recovery and local recrystallization:
Possibly responsible for contributing to
IV Incorporation in melt (72435)of cohesive breccia Present breccia texture
fragments; heating by melt.
V Excavation of Boulder 3 to present location. Present breccia texture
Little or no effect on dunite fabric.

Table 2: Chemical analyses of "whole rock" 72417 samples.

,a% (a) ,I .9018a .9018b ,9018¢ .13 .1.1(c) ,l.7(d)
TiO2 SiO2
A1203 1.3 TiO2
Cr203 0.34 A1203
FeO 11.9 Cr203
MnO 0,113 PeO
MgO 45.4 _0
CaO 1.l MgO
Na20 0.0186 CaD
K20 0.0030 Na20
P2O5 g2o
_m P2os
S¢ 4.3 nnm
V 50 S¢
Co 55 V
Ni 160 4110.027 538 650 314 Ni
Sr 8.2 Rb
y St
Nb Zr
Itf 0.10
Ba 4. I
Th k
U 0.0028 0.0024 0.0006 0.0051 0.002 0.002 U
Cs 0.0141
Ta Cs
Pb Ta
La 0.15 Pb
Ce 0.37 In
Pr Ca
Nd Pr
Sm 0.080 Sm
Eu 0.061 Eu
Cd Gd
Tb 0.017 Tb
Dy 0.11
Ho 0.023
Er Er
Tea Tm
Yb 0.074 Yb
In 0.012 In
Li 2.3 Li
Be Be
B n
F 154 F
CI 6.69(b) C1
Br 0.0272 0.028(b) _r
Ca Ca
Za 9,8 2.5 2.1 9.6 2.3 Zn

Jut 2.55 3.9 5.1 3.3 3.2 An

k 3.13 0,048 0.050 0.46 <0.010 k
1 0.9 I
At At
Ca Ca
Ge 261 349 542 186 270 Ge
As As
Se 5.1 31 5.4 9.0 3.0 Se
Mo Mo
Tc Tc
Pal <3 lh_
Ith Rh
Pd I_1
Ag 30.2 14.5 5,0 46 A8
Cd 0,85 5.2 4.0 26 Cd
In 0.72 0.21 <0.25 In
Sn Sn
Sb 2.81 1.78 3.4 Sb
Te 0,56 T¢
Re 0.099 0.0007 0.002 0.022 <0.04 Re
Os <0.043 <0,025 0.71 <0.8 1.2(e) Ca
Pt Pt
Ilg 2,2 Hg
TI 0.033 0.]03 0.101 1.04 TI
Bi 1.24 2.8 <2 0.89 Bi

(1) (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (4) (4)

(I) Laul and Schmit_(1975a); INAA, RNAA Notes:

(2) Higuchi and Morgan (1975a,b);RNAA (a) Man weighted mean of 9 (70-130 m8) sample* from different locations of 72417 _'om C_tech consortium *amplea.
(3)MorganandWandle_s(1988); RNAA (b)cceabined leachandresidue values.
(4) lovanovic and Reed (1974t,1975c); RNAA (c) interio¢,
142--SAMPLE 72417

chondritic, and this and other non-

chondritic aspects probably could t_ , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4
not be derived by fractional

crystallization of a chondritic

Higuchi and Morgan (1975a) and _

Morgan and Wandless (1979) Lo
inferred that the siderophile and
volatile elements were of _ to'
indigenous, not meteoritic, origin.
Continued analyses of small
subsamples by Morgan and
Wandless (1988) showed that the
72417 samples generally had higher \ /.\ / --
siderophiles and volatiles than O
72415, and confirmed that the _ l_
siderophiles were indigenous; for
instance, the refractory siderophiles _1
Os,Re, and Ir do not correlate with 03
other siderophiles. Ni, Co, and Ge
correlate with each other,
suggesting that G-eacted as a
siderophile and that all three
elements reside mainly inFe-metal. 1_ r t _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Morgan andWandless (1988) infer La Ce Nd Smgu Tb Dy Ho TmYb Ln
a source magma for the dunite that
had about 6 x the volatiles of a Figure 2: Rare earth elements in small subsamples (70 to 130 rag) of 72417
mare basalt. (lighter lines), from Laul and Schmitt (1975a). The weighted mean is
included (heavier line with strokes).
The data of Jovanovic and Reed
(e.g. 1974a) includes separate leach
and residue data for CI and Br.
Although most of their data is co_PosmoN OFMAGMAS FROMWHICHANORTHOS/TE
presented with little discussion, _5_t5ANDDUNITEZ,0417CRYS,",4I.I.dZED
they claim that the Ru/Os ratio is
roughly cbondritic, but that is a 3o
sign of primitiveness rather than _ _ /_
contamination. Such a ratio is much w
I"- zo 7E417 M,4GMA
lower than that of mare basalts _-
u u
(about 24). For Hg they present _t
some temperature release (<130 _x to
degrees C) data. _.. _ _ _5._•MA_.,_.
Ld • -
.2 5


03 •

Papanastassiou and Wasserburg 2

(1975a,b, 1976b) gave a detailed
description of analyses of = L ct i = i = _ i i = =t
subsamples of 72417 for Rb and Sr K Bo Lo e Nd SmEuGd TbDyHoErTmYbLu Sr

isotopic ratios (Table 4). The REE t0 NIC RADtt

subsamples were varied chips and Figure 3: Calculation of abundances of incompatible elements in the
splits of 50 to 150 mg chosen for
their distinctive characters, and the parent magma of 72417 according to one of the models of Laul and Schmitt
analyses included handpicked (1975; their Fig. 7), and a calculated parent for anorthosite 15415.
olivine and symplectite fragments.
None specifically represent bulk
rock. The data define a precise age
SAMPLE 72417--143

of 4.47 +/- 0.10 Ga (decay constant

for 87Rb = 1.42 x 10-1 l/yr), with
an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.69900 +/-7
(Fig. 4). A few of a the points fall
o.,,o.PoLLo;, ....
slightly offa best fit line. The chips
are severalmillimeters in size, so
DUNITE CLAST 5_rb / the dataestablish the time of
7"2417 / 1 isolation of the isotopic systems at

isochron, and is not merely a

mixture of two components (Figs. 5
o.7oa / 4. and
this 6). TheThe
scale. variation
array isina Rb/Sr is not
0.70 T- 4.55 _+
o.lo _ / attributable to specific phases. The
"r • 0.69900;7//3" very low K/Rb ratio eliminates

_ o.7c_
contamination as a contributing
factor. The data thus define a very
ancient crystallization event. The
initial 87Sr/86Sr is

_ .... , , _
indistinguishable from BABI
Papannastassiou and Wasserburg
(1975a) document the severe
/ at I _ l effects that leaching of dunite
/_/ , o__T ____t.I samples with organic liquids has on
/ - 1
o.7oc o, r _-'fI"">-_ I the Rb/Sr isotopic
preferential removalsystems, withthe
of Rb and
t .[ _I. ,r-'?.,z.-_ obliteration of any time
a_I -4 ' a6,/' o.68' 0;2 ' o._s information.

°G_o ' o64 ' o6B ' &2 ' '

87Rb/8%r Dymek et al. (1975b) quoted 40Ar-
39Ax data from Huneke (pets.
Figure4: Rb-Sr evolution diagram for mechanically separated samples of comm.) that suggested a
the dunite 72417.The age is determined for decay constant for 87Rb = 1.39 complicated release pattern but that
indicated Ar loss at 3.89 +/- 0.1 Ga
x 10-11/yr;for decay constant for 87Rb = 1.42 x lo'll/yr, age is 4.47 Ga.
(assuming original quote of 3.95 Ga
Inset shows deviations in parts of lO4 from the best-fit line (Papanastassiou
and Wasserburg, 1975a).

I t I I I I I i I 724_7

72417 3




/ ol , , ]
100 //®/ [] OLIVINE (M) 3 '_ ' K/8o5 _ ' _'
,] _o ._, ® LEACHED CHIP Figure 6: Element correlation

_ _7L diagram for dunite 72417 samples.
o _A _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ These data require the presence of
o ioo 200 300 4oo 5oo at least three different phases The
K/ Rb olivine appears to be sampling
phases distinct from the handpicked
Figure 5: Element correlation diagram for dunite 72417 samples. The coarse symplectites.
distinctly low K/Rb data faU along line AD. These data require the presence (Papanastassiou and Wasserburg,
of at least three different phases with distinct Rb/Sr values (Papanastassiou 1975a).
and Wasserburg, 1975a).
144_AMPLE 72417

used the old decay constan0, which STABLE ISOTOPES PROCESSING

is the same age as that of the host
melt. However, no details were Clayton and Mayeda (1975a, b) and The sample was entirely allocated
published. Tera et al. (1974b) Mayeda et al. (1975) reported to the Caltech group for study and
reported some limited Pb isotopic isotopic analyses of oxygen in further allocation, and the details of
data that also suggested a 72417 spfits, with little discussion the subdivisions are not generally
somewhat younger age than 4.6 Ga (Table 5). The delta 180 values for available. Allocations to
and might indicate a disturbed olivines are in the middle of the investigators outside of Caltech are
system. The Pb is distinctly range for lunar olivines, documented by mass.

Table 3: Chemical analyses of small subsamples of 72417 (70 to 130 rag) from Laul and Schmitt (1975a); the
weighted average is included in Table 2.

s_ m| _ _- "* 9s p_ p_ _m _m ppm p_ _ _¢_ pare ppm _ p_* _pm pp_ p_ ppm p_'_ p_ p_ ppm _

i_ "8 at 39 t]4 _o _0 4Jo _ olo9 o_ 59 _0 4_ -- -- 04_ -- -- _24 ors .... 011 oo_ 020 130
_ _ 8.3 zl 04_ _I o_ 024 OlS 0e49 o_a oos4 0.026 01_ oo_
21 ¢,9 25 22 116 41J 16 27o 40 0114 0790 $1 _ ?2 0,_ _ 015 012 ..... 012 o,o20 01] 5_5 Jo
3_ _3_ 22 21 120 4_1 17 220 4o oft7 02_4 5_ 93 50 -- _ o26 -- 0]$ 010 -- _ _ or2 0017 oJ 1]0 -
_ 122 _I [_ o_ U,_ 041 0 )4 0 I0 00]1 020 0017 0011 0[] 0017
_ _ i6 __ H ? *s9 _z 160 _s 0_ 0 _0 _ ya _0 01_ 0 I0 o _ol -- - 0 to ools ol _0

5A [ 8'9 IL4 -- _ I$ -- 0241 41 -- _ olo -- 00_ 0039 _ 007 i_

_,_ _ _0 _9 oAo 027 0_ 00_ 6011 _ 0014 0010 00**6 o_

71 _9 04t 03_ 115 too o_ 70 _1 011_ olx6 3_ 4o _ _ 005_ o_J 0¢t25 _ 00_ 0o6 i00
"R _9 _ 07_ _ 00_ Ol_ 0O_O C_O_ OOze 000_ 00_6 00_1 OOO7 _n_ oa:c_
_i 1o6 o_ o_ 116 _53 o41 30 _i 0107 03_0 33 44_ _7 -- __ _0)0 -- 0.012 0014 .... OO2 -- <0_ I_0 _4

_R II1 64 (10) L1 0,(/24 0.054 001] 0011 0_00 0020 001152 0_ 0024 00046

Mm w_ _n I) ]2 ]19 454 L] I_ 24 011] 0_ 4J _ _5 4] [2 0]_ Q]? _ 0,_ 0_] 0017 0[[ 0,023 -- 0074 0012 0_0 ]_
M_ _ellla_ _* 12 ]14 _55 12 _2_¢_ 25 -011 ~011 L0 ........ i_1_ 022}"
I[" i,,3a
BCR.] lIT 12_ -- 69 _ 17_ 0AT4 _Z 420 _6 _ 3_ _O 5_ 29 670 L_ I1 6:10 12 052 t40 041 47 --

"1 = I blAA. R = RNAA. Errors in INAA a_'c cited by Laul el aL 11974) Overall errors in RNAA are 2-10%
Ai_O_ ° values are ¢o_eetcd for Cr-spincl (AhO_/Cr_O) _ 0.41) from AIbee er aL (1974).
_Albee el aL 09"/4)
'Higuchi and Morgan (1975_ vaJues for Ni and Au in two 72415 fragments.
°LSPET (1973_.

Table 4: Analyses of subsamples of 72417 for Rb and Sr isotopic ratios.

Weight K Ba Rb _Sr _Rb/8_Sr _

Sample" (mg) ppm ppm 10 _mole/g × 10 _ "_Sr/_Sr _ Sr/Rb _ Sr/Ba _ K/Rb" K/Ba _ Ref. _

Chip-I 203 7.3 1.213 0.0830 2.7t2 7.14 0.70370-+6 40.58 2.37 103 6.02 I
-2 255 8.2 1,642 0.0827 3.713 5.19 0.70249-+6 55,76 2.40 116 4.99 2
-3 45 9.3 -- 0.0931 4.075 5.33 0.70231 -+ 10 54.35 -- 117 -- 2
-4 54 8.9 -- 0.0817 4.438 4.29 0.70171 +- 10 67.45 -- 127 -- 2
-5 53 16.9 2.77 0.1053 8.651 2.838 0.70070-+9 102.0 3.31 188 6.10
-6 170 19.9 3.20 0.0938 10.37 2.110 0.70041-+6 137.2 3.44 248 6.22
-7a _ 114 4.7 0.664 0.0645 0.910 16.53 0.70977-+ 10 17.53 1.46 85 7.1
-7b 63 4.9 0.787 0.0661 0.979 15.75 0.70936-+ 17 18.40 1.32 87 6.2
Sym 1-1 125 29.1 4.66 0.0843 15,08 1.304 0.69985 -+ 5 222.1 3.43 404 6.24 1
-2 151 31.3 5.14 0.0905 15.38 1.372 0.69992_+5 211.0 3.18 405 6.09 2
Olivine 138 10.6 1.70 0.0271 6.074 1.041 0.69965-+9 278.3 3.79 458 6.24 2

"All sample_ were obtained by mechanical means only, except chip-I which was rinsed in acetone prior to crushing.
_Uncertainty in concentrations is 0.4% for Rb and 0.1% for S_Sr.
"Errors correspond to last significant figures and are 2o-.....
aElemental ratios are calculated by weight.
"Ref. 1: Albee et al. (1974); Ref. 2: Papanastassiou and Wasserburg (1975).
'Sample 7a represents a quarter split of a homogenized sample after crushing to less than 75 p,m; 7b is an eight split of the same
original sample.
SAMPLE 72417--145

Table 5: Oxygen isotopic analyses for samples of

72417 (Clayton and Mayeda, 1975a,b;
Mayeda et al., 1975).

,9011 dunite 4.77 2.52

,9011 dunite 5.20 2.55
,9011 mx in dunite 4.82
,9010 ol in dunite 5.09
SAMPLE 72418_147

Cataclastic Dunite
St. 2, 3.55 g


72418 is a cataclasized dunite that

was collected, along with 72415,
72416, and 72417, to sample a 10
cm clast in the impact melt matrix
of Boulder 3, Station 2 (see section
on Boulder 3, Station 2, Fig. 1).
72418 is an irregular, slabby piece
that measures 1 x 2.5 x 0.4 cm,
with many zap pits and patina on
the one lunar-exposed surface (Fig.
1). It is very similar to 72415 and
72417, but appears to contain a few
exceptionally large spinels (up to
1.5 mm). 72418 has never been
dissected or allocated for study.

Figure 1: Photograph of 72418. 7_e piece is about 2 cra long. Part of

photograph S-73-17968.
SAMPLE 72435--149

Micropoikilific Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 160.6 g

INTRODUCTION and brecciated dunitic, a'octolitic, nun. Smaller cavities are smooth or
and noritic fragments, drusy; some larger ones have
72435 is a very fine-grained, clast- crystal linings. Cavities occupy less
bearing impact melt with a The sample, consisting of two than 1% of the sample. The
micropoikilitic texture. It was mated pieces (4 x 5 x 3 cm, and 5 x exposed surface (B and W) are
sampled as typical matrix of 4 x 3 cm) is angular, and gray (N4) knobby, discolored, and rounded,
Boulder 3, Station 2 (see section on (Fig. 1). It is commonly referred to with zap pits. The broken interior is
Boulder 3, Station 2, Fig. 1). The as blue-gray (e.g. LSPET, 1973). It hacldy.
sample has a major and trace is tough but with one penetrative
element chemistry similar to other fracture that broke the sample. The Most of the studies of 72395 were
Apollo 17 low-K Fra Mauro impact sample is homogeneous, except for conducted under a consortium led
melts, and can be assumed to have apparent variation in grain size near by the Caltech group (Dymek et ai.,
formed in the Serenitatis event. It is some cavities. Clasts up to 1 cm are 1976a; Papanastassiou and
among the finest-grained of such visible in the sample; larger clasts Wasserburg 1975a; Huneke, 1978).
samples. Radiogenic isotopic data (including the sampled dunite) were Following chipping of two small
on matrix and dasts show that it visible in the parent boulder. Clasts samples, advantage was taken of
crystallized close to 3.86 Ga ago, larger than 1 mm compose about the samples breakage to produce a
and that matrix and clasts didnot 5% of the sample. Both clasts and slab with a single saw cut across
totally equilibrate with each other, elongate cavities in 72435 are the large of the ends. This slab was
even for argon. The larger clasts are aligned, but most cavities are dissected (Fig. 2), and nearly all
dominantly feldspathic granulites, spherical. Some are as large as 8 subsequent allocations were made
from this slab.

Figure 1: Fractured surface of 72435. Clasts as large as 10 nun are visible, as well as vesicles up to 8 ram (lower
center right). Scale in centimeters. S-73-19652.
150--SAMPLE 72435

Figure 2" Dissection of 72435 with a single saw-cut across the larger end. Cube is I cm across. S-74-23143.

50 microns long. Chao and Minkin of slit vesicles and clasts. Dymek et
PETROGRAPHY (1974b) noted that 72435 was al. (1976a) listed the phase
similar to 77135. Albee et al. abundances, phase compositions,
72435 consists of mineral and lithic (1974) noted that the sample differs and the bulk chemical composition
clasts in an extremely fine-grained, from the Boulder 2, Station 2 (from a microprobe point coun0 of
poikilitic, partially clastic matrix samples in being blue-gray, having 72435 (Table 1). The tabulated
(Dymek et al., 1976a,b). The fewer and smaller clasts, and some phase compositions appear to
sample formed as the result of larger vesicles; they also noted represent those of the groundmass,
crystallization of a clast-bearing some zones of aligned slit vesicles, not clasts. These authors also
melt produced in an impact. In thin diagrammed the mineral
section the matrix has a dark gray The most detailed petrographic compositions for the sample,
appearance resulting from the description of both clasts and reproduced here as Fig. 4
aphanitic nature (Fig. 3a). The matrix for 72435 are by Dymek et (plagioclases), Fig. 5 (pyroxenes),
larger clasts are lithic fragments, al. (1976a), who present Fig. 6 (olivines and Fe-Ti oxides),
most less than 2 cm across. The microprobe data. Further details on Fig. 7 (spinels), and Fig. 8 (metal).
smaller clasts include abundant a specific spinel-troctolite clast Most of these diagrams include
mineral clasts. According to were given by Herzberg (1978), data from dunite 72415-7 for
Dymek et al. (1976a), clasts in the Herzberg and Baker (1980),and comparison, and distinguish clasts
1 to 20 nun range compose 5 to Baker and Herzberg (1980a,b). from groundmass phases.
10% of the sample. The igneous Most of the groundmass is
groundmass has an average grain- homogeneous, but there are some The groundmass consists of fine-
size of less than 50 microns (Fig. areas (about 300 microns) that are grained intergrown pyroxene,
3b), and the microclasts have a much f'mer-grained. Other areas up plagioclase, olivine, and ilmenite.
seriate grain-size distribution, to 500 microns across contain The marie silicate grains form tiny
Simonds et al. (1974) referred to aggregates of plagioclase laths; oikocrysts (about 10-50 microns
72435 as a crystalline, matrix- these might be either clasts or a across) that enclose tinier grains of
supported, micropoikilitic rock with type of "synneusis" texture. The plagioclase; most of the ilmenite is
matrix feldspars 5 to 30 microns groandmass appears to be interstitial to the oikocrysts (Fig.
long and matrix mafic grains 25 to unaffected by the local alignment 3b). Most of the oikocrysts are low-
SAMPLE 72435--151

a b

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of 72435, Z Both transmitted lighC fields of view about 1 mm (a) and about
300 microns (b). a) shows the dense nature of the groundmass, the subroundedlsubangular nature of the clasts, and
the small size of most clasts, b) shows the igneous nature of the groundmass, with ilmenite (black)forming
interstitially to the maific oikocrysts, which seem mottled because they are studded with tiny plagioclases.

.... _

• . .. \
... '\

Figure 4: Compositions of \
plagioclases in 72435, with ..... s,;,_ ".... "- ".-'_-._w._..\
groundmass and clast plagioclases ='o.... o ...... , :_=_s__-_
distinguished, and data for dunite __,s,_c_ :2_55
72415-7 for comparison (Dymek et .'_4:_ \_'_
_ :z_,,: \'"
al., 1976a). \ "'" "

': =..... : =',: 2_25,2C_

CoMg S_Z06 / /r otce_1_S_C_

Figure 5: Compositions of // / " "

pyroxenesin72435,with 7e_3s 72_:5 :e_:5
groundmass and clast pyroxenes :c_srs: ss: _.,7
distinguished, and data for dunite • "

comparison (Dymek et ".',.., // .".: / ._:"
M_25'206 Fe,M.b_s,: c¢,
152--SAMPLE 72435


:r :L MEN/TE[91

!r T2435(GIODNDMASS} ]

• Z2,_ENITE:9/

it ., )zi,z*e,_e;
_1 2
Figure 6: Compositions of olivines
_ _: OL,'V/NEI:OJ]
clast olivines distinguished, and z
data for dunite 72415-7for

in72435, with
comparison (Dymek
et al., 1976a). _jl_°i I] 72415
a 72_I,
Mg Fe•Mn

.__-= ; =- ?2415& 72417 _ / ,,

_; .?---_ 724._5
• ....

5, / '

Figure 7: Compositions of spinels -" _ //

in 72435, with groundmass and ,, ," ..... ',
clast spinels distinguished, and , E _ //
data for dunite 72415 7for _ """" ! ': _,_:
comparison (Dymek et al., 1976a) • "",--"----
_' I ":_"
- :_
'dg,'M,_+fe * M_ F_llo , _ 'z :,

_.o • _ORITIC"
o "_ t MErAz /
N o.s

WT % Ni

Figure 8: Ni and Co concentrations of metals in 72435 groundmass. Most fall in the "meteoritic"field. (Dymek et
aL, 1976a).
SAMPLE 72435--153

Table 1: Phase abundances, "average" phase compositions, and calculated bulk chemical composition of
72435,39. (Dymek et al., 1976a).

Low-Ca High-Ca Meso

Plag. pyx pyx ()living Ilmeldte Troilile* Metal* Ca-Phtts t stasis Sir), llulk comp

VOI.% 63 .O+ 21.0, 3.8+ 8 1_ 1.91 0.0, 1).Ij II3+ 0.9o _.6_
+1 _ 2.g+ 1.6_ (I.?D 1.0_ I).5, 00+ 41Ii ILL, I).3_ I).2+ Calculated
Wt.% 57.5, 23+91 4.2+ 9.5+ 2 71 0.[I, 1)+3+ 11.3_ _.7, 0.5o (777 poinl_)

P,O+ n.a. na ha. n.a. n a. n.a. ha. 43 15 t) I_J n a (J 15

SiO2 45.46 52 77 5196 37.71 031 <0.1 <0¸1)1 -- 64.1t_ 99¸93 45 59
TiO, OO9 1.4_3 1+85 0. t1) 53.53 n.a. <t) 01 -- 1.92 <lJ III I l_5
Al_Oi 34.98 1+39 2.5_ <tL1)l 41¸118 n.a. ha. -- 16 79 _ 48 2tl71
('r+t)l n _1. 41.40 _.67 0 141 1)4+_ n a. n.a -- <1_OI n a 0 14
MgO 1).1)7 25.33 17¸38 36¸(,5 5 98 n.a. <_1411 -- 0 II _1_3 10¸49
FeO 41+12 14.1<7 1)01 26 12 39 12 63 12 91 26 I 19 l) 1)4 I_II1
Mn() n.a+ 0.2<1 0 19 1)21 O.39 0 (15 ha. 1)01 n a 11_19
("at) 18 4g 3.g 3 17.t<8 I_. II n a _1a n.a. 54.54 12g II 1+3 12 5I
Na,O I. 12 1_.112 tl. 13 n+a. n.a. n.a. n a. -- {1¸26 <(I 1)l 0 66
K,O 02_ n.n. n.a. n+a. n a a a+ n.a. - 13.3i 4125 43¸23
IbiO 0 1I n.a. n.a. n.a. n a n.a+ n.a. -- 1¸.21) 1)¸24 II 417
ZrO2 na+ n.a. n.a. n.a. <0¸4)1 ha+ n.a. -- <11411 na <1_01
V+O, n.a. n.a. n.a+ n.a. '<01) 1 n.a. n.a. -- n u n.a <11 qll
Nh,O_ n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.19 na n.a --- n.a. i_a <41411
NiO n.a. n.a+ n.a. <04_1 n.n. <0.01 7+18 --- n.a na (103
Co n_l+ n.a+ n.a. n.a. n+a. <0.01 4}.58 --- aa. na <41 III
S ha. n+a n.a. n.a. I_a. 37.25 <_;.IJl --- nu n_L. I) _13
F ____na. n.a. n.u. n.a. n.a. na. ii.11. 2.31 tla na <t_.t)l
Total IIItk63 99_5 II_)_ 1Ol.01 I_(_O 1(_'2 t)9.02 II_ I_lO 10037 ] li_1)_

An 1)90 Wo 5.6 WO 32.4 Fo 713

Ah 98 En fi7.8 En 47.9 Fa 28.7
()r 1,2 Fs 22.6 Fs t2.7
Others 4.1) 7.ft

*Elealenlnl abundances; convcrled h_ oxides lot calculaling bulk eomposilion.

tAssumed I : I mixlbre of i]uorapalhe and whitlockile.
ha. = Not analyzed.

Ca pyroxenes (En73Wo 2 to En62 include untwinned and twinned Spinel clasts have spectacular
Wo14); some are high-Ca types, ranging from subrounded to reaction rims.
pyroxenes, and others are olivines subangular, and from subequant to
(Fo72_70). Olivine also occurs at elongate. They vary from Most of the lithic clasts in 72435
oikocryst boundaries. Most of the unshocked and clear, to shocked are feldspathic highlands
plagioclase chadaerysts form with cloudy or undulose extinction lithologies, similar to those in
euhedral laths less than 10 microns features, including Boulder 2, Station 2 samples, and
across, and compose up to a third of feathery/spherulitic aggregates, compose several percent of the
the area of the oikocryst. Zoning is only rarely presenL The rock. They have a range of textures,
Orientations are random. Most range in compositions is extremely grain sizes, and compositions.
chadaerysts are An91.85; laths large (An55Ab30Or15 to Plagioclases in these fragments are
outside the oikoerysts range from An98Ab2Or<l), and includes generally more calcic than An90.
An95.80. Ilmenite occurs compositions both less refractory Pyroxenes and olivines have
interstitially as bladed grains 1-10 and more refractory than compositions similar to those of the
microns wide, and as tiny blebs, groundmass plagioclases. Some mineral clasts. The lithologies
some of which are in oikoerysts, have reaction rims; rarely (according to Dymek et al., 1976a)
The groundmass also contains plagioclases clasts are extensively include recrystallized anorthositic,
interstitial troilite, Fe-metal, and resorbed. Most pyroxenes are noritic, and troctolitic rocks,
areas of K-rich mesostasis with subequant. They range from very poikilitic norites, dunites, and
small phosphate grains, pale green and brown to darker, spinel cataclasite. Many of these
mottled fragments that are probably are feldspathic granulitic breccias,
Most of the clasts are single shocked. Most are homogeneous in i.e. reerystallized. The dunites
mineral fragments, and include composition, and are at least as resemble 72415-8 samples i.e.,
plagioclase, olivine, low- Ca magnesian as groundmass grains, coarse-grained. Some fine-grained
pyroxenes, and much less common Olivines (Fo92-70) range from samples differ in having polygonal
high-Ca pyroxene, metal, ilmenite, strain-free, virtually colorless textures and are not eataclasites.
and spinel. Variation in size, grains to those with abundant strain
angularity, degree of shock, and bands and partings. Some are Dymek et al. (1976a) noted two
composition indicate a variety of zoned; reaction rims are not spinel cataclasite fragments, a
sources. They tend to have wider present, and edge compositions are distinctive lithology, and reported
ranges in composition than equivalent to groundmass olivines, mineral analyses. The fragments
groandmass phases. Plagioclases are friable, and consist of a broken
154--SAMPLE 72435

assemblage of plagioclase (70%;

An98-94), ofivine (20%; Fo72), 15 F 30
pink spinel (5%), low-Ca pyroxene lo ILL, pyro.... (46_
(1%), and smaller amounts s I II I r_ 72435,30 & .31 20
ilmenite, troilite, and Fe-metal. One _ o
of the clasts contains a single grain _ 40 H
of cordierite (30 microns) as an ._ 20 ["1olivine(60) (63) 10
inclusion in spinel. No high-Ca "_ 15° , , , , , , o

et al. (1976a).
phases The major
are unshocked andmineral
Herzberg (1978), Herzberg and
Baker (1980), and Baker and

Herzberg(1980a, b) further studied

the spinel cataclasites in an attempt


, [1_
6_) Mg/lMg

75 *7'0 Fe) 6'5 6'0



90% An95 100


to define temperatures and Figure 9: Summary of compositions of low-Ca pyroxene, olivine, and
pressures of origin from plagioclase in 72435 spinel cataclasites. Number of analyses in
thermodynamic constraints based parentheses. The compositional range of pyroxenes in apparent equilibrium
on experimental data. They with coexisting olivine in each field is shaded. 72435,8 is cordierite-
provided new mineral composition bearing; the others are cordierite-free. (Baker and Herzberg, 1980a).
data (Figs. 9, 10) that is consistent 0.20 , , , _ ,
with the Dymek et al. (1976a) data
and detailed petrographic 0.18 _ ........... _ 72435,8
descriptions. A summary of the • 72435,30
compositions and conclusions o._e
based on them is given as Table 2, •
with the cordierite-bearing (in ,8) o 14 •
and cordierite-free (in ,30) samples _]_
distinguished. Ranges in _ 0.12 '_.
composition of spinels and
pyroxenes show that the fragments o
are not in equilibfima, and some o
grains may not be indigenous, o.o6
"C 0.10 _1_
However, much of the olivine,

spinel, and pyroxene

equilibrium. The two may be in
samples 0.06 b

produce different estimates of the 0.04

pressure, with the cordierite-free _, A.......
sample suggestive
crust levels, and theofcordierite-
mid- to lower- 0.02 i
0.4 I 016 I L
0.8 [ 1.0
bearing sample giving negative Mg/(Mg + Mn)
pressures. Figure I0: Compositions of spinels in 72435 spinel cataclasites. 72435,8 is
cordierite-bearingl; the others are cordierite-free. (Baker and Herzberg,
17 site. It clearly has meteoritic latter authors also reported data for
Chemical analyses of bulk rock contamination, but the siderophile splits derived from handpicking of
(groundmass plus clasts) for 72435 element data are inadequate to clasts and density separations of a
are given in Table 3; the major specify a meteoritic group (a la matrix sample. These isotopic data
element analyses agree fairly well Anders group), are reproduced in Tables 4 (whole
with that derived by Dymek et al. rock) and 5 (separates).
(1976a) from a microprobe point
count (Table 1). The rare earth RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND According to Nyquist et al.
elements are plotted as Figure 11. GEOCHRONOLOGY (1974a), the data lie on a line with
These data were reported with little other Apollo 17 melt samples with
specific discussion. The sample has Rubidium and strontium isotopic a slope equivalent to an age of 3.94
a low-K Fra Mauro basalt data for whole-rock samples of +/-0.1 Ga. 72435 has lower Rb than
composition, similar in major and 72435 were reported by Nyquist et most of these other samples, giving
trace elements to many other al. (1974a, b) and Papanastassiou older model ages. Papanastassiou
impact melt samples at the Apollo and Wasserburg (1975a, b), and the and Wasserburg (1975a) found that
SAMPLE 72215--155

Table 2: Pressure-temperature summary for spinel cataclasites in 72435, with summary of relevant mineral
compositions. (Baker and Herzberg, 1980a).

Olivine (Fo73), Orthopyroxene [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.78, Al2Oa = 3.83 wt %, Ti/Al = .14], Spinel [Mg/
(Mg + Fe) = 0.57 - 0.64, AI/(AI + Cr) = .87 - .94], Plagioclas¢ (An_)
Depth (kin)

Selenothermometer T(*C) l II

l 10O0-1200 ->32 ->12

2 800-1200 ->28 >-12
3 680- 810 ->26 ->12
4 1170-1230 ->32 >-12
1: from highest AI/(AI + Cr) and Mg/(Mg + Fe) in spinel
11: from lowest AI/(AI 4- Cr) and Mg/(Mg + Fe) in spinel

Olivine (Fo_), Orthopyroxen¢ [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = .75, A1203 _ 4 wt %, Ti/AI = 0. 111, Cordierite [Mg/
(Mg + Fe) = .84], Spinel [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = .45, AI/(AI + Cr) = 0.81], Plagioclase (An_7).
Depth (kin)*

Selenothermometer T(°C) I lI

[ 700 -6 - 12
2 no solution ?
3 950-1020 - 10 - 18
4 1290-1310 - 16 -24

* 72435.8 is a univariant mineral assemblage. In principle, a specific T and P can be determined.

I: from lowest Al_O3 in opx
II: from highest AI2Os in opx

I031 ILl Ill'lit



0') l°z

Figure II: Rare earth elements in

splits of 72435. Solid line is ,1
(Hubbard et al., 1974; Nyquist et
al.,1974a). Fine dashed line is ,ll 1o' _ i i i f _ i _ i i i i i
(Murali et al., 1977).
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
156_AMPLE 72435

Table 3: Chemical analyses of bulk rock for 72435.

Solit ,1 ,1 ,11 ,1 ,11 T-1 ,11 T-2 ,11 (a) Solit

wt% wt%
SiO 2 45.76 SiO2
TiO 2 1.54 1.5 TiO2
A1203 19.23 17.8 A1203
Cr203 0.20 0.1185 0.217 Cr203
FeO 8.70 10.4 FeO
MnO 0.11 0.112 MnO
MgO 11.63 12 MgO
CaO 11.72 10.4 CaO
Na20 0.52 0.67 Na20
K20 0.23 0.2163 0.23 0.2394 0.2393 0.2131 K20
P205 0.27 P205

Sc 17 Sc
V 50 V
Co 31 Co
Ni 112 320 Ni
Rb 3.8 3.93 3.528 3.445 2.762 Rb
Sr 165 171.6 168.0 169.5 165.4 Sr
Y 107 Y
Zr 450 473 430 Zr
Nb 30 Nb
HI" 12.7 11.5 HI"
Ba 334 310 Ba
Th 3.0 Th
U 1.40 U
Cs Cs
Ta 1.9 Ta
Pb Pb
La 31.7 37.0 La
Ce 80.6 92 Ce
Pr Pr
Nd 51.3 Nd
Sm 14.5 15.3 Sm
Eu 1.88 1.98 Eu
Cxi 18,3 Gd
Tb 3.0 Tb
Dy 18.6 19 Dy
Ho Ho
Er 11.3 Er
Tin Tm
Yb 10.1 10.2 Yb
Lu 1.6 Lu
Li 17.5 Li
Be Be
S 800 945 S
Br Br
Cu Cu
Zn 2 Zn

Au 6 Au
k 9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) (5) k

References and methods.

1) LSPET (1973); XRF
2) tlubbard et al. (1974), Nyquist et al. (1974a); 1D/Ms except Na by AAS
3) Murali et al. (1977); INAA
4) Gibson and Moore (1974a); combustion
5) Papanastassiott and Wasserburg (1975a); ID/MS

(a) matrix adjacent to clast E.

Table 4: Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotopic data for 72435. Ages have been recalculated for new decay constant for
87Rb (decay constant = 1.42 x 10 "11 y-l) and are +/-.06 to .09 Ga. Isotopic ratios have not been adjusted for
interlaboratory bias.

Nyquist et al, 3,93 171.6 0.0662+/-6 0,70360+/-5 4,63 4,70

Papanastassiou 3,528 168.0 0.0609 0.70306+1-5 4.57
and 3.445 169.5 0,0589 0.70300+/-5 4,65
Wasserburg 2.762 165.4 0.0484 0.70245+/-6 4.88

Table 5: Rubidium and strontium isotopic data for 72435 whole-rock and separates as reported by
Papanastassiou and Wasserburg (1975a). TBABI ages are for a decay constant of 1.39 x 10 "11 y-1. The first
two and the last rows appear in modified form in Table 4.

Weight K_ Rbf 88Srr _Rb/_Sr

Sample" mg ppm 10-8 mole/g × 102 8_Sr/_Sr_ TB^B_(AE)

Total-I M 73 1995 4.128 158.0 6.09 0,70306 ± 5 4.67 -+0,06

Total-2 M 35 1944 4,031 159.5 5.89 0.70300± 5 4.75 ± 0.06
Total-clast A M 21 755 2.819 126.1 5.21 0.70234+-5 4,50-+0.07
Plag clasts M 3.4 776 0,879 242.3 0.846 0.69957 -+4 --

Density separates (on 2.8 g of matrix)

2.70 < p < 2.80 L 15 -- 5.70 260.8 5.10 0.70240 ± 4 4.67 ± 0.05
2.60<p<2.70 L 5.3 7725 25.11 258.5 22.65 0.71318±4 4.37-+0.02
2.5" 7350 23.70 257.7 21.45 0.71245-+11 4.38±0.04
2.40 < p < 2.45 L 1.9 2990 12.1l 186.6 15.14 0.70828 ± 6 4.29-+ 0.03
1.6_ 2440 8.75 168.2 12.13 0,70657+-+7 4,37±0.04
2.35 < p <2.40 L 2.3 2315 7.35 169.0 10.14 0.70540±5 4.42±0.03

Density separates (on 48 mg of matrix)

2.6 < p < 2.8 L 2.2 2186 4.46 199.4 5.22 0.70250 ± 5 4,69 -+0.07
2.4<p <2.5 L 1.6 1886 4.65 142.8 7.60 0.70396-+9 4.57±0.08
2.8 < p < 3.0 L 2.3 2503 6.64 183.1 8.45 0.70448-+ 5 4.54 ± 0.02

Clast E
Plagb-1 M 1.2 1148 2.141 174.2 2.867 0.70074-+6 --
-2 M 1.0 1464 2.575 178.2 3.370 0.70111 ±9 --
-3 M 3.5 1725 4.495 197.3 5.32 0,70206-+7 --
-4 M 4 1740 5.067 203.1 5.82 0.70239 ± 4 4.10 -+0.05
-5 M 1.6 1584 4,948 180.1 6,41 0.70271-+8 4.07±0.09
Rime-1 M 2.3 2006 3,893 198.5 4.57 0.70199±9 4.59-+0.14
-2 M 1.6 2043 4.076 178.7 5.32 0.70246 ± 7 4.56-+ 0.09
-3 M 0.8 1930 4,374 174.8 5.84 0.70270-+12 4.44-+0.14
MatrixO-I M 3.9 1776 3,232 155.6 4.84 0.70245 -+6 4.98 ± 0.09

"Sample obtained mechanically [M] or by heavy liquid density separations ILl.

bSamples from the interior of the clasL
"Samples from pink-grey rim of clast.
aMatrix sample adjacent to clast E.
"Repeat analysis.
'Uncertainties in the concentrations: K -+1%; Rb -+0.4%; "Sr ± 0.1%.
"Uncertainties correspond to last significant figures and are ±2tr_.
158--SAMPLE 72435

the matrix and clasts do not fall on

.......... '/ an isochron (Fig. 12); the
APOLLO 17 2.60<p<2.70_._ ./e /
plagioclases are distinctly non-
0.712 BOULDER 5 /_ _
72 455 _ / radiogenic and lie on a whole-rock-
T =4_ _ T=4._Z -BABI line equivalent to 4.5 Ga.

0.708 #

_ c .,.owv
equilibration betweenmatrixand
Thus there is no Sr isotopic
tO a Pb isotope study by Tera and

equilibration between matrix and

r"09 _p -_--_ _ <2.40 tF p 7o_I_L_/,, //'//_ _ Wasserburg clasts
plagioclase that shows
in 72435
Pb at about
O. 704
S/ _ 0.702
V ..... _'_'_,"/_ -
3.8 Ga; the reference given is
STA erroneous). The density separates

2.7o<p<z.eo,_d..- [ /// on the matrix also do not lie on a

./_/ ib ////'_.__CLAST E -

homogeneous. Matrix separates for

o.70o <6LLAG
CLASTS 0.70OV,_LAG CLASTS _ a single 48 mg to
corresponding split
an fall
age on a line+/-
of 4.18
3Asi aTRb/86Sr ......... 0.21 Ga (Fig. 13) but little credence
0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 can be given to such an age with
the data available, the small spread
Figure 12: Rb-Sr evolution diagram for materials from 72435 in Rb/Sr, and the independent data
(Papanastassiou and Wasserburg, 1975a). All ages on the diagram are for for a younger age for the matrix-
the old decay constant ofl.39 x 10 "11 y-1. Lack of isotopic homogenization forming event. Data for clast E
at any unique time in the past is obvious (a) for total rocks and clasts and (predominantly plagioclase with a
(b) for mineral separates from the finer-grained matrix. The dashed line is range of compositions) are shown
for interior samples from clast E. in Figs. 14 and 15, with clast
interior, rim, and adjacent matrix

7243s ....
/2 shown separately.
correspond with anThe
age clast data+/-
of 3.77
ON 48rag OF MATRIX / _ ..... - 0.18 Ga;with large uncertainties

.... { 724_5 /_/ resulting from the small spread in

* _"_(_/_" samples fall distinctly off the
0.703 CLASTE / / Rb/Sr. ThePanastassiou
isochron. adjacent rimandand matrix
_ Wasserburg (1975a) could not
o.,o_ _, _ distinguish whether the age of the
® ¢ 4 clast was primary or metamorphic.
T= 4.27 ± 0.21/E _ 0701 / T= 3 85+-0.18/_
.69931 • 20 _ _ Z= 0.69919_ 14 ! The lowest model ages for breccia

of clast E at about 3.9 Ga (decay

R_M constant 1.42 x 10 -11 ), and
• MATRIX these are maximum ages for breccia
•BA81 o.6__BARI formation. The age of clast E itself
......... , / ....... [ c°mponents
would indicateareath°se iilParates
younger age or
o_ o.,o o.o_ o.o8 some disturbance.
87Rb/86Sr STRb/86Sr

Figure 13: Rb-Sr evolution Figure 14: Rb-Sr evolution Huneke et al. (1977) reported argon
diagram for mineral separates from diagram for clast E from 72435 isotopic data for 4 combined
a 48 mg matrix sample of 72435 (Papanastassiou and Wasserburg, plagioclase clasts from 72435,
(Papanastassiou and Wasserburg, 1975a). Interior samples define a totalling 1.5 mg with 530 ppm K.
1975a). The fit of the data to a straight line (solid)from which rim The age is constant at 3.87 +/- 0.07
straight line could result from and adjacent matrix samples are (new constan0 over the entire
mixing of only two phases. The age offset.The age (given on the release (Fig. 16), with no
is for the old decay constant of 1.39 diagram for the old decay constant suggestion of older ages suggested
x 10 "11 y-1. ofl.39 x 10-11 y-l) has a large by the primitive Sr isotopes in
uncertainty because of the low 72435 plagioclases. Huneke and
spread in Rb/Sr. Wasserburg (1978) and Huneke
(1978) reported further studies on

argonisotopes in two individual fromit. One piece, 11(21 g) was

clasts (Fig. 17), tabulatingrelease sent for subdivisionand studyby
data.One consisting of a the consortiumled fromCaltech.
plagioclase crystaland 25% matrix Some matrixpieces were taken
(0.4 rag; 1200 ppm K) gave a well- from ,22 before it was storedat
defined age of 3.86 +/- 0.04 Ga Brooks.
over the entire release. A large
plagioclase crystal (0.6 rag; 190
ppm K) gave a similarage over the ....
first 40% of 39At r elease, theu the loc BOULOER 3

age rose to 4.04 Gafor the 724_5 • 44 ' APOLLO

' ' 17' 72435. II
remainder of the release. This FOUR PLASIOCLASE

degassed at3.86 Ga, and4.04 Gais • o " ._

a lower limit to its age. . _ _ z ,,o
plagi was omp,e ly
Goswami et al (1976a) reported
• C_STE,_,TE.,O_ _ 3e
trackdata for 72435. The oCLA_,E,_,M
boandary-Wack method gave o"_"_*'×c_s_
_ 3
preliminary results ofan upper °_ ' 2 ' _o ' _o ' _ ' d_' o!_ ' &' o!8 ' ,o
limit to compaction less than 4.1 K/Rb 39A,RELEASED
Ga ago. A more precise
determination was hindered by a Figure 15: Element correlation Figure 16: Apparent age of four
lack of cosmic ray exposure ages, diagram for samplesfrom 72435 combincd plagioclases from 72435
as there was a high backgroundof (Papanastassiou and Wasserburg, (Huneke et al., 1977). Age scale is
cosmic ray tracks. No data were 1975a). Samples of clast E require for old decay constants.
presented thepresence ofat least 3 phases;
the matrix and clast E rim appear
distinct from clast E.

Pearce et al (1974a,b) listed the o._-SINGLE PLAGIOCLASE
magneticpropertiesof 72435,1
(Table 6) without specific
discussion. The metallic iron o
C) ""

contents are similar to other Apollo _ o.ol-

17 impact melts and much higher x,_ #2J _---------
thanmare basalts. The metal is _ _#,
coarse-grained with low Jrs]Js. L "------n /
[ ] [ ] I I I I ]
The sample was received as two
pieces originally numbered as _ 4.c
72435 and 72436; they were ,,,
combined as 72435 when it was <
realized that they fitted together. _-
z 5.E
Two small chips (,1; ,2) were a:
removed from,0. Advantage was o_
taken of the natural break to
produce a slab across the sample 3.6
with only one sawcut,leaving the
large E end ,13 (now 71 g), the W
end ,22 (two broken pieces, 40 g, o 0.5 Lo
now at Brooks), and theslab FRACTION39At RELEASED
sections (Fig. 2). The slabwas Figure 17." Apparent age of clasts from 72435 (Huneke, 1978). Clast 1 is
subdividedby perpendicular plagioclase; Clast 2 is plagioclase + 25%matrix. Age scale isfor new
sawcutsand most allocationsmade decay constants.
16(L_SAMPLE 72435

Table 6: Magnetic properites of 72435,1. Pearce et al (1974a,b)

3", X,, Xo Equiv. Equiv. Fe o

Sample (emu/g) (emu/gOe) (emu/g Oe) He H_ wt.% w't.% Fe _*
× 10" × 10" J,,/3", (Oe) (Oe) Fe ° Fe'-

72435.1 .86 14.9 2.1 .003 19 -- .39 6.83 .058


Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 3.09 g

INTRODUCTION appearanceto several othergreen- volume is crystal-finedvugs, most

gray breccias from the South smaller than about 100 microns.
72505 is an angulartough block Massif that are impact melts (e.g. One outer surface is rounded with
(Fig. 1) collected as part of the soil 72549). Keil et al. (1974) suggested many zap pits (some of which are
with the fast rake sample at Station that 72505 was melted or also present on parts of adjacent
2, near Boulder 2. The sample was rectystailized. It was originally surfaces). The sample is coherent
picked during sieving of soil 72500 described as a high grade without fractures.
as afragment larger than 1 on. It metaclastie rock, with an
has macroscopic characters that equigranular holocrystalline
suggest that it is an impact melt; homogeneous fabric (LSIC 17,
identification is uncertain because it 1973). The mineralogy was
has never been allocated or identified as 55% colorless
dissected. According to LSIC 17 plagioclase, 41%mainly pale gray
(1973), 72505 is light gray (N7) to pyroxene, 3% yellow green olivine,
olive gray (5Y 6/1); according to and 1% black opaques. Most grains
Keil et al. (1974) it is medium dark other than a few clasts are smaller
gray (N4). It is similar in than 200 microns. About 1%of the

Figure 1: Sample 72505. Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33423.

SAMPLE 72535 --163

Microsubophitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 221.4 g

INTRODUCTION subrounded (Fig. 1) and coherent, homogeneous. Warner et al.

with a few non-penetrative (197To,c; 19780 described 72535
72535 is a f'me-grained clast- fractures and about 1% small vugs. as a microsubophitic matrix
bearing impact melt with a There are many zap pits and one breccia. Their modal data (Table 1)
subophitie groundmass texture. Its surface has a thin layerof dark shows a high proportion of melt
chemistry is similar to the common glass. Other surfaces were groundmass (85%) and a clast
low-K Fra Mauro melts that described by Keil et al. (1974) as population dominated by
dominate the Apollo 17 highlands granulated. Matrix material (less plagioclase, similar to many other
samples. It has an exposure age of than 1 nun grain size) was impact melt samples at the Apollo
about 96 Ma and may have been estimated as 92% of the sample. 17 site. Warner et al. (1977b,c;
excavated as part of a landslide 19780 described the dark porous
caused by Tycho secondaries, grotmdmass as basaltic-textured,
PETROGRAPHY with plagioclase laths less than 30
72535 was one of several blue-gray microns long subophitically
breccias (LSIC 17, 1973) collected The groundmass of 72535 is a very enclosed by irregular mafic
in the first rake sample from Station free-grained crystallized melt, with crystals. Some mafic grains are
2, adjacent to Boulder 2. It is 7.6 x small clasts quite distinct from the locally ophitic to mieropoikilitic in
6.8 x 5.9 era, and medium dark groandmass (Fig. 2). It has some habit. Opaque minerals (mainly
gray (N4) CKeil et al., 1974). It is patchiness but is generally iimenite) occur as irregular discrete

Figure 1: Sample 72535. S-73-20457B. Scale divisions in centimeters.

164_AMPLE 72535

rods less than 5 microns wide and

up to 20 microns long. Tiny grains
of Fe-metal and troilite are widely
disseminated. Microprobe analyses
(Warner et al., 1978f) are shown in
Figure 3. The matrix olivines show
a narrow range of composition
(Fo69_71), but matrix pyroxenes
and plagioclases show a wider
range. Engelhardt (1979) tabulated
ilmenite paragenetic features,
inferring that ilmenite
crystallization started after
plagioclase but before pyroxene.

Both mineral and lithic clasts tend

to be subrounded to subangular.
Calcic plagioclases dominate the
mineral clasts, and most are smaller
than 100 microns; mafic mineral
clasts also tend to be more
refractory than the groundmass
counterparts (Fig. 3). The lithic
clasts are common highlands
lithologies, including poikilitic
norites, granoblastic feldspathic
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72535,6, showing general groundmass, breccias, and several fine-grained
White phases are plagioclase clasts and some vugs. Plane transmitted light; crystalline feldspathic breccias.
width of field about I ram. Two lithic fragments are broadly
._ granitic.

/ _t °
A 771 mg sample was

analyzed (Table
(1975c) by Laul2; and
Fig. Schmitt
4). The
/ o \_ chemistry is fairly similar to that of
.......................... _o, _ other Apollo 17 impact melts
(although K appears to be lower),
, •_ and Laul and Schmitt (1975c)
....... '_o,s,e,,,_°_oo,eo,
'° o,_o_mo,°_
...... suggested that 72535 could be a

oo • '
nao fh _ ,o _ _o ,o _o 2o _o o fragment
A from defocused
microprobe Boulder 2 beam
Station 2.
..................................... analysis for the major elements

°' o _,_ o °' o' RARE GASES AND

_,._o. o,, _. ,o _ ....................
_,&e.U9 oo o_ _.o_o o. ,o EXPOSURE

oo ol o_ o_ o_ o_ o6 or oa o9 io Arvidson et al. (1976) reported Kr

FQ/_4.la_ of o,_lee_ae
and Xe isotogic data for 72535, and
o° o_ o2 o_ o* o_ o_ •-_-_
or oB o9 io a calculated °lKr-Kr exposure age
_./,.._........ of 107 +/- 4 Ma. The hard Kr and
Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72535 (Warner et al., 197839. Xe spallation spectra suggested that
Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral the sample received little shielding,
clasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open and the relatively low
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts. (131Xe/126Xe)c is also

characteristic of simple surface Table 1: Modal analysis of 72535,6 (Warner et al., 1977b).
exposure. Assuming single stage
exposure, therefore, and correcting 72535
for erosion, the exposure age was
inferred to be 96 +/- 5 M& The
exposure age is one of a group of Points counted 3222
similarexposure ages that includes Matrix 84.8
samples from the central crater
cluster on the mare plains and may Mineral clasts 11.0
be attributable to secondary Lithic clasts 4.2
cratering from Tycho that created
the cluster and caused the light Mineral clasts
mantle landslide. Plagioclase 7.1
Olivine/pyroxene 3.7
Opaque oxide tr
PROCESSING Metal/troilite 0.2
A few exterior chips with Other --
total mass less than 2 g were taken Total 11.0
in 1974. Sample ,1 was used for
thin sections and the chemical Lithic clasts
analysis, and ,2 for the rare gases. ANT 1.9
The three small chips composing ,3 Devitrified anorthosite 0.6
remain unallocated. Breccia 1.4
Other 0.3
Total 4.2

Percent of matrix (normalized

l[_ I I I I I I I I I I i I I
to 100)
Plagioclase 52.9
Olivine/pyroxene 43.8
Opaque oxide 2.9
O_ Metai/troilite O.1
°p..4 Other 0.2


LaCe Nd Sm Eu TbDy _ Lu

Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare earths in 72535,1 (solid line; Laul

and Schmitt, 1975c) and average of Boulder 2 at Station 2 (dashed line;
Laul and Schraitt, 1974a).
166_SAMPLE 72535

Table 2: Chemical analysis of Table 3: Microprobe defocused

bulk sample 72535. beam analysis of matrix of 72535
(from Warner et al., 1977b).

SiO 2 sio 2 47.9

TiO 2 1.4 TiO 2 1.68
A1203 17.8 A1203 18.1
Cr203 0.190 Cr203 0.17
FeO 8.4 FeO 8.7
MnO 0.099 MnO 0.13
MgO 11 MgO 10.6
CaO 11.2 CaO 11.9
Na20 0.58 Na20 0.54
K20 0.13 K20 0.07
P205 P205 0.27
(Normalized to 100%).
Sc 16
V 40
Co 29.2
Ni 250
Zr 400
ttf 8.7
Ba 300
Th 3.4
Ta 1.2
La 25.8
Ce 65
Sm 13.6
Eu 1.62
Tb 2.2
Dy 14
Yb 9.0
lal 1.3
References and methods:
(1) Laul and Schmitt (1975c); INAA
SAMPLE 72536--167

Microsubophitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 52.3 g

INTRODUCTION Matrix material (less than 1 nun impact melt samples at the Apollo
grain size) was estimated to 17 site. Warner et al. (197To,c;
72536 is a fine-grained clast- compose 94% of the rook (Keil et 19780 described the dark porous
bearing impact melt with a al., 1974). groundmass as basaltic-textured,
subophitic groundmass texture. Its with plagioclase laths less than 30
chemistry is similar to the common microns long subophitically
low-K Fra Mauro melts that PETROGRAPHY enclosed by irregular mafic
dominate the Apollo 17 highlands crystals. Opaque minerals (mainly
samples. The groundmass of 72536 is a very iimenite) occur as irregular discrete
fine-grained crystallized melt very rods less than 5 microns wide and
72536 was one of several blue-gray similar to 72535, with small clasts up to 20 microns long. Tiny grains
breccias (LSIC 17, 1973) collected quite distinct from the groundmass of Fe-metal and troilite are widely
in the fast rake sample from Station (Fig. 2). It is a little more disseminated. Microprobe analyses
2, adjacent to Boulder 2. It is 2.1 x heterogeneous than 72535, with (Warner et al., 19780 are shown in
2.9 x 5.5 cm and medium dark gray patches of finer material. Warner et Figure 3. Engelhardt (1979)
(N4) (KeU et al., 1974). It is al. (1977b,c; 19780 described tabulated ilmenite paragenetlc
subroanded (Fig. 1) and coherent, 72536 as a microsubophitic matrix features, inferring that ilmenite
with a few non-penetrative breccia. Their modal data (Table 1) crystallization started after
fractures. It lacks cavities but has shows a high proportion of melt plagioclase but before pyroxene.
many zap pits on most surfaces.It groundmass (83%) and a clast
contains more and larger clasts than population dominated by Both mineral and lithic clasts tend
most other blue-gray breccias, plagioclase, similar to many other to be subrounded to subangular;

¸ !. _ i/¸ i!

Figure 1: Sample 72536 S-73-20438. Scale divisions in centimeters.

168_AMPLE 72536

they tend to be larger than those in

other blue-gray breccias. Calcic
plagioclases dominate the mineral
clasts; marie mineral clasts also
tend to be more refractory than the
groandmass counterparts (Fig. 3).
Some of the pyroxene contains
exsolution lamellae. The lithic
clasts are common highlands
lithologies, including several fine-
grained crystalline feldspathic
breccias, a granoblastic anorthosite,
devtrified anorthositic material, and
a tiny intersertal basaltic fragment.
Two lithic fragments are broadly


A 630 mg sample was analyzed by

Murali et al. (1977a) (Table 2; Fig.
4). The chemistry is fairly similar
to that of other Apollo 17 impact
melts, and demonstrates meteoritic
contamination (about 3% C1
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72536,8, showing general groundmass, equivalen0. A defocused beam
Whitephases are plagioclase clasts and some vugs. Plane transmitted light; analysis for the major elements
width offield about I ram. (Table 3) agrees well with the
o, neutron activation analysis.

from a single area of the sample in

A few Chips ,3 were
exterior chips used
were for the
E, . ........................ thin section and chemical analysis;
_|o other chips remain unallocated.
_ 2o Eo o
_le _ _leni ot ole'%

,do _o 2o _;
¢_no[Inlteconlent of _logloctose (mole%)

_o to


o'_ & d2 ds d4 o'_ de dT o'e d_ /o

& d, d2 g3 & & & dr as o* ,_o

Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72536 (Warner et aL, 197839.

Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral
clasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.

Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized t_ .............

rare earths in 72536 (solid line;
Murali et al., 1977a) and average
of Boulder2 at Station 2 (dashed
line; Laul and Schmitt, 1974a).


Ce Nd Sm_u ?bDy YbLu

Table 1: Modal analysis of 72536,8 (Warner et al, 1977b).

Points counted 3496

Matrix 82.9
Mineral clasts 12.9
Lithic c!asts 4.2
Mineral clasts
Plagioclase 8.9
Olivine/pyroxene 3.9
Opaque oxide tr
Metal/troilite 0.1
Total 12.9

Lithic clasts
ANT 2.6
Devitrified anorthosite 1.0
Breccia 0.6
Other tr
Total 4.2

Percent of matrix (normalized

to 100)
Plagioclase 52.3
Olivinelpyroxene 44.3
Opaque oxide 3.0
Metalltroilite 0.3
Other tr
170_SAMPLE 72536

Table 2: Chemical analysis of Table 3: Microprobe defocussed

bulk sample 72536. beam analysis of matrix of 72536
(from Warner et al. 1977b).
wt% wt%
SiO 2 SiO 2 46.7
TiO 2 1.4 TiO 2 1.63
A1203 17.1 A1203 18.2
Cr203 0.286 Cr203 0.16
FeO 10.0 FaD 8.8
MnO 0.120 MnO 0.13
MgO 11 MgO 11.1
CaO 10.6 CaO 11.5
Na20 0.53 Na20 0.57
K20 0.21 K20 0.21
P205 P205 0.30
Stun 99.3
Sc 19
V 60
Co 32
Ni 320
Zr 320
tff 9.6
Ba 290
Th 2.5
Ta 1.5
La 29.5
Ce 80
Sm 11.3
Eu 1.8
Tb 2.4
Dy 15
Yb 8.2
lal 1.3

An 1.5
Ir 4
References and methods:
(1) Murali et al. (1977a); INAA
SAMPLE 72537--171

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 5.2 g

INTRODUCTION dissected. According to LSIC 17 coherent, with a few non-

(1973), 72537 is a blue-gray penetrative fractures (Fig. 1).
72537 is a small block (Fig. 1) breccia; according to Keil et al. Matrix material (grain size less than
collected as part of the first rake (1974) it is medium dark gray (N4). 1 ram) is about 96% of the sample;
sample at Station 2, near Boulder 2. It is similar in appearance to several the remaining 4% consists mainly
It has macroscopic characters that other green-gray breccias from the of small plagioclase clasts. It has
suggest that it is an impact melt; South Massif that are impact melts zap pits on most surfaces, but no
identification is uncertain because it (e.g. 72535). The sample is 2.1 x internal cavities or rugs.
has never been allocated or 1.2 x 1.5 cm, subrounded and

Figure I: Sample 7253Z Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-19643.

SAMPLE 72538--173

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
SL 2, 11.1 g

INTRODUCTION dissected. According to LSIC 17 without fractures (Fig. 1). Matrix

(1973), 72538 is a blue-gray material (grain size less than 1 mm)
72538 is a small block (Fig. 1) breccia; according to Keil et al. is about 92°0 of the sample; the
collected as part of the first rake (1974) it is dark gray (N4). It is remaining 8% consists mainly of
sample at Station 2, near Boulder 2. similar in appearance to several small plagioclase clasts. It has zap
It has macroscopic characters that other green-gray breccias from the pits on most surfaces, and small
suggest that it is an impact melt; South Massif that are impact melts spherical vesicles (about 1%).
identification is uncertain because it (e.g. 72535). The sample is 3.3 x
has never been allocated or 2.1 x 1.6 cm, angular, coherent, and

Figure I: Sample 72538. Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33430.


Mierosubophitie impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 11.2 g


72539 is a f'me-grainedclast- (N4) (Keil et al., 1974). It is 72539 is a very fine-grained

bearingimpact melt with a subrounded (Fig. 1) and coherent, crystallized melt, similar to 72535
suboplaiticgrotmdmass texture. Its with a few non-penetrative and 72536 but f'mer-grained.(Fig.
chemistry is similar to the common fractures. It has about 4% vesicles, 2a). It differs in that the opaque
low-K Fra Mauro melts that and a few zap pits. The clast-matrix grains are extremely minute (less
dominate the Apollo 17highlands contrast is a little sharper than in than 1micron) and tend to be
samples, other blue-gray breccias, partly clustered at the edges of marie
because the matrix is among the grains. Warner et al. (1977b,c;
72539 was one of several blue-gray most fine-grained. Matrix material 19780 described 72539 as a
breccias (LSIC 17, 1973) collected (less than 100 microns grain size) microsubophitic matrix breccia.
in the first rake sample from Station was estimated to compose 91% of Their modal data (Table 1) shows a
2, adjacent to Boulder 2. It is 2.5 x the rock (Keil et al., 1974). high proportion of melt groundmass
2.5 x 1.3 cm and medium dark gray (88%) and a elast population

Figure 1: Sample 72539. S-73-19632. Smallest scale divisions in millimeters.

176--SAMPLE 72539

a b

Figure 2: a) Photomicrograph of 72539,5 showing general groundmass. Dart areas are maznty vesicles. Crossed
polarized light; width of field about I rant b) Graphic granite fragment (center) and vesicle (upper right) in
72539,5. Crossed polarized light; width of field about 500 microns.

dominated by plagioclase, similar texture (Fig. 2b) that contains a

to many other impact melt samples silica phase, a K-feldspar phase,
at the Apollo 17 site. Warner et al. and a ternary feldspar phase
(1977b,c; 19780 described the (Warner et al., 1977b).
grotmdmass as having a well-
developed igneous texture.
Microprobe analyses (Warner et al., CHEMISTRY
19780 are shown in Figure 3. The
groundmass olivine, which is The only analysis is a defocused
prominent and euhedral, has a beam analysis for the major
narrow range of compositions elements (Table 2). The
(Fo70.74). Engelhardt (1979) composition is similar to that of
tabulated ilmenite paragenetic many other Apollo 17 impact melts.
features, inferring that ilmenite
crystallization started after
plagioclase but before pyroxene. PROCESSING

Plagioclase clasts dominate the A few exterior chips were taken

mineral fragment population, but from a single area of the sample in
pink spinels are present. A variety 1974. Chip ,! was used for the thin
of feldspathic lithic clasts is section, which consists of four
present, including poikiloblastic serial slices. The other chips remain
norites and devitdfied anorthositic unallocated.
fragments. Several granitic
fragments are present, including
one prominent one with a graphic
SAMPLE 72539--177

Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of °'

197839. Filled symbols = matrix °
phases. In histograms, open
symbols = mineral clasts and
cross-hatched = minerals in lithic o
clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open !_°o °
En _/tox_ cora_sition (_c_e%) Fs
triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.

_norlhileconlentof plogloclose(mole°/o)

2TI I0
_ P

FI/'F_+M,_of =mole==t_

o'oo', ,;_ o_./_.;,oo_,,.o_,

' o.......

Table 1" Modal analysis of 72539,5 (Warner et al., 19771)). Table 2: Microprobe defocused
beam analysis of matrix of 72539
Points counted 4072 (from Warner et al., 1977b).

Matrix 87.7 wt%

Mineral clasts 7.6 SiO2 47.1
Lithic clasts 4.7 TiO2 1.77
A1203 17.4
Mineral clasts Cr203 0.15
Plagioclase 5.5 FeO 8.4
Olivine/pyroxene 1.9 MnO 0.12
MgO 11.1
Opaque oxide 0.1 CaO 11.3
Metal]troilite 0.1 Na20 0.59
Other tr K20 0.16
Total 7.6 P205 0.28
Sum 98.4
Lithic clasts
ANT 1.2
Devitrified anorthosite 0.9
Breccia 2.2
Other 0.4
Total 4.7

Percent of matrix (normalized

to 100)
Plagioclase 51.6
Olivine/pyroxene 45.0
Opaque oxide 2.5
Metal/troilite 0.4
Other 0.6
SAMPLE 72545---179

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 4.06 g

INTRODUCTION has never been allocated or matrix, with grain-size less than
dissected. According to LSIC 17 100 microns, constitutes 93% of the
72545 is a subrounded coherent (1973), 72545 is a blue-gray rock. Most clasts are plagioclase-
block (Fig. 1) measuring 1.7 x 1.2 x breccia; according to Keil et al. rich. 72545 has less than 1% rugs,
0.8 cm. It was coUected as part of (1974) it is medium dark gray (N4). and lacks zap pits.
the first rake sample at Station 2, It is similar in appearance to several
near Boulder 2. It is a microbreccia other breccias from the South
with macroscopic characters that Massif that are impact melts. Keil
suggest that it is an impact melt; et a1.(1974) described the matrix as
identification is uncertain because it resembling that of 72705; the dark

Figurel: Samp_e72545_sh_wingpr_minentplagi_clase_rfek_spathicfragment.Smal_scaledivisi_nsin
millimeters. S-73-19625.
SAMPLE 72546---181

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 4.9 g

INTRODUCTION breccia; according to Keil et al.

(1974) it is medium dark gray (N4).
72546 is a subangular coherent It is similar in appearance to several
block (Fig. 1) measuring 1.8 x 1.7 x other breccias from the South
1.0 cm. It was collected as part of Massif that are impact melts. The
the first rake sample at Station 2, dark matrix, with grain-size less
near Boulder 2. It is a microbreccia than 1 nun (and mainly less than
with macroscopic characters that 100 microns), constitutes 93% of
suggest that it is an impact melt; the rock CKeil et a1.,1974). Most
identification is uncertain because it clasts are plagioclase-rich. 72546
has never been allocated or lacks rugs, but has many zap pits
dissected. According to LSIC 17 on one surface.
(1973), 72546 is a blue-gray

Figure 1: Sample 72546, showing surface with many zap pits. Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33462.
SAMPLE 72547--183

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 5.0 g

INTRODUCTION identification is uncertain because it dark matrix, with grain-size less

has never been allocated or than 1 nun (and mainly less than
72547 is a subrounded coherent dissected. According to LSIC 17 100 microns), constitutes 90% of
block (Fig. 1) measuring 2.0 x 1.7 x (1973), 72547 is a blue-gray the rock (Keil et a1.,1974). Most
1.1 era. It was collected as part of breccia; according to Keil et al. elasts are plagioclase-rich. 72547
the first rake sample at Station 2, (1974) it is medium dark gray (N4). lacks vugs, but has a few zap pits.
near Boulder 2. It is a microbreccia It is similar in appearance to several
with macroscopic characters that other breccias from the South
suggest that it is an impact melt; Massif that are impact melts. The

Figure I: Sample 72547, showing surface with zap pits and well as fresh surfaces. Small scale divisions in
millimeters. S-73-19626.
SAMPLE 72548---185

Micropoikilillc Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 29.3 g

INTRODUCTION broke up during processing (Fig. 1). melts represented by 72535. The
It lacks cavities, but has a few zap modal data Gable 1) shows a high
72548 is a free-grained clast- pits. Matrix material (mainly less proportion of melt groundmass
bearing impact melt with a than 100 micron grain size) was (80%) and a clast population
microgranular to micropoildlitic estimated to compose 94% of the dominated by plagioclase, similar
groundmass texture. Its chemistry rock (Keil et al., 1974). Most of the to many other impact melt samples
is similar to the common low-K Fm dast material is feldspathic, at the Apollo 17 site. The
Mauro melts that dominate the groundmass plagioclase occurs as
Apollo 17 highlands samples, laths or stubby grains, many with
PETROGRAPHY rounded comers; marie and opaque
72548 was one of several blue-gray grains are equant to subequant.
breccias (LSIC 17, 1973) collected 72548 is a crystallized impact melt Microprobe analyses (Warner et al.,
in the fast rake sample from Station containing lithic and mineral clasts 19780 are shown in Figure 3. The
2, adjacent to Boulder 2. It is 4.1 x (Fig. 2). Warner et al. (1977b,c; grotmdmass olivine, which is
2.5 x 2.0 cm and medium dark gray 19780 described 72548 as a prominent and euhedral, has a
(N4) (Keil et al., 1974). It is microgranular-micropoikilltic narrow range of compositions
subrounded and coherent, with a matrix breccia. It has a coarser (Fo69_70). Engelhardt (1979)
few non-penetrative fractures; it grain size than the microsubophitic tabulated iimenite paragenetic

Figurel: Sample72548_sh_wingp_st_pr_cessingsubdivisi_ns.Smallestscaledivisi_nsinr_illimeters.
186_SAMPLE 72548

features, inferring that ilmenite

crystallization was simultaneous
with plagioclase and pyroxene.

_'__ The clasts are more rounded with

• more evidence of reaction (e.g
._¢ _,- coronas) than in the finer-grained,
, ._ subophitic melts. Plagioclase clasts
-. : dominate the mineral fragment
• :" " ::"_ population; pink spinels are
" "_ _ ; present. A variety of feldspathic
lithic clasts is present, including

devitrified anorthositie fragments.

poikiloblastic norites and


The only analysis is a defocused

beam analysis for the major
elements (Table 2) The analysis is
similar to that of many other Apollo
17 impact melts, but is slightly
more aluminous and thus falls of
the plagioclase-pyroxcne cotectic in
the OI-Si-An system. However, this
is probably a sampling effect.
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72548,11, showing general groundmass and
some larger lithic and mineral clasts. Plane light; width of field about 1

o documented pieces during chipping

in 1974 (Fig. I). The only
allocation was the two fragments
,5, which were made into two thin
_= ,4 _I _ The sample was broken into several
En P_o_ cem_slr*on rmae %_ _l

_ "io" ,o /o _o ,o 5o _o ,o o

,' " " _. _ _ ,,o _m 2o ,o o

Anti,ill ¢_lQnl of ptol3,oclar*e

olt oa i,

_ _o0

jo o2
• d

. Ii_ .

Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72548 (Warner et al., 197839.

Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral
clasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.

Table 1: Modal analysis of 72548,11 (Warner et al., 1977b).


Points counted 3595

Matrix 80.4
Mineral clasts 16.4
Lithic clasts 3.2

Mineral clasts
Plagioclase 10.9
Olivine/pyroxene 5.4
Opaque oxide tr
Metal/troilite 0.1
Total 16.4

Lithic clasts
ANT 2.3
Devitrified anorthosite 0.3
Breccia 0.4
Other 0.2
Total 3.2

Percent of matrix (normalized

to 100)
Plagioclase 54.4
Olivine/pyroxene 43.3
Opaque oxide 1.7
Metal/troilite 0.1
Other 0.5

Table 2: Microprobe defocused

beam analysis of matrix of 72548
(from Warner et al., 1977b).

SiO2 48.1
TiO2 1.47
A1203 20.3
Cr203 0.15
FeO 7.4
MnO 0.11
MgO 9.3
CaO 12.1
Na20 0.60
K20 0.27
P205 0.15
Stml 100.0"

Micropoikilific Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 21.0 g


72549 is a fme-grained clast- medium dark gray (N4) (Kefl et al., 72549 is a crystallized impact melt
bearing impact melt with a 1974). It is subrounded and containing mineral clasts (Fig. 2);
microgranular to micropoikilitic coherent, with no fractures (Fig. 1). lithic clasts are rare. Warner et al.
groandmass texture. Its chemistry It has 1% vugs and a few zap pits. (1977b,c; 19780 described 72549
is similar to the common low-K Fra Matrix material (mainly less than as a microgranular-micropoikilitic
Mauro melts that dominate the 100 microns grain size) was matrix breccia. It has a coarser
Apollo 17 highlands samples, estimated to compose 91% of the grain size than the microsubophitic
rock (Keil et al., 1974). More than melts represented by 72535. While
72549 was one of several green- half of the clast material in the 1 to it is similar to 72548, the mafic
gray breccias (LSIC 17, 1973) 2 nun range is feldspathic, the minerals and opaque grains are
collected in the first rake sample remainder consists of reddish coarser-grained. The modal data
from Station 2, adjacent to Boulder brown and yellow-green marie (Table 1) shows a high proportion
2. It is 2.8 x 2.5 x 2.4 cm and minerals, of melt groundmass (84.3%) and a

Figure 1: Sample 72549. Smallest scale divisions in millimeters. S-74-1962&


clast population dominated by

plagioclase, similar to many other
impact melt samples at the Apollo
17 site. The groundmass plagio-
clase occurs as laths or stubby
grains, many with rounded corners;
marie and opaque grains are equant
to subequant. Armalcolite is
present. Microprobe analyses
(Warner et al., 19780 are shown in
Figure 3. The groundmass olivine,
which is prominent and euhedral,
has a narrow range of compositions
(Fo71.75). The opaque mineral
grains are larger than those in
72548. Engelhardt (1979) tabulated
ilmenite paragenetic features,
inferring that ilmenite
crystallization post-dated pyroxene.

The clasts are more rounded with

more evidence of reaction (e.g
coronas) than in the finer-grained,
subophitic melts. Plagioclase clasts
dominate the mineral fragment
population. The rare lithic dasts are
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72549,7, showing general groundmass and mostly recrystallized feldspathic
mineral clasts. Plane light; width of field about 1 nun. and devitrified anorthositic
0i Hd

The only analysis is a defocused

beam analysis for the major
elements (Table 2) The analysis is
Oo similartothat ofmanyother Apollo
Eo _,......... (_*'_) _" 17 impact melts, and falls on the
plagioclase-pyroxenecotectic in the
,_ _o _o" ,o ._cootemof
_ ohvmetm_e%}
,'........ O1-Si-Ansystem.

_o_1 • qn
.o ;o
A,_or_le ¢_r_
of #og,octe_ (mo_e%l

'°| _T, '°| The sample was broken into several

°'f Cr /\

°'I ";'
the1974. The only allocation
two fragments
made into two thin sections.
,2 which were
documented pieces during chipping

d_ d* d2 d3 d* _ o_ dr oe o* to

Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72549 (Warner et al., 1978j9.

Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral
clasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.
SAMPLE 72549----191

Table 1: Modal analysis of 72549,7 (Warner et al. 1977b).


Points counted 2464

Matrix 84.3
Mineral clasts 14.2
Lithic clasts 1.5
Mineral clasts
Plagioclase 10.1
Olivine/pyroxene 4.1
Opaque oxide
Metailtroilite tr
Total 14.2
Lithic clasts
ANT 1.0
Devitrified anorthosite 0.2
Breccia 0.3
Total 1.5

Percent of matrix (normalized

to 100)
Plagioclase 53.7
Olivine/pyroxene 43.7
Opaque oxide 1.4
Metal/troilite 0.4
Other 0.8

Table 2: Microprobe defocused

beam analysis of matrix of 72549
(from Warneret al., 1977b).
SiC)2 48.8
TiO2 0.95
A1203 19.1
Cr203 0.17
FeO 7.8
MnO O. 1 1
MgO 1 1.2
CaO 12.0
Na20 0.58
K20 0.27
P205 0.35
Sum 101.4

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 10.48 g

INTRODUCTION Keil et al. (1974) 72555 is medium than a few hundredmicrons), with
darkgray (N4) and2.6 x 1.8 x 1.7 a few plagioclase andmarie clasts
72555 is a subangular tough block cm. It is similar in appearance to in the 0.5 to 2 nun range.
(Fig. 1) collected as partof the fast several other green-graybreccias
rake sample at Station 2, near from the South Massif that are 72555 has never been dissected or
Boulder 2. It has macroscopic impactmelts (e.g. 72549). It is allocated. A reference by Levsky et
characters that suggest that it is an coherent with a few non-penetrative al. (1981) is a misprint for 72255.
impact melt; identification is fractores, has about 1%vugs, and
uncertain because it has neverbeen lacks zap pits. Itconsists of about
allocated or dissected. According to 92% matrix material (mainly less

Figure 1: Sample 72555. Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33436.


Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 3.86 g

INTRODUCTION Keil et al. (1974) 72556 is medium plagioclase and maficclasts less
gray (1',15)and 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 era. It than 0.5 mm across. 72556 has
72556 is a subangular tough block is similar in appearance to several never been dissected or allocated,
(Fig. 1) collected as part of the fast other green-gray breccias from the although ,0 consists of a small
rake sample at Station 2, neat South Massif that are impact melts fragment as well as the mainmass.
Boulder 2. It has macroscopic (e.g. 72549). It is coherent with no
characters that suggest that it is an fractures, has about 3%vugs, and a
impact melt; identification is few zap pits. It consists of about
uncertain because it has never been 97% roan'ix material (mainly less
allocated or dissected. According to than 100 microns), with a few

Figure I: Sample 72556. Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-3342Z


Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 4.56 g

INTRODUCTION allocated or dissected. According to of about97%matrixmaterial

Keil et al. (1974) 72557 is medium (mainly less than100 microns),
72557 is a subroundedtough block gray (NS) and2.0 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm. It with a few plagioclase andmarie
(Fig. 1) collected as partof the first is similarin appearanceto several clasts less than0.5 to 2.0 nun
rake sample at Station 2, near other green-graybreocias from the across. 72557 has never been
Boulder 2. It has macroscopic South Massif that are impact melts dissected or allocated.
charactersthat suggest that it is an (e.g. 72549). It is coherent with no
impact melt; identificationis fractures,has less than 1%rugs,
uncertain because it has never been and zap pits on one side. It consists

Figure I: Sample 7255Z Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33399.

SAMPLE 72558--199

Micropoikilific Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 5.71 g

INTRODUCTION the sampled chip was rock (Keil et al., 1974). Thin
unrepresentative, sections show a higher abundance
72558 is a fmergrained clast- of clasts, and the sample might be
bearing impact melt. Although its 72558 was one of several green- more heterogeneous than most
chemistry was reported to differ gray breccias (LSIC 17, 1973) melts.
from most other melts at the Apollo collected in the fast rake sample
17 site in being higher in from Station 2, adjacent to Boulder
potassium, an unpublished analysis 2. It is 1.8 x 1.5 x 1.4 on and PETROGRAPHY
for major and trace elements shows medium gray (N5) (Keil et al.,
that it is similar to the common 1974). It is subangular and 72558 is a crystallized impact melt
low-K Fta Mauro melts that are coherent, with no fractures (Fig. 1). containing lithic and mineral clasts
presumed Serenitatis melts. Itwas It has a few zap pits and about 1% (Fig. 2, Table 1). Warner et al.
also reported to contain more rugs. Matrix material (mainly less (1977b,c; 19780 described 72558
clastic material than most of the than 100 micron grain size) was as a microgranular-mieropoikilitic
local impact melt samples; possibly estimated to compose 92% of the matrix breccia, similar to 72549 but

Figure I: Sample 72558. Smallest scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33460

200_SAMPLE 72558

with mafics almost wholly

pyroxene. They distinguished
72258 with 72735 as a high-K
KREEP breccia on the basis of the
high K20 (0.57%) evident in the
defocused beam analysis (Table 2).
However, this is probably not the
case (see CHEMISTRY section).
Nonetheless, there is a lack of
olivine, and several other
differences from most local impact
melts. The grain size is coarser than
that of the microsubophitic melts
represented by 72535. The modal
data (Table 1) shows a low
proportion of melt groundmass
(52%), and the clast population is
dominated by lithic clasts, unlike
most melts. Microprobe analyses
(Warner et al., 19780 are shown in
Figure 3; the matrix pyroxenes are
more iron-rich than those in other
melts, and more varied in
composition. There is interstitial
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72558,5, showing general groundmass, K-rich phase. Quite likely, the chip
mineral clasts, and lithic schlieren. Plane light; width of field about I nun. is unrepresentative or possibly even
a clast. Engelhardt (1979)

features, inferring that ilmenite

° crystallization was simultaneous
with plagioclase and pyroxene.

The mineral and lithic clasts almost

¢_ exclusively appear tofeldspathic

from coarse-grained be derived
En _..... o._,._f.,,._ F, rocks. In many cases it is in
schlieren or obscurely-defined
,_ _o io ,_ "',_ _ ,o io _ ,_ _ masses. One plagioclase grain

,_o ...........
' 70 _o __ ......,.0,,_
,'o /o io ,_ _ poikilitically encloses several pink
_',orl_te con_nt of pJQqloglOSe

o, 2,, °. CHEMISTRY

_:: _0,
0_ defocased
The only published
beam analysis
for isthea
• major elements (Table 2). The
,./_.._ _*_- _,,,....... analysis is unlike that of most other
impact melts from the Apollo 17
......... _.......... site in that it contains higher silica,
_[_. lower titania, and lower rag', but
............ FQ//Fe
_o _.....
*I_ OtI_ae
:o most significunfly in its higher
Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72558 (Warner et al., 1978J). K20. However, an analysis of a
Filled symbols = raatrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral chip for major and trace elements
clasts and cross-hotched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open (Ryder, unpublished) shows that
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts. 72558 is identical with the common
low-K Fra Mauro basalt that is
inferred to be the Serenitatis impact

Table 1: Modal analysis of 72558,5 (Warner et al. 1977b).


The sample was broken to produce 72558

a few documented pieces during
chipping in 1974.. The only Points counted 1098
original allocation was ,I which Matrix 51.9
was made into two thin sections. A Mineral clasts 9.0
subsequent allocation was made for
chemistry. Lithic clasts 39.1
Mineral clasts
Plagioclase 4.8
Olivine/pyroxene 4.1
Opaque oxide
Metal/troilite 0. l
Total 9.0

Lithic clasts
ANT 38.8
Devitrified anorthosite 0.1
Other 0.2
Total 39.1

Percent of matrix (normalized

to 100)
Plagioclase 53.9
Olivine/pyroxene 40.9
Opaque oxide 1.7
Metal/troilite 0.5
Other 3.0

Table 2: Microprobe defocused

beam analysis of matrix of 72558
(from Warner et al., 1977b).

SiO2 50.2
TiO2 0.76
AI203 19.4
Cr203 0.16
FeO 8.5
MnO 0.16
MgO 8.7
CaO 11.3
Na20 0.85
K20 0.57
P205 0.25
Sum 100.9

SAMPLE 72559--203

Granoblastic Impactite
St. 2, 27.8 g

INTRODUCTION identified it as a cataclastic has a partly poikiloblastic texture

anorthosite. Macroscopically it and some apparent relict lithic
72559 is a subrounded, partly appeared to be virtually all clasts. Petrographic descriptions
subangular tough block (Fig. 1) plagioclase, but thin sections show were given by Warner et al. (1977c,
collected as part of the first rake about 75% feldspar. 72559 is 1978c, 19780, and Nehm et al.
sample at Station 2, near Boulder 2. coherent with a few non-penetrative (1978); the latter is the more
Its petrography and chemistry show fractures, has no vugs, and some detailed. The texture and
that it is a feldspathic impactite, zap pits (LSIC Apollo 17, 1973 homogeneous mineral chemistry of
unique among individual South states many; Keil et a1.,1974, states 72559 is most consistent with an
Massif samples. According to LSIC few). origin of brecciation of a source
Apollo 17 (1973) and Keil et al. consisting only of related
(1974) 72559 is light olive gray feldspathic igneous rocks followed
(5Y 6/1) and 3.4 x 2.3 x 1.6 on. It PETROGRAPHY by thermal metamorphism.
was singled out as distinct
macroscopically among the rake 72559 is a granoblastic feldspathic According to Nehru et al. (1978),
samples, of which it is one of the impaetite with a fme-grained 72559 contains (in volume %)
largest as well as most obviously groandmass (Fig. 2) and is a plagioclase (74.5), olivine (14.4),
feldspathic. Ke'tl et al (1974) recrystallized anorthositic norite. It orthopyroxene (10.2), and

Figure 1: Sample 72559 prior to chipping. Small scale divisions in millimeters. S-73-33433.
204_SAMPLE 72559

a b

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72559,10, showing typical texture. FieM of view about lmm wide. a) plane
transmitted light, b) crossed polarized light.

Ca pyToxene, Mg-Al-spineL e
chromite, armalcolite, ilmenite,
zircon, K-feldsp_,
(0.9); that
and high- // /
and oa_ne are set in a fine-grained
granoblastic groandmass of '\
troilite. Larger
grains and
of plagioclase _¶ '_
orthopyroxene (Fig. 2). _o / _....................... , _
Orthopyroxene is partly
poikiloblastic. Microprobe analyses _o ;o
1 _o 7O 60 _0 4O _O 2O ,O O

are given in Fig. 3, with t ..................................

representative analyses in Table 1.
The silicate minerals are very
L _ ro _o _0 ao 30

homogeneous (An98_96; Fo81; ....................................

En79.81Wo3M) but the opaque
oxides show ranges. Two areas
(each about 1 mm 2) are appa_ntly oa
_" o.
lithic clasts; one is almost 100% _..... "_"
plagioclase i.e. an anorthosite, with
a granoblastic texture; the other is a _o,
_oc_lite. The mineral • _- °_
compositions of the lithic clasts are oo o..... _.............
the same as in the matrix.

The textural evidence and

• .11 .
mineralogical evidence suggest that o'o _, _ o',FI//FI.M_OI]1_11_
_, o', _. o., o_ o, ,o
a fakly homogeneous KREEP-free
source was brecciated and Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of mineral phases in 7255%10 (Warner et
thermally metamorphosed. The al., 1978fi" Nehru et al., 1978).
opaque oxides may _ep_nt
SAMPLE 72559--205

Table 1: Representative analyses of silicates in 72559 (Nehru et al., Table 2: Chemical analyses of
1978). 1) large plagioclase. 2) matrix plagioclase. 3) large olivine. 4) 72559.
matrix olivine. 5) matrix orthopyroxene. 6) matrix clinopyroxene. _zta ,5 ,1
SiO2 42.4 45
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ti02 0.2 <0.2
A1203 28.5 25.2

SiO2 43.3 44.1 39.3 39.5 54.7 51.0 0"203 .14 0.130
FeO 4.7 5.3
TiO2 n.a. n.a. 0.07 <0.05 0.78 1.86 MnO 0.05 0.055
A1203 35.2 35.1 <0.01 <0.01 1.29 2.63 MgO 8.41 10
tXaO 15.3 13.7
Cr:O3 n.a. n.a. <0.05 0.05 0.45 0.67 Na20 .35 0.30
FeO 0.07 0.24 17,8 17.3 10.7 5.0 K20 0.I 0.093
MgO 0.05 0.06 41.8 41.9 29.2 16.5 P2O5
CaO 19.8 19.4 0.08 0.13 1.87 21.2 oom
Sc 6.5 5.5
Na20 0.32 0.44 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. v 20
K_O 0.12 0.15 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Co 37.1 32
Ni 494 470
Total 98.9 99.5 99.1 98.9 99.0 98.9 Rb
An 96.5 95.2 st
Ab 2.8 3.9 Y
Or 0.7 0.9 ra_
Fo 80.7 81.2 HI 1.3 1.4
Ba 70 59
Fa 19.3 18.8 "l-a 0.77 0.3
En 80.0 47.8 u 0.23
Fs 16.4 8.1 C_
Ta 0.41
Wo 3.7 44.1 Pb
La 3.2 3.4
Ce 8.3 6.4

trapped liquid in originally quite distinct from the LKFM melt sm 1.27 1.3
cumulate rocks, whereas most of rocks. Warren and Wasson (1978) _Gd 0.8 0.74
the silicates represent cumulus noted some discrepancies of their _ 0.3 0.2
phases. The homogeneity of the analysis (<250 mg) with that of oy
Ho 2
minerals could represent either Murali et al, (1977a) (605 mg) that
original igneous plutonic they attributed mainly to non- Yb 1.58 1.5
homogeneity or metamorphic representative sampling, t_ 0.23 0.23
equilibration. The pyroxenes do not ta
show exsolution, but the coexisting B
high-Ca and low-Ca phases suggest PROCESSING n
re-equilibration at 950-1000 s
degrees C. The range in In 1974 a few chips were removed ct
composition of the oxides is from one end of 72559. Two small Br
preferred by Nehru et al (1978) to pieces (,1) were allocated and used zn 5.4
represent the original igneous for a thin section and for chemistry. _,b
Art 26.7 5
variation rather than reaction, In 1977 fragments constituting ,2 t_ 13.6 16
except for the Mg-A1 spinels, were allocated for chemistry and 1At
three further thin section. Four c_ 3930
Ge 119
small chips constituting ,3 remain A_
CHEMISTRY in storage, as well as the main mass se
,0 (26.5 g). rc
Two analyses are reproduced in _h
Table 2, and the rare earths are
shown in Fig. 4 (with average AS
Cd 27000
LKFM from Boulder 2 at Station 2 i. 2600
for comparison). The two analyses sn
are reasonably consistent, and show Te
that the rock is a magnesian w
anorthositic troctolite, with o,
considerable meteoritic r_
contamination and lack of a _a
KREEP component. The chemistry Bi
is fairly typical for a feldspathic (1) (2)
granulitic impactite, with low rare References and methods:
(1) Warren and Wmmon (1978); INAA, RNAA,
earths and a positive Eu anomaly, ex_ majors mainly microprobefused,
(2) Mumli et aL (1977a);Nekre et aL (1978); INA.A,
except Si02 from modal proporflo_
206--SAMPLE 72559

_ ii11111111111


O /

o V

| I I I I I I I I I I I I I

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy Yb Lu

Figure4: Rareearthelementsintwosamplesof72559(bottom) and

typical LKFM from Station 2 boulders (upper). Solid line from Warren and
Wasson (1978), short-dash line from Murali et al. (1977a). (LKFM, wide
dash line).
SAMPLE 72705--207

Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 2.39 g

INTRODUCTION Apollo 17 (1973), consisting of PETROGRAPHY

"one-half crushed anorthosite and
72705 is a vesicular impact melt one-half black glass. The glass is 72705 has a fine-grained mainly
that is probably a fine-grained highly dust-coated." According to crystalline melt matrix that consists
variant of the common Apollo 17 Keil et al. (1974), 72705 is 1.6 x dominantly of plagioclase,
LKFM composition such as forms 1.0 x 0.7 cm, and medium dark pyroxene, some olivine, and
Boulders 2 and 3 at the sample gray (N4). It is subangular (Fig. 1) cryptocrystalline or possibly glassy
station. It contains two conspicuous and coherent, with a few non- interstitial material. It contains
white clasts, the investigated one of penetrative fractures, about ! % conspicuous spherical vesicles, and
which is a cataclasized troctolitlc small vugs, and no zap pits. Matrix is clast-rich (Fig. 2). The
anorthosite with time-textured material (less than 1 nun grain size) groandmass appears similar to that
plagioclases, appeared to be a devitrified glass of 76035, one of the finest-grained
and was estimated as 90% of the of the Apollo 17 LKFM samples,
72705 was picked from the soil sample; the remainder appeared as except that the olivine
collected with the the second rake white plagioclase clasts up to 3 nun microphenocrysts in 72705 are not
sample from Station 2, on the across. The two white clasts so well developed. Warren and
southeast rim of Nansen crater, became more conspicuous on Wasson (1979), however, described
72705 was described as a breaking the sample, the matrix as cataclastic,
miscellaneous sample in LSIC

Figure I: Sample 72705. S-73-33444. Smallest scale divisions in millimeters.
208_AMPLE 72705

¢ i

a b
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72705,4, showing vesicular dark groundmass andflame-textured plagioclase in clast
A. Width of field about I ram.a) plane-transmitted light, b) crossed polarizers.

inconsistentwith Warren (1979),

who had describedit as granulitic.

The mineralclasts includeboth

very roundedandvery angular
varieties. WarrenandWasson
(1979) analyzed silicate mineral
fragments, and found themalltobe

olivines and plagioclases with o_. "_chnt:om_.,,_,

the white lithic clast they analyzed u_m,:vil_
(Fig. 3 and below). Heady all of the
plagioclases also havea flame-
texture identical with those inthe no_,0,_.,
lithic clast.

72705 wasinvestigated
compositions mainly
identical with those in 72_ ......
because of its white clasts. Two E. pyroxer_compos,tlon(_mole
*/.) Fs
were identified on breaking the n
sample, and labelled A and B. Thin
sections show only matrix and clast .............................
A. Partof clast A is shown in Fig. _0 _ _
Forsterlte confenlofr0ohvme _0
(mole %) 5o 10
2. It consists mainly of plagioclase,
which has a flame-texturenormally
assumed to be indicative of _q
devitrified maskelynite, and some _60.... a_9,5
"' ' ' _ .... _ .... _ .... i_ .... 7'o
olivine. The clastwascataclasized, Anorthile conlenf of ploqloclclse (mole %)

leavingplagioclaserelicsup to 2
mm across.Bothcataclasisand
maskelynitization occurred prior to Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in clast A and the matrix of
breakup of the clast and its 72705 (Warren and Wasson, 1979)•
SAMPLE 72705--209

I_I, I I l I I I I l I I I I I
Table 1: Chemical analysis of
clast A in 72705.

SiO2 42.2
A1203 23.8
•_-4 C1203 0.134
10_ FeO 4.0
MnO 0.040
\ /_'-- MgO 16.8
0 _ /I .......... "" CaO 12.6
_ / Na20 0.305
_._ _/ K20 0.064

S¢ 2.6
10t Co 25

_ Rb
Ni 18
Sr 16(a)
Zr 190
Iff 1.6
Ba 170
Th 0.32
U 0.12
IUI I I I I I I I I I I I ? I Cs
Ta 0.062

LetCe Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy Yb Lu Pb
La 8.8

Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare earths in clast A (72705,1, solid line), c_

Pr 19.3
with typical Apollo 17 LKFM (dashed line)for comparison. _ 11
8m 2.62
En 1.32
immersion in the melt, which left meteoritic siderophile cd
Tb 0.36
the clast with a fragmental porous contamination, and its rare earth Dy
interior and a baked and sintered element pattern is fmctionated Ho
borderagainst the melt. Clast A compared with KREEP; thus the rm
was described by Warren (1979) sample is considered to be a Vb
and Warren and Wasson (1979) pristine igneous lithology by u
who identified the eataclasis as Warren (1979) and Warren and B
preceding maskelynitization. They Wasson (1979). Its mineral c
found that the clast was about 2/3 chemistry is like that of troctolite N
plagioclase and 1/3 olivine, with 76535. F
each phase of very restricted Cl
composition (about An95, Fo89; c,
Za 1.9
Fig. 3). They found no pyroxene, PROCESSING
Au 0.170
but that a trace of Cr-spinel is _ o.016
present. They interpreted clast A as The sample was not chipped until i
essentially a pristine igneous 1978, when it was investigated for Cm 340O(a)
lithology that had been • its white material rather than its c_ 11
cataclasized, dark matrix. 72705 was broken to se
reveal two white clasts (A and B). Mo
A small chip of pure clast A (,1) rc
CHEMISTRY was used for chemical analysis and an
for a tiny thin section; a chip (,2)
A chemical analysis of clast A, consisting of matrix and a little of ca
In 3.0
made on a 75 mg subsample, is clast A was used to make thin s,
reproduced in Table 1, with the rare sections ,3 and ,4. Clast A probably sb
earth elements plotted in Fig. 4. No had an original mass of about 0.5 g. w
analysis has been made of the melt The remainder of clast A occurs Re
groandmass of 72705. Clast A is with matrix in ,0 (0.97 g). Clast B r_
normatively a troctolite (61% occurs with matrix in ,5 (1.1 g). Hg
feldspar, 38% olivine, in good Bt
agreement with the mode, given the _t,,,_o_ andmethodi: (1)
small size of both the thin section i) w,-_ o979),wm,_ ,,d w_ o979);n_Ag_Ag m_o_ _ b,_;
except (a) u_t ed by Win'ran a_d Kallemeyn (1984).
and the analyzed split). It is free of N,_: * Inoom¢Oy
1_-t_ _ 7207s.1_ _, _ t_e _,W,m, (1979_
SAMPLE 7273_-211

Impact Melt Breccia (High-K)
St. 2, 51.1 g

INTRODUCTION (mainly less than 100 microns grain Table 3). However, apart from the
size) was estimated to compose lack of olivine, there are several
72735 is a free-grained clast- 94% of the rock (Keil et al., 1974), other differences from most other
bearing impact melt. Its chemistry with the clasts mainly appearing to local impact melts; the overall
differs from the common low-K Fra be plagioclase. LSIC 17 (1973) appearance is like some of the
Manro melts that dominate the estimated clasts about lmm across Boulder 1, Station 2 samples. The
Apollo 17 highlands samples in as less than 1% of the rock. grain size is finer than that of the
having much higher K and other other supposed high-K breccia
incompatible element contents, and 72558. The modal data (Table 1)
a lower Mg/Fe. It also contains PETROGRAPHY shows a low proportion of melt
more clastic material than most of groundmass (73%), and the clast
the local rake impact melt samples. 72735 is a crystallized impact melt population is dominated by lithic
containing lithic and mineral clasts clasts, unlike most melts.
Of the four samples of the second (Fig. 2, Table 1). Warner et al. Microprobe analyses (Warner et al.,
rake sample from Station 2, on the (1977b,c; 19781) described 72735 19781) are shown in Figure 3; the
southeast rim of Nansen crater, as a microgranular-micropoikilitic matrix pyroxenes are more iron-
72735 was the only one described matrix breccia, similar to 72549 but rich than those in other melts, and
as a green-gray breccia by LSIC with mafics almost wholly pyro- more varied in composition. There
17 (1973). 72735 is 4.2 x 3.5 x 3.0 xene. They distinguished 72735 is an interstitial K-rich phase.
cm and medium dark gray (N4) with 72558 as a high-K KREEP Engelhardt (1979) tabulated
(Keil et al., 1974). It is subroanded breccia (however, see 72558 ilmenite paragenetic features,
and coherent, with a few non- CHEMISTRY) on the basis of the inferring that ilmenite
penetrative fractures (Fig. 1). It has high K20 (0.89%) evident in the crystallization followed that of
a few zap pits on all sides, and defocased beam analysis (Table 2; pyroxene.
about 5% vugs. Matrix material confn-med by the INAA analysis,

Figure I: Sample 72735_ Scale divisions in centimeters. S-73-19444.

212_AMPLE 72735

The mineral and lithic clasts almost

exclusively appear to be derived
from coarse-grained feldspathic
rocks. Some of the larger ones
include trocolitic varieties. Warner
et al. (1977b) described and
depicted two troctolitic clasts larger
, ., than 1 mm as being the only two
_ highlands feldspathic clasts in their
Apollo 17 melt samples to have
.... preserved an original igneous
texture. One has a cumulate texture,
•_ , with olivines (Fo86_87)
: __ poildlitically enclosed by
_ plagioclase (An92), with trace pink
_ _ ' spinel, ilmenite, and chromite. The
other is basically of basaltic texture,
with olivines similar to the first
described clast but smaller
plagioclases (An91_96), and
pyroxenes as well as several trace
phases. Microprobe analyses of the
phases in these clasts are shown in
Fig. 3. Bulk compositions
determined by defocused beam
microprobe analyses (Warner et al.
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72735,12, showing general groundmass, ,1977b) indicate that they are of
mineral clasts, and a lithic fragment. Plane light; width of field about 1 ram. picritic composition.

A chemical analysis of a 574 mg

split by INAA is reproduced as
Table 3. The major elements agree
!1_ reasonably well with those of the
/ _/_ p_ll_ , \ defocused beam analysis (Table 2).
Eo _............. "_" " 72735 is unlike all other impact
melts from the Apollo 17 site in
,_ _o °;o ,'o _o ,_ ,'o _o _ ,_ _ that it contains higher silica, lower

• •_-_-_o .....................
ro 6o 5o ,io'.... _o 2o io o significantly
titania, and lower
K20 and
but most
_,,_ ....... _o,_o_,oo,°,,,_.,,) incompatible element abundances.
However, Murali et al (1977b) did

oa •
o, _o. 72735 from other melt samples.
°" : _, The rareKREEP
that of earth element
(Fig. 4).pattern
The Ix is
I _,°' _ ° abundance is extremely high, and
_o _ _'; o: _, ¢' oo o, _?_% °, unusually so given the
comparatively low Ni abundance.
, mt
do d, d_ a3 d( d_ ¢_6 dr o, o_ ,_

_0 d_ _z os _t_ oa o_ d_ ' i io

Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72735 (Warner et al., 1978.0.

Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral
clasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.

' Table 1: Modal analysis of 72735,5 (Warner et al_ 1977b).

The samplewas chipped in one
areato produce a few documented Points counted 2827
pieces in 1974. Six small chips
were divided into ,2 and,3.; and a Matrix 72.9
largexchip (,4) was taken adjacent Mineral clasts 12.7
to them.These remainunallocated. Lithic clasts 14.3
Two small chips were combined as
,1 and used for chemical analysis Mineral clasts
andto make thinsection ,12. Plagioclase 8.0
Olivinelpyroxene 4.7
Opaque oxide tr
Total 12.7
Lithic clasts
ANT 10.6
Devitrified anorthosite 2.4
Breccia 1.3
Other tr
Total 14.3
l_ I I I [ I [ I i I I I I '
Percent of matrix (normalized
to 100)
Plagioclase 52.7
t_ Olivine/pyroxene 42.2
Opaque oxide 1.2
•,_ Metal/troilite 0.3
Other 3.6

10I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I

Le Ce Hd SmEu TbDy YbLu

Figure 4: Plot of rare earth elements in 72735,1 (solid line) with typical
A17 LKFM as represented by average Boulder 2 Station 2 samples (dashed
214_AMPLE 72735

Table 2: Microprobe defocused Table 3: Chemical analysis of

beam analysis of matrix of 72735 72735,1
(from Warner et al., 1977b).

wt% SiO2
SiO 2 50.1 TiO2 0.7
TiO 2 0.67 A1203 18.0
A1203 20.2 Cr203 0.184
FeO 9.3
Cr203 0.18 MnO 0.12
FeO 7.9 MgO 9
MnO 0.12 CaO 10.2
MgO 8.1 Na20 0.54
CaO 11.5
Na20 0.68 K20 0.73
I(20 0.89 P205
P205 0.32
Sum 100.7 Sc 16
V 40
Co 17
Ni 91
Zr 880
Hf 23
Ba 560
Th 2.9
Ta 2.3
La 50.2
Ce 127
Sm 18.7
Eu 1.87
Tb 3.9
Dy 27
Yb 15.1
lal 2.3

Ix II0

References and methods:
(I) Murali et al.(1977a); INAA

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 28.7 g

INTRODUCTION PETROGRAPHY spinels with reaction coronasare in

the thin section.
72736 is a free-grained clast- 72736 is a crystallizedimpact melt
bearingimpact melt with a containing mineral clasts (Fig. 2) The groundmass plagioclase occurs
microgranularto micropoildlitic similarto 72549 butslightly finer- as lathsor stubbygrains,many with
groundmasstexture.Itschemistry grained.The textureis somewhat roundedcomers; mafic andopaque
is similarto the common low-K Fra blotchy, with finer-grainedareas grainsare equantto subequant.
Mauromelts thatdominatethe such as areapparentin Fig. 2a; Microprobeanalyses (Warneret al.,
Apollo 17 highlands samples, these areasare not ciasts. Lithic 19780 are shown in Figure 3. The
clasts arerare,although two larger groundmassolivine, which is
72736 was one of two tan bmccias ones (2 ram)constitutemuch of the prominentand eulmdral,has a
(LSIC 17, 1973) collected in the thinsection ,9. Warneret al. narrowrangeof compositions
second rakesample from Station2. (1977b,c; 19780 described72736 (Fo71.75). Engelhardt(1979)
It is 5.0 x 2.6 x 1.8 cm and medium as a microgranular-micropoikilitic tabulatedilmenite paragenetic
darkgray (N4) (Keil et al., 1974). It matrixbreccia. Ithas a coarser features,inferringthat ilmenite
is subangular and coherent,with grainsize than the microsubophitic crystallizationpost-dated pyroxene.
few, non-penetrative,fractures, melts representedby 72535. The
although the sample brokein half modaldata (Table 1) shows a lower The clasts are morerounded with
(Fig. 1). It has 1%vugs, and many proportionof melt groundmass more evidence of reaction(e.g
zappits. Matrix material (mainly (72.2%)than other melt samples coronas) than in the finer-grained,
less than 100 microns grain size) because of the two largeclasts. The subophiticmelts. Plagioclase clasts
was estimatedto compose 95% of mineralclast populationis dominate the mineralfragment
the rock (Keil et al., 1974). Nearly dominated by plagioclase, similar population. The two larger lithic
all of the clast materialin the 1 to 2 to many otherimpact melt samples clasts are a flame-textured
nun range is feldspathic, at the Apollo 17 site; two pink deviffified anorthosite (Fig 2b) and
a microgranularbreccia.

Figure 1: Sample 72736. Scale divisions in centiimeters. S-73-19436.

216--SAMPLE 72736

a b
Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 72736,9, showing general groundmass and mineral clasts. Plane light; width of
field about I ram.a) shows blotchy groundmass, with ilmenite needles growing across apparent boundaries, b)
shows sharp contact of flame-textured anorthositic clast with the groundmass.

The only analysis is a defocused

beam analysis for the major

similar to thatof many other Apollo

elements (Table 2). The analysis is
Eo _......... _'_'_) apparentlylower in TiO2) , and falls
. oi_., ,. on
17 theplagioclase-pyroxene
impact melts (although
,_o _o .o '_.,:_co_,.,°_,o,:i _._..... cotectic in the OI-Si-An system.

Ano_tt._econtentof _4aqio¢losetmole%)

_"°.I //_ _o. "° Theand

(,5 sample Noke chipping
,6) before into two in
-_o. Chips, 2 and ,3 (each consisting of
°'I _. "_. o."_. " °' _. _ two
Onlyfragments) were taken from,5.
_' .2 was used. producing thin
_1,.._ _,_..--_-.,,_ ...... _y_..o:0
o..o sections ,9 and,10.

....... _./_.I_
_ ,,,,_.... <_.,o
Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72736 (Warner et al., 1978.0.
Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral
ciasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.

Table 1: Modal analysis of 72736,7 (Warner et al., 1977b).


Points counted 3097

Matrix 72.2
Mineral clasts 12.0
Lithic clasts 15.8
Mineral clasts
Plagioclase 8.1
Olivine/pyroxene 3.8
Opaque oxide tr
Metal/troilite 0.1
Total 12.0
Lithic clasts
ANT 0.9
Devitrified anorthosite 7.8
Breccia 7.1
Other tr
Total 15.8

Percent of matrix (normalized

to 100)
Plagioclase 50.3
Olivine/pyroxene _16.2
Opaque oxide 2.1
Metal/troilite 0.6
Other 0.8

Table 2: Microprobe defocused

beam analysis of matrix of 72736
(from Warneret al., 1977b).

SiO2 47.5
TiO2 0.67
AI203 19.3
Cr203 0.16
FeO 7.7
MnO 0.13
MgO 11.6
CaO 11.9
Na20 0.72
K20 0.26
P205 0.27
Sum 100.2
SAMPLE 72737--219

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2, 3.3 g

INTRODUCTION zap pits. Matrix material (mainly

less than 100 microns grain size)
72737 was one of two tan breccias was estimated to compose 93% of
(LSIC 17, 1973) collected in the the rock CKeil et al., 1974). Most of
second rake sample from Station 2. the clast material in the 1 to 2 nun
It is 1.5 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm and medium range is feldspathic.
gray (N5) (Kcil ct al., 1974). It is MacroseopicaUy it appears to be
subrounded and coherent, with few very similar to 72736. The sample
non-penetrative fractures (Fig. 1). It has never been divided or allocated.
has less than 1% vugs, and a few

iilj !

Figure 1: Sample 7273Z Smallest scale divisions in millimeters. $-73-33448.


Microsubophitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2, 23.8 g

INTRODUCTION allocatedmaterialeither has little of with plagioclase laths less than 30

this clast or it is identical with the microns long subophitically
72738 is a free-grained clast- groandmass, enclosed by irregularmagic
bearing impactmelt with a crystals. Microprobeanalyses
subophitlcgroandmass texture.Its (Warneret al., 19780 are shown in
chemistryis similarto the common PETROGRAPHY Figure 3. The matrix olivines show
low-K Fra Manromelts that a wider range of compositions than
dominate the Apollo 17 highlands The gronndmassof 72738 is a very the other subophitic samples
samples, free-grainedcrystallized melt, with studied by Warneret al. (19780
small clasts quitedistinct from the (Fo71_79).Engelhardt (1979)
72738 was the only blue-gray grotmdmass(Fig. 2). It is generally tabulatediimenite paragenetic
breccia (LSIC 17, 1973) collected homogeneous, and slightly finer- features, inferringthat iimenite
in the second rake sample from grained than 72535. Warner et al. crystallization started after
Station 2. It is 3.8 x 2.9 x 2.5 cat (1977b,e; 19780 described 72738 plagioclase but before pyroxene.
and medium dark gray (N4) (Keil et as a microsubophitiematrix
al., 1974). It is subangular (Fig. 1) breccia. Their modal data (Table 1) Both mineral and lithic clasts tend
and coherent, with no fractures and shows a high proportion of melt to be subrounded to subangular.
a few vugs. There are no zap pits. groundmass (87%) and a clast Calcie plagioclases dominate the
Matrix material (less than 1 mm population dominated by mineral clasts, and most are smaller
grain size) was estimated as 90% of plagioelase, similar to many other than 100 microns; marie mineral
the sample, with plagioclase and impact melt samples at the Apollo elasts also tend to be more
lithie clasts dominating the 17 site. Warner et al. (1977b,e; refractory than the groundmass
remainder. Spatting attempted to 19780 described the dark porous counterparts but quite a few are less
include a 6 mm clast, but the groundmass as basaltic-textttred, refractory (Fig. 3). The rare fithic

Figure 1: Sample 72738. S-73-33454. Smallest scale divisions in millimeters.

222_AMPLE 72738

clasts are mainly fine-grained

anorthositic materials. The
sampling was intended to sample a
6 mm clast but such a clast is not
apparent in the 5 serial slices that
compose the thin section (,15).


A 413 mg sample was analyzed by

Murali et al. (1977a) (Table 2; Fig.
4). The chemistry is fairly similar
to thatof other Apollo 17 impact
melts, although it is a little lower in
incompatible elements. A
microprobe defocused beam
analysis for the major elements
(Table 3) agrees well with the
neutron activation analysis except
for being lower in FeO. If the
sample included the 6 mm clast that
was targeted, then the clast may
have a composition similar to the
bulk rock; alternatively, it may be
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72738,15, showing general groundmass, responsible for the analysis having
White phases are plagioclase clasts and some vugs. Plane transmitted light; lower incompatible elements than
width offield about I ram. the Boulder 2 groundmass.

° °o° 72738 was sawn to provide

samples, and was entirely
"" subdivided. "l_e W end piece is 14
o'"o o o g, and the E end piece is 1.8 g. The
slab producedwas subdividedinto
En _ .... O,_,,,*._mo_,J _. several pieces, with ,5 remaining as

_°° 2,_,o" °"_ _'_ ,'o ...... _ 3.8 g. Piece ,9, described as having

and subsequentthin sectioning;but

.........,_ __.... ........
_'_'"_ was allocated for chemical analysis
_o ' k" ,_
_:_¢fhllI _l_rll of fdclgl¢¢[0tttImolt_ no hintof clast/groundmass
differences was given in reports.

.... °,_ c,, _A, ! °g°

do dl o'_ _s d4 de de dr do do _b
_t/f* *t_ t4 _nl

_, ;o

Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of minerals in 72738 (Warner et al., 197839.

Filled symbols = matrix phases. In histograms, open symbols = mineral
clasts and cross-hatched = minerals in lithic clasts. In other diagrams, open
circles = mineral clasts and open triangles = minerals in lithic clasts.
SAMPLE 72738--223

Table 1: Modal analysis of 72738,6

10' , , , , ..... , , , , (Warneretal.,1977b).


t_ Points counted 2561

•_ Matrix 86.9
Mineral clasts 10.1
"U Lithic clasts 3.0

0 Mineral clasts

L_ _ ......." 1 Plagioclase 7.1

_ Olivine/pyroxene 2.9

C I __ "'" ._ Metal/troilite
Opaque oxide tr0.1
© [ \_/ -- Other tr

La Ce
_ _ ,
, ,
Sm Eu
i J , ,
Tb Dy

Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare earths in 72738,1

, i , ,
Yb Lu
Lithic clasts

anorthosite 01.6

(solid line; Murali et al., 1977a) and average of
Boulder 2 at Station 2 (dashed line; Laul and Schmitt, Percent of matrix (normalized
1974a). to 100)
Plagioclase 50.8
Olivine/pyroxene 43.9
Opaque oxide 2.4
Metal/troilite 0.2
Other 2.7
224_AMPLE 72738

Table 2: Chemical analysis of Table 3: Microprobe defocused

bulk sample 72738. beam analysis of matrix of 72738
(from Warner et al., 1977b).

wt% wt%
SiO2 SiO 2 46.4
TiO 2 1.3 TiO2 1.69
AI203 18.5 A1203 18.7
Cr203 0.176 Cr203 0.16
FeO 10.2 FeO 8.0
MnO 0.113 MnO 0.11
MgO 10 MgO 10.1
CaO 11.3 CaO 11.8
Na20 0.89 Na20 0.82
_:20 0.25 K20 0.23
P205 P205 0.27
Sum 98.3
Sc 17
V 4O
Co 28
Ni 220
Zr 380
Hf 10.5
Ba 350
Th 3.1
Ta 11
La 31.0
Ce 70
Sin 12.0
Eu 2.45
Tb 2.7
Dy 15
Yb 9.1
Lu 1.5
All 2
Ir 6
References and methods:
(1) Murali et al. (1977a); INAA

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 2A (LRV-4), 5.6 g

homogeneous, with about 75%
73145 was picked from soil sample being time-grainedmatrix and about
73140 taken from the bottom of a 25% being small plagioclase clasts.
15era-deep a'ench on the landslide Its appearance is similar to
or avalanche from the South homogeneous impact melts, with its
Massif, 600 m NE of Nansen groandmass described as possibly
Crater. The tough sample is slabby diabasic in LSIC 17 (1973). It lacks
and angular (Fig. 1), with zap pits and cavities. It does have
dimensions of 2.5 x 2.0 x 1cm. It is some irregular fractures on which
medium dark gray (N4) and euhedral pyroxenes are visible.

Figure 1: Sample 73145. Scale bar I centimeter. Part ofS-73-21776.


Cataclastic Troctolitic Anorthosite
St. 2A (LRV-4), 3.0 g

INTRODUCTION fragmentsup to 2 mm across but LSIC (1973), estimate of 2%mafic

with a seriatesize range. Individual phases is an underestimate;without
73146 was picked fromsoil sample olivine fragments are rarely as large furtherknowledge of the essential
73140, taken from the bottom of a as 100 microns. The appearance is sampling strategy such an
15cm-deep trenchon the landslide generally that of a cataclastic rock, implication is unsubstantiated).
or avalanche from the South but the tough sample has been Microprobe analyses by Warren
Massif, 600 m NE of Nansen partly recrystallized, and in some and Wasson of the silicate phases
Crater. It is a troctoliticanorthosite areas bonded by a melt. The are shown in Fig. 3; the magnesian
that is probably chemically igneous plagioclase fragments contain nature of the olivines (Fo85_87)
although cataclasized and partly numerouschains of uncertain show that the sample is not a
recrystallized, nature (Fig. 2c), although at least member of the ferroan anorthosite
some of them include opaque suite, whatever its plagioclase
The sample is subangular and phases; the interstitial melt has abundance. The small range in
blocky (Fig. 1), and very light gray crystallized plagioclases without compositions of the silicate phases
(N8). It is tough and homogenous, such chains, but with tiny marie consistent with the sample being an
It was described in LSIC 17 (1973) grains that give the spotted igneous troctolite, cataclasized and
as an anorthosite, consisting of appearance in Fig. 2c. Most of the perhaps modally unrepresentative.
about half plagioclase clasts (up to olivine fragments are clear, but
2 ram) and half white matrix (less varied inclusions occur in some.
than 100microns), with only about One vermicular chromite growth CHEMISTRY
2% pale green mafic minerals, occurs in one olivine in thin section
However the chips eventually taken ,3. A chemical analysis of a small chip
show a higher percentage of green (104 mg) is given in Table 1. The
material in the form of bands; these Warren and Wasson (1979) and incompatible elements are low and
are olivine-rich bands. Wasson et al. (1979) gave a mode extremely fractionated relative to
of 85% plagioclase, 15% olivine, KREEP (Fig. 4). The Ir concen-
and a trace of low-Ca pyroxene,
PETROGRAPHY roughly consistent with their tmtion of less than 3 x 10-4 times
chemical norm for two tiny C1 chondrites leave little doubt that
73146 consists mainly of sections. They noted problems with the sample is pristine igneous
plagioclase, with schtieren of the mode in that the olivines are (Warren and Wasson, 1979).
olivine-rich material (Fig. 2a,b). concentrated in one comer However, the Ni abundance is high
The plagioclase consists of (however, they imply that the for such a suggesting
feldspathic that
fragment, the
olivines may contain unusually
high Ni (several hundred parts per
million) among lunar magnesian
suite rocks.


In 1978 one end of the sample was

chipped. The piece so derived was
further chipped to produce 4 small
pieces and some finer material.
Two adjacent of these pieces were
designated ,1 and ,2; both contained
about half of green-rich bands., 1
(0.11 g) was used for chemistry and
to make a small thin section, while
,2 (0.10 g) was used to make two
small thin sections. The other
Figure 1: Sample 73146. Scale bar I centimeter. Part ofS-73-21776, pieces remain with ,0 (total 2.7 g).
228_AMPLE 73146

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of
73146,3. a)b) general view, width
of fieM 2 mm, showing streaks of
olivine-rich material and overall
feldspathic nature, a) plane light b)
crossed polarizers, c) feldspathic
area showing relics with numerous
chains and tiny rnafics in the main
fine groundmass that appears to be
a mixture of melt and small
plagioclase clasts. Width of fteld
about 400 microns, plane
transmitted light.
SAMPLE 73146_229

Table 1: Chemical analysis of

731 _ _a bulk rock 73146.

sio2 43.0
A]203 30.1
Ct203 0.04
F¢O 2.3

MgO 7.7
_ 7 analyses \ MnO
CaO 0.022
En Pyroxene composition (mole %) Fs Na20 0.34
K20 0.058

Sc 1.01
.................... V
Forsterde contentof ohvme (mole %} Co 8.7
Ni I00
Sr 190


I00 95 90 85 80 _5 10 H.f 0.27

An_rth,te content of ploq_oclase
(mole %) Ba 58
Tia 0.17
Figure 3: Microprobe analyses of silicate minerals in 73146,4;from Ca
Warren and Wasson (1979). Ta
La 2.6
Ce 6.2

73146 clast Sm 3.,

Eu 0.99

Tb 0.13
Y'o 0.46
lal 0.051

_ s
,I_ ct
(..) 10_ Bt
Zn 9.4

_ Au 0.690
lr 0.130
_ t
_ 3.2
I_ Ge 39


1_ I I I [ I I I [ I I I I I Ag
Cd 13
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb _i) Lu In 16
Figure4: Plotof rareearthelementsin 73146,1(Datafrom Warrenand re
Wasson,1979;Warrenet al.,1979). Re

Relocates and methods:

(I) Warren and Was_on (1979), W_rten et aL (19'79),
W_"ten and Kallemeyn (1984); INAA, RNA.A, MFB.
SAMPLE 73155--231

Impact Melt Breccia
St. 2A (LRV-4), 79.3 g

INTRODUCTION grainedmatrix thatappearsto A prominentclast-type is a crushed

correspond with t-me-grained igneous gabbro, and coarse
73155 was scooped up on the impact melt in the thin sections, granoblastic impactite is also
landslide or avalanche from the and the remainder mainly lithic common.
South Massif, 600 m NE of Nansen clasts. Unpublished analyses show
Crater. It lay on the surface, only that the melt matrix has a typical 73155 is blocky and subrounded
slightly impressed into the regolith. Apollo 17 low-K Fra Mamo (Fig. 1), and tough; it has a few
The sample is rather heterogeneous, composition, similar to those penelxative fractures. It was
with amedium dark gray (N4) poikilitic melt rocks commonly described as metaclastic in LSIC 17
color. It consists of about 85%fine- inferred to be the Serenitatis melt. (1973). It has many zap pits on
several sides and a few on all of the
others. It has less than 1% cavities,
mostly as irregular slits, with some
vugs up to 2 mm across. The clast
abundances are difficult to estimate
because of the zapping of all the
surfaces and indistinct borders of
many clasts. One prominent zap pit
was targetted for sampling. The
matrix was described in LSIC 17
(1973) as very fine-grained,with a
salt-and-pepper texture. One large
clast (12 x 7 nun) was fine-grained
yellowish-gray and equigranular.
The lithic clasts appear to be
dominantly fine-grained with a
variety of colors (mainly varieties
of gray) and shapes. Mineral clasts
larger than 0.5 mm compose only 2
or 3% of the rock.

The thin sections, made from one

chip, indicate that the fine-grained
groundmass of 73155 is a clast-rich
impact melt (Fig. 2a). The melt
fraction has a rather equigranular
and regular grain-size (less than 20
microns). It consists of plagioclase,
mafic minerals, Ti-oxides, metal,
and other minor phases. The melt
penetrates and separates some of
the larger clasts. The clast
population is varied. In the thin
sections the dominant clast is an
unusual lithology that consists of
schlieren made of plagioclase and
pyroxene in subequal amounts;
b clinopyroxene is more common
than pigeonite (Ryder 1992b). The
Figure 1: Sample 73155, pre-splitting. Scale bars I centimeter, a) S-73- clinopyroxene is distinctly fiddled
23887B b) S-73-23888B. with inclusions of sulfide and
232--SAMPLE 73155

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of
73155, all widths of field about 2
mm. a) general melt groundmass of
73155,30, showing very fine and
homogeneous groundmass and
small mineral and lithic clasts;
plane transmitted light, b)
schlieren (gabbro) (right) adjacent
to melt matrix (left) in 73155,29.
The clast is spread out into wide
cataclasized zones or schlieren that
may not be perfectly monomict. The
phase with dark inclusions is
augite; plane transmitted light, c)
clast of granoblastic impactite in
73155,30, presumptively that
referred to by Bickel and Warner
(1978c) and Steele et al.(1980) and
Steele and Smith (1980).
SAMPLE 73155--233

silicic glass with potash feldspar. PROCESSING

The pigeonite contains exsolved
lamellae of clinopyroxene. The Processing in 1974 was targetted
pyroxenes are fairly evolved and first to sample a prominent zap pit.
zoned (Fig. 3) with some reaction Chipping created two pieces, but
at their edges. The plagioclase was stopped beeanse one of the
includes sodic compositions (An82) visible fractures started to widen
as well as anorthite. Other phases drastically. Chip ,2 (0.30 g) was
present include ilmenite and silica, stored. Chip ,1 (0.67 g) had the zap
and both colorless and brown glass pit, which was made into potted
(Fig. 2b). The schlieren is partly butts ,26 and ,27. They have
mixed with matrix and possibly apparently not been studied. The
with granoblastic impactite, remainder was made into 4 serial
thin sections, ,28 to ,31, leaving a
The only other published references large potted butt (0.61 g). Some
to 73155 are to granoblastic further processing in 1992
impactite; such material does occur produced small chips for chemical
in the thin section, and either is part and petrographic studies.
of the lithology with the fayalitic
olivine(?) or is intimately mixed
with it in the sections. Such

granoblastic impactite in thin __Hcl ++ ls4._.1o.1_

section 73155,30 was referred to by _ • • cn4a4,.12..iza
Bickel and Warner (1978c) - "_ o mk_.14.142

(1980) and and
by et
al. 0_11"1l\__'_11___ _" \_k .?,ins,,, exut
(1980). The latter analyzed trace = -___..._ '**'e_"--_ k

probe; the revised data (in Steele et

elements in plagioclase with the ion : __***'_N_
ppm Li, 6.8 tool % Na, 330 ppm
Mg, 965 ppm
al., 1980) lists K, 260 ppm Ti,
plagioclase with250
13 ! J _ ) _0
ppm Sr, and 125 ppm Ba. These -- j _ • a_" - // "\

distinct from those of plagioclases

in ferroan anorthosites, and similar
abundances are generally quite Q_ r iIII _/
to those in some other feldspathic =e._= v v v ,, _, v v
impactites. The clast analyzed is 40 20 Fa
presumptively that shown in Fig.
2c. Figure 3: Compositions of pyroxenes in gabbro schlieren in 73155,29, with
pyroxenes from evolved Apollo 15 rocks for comparison. (Ryder, 1992b).


Major and trace element analyses,

as yet unpublished (Ryder), show
that the melt groundmass has a
composition similar to that of the
generally accepted Serenitatis melt
sheet such as represented by the
Station 6 boulders. Analysis of a
small chip of the igneous gabbro
shows that it is an evolved gabbro
with high K20 (0.87 wt%) but with
low abundances of other
incompatible elements. The rare
earth elements have a fairly flat
chondrite-normalized pattern (about
25x chondrites) with a small
positive Eu anomaly.
SAMPLE 73156--235

Impact Melt Breccia or Granoblastic Impactite
St. 2A (LRV-4), 3.2 g

INTRODUCTION homogeneous, with a very fine being a f'me-grained, clast-poor

grain Size (99% less than 0.2 ram). crystalline lithology, its
73156 was scooped up with 73155 Most appears to be granoblastic identification remains in doubt. It
on the landslide or avalanche from plagioclase and a marie silicate(?), has never been allocated or
the South Massif, 600 m NE of There are a few zap pits on all subdivided.
Nansen Crater. However, it does surfaces, with white, pale green,
not look like 73155 and was and dark glass linings. There are a
probably not a part of it. The tough few cavities at one end with
sample is wedge-shaped and projecting crystals of plagioclase,
angular (Fig. 1), with dimensions of and the sample has a few
1.5 x 1 x 1 cm. It is light gray and penetrative fractures. Apart from it

Figure 1: Sample 73156. Scale bar I centimeter. Part ofS-73-17878.


Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 3, 1062 g

INTRODUCTION 73215 was collected from the closely packed aphaniticclasts

landslideon the rim of the 10m embedded in a matrix of similar
73215 is a polymict breccia crater at Station 3. It is irregularin appearance, with subtle color
consisting largely of dark aphanitic shape (Fig. 1), about 12 x 11 x 8.5 variations. One surface is
impact melt and entrained clasts. It on, and is blocky and tough. It has irregularly knobby, most of the
is characterized by structure a few penetrative fractures. The others irregular, and one is a broken
indicating flow and shear during rock is heterogeneous,with a light surface. There are many zap pits on
and afterconsolidation. Its part that is pule yellow gray (5Y two sides, fewer on the others, and
composition is similar to other local 8/1) and a dark part that is medium none on the broken surface. No
aphanitic melt breccias in being a gray (N5). Flow gives the cavities are apparent. 73215 has
little higher in AI20 3 and a little appearance of the light part, which been extensively studied in a
lower in TiO2 than the common occurs as lenses (tom 3 on long consortium led by O. James. The
low-K Fra Mauro basalt down to minute veinlets, invading sample was sawn to produce a slab
composition. Its melt appears to the dark part. The light part in 1973, and most allocations were
have crystallized close to 3.87 Ga appears to be about 30% on the made from slab pieces. A second
ago.and the rock was exposed to exterior, but the sawn interiors slab parallel to the fwst was cut in
radiation about 240 Ma ago. show rather less light material (Fig. 1989 and subdivided for further
2). Most of the dark appears as studies (Fig. 3).

Figure 1: Pre-processing view of 73215, showing heterogeneous mix of light and dark banding. Cube and scale
divisions are I cm. S-73-24270.
238--SAMPLE 73215

Figure 2: Sawn surface of end piece ,8, showing predominance of dark material and the apparent flow structures.
Cube and scale divisions are ! cm. S-76-2603&

and mafic minerals from 1 to 10 population consists of highland

PETROGRAPHY microns, and with about 50-60% rock types. However, there is not so
feldspar. They found it to be one of much strongly shocked material as
The hand specimen is characterized the finest-grained of the in terrestrial suevites. 73215 seems
by prominent structures, micropoildlitic-subophitic-granular to be more thoroughly mixed than
particularly flow banding, formed group, with the poorest suevites, perhaps because of lower
by differential flow or shear or both development of tabular feldspar, viscosity. They interpret the dark
during and after aggregation and They also noted the concentration matrix to be sh_k melted material,
consolidation (James et al. of mineral clasts into vein-like with unshocked material from the
1975a,b). The bands are composed segregations. Knoll and Stoffler upper 25 km of the crust and
of several different kinds of gray to (1976) classified 73215 as a dark, shocked materials from deeper
black aphanitic rock and different fine-grained, equigranular levels; they infer that the melt is of
kinds of granulated elastic materials crystalline matrix breccia that Serenitatis origin.
(Fig. 4). Locally, fault-like partly contained areas of light-
stuctures displace the banding. All colored, coarser matrix, similar to By far the greater amount of work
types of aphanitic matrix consist of 72215 and 72255. Dence et al. on 73215 has been done under the
abundant small lithic and mineral (1976) and Dence and Grieve auspices of the James consortium
fragments set in a dark gronndmass (1976) described 73215 as (e.g. James et al., 1975a, b; James
(Fig. 5). The clasts are dominated genetically comparable with and Bianchard, 1976). Consortium
by feldspathic impactites suevites,with the rock consisting of members also prefer a Serenitatis
(granulites) and other feldspathic pods of dark breccia in a light melt origin for the sample. James et
lithologies. Felsites are minor, and porous clastic matrix. They noted al. (1976a,b) identified a distinct
clasts with basaltic textures are the fine grain size of the dark groandmass that binds the
material (1-2 microns in the finest fragments together. James (1976)
rare. areas) and the varied color, clearly distinguished "matrix" as a
Simonds et al. (1974) listed 73215 Shocked rounded plagioclases are binocular-microscope designation
as granular, with matrix feldspars conspicuous in it, and the clast for aphanitic bulk masses distinct
SAMPLE 73215--239

Figure 3: End piece ,9 and new pieces sawn from it. Cube is 2.5 crrL S-89-46188.

from separable clasts from James et ai. (1976a, b) identified the James (1976b,c), James et al.
"groundmass" as the fine-grained enclosed fragments as dominated (1976) and Nord and James (1977)
intergrowth that encloses even by plagioclases, with the lithic made a detailed study of the
small clasts (Fig. 5b); that fragments mainly being coarse and aphanitic matrix lithologies, which
distinction will be followed here free granular feldspathic impactites, form the bulk of the rock. The rock
(this acceptance of the dark melt as Many of these exist as monomict formed as a mechanically mixed
matrix and the porous feldspathic schUeren. The clasts have had aggregate of crystalline clasts and
materials as clasts is distinct from diverse shock histories, with many silicate melt. The election
that of Dence et al., 1976, and showing no visible shock-induced petrographic study of Nord and
Dence and Grieve, 1976, but is the microstructures. They have also James (1977) confirms the melt
status referred to by most workers), had diverse thermal histories, with origin of the groundmass, with
The dominant constituents of the some, particularly felsites, being microsubophitic laths of
groundmass are plagioclase and melted but most showing little if plagioclase clearly visible. While
marie minerals, with minor any thermal effects from breccia most of the aphanitic material is a
amounts of opaque oxides, and formation. Few reaction rims are matrix, similar material forms clast-
some Fe-metal and tioilite, visible, except for very unstable like bodies, most commonly gray
Generally felsic or silicic minerals such as silica and spinel; spheroids within the matrix, and
mesostasis is not apparent. The although overgrowth rims are black clasts within granulated
groandmass textures range from present on some mafic clasts. In feldspathic materials. The gray
microintergranular to many matrix samples, elongate spheroids at least are probably
microsubophitic, and average grain fragments show weak to strong equivalent to cogenetic
size is from about 1 to 8 microns, parallel preferred orientations, accretionary lapiUi. The black
The different aphanite types (color, Intensely sheared areas seen on aphanites form both angular
coherency, etc.) relate to sawed surfaces have higher particles and rinds and they are the
differences in groundmass grain- porosity; shear and groundmass darkest and toughest aphanites.
size and porosity, with the darkest crystallization appear to have been James (1976) described several
aphanites being the least porous, contemporaneous, different types of aphanite
240--SAMPLE 73215
SAMPLE 73215--241

a b

Figure 5: Photomicrographs of73215,119.

All plane transmitted light, a) general
aphanitic matrix, with rounded and angular
clasts, mainly plagioclases andfeldspathic
impactites. Field of view about 2 mm wide.
b) mixed zone of aphanitic clasts and
schlieren of porous feMspathic cataclasite
with angular mineral fragments. Field of
view about 2 mm. c) melt groundmass of the
aphanite, showing distinction of fine-grained
uniform meltfrom even small clasts. Field of
view about 500 microns.
242--SAMPLE 73215

Table 1: Proportions of groundmass and clasts larger than 5 microns in various types of aphanite (vol %).
(James, 1976).

Clasts >5/Lm Groundmass

Area counted
(mm:) Mafic Plagioclase Lithic

Gray aphanitic matrix

(73215,245) 0.19 8.2 23.7 0 68.1
Black aphanitic matrix
(73215,243) 0.21 5.1 20.5 3.3 71.1
Schlieren-rich gray
aphanitic matrix
/73215,103) 0.14 10.9 23.4 0 65.7
Gray aphanite spheroid.38.57
(73215,350) 0.35 13.8 22.2 3.2 60.8
Black aphaniteclast .46,10
(73215,349) 0.35 7.9 23.4 0.1 68.8

magnesian than groundmass

olivines. Pyroxene clasts too are
.......... ,_ ._._jt_._/" -, .... ! more magnesian than groundmass
' _ pyroxenes. Most metal grains fall
,b ,, ,till i'° in the field appropriate for

f , , ......
, , ? , -, 7% f ,, ", ,,_.. r tt.a,t,t
r , , _ r ' ' , , , , " ' meteoritic
clasts were metal. Most competent
not deformed during or
..v ..I-It- i'° after breccia aggregation, although
.......... 0o
, .... , -,-r ......
' .......
some devitrified maskelynites have
r i i
............. l I .:_: mu
_ '-" ........ . o outlinesofsuggestive
Clasts of textures
felsite show plastic flow.

fr ,.. -.J'-r. -..-, . . f,0 _ indicating plastic flow during

....... e I ' , . , '
.'0 ,0 : ' ,o r , I
-_ incorporation. Other than felsites,
g , _ , ..... ,..; ,_.... t_ _ few clasts show evidence of

..... .... I ........ '_'_ ..... .... f.o internalhave

Cl_ partial melting. rims,
overgrowth A fewand
_o eo 70 [
some mineral clasts much different
..... , .... , .. ....... ,, ,--."., ..... I from the groundmass have reacted
J f'° or partly re-equilibrated, as
_- ;0 ' ' ' ' ' ,o ,0 described in detail in James
Fo., ............ (1976b).
()li_ine compo_it_on_ in 7X215 aph_lnites Siren ,,f the area_ _urve_ed ;ire: .228
malrix--I ')ram:: .ilk5 matrix _ mill : 22._ ci_l_t-pot_r :lphanltc_)41 ram:: E(k', clasl
.............,o_,_m : _., ........k ....................d ...._....... ho.,,,-- James (1970a,b) infers that the
_)_ mm I,Ht. lasts _25 vnl in .¢hliefetl-rl_h gray al;*lrl• (.11_) i h) L'l;tsts 25 vnl tn grit5
..... ix t2281 I c)Clast_ •I' .urn in gra_ _phcroxd 18.57I..151D Id) ('lasts > 15 _m in black mat_x aphanites were about 50%
claxt .4h.l[I 4.34'¢) (e_ (.lasts • I[_gtfll In ,:}asl-pOor .Iph_milc II] JIk5 If} ('lLIxts _ [5 _m in
dast.p,,o, aphamte ,n 22S tg) Grt und........ O ' 25 .m ¢*axts in gray matrix melt when it formed and the melt
,,_81 hackmdrlx(.243)arid sch..... h_ ,_,,:,,.,,'"' t,_, ,h,'-:_,,, :_,,,,_i°
gra_ _phert_id 38 57 t 35_)) (i) _-25 _.m _]zt_t_In bl;tck cl;tst .46 1tl4.14t)l ID Grains w_th
Was fluid and superheated. During
..... mixing with cold clasts in a debris
cloud, the melt cooled and
Figure 6: Compositions of olivines in 73215 aphanites. James (1976b) crystallized rapidly, producing
lithologic banding as it flowed.
(differing in color, grain-size, and In the groundmass the dominant
mode of occurrence) providing minerals are plagioclase (An90_ 91) The most common clast-type is
modal data (Table 1) and mineral and low-Ca pyroxene (En74Wo3), feldspathie impactite or granulite,
chemistry for both clasts and with minor olivine (Fo68-74) (Figs. commonly referred to as
groundmass phases (Figs. 6-10). 6-9). The clasts were derived from "anorthorthisitic gabbro". Examples
The aphanites contain from 60 to a more homogeneous source than have been briefly described in the
70% groundmass melt, with the those in regolith breccias and most general consortium references; the
darkest aphanites having the most were cool and unshocked. Larger most detailed descriptions are in
groundmass (Table 1). olivine clasts tend to be more James (1977a), James and
SAMPLE 73215---243

f'l i I , _ . i I

zI°t , , " a_t_LI _ i" _ I

i i _ i I i i i _ [ ,
t ,_1 cI

90 80

o_ _ g __"

,, _',"5 3",',, "_ ,, ,', _ .... t ....
90 80 /_
Anorthite content (100 Cn/Co+Na)

Pl_giocla_e colnp.xition_ in 73215 aphaniles la)C'la_t_ :>25t_m in xchlieren rich i I _ , io _o 30 _o

gra_ malri_ t.ltr6) (hi C'last_ >25.,_m in gray matrix (,22]47 (¢1 Cta_ts >lO/zm in Ni
clapt-poor _phanit¢ in .10b (d) Clapt', _20,_m in cla_t-po<_r aphanite in .228 let Conlpt>_ilion_ ,_f mct_,l particlc_ m _,hliclclHi,h gra_ nlalri_ I lO_,l I',,_11_1_,
(]roundma_ grains and 5-25 ,zm cLa_ls in gray m_trix (.245) and schlieren-rich gra_, analyzed were > It)_m acrt_n_ and were i_td_tcd _ithln inatrl_; n_m¢ _¢1¢ _1111111 _Llnl,
matrix 1.1[13..lOb) ([) 5 25 _,m cla_l_ in black matrix [2431 (gl 5 25 t_m c_a_t_ in black or had attached silical¢ mineral grains lhe hand pas_ing Ihr,mgh Ihc diag/am mark_ _hc
ctas1.4,b.)l) I._49} {h_ 5-25 _tm clast s in gray _phcr t_it1.38.571.35fl), lit Euhedral clasts range of composition_ of inelc_l_ilic Inclal

Figure 9: Compositions of plagioclases in 73215 Figure 10: Compositions of metals in 73215 gray
aphanites. James (1976b). matrix. James (1976b).
244-_SAMPLE 73215

Hammarstrom (1977), and James

and Hedenquist (1978). The three
clasts described in detail by James 5
t L • | _ m 29,9
and Hammarstrom (1977) and _o _ m
James (1977a) were also analyzed = ....... -
by other members of the _ 15 4 6, 2
consortium. The clasts are modally _- _ !
anortbositic norites; one (29,9) is c_ lo _ .anl_
coarse poikilitic, the other two
(45,25 and 45,33) are fmur-grained o 5
and have mosaic as well as _-
poikilitic textmes. All are fairly
well equlibrated, as shown by the E | 0 :. _4 6,3 3
microprobe analyses (Figs. 11-14), 2 5:
and are similar except that the z -
coarser-grained sample has a lower
rag' (Figs. 12,13). The cores of the 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 9'9
large plagioclases, which are C a / C a + Na
commonly surrounded by olivine Histograms of Ca/Ca + Na contents in plagioclase in anorthositic gabbros.
"necklaces" are probably relics of Textures and occurrences of the individual grains analyzed are indicated by the
pre-existing rocks. The impactites following symbols in the boxes on the diagrams: filled, cores containing K-feldspar
also contain trace constituents inclusions; empty, inclusion-free cores and cores containing bubbles; small dot, cores
including K-feldspar, K-Si-rich containing glass inclusions; diagonal lines, rims on large grains; filled lower half, grains
glass, apatite, whitlockite, ilmenite, in oikocrysts; filled upper right corner, grains in mosaics; filled upper half, small
chromite, Ni-Fe metal, and euhedral grains in oikocrysts; filled upper left corner, globules included in olivine (29,9)
baddeleyite. The metal or deformed, recovered plagioclase in mosaics (46,33);crosses, grains in lathy aggre-
compositions fall squarely in fields gate (4625) or grain margins (29,9).
appropriate for meteorite
contaminated rocks (Fig. 14). Figure 11: Compositions of plagioclases in feldspathic impactites in 73215.
James and Hammarstrom interpret James and Hammarstrom (1977).
the texture and mineral chemical
variations as being the products of
crystallization from melts and
solid-state crystallization. 29,9 is s 2 9,9
inferred to be mainly from melt. c .. , ,
45,25 mainly from solid-state

(poikilitic) and solid-state (mosaic).

Thus an origin as
crystallization, andheated,
45,33 partly-
from melt o
_: 1:1 I , . I_ ,m", _ 46,25 I

melted and/or recrystallized ,-

' , '

likely. All three samples show

healed fractures that post-date the
polymict breccias events,
recrystallization appears most _l_l
z , , n_ ,,,n 46,33
7'1 7'2 7'3 74 7'5 76 77 78 79 80

James and Hedenquist (1978) M g / M g 4- F e

described a 5 mm clast of spinel- Ilistograms of Mg/Mg+ Fe contents in olivines in anorthositic gabbros. Tex-
bearing troctolitic basalt that tures and occurrences of the individual grains analyzed are indicated by the following
consists of patches of basaltic- symbols in the boxes on the diagrams: filled, grains in mosaics; empty, centers of large
textured rock enclosed by very grains: di;tgonal lines, globules forming "necklaces" in plagioclase grains; filled upper
free-grained granoblastic material half. grains in oikocrysts; filled lower half, grain margins.

(also analyzed by other members of

the consortium). The boundaries Figure 12: Compositions of olivines in feldspathic impactites in 73215.
between the two textures vary from James and Hammarstrom (1977).
sharp to gradational. The
granoblastic material, a mosaic of
anhedral grains, has grain sizes
from 5 to 270 microns. The basaltic
material has plagioclase laths 75-
100 microns long with subhedral
SAMPLE 73215_245

indicates that the clast was

<:2> deformedand recrystaUizedprior to
Ca incorporationin the breccia.The

shows that recrystallization was

extensive, producingstraight
contacts andtriplejunctions among
• small plagioclase grains. Antiphase
domain boundariesare type Co)and
probably formed by subsolidus
recrystaUizationrather than froma
phase transition during cooling.
v v transmissionelectronmicroscopy
moderate density of dislocations
/9 ,9 _ /46,25 _ _ and
The aorthopyroxenes
high density
Oamellae).The ofbave
lamellae a defects
Mg F e [_ clinopyroxene that are
o Ca: Mg:Fe of pyroxenes in anorthositic gabhros. Filled circles, grains forming clinohypersthene, probably
olkoerysts. Open circles• analyses attempted of exsolution lamellae. Squares indicate promoted by shock-induced shear.
analyses of pyroxene globules included in plagioclase grains in 46,25:open squares are Hewins and Goldstein (1975a, b)
individual phases in these globules; filled squares are expanded-beam analyses of the analyzed metal in four clasts of
bulkglobules. "anorthositiehomfels" in 73215,
free-grained granoblasticmaterials.
Figure 13: Compositions of pyroxenes in feldspathic impactites in 73215. The metals are at the lower end of
James and Hammarstrom (1977). themeteoritic field. Two other
clasts were analyzed: a devitrified
shocked plagioclase has metal with
high Co (2.2%)but low Ni (1%),
and a light matrix breccia
1.o- 2%9 • (presumablya porous feldspathic
46,25 o• • shlieren)has metal with low Ni (1-
• 2%) but at the low end of the
Co _oo meteoritic field.
Neal et al. (1990d) reported
0.5 _ o

• • o,,_t_,g
_s_ • * troctolite
data on a in a clast in
• 73215, with olivine (Fo89-92),
plagioclase (An91_96) and Mg-AI
spinel with 8-11 wt % Cr203.
I i i i i i Individual grains are unzoned.
4 6 s _o Eckert et al. (1991a,b,C)reported
Ni further on this clast, which appears
Ni-Co contents (wt.%) in metal grainsin anorthositicgabbros.The area within to be a statically reerystallized
the lines is the range of compositions of "meteoritic" metal (Goldstein and Yakowitz, cnmoiate rock. The mode is about

1971). 78% plagioclase, 21% olivine, 2%

spinel, with minor high-Ca and
Figure 14: Compositions of metal grains in feldspathic impactites in low-Ca pyroxene, FeNi metal, and
73215. James and Hammarstrom (1977). chromite (Eckert et al. 1991a). The
pyroxene may not be in equilibrium
olivine and pyroxene (50-200 partial granulationoccurred, with the rest of the assemblage. The
microns) and pink spinel (20-50 Subsequently the granulated areas olivines have very low CaO
microns). Both domainshave the were reerystallized. Several other abundances, indicative of slow
same mineral compositions (Fo87. clasts are like it. cooling. The mineral assemblage
82, En84Wo4, En50Wo44) except appears to have originated at
for plagioclase (basaltic An95_84; Nord and James (1977) made relatively high pressure, deeper
granoblasticAn99_90). The electron petrographicinvestigations than about 25 km. Eckert et al.
troctoliticmelt must have cooled of 200 micron elast of "homfelsic (1991b) also reported a cataclasized
quickly (otherwise the spinel would norite". The clast had a grain size dunite clast, with spinel and a glass
have been absorbed) and then of 5 to 50 microns. The texture mesostasis cored by an SiO2
246---SAMPLE 73215

phase.Themain silicates have

ranges in composition: olivine
Fo72_92, plagioelase An90_97. K+13a

Hansen et al. (1979b) and Smith et

al. (1980) reported some precise
minorelement data(microprobe)
for olivines andlow-Ca pyroxenes
in a feldspathicimpaefiteandan
Mg-rich plutonictroctolitic rock.
The reports are not very specific
about the parent lithologies. The
Mg-rich plutonic has olivine with
Fo90-91 and plagioclase with
An96, while the feldspathic
impactiteis more iron-rich(Fo76).
Steele et al. (1980) reportedion
probedata for plagioclase in the
Mg-rich troctolite.

Jamesand Hammatstrom(1976) /
andNord and James (1977) gave a / . _ .
detaileddescriptionof a felsite clast Na Ca
that was also studied by oth_ K + I|a: Na:Ca contents of feldspars in felsite clast, l_.arge circle, average of 14
members of the consortium. The analyses in core of zoned plagioclase grain (Fig. Id); small filled circles, traverse from

felsite comprises two components: inner to otlter boundary of rim of zoned plagioclase grain 13 _m steps, arrow indicates

crystalline felsite and veins of direction

t_f Iraverse).
in mt_saics.
in equanl
mm plagioclase
in ver-
silicic glass. James and micular intergrowth. Filled triangles, centers of plagioclase relics in felsic glass. Small
Hammarstrom (1976) detail the dotted circles, reacted and second-generation inclusion-rich plagioclase in felsic glass.
textures and the mineral and glass Asterisk, average of 26 analyses of K-feldspar in vermiculai" intergrowth. Filled star,

chemistry (Figs. 15-17;Table 2), average L_fIt analyses of second-generation K-feldspar in felsic glass, x. small
and theirgenetic inferences plagioclase grains in mixed material at edge of clast.

therefrom. The crystallinefelsite Figure 15: Compositions of feldspars in thefelsite clast in 73215. James
consists mainly of a vermicular
intergrowth of quartz (40%) and K- and Hammarstrom, 197Z
feldspar (60%);mince plagioclase
forms blebs associated with the
quartz. Trace amounts of ilmenite,
zircon,olivine, apatite,and
whitleckite are present,and some 4-
mosaic patches include pyroxene.
Some of the feldspars have an 8 aO ,i •
unusualternarycomposition(Fig. _- ••
15); the electron petrographic .
studies show this ternaryfeldspar to 2- **eo_'oik
be a homogeneousphase, with _' ,
some probableinitial attemptsat • • %o
phaseseparationapparent(Nord _ .
andJames, 1977). The mineralsdo
not show shock effects; dislocation amtA'_'m-^¢'_' "
density in the quartzis very low, ' ....... _ ' i'o I's 2'0
and that in the K-feldsparnot much K20
higher. The felsic glass is varied in K_O vs. BaO contents in feldspars in felsite clast. Symbols are as in Fig. 2,
vesicularity, color, and relict except: open circles indicate all analyses of plagioclase and K-feldspar in vermicular
inlergrowth; filled stars indicate all analyses of second-generation K-feldspar in felsic
mineralcontent;second generation glass; plagioclase in mixed material is nol shown.
mineralsquenchedfrom the glass
are present. Most
brown,with of the glass is
abundantnecdie-like Figure 16: Compositions of feldspars in thefelsite 73215. James
crystallites. Electron petrographic and Hammarstrora, 1977.
study shows thatthe bulkof this

The matrixand bulksample

analyses are dominatedby the
Ca aphanitic phase. In general both
v _, black and gray aphanites have the
least some of the black materials
appear to be higher in volatile and
incompatible elements. Individual
8 o differences are probably a result of
variation in included clasts (e.g.
James et al., 1975a,b). All matrix

* _/_o
_._ x\- and aphanitelow-K
aluminons, sanaples are
FraMauro basalt
*i_8_o_ ° compositions,distinguished
same composition; however,fromat
.... the typical Apollo 17 impactmelt
Mg Fe by the lower Tit2 and higher
Ca:Mg:Fe contentsof pyroxenesin felsiteclast. Filledcircles,centersof Al203 ofthe 73215 materials. The
pyroxene grainsincrystalline
felsite.Filledsquares,centersof pyroxene relicsinfelsic incompatible elements show a
glass.Opensymbols a re second-generation
edgesofgrainsin crystalline pyroxenes, as follows:d ottedsquares,
felsiteor edgesof relicsin felsieglass;circles,rimson range from about 70x chondrites to
olivinerelics;squares,prismaticcrystals;dotledcircles,largeblockygrainswith about 120 x chondrites, part or all
associatedFemetalandtroilite;stars,rimsonilmeniterelics;asterisks,rimonolivine of which is probably a reflection of
relic_tledgeof clast.×,grainsin mixedmaterialat edgeof clast."Fielinesconnect varied ciast contents (e.g.,
compositions ofpointsin thesamegrains. Blanchard et at., 1976) as well as
the small sample sizes; similar
Figure 17: Compositions of pyroxenes in thefelsite clast in 73215. James considerations probably apply to
and Hammarstrom, 197Z variations in Co and Ni as well.
The Zn is much lower than that
material is uncrystallized (Nord and otherwise provide any data on such found in typical soils or regolith
James, 1977). All the glasses are sample from 73215. breccia, lending weight to the
Si- and K-rich. The crystalline argument that 73215 was not
felsite clearly crystallized from a created from regolith, but from a
melt to produce a texture similar to CHEMISTRY larger event (James et al., 1975a).
terrestrial granophyres. The felsic The meteoritic siderophiles in the
glass forms veins and patches and Many chemical analyses have been aphanites fall into Group 2 of
was emplaced as dikelets, not by in made of bulk rock, aphanite Morgan et a1.(1976),attributed to
situ melting. The fracturing and samples, and clasts or schlieren. Serenitatis, and distinct from the
diking preceded incorporation of Both bulk rock/matrix and aphanite Boulder 1, Station 2 aphanites.
the clast into the breccia, analyes are compiled in Table 3, Although one analyzed (38,57)
Nonetheless, the parent of the glass, with the rare earth elements plotted appeared to be a group 6 (Morgan
presumably shock produced, must in Figure 18. Microprobe refocused et at., 1976) a second analysis
have been from the same felsite beam analyses of the groundmass appeared quite normal; the reason
body. The bulk clast was quite hot are reproduced as Table 4 and for the In'st analysis being different
when it was incorporated in the Figure 19. Clast analyses are remains a mystery (Morgan and
breccia, because some of the glass compiled in Table 5, with the rare Petrie, 1979a,b).
it contains did form at that time by earth elements plotted in Figures 20
in situ melting. It was then rapidly and 21. A guide to how some of the James (1976) made defocused
cooled, precipitating second split numbers correspond with beam microprobe analyses of the
generation pyroxene and K- lithologies is shown in Figure 22 varied aphanites (with subtraction
feldspar, and Table 6 (from James and of clast compositions) to attempt to
Blanchard, 1976). (The text of obtain the composition of the melt
Miura (1988) reported the presence Bence et at. (1975) erroneously groandmass (Table 4). The
of "anomalous" plagioclases (i.e., refers to 72315 where 73215 is groundmass composition is similar
deficient in At, Na) in 73215 as is intended.) Ehmann et al. (1975a,b) to that of the bulk aphanites and is
present in some lunar basalts, reported an O analysis of 47.2% for fairly homogeneous.
However, the plagioclases are not ,172 apbanite. James et al. (1975a)
otherwise described. Bickel and reported that no CH 4 or CD4 in
Warner (1978a) listed 73215,234 in excess of 0.06 ug/g were found in
their study of plutonic and interior or exterior samples.
granulitic lunar samples, but did not
248--SAMPLE 73215

Table 2: Compositions of minor phases and glasses in felsite (wt%; electron microprobe analyses).
(James and Hammarstrom, 1977).

I_ 121 (_ (41 (5) (6) (7) (8) 19)

SiO: 1).22 0.28 -- -- 74.2 78.2 76.7 76.g 78. ]

Tit.): 50.7 1.79 -- -- 0.73 0.36 0.65 0.28 I).49
AI_,O_ 0.13 22.2 -- -- 13.4 12.9 13.1 13.4 12.6
FeO 45.4 31.8 1.81 0.34 1.24 0.61 0.81 0.38 0.40
MgO 1.15 1.89 2.29 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.04 0,03 0.03
CaO 0.09 0.09 38.7 53.4 0.62 0.64 0.79 0.75 0.77
Na20 .... 0.10 0.14 0.21 0.17 0.30
K,O .... 9,58 6,90 7.20 7.88 7,21
BaO .... 0.26 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.10
MnO 0.47 0.51 -- -- 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 <0.01
Cr:O_ 0.38 38.1 -- -- 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
Y203 -- -- 4.48 0.37 .....
La_,O_ -- -- 1.07 0.13 .....
Ce2Os -- -- 3.01 0.23 .....
Nd20_ -- -- 1.63 0.19 .....
Sm,O3 -- -- 0.59 0.06 .....
Gd,O 3 -- -- 1.37 0,20 .....
P20_ -- -- 40.5 40.4 0.21 0.04 0.26 0.09 0.20
ZrO: .... 0.11 0.13 0.22 0.04 0.07
F -- -- 0.43 2.88 .....
CI -- -- 0.29 0,89 .....
Total 98.54 96.66 96,17 99,16 100.54 100.02 100.06 99.95 100.29

(1) llmenite: average of 12 analyses of grains in felsic glass and crystalline felsite.
(2) Aluminous chromite: inclusion in Jlmenite grain in crystalline felsite tlow total due to
small size of grain).
(3) Whitlockite: average of three analyses of grains in crystalline felsite (low total due to
destruction of grains during analysis).
(41 Apatite: average of eight analyses of grains in felsic glass and crystalline felsite.
(5) Brown glass: average of 20 analyses.
(6) Uncrystallized colorless glass in felsic glass veins and patches: average of ten analyses.
(7) Uncrystallized colorless glass haloes around second-generation and relict mafic mineral
grains: average of 12 analyses.
(8) Uncrystallized colorless glass selvages in vermicular intergrowth in crystalline felsite:
average of five analyses.
(9) Uncrystallized colorless glass bands at contact of crystalline felsite and matrix: average
of five analyses.
SAMPLE 73215--249

Table 3: Chemical analyses of bulk rock/matrix and aphanites in 73215.

Sollt ,161 ,161 ,74 ,184 ,177 .186 .76 ,170 ,?

.9006 btclmxx
SiO2 48.1 46.1 46.0 46.1 46.7
TiO2 0.0 1.1 0.4 1.1 0.6
A1203 19.4 21.7 21.5 19.9 20.4
Cs203 0.168 0.200 0.230 0.221 0,46
IkO 7.64 7,39 7.20 7.28
MaO 0.123 0.104 0.099 0.119
M$O 10.2 10.2 [I.8 11.! 11.0
CaO II.0 12.2 11.0 12,3 11.5
Na20 0,624 0.493 0.408 0.487
K20 0.656 0.167 0.170 0.191 0.31
Sc 14,3 14.4 13,$ 14,1 23,7
Co 24.5 25,6 27.0 21.2 27.1
Ni 200 152 150 190 IS0 163 118
Rb 5.5 0.93 3.0 13,6 2.3 2.34
Hf 13.7 9,5 0.9 7.0 13,9
Th 7.3 3.7 4.2 3.6 4.332
U 2.2 1.2 I.I 1.207
Ca 0.18 0.56 0.123 0.57 0.164 0,107
TI 2.3 1.5 1,4 1.4
Pb 2.556
LI 41 25.5 23.6 24.3 36.1
Ce 105 69 68 63 86
Nd 62 37.3 55
Sm 18.6 11,9 12.2 I 0,7 16 ,$
FI_ 1.63 1.41 1.37 1.35 1.33
_I 20.6 13.0 I3.0
Tb 3.55 2.0 2.7 2.11 3.3
l)y 23,5 14.6 20.0

Yb 13.0 0.8 9.1 8,$ 12.1
].Jt 1.91 1.2 1.33 |,1 1.84

BF 0.106 0.026 0.0092

Za <5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.9

An 2.4 2.7 1.65
k 4.3 4.9 3.49
Cm 4160 5300 5300
Ge 252 173 82
Se 72 72 39
A| 0.73 0.91 20
Cd 12.4 13.4 1.3
Sb 1.2 0.95 0.89
T¢ 4.9 $.9
b 0.34 0.37 0.274
1"1 5,0 4.3 2.8
el 0.28 0,52 0.v5
(1) (1,8,10) (I) (1) (1) (1) (I,8,10) (I,$.10) (I)(t)
(I) Jamz* z_ IL (1975a); INAA, RNAA. AAS. (a) isotopt dilutioa/mam spcc.
(8) Hiltuc_iand Mocgan(1975_b): RNAA]
(I 0) Mmgan e¢al. ( 1_6); RNAA
252--SAMPLE 73215

Table 3 continued: Chemical analyses of bulk rock/matrix and aphanites in 73215.

Sellt .46.2 ,46.7 .46.10 .46.10.5 .46.19 ,46.19.4 .38.17 .38,32 .38.57 ,38,57.6 ,38.57

SiO2 4 .7 4 .6 4 .3 46.7 46.4 45.9

TiO2 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.g 0.8
AI203 19.0 19.8 20.0 21.8 20.3 20.7
Cr203 0.24 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.23 0.21
[_0 8.32 0.75 8.13 7.87 6.97 7.04 6.94
MnO 0.121 0.106 0.111 0.089 0.108 0.003
MitO 12.6 12.0 I 1.7 10.? 12.4 11.$
CaO I1.1 11.5 11.7 12.3 11.6 11.4
Na20 0.52 0.50 0.52 0.54 0,54 0.49 0.52
K20 0.20 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.16
St: 15.9 17.1 15.7 15.0 11.9 13.2 12.0
Co 22.7 33.6 36.0 24.9 26.6 26.7 30.0
Hi 40.0 220 290 167 150 137 230 160 250 596 195
Rb 3.02 3.2 2.84
_" 9.$ 9.7 10.7 g,9 9.1 7.7 S.3
Th 4.0 4.3 4,6 4,4 4.1 4.3 3.9
tJ I, 100 I,I 30 1.040 1.380
Ca 0.110 0.141 0.109
Ta 2.3 1.5 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.4
La 26.6 20.0 27.7 27.5 25.0 32.0 23.4
Cc 69 70 74 73 67 06 65
Sm 12.1 13.5 12.2 12.4 11.5 14.9 10.2
Eu 1.44 1.38 1,41 1.41 1.40 1.53 1.44
Tb 2.7 2.9 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.8 2.6

"ICe 9.1 9.7 9.4 0.3 8.4 10.3 7.9
l.u 1.21 1.35 1.27 1.27 1.21 1.40 1.00
Cl 0.023
Bf 0.0358 0.250
Za 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.9

Au 2.01 2,0 5.63 3.4

H 3.24 3.5 27.3 5,4
Cc 135 216 315 320
Se 57 I I0 59 73
Pd 1.4 5.9 31.5 11.6
AI 0.72 0.7 5.91 0.90
Cd 5.4 7.4 5.4 5.0
11 IIA 1.0 59.8* <6
$b 1.65 32.7 1.51
"re 7.2 8.7
Re 0.343 0.32 2.61 0,56
OI 3.56 3.1 34.1 6.3
TI 1.7 2.5 2.1 2.7
Bi 0.50 0.62 0.46
(3) (3) (3) {g. 1O) (3) ( 10) 13) (3) (3) (9.] 0) ( t 1)

P_fc_e* ted mmhods:

(3) Blanchmdet al. (1976); INAA,AAS
(9) Cage*ct d. 11976);,RNAA
110) Mcqan ¢_ d. (1976y, RNAA
(I 1) Mcqan and Peule (1979Lb);RNAA

*doubtfulvalu_ accccdinitto authors
• bla_ aphanitedam
b Ip'ay al_ie spheroids
SAMPLE 73215_3

Table 3 continued: Chemical analyses of bulk rock/matrix and aphanites in 73215.

selit ,176 .66 .68 ,160 ,163 .166 ,172(#) ,0 .52 .155 ,15g ,401
wt% gray gray gray black black black gray
SiO2 48 .g
A1203 21.4
Cr203 0.250 0.200 0.206 0.210 0.191 0,200 0.234
g.$ 6.1 6.5 8.0 7.1 7,5 7.7*
MnO 0.10
MsO IS.l(a)
Ha20 0._1
K20 0.200
Sc 17 12 13 15 13 14 13
Co 33 25 30 28 23 23 34
Zr 563 362 411 866 613 743 486 271 331 337 $76
}_ 12.4 8.64 9.24 19.'/ 14.1 17,1 I1.1 6.4 7.5 1,1 14.3
"rk 4.05
U 1.10

Hn 1.6 1.3 1.4 2.1 1.6 1,6 I*
(6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (7) (13) ( 13 (13) ( ! 3)

Ihifea_ac_ an4 medlods:

(6) F.hmannel al, (1975a.b);IHA.A.RJqAA.:Zf vale_ conectcd for U £*._ (dec_cued less thaa 10 ppm)by Cart and Ehmana(1976a)
(7) Eldrld8©©tal. (19"75a.b).Gamma ray _py.
(13) Hughes andSchnitt (1985). INAA

(g) enoacoua dala from ¢ompu_onal errorzeponcd in Ehwanaet 1,1.(197P_)
(*) approximate
(a) ckady enem_ly high; maje¢element oxides without CaO andTiO2 total97%
254--SAMPLE 73215

Table 4: Compositions of groundmass in aphanites, from defocused beam microprobe analyses and clast
subtraction. James (1976).

Blllk gray
Schlieren rich Cl:,sl ptmr Bulk black aphanile
Illa_ k_r h_.llti¢ mamx t;r ay _pha._lic n,_trix 8r_y _ph;_*liticmBIrix aphani*e I_lack nphanile clast Gray apha*lile_pheroid Bulk matri.t aphanite claret _ol,cr_,id_
t73215.24_) t7_215.245) (73215.1fl3) t73215.1_3) O_215.46.t0) (732t5.38.57) (73215.4_.10) (73215.38,57_

A_eraA¢ R_ngc A_eraSe Range Average Ranlte Averase Average R_nl_e Aver_se RanBc Averaee

SiC_ 4_ 4 45 _7.3 46 _ 4_.2 459 469 46 P_47 _ _6 3 47.7 47 3_183 468 4_.6-_ 5 46.4 456 45 '_
T_, I f_) 07R-I 15 I09 I 02-L 14 I O4 0._8-1 I_ O86 O96 0¸87-1 O3 O95 0.77_1 18 07 I.I 08
A]:(_ 19_ I_1 Z_2 190 18.7-19 _ 180 173_ 7 tS0 I_t 169-1g _ 2O.O t81_208 2O.6 19.8 2O7
F_O S2_ 7 _0-9 10 _27 7.9,_854 8._3 7'_-9 I_ 8_ 789 72_8 56 6S6 _,_-7._0 7.3O 1_1_ _
_n_ 010 008_3 12 O09 _07_ tl 013 _ 17_115 0.0_ 0.O9 0nT_ II O07 O._ (:9 0t04 0106 0_
Mgl_ It._ 9.74-12¸5 128 127 13.0 12_ 112-123 13_ 114 II _-t4 0 11.8 I t.l_-129 I1._ 12.0 It._
_'a() 120 It _-125 119 LI 7-122 I1_ 11¸3-122 114 I1_ I_ 0-122 122 11.6-12¸6 t19 115 t14
N_() 07h 066_O _5 064 0.¢,1_ _7 0.62 _5f_077 0_ O._7 04_.¢,6 06t 0 _3_0._ 0_0 O52 0.52
K_ 029 0.17-_ 39 O3O 0 25_3 031 027_9 O29 O.24 O.2(_O2_ O.24 022_._5 O2O 0_2 01_
('f_(_, 015 0n7_20 016 01_20 019 0.15_32_ 017 O22 0 19_324 015 0.14-O tO, 02_ 025 02t
p:O_ t_41 026-0 _S 025 O2_30 03t 0.25_ 42 025 02g O2/_a3.33 0.31 026_0 35 -- --
af,aly_s in
_e_Se 14 4 7 2 7 ? II

*Derived frombroad-beam microprobeanalysis of 100,_mspots (analyzed by G. H. Conrad and K. Keil, University of New Mexico); contributions from all
clasls >5 _m across within each spot have been subtracted and the resulting correcled compositions have been normalized to 100%.
_'Determined by atomic absorption speclrophotometry and instrumental neutron activation analyses (Blanchard el al., 1976).
SAMPLE 73215--255

Table 5: Chemical analyses of clasts in 73215.

Snlit .94 ,32 .29.9 ,29.9 .29.9 °29.9 .29.9 .46,25 ,46.33 ,43,3 .43 IV .46.102 .46.102
v4_ . b © © © c ¢ d d © • f f
SiO2 44,47 44.71 45.9 46,6 44.1
TiO2 0.08 0.69 0.33 0.23
A0203 30,99 3t.2 23.6 25.4 25.6
Cr203 0.130 0.146 0.124 0.123 0,015
FeO 3.03 3.05 4.44 3.14 5.82 3.1 2.90
MnO 0.062 0.077 0.067
MIO 3.42 3.42 8.36 $.42 9.4 I
CaO 17.21 17.24 13.9 14.1 13.8
NIl20 0,44 0.47 0.430 0.403 0.336 O,373 O.194
K20 0,10 0.036 0.121 0.097 0,088 7.0
SC 7.16 9.04 7.12 8.2 4.8
Co 13.7 13.2 30.7 32.7 2. I 0
Ni 00 00 64 420 460
Rb I ,$8 0.29 2.43 2.48 2$3.S 1.?? I .?6
k 167.0 167.2 138.0 154.3 134.0
Y 33.7 19.7
184 79
Nb 10.4 6.3
H( 3.1$ 1.96 3.1 2.2 I .$ 1,4 25.6
k 182 01
"Irk 1,34 0.00 1.6 0.96 0.53 0,58 39.9
U 0.33 0.36 0,360

T8 0.3 0,2 0.3 0.16 3.4

Pb 1.4 1.07
IJt 10.1 4.2 8,70 6,24 2.61 3,$2 42.9
27 12 24.4 16.8 6.78 9.1 123
h 3,2 1.54
/_1 12.1 6.3
Sm 3.40 1.02 3.18 3.01 1.04 1.33 19.0
b 1.23 0.SO 1.00 0.91 0+77 0.']7 3.1 I
Cd 4.12 2.03
Tb 0,82 0.42 0'.14 0,82 0.23 0.36 3.6
Dy 5.00 2.71
Ho 1.32 0.37
3.67 1.62
Tla 0.61 0.27
Y'o 3.67 1.66 2.9 3.0 1.4 1.71 27.2
I_ 0,37 0.26 0.413 0.405 0.223 0.273 5.3

7.1 2.0

An 0.31L
b 1.72
Ge 47
S* 40

N 2,1
•+ 0.74
(38 19.4
In 3,2
lie 0.107
Oe 2.3
71 2.64
Bi 0.44
(2) (2) (4,5) (4,3) (11) (14) (14) (4,5) (4) (4.5) (14) (14) (14)

_ and mahod_ Note_:

(2) JSzncce*d. (197_ BMP/sp_k sousce smm spec. • rote(
(4) IJlM_uixd91eL(1977m):]HAA.A,t.S k _md Ir_kdlm
(3)Blmdued _ _.(1977b_. INAA. AAS c_ mmtkmd_4:Itebbm
(I 1) Morganand Petrie (1979a.b_. RIqAA 0 fme-jnlud mmtkm_
(14) Competea et Id. (1977a.b); ID/MS • feJahe
SAMPLE 73215---257

Table 6: Clast allocation types in 73215; see Figure 22. From James and Blanchard (1976).

Aphanltic liuholot_e_

_.chlieren- Rlack Rind on

P.incival tAray Brock He,erogenous rlch gzay I.i_ht-I_ray Gray aphaniLe ANT-suite
Inv_t _atot m_rix _tfix blackmatrix _trix mattlx spheroids clast_ ¢1_1

_.ndets 76(3) 9003.t61(4) 38.57(2) 46.1_2)

_X_6.t/0(3) 46.t9_2)
E_intaa 73(3) 82t4) t2g_2)
nm_ 21{3} 34(4)

_.?42) 2_Z) 38.3Z(2t 46Agt2)

H_skln 74O) t6t(4] t59(2) t77t2) It_2) 38.1_2) 46.2-- 46.2_t2_
46._3(2) 2f_2) t84_2) 46.30_2) 3a.32t2) 46_2)
262{2) t70_2) 3_t._712) 46.]C_2)
Ja_ 22943) 127(2) 28212) _t_2) 4_._7f2) 38,1_2) _.2-- 46.2_(2)
24_3) 24?44) 2a742) 166_2) 3a.32_2) 46.7t2)
23_t4) 107_2) 3x.57t2) 46.1t_2)
247_2_ 12it2) 46.}9_2)
231t_2) 11_2)

Knplaa 1_6(2)
Kit_t¢_ _t.77431 'tt{2) 9t_.t 77(2) 46.44(2) 38.A_2) 46.t_2)
3t_.2t2) _.3_t21 46_2)
Mart_ 33(2) 260-1.

Price .'2(3) _67t4) 92¢2) 8_3)

R_d_ 8_f4_ t3N2_
Sitver 213(2)
Eh_nt 660) _6_4_ tTN2)
6m3) t6_--
17_- t66t4)

*Numbering system is as follows: samples numbered 29.X. 36.X. 38.X. and 46.X were obtained by
chipping of large consortium pieces in air and distributed by D. P. Blanchard; samples numbered
900X.Y are from pieces obtained by chipping in the SSPI. and then further subdivided in the lab of a
consortium member--tbe initial recipient has retained the split with the original specific number Y: all
other samples are listed by NASA-assigned specific numbers. The number in parentheses after the
specific number indicates the figure on which the subsample appears.
?Investigators who are not members of the consortium but who have analyzed samples from the

:_Tbese are not all lithologica_ly equivalent nor are they from the same area of the rock.

ANT-sulte Surface _mp[¢_

c_ t_-i_ai_d Fi_-_i_d s pi_l.l_ring Granu_led Pa_tty

a_hle am>rt_tle Gmnubt_l tt_wllti¢ [e[d_r_thic clapt Fct_ite Exl_ I_ri_l Bmled


_Nt2) ,1_.23{2) 3_._-- 170<2) 3a.1_12_ 4742_ t51t-_) IX_t2_

_2) _5{2) 121(2) t?_2) 11_4.

_) 4?42)
'_.33_2) 122(2) 3B.23_2) t2_2)
_2_2) 38.33-- 4_.5_2)



4_.la_2s 2_2_ _7t2)

32(2) 49_2_
258--SAMPLE 73215

1_ IIllllllltltl 1_ Illllll+lllll

l0 Iflllllllllll 1_ lflll[lllllll

Ce Nd Sm _ Gd _ Dy _ _ _ Ce Sm _ _ _ Lu
a b

1_ I I 1 1 1 l ] i I l I I I

Figure 18: Chondrite-normalized plot of

rare earth elements in bulk rock and
aphanites in 73215. Datafrom Table 3.
a) data of James et al. (1975a) and average t_
of ll samples by Blanchard et al. (1976).
b) data for individual samples of Blanchard +_
et al. (1976).
c) data of Bence et al. (1975a). "13

1_ Illi1111111il

Ce _ Nd _Eu Gd _ Dy Ho Er_


• Black aphanitic matrix (,243)

• Gray aphanltlc matrix (,245)
• Schllaren-rlch gray aphanltic
matrix (,I03)
*Clast-poor aphanlte in ,I03
nBlack aphanlte clast ,46,10 (,349)
oGray aphanlte spheroid ,3B,57 (,)SO)




pyroxe_ SILICA


OLIVIN[ pyroxene

m_l]o 17 Boulder I at Station 2 olivlne

• Apollo 17 blue-groy breccia

O 17 green-gr.y
APOllo 16 breccia
polkllitlc rock a _et_( rix
• Apollo
Apollo Ii
IS breccia
and 16 "blmck
clastsand white" black aphanlte_Jl_ gray spheroids
o clasts
012013 dark lltho)ogy
• Lane 20 spinel


Figure 19: Compositions of grotmdmass melt in 73215 and other samples on silica-olivine-plagioclase plot. James

Several groups have reported 3L; sample ,29,9 was also Group 3 and Morgan, 1975a,b) and roughly
analyses of "anorthositic gabbros" (Morgan and Petrie, 1988). Some matches the 72417 dunite in the
or feldspathic, granulitic impactite other analyses in Table 5 may also siderophile relative abundances
clasts in 73215. Blanchardet al. be of similar materials,butaccurate (Morganand Wandless, 1988).
(1977a,b) reportedthat,46,25 and descriptionshave not been Bence et al. (1975) reporteddata
,46,33 wine similarto each othez relrleved, for a spinel troctolite clast of
and are similar to other feldspathic undescribednature;it is certainly
impactitessuch as 78155. They m'e Blanchardet al. (1977a,b) reported feldspathic with fairly low
somewhatdifferentfrom ,29,9, analyses of otherfeldspathic incompatible element abundances
which has higher rareearth breccias,some of which are (Fig. 21). Eckert et al. (1991a,b)
elements andanegative Eu probablypolymict (Table 5, Figure reported on the chemistry of an
anomaly (Fig. 20) and also has high 21). The high rare earths and apparently cumulate spinel
Cd and Sb (Morgan and Petrie, continuous rare earth slopes of troctolite without tabulating the
1988). Clast ,45,25 is also high in some samples are probably aresult data. The sample has 28% A1203
meteoriticsiderophiles(e.g., Ni of matrixcontamination.The fine- and a positive Eu anomaly. The
more than400 ppm),whereas ,29,9 grained,igneous-texturedspinel- small dtmiteclast analyzed by the
has much lower levels of meteoritic bearing troctolite analyzed appears same group (Eckertet al., 1991b)
contamination. Gros et al. (1976) to have indigeneous rather than has low rare earth element
placed ,46,25 in metetxitic Group meteoriticsidefophiles(Higuchi abundances with a fairlyfiat rare
260--SAMPLE 73215

groundmass have not equilibrated

t_ t t _ L t J _ _ t _ _ _ _ with eacla other in any of the
investigated systems. The argon
data clearly demonstrate
incomplete degassing during the
breccia-forming event and Ar loss
;q appears to have been varied
I1) depending on particular thermal
.._ histories and clast types. Both
•_ stepwise heating and laser Ar
102 studies have been conducted on
'El 73215 materiais.

0 Jessberger et al. (1976a,b; 1977)

,£_ and Staudacher et al. (1977)
_-) _ included several aphanitic matrix

_ studies
materialsof in73215. They tabulated
their stepwise heating
,--d_ 101 . Jt the data and produced release the
r-_----'-----_._/'\k, x _ diagrams (Figs. 23 and 24; note
" 4' \\...., .......................... constants). The argon age dataare
0'] summarized in Table 7, where the
"new" decay constants are used.
The results clearly demonstrate
incomplete degassing, with the
structure of the releases apparently
resulting from combinations of old
I_ t t I t t t t _ t t t t I elastic material and melt. Few of
La Ce Sm Ell Tb Yb Ltl the plateaus are very constant or
veryflat (Figs.23,24).Given that
Figure 20: Chondrite-normalized plot of rare earth elements in feldspathic the age of the melt is probably best
impactites (granulites, or "anorthositic gabbros") in 73215. Data,from given by the age of the melted
Table 5. felsite clast within it (see below)
and thus 3.87 +/- 0.01 Ga, then
earth element pattern and only a even claimed good plateaus such as
small negative Eu anomaly; STABLE ISOTOPES that of gray matrix ,73,1, which
however, the mineral variability produces an age of 4.09 +/-0.01 Ga
suggests that this sample is Sulfur isotope data for matrix must reflect undegassed clast
polymict, not pristine igneous. One samples were reported by James et material. None of the samples
of the two clasts analyzed by al. (1975a). The 534S o/oo values analyzed are pure groundmass melt,
Bence et al. (1975) was described for two samples of interior hetero- and thus the "ages" yield only
as spinel troctolite and is the most geneous matrix were 1.0 and 1.7 upper limits of the events that
feldspathic of 73215 clasts and for surface chips were 1.9 and formed them (Jessberger et al.,
analyzed; the other clast, not 2.0. These values are like those of 1976a). Although the aphanitic
described, is similar but has twice lunar crystalline rocks and unlike melt spheroids and clasts give old
the abundance of incompatible those of typical regoliths or regofith "ages", the petrographic and
elements, breecias, chemical data strongly imply that
these clasts and the matrix
The felsite pieces analyzed were aphanites all formed in the same
tiny (less than 14 rag). The sample RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND event, and thus these "ages" of up
is K-rich and poor in FeO and to 4.18 Ga (new constants) also
Na20, with high rare earth element GEOCHRONOLOGY reflect incomplete degassing of
clasts, There is a reasonable
abundances (La 130 x choudrites; Geochronological studies have correlation among aphanite samples
Fig. 21). The pattern is V-shaped, been conducted on both aphanitic of decreasing "age" with increasing
and the chemistry suggestive of an matrix and varied clasts in 73215. K content, which may reflect the
origin that includes liquid Because of the free-grained nature content of better-degassed felsite
immiscibility (Blanchard et al. of the aphanites, most of the work clasts (Jessberger et al., 1976).
,1977b). on them has been on the At-At Jessherger et al. (1977) f'md it at
system. The clasts and the melt
SAMPLE 73215--261

least conceivable, however, that the

lip z t i i i i t l l J _ i l data can be interpreted ina
straightforward manner and that
some of these clasts are indeed old

Muller et al. (1977a,b) and Eichom

• et al. (1978a,b) conducted Ar
.t-I ----_-----_.._._ . _ isotopic studies on 73215 aphanitic

q_l of argon from polished smfaces.

The method allows precise
0 selection oft he target through
petrographic observation; the
rO releases are from small areas (10-
_ 100 micron half-spheres) so
g_ It_ _ materials using pulsed Laserrelease
targetted. The method differs from
J_ tat step-wise heating in that all the gas
is measured at once, because
temperature control is not possible;
(I) __x"_ _----_ _ thus the method
individual small is in essence
phases can beK-Ar,
_0 not At-At. Pre-heating of the
samples at 550-750oc (after
irradiation, but before laser pulsing)
was used to remove argon from
uaretentive phases and thus to
10t t l I 1 t I i t t _ i t I single out gas from retentive phases
that have greater chronological
Ce Pr Nd Sm Etl (]d Tb Dy I-I0 EF _ Yb LLI significance. Numerous small clasts
in the matrix as well as groundmass
Figure 21: Chondrite-normalized plot of rare earth elements in felsite and melt were targetted. The data are
feldspathic breccias in 73215. Data from Table 5. reproduced in Tables 8 and 9,
which are taken from Eichoro et al.
(1978) who revised the older data
from Muller et al. (1977a) with
correction of the K/Ca ratios (Table

t,6. _, r i II -----------_-....__,/ 8). Fuller descriptions of the targets

- Muller et al. (1977a,b) analyzed

_9,_86 : clasts and groundmass in two

schlieren-rich gray matrix, the other

29 9 just gray matrix, with about 50%

o3 microsubophitic melt. The data

__[ B _ _o;. recognizable clasts in a
36_2,_ 6"2--_
_2,:_121_ ,o, breccia-forming event
indicate clearly that degassing
during the of
_._J _.--- _j J argon was incomplete on a scale of
', ','.3 8.5 7.'---. ,19
tens of microns. The three

_5:,_ . _ _ ae 22-3 26 groandmass

agree within age determinations
error at 4.01 Ga, but
_ plagioclase clasts
older ages and show
some variedly
0 1 2 3 cm including felsites, have younger
.... ages (about 3.90 Ga). The most
likely of possible alternative
Figure 22: Map of slab sample locations and allocated material for 73215; explanations is that the younger
see Table 6. (From James and Blanchard, 1976). ages represent an upper limit to the
262_AMPLE 73215

Table 7: Summary of argon ages for 73215 materials, using new decay of the breccia-forming event cannot
constants. Jessberger et al. (1978). be determined directly from the
aphanite data, but must be inferred
from clast data, particularly the
K-At Age '*Ar-39ArPlateau Age felsites, which give an age of 3.83
Subnumber Sample AE AE +[- 0.05 Ga (new constants). Figure
25 shows that many 73215
43,3 felsite clast 3.83 3.87 ± .01 aphanites have model ages greater
36.2 black "/ 3.77 3.93 ± .01 than 4.5 Ga; one possible
41.1 black matrix 3.93 3.99 ± .03
46.44 light gray _ 3.90 397 ± .01 explanation is volatile loss of Rb
73;1 gray aphanites 4.03 4.09 ± .01 during melt formation, although it
177,1 schlieren-rich [ 4.04 4.07 ± .04 is not known whether the "excess"-
grayJ age component is the melt phase or
38,32,5 gray spheroid 3.98 4.03 ± .01 a clast phase. Compston et al.
38.57.4 gray spheroid 4.05 4.10 ± .03 (1977a) note that if the older Ar
/ vesicular black 3.92 3.97 ± .01 ages result from incomplete
46,7,3 "_ elast degassing and the older Rb-Sr
3.97 4.03 ± .Ol model ages result from Rb loss,
46,19,5 _ black clast
(/ non-vesicular
non-vesicular I'clast 4.08 4.18 + .01 then there should be a reciprocal
46.10,7 _ relationship between the At age and
46,6,1 _"blaCkdark
grayClaStclast [ _aphanites 4.05 4,11 ± .07 the K content of apbanites, but such
38,39,1,1 troctolite vein 3.90 • 3.95 ± .06 a correlation is in fact weak, and
4.05 ± .05 degassing and volatilization must
38,39,1,I feldspathic clast 4.13 [ 4.22 ± .03 be complex.
4.00 ± .02
29.9,6 1 4.10 t 4.18 ± .01 James et al. (1975) reported data
I anorthositic _"4.02 ± .01 from a U, Th, and Pb isotopic study

46,25.5 ( gabbro 4.07 _. 4.20 ± .01 of black matlix material. On a

elasts f 4.02 ± .01 concordia diagram the 73215 data
46,33,4 ) 4.09 _ 4.16 ± .01 fall within the field defined by
other Apollo 17 melt breccias such
as Boulder 1, Station 2 and the
age of the breccia-forming melt age. The older age of Jessberger et North Massif melt boulders (Fig.
event (and not a subseqent heating al. (1976a) must clearly reflect the 26). The data plot very roughly
even0, and older ages represent presence of undegassed ciasts, along a chord with intersections at
incomplete degassing during that 4.4-4.5 and 4.0 Ga, suggesting old
event. The groundmass melt "age" Compston et al. (1977a,b) reported components strongly modified by
of 4.01 Ga then has no real Rb-Sr isotopic data on six bulk outgassing during the breccia-
chronological significance, and matrix and five aphanitic clasts in forming event. James et al. (1976)
represents incomplete degassing of 73215 (Table 10). The range in reported Nd isotopic data for a
even the silicate liquid phase, or a Rb/Sr results principally from sample of black matrix (also plotted
stiU-appreciable content of very differences in the Rb contents and in a Figure in Lugmair et al., 1975).
tiny, undegassed clasts, or gain of reflects mainly a variation in feisite The 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51185 +/-
argon by the melt from the clasts clast content. At breccia formation 0.00003 is lower than chondritic
during cooling. Eichom et al. (about 3.83 G-a, new constants) evolution, and the data require at
(1978) analyzed aphanitic clast there were small differences in least a two-stage evolution, with a
material that was black, and which 87Sr/86Sr ratios; data for the stage very early in lunar history
had given an anomalously old age matrices are correlated along a with Sm/Nd even lower than in the
by Ar-Ar (Jessberger et al., 1976a). mixing line that passes near though present breccia.
The purpose was to establish the not exactly through the felsite data.
ages of various components of Mixing is evident, with the low Rb A fission track age for a whitlockite
clasts and melt groundmass (Table members consisting of feldspathic clast (James et al., 1975; Braddy et
9). The results strongly support the materials with low intitial al. 1975a,b; and Goswami et al.
suggestion that the black aphanite 87Sr/86Sr and material with higher 1976a,b) using a Lexan mapping
clast is cogenetic with the main initial ratios. The data shown in technique is 4.05 (+0.05, -0.08) Ga,
matrix samples; a feisic glass clast Fig. 25, which includes data for with uncertainties resulting from
is the same age as that of other Boulder 1, Station 2, emphasizes corrections for cosmic my
felsic clasts and the breccia- such differences and demonstrates exposure. The age is in reasonable
forming event, i.e. 3.89 Ga, and the the lack of Sr isotope equilibration agreement as a compaction age for
groundmass itself gives a similar on a 1 cm to 1 nun scale. The age

0 05 t.{ 05 _0 0 0.5 tO
u JO tO

_k 6
" . 6

-_ 44 4.4

_ 40 _ _ _ 40
... 38 _ _ 3.8
3.6 e) b} D) 36
s, 7s_ts.41.1 7s_IS.TS.
J t77.i
_s2rs. 3q_

32 32

o o's 1.o/ I I I I I I

_2 2
_4.4 c 44

38 -- 3.8

_ 31. 73215,41,I 73215,38,57,4 73215,46,10,7 34


0 05 I._ 2 OS 1.0 0.5 1.0

o ;_ " " 4

_z • z

L " ,.o

_J6 a} _Z__b) L _ o) l.z

"_32 c;_ 3.2

1,_ 1%

- 8

42 -

,=_ 4.0
_38 _ 38

_ -_ _) .) f) _,
_ 3 4 73215,29,9,6 73215,46.25,$ _ 73215, 46,33,4 3.4
'_3.2 32

ols o!_ ,_ o!s

_"R_._'_ FR_T,ON

Figure 23: Ar release diagrams and ages for 73215 materials; ages are for old constants and should be reduced by
about 0.06 Ga for new decay constants. Jessberger et al. (1977a). Key: Part 1, a) black matrix, b) gray matrix, c)
shlieren-rich gray matrix, d) black matrix plotted against 37Ar*, e) gray aphanite spheroid, .I) black aphanite clast.
Part 2, a) dark gray aphanite clast, b) olivine in troctolite vein, c) feldspathic clast, d)-J) feldspathic granulites
("anorthositic gabbros").
264--_AMPLE 73215


£ o 2
Figure 24: Ar release diagrams and ages 4
for 73215 materials; ages arefor old 2
constants and should be reduced by about c

et (1977a). _ a7 ,_a7
_4.1_.,----_-,_ [
29 3.."
i3.3 46.7.3 i< 46.19.5
Z5 Zc

8 81°

m3.8 Lu4.0

z 38.32.5 Z
__&8 3.3

3.O .... _&7


o L.q
°20 2_ __ _:_ :L_ :!


_3.: 36.2 <4: BLACK HATRIX

,_ ] __ACK
MA'rR;X _3_ 46.

2_, Z4H
o loo _Gb
SAMPLE 73215--265

Table 8: Laser argon results for aphantic matrix material in 73215; new decay constants.
Originally from Muller et al. (1977a.b), revised by Eichom et al. (1978) in simplified form.

Material Age
K/Ca *°ArK/_gAr_ (G.y.)

Matrix sample 73215,177 unheated

Groundmass .021 7700 3.96
:t:.001 ±1.57 ±.03

Matrix sample 73215,177 preheated to 550°C

Groundmass .021 79.70 4.01

3..002 ±3.98 ±.07
Center of 0.28 mm plagioelase clast .008 87.56 4.17
±.001 ±5.29 3-.08
Centers of 29 40-125 #m plagioclase ¢lasts .0[ 1 84.01 4.10
±.002 ±2.28 ±.04
0.24 mm clast of devitrified maskelynite .012 85.56 4A3
±.002 ±3.04 ±.05

Matrix sample 73215,131 preheated to 550°C

Groundmass .021 76.63 3.93

±.001 ±122 ±.02
Groundmass in elast-poor matrix .030 79.57 3.99
±.001 ±1.88 ±.03
Granulated 0.4 mm core of 0.9 mm anorthosite clast .007 7 I. 18 3.81
:t:.001 ±2.14 ±.134
Granulated 0.4 mm core of 0.9 mm anorthosite clast, .008 65.87 3.69
repolished ±.001 ±2.03 ±.04
Recrystallized rim of 0.9 mm anorthosite clast .009 78.22 3.96
±.001 ±2.31 ±.04
0.4 mm elast of recrystallized anorthosite .010 79.00 3.98
±.001 ±3.06 ±.05
0.4 mm clast of recrystallized anorthosite, repolished .011 80.98 4.02
±.001 ±2.32 ±.04
0.15 mm elast of felsite (vermicular intergrowth of K-feldspar, 1.328 82.34 4.04
quartz, and plagioelase) ± 1.328 ±5.44 ±.09
0.25 mm clast of felsie glass 2.788 75.18 3.90
±.971 ±1.84 ±.03
0.25 mm clast of felsie glass, repolished 1.787 69.89 3.78
±1.787 ±.63 ±.01

Matrix sample 73215,131 preheated to 750°C

Granulated 0.4 mm core of 0.9 mm anorthosite elast .007 74.I3 3.89

±.001 ±1.12 ±.02
0.25 mm clast of felsic glass 1.683 73.09 3.85
3.1.683 ±0.55 ±.01

_Data from Miiller et al. (1977) recalculated using "new" preferred values for the isotopic
composition of K, the decay constants, and the monitor composition (see text). K/Ca values have also
been revised because the previously published values were in error.
266--SAMPLE 73215

Table 9: Laser argon results for black aphanite clast material and inclusions. Eichorn et al. (1978a).

Analysis Number Age

Number Maleriai of Pulses _°Ar _*Ar* 3gAr* J_Ar _6Ar* K/Ca _'Ar_/l*Arx (G.y)

Black aphanile clast 73215,46,10 preheated to 650:'C

L (t191311 Groundmass _100 525 5 687 3 91 107 479 034 763 390
±2 5 ±12 ±69 ±9 ±1 37 _003 ±14 ±03

2 (091331 Groundmass _100 5540 7 45 5 34 116 7.81 034 740 386

1:26 ±.13 ±32 ±4 ±76 ±002 ±14 ±03
(01212) Center of 025 x 0.40 mm _35 2326 285 1 61 241 1.21 006 817 401
plagioclase elast A ±2 0 ± 24 _28 ±28 ±49 ± 001 ±6 8 :c I l
4 _012.6) Plagioclase clasl A, republished 60 777 4 9.58 5.60 612 2 69 008 81 2 4 00
±56 t.22 ±39 ±72 ±.45 •001 ±20 ±(13

5 (012,2t 75 x 100 _m felsic glass clast 13 2442 3 23 .51 92 .09 019 75.7 3.89
t28 ±23 _.15 ±61 ±09 ±.013 ±54 ±.10

6 (012541 130_mdast of K-Ca rich 10 6590 7.96 12 19 37 216 828 403

p_agioclase ±36 ± 23 ±12 tl9 ± 37 • 216 ±24 _04
7 (02(133) 130gmclastofK Ca-rich 8 1139.8 1353 34 39 08 185 843 406
plagioclase, repolished ±6.1 ± 46 x 26 ±39 ± 08 ± 185 ±2 9 ±05

Informafon given in footnote to Table t applies to the dala presented in this table as well. Blank levels for _Ar, _gAr. 3*Ar, J_Ar, and J_Ar were
respectively: 4 _, 79. 280, 12.4. and 740 for measurements I 2; and 6.8, I 4, 25. 2.5, and 7 6 for the remaining measurements.
'*gAr. J_Ar, and J_Ar correcled for n-induced conlributions from Ca; _*Ar also corrected for n-induced conlributions from K

Table 10: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 73215 whole-rock chip aphanite samples. Compston et al. (1977a).

Rb Sr 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr

46A0.6 Black A 22.2 4.83 137.1 .1016 .70551 +6

clast B 10. l 5.02 143.7 .1007 .70551 -+ 5

38,57.5 A 17.7 2.94 155.4 .0546 .70283 = 8

Gray spheroid B 20.0 3.02 150.4 .0579 .70308 _ 5

157 Heterogeneous A 24.0 5.96 139.8 .1231 .70649- + 5

black matrix B 25.4 5.67 138.6 .1179 .70626 -+ 5

258 Heterogeneous A 43.1 3.01 145.8 .0595 .70315-+5

black matrix B 28.8 2.88 141.4 .0588 .70300 + 5

46,45 Light- A 21.2 2.26 139.3 .0467 .70255-+6

gray matrix B 16.9 2.33 140.4 .0478 .70243 -+ 5

178 Schlieren- A 25.3 3.46 138.9 .0719 .70390 -+5

rich gray matrix B 23.5 3.24 139.9 .0669 .70355 -+5

38,49 Black A 16.6 8.20 146.9 .1612 .70926-+7

matrix B 15.4 8.32 148.5 .1618 .70919+-5

46,102 Gray A 6.21 3.27 131.2 .0720 .70369-+5

aphanite clast
46,102 Gray B 6.77 3.45 133.3 .0747 .70392 + 5
aphanite clast

38,32 Gray A 15.7 7.16 147.2 .1405 .70785+-5

spheroid B 19.4 6.87 148.8 .1333 .70739-+5
46,19 Black
aphanite clasts 25.6 3.65 136.1 .0773 .70427 -+ 5

36,3 Black I 22.2 58.2 165.4 1.0214 .75908-+ 5

matrix II 21.4 10.53 173.5 0.1753 .70969+-5
SAMPLE 73215--267


• 73215




8'32 • _k72275.52 "80


// _ o157


-699 _46.102

Figure 25: Sr evolution diagram for 73215 aphanite materials, after removal of radiogenic 87Sr produced since
3.83 Ga (new constants). Compston et al. (1977a).

!.3 BRECCIA 73215 O
A_olyst: k. T. S;Iver

1.2 F,_ and

N .....
r / / 500 _'_-
O _'_
_6pb .J +_-_
,., .4500 ,//
/ 4

// 1 I I I I i I I I 1 I I _
48 60 80 1(30 120 140

2O7pb/235 U

Figure26: U-Pb concortdia diagram for a 73215 matrix sample and other Apollo 17 breccia materials. James et
aL (1975).
268--SAMPLE 73215

the breccia with results from the Ar lization that affected them. The age is 4.5 +/-.2 Ga, hence the
and Sr systems, alternative that the melting event in impactite could be very old.
the clast took place at about 4.0 Ga
The feldspathic impactite and that incorporation into 73215 Other feldspathic and troctolitic
Canorthositic gabbro") clasts were had only minor effects is an clasts were analyzed in the argon
included in the argon studies of unpreferred alternative explanation, and the strontium studies.
Jessberger et al. (1976a, b) and Jessberger et al. (1976a) analyzed a
Eichorn et al. (1978a, b), and the Compston et al. (1977a,b) feldspathic clast that gave results
strontium studies of Compston et performed Rb-Sr isotopic studies similar to those of the feldspathic
al. (1977a,b). Jessberger et al. on separates from two of the impactites (Fig. 23), with an older,
(1976a) stated that the releases feldspathic granulites Canorthositic higher temperature plateau and a
(Fig. 23) for three samples had gabbros") (Table 13, Fig. 27). younger, lower temperature
distinct two step plateaus: Sample ,29,9 has enough dispersion plateau. Olivines picked from a
intermediate-temperature ones with among plagioclase, olivine, and stringer or vein do not give a good
ages of about 4.0 Ga (new bulk rock to define an imprecise plateau and the errors are large
constants) and high-temperature isochron at 4.18 +/- 0.31 Ga (new because of the small amount of K
ones with ages of about 4.16-4.22 constants) with an initial 87Sr/86Sr in the sample. The spectrum shows
Ga (new constants). The K/Ca of 0.69918 +/-0.0016. There is a steady decrease in ages with
ratios do not show concomitant inadequate dispersion among the temperature, possibly a result of
changes. The lower age analyzed phases from ,45,25 to recoil from included material, and
corresponds roughly with the define an isochron, although the the overall age is low, less than 4.0
breccia-forming event age, and is data is consistent with the ,29,9 Ga. Several of the fragments in the
interpreted by Jessberger et al. isochron. Model ages based on melt analyzed using laser release by
(1977a) as thermal resetting by that BABI are about 4.3 Ga and Muller et al. (1977a,b) were
event that left some material supposedly constitute older limits feldspars or feldspathic materials
incompletely degassed. The older on the age of the observed melting, and gave a variety of ages from
ages are thus lower limits on the If the systems were not entirely 4.17 Ga to 3.69 Ga (Table 8). The
age of the parent material. Two of closed during incorporation into sample of feldspathic material
these clasts were also studied by 73215, then the olivine model age analyzed for Rb-Sr isotopes by
laser release methods, which also of ,29,9 might be a better estimate Compston et al. (1977a,b) (Table
show a range of ages (Tables 11 of its age; such a model
and 12) (Muller et al. 1977a;
Eichorn et al., 1978a,b). For the zo,o ANORTHO$1TIC
CLASTS _99°t'v'"E 0/
laser release studies, the samples BRECCIA
were pre-heated as for the aphanites
(above) and the ages are K-Ar on "S¢_sr
the more retentive phases. Small 424-_o3_
spots (30-60 micron half-spheres) .7030 -_s_,6 i
were targetted, and ranged from
cores of large and small
plagioclases to small interstitial .... _ ..... c...... _;
phases and rims. Plagioclase was .7o2o_ _f O ............
the dominant phase being [ .......... •©'_
show that cores of plagioclase ........
crystals have higher ages (4.11-4.28
Ga, new constants) and .zo_o
recrystallized and apparent melt •
products Theyounger
results t / _/..............
3.88 Ga). The pattern of dates is ze '_-,...... _
reasonably consistent with /
production by partial outgassing zooo
through grains
boundaries andthealong
when clastsgrain
were _ //-_ 4_0_ REFERENCE
incorporated in 73215, although not _ .... _°'_ "Rb,_S_
all of the observations fit such a _o I
process. The combined data for the .o2 o4 o6 .oa
two clasts set a lower limit of 4.26 Figure 27: Strontium evolution diagram for feldspathic impactite and
Ga on the date of the high- granulated feMspathic material in 73215. Calculated ages are for the old
temperature melting/recr_stal- decay constants. Compston et al. (1977a).
SAMPLE 73215--269

Table 11: Laser argon release data for feldspathic impactite ,46,25 (new constants). Efchorn et al. (1978a).

Analysis Number .\ge

Number Material of Pulses _Ar _gAr* _SAr* _Ar 56Ar* K/Ca _Arx/39ArK IG_ )

Sample 73215,46,25 preheated to 650_C

I. (10184) Centers of two 0.3 mm relict cores, grains A + B _80 938.4 9.69 4 36 264 7.10 .019 96.5 4 28
±4.4 ±.09 ±.39 +-27 ±.67 ±.002 -*10 z01
2. (01181) Intermediate zone in relict core of grain A (after re- 36 431.8 4.76 3 36 362 2.28 .007 90.7 4 18
polishing) ±2.8 ±.22 _+.45 ±62 +.32 ±.001 -*4.2 ±.06
3. (01191) Intermediate zone in relict core of grain B (after re- 34 508.4 5.70 3.54 412 2.37 .007 891 4 I5
polishing) ±3.5 ±.21 _+.45 ±46 ±.61 ±.001 ±3.4 ±05
4. (12222) 0.3 mm relict core of grain C 67 467 7 5.30 3.52 380 2.59 007 88.2 414
±2.7 ±.2l ±.27 ±37 ±.39 ±.001 ±3.6 ±06
5. (10186) Eight 0.13_k20 mm relict cores, grains E-L _100 1003.0 I 1.55 7.90 561 8.91 .011 86.7 4.11
±2.4 ±.15 ±.73 ±11 ±.52 ±.001 ±12 ±02
6. (01185) Five 0.06M).10 mm relict cores, grains M-Q 42 385.2 4.36 279 265 2.02 009 88.2 4 14
±3.9 ±.22 .c26 ±31 -+.50 ±.001 ±4.6 ±.07
7. (01174) Core-rim boundary of grain C (after repolishing) _75 521.0 6.33 4.24 463 2.59 007 82.4 4.03
1.4.8 ±.24 -*.21 ±66 ±.50 ±.001 ±3,2 ±05
8. (01183) Rim of grain A (after repolishing) 35 517.6 6.31 427 480 2.61 007 82.0 4.02
_t3.6 ±.21 ±.52 ±54 ±.68 ±.O01 ±2.8 ±.05
9, (01176) Rim of grain C (after repolishing) 30 488.8 584 3.38 435 2.69 007 83.7 4.05
±5.8 ±.23 ±.26 ±52 ±.27 ±.00l ±3.4 ±.06
10. (01195) Rims of five grains (M-Q) containing relict cores _55 415.7 5.06 2.84 342 1.24 .008 82.2 402
±2.5 ±.22 ±.24 ±55 ±.22 ±.001 -+3.6 ±.06
11. (10191) Centers of 0.1 mm recrystatlized grains plus rims of _100 838.7 10.43 7.27 541 732 010 80.3 3.99
gralnsA and B ±3.6 ±.15 ±1.15 ±6 ±1.26 -+.001 ±1.2 ±.02
12. (10198) Edges of grains bordering olivine _100 868.6 11.76 10.19 604 12.02 .010 73.6 3.85
±2.6 ±.15 ±62 ±15 ±.67 ±.001 ±1.0 -*.02
13. (01197) Edges of grains bordering olivine _55 1014.0 14.06 8.73 895 5.29 .008 72.1 381
±4.4 ±.43 ±.49 ±164 ±.61 ±002 ±2.2 ±.04
14. (10188) Small grains plus pyroxene in oikocrysts _120 499.0 6.60 6.95 438 7.62 .008 75.4 3.88
±3.2 ±.12 ±.73 ±14 ±.70 ±.001 ±1.4 -*03
15. (10182) Small grains plus pyroxene in oikocrysts 100-120 1102.5 15.15 16.72 938 2415 009 723 3.82
±85 ±,19 ±.65 J'20 ±.74 ±001 ±12 ±.02

Sample 73215,46,25 preheated to 850°C

16. (01262) Edges of grain bordering olivine 68 726.3 8.75 5.64 498 327 009 830 4 04
±3.7 ±.22 ±.21 ±57 ±.68 ±.001 +2.t z04

Sample 73215,46.25 preheated to 900°C

17. (02013) Center of 0.25 mmrelict core of grain D 59 787.1 9.12 4.44 493 2.77 010 86.3 4 10
±2.9 ±23 +.26 ±94 ±54 ±.002 +-22 x03
18. (01311) Edge of relict core of grain A (after second repolish- 55 595.3 6,30 4.00 587 3.25 .006 944 4.25
ing) ±2.7 ±24 ±.31 ±63 ±.43 -*.001 -+37 z.05
19. (02031) Rim of grain A (after second repolishing) 42 263.6 2.88 1.86 161 1.31 .009 91 5 4 20
±2.5 ±.21 ±.28 ±49 ±.58 ±.003 ±6.8 z l0
20. (02015) Rim of grain D 36 408.9 444 2.06 359 159 .007 920 4 21
±2.4 ±.22 ±.11 _53 -+.56 ±.001 _*46 -*07
21. (01313) Edges of grains bordering olivine 57 426.2 473 4.44 464 3.12 .005 90 I 4 17
±3.1 ±.21 ±.56 ±63 ±.54 ±.001 t:4 I z06
22. (02011) Small grains plus pyroxene in oikocrysts 59 254.8 2.75 2.43 257 55 .006 925 421
±2.1 ±.22 ±.32 ±41 ±.43 ±.001 *-7 5 = I1

Walues are in 10-_ cm 3 STP; all values are corrected for blank. As the volume of material melted by each laser pulse is somewhat variable, x_ehave
not attempted to estimate gas concentrations in the rock sample (see text). Blank levels for 4°Ar, 3SAr, 3tAr. and _Ar were. respectively: 4.8..79.28 0.
12.4, and 74.0 for measurements I. 5. I 1. 12. 14. and 15; and 6.8, 1.4, 2.5. 2,5, and 7.6 for the remaining measurements. The blank is mainl_ the mass
spectrometer tube background; the change in blank values was correlated with a change of the mass spectrometer multiplier and the accompanying
bake outs. The blank for _Ar was variable by a factor of about 2; variation in the _gAr blank for the first set of measurements was ±0.04 × 10-'-" cm:
STP and for the second set of measurements was ±.2 × t0 -_2 cm _ STP Gas samples in which the level of the JgAr from the rock was less than t_ice
the blank level were found to give unreliable results so we have not reported analyses of such samples. Uncertainties reported in the ages are one
standard deviation and indicate precision only, to facilitate intercomparison of the data; the absolute uncertainty is 0.02 G_. /lol.
*S9Ar, _aAr. and J*Ar corrected for n-induced contributions from Ca; 3_Ar also corrected for n-induced contributions from K. "
270--SAMPLE 73215

Table 12: Laser argon release data for feldspathic impactite ,29,9 (new constants).
Efchom et al. (1978a). Data revised from Muller et al (1977a).

Material Age
K/Ca _'Ar _/39ArK (G y}

Sample 73215,29,9 unheated

_0 4 mm relicl core of _08 mm grain 012 9016 4.21

±001 ± I 97 ± 03

Sample 73215,29,9 preheated to 550°C

_0,4 mm relict core of _08 rnm grain 006 9853 4 36

±.001 ±562 ±08
_0.4 mm relict core of _0 g mm grain 006 95.21 430
±001 ±388 ±.06
_0.4 mm relict core of b08 mm grain .007 97 75 4.35
_'OOI ±5 84 ±,08
Three _(I 2 mm relict cores in _06 mm grains 0_0 95 79 4,31
±001 ±300 ±,04
Centers of 48 075-.230 mal melt-derived grains 008 82 29 4.07
±001 ±210 ±.03

:Data from MfJller et al (1977) recalculated using "new" preferred values for the Isotopic
composition of K. the decay constanls, and the monitor composition (see text). K/Ca values have also
been revised because the previously published values were in error

Table 13: Rb-Sr data for clasls of feldspathic impactite (anorthositic gabbro), granulated feldspathic
material, and the felsite from 73215. Compston et al. (19774).

(mg) Rb ppm Sr ppm STRb/_Sr STSr/S6Sr

A. 29,9 A 19.0 2.43 167.0 .0420 .70175 -+ 5

l. total-rock B 21.l 2.48 167.2 .0427 .70173-+5
2. plagioclase A 5.0 1.45 208.6 .0201 .70038 -+ 5
B 6.2 1.63 185.9 .0253 .70078 -+6
3. olivine I 2.1 .40 15.45 .0755 .70406 _+23
olivine lI 5.3 .70 39.2 .0510 .70220 -+ 8

B. 46,25 A 16.8 2.21 143.4 .0444 .70185--.5

1. total-rock B 21.1 2.31 143.5 .0465 .70195±6
A 5.6 3.55 193.1 .0531 .70238 -+5
2. plagioclase B 5.0 3.22 181.0 .0513 .70237-+8

C. 46,102 feldspathic A 23.7 1.77 154.3 .03316 .70144-+5

material B 25.9 1.76 154.8 .03278 .70139-+5
2. ptagioclase A 3.00 0.46 199.8 .00666 .69950-+ 5
B 2.52 0.56 207.2 .00777 .69955 -+ 5

D. 46,10 plagioclase 4.1 1.55 202.4 .0221 .70043 -+ 5


E. 43,1V felsite chip 1.62 255.5 158.0 4.666 .96616-+6

43,III glass 0.55 252.0 91.9 7.910 1.14662-+8
43,II grey fraction 1.19 290.0 156.4 5.350 1.00460-+8
43,I white fraction 0.84 342.8 213.4 4.634 .96423-+5
SAMPLE 73215--271

r-7 I I I I
x-" °8

O .6 --

5.O I I I I
< Pink spinel-bearing troctolitic basalt
< 950
4.0 lo_o
< 3.0 I I I I
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Figure 28: Apparent age and K/Ca spectra for a pink-spinel bearing troctolitic basalt in 73215. Jessberger et al.

12) is probably polymict and might The felsite clast ,43,3 was analyzed
contain some 73215 matrix by stepwise argon release by RARE GAS AND EXPOSURE
material. Its bulk analysis falls Jessberger et al. (1977a,b), and
significantly above the feldspathie gave a good plateau at 3.86 +/- Rare gas analysis shows that
impacdte isochron, and even above 0.01Ga (new constants). The felsite trapped solar wind gases are
the 4.44 Ga reference isochron was molten at the time of essentially absent from 73215
through BABI. In contrast, incorporation, so this age dates that (James et al., 1975a). Trapped Ne
separated plagioclase falls below of resetting of the felsite rather than
and Ar are less than 3 x 10"8cc/g.
the feldspathie impactite isochron, its primary crystallization age; it is
James et al. (1975a) reported a Kr-
also the best definition of the age of Kr exposure age of 243 +l-7 Ma for
Jessberger et al. (1979) reported the melt and breccia formation. Rb-
argon temperature release data for a Sr isotopic data (Compston et al., black matrix (both Kr and Xe are
clast of pink spinel-bearing 1977a,b) for the same felsite (Table dominantly from in situ-produeed
ttoctolitiC basalt (Fig. 28). This 13 and Figure 29) give an age of spallation and neutron-capture).
clast has been interpreted to contain 3.84 +/- 0.05 Ga (new constants), in 38Ar exposure ages for three
indigenous, not meteoritic, good agreement with the argon age. matrix chips reported in the same
siderophites, and to have first The slope of the isochron is study are about the same: 185, 217,
crystallized rapidly and later to controlled largely by the melted and 227 +/- 30 Ma. A moderate
have suffered partial granulations brown glass, and the age is that of amount of shielding during
and recrystallization, and then the aggregation. The Rb-Sr model irradiation is indicated by the data,
fragmentation. The age spectrum age of a "total-rock" chip gives a on average about 10-15 cm of rock
shows a two-step pattern similar to maximum crystallization age of or soil. The data can be interpreted
that of the feldspathie impactites, 3.94 Ga. Felsic glasses analyzed in as dominantly a simple exposure
with an upper age of 4.46 +/- 0.04 the laser argon studies also give history with one irradiation of
Ga which must be a minimum age ages in the 3.85 +/- 0.05 Ga range about 243 Ma, or a more complex
for the melting. The younger age of (Muller et al., 1977a,b; Eichorn et multi-stage irradation; the latter
about 3.94 +/- 0.07 Ga is in al., 1978a, b). seems less likely.
agreement with the age of breccia-
272--SAMPLE 73215

,_ phase. Braddy et al. (1975a,b) and

/ / ,/_" Goswami et al. (1976a, b) used such
73215 FELSITE / // track data to estimate the

"s ' "s

/ /
compaction age of 73215 (see
3"_ . above).

,os _E_RENC_ / / \\ ferromagnetic
Housley resonance
et al. (1976) studies of
I _991o )/ / _ 73215 and established that it did
/ / 3.9o ±.os_ 1 not have the FMR
characteristic intensity
of glassy

/ o
/ .zo65_.oo39 j agglutinates.

_oo_ properties of 73215 was made by

Brecher (1975, 1976a, b,c; also
partly reported in James et al.
1975a,b). She concluded that there
"_b/'_, are intimate interrelationships
o_ _/n A detailedthestudy
between of the petrographic
dominant magnetic
4o 5o _0 z0 80 features and the magnetization
behaviour that she terms textural
Figure 29: Internal Rb-Sr isochron for a felsite clast in 73215. Age stated remanent magnetism. The samples
is for old decay constants; new constant gives 3.84 +/- 0.05 Ga for the age used were two cubes (3.4 g and 1.9
of the feIsite. Compston et aL (1977a). g) from 5 centimeters apart and
mutually oriented. Both were
Jessberger et al. (1977a; 1978a) Hutchcon et al. (1974b) measured aphanitic matrix materials, one
reported 38At cosmic ray exposure track densities in 73215 and black and one gray. Small chips of
ages for several matrix and clast suggested that it had had a very similar material were subjected to
samples, including aphanitic clasts, complex irradiation history. The thermomagnetic analysis. The
feldspathic impactite clasts, and the exposed surfaces are saturated with average Fe ° (0.121 and 0.15 wt%)
felsite. All have the same exposure impact pits (according to Horz), and Fe 2+ (6.31 and 6.35 wt%) of
within uncertainty and average 244 hence at least a million years of
+/-9 Ma, very close to the reported exposure is suggested; the bottom the cubes show the low degrees of
had no craters, so there was no reduction typical of crystalline
Kr-Kr ages. The 38Ar exposure age highlands rocks and the sample
for the pink spinel troctolitic basalt turnover in that time frame.
However, the track density profile show no evidence of a previous
reported by Jessberger et al. (1979) regolith history. Multi-domain
at 256 +/-10 Ma is also in from the top to the bottom is metal grains dominate the magnetic
agreement within uncertainty, virtually flat: 5 x 106ffcm 2 at 1.6 behaviour and the thermomagnetic
cm; 4.0 x 106t/cm 2 at 4.8 cm; and analyses establish that they have
O'KeUey et al. (1974a, b) reported 3.7 x 106t/cm 2 at 6.7 cm. A long meteoritic Ni.
cosmogenic nuclide data for the irradiation (more than 50 Ma) in a
bulk rock 73215, measured soon different orientation at a few The initial magnetic moments
after splashdown. Their discussion centimeters depth is required, with (Natural Remanent Magnetization,
mainly concerns the August 1972 the prediction of a long spallation or NRM) were similar in the cubes
solar flare event. 73215 appears to age (which is in fact the case), as received and decayed only a
have been at least partly shielded Hutcheon et al. (1974b) found no little in two months storage in a
from that flare, having low 54Mn, solar flare track density gradient zero field; thus acquisition of a
56Co, and 46Sc compared with near the surface of the sample viscous remanence from earth's
other nuclides. Yokoyama et al. measured. Nord and James (1977a) field is probably negligible. The
(1974) used the saturation of 26A1 also found track densities consistent cubes were subjected to standard
with those of Hutcheon et al. AF demagnetization (Fig. 30); the
and 22Na data to determine that the (1974b); one quartz grain showed NRM is rather soft. The
rock had had an exposure of at least higher densities that are probably a microcoercivity spectra of both
a few million years, result of an adjacent U-Th-rich

cubes (Figure 33), from which the

FeDandFe2+ contentsare
determined.The average values of
NORMALIZED _,F DEMAGNETIZATION the hysteresis parameters(Table
o, _R_oo_
_R_, 14) confirmthe predominanceof

0.8 o . ,32,s.34 multi-domainmagneticgrains.
°"_ i/ -.. Brecher(1976b) measuredthe
o.U_ _ magnetic anisotropyby three
o, different methods to detect the
03_ presence ofthe magnetic fabric
02 implied by the directional
o.,__i __
o O'6 V
behaviour of the NRM. She used
_o 5o,oo Eo0 30o 4oo 5oo
HAF (oe)
high-field anisotropy, where a
comparison of the derived
hysteresis loop parameters for the
IOEVAF DEMAGNETIZATION of NRM ond IRM, ol'thogonal directionsindicatesthat
NRM IRM, both cubes are magnetically
21 o anisotropic. The anisotropy differs
732,5,34 o : in sense and magnitude for each
_-'-_-%4 magnetic parameter. Anistropy in
---_-- --"_"_---.--..... the acquisition of anhysteric
remanent magnetization (ARM)
indicates that both samples have
A tG" anisotropy in the same sense but to
° different degrees; the actual value
_ for the degree of anisotropy is

'65-", qualitative conclusion may be

drawn that the gray matrix sample
has a more pronouncedmagnetic
" _, • fabric.Low-field
probably anisotropic
meaningless. The
'6_ "',.o.__xx_._ susceptiblilty also shows that the
two breceias are magnetically
anisotropic, and probably as a result
of a magnetic fabric mimetic to the
Lo _o,_o z_o 3_o 4_o 5oo'-- observed rock fabric.Brecher
(b) H,_(o,)_ (1976a,b,c) discusses in some
detail the model of textural
Figure 30: Absolute (a) and normalized (b) demagetization curves of remanent magnetism.
natural and saturation remanence in two cubes of 73215 matrix. (Brecher
NRM and satmationremanenceare Thermomagneticera'yesare SUBDIVISIONS
similarin the two samples, with the reproducedas Figure32. The
saturationremanenceabout 50x the samples were heated to 850 degrees Following separationof a few small
NRM. Figure 31 summarizes the C. The relmXluciblethermal chips, 73215 was sawn in late 1973,
directionalchanges.A stableand hysteresis loops show thatno producing end pieces (,8, 140 g;
possibly primordial NRM should chemical changes took plae. The and ,9, 644 g) and a slab (,10)
show directionalconvergence.The two samples are nearlyidentical, about1.5 cm thick (Fig. 2).
initial NRM directionsof the two and the major phase is kamncite. Because of the complex structure of
samples aredifferent (points The transformation temperature the rock, lithological maps were
marked0 in Fig. 31), in fact almost (gammato alpha) corresponds with constructed to assist processing and
reversed.Cleaningin high fields aNi contentof about 5%; the allocation correlations(Figs. 4 and
results in oscillations with cooling behaviourindicatesthat 22) for the consortiumstudy led by
directionsclose to shearor other only 1% of the metal is pure Feo. O. James. The slab was greatly
planes.Both the initialand Some low temperatureinflections subdividedby sawing (Fig. 22). A
convergence directionsof probablyresult from sulfides. Full large numberof thin sections from
magnetization are distinctly magnetization curves and hysteresis several pieces were cut fromthis
different in the two matrixcubes, loops were obtained for the two rock, and allocations for many

types of studywere made. In 1989

a furthexslab was cut fromend
piece ,9, which is now 372 g. This
slabpiece brokeinto pieces and
allocations were made of clasts for
chemical and petrographic studies.
_Er_f_B_,C STruCtUReS

......................... i--o/ {........

Figure 31: Directional behaviour _'. l .

of NRM and the orientation of the _oo ! I

relative to petrofabric features of ' , i
the two cubes from 73215. Brecher
magneticsusceptibilityellipsoid , (__ i_ _ , , ,


' [ ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ] ' I
Jo_ @ .... 732h5, 65 (GREY)
-- 75215,85 (BLACK)

behaviour for the cubes from o

73215; Curves (1) are heating and

(2) are cooling. Brecher (1976b). _

Figure 32: Thermomagnetic ;o

I00 20(3 300 400 B 0 6 0 700 BOO


I l [ l 1 I I _ I

_'o x /o x-,-_'-

t_ /o/ +

Figure 33: Sets of magnetization

curves obtained with the magnetic _ iI
field sequentially parallel to the
cube axes. Brecher (1976b).

I I I I[ I I r
I 2 5 65 7 8 4 9
H (koe)
SAMPLE 73215--275

Table 14:300 ° K hysterisis loop parameters for cubes 73215,21 and ,34. Brecher (1976b).

(J,) [ _e.m.u.

(e.m.u.lg) (wl.%) x 10 2 j, x 10 _ (wt.%) Fe" tOe) X,,× I0 _ J,/x,,

21 .263 .1195 .148 .0056 12 5.58 .0215 14 ,85 31I111

ItlINS 34 .3095 .14 .151 .0049 14 6.59 .021 10 .925 33S0

21 .267 .121 .0684 .0025 13.95 6.49 .0186 10 .8-.83 33011

HIIEW 34 .338 .153 .177 .0052 13.18 6.13 .025 3 .966 3500

21 .271 .123 .12 .0044 14.7 6.87 .018 10 I 27110

HIITB 34 .346 .157 .2 .0058 13.6 6.33 .11247 38 1.2 2900
SAMPLE 7321_-277

Impact Melt Breccia
St. 3, 162.2 g

INTRODUCTION PETROGRAPHY clasts ( a troctolite, an anorthosite, a

noritic anorthosite, and a gabbroic
73216 is a tan to olive gray (5Y5/1) No description of the groundmass anorthosite) and a bigh-Ti basalt
tough breccia collected near the has been published. It appears to be clast (Table 1; Fig. 3). Neal et al.
rim-crest of a 10-m crater. It is an a crystalline impact melt containing (1990e) and Neal and Taylor
impact melt breccia (originally angular mineral and lithic clasts, (1991) reported whitlockite
described as metaclastic) that has a with the thin sections showing a analyses from three of these clasts.
homogeneous groundmass and fairly dark, fine-grained Eckert et al. (199 l b) interpreted the
about 5% lithic clasts. The sample groundmass. It was described by anorthosite ,57 as being monomict
is subrounded and 7 x 5 x 3 cm. It Wolfe et al. (1981) as having a igneous with a sa-iking cumulate
has many zap pits on most sides f'me-grained granoblastic matrix, texture and the noritic anorthosite
(Fig. 1) and a thin glass film occurs ,36 also as igneous cumulate. They
as a small patch on one face. A few A variety of small clasts were and Neal et al. (1992) interpreted
percent cavities, some spherical, selected and studied by a group the high-Ti basalt ,38 as being a
others slit-like are present (Fig. 2) organized by L. Taylor (Neal et at., plagioclase-rich polymict impact
and some of these are crystaMined. 1990e, d; 1992; Eckert et al., melt, and the trocotolite ,42
Following early allocations from 1991b, c,; Neal and Taylor, 1991). similarly, because it has radiating
chipping, the sample was sawn and Neal et al. (1990d) and Eckert et al. acicular plagioclase in a melt
broken for more detailed study in (1991b) reported mineral matrix. The mineral compositions
1989. composition data on four highlands of four clast fail in the field of the

Figure 1: Unsawn face of butt end 73216,0, prior to breaking, showing patina and zap pits Cube is 1 centimeter.
278--SAMPLE 73216

Figure 2: Sawn face of butt end 73216,0, prior to breaking. The surface shows the generally homogeneous nature
of the groundmass, and the presence of small clasts and vesicles. Smallest scale divisions in millimeters.

Mg-suite pristine rocks of the chips included in the analyzed

highlands; the anorthosite ,57 falls CHEMISTRY sample and has light rare earth
between the Mg-suite and the elements about 30 x chondrites; it is
ferroan anorthosites. Neal et al. Some chemical data by neutron feldspathic. The troctolite impact
(1992) referred to the gabbroic activation for the five bulk clasts melt has light rare earth elements
anorthosite ,49 as a norite and to were presented (not tabulated) in about 100 x chondrites with a
the noritic anorthosite ,36 as an Eckert et al. (1991b,c) and Neal et negative Eu anomaly, as do the
anorthosite, al. (1992). (Their sample numbers high-Ti basalt and the gabbroic
correspond with the petrographic anorthosite (norite), suggesting that
Studies of the whitlockites and descriptions as follows: ,36 =,66; they are polymict.
numerical modeling of their origin ,38=,67; ,42=,68; ,49=-,69;,57=,70).
are presented in Neal et al. (1990e) All samples contain lr and Au,
and Neal and Taylor (1991). The including the anorthosite PROCESSING
whitlockite compositions strongly interpreted as monomict (pristine
influence the rock compositions, igneous) by Neal et al. (1992). Original allocations were minimal
despite their small abundances. They suggest the possibility of and made by picking. In 1989, the
Models of metasomatism are vapor transport of siderophiles sample was sawn toproduce two
preferred by the authors as being during impact melting. This sample butt ends: ,0 (Fig. 1, 2) being about
most consistent with the is the only one with low REEs and twice the size of ,30. End ,0 was
observations, a positive Eu anomaly. The broken into two subequal parts and
(noritic) anorthosite ,66 had matrix ,30 into two non-equal parts.
SAMPLE 7321_-279

During this processing samples of Table 1: Summary of mineral compositions in five clasts from 73216.
the five clasts were taken for From Neal et al. (1990d).
petrographic and chemical work.
End ,0 is now about 46 g and its
broken subsample ,55 about 49 g. OLIVINE PLAG. PYROXENE ILM ARM
End ,30 is now about 40 g and its Fo An Ab Wo En MGo MGo MG#
broken subsample ,45 about 9 g.
73216,36 _ 87-98 1-10 4.,39 46-72 73-78 20-23
73216,38 68-71 83-95 4-13 4-39 46-76 74-80 22-26 --
73216,42 66-6,8 77-9,3 6-11 23-31 4.5-48

DI 73216,36 H_ 73216,49
7 7321s_ 68-70
-- 82-97 3-16 3-40 46-75 73-79 30-31
_ 1-r 3-41_-ra 74-;,9-- 46-59

En / " Fs

En _ " 2 Fs

DI 73216,49 _d

En c\ Fs
Di/ 73216,57 \Hd

• d \
En \Fs

Figure 3: Pyroxene quadrilaterals for four

clasts in 73216 a) noritic anorthosite ,36, b)
high-Ti( ?) impact melt ,38, c) gabbroic
anorthosite. From Neal et al. (1990d).
SAMPLE 73217--281

Impact Melt Breccia
St. 3, 138.8 g

INTRODUCTION different lithology comprising 20% groundmass (Fig. 3a). However,

of the rock and consisting of clasts lithic clasts are present, particularly
73217 is a tough impact melt; its and matrix. Zap pits are irregularly coarse granoblastic feldspathic
bulk groundmass may be the low-K distributed; the sample was impactites and the remains of a
Fra Mauro basalt composition collected from a half-buried gabbro phase with feldspar, two
common at the Apollo 17 landing position. Cavities and vesicles are pyroxenes (with complex
site but data is lacking. The rock uncommon except on the rubbly exsolution) and ilmenite (Fig. 3b)
contains a prominent white face. Allocations of 73217 have with little host melt present. The
anorthosite clast (Fig. 1) as well as been made from chipped samples rock and its clasts looks very
conspicous and abundant fragments (e.g., Fig. 2). similar to 73155.The augitic
apparently derived from a plutonic pyroxenes contain numerous
gabbro with plagioclase, exsolved inclusions very similar to those in
pyroxenes, and ilmenites. Brown PETROGRAPHY 73155. Many mineral clasts have
silicic glass is conspicuous. Zircon thin rims formed post-brecciation
clasts, probably part of the gabbro, Most published petrographic work by overgrowth or reaction. Silicic
have been dated as 4.36 Ga old. has concentrated on the clasts and brown glass is conspicuous
73217 is medium gray (N5), not on the general matrix of the particularly where the gabbro
subangular and blocky and has breccia. Most of the thin sections exists. Its petrographic nature is
dimensions of 6.5 x 4.5 x 3.0 era. consist of abundant mineral clasts uncertain; in places it appears to be
The clast distribution is varied, with in a f'me-grained impact melt relict mesostasis of the gabbro, but
one face more rubbly with a

Figure 1: Pre-processing photograph of sample 73217. Scale divisions in centimeters. S-73-16786.

282--SAMPLE 73217

Figure 2: Processing to obtain the prominent white clast in 73217. S-81-25234

elsewhere appears to post-date the as sodic as An72 are reported. 73217 to be the ftrst convincing
gabbro. Loc_y the brown glass is Common glass inclusions appear to case supporting impact triggered
independent of the gabbro, and be the same composition as the host partial melting on the Moon. She
exists as patches in the groundmass, anorthite. The sodic plagioclases concludes that the product of such
commonly with coronas, that might show considerably more melting, partial melting is not KREEP
be residual melt or reacted clasts. Crawford (1975a, b) distinguished basalt.
The anorthosite clast is a freely three classes of pyroxene:
ground, fairly pure cataclasized "plutonic" ortho- and clino- Ishii et al. (1980, 1981, 1983) made
anorthosite with a broad reaction pyroxenes with coarse exsolution a detailed study of the petrology
rim with the matrix, lamellae; fine-grained pyroxene in and thermal history of 73217 from
coronas; and groundmass melt examination of the pyroxene
Crawford (1975a, b) described the pyroxene. She diagrammed their crystallization sequence, pyroxene
melt groundmass in 73217,15 as compositions (Fig. 4). She exsolution, and geothermometry.
grading from a finely granulated interpreted the augite inclusions as They used petrographic,
aggregate of plagioclase with small products of exsolution during her microprobe, and x-ray diffraction
amounts of pyroxene to a clear to proposed partial melting of the methods. They too conclude that an
pale brown glass. She noted an plutonic rock. The orthopyroxene early plutonic event was succeeded
abundance of monomineralic clasts, exsolution suggests equilibration in by a thermal event; however, they
particularly plagioclase, and the original plutonic environment at disagree with Crawford (1975) that
proposed that the whole rock was about 800 degrees centigrade. The the thermal event was one of in situ
generated by in situ partial melting brown glass is evolved (e.g. partial melting. Ishii et al.
of the clast population, which in tabulated probe analysis of (1980,1981,1983) describe the
turn had a plutonic, crustal origin. 81%SIO2 and 4.4% K20) and its breccia (as seen in 72317,26) as a
She described and depicted all difference from bulk melt calcic-plagioclase-rich breccia
phases, with microprobe data.. The groundmass, she states, is the best containing abundant angular
plagioclase is predominantly evidence for the partial melting mineral clasts which are rare lithic
anorthitic (near An93), but grains origin. Crawford (1975a) suppposes
SAMPLE 73217--283

a b
Figure. 3: Photomicrographs of 73217,2Z Plane transmitted light, fields of view about 2 mm wide. a) general view
showing dark fine melt groundmass and abundant angular mineral clasts, b) view showing area dominated by
gabbroic lithology with melt groundmass prominent only at top; remainder dominated by crushed gabbro, including
plagioclase (white), ilmenite (black), and pyroxenes (pale to gray). Fuzzy phases are small patches of silicic brown

clasts in a fine-grained, partially

glassy matrix. It consists of two
domains with a gradational
boundary. Domain A contains
coarse orthopyroxene clasts,
whereas domain B contains coarse

and late (B) fractionation stages of

._, Q,, trends are analogous
terrestrial intrusions. to earlyother
Some (A)
*i small clasts are also described: a
_ gabbroic lithic clast, a troctolitic
_ lithic clast, and dusty augite clasts.
,_ The most detailed information on
_x the pyroxenes is presented in Ishii
E_ Di ,_ _. _ Hd Fs et al.onite
pige (1983),
c lasts.
The py tabulated
_v _ v v v ¥ and diagrammed microprobe data
(Figs. 5-8), and crystallographic
(0) information (Table 1) including
precession photographs. Minor
,_ Relicclosts element compositions for both
x Groundmos$groins high-Ca and low-Ca pyroxenes in
"._Discontinuous zoning trend both breeciadomains vary
Continuouszoning trend continuously with Mg'. The optical
-_,_Cto_t-,._jt ,_o,,_o_t,_.d and X-ray diffraction studies
demonstrate a great variety of
exsolution textures, but individual
Figure 4: Pyroxene quadrilateral. (Crawford, 1975a). pyroxenes show relatively simple
exsolution. None of pyroxene,
plagioclase, or ilmenite
284 SAMPLE 73217

Di Di . compositions in domains A and B

/ ",,1_
,' ,

,9 co
that both domains could be derived
from a single pluton, A at the
bottom (early, 1100 degrees C or

tens of degrees lower temperature).

(The troctolitic, etc., lithic clasts are
/[ O:
O: cote
Margin PQ,ii _,,
' ' 1 unrelated to this sequence).
/ _ mi,.. !II : i "'_,' ttowever, the pyroxene
o ' 6
/ , o (@-_,, O6_ ,, crystallization trend (Figs. 5, 6, 9)
50 5'_ is so complicated that at least two
ErJ Atomic
_ A_o_c_ or more episodes am required: an
early plutonic/hypabyssal event,
and a later thermal/anneaiing event.
They propose a first event forming
Di Di layered bodies, a second event
mixing mineral only in the upper

'_,,.., o_ event
part ofthat mixed (B)
a pluton lower
and (A) and
a third
° [3 ° upper (B). During the latter event
temperatures rose to over 1000
degrees C and the rock was

o :: co_
partially melted. The precise nature
c : A_te _0_ of this latter event is not clarified
g_"_ _°_ by Ishii et al. (1983).

,_ i, Warren et aI. (1982a, b) described

5o the prominent white clast,
En En ,to,,_ _ estimated to weigh about 1.7 g. The
boundary between the clast and the
groundmass is extremely diffuse.
DJ Di The thin section studied (,41)

entirely plagioclase, whereas the

B , diffuse area, presumably
_ ,.t__..e; _• central, matrix-free
contaminated with matrix,
part is almost
'(' _ :" about 40% pyroxene. The central

• : _a,,c°_
,, .. '9',_._'._
t_., "- ,,_ ,, "'
_ An90.2.95.4
anorthositethe isboundary
with plagioclase
a mean
fine-grained The
5o _
Atomic *_
An93.3. The pyroxene, about
En72Wo 4, may not even be part of
Figure 5: Pyroxene quadrilaterals. (Ishii et al., 1983) the anorthosite. Warren et al.
(1982a) refer to the clast as "quasi-

_/ _: H\,,d pristine,"
undergone i.e., it is changes.
subtle likely to be

o i i!i o c..... _........ _ Compston et al. (1984a) described

co_se g..... _ 1_ and depicted zircon grains and their
_o Coarse grain, hOSt
coa_ g,-_,_, associated assemblages from
T • gine arain
o-. • o_a_ 73217, providing zircon
o _o_ !_ essentiaily pristine but to have
gn ........ F's microprobe analyses. They describe
Atomic50 the host as a clast that has a granitic
melt composition that contains
Figure 6." Pyroxene quadrilaterals. (Ishii et al., 1983) seriate mineral clasts of anorthite,
angite, bypersthene, ilmenite, and
zircon. The zircons are inferred to
SAMPLE 73217--285

be an integral part of the gabbroic

igneous assemblage, one zircon
being attached to ilmenite. (The
zircons were used for ion-
microprobe U-Pb isotopic studies).

evidence of resorption, presumably

X X _X'/__X/_' Tlae zircons are anhedral and have
A [ k/ V V V _ _6_ .... An during the melting of the matrix,
A"90 and have no overgrowths.
v v v vv v v \,, ,, ',,Or
B //_ X/
vc_o_..S'_ V ____\//_
VV_V _
Bersch etal. (1988, 1991)reported
precise minor element and major
Ang0 element compositions for some
A VA V/x _V V V V V V \_0, pyroxene grains in 73217,41; the
/ V X'v/__ An pyroxene is most likely to derive
An90 from clasts in the matrix and not
\ \ _, from the anorthosite itself.
T Ao
V V V V \/ V V \\o,
S / X V X V "_'"
V V AT V"_
" X V X/_°V \ An The only chemical analyses are two
A.90 splits of the anorthosite clast, one at
V V V_ \/ _ \/ \/ V \_0, least of which is rather impure
P __-//_/_q_Z__ (Warren
chip was ethandpicked
al., 1982a, tob).separate
A singleas
AnT0 An80 Ang0 much pure white clast as possible
Atomic % from groundmass. The analyses are
presented in Table 2. The purer
handpicked part appears to be a true
Figure 7: Plagioclase compositions. (lshii et al., 1983) anorthosite, as also indicated by the
thin section. The pristine nature of
the sample is ambiguous on the
basis of Au at least, although Ir and
Ni are both low. However, the
FeO impure separate has no more Au or
44 -(wt%) 0 Ni than the more pure separate.
o Possibly there has been some
diffusion of elements across the
to O0 boundary with the groundmass.
© to (__ The rare earth elements, while low,
have a KREEP pattern (Fig. 10),
•% . also indicating some contamination.
. The sample, on the basis of
•. plagioclase compositions and
" ...'1. incompatible element abundances,
• is not an alkali anorthosite, but is at
40 least close to the established range
• : Breccia A for ferroan anorthosites.
0 : Breccia B


0 2 4 6
Four zircons were analyzed for U-
Figure 8: llmenite compositions. (Ishii et aL, 1983) Pb isotopes using high resolution
ion microprobe techniques
(Compston et al., 1984a, b) (Table
3). The zircons were analyzed in
thin sections, and are probably part
286--SAMPLE 73217

Table 1: Crytsallographic data for pyroxenes in 73217. (Ishii et al., 1983)

Crystal Space Analysis* Crystal?

Group:_ number Pyroxenes a(A) b(A) c(A) /3 (°) group number stage Remarks
Ia A 12 Host Augite 9.74 8.91 5.25 106.11 C2/c 19 Aug Plutonic 50
(001) Pigeonite 9.74 8.91 5.22 108.00 P21/c 20 (volume ratio)
(100) Orthopyroxene 18.29 8.91 5.24 - Pbca 20
lla K 13 Host Orthopyroxene 18.27 8.88 5.21 - Pbca 23 Pig Plutonic Kintoki-san type
(100) Augite 9.70 8.88 5.25 105.07 C2/c
Ib A 06 Host Augite 9.75 8.93 5.26 105.6 C2/c 05 Aug A2
(100) Orthopyroxene 18.4 8.9 5.2 - Pbca
lib B 10 Host Orthopyroxene 18.31 8.88 5.22 - Pbca 13 Opx A2 Bushveld type
(100) Augite 9.73 8.88 5.22 105.40 C2/c
lli A 11 Host Augite 9.74 8.94 5.26 106.29 C2/c 16 Aug BI Chemical zoning
(001) Pigeonite 9.74 8.94 5.24 108.85 P21/c

of the gabbroic assemblage (one is further processing. Nonetheless,

attached to ilmenite) whose eventually further chipping was
exsolved pyroxenes are so carried out (1982) to obtain
prominent as clasts. The zircons samples of the prominent white
show zoning that is visible clast (Fig. 2) for chemical and
microscopically and conf'u-med by petrographic studies. Further thin
electron- and ion-probe data. All sections were cut from a chip (,10)
four crystals show little loss of that had been separated from
radiogenic Pb, and give U-Pb ages adjacent,11 in the original
that are within 10% of concordance processing.
at 4356 +23, -14 Ma. (Fig. lla, b).
This age presumably is that of the
igneous event that produced the
gabbro, or whatever parent
assemblage the zircons reflect. Two
of the crystals show evidence of
initial radiogenic lead that evolved
in a source with la =2000. The
lower intersect on the concordia
diagram is earlier than 1000 Ma,
showing that lead loss was not a
very recent event. However, the Di D i
common 3900 Ma lunar event(s) / Af_,_ A_-/ " B4" "
does not show up in this zircon / ,_0_,) : ", 82,3,4

, 1 , , BI
PROCESSING , ,, ,, ' _;_ B
73217 has never been sawn. In t/ Pc,! _ _82,3,4
1973 chips were removed from one / A1 : ,,A2_ ':-:._
end (apparently typical rock) for / ,, c_t_t_, _" , _. 84 _ ._
SO 50
early allocations including thin Era _tooi_% Atomic
sections from potted butt ,11. No
sarnples were taken of the rubbly
lithology or of the white clast.
73217 was designated a posterity Figure9: Summary of pyroxene crystallization trends .(lshii et al., 1983).
sample, hence temporarily denied
288--SAMPLE 73217

I 0 _ J
• " 44jr

o Grain Spot

• 2
oe j =l,o. . 15B 1
• " 3
J ° 16A

f 2o- uncertainty 2

16B 1


2o7pb/235 u
a , , , _ L i i i I i * I i ] I I i i I i I i
65 70 75 80


_ 4_4
© 4 3
o • 20 40 60 80
_ 10 4_

o.g = • f_l.e "


20" uncertainty o, //_


0 _ 207pb/235U
b _
05 70 75 80

Figure 11: Concordia diagram showing analyses of 73217 zircons,

corrected assuming evolution of initial lead in a low u source (a) and a high
u source (b) (Compston et al., 1984a). Eachpoint represents the mea n oflO
observations of the isotopic composition. In most cases, three such
determinations were made at a single spot. Line in a) is reference line for
207Pb/206Pb age of grains 15A,15B, and 16B, 4340Ma. Age of l6A is
higher. Line in b) is best fit with intercepts of 4356 +23, -14 Ma, and 1680
4-/- 580 Ma.
SAMPLE 73217--289

Table 3: Summary of ion microprobe data for 73217 zircons. (Compston et al., 1984a).

Spot U* Th* Pb* /_2Th/23SU_- fo/,,_ 2ospb./2obpb * zOspb./232Th 2oTpb./Z06pb * zOepb./Zan U zo_pb./Z_n U

L 3(_±10 [03±4 378±20 0.333±9 0.[0 0.0852±1 0.225±4 0.5370±8 0903±1_ 66.8±1.5
0.32 0_33_ ± 6 0¸900 +_18 66.2 ± 1.4
1 307_+9 215_+6 415±12 0.702_+3 0.04 0A766-+6 0.23I-+3 0.5338±9 0.918±5 67.6±0¸5
0.37 0.5294 ± 17 0¸917 +_2 67.0 ± 02
2 329_+8 240_+5 456±14 0.728_+3 0.03 0.1818_+3 0.234±3 0.5346±7 0.938+11 69.2_+07
0.15 0`5329 ± 12 0.937 -+ I1 68.9 + 0.8
3 396+11 323±8 551_15 0.816-+2 f_01 _2023±6 0.231±2 0.5345±10 0.931-+7 68.6-+0.5
0.00 0`5319 ± 31 0.936 ± 8 6&6 _+0.9
I 154±6 136±4 209±8 0.885±11 0.10 0.222±6 0.224±4 _5394±25 0.896±2 66.6+0.3
0,60 0-5320 Jr 24 6J591 +_4 65.4 ± O_
2-1 165 138 229 0.838 0.33 0.2084 0.228 0.5420 0.919 687
2-2 / 1.30 0.5279 0,910 66.2
213j174-+4 168±8 256±7 0.971±21 0.50 0.2355±5 0233±1 0.5453±8 0.962±1 72.3+_0.1
0.00 0.5455 ± 5 0.962 ± I 72,4 ± 0.l
3 141_+10 137±10 194+14 0.977±3 0.06 0.256-+3 0.233±3 0.5493±23 0.888±8 67.2_+0.8
2.10 0.5225 ± 26 0.872 ± 6 62.8 ± 0.7
I 356 _+49 213 _+30 469 _+64 0.597 ± 9 0.05 6.1547 + 7 0.235 ± 3 0`5371 ± 22 0.905 _+ 1 67.0 _+0.2
1.00 0,5251 ± 37 0.899 _+3 65.1 ± 0.6
2 373-+31 228±18 532±45 0.610±3 0.05 0.1571-+8 0.252+4 0.5353±20 _978±8 72.2_+0.4
0.80 0.5251 ± 33 0.970 _+ 7 702 +_0.l
SAMPLE 73218---291

Impact Melt Breccia
SL 3, 39.7 g

INTRODUCTION from 4 particles was used to make 3 PROCESSING

thin sections. No data has been
73218 is a greenish-gray gray (5GY published. Most of 73218 is preserved in the
6/1) angular breccia (Fig. 1). It is parent ,0 (now 35.8 g). One large
a free-grained impact melt with piece (,10; 1.97 g) was allocated,
small clasts. Its chemical PETROGRAPHY but no data have been published.
composition might be similar to the Twelve small chips, labelled A-L
common low-K Fra Manro basalt The thin sections of the four and predominantly matrix, were
impact melts common at the site, particles show a free-grained chipped from varied locations.
but chemical data is lacking and it impact melt groundmass (Fig. 2), Eight are preserved as ,8. The
was originally described as with mineral and lithic clasts. The others (A, typical matrix; B, olivine
anorthositic. The sample is tough, groandmass has plagioclase needles rich?; H, anorthositic plus typical
crystalline, and homogeneous, with and ilmenite needles, demonstrating matrix; and I, with brown mineral
dimensions of 4 x 3 x 2.5 cm. The growth from a melt. The mineral clasts were used to make make
matrix is dominated by clasts are predominantly serial thin sections ,26-,28.
plagioclases, although small marie plagioclase and olivine, some of the
crystals are also visible smaller of which have coronas. The
macroscopicaUy. Several surfaces larger clasts include recrystallized
are fresh fractures; the other side is anorthositic breccias, feldspathic
rounded with some zap pits with impactites, a coarse anorthosite
pale gray glass. A few small drnsy with a metamorphic texture, and a
cavities (less than 1 nun) are single grain of maltiply-exsolved
present. Splits were taken from and twinned pyroxene (presumably
73218 by chipping, mainly of an inverted pigeonite).
matrix. A composite potted butt

Figure 1: 73218, showing patina and zap pits on top left surface, broken surfaces below. Cube is 1 centimeter.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of typical groundmass in 73218,26.

Clasts are seriate, and dominantly plagioclases. Plane
transmitted light, fieM of view about 2 mm wide.
SAMPLE 73219--293

High-Ti Mare Basalt
St. 3, 2.88 g


73219 is a medium dark gray (N4), Sample 73219 is a fine-grained A bulk analysis by neutron
small blocky sample (Fig. 1) that is olivine-bearing high-titanium mare activation techniques was reported
a high-titanium mare basalt, the basalt (Fig. 2). It was described by Warner et al. (1975b, c, 1976a)
only mare basalt as an individual with microprobe analyses of its and by Lanl et al. (1975b). It is
rock fragment from the South mineral phases by Warner et al. reproduced here as Table 1 and the
Massif or landslide. It is olivine (1975b, c, 1976a, b, 19780. The rare earth elements are plotted as
microporphyritic. The sample is microprobe analyses are Figure 3. The sample is
coherent and measures 1.5 x 1.3 x diagrammed as Figure 3. Warner et unexceptional, and its slightly high
1.0 urn. It is holocrystanine al. (1976a) reported a mode of alumina (compared with other
(macroseopically microporphyritic, 3.5% olivine, 42.1% pyroxene, Apollo 17 basalts) might merely
with obvious peridotite-green 30.5% plagioclase, 2.5% silica, reflect unrepresentative sampling in
olivine), homogeneous, and with a 19.6% ilmenite, 1.0% armalcolite, that the analyzed mass was only
hackly surface on a very fine scale, and 0.6% of other (mainly opaque) 258 rag.
It has many zap pits on two phases. They described the •
surfaces, with few to none on groundmass as consisting of
others. There is about 1% of tiny irregular titanaugite crystals PROCESSING
drusy cavities, with the largest 0.2 separated by intrafasciculate
nun. Small (2-4 mm) patches of pyroxene-plagioclase intergrowths, Five chips, four from a single
dark glass suggest that 73219 might with the olivines being subequant location, were combined for the
be locally vitrophyric. Five chips and hollow or skeletal. The oxides single allocation in 1974 from
were taken (four from a single include common prismatic, which a thin section and the
location) for one allocation, ilmenite-mantled armalcolite, and chemical analyses were produced.
ilmenite microphenocrysts with an
armalcolite morphology.
294_AMPLE 73219

$ Table 1: Chemical analysis of

73219, 258 mg whole-rock
(Warner et al., 1976a; Laul et al.,

sio 2
TiO 2 12.4
AI203 10.0
Cr203 0.360
FeO 19.3
MnO 0.244
MgO 7.0
CaO 11.2
Na20 0.33
K20 0.04

-_ Sc 80
V 90
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of typical groundmass in 73219,26. Clasts are Co 16.6
seriate, and dominantly plagioclases. Plane transmitted light, field of view Ni
about 2 nun wide. Rb

\ Hf 72
_,\ Ba

• ", Yh

"'\ U
/ "\'_ Cs
.... '_ Ta 1.4
La 4.7
I _11____J] fl . Ce 20
. . . n _ -- T T •
O0 9O eO ?'0 e0 _O 4O _0 _ 0 0 Pr
Fo_lent_ conlent of ohvne (mole %1
Nd 20

,o_ _o _o ,o _. _o ,o _o _° '°_ __ Sm
Eu 7.8
Anodhde eomen_ of 0oq otiose Cmoe%)
,o ,c Tb 2.1
z_ Dy 13

_o,. o, Tm


o,o, _ o'8 ,o c, , & de (1)

Fe/Fe*Mg Compodtion of spinel group mineeot$ Fe/Fo*Mg References and methods:
ulu (1) Laui et al. (1975b);
do d, o'_ o'_ d* . o_
c_s I. o'r dB d9 ?o Warner et al.,(1975b);INAA
Fe//Fe* M_I of ormolcolite

I| _=1
ob o', o'_ o's d,_ o'5 d6 o'7 o8 o9 ,o
Fe/Fe.Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3: Rare earth elements in 73219; data of Warner et al. (1976a) and
Laul et al. (1976b).
SAMPLE 7322_-295

Impact Melt Breccia (?)
St. 3, 3.66 g

INTRODUCTION 1.3 cm, and all its surfaces appear

to be fracture surfaces. It has a few
73225 is a light gray (N5) breccia dark glass lined zap pits, possibly
that is equant (Fig. 1). It is tough, on all surfaces, and abundant vugs
crystalline, homogeneous, and with projecting crystals of
originally described as meta- plagioclase. A thin vein of black
polymict breccia. It contains some glass penetrates the rock. 73225
larger plagioclases and is most was picked from a regolith sample
likely to be an impact melt breccia; collected from the upper part of a
posssibly a granoblastic impactite, trench wall. It has never been
The sample is 1.7 x 1.5 x subdivided or allocated.

iii!i !!i iii!

Figure 1: 73225, showing dust-coverd rock. Cube is 1 centimeter. S-73-21764

SAMPLE 73235--297

Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 3, 878.3 g

INTRODUCTION There are many zap pits, with feldspathic impactites with a
varied glass linings from dark gray variety of grains sizes, shocked
73235 is a clast-rich aphanitic melt to almost colorless, on most anorthosites, and cataclasized
breccia with a variety of mineral surfaces. Vugs and cavities are not troctolites, and norites. Some
and lithic clasts. It is similar in apparent. The sample was sawn to ophitic/subophitic melt particles,
petrography and chemistry to the produce a slab (Fig. 2); extensive probably of impact origin, and
aphanitic melts of Boulder 1, allocations were made from the glassy/granitic fragments (Fig. 3a)
Station 2 and other Station 3 slab and one of the butt end pieces am present. Many clasts am
aphanites. It has about 75% dense (,8). cataclasized and strung out as
matrix, 10% lithic clasts larger than schlieren within the dense matrix
a few millimeters across, and 15% (Fig. 3c). One prominent white
mineral clasts larger than about 0.5 PETROGRAPHY clast is a cataclasized tloctolite
nun. Poorly-defined Ar-Ar (Fig. 3d) that was large enough for
plateaus suggest an age of about 73235 has a dense, aphanitic melt separate allocation (see below).
3.91 Ga. The sample was collected groandmass with a sedate clast Mineral clasts include plagioclase,
on the rim of a 10-m crater, near distribution (Figss 3a, b), very olivine, pyroxene, and rare
73255. It is tough with several similar to other South Massif pleonaste spinels. Shock features
shallow fractures, homogeneous, aphanitic impact melt breccias. The vary from non-existent to strong
and medium light gray (N6) with f'me-grained groundmass consists and most grains are at least a little
mottling. It is subangular to mainly of plagioclase and pyroxene rounded by resorption.
rounded (Fig. 1) and 12 x 10 x 8 with some opaque oxide phases.
cm. None of the surfaces are fresh. Lithic clasts include granoblastic Brown et al. (1974) and Hodges
and Kushiro (1974a, b) provided
brief descriptions of 73235. Brown
et al. (1974) described it as a
polygenetic microbreccia with
calcic plagioclase (An94), zoned
Mg-olivines (Fo87-81 with low
Cr20 3 that relates them to the
76535 allivalite), and bronzite.
They also noted patches of potassic
rhyolite and purple Cr-pleonastes.
Hodges and Kushiro (1974a, b)
described the sample as being a
fine-grained, dark brown, slightly
metamorphosed breccia with
numerous mineral and lithic clasts.
The mineral clasts exhibit a wide
range of shock features. Hodges
and Kushiro (1974a,b) provide
some microprobe data for
pyroxenes and olivines (Fig. 4) and
spinels, noting that pyroxenes
include grains zoned from pigeonite
to subcalcic augite and that some
augite show thin exsolution
lamellae. The olivine clasts am
more magnesian than those in the
lithic clasts. The lithic clasts am
described as relatively unshocked,
consisting predominantly of
Figure I: Pre-processing photograph of 73235, showing rounded surface gabbroic to anorthositic rocks, and
with zap pits. Some white clasts are visible. Scale divisions and cube 1 cm lacking mare basalts. The clast
S-73-19663. population indicates a wide range
298--SAMPLE 73235

Figure 2: Post-sawing photograph of 73235, showing main subdivisions of the slab. End piece ,8 was subsequently
substantially subdivided for allocations: Small cube is I c_ S-73-28684.

of sources. Warren and Wasson display little shock effect, but by bytownite (An80_85), as part of
(1979) reported in diagram form mineral fragments have diverse a geochronological study. The
microprobe analyses of olivine shock effects. The light matrix zircons, for which microprobe
(Fo79-92) and plagioclase (An93- materials consist of angular mineral analyses are given, are 10-100
96) in the matrix of 73235 (Fig. 5). fragments, especially plagioclase, microns across and both they and
but also pyroxene, olivine, and the zircons were fractured at one
Dence et al. (1976a, b) described minor ilmenite. There is some loss time and later the zircons had
73235 as consisting of two of porosity along their contacts, overgrowth. Bickel and Warner
lithologies, a coherent clast-rich (1978a) listed the sample in their
dark matrix breccia interlayered Howins and Goldstein (1975a, b) study of ptutonic and granulitic
with lighter more porous clastic analyzed iron metal grains in two fragments, but presented no data or
breccia, with the former clasts of "anorthositic homfels" description. Simonds et al. (1974)
predominant. The light clastic without discussion. The metals listed 73535 as having a subophitic
material has irregular, locally have about 5.5 to 7.5% Ni and 0.5 matrix with groundrnass feldspars
sheared boundaries, and evidently to 0.7% Co on the edge of the 5-15 microns long and pyroxene
is the material existing as schlieren meteoritic field, oikocrysts about 125 microns; this
described above. Dence et al. does not agree with the description
(1976a, b) describe the clast Engelhardt (1979) listed 73235 as given here and may be an erroneous
population as large and distinctive, having a granular matrix and with a tabulation.
as much as 50% and ranging down paragenesis in which ilmenite,
to very small sizes. No sorting of plagioclase, and pyroxene Warren (1979) and Warren and
grain size is apparent. The clasts crystallized simultaneously. Knoll Wasson (1979) described two clasts
are typical highlands samples, and Stoffler (1979) described the (with chemistry, below) from
including noritic microbreccias and matrix as equigranular, with areas 73235. One (their cl), from a
granoblastic or crushed anorthositic of light, coarser matrix. Smith et al. prominent white clast visible
and troctolitic fragments. Most of (1986) described a clast macroscopically, is extremely
the tithic clasts, except for some ("pomegranate") that consisted cataclastic (Fig. 3d) with no grain
coarse plagioclase-rich fragments, largely of zircons entirely enclosed fragments more than about 1.3 mm
SAMPLE 73235--299

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of 73235, all plane transmitted light. Field of view2ram except b) about 500 microns.
All 73235,58 except d) 73235,83. a) general dense matrix with small mineral and lithic clats ranging from angular
to rounded, b) detail of groundmass and ragged edges of small clats. Clast in lower left is a glassy silicic particle.
c) schlieren of cataclasized feldspathic impactite (across top) in general dense groundmass, d) boundary of impure
cataclasized troctolite (bottom) and dense matrix (top).
300 SAMPLE 73235

c_,9 . - cor_ which contains the prominent white

7_zs5_\\ troctolite clast described by Warren
and Wasson (1979). They also
reported precise analyses of low-
* \ and high-Ca pyroxene, supposedly
" ' \ from a norite, from thin section
', ' \ ,136 which contains the other
'_ " ' * troctolite.


;,_i "'" \\ \ Chemical analyses of the

,,9..... - ' " ......... _ groundmass/matrix of 73235 are
given in Table 1, with the rare earth
Figure 4: Plot of compositions of pyroxenes and olivines in 73235. Open elements plotted in Figure 7. Most
symbols represent lithic clasts, closed symbols represent pyroxenes with of the analyses were presented by
exsolution lamellae, and x's represent monomineralic clasts. (Hodges and the authors with litre specific
Kushiro, 1974a). comment, other than some note of
its general similarity with other
Apollo 17 highlands materials,
including local soil. The chemistry
73235,83 _,_
.... __ _ . - _d \, CJo_: o_,_,_ is similar to that of other aphanitic
.. ',
_r,,,: F,_a
melt breccias from the South
' Massif, but tends to be slightly
\ more aluminous and with slightly
_,, lower abundances of incompatible
\ trace elements. The sample clearly
_, contains meteoritic contamination,
_ °o_6ooo,m_Ic_o_,l \\ but lacks regofith characteristics
En P_toxene composmon (rr_le %) Fs SUCh as high C or S. The ratios of
the meteoritic siderophiles place
73235 in a group 2 (Serenitatis) of
...... , .,+f] ... ..... Morgan et al. (1976) and Hertogen
_0c _ _ _0 _ _0 _0 et al. (1977); however, the sample
Fcestertle content ot oi,wne (mole °/o) is slightly enriched in Br, Zn, and

[ "Serenitatis" melt rocks. Jovanovic

),_[_ Cd compared with other
k60 " s'_"_ ' ' _ .... g .... 8b .... 7'_.... rb and Reed (1974a, 1975c, 1980a)
{mo_e %} discussed the sample in terms of CI
(residual after leaching)/P20 5
ratios. Masuda et al. (1974) and
Figure 5." Plots of compositions of silicate mineral phases in 73235,83 Tanaka et al. (1974) noted the
troctolite (open symbols) and groundmass (filled symbols). (Warren and presence of positive Ce and Yb
Wasson, 1979). anomalies in their rare earth
element plots, and even a small Dy
across. It contains about 60% lacking pyroxene. The largest grain anomaly, compared with the
plagioctase, 30% olivine, and 10% fragments are 0.7 mm across, straight line fit (which they call
low-Ca pyroxene. Microprobe Again mainly on the basis of "liquid-type pattern") of the other
analyses are given in Figure 5, and restricted mineral chemistry (Fig. rare earth elements.
show the troctolite to be a member 6), Warren and Wasson (1979)
of the Mg-suite of highlands rocks favored a "probably pristine" Analyses of clasts from 73235 are
Warren and Wasson (1979) favor a igneous origin for the troctolite, given in Table 2 with rare earth
pristine igneous origin on the basis which also is a member of the Mg- elements plotted in Figure 8. The
of the restricted mineral chemistry, suite, two analyses of the prominent
A second clast studied by Warren white clast, characterized by
(1979) and Warren and Wasson Bersch (1990) and Bersch et al. Warren and Wasson (1979) as a
(1979) (their c2) is also a brecciated (1991) reported precise microprobe very probably pristine but
troctolite, with about 2/3 analyses of olivine and high-Ca cataclasized trocolite (their cl) are
plagioclase and 1/3 olivine, and pyroxene from thin section ,83 acceptably similar. The rare earth

elements, while in low abundance,

D_. _d are only slightly fractionated with
73235,136 , respect to KREEP. The analyses
eros, / _ probably include a little matrix

_o py_o_ \ gradational), thus the details of

trace element chemistry may not
contamination (clast boundaries are
reflect the original pristine

_ troctolite
lithology. clast
The c2 of Warren
"probably and
Eo P_,o_ene
(mole°/ol r_ Wasson (1979) has slightly higher
rare earth element abundances,
_1 again only mildy fractionated with
_' ' ' _0.... _ .... ;0.... _0 _ _ respect to KREEP. Contamination
ofoily,he(mote%1 with exterior (patina) surface might
account for the fairly high
siderophile abundances, which
could alternatively reflect an
_60.... _ .... _ .... _ .... *b ;s r'0 indigenous componenL The
An_thde content of p_oqLoclose (mole %1 petrographic characters of the two

clasts with very incomplete

Figure 6: Plots of compositions of silicate mineral phases in 73235,136 chemical data (Table 2) are
troctolite. (Warren and Wasson, 1979). unknown. The "anorthositic
inclusion" has such low Fe and Sc
as to suggest a true anorthosite or
plagioclase separate; the "basaltic
73235 matrix clast" is actually extremely similar
to the melt groundmass of 73235
I0= E ; t ; ; _ _ ; ; , , , ; for all the reported elements.


.,_ (8) 34So/oo of + 1.5, substantially

lower than that in soils, and in the
0 y/ _" _-'------_ Rees and Thode (1974a) reported a
field of indigenous rocks,
0 signifying that the bulk of the
components of 73235 had no
O 1o: significant history of surface
residence prior to their
i--4 incorporation in the melt.


Nyquist et al. (1974a) presented Rb

and Sr isotopic data for a bulk rock
l_ --I I I t t I I I I I I I I sample of 73235 (Table 3). The
sample falls with other Apollo 17
M Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho ErTm Yb Lu noritic melt breccias on a 3.94 +/-
0.10 Ga line (old constants 4.02 =/-
Figure 7: Chondrite-normalized plot of rare earth elements in bulk rock or 0.10 Ga), whose age significance is
groundmass for 73235. Data from Table 1. uncertain. Oberli et al. (1978) also
presented bulk rock Rb and Sr
isotopic data, as well as data for a
bulk clast (Table 3). The clast
contains much less Rb than the
304 SAMPLE 73235

Table 3: Rb and Sr isotopic data for 73235.

Split Rb/86Sr 87Sr//86Sr TBabi (Ga) TLuni (Ga) Reference

(I--0.69910) (I--0.69903)

,55 0.1010+/-9 0.70539+/-6 4.35+/-0.08a 4.39+/-0.08a (1)
4.26+/-0.08b 4.30+/-08b
,50B 0.1134 0.706(0+/-5 4.35+/-0.04a (2)
,50W 0.02159 0.70030+/-5 4.27+/-0.16a (2)

a) old decay constant, lamda (87Rb) = 0.0139 Ga -1

b) new decay constant, lamda (87Rb) = 0.0142 Ga"1.

(1) Nyquist et al. (1974a)


Table 4: Sm and Nd isotopic data for 73235.

Sample 147Sm/144Nd 143Nd/144Nd Tjuv a TChur b Reference

,50B bulk 0.1688+/-1 0.511057+/-17 4.54+/-0.02 4.73+/-0.13 (1)

,50W clast 0.1656+/-1 0.510931+/-21 4.51+/-0.02 4.86+/-0.13 (1)

a) model age calcuted from the initial 143Nd/144Nd of Juvinas

b) model age calculated from the intersection of sample evolution line with the chondritic evolution line.

(1) Oberli et al. (1978).

Table 5: Elastic wave velocities for 73235,18. (Mizutani and Osako, 1974a, b)

Pressure Kb 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0

Vp km/sec 5.42 6.02 6.39 6.72 6.88 7.08 7.12 7.14

Vs km/sec. 2.95 3.32 3.48 3.66 3.77 3.86 3.90 3.92
SAMPLE 73235---305

73235 clasLs
102 _ , , _ _ , _ _ , , i i , 73235

II .........

g K

m 51_

J_ II_ 0001 , ' ' , , ' ' ' '

'-_ ua 42

< 36
cO 05 10

La Ce _Nd SmEu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er TmYb Lu moo_ .........

Figure 8: Chondrite-normalized plot of rare earth elements in clasts in -_
__ ,t !50o

73235. DatafromTable2. __U i_1oo

lO0 56

oo1 - -
_< 10i0 .... . , , , 10
_'v _ _--I - _ 05 _0

0.002 [ I r I I I ' _ Figure 10: Ar release for 73235,30
(Turner and Cadogan 1975a).

4.o 9 io groundmass and gives slightly

,_ F younger model ages. The model

"_ - 8 / (i.e.
ages about
G-a) orcrust
remelting at

3.0 73235, 27 relatively rich in Rb llmt had been

produced before 4.3 Ga; loss of Rb
< as a volatile does not explain the
a 2.0 _ less than 4.3 Ga of materials

Lo I
o.1 1 03
o.2 i 0.4I 0.5 I 0.6I 0.7I o.s' I Lo
0.9 Oberli
and Ndetisotopic
al. (1978)
for a bulkSm
Cumulativefraction 39*Arreleased sample of 73235, as well as for the
same elast that was analyzed for
Figure 9: Ar release for 73235,27 (Phinney et al. 1975) Rb and Sr isotopes (Table 4). The
model ages are older than those for
the Rb system, demonstrating that
there was no change in the Sm/Nd
ratio while events might have been
306--SAMPLE 73235

increasing the Rb/Sr ratio in source

I "_ ",,
[ I

t.6 _ Ipb _'V_ 75235 (899) .60

Phinney et al. (1975) and Turner
(154f5) | "_ 75275 (1410) and Cadogan (1975a, b) presented

isotopic data, depicted in Figures 9

12 4_'_ 50
.55 and
bulk 10. Phinney
sample et al.
Ar-Ar (1975) heating
reported a plateau age of 3.92 +/-
0.04 Ga (new decay constants; old
66075D_. _ 42_ 45 decay age is 3.98 Ga), noting,

( - 6060_5 _ __ however, that the plateau was at

0._- _ _ "_..., 40 best "poorly isdeveloped"
The release dominated (Fig. 10).
by 40*At
(1899)\\ \
_- _ loss over the first 50% of release,

75275/_4.4_ 2021
1,1489) 0.03 the
and Gatotal
age isconstants;
only 3.69+/-
0.z (14_0) 4 o""_-- - decay age is 3.74 Ga). The K/Ca
ratio is fairly constant, implying
3fi _ well mixed Ca and K rather than
release from a single mineral. The
bulk K and the K/Ca ratio
I I I determined are much lower than
I 014 , 0!8 1.2 1.6
23aU/z0spb either bulk(1975a,
Cadogan rock orb)the Turner and
Turner and Cadogan (1975a, b)
Figure 11: U-Pb evolution diagram for 73235 and some other lunar reported a plateau age of 3.91 +/-
samples. The u values are given in parentheses. A reference line is drawn 0.04 (new decay constants; old
through points on concordia corresponding to 4.42 Ga and 3.90 Ga. 12021 decay age is 3.96 Ga), but although
is a mare basalt. (Oberli et al. 1978). the plateau is better defined than
that of Phinney et al. (1975), it is
not a good one (Fig. 10). It is
bimodal with lower apparent ages
at high temperatures (3.90 Ga) than
at low (3.80-3.86 Ga) and perhaps
reflects a recoil effect. The total Ar
age is 3.87 Ga (no uncertainty
9 "-----' - -- -' _o_ "_- Oberli et al. (1978) presented U,
Th, and Pb isotopic data for the
8 bulk rock sample of 73235 that they
also analyzed for Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd
isotopes. The U-Th-Pb data are
concordant at 4.47 Ga within
°o_ 0.1%. However, the near-tangential
• c _,_,,_ relationship of a discordant data
array as represented by the
reference line with the concordia
.'c,_8,235_. curve (Fig. 11) provides poor
, A , L discrimination between truly
_o ,o 5o 6_ _ _o concordant and discordant data.

Figure 12: Concordia diagram for rim and interior of zircon assembalage The 207pb/206pb age is 4.470 +/-
in 73235,82. Open symbols = 1984 data, closed symbols = 1985 data. 0.001 Ga; the 206pb/238U age is
4.474 +0.018/-0.022 Ga; and the
208pb/232Th age is 4.474 +0.044/-
0.047 Ga.

Smith et al. (1986) used a high Watson et al. (1974) used

resolution ion microprobeto make thermomagneticanalysis (Js v. T)
Pb isotopic determinationsandages and microscopy to identify the
on zircons in a zircon-anorthite magnetic carders in 73235. The
clast ("pomegranate")in thin carriersare mainly ironmetals,
section 73235,82 (Figure 12). The some nickel freeand others with up
zircons have been throughan to 6% nickel. The totalFeo is 0.31
originalcrystallizationevent at wt %, morethan in busalts.The
4.310 Ga, were fractured,andthen averageNRM is 6 x 10-6 emu/gm,
overgrownat 4.183 Ga i.e., the rims less thanabout a thirdthatof
are 120 Ma years younger. The busalts.Theiron is f'me-grnined
clast was emplaced in the comparedwith busaits, andis
groundmass (at about 3.9 Ga partiallyoxidized (in the
accordingto the Ar isotopic data)
withouteither Pb loss or gain. experiment)to Fe304, even in 032
of 10-22. Some of the iron is
"newly-formed"iron, that is,
EXPOSURE producedin the impactevent and
not relictclasts.
Phinneyet al. (1975) calculatedan
Ar exposureage of 195 +/- 20 Ma
for split ,27 which could be PROCESSING
interpretedas the age of thelight
mantleif a single-stage model is A small numberof chips were
appropriate.However, Phinneyet initially takenfromdifferentparts
al. (1975) are reluctantto assumea of 73235 for allocations.
single stage model. A similarly- Subsequentlya slab(,11) was cut
calculatedAr exposureage by throughthesample anditself
Turnerand Cadogan (1975a, b) is subdivided (Fig. 2), providing
only 110 Ma (Fig. 10), similar to interior and exterior samples. The
that of Boulder 1, Station 2 and sawing producedtwo butt ends, of
some other South Massif samples, which ,9 at over 500 g remains
Horz et al. (1975) reporteda 110 unprocessed.Butt end ,8 was
Ma exposure age for the sample, completely subdividedsuch thatits
citing Reynolds (pers.comm.) as largestsubsample (,35) is now 50 g.
the source. This butt end is the source of the
conspicuous white troctolite clast.
Padaweret al. (1974) attemptedto Fourdifferentchips fromboththe
obtainahydrogen profilefromthe slab and the ,8 butthavebeen used
exteriorto the interiorof the for thin sections, of which a large
sample, using LNM microanalysis numberexist.
with a Van de Granf accelerator.
However, for this sample,
interferences were too greatto
obtainhydrogen concentrations.


Mizutaniand Osako (1974a, b),

• referringto thesampleas a "free-
reportedelastic wave velocities,
both compressionaland shear
wave, for 73235,18 (Table 5). The
velocities ale lower thanthose
appropriatefor the "lowerlayer"
(25-65 km depth)of the lunarcrust.
SAMPLE 73245---309

Granoblastic Impactite(?)
St. 3, 1.60 g

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 1). The sample is

homogeneous and fine-grained. The
73245 is a medium gray (N6) tough photomicrograph (Fig. 2) suggests
sample that is probably a that the sample is a
feldspathic granu!ite with a tittle metamorphosed, fme-grained,
adhering light brownish gray polymict breccia. Small chips
regolith breccia. The granulite may representing average rock were
have been a clast in the breccia taken from the same area for the
73245 is cuboidal with dimensions thin section and for chemical
of 1 x 1 x 0.8 cm, and lacks analysis; no data has been
fractures, zap pits, and cavities published.

Figure 1: Pre-processing photograph of 73245, showing white friable

blocky rock. Cube is 1 centimeter. S-73-21775

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 73245, 4, transmitted light. Field of view 2.4

ram wide.

Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 3, 394.1 g

INTRODUCTION generallyassumed to be the Originalsurfaceis apparently

Serenitatisimpactmelt, althoughR presentin some locations;in others
73255 is an aphanitic impact melt has lower TiO2. The aphanitic melt the vesicular rind has been broken
breccia that is unusual in being an crystallized at about 3.87 Ga, while off. Macroscopically the sample
oblate spheroid that has retained, to older ciasts such as pristine norites appears to consist of about 85%
a large extent, the original shape (one dated at 4.23 Ga), aluminons matrix (less than about 100
and internal structures produced in mare basalts, felsites, and microns), 10% lithic clasts, and 5%
the breccia-forming event. It is feldspathic impactites are contained mineral clasts. A slab was sawn
essentally an agglomeritic bomb within it. through the rock and most
with abundant clasts (Figs. 1-4). It allocations were made from it. The
consists ofa clast-rich, non- 73255 was collected from the sample was studied in detail in a
vesicular, very fine-grained melt surface on the rim of a 10 m crater consortium led by O. James.
breccia core surrounded by a rind on the landslide at Station 3.
(up to 1em thick) of more Exposure appears to have occurred
vesicular,less clast-richmelt about95 Ma ago, which is also the PETROLOGY
breccia that generally has a sharp generally inferred age for the
contact with the interior (Figs. 3, landslide itself. The sample is The structure and petrology of
4). The core itself is an medium light gray (N5-N6), locally 73255 have been studied in some
agglomeration of melt breccias, very light gray (N8), and is tough detail. It consists of a core of non-
The chemical composition of the with a few penetrative fractures. It vesicular aphanitic melt breecias
aphanitic melts is very similar to is 8 x 7.5 x 5 cm and subrounded. (Fig. 5a, b) enclosed in a rind of
that of the common low-K Fra Its surface is rough and there are a vesicular aphanitic melt breccia; all
Mauro melt breccias that are few zap pits on most surfaces, were created in a single impact

Figure 1: Pre-processing photograph of 73255, showing cindery appearance of vesicular rind, and prominent littu'c
clasts. Cube is 1 centimeter. S-73-24202.
312--SAMPLE 73255

"" ,a,

Figure 2: Photograph of 73255, post-slabbing, showing end pieces ,12 and ,17 (and ,20 which was part of the end
piece), and the slab piece, 27 which has been subdivided Cube is I cm. S-74-22994.

Figure 3: Sawn surface of end

piece, 17, showing large clasts and
the distinct vesicular rind. Cube is
I cm. S-76-25842.


Hap Sy_o| Characzertst leg

&phanttl¢ Lltholo_les

donvesJcular 41gk geay aphanlte

h) highly dark
?esleular vesicular; s, slightly
8ray aphanlte: vesicular

4ottled ltthology: pa¢ches of dark aphanlte (generally less than

I u across) in • nttvork of more friable, lighter-colored took
coapos®dlargely of n net• rag_nts

_odule of darkpls81oc]sse
8ray aphanlte mixed ulth _¢hHeren ol _hlte c_al_y

Clast L_

;ranulated eel_spathJc el•st _aterials: whtte in color; frl6ble_

[_ fragments of btack
COnSists almost Material
entirely o[ are abundant
fragments of •.d/or trag_ents
pla_toclase; of
ollvtne arc present

U_orthositJc, norltlc, and troctol_tlc rocks: very fine grain

size ranses
and [ro_or•ray
sugery to ereen-gr•y
cherty appearance: orsome
blue-gray; so=e sho_
are lneq_tgran_lar;
cataclast 1¢ textures

Ilner•l el•st• and bssalt clasts: stnBle crystals nl clear pale

wlgy bJsaltl eenststtng of b_n or Breea aafle Blnersl tr•te•

• teen 0tivJne or pyroxene, or cle•r, gray. or Rtlky plngloclJs¢;
and clesr plJsl_lase 8rstns

Figure 4: Lithologic map of one face of the slab cut through 73255, with key. From James et al. (1978).

event (James et al., 1978). All melt described by James and McGee types is given in Table 1. The
breccias contain mineral and lithic (1980c) and Nord and James groundmasses axe mainly
clasts, and the core aphanites (1978a, b), and five mare basalt subophitic to ophitic, and consist of
include small cryptocrystalline clasts were described by James and plagioclase and pyroxenes, mainly
globular masses. The core contains McGee (1980a, b). Brief 1-5 microns in dimension (Simonds
abundant coherent fithic and descriptions of other clasts were et al., 1974, listed 1-10 microns for
mineral clasts, patches of friable given in James et al. (1978) and both phases, and suggested an
white granulated plagioclase-rich electron petrographic work on some "almost granular" texture). The
rock, and mottled areas, as mapped anorthific fragments was described grain size of the groundmass is
by James et al. (1978) (Fig. 4). The in Nord and James (1978a, b). freer than rock 73215, another
clasts are from about 1 cm across aphanitic melt breccia collected
down to the limits of resolution. James et al. (1978), James and nearby. Table 1 shows that the
Marti (1977), and James and groundmass volume is varied from
The general structure of 73255 and Hedenquist (1978a) described the 59-85 volume % (virtually all melt-
the petrology of the aphanitic melt various lithologies, particularly the derived; clasts smaller than 5
breccia• have been described and varied aphanific melt breccins, and microns have not been identified),
discussed by James et al. (1978), structm_ of 73255. They made a and its abundance is roughly
James and Marti (1977), James and detailed study of four particular inversely correlated with grain size.
Hedenquist (1978a), and Nord and types of aphanitic melt breccia that The abundance of vesicles and their
James (1978a, b), and were briefly dominate the rock: 1) non-vesicular size are positively correlated.
discussed by Simonds et al. (1974) core, 2) vesicular rind, 3) slightly Defocused beam microprobe
and Spudis and Ryder (1981). Two vesicular material at the core-rind analyses show that the melt is close
igneous norite clasts were described boandary, and 4) cryptocrystalline to the same composition in all melts
and discussed by James and McGee aphanitic melt that forms small (see CHEMISTRY section). The_rc
(1979a, b), and Nord and James particles within other aphanitic are virtually no post-consolidation
(1979a, b). These two norites were material in the core. The latter m-e shock features except some
described and used by James most common in the mottled fractures, with no evidence of post-
(1982) and James and Flohr (1982) iithology of the core, in which the consolidation heating or shear.
as representatives of two main aphanites form irregular blebs and
groups of pristine norites among angular fragments. A smmnary of The origin of the groundmusses as
lunar samples. Felsite clasts were the characteristics of these four rapidly-cooled melts is shown in
314-_AMPLE 73255

a b

Figure 5: Photomicrographs of 73255,287, showing dense aphanitic groundmass and rounded to angular clasts.
Plane transmitted light, a) large plagioclase clast (bottom) and fine-grained feldspathic impactite (center left).
Field of view about 2 ram wide. b) elongated fine-grained feldspathic impactite. Field of view about 500 microns

electron petrographic _) 1 on in maximum dimension. (15%), about 1% angite, 1%

studies (Nord and James, 1978 a, Nofite ,27,80 is modally a pyroxene quartz+cristobalite, and less than
b), in which the free-grained anorthosite with about 90% 1% trace phases (James and McGee
subophitic/ophitic textures, with plagioclase and 10% 1979a,b). The trace phases are K-
lath-shaped plagioclases, are clear, orthopyroxene, but is probably an feldspar, chromite, ruffle, iron
The plagioclases are a little more unrepresentative sample of a norite, metal, apatite, whitiockite,
blocky in the more vesicular whereas ,27,45 has only about 50% baddelyite, armalcolite, troilite,
samples. Electron diffraction plagioclase. They are rather ilmenite, and zirkelite. The texture
characteristics establish the different in detail, and were used by is igneous, with equant plagioclase
pyroxene as pigeonite. These James (1982) and James and Flohr and pyroxene with sizes of 0.3 to 2
studies also found minor angite, but (1982) as representatives of Mg- mm (most about 1 mm). The
there was no orthopyroxene, norites and Mg-gabbronorites plagioclases have cores with
olivine, or silica in the groundmass respectively. Both cooled beneath inclusions (most almost certainly
in the pieces investigated, the surface of the Moon, but in exsolved) and the orthopyroxenes
Exsolution in the groundmass detail have different thermal and have sparse, widely spaced thin
pyroxenes is of two types, as subsequent shock histories. They augite exsolution lamellae and
established in the TEM studies, and have been described in detail by some exsolved oxides. The
demonstrates rapid subsolidns James and McGee (1979a, b) and plagioclases are fairly
cooling of the melt, and the absence Nord and James (1979a, b) who homogeneorus (An93.1; range
of significant reheating after provide petrographic (including An91.1-95.3), as are the
crystallization. Neither are there TEM) descriptions and microprobe orthopyroxenes (En72.9Wo2.2) and
any shock-induced microstructures mineral analyses and have been clinopyroxenes (Fig. 6). The potash
in the groundmass minerals, so subjected to other types of study feldspars differ in composition
there has been no significant post- (see CHEaMISTRY and from inclusions in plagioclnse to
consolidation shock event (>25kb). GEOCHRONOLOGY sections, interstitial phases (Fig. 7).The
below), metal grains are extremely poor in
Two nodte clasts have been Ni. The clast does have some well-
interpreted as being pristine A thin section of pyroxene developed shock-produced plastic
igneoas rocks. One, ,27,80 was 1/2 anorthosite ,27,80 consists of deformation features, and the
cm across, the other ,27,45, almost plagioclase (83%), orthopyroxene orthopyroxene has some patchy

Table 1: Characteristics of 73255 aphanltes and 73215 aphanlte. James et al. (1978).

73255 732l 53

Average of all types

Cryptocrystallinc Nonveslcular Slightly vesicular Vesicular of matrix aphanit¢

Groundmass texture Subophltlc to devitrl- Subophitle; locally variolitic or graphic; Subophitlc; locally variol- Subophitic with hlocky Subophitic to intergranular;
fled-appearing; little few percent intergranular porosity itic or graphic; few per pyroxene grains: locally locally graphic or variolioc;
intergranular porosity cent intergranular porosity variolitlc or graphic; intergranular porosity highly
few percent intergranu_ variable
lar porosity
Groundmass grain slze <I _m average _2 _m (1-5 urn) average _2 _m (1-5 urn) average 4 5 _m average _4-5 um (<1 8 urn)

Ve!;ic[e content (vol._,) _1.-41 _22 _52 21-342 none

Vesicle size (ram) average _.Ol average _01 average _.02 average _.04 -
range .01 1.0

Mode (vol.%, normalized to zero porosity)

Groundmass 70-85 t 72.3 (71 4 738) 2 77.22 66.4 (59,4-746) 2 68.3 (65.7 71 I)

Plagioclase clasts >5 ;tin not estimated 13.3 (7.9-18D) 2 10.32 20 3 (I 1.6 254) 2 225 (20 5-237)

Marie-mineral clasts >5 v.m not estimated 7.4 (6.3 9.2) 2 9.12 9.6 (8.8-I I 6) 2 81 (51 Ifl9)

Lithicclasts >5_m not estimated 70(I 4 136) 2 2,82 3,7 (2.7-6.3) 2 I I (0 3 3)

Other clasts not estimated -- 0.62 _

Number of areas counted (3) (I) (4) (3)

]From visual estimates.

2From point counts on transparent overlays traced from reflected light photomicrographs of 0.6 × 1.4 mm areas.
3james (1976).

extinction.Fe-S richglass veinlets

have partlypenetratedthe clast
during the 73255 breccia-forming
show heterogeneous Wo .,o_ /"-_

most strikingof which are

polygonal grainsabout I micron in
diameter, other areas show
recovery anddefect-free patches.
microstructures in anonhites, the _ /_
The potash
glass feldsparinclusions
and some have
dislocations. The En Fs /
orthopyroxenes have 1000 30
angstrom-thick augitu lamellae, and
abundant stacking faults. The silica
polymorphs show a wide range of
shock features, including glass. 20
The glasses in silica, ancgthite, and
K-feldspar indicate shock lm_ssures
of 250-450 Kb;only the glasses in

subsoildns, post-crystallization
events, apart from shock, are the
exsolutions; the orthopyroxene
anorthite devitrified later. The only 10 ._
exsolufions suggest equilibrationto
800 degrees C. The noriteappears 10 20 30
to have crystallizedfroman 0 En Fs0
indigenous melt, slowly beneath the
surface of the Moon. There are no Figure 6: Compositions of pyroxenes in pyroxene anorthosite (norite )
recognizable xenocrysts and the 27,80. See James and McGee (1979a) for details.
316_AMPLE 73255

Only slight modification by post-

shock events occurred.
Two tiny felsite clasts were
described with mineral analyses by
James and McGee (1980c). One
(27,3) consists of a vermicular
intergrowth of quartz and K-
feldspar, with optically continuous
quartz us ribs 15-45 microns thick.
Shock has converted K-feldspar
largely to glass, but original
textures are preserved. The ciast is
cut by a veinlet of host aphanitic
2 f) Z _,2 0 melt breccia, with reddish brown
7" \- glassat the contact that is higher in
,C_._/., , v v _' '_'__, The plagioclase
" SiO2 and K20 thanis rich
h°stin breccia"
both K
and Na (An56.3Ab39.0Or4.7),and
the K-feldspar is rich in Ba. Ca
Figure 7: Compositions of potash feldspars in pyroxene anorthosite contents are higher in shock-
(norite) 27,80. Open circles are inclusions in plagioclase; filled are vitrified K-spar than in non-
interstitialgrains. James and McGee (1979a). vitrified K-feldspar. The other clast
(253,24) is more strongly shocked,
melt appears to have been rather homogeneous (An88.6, range although it originally had a similar
evolved (to give an early An86.7.90.5 ) and more sodic than texture of vermicular intergrowth of
plagioclase capable of exsolving K- in pyroxene anorthosite 27,80. The quartz and K-feldspar. The K-
spar and the many trace phases; see pyroxenes show significant feldspar was converted completely
also CHEMISTRY). There may correlation with texture, with to glass by shock and flowed. The
have been two generations of exsolution lameUae differing from contact with the surrounding
plagioclase growth, host grains of the same phase; breccia is marked by a band of
individual grains are not zoned devitdfied glass. Neither clast
Gabbronorite 27,45 did not retain (Fig. 8). All of the iron displays textures unequivocally
an igneous texture, although a few metals,which seem to be part of igneous or metamorphic in origin,
relict grain boundaries are injected veins, contain significant but by comparison with a clast in
preserved; instead it has a Ni (Fig. 9), unlike those in the 73215 is almost certainly igneous.
granulated texture, with a regular pyroxene anorthosite 27,80. The shock event(s) occurred lrior
variation of intensity across the Electron petrographic studies show to the incorporation of the feisites
clast. Most grains are angular, that the bytownite is mainly defect into the breccia, and melted and
Grains up to 1.8 mm and free, with a low density of anti- injected material into the clasts. At
monomineralic areas suggest an phase domains. All pyroxenes the time of incorporation into the
original grain size of about 2 nun. contain exsolution, and breccia the clasts were hot or were
James and McGee (1979a, b) gave orthopyroxenes have abundant heated at that time. Electron
a mode of 53% plagiocluse, 40% stacking faults and Ca-enriched petrographic work on a separate(?)
orthopyroxene, 5% augite, 0.5% (GP) zones in varied density. The felsite was reported by Nord and
ilmenite, and <1.5% all other subsolidus effects indicate that the James (1978a, b), although this
phases. The trace phases are gabbronodte cooled at rates similar felsite is the others in
apatite, whitlockite, chromite, to the Bushveldt intrusion, down to having the same textures and shock
troilite, iron-metal, stanfieldite (Ca- 600 degrees C, and cooling to those glass in K-feldspar. The TEM
Mg-rich phosphate), armalcolite, temperatures in about 3000 years, studies confirm glass at the grain
and mtile. Single grains of K- This, with the compositional boundaries and within K-feldspar
feldspar and K-Si-dch glass were variation of pyroxenes, suggests and a lack of glass in quartz. No
also found. The plagioclases do not cooling in the upper part of the microstructures indicative of
contain inclusions, but the lunar crust. The gabbronorite was deformation, or deformation
orthopyroxenes do contain shocked and granulated, with no followed by recovery, were
inclusions us well us thin, widely significant production of observed in either the K-feldspar or
spaced exsolution lamellae. The tbetomorphic glass, at about 50Kb, the quartz. Pigeonite grains contain
augites contain abundant exsolution substantially lower than the shock antiphase domain boundaries,
iamellae of low-Ca pyroxene, pressures of 27,80. This was abundant twins, and exsolved
Plagioclase compositions are fairly accompanied by an Fe-S vapor, augite lamellae. Some glass at
SAMPLE 73255--317

cores to ferroaugite rims) and

plagioclase. Pyroxene andolivine
Wo _ --/,/'-----7
_ I analyses are showninFig. 10; those
Fo<66) as they me in marebasalts.
The plagioclases me calcic,
averagingaboutAn93. The basalts
me high-aluminamarebasalis,
40_bi_ 1 petrographicallymost similar
phasesare iron-rich(e.g. to
En Fs / J(i _ I high-alumina marebasalt 14053.
appearsto have takenplace before
the basalts had finished
crystallizing;because the
granulationappearsto be a result of

breccia,the basalts are infened to

be about 3.87 Ga old. The fragment
_i / ' The granulation
consisting ofthe
of basalts in fragments
a fine-

• _ ,, patchesof very f'me-gminedmelt

grainedmatrixalso has some

_ _ _i
a--_e_ h thatis aluminous like the host
l0 20 30
0 En Fs C> Nordand James (1978a,b) reported
electron petrographicstudies of an
Figure 8: Compositions of pyroxenes in gabbronorite 27,45. For details see undeformedanorthite(An97; about
James and McGee (1979a). 540 x 700 microns) and a shocked
anorthite (An94, 450x 200
3 microns). The undeformed
Co anorthitcshowed no visible
deformationin normalmicroscopy.
2 • The TEM studies showed a low
_. dislocation density andunusually
small type (c) antiphasedomains;
1 the formerindicates no significant
• shock effects, the latter that the
• latest event was rapidcooling
I I f I lb i I I I 210 _ J through600 degreesC. The
Ni shockedauorthRehad
microscopically visible deformation
Figure 9: Ni-Co contents (wt%)of metal grains in gabbronorite 27,45. lamellae and undulatoryextinction.
James and McGee (1979a). The TEM studies showed the
presence of tiny crystallites,
grainboundarieswas producedby and providing microprobeanalyses, with minute twin lamellae. The
heatingwithin thebreccia, not by They me fracturedand locally anorthite had been shocked into a
direct shock heating,whereas K- gauulated; one is a cotle_on of glass andthen devitified" cooling
feldsparglass shows characteristics basalt fragmentsin a fine-grained rapidly,perhaps in two stages, to
indicative of both thermaland matrix.The fragmentsme rounded less than 840 degrees C.
shock melting, injection of veinlets and concentratedin the mottled
andglobules of marie melt lithology of thecore. The basalts The petrographicstudies of the
probablyaccompaniedthe shock me generally subop_tic but me all structureand lithologies of 73255
event The evidence suggests that at least slightly differentin grain show thatit crystallized from a
the clast was heatedto morethan size and texture;they probably mass of aphanitic melts of similar
990 degrees C afterincorporation forma sequence related by composition, including the
into the breccia, differentiation. The finest-grained vesicularrind, that contained
fragmenthas some variolitic numerous mineraland lithic clasts
James and M__,-ee(1980a, b) patches.Olivine and Cr-spinel of varied shock history. All clasts
extractedfive small marebasalt crystallized first, followed by were heated by the melt to above
clastsfrom73255, describing them composite pyroxenes (pigeonite
318---SAMPLE 73255

Di.a " ° _Hd /_/_b " _ - - Hd

En Fs En Fs

Fo D, c .Hd FaFo _d .... __d Fa

j ,-'"

En Fs En Fs
Fo Fa Fo Fa

Figure I0: Compositions of pyroxenes and olivines in basalt clasts in 73255. Diagram d) contains data from 3
clasts; the others each are data from a single clast. James et al. (1980a).

900 degrees C and then cooled

rapidly. Following crystalli7ation,
there were no signifioxtt shock l°t • _ t J _ J _ , _ t _ J J ,

Major and trace element analyses Q)
of the bulk rock and aphanitic melt

phases are compiled

and 3, with in rare
plots of the Tables 2
earths _ 1021
abundances in Fig. 11. A plot of
rare earth abundances in 0
comparative vesicularhaon- ,£_
vesicular aphanite pairs (James et (.)
al., 1978a) is given as Figure 12. "_
Defocused beam microprobe _)
analyses of the melt phase of the
aphanitic melt phases are given in Q-4 10:
Table 4. Major and trace element
analyses of separated clasts are
given in Table 5, with a description t_
of the elasts as analyzed by 0'_
Blanchard and Budahn (1979a)
given as Table 6. The rare earth
element plots of Blanc.hard and
Budahn (1979a) for different clast
groups are presented as Fig. 13a-c. 1¢ I I _ I _ t _ _ z 1 1 I I
Mineral separates for pyroxene
anorthosite (norite) 27,80, and not a LEt Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
bulk rock sample, were analyzed
for trace elements by Blanchard
and Budahn (1979a); the rare earth Figure 11: Rare earth elements in aphanites from 73255 (James et al.,
element plot for these separates and 1978).
SAMPLE 73255--319


La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb yb Lu

Figure 12: Comparison of rare earths in vesicularnon-vesicular aphanite pairs in 73255. (James et al. 1978).




73255, 73215, & 12013
_ 5o

10 100

5 _ 50
2 _ 20
1 _ lo
' Ce
La ' '
Nd ' '
SmEu Tb v'b Lu
' -J
1[ 5


I ] I I i I I I
100 La Co Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
_- 50 - 14053

20- _ ClaStgroups. (Blanchardand Budahn,1979a).


i : -- " : • Figure 13: Rare earth element plots for different

1 Ce
I Nd
/ SmEu
, I Tb
.... yIb Lu
32(_SAMPLE 73255




FROM73 55 50 - ', ill'o; Xo;2

I j//
O O s /

i'g 5 • . ....... _
,, !
i 105 VED .51 _ \/'

2 D PLAG DRAKE & WEILL 1975 .2 Dop x WEILL & McKAY 1975

1 .13.10 .09 .08 1.8 .07 .04 .03 D1.013 .017 .02 .02 .05 .18 .20
f I I I I I .1
i i i i i i i

a La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu b La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu

Figure 14: a) Rare earth element plots for mineral separates for pyroxene anorthosite (norite) ,27,80 and parent
(LIQ A) calculated from plagiclase separate, b) Rare earth elements calculated for pure orthopyroxene and impure
orthopyroxene separate for,27,80. (Blanchard and Budahn, 1979a).

calculated parent melts are given as Petrie, 1979a, b). Defocused beam from an evolved parent with
Fig. 14a, b. The uphanitic melt microprobe analyses of the incompatible trace elements not
breccia data show that the groundmass of the aphanites, unlike the host aphanite breccia;
compositions cluster very tightly, avoiding clasts and thus however, clearly the norite did not
more so than those in 73215, and corresponding with melt, indicate crystallize in place from such a
are rather similar to other Apollo 17 that the melt is fairly homogeneous parenL
fragment-laden melts, such as the and corresponds closely with bulk
Station 6 and 7 boulders. However, rock (Table 4). This indicates that The felsite sample analylzed was
the 73255 aphanites do have lower the clast population has a bulk tiny (2.0 mg) and can hardly be
Tit2 Oames ct al., 1978, Blanchard composition similar to that of the representative. It is similar in major
et al., 1978). The 73255 aphanitic melt (James et al., 1978). elements to the 73215 felsite and to
melts differ from others such as 12013; it lacks the negative Eu
73215 and the Boulder 1 Station 2 The gabbronorite clast 27,45 was anomaly of these others (Fig. 13b).
samples in being less feldspathic analyzed as a tiny (10-12 mg) bulk Blanchard and Budahn (1978a, b)
and having a lower dispersion of samples (2 chips with different t-md their data indicative of an
A120 3 and FeO among samples; compositions) by Blanchard and origin by liquid immiscibility.
however, most trace elements are Budaim (1979a, b) and for Sm and
virtually indistinguishable. The Nd by Carlson and Lugmair (1981). The three basalt fragments analyzed
vesicular aphanites in 73255 appear The coarse grain size makes these (Blanchard and Budalm, 1978a, b)
to be slightly enriched in rare earth unrepresentative. The incompatible have major clement compositions
elements by about 10-30% dement contents are fairly low similar to high-alumina mare
compared with the non-vesicular (Table 5, Fig. 13a) The norite has basalts, particularly Apollo 14
aphanites (Table 3, Fig. 12). Other low enough Ni to be considered examples such as 14053, but the
data suggests that the vesicular lacking in meteoritic rare earth elements are more similar
samples are enriched in some contamination, although one of the to very low Ti mare basalts (Fig.
volatiles, such as Rb and Bi (Table subsamples has some black veins. 13c). The samples are generally
3). The aphanites are contaminated The pyroxene anorthosite (norite) similar but differ in detail; again,
with meteoritic siderophiles and clast 27,80 was analyzed only for these are tiny analyzed pieces (less
volatiles, corresponding with the trace elements on mineral separates than 10 rag).
Anders Group 2 assigned to (Blanchard and Budahn, 1979a, b);
Serenitatis rocks (Morgan and the data indicates crystallization

Table 4: Defocused beam microprobe analyses of dast-free groundmass areas of 73255. (James et al. (1978).


315 316
Section number 314(78) 9009(124) 280( 171 ) ( 158 ) (265 )

Analysi.... ber I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13

SiO2 47.6 48.3 48.3 48.5 48.7 48.3 47.4 48.0 48.4 48.3 48.5 48.8 48.0
TiO_ 0.87 1.01 1.07 0.96 0.83 1.21 1.50 1.46 0.99 1.02 1.05 0.98 1.07
AI203 17.4 17,6 17.1 17.6 17.4 17.7 17.6 18.0 18.4 17.9 18.l 18.0 17.5
FeO 9.03 8.84 9.37 9.37 9.40 10.2 11.8 10.3 9.10 9.54 9.64 9.08 9.34
MnO 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.16
MgO l 1.8 l 1.5 I 1.4 I 1.2 12.2 10.8 9.12 9.58 11.4 I 1.2 I 1.2 11.4 I 1.5
CaO l 1.2 l 1.4 11.4 11.2 10.5 I 1.5 12.0 l 1.9 I 1.4 ] 1.3 I 1.4 11.0 I 1.4
Na20 0.54 0.54 0.57 0.59 0.89 0.55 0.59 0.58 0.43 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.49
K20 0.30 0.38 0.40 0.47 0.57 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.33 0.32
Cr203 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.26
P20,.t 0.20 0.21 0.23 0.22 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.25 0.22 0.19
Total 99.33 100.16 100.23 I00.55 101.07 101.21 100.97 100.78 100.97 100.66 101.33 100.70 100.23
Number of
spot_ analysed 15 Il 15 8 4 10 10 10 1I 10 12 7 3

73255 ] 732152

Average Average Average Average

Section number 286(265) 219(120) C NV SV V Average Average Average

black gray Schlieren-rieh
Analysis number 14 15 16 17 18 19 (1 + 12 (2 + 9 -- I I (3 + 16 (4 + aphanitic aphaniti¢ gray aphanitic
Type C NV SV SV V V(C) + 14) + 13 + 15) + 17) 18) matrix matrix matrix

SiO2 47.6 47.7 48.1 48.7 48.5 48.7 48.0 48.2 48.4 48.5 47.6 46.7 48.1
TiO2 0.99 1.05 0.98 1.09 1.08 1.08 0.91 1.03 1.06 1.03 1.00 1.09 1.04
A1203 18.3 17.5 17.5 18.3 17.4 18.7 17.6 17.8 17.6 17.5 19.0 19.0 18.0
FeO 9.49 9.71 9.27 9.37 9.52 8.61 9.08 9.41 9.35 9.45 8.26 8.27 8.73
MnO 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.17 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.15 0.10 0.09 0.13
MgO l 1.5 11.8 I 1.2 10.4 11,1 9.49 11.7 l 1.4 11.1 I 1.2 10.5 11.7 10.9
CaO 1 1.4 I 1.0 I 1.0 11.6 l 1.3 12.0 11.1 11.3 11.3 l 1.3 12.0 I 1.9 11.8
Na2C, 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.55 0.57 0,60 0.52 0.48 0.54 0,58 0,76 0.64 0.62
K20 0.32 0.34 0.29 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.31 0.31 0.36 0.43 0.29 0.30 0.31
Cr203 0.25 0.26 0.30 0.27 0.27 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.27 0.15 0.16 0.19
P205 0.16 0.22 0.14 0.19 0.12 0.17 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.41 0.25 0.31
Total 100.63 99.90 99.37 100.95 100.39 100.19 99.81 100.55 100.31 100.57 100.07 100.10 100.13
Numt_r of
spots analysed 2 20 7 9 10 5 24 67 31 18 14 4 7

tC---ctyptocrystalline; NV--nonvesicular; SV---slightly vesicular; V--v_icular; (VAR)--variolitic; (F)---relatively fine grained; (M)--telatively medium grained; (C)--relatively coarse grained;
BFC--within 60 ,m of edge of felsite clast. Sample numbers are thin section numbers; parent piece for thin section is given in pal'entheses.

2Frorn James
bie.a:s. (1976). Analyses were done at University of New Mexico by G. H. Conrad and K. Keil; SiO z and MgO value* tabulated here have been corrected for systematic interlaboratory
SAMPLE 73255---325

Table 6: Description of samples listed in Table 5.

Type Analyzed
sample sample
number number Sample descriptions

27,76 27,76,1 Single, clean piece of vuggy basalt (6.69 rag)
27,24 27,25,1 Basalt chip, black vuggy (9.33 rag)
27,105 (27,109) Coarser grained basalt, subophitic, vuggy
(110,1) (3.87 m8)
8,1 Anorthosite analyzed in 1974; major elements by AAS
27,101 27,101,7 White material from the black and white nodule (see 27,101,10 for black)
(9.96 rag)
Gabbroic Anorthosite
253,12 253,t2,1 3 plagioclase clasts (13.5 rag) from coherent gabbroic anorthosite clast
Anorthositic Gabbros
228 228,13,5 Fine-grained, sugary clean piece of G-A (22.72 mg)
27,1 27,12,2 Fine-grained, sugary clean piece of G-A (30.70 rag)
27,48 27,48,7 Medium-grained, clean G-A (23.66 rag)
154,1 154,1,2 Very fine-grained G-A (8.32 rag)
27,45 27,65,2,1 Clean sample of granulated, coarse-grained norite (12.91 mg)
27,45 27,65,2,2 Norite chip same as 27,65,21 but containing black veins (10.63 rag)
27,3 27,3 2 mg sample of hand picked, clean felsite and felsite and felsite glass
27,95 :_7,95,1 Pure plagloclase sample (3.9 rag)
27,80 27,80.1 Hand picked plagloclase separate from coarse grained pyroxene
anorthosite--very clean
(2.5 mg)
27,80 27,80,2 Hand picked pyroxene separate from coarse grained pyroxene
anoUhosite--probably not pure (0.7 rag)

The other highland breccia samples a slightly youngerage than the high
analyzed appearto be fairly typical RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES AND temperatureone (Table 7). The
lunaranorthositicbreccias and GEOCHRONOLOGY preferredinterpretationof the
feldspathicimpactites, authors is thatthe high-temperature
contaminatedwith meteoritic 40Ar-39Ar stepwise heating region dates clasts and the low
siderophiles.They have low rare analyses on several samples of temperatureregion the melt; the dip
earthabundancesandpositive Eu aphaniticmelt breccias were might be a recoil effect. There are
anomalies (Fig. 13a). One (,154, conductedby Jessbergef et al. nOclear differencesbetween the
not shown on Fig. 13a) is like a (1978) and Staudacheret al. melt age for vesicularand non-
"very high aluminabasalt"and (1979a, b); a single sample was vesicular samples, but the vesicular
appearsto be an impactmelt. Two similarlyanalyzed by Eichorn et al. samples appearto contain clasts
of the feldspathic impactites (1979a, b), who also included thatare much mole degassed than
("anorthositicgabbros")were aphaniticmelt phases in their laser those in the non-vesicular melts.
analyzedfor meteoritic siderophiles pulsed Ar studyof materials in Jessbergeret al. (1978) conclude
andvolatiles and appear to be 73255. Jessbergeret al. (1978) thatthe age of the melt andbreccia-
differentin total abundancebut fall analyzedfour samples of different formingevent is 3.88 +1-0.03Ca.
in the same group 3 inferredto be a aphanitetypes, summarized in Standacher et al. (1979a, b)
pre-Serenitatismeteoritic Table 7 and Fig. 15. The apparent analyzed four more aphaniticmelts
component(Morgan and Petrie, age spectraall show some structure, (Tables 8 and 9 and Fig. 16), with
1979 a, b). similarresults, and further
loss, clear
then alow-temperatureargon discussed the significance of the
low temperature
"plateau"succeeded by a dip then a structurein the temperature
high-temperature"plateau".The releases. The age inferredfor the
low temperature"plateau"indicates melt, i.e. the low-temperature
326_AMPLE 73255

8.0 , , , _ 8.0 / ' / =- "plateau", depends on the model

,,_ 4.0 L,L= _ 4.0 _ n _ __ used toinunderstand

listed Table 9. In the
A the as
oo _____ _ [-_ _ _ dip is explained
microclasts by breccia
during gas loss from

_ | formation; in model B the dip

4.0 ._ 4.0 j results fromrecoil fromthefine-
< 3.8 < 3.8 slightly younger ages for breccia
X Z formation. Eichom et al. (1979a, b)
w analyzed one sample of aphanite
_gw __ -- cgw _l_ ' grained groundmass and results in
tw 3.6 ,130,1 _ 3.61 ,124,9005 and obtained a roughly similar
< II , , < , , , , release structure (Fig. 17), although
0 0'.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 the dip is not so prominent. The
FRACTION39Ar_*RELEASED FRACTION39Ar* RELEASED preciseage of the melt is difficult
® 8.0 , © 8.0 _ , to infer from this release.
v Eichorn et al. (1979a, b) used laser
x 4.0 L_ x 4.0
o _ _ release from polished surfaces to
_ obtain gas for Ar analyses of
various phases in 73255. Samples
,_4.0 , / were pre-beated to remove low-
w "- "" w ..d_ td temperature gas, and the data

_- assumed higher-temperature
w I plateau (assuming therefore no
z 3.6
m ,124,9002
_ 3.6 ,156 structure in the high-temperature
3.8 I _ I I _
_ 3.8 / _ i , correspond
release) because
with temperature
K-At ages of an
0 0.5 1.0 0 O.S 1.0 cannot be controlled in this
FRACTION39Ar_ RELEASED FRACTION39Ar* RELEASED experimenL The inferred age data
for the aphanites (included in the
Figure 15: Ar-Ar and K/Ca release diagrams for 73255 aphanitic melts, summary Table 10) are varied and
Vesicularlity decreases from top left to bottom right. Jessberger et aL determination of the age of the
(1978). breccia-forming event is difficult at
best. Clearly much material did not

_c .01 _ .1_
.01 .1
.0" .1-
ILl , .... I 1

4.3 4.3 4.3! 4.3

< 3.9 ' 3.9 3.9 3.9

3.5 ! 27,101 3.5 .r- 253,13 3.5 F 135,5 3.5 27,46
o_ 3.1 m 3.1 3.1 . , 3.1 i /

< 0 50 100 0 5 100 0 50 100 0 5u 100

Figure 16: Ar-Ar and K/Ca release diagrams for 73255 aphanitic melts. Staudacher et aL (1979a).
SAMPLE 73255--327

Table 7: Sunmmry of Ar-Ar release age data for 73255 aphanitic melts. ,156 is non-vesicular core; ,124,9002
is a less-vesicular core/rind boundary sample; ,124,9005 is a more-vesicular core/rind boundary; ,130,1 is
vesicular rind. Jessberger et al. (1978).

Sample K Ca Agea) K-Ar Ageb) 40Ar.39Ar
Snbnumber [ppm] [%] [m.y.] [AE] [AE] Plateau Agesc) Temperature Ranges

Plateau 1 Plateau 2 _Ar-loss corrected K-Ar Age

,156 1090 8.0 104 3.90 3.88 + .02(670-810) 3.98 + .01(1160-1440) 3.94 ± .03(670-1440)
,t24,9002 1420 9.6 99 3.89 3.88 ± .02(700-820) 3.92 + .01(1150-1400) 3.90 ± .02(700-1400)
,124,9005 1280 9.9 93 3.84 3.92 ± .02(720-780) 3.91 4- .01(1140-1410) 3.89 ± .03(720-1410)
,130,1 1350 7.7 86 3.80 3.90 4. .03(670-860) 3.86 4. .01(1160-1360) 3.86 + .03(670-1360)

'*)Erroris 15 m.y.
I')Absolute uncertainty is 0.03 AE (ltr).
':)Uncertainties listed are 2 o and appropriate for comparison of the results within this study. Plateau ranges are given in brackets.

Table 8: Summary of Ar-Ar release age data for 73255 aphanit/c melts and dasts. Plateau 2 is the high-
temperature region inferred to represent clasts. Staudacher et al. (1979a).

4_'Ar-_aArage d
Sample K Ca Agea K-Ar age _ Plateau 1_ Plateau 2
subnumber [ppm] [%] [m.y.] [AE} [AE] [AE]

253,13 aphanite coating 1380 7.2 97 3.92 4.00 -+.01

135.5 aphanite in 1430 7.2 96 3.89 3.99 _+.01
mottled lithology
27,101 aphanite from black 1130 7.3 92 3.89 3,99 --_.01
and white nodule
27,46 aphanite coating 1670 7.4 94 3.87 3.94 -+.01
156 core 1090 8.0 96 3.90 3.98 -+.01
124,9002 * less vesicular aphanite 1420 9.6 91 3.89 3.92 -+ ,01
from core-rind contact
124,9005 vesicular aphanite 1280 9.9 86 3.84 3.91 -+ .01
from core-rind contact
130,1- highly vesicular 1350 7,7 79 3.80 3.86 -+ .01
rind aphanite

228 ] 450 9,7 92 3.95 3.96 + .01 4.20 + .01

27,i,I gabbro 600 9.2 94 3.90 3.93 *- .0l 4.14 -* .02

27,1,2 l clasts
anorthositic 630
590 I0.1
9.7 88
89 3.85
3.89 3.91 -+
3.93 ±
- .02
.02 ---

a Error is 10 m.y.
b Absolute uncertainty is .03 AE
c Low temperature ages for aphanites are listed in Table 3.
d An absolute error of -+.03 AE is not included.
• Results are taken from Jessberger et al. (1978).
328_SAMPLE 73255

Table 9: Model ages for low temperature regions of Ar-Ar release data for 73255 aphanitic melts.
Temperature range for corresponding fractions given in parentheses. Staudacher et al. (1979a).

Model A Age Model B Age _"Ar redistribution

Sarnpte Plateau I in Region 1
subnumber [AE} IAE] [%]

73255.253.13 q.92 z .02 (710-9001 3.89 -+ .03 (710-10801 1.2

135.5 3.93 -+ .02 (730-880) 3.90 ± .02 (730-10901 1.4
27,101 3.90 = .02 (650-890) 3.88 + .02 1650-10101 1.1
27,46 4.01 -+ .02 (680-890) 3.89 z .09 (680-1030) 5. I

156 3.88 -_ .02 (670-8101 3.83 -+ .03 (670-10101 1.7

12&9002 3.88 -+ .02 (700-820) 3,85 -+ .02 (700-10301 .8
124,9005 3.92 z .02 (720-780) 3.82 ± .04 (720-10601 2.0
130,1 3.90 -+ .03 (670-860) 3.85 ± .04 (670-1080) 2.2

[ release. This is inferred to date the

i melting and degassing of the felsite
as it was incorporated into the melt,
i ,_5o thus dating the melt event.
i 8oo8__I'I"'d
750m"I'- ,zoo ,_o_2_o_-
I _ Eichorn et al. (1979a, b) used laser
.. 3s_
_5 release from polished surfaces to
-g, _oo obtain gas for At"analyses of
< 3o_ 73255.312 Aphonile ValiOUSphases in 73255. Samples
were pre-heated to remove iow-
e 5_ temperature gas and the data
" correspond with K-At ages of an
L ....... assumed higher-temperatnre
o 5o _oo plateau (assuming, therefore, no
Froetion of 3°At I%1 Stl'l_ttlTCin the high-temperatnre
release) because temperature
Figure 17: Ar-Ar release diagram for a 73255 aphanitic melt. Eichorn et cannot be controlled in this
al. (1979a). experiment. The inferred age data
for the clasts are summarized in
completely degas at the time of Staudachex et al. (1979a, b) Table 10. They show a wide variety
melting, which is best inferred from conducted thermal release At-At of ages, including some that are
the best-degassed clasts and the studies on clasts in 73255: one rather younger than the inferred age
thermal releases (such as those of felsite and three "auorthositic of the host melt, e.g. felsites range
Staudacher et al. (1979a) which gabbros" (one duplicate). The data from 3.48 to 3.98 Ga.. Devitrified
agree at 3.87 +1- 0.03 Cra. are summarized in Table 8 and the maskelynites give "ages" as old as
release diagrams shown as Fig. 19 5.5 Ga (Table 12), hence
James et al. (1978) reported Rb and (auorthositic gabbros) and Fig. 20 maskelynites must be considered
Sr isotopic data on 7 aphanitic melt (felsite). Two of them (,228 and unreliable for determining ages. No
phases from 73255. one chip of ,27,1 are stated to have other samples except some
Calculated to about 3.9 Ga, the data a marked 2-step release, with low groundmasses suggest ages older
show that there were significant temperature release indicating than 4.0 Ga.
differences in 87Sr/86Sr at that lower ages. The other two show
time (Fig. 18), thus the melt did not low temperature releases that rise Carlson and Lugmair (1981)
then equilibrate over a scale of a more gradually to high- reported a Sm-Nd isotopic analysis
few millimeters. The data indicate temperature, higher ages (Fig. 19). of the pristine igneous gabbronorite
similarities with other aphanitic The felsite (Fig. 20) is the same ,27,45 (Table 13, Fig. 21). The
melts (Fig. 18) with the bulk data clust analyzed by Blanchard and three-point isochron gives an age of
reflecting mixing of materials. Budahn (1979a, b); it shows a high- 4.23 +/-0.05 Ga and is well defined.
temperature plateau age of 3.89 +/- The TIC E age is similar to the
0.03 Ga over the last 50% of At isochron age, thus the
SAMPLE 73255--329

Table 10: Summary of laser Ar ages (Ga) in 73255, for melt and clasts (preheated samples).
Eichorn et al. (1979a).

Preheating temperatures _:J

Sample 650°C 700°C 900°C


nonvesicular 4.10 ± .01 4.09 .4-.03* 4.21 ± .01"
(- 2 tim grain size) 4.07 ± .01" 4.03 ± .01"
4.00 ± .01
cryptocrystailine 4.02 ± .01"
(< I tzm grain size)
highly vesicular 3.76 ± .01 3.78 ± .01" 3.86 ± .03*
(- 4-5 p.m grain size) 3.80 ± .01"
3.78 ± .01
slightly vesicular 3.91 ± .02*
(- 2 t_m grain size)
fine-grained (- 1 p.m) 3.91 ± .01 4.09 ± .01 4.07 ± .01
coarse-grained (5-10 _'n) 3.80 ± .01 3.81 ± .01 3.70 ± .02

Felsic clast material

glass A 3.77 ± .01 3.72* ± .01 3.73* ± .01
3.58* ± .01
K-feldspar A 3.96 .4-.01 3.93* ± .01 3.92* ± .01
3.98* ± .01
K-feldspar C 3.94 ± .02
K-feldspar B 3.73 ± .03
partly melted
vermicular intergrowth C 3.72 ± .01 3.97 ± .02*
3.69* ± .01
partly melted
vermicularintergrowth 1 3.77 ± .01 3.82 ± .02*
glass H 3.69 ± .01 3.87 ± .02*
plagioclase H 3.87 - .03
partly melted
vermicular intergrowth D 3.86 -+ .02*
vermicular intergrowth F 3.48 -+ .03*
glass D 3.59t ± .01

Lithic clasts

ANT-suite fine-grained
anorthositi¢ gabbro
shocked clast M 3.81 ± .01
small plagioclases in elast J 3.74 ± .01 3.84* - .02
large plagioclases in clast J 3.93 ± .01
330_SAMPLE 73255

Table 10: Continued.

Preheating temperatures _"

Sample 650°C 700°C 900°C

Lithic clasts

clast B 3.67 ± .01 3.77 ± .05
clast B 3.73t +- .01
ANT-suite coarse-grained
pyroxene anorthosite
relict plagioclase of clast D 3.66 -+ .02 3.92 + m 08

shattered plagioclase of clast D 3.62 -+ .02 !

Fine-grained quenched basalt
Groundmass AI 3.84 ± .0l 3.81 ± .01
Groundmass A2 3.99 -+ .01

Devitrified maskelynite clasts

Centers of two 0.5-ram clasts 3.99 -+ .01
center of 0.3-mm clast A 3.99 -+ .01
center of 0.5-mm clast B 4.82 +- .02
4.96* ± .05
intermediate zone within
0.5-mm clast B 4.34 -+ .03
4.36* ± .04
centers of 5 0.2-ram clasts 3.89 +- .01
center of 0.3-mm clast 4.14 -+ .02 4.20 ± .02

_1_Samples were preheated for 1.5 hours at each temperature successively. Ages marked with
an * were obtained on samples that were preheated twice, for a total of 3 hours, at 650°C. Ages
marked with a t were obtained on a sample that was not preheated.

Table U: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 73255 aphanites. James et al. (1978).

Rb Total Sr
Sample (ppm) (ppm) 87Rb/S6Sr 87Sr/S6Sr

Vesicular rind aphanite

122 9.85 128.6 0.2214 0.71251
Slightly vesicular aphanite, at core-rind contact
9006 (110) 9.93 126.1 0.2276 0.71287
9004 (124) 5.47 126.0 0.1254 0.70705
Nonvesicular aphanite
9003 (124) 5.56 127.3 0.1261 0.70698
9007 (148) 5.31 122.8 0.1248 0.70679
176 5.54 125.4 0.1276 0.70701
9008 (245) 5.28 118.1 0.1291 0.70723

Table 12: Summary of laser-released Ar studies of a 1.4 nun clast of devitrified maskelynlte in 73255.
Eichorn et al. (1979a).

Center Zone 4 Zone 3 Zone 2 Edge

Surface 1 4.20 -+ .05 4.03 -+ .01 4.49 ± .02 4.51 ± .02 4.13 ± .01
4.20 ± .01
Surface 2 3.99 --- .02 4.39 ± .02 4.26 ± .01 4.96 - .02 4.02 - .02
Surface 3 3.99 ± .01 4.01 -+ .01 3.99 -+ .02 5.53 -+-.01 5.68 -+ .02

Table 13: Sm-Nd isotopic data for mineral separates and whole rock of,27.45 gabbronorite.
(Carlson and Lugmair, 1981)

Sample Weight [Sin] [Nd] 1478m/144Nd a 143Nd/144Nd a TICE b

(mg) (ppm) (ppm)

Pl-I 14.2 0.841 4.52 O.1124 0.510393

2 42

TR 12.3 1.68 4.27 0.2380 0.513899 4.23

2 45 : 17

Px-I 18.3 0.523 0.976 0.3237 0.516332

9 55

a See foomote for Table 1.

b ICE = "intercept with chondritic evolution" line; model parameters are: (143Nd/144Nd)JuV = 0.512636, (147Sin/
144Nd)JuV = 0.1936.


Figure 18: Modified Sr evolution o r3zss "ATRI

X /
diagram for samples from Apollo • 73215 /

diagram shows how the pattern

would have appeared if measured
just after the breccias formed about
3.90 Ga ago. James et al. (1978).

17 aphanitic melt rocks. The .7ol -- • BOULDERI %%% /'2=0(_1

Y _Yo
.700 -- •
•. _m '-_:O:_'_'O
,00_• •e -I•


•699 I

.10 .20 ,30

332--SAMPLE 73255

.1 .1
,z .01 ,
" ........ _ .01 .01 .01
"' .001 , , , , I
,_ 4.3 !4.3 _.,....,- 4..3 4.3 B
< 3.9 " [3.9 " --- 3.9 3.9

c 3.5 i 228 3.5 I 2%1,2 3.5 f 27,1,1 3.5 2?,48
& 3.1 i i3.1 .... , 3.1 ..... , 3.1., ,
< 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100
Fraction 39Ar _ Released

Figure 19: Ar -Ar and K/Ca release diagrams for "anorthositic gabbro" clasts in 73255, including 2 splits of a
single sample. Staudacher et al. (1979a).

listed exposure ages for clasts and

aphanitic melts (Table 8) that
10. include revisions (apparently
corrected for Ti- and Fe-
co 5. _ t.. - contributions to to the 38Arc
production) of the exposure ages
x/ reported for four aphanitic melts by
1. Jessberger et al. (1978). These

4.0 I --_
:_o ,- ,,_ =
_- exposure ages71Ma
a range from averageto 91Ma
97 Ma. with
t_td I-- _ laser study of Eichom et al. (1979a)
<I_ I , produced a similar range of At
: exposure ages for clasts and
t_ aphanitic melts (86-104 Ma,
< 3.0 r-- average about 97 Ma). The
stepwise heating experiment on a
E. , 27, 3 single sample of aphanitic melt
_- 7-_ produced a similar exposure age.
ta. ._ This age has occurred for other
< 2.0 .-_ I ._ landslide samples and is inferred to
be the age of the landslide.
0 50 100
Fraction 39Ar _ Released James and Marti (1977) reported an
81Kr-83Kr age of 149 Ma for an
interior, non-vesicular aphanitic
Figure 20: Ar-Ar and K/Ca release diagram for a felsite clast in 73255. melt. This age is substantially older
Staudacher et al. (1979a). than the At exposure ages. The
high spallation 78Kr/g3Kr suggests
granulation and breccia formation little shielding during exposure and
did not disturb the Sm-Nd system. EXPOSURE AGES the xenon isotopes too suggest that
Sources at 4.23 Ga had not the entire radiation took place
sufficiently fractionated Sm/Nd or Microcraters on the surface of within a few centimeters of the
had not existed long enough to 73255 are sparse and tiny on all surface.
evolve a Nd isotopic signature surfaces, and nowhere approach
reasonably different from the saturation. The uniform coverage Yokoyama et al. (1974) found that
assumed chondritic reference. This shows that the sample must have 73255 was saturated with both
implies that liquids with highly been tumbled at least once (James 22Na and 26A1, thus the sample has
fractionated relative rare earths and Marti, 1977). been exposed for at least a few
were crystallizing to produce melts million years.
of the Mg-suite 4.2 to 4.3 Ga ago. Exposure ages have been
determined from the At isotopic
studies. Staudacher et al. (1979a, b)


Following separation of a few small

pieces for preliminarystudy, a slab
about 1.5 cm thick was sawn
through 73255 (Figs. 2, 4) in 1974
for the consortium study led by O.
James. Butt end piece ,]7 (Fig. 3)
remains intact at 102 g. Sume
further processing of butt end piece
,12 (Fig. 2) was done but its mass
too remains close to the original at
127 g. The slab piece, consisting
mainly of ,27; ,20; and ,29 has been
extensively subdividedand many
allocations made from both interior
and exterior parts. More than 100
thin sections or probemountshave
been made frommany different
pieces of 73255.

0.51"/' I I I I I I I I I I I [ /

73255,27,45 _°Px-I
0.516 T = 4.23 :t:0.05 AE
TO = 0,50723 ±7-
0,515 EJUV(4.23,E) = 0.5±1.4

._ 0.514
z °TR-I

"- 0.513
0,512 i t i i i r

0.511 =

0.510 / 0,12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32

I I I I I I I I I ;47Sm/ 144Nd [ I I
0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.30 0.34

147Sin / 144Nd

Figure 21: Sm-Nd isochron for gabbronorite, 27,45. Carlson and Lugmair

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
St. 3, 429.6 g

INTRODUCTION with no penewativefractures, and is PETROGRAPHY

homogeneous. Ma0"ixmaterial
73275 is a clast-bearing smaller than about 100 microns No detailed description of 73275
micropoikilitic impact melt breccia constitutes about 95% of the rock. has been published. It is a ciast-
that has a chemical composition It is 10 x 7 x 7 cm and blocky or bearing impact melt with a
similar to the low-K Fra Mauro subangular. Its surface is aneven, micropoikilitic texrUne (Fig. 3a, b,
melts common at the site and with many zap pits on most sides, c). It is a homogeneous melt with
generally presumed to represent the but one area has a fresh fracture an appearance very much like that
Serenitatis impact melt An At-At surface (Fig. 1). It has 2-3% vugs of finer-grained "Serenimtis" melts.
age of about 3.90 Ga has been up to 6 mm in dimension, ranging Large clasts are uncommon in the
determined and it had a multi-stage in shape from near-hemispherical to thin sections; those lithic dusts
exposure history. 73275 was slit-like; some have drusy linings, present are dominantly granoblastic
collected frum the surface on the A slab was sawn through the rock impactites and coarse-grained
rim of the lO-m crater at Station 3. (Fig. 2) and provided most but not feldspar-rich samples with plutonic
The sample is fight gray, tough all of the allocated subsamples, igneous texttues. Mineral


Figure 1: Pre-processing photograph of 73275, showing common eroded surface with patina and zap pits (left) and
fresh broken surface (right). Scale divisions I crn S-73-16929
336--SAMPLE 73275

Figure 2: Slab cut of 73275. Small butt end,2 (left) was partly broken. Large butt end,1 (right, 274 g)) was
retained intact .The slab piece (center) is ,3. Further subsample numbers not shown. Small cubes are I cm.

clasts are dominantly plagiclase, recrystallized breccia with low also coarse-grained granulites and
with nonetheless conspicuous porosity. They found that the rock devitrified plagioclase glasses. The
olivine and some pyroxene. The consisted of large elasts of focus of the study by Goldstein et
groundmass consists of tiny equant plagioclase (0.3-1.00 ram), with al. (1976a, b), however, was the
plagioclases and larger but still smaller olivines (0.05-0.2 nun) and presence of the carbide phase
small (less than 150 micron, orthopyroxenes (0.1-0.2 ram) in a cohenite ((Fe,Ni)3C) which occurs
generally) oikocrysts of pyroxene; free-grained recrystallized with kamacite interstitial to
illmenite is prominent as lathy to grotmdmass of the same phases, silicates.They depicted an example
equant grains (Fig. 3a, b). In a few Many of the plagioclases have rims and made microprobe analyses
areas, tiny clasts are less abundant separated from the clasts by a ring across grains (Fig. 5).
and the groundmass consists of of dark inclusions; the clasts are
elongated plagioclases ophitically more calcic (An90-97) than the
enclosed in more clearly visible presumed overgrowth rims (An85. CHEMISTRY
pyroxenes (Fig. 3c). 90). Electron transmission studies
showed that their were dislocation Chemical analyses are given in
Simonds et al. (1974) listed 73275 substructures in plagiociases and Table 1. Most of these were
as a rock with 50-60% feldspar and are associated with pores; there is originally published with little
a subophitic-micropoikilitic texture, some evidence of recovery. These specific comment, other than the
The tabulated matrix feldspar as authors provide electron general similarity with typical
10-50 microns and matrix marie transmission photographs. There "Serenitatis" melt rocks. The little
grains as 10-100 microns in are well-developed type (b) available rare earth element data
dimension. Their pyroxene and antiphase domains in plagioclase, are consistent with that similarity.
olivine analyses (Fig. 4) are similar and features due to movement of The analyses demonstrate the
to those of the other common melt disassociated dislocations. In similarity with common meteorite-
rocks at Apollo 17, although some clinopyroxenes there are thin contaminated melt rocks such as
of the groundmass pyroxenes are of widely-spaced exsolution lameliae the Station 6 boulder and not with
more magnesian composition (as suggestive of prolonged annealing, the aphanitic melt rocks, which
much as Mg' 86). Engelhardt Goldstein et al. (1976a,b) described have higher alumina and lower
(1979) tabulated the paragenesis as the rock as having a l'me-grained titania. Morgan et al. (1976) assign
one having iimenite crystallization groundmass with plagioclase laths the sample to their Group 2, the
entirely post-date that of pyroxene, enclosed by poiklitic pyroxenes "Serenitatis" group, on the basis of
Heuer et al. (1974) and Radcliffe et 0.1-0.5 mm across. Most of the meteoritic siderophile ratios.
al. (1974) described 73275 as a dast are single crystal, but there are

a b

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of
73275,62. a,b) Same view with
plane transmitted light (a) and
crossed polarizers (b) of general
clast-bearing micropoikilitic
groundmass. Small clasts are
obvious. Field of view about 2 ram
wide. c) detail of ophitic, clast-poor
area with lathy plagioclases.
Crossedpolarizers; field of view
about 500 microns wide.
338mSAMPLE 73275

En v v v v Fs

Figure 4: Microprobe analyses of pyroxenes and olivines

in 73275,60. Open symbols and dots are groundmass phases;
closed symbols are clasts. Simonds et al. (1974).

73275, 68 73275, 64

o.6 _ - 0.5
0.4 ._ 0.4
._ 7- 0.2 0.3
z 6. 0.2
I._ 4 77"
• 3 _ 6
97 _ 5

95 __ 98
94 _ 96
92 _ 94 o_
9_ 92
90 90
96 _ 4
8 -89 7 88

6 ¢j 5-

0 5 ' o_ 4
I--: I-: 3
3 _ 2
0 ! ' 0
I0 , 20 30 40 50 60 0 I0 20 30 40

microns microns

Figure 5: Profiles across Fe-metal/cohenite grains in thin sections of 73275. Goldstein et aL (1976a).

Table 1: Chemical analyses of bulk samples of 73275.

Svlit ,30 ,0 ,23 ,24 ,27 ,28 ,22

SiO2 46.16
TiO2 1.43
A1203 18.49
I_O 9.05
MnO 0.13
MgO 11.54
CaO 11.30 10.5
Na20 0.67
K20 0.27 0.269 0.28
P205 0.26

Hi 182
Rb 6.62 6.9 9.11
Sr 171.8 185.5
Th 4.53 4.97
U• 1.20 0.136
0.270 1.1 1.31
Pb 2.8
Nd 50.67
Sm 14.30

Li 9.4
S 800 927
F 3O
CI (a)l 1.89
Br 0.073 (a)0.115
Za 2.5

Au 3.34
k 5.71
I 0.9
Ca 265
Se 92
Ru Referenc_ and methods:
Rh (1) Rhodes et aL (1974a,b), Nyqtfist et al. (1974a);XRF, AA, IS/MS
IM (2) Bkklds¢ ¢t al. (1974a,b); Gamma-ray _ectroecolpy
Ag 0.74 (3) Morgan et al. (1974a,b, 1976); RNAA
Ol 4.1 (4)GL_bson and Moore (1974a,b)
In (5) Jo,,_anovi¢and Reed (1974a,b,c. 1980a); RNAA
Sn (6) Ob_li et el. (1978; ID/MS
Sb I. 19 (7) TumcT and Cadogan (1974a); from A.r-Ar_-adiafion
To 5.5
W Notes:
Ire 0.494 (a) Combined leach mui residue.
T1 1.60
Bi 0.16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
340_SAMPLE 73275

10, , ........
0.9 1.10 1.20
I I\ \ I I _ i I
Ipb \% .6o
o_ _ k 73275041o)
Ca _
0 01: 1.2 .50

000' , , , , : : : : _ t_.
4.Z, 0
"_ O.E .40
ua 42 '_

38 73275 _'_ _ 12021

,6 0.4 (,4,0} 40"%......,._
_ 3_I0 _ _ ._.4.4%_ (1489)3.2.
05 I0
Ii I I I B I 1 I
1000 , , , , , , . 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6

-_ ' ' _-_0o 238u/ZOSpb

__ 4- >

-- l _loo_ Figure 7."U-Pb

values are given evolution diagramfor
in parentheses. 73275,28
A reference line and otherthrough
is drawn samples.points
The u
loo _5o._ corresponding with 4.42 and 3.9 Ga. Oberli et al. (1978).

_ _ to the other "noritic breccias" that these model ages are older than the
_o , ....... ___1o _ they analyzed, falling on the same Rb-Sr model ages, implying that
0 05 _0 3.96 Ga (new decay constants) line the events that lead to Rb/Sr
FRACTFON OF 3TAr _ELEASED of unclear significance. The increases in the history of these
87Rb/86Sr = 0.1112 +/-10 and the samples were not accompanied by
Figure6: Ar release and apparent 87Sr/86Sr =0.70619 +/.5. These changesin the Sm/Ndratio TheU-
age with K.Ca, and Ar exposure data provide TBabi of 4.39 +/-0.07 Th-Pb isotopic data are marginally
age of 73275,22. (Turner and concordant at 4.42 Ga. (Figure 7).
Cadogan (1975a). Ga (new decay constants)and
TLuni of 4.42 +/- 0.07 Ga. Oberli However, the tangential relation-
et al. (1978) provided ship
suited(again, like 73255) ais poorly
to discriminating
GEOCHRONOLOGY AND corresponding isotopic
0.1598 and 0.70870 ratios
+/-5, and of disconcordant array. The 207pb/
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES TBabi of 4.18 +/-0.03 Ga (new 206pb age is 4.418 +/-2 Ga, the
decay constants). As for sample 206pb/238U age is 4.404 +16/-17
Turner and Cadogan (1974a, b) 73235, the young Rb-Sr model Ga, and the 208pb/232U age is
reported Ar-Ar release data. The ages imply that either crust 4.379 +/-41 Ga.
data provide an extended plateau formation occurred at these late
(Fig. 6) with a small high- model ages or that remelting of
temperature release. However, their materials relatively rich in Rb/Sr RARE GASES AND
is a fineis structure in the plateau took place then.
which real and outside of EXPOSURE

experminental error.The apparent Oberli et al (1978) also provided It is apparent that 73275 had a
age is 3.90 +/-0.05 Ga (new decay Sm-Nd and U-Th-Pb isotopic data.
constants; old decay constants 3.96 multi-stage exposure history.
Ga), and the total Ar age is The 147Sm]144Nd of 0.1708+/-1 Tumor and Cadogan (1974a)
identical, and the 143Nd/144Nd of derived a nominal exposure age of
0.511092+/-19 give Tjuv of 4.51 160Ma from 38Arc/Ca data
Nyquist et al. (1974a) provided Rb +/-0.02 Ga and TChur of 4.91 +/- (Figure 5). Crozaz et al. (1974a, b)
and Srisotopic data that is similar 0.15 Ga. As for sample 73235, reported Kr isotopic data and
SAMPLE 73275--341

spaUation spectra. They derived an Yokoyama et al. (1974) found the PROCESSING
exposure age of 139 +/-5 Ma. This sample to be saturated in 22Na and
Kr data and also xenon isotopic 26AL the latter requiring exposure A sawn slab (,3) was produced in
data was also discussed by of at least 2 or 3 Ma. 1973, with exterior and interior
Arvidson et al. (1976). The pieces. Several chips were taken
relatively high (131Xe/126Xe)c of from exterior areas for exposure
5.7 and the fact that the PHYSICAL PROPERTIES and other studies (Fig. 2). Two of
(80Kr/83Kr)c and (82Kr/83Kx)c are these (,4, and, 6) were made into
potted butts for thin sections. Some
the highest among the samples they Huffman et al. (1974a) and subdivisions and allocations were
analysed indicates substantial Huffman and Dunphyre (1975) made from end piece ,2, which is
shielding and is inconsistent with a used Mossbauer and magnetic now 26 g. Further chipping from
simple surface history. They methods to understand the state of the subsamples was conducted in
suggest that the Kr age of 139 Ma iron in various phases of 73275. 1975. The large end piece ,1 is now
overestimates the true surface 96.1% of the total Fe is in silicates 274 g, and the largest remaining
residence time. (66.3% in pyroxenes, 29,8% 9 in slab piece (,3) is 69 g. The three
olivines), 3.2% in ilmenite, 0.7% in large pieces account for all but
Crozaz et al. (1974a, b) also FeS, and 0.735% as Fe °. The total about 60 g of the original sample.
reported nuclear track data for Fe2+ is 8.5%. They were
73275, giving 4.7 +/-1 Ma for a
single point determination at 2.9 +/- conducting low-temperature Table 2: Magnetic data for
Mossbauer studies of 73275,25. Nagata et al. (1974a).
0.4 cm depth, which provides a supcrparamagnetic clustering of
maximum surface exposure. They 73275-15
suggest (using soil radiation data Fe2+ spin in lunar olivines. Parameter (Br) Unit
also) that the age of Ballet Crater is
5 to 20 Ma. Goswami and Lal Nagata et al. (1974a, b, 1975a) L 13.4 xl0-" emu/g
(1974) also studied track densities, tabulated some magnetic data for to 1.I x 10 ' emu/g
giving a "sun tan" age of 1.2 Ma 73275,15 (Table 2) in a study that t_,, 105 oe. rms
and a subdecimeter age of about 8 was partly meant to elucidate the h 13 Oersteds
Ma. The "sun tan" age suggests origin of lunar iron. Housley et al. /_; 3 Oe. rms
frequent chipping of the rock. The (1976) found no FMR intensity al,/I 0.08
flattening of the track profiles at (unlike soils) in their magnetic
depths greater than 1 on clearly study of 73275,25. Stability
of NRM (3)
show a multiple exposure history.
No pre-in-adiated components were
found among feldspar clasts.

Glass-Coated Polymict Breccia
St. 3, 2.58 g

INTRODUCTION It is of very irregular shape with somewhat less abundant pale gray
approximatedimensionsof 1x 1 x andyellow marie minerals.
73285 is a friable polymict breccia 2.5 on. The glass is not uniformly Anorthositicclasts, possibly
that is dusty and partly coated with distributed, being more common on granulites, up to a few millimeters
dark vesicular glass (Figure 1). It one highly fragmented end of the across are present There are a few
was picked from the regolith sample, where it partly veins the zap pits on one end, and cavities in
sample 73280 taken from a trench breed& The glass has a smooth the shattered part. No subdivisions
on the rim of a 10m crater at surface. The breccia is fine-grained of 73285 have been made.
Station 3. The sample is medium (mainly less than 0.1 nun) and
light gray (N6) andbarely coherent, consists of white plagioclase and

Figure 1: Photograph of 732851showing dark glass andpaler gray breccia.

Scale divisions I cm S-73-19445.
SAMPLE 74115---345

Friable Regolith Breccia
LRV-5, 15.4 g

INTRODUCTION a trace of dark clasts in a light gray PROCESSING AND

matrix. All the samples are rounded SUBDIVISIONS
74115 is a rounded, very friable and shed fine-grained material.
sample of regolith breccia, Little was originally done with the
collected from the light mantle 700 5 samples (74115-74119) following
m northwest of Station 3. It is a PETROLOGY their original separation from the
light gray polymict breccia. The regolith sample because they were
sample is the largest of 5 similar 74115 has a fine-grained matrix so friable. 74115 was partly
pieces picked from regolith sample consisting of angular mineral and subdivided in 1984 to produce
74110 that was collected as light glass fragments (Fig. 1). Some of subehip ,1 (then 0.91g) and some
mantle material. LRV-5 is on the the larger elasts are lithic fragments smaller pieces. ,1 was made into a
ejecta blanket of a 15-m crater and including very dark glassy breccias, potted butt and partly used for four
74115 probably represents ejecta, granulites, feldspathic breccias and thin sections. Other splits were
possibly lithified by the impacL feldspathic impact melts, as well as allocated for analyses but no data
The fragments were observed some high-Ti mare basalts. Orate has been reported.
during preliminary examination to glass balls and shards are
contain about 10% white clasts and conspicuous.

Figure 1: Photomicrograph of thin section 74115,8, showing dense

matrix and mineral clasts. At top is a dense glassy breccia clast; center
is a granulite. Plane polarized light. Field of view about 2 ram wide.
SAMPLE 74116-347

Friable Regolith Breccia
LRV-5, 12.8 g

INTRODUCTION the ejecta blanket of a 15-m crater

and 74116 probably represents
74116 is a rounded, very friable eject& possibly lithified by the
sample of regolith breccia, impact The fragments were
collected from the fight mantle 700 observed during preliminary
m northwest of Station 3. It is a examination to contain about 10%
light gray polymict brecci_ The white clasts and a trace of dark
sample is the second largest of 5 clasts in a light gray matrix. All the
similar pieces picked from rcgolith samples are rounded and shed fine-
sample 74110 that was collected as grained material. No subdivisions
light mantle material. LRV-5 is on of 74116 have been made.
SAMPLE74117 349

Friable Regolith Breccia
LRV-5, 3.69 g

INTRODUCTION the ejecta blanketofa 15-mcrate_

and74117 probablyrepresents
74117 is arounded,very friable ejecta,possibly lithifiedby the
sampleof regolithbrec.c'm, impact.The fragmentswere
collected from the light mantle 700 observed duringpreliminary
m northwest of Station 3. It is a examination to contain about 10%
light gray polymict breccia. The white clasts and atrace of dark
sample is one of the smallest of 5 elasts in a light gray matrix. All the
similar pieces picked from regolith samples arerounded and shed fine-
sample 74110 that was collected as grained material. No subdivisions
light mantle material. LRV-5 is on of 74117 have been made.

Friable Regolith Breccia
LRV-5, 3.59 g

INTRODUCTION theejecta blanketof a 15-m crater

and74118 probablyrepresents
74118 is a rounded,very friable ejecta,possibly fithified by the
sample of regolithbreccia, impact.The fragmentswere
collected fromthe light mantle 700 observedduringpreliminary
m northwestof Station3. It is a examinationto contain about10%
light graypolymict breccia. The whiteclasts anda Wac_of dark
sampleis among the smallestof 5 clasts in a light graymatrix.All the
similarpieces picked from regolith samples areroundedand shed free-
sample 74110 that was collected as grained material. No subdivisions
light mantlematerial.LRV-5 is on of 74118 have beenmade.

Friable Regolith Breccia
LRV-5_ 1.79 g

INTRODUCTION ejecta blanket of a 15-m crater and

74119 probably representsejecta,
74119 is a rounded, very friable possibly lithified by theimpact.
sample of regolith breccia, The fragments were observed
collected from the light mantle 700 during preliminary examination to
m northwest of Station 3. It is a contain about 10% white clasts and
light gray polymict breccia. The a trace of dark clasts in a light gray
sample is the smallest of 5 similar matrix. All the samples are rounded
pieces picked from regolith sample and shed fine-grained material. No
74110 that was collected as light subdivisions of 74119 have been
mantle material. LRV-5 is on the made.


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73255 73215

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72215 72235 72255 72275

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70017 70215

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72215 72255 72275

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72135 72395 78235 78505

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75035 73275 76015 76315 76535 77135

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73275 75035 76315 76535 77135

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70035 78235

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72415 76535 78235

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73215 73235

Des Marais D.J. (1978a) Carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in Apollo 15, 16 and 17 rocks. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
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70215 75035

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70215 75035

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70017 74275

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70017 70135 70215 71055 74275

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70017 70135 70215 71055 74275

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Taurus-Littrow. Proe. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3027-3043.
70035 70185 70215 70275 78135 78155 78235 78505

Duncan A.R., Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., Sher M.K., and Ahrens L.H. (1974a) Trace element evidence for a two-stage
origin of some titaniferous mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1147-1157.
70017 70215 73235 74275

Duncan A.R., Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., Sher M.K., and Ahrens L.H. (1974b) Trace element evidence for a two-stage
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70017 70215 74275

Duncan A.R., Erinnk A.J., Willis LP., and Sher M.K. (1974c) Compositional characteristics of the Apollo 17
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70135 75035

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70135 75035

Dymek R_F., Albee AL., and Chodos A.A. (1975a) Comparative mineralogy and petrology of Apollo 17 mare
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70215 71055 74255 75055

Dymek R.F., Albee A_L., and Chodos A.A. (1975b) Comparative petrology of lunlar cumulate rocks of possible
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Dymek R.F., Albee A_L., and Chodos A.A. (1976a) Petrology and origin of Boulders #2 and #3, Apollo 17
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70035 74275

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73215 73216 77035

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73215 77035

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73215 77035

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78235 78236 78238 78255

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73255 76255 78235 78238 78255 77035 72255 77215 77075 77077 72415 76535

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73215 73255

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78515 78516 78555 79115

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73215 73255

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78236 76535

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70075 70136 70137 70315 71037 71045 71046 71065 71066 71067 71068 71069 71085 71086 71155 71156
71505 71506 74248 74247 74249 75085 78507 78509 78577 78585 79516 79515

MacDougall D., Hutcheon I.D., and Price P.B. (1974) Irradiation records in orange glass and two boulders from
Apollo 17. LS V, 483-485.
72255 72315 72335 72395

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from the Apollo 17 site. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 673-683.
70017 70019 79155

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70019 79155

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72215 72235 72255 72275

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70215 75075 73235

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Sci. Conf. 8th, 1473-1487.
70017 75035 75055 75075

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70017 71055 72155 75055 75075 79155 72275 72417 76315 77017 78235

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72415 78235

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78235 78238

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78235 78238

McGee J.J., Bence A.E., Eichhom G., and Schaeffer O.A. (1978a) Feldspathic granulite 79215: Limitations on
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McGee J.J., Bence A.E., and Schaeffer O.A. (1978b) Feldspathic granulite 79215: Conditions of metamorphism and
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Boulder 7 fragment-laden melt rocks: An analytical transmission electron microscopy study. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 611-627.
77075 77115 77135

McGee J.J., Nord G.L., Jr., and Wandless M.-V. (1980b) Comparative thermal histories of matrix from Apollo 17
Boulder 7 fragment-laden melt rocks. LPS XI, 700-702.
77O75 77115 77135

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72415 72417

Mehta S. and Goldstein J.I. (1980a) Metallic particles in the glassy constituents of three lunar highland samples
65315, 67435, and 78235. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 1713-1725.

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70215 75035

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continuous magmatism in the lunar crustfrom 4350 to 3900 million years. LPSC XX, 691- 692.
73217 73235

Meyer H.O.A. and Boctor NaZ. (1974b) Opaque minerals in basaltic rock 75035. LS V, 512-514.

Meyer C., Jr. (1979) Trace elements in plagioclase from the lunar highlands. In Papers Presented to the Conference
on the Lunar Highlands Crust. LPI Contr. 394, 111-113.
74235 76215 77135 78315

Miller M.D., Pacer R.A., Ma M.-S., Hawke B.R., Lookhart G.L., and Ehmann W.D. (1974) Compositional studies of
the lunar regolith at the Apollo 17 site. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1079-1086.
70017 70215 71055 73235 74275 75035 79035

Minkin J.A., Thompson C.L., and Chat E.C.T. (1978) The Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder: Summary of study by the
International Consortium. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sei. Conf. 9th, 877-903.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976a) Textures and compositions of metal particles in Apollo 17,
Station 6 boulder samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2251-2266.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976b) Native FeNi metal particles in Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder.
LS VII, 565-567.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

Miura Y. (1982) A new indicator of formation process based on bulk An and Or contents of terrestrial and
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70017 73215 75055 76535 77515

Mizutani H. and Osako M. (1974a) Elastic-wave velocities and thermal diffusivities of Apollo 17 rocks and their
_eophysical implications. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2891-2901.
0215 73235 74275 77017

Mizutani H. and Osako M. (1974b) Elastic wave velocities and thermal diffusivities of Apollo 17 rocks.
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70215 73235 74275 77017

Moore C.B., Lewis C.F., and Cripe LD. (1974a) Total carbon and sulfur contents of Apollo 17 lunar samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1897-1906.
70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

Moore C.B., Lewis C_F., Cripe J.D., and Volk M. (1974b) Total carbon and sulfur contents of Apollo 17 lunar
samples. LS V, 520- 522.
70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

Moore C.B. and Lewis C.F. (1976) Total nitrogen contents of Apollo 15, 16 and 17 lunar rocks and softs. LS VII,
70215 71055 72135 72275 72385 73235 75035 77017 78155 78235 78505 79135

Morgan J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979a) Breccias 73215 and 73255: Siderophile and volatile trace elements.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 789-801.
73215 73255

Morgan J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979b) Siderophile and volatile trace elements in breccias 73215 and 73255 and in
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73215 73255

Morgan J.W. and Wandless G.A. (1979) Terrestrial upper mantle: Siderophile and volatile trace element
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72415 72417

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72415 72417 73215

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characterization of projectiles, from meteoritic elements in Apollo 17 boulders. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035 79155

Morgan J.W., Ganapathy R., Higuchi H., Krahenbuhl U., and Anders E. (1974b) Lunar basins: Tentative
characterization of projectiles, from meteoritic elements in Apollo 17 boulders. LS V, 526-528.
70215 72255 7227573235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035

Morgan J.W., Higuchi H., and Anders E. (1975) Meteoritic material in a boulder from the Apollo 17 site:
Implications for its origin. The Moon 14, 373-383.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Morgan J.W., Gros J., Takahashi H., and Hertogen J. (1976) Lunar breccia 73215: siderophile and volatile elements.
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73215 73235 73275

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74235 74255 74275

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72255 78236

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1975) Studies of solar flares and impact craters in partially protected crystals.
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76015 76215

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1977a) 12054 and 76215: New measurements of interplanetary dust and solar flare
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71055 75075

Muhich T., Vaniman D., and Heiken G. (1990) Ilmenite in high-Ti Apollo 17 basalts: Variations in composition
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70035 70215 71055 78505

Muller H.W., Plieninger T., James O.B., and Schaeffer O.A. (1977a) Laser probe 39Ar-40Ar dating of materials
from consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2551-2565.

Muller H.W., Plieninger T., James O.B., and Schaeffer O.A. (1977b) Laser probe 40Ar-39Ar dating of materials
from consortium breccia 73215. LPS XVIII, 697-699.

Muller O. (1974a) Solar wind nitrogen and indigenous nitrogen in Apollo 17 lunar samples. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 5th, 1907-1918.
70215 77017 79155

Muller O. (1974b) Solar wind- and indigenous nitrogen in Apollo 17 lunar samples. LS V, 534-536.
70215 77017 79155

Muller O., Grallath E., and Tolg G. (1976a) Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1615-1622.
70215 77017 79155

Muller O., Grallath E., and Tol 8 G. (1976b) Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks. LS VII, 580-582.
70215 77017 79155

Murali A.V., Ma M.-S., Laul J.C., and Schmitt R.A. (1977a) Chemical composition of breccias, feldspathic basalt
and anorthosites from Apollo 15 (15308,15359,15382 and 15362), Apollo 16 (60618 and 65785), Apollo 17
(72434, 72536, 72559, 72735, 72738, 78526, and 78527) and Luna 20 (22012 and 22013). LPS XVIII,
72435 72536 72559 72735 72738 78526 78527

Murali A.V., Ma M.-S., Sclamitt R.A., Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor GJ. (1977b) Chemistry of 30 Apollo 17
rake basalts; 71597 a product of partial olivine accumulation. LPS XVIII, 703-705.
71507 71508 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 71535 71536 71537 71538 71539 71545 71547 71548 71549
71555 71556 71568 71575 71576 71579 71586 71589 71595 71597 78579 78588 78589 78596

Murthy V.R. (1976) Rb-Sr studies of A-17 mare basalts and some general considerations early terrestrial and lunar
evolution. LS VII, 585-587.
74255 75035 75075

Murthy V.R. (1978) Considerations of lunar initial strontium ratio. LPS IX, 778-780.
77035 78155 79215

Murthy V.R. and Coscio C., Jr. (1976) Rb-Sr ages and isotopic systematics of some Serenitatis mare basalts.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1529-1544.
70017 70035 70135 71055 74255 74275 75035 75075 75055

Murthy V.R. and Coscio C., Jr. (1977) Rb-Sr isotopic systematics and initial Sr considerations for some lunar
samples. LPS XVIII, 706-708.
74275 77035 78155

Nagata T., Sugiura N., Fisher RAM., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1974a) Magnetic properties of
Apollo 11-17 lunar materials with special reference to effects of meteorite impact. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
70017 70215 73275 74275 77017 78155

Nagata T., Sugiura N., Fisher R.M., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1974b) Magnetic properties and
natural remanent magnetization of Apollo 16 and 17 lunar samples. LS V, 540-542.
70017 70215 77017

Nagata T., Fisher RAM., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1975a) Effects of meteorite impact on magnetic
properties of Apollo lunar materials. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3111-3122.
70017 70215 74275 73275 76315 77017 77135 78155

Nagata T., Fisher RAM.,Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1975b) Basic magnetic properties of Apollo 17
basaltic and anorthositic lunar umterials. LS VI, 584-586.
73275 74275 76315 77135 78155

Nagle J.S. (1982) Evidence of subcrater llthification and hot ejecta deposition in lunar polymict regolith breccias and
achondrites. LPS XIII, 568-569.
76545 79135

Nakamura N. and Tatsumoto M. (1977) The history of the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8tlL
77075 77135 77115 77215

Nakamura N., Tatsumoto M., Nunes P.D., Unruh DAM., Schwab A.P., and Wlldeman T.R. (1976) 4.4. b.y.-old clast
in Boulder 7, Apollo 17: A comprehensive chronological study by U-Pb, Rb-Sr, and Sm-Nd methods.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2309-2333.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Nash W.P. and Haselton J.D. (1975) Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 119-130.
70017 70215 74275

Nautiyal CAM., Padia J.T., Rao M.N., and Venkatesan T.R. (1981a) Solar and galactic cosmic ray records of noble
gases in lunar rock 79215. LPS XII, 753-755.

Nautiyal CAM., Padia J.T., Rao M.N., and Venkatesan T.R. (1981b) Solar flare neon: Clues from implanted noble
gases in lunar soils and rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 12th, 627-637.

Nava D.F. (1974a) Chemical compositions of some soils and rock types from the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 lunar sites.
Proc. Lunar Sci Conf. 5th, 1087-1096.
70017 76055

Nava D.F. (1974b) Chemistry of some rock types and soils from the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 lunar sites. LS V,
70017 76055

Neal C.R. and Taylor UA. (1989a) The nature of barium partitioning between immiscible melts: A comparison of
experimental and natural systems with reference to lunar granite petrogenesis. Proc. Ltmar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 19th, 209-218.
73215 73255

Neal C.R. and Taylor L.A. (1989b) The barium problem in silicate liquid immiscibility: Influence of melt
composition and structure on elemental partitioning. LPSC XX, 770-771.

Neal C.R. and Taylor L.A. (1991) Evidence for metasomatism of the lunar highlands and the origin of whitlockite.
GeochinL Cosmochint Acta 55, 2965-2980.

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990a) The significance of fractional crystallization in the
pelrogenesis of Apollo 17 Type A and B high-Ti basalts. Geochim_ Cosmochim. Acta 54, 1817-1833.
70138 70139 70145 70146 70147 70148 70155 70156 70157 70165 71047 71048 71049 71087 71088 71089
71095 71096 71097 71157 74286 75065 75086 75087 76037 79265

Neal C.R., Paces J.B., Taylor L.A.,and Hughes S.S. (1990ba) Two new Type C basalts: Petrogenetic implications for
source evolution and magma genesis at the Apollo 17 site. LPSC XXI, 855- 856.
71095 74245 74247 74255 74275 74285 74287

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990c) The importance of fractional crystallization in the
petrogenesis of Apollo 17 Type A and B high-Ti basalts. LPSC XXI, 857-858.

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., and Patchen A.D. (1990d) An Apollo 17 safari: Exciting new chat from breccia "pull apart"
efforts. LPSC XXI, 859-860.
73215 73216

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., and Patchen A.D. (1990e) The dichotomy between primitive highland cumulates and
evolved interstitial whiflockites: The process of "REEP-fraction" metasomatism. LPSC XXI, 863-864.

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Schmitt R.A., and Liu Y.-G. (1992) The recognition of monomict and polymict clasts from
Apollo 17 breceias. LPSC XXII/, 979-980.
73215 73216 77035

Nehru C.E., Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor GJ. (1978) Metamorphism of brecciated ANT rocks: Anorthositic
troctolite 72559 and norit_ 78527. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 773-788.
72559 78527

Newsome H.E. (1984) The abundance of molybdenum in lunar samples, new evidence for a lunar metal core.
LPS XV, 605-606.

Niederer F.R., Papanastassiou D.A., and Wasserburg G.J. (1980) Titanium abundances in terrestrial, lunar and
meteoritic samples. LPS XI, 809-811.

Niemeyer S. (1977a) Exposure histories of lunar rocks 71135 and 71569. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3083-3093.
71135 71569

Niemeyer S. (1977b) Exposure histories of lunar rocks 71135 and 71569. LPS XVIII, 729-731.
71135 71569

Nord G.L. (1976) 76535: Thermal history deduced from pyroxene precipitation in anorthite. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 1875- 1888.

Nord G.L. and James O.B. (1977) Aphanitie matrix, an ANT-suite clast and a felsite clast in consortium breccia
73215: An electron petrographic study. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2495- 2506.

Nord G.L. and James O.B. (1978a) Consortium breccia 73255: Thermal and deformational history of bulk breccia
and clasts, as determined by electron petrography. Proe. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9tlL 821-839.

Nord G.L. and James O.B. (1978b) Consortium breccia 73255: Electron petrography of aphanitic lithologies and
anorthite clasts. LPS IX, 814-816.

Nord G.L. and McGee J.J. (1979a) Thermal and mechanical history of granulated norite and pyroxene anorthosite
clasts in breccia 73255. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 817-832.

Nord G.L. and McGee JJ. (1979b) Themml and mechanical history of granulated norite and pyroxene anorthosite
clasts in breccia 73255. LPS X, 919-921.

Nord G.L., Lally J.8., Heuer A.H., Christie JAM.,Radcliffe S.V., Fisher RAM., and Griggs D.T. (1974) A
mineralogical study of rock 70017, an ilmenite-rich basalt, by high voltage electron microscopy. LS V, 556-

Nord G.L., Heuer A.H., Lally J.S., and Christie JaM. (1975) Substructures in lunar clinopyroxene as petrologic
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Nord G.L., Heubner J.S., and Ross M. (1977) Structure, composition, and significance of "G-P" zones in 76535
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Norris S_I., Swart P.K., Wright I.P., Grady M.M., and Pillinger C.T. (1983) A search afor correlatable, isotopically
light carbon and nitrogen components in lunar soils and breccias. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 14th,
70019 79135

Nunes P,D. (1975) lab loss from Apollo 17 glassy samples and Apollo 16 revisited. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th,

Nunes P.D. and Tatsumoto M. (1975a) U-Th-Pb systematics of selected samples from Apollo 17, Boulder 1,
Station 2. The Moon 14, 463-471.
72215 72255 72275

Nunes P.D. and Tatsumoto M. (1975b) Pb loss from Apollo 17 glassy samples and Apollo 16 revisited. LS VI,

Nunes P.D. and Tatsumoto M. (1975c) U-Th-Pb systematics of anorthositic gabbro 78155. LS VI, 607-609.

Nunes P.D., Tatsumoto M., and Uuruh D.M. (1974a) U-Th-Pb and Rb- Sr systematics of Apollo 17 Boulder 7 frtma
the North Massif of the Taurus-Littrow valley. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 445-452.
77135 77115 77075 77215

Nunes PAD., Tatsumoto M., and Unruh D.M. (1974b) U-Th-Pb systematics of some Apollo 17 lunar samples and
implications for a lunar basin excavation chronology. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1487-1514.
71569 72155 72255 72275 74235 74255 74275 75035 75055 77017 78155 79155

Nunes PAD.,Tasumoto M., and Unruh D.M. (1974c) U-Th-Pb systematics of some Apollo 17 samples.
LS V, 562-564.
74275 75035 75055 77017 78155 79155

Nunes P.D., Tatsumoto M., and Unruh D.M. (1975a) U-Th-Pb systematics of anorthositic gabbros 78155 and
77017-implications for early lunar evolution. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1431-1444.
77017 78155

Nunes PAD.,Nakamura N., and Tatsumoto M. (1976) 4.4 B.y.-old clast in Boulder 7, Apollo 17. LS VII, 631-632.
77137 77215

Nyquist L.E., Bansal B_M., Wiesmann H., and Jahn B.-M. (1974a) Taurus-Littrow chronology: some constraints on
early lunar crustal development. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1515-1539.
70035 72275 72435 73235 73275 76015 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155 79135

Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., Wiesmann H., and Jalm B.M. (1974b) Taurus-Littrow chronology: Implications for early
lunar crustal development. LS V, 565-567.
70035 72275 72435 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155

Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1975a) Rb-Sr ages and initial 87Sr/86Sr for Apollo 17 basalts and
KREEP basalt 15386. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1445-1465.
70017 70135 70215 70275 71135 72155 74235 74255 75055 75075 79155 76537 76539

Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1975b) Rb-Sr ages and initial 87Sr186Sr for Apollo 17 basalts and
KREEP basalt 15386. LS VI, 610-612.
70017 70135 75075

Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1976a) Sr isotopic consWaints on the petrogenesis of Apollo 17 mare
basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1507-1528.
70017 75075 70135 70035 70185 70215 70255 71035 71136 71175 71546 71567 71569 71577 74245 74255
74275 75015 76136 77535 78135 78506 78597 78599

Nyquist L.E., Bansal BaM., and Wiesmann H. (1976b) Sr isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of Apollo 17 mare
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70215 70255 71136 71577 74245 74255 74275 75015 76136 78597

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70135 75075

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70035 70215 74275 75035 75055 79135 72275 72415 72435 76015 76315 77017 77135 78155

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71035 71155 75055 76255 76275 76295 77135

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70017 70019 70215 72275 72415 73235 73275 75075 76015 76055 76315 77135 76535 79135

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70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535 78135 78506 78597 78599

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Shearer C.K., Papike J.J., Galbreath K.C., and Shimizu N. (1991) Exploring the lunar mantle with secondary ion
mass spectrometry: A comparison of lunar picritic glass beads from the Apollo 14 and Apollo 17 sites.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 102, 134-147.
70017 70295 74115 78546 79035 79135

Shih C.-Y., Haskin L.A., Wiesmann H., Bansal B.M., and Brannon J.C. (1975a) On the origin of high-Timare
basalts. Prec. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1255-1285.
70017 70035 70135 70215 70275 71135 72155 74235 74255 75055 75075 76537 76539 79155

Shih C.-Y., Wiesmann H.W., and Haskin L.A. (1975b) On the origin of high-Ti mare basalts. LS VI, 735-737.
70017 70035 70135 70215 72155 75055 75075 76537 76539

Shill C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Dasch E.J., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1989) Ages of pristine lunar plutonic recks
and their petrogenetic implications. LPSC XX, 1004-1005.
73255 76535 78236

Shill C.-Y., Bansal B.M., Wiesmann H., and Nyquist L_E.(1990a) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies of an Apollo
17 KREEPy basalt. LPSC XXI, 1148-1149.

Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1992) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd chronology of an Apollo 17
KREEP basalt. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 108, 203-215.

Sill G.T., Nagy B., Nagy L.A., Hamilton P.B., McEwan W.S., and Urey H.C. (1974) Carbon compounds in Apollo
17 lunar samples: Indications of cometary contribution to breccia 78155? LS V, 703- 705.
71055 78155

Simmons G., Siegfried R., and RichterD.(1975a) Characteristics of microcracks in lunar samples. Prec. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 6th, 3227-3254.
70215 71569 75035 75055 77035 78235

Simmons G., Richter D., and Siegfried R. (1975b) Characterization of microcracks in lunar igneous rocks. LS VI,

Simon S.B., Papike J.J., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R. A. ((1989) Comparative petrology and chemistry of
Apollo 17 regolith brec_ias and soils. LPSC XX, 1014-1015.
70175 7411576565

Simon S.B., Papike JJ., Gosselin D.C., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Sclmiitt R.A. (1990) Petrology and chemistry of
Apollo 17 regolith breccias: A history of mixing of highland and mare regolith. Procl. Lunar Planet. Sci.
20th, 219-230.
70019 70175 70295 74115 74246 76565 78546 79035 79135 79175

Simonds C.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in impact melts and the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder.
Prec. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 641-672.
76015 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315

Simonds C.H. and Warner J.L. (1981) Petrochemistly of Apollo 16 and 17 samples. LPS XII, 993-995.
76275 76295 76506 76555 76556 76557 76559 76569 76575 76576 76577 76295 76538 76539 76537 76568
76536 76255 76565 76545 76505

Simonds C.H., WarnerJ.L., and Phinney W.C. (1973) Petrology of Apollo 16 poLkiliticrocks. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 4th, 613-632.
72275 72435 76315 77135

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., and Warner J.L. (1974) Petrography and classification of Apollo 17 non-mare rocks
with emphasis on samples from the Station 6 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 337-353.
72215 72235 72255 72275 72315 72335 72355 72395 72415 72435 73215 73235 73255 73275 76015 76055
76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315 76535 77017 77035 77075 77115 77135 77215 78155 78235 79215

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., and Heiken G.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in crater debris as deduced
from the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder and rake samples. LS VI, 747-749.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315 76505 76545 76548 76565 76567

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., Phinney W.C., and McGee P.E. (1976a) Thermal model for impact breccia lithification:
Manicouagan and the moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2509-2528.
76015 76275

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976b) Clast-melt interactions in lunar and terrestrial impact melts.
LS VII, 812- 814.
76015 76215 76275 76295

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., McGee P.E., Geeslin J., Brown R.W., and Rhodes M.J. (1977) Apollo 14
revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1869-1893.
76015 76215 76255 76275 76295

Smith J.M., Meyer C., Jr., Compston W., and Williams I.S. (1986) 73235,82 (pomegranate): An assemblage of lunar
zircon with unique overgrowth. LPS XVII, 805-806.

Smith J.V., Hansen E.C., and Steele I.M. (1980) Lunar highland rocks: Element partitioning among minerals II:
Electron microprobe analyses of Al, P, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe in olivine. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth,
73215 79215 76255 76535 77135

Smyth J.R. (1975) Intracrystalline cation order in a lunar crustal troctolite. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 821-832.

SmythJ.R.(1986) Crystal structure refinementofalunaranorthite, An94. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 17th,

Snee L.W. and Alarens T.J. (1975a) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial peridot and lunar dunite.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 833-842.

Snee L.W. andAhrens T.J.(1975b)Shock-induceddeformafionfe_uresin_rrestrial ofivineandlunarduni_.

LS VI, 759-761.

Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1981) Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis basin. Multi-ring
basins. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 12A, 133-148.
72215 72235 72275 72315 73215 73235 73255 76015 76055 76215 77075

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979a) Armalcolite/ilmenite: Mineral chemistry, paragenesis, and origin of textures.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 383-405.
70017 74275

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979b) Iimenite/armalcolite: Effects of rock composition, oxygen fugacity, and cooling
rate. LPS X, 1160-1162.
70017 74275

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980a) Annalcolite: an oxygen fugacity indicator. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth,
70017 74245

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980b) An oxygen geobarometer for lunar high-titanium basalts. LPS XI, 1079-1081.
70017 74275

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1977) 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of consortium breccia 73215.
LPS XVIII, 896-898.

Standacher T., Dominik B., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1978) Consortium breccia 73255: 40Ar-39Ar dating.
LPS IX, 1098-1100.

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., Flohs I., and Kirsten T. (1979a) 40Ar-39Ar age systematies of consortium breccia
73255. Prec. Lmaar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 745-762.

Staudacher T, Dominik B., Flohs I., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1979b) New 40Ar-39Ar ages for aphanites and
clasts of consortium breccia 73255. LPS X, 1163-1165.

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1976) Mineralogy and petrology of complex breccia 14063,14. Prec. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 1949-1964.
72415 76535

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion-probe determination of Li, Na, Mg, Ti, Stand Ba in lunar plagieclase.
LPS XI, 1085-1087.
73155 73215 76535 78235 79215

Steele I.M., Hutcheon I.D., and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion microprobe analysis and petrogenetic interpretations of Li,
Mg, Ti, K, St, Ba in lunar plagieclase. Prec. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 571-590.
73155 73215 76255 7653577115 77135 78235 79215

Stephenson A., Collinson D.W., and Runcom S.K. (1974) Lunar magnetic field paleointensity determinations on
Apollo 11, 16, and 17 recks. Prec. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2859-2871.
70017 70215 (erroneously listed as 72015 in INTRO).76315 77035

Stephenson A., Runcom S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1975) On changes in intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic
field. Prec. Lunar Sei. Conf. 6th, 3049-3062.
70215 78505

Stephenson A., Runcom S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1977) Paleointensity estimates from lunar samples 10017 and
10020. Prec. Lunar Sei. Conf. 8th, 679-687.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Maurer P. (1973) Ar39-Ar 40 ages and Ar37-Ar 38 exposure ages
of lunar rocks. Prec. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 1865-1888.

Stettler A., Eberhafdt P., Geiss J., and Grogler N. (1974) 39At- 40At ages of samples from the Apollo 17 Station 7
boulder and implications for its formation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 453- 461.
77215 77075 77135

Stetfler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1975) Age sequence in the Apollo 17 Station 7
boulder. LS VI, 771-773.
77115 77135

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1978) Chronology of the Apollo 17 Station 7
Boulder and the South Serenitatis impact. LPS IX, 1113-1115.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., and Bower J.F_ (1974) Petrology and Petrogenesis of Boulder 1. CI2, L.S.I. Contr. No.
211D, 1-59
72215 72235 72275

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Wood J.A., Wolfe R.W., and Bower J.F. (1974a) Petrology of a stratified boulder from
South Massif, Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 355-377
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stocser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Marvin U.B., Wood J.A., and Bower J.F. (1974b) Petrographic studies of a boulder from
the South Massif. LS V, 743-745.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Wood J.A. and Bower J.F. (1974) Petrology and Petrogenesis of Boulder 1. CI1, L.S.I.
Contr. No. 210D, 35-109.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Ryder G., and Marvin U.B. (1975) Lunar granite clasts with unique ternary feldspars. LS VI, 780-782.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stoffler D., Knoll H.-D., and Maerz U. (1979) Terrestrial and lunar impact breccias and the classification of lunar
rocks. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 639-675.
72215 72415 78235 76535 78527 79135 76255 77135 78526 79215

Storey W.C., Humphries D.J., and O'Hara M.J. (1974) Experimental petrology of sample 77135. Earth Planet.
ScL Lett. 23, 435-438.

Storzer D., Poupeau G., and Kratschmer W. (1973) Track-exposure and formation ages of some lunar samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 2363-2377.
75055 76055

Sugiura N. and Strangway D.W. (1980a) Comparisons of magnetic paleo'mtensity methods using a lunar sample.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 1801-1813.
70019 70215

Sugiura N. and Strangway D.W. (1980b) Thellier paleointensity: Studies of lunar samples. LPS XI, 1111-1113.
70019 70215

Sugiura N., Strangway D.W., and Pearce G.W. (1978) Heating experiments and paleointensity determinations.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 3151-3163.
75035 77035

Sugiura N., Wu YSVI.,Strangway D.W., Pearce G.W., and Taylor L.A. (1979a) A new magnetic paleointensity value
for a "young lunar glass." Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2189-2197.

Sugiura N., Wu YAM., Strangway D.W., Pearee G.W., and Taylor L.A. (1979b) Paleointensity studies on 70019, a
young glass sample from Apollo 17. LPS X, 1195-1197.

Sung C.-M., Abu-Eid R.M., and Burns R.G. (1974a) Ti3+/Ti 4+ ratios in lunar pyroxenes: implications to depth of
origin of mare basalt magma. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 717-726.
70017 71055 74275

Sung C.-M., Abu-Eid R.M., and Bums R.G. (1974b) A search for trivalent titanium in Apollo 17 pyroxenes.
LS V, 758-760.
70017 71055 74275

Takeda H. and Ishii T. (1975) Typical processes of exsolution, decomposition and inversion of pyroxenes and its
bearing on thermal history of lunar rocks. LS VI, 795-797.
72255 77135

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1976) Characterization of crust formation on a parent body of achondrites and the
Moon by pyroxene crystallography and chemistry. LS VII, 846-848.
72255 76015

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1977a) Inverted pigeonites from lunar breccia 76255 and pyroxene-erystallization
trends in lunar and achondritic crusts. Proc. Lunar SCI.Conf. 8th, 2617-2626.

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1977b) Inverted pigeonites from lunar breccia 76255 and pyroxene-crystallization
trends in lunar and aclaondritic crusts. LPS XVIII, 922-924.

Takeda H., Miyamoto M., Ishii T. and Reid A.M. (1976) Characterization of crust formation on a parent body of
achondrites and the Moon by pyroxene crystallography and chemistry. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,
72255 76015 77215

Takeda H., Mori H., and Miyamoto M. (1982) Comparison of thermal history of orthopyroxenes between lunar
norites 78236, 72255, and diogenites. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A124-A130.
72255 78236

Takeda H., Miyamoto M., and Ishi T. (1983) Mineralogical comparison of lunar and claondritic vesicular melt
breccias. LPS X1V, 771-772.
77135 78236

Tanaka T., Masuda A., Kurasawa H., and Nakamura N. (1974) Determination of REE and Ba in five Apollo 17
samples. LS V, 772- 774.
70215 73235

Tatsumoto M., Nunes P_D., Knight R.J., Hedge C.E., and Unruh D.M. (1973) U-Th-Pb, Rb-Sr, and K measurements
of two Apollo 17 samples. EOS 54, 614

Tatsumoto M., Nunes P.D., Knight RJ., and Unmh D.M. (1974) Rb- Sr and U-Th-Pb systematics of boulders 1
and 7, Apollo 17. LS V, 774-776.
72275 77135 77215

Taylor G.I., Warner R.D., Keil K., Ma M.-S., and Schmitt R.A. (1980) Silicate liquid immiscibility, evolved lunar
rocks, and the formation of KREEP. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 339- 352.

Taylor H.P., Jr., and Epstein S. (1973) O18/O 16 and Si30/Si 28 studies of some Apollo 15, 16, and 17 samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 1657-1679.
75055 76055

Taylor L.A. and Williams K.L. (1974a) Formational history of lunar rocks: applications of experimental
_)chemistry of the opaque minerals. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 585-596.
17 75035 77017

Taylor L.A. and Williams K.L. (1974b) Formational history of lunar rocks: applications of experimental
geochemistry of the opaque minerals. LS V, 783-785.
70017 75035 77017

Taylor, LA. (1979) Paleointensity determinations at elevated temperatures: Sample preparation technique. Proo.
Lunar Plaet. Sci. Confer. 10th, 2183 - 2187.

Taylor L.A., McKay D.S., Patchen A., Wentworth S., taler R., and Jerde E. (1992) Magnetic beneficiation of high-
Ti mare basalts: Petrographic analyses. LPSC XXIII, 1415-1416.

Taylor S.R. and Bence A_E. (1975) Trace element characteristics of the mare basalt source region: Implications of
the cumulate versus primitive source model. In Papers presented to the Conference on Origins of Mare
Basalts and their Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 159-163.

Taylor S.R., Gorton M., Muir P., Nance W., Rudowski R., and Ware N. (1974) Lunar highland composition.
LS V, 789-791.
72275 73235 76315

Tera F. and Wasserburg GJ. (1974) U-Th-Pb systematics on lunar rooks and inferences about lunar evolution and
the age of the Moon. Proo. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1571-1599.
75055 76535

Tera F. and Wasserburg GJ. (1975) The evolution and history of mare basalts as inferred from U-Th-Pb systematics.
LS VI, 807- 809.

Tera F. and Wasserburg GJ. (1976) Lunar ball games and other sports. LS VII, 858-860.

Tera F., Papanastassiou D.A., and Wasserburg G.J. (1974a) Isotopic evidence for a termhml lunar cataclysm.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 22, 1-21.
72315 72335 72355 73275 76055 75055

Tera F., Papanastassiou D.A., and Wasserburg GJ. (1974b) The lunar time scale and a summary of isotopic
evidence for a terminal lunar cataclysm. LS V, 792-794.
71055 7217 76535

Thornber C.R. and Huebner J.S. (1980) An experimental study of the thermal history of fragment-laden "basalt"
77115. Proo. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 233-252.

Tilton G.R. and Chen J.H. (1979) Lead isotope systematics of three Apollo 17 mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 10th, 259-274.
70017 71055 75075

Tittmann B.R., Curnow J.M., and Housley RaM. (1975a) Internal friction quality factor Q>*3100 achieved in lunar
rock 70215,85. Proo. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3217-3226.

Titlman B.R., Housley R.M., and Abdel-Gawad M. (1975b) Internal friction quality factor > 3100 achieved in lunar
rook 70215,85. LS VI, 812-814.

Tittman B.R., Ahlberg L., and Curnow J. (1976) Internal friction and velocity measurements. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 3123-3132.

Titunan B.R., Ahlberg H., Nadler H., Curnow J., Smith T., and Cohen E.R. (1977) Internal friction quality-factor Q
under conf'ming pressure. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1209-1224.

Titlman B.R., Nadler H., Richardson J.M., and Ahlberg L. (1978) Laboratory measurements of p-wave seismic Q on
lunar and analog rocks. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 3627-3635.

Trice R., Warren N., and Anderson O.L. (1974) Rock elastic propertiesand near-surface structure of Taurus-Littmw.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2903-2911.

Turner G., Cadogan P.H., and Yonge C.J. (1973a) Argon selenochronology. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4tla, 1889-1914.
75055 76055

Turner G., Cadogan P.H., and Yonge C.J. (1973b) Apollo 17 age determinations. Nature 242, 513-515.
75035 76055

Turner G. and Cadogan P.H. (1974) Possible effects of 39At recoil in 40Ar-39Ar dating. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,

Turner G. and Cadogan P.H. (1975a) The history of lunar bombardment inferred from 40Ar_39Ar dating of
highland rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1509-1538.
75035 73235 73275 76315 77135 78155

Turner G. and Cadogan P.H. (1975b) The history of lunar basin formation inferred from 40Ar-39Ar dating of
highland rocks. LS VI, 826-828.
73235 73275 75035 77135 78155

Uhimann D.R. and Onorato P.I.K. (1979) A simplified model for glass formation. LPS X, 1250-1252.
70019 79155

Uhlmann D.R. and Yiunon H. (1981) Simplified model evaluation of cooling rates for glass-containing lunar
compositions. LPS XII, 1103-1105.

Uhimann D.R., Klein L., Onorato P.I.K., and Hopper R.W. (1975) The formation of lunar breccias: sintering and
crystallization kinetics. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 693-705.

Uhlmann D.R., Onomto P.I.K., and Scherer G.W. (1979) A simplified model for glass formation. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 375-381.
70019 79155

Uhlmann D.R., Yinnon H., and C.-Y. Fang (1981) Simplified model evaluation of cooling rates for glass-containing
lunar compositions. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 12th, 281-288.

Unmh DAM., Stille P., Oatchett P.J., and Tatsumoto M. (1984) Lu- Hf and Sm-Nd evolution in lunar mare basalts.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sei. Conf. 14th, B459-B477.
75055 75075 70017

Usselman T.M. (1975) Iimenite chemistry in mare basalts, an experimental study. In Papers presented to the
Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and their Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute,
Houston), 164-168.

Usselman T.M. and Lofgren G.E. (1976a) The phase relations, textures, and mineral chemistries of high-titanium
mare basalts as a function of oxygen fugacity and cooling rate. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1345-1363.

Usselman T.M. and Lofgren G.E. (1976b) Phase relations of high- titanium mare basalts as a function of oxygen
fugacity. LS VII, 888-890.

Usselman T.M., Lofgren G.E., Donaldson C.H., and Williams RJ. (1975) Experimentally reproduced textures and
mineral chemistries of high-titanium mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 997- 1020.
70017 70035 70149 70215 70255 71055 71135 71569 74235 74245 74255 74275 75035 75075 76136 76539

Vaniman D.T. and Papike J.J. (1980) Lunar highland melt rocks: Chemistry, petrology, and silicate mineralogy.
Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 271-337.

Verdotesan T.R., Nautiyal C.M., Padia J.T., and Rat M_N. (1981) Compositional characteristics of solar wind and
solar flare neon in the past using lunar soils and rocks. LPS XII, 1112-1114.

Venkatesan T.R., Nantiyal C.M., Padia J.T., and Rat M.N. (1982) SCR-proton produced xenon isotopes in lunar
rocks. LPS XIII, 821- 822.

Walker D., Longhi J., Stolper E., Grove T., and Hays J.F. (1974) Experimental petrology and origin of titaniferous
lunar basalts. LS V, 814-816.
70017 70215

Walker D., Longhi J., and Hays J.F. (1975a) Heterogeneity in titaniferous lunar basalts. In Papers presented to the
Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and their Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute,
Houston), 169-173.
70215 71569 74275 75035

Walker D., Longhi J., Stolper ENI., Grove T.L., and Hays LF. (1975b) Origin of titaniferous lunar basalts. Geochim.
Cosmochint Acta 39, 1219-1235
70017 70215 75035 71569

Walker D., Longhi J., and Hays J.F. (1976) Heterogeneity in titaniferous lunar basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 30,
70215 74275

Wanke H., Palme H., Baddenhausen H., Dreibus G., Jagoutz E., Kruse H., Spettel B., Teschke F., and Thacker R.
(1974) Chemistry of Apollo 16 and 17 samples: bulk composition, late-stage accumulation and early
differentiation of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1307-1335.
73235 79035 79135 74275

Wanke H., Palme H., Baddenhausen H., Dreibus G., Jagoutz E., Kruse H., Palme C., Spettel B., Teschke F., and
Thacker R. (1975a) New data on the chemistry of lunar samples: Primary matter in the lunar highlands and
the bulk composition of the moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1313-1340.
70019 70215 71569 72155 75035 79155 72395 77035

Wanke H., Palme H., Baddenhausen H., Dreibus G., Jagontz E., Kruse H., Spettel B., Teschke F., and Thacker R.
(175b) New data on the chemistry of lunar samples and aobut themajor element composition of KREEP.
LS VI, 844-846.
70215 71569 72155 72395 75035 77035 79155

Wanke H., Paime H., Krase H., Baddenhausen H., Cendales M., Dreibus G., Hofmeister H., Jagoutz E., Palme C.,
Spettel B., and Thacker R. (1976) Chemistry of lunar highland rocks: a refined evaluation of the composition
of the primary matter. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 3479-3499.

Wanke H., Baddenhansen H., Blum K., Cendales M., Dreibus G., Hofmeister H., Kruse H., Jagoutz E., Palme C.,
Spettel B., Thacker R., and Vilcsek E. (1977) On the chemistry of lunar samples and achondrites. Primary
matter in the lunar highlands: A re-evaluation. Proc. Lun_ Sci. Conf. 8th, 2191-2213.
73235 77035 78155 72155 75035

Warner J.L., Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., and Gooley R. (1973) Petrology and genesis of two "igneous" rocks
from Apollo 17 (76055 and 77135). EOS 54, 620-621.
76O55 77135

Warner LL., Simonds C.H., and Phinney W.C. (1976a) Apollo 17, Station 6 boulder sample 76255: Absolute
petrology of breccia matrix and igneous clasts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2233-2250.

Warner J.L., Simonds C.H., and Phinney W.C. (1976b) Genetic distinction between anorthosites and Mg-rich
plutonic rocks. LS VII, 915-917.

Warner J.L., Phinney W.C., Bickel C.E., and Simonds C.H. (1977) Feldspathic granulitic impactites and pre-final
bombardment lunar evolution. Proe. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2051-2066.
76235 77017 78155 79215

Warner R., Keil K., Murali A.V., and Schmitt R.A. (1975a) Petrogenetic relationships among Apollo- 17 basalts. In
Papers presented to the Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and their Implications for Lunar Evolution
(Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 179-183.
70185 70135 70255 71136 71175 71509 71559 71569 74245 75015 75115 75088 75089 77516 77536 78505
78595 78598

Warner R.D., Keil K., Prinz M., Lanl J.C., Murali A.V., and Schmitt R.A. (1975) Mineralogy, petrology, and
chemistry of mare basalts fr(an Apollo 17 rake samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 193-220.
71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596 73219 77516
77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78597 78598 78599

Warner R., Prinz M., and Keil K. (1975c) Mineralogy and petrology of mare basalts from Apollo 17 rake samples.
LS VI, 850-852.
71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596 73219 77516
77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Warren R.G., Mansker W.L., Berkley JL., and Keil K. (1976a) Electron microprobe analyses of
olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase from Apollo 17 rake sample mare basalts. Spee. Publ. # 15, UNM Institute
of Meteorities, Albuquerque. 158 pp.
71509 71546 7155771558 7155971565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596 73219
77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78595 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Berldey J.L., Mansker W.L., Warren ILG., and Keil K. (1976b) Electron microprobe analyses of
spinel, Fe-Ti oxides and metal hx_m Apollo 17 rake sample mare basalts. Spee. Publ. #16, UNM Institute of
Meteoritics, Albuquerque. 114 pp.
71509 71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596 73219
77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78595 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor GJ. (1977a) Coarse-grained basalt 71597: A product of partial olivine
accumulation. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1429-1442.

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1977b) Petrology of crystalline matrix breccias from Apollo 17 rake
samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1987-2006.
72535 72536 72539 72738 72548 72549 72736 72558 72735 77515 77539 77545 77518

Wanaer R.D., Taylor G.J., and Kell K. (1977c) Petrology of breccias from Apollo 17 rake samples. LPS XVIII,
72535 72536 72539 72738 72548 72549 72558 72559 72735 72736 77515 77517 77518 77538 77539 77545
78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Keil K., Planne_ H.N., Nehru C.E., Ma M.-S., and Schmitt R.A. (1978a) Green glass
vilxophyre 78526: an impact melt oi very low-Ti mare basalt composition. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th,

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Mansker W.L., and Keil K. (1978b) Clast assemblages of possible deep-seated (77517)
and immiscible melt (77538) origins in Apollo 17 breccias. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 941-958.
77517 77538

Warner R.D., Keil K., Taylor GJ., and Nehru C.E. (1978c) Petrology of re,crystallized ANT rocks from Apollo 17
rake samples: 72558 (anorthositic laoctolite) and 78527 (norite). LPS IX, 1220-1222.
72559 78527

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1978d) Clasts in breccias 77517 and 77538: Evidence for deep-seated and
immiscible melt origins. LPS IX, 1222-1224.
77517 77538

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Keil K., and Nelaru C.E. (1978e) Green glassy rock 78526: An impact melt rock of very
low-Ti mare basalt? LPS IX, 1225-1227.

Warner R.D., Keil K., Nehru C.E., and Taylor GJ. (1978f) Catalogue of Apollo 17 rake samples from Stations la, 2,
7 and 8. Spec. Publ. #18, UNM Institute of Meteoritics, Albuquerque. 88pp.
71507 71508 71509 71515 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 71535 71536 71537 71538 71539 71545 71546
71547 71548 71549 71555 71556 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71568 71569 71575 71576 71577
71578 71579 71585 71586 71587 71588 71589 71595 71596 71597 72535 72536 72539 72548 72549 72558
72559 72735 72736 72738 73219 77515 77516 77517 77518 77535 77536 77538 77539 77545 78505 78526
78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568 78569 78575 78576 78578 78579 78586
78587 78588 78589 78595 78596 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Nehru C.E., and Keil K. (1978g) Opaque oxide mineral crystallization in lunar high-titanium basalts.
Submitted to Amer. Min.

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Conrad G.H., Northrop H.R., Barker S., Keil K., Ma M.-S., and Schmitt R. (1979a)
Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts: New bulk compositional data, magma types, and petrogenesis. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 225-247.
71067 74249 71156 74248 70075 71066 71065 79516 71069 78585 71046 71086 71037 71506 71505 71155
74247 71085 71068 70315 75085 71045 78509 78577 70137 78507 70136 79515

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1979b) Composition of glasses in Apollo 17 samples and their relation to
known lunar rock types. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 1437-1456.
71515 78535 78537 78546 78567 78568 78547 78548 78549 78555

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Kell K. (1979c) Composition of glasses in Apollo 17 soil breccias. LPS X,
71515 78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Wentworth S.J., Huss G.R., Mansker W.L., Planner H.N., Sayeed U.A., and Keil K.
(1979d) Electron microprobe analyses of glasses from Apollo 17 rake sample breecias and Apollo 17 drill
core. UNM Spec. Publ. #20, Albuquerque, 20pp.
71515 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

Warren N., Trice R., and Stephens J. (1974) Ultrasonic attenuation: Q measuraements on 70215,29. Proc. Lunar
SCI. Conf. 5th, 2927-2938

Warren P.H. (1979) The quest for pristine nonmare rocks: A new crop of Toisons d'Or. LPS X, 1301-1303.
72705 73146 73235 76536 77035 78255

Warren P.H., Mittlefelaldt D.W., Boynton W.V., and Wasson J.T. (1977) In quest of primary highlands rocks.
LPS XVIII, 988-990.

Warren P.H., McEwing C_E., Afiattalab F., and Wasson J.T. (1978) The quest for pristine non-mare rocks: Nine
nonmare samples free of meteoritic siderophiles. LPS IX, 1228-1230.
76255 76286 76335 76576 77075

Warren P.H., Taylor G.I., Keil K., Kallemeyn G.W., Rosener P.S., and Wasson J.T. (1982) Foraging for pristine
nonmare rocks: Four more from the west. LPS XIII, 841-842
73217 78527

Warren P.H. and Kallemeyn G.W. (1984) Pristine rocks (8th foray): Plagiophile element ratios, crustal genesis, and
the bulk composition of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 15th, C16-C24.
72705 73146 73235 76255 76335 76536 77035 77075 77077 78255 78527

Warren P. and Wasson J.T. (1977) lh-istine nonmare rocks and the nature of the lunar crust. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 8th, 2215-2235.

Warren P.H. and Wasson J.T. (1979) The compositional-petrographic search for pristine nonmare rocks: Third
foray. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 583-610.
72705 73146 73235 76536 77035 78255

Warren P.H. and Wasson J.T. (1980) Early lunar petrogenesis, oceanic and extraoceanic. Proc. Conf. Lunar
Highlands Crust, 81- 99.

Warren P.H. and Wasson J.T. (1978) Compositional-petrographic investigation of pristine nonmare rocks.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 185-217.
72559 76255 76286 76335 76576 77075 77077 78255

Warren P.H., TaylorGJ.,KeilK.,KallemeynG.W., RosenerP.S.,andWasson J.T.(1983)Sixth foray forpdstine

non-marerocksandanassessmentofthediversityoflunaranorthosites. Proc. Lunar Planet. So. ConL 13th,
7321778527 76565

Warren P., Kallemeyn G.W., and Wasson J.T. (1984a) Pristine rocks (8th foray): Genetic distinctions using EadA1
and Sr/AI ratios. LPS XV, 894-895.

Warren P.H., Jerde E.A., and KaUemeyn G.W. (1987) Pristine moon rocks: A large felsite and a metal-rich ferroan
anorthosite. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 17th, E303-E313.
73255 73215 78235 76535

Warren P.H., Shirley D.N., and Kallemeyn G.W. (1986) A potpourri of pristine moon rocks, including a VHK mare
basalt and a unique, angite-rich Apollo 17 anorthosite. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 16th, D319-D330.

Warren P.H., Jerde E.H., and Kallemeyn G.W. (1991) Pristine moon rocks: Apollo 17 anorthosites. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 21st, 51-61.

Wasson J.T., Warren P.H., Kallemeyn G.W., McEwing C.E., Mittlefehldt D.W., and Boynton W.V. (1977) SCCRV,
a major component of highlands rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2237- 2252.

Watson D.E., Larson E.E., and Reynolds R.L. (1974) Microscopic and thermomagnetic analysis of Apollo 17
breccia and basalt: feasibility of obtaining meaningful paleointensities of the lunar magnetic field. LS V,
71055 73235

Weiblen P.W. (1977) Examination of the liquid line of descent of mare basalts in the light of data from melt
inclusions in olivine. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1751-1765.
71135 78505

Weiblen P.W. and Roedder E. (1976) Compositional interrelationships of mare basalts from bulk chemical and melt
inclusions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1449-1466.
70215 71135 71669 78505

Weigand P.W. (1973) Petrology of a coarse-grained Apollo 17 ilmenite basalt. EOS 54, 621-622.

Wieler R., Etique P., Signer P., and Poupeau G. (1983) Decrease of the solar flare/solar wind flux ratio in the past
several aeons deduced from solar neon and tracks in lunar soil plagioclases. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 13th, A713-A724.
79035 79135

Wiens R.C., Burnett D.S., Neugebauer M., and Pepin R.O. (1991) A comparison of solar wind and solar system
xenon abundances. LPSC XXH, 1503-1504.

Wiens R.C., Bumett D.S., Neugebauer M., and Pepin R.O. (1992) A comparison of solar wind and estimated solar
system xenon abundances: A test for solid/gas fmctionation in the solar nebula. Proc. Lunar PlaneL Sci. 22,

Willis K.J. (1985) Three lithologic units of 72275. LPS XVI, 910- 911.

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann S., Kouns C.W., Lum R.K.L., and Philpotts J.A. (1974) Major, minor and trace
element abundances in samples from the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder: Implications for the origin of early
lunar crustal rocks. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 439-444.
77115 77135 77075 77215

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann S., Lum R.K.L., and Philpotts J.A. (1975a) Origin of the Station 7 boulder.
A note. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 707-710.
72215 72255 72275 73215 76015 76315 77075 77115 77135

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Lure R.K.L., Schuhmann S., Schuhmann P., and Philpotts J.A. (1975b) Origin of 78235,
a lunar norite cumulate. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1219-1229.

Winzer S.IL, Lum R.K.L., Schumann S., and Philpotts J.A. (1975c) Large ion lithophile trace element abundances in
phases from 78235,34, a lunar norite cumulate. LS VI, 872-873.

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann P.J., Schuhmann S., Lindstrom M.M., Lum R.K.L., Lindstrom D.J., and
Philpotts J.A. (1976) Origin of melts, breccias and rocks from the Apollo 17 landing site. LS VII, 941-943.
77135 77215

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann P.J., Lure R.K.L., Schuhmaun S., Lindstrom M.M., Lindstrom D.J., and
Philpotts J.A. (1977) The Apollo 17 "melt sheet": Chemistry, age, and Rb/Sr systematics. Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett. 33, 389-400.
77135 77215

Wolf R., Woodrow A., and Anders E. (1979) Lunar basalts and pristine highland rocks: Comparison of siderophile
and volatile elements, lame. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2107-2130.
75055 72255 72275 76255 76535 77215

Wood J.A. (1975) The nature and origin of Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. The Moon 14, 505-517.
72215 72235 72255 72275 72435 76055 76315 77135

Yokoyama Y., Reyss J.L., and Guichard F. (1974) 22Na-26A1 chronology of lunar surface processes. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 5th, 2231-2247
70017 70019 70135 70175 70185 70255 70275 71035 71135 71136 71155 71175 75035 75055 79155 72255
72415 72315 73215 73255 732/5 76215 76255 76275 76295 77135 78135 78235 78505

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chanmont J., and Dran J.C. (1976a) Ion probe analysis of artificially implanted ions in
terrestlial samples and surface enhanced ions in lunar sample 76215,77. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 953-984.

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1976b) Ion probe analysis of artificially implanted ions in
lerrestrial samples and solar wind implanted ions in lunar surface samples. LS VII, 965-967.

ZinnerE.,WalkerR.M., ChanmontJ.,andDranJ.C.(1977a)Ionmicroprobesurfaceconcentrafionmeasurements of
MgandFeandmicrocratersincrystalsfromlunarrockandso'fl samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3859-

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chanmont J., and Dran J.C. (1977b) Surface enhanced elements and microcraters in lunar
rock 76215. LPS XVIII, 1044-1046.

Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 2 - Central Valley, Part 1

By Clive R. Neal 1'2 and Lawrence A. Taylor 1


1 Department of GeologicalSciences
Universityof Tennessee
Knoxville,TN 37996

2 Department of CivilEngineering & Earth Sciences

Universityof Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Spaceand Life SciencesDirectorate

Solar SystemExploration Division
Office of the Curator #87

January 1993

National Aeronautics and

I..yndon B. Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas
Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 2 - Central Valley, Part 1

By Clive R. Neal 1'2 and Lawrence A. Taylor 1

1 Department of GeologicalSciences
Universityof Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996

2 Department of Civil Engineering & Earth Sciences

University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

NASA/Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas77058 U.S.A.

January 1993

The project of preparing these volumes, including the compiling and integration of all their scientific data,
was conceived and initiated by a request from the Lunar and Planetary Sample Team (LAPST). These
volumes (II and IID would not have been possible without the assistance, guidance, and cooperation of
Graham Ryder (author of volumes I and IV), as well as the expert reviewing, editing, and proofreading of
Eric Jerde. Our sincere appreciation goes to these colleagues, in addition to our old Tennessee friend, Jack
Daniels, who provided needed guidance during the late hours of this exhausting endeavor.

Work on these volumes was started in 1988 under the authority of John Dietrich, as Planetary Material
Curator, and finished under James Gooding. To these managers and their able curatorial staffs, we
express our thanks. It was not an easy task for any of us, but satisfaction comes from the completion and
publication of these volumes for the planetary service community.

Larry Taylor
C]ive Neal

Introduction .................................................................... vii

The Apollo 17 Mission ................................................... vii

Apollo and Luna Sampling Locations .................................. viii
Apollo 17 Landing Site Region ........................................... ix
Apollo 17 Traverse Area .................................................. x
Locations of Rocks Collected at the LM and ALSEP Stations ........... xi
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station I .......................... xii
Numbering of Apollo 17 Samples ................................ xiii

Sample Inventory ................................................................ xi

Sample Descriptions .............................................................. 1

References ..................................................................... 455

Appendix A: Rake Sample Descriptions .................................. 519

Appendix B: Table of Rake Samples ....................................... 521

INTRO - vii


The Catalog of Apollo 17 rocks scrutinized, but little data THE APOLLO 17
is a set of volumes that appears to have been published MISSION
characterize each of 334 only in such journals. We have
individually numbered rock attempted to be consistent in On December 11, 1972, the
samples (79 larger than 100 g) format across all of the volumes, Apollo 17 lunar excursion
in the Apollo 17 collection, and have used a common module "Challenger,"
showing what each sample is reference list that appears in all descending from the Command
and what is known about it. volumes. Service Module "America,"
Unconsolidated regolith landed in a valley near the edge
samples are not included. The Much valuable information of Mare Serenitatis (Figures 1
catalog is intended to be used by exists in the original Apollo 17 and 2). It was the sixth and final
both researchers requiring Lunar Sample Information landing in the Apollo program.
sample allocations and a broad Catalog (1973) based on the Astronauts Eugene Cernan and
audience interested in Apollo 17 intense and expert work of the Harrison Schmitt spent 72 hours
rocks. The volumes are Preliminary Examination at the site, named Taurus-
arranged geographically, with Team. However, that catalog Littrow from the mountains and
separate volumes for the South was compiled and published a crater to the north. The site
Massif and Light Mantle; the only four months after the was geologically diverse, with
North Massif; and two volumes mission itself, from rapid the mountain ring of the
for the mare plains. Within each descriptions of usually dust- Serenitatis basin and the lava
volume, the samples are covered rocks, usually without fill in the valley. The main
arranged in numerical order, anything other than objectives of the mission were to
closely corresponding with the macroscopic observations, and sample very ancient material
sample collection stations, less often with thin sections and such as pre-Imbrian highlands
a little chemical data. In the distant from the Imbrium basin,
Information on sample nearly two decades since then, and to sample pyroclastic
collection, petrography, the rocks have been materials believed pre-mission
chemistry, stable and radiogenic substantially subdivided, to be substantially younger than
isotopes, rock surface studied, and analyzed, with mare basalts collected on
characteristics, physical numerous published papers, previous missions.
properties, and curatorial These make the original
processing is summarized and Information Catalog The crew spent more than 22
referenced as far as it is known inadequate, outmoded, and in hours on the lunar surface,
up to early 1992. The intention some cases erroneous. However, using the rover to traverse
has been to be comprehensive-- that Catalog contains more across the mare plains and to the
to include all published studies information on macroscopic lower slopes of the South and
of any kind that provide observations for most samples North Massifs, and over a light
information on the sample, as than does the present set of mantle in the valley that
well as some unpublished volumes. Considerably more appeared to have resulted from a
information. References which detailed information on the landslide from the South Massif.
are primarily bulk dissection and allocations of the The traverses totalled more than
interpretations of existing data samples is preserved in the Data 30 km, and nearly 120 kg of rock
or mere lists of samples are not Packs in the Office of the and soil were collected
generally included. Foreign Curator. (Figure 3). This total sample
language journals were not mass was greater than on any
INTRO - viii

Figure 1: Apollo and Luna sam2ling sites on the near side of the Moon. $84-31673.

previous mission. An Apollo Apollo 17 Preliminary Science studied in co-ordinated fashion

Lunar Surface Experiments Report (1973; NASA SP-330} in formal consortia.
Package (ALSEP) was set up and the Geological ExpLoration
near the landing point. Other of the Taurus-Littrow Valley The valley floor samples
experiments and numerous (1980; USGS Prof. Paper 1080), demonstrate that the valley
photographs were used to and others listed in the consists of a sequence of high-Ti
characterize and document the bibliography at the end of 1:his mare basalts that were mainly
site. Descriptions of the pre- section. Many of the rock extruded 3.7 to 3.8 Ga ago. The
mission work and objectives, the samples have been studied in sequence is of the order of 1400m
mission itself, and results are detail, and some, particularly thick. The sequence consists of
described in detail in the massif boulders, have been several different types of basalt
INTRO - ix

Figure 2: Apollo 17 landing site region showing major geographic features. AS17-M-447.

that cannot easily be related to volcanics, but were only slightly of crystalline impact melt
each other (or Apollo 11 high-Ti younger than the valley fill. breccia. This is found on both
mare basalts) by simple igneous These glasses too are high-Ti massifs, and is characterized by
processes, but instead reflect basalt in composition. The an aluminous basalt
varied mantle sources, mixing, orange glasses occur in the rocks composition and a poikilitic
and assimilation. Orange glass only as components of some groundmass. The samples are
pyroclastics were conspicuous, regolith breccias, widely interpreted as part of the
and is the unit that mantles both impact melt produced by the
the valley fill and part of the The sampling of the massifs was Serenitatis basin event itseli_ A
nearby highlands. However, directed at coherent boulders second type of impact melt, dark
they were found to be not and some rocks, and are and aphanitic, is represented
younger than other Apollo dominated by a particular type only by samples from the South

: NorthMassif

South MaeMf

Figure 3: Apollo 17 traverse and sample collection map.

Massif stations. It is similar in are pristine igneous rocks, soils of the South Massif contain
chemistry to first type, but is including dunite, troctolite, and more alumina and only half of
more aluminous and much norite (some of which formed the incompatible element
poorer in TiO2. It contains a meter-sized clasts or individual budget of the dominant impact
much greater abundance and boulders), as well as more melt rocks, demonstrating that
variety of clast types. Opinion evolved types including gabbros the massifs, representing pre-
still differs as to whether these and felsic/granitic fragments. Serenitatis material, have a
aphanites are a variant of the Feldspathic granulites are component not well represented
Serenitatis melt or represent common as clasts in the melt in the larger collected samples.
something distinct. Both matrices (both aphanitic and Conspicuously absent, and not
aphanitic and poikilitic melts poikilitic) and occur as a few the "missing" component in the
seem to be most consistent with small individual rocks, soil, is ferroan anorthosite,
an age of close to 3.87 ( +/- 0.2) Geochronology shows that :many common at the Apollo 16 site
Ga. A few rare samples of of these granulites and pris;tine and widely believed to have
impact melt have distinct igneous rocks date back as far as formed an early lunar crust.
chemistry. Other rock and clasts 4.2 and even 4.5 Ga. The purer
C/S ALSEP Central Station LSG Lunar Surface Gravimeter Experiment
G/M Geophone Module LSP Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment
Geo-2 Geophone Number 2 PAN _ 60 mm Hasselblad Panorama
HFE Heat Flow Experiment RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
LACE Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment SEP Surface Electrical Properties Experiment Transmitter
LEAM Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment o Boulder- letters refer to large blocks on maps and pans
LM Lunar Module _ Crater

Figure 4: Locations of rocks collected at the LM and ALSEP stations.

INTRO - xii

_c Very

71135, 71136, 71505 -- 71515
71035 to 71037 71155, 71157, ""

"'"', ,,,'""" A East pan

71055.. _and 71175 _ Areaof 71525 to 71597
N _._

A West pan /

0 10 20 30

Figure 5: Locations of rocks collected at station 1.

INTRO -xiii

BIBLIOGRAPHY NUMBERING OF The first numbers for each

APOLLO 17 SAMPLES area were used for drill stems,
Apollo Field Geology drive tubes, and the SESC.
Investigation Team (1973) As in previous missions, five Drill stem sections and double
Geologic exploration of digit sample numbers are drive tubes are numbered
Taurus-Littrow: Apollo 17 assigned each rock (coherent from the lowermost section
landing site. Science 182, 672- material greater than about 1 upward.
680 cm), the unsieved portion and
each sieve fraction of scooped The last digit is used to code
.Apollo Lunar Geology < 1 cm material, the drill bit sample type, in conformity
[nvestigationTeam (1973) and each drill stem and drive with the conventions used for
Documentation and tube section and each sample Apollo 15 and Apollo 16.
environment of the Apollo 17 of special characteristics. Fines from a given
samples: A preliminary documented bag are ascribed
report. U.S. Geological Survey The first digit (7) is the numbers according to:
[nteragency Report: mission designation for
Astrogeoloaw 71. Apollo 17 (missions prior to 7WXY0 Unsieved
Apollo 16 used the first two material
Apollo 17 Preliminary digits). As with Apollo 15 and (usually < 1 cm)
Examination Team (1973) 16 numbers, the Apollo 17 7WXY1 < 1 mm
Apollo 17 lunar samples: numbers are grouped by 7WXY2 1-2 mm
Chemical and petrographic sampling site. Each group of 7WXY3 2-4 mm
description. Science 182, one thousand numbers applies 7WXY4 4-10 mm
659-672 to an area as follows:

Apollo 17 Preliminary Science

Report (1973) National Sampling Site Initial Number
Aeronautics and Space
Administration SP-330 LM, ALSEP, SEP, and samples 70000
collected between Station 5 and the LM
Bailey N.G and Ulrich G.E.
(1975) Apollo 17 voice Station 1A 71000
transcript pertaining to the
geology of the landing site. Station 2 and between it and the LM 72000
U.S. Geological Survey Rept.
USGS-GD-74-031. Station 3 and between it and Station 2 73000

Schmitt H..H. (1973) Apollo 17 Station 4 and between it and Station 3 74000
report on the valley of Taurus-
Littrow. Science 183, 681-690 Station 5 and between it and Station 4 75000

Wolfe E. W. and others (1981) Station 6 and between it and the LM 76000
The geologic Investigation of
the Taurus-Littrow valley: Station 7 and between it and Station 6 77000
Apollo 17 landing site. U.S.
Geological Survey Prof. Paper Station 8 and between it and Station 7 78000
Station 9 and between it and Station 8 79000
INTRO - xiv

Rocks from a documented bag by centuries starting with In as much as possible all
are numbered 7WXY5 - 7W500. The soil sample samples returned loose in a
7WXY9, usually in order of documented bag has the first sample collection bag or an
decreasing size. decade or decades of the century, ALSRC were numbered in a
in conformity with the last digit decade. In the cases in which
Sample number decades were coding for rocks and fines (as rocks from several stations were
reserved for the contents of each explained above), and the rake put into a single collection bag
documented bag. In the cases sample documented bag uses the however, the soil and rock
where the number of samples following decades. For example, fragments were assigned a
overflowed a decade, the next 71500-71509, 71515 were used decade number that conforms to
available decade was used for for the sieve fractions and six the site for the largest or most
the overflow. For example DB rocks from the soil sample in DB friable rock. The other rocks in
455 contained soil, numbered 459. Then for the companion the same bag have numbers for
71040-71044, and 6 small rocks rake sample in DB's 457 and their own site, generally in the
numbered 71045-71049 and 458, 71520 was used for the soil, second or third decade of the
71075. which was not sieved, and t:he 38 thousand numbers for that site.
> 1 cm rake fragments were
Paired soil and rake samples for numbered 71535-71539, 71545-
each sampling area are assigned 71549, etc., to 71595-71597


Sample Type Mass Station

(a) grams Description Page #
'70017 2957 High-Ti mare basalt 1

70018 51.58 Clastic matrix breccia 13

70019 159.9 Soil breccia - agglutinate 15

70035 5765 High-Ti mare basalt 25

'70075 5.64 High-Ti mare basalt 39

70135 446.3 High-Ti mare basalt 45

'70136 10.65 High-Ti mare basalt 59

'70137 6.16 High-Ti mare basalt 63

'70138 3.66 High-Ti mare basalt 67

'70139 3.16 High-Ti mare basalt 73

'70145 3.07 High-Ti mare basalt 79

70146 1.71 High-Ti mare basalt 83

'70147 379.2 Clast-rich impact melt 87

70148 0.92 High-Ti mare basalt 91

'70149 0.95 High-Ti mare basalt 95

'70155 0.77 High-Ti mare basalt 97

'70156 0.63 High-Ti mare basalt I01

'70157 0.57 High-Ti mare basalt 105

70165 2.143 High-Ti mare basalt 109

70175 339.6 Glass-rich microbreccia 113

'70185 466.6 High-Ti mare basalt 115

'70215 8110 High-Ti mare basalt 121

70255 277.2 High-Ti mare basalt 131

70275 171.4 High-Ti mare basalt 137

70295 361.2 Dark matrix breccia 141

71035 144.8 High-Ti mare basalt 147

71036 118.4 High-Ti mare basalt 151

71037 14.39 High-Ti mare basalt 153

'71045 11.92 High-Ti mare basalt 157


Type Mass
Sample (a) grams Station Desc:ciption Page #
71046 3.037 High-Ti mare basalt 161

71047 2.78 High-Ti mare basalt 165

71048 2.457 High-Ti mare basalt 169

71049 1.86 High-Ti mare basalt 173

71055 669.6 High-Ti mare basalt 177

71065 28.83 High-Ti mare basalt 187

7 1066 19.96 High-Ti mare basalt 191

71067 4.245 High-Ti mare basalt 195

71068 4.208 High-Ti mare basalt 199

71069 4.058 High-Ti mare basalt 201

71075 1.563 High-Ti mare basalt 205

71085 3.402 High-Ti mare basalt 207

71086 3.329 High-Ti mare basalt 211

71087 2.20 High-Ti mare basalt 215

71088 2.064 High-Ti mare basalt 219

71089 1.733 High-Ti mare basalt 223

71095 1.483 High-Ti mare basalt 227

71096 1.368 High-Ti mare basalt 231

71097 1.355 High-Ti mare basalt 235

71135 36.85 High-Ti mare basalt 241

71136 25.39 High-Ti mare basalt 245

71155 26.15 High-Ti mare basalt 249

71156 5.42 High-Ti mare basalt 255

71157 1.466 High-Ti mare basalt 259

71175 207.8 High-Ti mare basalt 263

71505 29.45 High-Ti mare basalt 269

71506 12.11 High-Ti mare basalt 273

71507 3.962 High-Ti mare basalt 277

71508 3.423 High-Ti mare basalt 281

71509 1.69 High-Ti mare basalt 285

71515 1.635 High-Ti mare basalt 289


Type Mass
Sample (a) grams Station Description Page #
71525 3.90 High-Ti mare basalt 293

71526 12.91 High-Ti mare basalt 297

71527 2.19 High-Ti mare basalt 301

71528 11.25 High-Ti mare basalt 305

71529 6.025 High-Ti mare basalt 309

71535 17.71 High-Ti mare basalt 313

71536 5.32 High-Ti mare basalt 317

71537 12.25 High:Ti mare basalt 321

71538 8.04 High-Ti mare basalt 325

71539 10.90 High-Ti mare basalt 329

71545 17.26 High-Ti mare basalt 335

71546 150.70 High-Ti mare basalt 339

71547 12.54 High-Ti mare basalt 345

71548 25.46 Higb-Ti mare basalt 349

71549 7.90 High-Ti mare basalt 353

71555 4.55 High-Ti mare basalt 357

71556 29.14 High-Ti mare basalt 361

71557 40.35 High-Ti mare basalt 365

71558 15.81 High-Ti mare basalt 369

71559 82.16 High-Ti mare basalt 373

71565 24.09 High-Ti mare basalt 377

71566 414.4 High-Ti mare basalt 381

71567 146.0 High-Ti mare basalt 385

71568 10.02 High-Ti mare basalt 389

71569 289.6 High-Ti mare basalt 393

71575 2.113 High-Ti mare basalt 401

71576 23.54 High-Ti mare basalt 405

71577 234.7 High-Ti mare basalt 409

71578 353.9 High-Ti mare basalt 413

71579 7.94 High-Ti mare basalt 417

71585 13.86 High-Ti mare basalt 421


Type Mass
Sample (a) grams Station Description Page #

71586 26.92 High-Ti mare basalt 425

71587 41.27 High-Ti mare basalt 429

71588 48.98 High-Ti mare basalt 433

71589 6.86 High-Ti mare basalt 437

71595 25.21 High-Ti mare basalt 441

71596 61.05 High-Ti mare basalt 445

71597 12.35 High-Ti mare basalt 449

SAMPLE 70017 - 1

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2957 g, 18 x 14 x 10 cm

INTRODUCTION rugs (Fig.i),in which mainly

pyroxene with minor plagio- PETROGRAPHY AND
70017 isa coarse-grained high- clasearepresent.Plagioclase MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Ti basalt.Ithas been one ofthe decreasesin abundance towards
most widelystudiedofthe thesevugs. Zap pitsoccur 70017 has been classified
as a
returnedlunar samples.In mainly on B and adjacentparts plagioclase-poikilitic ilmenite
hand specimen,itisa tough, ofN, E, S,and W. There are basalt(Papikeetal.,1974),a
brownish-graybasaltwith a none on T, which was buried. Type 1B ofBrown etal.(1975)
blockysubangular shape.All Whole-rock chemistryverifies it and Warner et al.(1975),or a
surfaces are hackly with a few as a high-Ti basalt, containing Type III of Papike et al. (1973)
small glass patches. 70017 was 12-13.5 wt% TiO2 (Table 1), and and Brown et al. (1973). Longhi
originally described as a dating by Rb-Sr and K-Ar et al. (1974) described 70017 as a
"holocrystalline, equigranular suggests a crystallization age of medium-grained hypidiomor-
basalt containing some 3.7-3.8 Ga. Sample 70017 was phic-granular high-Ti basalt
poikilitic plagioclase" collected near the Apollo 17 with large, equant, subhedral
(.Apollo 17 Lunar Sample lunarmodule with 7001 i, clinopyroxenesenclosing
InformationCatalog,1973). 70012,and 70018. embayed ilmenites.Plagioclase
The sample comprises 10-15% isanhedraland poikilitically

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70017,0.

SAMPLE 70017-2

encloses clinopyroxene, olivine, up to 40% of the Ti present in armalcolite has been reported
and ilmenite. Euhedral to 70017 pyroxenes is in the by El Goresy et al. (1974) and
subhedral ilmenite (_0.5mm) is trivalent state. Olivine Taylor and Williams (1974). E1
enclosed in a matrix ofclino- compositions range from Fo58 to Goresy et al. (1974) concluded
pyroxene, which is poikilitically Fo68 , and are relatively ri:ch in there were two types of
enclosed in plagioclase (up to Cr203 (up to 0.5 wt%; Brown et titaniferous basalt present at
2mm long). Only minor olivine al., 1975). Plagioclase exhibits Apollo 17 on the basis of
(_0.2mm) is present as cores of little zonation, commonly less crystallization sequence. 70017
pyroxenes or as euhedral grains than 10 An units from core-to- falls into Type I of their
poikiliticaliy enclosed in rim. Ilmenites often exhibit classification. E1 Goresy and
plagioclase. Small (<0.4mm) small (<0.005mm wide) Ramdohr (1975) studied the
areas of silica occur as an inter- exsolution lamellae of rutile opaque minerals of 70017 in
stitial phase. Minor chromite- and some blebs (< 0.01mm) of order to determine the nature of
ulvSspinel and rare interstitial native Fe. This reaction, in subsolidus reduction in lunar
glass are also present. Modal addition to the breakdown of basalt petrogenesis.
analyses have been reported by ulvbspinel to ilmenite + ]?e
Brown et al. (1975) from metal, was reported by E1 Pearce and Timms (1992) used
70017,109 and are 0.9% olivine, Goresy and Ramdohr (1975) as laser interference microscopy to
22.8% opaques, 25.4% plagio- evidence for an endogenic late- examine the plagioclase, and
clase, 49.3% clinopyroxene, 1.3% stage reducing gas mixture found no fine-scale zoning in
silica, 0.3% mesostasis. Roedder during the crystallization of this any of the grains observed in
and Weiblen (1975) reported the basalt. Ilmenites are generally 70017.
modal mineralogy of 70017 as: equant, almost amoeboidal
57.6% pyroxene; 19.8% (Papike et al., 1974). The Mg#
plagioclase; 19.2% oxides; a ofilmenite is approximately WHOLE-ROCK
trace of native Fe and sulfides; 10-12, with Cr203 never CHEMISTRY
1.6% silica; 1.4% melt/ exceeding I wt%. Roedder and
mesostasis; and 0.4% olivine. Weiblen (1975) reported both Rhodes et al. (1976) considered
high-K (6.27 wt% K20) and 70017 too coarse-grained for
Pyroxenes zone from subealcic anomalous low-K (0.037 wt% reliable chemical classification
titanaugites (up to 3.6 wt% K20) melt inclusions in the with the subsample size used.
Ti02) to Mg-pigeonites, due to ilmenites of 70017. The high-K The relatively coarse grain size
the resorption of olivine (Brown inclusions were attributed to of 70017 introduced the problem
et al., 1975). Later pyroxene late-stage, silicate-liquid of sampling errors. This may
compositions approach immiscibility, but the origin of account for the fact that 70017
pyroxferroite (Fig. 2). Sung et the low-K inclusions is obscure, does not conform to the A, B, or
al. (1974) reported Ti3 +fri4 + C groups of Rhodes et al. (1976).
ratios in clinopyroxenes from We found no armalcolite in the Eleven whole-rock analyses
70017 as indicators of oxygen thin sections we studied (,455 have been reported for 70017
fugacity and/or depth of origin - and ,456), although a tan (Table 1). A variety of
analytical methods have been
employed, including XRF,
INAA, and isotope dilution.
tions are similar for the seven

#_ ,A X
\_ _> >5 2% % subsamples analyzed composi-
The major-element for these
_ _< 2 % elements (Rhodes et al., 1974;

, _ X al., 1974; etMiller

Brunfelt et al.,Duncan
al., 1974; 1974; et

Sampling errors may be more

: 70017 T X Nava, 1974; Rose et al., 1974).
Mg Fc apparent in the trace elements.

Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70017 represented on a

pyroxene quadrilateral.
SAMPLE 70017 - 3

Table 1: Whole rock analyses of basalt 70017.

[Part A]

Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6

,18 ,35 ,35 ,21 ,28 ,23

SiO2 (wt%) 38.37 38.07 38.52 38.8

TiO2 12.83 13.10 13.58 12.21 12.44

A1203 8.78 8.79 9.47 9.07 9.73
Cr203 0.577 0.518 0.45
FeO 18.71 18.07 18.32 18.19 17.6
MnO 0.247 0.27 0.254 0.233 0.232
MgO 9.41 9.81 9.13 11.95 9.89
CaO 10.43 10.30 11.48 10.36 10.04
Na20 0.43 0.40 0.405 0.405 0.43
K20 0.047 0.04 0.044 0.036
P205 0.052 0.05 0.048
S 0.175 0.].5
Nb (ppm) 18.5
Zr 218 177
Hf 8.O
U 0.06 0.088
Th 0.198 0.17
W 0.075
Y 71.2
Sr 166 153 127
Rb 1.2 0.299 0.4
Li 8.1
Ba 83 45.8 55
Cs 0.03
Zn <2 2
Cu <3 2.8
Ni <3 < 10
Co 18 20.6
V 146 156
Sc 87
La 3.99 4.11
Ce 11.3 13.5
Nd 13.2
SAMPLE 70017-4

Table 1: (Continued)
[PartA, ConcludedB

Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6

,18 ,35 ,35 ,21 ,28 ,23

Sm 5.67 7.53
Eu 1.49 1.77
Gd 9.05
Tb 1.77
Dy 10.7 13.8
Er 6.46
Yb 5.98 6.3
Lu 1.15

Ga (ppb) 3.1

Table h (Continued)
[Part B]

Ref. 7 8 8 9 9 10 11

,23 ,30 ,50 ,474 ,474 ,35 ,13

SiO2 (wt%) 38.80 38.68

TiO2 12.84 13.75
A1203 8.54 7.40
Cr203 0.49 0.49 0.58 0.54
FeO 18.12 18.77 17.5
MnO 0.24 0.25
MgO 10.16 10.45
CaO 10.56 10.05 7.14 13.4
Na20 0.33 0.34 0.32 0.43
K20 0.07 0.07
P205 0.04 0.04

Nb (ppm) 23 18
Zr 223 254 250 138
SAMPLE 70017-5

Table 1: (Continued)
[Part B, Continued]

Ref. 7 8 8 9 9 10 11
,23 ,30 ,50 ,474 ,474 ,35 ,13

Hf 7.4 6.0
Ta 1.8 1.5
U 0.0730
Th 4.8 0.14 0.2204
Y 94 100
Sr 168 217 155 172 306 153
Rb 0.280 0.9 0.7 0.299
Li 8.57 7.8 7.8
Ba 43 250 180 78 68
Be <1 <1
Zn <4 <4
Pb <2 <2 0.1514
Cu 28 84
Ni <1 24
Co 32 32 132 22
V 98 80 288
Sc 80 77 75 78
La < 10 < 10 4.6 4.4
Ce 10.7 16 15
Nd 12.1 20 14
Sm 5.13 6.7 71
E,u 1.62 1.6 1.7
Tb 2.5 2.0
Dy 10.2
E',r 6.31 0.71
Yb 6.25 8.2 6.9
Lu 0.954 1.3 1.1
SAMPLE 70017-6

Table 1: (Concluded)
[Part B, Concluded]

Ref. 7 8 8 9 9 10 11

,23 ,30 ,50 ,474 ,474 ,35 ,13


Ga (ppb) 5.8 5.4 21

Ge 1.7 1.9

References: 1) Duncan et al. (1974); 2) Rhodes et al. (1974); 3) [_hih et al. (1975); 4) Brunfelt et al. (1974);
5) Miller et al. (1974); 6) Nava (1974); 7) Philpotts et al. (1974); 8) Rose et al. (1974); 9) Dickinson et al.
(1989); 10) Nyquist et al. (1975); 11) Mattinson et al. (1977).

Analytical Methods Employed: 1) XRF; 2) XRF; 3) Isotope Dilution and INAA (for Co and Sc); 4) INAA; 5)
INAA; 6) Semi-micro Combined Atomic Absorption and Colorimetric Spectophotometry; 7) Isotope
Dilution; 8) XRF and optical emission; 9) INAA; 10) Isotope Di].ution; 11) Isotope Dilution.
SAMPLE 70017-7

For example, the REE profiles Dickinson et al. (1988, 1989) transfer of Ge by halogen-rich
(Fig. 3) ofPhilpotts et al. (1974) used 70017(,474) in a study of fluids may have generated such
and Shih et al. (1975) have the germanium abundances variations.
similar HREE abundances, but (analyzed by RNAA) of mare
the REE profile of Brunfelt et basalts, in order to gain an
al. (1974), while possessing the insight into the origin and early RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
same overall pattern as the evolution of the Moon and lunar
previous two, exhibits elevated basalts. Dickinson et al. (1988) Basalt 70017 has been analyzed
REE abundances (Fig. 3). All only reported the Ge abun- for Rb-Sr (Nyquist et al., 1975),
three analyses exhibit LREE- dance, whereas Dickinson et al. K-Ar and Ar-Ar (Phinney et al.,
depleted profiles with a nega- (1989) report two whole-rock 1975), Oxygen (Mayeda et al.,
tive Eu anomaly ([Eu/Eu*]N = analyses from splits of 1975), 22Na-26A1 (Yokoyama et
0.6-0.7). There is a slight 70017,474. These whole-rock al., 1974), Carbon and Sulfur
decrease in the HREE analyses are similar (Table 1), (Petrowski et al., 1974), Kr-Ar
abundances relative to those of except for Sm and Th in the first exposure ages (H6rz et al., 1975),
the MREE. and Sr in the second are high, and U-Pb (Mattinson et al.,
and these analyses have large 1977). Results of these studies
Most of the papers written errors associated with them. are summarized in Table 2. The
concerning the whole-rock The REE profiles are LREE- Rb-Sr study ofNyquist et al.
chemistry involve analyses of a depleted (Fig. 3) and have a (1975) reported an age of
suite of Apollo 17 high-Ti negative Eu anomaly 3.68_+ 0.18 Ga with an initial
basalts, in order to deduce the ([EuIEU*]N _0.6). The reported 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.69920 ± 4
petrogenesis and source re- abundance of Ge in 70017 is 1.7 (Fig. 4). These authors
gion(s) of the original magmas to 1.9 ppb. Dickinson et al. suggested that a three stage
(Duncan et al., 1974; Rhodes et (1988, 1989) concluded that evolution model best accounted
al., 1974; Shih et al., 1975; Apollo 17 basalts contain for the Sr isotope data: 1)
Brunfelt et al., 1974; Nyquist et similar Ge abundances to those evolution of 87Sr/86Sr in an
al., 1975; Mattinson et al., from the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 environment with Rb-Sr >
1977). Other geochemical sites. The small variations basalts; 2) production of source
,_tudies quoting the whole-rock observed are uncorrelated with regions with lower but variable
composition of 70017 were other siderophile elements and Rb-Sr between 4.6-3.75 Ga; and
investigations into the nature of cannot be explained by 3) extraction of these lavas at
the lunar regolith (Miller et al., differences in the amount of 3.75 Ga. However, the extreme
1974; Nava, 1974; Rose et al., metal segregated into the lunar requirements on analytical
1974; Philpotts et al., 1974; core. Dickinson et al. (1988, precision prevented definitive
Rhodes et al., 1976). 1989) suggested that volatile conclusions. The K-Ar and Ar-
Ar study of Phinney et al. (1975)
was concerned purely with age
100 , , , ........ determinations. These authors
W reported 39Ar-40Ar and K-Ar
b" ______.___ _ . ages of 3.80 + 0.03 and

a (Table 2).
O _ 3.63 U-Pb
The -+ 0.03 study
Ga, respectively
of Mattinson et
"¢" 10
¢_ al. (1977) demonstrates that
1.1.1 3 = Shih ot al. (1975) 70017 has witnessed a some-
-J 4 = Brunfaltet al. (1974) what different evolution from
a. 70017
7 = Philpotts et al. (1974 other Apollo 17 basalts (i.e.,
9 = Dickinson et al. (1989) source region developed later in
¢J} a two-stage model). U-Pb data

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd To Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles

of 70017.
SAMPLE 70017- 8

for 70017 whole-rock and from 70017 (Table 2). This study et al. (1975), which is at
mineral separates plot along a was basically comparing 180 variance with the 3BAr-Ca age
chord which intersects the compositions over the entire reported by Phinney et al.
growth curve at 3.7 and 4.33 Ga. moon, noting little difference in (1975) of 220 +_20 Ma. Phinney
The 70017 data appear to plot on oxygen isotope compositions et al. (1975) also reported the K
a different chord from 75055 and between sites. Mayeda et al. and Ca contents (640 ppm and
75035, although the maximum (1975) attribute the lack of 8.4%, respectively) and the Ar
errors on these data allow the fractionation to the absence of isotopic ratios of 70017
possibility that all three plot on water on the Moon. (36Ar/4OAr = 0.006244 _
a common chord. This common 0.000088; 37Ar/40Ar = 0.889 +
chord corresponds to a crystalli- A similar study was undertaken 0.018; 38Ar/40Ar = 0.00945 ±
zation age of 3.8 Ga and an for carbon and sulfur in 70017 0.00012; 39Ar/¢0Ar = 0.007285
initial radiogenic 207Pb/206Pb of by Petrowski et al. (1974). ± 0.000085; 40Ar * 10-8 cc STP/g
1.41. These authors cite the role These authors mainly concen- -- 2724 ± 20).
of ilmenite in the fractionation trated upon S, presenting
of U from Th in the source evidence for a complex lunar S
regions, in order to explain the cycle. However, whole-rock MAGNETIC STUDIES
Pb isotope systematics of 70017. carbon (Table 2) and abun-
The results presented by dances of S are also reported by Sample 70017 has been analyzed
Mattinson et al. (1977) are also Petrowski et al. (1974) and are in a number of magnetic studies
reported by Chen et al. (1979) in given in Table 2. in order to deduce the Feo/Fe 2+
order to compare with Pb isotope ratio by Mossbauer spectroscopy
results from 71055. and magnetic measurements
EXPOSURE AGE (Huffman et al., 1974; Brecher et
al., 1974). These authors
STABLE ISOTOPES Yokoyama et al. (1974) analyzed reported Feo/Fe 2+ ratios of
Apollo 17 rocks for 22Na and 0.029 and 0.01, respectively.
The oxygen study ofMayeda et 26A1isotopes, determining that Schwerer and Nagata (1976)
al. (1975) demonstrated the 70017 is saturated in 26A1 reported the magnetic properties
uniformity of 8180 values at the activity. The Ar exposure age of of 70017 as a ratio of the isother-
Apollo 17 site and reported 8180 70017 has been reported as mal remnant magnetization - IR,
values for mineral separates approximately 126 Ma by E[6rz to the saturation magnetization

Nyquist et al., 1975

0.702 f [

i jS_

APOLLO 17 ._" .,_ "

70017,35 .,.
0.701 _ _"-_ #* ILM 1

libsr ILIV_ 2

0.700 _ T = 3.68 AE

AG 2 .It PX I = 0 69920

_W.R. T4

_LAG i
0.699 t I I I
0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05

Figure 4: Rb-Sr isochron plot of70017,35. Taken from Nyquist et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 70017-9

Table 2: Isotope analyses of basalt 70017.

Rb-Sr (Nyquist et al., 1975)

wt(mg) Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) 87Rb/s6Sr 87Sr/86Sr
70017,35 46.0 0.299 153.0 0.00565_ 23 0.69945 ± 9
plag 1 4.2 0.070 528.7 0.00038___ 2 0.69916 ± 8
i]m 1 6.8 0.410 31.3 0.0379 ± 5 0.70119 _ 13
pxl 6.8 0.115 31.6 0.01050± 13 0.69979_+9
plag 2 7.1 0.0769 561.0 0.00039 ___14 0.69922 ___10
repeat 0.69925 + 5
ilm 2 10.0 0.2833 0.44 0.0269 ± 3 0.70061 ± 10
AGE = 3.68±0.18AE, I -- 0.69920±4

K-Ar and Ar-Ar (Phinney et al., 1975)

39Ar/a0Ar K-Ar 3SAt-Ca Exposure Age

70017,65 3.80 ± 0.03AE 3.63 ± 0.03AE 220 ± 20 m.y.

Oxygen (Mayeda et al., 1975)

70017,27 Plagioelase Pyroxene Ilmenite
180 5.82 5.27 3.99

Carbon (Petrowski et al., 1974)

C ppm 13C o/oo PDB
70017,64 22 -22.1

Sulfur (Petrowski et al., 1974)

S ppm 34S o/oo CDT
70017,64 2283 + 1.4

U-Pb (Mattinson et al., 1977)

wt (mg) Pb U Th 238U/204Pb 232Th/238U
(u) (k)
70017,13 60.7 0.1514 0.0730 0.220 423 43.12
Px 1 26.5 0.0391 0.0732 0.2200 379 3.10
Px 2 18.5 0.1553 0.0855 0.2584 399 3.12
Px 3 10.2 0.0599 0.0275 0.0857 171 3.22
I:[m 1 16.8 0.2189 0.1252 0.2601 283 2.09
I]m 2 20.8 0.3036 0.1749 0.4008 357 2.37
Plag 1 47.5 0.0284 0.00516 0.01590 69.1 3.10
Plag 2 48.2 0.0282 0.00467 0.01300 42. a 2.87
SAMPLE 70017- 10

Table 2: (Concluded).

Observed Ratios Corrected Ratios

wt 208p__bb 207p._._bb 208pbb 207p._bb 204p__bb

(rag) 206Pb 206Pb 206Pb 206Pb 206Pb 206Pb

WRA IC* 60.7 0.9499 0.5587 0.006530 0.8907 0.5443 0.004018

ID* 54.6 7.369 0,5502 0.005710 .-- 0.5467 0.004346
WR B IC 29.3 0.8546 0.5372 0.003310 0.8281 0.5291 0.002206
Px 1 IC 29.2 0.9692 0.5175 0.005933 0.9048 0.4990 0.003111
ID 26.5 6.696 0.4994 0.005206 .-- 0.4860 0.002874
Px 2 IC 19.2 0.8969 0.5030 0.00547 0.8288 0.4838 0.002642
ID 18.5 8.082 0.5097 0.00564 -- 0.4940 0.002768
Px 3 IC 11.5 1.2052 0.5980 0.01671 0.9729 0.5348 0.006637
ID 10.2 26.437 0.5976 0.01880 -- 0.5275 0.005799
Ilml IC 17.8 0.7717 0.5287 0.00710 0.6808 0.5075 0.00382
ID 16.8 6.070 0.5076 0.00522 -- 0.4959 0.00308
Ilm2 IC 22.8 0.7150 0.4994 0.00383 0.6936 0.4941 0.00304
ID 20.8 3.865 0.4979 0,00386 -- 0.4939 0.00305
Plag 1 IC 43.5 1.147 1.0368 0.01531 0.9779 1.0769 0.00819
ID 47.5 18.70 0.953 0.0139 -- 1.0050 0.00764
Plag 2 IC 48.3 1.346 0.9956 0.02324 1.1010 1.0557 0.01279
ID 48.2 19.26 0.9736 0.01636 -- 1.0315 0.01054

*IC = determination ofisotopiccomposition;ID = concentration. IDfailedforWR B.

SAMPLE 70017 - 11

- Is, as well as the Feo/Fe 2 + centered on the ultimate basalt crystallized slowly under
ratio. The IR/Is ratio was immiscibility of the residual equilibrium conditions.
determined between 4.2 and magma after extreme fractional
"_00K. Two determinations crystallization. These authors Osborne et al. (1978) used 70017
were reported by Schwerer and determined that the develop- in an experimental study of
Nagata (1976) for 70017. The ment of immiscibility in the spectral reflectance for Ti
IR/Is ratio at 4.2K was reported residual silicate liquid, after determinations at room and
as 0.033 and 0.046, and at 300K ~95% fractional crystallization, elevated temperatures. High-
was 0.0048 and 0.0068. The depends upon the cooling rate temperature measurements
Feo/Fe 2 + ratio was given as and and the final temperature in revealed that slopes of the
0.0054. The strength of the the experimental cooling cycle, reflectance profiles in the 0.400-
lunar magnetic field at the time 0.550 um region increased
of basalt eruption was reported Hodges and Kushiro (1974) significantly up to 300 °C,
as Natural Remnant Magne- attempted to use 70017 in order demonstrating a decrease in
tism (NRM) by Nagata et al. to determine the differentiation intensity at elevated
(1974), Stephenson et al. (1974), sequences in model Moon temperatures as a result of
and Brecher et al. (1974). All compositions and, in doing so, metal --_ metal (e.g., Fe 2+
authors concluded that 70017 presented a detailed crystalliza- Ti 4 +) charge transfer bands
has a reasonable amount of tion sequence for 70017. These involving Ti. They concluded
NRM (~ 10-6 emuIg). Stephenson authors proposed the following that techniques for mapping Ti
et al. (1974) reported an initial crystallization sequence: spinel, concentrations on hot planetary
NRM of 51.6 x 10 -6 Gem 3 g-1. olivine, armalcolite, followed by surfaces should be applied
Nagata et al. (1974) reported the nearly simultaneous cautiously if room-temperature
that 70017 has magnetic crystallization ofplagioclase calibration spectra are used.
properties similar to those of and pyroxene. Ilmenite was the
Apollo 11 mare basalts, except last major phase to form.
for a considerably smaller value PROCESSING
of the initial magnetic suscepti- Sato (1976a,b) used the solid-
bility. Furthermore, the ther- electrolyte method (in the The initial dissection of 70017 is
momagnetic curves in the low- temperature range of 100- detailed, with subsample
_emperature range (4.2-295K) 1200 °C) to measure the oxygen numbers, in Fig. 5. 70017,0 has
demonstrated that 70017 fugacity of 70017,31. He been entirely subdivided, with
contains a considerable amount determined that the fO2 values 70017,8 being the largest
ofantiferromagnetic ilmenite, of 70017,31 are only slightly portion left (1450.2g). As much
One study (Nagata et al., 1975) higher (up to 0.15 log fO2 unit) work has been conducted on
:included 70017 in an investiga- than the average of four 70017, we report the many thin-
_ion of meteorite impact on the Apollo 12 and 15 basalts. In section numbers (Table 3).
magnetic properties of Apollo terms of bulk rock fO2, Sato
lunar materials. (1976a,b) concluded that 70017 Table 3: Thin section
is indistinguishable from low-Ti numbers from 70017.
mare basalts. The "FeO"
EXPERIMENTAL activity values of 70017 also fall ,1-6 ,210-216
within the range of low-Ti mare
Experimental studies involving basalts. The low Fe o activity ,107-119 ,217-220
'70017 include the determination values determined experimen- ,128-132 ,223-224
of the liquid line of descent and tally for 70017 were explained ,157-161 ,235
crystallization sequence by Sato (1976a,b) as a result of
(Rutherford et al., 1974; Hess et the formation of Fe-FeS melt. ,194-195 ,455-456
al., 1975; Hodges and Kushiro, Nash and Haselton (1975) ,200-201 ,473
1974; Lofgren et al., 1975). The reported the silica activity of ,206-207
studies by Rutherford et al. 70017 to be _0.3 log asio2 units at
(1974) and Hess et al. (1975) also 1140 °C and concluded that this
SAMPLE 70017- 12

Dashed lines show

approx, location o1:
saw cuts

,7 _ Reference orientation (only)

8 LLUused for LRL photography.

No lunar surface orientation.


,7 aftel' chipping ,10

thru ,71 incl.
Centemeter scale (undocumentedchips)

,9 ffrom'under ,72)

,96 ._

,98 _,75

onlyL ,72 ' '79_ '73

-_ ,_:it _,8_
::"'_.., ...... . II _, 80
,92 t I, 86

II , oliIi, ,
l t l
,82i It,_

1 CM 3

Figure 5: Diagram of the major divisions of 70017.

SAMPLE 70018 - 13

Clastic Matrix Breccia
51.58 g, 1.8 x 4.5 x 5.5 cm

INTRODUCTION coating. The glass coating is mode has been determined),

vesicular and imparts a metallic 10-15% plagioclase/anorthosite,
70018 is a medium dark-gray, sheen to the specimen, whereas 2% olivine, 2% black glass
partly glass-coated (0.1-0.5 mm glass-free areas have an clasts, 2% orange glass clasts,
thick) breccia (Fig. 1) with a irregular, hackly appearance. 2-5% lithic fragments, and a
brownish tint (Apollo 17 Lunar Most of the zap pits present on trace ofpyroxene (Apollo 17
Sample Information Catalog, this sample are on the glass- Lunar Sample Information
1973). B is about 90% glass coated surfaces, whereas there Catalog, 1973). This breccia was
coated, whereas W, S, N, E, and are few readily apparent on the collected close to the lunar
T are partially glass coated breccia surfaces. 70018 has an module along with 70011,
(40%, 10%, 30%, 10%, and 10%, irregular, slabby appearance, 70012, and 70017.
respectively). At the edge ofT containing rare (< 1%) cavities,
towards N, three thin and but with extensive, penetrative No research has been conducted
extremely delicate glass fibers fractures. This breccia is upon this sample.
protrude from the brown glass comprised of 80% matrix (no

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 70018.

SAMPLE 70019 - 15

Soil Breccia - Agglutinate
159.9 g, 13 x 6 x 6 cm


70019 is a dark-gray soil breccia

with a brownish tint and an
icregular shape. It is weakly
coherent and variably
brecciated. It is a glass-bonded
agglutinate with a mass of160 g
collected from the bottom of a
3m crater near the Apollo 17
lunar module (Pearce and Chou,
1977). The appearance of the
sample is controlled by a
flattened rhomboidal,
penetrative fracture pattern.
The overall texture _ppears to
be homogeneous and fine-
grained. The entire surface
possesses a glass coating of
variable extent: T is finely
hackly with a 20% glass coating
broken by rhomboidal
fracturing; S has a 70% glass
coating over partially rounded
fragments. Small amounts of
fine dark dust adhere to smooth
surfaces of the glass. The glass
contains 10% vesicles of 0.5 mm
diameter and 20-30% angular ,-: -, /_C3 C ch,_ ,OaJ .
voids in the glass cemented . ,. _:4_a,_ p,_ c
[between fragments of soil *_
breccia at the W end, where
fcagments are present as a 3 - - -)'.
loosely packed aggregate
(Fig. 1), and external faces are
glass coated. The closely packed
fragments are slightly disrupted
at the E end of the sample. No
zap pits are present. 70019 was
collected between the Lunar
Module and Station 5.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70019.

SAMPLE 70019 - 16

the REE abundances is shown (Fig. 2 a-c). A negative Eu

PETROGRAPHY in Fig. 2. This pattern is similar anomaly is present ([Eu/Eu*]N
to that of Apollo 17 basalts, in = 0.60-0.65), and the REE
No petrographic descriptions that 70019: 1) is LREE- profiles have a convex-upward
have been reported in the depleted; 2) contains MRE]_ appearance with maximum
literature for 70019. which reach ~ 35 times chondritic abundances at either Sm or Tb
abundances; and 3) contains a (Fig. 2 a-c). These authors also
negative Eu anomaly concluded that the
WHOLE-ROCK AND GLASS ([EuIEU*]N -- 0.63). Pearce and compositional similarity
CHEMISTRY Chou (1977) reported whole-rock between the breccia and the
compositions for 5 breccia glass (Table 2, Fig. 2) indicates
W_inke et al. (1975) used the samples, 1 glass sample, and that the glass was generated
whole-rock chemistry of 70019 i breccia/glass mixture from from material almost identical
in their study of the presence of 70019. REE patterns are to the rock and soil components
"primary matter" in the lunar similar for each and to the of the breccia.
highlands; this determination of profile of W_inke et al. (1975)

100 I _ , _ , , , , , , ,

70019 A


<[:E m nm=c_-]
(t) 0 Breccia
F peatce
l (_hou
10 _ S,eo_
r I I I I I I f f t I
Ce Nd SmEu _ Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
2a: Breccia matrix.

100 , l J , I ] J l l J $ I 100 " I , , , , , , I , , ,

m 70019 B __.
_" n--- 70019 C

o. 1 =E
_ • Qua= Srec_
cr_ (,,Th

10 • s=,,,. 10 >1<wan_...(lsTs)
fJ') 0 Brec¢_._-
f i I i I t K I i i I I I I I l I I I I I

2b: Two profiles of breccia matrix + one of glass. 2c: One glass + breccia profile and one
whole-rock profile.

Figure 2: Chendrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles of 70019.

SAMPLE 70019 - 17

Jovanovic and Reed (1975ab, The glass chemistry of 70019 A study by Grossman et al.
1980) used C1/Br and C1/P205 was also reported by Mao et al. (1974) reported the oxygen
ratios to determine whether or (1975) in a study of the chemical isotopic composition of 70019
not 70019 represented early, reduction in lunar regolith (Table 4) and concluded that the
primordial lunar crust, samples from the Apollo 17 site Moon could not be a mixture of
However, in light of the (Table 3). These authors ordinary chondrites and Allende
revealing study of Taylor and identified trapped bubbles of gas inclusions, nor could it be
Hunter (1983), use of these data (inferred to be hydrogen) derived by fractionation of such
for such conclusions is not valid, quenched into an orange glass a mixture.
and concluded that these
Light-element concentrations of samples are more reduced than
7(}019 have been reported by any other previously identified. RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
Petrowski et al. (1974), Leich et
al. (1974), and Filleux (1977, Nunes (1975) and Church and
1978). Petrowski et al. (1974) STABLE ISOTOPES Tilton (1975) noted that a
reported C, N, S, Fe o, and He of substantial amount of Pb loss
142 ppm, 70 ppm, 999 ppm, Norris et al. (1983) reported occurred during the
0.7 wt%, and 34 ppm, both C and N isotopic ratios agglutinization of 70019. Nunes
respectively (Table 1). However, (Table 4) and defined a (1975) reported Pb isotope
no distinction between the glass correlation between isotopically analyses from glassy and non-
and soil breccia was made. light carbon and nitrogen, glassy samples of 70019
Leich et al. (1974) reported H implanted by ancient solar wind (Table 5). Glass formation by
and F abundances from the activity. Petrowskl et al. (1974) impact, less than 200 Ma, at the
exterior and interior of 70019, reported a 815N composition of Apollo 17 site was accompanied
noting that the exterior 70019, noting that this is one of by substantial loss of Pb relative
contained more H and F (up to the lightest samples analyzed to U. The analyses of non-glassy
400 ppm H and 235 ppm F) than from the Moon. Their result is samples of 70019 indicated that
the interior (10-40 ppm H and substantially different from that initial lead isotopic
40-75 ppm F), concluding that of Norris et al. (1983). compositions, distinctly
the differences were due to the Petrowski et al. (1974) also different from that defined by
effect of the solar wind. Filleux reported a _34S composition for KREEP, are present on the
(1977, 1978) reported the C 70019 (Table 4). A similar study Moon. Nunes (1975) further
abundance in 70019 using a of N isotopes was also concluded that the U and Th
nuclear depth profiling undertaken by Becker and concentrations of 70019
technique and quoted reliable Clayton (1975), who determined demonstrate that it was a
abundances of 176 + 30 ppm and the N isotopic composition on mixture of comminuted mare
165+ 30 ppm. two splits of 70019,10 (Table 4). basalt and highland material.
The results are approximately Church and Tilton (1975)
F_:edriksson et al. (1974) midway between the values of reported the Pb isotope
reported three glass Petrowski et al. (1974) and composition of 70019,24B
compositions (Table 2) and one Norris et al., (1983). Becker and (Table 5). These results were
bulk composition (Table 1) and Clayton (1975) concluded that used to demonstrate the
u,;ed these analyses to compare the N isotopic ratio has presence of initial radiogenic
lunar impact glasses with those increased by _ 15% over the last 207pb/206Pb ratios of 1.32, which
from the Lonar Meteorite 4.5 x 108 yr due to nitrogen are distinctly different from the
Crater. Their conclusions being implanted into the lunar "cataclysm lead" ratio of 1.45.
indicated that the glass from regolith. This may have been
70019 is comprised of two main due to a change in the N isotopic
components: A - local soil; and ratio of the solar wind with time,
B - local basalts to which have or it may be due to outgassing
been added more exotic and subsequent reimplantation
varieties. They suggested that of an isotopically light
7(}019 contains the products of indigenous lunar nitrogen from
several impacts on a variety of the lunar interior during the
targets, early history of the Moon.
SAMPLE 70019- 18

Table 1: Whole-rock analyses of 70019.

Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
,29 ,28 ,7 ,17 ,17 ,17 ,10

SiO2 41.5 40.66 41.4

TiO2 8.22 8,26 7.24
A1203 12.1 12.38 12.8
Cr203 0.44 0.43 0.46
FeO 16.6 16.38 16.3
MnO 0.22 0.24 0.26
MgO 9.61 9.50 9.95
CaO 11.4 11.03 10.6
Na20 0.40 0,47 0,28
K20 0.08 0,09 0,15
P205 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.084 <0.10
S 0.11 0.10
Hf 6.94
Ta 1.25
U 0.29
Th 0.68
Sr 200
Li 9.8
Ba 95
Zn 42
Ni 140 154
Co 31.3
Sc 60.4
La 8.44
Ce 25
Sm 7.87
Eu 1.70
SAMPLE 70019- 19

Table 1: (Concluded).

Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
,29 ,28 ,7 ,17 ,17 ,17 ,t0

Tb 2.00
Dy 14.0
Yb 7.30
Lu 0.95
F 60-235
C1 15 15
C 142 330+_30 165+_30
N 70 60
H 39.5
He 34 13.3

References: 1 = W_nke et al. (1975); 2 = Rhodes et at. (1974); 3 = Javanovic and Reed (1975);
4 = Javanovic and Reed (1980); Petrowski et al. (1974); 6 = Leich et al. (1974); 7 = Filleux et al. (1977);
8 = Filteux et al. (1978); 9 = Becker and Clayton (1975); 10 = Fredriksson et al. (1974).
SAMPLE 70019-20

Table 2: Elemental concentrations in glass and breccia fractions of 70019

(in ppm except for CaO, TiO2, and Fe %).
Data from Pearce and Chou (1977a). Analyses by INAA.

5-1 5-2a 5-2b 5-3 5-4 5-6 5-7

Na 3100 3080 3220 2730 3090 3180 3110

K 860 720 680 600 740 740 660
CaO 12.7 11.4 10.3 13.7 9.34 11.1 10.4
Sc 57 60 57 58 61 59 59
TiO2 8.00 8.16 8.25 8.72 9.08 8.48 8.46
V 88 82 89 112 102 90 86
Cr 3130 3190 3230 3180 3370 3220 3230
Mn 1740 1800 1770 1840 1860 1840 1870
Fe 12.8 13.1 13.1 12.9 13.7 13.0 13.0
Co 32 35 33 32 34 33 33
Ni 113 163 123 157 170 141 141
Zr --- 270 240 240 300 290 270
Ba ...... 120 ...... 105 ---
La 7.9 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2
Ce 22.7 23.5 24.1 23.1 24.4 23.8 23.1
Nd 19.4 19.4 20.0 20.0 21.3 19.9 18.9
Sm 7.9 8.3 8.0 8.4 8.5 8.1 8.0
Eu 1.68 1.66 1.65 1.79 1.77 1.66 1.69
Tb 1.93 2.02 1.90 2.04 2.11 1.92 1.91
Dy 11.9 12.6 11.7 13.2 13.6 12.4 12.5
Yb 6.9 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.5 7.3 7.4
Lu 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.05 1.12 1.05 1.07
Hf 6.7 7.0 6.8 7.1 7.2 6.9 7.2
Ta 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3
Th 0.85 0.83 0.93 0.95 0.94 0.89 0.84

5-1, 5-2a, 5-2b, 5-4, and 5-6 = whole-rock analyses; 5-3 = glass analysis; 5-7 = mixture of soil and glass.
SAMPLE 70019-21

Table 3: Glass compositions from breccia 70019.

Oxides in percent; others in ppm.

Ref. 1 1 1 2 3 4

SiO2 40.0 38.4 33.3 40.32

TiO2 8.26 8.65 8.12 8.24
At203 13.2 6.74 17.2 12.36
Cr203 0.46 0.71 0.40 0.50
FeO 17.3 22.2 14.6 15.18
MnO nd nd nd 0.27
MgO 10.1 15.3 11.6 10.20
CaO 10.9 7.15 13.4 10,69
Na20 0.31 0.35 0.10 0.18
K20 0.11 0.19 <0.10 0.02
P205 nd nd nd 0.24 0.24
C1 7.8 7.8
Br 93
Li 7.6
U 0.26

References: 1 = Fredriksson et al. (1974); 2 = Jovanovic and Reed (1975); 3 = Jovanovic and Reed
(1980); 4 = Mao et al., (1975).

Table 4: Stable isotope analyses of 70019.

Ref. 1 2 3 3 4

C (ppm) 142 116

SlaC o/oo PDB + 11.6 + 10
N (ppm) 70 70 62 57
S15N o/oo AIR -8.5 + 49 + 21.7 + 22.1
S (ppm) 999
$34S o/oo CDT + 7.6
S180 o/oo SMOW + 5.53
S170 o/oo SMOW + 3.7

References: 1 = Petrowski et al. (1974); 2 = Norris et al. (1983); 3 = Becker & Clayton (1975);
4 = Grossman et al. (1974),
SAMPLE 70019-22

Table 5: Pb isotope analyses from 70019.

NUNES (1975)
U Th Pb 206Pb/204pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb

P ......... 184.5 141.6 186.4
C1 0.2735 0.9819 0.9007 147.0 113.0 ---
C2" 0.2612 0.9158 0.7889 123.7 88.99 ---
Glass Concentrate
P ......... 169.2 128.4 173.4
C 0.2737 0.9824 0.5349 159.2 120.9 ---

NUNES (1975)
207Pb/206Pb 208Pb/206Pb 232Th/238U 238U/204Pb
P 0.7671 1.010 --- 135
C1 0.7691 --- 3.71 107
C2" 0.7197 --- 3.62 96
Glass Concentrate
P 0.7592 1.025 --- 209
C 0.7600 --- 3.71 196

P = Composition run; C = Concentration run. All samples corrected for analytical blank.


U Th Pb 204Pb/206Pb 207Pb/206Pb 208Pb/206Pb
70019,24B ......... 0.00827 0.7684 1.0758
70019,24B 0.258 0.852 0.917 0.00877 0.7582 ---


206pb/238 U 207 Pb/206pb
70019,24B ........
70019,24B 5451 4811
SAMPLE 70019 -23

Sugiura et al. (1979a,b) used a contact. Uhlmann et al. (1975)

COSMOGENIC new technique of encapsulation presented their model, but no
RADIONUCLIDES & (Taylor, 1979) of 70019,49 quantitative results, concluding
EXPOSURE AGES (glass) for Thellier-Thellier that 70019 cooled on the surface
paleointensity determination, of the Moon in its present form,
Cosmic ray studies have been This glass sample gave a rather than being buried in an
conducted on 70019 by Keith et paleointensity of about 2500 nT ejecta blanket. Uhlmann and
al. (1974a,b) and Fruchter et al. by such a method. Sugiura et al. Onorato (1979) presented the
(1978a,b). Keith et al. (1974a,b) (1979a,b) suggested that this results from the above model for
analyzed natural and cosmic ray field was due either to local 70019. These authors concluded
induced radionuclides in 70019 anomalies created by strongly that the glass on 70019 cooled at
by non-destructive gamma-ray magnetized rock or possibly to a rate of 1.8 °C/sec.
spectroscopy (Table 6). These enhancement of local fields by
authors conclude that 70019 is the shock process which
unsaturated in 26A1, probably produced the glass. These
because of its friability. No results for 70019,49 are
exposure age was reported by reproduced in Sugiura and
these authors. Strangway (1980). Also, the
magnetic data of 70019 was
Fruchter et al. (1978a,b) also reported by Cisowski et ah
used gamma-ray spectroscopy to (1983) on a plot of absolute
determine the 26A1 and 53Mn paleointensity versus
abundances from 70019,48 normalized remanence
(51.9 ± 3.4 dpm/kg samples and intensity.
245 ± 25 dpm/kg Fe,
respectively). Saturation of
70019 in these isotopes has also EXPERIMENTAL
been calculated by these
authors. According to their Oxygen fugacity experiments
calculations, 70019,48 is 86% have been conducted on 70019,4
saturated in 26A1 and 82% by Sato (1976a) who reported
saturated in 53Mn. The 26A1 that 70019 exhibited a
exposure age for 70019 is noticeable shift of the log fO2 -
2.2 ± 1.0 Ma and that for 53Mn is 1/T trace towards more reduced
9 ± 2 Ma. values during the first heating
cycle at temperatures above
1000 °C (a decrease in the
MAGNETIC STUDIES average-log fO2 from 16.1 at
1000 °C to 13.4 at 1200 °C).
Pearce et al. (1977) and Pearce
and Chou (1977) reported the Uhlmann et ah (1975) used
magnetic hysteresis properties 70019 in an experiment to
of seven fractions of 70019,5 determine the formation of
(Table 7). These authors noted lunar breccias. These authors
that the saturation used viscous sintering in a
magnetization for both glass and stress-free environment to
breccia samples is remarkably mimic breccia formation and
similar (_ 5%). The similarities assumed that crystallization
between these properties for the and sintering were concurrent,
glass and whole-rock breccia, competing processes. Their
coupled with the whole-rock experiment made it possible to
data also presented by Pearce estimate the rate of breccia
and Chou (1977) (see above), cooling and the minimum
suggested a common source temperature at which the
material, breccia particles came into
SAMPLE 70019-24

Table 6: Gamma-ray analysis of 70019.

Data from Keith et al. (1974).

Type Breccia
Subtype Agglutinate
Sample 70019
Weight (g) 128.0
Comments from crater floor

Th (ppm) 1.03 - 0.10

U (ppm) 0.23_ 0.02
K (%) 0.0692+_0.0012

26A1 (dpm/kg) 45 +_3

22Na (dpm/kg) 110 +- 8
54Mn (dpm/kg) 166 + 12
56Co (dpm/kg) 240.+- 30
46Sc (dpm/kg) 59 +- 5
Th/U 4.5
K/U 3000

Table 7: Magnetic hysteresis data for 70019,5 from Pearce and Chou (1977).

Js Xp * 106 Hc Feo FeO

Sample (emu/g) (emu/g) Jrs/Js Oe (%) (%)

70019,5-1 1.455 30.5 0.060 -- 0.67 18.0

70019,5-2 1.442 30.7 0.063 41 0.66 18.1
70019,5-2 1.439 28.5 0.067 40 0.66 16.5
70019,5-3 1.425 24.0 0.019 43 0.65 14.1
70019,5-4 1.446 29.9 0.067 45 0.66 7.6
70019,5-6 1.495 31.1 0.067 40 0.69 18.3
70019,5-7 1.473 31.3 0.064 -- 0.68 18.4
SAMPLE 70035 - 25

High-Ti Mare Basalt
5765 g, 15 x 23 x 10 cm

INTRODUCTION approximately 40 m east of the spinel minerals in 70035 as

lunar module, between the LM having ulvSspinel rims with
70035 is a brown and SEP sites. Whole-rock chromian-ulvSspinel cores and
microporphyritic, vesicular analysis confirmed the high-Ti pyroxferroite-type rims to the
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample nature of this basalt (_13 wt% pyroxenes, which suggested that
Information Catalog, 1973), TiO2). Rb-Sr and K-Ar dating 70035 has an affinity with the
which contains 5-10% rugs methods yield a crystallization Type II Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt
(average 3 mm, up to 1 cm diam- age of 3.7-3.8 Ga. group described by these
eter). There is a slight coarsen- authors. This basalt is com-
ing of grain size towards the prised mainly of titanaugite
vugs, which contain projecting PETROGRAPHY AND (1-3 mm), ilmenite ( < 1-2 ram),
crystals of silica. The bottom of MINERAL CHEMISTRY and plagioclase (1-3 mm)
the original sample (70035,0) (Fig. 1). Euhedral to subhedral
contains patches of an injection 70035 is a plagioclase-poikilitic, ilmenite, minor (_ 1%) subhedral
glass. Patches of brownish ilmenite basalt (Papike et al., utvSspinel, and armalcolite
debris in the glass may be 1974), or equivalent to a Type III ( < 1%) inclusions are present in
powdered glass or soil retained basalt of Papike et al. (1973) and subhedral titanaugites, which in
on the surface. Zap pits are Brown et al. (1973) or Type 1B turn are poikilitically enclosed
present on all surfaces, except B. basalt of Brown et al. (1975). in late-stage plagioclase (Fig. 1).
70035 was collected Brown et al. (1974) reported Minor olivine (0.5-1 mm) is

Figure 1: Photomicrograph of 70035,14. Fieldofview = 2.7 mm.

SAMPLE 70035 - 26

poikilitically enclosed in the Olivines which are poikilitically (1992) used synchrotron-based
plagioclase or occurs as enclosed in plagioclase are x-ray absorption near edge
anhedral cores to the larger and usually more forsteritic than spectroscopy (XANES) on 70035
more abundant pyroxenes those forming the cores of plagioclase, and found that it
(Fig. 1). Cristobalite and native pyroxenes. Plagioclase shows may be possible to use this
Fe ( < 0.2 mm) form interstitial little zonation (-An77.88) from method to determine
phases. Modes have been core-to-rim. Astudyofthe Fe3+/Fe 2+ ratios in situ in thin
reported by Brown et al. (1975) zonation of plagioclase in 70035 sections.
from 70035,16 as 0.9% olivine, by Crawford (1973) concluded
23.7% opaques, 25.9% plagio- that the earliest plagioclase is Ilmenites often contain small
clase, 47.5% clinopyroxene, 1.6% characterized by low (< 0.005 mm wide) exsolution
silica, and 0.4% mesostasis. FeO/(FeO + MgO) and lamellae of chromite and rutile
K20/(K20 + Na20) ratios, high and some blebs ( < 0.1 ram) of
Zonation of the constituent TiO2 contents, and forms the metallic Fe. This reaction, in
minerals is most pronounced in cores ofplagioclase grains. The addition to the breakdown of
the clinopyroxenes. Cores of core is also the most calcic ulvSspinel to ilmenite + Fe
subcalcic titanaugite grade dis- region of the plagioclase in metal, was reported by Haggerty
continuously into Mg-pigeonite 70035, and zones smoothly out- (1973) and E1 Goresy and
(due to olivine resorption - wards to more sodic-rich compo- Ramdohr (1975a,b,c) as evidence
Brown et al., 1975), with later sitions (_Ab2o). Most commonly for an endogenic late-stage
compositions approaching the zoning is asymmetric, reducing gas mixture during the
pyroxferroite (Papike et al., reflecting longer contact with crystallization of these basalts.
1974) (Fig. 2). All pyroxene magma on one growing side of E1Goresy and Ramdohr
compositions possess Ti:A1 the crystal (Crawford, 1973). (1975a,b,c) noted evidence for
ratios of 1:2 (Fig. 3). The A1/Si Delaney and Sutton (1991) two reduction reactions in
ratio of the pyroxenes decreases studied Fe-Mn-Mg systematics 70035. Muhich et al. (1990)
with increasing Fe/Mg ratio, in plagioclase in 70035 and found variations in Fe/Mg in
reaching a constant A1/Si ratio found that Fe/Mn variations ilmenite from 70035 that corre-
of _0.3 at an Fe/Mg ratio of _ 1.0 correlate with Fe/(Fe + Mg) vari- late with the amount of exsolu-
(Fig. 4). The amount of AlVl ations, reflecting fractionation tion exhibited. They found that
decreases as TiO2 increases in of a silicate magma. Further, Mg is enriched in ilmenite with
the pyroxenes (Fig. 5). Papike et they found that Fe/Mn varia- abundant exsolution relative to
al. (1974) suggested that this tions in highland samples are grains with no exsolution.
trend was a result of slower offset to higher Fe/(Fe + Mg),
cooling, allowing plagioclase to relative to mare basalts, con- Ilmenites are generally equant,
nucleate shortly after pyroxene sistent with the highlands almost amoeboidal (Papike et
such that it was in competition representing prior plagioclase al., 1974). The Mg# of ilmenites
for A1. separation. Delaney et al. is approximately 10-12, with
Cr203 never exceeding 1 wt%.
Roedder and Weiblen (1975)
reported both high-K (6.27 wt%
"?0035 K20) and anomalous low-K
oi ^ Heu (0.037 wt% K20) melt inclusions

high-K inclusions were attrib-

uted to late-stage silicate-liquid
°" immiscibility, but the origin of
° the low-K inclusions is obscure.
$ ° Armalcolite in 70035 exhibits
_#. _ *_* * • littlecompositional variation
._-e _s (Haggerty, 1973).
_ o° ° ,,
o in the ilmenites of 70035. The

Figure 2: Quadrilateral plot for pyroxenes in plagioclase-poikilitic

basalt 70035.
SAMPLE 70035 - 27

•z¢ 70035

_ qdl

0 ,IZ



. •

•02 04 • ,Oe _0 'l .,4 "_ "16 - • 24 '26 Z6 '30 -32 - -.SIS

AI per 6 Oxygens

Figure 3: Ti-Al plot for pyroxenes in plagioclase-poikilitie basalt 70035.


•2C ?0035
' )8

• 14


•o8, _.
o6: :R_ "

i , i
, i i t
. , i ,

•2 .4 "6 _ I'0 12 I-4 1.6 I_ 2.0 3.0 4-0 _-0 6-0


Figure 4: AI/Si-Fe/Mg plot for pyroxenes in plagioclase-poikilitic basalt 70035.

SAMPLE 70035 - 28


AIw 015 v Gt

Figure5: Ti-Cr-AlVl plot for pyroxenes in plagioclase-poihilitic basalt 70035.

analysis of Shih et al. (1975) Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts and

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY agreeswellwith thatofLSPET concludedthata portionofthe
(Table1). nativeironmay have resulted
The relatively coarsegrainsize from desulfurationpriorto
of 70035 has introduced into Hughes and Schmitt (1985) crystallization. Gibson et al.
whole-rock analysis the problem obtained "Zr/Hf ratios and other (1976) reported the amount of
of sampling errors. This led elemental data" for 70035 by metallic Fe in 70035 as 0.147%.
Rhodes et al. (1975, 1976) to put coincidence-anticoincidence This study was undertaken to
70035 into their class U counting and normal counting confirm the desulfuration
(unctassifiable) of Apollo 17 techniques during INAA. hypothesis of Gibson and Moore
basalts, as the whole rock However, although reporting (1974). Gibson et al. (1987)
chemistry did not conform to the the Zr/Hf ratio for 70035 reported the abundance of
A, B, and C groups delineated by (29.5 _ 4.7), Hughes and Schmitt hydrogen in 70035 as 2.2 l_gH/g.
finer-grained basalts. These only reported Hf abundances The analysis of 70035 was
authors used the analysis (4.9_ 0.2 ppm). These authors included in a much larger study
reported by LSPET (1973) concluded that significant for the purpose of pin-pointing
(Table 1). Shih et al. (1975) only fraetionation of Zr from Hf had hydrogen-rich lunar materials.
analyzed trace-element abun- occurred during lunar evolution
dances from two samples of from an initial value of -35.
70035 (,1 and ,6) by isotope dilu- ISOTOPES AND AGE
tion and INAA. These authors The work on sulfur by Gibson DETERMINATIONS
concluded that the source must and Moore (1974) reported the
be LREE-depleted with clino- abundance of sulfur in 70035,1 Basalt 70035 has been analyzed
pyroxene, olivine, and ilmenite as 1580 ± 40 pgS/g (Table 2). for the following isotopes: Rb-Sr
left in the refractory residue These authors noted that (Evensen et al., 1973; Nyquist et
after _20% partial melting. This Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts con- al., 1974, 1976; Bansal et al.,
would produce the LREE- tain similar sulfur abundances 1975); K-Ar and Ar-Ar (Stettler
depleted REE profile of 70035 to Apollo 11 basalts, but much et al., 1973); Sulfur (Gibson and
(Fig. 6), which exhibits a higher than those from Moore, 1974; Gibson et al.,
negative Eu anomaly Apollo 12 and 15. Gibson and 1975). Published isotope data
([Eu/Eu*]N _ 0.61) and is consis- Moore (1974) noted a negative are summarized in Table 2. The
tent with the low abundances of correlation between S content Rb-Sr methods dated 70035 at
other LIL elements. The and percent native Fe in 3.82 +_0.06 Ga (Evensen et al.,
SAMPLE 70035 - 29

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 70035.

70035,11 70035,12 70035,62

SiO2 (wt%) 37.84

Ti02 12.97
A1203 8.85
Cr203 0.61 0.27 0.25
FeO 18.46
MnO 0.28
MgO 9.89
CaO 10.07
Na20 0.35
K20 0.06 0.04 0.05
P205 0.05
S 0.15

Nb (ppm) 20
Zr 205 217 200
U 0,091 0.12
Y 75
Sr 176 174 161
Rb 0.7 0,461 0.628
Li 8.7 8,1
Ba 62,1 79.5
Zn 4
Ni 2
Co 20.7
Sc 82.5
La 4.79 7.04
Ce .16,4 23.4
Nd 18,2 25.9
Sm 7.63 10.5
Eu 1.82 1.88
SAMPLE 70035 - 30

Table 1: (Concluded).

70035,11 70035,12 70035,62

Gd 11.0 13.5
Dy 14.1 18.8
Er 8_40 I1.0
Yb 7.79 10.0
Ga (ppb)

References: 1) LSPET (1973), also quoted in Rhodes et al. (1976);

2) Shih et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 70035 - 31

Table 2: Isotope data gathered from basalt 70035.

Rb-Sr (Evensen et ai, 1973)

wt K Rb Sr Ba 87Rb/s6Sr 87Sr/S6Sr
(mg) (lag/g) (lag/g) (lag/g) (lag/g) (x102)
WR "A" 15.38 532.0 0.577 164.0 62.1 0.996 0.69980± 10
WR "B" 14.71 474.0 0.506 158.0 61.1 0.906 0.69973±7
Plag 10.19 1406.0 1.041 657.0 165.4 0.448 0.69947±7
Px "A" 24.12 .... 0.389 56.7 .... 1.94 0.70028±7
Px "B" 14.58 .... 0.357 57.8 .... 1.75 0.70013± 10
Ilm 15.80 .... 0.185 13.5 .... 3.85 0.70134± 16
Glass 2.83 .... 15.307 71.0 .... 5.83 0.70241 ± 5
ISOCHRON AGE = 3.82 ± 0.06 AE; Initial = 0.69923 ± 3

Rb-Sr (Nyquist et al., 1974)

wt Rb Sr 87Rb/s6Sr 87Sr/86Sr
(mg) (ppm) (ppm)
700_5,1 58.5 0.461 173.7 0.00772 ± 23 0.69967_ 6
70035,6 53.2 0.628 161.3 0.01126±29 0.69980±6
Plag 4.4 0.0948 687.5 0.00040 ± 4 0.69924 ± 10
Ilm 1 11.9 0.8345 4;/.79 0.05053 ± 37 0.70195 ± 8
Px 22.7 0.3738 43.73 0.02473 ± 28 0.70059 ± 8
Px 26.9 0.6334 52.01 0.03524 ± 39 0.70112 ± 20
Ilm 2 8.9 0.8326 6.01 0.03647 ± 50 0.70016 - 4
ISOCHRON AGE = 3.73 ± 0.11 AE; Initial = 0.69924 ± 5

K-At (Settler et al., 1973)

Age, High Ca K
Temp. Plateau (%) (ppm)
70035,6 3.72 ± 0.07 7.4 390
70035,6 3.75 ± 0.07 7.6 260

Sulfur (Gibson and Moore, 1974; Gibson et al., 1975, 1976, 1987)
Total Sulfur 8348
Combustion Acid Hydrolysis o/oo CDT % Fe0 H
lagS/g lagS/g (lagH/g)
70035 1580 1240 -0.2 0.147 2.2

100 - I , _ , , , , , , ,

_ 10 -
1 = 70035,1 data from Shih et al. (1975)

u_ 2 = 70035,6 data from Shih et al. (1975)

I I I I I I I I I | I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 6: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles of 70035.

1973) and 3.73 -+0.11 Ga method, yielded ages of whole contain a greater range of
(Nyquist et al., 1974). Evensen 3.72__.0.07 Ga and Feo contents. The magnetic data
et al. (1973} reported an initial 3.75 4-0.07 Ga (Fig. 8). These reported by Pearce et al.
87Sr/86Sr ratio for 70035 of authors noted the similarity (1974a,b) is presented in
0.69923 4-0.00003 (Fig. 7a) and between the age of 70035 and Table 3.
concluded that this age repre- those of the low-K/high-Ti
sented an early age of mare basalts at Tranquility Base.
flooding, which was episodic Stettler et al. (1973) reported EXPERIMENTAL
until 3.1 Ga. Nyquist et al. exposure ages for 70035 of
(1974) reported an initial 95-100 Ma (3BAr). These ages Green et al. (1975) demonstrated
87Sr/86Sr ratio of were also quoted by Hbrz et al. that the source region for 70035
0.69924 4-0.00005 (Fig. 7b) and (1975). Drozd et al. (1977) and other high-Ti basalts was
noted that this low initial ratio reported a Kr exposure age of not one in which ilmenite was
was similar to that of the source 122 _ 3 Ma. Eberhardt et al. the refractory residual, contrary
of low-K Apollo 11 basalts, but (1974) reported two 37Ar/38Ar to the conclusion of Shih et al.
lower than that of the source of exposure ages for 70035,6 of 95 (1975). Furthermore, at high
Apollo 12 and 15 basalts, and 100 Ma. pressure, Ti-oxide was never a
Nyquist et al. (1976) proposed a liquidus phase.
two-stage evolution for the The sulfur isotopic composition
source of 70035: 1) from 4.6- of 70035 was reported by Gibson Usselman et al. (1975a)
4.4 Ga, the source evolved with et al. (1975) as 834S CDT = -0.2. compared ilmenite compositions
an 87Rb/86Sr of ~0.05; 2) at 4.4 Ga, from Apollo 17 high-Ti mare
the source experienced a basalts with those in the FeO-
depletion which resulted in an MAGNETIC STUDIES TiO2-A1203-Cr203-Fe system,
87Rb/86Sr ratio of _0.005 until using ilmenite compositions
eruption at 3.7-3.8 Ga. The magnetic study ofPearce et from 70035 for comparison.
al. (1974a,b) demonstrated that These authors concluded that
Two independent age 70035 is magnetically similar to observed ilmenite compositions
determinations by Stettler et at. basalts from other missions, only slightly reflect the compo-
(1973) of 70035,6 using the K-Ar However, Apollo 17 basalts as a sition of the original magma:
SAMPLE 70035-33

Rb-Sr ages of some mare basalts

70035.9 "GLASS"


eSSr 2it 0.06 AE


o.oo I o02
i I o.o4
I t o.o6

Figure 7a: Rb-Sr internal isochron for 70035. TR "A" and "B" are two total rock samples; pyroxene _A"
and _B" are two aIiquots of the pyroxene separate; _glass" is float in liquid of density 2.55 of plagioclase
separate of 25-37p size.


0.7020 7003 5


"-. 0.7010 ILM2


T = 3.73 ± .11 AE
I = 0.69924 ± 5


0.6990 t 5 I ! 1
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.0


Figure 7b: Rb-Sr mineral isochron for Apollo 17 high-titanium mare basalt 70035.
SAMPLE 70035-34

extensive re-equilibration of pieces larger than 1.5 kg remain

ilmenite with the fractionating intact. Eleven thin sections
_.oo • liquid and ferromagnesian have been cut from three potted
_ minerals has occurred, butts. They are sections ,7; ,8; - _ Usselman et al. (1975b), from ,19; and ,20 from ,3; sections

< 3.00- calculated the cooling rate for from ,94. Eight pieces of 70035
,_ 70035 to be < 1 °C/hour. (ranging from 64 g to 120 g)
_' - have been mounted and allo-
__ cated as long-term displays.
__r_ _o_ ((211"I
6 ::)) crystallization experiments, ,13-,18 from ,2; and section ,95
u_ 2.00- PROCESSING Thin sections ,15 and ,18 are
also allocated to the educational
Q- 1.50
._ E This sample was subdivided by display program managed by the
, , . , sawing during the early years of Public Affairs Office at the
0 0_5 1.0
FRACTIONOF ArT RELEASED theprogram (Figs.9-11).Two Johnson Space Center.

Figure 8:Ar4O.Ar39 release

curvesoftwo samples ofthe
70035 subfloor basalt. The age
is similar to those of basalts
found at Tranquility Base.

Table 3: Magnetic properties of 70035.

(Pearce et al., 1974).

Js Xp Xo Equiv. Equiv.
(emu/g) (emu/g Oe) (emu/g Oe) Hc Hrc wt% wt%
*106 *104 Jrs/Js (Oe) (Oe) FeO Fe 2 +

70035,1 0.320 35.2 2.0 0.008 15 -- 0.15 16.1





,58 ,59

Figure 9: Major subdivisions of 70035,0.

SAMPLE 70035-36

Figure 10: Major subdivisions of 70035,0.

SAMPLE 70035-37

Figure 11: Major subdivisions of 70035,0.

SAMPLE 70075-39

High-Ti Mare Basalt
5.64 g, 3 x 1.7 x i cm

INTRODUCTION microphenocrysts of olivine

(0.5mm), armalcolite (0.2- CHEMISTRY
70075 is a grayish-black, fine- 0.4mm), and skeletal ilmenite
grained, microporphyritic, (0.5ram) (Fig. 2 a,b). Minor Mineral and whole-rock
olivine-ilmenite basalt (Figs. chromite-ulvSspinel ( < 0. lmm) chemical analyses are reported
1,2), containing no zap pits are included in the olivine in Table 1. Warner et al. (1979)
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample microphenocrysts and are described 70075 as a Type A
Information Catalog, 1973). locally present in the Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, after
Narrow slit-like cavities ( < 1%) groundmass (Warner et al., the classification of Rhodes et al.
1-4 mm in length, <: 0.2 mm 1979). The opaque glass which (1976). The REE profile is
wide, occur throughout the rock. forms most of the matrix is LREE-depleted, with a flatten-
These are lined with plagioclase, locally devitrified with ing of the HREE at _ 50 times
pyroxene, and possibly ilmenite, plagioclase, pyroxene, and chondritic values (Fig. 4). A
Two areas on the surface ilmenite crystallites (Fig. 2 a,b). negative Eu anomaly is present
probably represent the lining of Armalcolite has mantles of ([EtYEu*]N = 0.53). 70075,1
a large vesicle. Plates of minor ilmenite (< 0.1mm wide) which was used in a comprehensive
ilmenite/pyroxene coat these are usually continuous (Fig. 3). petrogenetic study of Apollo 17
surfaces. The slit-like vesicular The Apollo 17 Lunar Sample high-Ti basalts by Warner et al.
zones are replaced by small, Information Catalog (1973) gave (1979), who concluded that their
randomly oriented vugs in the an approximate mode of compositional range was
vicinity of these large vesicles. 5% olivine, 35% plagioelase, produced by fractionation of
This sample was collected 45% clinopyroxene, and phenocryst phases.
during an EVA east of the 15% opaque minerals. Olivines
Lunar Module (EVA-l). 70075 are _ FOT0, and Mg- and Ca-rich
is a high-Ti basalt containing ~ pyroxenes trend toward Fe PROCESSING
12 wt% TiO2. enrichment. Plagioclase
exhibits little variation (4 An85). Little work has been conducted
Armalcolites are Mg-rich upon 70075. One thin section
PETROGRAPHY AND (MG# _ 50), as are the ilmenites (70075,4) has been made, and
MINERAL CHEMISTRY (MG# _ 12) and spinels 5.21g of 70075,0 remains.
(MG# - 20).
70075 is a fine-grained,
vitrophyric basalt with
SAMPLE 70075-40

Figure la: Pre chip.

Figure l b: Post chip.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photographs of 70075,0,

SAMPLE 70075-41

Figure 2a: Photomicrograph showing microphenocrysts of olivine, armalcolite, and skeletal ilmenite.

Figure 2b: Photomicrograph showing opaque glass with plagioclase, pyroxene, and
ilmenite crystaUites.

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 70075,4. Field of view in both cases is 2.5 mm.

SAMPLE 70075-42

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of 70075,4, showing armalcolite rimmed with ilmenite.

'_' 1 -t

10 - 70 7
:! 1 = data from Ma et al. (1979) and
Warner et al. (1979)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70075.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemical composition of 70075.

70075,1 70075,1

SiO2 (wt%) Zn
TiO2 12.1 Pb
A1203 9.3 Cu
Cr203 0.409 Ni
FeO 19.4 Co 19
MnO 0.253 V 86
MgO 8 Sc 86
CaO 10.3 La 6.9
Na20 0.417 Ce 27
K20 01067 Nd 28
P205 Sm 10.9
S Eu 2.21
Nb (ppm) Gd
Zr Tb 2.8
Hf 9.0 Dy 18
Ta 2.1 Er
U Yb 10.4
Th Lu 1.53
W Ga
Sr Cl
Rb C
Li N
Ba H
Cs He

References and Methods: 1)Warner et al. (1979a); Ma et al. (1979); INAA.

SAMPLE 70135-45

High.Ti Mare Basalt
446.3 g, 10.5 × 6 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION approximately 50m south of the to large pyroxenes (up to 3 mm),

Apollo Lunar Surface or poikilitically enclosed in
70135 is a blocky, brownish- Experiment Package (ALSEP) plagioclase (up to 4 mm) with no
gray basalt with a few zap pits central station. Samples 70135- reaction rims. Rare armalcolite
on the S and T faces and 39, 70145-49, and 70155-57 were is found poikilitically enclosed
irregular rugs (1-6ram) in a 1 all taken from this boulder, in pyroxene. Euhedral, blocky
cm band normal to S (Fig. 1). ilmenites (1-2 ram) are the
Foliation ofilmenite and predominant opaque phase,
plagioclase occurs on the W face PETROGRAPHY AND containing small ( < 0.05 mm)
in a zone ~ 3 cm wide. Twelve MINERAL CHEMISTRY exsolutionlamellaeofrutile.
small chipsreturnedinthe Native Fe and troiliteform
sample bag with70135 (70136- The petrographyof70135 was interstitial phases. General
39;70145-49;70155-57)arefrom describedby Brown etal. textureindicatesdevelopment
thesame boulder.Some or all (1975a,b)from thinsection,58. in a slow-cooling regime. Brown
may have broken from 70135 Itclassified
as a Type 1B by etal.(1975b)reportedthemodal
aftercollection, but none could theseauthors(i.e.,plagioclase- mineralogy ofthissample as:
be remated. 70135 was collected poikilitic).
Small olivines 2.8% olivine; 21.9% opaque
from the"Geophone Rock", (_ 0.1ram) occureitheras cores minerals;28.4% plagioclase;

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70135.

SAMPLE 70135-46

46.2% clinopyroxene; 0.3% two, possibly three different These authors concluded that
silica; 0.4% mesostasis. Roedder basalt lava flows were present at variations in the ratios of the
and Weiblen (1975) reported the the Taurus Littrow site. elements K, Ba, Zr, Nb, Y, and
modal mineralogy of 70135 as: However, on the basis of Ti could not be caused by near-
51.6% pyroxene; 23.0% plagio- compatible, rare earth element surface fractionation and,
clase; 19.4% oxides; 0.2% native abundances, and a re-evaluation therefore, provide information of
Fe and sulfides; 0.6% silica; of earlier chemical data, Laul et basalt petrogenesis at depth.
1.4% melt/mesostasis; and 3.8% al. (1975) concluded that at least Furthermore, the results of
olivine, five different basalt flows exist ' Duncan et al. (1976) suggested
at the Apollo 17 site. that Apollo 17 low-K high-Ti
Olivines of approximately FOT0 basalts were generated from an
are generally unzoned (Brown et Rose et al. (1975) analyzed ilmenite-rich cumulate, with
al., 1975b). Pyroxenes zone from 70135(,33) (Table 1) by XRF in a little or no ilmenite left in the
titan-augite towards pyrox- characterization study of rocks residue.
ferroite, with little evidence of and soils returned by the
pigeonite crystallization. Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. The whole-rock REE
Spinels exhibit compositions These authors did not concentrations have been
from chrome-spinel (with rutile) specifically mention this sample determined by Laul et al. (1974)
which is exsolved from ilmenite in their discussion, simply and Shih et al. (1975a,b) on
to late-stage ulvSspinel, stating that the "compositions of 70135,35 and 70135,27, resp.
Plagioclase exhibits little core- the analyzed basalts are similar (Fig. 2). Both REE profiles are
to-rim zonation ( < 10 An units) to those reported earlier by Rose LREE-depleted and convex
with core compositions being et al. (1974)." upwards, but Laul et al. (1974)
~An85. Roedder and Weiblen reported higher REE
(1975) noted anomalous low-K, Shih et al. (1975a,b) analyzed abundances (MREE ~ 90 times
high-SiO2 inclusions in ilmenite 70135,27 (Table 1) using a chondritic values) than those of
from 70135, but came to no combination of isotope dilution Shih et al. (1975) (MREE _ 70
satisfactory conclusion for their and INA analytical techniques, times chondrite values}. Both
formation. E1 Goresy and 70135,27 contained the highest patterns contain negative Eu
Ramdohr (1975a,b,c) studied the abundances of trace elements of anomalies of approximately the
opaque minerals of 70135 in any Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt same magnitude ([Eu/Eu*]N =
order to determine the nature of analyzed by these authors. Shih 0.43). The pattern ofLaul et al.
subsolidus reduction in lunar et al. (1975 a,b) concluded that (1974) was determined on only
basalts. These authors noted the low-K/high-Ti mare basalts 12.6 mg of sample, whereas that
evidence for two reduction were the product of extensive of Shih et al (1975) was deter-
reactions in 70135. melting of an ilmenite-clino- mined on 52 mg. Therefore,
pyroxene cumulate followed by considering the coarse-grained
near-surface crystallization, texture of this sample, it is
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY probable that the REE profile of
Rhodes et al. (1976) reported the Laul et al. (1974) is subject to
There have been numerous major-element composition of greater sampling errors than
studies of 70135 detailing the 70135,27 analyzed by XRF that of Shih et al., 1975a,b); the
whole-rock chemistry to various (Table 1). These authors latter analysis is probably the
degrees. The most complete classified 70135,27 as a Class U most representative of the
data sets can be found in Laul et Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, stating whole-rock composition among
al. (1974); Rose et al. (1975); that its coarse grain size these two analyses.
Shih et al. (1975); Rhodes et al. precluded a representative
(1976); and Duncan et al. (1976) analysis, and the available Warner et al. (1975) used an
(Table 1). results did not conform with unreferenced analysis of 70135
their A, B, C classification of for comparison with 18 new
Laul et al. (1974) analyzed finer-grained Apollo 17 basalts, analyses of Apollo 17 high-Ti
70135(,35) (Table 1) by INAA in basalts. These authors
a comparison study with rocks Duncan et al. (1976} reported an attempted to define three groups
from other Apollo missions, analysis (by XRF) of 70135,41 in of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts on
These authors suggested that a study of lunar basalt genesis, the basis of Sm and TiO2
_ A
SAMPLE 70135-48

Table h (Concluded).

Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6

Sample ,35 ,33 ,27 ,41 ,74 ,74

Gd 19.6
Tb 4.5 1.9 3.0
Dy 29 22.6
Er 13.2 0.59
Yb 16 10 18.9 6.9 9.3
Lu 2.2 1.1 1.5
Ga 7.0 16
Ir (ppb)
Ge 1.0 2.0

References: 1 = Laul et al. (1974); 2 = Rose et al. (1975; 3 = Shih et al. (1975); 4 = Rhodes et al. (1976);
5 = Duncan et al. (1976); 6 = Dickinson et al. (1989).

100 ' /_"_'-__
__' ' ' ' ' ' " ' --'C

_ _C S

1 = Laul et al. (1974)
. 3 = Shih etal. (1975)
6 = Dickinsonet al. (1989)

I I I I I I 1 I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles of 70135.

SAMPLE 70135-49

abundances and suggested that basalts. Dickinson et al. (1988) respect to S, whereas those of
70135 was not related to these only reported the Ge abundance, Iow-Ti basalts from Apollo 12
Sm and TiO2 "clusters" by whereas Dickinson et al. (1989) and 15 were not.
partial melting of an identical reported two whole-rock
cumulate (70135 possesses analyses from splits of 70135,74. Jovanovic and Reed (1975a)
higher Sm and TiO2 These whole-rock analyses are attempted to analyze 70135 for
abundances), similar (Table 1), but variations C1 and P205 in order to obtain a
of certain elements between ratio of these elements, but in
Korotev and Haskin (1975) used these two splits are due to large this paper they reported that the
the coarse grain size of 70135 to errors associated with one or C1contents were too low for
demonstrate the problems of other of the analyses. The REE reliable measurement. A P205
getting a representative whole- profiles are LREE-depleted content of 0.04 wt% was reported
rock analysis of such a sample. (Fig. 2) and have negative Eu here for 70135. However,
These authors showed the anomalies ([Eu/EU*]N = Jovanovi¢ and Reed (1975b,c)
variability of trace-element 0.44-0.54). The two REE profiles reported 0.52 ppm leachable C1
abundances with different size for 70135 reported by Dickinson from 70135,29 with 2.2 ppm left
fractions of this basalt (Table 2; et al. (1989) plot below those of in the residue. Furthermore,
Fig. 3 a-e). Korotev and Haskin Laul et al. (1974) and Shih et al. these authors also reported
(1975) suggested that these (1975a,b) (Fig. 2); the sample 13 ppb Br both in the leach and
sampling errors can be sizes analyzed were 200mg and residue with 0.33 ppm I in the
minimized if an ~ 1 g sample is 207mg. These relatively large leach (iodine was not detected in
uniformly crushed to a fine sample sizes may, yield composi- the residue). Jovanovic and
powder. This study reflected on tions more representative of the Reed (1975b) also reported a U
the compositions of different size actual whole-rock composition concentration of 0.1 ppm for
fractions of lunar soil as than the analyses of Laul et 70135,29. Jovanovic and Reed
products of comminution, a1.(1974) and Shih et al. (1980) again reported these
(1975a,b). The reported earlier data, stating that 70135
Other studies have concentrated abundance of Ge in 70135 is falls into their second group
on specific elements, such as the 1.0 to 2.0 ppb. Dickinson et al. based on C1/P205 contents.
radio-elements (Eldridge et al. (1988, 1989) concluded that However, in light of the
(1974), Ge (Dickinson et al., Apollo 17 basalts contain revealing study of Taylor and
1988, 1989), and C1, P, Re, and similar Ge abundances to those Huntert (1983), use of these data
Os (Jovanovic and Reed, from the Apollo-11, 12, and 15 for such conclusions was not
1975a,b). Eldridge et al. (1974) sites. The small variations valid. In a change of emphasis,
reported K, Th, and U observed are uncorrelated with Jovanovic and Reed (1976a,b)
abundances of 70135 (Table 2) in other siderophile elements and analyzed 70135,29 for Ru and Os
a study of 13 basalt and 14 soil cannot be explained by contents. The contents reported
samples from Apollo 17. Their differences in the amount of for 70135 are < 2 ppb Ru and
results for 70135 are: K = 500 metal segregated into the lunar 0.1 ppb Os.
± 30 ppm; Th = 0.31 ___0.02 core. Dickinson et al. (1988,
ppm; U = 0.12 ± 0.01 ppm. 1989) suggested that volatile
They concluded that there is transfer of Ge by halogen-rich ISOTOPES
geochemical evidence for fluids may have generated such
layering in the subfloor basalt variations. The isotope determinations
flows, along with the possibility conducted have dealt with
of magmatic fractionation of the Gibson et al. (1976) analyzed the cosmogenic radionuclides and
K/U ratio as a function of depth, sulfur and metallic iron (Feo) exposure ages (Arvidson et al.,
contents of 70135 in a study of 1976; O'Kelley et al., 1973,
Dickinson et al. (1988, 1989) sulfur in Apollo 17 high-Ti 1974a,b; Yokoyama et al., 1974;
used 70135(,74) in a study of basalts. These authors reported see Table 4 and radiogenic
germanium abundances 1680 ± 60 pgS/g and 0.163 (primarily Sr) isotopes (Bansal
(analyzed by RNAA) of mare equivalent wt% Feo for 70135. et al., 1975; Murthy et al., 1976;
basalts in order to gain an They concluded that the source Nyquist et al., 1975a,b, 1976a,b.
insight into the origin and early regions of Apollo 17 high-Ti See Table 5.
evolution of the Moon and lunar basalts were saturated with
SAMPLE 70135-50

Table 2: Compositional variation of trace elements with size fraction analyzed.

Data from Korotev and Haskin (1975).

Weighted Average
< 500 pm 1-2 mm

Na20 (wt%) 0.406 0.397

FeO 19.0 18.7

Sc (ug/g) 79.4 84.3

Cr 4515 4730
Co 22.7 19.0
La 3.64 4.94
Ce 15.1 19.2
Sm 6.48 8.16
Eu 1.72 1.72
Tb 1.94 2.46
Yb 7.02 7.92
Lu 1.04 1.06
Hf 6.7 7.4
Ta 1.66 1.56
SAMPLE 70135-51


I ! | I I I l I [ I i I [ t I

70_" Figure 3a: REE chondrite diagram for various

50 analyses of 70135, taken from Korotev and
Haskin (1975). The samples of Shih, et al. (1975)
and Brannon were taken from the same

_ homogenizedstock.
seven <5001_m fractionsThe weightedaverage of
is probably a reasonable
20 approximation to a "whole rock" analysis for the
"" chip of 70135,27 crushed in this experiment.
•,c (mgI
O %39 WHOLE ROCK 23l LAUL e!aI 11774I
O ",Z7 WHOLE ROCK 9Z SHIH, etal(ig751
O-,27 WT'D.AVG.
i • °,27 WI'O.AVG.
3 < .TW)O.

La CI Nd Sm Eu Gd I'o Oy Er YII Lu

500 250 150 90 75 45 20 ,ZO _m


I t
I i
12 - 18 mq /
'_ • WELGHTED AVG J _ _,m

Figure 3b: Chondrite normalized _. 30 _,,j _ _ : ._ .,_ -I.u

particle size. The numbers plotted _• u_"L
on the abscissa are the sieve hole _ 20 _ t_
sizes. 1s

9 "
I I I I i I I L'c 1
;50 1.50 90 7S _ 20 *c20

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized REE abundances for various fractions of 70135.

SAMPLE 70135-52




_ 6

La C.* Si Eu 11) Yb Lu'LI Co SI [u I"o Yb Lu

Figure 3d: REE chondrite diagram for eight Figure 3e: Range of REE abundances in the size
individual 1-2 mm particles from 70135. frac¢ions superimposed on the range in the
1-2 mm particles.

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized REE abundances for various fractions of 70135.

SAMPLE70135- 53

O°Kelley et al. (1973, 1974) Bansal et al. (1975) reported the No stable isotope analyses have
analyzed 70135 nondestruc- Rb-Sr systematics of 70135, in a been undertaken on 70135.
tively for cosmogenic radio- study of Rb-Sr ages and initial
nuclides using gamma-ray 87Sr]86Sr ratios of Apollo 17
spectrometers with high mare basalts. These authors MAGNETICS
sensitivity and low background, suggested a three-stage
Abundances of 26A1, 22Na, SaMn, evolutionary model for 70135: 70135 has been examined in two
56C0, 46Sc, and 48V were 1) evolution of 87Sr/86Sr in an magnetic studies to date.
determined for 70135 (Table 3). environment with Rb/Sr greater Brecher (1977a,b) used 70135,17
Yokoyama et al. (1974) analyzed than in the basalts; 2) produc- (described by Brecher as a
155 rocks from Apollo 11 and 17 tion of mare basalt source "typical subfloor vesicular
missions for 22Na and 26A1. regions of lower but variable gabbroic basalt") to study the
These were classified according Rb/Sr sometime in the interval relationships between magneti-
to saturation in 26A1. These 4.6-3.8 Ga; and 3) extraction of zation directions, magnetic
authors agreed with the suppe- lavas from these sources with fabric, and petrographic
sition of O'Kelley et al. (1973, little or no fractionation of Rb/Sr features. Her results are
1974) that 70135 was shielded at 3.8 Ga. Nyquist et al. presented in Table 5 and
from solar flares, concluding (1975a,b) reported a mineral Figure 6. 70135,17 contained
that all 22Na and 26A1in this isochron for 70135,27 (Table 4) vug-rich layers which could be
sample were produced by which yielded an age of 3.75 _ seen nearly parallel to the
galactic cosmic rays. No tabu- 0.09 Ga with an initial 87Sr]86Sr "horizontal" B and T cube faces
lated data were presented by ratio of 0.69924 ± 0.00003 (feature B in Fig. 6) with
Yokoyama et al. (1974), but (Fig. 5). The conclusions of these scalloped "flow fronts" evident
Figure 4 illustrates the relative authors were essentially the on cleaved faces (Brecher,
proportions of 22Na and 26A1in same as those reported by 1977a). In these planes, dark
70135. Bansal et al. (1975). Nyquist et and lighter-gray striations and
al. (1976) reported their i975 glass-filled cracks parallel to the
Rb-Sr analysis of 70135 in N-S axis could be seen (feature C
Table 3: Abundances of conjunction with others from in Fig. 6). A coarsely defined
cosmogenic radionuclldes Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts in light-dark vertical banding was
in 70135. order to demonstrate the also observed, perpendicular to
Data from O'Kelley et al. relatively large range in Rb/Sr the vugs and crack elongation
(1973, 1974). with initial 87Sr/86Sr. This (A in Fig. 6). The NRM of
observation was used in 70135,17 was described by
70135 constructing the three-stage Brecher (1977a,b) as quite soft
model for Sr isotopic evolution of (6.14 x 10-5 emu/g), only 7%
26A1 38 ± 2 Apollo 17 mare basalts (see surviving cleaning to 100 Oe.
above), and was used to The NRM and cleaned directions
22Na 33 ± 3 demonstrate that the Rb/Sr of have high inclinations,
54Mn 56 ± 6 Type C Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts clustering about a roughly
56Co 56 ± 6 was increased at the time of vertical lineation axis of
magma generation. Murthy and elongated vugs, contained in
46Sc 32 ± 3 Coscio (1976) used the Rb-Sr dark-light (shear-banding?)
48V 10 ± 5 analysis ofNyquist et al. (1975) layers (Brecher, 1977a). The
for 70135 in a comparative study magnetic anisotropy is rather
of the Sr isotopic composition of low (- 5%) with dominant
The only exposure age reported Apollo 17 basalts. These lineation, but comparable
for 70135 was by Arvidson et al. authors applied a correction foliation. The NRM directions
(1976). This 81Kr-Kr exposure factor to this analysis in order to lie closer to the minimum
age is 106 ± 4 Ma. These accommodate inter-laboratory susceptibility axis, paralleling
authors suggested that such an bias. Therefore, the initial trains of elongated vesicles.
age correlated with an influx of 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 70135 was
crater debris from the formation quoted as 0.69912 __+4.
of Tycho.
SAMPLE 70135-54

! I I

_2N a




Figure 4: 22Na-26Al correlation diagram for Apollo 17 samples. Open circles with error bars represent
soils, solid circles represent rocks saturated in 26Al, and solid circles with error bars represent rocks
either unsaturated in 26Al or uncertain. The first digit (7) of the LRL number of sample is omitted.
Saturation lines correspond to the production of 22Na and 26Al by GCR -/-SCR with SCR parameters of
J = 260 __50 protons (E. _ I OMe V)/c m 2-sec-4r_ and Ro = I00 MV for 22Na and J-- 70 protons (Ep >
l OMe V)/cm2-sec-4n w_ta 1_o -: 150 MV for 26Al. The determination of these SCR parameters was given in
the previous paper (Yokoyama et al., 1973). The approximate sample thickness corresponding to the
saturated activity is also indicated along the saturation line.
SAMPLE 70135- 55

Table 4: Rb-Sr data from 70135,27.

(Nyquist et al., 1975).

Wt. Rb Sr STRb/s6Sra 87Sr/86Srb TB TL

(mg) (ppm) (ppm)

70135,27 51.8 0.819 186 0.0127+3 0.69995+5 7.7-----0.4- 5.0+0.4

plagl 7.3 0.126 731 0.00050+1 0.69920--+11
Repeat 0.69927 -+ 3
ilm 1 12.1 0.676 46.5 0.0421 -+4 0.70148_+7
px 7.7 0.39 165.7 0.0172-+2 0.70010-+8
plag2 6.2 0.124 698 0.00051-+1 0.69923-+7
ilm 2 18.8 0.771 48.2 0.0463_+4 0.70172-+6

Table 5: Magnetic data from 70135.

Brecher (1977a); Cisowski et al. (1983)
(all values in Gcm2/grn).

Sample 70135,17

Rock type Vesicular

Gabbroic Basalt
NRM 3.6 * 10-5
NRM (200) 4.7 * 10 -7
Mass (g) 9.465
IRMs(9 KOe) 1.8 * 10-3
NRM (x105 emu]g) 6.14
IRMs(200) 2.4 * 10-4
NRMlo0/NRM 0.068
K x 103 emu]Oe cc 4.9
(Kmax-K)xl05 0.49
Lineation 3
Foliation 2

Total anisotropy (%) 5.3

correlation? Strong
SAMPLE 70135- 56

0.702 I I I I ILM 2_ ._lll_

APOLLO i7 __O_r" I

0.700 •
L w__
J'9,x T: 3.75 AE

I = 0.69924

o.699 r _'LAG [ i i i /

Figure 5: Isochron plot of STSr/86Sr versus 87Rb/S6Sr for 70135 _7. Taken from Nyquist et al. (1975).

79 3K. 17

: : ! I : : : :

Figure 6: Magnetic data of 70135,17 taken from Brecher (1977). The high-inclination NRM and
cleaned directions in basalt 70135 are grouped about the roughly vertical lineation axis of elongated
vugs (A), contained in the plane of layering (C). The magnetic fabric plane nearly coincides with rug-
rich "horizontal" layers (B).
SAMPLE 70135-57

Cisowski et al. (1983) reported These authors reported a major demonstrating a decrease in
the magnetic intensity of 70135 element whole-rock analysis for intensity at elevated
in their review of paleointensity 70135, and the residual liquid temperatures as a result of
data in a study of lunar composition after extreme (85- metal _ metal (e.g., Fe2 + --*
magnetism. These authors used 90%) fractional crystallization Ti4 +) charge transfer bands
the magnetic remanence data (Table 6). The fractionated involving Ti. Osborne et al.
for 70135 (Table 5) to evaluate residual reported by Rutherford (1978) concluded that
the origin of the lunar magnetic and Hess (1975) did not techniques for mapping Ti
field. The conclusions of experience liquid immiscibility, concentrations on hot planetary
Cisowski et al. (1983) are but did experience moderate Fe surfaces should be applied
somewhat vague, stating that enrichment, cautiously if room-temperature
only rocks within a certain calibration spectra are used.
limited age range contain Osborne et al. (1978) used the
magnetic intensities similar to major-element whole-rock
those on Earth. They also stated analysis of 70135 reported by PROCESSING
that the origin of these Rhodes et al. (1976) and the
intensities was uncertain, modal analysis of Roedder and The major subdivisions of 70135
Weiblen (1975) for 70135 in an can be found in Figure 6
experimental study of spectral (Cutting and Chipping of Lunar
EXPERIMENTAL reflectance for Ti Rock 70135). 70135,0 has been
determinations at room and entirely subdivided. The largest
70135 has been used in one elevated temperatures: High portion of this basalt remaining
experimental study, that by temperature measurements is 289.1g (70135,9). Ten thin
Rutherford and Hess (1975). the revealed that slopes of the sections have been made, and
experiments were designed to reflectance profiles in the 0.400- the sample numbers are
demonstrate the origins of lunar 0.550 pm region increased 70135,57-66.
granites as immiscible liquids, significantly up to 300°C,

Table 6: Major-element analyses of 70135,34 compositions

after silicate liquid immiscibility after the
extreme fractional crystallization experiments of
Rutherford et al. (1975).


Low-Si High-Si

SiO2 38.84 50.88

TiO2 12.74 3.99
A1203 9.16 9.59
FeO 17.96 22.07
MnO 0.26 0.50
MgO 10.44 1.77
CaO 10.67 10.30
Na20 0.25 0.24
K20 0.02 0.18
P205 0.14 0.03

TOTAL 100.48 99.55

SAMPLE 70136-59

High-T[ Mare Basalt
10.65 g, 1.5 x 2 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION (<0.005 mm wide). Minor HREE reach only _30 times

amounts of opaque glass are chondritic values, and the mag-
70136 has been described as a associated with the ilmenite, nitude of the negative Eu
brownish-gray, medium- Plagioclase (up to 4 ram) anomaly is diminished
grained, high-T[ mare basalt, poikilitically encloses these ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.78). Warner et
with one slickensided face and minerals. Olivine is rare, al. (1979) and Ma et al. (1979)
containing -5% rugs (Apollo 17 usually found in the cores of used the whole-rock analysis of
Lunar Sample Information pyroxenes. Rare armalcolites 70136 in a comprehensive study
Catalog, 1973) (Fig. 1). No zap (_0.1 mm) and Cr-ulv6spinels are of Apollo 17 high-T[ basalt
pits are present. This sample present only as poikilitic inclu- petrogenesis. These authors
was collected from the sions in pyroxene. Native Fe used the A, B, C, U
"Geophone Rock", 50 m south of and troilite form interstitial (U = Unclassifiable) class[ti-
the ALSEP central station, the phases. Mineral chemistry is cation of Rhodes et al. (1976).
same site as 70135. similar to 70135, but was not Warner et al. (1979) suggested
specifically reported by Warner that this basalt was too coarse-
et al. (1979). grained to yield a representative
PETROGRAPHY AND analysis, and consequently
MINERAL CHEMISTRY assigned 70136 to Class U
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY (Unclassifiable).
70136 was described by Warner
et al. (1979) as a coarse-grained, The whole-rock composition
plagioclase-poikilitic, high-T[ (major and trace elements) of PROCESSING
mare basalt. This corresponds to 70136 was analyzed by Ma et al.
the Type 1B of Brown et al. (1979) and reported by Warner There remains 8.7 g of 70136,0
(1975). 70136 contains abun- et al. (1979), both quoting the and 1.02 g of 70136,2. 70136,1
dant blocky, euhedral, and same analysis (Table 1). The was irradiated (for analysis of
interstitial ilmenites (up to REE pattern (Fig. 3) is typical of Ma et al., 1979), and the thin
1 mm) and clinopyroxenes Apollo 17 high-T[ basalts, section 70136,5 was made from
exhibiting the "bow-tie" texture inasmuch as it is LREE-depleted this irradiated sample.
(Fig. 2). Ilmenite contains rutile with a negative Eu anomaly.
exsolution lamellae However, both MREE and
SAMPLE 70136-60

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70136, 70137, 70138, and 70139.

SAMPLE 70136-61

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 70136,5. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

100 i , , ' ' ' ' ' , , I

___.'" __ -.
10 -

1 = Ma et al. (1979); Warner et al. (1979)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiIe of 70136.
SAMPLE 70136-62

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70136,1.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and reported by Warner et al. (1979).

70136,1 70136,1

SiO2 (wt%) Cu

TiO 2 11.3 Ni
A1203 11.1 Co 18
Cr203 0.492 V 128
FeO 17.2 Sc 72
MnO 0.218 La 4.0
MgO 9 Ce 15
CaO 10.1 Nd 18
Na20 0.486 Sm 6.7
K20 0.045 Eu 1.85
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.7 Yb 6.2
Ta 1.4 Lu 0.85
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70137 - 63

High-Ti Mare Basalt
6.16 g, 2.7 x 1.5×1 cm

INTRODUCTION 3 ram) (Fig. 2). Ilmenite anomaly is somewhat increased

contains exsolution lamellae of relative to 70136 ([Eu/EU*]N =
70137 has been described as a chromite and futile 0.72 vs. 0.78). Warner et al.
brownish-gray, medium- ( < 0.005 ram). Olivines are rare, (1979) and Ma et al. (1979) used
grained, high-Ti mare basalt usually present as cores to the the whole-rock analysis of70137
with a granular fabric, and clinopyroxenes. Armalcolite in a comprehensive study of
containing _5% vugs (Fig. 1) and spinel minerals are also Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt petro-
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample rare, present only as poikilitic genesis. These authors used the
Information Catalog, 1973). No inclusions in pyroxene. Native A, B, C, U (U = Unclassifiable)
zap pits are present. It was Fe and troilite form interstitial classification of Rhodes et al.
collected from the "Geophone phases. Mineral chemistry is (1976). Warner et al. (1979)
Rock", 50 m south of the ALSEP similar to 70135, but was not suggested that 70137 was too
central station, specifically mentioned by either coarse-grained to yield a repre-
Ma et al. (1979) or Warner et al. sentative whole-rock analysis,
(1979). and classified this sample in
Warner et al. (1979) described PROCESSING
70137 as a coarse-grained, Ma et al. (1979) analyzed the
plagioclase-poikilitic, high-Ti whole-rock major- and trace- There remains 4.57 g of 70137,0.
mare basalt, corresponding to element composition of 70137,1 70137,1 was irradiated, and thin
the Type 1B of Brown et al. (Table 1). This analysis was also section 70137,4 was taken from
(1975). Large (up to I mm) reported by Warner et al. (1979). this irradiated sample. Figure 4
euhedral, blocky, and inter- The REE pattern (Fig. 3) is very shows the major divisions of this
stitial ilmenites occur "over- similar to that of 70136 in sample.
laying" large clinopyroxenes (up absolute abundances. The
to 3 ram) and plagioclases (up to magnitude of the negative Eu
SAMPLE 701:]7-64

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70137,0.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 70137,4. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

SAMPLE 70137-65

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70137.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and reported by Warner et al. (1979).

70137,1 70137,1

SiO2 (wt%) Cu
TiO2 12.0 Ni
A1203 9.2 Co 21
Cr203 0.534 V 132
FeO 18.0 Sc 77
MnO 0.226 La 4.0
MgO 10 Ce 17
CaO 10.3 Nd 19
Na20 0.421 Sm 7.0
K20 0.048 Eu 1.63
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.6
Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.7 Yb 6.6
Ta 1.5 Lu 0.93
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70137-66

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 10 -
-I 70137
=E 1 = Ma et al. (1979); Warner et al. (1979)


1 I._ Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure3." Chondrite-normalized element profile of 70137.

/,_,t,E.7 7 /3_
Figure 4: Major subdivisions of 70137,0.
SAMPLE 70138-67

High.Ti Mare Basalt
3.66 g, 2 x 1.3 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION Armalcolite is present as with a negative Eu anomaly

ilmenite-free inclusions in (Fig. 3 and Table 1) with
70138 has been described as a pyroxene and plagioclase. [Eu/Eu*] N = 0.62. The MREE
brownish-gray, medium- reach -40-45 times chondritic
grained, high-Ti mare basalt Olivine compositions range in values. Neal et al. (1990) have
(Fig. 1), containing ~ 5% vugs and Fo content from 48 to 69. used the whole-rock composition
one slickensided face with However, individual grains are of 70138 to refine previous petro-
smeared out and pulverized homogeneous. Plagioctase genetic models and formulate a
ilmenite (Apollo 17 Lunar • exhibits little variation new one for the Type A Apollo 17
Sample Information Catalog, (An84-89), but the rims are high-Ti basalts. This model
1973). No zap pits are present, usually more sodic. Pyroxenes involved up to 80% fractional
This sample was collected from range from titan-augites to crystallization of observed
the "Geophone Rock", 50 m pigeonites, with both varieties phenocryst phases, although the
south of the ALSEP central exhibiting Fe enrichment majority of Type A high-Ti
station. (Fig. 2). An unusual feature of basalts are generated after 40%
this basalt is that core-to-rim fractional crystallization.
zonations in the largest clino-
PETROGRAPHY AND pyroxenes trend toward
MINERAL CHEMISTRY pigeonite from titan-augite. ISOTOPES
This is probably a result of
Thin section 70138,3 was olivine resorption. Cr203 Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data
studied by Neal et al. (1989), decreases with Fe enrichment for 70138,7 was reported by
who described this sample as a and Alfri ratios are constant at Paces et al. (1991) (Tables 2
plagioclase-poikilitic, high-Ti _2. Ilmenite exhibits a large and 3). These analyses were
mare basalt (see 70135). Modal range in MG# (5-23), whereas part of a larger study aimed at-
analysis of 70138 showed: 49.7% armalcolite exhibits little the isotopic characterization of
clinopyroxene; 22.2% variation (MG# = 43-45). the Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts.
plagioclase; 3% olivine; 21.1%
ilmenite; 1% native Fe and
troilite; and 3% armalcolite, WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY PROCESSING
with trace amounts of rutile and
chromite, present mainly as 70138 (Table 1) is a Type A high- There is 2.89 g of 70138,0
exsolution lamellae (both Ti mare basalt (Neal et al., remaining. Approximately
< 0.005 mm) in ilmenite. Oli- 1990), on the basis of the classi- 0.75 g was irradiated for INA
vine is present either as cores to fication used by Rhodes et al. analysis, and a further 0.01 g
clinopyroxenes, or as inclusions (1976) and Warner et al. (1979). was used in the preparation of
in plagioclase, where the olivine The REE pattern is LREE- thin section 70138,3.
has no pyroxene rim. depleted and convex-upward,
SAMPLE 70138-68

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70136, 70137, 70138, and 70139.

SAMPLE 70138 - 69

Di Hd

0 0

00 O0 O0_
0 0
000 0 0
0 0

° 7
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70138 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 10
..J 70138
:E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

I I I I I I I, I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70138.
SAMPLE 70138-70

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70138,4.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70138,4 70138,4

SiO2 (wt%) Cu
TiO2 12.5 Ni 4
A1203 8.49 Co 19.8
Cr203 0.501 V 134
FeO 17.9 Sc 77
MnO 0.237 La 5.05

MgO 8.2 Ce 24
CaO 9.5 Nd 20

Na20 0.39 Sm 7.56

K20 0.05 Eu 1.88
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.13

Nb (ppm) Dy 15.8
Zr 230 Er
Hf 7.29 Yb 7.49
Ta 1.57 Lu 1.12
U 0.17 Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr 170 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 65 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.11 - Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70138 - 71

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 70138,7.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 0.647
Sr (ppm) 182
87Rb/86Sr 0.001020 i 10
S7Sr/86Sr 0.699793 ± 14
I(Sr)a 0.699235 i 20
TLUNI b (Ga) 5.2

aInitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.75 Ga using 87Rb decay

constant = 1.42>< 10 -11 yr-1.

bModel age relative to I(Sr) -- LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974;

Shih et al., 1986).

TLUNI = 1/k*ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)/87Rb/S6Sr)+ 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd isotopic data for 70138,7.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 11.5
Nd (ppm) 27.8
147Sm/144Nd 0.24990 ± 50
143Nd]144Nd 0.514277 + 10
I(Nd)a 0.508072_+22
aNd(t)b 6.3 ± 0.4
TCHUR c (Ga) 4.6

aInitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.75 Ga using 147Sm decay

constant = 6.54X 10-12yr -1.

bInitial eNd calculated at 3.75 Ga using present-day chondritic values of

143Nd]144Nd = 0.512638 and 147Sm/144Nd -- 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic

values listed above.

TCHUR = 1/h*ln[((143Nd]144Nd - 0.512638)/(147Snd144Nd _ 0.1967)+ 1].

SAMPLE 70139-73

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.16 g, 2 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm

INTRODUCTION native Fe and troilite; 1.9% (1990) used the whole-rock

silica; 2.5% olivine. Chromite composition of 70139,4 in a
70139 (see Fig. 1 of 70138) was and futile are present in trace comprehensive study of
described as a brownish-gray, amounts. Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt petro-
medium-grained high-Ti mare genesis. These authors defined
basalt, containing _2% rugs Olivines are generally unzoned, two groups of Type B basalts -
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample but range in composition from B1 and B2, on the basis of whole-
Information Catalog, 1973). No Fo55 to Fo69. Plagioclase rock chemistry. Each group is
zap pits are present. One face is exhibits limited zonation generated by fractional crystal-
darkened with smeared out and (Ansl_s8) although rare lization of observed phenocryst
pulverized ilmenite. It was examples contain ANT1. The phases. 70139,4 is a Type B1
collected from the "Geophone rims of the plagioclase are Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, which
Rock", 50 m south of the ALSEP always more sodic. Pyroxene was generated after 50% frac-
central station, compositions range from tional crystallization.
pigeonite to titan-augite, each
exhibiting Fe enrichment trends
PETROGRAPHY AND (Fig. 1). Cr203 contents ISOTOPES
MINERAL CHEMISTRY decrease with progressive Fe
enrichment, and Al/Ti ratios are Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data
This basalt was described as constant at _2. The MG# of has been reported by Paces et al.
plagioclase-poikilitic by Neal et ilmenite ranges from 10-23. (1991) for 70139,6 whole-rocks
al. (1989). llmenite (0.1-1 mm) (Tables 2 and 3) and mineral
is subhedral-euhedral and separates (Tables 4 and 5). They
blocky in appearance, occurring WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY reported internal isochrons
in both clinopyroxene (0.12- giving a best-estimate age for
0.86 mm) and plagioclase (0.24- 70139 (Table 1) is a Type B 70139 of 3.71 _ 0.12 Ga.
4 mm). Olivine is present either Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalt
as cores in pyroxenes or as (Neal et al., 1990), using the
pyroxene-free inclusions in classification of Rhodes et al. PROCESSING
plagioclase. No armalcolite is (1976) and Warner et al. (1979).
present. Chromite and rutile The REE pattern (Fig. 2) is There is approximately 2.60 g of
exsolution lamellae (both LREE-depleted, typical of the 70139,0 remaining, of the
< 0.005 mm) occur in ilmenite. Apollo 17 basalt suite, with a original 3.16 g. About 0.55 g
Native Fe, troilite, and silica slight convex-upwards profile, was used for the INA analysis
occur as interstitial phases. The MREE reach _30 times and 0.01 g for thin section
Modally, 70139 is comprised of: chondritic values. A negative 70139,3.
35.8% pyroxene; 41.6% plagio- Eu anomaly is present
clase; 15.8% ilmenite; 2.4% (Eu/Eu*] N = 0.70). Neal et al.
SAMPLE 70139- 74

OOo o

o o o
¢ ¢
¢ ¢ ¢

70139 _o o
En Fs
Figure 1: Pyroxene compositions of 70139 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

-a. 70139
1 = Neal et al. (1990)

I La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70139.
SAMPLE 70139 - 75

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70139,4.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70139,4 70139,4

SiO2 (wt%) Cu

TiO2 13.1 Ni 31
A1203 8.32 Co 26:2
Cr203 0.557 V 143
FeO 17.6 Sc 79.9
MnO 0.232 La 3.05
MgO 9.6 Ce 13
CaO 10.0 Nd 15
Na20 0.36 Sm 4.78
K20 0.04 Eu 1.42
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.47

Nb (ppm) Dy 9.7
Zr 160 Er
Hf 5.65 Yb 5.40
Ta 1.16 Lu 0.81
U 0.05 Ga
Th 0.28 F
W C1
Sr 180 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 67 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.02 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70139-76

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 70139,6.

Data from Paces et al. (1991) [two analyses].

Rb (ppm) 0.281 0.282

Sr (ppm) 146 146
87Rb/86Sr 0.005515_ 55 0.005542 +_55
67Sr/86Sr 0.699511 _ 14 0.699518 +_17
I(Sr)a 0.699214 + 17 0.699220 + 20
TLUNI b (Ga) 6.0 6.0

aInitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 87Rb decay

constant = 1.42X 10 -11 yr -1.

bModel age relative to I(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974;

Shih et al., 1986).

TLUNI = 1/_*ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)/87Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd isotopic data for 70139,6.

Data from Paces et al. (1991) [two analyses].

Sm (ppm) 5.30 5.38

Nd (ppm) 12.3 12.4
147Sm/144Nd 0.26021 + 52 0.26234+_ 52
143Nd/144Nd 0.514547 _+11 0.514605 _+15
I(Nd)a 0.508191 + 24 0.507197 -+28
ENd(t) b 7.0 _ 0.5 7.2 + 0.5
TCHUR ¢ (Ga) 4.5 4.5

aInitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 147Sm decay

constant = 6.54X 10-12yr -1.

bInitial eNd calculated at 3.69 Ga using present-day chondritic values of

143Nd/144Nd = 0.512638 and 147Sm]144Nd = 0.1967.

¢Model age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic

values listed above.

TCHUR = 1/k*ln[((143Nd]144Nd - 0.512638)/(147Sm/144Nd - 0.1967) + 1].

SAMPLE 70139-77

Table 4: Rb-Sr analyses for whole-rocks and mineral separates from 70139,6.
Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) 87Rb/86Sra 87Sr/S6Srb

WR1 0.281 146 0.005515 _ 55 0.699511 __14

WR2 0.282 146 0.005543 ± 55 0.699518 ± 17

F Plg 0.0886 514 0.004956 ± 20 0.699244 ± 27
llm 0.313 23.1 0.03903 ± 39 0.701312 ± 31
Px 0.143 30.2 0.01364± 14 0.699922 i 32
Mag¢ 0.478 87.9 0.01564± 16 0.700013±28
NMag¢ 0.0882 270 0.000939 ± 18 0.699297 ± 25

aUncertainties reported for parent/daughter ratios reflect the magnitude of the blank correction, mass
spectrometer precision, and corrections for the quality of spiking.

bNormalized to 86Sr/SSSr = 0.1194. Quoted errors include 2-sigma run precision for whole-rock
analyses plus an additional uncertainty of 0.00001 (2-sigma) reflecting corrections for fractionation
and spike contributions in total-spiked mineral separates.

cNon-pure mineral separates consisting of predominantly "nonmagnetic" plagioclase and pyroxene in

NMag and "magnetic" pyroxene and ilmenite in Mag.

Table 5: Sm-Nd analyses for whole-rocks and mineral separates from 70139,6.
Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) 147Sm]144Nda 143Nd]144Ndb

WR1 5.30 12.3 0.26021 ± 52 0.514547 ± 11

WR2 5.38 12.4 0.26234± 52 0.514605 ± 15
F Plg
Ilm 3.49 8.54 0.24726 ± 49 0.514230 ± 23
Px 4.85 9.72 0.3020 ± 15 0.515571 ± 29
Mag c 9.17 21.5 0.2574 ± 26 0.514457 ± 25
NMag¢ 1.82 3.89 0.28250 ± 56 0.515098 _+_

aUncertainties reported for parent/daughter ratios reflect the magnitude of the blank correction, mass
spectrometer precision, and corrections for the quality of spiking.

bNormalized to 146Nd/144Nd = 0.7219. Quoted errors include 2-sigma run precision for whole-rock
analyses plus an additional uncertainty of 0.00001 (2-sigma) reflecting corrections for fractionation
and spike contributions in total-spiked mineral separates. Nd was measured as the metal ion.

cNon-pure mineral separates consisting of predominantly "nonmagnetic" plagioclase and pyroxene in

NMag and "magnetic" pyroxene and ilmenite in Mag.
SAMPLE 7(}145-79

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.07 g, 2 x 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION discrete grains (~0.1 mm) in variation in MG# (10-26) than

plagioclase. Armalcolite is does armalcolite (42-48).
70145 (Fig. 1) was described as a found without ilmenite rims and
medium gray, equigranular, enclosed in plagioclase. Native
high-Ti mare basalt, containing Fe and troilite form interstitial WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
-5% marialitic cavities lined with phases. Modal analysis resulted
plagioclase, pyroxene, and in: 42.7% pyroxene; 32.5% Neal et al. (1990) described
ilmenite (Apollo 17 Lunar plagioclase; 20.6% ilmenite; basalt 70145 as a Type A variant
Sample Information Catalog, 2.5% armalcolite; 2% olivine; (Table 1) using the classification
1973). No zap pits are present. 1.3% native Fe and troilite; and of Rhodes et al. (1976) and
This sample was collected from 1% chromite-ulv6spinel. Rutile Warner et al. (1979). The REE
the "Geophone Rock", 50 m is present only in trace amounts, profile is LREE-depleted and
south of the ALSEP central convex-upwards (Fig. 3). The
station. Individual olivine grains are MREE values reach ~ 50 times
typically unzoned, but composi- chondritic values. A negative
tions vary between grains Eu anomaly is present
PETROGRAPHY AND (Fo6o-73). Plagioclase exhibits ([EuIEU*]N -- 0.56). Neal et al.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY little zonation (An85.92), but the (1990) have used the whole-rock
rims are usually more sodic, composition of 70145,4 to refine
Neal et al. (1989) described Pyroxenes vary in composition previous petrogenetic models
70145 as a plagioclase-poikilitic from pigeonite to titan-augite, and formulate a new one for the
high-Ti basalt. Anhedral, with no evidence of Fe enrich- Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti
blocky ilmenites (0.1-1.1 mm) merit (Fig. 2). Cr203 contents basalts.
form an intersertal texture with decrease with decreasing
pyroxene (0.1-0.9 mm) and pyroxene MG#, and A1/Ti ratios
plagioclase (0.2-4.2 mm). have a constant value of _2. PROCESSING
Ilmenite contains chromite and Spinel grains are zoned (core-to-
rutile exsolution lamellae rim) from chromite to more Of the original 3.07 g,
(< 0.005 mm). Rare discrete ulvSspinel-rich compositions, approximately 2.49 g of 70145,0
chromite-ulv5spinels are pres- Cr/(Cr + A1) ratios vary from remains; 0.573 g was irradiated
ent (~0.2 ram). Olivine may be 68-83 and MG# from 13 to 26. for INA analysis, and a thin sec-
found in cores of pyroxenes or as Ilmenite exhibits a greater tion, 70145,3, required 0.01 g.
SAMPLE 70145-80

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70145, 70146, 70147, and 70148.

SAMPLE 70145-81

Oo \

/ a_ 70145
/ / ee
En' Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70145 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

0 10 -
IE 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

I I I I I I I" I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70145.
SAMPLE 70145-82

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70145,4.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70145,4 70145,4

SiO2 (wt%) Cu
TiO2 13.5 Ni 19
A1203 7.76 Co 18.4
Cr203 0.503 V 130
FeO 19.0 Sc 82
MnO 0.256 La 6.24
MgO 8.5 Ce 32
CaO 9.2 Nd 25
Na20 0.36 Sm 9.46
K20 0.08 Eu 2.08
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.42

Nb (ppm) Dy 18.5
Zr 180 Er
Hf 8.72 Yb 9.17
Ta 1.69 Lu 1.35
U 0.48 Ga
Th 0.25 F
W C1
Sr 240 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 103 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.11 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70146 - 83

High.Ti Mare Basalt
1.71 g, 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm

INTRODUCTION ( < 0.005 mm wide) are present

in the ilmenite. Olivine forms WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
70146 was described as a cores to the large pyroxenes.
medium gray, subangular, high- Armalcolite is found without Neal et al. (1990) reported the
Ti mare basalt, containing _5% ilmenite rims as inclusions in composition of 70146 (Table 1)
marialitic cavities lined with pyroxene and plagioclase, as a Type A variant of Apollo 17
plagioclase, pyroxene, or Native Fe and troilite form high-Ti basalts, using the classi-
ilmenite. N, T, and S are frac- interstitial phases. Point fication of Rhodes et al. (1976)
ture surfaces. No zap pits are counting indicated this sample and Warner et al. (1979). The
present. The glazed surface of is comprised of: 41.5% pyroxene; REE pattern (Fig. 3) is LREE-
the pyroxene is dark and finely 33.3% plagioclase; 19.6% depleted, with a general convex-
hackly. It is possible that there ilmenite; 3% native Fe and upward appearance, with the
is a thin skin of dark glass coat- troilite; 2.1% olivine; and 0.5% MREE contents reaching _ 55
ing part of the surface (Apollo 17 armalcolite, times chondritic values. A
Lunar Sample Information negative Eu anomaly is present
Catalog, 1973) (Fig. 1). This Olivine exhibits little zonation ([EuIEu*]N ----0.42). Neal et al.
sample was taken from the either within or between grains (1990) have used the whole-rock
"Geophone Rock", 50 m south of (Fo66.68). Plagioclase exhibits a composition of 70146,0 to refine
the ALSEP central station, somewhat larger range in com- previous petrogenetic models
position (An72.88) , with the mar- and formulate a new one for the
gins of grains being more sodic. Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti
PETROGRAPHY AND Pyroxenes range in composition basalts.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY from pigeonite to titan-augite,
with a continuum ofcomposi-
Neal et al. (1989) described tions between the two (Fig. 2). PROCESSING
70146 as a plagioclase-poikilitic All pyroxenes exhibit Fe enrich-
or Type 1B Apollo 17 high-Ti ment towards the margins. Approximately 1.29 g of 70146,0
basalt. Anhedral and blocky Alfrl ratios are constant at _2, remains; 0.41 g was irradiated
ilmenite (0.1-0.8 mm) forms an and Cr203 decreases as the for INAA, and 0.01 g was used to
intersertal texture with plagio- MG# of the pyroxene decreases, make thin section 70146,4.
clase (0.2-3.7 mm) and pyroxene Ilmenite exhibits a larger range
(0.1-1.5 mm). Chromite and in MG# (3-19) than does
futile exsolution lamellae armalcolite (43-45).
SAMPLE 70146-84

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70145, 70146, 70147, and 70148.

SAMPLE 70146 - 85

4_Pe_ _e •e
// l@• B•

/ 70146 $. @_ @
"- @
\ \
En _ 'Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70146 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

100 , , , l , , , , , , ,

tO 10 -
--I 70146
=E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70146.
SAMPLE 70146-86

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70146,0.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70146,0 70146,0

SiO 2 (wt%) Cu
TiO2 13.1 Ni 5
A1203 7.61 Co 21.6
Cr203 0.504 V 126
FeO 19.6 Sc 85
MnO 0.255 La 6.25

MgO 8.8 Ce 29
CaO 9.7 Nd 26

Na20 0.36 Sm 9.53

K20 0.05 Eu 2.04
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.73

Nb (ppm) Dy 17.4
Zr 250 Er
Hf 8.83 Yb 9.35
Ta 1.76 Lu 1.33
U 0.10 Ga
Th 0.10 F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba 104 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.07 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysisby INAA.
SAMPLE 70147-87

Clast-Rich Impact Melt
379.2 g, 18 x 14 x 10 cm

INTRODUCTION inclusions in pyroxene. Native

Fe, minor silica, and troilite WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
70147 (see Fig. 1 of 70146) was form interstitial phases. Point
described as medium gray, sub- counting revealed that this Neal et al. (1990) described
angular, high-Ti mare basalt sample is comprised of: 48_2% 70147,0 as a Type A high-Ti
which contains no cavities. All pyroxene; 29.4% plagioclase; basalt, using the classification of
surfaces apart from E are frac- 16.7% ilmenite; 4.5% native Fe Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
tures. No zap pits are present, and troilite; 0.5% armalcolite; et al. (1979) (Table 1). This sam-
This sample was collected from 0.5% chromite-ulvbspinel; and ple possesses a convex-upward
the "Geophone Rock", 50 m from 0.2% silica. REE profile, with the MREE
the ALSEP central station, contents reaching _40 times
Plagioclase exhibits moderate chondritic values (Fig. 2). A
core-to-rim variation (An76.90) , negative Eu anomaly is present
PETROGRAPHY AND with the rims being more sodic. ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.59). Neal et al.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Pyroxene compositions range (1990) have used the whole-rock
from pigeonite to titan-augite, composition of 70147,0 to refine
Neal et al. (1989) described with both variants zoning to a previous petrogenetic models
70147 as a plagioclase-poikilitic common, more Fe-rich composi- and formulate a new one for the
basalt, containing no olivine, tion (Fig. 1). A1/Ti ratios are Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti
Anhedral and blocky ilmenite constant at ~ 2, and Cr203 basalts.
(0.1-0.8 mm) forms an inter- decreases with decreasing
sertal texture with plagioclase pyroxene MG#. The chromite-
(0.3-2.7 ram) and pyroxene ulvSspinel grains exhibit little PROCESSING
(0.1-2.8 mm). Ilmenite contains core-to-rim variation
chromite and rutile exsolution [(Cr/(Cr +A1) = 64-69; Approximately 0.7 g of 70147,0
lamellae (< 0.005 mm). Rare MG# = 20-24). However, remains; 0.64 g was irradiated
discrete chromite-ulvbspinel armalcolite exhibits wide for INAA, and 0.01 g was used
grains (40.1 mm) are present, variations between grains for thin section 70147,4.
usually included in pyroxene. (MG# -- 39-48), greater than
Armalcolite (-0.1 mm) without that in ilmenite (MG# = 6-13).
ilmenite rims is present as
SAMPLE 70147-88

0 70147
0 0

O 0

_o_ O

En Fs
Figure 1: Pyroxene compositions o['70147 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

I,LI '' I 1

o 10
--I 70147
:E 1 - Neal et al. (1990)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70147.
SAMPLE 70147 - 89

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70147,0.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70147,0 70147,0

SiO2 (wt%) Cu

TiO2 13.0 Ni 6
A1203 8.38 Co 22.8
Cr203 0.516 V 131
FeO 17.9 Sc 77
MnO 0.231 La 4.75
MgO 8.8 Ce 22
CaO 9.2 Nd 18
Na20 0.39 Sm 7.09
K20 0.06 Eu 1.74
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.14

Nb (ppm) Dy 13.2
Zr 210 Er
Hf 6.87 Yb 7.19
Ta 1.43 Lu 1.07
U 0.06 Ga
Th 0.15 F
W C1
Sr 140 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 76 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.04 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70148-91

High-Ti Mare Basalt
0.92 g, 1 x 1 x 0.7 cm

INTRODUCTION ilmenite; 4.3% silica; 4% native described as a Type B

Fe and troilite; 1%olivine; 1% (classification of Rhodes et al.,
70148 (see Fig. 1 of 70146) is a armalcolite; and 0.5% chromite- 1976; Warner et al., 1979) high-
medium gray, subangular, high- ulvSspinel. Ti Apollo 17 basalt. The REE
Ti mare basalt with no cavities pattern (Fig. 2) is slightly
or zap pits (Apollo 17 Lunar Olivine exhibits little chemical convex-upward and displaying
Sample Information Catalog, variation either within or the characteristic LREE
1973). This sample was between grains (Fo63-66). depletion of Apollo 17 high-Ti
collected from the "Geophone Plagioclase exhibits moderate basalts. The MREE contents
Rock", 50 m south of the ALSEP core-to-rim variation for attain -30 times chondritic
central station. Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts levels, and a negative Eu
(An76.89). Pyroxene composi- anomaly is present
tions range from pigeonite to ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.70}. Neal et al.
PETROGRAPHY AND titan-augite, although there are (1990) used the whole-rock corn-
MINERAL CHEMISTRY no intermediate compositions position of 70148,0 in a com-
between these "end members" prehensive study of Apollo 17
70148 was described as a (Fig. 1). Both compositions high-Ti basalt petrogenesis.
plagioclase-poikilitic basalt by trend towards extreme Fe These authors defined two
Neal et al. (1989). This basalt enrichment, exhibiting a groups of Type B basalts - B1
contains interstitial, anhedral, decrease in both Mg and Ca and B2, on the basis of whole-
and blocky ilmenite (0.1- (Fig. 1). A1/Ti ratios are con- rock chemistry. Each group is
1.4 mm) set in plagioclase (0.5- stant at -2, and Cr203 decreases generated by fractional crystal-
2.4 ram) and pyroxene (0.1- with decreasing MG#. The lization of observed phenocryst
1.8 mm). Rutile and chromite spinel minerals exhibit little phases. 70148,0 is a Type B1
exsolution lamellae core-to-rim or inter-grain varia- Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt.
(< 0.005 mm) are present in tions (Cr/(Cr + A1) = 69-70;
ilmenite. Olivine is found as MG# --- 24-25). Armalcolite is
inclusions in plagioclase; Rare, essentially unzoned PROCESSING
discrete chromite-ulv_spinel (MG# = 44-46), and ilmenite
grains (_0.1 mm) are present in exhibits moderate inter-grain Approximately 0.35 g of 70148,0
pyroxene and ilmenite-free variation (MG# = 4-11). remains; 0.56 g was irradiated
armalcolite (_0.1 mm) within for INAA, and 0.01 g was used
plagioclase or pyroxene, for thin section 70148,3.
Anhedral troilite, native Fe, and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
silica are interstitial phases.
Point counting indicated 70148 The whole-rock chemistry of
is comprised of: 40.9% pyroxene; 70148,0 was defined by Neal et
30,5% plagioclase; 17.9% al. (1990) (Table 1) and was
SAMPLE '70148- 92


/ooo vo148
¢ O ¢

En Fs
Figure 1: Pyroxene compositions of 70148 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

100 , , , , , , , , , , ,

10 -

1 : Neal et al. (1990)


I La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70148.
SAMPLE 70148 - 93

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70148,0.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70148,0 70148,0

SiO 2 (wt%) Cu
TiO2 12.5 Ni 9
A1203 8.12 Co 21.6
Cr203 0.544 V 132
FeO 18.2 Sc 79
MnO 0.237 La 3.68
MgO 8.8 Ce 16
CaO 9.7 Nd 14
Na20 0.36 Sm 5.55
K20 0.05 Eu 1.58
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.46
Nb (ppm) Dy 11.2
Zr 110 Er
Hf 6.17 Yb 6.09
Ta 1.37 Lu 0.92
U 0.25 Ga
Th 0.13 F
W C1
Sr 170 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 67 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.11 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70149 - 95

High-Ti Mare Basalt
0.95 g, 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm

INTRODUCTION plagioclase plates enclosing that 70149 is comprised of: 49%

pyroxene and opaque minerals, pyroxene; 27% plagioclase; 23%
70149 was described as a Prismatic clinopyroxenes have opaque minerals (almost all
brownish gray, inequigranular, normal zoning; other forms show ilmenite, no armalcolite or dis-
high-Ti mare basalt (Fig. 1), complex zoning. Olivine occurs crete spinel); 1% cristobalite;
containing vugs of 0.1 mm in clusters of tiny anhedral and trace amounts of olivine and
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample grains in clinopyroxene, mesostasis.
Information Catalog, 1973).
This sample was collected from 70149,3 exhibits minor breccia- No mineral chemistry has been
the "Geophone Rock", 50 m tion, but still maintains a determined for this sample.
south of the ALSEP central poikilitic texture. Ilmenites (up
station, to 0.5 mm) are interstitial,
either blocky or lath-like, set in WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
plagioclase (up to 1.5 ram) and
PETROGRAPHY AND pyroxene (up to i mm). These No whole-rock chemsitry has
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ilmenites contain chromite and been determined for this sample.
futile exsolution tamellae
Thin section 70149,1 was ( < 0.005 mm). Olivine forms
descibed by Wilshire (Apollo 17 ~0.1 mm cores to pyroxene. EXPERIMENTAL
Lunar Sample Information Minor mesostasis glass is pres-
Catalog, 1973), and thin sections ent. Cristobalite, native Fe, and In a study offO2 controlled
70149,2 and 70149,3 were troilite form interstitial phases, cooling rates and textures of
studied in the preparation of this Point counting of 70149,1 by lunar basalts, Usselman et al.
catalog. Wilshire described Wilshire and Brett (Apollo 17 (1975) reported the cooling rate
70149 as a coarse-grained Lunar Sample Information of 70149 to have been < 1 °C per
poikilitic basalt with large Catalog, 1973) demonstrated hour. This estimate was based
upon comparison of natural
textures with those experi-
mentally produced.


o Approximately 0.92 g of 70149,0
remains. Three thin sections (,1,
__ ,2, and ,3) are available.

| II

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 70149,0.

SAMPLE 70155-97

High-Ti Mare Basalt
0.77 g, 1 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm

INTRODUCTION with interstitial, blocky, and 70155 contains olivines which

anhedral ilmenites (0.1-0.8 mm) are usually unzoned, but exhibit
70155 was described as a set in pyroxene (0.2-1 ram) and moderate inter-grain variations
medium gray, subangular plagioclase (0.3-4.2 ram) (Neal (Fo58_67). Plagioclases are
basalt, containing no zap pits et al., 1989). Plagioclase also moderately zoned, and also
and 1% marialitic (0.5 mm contains pyroxene, olivine exhibit inter-grain variations
diam.) cavities (Fig. 1) with (- 0.1 mm), and armalcolite (An72_90). Pyroxene
pyroxene, plagioclase, and (_ 0.1 ram) inclusions, llmenite compositions range from titan-
ilmenite infillings (Apollo 17 exhibits both rutile and spinel augite to pigeonite (Fig. 2), with
Lunar Sample Information exsolution lamellae ( < 0.05 mm) pigeonite crystallizing only after
Catalog, 1973). This basalt was and rare, discrete spinels significant olivine resorption.
collected from the "Geophone (_ 0.1 ram) occur, usually in Both types of pyroxene exhibit
Rock", 50 m south of the ALSEP pyroxene. Interstitial phases Fe enrichment, although there
central station, present are silica, native Fe, and are no compositional
troilite. Point counting reveals intermediates between the two
that this sample is composed of: (Fig. 2). A1/Ti ratios are
PETROGRAPHY AND 47% pyroxene; 29.6% constant at _ 2, and Cr203
MINERAL CHEMISTRY plagioclase; 16.3% ilmenite; decreases with decreasing MG#.
2.8% native Fe and troilite; 1.9% The spinel minerals are
70155 was described as a olivine; 1.5% armalcolite; 0.6% essentially unzoned
plagioclase-poikilitic basalt, spinel; and 0.3% silica. (Cr/(Cr + A1) = 77-78;

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70155, 70156, and 70157.

SAMPLE 70155-98



: 0 0 00 0
°0 0

o 70
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70155 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

MG# = 11-12). Armalcolite (1979). This basalt is LREE- group is generated by fractional
exhibits slight core-to-rim and depleted, with a steady decrease crystallization of observed
inter-grain variations in chondrite-normalized values phenocryst phases. 70155,0 is a
(MG# = 43-46), whereas from the HREE (Fig. 3). The Type B1 Apollo 17 high-Ti
ilmenite grains are essentially HREE reach 25 times chondritic basalt.
homogeneous, but inter-grain values. A small negative Eu
variations occur (MG# = 7-14). anomaly is present
([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.92). Neal et al. PROCESSING
(1990) used the whole-rock
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY composition of 70155,0 in a Approximately 0.34g of 70155,0
comprehensive study of remains out of the original
The whole-rock chemistry of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt 0.77g. 0.42g was irradiated for
70155,0 was determined by Neal petrogenesis. These authors INAA, and 0.01g was used for
et al. (1990) (Table 1). 70155,0 defined two groups of Type B thin section 70155,3.
falls into the Type B of Rhodes et basalts - B1 and B2, on the basis
al. (1976} and Warner et al. of whole-rock chemistry. Each

1_ II i 11111 I ii

o 1o
1 = Neal et al. (1990)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70155.
SAMPLE 70155 - 99

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70155,0.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70155,0 70155,0

SiO2 (wt %) --- Cu

TiO 2 12.4 Ni --
A1203 10.16 Co 21.3
Cr203 0.494 V 130
FeO 17.2 Sc 72
MnO 0.232 La 2.95

MgO 8.7 Ce 12
CaO 9.6 Nd 13

Na20 0.44 Sm 4.76

K20 0.03 Eu 1.67
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.66

Nb (ppm) Dy 10.5
Zr 130 Er
Hf 5.44 Yb 5.27
Ta 1.23 Lu 0.78
U 0.20 Ga
Th 0.12 F
W C1
Sr 210 N
Rb -- H
Li He

Ba 35 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.11 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70156- 101

High-Ti Mare Basalt
0.63 g, 1 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION (0.4-2.7 mm) plagioclase does not contain an Mg-

(0.3-1 mm). Ilmenite contains pigeonite (Fig. 2). Titan-augite
70156 was described as a both rutile and spinel exsolution predominates, zoning towards-
medium gray, subangular, and lamellae ( < 0.005 ram). ferrosilite and Fe pigeonite.
homogeneous basalt (Fig. 1), Ilmenite-free armalcolite Alfri ratios are constant at - 2,
containing no zap pits or cavities inclusions (_ 0.1 mm) are found in and Cr203 decreases with
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample pyroxene. Olivine is found only decreasing pyroxene MG#.
Information Catalog, 1973). The as _ 0.15 mm cores to pyroxene Armalcolite exhibits greater
S surface was exposed and all grains. Native Fe and troilite compositional variability than
other surfaces are fresh. This form interstitial phases. Point ilmenite (MG# = 27-46 and
basalt was collected at the counting reveals that 70156 is 5-14, resp.).
"Geophone Rock", 50 m south of comprised of: 65.2% pyroxene;
the ALSEP central station. 19.7% ilmenite; 7.7% plagio-
clase; 2.9% armalcolite; 2.3% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
olivine; and 2.2% native Fe.
PETROGRAPHY AND The whole-rock chemistry of
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Olivine exhibits little composi- 70156 has been reported in Neal
tional variation either within or et al. (1990) (Table 1). This
70156 was described as a between grains (Fo68.70). Like- basalt is a Type B Apollo 17
poikilitic high-Ti mare basalt wise, plagioclase exhibits little high-Ti basalt, using the
(Neal et al., 1989), containing compositional variablility classification of Rhodes et al.
interstitial, anhedral ilmenite (An77.81). Unlike other (1976) and Warner et al. (1979).
(0.1-1.1 mm) set in pyroxene Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts, 70156 70156 is a LREE-depleted

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70155, 70156, and 70157.

SAMPLE 70156- 102

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70156,0.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70156,0 70156,0

SiO2(wt%) --- Cu
TiO2 13.4 Ni --
Al203 9.50 Co 21.6
Cr203 0.571 V 149
FeO 18.0 Sc 82
MnO 0.239 La 3.13
MgO 9.8 Ce 14
CaO 10.5 Nd 14
Na20 0.39 Sm 5.23
K20 0.05 Eu 1.52
P2Os Gd
S Tb 1.55
Nb (ppm) Dy 11.3
Zr 60 Er
Hf 5.60 Yb 5.63
Ta 1.23 Lu 0,85
U 0.08 Ga
Th 0,13 F
W Cl
Sr 170 N
Rb -- H
Li He
Ba 65 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.16 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70156 - 103

D Hd

/ _00 0

0 00 00

° 70
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70156 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

basalt, with a convex-upward Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt petro-

profile (Fig. 3). The MREE genesis. These authors defined PROCESSING
reach ~ 30 times chondritic two groups of Type B basalts -
values (Fig. 3) and a small, B1 and B2, on the basis of whole- Approximately 0.39g of70156,0
negative Eu anomaly is present rock chemistry. Each group is remains of the original 0.63g.
([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.72). Neal et al. generated by fractional crystal- 0.23g was irradiated for [NAA,
(1990) used the whole-rock lization of observed phenocryst and 0.01g was used for thin
composition of 70156,0 in a phases. 70156,0 is a Type B1 section 70156,4.
comprehensive study of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt.

100 , , i , , , , , , , ;

._ 10 -
<C 1 = Nealet al. (1990)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70156.
SAMPLE 70157 - 105

High-Ti Mare Basalt
0.57 g, 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Ilmenite contains rutile and pigeonite (Fig. 1). A1/Ti ratios
spinel exsolution lamellae are constant at ~ 2, and Cr203
70157 was described as a ( < 0.005 mm). Armalcolite contents decrease with
medium gray, sub- to (~ 0.1 ram) is present as ilmenite- decreasing pyroxene MG#.
intergranular basalt (see Fig. 1 free inclusions in pyroxene and Both armalcolite and ilmenite
of 70156), containing no zap pits olivine forms 0.05-0.1 mm cores exhibit wide ranges in
and only one marialitic cavity to pyroxene. Native Fe and composition (MG# -- 27-46 and
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample troilite are interstitial phases. 8-29, resp.), but only armalcolite
Information Catalog, 1973). All No discrete spinel minerals are displays core-to-rim zonation
surfaces are fresh with no present. Point counting reveals (Fe enrichment).
discernable exterior faces. This that this sample is composed of:
sample was collected from the 55.2% pyroxene; 24.7%
"Geophone Rock", 50 m south of plagioclase; 16% ilmenite; 2.7% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
the ALSEP central station, native Fe and troilite; 1%
armalcolite; and 0.4% olivine. The whole-rock chemistry of
70157 has been reported by Neat
PETROGRAPHY AND Olivine exhibits moderate et al. (1990) (Table 1). These
MINERAL CHEMISTRY variation, although individual authors described 70157,0 as a
grains are usually homo- Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti mare
70157 was described as a geneous. Plagioclase shows basalt, using the classification of
plagioclase-poikilitic basalt by little zoning or inter-grain Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
Neal et al. (1989). Anhedral and variation (An84.89). Pyroxene et al. (1979). The REE profile of
blocky ilmenite (0.1-0.6 mm) compositions exhibit little Fe 70157,0 (Fig. 2) is convex-
forms an intersertal texture enrichment, although there is a upward, but LREE-depleted.
with pyroxene (0.1-1.8 ram) and continuum of compositions The MREE reach _ 40 times
plagioclase (0.3-1.6 mm). between titan-augite and chondritic values and a small


°_°° %
En Fs
Figure 1: Pyroxene compositions of 70157 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.
SAMPLE 70157 - 106

negative Eu anomaly is Type B basalts - B1 and B2, on

present ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.68). the basis of whole-rock PROCESSING
Neal et at. (1990) used the chemistry. Each group is Approximately 0.25g of 70157,0
whole-rock composition of generated by fractional remains of the original 0.57g.
70157,0 in a comprehensive crystallization of observed 0.31g was irradiated for INAA,
study of Apollo 17 high-Ti phenocryst phases. 70157,0 is and 0.01g was used for thin
basalt petrogenesis. These a Type B1 Apollo 17 high-Ti section 70157,4.
authors defined two groups of basalt.

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70157,0.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70157,0 70157,0

SiO2 (wt %) --- Cu

TiO2 13.4 Ni ---
Al203 9.80 Co 19.3
Cr203 0.536 V 136
FeO 17.1 Sc 77
MnO 0.237 La 4.41

MgO 9.1 Ce 16
.CaO 11.1 Nd 18
Na20 0.44 Sm 6.77
K20 0.06 Eu 1.90
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.93

Nb (ppm) Dy 13.4
Zr 170 Er
Hf 6.65 Yb 6.84
Ta 1.41 Lu 0.99
U --- Ga
Th 0.21 F
W Cl
Sr 130 N
Rb --- H
Li He

Ba 82 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.12 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70157 -107

0 10 -
:E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth eIement profile of 70157.
SAMPLE 70165-109

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.143 g, 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm

INTRODUCTION titan-augite are present, with and Cr203 contents decrease

compositional intermediates with decreasing pyroxene MG#.
70165 was described as a (Fig. 2). Both exhibit core-to- Ilmenite exhibits significant
brownish gray, medium- to rim Fe enrichment (Fig. 2). inter-grain variation
coarse-grained glomeropor- A1/Ti ratios are constant at _ 2, (MG# = 3-19).
phyritic basalt (Fig. 1),
containing no zap pits and
< 10% small, irregular cavities.
This sample was collected from
the ALSEP central station.


70165 was described as a

plagioclase-poikilitic basalt by
Neal et al. (1989). Anhedral and
blocky ilmenite (0.1-0.6 mm) is
set interstitially to pyroxene •
(0.1-I.0 mm) and plagioclase
(0.4-1.8 mm). Chromite and
rutile exsolution lamellae
( < 0.005 mm) are present in
ilmenite. No armalcotite or
discrete spinels are present.
Olivine ( < 0.1 mm) forms cores
to pyroxene and discrete
inclusions in plagioclase. Silica,
native Fe, and troilite form
interstitial phases. Opaque
mesostasis glass is present.
Point counting reveals that this
sample is composed of: 40.3%
pyroxene; 33.8% plagioclase;
13.7% ilmenite; 6.3% native Fe
and troilite; 2.3% silica; 2.8%
glass; and 0.9% olivine.

Olivine is usually unzoned, but

exhibits a wide compositional
range due to inter-grain
variations (F049.64). Plagioclase
exhibits moderate core-to-rim
and inter-grain variations
(An78-92). Both pigeonite and

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70165,0.

SAMPLE 70165-110

Di / Hd

@_0 0 0
% o o
o 0 000 0
o o

5 o
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 70165 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

convex-upward shape(Fig.3).
valuesand a negative
70165was describedasaType A Eu anomalyispresent Approximately1.6gof70165,0
Apollo17high-Timare basalt ([Eu/EU*]N= 0.51). Nealetal. remainsoftheoriginal2.143g.
(Table1)byNealetal.(1990), (1990)haveusedthewhole-rock 0.531gwas irradiated
of compositionof70165,4torefine and 0.01gwas usedforthin
Rhodesetal.(1976)andWarner previouspetrogeneticmodels section70165,3.
The REE profile
of andformulate a new oneforthe
70165,4isLREE-depleted, Type A Apollo17high-Ti
an overall basalts.

00 I ! I I I I I I I | I .

=E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

I.a Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70165.
SAMPLE 70165- 111

Table 1: Whole-rock composition of 70165,4.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

70165,4 70165,4

SiO2 (wt%) --- Cu

TiO2 12.7 Ni ---
A1203 8.40 Co 18.0
Cr203 0.459 V 114
FeO 17.9 Sc 82
MnO 0.247 La 5.74

MgO 8.7 Ce 23
CaO 10.2 Nd 21

Na20 0.38 Sm 8.56

K20 0.06 Eu 1.89
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.55

Nb (ppm) Dy 15.9
Zr 130 Er
Hf 7,94 Yb 8,38
Ta 1.50 Lu 1.22
U 0.14 Ga
Th 0.14 F
W Cl
Sr 160 N
Rb --- H
Li He

Ba 111 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.13 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE701"/5- 113

Glass.Rich Microbreccia
339.6 g, 9 × 6 x 6 cm

INTRODUCTION (1989) described 70175 as a Samples of < 1 g size have been

compacted orange/black glass used in gamma-ray analyses
70175 was described as a deposit, outlined above.
brownish black, homogeneous,
glass-rich microbreccia
(Fig. 1 a,b), with many zap pits WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Table h Abundances of
which are glass lined (Apollo 17 radionuclides in 70175.
Lunar Sample Information 70175 is as yet unanalyzed for Data from Apollo 17
Catalog, 1973). T is hackly with whole-rock chemistry. Preliminary Science Report
many small, sealed fractures. N (1973) with the same analysis
is cut by many open fractures " reported by Keith et al.
which are perpendicular to B ISOTOPES (1974a,b).
and usually glass coated. W is
an uneven surface controlled by Much of the work conducted
fractures and contains a glass upon 70175 was focused on cos- 70175
splash _1 cm2 (droplets, rays, mic ray activity (Keith et al.,
etc.). Glass occurs in small dots, 1974a,b; LSPET, 1973; Th (ppm) 0.4 + 0.04
spheres, and angular fragments; Yokoyama et al., 1974). LSPET U (ppm) 0.105 ± 0.007
black on exterior surfaces. S is (1973) reported cosmic ray
broken by many small fractures abundances of 70175 (Table 1), K (%) 0.055 _+0.002
and contains an area _ 2 × 3 cm and Yokoyama et ah (1974) 26A1(dpm/kg) 42 2=5
which is distinctly more feld- determined that this sample was 22Na (dpm/kg) 76 2 18
spathic. E is an apex which unsaturated with respect to
exhibits many intersecting frac- 26A1. Keith et al. (1974a,b) 54Mn (dpm/kg) 156 2=9
tures. This sample was collected reported the same analysis as in 56Co (dpm/kg) 300 ± 70
approximately 30 m north of the the Apollo 17 Preliminary 46Sc (dpm/kg) 39 ± 5
ALSEP central station. Science Report (1973) of radio-
nuclides using gamma-ray 48V (dpm/kg) 17 ± 5
analysis (Table 1). The nitrogen 60Co (dpm/kg) 0.29 ± 0.08
PETROGRAPHY AND abundance of 70175 has been ThIU 3.8 ± 0.5
MINERAL CHEMISTRY determined, but Carr et al.
(1985) only stated that it was K/U 5200 _+400
No thin section is available, but low.
the Apollo 17 Lunar Sample
Information Catalog (1973)
reported that 70175 is comprised PROCESSING
of: 75% brown/black matrix;
5% mineral clasts; 15% orange/ Because of the lack of work
brown and black glass; and conducted upon 70175, a large
5% lithic clasts. Simon et al. proportion of 70175,0 remains.
SAMPLE 70175- 114

Figure la: Photograph of"W" surface of70175,0.

Figure I b: Photograph of _N" surface of 70175,0.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photographs of 70175,0.

SAMPLE 70185 - 115

High-Ti Mare Basalt
466.6 g, 9 x 7.5 × 5.5 cm and 3.2 x 2.3 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION north of the ALSEP central by Brown et ah (1975a,b), rather

station, they are described within the
70185 was described as a general context of Type IB
medium gray, irregular, but basalts. In the compilation of
intergranular mare basalt PETROGRAPHY AND this catalog, we studied thin
(Fig. 1), containing many zap MINERAL CHEMISTRY sections 70185,30 and ,31.
pits (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample These exhibited essentially the
Information Catalog, 1973). The 70185,29 was studied by Brown same petrographic relations.
grain size and number of et al. (1975a,b), who described Large (up to 1 mm) ilmenite
cavities varies over the sample, this basalt as a Type IB, or laths overlay pyroxene (up to
During return, this sample split plagioclase poikilitic. This 1.2 mm) and plagioclase (up to
into two pieces forming 70185,0 basalt is composed of: 47.6% 1.5 mm). Rare armalcolite
and ,1 (Fig. 2). On 70185,1, the pyroxene; 24% plagioclase; inclusions occur in pyroxene,
grain size is coarser than on ,0, 23.9% opaque minerals; 4.1% and ilmenite possesses both
with plagioclase laths reaching silica; 0.4% olivine. The specific chromite and rutile exsolution
up to 2.5 ram. 70185 was petrography and mineral chem- lamellae ( < 0.005 mm wide).
collected approximately 40 m istry of 70185 is not mentioned Olivine usually forms the cores

Figure l: Hand specimen photograph of 70185,0.

SAMPLE 70185-116

Figur e 2: Subdivision of 70185,0.

of the large pyroxenes. Silica, relative to those reported by the negative Eu anomaly are
native Fe, and troilite form Rhodes et al. (1976). However, similar ([Eu/Eu*]s = 0.54 and
interstitial phases, both are LREE-depleted with a 0.51, resp.). Whole-rock analy-
convex-upward profile, ses for specific elements have
Furthermore, the magnitudes of also been reported. Gibson et al.

The whole-rockchemistryfor 100 , , , _ ' ' _ ' ' '

70185 has been determined by
Warner etal.(1975)and Rhodes
etal.(1976)from sub-samples
70185,5 and 70185,32, respec- w
tively (Table 1). Both Warner et
al. (1975) and Rhodes et al. z
(1976) class this basalt as a O
Type U (Unclassifiable), _ 10
suggesting the coarse-grained u/_j 701 85
nature of this sample precludes _ 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
obtaining a representative <
analysis. This is witnessed in ¢_ 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)
Figure 3, where the REE
contents of 70185 reported by

Warner et al. (1975) are elevated 1 La Oe Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile
of 70185.
SAMPLE 70185-117

Table 1: Whole-rock compositions of 70185.

1 2

SiO2 (wt %) 40.18

TiO2 9.6 11.52
AI203 10.2 9,04
Cr203 0.353 0.40
FeO 18.9 17.64
MnO 0.237 0.26

MgO 8.1 8.11

CaO 11.1 11.95

Na20 0.433 0.39

K20 0.093 0.04
P205 0.02
S 0.17

Nb (ppm)
Hf 8.2
Sr 173
Rb 0.49
Li 9.6
Ba 66.3
Co 15.9 19.7
V 72 ---
Sc 84 84
La 11.1 5.24
Ce 18.5
Nd 21.1
Sm 15.4 8.83
Eu 2.74 1.87
SAMPLE 70185- 118

Table 1: (Concluded).

1 2

Gd 14.0

Dy 28 16.0
Er 9.52
Yb 14.7 8.67
Lu 1.9 1.21

Ge (ppb)

1 -- Warner et al. (1975); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976).

SAMPLE 70185 - 119

(1976a,b) analyzed 70185 for Only a whole-rock determina-

sulfur and noted that this basalt tion was reported and no dating PROCESSING
contained 1850 + 50 lag/g of total was undertaken. 70185 con-
sulfur, with an equivalent rains a present day 87Sr/86Sr Approximately 449 g of 70185,0
weight of Feo of 0.120%. ratio of 0.69954_ 8. Results of remains. Most of the splitting
Eldridge et al. (1974a,b) deter- this study are presented in has occurred on 70185,1, of
mined the primordial radio- Table 2. Cosmogenic radio- which 9.09 g remains. Four thin
element concentrations in 70185 nuclides were determined by sections have been prepared -
by gamma-ray spectrometry. LSPET (1973) with the same 70185,9, ,29, ,30, ,31.
70185 contains 420 ppm K, analysis also reported by
0.3 ppm Th, and 0.1 ppm U. O'Kelley et al. (1974a,b) and are
presented in Table 3. Yokoyama
et al. (1974) reported that 70185
ISOTOPES was saturated with 26A1.

70185 has been analyzed for Sr

isotopes by Nyquist et al. (1976).

Table 2: Isotopic composition Table 3: Cosmogenic

of 70185. radionuclide abundances
Data from Nyquist et al, (1976). for 70185.
Data from the Apollo 17
Preliminary Science Report
(whole-rock) (1973),

wt. (mg) 51 70185

Rb (ppm) 0.495
Sr 173 Th (ppm) 0.30 + 0.03
87Rb/86Sr 0.0083 + 3 U (ppm) 0.10 + 0.02
K (%) 0.042+0.004
87Sr/86Sr 0.69954 + 8
26A1 (dpmJkg) 70 + 4
TB 3.72+0.81
TL 4.29 + 0.81 22Na (dpm/kg) 50 + 4
54Mn (dpmJkg) 95 + 10

TB = Model age assuming 56Co (dpm/kg) 105 + 10

I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias); 44Sc (dpm/kg) 47 + 5
TL = Model age assuming TbJU 3.0 + 0.7
I = 0.69903 (Apollo 16 anortho-
sites for T = 4.6 Ga). K/U 4200 +900
SAMPLE 70215- 121

High-Ti Mare Basalt
8110 g, 23 x 13 x 10.5 cm

INTRODUCTION collected approximately 60m Rutile and chromite exsolution

east of the Lunar Module. lamellae (< 0.005mm) occur in
70215 was described as a ilmenite, and ilmenite lamellae
medium dark gray (with a occur in ulvSspinel. Ilmenite
brownish tint), fine-grained PETROGRAPHY AND also occurs as rims on
basalt (Fig. 1), containing zap MINERAL CHEMISTRY ulvSspinel.
pits on all faces and rare rugs up
to 3mm in diameter (Apollo 17 Wilshire (Apollo 17 Lunar Longhi et al. (1974) described
Lunar Sample Information Sample Information Catalog, thin section 70215,149 as a
Catalog, 1973). These vugs 1973) described 70215,7 as a spherulitic, fine-grained, high-
contain projecting plates and fine-grained, subvariolitic Ti basalt with a texture
prisms of ilmenite and pyroxene, basalt with microphenocrysts of suggesting disequilibrium
The fabric is intersertal to ilmenite, olivine, and crystallization during a period of
intergranular and the shape clinopyroxene (Fig. 2ab). Sheafs rapid cooling. These authors
blocky to subangular with one of plagioelase laths are locally reported a mode of 7% olivine,
flat surface. Surface T is developed. Phenocrysts make 42% clinopyroxene, 29%
slickensided. This sample was up 52% of this thin section, plagioclase, 18% opaque

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70215,0.

SAMPLE 70215- 122

2a: Transmitted light.

2b: Reflected light.

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 70215. Fields of view in both cases are 2.5 ram.
SAMPLE 70215- 123

minerals (mostly ilmenite), and plagioclase and clinopyroxene, groundmass (Fe/(Fe + Mg) =
4% silica phase. Two textural Olivine phenocrysts are skeletal 0.95) types. Muhich et al. (1990)
domains exist. In the first, (i.e., rapid crystallization), some reported variations in ilmenite
olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts intergrown with ilmenite. An composition in 70215 which
(containing numerous inclu- overgrowth ofpyroxene is correlated with the degree of
sions) are set in a groundmass of usually present. Cr-ulv6spinel exsolution. Ilmenites with
smaller olivines, ilmenites, and inclusions may be present. Most abundent exsolution were richer
0.3ram "bowtie" spherulites of ilmenites occur as skeletal in Mg relative to those without
clinopyroxene and plagioclase, needles with "sawtooth" edges, exsolution. Armalcolite exhibits
Interstitial silica, native Fe, and although blocky, anhedral types only a minor range in compo-
troilite are present. In the occur. Rare armalcolites are sition (Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.48-0.53)
second, coarser domain, ilmenite rimmed with futile-bearing and spinel compositions are
and pink titan-augite form a ilmenite. Furthermore, generally uniform (Fe/(Fe
subophitic texture with occasional phenocrysts of Cr- = 0.82). Pyroxene compositions
spherulites ofaugite and ulvSspinel contain oriented range from titan-augite to
skeletal plagioclase, lamellae ofilmenite. Plagio- augite (phenocrysts) to more Fe-
clase occurs as elongate rich varieties (groundmass). No
Brown et al. (1975) described untwinned grains scattered pigeonite is present (Fig. 3; Px
70215,142 as a Type IA Apollo throughout the groundmass, quad of Longhi et al., 1974). As
17 high-Ti basalt, containing Fe increases, A1, Ti, and Cr
9.2% olivine, 37% opaques, Mineral chemistry is generally decrease. Alfri ratios are
12.8% plagioclase, and 41% similar between the different generally constant at _ 2,
clinopyroxene. The texture of thin sections described above, although some of the aluminous
this sample is discussed within Brown et al. (1975) described the titan-augites contain AI/Ti
the confines of the general Type mineral chemistry of 70215 ratios > 2, indicating the
IA group defined by Brown et al. within the general context of presence ofA1VI Plagioclase
(1975). Type IA basalts. Dymek et al. exhibits little variation
(1975) noted olivine compo- (An75.81).
Dymek et al. (1975) studied sitions from Fo65.75 with only
70215,158, describing it as a minor core-to-rim zonation, The proposed crystallization
fine-grained porphyritic basalt whereas Longhi et al. (1974) sequence for 70215 is generally
comprised ofclinopyroxene noted a larger olivine range olivine --_
(58%), plagioclase (18%), (Fo50-75) with no core-to-rim ilmenite + rutile _ cpx --_
ilmenite (13%), olivine 6%), and zonation. Ilmenite composition plagioclase pyroxene
SiO2 (4%), with minor amounts is related to crystal habit. Those silica.
ofarmalcolite, Cr-ulvSspinel, with "sawtooth" margins have Armalcolite and olivine react
rutile, troilite, and native Fe. A generally higher Mg contents with the magma to form
small amount of K-rich (Fe/(Fe = 0.84-0.89) than ilmenite and clinopyroxene,
mesostasis is present, the blocky, subequant respectively. Longhi et al.
70215,158 is characterized by (Fe/(Fe = 0.88-0.93) and (1974) concluded that spinel
abundant phenocrysts of olivine,
ilmenite, and clinopyroxene set
in a texturally variable

groundmass. Approximately _f=_ _d

three quarters of the 0

variolitic intergrowth of a A
acicular grains of plagioclase, A
SIO2, and ilmenite, with blocky 2 [5
to acicular clinopyroxene. The
groundmass consists
remainder consists of oftiny
a /0/ _e:A" " __,
needles of ilmenite that e_
alternate with fan spherulites of . . .1_.- : .
Fo $0%¥o

Figure 3: Pyroxene and olivine compositions of 70215.

SAMPLE 70215- 124

crystallized between ilmenite (1989) (Table 1). LSPET (1973) MREE reach 30-35 times
and cpx, whereas Dymek et al. report that 70215 is olivine- chondritic values. Shaffer et al.
(1975) indicated that spinel normative. Selected trace (1990) used the La/Sm value of
crystallized with olivine. E1 elements (Table 1) have been 70215 in a discussion of mafic
Goresy et al. (1974ab, 1977ab) reported by LSPET (1973), cumulate fractionation in an
studied the opaque mineralogy Rhodes et al. (1974), Rose et al. initial lunar magma.
of 70215 in detail. These (1974), Duncan et al. (1974),
authors concentrated upon the Brunfelt et al. (1974), Masuda 70215 has also been used in
sub-solidus equilibration of the (1974), Shih et al. (1975), W_inke more specialized studies of bulk
spinel-ilmenite assemblage and et al. (1975), and Dickerson et al. composition. Hydrogen
inverted zoning in chromian- (1989). There is some variation concentrations have been
ulv(ispinel, between different analyses for reported by Merlivat et al.
both major and trace element (1974, 1976) as 0.62 - 0.75
abundances (Table 1). pmole/g, whereas Gibson et al.
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY (1986) report 2.3 pg/g H in
The REE profile of 70215 has 70215. Gibson et al. (1974, 1975,
The whole rock composition of been determined by four 1976) reported the sulfur
70215 has been reported by different authors (Brunfelt et content in 70215 as 2210 pg/g,
many authors. Rhodes et al. al., 1974, Masuda et al., 1974; whereas Petrowski et al. (1974)
(1976) classified 70215 as a Type W_inke et al., 1975; Shih et al., reported 1689 ppm and Moore et
B high-Ti basalt. 70215 is 1975). The four profiles are al. (1974) 2040 lag/g S. Nitrogen
further classified as a Type B2 similar (Fig. 4) although that contents for 70215 have been
basalt using the criteria of Neal determined by Brunfelt et al. reported as < 8 to 3 ppm by
et al. (1990). The major element (1974) is the least smooth. The Mtiller (1974, 1976}, 88 lag/g by
composition of 70215 has been profiles are all LREE-depleted, Moore and Lewis (1976), and
reported by Rhodes et al. (1974, with a slight decrease in the 16-23 ppm by Goel et al. (1975).
1976), Rose et al. (1974), LSPET HREE relative to the MREE. Carbon abundances for 70215
(1973), W_inke et al. (1975), Shih The negative Eu anomaly is of have been determined by Moore
et al. (1975), Duncan et al. the same magnitude in each case et al. (1974) and Moore and
(1974), and Dickinson et al ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.52-0.58). The Lewis (1976) at 31 pg/g.

100 _ ' ' ' ' J ' _ ' ' '

O 10 -
.-I 70215
1= Masuda et al. (1974)
u) 6= Brunfelt et al. (1974)
7= W*dnkeet al. (1975)
8= Shih et al. (1975)
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles of 70215.
SAMPLE 70215 -125

Table I: Whole-rock chemistry of 70215,

ReL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

X I X X X N N I R, N

SiO2(wt %) 37.19 37.91 37.62 38.46

TiO2 13.14 13.08 13.20 12.48 13.08

Al203 8.67 8.86 8.79 9.01 9.11

Cr203 0.42 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.37 0.35,0.34

FeO 19.62 19.96 19.22 19.40 19.09 16.2,20.1

MnO 0.28 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.27

MgO 8.52 7.99 9.34 7.91 7.47

CaO 10.43 10.77 10.82 10.94 10.92 12.9,13.3

Na20 0.32 0.38 0.31 0.42 0.43 0.34,0.39

K20 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.05

P205 0.09 0.11 0.07 0.10

S 0.18 0.19 0.17

Nb(ppm) 20 20.8 20 21 22

Zr 183 192 223 185 271 160

Hf 8.3 8.82 7.6,6.4

Ta 1.6 1.78 1.5,1.6

U 0.072 0.13

Th 0.21 0.38,0.39
W 0.075

Y 75 63.6 73 69 93

Sr 121 122 170 123 i27 195 121

Rb <0.2 < 1 1.0 0.9 0.3 0.356

Li 11 8.3

Ba 61.8 77 475 48 85 56.9 47,65

Cs 0.02
Be <1

Zn 5 <2 <4 6 2 59
Pb <2

Cu <3 22 4.2

Ni 2 <3 < 1 4 < 10

Co 23 33 20.4 19.5 15,22

V 50 64 117 349,320

Sc 92 89 84.0 77,88

La 5.35 < 10 4.96 7.08 5.22 4.7,5.8

Ce 17.3 11.3 27.5 16.5 13,17

Nd 17.0 28 16.7 22

Sm 6.98 6.79 10.8 6.69 6.0,6.9

Eu 1.45 1.40 2.19 1.37 1.3,1.4

SAMPLE 70215 - 126

Table h (Concluded).

Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

X I X X X N N I R, N

Od 10.3 10.4

Tb 1.66 2.7 1.7, 2.0

Dy 12.7 12.5 20.5 12.2

Er 7.91 7.40 0.62

Yb 7.45 5.9 10.7 7.04 6.7, 7.2

Lu 1.07 1.11 1.44 1.1, 1.2

Ga 6.3 3.1 20

F 49

C1 3.5

Br 0.011


He 2.2,2.4

Ge (ppb)




References: 1 = LSPET (1973); 2 = Masuda et al. (1974); 3 = Duncan et al. (1974); 4 = Rose et al.
(1974); 5 = Rhodes et al. (1974); 6 = Brunfelt et al. (1974); 7 = W_inke et al., 1975); 8 = Shih et al.
(1975); 9 = Dickinson et al (1989) [Two anal.].

Analyses by: X = XRF; I = Isotope Dilution; N = INAA; R = RNAA.

Germanium abundance in ppm Hf with a Zr/Hf ratio of the whole-rock. A meaningful

70215 was determined at 2.2 ppb 28.3 + 4.6. isochron was not obtained from
by Dickinson et al. (1988) the mineral separates due to the
(Table 1). Garg and Ehmann small range in 87Sr/86Sr ratio.
(1976) and Hughes and Schmitt ISOTOPES No Sm-Nd or Pb isotope data has
(1985) reported Zr and Hf been obtained from 70215.
abundances for 70215. Garg and Rb-Sr isotope data for 70215
Ehmann (1976) measured 213- have been reported by Bansal et 39Ar-40Ar age dating has been
215 ppm Zr and 6.72-6.96 ppm al. (1975), and Nyquist et al. conducted on 70215 using
Hfin 70215,46, and Hughes and (1975, 1976) (Table 2). These whole-rock (Kirsten and Horn,
Schmitt (1985) reported authors report a present day 1974) (Table 3) and laser
70215,78 as containing 6.2 + 0.2 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.69965 + 7 for (Schaeffer et al., 1977)
SAMPLE 70215 -127

Table 2: Sr isotopic composition of 70215.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975, 1976) and Bansal et al. (1975).

Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) S7Rb/SeSr 87Sr/86Sr TB TL

70215,2 0.356 121 0.0085_+4 0.69965_+7 4.51_+0.8 5.06_+0.82

"floats" 0.571 181 0.0091 _+1 0.69965 -t-6
p > 4.3 0.168 34.9 0.0139± 1 0.70023±4
p < 2.85 0.60 322 0.0054___4 0.69944_+6

B = Model age relative to BABI

L = Model age relative to LUNI

Table 3: Ar-Ar and K-Ar data from 70215,21.

Data from Kirsten and Horn (1974). Gas released in 10-8 ccSTP/g.

40Ar 1710

39Ar 15.9

3BAr 12.3

3TAr 1725

36Ar 1.31
K (ppm) 345 ± 25
Ca (%) 7.2 _+0.5
Exposure Age (m.y.) 100± 12
Total Ar Age (b.y.) 3.77 ± 0.10
Plateau Age (b.y.) 3.84 ± 0.04

techniques (Table 4). Schaeffer contain a 8(40Ca/44Ca) value of

et al. (1977) reported mineral -1.1 ± 0.2. Drozd et al. (1977) EXPERIMENTAL
ages ranging from 3.63-3.85 Ga report a Kr-Kr exposure age of
in 70215,182, whereas Kirsten 126_ 3 Ma for 70215. 70215 has been used in a variety
and Horn (1977) reported a of experiments ranging from
whole-rock plateau age of Carbon and sulfur represent the crystallization sequences to
3.84 ± 0.04 Ga and an exposure only stable isotope determi- electrical properties. Ahrens et
age of 100 ± 12 Ma (Table 3). nations made upon 70215. al. (1977ab) used 70215 to study
Petrowski et al. (1974) reported the shock compression and
Other radiogenic isotopes a 813C (o/oo PDB) of-39.3 and dynamic properties of 70215.
measured in 70215 include Des Marais (1978) reported a Their results implied that either
39K/41K and 42K/40K (13.859 813C of-23.5 for 70215. The 834S previous mare crate-ing ages
and 575.9, resp.) by Garner et al. (o/oo CDT) has been reported as were overestimated, or that the
(1975). Calcium isotopes have + 1.5 (Petrowski et al., 1974), integrated meteoroid influxes
also been analyzed by Russell et 0.0 (Gibson et al., 1975), and may have undergone an even
al. (1977), who reported 70215 to + 0.6 (Rees and Thode, 1974). sharper decline during the first
SAMPLE 70215 - 128

Table 4: Laser Ar-Ar data from 70215,182.

Data from Schaeffer et al. (1977). Units in 10-12 cm3.

Temp (oC) 4°Ar 39Ar 38Ar 37Ar 3eAr 40Ar/39r Age (Ga)

Olivine .... 473.0--.16.5 7.70--.0.49 8.10±3.62 648.3±186.2 6.45±6.45 61.3±4.47 3.63±0.10

Pyroxene .... 830.2±15.4 12.74--.0.57 12.39±4.60 1710.8±222.1 10.62±7.86 65.01±3.15 3.72±0.07
Aggregates .... 1145.9±28.9 18.46±0.74 12.37--.5.58 1028.5±281.6 10.59±8.05 62.00-+2.94 3.65±0.07

lntergrowth .... 714.9±25.6 11.02±0.66 10.81±6.26 593.2±362.2 11.07±7.86 64.64±4.53 3.72±0.10

Pyroxene .... 370.2±4.3 5.19±0.33 2.94-+2.94 655.3±5.0 4.79±4.79 71.07±4.62 3.85-+0.09
Pyroxene 600 516.5±5.1 7.56±0.14 2.32±1.47 854.9_+4.3 3.63±2.87 68.16_+1.46 3.78-+0.04
Aggregates 600 444.0--.5.5 6.47-+0.17 2.83±1.47 624.9±3.7 10.39±2.40 67.86±2.13 3.78±0.05
Aggregates 600 799.0 ± 8.3 11.35± 0.20 2.94 ± 2.94 1004.6 ± 8.2 2.87 ± 2.87 70.34 ± 1.45 3.83_+0.04
Intergrowth 600 738.7±8.1 10.56±0.31 3.36±1.57 866.2±8.4 4.79-+4.79 69.81±2.19 3.82±0.05

1.5 Ga of lunar history than that Zr was preferentially Walker et al. (1974, 1975ab,
previously thought, partitioned into armalcolite. 1976) concluded that the source
Other partitioning experiments region for titaniferous basalts
Mizutani and Osako (1974ab) were conducted on 70215 by was a late-stage ilmenite-rich
analyzed elastic wave velocities Longhi et al. (1978) in order to cumulate produced from the
and thermal diffusivities in determine the distribution of Fe residual liquid of the primordial
70215. These authors and Mg between olivine and differentiation of the outer
demonstrated the different lunar basaltic liquids, portions of the Moon. According
thermal conductivities between to this model, the ilmenite rich
highland and mare regions. Longhi et al. (1974), Green et al. layer was sandwiched between
(1974, 1975ab), Walker et al. the lunar feldspathic crust and a
Tittman et al. (1975ab, 1976, (1974, 1975ab), and O'Hara and complementary cumulate.
1978) reported the internal Humphris (1975) used 70215 in
friction quality factor from melting experiments in order to
70215,85 under varying determine source mineralogy, MAGNETIC STUDIES
pressures. Results degree of partial melting, and
demonstrated the effect of post-melting evolution. Green 70215 has been used for a
adsorbed volatiles upon the et al. (1974, 1975ab) noted that variety of magnetic studies.
internal friction quality factor at low pressures, olivine, These have primarily concen-
(Q) and explains, in part, the armalcolite, and ilmenite are trated upon: the intensity of,
differences between terrestrial liquidus phases, whereas at and changes in, ancient lunar
and lunar seismic profiles high-pressures the high-Ti magnetic fields (Cisowski et al.,
through lack of adsorbed H20 on parental magma is not saturated 1977; Collinson et al., 1975);
the Moon. with an Fe-Ti oxide phase, remanent magnetism of specific
Longhi et al. (1974) concluded lunar samples (Runcorn et al.,
Blank et al. (1981, 1984) used that 70215 can be generated by 1974; Nagata et al., 1974b;
70215,159 to examine the trace partial melting of an Pearce et al., 1974b; Sugiura
element partitioning between olivine + Fe-Ti oxide and Strangeway, 1980ab;
ilmenite and armalcolite, noting source at depths of 100-150 km. Hargraves and Dorety, 1975;
SAMPLE 70215 - 129

Stephenson et al., 1974, 1975); subdivided, but 4487.4g of

Fe distribution and the metallic PROCESSING 70215,3 and 2769.0g of 70215,4
Fe qferrous Fe ratio (Huffmann remain.
et al., 1974; Schwerer and To date, 26 thin sections have
Nagata, 1976); the effect of been made of 70215. These
meteorite impact upon magnetic sample numbers are ,7-9, ,89,
fields (Nagata etal., 1974a, ,128, ,141-149, ,150-160, ,251.
1975; Pearce et al., 1974a). 70215,0 has been entirely
SAMPLE 70255- t31

High-Ti Mare Basalt
277.2 g, 5.5 x 3.5 x 3 cm; 7.5 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm

INTRODUCTION plagioclase; 47.7%

PETROGRAPHY AND clinopyroxene; and 1.6% silica.
70255 was described as a blocky, MINERAL CHEMISTRY
subangular, homogeneous, During the preparation of this
medium dark gray basalt, Brown et al. (1975ab) described catalog, we studied thin sections
containing 1-2% of vugs up to the petrography of 70255,27 as a 70255,28 and ,29. Pyroxene and
9ram diameter (Fig. 1). These Type IA Apollo 17 high-Ti plagioclase form "bow-tie"
vugs are lined by irregular mats basalt. Although this specific intergrowths (up to 0.5mm).
of ilmenite needles with scarce sample was only discussed Ilmenite (with chromite and
plagioclase, olivine, and within the general confines of futile exsolution lamellae
pyroxene crystals. 70255 broke this textural group, 70255 is a < 0.005mm), rare armalcolite
into 70255,0 (larger) and fine- to medium-grained, olivine (with ilmenite rims), and Cr-
70255,1 (smaller - Fig. 2) during porphyritic basalt. Modes spinel are obvious phenocryst
return to Earth. This sample determined by Brown et al. phases (up to 0.9mm), but
was collected from the SEP (1975a) indicate this sample is resorbed olivine phenoerysts
station, approximately 115m composed of: 5% olivine; 30.9% (0.5mm) are also present with
east of the lunar module, opaque minerals; 14.8% pyroxene reaction rims. Some

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70255,0.

SAMPLE 70255- 132

.s I

Figure 2: Subdivision of 70255,0.

olivines form small ( < 0.1mm) depleted with a slight

cores to larger pyroxenes. The WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY enrichment of the MREE over
groundmass (0.1-0.3mm) is the HREE (Fig. 3). The
comprised of plagioclase, The whole-rock chemistry of magnitude of the negative Eu
pyroxene, ilmenite, and silica. 70255 has been determined on anomaly measured by Rhodes et
Native Fe and troilite form sub-samples 70255,39 (Warner al. (1976) is slightly deeper than
interstitial phases, et al., 1975) and 70255,3 (Rhodes that of Warner et al. (1975)
et al., 1976) (Table 1). The major ([Eu]Eu*]N -- 0.48 and 0.52,
As with the petrography, the elements are comparable, except resp.). The MREE reach - 50
mineral chemistry of 70255 has the FeO value of Warner et al. times chondritic values. Hughes
only been discussed within the (1975) is markedly elevated over and Schmitt (1985) reported a Hf
broad context of the Type IA that of Rhodes et al. (1976) abundance of 9.6 ± 0.3 ppm for
group of Brown et al. (1975ab). (20.3 wt% and 18.73 wt%, resp.). 70255,43 with a Zr/Hf ratio of
Olivine compositions range from 70255 is classified as a Type A 28.7 ± 3.3.
Fo68 to Fo75, exhibiting minor Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt using
core-to-rim zonation. Pyroxenes the classification scheme of
are generally calcic (titan- Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner ISOTOPES
augite to augite), exhibiting Fe et al. (1979). Trace elements are
enrichment towards the also comparable, although the Nyquist et al. (1976ab) reported
margins. No pigeonite is analysis of Warner et al. (1975) the present day Sr isotope
present. Plagioclase exhibits contains slightly lower abun- composition of 70255,3 (Table 2).
only minor compositional varia- dances of the REE (Fig. 3). Both No age dating was undertaken
tions (approximately An84.89). REE profiles are LREE- and no initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio
SAMPLE 70255- 133

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 70255.

,39 ,3 ,39 ,3
1 2 1 2

Si02 (wt %) 40.11 Cu

TiO2 11.3 11.41 Ni
A1203 9.1 9.02 Co 19.5 17.5
Cr203 0.376 0,34 V 76
FeO 20.3 18.73 Sc 90 80
MnO 0.249 0.29 La 6.4 7.05
MgO 8.0 7.63 Ce 24.7
CaO 10.6 11.3 Nd 27.3
Na20 0.387 0.39 Sm 10.0 11.4
K20 0.077 0.04 Eu 2.20 2.23
P205 0.04 Gd 17.6
S 0.19 Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 18 20.2
Zr Er 12.1
Hf 9.7 Yb 10.0 11.8
Ta Lu 1.4 1.48
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr 199 N
Rb 0.65 H
Li 10.4 He

Ba 85.3 Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

1 = Warner et al. (1975); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976).

Analyses by: N -- INAA; X = XRF.

SAMPLE 70255- 134

Table 2: Srisotope composition of 70255,3.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).


wt. (mg) 49
Rb (ppm) 0.652
Sr (ppm) 199
87Rb/86Sr 0.0095 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69979 + 13

TB 5.0+1.1
TL 5.5+1.1

B = Model age relative to BAB[

L = Model age relative to LUNI

100 I , , , , , , , i I ,

0 10
,-I 70255
1 = Warner et al. (1975)
(n 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite.normalized rare-earth element profiles of 70255.
SAMPLE 70255 - 135

determined. No Sm-Nd or Pb (1974ab), LSPET (1973), and cooled at a rate of 2-5 °C per
isotope work has been Yokoyama et al. (1974). hour.
undertaken on this sample. Abundances are reported in
Schaeffer and Schaeffer Table 3. Yokoyama eta|. (1974}
(1977ab) determined the indicated that 70255 is PROCESSING
crystallization age of 70255,36 unsaturated with respect to
by 39Ar/_OAr dating technique. 26A1. Of the original 277.2g of
These authors report a 70255,0, a total of 224.9g
crystallization plateau age of remains. Most of the sub-
3.84 + 0.02 Ga and a total K-Ar EXPERIMENTAL samples used in research have
age of 3.67 + 0.01 Ga. No stable come from 70255,1, which has
isotope work has been conducted Usselman et al. (1975) used now been entirely subdivided.
upon 70255. experiments which reproduced Five thin sections have been
high-Ti basalt textures and made, the numbers being
Analysis of cosmic ray induced mineralogies to calculate the 70255,4-5 and ,27-29.
radionuclides have been cooling rate of 70255. These
conducted by Keith et al. authors concluded that 70255

Table 3: Cosmic ray abundances in 70255.

Data from LSPET (1973) and Keith et al. (1974).

Th (ppm) 0.31 + 0.03

U (ppm) 0.107 + 0.008
K (%) 0.048 + 0.004
26A1 (dpm/kg) 49 + 6
22Na (dpm/kg) 72 + 7
54Mn (dpm/kg) 137+ 15
56Co (dpm]kg) 211 + 19
46Sc (dpm/kg) 63 + 6
48V (dpm/kg) < 30
Th/U 2.9
K/U 4500
SAMPLE 70275- 137

High-Ti Mare Basalt
171.4 g, 6.5 x 5.0 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION SEP station, 120m east of the phenocrysts up to 1.5ram in

Lunar Module. diameter. All olivines exhibit a
70275 was described as a reaction with the groundmass,
medium gray to light brownish being embayed and sometimes
gray, intergranular, and blocky PETROGRAPHY AND with pyroxene overgrowths.
to subrounded basalt (Fig. 1), MINERAL CHEMISTRY These olivine phenocrysts are
containing many zap pits on all set in a groundmass of
surfaces and 2-3% vugs up to 70275 was described as a Type plagioclase and pyroxene which
2-3mm diameter (Apollo 17 IA Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt by are intergrown into "bow-tie"
Lunar Sample Information Brown et al. (1975ab), who structures and ilmenite (all
Catalog, 1973}. The fabric is described this basalt as being range from 0.1-0.3mm). Areas
intergranular to plumose with a comprised of: 13.8% olivine; of coarser grain size are present
variable texture. All surfaces 25.7% opaque minerals; 17.2% where olivine is diminished in
are weathered and finely lumpy, plagioclase; 45% clinopyroxene; size and contains larger
70275 was collected approx- and 1.7% silica. 70275 is a fine- overgrowths ofpyroxene. The
imately 10m south-east of the grained basalt with olivine pyroxenes and plagioclase in

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 70275,0.


these coarser areas reach up to [A basalts, not specifically with a negative Eu anomaly
0.5mm. Ilmenite occurs either mentioning this sample. From ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.47). The MREE
as a groundmass or phenocryst the general classification of reach approximately 45-50
phase. [lmenite laths have Brown et al. (1975ab), olivines times chondritic values. Gibson
"sawtooth" margins, indicative range from FOT0-80,and et al. (1976ab) reported the
of rapid cooling. No chromite or pyroxenes are typically titan- sulfur abundance in 70275 as
futile exsolution is observed in augites containing up to 9.4 wt% being 1850 ± 30 l_g S/g.
the ilmenites. Cr-spinel is also A1203 and 8.5 wt% TiO2. Little
present (0.1-0.2mm), but zonation is present within these
armalcolite is rare. Native Fe, clinopyroxenes. Cr-spinels, ISOTOPES
troilite, and silica form armalcolite, and ilmenite are
interstitial phases, generally homogeneous. The present day 87Sr/86Sr ratio
of 70275 has been reported by
Bell et al. (1975) described an Nyquist et al. (1975) (see
olivine-spinel intergrowth from WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Table 2). No age dating or other
70275. These authors noted that radiogenic isotope
the olivines in 70275 contained Rhodes et al. (1976) reported the determinations have been
minute (l_2pm) high-Cr grains, major element composition of conducted on this sample. Also,
having a high index of refrac- 70275 (Table 1), noting that it no stable isotope work has been
tion, occurring in straight or contained 11.9 wt% TiO2 and a carried out on 70275. Much of
curved subparallel rows. These MG# of 36.8. These authors the isotope work undertaken on
high-Cr grains are considered to described 70275 as a Type B this basalt was concerned with
decorate existing dislocations Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. This cosmic-ray induced radionuclide
within the olivine. This type of sample can be further classified abundances (Drozd et al., 1977;
intergrowth was termed "Type as a Type B2 basalt using the Keith et al., 1974ab; LSPET,
F" by Bell et al. (1975). criteria of Neal et al. (1990). 1973; Yokoyama et al., 1974)
Shih et al. (1975) reported the (Table 3). Drozd et al. (1977)
Brown et al. (1975ab) described trace element contents of this reported an exposure age for
the mineral chemistry of 70275 basalt (Table 1). The REE 70275 of 109± 2 Ma and
within the context of their Type profile (Fig. 2) is convex-upward Yokoyama et al. (1974)

0 10
-I 70275
1 = Shih et al. (1975)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70275.
SAMPLE 70275- t39

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 70275.

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3
1 2 1 2

SiO2 (wt %) 39.37 Cu

TiO2 11.90 N[
A1203 10.23 Co 15.7
Cr203 0.26 V
FeO 18.61 Sc 85.0
MnO 0.28 La 6.32

MgO 6.09 Ce 20.8

CaO 11.65 Nd 21.8
Na20 0.38 Sm 8.75
K20 0.04 0.06 Eu 1.73
P205 0.08 Gd 14.0
S 0.15 Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 15.2
Zr 219 Er 9.14
Hf Yb 8.3
Ta Lu
U 0.14 Ga
Th F
Sr 153 N
Rb 0.454 H
Li 8.7 He
Ba 73.5 Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

1 = Shih et al. (1975); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976).

Analyses by: N = INAA; I = Isotope Dilution; X = XRF.

SAMPLE 70275 - 140

Table 2: Sr isotope composition of 70275.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975).


wt. (rag) 50
Rb (ppm) 0.454
Sr (ppm) 153
87Rb/86Sr 0.0086 ± 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69955 ± 6

TB 3.7±0.6
TL 4.2±0.6

B = Model age relative to BABI

L = Model age relative to LUNI

Table 3: Cosmic ray abundances 70275.

1 2

Th (ppm) 0.42 ± 0.04 0.43 ± 0.04

U (ppm) 0..107± 0.008 0.120 ± 0.013

K (%) 0.0421 ± 0.0018 0.043 ± 0.006
26A1 (dpm/kg) 92 + 9 91 + 5
22Na (dpm/kg) 90 ± 16 84 + 5
54Mn (dpmJkg) 190 + 50 180 ± 30
56Co (dpm/kg) 200 _+20 220 _ 20
46Sc (dpm/kg) 35 - 4 83 ± 20
4sV (dpm/kg) 32 _ 15 32 ± 15
60Co (dpm/kg) 0.17 i 0.08
ThIU 3.9±O.5 3.6
K/U 3900 ± 300 3600

1 = LSPET (1973); 2 = Keith et al. (1974).

demonstrated that 70275 was at a higher temperature, and subdivisions have been carried
saturated with respect to 26A1. native Fe at higher oxygen out on 70275,2, ,6 (entirely
fugacities than any other subdivided), and ,7 (entirely
previously analyzed Apollo 17 subdivided). Eight thin sections
EXPERIMENTAL high-T± basalt, have been made, their numbers
being 70275,18,32-38.
O'Hara and Humphries (1975)
conducted melting and crystal- PROCESSING
lization experiments upon 70275
in order to determine the phase Of the original 171.4g of 70275,
chemistry. They noted that this 125. lg remains of 70275,0 and
sample crystallized plagioclase 28.96g of 70275,1. Most of the
SAMPLE 70295 - 141

Dark Matrix Breccia
361.2 g, 12 x 6 x 4.8 cm

INTRODUCTION clasts. 70295 was collected from although the results have been
the SEP station, approximately somewhat ambiguously reported
70295 has been described as a 110m east of the Lunar Module. (Carr et al., 1985). These
homogeneous, wedge shaped, authors state that this breccia
medium-gray breccia (Fig. la), has low total N contents.
with B mostly glass coated and PETROGRAPHY AND
fresh (Fig. lb). The fabric is MINERAL CHEMISTRY
clastic. Zap pits are present on ISOTOPES
all faces except B (Apollo 17 Neither the petrography or
Lunar Sample Information mineral chemistry of this Carr et al. (1985) reported the
Catalog, 1973). B is mostly sample has been reported, nitrogen isotopic composition of
glass coated and partly fresh. However, Shearer et al. (1991) 70295 as being 8 15Nai r _ + 10 to
There is a slickensided smooth analyzed individual glass beads -30 o/oo. Yields were only in the
surface near the E end, whereas from 70295,5 and 70295,26 35% range, although Carr et al.
N, S, E, and W are rounded. No using a secondary ion mass (1985) suggested 70295 exhibits
cavities are visible, bat low spectrometer (SIMS). They a hint of light nitrogen.
density of 70295 indicates the report VLT, orange Type-I,
presence of abundant fine pores, orange Type-II, and orange
The Apollo 17 Lunar Sample 74220-Type glasses in 70219.
Information Catalog (1973)
described 70295 as being
comprised of 90% medium gray WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
matrix, 6% lithic clasts, 2%
plagioclase, and 2% of Only the abundance of nitrogen
yellow,green, and brown mafic has been determined for 70295,
SAMPLE 70295- 142

l a: Photograph of the "N" surface of 70295,0.

1b: Photograph of the _B" surface of 70295,0.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photographs of 70295,0.

SAMPLE 70315- 143

High-Ti Mare Basalt
148.6 g, 5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm

INTRODUCTION may also be interstitial. Small whole-rock analysis for

(<0.1mm), rare olivines form 70315,10. This basalt was
70315 was described as a white, the cores of pyroxenes. Silica, classified as a Type U by Warner
black, and brown high-Ti mare native Fe, and troilite form et al. (1979). 70315 contains
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample interstitial phases. 13.1 wt% TiO2 (Table 1) with a
Information Catalog, 1973), MG# of 49.9. The REE profile
with 5-10% rugs (up to lcm (Fig. 3) is LREE depleted with
diameter) homogeneously WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY the HREE reaching _ 25 times
distributed throughout (Fig. 1). chondritic values. There is a
The fabric is primarily Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et negative Eu anomaly present
intergranular with local al. (1979) reported the same ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.67). Garg and
development of
glomeroporphyritic clots of
pyroxene and ilmenite - the
largest is 3mm. This basalt was
collected from LRV 12.


70315 was described as a Type

IB Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt by
Brown et al. (1975ab), composed
of: 0.7% olivine; 25.5% opaque
minerals; 22.0% plagioclase;
50.6% ctinopyroxene; 0.6%
silica; and 0.6% mesostasis.
These authors described the
petrography and mineral
chemistry within the general
context of Type IB basalts,
without specifically mentioning

In the preparation of this

catalog, we examined thin
section 70315,27. This basalt is
coarse grained (2-3ram), with
ilmenite (up to 0.5mm) and rare
armalcolite (_ 0.1mm) included in
pyroxene (up to 1.2mm), and
plagioclase (2-3mm)
poikilitically including all other
minerals. Occasionally, mm
pyroxene and plagioclase are
intergrown forming "bow-tie"
structures (Fig. 2). Ilmenite

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 70315,0.

SAMPLE 70315- 144

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 70315,14. Field of view is 2.5 ram.

0 10
,-,I 70315
:E 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
(/) & Ma et al. (1979)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 70315.
SAMPLE 70315 - 145

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 70315.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

70315,10 70315,10

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 13.1 Ni
A1203 9.3 Co 20
Cr203 0.547 V 148
FeO 17.9 Sc 81
MnO 0.240 La 3.2
MgO 10 Ce 13
CaO 10.2 Nd 14
Na20 0.387 Sm 5.8
K20 0.039 Eu 1.40
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.4
Nb (ppm) Dy 10
Zr Er
Hf 5.7 Yb 5.6
Ta 1.3 Lu 0.81
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 70315-146

Ehmann (1976)reportedZr (Table2)have been determined irradiationsforINAA (70315,4

(_ 205 ppm) and Hf(- 8 ppm) /'or
70315 (Eldridgeeta]., and ,I0).The largestsubsample
contentsof70315. The Hfabun- 1975ab).No radiogenicor stable of70315,0 is70315,3,which has
dance reportedby theseauthors isotopestudieshave been inturn been extensively
is_ 2 ppm greaterthan that undertaken on thissample, subdivided.
reportedby Warner et al.(1979)
and Ma etal.(1979).

ISOTOPES Of theoriginal148.6g,131.5gof
70315,0remains. Four thin
Only cosmic-rayinduced sectionshave been made
abundances (70315,14,,26-28)and two

Table 2: Cosmogenic radionuclide and radioelement abundances of 70315.

Data from Eldridge et al. (1975ab).

Th (ppm) 0.27 + 0.02

U (ppm) 0.10+ 0.01

K (ppm) 400 + 20

22Na 82+8

26A1 67 + 8

54Mn 165 + 10

Th/U 2.70 + 0.34

K/U 4000 + 450

SAMPLE71035- 147

High-Ti Mare Basalt
144.8 g, 8 x 5 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION and W. This basalt was collected of 71035 within the general
from Station 1A. confines of their textural groups,
71035 was described as a not specifically mentioning this
medium gray, intergranular, sample. However, during the
medium-grained porphyritic PETROGRAPHY AND preparation of this catalog, we
basalt, containing up to 40% MINERAL CHEMISTRY examined thin sections 71035,26
subrounded to irregular vugs and ,28, finding it to be a
(Fig. 1) ranging from 0.2-1cm Brown et al. (1975ab) described medium- to coarse-grained
diameter (Apollo 17 Lunar 71035 as a Type IB in their plagioclase poikilitic basalt.
Sample Information Catalog, classification of Apollo 17 high- Pyroxenes reach lmm and
1973). The predominant Ti mare basalts. They reported plagioclase 1.5-2mm.
mineral in these rugs is modes of this sample as: 1.4% Occasional olivine cores
ilmenite. The fabric is medium- olivine; 23.6% opaque minerals; (< 0.1 ram}are present in
grained/porphyritic. B and S are 23.7% plagioclase; 47.5% pyroxene. Rare armalcolite
fresh, T, N, E, and W are clinopyroxene; and 3.8% silica, inclusions (_ 0.1ram) are seen in
rounded and dusty. Zap pits are These authors described the the pyroxene. Ilmenite (up to
sparse and only found on T, N, E, texture and mineral chemistry 0.5ram) is interstitial and

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71035,0.

SAMPLE 71035- 148

blocky. Silica (up to 0.3mm), using the criteria of Neal et al. No Sm-Nd or Pb or stable isotope
native Fe, and troilite form (1990). The REE profile (Fig. 2) work has been undertaken on
interstitial phases, is LREE-depleted, but the this sample. Other reported
HREE are depleted relative to isotopic abundances are
Brown et al. (1975ab) have only the MREE, giving the profile a concerned with cosmic-ray
reported pyroxene compositions convex-upward aspect. A induced radionuclides (LSPET,
for 71035. These range from negative Eu anomaly is present 1973; Rancitelli et al., 1974;
titan-augite to pyroxferroite. No ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.49). Gibson et Yokoyama et al., 1974).
pigeonite is present, al. (1976ab) reported sulfur
abundances in 71035 as 1660
lagS/g with an equivalent wt% of PROCESSING
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Feo of 0.132%. Hughes and
Schmitt (1985) reported Zr (29.9 Little work has been undertaken
The whole-rock chemistry of ppm) and Hf(6.5 ppm) on this basalt. Of the original
71035 was reported by Rhodes et abundances in 71035. 144.8g, only 3 g has been used
al. (1976) (Table 1). These having 141.8g of 71035,0. Three
authors noted that 71035 thin sections have been made -
contained 13.1 wt% Ti02 with a ISOTOPES 71035,28-30.
MG# of 41.9 and described it as
a Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti Nyquist et al. (1976) reported
basalt. 71035 can be further the whole-rock Sr isotopic
classified as a Type B2 basalt composition of 71035 (Table 2).

100 ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ;

O 10 -
..J 71035
1 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

I I I I I I i I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71035.
SAMPLE 71035-149

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71035.

Data from Rhodes et al. (1976).

71035,4 71035,4
X,l X,l

SiO2 (wt %) 38.25 Cu

TiO2 13.06 Ni
A1203 8.77 Co 19.0
Cr203 0.39 V
FeO 19.74 Sc 87
MnO 0.29 La 5.77
MgO 7.98 Ce 18.7
CaO 10.87 Nd 18.8
Na20 0.38 Sm 7.50
K20 0.03 Eu 1.50
P205 0.10 Gel 12.1
S 0.39 Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 13.6
Zr Er 8.27
Hf 7.0 Yb 7.71
Ta Lu 1.14
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr 130 N
Rb 0.41 H
Li 7.6 He

Ba 66.3 Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os
SAMPLE 71035- 150

Table 2: Sr isotope composition of 71035.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).


wt. (mg) 50

Rb (ppm) 0.406
Sr (ppm) 130
87Rb/86Sr 0.0090 + 4
87Sr]86Sr 0.69967 ± 5
TB 4.42--+0.59
TL 4.99___0.59

B = Model age relative to BABI

L = Model age relative to LUNI

Table 3: Cosmogenic radionuclide and radioelement abundances of 71035,0.

1 2

Th (ppm) 0.32 + 0.06 0.36 + 0.03

U (ppm) 0.11 + 0.02 0.096___ 0.011
K (ppm) 460___100 200+20
26A1 (dpm/kg) 37 + 8 79 _+3
22Na (dpm/kg) 45 ± 9 92 + 4
54Mn (dpm]kg) 42_ 10 164__+15
56Co (dpm]kg) 59 + 20 279 + 14
46Sc (dpm/kg) 30 ± 10 87 ± 5
60Co (dpm]kg) < 4.6
ThIU 2.9_+0.8 4.00
K/U 4200 ___1200 2450

1 -- LSPET (1973); 2 = Rancitelli et al. (1974).

SAMPLE 71036 -151

High-Ti Mare Basalt
118.4 g, 8.5 x 3 x 4 cm

INTRODUCTION fresh fractures, W is a partly

exposed surface and partly WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
71036 was described as a chipped; B is exposed. This
medium-grained porphyritic, sample was probably collected The whole-rock chemistry has
medium dark gray, intergran- fromthe same boulder as 71035, not been determined for 71036.
ular basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar at Station 1A, although the
Sample Information Catalog, nature of the vugs are distinctly
1973), containing 30% rugs of different. PROCESSING
irregular shape (0.5-5ram long)
(Fig. 1). These vugs contain No work has been carried out on
euhedral crystals ofilmenite, PETROGRAPHY AND 71036. Therefore, 118.4g
pyroxene, rare olivine, and MINERAL CHEMISTRY remains of 71036,0. However, it
plagioclase up to 1ram long. A is in "cold-storage" in a
few zap pits are present on all No thin section has been taken refrigerator at JSC.
surfaces. S, T, and E are from this basalt.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71036,0.

SAMPLE71037- 153

High-Ti Mare Basalt
14.39 g, 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION (1973) states that 71037 is and Warner et al. (1979). These
comprised of 35% plagioclase, authors have published the
71037 was described as a 45% pyroxene, 20% ilmenite, same analysis (Table 1). 71037
homogeneous, medium-grained, and < 1% olivine, was described as a Type B Apollo
porphyritic, medium dark gray, 17 high-Ti basalt by Warner et
intergranular basalt (Apollo 17 al. (1979). 71037 is further
Lunar Sample Information WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY classified as a Type B2 basalt
Catalog, 1973), containing using the criteria ofNeal et al.
irregular vugs up to 5mm long The whole-rock chemistry has (1990). This basalt contains
(Fig. 1). The large vugs are been reported by Ma et al. (1979) 11.2 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of
concentrated in one zone. All
surfaces are dusty, having been
exposed at the lunar surface.
Generally, this basalt is similar
to 71035 and 71036. 71037 was
collected from Station 1A, near
71035 and 71036.


The general petrography and

mineral chemistry of 71037 has
been described by Warner et al.
(1979) within the confines of
their whole-rock classification.
71037 was not mentioned
specifically. During the
preparation of this catalog, we
examined thin section 71037,5
and found it to contain ilmenite
and olivine phenocrysts (up to
2mm) set in a groundmass of
pyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite,
and rare Cr-spinel (Fig. 2).
Armalcolite is also rare.
Ilmenites exhibit "sawtooth"
margins, indicative of rapid
cooling. Olivines contain very
few pyroxene overgrowths.
Plagioclase and pyroxene are
intergrown into "bowtie"
structures. Small ( < 0.1 mm),
euhedral chromite inclusions
are present in the olivine
phenocrysts. Apollo 17 Lunar :
Sample Information Catalog

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71037,0.

SAMPLE 71037- 154

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71037,5 showing olivine phenocrysts and variolitic texture. Field of
view is 2.5 mm.

39.1. The REE profile (Fig. 3) is INAA, and 71037,5 is a thin

LREE-depleted, with PROCESSING section taken from this
approximately constant MREE irradiated sample.
and HREE values at 30-35 times Of the original 14.39g of
chondritic values. A negative 71037,0, only 13.78g remains.
Eu anomaly is present 71037,1 was irradiated for
([Eu]Eu*]N = 0.56).

I00 i , , , , , , , , , ,


0 10
...I 71037
=E 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
GO & Ma et al. (1979)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiIe of 71037.
SAMPLE 71037-155

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71037.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71037,1 71037,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.2 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 20
Cr203 0.310 V 73
FeO 19.4 Sc 85
MnO 0.246 La 6.1
MgO 7 Ce 21
CaO 11.2 Nd 23
Na20 0.425 Sm 8.1
K20 0.046 Eu 1.51
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 7.0 Yb 7.4
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.02
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71045 - 157

High-Ti Mare Basalt
11.92 g, 2.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION reaching 3mm and pyroxene

PETROGRAPHY AND 2mm. Ilmenite (up to 1ram) is
71045 was described as a MINERAL CHEMISTRY blocky and interstitial (Fig. 2).
medium dark gray (with Rare ilmenite-free armalcolite
brownish tint), poikilitic, Warner et al. (1979) reported the and Cr ulv6spinel inclusions (~
intergranular basalt (Fig. 1), mineralogy and petrography of 0.1 ram) are present in pyroxene.
containing 5% vugs (2-7mm Warner et al. (1979) reported the Silica, native Fe, and troilite are
diameter) (Apollo 17 Lunar mineralogy and petrography of interstitial phases. Olivine is
Sample Information Catalog, 71045 within the general only found as small (< 0.05mm)
1973). Minerals projecting into confines of their whole-rock cores in pyroxene. The Apollo 17
these vugs are scarce. 71045 has classification (see below). Lunar Sample Information
a blocky to subangular shape However, 71045 was not Catalog (1973) states that 71045
with a poikilitic fabric. No zap specifically mentioned. This is comprised of 30-35%
pits are present. This basalt was sample is a plagioclase poikilitic plagioclase, _40% pyroxene, 15-
collected from Station 1A. basalt (Fig. 2), with plagioclase 20% opaque minerals, 5-10%

Figure I : Hand specimen photograph of 71045,0.

SAMPLE 71045-158

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 71045,3. Field of view is 2.5 ram.

ilmenite-pyroxene "clots", 1% 71045 (Table 1). 71045 contains

silica, and < 1% olivine. 12.7 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of PROCESSING
48.9 (Warner et al., 1979). The
REE profile (Fig. 3) is LREE- Of the original ! 1.92g of
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY depleted with flat HREE at 71045,0, 11.43g remains.
approximately 25-30 times 71045,1 was irradiated for
Both Ma et al. (1979) and chondritic levels. A negative Eu INAA, and 71045,3 is a thin
Warner et al. (1979) report the anomaly is present ([Eu/EU*]N section taken from this
same whole-rock analysis for = 0.67). irradiated sample.

100 ' J _ ' ' ; ' ' ' _ '


z 10

1 = Warneret al. (1979)
(/) & Ma et al. (1979)

I I I 1 I I I I I I I

I La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 7Z045,

SAMPLE 71045 - 159

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71045.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71045,1 71045,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.2 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 20
Cr203 0.310 V 73
FeO 19.4 Sc 85
MnO 0.246 La 6.1
MgO 7 Ce 21
CaO 11.2 Nd 23
Na20 0.425 Sm 8.1
K20 0.046 Eu 1.51
P205 0__
S Tb 1.9
Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 7.0 Yb 7.4
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.02
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os
SAMPLE 71046- 161

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.037 g, 2 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION of this catalog, thin section ( < 0. lmm), are disseminated

71046,5 was examined. 71046,5 throughout. The Apollo 17
71046 is a medium dark gray is a fine- to medium-grained Lunar Sample Information
(with a brownish tint) basalt (0.2-0.4 mm) interlocking basalt Catalog (1973) stated that 71046
possessing a subangular, slabby with minor "bow-tie" is comprised of < 1% olivine,
shape and an equigranular intergrowths of plagioclase and 35% plagioclase, 45-50%
fabric (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample pyroxene. It is dominated by pyroxene, 10-15% opaque
Information Catalog, 1973) pink, blocky pyroxene (up to minerals, a trace of silica, and
(Fig. 1). Zap pits are present on 0.6mm) with interstitial < 5% "brown clots" of regular-
all faces, in variable numbers, ilmenite phenocrysts (up to shaped intergrown ilmenite and
71046 also contains 2-3% rugs 1 ram) (Fig. 2). Occasional pyroxene. Although 71046 has
1-2 mm in diameter. It was exsolution of chromite and rutile been studied by Ma et al. (1979)
collected from Station 1A. are seen in the larger ilmenites, and Warner et al. (1979), the
Ragged olivines occasionally mineral chemistry of this
form cores to these pyroxenes, sample was not specifically
PETROGRAPHY AND and rare corroded olivine presented.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY phenocrysts (up to 0.8 mm) are
present. No armalcolite or Cr-
Ma et ai. (1979) described 71046 ulvbspinel was identified.
as an olivine-microporphyritic Minor interstitial phases, SiO2,
basalt. During the preparation native Fe, and troilite

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71046,0.

SAMPLE 71046- 162


Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71046,5. Field of view is 2.5 ram.

(1979), plus the criteria of Neal

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY etal. (1990). 71046 contains PROCESSING
11.6 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of
Both Ma et al. (1979) and 42.7 (Warner et al., 1979; Ma et Of the original 3.037g of
Warner et al. (1979) report the al., 1979). The REE profile 71046,0, 2.43g remains. 71046,1
same whole-rock analysis for (Fig. 3) is LREE depleted with was irradiated for INAA, and
71046 (Table 1). This sample is flat HREE at approximately 34 thin section 71046,5 was taken
classified as a Type B1 Apollo 17 times chondritic abundances. A from this irradiated sample.
high-Ti basalt using the whole- negative Eu anomaly is present
rock classification of Rhodes et ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.60).
al. (1976) and Warner et al.

100 , , , , , , , , l l ,


0 10
.-I 71046
=E 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
u) & Ma et al. (1979)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71046.
SAMPLE 71046- 163

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71046.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71046,1 71046,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.6 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 19
Cr203 0.407 V 109
FeO 19.1 Sc 83
MnO 0.256 La 4.3
MgO 8 Ce 18
CaO 10.2 Nd 19
Na20 0.320 Sm 7.0
K20 0.04 Eu 1.56
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9
Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 6.7 Yb 7.5
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.10
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

[ = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71047- 165

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.78 g, 1.75 x 1 × 0.75 cm

INTRODUCTION basalt, with plagioclase reach- Olivine exhibits little core-to-

ing 3.4mm and pyroxene 2.2mm. rim variation, but large compo-
71047 was described as a light Rare inclusions ofilmenite-free sitional variations are noted
brownish gray, poikilitic, armalcolite and Cr-spinel (both between grains (Fo49-73). Like-
equigranular basalt (Apollo 17 -0. lmrn) can be found in wise, plagioclase exhibits a rela-
Lunar Sample Information pyroxene. Olivine (_ 0.1ram) tively large overall composition-
Catalog, 1973), containing no forms cores to pyroxene, al range (An74.89) , but also some
vugs or zap pits (Fig. 1). The Ilmenite is blocky and inter- core-to-rim zonation (rims more
surfaces are hackly and the stitial, containing exsolution sodic). Pyroxene compositions
fabric equigranular to poikilitic, lamellae ( < 0.005mm) of spinel are titan-augite and pigeonite,
71047 has a blocky/subangular chromite and futile. Silica, both zoning to more Fe-r:,ch,
shape. This sample was native Fe, and troilite are intermediate compositions
collected from Station 1A. interstitial phases. Point (Fig. 2). Alfri ratios are cons-
counting reveals that this basalt tant at _2 and Cr203 decreases
is comprised of: 48.2% pyroxene; with decreasing pyroxene MG#.
PETROGRAPHY AND 26.3% plagioclase; 21.7% Cr-spinels exhibit little
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ilmenite; 1.8% native Fe and compositional variability
troilite; 0.9% silica; 0.4% Cr- (Cr/(Cr+A1) -- 66-68; MG# =
Neal et al. (1989) described spinel; and 0.2% armalcolite. 24-25), as does armalcolite
71047 as a plagioclase poikilitic (MG# = 43-45). Ilmenite
exhibits moderate core-to-rim

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 7104 7,0.

SAMPLE 71047 - 166


o 0


En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 7104 7 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

and between-grain composition- contains 12.9 wt% TiO2 with a

al variability (MG# = 7-29). MG# of 46.7 (Table 1). The REE PROCESSING
profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted
with a slight depletion of the Of the original 2.78g of 71047,0,
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY HREE over the MREE. MREE approximately 2.01g remains.
attain _ 45 times chondritic 0.69g was used for INA analysis,
Neal et al. (1990) classified values and a negative Eu and 0.01g was used for thin
71047 as a Type B1 Apollo 17 anomaly is present ([Eu/Eu*]N section 71047,3.
high-Ti basalt. This basalt = 0.60}.

I00-,, , ,,,,, ' +'

0 10
-I 71047
1 = Nealet al. (1990)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71047.
SAMPLE 71047 -167

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71047.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71047,4 71047,4

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.9 Ni
A1203 8.52 Co 25
Cr203 0.258 V 132
FeO 17.8 Sc 76
MnO 0.238 La 4.46
MgO 8.8 Ce 19
CaO 9.8 Nd 17
Na20 0.39 Sm 6.65
K20 0.04 Eu 1.58
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.82
Nb (ppm) Dy 14.1
Zr 136 Er
Hf 6.64 Yb 6.61
Ta .73 Lu 1.00
U 0.20 Ga
Th 0.19 F
W C1
Sr 61 N
Rb H
Li He
Ba 53 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.19 Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

I = Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71048- 169

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.457 g, 1.25 x 1 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION basalt containing anhedral that this basalt is comprised of:

pyroxene (< 0_2mm) and 39.5% pyroxene; 20.4%
71048 was described as a plagioclase (< 0.4ram) in the plagioclase; 28.4% ilmenite;
medium dark gray, fine-grained groundmass. Pyroxene and 7.5% olivine; 2.8% native Fe and
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample plagioclase form "bow-tie" troilite; 0.9% glass; and 0.4%
Information Catalog, 1973), textures. Olivine (0.4mm) and spinel.
containing no zap pits and 1-2% ilmenite (1.8mm) phenocrysts
of 1-2ram diameter vugs (Fig. 1) occur. Olivine exhibits some Olivine exhibits minor core-to-
lined with ilmenite. It has an degree of reaction with the rim zonation (Fo66.63) , as does
equigranular fabric and surfaces groundmass, although pyroxene plagioclase (An86.78). The first
are very finely hackly. This overgrowths are not well pyroxenes to crystallize were
sample was collected from developed. Ilmenite contains titan-augites which are zoned
Station 1A. "sawtooth" margins, with no toward more Fe-rich composi-
exsolved phases present, tions (Fig. 2). No pigeonite is
Ilmenite also forms a present (Fig. 2). Alfri ratios are
PETROGRAPHY AND groundmass phase. No constant at -2, and Cr203
MINERAL CHEMISTRY armalcolite is present. Cr- abundances decrease as
ulvSspinel occurs as inclusions pyroxene MG# decreases.
Neal et al. (1989) described in olivine and pyroxene. Native Spinels exhibit moderate core-
71048 as a fine-grained, Fe and troilite are interstitial to-rim zonation (Cr/(Cr + A1) =
subvariolitic, olivine porphyritic phases. Point counting reveals 70-78; MG# = 6-9), but ilmenite

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71048,0.

SAMPLE 71048- 170

0 o 0
o _ o

0 o 0 0 0

En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71048 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

exhibits relatively little This basalt contains 12.9 wt%

variation either within or TiO2 with a MG# of 44.6. The PROCESSING
between grains (MG# = 7-12). REE profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-
depleted, but convex-upward. Of the original 2.457g of
The MREE reach > 50 times 71048,0, approximately 2.11g
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY chondritic abundances. A remains. 0.33g was used for
negative Eu anomaly is present INAA, and 0.01g was used for
Neal et al. (1990) described ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.53). thin section 71048,3.
71048 as a Type A Apollo 17
high-Ti basalt (Table 1) using
the classification of Rhodes et al.
(1976) and Warner et al. (1979).

100 , I , t I I , I , , ,

= 10

1 = Neal et al. (1990)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile

of 71048.
SAMPLE 71048 - 171

Table I: Whole-rock chemistry of 71048.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71048,4 71048,4

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.9 Ni 80
A1203 8.68 Co 19
Cr203 0.201 V 105
FeO 18.3 Sc 79
MnO 0.253 La 6.57
MgO 8.0 Ce 30
CaO 10.2 Nd 29
Na20 0.39 Sm 9.94
K20 0.07 Eu 2.01
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.66
Nb (ppm) Dy 18.7
Zr 74 Er
Hf 8.52 Yb 9.48
Ta 1.86 Lu 1.39
U 0.09 Ga
Th 0.34 F
W Cl
Sr 148 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 129 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.67 Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

I -- Analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71049- 173

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.86 g, 1 × 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION basalt, comprised of: 41.6% between grains is evident

pyroxene; 31.0% plagioclase; (Fo57-67). Plagioclase exhibits
71049 was described as a 22.5% ilmenite; 2.7% native Fe little overall compositional vari-
medium dark gray (with and troilite; 2.0% silica; and ation (An79-89),although the
brownish tint), equigranular, 0.2% olivine. Plagioclase (up to rims are usually more sodic.
blocky basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar 2.2mm) poikilitically encloses Both pigeonite and titan-augite
Sample Information Catalog, pyroxene (up to lmm) and are present, zoning toward more
1973), containing no zap pits ilmenite (up to 0.Smm). Ilmen- Fe-rich compositions (Fig. 2).
and 1-2%irregular rugs (Fig. 1) ite is blocky, occasionally inter- AYTi ratios are constant at ~2,
up to 0.5mm: It has a blocky, stitial, and contains chromite and Cr203 contents decrease
angular shape with an equi- and rutile exsolution lamellae with decreasing pyroxene MG#.
granular fabric. This basalt was (< 0.005mm). Olivine (_0. lmm) Ilmenite exhibits little overall
collected at Station 1A. forms cores to pyroxene. No variation (MG# = 6-11).
armalcolite or discrete spinel
phases were observed. Silica,
PETROGRAPHY AND native Fe, and troilite are inter- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
MINERAL CHEMISTRY stitial phases.
Neal et al. (1990) described
Neal et al. (1989) described Olivine exhibits little core-to- 71049 as a Type A Apollo 17
71049 as a plagioclase poikilitic rim zonation, but variation high-Ti basalt (Table 1) using

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph o['71049,0.

SAMPLE 71049- 174

*s° 71049
_0 0 0
O0 _ 0 o°
00 0

0_O000 0 0

En' Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71049 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

the classification of Rhodes et al. chondritic levels. A negative Eu 0.52g was used for [NAA, and
(1976) and Warner et al. (1976). anomaly is present 0.01g was used for thin section
This basalt contains 12.5 wt% ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.50). 71049,3.
TiO2 with a MG# of 44.6
(Table 1). Although the REE
profile (Fig. 3) is LREE- PROCESSING
depleted, the HREE also show a
depletion relative to the MREE. Of the original 1.86g of 71049,0,
The MREE reach 45-55 times approximately 1.33g remains.

I00 • J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '


..J 71049
=E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite.normalized rare-earth element profile of 71049.

SAMPLE 71049 - 175

Table I: Whole-rock chemistry of 71049.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71049,4 71049,4

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.5 Ni 11
A1203 8.18 Co 19
Cr203 0.214 V 125
FeO 17.8 Sc 77
MnO 0.249 La 6.23
MgO 8.3 Ce 26
CaO 9.8 Nd 26
Na20 0.39 Sm 9.42
K20 0.07 Eu 1.90
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.89

Nb (ppm) Dy 17.8
Zr 168 Er
Hf 8.18 Yb 8.84
Ta 1.65 Lu 1.31
U 0.33 Ga
Th O.23 F
W C1
Sr 159 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 104 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.15 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71055 - 177

High-Ti Mare Basalt
669.6 g, 19.5 x 9.5 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION authors described 71055,75 as a

PETROGRAPHY AND vesicular, fine- to medium-
71055 was described as a light MINERAL CHEMISTRY grained, olivine-bearing ilmen-
brownish gray, angular and ite basalt with a seriate grain
intergranular basalt (Apollo 17 Brown et al. (1974, 1975a,b) size distribution. The overall
Lunar Sample Information described 71055 as a Type IB texture is plagioclase poikilitic.
Catalog, 1973), containing many basalt which is comprised of: Dymek et al. (1975) also
zap pits on S (few on other 45.3% ctinopyroxene; reported that 71055,75 is
surfaces) and 20-25% rugs 29.0% opaque minerals; comprised of: 46% pyroxene;
( < 1-12mm) (Fig. 1). It has a 21.2% plagioclase; 2.6% silica; 27% plagioclase; 17% ilmenite;
homogeneous mineralogy, but a and 1.9% olivine. These authors 3% olivine; and 2% silica. Minor
heterogeneous vug distribution, described both mineral chemis- amounts of Cr-ulvSspinel, troi-
Vugs do not appear to be layered try and petrography within the lite, native Fe, Ca-phosphate,
and pyroxene which projects into general confines of their Type IB and mesostasis are also present.
them is thin and needle-like, category. Dymek et al. (1975) Olivine (up to 0.2mm) occurs as
This basalt was collected from have studied thin section rounded cores to pyroxene
Station 1A. 71055,75 in detail. These (Fig. 2), although rarely olivine

Figure l: Hand specimen photograph of 71055,0.

SAMPLE 71055- 178

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71055,64 depicting an olivine phenocryst rimmed with pyroxene.

Field of view is 1.25 mm.

contains only a thin pyroxene litic pattern, or forming an hour- A1/Ti ratios are constant at _2.
rim. The range in olivine com- glass structure. These may have Spectral measurements suggest
position is Fo65.75 , although the olivine cores, and contain inclu- the presence of a substantial
largest variation within one sions of ilmenite, with which amount of Ti3 + (Sung et al.,
grain is only 5 mole % Fo. they occasionally form a graphic 1974a,b).
Ilmenite occurs as dominantly intergrowth. Smaller (up to
subequant, skeletal grains (up 0.2mm) stubby pyroxene Taylor et al. (1992) report
to 1mm) with "sawtooth" mar- granules are enclosed poiki- 71055,74 as being comprised of:
gins. llmenite forms inclusions litically in plagioclase. Elon- 20% ilmenite, 42% clino-
in pyroxene and is intergrown gate pyroxenes (stubby, tabular, pyroxene, 29% plagioclase,
with pyroxene and plagioclase, to acicular) form spherulitic 5% silica, 3% olivine, and traces
The ilmenites exhibit a range in intergrowths with plagioclase of native Fe, troilite, and
MG# (4-13), with the most (Fig. 3). Plagioclase occurs as apatite. These authors used
magnesian types forming rims large, poikilitic grains (up to 71055 in a study of magnetic
on Cr-ulvhspinel. Muhich et al. 1.5mm), discrete lath-like sub- beneficiation, and concluded
(1990) reported variations in equant grains (0.05-0.5mm), and that for fine-grained basalts,
ilmenite compositions in 71055 elongate sheaves intergrown beneficiation requires grinding
which correlated with the degree with pyroxene (Fig. 3). The to a smaller grain size to
of exsolution. Ilmenites with measured range of plagioclase effectively separate ilmenite
abundant exsolution were richer composition was An77.84 , from pyroxene.
in Mg relative to those without although there is no direct
exsolution. No armalcolite was correlation between petro- Dymek et al. (1975) proposed the
identified, graphic type and composition, following crystallization
The large pyroxene grains zone sequence for 71055: Olivine,
Pyroxenes are complex - the towards Mg-rich, Ca-poor com- ilmenite, and Cr-ulv6spinel
largest grains are typically corn- positions. Al and Ti also formed first, but their relative
posite. Pale pink (A1- and Ti- decrease. The other petro- order is difficult to determine;
poor) to dark pink (A1- and Ti- graphic types of pyroxene olivine and ulv6-spinel ceased to
rich) are arranged in parallel exhibit marked Fe enrichment crystallize, but ilmenite contin-
bands, in a radiating, spheru relative to the larger types, ued to crystallize with pyroxene
SAMPLE 71055 - 179

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of 71055,68 depicting a _bow-tie" or subvariolitic structure.

Field of view is 2.5 ram.

and plagioclase throughout. The reported element wt% abun- in 71055. Dickinson et al. (1988,
aluminous titan-augites formed dances of 71055,56. Rose et al. 1989) determined the abundance
next, in part by reaction (1974) analyzed 71055,51 by of Ge (2.7 ppb) in 71055.
between olivine and melt. This XRF and thus did not analyse Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur
was followed by pigeonite, pos- for all the REE. However, ele- abundances (54, 79, and
sibly due to the first appearance ments such as Y, Nb, Ga, Be, 1860 l_g/g, resp. - Table 1) have
of plagioclase causing an abrupt and Li (69, 27, 8.1, < 1, and been determined for 71055 by
decrease in Ca. However, this is 9.6 ppm, resp.) have been Sill et al. (1974) and Moore et al.
not documented by the A1 con- analyzed. Other analyses have (1974a,b).
tent of the pyroxene. Silica, only included the middle and
native Fe, troilite and a potassic heavy REE (e.g., Baedecker et
mesostasis were the last phases al., 1974) (Fig. 4). The three ISOTOPES
to crystallize, complete REE profiles which
have been reported (Philpotts et Lead isotope studies have been
al., 1974; Brunfelt et al., 1974; undertaken by Chert et al. (1979}
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Boynton et al., 1975) exhibit and Tilton and Chen (1979), the
moderate variations in overall results of which are reported in
Although several whole-rock abundance (HREE = 25-35 Table 2. Tera et al. (1974) and
analyses have been performed times chondritic abundances - Murthy and Coscio (1976)
on 71055 for trace elements Fig. 4), but the negative Eu reported a crystallization age for
(Philpotts et al., 1974; Brunfelt anomaly exhibits large varia- 71055 of 3.64+ 0.09 Ga, with an
et al., 1974; Baedecker et al., tions between the different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of
1974; Boynton et al., 1975; analyses ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.69910 + 4 (Table 3). No Sm-Nd
Dickinson et al., 1989), only one 0.50-0.69). However, all profiles work has been conducted upon
reported a complete analysis of are convex-upward and LREE- this sample. Oxygen isotope
major element oxide contents depleted (Fig. 4). work was conducted by Mayeda
(Rose et al., 1974) of 71055,51 et al. (1975) on mineral sepa-
(Table 1). This sample contains Garg et al. (1976a,b) determined rates from 71055,45 (Table 3).
13.41 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of Zr (221 and 213 ppm) and Hf Arvidson et al. (1976) obtained
45.6. Miller et al. (1974) (6.74 and 7.03 ppm) abundances krypton and xenon data for

SAMPLE 71055 -181

Table 1: (Concluded).

,56 ,51 ,38 ,36 ,31 ,31 ,171

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Eu 1.36 1.49 1.5 1.8 1.3


Tb 1.74 2.1 2.0 1.6

Dy 13.0 14.3
Er 7.74 0.87
Yb 7.75 5.4 5.7 6.3 6.4
Lu 1.10 1.1 1.0
Ga 3.0 4.27 22
Ge (ppb) 3,3 2.4
Ir 1.1
Au 0.082
In 4.7

References: 1 = Miller et al. (1974); 2 = Rose et al. (1974); 3 = Philpotts et al. (1974); 4 = Brunfelt et al.
(1974); 5 = Baedecker et al. (1974); 6 = Boynton et al. (1975); 7 = Dickinson et al. (1989).

Analysis by: I = INAA; X = XRF; O = Optical emission; S = Semimicro chemical methods; ID = Isotope
Dilution; R = RNAA.
SAMPLE 7t055- 182

100 ii i rllll , II

_ 10
.-I 71055
=_ 3 = Philpotts et al. (1974)
4 = Brunfelt et al. (1974)
5 = Baedecker et al. (1974)
6 = Boynton et al. (1975)
I I I I I l I I I I I
1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71055.

71055 (Table 4), and reported an temperature-controlled Brecher (1974) undertook a corn-
exposure age of 110 ± 7 Ma for experiments. These authors parative study of the magnetic
71055. noted that spinel crystallized properties of a number of
first, followed by armalcolite Taurus-Littrow basalts. Watson
and olivine, then ilmenite, et al. (1974) reported the
EXPERIMENTAL Pyroxene and plagioclase are thermomagnetic properties of
late crystallizing phases. 71055, noting the average NRM
Several diverse experimental Usse[man et al. (1975), in a of 71055 is 2.0X 10 -5 emu/gm.
studies have been conducted study of cooling rates and
upon 71055. Engelhardt (1979) textures of Apollo 17 high-Ti
used 71055 in an investigation basalts, estimated that 71055 PROCESSING
of ilmenite in the crystallization cooled at a rate of 103 °C/hour.
sequence of lunar rocks. This Finally, Trice et al. (1974) 71055,0 has been entirely sub-
study noted that ilmenite in studied the elastic properties of divided. The largest remaining
71055,68 started to crystallize 71055 in order to gain insight portion of this sample is 394.6g
before plagioclase and ended into the near-surface structure (71055,8). Several sub-samples
before pyroxene crystallization, at the Taurus-Littrow area. exist weighing between 20-40g
(,7, ,10, ,14, ,26, and ,38).
O'Hara and Humphries (1975) Fifteen thin sections have been
studied the crystallization MAGNETIC STUDIES cut from this sample
sequence of the phenocryst (71055,64-71, and ,72-78).
assemblages in 71055 through Two magnetic studies have been
oxygen fugacity and undertaken utilizing 71055.
SAMPLE 71055 - 183

Table 2a: Pb isotopic ratios and elemental abundances for 71055.

Data from Chen et ah (1979) and Tilton and Chen (1979).

Concentration (ppm)a 232Th 238 v

Weight Pb U Th 238U 204pb

Sample (mg)


Whole 99 0.2147 (+4, -14) 0.1077(6) 0.353(5) 3.39(5) 636 (+ 64, -4)
rock- 1Rb

Acid - 0.00460 (4) 0.0230 (2) 5.18 (6) -


Total - 0.1123 (6) 0.376 (5) 3.46 (5) -

Whole 66 0.1614 (+ 3, -18) 0.0828 (3) 0.277 (2) 3.46(3) 632 (+ 132, -3)

Acid - 0.00835 (8) 0.0425 (4) 5.26 (7) -


Total - 0.0912 (3) 0.320 (2) 3.62 (3)

Whole 101 0.2558 (+ 11, -9) 0.1285 (5) 0.448 (3) 3.60 (2) 760 ( +34, -42)

Whole 131 0.1524 ( + 5, -8) 0.0771 (3) 0.266 (9) 2.77 (2) 398 (+ 8, -61)

Acid 0.0791 (+ 5,-4) 0.0307(2) 0.164(2) 5.50(6) 175 (+3,-4)


Total 0.2315 (+ 7,-9) 0.1078(4) 0.3706(22) 3.55(2) 292 (+9,-6)

Whole 176 0.1545 (+ 10,-12) 0_0790 (2) 0.209(1) 2.74(2) 418(+4,-3)

Acid 0.0765 (+ 3, -3) 0.0294(1) 0.161(2) 5.67(7) 169 (+2,-3)


Total 0.2310 (+ 10, -12) 0.1084(2) 0.370(2) 3.53(2) 298(+7,-4)

Pyrox- 62 0.2964 ( + 12, -10) 0.1446 (5) 0.473 (3) 3.38 (2) 585 ( + 29, -36)
ene D-R

Acetone 0.00224 (1) 6.6× 10-5 (0.5) 0.00019 (0.2) 3.07 (4) 1.98 (1)

Acid - 0.0132 (1) 0.0746 (7) 5.86 (7) -


Total - 0.1578 (5) 0.5476 (31) 3.59 (2) -

Pyrox- 62 0.1116(+9,-13) 0.0551(1) 0.1546(9) 2.90(2) 376 (+ 46, -27)
Acetone 0.00245 (3) - - -

Acid 0.0445 ( + 7, -2) 0.0154 (2) 0.0789 (9) 5.29 (8) 89 ( + 1, -5)

Total 0.1561(+ 11,-13) 0.0705 (2) 0.2335(13) 3.42 (2) 221 (+ 11,-13)
Pyrox- 51 0.1400 (+ 10, -16) 0.0647(3) 0.214(1) 3.41(2) 284 (+26, -16)

Water 0.00409 (+71, -2) 0.00014(0.1) 0.00010 (0.1) 0.75(1) 2.41 (+2, -11)

Pyrox- 58 0.1631 ( + 4, -25) 0.0806 (3) 0.268 (1) 3.43 (1) 544 ( + 159, -2)
SAMPLE 71055- 184

Table 2a: (Concluded).

Concentration (ppm)a 232Th 238U

Weight Pb U Th 23sU 204Pb

Sample (rag)

Water 0.0007 0.00002 0.00005 2.5 1.5


Ilmen- 61 0.3500 (+ 13, -17) 0.1612(6} 0.487(2} 3.12(1) 409 (+ 18,-11)


Acid 0.06055 (+2, -60) 0.0312 (4) 0.186 (1) 6.15 (8) 316 (+ 35, -4)

Total 0.4106 (+ 13, -18) 0.1924 (7) 0.673 (2) 3.61 (2) 390 ( + 21, -7)
Ptagio- 73 0.06645 (+ 65, -100) 0.01343 (8) 0.0442 (4) 3.40 (3) 37 ( + 16, -6)

Acid 0.02655 (+ 6, -55) 0.00423 (3) 0.0182 (1) 4.44 (4) 17 (+ 6, -1)
Total 0.09300 (+65, -114) 0.01766 (8) 0.0624 (4) 3.65 (3) 29 (+ 1, -1)
Plagio- 31 0.0757 (+ 2, -14) 0.0269 (1) 0.0683 (4) 2.62 (1) 161 ( + 95, -1)
Acid 0.0400 (+ 4, -9) 0.0103 (6) 0.0546 (3) 5.5 (3) 41 (+ 5, -3)
Total 0.1157 (+44, -42) 0.0372 (6) 0.1229 (5) 3.41 (5) 90 ( + 19, -2)

aNumbers in parentheses correspond to 28 errors for mass spectrometric ratio measurements, _+0.1%
uncertainties for the concentrations of tracers, and chemical blanks.

bResidues from cold 1NHC1 leaches.

cSamples contacted with cold 1NHCI for 10 minutes.

SAMPLE 71055- 185

Table 2b: Observed and corrected lead isotopic ratios in 71055,21.

Data from Chen et al. (1979) and Tilton and Chen (1979).

Observed Ratios Corrected Ratios

Blank 20Spb 207pb 204p b 20spb 207pb 204pb

Sample (pg) 20ePb 206pb 206pb 208pb 206Pb 206pb

WR-1R 107 0.90186(86) 0.54868 (80) 0.001825(28) 0.8983 (+ 9, -40) 0.5478 (+8,-16) 0.00167 (+3,-16)

WR-2R 107 0.89425 (98) 0.54294 (68) 0.002023 (26) 0.8871 ( + 10, -73) 0.5412 ( +7, -22) 0.00170 ( +3, -305

WR-3 158 0.91376 (40) 0.52947 (29) 0.001588(22) 0.9095(+20,-15) 0.5283(+7,-6) 0.00139(+9,-7)

WR-4R 132 0.82960 (60) 0.56287 (50) 0.002850 (36) 0.8313 (+ 18, -32) 0.5635 ( + 3, -6) 0.00263 ( + 9, -14)

Acid 60 1.2221(15) 0.51477(90) 0.005506(64) 1.2286(+35,-28) 0.5150(+17,-14) 0.00528 (+ 18,-155


Total 0.9550(+22,-38) 0.5484(+3,-6) 0.00345(+12,-18)

WR-5R 132 0.8327(405 0.5551 (38) 0.00269(16) 0.8358 (+ 48,-58) 0.5560 (+40,-42) 0.00253 (+ 19,-24)

wash 60 1.2410(14) 0.5196(8) 0.005636(405 1.2485 (+ 29,-24) 0.5202 (+ 14,-12) 0.00545 (+25,-10)

Total 0.9594 ( + 55, -67) 0.5453 ( + 40, -42) 0.00340 ( + 26, -32}

PxD-R 158 0.9108(10) 0.54867(35) 0.002039(22) 0.9048 (+32,-26) 0.5472 (+9,-7) 0.00177 (+ 12,-9)
Acetone 24 1.971 (10) 0.7961 (90) 0.0490 (6)

Px-IR 140 0.84550 (96) 0.55461 (75) 0.003305 (28) 0.8309 ( +51, -73) 0.5513 ( + 17, -22) 0.00270 ( + 20, -29)
Acetone 24 1.982 (10) 0.8245 (80) 0.0476 (6)

Acid 59 1.3765(40) 0.5595(10) 0.0105(3) 1.366 (+ 10, =4) 0.5553 ( + 35,-10) 0.00984 (+70,-30)

Total 0.9619 (+59,-84) 0.5523 (+ 17,-22) 0.00445 (+33,-48)

Px-2 140 0.9472 (12) 0.5566(105 0.00411(4) 0.9335 (+51,-72) 0.5532 (+ 20, -25) 0.00350 ( + 22,-3l)

Water 59 1.982(7) 0.8100(70) 0.0488(13) 1.976 (+7,-17) 0.8085 (+70, -98) 0.04841 + 13, -20)

Px-3 78 0.9151(12) 0.5353 i9) 0.00218(2) 0.9092 (+ 12,-100) 0.5338 (+9,-33) 0.00192 ( + 2, -44)

Water 33 2.012 (20) 0.8240 (20) 0.0521 (4) 1.988 ( + 12, -87) 0.8229 ( +70, -59) 0.0513 I+3, -30)

Ilm-R 137 0.91167 (80) 0.56638(70) 0.002611(28) 0.9071 (+ 20,-295 0.5653 (+ 10,-12) 0.00241(+8,-125

Acid 24 1.261 (3) 0.4528 (26) 0.004042 (12) 1.2574 ( + 30, -78) 0.4511 ( + 16, -415 0.00382 ( + 1, -33)

Total 0.9548 ( + 21,-30) 0.5498 (+ 10,-12) 0.00260 (+9,-13)

PI-1R 137 1.1255(17) 0.8643(11) 0.01503(10) 1.106 (+7,-11) 0.8651(+ 15,-135 0.0142_ +3,-5)

Acid 24 1.6176 (24) 0.71121(86) 0.02775(16) 1.613(+2,-9) 0.7100 (+9,-27) 0.02751 +4,-5)

Total 1.239 (+8, -12) 0.8244(+14,-12) 0.0177(+4,-6)

P1-2R 78 0.8520 (15) 0.7301 (9) 0.00592 (4) 0.8258 ( + 15. -446) 0.7280 ( + 9, -43) 0.00488 ( + 4, -17)

Acid 33 1.535 (4) 0.6142 (30) 0.01764 (20) 1.524(+7,-13) 0.6096 ( +43,-57) 0.0169 _+4,-8)

Total 1.035(+18,-559) 0.6925 (+9,-415 0.00848(+7,-291

aNumbers in parentheses are 28 errors from the mass spectrometry.

bUncertainties are corrected for 0.1-0.2 ng Pb blanks and for 28 errors in mass spectrometry. Isotopic composition of blank:
2°4pb:2°6pb:2°7pb:2°Spb = 1.00 = 18.90 = 15.60 = 38.60.
SAMPLE 71055- 186

Table 3: Rb-Sr and O isotope ratios for 71055.

Rb-Sr Composition (Tera et al., 1974)

I(Sr) AGE (Ga)
71055 0.69910 + 4 3.64 + 0.09

8180 Composition (Mayeda et al., 1975)

Cristobalite Plag Pyroxene Ilmenite
71055,45 6.75 5.82 5.36 4.01

Table 4: Krypton & xenon data from 71055.

Data from Arvidson et al. (1976). Results given in units of 10 -12 cm3 STP/g.

Temp 84Kr 78Kr 80Kr 81Kr 82Kr 83Kr 86Kr

750 6.4 3.223 14.472 34.19 39.48 28.11
_+2.078 +0.755 +1.41 +1.85 +0.31
1500 41.3 31.867 83.856 0.3088 132.13 174.10 11.25
___0.689 +1.627 _+0.0138 _+2.40 _+3.45 _+0.46

Temp 132Xe 124Xe 126Xe 128Xe 129Xe 130Xe 131Xe 134Xe 136Xe
750 5.1 7.115 6.681 22.36 107.32 23.91 110.62 35.44 28.87
-+0.373 -+2.511 +1.12 -+2.69 -+0.64 +1.96 -+1.25 +0.77
1500 86.1 49.025 82.808 125.51 169.65 79.67 347.47 20.23 14.08
_+0.309 _+0.481 _+0.73 ___+1.07 -+0.37 _+2.02 _+0.18 _+0.18
SAMPLE 71065 - IS7

High-Ti Mare Basalt
28.83 g, 4.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION and olivines are generally

PETROGRAPHY AND subhedral to euhedral (Fig. 2).
71065 was described as a gray to MINERAL CHEMISTRY Blocky ilmenites (-0.2mm) are
brownish gray, fine-grained also present. Pink pyroxene and
equigranular basalt (Fig. 1), Warner et al. (1979) reported the plagioclase are present only as
which contains no zap pits and petrography and mineral chem- groundmass phases ( < 0.3mm).
only one conspicuous rug (2mm istry of 71065, but only within Cr-ulv_spinel is present rarely
diam.). This vug is lined with the general confines of the as a phenocryst phase. Discrete
euhedral ilmenite and pyroxene whole-rock classification. As ilmenites and those present as
crystals up to lmm long such 71065 was not specifically mantles on armalcolite contain
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample mentioned. However, during exsolution lamellae
Information Catalog, 1973). the preparation of this catalog, ( < 0.005mm) of chromite and
Despite two dustings, all sur- we examined thin section rutile. Native Fe and troilite
faces are coated with a fine dust 71065,4, which is micro- form interstitial phases. The
and soil particles, except for one porphyritic (Fig. 2), Olivine (up Apollo 17 Lunar Sample
small chipped area next to the to 0.5ram), armalcolite (mantled Information Catalog (1973)
vug. This basalt has a rectangu- by ilmenite - Fig. 3), and reported that 71065 was com-
lar to blocky shape with one ilmenite form phenocryst prised of 45-50% pyroxene,
penetrative fracture. It was phases. Ilmenites (up to lmm 35-40% plagioclase,
collected from Station 1A. long) exhibit sawtooth margins, 15% ilmenite, and 1% olivine.
SAMPLE 71065- 188

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71065,4 depicting ilmenite and olivine phenocrysts set in a subvariolitic to
interlocking groundmass. Field of view is 2.5 mm.

(Table 1). Warner et al. (1979) basalt using the criteria of Neal
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY classified 71065 as a Type B et al. (1990). It contains
Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, and it 12.5 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et is further classified as a Type B2 41.9 (Table 1). The REE profile
al. (1979) reported the same (Fig. 4) is LREE-depleted, with
whole-rock analysis for 71065 constant middle and heavy REE

Figure 3: Photomicrograph in reflected light of 71065,4 depicting armalcolite rimmed with ilmenite. Field
of view is 0.625 mm.
SAMPLE 71065 - 189

abundances at approximately 30
times chondritic values. A nega- PROCESSING
rive Eu anomaly is present
([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.56). Of the original 28.83g of
71065,0, a total of 28.35g
remains. 71065,2 was used for
[NAA, and thin section 71065,4
was taken from this irradiated

m _I 1-----I
O 10 -
..I 71065
1 = Warner et al. (1979)

u) & Ma et al. (1979)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite.normalized rare-earth element profile of 71065.
SAMPLE 71065- 190

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71065.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71065,2 71065,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.5 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 22
Cr203 0.377 V 102
FeO 19.8 Sc 89
MnO 0.256 La 5.1

MgO 8 Ce 18
CaO 10.0 Nd 19

Na20 0.389 Sm 6.9

K20 0.041 Eu 1.34
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.7

Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.8 Yb 6.9
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.01
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71066 - 191

High-Ti Mare Basalt
19.96 g, 3.5 x 1.5 x 2.2 cm

INTRODUCTION resp. - Fig. 2). Rare

PETROGRAPHY AND Cr-ulvSspinels are also present.
71066 was described as a MINERAL CHEMISTRY Ilmenite contains occasional
medium dark gray, fine-grained, exsolution lamellae
microporphyritic basalt Warner et al. (1979) reported the ( < 0.005ram) of chromite and
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample petrography and mineral chem- futile. Olivines exhibit little
Information Catalog, 1973). istry of 71065, but only within sign of reaction with the
This sample contains no zap the general confines of their groundmass, but armalcolite
pits, but does contain a line of Type B basalts. This sample was commonly has an overgrowth of
small (0. lmm) vugs on one side not specifically mentioned. We ilmenite (Fig. 3) which is
and a 2mm vug on the opposite examined thin section 71066,5 usually continuous. Ilmenites
side, containing a felty inter- during the preparation of this exhibit "sawtooth" margins.
growth ofilmenite crystals, catalog and found it to be very Occasional inclusions of
71066 has an angular, wedge- fine-grained (_0.1-0.3mm), with Cr-ulvbspinel ( < 0. lmm) are
shaped appearance (Fig. 1). This armalcolite, euhedral olivine, found in olivine phenoerysts.
basalt was collected from and ilmenite phenocrysts_ Groundmass phases included
Station 1A. (0.4mm, 0.6mm, and 0.7mm, pink pyroxene, plagioclase,

: Ill
Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71066,0.
SAMPLE 71066- 192

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71066,5 depicting ilmenite and olivine phenocrysts set in a glassy matrix.
Field of view is 2.5 ram.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph in reflected light of 71066,5 depicting armalcolite rimmed with ilmenite. Field
of view is 0.625 mm.
SAMPLE 71066 - 193

native Fe, troilite, and opaque 43.9 and was described as a negative Eu anomaly is present
glass. Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.56).
by Warner et al. (1979). This
sample is further classified as a
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Type B2 basalt using the criteria PROCESSING
ofNeal et al. (1990). The REE
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et profile is LREE-depleted, with Of the original 19.96g of
al. (1979) reported the same approximately constant middle 71066,0, 19.28g remains.
whole-rock analysis for 71066 and heavy REE abundances at 71066,2 was irradiated and thin
(Table 1). 71066 contains approximately 30 times cbon- section 71066,5 taken from this
14.2 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of dritic abundances (Fig. 4). A irradiated sample.

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -

I- 1 I
{.) 10 -
..I 71066
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
u) & Ma et al. (1979)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd "rb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71066,
SAMPLE 71066- 194

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71066.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71066,2 71066,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 14.2 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 27
Cr203 0.486 V 133
FeO 20.5 Sc 89
MnO 0.259 La 5.1

MgO 9 Ce 18
CaO 9.4 Nd 18

Na20 0.406 Sm 6.5

K20 0.041 Eu 1.33
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.4 Yb 6.7
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.02
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71067 - 195

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4.245 g, 2 x 1.7 × 1 cm

INTRODUCTION was not specifically mentioned, reported that 71067 was

We examined thin section comprised of 40% plagioclase,
71067 was described as medium 71067,5 during the preparation 50% pyroxene, and
dark gray (brown tint), medium- of this catalog, noting it to be a 10% ilmenite.
grained, microdiabasic basalt well crystallized, medium-
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample grained (0.2-0.6mm) high-Ti
Information Catalog, 1973), basalt. Phenocryst phases are WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
containing no zap pits, but with absent, although pink pyroxene
abundant small irregular vugs and ilmenite can reach 0.6mm. Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et
(< 0.5mm). These vugs are lined Ilmenite contains exsolution al. (1979) reported the same
with euhedral needles and lamellae (< 0.005mm) of whole-rock analysis of 71067
plates ofgroundmass minerals, chromite and rutile. Pale pink (Table 1). Warner et al. (1979)
This basalt is subrounded pyroxenes form "bow-tie" struc- described 71067 as a Type A
(Fig. 1) and intergranular, tures with plagioclase (Fig. 2). Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. It
71067 was collected from Ilmenite exhibits "sawtooth" contains 12.7 wt% TiO2 with a
Station 1A. margins and few exsolution MG# of 45.1. The REE profile
features. Discrete spinel phases (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted, with
and armalcolite are rare. approximately constant middle
PETROGRAPHY AND Occasionally, the large pink and heavy REE abundances at
MINERAL CHEMISTRY pyroxenes contain a core of relict 45 times chondritic values. A
olivine, which may in turn con- negative Eu anomaly is present
Warner et al. (1979) have tain small Cr-ulvSspinel inclu- ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.55).
reported on 71067, but have only sions. Interstitial phases are
described it within the general silica, native Fe, and troilite.
context of their Type A Apollo 17 The Apollo 17 Lunar Sample PROCESSING
high-Ti basalts. This sample Information Catalog (1973)
Of the original 4.245g of
71067,0, a total of 3.83g
remains. 71067,2 was used for
INAA, and thin section 71067,5
was taken from this irradiated


Figure I: Hand specimer_ photograph of 71067,0.

SAMPLE 71067 - 196

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71067,5. Field of view is 2.5 ram.

100 , i , , I l , , l , ,

0 10 -
..I 71067
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
(/) & Ma et al. (1979)

I I I I I I I l I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71067.
SAMPLE 71067 - 197

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71067.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis)+

71067,2 71067,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.7 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 20
Cr203 0.408 V 101
FeO 19.5 Sc 82
MnO 0.254 La 6.8
MgO 9 Ce 26
CaO 10.7 Nd 28
Na20 0.421 Sm 10.9
K20 0.069 Eu 2.09
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 18
Zr Er
Hf 9.2 Yb 10.3
Ta 2.2 Lu 1.48
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by [NAA.
SAMPLE 71068- 199

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4.208 g, 2 x 1 x 0.7 cm

INTRODUCTION exhibit a plagioclase poikilitic (Table 1). Warner et al. (1979)

texture. We examined thin described 71068 as a coarse-
71068 was described as a section 71068,5 during the grained Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt
medium brownish gray, preparation of this catalog, (Type U of Rhodes et al., 1976).
medium-grained (average finding it to be a coarse-grained This basalt contains 13.6 wt%
0.7mm), homogeneous basalt (0.5-1ram), plagioclase poikilitic TiO2 with a MG# of 45.9. The
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample basalt. Olivine (< 0. lmm) is REE profile (Fig. 1) is LREE-
Information Catalog, 1973), rare, only present as cores in depleted with relatively
containing no zap pits. This large, pink pyroxenes. No constant middle and heavy REE
basalt is angular and blocky, armalcolite is present, and abundances (-30 times chon-
The surface is coated with fine ilmenite (up to lmm) is the drites). A negative Eu anomaly
dust and soils, with some adher- dominant opaque. Abundant is present ([EuIEu*]N = 0.66).
ing glass spherules. One end of futile and chromite exsolution
the rock is a cavity wall, broken, lamellae ( < 0.005mm) are pres-
and lined with euhedral ilme- ent in the ilmenite. Native Fe, PROCESSING
nite crystals and coated with troilite, and silica form inter-
dust. This sample was collected stitial phases. The Apollo 17 Of the original 4.208g of
from Station 1A. Lunar Sample Information 71068,0, 3.75g remains. 71068,2
Catalog (1973) reported that was irradiated for INAA, and
71068 is comprised of thin section 71068,5 was made
PETROGRAPHY AND 35-40% plagioclase, 45% pyrox- from this irradiated sample.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ene, 15-20% ilmenite, and
< 1% olivine.
Warner et al. (1979) have
reported on 71068, but have
described it only within the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
general confines of their coarse-
grained basalt group. As such, Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et
71068 was not specifically al. (1979) reported the same
mentioned, although it does whole-rock analysis of 71068,2

100 ,, , ,,,,, , ,,

"z0_n'l-m _1 t----1
0 10
.,J 71068
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
{/} & Ma et al. (1979)

I 1 I I I I I I I t I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure1: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71068.

SAMPLE 71068-200

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71068.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71068,2 71068,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 13.6 Ni
A1203 8.3 Co 25
Cr203 0.530 V 135
FeO 18.9 Sc 79
MnO 0.244 La 4.4

MgO 9 Ce 17
CaO 9.8 Nd 19

Na20 0.368 Sm 7.1

K20 0.038 Eu i.62
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.8

Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 7.3 Yb 7.2
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.06
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71069-201

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4.058 g, 2 x 1.7 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION 71065 and 71066. This sample ilmenite. During the prepara-
was collected from Station 1A. tion of this catalog, we examined
71069 was described as a fine- thin section 71069,5. It is a fine-
grained equigranular, medium grained (average grain size
dark gray, homogeneous basalt PETROGRAPHY AND -0.3mm), containing large
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample MINERAL CHEMISTRY (_0.7mm) olivine and ilmenite
Information Catalog, 1973 and phenocrysts. Some olivines
Fig. 1), containing no fresh zap 71069 was described by Warner contain a small rind ofpyroxene,
pits. Three small vugs et al. (1979), but only within the whereas others have been
( < 0.15ram) are present, inside general confines of their Type B reduced to forming cores of
of which are minute euhedral Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts. As pyroxene. Rutile and chromite
ilmenite crystals. Dust adheres such, 71069 was not specifically exsolution lamellae
to most surfaces and ~ 1% olivine mentioned, although it contains ( < 0.005mm) are abundant in
is present. Rock resembles microphenocrysts of olivine and the ilmenite. Larger ilmenites

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71069,0.

SAMPLE 71069 -202

contain armalcolite cores, classified as a Type B1 basalt These analyses were part of a
Plagioclase, pyroxene, and using the criteria of Neal et al. larger study characterizing the
ilmenite form the main ground- (1990). 71069 contains 12.2 wt% basalts at the Apollo 17 site.
mass phases, with pyroxene and TiO2 with a MG# of 48.3. The
plagioclase occasionally forming REE profile (Fig. 2) is LREE-
"bow-tie" structures. Native Fe depleted with approximately PROCESSING
and troilite form interstitial constant middle and heavy REE
phases, abundances (30-35 times Of the original 4.058g of
chondritic values). A negative 71069,0, a total of 3.76g
Eu anomaly is present remains. 71069,2 was
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.59). irradiated for INAA, and thin
section 71069,5 was taken from
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et this irradiated sample.
al. ( 1979 _,both report the analy- ISOTOPES
sis of 71069,2 (Table 1). Warner
et al. (1979) described this basalt Paces et al. (1991) reported
as a Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti Rb-Sr (Table 2) and Sm-Nd
basalt. This sample is further (Table 3) data for 71069,10.

100 _ , , , , I t , I t I

ZC_ _1 1--_....
0 10 -
,-I 71069
=i 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
(/) & Ma et al. (1979)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite.normalized rare-earth eIement profile of 71069.
SAMPLE 71069 - 203

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71069.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71069,2 71069,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.2 Ni
A1203 8.6 Co 21
Cr203 0.474 V 140
FeO 19.1 Sc 85
MnO 0.246 La 4.3
MgO 10 Ce 17
CaO 9.8 Nd 20
Na20 0.312 Sm 7.4
K20 0.032 Eu 1.55
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 6.6 Yb 7.4
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.07
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysisby INAA.
SAMPLE 71069- 204

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 71069,10.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 0.315
Sr (ppm) 146
87Rb/86Sr 0.006216 ± 62
87Sr/86Sr 0.699529 ± 12
I(Sr)a 0.699195 ---15
TLUNIb (Ga) 5.5

aInitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 87Rb decay

constant = 1.42>< 10 -11 yr -1.

bModel age relative to I(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974;

Shih et al., 1986).

TLUNI ----1/k*ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)/87Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd isotopic data for 71069,10.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 7.35
Nd (ppm) 17.3
1478m/144Nd 0.25663 ± 51
143Nd/144Nd 0.514406___ 13
I(Nd)a 0.508138 ± 26
gNd(t) b 6.0 "{-0.5
TCHUR c (Ga) 4.4

aInitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 147Sm decay

constant = 6.54)< 10-12yr -1.

bInitial eNd calculated at 3.69 Ga using present-day chondritic values of

143Nd/144Nd = 0.512638 and 147Sm]144Nd = 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic

values listed above.

TCHUR = 1/h*ln[((143Nd/144Nd - 0.512638)/(147Srrd144Nd - 0.1967) + 1].


High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.563 g, 1.5 x I x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION been reported before, although (0.15ram). Troilite and native

three thin sections have been Fe form interstitial phases.
71075 (Fig. 1) was described as a made. During the preparation of
dark gray (with faint brownish this catalog, we examined
tint), equigranular basalt 71075,27 and ,28. This is a fine- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample grained (_ 0.1 mm), well-
Information Catalog, 1973), crystallized, ilmenite-rich No whole-rock composition has
containing no zap pits. Approxl- basalt, containing phenocrysts been determined for 71075.
mately 5-10% vugs are present, of olivine and ilmenite (up to
inside of which are euhedral 0.3mm). Little mesostasis glass
ilmenite, olivine, and pyroxene is present. Ilmenite is also a PROCESSING
crystals. These vugs are irregu- groundmass phase with
larly distributed and the sur- pyroxene and plagioclase. No Of the original 1.563g of
faces are finely hackly. This armalcolite is present. Pink 71075,0, approximately 1.38g
sample was collected from pyroxene masses (up to 0.3mm) remains. 71075,1 was used to
Station 1A. exist and a pale pink pyroxene prepare thin sections
forms "bow-tie" structures with 71075,26-28.
plagioclase. The pink pyroxene
PETROGRAPHY AND masses occasionally contain a
MINERAL CHEMISTRY core of olivine, indicating their
size is due to olivine resorption.
The mineralogy and Rare Cr-ulv6spinel is present
petrography of 71075 has not

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 71075,0.

SAMPLE 71085-207

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.402 g, 1.5 x 1.5 x i cm

INTRODUCTION surface. This basalt was

collected from Station 1A. WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
71085 (Fig. 1) was described as a
medium dark gray, medium- to Warner et al. (1979) and Ma et
coarse-grained, intergranular PETROGRAPHY AND al. (1979) reported the same
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample MINERAL CHEMISTRY analysis for 71085 (Table 1).
Information Catalog, 1973), Warner et al. (1979) classified
containing one penetrative Warner et al. (1979) reported the this basalt as a coarse-grained
fracture or vuggy feature where general petrographic and miner- type, of which the analysis
coarser crystals are found, alogic features of this basalt, but taken was probably not repre-
These coarser crystals reach up only within the general confines sentative. They reported
to 2.5 mm. The minerals in the of their coarse-grained category 71085,3 as containing 14.2 wt%
':vuggy vein" are: 20% euhedral of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts TiO2 with a MG# of 49.6. The
plagioclase, 70% cinnamon (Class U of Rhodes et al., 1976). REE profile (Fig. 2) is LREE-
pyrexene in large clusters and As such, this sample was never depleted, with approximately
euhedral crystals, and specifically mentioned. One constant middle and heavy REE
10% euhedral ilmenite. The thin section, 71085,6, was taken, abundances (_25 times chondritic
surface is coated with dust after but was not available for our values). A negative Eu anomaly
two dustings; soil grains and examination during the is present ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.65).
spherules are conspicuous on the preparation of this catalog.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71085,0.

SAMPLE 71085-208

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 7[085.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71085,3 71085,3

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TIO2 14.2 Ni
A1203 7.7 Co 20
Cr203 0.576 V 163
FeO 18.1 Sc 96
MnO 0.246 La 2.8

MgO 10 Ce 11
CaO 10.8 Nd 13
Na20 0.333 Sm 5.1
K20 0.032 Eu 1.21
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.3

Nb (ppm) Dy 9
Zr Er
Hf 5.5 Yb 5.6
Ta 1.3 Lu 0.83
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71085- 209

100 , , , , _ _ _ , , , ,


,,, Of the original 3.402g of

_:_- _..-4. _..-A 1__._t 71085,0, a total of 2.76g
O ated for INAA, and thin section
2: 71085,6 was taken from this
r_ _///_ _ /----r remains. 71085,3 was irradi-
,ta 71 085 irradiated sample.
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
(n & Ma et al. (1979)

i i i i t i r i i i i
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiIe of 71085.


High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.329 g, 3 x 2 x 0.7 cm

INTRODUCTION This sample was collected from basalts. As such, this sample
Station 1A. was not specifically mentioned.
71086 (Fig. 1) was described as a During the preparation of this
medium dark gray, fine-grained, catalog, we examined thin
homogeneous basalt (Apollo 17 PETROGRAPHY AND section 71086,5, finding it to be
Lunar Sample Information MINERAL CHEMISTRY comprised of interlocking "bow-
Catalog, 1973). This basalt tie" structures ofpyroxene and
contains no glass-lined zap pits, Warner et al. (1979) described plagioclase. Grain size ranges
but one or two possible relict the general petrography and from 0.1mm to 0.3mm. Corroded
pits. Up to 50% of the surface is mineral chemistry of 71086, but olivine phenocrysts occur (up to
covered with cavities (Fig. 1) only within the confines of their 0.6mm), but some have been
containing ilmenite crystals. Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti reacted out to only form cores in

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71086,0.

SAMPLE 71086-212

pink pyroxene. Ilmenite occurs a Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti

as a groundmass phase, and no basalt, containing 11.6 wt% PROCESSING
armalcolite is present. Native TiO2 with a MG# of 42.5. 71086
Fe and troilite form interstitial is further classified as a Type B2 Of the original 3.329g of
phases, basalt using the criteria of Neal 71086,0, a total of 2.93g
et al. (1990). The REE profile remains. 71086,2 was irradi-
(Fig. 2) is LREE-depleted, with a ated for INAA, and thin section
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY negative Eu anomaly 71086,5 was taken from this
([Eu/EU*]N = 0.57). The middle irradiated sample.
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et and heavy REE abundances are
al. (1979) reported the same approximately constant at
analysis for 71086 (Table 1). 35 times chondritic values.
Warner et al. classified 71086 as

100 i J l I i J i a i i i t

0 10 -
,..I 71086
=E 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
_: & Ma et al. (1979)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71086.
SAMPLE 71086 -213

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71086.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71086,2 71086,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.6 Ni
A1203 10.0 Co 18
Cr203 0.312 V 102
FeO 19.3 Sc 84
MnO 0.268 La 6.0

MgO 8 Ce 22
CaO 10.8 Nd 23
Na20 0.381 Sm 8.1
K20 0.050 Eu 1.68
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.1

Nb (ppm) Dy 14
Zr Er
Hf 7.4 Yb 7.7
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.15
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.20 g, 1.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION and ilmenite (up to 1.2mm) Fo, max.), but between grains
phenocrysts are present, with the compositional variation is
71087 (Fig. 1) was described as a olivine containing overgrowths more pronounced (Fo58.71).
fine-grained, equigranular, ofpyroxene and ilmenite Plagioclase exhibits only minor
medium dark gray (with "sawtooth" margins. Rutile and variations either core-to-rim or
brownish tint), homogeneous chromite exsolution lamellae between grains (Ansi.ST).
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample ( < 0.005mm) are present in Pyroxene compositions (Fig. 2)
Information Catalog, 1973). It ilmenite. Plagioclase, pyroxene, range from titan-augite to
contains only one cavity lined and ilmenite form groundmass pigeonite (with compositional
with ilmenite crystals and is phases (_0.2-0.4mm). intermediates). Fe enrichment
covered with a thick dust coat- Cr-ulvSspinel (_0.1mm) occurs as is noted towards the rims. Alfri
ing. One surface is probably a inclusions in pyroxene and ratios are constant at _2 and
broken cavity lined with olivine. Silica, native Fe, and Cr203 decreases with decreasing
ilmenite crystals. This basalt troilite form interstitial phases, pyroxene MG#. Cr-ulv(ispinel
was collected from Station 1A. Point counting reveals that this (Cr/(Cr + A1) = 65-76;
sample is comprised of: MG# = 4-18) and ilmenite
' 48.1% pyroxene; 24.4% plagio- (MG# = 2-12) both exhibit
PETROGRAPHY AND clase; 21.2% ilmenite; moderate compositional varia-
MINERAL CHEMISTRY 3.1% native Fe and troilite; tions. Cr-ulvSspinel becomes
0.2% olivine; 1%silica; and more A1- and Fe-rich from core-
Neal et al. (1990) described 2%spinel, to-rim, but ilmenite variation is
71087 as a fine-grained, sub- primarily between grains. No
variolitic, olivine porphyritic Olivine exhibits only minor armalcolite is present.
basalt. Olivine (up to 0.7mm) core-to-rim zonation (5 mole %

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 71087,0.

SAMPLE 71087-216

Di/ 0
00 O0 0

0 0

° 710

En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71087 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

LREE-depleted, but with an 71087,5 was used for INAA, and

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY overall slight convex-upward thin section 71087,4 was pre-
appearance. A negative Eu pared from the irradiated
Neal et al. (1990) reported the anomaly is present sample.
whole-rock chemistry of 71087 ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.54).
(Table 1). They described 71087
as a Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti
basalt (using the classification PROCESSING
of Rhodes et al., 1976 and
Warner et al., 1979) containing Of the original 2.20g of 71087,0,
12.9 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of a total of 1.63g remains.
43.1. The REE profile (Fig. 3) is

100 I J I I I , I , , I , _


.-I 71087
=E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

I I 1 I t I I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71087.

SAMPLE 71087-217

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71087.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71087,5 71087,5

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 12.9 Ni 31
A1203 8.10 Co 19
Cr203 0.212 V 104
FeO 18.8 Sc 80
MnO 0.250 La 6.48
MgO 7.9 Ce 23
CaO 10.2 Nd 25
Na20 0.39 Sm 9.53
K20 0.08 Eu 1.89
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.56

Nb (ppm) Dy 18.6
Zr 101 Er
Hf 8.61 Yb 9.40
Ta 1.89 Lu 1.33
U Ga
Th 0.49 F
W C1
Sr 204 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 89 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.24 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.

High.Ti Mare Basalt
2.064 g, 2 x 1 x 0.5 em

INTRODUCTION (0.2-0.4mm), subvariolitic, 8.2% olivine; 2.3% native Fe and

olivine porphyritic basalt. Oli- troilite; 2.1% spinel; and
71088 (Fig. 1) was described as a vine (up to 0.6mm) and ilmenite 0.9% silica.
fine-grained, equigranular, (up to 0.9mm) form micro-
medium dark gray basalt phenocryst phases. Olivines Olivines exhibit wide composi-
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample contain pink pyroxene over- tional variations (Fo43.71) , usu-
Information Catalog, 1973). growths which are occasionally ally between grains, but also
This basalt contains three small extensive such that olivine from core-to-rim in the largest
(lmm) vugs lined with ilmenite, forms a small core. Ilmenites olivines. However, plagioclase
It is thinly coated with dust and exhibit "sawtooth" margins, but exhibits only limited variation
white patches are present on one little futile or chromite exsolu- (Ans0_s8). The majority ofpyrox-
surface. This sample was tion. Cr-ulviispinel is present as enes are titan-augites (Fig. 2),
collected from Station 1A. -0. lmm inclusions in pyroxene although rare pigeonites are
and olivine. No armalcolite is present. Fe enrichment is
present. Silica, native Fe, and observed from core-to-rim. Alfri
PETROGRAPHY AND troilite form interstitial phases, ratios are constant at -2 and
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Point counting reveals that Cr203 decreases with decreasing
71088 is comprised of: MG#. Cr-ulviispinels exhibit
Neal et al. (1990) described 36.8% pyroxene; 28.0% plagio- limited compositional variation
71088 as a fine-grained clase; 21.7% ilmenite; (Cr/(Cr+A1) = 72-77;

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71088,0.

SAMPLE 71088-220

Di/ Hd


o 71

En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71088 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

MG# = 7-8), whereas ilmenite high-Ti mare basalt (using the

exhibits greater variation, classification of Rhodes et al., PROCESSING
mostly between individual 1976 and Warner et al., 1979).
grains (MG# = 7-18). 71088 contains 12.5 wt% TiO2 Of the original 2.064g of
with a MG# of 43.4 (Table 1). 71088,0, a total of 1.72g
The REE profile (Fig. 3) is remains. 71088,5 was used for
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY LREE-depleted with a general INAA, and thin section 71088,4
convex-upward appearance. A was prepared from the irradi-
Neal et al. (1990) described negative Eu anomaly is present ated sample.
71088 as a Type A Apollo 17 ([Eu/Eu*]N = 0.52).

_ lO
,_J 71088
=E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

La Ce Nd Srn Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71088.

SAMPLE 71088-221

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71088.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71088,5 71088,5

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.5 Ni 32
A1203 8.60 Co 20
Cr203 0.208 V 108
FeO 18.5 Sc 79
MnO 0.260 La 6.19

MgO 8.3 Ce 28
CaO 10.3 Nd 38
Na20 0.39 Sm 9.43
K20 0.06 Eu 1.99
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.55

Nb (ppm) Dy 20.0
Zr 212 Er
Hf 8.73 Yb 9.19
Ta 1.87 Lu 1.34
U Ga
Th 0.37 F
W C1
Sr 71 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 148 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.19 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71089 -223

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.733 g, I x I x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION and blocky ilmenite (up to Olivine exhibits little core-to-

1.4mm) are also dominant, rim variation, the range in com-
71089 (Fig. 1) was described as a Chromite and futile exsolution position being between grains
brownish-gray, medium- to lamellae (< 0.005mm) are (Fo55_67). Plagioclase exhibits
coarse-grained, homogeneous abundant in the ilmenite, moderate variation, both
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample Occasional pyroxenes contain between and within grains
Information Catalog, 1973). small (_0.06mm) olivine cores. (An79-91). Two distinct pyroxene
This basalt contains one vug- " Relatively large (up to 0.4mm) compositions are identified in
riddled surface. Dust adheres to areas of silica are conspicuous. Figure 2: pigeonite and titan-
one surface. This sample was No armalcolite or discrete augite. Both of these zone
collected from Station 1A. Cr-ulv(ispinel is present. Native towards more Fe-rich composi-
Fe, troilite, and silica form tions. Alfri ratios are constant
interstitial phases. Point count- at _2 and Cr20 3 decreases with
PETROGRAPHY AND ing reveals that this specimen is decreasing pyroxene MG#.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY comprised of: 45.1% pyroxene; Ilmenite exhibits moderate
24.9% ilmenite; 23.3% plagio- compositional variation
Neal et al. (1989) described clase; 3.9% native Fe and (MG# = 9-21), primarily
71089 as a plagioclase poikilitic troilite; 2.5% silica; and between grains.
basalt, with plagioclase up to 0.3% olivine.
2mm. Pyroxene (up to 1.1mm)

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71089,0.

SAMPLE 71089- 224

Di/ 71089

0 0

E Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71089 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

71089 contains 11.3 wt% TiO2

The REE profile (Fig. 3) is
Neal et al. (1990) described LREE-depleted, but with an Of the original 1.733g of
71089 as a Type B1 Apollo 17 overall convex-upward 71089,0, approximately 0.Sg
high-Ti basalt (using the appearance. A negative Eu remains. The remainder was
classification of Rhodes et al., anomaly is present irradiated for INAA and then
1976 and Warner et al., 1979). ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.62). used for thin section 71089,4.


0 10

,_ 1 = Neal et al. (1990)

I I I I I I I I I I i

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71089.

SAMPLE 71089-225

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71089.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71089,0 71089,0

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.3 Ni 32
A1203 9.18 Co 18
Cr203 0.163 V 65
FeO 17.6 Sc 76
MnO 0.245 La 4.34
MgO 6.5 Ce 16
CaO 10.7 Nd 16
Na20 0.43 Sm 6.74
K20 0.06 Eu 1.67
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.01
Nb (ppm) Dy 13.9
Zr 74 Er
Hf 6.43 Yb 6.93
Ta 1.41 Lu 1.03
U 0.24 Ga
Th 0.21 F
W C1
Sr 210 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 76 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.19 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

I = analysis by INAA.
SAMPLE 71095-227

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.483 g, 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION Plagioclase grains are up to present (Fig. 2), and titan-augite

1.1 mm and pyroxene up to zones towards pyroxferroite.
71095 (Fig. 1) was described as a 0.7mm. Blocky ilmenite (up to This compositional range
brownish gray, medium- 1.5mm) is interstitial, and classifies 71095 as an Apollo 11
grained, homogeneous basalt exhibits no exsolution features, low-K type Apollo 17 high-Ti
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample Silica, troilite, and native Fe basalt (Papike et al., 1974), or
Information Catalog, 1973). No form interstitial phases. Point Type II (Brown et al., 1975).
vugs or zap pits are present, counting reveals that 71095 is A1/Ti ratios are constant at _2,
Three surfaces are dust coated comprised of: 44.0% pyroxene; and Cr203 decreases with
(after two dustings). This basalt 37.6% plagioclase; 11.7% decreasing pyroxene MG#.
has a narrow wedge shape and ilmenite; 3.4% native Fe and Ilmenite is relatively depleted in
was collected from Station 1A. troilite; and 3.3% silica. MgO, and the major
compositional variation is
Plagioclase exhibits both core- between grains (MG# = 1-10).
PETROGRAPHY AND to-rim and intergrain composi-
MINERAL CHEMISTRY tional variations (An72.88). The
cores possess higher An WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Neal et al. (1989) described contents. It is the pyroxenes
71095 as a subophitic basalt which are most definitive for Neal et al. (1990) described
containing no olivine, this sample. No pigeonite is 71095 as a Type A Apollo 17

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71095,0.


Di/ Hd

5 " Q°S"_ ° _
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71095 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral,

high-Ti basalt. This basalt

contains only 7.7 wt% TiO2 with ISOTOPES PROCESSING
a MG# of 29.7 (Table 1). The
REE profile (Fig. 3) is LREE- Paces et al. (1991) reported Rb- Of the original 1.483g of
depleted, but with an overall Sr (Table 2) and Sm-Nd 71095,0, approximately 0.7g
convex-upward shape. 71095 (Table 3) data for 71095,6. remains. 0.78g was irradiated
contains the highest abundances These analyses were part of a for INAA, forming sample
of the REE of any analyzed larger study characterizing the number 71095,0. The thin
Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. A basalts at the Apollo 17 site. section number for this sample
negative Eu anomaly is present is 71095,4.
([EuIEu*]N = 0.50).

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '


O 10 -
--I 71095
1 = Neal et al. (1990)


La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-norrnalized rare-earth element profile of 71095.
SAMPLE 71095-229

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71095.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71095,0 71095,0

SiO2(wt%) Cu
TiO2 7.7 Ni 36
Al203 9.76 Co 13
Cr203 0.061 V 18
FeO 18.9 Sc 70
MnO 0.257 La 10.73
MgO 4.5 Ce 41
CaO 10.8 Nd 40
Na20 0.51 Sm 15.26
K20 0.12 Eu 2.88
P20s Gd
S Tb 4.01
Nb (ppm) Dy 28.I
Zr 94 Er
Hf 13.18 Yb 14.28
Ta 2.47 Lu 2.06
U 0.37 Ga
Th 0.63 F
W C1
Sr 240 N
Rb H
Li He
Ba 160 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.10 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analyis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71095-230

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 71095,6.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 1.44
Sr (ppm) 319
87Rb/86Sr 0.001300 _+ 13
878r/86Sr 0.699951 + 13
I(Sr)a 0.699240 + 20
TLUNIb (Ga) 4.9

alnitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.75 Ga using 87Rb decay constant = 1.42x10 -11 yr -1.

bModel age realtive to I(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974; Shih et al., 1986).
TLUNI = 1/l*ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)/87Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd isotopic data for 71095,6.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 25.2
Nd (ppm) 62.3
147Sndi44Nd 0.24471 + 49
143Nd]144Nd 0.514164 -+ 12
I(Nd)a 0.508088 + 24

£Nd(t) b 6.6 --+0.5

TCHURc (Ga) 4.8

aInitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.75 Ga using 147Sin decay constant = 6.54x10-12yr -1.

bInitial £Nd calculated at 3.75 Ga using present-day chondritic values of 143Nd]144Nd --

0.512638 and 147Srrd144Nd = 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic values listed above.
TCHUB : 1/l*ln[((143Nd]144Nd - 0.512638)/(147Sm]144Nd - 0.1967)+ 1].

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.368 g, I x I x 1.7 cm

INTRODUCTION difficulty in judging grain size

PETROGRAPHY AND due to the abundance of
71096 (Fig. 1) was described as a MINERAL CHEMISTRY miarolitic cavities. Olivine
brownish gray, medium- to phenocrysts (up to lmm) usually
coarse-grained, homogeneous Neal et el. (1989) described have a small pyroxene
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample 71096 as a fine-grained, olivine overgrowth, although
Information Catalog, 1973). porphyritic Apollo 17 ilmenite occasionally these may become
This sample is riddled with basalt, with a well crystallized extensive such that olivine
marialitic cavities rich in groundmass. Both olivine and forms only the core. Plagioclase
euhedral crystals ofilmenite, ilmenite form microphenocryst and pink pyroxene (rarely up to
pyroxene, and plagioclase. This phases. This is at variance with lmm), and ilmenite (up to
basalt has an angular to blocky the initial description in the 1.4mm) dominate the sample.
shape with penetrative Apollo 17 Lunar Sample Rutile and chromite exsolution
fracturing, and was collected Information Catalog (1973), lamellae (< 0.005mm) are
from Station 1A. probably because of the common in ilmenite. Pyroxene

Figure 1: Hand specimea photograph of 71096,0.

SAMPLE 71096-232

and plagioclase are commonly compositions being in the cores high-Ti basalt (using the
intergrown in "bowtie" of grains. Pyroxene compositions classification of Rhodes et al.,
structures. Ilmenite-free armal- range from pigeonite to titan- 1976 and Warner et al., 1979),
colite inclusions (-0. lmm) are augite (Fig. 2), with zonation containing 13.0 wt% TiO2 (Table
found in pyroxene. Silica, native towards more Fe-rich composi- 1) with a MG# of 41.4. The REE
Fe, and troilite form interstitial tions. Al/Ti ratios are constant profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-
phases. Point counting reveals at -2, and Cr203 contents depleted, but with an overall
that 71096 is comprised of: decrease with decreasing pyrox- convex-upward shape. A
44.0% pyroxene; 24.6% ene MG#. Ilmenite exhibits a negative Eu anomaly is present
plagioclase; 21.3% ilmenite; wide range in compositions ([Eu/EU*]N = 0.51).
7.1% olivine; 1.3% native Fe and (MG# = 2-18) relative to
troilite; and 0.2% silica, armalcolite (MG# = 36-41),
with the greatest range occur- PROCESSING
The larger olivine phenocrysts ring between grains in both
exhibit some core-to-rim cases, rather than core-to-rim. Of the original 1.368g of
variation, but the greatest 71096,0, only 0.77g remains.
compositional variation is 0.6g was irradiated as 71096,5
between grains (Fo57.70). WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY for INAA; the irradiated sample
Plagioclase exhibits a relatively was then used in the preparation
large compositional range Neal et al. (1990) described of thin section 71096,4.
(An78.94) , with the most An-rich 71096 as a Type A Apollo 17

o Q
° o 0 71096o

0 o
o b
g ° °

En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71096 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

1_II I llill I ii

0 10

:S 1 = Neal et al. (1990)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiIe of 71096.
SAMPLE 71096-233

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71096.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

71096,5 71096,5

SiO 2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 13.0 Ni 30
A1203 7.91 Co 22
Cr203 0.232 V 105
FeO 19.9 Sc 79
MnO 0.258 La 6.13
MgO 7.9 Ce 26
CaO 9.9 Nd 23
Na20 0.36 Sm 9.10
K20 0.06 Eu 1.73
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.61
Nb (ppm) Dy 18.2
Zr 94 Er
Hf 8.38 Yb 8.84
Ta 2.02 Lu 1.30
U 0.23 Ga
Th 0.41 F
W C1
Sr 183 N
Rb H
Li He
Ba 66 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.36 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71097-235

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.355 g, 1.5 x I x 0.7 cm

INTRODUCTION (up to lmm) basalt, although silica; 0.5% spinel; and 0.5%
ilmenite phenocrysts (up to armalcolite.
71097 (Fig. 1) was described as a 1.2ram) are also present.
medium dark gray, medium- Plagioclase (up to 0.6ram), The largest olivines display
grained, microporphyritic basalt pyroxene (up to 0.4ram), and some core-to-rim zonation, but
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample ilmenite form the groundmass, the greatest variability is
Information Catalog, 1973). It Chromite and rutile exsolution between grains (Fo60-72).
contains several small vugs; one lamellae (< 0.005mm) are Plagioclase exhibits moderate
end of the specimen is a large present in ilmenite. Olivines compositional variation
rounded cavity surface, lined occasionally contain an (An75.88), with only minor core-
with ilmenite needles and coated overgrowth of pink pyroxene, to-rim zonation. The majority of
with a smooth, colorless glass. Ilmenites exhibit "sawtooth" pyroxenes are titan-augites,
This basalt has an angular margins. Ilmenite-free although occasional pigeonites
shape with some penetrative armalcolite inclusions (_0. lmm) are present (Fig. 2).
fracturing and was collected are present in pyroxene and Compositional intermediates
from Station 1A. Cr-ulvSspinel (~0.05ram) between these two compositions
inclusions are present in olivine, exist and limited Fe enrichment
Native Fe, troilite, and silica is noted. Alfri ratios are
PETROGRAPHY AND forminterstitial phases.Point constant at-2,and Cr203
MINERAL CHEMISTRY countingreveals that71097is contents decreasewith
comprisedof:43.9%pyroxene; decreasing pyroxeneMG#.
Nealetal.(1989)described 23.4%ilmenite; 23.1% Armalcolite andCr-ulvSspinel
71097asafine-grained, plagioclase; 6.8%olivine; 1.1% bothexhibit practically no
subvariolitic, olivine porphyritic nativeFeand troilite; 0.7% compositional variability

Figure I : Hand specimen photograph of 71097,0.

SAMPLE 71097-236

(MG# = 40-42 and 7-9, resp.).

Ilmenite displays a relatively WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY PROCESSING
large compositional variability
(MG# = 2-15), usually between Neal et al. (1990) described Of the original 1.355g of
grains. 71097 as a Type B2 Apollo 17 71097,0, approximately lg
high-Ti basalt. 71097 contains remains. 0.35g was irradiated as
12.0 wt% TiO2 (Table 1) with a 71097,4 for INAA, and 0.01g
ISOTOPES MG# of 38.9. The REE profile was used in the preparation of
(Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted, but thin section 71097,3.
Paces et al. (1991) reported with an overall convex-upward
Rb-Sr (Table 2) and Sm-Nd shape. A negative Eu anomaly
(Table 3) data for 71097,5. is present ([Eu]EU*]N = 0.53).
These analyses were part of a
larger study characterizing the
basalts at the Apollo 17 site.

0 0

0 0

0 °° O
00 0 0

71097 °
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 71097 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.
SAMPLE 71097 -237

mP---" S' 1_- I 1 1--1

_ 10 -

=E 1 = Neal et al. (1990)



1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71097.
SAMPLE 71097- 238

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71097.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

Sample 71097,4 Sample 71097,4

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.0 Ni 32
A1203 8.92 Co 21
Cr203 0.162 V 74
FeO 19.6 Sc 86
MnO 0.259 La 6.35
MgO 7.1 Ce 24
CaO 10.8 Nd 23
Na20 0.42 Sm 7.56
K20 0.06 Eu 1.56
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.07
Nb (ppm) Dy 14.6
Zr 158 Er
Hf 6.71 Yb 7.70
Ta 1.61 Lu 1.15
U 0.14 Ga
Th 0.47 F
W C1
Sr 88 N
Rb H
Li He
Ba 76 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.05 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71097 -239

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotopic data for 71097,5.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 0.293

Sr (ppm) 109
87Rb/86Sr 0.007747 + 77
87Sr]86Sr 0.699635 + 12
I(Sr)a 0.699218 + 16
TLuNIb(Ga) 5.4

aInitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 87Rb decay constant = 1.42x10-11yr-1.

bModel age relative to I(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974; Shih et al., 1986).
TLUNI ----1/)t *ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)87Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd isotopic data for 71097,5.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 6.61
Nd (ppm) 16.6
147Sm/144Nd 0.24141 + 48
143Nd]144Nd 0.514028± 12
I(Nd)a 0.508131 ± 24
_Nd(t) b 5.9--+ 0.5
TCHURC(Ga) 4.7

alnitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 147Sm decay constant = 6.54x10-12yr-1.
bInitial CNd calculated at 3.69 Ga using present-day chondritic values of 143Nd/144Nd --
0.512638 and 147Sm/144Nd : 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic values listed above.
TCHUR = 1/k*[((143Nd/144Nd - 0.512638)/(147Sm/144Nd - 0.1967)) + 1].
SAMPLE 71135 - 241

High-Ti Mare Basalt
36.85 g, 6 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION shape and was collected from and as such, 71135 was not
Station 1A. specifically mentioned.
71135 (Fig. 1) was described as a However, during the
intergranular, gray, preparation of this catalog, we
homogeneous basalt (Apollo 17 PETROGRAPHY AND examined thin sections 71135,17
Lunar Sample Information MINERAL CHEMISTRY and ,25. This basalt is medium-
Catalog, 1973). This basalt grained (0.8-1.3mm), containing
contains many zap pits on T (few 71135 was described pyroxene and plagioclase
with glass linings), with 1% petrographically by Brown et al. intergrown into "bowtie"
vesicles (2mm) and 5-10% vugs (1975ab) as a Type IB Apollo 17 structures. Massive pink
(up to 5mm). Some vugs are basalt, containing 24.8% pyroxene (up to 0.Smm) is
connected by vesicles and these opaques, 20.0% plagioclase, present, probably due to olivine
vesicles contain glass linings. 49.7% pyroxene, 1.2% silica, resorption, especially as some of
Vugs contain mainly plagioclase 4.3% mesostasis, and trace these pyroxene masses contain
with rare ilmenite plates and olivine. Brown et al. (1975ab) olivine cores. Occasionally,
needles. A few plagioclase described both the petrography chromite inclusions (< 0.01 mm)
crystals in some vugs are and mineral chemistry of71135 are present in the olivine.
columnar with stubby-ends, within the general confines of Ilmenite laths (up to 0.Smm) are
This basalt has an angular their petrographic classification, present with _'sawtooth"

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71135,0. Cubic scale = I cm3.

SAMPLE 71135-242

margins. Interstitial SiO2 10.74 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of and exposure ages (Arvidson et
(_0.15mm) is conspicuous, and 41.2. The REE profile (Fig. 2) is al., 1976; Niemeyer, 1977ab).
this, along with native Fe and LREE-depleted, but with an Arvidson et al. (1976)reported
troilite, form interstitial phases, overall convex-upward that 71135 possessed an
appearance. A negative Eu exposure age of 102 Ma and
Roedder and Weiblen (1977), anomaly is present ([Eu/Eu*]N Niemeyer (1977) reported an
Weiblen and Roedder (1976), = 0.50). Gibson et al. (1976a,b) exposure age ranging from
and Weiblen (1977) studied the reported sulfur abundances for 58-167 Ma, depending upon the
melt inclusions in the various 71135 (Table 1). The sulfur method used.
mineral phases of 71135. These abundance was determined as
authors concluded that the 1925 _ 20 l_g S/g.
liquid line of descent of this EXPERIMENTAL
basalt was complicated by late-
stage silicate-liquid ISOTOPES Usselman et al. (1975) reported
immiscibility of the residual cooling rates and
melt. These authors also noted Nyquist et al. (1975) determined experimentally produced
the presence of anomalous "low- the whole-rock Rb/Sr and textures for Apollo 17 high-Ti
K" melt inclusions in ilmenite. 87Sr]86Sr ratios for 71135 mare basalts. Using these
(Table 2). These authors noted experimental studies, a cooling
that the extreme requirements rate of 2-5°C/hr was deduced for
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY on analytical precision 71135.
prevented any definitive
The whole-rock major and trace conclusions being made on the
element chemistry of 71135 Sr isotope evolution of this PROCESSING
(Table 1) was reported by sample. No Sm-Nd or U/Th-Pb
Rhodes et al. (1976 - majors) and work has been undertaken on 71135,0 has been entirely
Shih et al. (1975 - traces). 71135. All other isotope work subdivided, with the largest
Rhodes et al. (1976) classified carried out on this sample has samples remaining being
71135 as a Type B Apollo 17 been concerned with the 71135,2 (13.12g) and 71135,15
high-Ti basalt; 71135 is further cosmogenic radionuclide (16.93g). 71135,5 was irradiated
classified as an Apollo 17 B1 abundances (Eldridge et al., for INAA. Six thin sections have
basalt using the criteria of Neal 1974ab; O'Kelley et al., 1974ab; been cut from 71135, these being
et al. (1990). 71135 contains Yokoyama et al., 1974 - Table 3) ,17 and ,25-,29.


lO 71135
_= 2 = Shihet al. (1975)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normatized rare-earth element profile of 71135. Data from Shih et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71135 -243

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71135.

Sample 71135,5 Sample 71135,5 Sample 71135,5 Sample 71135,5

Reference I Reference 2 Reference 1 Reference 2
Method X Method N,I Method X Method N,I

SiO2 (wt %) 39.71 Cu

TiO2 10.74 Ni
A1203 10.10 Co 17.5
Cr203 0.31 V
FeO 18.57 Sc 82.1
MnO 0.28 La 5.43
MgO 7.31 Ce 17.8
CaO 11.62 Nd 18.6
Na20 0.38 Sm 7.55
K20 0.05 0.031 Eu 1.56
P205 0.06 Gd 12.0
S 0.11 Tb

K (ppm) Dy 13.3
Nb Er 7.95
Zr 185 Yb 7.28
Hf Lu
Ta Ga
U 0.109 F
Th C1
Sr 143 H
Rb 0.354 He

Li 8.8 Ge (ppb)
Ba 61.4 Ir
Cs Au
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysis by: X = XFR; I = Isotope dilution; N = INAA.

References: 1 = Rhodes et al. (1976); 2 = Shih et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71135- 244

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotope date from 71135.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975).

Sample 71135,5

wt (rag) 50
Rb (ppm) 0.354
Sr (ppm) 143
87Rb/86Sr 0.0072 _ 3
878r/86Srb 0.69953 ___5

TB 4.2+0.6
TL 4.8+0.6

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI bias); C -- Model age assuming I =

0.69903 (Apollo 16 anorthosites at 4.6 Ga).

Table 3: Concentrations of Primordial Radioelements (Eldridge et al., 1974) and

Cosmogenic Radionuclides (O'Kelley et al., 1974)in 71135.
Cosmogenic Radionuclide Decay corrected to 2300 GMT, Dec. 14,1972.

Sample 71135,5

K (ppm) 350 - 40
Th (ppm) 0.60 + 0.05
U (ppm) 0.14_+0.03
Th]U 4.3
K/U 2214

26A1 (dpm/Kg) 80 _+6

22Na 95 _+7
54Mn 140 _+15
56Co 290 + 50
46Sc 70 + 30
SAMPLE 71136 - 245

High-Ti Mare Basalt
25.39 g, 4 x 2 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION transparent and probably vapor finding it to be a medium-

grown. There is a small grained (0.8-1.5mm) ilmenite
71136 (Fig. 1) was described as a percentage of a blood-red basalt. "Bowtie" intergrowths
gray, homogeneous, mineral in these vugs, which is (up to 1.5mm) of pyroxene and
intergranular basalt (Apollo 17 probably spinel. Basalt 71136 plagioclase dominate. No olivine
Lunar Sample Information has an angular shape with is present. Ilmenite (up to 1 mm
Catalog, 1973). It contains zap penetrative fracturing, and was long) exhibits "sawtooth"
pits on all surfaces except B and collected from Station 1A. margins. No armalcolite or
20% rugs (up to 20 mm) lined spinel was noted. Silica, native
with crystals. 1% rounded Fe, and troilite form interstitial
vesicles open into vugs. These PETROGRAPHY AND phases.
vugs are lined with crystals of MINERAL CHEMISTRY
plagioclase, ilmenite, pyroxene,
and olivine. Plagioclase in The petrography and mineral WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
places makes long columnar chemistry of71136 has only
needles with their stubby ends been briefly discussed by Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
in the vugs. Such plagioclases Warner et al. (1975). During the et al. (1975) analyzed 71136,1
are 0.1mm in cross section and preparation of this catalog, we and 71136,3, respectively, for
up to 10mm long. They are examined thin section 71136,8, major and trace elements

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71136,0, bottom surface. Cubic scale = lcm3.
SAMPLE 71136-246

(Table 1). Rhodes et al. (1976) (Eu/Eu*)N of 0.51 for the abundances (Table 3} in 71136
classified 71136 as a Type B negative Eu anomaly. Gibson et (Eldridge et al., 1974a,b;
Apollo i7 high-Ti basalt, al. (1976a,b) reported whole- O'Kelley et al., 1974a,b;
containing 11.12 wt% TiO2 rock sulfur abundances of Yokoyama et al., 1974).
(identical to the result of Warner 1720 -__*_
60 lag S/g with an
et al., 1975 - Table 1) with a equivalent wt% Feo of 0.114 for
MG# of 40.5. 71136 can be 71136. PROCESSING
further classified as a Type B2
Apollo 17 basalt using the Of the original 25.39g of
criteria of Neal et al. (1990). ISOTOPES 71136,0, approximately 23.1 g
The REE profile (Fig. 2) is remains. 1.37g of 71136,1 is the
LREE-depleted, but with an Nyquist et al. (1976ab) reported largest subsample. Three thin
overall convex-upward the whole-rock Sr isotope sections were taken: 71136,8
appearance. Both analyses composition of71136 (Table 2). and ,9 from 71136,5; 71136,11
(Warner et al., 1975; Rhodes et Other isotope work has from 71136,3.
al., 1976) are almost identical, concentrated on cosmogenic and
and both give the same primordial radionuclide

100 J , I I , I J J I ,

10 -
._ 1 = Rhodes et al. (1976)
2 Warner et al. (1975)

I I I I I I I I I I 1
1 La Ce Nd Srn Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth elernent plots for 71136. Data from Warner et al. (1975)
and R hodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 71136 - 247

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71136.

Sample 71136,1 Sample 71136,3 Sample 71136,1 Sample 71136,3

Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference I Reference 2
Method X,I,N Method N Method X,I,N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) 40.30 Cu

TiO 2 11.12 11.1 Ni

A1203 10.21 10.9 Co 15.7 15.9
Cr203 0.28 0.296 V 89
FeO 18.44 19.3 Sc 82 87
MnO 0.28 0.224 La 5.72 5.9

MgO 7.03 7.5 Ce 19.0

CaO 11.73 11.4 Nd 19.8

Na20 0.37 0.374 Sm 7.94 8.0

K20 0.03 0.05 Eu 1.63 1.70
P205 0.06 Gd 12.3
S 0.17 Tb

K (ppm) Dy 14.0 15
Nb Er 8.34
Zr Yb 7.65 7.9
Hf 6.8 Lu 1.07 1.1
Ta Ga
Th C1
Sr 147 H
Rb 0.40 He
Li 8.4 Ge (ppb)
Ba 65.9 Ir
Cs ku
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysis by: X = XFR; I = Isotope dilution; N = INAA.

References: 1 --- Rhodes et al. (1976); 2 = Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71136-248

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotope date from 71136.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975).

Sample 71136,1

wt (mg) 54
Rb (ppm) 0.397
Sr (ppm) 147
87Rb/86Sr 0.0078 - 3
87Sr/86Srb 0.69959 - 5
TB 4.38±0.62
TL 4.99 ± 0.64

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias); C = Model age assuming I =
0.69903 (Apollo 16 anorthosites at 4.6 Ga).

Table 3: Concentrations of Primordial Radioelements (Eldridge et al., 1974) and

Cosmogenic Radionuclides (O'Kelley et al., 1974) in 71136.
Cosmogenic Radionuclide Decay corrected to 2300 GMT, Dec. 14,1972.

Sample 71136

K (ppm) 370± 100

Th (ppm) 0.46 ± 0.06
U (ppm) 0.22 ± 0.05
Th]U 2.1
K/U 1680

26A1 (dpm]Kg) 90 ± 8
22Na 93 ± 9
54Mn 160 ± 60
56Co 300 ± 70
46Sc 70 + 30
SAMPLE 71155 - 249

High-Ti Mare Basalt
26.15 g, 5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION surfaces are freshly broken. This mineralogy was reported,

sample has an irregular shape demonstrating that 71155 is
71155 (Fig. 1) was described as a and was collected from Station comprised of 6.1% olivine, 18.4%
dark gray, intergranular basalt 1A. opaques, 23.3% plagioclase,
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample 49.3% ctinopyroxene, and 2.9%
Information Catalog, 1973). It silica. Also, the composition of a
contains a few zap pits on S, E, PETROGRAPHY AND "new" Zr-rich mineral found in
W, and T. Approximately 30% MINERAL CHEMISTRY 71155 was reported by these
cavities are present, about 55% authors (Table 1).
of which are rugs (up to 5ram) Brown et al. (1975ab) described
and 45% are vesicles (up to 71155 as a Type IA Apollo 17 During the preparation of this
3ram). Vesicles are particularly ilmenite basalt in their catalog, we examined thin
abundant on B and W. Some petrographic classification, sections 71155,28 and ,29.71155
vesicles are lined with ilmenite Consequently, the petrography is a fine-grained (0.1-0.2mm)
and some with all minerals of and mineral chemistry are only basalt containing olivine (up to
this rock. Metal spherules are described within the general 0.4ram) and ilmenite (up to lmm
present in a few vesicles. About confines of this classification, long). Ilmenite exhibits
the top third of N and all of B and only the range in olivine "sawtooth" margins. Cr-
and S display discoloration and composition has been reported ulv6spinel is usually present
rounding of the edges. All other (Fo67.74). However, the modal (~0.1mm) as inclusions in olivine,

_i_,, _iiiii_i<_<ii:)i
_ _i'
Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71155,0, from which two pieces have broken off.
Cubic scale -- lcm3.
SAMPLE 71155-250

occasionally rimmed by ilmenite basalt using the criteria of Neal section 71155,33 taken from this
(El Goresy et al., 1977). Discrete et al. (1990). The REE profile sub-sample. Other thin sections
Cr-ulvSspinels are also present, (Fig. 2) is LREE-depleted, with (71155,28-30) were taken from
agai n displaying ilmenite rims approximately constant HREE 71155,3.
(El Goresy et al., 1977). The abundances at 30-35 times
reverse zoning of these spinets chondrite values. A negative Eu Table 1: The Zr-rich mineral
was attributed to subsolidus anomaly is present ([Eu]EU*]N found in 71155,30.
equilibration with ilmenite by = 0.52). Determination of other Data from Brown et al. (1975).
E1 Goresy et al. (1977). Pyroxene radionuclide abundances have

and plagioclase are intergrown been made by Fruchter et al. 71155,30

into "bowtie" structures. Silica, (1975) and LSPET (1973).
native Fe, and troilite form
interstitial phases. SiO2 (wt %) 0.47
A1203 0.39
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY All isotopic studies undertaken
on 71155 to date have centered FeO 2.78
The major and trace element on the cosmic-ray induced MnO 0.34
chemistry (Table 2) of the same radionuclides (LSPET, 1973; MgO 0.12
sub-sample was reported by Ma Keith et al., 1974ab; Rancitelli
et al. (1979) and Warner et al. et al., 1974ab; Yokoyama et al., CaO 0.79
(1979). Rancitelli et al. (1974) 1974). These data are presented Na20 0.02
reported the major element in Table 3. ZrO2 85.10
composition of 71155. Warner et
al. (1979) described 71155 as a Cr203 0.26
Type B Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, PROCESSING Y203 1.74
containing 10.1 wt% TiO2 with a Nb203 0.20
MG# of 42.7. However, Of the original 26.15g of
Rancitelli et al. (1974) reported 71155,0, a total of 21.88g RE203 1.52
a TiO2 content of 13.00 wt% and remains. 71155,31 was HfO2 0.81
a MG# of 43.6. 71155 is further irradiated for INAA and thin TOTAL 100.10
classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17

100 ,, , ,,,,, , ,,

I-'" _ 1 1 1_- 1

lO 71.155
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
¢n & Ma et al. (1979)

I I I f I I I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd To Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element plot for 71155. The same analysis was reported by
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979).
SAMPLE 71155-251

Table 2: Whole-rock chemistry of 71155.

Sample 71155,31 Sample 71155,0

Ref. 1 Ref. 2
Method N Method X

SiO2 (wt %) 37.19

Ti02 101 130
A1203 9.2 8.68
Cr203 0.488
FeO 19.1 19.67
MnO 0.246 0.28
MgO 8 8.53
CaO 10.8 10.43
Na20 0.353 0.32
K20 0.048 0.036
P205 0.092
S 0.18
Nb (ppm)
Hf 6.3
Ta 1.3
Co 23
V 118
Sc 81
La 5.6
Ce 21
Nd 23
SAMPLE 71155-252

Table 2: (Concluded).

Sample 71155,31 Sample 71155,0

Ref. 1 Ref. 2
Method N Method X

Sm 8.1
Eu 1.49
Tb 1.8
Dy 12
Yb 6.9
Lu 0.97
Ge (ppb)

References: 1 = Warner et al. (1979); 2 = Rancitelli et al. (1974).

Analysis by: N = INAA, X = XRF.
SAMPLE 71155-253

Table 3: Concentrations of Primordial Radioelements and Cosmogenic Radionuclides in 71155.

Cosmogenic Radionuclide Decay corrected to 2300 GMT, Dec. 14,1972.

Sample 71155,0 71155,0 71155 71155,0 71155,0

Ref. 1 2 3 4 4

K(ppm) < 450

K (%) 0.045 _ 0.012 0.040_ 0.003 < 0.030 0.039 _ 0.003

Th (ppm) 0.29±0.05 0.29±0.05 0.31±0.06 0.29±0.05 0.31---0.08
U (ppm} 0.13+-0.02 0.13±0.02 0.118±0.017 0.13±0.02 0.109_+0.018
Th/U 2.20 ± 0.51 2.23 2.6 2.2 ± 0.5 2.8 ± 0.9
K/U 3460__ 1070 < 3460 3400 3600 ± 700

26Al(dpnYKg) 105 ± 4 105 ± 8 105 ± 4 93 ± 17

22Na 112_+4 119+- 11 112+-4 112±24
54Mn 227 ± 30 160 ± 20 227 ± 40 160 ± 80
56Co 310±20 310±50 310±20 280___70
6OCo < 4.4 <4
468c 80±4 81___7 80±4 81±7
48V < 60

References: 1 = Fruchter et al. (1975); 2 = Rancitelli et al. (1974); 3 = Keith et al. (1974); 4 = Apollo 17
Preliminary Science Report (1973).
SAMPLE 71156-255

High-Ti Mare Basalt
5.42 g, 2.2 x 1.5 x I cm

INTRODUCTION described by Warner et al. HREE abundances approxi-

(1979), but within the general mately constant at 40-45 times
71156 (Fig. 1) was described as confines of their whole-rock chondritic values (Fig. 2). A
medium dark gray, intergranu- classification. Consequently, negative Eu anomaly is present
lar, homogeneous basalt (Apollo this basalt was not specifically ([Eu]Eu*]N = 0.53).
17 Lunar Sample Information mentioned. No thin section of
Catalog, 1973). It contains 71156 was available for our
many zap pits on all surfaces, study during the preparation of PROCESSING
except T. Approximately 1-2% this catalog.
vugs are present, all lmm in Of the original 5.42g of 71156,0,
diameter. This basalt has a a total of 5.11g remains. 71156,1
blocky, subrounded shape with WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY was irradiated for INAA, and
"lumpy" surfaces except T which thin section 71156,4 was taken
is smooth. 71156 was collected Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et from this sub-sample.
from Station 1A. al. (1979) reported the same
whole-rock analysis for 71156
(Table 1). Warner et al. (1979)
PETROGRAPHY AND classified 71156 as a Type A
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt,
containing 12.3 wt% TiO2 (Table
The petrography and mineral 1) with a MG# of 43.5. The REE
chemistry of 71156 was profile is LREE-depleted, with

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71156,0, bottom surface, and 71156,1. Cubic scale = l cm3.
SAMPLE 71156-256

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71156.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

71156,1 71156,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.3 Ni
A1203 8.7 Co 18
Cr203 0.435 V 103
FeO 18.5 Sc 79
MnO 0.242 La 6.6
MgO 8 Ce 25
CaO 10.4 Nd 27
Na20 0.395 Sm 10.4
K20 0.068 Eu 2.01
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.7
Nb (ppm) Dy 18
Zr Er
Hf 8.8 Yb 9.9
Ta 2.0 Lu 1.39
U Ga
Th F
W Ci
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysisby:N = INAA.
SAMPLE 71156 - 257

100 I I I ! I I I I I I I

_" 1 1 %"--t

10 -
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
& Ma et al. (1979)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element piots for 71156. The same analysis was reported by
Ma et aI. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979).

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.466 g, 1.2 x 1 × 0.8 cm

INTRODUCTION compositional differences high-Ti basalt, on the basis of

between olivine grains (Fo63.75). the whole-rock classification of
71157 was described as a dark The plagioclase laths are too Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
gray, blocky, aphanitic to small to probe. Pyroxene et al. (1979), and 71157 can be
vitrophyric basalt (Apollo 17 compositions vary little (Fig. 1), further classified as a Type B2
Lunar Sample Information but are distinct in that the Al/Ti Apollo 17 basalt using the
Catalog, 1973). It contains a few ratio is not constant (> 2; Fig. 2) criteria ofNeal et al. (1990).
zap pits and 2-5% vugs < lmm). There is also little variation of This sample contains 12.6 wt%
This basalt has a blocky to Cr20 3 contents. Armalcolite TiO2 with a MG# of 40.9. The
subangular shape with a few exhibits the greatest composi- REE profile (Fig. 3) is LREE
penetrative fractures. 71157 was tionat range of the opaque depleted with a negative Eu
collected from Station 1A. phases (MG# = 37-50). Much of anomaly [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.53].
this variation is between grains, The HREE are approximately
although moderate core-to-rim constant at 32-35 times
PETROGRAPHY AND zonation is observed. Chromite- chondritic values.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ulv6spinel grams exhibit little
zonation [100*(Cr/(Cr +At)) =
Neal et al. (1989a) described 67-69; MG# = 15-17]. Ilmenite PROCESSING
71157 as a olivine porphyritic is usually homogeneous, most of
vitrophyre, containing 2.7% the compositional variability Of the original 1.466g of
olivine, 27.9% pyroxene, 7.2% being between grains (MG# = 71157,0, approximately lg
plagioclase, 13.7% ilmenite, 8-13). remains. 0.41g was used for
7:5% armalcolite, 2.5% INAA and 0.01g used in the
ulv6spinel, 1.1 native Fe and preparation of thin section
troilite, and 37.4% opaque glass. WHOLE ROCK CHEMISTRY 71157,4.
Olivine exhibits minor to
moderate core-to-rim zonation Neal et al. (1989b) described
(up to 8 Fo units) with slight 71157 as a Type B Apollo 17

Di/ Hd

En Fs
Figure 1: Pyroxene quadrilateral demonstrating the restricted compositional range of high-Ca pyroxene in
thin section 71157,4.
SAMPLE 71157 - 260



' I I

Figure 2: Al versus Ti for pyroxenes from 71157,4. Note the deviation from the typical Apollo 17 high-Ti
basalt Al/Ti ratio of-2.

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -

10 -
1 = Neal et al. (1990)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element plot for 71157. Data from Neal et al. (1990).
SAMPLE 71157 -261

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71157.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

Sample 71157,5 Sample 71157,5

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.6 Ni 16
A1203 8.46 Co 22
Cr203 0.191 V 114
FeO 19.5 Sc 84
MnO 0.259 La 5.20
MgO 7.5 Ce 18
CaO 10.7 Nd 21
Na20 0.36 Sm 6.24
K20 0.03 Eu 1.40
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.50

Nb (ppm) Dy 12.6
Zr 274 Er
Hf 6.14 Yb 6.84
Ta 1.44 Lu 1.00
U Ga
Th 0.49 F
W C1
Sr 138 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 82 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.34 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N -- INAA.

SAMPLE 71175-263

High-Ti Mare Basalt
207.8 g, 8 x 5 x 4 cm

INTRODUCTION only rare zap pits (on T) and 5- crystal growth along fractures
10% miarolitic cavities (1-8mm emanating from pipe-like
71175 (Fig. 1) was described as a diam) which have irregular cavities. Two small fragments
medium gray, subangular, distributions and shapes. These can be re-mated to the largest
equigranular basalt (Apollo 17 cavities rarely contain euhedrai piece and have typical outer and
Lunar Sample Information minerals. The surface of the fresh surfaces and mineral
Catalog, 1973). All surfaces are cavities is like the surface of the percentages. This basalt has a
dusty except where fragments rock. Some cavities are tabular, subangular shape with a few
have broken off. 71175 contains There is some suggestion of non-penetrative and penetrative

:: ::: "_*,C° )3
Figure i : Hand specimen photograph of71175,0 showing both north and top surtaces. Cubic scale = lcm3.
SAMPLE 71175 - 264

fractures. 71175 was collected section 71175,39, finding it to be content of 12.7 and 13.08 wt%,
from Station 1A. a coarse-grained (0.5-2mm) sub- respectively, with MG#'s of 46.8
ophitic to plagioclase-poikilitic and 47.0, respectively. The
basalt (Fig. 2). Olivine is rare, REE profiles are similar in that
PETROGRAPHY AND forming the rounded cores of the they are both LREE-depleted
MINERAL CHEMISTRY larger pyroxenes. Interstitial, with linear HREE abundances
blocky ilmenite overlays a iFig. 3), with the highest
Brown et al. (1975) described network ofplagioclase and normalized REE abundances
71175 as a Type IB Apollo 17 pyroxene (px> plag). Rutile being in the MREE. The
basalt, containing 1.7% olivine, and chromite exsolution is analysis of Rhodes et al. (1976)
19.4% opaques, 27.1% abundant in the ilmenites and contains the highest REE
plagioclase, 50.2% Fe-Metal and troilite (up to abundances. Both profiles
clinopyroxene, and 1.6% silica. 0.2mm) is occasionally contain negative Eu anomalies
Brown et al. (1975) do not associated with ilmenite. No [(Eu]Eu*)N = 0.5-0.6|. Rhodes
specifically mention either the armalcolite was found, et al. (1976) described 71175
mineral relations or mineral Interstitial SiO2 (up to 0.8mm) as a Type A Apollo 17 basalt.
chemistry of71175 within their is conspicuous. Gibson et al. (1976) analyzed
general petrographic 71175 for sulphur abundance
descriptions. However, Roedder and reported 1685 ± 30 pgS/g
and Weiblen (1975) reported the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY with an equivalent wt% Feo of
compositions of anomalous "low- 0.182.
K" silicate melt inclusions in The whole-rock chemistry of
ilmenite from 71175. 71175 has been reported by Eldridge et al. (1974) reported
Warner et al. (1975) and the primordial radioelement
During the preparation of this Rhodes et al. (1976) (Table 1). concentrations of71175
catalog we examined thin These authors quote a TiO 2 (Table 1). These authors also

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71175,36 dominated by plagioclase, pyroxene, and ilmenite in a sub-ophitic

to plagiocIase poikilitic texture. Field of view = 2.6 ram.
SAMPLE 71175-265

100 ' ' , , , , , , , , ,

=E 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
m 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

I I I I I ! I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plots for 71175. Data from Warner et al. (1975) and
Rhodes et al. (1976).

reported a Th/U ratio of 3.5 and O'Kelley et al. (1974) reported (2.93g), ,2 (1.53g), and ,8 (1.36g).
a K/U ratio of 5090 for this the cosmogenic radionuclide Five thin sections have been
sample, concentrations of71175 made - ,33-36 and ,39.
(Table 3).

Nyquist et al. (1976) reported
the whole-rock Rb-Sr isotopic Of the original 207.8g of
composition of71175 (Table 2). 71175,0, approximately 187.8g
No age determination was remains. Other large (> lg)
conducted by these authors, sub-samples are ,1 (11.93g), ,4
SAMPLE 71175-266

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71175.

Sample 71175,9 Sample 71175,2 Sample 71175

Ref. 1 Ref. 2 Ref. 3
Method N Method X,I,N Method G

SiO2 (wt %) 37.93

TiO2 12.7 13.08
AI203 9.1 8.47
Cr203 0.506 0.54
FeO 20.5 19.37
MnO 0.238 0.28

MgO 10.1 9.63

CaO 9.2 9.79

Na20 0.387 0.38

K20 0.059 0.04
P205 0.04
S 0.16

K(ppm) 552 560 ± 28

Hf 8.9
U 0.11+0.01
Th 0.39_+0.02
Sr 184
Rb 0.59
Li 10.0
Ba 78.5
Co 21.7 17.6
V 122
Sc 78 77
La 5.0 6.43
Ce 22.3
Nd 24.7
SAMPLE 71175-267

Table h (Concluded).

Sample 71175,9 Sample 71175,2 Sample 71175

Ref. 1 Ref. 2 Ref. 3
Method N Method X,I,N Method G

Sm 8.0 10.3
Eu 1.89 2.08
Gd 15.7
Dy 14 18.0
Er 11.0
Yb 8.3 9.69
Lu 1.2 1.52
Ge (ppb)

References: 1 = Warner et al. (1975); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976); 3 = Eldridge et al. (1974).
Analysis by: X = XRF; I = Isotope dilution; N = INAA; G = Gamma-ray spectroscopy.
SAMPLE 71175-268

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotope data from 71175.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).


wt(mg) 51
Rb (ppm) 0.587
Sr (ppm) 184
87Rb/s6Sr 0.0092___ 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69971 ± 6

TB 4.62+0.60
TL 5.13+---0.60

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias); C = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites at 4.6 Ga).

Table 3: Concentrations of Cosmogenic Radionuclides

(O'Kelley et al., 1974) in 71175.
Cosmogenic Radionuclide Decay corrected to
2300 GMT, Dec 14,1972


26A1 (dpm/Kg) 60 ± 3
22Na 68 q- 4
54Mn 125 ± 8
56Co 120 ± 30
46Sc 43 ± 12

High-Ti Mare Basalt
29.45 g, 3.2 × 2.5 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION fractures and was collected from and found it to be a fine-grained

Station 1A. (0.1-0.3mm) basalt dominated
71505 has been described as a by interlocking, poorly
dense, ilmenite-rich basalt with crystallized "sheaves" of
a very fine-grained groundmass PETROGRAPHY AND plagioclase and pyroxene
(Fig. 1) containing acicular MINERAL CHEMISTRY (Fig. 2). Corroded skeletal
plagioclase. It is a dark gray, olivine microphenocrysts (up to
subangular-blocky, The petrography and mineral 2mm) are abundant and contain
intergranular, microporphyritic chemistry of 71505 has been small (_0.005mm) euhedral
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample described only within general chromite inclusions. Occasional
Information Catalog, 1973). terms by Warner et al. (1979); acicular plagioclase laths attain
71505 contains a few zap pits on compositions and textures were lmm. Ilmenite is interstitial to
all faces, the fewest being on B, not specifically mentioned. Ma the plagioclase and pyroxene
and a few small vesicles are et al. (1979) classified 71505 as "bow-tie" structures as well as
present. The surface is partially an olivine-microporphyritic the olivine microphenocrysts.
coated with reddish soil and ilmenite basalt. During the These ilmenites reach up to
small patches of dark glass. It preparation of this catalog, we 2mm long and have "sawtooth"
contains a few nonpenetrative examined thin section 71505,5 margins (Fig. 2). Ilmenite is also

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71505,0 showing the north surface. Cubic scale = I cm3.
SAMPLE 71505 - 270

a groundmass phase. No rutile Warner et ah (1979) classified

or chromite exsolution is 71505 as a Type B Apollo 17 PROCESSING
witnessed in these ilmenites and high-Ti basalt. Using the
no armalcolite or interstitial criteria of Neal et ah (1990), Of the original 29.45g of
SiO2 was found. Native Fe and further classified as a 71505,0, approximately 26.91g
troilite (< 0.1mm) are either Type B2 Apollo 17 basalt. It remains. 71505,1 weighs 2g and
associated with ilmenite or are contains 10.5 wt% TiO2 ,2 was irradiated for INAA and
interstitial phases. (Table 1) with a MG# of 39.4. thin section 71505,5 was taken
71505 is a LREE-depleted basalt from this sample.
containing a negative Eu
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY anomaly [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.57].
The HREE are constant at ~33
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et times chondritic abundances
al. (1979) reported the same INA (Fig. 3).
whole-rock analysis for 71505.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71505,5 demonstrating a variolitic to sub-variolitic texture, with a large

skeletal olivine phenocryst at the top. Field of view = 2.5 mm.
SAMPLE 71505-271

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 10 -
..J 71505
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
_n & Ma et al. (1979)

I I I I I I I I I I t
1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite.normalized rare-earth element plot for 71505. The same analysis was reported by
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979).
SAMPLE 71505-272

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71505.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 71505,2 Sample 71505,2

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 10.5 Ni
A1203 9.6 Co 18
Cr203 0.306 V 87
FeO 19.2 Sc 86
MnO 0.252 La 5.9

MgO 7 Ce 21
CaO 10.3 Nd 22
Na20 0.367 Sm 7.8
K20 0.048 Eu 1.57
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 6.9 Yb 7.6
Ta 1.6 Lu 1.09
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA,

SAMPLE 71506-273

High-Ti Mare Basalt
12.11g, 3x2x 1.5cm

INTRODUCTION described only in general terms from 71505 by the presence of an

by Warner et al. (1979); opaque interstitial glass.
71506 was described as a compositions and textures were
medium gray, intergranular, not specifically mentioned. Ma
microporphyritic to porphyritic et al. (1979) classified 71506 as WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample an olivine-microporphyritic
Information Catalog, 1973). It ilmenite basalt. During the Both Ma et al. (1979) and
contains many zap pits which preparation of this catalog, we Warner et al. (1979) reported the
are glass lined on all surfaces examined thin section 71506,4. same INA whole-rock analysis
except B which is a fresh 71506 is a fine-grained (0.1- for 71506,1. Warner et al. (1979)
fracture (Fig. la). 0.3mm) basalt with a described 71506 as a Type B
Approximately 1% of small, groundmass dominated by Apollo 17 basalt containing 10.7
irregular cavities are present, poorly crystallized "bow-tie" wt% TiO2 (Table 1) with a MG#
some containing small structures of plagioclase and of 39. It is further classified as a
groundmass crystal pyroxene (Fig. 2). Corroded Type B2 Apollo 17 basalt using
terminations, but none with olivine phenocrysts (up to 2mm) the criteria of Neal et al. (1990).
euhedral crystals. The fresh are present and contain The REE profile (Fig. 3) is
fracture face is in part a shallow euhedral chromite inclusions LREE-depleted with a negative
vuggy depression. A few small, (_0.01mm). Ilmenite forms a Eu anomaly [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.57].
thin veinlets of light yellow to microphenocryst/phenocryst There is a slight decrease in the
greenish glass cut across the phase (up to 2mm) as well as a HREE abundances (relative to
fresh surface. 71506 has a groundmass phase. It is chondrites) compared to the
rounded appearance (Fig. lb) interstitial with the plagioclase- MREE (Fig. 3).
with no fractures. It was pyroxene "bow-tie" structures
collected from Station 1A. and olivine phenocrysts (Fig. 2).
No rutile or chromite exsolution PROCESSING
was observed in the ilmenite and
PETROGRAPHY AND no armalcolite or SiO2 was Of the original 12.11 g of
MINERAL CHEMISTRY present. Native Fe and troilite 71506,0, a total of 11.7g
are either associated with remains. 71506,1 was irradiated
The petrography and mineral ilmenite or form interstitial for INAA and thin section ,4 was
chemistry of 71506 has been phases. 71506 is distinguished taken from this sample.
SAMPLE 71506-274

! ii_ ¸¸¸:i!!

lb: Top surface.

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 71506. Cubic scale = lcm3.

SAMPLE 71506-275

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71506,4 demonstrating subhedral olivine phenocrysts and ilmenite with
sawtooth margins. An overall sub-variolitic texture predominates. Field of view -- 2.5 ram.

100 . ' ; ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' '

uJ _......._ -\ /---r_1 1 ---1

0 10 -
,-I 71506
=E 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
u} & Ma et al. (1979)

I I I t I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot for 71506. The same analysis was reported by
Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979).
SAMPLE 71506 - 276

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71506.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 71506,1 Sample 71506,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 10.7 Ni
A1203 10.0 Co 19
Cr203 0.353 V 106
FeO 19.5 Sc 85
MnO 0.266 La 6.1

MgO 7 Ce 23
CaO 11.6 Nd 22

Na20 0.376 Sm 8.1

K20 0.052 Eu 1.64
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.1
Nb (ppm) Dy 14
Zr Er
Hf 7.2 Yb 7.4
Ta 1.9 Lu 1.10
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71507 - 277

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.962 g, 3.5 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION a small pyroxene rim. Ilmenite

PETROGRAPHY AND (up to lmm) overlays this
71507 was described as a light MINERAL CHEMISTRY texture (Fig. 2). Interstitial SiO 2
reddish-gray, intergranular, is conspicuous. Native Fe and
medium-grained microdiabasic The petrography and mineral troilite are either interstitial or
basalt (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample chemistry of 71507 has been associated with ilmenite. An
Information Catalog, 1973). It described by Warner et al. interstitial opaque glass is also
contains a few zap pits on all (1978). During the preparation associated with ilmenite. No
surfaces, and the specimen is of this catalog, we examined rutile or chromite exsolution
partially dust coated on all thin section 71507,5 and found was observed in the ilmenite,
surfaces (Fig. 1), with fresh this to be a medium grained (0.2- and no armalcolite was found.
fractures on a small area of the 0.8mm) basalt with blocky
N face. Small, smooth vesicles plagioclase and pink pyroxenes.
and irregular vugs (1-3mm) are Occasionally, plagioclase and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
present throughout. This basalt pyroxene are intergrown into
has an irregular shape (Fig. 1) "bow-tie" structures (Fig. 2). Murali et al. (1977) have
and contains 1 or 2 penetrative Corroded olivines are present reported the whole-rock
fractures. It was collected from (_0.2mm) either forming the core composition of 71507,1 (Table 1).
Station 1A. to larger pyroxenes or just with It contains 13.2 wt% TiO2 with a

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71507,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71507-278

MG# of 44. Based on the whole- exhibits a (La/Sm)N ratio < 1

rock classification of Rhodes et the Ce analysis must be PROCESSING
al. (1976) and Warner et al. considerecl suspect (Fig. 3). A
(1979), plus the criteria of NeaI negative Eu anomaly is present Of the original a.962g of
et al. (1990), 71507 is classified (Fig. 3) [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.56]. The 71507,0, only 3.3g remains.
as a Type B2 Apollo 17 high-Ti HREE exhibit a variation 71507,1 was irradiated for
basalt. The REE profile is between 25 and 30 times INAA, and thin section ,5 was
LREE-depleted in that it chondritic values (Fig. 3). taken from this sample.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71507,5 demonstrating a texture varying between blocky and well-
crystallized to variolitic. Field of view = 2.5 ram.
SAMPLE 71507 - 279

100 ' ' ' , , , _ , , , ,

0 10 -
..I 71507
1 = Murali et al. (1977)


I l I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiIe of 71507. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71507-280

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71507.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71507,1 Sample 71507,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 13.2 Ni
A1203 8.6 Co 17.8
Cr203 0.435 V 113
FeO 20.6 Sc 81
MnO 0.253 La 5.2

MgO 9.1 Ce 26
CaO 10.3 Nd
Na20 0.39 Sm 6.4
K20 0.061 Eu 1.27
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 10
Zr Er
Hf 6.1 Yb 6.6
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.1
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au 4___1
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71508-281

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.423 g, 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION 71508 has a rhombic shape with Plagioclase and pyroxene are
rounded edges (Fig. 1) with intergrown as "bow-tie" struc-
71508 was described as a light fracturing which sheds a lot of tures, but there is also blocky,
reddish-gray, intergranular, grains. It was collected from pink pyroxene present. Some of
medium- to coarse-gl:ained, Station 1A. these blocky pyroxenes contain
microdiabasic basalt (Apollo 17 rounded olivine cores (_ 0.1 mm)
Lunar Sample Information which in turn contain euhedral
Catalog, 1973). Zap pits are PETROGRAPHY AND inclusions of chromite
present on most surfaces, but the MINERAL CHEMISTRY ( < 0.005mm). Ilmenite (up to
rock is too friable to preserve lmm) overlays the plagioclase
many pits. 50% small irregular Warner et al. (1978) have and pyroxene. Opaque intersti-
vugs riddle the N surface and reported the petrography and tial glass, native Fe, and troilite
appear to occur in the interior mineral chemistry of 71508. (the last two up to 0.2ram) are
layers parallel to this surface. During the preparation of this associated with ilmenite,
There is a partial soil coat on catalog we examined thin although native Fe and troilite
most surfaces (Fig. 1). No fresh section 71508,5 and found it to are also present as interstitial
exposures are present, except for be a fine- to medium- grained phases. Interstitial SiO2 (up to
broken areas around rugs. (0.2-0.5mm) sub-ophitic basalt. 0.3mm) is also present.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71508,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71508-282

(1976), 71508 is a Type A Apollo

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY 17 high-Ti basalt. It contains PROCESSING
12.1 wt%TiO2 withaMG#of
Murali et al. (1977) have 42.5. The REE profile is LREE- Of the original 3.423g of
reported the whole-rock depleted with a maximum 71508,0, a total of 1.89g
composition of 71508,1 (Table 1). abundances (relative to remains. 71508,1 was used for
Based on the whole rock chondrites) in the MREE [NAA and the thin section ,5
classification scheme of Rhodes (Fig. 2). A negative Eu anomaly taken from this irradiated
et al. (1976) and Warner et al. is present [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.54]. sample.

100 , , , , , , , , l , ,

0 10
,.J 71508
1 = Murali et al. (1977)

I I I I I I I I 1 I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71508. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71508-283

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71508.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

71508,1 71508,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 12.1 Ni
A1203 8.8 Co 17.0
Cr203 0.398 V 101
FeO 19.8 Sc 74
MnO 0.235 La 7.2

MgO 8.2 Ce 37
CaO 10.3 Nd

Na20 0.40 Sm 10.8

K20 0.077 Eu 2.12
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.8

Nb (ppm) Dy 19
Zr Er
Hf 9.3 Yb 10.0
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.26
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71509 - 285

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.69 g, 2 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION fragment before handling. This and found it to be dominated by

basalt was collected from plagioclase and pyroxene. It is a
71509 was described as a Station 1A. coarse-grained (up to 2mm)
variegated white to light brown, plagioclase-poikilitic basalt,
intergranular, homogeneous, containing interstitial, blocky
coarse-grained basalt (Apollo 17 PETROGRAPHY AND ilmenite (up to 2mm). No
Lunar Sample Information MINERAL CHEMISTRY olivine or armalcolite are
Catalog, 1973). It contains present, but interstitial SiO2 is
glomerophyric aggregates of The petrography and mineral conspicuous. Rutile and
pyroxene and ilmenite in a chemistry has been reported by chromite exsolution lamellae
white plagioclase matrix (Fig. Warner et al. (1976ab, 1978). ( < 0. lmm wide) are present in
la,b). The rock is too friable for Warner et al. (1975) described the ilmenite. Rare opaque
the preservation of zap pits and 71509 as a plagioclase-poikilitic glass is associated with
1% vesicles are exposed on a ilmenite basalt, but did not ilmenite. Native Fe and troilite
fresh fracture surface - none are elaborate and did not mention are either associated with the
on the original top or bottom, mineral chemistry. During the ilmenite or form _0. lmm
71509 has broken into three preparation of this catalog we interstitial phases.
pieces (Fig. lb), but was a flat examined thin section 71509,5

la: Cubic scale -- Icm 3.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photographs of 71509.

SAMPLE 71509-286

I b: Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photographs of 71509.

71509,1 was used for INAA, and

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY PROCESSING thin section ,5 was taken from
Of the original 1.69g of 71509,0, this irradiated sample.
Warner et al. (1975) reported the a total of 1.35g remains.
whole-rock composition of 71509
(given in Table 1). 71509,1
contains 13.7 wt% TiO2 with a 100 , , , , , , , , , , ,
MG# of 47.1. 71509 is classified

as a Type
basalt usingC Apollo 17 high-Ti
the whole-rock w _ f 1

classification of Rhodes et al. ---

(1976). The REE profile (Fig. 2)

is LREE-depleted with constant O
middle and heavy REE -r
o 10
abundances at ~43 times ,,I 71 509
chondritic levels. A negative Eu a.'J
anomaly is present [(Eu]EU*)N _ 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
= 0.5]. a_

I I I I I I I I I ; I
1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71509.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71509-287

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71509.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

71509,1 71509,1
Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 13.7 Ni
A1203 7.3 Co 24.5
Cr203 0.647 V 160
FeO 20.6 Sc 95
MnO 0.258 La 5.3
MgO 10.3 Ce
CaO 9.6 Nd
Na20 0.314 Sm 8.5
K20 0.054 Eu 1.62
P205 Gd
S Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 15
Zr Er
Hf Yb 9.3
Ta Lu 1.2
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = [NAA.

SAMPLE 71515-289

Glass-Bonded Agglutinate
1.635 g, 2 cm at longest

INTRODUCTION study of Apollo 17 rake samples.

PETROGRAPHY AND These authors described 71515
71515 was described as an MINERAL CHEMISTRY as a basalt-breccia. It contains
irregular, intergranular and 10.3 wt% TiO2 (Table 1) with a
friable, glass-bonded The mineralogy and MG# of 47.7. The REE profile is
agglutinate (Apollo 17 Lunar petrography of 71515 has been LREE-depleted with a maxi-
Sample Information Catalog, reported by Warner et al. (1978). mum in the MREE (Fig. 2). The
1973) (Fig. 1). Clasts are gray- No thin section was available HREE exhibit a steady decline
brown, whereas the glass is light during the preparation of this from the MREE, but are still
brown and vitreous. About eight catalog, present in greater abundances
fragments of fine-grained, (relative to chondrites) than the
coherent, annealed breccia, with LREE (Fig. 2). A negative Eu
brown fine-grained matrices and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY anomaly is present [(EuIEu*) N
small white clasts of shocked = 0.55].
plagioclase, are welded into an Warner et al. (1979b,c) included
aggregate by glass crusts and the glass composition of 71515 in
filaments. Fragments of basalt their study of Apollo 17 glasses PROCESSING
are also present in the and their relationship to known
aggregate. Some fragment lunar rock-types. However, the Of the original 1.635g of
surfaces exhibit micro- glass composition was not 71515,0, a total of 1.265g
slickensides, directly quoted. Laul et al. remains. 71515,1 was renum-
(1975b) reported the whole-rock bered to ,9001, and thin section
composition of 71515,0 in their ,4 was made from this sample.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71515,0. Note the glassy surface. Small divisions on scale
are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71515 - 290

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 715!5.

Data from Laul et al. (1975).

Sample 71515,0 Sample 71515,0

Method N Method N

Si02 (wt %) Cu
Ti02 10.3 Ni
A1203 11.2 Co 30.7
Cr203 0.458 V I00
FeO 18.2 Sc 67
MnO 0.222 La 6.9

MgO 9.3 Ce 23
CaO 10.4 Nd

Na20 0.37 Sm 8.7

K20 0.065 Eu 1.66
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.1

Nb (ppm) Dy 14
Zr Er
Hf 6.6 Yb 7.1
Ta 1.4 Lu 1.0
U Ga
Th F
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71515 -29t

100 I i I I I i I I I I I


0 10
,_1 71515
1 = Laul et al. (1975)

I I I I I I I I I I I i

1 La Co Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2." Chondrite-normalized rare-earth eIement plot of 71515. Data from Laul et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71525-293

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.9O g

INTRODUCTION ( < 0.05mm) (Fig. 1). Ilmenite et al. (1979), plus the criteria of
(up to lmm) is interstitial and is Neal et al. (1990), 71525 is
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" also present in the groundmass, classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
and "Table of Rake Samples" Armalcolite forms the cores to high-Ti basalt. This sample
some of the larger ilmenites, contains 12.9 wt% TiO2 with a
Rutile and chromite exsolution MG# of 41.3. The REE profile is
PETROGRAPHY AND lamellae are present in the LREE-depleted (Fig. 2) with a
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ilmenite. Opaque glass, native maximum in the MREE. The
Fe, and troilite are associated HREE gently decrease from the
The mineralogy and with ilmenite, although these MREE, but are still present in
petrography of 71525 was latter two minerals are also greater abundances (relative to
described by Warner et al. present as interstitial phases, chondrites) than the LREE
(1978). During the preparation Interstitial SiO2 is conspicuous. (Fig. 2). A negative Eu anomaly
of this catalog, we examined is present [(EuIEu*)N = 0.51.
thin section 71525,3 and found it
to be a fine- to medium-grained WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
basalt (0.1-0.5mm - Fig. 1). It is PROCESSING
comprised ofintergrown Murali et al. (1977) reported the
plagioclase and pyroxene "bow- whole-rock composition of Of the original 3.90g of 71525,0,
tie" structures, pink, blocky 71525,1 in a study of Apollo 17 a total of 3.51g remains.
pyroxene, and corroded olivines rake samples (Table 1). Based on 71525,1 was used for INAA and
(Fig. 1). The olivines contain the whole-rock classification of thin section ,3 was taken from
euhedral chromite inclusions Rhodes et ah (1976) and Warner this irradiated sample.

Figure 1 : Photomicrograph of 71525,3 showing olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts set in a sub-variolitic
matrix. Field of View = 2.5 ram.
SAMPLE 71525-294

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71525.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71525,1 Sample 71525,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.9 Ni
A1203 8.8 Co 20.5
Cr203 0.392 V 106
FeO 20.8 Sc 85
MnO 0.246 La 5.8

MgO 8.2 Ce 27
CaO 11.0 Nd

Na20 0.39 Sm 7.5

K20 0.053 Eu 1.43
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.1

Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 6.6 Yb 7.1
Ta 1.5 Lu 0.98
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au 2+ 1
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71525-295

0 10 -
.,J 71525
1 = Murali et al. (1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71525. Data from Murali et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71526-297

High-Ti Mare Basalt
12.91 g

INTRODUCTION equigranular olivine and

pyroxene (0.1-0.4mm) and the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" olivines exhibit no reaction rims
and "Table of Rake Samples", as ofpyroxene. Olivines do contain Murali et al. (1977) reported the
well as Fig. I. euhedral chromite inclusions whole-rock composition of
(< 0.05mm). Unoriented 71526,2 in a study of Apollo 17
ilmenite phenocrysts (up to rake samples (Table 1). Using
PETROGRAPHY AND 0.7mm) are present (Fig. 2), the classification scheme of
MINERAL CHEMISTRY exhibiting "sawtooth" margins. Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
Ilmenite is also a groundmass et al. (1979), plus the criteria of
Warner et al. (1978) reported the mineral along with plagioclase Neal et al. (1990), 71526 is
petrography and mineral and pink pyroxene. Plagioclase classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
chemistry of 71526. During the and pyroxene very rarely exhibit high-Ti basalt. This sample
preparation of this catalog we "bow-tie" intergrowths, contains 9.8 wt% TiO2 with a
examined thin section 71526,4 Interstitial glass, native Fe, and MG# of 38.4. Murali et al.
and found it to be a fine- to troilite are often associated with (1977) distinguished 71526 by
medium-grained sub-ophittc ilmenite. No armalcolite was its low V, Ti02, MgO, and Cr203
basalt (Fig. 2). It is comprised of identified, contents and suggests that it

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71526,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71526-298

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71526,4 showing iImenite phenocrysts with sawtooth margins and olivine
microphenocrysts set in a sub-variolitic matrix. Field of view = 2.5 mm.

formed part of a distinct

compositional group. The REE
profile is LREE-depleted (Fig. 3)
with approximately constant
middle and heavyREEabun- 100 , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
dances at 35 times chondritic
levels. A negative Eu anomaly is

present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.60]. _ fl___.._._,x //___. _ I-----t

•r 10
Of the original 12.91g of m 71526
71526,0, a total of 11.94g o.
remains. 71526,2 was used for _ 1 = Murali et al. (1977)
INAA, and thin section ,4 was
taken from this irradiated

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plol of 71526.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71526-299

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71526.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71526,2 Sample 71526,2

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 9.8 Ni
A1203 9.9 Co 16.7
Cr203 0.328 V 40
FeO 19.4 Sc 77
MnO 0.263 La 6.5

MgO 6.8 Ce 26
CaO 13.3 Nd

Na20 0.46 Sm 8.0

K20 0.055 Eu 1.65
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 6.5 Yb 7.8
Ta 1.6 Lu 1.22
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71527-301

High-Ti Mare Basalt

INTRODUCTION (0.7mm) phen0crysts are et ah (1976) and Warner et al.

present. Olivine exhibits minor (1979). This sample contains
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" resorption features at the 12.8 wt% TiO2 with a MG# of
and "Table of Rake Samples", as margins. No armalcolite is 48.0. The REE profile (Fig. 2) is
well as Fig. 1. present and ilmenite contains LREE-depleted with a
only minor rutile and chromite maximum in the MREE. The
exsolution lamellae. Native Fe HREE are more abundant
PETROGRAPHY AND and troilite (<0.1mm) are (relative to chondrites) than the
MINERAL CHEMISTRY usually associated with LREE. A negative Eu anomaly
ilmenite, is present [(Eu/Eu*) = 0.52].
Warner et al. (1978) described
the petrography and mineral
chemistry of 71527. During the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY PROCESSING
preparation of the catalog we
examined thin section 71527,3 Murali et al. (1977} reported the Of the original 2.19g of 71527,0,
and found it to be a fine- to whole-rock composition of approximately 2.04g remains.
medium-grained basalt. It is 71527,1 in a study of Apollo 17 71527,1 was used for INAA and
dominated by "bow-tie" rake samples (Table 1). 71527 is thin section ,3 was taken from
intergrowths ofplagioclase and classified as a Type A Apollo 17 this irradiated sample.
pyroxene (0.1-0.4mm). Ilmenite high-Ti basalt using the
(up to 0.8mm) and olivine classification scheme of Rhodes

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71527. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71527-302

100 , , , , , , , , , , i

0 10 -
..I 71527
=E 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

I I I 1 I I I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth etement plot of 71527. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71527 -303

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71527.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71527,1 Sample 71527,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.8 Ni
A1203 9.1 Co 17.0
Cr203 0.408 V 100
FeO 19.3 Sc 77
MnO 0.255 La 6.4
MgO 10.0 Ce 26
CaO 10.1 Nd
Na20 0.42 Sm 10.9
K20 0.066 Eu 2.05
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.8
Nb (ppm) Dy 17
Zr Er
Hf 9.1 Yb 9.7
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.23
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysisby: N = INAA.
SAMPLE 71528-305

High-Ti Mare Basalt
11.25 g

INTRODUCTION pink pyroxene and plagioclase armalcolite is present, but there

(occasionally intergrown to form is minor interstitial SiO2.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions .... bow-tie" structures). Corroded
and "Table of Rake Samples", as olivine phenocrysts (up to
well as Fig. 1. 0.6ram) are conspicuous (Fig. 2) WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
and rimmed by pink pyroxene.
These olivines contain euhedral Murali et al. (1977) reported the
PETROGRAPHY AND chromite inclusions < 0.005mm. whole-rock composition of
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Ilmenite phenocrysts are 71528,2 in a study of Apollo 17
present (up to lmm) with rake samples (Table 1). 71528 is
Warner et al. (1978) reported the "sawtooth" margins and blocky classified as a Type A Apollo 17
petrography and mineral ilmenite forms an interstitial high-Ti basalt, based on the
chemistry of 71528. During the groundmass phase (Fig. 2). whole-rock classification of
preparation of this catalog, we Opaque glass, native Fe, and Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
examined thin section 71528,4 troilite are associated with et al. (1979). This sample
and found it to be a fine- to ilmenite, although the latter two contains 10.9 wt% TiO2 with a
medium-grained (0.1-0.5mm) also form discrete interstitial MG# of 43.5. The REE profile
basalt. It is comprised of blocky, phases ( < 0.05mm). No (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted with a

• !!ii

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71528. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71528 - 306

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71528,4. Olivine and ilmenite microphenocrysts are set in a sub-variolitic to
blocky groundmass. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

maximum in the MREE. The 100 , , , , _ .... , ,

HREE are more abundant
(relative to chondrites) than the _-_ _1 1

LREE. A negative Eu anomaly m

is present [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.50].
o 10
-I 71528
Of the original 11.25g of o.
71528,0, a total of 9.46g _ 1 = Murali et al. (1977)
remains. 71528,1 weighs 1.46g, (o
and ,2 was used for INAA. The
thin section 71528,4 was taken
from the irradiated sample. I I I I I I r I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71528.

Date from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71528-307

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71528.

Data from Murali et al. (1977}.

Sample 71528,2 Sample 71528,2

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 10.9 Ni
A1203 9.2 Co 16.3
Cr203 0.330 V 71
FeO 19.2 Sc 76
MnO 0.248 La 6.7
MgO 8.3 Ce 34
CaO 11.0 Nd
Na20 0.43 Sm 11.3
K20 0.062 Eu 2.01
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.8
Nb (ppm) Dy 18
Zr Er
Hf 9.0 Yb 10.3
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.25
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs lr
Be Au 1.6_+0.5
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71529-309

High-Ti Mare Basalt
6.025 g

INTRODUCTION distributed) and blocky,

pink/brown pyroxenes (up to WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" 0.5mm). Corroded olivines,
and "Table of Rake Samples", as containing euhedral chromite Murali et al. (1977) reported the
well as Fig. 1. inclusions (< 0.05ram) and with whole-rock composition of
a mantle of pink pyroxene, are 71529,1 in a study of Apollo 17
present. Ilmenite phenocrysts rake samples (Table 1). Based on
PETROGRAPHY AND reach up to lmm long with the classifications of Rhodes et
MINERAL CHEMISTRY "sawtooth" margins and also al. (1976) and Warner et al.
form an interstitial groundmass (1979), 71529 is classified as a
Warner et al. (1978) reported the phase. Minor rutile and Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt.
petrography and mineral chromite exsolution in the This sample contains 11.9 wt%
chemistry of 71529. During the ilmenite was observed, but no TiO2 with a MG# of 43.1. The
preparation of this catalog we armalcolite was found. Opaque REE profile (Fig. 2) is LREE-
examined thin section 71529,4 glass, native Fe, and troilite are depleted with a maximum in the
and found it to be a fine- to associated with the ilmenite, MREE. The HREE are more
medium-grained (0.2-0.5ram) although the latter two minerals abundant (relative to
basalt. It is comprised of also form < 0.05mm interstitial chondrites) than the LREE. A
plagioclase-pyroxene "bow-tie" phases. Minor interstitial SiO2 negative Eu anomaly is present
intergrowths (unevenly is also present. [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.53].

..... ¸

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71529,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71529-310

100 I I I I I I I I I I I


0 10
.-I 71529
=E 1 = Murali et al. (1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71529. Data from Murali et al. (1977).


Of the original 6.025g of

71529,0, a total of
approximately 5.36g remains.
71529,1 was used for INAA and
the thin section ,4 was taken
from this irradiated sample.
SAMPLE 71529 -311

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71529.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71529,1 Sample 71529,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.9 Ni

A1203 8.7 Co 17.3

Cr203 0.400 V 94
FeO 19.8 Sc 79
MnO 0.242 La 6.8
MgO 8.4 Ce 39
CaO 11.2 Nd
Na20 0.42 Sm 11.2
K20 0.081 Eu 2.14
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 19
Zr Er
Hf 9.2 Yb 10.1
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.24
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au 1.9_+0.6
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71535-313

High-Ti Mare Basalt
17.71 g

INTRODUCTION but is also an interstitial criteria of Neal et al. (1990).

groundmass phase. Ilmenite This sample contains 11.7 wt%
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" phenocrysts possess "sawtooth" TiO2, with a MG# of 40.4. The
and "Table of Rake Samples", as margins. Occasional exsolution REE profile (Fig. 2) is LREE-
well as Fig. 1. lamellae of futile and chromite depleted, specifically it has
can be seen in the ilmenite. (La/Sm)N < 1. The elevated Ce
Minor opaque glass, native Fe abundance is suspect
PETROGRAPHY AND ( < 0. lmm), and troilite ( < considering the generally
MINERAL CHEMISTRY 0. lmm) are associated with smooth LREE depletion typical
ilmenite, although the latter two of Apollo 17 basalts. The HREE
Warner et al. (1978) reported the also occur as interstitial phases, are generally constant at 430
petrography and mineral Interstitial SiO2 is conspicuous, times chondritic abundances
chemistry of 71535. During the (Fig. 2). A negative Eu anomaly
preparation of this catalog, we is present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.56].
examined thin section 71535,4 WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
and found it to be a medium-
grained (0.3-0.7mm) basalt. It is Murali et al, (1977) reported the PROCESSING
comprised of interlocking whole-rock composition of
pink/brown pyroxene and 71535,1 in a study of Apollo 17 Of the original 17.71g of
plagioclase bordering upon sub- rake samples (Table 1). Sample 71535,0, a total of 17.13g
ophitic. Pyroxene is more 71535 is classified as a Type B2 remains. 71535,1 was used for
abundant, and some pyroxenes Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, based INAA, and the thin section ,4
exhibit undulose extinction. No on the whole-rock classification was taken from this irradiated
olivine or armalcolite is present, of Rhodes et al. (1976) and sample.
Ilmenite can reach up to 1.2mm Warner et al. (1979), plus the

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71535,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71535-314

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71535,

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71535,1 Sample 71535,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.7 Ni
A1203 8.6 Co 19.5
Cr203 0.350 V 90
FeO 19.7 Sc 80
MnO 0.417 La 5.2
MgO 7.5 Ce 28
CaO 10.5 Nd
Na20 0.42 Sm 6.8
K20 0.054 Eu 1.37
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.7
Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 5.8 Yb 6.7
Ta 1.0 Lu 0.92
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysisby:N = INAA.
SAMPLE 71535 -315

"100 I I I I I I I I I I I -

O 10
1 = Murali et al. (1977)


La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth eIement plot of 71535. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71536-317

High-Ti Mare Basalt
5.32 g

INTRODUCTION same size overlays the classified as a Type A Apollo 17

plagioclase and pyroxene high-Ti basalt using the
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" (Fig. 2). No rutile or chromite classification of Rhodes et al.
and "Table of Rake Samples", as exsolution was found in the (1976) and Warner et al. (1979).
well as Fig. 1. ilmenite. Olivine and This sample contains 7.8 wt%
armalcolite were not observed. TiO2, with a MG# of 44.7.
Native Fe and troilite (up to Murali et al. (1977)
PETROGRAPHY AND 0.3mm) are either associated distinguished 71536 by its low
MINERAL CHEMISTRY with ilmenite or form V, TiO2, MgO, and Cr203
interstitial phases. Conspicuous contents and suggested that it
Warner et al. (1978) reported the interstitial SiO2 is also present, formed part of a distinct
petrography and mineral compositional group. The REE
chemistry of 71536. During the profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted
preparation of this catalog, we WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY with a maximum at Sm and the
examined thin section 71536,4 HREE constant at _40 times
and found it to be a coarse- Murali et al. (1977) reported the chondritic values. A negative Eu
grained (0.6-1.5mm), sub-ophitic whole-rock composition of anomaly is present [(Eu/Eu*)N
to plagioclase-poikilitic basalt 71536,1 in a study of Apollo 17 = 0.63].
(Fig. 2). Blocky ilmenite of the rake samples (Table 1). 71536 is

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71536,0. Small divisions on scale are _n millimeters.
SAMPLE 71536-318


Of the original 5.32g of

71536,0, approximately 4.46g
remains. 71536,1 was used for
INAA, and the thin section
71536,5 was taken from this
irradiated sample.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71536,4 demonstrating a sub-ophitic

texture. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

_ 1 1 1 .1

_ 10 - 71536 -
X 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 7t536. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71536-319

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71536.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71536,1 Sample 71536,1

Method N Method N

SiO 2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 7.8 Ni
A1203 11.7 Co 12.7
Cr203 0.338 V 39
FeO 16.1 Sc 73
MnO 0.223 La 6.2

MgO 7.3 Ce 29
CaO 13.6 Nd
Na20 0.50 Sm 9.6
K20 0.071 Eu 2.17
P205 . Gd
S Tb 2.4

Nb (ppm) Dy 14
Zr Er
Hf 7.2 Yb 9.0
Ta 1.4 Lu 1.4
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au 1.4_+ 0.4
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71537 - 321

High-Ti Mare Basalt
12.25 g

INTRODUCTION to 0.7mm) are present. Ilmenite (1976) and Warner et al. (1979).
has "sawtooth" margins (Fig. 2) This sample contains 10.9 wt%
See _'Rake Sample Descriptions" and is also a groundmass phase. Ti02, with a MG# of 43.1. The
and "Table of Rake Samples", as Rutile and chromite exsolution REE profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-
well as Fig. 1. is observed in these ilmenites, depleted with a maximum at
Olivine contains small Sm. The HREE exhibit a
(_O.O05mm) euhedral chromite decrease from Dy to Lu, but are
PETROGRAPHY AND inclusions. There is minor still more abundant (relative to
MINERAL CHEMISTRY interstitial SiO2 present. Native chondrites) than the LREE. A
Fe and troilite (< 0.1mm) are negative Eu anomaly is present
Warner et al. (1978) reported the either associated with ilmenite [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.52].
petrography and mineral or are interstitial phases. No
chemistry of 71537. During the armalcolite was observed.
preparation of this catalog, we PROCESSING
examined thin section 71537,5
and found it to be a fine- to WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Of the original 12.25g of
medium-grained (0.05-0.4mm) 71537,0, a total of 10.41g
basalt. It is comprised of Murali et al. (1977) reported the remains. 71537,2 weighs 1.37g,
interlocking "bow-tie" whole-rock composition of and, 1 was used for INAA. Thin
intergrowths of plagioclase and 71537,1 in a study of Apollo 17 section 71537,5 was taken from
pyroxene (Fig. 2). Opaque glass rake samples (Table 1). 71537 is the irradiated sample.
is associated with these "bow- classified as a Type A Apollo 17
tie" structures. Ilmenite (up to high-Ti basalt, based on the
0.Smm) and corroded olivine (up classification of Rhodes et ah

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71537. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71537-322

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71537.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71537,1 Sample 71537,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 10.9 Ni
A1203 9.7 Co 17.0
Cr203 0.341 V 99
FeO 19.3 Sc 78
MnO 0.257 La 5.8
MgO 8.2 Ce 25
CaO 11.2 Nd
Na20 0.37 Sm 7.9
K20 0.050 Eu 1.47
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.O
Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 6.8 Yb 7.4
Ta 1.4 Lu 0.94
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb}
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysisby:N = INAA
SAMPLE 71537 -323

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71537,5 showing olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts set in a variolitic, glass:)'
matrix. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

100 , , , , , , , , , , ,

O 10 -
1 = Murali et a1..(1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71537. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71538-325

High-Ti Mare Basalt
8.04 g

INTRODUCTION lmm) and corroded olivine (up to 71538 is classified as a Type A

0.5mm) are present (Fig. 2), Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. This
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" with euhedral chromite sample contains 12.8 wt% TiO2,
and "Table of Rake Samples", as inclusions (_0.005mm) present in with a MG# of 43.8. The REE
well as Fig. 1. the olivines (Fig. 2b}. Pink prolile (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted
pyroxene usually mantles these with a maximum at Sm. The
oiivines (Fig. 2b). Ilmenites HREE exhibit a decrease from
PETROGRAPHY AND exhibit "sawtooth" margins Dy to Lu, but are in
MINERAL CHEMISTRY (Fig. 2a) and contain minor approximately the same
rutile and chromite exsolution abundance (relative to
Warner et al. (1978) reported the features. Native Fe and troilite chondrites) as the LREE. A
petrography and mineral (< < 0. lmm) are disseminated negative Eu anomaly is present
chemistry of 71538. During the throughout. No armalcolite is [(Eu/EU*)N -- 0.54].
preparation of this catalog, we present.
examined thin section 71538,4
and found it to be a medium- PROCESSING
grained basalt (0.2-0.4mm). It is WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
comprised of interlocking "bow- Of the original 8.04g of 71538,0,
tie" intergrowths ofpyroxene Murali et al. (1977) reported the a total of 6.86g remains.
and plagioclase (Fig. 2), as well whole-rock composition of 71538,1 was used for INAA, and
as blocky plagioclase and 71538,2 in a study of Apollo 17 thin section 71538,5 was taken
pyroxene. Opaque interstitial rake samples (Table 1). Based on from the irradiated sample.
glass is unevenly distributed, the classification of Rhodes et al.
Phenocrysts of ilmenite (up to (1976} and Warner et al. (1979),

ll_ ZO

Figure h Hand specimen photograph of 71538,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71538 - 326

2a: Olivine and ilmenite microphenocrysts set in a glassy, varioIitic matrix - field of view = 2.5 mm.

2b: Gradation from variolitic to blocky texture - field of view = 1.25 mm.

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 71538,4.

SAMPLE 71538 -327

100 I I I I I I I I I I I

0 10 -
..I 71538
:_ 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71538. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71538-328

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71538.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71538,2 Sample 71538,2

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.8 Ni
A1203 8.4 Co 17.7
Cr203 0.430 V 109
FeO 19.7 Sc 79
MnO 0.251 La 6.8

MgO 8.6 Ce 41
CaO 10.1 Nd

Na20 0.40 Sm 10.9

K20 0.064 Eu 2.03
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 17
Zr Er
Hf 9.0 Yb 10.0
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.25
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au 4___1
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71539-329

High-Ti Mare Basalt
10.90 g

INTRODUCTION groundmass phase. No rutile V, TiO2, MgO, and Cr203

and chromite exsolution contents and suggested that it
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" lamellae were observed in the formed part of a distinct
and "Table of Rake Samples", as ilmenites. No olivine or compositional group. The RE E
well as Fig. 1. armalcolite was observed, profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted
Native Fe and troilite (both < with the HREE exhibiting a
0. lmm) are disseminated slight depletion relative to the
PETROGRAPHY AND throughoutand interstitial SiO2 MREE. However, the(LaIYb)N
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ispresent, ratiois< I.A negativeEu
anomaly ispresent[(Eu/Eu*)N
Warner etal.(1978)reportedthe = 0.55].
petrographyand mineral WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
chemistryof71539.During the
preparationofthiscatalogwe Murali etal.(1977)reportedthe ISOTOPE CHEMISTRY
examined thinsection71539,5 whole-rockcompositionof
and found ittobe a ,#ell 71539,1 in a _tudy ofApollo17 Paces etah (1991)reported
sub-ophitic, rake samples (Table1).71539 is whole-rockRb-Sr and Sm-Nd
medium-grained (0.3-0.7ram) classified
as a Type A Apollo17 data for71539,6 (Tables2 and
basalt(Fig,2).The sample is high-Tibasalt,based on the 3).In addition,thesesame
dominated by plagioclase and classificationofRhodes etal. authorsreportedRb-Sr and Sm-
pink pyroxene which isoverlain (1976)and Warner etal.(1979). Nd dataformineral separates
by ilmenite(Fig.2).Ilmenite This sample contains8.6wt% from 71539,6 (Tables4 and 5).
phenocrystsoftenexceed lmm TiO2 with a MG# of33.5. Paces et ah (1991)reportan
inlengthand exhibit"sawtooth" Murali etal.(1977) internalisochronage of3.75 +
margins;blockyilmeniteisa distinguished71539 by itslow 0.07Ga forthissample. 71539

: : :Ix:no

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71539,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71539- 330

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71539,5 showing ilmenite phenocrysts set in a sub-ophitic matrix. Field of
view = 2.5 ram.

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
was studied as part of a larger
isotopic investigation of the _ji-4,_ /_t__ _
Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts.

Of the original 10.90g of _ 10
71539,0, a total of _10.14g _ 71 539
remains. 71539,1 was used for a.
X 1 = Muraliet al. (1977)
INAA and the thin section ,5 <
was taken from this irradiated

I La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71539.
Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71539 -331

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71539.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71539,1 Sample 71539,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 8.6 Ni
A1203 9.8 Co 13.5
Cr203 0.186 V 36
FeO 19.1 Sc 73
MnO 0.258 La 8.0
MgO 5.4 Ce 30
CaO 12.1 Nd
Na20 0.47 Sm 12.1
K20 0.081 Eu 2.44
P205 Gd
S Tb 3.3
Nb (ppm) Dy 21
Zr Er
Hf 9.9 Yb 11.5
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.52
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71539-332

Table 2: Rb-Sr data for 71539,6.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 0.787

Sr (ppm) 229
s7 Rb/86Sr 0.009892 +- 98
87Sr/86Sr 0.699776 - 14
l(Sr)a 0.699235 - 19
TLuNIb(Ga) 5.2

alnitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.75 Ga using 87Rb decay constant = 1.42x10-11yr-1.

bModel age relative to I(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974; Shih et al., 1986).
TLUNI = 1/k*ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)87Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd data for 71539,6.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 13.4
Nd (ppm) 32.5
147Sm]144Nd 0.25018_+ 50
t 43Nd]144Nd 0.514306 + 11
I(Nd) a 0.508094- 23
eNd b 6.7 _ 0.6
TCHURe(Ga) 4.7

aInitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.75 Ga using la7Sm decay constant = 6.54x10-12yr-1.

bInitial eNd calculated at 3.75 Ga using present-day chondritic values of 143Nd]I44Nd =

0.512638 and 147SmJ144Nd = 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic values listed above.
TCHUR = 1/k*[((143Nd]144Nd - 0.512638)l(147Sm/144Nd - 0.1967)) + 1].
SAMPLE 71539-333

Table 4: Rb-Sr results for 71539,6 whole rock and mineral separates used for
internal isochrons.
Data from Paces et ah (1991).

Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) 87Rb/86Sra 878r/S6Srb

WR 0.787 229 0.009893 ± 98 0.699776 ± 14

Plgl 0.260 623 0.001199 ± 11 0.699336 +_ 22

Plg2 0.594 536 0.003192 ± 31 0.699382 _ 20
NMaglc 0,188 253 0.002139 ± 21 0.699360 ± 21
Pxl 0.121 58.7 0.005917 + 59 0.699564 ± 22

Maglc 0.573 103 0.01602 ± 32 0.700119 ± 20

Ilml 1.23 104 0.03395 ± 98 0.701188 --_20
llm2 0.642 128 0.01444 ± 98 0.700033 ± 20

aUncertainties (corresponding to last decimal places) reported for parent/daughter ratios

reflect the magnitude of the blank correction, mass spectrometer precision and
corrections for the quality of spiking.

bNormalized to 86Sr/S8Sr -- 0.1194. Quoted errors include 2-sigma run precision for
whole rock analyses plus an additional uncertainty of 0.00001(2-sigma) reflecting
corrections for fractionation and spike contributions in total-spiked mineral separates,
Nd was measured as the metal ion.

cNon-pure mineral separates consisting of predominantly "nonmagnetic" plagioclase and

pyroxene in NMag and "magnetic" pyroxene and ilmenite in Mag.
SAMPLE 71539-334

Table 5: Sm-Nd results for 71539,6 whole rock and mineral separates used for
internal isochrons.
Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm(ppm) Nd (ppm) 147SM/144Nda 143Nd/144Nd b

WR 13.4 32.5 0.25018 +- 50 0.514306 -!-_11

Pig1 2.08 5.70 0.2204 ± 22 0.513565 + 19

Plg2 5.91 15.2 0.2352 ± 24 0.513899 ± 20
NMaglc 9.20 0.513868 ± 20
Pxl 5.12 9.22 0.3362 + 17 0.516428 + 18

Maglc 0.514780 ± 16
Ilml 18.4 38.3 0.2900 ± 14 0.515283 + 22
Ilm2 22.4 0.514350 + 19

aUncertainties (corresponding to last decimal places) reported for parent/daughter ratios

reflect the magnitude of the blank correction, mass spectrometer precision and
corrections for the quality of spiking.

bNormalized to 146NcY144Nd = 0.7219. Quoted errors include 2-sigma run precision for
whole rock analyses plus an additional uncertainty of 0.00001(2-sigma) reflecting
corrections for fractionation and spike contributions in total-spiked mineral separates.
Nd was measured as the metal ion.

cNon-pure mineral separates consisting of predominantly "nonmagnetic" plagioclase and

pyroxene in NMag and "magnetic" pyroxene and ilmenite in Mag.
SAMPLE 71545-335

High-Ti Mare Basalt
17.26 g

INTRODUCTION olivine contain euhedral Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner

inclusions of chromite. Ilmenite et al. (1979), plus the criteria of
See '*Rake Sample Descriptions" phenocrysts are also present Neal et al. (1990). This sample
and "Table of Rake Samples", as (> lmm - Fig. 2) and these often contains 13.0 wt% TiO2 with a
well as Fig. 1. exhibit "sawtooth" margins. MG# of 43.2. The REE profile
Minor futile and chromite (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted with a
exsolution features are present maximum at Sm. The Ce
PETROGRAPHY AND in the ilmenite. There is little analysis suggests that the
MINERAL CHEMISTRY ilmenite in the groundmass pattern is flat except for La.
which is dominated by However, consideration of the
Warner et al. (1978) reported the plagioclase, pyroxene, and an REE patterns of other Apollo 17
petrography and mineral opaque glass. Native Fe and basalts suggests that the Ce
chemistry of 71545. During the troilite (<0.05ram) are abundance reported by Murali et
preparation of this catalog we disseminated throughout as al. (1977) is probably imprecise,
examined thin section 71545,3 interstitial phases, due to the errors inherent in
and found it to be a fine- to analyzing Ce by INA. The
medium-grained basalt (Fig. 2). HREE form a fiat pattern at -31
It is comprised of blocky areas of WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY times chondritic abundances. A
pink pyroxene (-0.4mm) as well negative Eu anomaly is present
as interlocking "bow-tie" Murali et al. (1977) reported the [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.54].
intergrowths of pyroxene and whole-rock composition of
plagioclase (up to 0.6mm). 71545,1 in a study of Apollo 17
Olivine is present as corroded rake samples (Table 1). 71545 is ISOTOPE CHEMISTRY
phenocrysts (up to 0.6mm - classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
Fig. 2), as well as cores to larger, high-Ti basalt, based on the Paces et al. (1991) reported
pink pyroxenes. Rarely does whole-rock classification of whole-rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd
data for 71545,4 (Tables 2 and
3). 71545 was studied as part of
a larger isotopic investigation of
the Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts.


Of the original 17.26g of

71545,0, approximately 16.95g
remains. 71545,1 was used for
INAA and the thin section ,3
was taken from this irradiated

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71545,0. Small

divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71545 -336

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71545.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

71545,1 71545,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 13.0 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 19.6
Cr203 0.350 V 99
FeO 20.6 Sc 79
MnO 0.260 La 6.4
MgO 8.8 Ce 29
CaO 10.9 Nd
Na20 0.41 Sm 6.9
K20 0.055 Eu 1.36
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.8
Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.2 Yb 6.9
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.08
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au 1.3 - 0.6
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71545-337

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71545,3. Ilmenite and olivine phenocrysts are set in a variolitic and
glassy matrix. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

100 , , , , , , , , , , ,

Z / 1_ I---1 1 1
..J 71545
1 = Murali et al. (1977)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71545. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71545-338

Table 2: Rb-Sr data for 71545,4.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 0.354
Sr (ppm) 120
S7Rb/86Sr 0.008497 _+ 84
87Sr/S6Sr 0.699676 + 12
I(Sr)a 0.699219 -+ 17
TLuNIb(Ga) 5.2

aInitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 87Rb decay constant =

1.42x10-11 yr-i.

bModel age relative to I(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974; Shih et al.,
1986). TLUNI = 1/), * ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)/S7Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Rb-Sr data for 71545,4.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 6.67
Nd (ppm) 16.5
147Sm/144Nd 0.24519 _.+49
143Nd/144Nd 0.514057 + 11
I(Nd)a 0.508068 _ 23
£Ndb 4.6 _+0.4
TCHURC(Ga) 4.4

aInitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 147Sm decay

constant = 6.54x10 -12 yr -1.

bInitial £Nd calculated at 3.69 Ga using present-day chondritic values of

143Nd/144Nd = 0.512638 and 147Srn/144Nd = 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic values listed
above. TCHUR = 1/h*[((143Nd/144Nd - 0.512638)/(147SnY144Nd- 0.1967)) + 1].
SAMPLE 71546-339

High-Ti Mare Basalt
150.70 g

INTRODUCTION well as ilmenite (Fig. 2)_ The (1976) (see Table 1). These
grain size is not consistent authors reported a TiO2 content
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" throughout: some areas are of 12.1 and 12.33 wt% and a
and "Table of Rake Samples", as comprised of plagioclase- MG# of 43.0 and 43.8,
well as Fig. 1. pyroxene intergrowths, while respectively. Rhodes et al. (1976)
other areas are made up of more defined 71546 as a Type A
blocky and coarser-grained Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. The
PETROGRAPHY AND examples of these minerals. REE profiles are presented in
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Corroded olivine phenocrysts Fig. 3, and demonstrate
(0.5-0.7mm) are present, often reasonable agreement for La
Warner et al. (1975,1976,1978) with pink pyroxene over- and Ce between the two
reported the petrography and growths. Ilmenite phenocrysts analyses. For the other REE, the
mineral chemistry of 71546. can exceed lmm in length and analysis of 71546 by Warner et
These authors classified 71546 contain minor amounts of rutile al. (1975) has lower REE
as an olivine microporphyritic and chromite exsolution. Native abundances than that of Rhodes
ilmenite basalt, but did not Fe ( < 0.05mm), troilite et al. (1976) (Fig. 3). The REE
specifically mention this sample ( < 0.05mm), and opaque glass analysis reported by Rhodes et
-during their descriptions of are disseminated throughout, al. (1976) is probably the more
Apollo 17 rake samples. During Minor interstitial SiO2 is accurate as it was performed by
the preparation of this catalog, conspicuous. No armalcolite was isotope dilution (Table 1). Both
we examined thin section observed. REE profiles are LREE depleted
71546,13 and found it to be a with a maximum at Sm (Warner
medium-grained (0.2-0.7ram) et al., 1975) and Gd (Rhodes et
basalt. It is comprised of WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY al, 1976). The HREE show a
interlocking "bow-tie" gentle decrease from the MREE
intergrowths of plagioclase and The whole-rock composition of but are still more abundant
pyroxene, as well as more blocky 71546 was reported by Warner (relative to chondrites) than the
plagioclase and pyroxene, as et al. (1975) and Rhodes et al. LREE (Fig. 3). Both profiles

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71546,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71546 - 340

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71546.

Sample 71546,1 Sample 71546,5 Sample 71546

Ref. 1 Ref. 2 Ref. 3
Method N Method X,I,N Method G

SiO2 (wt %) 39.14

TiO2 12.1 12.33
A1203 9.2 8.91
Cr203 0.405 0.41
FeO 17.7 19.11
MnO 0.235 0.28

MgO 7.5 8.34

CaO 11.0 10.79
Na20 0.38 0.40
K20 0.072 0.05
P205 0.05
S 0.19

K(ppm) 580 500 ± 25

Hf 9.0 9.4
Ta 2.1
U 0.15±0.02
Th 0.40+_0.03
Sr 191
Rb 0.63
Li 10.2
Ba 83.2
Co 18.0 18.4
V 120
Sc 77 80
La 6.5 6.69
Ce 24 23.8
SAMPLE 71546-341

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample 71546,1 Sample 71546,5 Sample 71546

Ref. 1 Ref. 2 Ref. 3
Method N Method X,I,N Method G

Nd 25.9
Sm 9.5 10.7
Eu 1.89 2.14
Gd 16.7
Tb 2.3
Dy 15 19.1
Er 11.2
Yb 7.8 10.3
Lu 1.3 1.47

References: 1 = Warner et al. (1975); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976); 3 = Eldridge et al. (1975).
Analysis by: X = XRF; I = Isotope dilution; N -- INAA, G = Gamma-ray spectroscopy.
SAMPLE 7154-6-342

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71546,13. A sub-variolitic to interlocking texture predominates. Field

of view = 2.5 mm.

100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0_" 10 -
'"..J 71546
1 = Warner et al. (1975)

u} 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized REE profiles of 71546. Data from Warner et al. (1975) and
Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 71546-343

contain a negative Eu anomaly, sulphur content of 1810 + 10 (Table 3). Concentrations of

with the analysis of Warner et pgS/g with an equivalent wt% 22Na and 54Mn were corrected
al. (1975) containing an Fe o of 0.122. for decay to 14 December, 1972.
anomaly more pronounced
[(Eu/Eu*) N = 0.57] than that of
-- 0.49].
Nyquist et al. (1976) reported Of the 150.70g of 71546,0, a total
Eldridge et al. (1975) reported the whole-rock Rb-Sr composi- of 136.7g remains. Significant
the concentration of the tion of 71546,5 (Table 2). No age sub-samples are ,5 which has a
primordial radioelements of dating was undertaken on this mass of 1.5g and ,8 with a mass
71546 (Table 1). These authors sample, ofl0.07g. 71546,9001 was
also quoted a TbJU ratio of irradiated for INAA. Four thin
2.67 +_0.41 and a K/U ratio of Eldridge et al. (1975) reported sections have been made of this
3333 ± 475 for 71546. Gibson et the concentration ofcosmogenic basalt: 71546,9, ,10, ,11, and
al. (1976) reported a total radionuctides in 71546,0 ,13.

Table 2: Rb-Sr isotope data from 71546.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).


wt(mg) 50
Rb (ppm) 0_632
Sr (ppm) 191
87Rb/86Sr 0.0096 __+
87Sr/86Sr 0.69966 _+4

TB 4.08±0.42
TL 4.57_+0.42

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC

bias); L = Model age assuming I : 0.69903 (Apollo 16
anorthosites at 4.6 Ga).

Table 3: Concentrations ofCosmogenic Radionuclides

(O'Kelley et al., 1975) in 71546.
Cosmogenic Radionuclide Decay corrected to 2300 GMT, Dec 14, 1972.


26A1 (dpm/kg) 70+_ 3

22Na 94 ± 7
54Mn 165±30
SAMPLE 71547 -345

High-Ti Mare Basalt
12.54 g

INTRODUCTION containing euhedral chromite (1976) and Warner et al. (1979),

inclusions ( < 0.005mm) (Fig. 2). plus the criteria of Neal et al.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" Occasionally these olivine (1990). This sample contains
and "Table of Rake Samples", as phenocrysts possess pink 10.9 wt% TiO2, with a MG# of
well as Fig. 1. pyroxene overgrowths. Ilmenite 44.8. The REE profile (Fig. 3) is
phenocrysts reach up to > lmm LREE-depleted with a
in length; these contain maximum at Sin. Murali et al.
PETROGRAPHY AND "sawtooth" margins (Fig. 2). (1977) reported a Ce abundance
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Blocky ilmenite is also present of 35 ppm, but suggested that
(Fig. 2). These ilmenites contain this was spurious. As such, the
Warner et al. (1978) reported the minor futile and chromite Ce abundance has not been
petrography and mineral chem- exsolution features. Native Fe plotted in Figure 3. The HREE
istry of 71547. During the and troilite ( < 0. lmm) are form a flat pattern at _32 times
preparation of this catalog, we disseminated throughout. No chondritic abundances. A
examined thin section 71547,4 armalcolite was observed, negative Eu anomaly is present
and found it to be a well [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.52].
crystallized, medium-grained
(0.2-0.6mm) basalt. It is corn- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
prised of minor intergrowths of PROCESSING
plagioclase-pyroxene "bow-tie" Murali et al. (1977) reported the
structures. The groundmass is whole-rock composition of Of the original 12.54g of
comprised primarily of blocky 71547,1 in a study of Apollo 17 71547,0, a total of 12.02g
plagioclase and pink pyroxene, rake samples (Table 1). 71547 is remains. 71547,1 was used for
as well as minor ilmenite (Fig. classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17 INAA, and thin section ,4 was
2). Corroded olivine phenocrysts high-Ti basalt, based on the taken from this irradiated
(up to 0.6mm) are present, classification of Rhodes et al. sample.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71547,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE71547- 346

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71547.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

71547,1 71547,1

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 10.9 Ni
AI203 9.4 Co 20.0
Cr203 0.440 V 116
FeO 19.7 Sc 79
MnO 0.256 La 5.6
MgO 9.0 Ce (35}
CaO 10.2 Nd
Na20 0.36 Sm 7.8
K20 0.069 Eu 1.41
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9
Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 6.3 Yb 7.0
Ta 1.3 Lu 1.09
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71547-347

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71547,4. Itmenite phenocrysts with sawtooth margins are set in a
sub-variolitic to interlocking texture. Field of view = 2.5 turn.

O 10 -
--I 71547
=_ 1 = Murali et al. (1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71547. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71548-349

High-Ti Mare Basalt
25.46 g

INTRODUCTION plagioclase, and pyroxene and high-Ti basalt. This sample

minor interstitial, opaque glass contains 12.4 wt% TiO2 with a
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" is associated with this ilmenite. MG# of 43.6. The REE profile
and "Table of Rake Samples", as Rutile and chromite exsolution (Fig. 2) is LREE-depleted with a
well as Fig. 1. features are present in the maximum at Sm. The HREE
ilmenites. SiO2 (0.2-0.5mm) is exhibit a slight decrease from
conspicuous, and native Fe and the MREE, but are still more
PETROGRAPHY AND troilite (< 0. lmm) are abundant (relative to
MINERAL CHEMISTRY disseminated throughout. No chondrites) than the LREE
armatcolite was observed. (Fig. 2) A negative Eu anomaly
Warner et al. (1978) reported the is present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.56].
petrography and mineral
chemistry of 71548. During the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
preparation of this catalog, we PROCESSING
examined thin section 71548,4 Murali et al. (1977) reported the
and found it to be a medium- whole-rock composition of Of the original 25.46g of
grained (0.2-0.6mm), sub-ophitic 71548,1 in a study of Apollo 17 71548,0, approximately 22.82g
basalt. It is comprised of blocky, rake samples (Table 1). Based on remains. 71548,2 weighs 2.22g.
pink pyroxene (some with the whole-rock classification of 71547,1 was used for INAA, and
olivine cores ~0. lmm) and Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner thin section ,4 was taken from
plagioclase. Blocky ilmenite (up et al. (1979), this sample is this irradiated sample.
to lmm) overlays the classified as a Type A Apollo 17

Figure 1: Hand specimen photogr- _ph of 71548,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71548-350

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71548.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71548,1 Sample 71548,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.4 Ni
A120 a 8.7 Co 17.4
Cr203 0.455 V 110
FeO 19.6 Sc 77
MnO 0.238 La 6.5

MgO 8.5 Ce 38
CaO 9.3 Nd
Na20 0,41 Sm 9.9
K20 0.057 Eu 2.01
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 17
Zr Er
Hf 9.8 Yb 9.4
Ta 1.0 Lu 1.43
U Ga
Th F
W C1
y C
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71548-351

100 I i I I I i I I I I I

0 10 -
..J 71548
:E 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71548. Data from Murali et al (1977).
SAMPLE 71549-353

High-Ti Mare Basalt
7.90 g

INTRODUCTION intersertal to plagioclase-

poikilitic basalt. It is comprised WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" of pink, blocky pyroxene (larger
and "Table of Rake Samples", as grains have ~0.1ram rounded Murali et al. (1977) reported the
well as Fig. 1. olivine cores) and plagioclase whole-rock composition of
(Fig. 2). Ilmenite up to lmm 71549,2 in a study of Apollo 17
overlays this network, and these rake samples (Table 1). Using
PETROGRAPHY AND rarely contain _sawtooth" the classification of Rhodes et al.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY margins. Rutile and chromite (1976) and Warner et al. (1979),
exsolution are common in the 71549 is classified as a Type A
Warner et al. (1978) reported the ilmenite and minor opaque glass Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. This
petrography and mineral is associated with this mineral, sample contains 12.2 wt% TiO2,
chemistry of 71549. During the Native Fe and troilite ( < 0. lmm) with a MG# of 41.7. The REE
preparation of this catalog, we are disseminated throughout, profile (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted
examined thin section 71549,5 Conspicuous interstitial SiO2 is with a maximum at Sm. Murali
and found it to be a coarse- present (up to 0.3ram). No et al. (1977) reported a Ce
grained (0.4-1ram), sub-ophitic/ armalcolite was observed, abundance of 40 ppm, but

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71549,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71549-354

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71549.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

71549,2 71549,2

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.2 Ni
A1203 8.3 Co 19.2
Cr203 0.473 V 108
FeO 20.2 Sc 81
MnO 0.239 La 5.5
MgO 8.1 Ce (40)
CaO 10.0 Nd
Na20 0.40 Sm 8.2
K20 0.061 Eu 1.95
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.2

Nb (ppm) Dy 14
Zr Er
Hf 9.O Yb 8.0
Ta 0.92 Lu 1.23
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71549-355

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71549,5. An ophitic texture predominates and interstitial Si02 is

present. Fieldofview -- 2.5 mm.

suggested this was spurious. As

such, we have not included Ce in
the REE profile of Figure 3. The
H REE exhibit a slight decrease
from the MREE, but are all more
abundant (relative to 100 , , , , , , , , , , ,
chondrites) than the LREE

(Fig. 3) A negative Eu anomaly _4_ _

is present[(Eu/Eu*) N = 0.65]. zm __t// 1 1 1 I
Of the original 7.90g of 71549,0, m 71 549
a total of 5.23g remains. 71549,1 o.
weighs 1.16g. 71549,2 was used 1 = Murali et al. (1977)
for INAA, and thin section ,5 ¢_
was taken from this irradiated
I I l I I I I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of

71549. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71555 -357

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4.55 g

INTRODUCTION blocky pyroxene and swirling conspicuous. No armalcolite

"bow-tie" intergrowths of was observed.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" plagioclase and pyroxene
and "Table of Rake Samples", as (Fig. 2). Minor rounded olivine
well as Fig. 1. (_0.1-0.2mm) is present at the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
center of the larger pyroxenes
(Fig. 2) and rarely at the center Murali et aI. (1977) reported the
PETROGRAPHY AND of the "bow-tie" intergrowths, whole-rock composition of
MINERAL CHEMISTRY [lmenite phenocrysts reach up to 71555,1 in a study of Apollo 17
lmm long with "sawtooth" rake samples (Table 1). 71555 is
Warner et al. (1978) reported the margins. Blocky ilmenite is an classified as a Type A Apollo 17
petrography and mineral chem- interstitial groundmass phase, high-Ti basalt, based on the
istry of 71555. During the prep- Opaque glass is associated with whole-rock classification of
aration of this catalog, we ilmenite. Ilmenite also contains Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
examined thin section 71555,4 futile and chromite exsolution et al. (1979). This sample con-
and found it to be a medium- features. Native Fe and troilite rains 13.0 wt% TiO2, with a
grained (0.2-0.6mm) basalt. It is (< 0. lmm) is disseminated MG# of 46.3. The REE profile
comprised of areas of pink, throughout. Interstitial SiO2 is (Fig. 3) is relatively flat, except

Figure I : Hand specimen photograph of 71555,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71555-358

!i i¸

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71555,4. A fine-grained, blocky, interlocking texture predominates, with
olivine forming cores to pyroxenes. Field of view is 2.5 mm.

for La. However, the Ce Table 1 is a maximum and that

analyses of Murali et al. (1977) in reality, Ce is probably present PROCESSING
tend to be higher than expected, in lower quantities than 40 ppm.
probably due to the large The HREE are flat at an abun- Of the original 4.55g of 71555,0,
uncertainties associated with dance of _45 times chondritic a total of 4.1 l g remains.
the analysis of Ce by INA. The abundances (Fig. 3) A negative 71555,1 was used for INAA, and
LREE-depleted nature of Eu anomaly is present thin section ,4 was taken from
Apollo 17 basalts indicates that [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.59]. this irradiated sample.
the quoted Ce abundance in

o 10
..I 71555
=E 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71555. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71555-359

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71555.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71555,1 Sample 71555,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 13.0 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 18.0
Cr203 0.440 V 119
FeO 19.6 Sc 78
MnO 0.243 La 6.6
MgO 9.5 Ce 40
CaO 10.0 Nd
Na20 0.42 Sm 9.6
K20 0.066 Eu 2.06
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.6
Nb (ppm) Dy 16
Zr Er
Hf 9.4 Yb 10.3
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.46
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71556-361

High-Ti Mare Basalt
29.14 g

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 2). It is comprised of pink 71556,1, in a study of Apollo 17

pyroxene and plagioclase, with rake samples (Table 1). Sample
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" olivine forming rounded cores to 71556 is classified as a Type A
and "Table of Rake Samples", as the larger pyroxenes. Blocky Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, based
well as Fig. 1. ilmenites (0.4-1mm) form an on the whole-rock classification
intersertal texture with plagio- of Rhodes et al. (1976) and
elase and pyroxene, and contain Warner et al. (1979). This
PETROGRAPHY AND rutile and chromite exsolution sample contains 11.7 wt% TiO2,
MINERAL CHEMISTRY features. Interstitial Si02 with a MG# of 40.2. The REE
(0.2-0.5mm) is present. Native profile (Fig. 3) is relatively fiat,
Warner et al. (1978) reported the Fe and troitite (up to 0.2ram) are except for La. However, the Ce
petrography and mineral chem- disseminated throughout. No analyses of Murali et al. (1977)
istry of 71556. During the prep- armaleolite was observed, tend to be higher than expected,
aration of this catalog, we due to the large uncertainties
examined thin section 71556,4 associated with the analysis of
and found it to be a well- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Ce by INA. The LREE-depleted
crystallized, coarse-grained nature of Apollo 17 basalts indi-
(0.4-1mm), sub-ophitic to Murali et al. (1977) reported the cates that the quoted Ce abun-
plagioclase-poikilitic basalt whole-rock composition of dance in Table I is a maximum

Figure 1: Handspecimenphotograph of 71556,0. Cubic scale = I cm3.

SAMPLE 71556-362

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71556,4. A sub-ophitic to plagioclase poikilitic texture is evident.

and that in reality, Ce is prob- taken from this irradiated

ably present in lower quantities PROCESSING sample.
than 35 ppm. The HREE are flat
at an abundance of -43 times Of the original 29.14g of
chondritic abundances (Fig. 3) 71556,0, approximately 28.33g
A negative Eu anomaly is remains. 71556,1 was used for
present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.68]. INAA, and thin section ,4 was

100 ,, , ,,,,, , ,,

2: 10
,-I 71556
:E 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

I I I t I t I I I I I
1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71556. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71556-363

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71556.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71556,1 Sample 71556,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 11.7 Ni
A1203 10.0 Co 17.2
Cr203 0.355 V 74
FeO 19.9 Sc 70
MnO 0.236 La 5.8
MgO 7.5 Ce 35
CaO 10.5 Nd
Na20 0.45 Sm 8.6
K20 0.056 Eu 2.11
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.3

Nb (ppm) Dy 15
Zr Er
Hf 8.3 Yb 9.4
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.37
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.


Hlgh-Ti Mare Basalt
40.35 g

INTRODUCTION catalog, we examined thin

section 71557,6 and found it to WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" be a well-crystallized, coarse-
and "Table of Rake Samples", as grained (0.4-1mm), sub-ophitic Warner et al. (1975) reported the
well as Fig. 1. to plagioclase-poikilitic basalt, whole-rock composition of
It is comprised of pink pyroxene 71557,1 in a study of Apollo 17
and plagioclase, with olivine rake samples (Table 1). 71557 is
PETROGRAPHY AND forming rounded cores to the classified as a Type B1 Apollo 17
MINERAL CHEMISTRY larger pyroxenes. Blocky ilmen- high-Ti basalt, based on the
ites (0.4-1mm) form an inter- classification of Rhodes et al.
Warner et al. (1975b,c, 1976a,b, sertal texture with plagioclase (1976) and Warner et al. (1979),
1978) reported the petrography and pyroxene and contain futile plus the criteria of Neal et al.
and mineral chemistry of 71557. and chromite exsolution (1990). This sample contains
However, the mineral chemistry features. Interstitial Si02 13.0 wt% Ti02, with a MG# of
is reported only within the gen- (0.2-0.5mm) is present. Native 44.2. The REE profile (Fig. 2) is
eral context of petrographic type Fe and troilite (up to 0.2mm) are LREE-depleted with a maxi-
and not specifically mentioned, disseminated throughout. No mum at Dy, although the
During the preparation of this armalcolite was observed, uncertainties associated with

Figure 1: Hand specimen photomicrograph of 71557,0. Cubic scale = I cm3.
SAMPLE 71557-366

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71557.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

Sample 71557,9001 Sample 71557,9001

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 13.0 Ni
A1203 9.3 Co 19.3
Cr203 0.508 V 120
FeO 19.1 Sc 80
MnO 0.235 La 4.8
MgO 8.5 Ce 24
CaO 10.5 Nd
Na20 0.41 Sm 7.5
K20 0.057 Eu 1.72
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.8

Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 6.8 Yb 7.2
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.1
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71557 -367

100 _ _ , _ _ ' ' ' _ _

LU _ "_ _1 1 1


'" 71557
1 = Warner et al. (1975)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth eIement plot of 7155 7. Data from Warner et al. (1975).

the analysis of Dy by INA may ,9001 for INAA and ,6 for a thin
be responsible for this, The PROCESSING section.
HREE have a generally flat
profile at 30-35 times chondrite Of the original 40.35g of
levels. A negative Eu anomaly 71557,0, a total of 38.9g
is present [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.66]. remains. 71557,1 was split into
SAMPLE 71558-369

High-Ti Mare Basalt
15.81 g

INTRODUCTION be a medium-grained margins. Rutile and chromite

(0.2-0.6mm) basalt. It is domi- exsolution lamellae were
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" nated by an interlocking net- observed in, and minor opaque
and _Table of Rake Samples", as work of pink pyroxene and glass is associated with, these
well as Fig. 1. plagioclase (bordering upon ilmenites. Native Fe and troilite
"plagioclase-poikilitic"), but ( < O.lmm) is found both associ-
occasional "bow-tie" inter- ated with ilmenite and as an
PETROGRAPHY AND growths ofplagioclase and interstitial phase. Interstitial
MINERAL CHEMISTRY pyroxene are present. Olivine is SiO2 ( < 0.2mm) is also present,
present as rounded cores but no armalcolite was observed.
Warner et al. (1975b,c, 1976a,b, ( < 0.1mm} to the larger pyrox-
1978) reported the petrography enes. Occasionally these olivine
and mineral chemistry of 71558. cores contain euhedral chromite WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
However, the mineral chemistry inclusions (_0.005mm). Ilmenite
is reported only within the gen- occurs as phenocrysts (up to Warner et al. (1975) reported the
eral context of petrographic type 1.5mm) which form an inter- whole-rock composition of
and not specifically mentioned, sertal texture with plagioclase 71558,1 in a study of Apollo 17
During the preparation of this and pyroxene, as well as a rake samples (Table 1). 71558 is
catalog, we examined thin groundmass phase. The larger classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
section 71558,6 and found it to ilmenites exhibit "sawtooth" high-Ti basalt using the whole-2

_'_i_i _ i !i!_!_'''

ii! _! _i_ ii!i _i _ II_I'_!I

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71558,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71558-370

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71558.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

Sample 71558,1 Sample 71558,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 13.6 Ni
AI203 9.1 Co 21.4
Cr203 0.430 V 120
FeO 20.2 Sc 83
MnO 0.257 La 5.4

MgO 8.4 Ce 18
CaO 10.8 Nd

Na20 0.37 Sm 6.5

K20 0.044 Eu 1.41
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.7

Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.6 Yb 6.4
Ta 1.8 Lu 1.0
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71558-371

rock classification of Rhodes et 30 times chondritic abundances, remains. 71558,1 was

al. (1976) and Warner et al. A negative Eu anomaly is subdivided into ,9001 which was
(1979), plus the criteria of Neal present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.59]. irradiated for [NAA, and ,6 for a
et al. (1990). This sample con- thin section.
tains 13.6 wt% TiO2, with a
MG# of 42.6. The REE profile PROCESSING
(Fig. 2) is LREE-depleted with a
maximum at Sm. The HREE Of the original 15.81g of
are approximately constant at 71558,0, a total of _ 14.47g

100 ,, , ,,,,, , ,,-

_ 1 1 1 1
0 10
"' 71558
1 = Warner et al. (1975)

I I I I I I I I I ] I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71558. Data from Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71559-373

High-Ti Mare Basalt
82.16 g

INTRODUCTION pyroxferroite, but not toward associated with ilmenite. Inter-

pigeonite, which is absent stitial SiO2 (up to 0.4mm) is
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" (Fig. 2). Ilmenite is much less conspicuous, forming "crinkled"
and "Table of Rake Samples", as modally abundant (as seen from patches as seen in Fig. 3. No
well as Fig. 1. Fig. 3), and there is no olivine or armalcolite, olivine, or
Cr-ulvSspinel. Cr-ulvSspinel was observed.

PETROGRAPHY AND During the preparation of this

section 71559,7 and found it to
Warner et al. (1975b,c, 1976a,b, be a medium-grained, sub- Laul et ah (1975) and Warner et
1978) reported the petrography ophitic basalt (Fig. 3). It is dom- al. (1975) reported the same
and mineral chemistry of 71559. inated by pink pyroxene and whole-rock analysis of 71559,1
Warner et al. (1975c) described plagioclase, with occasional in a study of Apollo 17 rake
71559 as a medium grained, ilmenite phenocrysts reaching samples (Table 1). Based on the
sub-ophitic basalt similar to the up to 1.5mm (Fig. 3). Rutile and whole-rock classification of
Apollo 11 ophitic basalts, chromite exsolution lamellae Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
Pyroxenes zone from titanaugite were observed in the ilmenite, et ah (1979), 71559 is classified
(_En44Wo40Fs16; -3.5 wt% Native Fe and troilite (up to as a Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti
A1203; _5 wt% TiO2) to 0.2mm) may or may not be basalt. This sample contains

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71559,0. Cubic scale = 1 cm3.

SAMPLE 71559-374

DI _ _ Hd

t .? • °.

Ee Fs

Figure 2: Quadrilateral of pyroxene compositions from 71559,1.

8.3 wt% TiO2, with a MG# of negative Eu anomaly is present remains. 71559,1 was also
38.7. The REE profile (Fig. 4) is [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.60]. assigned the number ,9001 and
LREE-depleted with a was used for INAA. Thin
maximum at Sin. The HREE section ,7 was taken from this
exhibit a slight depletion PROCESSING irradiated sample.
compared to the MREE, but are
still enriched (relative to Of the original 82.16g of
chondrites) over the LREE. A 71559,0, atotalof71.1g

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of 71559,7. A sub-ophitic texture predominates. Field of view = 2.5 mm.
SAMPLE 71559-375

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71559.

Data from Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et al. (1975) (same analysis).

Sample 71559,1 Sample 71559,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 8.3 Ni
A1203 10.3 Co 14.4
Cr203 0.228 V 30
FeO 17.8 Sc 72
MnO 0.226 La 6.6

MgO 6.3 Ce 26
CaO 12.2 Nd 24

Na20 0.48 Sm 10.4

K20 0.068 Eu 2.20
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.6

Nb (ppm) Dy 17
Zr Er
Hf 8.8 Yb 9.2
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.4
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71559 - 376

'100 I I I I I I I I I I I

ILl / \.///"_ 1 1 1

10 -
.-I 71559
1 = Warner et al. (1975)

u) & Laulet al. (1975)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71559. The same analysis was reported by
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71565-377

High-Ti Mare Basalt
24.09 g

INTRODUCTION of Apollo 17 rake samples, and troilite (0.1-0.2mm) is

During the preparation of this disseminated throughout.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" catalog, we examined thin Interstitial SiO2 is conspicuous
and "Table of Rake Samples", as section 71565,6 and found it to and can reach up to 0.6mm. No
well as Fig. 1. be a coarse-grained (0.5-2.0mm) armalcolite was observed.
plagioclase-poikilitic basalt. It
is dominated by plagioclase and
MINERAL CHEMISTRY forms rounded cores (_ 0.1mm) in
the larger pyroxenes, and these Warner et at. (1975) reported the
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, olivines contain euhedral whole-rock composition of
1978) reported the petrography chromite inclusions (_ 0.005mm). 71565,1 in a study of Apollo 17
and mineral chemistry of 71565. Blocky ilmenite overlays the rake samples (Table 1). 71565 is
Warner et al. (1975c) described plagioclase-pyroxene network, classified as a Type A Apollo 17
71565 as a poikilitic ilmenite which contains rutile and high-Ti basalt, based on the
basalt, but did not specifically chromite exsolution features, whole-rock classification of
mention the petrography or Minor opaque glass is associated Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
mineral chemistry in their study with this ilmenite. Native Fe et al. (1979). This sample

!ili :_!ii i

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71565,0. Cubic scale = Icm 3.

SAMPLE 71565-378

contains10.8wt% TiO2,with a I00 , , , , , , * , , , ,

MG# of43.2.The REE profile
(Fig.2)isLREE-depleted with a
maximum at Sm. The HREE ku _\ _- 1 1 ,
are approximately constant at __.. /_
40 times chondritic abundances, er
rn ,/
A negative Eu anomaly is
present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.64]. -r
O 10
_1 71565
PROCESSING _ 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
Of the original 24.09g of
71565,0, approximately 22.53g
remains. 71565,1 was
1 I I I I I I I I I I

subdividedinto,9001,which 1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
was irradiated for INAA, and ,6
was made into a thin section. Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of
71565. Data from Warner etal. (1975).
SAMPLE 71565-379

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71565.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

Sample 71565,1 Sample 71565,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
Ti02 10.8 Ni
A1203 10.1 Co 16.1
Cr203 0.357 V 90
FeO 17.6 Sc 76
MnO 0.225 La 6.4
MgO 7.5 Ce 26
CaO 11.7 Nd
Na20 0.43 Sm 9.2
K20 0.071 Eu 2.11
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.3

Nb (ppm) Dy 15
Zr Er
Hf 8.0 Yb 8.3
Ta 1.9 Lu 1.4
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71566 -381

High-Ti Mare Basalt
414.4 g

INTRODUCTION chemistry of this sample in their reach up to 1.5mm. Rutile and

study of Apollo 17 rake samples, chromite exsolution is present in
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" except for the zonation observed the ilmenites. Olivine is only
and "Table of Rake Samples", as in the pyroxenes (Fig. 2). These found as rounded cores (- 0.1-
well as Fig. 1. exhibit core-to-rim zonations 0.2mm) in the pyroxenes. These
from titanaugite, through olivines contain 0.005mm
pigeenite toward pyroxferroite euhedral chromite inclusions.
PETROGRAPHY AND (Fig. 2). Discrete Cr-ulvSspinel is rare.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Troilite and native Fe form
During the preparation of this 0.1mm interstital phases, and
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, catalog, we examined thin occasionally troilite contains
1978) reported the petrography sections 71566,16 and ,18. small grains of native Fe.
and mineral chemistry of 71566. 71566 is a coarse-grained (0.5- Troilite is occasionally found as
Warner et al. (1975c) described 1.5ram), plagloclase-poikilitic 0.1mm inclusions in ilmenite.
71566 as a poikilitic ilmenite basalt which contains pyroxene Interstitial SiO2 (- 0.1-0.2mm) is
basalt. However, they did not aggregates up to 2mm. Ilmenite usually associated with
specifically mention the usually forms an intersertal ilmenite.
petrography or mineral texture with pyroxene and can

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 71566,0. Cubic scale -- I cm3.

SAMPLE 71566-382

Di Hd


En sF
Figure 2: Pyroxene quadrilateral demonstrating compositional zonation in a pyroxene from 71566,6.

extrapolation, an (Eu/EU*)N =
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY 0.61 is defined, compared to a COSMOGENIC
value of 0.67 defined by the RADIONUCLIDES
Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et analysis of Laul et al. (1975) and
al. (1975) reported the same Warner et al. (1975). Both O'Kelley et al. (1974) reported
whole-rock analysis of 71566,6 analyses are in reasonable the cosmogenic radionuclide
in a study of Apollo 17 rake agreement for the LREE, but the abundances of 71566 (Table 2).
samples (Table 1). These profile of Rhodes et al. (1976) All decays were corrected to
authors reported a TiO2 content contains greater HREE 2300 GMT, 14 December 1972.
of 11.5 wt%, with a MG# of 44.3: abundances (Fig. 3).
Rhodes et al. (1976) classified
71566 as a Class U Apollo 17 Gibson et al. (1976) reported a PROCESSING
high-Ti basalt and reported a sulfur content of 1760 -+40,
TiO2 content of 12.01 wt% for lagS/g for 71566 with an 71566,0 has been entirely sub-
71566,10, with a MG# of 44.4. equivalent of 0.147 wt% Fe o. divided. The largest subsamples
REE patterns are LREE Eldridge et al. (1974) reported remaining are: ,4 (west end =
depleted with a maximum in the the primordial radioelement 230.7g); ,5 (east end = 178.8g);
MREE (Fig. 3). The analysis of concentrations of 71566 (Table ,10 (1.30g). Four thin sections
Rhodes et al. (1976) only reports 1). These authors calculated a have been made of this sample -
abundances of La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Th/U ratio of 3.4 and a K/U ratio 71566,14-16, and ,18. 71566,6
Yb, and Lu, but by of 4890. has been renumbered to ,9001.

100 ,J , ,,,,, , ,,

•r 10
1 = Warner et al, (1975)
(/) & Laul et al. (1975)
2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71566. The same analysis was reported
by Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975). A second analysis is from Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 71566 -383

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71566.

Sample ,6 Sample, 10
Method N Method X,N Method G
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3

SiO2 (wt %) 39.27

TiO2 11.5 12.01
A1203 9.4 9.22
Cr203 0.390 0.38
FeO 18.4 18.73
MnO 0.232 0.27

MgO 8.2 8.4

CaO 11.0 10.89
Na20 0.44 0.40
K20 0.046 0.03
P205 0.03
S 0.16

K (ppm) 450 ± 20
Hf 6.6 7.8
Ta 1.3
U O.092±0.008
Th 0.31-+0.0l
Co 20.0 18.1
V 9O
Sc 73 78
La 4.1 4.29
Ce 20 17.2
SAMPLE 71566-384

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,6 Sample ,10

Method N Method X,N Method G
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3

Nd 18
Sm 6.9 7.62
Eu 1.70 1.75
Tb 1.8
Dy 12
Yb 6.4 7.9
Lu 0.98 1.16
Ge (ppb)

Analysis by: N = INAA;

X = XRF; G Spectroscopy.
References: 1 = Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975) (same analysis); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976);
3 = Eldridge et al. (1974).

Table 2: Cosmogenic Radionuclide abundances of 71566.

Data from O'Kelley et al. (1974).

Sample 71566

26A1(dpm/kg) 50 + 2
22Na 49 _ 3
54Mn 95 +-8
SAMPLE 71567 -385

High-Ti Mare Basalt
146.0 g

INTRODUCTION During the preparation of this grains of native Fe. Intertstitial

catalog, we examined thin SiO2 is present (up to 0.2mm),
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" sections 71567,14 and ,15. but armalcolite was not
and "Table of Rake Samples", as 71567 is a coarse-grained observed.
well as Fig. 1. (0.5-2mm), plagioclase-poikilitic
basalt containing pyroxene
grains up to 2mm. Olivine WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
PETROGRAPHY AND forms rounded cores ( < 0.1mm)
MINERAL CHEMISTRY in the larger pyroxenes and Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et
contains euhdral chromite inclu- al. (1975) reported the same
Warner et ah (1975b,c, 1976a,b, sions (_0.05mm). Ilmenite (up to whole-rock analysis of 71567,1
1978) reported the petrography 1.5mm) usually forms an inter- in a study of Apollo 17 rake
and mineral chemistry of 71567. sertal texture with pyroxene and samples (Table 1). These
Warner et al. (1975c) described contains rutile and chromite authors reported a TiO2 content
71567 as a poikilitic ilmenite exsolution lamellae. Native Fe of 11.4 wt%, with a MG# of 42.6.
basalt, but only described it in and troilite (up to 0.2mm) form Rhodes et ah (1976) classified
general terms within the context interstitial phases, and troilite 71567,9 as a Class U Apollo 17
of this petrographic group, occasionally contains rounded high-Ti basalt and reported a

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71567,0. Cubic scale = 1 cm3.

SAMPLE 71567-386

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71567.

Sample ,1 Sample ,9
Method N Methods X, N, I
Reference 1 Reference 2

SiO2 (wt %) 38.06

TiO2 11.4 12.98
A1203 9.3 8.59
Cr203 0.380 0.43
FeO 18.0 19.40
MnO 0.230 0.28

MgO 7.5 8.83

CaO 10.3 10.57

Na20 0.40 0.38

K20 0.065 0.03
P205 0.02
S 0.16

K (ppm) 386
Hf 8.4 7.6
Ta 1.7
Sr 161
Rb 0.39
Li 9.2
Ba 54.4
Co 16.7 19.9
V 100
Sc 73 79
La 6.0 4.15
Ce 24 14.4
Nd 16.3
SAMPLE 71567 -387

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample,l Sample ,9
Method N Methods X, N, I
Reference 1 Reference 2

Sm 10.9 6.91
Eu 2.00 1.66
Gd 11.4
Tb 2.6
Dy 15 12.7
Er 8.28
Yb 9.4 7.35
Lu 1.3 1.08
Ge (ppb)

Analysis by: N = INAA; X = XRF; I = Isotope dilution.

References: 1 = Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975) (same analysis);
2 = Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 71567 -388

100 ' , , , _ ' ' ' ' ' '

3: 10
._1 71567
1 = Warner et al. (1975)
(/) & Laul et al. (1975)
2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

I I I , I I I I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles for 71567. The same analysis was reported by
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975). A second analysis is from Rhodes et al. (1976).

TiO2 content of 12.98 wt% for Table 2: Rb-Sr composition

71567,9, with a MG# of 44.8. RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES of 71567.
REE patterns are LREE Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).
depleted with a maximum in the Nyquist et al. (1976) reported
MREE (Fig. 2). The analysis of the whole-rock Rb-Sr composi- Sample
Rhodes et al. (1976) is more tion of 71567,9 (Table 2). This
complete and reported lower analysis was undertaken as part
RE E abundances than that of of a large study of the Rb-Sr wt (mg) 50
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et compositions of Apollo 17 high-
al. (1975) (Table 1; Fig. 2). Both Ti basalts. Rb (ppm) 0.388
profiles define a negative Eu Sr (ppm) 161
anomaly (Fig. 2). The profile of
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et PROCESSING 87Rb/86Sr 0.0070 + 3
al. (1975) exhibits an 878r]86Srb 0.69959 + 9
(Eu/EU*)N = 0.53, compared to a Of the original 146.0g of TB 4.87 ± 0.90
value of 0.57 defined by the 71567,0, a total of 107.26g
analysis of Rhodes et al. (1976). remains. Several sub-samples TL 5.54___ 0.90
Gibson et al. (1976) reported a exceed lg - ,6 (17.7g), ,7 (6.83g),
sulfur content of 1625 ± 30 l_gS/g ,9 (1.30g), ,10 (9.58g). Five thin b = Uncertainties correspond to
for 71567 with an equivalent of sections have been prepared and last two figures and are
0.142 wt% Feo. are ,12-,16. 2 sigma - normalized to
88Sr/S6Sr = 8.37521; B = Model
age assuming I = 0.69910
(BABI + JSC bias); L = Model
age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for
T = 4.6 Ga).
SAMPLE 71568 - 389

High-Ti Mare Basalt
10.02 g

INTRODUCTION present (-0. lmm). Rare rutile contains 9.8 wt% TiO2, with a
and chromite exsolution was MG# of 42.1. The REE profile
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" observed in the ilmenite. Native (Fig. 2) is LREE-depleted with a
and "Table of Rake Samples", as Fe and troilite (up to 0.2mm) maximum in the MREE. The
well as Fig. 1. form interstitial phases. Large HREE are flat at -40 times
areas (up to 0.5mm) of inter- chondritic abundances (Fig. 2).
stitial SiO2 are conspicuous. No A negative Eu anomaly is
PETROGRAPHY AND armalcolite or olivine was found, present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.60].

Warner et al. (1978) reported the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY PROCESSING

petrography and mineral
chemistry of 71568. During the Murali et al. (1977) reported the Of the original 10.02g of
preparation of this catalog, we whole-rock composition of 71568,0, approximately 8.96g
examined thin section 71568,5 71568,1 in a study of Apollo 17 remains. 71568,1 was used for
and found it to be a coarse- rake samples (Table 1). 71568 is INAA, and thin section ,5 was
grained (up to 1.5mm), classified as a Type A Apollo 17 taken from this irradiated
plagioclase-poikilitic basalt. It high-Ti basalt, based on the sample.
is comprised of plagioclase and whole-rock classification of
pyroxene and interstitial, blocky Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
ilmenite. Cr-ulvbspinel is et al. (1979). This sample

_ , ,i,_,_
Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71568,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 7i568-390

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71568.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71568,1 Sample 71568,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 9.8 Ni
Al203 10.1 Co 14.7
Cr203 0.247 V 27
FeO 19.4 Sc 79
MnO 0.249 La 5.3

MgO 7.9 Ce 29
CaO 13.4 Nd

Na20 0.46 Sm 8.5

K20 0.058 Eu 1.91
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.4

Nb (ppm) Dy 14
Zr Er
Hf 8.6 Yb 8.1
Ta 1.6 Lu 1.36
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71568-391

100 I I I I I I I I I I I

0 10 -
.-I 71568
1 = Murali et al. (1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element plot of 71568. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71569 -393

High-Ti Mare Basalt
289.6 g

INTRODUCTION did not specifically mention the margins) up to 1.5mm, as well as

petrography and mineral a groundmass phase (Fig. 2).
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" chemistry of this basalt during Rare rutile and chromite
and "Table of Rake Samples", as their study of Apollo 17 rake exsolution features were
well as Fig. 1. samples, observed in the phenocrystic
ilmenite. Pyroxene, plagioclase,
During the preparation of this and ilmenite form the
PETROGRAPHY AND catalog, we examined thin groundmass. Pyroxene occurs
MINERAL CHEMISTRY sections 71569,46, ,53, ,57, and either as feathery or blocky
,60. 71569 is a medium-grained masses. Blocky pyroxene
Longhi et al. (1974), and Warner (0.1-0.4mm), porphyritic basalt, masses usually possess an
et al. (1975, 1978a,b,f) reported Olivine occurs as phenocrysts olivine core. Occasionally
the petrography and mineral (up to lmm), as well as rounded plagioclase and pyroxene are
chemistry of 71569. Longhi et cores (~0.05-0.10mm) in larger intergrown into "bow-tie"
al. (1974) only briefly mentioned pyroxenes (up to 0.4mm - Fig. 2). structures. Native Fe and
71569, stating that it is similar Olivine contains euhedral troilite (< 0.1mm) form
to 70215. Warner et al. (1975) chromite inclusions interstitial phases. No
described 71569 as a micro- ( < 0.005mm). Ilmenite occurs as armalcolite or interstitial SiO2
porphyritic ilmenite basalt, but phenocrysts (with "sawtooth" was observed.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71569,0. Cubic scale = lcm3.

SAMPLE 71569-394

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71569,60 showing pyroxene reaction rims around olivine phenocrysts
and ilmenite phenocrysts with sawtooth margins. These are set in a sub-variolitic matrix.

(1976) show good agreement in other two are relatively flat.

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY the LREE (Fig. 3 and Table 1), The analysis of Warner et al.
but exhibit more discrepancy in (1975) contains the lowest
Detailed whole-rock the middle and heavy REE abundances of the middle and
determinations of 71569 have (Fig. 3). The profile of Rhodes et heavy REE (Fig. 3). All are
been conducted by Warner et al. al. (1976) exhibits a decrease LREE-depleted and contain a
(1975) (the same analysis was from Gd to Lu, whereas the negative Eu anomaly. All three
also reported by Laul et al.,
1975), W_inke et al. (1975), and
Rhodes et al. (1976) (Table 1).

Warner et al. (1975) reported a 100 , _ , , , _ .... _ -

TiO2 content in 71569,20 of 13.2
wt%, with a MG# of 47.8. ._ _
Wtinke et al. (1975) analyzed
71569,24 and reported a TiO2 __
content of 12.04 wt%, with a
MG# of 44.4. Rhodes et al. z
(1976) defined 71569,11 as a O
Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt O 10
with 11.57 wt% TiO 2 and a _ 71 569
MG# of 42.0. ._ 1 = Wanke et al. (1975)
¢.n 2 = Warner et al. (1975)
The REE profiles determined by & kaul et al. (1975)
Wgmke et al. (1975), Warner et 3 = Rhodes et al. (1976)
al. (1975), and Rhodes et al.
1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profiles for

71569. The first analysis is from W_nke et al. (1975). The second
analysis was reported both by Warner et aI. (1975) and Laul et al.
(1975). The third analysis was reported by Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 71569-395

studies yield (Eu]EU*)N values concerned with the origins of

between 0.50 and 0.53. COSMOGENIC high-Ti basalts. Simmons et al.
RADIONUCLIDES & (1975) used 71569 in a study of
Two specialized whole-rock EXPOSURE AGES microcracks in lunar samples.
analyses of 71569 have been Finally, Longhi et al. (1978)
published. Gibson et al. (1976) Arvidson et al. (1976) reported a used 71569 to determine the
reported the sulphur abundance Kr-Kr exposure age for 71569 of partitioning of Fe and Mg
as 2005 _+40 l_gS/g with an 134 Ma. Niemeyer et al. (1977) between olivine and lunar
equivalent wt% Feo of 0.076. went into more detail with basaltic liquids.
Jovanovic et ah (1977) reported 71569. These authors reported
the Ru and Os abundances in the rare gas isotope composition
71569,37 (Table 1). of 71569,15 (Table 4), as well as PROCESSING
exposure ages for this sample
using a variety of techniques 71569 has been studied
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES (Table 5). extensively and as such, 71569,0
has been entirely subdivided.
Nyquist et al. (1976) reported Numerous sub-samples remain
the whole-rock Rb-Sr composi- EXPERIMENTAL which are of reasonable size
tion of71569,11 (Table 2). This (i.e., > lg). These, along with
formed part of a much larger 71569 has been used in a variety thin section numbers, are
study of Apollo 17 basalt of experimental studies. Walker reported in Table 6.
petrogenesis. Nunes et al. et al. (1975) and O'Hara and
(1974) reported the U-Th-Pb Humphries (1975) used 71569 in
systematics for 71569 (Table 3). a crystallization study
SAMPLE 71569-396

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71569.

Sample ,24 Sample ,29 Sample ,11 Sample ,37

Method X,N Method N Method X,N,I Method N
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4

SiO2 (wt %) 39.38 39.97

TiO2 12.04 13.2 11.57
A1203 8.58 8.5 9.08
Cr203 0.218 0.420 0.36
FeO 18.96 17.9 18.85
MnO 0.147 0.220 0.28

MgO 8.48 9.2 7.66

CaO 10.58 9.6 11.27

Na20 0.21 0.37 0.41

K20 0.052 0.065 0.06
P205 0.013 0.06
S 0.16 0.19

K (ppm) 585
Nb 24
Zr 258
Hf 8.70 8.4 9.7
Ta 1.75 1.7
U 0.147
W 0.079
Y 91
Sr 170 195
Rb 0.74 0.64
Li 8.1 10.1
Ba 88 84.4
Cs 0.041
Cu 4.00
Co 18.6 17.5 18.0
V 100
Sc 82.4 73 81
La 6.82 6.1 6.74
Ce 23.0 22 23.8
SAMPLE 71569 - 397

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,24 Sample ,29 Sample,ll Sample ,37

Method X,N Method N Method X,N,I Method N
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4

Nd 26.0 26.3
Sm 10.4 11.1 10.9
Eu 2.03 1.97 2.19
Gd 15.1 17.1
Tb 2.7 2.4
Dy 17.1 15 19.0
Er 11.0 11.6
Yb 10.1 9.8 10.5
Lu 1.42 1.4 1.50
Ga 2.15
F 78.0
CI 4.9

Ge (ppb)
Ir 4.8
Au 0.25
Ru 0.08+0.57
Os 0.4 +_0.2

Analysis by: N = INAA; X -- XRF; I = Isotope dilution.

References: 1 -- Wt_nke et al. (1975); 2 = Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975) (same analysis);
3 - Rhodes et al. (1976); 4 = Jovanovic et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71569-398

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 71569.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 71569,9

wt (mg) 57
Rb (ppm) 0.638
Sr (ppm) 195
87Rb/s6Sr 0.0095 ± 2
87Sr/86Srb 0.69979 ± 5

TB 5.04_+0.54
TL 5.54_+0.54

b = Uncertainties correspond to last two figures and are 2 sigma - normalized to

88Sr/86Sr = 8.37521; B -- Model age assuming I -- 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias);
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 Ga).

Table 3: U-Th-Pb systematics of 71569.

Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

1 2 3 4 5

wt(mg) 158.6 213.7 158.6

U (ppm) 0.1176
Th (ppm) 0.3881
Pb (ppm) 0.2663
232Th]238U 3.41
238U/204Pb 370
206Pb/204Pb 180.4@ 249.6@
207Pb/20¢Pb 109.8@ 149.9@
208Pb/204Pb 176.2@ -
206Pb/204pb 220.3* 380.2*
207Pb/204pb 133.7" 225.7*
208Pb/204Pb 210.7" -
207Pb/206Pb 0.6042" 0.5936'
208Pb/206Pb 0.9564" -
206Pb/238U 0.9844a 1.003a
2o7Pb/235U 78.95a 80.24a
2o7pb/206Pb 0.5820 a 0.5808 a
208Pb/232Th 0.2479a -
206Pb/238U 4459b 45195
207Pb/235U 4506b 45235
207Pb/206Pb 45295 45255
208Pb/232Th 45385 -

1 = Elemental concentrations; 2,3 = @ - Observed ratios, * - corrected for analytical blank; 4,5 = a -
corrected for blank and primordial Pb, b - single stage ages in Ma.
SAMPLE 71569 -399

Table 4: Rare gas and cosmogenic rare gas abundances in 71569.

Data from Niemeyer et al. (1977).

Rare Gases

aHe 4He 22Ne 36Ar 20Ne/22Ne 21Ne/22Ne aSAr/36Ar _OAr/36Ar

(x 10 -12 cm 3 STP/g)

71569: 78.5-+2.5 6100-+350 19.18-+0.87 10.16-+0.51 0.841-+0.004 0.8791-+0.0038 1.559-+0.016 186-+1

S4Kr 78Kr 8°Kr 81Kr S2Kr 83Kr _Kr

(x 10 "12cm 3 STP/g) (84Kr = 100)

71569: 149.1-+7.2 42.50+0.55 109.95-+0.79 0.3071+0.0152 169,05+0.85 223.76-+1.00 4.14-+0.12

132Xe 124Xe 126Xe 128Xe 129Xe 130Xe 13IX e 134Xe 136Xe

(x 10 "12 cm 3 STP/g) (132Xe = 1O0)

71569:23.8-+1.0 49.79-+1.26 86.65-+1.73 123.5-+2.4 171.6-+1.9 76,60-+0.98 325.8+4.3 21.49-+0.39 15.34-+0.35

Cosmogenic Rare Gases*

22Ne 38Ar 83Kr 126Xe 78K r 80Kr 81Kr a2Kr S4K r

(x 10 "8cm 3 STP/g) (x 10 "12cm 3 STP/g) (83Kr = 100)

71569: 18.9 [5.7 333 19.9 19.0-+0.3 49.2-+0.5 0.134-+0,007 75.4_+0.5 43.7-+4.5

124Xe 128Xe 129Xe 130Xe 13lie 132Xe 134Xe

(126Xe ----1OO)

71569: 59-+2 144-+3 157-+3 84-+2 351-+7 69-+2 5-+1

* Cosmogenic Ne and Ar abundances are calculated from the total gas amounts assuming trapped Ne and
Ar of solar composition and cosmic ratios of20Ne/22Ne _0.8, 21Ne/22Ne _0.9, and 36Ar/aSAr ~0.6. Both Kr and
Xe isotopic compositions are derived from the 1650°C data which was blank corrected only for hydrocarbon
contamination. The cosmogenic Kr spectra are calculated assuming (86Kr/83Kr) : 0.15 -+ 0.15 and
trapped Kr of terrestrial composition. The cosmogenic Xe spectra are deduced assuming (136Xe/126Xe) --
0.0032 _+0.0016, a terrestrial composition for the trapped Xe, and fissiogenic Xe from in situ spontaneous
fission of U for 3.8 Ga.
SAMPLE 71569-400

Table 5: Cosmic ray exposure ages (Ma).

Data from Niemeyer et al. (1977).

Method Sample 71569

81Kr-Kr 134 + 7
3He 79
21Ne 151
38At 125
83Kr 174
126Xe 198

Table 6: Sample numbers of 71569 sub-samples > lg and thin section numbers.
Note that thin section numbers on the same line do not necessarily mean that this thin
section was taken from the sub-sample weighing > lg. This lay-out is purely for
presenting the information.

Sample Weight (g) Thin Section

,1 173.4 ,46
,2 36.5 ,53
,3 3.70 ,54
,4 12.7 ,55
,6 6.00 ,56
,7 2.75 ,58
,8 2.23 ,59
,9 2.10 ,60
,10 7.00 ,61
,11 1.40 ,62
,12 7.10 ,63
,15 1.30 ,64
,16 4.90 ,65
,17 2.32
,24 1.00
,24 2.27
,26 2.40
,28 10.5
SAMPLE 71575 -401

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.113 g

INTRODUCTION pink/brown color is also present.

Corroded olivine phenocrysts WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" (up to 0.7mm) with pyroxene
and "Table of Rake Samples", as overgrowths are occasionally Murali et ah (1977) reported the
well as Fig. 1. seen. Only rare euhedral whole-rock composition of
chromite inclusions (_0.005mm) 71575,3 in a study of Apollo 17
are found in the olivines, rake samples (Table 1). 71575 is
PETROGRAPHY AND Ilmenite phenocrysts (up to classified as a Type A Apollo 17
MINERAL CHEMISTRY lmm with "sawtooth" margins) high-Ti basalt using the
overlay the plagioclase and classification of Rhodes et ah
Warner et al. (1978) reported the pyroxene groundmass, but (1976) and Wraner et al. (1979).
petrography and mineral blocky ilmenite is also a This sample contains 12.4 wt%
chemistry of 71575. During the groundmass phase. Rutile and TiO2, with a MG# of 39.9. The
preparation of this catalog, we chromite exsolution is found in REE profile (Fig. 2) is relatively
examined thin section 71575,6 both phenocryst and flat, except for La. The
and found it to be a fine- to groundmass ilmenite. Native Fe uncertainties associated with
medium-grained basalt (0.1- and troilite ( up to 0.1ram) are analyzing Ce by INA, coupled
0.4mm). It is dominated by disseminated throughout, but with the overall LREE-depleted
"bow-tie" intergrowths of interstitial SiO2 (up to 0. lmm) nature of Apollo 17 high-Ti
plagioclase and pyroxene, is usually associated with basalts, suggests that the 46
Blocky pyroxene with a striking ilmenite, ppm Ce quoted by Murali et al.

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71575,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71575 - 402

(1977) is probably a maximum. Eu anomaly is present remains. 71575,3 was used for
In reality, this value is probably [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.55]. INAA, and thin section ,6 was
lower, and Ce has not been taken from this irradiated
plotted in Fig. 2. The HREE sample.
exhibit a steady decrease from PROCESSING
Dy to Lu (Fig. 2), but are still
more abundant (relative to Of the original 2.113g of
chondrites) than La. A negative 71575,0, a total of 1.22g

100 ; ; ; ; ; ; i i ; ; ;

0 10
.-I 71575
1 = Murali et al. (1977)



1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71575. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71575-403

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71575.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

71575,3 71575,3

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TIO2 12.4 Ni
A1203 9.0 Co 18.2
Cr203 0.439 V 111
FeO 20.4 Sc 73
MnO 0.221 La 7.4

MgO 7.6 Ce (46)

CaO 10.0 Nd

Na20 0.40 Sm 10.8

K20 0.068 Eu 2.24
P205 Gd
S Tb 3.1

Nb (ppm) Dy 20
Zr Er
Hf 10.9 Yb 10.1
Ta 1.9 Lu 1.45
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71576-405

High-Ti Mare Basalt
23.54 g

INTRODUCTION dominated by "bow-tie"

intergrowths of plagioctase and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" pyroxene. Some areas contain
and "Table of Rake Samples", as much opaque interstitial glass. Murali et al. (1977) reported the
well as Fig. 1. Better-crystallized areas whole-rock composition of
contain pink-brown, blocky 71576,1 in a study of Apollo 17
pyroxene. Subhedral olivine rake samples (Table 1). 71576 is
PETROGRAPHY AND phenocrysts (up to 0.6ram) are classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
MINERAL CHEMISTRY present, along with ilmenites up high-Ti basalt based on the
to 1.5mm long. The ilmenite whole-rock classification of
Warner et al. (1978) reported the phenocrysts contain armalcolite Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
petrography and mineral cores. Ilmenite generally et al. (1979), plus the criteria of
chemistry of 71576. During the exhibits rutile and chromite Neal et al. (1990). This sample
preparation of this catalog, we exsolution lamellae. These are contains 11.8 wt% TiO2 with a
examined thin section 71576,3 not present in the armalcolite. MG# of 37.7. The REE profile
and found it to be a fine- to Native Fe and troilite ( < 0.1 mm) (Fig. 2) flat, except for La.
medium-grained (average grain form interstitial phases and are However, the uncertainties
size - 0.2-0.3ram) basalt. It is disseminated throughout, associated with analyzing Ce by

iii _ i¸ i ! : i !! il 4iii ili? ¸ i i "! i iii _i i!i }[i ! i ]i •i !

Figure I : Hand specimen photograph of 71576,0. Cubic scale = l cm3.

SAMPLE 71576-406

INA, coupled with the overall

17 bigh-Ti basalts, suggests that
the 31 ppm Ce quoted by Murali Paces et al. (1991) reported Of the original 23.54g of
et al. (1977) is probably a whole-rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd 71575,0, a total of _23.19g
maximum. In reality, this value data for 71576,4 (Tables 2 and remains. 71575,1 was used for
is probably lower. The HREE 3). 71576 was studied as part of INAA and the thin section ,3
are relatively fiat at a larger isotopic investigation of was taken from this irradiated
approximately 35 times the Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts, sample.
chondritic levels (Fig. 2). A
negative Eu anomaly is present
[(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.59].

0 10 -
.-I 71576
1 = Murali et al. (1977)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-norrnalized rare-earth element profile of 71576. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71576 - 407

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71576.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71576,1 Sample 71576,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.8 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 19.2
Cr203 0.335 V 85
FeO 20.0 Sc 80
MnO 0.242 La 6.7
MgO 6.8 Ce 31
CaO 10.6 Nd

Na20 0.39 Sm 7.6

K20 0.053 Eu 1.54
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.8

Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 7.0 Yb 8.0
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.15
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71576-408

Table 2: Rb-Sr data for 71576,4.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Rb (ppm) 0.382
Sr (ppm) 127
87Rb/86Sr 0.008658- 86
87Sr/86Sr 0.699669 ± 13
I(Sr)a 0.699203 - 18
TLuN[b(Ga) 5.1

aInitial Sr isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 87Rb decay constant = 1.42x10 -1lyr -1.

bModel age relative to l(Sr) = LUNI = 0.69903 (Nyquist et al., 1974; Shih et al., 1986).
TLUNI = 1/k *ln[((87Sr/86Sr - 0.69903)87Rb/86Sr) + 1].

Table 3: Sm-Nd data for 71576,4.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sm (ppm) 7.25
Nd (ppm) 18.2
147Snd144Nd 0.24154 ± 48
143Nd/laaNd 0.513996 ±9
I(Nd)a 0.508096 ± 21
8Nd b 5.2 ± 0.4
TCHURC(Ga) 4.6

alnitial Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.69 Ga using 147Sm decay constant = 6.54x10-12yr -1.

bInitial _Nd calculated at 3.69 Ga using present-day chondritic values of 143Nd]144Nd --

0.512638 and 147Sm/144Nd --: 0.1967.

cModel age relative to CHUR reservoir using present-day chondritic values listed above.
TCHUR = 1/h*[((143Nd]14aNd- 0.512638)/(147Sm/laaNd- 0.1967)) + 1].
SAMPLE 71577-409

High-Ti Mare Basalt
234.7 g

INTRODUCTION described it in general terms forms a phenocryst phase

within the context of this (Fig. 2), but is generally smaller
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" petrographic group. During the than olivine (maximum =
and "Table of Rake Samples", as preparation of this catalog, we 0.5mm). However, ilmenite is
well as Fig. 1. examined thin section 71577,12 more commonly a groundmass
and found it to be a fine- to phase. Rare rutile and chromite
medium-grained (0.05-0.35mm) exsolution is seen in the
PETROGRAPHY AND basalt. Olivine phenocrysts (up ilmenite. Minor opaque glass is
MINERAL CHEMISTRY to 0.7mm) are reasonably associated with ilmenite.
euhedral with occasional Native Fe and troilite (< 0. lmm)
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, embayments. Euhedral are usually, but not exclusively,
1978) reported the petrography chromite inclusions (_0.005mm) associated with ilmenite. Small
and mineral chemistry of 71577. are found in the olivines. (-0.05mm) areas of interstitial
Warner et al. (1975c) described Plagioclase-pyroxene "bow-tie" glass are conspicuous. No
71577 as a microporphyritic intergrowths are occasionally armalcolite was observed.
ilmenite basalt, but only present (Fig. 2). Ilmenite also

Figure 1: Handspecimen photograph of 71577,0. Cubic scale = lcm 3.

SAMPLE 71577-410

Fig. 3). Both profiles exhibit a

MREE and have negative Eu
Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et anomalies (Fig. 3). The profile of Of the original 234.7g of
al. (1975) reported the same Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et 71577,0, a total of 230.8g
whole-rock analysis of 71577,1 al. (1975) exhibits (Eu]Eu*)N = remains. 71577,4 weighs 1.34g
in a study of Apollo 17 rake 0.57, compared to a value of 0.49 and ,1 was used for INAA.
samples (Table 1). These defined by the analysis of 71577,1 has been renumbered to
authors reported a TiO2 content Rhodes et al. (1976). Gibson et ,9001, and thin section ,12 has
of 12.8 wt%, with a MG# of 41.9. al. (1976) reported a sulfur been taken from this irradiated
Rhodes et al. (1976) classified content of 1880_ 20 pgS/g for sample. Three other thin sec-
71577,4 as a Type A Apollo 17 71577 with an equivalent of tions have been made - ,8, ,9, ,10.
high-Ti basalt and reported a 0.121 wt% Feo.
TiO2 content of 12.04 wt% for
71577,4, with a MG# of 43.5.
depleted with a maximum in the
MREE (Fig. 3). The analysis of Nyquist et al. (1976) reported
Rhodes et al. (1976) is more the whole-rock Rb-Sr
complete and reported lower composition of 71577,4 (Table 2).
LREE but higher middle and This analysis was undertaken as
heavy REE abundances than part of a large study of the Rb-Sr
that of Warner et al. (1975) and compositions of Apollo 17 high-
Laul et al. (1975) (Table 1; Ti basalts.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71577,8. Olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts (sawtooth margins are present).
Phenocrysts are set in a sub-variolitic to varioIitic groundmass. Field of view = 2.5 ram.
SAMPLE 71577-411

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71577.

Sample ,1 Sample ,4 Sample ,1 Sample ,4

Method N Method X,N,I Method N Method X,N,I
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 1 Reference 2

SiO2 (wt %) 39.18 Cu

TiO2 12.8 12.04 Ni
A1203 8.8 8.92 Co 20.6 18.4
Cr203 0,460 0.41 V 110
FeO 20.5 18.90 Sc 79 81
MnO 0.256 0.28 La 6.8 6.9

MgO 8.3 8.15 Ce 28 23.8

CaO 10.4 10.95 Nd 28 26.5

Na20 0.44 0.39 Sm 10.4 11.0

K20 0,070 0.06 Eu 2.14 2.17
P205 0.05 Gd 16.8
S 0.17 Tb 2.6

K (ppm) 583 Dy 18 19,5

Nb Er 11.4
Zr Yb 9.3 10.4
Hf 9.2 10.4 Lu 1.4 1.43
Ta 1.7 Ga
Th Cl
Sr H
Rb 0.64 He

Li 10.4 Ge (ppb)
Ba 83.9 Ir
Cs Au
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysis by: N = INAA; X = XRF; I = Isotope dilution.

References: 1 = Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975) (same analysis); 2 = Rhodes et al.
SAMPLE 71577-412

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 71577.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 71577,9

wt (mg) 59
Rb (ppm) 0.637
Sr (ppm) 191
87Rb/86Sr 0.0096 -+2
878r/86Srb 0.69967 _ 5
TB 4.15_+0.45
Ta 4.64_+0.46

b = Uncertainties correspond to last two figures and are 2 sigma - normalized to 88Sr/86Sr
= 8.37521; B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias); L = Model age
assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 Ga).

100 , i , a , , , , , , ,

0 10 -
..I 71577
_; 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
& Laul et al. (1975)
2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71577. The same analysis was reported by
Warner et al, (1975) and Laul et al. (1975). A second analysis is from Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 71578-413

High-Ti Mare Basalt
353.9 g

INTRODUCTION examined thin section 71578,5 throughout. No armalcolite was

and found it to be a medium- observed.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" grained (0.2-0.5mm) basalt
and "Table of Rake Samples", as (Fig. 2). 71578,5 contains two
well as Fig. 1. textural domains: 1) _bow-tie" WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
intergrowths of plagioclase and
pyroxene and 2) blocky areas Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et
PETROGRAPHY AND dominated by pink pyroxene (up al. (1975) reported the same
MINERAL CHEMISTRY to 0.5mm), some containing whole-rock analysis of 71578,1
rounded olivine cores in a study of Apollo 17 rake
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, (< 0.1mm). Olivine is also samples (Table 1). Based on the
1978) reported the petrography present as microphenocrysts (up whole-rock classification of
and mineral chemistry of 71578. to 0.7mm) (Fig. 2). Ilmenite is Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
Warner et al. (1975c) described present in the groundmass, but et al. (1979), 71578 is classified
71578 as a microporphyritic phenocrysts reach up to lmm as a Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti
ilmenite basalt, but only with "sawtooth" margins basalt. These authors reported a
described it in general terms (Fig. 2). Minor exsolution of TiO2 content of 11.7 wt%, with a
within the context of this rutile and chromite was MG# of 43.7. The REE profile
petrographic group. During the observed. Native Fe and troilite (Fig. 3) is LREE depleted with a
preparation of this catalog, we (< 0.05mm) are disseminated maximum in the MREE. A
SAMPLE 71578-414

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71578,5. Olivine and ilmenite microphenocrysts are set in a sub-variolitic to
variolitic groundmass. Blocky areas are dominated by pyroxene. Field of view = 2.5 mm.

negativeEu anomaly ispresent IO0 , , , , , , , , , , ,

[(Eu]Eu*)N = 0.56].

Of the original 353.9g of zO
71578,0, a total of 352.7g "r
remains. 71578,1 was used for O 10
INAA and has since been "' 71578
renumbered to ,9001. Thin _ 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
section ,5 was taken from this ¢n & Laul et al. (1975)
' irradiated sample.

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of

71578. The same andlysis was reported by Warner et al. (1975)
and Laul et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71578- 415

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71578.

Data from Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et al. (1975) (same analysis).

Sample,1 Sample,1
Method N Method N

S[O2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.7 Ni
A1203 8.4 Co 18.5
Cr203 0.420 V I00
FeO 18.6 Sc 74
MnO 0.240 La 6.0

MgO 8.1 Ce 25
CaO 9.5 Nd 28

Na20 0.42 Sm 9.8

K20 0.070 Eu 1.96
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.5

K (ppm) Dy 17
Nb Er
Zr Yb 8.5
Hf 8.9 Lu 1.3
Ta 1.6 Ga
Th C1
Sr H
Rb He

Li Ge (ppb)
Ba lr
Cs Au
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE71579- 417

High-Ti Mare Basalt
7.94 g

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 2). The olivines contain plus the criteria of Neal et al.
subhedral chromite inclusions (1990). This sample contains
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" (_0.005mm). Ilmenite 12.1 wt% TiO2, with a MG# of
and "Table of Rake Samples", as phenocrysts (up to lmm) contain 39.7. The REE profile (Fig. 3) is
well as Fig. 1. "sawtooth" margins (Fig. 2) and LREE-depleted. However,
also form a groundmass phase. Murali et al. (1977) reported 33
Rutile and chromite exsolution ppm Ce, but in parentheses -
PETROGRAPHY AND is present in the ilmenites, inclusion of Ce in the profile
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Native Fe and troilite ( < 0. lmm) would give 71579 a positive Ce
are disseminated throughout, anomaly. We have not included
Warner et ah (1978) reported the Minor interstitial SiO2 (_0. lmm) Ce in Fig. 3, as the uncertainties
petrography and mineral is associated with ilmenite, associated with analyzing Ce by
chemistry of 71579. During the INA, coupled with the overall
preparation of this catalog, we LREE-depleted nature of Apollo
examined thin section 71579,3 WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY 17 high-Ti basalts, suggests that
and found it to be a fine- to the 33 ppm Ce quoted by Murali
medium-grained (0.1-0.4mm) Murali et al. (1977) reported the et al. (1977) is probably a
basalt (Fig. 2). It is dominated whole-rock composition of maximum. In reality, this value
by "bow-tie" intergrowths of 71579,1 in a study of Apollo 17 must be lower. The HREE are
plagioclase and pyroxene, rake samples (Table 1). 71579 is generally flat at 32-34 times
Pyroxene also occurs as blocky classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17 chondritic levels. A negative Eu
masses. Corroded olivine high-Ti basalt, based on the anomaly is present [(Eu/EU*)N
phenocrysts (0.7mm) with classification of Rhodes et ah = 0.57].
pyroxene rims are present (1976) and Warner et al. (1979),

_ _, ......
Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71579,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71579-418

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71579,3. [lmenite and olivine phenocrysts are set in a variolitic groundmass.
Field of view = 2.5 ram.

I00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' +

approximately 7.52g remains. _-

Of was used
theoriginal for INAA
7.94g and
of 71579,0, _--w _. t _ _
the thin section ,3 was taken z
from this irradiated sample. "r
_ 10
,.J 71579
1 = Murali etal. (1977)

t I I t I I I I I I I
1 La Co Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of

71579. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71579-419

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71579.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71579,1 Sample 71579, !

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO 2 12.1 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 20.1
Cr203 0.358 V 88
FeO 20.6 Sc 82
MnO 0.245 La 6.0
MgO 7.6 Ce (33)
CaO 9.3 Nd
Na20 0.40 Sm 7.5
K20 0.053 Eu 1.50
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 7.1 Yb 7.5
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.23
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71585-421

High-Ti Mare Basalt
13.86 g

INTRODUCTION examined thin section 71585,6 exsolution lamellae. Native Fe

and found it to be a fine- to (0.05-0.1mm) is usually
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" medium-grained (0.1-0.4mm), associated with ilmenite, but
and "Table of Rake Samples", as sub-ophitic basalt. It is com- troilite (up to 0.2mm) is
well as Fig. 1. prised of"bow-tie" intergrowths disseminated throughout.
of plagioclase and pyroxene as Minor interstitial SiO2 is
well as areas of blocky, pink/ conspicuous (~0.1mm). No
PETROGRAPHY AND brown pyroxene. Rare plagio- armalcolite was identified.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY clase laths extend up to 0.6mm.
Ilmenite (up to lmm) and
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, olivine (up to 0.Smm) pheno- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
1978) reported the petrography crysts are present, olivine
and mineral chemistry of 71585. containing euhedral chromite Warner et al. (1975) reported the
Warner et al. (1975c) described inclusions (~0.005mm). Olivines whole-rock composition of
71585 as a microporphyritic are corroded and usually have a 71585,4 in a study of Apollo 17
ilmenite basalt, but only pyroxene reaction rim. Minor rake samples (Table 1). 71585 is
described it in general terms interstitial, opaque glass is classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
within the context of this associated with ilmenite and high-Ti basalt, based on the
petrographic group. During the ilmenite contains very fine classification of Rhodes et al.
preparation ofthis catalog, we (_0.002mm) chromite and rutile (1976) and Warner et al. (1979),

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71585,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71585- 422

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71585.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

Sample 71585,4 Sample 71585,4

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.1 Ni
A1203 9.4 Co 22.0
Cr203 0.478 V 120
FeO 20.2 Sc 81
MnO 0.243 La 5.9

MgO 7.2 Ce 24
CaO 10.6 Nd
Na20 0.33 Sm 7.1
K20 0.045 Eu 1.55
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9
Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 7.2 Yb 7.0
Ta 1.7 Lu 1.1
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71585-423

plus the criteria ofNeal et al. 100 , , , , , , , , , , ,

(1990). This sample contains
11.1 wt% TiO2, with a MG# of
44.8. The REE profile (Fig. 2) is
LREE-depleted with a _ A______"_ //_1_" 1 11

maximum at Sm. The HREE

are approximately constant at z
32 times chondritic abundances. O
A negative Eu anomaly is _ 10
present [(Eu/Eu*) N = 0.60]. '"
--J 71585
=E 1 = Warner et al. (1975)

Of the original 13.86g of

I I I I 1 I I I I I

71585,0, a total of 12.29g 1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

remains. 71585,4 was
subdivided into ,9001 which was Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth elernent profile of
irradiated for INAA, and ,6 for a 71585. Data from Warner et al. (1975).
thin section.
SAMPLE 71586-425

High-Ti Mare Basalt
26.92 g

INTRODUCTION Ce by INA, coupled with the

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY overall LREE-depleted nature of
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts,
and "Table of Rake Samples", as Murali et al. (1977) reported the suggests that the 38 ppm Ce
well as Fig. 1. whole-rock composition of quoted by Murali et ah (1977) is
71586,1 in a study of Apollo 17 probably spurious. In reality,
rake samples (Table 1). Based this value is probably lower.
PETROGRAPHY AND on the classification of Rhodes et The HREE are fiat at
MINERAL CHEMISTRY al. (1976) and Warner et al. approximately 33 times
(1979), as well as the criteria of chondritic abundances (Fig. 3).
Warner et ah (1978) reported the Neal et ah (1990), 71586 is A negative Eu anomaly is
petrography and mineral classified as a Type B2 Apollol7 present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.56].
chemistry of 71586. During the high-Ti basalt. This sample
preparation of this catalog, we contains 10.5 wt% TiO2 with a
examined thin section 71586,4 MG# of 42.9. The REE profile PROCESSING
and found it to be a fine- to (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted, but
medium-grained (0.1-0.35mm) Ce has not been included. Of the original 26.92g of
basalt. 71586 is comprised of Murali et al. (1977) reported 38 71586,0, a total of 26.53g
plagioclase-pyroxene "bow-tie" ppm Ce, but in parentheses, and remains. 71586,1 was used for
intergrowths (Fig. 2). It inclusion of it in this profile INAA, and thin section ,4 was
contains olivine micropheno- would produce a positive Ce taken from this irradiated
crysts (up to 0.6mm - Fig. 2) all anomaly. The high uncertain- sample.
of which exhibit resorption ties associated with analyzing
features and minor pink
pyroxene overgrowths. The
olivines contain euhedral
chromite inclusions (~0.005mm).
Ilmenite phenocrysts reach up to
1.hmm and overlay the
groundmass, but not the olivine ]
phenocrysts (Fig. 2). These ,0
ilmenite phenocrysts have
"sawtooth" margins. Ilmenite
also forms a minor groundmass
phase. Both groundmass and
phenocryst ilmenite contain
minor rutile and chromite
exsolution. No armalcolite was

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71586,0. Small divisions

on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71586-426

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 71586,4. Olivine rnicrophenocrysts have a reaction rim of pyroxene.

Ilmenite phenocrysts have sawtooth margins. These are set in a variolitic groundmass. Field of view is
2.5 ram.

100 • ' ' ' , , , , s , i ,

Z: _1 1 I

10 -

1 = Murali et al. (1977)

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-norrnalized rare-earth elernent profile of 71586. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71586-427

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71586.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71586,1 Sample 71586,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu

TiO2 10.5 Ni
A1203 9.2 Co 22.3
Cr203 0.486 V 131
FeO 19.7 Sc 75
MnO 0.248 La 5.7

MgO 8.3 Ce (38)

CaO 9.3 Nd
Na20 0.33 Sm 7.2
K20 0.044 Eu 1.47
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 7.0 Yb 7.3
Ta 1.3 Lu 1.11
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Eu
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71587-429

High-Ti Mare Basalt
41.27 g

INTRODUCTION examined thin section 71587,6 ulviispinels are also present (up
and found it to be a fine- to to 0.3mm) in the groundmass.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" medium-grained (0.1-0.4mm), These contain exsolution blebs
and "Table of Rake Samples", as microporphyritic basalt. It ofilmenite (Fig. 2b) and native
well as Fig. 1. contains olivine and ilmenite Fe. Very little native Fe and
microphenocrysts (both up to troilite was observed.
0.7ram). Olivines are corroded,
PETROGRAPHY AND and some have minor pink
euhedral chromite inclusions
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, (_0.005mm) are seen in these Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et
1978) reported the petrography olivines. Commonly, the al. (1975) reported the same
and mineral chemistry of 71587. ilmenites contain armalcolite whole-rock analysis of 71587,1
Warner et al. (1975c) described cores (Fig. 2a), as well as rutile in a study of Apollo 17 rake
71587 as a microporphyritic and chromite exsolution samples (Table 1). This sample
ilmenite basalt, but only features. "Bow-tie" is classified as a Type B2
described it in general terms intergrowths of plagioclase and Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, based
within the context of this pyroxene form the groundmass on the whole-rock classification
petrographic group. During the of this basalt, along with minor of Rhodes et al. (1976) and
preparation of this catalog, we ilmenite. Discrete Cr- Warner et al. (1979), plus the


Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71587,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71587-430

2a: Armalcolite core rimmed by ilmenite exhibiting rutile exsolution - field of view = 0.625 ram.

2b: IImenite exsolution in ulvi_spinel - field of view = 0.625 mm.

Figure 2: Photomicrographs of 71587,6.

SAMPLE 71587-431

criteria of Neal et al. (1990). A negative Eu anomaly is INAA, and has since been
Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.52]. renumbered to ,9001. Thin
al. (1975) reported a TiO2 section ,6 was taken from this
content o£ 12.7 wt%, with a irradiated sample.
MG# of 41.4. The REE profile PROCESSING
(Fig. 3) is LREE depleted with a
maximum at Sm. The HREE Of the original 41.27g of
are approximately constant at 71587,0, approximately 39.72g
33 times chondritic abundances, remains. 71587,1 was used for

0 10 -
..I 71587

,¢ 1 = Warner et al. (1975)

(n & Laul et al. (1975)

I I I I I I I 1 I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71587. The same analysis was reported by
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et aI. (1975).
SAMPLE 71587-432

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71587.

Data from Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et al. (1975) (same analysis).

Sample 71587,1 Sample 71587,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.7 Ni
A1203 8.7 Co 20.8
Cr203 0.405 V 100
FeO 19.2 Sc 80
MnO 0.240 La 5.7

MgO 7.6 Ce 22
CaO 10.3 Nd

Na20 0.39 Sm 7.6

K20 0.050 Eu 1.40
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.9

K (ppm) Dy 12
Nb Er
Zr Yb 6.9
Hf 6.2 Lu 1.0
Ta 5.4 Ga
Th Cl
Sr H
Rb He

Li Ge (ppb)
Ba Ir
Cs Au
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.


High-Ti Mare Basalt
48.98 g

INTRODUCTION section 71588,6 and found it to disseminated throughout. No

be a medium-grained (0.2- armalcolite was identified.
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" 0.4mm), equigranular basalt. It
and "Table of Rake Samples", as is comprised of blocky, pink
well as Fig. 1. pyroxene and plagioclase, WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
although rare "bow-tie" inter-
growths of these two minerals Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et
PETROGRAPHY AND are also present. Olivine (0.8- al. (1975) reported the same
MINERAL CHEMISTRY lmm) and ilmenite (up to lmm) whole-rock analysis of 71588,2
phenocrysts are also present, in a study of Apollo 17 rake
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, and ilmenite is also present in samples (Table 1). 71588 is
1978) reported the petrography the groundmass. One ilmenite classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
and mineral chemistry of 71588. reaches -3mm, but this is high-Ti basalt, based on the
Warner et al. (1975c) described unusual. Ilmenite phenocrysts classification of Rhodes et al.
71588 as a microporphyritic exhibit "sawtooth" margins. (1976) and Warner et al. (1979),
ilmenite basalt, but only Rutile and chromite exsolution plus the criteria ofNeal et al.
described it in general terms lamellae (< 0.002mm wide) are (1990). Laul et al. (1975) and
within the context of this present in both phenocryst and Warner et al. (1975) reported a
petrographic group. However, groundmass ilmenite. Euhedral TiO2 content of 12.0 wt%, with a
Warner et al. (1975) did report chromite inclusions (_0.005mm) MG# of 41.7. The REE profile
pyroxene compositions (Fig. 2). are seen in the olivine pheno- (Fig. 3) is LREE depleted. The
These range from titanaugite, to crysts. Interstitial SiO2 is HREE show a decrease from Dy
pigeonite, toward pyroxferroite, conspicuous, forming masses up at _26-28 times chondritic levels.
During the preparation of this to 0.15mm. Native Fe and A negative Eu anomaly is
catalog, we examined thin troilite (_0.005mm) are present [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.56].

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 71588,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71588- 434


Of the original 48.98g of L _" %

71588,0, a total of 47.92g "#"
ee • • e •
remains. 71588,2 was used for /
71588,2/+ / 4_1
[NAA and hasto since
,9001.been E,/ *
renumbered Thin ......... _'
section ,6 was taken from this Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions from 71588,2
irradiated sample, represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

I-- _, _ 1 1 1------1

0 10
--I 71588
:i 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
(n & Laul et al. (1975)

I I I I I I l I I J' I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71588. The same analysis was reported by
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71588-435

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71588.

Data from Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et al. (1975) (same analysis).

Sample 71588,2 Sample 71588,2

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 12.0 Ni
A1203 8.4 Co 23.1
Cr203 0.419 V 110
FeO 19.9 Sc 79
MnO 0.244 La 4.9

MgO 8.0 Ce 18
CaO 10.1 Nd

Na20 0.35 Sm 6.1

K20 0.040 Eu 1.30
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.7

K (ppm) Dy 11
Nb Er
Zr Yb 6.2
Hf 6.0 Lu 0.91
Ta 1.4 Ga
Th C1
Sr H
Rb He

Li Ge (ppb)
Ba Ir
Cs Au
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71589 -437

High-Ti Mare Basalt
6.86 g

INTRODUCTION well as a phenocryst phase (up to 71589,1 in a study of Apollo 17

lmm with "sawtooth" margins), rake samples (Table 1). 71589 is
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" Rutile and chromite exsolution classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
and "Table of Rake Samples", as lamellae ( < 0.001ram wide) are high-Ti basalt, based on the
well as Fig. 1. present in both groundmass and whole-rock classification of
phenocrystie ilmenite. Corroded Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner
olivine microphenocrysts (up to et al. (1979), plus the criteria of
PETROGRAPHY AND 0.6mm) are mantled by reaction Neal et al. (1990). This sample
MINERAL CHEMISTRY rims of pink pyroxene. These contains 10.7 wt% TiO2, with a
olivines contain euhedral MG# of 41.6. The REE profile
Warner et al. (1978) reported the chromite inclusions (_0.005mm) (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted, but
petrography and mineral (Fig. 2). Native Fe and troilite Ce has not been included.
chemistry of 71589. During the ( < 0.05mm) are disseminated Murali et al. (1977) reported 37
preparation of this catalog, we throughout the thin section as ppm Ce, but in parentheses, and
examined thin section 71589,4 interstitial phases. No inclusion of it in this profile
and found it to be a fine-grained armalcolite was observed, would produce a positive Ce
(0.05-0.25mm) basalt. It is anomaly. The high
comprised of interwoven "bow- uncertainties associated with
tie" plagioclase-pyroxene WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY analyzing Ce by INA, coupled
intergrowths (Fig. 2). Ilmenite with the overall LREE-depleted
is also present in this Murali et al. (1977) reported the nature of Apollo 17 high-Ti
groundmass material (Fig. 2), as whole-rock composition of basalts, suggests that the

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71589,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71589- 438

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71589,4. Olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts set in a sub-variolitic to variolitic
ground mass. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

37 ppm Ce quoted by Murali et thin section ,4 was taken from

al. (1977) is probably spurious. PROCESSING this irradiated sample.
In reality, this value is probably
lower. The HREE exhibit a Of the original 6.86gof71589,0,
slight decrease from Tb and Dy a total of 6.64g remains.
(Fig. 3). A negative Eu anomaly 71589,1 was used for INAA, and
is present [(Eu]Eu*)N = 0.57].


l,IJ _....._ / 1 1 -
p. lO
,.i 71589
:S 1 = Murali 6_al. (1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-norrr_lized rare-earth element pro_le of 71589. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71589-439

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71589.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71589,1 Sample 71589,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 10.7 Ni
Al203. 9.2 Co 19.5
Cr203 0.428 V 114
FeO 20.0 Sc 79
MnO 0.247 La 5.7
MgO 8.0 Ce (37)
CaO 10.5 Nd
Na20 0.34 Sm 7.0
K20 0.050 Eu 1.54
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.1

Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf 7.4 Yb 7.2
Ta 1.4 Lu 1.05
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71595-441

High-Ti Mare Basalt
25.21 g

INTRODUCTION intergrowths. Areas of blocky, ilmenite contain rutile and

pink pyroxene and plagioclase chromite exsolution lamellae
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" are present. There is much (< 0.005mm wide). Native Fe
and "Table of Rake Samples", as opaque, quench glass present and troilite ( < 0.05mm) are
well as Fig. 1. (Fig. 2a). Ilmenite is also disseminated throughout the
present in the groundmass, thin section as interstitial
overlayng the plagioclase- phases.
PETROGRAPHY AND pyroxene "bow-tie" structures
MINERAL CHEMISTRY (Fig. 2a). Ilmenite (up to lmm)
and olivine (up to lmm) WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Warner et al. (1978) reported the phenocrysts are present (Fig.
petrography and mineral 2a). Olivine contains small Murali et al. (1977) reported the
chemistry of 71595. During the (_0.005mm) euhedral chromite whole-rock composition of
preparation of this catalog, we inclusions and is often corroded 71595,1 in a study of Apollo 17
examined thin section 71595,5 with reaction rims of pink rake samples (Table 1). 71595 is
and found it to be a fine- to pyroxene. Embayed classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17
medium-grained (0.1-0.3mm) armalcolites commonly form the high-Ti basalt using the classi-
basalt. It is comprised of cores of larger ilmenite fication of Rhodes et al. (1976)
interlocking plagioclase- phenocrysts (Fig. 2b). Both and Warner et al. (1979), plus
pyroxene "bow-tie" groundmass and phenocrystic the criteria of Neal et al. (1990).

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71595,0.

SAMPLE 71595-442

2a: Illustration of the glassy/variolitic and blocky/interlocking portions of the basalt -

field of view = 2.5 mm.

2b: Armalcolite core in ilmenite phenocryst - field of view = 0.625 mm.

Figure2: Photomicrographs of 71595,0.

SAMPLE 71595-443

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 71595.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71595,1 Sample 71595,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 10.4 Ni
A1203 9.3 Co 18.4
Cr203 0.416 V 100
FeO 19.6 Sc 78
MnO 0.247 La 6.4

MgO 7.4 Ce 29
CaO 10.6 Nd
Na20 0.39 Sm 6.9
K20 0.044 Eu 1.43
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.8

Nb (ppm) Dy 12
Zr Er
Hf 6.5 Yb 7.5
Ta 1.5 Lu 1.11
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 71595-444

This sample contains 10.4 wt% uncertainties associated with

TiO2, with a MG# of 40.2. The analyzing Ce by INA, coupled PROCESSING
REE profile (Fig. 3) is flat, with the overall LREE-depleted
except for La. As in the other nature of Apollo 17 high-Ti Of the original 25.21g of
[NA analyses of Apollo 17 high- basalts, suggests that 71595 is 71595,0, approximately 24.33g
Ti basalts reported by Murali et probably LREE-depleted. The remains. 71595,1 was used for
al. (1977), we consider Ce to be HREE are generally flat at 32- INAA, and thin section ,5 was
spurious, or at best the reported 35 times chondritic levels taken from this irradiated
29 ppm Ce in 71595,1 is a (Fig. 3). A negative Eu anomaly sample.
maximum. The high is present [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.56].

a -- / I___I 1----1
O 10
--I 71595
=E 1 = Murali et al. (1977)

I I l I I I I l I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71595. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71596-445

High-Ti Mare Basalt
61.05 g

INTRODUCTION description of this b_asalt group, lamellae (_0.001mm wide).

During the preparation of this Olivine microphenocrysts are
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" catalog, we examined thin also present (up to 0.6mm)
and "Table of Rake Samples", as section 71596,5 and found it to (Fig. 2), and these contain
well as Fig. 1. be a medium-grained (0.2- inclusions ofeuhedral chromite
0.4mm) basalt (Fig. 2). It is (_0.005mm). The olivines have
comprised of two textural corroded margins and
PETROGRAPHY AND domains: 1) plagioclase- occasionally have reaction rims
MINERAL CHEMISTRY pyroxene "bow-tie" of pink pyroxene. Native Fe and
intergrowths; and 2) blocky, troilite (< 0.05mm) are
Warner et al. (1975bc, 1976ab, pink pyroxene and plagioclase disseminated throughout the
1978) reported the petrography in an almost sub-ophitic sample as interstitial phases.
and mineral chemistry of 71596. relationship. Blocky ilmenite is No armalcolite or SiO2 was
Warner et al. (1975c) described found in both domains, but observed.
71596 as a microporphyritic [lmenite also occurs as
ilmenite basalt. However, the phenocrysts (up to lmm) with
petrography and mineral "sawtooth" margins (Fig. 2). WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
chemistry of this sample was not Both groundmass and
specifically mentioned, only phenocrystic ilmenite contain Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et
being discussed in the general rutile and chromite exsolution al. (1975) reported the same

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71596,0. Small divisions on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71596-446

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71596,5. Olivine microphenocrysts and iImenite phenocrysts with sawtooth
margins are seen set in a sub-variolitic to varivlitic groundmass.

whole-rock analysis of 71596,1 MG# of 42.5. The REE profile

in a study of Apollo 17 rake (Fig. 3) is LREE-depleted with a PROCESSING
samples (Table 1). 71596 is maximum at Sm. The HREE
classified as a Type B2 Apollo 17 exhibit a slight depletion Of the original 61.05g of
high-Ti basalt, based on the compared to the MREE, but are 71596,0, a total of 59.88g
whole-rock classification of still enriched (relative to remains. 71596,1 was used for
Rhodes et al. (1976) and Warner chondrites) over the LREE INAA and renumbered to ,9001.
et al. (1979), plus the criteria of (Fig. 3). A negative Eu anomaly Two thin sections (,4 and ,5)
Neal et al. (1990). This sample is present [(Eu/EU*)N = 0.58]. were taken from this irradiated
contains 11.0 wt% TiO2, with a sample.

100 l, l ,,,,, , ,i

p. I I
o 10
-o. 71596
<c 1 = Warner et al. (1975)
u) & Laul et al, (1975)

i i i i i i i i i i i
1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chondrite-norrnalized rare-earth element profile of 71596. The same analysis was reported by
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 71596 - 447

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71596.

Data from Laul et al. (1975) and Warner et al. (1975) (same analysis).

Sample 71596,1 Sample 71596,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 (wt %) Cu
TiO2 11.0 Ni
A1203 9.2 Co 20.2
Cr203 0.400 V 120
FeO 18.8 Sc 75
MnO 0.246 La 5.5

MgO 7.8 Ce 21
CaO 10.3 Nd 20

Na20 0.38 Sm 7.2

K20 0.044 Eu 1.50
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.8

Nb (ppm) Dy 11
Zr Er
Hf 6.3 Yb 6.5
Ta 1.3 Lu 0.96
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = [NAA.

SAMPLE 71597 - 449

High-Ti Mare Basalt
12.35 g

INTRODUCTION small crystals 0.1-0.5mm long. Plagioclase occurs as large platy

The majority occur as euhedral, crystals (up to 6mm long and
See "Rake Sample Descriptions" prismatic crystals poikilitically 2.5mm wide) that poikilitically
and "Table of Rake Samples", as enclosed by plagioctase; a few enclose crystals of olivine,
well as Fig. 1. occur as rounded grains pyroxene, and ilmenite;
surrounded by pyroxene. The compositions are An85.90
small olivines are unzoned and (Fig. 3). A few smaller
PETROGRAPHY AND have compositions ranging from plagioclase crystals are present,
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Fo63 to Fo69. associated with late-stage
cristobalite and are of
Warner et al. (1977, 1978) Pyroxene grains exhibit sector composition _Anso.
reported in great detail the zonation of titan-augite which
petrography and mineral range up to 2mm across, but are Ilmenite is the most abundant
chemistry of 71597. The most commonly 0.5-1mm wide. opaque mineral. It exhibits a
following is the description The majority of the pyroxene two-fold grain-_ize distribution
presented by Warner et al. occurs as anhedral, subequant to similar to (but less pronounced
(1977). These authors described bladed crystals 0.2-0.3mm wide. than) olivine in that there are a
71597 as a coarse-grained Compositions range from titan- small number of very large (up
basalt, but our examination of augite (max. 4.5 wt% TiO2; 6.5 to 5mm) crystals which are an
thin section 71597,4 showed it to wt% A1203) to pigeonite (Fig. 3). order of magnitude larger than
be gabbroic (grain size up to The extreme Fe-enrichment the majority of the ilmenites
5mm). It contains 19.3% olivine, typical of late-stage pyroxene (Fig. 2). The large ilmenites (_2
39.4% pyroxene, 28.3% crystallization in other Apollo modal %) are elongate (equant
plagioclase, 11.8% ilmenite, 17 basalts is not present, in cross section) skeletal crystals
0.1% armalcolite, 0.2%
ulvSspinel, 0.2% metal and
troilite, 0.4% cristobalite, and
0.2% glassy mesostasis. All but
1-2% of the modal olivine is
present as a small number of
very large (2-5 + mm) crystals t
(Fig. 2), most of which are
skeletal. The large skeletal
olivines contain sparse melt
inclusions as well as euhedral
chromites (<0.03 mm).
Margins of the olivines are often
corroded and are mantled by
pyroxene. There is some
tendency for these large olivines
to cluster. Compositionally,
these large skeletal olivines
have Fo73_75 cores and zone
outwards to more Fe-rich
compositions adjacent to
mantling pyroxene (Fo64.66).
The remainder of the olivine in
71597 consists of numerous

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 71597.0. Small divisions

on scale are in millimeters.
SAMPLE 71597-450

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 71597,5 showing the large olivine phenocrysts. Field of view -- 2.5 ram.

il tJ ° ° ° •
00 • 0 °

_ v w v
En _ ¢om_ition _ "/,,)

_o _ 0'o
L 70
.in ,
+o _ 4'o _o io _ 6

AnorttV_ cont_ o%plo_#oclou(molo%)

Figure 3: Composition of pyroxenes (projected onto pyroxene quadrilateral), olivines and plagioclases in
71597. Olivine compositions >Fo7o are from cores of large skeletal olivine grains; those <FoTo are from
small _matrix" olivine crystals.
SAMPLE 71597 - 451

with "sawtooth" bladed in Fe/(Fe from 0.55 to 0.69 plagioclase grain boundaries. A
margins. They contain 4.8-5.1 (Fig. 4); the most magnesian number of these latter crystals
wt% MgO. The remainder of the grains are zoned, with exceed 0. lmm in width. These
ilmenite occurs as subequant Fe/(Fe + Mg) increasing "matrix" spinels are the least
crystals 0.1-0.2mm wide or as outwards, coupled with Cr2Oa-rich.
laths generally <0.5mm long. decreasingCr203. Ilmenite
They show a considerable range mantling armalcolite contains Cristobalite is inhomogeneously
in MgO (1-8 wt%) depending nearly 6 wt% MgO. distributed in 71597. It is most
upon their textural setting: abundant in areas of least
ilmenite crystals inside olivine Spinel of intermediate chromian olivine. Native Fe and troilite
melt inclusions or inside titan- ulvSspinel composition (Fig. 4) (often intergrown) are widely
augite crystals often contain > 7 is widely disseminated disseminated in a cristobalite-
wt% MgO, whereas ilmenite throughout 71597. A few rich mesostasis and in ilmenite.
crystals associated with crystals occur at the outer A few tiny crystals of zirconolite
plagioclase and/or cristobalite margins of some of the large are also present.
often contain <2 wt% MgO. skeletal olivines; these are
Overall, ilmenite ranges in generally euhedral, 15-20pm
Fe/(Fe + Mg) from 0.71-0.96 (Fig. wide, and contain > 29 wt% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
4). Blebs and lamellae ofrutile Cr203. Euhedral, 15-20pm wide
and chromite are commonly spinels occur as inclusions in the Murali et al. (1977) reported the
present, small (0.1-0.5mm) olivines; they major- and trace-element
contain less Cr203 (_25 wt%). composition of 71597 and
Armalcolite is rare, but where Euhedral to subhedral Warner et al. (1977) reproduced
present, it is usually partly or ulvSspinels occur inside the major-element analysis.
wholly mantled by ilmenite, pyroxene grains and are also These authors reported a TiO2
The composite grains are abundantly scattered content of 8.4 wt% for 71597,
usually large ( > 0.5mm across), throughout the rest of the rock, with a high MG# of 58.7. This
Cores ofarmalcolite grains vary where they overlap pyroxene- high MG#, coupled with the

(_40.8 0.8

_o.e _ o.e

0.4 06
.0 Cr ....
Compositionof spinel group minerals
d6 .

r • Lml
do d, o'.2 d3 0?4 ds o'.e d, o:e d, _:o
Fe/FseMg of ormolcolite

O0 04 0.2 0.3 0.4. 0.5 0.6 07 0.8 09 1.0

Fe/Fe*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 4: Compositions of spinels (projected onto lunar spinel prism), armalcolites and ilmenites in 71597.
SAMPLE 71597-452

trace-element abundances and that this was due to olivine and

olivine compositions, was used minor opaque oxide PROCESSING
to propose a cumulate origin for accumulation resulting in the
71597. The REE (Fig. 5) are dilution of the trace-elements. Of the original 12.35g of
present in much lower The REE profile is LREE- 71597,0, a total of 11.63g
abundances than in other Apollo depleted (Fig. 5) with a remains. 71597,1 was used for
17 high-Ti basalts, although the maximum at Yb. There is a INAA, and two thin sections (,4
shape of the REE profile is slight positive slope between Tb and ,5) were taken from this
similar. Murali et al. (1977) and and Yb. A negative Eu anomaly irradiated sample.
Warner et al. (1977) concluded is present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.70].

100 , , , 8 , , , , , , ,

=E 1 = Muraliet al. (1977)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 5: Chrondrite-normalized rare-earth element profile of 71597. Data from Murali et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 71597-453

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 71597.

Data from Murali et al. (1977).

Sample 71597,1 Sample 71597,1

Method N Method N

Si02 (wt %) Cu
Ti02 8.4 Ni
A1203 7.9 Co 43
Cr203 0.470 V 126
FeO 19.8 Sc 71
MnO 0.237 La 3.0
MgO 15.8 Ce
CaO 7.9 Nd
Na20 0.29 Sm 3.9
K20 0.027 Eu 1.0
P205 Gd
S Tb 1.1
Nb (ppm) Dy 7
Zr Er
Hf 4.2 Yb 4.8
Ta 0.86 Lu 0.62
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs [r
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.



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73215 73216 77035

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(1975a) Chemical studies of the lunar regolith with emphasis on zirconium and hafnium. Proc.
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73215 77035

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70135 70185 70215 71135 71136 71175 71566 73215 73255 73275 76295 78597 79155

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Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1823-1837.
70035 70215 72275 72415 72435 73275 74275 75035 75055 76015 76055 76315 77017 77135
78155 79135

Gibson E.K. and Moore G.W. (1974b) Total sulfur abundances and distributions in the valley of Taurus-
Littrow: Evidence of mixing. LSV, 267-269.
70035 70215 72275 72415 72435 73275 74275 75035 75055 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155

Gibson E.K., Chang S., Lennon K., Moore G.W., and Pearce G.W. (1975a) Sulfur abundances and
distributions in mare basalts and their source magmas. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1287-1301.
70035 70215 74275 75035 75055

Gibson E.K., Chang S., Lennon K., Moore G.W., and Pearce G.W. (1975b) Carbon, sulfur, hydrogen and
metallic iron abundances in Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 basalts. LS VI, 290-292.
70035 70215 74275 75035 75055

Gibson E.K., Usselman T.M°, and Morris R.V. (1976a) Sulfur in the Apollo 17 basalts and their source
regions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1491-1505.
70035 70135 70185 70215 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535 78135
78506 78597 78599 79155

Gibson E.K., Morris R.V., and Usselman T.M. (1976b) Nature of the sulfur in the Apollo 17 basalts and
their source regions. LS VII, 290-292.
70035 70135 70185 70215 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535 78135
78506 78597 78599 79155

Gibson E.K., and Andrawes F.F. (1978) Nature of the gases released from lunar rocks and soils upon
crushing. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 2433-2450.
74275 75035 78505

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distributions in lunar materials. LPS XVIII, 326-327
70035 70215 74255 74275 75035 75055 72415 76015 76055 76215 77135 78155 78505 79135

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Gold T., Bilson E., and Baron R.L. (1976a) The surface chemical composition of lunar samples and its
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76315 79135

Gold T., Bilson E., and Baron R.L. (1976b) Electrical properties of Apollo 17 rock and soil samples and a
summary of the electrical properties of lunar material at 450 MHz frequency. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 2593-2603.
76315 79135

Gold T., Bilson E., and Baron R.L. (1976c) Electrical properties of Apollo 17 rock and soil samples and a
summary of the electrical properties of lunar material at 450 MHz frequency. LS VII, 298-300.
76315 79135

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Goldstein J.I., Hewins R.H., and Romig A.D. Jr. (1976a) Carbides in lunar soils and rocks. Proc. Lunar
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72215 73275

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72215 73275

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76015 76215 76255 76275 76295 76307

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76015 76215 76255 76275 76295 76307 76315

Goswami J.N. and Hutcheon I.D. (1975) Cosmic ray exposure history and compaction age of Boulder 1
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72215 72255 72275

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70215 74275 79215 73275

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72255 72275 72435 73215

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72255 72275 72435 73215 76535

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70215 74275

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70215 72135 74275

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70215 74275

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73215 76255 76275 76315

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79035 79135

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76535 79215

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76535 78235

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the Lunar Highlands Crust. LP! Contr. 394, 39-41.
72255 73215 76255 76535 77077 77115 78235 79215

Hansen E.C., Steele I.M., and Smith J.V. (1979c) Minor elements in plagioclase and mafic minerals from
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76535 78235

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73215 76255 76535 77135 79215

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70215 78155

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70215 74275

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evidence for the origin of 76535 as a cumulate. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1213-1225.

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lunar olivines. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1081-1090.

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70017 742 75

*Heiken G. H. and Vaniman D.T. (1989) Petrography of lunar ilmenite resources. LPSC XX, 400-401.
70017 70215 74275 78505

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72215 72235 72255 72275 72415 72417 73215 73235 73275 76015 76215 76235 76255 76275
76295 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 77215 78155 78235 79215

Herzberg C.T. (1979) Identification of pristine lunar highland rocks: Criteria based on mineral chemistry
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72415 76535

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70017 75055

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17 breccias. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 275-286.
73275 79035

Hewins R.H. and Goldstein J.I. (1975a) The provenance of metal in anorthositic rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 6th, 343-362.
73215 73235 76535 77135 78155 78235 78238

Hewins R.H. and Goldstein J.I. (1975b) The provenance of metal in anorthositic rocks. LS VI, 358_360.
73215 73235 76535 77017 77135 78155 78238

Hewins R.H. and Goldstein J.I. (1975c) Comparison of silicate and metal geothermometers for lunar rocks.
LS VI, 356-358.

Higuchi H. and Morgan J.W. (1975a) Ancient meteoritic component in Apollo 17 boulders. Proc. Lunar
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72215 72235 72255 72275 72415 72417 73215 76015 76215 76235 76295 77135 77215 78235

Higuchi H. and Morgan J.W. (1975b) Ancient meteoritic component in Apollo 17 boulders. LS VI,
72415 72417 73215 76015 76215 76295

Hintenberger H., Weber H.W., and Schultz L. (1974a) Solar, spallenogenic, and radiogenic rare gases in
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79035 79135

Hintenberger H., Weber H.W., and Schultz L. (1974b) Solar, spallenogenic, and radiogenic rare gases in
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79035 79135

Hintenberger H., Schultz L., and Weber H.W. (1975a) A comparison of noble gases in lunar fines and soil
breccias: Implications for the origin of soil breccias. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 2261- 2270.
79035 79135

Hintenberger H., Schulttz L., and Weber H.W. (1975b) Rare gases in ilmenite and bulk samples of Apollo
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79035 79135

Hinthorne J.R., Conrad R.L., and Andersen C.A. (1975) Lead-lead and trace element abundances in lunar
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Hinthorne J.R., Conrad R.L., and Church S.E. (1977) Lead-lead age and rare earth element
determinations in lunar norite 78235. LPS XVIII, 444-446.

Hodges F.N. and K ushiro I. (1974a) Apollo 17 petrology and experimental determination of differentiation
sequences in model Moon compositions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 505-520.
70017 73235 74275

Hodges F.N. and Kushiro I. (1974b) Apollo 17 petrology and experimental determination of differentiation
sequences in model Moon compositions. LS V, 340-342.
70017 73235 74275

Hohenberg C.M., Hudson B, Kennedy B.M., and Podosek F.A. (1980) Fission xenon in troctolite 76535.
Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 419-439.

Horai K. and Winkler J. (1975) Thermal diffusivity of three Apollo 17 rock samples: 70215,18, 77035,44
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70017 70215 77035

Horai K. and Winkler J.L., Jr. (1976) Thermal diffusivity of four Apollo 17 rock samples. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 3183-3204.
70017 70215 72395 77017 77035

Horai K. and Winkler J.L., Jr. (1980) Thermal diffusivity of two Apollo 11 samples, 10020,44 and
10065,23: Effect ofpetrofabrics on the thermal conductivity of porous lunar rocks under
vacuum. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 1777-1788.
70017 70215

Horn P., Jessberger E.K., Kirsten T., and Richter H. (1975) 39Ar-4OAr dating of lunar rocks: Effects of
grain size and neutron irradiation. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1563-1591.

Horz F. and Schaal R.B. (1979) Glass production in massive versus porous basalts via shock. LPS X,

Horz F., Gibbons R.V., Gault D.E., Hartung J.B., and Brownlee D.E. (1975). Some correlation of rock
exposure ages and regolith dynamics. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3495-3508.
70017 70035 70215 74275 75075 73235 73275 76535 77017 79215

Housley R.M., Cirlin E.H., Goldberg I.B., and Crowe H. (1976) Ferromagnetic resonance studies of lunar
core stratigraphy. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 13-26.
72275 73215 73275 76315 79035

Hubbard N.J.,Rhodes J.M., Wiesmann H., Shih C.Y., and B.M. Bansal (1974) The chemical definition and
interpretation of rock types from the non-mare regions of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
72255 72275 72435 73235 76015 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155

Huebner J.S. (1976) Diffusively rimmed xenocrysts in 77115. LS VII, 396-398.


Huebner J.S., Ross M., and Hickling N. (1975a) Significance ofexsolved pyroxenes from lunar breccia
77215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 529-546.

Huebner J.S., Ross M., and Hickling N.L. (1975b) Cooling history and significance of exsolved pyroxene in
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Hughes S.S. and Schmitt R.A. (1985) Zr-Hf-Ta fractionation during lunar evolution. Proc. Lunar Planet.
Sci. Conf. 16th, D31-D45.
70017 70035 70215 70255 71035 73215 74245 74255 74275 75055 76136 76539 77035 78526

Huffman G.P. and Dunmyre G.R. (1975) Superparamagneitc clusters of Fe 2 + spins in lunar olivine:
Dissolution by high-temperature annealing. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 757-772.
73275 77135

Huffman G.P., Schwerer F.C., Fisher R.M., and Nagata T. (1974a) Iron distributions and metallic-ferrous
ratios for Apollo lunar samples: Mossbauer and magnetic analyses. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
70017 70215 73275 76315 77017 77135

Huffman G.P., Schwerer F.C., Fisher R.M., and Nagata T. (1974b) Iron distributions and metallic-ferrous
ratios for Apollo lunar samples: Mossbauer and magnetic analyses. LS V, 372-374.
70017 77017

Hughes S.S. and Schmitt R.A. (1988) Confirmation of Zr-Hf fractionation in lunar petrogenesis--an
interim report. LPS XV, 385-386.
73215 77035

Huneke J.C. (1978) 40Ar-39Ar microanalysis of single 74220 glass balls and 72435 breccia clasts. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 2345-2362.

Huneke J.C. and Wasserburg G.J. (1975) Trapped 40Ar in troctolite 76535 and evidence for enhanced
4OAr-39Ar age plateaus. LS VI, 417-419.

Huneke J.C. and Wasserburg G.J. (1978) 40Ar-39Ar ages of single orange glass balls and highland breccia
phenocrysts. LPS IX, 567-569.

Huneke J.C., Jessberger E.K., Podosek F.A., and Wasserburg G.J. (1973) 40Ar/3 9Ar measurements in
Apollo 16 and 17 samples and the chronology of metamorphic and volcanic activity in the
Taurus- Littrow region. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 1725-1756.
75055 76055

Huneke J.C., Radicati di Brozolo F., and Wasserburg G.J. (1977) 40Ar-39Ar measurements on lunar
highlands rocks with primitive 87Sr]S6Sr. LPS XVIII, 481-483.

Hutcheon I.D. (1975) Microcraters in oriented vugs - evidence for an anisotropy in the micrometeoroid
flux. LS VI, 420-422.
71055 74255

Hutcheon I.D., MacDougall D., and Price P.B. (1974a) Improved determination of the long-term average
Fe spectrum from 1 to 460 MeV/amu. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2561-2576.

Hutcheon I.D., MacDougall D., and Stevenson J. (1974b) Apollo 17 particle track studies: surface
residence times and fission track ages for orange glass and large boulders. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 5th, 2597-2608.
72255 72275 72315 72395 73215

Hutcheon I.D., MacDougall D., and Price P.B. (1974c) Rock 72315: A new lunar standard for solar flare
and micrometeorite exposure. LS V, 378-380.

Irving A.J. (1975) Chemical, mineralogical, and textural systematics of non-mare melt rocks:
implications for lunar impact and volcanic processes. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 363-394.
72275 76055

Irving A.J. (1977) Chemical and experimental constraints on the genesis of Apollo 15 and Apollo 17
KREEP basalts. LPS XVIII, 493- 495.

Irving A.J., Merrill R.B., and Singleton D.E. (1978) Experimental partitioning of rare earth elements and
scandium among armalcolite, olivine, and mare basalt liquids. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
9th, 601-612.

Ishii T., Miyamoto M., and Takeda H. (1976) Pyroxene geothermometry and crystallization, subsolidus
equilibration temperatures of lunar and achondritic pyroxenes. LS VII, 408-410.
72415 76535 78235

Ishii T., McCallum I.S., and Ghose S. (1980) Multiple impact history ofa genomict breccia 73217 as
inferred from pyroxene crystallization sequences. LPS XI, 499-501.

[shii T., Ghose S., and McCallum I.S. (1981) Inversion, decomposition, and exsolution phenomena of lunar
pyroxenes observed in breccia 73217. LPS XII, 494-496.

Ishii T., McCallum S., and Ghose S. (1983) Petrological and thermal histories of a lunar breccia 73217 as
inferred from pyroxene crystallization sequences, exsolution phenomena, and pyroxene
geothermometry. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A631-A644.

Jackson E.D., Sutton R.L., and Wilshire H.G. (1975) Structure and petrology of a cumulus norite boulder
sampled by Apollo 17 in Taurus-Littrow valley, the Moon. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 86, 433- 442.
78235 78236 78238 78255

Jagodzinski H. and Korekawa M. (1975) Diffuse scattering by domains in lunar and terrestrial
plagioclases. LS VI, 429-431.

Jagodzinski H., Korekawa M., Muller W.F., and Schropfer L. (1975a) X-ray diffraction and
electron microscope studies ofclinopyroxenes from lunar basalts 75035 and 75075. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 6th, 773-778.
75035 75075

Jagodzinski H., Korekawa M., Muller W.F., and Schropfer L. (1975b) X-ray study ofclinopyroxenes of
lunar basalts 75035 and 75075. LS VI, 432-434.
75035 75075

James O.B. (1975) Petrography of the matrix of light gray (consortium) breccia 73215. LS VI, 438-440.

James O.B. (1976a) Petrology ofaphanitic lithologies in consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
7th, 2145-2178.

James O.B. (1976b) Petrology ofaphanitic lithologies in consortium breccia 73215. LS VII, 420-422.

James O.B. (1977a) Petrology of four clasts from consortium breccia 73215. LPS XVIII, 502-504.

James O.B. (1982) Subdivision of the Mg-suite plutonic rocks into Mg-norites and Mg-gabbronorites. LPS
XIII, 360-362
72255 72415 72417 73255 76255 76535 77215 78235 78238

James O.B. and Blanchard D.P. (1976) Consortium studies of light-gray breccia 73215: Introduction,
subsample distribution data, and summary of results. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2131- 2143.

James O.B. and Flohr M.K. (1983) Subdivision of the Mg-suite noritic rocks into Mg-gabbronorites and
Mg-norites. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A603-A614.
73255 76255 78235 78238 78255 77035 72255 77215 77075 77077 72415 76535

James O.B. and Hammarstrom J.G. (1977) Petrology of four clasts from consortium breccia 73215. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2459- 2494.

James O.B. and Hedenquist J.W. (1978a) Consortium breccia 73255: Petrology of aphanitic lithologies.
LPS IX, 585-587.

James O.B. and Hedenquist J.W. (1978b) Spinel-bearing troctolitic basalt 73215,170: Texture,
mineralogy, and history. LPS IX, 588- 590.

James O.B. and Marti K. (1977) Consortium breccia 73255: Matrix petrography and exposure history.
LPS XIII, 505-507.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1979a) Consortium breccia 73255: Genesis and history of two coarse-grained
"norite" clasts. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 713-743.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1979b) Consortium breccia 73255: Genesis and history of two coarse-grained
"norite" clasts. LPS X, 616-618.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1980a) Petrology of mare-type basalt clasts from consortium breccia 73255.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 67-86.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1980b) Petrology of ancient mare-type basalt clasts from breccia 73255.
LPS XI, 505-507.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1980c} Petrology of felsite clasts from Consortium breccia 73255. LPS XI,

James O.B., Brecher A., Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., Brannon J.C., Korotev R.L., Haskin L.A., Higuchi
H., Morgan J.W., Anders E., Silver L.T., Marti K., Braddy D., Hutcheon I.D., Kirsten T.,
Kerridge J.F., Kaplan I.R., Pillinger C.T., and Gardiner L.R. (1975a) Consortium studies of
matrix of light gray breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 547-577.

James O.B., Marti K., Braddy D., Hutcheon I.D., Brecher A., Silver L.T., Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W.,
Brannon J.C., Korotev R.L., and Haskin L.A. (1975b) Consortium studies of matrix of light gray
breccia 73215. LS VI, 435-437.

James O.B., Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., Brannon J.C., Haskin L.A., Brecher A., Compston W., Marti K.,
Lugmair G.W., Gros J., Takahashi H., and Braddy D. (1976) Consortium studies of aphanitic
lithologies and two anorthositic gabbro clasts in breccia 73215. LS VII, 423-525.

James O.B., Hedenquist J.W., Blanchard D.P., Budahn J.R., and Compston W. (1978) Consortium breccia
73255: Petrology, major- and trace element chemistry, and Rb-Sr systematics ofaphanitic
lithologies. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 789-819.
73215 73255

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78236 76535

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72215 72255 72275 72395 72417 73235 73275 76315 77035

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70017 70019 70135 71055 72395 74275 75035 75055 75075 78526 79115 72215 72255 72275
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71055 71569 75035 79155 79215

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75055 76055

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70135 72155 72315 72335 72355 72375 72395 75035 77017 79035

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71515 71559 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71587 71588 71596 73219 77516 77535 78569
78575 78578 78586 78597 78598

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70019 75075

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72215 72255 72275

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70215 70017 71569 71255 72135 74275 75035

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70035 70135 70175 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 71155 72255 72275 72355 72415 72435
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70035 70215 72135 72255 72275 72415 72435 73235 74235 75055 76055 76255 76315 76535
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70075 70136 70137 70315 71037 71045 71046 71065 71066 71067 71068 71069 71085 71086
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70215 75075 73235

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70017 75035 75055 75075

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77075 77115 77135

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77075 77115 77135

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72415 72417

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70215 75035

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74235 76215 77135 78315

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70017 70215 71055 73235 74275 75035 79035

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77075 77115 77135 77215

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976a) Textures and compositions of metal particles in Apollo
17, Station 6 boulder samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2251-2266.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

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76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

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70017 73215 75055 76535 77515

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70215 73235 74275 77017

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70215 73235 74275 77017

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70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

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70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

Moore C.B. and Lewis C.F. (1976) Total nitrogen contents of Apollo 15, 16 and 17 lunar rocks and soils. LS
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70215 71055 72135 72275 72385 73235 75035 77017 78155 78235 78505 79135

Morgan J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979a) Breccias 73215 and 73255: Siderophile and volatile trace elements.
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73215 73255

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73215 73255

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72415 72417

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72415 72417 73215

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70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035

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72215 72235 72255 72275

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71088 71089 71095 71096 71097 71157 74286 75065 75086 75087 76037 79265

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71095 74245 74247 74255 74275 74285 74287

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73215 73216

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cumulate. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 22, 381-397.
76535 78235

*Premo W.R. and Tatsumoto M. (1992b) Acid leaching of apatite: Implications for U-Th-Pb systematics of
lunar highland plutonic rocks. LPSC XXIII, 1101-1102.
72415 76535 78235

*Premo W.R. and Tatsumoto M. (1992c) U-Pb isotopes in dunite 72415. LPSC XXIII, 1103-1104.
72415 76535 78235

Radcliffe S.V., Christie J.M., Nord G.L., Lally J.S., Heuer A.H., Griggs D.T., and Fisher R.M. (1974)
Electron petrographic evidence concerning the origin and lithification of the lunar breccias. LS
V, 613-615.
732 75 79035

Rancitelli L.A., Perkins R.W., Felix W.D., and Wogman N.A. (1973) Preliminary analysis ofcosmogenic
and primordial radionuclides in Apollo 17 samples. LS IV, 612-614.
75055 76255 77135 78135

Rancitelli L.A., Perkins R.W., Felix W.D., and Wogman N.A. (1974a) Solar flare and lunar surface process
characterization at the Apollo 17 site. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2185-2203.
71035 71155 75055 76255 76275 76295 77135

Rancitelli L.A., Perkins R.W., Felix W.D., and Wogman N.A. (1974b) Anisotropy of the August 4-7, 1972
solar flares at the Apollo 17 site. LS V, 618-620.
71035 71155 75055 76255 76275 76295 78135

Reed G.W., Allen R.O., and Jovanovic S. (1977) Volatile metal deposits on lunar soils-relation to
volcanism. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3917-3930.
74275 75075

Rees C.E. and Thode H.G. (1974a) Sulfur concentrations and isotope ratios in Apollo 16 and 17 samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1963-1973.
70215 73235 74275 79135

Rees C.E. and Thode H.G. (1974b) Sulphur concentrations and isotope ratios in Apollo 16 and 17 samples.
LS V, 621-623.

Ridley W.I. (1973) Petrogenesis of basalt 70035: A multi-stage cooling history. EOS 54, 611-612.

Ridley W.I., Reid A.M., Warner J.L., Brown R.W., Gooley R., and Donaldson C. (1973) Glass compositions
in Apollo 16 soils 60501 and 61221. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 309-321.

Rhodes J.M. (1973) Major and trace element analyses of Apollo 17 samples. EO S 54,609-610.

Rhodes J.M. and Blanchard D.P. (1983) New analyses of mare basalts. LPS XIV, 640-641.
70315 78585

Rhodes J.M. and Rodgers K.V. (1975) Major element chemistry, classification and fractionation of Apollo
17 mare basalts. In Papers presented to the Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and their
Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 140-143.
70017 70035 70215 74245 74255 74275 75035 75055 75075

Rhodes J.M., Rodgers K.V., Shih C., Bansal B.M., Nyquist L.E., Wiesmann H., and Hubbard N.J. (1974a)
The relationships between geology and soil chemistry at the Apollo 17 landing site. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 5th, 1097-1117.
70017 70019 70215 72275 72415 73235 73275 75075 76015 76055 76315 77135 76535 79135

Rhodes J.M., Rodgers K.V., Shih C., Bansal B.M., Nyquist L.E., Wiesmann H. (1974b) The relationship
between geology and soil chemistry at the Apollo 17 landing site. LS V, 630-632.
70017 70019 70215 73235 73275 75075 76315 76535 77135

Rhodes J.M., Hubbard N.J., Wiesmann H., Rodgers K.V., Brannon J.C., and Bansal B.M. (1976a)
Chemistry, classification, and petrogenesis of Apollo 17 mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
7th, 1467-1489.
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567
71569 71577 72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535
78135 78506 78597 78599 79155

Rhodes J.M., Hubbard N.J., Wiesmann H., Rodgers K.V., and Bansal B.M. (1976b) Chemistry,
classification and petrogenesis of Apollo 17 mare basalts. LS VII, 730-732.
70017 70215 74275 75015 75035 76136

Richter D., Simmons G., and Siegfried R. (1976a) Microcracks, micropores, and their petrologic
interpretation for 72415 and 15418. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1901-1923.

Richter D., Siegfried R., and Simmons G. (1976b) Unusual cracks and pores in breccia 15418 and lunar
dunite 72415. LS VII, 736- 738.

Roedder E. (1979a) Melt inclusions in 75075 and 78505-the problem of anomalous low-K inclusions in
ilmenite revisited. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 249-257.
75075 78505

Roedder E. (1979b) Melt inclusions in 75075-the problem of anomalous low-K inclusions in ilmenite
LPS X, 1033- 1035.

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1975a) Anomalous tow-K silicate melt inclusions in ilmenite from Apollo 17
basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 147-164.
70017 70035 70135 71175 75035 75075 79155

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1975b) Anomalous low-K silicate melt inclusions in ilmenite from Apollo 17
basalts. LS VI, 683-685.
70017 70035 70135 71175 75035 75075 79155

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1977) Compositional variation in late-stage differentiates in mare lavas, as
indicated by silicate melt inclusions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1767-1783.
71 I35 78505

Rose H.J.,Cuttitta F.,Berman S.,Brown F.W.,CarronM.K.,Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J.,and Greenland

L.P.(1974a) Chemicalcomposition ofrocksand soils atTaurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
5th, 1119-1133.
70017 70215 71055750757227579135

Rose H.J., Brown F.W., Carron M.K., Christian R.P., Cuttitta F., Dwornik E.J., and Ligon D.T. (1974b)
Composition of some Apollo 17 samples. LS V, 645-647.
70017 79135

Rose H.J., Baedecker P.A., Berman S., Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J., Finkelman R.B., and Schnepfe M.M.
(1975a) Chemical composition of rocks and soils returned by the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1363-1373.
70135 74235 74255 74275 75035 79155

Rose H.J., Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J., and Schnepfe M.M. (1975b) Major elemental analysis of some
Apollo 15, 16 and 17 samples. LS VI, 686-688.
70135 74235 74255 74275 75035 79155

Runcorn S.K., Collinson D.W., and Stephenson A. (1974) Magnetic properties of Apollo 16 and 17 rocks -
interim report. LS V, 654- 654.
70017 70215 76315

Russell W.A., Papanastassiou D.A., Tombrello T.A., and Epstein S. (1977a) Ca isotope fractionation on
the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3791-3805.
70215 75055

Russell W.A., Papanasatassiou D.A., Tonmbrello T.A., and Epstein S. (1977b) Search for Ca isotopic
fractionation and correlation of Ca and O effects. LPS XVIII, 823-825.
70215 75055

Rutherford M.J. and Hess P.C. (1975) Origin of lunar granites as immiscible liquids. LS VI, 696-698.
70135 75055

Rutherford M.J., Hess P.C., and Daniel G.H. (1974a) Experimental liquid line of descent and liquid
immiscibility for basalt 70017. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 569-583.

Rutherford M.J., Hess P.C., and Daniel G.H. (1974b) Liquid lines of descent and liquid immiscibility in
high Ti lunar basalt. LS V, 657-659.

Ryder G. (1982) Apollo 17 ol-plag vitrophyres, 76035, and the Serenitatis melt sheet: Another brick in the
wall. LPS XIII, 669- 670.

Ryder G. (1983) Nickel in olivines and parent magmas of lunar pristine rocks. Workshop on Pristine
Highlands Rocks and the Early History of the Moon (Longhi J. and Ryder G., Eds.) LPI Tech
Rept. 83-02. The Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 66-68.
72415 76335 76535 76536

Ryder G. (1984a) Most olivine in the lunar highlands is of shallow origin. LPS XV, 707-708.
76015 76035 72255

Ryder G. (1984b) Olivine in lunar dunite 72415, a rather shallow- origin cumulate. LPS XV, 709-710.
72415 72417 76535

*RyderG. (1992a) Chemical variation and zoning of olivine in lunar dunite 72415: Near-surface
accumulation. Proc. Lunar Planet. Scil Conf. 22nd, 373-380.
72415 73215 76255 76535 77135

*Ryder G. (1992b) Lunar highlands totality from bits and pieces: A whole-rock-chemistry-free
charactrerization of an evolved hypabyssal igneous gabbro schlieren from the Apollo 17 landing
site. LPSC XXIII, 1195-1196.

Ryder G. and Norman M. (1979) Catalog of pristine non-mare materials Part 1. Non-anorthosites.
Revised. NASA_JSC Curatorial Facility Publ. JSC 14565, Houston. 147pp.

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., and Bower J.F. (1975a) Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 435-449.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Bower J.F., and Wood J.A. (1975b) Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17:
Petrology and petrogenesis. The Moon 14, 327-357.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., and Wood J.A. (1977) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalt: A rock type intermediate
between mare and KREEP basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 3 5, 1-13.

Ryder G. and Spudis P. (1980) Volcanic rocks in the lunar highlands. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust,
72275 73255

Ryder G. and Taylor G.J. (1976) Did mare-type volcanism commence early in lunar history? Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 1741-1755.
72235 72275

Ryder G., Norman M.D., and Score R.A. (1980a) The distinction of pristine from meteorite-contaminated
highlands rocks using metal compositions. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth, 471-479.
72415 76335 76535 72255

Ryder G., Norman M.D., and Score R.A. (1980b) Ni, Co content of metal grains for the identification of
indigenous rocks. LPS XI, 968-970.
72255 79215

Salpas P.A. and Taylor L.A. (1985) Basalt clasts in breccia 72275: Examples ofpre-mare volcanism. LPS
XVI, 728-729.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1986a) Apollo 17 KREEPy basatts: Pristine basaltic
breccias. LPS XVII, 748-749.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1986b) The first Apollo 17 ferroan anorthosite: Its
significance relative to Mg- suite highland clasts. LPS XVII, 752-753.

Salpas P.A., Lindstrom M.M., and Taylor L.A. (1987) Highland materials at Apollo 17: contributions from
72275. Proc. Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. 18th, 11-19.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1987) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalts: Evidence for
Nonuniformity ofKREEP. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 17th, E340-E348.

Sanford R.F. and Huebner J.S. (1979) Reexamination of diffusion processes in 77115 and 77215. LPS X,
77115 77215

Sanford R.F. and Heubner J.S. (1980) Model thermal history of 77115 and implications for the origin of
fragment-laden basalts. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 253-269.
77075 77115 77135

Sato M. (1976a) Oxygen fugacity and other thermochemical parameters of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts and
their implications on the reduction mechanism. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1323-1344.
70017 74275

Sato M. (1976b) Oxygen fugacity values of some Apollo 16 and 17 rocks. LS VII, 758-760.
70017 70019 74275

Schaat R.B. and Horz F. (1977a) Shock metamorphism of lunar and terrestrial basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 8th, 1697-1729.
75035 79155

Schaal R.B. and Horz F. (1977b) Shock effects in some lunar basalts. LPS XVIII, 832-834.
75035 79155

Schaal R.B., Horz F., and Bauer J.F. (1978) Shock experiments on particulate lunar basalt - a regolith
analogue. LPS IX, 999-1001.

Schaal R.B., Horz F., Thompson T.D., and Bauer J.F. (1979a) Shock metamorphism of granulated lunar
basalt. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2547-2571.

Schaal R.B., Thompson T.D., Horz F., and Bauer J.F. (1979b) Experimentally shocked lunar basalt:
Massive and particulate. LPS X, 1055-1057.

Schaeffer G.A. and Schaeffer O.A. (1977) 39Ar-40Ar ages of lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th,

Schaeffer G.A. and Schaeffer O.A. (1977) 39Ar-40Ar ages of lunar rocks. LPS XVIII, 840-842.

Schaeffer O.A., Warasila R., and Labotka T.C. (1982) Ages ofSerenitatis breccias. Lunar breccias and
soils and their meteoritic analogs. LPI Tech. Rept. 82-02, 123-125.
72215 72255

Schaeffer O.A., Muller H.W., and Grove T.L. (1977a) Laser 39Ar- 40Ar study of Apollo 17 basalts. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1489-1499.
70215 70017 75035

Schaeffer O.A., Muller H.W., and Grove T.L. (1977b) Laser 39Ar- 40Ar study of Apollo 17 basalts. LPS
XVIII, 837-839.
70017 70215 75035

Schaeffer O.A., Warasila R., and Labotka T.C. (1982) Ages of Serenitatis breccias. LPS XIII, 685-686.
72215 72255

Schmitt H.H. (1975) Geological model for Boulder 1 at Station 2, South Massif, Valley of Taurus-Littrow.
The Moon 14, 491-504.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Schonfeld E. (1973) Determination by non-destructive gamma-ray counting of radionuclides produced by

the August 1972 solar flare. LS IV, 659.

Schwerer F.C. and Nagata T. (1976) Ferromagnetic- superparamagnetic granulometry of lunar surface
materials. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 759-778.
70017 70215 78155

Schreiber E. (1977) The Moon and Q. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1201-1208.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1975a) Shock-induced subsolidus reduction-decomposition oforthopyroxene
and shock-induced melting ofnorite 78235. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 799-820.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1975b) Shock-induced subsolidus reduction-decomposition oforthopyroxene
and shock-induced melting in norite 78235. LS VI, 730-731.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1976) Subsolidus reduction phenomena in lunar norite 78235: Observations
and interpretations. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2493-2508.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1976b) Redox reactions involving nonvolatile ionic species as a mechanism of
shock-induced subsolidus reduction of Fe+2 in plagioclase and orthopyroxene: Indications from
lunar norite 78235. LS VII, 791-793.

Shaw D.M. and Middleton T.A. (1987) Lunar boron: A preliminary study. LPS XVIII, 912-913.

*Shaffer E., Brophy J.G., and Basu A. (1990) La/Sm ratios in mare basalts as a consequence of mafic
cumulate fractionation from an initial lunar magma. LPSC XXI, 1130-1131.

*Shearer C.K., Papike J.J., Galbreath K.C., and Shimizu N. (1991) Exploring the lunar mantle with
secondary ion mass spectrometry: A comparison of lunar picritic glass beads from the Apollo 14
and Apollo 17 sites. EarthPIanet. Sci. Lett. 102, 134-147.
70017 70295 74115 78546 79035 79135

Shih C.-Y., Haskin L.A., Wiesmann H., Bansal B.M., and Brannon J.C. (1975a) On the origin of high-Ti
mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1255-1285.
70017 70035 70135 70215 70275 71135 72155 74235 74255 75055 75075 76537 76539 79155

Shih C.-Y., Wiesmann H.W., and Haskin L.A. (1975b) On the origin of high-Ti mare basalts. LS VI,
70017 70035 70135 70215 72155 75055 75075 76537 76539

*Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Dasch E.J., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1989) Ages of pristine lunar
plutonic rocks and their petrogenetic implications. LPSC XX, 1004-1005.
73255 76535 78236

*Shih C.-Y., Bansal B.M., Wiesmann H., and Nyquist L.E. (1990a) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies of an
Apollo 17 KREEPy basalt. LPSC XXI, 1148-1149.

*Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1992) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd chronology of an
Apollo 17 KREEP basalt. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 108, 203-215.

Sill G.T., Nagy B., Nagy L.A., Hamilton P.B., McEwan W.S., and Urey H.C. (1974) Carbon compounds in
Apollo 17 lunar samples: Indications of cometary contribution to breccia 78155? LS V, 703-705.
71055 78155

Simmons G., Siegfried R., and Richter D.(1975a) Characteristics of microcracks in lunar samples. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3227-3254.
70215 71569 75035 75055 77035 78235

Simmons G., Richter D., and Siegfried R. (1975b) Characterization of microcracks in lunar igneous rocks.
LS VI, 741-743.

*Simon S.B., Papike J.J., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R. A. (1989) Comparative petrology and
chemistry of Apollo 17 regolith breccias and soils. LPSC XX, 1014-1015.
70175 74115 76565

Simon S.B., Papike J.J., Gosselin D.C., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990) Petrology and
chemistry of Apollo 17 regolith breccias: A history of mixing of highland and mare regolith.
Procl. Lunar Planet. Sci. 20th, 219-230.
70019 70175 70295 74115 74246 76565 78546 79035 79135 79175

Simonds C.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in impact melts and the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6
boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 641-672.
76015 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315

Simonds C.H. and Warner J.L. (1981) Petrochemistry of Apollo 16 and 17 samples. LPS XII, 993-995.
76275 76295 76506 76555 76556 76557 76559 76569 76575 76576 76577 76295 76538 76539
76537 76568 76536 76255 76565 76545 76505

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1973) Petrology of Apollo 16 poikilitic rocks. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 4th, 613-632.
72275 72435 76315 77135

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., and Warner J.L. (1974) Petrography and classification of Apollo 17 non-
mare rocks with emphasis on samples from the Station 6 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
72215 72235 72255 72275 72315 72335 72355 72395 72415 72435 73215 73235 73255 73275
76015 76055 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315 76535 77017 77035 77075 77115 77135
77215 78155 78235 79215

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., and Heiken G.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in crater debris as
deduced from the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder and rake samples. LS VI,
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315 76505 76545 76548 76565 76567

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., Phinney W.C., and McGee P.E. (1976a) Thermal model for impact breccia
lithification: Manicouagan and the moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2509-2528.
76015 76275

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976b) Clast-melt interactions in lunar and terrestrial
impact melts. LS VII, 812- 814.
76015 76215 76275 76295

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., McGee P.E., Geeslin J., Brown R.W., and Rhodes M.J. (1977)
Apollo 14 revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1869-1893.
76015 76215 76255 76275 76295

Smith J.M., Meyer C., Jr., Compston W., and Williams I.S. (1986) 73235,82 (pomegranate): An
assemblage of lunar zircon with unique overgrowth. LPS XVII, 805-806.

Smith J.V., Hansen E.C., and Steele I.M. (1980) Lunar highland rocks: Element partitioning among
minerals II: Electron microprobe analyses of A1, P, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe in olivine. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 555-569.
73215 79215 76255 76535 77135

Smyth J.R. (1975) Intraerystalline cation order in a lunar crustal troctolite. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th,

Smyth J.R. (1986) Crystal structure refinement of a lunar anorthite, An94. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
17th, E91-E97.

Snee L.W. and Ahrens T.J. (1975a) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial peridot and lunar
dunite. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 833-842.

Snee L.W. and Ahrens T.J. (1975b) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial olivine and lunar
dunite. LS VI, 759-761.

Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1981) Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis basin. Multi-
ring basins. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 12A, 133-148.
72215 72235 72275 72315 73215 73235 73255 76015 76055 76215 77075

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979a) Armalcolite/ilmenite: Mineral chemistry, paragenesis, and origin of
textures. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 383-405.
70017 74275

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. ('1979b) Ilmenite/armalcolite: Effects of rock composition, oxygen fugacity,
and cooling rate. LPS X, 1160-1162.
70017 742 75

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980a) Armalcolite: an oxygen fugacity indicator. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. llth, 117-124.
70017 74245

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980b) An oxygen geobarometer for lunar high-titanium basalts. LPS XI,
70017 74275

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1977) 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of consortium breccia
73215. LPS XVIII, 896-898.

Staudacher T., Dominik B., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1978)Consortium breccia 73255: 40Ar-39Ar
dating. LPS IX, 1098-1100.

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., Flohs I., and Kirsten T. (1979a) 4OAr-39Ar age systematics of consortium
breccia 73255. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 745-762.

Staudacher T, Dominik B., Flohs I., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1979b) New 40Ar-39Ar ages for
aphanites and clasts of consortium breccia 73255. LPS X, 1163-1165.

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1976} Mineralogy and petrology of complex breccia 14063,14. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 1949-1964.
72415 76535

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion-probe determination of Li, Na, Mg, Ti, Sr and Ba in lunar
plagioclase. LPS XI, 1085-1087.
73155 73215 76535 78235 79215

Steele I.M., Hutcheon I.D., and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion microprobe analysis and petrogenetic
interpretations ofLi, Mg, Ti, K, Sr, Ba in lunar plagioclase. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth,
73155 73215 76255 76535 77115 77135 78235 79215

Stephenson A., Collinson D.W., and Runcorn S.K (1974) Lunar magnetic field paleointensity
determinations on Apollo 11, 16, and 17 rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2859-2871.
70017 70215 (erroneously listed as 72015 in INTRO). 76315 77035

Stephenson A., Runcorn S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1975) On changes in intensity of the ancient lunar
magnetic field. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3049-3062.
70215 78505

Stephenson A., Runcorn S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1977) Paleointensity estimates from lunar samples
10017 and 10020. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 679-687.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P, Geiss J., Grogler N., and Maurer P. (1973) Ar39-Ar 40ages and Ar37-Ar38
exposure ages of lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 1865-1888.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., and Grogler N. (1974) 39Ar- 40Ar ages of samples from the Apollo 17
Station 7 boulder and implications for its formation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23,453- 461.
77215 77075 77135

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N, and Guggisberg S. (1975) Age sequence in the Apollo 17
Station 7 boulder. LS VI, 771-773.
77115 77135

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1978) Chronology of the Apollo 17
Station 7 Boulder and the South Serenitatis impact. LPS IX, 1113-1115.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Woos J.A., Wolfe R.W., and Bower J.F. (1974a) Petrology of a stratified boulder
from South Massif, Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 355-377
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Marvin U.B., Wood J.A., and Bower J.F. (1974b) Petrographic studies of a
boulder from the South Massif. LS V, 743-745.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Ryder G., and Marvin U.B. (1975) Lunar granite clasts with unique ternary feldspars. LS
VI, 780-782.
72215 72235 72255 72275

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70017 70035 70149 70215 70255 71055 71135 71569 74235 74245 74255 74275 75035 75075
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70215 74275

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73235 79035 79135 74275

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73235 77035 78155 72155 75035

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76055 77135

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76235 77017 78155 79215

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basalts. In Papers presented to the Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and their
Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 179-183.
70185 70135 70255 71136 71175 71509 71559 71569 74245 75015 75115 75088 75089 77516
77536 78505 78595 78598

Warner R.D., Keil K., Prinz M., Laul J.C., Murali A.V., and Schmitt R.A. (1975) Mineralogy, petrology,
and chemistry of mare basalts from Apollo 17 rake samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th,
71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596
73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78597 78598 78599

Warner R., Prinz M., and Keil K. (1975c) Mineralogy and petrology of mare basalts from Apollo 17 rake
samples. LS VI, 850-852.
71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596
73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Warren R.G., Mansker W.L., Berkley J.L., and Keil K. (1976a) Electron microprobe
analyses of olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase from Apollo 17 rake sample mare basalts. Spec.
Publ. # 15, UNM Institute of Meteoritics, Albuquerque. 158 pp.
71509 71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588
71596 73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78595 78597 78598

Warner R.D., Berkley J.L., Mansker W.L., Warren R.G., and Keil K. (1976b) Electron microprobe
analyses of spinel, Fe-Ti oxides and metal from Apollo 17 rake sample mare basalts. Spec. Publ.
#16, UNM Institute of Meteoritics, Albuquerque. 114 pp.
71509 71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588
71596 73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78595 78597 78598

Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor G.J. (1977a) Coarse-grained basalt 71597: A product of partial olivine
accumulation. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1429-1442.

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1977b) Petrology of crystalline matrix breccias from Apollo 17 rake
samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1987-2006.
72535 72536 72539 72738 72548 72549 72736 72558 72735 77515 77539 77545 77518

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1977c) Petrology ofbreccias from Apollo 17 rake samples. LPS
XVIII, 985-987.
72535 72536 72539 72738 72548 72549 72558 72559 72735 72736 77515 77517 77518 77538
77539 77545 78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Keil K., Planner H.N., Nehru C.E., Ma M.-S., and Schmitt R.A. (1978a) Green
glass vitrophyre 78526: an impact melt of very low-Ti mare basalt composition. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 547-563.

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Mansker W.L., and Keil K. (1978b} Clast assemblages of possible deep-seated
(77517) and immiscible melt (77538) origins in Apollo 17 breccias. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 9th, 941-958.
77517 77538

Warner R.D., Keil K., Taylor G.J., and Nehru C.E. (1978c) Petrology of recrystallized ANT rocks from
Apollo 17 rake samples: 72558 (anorthositic troctolite) and 78527 (norite). LPS IX, 1220-1222.
72559 78527

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1978d) Clasts in breccias 77517 and 77538: Evidence for deep-
seated and immiscible melt origins. LPS IX, 1222-1224.
77517 77538

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Keil K., and Nehru C.E. (1978e) Green glassy rock 78526: An impact melt rock
of very low-Ti mare basalt? LPS IX, 1225-1227.

Warner R.D., Keil K., Nehru C.E., and Taylor G.J. (1978f) Catalogue of Apollo 17 rake samples from
Stations la, 2, 7 and 8. Spec. Publ. #18, UNM Institute of Meteoritics, Albuquerque. 88pp.
71507 71508 71509 71515 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 71535 71536 71537 71538 71539
71545 71546 71547 71548 71549 71555 71556 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71568
71569 71575 71576 71577 71578 71579 71585 71586 71587 71588 71589 71595 71596 71597
72535 72536 72539 72548 72549 72558 72559 72735 72736 72738 73219 77515 77516 77517
77518 77535 77536 77538 77539 77545 78505 78526 78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548
78549 78555 78567 78568 78569 78575 78576 78578 78579 78586 78587 78588 78589 78595
78596 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Nehru C.E., and Keil K. (1978g) Opaque oxide mineral crystallization in lunar high-
titanium basalts. Submitted to Amer. Min.

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Conrad G.H., Northrop H.R., Barker S., Keil K., Ma M.-S., and Schmitt R.
(1979a) Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts: New bulk compositional data, magma types, and
petrogenesis. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 225-247.
71067 74249 71156 74248 70075 71066 71065 79516 71069 78585 71046 71086 71037 71506
71505 71155 74247 71085 71068 70315 75085 71045 78509 78577 70137 78507 70136 79515

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1979b) Composition of glasses in Apollo 17 samples and their
relation to known lunar rock types. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 1437-1456.
71515 78535 78537 78546 78567 78568 78547 78548 78549 78555

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1979c) Composition of glasses in Apollo 17 soil breccias. LPS X,
71515 78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., Wentworth S.J., Huss G.R., Mansker W.L., Planner H.N., Sayeed U.A., and
Keil K. (1979d) Electron microprobe analyses of glasses from Apollo 17 rake sample breccias
and Apollo 17 drill core. UNM Spec. Publ. #20, Albuquerque, 20pp.
71515 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

Warren N., Trice R., and Stephens J. (1974) Ultrasonic attenuation: Q measuraements on 70215,29. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2927-2938

Warren P.H. (1979) The quest for pristine nonmare rocks: A new crop ofToisons d'Or. LPS X, 1301-1303.
72705 73146 73235 76536 77035 78255

Warren P.H., Mittlefehldt D.W., Boynton W.V., and Wasson J.T. (1977) In quest of primary highlands
rocks. LPS XVIII, 988-990.

Warren P.H., McEwing C.E., Afiattalab F., and Wasson J.T. (1978) The quest for pristine non-mare rocks:
Nine nonmare samples free of meteoritic siderophiles. LPS IX, 1228-1230.
76255 76286 76335 76576 77075

Warren P.H., Taylor G.J., Keil K., Kallemeyn G.W., Rosener P.S., and Wasson J.T. (1982) Foraging for
pristine nonmare rocks: Four more from the west. LPS XIII, 841-842
73217 78527

Warren P.H. and Kallemeyn G.W. (1984) Pristine rocks (8th foray): Plagiophile element ratios, crustal
genesis, and the bulk composition of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 15th, C16-C24.
72705 73146 73235 76255 76335 76536 77035 77075 77077 78255 78527

Warren P. and Wasson J.T. (1977) Pristine nonmare rocks and the nature of the lunar crust. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 8th, 2215-2235.

Warren P.H. and Wasson J.T. (1979) The compositional-petrographic search for pristine nonmare rocks:
Third foray. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 583-610.
72705 73146 73235 76536 77035 78255

Warren P.H. and Wasson J.T. (1980) Early lunar petrogenesis, oceanic and extraoceanic. Proc. Conf.
Lunar Highlands Crust, 81- 99.

Warren P.H. and Wasson J.T. (1978) Compositional-petrographic investigation of pristine nonmare rocks.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 185-217.
72559 76255 76286 76335 76576 77075 77077 78255

Warren P.H., Taylor G.J., Keil K., Kallemeyn G.W., Rosener P.S., and Wasson J.T. (1983) Sixth foray for
pristine non-mare rocks and an assessment of the diversity of lunar anorthosites. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A615-A630.
73217 78527 76565

Warren P., Kallemeyn G.W., and Wasson J.T. (1984a) Pristine rocks (Sth foray): Genetic distinctions
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Warren P.H., Jerde E.A., and Kallemeyn G.W. (1987) Pristine moon rocks: A large felsite and a metal-
rich ferroan anorthosite. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 17th, E303-E313.
73255 73215 78235 76535

Warren P.H., Shirley D.N., and Kallemeyn G.W. (1986) A potpourri of pristine moon rocks, including a
VHK mare basalt and a unique, augite-rich Apollo 17 anorthosite. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 16th, D319-D330.

*Warren P.H., Jerde E.H., and Kallemeyn G.W. (1991) Pristine moon rocks: Apollo 17 anorthosites. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 21st, 51-61.

Wasson J.T., Warren P.H., Kallemeyn G.W., McEwing C.E., Mittlefehldt D.W., and Boynton W.V. (1977)
SCCRV, a major component of highlands rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2237- 2252.

Watson D.E., Larson E.E., and Reynolds R.L. (1974) Microscopic and thermomagnetic analysis of Apollo
17 breccia and basalt: feasibility of obtaining meaningful paleointensities of the lunar
magnetic field. LS V, 827-829.
7I 055 73235

Weiblen P.W. (1977) Examination of the liquid line of descent of mare basalts in the light of data from
melt inclusions in olivine. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1751-1765.
71135 78505

Weiblen P.W. and Roedder E. (1976) Compositional interrelationships of mare basalts from bulk chemical
and melt inclusions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1449-1466.
70215 71135 71669 78505

Weigand P.W. (1973) Petrology of a coarse-grained Apollo 17 ilmenite basalt. EOS 54, 621-622.

Wieler R., Etique P., Signer P., and Poupeau G. (1983) Decrease of the solar flare/solar wind flux ratio in
the past several aeons deduced from solar neon and tracks in lunar soil plagioclases. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A713-A724.
79035 79135

*Wiens R.C., Burnett D.S., Neugebauer M., and Pepin R.O. (1991) A comparison of solar wind and solar
system xenon abundances. LPSC XXII, 1503-1504.

*Wiens R.C., Burnett D.S., Neugebauer M., and Pepin R.O. (1992) A comparison of solar wind and
estimated solar system xenon abundances: A test for solid]gas fractionation in the solar nebula.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 22, 153-159.

Willis K.J. (1985) Three lithologic units of 72275. LPS XVI, 910- 911.

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann S., Kouns C.W., Lum R.K.L., and Philpotts J.A. (1974) Major, minor
and trace element abundances in samples from the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder: Implications for
the origin of early lunar crustal rocks. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 439-444.
77115 77135 77075 77215

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann S., Lum R.K.L., and Philpotts J.A. (1975a) Origin of the Station 7
boulder: A note. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 707-710.
72215 72255 72275 73215 76015 76315 77075 77115 77135

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Lum R.K.L., Schuhmann S., Schuhmann P., and Philpotts J.A. (1975b) Origin of
78235, a lunar norite cumulate. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1219-1229.

Winzer S.R., Lum R.K.L., Schumann S., and Philpotts J.A. (1975c) Large ion lithophile trace element
abundances in phases from 78235 34, a lunar norite cumulate. LS VI, 872-873.

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann P.J., Schuhmann S., Lindstrom M.M., Lum R.K.L., Lindstrom D.J.,
and Philpotts J.A. (1976) Origin of melts, breccias and rocks from the Apollo 17 landing site. LS
VII, 941-943.
77135 77215

Winzer S.R., Nava D.F., Schuhmann P.J., Lum R.K.L., Schuhmann S., Lindstrom M.M., Lindstrom D.J.,
and Philpotts J.A. (1977) The Apollo 17 "melt sheet": Chemistry, age, and Rb/Sr systematics.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 33, 389-400.
77135 77215

Wolf R., Woodrow A., and Anders E. (1979) Lunar basalts and pristine highland rocks: Comparison of
siderophile and volatile elements. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2107-2130.
75055 72255 72275 76255 76535 77215

Wood J.A. (1975) The nature and origin of Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. T he Moon 14, 505-517.
72215 72235 72255 72275 72435 76055 76315 77135

Yokoyama Y., Reyss J.L., and Guichard F. (1974) 22Na-26A1 chronology of lunar surface processes. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2231-2247
70017 70019 70135 70175 70185 70255 70275 71035 71135 71136 71155 71175 75035 75055
79155 72255 72415 72315 73215 73255 73275 76215 76255 76275 76295 77135 78135 78235

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1976a) Ion probe analysis of artificially implanted
ions in terrestrial samples and surface enhanced ions in lunar sample 76215,77. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 953-984.

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1976b) Ion probe analysis of artificially implanted
ions in terrestrial samples and solar wind implanted ions in lunar surface samples. LS VII,

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1977a) Ion microprobe surface concentration
measurements of Mg and Fe and microcraters in crystals from lunar rock and soil samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3859-3883.

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1977b) Surface enhanced elements and microcraters
in lunar rock 76215. LPS XVIII, 1044-1046.



71505-71509, 71515, 71525-71597

(exclusive of numbers ending in digits 0-4)

SAMPLE TYPE: Rocks occurs in blocky crystals. The volume of pore-space ranges
(fragments > 1 cm from the Olivine occurs in subhedral to from zero to about 50 percent.
Station I rake (38 fragments) euhedral 1 to 2 mm crystals. This space is not uniformly
and associated soll Thus, in the fine and medium distributed and many rocks
(6 fragments) samples), grained basalts, the olivine show pore-rich and pore-poor
crystals are phenocrysts. In regions. Where the boundary
those rocks that contain less between regions is well defined,
BINOCULAR than 1 percent olivine, the layers of pore-rich rock
DESCRIPTION olivine phenocrysts tend to intercalated with layers of pore-
occur in groups of two or three poor rock is suggested, as
Individual characteristics of the crystals. In the olivine-poor described by Schmitt on the
fragments are given in the rocks, it is common for the lunar surface. These layers are
following table. All but one of olivine to be scattered (i.e., in a greater than 1 cm in thickness.
the 44 fragments are basalts, sample with a 10 cm 2 surface
which consist of colorless calcic area, there will be less than 10 For the purpose of numbering
plagioclase, cinnamon-brown olivine phenocrysts). Therefore, them, the rake fragments were
augite, black ilmenite, and, in every thin section will not have grouped by olivine content, and
most fragments, yellow-green an olivine crystal (as is the case arranged in order of increasing
olivine. The olivine content with sample 10022). In grain size within these groups.
ranges from zero to two percent addition, the olivine phenocrysts The five basalt fragments
for most samples, two samples tend to define "layers" that are (71505 - 71509) from the rake
contain more olivine (about about 1 cm long and contain soil are arranged in the
7 and 25 percent). Modes of three to five olivine crystals or following table of descriptions in
plagioclase, pyroxene, and groups of crystals, the appropriate places according
ilmenite were not estimated for to the same sorting scheme.
the samples. The samples range Most of the basalts have pores Also in the table, grain size is
from 1× 1 × 1 cm to 4 × 7 X 12 cm. which are present as spherical used as a relative term between
The size of the fragments may be vesicles, equant vugs, and]or the extremes: coarse-grained
estimated from the accompany- irregular rugs. Most vesicles samples contain crystals
ing photos. The single non- are lined with tangential 1 - 2 mm across and very fine-
basalt fragment (sample 71515 ilmenite laths. Most vugs grained samples contain
from the rake soil), is a glass contain projecting, columnar crystals less than 0.02 mm
bonded agglutinate, crystals ofpyroxene and across. (71515, a glass bonded
plagioclase. Olivine is not agglutinate, is omitted from the
Pyroxene occurs in prismatic common in vugs. The finer- table, which is devoted to
crystals. Plagioclase occurs in grained basalts tend to contain characteristics of the basalt
lath-shaped crystals. Ilmenite more spherical or equant pores, samples.)



71505-71509, 71515, 71525-71597


Sample Olivine
Number Content Grain Size Nature of Pore Space (Comments)

71525 None Dust covered Spherical vesicles

71526 None Very fine Filled vugs (ilm rich rock)
71527 None Fine Spherical vesicles
71528 None Fine 1-2 ram, ilm lined, spherical vesicles
71529 None Med lq2 mm, ilm lined, spherical vesicles
71508 None Med coarse 1-2 mm vugs
71535 None Med coarse 1-5 mm vugs
71536 None Coarse None

71537 < 1% Very fine Few, 3q4 mm,spherical vesicals

71538 < 1% Fine Few, 2 mm, ilm lined, spherical vesicles
71539 < 1% Fine One 3 mm irregular vug
71545 < 1% Fine None
71505 < 1% Fine None (ilm rich rock)
71506 < 1% Fine 1-2 mm rugs (ilm rich rock)
71546 < 1% Med fine Few, 3-10 mm, spherical vesicles plus 1 mm vugs
71547 < 1% Med 2-4 mm vugs
71548 < 1% Med Layers of 3-4 mm vugs
71549 < 1% Med Few 1 mm vugs
71555 < 1% Med Layers of 2-8 mm, ilm lined, spherical vesicles
71507 < 1% Med 1-3 mm spherical vesicles
71556 < 1% Med coarse Layers of 1-4 mm rugs
71557 < 1% Med coarse Few 2 mm vugs
71558 < 1% Med coarse Layers of 1-3 mm rugs
71559 < 1% Coarse Few 2 mm vugs
71565 < 1% Coarse Few 1-4 mm vugs
71566 < 1% Coarse Layers of 1-20 mm vugs
71567 <: 1% Coarse Layers of 1-8 mm rugs
71568 < 1% Coarse None
71509 < 1% Coarse None

Sample Olivine
Number Content Grain Size Nature of Pore Space (Comments)

71569 1-2% Very fine Few, 1-8 mm, ilm lined, spherical vesicles
(ilm rich rock)

71575 1-2% Fine Small, ilm lined, spherical vesicles

7 1576 1-2% Fine 1-4 mm spherical vugs
71577 1-2% Fine 2-15 ram, ilm lined, spherical vesicles
71578 1-2% Med Layers of 2-6 mm, ilm lined, spherical rugs
71579 1-2% Med 1-3 mm spherical vugs
71585 1-2% Med Layers of 1 mm vugs
71586 1-2% Med 1-15 mm, ilm lined, vesicles
71587 1-2% Med Layers of abundant 2-4 mm vugs
71588 1-2% Med None

71589 1-2% Med Few, 4 mm, ilm lined, vugs

71595 1-2% Med None
71596 5-10% Med One, 12 mm, ilm lined, vesicle

71597 20-30% Coarse 2 mm spherical vesicles, plus abundant 5 mm vugs

• _ JSC#26088

• - i2 .... .: ,
By Chve R. Neal and Lawrence A. Taylor

Lyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter

Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 3 - Central Valley, Part 2

By Clive R. Neal 1"2 and Lawrence A. Taylor 1

1 Department of Geological Sciences

University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996

2 Department of Civil Engineering & Earth Sciences

University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

NASA/Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058 U.S.A.

October 1993

The project of preparing these volumes, including the compiling and integration of all their scientific data,
was conceived and initiated by a request from the Lunar and Planetary Sample Team (LAPST). These
volumes (II and III) would not have been possible without the assistance, guidance, and cooperation of
Graham Ryder (author of volumes I and IV), as well as the expert reviewing, editing, and proofreading of
Eric Jerde. Our sincere appreciation goes to these colleagues, in addition to our old Tennessee friend, Jack
Daniels, who provided needed guidance during the late hours of this exhausting endeavor.

Work on these volumes was started in 1988 under the authority of John Dietrich, as Planetary Material
Curator, and finished under James Gooding. To these managers and their able curatorial staffs, we
express our thanks. It was not an easy task for any of us, but satisfaction comes from the completion and
publication of these volumes for the planetary service community.

Larry Taylor
Clive Neal

Introduction .................................................................... vii

The Apollo 17 Mission ................................................... vii

Apollo and Luna Sampling Locations .................................. viii
Apollo 17 Landing Site Region ........................................... ix
Apollo 17 Traverse Area .................................................. x
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station 4 ................................ xi
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station 5 ................................ xi
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station 9 ............................... xil
Numbering of Apollo 17 Samples ...................................... xiii

Sample Inventory .............................................................. xv

Sample Descriptions ............................................................. 1

References ..................................................................... 251

INTR0 -vii


The Catalog of Apollo 17 rocks scrutinized, but little data THE APOLLO 17
is a set of volumes that appears to have been published MISSION
characterize each of 334 _ in such journals. We have
individually numbered rock attempted to be consistent in On December 11, 1972, the
samples (79 larger than 100 g) format across all of the volumes, Apollo 17 lunar excursion
in the Apollo 17 collection, and have used a common module "Challenger,"
showing what each sample is reference list that appears in all descending from the Command
and what is known about it. volumes. Service Module "America,"
Unconsolidated regolith landed in a valley near the edge
samples are not included. The Much valuable information of Mare Serenitatis (Figures 1
catalog is intended to be used by exists in the original Apollo 17 and 2). It was the sixth and final
both researchers requiring Lunar Sample Information landing in the Apollo program.
sample allocations and a broad Catalog (1973) based on the Astronauts Eugene Cernan and
audience interested in Apollo 17 intense and expert work of the Harrison Schmitt spent 72 hours
rocks. The volumes are Preliminary Examination at the site, named Taurus-
arranged geographically, with Team. However, that catalog Littrow from the mountains and
separate volumes for the South was compiled and published a crater to the north. The site
Massif and Light Mantle; the only four months after the was geologically diverse, with
North Massif; and two volumes mission itself, from rapid the mountain ring of the
for the mare plains. Within each descriptions of usually dust- Serenitatis basin and the lava
volume, the samples are covered rocks, usually without fill in the valley. The main
arranged in numerical order, anything other than objectives of the mission were to
closely corresponding with the macroscopic observations, and sample very ancient material
sample collection stations, less often with thin sections and such as pre-Imbrian highlands
a little chemical data. In the distant from the Imbrium basin,
IrLformation on sample nearly two decades since then, and to sample pyroclastic
collection, petrography, the rocks have been materials believed pre-mission
chemistry, stable and radiogenic substantially subdivided, to be substantially younger than
isotopes, rock surface studied, and analyzed, with mare basalts collected on
characteristics, physical numerous published papers, previous missions.
properties, and curatorial These make the original
processing is summarized and Information Catalog The crew spent more than 22
referenced as far as it is known inadequate, outmoded, and in hours on the lunar surface,
up to early 1992. The intention some cases erroneous. However, using the rover to traverse
has been to be comprehensive-- that Catalog contains more across the mare plains and to the
to include all published studies information on macroscopic lower slopes of the South and
of any kind that provide observations for most samples North Massifs, and over a light
information on the sample, as than does the present set of mantle in the valley that
well as some unpublished volumes. Considerably more appeared to have resulted from a
information. References which detailed information on the landslide from the South Massi£
are primarily bulk dissection and allocations of the The traverses totalled more than
interpretations of existing data samples is preserved in the Data 30 km, and nearly 120 kg of rock
or mere lists of samples are not Packs in the Office of the and soil were collected
generally included. Foreign Curator. (Figure 3). This total sample
language journals were not mass was greater than on any
INTRO - viii

Figure 1: Apollo and Luna sampling sites on the near side of the Moon. $84-31673.

previous mission. An Apollo Apollo 17 Preliminary Science studied in coordinated fashion in

Lunar Surface Experiments Report (1973; NASA SP-330) formal consortia.
Package (ALSEP) was set up and the Geological Exploration
near the landing point. Other of the Taurus-Littrow Valiley The valley floor samples
experiments and numerous (1980; USGS Prof. Paper 1080), demonstrate that the valley
photographs were used to and others listed in the consists of a sequence of high-Ti
characterize and document the bibliography at the end of Lhis mare basalts that were mainly
site. Descriptions of the pre- section. Many of the rock extruded 3.7 to 3.8 Ga ago. The
mission work and objectives, the samples have been studied in sequence is of the order of 1400m
mission itself, and results are detail, and some, particularly thick. The sequence consists of
described in detail in the massif boulders, have been several different types of basalt

Figure 2: Apollo 17 landing site region showing major geographic features. AS I 7-M-447.

that cannot easily be related to volcanics, but were only slightly of crystalline impact melt
each other (or Apollo 11 high-Ti younger than the valley fill. breccia. This is found on both
mare basalts) by simple igneous These glasses too are high-Ti massifs, and is characterized by
processes, but instead reflect basalt in composition. The an aluminous basalt
varied mantle sources, mixing, orange glasses occur in the rocks composition and a poikilitic
and assimilation. Orange glass only as components of some groundmass. The samples are
pyroclastics were conspicuous, regolith breccias, widely interpreted as part of the
and is the unit that mantles both impact melt produced by the
the valley fill and part of the The sampling of the massifs was Serenitatis basin event itself. A
nearby highlands. However, directed at coherent boulders second type of impact melt, dark
they were found to be not and some rocks, and are and aphanitic, is represented
younger than other Apollo dominated by a particular type only by samples from the South

South Massif

Figure 3: Apollo 17 traverse and sample collection map.

Massif stations. It is similar in are pristine igneous rocks, soils of the South Massif contain
chemistry to first type, but is including dunite, troctolite, and more alumina and only half of
more aluminous and much norite (some of which formed the incompatible element
poorer in TiO2. It contains a meter-sized clasts or individual budget of the dominant impact
much greater abundance and boulders), as well as more melt rocks, demonstrating that
variety ofclast types. Opinion evolved types including gabbros the massifs, representing pre-
still differs as to whether these and felsic/granitic fragments. Serenitatis material, have a
aphanites are a variant of the Feldspathic granulites are component not well represented
Serenitatis melt or represent common as clasts in the melt in the larger collected samples.
something distinct. Both matrices (both aphanitic and Conspicuously absent, and not
aphanitic and poikilitic melts poikilitic) and occur as a few the "missing" component in the
seem to be most consistent with small individual rocks, soil, is ferroan anorthosite,
an age of close to 3.87 ( +/- 0.2) Geochronology shows that many common at the Apollo 16 site
Ga. A few rare samples of of these granulites and pristine and widely believed to have
impact melt have distinct igneous rocks date back as far as formed an early lunar crust.
chemistry. Other rock and clasts 4.2 and even 4.5 Ga. The purer
INTRO - xi

kk 74255 Shorty Crater

_/ ,,,DT 74002/74(X)1
_'v"" x.,-'''74235

,,,'/ _.._ .
,/ Westpan LRV _,,,,
74220to 74260 N Eastpan

I I I I ]
0 I0 20 30

Figure 4: Locations of rocks collected at station 4.

7.75 Came,orN
i ,,75os5
-,_ l
/ -,' Area of _ /
Westpan /A - O---75015 and 75035

[ I I I I I
0 I0 20 30 40 50

Figure 5: Locations of rocks collected at station 5.

INTRO - xii

x- 79120 N
Van Serg/ix ///79115
, 79510
79135 1

7919.5 zx North pan

"_-- n

I 1 1 I
0 10 20 30
• m

/ 79215
79240, _' ,,"

crater _ [_

ued ""'x"_,- -LRV

- 7903S5o
ut h
, "_-_.and79260---xx Q
"_ ZXpan
Figure 6: Locations of rocks coUected at station 9.
INTRO - xiii

]BIBLIOGRAPHY NUMBERING OF The first numbers for each

APOLLO 17 SAMPLES area were used for drill stems,
Apollo Field Geology drive tubes, and the SESC.
Investigation Team (1973) As in previous missions, five Drill stem sections and double
Geologic exploration of digit sample numbers are drive tubes are numbered
Taurus-Littrow: Apollo 17 assigned each rock (coherent from the lowermost section
landing site. Science 182, 672- material greater than about 1 upward.
680 cm), the unsieved portion and
each sieve fraction of scooped The last digit is used to code
Apollo Lunar Geology < 1 cm material, the drill bit sample type, in conformity
InvestigationTeam (1973) and each drill stem and drive with the conventions used for
Documentation and tube section and each sample Apollo 15 and Apollo 16.
environment of the Apollo 17 of special characteristics. Fines from a given
samples: A preliminary documented bag are ascribed
report. U.S. Geological Survey The first digit (7) is the numbers according to:
!:nteragency Report: mission designation for
Astrogeologv 71. Apollo 17 (missions prior to 7WXY0 Unsieved
Apollo 16 used the first two material
Apollo 17 Preliminary digits). As with Apollo 15 and (usually < 1 cm)
Examination Team (1973) 16 numbers, the Apollo 17 7WXY1 < 1 mm
Apollo 17 lunar samples: numbers are grouped by 7WXY2 1-2 mm
Chemical and petrographic sampling site. Each group of 7WXY3 2-4 mm
description. Science 182, one thousand numbers applies 7WXY4 4-10 mm
659-672 to an area as follows:

Apollo 17 Preliminary Science

Report (1973) National Sampling Site Initial Number
Aeronautics and Space
Administration SP-330 LM, ALSEP, SEP, and samples 70000
collected between Station 5 and the LM
Bailey N.G and Ulrich G.E.
(1975) Apollo 17 voice Station 1A 71000
transcript pertaining to the
geology of the landing site. Station 2 and between it and the LM 72000
U.S. Geological Survey Rept.
USGS-GD-74-031. Station 3 and between it and Station 2 73000

Schmitt H..H. (1973) Apollo 17 Station 4 and between it and Station 3 74000
report on the valley of Taurus-
Littrow. Science 183, 681-690 Station 5 and between it and Station 4 75000

Wolfe E. W. and others (1981) Station 6 and between it and the LM 76000
The geologic Investigation of
the Taurus-Littrow valley: Station 7 and between it and Station 6 77000
Apollo 17 landing site. U.S.
Geological Survey Prof. Paper Station 8 and between it and Station 7 78000
Station 9 and between it and Station 8 79000
INTRO -xiv

Rocks from a documented bag by centuries starting with In as much as possible all
are numbered 7WXY5 - 7W500. The soil sample samples returned loose in a
7WXY9, usually in order of documented bag has the first sample collection bag or an
decreasing size. decade or decades of the ce:_tury, ALSRC were numbered in a
in conformity with the last digit decade. In the cases in which
Sample number decades were coding for rocks and fines (as rocks from several stations were
reserved for the contents of each explained above), and the rake put into a single collection bag
documented bag. In the cases sample documented bag uses the however, the soil and rock
where the number of samples following decades. For example, fragments were assigned a
overflowed a decade, the next 71500-71509, 71515 were used decade number that conforms to
available decade was used for for the sieve fractions and six the site for the largest or most
the overflow. For example DB rocks from the soil sample in DB friable rock. The other rocks in
455 contained soil, numbered 459. Then for the companion the same bag have numbers for
71040-71044, and 6 small rocks rake sample in DB's 457 and their own site, generally in the
numbered 71045-71049 and 458, 71520 was used for the soil, second or third decade of the
71075. which was not sieved, and ¢he 38 thousand numbers for that site.
> 1 cm rake fragments were
Paired soil and rake samples for numbered 71535-71539, 71.545-
each sampling area are assigned 71549, etc., to 71595-71597.


Sample Type Mass Station

(a) grams Description Page #
'72135 336.9 Mierobreccia 1

72145 1.25 Polymict Mierobreceia 5

72155 238.5 Basalt 7

74115 15.36 Light Gray Breccia 13

'74116 12.68 Light Gray Breccia 13

74117 3.69 Light Gray Breccia 13

'74118 3.59 Light Gray Breccia 13

74119 1.79 Light Gray Breccia 13

74235 59.04 Aphanitic High-Ti Basalt 15

74245 63.34 Aphanitic High-Ti Basalt 23

74246 28.81 Soil Breccia 29

74247 7.76 High-Ti Basalt 31

'74248 5.682 High-Ti Basalt 35

'74249 4.183 High-Ti Basalt 39

74255 737.6 High-Ti Basalt 43

74265 High-Ti Mare Basalt 55

'74275 1493 High-Ti Mare Basalt 57

'74279 Probable High-Ti Mare Basalt?? 73


74285 2.212 High-Ti Mare Basalt 75

'74286 2.102 High-Ti Mare Basalt 81

'74287 1.568 High-Ti Mare Basalt 85

'75015 1006 High-Ti Mare Basalt 91

'75035 1235 High-Ti Mare Basalt 97

'75055 949.4 High-Ti Mare Basalt 109

75065 1.263 High-Ti Mare Basalt 121

'75066 0.98 Glassy Breccia 125

'75075 1008 High-Ti Mare Basalt 127

75085 4.298 High-Ti Mare Basalt 141


Type Mass
Sample (a) grams Station Descz_iption Page #

75086 2.323 High-Ti Mare Basalt 145

75087 2.321 HighJFi Mare Basalt 149

75088 1.992 High-Ti Mare Basalt 153

75089 1.718 High-Ti Mare Basalt 157

75115 2.60 High-Ti Mare Basalt 159

79035 2806 BreccJia 163

79115 346.3 Medium Gray Soil Breccia 169

79125 1.91 Microbreccia 175

79135 2283 Polymict Matrix Breccia 177

79155 318.8 Partially Glass-Coated Gabbro 185

79175 677.7 Glass-.Bonded Agglutinate 193

79195 368.5 Brecc!ia 195

79215 553.8 Metabreccia 197

79225 7.42 Friabi[e Microbreccia 209

79226 6.73 Friab!ie Microbreccia 211

79227 5.57 Clod 213

79228 2.50 Clod 213

79245 10,11 High Grade Metaclastic 215

79265 2.60 High-l'i Mare Basalt 217

79515 33.00 High-l_i Mare Basalt 221

79516 23.92 High-Ti Mare Basalt 225

79517 10.23 Dark :Matrix Breccia 229

79518 5.20 Dark Matrix Breccia 231

79519 3.65 Dark Matrix Breccia 233

79525 3.03 Dark Matrix Breccia 235

79526 2.93 Dark Matrix Breccia 237

79527 2,65 Dark Matrix Breccia 239

79528 2,38 Dark :Matrix Breccia 241

79529 1.84 Dark Matrix Breccia 243

79535 1.69 Dark Matrix Breccia 245

79536 1.66 Dark Matrix Breccia 247

79537 1.05 Dark Matrix Breccia 249

SAMPLE 72135 - 1

336.9 g, 8 x 6 × 5.5 cm

INTRODUCTION unlined. The macroscopic plagioclase. Patches up to

features (i.e., clast population) 3.5 mm containing coarser
72135,0 was described as a are presented in Table 1. pyroxene are scattered through
medium gray, blocky, the rock. Ilmenite and skeletal
subangular microbreccia (Apollo olivine form microphenocrysts.
17 Lunar Sample Information PETROGRAPHY AND The rock is broken and
Catalog, 1973) (Fig. 1). Glass MINERAL CHEMISTRY irregularly seamed by thin
was present on one surface of the stringers ofbrecciated basalt,
original sample and ,0 exhibited The Apollo 17 Lunar Sample locally glass. It was noted in the
a friable character with Information Catalog (1973) gave Apollo 17 Lunar Sample
irregular penetrative fractures, a description of thin section Information Catalog (1973) that
The surface was very hackly, 72135,11. This section is this thin section was probably
many zap pits on B, a few on S composed ofpyroxene, ilmenite not representative of the rock
and W, and none on N, E, and T. and plagioclase, together because it is predominantly in a
72135,0 was described as being totaling 75 modal %. The clast and does not show much of
"s arprisingly heavy for its remainder is made up of the brecciated part of the rock.
friable character" (Apollo 17 ilmenite (19%) and olivine (6%)
Lunar Sample Information microphenocrysts. The texture A description of the opaque
Catalog, 1973). Less than 1% of is variolitic (Fig. 2) with a mineralogy of72135,11 was
the surface contained cavities groundmass of quenched given by Brett in the Apollo 17
and these were irregular and pyroxene, ilmenite, and Lunar Sample Information

Figure 1 : Sample 72135.

SAMPLE 72135-2

Table 1: Lithology of microbreccia 72135.

Percent Size (ram)

Component Color of rock Shape Notes
Dora. Range

Matrix N4-5 90-95 < <0.1 Up to 1 1

Glass _ 5-10 2

Clasts < 5 Round- To 2 3


1. Composed ofplagioclase, ilmenite, brown pyroxene, dark glass (no spheres), trace of olivine,
trace of red translucent mineral, trace of chalky white material. Matrix is fragmented into
irregular, blocky fragments bounded by shear surfaces.
2. Partly cements clods of matrix on one side of rock; filled with soil.
3. One clast of basalt with olivine phenocrysts. Others appear to be vary vaguely bounded,
shocked, friable fragments. Scarce ilmenite, rare olivi:ae to 1 mm.

Catalog (1973). He found a reminiscent of armalcolite 38.5% opaques, 15.1%

"bimodal distribution of replacement. Several areas (one plagioclase, 45.3% clinopy-
ilmenite, with large blocky laths along a fracture) of diffuse roxene, and 0.8% silica.
commonly greater than several ilmenite staining are present,
tenths of a millimeter and apparently unrelated to tee
feathery laths in the aphanitic presence of metal grains". WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
groundmass commonly smaller
than 0.02 mm. The ilmenite Brown et al. (1975 a,b) classified Cripe and Moore (1975) reported
enclosed in phenocrysts and 72135,41 as a slowly cooled Type a whole-rock sulphur content for
elsewhere may have blocky, IB high-Ti basalt. This thin 72135,24 2100 lag/g which was a
rectangular or lozenge shapes, section contains 0.3% oliv!ine, weighted average of replicate

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 72135,l I in plane polarized light. Width of field = 3.16 mm.
SAMPLE 72135-3

analyses. Moore and Lewis Green et al. (1975) described between olivine and lunar
(1976) reported whole rock 72135 as a monomict basaltic basaltic liquids.
carbon (12 pg/g) and nitrogen breccia in which individual
(49 pg/g) for 72135,24. fragments range from fine-
grained, quenched basalt to PROCESSING
" spheres and irregular shards of
EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES orange glass. Green et al. (1975) Of the original sample, 289.66g
inferred that 72135 is a welded of 72135,0 remains. The largest
O'Hara and Humphries (1975) tuffor volcanic breccia due to remaining subsamples are: ,15
used 72135 in a study of lava fountaining of a liquid of _ 6.43g; and ,16 _ 16.04g.
armalcolite crystallization, composition of the glass Thirteen thin sections of 79035
phenocryst assemblages, fragments. These authors report have been made: ,11-, 14;
eruption conditions, and origin mineralogical data for 72135 ,40-,48.
of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts, and use the glass composition to
These authors used 72135 in Mo determine a liquid line of
capsules at a constant fO2 and descent at 0 kbar.
then also in various containers
with different fO 2 conditions. Longhi et al. (1978) used a
Results demonstrate that higher powdered portion of 72135 in
fO2 favors spinel over their experiments to determine
armalcolite crystallization, the distribution of Fe and Mg
SAMPLE 72145- 5

Polymict Microbreccia
1.25 g, 1.3 × 1 × 1.3 cm

INTRODUCTION highland and mare clasts The mineral chemistry of this

(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample basalt was not specifically
72145 was described as a Intbrmation Catalog, 1973). mentioned, but was discussed in
medium to dark greenish gray, a general sense as part of the
subangular polymict Type IB basalt division.
microbreccia (Fig. 1), which is
coherent with penetrative PETROGRAPHY AND
fracturing. The matrix is MINERAL CHEMISTRY
uniform, as is the clast PROCESSING
distribution. Many zap pits are Brown et al. (1975 a,b) described
present on N, a few on B and 72155,76 as a Type IB Apollo 17 Of the original I .25g of 72145,0,
none on T or S. Glass lined pits mare basalt and reported a all remains. No subsamples
are present but not haloes. No modal mineralogy of: 3.5% have been prepared and no work
cavities are present. This olivine; 38.6% opaques; 14.7% has been conducted on this
pelymict microbreccia is barely plagioclase; 42.8% sample.
lithified and contains both clinopyroxene; and 0.4% silica.

Figure l: Sample 72145.

SAMPLE 72155-7

238.5 g, 7 x 5 x 4 cm

INTRODUCTION crystals are up to 1 mm in (Fig. 2). However, all are

diameter and have grown LREE-depleted, with a
72155 was described as a parallel to the cavity wall. maximum in the MREE. All
brownish gray, blocky to have a negative Eu anomaly
angular basalt containing no [(Eu]u*)N = 0.49-0.56]. Gibson
penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 WHOLE-ROCK et al. (1976) reported a whole-
Lunar sample Information CHEMISTRY rock sulphur analysis for 72155
catalog, 1973). A few zap pits of 1800 +_ 60 pgS/g. Nyquist et
are present on E, W, B, with The whole-rock chemistry of al. (1975) reported Rb and Sr
many present on S and T 72155 has been reported by whole-rock compositions for
(Fig. 1). The fabric was Laul et ah (1974), Boynton et al. 72155,23 of 0.612 ppm and 180
described as porphyritic with (1975), Shih et al. (1975), ppm, respectively. Nunes et ah
scarce olivine phenocrysts with W_inke et al. (1975) and Rhodes (1974) reported the whole-rock
the surface being hackly, et al. (1976). The different U, Th, and Pb concentrations for
Approximately 10% of the analyses demonstrate that 72155 as being 0.1182 ppm,
surface contains cavities as 72155 is a high-Ti basalt (Ti02 0.3879 ppm, and 0.2589 ppm,
vugs and vesicles ranging from = 12.1-12.3 - Table 1). The respectively. Eldridge et al.
1 x 2 cm to < 1 mm. Vesicles MG# exhibits slight variation (1975) reported the K, Th, and
have projecting crystals and from _ 44.5 (Wanke et al., U whole-rock concentrations of
linings ofpyroxene and 1975; Rhodes et al., 1976) to 72155,1 as being 495 ppm, 0.34
ilmenite. Extremely well 46.4 (Laul et al., 1974). The ppm, and 0.11 ppm,
developed flat black and gold reported REE concentrations respectively.
hexagonal plates occur in the are somewhat variable which
larger cavities. Some of these translates to variable profiles

Figure 1: Sample 72155.

SAMPLE 72155-8

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 72155.

Sample ,29 Sample ,31 Sample ,31 Sample ,23 Sample ,30 Sample ,23
Method N Method N0R Method N,R Method I,N Method X,N,R Method X
Reference I Reference 2 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Reference 5

SiO2 39.4 38.67

TiO2 12.1 12.3 12.2 12.32
A1203 8.0 8.88 8.50 8.54 8.64
Cr203 0.440 0.41 0.45 0.47 0.43
FeO 18.6 17.4 18.5 19.4 18.77
MnO 0.234 0.25 0.26 0.25 0.28

MgO 9 8.7 8.47

CaO 10.4 9.24 10.9 10.4 10.69

Na20 0.40 0.81 0.8 0.77 0.4

K20 0.072 0.07 0.07 0.07
P205 0.071 0.05
S (ppm) 1350
Nb 22
Zr 263 271
Hf 8.7 8.6 9.0 8.82
Ta 1.6 2.2 1.78
U 0.3 0.126
Y 93
Sr 186 195
Rb 0.612
Li 9.4 8.3
Ba 90 100 82.2 85
Zn 2.3 2.1
Ni 1.9 1.0
Co 20 20 20 19.1 19.5
V 100
Sc 80 77 80 81.4 84
Cr 3010 3200
La 7.2 6.5 7.3 11.4 7.08
Ce 26 33 35 22.8 27.5
SAMPLE72155- 9

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,29 Sample ,31 Sample ,31 Sample ,23 Sample ,30 Sample ,23
Method N Method N,R Method N,R Method I,N Method X,N,R Method X
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Reference 5

Nd 32 25.3 28
Sm 10.2 10.2 11.2 10.5 10.8
Eu 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.19
Gd 16.6
Tb 3.0 2.1 2.8 2.7
Dy 18 16 18.8 20.5
Er 11.1
Yb 10 9.5 10.4 9.85 10.7
Lu 1.5 1.37 1.48 1.44
Ga 4.78 5.37
F 49
C1 3.5
Br 0.011
Ge (ppb) -< 13 <-16
Cd 1.0 2.5
Te 0.14
Au 0.082 0.34

Analysis by: N = INAA; X = X-ray fluorescence; R = RNAA; l = isotope dilution.

References: 1 = Laul et al. (1974); 2 := Boynton et al., (1975); 3 = Shih et al., (1975); 4 -- W_inke et al.
(1.975); 5 = Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 72155- 10

100 I I I I I I I I I

lO 72155 _

" 21 = Shih etal. (1975)

al. _Z
_: = Boynton ct (1975)
_1: 3 = Wanke et al. (1975) -
v_ 4 = Laul etal. (1974) -
5 = Boynton etal. (1975)

1 I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 2: Rare-earth element profiles reported for 72155.

radionuclide concentrations of
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES STABLE ISOTOPES 72155,1 as part of their study of
the Taurus-Littrow region. The
Nyquist et al. (1975) reported a The oxygen isotope composition results were presented as
whole-rock Sr isotope of 72155 was reported by follows: 22Na = 68 _+ 5,26A1
composition for 72155,23: Mayeda et al. (1975). These = 54 + 3, and 54Mn = 125 +
87Rb/s6Sr = 0.0098 + 3; authors analyzed the 8180 of the 10 respectively, with
87Sr/S6Sr = 0.69982 +_ 5. Model individual minerals and concentrations in dpm/kg.
ages on the basis of BABI plus included 72155,37 in a study of
JSC bias (assuming I = the whole moon 8180
0.69910) and of the Apollo 16 composition. Results are
anorthosites at 4.6 Ga (I = presented in Table 3. PROCESSING
0.69903) were reported as 5.1 _
0.5 and 5.6 -+-0.5. Nunes et al. 72155,0 has been entirely
(1974) reported a whole-rock COSMOGENIC subdivided. The largest
lead isotope composition of RADIONUCLIDES AND remaining sub-sample is ,1
72155 as part of a study of EXPOSURE AGES (160.6g), followed by ,2 (12.29g).
Apollo 17 rock and soil samples. A total of twelve thin sections
The results are presented in Eldridge et al. (1975) are available: ,41; ,42; ,45;
Table 2. determined the cosmogenic ,65-,67; ,75-,80.
SAMPLE 72155 - 11

Table 2: Pb isotope composition of 72155.

Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

72155 72155 P 72155c*

232Th]238U 3.39

238U/204pb 4152

206Pb/204Pb@ 343.7 352.7

207pb/204Pb@ 205.5 274.9

208Pb/204Pb@ 313.9 -

206Pb/204Pb* 433.6 459.6

207Pb/204pb* 258.3 274.9

208Pb/204Pb* 391.3 -

2°7Pb/206Pb* 0.5957 0.5982

208Pb/206Pb* 0.9025 -

P = composition data; C* = concentration data with samples spiked prior to digestion.

@ = observed ratios with 208Pb spike contribution subtracted from Pb concentration data.

* = analytical total Pb blanks ranged from 0.59 to 1.96 ng.

Table 3: Oxygen isotope data (8180 in per mid for 72155.

Mayeda et al. (1975).

Cristobalite Plagioclase Pyroxene Ilmenite

72155,37 7.02* 5.78 5.22 3.97

* = mixture ofcristobalite and glass.

SAMPLE 74115-74119- 13

Light Gray Breccia
74115 = 15.36g, 74116 = 12.68 g, 74117 = 3.69,74118 = 3.59 g, 74119 = 1.79g


These breccias are small

(Fig. 1) and extremely friable,
and as such, no binocular
description was made of these
samples (Apollo 17 Lunar
Sample Information Catalog, i "7 _.i 2*"
1973). Duringthe sortingof
these breceias from the soil,
Heiken identified the rock-
type and observed the
fragments to have 10% white
clasts and a trace of dark gray
clasts in a light gray matrix.
These samples were collected
on LRV5 at Station 4.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of breccias 74115-74119.

SAMPLE 74235 - 15

Aphanitic High-Ti Basalt
59.04 g, 4.3 x 3.4 x 3.3 cm

INTRODUCTION surface is generally smooth to

gently lumpy inside vesicles, PETROGRAPHY AND
74235 was described as a but hackly on the rest of the MINERAL CHEMISTRY
grayish black, angular aphanite rock (Fig. 1). There are a few
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample penetrative fractures and the Brown et al. (1975) classified
Irfformation Catalog, 1973). It specimen has an angular, thin section 74235,41 as a Type
contains no zap pits, but several blocky shape (Fig. 1). This IA Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt
vesicles (0.5 to 3cm, dominantly basalt was collected from containing 10.1% olivine, 22.3%
~ lcm) and minor vugs. The Station 4. opaques, 0.1% plagioclase,

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 74235,0.

SAMPLE 74235 - 16

15.6% clinopyroxene, and 51.9% decrease from Gd to Yb (Lu was

mesostasis. The specific WHOLE-ROCK not reported by Shih et al., 1975
petrography of 74235,41 was CHEMISTRY - Table 1), but are still more
not mentioned by Brown et al. abundant (relative to chon-
(1975), who described this Detailed whole-rock chemistry dirites). However, this analysis
basalt only within the genaral of 74235 has been reported by delineates a negative Ce
Typ IA grouping. Also, the only Rose et al. (1975), Shih et al. anomaly and as the REE were
minerals chemistry specifically (1975), and Rhodes et al. (]t976) analyzed by isotope dilution, the
reported for 74235 by these (Table 1). Rhodes et al. (1976) errors associated with the
authors was for the olivines, only reported the major reported REE abundances are
which range from Fo68 to Fo75. elements, describing 74235 as a low. The significance of this
Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti anomaly is at present unclear.
O'Hara and Humphries (1975) basalt, and Shih et al. (197'5) A negative Eu anomaly is
described 74235 as containing only reported the trace present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.49].
10% each of microphenocrysts elements. The TiO2
of olivine and armalcolite. The composition of 74235 have been Gibson et al. (1976) reported the
texture is comprised of reported as 12.39 wt% (Rose et whole-rock sulphur abundance
spherulitic patches ofpyroxene al., 1975) and 12.17 wt% for 74235. This was given as
and opaques glass. The former (Rhodes et al., 1976). The MG# 2030_ 30 l_gS/g with an
appear to have crystallized ranges from 45.4 (Rose et al., equivalent wt% Feo of 0.086.
around original pyroxene 1975) to 43.5 (Rhodes et al.,
microphenocrysts. 1976). Only Shihet al. (1975) •
reported the REE composiLion of RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
No thin section was available 74235 (Fig. 2). This is LREE-
during the preparation of this depleted with a maximum at Nyquist et al. (1975) and Nunes
catalog. Gd. The HREE exhibit a et al. (1974} reported whole-rock

100 , , , i , , , , , , ,

O 10 -
<¢ 1 = Shih et al. (1975)

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd ,rb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element pro[_les of 74235.
SAMPLE 74235- 17

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 74235.

Sample ,23 Sample ,18 Sample ,21

Method N,I Method X Method X
Reference I Reference 2 Reference 3

SiO2 39.42 38.62

TiO2 12.39 12.17
A1203 9.21 8.61
Cr203 0.47 0.51
FeO 18.55 19.31
MnO 0.27 0.28
MgO 8.67 8.35
CaO 10.85 10.70
Na20 0.37 0.40
K20 0.08 0.07
P205 0.05 0.05
S 0.15
K (ppm) 560
Nb <10
Zr 263 362
U 0.126
Y 160
Sr 186 194
Rb 0.612 <1
Li 13.3 12
Ba 82.2 405
Be <I
Zn 3.7
Pb 5.6
Cu 29
Ni <1
Co 19.1 30
V 61
Sc 71.4 76
La 11.4 < 10
Ce 22.8
Nd 25.3
SAMPLE74235- 18

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,23 Sam:pie ,18 Sample ,21

Method N,I Metlhod X Method X
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3

Sm 10.5
Eu 2.10
Gd 16.6
Dy 18.8
Er 11.1
Yb 9.85
Ga 8.3
Ge (ppb)

Analysis by: N = INAA; X = XRF; I = Isotope dilu.tion.

References: 1 = Shih et al. (1975); 2 = Rose et al. (1.975); 3 = Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 74235- 19

Rb-Sr and U-Th-Pb systematics (1975), Morgeli et al. (1977) and He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe data for
(respectively} for 74235 (Tables Eugster et al. (1977). Morgeli et 74235 (Table 4).
2 and 3). These were included al. (1977) and Eugster et al.
in a much larger isotopic study (1977) reported the same
of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts, analyses. Eugster et al. (1977) EXPERIMENTAL
Nunes et al. (1974) also reported concluded that 74235
single-stage ages of 4514-4593 experienced at least a two-stage 74235 has been used in two
Ma for 74235 (Table 3). exposure. These results, experimental studies.
combined with other station 4 Usselman et al. (1975) deduced
" samples, suggested that the experimentally the cooling rate
COSMOGENIC Shorty crater impact occurred of 74235 to be between 150-
RADIONUCLIDES AND < 30Ma. Eberhardt et al. 250°C/hr. O'Hara and
EXPOSURE AGES (1975) reported 81Kr-Kr and Humphries (1975) used 74235
38Ar-37Ar exposure ages of in a study of armalcolite
The cosmogenic radionuclide, 188 -2-_20 and 180 _ 20, crystallization.
exposure ages, and noble gas respectively. Eugster et al.
determinations have been (1977) conducted a more
reported by Eberhardt et al. extensive study and reported

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 74235.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975).

Sample 74235,23

wt (mg) 52
Rb (ppm) 0.612
Sr (ppm) 186
87Rb/86Sr 0.0095 _+3
87Sr/86Srb 0.69970 _+5
TB 4.4+0.5
TL 4.9+0:5

b = Uncertainties correspond to last two figures and

are 2 sigma - normalized to 88Sr/S6Sr = 8.37521;
B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC
bias); L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo
16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 Ga).
SAMPLE 74235 - 20

Table 3: U-Th-Pb systematics of 74235.

Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

1 2 3 4 5

wt (mg) 235.9 191.3 2:35.9

U 0.1200
Th 0.4004
Pb 0.2786
232Th/238U 3.45
238U/204Pb 444
206Pb/204Pb 178.9 339.7
207Pb/204Pb 111.3 208.6
2o8Pb/204Pb 174.7
206Pb/204pb 215.0 4q54.8
207pb/204pb 133.0 2_33.7
208Pb/204pb 205.9
207pb/206Pb 0.6186 0.6105
208Pb/206Pb 0.9579
206Pb/238U 1.001 1.027
207Pb]235U 82.32 84.85
207Pb/206Pb 0.5966 0.6003
208Pb/232Th 0.2491
206Pb]238U 4514 4593
207Pb/235U 4549 4580
207Pb/2O6Pb 4565 4574
208Pb/232Th 4557

1 -- Elemental concentrations; 2,3 = @ - Observed ratios, * - corrected for analytical blank; 4,5 = a -
corrected for blank and primordial Pb, b - single stage ages in Ma.
SAMPLE 74235 - 21

Table 4: Rare gas and cosmogenic rare gas abundances in 74235.

Data from Eugster et al. (1977).

Rare Gases

4He 20Ne 40Ar 4He/3He 20Ne/22Ne 22Ne/21Ne 36Arf38Ar 40Ar/36Ar

(10 -s cm 3 STP/g)

}.0100 17.8 2850 161 0.827 1.16 0.638 202

:--.400 --.1.1 ±300 ±2 ±0.018 ±0.02 ±0.010 -+4

86Kr 78Kr/76Kr 80Kr/S6Kr 81Kr/_eKr 82Kr/SeKr _Kr2S6Kr S4/Kr/S6Kr

(10-t2 cm3 STP/g) x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100

53 109.7 249.1 0.533 472.3 635 543

± 11 ±2.0 +3.0 ±0.060 ±3.0 ±25 -+20

132Xe 124Xe]132Xe 126Xe]132X e 128Xe/132Xe 129Xe/132X e 130Xe/132Xe 131Xe]132Xe 134Xe/132X e 136Xe/132Xe

(10 -12 cm 3 STP/g) x 100 x 100 x i00 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100

33 14.2 19.8 39.1 120.0 31.3 185.5 35.0 29.1

±7 ±3.5 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±1.5 ±0.5 ±3.0 -+0.3 -+1.0

Cosmogenic Noble Gas Concentrations

3He 21Ne 38Ar 78Kr 81Kr 83Kr 126Xe 13lX e

10 -8 cm 3 STP/g 10 -12cm 3 STP/g

62.7 18.6 22.1 57 0.282 300 6.44 39.4

_+2.5 ±1.1 ±2.5 ±12 ±0.060 ±60 ±1.30 _+8.0

Data Relevant to the Cosmogenlc Component of Ne and Kr

22Nef2lNe 78Kr/SaKr SOKr/SaKr 81Kr/SaKr 82Kr/_Kr S4KrlSaKr 81Kr/PSt 81Kr.Kr

x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 (Ma) (Ma)

1.152 18.9 41.5 0.094 71.4 38 0.231 175

_+0.012 ±0.3 ±0.6 ±0.010 ±6.0 _+7 ±0.050 _+25

Isotopic Ratios of Cosmogenic Xe

124Xe/126X e 128Xe/126Xe 129xe/126Xe 130Xe/126Xe 131Xe#26Xe

71 ± 18 170±7 192-+25 95-+5 611 ±30

SAMPLE 74245 - 23

Aphanitic High-Ti Basalt
63.34 g, 5.5 x 3.5 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION needles visible only in reflected section 74245,11 and found it to

light. Yellow olivine grains, be a fine-grained (up to 0.2mm),
74245 has been described as a averaging 0.7mm are sparsely interlocking basalt. The
very fine-grained to aphanitic, disseminated throughout the groundmass is comprised of
dark gray, angular basalt sample. This sample was plagioclase laths, ilmenite
(Fig. 1) with a semi-metallic collected from Station 4. prisms, pink, blocky pyroxene,
luster. Both of the broadest and opaque glass. A "large",
surfaces are fresh fractures. The rounded troilite mass (_ 0. lmm)
tilicker edge of the wedge and PETROGRAPHY AND is present. Olivine (up to lmm-
the blunt end are remnants of MINERAL CHEMISTRY Fig. 2), ilmenite (4 0.7mm), and
former interior cavity walls, armalcolite phenocrysts were
They are angular and somewhat Brown et al. (1975) described identified. Armalcolite forms
intricately patterned but 74245,26 as a Type IA Apollo 17 cores to the ilmenite, but also
smoothed over with a black high-Ti basalt. These authors occurs as discrete grains. The
surface layer having a semi- reported the following modal olivines contain euhedral
metallic luster and numerous composition: 15.6% olivine, chromite inclusions (_ 0.005mm
felty ilmenite needles. No zap 30.6% opaques, 2.0% Fig. 2). Native Fe and troilite
pits are present, but cavities are plagioclase, 31.9% clino- ( < 0.05mm) are disseminated
found on _ 20% of the fractured pyroxene, and 19.9% mesostasis, throughout.
surfaces. Generally, they are The olivines are forsteritic
rounded to somewhat irregular (Fo79-76) and are the only
and are between 0.3mm to lcm. mineral composition reported for WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
These cavities are lined with 74245 by Brown et al. (1975).
h;lty intergrowths of lustrous No detailed petrographic Detailed whole-rock analyses of
ilmenite needles. 74245 is a description of 74245 was 74245 have been conducted by
dense, ilmenite-rich basalt with reported by these authors. Warner et al. (1975) and Rhodes
a grain size of < 0. lmm. The During the preparation of this et al. (1976) (Table 1), who
groundmass includes fine catalog, we examined thin classified 74245 as a Type C

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 74245.

SAMPLE 74245 - 24

Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. These (EuIEU*)N have been deter- significant size (i.e., > lg) are
authors reported a TiO2 content mined as 0.51 (Warner et al., 74245,1 (2.01g) and ,31 (26.91g).
of 11.9 and 11.92 wt% (respec- 1975} and 0.46 (Rhodes et al., 74245,5 was used for INAA, and
tiveiy) and MG#'s of 52.0 and 1976). Both profiles exhibit a thin section ,11 was taken from
48.8 (respectively). Both depletion of the HREE from Dy this irradiated sub-sample.
Warner et al. (1975) and Rhodes (Fig. 3). The analysis of Rhodes Three other thin sections have
et al. (1976) reported REE et ah (1976) yielded slight:iy been made- ,26, ,27, and ,28.
abundances (Fig. 3 and Table 1). higher REE abundances relative
Both profiles are LREE depleted to that of Warner et ah (1975). "
with a maximum at Sm (Warner EXPERIMENTAL
et ah, 1975) and Dy (Rhodes et
ah, 19_/6). Both analyses fail to PROCESSING 74245 has been used in one
report the critical elements Gd experimental study. Usselman
and Tb for definition of the Of the original 64.34g of e t al. (1975) experimentally
negative Eu anomaly. However, 74245,0, a total of 30.80g 6etermined the cooling rate of
by extrapolation, values for remains. Sub-samples of 74245 as being 15-25°C/hr.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 74245. Field of view is 2.5 mm.

SAMPLE 74245-25

0 10 -
1 = Warner et al. (1975)
u) 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

I t I I. I I I I I I I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normaIized rare-earth-element profiles of 74245.
SAMPLE 74245- 26

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 74245.

Sample ,5 Sample ,4-7 Sample ,5 Sample ,4-7

Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference I Reference 2
Method N Method X,N,I Method N Method X,N,I

SiO2 38.59 Cu
TiO2 11.9 11.92 Ni
A1203 8.7 8.72 Co 227 23.6
Cr203 0.523 0.54 V 123
FeO 18.4 18.06 Sc 77 77
MnO 0.227 0.27 La 6. ]! 6.24
MgO 11.2 9.65 Ce 22.2
CaO 10.2 10.59 Nd 24.9

Na20 0.355 0.36 Sm 9.4 9.80

K20 0.085 0.06 Eu 1.76 1.77
P205 0.04 Gd
S 0.14 Tb

K (ppm) 655 Dy 15 17.5

Nb Er 9.68
Zr Yb 8.6 9.13
Hf 8.7 Lu 1.2 1.25
Ta Ga
Th C1
Sr 159 H
Rb 1.17 He

Li 8.5 Ge (ppb)
Ba 67.4 Ir
Cs Au
Be Ru
Zn Os

Analysisby: N = INAA; X = XRF; I = Isotopedilution.

References:1 = Warner eta].(1975);2 = Rhodes etal.(1976).

SAMPLE 74245 - 27

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 74245.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 74245,4-7

wt (mg) 50
Rb (ppm) 1.17
Sr (ppm) 159
87Rb/86Sr 0.0213_+ 3
87Sr/S6Srb 0.70040 +- 6

T8 4.26+_0.25
TL 4.49+_0.25

b = Uncertainties correspond to last two figures and

are 2 sigma - normalized to 88Sr/86Sr -- 8.37521;
B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI
bias); L =: Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo
16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 Ga).
SAMPLE 74246 - 29

Soil Breccia
28.81 g, 5.5 x 3.5 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION with cinnamon pyroxene and

ilmenite. No zap pits were STABLE ISOTOPES
74246 has been described as a observed and would not be
medium dark gray, homogen- preserved in any case. No Carr et al. (1985) briefly
eous breccia. It is so friable that cavities were present. 74246 has mentioned 74246 in a study of
its is hardly legitimate as a a rounded shape and fell into 3 the nitrogen composition of
specimen. The constituents are: clods when moved for the lunar breccias. These authors
80% matrix (fine gray soil; 20% original photograph. This stated that this breccia was not
clasts, mainly fine-grained sample was collected from produced by consolidation of
glomeroporphyritic basalt which Station 4. mature regolith.
is light colored, feldspar-rich


Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 74246.

SAMPLE 74247 - 31

High-Ti Basalt
7.76 g, 2.7 x 1.5 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION whole-rock analysis for 74247

PETROGRAPHY AND (Table 1), with Warner et al.
74247 has been described as a MINE RAL CHEMISTRY defining 74247 as a Type C
dark grayish black, fine-grained Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. These
to aphanitic basalt (Apollo 17 Ma et al. (1979) tentatively authors reported a TiO2 content
L anar Sample Information classified 74247 as a olivine- of 74247 as 12.3 wt% with a
Catalog, 1973) (Fig. 1). The two microporphyritic ilmenite MG# of 45.3. The REE profile is
broad surfaces have 35% to 60% basalt. Warner et al. (1979) only LREE depleted with a
vugs lined with euhedral described 74247 in general maximum at Sm (Fig. 2). Tb to
needles and plates of ilmenite, terms under their Type C Lu are approximately constant
The thin edges have ~ 10% basalts, combining mineral at 40 times chondritic values. A
similar cavities. The surface is analyses of both 74245 and negative Eu anomaly is present
generally smooth, except for 74247 into histograms. No thin [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.57].
wJggy areas; it is partially section of 74247 was available
coated with dust. The rock during the preparation of this
texture is homogeneous and the catalog. PROCESSING
rugs are distributed in layers.
74247 has an angular, wedge Of the original 7.76g of 74247,0,
shape with one or two WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY a total of 7.1 lg remains.
penetrative fractures. This 74247,1 was used for INAA, and
sample was collected from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et thin section ,5 was taken from
Station 4. al. (1979) reported the same this irradiated sample.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 74247.

SAMPLE 74247-32

0 10
<C 1 = Warner et al. (197c_)
u) & Ma et al. (1979)


1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 74247.
SAMPLE 74247 - 33

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 74247.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 74247,1 Sample 74247,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 Cu
TiO2 12.3 Ni
A|203 8.6 Co 22
Cr203 0.643 V 140
FeO 19.4 Sc 77
MnO 0.238 La 7.1

MgO 9 Ce 27
CaO 9.5 Nd 28
Na20 0.381 Sm 10.5
K20 0.083 Eu 2.01
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.4
Nb (ppm) Dy 16
Zr Er
Hf 9.0 Yb 9.1
Ta 2.0 Lu 1.31
U Ga
Th F
W Cl
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE74248- 35

High-Ti Basalt
5.682 g, 2 x 2 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION analyses of all Type A basalts whole-rock analysis for 74248

into histograms.During the (Table 1). Warner et al. (1979)
74248 has been described as a preparation of this catalog, we described 74248 as a Type A
gray, aphanitic basalt (Apollo 17 examined thin section 74248,5 Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. These
Lunar Sample Information and found it to be a fine-grained, authors reported a TiO2 content
Catalog, 1973). It has an angu- almost vitrophyric basalt (Fig. of 74248 as 12.3 wt% with a
lar shape (Fig. 1) but contains no 2a,b). It is comprised of small MG# of 43.0. The REE profile is
fractures. The surface is covered prismatic pyroxenes (0.2-0.3mm LREE depleted with a
with adhering soil, despite long) and ilmenites (- 0.1mm) set maximum in the MREE (Fig. 3).
dusting. No zap pits are present, in an opaque quench glass with The profile from Tb to Lu
but approximately 5% of the olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts exhibits a slight decrease
su:rface is filled with groups of (up to 0.5mm) (Fig 2a,b). The (relative to chondrites). A
vugs (- lmm) filled with ilmenite larger ilmenites contain negative Eu anomaly is present
crystals. One side of this armalcolite cores (Fig. 2b), and [(Eu/Eu*)N -- 0.58].
fragment is defined by a large pink pyroxene reaction rims are
(_ 2cm) cavity wall. This sample seen on some olivines. Euhedral
was collected from Station 4. chromite inclusions (_ 0.005mm) PROCESSING
are present in the olivines. Very
m little native Fe and troilite are Of the original 5.682g of
PETROGRAPHY AND present in this sample. 74248,0, a total of 4.29g
MINERAL CHEMISTRY remains. 74248,1 was used for
INAA, and thin section ,5 was
Warner et al. (1979) only WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY taken from this irradiated
described 74248 in general sample.
terms under their Type A Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et
basalts, combining mineral al. (1979) reported the same

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 74248.

SAMPLE 74248 - 36

2a: Field of view is 2.5 ram.

2b: Field of view is 0.62.5 mm.

Figure 2." Photomicrograph_ of 74248.

SAMPLE 74248-37

100 , , , , , i , , i , ; _

0 10 -
_1 74248
=E 1 = Warner et al. (1979)
(n & Ma et al. (1979)

I I I I I I I I I [ I

1 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure3: Chondrite-normalized REE plot of 74248.
SAMPLE 74248-38

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 74248.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 74248,1 Sample 74248,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 Cu
TiO2 12,3 Ni
A1203 8.9 Co 19
Cr203 0.417 V 104
FeO 18.9 Sc 83
MnO 0.261 La 6.3

MgO 8 Ce 26
CaO 10.7 Nd 27
Na20 0.420 Sm 9.8
K20 0.067 Eu 2.01
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.6
Nb (ppm) Dy 18
Zr Er
Hf 9.4 Yb 9.6
Ta 2.1 Lu 1.38
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 74249-39

High-Ti Basalt
4.183 g, 1.hx 1.2 x 0.7 cm

INTRODUCTION basalt, combining mineral and troilite are present in this

analyses of all Type A basalts sample.
74249 has been described as a into histograms.
dark gray, fine-grained,
homogeneous basalt (Apollo 17 During the preparation of this WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Lunar Sample Information catalog, we examined thin
Catalog, 1973). No zap pits are section 74249,3 and found it to Ma et at. (1979) and Warner et
present, and only a few ( < 5%) be a fine-grained, almost al. (1979) reported the same
small ( < lmm) cavities are vitrophyric basalt. It is whole-rock analysis for 74249
apparent (Fig. 1). The surface is comprised of small prismatic (Table 1). Warner et al. (1979)
coated with dust and the general pyroxenes (0.2-0.3mm long) and described 74249 as a Type A
shape is subangular with a ilmenites (_ 0.1mm) set in an Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. These
penetrative fracture at one end. opaque quench glass with authors reported a TiO2 content
This sample was collected from olivine and ilmenite phenocrysts of 12.7 wt% with a MG# of 44.6.
Station 4. (up to 0.5mm). The proportion of The REE profile is LREE
glass is smaller than seen in depleted with a maximum in the
" 74248. The larger ilmenites MREE (Fig. 2). The profile from
PETROGRAPHY AND contain armalcolite cores (Fig. Tb to Lu exhibits a slight
MINERAL CHEMISTRY 2b), and pink pyroxene reaction decrease (relative to chondrites).
rims are seen on some olivines. A negative Eu anomaly is
Warner et al. (1979) only Euhedral chromite inclusions present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.54].
described 74249 in general (~ 0.005mm) are present in the
terms as a Type A high-Ti olivines. Very little native Fe

Figure 1: Hand specimen photographs of 74249,0.

SAMPLE 74249-40

100 _ J i i i a i i i i i

Of the original 4.183g of /.....____4_ _ 1--_

74249,0, a total of 3.96g
remains. 74249,1 was used
for INAA, and thin section ,3 z
was taken from this O
irradiated sample, o 10
.J 74249
1 = Warner et al. (1979)
cn & Ma et al. (1979)

i I I I I I I I I I r

i La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 74249.
SAMPLE 74249-41

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 74249.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 74249,1 Sample 74249,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 Cu
TiO2 12.'7 Ni
A1203 9.:[ Co 19
Cr203 0.395 V 100
FeO 19.9 Sc 87
MnO 0.262 La 7.2
MgO 9 Ce 29
CaO 10.4 Nd 30
Na20 0.439 Sm 11.3
K20 0.074 Eu 2.25
P205 Gd
S Tb 3.O
Nb (ppm) Dy 19
Zr Er
Hf 10.0 Yb 10.6
Ta 2.3 Lu 1.52
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 74255-43

High-Ti Basalt
737.6 g, 13 x 7 x 6 cm

INTRODUCTION sample was collected from Fe, < 0.5% troilite, and < 1%
Station 4. matrix. Olivine occurs as
74.255 has been described as a rounded (resorbed) crystals
medium dark gray, where it is in pyroxene,
intergranular, homogeneous PETROGRAPHY AND although discrete olivines are
basalt (Apollo I7 Lunar Sample MINERAL CHEMISTRY present. The only inclusion is
Information Catalog, 1973). possibly one brown spinel.
Many zap pits are present on B, This sample has been described Plagioclase forms lathy crystals,
with none on any other faces, in detail by several authors, some in coarse sheaves
Approximately 10% of the These descriptions are intergrown with pyroxene or
surface is covered with vugs of 2- reproduced below, with hypidiomorphic pyroxene
3ram diameter. These are lined between crystals (Fig. 2). A few
with crystals of pyroxene, Apollo 17 Lunar Sample pyroxenes are larger allotrio-
plagioclase, ilmenite, and rarely Information Catalog (1973): morphic crystals with coarsely
oli.vine. The surface texture is (description by Agrell) 74255,7 skeletal outgrowths. These may
variable - T, N, S, E, and W are was described as a coarse- exhibit a jagged mosaic of blocks
hackly, B is rounded. The grained olivine basalt or with slightly varying extinction,
overall shape is angular but diabase. The thin section is and simulate sector structure in
irregular (Fig. 1), with one comprised of 5% olivine, 33% some orientations. The
major penetrative fracture plagioclase, 46% pyroxene, 5% pyroxene is faintly pink with
parallel to N, with many smaller armalcolite, 10% ilmenite, strong dispersions,
fractures parallel to it. This < 0.5% spinel, < 0.5% native birefringence increasing at

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 74255.

SAMPLE 74255-44

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 74255. Field of view is _ 2.5 ram.

margins and + 2V in the core of allotriomorphic pyroxene l}lates are presented in Table 1.
about 20 °. It is probably calcic occur with coarse skeletal Olivine occurs principally as
pigeonite zoned to ferroaugite, outgrowths with plagioclase tiny (20-100p) cores within
The bulk of the pyroxene is in tablets (Fig. 2). The major pyroxene. A few large grains
hypidiomorphic crystals, often portion is composed of tabular (up to 0.7mm) have only a
in groups of 3 or 4 having a plagioclase, in which pyroxene narrow pyroxene rim. In
nee rly common orientation, crystals are included or occur addition, two of these grains
These are intergrown with, or interstitially (plagioclase- (_ Fo7o), without any pyroxene
interstitial to the plates of poikilitic). These pyroxenes are overgrowth, project into a vug.
plagioclase (Fig. 2). Armalcolite hypidiomorphic and may occur This relationship suggests the
is confined to the central in groups of 4 or 5 crystals in existence of a vapor phase early
portions of the larger pyroxene sub-parallel orientation, in the crystallization history of
crystals. Ilmenite is largely in this rock. A few rare inclusions
skeletal embayed plates. It Dymek et al. (1975): These ofilmenite and Cr-ulvbspinel
exhibits spinel and rutile exso- authors described 74255 as a occur in olivine. The measured
lution in thin lamellae or discs, medium- to coarse-grained range in composition of the
Rounded drop-like areas (- 30p) vesicular porphyritic basalt olivine is Fo80_67. The minor-
occur in the larger ilmenites; comprised of plagioclase (_8%), element abundances and
these may be accidental due to pyroxene (51%), ilmenite (15%), patterns resemble those in
cutting embayments or true olivine (4%), and SiO2 (1%) with 70215 and 71055. The most
inclusions of weakly reflecting minor amounts of armalcolite striking occurrence of pyroxene
silicate or possibly glass as troilite, native Fe, Cr- is as coarse, commonly
isolated metal droplets are ulvbspinel, Ca-phosphate, and composite, complexly zoned
present in some. Residual meso- mesostasis. It strongly phenocrysts (up to 4mm across).
stasis in small amounts occurs resembles 71055 in texture and These range from pale pink to
locally; it is composed of acid mineralogy, except that 74255 is dark pink. Abundant inclusions
glass with dark droplets (_ 11_). distinctly porphyritic and tess of ilmenite, together with rare
Small patches oforthoclase and vesicular. 74255 is a variant of grains of armalcolite and
cristobalite may also occur in the plagioclase-poikilitic ilme- euhedral Cr-ulvSspinel, are
the interstices between major nite basalts. The results or an present. These pyroxenes have
minerals. 74255,7 is texturally electron microprobe point count measured compositions that
homogeneous. A few large of polished thin section 74255,61 range from _ Wo30En52Fs18 to
SAMPLE 74255 - 45


/ / \\ FeAi2S,208 +
._--L-_ MgAt 2S,208

S'30_'_'- " "_'?0 A_80 Ang0 CoAt2S'208

CoMgS_06 Co(Fe.Mn) Si206

v v v v y v v v v v A[


• , _ • '_- 0.5 0

__I__. CoCKA_SiO6 6

M I (Fe, Mn) 2 Si206


I_ Fe - Mn

Figure3: Compositions of the principal silicate and oxide phases in mare basalt 74255•
After Dymek et al. (1975).

Wo¢4En40Fsl6, represented by these pyroxene types fall along olivine. Ilmenite occurs both as
the high-Ca cluster on Figure 3. an intermediate-Ca trend inclusions in pyroxene
The principal variation is in Ca (Wo10En60Fsso-Wo30En43Fs27 - phenocrysts (and rarely olivine),
content, with only a slight Wo25En32Fs43). Some and also intergrown with
change in Fe/Mg. The outer pyroxenes exhibit extensive Fe pyroxene and plagioctase. There
portions of some phenocrysts are enrichment, and one grain has is a correlation between the
pigeonite with compositions measured compositions that Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio of ilmenite
near Wol0En60Fs30 . These can zone from Wo35En33Fs32 to and its occurrence: rims on
be seen to zone continuously to WOl 1Ent4Fs75. The Ti/A1 ratio armalcolite ~ 0.82; inclusions in
augite (~ Wo25En50Fs25). closely approaches 1:2 except for pyroxene phenocrysts _ 0.84-0.87;
Hourglass structures are aluminous titanaugite, which intergrown with plagiociase and
developed in some grains, and has excess A1. The relative pyroxene _ 0.86-0•96. Plagioclase
microprobe traverses amounts of A1-Ti-Cr (inset ranges in composition from
demonstrate the presence of Fig. 3) are consistent with the An73_85, and occurs as elongate
sector zoning• Pyroxene also presence of A1vI and Ti3 +. Rare laths intergrown with pyroxene
occurs as colorless to pale pink grains ofarmaleolite and ilmenite (up to 200p wide),
blocky grains (5-50p} that are [Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.53-0.67], in and as larger irregularly shaped
poikilitically enclosed by part mantled by ilmenite, occur poikilitic grains enveloping
plagioelase. These grade to as equant to elongate inclusions pyroxene. Normal zoning (up to
eh)ngate pyroxene blades that (20-501a) in the pyroxene 6 mole% An) was observed in
are intergrown with ptagioclase phenocrysts. Euhedral Cr- several grains. 74255 contains
and ilmenite. Intergrowths of ulv6spinel [_ 5-25p; Fe/(Fe + Mg) curious intergrowths of
acicular pyroxene and = 0.66-0.80] occurs as plagioclase and SiO2. This
plagioclase also occur As shown inclusions in olivine and also in plagioclase is the most sodic in
in Figure 3, the compositions of the pyroxene that surrounds the the rock (An73_76; 0.19-0.33 wt%
SAMPLE 74255 - 46

K20). FeO and Fe/(Fe + Mg) suggests that pyroxene began to the petrography and mineral
increase and MgO decreases crystallize slightly before chemistry was given by these
with decreasing An content in ilmenite. Augite phenocrysts authors. Pearce and Timms
the plagioclase. The continued to grow with ilmenite, (1992) used interference
Fe/(Fe + Mg) of the earliest- and with the onset of plagioclase imaging to examine plagioclase
formed plagioclase (_ 0.4) is crystallization, pigeonite in 74255, and found no
slightly higher than that of the nucleated. An augite-series and appreciable zoning.
pyroxene that crystallized at a pigeonite-series co-
this time [i.e., a pigeonite with precipitated with plagioclase
Fe/(Fe + Mg) - 0.30-0.35]. The and ilmenite to the final stages. WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
presence of armalcolite and Fe-rich pyroxene, SIO2, sodic
spinel only within pyroxene plagioctase, and potassic Detailed whole-rock analyses
phenocrysts and olivine mesostasis formed last. Brown have been reported by Rose et al.
suggests that these phases et al. (1975) examined thin (1975), Shih et al. (1975) (trace
formed earliest in the section 74255,54 as a Type IB elements only), and Rhodes et al.
crystallization sequence. Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt. These (1976) (major elements only).
Olivine crystallized next, authors reported the following These are presented in Table 2.
reacting with the melt to form modes for 74255,54: olivine 74255 is classified as a Type C
augite before armalcolite ceased 3.2%, opaques 28.3%, Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, using
crystallization. The presence of plagioclase 18%, clinopyroxene the scheme of Rhodes et al.
euhedral, unreacted armalcolite 48.6%, silica 0.1%, mesostasis (1976), and Warner et al (1979).
within a pyroxene phenocryst 1.8%. No detailed description of Rose et al. (1975) reported a

100 I I I I I I 1 I I I I __

- -

_ 10 --
74255 -
(Eu/Eu*)N =0.45 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profiles of 74255.
SAMPLE 74255 - 47

TiO2 content of 12.76 wt% for both Type C Apollo 17 high-Ti (17.3-18.4 Ma). The abundances
74255,42 with a MG# of 51.5, mare basalts, had identical iso- in 74255 of the various isotopes
whereas Rhodes reported 12.17 chron ages (Fig. 5a). Nunes et of the gases used in determining
wt% TiO2 with a MG# of 50.8 al. (1974) undertook a detailed the exposure age were reported
for 74255,25. The REE profile study of the U-Th-Pb isotopic by all three works cited above
was presented by Shih et al. composition of 74255 (Table 4). (Table 5). It appears that
(1975) (Fig. 4). It is LREE- These authors noted that Type C Eugster et al. (1977) and
depleted with a maximum at Gd. basalts appeared to have lower Morgelli et al. (1977) have
The HREE exhibit a slight 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U reported the same analysis.
decrease (relative to chondrites), ratios than other Apollo 17 mare
but are still elevated relative to basalts. Paces et al. (1991) used
the LREE-depleted. A negative 74255 data as part of the EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES
[(Eu/EU*)N = 0.45]. Gibson et comprehensive isotopic study of
al. (1976) reported the whole- the Apollo 17 site. High-Ti mare basalt 74255 has
rock sulfur abundance of 74255 been used in three experimental
as 1625___30 t_gS/g with an studies. Bell et al. (1975)
equivalent wt% Fe o of 0.210. EXPOSURE AGE AND conducted a study of
COSMOGENIC spinel/pyroxene symplectites in
" RADIONUCLIDES lunar basalts and used 74255 as
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES part of their study. O'Hara and
Three studies have reported the Humphries (1975) used 74255 to
The Rb-Sr isotopic composition exposure age of 74255. study the conditions required for
of'74255 has been reported by Eberhardt et al. (1975) reported armalcolite crystallization, and
Bansal et al. (1975), Nyquist et a 38Ar-37Ar exposure age of Usselman et al. (1975) used
al. (1975, 1976), and Murthy and 25 + 3 Ma, and an 81Kr-Kr experimental evidence to
Coscio (1976) (Table 3). Bansal exposure age of 17.3 +_1.0 Ma. conclude that basalt 74255
et al. (1975) and Nyquist et al. These authors also reported cooled at a rate of 1-3°C/hour.
(1975) reported the same values of the various Kr isotopic
analyses. Both Nyquist et al. ratios. Eugster et al. (1977)
(1976) and Murthy and Coscio reported aN 81Kr-Kr exposure PROCESSING
(1976) constructed isochrons for age for 74255 of 17.2 ± 1.4 Ma,
74255 (Fig. 5 a,b) which yielded and also the He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and The original sample, 74255,0
ages (3.83 ± 0.06 Ga and Xe isotopic ratios for this has been entirely subdivided.
3.70 + 0.12 Ga, respectively) and sample. Morge|li et al. (1977) The largest remaining samples
initial 87Sr/S6Sr ratios reported exposure ages for 74255 are : 74255,2 (_ 128g);, 14 (_ 120g);
(9.69924 ± 3 and 0.69920 ± 7, determined by He, Ne, Ar, Kr, ,22 (~ 57g); and ,38 (_ 135g).
respectively) within error of and Xe methods and found the Twelve thin sections have been
each other. Nyquist et al. (1976) ages thus determined were made of 74255. These are ,7 and
noted that 74255 and 74275, approximately the same ,52-,62.
SAMPLE 74255 - 48


ILM + PX 1
.703 APOLLO 17


O 74255 ray ILM

8_r "702 " '4975 ._

86Sr .701 /_--T = 3.83+_ .06

_[I_LM + PX I = 0.69924
WR_M ¥ 3

PLAG 1,3

.699 0 .01i .012 I

.03 I
.04 I
.05 I
.06 .07


Figure 5a: Mineral separate data for 74255,25 and 74275,56. The mineral isochron shown in the figure is
for 74255 data only. Uncertainties are 2o values from the York (1966) program. 74275 data are completely
consistent with this isochron and independently define I = 0.69923 _0.00010 and T = 3.81 +-0.32 AE.
After Nyquist et al. (1976).

o. o4 74255,25 TJ

O. 702
701 i_/tpyR_OXENE(1812) MESOSTASIS

O. 700 {J T= 3.70:-_0.12 A E (20-)

_ PLAG (87Sr/86Sr) =0.69920Z7

0. 699
I I t I I I ' i I
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10


Figure 5b: Rb-Sr internal isochron for 74255,25. Errors for 87Rb/86Sr are -+2%, errors for 87Sr/86Sr are as
noted in Table I. Best fit line obtained by York-type of weighted regression analysis, with 2o errors. After
Murthy and Coscio (1976).
Table 1: 74255: phase abundances, "average" phase compositions and bulk-chemical composition. After Dymek et al. (1975).

Low-Ca Med-Ca High-Ca Fe Cr Fe Ca Bulk

Plag. pyx pyx pyx pyx Olivine Ilmenite ArmaI.UIv_spinelmetal* Troilite* phosphatetSiO 2 Mesostasis Composition

vol.% 27"61+ 12"39-+ 26.19+ 12.3o-+ 0.94± 3.2l± 14-57-+ 0.59± 0.12± 0.09± 0.15-+ 0.06-+ 1.06-+ 0.71--_ Calc. Rose
1.28 0.85 1.24 0.85 0.24 0.44 0.93 0.19 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.25 0.2 o (1695 etal.
wt.% 22.23 12.46 26.18 12.22 0.96 3"35 19.89 0-81 0.16 0-21 0.21 0.06 0.73 0.52 Pts.) (1975)

P205 n,a, n.a. n.a. n.a. na. n.a. n.a. n.a. na. n.a. n.a. 43.15 n.a. 0,37 0.03 0.06
SiO2 47.49 51.70 49.93 47.84 49.39 37.36 0.01 0.07 0.11 n.a. n.a. 9720 68.27 3871 38.40
TiO2 0.32 1.34 2.35 3.46 1.15 0.11 53.58 73.15 20.40 <0.01 0.04 034 0.90 12.58 12.76
Al:zOa 32.70 1.76 3.04 4.90 1.22 <0.01 0.07 2.12 8.43 n.a. na 095 13.77 9.02 8.84
Cr203 n.a. 0.46 0.75 0.80 0.29 0.20 1.08 1.59 25.00 n.a. n.a. - n.a. 0.02 0.63 0,60
MgO 0.27 19.82 17.59 14.88 11.08 35.80 2.04 6.20 7.93 0.01 <0.01 - n.a. 0.27 10.73 0,72
Ca() 17.03 6.24 12.22 18.56 9,77 0.27 n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 0.02 54.54 0.26 3.98 10.19 10.20
FcO 0.43 19.27 13.78 8.97 27.01 27.00 42.88 17.35 37.48 99.42 63.65 - 0.38 4.85 17.56 17.98
MnO n.a. 0.33 0.26 0.25 0.37 0.22 0.40 0.16 0.56 n.a. n.a. - n.a. 0.08 0.23 0.28
BaO <0,01 n.a. n.a. n.a. n,a. n.a. n,a. n.a. n.a. n,a. n.a. - <0.01 0.81 <0.O1 -
Na20 1.60 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.02 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. - 0.02 0.62 0.39 0.37
K20 0.08 n.a. n.a. n.a, n.a, n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. - 0.02 5.17 0.05 0.10
ZrO2 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 008 0.09 <0.01 n.a, n.a. - n.a. 0.34 0.02 -
V20 a n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.01 0.14 0.27 n.a. n.a. - n.a. n.a. <0.01
Nb205 n.a, n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. <O.01 <0.01 0.01 n.a. n.a. - n.a. n.a. <0.01 -
NiO n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.14 0.07 - n.a. <0.01 <0.01 -
S n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. <0.01 3785 n.a, 0.06 0.08 -
F n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. na. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.31 n.a. n.a. <0.01
Co na. n.a n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.81 <0.01 n.a. n.a. <0.01

Total 99.92 100.95 99.99 99.73 100.30 100.96 100.15 100.87 100.19 100.38 101.63 100.00 99.17 99.51 100.22 100,31

An 82.1 Wo 10.1 Wo 20.6 Wo 31.5 Wo 18.3 Fo701 Fe

Abl40 En 54.5 En 48.8 En 41.7 En 32.3 Fa 29.9 Fe+ Mg=.478 .484

Or0.5 Fs 30.3 Fs219 Fs 14.5 Fs 44.7

Others 3.4 5.1 8.7 12.3 4.7

*Eleniental abundances; converted to oxides for calculation of bulk composition.

1Assumed 1: 1 mix of nuorapatite and whitlockitc. --1

n ii _ not analyzed
SAMPLE 74255 - 50

Table 2: Whole-rock chemistry of 74255.

Sample ,25 ,42 ,25 ,155

Method X,N,I X N,! N C GC
Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6

SiO2 (wt%) 37.96 38.4

TiO2 12.17 12.76
A1203 8.55 8.84
Cr203 0.54
FeO 18.11 17.98
MnO 0.27

MgO 9.65 10.72

CaO 10.59 10.20

Na20 0.36 0.37

K20 0.06 0.10 0.081
P205 0.04
S 0.14 0.1625

Nb (ppm) < 10
Zr 310 238 301
Hf 10.0
U 0.14
Y 126
Sr 165 163
Rb 1.5 1.22
Li 8.0 8.3
Ba 288 71.1
Be < 1
Zn 5.4
Pb 4.8
Cu 36
Ni 17
Co 34 22.3
V 65
Sc 62 74.2
La < 10 6.50
Ce 22.5
Nd 24.7
Sm i0.i
SAMPLE 74255-51

Table 2: (Concluded).

Sample ,25 ,42 ,25 ,155

Method X,N,I X N,I N C GC
Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6

Eu 1.85
Gd 15.3
Dy 17.3
Er 10.0
Yb 11 8.93
Ga 6.1
H 1.0
Pd (ppb)

References: 1 = Rhodes et al. (1976); 2 = Rose et al. (1975); 3 = Shihet al. (1975);
4 = Hughes and Schmitt, 1985; 5 = Gibson et al. (1975); 6 -- Gibson et al. (1987).
X -- XRF; N = INAA; I = Isotope dilution; C = Combustion; GC = Gas



Table 3: Rb-Sr isotopic composition of 74255.

Ref. 1 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 4 4 4 4 4 4

Sample ,25 ,25 ,25 ,25 ,25 ,25 ,25 ,25
Mineral WR WR Plag I Ilm Ilm + Pxlllm + Px2Plag 3 WR 1 Plag Px 1 Px 2 Ilm Meso

Wt (mg) 52 52 4.7 8.2 52 24 18 25.48 24.37 24.83 24.12 19.52 1.423

K (ppm) .............. 720 1713 491 452 157 3116
Ba (ppm) ................ 196.6 65.5 70.2 19.4 503
Rb (ppm) 1.22 1.22 0.223 1.92 2.28 2.14 0.222 1.198 2.644 0.9924 0.9591 0.3458 6.795
Sr (ppm) 163 163 514 81.2 99.4 102 556 158.3 546.0 85.97 78 12.28 289.7
S7Rb/86Sr 0.0217 0.0217 0.00126 0.0684 0.0663 0.0605 0.00115 0.0219 0.0140 0.0334 0.0356 0.0814 0.0678
Error _+3 _+3 ---3 _+5 _+5 _+5 _+1
_TSr/_6Sr 0.70045 U.TU04b 0.69930 0.70285 0.70288 0.70255 0.69931 0.70034 0.69998 0.70092 0.70113 0.70352 0.70278
Error -+6 -+6 -+5 -+19 -+7 _+10 +-16 _+8 _+11 _+7 _+18 _+10 _+19
TBABI a (Ga) 4.3 4.34
Error -+0.3 _+0.25

TLUNI b (Ga) 4.6 4.56

Error ---0.3 _+0.25

References: 1 -- Nyquist et al. (1975); 2 = Nyquist et al. (1976); 3 = Bansal et al. (1975); 4 = Murthy and Coscio (1976).

WR = Whole-Rock; Plag = Plagioclase; llm = Ilmenite; Px = Pyroxene; Meso = Mesostasis.

a = I(Sr) of0.69910(BABI ± JSC bias);b = I(Sr) of0.69903 (A16Anorthosites forT = 4.6Ga)

Table 4: U-Th-Pb isotopic composition of 74255.
Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

wt (mg) U (ppm) Th (ppm) Pb (ppm) 232Th/238Th 238U/204pb

207.4 0.1323 0.4451 0.2421 3.48 427

Observed ratios Corrected for analytical blank

wt (mg) Run 206pb/205 pb207Pb/204Pb208Pb/204Pb 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 20SPb/204Pb207Pb/204Pb 20SPb/206Pb

207.4 P 478.1 227.7 441.9 680.7 321.5 621.1 0.4723 0.9125

207.4 C* 431.0 206.7 ..... 586.7 278.8 ..... 0.4752 .....

Corrected for blank and primordial Pb Single stage ages (MA)

Run 206Pb/238U 207Pb/235U 207Pb/206Pb 208Pb/232Th 206Pb/238U 207Pb/235U 207Pb/206Pb 208Pb/232Th

C1P 0.8764 55.98 0.4635 0.2222 4,095 4,159 4,190 4,110

C1 0.8745 56.03 0.4650 ..... 4,088 4,159 4,194 ....
SAMPLE 74255-54

Table 5: Exposure ages of and cosmogenic radionuclide abundances in 74255.

Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3

Sample 74225,18 Sample 74255,18

4He (10-8 cm3 STP/g) 1 t300 _+500 11300

20Ne (10-8 cm3 STP/g) 1.7 Jr 0.09 1.53
40At (10-8 cm3 STP/g) 1700 Jr 200 1700
86Kr (10-12 cm3 STP/g) 31 _ 6 31
132Xe (10-12 cm3 STP/g) 19___4 19
3He (10-8 cm3 STP/g) 11.4 _ 0.6
21Ne (10-8 cm3 STP/g) 1.53 _+0.09
38Ar (10-8 cm3 STP/g) 1.63 _+0.2
83Kr (10-12 cm3 STP/g) 40 ___8

1 = Eugster et al. (1977); 2 = Eberhardt et al. (197511; 3 -- Morgelli et al. (1977)

SAMPLE 74265-55

High-Ti Mare Basalt

Renumbered from 74260,27 soil

(Fig. 1). No details available at
time of Catalog compilation.

_ i_Iii!

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 74265,0.

SAMPLE 74275-57

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1493 g, 17 x 12 x 4 cm

INTRODUCTION plagioclase, pyroxene, and Pyroxenes exhibit little zonation

ilmenite (< 0.1ram) and a high and are titan-augites (Brown et
74275 is a porphyritic high-Ti proportion of pink pyroxene (up al. (1975). Sung et al. (1974)
basalt. It was described as a to 0.5 mm) and olivine (up to 0.7 reported a range of pyroxene
medium dark gray basalt, with a ram), and ilmenite ( up to 0.7mm compositions from augite (Wo44)
slabby to subangular shape in length) (Fig. 2). Pyroxene to subcalcic augite (Wo37) but
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample reaction rims (_ 0.05 mm wide) are zoned with respect to TiO2
Information Catalog, 1973). The are present on some olivine (3.5 wt% to 6.1 wt%) and AI203
surface of the sample contains phenocrysts (Fig. 2). Small, (4.2 to 7.1 wt%). Olivines are
5% vugs (up to 2cm) and vesicles euhedral chromites (< 0.05mm) Mg-rich and range from FOT1 to
(_ 2ram) which are irregularly are present in the olivine pheno- Fo82 (Brown et al., 1975). This
distributed (Fig. 1). The vesicles crysts. Armalcolite forms cores range of Fo contents reflects the
are smooth and generally lined (_ 0.1 mm) to the larger ilmenite presence of a dunitic xenolith in
with ilmenite, whereas the vugs grains. Minor FeNi metal and this sample (Walker et al., 1973;
contain plagioclase, pyroxene, troilite ( < 0.01mm) may or may Meyer and Wilshire, 1974;
and opaques. Zap pits are not be associated with each Delano and Lindsley, 1982)
abundant on T, E, N, and W, other and are present either as which appears to have been
with a few on S, but none on B. interstitial phases or associated entrained during magma ascent.
with ilmenite. Brown et al. The dunite contains olivines
-- (1975) reported the following ranging from Fo71_82, whereas
PETROGRAPHY AND modal mineralogy for 74275,32: 74275 contain olivines of Fo70.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY 10.4% olivine, 25.7% opaques, 79- Plagioclase is An-rich and
17.2% plagioclase, 45% exhibits little variation. Pearce
74275 is a medium-grained sub- clinopyroxene, and 1.7% silica, and Timms (1992) used
ophitic basalt and was described The whole-rock analyses interference imaging to examine
by Brown et al. (1975) as a "Type (Table 1) define 74275 as a High- the pla'gioclase in 74275 and
IA" Apollo 17 basalt. 74275 Ti mare basalt (8.75-12.75 wt% found no appreciable zoning.
contains groundmass TiO2). Composition of the chromite

Figure i : Hand specimen photograph of 74275,0.

SAMPLE 74275-58

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 74275. F_ietd of view = 2.5 mm.

inclusions in olivine have been methods (e.g., Optical Emission, 0.50 for Rhodes et al., 1976, and
reported by Hodges and Kushiro XRF, INA, Instrumental 0.47 for Wanke et al., 1974).
(1974) as Chr36_34Ulvb52.48 Thermal and Fast Neutron Both REE profiles are LREE
Sp Study of the Activation). Six different major depleted with a maximum at Gd
opaque minerals in 74275 was element compositions have been (Fig. 3).
undertaken by El Goresy et al. reported for 74275 and fo_Jr of
(1974). Although these authors these also reported a number of There have been several special-
did not report specific opaque trace element abundances ized studies which have concen-
mineral analyses from 74275, (Table 1). In general, the trated upon determining only a
they described this basalt as analyses are very similar in few specific trace elements in
having a "Type II" crystal- composition, except for T![O2 in 74275. For example, Dickinson
lization path: Ulvbspinel + the analysis of Miller et al. et al. (1988, 1989) determined
Olivine --* Armalcolite --_ (1974) for 74275,63, which the Ge abundance of 74275 as
Itmenite -_ Titanaugite --_ appears to be somewhat lower 6.5 ppb (Table 1) in their study
Plagioclase + Tridymite. than other analyses and Ba for of mantle metasomatism within
Heiken and Vaniman (1989) 74275,98 of Rose et al. (1974), the Moon. Whole-rock trace-
used 74275 in an assessment of which appears to be a litt Lehigh element determinations have
potential lunar resource (Table 1). Rhodes et al. (1976) also been reported in radiogenic
materials and concluded that defined 74275 as a Type C (K, Ba, Rb, Sr, U, Th, Pb - Nunes
74275 would not produce Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalt et al., 1974; Murthy and Coscio,
appreciable free ilmenite grains on the basis of its Mg-rich 1976; Nyquist et al., 1976) and
unless extensively crushed, due chemistry (MG# --- 50.4) The stable (S, C, N,and H - Gibson
to the extremely fine, skeletal analyses ofWanke et al. (1974) and Moore, 1976; Gibson et al.,
nature of the ilmenite, and Rhodes et al. (1976) 1975, 1976, 1987: Des Marls,
included the REE (Fig. 3) The 1980) isotopic studies (Table 1).
REE profiles again demonstrate Two studies (Garg and Ehmann,
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY the general similarity of each 1976; Hughes and Schmitt,
whole-rock determination. The 1985) have concentrated upon
The whole-rock chemistry of REE abundances are almost Zr/Hf ratios between chemically
74275 has been determined identical, as is the magnitude of defined basaltic groups in order
using a variety of analytical the Eu anomaly [(Eu/Eu*)N = to understand lunar evolution.
SAMPLE74275- 59

" Nunes et al. (1974) reported the a 813CpDB value of-28.2%o.

RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES whole-rock Pb isotopic compo- Des Marls (1980) demonstrated
sition for 74275 (Table 3). This that the 813C ratio became
Radiogenic isotope studies sample proved to be one of the progressively heavier, as
involving 74275 have reported least radiogenic lunar samples expected, with increasing
Sr and Pb isotopic compositions with regard to Pb (Fig. 5). temperature. The initial
to date. Three different Sr Nunes et al. (1974) used this composition at 420°C was -30%°.
isotopic studies (Murthy and analysis of 74275 in their Pb
Coscio, 1976, 1977; Bansal et al., isotopic study of lunar formation
1975 and Nyquist et at., 1976) and subsequent evolution. EXPOSURE AGES AND
have reported whole-rock COSMOGENIC
isotopic ratios. Nyquist et al. RADIONUCLIDES
(1976) reported an age for STABLE ISOTOPES
74275,56 of 3.83 + 0.06 Ga Exposure ages for 74275 have
(Fig. 4a), identical to another The S and C isotopic compo- been determined by a number of
Type C basalt 74255 (see above), sitions of 74275 have been different studies. Eberhardt et
and Murthy and Coscio (1977) determined by Petrowski et al. al. (1974; 1975) reported a
reported an age of 3.85_ 0.08 Ga (1974: C and S), Rees and Thode KrSl-Kr age of 32.0 +_1.0 Ma
for 74275,55 (Fig. 4b). Both of (1974: S only), Gibson et al. and a Ar38-Ar37 age 25 ± 3 Ma.
these basalts have the same (1975: S only), and Des Marls The studies of H6rz et al. (1975)
initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of (1980: S and C) (Table 4). The and Goswami and Lal (1974)
0.69924 ± 3 (Table 2). Nyquist et reported 8348 values range from reported the 25 Ma exposure
al. (1976) reported model ages of -0.1%0(Gibson et al., 1975) to age of Eberhardt et al. (1974,
4.08+_0.19 Ga relative to BABI, + 2.0%0(Petrowski et al., 1974), 1975).
and 4.29 ± 0.19 Ga relative to with the 834S composition
Apollo 16. Paces et at. (1991) reported by Rees and Thode Cosmogenic radionuclide
used 74275 data as part of a (1974) being + 0.6. Carbon abundances and ratios for 74275
comprehensive study of the isotopes are typically light - have been extensively analyzed.
isotopic systematics in samples Petrowski et al. (1974) reported Eugster et al. (1977) reported
from Apollo 17.

I00 I I I I I I I I I I I

I0 2

1 =Wanke et al. (1976)
_I: (Eu/EU*)N = 0.47
I_1 m

2 = Rhodeset al. (1976)

- (Eu/EU*)N =0.50 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 3: Chond,'ite..normalized rare-earth-element profiles of 74275.

SAMPLE 74275-60


ILM + PX 1
.703 APOLLO 17 ;_
o 74255

87r "702 " 74275 ._

86Sr J _"X'_T = 3.8:_ .06

m7 O1 /
_II_IIM + pX 4 -- 0.69924
W R_#_ M ¥ 3

'_ PLAG 1,3

.699 .01 . OI2 1

.03 I
.04 L
.05 I
.06 .07


Figure 4a: Mineral separate data for 74255,25 and 74275,56. The mineral isochron shown in the figure is
for 74255 data only. Uncertainties are 20 values from the York ('1966) program. 74275 data are completely
consistent with this isochron and independently define I = 0.69923 __0.00010 and T -- 3.81 -+0.32 AE.
After Nyquist et al. (1976).

I I ]

O.703 BASALT74275,55

,,n 0.700

T " 3.85-+0.08
AE (2,,1
(STSrl_Sr)- 0.69916*- 4 (2.)

I I i I I I
o._ 0.02 o.o4 0.06


Figure 4b: Internal isochron for type C basalt 74275. T, [parameters obtained by York-regression method.
Errors for the 87Rb/86Sr ratios are _ 2%. After" Murthy and Coscio (1977).
SAMPLE 74275-61

7 S155,GL_ /

"°spb ,,,o,• ./ 75,_o/-/78155

,.2 79,55 _f 5.0 _._
23e u 74235 / / /" " _'_

1,0 7 5 0 S 5_j_r/72155


_.0 _ "_7701T

_ i# 74255 • ROCK
0.+ __. • SOIL

=°Tpb/=S8 u
! • I , l , I , f , I , I , r , ! , I , I , J ,
0.8 50 50 70 90 I10 130

Figure 5: Concordia diagram (WetheriU, 1956). Apollo 17 mare basalts (74275, 74255, 74235, 75055,
75035, 72155, and 71569), highland rocks (77017 and 78155), soils (72701, 75120, and 76501), and a
whole-rock and glass separate of 79155 are plotted. U/Pb errors are +_2%. Data are corrected for blank and
primordial lead. After Nunes et al. (I974).

He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe ratios, lunar regolith (Nagata et al., crystallizes at - 1146°C when the
whereas Eberhardt et al. (1975) 1974). Results of these studies fO 2 is between 10 -13.5 and 10 -12-5
reported Kr isotopic ratios are presented in Table 6 and Fig. atm. Irving et al. (1978) used
(Table 4). Fruchter et al. (1982) 6 a,b. 74275 to determine REE and Sc
analyzed 74275 at different partition coefficients between
"depth" intervals for 26A1 and armalcolite, ilmenite, and
22Na (Table 5), noting the EXPERIMENTAL olivine, and mare basalt melt.
decrease of these isotope Results are presented in Fig. 7
abundances further into the 74275 has been used in a variety a,b and Table 7. These authors
sample. Klein et al. (1988) of experimental procedures, noted very little difference in
undertook a similar study, but Green et al. (1974, 1975) Kds between ilmenite and
analyzed 10Be as well as 26A1 reported that 74275 was armalcolite. Stanin and Taylor
(Table 5). The results of these multiply saturated (olivine + (1979) used 74275 in a study of
two studies for 26A1 are low-Ca pyroxene + high-Ca ilmenite/armalcolite textures
somewhat different, but the pyroxene) at 12-13 kbar and and concluded that the fO2
depth intervals of samples 1320°C. Such studies have been controls the crystallization
analyzed by Klein et al. (1988) used to demonstrate a deep sequence, and it is the
are smaller than those of origin for the high-Ti mare crystallization sequence that
Fruchter et al. (1982). basalts. The work of Green et al. controls the
(1974, 1975) also demonstrated ilmenite/armalcolite textures.
-- that ilmenite could not be a For example, if pyroxene
MAGNETIC STUDIES residual phase after partial crystallizes before armalcolite
melting, becomes unstable, it will armor
Magnetic properties of 74275 it against reaction with the
have been determined in four O'Hara and Humphries (1975), melt. Conversely, if pyroxene
major studies. These studies Irving et al. (1978), and Stanin does not crystallize before
have been undertaken to and Taylor (1979) used 74275 in armalcolite instability,
determine the Feo/Fe 25 ratio their studies of high-Ti basalt armalcolite will have mantles of
(Brecher et al., 1974; Pearce et crystallization. O'Hara et al. ilmenite. This was emphasized
al., 1974; Nagata et al., 1975) (1975) studied the stability of by Usselman and Lofgren (1976)
and to demonstrate the presence armalcolite. These authors who determined the
of meteoritic kamacite in the concluded that armalcolite temperature-fO2 regime for
SAMPLE 74275 - 62



o 70017,26 4 \
t. {.o _n_5,3B.2{o
77135.36iil 7427_.65,b 0 74275,65,0 3

2 _ . 770'7,45 x 7t055,44

IO-5 y : I = _ I0 "3 _ _.

ll _ Zl ¢ll _ /

id6 , 1, [ ,\\__ Io-' , I, I, i, ,_-,-.'.__.

0 100 200 300 400 500 I00 200 300 400 500

6_xlO-Z _IxlO -7 HAF(PEAK,oe)_

HAF (PEAK, oe)

Figure 6a: The absolute AF demagnetization losses of(a) NRM and (b) saturation remanence, IRM s. A
continuum of remanent behavior is apparent.

ilmenite crystallizing before and regions for high-Ti basalts velocity of 4.11 km/sec at 9 kbar
after pyroxene in 74275 (Fig. 8). (Walker et al., 1976). This (Mizutani and Osako, 1974).
Usselman et al. (1975) basalt (74275,25) has also been
experimentally determined the used in geophysical experiments
cooling rate of 74275 as being to determine the compressEonal PROCESSING
5-10°C/hour. (Vp) and shear-wave (Vs)
velocities of lunar samples 74275,0 has been entirely
74275 has also been used in (Mizutani and Osako, 1974). subdivided. The largest pieces of
experiments to determine the The P-wave velocity of 74275,25 74275 remaining are ,2 (876g)
Fe/Mg partitioning between increases from 4.14 km/see at 0 and ,29 (159g). Seventeen thin
olivine and liquid (Longhi et al., kbar, to 7.28 km/sec at 9 kbar. sections are available
1978), as well as demonstrating The S-wave velocity was not (74275,81-,97).
the heterogeneous source detectable at 0 kbar, but has a


+ 72275,67 o 70017,26

, , {: 77135.36.,
77135.36#2 {I ¢ 74275.65.o
_ ,a 77017,45 x 71055,44



.8 OF NRM ._\ OF IRMs

i'_i"._. \-_

-_ .5 _ .5 """o

.j "-<>----_ o // ....
L I I I i _, I _ I I I I _ I I I I I ,
0 I00 200 300 400--.500 0 I00 200 300 400 500
HAF (PEAK.oe} _ HAF ( PEAK, oe}

Figure 6b: Normalized demagnetization curves of(a) NRM and (b) [RM s affords a better comparison:
chips of shocked basalts (74275 and 77017) display tLe highest stability of remanence.
SAMPLE 74275-63

0.10 -

D 0.02
0.050.01Ilrnenite/Liqu_ _
T _/ _'_/ _ Ar_tuolile_._ this

o 11 -T :::::£:ooo,
0.002 (McKoy& Weill, 1976)

I I I I I I I I I I I I t I
Ce Sm Eu Tm Yb

Figure 7a: Rare-earth-element partition coefficients for armalcolite and ilmenite compared with other
experimental values. Ilmenite data from this study are indistinguishable from those for coexisting

0.10 - Olivine/Liquid

0.05 _ -

0.01 --

0.005 -- @ This study 1155°C, Iolm

i, McKoy8=Weill (1976) 1200"C,Iotm

0.002 - Iz McKoy8 Weili (1977)1240°C, lotto

(_ Mysen(1978) 1025°C, 20 kbor
1 I I I I I I 1 I I I t I I
Ce Sm Eu Tm Yb

Figure 7b: Rare-earth-element partition coefficients for olivine compared with other experimental values.
SAMPLE 74276-64

-12 I l i

-15 I _ I I
1120 1140 1160

Figure 8: Phase relations of 74275 between 1120 ° and I 170°C. The shaded region indicated the fO2 regime
where ilmenite crystallizes before pyrozene and the dotted region indicates the fO2 regime where pyroxene
crystallizes before ilmenite. The size of the boxes denote the esti,_ated errors. Detailed phase assemblages
are: (1)[l
Pig (5) Pig (6) PI ug + Ol (7)
Pl Pig Sp (8) Pl (9) II (10)
[l ; (I i ) II + Pl Pl (12) ll L; (13)
[l [l from Usselman
and Lofgren, 1976).
SAMPLE 74275-65

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 74275.

Sample ,78 °56 .98 ,69 ,30 ,63 ,54 ,62 ,56 ,175 ,56 ,147
Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14

SiO2(wt%) 38.43 38.43 38.44 38.73 38.31 39.59

TiO 2 12.66 12,7 12.75 11.72 11.88 8.75
A[203 8.51 8.72 8.93 8.39 8.51 9.07
Cr203 0.639 0.65 0.65 0.539
FeO 18.25 18.14 18.03 18.29 18.32 18.19
MnO 0.247 0.26 0.27 0.241 0.25 0.25

MgO 10.26 10.36 10.46 10.16 10.46 10.13

CaO 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.08 10.36 10.08
Na20 0.37 035 0,33 0.37 0.38 0.39
K20 0.075 0.07 0.09 0.08
P205 0.074 0.06 0.06 0.063
S 0.141 0.14 0.140 0.122 0.165 0.145
Nb (ppm) 22.1 <10 19
Zr 248 290 246 261 270 341
Hf 8,33 8.4 8.66 8.55
Ta 1.5
U 0.16
W 0.06
Y 81.5 116 79
Sr 158 153 152 195
Rb 1.9 1.2 <1 1.22
Li 9.6 8.0
Ba 89 67.3 235 83
Cs 0.053
Be <1
Zn <2 5.8 1.7
Pb 5.8
Cu <3 4.0 3.5
Ni <3 16
Co 24 31 22.5
V 79 62
Sc 78 74
La 6.33 <10 6.7
Ce 21.4 22.1
Nd 22.8
Sm 9.19 9.76
Eu 1.80 1.91
Gd 14.8 14.2
Tb 2.5
Dy 16.3 15.8
SAMPLE 74275-66

Table l: (Concluded).

Sample ,78 ,56 ,98 °69 ,30 ,63 .54 ,62 ,56 ,175 ,56 ,147
Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14

Er 9.66 94
Yb 8.47 11 9.02
Lu 13
Ga 6.2 34
C1 2.8
C 7.65
N 0.2
H 3.8

Pd (ppb) <2
Ge <0.1 6.8
Re <0.5
Au 0.19

References: 1 = Duncan et al. (1974); 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976); 3 = Rose et al. (1975); 4 = Wanke et al. (1974); 5 =
Miller et al. (1974); 6 = Petrowski et al. (1976); 7 = Rees and Thode (1974); 8 = Gibson and Moore (1974, 1976): 9 =
Hughes and Schmitt (1985); 10 = Jovanovic and Reed (1980}; 11 := Garg and Ehmann (1976); 12 = Dickinson et al.
(1988, 1989L 13 = Gibson et al. (1987); 14 = Des Maris (1980).
Table 2: Rb-Sr Isotopic Composition of 74275.

Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3
Sample ,56 ,56 ,56 ,56 ,56 ,55
Mineral WR WR Plag llm + Px Ilm WR WR Px Meso Ilm Plag

Wt (mg) 62.0 15.0 2.4 49.0 7.2 20.2 20.21 21.92 3.91 13.31 11.43
K (ppm) 557 357.3 1174
Ba (ppm) 73.8 73.83 149.2
Rb (ppm) ..... 1.20 1.13 1.58 1.42 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.925 0.1795 1.279
Sr (ppm) 160 153 417 163 172 134.94 134.9 112.1 186.9 8.76 440.6
87Rb/86Sr ..... 0.0226 0.00783 0.0282 0.0240 0.0221 0.02208 0.02607 0.02978 0.05924 0.008394
Error ..... _+2 _+9 ___2 -+2
87Sr/86Sr 0.70041 0.70042 0.69967 0.70080 0.70055 0.70034 0.70034 0.70060 0.70079 0.70242 0.69964
Error _+6 _+5 -+6 ±6 _+8 ---5 -+7 _+5 ±9 ±5 _+8
TBAB! 4.08_+ 0.19
TLUN1 4.29±0.19

References: 1 = Nyquist et al. (1976); 2 -- Murthy and Coscio (1976); 3 = Murthy and Coscio (1977).

WR = Whole-Rock; Plag ==Plagioclase; llm = Ilmenite; Px -- Pyroxene; Meso = Mesostasis.




Table 3: U-Th-Pb Isotopic Composition of 74275.

Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

wt (rag) U (ppm) Th (ppm) Pb (ppm) 232Th/238Th 238U/204pb

181.0 0.1360 0.4654 0.2649 3.54 430

Corrected for blank & primordial Pb Single stage ages (MA)

Run 206Pb/238U 2o7Pb/235U 207Pb/206pb 2osPb/232Th 206Pb/238U 207Pb/235U 207Pb/2O6pb 2osPb/232Th

C2P 0.9005 59.85 0.4824 0.2247 4,178 4,226 4,249 4,152

C2 0.9017 59.71 0.4805 ..... 4,182 4,224 4,244 ....

Observed ratios Corrected for analytical blank

wt (mg) Run 206pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb207Pb/204Pb208Pb/206Pb

105.1 P 321.7 161.1 304.7 449.9 226.6 418.3 0.4947 0.9298

109.8 C1 360.9 180.0 .... 519.9 256.3 .... 0.4931 .....
Table 4: Exposure Ages of 74275.
Data from Eberhardt et al. (1975)

wt (g) 83Kr 78Kr/83Kr 80Kr/83Kr 81Kr/83Kr 82Kr/83Kr 84Kr/83Kr 86Kr/83Kr

(10 -12 cm 3 STP/g) x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100

0.728 86-+17 10.10-+0.08 33.19-+0.40 0.289-+0.007 85.6__+0.3 256.4-+2.0 70.7-+0.9

Data from Eugster et al. (1977)

Sample 86Kr 78Kr/86Kr 80Kr/86Kr 81Kr/86Kr 82Kr/86Kr 83Kr/86Kr 84Kr/86Kr

(10 -12 cm 3 STP/g) x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100

74275,24 61-+12 14.7--_0.7 46.75±0.60 0.405±0.010 121.1±0.6 141.5±3.0 363-+_3

Data from Eugster et al. (1977)

Sample 132Xe 124Xe/132Xe 126Xe/132Xe 128Xe/132Xe 129Xe/132Xe 130Xe/132Xe 131Xe/132Xe 134Xe/132Xe 136Xe/132Xe
(10-12 cm3 STP/g) x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 xl00

74275,24 48±10 2.42-+0.06 3.77-+0.05 12.55-+0.20 102.2-+1.4 18.02±0.20 100.3-+0.9 38.8±0.7 32.8±2.5

Data from Eugster et al. (1977)

Sample wt (rag) 4He 20Ne 40Ar 4He/3He 20Ne/22Ne 22Ne/21Ne 36Ar/38Ar 40Ar/36Ar
(10-8 cm3 STP/g)

74275,24 728 8,800±800 3.44-+0.35 1,980-+250 430-+-5 0.85__+0.05 1.16__+0.02 0.693__+0.010 779+__20

SAMPLE 74275-70

Table 5: Cosmogenic Radionuclide Abundal_ces Correlated with Depth

in 74275.

Sample Depth Range Ave. Depth 26A1 22Na 10Be

(mm) (g/era2) (dpm/kg) (dpm/kg) (dpm/kg)

74275,161@ 0-10 0.9 125___2 232±17

74275,162@ 10-19 3.9 68+3 128+27
74275,165@ 19-26 6.3 58±3 85±21
74275,164@ 26-34 8.7 51 ± 3 73 ± 24
74275,163@ 34-44 11.1 40±1 69_+9
74275,197' 0-0.5 0.08 10.5+_0.5
74275,198" 1.0-1.5 0.42 181±18 10.4±0.5
74275,199' 2.0-2.5 0.76 161+16 10.4+0.4
74275,200* 3.0-4.0 1.18 11.2±0.8
74275,201' 4.5-5.5 1.68 120±12 9.8±0.5
74275,202* 6.0-7.0 2.18 10.2_+0.5
74275,161' 7.5-9.5 2.86 84±8 9.6±0.4
74275,180' 0-9.5 1.6 128±16 10.8± 1.0
74275,182' 9.5-18.5 4.7 56_+7 10.8+_ 1.0
74275,188' 18.5-25.5 7.4 54±8 10.4+0.4
74275,186" 25.5-33.5 9.9 11.0__2.0
74275,184" 33.5-37.5 11.9 50±6 10.4+0.8
74275,190" 44.5-49.5 15.8 48±5 9.6±1.3

@ = data from Fruchter et al. (1982); * = data from Klein et al. (1988).
SAMPLE 74275-71

Table 6: Magnetic Data from 74275.

Reference 1 1 2 3 4
Sub-Sample ,65A ,65B ,32 ,56 ,32
wt (g) 0.617 0.295 ......

NRM o 0.617 0.295

NRM* (10-5 emu/g) 1.1 2.6
NRMlo 0 0.147 0.84
IRM s (10 -3 emu/g) 1.28
NRM*/NRM o 0.87 0.31
NRMloo/NRM* 0.15 1.02
IRMs/NRM 115
In 4.4
Io 0.5
Ho 21
h 13

Ho' 3
DIv/I 0.26

Js (emu/g) 0.424
Xp (emu/g Oe) x 106 35,9
X o (emu/g) x 104 0.6
Jrs/Js 0.013
H c (Oe) 22
Equiv. wt% Feo 0.19
Equiv. wt% Fe 2+ 16.5
Feo/Fe 2 + 0.012

Is 0.29
SAMPLE 74275 - 72

Table 7: Experimentally Determined Trace Element Partition Coefficients

between Ilmenite, Olivine, and Armalcolite using 74275.
Data from Irving et aI. (1978).

Element Temp.(°C) Armalcolite/Liquid Iimenite/Liquid Olivine/Liquid

Sm 1157 0.008+0.002 0.008+0.002 0.013+0.004

Tm 1153 0.060 + 0.015 0.06 + 0.01 0.045 + 0.012
1156 0.062 + 0.012 0.06 + 0.01 0.053 + 0.010
Sc 1156 2.2+0.4 --- 0.75+0.17
Cr 1157 10 12 0.7
1153 11 --- 0.9
Mn 1157 0.3 1.2 1.1
1153 0.3 --- 1.1
SAMPLE 74279-73

High-Ti Mare Basalt??
Probable Misnumbered Sample

E_glehardt (1979) documented

sample 74279,89 in the study of
ilmenite in the paragenetic
sequence of high-Ti basalts.
However, no such sample is
recorded in the Apollo 17 Lunar
Sample Information Catalog
(1973), or Johnson Space Center
archives. We suggest that this
sample reported by Englehardt
(1979) is 74275,89.
SAMPLE 74285-75

Hiigh-Ti Mare Basalt
2.212 g, 2 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION micro-porphyritic high-Ti mare 2.6% FeNi metal, 0.4% Si02, 2%

basalt, subvariolitic in places, armalcolite, and 1.5% chromite-
74285 is medium gray in color from thin section ,3. This thin ulvSspinel.
with a brownish tinge (Apollo section is composed primarily of
17 Lunar Sample Information anhedral plagioclase (up to Olivines exhibit much inter-
Catalog, 1973). It was an 0.85 mm), pink pyroxene (up to grain variation (Fo59.72) ,
angular rhombic fragment, i mm), and ilmenite (up to probably as a result of
containing a few minor 0.85 mm). Accessories include attempting to equilibrate with
fractures, penetrative between armalcolite ( < 0.2 mm and only the melt. Plagioclase exhibits
the vuggy areas which cover partially mantled by ilmenite), moderate core-to-rim zonation
40% of the two broadest cristobalite ( < 0.2 mm), troilite (Ans8.83) and one rim analysis
surfaces (Apollo 17 Lunar (< 0.4 mm), and FeNi metal of An78 is recorded (Fig. 1).
Sample Information Catalog, (< 0.19 mm). Spinel and futile Pyroxenes also exhibit inter-
1973). Theses cavities (up to exsolution lamellae are evident and intra-grain variation from
2 ram) have an irregular shape in ilmenite. Olivine forms cores augite to pigeonite with a hint
containing euhedral prisms of to pyroxene (0.07-0.23 mm) and of Fe-enrichment (Fig. 2). The
plagioclase and pyroxene. The contains chromite-ulv6spinel chromite-ulv6spinel inclusions
fabric is micro-diabasie, and no inclusions. Armalcolite is found in olivine exhibit core-to-rim
zap pits were observed, as inclusions (0.01-0.04 ram) in zonation - 100*(Cr/(Cr + A1)) =
pyroxene and plagioclase. Some 73-62 and MG# = 21-6.
"" of the larger ilmenites exhibit Ilmenite exhibits mainly inter-
PETROGRAPHY AND "sawtooth" margins, indicative grain variation (MG# = 4-15)
MINERAL CHEMISTRY of rapid cooling. Thin section as does armalcolite (MG# =
74285,3 is composed of: 49.0% 31-41).
Neal et al. (1989) described pyroxene, 21.7% plagioclase,
74285 as a medium-grained, 20.7% ilmenite, 2.1% olivine,



Ab o lo 20 30Or
Figure i: Plagioclase compositions from 74285,3.
SAMPLE 74285-76

#o 74285

,0 00


En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 74285,3 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

isotopes. 74285,5 has a highly

WHOLE-ROCK RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd ratio
CHEMISTRY (0.514204_+ 24) demonstrating
Paces et al. (1991) have reported the ancient formation of this
One whole-rock analysis by [NA the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic sample, and the initial &Nd
has been conducted on 74285. compositions of 74285,5. As is value ( + 6.7 _+0.7) demonstrates
Neal et al. (1990) described typical of Apollo 17 Type C a derivation from a source also
74285,4 as a Type C Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts, 74285,5 has an exhibiting a time-integrated
high-Ti mare basalt. The elevated 87Rb/S6Sr ratio relative LREE-depletion.
whole-rock analysis exhibits a to the Type A and B varie Lies
high MG# (52.5) as it contains and a radiogenic 87Sr/86S:r ratio
relatively Fo-rich olivines. The (Table 1), but a similar initial PROCESSING
high-Ti classification is 87Sr/86Sr ratio to other Type A
demonstrated by 12.4 wt% TiO2 and B basalts. Sm-Nd data for Approximately 1.Sg of 74285,0
in the analysis (Table 1). The Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts is remains. 0.054g was used in the
REE profile is LREE-depleted sparse. Paces et al. (1991) isotope analysis, and 0.317g was
(Fig. 3) with a maximum at Sm. reported the first substantial used for INAA. One thin
A negative Eu anomaly is analysis of Apollo 17 high-Ti section has been made -
present [(Eu/Eu*) N = 0.55]. basalts for Nd 74285,3.
SAMPLE 74285- 77

100 _ I I I I I I I I I I I

_t,/ 10 m
- _
U.I - 74285
_ _ (Eu/EU*)N =0.55
_ -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 74285,4.
SAMPLE 74285-78

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistlcy of 74285.

Sample 74285,4 74285,5

Method N I
REF 1 2

TiO2 12.4
A1203 7.99
Cr203 0.66
FeO 17.7
MnO 0.238
MgO 11.0
CaO 10.7
Na20 0.35
K20 0.05

Nb (ppm)
Zr 210
Hf 7.O9
Ta 1.27
U 0.19
Th O.28

Sr 60 164
Rb 5.6 1.22
Ba 123
Cs 0.12
Ni 10
Co 26.0
V 154
Sc 85.3
La 5.13
Ce 19
Nd 21 24.4
Sm 7.26 9.96
SAMPLE 74285 - 79

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample 74285,4 74285,5

Method N I
REF 1 2

Eu 1.50
Tb 2.OO
Yb 6.95
Lu 0.97
Ge (ppb)

Analysis by: N -- INAA. I -- isotope dilution.

1 = Neal et al. (1990); 2 = Paces et al. (1991).
SAMPLE 74285-80

Table 2: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotope Data for 74285.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Wt. = 54.43 mg

Rb (ppm) 1.22 Sm (ppm) 9.36

Sr (ppm) 164 Nd (ppm) 24.4
87Rb/86Sr 0.02142 ± 21 147S_j144Nd 0.24644 ± 49
87Sr/86 Sr 0.700446 ± 13 143Nd/144Nd 0.514204 +--24
I(Sr)a 0.699284 ± 25 I(Nd)a 0.508135 ± 36
TLUNI b (Ga) 4.6 aNd (t) c 6.7 ± 0.7
TCHUR d (Ga) 4.7

a = Initial Sr and Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.72 Ga, using 87Rb decay constant of 1.42x10 -11 yr-1
and 1478m decay constant of 6.54x10-12;

b = Model age relative to I(Sr) of LUNI;

c = Initial aNd calculated at 3.72 Ga using present day chondritic values of 143Nd/144Nd -- 0.512638 and
1478m/144Nd -- 0.1967.

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.102 g, 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm

INTRODUCTION plagioclase (up to 0.8 mm), pink 74286,3 is composed of: 43.5%
pyroxene (up to 0.65 mm), and pyroxene, 25.9% plagioclase,
74286 was described as a ilmenite (up to 1.3 mm). The 22.7% ilmenite, 2.1% olivine,
mottled red/gray, intergranular overall texture is sub-variolitic. 3.1% FeNi metal, 2.5%
basalt, with a microdiabasic Accessory minerals include chromite-ulvSspinel, and 0.1%
fabric (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample SiO2 (cristobalite - < 0.8 mm), SIO2; 0.1% glass.
Information Catalog, 1973). It troilite (0.02-0.09 mm), and
had an angular, blocky, wedge FeNi metal (0.01-0.02 mm). A The mineral chemistry for
shape with one penetrative small amount of interstitial 74286 has been reported by
fracture. All surfaces were opaque glass present. Olivine Neal et al. (1989). Olivines
coated with a fine layer of dust often forms anhedral cores to exhibit some core-to-rim
and these surfaces contained pink pyroxene (< 0.15 mm) and variation, as well as inter-grain
< 5% cavities. No zap pits were chromite-ulvSspinel inclusions differences (Fo71.63).
observed. (< < 0.05 mm) are present in Plagioclase exhibits a relatively
the olivine and pyroxene. The wide range of compositions,
m largest ilmenites exhibit most of which can be accounted
PETROGRAPHY AND sawtooth margins and spinel for by zonation (An90.76) ,
MINERAL CHEMISTRY and rutile exsolution lamellae although the majority of
are present in most ilmenites, compositions are between
Neal et al. (1989) described Ilmenite (0.05-0.2 mm) An86.81 (Fig. 1). Pyroxenes are
74286,3 as a fine-grained, inclusions are present in zoned from augite to pigeonite
micro-porphyritic Apollo 17 pyroxene. Pyroxene forms in response to olivine
high-Ti basalt and petro- phenocrysts, but appear to be a resorption, with occasional Fe-
graphically classified this product of olivine reacting with enrichment (Fig. 2). Chromite-
sample as Type IA. The main the melt. Ilmenite also forms a ulvSspinel inclusions exhibit
constituents are anhedral phenocryst phase. Thin section moderate core-to-rim zonation



30 t I
Ab 10 2o so Or
Figure 1: Plagioclase compositions from 74286,3.

o °o ¢
0 0 0

0 0

En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 74286,3 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

[100*(Cr/(Cr + A1)) = 77-69; Neal et al. (1990a). These

MG# = 20-3] in pyroxene, but authors described 74286,4 as a PROCESSING
have restricted compositions in Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti mare
olivine [100*(Cr/(Cr + A1)) ~ 77; basalt. 74285,4 has a MG# of Of the original 2.102g of
MG# _ 20]. Ilmenites also 43.8 and is classified as "high- 74286,0, approximately 1.5g
exhibit a range of compositions Ti" because of 12.2 wt% TiO2 in remains. 0.57g was used for
(MG# = 5-24), with the largest the whole-rock analysis INAA, and 0.01g used for
being the most Mg-rich. (Table 1). The REE profile making thin section 74286,3.
exhibits a depletion of the
LREE over the HREE, but the
WHOLE-ROCK maximum is at Sm (Fig. 3). A
CHEMISTRY negative Eu anomaly is present
[(EuIEU*)N = 0.59].
The whole-rock chemistry of
74286 has been reported by
SAMPLE 74286 - 83

I00 __ I I I I I I I I I I I __

__ __-_ / _ -

r_, _
•-r lO--
U.I = 74286
_" - (Eu/EU*)N =0.59

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite..normalized rare-earth-element profile of 74286,4.
SAMPLE 74286 - 84

Table h Whole-rock chemistJ,,y of 74286.

Sample 74286,4 Sample 74286,4

Method N Method N

Si02 Ni 13
Ti02 12.2 Cr 3080
A1203 8,66 Co 19.7
Cr203 0,45 V 106
FeO 19,2 Sc 84.8
MnO 0,255 La 6.13

MgO 8.4 Ce 24
CaO 10.7 Nd 24

Na20 0.38 Sm 9.13

K20 0.06 Eu 1.99
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.49

Nb (ppm) Dy
Zr 210 Er
Hf 8.45 Yb 8.93
Ta 1.64 Lu 1.28
U 0.15 Ga
Th 0.02 F
W C1
Sr 230 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 101 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.10 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA

1 = Nealetal. (1990a)
SAMPLE74287- 85

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.568 g, 2.2 x 1.5 x 0.3 cm

INTRODUCTION and anhedral ilmenite (up to 0.9 compositions (Fo61-78) which is

mm). Olivine (up to 0.7 mm) accounted for by both core-to-
Sample 74287 was a brown/gray and ilmenite (_ 0.9 mm) micro- rim zonation and inter-grain
thin, angular chip, with a micro- phenocrysts are present, variability. Plagioclase
diabasic fabric (Apollo 17 Lunar Accessory minerals include SiO2 compositions range from Ans7 to
Sample Information Catalog, (cristobalite: < 0.15 mm), anhe- An79 (Fig. 1), most of which is
1973). Cavities irregularly dral troilite (0.03-0.09 mm), core-to-rim zonation. Likewise,
cover 35% of the surfaces, and FeNi metal (0.02-0.03 mm). pyroxenes exhibit zonation from
contain euhedral groundmass Euhedral chromite-ulv6spinel augite to pigeonite because of
minerals. Vugs occur in layers, inclusions are present in olivine, olivine resorption, and a few
No zap pits were observed. One Exsolution of FeNi metal from grains contain some Fe-
large, penetrative fracture was troilite is common. Rutile and enrichment (Fig. 2). Chromite-
observed, spinel exsolution are present in ulv6spinel is relatively
ilmenite. Pyroxene contains restricted in composition
" minute (0.01-0.02 mm) compared to other samples
PETROGRAPHY AND inclusions ofarmalcolite. Thin [100*(Cr/(Cr +A1)) = 64-70;
MINERAL CHEMISTRY section 74287,3 contains: 49.4% MG# = 15-22]. Ilmenite is
pyroxene, 26.2% plagioclase, more variable (MG# = 3-18),
Neal et al. (1989) described 19.6% ilmenite, 1.3% troilite, 1% with the larger grains being
74287,3 as a subophitic to FeNi metal, 1% olivine, and more Mg-rich. The armalcolite
variolitie, medium-grained, 0.9% armalcolite, inclusions in pyroxene exhibit
micro-porphyritic Apollo 17 inter-grain variation (MG# =
high-Ti mare basalt. It is Mineral chemistry was also 33-45).
composed primarily of reported by Neal et ah (1989)
plagioclase (up to lmm), pale and also Neal et al. (1990a).
yellow pyroxene (up to 0.4 mm), Olivine exhibits a range of



A '
lO ,
eo 3'0
Figure 1: Plagioclase compositions from 74287,3.
SAMPLE 74287-86


0 000 0 o 0 0


El( 74287 Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 74287,3 represer,.ted on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

day t43Nd/144Nd =
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES 0.514278 i 12), and the initial
gNd value ( + 6.8 ± 0.5)
Neal et al. (1990) described Paces et al. (1991) reported the demonstrates a derivation from
74287,4 as a Type C Apollo 17 Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope a source also exhibiting a time-
high-Ti mare basalt. It has a compositions of 74287,5 integrated LREE-depletion.
MG# of 48.8 and the elevated (Table 2). This study supported
TiO2 contents (12.7 wt% - Table the classification of 74287 as a
1) classifies this basalt as high- Type C basalt in that it has, an PROCESSING
Ti. The REE profile is LREE- elevated Rb/Sr ratio relative to
depleted, but with a maximum the Type A and B Apollo 17 Of the original 1.568g of
at Sm (Fig. 3). A negative Eu basalts. Therefore, it has a more 74287,0, approximately 0.9g
anomaly is evident [(Eu/Eu*)N radiogenic present day 87Sc/86Sr remains. 0.566g was used for
= 0.55] and there is a slight ratio. Sm-Nd data for this INAA, and 0.07g was used in the
depletion of the HREE relative sample demonstrate that it has isotope analyses. One thin
to the MREE. experienced an ancient time- section is available - 74287,3.
integrated depletion (present
SAMPLE 74287-87

100 __ I r ] I ] I I I I I I

i.-I lo-- 74287 -

(Eu/EU*)N = 0.55

1 l I I I I I I I I I I '
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure3: Chondrite-normelized rare-earth-element profile of 74287,4.
SAMPLE 74287- 88

Table 1: Whole-rock chemist:cy of 74287.

Sample 74287,4 74287,5

Method N I
REF 1 2

TiO2 12.7
A1203 8.54
Cr203 0.6
FeO 18.9
MnO 0.255
MgO 10.1
CaO 10.7

Na20 0.35
K20 0.10

Nb (ppm)
Zr 280
Hf 8.58
Ta 1.58
U 0.17
Th 0.46
Sr 150 148
Rb 1.12
Ba 109
Cs 0.23
Ni 39
Co 22.6
V 142
Sc 79.5
La 6.41
Ce 33
Nd 28 22.8
SAMPLE 74287-89

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample 74287,4 74287,5

Method N I
REF 1 2

Sm 9.33 9.38
Eu 1.85
Tb 2.37
Yb 8.41
Lu 1.22
Ge (ppb)

Analysis by: N = INAA, I = isotope dilution.

1 = Neal et al. (1990); 2 = Paces et al. (1991).
SAMPLE 74287 - 90

Table 2: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotope Data for 74287.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Wt. = 67.25 mg

Rb (ppm) 1.12 Sm (ppm) 9.38

Sr (ppm) 148 Nd (ppm) 22.8
87Rb/S6Sr 0.02188 ± 22 147Sm/144Nd 0.24934_ 50
87Sr/86Sr 0.700471 _ 13 143N4/144Nd 0.514278___ 12
I(Sr)a 0.699284 ± 25 I(Nd)a 0.508137 ± 24
TLUNI b (Ga) 4.6 ENd (t) c 6.8-- 0.5
TCHUR d (Ga) 4.7

a = Initial Sr and Nd isotopic ratios calculated at 3.72 Ga, using 87Rb decay
constant of 1.42 x 10 -11 yr-1 and 147Sm decay constant of 6.54x10-12;

b = Model age relative to I(Sr) of LUNI;

c = Initial 8Nd calculated at 3.72 Ga using present day chondritic values of
143Nd]144Nd = 0.512638and 147Sm/144Nd -- 0.1967.
SAMPLE 75015-91

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1006 g, 10 × 9 x 6 cm

INTRODUCTION appearance. A few zap pits are silica, and 0.4% mesostasis.
present on T, W, and S. During the preparation of this
75015 was described as a catalog, we examined thin
brownish gray, ophitic- section 75015, l 0 and found it to
inLergranular basalt, containing PETROGRAPHY AND be a coarse-grained (1-2mm)
a few penetrative fractures MINERAL CHEMISTRY ophitic basalt (Fig. 2). Pink
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample pyroxene (up to 1.5 mm),
Information Catalog, 1973). It Brown et al. (1975) described plagioclase (up to 1.5 ram), and
was collected from Station 5, thin section 75015,27 as a Type ilmenite (up to 2 mm) are the
near Camelot Crater. IB Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, most abundant minerals. No
Approximately 10% of the although no detailed olivine or armalcolite was
surface was covered with rugs petrography of this specific observed. Troilite and FeNi
( <: 1-3 ram: Fig. 1), which form sample was given. However, metal form interstitial phases
clusters reaching 4-6 cm. These they did report the modal (up to 0.02 mm), which is
vugs contain plagioclase, mineralogy of 75015,27 as: 0.2% sometimes associated with
opaques (ilmenite?), and olivine, 16.7% opaques, 28.6% ilmenite. Silica is the most
pyroxene. The original sample plagioclase, 50.7% abundant accessory phase,
had a angular/blocky clinopyroxene, 3.4% forming anhedral masses.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75015,0.

SAMPLE 75015-92

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 75015. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

No detailed mineral chemistry although the analysis of Warner composition for 75015,2
has been reported for this et al. (1975) does not include an (Table 2). This sample has an
sample, abundance for Gd or Tb, making extremely low 87Rb/86Sr ratio
delineation of the Eu anomaly (0.0087 _+2), typical of Type A
inaccurate. The REE Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts.
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY abundances reported by Rhodes As such, present day 87Sr/86Sr
et al. (1976) for 75015 are :lower ratios are also low (0.69974 _ 4).
Whole-rock major- and trace- than those of Warner et al. Nyquist et al. (1976) calculated
element data has been reported (1975) (Fig. 3), although the model ages relative to BABI
by Rhodes et al. (1976) for general shape of the pattern is (5.11 _+0.58 Ga) and relative to
75015,2, and by Warner et al. the same. Both profiles exhibit a Apollo 16 anorthosites
(1975) for 75015,7. Rhodes et al. depletion of the LREE over the (5.64+ 0.58 Ga).
(1976) classified 75015,2 as a HREE, but the maximum is in
Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti mare the MREE. Both profiles exhibit
basalt. Although both studies a negative Eu anomaly - EXPOSURE AGE
report lower TiO2 abundances (Eu/Eu*)N = 0.51 (Rhodes et al.,
for 75015 than in other Apollo 1976) and 0.45-0.50 (estimated Arvidson et al. (1976) have
17 samples (Rhodes et al., 1976 by extrapolation from the calculated a 81Kr-Kr exposure
= 9.56 wt% TiO2; Warner et al., analysis of Warner et al., ![975). . age of 92 + 4 Ma for 75015.
1975 = 8.7 wt% TiO2 - Table 1), Gibson et al. (1976) analyzed
this basalt can still be classified 75015 for S and reported a
as high-Ti. However, the two concentration of 2205 _gS/g and PROCESSING
whole-rock analyses of the same an equivalent wt% Fe o of (I.065.
basalt are dramatically different 75015,0 has been entirely
(Table 1). For example, MG# of subdivided. The largest sub
the Rhodes et al. (1976) analysis RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES samples remaining are 75015,30
is 37.1, but the MG# of Warner (335g) and ,31 (540g). Four thin
et al. (1975) is 31.2. The REE Nyquist et al. (1979) reported sections of this basalt are
are also different/Fig. 3}, the whole-rock Rb-Sr isotcpic available -, 10_ ,26; ,27_ ,28.
SAMPLE 75015- 93

_ t i i I i _ i i I
r .....

,s_ V

lo - 75015
1 =Warner et al. (1975)
(Eu/EU*)N = 0.46
MG# = 31-2

u_ 2 = Rhodes et al. (1976)

(Eu/EU*)N =0.51

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Clmndrite-normalized rare-earth-element profiles of 75015.
SAMPLE 75015-94

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 75015.

Sample 75015,2 75015,7 75015,2

Method X,N,I N I
Rerence 1 2 3

SiO2 41.92
TiO2 9.56 8.7
A1203 10.06 9.c_
Cr203 0.17 0.162
FeO 18.77 21 ._;
MnO 0.29 0 f;,64
MgO 6.2 5.4:
CaO 12.15 11.6
Na20 0.48 0.4:7
K20 0.06 0.05
P205 0.05
S O.2O

Nb (ppm)
Hf 9.6
Sr 215" 215'
Rb 0.65* 0.65*
Li 10.9
Ba 87.5
Co 14.7 15.2:
V 24
Sc 77 79
La 6.74 12.,_;
Ce 23.8
Nd 26.5
Sm 11.2 16.7
SAMPLE 75015 - 95

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample 75015,2 75015,7 75015,2

Method X,N,I N I
Rerence 1 2 3

Eu 2.34 3.15
Gd 17,7
Dy 20.1 29
Er 12.2
Yb 10.8 15.6
Lu 1,62 2.2
Ge (ppb)

Analysis by: N = INAA; X = XRF; I = Isotope Dilution.

1-- Rhodes et al. (1976); 2 -- Warner et al. (1975); 3 = Nyquist et al. (1976).
*= same analysis.
SAMPLE 75015-96

Table2: Rb-Srisotopic composition of 75015.


wt (mg) 55
Rb (ppm) 0.646
Sr (ppm) 215
87Rb/86Sr 0.0087 __2
Sr 0.69974_+6
TB a 5.11+-0.58
TLb 5.64-----0.58

a = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias);

b = Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (A-16 anorthosites for T =

4.6 Ga)
SAMPLE 75035 --97

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1235 g, 16 x 14 x 7 cm

INTRODUCTION plagioclase-clinopyroxene-
PETROGRAPHY AND ilmenite network. Longhi et al.
75035 has been described as a MINERAL CHEMISTRY (1974) reported a modal analysis
brownish gray basalt with a of: 44% clinopyroxene; 33%
plumose texture within a planar Longhi et al. (1974) described plagioclase, 15% ilmenite, 5%
fabric (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample 75035 as a medium-grained silica, 2% pyroxferroite, and 1%
Information Catalog, 1973). It subophitic high-Ti basalt. FeNi metal, troilite, and
was collected from Station 5 Subhedral laths ofplagioclase mesostasis glass. Longhi et al.
near Camelot Crater. It has a (0.1-0.3 mm by 1 mm) are (1974) concluded that ilmenite
triangular/subangular shape partially enclosed by clumps of was the initial liquidus phase,
(Fig. 1) and possesses no anhedral clinopyroxene (0.25- followed by plagioclase.
fractures. Approximately 2-3% 0.5 mm) (Fig. 2). Large laths of Clinopyroxene appeared
of the surface of 75035 is covered ilmenite (0.5-3.0 ram) with simultaneously or slightly after
with vugs (up to 5mm: Fig. 1) irregular edges and holes are plagioclase. Further pyroxene
containing euhedral crystals of slightly penetrated by these crystallization enriched the
pyroxene, ilmenite, and plagioclase laths. Anhedral to residual melt in Fe and Si,
plagioclase. Many zap pits are subhedral grains of silica, resulting in the final
present on B, a few on S, E, and pyroxferroite, minor troilite, precipitation of pyroxferroite
W, and none are seen on the FeNi metal, and glass fill the and silica. Pigeonite is present
remaining surfaces, interstices of the interlocking on a minute scale, as

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75035,0.

SAMPLE 75035 - 98

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 75035. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

demonstrated by Jagodzinski et are presented here. Mine_:al zoned and has Fe/(Fe
al. (1975). These authors chemistry for 75035 has been ratios of 0.39 in the calcic cores
documented the exsolution of reported by Longhi et al. (1974). and 0.90 in the sodic rims,
pigeonite from the augite in These authors noted that _:he reflecting Fe-enrichment.
75035. earliest formed pyroxenes. Roedder and Weiblen (1975)
(Wo40En43FSls) are reported the compositions of the
Brown et al. (1975) classified continuously zoned, decreasing enigmatic low- and high-K
75035,72 as a Type II Apollo 17 in Ca and increasing in Fe until silicate melt inclusions in
high-Ti mare basalt. While pyroxferroite crystallizes as ilmenites from 75035.
these authors did not give a overgrowths (Fig. 3).
specific petrographic description Plagioclase (Anss.72) is also
of this basalt, they did report a
modal analysis of: 45.4%
clinopyroxene, 32.7%
plagioclase, 13.8% opaques,
6.2% silica, and 1.9%
mesostasis. No olivine is
present in 75035,72.

Meyer and Boctor (1974)

opaque mineralogy of 75035,76.

undertook a detailed study of the 4_I_
45% pyroxene, 31% plagioclase, _
17% ilmenite, 5% cristobalite, _
and 2% ti'oilite, FeNi metal, A
ulv6spineI, baddeleyite,
zirconolite, and tranquillityite+ _ 5
Mineral authors
analysesreport a mode
of the of:
opaques ...... _ A.IA_A A

Figure 3: Pyroxene compositions reported by Longhi et al. (1974).

SAMPLE 75035 - 99

100 I I I I I I t I I I I -

xl i

._, 75035
1 = Wanke et al. (1975) 3 = Laul et al. (1974)
(ru/EU*)N = 0.48 (Eu/EU*)N = O.S5
2 = Brunfeld et al. (1974) 4 = Phillpotts et al. (1974)
(E'u/Eu*)N = 0.53 (Eu/Eu *)N = 0.55

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu

Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rareiearthielement profttles of 75035. (Eu/EuS )N values noted.

" abundances range from 8.79

the REE (Fig. 4), although each
Numerous authors have pattern has the same LREE- Isotopic studies in the Rb-Sr
reported, to various degrees, the depleted shape (except for the (Murthy and Coscio, 1976), Sm-
whole-rock chemistry of 75035 analysis by Brunfelt et al., 1974, Nd (Lugmair and Marti (1978),
(Tables 1 & 2). The most which exhibits a flattening of U-Th-Pb (Nunes et al., 1974),
complete analyses (majors and the LREE) and negative Eu and Ar-Ar (Turner et al., 1973;
traces) are from Brunfelt et al. anomaly [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.48- Turner and Cadogan, 1974,
(1974), Rose et al. (1975), Wanke 0.55], the abundances are 1975) systems have been
et al. (1975), and Duncan et al. dramatically different (Fig. 4 undertaken on 75035. Murthy
(1976). These analyses define a and Table 1). A similar scenario and Coscio (1976} reported a
somewhat variable chemical is witnessed with the specific crystallization age of 3.81 _+0.14
composition for 75035. For studies on S and H (Table 1). Ga for 75035,43, with an initial
example, the MG# ranges from 87Sr/S6Sr ratio of 0.69918 _+6
36.2 to 41.9 and TiO2 (Fig. 5 and Table 2}. Lugmair

O. 703

O. 702 _IL'_MENITE

® O. 705

0.700 T = 3 . 8l F+ OI4AE
. (2o-)

/_ T/TR (I/_2) ('TSr/8'St)z= 0.69918-+6

I} PI_AG (1_2)
0.699 -

0.00 I 0 ./ 02 I 090 4 I 0 .lo 6 P 0.08

' I O.lO

Figure 5: Rb-Sr internal isochron for 75035,43. Errors and regression analysis as noted for Figure I. Plag
l and 2 andpyroxene 1 and2 are repeat analyses of the same mineral separates. TR 1 and 2 are different
splits of the thoroughly mixed <74 l_m size fraction of the powdered rock sample. After Murthy and Coscio
SAMPLE 75035- 100

and Marti (1978) reported a analyzed range from 1.68 Ga to

crystallization age of 3.81 _+0.14 4.84 Ga (Table 4). EXPOSURE AGES AND
Ga for 75035 and an initial eju V COSMOGENIC
of + 6.2 + 0.5, with a model age RADIONUCLIDES
of 4.62 + 0.09. Nunes et al. STABLE ISOTOPES
(1974) undertook a detailed U- Exposure ages for 75035 have
Th-Pb isotopic study of 75035 Petrowski et al. (1974) reported been determined by a variety of
(Table 3) and reported a U-Pb the C and S isotopic value:_ for methods. Turner and Cadogan
age of 3.56 ± 0.4 Ga for 75035 75035,41. Their results (1974) reported an Ar exposure
(Fig. 6). Finally, Turner et al. demonstrated that this basalt is age of 80 Ma. Arvidson et al.
(1973) and Turner and Cadogan isotopically light with respect to (1976) reported an 81Kr-Kr
(1974, 1975) reported an Ar-Ar carbon (813C = -28.5%0 PDB)and exposure age of 72 ± 2 Ma.
age of 3.76 ± 0.05 Ga for 75035 reported slightly positive _34S Bhandari (1977) reported a 26A1
(Fig. 7 and Table 3). Shaeffer et values of + 1.7%0 CDT. Gibson exposure age, but the resolution
al. (1977) reported the results of et al. (1975) reported a 834,SCDw only yielded an age of > 1.3 Ma.
a laser 39Ar-40Ar study of value of + 0.6 for 75035. Crozaz et al. (1974) reported a
75035,52 (Table 3). The Kr age of 71.7 ± 1.8 Ma for
apparent ages of each mineral 75035.
" BASALT 7'5035 P_'ROXENE-=-

1.8. /

1.6". .._/
1.4 -2°rP b x?/--

1.2 t--'4P_l


0.6 23Su/2OTpb

,,,, I i, j ,I,,,, I, ,,, I

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Figure 6: 206Pb/207Pb versus 238U/207Pb ec,olution diagram. Ir,_ternal isochron for Apollo 17 basalt 75035.
Data are corrected for blanks only. Pyroxene and whole-rock U/Pb errors are +.-2%. Plagioclase U/Pb errors
are the maximum possible errors assuming from 0% (0) to 100% (100) of the measured 204pb is attributable
to terrestrial contamination. The initial 206P bi2O7Pb ratio and ,Jlope of the line drawn are O.767 and 0.556,
respectively. The slope corresponds to an age of 3.56±0.40 b.y. The error in this age is a maximum error
estimated graphically. After Nunes et al. (1974).
SAMPLE 75035 - 101

_.5 m .





_ 30

2.5 ...... t i i

O 0.5 1-0


Figure 7: 40Ar-39Ar release pattern from whole-rock chip of Apollo 17 mare basalt, 75035. The release
l_tttern shows evidence of 8% radiogenic argon loss from low-retentivity K-rich sites. Over the major part of
the release the (40Ar/39Ar) ratio is constant indicating a cyrstallization age for this sample of(3.76._+0.05)
G y. Data from Turner and Cadogan (1974; 1975)

The abundances ofcosmogenic results. Sugiura et al. (1979) Taylor and Williams (1974) used
radionuclides 22Na and 26A1 tried to identify any remanent 75035 in a study of cooling rates
were reported by Yokoyama et lunar magnetism in 75035,12 by in Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts.
al. (1974) and Bhandari (1977) demagnetizing the sample (Fig. These authors used the Ti
(Table 5). Yokoyama et al. 8 a,b). These authors concluded contents of troilite coexisting
(1974) noted that 75035 was that no ancient remnant with ilmenite in 75035,82 to
saturated with respect to 26A1 magnetism was present in demonstrate a linear
and Kratchmer and Gentner 75035,12. However, a weak relationship with temperature:
(1976) concluded, on the basis of remanent magnetism was as temperature decreases, so
cosmogenic radionuclides, that detected, with a maximum does the Ti content of troilite.
75035 had experienced a blocking temperature of 200°C Taylor and Williams (1974)
complex burial history. (Fig. 8a). The origin of this interpreted this relationship to
However, note the large remanent magnetism was mean that 75035 had either
discrepancy between 26A1 unclear, experienced initial slow cooling
abundances in Table 5. or metamorphism after
solidification. O'Hara and
" EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Humphris (1975) used 75035 in
MAGNETIC STUDIES a study of armalcolite
75035 has been used in a variety crystallization in and eruption
Three magnetic studies of experimental studies. Longhi conditions of Apollo 17 high-Ti
involving 75035 have been et al. (1974) demonstrated that basalts. They stated that 75035
conducted. Pearce et al. (1974) 75035 is the fractionation was close in composition to a
examined the Feo contents of product of a more primitive low- cotectic liquid simultaneously
75035,37 (Table 6). These K Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt, saturated with olivine, two
authors used magnetic studies to Longhi et al. (1978) used 75035 pyroxenes, plagioclase, ilmenite,
determine the Feo/Fe 2+ ratio of in their experimental and armalcolite, even though
this sample. Brecher (1977) determination of Fe/Mg olivine and armalcelite are not
attempted to analyse the partitioning between olivine observed in thin section.
magnetic properties of 75035, and mare basaltic melt. Usselman et al. (1975) used
but could not produce reliable experimental evidence to
SAMPLE 75035 - 102


20 NRM _j.._--"_5°"c 1
,_ DeM_,_.nzAnotv


_ 5_

t__°° 250°
Z 0 • I I _ I
0 5 IO 15 20
pTRM (h=O.lOe) (lO'6emu/gm)

Figure 8a: NRM vs. pTRM plot for 75035,i2 and directional change of NRM during AF and thermal
demagnetization. Relative orientation of the two pieces is not known. Total TRM (780°C) is much smaller
than pTRMs.


15 • NRM
e ARMxl/3(h=2.50 e,
_ Hmox = 800 0 e )
-- I0



Figure 8b: AF demagnetization of NRM and RM in 75035,18. After Sugiura et al. (1978).
SAMPLE 75035 - 103

80 KEY

<_ 0 MASSIVE EASALT, 75035

_) 60 o MASSIVE


_ 2o

10 20 30 40 SO 60 70. 80" gO 100

ESP_E.TALP.. s.ocN,RE_E (GPa)

Figure 9: Abundance of intergranular and vesicular shock glass in experimentally shocked basalt.
After H6rz and Schaal (1979).

estimate a cooling rate of < I°C studies. Harrison and HSrz been shocked by meteorite
per hour for 75035. (1981) used 75035 in a study of impact. This study was
shock metamorphism in calcic expanded in Schaal and HSrz
McCallum and Charette (1977, plagioclase and HSrz and Schaal (1979).
1978) have used 75035 to study (1979) reported the results of a
2,r and Nb partition coefficients, study involving glass production
McCallum and Charette (1977) via shock in massive versus PROCESSING
noted that the Kd for Zr in porous basalts. Results of the
ilmenite is remarkably constant H6rz and Schaal (1979) are The original sample 75035,0 has
at 0.27. For Zr in armalcolite, presented in Figure 9, been entirely subdivided. The
McCallum and Charette (1977) demonstrating the porous largest remaining sub-samples
reported values between 1.02 to basalts require less shock are: 75035,1 (409g); ,2 (62g); ,28
1.25, and for Zr in clinopyroxene pressure to melt than massive (387g); ,33 (66g). Fifteen thin
between 0.11 and 0.19. basalts. Schaal and HSrz (1977) sections have been made from
McCallum and Charette (1978) compared the shock this sample - 775035,71 through
expanded this study to include metamorphism of lunar and ,85.
Nb and reported recommended terrestrial basalts, using 75035
values of Zr and Nb in their lunar examples. They
crystal/liquid distribution concluded that the shock
coefficients (Table 6). features and associated peak
pressures in 75035 are
75035 has also been used in compatible with the terrestrial
experimentally induced shock Lonar basalt which had also
SAMPLE 75035 - 104

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 75035.

Sample ,39 ,65 ,40 ,19 ,48 ,44 ,57 ,41 ,37 ,37 ,37 ,36 ,67 ,36 ,42 ,42
Method XN X XN X N I C C C C A GC R A A N GC
Re?. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 18 16 17 18 19

Si02 (wt%) 42.6l 41.59 42.31 40.87

TiO2 9.09 9.59 9.98 8.95 9.0 8.75
AI203 9.88 10.05 924 10.3 99 8.69
Cr203 0.228 0.26 0.235 0,207 0.221

FeO 18.45 18.88 19.22 18.57 18.88 17.67 16.45

MnO 0.248 0.27 0.269 0.262 0.236 0.249
MgO 6.31 6,25 8.13 6.23 7 7.47
CoO 10.64 12.53 11.69 12.15 11,3 12.88

Na20 0405 0.39 0A6 0.53 0.42 0.45

K20 0.068 0.08 908 9.061 0.074 0.066

P205 0.06 0.09 9.084 0.03 0.03

S 014 0.219 0.185 0.185 0.314 0.277 0.314
Nb (ppm) <10 24 29.1
Zr 255 300 319 386

lif 1O.0 11.2 8.7 12.5

Ta 1.81 2.01 16

U 0.113 0.149 0.18

Th 0.35 0.3

W 0.120 0085
Y 104 195 118
Sr 195 168 209 223 192

Rb 9.6 < 1 0.81 1.5 0.679

Li l0 ll.O

Ba 81 224 102 126 95 92.9

Cs 0.54 0.026
Be <1
Zn 2 4.6 2.1 <2
Pb 5.2

Cu 38 3.2 334 <2

Ni <10 11 <2

Cr 1565 1510 1380

Co 13.7 13 14.5 13 16 16.5
V 30 16 19 30

Sc 82 74 83.6 76 79.3
La 7 6 <lO 9.07 73
Ce 20.4 35 27 23.6
Nd 36 5 30 27.3
Sm 12.9 13.6 19.8 11.2

Eu 2.25 2.6 2.20 2.52 2.02

Gd 19.8 171

Tb 2 81 3.8 31 15
Dy 22.9 24.0 20 19.7
Er 15.0 ll.l
Yb 10.7 l0 13.2 10 11.4
Lu 1.82 1.88 1.5 170
Ga 4.5 6.2 3.95


C 23 64 64 64
N 0.4 85
H 11.2 1.8 0.32

Pd (ppb)

Au 0.033

Os 0.03

X - XRF; N Neutron Activation; C - Combustion; A - Acid tiydrolysis; R - RNA; GC _ Gas Chromatography,

I - Brunfelt et al (1974; 2 = Rose et a[ ( 1975); 3 = Wanke et aL ( 1976); 4 - Duncan et aL (1976); 5 - Laul et al. (1974); 6 = Phiilpotts et al. (1974); 7 = Des Maris
(1978);8=Petrowskietal.(1974);9=Moore(1975);10 GibsonandMoore(1974);ll-Gibson,._tal.(1975);12_Gibsonetal (1987);13=GargandEhmann
(1976); 14 Jovanovic and Reed (1980); 15 = Jovanovic etal. (1977); 16 = Merllvat et al. (1977); 17 = Miller et al. (1974); 18 - Moore etal (1974); 19 = Moore
and Lewis (1975).
SAMPLE 75035 -105

Table 2: Rb-Sr data from 75035,

Data from Murthy and Coscio (1976).

Sample Whole-Rock 1 Plag. 1 Plag. 2 Pyroxene 1 Pyroxene 2 [Imenite Glass

wt (rag) 14.82 9.55 8.78 14.22 15.31 15.63 9.54

K (ppm) 604 1210 1135 358 324 188 --
Ba (ppm) 86.5 131.8 138.6 56.4 70.6 32.9 --
Rb (ppm) 0.655 0.895 0.856 0.514 0.501 0.327 1.412
Sr (ppm) 189.3 555.8 528.5 66.45 64.09 17.62 462.5
87Rb/86Sr 0.01 0.00465 0.00468 0.0224 0.0226 0.0536 0.0083
87Sr/86Sr 0.69977 + 20 0.69940 + 15 0.69937 + 7 0.70044 + 24 0.70045 + 6 0.70208 + 5 0.69970 + 7

Table 3: U-Th-Pb data of 75035,

Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

Analysis Whole rock Handpicked Px Plag. p < 2,8

Comp,/Conc, P C P C P C
Weight (rag) 120.7 209.4 63,4 35,7 145.5 92.1

U (ppm) 0.1505 0.1316 0.0255

Th (ppm) 0.4879 0.4354 ---
Pb (ppm) 0.3258 0.2721 0.1011
2o6Pb/2O4pbl 384.6 397.5 146.8 185.8 83.07 68.33
2o7Pb/2O4Pbl 228.1. 232.4 83.32 104.5 68.56 57.36
2osPb/2O4Pbl 352.3 -- 146.7 -- 95.33 --
2o6Pb/2O4pb 2 579.2 509.1 203.1 511.0 114.8 102.7
207Pb/2O4Pb2 341.0 296.3 113.1 277.3 94.67 86.09

2osPb/204Pb2 520.5 -- 194.8 -- 123.9 :-

232Th]238U2 3.35 3.42 --
238U/204pb2 507 538 65.1
2o6Pb/238U3 0.9850 0.9328 1.436
2o7Pb/235U3 77.66 68.40 160.6
2o7Pb/2O6Pb 3 0.5721 0.5321 0.8117
208Pb/232Th 3 0.2529 0.2262 --

1 = Observed; 2 = Corrected for Blank; 3 = Corrected for Blank and Primordial Pb.
SAMPLE 75035 - 106

Table 4: Ar-Ar data from 75035.

Reference 1 1 2 2 2 2
Sample Whole-Rock Crushed Pyroxene Ilmenite Plag Plag
Whole-Rock 100-200 mesh 60-100 mesh

36Ar/38Ar 0.61 0.73 0.59 0.11 0,59 0.60

38Ar/37Ar 0.0024 0.0025 0.0033 0.021 0.0022 0.0022
38Ar/37Ar@ 0.0024 0.0025
39Ar/37Ar 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.023 0.0212 0.0175
40Ar/39Ar 45.2 53,6 41.8 44.9 43,0 49.5

Apparent Age (Ga) 3.63 3.91 3,50 3.62 3.55 3.78

39Ar* 68.6 48.2 54.3 43,7 120.2 108.8
K% 0,06 0.05 0.13 0.12
Ca% 8,8 3.7 11.7 12.8

1 =Turner and Cadogan (1974); 2 = Turner and Cadogan (1975); @ = 38Ar/37Ar calculated assuming
3SAt originates solely as cosmogenic Ar; * = amounts in units of 10-8 STP/g.
Table 5: Laser Released Ar isotopes from Minerals of Basalt 75035 in i0 -]_ cm3.
Data from Schaeffer et al. (1977).

Mineral Temp.@ 40Ar 39Ar* 38Ar* 3TAr 36Ar* 40ArK/39ArK AGE (Ga)

Plagioclase a .... 117.2±11.2 2.53±0.15 2.94±2.94 545.4+__54.5 9.64±8.91 67.99+ 6.63 3.78±0.14
Plagioclase a .... 325.9± 18.4 4.79___0.41 2.85___1.96 583.9±50.6 8.49±4.31 67.29± 7.01 3.76±0.15
Cristobalite a .... 2381.2+50.3 39.15±2.18 5.87±5.87 28.6_+25.7 5.74+__5.74 60.79± 3.62 3.60__+0.09
Cristobalitea .... 3559.0_+80.7 55.72_+2.08 3.36_+3.13 29.6___18.6 3.35+__3.35 63.86-+ 2.79 3.68±0.07

Pyroxene a .... 106.4-+5.4 1.84-+ 0.36 6.30___5.09 2245.1-+63.8 6.71+6.71 57.10_+12.09 3.50_+0.29
Pyroxene a .... 426.6_+18..2 11.36_+0.56 3.36_+3.!3 23!5.2+!34.! 5.75+5.75 37.39_+ 2.46 2.85_+0.09
Plagioclase a 650°C 281.7+4.2 4.16_+0.18 2.87_+1.96 331.3_+37.4 4.79±4.79 67.34_+ 3.19 3.76_+0.07
Plagioclasea 650°C 178.1_+2.7 2.51_+0.11 2.21+0.78 269.8±35.7 8.27+_2.59 69.50+_ 3.72 3.81_+0.08
Cristobalite a 650°C 336.4+_4.3 5.16+_0.15 2.78±0.88 175.0 ±31.2 7.62 ±2.87 64.56+_ 2.19 3.69+-0.05
Cristobalite a 650°C 574.9±6.4 8.81±0.38 2.83+_0.88 321.9±25.4 7.97+2.01 64.83+_ 2.91 3.70±0.07

Pyroxene a 650°C 132.0±2.1 1.38±0.18 10.87±0.88 2818.4±44.6 12.66_+3.07 93.43±12.94 4.31±0.19

Plagioclase a 900°C 246.2±4.6 3.44±0.21 2.39±0.97 387.6±43.1 9.59±2.20 70.25_+ 2.20 3.83±0.10
Cristobalite a 900°C 817.2±10.5 11.68±0.22 1.93±1.08 73.2_+29.3 9.75±2.20 69.53± 1.64 3.81±0.04

Pyroxene a 900°C 5.2±1.5 0.32+_0.10 2.94±1.27 1500.8_+21.9 2.49±2.49 15.17_+ 8.26 1.68+0.75
Pyroxene a 900°C 37.0+_1.5 0.39±0.16 2.35_+1.27 1493.6_+54.2 6.71+_6.71 86.88±40.22 4.18±0.64
Plagioclase b 800°C 229.0±2.0 3.16_+0.08 3.86±1.96 439.9±3.3 4.79_+4.79 72.08_+ 2.15 3.87_+0.05
Plagioclase b 800°C 162.3+_1.3 2.12_+0.12 4.45_+1.47 477.2±1.9 11.77±2.20 73.96± 4.99 3.92±0.09
Cristobalite5 800°C 57.7_+0.7 1.00_+0.08 0.98±0.98 39.2_+2.4 4.79_+4.79 55.15± 5.71 3.44±0.14
Cristobalite b 800°C 267.0±2.3 4.43_+0.09 2.88_+_0.98 121.2_+3.1 7.64±2.87 59.49± 1.55 3.56±0.04

Pyroxene b 800°C 126.0±2.2 1.51±0.10 3.33+_3.33 910.7_+7.8 2.87±2.87 83.17± 5.99 4.11+_0.10
Plagioclase b 1050°C 93.7±3.6 0.73_+0.09 2.94±2.94 201.2_+2.8 2.87_+2.87 127.41 ± 16.61 4.84_+0.18
Plagioclase b 1050°C 36.0±1.5 0.48+0 07 2.44±2.44 73.4±4.4 6.71 +6 71 69 33+ 14 92 3.81 _+0.29 >
Cristobalite b 1050°C 19.2±1.6 0.37±0.18 2.94±2.94 8.62±8.62 9.58±9.58 40.00±31.49 2.95±1.10

@ = Preheated prior to lasing; * = corrected for neutron-induced contributions; a,b = analyses made on two different chips. ¢_
SAMPLE 75035- 108

Table 6: Cosmogenic radionuclide and U and Th abundances in 75035.

Reference 1 2
Sample ,22 (Top) ,122 + ,124

Weight (g) 2.19

22Na (dpm/kg) 170 ± 25
26A1 (dpm/kg) 107 ± 15 240 ± 60
Th (ppm) 0.65 ± 0.39
U (ppm) 0.22±0.22

1 = Yokoyama et al. (1974); 2 -- Bhandari (1977).

Table 7: Zr and Nb crystal/liquid distribution coeificients determined using 75035.

Data from McCallum and Charette (1978).

Ilmenite Armalcolite Cpx Ruffle Plagioclase

DZr 0.28 1.17 0.12 --- < 0.0t

DNb 0.81 1.41 0.02 15.6 <0.01

Table 8: Magnetic data for 75035,37.

Data from Pearce et al. (1974).


Js (emu/g) 0.129

Xp (emu/g Oe) x 106 38.4

Xo (emu/g Oe) x 104 0.4
Equiv. wt% Feo 0.06
Equiv. wt% Fe 2
Fe°/Fe 2 + 0.0034
SAMPLE 75055 - 109

High-Ti Mare Basalt
949.4 g, 21 x 14 x 1.8 cm

INTRODUCTION inclusions (Fig. 3 a,b). Anhedral

PETROGRAPHY AND troilite (0.2-0.7 ram) with FeNi
75055 was described as a white MINERAL CHEMISTRY metal globules (up to 0.1 ram) is
to brownish-gray, equigranular associated with the glassy
mare basalt with a few planar The petrographic features of mesostasis, which includes
fractures and a micro-diabasic 75055 were initially described in cristobalite (up to 1.2 mm). No
texture (Apollo 17 Lunar the Apollo 17 Lunar Sample spinel or rutile exsolution
Sample Information Catalog, Information Catalog (1973) from features were observed in
1973). It was collected from sections ,8, ,16, and ,17. This ilmenite. The reported mode
Station 5 near Camelot Crater. description stated that was: 29% plagioclase, 19%
This sample was, before plagioclase laths (up to 3.2 mm) clinopyroxene, 33% olivine, 14%
subdivision, a fiat slab (see were randomly oriented with ilmenite, 3% cristobalite, < 1%
dimensions and Fig. 1) which interstitial anhedral (zoned) troilite, < 1% FeNi metal, and
was homogeneous, except for olivine (up to 0.8 mm) and < 1% glass.
irregularly distributed rugs clinopyroxene (up to 0.8 mm)
which covered < 5% of the (Fig. 2), which occasionally Dymek et al. (1975) gave a more
surface. These vugs had a exhibits an hour-glass structure, detailed description which will
maximum size of 8 mm and were A small trace of residual glass be reported here. Dymek et ah
filled with euhedral crystals of occurs in the interstices. (1975) reported 75055 as a
plagioelase, pyroxene, and Euhedral to subhedral ilmenite medium- to fine-grained
ilmenite. A few zap pits were (up to 1.8 mm) has a "swiss intergranular to subophitic,
present on all exposed surfaces, cheese" texture with glassy melt ilmenite basalt. It is comprised

Figure I : Hand specimen photograph of 75055,0.

SAMPLE 75055- 110

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 75055. Fieldofview is 2.5 ram.

of 33% plagioclase, 50% grains with subhedral and ilmenite basalt. No detailed
clinopyroxene, 12% ilmenite, lobate outlines (Figs. 2 and 3). description of this basalt was
and 3% SiO2, with minor Most contain abundant given, but Brown et al. (1975)
amounts of troilite, FeNi metal, subrounded melt and pyroxene reported a modal mineralogy of:
ulvSspinel, Ca-phosphate, inclusions (Fig. 3b) and rarely 15.9% opaques, 28.6%
"tranquillityite", and plagioclase. The vast majority of plagioclase, 50.2%
mesostasis. Plagioclase forms a ilmenite grains are either clinopyroxene, 4.5% silica, and
discontinuous, interlocking intergrown with or included in 0.8% mesostasis. Note that both
network of stubby tablets to pyroxene. "Graphic" Dymek et al. (1975) and Brown
elongate laths (_ 0.1-3.5 mm in intergrowths of ilmenite and et al. (1975) do not report any
length) enclosing pyroxene and pyroxene are quite common. No olivine in their samples, unlike
ilmenite (Figs. 2 and 3). Several armalcolite or Cr-spinel were that the the Apollo 17 Lunar
grains contain numerous observed. The SiO2 phase occurs Sample Information Catalog
aligned glassy inclusions and predominantly as subhedral to (1973).
rare inclusions of pyroxene and euhedral interstitial grains (up
ilmenite. However, most of the to 0.3 mm across) with the The mineral chemistry of 75055
plagioclase is inclusion-free, characteristic mosaic fracture has been extensively reported by
The margins of the plagioclase pattern of lunar cristobalite Dymek et al. (1975). These
grains tend to be rounded and (Figs. 2 and 3a). A few grains authors reported a measured
irregular, and are intergrown occur as needles (up to _ 1 mm range ofpyroxene compositions
with pyroxene and ilmenite, long) intergrown with of Wo4oEn44Fs16 - Wol6En3Fss1,
Pyroxene occurs as pale-pink to plagioclase and pyroxene, and with the variation in many
pale-yellow-brown to nearly are probably tridymite. Both grains spanning this range
colorless, subhedral to anhedral types of SiO2 contain infre,:luent [Fig. 4). The most Fe-rich
grains (_ 0.1-1.0 ram) that fill the grains tiny (10-50tD inclusions compositions are extremely Cr-
interstices between plagioclase of dark-brown K- and Si-rich, poor, and are distinguished by a
laths. Many grains include and devitrified glass. The SiO2 different symbol in Fig. 4. Both
are intergrown with ilmenite needles are uniformly higher in the Ti]A1 ratio (1:2) and the A1-
and plagioclase. Optical zoning K than the angular grains Ti-Cr abundance (inset in Fig. 4)
is pronounced, but hour-glass indicate the presence of some
structures are poorly developed. Brown et al. (1975) descriked Tin + and no AlVl. Both
llmenite tends to form elongate 75055,48 as a Type II Apollo 17 relationships are consistent
SAMPLE 75055- Ill

Figure 3a.

Figure 3b.

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of 75055. Field of view is 2.5 ram.

SAMPLE 75055- 112


/ | _ FeAt.SilO=+

....' "
,---L_._ MgAt2S_208
NoA[Si308 AnTO Anso Ango CoAI;,SI208

CoMgSi206 Co[Fe,

206 + _,
'I!'."°ALsis+o, \
M02Si206 (Fe,Mn)2 Si206

Number I0 ILMENITE • n
of onotyses OLVOSPtNEL 0

Mg Fe+ Mn

Figure 4: Compositions of the principal silicate and oxide phases in mare basalt 75055. (Triangular inset
as in Figure 1 .) The pyroxene compositions marked by the open circles are presumed to be pyroxferroite.

with pyroxene-plagioclase the first formed plagioclase. The The paragenetie sequence
coprecipitation or crystallization plagioclase has a measured reported by Dymek et al. (1975)
of some plagioclase prior to range in composition of An72.90 is as follows. Ilmenite and
pyroxene growth. This is (Fig. 4), with zonation up to 15 plagioclase were the first phases
supported by the Fe/(Fe + Mg) mole % within a single grain to form and were joined by
ratio of the most calcic (most calcic compositions fbrm pyroxene and then tridymite.
plagioclase, which is ~ 0.4, the cores). The Fe/(Fe + Mg) Solidification was completed
whereas the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio ratio increases uniformly with with the (minor) "replacement"
of the earliest formed pyroxene decreasing An content (Fig. 5). of ilmenite by ulvSspinel, and
is ~ 0.28. From petrography, it However, MgO exhibits a slight the formation ofcristobalite in
appears as if plagioclase began but steady depletion from An9o the mesostases and interstices.
to crystallize just before to ~ Anso , with the decrease
pyroxene and would, therefore, becoming more rapid at lower
have a lower Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio, An contents (Fig. 5). Ilmenite is WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
but this is the reverse of what is Fe-rich [Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.95-
observed, demonstrating that 0.99] and in one instance was The whole-rock chemistry of
the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio in overgrown and resorbed by 75055 has been determined to
plagioclase is not a reliable ulvSspinel [Fe/(Fe + Mg) = various degrees by several
indicator of the composition of 0.99]. authors (Table 1). The elements
SAMPLE 75055 - 113

1.0 " " *45 • 75055


o_%o •



o_ 0 n r a

• • o • •

IJ_ ••
o•• •

+ o.,, . ••• : • ":


v ::


Figure 5: Diagram illustrating the FeO and MgO contents, and Fe/(Fe + Mg), in plagioclase in mare basalt
samples 70215 and 75055. After Dymek et al. (1975).

reported depend on the type of the scheme of Rhodes et al. from Shih et al. (1975) exhibit
study being undertaken. Two (1976) and Warner et al. (1979). differences in REE abundance,
major element analyses are Detailed sider•phil• element but the profiles have the same
available (Boynton et al., 1975; data for 75055 are reported by shape (Fig. 6) and a negative Eu
LSPET, 1973a,b), although the Wolfet al. (1979) (Table 1). The anomaly of approximately the
first analysis in Table 1 (Boyn- REE profile has been deter- same magnitude [(Eu/Eu*)N =
ton et al., 1975) does not include mined by Boynton et al. (1975) 0.50 and 0.55]. The analysis of
MgO. The only MG# determi- and twice by Shih et al. (1975), Boynton et al. (1975) is similar
nation is 40.0 (LSPET, 1973a,b/. as well as a partial analysis by to those of Shih et al. (1975) in
75055 is classified as a Type A Garg and Ehmann (1976) (Table the light and heavy REE, but is
Apollo 17 high-Ti basalt using 1 and Fig. 6). The two analyses lower in the middle REE,

I00 I ! I I I I I I I I I

_ 2._ ....
_ 3"

l=Shihetal.(1975) 3 Shihetal.(1975)
(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.50 (Eu/EU*)N = 0.55

2 =Boynton et al. (1975)

(Eu/EU*)N = 0.60

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Fr Yb Li,

Figure 6: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profiles of 75055. (Eu/Eu*) N values are noted.

SAMPLE 75055 - 114

specifically Tb. Therefore, the except for the 87Rb/s6Sr ratio of age of 3.62_+ 0.07 Ga and a
negative Eu anomaly is not as 75055,75 (0.0077 _+3) reported plateau age of 3.83 _+0.05 Ga for
deep as in the analyses of Shih et by Nyquist et al. (1975) which is 75055. These three studies have
al. (1975) [Eu/Eu*)N = 0.60]. lower than that for 75055,6 reported values of different Ar
(87Rb/S6Sr = 0.0099) reported by isotopic ratios (Table 4).
these authors and that reported
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES by Tera et al. (1974) (87Rb/86Sr
= 0.0099). Absolute STABLE ISOTOPES
Basalt 75055 has been analyzed concentrations of Rb and Sr are
for a variety of isotopes. Nunes also variable (Table 3). Sm-Nd Specialized studies using 75055
et al. (1974) and Tera and compositions data for 75055 have reported the isotopic
Wasserburg (1974, 1976) have been reported by Lugmair composition ofTi (Niederer et
undertook a thorough study of and Marti (1978) and Unruh et al., 1980), Ca (Russell et al.,
the U-Th-Pb isotopic al. (1984). Lugmair and Marti 1977), and Si (Taylor and
composition of 75055 (Table 2). (1978) used the Ar-Ar age for Epstein, 1973) (Table 5). Taylor
Nunes et al. (1974) reported an 75055 to calculate an _Nd value and Epstein also reported the
age of 4.49 Ga. Tera and of 6.0 +_0.5 and a model age of 8180 of 75055,5 and noted that
Wasserburg (1974, 1976) 4.57 +_0.07 which is the age at slight fractionation of these
reported a crystallization age of which the Sm-Nd evolution of isotopes may occur on meteorite
3.8 Ga and noted that the 75055 intercepts that of impact. However, Meyeda et al.
internal isochron intersected the chondrites. Unruh et al. (1984) (1975) noted no evidence for
concordia at 4.41-4.42 Ga also reported the Sm-Nd impact-induced fractionation of
(Fig. 7), consistent with the composition of 75055 and found the oxygen isotopes in their
results ofNunes et al. (1974). it to be similar to that of study of 75055,40. Gibson et al.
Chen and Wasserburg (1980) Lugmair and Marti (197811 (1975) reported the _348CD T of
reported the U isotopic (Table 3). Unruh et al. (1(,)84) 75055 to be -0.2%0.
composition of 75055 (Table 2), also reported the Lu-Hf
noting a U concentration of 43ng composition of 75055 (Table 3) in
and a 238U/235U ratio of their study of source EXPOSURE AGE AND
137.83_+ 0.36. compositions for and derivation COSMOGENIC
of the mare basalts. RADIONUCLIDES
The Rb-Sr isotopic composition
of 75055 has been reported by Several workers have analyzed Exposure ages using the Ar
Tera and Wasserburg (1974), 75055 for the Ar isotopes dating method have been
Nyquist et al. (1975), and (Table 4) and have reported ages reported by three independent
Murthy and Coscio (1976) of 3.78 Ga (Huneke et al., 1973) studies (Huneke et al., 1973;
(Table 3). Murthy and Coscio and apparent ages of 3.55-3.59 Turner et al., 1973; and Kirsten
(1976) reported a crystallization Ga (Turner et al., !973). Kirsten and Horne, 1974). These three
age of 3.77 _+0.06 Ga. Generally, et al. (1973) and Kirsten and studies reported essentially the
these analyses are within error, Home (1974) reported a total Ar same exposure age for 75055:
95_15Ma, 90 Ma, and85+10
TO [r_" '.14' .......... Ma, respectively. The
'-: _ cosmogenic radionuclide
x 5o_ abundances of 75055 have been
ToIpb- 120 C0NCOR0,A reported by the Lunar Sample
Preliminary Examination Team
4._ (LSPET 1973a), Rancitelli et al.
a_ 0.6 O 15555 AND T_. ] (1974), and Yokoyama et al.
e75055 (MARE BASALTS) _ j (1974). Rancitelli et al. (1974)

0.4 INTERNALISOCHRONS T4_)_'_ 1 reported the same analysis as in

, , 2SSu,/2o%b,, , ?:s.s_.,_, ,I LSPET (1973a) (Table 6), and
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ,.o _.2 ,.4 ,.6

Figure 7: Internal isochrons for two mare basalts of different ages

and different initial Pb. Note the isochrons both intersect concordia at
4.42 AE. After Tern and Wasserburg (1976).
SAMPLE 75055-115

the study ofYokoyama et al. Hess, 1975; Hess et al., 1975). It

(1974) did not yield reliable was noted by these authors that PROCESSING
results for the abundance of 26A1 basalt 75055 hit the
and 22Na in 75055. immiscibility gap between The original sample 75055,0 has
1016°C and 991°C, producing been entirely subdivided. The
" high-Si and high-Fe melts, largest remaining samples are
MAGNETIC STUDIES ,1 (- 470g), ,3 (- 52g), and ,20
Gamble and Taylor (1979) used (- 69g). Another large sample
Magnetic data for 75055,6 has 75055 to study the effects of reported by the JSC inventory is
been reported by Pearce et al. kinetics on the crystal-liquid ,61 at ~ 63g. However, this came
(1974) (Table 7). These authors partitioning in augite. These from ,19 which only weighed
used the results to calculate the authors noted that the 27.2g. Nine thin sections are
equivalent wt% ofFe o and Fe 2+ partitioning of major elements available: 75055,15; ,46-,51; and
and thus, the Feo/Fe 2 + ratio, between augite and liquid is rate ,54 and ,55.
independent and insensitive to
composition and to the nature
EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES and order of appearance of
coexisting phases. However,
75055 has been used in partitioning of the minor
experiments to determine the elements is complex: the Kds
liquid line of descent and seem to be cooling-rate
ultimate immiscibility of high- dependent.
Ti mare basalts (Rutherford and
SAMPLE 75055 - 116

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 75055.

Sample ,37 ,g ,6 ,75 ,69 ,34 ,8 ,92 ,92 ,83

Method N.R X I,N [,N N N C A A A R I
Ref. 1 2,3,4 5 5 8 7 8,9 10 11 12 13 14 15
gig2 (wt%) 41.27

TiO 2 10,07 10A7

AI203 10.77 9,75
Cr2O3 0.285 0.27
FeO 16.90 1824 20.89
MnO 0.252 0.29
MgO 6.84
CaO 12.6 1230

Na20 0.46 0.44

K2O 0.09 0.075 6.056
P205 0.07 0.07
S 019 0.221 0.1696

Nb (ppm) 25
Zr 272 350 150

Hf 7.4 11.56 6.9


U 0.13 0.15 0128 0.136

Th 0.44

W 0.447
Y 112
Sr 209 201 180

Rb 0.7 0.685 0482 0588

Li 10.1 86
Ba 86.4 66.0
Cs 0 019
Zn 1.7 7

Pb 0311

Ni 1.5 2 <4
Cr 1950 1857 1660
Co 16 14.5 16.7

Sc 79 82.7 83.3
La 6.0 7.14 539
Ce 26 24.5 18.5 49.6
Nd 27.1 20 7
Sm 96 11.3 8.80
Eu 2 00 2.27 1.91 2.39
Gd 17.5 13.9

Tb 21 30
Dy 20.1 161
Er 11.9 934

Yb 9.1 10.9 668

Lu 140 19
Ga 4.5
CI 34
C 0.013


Pd (ppb) < 1 1
Ge 35 254

A8 078
Se 119
Ir 0 019
Au 0 029 0 007
Cd 19 1 92
Sb 099
In 045 0 57
TI 0.37

I = Boynton eta[ (1975); 2 - LSPET (1973a); 3 - LSPET (19736); 4_= Rhodes et al (1976); 5 - Shih et al. (1975); 6 -
Garg and Ehmann ([976); 7 - Hughes and Schmitt (L985); g - Gibson and Moore (I974); 9 = Gibson et al. (1976}; 10 -
Gibson et aL (1975); 1 [ - Jovanovic and Reed (1978); 12 = Jovanovi; and Reed (1980a); 13 - Jovanovic and Reed
(1980b); 14 = Wolfet a]. (1979); 15 = Nuaes et al. (1974)

N INAA; R = RNAA; X = XRF; I - Isotope Dilution; C = Combustion; A - Acid Hydrolysis

SAMPLE 75055 -117

Table 2: U-Th-Pb data of 75055.

Data from Nunes et al. (1974).

Analysis Whole rock Whole-rock

C omp./Conc. P C* C 1P C1
Weight (rag) 621.4 553.8

U (ppm) 0.1359
Th (ppm) 0.4472
Pb (ppm) 0.3111
232Th]238U 3.40
238U/204Pb 250
206Pb/204Pbl 179.7 231.3
207Pb/204Pbl 106.9 134.0
208Pb/204Pb 1 179.5 ---
206Pb/204pb2 236.4 260.1
207pb/204Pb2 139.2 150.0
208pb/204pb2 229.0 ---
207Pb/206Pb2 0.5888 0.5767
208Pb/206Pb2 0.9725 ---
206Pb/238U3 1.001 1.004
207Pb/235U3 78.30 77.09
207Pb/206Pb3 0.5675 0.5572
208Pb/232Th 3 0.2596 ---

206Pb]238U4 4,512 4,523

207Pb]235U4 4,499 4,483
207Pb/206Pb4 4,492 4,464
208Pb/232Th 4 4,792 ---

1 = Observed; 2 = Corrected for Blank; 3 = Corrected for Blank and Primordial Pb;
4 = Single-Stage Ages in Ma.
SAMPLE 75055- 118

Table 3: Isotopic data from 75055.

Reference 1 2 2 3 4 5

K (ppm) 602
Rb (ppm) 0.796 0.685 0.482
Sr (ppm) 188 201 180
87Rb/S6Sr 0.0099 0.0099_+3 0.00774-3
87Sr/S6Sr 0.69969 4-5 0.699714- 4 0.69965 4- 4
I(Sr) 0.69919 4- 3
AGE (Ga) 3.77 4- 0.06
TBABI 4.98+ 0.35 a 4.3+ 0.4b 5,04-0.55
TLUN! 4.8+ 0.4c 5.6+0.5 c
U (ng) 43
238U/235!J 137.83 4- 0.36
8235U (%Q) -t-0.36 - 2.59
Sm (ppm) 10.576
Nd (ppm) 25.188
147Sm/144Nd 0.25384- 1
143Nd/144Ndo 0.514432 +_50
eNdo + 35.0 4- 1.0
143Nd/144Ndl 0.50882 4-5
eNdI + 8.0 - 1.0
Lu (ppm) 1.661
Hf(ppm) 9.610
176Lu/177Hf 0.02450 4- 2
176Hf/177Hfo 0.282419 4- 46
aHfo -15.7 4- 1.6
176Hf/177HfI 0.28060 4- 5
_Hfl +8.04- 1.8

1 = Tera and Wasserburg (1974); 2 = Nyquist et al. (1975); 3 = Murthy and Coscio (1976); 4 = Chen and
Wasserburg(1980); 5 = Unruh etal, (1984).

a = I(Sr) = 0.69898andl87Rb = 0.0139Ga-1; b = I(Sr) = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias);c = I(Sr) 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 Ga).
SAMPLE 75055 - 119

Table 4: Ar-Ar data from 75055.

l[{eference 1 1 1 2 3 3
Sample Plagioclase K-rich Whole-Rock

4OAr x 10-8 cc STP/g 2303 20200 3486

36Ar/4OAr 473 + 3 81 + 2 438 + 5
:37Ar/4OAr 4300 + 12 3195 + 35 1935 + 45
38Ar/40Ar 647 + 3 70 + 1 397 + 8
39Ar/4OAr 342 + 2 364 + 1 368 + 1

.Age (Ga) 3.78 + 0.04

39Ar/4OAr Age (Ga) 3.82 + 0.05
Ca/38Ar Age (Ga) 85 + 10
K (ppm) 480 + 29
,Ca% 8.0 + 0.3
36Ar/38Ar 1.09 1.87
38Ar/37Ar 0.0076 0.0094
39Ar/37Ar 0.0115 0.0107
4OAr/39Ar 110.6 114.0

39Ar x 10 -8 cc STP/g 22.8 19.5

Apparent Age (Ga) 3.55 3.59

1 = Huneke et al. (1980); 2 = Kirsten et al. (1973); 3 -- Turner et al. (1973).

Table 5: Stable Isotopic Ratios from 75055.

Reference 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5
Sample Chromite Plag Px Ilmenite Plag Px Plag Px

6180(%o) +6.86 +5.67 +5.47 +3.98 +6.07___0.05 +5.59

83osi (%o) -0.14_ 0.11 -0.37 ± 0.1

834ScDT (%0) -0.2

84oCa (%o) -0.6 ---0.2 -0.1 ± 0.1
47Ti/48Ti 0.3 t- 2.0
49Ti]48Ti -2.9 + 2.0
50Ti/48Ti - 1.6 ± 2.0

1 = Niederer et al. (1980); 2 = Gibson et al. (1975); 3 = Mayeda et al. (1975); 4 = Taylor and Epstein
(1973); 5 = Russell et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 75055 - 120

Table 6: Cosmogenic Radionuelide.

Data from LSPET (1973) and Rancitelli et al. (1974).

Sample No. ,2

Th (ppm) 0.40 :_-0.02

U 0.10+0.01
K (%)0.065-+ 0.005
26A1 (dpm/kg) 69 _+7
22Na " 85-+5
54Mn " 139 + 15
56Co " 210 -+ 15
468c " 62 _ 7
60Co " 4 ==2
7Be " 140_+25
51Cr " 75__=40
57Co " 7.4-+ 1.7
58Co " 7.0-+3.5

Table 7: Magnetic Data from 75055.

Data from Pearce et al. (1974).

Sample No. 75055,6

Js (emu/g) 0. 155
Xp (emu/g Oe) x 106 33 3
Xo (emu/g Oe) x 104 2.3
Jrs/Js 0.003
Hc (Oe) 20
Hrc (Oe) ---
Equiv. wt% Feo 0.07
Equiv. wt% Fe 2 + 15.3
0.005 2
SAMPLE 75065- 121

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.263 g, 1 x 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION ilmenite (up to 0.9 mm). No

PETROGRAPHY AND phenocrysts were evident, and
75065 was described as a gray, MINERAL CHEMISTRY the rock is coarse- to medium-
angular basalt, containing no grained. The overall texture is
penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 Neal et al. (1990) described plagioclase-poikilitic, but
Lunar Sample Information 75065 as a plagioclase-poikilitie variolitic in places. Olivine
Catalog, 1973). It was originally basalt, containing 49.9% yellow (0.12-0.14 ram) forms the cores
well covered in soil (Fig. 1). to pink pyroxene, 23.4% to some of the larger pyroxenes.
After dusting, the surface was plagioclase, 20.4% ilmenite, Armalcolites without ilmenite
found to be covered with 10% 1.8% silica, 1.5% FeNi metal, rims are found as inclusions (up
vugs, but because of the intense 1.1% ehromite-ulvSspinet, 1.0% to 0.14 mm) in pyroxene.
soil covering, minerals inside olivine, and 0.9% armalcolite. Pyroxene, plagioclase, and glass
these vugs could not be Thin section 75065,4 contains (0.02-0.08 ram) inclusions are
discerned. Zap pits were not anhedral plagioclase (up to present in ilmenite. Ilmenite
evident, lmm), pyroxene (up to 1.2 mm), exhibits sawtooth margins.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75065,0 and 75066,0.

SAMPLE 75065- 122

Euhedral and subhedral MG# _ 33-34], but exhibit major petrogenesis (Table 1) and
chromite-ulvSspinel inclusions zonation in pyroxene classified this sample as a Type
are present in both olivine and [100*(Cr/(Cr + A1)) = 69-49; A high-Ti Apollo 17 mare basalt.
pyroxene. MG# = 33-20]. Ilmenite These authors reported a MG#
exhibits a range in MG# (24-6), of 46.6 and the high-Ti contents
The mineral chemistry of but this is primarily inter-grain (12.7 wt% TiO2) classifying
75065,4 was also reported by variation, demonstrating that 75065 as higb-Ti. The REE
Neal et al. (1989). Olivines ilmenite crystallized for some profile is LREE-depleted
exhibit extreme zonation while. In contrast, the (Fig. 4), with a maximum at Sm
because of resorption, and all armalcolite inclusions in and a flattening of the profile
olivines analyzed yield a range pyroxene show little variation, between the middle and heavy
in Fo contents from 70 to 45. and this coupled with the lack of REE at ~ 33-38 times chondritic
Plagioclase also exhibits core-to- ilmenlte mantles, suggest that levels. A negative Eu anomaly
rim zonation (An89_71), as does armalcolite was included :in is present [Eu/Eu*)N = 0.6].
pyroxene (Wo43.TEn_.sL). The pyroxene relatively early on,
pyroxene exhibits moderate Fe- thus inhibiting any reaction
enrichment (Fig. 2) and two with the residual magma. PROCESSING
pyroxene populations appear to
exist in this sample. Plagioclase Of the original 1.263g of 75065,
shows a marked K-enrichment WHOLE-ROCK CHEM][STRY approximately 0.65g remains.
(~ Or_0), but only in one rim One thin section is available -
analysis (Fig. 3). Chromite- Neal et al. (1990) reported the 75065,4.
ulv6spinel inclusions are whole-rock study of 75065 as
relatively unzoned in olivine part of their study of Apollo 17
[100*(Cr/(Cr + A1)) _ 68-70; high-Ti mare basalt


O 000

/ 75065 o°o
En Fs
Figure 2: Pyroxene compositions of 75065,4 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.
SAMPLE 75065 - 123





Ab o
40 / ° L
Figure 3: PIagioclase

from 75065,4.
40 Or

I00 __ I I I I I I I I I I I

_ 10 -
(Eu/EU*)N =0.60

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 75065.
SAMPLE 75065- 124

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 75065.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

Sample 75065,0 Sample 75065,0

Method N Method N

SiO2 Cu
TiO2 12.7 Ni 14
A1203 8.33 Co 21.5
Cr203 0.49 V 131
FeO 18.4 Sc 80.8
MnO 0.247 La 5.15
MgO 9.0 Ce 20
CaO 9.7 Nd 20
Na20 0.38 Sm 7.72
K20 0.06 Eu 1.75
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.13
Nb (ppm) Dy 15.2
Zr 120 Er
Hf 7.41 Yb 7.74
Ta 1.57 Lu 1.14
U 0.21 Ga
Th 0.28 F
W C1
Sr 200 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 128 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.09 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 75066 - 125

Glassy Breccia
0°98 g, 0.5 x 1.2 x I cm


75066 was described as a dark

gray, intergranular (friable)
breccia, with penetrative
fracturing (Apollo 17 Lunar
Sample Information Catalog,
1973). It has an irregular shape
and is a mixture of dirt and glass
(see Fig. 1 of 75065). Welded
dust is present on all sides. No
zap pits are present, but 10% of
the surface area is covered with
irregular cavities, which are
neither vugs nor vesicles.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75066.

SAMPLE 75075 - 127

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1008 g, 15 x 12 x 5 cm

INTRODUCTION partially coated with a thin few vugs are elongate and reach
red/brown material which has up to 2 cm. They are irregularly
75075 was described as a collected in shallow depressions, distributed with no preferred
medium dark gray (with a hint Parallel microgrooves (_ 10 orientation (Fig. 1). Many vugs
of"burnt sienna"(?)), slabby to grooves per ram) run N-S over are lined with terminations of
i,'regular basalt, containing much of surface T. Surface B is matrix crystals; other are lined
several fractures, one of which is fresh, except for small patches of with minerals found in the
penetrative (Apollo 17 Lunar gray patina. All other surfaces matrix, but are larger. Crystals
Sample Information Catalog, are fresh (Apollo 17 Lunar found in these vugs are:
1973). It has an equigranular, Sample Information Catalog, pyroxenes (up to 3 ram), ilmenite
vuggy fabric and the overall 1973). (up to 2 ram), troilite (up to
shape is slabby, irregular 1 ram, and plagioclase (up to
(Fig. 1). Surface T is coated by a Vugs (2-5 ram) occupy _ 20% of 22wmm) (Apollo 17 Lunar
dark gray, fine-grained, the fresh surfaces; on top they Sample Information Catalog,
cohesive patina. This in turn is are masked by a gray coating. A 1973).

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75075.

SAMPLE 75075 - 128

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 75075. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

The mineral chemistry has not Warner et al. (1979), and

PETROGRAPHY AND been specifically reported for applying the criteria of Neal et
MINERAL CHEMISTRY 75075. However, three special- al. (1990a). A variety oftrace-
ized studies involving 75075 element abundances have been
75075 is a medium- to coarse- have been reported. Jagodzinski determined by Rose et al. (1974)
grained basalt dominated by et al. (1975) used 75075 in a and Shih et al. (1975), and
plagioclase (laths up to 2 mm), XRD and electron microprobe Masuda et al. (1974) reported
ilmenite (up to 2 ram), and study ofclinopyroxenes. Tihese the REE abundances. Special-
pyroxene (up to I mm diameter, authors demonstrated the ized studies to ascertain the
up to 2 mm long). Olivine is presence ofexsolved pigeonite abundances of CI, F, and P were
present, but only as the cores (up from augite. Roedder and undertaken by Jovanovic and
to 0.1 ram) to pyroxene. Weiblen (1975) and Roedder Reed (1974, 1980), Allen et al.
Pyroxene is the most abundant (1979) used 75075 in studies of (1977), and Leich et al. (1974).
mineral. The overall texture is anomalous low-K inclusions in Leich et al. (1974) looked at the
subvariolitic to subophitic ilmenite, but the results of these difference of fluorlne concentra-
(Fig. 2). This basalt is well studies did not shed any light tions with depth into 75075.
crystallized with no interstitial onto the parageneses of these Other studies concentrating on
glass. Armalcolite (up to enigmatic inclusions. S and C abundances were by
0.2ram) is present as a discrete Petrowski et al. (1974) and
phase (up to 0.2mm included in Gibson et al. (1976).
plagioclase or ilmenite) or has WHOLE-ROCK CHEMI_TRY
mantles ofilmenite. Silica, The two major-element analyses
troilite, and FeNi metal form The whole-rock chemistry has (Table 1) are in good agreement
interstitial phases (< 0.1ram). been determined to various with each other. The MG# is
Brown et al. (1975) described degrees by several authors. The about the same for each (47.4-
75075,82 as a Type IB Apollo 17 major elements have been 47.8). Rhodes et al. (1976)
basalt containing: 1.2% olivine, reported by Rose et al. (1974) classified 75075,58 as a Type U
24.1% opaques, 20.7% and Rhodes et al. (1976) Apollo 17 high-Ti (75075
plagioclase, 52.2% pyroxene, (Table 1). This sample is = 13.33-13.45 wt% TiO2) basalt
and 1.5% silica, classified as a Type B1 Apollo 17 because of its coarse-grained
high-Ti basalt using the scheme nature and the fact that it did
of Rhodes et al. (1976) and not appear to yield a
SAMPLE 75075-129

representative whole-rock al. (1975, 1976), and Murthy and isotopes (Table 2). Lugmair et
analysis. The two REE profiles Coscio (1976) have all reported al. (1975) reported an internal
(Masuda et al. (1974; Shih et al. the Rb-Sr isotopic composition of isochron age of 3.70 ± 0.07 Ga for
(1975) are similar (Fig. 3). 75075 (Table 2). Nyquist et al. 75075 (Fig. 5), younger than, but
These are parallel to each other, (1975) reported a crystallization just within error of the Rb-Sr
with the sample analyzed by age for 75075 of 3.84 ± 0.12 Ga dates. Lugmair et al. (1975)
Masuda et al. (1974) containing with an initial 87Sr/86Sr of reported an initial 143Nd]144Nd
slightly higher REE 0.69920 ___4 (Fig 4 a). Murthy ratio of 0.50825 ± 12. This is
abundances. Both profiles are and Coscio (1976) dated 75075 within error of the calculated
LREE-depleted over the HREE and reported a crystallization initial of 0.50823 ± 2 reported by
and both have a maximum at age of 3.82 ± 0.06 Ga, with an Unruh et al. (1984). However,
Gd. The magnitude of the initial 87Sr/S6Sr ratio of the whole-rock 143Nd]144Nd
negative Eu anomalies is 0.69919 ± 4 (Fig. 4b), almost ratio for 75075 reported by
similar: (Eu/Eu*)N = 0.58 from identical to that of Nyquist et al. Lugmair (1975) and Lugmair et
Masuda et al. (1974) and 0.52 (1975). al. (1975) is more radiogenic
from Shih et al. (1975). than that reported by Unruh et
The Sm-Nd isotopic composition al. (1984) (0.51455 ± 4 and
m of 75075 has been determined by 0.51445 ± 2, respectively).
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES Lugmair (1975), Lugmair et al.
(1975), Lugmair and Mart± The U-Th-Pb isotopic compo-
75075 has been analyzed for a (1978), and Unruh et al. (1984) sit±on of 75075 was determined
variety of radiogenic isotopes. (Table 2). Unruh et al. (1984) by Chen et al. (1978), and this
Bansal et al. (1975), Nyquist et analyzed 75075 for the Lu-Hf work was also reported

100 I I I I I I I I I I I

............. -

1o - 75075 --_--
_=_ _- 1 = Masuda et al. (1974) -
_¢: (Eu/EU*)N =0.58 -

2 =Shih et al. (1975)

- (Eu/EU*)N = 0.52 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profiles of 75075. (Eu/Eu*)N values are noted.
SAMPLE 75075 - 130



0"702 75075,58
_ 11,,_{ iL_r-M
_ 2
87$r __ IhM 1


-x PX T = 3.84 AE

AG 2 W.R. J = 0.69920
Z 232

0.699 0.101 I
0.02 I
0.03 I
0.04 0.05


- 75075,57
0.7025 -

0.7020 -




ENE T = 3.82 *-0.06 (2o-)

(07Sr/S6Sr) I = 0.69919 _*4 ( 20- )

0.6995 PLAG


0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0,07 0.08 0.10


Figure 4: Internal Rb-Sr isochrons for 75075. A = Nyquist el al. (1975); B = Murthy and Coscio (1976).
SAMPLE 75075 - 131

' ] ' ' i i I i i , J I


.f_5 ROCK 75075 _ --

"o T= 3.70±0.07 /E O_TOTAL

z I=0.50825±12 /

._ ,_, IL,MENITE
' .i ' ' '_
-4 _-TR"Yl,, I _ , ,
.515 /A_"--PLAGIOCE.ASE o.2o 025 0.30 --
147Sm / 144Nd

i I k i , , I I k L i I
0.20 0.25 030

14?Sin/ 144Nd

Figure 5: Sm-Nd evolution diagram for medium.grained basalt 75075. The data points for the total rock,
the plagioclase, ilmenite and the pyroxene mineral separates form a very precise linear array. The best-fit
line (Wendt, I969) through these points represents a mineral isochron and yields a crystallization age (T, T 2
in text), and the initial 143Nd/144Nd (1). The errors quoted are 2Omean. We use _.147= 6.54 X I0 -12 yr-1. The
insert shows the relative deviation (5"Y in parts in 104) of the data points from the best fit line and their
respective 95% C.L. uncertainties. The symbols in the insert agree with those on the isochron. The lines on
either side of the best-fit line correspond to an 70 m.y. uncertainty in the age. The total range of enrichment
in 143Nd/Z44Nd is 0.47%. After Lugmair et al. (I975).

by TUton and Chen (1979). These authors analyzed two that the 513C ratio was light,
Chen et al. (1978) reported U, whole-rock samples of 75075 typical of Apollo 17 basalts, and
Th, and isotopic Pb data for two and reported crystallization ages the 834S was slightly positive.
bulk samples of 75075, as well of 3.74 + 0.04 Ga and 3.71 _+0.05
as mineral separates of Ga, compatible with Rb-Sr and
pyroxene, ilmenite, and Sm-Nd ages in that they are all EXPOSURE AGES AND
plagioclase (Table 4). These within error. Whole-rock and COSMOGENIC
data define a chord intersecting mineral data are summarized in RADIONUCLIDES
the concordia at - 4.25 and 2.8 Table 5.
Ga. The Pb data indicate some Exposure ages have been
post-crystallization disturbance determined using Ar ( 119-128
of the U-Pb system which is not STABLE ISOTOPES Ma - Horn et al., 1975) and Kr
detected in other systems. Chen isotopes (143 Ma - Horz et al.,
et al. (1978) suggest that the loss Stable isotope compositions of 1975). Lugmair et al. (1975)
of 5-10% of Pb, due to its greater 75075 have been reported by reported the abundances of Xe
volatility than U, Th, Sm, Nd, Mayeda et al. (1975) and and Kr isotopes of 75075,66
Rb+ and Sr accounts for the U-Pb Petrowski et al. (1975) (Table 6). (Table 7).
data (Table 4), and if this loss Mayeda et al. (1975) studied the
occurred in the temperature 8180 compositions of the
range 400-900°C, other systems constituent minerals in 75075 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES
would be unaffected. (Table 6), noting that the
observed fractionations were 75075 has been used in three
The Ar-Ar data for 75075 have similar to those from other sites, experimental studies, as well as
been reported by Horn et al. Petrowski et al. (1975) reported in the modelling of high-Ti
(1975) and Jessberger et al. the C and S isotopic ratios for basalt petrogenesis by Drake
(1975) (same analysis) (Table 5). the whole-rock sample, noting and Consolmagno (1976). Muan
SAMPLE 75075- 132

et al. (1974) used 75075,69 in a

study of liquid-solid equilibria PROCESSING
in lunar rocks. O'Hara and
Humphries (1975) used 75075 in The original sample, 75075,0,
a study of the conditions has been entirely subdivided.
required to crystallize The largest remaining
armalcolite. Usselman et al. subsamples are: 75075,6 (104g);
(1975) used experimental ,7 (530g); ,9 (71.3g); ,14 (3]k.7g);
evidence to use the texture of and ,75 (39.4g). Seven thin
75075 in order to determine the sections are available -
cooling rate. These authors 75075,85-,91.
concluded that 75075 cooled at a
rate of < l°C/hour.
SAMPLE 75075 - 133

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 75075.

Sample ,58 ,72 ,58 ,59 ,24 ,24 ,2 ,18 ,55

Method X X IN I C N P
Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,8 9 9 10

SiO2 (wt%) 37.64 38.51

TiO2 13.45 13.33
A1203 8.20 8.29
Cr203 0.57 0.55
FeO 18.78 18.85
MnO 0.28 0.25

MgO 9.49 9.68

CaO 10.29 10.17
Na20 0.40 0.37
K20 0.05 0.11 0.052
P205 0.05 0.12 0.05
S 0.16 0.17 0.1708

Nb (ppm) 31
Zr 296 235
U 0.096 0.13
Th 0.32
Y 98
Sr 190 165
Rb 1.0 0.460
Li 8.9 8.5 8.7
Ba 348 64.4 72.3
]Be <1
Zn < 4 22
Pb <2 0.0008
Cu 34
Ni 31
Cr 2880
Co 32 20.5
V 108
Sc 82 78.3
La < 10 5.01 5.67
Ce 17,6 19.5
Nd 19.8 21.0
SAMPLE 75075- 134

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,58 ,72 ,58 ,59 ,24 ,24 ,2 ,18 ,55

Method X X IN I C N P
Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,8 9 9 10

Sm 8.29 8.90
Eu 1.77 2.00
Gd 12.9 12+9

Dy 15.1 15.7
Er 8.89 9.48
Yb 7.4 8.31 8.71
Lu 1.22
Ga 6.5
F 39 975* 330*
C[ 12
C 16

Pd (ppb)

References: 1 = Rhodes et al+ (1976); 2 = Rose et al. (1974); 3 := Shih et al. (1975); 4 = Masuda et al.
(1974); 5 = Gibson et al. (1976); 6 = Allen et al. (1977); 7 = Jcvanovic and Reed (1974}; 8 = Jovanovic
and Reed (1980); 9 = Leich et al. (1974); 10 = Petrowski et al. _1974).

X = XRF; N = INAA; I = Isotope dilution; C = Combustion; P = Pyrolysis.

* = u moles
Table 2: Rb-Sr Isotopic Composition of 75075.

Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
Sample ,58 ,58 ,58 ,58 ,58 ,58 ,58 ,58 ,57 ,57 ,57 ,57
Mineral WR Plag 1 lira 1 Px 1 Ilm 2 Plag 2 Ilm 3 p < 2.4 WR Plag Px Meso

Wt (mg) 51.3 ! .2 5.5 15.4 21.9 4.4 !0.7 2.02 25.09 25.05 19.42 3.55
K (ppm) 356 1159
Ba (ppm) 62.4 206
Rb (ppm) 0.460 0.073 0.450 0.276 0.0671 0.084 0.836 0.396 0.387 0.946 0.341 3.720
Sr (ppm) 164.6 661.5 49.3 67.8 57.3 643.6 57.2 365.4 131.0 576.4 81.35 155.3
87Rb/s6Sr 0.0081 0.00032 0.0264 0.01179 0.0339 0.00038 0.0423 0.00314 0.00853 0.00475 0.01213 0.07014
Error ±2 ---8 ___4 +15 ___3 +2 ±4 +14
87Sr/S6Sr 0.69968 0.69920 0.70060 0.69981 0.70111 0.69924 0.70153 0.69933 0.69970 0.69944 0.69984 0.70302
Error ±4 ±11 --6 +7 _+9 ±4 ±5 +5 ±14 ±7 ±13 ±7

TBABi a (Ga) 5.0

Error ± 0.5

TLUNI b (Ga) 5.6

Error ± 0.5

References: 1 =- Nyquist et al. (1975); 2 -- Murthy and Coscio (1976).

WR = Whole-Rock; Plag = Plagioclase; [lm= Ilmenite; Px = Pyroxene; Meso = Mesostasis.

a = l(Sr) of0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias);b = l(Sr) of0.69903 (A16Anorthosites forT = 4.6Ga).

SAMPLE 75075 - 136

Table 3: Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotopic Composition of 75075.

Ref. 1 2 2 2,3 2 4 4
Sample ,66 ,66 ,66 ,66 ,66 ,25 ,29
Mineral WR P|ag Ilm Wl_, Px

Wt (mg) 29.89 31.17 37.05 29.89 22.90

Sm (ppm) 48.00 4.173 27.41 48.00 39.12 7.257
Nd (ppm) 28.05 3.22 17.01 28.05 20.02 17.27
147Srrd144Nd 0.2566 0.1942 0.2416 0.2566 0.2930 0.2540
Error ___3 --_3 -+3 -+ 3 ___2
143Nd/144Nda 0.514548 0.51297 0.51417 0.51455 0.51545
Error 4- 41 _+12 -+ 2 _4 + 5
143Nd/144Ndb 0.51541 0.51300 0.51417 0.514,54 0.51542
Error ___20 4-5 _+2 _+2 4-2
143NcY144Nd 0 0.514455
Error ___21
eNdo + 35.5
Error 4- 0.4
143Nd/144NdI 0.50823
Error _+2
eNd[ _+8.2
eJuv +7.1 _+0.4
Error 4- 0.15
T[CE (Ga) 4.55,
Error _+0.05
Lu (ppm) 1.095
Hf(ppm) 7.484
176Lu/177Hf 0.02074
176Hf/177Hfo 0.282142
Error _+45
8Hfo + 25.5 4- 1.6
176Hf/177Hfi 0.28060
Error 4-5
eHfi +8.0_+1_8

a = Isotopic ratios calculated from spiked aliquot; b = Nd was, measured as an oxide - isotopic ratios
corrected for mass fractionation by normalizing to 148NdO/144NdO = 0.242436 and for oxygen by using
the isotopic composition of Nier (1950).
SAMPLE 75075- 137

Table 4: U-Th-Pb data from 75075.

Sample Weight (rag) Pb (ppm) U (ppm) Th (ppm) 232Th/238U 23su/204ph

WR-1 173 0.1732 (6) 0.0892 (4) 0.326 (3) 3.78 (4) 528 (30)

WR-2b.c 54 0.2022 (10) 0.1063 (10) 0.322 (6) 3.13 (6) 373 (20)

Px-1 65 0.1388 (16) 0.0819 (6) 0.246 (3) 3.11 (4) 931 (200)

Acid Washd 65 0.0109 (1) 0.0123 (2) 0.0056- (1) 0.47 (1) 309 (5)

Px-2 34 0.1327 (29) 0.0743 (6) 0.236 (3) 3.28 (3) 461 (102)

AcidWashd 34 0.0100 (1) 0.0022 (0.2) 0.015 (0.2) 6.97 (10) 40 (0.6)

Px-3 55 0.1392 (16) 0.0797 (9) 0.226 (2) 2.92 (4) 694 (200)

AcidWashd 55 0.0172 (2) 0.0044 (0.5) 0.036 (0.3) 8.4 (1) 59 (1)

Px-L 104 0.1659 (11) 0.0935 (10) 0.347 (3) 3.83 (5) 611 (63)

Ilm 74 0.2757 (14) 0.1428 (12) 0.511 (5) 3.70 (4) 615 (67)

Plag-1 80 0.0479 (20) 0.00817 (9) 0.0501 (10) 6.33 (14) 29.5 (16)

Piag-2 37 0.0350 (30) 0.00402 (4) 0.0500 (5) 12.9 (2) 17.3 (30)
AcidWashd 37 0.0098 (1) 0.00065 (1) 0.0032 (1) 5.07 (17) 5.7 (10)

Piag-3 60 0.0583 (17) 0.0167 (1) 0.0584 (15) 3.61 (9) 52.1 (40)

Numbers in parentheses are 2-sigma errors for mass spec ratio measurements plus chemical blanks;

b = sample analyzed using 208Pb isotopic tracer - all others analyzed using 205Pb tracer;

c = sample dissolved in open teflon beaker. All other samples dissolved in steel-jacketed teflon bombs;

d = samples contacted with cold 1 N HC1 for 10 minutes.

Table 4: (Concluded).

Observed Ratios a Corrected Ratios

Sample Weight Blank 208Pb/206pb 207Pb/206pb 204 pb/206pb 208Pb/206pb 2071,b/206pb 204 l,b/2061, b

(rag) (ng)
WR-I 173 0.25 0.9155 (16) 0.5059 (10) 0.00230 (10) 0.9098 0.5043 0.00204
+ 12,-35 + 10,_t4 + 10,-18
WR-2 54 0.20 0.8869 (13) 0.5179 (15) 0.00365 (8) 0.8729 0.5139 0.00257
+ 13,-80 + 15,-50 +8,-20
Px-I 65 0.30 0.8154 (20) 0.4765 (28) 0.00221 (10) 0.7918 0.4698 0.00124
+-82 +-36 +-33

AcidWash 65 0.05 2.2111 (180) 0.6257 (34) 0.0148 (6) 2.223 0.6120 0.0121
-+18 +34 _+6

Px-2 34 040 0.9030 (34) 0.5027 (24) 0.00496 (16) 0.8432 0.4858 0.00245
+ 305,-34 + 86,-24 + 129,-16

AcidWash 34 0.05 2.1464 (60) 0.6912 (38) 0.0230 (10) 2.1614 0.6722 0.0187
+60 +-38 +_10

Px 3 55 0.21 0.8009 (40) 0.4879 (18) 0.00242 (5) 0.7811 0.4825 0.00161
+40,-85 + 18,-50 +5c74

Acid Wash 55 0.05 2.0877 (46) 0.6137 (14) 0.0157 (3) 2.0848 0.6033 0.0138
_+46 _+14 +3

P'x-L i04 0.32 0.9534 (40l U.4741 (b0) 0.00249 (13) 0.9412 0.4701 0.00192
+-45 -+52 --.+21

lira 74 0.29 0.8995 (24) 0.5103 (30) 0.00219 (5) 0.8895 0.5076 0.00174
_+44 -+32 -+17

PI-1 80 0.37 1.2616 (40) 0.9080 (60) 0.0183 (4) 1.201 0.9145 0.0156
+ 30,-4 -68,+ 5 + 13,-2
P']-2 37 0.33 1.3695 (48) 0.9583 (60) 0.0245 (6) 1.228 0.9865 0.0185
+ 62,-37 -124,+74 +36,-16
Acid Wash 37 0.05 1.8386 (120) 0.8470 (68) 0.0394 (20) 1.813 0.8498 0.0377
-+12 +-68 +-20

PI 3 60 0.30 1.1452 (40) 0.7707 (20) 0.0160 (1) 1.089 0.7673 0.0136
•+21 -+23 +-8

a : Numbers in parentheses are 2 sigma errors from the mass spectrometry;

b : uncertalntlcs are corrected for 0.2 0.4ng Pb blanks and for 2 sigma errors in mass spectrometry. Isotopic composition of blank :
2O4Pb:206Pb:207pb:208pb = 1.00:18.90:15.60:38.60.
Table 5: Summary of 39Ar-40Ar results for 75075.
Data from Horn et al. (1975).

WR-I WR-2 Etched WR Plag. > 35urn Plag. < 15urn Pyroxene Opaques

[nfcm -2 x 1018] 2.0 2.0 20.4 20.4 20.4 2.0 2.0
Weight (rag) 75.7 46.8 53.6 21.5 27.3 26.9 24.3
Ka (ppm) 390 520 360 720 780 330 650
Ca a (%) 6.9 7.2 7.7 12.2 12.3 9.6 0.9
Total Age (Ga) 3.62+0.03 3.53_+0.02 3.54_+0.03 3.64_+0.05 3.52±0.02 3.32±0.06 3.54_+0.02
Exp. Age (Ma) 119 125 125 118 128 ......
Plateau Range
(% of 39Ar* released) 55-90 30-90 35-80 10-90 50-90 70-90 55-95
Plateau Age (Ga) 3.74_+0.04 3.71_+0.05 3.64_+0.03 3]74±0.02 3.66+0.02 3.80-+0.07 3.65_+0.10
4OAr a(10-8 cc STP/g) 2470 1498 2146 3188 3331 1195 2782
36Ar/40Arb x 10 5 560 -+ 30 473 _+30 770 _+58 447 -+20 284 + 5 116 -+ 11 430 -+ 40
37Ar/40A rcx 10-3 192 _+5 230 ± 14 3700 + 275 268 _+7 264_+ 4 549 _+65 218 ± 12
38Ar/40Ard x 10-5 605_+15 713_+45 1130___90 629_+18 107_+2 1470_+ 165 377_+52
39Ar*/40Arc,e x 10 -5 219_+16 335_+6 340-+6 311-+9 335-+6 38_+2 324_+5

a = Absolute amounts are uncertain to _+ 10%. Corrected for 40ARK and system blank;

b = Corrected for 36Area and system blank. Error figures are measured isotope ratio errors (1 sigma) and include a 50% uncertainty in
system blank and spectrometer background, respectively;

e = Corrected for decay during and after n-irradiation;

d = Corrected for 38Area and 38ArK and system blank;
e = Corrected for 39Arca and mass spectrometer background.

SAMPLE 75075- 140

Table 6: Stable Isotope Composition of 75075.

Reference 1 1 1 1 2
Sub-Sample ,30 ,30 ,30 ,30 ,55
Mineral Crist. Plag. Pyroxene Ilmenite

818OsMow (%0) .... 5.70 5.39 3.95

534SCDT (%0) + 1.8
513CpDB (%0) -25.4

1 = Mayeda et al. (1975)

2 = Petrowski et al. (1975)

Table 7: Xenon and Krypton Isotopic Abundances in Basalt 75075.

75075,66 a "Spallation" Onlyb

131Xe (x 10 -12 cc STP/g) 51 + 7

124Xe 8.58 + 0.09 0.580
126Xe 14.72_+ 0.13 -- 1.00
128Xe 23.72 ± 0.18 1.504
129Xe 48.61 ± 0.27 1.84
13OXe 17.80 _+0.20 0.984
131Xe 100 5.67
132Xe 35.22 _+0.09 0,982
134Xe 9.42 ± 0.07 0.106
136Xe 6.78_+ 0.09 0.015

a = Uncertainties in isotopic composition represent 95%

confidence limits;

b = "Spallation" includes effects from secondary neutron capture.

SAMPLE 75085-141

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4°298 g, I x 2 x I cm

INTRODUCTION and found it to be of a coarse- wt% TiO2 (Table 1). The REE
grained (1-2 mm) basalt. It has profile is LREE-depleted over
75085 was described as a gray, an overall sub-ophitic texture the HREE,, but has a maximum
angular basalt (Fig. la), containing ilmenite (0.5-0.8 (relative to chondrites) at Sm
containing a few non- mm), plagioclase (up to 2 ram) (Fig. 3). A negative Eu anomaly
penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 and pink pyroxene (up to 1.5 is evident with an (EtYEU*)N of
Lunar Sample Information ram) (Fig. 2). No olivine or 0.54.
Catalog, 1973). The original armalcolite were observed.
sample had 10%of the surface Rutile and spinel exsolution
covered with dirt welded to the lamellae were observed in PROCESSING
sample by glass. Twenty per ilmenite. FeNi metal and
cent of the surface was covered troilite form interstitial phases Approximately 2.5g of 75085,0
with vugs (_ 2mm), but no zap (<: 0.1mm) and may be remains. 75085,1 (Fig. lb) was
pits were observed, associated with ilmenite, irradiated for INAA, and thin
section ,4 was made from this
The mineral chemistry of 75085 "hot" sample.
PETROGRAPHY AND has not been specifically
MINERAL CHEMISTRY reported in the literature.

Warner et al. (1979) described

tile petrography of 75085,4 (thin WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
section made from INA sample
,1), but only in the general terms Warner et al. (1979) described
of Type U basalts (see Whole- 75085 as a coarse-grained
Rock Chemistry). During the basalt, akin to the Type U of
preparation of this catalog, we Rhodes et al. (1976). It has a
examined thin section 75085,4 MG# of 46.0 and contains 13.1
SAMPLE 75085- 142

Figure la: Pre-chip.

Figure Ib: Post-chip,

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75085.

SAMPLE 75085 - 143

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 75085. Field of view = 2.5 ram.

100 __ I I I I I I t I I I I __

_ 10 - -
_J (Eu/EU*)N=0.54

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite- normalized rare-earth-element profile of75085.
SAMPLE 75085 -144

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 75085.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 75085,1 Sample 75085,1

Method N Method N
Reference 1,2 Reference 1,2

SiO2 Cu
TiO2 13.1 Ni
A1203 8.7 Co 19
Cr203 0.471 V 133
FeO 18.8 Sc 81
MnO 0.249 La 7.5
MgO 9 Ce 31
CaO 9.9 Nd 32
Na20 0.416 Sm 11.6
K20 0.064 Eu 2.32
P205 Gd
S Tb 3.0

Nb (ppm) Dy 19
Zr Er
Hf 9.7 Yb 10.6
Ta 2.2 Lu 1.54
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He
Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs [r
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

1 = Warner et al. (1979); 2 = Ma et al. (1979).

SAMPLE 75086- 145

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.323 g, 1 x 1 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION (0.04-2 mm), anhedral ilmenite

PETROGRAPHY AND (0.04-1.6 mm) with sawtooth
75086 was described as a gray, MINERAL CHEMISTRY margins. Olivine forms 0.06-
equigranular basalt, with no 0.08 mm inclusions to the larger
penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 75086,3 is a thin section of a pyroxenes. Armalcolite is
Lunar Sample Information medium- to coarse-grained present as 0.1-0.2 mm inclusions
Catalog, 1973). Thirty percent plagioclase-poikilitic to in plagioclase. Spinel and rutile
of the surface is covered with subophitic basalt. It is composed exsolution features were
welded dirt (Fig. 1), and 20% is ofsubhedral to anhedral observed in ilmenite and
covered with 2 mm rugs. No zap plagioclase (0.1-1.6 ram), ilmenite also contains
pits were identified, anhedral pink-brown pyroxene plagioclase, pyroxene, and melt

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 75086,0.

SAMPLE 75086- 146

inclusions (0.02-0.06 mm). (An88.79: Fig. 2). There is little MG# of 48.2. The REE profile
Troilite and FeNi metal form K-enrichment. Pyroxenes vary (Fig. 4) is LREE-depleted, with a
interstitial phases (< 0.01 ram), from Ca-rich cores (augite) to maximum (relative to
with FeNi metal blebs Mg-rich rims (pigeonite), with chondrites) at Tb. Although Dy
occasionally present in troilite, little Fe-enrichment (Fig. 3). appears to be the maximum in
Neal et al. (1989} reported the Armalcolite is relatively Fig. 4, the errors associated with
modal mineralogy of 75086 as homogeneous (MG# -- 43-46), this element are large ( _+10-
1.3% olivine, 51.3% pyroxene, whereas ilmenite exhibits a 15%). The negative Eu anomaly
26.3% plagioclase, 18.2% larger range (MG# = 19-t3). has a magnitude of(Eu/Eu*)N
ilmenite, 1.3% armalcolite, and The variation is both within and = 0.56.
1.6% FeNi metal & troilite, between grains.

The mineral chemistry of 75086 PROCESSING

was also reported by Neal et al. WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
(1989). Olivine exhibits much Of the 2.323g of 75086,0,
inter- and intra-grain variation The whole-rock chemistry of approximately 1.7g remains;
(Fo67.58) , probably due to vain 75086 was reported by Neal et 0.507g was used for the INA
attempts to equilibrate with the al. (1990), who described it as a analysis and 0.01g was used to
melt. The variation in Type A Apollo 17 high-Ti mare make thin section ,3.
plagioclase is explained almost basalt. This basalt contains 12.5
totally by core-to-rim zonation wt% TiO2 (Table 1) and has a




30( f t,
Abo lO eo 30Or
Figure 2: Plagioclase compositions from 75086.
SAMPLE 75086 - 147

_ °ooo
° 00 0

En Fs
Figure 3: Pyroxene compositions of 75086 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.

100 I I I I I I I I I I t

i,..I 1o- 75086 -_--

(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.56 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4," Ohondrite-normalized rare-earth-element pro_le of 75086.
SAMPLE 75086 -148

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistlcy of 75086.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

Sample 75086,4 Sample 75086,4

Method N Method N

SiO2 Ni 7
TiO2 12.1 Co 23.2
A1203 8.02 V 143
Cr203 0.566 Sc 80.2
FeO 19.3 Cr 3870
MnO 0.245 La 5.75

MgO 10.1 Ce 26
CaO 9.1 Nd 25
Na20 0.36 Sm 8,62
K20 0.09 Eu 1.91
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.51

Nb (ppm) Dy 17.0
Zr 150 Er
Hf 8.12 Yb 8.54
Ta 1.60 Lu 1.22
U 0.15 Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr 160 N
Rb O.8 H
Li He

Ba 64 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.15 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 75087-149

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.321 g, 2 x 2 x I cm

INTRODUCTION mm). Ilmenite tends to compositions (Fo37.65) , which is

concentrate around pyroxene, accounted for by both inter- and
75087 was described as a gray, although there are ilmenite intra-grain variations. Almost
homogeneous, angular basalt, inclusions (up to 0.2 mm) in both all of the variation in plagio-
containing six, non-penetrative pyroxene and plagioclase, clase composition (An88.76: Fig.
fractures (Apollo 17 Lunar Spinel and futile exsolution 2) can be accounted for by core-
Sample Information Catalog, lamellae are present in the to-rim zonation. Pyroxene
1973). It has an equigranular ilmenite. Olivine is present as compositions range from augite
fabric with 30% of the surface cores (0.05-0.1 mm) to the larger to pigeonite, with some Fe-
covered with glass and welded pyroxenes. Silica (up to 0.4 enrichment (Fig. 3). Most of this
dirt (Fig. 1) and 20% taken up by mm), troilite (< 0.01 mm), and variation is accounted for by
interconnecting rugs. No zap FeNi metal ( < 0.01 mm) form core-to-rim zonation. The MG#
pits were identified, anhedral interstitial phases, of ilmenite varies primarily
Troilite occasionally contains between grains.
blebs of FeNi metal. The modal
PETROGRAPHY AND data for75087,3were reported
olivine,48.9% pyroxene,19.8%
75087 isa subophitic basalt plagioclase,21.0% ilmenite, The whole-rockchemistryof
which isplagioclase-poikilitic in 6.6% FeNi metal & troilite,
and 75087 was reportedby Neal et
places.Itismedium- tocoarse- 3.3% silica, al.(1990),who describeditas a
grainedand composed of Type A Apollo17 high-Timare
anhedralplagioclase (0.I- The mineralchemistryfor basalt.This basaltcontains13.4
1.4mm), yellowtocolorless 75087 has alsobeen reportedby wt% TiO2 (TableI),with a
anhedral pyroxene (0.1-1.4 mm), Neal et al. (1989). Olivine MG# 46.8. The REE profile
and anhedral ilmenite (0.04-0.8 exhibits a large range of (Fig. 4) is

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 75087,0.

SAMPLE75087- 150

LREE-depleted with a
maximum in the middle REE An
(relative to chondrites). The 0
negative Eu anomaly has a
magnitude of(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.53.

Of the original 2.321g of
75087,0, approximately 1.8g
remains; 0.55g was used for
analysis by INA, and 0.01g was 75087
used to make thin section ,3.

30 i, t
Ab _o _o 3'o
Figure 2: Plagioclase compositions from 75087.


o o oo8
0O 0000_00
0 0
0000000 0

En Fs
Figure 3: Pyroxene compositions of 75087 represented on a pyroxene quadrilateral.
SAMPLE 75087 - 151

100 I I I I I I I I I I I

•"11- 10 - -.,
LU - 75087 -_

_ -_ _'- ,'- *_-=0.53
)N'_U'rU -
MG# =46.8 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure4: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 75087, after Neal et al. (1990).
SAMPLE 75087- 152

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 75087.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

Sample 75087,4 Sample 75087,4

Method N Method N

SiO2 Ni 12
TiO2 13.4 Co 20.3
A12Oa 7.37 V 154
Cr203 0.547 Sc 86.9
FeO 19.0 Cr 3740
MnO 0.254 La 5.76
MgO 9.4 Ce 24
CaO 9.8 Nd 22
Na20 0.34 Sm 8.78
K20 0.05 Eu 1.74
P205 Gd
S Tb 2.37

Nb (ppm) Dy 17.1
Zr 240 Er
Hf 8.13 Yb 8.75
Ta 1.61 Lu 1.25
U 0.19 Ga
Th 0.14 F
W Cl
Sr 80 N
Rb H
Li He

Ba 91 Ge (ppb)
Cs 0.11 Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysisby: N = INAA.
SAMPLE75088- 153

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1,992 g, 1.5 x I x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION and some are corroded. The of 11.9 wt% (Table 1). 75088 is
groundmass (~ 0.1 mm) is classified as a Type A Apollo 17
75088 was described as a gray, composed of plagioclase, high-Ti basalt, using the scheme
angular basalt, with an ilmenite, and pyroxene and has of Rhodes et al. (1976). The REE
aphanitic to subophitic fabric no flow texture. Areas of clear profile is LREE-depleted with a
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample interstitial glass (~ 0.1 mm) are maximum in the middle REE.
Information Catalog, 1973). The present and are evenly The Eu anomaly is not well
surface of the original sample distributed throughout the slide, defined as Gd or Tb was not
was freshly broken with some The overall texture is variolitic analyzed by Warner et al.
adhering dust. No zap pits or to subvariolitic. The ilmenite (1975). We estimated the
other cavities were noted, contains no futile or spinel negative Eu anomaly to be
exsolution features. No silica or (Eu/Eu*)N _ 0.5.
_ armalcolite were found. Small
PETROGRAPHY AND (< 0.05 mm) clots of FeNi metal
MINERAL CHEMISTRY and troilite form interstitial PROCESSING
phases and are occasionally
The petrography and mineral associated with ilmenite. Of the original 1.992g of
chemistry of 75088 has not been 75088,0, approximately 1.7g
reported. During the prepara- remains. Thin section ,4 was
tion of this catalog, we examined WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY made from the "hot" INA
thin section 75088,4. This is of a sample ,1.
fine-grained basalt containing Warner et al. (1975) reported the
~ 0.4 mm olivine and _ 1 mm whole-rock chemistry for
ilmenite phenocrysts (Fig. 1). 75088,1. These authors reported
Some olivines are euhedral a MG# of 43.7 and TiO2 contents

Figure I: Photomicrograph of 75088,4. Field of view = 2.5 mm.

SAMPLE 75088-154

100 I I I I I I I I I I I __

_ 10 - --

75088 -
- MG# = 43.7 -
(Eu/EU*)N =0.54 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 75088, after Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 75088 - 155

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 75088.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

Sample 75088,1 Sample 75088,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 Ni
TiO2 11.9 Co 18.9
A1203 10.4 V 92
Cr203 0.310 Sc 87
FeO 20.4 Cr
MnO 0.255 La 5.7
MgO 8.9 Ce
CaO 11.8 Nd
Na20 0.379 Sm 7.9
K20 0.06 Eu 1.64
P205 Gd
S Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 13
Zr Er
Hf Yb 7.7
Ta Lu 1.1
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs [r
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 75089- 157

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1o718 g, 1 x 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION catalog, we examined thin (Table 1). 75089 is classified as

section 75089,4 and found it to a Type C Apollo 17 high-Ti ba-
75089 was described as a gray be a medium-grained (0.2-0.4 salt using the scheme of Rhodes
angular basalt, with an mm) equigranular to subvario- et al. (1976). The REE profile is
equigranular fabric and litic basalt, which contained no LREE-depleted, with a maxi-
containing one non-penetrative olivine. The rock is composed mum (relative to chondrites) in
fracture (Apollo 17 Lunar mainly of pink pyroxene and the middle REE (Fig. 1) - as Gd
Sample Information Catalog, plagioclase, and ilmenite and Tb were not determined it is
1973). The surface of the phenocrysts ( up to 0.6 mm). No difficult to say where the
original sample 75089,0 was armalcolite was observed, maximum is, and precisely what
dirty and 5% was covered with Troilite (up to 0.2 ram), FeNi the magnitude of the negative
0.5 mm rugs. No zap pits were metal ( < 0.05 mm), silica (up to Eu anomaly is. We estimate the
reported. 0.1 mm), and glass (~ 0.05 mm) (Eu/EU*)N to be ~ 0.5.
form interstitial phases.


Of the original 1.718g of
The petrography and mineral Warner et al. (1975) reported the 75089,0, approximately 1.1 g
chemistry of 75089 has not been whole-rock chemistry of remains. Thin section 75089,4
specifically reported. However, 75089,1. It has a MG# of 45.9 was made from the "hot" INA
during the preparation of this and a TiO2 content of 13.2 wt% sample, 1.

100 __ I I I I I I I I I I I

1o 75089

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 1: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profile of 75089, after Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 75089-158

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 75089.

Data from Warner et al, (1975).

Sample 75089,1 Sample 75089,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 Ni
TiO2 13.1 Co 20.7
A]203 8.7 V 117
Cr203 0.531 Sc 87
FeO 20.6 Cr
MnO 0.240 La 6.0

MgO 9.8 Ce
CaO i0.0 Nd

Na20 0.394 Sm 9.3

K20 0.065 Eu 1.95
P205 Gd
S Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 17
Zr Er
Hf Yb 9.5
Ta Lu 1.3
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 75115 - 159

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.60 g, 2 x 1.3 x I cm

INTRODUCTION catalog, we examined thin MG# of 44.2 and TiO2 contents

section 75115,4 and found it to of 12.6 wt%. 75115 is classified
75115 was described as a light be a medium grained (0.3-0.5 as a Type C Apollo 17 high-Ti
olive gray, subrounded, fine- mm) equigranular to basalt using the scheme of
grained basalt, with an subvariolitic basalt. Olivine Rhodes et al. (1976). The REE
equigranular fabric and several phenocrysts (up to 0.7 mm) are profile is LREE-depleted, with a
penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 present (Fig. 2) and olivine also maximum (relative to
Lunar Sample Information forms the cores to pink pyroxene chondrites) in the middle REE
Catalog, 1973). Surfaces T and clots (up to 0.6 mm). Ilmenite (Fig. 3) - as Gd and Tb were not
N are hackly exteriors, while all phenocrysts (up to 1.5 mm) are determined it is difficult to say
oLhers are hackly fracture also present, but ilmenite where the maximum is, and
surfaces (Fig. 1). Less than 5% usually has an average size of precisely what the magnitude of
of the surface area is covered 0.4 mm. Plagioclase, pyroxene, the negative Eu anomaly is. We
with 0.2-0.5 mm rounded and ilmenite are the major estimate the (Eu/EU*)N to be
crystal-lined (plagioclase, phases in this sample. No - 0.6.
ilmenite, pyroxene) vugs. A few armalcolite or interstitial silica
zap pits were noted on N, T, and was observed. Troilite and FeNi
S - none on other surfaces, metal (both up to 0.1 mm) form PROCESSING
anhedral interstitial phases
• with mesostasis glass. Of the original 2.60g of 75115,0,
PETROGRAPHY AND approximately 2.2g remains.
MINERAL CHEMISTRY Thin section 75115,4 was made
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY from the "hot" INA sample ,1.
The petrography and mineral
clhemistry of this basalt has not The whole-rock chemistry of
been specifically reported. 75115,1 was reported by Warner
During the preparation of this et al. (1975) (Table 1). It has a

Figure 1: Hand speci me n photograph of 75115,0.

SAMPLE 75115-160

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 75115. Field of view = 2.5 mm.

100 I I I I I I I I I I I __

_ 10 - --
75115 m

_J (Eu/EU*)N_0,60 -
MG# =44.2 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element profiles of 75115, after Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 75115-161

Table I: Whole-rock chemistry of 75115.

Data from Warner et al. (1975).

Sample 75115,1 Sample 75115,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 Ni
TiO2 12.6 Co 20.2
A1203 8.9 V 107
Cr203 0.444 Sc 85
FeO 20.9 Cr
MnO 0.250 La 6.6

MgO 9.3 Ce
CaO 10.5 Nd

Na20 0.386 Sm 10.2

K20 0.069 Eu 2.28
P205 Gd
S Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 19
Zr Er
Hf Yb 11.4
Ta Lu 1.4
U Ga
Th F
W C1
Sr N
Rb H
Li He

Ba Ge (ppb)
Cs Ir
Be Au
Zn Ru
Pb Os

Analysis by: N = INAA.

SAMPLE 79035 - 163

2806 g; 3 large fragments
19 x 14 x 10 cm, 15 x 10 x 6 cm, 15 x 6 × 4.5 cm, and 3 smaller fragments

INTRODUCTION The matrix is composed of: (a)

PETROGRAPHY AND mineral and clast debris, the
79035 was described as a dark MINERAL CHEMISTRY same as in the clasts; (b)
olive-gray, rounded to blocky, irregular to ropy yellow glass,
friable breccia, containing a few The Apollo 17 Lunar Sample found as vesicular blobs and as
non-penetrative fractures Information Catalog (1973) gave matrix cement; and (c) dark
(Fig. 1) (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample a description of thin section unresolved material, some of
Information Catalog, 1973). In 79035,7. This contains which seems to be shocked
the original sample, there was a approximately 60% matrix and mineral debris (Table 1).
suggestion ofclast layering. No although the rock is friable, it is
cavities Or zap pits were locally cemented by glass. It Mineral clasts comprise 30% of
observed. The macroscopic consists primarily of basaltic the thin section. Twenty five
features (i.e., clast population) is lithic and mineral debris , which percent of these mineral clasts
presented in Table 1. is variably shocked and altered, are angular opaques (~ 0.2 mm),
with admixtures. 35% are angular plagioclase

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 79035,0.

SAMPLE 79035-164

(_ 0.3 mm), 35% are angular (1991) analyzed the orange glass %o, 73.2 ppm N with a 615NAIR of
clinopyroxene (_ 0.25 mm), and from 79035 as part of their -172 %o, and a He yield of 0.166
5% are angular olivine. Some investigation into the nature of cm3 STP/g. Frick et al. (1987)
plagioelase is quite altered and the mantle source of lunar analyzed 79035,24 for nitrogen
shocked; elinopyroxene is pieritic glasses, and reported 113.8 _ 8.1 ppm N
primarily a "lime, Ti-rich", pale and a 815NAIR of-109.1 +_1.3 %0.
lavender mineral; olivine is Kerridge et al. (1992) measured
intimately mixed with black WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY trapped N in ilmenite and
material, pyroxene separates from 79035.
The whole-rock chemistry of They derived a compaction age
Five percent of thin section ,7 is 79035 has been reported in four of 1Ga for ilmenite, indicating
made up oflithic clasts. Basaltic papers (Table 2). Wanke et al. much more recent exposure than
clasts (up to 1.5 mm) make up (1974), Laul et al. (1974), and previously thought, suggesting
75% of the clast population, fine Miller et al. (1974) reported that the long-term change of
grained breccia clasts (~ 0.3 mm) MG#'s of 51.7, 56.3, and 57.4 815N in the regolith is more
make up 20%, and fine-grained (respectively) and TiO2 contents rapid than previously thought.
anorthositic clasts (up to 1 mm) of 7.90 wt%, 6.5 wt%, 5.61 wt%, The compaction age of 1Ga
make up the remaining 5%. respectively. The REE profile obtained by Kerridge et al.
has been reported by Wanke et (1992) is consistent with the
A description of the opaque al. (1974) and Laul et al. (1974) work of Benkert et al. (1991)
mineralogy of 79035,7 was given (Fig. 3). Garg and Ehmann which yielded ilmenite exposure
by Brett in the Apollo 17 Lunar (1976) reported the abundances ages of 960 Ma and 1240 Ma for
Sample Information Catalog of Ce, Eu, Tb, and Lu. The two 79035.
(1973). He found both Mg-rich profiles both have relatively fiat
and Mg-poor ilmenite present as HREE patterns, an enrich ment
rare laths and angular grains, of the LREE over the HREE, and FORMATION AGES,
and as feathery intergrowths in negative Eu anomalies EXPOSURE AGES, &
more glassy clasts. Rare rutile [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.53 for Wanke et COSMOGENIC
and spinel occur as lamellae in al., 1974; 0.59 for Laul et al., RADIONUCLIDES
ilmenite. One ilmenite grain 1974]. However, the analysis of
(- 1.5 mm long) has an Laul et al. (1974) has a The formation and exposure
armaleolite core, and the maximum at Nd and the LREE ages of 79035 were reported by
ilmenite shows coarse spinel and abundances are greater than Hintenberger et al. (1974, 1975).
rutile development, those reported by Wanke et al. These authors calculated a 21Ne
(1974), and the HREE exposure age of 600 _+50 Ma and
Heuer et al. (1974) described abundances are lower. The a K-Ar formation age of 2.5 _ 0.5
79035,30 as a Class A breccia, pattern ofWanke et al. (1974) is Ma. The cosmogenic rare gas
using a classification by Christie convex upward with a maximum isotopic ratios of He, Ne, Ar, Kr,
et al. (1973), based upon the (relative to chondrites) at Sm and Xe were reported by
presence or absence of (Fig. 2). Morgan et al. (1974) Hintenberger et al. (1974, 1975),
recrystallization in the matrix, have reported the siderophile and Frick et al. (1986). Wieler et
Haggerty (1974) studied the element abundances of 79035. al. (1983) conducted a study of
orange glass included in 79035, He, Ne, and Ar isotope
noting that devitrification was abundances and ratios of
more advanced in glasses STABLE ISOTOPES different size fractions of 79035.
derived from the breccia than in Wiens et al. (1992) listed the
74220, and that devitrification Becker and Epstein (1981) solar-wind 130Xe abundances of
was initiated isotropically analyzed two splits from 79035 of 0.38 _+0.14 (normalized
throughout the sphere. 79035,23 for C and N isotopes, to Si = 106). This value is higher
Fredriksson et al. {1974) The first yielded 128 ppm C with than other regolith samples, and
reported three impact-glass a 813CpDB of-12.8 %o,74.3 ppm it is interpreted to represent
compositions from 79035 in a N with a 815NAIR of-179 %o,and solid/gas fractionation in the
comparative study of impact a He yield of 0.174 cm3 STI?/g. solar nebula.
glasses and breccias from the The second subsample yielded
Moon and Earth. Shearer et al. 99 ppm C with a 813CpDB of-6.6
SAMPLE 79035 - 165

I00 I I I I I I I I I I I __
- Z

_ 10 -2

79035 :
_: 1 = Wanke et al. (1974) -
(Eu/Eu*)N =0.53

2 = Laul etal. (1974)

- (Eu/EU*)N =0.59 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79035.


Housley et al. (1976) used 79035 The original sample, 79035,0,

in a study of ferromagnetic has been entirely subdivided.
resonance in lunar samples. The largest remaining
This study concentrated upon subsamples are: ,3 - 61.5g; ,45
how ferromagnetic resonance is 1590g, ,46 _ 850g. Twenty two
linked with the production of thin sections of 79035 have been
agglutinitic glass produced by made: ,7-,9; ,60-,72;, 118;, 120;
micrometeorite impacts. ,129; ,137; ,145; and ,146.
SAMPLE 79035 - 166

Table 1: Clast Compositions and Abundances in 79035.

Component Color Mode (%) Shape Size (ram)

Dora. Range

Basalt Clast Gray Brown 1-2 Irreg. to round 12

Basalt Clast (?) Medium Gray < 1
Anorthositic Clast White < 1 Up to 10
Glassy Clast Dark Gray/Black < 1 3-4
Glass Coated

White Clast Dark Medium Gray < 1 Irreg. 2-3

Glass Clast Dark < 1 Irreg.
Lithic Clast Medium Gray < 1 Angular to Blocky 6
Mafic Silicate Clast Yellow-Green Trace Angular to Prismatic 2 x 0.4
Plagioclase Clast White-Colorless < 1
Opaque Clast Black Trace
Matrix Dark Olive Gray 95 < 1 to resolution of
SAMPLE 79035- 167

Table 2: Whole-rock chemistry of 79035.

Sample ,37 ,25 ,32 ,32 ,19

Method N N N N R
Reference 1 2 3 4 5

SiO2 41.73 43.44

TiO2 7.90 6.5 5.61
A1203 12.27 13.5 13.61
Cr203 0.402 0.366
FeO 16.55 15.2 15.61 15.22
MnO 0.217 0.196 0.203

MgO 9.93 11 11.79

CaO 11.2 11.2 10.92

Na20 0.409 0.410 0.419

K20 0.082 0.098
P205 0.055

Nb (ppm)
Zr 198.5
Hf 7.2 5.5 5.76
Ta 1.34 1.0
U 0.28 0.4 0.31
Th 1.0
W 0.12
Sr 170
Rb 1.62 1.69
Li 9.3
Ba 108 110
Cs 0.06 0.072
Zn 32
Cu 11.0
Ni 160 140 162
Co 29.6 35 35.3
V 9O
Sc 56.6 46 45.8
Cr 2750 2690
La 8.7 8.6
Ce 24.1 27 50.1
Nd 23
SAMPLE 79035-168

Table 2: (Concluded).

Sample ,37 ,25 ,32 ,32 ,19

Method N N N N R
Reference 1 2 3 4 5

Sm 8.43 6.7
Eu 1.70 1.42 1.37
Gd 11.3
Tb 2.1 1.6 1.3
Dy 12.7 10
Er 7.4
Yb 7.37 6.2
Lu 1.10 0.83 0.7
Ga 5.5
F 61
C1 12.3

Ge (ppb) 190 278

Te 18.6
Ag 19
Sb 0.89
Ir 7.50
Re 0.629
Pd 10
As 14

Au 4.5 3 2.39

Analysis by: N = INAA, R = RNAA.

1 = Wanke et al. (1974); 2 = Laul et al. (1974); 3 = Miller et al. (1974); 4 = Garg
and Ehmann (1976); 5 = Morgan et al. (1974).
SAMPLE 79115-169

Medium Gray Soil Breccia
346.3 g, 5 × 7.5 x 9.5 cm

INTRODUCTION chondrites for the LREE and

PETROGRAPHY AND 20-25 x chondrites for the HREE
79115 was described as a lumpy, MINERAL CHEMISTRY (Fig. 3). A negative Eu anomaly
generally fine-grained, friable is present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.68].
basalt, with intense platy No petrography or mineral In addition to the major and
fracturing, particularly on the chemistry has been reported for trace elements, Jerde et al.
west face (Apollo 17 Lunar 79115. (1987) also reported the Is/FeO
Sample Information Catalog, value of 56 for 79115 and a Feo
1973). The fracturing has concentration of 0.97 ewp
imparted a foliated appearance WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY (Table 1). The Is/FeO value was
to this sample (Figs. 1 and 2). also reported by McKay et al.
All surfaces on the original The whole-rock chemistry was (1988). Jovanovic and Reed
sample were irregular and all determined by Jerde et al. (1980) reported the C1 and P205
are relatively fresh with only (1987}. These authors reported a concentrations in 79115
minor soil adherence on T. A MG# of 58.5 and a TiO2 content (Table 1).
few zap pits were present on T of 5.03 wt%. The REE profile is
and B. fiat at approximately 25-30 x

Figure I : Hand specimen photograph of 79115,0.

SAMPLE 79115 - 170

Figure 2: Hand specimen photograph of79115,0.


Of the original 346.3g of

79115,0, approximately 182g
remains. The next largest sub-
sample is ,15 (~ 108g) and ,1
(- 22g). Three thin sections are
available: 79115,18-,20.
SAMPLE 79115- 171

100 I I I I I I I I I I I

lo 79115
_" (Eu/EU*)N = 0.68

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79115.
SAMPLE 79115- 172

Table h Whole-rock chemistry of 79115.

Sample ,37 Sample ,25 Sample ,32

Method N Method A
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3

SiO2 42.37
TiO2 5.03
A1203 14.97
Cr203 0.352
FeO 13.16
MnO 0.195
MgO 10.41
CaO 10.96
Na20 0.466
K20 0.098
P205 0.02
Nb (ppm)
Zr 200
Hf 4.5
Ta 0.66
U 0.43
Th 1.25
Sr 170
Rb <9.2
Ba 113
Cs < 0.55
Ni 190
Co 36.3
Sc 37.2
Cr 2410
La 8.8
Ce 24
Nd 18
SAMPLE 79L15- 173

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,37 Sample ,25 Sample ,32

Method N Method A
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3

Sm 6_3
Eu 1.41
Tb 1.35

Dy 9.8
Yb 4.9
Lu 0.76
Ga 7.0
C1 2

Ge (ppb)
Ir 6.7
Au 1.6

Is/FeO 56 56
DH (Gauss) 880
Feo (ewp) 0.97

Analysis by: N = INAA, A = atomic absorption

1 = Jerde et al. (1987); 2 = McKay et al. (1988); 3 = Jovanovic and Reed (1980).
SAMPLE 79125- 175

1,,91 g, 2 x 1.2 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION containing a few non-

penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 PROCESSING
79125 was described as a very Lunar Sample Information
dark gray - brownish black, Catalog, 1973). Zap pits are only As no work has been conducted
subangular mlcrobreccia present on one surface, on this sample, it is still intact.
SAMPLE79135- 177

Polymict Matrix Breccia
2283 g, 20 x 12 × 10 cm

INTRODUCTION some with very fine (< 0.01 mm), and 25% pyroxene
slickensides. (< 0.01 mm). Mineralclasts
79135 was described as a form 25% of the rock. These are
medium to dark gray, angular to ' composed primarily of angular
irregular breccia, with many PETROGRAPHY AND plagioclase (0.1-0.5 mm) and
penetrative fractures (Apollo 17 MINERAL CHEMISTRY clinopyroxene (0.1-0.5 mm),
Lunar Sample Information with minor olivine, ortho-
Catalog, 1973). It has a The Apollo 17 Lunar Sample pyroxene (both 0.1-0.5 mm),
homogeneous clast and matrix Information Catalog (1973) opaques (0.1-0.5 mm) and FeNi
distribution (Fig. 1). On the described the petrography of metal (0.2-2 mm). Lithic clasts
original sample, T was freshly thin section 79135,11,12 and make up 20% of the rock, and of
broken (Fig. lb), W had a few ,13. 79135 was found to be a these, 40% are angular mare
glass drops (lcm), and B was the lithified mature soil, which basaltic fragments (2-5 mm).
original surface with minor contained orange glass similar Thirty percent of the lithie clasts
amounts of glass coating. There to that from Station 4. Matrix have been described as angular
are less than 1%cavities present makes up 25% of the rock and is "hornfels (norite)" clasts
o_ the surface of this sample and mostly small mineral grains (2-5 mm) by the Apollo 17 Lunar
no zap pits. The fracturing held in devitrified (opaque) glass Sample Information Catalog
caused the sample to break into (Fig. 2 a,b). The matrix is (1973). These hornfels have
plate-lets and rhombs - possibly composed of 50%devitrified annealed breccia textures
there were two sets of joints, glass (0.01 mm), 25%plagioelase including orthopyroxene. A

Figure I: Ha nd specimen photograph of 79135,0.

SAMPLE 79135- 178

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 79135,12. Field of view is 1.4 ram.

large (1 cm) hornfels clast has a sharp, unrounded corners and < 0.2% angular ulv6spinel,
mode of 10% opaques, 30% are often undevitrified. < 0.2% futile (lamellar),
plagioclase, 50% orthopyroxene, Therefore, this breccia could not < 0.2% angular and lamellar
and 10% augite. Grain size is have reached a very high spinel, < 0.3% angular and
1 mm. Anorthositic clasts form temperature, bleb-like FeNi metal, and
30% of the lithic clast population < 0.2% bleb-like troilite. The
of 79135. Some of these are The matrix is devitrified, but not ilmenite population is bi-modal -
polygonized plagioclase, recrystallized. 79135 is dense angular to sub-rounded large
with a few ( < 5%) vuggy or open clasts and feathery intergrowths
Glass clasts form 30% of 79135. areas. A distinctive feature of of much smaller grain size in de-
Fifty percent are round to this breccia is the presence of vitrified glasses. Large ilmenite
angular orange glasses ropy or stringy glass and glass commonly contains futile and
(_0.5 mm), 25% are rounded to _'bombs" which have a range in spinel exsolution lamellae.
angular opaque glasses composition and color. Sorae Armalcolite and ulvSspinel are
(0.5 mm), and 25% are ropy to contain microlites and parl_ially rare. Brett concluded that the
stringy multi-colored glasses melted inclusions of plagioclase, abundance of the opaques in
(1-5 mm). Many of the orange 79135,11 suggested that the
glasses are partially devitrified The opaques were described rock is a breccia of mare origin.
and form a gradational sequence from 79135,11 by Brett (Apollo
to the opaque glasses. The 17 Lunar Sample Information Marvin described the
opaque glasses are devitrified Catalog, 1973). He found this petrography of one 4 mm clast
with abundant ilmenite. Many thin section to contain 15% of from sections ,12 and ,13 (Apollo
of the orange glasses are angular and feathery ilmenite 17 Lunar Sample Information
spheres, although some are (up to 1.5 mm), < 0.5% angular Catalog, 1973). This breccia
broken. The glass shards have armalcolite (up to 0.1 mm), clast is composed predominantly
SAMPLE 79135 -179

ofplagioclase. The dissemi- Glass compositions from 79135

nation of opaques resembles that are reported in Chen et al. WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
in the matrices of many noritic (1982) and Delano and Lindsley
hmar breccias. The clast is (1983). Haggerty (1974) also The whole-rock chemistry of
composed of 70% matrix, 20% studied the glasses in 79135 and 79135 has been reported to
mineral clasts, < 1% lithic noted that devitrification is various degrees by several
clasts, and 10% glass clasts. The more advanced in the breccia authors (Table 1). The major
matrix (< 0.02 ram) is light glasses. Haggerty (1974) noted element chemistry has been
colored, and contains vermicular that the devitrification in the reported by LSPET (1973 a,b),
intergrowths of feldspathic glass breccia glasses was initiated Rhodes et al. (1974), Rose et al.
and tiny (0.02 mm) dissemi- isotropically throughout the (1974), and Wanke et al. (1974).
hated opaques. Mineral clasts glass sphere. Shearer et al. The analyses are similar, but
are of 80% plagioclase, 15% (1991) analyzed very-low-Ti the MG# varies from 51.6 (Rose
clinopyroxene, and 5% olivine glass from 79135 as part of their et al., 1974) to 57.0 (LSPET,
which are all angular to investigation into the nature of 1973 a,b; Rhodes et al., 1974).
subrounded. Most mineral the mantle source of lunar TiO2 contents also vary from
clasts have margins intergrown picritic glasses. 5.15 (LSPET, 1973 a,b; Rhodes
with the matrix. One lithic clast et al., 1974) to 6.33 (Rose et al.,
ofanorthositic gabbro (_ 0.7 mm) Stoffler et al. (1979) defined a 1974). The REE abundances
is present. The glass clasts are classification for impact have been determined by
light brown to colorless with an breccias. These authors placed Phillpotts et al. (1974) and
irregular shape. These are 79135 in the regolith breccia Wanke et al. (1974). The
mostly devitrified to leafy class of their polylithologic profiles are similar: the LREE
intergrowths of feldspathic breccia subgroup, are enriched over the HREE
material, which have ragged (relative to chondrites), but the
margins that grade into the maximum is in the middle REE
matrix. (Fig. 3). The REE as a group are

100 _ i i i i i l i i i l i

IIU I 2_____

1" 10 --
1 = Wanke et am.(1974)
(Eu/EU*)N = 0.59
2 = Philpotts et al. (1974)
(Eu/EU*)N =0.58

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79135.
SAMPLE 79135- 180

slightly more enriched in the magnetic field existed between

analysis of Phillpotts et al. EXPOSURE AGES AND 3.8 and 3.6 Ga.
(1974) (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Both COSMOGENIC
profiles exhibit a negative Eu RADIONUCLIDES
anomaly of similar magnitude SPECIALIZED STUDIES
[(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.57 and 0.60]. Hintenberger et al. (1974, 1975)
Surface chemical compositions reported a 21Ne exposure age for Gold et al. (1976) measured the
of 79135 have been reported by 79135 ofS10 ± 60 Ma. These dielectric constant (0.0051) and
Gold et al. (1976) (Fe, Ti, Ca, Si) authors also reported the the voltage absorption
and Filleux et al. (1978) (C). isotopic abundances and ratios wavelength of 79135. These
of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. measurements can be related to
Wieler et al. (1983) reported the the transition element
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES results of a size-fraction and concentration in the sample
mineralogical study of the rare (Gold et al., 1976).
The U-Th-Pb and Rb-Sr isotopic gas isotopes in lunar brecc:ias.
compositions of 79135 have been This was aimed at evaluating Nagle (1982) used 79135 in a
reported by Church and Tilton the solar flare/solar wind flux study of subcrater lithification
(1975) and by Nyquist et al. ratio. Wieler et al. (1983) processes in lunar breccias.
(1974) (Table 2). Note the documented the isotopic Nagle (1982) concluded that
discrepancy in model ages abundances and ratios of He, Ne, 79135 had experienced such
calculated from U-Th-Pb and and At. lithification.
Rb-Sr results.


Approximately 1434g of
The S, C, and N isotopes have Magnetic data for 79135 have 79135,0 remains. The largest
been determined for 79135 been reported by Pearce et al. subsamples are: ,4 ~ 142g; ,18
(Table 3). Rees and Thode (1974) and Cisowski and F_Jller 50g;, 102 _ 101g; ,103 _ 85g;,104
(1974) reported a 834ScDT of (1983). Pearce et al. (1974'.1 used 56g; ,109 ~ 89g; and ,110 _ 56g.
± 9.4 %o. Becket and Epstein magnetic techniques to 79135,102 is a display sample.
(1981) and Norris et al. (1983) calculate the Fe o content oF Nineteen thin sections have
reported 813C values of 0.0 %o 79135 (~ 0.92 equivalent wt% been made: 79135,11-,14;
and -1.0 %o,and 0.0 %o,respec- Fe o) and the Feo/Fe 2 ± ratio ,23-,24; ,42-,50; ,106; ,150-,151;
tively, and 815NAIR values of- (0.066). Cisowski and Fuller and ,154.
137 %oand -139 %o,and -86 %o, (1983) used 79135 in a study to
respectively (Table 1). demonstrate that a strong lunar
SAMPLE 79135 - 181

Table h Whole-rock composition of 79135.

Sample ,1 ,35 ,34 ,38 ,39 ,1 ,27 ,1 ,27 ,36 ,77

Method X X I N NR C I
Reference 1,2,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10,11 10,11,12 13

SiO2 (wt%) 42.29 42.57 42.59

TiO2 5.15 6.33 5.36
A1203 15.08 14.74 13.83
Cr203 0.39 0.45 0.373
FeO 14.01 15.19 15.02 20.51
MnO 0.19 0.19 0.195 0.271
MgO 10.42 9.1 10.82
CaO 11.44 10.91 11.06
Na20 0.40 0.40 0.469 0.395
K20 0.10 0.11 0.104 0.098
P205 0.07 0.09 0.076
S 0.10 0.102 0.11 0.083
Nb (ppm) 14 17 12.6
Zr 185 260 186 255
Hf 5.70 8.5
Ta 0.94 1.1
U 0.33
Th < 0.64
W 0.18
Y 55 64 47
Sr 166 163 171 200
Rb 2.1 1.5 1.99
Li 8.9 10.6 10.4
Ba 129 123 120
Cs 0.05
Be 1.5
Zn 72 39 97.6 98
Pb < 2
Cu 26 19.6
Ni 218 280 170 161
Cr 2550 3600
Co 52 38.3 24
V 76
_ 50
La <10 9.88
Ce 29.2 25.8 23
Nd 21.7
SAMPLE 79135- 182

Table 1: (Concluded).

Sample ,1 ,35 ,34 ,38 ,39 ,1 ,27 ,1 ,27 ,36 ,77

Method X X I N NR C I
Reference 1,2,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10,11 10,11,12 13

Sm 7.51 7.26
Eu 1.64 1.60 1.6
Gd 9.5
Tb 1.8 2.3
Dy 11.7 10.5
Er 6.2
Yb 6.4 5.85 5.71 6.8
Lu 0.792 0.78
Ga 7.5 8.0 8.57
F 90
Cl 26
C 150 150 146
N 120 77
H 55.8

In (ppb) 6.9
Ge 440 286
Re 0.88
Ir 10 5.8
Au 3.1 2.6
Cd 112

References: 1 = LSPET (1973a); 2 :- LSPET (1973b); 3 = Rhodes et al. (1974); 4 = Rose et al. (1974);
5 = Phillpotts et al. (1974); 6 = Wanke et al. (1974); 7 = Baedecker et al. (1974); 8 = Gibson and Moore
(1974); 9 = Moore et al. (1974); 10 = Gibson et al. (1987); 11 = Moore and Lewis (1976); 12 = Rees and
Thode (1974); 13 = Becker and Epstein (1981).

X = XRF; N -- INAA; I = Isotope dilution; C -- Combustion; P = Pyrolysis; NR -- INAA and RNAA.

SAMPLE 79135- 183

Table 2: Radiogenic isotope composition of 79135.

Sample No. 79135,37B 79135,37B 79135,1

Reference 1 1 2

Wt (mg) 64.2 55.1 46.1

U (ppm) 0.342
Th (ppm) 1.144
Pb 1.863

Pb (blank ng) 0.75

204Pb/2O6Pb* 0.01221 0.01244
207Pb/206Pb* 0.9521 0.9183
2osPb/204pb * 1.1453
206Pb/238U (Ga) 6.670
207Pb/206Pb (Ga) 5.092
Rb (ppm) 1.937
Sr (ppm) 168.6
87Rb/86Sr 0.0332 + 4
87Sr/86Sr 0.70119 + 5

TBABI a 4.39 + 0.10

TLuNIb 4.53 + 0.10

a = I = 0.69910(BAB[ + JSC bias);b = I = 0.69903(A16

Anorthosite, T := 4.6 Ga).
SAMPLE 79155-185

Partially Glass-Coated Gabbro
318.8g, 8x6x5 cm

INTRODUCTION pits were common on all of glass penetrate the gabbro

exposures ofgabbro. Zappits (evident on T and W). Similar
79155 was described as a light were not observed in the glass glass also partially fills the
brown to brown-gray, coat on B, but were abundant in cavities on the N face where zaps
subrounded, intergranular rock, the glass coat on S. Zaps in the are made conspicuous by orange
with a homogeneous, coarse- glass had fractured haloes that haloes.
grained, subdiabasic fabric were conspicuously orange
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample
Irfformation Catalog, 1973). A Information Catalog, 1973). PETROGRAPHY AND
dark glass (_ 1 mm thick), MINERAL CHEMISTRY
covered all of the B face and To the naked eye, the glass is
greater than one third of W and dark gray with a dull During the preparation of this
S faces (Fig. 1). The glass submetallic luster; where catalog, we examined thin
dwindles to discontinuous vesicles are broken open, the sections 79155,58 and ,65. This
smears on the E face. In the walls are smooth, bright, and sample is a coarse-grained
original sample, cavities were vitreous. The glass also has a basalt composed of mainly
rare, with four to five irregular very few, small (< 1 mm), pyroxene (up to 2.2 mm),
c_tvities (each 4-5 mm across) rounded blebs. Under the plagioclase (up to 2.5 ram), and
occurring in the center of the N binoculars, the glass is a dark ilmenite (up to 2.8 mm).
face. A few rounded cavities molasses brown, which is orange [lmenite contains spinel and
were present in the glass. Zap in the zap haloes. Thin veinlets rutile exsolution lamellae. Both

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79155,0.

SAMPLE 79155 - 186

the pyroxenes and plagioclase to form ulv6spinel and ilmenite analyzed 79155 for the Ar
exhibit undulose extinction, separately; 2) between silicate isotopes and reported a Total Ar
Olivine is present only as rare melt and rutile to form zones of Age of 3.73 ± 0.07 Ga and a
cores (up to 0.3 mm) to pyroxene, armalcolite and ilmenite; and 3) Plateau Age of 3.80 ± 0.04 Ga.
Armalcolite (0.05-0.1 mm) armalcolite appears to have Nyquist et al. (1975) analyzed
without ilmenite mantles is formed by the breakdown of 79155 for the Rb-Sr isotopes and
found as inclusions in plagio- ilmenite, accompanied by the reported the whole-rock
clase and pyroxene. Troilite and production of metallic iron. and compositions only (Table 2).
FeN± metal form interstitial the release of oxygen (bubbles in Nunes et al. (1974) analyzed a
phases (< 0.05 mm). 79155 is glass), spiked and unspiked aliquot of
similar to other coarse-grained 79155 for the U-Th-Pb isotopes
Apollo 17 high-T± mare basalts, and concluded that a single
except for the undulose extinc- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY stage evolution was not
tion of the pyroxenes and adequate to account for the
plagioclase, and the presence of The whole-rock chemistry of observed isotopic ratios.
glassy "stringers" throughout 79155 has been determined to
the thin sections, varying degrees by several
authors (Tables 1 & 2). The STABLE ISOTOPES
Brown et al. (1975) described major elements have been
79155 as a Type IB Apollo 17 determined by Boynton et al. Oxygen isotopes for the various
mare basalt. These authors did (1975) (except for MgO, K:_O, mineral phases in 79155 have
not specifically describe either and SIO2), Baedecker et al. been reported by Clayton and
the petrography or mineral (1974) (only FeO, MnO, and Mayeda (1975) and Mayeda et
chemistry of this sample, but did Cr203), Rose et al. (1975), al. (1975) (Table 3). The 8180
report the mode of 79155,60: Wanke et al. (1975), and Rhodes results of Clayton and Mayeda
0.9% olivine; 28.7% opaques; et al. (1975). These analyses are (1975) are consistently higher
21.6% plagioclase; 41.5% clino- similar, with a range in MG# of than those ofMayeda et al.
pyroxene; and 7.3% mesostasis. 45.0-48.4 and in TiO2 of 12.38- (1975).
The high amount of mesostasis 12.99 wt%. The REE have been
is probably due to the stringers determined by Baedecker et al.
of glass impregnating the (1974) (only Ce, Eu, Tb, and Yb), EXPOSURE AGES AND
sample from the adhering glass Boynton et al. (1975), Shih et al. COSMOGENIC
coat. (1975), and Wanke et al. (][975). RADIONUCLIDES
Where profiles can be drawn, all
The mineral chemistry that has analyses define LREE depleted Kirsten and Horn (1974)
been reported for 79155 is of patterns (Fig. 2). The post-Eu reported an Ar exposure age for
armaleolite (El Goresy et al., middle REE of Boynton et al. 79155 of 575 ± 60 Ma. The
1974; El Goresy and Ramdhor, (1975) appear to be spurious cosmogenic radionuclides
1975), the glass "stringers" (Mao [e.g., (Eu/EU*)N = 0.82], as the (Table 4) were determined by
et al., 1976) and the high-K, and analyses of Shih et al. (19_5) LSPET (1973) and O'Kelley et
anomalous low-K melt and Wanke et al. (1975) al. (1974), whereas Yokoyama et
inclusions in ilmenite (Roedder demonstrate much higher al. (1974) concluded that 79155
and Weiblen, 1976). Schaal and middle REE abundances was saturated with respect to
Hiirz (1977) reported average (Table 1 and Fig. 2), with 26A1 activity.
plagioclase, aug±re, pigeon±re, similar Eu anomaly magnitudes
ilmenite, and glass compositions [Eu/Eu*)N = 0.54 and 0.55,
from 79155,60. Mao et al. (1974) respectively]. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES
noted that the glass coating gave
an orange sheen due to the 79155 has been used in four
interaction of the absorption of RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES experimental studies. Two
Fe 2 L, Ti3 ±, and Ti4 ±. These involved the study of micro-
authors noted three reactions Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, and U-Th-Pb craters and shock features
occurring between the glass and isotopic compositions haw_ been (Fechtig et al., 1974; Schaal and
the basalt/gabbro: 1) between determined for 79155 (Table 2). H6rz, 1977). One involved
the silicate melt and armalcolite Kirsten and Horn (1973) 79155 in an examination of

100 I I I I I I I I I I I __

10-- 3
1 =Wankeetal. (1974) 3 Boynton et al. (1975) -
(Eu/Eu*)N =0.55 (Eu/EU*)N =0.82 -

2 =Shih etal. (1975) 4= Baedecker et al. (1974)

- (Eu/EU*)N =0.54 (Eu/EU*)N =0.54 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79155.

glass formation (Uhlmann et al., zation of 79155,31:2 (Fig. 7) and

1979), and the fourth involved demonstrated that a complicated PROCESSING
the study of viscosity, crystal- post-formation history was
lization behavior, and the recorded by the magnetic data. The original sample, 79155,0,
thermal history of 79155 (Klein The magnetization changes has been entirely subdivided.
et al., 1975) (Figs. 5 and 6). observed in 79155 are consistent The largest remaining
with the observation of changes subsamples are: ,10 (_ 185g)
m brought about by shock experi- which is a display sample; ,8
MAGNETIC STUDIES mentally (Cisowski et al., 1977). (- 20g); ,7 (_ 18g); ,16 (_ 18g).
Cisowski et al. (1983) used Sixteen thin sections have been
The magnetic properties of 79155 as part of a suite of lunar made of 79215: ,57-,68; ,144, and
79155 have been determined by samples to demonstrate the ,9003-,9005.
Cisowski et al. (1977, 1983). existence of a strong lunar
Cisowski et al. (1977) examined magnetic field between 3.8 Ga
the alternating field demagneti and 3.6 Ga.
SAMPLE 79155-188

Table 1: Whole-rock compositJlon of 79155.

Sample ,34 ,34 ,39 ,33 ,38 ,38

Method N R X N,X X I,N C G-Ray G-Ray N,R
Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

SiO2(wt%) 39.13 38.37 37.5

TiO2 12.38 12.56 12.53 12.99
A1203 8,13 9.40 8.81 8.58
Cr203 0.51 0.526 0.50 0,538 0.46
FeO 19.09 20.51 18.19 19.73 19.04
MnO 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.259 0.28

MgO 9.58 9.07 9.14

CaO 10.78 10.19 10.48 10.29
Na20 0.385 0.39 0.36 0.35 0.38
K20 0.08 0.053 0.06 0.055 0,053 0.049
P205 0.04 0.055 0.05
S 0,141 0.17 0.2025

Nb (ppm) < 10 17.4

Zr 255 255 197 222
Hf 8 8.5 8.77
Ta 2.0 1.1 1.70
U 0.109 0.092 0.11 0.12 0.178
Th <0.64 0.32 0.31
W 0.066
Y 104 70
Sr 148 158 173
Rb < 1 0.41 0.485
Li 8.0 9.0
Ba 180 65 65.3
Cs 0.021 0.042
Be <1
Zn 2.9 1.9 4.6 2.7 2.6
Pb 1.8
Cu 3.7 4.66
Ni 4.4 2.7 <1 79
Cr 3500 3600 3680
Co 22 24 30 22.5 20.7
V 62
Sc 80 68 78 87.4 82.5
La 4.6 < 10 5,79 5.20
Ce 23 23 20.6 17.9
Nd 2O 2O. 1
SAMPLE 79155- 189

Table h (Concluded).

Sample ,34 ,34 ,39 ,33 ,38 ,38

Method N R X N,X X I,N C G-Ray G-Ray N,R
Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Sm 7.7 10 8.86 8.50

F.u 2.2 1.6 1.90 1.88
Gd 12.8 13.2
Tb 1.8 2.3 2.3
Dy 15.2 15.6
Er 10.3 9.22
Yb 9.0 6.8 9.7 9.3 8.51
Lu 1.3 1.40
Ga 4.09 4.34 6.8 3.36

N < 8

In(ppb) 0.62 0.226 3.5

Ge 2.0 < 50 2.4
Re <:.0.2 0.143
Ir 0.13 0.069 2.40
Au 0.26 0.097 0.81
Cd 8.0 <6.5

Sb 2.45
Se 205
Ag 5.1
Br 14.3

References: 1 = Boynton et al. (1975); 2 = Baedecker et al. (1974}; 3 -- Rose et al. (1975); 4 = Wanke et
al. (1974); 5 = Rhodes et al. (1976); 6 = Shih et al. (1975); 7 = Gibson et al. (1976); 8 = Muller et al.
(1974); 9 -- Eldridge et al. (1974); 10 = LSPET (1973); 11 = Morgan et al (1974).

X = XRF; N = INAA; [ = Isotope dilution; C = Combustion; R = RNAA; G-Ray = Gamma Ray

SAMPLE 79155- 190

Table 2: Radiogenic isotope composition of 79155.

Sample No. 79155,24 79155,38 79155 79155 79155

Reference 1 2 3 3 3
Run P ClS

40Ar (10-8cc STP/g) 1865

39Ar K (10"8cc STP/g) 10.0
3SArca (10-8cc STP/g) 69.6
37ArcORR (10-8cc STP/g) 1085
36ART (10-8cc STP/g) 3.80
K(ppm) 390 ± 30
Ca(%) 7.1±0.5
Total Ar Age (Ga) 3.73 ± 0.07
Plateau Age (Ga) 3.80 ± 0.04
Wt (mg) 51 ][52.8 92.0 158.0
Rb (ppm) 0.485
Sr (ppm) 173
87Rb/86Sr 0.0081 ± 3
87Sr/S6Sr 0.69966 ± 5

TBa (Ga) 4.8± 0.6

TL b (Ga) 5.4± 0.6
U (ppm) 0.2198
Th (ppm) 0.7930
Pb (ppm) 0.6517
232Th/238U 3.73
238U/2O4Pb 138
2o6Pb/204pb* 147.2 158.4
207Pb/2O4Pb* 106.5 115.3
2osPb/204Pb* 152.6
206Pb/204Pb@ 168.9 172.7
207pb/204pb@ 121.9 125.5
20sPb/204pb@ 172.3
207Pb/206Pb@ 0.7217 0.7266
208Pb/206Pb 1.020
206Pb/238U# 1.180 1.183
2o7Pb/235U# 113.8 114.9
207pb/206Pb# 0.6993 0.7050
2osPb/232Th# 0.2835
SAMPLE 79155- 191

Table 2: (Concluded).

Sample No. 79155,24 79155,38 79155 79155 79155

Reference 1 2 3 3
Run P Cls

206Pb/238U + 5.074 5.079

207pb/235U + 4.879 4.889
208Pb/232Th+ 5.114

References: 1 = Kirsten and Horn (1975); 2 = Nyquist et al. (1975); 3 -- Nunes et al.

a = I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias); b = I = 0.69903 (A16 Anorthosites at T = 4.6 Ga).

* = Observed ratios; @ = Corrected for analytical blank; S -- totally spiked prior to

digestion; # = Corrected for blank and primordial Pb; Single-stage ages in Ga.

Table 3: Oxygen isotopic ratios from 79155.

Sample No. 79155,36 79155,64

Reference 1 2
Mineral Cristobalite* Plagioclase Pyroxene llmenite Plagioclase Clinopyroxene Ilmenite

_ISOsMow (el 6.71 5.88 5.47 4.03 6.13 5.59 4.20

_ITOsMow(e) 3.1 l 2.74 2 18

* -- mixture ofcristoblaite and glass.

Table 4: Cosmogenic radionuelide abundances from 79155.

Sample No. 79155 79155

Reference 1 2

Wt (g) 316 316

26A1 70+3 70+ 10
22Na 63 + 3 77 + 10
56Co 120+
153 + 12
8 110
155 + 30

468c 65 + 3 62+ 10

References: 1 =: O'Kelley et al. (1974); 2 = LSPET (1975).

SAMPLE 79175- 193

Glass-Bonded Agglutinate
677.7 g, 14 x 13 x 9 cm

INTRODUCTION to2cm). Internal walls ofthe aphanitic. Luster varies from

larger cavities are lumpy, but vitreous to sub-metallic. The
79175 was described as a smooth-surfaced, glass is coated with dust in
medium gray (with brownish many areas. Glass color is
tinge), friable to coherent 79175 is composed of 40% ropy generally black, but orange
breccia, containing numerous glass, 40% soil breccia clasts (1 x around zap pits. Soil breccia
clasts, many of which are nearly 1 x 1 - 30 x 15 x 15 mm), 15% clasts are moderately coherent.
free-standing, whereas others basaltic elasts (up to 20 ram), 2% They contain small, angular
are firmly embedded (Apollo 17 dense, sugary (plagioclase-rich) inclusions of rock and mineral
Lunar Sample Information clasts (30-50 mm), and < 1% fragments and a few gray glass
Catalog, 1973) (Fig. I a,b). The white lithic clasts. Glass spherules. Basalt clasts have
surface is partially coated with permeates the rock, welding textures ranging from coarse- to
individual splashes and flow- elasts of soil breccia, basalt fine-grained to dense and
banded crusts of vesicular glass; (coarse- and fine-grained), and aphanitic. One clast is
some portions are coated with a other clasts into a coherent composed of 40% plagioclase
fine gray dust. Cavities are mass. The glass varies from laths (up to 3 mm), 45% cinna-
abundant in this clast (< 1 mm fresh and vitreous to dull and mon pyroxene (up to 2 mm),

Figure la: Hand specimen photograph of 79l 75,0.

SAMPLE 79175 - 194

Figure I b: Hand specimen photograph of 79175,0.

and 15% black opaques (up to

0.5 mm). Another clast is a very PROCESSING
fine-grained, ilmenite-rich
basalt. A third clast, on the E Of the original sample, 553g of
face, is a glomeroporphyritic 79175,0 remains. The ne_:t
basalt, largest sub-samples are ,l 1
(35.35g) and ,7 (15.91g). Six
Although the processing of thin sections have been made:
79175 indicates thin sections 79175,27-,29; and ,38-,40.
have been made and samples
sent to PIs, we can find no
reference to this sample in the
SAMPLE 79195- 195


368.5 g; 9 x 6.5 x 5 cm, 7 x 5.5 x 4 cm, 2.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm, 1.5 x 1.5 x I cm (4 pieces)

INTRODUCTION 79195 is composed of 10-15% of Although the processing of

brownish-gray, gray-green, 79195 indicates thin sections
79195 was described as a dark bluish-gray, and white basaltic have been made and samples
gray, subangular breccia, which clasts (25 × 25 mm to I ram), sent to PIs, we can find no
is friable with an irregular clast 10% mineral clasts (plagioclase reference to this sample in the
distribution (Apollo 17 Lunar and mafic silicates - < 1 to literature.
Sample Information Catalog, 2 mm), and 75-80% fine-grained
1973) (Fig. 1 a,b). This breccia (< 0.1 ram) matrix materials.
has several penetrative The brownish-gray basalts have
fractures, but no cavities were an average grain size of 0.5 mm
noted. No zap pits were and contain < 5% olivine(?),
observed on S, E, B, and W, but a 50% plagioclase, 40% brown
few were noted on N and T. pyroxene, and 10% opaques.

Figure la: Hand specimen photograph of 79195,0.

SAMPLE 79195- 196

Figure 1b: Hand specimen photograph of 79195,0.


The original sample 79195,0 has

been entirely subdivided. The
largest remaining sub-samples
are ,1 (_ 203g) and ,2 (_ 151g).
Five thin sections have been
made: 79195,10-,14.
SAMPLE 79215 - 197

553.8 g, 9 x 8 x 7.5 cm

INTRODUCTION in the rim of an arcuate fracture in the groundmass. The

on T. recrystallized groundmass forms
79215 was described as a medi- 85% of the rock and is composed
um light gray, blocky (angular of: 73% polyhedral plagioclase
on fresh fractures, rounded on PETROGRAPHY AND (0.3-0.8 ram); 26% euhedral
exposed surfaces) metabreccia, MINERAL CHEMISTRY olivine (0.1 ram); < 1% anhedral
containing no fractures and with pyroxene (up to 1.3 mm); and
a microbrecciated fabric (Apollo The petrography of thin section < 1% globular to irregular
17 Lunar Sample Information 79215,11 was reported by the opaques (0.05 mm). Plagioclase
Catalog, 1973). The original Apollo 17 Lunar Sample is predominantly in the form of
sample contained a truly fresh Information Catalog (1973). It is polyhedra in a close-packed
fracture on B, no cavities, but a recrystallized anorthositic array. Small olivines outline
many zap pits on N, W, and T, gabbro or troctolite (Fig. 2). A the polyhedra and occur as
with a few on E, S, and B (Fig. 1 few poikilitic orthopyroxenes inclusions in the plagioclase
a,b). The soil line was very with small inclusions of (Fig. 2). The sparse, tiny
distinct on 79215,0 and there euhedral to subhedral opaques are mainly metallic
was a thin veneer of dark glass plagioclase occur interstitially iron, but also traces of ilmenite

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 79215,0.

SAMPLE 79215-198

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 79215. Field of view is 0.825 ram.

and troilite. Relict clasts make characterized by a concentration ilmenite. Some grains contain
up the remaining 15% of of opaques (ilmenite and ilmenite-armalcolite with
79215,11. These are anhedral magnesio-ilmenite) rimmed by a subhedral boundaries.
mineral clasts of plagioclase fan-shaped array of elongate
(80%), pyroxene (15%, and plagioclase polyhedra. The Simonds et al. (1974) classified
olivine (5%). Plagioclase occurs opaques in 79215,11 were 79215 as a granulitic breccia,
sporadically throughout the described by Brett in the Apollo with a matrix feldspar grain size
groundmass as unshocked, 17 Lunar Sample Information between 25-1001a and a matrix
twinned crystals. In some cases, Catalog (1973). The opaques mafic grain size between 10-30p,
these have been recrystallized to are: < 0.5% armalcolite (up to rarely reaching 100ta. Stoffler
exhibit polyhedra free of olivine 0.5 mm); < 0.3% ilmenite et al. (1979) classified 79215 as a
inclusions. A few large pyrox- (< 0.03 mm); < 0.2% FeNi granoblastic, metamorphic
ene grains, and 1 or 2 olivine metal ( < 0.02 mm); < 0.2% matrix breccia. Bickel et al.
grains also occur as relicts, troilite ( < 0.02 mm); and a trace (1976) devoted an entire paper to
ofrutile (< 0.01 mm). The the petrography and mineral
79215,11 contains three opaques occur in two textural chemistry of 79215. This paper
generations ofplagioclase: types: 1) as polygons, blebs, and gives detailed descriptions of the
1) relict clasts; 2) polyhedra; and laths (in the case ofilmenite), petrography, modal mineralogy
3) inclusions in pyroxene. Two which apparently are products and mineral compositions
generations of pyroxene are of recrystallization; and 2) as (Fig. 3 a-d) of this sample.
present: 1) relict clasts; and ragged, round mineral clasts, McGee et al. (1978) also gave a
2) interstitial grains. Two which is exemplified by a 5001a detailed report of the mineral
generations of olivine are grain of armalcolite rimmed by chemistry and petrography of
present: 1) relict clasts; and ilmenite. Armalcolite contains 79215, as well as the whole-rock
2) euhedral grains. One area is tiny laths of rutile or possibly chemistry.
SAMPLE 79215- 199

a b c

2 matr'ix _ .
6relic • x o

• ¢.
_{4 22mat
relicfix i ++ * _ v8

Fo. . . :__ ..... . _#? . ,e . v.

26 matrix * Apollo
_. 72503,8,15
11 • 72415
37 relic x 60677 x78235
• relic 0v60619 015415
+ bulk comp. 01 _, --67955 a 62237
exsotved relic 479216

Figure 3a: Compositions of mafic silicates in some proposed primitive lunar samples. (a) 79215: The
shaded pyroxene compositions include multiple analyses as indicated. (b) Lunar samples with textures
similar to those of 79215. (c) Large plutonic and Apollonian metamorphosed plutonic rocks: dunite 72415
(Dymek etal. 1975), troctolite 76535 (Gooley etal., 1974), norite 78235 (Dymek et al., I975), anorthosite
15415 (James, 1972), and troctolitic anorthosite 62237 (Dymek et al., 1975). 62237 contains two distinct
low-Ca pyroxenes; the one richer is Fs is exsolved from pigeonite.

Haggerty et al. (1975) also Yakowitz (1971), similar to the ppm), MnO (2580 ppm), and
reported the mineral chemistry results of Bickel et al. (1976) CaO (710 ppm) in an olivine of
of 79215, although he quoted and McGee et al. (1978). Fa27 and containing 24.6 wt%
only one analysis for each Hanson etal. (1980) analyzed FeO. Smith et al. (1980)
phase. Ryder et al. (1980) olivine in 79215,62 for minor reported the range of olivine
analyzed the FeNi metal in and trace elements. These minor element concentrations,
79215 and found it to lie just authors reported the concern
above the meteorite field trations of TiC2 (350 ppm),
defined by Goldstein and Cr203 (430 ppm), P205 (70

Matrix -¢

. . ¢ Relic - * _X2_Or
---_ **_. All

v v v %' v _ v
90 95 An

*+ XOrb

e._ 79215,11

v v v v v v v v
90 9v5 An

® +* e ** 79215,62

#o .... An
Mole °Io

Figure 3b : Compositions of anorthite from 79215. (a) Anorthite from 79215,11,51,60,62,65,67. ( b) The
entire compositional range of a is found in section 79215,11. (c) 79215,62 has very limited ranges of
lagioclase compositions. Taken from Bickel et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 79215-200

Matrix I.I IiI

! • I I_ i a
79215,11, 51,

Relic I I • i I • IJiIIlII
i I

. , . ¥ 79215,11

] Relic
at,x i I i ,.i, i J b
Matrix , I_ ,,
. . , . 79215, 51,

5 /_ Relic i i , I I IlII.
24 26 2J8
Mole °/o Fa

Figure 3c: Compositions of olivine from 79215. The analyses of(a) with Fa <25 are from the ilmenite-rich
relict (lithic clast? ) in 79215,67 and are associated with abundant ilmenite and Cr-spinel. The analysis
with Fa =25.3 is from the matric of 79215,67, about 60 ttm from a 125 ttm grain of Fe-Ni-Co metal. B and c
illustrate that there are slight regional variations of the olivine compositions. Relict olivines have the same
compositions as olivines in the associated matrix. Taken from B ickel et al. (1976).


I ' ' ' 0.2 0.8

(J+ ._: . 0.1 07 -" "'. _-

i= + o
0 L)
_- 0.7 o.s _X o.z o8

cr/ ,, " .... \ A,

Figure 3d: Compositions of Cr-spinels represented in three projections (atomic proportions). Cr-spinel from
the ilmenite-rich fragment (lithic clast?) is distinguished with a "+ ". The compositional trend indicated by
the remaining analyses does not maintain a constant ratio Cr/(C,, + Al) and therefore cannot be a function
only of progressive reduction of ulvospinel. Taken from B ickel et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 79215 -201

t:he averages of which are in One sample reported by

Hansen et al. (1980). Steele et Blanchard et al. (1977) (21,1) is RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
at. (1980) reported the minor considerably more mafic than
element concentration in the other five (FeO = 18.2 and Murthy (1978) reported Rb-Sr
ptagioclase from 79215. The MgO = 24.2). Higuchi and analysis ofplagioclase from
reported concentrations are: Morgan (1975) analyzed three 79215 (Table 2) in a study of the
Li = 11 ppm; Na = 6.1 mol%; sample of 79215 for siderophile initial lunar 87Sr/86Sr ratio.
Mg = 465 ppm; K = 1580 ppm; elements (Table 1). Oberli et al. (1979) reported the
Ti = 260 ppm; Sr = 220 ppm; U-Th-Pb isotopic concentrations
and Ba = 290 ppm. The REE abundances for 79215 (in picomoles) of 79215,91
reported by Blanchard et al. (Table 2). McGee et al. (1978)
(1977) have been normalized to analyzed 79215 for the Ar
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY chondrites and are presented in isotopes using thermal release
Fig. 4. The LREE range from and laser methods (Table 3).
The most complete whole-rock 2.5 to 11 x chondrites, whereas The Ar work of McGee et al.
study of 79215 was by the HREE range from 3-7 x (1978) yielded an age of _ 3.9-4.0
Blanchard et al. (1977) who chondrites. All profiles are Ga for 79215.
reported six major and trace LREE-enriched with a positive
element analyses of 79215 Eu anomaly [(Eu/Eu*)N =
(Table 1). The modal recon- 1.5-2.8]. Four samples exhibit EXPOSURE AGES AND
struction of McGee et al. (1978) enrichment of the HREE over COSMOGENIC
compares well with the major the middle REE (Fig. 4), RADIONUCLIDES
element analyses of Blanchard probably due to increased
et al. (1977) (Table 1); the MG# pyroxene contents in the whole- The exposure age of 79215 has
of McGee et al. (1978) is 72.3 and rock sample, been determined using 26A1
the range of MG#'s reported by activity, Ne, and Ar isotopes.
Blanchard et al. (1977)is 70-76. Bhandari et al. (1976) and

100 I I I I I I I I I I I

1 =21,1 3=24,1 5=38,1
(Eu/Eu*)N = 2.0 (Eu/EU*)N= 2.2 (Eu/EU*)N= 2.9

(Eu/EU*)N = 2.8 (Eu/EU*)N = 1.5 (Eu/EU*)N = 2.0

2=22,1 4=27,1 6=39,1

! :-----: --- -- 7-.

2 6 .....................................

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79215, from Blanchard et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 79215-202

Bhandari (1977) reported a 26A1 Ne isotopic ratios and temperature of 660°C, for an
exposure age between 2.3 and cosmogenic abundances in olivine composition of Fa13.4 and
3.7 Ma. Venkatesan et al. (1982) 79215 (Table 4), and an ilmenite composition of I162.5.
reported a Ne exposure age of Venkatesan et al. (1982)
3.7 Ma. However, McGee et al. reported the Xe isotopic ratios
(1978) reported an Ar exposure (Table 4). PROCESSING
The original sample 79215,0 has
Bhandari et al. (1976) analyzed EXPERIMENTAL STU DIES been entirely subdivided, as has
79215 for 26A1 at a variety of sub-sample ,1. The largest
depths. These authors reported 79215 was used to test an remaining sub-samples are: ,2
26A1 concentrations of 735 ---110 olivine-ilmenite thermometer (~ 330g); ,3 (~ 80g); and ,6 (-23g).
dpm kg _1 between 0-0.1 g cm-2, developed by Anderson and Twenty six thin sections have
& 430 + 55 dpm kg -1 between a Lindsley (1979). If the been made: 79215,11; ,50-,65;
depth of 1.5-1.6 g cm-2. Nautiyal calibration is correct, then ,67-,74; and ,76.
et al. (1978) reported the Ar and 79215 equilibrated at a
SAMPLE 79215 -203

Table 1: Whole-rock compositions of 79215.

Sample 21,1 22,1 24,1 27,1 38,1 39,1 ,0 ,26 ,28 ,34
Method Mod. N N N N N N G-Ray R R R
Reference 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5

SiO2 (wt%) 43.4 39.4 43.2 44.8 43.5 44.4 44.8 43.8
Ti02 0.13 0,3 0.3 0,3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0,3
M203 28,5 10,4 25.8 27,6 26,7 27.9 27.4 27.7
Cr203 0.07 0.238 0.069 0.098 0,115 0.541 0.108 0.2
FeO 4.3 18.2 4.96 4,15 4.91 3.40 4.86 4,6
MnO 0.04 0,170 0.058 0.054 0.063 0.045 0.064 0.06
MgO 6.3 24,2 8.51 5,84 7.33 6.18 7,40 6,3
CaO 15,9 6.17 15,6 16.3 15.6 16.0 14.4 15.9
Na20 0,38 0.222 0.616 0.549 0.557 0.616 0,580 0.5
K20 0,09 0.034 0.II0 0,107 0,113 0.128 0.I19 0.113 0.I
P205 0.17 0.4
S 0.02
Nb (ppm)
HE 0.6 0.56 1.34 1.1 0.45 1.2
Ta 0.14
U 0.03 0.043 0.19 0.56
Th 0.46 0.53 0.21 0.37 0.50 0.32 0.88
Rb 0.465 0.489 0.187
Cs 0.037 0.048 0.048
Zn 1.6 2.3 6.6
Ni 680 152 215 110 126 221 225 16
Co 71.2 17.6 18.8 16.6 7.3 18.9
Sc 7.07 4.60 7.14 7.69 5.53 8.14
La 1.0t 2.33 2.5 3.3 2.45 2.65
Ce 2.2 5.5 6.5 9.1 6.6 6.8
Sm 0.481 0.768 1.03 1.53 0.96 1.19
Eu 0.35 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.94 0.84
Wb 0.12 0.20 0.23 0.34 0.22 0.28
SAMPLE 79215- 204

Table 1: (Concludedt).

Sample 21,1 22,1 24,1 27,1 38,1 39,1 ,0 ,26 ,28 ,34
Method Mod. N N N N N N G-Ray R R R
Reference 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5


Yb 0.78 0.72 1.07 1.5 0.79 1.37

Lu 0.132 0.106 0.16 0.23 0.108 0.24

Tl (ppb) 0.084 0,41 0.48

Ge 39 33 36
Re 0.495 1.90 2.10
Ir 6.95 21.3 28.8
Au 1.67 8.27 15.0
Cd 1.04 0.98 1,98
Sb 1.30 2.79 6.36
Bi 0.30 0.16 0,30
Se 34 176 424

Ag 0,71 1.16 3.37

Te 1.7 17.0 30.1
Br 4,8 6.9 79.7

X = XRF; N = [NAA: R = RNAA; G-Ray = Gamma Ray Spectrometry; Mod. = Modal Reconstruction

References: 1 = McGee et al. (1978); 2 -- Blanchard et al. (1977); 3 = Fruchter et al. (1975); 4 = Higudi and Morgan
(1975); 5 = Bickel et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 79215-205

Table 2: Radiogenic isotope ratios from 79215.

Reference 1 2
Sample no. 79215 79215,91

87Sr/86SrMeas 0.69936+7
87Sr/86SrInit" 0.69889+-7
EBABt -1.3+ 1.0
Wt (rag) 90,3
208Pb*(Picomoles) 146.06
2OTpb*(P[como[es) 117.63
206Pb*(Picomoles) 209.20
20¢Pb*(Picomotes) 0.1413
Alpha a 1358
204Pb@(Picomoles) 0.0129
2asU*(Picomoles) 214.1
232Th*(Picomoles) 559.0

* = Corrected for blank; a = Corrected for spike

cross contamination only.
References: 1 :- Murthy (1978); 2 = Oberti et al.
SAMPLE 79215 - 206

Table 3: Isotopic Ar results for 39Ar-40Ar thermal release study from 79215 (McGee et al., I978).

Temp. 36Ar/38Ara 38Ar/37Ar 39Ar/37Ar 40Ar*/39Ar*b 39At x 10-8Exp. Age (Ma) Age (Ga)
°C ccSTP/g


500 0.369-+44 0.01454± 15 0.0148_+12 179,8± 12 0.27±12 5.450±3.1

550 0.323_+58 0.016602.33 0.0123± 8.8 76.5_+8.6 0.20_+8.5 3.975_+3.0
600 0.730-+50 0.00642-+34 0.0106± I0 110.6_+9,0 0.32--+8.9 133_+40 4.598_+2.7
650 1.114-+50 0.00525_+18 0.0151-+7.9 82.3 ±7.6 0.78-+7.5 100_+27 4.096-+2.5
700 0.592-+21 0.00570_+6.6 0.395+2.8 29.9-+1.9 3.47+_1.8 2.533-+1.0
750 0.725_+13 0.00761-+2.5 0.0142_+4.3 87.1-+4.2 2.16-+4.1 158-+6.6 4.192-+1.4
800 0.586+7.3 0.00745-+2.8 0.0158---1.2 79.6-+1.2 4.92-+1.2 4.041-+0.4
850 0.653+_4.2 0.00761±3.8 0.157±1.3 80.4-+1.1 8.92±1.1 160_+7.0 4.057±0.4
900 0.630-+8.8 0.00825-+3.6 0.0165+1.9 77.9±1.8 10.99-+1.8 174-+7.0 4.005-+0.6
950 0.633-+5,4 0.00809-+3.7 0.0160±1.7 78.3-+1.0 16.59-+1.0 171±6.9 4.014_+0.3
1000 0.643+-3.2 0.00790_+1.7 0.0156±1.4 78.4_+0.8 13.68-+0.8 166-+5.9 4.017_+0.3
1050 0.613-+3.5 0.00842-+2.0 0.0158_+0.8 78.7_+0.8 12.46_+0.8 4.023+_0.3
1100 0.615_+13 0.00827--.12 0.0157-+3.1 78.8-+2.0 5.04_+2.0 4.023±0.7
1150 0.676-+6.2 0.00901±5.0 0.131-+5.3 91.8_+4.3 2.02+_4.3 189_+7.9 4.280±1.4
1250 0.489-+14 0.01095±11 0.0140-+12 62.7-+12 1.94+11 3.649 ± 45
1400 1.040-+28 0.00741±28 0.0030-+10 82.7---11 0.90+-10 143±35 4.105+-3.8
1750 4.763-+120 0.0197-+72 0.0100-+23 188.5-+23 0.62-+23 5±990 5.534_+5.9

= All errors are relative errors in percent; b = 40At from the decay of 40K only.

Laser released Ar isotopes from various minerals of breccia 79215 in 1.0-12 cm3 STP@.

Phase 40Ar 39Ar* 3BAr* 37Ar 36At* 40ArK/39Ar K Age (Ga)

Matrixa 30.0+1.3b 0.32-+0.03 1.54+1.54 c 8.94-+8.94 3.70--3.70 c 90.2_+11.7 4.19-+0.17

Plagioclase 74.9_+2.5 1.02-+0.08 1.53+1.53 27.9-+7.8 1.11-+ 1.ll 73.2-+6.4 3.86+-0.12

Matrix 198.2±2.4 2.71-+0.12 1.51-+1.51 37.6-+8.0 4.07±4.07 72.5-+3.5 3.84±0.07

Plagioclase 113,0±3.5 1.36-+0.08 2.68-+2.68 22.8±22.8 4.81-+4.81 81.9_+5.8 4.04_+0.10

Olivine 53.6-+1.6 0.79_+0.05 1.15_+1.15 22.8_+22.8 4.62-+4.62 65.4-+6.4 3.68±0.13
Matrix 156.2+5.6 2.02±0.11 2.29±2.29 30.8+__9.5 3.70-+3.70 76.6-+5.1 3.93-+0.09

Plagioclase 170.2±9.4 2.21+0.14 1.13+1.13 64.0-+7.1 1.10---1.10 76.9±6.4 3.942.0.11

Olivine 66.4_+3.3 0.88-+0.08 3.07+3.07 15.1-+15.1 4.07___4.07 73.6±7.7 3.87-+0.14

= The exact amount of material melted by the laser pulses cannot be determined. The data can (within a factor of
approximately 5) also be understood in units of 10 .9 cm 3 STP/g.

= Corrected for neutron-induced contributions; a = All analyses are on an unheated sample: b = All errors are
actual amounts; c = 38Ar and 36Ar are below detectability. Values are those of the blank.
SAMPLE 79215 -207

Table 4: Cosmogenic radionuclide abundances in 79215 (Nautiyal et al., 1981).

Sample Depth Temp. 20Ne/22Ne 21Ne/22N e 22Ne 38Ar/36Ar 40Ar/36Ar 36Ar

(ram) (°C) (10-s ccSTP/g) 10-S ccSTP/g)

0-1.5 600 1 L.44 0.064 33.89 0.683 72.98 32.71

1600 4.40 0.629 22.78 0.439 31.04 84.56
TOTAL 8.62 0.291 56.67 0.507 42.74 117.27
MELT 2.25 7.80 21.51 1.243 143.47 43.58
MELT 0.83 0.891 18.08 1.488 143.61 28.15

Xe data from Venkatesan et al. (1982)

t26Xe/132Xe = 0.2183

129Xe/132Xe = 0.1336

L34Xe/132Xe ----0.2851
SAMPLE79225- 209

Friable Microbreccia
7.42 g, 3.5 × 2 × I cm

INTRODUCTION surface, as occasional zap glass (1-3 mm) feldspathic

or agglutinate patches are seen. metagranulites and brown to
79225 was described as a No cavities are apparent, but black and colorless glasses.
brownish black, homogeneous, the sample has a porous
intergranular microbreccia, appearance. The matrix is
with a rounded, disc-like shape irresolvable fine chips, dark in PROCESSING
and containing no fractures color, and is dominantly glass
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample with very little plagioclase. The original sample 79225,0
Information Catalog, 1973). All One subangular basalt clast remains intact. No work has
surfaces are dusty (Fig. 1), with (- 5 mm) was observed. Other been conducted as yet.
B possibly being an exposed clasts present are small

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79225,0.


Friable Microbreccia
6.73 g, Two Fragments

INTRODUCTION are evident, but the rock has a

porous appearance. No zap pits PROCESSING
79226 was described as a are present. The matrix and
brownish black, rounded, inter- mineral clasts are nearly The original sample 79226,0
granular and homogeneous identical to 79225. Lithic clasts, remains intact. No work has
microbreccia, containing a few which compose approximately been conducted as yet.
non-penetrative fractures 3%of the rock, are shocked
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample feldspathic fragments (as in
Information Catalog, 1973). All 79225), and vesicular, fine-
surfaces are dusty and friable grained basalt (one only).
(see Fig. 1 of 79225). No cavities
SAMPLE 79227,79228-213

79227, 79228
79227 - 5.57 g, 79228 - 2.50 g

After separation from the soil

sample, these two samples
disaggregated to soil-like
material and were not described.
SAMPLE 79245-215

High Grade Metaclastic
10.11g, 3.2x2x 1.5cm

INTRODUCTION colored dust; E has a little dust is difficult to decide whether this
and some chalky plagioclase, rock is a crystallized impact
79245 was described as a This was probably an outer melt or a metaclastic rock
medium gray, holocrystalline, surface. No cavities are present recrystallized at high
equigranular metaclastic, with and only one possible zap pit is temperature.
an angular, blocky shape and a identifiable on E. On T there is
few non-penetrative fractures an impression of banding:
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample darker pyroxene-rich bands PROCESSING
Information Catalog, 1973) with minute equant plagioclase'
(Fig. 1). Surfaces T, B, S, and N alternate with plagioclase-rich The original sami_le, 79245,0,
are fracture surfaces: W (almost bands in which the plagioclase is remains intact. No work has
an apex) is covered with a fawn- equant and coarser (0.2 mm). It been conducted as yet.
SAMPLE 79265 - 217

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.60 g, 1.3 x 1 × 1 cm

INTRODUCTION of pyroxene and feldspar can be Ilmenite is concentrated around

seen, along with a small the pyroxene and contains spinel
79265 was described as a proportion of dark glass and futile exsolution features.
medium gray to medium dark droplets. Ilmenite often exhibits
gray, intergranular (tough) "sawtooth" margins. Small
basalt, with an angular (blocky) (0.04-0.10 mm) olivines form the
shape and containing no frac- PETROGRAPHY AND cores to the larger pyroxenes.
tures (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample MINERAL CHEMISTRY Small ( < 0.1 mm) chromite-
Information Catalog, 1973 and ulv5spinel grains are inclusions
Fig. 1). Adhering dust is present Thin section 79265,4 is in olivine. No armalcolite was
on all surfaces. No cavities or composed of a fine-grained observed. Interstitial phases are
zap pits were noted. Minerals subvariolitic to subophitic anhedral silica (0.1-0.15 mm),
present are brown pyroxene, basalt containing anhedral anhedral troilite (0.009-0.03
white plagieclase, and black plagioclase (up to 0.8 mm), ram), and anhedral FeNi metal
opaques. Grain size of the anhedral pink-brown pyroxene (0.002-0.004 ram). FeNi metal
original sample was _ 0.2 ram. In (up to 0.8 ram), and anhedral blebs are present in some troilite
the dust, 0.1-0.2 mm fragments ilmenite (0.02-0.80 ram). grains. This thin section is

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79265,0.

SAMPLE 79265-218

made up of 49.7% pyroxene, enrichment. Core-to-rim of 11.8 wt% (Table 1). The REE
28.1% plagioclase, 17.2% zonation from Ca-rich cores to pattern (Fig. 2) is LREE-
ilmenite, 2.1% FeNi metal, 1.4% more pigeonitic and Fe-rich rims depleted and exhibits a
silica, 1.0% olivine, 0.4% is observed. Chromite- flattening of the pattern for the
chromite-ulvSspinel, and 0.1% ulvSspinel compositions a:re HREE at approximately 45 x
glass (Neal et al., 1989). restricted [100*(Cr/(Cr_ A1)) = chondrites. The maximum is in
74-75; MG# = 3-11], as are the middle REE and a negative
The mineral chemistry of 79265 ilmenite compositions (MG# = Eu anomaly is evident
has been reported by Neal et al. 2-8]. Most of the slight va:riation [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.58].
(1989, 1990}. Olivine exhibits a in ilmenite is between, rather
wide range in composition, both than within, grains.
within and between grains PROCESSING
(Fo68-51). Plagioclase compo-
sitional variations are mostly WHOLE-ROCK CHEM]STRY Of the original 2.60g of 79265,0,
accounted for by core-to-rim approximately 2.1 g remains.
zonation from An88 to An80. Neal et al. (1990) described 0.385g was used for INAA and
Pyroxene compositions range 79265 as a Type A Apollo 17 0.01g used in the making of thin
from augite to pigeonite with a high-Ti mare basalt. It has a section ,4.
moderate degree of Fe- MG# of 43.0 and a TiO2 content

100 _ t t t t I t t t t t t

,,, y
"1" IO_---
_ 79265
- (Eu/EU*)N = 0.58

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79265. Data from Neal et al. (1990).
SAMPLE 79265-219

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 79265.

Data from Neal et al. (1990).

Sample 79265,5 Sample 79265,5

Method N Method N

SiO2 V 102
TiO2 11.8 Sc 81.5
Al203 8.77 Cr 2760
Cr203 La 6.59
FeO 18.9 Ce 29
MnO 0.253 Nd 30
MgO 8.0 Sm 9.68
CaO 10.3 Eu 2.04
Na20 0.42 Gd
K20 0.06 Tb 2.59
P205 Dy 18.6
S Er

Nb (ppm) Yb 9.67
Zr 240 Lu 1.36
Hf 8.41 Ga
Ta 1.64 F
U 0.23 C1
Th 0.26 C
Sr 200 He

Rb Ge (ppb)
Li Te

Ba 56 Ag
Cs 0.04 Sb
Be Ir
Zn As
Pb Au
Cu Ru
Ni 19 Os
Co 18.5

Analysis by: N = INAA.


High-Ti Mare Basalt
33.00 g, 4 x 3.5 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION described the petrography and phase (up to 0.3 mm), as are
mineral chemistry within their FeNi metal and troil[te
79515 was described as a tan- whole-rock classification (A, B, (< 0.1 mm).
colored, rounded, intergranular C, etc.). During the preparation
basalt, with no fractures (Apollo of this catalog, we examined
17 Lunar Sample Information thin section 79515,4. It is a WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Catalog, 1973). It has an medium-grained, subophitic to
inequigranular fabric and the variolitic basalt. Pyroxene and The same analysis of 79515 was
surface is covered with 15-20% ilmenite (with "sawtooth" reported by Ma et al. (1979) and
cavities (Fig. 1). These contain margins) reach up to 0.5 mm. Warner et al. (1979) (Table 1).
projecting crystals and possibly Plagioclase forms laths (also up This basalt has a MG# of 46.2
some cristobalite. Zap pits are to 0.5 mm) and appears to be and TiO2 contents of 10.2 wt%.
present on T, but none on B. interstitial to pyroxene and Warner et al. (1979) classified
ilmenite. There are coarser this sample as a "Type U" Apollo
" areas ofpyroxene, plagioclase, 17 high-Ti basalt (after Rhodes
PETROGRAPHY AND and ilmenite around areas of et al., 1976) because of its coarse
MINERAL CHEMISTRY variolitic texture. Olivine is grain size. This is surprising,
present, but only as - 0.1 mm (or because in the thin section we
Warner et al. (1979) studied less} cores to larger pyroxenes, studied, this basalt is not coarse-
79515, but only generally Silica is a late stage interstitial grained! The REE profile is

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 79515,0.

SAMPLE 79515 - 222

LREE-depleted, with a smooth

increase (relative to chondrites) PROCESSING
from La to Sm (Fig 2). The pro-
file has a maximum at Sm. The Of the original 33g of 79515,0,
profile from Tb to Lu is flat at 31.7g remains. Sub-sample ,1
approximately 30 x chondrites, was irradiated for INAA and ,4
A negative Eu anomaly is is the thin section number.
present [(Eu/Eu*)N = 0.54].

100 __ I I I I I I I I I I I _

_ 10l --
:Z 79515 _--
_jU (Eu/EU*)N==0.54 -

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79515, taken from Ma et al. (1979) and
Warner et al. (1979).
SAMPLE 79515 - 223

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 79515.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 79515,1 Sample 79515,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 V 120
Ti02 10.2 Sc 82
A1203 9.1 Cr
Cr203 0.439 La 5.3
FeO 18.7 Ce 20
MnO 0.275 Nd 21

MgO 9 Sm 7.7
CaO 11.0 Eu 1.42
Na20 0.385 Gd
K20 0.048 Tb 1.7
P205 Dy 12
S Er

Nb (ppm) Yb 6.7
Zr Lu 0.96
Hf 6.2 Ga
Ta 1.4 F
U C1
Th C
Sr He
Rb Ge (ppb)
Li Te

Ba Ag
Cs Sb
Be lr
Zn As
Pb Au
Cu Ru
Ni Os
Co 23

Analysis by: N -- INAA.

SAMPLE 79516 - 225

High-Ti Mare Basalt
23.92 g, 3 x 3 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION plagioclase. Ilmenite (up to 1.5

PETROGRAPHY AND ram) and olivine phenocrysts (-
79516 was described as a brown- MINERAL CHEMISTRY 0.5 ram) are present. Margins of
gray, inequigranular, the olivine phenocrysts are
homogeneous basalt, with a Warner et al. (1979) studied corroded. Ilmenites generally
blocky, subrounded Shape 79516, but only generally contain cores of armalcolite. An
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample described the petrography and opaque interstitial glass is
Information Catalog, 1973) mineral chemistry within their persistent throughout much of
(Fig. 1). Approximately 5% of whole-rock classification (A, B, the thin section. Troilite and
the surface is covered with C, etc.). During the preparation FeNi metal (< 0.05 mm) form
2-3 mm cavities containing of this catalog, we examined anhedral interstitial phases.
projecting crystals. Grain size is thin section 79516,4. It is a fine-
much less than I ram, but grained (< 0.2 ram) subophitic
pyroxene (?) forms acicular to ophitic basalt. The ground-
crystals. Zap pits are present on mass consists of pink/brown
all sides, pyroxene, ilmenite, and

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79516,0.

SAMPLE 79516-226

17 high-Ti mare basalt. 79516 is

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY further classified as a B2 basalt PROCESSING
using the criteria ofNeal et al.
The same analysis of 79516 was (1990). The REE profile (Fig. 2) Of the original 23.92g of
reported by Ma et al. (1979) and is LREE-depleted with a 79516,0, 23.36g remains.
Warner et al. (1979) (Table 1). maximum at Sm. From Tb to 79516,1 was irradiated for
This basalt has a MG# of 41.7 Lu, the pattern is relatively fiat INAA and ,4 is the thin section
and a TiO2 content of 12.3 wt%. at _ 30 x chondritic abundances, number.
Warner et al. (1979) classified A negative Eu anomaly is
this sample as a Type B Apollo present [(Eu/Eu*) N = 0.55].

100 I I I I I I I I I I I -

lo - 79516 -
(Eu/EU*)N =0.55

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 2: Chondrite-normalized rare earth element profiles of 79516, taken from Ma et al. (l 979) and
Warner et al. (1979)
SAMPLE 79516-227

Table l: Whole-rock chemistry of 79516.

Data from Ma et al. (1979) and Warner et al. (1979) (same analysis).

Sample 79516,1 Sample 79516,1

Method N Method N

SiO2 V 109
TiO2 12.3 Sc 87
A1203 8.4 Cr
Cr203 0.399 La 5.2
FeO 19.9 Ce 20
MnO 0.245 Nd 21
MgO 8 Sm 6.9
CaO 10.0 Eu 1.33
Na20 0.384 Gd
K20 0.045 Tb 1.7
P205 Dy 12
S Er

Nb (ppm) Yb 6.6
Zr Lu 0.94
Hf 6.3 Ga
Ta 1.6 F
U C1
Th C
Sr He

Rb Ge (ppb)
Li Te

Ba Ag
Cs Sb
Be Ir
Zn As
Pb Au
Cu Ru
Ni Os
Co 22

Analysis by: N = INAA,

SAMPLE 79517-229

Dark Matrix Breccia
10.23 g, 3 × 3 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Serg crater. Its surface has

small glass patches and droplets PROCESSING
79517 was described as a gray, in abundance. It is composed
rounded, moderately intergran- primarily (95%} of dark matrix The original sample 79517,0
ular breccia, containing no frac- (Fig. 1) and contains crushed remains intact. No work has
tures (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample plagioclase and pyroxene clasts, been conducted as yet.
Information Catalog, 1973). mafic mineral aggregates, and
This rock is typical of the dark rarely, a basaltic clast. Zap pits
matrix breccias collected at Van are present on all sides.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79517,0.

SAMPLE 79518-231

Dark Matrix Breccia
5.20 g, 3x lx lcm

INTRODUCTION Information Catalog, 1973). The

side opposite that containing zap PROCESSING
79518 was described as an pits is a fracture surface (Fig. 1)
angular, moderately which has a chipped glass The original sample 79518,0
intergranular, dark-matrix coating. This thin glass coating remains intact. No work has
breccia, with zap pits on one side partially covers the unpitted been conducted as yet.
only (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample side.

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 79518,0,

SAMPLE 79519 - 233

Dark Matrix Breccia
3.65 g, 2 x 2 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION basalt fragment (Fig. 1) with

65% pyroxene, 8%opaques, and PROCESSING
79519 was described as a gray, 25-30% plagioclase; an
moderately intergranular, dark- ultramafic fragment with 60% The original sample 79519,0
matrix breccia, which has zap green mafic-silicate (may have remains intact. No work has
pits on one side only (Apollo 17 been up to 1 cm in grain size} been conducted as yet.
Lunar Sample Information and gray-brown or purplish
Catalog, 1973). It contains the pyroxene, with grain size
following clasts: a 3 x 3 mm > 1 ram.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79519,0.

SAMPLE 79525-235

Dark Matrix Breccia
3.03 g, 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION 1973). The dark matrix is the

same as in 79517. One side has PROCESSING
79525 was described as a blocky, a slickenside patch. Zap pits are
moderately intergranular, dark- present, but extensive fresh The original sample 79525,0
matrix breccia, containing sheet fractures (Fig. 1) reduce the remains intact. No work has
fracturing (Apollo 17 Lunar pitted area. Mineral clasts of been conducted as yet.
Sample Information Catalog, plagioclase are present (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79525,0.

SAMPLE 79526 -237

Dark Matrix Breccia
2.93 g, 2.5 x 1.5 x i cm

INTRODUCTION breccia 79517, but has the

following two clasts: a 3 x 2 mm PROCESSING
79526 was described as a matrix breccia fragment with a
moderately intergranular, dark- black glass matrix which may be The original sample 79526,0
matrix breccia, which contains simply a fresh fracture (if so, remains intact. No work has
zap pits on all sides (Apollo 17 then the matrix of 79526 is been conducted as yet.
Lunar Sample, Information glassy); and a 4 x 2 mm basalt
Catalog, 1973, and Fig. 1). It is fragment similar to subfloor
similar to the type dark matrix basalts.

Figure I: Hand specimen photograph of 79526,0.

SAMPLE 79527-239

Dark Matrix Breccia
2.65 g, 1.5 x I x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION Lunar Sample Information

Catalog, 1973) (Fig. 1). Zap pits PROCESSING
79527 was described as a tabular are present on all sides. The
to blocky, moderately intergran- matrix is similar to that in The original sample 79527,0
ular, dark-matrix breccia, which 79517 and plagioclase mineral remains intact. No work has
contains no fractures (Apollo 17 clasts are present (Fig. 1). been conducted as yet.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 7952 7,0.

SAMPLE 79528 -241

Dark Matrix Breccia
2.38 g, 2.5 x 1.5 x I cm

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 1). It is a typical Van Serg

dark matrix breccia (see 79517), PROCESSING
79528 was described as a but appears to be richer in mafic
moderately intergranular, dark- components than others of this The original sample 79528,0
matrix breccia, with a blade-like type. Crushed plagioclase remains intact. No work has
shape (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample mineral clasts (up to 1 mm) are been conducted as yet.
Information Catalog, 1973} present (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 : Hand specimen photograph of 79528,0.


Dark Matrix Breccia
1.84 g, 2× 1 x 1 cm

INTRODUCTION zap pits on only one side. It is

made up of 90% medium gray PROCESSING
79529 was described as a matrix, 1% basaltic fragments,
moderately intergranular, dark- 7% plagioclase mineral clasts, The original sample 79529,0
matrix breccia (Apollo 17 Lunar 1% of plagioclase-mafic silicate remains intact. No work has
Sample Information Catalog, aggregates, and 1% crushed been conducted as yet.
1973) (Fig. 1). It is of the same pyroxene.
rock-type as 79526 and contains

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79529,0.

SAMPLE 79535-245

Dark Matrix Breccia
1.69 g, 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION a Van Serg type of dark matrix

breccia (see 79517). There is PROCESSING
79535 was described as a moderate zap pit density on the
tabular, moderately inter- flat sides. The flat sides are The original sample 79535,0
granular, dark-matrix breccia grooved fracture surfaces remains intact. No work has
(Apollo 17 Lunar Sample Infor- (Fig. 1) which pre-date the been conducted as yet.
mation Catalog, 1973). It is pitting.

Figure !: Hand specimen photograph of 79535,0.

SAMPLE 79536 -247

Dark Matrix Breccia
1.66 g, 1.5 x I x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION breccia (Apollo 17 Lunar Sample

Information Catalog, 1973). It PROCESSING
79536 was described as a has zap pits on all surfaces and
tabular, moderately contains one 2 x 2 mm mafic, The original sample 79536,0
intergranular, dark-matrix lithic clast (Fig. 1}. remains intact. No work has
been conducted as yet.

Figure 1: Hand specimen photograph of 79536,0.

SAMPLE 79537 - 249

Dark Matrix Breccia
1.05 g, I x I x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION penetrative fractures (Apollo 17

Lunar Sample Information PROCESSING
79537 was described as a Catalog, 1973) (Fig. 1). It has
moderately intergranular, zap pits on all sides and contains The original sample 79537,0
tabular, dark-matrix breccia, plagioclase mineral clasts (up to remains intact. No work has
which contains several 0.5 mm - Fig. 1). been conducted as yet.

Figure l : Hand specimen photograph of 79537,0.



Adams J.B. and Charette M.P. (1975) Spectral reflectance of highland rock types at Apollo 17: Evidence
from Boulder 1, Station 2. The Moon 14, 483-489.
72215 72255 72275 76315 77017 77135 78155 79215

Aeschlimann U., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., Kurtz J., and Marti K. (1982) On the age of cumulate
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Ahrens T.J. and Watt J.P. (1980a) Dynamic properties of mare basalts: Relations of equations of state to
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Ahrens T.J. and Watt J.P. (1980b) Dynamic properties of mare basalts: Relation of equations of state to
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Ahrens T.J., Jackson I., and Jeanloz R. (1977) Dynamic properties ofilmenite-rich mare basalt and the
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Albee A.L., Gancarz A.J., and Chodos A.A. (1973) Metamorphism of Apollo 16 and 17 and Luna 20
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22006, and 22007. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 569-595.

Albee A.L., Chodos A.A., Dymek R.F., Gancarz A.J., Goldman D.S., Papanastassiou D.A., and Wasserburg
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LS V, 3-5.
72415 72417

Albee A.L., Chodos A.A., Dymek R.F., Gancarz A.J., and Goldman D.S. (1974b) Preliminary investigation
of Boulders 2 and 3, Apollo 17, Station 2: Petrology and Rb-Sr model ages. LS V, 6-8.
72315 72335 72355 72375 72395

Albee A.L., Dymek R.F., and DePaolo D.J, (1975) Spinel symplectites: High pressure solid-state reaction
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72415 76535

Allen R.O., Jovanovic S., and Reed G.W., Jr. (1975) Heavy element affinities in Apollo 17 samples. Earth
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72275 76315

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74275 75075

Alvarez R. (1974a) Electrical properties of sample 70215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2663-2671.

Alvarez R. (1974b) Electrical properties of sample 70215 in the temperature range of 100 ° to 373 ° K.
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Andersen D.J. and Lindsley D.H. (1979) The olivine-ilmenite t:hermometer. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
10th, 493-507.
78155 79215

Andersen D.J. and Lindsley D.H. (1982) Application of a two- pyroxene thermometer. LPS XIII, 15-16.
76255 77215

Arvidson R., Drozd R., Guiness E., Hohenberg C., Morgan C., Morrison R., and Oberbeck V. (1976) Cosmic
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70135 71055 72535 73275 75015 75035 71135 71569

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71055 79135 79155

Baker M.B. and Herzberg C.T. (1980a) Spinel cataclasites in 15445 and 72435: Petrology and criteria for
equilibrium. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 535-553.
72435 77517

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Banerjee S.K. and Swits G. (1975) Natural remanent magneti2_ation studies of a layered breccia boulder
from the lunar highland region. The Moon 14, 473-4:81.
72215 72255 72275

Banerjee S.K., Hoffman K., and Swits G. (1974a) Remanent magnetization directions in a layered boulder
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72255 72275

Banerjee S.K., Hoffman K., and Swits G. (1974b) Reversed polarity remanent magnetization in a layered
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72255 72275

Bansal B., Wiesmann H., and Nyquist L. (1975) Rb-Sr ages and initial BTSr/86Sr ratios for Apollo 17 mare
basalts. In Papers presented to the Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and Their
Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 1-5.
70035 70017 70135 70215 74255 74275 75075

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70275 74255 72415 72417 76535

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Bersch M.G., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1988) Ferroan anorthosites and the magma ocean: Searching for
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73217 73235

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Bhandari N. (1977a) Solar flare exposure ages of lunar rocks ar.Ldboulders based on 26A1. Proc. Lunar Sci.
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75035 79215

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Bickel C.E. and Warner J.L. (1978a) Survey of lunar plutonic and granulitic lithic fragments. Proc. Lunar
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73155 73215 73235 77035 77115 77135 77215

Bickel C.E. and Warner J.L. (1978b) Textural-mineralogical re lationships in a population of ANT
samples. LPS IX, 82-84.
77017 78155 79215

Bickel C.E., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976a) Petrology of79215: Brecciation of a lunar cumulate.
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Bickel C.E., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976b) 79215: A unique, early lunar breccia. LS VII, 55-57.

Blanchard D.P., Brannon J.C., Jacobs J.W., and Haskin L.A. (1977) Major and trace element abundances
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73215 73255

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73215 73255

Blanchard D.P. and Budahn J.R. (1979b) Clasts from Consortium breccia 73255: Remnants from the early
lunar crust? LPS X, 134- 136.
73255 73215

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element chemistry of Boulder 1 at Station 2, Apollo 17. The Moon 14, 359-371.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., Brannon J.C., and Haskin L.A. (1976) Major and trace element compositions
of matrix and aphanitic clasts from consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,

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73215 79215

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75035 79115

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and volatile elements. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 2241-2259.
71055 75055 79155 72155 77035

Boynton W.V., Chou C.-L., Bild R.W., and Wasson J.T. (1975b) Surface correlation of volatile elements in
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71055 72155 75055 79155 77035

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73215 76535

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72215 72255 73215

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70017 71055 72275 74275 77017 77135

Brecher A. (1975) Textural remanence: A new model of lunar rock magnetism. LS VI, 83-85.
72415 73215 74275 76315 77017 77035

Brecher A. (1976a) Textural remanence: A new model of lunar rock magnetism. Earth Planet. Sci.
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72415 73215 74275 76315 77017 77035

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70135 75035 77035 77135

Brecher A. (1977b) New evidence for textural magnetization (TXM) in lunar rocks synthetic analogs and
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70135 77135

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72275 77017 77135 70017 71005 74275

Brecher A., Menke W.H., Adams J.B., and Gaffey M.J. (1975) The effects of heating and subsolidus
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77017 77135

Brett R. (1976) Reduction of mare basalts by sulfur loss. Geoch,im. Cosmochim. Acta 40,997-1004.
70017 70035 70215 74275 75035 75055 72275 72415 72435 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155

Brown G.M., Peckett A., Emeleus C.H., and Phillips R. (1974) Mineral-chemical properties of Apollo-17
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70017 70035 70215 71055 73235 74275 75035 76535 77017

Brown G.M., Peckett A., Emeleus C.H., Phillips R., and Pinsenl_ R.H. (1975) Petrology and mineralogy of
Apollo 17 mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1-13.
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 70315 71035 71055 71075 71135 71155 71175
71569 72135 72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 175035 75055 75075 76136 78135 78505
78506 79155

Brown G.M., Peckett A., Phillips R., and Emeleus C.H. (1975b) Mineralogy and petrology of Apollo 17
basalts. LS VI, 95-97.
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 70315 71035 71055 71075 71135 71155 71175
71569 72135 72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 78135 78505
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70017 70215 71055 74275 75035 73235

Butler P. and Dealing T.E. (1974) The dissection an dconsortium allocation of Apollo 17 lunar rocks from
the boulder at Station 7. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 429-434.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Cadogan P.H. and Turner G. (1976) The chronology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci.
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76015 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315

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the Conference on the Lunar Highlands Crust. LPIContr. 394, 9-11.
78235 78236

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73255 78236

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70175 70295 74246

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76015 76215

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Chao E.C.T. (1973b) 76055, a fragment-laden contact-metamorphosed magnesian hornfels. EOS 54, 584.

Chao E.C.T. and Minkin J.A. (1974a) Preliminary description of Apollo 17 station 7 boulder consortium
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77075 77115 77135 77215

Chao E.C.T. and Minkin J.A. (1974b) The petrogenesis of 77135, a fragment-laden pigeonite feldspathic
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72435 76315 77135

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23, 413-428.
77135 77115 77075 77215

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77115 77135

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70215 75035

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70017 70135 70215 71055 74275

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70035 70185 70215 70275 78135 78155 78235 78505

Duncan A.R., Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., Sher M.K., and Ahrens LH. (1974a) Trace element evidence for a
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70135 75035

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70215 71055 74255 75055

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#2, Apollo 17 Station #2. LS VII, 230-232.
72315 72335 72355 72375 72395

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70035 74275

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74235 74255 74275 77135

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73215 73216 77035

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73215 73216 77035

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70017 73235 74275

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(1975a) Chemical studies of the lunar regolith with emphasis on zirconium and hafnium. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1351-1361.
73215 77035

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the lunar regolith with emphasis on zirconium and hafnium. LS VI, 236-238.
73215 77035

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70135 70185 70215 71135 71136 71175 71566 73215 73255 73275 76295 78597 79155

Eldridge J.S., O'Kelley G.D., and Northcutt K.J. (1974b) Primo:cdial radioelement concentrations in rocks
and soils from Taurus-Littrow. LS V, 206-208.
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Eldridge J.S., O'Kelley G.D., and Northcutt K.J+ (1975a) Primo,:dial and eosmogenic radionuclides in
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70315 71546 72155 74275

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72736 72738 73235 73275 74279 76015 76255 76275 76295 76315 77075 77115 77135 77515
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metallic iron abundances in Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 basalts. LS VI, 290-292.
70035 70215 74275 75035 75055

Gibson E.K., Usselman T.M., and Morris R.V. (1976a) Sulfur in the Apollo 17 basalts and their source
regions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1491-1505.
70035 70135 70185 70215 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535 78135
78506 78597 78599 79155

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their source regions. LS VII, 290-292.
70035 70135 70185 70215 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535 78135
78506 78597 78599 79155

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70035 70215 74255 74275 75035 75055 72415 76015 76055 76215 77135 78155 78505 79135

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summary of the electrical properties of lunar material at 450 MHz frequency. Proc. Lunar Sci.
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72255 72275 72435 73215 76535

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76535 78235

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73215 76255 76535 77135 79215

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70215 74275

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70017 74275

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70017 70215 74275 78505

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72215 72235 72255 72275 72415 72417 73215 73235 73275 76015 76215 76235 76255 76275
76295 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 77215 78155 78235 79215

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73275 79035

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73215 73235 76535 77135 78155 78235 78238

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73215 73235 76535 77017 77135 78155 78238

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72215 72235 72255 72275 72415 72417 73215 76015 76215 76235 76295 77135 77215 78235

Higuchi H. and Morgan J.W. (1975b) Ancient meteoritic component in Apollo 17 boulders. LS VI,
72415 72417 73215 76015 76215 76295

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79035 79135

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79035 79135

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79035 79135

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79035 79135

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70017 73235 74275

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70017 73235 74275

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70017 70215 77035

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70017 70215 72395 77017 77035

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70017 70215

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70017 70035 70215 74275 75075 73235 73275 76535 77017 79215

Housley R.M., Cirlin E.H., Goldberg I.B., and Crowe H. (1976) Ferromagnetic resonance studies of lunar
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72275 73215 73275 76315 79035

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interpretation of rock types from the non-mare regions of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
72255 72275 72435 73235 76015 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155

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70017 70035 70215 70255 71035 73215 74245 74255 74275 75055 76136 76539 77035 78526

Huffman G.P. and Dunmyre G.R. (1975) Superparamagneitc clusters ofFe 2+ spins in lunar olivine:
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73275 77135

Huffman G.P., Schwerer F.C., Fisher R.M., and Nagata T. (1974a) Iron distributions and metallic-ferrous
ratios for Apollo lunar samples: Mossbauer and magnetic analyses. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
70017 70215 73275 76315 77017 77135

Huffman G.P., Schwerer F.C., Fisher R.M., and Nagata T. (1974b) Iron distributions and metallic-ferrous
ratios for Apollo lunar samples: Mossbauer and magnetic analyses. LS V, 372-374.
70017 77017

Hughes S.S. and Schmitt R.A. (1988) Confirmation of Zr-Hf fractionation in lunar petrogenesis--an
interim report. LPS XV, 385-386.
73215 77035

Huneke J.C. (1978) ¢0Ar-39Ar microanalysis of single 74220 glass balls and 72435 breccia clasts. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 2345-2362.

Huneke J.C. and Wasserburg G.J. (1975) Trapped 40Ar in troctolite 76535 and evidence for enhanced
40Ar-39Ar age plateaus. LS VI, 417-419.

Huneke J.C. and Wasserburg G.J. (1978) 40Ar-39Ar ages of single orange glass balls and highland breccia
phenocrysts. LPS IX, 567-569.

Huneke J.C., Jessberger E.K., Podosek F.A., and Wasserburg G.J. (1973) 4OAr/3 9Ar measurements in
Apollo 16 and 17 samples and the chronology of metamorphic and volcanic activity in the
Taurus- Littrow region. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 1725-1756.
75055 76055

Huneke J.C., Radicati di Brozolo F., and Wasserburg G.J. (1977) 4OAr-agAr measurements on lunar
highlands rocks with primitive 87Sr/S6Sr. LPS XVIII, 481-483.

Hutcheon I.D. (1975) Microcraters in oriented rugs - evidence fi>ran anisotropy in the micrometeoroid
flux. LS VI, 420-422.
71055 74255

Hutcheon I.D., MacDougall D., and Price P.B. (1974a) Improved determination of the long-term average
Fe spectrum from 1 to 460 MeV/amu. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2561-2576.

Hutcheon I.D., MacDougall D., and Stevenson J. (1974b) Apollo 17 particle track studies: surface
residence times and fission track ages for orange glass and large boulders. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 5th, 2597-2608.
72255 72275 72315 72395 73215

Hutcheon I.D., MacDougall D., and Price P.B. (1974c) Rock 72315: A new lunar standard for solar flare
and micrometeorite exposure. LS V, 378-380.

Irving A.J. (1975) Chemical, mineralogical, and textural systeraatics of non-mare melt rocks:
implications for lunar impact and volcanic processes. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 363-394.
72275 76055

Irving A.J. (1977) Chemical and experimental constraints on the genesis of Apollo 15 and Apollo 17
KREEP basalts. LPS XVIII, 493- 495.

Irving A.J., Merrill R.B., and Singleton D.E. (1978) Experiment:al partitioning of rare earth elements and
scandium among armalcolite, olivine, and mare basalt liquids. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
9th, 601-612.

Ishii T., Miyamoto M., and Takeda H. (1976) Pyroxene geothermometry and crystallization, subsolidus
equilibration temperatures of lunar and achondritic pyroxenes. LS VII, 408-410.
72415 76535 78235

Ishii T., McCallum I.S., and Ghose S. (1980) Multiple impact history ofa genomict breccia 73217 as
inferred from pyroxene crystallization sequences. LPS XI, 499-501.

Ishii T., Ghose S., and McCallum I.S. (1981) Inversion, decomposition, and exsolution phenomena of lunar
pyroxenes observed in breccia 73217. LPS XII, 494-496.

Ishii T., McCallum S., and Ghose S. (1983) Petrological and thermal histories of a lunar breccia 73217 as
inferred from pyroxene crystallization sequences, ex:_olution phenomena, and pyroxene
geothermometry. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A631-A644.

Jackson E.D., Sutton R.L., and Wilshire H.G. (1975) Structure and petrology of a cumulus norite boulder
sampled by Apollo 17 in Taurus-Littrow valley, the Moon. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 86, 433- 442.
78235 78236 78238 78255

Jagodzinski H. and Korekawa M. (1975) Diffuse scattering by domains in lunar and terrestrial
plagioclases. LS VI, 429-431.

Jagodzinski H., Korekawa M., Muller W.F., and Schropfer L. (1975a) X-ray diffraction and
electron microscope studies of clinopyroxenes from lunar basalts 75035 and 75075. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 6th, 773-778.
75035 75075

Jagodzinski H., Korekawa M., Muller W.F., and Schropfer L. (1975b) X-ray study of clinopyroxenes of
lunar basalts 75035 and 75075. LS VI, 432-434.
75035 75075

James O.B. (1975) Petrography of the matrix of light gray (consortium) breccia 73215. LS VI, 438-440.

James O.B. (1976a) Petrology of aphanitic lithologies in consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
7th, 2145-2178.

James O.B. (1976b) Petrology ofaphanitic lithologies in consortium breccia 73215. LS VII, 420-422.

James O.B. (1977a) Petrology of four clasts from consortium breccia 73215. LPS XVIII, 502-504.

JamesO.B. (1982) Subdivisionofthe Mg-suite plutonic rocks into Mg-noritesandMg-gabbronorites. LPS

XIII, 360-362
72255 72415 72417 73255 76255 76535 77215 78235 78238

James O.B. and Blanchard D.P. (1976) Consortium studies of light-gray breccia 73215: Introduction,
subsample distribution data, and summary of results. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2131- 2143.

James O.B. and Flohr M.K. (1983) Subdivision of the Mg-suite noritic rocks into Mg-gabbronorites and
Mg-norites. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A603-A614.
73255 76255 78235 78238 78255 77035 72255 77215 77075 77077 72415 76535

James O.B. and Hammarstrom J.G. (1977) Petrology of four clasts from consortium breccia 73215. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2459- 2494.

James O.B. and Hedenquist J.W. (1978a) Consortium breccia 73255: Petrology ofaphanitic lithologies.
LPS IX, 585-587.

James O.B. and Hedenquist J.W. (1978b) Spinel-bearing troctoIitic basalt 73215,170: Texture,
mineralogy, and history. LPS IX, 588- 590.

James O.B. and Marti K. (1977) Consortium breccia 73255: Matrix petrography and exposure history.
LPS XIII, 505-507.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1979a) Consortium breccia 73255: Genesis and history of two coarse-grained
"norite" clasts. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 713-743.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1979b) Consortium breccia 73255: Genesis and history of two coarse-grained
"norite" clasts. LPS X, 616-618.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1980a) Petrology of mare-type basalt clasts from consortium breccia 73255.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 67-86.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1980b) Petrology of ancient mare-type basalt clasts from breccia 73255.
LPS XI, 505-507.

James O.B. and McGee J.J. (1980c) Petrology offelsite clasts from Consortium breccia 73255. LPS XI,

James O.B., Brecher A., Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., Brannon J.C., Korotev R.L., Haskin L.A., Higuchi
H., Morgan J.W., Anders E., Silver L.T., Marti K., Braddy D., Hutcheon I.D., Kirsten T.,
Kerridge J.F., Kaplan I.R., Pillinger C.T., and Gardiner L.R. (1975a) Consortium studies of
matrix of light gray breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 547-577.

James O.B., Marti K., Braddy D., Hutcheon I.D., Brecher A., Silver L.T., Btanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W.,
Brannon J.C., Korotev R.L., and Haskin L.A. (1975b) Consortium studies of matrix of light gray
breccia 73215. LS VI, 435-437.

James O.B., Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., Brannon J.C., Haskin L.A., Brecher A., Compston W., Marti K.,
Lugmair G.W., Gros J., Takahashi H., and Braddy D. (1976) Consortium studies of aphanitic
lithologies and two anorthositic gabbro clasts in breccia 73215. LS VII, 423-525.

James O.B., Hedenquist J.W., Blanchard D.P., Budahn J.R., and Compston W. (1978) Consortium breccia
73255: Petrology, major- and trace element chemistry, and Rb-Sr systematics of aphanitic
lithologies. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 789-819.
73215 73255

Jeanloz R.F. and Ahrens T.J. (1976) Alkali mobility in shocked basalt. LS VII, 428-430.

Jerde E.A., Warren P.H., Morris R.V., Heiken G.H, and Vaniman D.T. (1987) A potpourri of regolith
breccias: "New" samples from the Apollo 14, 16, and 17 landing sites. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 17th, E526-E536.
78515 78516 78555 79115

Jessberger E.K. (1979) Ancient pink-spinel-bearing troctolitic basalt in Apollo 17 breccia 73215. LPS X,

Jessberger E.K., Horn P., and Kirsten T. (1975) 39Ar-40Ar-datiag of lunar rocks: A methodical
investigation of mare basalt 75075. LS VI, 441-443.

Jessberger E.K., Kirsten T., and Staudacher T. (1976a) Argon- argon ages of consortium breccia 73215.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2201-2215.

Jessberger E., Kirsten T., and Staudacher T. (1976b) Ages ofplutonic clasts in consortium breccia 73215.
LS VII, 431-433.

Jessberger E.K., Kirsten T., and Staudacher T. (1977) One rock and many ages- further K°Ar data on
consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2567-2580.

Jessberger E.K., Staudacher T., Dominik B., and Kirsten T. (1978) Argon-argon ages of aphanite samples
from consortium breccia 73255. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 841-854.
73215 73255

Jost D.T. and Marti K. (1982) Pu-Nd-Xe dating: Progress towards a "solar system" Pu]Nd ratio. LPS XIII,
78236 76535

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1974a) Labile and nonlabile element relationships among Apollo 17 samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1685-1701.
72275 72395 72417 73235 73275 74275 75075 76315 76535 77035

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1974b) Labile trace elements in Apollo 17 samples. LS V, 391-393.
72275 73275 74275 75075 76315 76535

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1975a) C1 and P205 systematics: Clues to early lunar magmas. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 6th, 1737-1751.
70019 70135 72215 72255 72275 72395 72417 76535

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1975b) Soil breccia relationships and vapor deposits on the moon. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1753- 1759.
70019 70135 72215 72255 72275

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1975c) History of Boulder 1 at Station 2, Apollo 17 based on trace element
interrelationships. The Moon 14, 385-393.
72215 72255 72275 72395 72417 73235 73275 76315 77035

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1975d) Studies on regolith processes: Apollo 15 and 17 labile trace element
implications. LS VI, 451- 453.
70019 70135 72215 72255 72275

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1976a) Chemical fractionation of Ru and Os in the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 3437-3446.
70135 72417

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1976b) Convection cells in the early lunar magma ocean: trace-element
evidence. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 3447-3459.
73215 76535

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1977) Trace element geochemistry and the early lunar differentiation. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 623-632.
71055 75035 79215 70135 74275

Jovanovic S. and Reed G.W. (1978) Trace element evidence for a laterally inhomogeneous Moon. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 59-80.
70017 70019 71055 74275 75035 75055 75075 78526 79155

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70017 70019 70135 71055 72395 74275 75035 75055 75075 78526 79115 72215 72255 72275
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71055 71569 75035 79155 79215

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72235 72535 77515 77538 77539 77545 78526 78527:78535 78546 78547 78548 78549

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70135 72155 72315 72335 72355 72375 72395 75035:77017 79035

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71515 71559 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71587 71588 71596 73219 77516 77535 78569
78575 78578 78586 78597 78598

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70019 75075

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70215 70017 71569 71255 72135 74275 75035

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70035 70135 70175 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 71155 72255 72275 72355 72415 72435
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70035 702_5 72135 72255 72275 72415 72435 73235 74235 75055 76055 76255 76315 76535
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70075 70136 70137 70315 71037 71045 71046 71065 71066 71067 71068 71069 71085 71086
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72255 72315 72335 72395

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70215 75075 73235

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70017 71055 72155 75055 75075 79155 72275 72417 76315 77017 78235

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78235 78238

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77075 77115 77135

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77075 77115 77135

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72415 72417

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70215 75035

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73217 73235

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74235 76215 77135 78315

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studies of the lunar regolith at the Apollo 17 site. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1079-1086.
70017 70215 71055 73235 74275 75035 79035

Minkin J.A., Thompson C.L., and Chao E.C.T. (1978) The Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder: Summary of study
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77075 77115 77135 77215

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976a) Textures and compositions of metal particles in Apollo
17, Station 6 boulder samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2251-2266.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976b) Native FeNi metal particles in Apollo 17 Station 6
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76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

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70017 73215 75055 76535 77515

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70215 73235 74275 77017

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70215 73235 74275 77017

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70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

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70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

Moore C.B. and Lewis C.F. (1976) Total nitrogen contents of Apollo 15, 16 and 17 lunar rocks and soils. LS
VII, 571-573.
70215 71055 72135 72275 72385 73235 75035 77017 78155 78235 78505 79135

IV[organ J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979a) Breccias 73215 and 73255: Siderophile and volatile trace elements.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 789-801.
73215 73255

Morgan J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979b) Siderophile and volatile trace elements in breccias 73215 and 73255
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73215 73255

Morgan J.W. and Wandless G.A. (1979) Terrestrial upper mantle: Siderophile and volatile trace element
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72415 72417

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72415 72417 73215

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Conf. 5th, 1703-1736.
70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035 79155

Morgan J.W., Ganapathy R., Higuchi H., Krahenbuhl U., and Anders E. (1974b) Lunar basins: Tentative
characterization of projectiles, from meteoritic elements in Apollo 17 boulders. LS V, 526-528.
70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035

Morgan J.W., Higuchi H., and Anders E. (1975) Meteoritic material in a boulder from the Apollo 17 site:
Implications for its origin. The Moon 14, 373-383.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Morgan J.W., Gros J., Takahashi H., and Hertogen J. (1976) Lu_3ar breccia 73215: siderophile and volatile
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73215 73235 73275

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74235 74255 74275

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Mori H., Takeda H., and Miyamoto M. (1982) Comparison of orthopyroxenes in lunar norites and
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72255 78236

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1975) Studies of solar flares and iiapact craters in partially protected
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76015 76215

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1977a) 12054 and 76215: New measurements of interplanetary dust and
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Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1977b) Mierocraters and solar cosmic ray tracks. LPS XVIII, 691-693.

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71055 75075

*Muhich T., Vaniman D., and Heiken G. (1990) Ilmenite in high-Ti Apollo 17 basalts: Variations in
composition with degree ofexsolution. LPSC XXI, 817-819.
70035 70215 71055 78505

Muller H.W., Plieninger T., James O.B., and Schaeffer O.A. (1977a) Laser probe 39Ar-40Ar dating of
materials from consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2551-2565.

Muller H.W., Plieninger T., James O.B., and Schaeffer O.A. (1977b) Laser probe 40Ar-39Ar dating of
materials from consortium breccia 73215. LPS XVII|, 697-699.

Muller O. (1974a) Solar wind nitrogen and indigenous nitrogen in Apollo 17 lunar samples. Proc. Lunar
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70215 77017 79155

Muller O. (1974b) Solar wind- and indigenous nitrogen in Apollo 17 lunar samples. LS V, 534-536.
70215 77017 79155

Muller O., Grallath E., and Tolg G. (1976a) Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,
70215 77017 79155

Muller O., Grallath E., and Tolg G. (1976b) Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks. LS VII, 580-582.
70215 77017 79155

Murali A.V., Ma M.-S., Laul J.C., and Schmitt R.A. (1977a) Chemical composition of breccias, feldspathic
basalt and anorthosites from Apollo 15 (15308,15359,15382 and 15362), Apollo 16 (60618 and
65785), Apollo 17 (72434, 72536, 72559, 72735, 72738, 78526, and 78527) and Luna 20 (22012
and 22013). LPS XVIII, 700-702.
72435 72536 72559 72735 72738 78526 78527

Murali A.V., Ma M.-S., Schmitt R.A., Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor G.J. (1977b) Chemistry of 30
Apollo 17 rake basalts; 71597 a product of partial olivine accumulation. LPS XVIII, 703-705.
71507 71508 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 71535 71536 71537 71538 71539 71545 71547
71548 71549 71555 71556 71568 71575 71576 71579 71586 71589 71595 71597 78579 78588
78589 78596

Murthy V.R. (1976) Rb-Sr studies of A-17 mare basalts and some general considerations early terrestrial
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74255 75035 75075

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71095 74245 74247 74255 74275 74285 74287

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Chemistry, classification, and petrogenesis of Apollo 17 mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
7th, 1467-1489.
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 ;'1135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567
71569 71577 72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535
78135 78506 78597 78599 79155

Rhodes J.M., Hubbard N.J., Wiesmann H., Rodgers K.V., and Bansal B.M. (1976b) Chemistry,
classification and petrogenesis of Apollo 17 mare basalts. LS VII, 730-732.
70017 70215 74275 75015 75035 76136

Richter D., Simmons G., and Siegfried R. (1976a) Microcracks, micropores, and their petrologic
interpretation for 72415 and 15418. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1901-1923.

Richter D., Siegfried R., and Simmons G. (1976b) Unusual cracks and pores in breccia 15418 and lunar
dunite 72415_ LS VII, 736- 738.

Roedder E. (1979a) Melt inclusions in 75075 and 78505-the problem of anomalous low-K inclusions in
ilmenite revisited. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 249-257.
75075 78505

Roedder E. (1979b) Melt inclusions in 75075-the problem of anomalous low-K inclusions in ilmenite
LPS X, 1033- 1035.

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1975a) Anomalous low-K silicate melt inclusions in ilmenite from Apollo 17
basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 147-164.
70017 70035 70135 71175 75035 75075 79155

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1975b) Anomalous low-K silicate melt inclusions in ilmenite from Apollo 17
basalts. LS VI, 683-685.
70017 70035 70135 71175 75035 75075 79155

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1977) Compositional variation in late-stage differentiates in mare lavas, as
indicated by silicate melt inclusions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1767-1783.
71135 78505

Rose H.J., Cuttitta F., Berman S., Brown F.W., Carron M.K., Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J., and Greenland
L.P. (1974a) Chemical composition of rocks and soils at Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
5th, 1119-1133.
70017 70215 71055 75075 72275 79135

Rose H.J., Brown F,W., Carron M.K., Christian R.P., Cuttitta F., Dwornik E.J., and Ligon D.T. (1974b}
Composition of some Apollo 17 samples. LS V, 645-647.
70017 79135

Rose H.J., Baedecker P.A., Berman S., Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J., Finkelman R.B., and Schnepfe M.M.
(1975a) Chemical composition of rocks and soils returned by the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1363-1373.
70135 74235 74255 74275 75035 79155

Rose H.J., Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J., and Schnepfe M.M. (1975b) Major elemental analysis of some
Apollo 15, 16 and 17 samples. LS VI, 686-688.
70135 74235 74255 74275 75035 79155

Runcorn S.K., Collinson D.W., and Stephenson A. (1974) Magnetic properties of Apollo 16 and 17 rocks -
interim report. LS V, 654- 654.
70017 70215 76315

Russell W.A., Papanastassiou D.A., Tombrello T.A., and Epstein S. (1977a) Ca isotope fractionation on
the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3791-3805.
70215 75055

Russell W.A., Papanasatassiou D.A., Tonmbrello T.A., and Epstein S. (1977b) Search for Ca isotopic
fractionation and correlation of Ca and O effects. LPS XVIII, 823-825.
70215 75055

Rutherford M.J. and Hess P.C. (1975) Origin of lunar granites as immiscible liquids. LS VI, 696-698.
70135 75055

Rutherford M.J., Hess P.C., and Daniel G.H. (1974a) Experimental liquid line of descent and liquid
immiscibility for basalt 70017. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 569-583.

Rutherford M.J., Hess P.C., and Daniel G.H. (1974b) Liquid lines of descent and liquid immiscibility in
high Ti lunar basalt. LS V, 657-659.

Ryder G. (1982) Apollo 17 ol-plag vitrophyres, 76035, and the Serenitatis melt sheet: Another brick in the
wall. LPS XIII, 669- 670.

Ryder G. (1983) Nickel in olivines and parent magmas of lunar pristine rocks. Workshop on Pristine
Highlands Rocks and the Early History of the Moon (Longhi J. and Ryder G., Eds.) LPI Tech
Rept. 83-02. The Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 66-68.
72415 76335 76535 76536

Ryder G. (1984a) Most olivine in the lunar highlands is of shallow origin. LPS XV, 707-708.
76015 76035 72255

Ryder G. (1984b) Olivine in lunar dunite 72415, a rather shallow- origin cumulate. LPS XV, 709-710.
72415 72417 76535

*RyderG. (1992a) Chemical variation and zoning of olivine in hmar dunite 72415: Near-surface
accumulation. Proc. Lunar Planet. Scil Conf. 22nd, 373-380.
72415 73215 76255 76535 77135

*Ryder G. (1992b) Lunar highlands totality from bits and pieces: A whole-rock-chemistry-free
charactrerization of an evolved hypabyssal igneous gabbro schlieren from the Apollo 17 landing
site. LPSC XXIII, 1195-1196.

Ryder G. and Norman M. (1979) Catalog of pristine non-mare materials Part 1. Non-anorthosites.
Revised. NASA-JSC Curatorial Facility Publ. JSC 14565, Houston. 147pp.

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., and Bower J.F. (1975a) Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 435-449.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Bower J.F., and Wood J.A. (1975b) Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17:
Petrology and petrogenesis. The Moon 14, 327-357.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., and Wood J.A. (1977) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalt: A rock type intermediate
between mare and KREEP basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 3 5, 1-13.

Ryder G. and Spudis P. (1980) Volcanic rocks in the lunar highlands. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust,
72275 73255

Ryder G. and Taylor G.J. (1976) Did mare-type volcanism commence early in lunar history? Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 1741-1755.
72235 72275

Ryder G., Norman M.D., and Score R.A. (1980a) The distinction of pristine from meteorite-contaminated
highlands rocks using metal compositions. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 471-479.
72415 76335 76535 72255

Ryder G., Norman M.D., and Score R.A. (1980b) Ni, Co content of metal grains for the identification of
indigenous rocks. LPS XI, 968-970.
72255 79215

Salpas P.A. and Taylor L.A. (1985) Basalt clasts in breccia 72275: Examples ofpre-mare volcanism. LPS
XVI, 728-729.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1986a) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalts: Pristine basaltic
breccias. LPS XVII, 748-749.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1986b) The first Apollo 17 ferroan anorthosite: Its
significance relative to Mg- suite highland clasts. LPS XVII, 752-753.

Salpas P.A., Lindstrom M.M., and Taylor L.A. (1987) Highland materials at Apollo 17: contributions from
72275. Proc. Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. 18th, 11-19.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1987) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalts: Evidence for
Nonuniformity of KREEP. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 17th, E340-E348.

Sanford R.F. and Huebner J.S. (1979) Reexamination of diffusion processes in 77115 and 77215. LPS X,
77115 77215

Sanford R.F. and Heubner J.S. (1980) Model thermal history of77115 and implications for the origin of
fragment-laden basalts. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 253-269.
77075 77115 77135

Sato M. (1976a) Oxygen fugacity and other thermochemical parameters of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts and
their implications on the reduction mechanism. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1323-1344.
70017 742 75

Sato M. (1976b) Oxygen fugacity values of some Apollo 16 and 17 rocks. LS VII, 758-760.
70017 70019 74275

Schaal R.B. and Horz F. (1977a) Shock metamorphism of lunar and terres_trial basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 8th, 1697-1729.
75035 79155

Schaal R.B. and Horz F. (1977b) Shock effects in some lunar basalts. LPS XVIII, 832-834.
75035 79155

Schaal R.B., Horz F., and Bauer J.F. (1978) Shock experiments on particulate lunar basalt - a regolith
analogue. LPS IX, 999-1001.

Schaal R.B., Horz F., Thompson T.D., and Bauer J.F. (1979a) Shock metamorphism of granulated lunar
basalt. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2547-2571.

Schaal R.B., Thompson T.D., Horz F., and Bauer J.F. (1979b) Experimentally shocked lunar basalt:
Massive and particulate. LPSX, 1055-1057.

Schaeffer G.A. and Schaeffer O.A. (1977) 39Ar-40Ar ages of lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th,

Schaeffer G.A. and Schaeffer O.A. (1977) 39Ar-40Ar ages of lunar rocks. LPS XVIII, 840-842.

Schaeffer O.A., Warasila R., and Labotka T.C. (1982) Ages of Serenitatis breccias. Lunar breccias and
soils and their meteoritic analogs. LPI Tech. Rept. 82-02, 123-125.
72215 72255

Schaeffer O.A., Muller H.W., and Grove T.L. (1977a) Laser 39A:c- 40Ar study of Apollo 17 basalts. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1489-1499.
70215 70017 75035

Schaeffer O.A., Muller H.W., and Grove T.L. (1977b) Laser 39Ar- 40Ar study of Apollo 17 basalts. LPS
XVIII, 837-839.
70017 70215 75035

Schaeffer O.A., Warasila R., and Labotka T.C. (1982) Ages of Serenitatis breccias. LPS XIII, 685-686.
72215 72255

Schmitt H.H. (1975) Geological model for Boulder 1 at Station 2, South Massif, Valley of Taurus-Littrow.
The Moon 14, 491-504.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Schonfeld E. (1973) Determination by non-destructive gamma-ray counting of radionuclides produced by

the August 1972 solar flare. LS IV, 659.

Schwerer F.C. and Nagata T. (1976) Ferromagnetic- superpara:magnetic granulometry of lunar surface
materials. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 759-778.
70017 70215 78155

Schreiber E. (1977) The Moon and Q. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1201-1208.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1975a) Shock-induced subsolidus reduction-decomposition oforthopyroxene
and shock-induced melting of norite 78235. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 799-820.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1975b) Shock-induced subsolidus recuction-decomposition oforthopyroxene
and shock-induced melting in norite 78235. LS VI, 730-731.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1976) Subsolidus reduction phenomena in lunar norite 78235: Observations
and interpretations. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2493-2508.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1976b) Redox reactions involving nonvolatile ionic species as a mechanism of
shock-induced subsolidus reduction of Fe+2 in plagioclase and orthopyroxene: Indications from
lunar norite 78235. LS VII, 791-793.

Shaw D.M. and Middleton T.A. (1987) Lunar boron: A preliminary study. LPS XVIII, 912-913.

*Shaffer E., Brophy J.G., and Basu A. (1990) LedSm ratios in mare basalts as a consequence of marie
cumulate fractionation from an initial lunar magma. LPSC XXI, 1130-1131.

*Shearer C.K., Papike J.J., Galbreath K.C., and Shimizu N. (1991) Exploring the lunar mantle with
secondary ion mass spectrometry: A comparison of lunar picritic glass beads from the Apollo 14
and Apollo 17 sites. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 102, 134-147.
70017 70295 74115 78546 79035 79135

Sh.ih C.-Y., Haskin L.A., Wiesmann H., Bansal B.M., and Brannon J.C. (1975a) On the origin of high-Ti
mare basatts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1255-1285.
70017 70035 70135 70215 70275 71135 72155 74235 74255 75055 75075 76537 76539 79155

Shih C.-Y., Wiesmann H.W., and Haskin L.A. (1975b) On the origin of high-Ti mare basalts. LS VI,
70017 70035 70135 70215 72155 75055 75075 76537 76539

*Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Dasch E.J., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1989) Ages of pristine lunar
plutonic rocks and their petrogenetic implications. LPSC XX, 1004-1005.
73255 76535 78236

*Shih C.-Y., Bansal B.M., Wiesmann H., and Nyquist L.E. (1990a) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies of an
Apollo 17 KREEPy basalt. LPSC XXI, 1148-1149.

*Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann H. (1992) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd chronology of an
Apollo 17 KREEP basalt. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 108, 203-215.

Sill G.T., Nagy B., Nagy L.A., Hamilton P.B., MeEwan W.S., and Urey H.C. (1974) Carbon compounds in
Apollo 17 lunar samples: Indications of cometary contribution to breccia 78155? LS V, 703-705.
71055 78155

Simmons G., Siegfried R., and Richter D.(1975a) Characteristics of microcracks in lunar samples. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3227-3254.
70215 71569 75035 75055 77035 78235

Simmons G., Richter D., and Siegfried R. (1975b) Characterization of microcracks in lunar igneous rocks.
LS VI, 741-743.

*Simon S.B., Papike J.J., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R. A. (1989) Comparative petrology and
chemistry of Apollo 17 regolith breccias and soils. LPSC XX, 1014-1015.
70175 74115 76565

Simon S.B., Papike J.J., Gosselin D.C., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990) Petrology and
chemistry of Apollo 17 regolith breccias: A history of mixing of highland and mare regolith.
Procl. Lunar Planet. Sci. 20th, 219-230.
70019 70175 70295 74115 74246 76565 78546 79035 ;'9135 79175

Simonds C.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in impact melts and the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6
boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 641-672.
76015 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315

Simonds C.H. and Warner J.L. (1981) Petrochemistry of Apollo 16 and 17 samples. LPS XII, 993-995.
76275 76295 76506 76555 76556 76557 76559 76569 ;'6575 76576 76577 76295 76538 76539
76537 76568 76536 76255 76565 76545 76505

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1973) Petrology of Apollo 16 poikilitic rocks. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 4th, 613-632.
72275 72435 76315 77135

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., and Warner J.L. (1974) Petrography and classification of Apollo 17 non-
mare rocks with emphasis on samples from the Static_n 6 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
72215 72235 72255 72275 72315 72335 72355 72395 72415 72435 73215 73235 73255 73275
76015 76055 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315 76535 77017 77035 77075 77115 77135
77215 78155 78235 79215

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., and Heiken G.H. (lC_75)Thermal regimes in crater debris as
deduced from the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder and rake samples. LS VI,
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315 76505 76545 76548 76565 76567

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., Phinney W.C., and McGee P.E. (1976a) Thermal model for impact breccia
lithification: Manicouagan and the moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2509-2528.
76015 76275

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976b) Clast-melt interactions in lunar and terrestrial
impact melts. LS VII, 812- 814.
76015 76215 76275 76295

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., McGee P.E., Geeslin J., Brown R.W., and Rhodes M.J. (1977)
Apollo 14 revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1869-1893.
76015 76215 76255 76275 76295

Smith J.M., Meyer C., Jr., Compston W., and Williams I.S. (1986) 73235,82 (pomegranate): An
assemblage of lunar zircon with unique overgrowth. LPS XVII, 805-806.

Smith J.V., Hansen E.C., and Steele I.M. (1980) Lunar highland rocks: Element partitioning among
minerals II: Electron microprobe analyses of A1, P, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe in olivine. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 555-569.
73215 79215 76255 76535 77135

Smyth J.R. (1975) Intracrystalline cation order in a lunar crustal troctolite. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th,

Smyth J.R. (1986) Crystal structure refinement of a lunar anorthite, An94. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
17th, E91-E97.

Snee L.W. and Ahrens T.J. (1975a) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial peridot and lunar
dunite. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 833-842.

Snee L.W. and Ahrens T.J. (1975b) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial olivine and lunar
dunite. LS VI, 759-761.

Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1981) Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis basin. Multi-
ring basins. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 12A, 133-148.
72215 72235 72275 72315 73215 73235 73255 76015 76055 76215 77075

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979a) Armalcolite/ilmenite: Mineral chemistry, paragenesis, and origin of
textures. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 383-405.
70017 74275

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979b) Ilmenite/armalcolite: Effects of rock composition, oxygen fugacity,
and cooling rate. LPS X, 1160-1162.
70017 74275

_,tamn F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980a) Armalcolite: an oxygen fugacity indicator. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. llth, 117-124.
70017 74245

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980b) An oxygen geobarometer for lunar high-titanium basalts. LPS XI,
70017 74275

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1977) 40Ar-agAr age systematics of consortium breccia
73215. LPS XVIII, 896-898.

Staudacher T., Dominik B., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1978) Consortium breccia 73255: 40Ar-39Ar
dating. LPS IX, 1098-1100.

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., Flohs I., and Kirsten T. (1979a) 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of consortium
breccia 73255. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 745-762.

Staudacher T, Dominik B., Flohs I., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1979b) New 4OAr-39Ar ages for
aphanites and clasts of consortium breccia 73255. LPS X, 1163-1165.

Steele IM. and Smith J.V. (1976) Mineralogy and petrology of complex breccia 14063,14. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 1949-1964.
72415 76535

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion-probe determination of Li, Na, Mg, Ti, Sr and Ba in lunar
plagioclase. LPS XI, 1085-1087.
73155 73215 76535 78235 79215

Steele I.M., H utcheon I.D., and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion microprobe analysis and petrogenetic interpreta-
tions of Li, Mg, Ti, K, St, Ba in lunar plagioclase. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth, 571-590.
73155 73215 76255 76535 77115 77135 78235 79215

Stephe nson A., Collinson D.W., and Runcorn S.K. (1974) Lunar magnetic field paleointensity
determinations on Apollo 11, 16, and 17 rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2859-2871.
70017 70215 (erroneously listed as 72015 in INTR O). 76315 77035

Stephenson A., Runcorn S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1975) On changes in intensity of the ancient lunar
magnetic field. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3049-3062.
70215 78505

Stephenson A., Runcorn S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1977) Paleointensity estimates from lunar samples
10017 and 10020. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 679-687.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Maurer P. (1973) Ar39-Ar 40 ages and Ar37-AraS
exposure ages of lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. ,tth, 1865-1888.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., and Grogler N. (1974) 39Ar- 40Ar ages of samples from the Apollo 17
Station 7 boulder and implications for its formation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 453- 461.
77215 77075 77135

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1975) Age sequence in the Apollo 17
Station 7 boulder. LS VI, 771-773.
77115 77135

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1978) Chronology of the Apollo 17
Station 7 Boulder and the South Serenitatis impact. LPS IX, 1113-1115.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., and Bower J.F. (1974) Petrology and Petrogenesis of Boulder 1. CI2, L.S.I.
Contr. no. 211D, 1-59.
72215 72235 72275

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Woos J.A., Wolfe R.W., and Bower J.F. (1974a) Petrology of a stratified boulder
from South Massif, Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 355-377
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Marvin U.B., Wood J.A., and Bower J.F. (1974b) Petrographic studies of a
boulder from the South Massif. LS V, 743-745.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Wood J.A. and Bower J.F. (1974) Petrology and Petrogenesis of Boulder 1. CI1,
L.S.I. Contr. No. 210D, 35-109.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Ryder G., and Marvin U.B. (1975) Lunar granite clasts with unique ternary feldspars. LS
VI, 780-782.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stoffler D., Knoll H.-D., and Maerz U. (1979) Terrestrial and lunar impact breccias and the classification
of lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 6"_9-675.
72215 72415 78235 76535 78527 79135 76255 77135 78526 79215

Storey W.C., Humphries D.J., and O'Hara M.J. (1974) Experimental petrology of sample 77135. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 435-438.

Storzer D., Poupeau G., and Kratschmer W. (1973) Track-exposure and formation ages of some lunar
samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 2363-2377.
75055 76055

Sugiura N. and Strangway D.W. (1980a) Comparisons of magnetic paleointensity methods using a lunar
sample. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. llth, 1801-1813.
70019 70215

Sugiura N. and Strangway D.W. (1980 b) Thellier paleointensity: Studies of lunar samples. LPS XI,
70019 70215

Sugiura N., Strangway D.W., and Pearce G.W. (1978) Heating experiments and paleointensity
determinations. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 3151-3163.
75035 77035

Sugiura N., Wu Y.M., Strangway D.W., Pearce G.W., and Taylor L.A. (1979a) A new magnetic
paleointensity value for a "young lunar glass." Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2189-2197.

Sugiura N., Wu Y.M., Strangway D.W., Pearce G.W., and Taylor L.A. (1979b) Paleointensity studies on
70019, a young glass sample from Apollo 17. LPS X, 1195-1197.

Sung C.-M., Abu-Eid R.M., and Burns R.G. (1974a) Ti3 +/Ti4+ ratios in lunar pyroxenes: implications to
depth of origin of mare basalt magma. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 717-726.
70017 71055 74275

Sung C.-M., Abu-Eid R.M., and Burns R.G. (1974b) A search for trivalent titanium in Apollo 17 pyroxenes.
LS V, 758-760.
70017 71055 74275

Takeda H. and Ishii T. (1975) Typical processes of exsolution, decomposition and inversion of pyroxenes
and its bearing on thermal history of lunar rocks. LS VI, 795-797.
72255 77135
Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1976) Characterization of crust formation on a parent body of achondrites
and the Moon by pyroxene crystallography and chemistry. LS VII, 846-848.
72255 76015

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1977a) Inverted pigeonites from lunar breccia 76255 and pyroxene-
crystallization trends in lunar and achondritic crusts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2617-2626.

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1977b) Inverted pigeonites from lunar breccia 76255 and pyroxene-
crystallization trends in lunar and achondritic crusts. LPS XVIII, 922-924.

Takeda H., Miyamoto M., Ishii T. and Reid A.M. (1976) Characterization of crust formation on a parent
body ofachondrites and the Moon by pyroxene crystallography and chemistry. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 7th, 3535-3548.
72255 76015 77215

Takeda H, Mori H., and Miyamoto M. (1982) Comparison of thermal history of orthopyroxenes between
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70185 70135 70255 71136 71175 71509 71559 71569 74245 75015 75115 75088 75089 77516
77536 78505 78595 78598

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73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78597 78598 78599

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71546 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71585 71587 71588 71596
73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Warren R.G., Mansker W.L., Berkley J.L., and Keil K. (1976a) Electron microprobe
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71596 73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78595 78597 78598

Warner R.D., Berkley J.L., Mansker W.L., Warren R.G., and Keil K. (1976b) Electron microprobe
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71596 73219 77516 77535 77536 78569 78575 78576 78578 78586 78587 78595 78597 78598

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72535 72536 72539 72738 72548 72549 72558 72559 72735 72736 77515 77517 77518 77538
77539 77545 78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568

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glass vitrophyre 78526: an impact melt of very low-Ti mare basalt composition. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 547-563.

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77517 77538

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72559 7852 7

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77517 77538

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71507 71508 71509 71515 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 71535 71536 71537 71538 71539
71545 71546 71547 71548 71549 71555 71556 71557 71558 71559 71565 71566 71567 71568
71569 71575 71576 71577 71578 71579 71585 71586 71587 71588 71589 71595 71596 71597
72535 72536 72539 72548 72549 72558 72559 72735 72736 72738 73219 77515 77516 77517
77518 77535 77536 77538 77539 77545 78505 78526 78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548
78549 78555 78567 78568 78569 78575 78576 78578 78579 78586 78587 78588 78589 78595
78596 78597 78598 78599

Warner R.D., Nehru C.E., and Keil K. (1978g) Opaque oxide mineral crystallization in lunar high-
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(1979a) Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts: New bulk compositional data, magma types, and
petrogenesis. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 225-247.
71067 74249 71156 74248 70075 71066 71065 79516 71069 78585 71046 71086 71037 71506
71505 71155 74247 71085 71068 70315 75085 71045 78509 78577 70137 78507 70136 79515

Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1979b) Composition of glasses in Apollo 17 samples and their
relation to known lunar rock types. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 1437-1456.
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Keil K. (1979d) Electron microprobe analyses of glasses from Apollo 17 rake sample breccias
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72215 72255 72275 73215 76015 76315 77075 77115 77135

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Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 33, 389-400.
77135 77215

WolfR., Woodrow A., and Anders E. (1979) Lunar basalts and pristine highland rocks: Comparison of
siderophile and volatile elements. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2107-2130.
75055 72255 72275 76255 76535 77215

Wood J.A. (1975} The nature and origin of Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. T he Moon 14, 505-517.
72215 72235 72255 72275 72435 76055 76315 77135

Yokoyama Y., Reyss J.L., and Guichard F. (1974) 22Na-26A1 chronology of lunar surface processes. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2231-2247
70017 70019 70135 70175 70185 70255 70275 71035 ;'1135 71136 71155 71175 75035 75055
79155 72255 72415 72315 73215 73255 73275 76215 76255 76275 76295 77135 78135 78235

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1976a) Ion probe analysis of artificially implanted
ions in terrestrial samples and surface enhanced ions in lunar sample 76215,77. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 953-984.

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1976b) Ion probe analysis of artificially implanted
ions in terrestrial samples and solar wind implanted ions in lunar surface samples. LS VII,

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1977a) Ion microprobe surface concentration
measurements of Mg and Fe and microcraters in crystals from lunar rock and soil samples.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3859-3883.

Zinner E., Walker R.M., Chaumont J., and Dran J.C. (1977b) Surface enhanced elements and microcraters
in lunar rock 76215. LPS XVIII, 1044-1046.


Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 4- North Massif

By Charles Meyer

Space and Life SciencesDirectorate

Solar System ExplorationDivision
Officeof the Curator#87


Indexto all Apollo17 rocksincluded.

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Catalog of
Apollo 17 Rocks
Volume 4 -- North Massif

By Charles Meyer

NASA/Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058 U.S.A.


The author acknowledges the patient support and hard work of Frances Brown, Kristi Ferguson, and Judy York of
Syscom technical publications support to Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Company, who helped prepare and edit this
catalog. Bill Phinney (NASA/Johnson Space Center, retired), Larry Taylor (University of Tennessee), and Paul Warren
(University of California at Los Angeles) helped the author find some unpublished information.

Introduction .................................................... _Ji

The Apollo 17 Mission ....................................... vii

Apollo and Luna Sampling Locations ............................. viii
Apollo 17 Landing Site Region ................................... ix
Apollo 17 Traverse Area ....................................... x
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station 6 ............................ xi
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station 7 ............................ xi
Locations of Rocks Collected at Station 8 ........................... xii
Numbering of Apollo 17 Samples ................................ xiii
Cautionary Note ........................................... xiv
Final Introductory Note ....................................... xiv

Sample Inventory for Volume 4 ...................................... xv

Introduction: Samples of North Massif .................................. 1

Introduction to Large Bowlder at Station 6 ............................... 5

Rake Samples from Station 6 ....................................... 133

Introduction to Boulder at Station 7 .................................. 235

Rake Fragments from Station 7 Soil Samples ............................ 297

Introduction to Boulder at Station 8 .................................. 363

Rake Fragments from Station 8 ..................................... 399

Appendix: On the Classification of High-Ti Mare Basalts from Apollo 17 ........ 569

References .................................................... 573

Index of Apollo 17 Rocks .......................................... 641

INTRO- vii


The Catalog of Apollo 17 rocks is a primarily bulk interpretations of THE APOLLO 17

set of four volumes that characterize existing data or mere lists of samples MISSION
each of 334 individually numbered are not generally included, Foreign
rock samples (79 larger than 100 g) language journals were not On December 1I, 1972, the
in the Apollo 17 collection, showing scrutinized, but little data appears to Apollo 17 lunar excursion module
what each sample is and what is have been published _ in such "Challenger," descending from the
known about it. Unconsolidated journals. The reference list included Command Service Module
regolith samples are not included, at the end of this volume has been "America," landed in a valley near
The catalog is intended to be used by updated, the edge of Mare Serenitatis
both researchers requiring sample (Figures 1 and 2). It was the sixth
allocations and a broad audience Much valuable information exists in and final landing in the Apollo
interested in Apollo 17 rocks. The the original Apollo 17 Lunar Sample program. Astronauts Eugene Cernan
volumes are arranged geographically, Information Catalog (Butler, 1973) and Harrison Schmitt spent 72 hours
with separate volumes for the South based on the intense and expert work at the site, named Taurus-Littrow
Massif and Light Mantle; the North of the Preliminary Examination from the mountains and a crater to
Massif; and two volumes for the "ream. However, that catalog was the north. The site was geologically
mare plains. Within each volume, compiled and published only four diverse, with the mountain ring of
the samples are arranged in months after the mission itself, from the Serenitatis basin and the lava fill
numerical order, closely rapid descriptions of usually dust- in the valley. The main objectives of
corresponding with the sample covered rocks, usually without the mission were to sample very
collection stations. A sample index anything other than macroscopic ancient material such as pre-Imbrian
is included at the back of Volume 4. observations, and less often with thin highlands distant from the Imbrium
sections and a little chemical data. In basin, and to sample pyroclastic
Information on sample collection, the nearly two decades since then, materials believed pre-mission to be
petrography, chemistry, stable and the rocks have been substantially substantially younger than mare
radiogenic isotopes, rock surface subdivided, studied, and analyzed, basalts collected on previous
characteristics, physical properties, with numerous published papers, missions.
and curatorial processing is However, the original Catalog
summarized and referenced as far as contains more information on The crew spent more than 22 hours
it is known up to early 1994. The macroscopic observations for most on the lunar surface, using the rover
intention has been to be samples than does the present set of to traverse across the mare plains and
comprehensive--to include all volumes. Considerably more to the lower slopes of the South and
published studies of any kind that detailed inforniation on the North Massifs, and over a light
provide information on the sample, dissection and allocations of the mantle in the valley that appeared to
as well as some unpublished samples is preserved in the Data have resulted from a landslide from
information. References which are Packs in the Office of the Curator. the South Massif. The traverses

*Adapted from volume 1.


Figure 1: Apollo and Luna sampling sites on the near side of the Moon. $84-31673.

totalled more than 30 kin, and nearly and objectives, the mission itself, and have been studied in coordinated
120 kg of rock and soil were results are described in detail in the fashion in formal consortia.
collected (Figure 3), This total Apollo 17 Preliminary Science
sample mass was greater than on any Report (1973; NASA SP-330) and The valley floor samples demonstrate
previous mission. An Apollo Lunar the Geological Exploration of the that the valley consists of a sequence
Surface Experiments Package Taurus-Littrow Valley (1980; USGS of high-Ti mare basalts that were
(ALSEP) was set up near the landing Prof. Paper 1080), and others listed mainly extruded 3.7 to 3.8 Ga ago.
point. Other experiments and in the bibliography at the end of this The sequence is of the order of
numerous photographs were used to section. Many of the rock samples 1400 m thick. The sequence consists
characterize and document the site. have been studied in detail, and of several different types of basalt
Descriptions of the pre-mission work some, particularly massif boulders, that cannot easily be related to each

Figure 2: Apollo i 7 landing site region showing major geographic features. AS17-M-447.

other (or Apollo 11 high-Ti mare valley fill. These glasses too are massifs, and is characterized by an
basalts) by simple igneous processes, high-Ti basalt in composition. The aluminous basalt composition and a
but instead reflect varied mantle orange glasses occur in the rocks poikilitic groundmass. The samples
sources, mixing, and assimilation, only as components of some regolith are widely interpreted as part of the
Orange glass pyroclastics were breccias, impact melt produced by the
conspicuous, and is the unit that Serenitatis basin event itself. A
mantles both the valley fill and part The sampling of the massifs was second type of impact melt, dark and
of the nearby highlands. However, directed at coherent boulders and aphanitic, is represented only by
they were found to be not younger some rocks, and are dominated by a samples from the South Massif
than other Apollo volcanics, but particular type of crystalline impact stations. It is similar in chemistry to
were only slightly younger than the melt breccia. This is found on both first type, but is more aluminous and


Figure 3: Apollo 17 traverse and sample collection map.

much poorer in TiO2. It contains a (some of which formed meter-sized contain more alumina and only half
much greater abundance and variety clasts or individual boulders), as well of the incompatible element budget
of clast types. Opinion still differs as as more evolved types including of the dominant impact melt rocks,
to whether these aphanites are a gabbros and felsic/granitic demonstrating that the massifs,
variant of the Serenitatis melt or fragments. Feldspathic granulites are representing pre-Serenitatis material,
represent something distinct. Both common as clasts in the melt have a component not well
aphanitic and poikilitic melts seem to matrices (both aphanitic and represented in the larger collected
be most consistent with an age of poikilitic) and occur as a few small samples. Conspicuously absent, and
close to 3.87 (-+0.2)Ga. A few rare individual rocks. Geochronology not the "missing" component in the
samples of impact melt have distinct shows that many of these granulites soil, is ferroan anorthosite, common
chemistry. Other rock and clasts are and pristine igneous rocks date back at the Apollo 16 site and widely
pristine igneous rocks, including as far as 4.2 and even 4.5 Ga. The believed to have formed an early
dunite, troctolite, and norite purer soils of the South Massif lunar crust.

xX \ A_ P Pan 22
\ \

boulder track _.

X \

\ %/, Approximate location

/4 _ "r'">, _%\ x/_°f '_ 76220


_ %%% __ AS17-140-21459-82
\ "/ ' c°°'"c'_'C"_\ ,'.:,L'-./
,_ _." _" x, ,V_,76265.76275.762,5
--_-_,--oo21 ( _;, .,_)
76500 06 a,_d 76536-77 Block I ! /_ 76315

Iocatio,i of 76335-X iiiii 6/_(_-"_ FJ"._ "" °

LHV -t_ / _l_c_ 7 6215

Approximate _X
location of 76055 Approximate Iocation--X
DT I'4 of 76030.37
X.- 76001

0 5 lore

Figure 4: Locations of rocks collected at Station 6. From Wolfe and others (1981).


0 10 20 m _Pan 24 T
I | |


x Area of 77035

77075-77, 77215 77017x x-_.Aroa of 77510,26

_i_ ,77115 Pan 23_. x 77530,45


Figure 5: Locations of rocks collected at Station 7. From Wolfe and others (1981).
xii - INTRO

before rolling
After -o!lmg _ _-_
t x 78155 . Pan/ 25
78235, 36, 38
>(_ Nori,'e ooulder 78220
Rake area 78250. 55
78500-18, x 78135

N (:_ LRV

Trench samples
78420 x_
78440 /k 0 10 20 30 m
78460-65 Pan 26 I I [ I

Figure 6: Locations of rocks collected at Station 8. From Wolfe and others (1981).
INTRO - xiii

BIBLIOGRAPHY NUMBERING OF Thefirst numbers for each area were

APOLLO 17 SAMPLES used for drill stems, drive tubes, and
Apollo Field Geology Investigation the SESC. Drill stem sections and
Team (1973) Geologic exploration of As in previous missions, five digit double drive tubes are numbered
Taums-Littrow: Apollo 17 landing sample numbers are assigned each from the lowermost section upward.
site. Science 182, 672-680 rock (coherent material greater than
about 1 cm), the unsieved portion The last digit is used to code sample
Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation and each sieve fraction of scooped type, in conformity with the
Team (1973) Documentation and <1 cm material, the drill bit and each conventions used for Apollo 15 and
environment of the Apollo 17 drill stem and drive tube section and Apollo 16. Fines from a given
samples: A preliminary report. U.S_..__. each sample of special documented bag are ascribed
Geological Survey Interagency characteristics, numbers according to:
Report: Astrogeology 71.
The first digit (7) is the mission 7WXY0 Unsieved
Apollo 17 Preliminary Examination designation for Apollo 17 (missions material
Team (1973) Apollo 17 lunar prior to Apollo 16 used the first two (usually <1 cm)
samples: Chemical and petrographic digits). As with Apollo 15 and 16 7WXY1 <1 nun
description. Science 182, 659-672 numbers, the Apollo 17 numbers are 7WXY2 1-2 mm
grouped by sampling site. Each 7WXY3 2-4 mm
Apollo 17 Preliminary Science group of one thousand numbers 7WXY4 4-10 mm
Report (1973) National Aeronautics applies to an area as follows:
and Snace Administration SP-330

Bailey N.G. and Ulrich G.E. (1975) Sampling Site Initial Number
Apollo 17 voice transcript pertaining
to the geology of the landing site.
U.S. Geological Survey Rept. LM, ALSEP, SEP, and samples collected
USGS-GD-74-031 between Station 5 and the LM 70000

Schmitt H. H. (1973) Apollo 17 Station 1A 71000

report on the valley of Taurus-
Littrow. Science 183, 681-690 Station 2 and between it and the LM 72000

Wolfe E. W. and others (1981 ) The Station 3 and between it and Station 2 73000
geologic Investigation of the
Taurus-Littrow valley: Apollo 17 Station 4 and between it and Station 3 74000
landing site. U.S. Geolo_,ical Survey
Prof. Paber 1080. Station 5 and between it and Station 4 75000

Station 6 and between it and the LM 76000

Station 7 and between it and Station 6 77000

Station 8 and between it and Station 7 78000

Station 9 and between it and Station 8 79000


Rocks from a documented bag are 71500-71509, 71515 were used for CAUTIONARY NOTE
numbered 7WXY5 - 7WXY9, the sieve fractions and six rocks from
usually in order of decreasing size. the soil sample in DB 459. Then for Every effort was made for the data to
the companion rake sample in DB's be accurately copied into this
Sample number decades were 457 and 458, 71520 was used for the catalog. However, it would
reserved for the contents of each soil, which was not sieved, and the obviously be prudent for any
documented bag. In the cases where 38 >1 cm rake fragments were scientist who wants to use this data
the number of samples overflowed a numbered 71535-71539, 71545- to check the original scientific
decade, the next available decade 71549, etc., to 71595-71597. publication (which is referenced) and
was used for the overflow. For not rely on copied data for critical
example DB 455 contained soil, In as much as possible all samples argument.
numbered 71040-71044, and 6 small returned loose in a sample collection
rocks numbered 71045-71049 and bag or an ALSRC were numbered in FINAL
71075. a decade. In the cases in which rocks INTRODUCTORY NOTE
from several stations were put into a
Paired soil and rake samples for each single collection bag however, the
If one is confused by the technical
sampling area are assigned by soil and rock fragments were
centuries starting with 7W500. The assigned a decade number that aspects of the study of Moon rocks,
one might like to borrow one of the
soil sample documented bag has the conforms to the site for the largest or Curator's sets of Educational Lunar
first decade or decades of the most friable rock. The other rocks in
Thin Section Sets. There is an
century, in conformity with the last the same bag have numbers for their
digit coding for rocks and fines (as own site, generally in the second or instructive booklet to the study of
Moon rocks that accompanies these
explained above), and the rake third decade of the thousand numbers sets of sections (Meyer, 1987).
sample documented bag uses the for that site.
following decades. For example,


Sample Mass (g) Location Description Page

76015 2819 Boulder 6 Vesicular Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 11

76035 376.2 Nonvesicular Impact Melt Breccia 25
76036 3.95 Impact Melt Breccia 27
76037 2.52 High-Ti Mare Basalt 29
76055 6412 Impact Melt Breccia 31
76135 133.5 LRV 10 Vesicular Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 39
76136 86.6 LRV10 High-Ti Mare Basalt 41
76137 2.46 LRV10 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 45
76215 643.9 Boulder 6 Vesicular Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 47
76235 26.56 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 57
76236 19.18 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 65
76237 10.31 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 67
76238 8.21 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 69
76239 6.23 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 71
76245 8.24 Shadowed Impact Melt Breccia 73
76246 6.5 Shadowed Impact Melt Breccia 75
76255 406.6 Boulder 6 Banded Impact Melt Breccia 77
76265 1.75 Trench Impact Melt Breccia 89
76275 55.93 Boulder 6 Impact Melt Breccia 91
76285 2.208 Trench Agglutinate 97
76286 1.704 Trench Impact Melt Breccia 99
76295 260.7 Boulder 6 Impact Melt Breccia 103
76305 4.01 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 113
76306 4.25 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 113
76307 2.49 Boulder 6 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 113
76315 671.1 Boulder 6 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 115
76335 502.89 BSLSS Cataclastic Troetolite 125
76505 4.69 Soil Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 129
76506 2.81 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia 131
76535 155.5 Rake Troetolite 137
76536 10.26 Rake Crushed Troctolite 153
76537 26.48 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 159
76538 5.87 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 163
76539 14.8 Rake Aphanitic High-Ti Mare Basalt 165
76545 51.21 Rake Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia 169
76546 0 Combined with 76545

Sample Mass (g) Locatl_ Description Page

76547 0 Combined with 76545

76548 2.527 Rake Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia 175

76549 0 Combined with 76545

76555 8.435 Rake Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 177

•715556 7.396 Rake Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 179
76557 5.592 Rake Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 181
76558 0.683 Rake Impact Melt Breccia 183
76559 0.747 Rake Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 185
76565 11.6 Rake Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia 187
76566 2.639 Rake Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia 193
76567 5.49 Rake Light Matrix Regolith Breccia 195
76568 9.477 Rake Aphanitic High-Ti Mare Basalt 197
76569 4.207 Rake Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia 199
76575 16.25 Rake Feldspathic Impact Melt Breccia 201
76576 5.327 Rake Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 205
76577 13.54 Rake Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 209
77017 1730 Station 7 Poikilitic Anorthositic Gabbro 211
77035 5727 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 227
77075 172.4 Boulder 7 Impact Melt Dike in Cataclastic Norite 241
77076 13.97 Boulder 7 Impact Melt Dike in Cataclastic Norite 251
77077 5.45 Boulder 7 Cataclastic Norite with Back Veinlets 253
77115 115.9 Boulder 7 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 257
77135 337.4 Boulder 7 Vesicular Poikilitic Impact Melt Rock 267
77215 846.4 Boulder 7 Cataclastic Norite 283
77515 337.6 Soil Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 299
77516 103.7 High-Ti Mare Basalt 303
77517 45.6 Unique Fragmental Breccia 307
77518 42.5 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 311
77519 27.4 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 315
77525 1.19 Impact Melt Breccia 317
77526 1.07 Impact Melt Breccia 319
77535 577.8 Soil High-Ti Mare Basalt 321
77536 355.3 High-Ti Mare Basalt 327
77537 71.7 Impact Melt Breccia 331
77538 47.2 Unusual Fragmental Breccia 333
77539 39.6 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 337
77545 29.5 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia 341
78135 133.9 Station 8 High-Ti Mare Basalt 345
78155 40 I. 1 Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite 351
78235 199 Boulder 8 Shocked Norite 367
- xvii

Sample Mass (g) Location Description Page

78236 93.06 Boulder 8 Shocked Norite 381

78237 0 Combined with 78235

78238 57.58 Boulder 8 Shocked Norite 391

78255 48.31 Boulder 8 Shocked Norite 393
78256 0 Combined with 78255
78465 1.039 Trench Soil Breccia 397
78505 506.3 Soil High-Ti Mare Basalt 401
78506 55.97 High-Ti Mare Basalt 405
78507 23.35 High-Ti Mare Basalt 409
78508 10.67 Light Matrix Breccia 413
78509 8.68 High-Ti Mare Basalt 415
78515 4.76 Dark Matrix Breccia 419
78516 3.18 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 423
78517 1.82 Friable White Cataclasite 427
78518 0.88 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 429
78525 5.11 Rake Agglutinate 431
78526 8.77 Rake Green Glass Vitrophyre 433
78527 5.16 Rake Granulitic Noritic Breccia 439
78528 7 Rake Basalt 443
78535 103.4 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 445
78536 8.67 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 449
78537 11.76 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 451
78538 5.82 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 453
78539 3.73 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 455
78545 8.6 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 457
78546 42.66 Rake Dark Matrix Breccia 459
78547 29.91 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 463
78548 15.95 Rake Soil Clod 467
78549 16.09 Rake Soil Clod 471
78555 6.64 Rake Soil Breccia 475
78556 9.5 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 479
78557 7.19 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 48 1
78558 3.78 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 483
78559 3.05 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 485
78565 3.5 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 487
78566 0.77 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 489
78567 18.88 Rake Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 491
78568 3.57 Rake Breccia 493

78569 14.53 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 495

78575 140 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 499

Sample Mass (g) Locate--- Description Page

78576 11.64 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 503

78577 8.84 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 509
78578 17:13 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 513
78579 6.07 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 517
78585 44.6 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 521
78586 10.73 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 525
78587 11.48 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 529
78588 3.77 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 535
78589 4.1 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 539
78595 4.19 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 543
78596 7.55 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 547
78597 319.1 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 551
78598 224.1 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 557
78599 198.6 Rake High-Ti Mare Basalt 563

INTRODUCTION: Samples of the North Massif

The North Massif is internally (chipped) in several places (76015, 1993). The soil around the boulders
complex, with numerous roughly 76215, 76235, 76255, 76275, 76295, does not have the same composition
horizontal strnetuml units that may 76315, and others). It has a boulder as the boulders, and there are clearly
be depositional or intrusive layers track down the Massif leading from other components in the soil. A
(Schmitt and Cernan, 1973). The the blocky layers above (Figs. 2, 3, large rake sample was taken about
tilting and faulting of massif units and 4). 20 meters to the east of Boulder 6
may relate to their uplift during the (76500). Two breccia fragments
Serenitatus impact event or subse- b) Turning Point Rock (LRV10), a (76035 and 037) were taken from the
quent major basin event (Fig. 1). small boulder about 0.5 km to the soil about 25 meters to the west.
The rock layers high up on the east of Station 6 that was apparently
Massif are interpreted as ejecta sampled by the scoop taken there A number of fragments were also
sheets of impact melt formed by the (76135, 137). taken from a trench in the fillet next
Serenitatus event (Spudis and Ryder, to the boulder - but these probably
1981). Several authors (Chao et al., e) 76055, a small rock that was are additional pieces of the boulder
1975; Winzer et al., 1975; Spudis picked from the regolith about (76245, 246, 265, 285, and 286).
and Ryder, 1981) have found con- 15 meters to the east of the boulder;
siderable similarity between some It is chemically distinct from the An index to all of the Apollo 17 rock
samples of the South Massif and the boulder samples and may be slightly samples is included at the back of
boulder samples of the North Massif. older, this volume.

Samples were collected from several d) The boulder at Station 7, which is

boulders that rolled down the North about 0.6 km to the west (77135,
Massif (see Wolfe and others, 1981). 77115).

These include However, the most representative

samples of the North Massif may be
a) The large boulder at Station 6, the rake samples or coarse fines
which was carefully sampled rollected from the soils (Jolliff et al.,

South Massif

•......... _:S-'nontiemeli" breccia (NB) old surface North Massif

6 ....................." "_ .-_ ..... -:.-
o_ 4 -_" norite (AN) _ _N_llll_igh"R mare basal_ _X __-

3 -_\\ \ \ \ \\ \\_/_6//A,_,.-_e_da./y_z6///z<_///_, ?. \\\\\\F

L I I _ _ I
0 1 2 3 4 5 kan

Figure 1: Cross section of the Taurus-Littrow Valley drawn by Korotev (1993).


Figure 2: Composite photo of boulder at Station 6 showing Taurus-Littrow Valley. AS17-140-21497 and 21493.
Entrance to Taurus-Littrow Valley is in the distant background.

Figure 3: Photo of astronaut in front of Block 2 of the large broken boulder at Station 6. AS17-146-22294.

xx \ A_" P Pan 22
\ \

\ \..._... Edges of-_

bouJder trsck

% \

\ _, Approximate location
" / _, of 76220

f _ _ X/ x_ 76320

I -_ I \ AS17-140-21459-82

"- .L __-_K-Pan 21 ( Bl_ck ?_ ) " 76236-39 and 76305-07

76500-06 and 76535-77 Block _ _ [j 76315

76240 • _ $17-140-21436-39

location of 76336-X

LRV -_

Approximate _X
location of 76055 Approximate Iocation_X

X:-- 76001
DT of 76030-37

0 5 lore

Figure 4: Plan view of the Station 6 Boulder area. From Wolfe and others (1981). Arrows indicate direction of
NASA photographs. Note the boulder tracks and sample numbers.

Introduction to Large Boulder at Station 6

Samples 76015, 76215, 76235, 76255,
76275, 76295, and 76315

Also samples 76245, 246, 265, 285, and began to roll, only a decrease in impact melt breccia with a matrix
and 286 may have been spalled off slope or the break-up of the boulder that is chemically rather uniform.
the boulder at Station 6. Samples would stop it. At the end of its track, Four main lithologic units within the
76230, 236, 237, 238, 239, 305, 306, the big Station 6 Boulder apparently boulder cluster have been identified
and 307 are all part of 76235, which broke into five distinct blocks (Heiken et al., 1973, and Phinney,
was chipped from a distinct clast on (Fig. 1) and came to rest at the top of 1981). Unit A is characterized by
Boulder 6. the talus from the North Massif. abundant vesicles (some greater than
Blocks 1, 2, and 3 readily fit 5 cm long) flattened along a plane
together;, the fit of Boulders 4 and 5 parallel to the contact with the adja-
GEOLOGICAL SETTING is less obvious. According to cem unit (no samples taken). Unit B
Arvidson et al. (1975), the emplace- is characterized by well-developed
Most of the large samples collected ment of the Station 6 Boulder is one foliation or banding (samples 76015
at the Apollo 17 Station 6 are from a of only a few well-dated events on and 76215). Unit C is massive, with
large broken boulder (6 x 10 x 18 m) the Moon (22 m.y.), no obvious foliation, and contains
lying at the end of a boulder track angular clasts up to 0.8 m long
that can clearly be seen in the photos The Station 6 Boulder is the closest (samples 76235, 255,275,295).
taken by the astronauts (see Schmitt thing to a geological outcrop on the Unit AB is a discontinuous transition
and Cernan, 1973, and Wolfe and Moon! Photos of the boulder blocks zone up to a few meters wide be-
others, 1981). This boulder track were mapped by G. Heiken et al. tween units A and B (sample 76315).
leads from a distinct blocky horizon (1973) in preparation for the consor- The samples (described individually)
approximately 1/3 of the way up the tium study of the samples led by are impact melts and anorthositic
North Massif. On the basis of W. Phimaey, C. Simonds, and clasts. The matrices of the Station 6
observation of several boulder tracks J. Warner (Figs. 2-6). The Station 6 Boulder samples contain 50-60%
on North Massif, it appeared to the Boulder was found to be a calcic feldspar, ~45% orthopyroxene,
astronauts that once a boulder was geologically complex, clast-bearing, and 1-7% ilmenite.
jarred loose from its "source-crop"

Unit A 0i , _ ' ,L 5I . I

Transition from A to B -7625S


,76295 _Fig 2

Unit . Fig.3 .7627S ._

Unit C 7623S

n -76315
.__FIg. 4

Fig 5 __p015 Fig. 6


Figure 1: Map of the boulder cluster at Station 6, showing sample locations,

location of lithologic units, and index to boulder maps. From Phinney (1981).

Shadow - top of photos

76255 a,l.Om(lor clososO vertical lace only)

.r.._ I


?L Soil
- Edge between laces
- Joints

IL_.?.. _ - Vesicles or rugs

- Clasl; tan in photos

76275? thls sect;on dye _ - C|ast; tan, crushed

Spoiled area (fresh_ Io change in camera angle _ - Class; white in photos

Dislortion in this SecliOn dul
to change in camera angle Lowest section (below overhang) _ - Clast; dark gray to black

is mostly covered wilh 1oil _ - Blue gray clast

Figure 2: Map of the east, northeast, and top faces of Boulder 1. From Heiken et aL (1973).

__ Edge, between two faces
Fracture or joint
"w/p/y Flow nes. defined by
oriented clasts and vesicles
_e_r/c°lor_Ono C_ Vesicle or rug
_ Clast
" " '°'_ %_ _ area .... Possible contact

Contact ZCNIO , Shadowed area o t_"-


Shadov_'ed ':'(- _' area

area _'
o . /"

.}/_._ . _Shadowed

Deeply shadowed area Note:

\ \ / / \ Are. (ce.ter_fr_t
with most f*_e)
data is location
of close-up photography.

Figure 3: Map of the northwest and top faces of Boulder 2. From Heiken et al. (1973).


2 & 3; S. E. FACE

Edlpe cA boulde¢ o_ a lace

Clalt; white o_ pl_los

Clast; black or gray on phatas
(23 Clase; lan on phc_ol

...... fIN lila

Figure 4: Map of the southeast face of Boulders 2 and 3. From Heiken et al. (1973).


-_ Edge of boulder or face [



Vesicle or vug Natural

i Clash white on photo
I Clast: black or dark
grey on photo (be)

Flew line, or banding

Contact ii

!_,_. • • _, i/ i r -J
' -. ,D .. • • , _:" _\ _ _ '- _-"

.....:" :" _Shadowed • ""
. ? ", ..... - \__.
! " -'

t --_ App ximate co tct

Edge of photo

Figure 5: Map of the north face of Boulder 4. From Heiken et al. (1973).


/ Legend:

Edge Edge of boulder face

I rr of / ..... Contact
photo i/ ........... "Flow" line or banding
-i--t-t-t- Joint
_) Vesicle
Ciast; white on photo
,m, Clast; blQck or gray on photo

Figure 6: Map of the north face of Boulder 5. From Heiken et al. (1973).

Important clasts contain ~70% nents of the soil include the boulders, Cernan, 1973). The exterior surfaces
feldspar, 30% orthopyroxene, and the adjacent mare surface, and the of boulder samples are covered with
olivine and trace ilmenite. The softer portions of the North Massif. micrometeorite craters and contain
matrix of the boulder was apparently It will take a careful study of the solar flare tracks. An unusual feature
homogenized extremely well by the coarse fines from the soil to discern of two of the samples, 76015 and
impact process on the scale of this what the rest of the North Massif is 76215, is that they each had a patina
boulder. The major and trace made of (Jolliff et al., 1993). covered "lip" that was partially
element compositions of the various Samples like 76535 and 76335 may protected from micrometeorite
pieces of matrix form a tight cluster be more representative of the main bombardment, which led to the
on composition diagrams, including portion of the North Massif than the development of an especially dark
the siderophile elements (Ir-Au-Re) samples of the boulder. (thick?) patina.
contributed by the meteorite
projectile. The clasts display various
degrees of brecciation and shock PATINA CONSORTIUM STUDIES
metamorphism. Some clasts (76235,
76255) may be of plutonic origin. A distinct brown patina is well The samples of the boulder blocks at
developed on all the weathered rock Station 6 were the subject of consor-
The boulders at Station 6 do not have surfaces of the otherwise tan or blue- tium studies led by W. Phinney
a composition like that of the soil grey breccia, including the fractured (1981). Photos of the boulder
(Fig. 7). Station 6 is located on the surfaces of the blocks of the surfaces (mapped by Heiken et al.,
talus of the North Massif. Compo- Station 6 Boulder (Schmitt and 1973) allowed each sample to be

1000 I"' I I I I I I I I 1000

76015 matrix
1 O0 I O0
f_l - v

Station6 soil
_ 10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1

La Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er Yb
Figure 7: Normalized rare earth element diagram comparing 76015 (typical of boulder) with Station 6 soil.

related to a specific lithology of the There is general agreement that these carefully studied the remanent
boulder. These consortium studies data (mean age 3.96 + 0.04 b.y.) give magnetization of 26 subsamples
were not completed because many of the age of the Serenitatus impact from the Station 6 Boulder. The
the samples (i.e., 76275) were slow event (see arguments in Spudis and direction of magnetization after
to be processed and not delivered Ryder, 1981). alternating field demagnetization of
until after consortium members had breccia samples was found to be
left. However, the consortium A major finding of the consortium roughly uniform for clast-free matrix
concluded that the poikilitic texture was that all the matrix samples were samples (76015, 76215) while
of these rocks was formed in a melt of the same chemical and generally scattered for the clast-rich
sheet after the impact (Simonds, mineralogical composition (Phinney, samples (76275). Gose et al.
1975; Simonds et al., 1976; and 1981). Especially remarkable was proposed that the natural remanent
Onorato et al., 1976). This consor- the tight grouping in siderophile magnetization of impact melt
tium went on to study impact melt elements (Higuchi and Morgan, breccias is the vector sum of two
sheets in terrestrial impact craters 1975, and Hertogen et al., 1977). magnetizations: a pre-impact
(see JGR 83, 2729-2816). magnetization and a partial thermo-
The collection of samples from remanence acquired during breccia
A summary of the ages of the clasts Boulder 6 provides the most lithification. The large scatter of
and matrix samples from the comprehensive set of related samples magnetization direction of the clast-
Station 6 Boulder is given: in Table 1 that has been available for lunar rich samples implies the predomi-
from Cadogan and Turner (1976). magnetic studies. Gose et al. (19.78) nance of pre-impact magnetization.

Table 1: Summary of Ar 39/40 plateau ages from the Station 6 Boulder samples.
Data from Cadogan and Turner (1976).

Plateau age % 39Ar recoil

Sample no. Irradiation (G.y.) (matrix samples only)

Matrix samples
76215,30 SH36 3.94 +_0.04 0.8
76015,38 SH36 3.93 + 0.04 1.1
76315,36 SH31 3.98 + 0.04 1.4
76295,1 (tan) SH36 3.95 + 0.04 3.9
76295,3 (blue) SH36 3.96 + 0.04 2.4
76275,39 SH40 4.02 + 0.04 2.9

76235,3 SH36 3.93 + 0.06 --
76235,3 SH40 3.95 + 0.06 --
76315,67 (C3) SH31 3.97 + 0.04 --
76315,61 (C2) SH31 3.98 + 0.04 --
(4.10 + 0.05)
76255,46 SH40 4.02 +_0.04 --

Mineral concentrates
76015,38 (plag) SH36 3.96 _+0.06 --
76015,36 (plag) SH36 3.92 + 0.04 --
76015,38 (px) SH36 (3.79 + 0.07) --
76015,36 (px) SH36 (3.92 + 0.09) --

Mean age 3.96 + 0.04

SAMPLE 76015 - 11

Vesicular Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
2819 g, 20 x 16 x 14 cm

INTRODUCTION One surface of 76015 was part of a from the Serenitatus impact event.
shielded cavity that was oriented Simonds et al. (1976) and Onorato
Sample 76015 was chipped off of the parallel to the sunline, which had an et al. (1976) provide a compre-
top comer of Block 5 of the big azimuth of approximately 106 deg hensive thermal model for the
boulder at Station 6 (Fig. 1, Wolfe and elevation of approximately lithification of impact melt breccias
and others, 1981). It is a sample of 36 deg to the horizontal. This unique based on their detailed study of the
lithologic unit B of Boulder 6 and is cavity has allowed several interesting textures of samples from Boulder 6
similar in color and texture to 76215 studies of the solar flare, cosmic ray, and in comparison with melt sheets
from Block 4 (also from unit B). and micrometeorite bombardment of from large terrestrial craters.
This lithology was originally referred the lunar surface (Blanford et al.,
to as the "green-grey" breccia 1974; Morrison and Zinner, 1975;
lithology (Fig. 2). 76015 has a well- Crozaz et al., 1974). The "lip" of PETROGRAPHY
documented orientation based on this cavity has a thick, undisturbed
laboratory photography and has a patina (Fig. 3). Sample 76015 is a very vesicular,
well-known exposure history crystalline-matrix breccia with
because of its certain relationship to Spudis and Ryder (1981) summarize <0.1 mm to 5 cm long irregular
several other samples of the Station 6 the arguments that this boulder is vesicles that compose about 20% of
Boulder (Heiken et al., 1973). from the melt sheet or ejecta blanket the rock by volume. The flattened

Figure 1: Location of 76015 on Block 5 before sampling. Note the well-documented orientation. AS17-140-21411.
SAMPLE76015- t2

Figure 2: The exterior surface of 76015 has been heavily eroded by micrometeorite bombardment and is covered with
glass-lined micrometeorite craters (zap pits) with white spall zones. The foliation of the abundant large vesicles is
evident in this photo. Scale is I cm. $73-15015.

vesicles define a preferred as <20 tJ-rngrains both within and described as annealed "dunite" and
orientation best seen on the west between the low-calcium pyroxene "troctolite" fragments.
(WI) side of the sample (Fig. 2). oikocrysts. Both poikilitic ilmenite
The modal mineralogy of 76015 is and armalcolite grains up to 200 pan Simonds (1975) describes the poiki-
about 50% plagioelase, 40% low- long, with spinel and rutile lamellae, litic matrix of 76015 as a continuous
calcium pyroxene, with minor are concentrated between the network of interlocking pigeonite
amounts of augite, olivine, ilmenite, pyroxene oikocrysts, oikocrysts with about half of the
armalcolite, and metallic iron. The pyroxene in a tight cluster in the
poikilitic matrix of 76015 (Fig. 4) Mineral and lithic clasts compose compositional diagram
consists of a nearly continuous mass 5-15% of the rock. Mineral clasts Wo5.6En70_73Fs22_26. Simonds
of elongated and occasionally are recognized because they are notes that the narrow range of
aligned 0.2-0.3 by 0.7-1.5 mm low- typically over 50 Ima across, much pyroxene and feldspar composition
calcium pyroxene oikocrysts larger than the matrix grains, agrees with the uniform composi-
(Wo4.9En61_76Fs19.25). Tabular Simonds et al. (1974 and 1975) tional data of Rhodes et al. (1974)
feldspar 10-50 p.rn long occurs both studied numerous small lithic clasts and Hubbard et al. (1974) for widely
within and between the pyroxene in 22 thin sections of 76015 and separated portions of the sample.
grains and ranges from An 82 to found that they were predominantly They conclude that the matrix of this
An96, with a distinct peak at An89 granoblastic or poikilitic in texture, sample is very homogeneous in
(Fig. 5). Small amounts of augite generally with 70-80% feldspar, composition.
(Wo35.40En42.46Fs12.15) are found Some of the small clasts were
SAMPLE76015- 13

Figure 3: This photo of 76015 illustrates the patina covered "lip" that waspartially shielded from micrometeorites (see
text). The large vesicular basalt "vug" clast is evident in the center of the photo. Scale is I cm. $73-18764.

Figure 4: Photomicrograph of 76015 matrix. Note the partially digested relict clast and the large vesicle. The texture
of the matrix of 76015 is poikilitic with large pyroxene grains surrounding small plagioclase laths and mineral
inclusions. This texture is typical of the matrix of all the Station 6 boulders as well as many Apollo 16 melt rocks. Field
of view is 4 x5 mm.
SAMPLE76015- 14

o*= ":

En / I%
En v _ '¢"v :' v ,, v v Fs v v ....

Fo , i i -, . , . , . _ , _ . , . , , Fo
, , , 3, eOINT_i_
,11,/_, • i , , ..... , , 1 Fa 130 ___ 1


30 180 POINTS

"- 20 Jl
66 POINTS - |

,rl, _ Flr 1.t
I r_"r} "r-_'i-F
ILI r' '

_Ab An

Figure 5: Pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase compositions of the matrix and the vesicular basalt clast in lunar breccia
76015 (from Simonds, 1975). Note that the larger plagioclase inclusions in the green-grey matrix are more calcic
(An95) than the plagioclase laths in the matrix (An89).

Misra et al. (1976) have studied the 76015 and 76215 have a lower
complex metallic nickel-iron patti- abundance of these meteoritic RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
cles included in 76015 (Fig. 6). elements than the matrix for 76275
and 76295 (Table 2). Cadogan and Turner (1976) deter-
mined the crystallization age of
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY 76015 by the 39Ar- 40Ar plateau
SIGNIFICANT CLASTS technique. The matrix yielded an
The matrix of 76015 is very homo- intermediate temperature plateau
geneous in composition (Table 1) Simonds (1975) and Phinney (1981) which covered 70% of the release of
and the composition is also very describe a large (2 cm) porous basalt 39Ar and corresponds to an age of
similar to that of the other samples of clast ("vug" filling?) in 76015 with 3.93 +- 0.04 b.y. A similar but less
this boulder (Fig. 7). intersertal texture (Fig. 9). The well-defined age of 3.96 + 0.06 b.y.
plagioclase in this clast is found to be was obtained for a plagioclase
Higuchi and Morgan (1975) find that somewhat less calcic than that of the separate (Fig. 10).
the trace siderophile element breccia matrix (Fig. 5). However,
compositions of all the samples of there appear to be no chemical or Nyquist et al. (1974) have reported
the Station 6 Boulder form a tight isotopic data on this large basalt clast Rb-Sr data for several splits of
grouping (meteorite group 2) on (see also Fig. 3). matrix from 76015 (Fig. 11 and
compositional diagrams (Fig. 8). Table 3) and note that the Rb-Sr
SAMPLE 76015 - 15

systematics are probably partially their paper). As a consequence of (18 5:3 m.y.) is found to be concor-
reset by the Serenitatus impact event the small solid angle factor, the dam with the galactic proton age
(see Phinney, 1981). U-Th-Pb data effects of erosion over a long period (17.5 5:0.5 m.y.) as determined by
by Leon Silver were also reported in of time are removed, allowing for a the Kr-Kr method, although some-
Phinney (1981). study of the solar flare spectrum what younger than the 22 m.y.
without the complication of exposure age determined for 76315
continuous erosion. Indeed, the (Arvidson et al., 1975). Presumably
COSMOGENIC measured solar flare track density for a portion of the surface of 76015
EXPOSURE AGES 76015 was found to fall offmuch eroded away in the past
faster with depth than for other lunar (Crozaz et al.).
Crozaz et al. (1974) have studied the samples (which have experienced
long-term exposure history of a erosion) and is comparable with data Bogard et al. (1974) (see unpub-
surface of 76015 that was exposed to on the energy of solar flares derived lished data in Phinney, 1981) have
the sky through a small solid angle by studies of recent solar flares using determined the noble gas abundances
(as evidenced by a marked gradient the Surveyor glass (Crozaz et al.). in 76015.
of dark to light patina) (see figure in The solar flare track exposure age

' ' ' ' ' ' --2'

76 ' '
• 59 *.
62 *
1.2 5, . n 15_ q 68 o

o .6 *

(_ _ t L I I , I I r , t

I I I I 1 I l I I I I

1.8 _
lq 91 *
it::: _5 98 *
o_ _-_-,5]_|_
II , _ 76015,89
lO00 •
s 15
Wt % Nickel
_" 1.7 o

.6 ._ *
• I I L I I I I I f I I
4 8 12 16 20

Weight Percent Nickel

Figure 6: Nickel vs. cobalt contents of metal grains in 76015 and 76215. From Misra et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 76015 - 16

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

76015 matrix

100 100

O3 10 I0

I I I I I, I l I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb
Figure 7: Normalized rare earth diagram for 76015. All subsamples have the same pattern and are similar to the
matrix of 76215 and 76315. This sample provides a good reference for the other samples of the North Massif. Data
from Hubbard et aL (1974).

Stotions: 2 3 6 7 8 9
maltix • o • • _
Closts,crysl. rocks O _ A [] _ _z'

/ , I

/ /3H_ ,__ POLLO,7

, h ,, / \
70 _Au 60 50 40 - 30: Ir---_ 20
Figure 8: lr-Au-Re compositions of Station 6 Boulder matrix all fall witkin Cluster 2 (see Higuchi and Morgan, 1975).
SAMPLE 76015 - 17

Figure 9: Large pyroxene grains and plagioclase laths in vesicular basalt clast (see Phinney, 1981). Scale is 4 x 5 ram.

76235 7621q 76015 76295 o

_ 0'00/4 ' .... ' ' ' ' ' I ..... ' [:.,, _ , ( ..... m;.
r 7 .,".;7.:-._:,',,',._
..... _ I... -r '-' ' _
,,•_z...... .:l_,au
20 _--,
cm o3

0 ' 05
: 100 0-5 Fraction100of 37Ar Release,
d05 1-00 05 100 1_

39Ar0t .... F I. ................... :..... j


i "13
300 : " 39

4OAr . m • m_,
"L"'; 3.8
3_r- ii,,_
... I

25C .38 (Matrix) • .3.G

3(Troctolitic ,30(Matrix) .36 (Plogioclase) i ] .1(Tan Motrix),"_
I' "Clast ) .36 (Pyroxene) _ ,3(Blue Malrix)II 3 5 _o
:34 _

200 ............' ................... ,_a.................. -_ J ........ ,, , 133

0"5 I00 0"5 I00 05 I00 0"5 I0
Fraction of 39Ar Released

Figure 10: Apparent age and K/Ca as a function afAr release by the Ar plateau technique for several matrix and
mineral fractions of Station 6 Boulder samples. From Cadogan and Turner (1976).
SAMPLE 76015 - 18

• I .... I .... I r_ - , , I ....

i 15205,4311c)

z 60N5,3011C1_,
- 76015,57(_c)-
i Poikilitic Rocks

0.5 I.O 1.5 2.0 2.5


Figure 11: Comparison of reflectance spectra of poikilitic rocks (including 76015) and KREEP basalts.
From Charette and Adams (1977).

surface where there is a less well- of the accumulation of this fused

MAGNETIC STUDIES developed patina due to constant material on nearby surfaces. High
steady-state erosion. There is a resolution examination of the
Pearce et al. (1974) and Gose et al. marked gradation in patina from the stratigraphically oldest glass particles
(1978) have carefully studied the thick deposit of the partially shielded on the exterior surface of 76015
remanent magnetization of 26 sub- lip of the rock to a lack of patina in suggests that their surfaces have been
samples from the Station 6 Boulder. the completely shielded region. The altered by solar wind sputtering.
The direction of magnetization of thick deposit is made of accumulated Older particles have a granular
clast-free samples from unit B glass splashes, pancakes, and appearance in contrast to the
(including 76015) cluster fairly well presumably condensed vapor that perfectly smooth appearance of the
after alternating field demagnetiza- may have come from the opposite superposed younger particles.
tion. Gose et al. propose that the face of the cavity.
natural remanent magnetization of Charette and Adams (1977) have
impact melt breccias is the vector The Surface patina on 76015 has determined the reflectance spectra of
sum of two magnetizations, a pre- been carefully described by Blanford the surface of 76015 and report that
impact magnetization and a partial et al. (1975). The partially shielded the spectra of poikilitic rocks are
thermoremanence acquired during part of the surface of 76015 has similar to KREEP with a slight
breccia lithification, accumulat_ed accretionary particles upturn at the high wavelength
over a long period of time (Fig. 11). It would be interesting to
(22 m.y.?), while the exposed surface determine the difference in spectra
SURFACE STUDIES of 76015 reached a steady state of for patina-covered surfaces as com-
micrometeorite erosion and accumu- pared to fresh surfaces (76015 is the
The thickness of the patina that lated glass splashes. Accretionary ideal sample for such study).
developed on the T1 surface of
particles are small objects adhering
76015 (Fig. 3) is unusual and is a to the host surfaces. They include
function of the exposure geometry of glass splashes, stingers, and EXPERIMENTAL
a partially to completely shielded pancakes as well as angular dust
cavity on top of the boulder. The T1 particles. Glassy accretionary Experimental studies by Delano
surface subtended a small solid angle particles are formed by fusion of (1977) showed that 76015 has
and intercepted few large particles target material by hypervelocity olivine as its liquidus phase at
capable of eroding the surface, as is micrometeorites. Patina is the result 0 kbars. Olivine + spinel coexist on
the case on the fully exposed exterior
SAMPLE 76015 - 19

the liquidus in the pressure interval Morrison and Zinner determined that
from 5 to 12 kbar. Olivine + spinel + there are 900 0.1 pan craters PROCESSING
orthopyroxene are simultaneously on produced per cm 2 per year per 2
the liquidus at 12 kbar. Orthopy- steradian. Based on their observation A slab and a column were cut from
roxene + spinel are the liquidus of numerous fresh 0.1 pm craters, the center of this rock (see maps in
phases at pressures greater than they concluded that there is not more Phinney, 1981). A second slab and
12 kbar (Fig. 12). Experimental than an estimated maximum solar- column were cut at right angles to
phase relations of these experiments wind erosion rate of 0.07 ,_,/yr. the first slab in 1988. A large piece
suggest that the 76015 composition (330 g) has been used for public
does not represent magma derived by Morrison and Clanton (1979) have display.
partial melting of either cosmic or documented differences in the micro-
differentiated source regions at any meteorite populations and surface The largest piece remaining (,18)
pressure on the Moon. characteristics between the surface of weighs 1307 g and is stored at
76015 that was exposed in the plane Brooks Air Force Base. The second
of the ecliptic and the surface that largest piece (,19) weighs 630 g.
VUGS was exposed perpendicular to the There are 30 thin sections.
This sample has numerous vugs and
cavities with well-known orientation Carter et al. (1975) have studied the
(Fig. 13). Morrison and Zinner euhedral crystals of pyroxene,
(1975) used two of these cavities to plagioclase, ilmenite, metallic iron,
study the possible directional and troilite that line the vugs of
variations in the flux of micro- 76015.
meteorites and solar flare particles.
Studies by Blanford et al. (1975) Phinney ( 1981) reports that large
(Fig. 14) and Morrison and Zinner apatite crystals occur in the vugs of
(1975) found no anisotropy in the 76015 as honey-yellow, transparent,
flux of micrometeorites between the single crystals up to 1 mm in greatest
north direction and the ecliptic, dimension. They are found to be
whereas Hutcheon (using different doubly terminated and loosely
samples) determined that the ecliptic adhering to the cavity walls. Large
flux was seven times as high as the beta-cristobalite crystals and wiry
flux from the south (see discussion in and dendritic metallic Cu are also
Zinner and Morrison, 1976). reported in these cavities.
SAMPLE76015- 20

- 76015
1400 _/

o_ _
I ' I ' I ' I ' I
0 5 I0 15 20

760 I 5 -
v 1400
,,, _ _
< Isoo _,_.-';:_''Yo,.'s?,;.

hi 1200

I ' I ' I ' I ' I

0 5 I0 15 20
Figure 12: Melting relations of 76015 as function of temperature and pressure. From Delano (1977).
SAMPLE 76015 - 21


OF 76015

Figure 13: Orientation and exposure geometry of 76015,105,24 and ,40. From Morrison and Zinner (1975).

N+3]= i [ I Itlll I I I I [Ill I I I IIII


:_ _ N . LUNAR
_¢_ 76015,24 - LUNAR
>L' i _i CRATERS

_ (196 COUNTS) I_

N I i i i iiill i i i i[flltl [ I IIiii

O.OI 0.1 1.0 10

Figure 14: Size-frequency distributions of zap pits on oriented surfaces of 76015. From Blanford et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 76015 - 22

Table 1" Whole-rock chemistry of 76015.

a) Rhodes et al. (1974a); Hubbard et al. (1974); b) Palme et al. (1978)
See also Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975) and Phinney (1981).

Split ,22M (a) ,37M (a) ,41M (a) ,64M (a) ,12 (b)

SiO 2 (wt%) 46.16 46.38 46.38 46.59 46.52

TiO2 1.52 1.55 1.53 1.48 1.54
A1203 17.17 17.78 17.77 18.00 17.86
(5-203 .... 0.19
FeO 9.81 9.65 9.07 9.10 8.08
MnO 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.11

MgO 13.03 12.40 12.67 12.43 12.57

CaO 10.77 11.13 11.11 11.10 10.99

Na20 0.70 0.72 0.69 0.75 0.68

K2 O 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.29 0.24
P205 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28
S 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.39

Nb (ppm) 32
Zr 490 515 507 484 480
Hf 12.5 12.7 - - 11.81
Ta 1.62
U 1.46 1.59 1.96 1.48 1.2
Th 5.44 5.64 5.56 5.41 4.18
y 112
Sr 172 178 177 174 180
Rb 6.41 6.67 6.57 7.46 -
Li 18.3 19.8 21.6 18.5 17.7
Ba 348 362 358 354 340
Cs 0.20
Ni 1140
Co 90.2
Sc 16.7
La - 34.3 33.4 29.9 33.8
Ce 83.3 85.9 84.9 78.4 89.2
Nd 52.8 54.4 54.0 49.3 54
Sm 14.9 15.3 15.2 14.0 14.11
Eu 1.94 2.02 1.99 1.97 1.99
Gd 18.7 19.0 18.9 17.6 18.1
Tb 3.04

Dy 19.5 20.0 19.9 18.3 19.9

Er 11.5 11.8 11.7 10.9 -
SAMPLE 76015 - 23

Table 1: (Concluded).

Split ,22M (a) ,37M (a) ,41M (a) ,64M (a) ,12 (b)

Yb 10.6 11.0 10.8 10.0 11.43

Lu - - 1.30 1.50 1.55
F 45.8
C1 6.9
Ge (ppb)
lr 43
Au 18

Table 2: Trace element data for 76015. Concentrations in ppb.

From Higuchi and Morgan (1975).


Ir 3.41
Re 0.315
Au 1.89

Ni (ppm) 135
Sb 1.02
Ge 164
Se 76
Te 2.7

Ag 1.02
Br 46.8
Bi 0.22

Zn (ppm) 2.8
Cd 3.2
TI 0.67

Rb (ppm) 5.77
Cs 266
U 1490
SAMPLE 76015 - 24

Table 3: Rb-Sr composition of 76015.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).

Sample 76015,22M ,37M ,41M ,64M

wt (mg) 52.3 53.5 63.6 51.5

Rb (ppm) 6.41 6.67 6.57 7.46
Sr (ppm) 171.8 177.5 176.6 173.8
87Rb/86Sr 0.1079 + 9 0.1088 + 9 0.1076 _+9 0.1242 + 10
87Sr/86Sr 0.70589 + 5 0.70605 + 5 0.70589 + 11 0.70693 + 6

TB 4.39+0.07 4.45+_0.07 4.40+0.11 4.40+0.07

TL 4.45+0.07 4.52+0.07 4.45+0.11 4.44+0.07

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias)

L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE76035- 25

Nonvesicular Impact Melt Breccia
376.2 g, 12 x 5.5 x 5 cm

INTRODUCTION the blue-grey impact melt (see

PETROGRAPHY Fig. 1). Some thin sections show the
Sample 76035 was collected from dark lithology is a soil breccia--but
the soil about 20 meters downslope The photo of one side of this sample it is very minor portion of the overall
from the large boulder in the (Fig. 1) shows that the main mass of sample.
Station 6 area. It is a nonvesicular, it is the blue-grey impact melt
clast-bearing, blue-grey impact melt breccia typical of the highlands; the This sample has not been studied.
breccia, other side has an assemblage of light
and dark clasts folded together like in There are only three thin sections of
Chao et al. (1975) believe that 76035 an omelet (Fig. 2). Angular 77035.
is very similar to 77115 and to inclusions of light impact melt
72435. Ryder (1993) describes the breccia are included in the blue-grey
matrix of 76035 as fine-grained with matrix of 76035. There is an
olivine microphenocrysts, apparent basaltic clast included in

Figure 1: Freshly broken surface of 76035, showing basalt clast. There are few vesicles compared with
the Station 6 Boulder. Scale is I cm. 873-19355.
SAMPLE 76035 - 26

Figure 2: Angular inclusions of light impact melt breccia included and attached to matrix of 76035.
Scale is I cm. $73-15457.
SAMPLE 76036 - 27

Impact Melt Breccia
3.95 g, 2.5 x 2 x 0.6 cm

INTRODUCTION has small impact craters; the other

PETROGRAPHY side has a few white inclusions
Sample 76036 was collected from (Fig. 1).
the soil about 20 meters downslope Sample 76036 has not been studied,
from the Boulder 6 area. It is a dark but it is apparently similar to and
grey impact melt breccia, probably a piece of 76035. One side

Figure 1: Dark grey impact melt breccia 76036. Cube is I cm. $73-17959.
SAMPLE 76037 - 29

High-Ti Mare Basalt
2.52 g_ 1.7 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm

Sample 76037 was collected from
the soil about 20 meters downslope Neal et al. (1990) classify 76037 as a Neal et al. (1990) have studied the
from the Boulder 6 area as part of a Type 1B mare basalt, typical of other mineral chemistry. Olivine is
soil sample. It is a coarse-grained A17 basalts (Fig. 2). They report a Fo50-65, plagioclase is An78.88, and
ilmenite basalt (Fig. 1). mode of 0.5% olivine, 46% pyrox- pyroxene is Wo8.40En25_63.
ene, 33% plagioclase, and 17%
ilmenite. Grain size is 0.i to 1 mm.

Figure 1." llmenite basalt 76037. Cube is 1 cm. $73-17958.

SAMPLE 76037 - 30

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of ilmenite basalt 76037. Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.

SAMPLE 76055 - 31

Impact Melt Breccia
6412 g, 23 x 13 x 13 cm

INTRODUCTION distinct from the boulder samples Other sections taken of the main
(with lower A1 and REE; higher Mg mass of the sample show that it is an
Sample 76055 was picked up from and Mg/Fe ratio), impact melt like that of the Station 6
the regolith at some distance Boulder and broadly similar to the
(10-15 meters) from the Station 6 This large sample has not received poikilitic breccias from the South
Boulder. The hand specimen adequate attention. It may be a Massif (Fig. 2). Sawn surfaces show
appeared to be relatively homoge- separate sample of the Serenitatus that the interior of 76055 is an
neous and clast free, but the thin melt sheet from high on the North assemblage of aphanitic breccia
sections show many minute clasts. Massif. clasts, included in larger aphanitic
This rock contains a prominent folia- pods, all included in a vesicular
tion that is defined by many small aphanitic matrix that displays a
lenticular vesicles up to 0.2 x 3 mm PETROGRAPHY swirled, banded foliation.
in size. The surface of the sample is
covered with zap pits, including one Sample 76055 is a massive impact The matrix of 76055 consists of
glass splash of about 1 cm. melt breccia with aphanitic matrix about 10% subangular plagioclase
(Fig. 1). Literature descriptions of and olivine clasts (50 to 500 btm) set
This sample appears to be slightly 76055 by Chao (1973), Warner et al. in a finer-grained (10 tma) poikilitic
older than the Station 6 Boulder and (1973), and Albee et al. (1973) are matrix of subhedral orthopyroxene
other Serenitatus impact melts. The all apparently from the same set of intergrown with anhedral
bulk composition is also apparently thin sections, all of which included plagioclase. The pyroxene has a
the same atypical clast in the breccia
constant composition of about
matrix (see below).

Figure 1: Impact melt breccia 76055. Scale is I cm. $73-15714.

SAMPLE76055- 32

Figure 2: Interior texture of impact melt breccia 76055, showing foliation of elongate vesicles wrapping around a
partially dissolved mafic clast. Field of view is 4 x 5 ram.

Wo4En77Fs19 , plagioclase An86_90, Station 6. This was first noticed by Turner et al. (1974) determine a
and olivine Fo77. The mode is about the preliminary examination team plateau age of 3.98 + 0.05 b.y.
41% plagioclase, 24% orthopy- (LSPET 1973) (Fig. 4). Palme et al. (Fig. 7). Both groups notice an
roxene, 18% olivine--with minor (1978) have studied 76055 for its unusual decrease in the apparent age
augite, armaicolite, and iron metal siderophile signature (Table 1). The at the highest temperature release.
(Albee et al., 1973). If this mode is REE are significantly less than for Kirsten et al. (1973) and Kirsten and
correct, then this sample has higher the samples of the Station 6 Boulder, Horn (1974) report a slightly older
olivine content than the other giving further evidence that this is a Ar plateau age of 4.05 + 0.07 b.y.
Station 6 breccias, which may separate impact melt rock (Fig. 5). (Fig. 8), but this is within the
explain its high Mg content, precision of the others.

Chao et al. (1975) believe that 76055 SIGNIFICANT CLASTS Nyquist et al. (1974) have reported
may be similar to 77135. Rb-Sr data for the matrix of 76055
Albee et al. (1973) give a detailed (Table 2) and note that the Rb-Sr
description of an olivine-bearing, systematics are probably partially
MINERAL CHEMISTRY "pod" or "metaclastic" clast in a thin reset by the Serenitatus impact event.
section of 76055,7. Chao (1973) has
Albee et al. (1973) give the detailed apparently also studied the same
compositions of many of the miner- clast in thin section 76055,10, but COSMOGENIC
als in 76055, including plagioclase, terms it an "olivine micronorite RADIOISOTOPES AND
pyroxene, olivine, armalcolite, iron homfels." Warner et al. (1973) EXPOSURE AGES
metal, apatite, and whitlockite describe the same clast in section
(Fig. 3). The compositions of the 76055,13 as an "angular poikilitic Huneke et al. (1973) calculate an Ar
minerals appear to be similar to those relic." exposure age of 140 m.y. from their
data, Turner et al. (1974) report 125
of the big boulder at Station 6. m.y., and Kirsten et al. (1973) report
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES 120 + 15 m.y. This is much older
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY than the exposure age of the big
Huneke et al. (1973) determine the boulder (i.e., 22 m.y.).
Sample 76055 has a distinctly higher age of 76055 to be 3.97 +_ 0.04 b.y.
Mg content and higher Mg/Fe ratio by the broad intermediate plateau in
than the samples of the boulder at the 40Ar -39Ar release (Fig. 6).
SAMPLE 76055 - 33


BOAL2SI20@ * KALS'308
FeALzS'208* w
2_i2C8 u r '_o,5

/I',, il
_ an85 AagO An95 COAt2'5,208

COMgS'zO6 Co(Fe.

/l' NoAISi206 * CcT_t206 '_\
I iI ,'-_2, +CaCrAtSiO6 + COAIAtSiO
I 76055 - PYROXENE . , ^ --_
S=zO6 (Fe,

:L SL'V-
of e'.aty,_es

............ O _ ,',Q-
. o. ..........

Figure 3: Mineral compositions of matrix to 76055. From Albee et al. (1973).


Apollo 17 samples Previousmissions

• Basalts + Apollo 11 basalts
• Noritic breccias • Apollo 12 rocks
28 • Anorthositic gabbro o Apollo 14 breccias
@Dark matrix breccia = Apollo 15 roc_(s
X Soils =.Apollo 16 rooks


z. a_.
'%__. _. Orangesoil
x •
o _l • • •

• _._o%
2o 4-

= 16 xx
0,. ®

12 * o o
72275 I'_,° °
_o X °c

• xx el' :: • 76055

°°. c

4 8 12 16 20

Figure4: FeO vs. MgO composition of 76055. From LSPET (1973).

SAMPLE 76055 - 34

1000 I I I I I I _I I I I000

76015 matrix

'r- 1O0 e----e---.._._ _-_ ,B-.-.......__ 1O0

09 10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb
Figure 5: Normalized rare earth diagram of 76055 compared to matrix of Station 6 Boulder (76015).
Data from Hubbard et aL (1974).


COt5_- i i

(2:: ,
< i
Q_ r-


r I I : I
o o!e o4 o.a cla _.o

Figure 6: Argon plateau age for 76055 by Huneke et al. (1973).

SAMPLE 76055 - 35

0'_ I I I i I i i l I 0"I



_'_ O'O_ _-'


r .... ;

II !i r--_
f f
150 _* l I

....F.......... , ', _-o
,.......... __ _
76055 la

-- MATRIX z_-

.... CLAST 1.6
T= 3"98 *- 0.05 #E "_

100 I I I I i l l I I -3,4
o 0"5 I.O

Figure 7: Argon plateau age of 76055 by Turner et al. (1974).

4.5 I ' I ' I ' I '_///,_


4.0 _ 76055

o 3._
v _____
------ |
,,, ,?
<30 li

r-f J
25 c--±u I , I , I , I ,
_i_i" 02 0.4 06 08 10
"-1_$ Fraction of 39Ar Released

Figure 8: Argon plateau age of 76055 by Kirsten et al. (1973).

SAMPLE76055- 36

pressure range of 0 to 23 kbars.

SURFACE STUDIES Olivine + orthopyroxene are simul- PROCESSING
taneously on the liquidus at 23 kbar.
Storzer et al. (1973) determined a Orthopyroxene is the liquidus phase The sample was sawn into three
mean galactic track density of at pressures greater than 23 kbar approximately equal chunks, but it
6.7 x 106 tracks/cm 2 for feldspar in (Fig. 9). Experimental phase was not slabbed.
76055. relations of these experiments
suggest that the 76055 composition
EXPERIMENTAL does not represent magma derived by
partial melting of either cosmic or
Experimental studies by Delano differentiated source regions at any
(1977) showed that 76055 has pressure on the Moon.
olivine as its liquidus phase in the

16oo 76055


,_ 1400-
.J'_ ...._/= / /
hi ._ sp4"
1500 •

"' 41
1200: I , l l
r '
0 5 I0 15 210 25

16oo- 76055

t_ ../- ,_c_.., _,'_ 1,%

'5 1300

1200 -J I , , I ' I I
0 5 I0 15 210 25

Figure 9: The melting relations of 76055 as a function of temperature and pressure. From Delano (1977).
SAMPLE76055- 37

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76055.

a) LSPET (1973); Hubbard et al. (1974); b) Nava (1974); Philpotts et al. (1974a); c) Palme et al. (1978)

Split ,5 (a) ,3 (b) ,40 (c)


SiO2 (wt%) 44.65 45.7 45.60

TiO2 1.24 1.38 1.28
A1203 16.47 15.84 15.91
(3r203 0.19 0.19 0.20
FeO 9.11 9.27 9.21
MnO 0.11 0.122 0.12
MgO 16.33 17.89 16.50
CaO 9.93 9.13 9.69
Na20 0.48 0.55 0.57
K20 0.20 0.223 0.18
P205 0.19 0.220 0.20
S 0.07 0.07
Nb (ppm) 24
Zr 399 345
Hf 8.78
Ta 1.24
U 0.88
Th 3.52
W 0.44
Y 84
Sr 156.6 154 158
Rb 5.17 5.0 5.62
Li 13.5 11.7
Ba 253 291 285
Cs 0.093
Zn 0.81

Cu 2.98
I_ 490
Co 43.1
Sc 14.0
La 22.6 25.09
Ce 56.3 65.5 65.0
Nd 35.8 42.1 40
Sm 10.1 12.0 10.62
Eu 1.71 1.81 1.73
Gd 12.7 - 12.9
SAMPLE 76055 - 38

Table 1: (Concluded).

Split ,5 (a) ,3 (b) ,40 (c)


Tb 2.36

Dy 13.5 16.0 15.3

Er 8.18 9.66 9.31
Yb 7.64 8.84 8.72
Lu - 1.37 1.21
Ga 3.55
F 38.9
CI 1.7

Ge (ppb) 700
lr 13
Au 7.2
Re 1.6

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 76055.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).

Sample 76055,5

wt (rag) 47.7
Rb (ppm) 5.17
Sr (ppm) 156.6
87Rb/86Sr 0.0955+_ 8
87Sr/86Sr 0.70511 + 9
TB 4.39+0.11
TL 4.44+0.10

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE 76135 - 39

Vesicular Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
133.5 g, 7 x 6 x 4 cm

INTRODUCTION There areno other studiesof 76135

PETROGRAPHY reported to date.
Sample76135 was scooped from the
soil next to aiming pointrock Sample 76135 is a vesicular, clast- There areonly three thin sections of
(LRV10)--the astronautswere bearing,poikilitic impactmelt 76135.
attemptingto get apiece of turning breccia (Fig. 1). It has two
point rock by samplingthe fillet next populationsof vesicles, large (1 cm)
to it. Turningpoint rock is a boulder andsmall (>1 mm). Both show
thatrolled downfrom(or was blasted "frosted" crystallineinteriors. These
off of) North Massif. Chao et al. crystal-linedinteriors deserve SEM
(1975) believe that76135 may be study. The poikilitic matrix includes
similar to 76055, but it is lighter in many small mineralclasts (Fig. 2).
color andmore vesicular.

Figure 1: Vesicular poikilitic impact melt breccia 76135. Scale is 1 cm. $74-25040.
SAMPLE 76135 - 40

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of the poikilitic texture of 76135. Scale is 4 x 5 ram.

SAMPLE76136- 41

High-Ti Mare Basalt
86.6 g, 6 x 4 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION blocky pyroxene. The pyroxene- grained, rapidly chilled samples.

plagioclase matrix varies from The chemical variation within each
The top of this rock is covered with crudely variolitic (or sheath-like) to group is attributed to moderate
many large (.4).5 mm) micro- intersertal in texture (Fig. 2). amounts (5-20%) of crystal
meteorite pits lined with grey glass fractionation dominated by removal
(Fig. 1). Several large crystal-lined Brown et al. (1975) report the of olivine, armalcolite/ilmenite, and
cavities occur in this basalt. This mineral mode of 76136 to be 15% chrome spinel. Table 1 gives the
rock is a typical Apollo 17 basalt plagioclase, 46% clinopyroxene, 6% composition, and Fig. 3 compares the
fragment, olivine, 31% opaques, and 1.5% REE content of 76136 with the soil
silica, and the boulder.

Sample 76136 consists of large,
randomly-oriented ilmenite plates in Rhodes et al. (1976a) define three Nyquist et al. (1976) report whole-
a fine-grained holocrystalline matrix self-consistent basalt types at rock Rb-Sr data (Table 2).
with -6% equant olivine rimmed by Apollo 17 on the basis of fine-

Figure 1: Micrometeorite craters on surface of 76136, ilmenite basalt. $73-23931.

SAMPLE76136- 42

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of texture of 76136 basalt. Field of view is 4 x 5 ram.

1000 i i I i i i i I i i000

76015 matrix

L_ 100. 100
_. Station 6 soil "'*"
10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb

Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element composition of 76136 compared with soil and boulder at Station 6.
SAMPLE 76136 - 43

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76136.

From Rhodes et al. f1976a).

Split ,8 Split ,8
Technique XRF, ID, INAA Technique XRF, ID, INAA

SiP2 (wt%) 38.60 Li 8.9

TiP 2 12.64 Ba 83.7
A1203 8.65 1_
(2203 0.44 Co 18.7
FeO 19.12 Sc 82
MnO 0.28 La 6.91

MgO 8.61 Ce 23.8

CaP t0.53 Nd 26.2

Na20 0.38 Sm 10.9

K20 0.06 Eu 2.14
P205 0.06 Gd 16.4
S 0.18 Tb

Nb (ppm) Dy 19.3
Zr Er 11.4
Hf 9.4 Yb 10.2
Sr 190 Lu 1.42
Rb 0.67

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 76136.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 76136,8

wt (mg) 60
Rb (ppm) 0.665
Sr (ppm) 190
87Rb/86Sr 0.0101 + 2
87Sr/86Sr 0.69974 + 4
TB 4.42 + 0.36
TL 4.89 + 0.36

B m Model age assuming I R 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L R Model age assuming I _ 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorth-osites for T _ 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE76137- 45

Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
2.46 g, I x 1.5 x 1.8 em

INTRODUCTION next to it. Turning point rock is a

boulder that rolled down from (or
Sample 76137 is apparently the same was blasted off of) North Massif.
lithology as 76135. It was scooped
from the soil next to turning point Sample 76137 is a light-colored
rock (LRV10)--the astronauts were impact melt breccia (Fig. 1). It has
attempting to get a piece of turning not been studied.
point rock by sampling the fillet

Figure 1: Poikilitic impact melt breccia 76137. Cube is I cm. $73-21762.

SAMPLE 76215 - 47

Vesicular Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
644 g, 10.5 x 8 x 6 cm

INTRODUCTION surface of a large cavity (this may be detailed study of the textures of
why these samples broke off of the samples from Boulder 6.
Breccia sample 76215 was collected boulder). One surface of this sample
from the lunar surface next to the was the interior surface of a large
large Station 6 Boulder, but it was cavity (vesicle?). The "lip" of this PETROGRAPHY
most certainly spalled from the top cavity has a thick, undisturbed patina
surface of Block 4 of Boulder 6 (Fig. 2). The thickness of the patina Sample 76215 is a vesicular,
(Wolfe and others, 1981), where in this cavity is gradational from the crystalline matrix breccia with a
there is a fresh mark that fits the "lip" to the shielded interior (at the crude macroscopic foliation defined
sample directly above the location of bottom of the photo), by the alignment of vesicles and
the sample on the soil (Fig. 1). cavities, including the roughly flat
Sample 76215 is from the same Spudis and Ryder (1981) summarize side of a large cavity that defines one
lithologic unit B as sample 76015 the arguments that Boulder 6 is from side of the sample (Fig. 2). The
(Heiken et al., 1974) and has the the melt sheet or ejecta blanket from sample has two distinctive matrix
same overall color (green-grey) and the Serenitatus impact event, textures that differ only slightly in
vesicular texture. Simonds et al. (1976) and Onorato et modal mineralogy--both are 50%
al. (1976) provide a comprehensive plagioclase, 30% pigeonite, 4-11%
As in the case of 76015, 76215 has thermal model for the lithification of augite, 7-14% olivine, and 2%
an apparently shielded interior impact melt breccias based on their ilmenite (Simonds, 1975). Most of

Figure 1: Photograph of the top of Block 4 where 76215 was originally located. Sample was picked from the soil
directly beneath this point and was clearly broken from this spalled area on the top of the block. AS17-140-21421.
SAMPLE76215- 48

Figure 2: Sample 76215, showing the patina-covered surface of the interior vug. Sample 76215 is a poikilitic impact
melt breccia with vesicles. $72-56373.

the sample has a clast-laden, myriad of evenly distributed, tiny be vesicles that were trapped when
poikilitic texture that is similar to the (10-30 _m) tabular feldspar grains." the rock crystallized. The smaller
other Apollo 16 and 17 impact melt Olivine occurs both as irregular cavities are vug that may have been
rocks. However, this sample also chadocrysts within pyroxene and as made by gas that was exsolved as the
has regions with ophitic textures granular grains between oikocrysts, rock crystallized.
similar to basaltic sample 14310 Fig. 4 compares the compositions of
(Fig. 3). The contact between the pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase in The poikilitic region contains
regions with this change in texture is the ophitic matrix with those of the cm-size clasts of anorthosite display-
reported to be distinct, but the ophitic poikilitic matrix (Simonds, 1975). ing polygonal feldspar grains up to
areas are very irregular in outline and The region with ophitic texture is an 2 mm across--some with a granulitic
lack evidence of reaction. Simonds intergrowth of subhedral pyroxene texture with 120 deg triple junctions
argues that one is not a clast in the (0.2 to 0.8 mm) and euhedral (Fig. 5).
other, plagioclase (0.2 to 0.35 mm).
Plagioclase clasts in the ophitic Misra et al. (1976) have studied the
Simonds (1975) describes the poiki- regions have overgrowths up to complex metallic nickel-iron
liticareas as a "continuous network 30 pm wide. Olivine is the only particles included in 76215 and other
of pigeonite and subordinate augite mafic clast in the ophitic regions, samples of the Station 6 Boulder.
oikocrysts (0.5 to 2 mm) enclosing a Thecoarser cavities appear to
SAMPLE 76215 - 49

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of the texture of the matrix of 76215. Note the large vesicle and the regions of ophitic
texture within the overall poikilitic matrix. Field of view is 4 x 5 ram.


Fo . _ . '_ ' , I, I , I , i , i , I Fa Fo . L. , i , i , i _ i , i , i , JFa





uJ 50
<C '7-]

z°lo ..!-G, 'I,__,F], r "-,'

i _ _ III -I_ I I .-, ,-i-i r_r'rl I i i
70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100


Figure 4: Pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase compositions in two regions of matrix of 76215 (from Simonds, 1975).
Plagioclase clasts are more calcic than plagioclase laths in the matrix.
SAMPLE76215- 50

Figure 5: Photomicrograph of large (0.5 cm) clast of anorthosite in 76215,70. Field of view is 4 x 5 ram.

from unit B (including 76215) cluster

RADIOISOTOPES AND fairly well after alternating field
The matrix of 76215 is very homo- EXPOSURE AGES demagnetization. Gose et al. propose
geneous in composition (Table 1), that the natural remanent magnetiza-
and the composition is also very Some of the Apollo 17 samples tion of impact melt breccias is the
similar to that of the other samples of (including 76215) provided a unique vector sum of two magnetizations, a
this boulder (Fig. 6). Higuchi and opportunity to study the energy pre-impact magnetization, and a
Morgan (1975) find that the trace spectrum (and potential angular partial thermoremanence acquired
siderophile element compositions of anisotropy) of the incident proton during breccia lithification. Brecher
all the samples of the Station 6 Boul- flux from the August 1972 solar flare (1976) is convinced that alignment of
der form a tight grouping (meteorite (Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al., magnetism follows the direction of
group 2) on compositional diagrams 1974). Table 3 compares the foliation and is caused by "textural
(Fig. 7). 76015 and 76215 have a induced activity of 76215 with other remanent magnetization."
lower abundance of these meteoritic samples of the boulder.
elements than the matrix for 76275 SURFACE STUDIES
and 76295 (Table 2). Bogard et al. (1974) (see unpub-
lished data in Phinney, 1981) have A large part of one surface of 76215
determined the noble gas abundances was apparently the interior surface of
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES in 76215. a large vug or cavity in the boulder
(Fig. 2). Part of this shielded surface
Cadogan and Turner (1976) deter-
mined the crystallization age of MAGNETIC STUDIES has a patina indicating that a portion
of the vug or cavity was open to the
76215 by the 39Ar-40Ar plateau
technique (Fig. 8). The matrix Gose et al. (1978) have carefully sky, but there is a nice gradation of
yielded an intermediate temperature studied the remanent magnetization patina along the vug surface with
plateau which covered 65% of the of 26 subsamples from the Station 6 apparent depth into the original vug
release of 39Ar and corresponded to Boulder. The direction of opening, as though there had been
an age of 3.94 + 0.04 b.y. magnetization of clast-free samples shielding from the sky. The thick
SAMPLE76215- 51

I000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

76015 and 76215,27

-g 100' _ 100
03 I0" 10

I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb
Figure 6: Normalized rare earth diagram. The matrix of 76215 has the same composition as that of 76015.
Data from Simonds (1975).

Stations: 2 3 6 7 8 9
Breccio m0trix • o • • _
Closts, 0 o A 0 0 "_"
Au_[/ 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2IrlAu

70 "_---Au 60 50 40 30 Ir_ 20
Figure 7: Diagram comparing the lr-Au-Re compositions of 76215 with those of other lunar samples.
From Higuchi and Morgan (1975).
SAMPLE 76215 - 52

76235 762]5 76015 76295 -u


0 05 10 0 0-5 Fraction
10 0of 37Ar Released
0.5 1.00 0.5 10

39Ar 0-1 l_ - _ ::_: _..... _. :_- - -, L, ........

J + t _ t 14I., .... _ +-4--, t---F4 .... I ' i., , 001_'

39 _
40Ar __--_ 3-8 R:_
3_Ar- _ _ ,,, 3.7 :_
,38 (Matrix) • ] ',i
?,{ ,,..
3G I
2501i .3(Troctolilic ,30(Matrix) ,36 (PIogioclase) i ':I ,1(Tan Matrix) ::_

• 2 _.. _ Clast )
L _4_J__i__ • l .I _l_J___L._ _,36
.n___J (Pyroxene)
_J I t l ?,j¢
L J1,3(B:ul Malrl) I _. t
, v

20_0 0..5 10 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 100 0-5 10

Fraction of 39Ar Released

Figure 8: Argon release diagram for 76215. From Cadogan and Turner (1976).

deposit is made of accumulated glass Morrison and Zinner (1977) have (1975) have studied the surface
splashes, pancakes, and presumably also reported the distribution of small coating of F on the exteriors and
condensed vapor that may have come micrometeorite craters on the surface interiors of vugs in 76215. Carter et
from the opposite face of the cavity, of 76215 (Fig. 10). Measurements al. (1975) have studied the euhedral
by Hutcheon (1975) on the produc- crystals of pyroxene, plagioclase,
Morrison and Zinner (1977) have tion rate of micron-sized craters on ilmenite, metallic iron, and troilite
studied the solar flare tracks and the lunar surface disagree with the that line the vugs of 76215.
micrometeorite craters on a single finding of Morrison and Zinner
crystal of anorthite from 76215. (1975) by a factor of approximately
They determined a solar flare track 50. According to Zinner and PROCESSING
age of 1.6 x 104 years in agreement Morrison (1976), this disagreement
with the Mg and Fe exposure ages of cannot be due to experimental A slab and a column were cut from
2.1 and 2.4 x 104 years as deter- technique or assumptions, but might this rock (see lithology maps and
mined by ion microprobe analysis be due to sampling difficulties, diagrams in Phinney, 1981 ).
(Zinner et al., 1977) of implanted
solar wind. The solar flare tracks Samples of 76215 and other The largest remaining piece of 76215
extend to a depth of about vesicular breccias at this site are weighs 308 g. There are 19 thin
80 microns where the background of suitable for studies of the interior sections.
cosmic ray tracks becomes surfaces of cavities. Goldberg et al.
noticeable (Fig. 9).
SAMPLE 76215 - 53

10 9 -- i i i i iiiii i i i i I i 111 i i i i i _ iJ

lO 8


° __,¢,. 01..Ts)

106 . I J _ )11111 _ I I I[llll I q I lilt
10 100 1000

Figure 9: Track density vs. depth profiles for 76215. From Morrison and Zinner (1977).

109 -- , , , ,,,,u , , , ,,,,u_l _ , , ,,,, O

108 • 10

_107 eeoe 10"1

-_ IT o
" o.21s,. II_
,o, o,2os,,_{ t .I_T o
o.,,,,.,,o ,o.,
_, • 12054.,54 AND

. I i I I *lltl
lit I I i i iiiiI r4 1
'"- I I i i li_l
i 10-3
0.01 0.1 !.0 100 1000

Figure 10: Crater densities for 76215. From Morrison and Zinner (1977).
SAMPLE 76215 - 54

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76215.

Simonds (1975); Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975); Phinney (1981)

Split ,27M ,28M


SiO2 (wt%) 46.02 46.13

TiO2 L52 1.24
Al203 17.83 18.73
Cr203 - _
FeO 8.70 8.08
MnO na 0.06

MgO 12.21 12.43

CaO 11.10 11.50

Na20 na 0.70
K20 0.27 0.25
P205 0.28 0.24
S 0.05 0.06

Nb (ppm)
Zr 495 459
nf - -

U 1.5 1.26
Th 5.20 4.61
SF --

Rb 6.89 6.10
Li 19.6 22.6
Ba 352 294
La 33.4 27.3
Ce 83.6 68.9
Nd 52.2 43.7
Sm 14.9 12.3
Eu 1.99 1.70
Gd 19.3 15.9

Dy 19.7 16.5
Er 11.8 9.9
Yb 10.9 9.0
Lu - -
SAMPLE 76215 - 55

Table 2: Trace element data for 76215. Concentrations in ppb.

From Higuchi and Morgan (1975).

Sample Sample
76215,48 76215,48
matrix matrix

Ir 0.829 Ag 0.87
Os Br 50.5
Re 0.07 In
Au 0.526 Bi 0.34

Pd Zn (ppm) 2.5
Ni (ppm) 54 CA 1.08
Sb 0.44 TI 0.63

Ge 31.5 Rb (ppm) 2.51

Se 60 Cs 188
Te 3.6 U 1120

Table 3: Solar flare induced activity from large solar flare, August 1972.
a) Keith et al., (1974); b) Rancitelli et al., (1974); c) O'Kelley et al., (1974)

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

76215 (a) 76255 (b) 76275 (b) 76295 (b) 76295 (c)

26A1 56+3 79+4 110+3 71+4 67+5
22Na 60+4 71 +4 100+3 64+3 54_+4
54Mn 22 _+17 38 _+9 103 + 20 69 _+26 38 + 15
56Co 45_+6 37_+4 86_+9 35+5 41 _+7
46Sc 5+3 3.9 + 1.2 7+2 6.4+2.6 5+2
48 V

Natural activity
Th (ppm) 4.6 2.33 5.69 5.76
U (ppm) 1.27 .58 1.40 1.55
K (ppm) 2900 2250 2300
SAMPLE 76235 - 57

Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite
26.56 g, 5 x 3 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 2) appears to be uniform in distribution ranging from 20 to

texture and homogeneous in 600 _m, but, according to Simonds
Several fragments, all with the same composition on a scale of 1 cm. On (1975), lack the polygonal texture of
unique lithology, were chipped from the moon, Schmitt called the texture a well-annealed rock (Fig. 3).
the same clast on Block 1 of the "aplitic." Rounded mafic inclusions up to
Station 6 Boulder (Fig. 1). They 30 _tm across occur in the larger
may have broken further in the feldspars. The compositions of
sample bag. These include samples PETROGRAPHY minerals are very homogeneous
numbered 76230, 76235, 236, 237, (Fig. 4). Necklaces of inclusions,
238, 239, 305, 306, and 307 (Heiken Sample 76235 is from a large (0.8 m) indicating overgrowth, are missing in
et al., 1973; Phinney, 1981). Most of feldspathic clast in the Station 6 this rock. Opaques include minute
these fragments have a thin brown Boulder. All of the pieces have the iron, troilite, and chromite. Ilmenite
patina with many micrometeorite same texture and lithology. The only occurs as lamellae in chromite.
craters. However, 76235 and 76305 mineralogical mode of 76235 is 70%
lack patina or pitted surfaces, plagioclase (An94.95), 20% pigeonite Warner et al. (1977) describe the
(Wo4En74Fs22), and 10% olivine
texture of 76235 as poikoblastic and
This light-colored sample of dense, (Fo73) (Simonds, 1975). The equant suggest that rounded plagioclase
feldspathic, granulitic impactite feldspar have seriate grain-size regions about 1 mm across are

Figure 1: Surface of Block I of the big boulder at Station 6, showing numerous large clasts (see section on boulder,
page 5). Sample 76235 and related pieces were chipped from large clast in boulder (see Wolfe and others, 1981).
SAMPLE 76235 - 58

Figure 2: Light-colored, feldspathic, granulitic impactite 76235. Cube is 1 cm. $73-16733.

megacrysts of anorthosite. These

regions of apparent anorthosite are RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES COSMOGENIC
the only evidence that the rock may EXPOSURE AGES
be polymict in origin since the Cadogan and Turner (1976) deter-
mineral composition has been mined the crystallization age of two
samples of the 76235 clast by the Bogard et al. (1974) (see unpub-
homogenized (however, see 39Ar-40At plateau technique (Figs. 6 lished data in Phinney, 1981) have
siderophiles below). Warner et al. determined the noble gas abundances
and others group this rock with and 7). This feldspathic clast yielded in 76235.
feldspathic, granulitic impactites, plateau ages of 3.93 _+0.06 b.y. and
3.95 + 0.06 b.y. over 80% of the gas
release curve. This is the same age MAGNETIC STUDIES
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY as the breccia matrix surrounding
this clast in the boulder. The magnetization of sample 76307
The chemical analysis of 76230 (same as 76235) has been studied by
(Table 1) reported by LSPET (1973) Rb-Sr isotopic data (Table 3) by Gose et al. (1978).
and Hubbard et al. (1974) is of the Nyquist et al. (1975) show that
same rock material as 76235 (Fig. 5). 76230 (same as 76235) is not There are only three thin sections of
Higuchi and Morgan (1975) report a equilibrated with the matrix of the 76235.
very high meteoritic (5%) component Station 6 Boulder (Fig. 8).
in this clast (Table 2).
SAMPLE 76235 - 59

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of thin section 76235,19. Relict clastic texture has been annealed. Poikilitic pyroxene
includes plagioclase and olivine inclusions. Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.

DI ^ ^ ^ ^ Hd

_N/vv v v v v v


58 points


10- rF i -_- ;
9o lOO
--- xll_

Figure 4." Pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase composition diagram for 76230, which is a chip of 76235. The minerals
are homogeneous in this rock (see Simonds, 1975).
SAMPLE76235- 60

1000. I I I I I I I I I 1000

76015 matrix


E 76230
09 10' 10

1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er Yb
Figure 5: Normalized rare earth element abundances for 76230 (76235) compared to the boulder matrix (76015).
Data are from Hubbard et al. (1975).


_ 0 004_- --_q-

37Ar 0 002L,_._--,.__ _,
0 05 1-0

r 0.1_

37Ar 0.01!. , _.,--

40Ar 300

250 ,3(Troctotitic
ctQst) !T

200_ 0"5 10'

Figure 6: Ar-Ar release diagram for 76235. From Cadogan and Turner (1976).
SAMPLE 76235 - 61

L ± 40 Nominal
38Ar 0004# -J_ 3 0 Exposure
37At0002._. =,,I 20 Age(_b)
0 05 10 0 0-5 100 05 1.0
Fraction of 3TAr Rcteascd
0 __.
39Ar I _'--h'--I_- -_
37_r 01
_- 7_r-----F
' _ /0.01 K/Ca

300 I ! I I { ! I I ILI I I I I I I I I__ I I L i I I I I I _°°°I

40 Apparent
_OAr K-Ar Age
39Ar _ m 3.9 (Oa)

76275,39 76235,3 76255, 46 37

200 Frne Matrix I Troctolit¢ Clast I Aphonitic Breccia 3.6

I -. 3-5
I 3-4
I I I I ] I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I
0 0"5 1'0( 0'5 1"0 05 1"0

Fraction of 39Ar Released

Figure 7: Ar-Ar release diagram for 76235. From Cadogan and Turner (1976).


o.n( Apollo 17 Massif Rocks

7601;,S,_ , 6015, _4
_/_-Norltlc_ I = 0.699)'3
T=4102 t b.y.
* .O9 15

7801 S.22 T135.2

1e015,41 62 I!i, 27
_" 76316,2 6215.28
G705 14S315.35
7a296_1 123S. 55
76OS5. 5
0315. 3O

AI_Q_thQslIL¢ glbbcos

I:)=,z I =0.61)924
=0.69924 * 17

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

87R b / 86Sf

Figure 8: Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons from Phinney consortium (1981). Clast 76230 is not
equilibrated with the matrix of the boulder.
SAMPLE76235- 62

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76235.

a) LSPET (1973); b) Hubbard et al. (1974); c)Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975)

Split 76230,4 (a, b, c)

Technique XRF, IDMS

SiO2 (wt%) 44.52

TiO 2 0.20
AI203 27.01
Cr203 0.11
FeO 5.14
MnO 0.06

MgO 7.63
CaO 15.17
Na20 , 0.35
K20 0.06
P205 0.05
S 0.03

Nb (ppm) 3.2
Zr 42
U 0.20
Th 0.72
Sr 146
Rb 0.448
Li 11.0
Ba 50.2
Zn 2
Ni 166
La 3.04
Ce 7.54
Nd 4.64
Sm 1.34
Eu 0.805
Gd 1.70

Dy 2.02
Er 1.31
Yb 1.37
Lu 0.202

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 76235 - 63

Table 2: Trace element data for 76235. Concentrations in ppb.

From Higuchi and Morgan (1975).

Sample Sample
76235,9 76235,9
dast clast

Ir 22.5 Ag 0.66
Os Br 9.6
Re 1.69 In

Au 6.66 Bi 0.15
Pd Zn (ppm) 1.2
Ni (ppm) 379 Cd 0.63
Sb 1.47 11 0.097
Ge 328 Rb (ppm) 0.448
Se 38 Cs 29.5
Te 2.6 U 190

Table 3: Rb-Sr composition of 76230.

(same as 76235)
Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).

Sample 76230,4

wt (mg) 78.1
Rb (ppm) 0.448
Sr (ppm) 145.9
87Rb/86Sr 0.0089 + 2
87Sr! 86Sr 0.69982 +_7
TB 5.60 + 0.65
TL 6.12 -+0.66

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE 76236 - 65

Feldspathic Granulitic Impacfite
19.18 g, -4 x 2 x 2 cm


Sample 76236 is a part of 76235. It

was chipped from the same light-
colored clast in the boulder at
Station 6. This fragment has a thin
brown patina with micrometeorite
craters on the surface (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Feldspathic granulitic impactite 76236. Cube is 1 cm. $73-16725.

SAMPLE 76237 - 67

Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite
10.31 g, --4x 2 x 2 cm


Sample 76237 is a part of 76235. It

was chipped from the same light-
colored clast in the boulder at
Station 6. This fragment has a thin
brown patina with micrometeorite
craters on the surface (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Feldspathic granui#ic impactite 76237. Cube is 1 cm. $73-16719.

SAMPLE 76238 - 69

Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite
8.21 g, ~3 x 2 x 2 cm


Sample 76238 is a part Of 76235. It

was chipped from the same light-
colored clast in the boulder at
Station 6. This fragment has a thin
brown patina with micrometeorite
craters on the surface (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Feldspathic granulitic impactite 76238. Cube is 1 cm. $73-16717.

SAMPLE 76239 - 71

Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite
6.23 g, --3x 2 x 2 cm


Sample 76239 is a part of 76235. It

was chipped from the same light-
colored clast in the boulder at
Station 6. This fragment has a thin
brown patina with micrometeorite
craters on the surface (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Feldspathic granulitic impactite 76239. Cube is I cm. $73-16712.

SAMPLE76245- 73

Impact Melt Breccia
8.24 g, 3 x 2 x 1 cm

Sample 76245 is a tan-grey, vesicular
impact melt breccia from the No thin section or chemical data are
permanently shadowed soil under the available.
overhang of Block 4 of the Station 6
Boulder: All surfaces appear to be
pitted (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: lmpactmelt breccia 76245. Cube is I cm. $73-17976.

SAMPLE76246- 75

Impact Melt Breccia
6.5g, 2x2 x2cm

Sample 76246 is a tan-grey, vesicular
impact melt breccia from the No thin section or chemical data are
permanently shadowed soil under the available.
overhang of Block 4 of the Station 6
Boulder (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Impact melt breccia. Cube is 1 cm. $73-17977.

SAMPLE76255- 77

Banded Impact Melt Breccia
406.6 g, 11 x 8 x 6 cm

INTRODUCTION are very confusing (at the time of breccia sampled from the boulder at
compiling this catalog, it would Station 6. The texture of the matrix
Sample 76255 was chipped by the require a research project by a new is subophitic with pyroxene and
astronauts from across the contact consortium tofigure this out:), olivine oikocrysts, small spherical
between unit C and a large (1 m) Please note the change in numbering vesicles, and abundant mineral and
clast seen in the surface photography of the lithologies between Warner et lithic clasts. Warner et al. give the
of Block 1 of the large boulder at al. (1976) and Phinney (1981). See mineralogical mode of the matrix as
Station 6 (Fig. 1). According to also Ryder andNorman (1979). 45% plagioclase (An82_95), 32%
Phinney (1981 ), the sample contains olivine (Fo73_77), 12% pigeonite
mostly crushed material from the (Wo7En70Fs23), 2% augite
clast, but from the maps of the sawn PETROGRAPHY (Wo38En50Fs12), and 3% ilmenite.
surface of the slab of 76255, it is However, the matrix is variable with
obvious that the contact zone is quite Sample 76255 is a banded impact finer-grained, dark material inter-
mixed and that more than one clast melt breccia with a large clast of mixed with coarser-grained light
was sampled, crushed norite and several small material. The plagioclase inclusions
white clasts (Fig. 2). According to in the breccia matrix are very calcic
Cautionary note: The exact details Warner et al. (1976), the matrix of (An95) (Fig. 3).
in the literature pertaining to which 76255 is the finest-grained, most
analyses are from which lithology clast-laden, impact-melt polymict

Figure 1: Photo of boulder surface showing large clasts in boulder matrix. 76255 was taken from one of these clasts
(Wolfe and others, 1981). AS17-140-21443.
SAMPLE76255- 78

Figure 2: Mugshot of 76255 showing banded nature of sample. Note the crushed appearance of the norite clast (center)
and the white powder on the bottom surface. Scale is 1 cm. $72-56415.

Warner et al. (1976) have described plagioclase, large euhedral augite bulk, but mineral compositions are
the large crushed norite clast (called prisms that have exsolved thin given in Fig. 7.
unit 3 in Warner et al. and unit 4 in lamellae of low-Ca pyroxene, _aad
Phinney, 1981). It has been crushed interstitial anhedral pigeonite masses James and Flohr (1982) have also
to a seriate texture with fragments with exsolved augite lamellae. The studied the clasts in this breccia.
ranging in size from 2 _amto over cores of the plagioclase are An89 They group the norite and the gabbro
2 mm (Fig. 4)i Because this crushed while the rims are An75. The large clasts in their Category of Mg-
norite appears to be permeated with pyroxenes are Wo36En48Fs16 :rod gabbronorites. Jolliff et al. (1993)
breccia matrix, Warner et al. claimed Wo10En61Fs29, respectively (Fig. 6). have plotted the plagioclase vs.
that clean separations'of the norite pyroxene composition of these clasts
elast were not possible for A 0.8 x 1.2 cm shocked troctolite (Fig. 8).
geochemical and age dating experi- clast has been studied by Warner et
ments. The mineralogical mode is al. and others. It consists of 75'%
41% plagioclase (An87), 31% large (1 mm).euhedral plagioclase MINERAL CHEMISTRY

pigeonite (Wo8En61Fs3i), and 9% (An95) and 23% crushed olivine Using the pyroxene data Of Takeda
augite (Wo37En45Fs34). The (Fo89) fragments up to 0.7 mm.
pyroxenes in the norite are coarsely and Miyamoto (1977), Anderson and
exsolved (see below). The compo- Two basalt clasts with mineralogies Lindsley (1982) calculate a pyroxene
sition of pyroxenes and plagioclase suggestive of mare affinities were equilibrium temperature of 800 °C.
in the norite clast are shown in reported by Warner et al. (1976). Takeda and Miyamoto have also
Fig. 5. Because these clasts are enclosed studied the cooling rate of the
within the boulder, which is d_ted at inverted pyroxene in 76255. A deep-
Warner et al. also studied a 3 x 5 mm ~ 3.96 b.y., they must be at least that seated originis indicated for the
clast of gabbro that was broken off of old, indicating that mare volcaaism norite clast.
76255 (Phinney, 1981). It consists began before this time. These basalt
of large (2 mm) oscillatory-zoned clasts were too small to analyze in
SAMPLE 76255 - 79

o,/ ._ _, o,/ ^ A.

/_'MIN • "**

72 °•"
_." / POINTS "."


Fo , I . ._ ._, , _ Fo , UlkiL,illh i , _ , ,

30 I 201 POINTS

uu 10

N 30
i.-_,-, ,_ r'1,.._ -k, l

° ,%


oL .... _ ,
70 80 90 100
Ab _ An

Figure 3: Pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase compositions in 76255 matrix (Warner et al., 1976).

Figure 4: Photomicrograph of 76255,76 showing clastic texture of norite clast. Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.
SAMPLE 76255 - 80

o BULK {11) RANDO?'A POINTS (106)

q' POINTS 1113)
•v. PIG. LAM (6)



_ 20

_z lO

Ab _
80 90 10o

F_ure 5: Pyroxene, olivine, and p_gioc_se compositions in 76255 no_ clas_

D_ y_ t_ ix ix I_ Hd

o BULK (|0)
• POINTS 134)

,% o°°o L_ o,_o
"% % ."--'"
l " ""
An 80

700 SO 100 1SO 200


Figure 6: Pyroxene compositions in 76255 gabbro clast. From Warner et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 76255 - 81

, Di ;', H.,.d

/so A :.'.,,
Pomps /kCLASTB_
soPo!ms.," ,,
En - En Fs

20 [1 CLAST A

= 10

z i_t I I I


< _J_ _ , l'llr--I 38, POINTS

rl i i
70 80 90 100
Ab_ An

Figure 7: Pyroxene and plagioclase compositions in 76255 basalt clasts.


9S v Aug 72415/7
o Pig
/, dunite 9 v trocto ite v"
, rssas
! 76255cT

*- :_::7__!_'_ _,_
.:i_::.;! ..:':i ! 76504 12

"" 72275¢ 73255¢27 80 _ _" .

"_ rrl ' Y I:: "" :_!i:_ 73146
OPX & Hag in Sta 6 Boulder Matrix 72255C4_
.:_::: FI_ t::::_ii : E3
[k'_ 7_2.U
0 ............................
I ......................................... 77oas_is _T !._i_!!!l; ::: .'_,
80 7227'5._
...... .-._:. _', _1_!_22-_ I _76504.12
ggl0bro |"1 .-'" ..... magnesan _il:_ii:::=ii:.::
granul tes :i ,_]:i_ :.i_: a_7_so_ '

-'1 i_: /" i.'" : ;! i_ ::_1/ ""

_e=_o i
/ 1" •....... :" ./.," :_ ;iMggcl_

i !_:" ." _
I ._./
.... .." ."./'
_ 77215
granulites... 5c
65 Group 1 \
Group 2
Norites o
60 I I t I I [ i l _ I I
84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98

An content of Plagioclase
Figure 8: Composition of pyroxene and plagioclase compared with other plutonic clasts. From Jolliff et al. (1993).
SAMPLE76255- 82

Smith et al. (1980), Steele et al. Warner et al. (1976) first descrit_ed (An89_75), augite (Wo36En48) with
(1980), and Bersch et al. (1991) have the large clast (300 g?) of cataclastic exsolved thin lamellae of low-Ca
also reported analysis of minerals in norite in 76255. Ryder and Noraaan pyroxene, and interstitial pigeonite
76255. (1979) and Phinney (1981) have (Wo 10En61 ) with exsolved thick
attempted to summarize what was lamellae. The location of this clast
known about this important clast, on 76255 is uncertain, but it is not
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Warner et al. reported that the c]ast is from the slab as indicated by Warner
• permeated with "pods and septa of et al. Sections ,71,72 and ,73 were
Table 1 gives the major dement material identical to the boulder's derived from 76255,50, which was
analysis by Rhodes (unpublished in impact melt matrix." However, Gros from the external surface of 76255.
Phinney, 1981). Gros et al. (1976) et al. (1976) found that at least part
and Wolf and Anders (1979) have of this norite clast was free of
analyzed the trace elements of the meteorite contamination (note that RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
various clasts for the Phinney they apparently misnamed it as
consortium (Table 2). Warren (1978, "troctolite"). Warren et al. (1986) 76255,46 yielded a very well-defined
1984, and 1986) has made several attempted to reanalyze this clas.r, but Ar plateau age of 4.02 + .04 b.y.
attempts to analyze the trace element found that their split was contara- (Cadogan and Turner, 1976) with no
content of the large norite clast inated with "countless small dark characteristic decrease in apparent
(Table 3 and Fig. 9). Additional aphanitic pods." However, their age in the high-temperature gas
analyses are needed of carefully analysis also showed that this clast is release (Fig. 11). This age appears to
controlled samples, a "possibly pristine" gabbronorite be older than the ages determined for
(James and Flohr, 1983; Warren, other samples of this boulder (see
table and discussion of Station 6
SIGNIFICANT CLASTS 1993). Boulder, page 5).

Several different clasts have been The small clast of gabbro (.4).5 g)
analyzed--see especially Ryder and studied by Warner et al. (1976) has a Bogard has analyzed the rare gas
Norman (1979), Phirmey (1981), and coarse cumulate texture (Fig. 10) isotopes in 76255 (see unpublished
Warren (1993). with oscillatory zoned plagioclase data in Phinney, 1981 ).

1000 I I I I I I I I I I 1000

76015 matrix

1oo 1oo
10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd ]'b Dy Er Yb

Figure 9: Normalized rare earth element diagram for norite clast in 76255 compared to boulder matrix. According to
Warner et el. (1976) and Warren et al. (1986), this clast may contain some matrix material.
SAMPLE 76255 - 83

Figure I0: Photomicrograph of gabbro clast in 76255,72. Field of view is 2 mm.

j. 40 Nominal
ooo4.....- I ' ' -_ -_
! .... _ .... t1"[-' ' ' ' L .... I3 0 Exposure

002 10
0 05 10 0 05 100 0.5 1.0
Fraction of 3TAr Released

01_-_ 0.1
39Ar ; K/Co
3TAr 01t-
I _--T 0001
4-0 Apparent
_OAr K-Ar Age
39Ar 3.9 (Ga)

i_ 76275,39
Fine Matrix 76235,3 Clast
Troctolit¢ 76255, Breccia
Aphonitic 46 33.67
200_- 35
0 0.5 1.00 0.5 1.00 05 1.0
Fraction of 39Ar Released

Figure 11: Ar-Ar plateau age for 76255. From Cadogan and Turner (1976).
SAMPLE76255- 84


EXPOSURE AGES Gose et al. (1978) have carefully A slab and a column were cut from
studied the remanent magnetization this rock (see lithology maps and
Some of the Apollo 17 samples of 26 subsamples from the Station 6 diagrams in Phinney, 1981). The
(including 76255) provided a unique Boulder. The direction of distribution of samples is recorded in
opportunity to study the energy magnetization after alternating field Phinney (1981) and Ryder and
spectrum (and potential angular demagnetization of breccia sample Norman (1979).
anisotropy) of the incident proton 76255 was found to be scattered.
flux from the August 1972 solar flare Gose et al. propose that the large The largest remaining piece of 76255
(Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al., scatter of magnetization direction for weighs 166 g. There are 15 thin
1974). Table 4 compares the 76255 implies the predominance of sections.
induced activity of 76255 with other pre-impact magnetization in this
samples of the boulder, sample.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76255.

From Rhodes (unpublished, reported :inPhinney, 1981).

Split ,38 ,44 ,51 ,55 ,58

norite matrix matrix and dast dast elast

SiO 2 (wt%) 50.61 45.45 46.94 59.68 43.84

TiO 2 0.75 1.60 1.66 1.37 0.25
A1203 15.37 18.91 19.04 15.89 25.15
Cr203 0.04
FeO 9.8 7.40 7.21 9.36 4.23
MnO 0.19 0.11 0.13 0.17

MgO I 1.14 13.88 11.86 11.23 11.02

CaO 11.05 11.78 12.47 11.17 14.20

Na20 0.74 0.68 0.76 0.73 0.40

1<20 0.37 0.17 0.18 0.32 0.08
P205 0.03 0.24 0.22 0.01
S 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.03
SAMPLE 76255 - 85

Table 2: Trace element compositions of 76255. Concentrations in ppb.

a) Gros el: al. (1976); d) Wolf and Anders (1979)

Sample Sample Sample Sample

76255,47 (a) 76255,52 (a) 76255,56 (a, d) 76255,57 (a, d)
matrix matrix clast dast

lx 1.13 1.21 0.042 0.019

Os 1.11 1.91 0.035 <0.03
Re 0.132 0.112 0.028 0.0068
Au 0.843 0.38 0.178 0.0093
Pd <2.5 <2.5 <0.7 <4.3

Ni (ppm) 90 62 31 <15
Sb 2.2 0.2 0.11 2.4
Ge 34.2 9.6 6.6 2.2
Se 41 19 49 0.6
Te 1.6 2.5 1.1 5.9

Ag 12.9 1.29 0.7 0.34

Br 35.9 15.8 9.2 7.8
In 0.61 9.76 0.3 0.77
Bi 0.31 0.37 0.2 <2

Zn (ppm) 2.4 2.3 2 0.5

Cd 8.2 6.4 2 67.5
"13 0.89 1 0.96 5.4

Rb (ppm) 5.36 3.68 12.8 0.19

Cs 184 175 842 6.3
U 3150 1170 445 19
SAMPLE76255- 86

Table 3: Composition of 76255.

a) Warren and Wasson (1978); b) Warren et al. (1986)

Sample Sample Sample

76255,58 (a) 76255,95 (b) 76255,95 (b)

Na (%) 0.347 0.5139 0.495

Mg (%) 6.13 7.3
Al (%) 13.8 8.9
Si (%) 20.6 22.8
K (%) 0.158 0.124
Ca (%) 10.7 8.3 8.3
Se (ppm) 4.7 17.3 16.2
Ti (%) 0.16 0.5
Cr (ppm) 461 1310 1320
Mn (ppm) 367 1010 975
Fe (%) 3.3 6.2 6
Co (ppm) 19.4 14.2, 16.2
Ni (ppm) <70 23 13
Zn (ppm) 53.2
Ga (ppm) 4.81 4.2 4
Ge (ppb) 22 1.3
Zr (ppm) 150 120 196
Cd (ppm) 6.4
In (ppm) <5
Ba (ppm) 240 184 178
La (ppm) 16.1 12. l 13.7
Ce (ppm) 38 32 37
Nd (ppm) 24 20.2 22.2
Sm (ppm) 5.4 5.8 6.3
Eu (ppm) 1.77 1.57 1.55
Tb (ppm) 0.94 1.23 1.34
Yb (ppm) 3.4 4 4.3
Lu (ppm) 0.46 0.63 0.68
Hf (ppm) 3 3,8 4.3
Ta (ppm) 0.27 0 41 0.42
Re (ppb) 0,017
lr (ppb) 0.63 0.077
Au (ppb) 10.8 0.139 0.05
Th (ppm) 1.3 1.4 1.58
U (ppm) 0.38 0.38 0.38
SAMPLE76255- 87

Table 4: Solar flare induced activity from large solar flare, August 1972.
a) Keith et al., (1974); b) Rancitelli et al., (1974); c) O'Kelley et al., (1974)

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

76215 (a) 76255 (b) 76275 (b) 76295 (b) 76295 (c)

26AI 56+3 79+4 110+3 71 "+4 67"+5
22Na 60"+4 71 "+4 100+3 64"+3 54+4
54Mn 22 + 17 38 _+9 103 + 20 69 + 26 38 + 15
56Co 45-+6 37+_4 86_+9 35+5 41 +7
46Sc 5+3 3.9+ 1.2 7+2 6.4+2.6 5+2

Natural activity
Th (ppm) 4.6 2.33 5.69 5.76
U (ppm) 1.27 .58 1.40 1.55
K (ppm) 2900 2250 2300
SAMPLE 76265 - 89

Impact Melt Breccia
1.75 g, 2 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm


Sample 76265 is a vesicular,

greenish-grey, impact melt rock from
the soil between the blocks of the
Station 6 Boulder (Fig. 1).

This sample has not been studied and

there are no thin sections.

Figure 1: Sample 76265. Cube is 1 cm. $73-21767.

SAMPLE76275- 91

Impact Melt Breccia
55.93 g, 6.8 x 4 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION iron. The texture of the fine grain

matrix of 76275 is poikilitic to subo- WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 76275 was chipped from phitic and similar to that of 76295
Block 1 of the big boulder at (Simonds, 1975; Simonds et al., Phirmey (1981) and Simonds and
Station 6 (Wolfe and others, 1981; 1974). The matrix is finer-grained Warner (1981) report preliminary
Heiken et al., 1973). It contains than for the other samples of the major element data for matrix and
distinct clasts of white feldspar (or large boulder (Fig. 2). The grain size clasts in 76275 (Table 1). The blue-
anorthosite) in a dark, fine-grained, of matrix feldspar is <10 pin, grey matrix, tan matrix, and vesicular
clastic matrix. This sample has not pyroxene <25 Jam. The matrix clast all appear to have compositions
been well studied, consists of low-calcium pyroxene like those of the matrices of the rest
(Wo4En60.73Fs19_26), minor augite of the samples of the large Station 6
(Wo30_40En44_57Fs12_15), olivine Boulder. Higuchi and Morgan
PETROGRAPHY (Fo 70-76), and feldspar (An 81-97) (1975) find that the trace siderophile
(Fig. 3). element composition of all the
Sample 76275 is a clast-bearing, samples of the Station 6 Boulder
nonvesicular, blue-grey breccia Misra et al. (1976) have studied the form a tight grouping (meteorite
(Fig. 1). The modal mineralogy of complex metallic nickel-iron group 2) on compositional diagrams.
76275 is about 50% plagioclase, particles included in 76275 (Fig. 4). Sample 76275 has a higher abun-
40% low-calcium pyroxene, with dance of these meteoritic elements
minor amounts of augite, olivine, than the matrices of 76015 and
ilmenite, armalcolite, and metallic 76215 (Table 2, Gros et al., 1976).

.... _ i;_i_¸

Figure 1: Sample 76275, showing light a_l dark clasts in an aphanitic blue-grey matrix. Cube is I cm. $73-15081.
SAMPLE 76275 - 92

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of matrix of 76275,56. Vesicles are not typical. Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.

76275 Matrix,
D_ ^ ^ ^ _------_"



A " ZX
zx _
En ¢_ v v v v v v v v Fs

FO I I I , ml ,11 I I I I i I ' I r Fa

Figure 3: Electron microprobe analyses of minerals in mat,ix of 76275. From Phinney (1981).
SAMPLE 76275 - 93

1 76275,45 •
48 *
55 *

_ _ ' L ' i I 1 I I


O 76295,8J
86 •

e- 1.2 s _'s
U • * _ *

a. .6 •_
e- e*•

I i I I L I i i i i

1.2 f, _ _"
• 5 ' 1'5
Wt _Q NigkeL

• A- _r

4 _ I 1_2 _ 1L6 L 2_0

weight percent NIcRel
Figure 4: Ni vs. Co analysis of iron grains in 76275 compared with other Station 6 breccia samples.
By Misra et al. (1976).

4.02 + 0.04 b.y. for 76275 (Fig. 5). flux from the August 1972 solar flare
SIGNIFICANT CLASTS This is somewhat older than the (Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al.,
other Ar ages for this boulder. 1974). Table 3 compares the
Several large, white clasts with induced activity of 76275 with other
distinctboundaries can be seen in the m samples of the boulder.
photos of the broken surface of COSMOGENIC
76275 (Fig. 1). These obvious clasts RADIOISOTOPES AND

The Apollo 17 samples (including Gose et al. (1978) havecarefully

RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES 76275) provideda unique studied theremanent magnetization
opportunityto study the energy of 26 subsamplesfrom the Station 6
Cadoganand Turner (1975) deter- spectrum(and potentialangular Boulder. The direction of
mined an Ar plateauage of anisotropy)of the incidentproton
SAMPLE 76275 - 94

magnetization after alternating field magnetization and a partial

demagnetization of breccia sample thermoremanence acquired during PROCESSING
76275 was found to be scattered for breccia lithification. The large
this clast-rich sample. Gose et al. scatter of magnetization direction of The processing of sample 76275 was
propose that the natural remanent 76275 implies the predominance of delayed and the Phinney consortium
magnetization of impact melt pre-impact magnetization in this did not complete their analyses
breccias is the vector sum of two sample. (Phinney, personal communication).

magnetizations, a pre-impact The largest remaining piece (,0)

weighs 38 g. There are 16 thin

! p _ n I i q : T---_-

0006'- II

ooo2 " --i I I , i ,I

0 0 5 10

_i _ T , I _ _
39AF , h,--_
37Ar 01b

I t I ! I _ { +-4--

39_-r 250

F_ne Matrix

In I I t ] i i _ L
0 0.5 1.0

Figure 5: Ar-Ar release diagram of matrix of 76275. From Cadogan and Turner (1976).
SAMPLE76275- 95

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76275.

From Simonds and Warner (1981) and Phinney (1981).
(Cautionary note: Thesepreliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst)

Split ,24 ,32 ,38

Technique EMP EMP EMP
tan matrix vesicular clast blue-grey clast

SiO2 (wt%) 47.14 47.16 46.67

TiO2 1.65 1.43 1.36
A1203 18.7 17.68 18.63
Cr203 0.15 0.19 0.19
FeO 8.54 8.91 8.41

MgO 9.22 11.20 10.85

CaO 12.06 11.30 11.37
Na20 0.72 0.70 0.70
K20 0.34 0.22 0.28

Table 2: Trace element data for 76275. Concentrations in ppb.

From Gros et al. (1976).

Sample Sample
76275,33 (a) 76275,33 (a)

k 7.76 Ag 1.22
Os 8.6 Br 72.7
Re 0.725 In 12.4
Au 5.]I Bi <0.5

Pd 19.8 Zn (ppm) 4
Ni (ppm) 387 Cd 8.8
Sb 2 TI 1.4

Ge .'183 Rb (ppm) 3.67

Se 125 Cs 196
Te 9.8 U 2350
SAMPLE76275- 96

Table 3: Solar flare induced and natural activity of 76275 compared with other samples.
From large solar flare, August 1972.
a) Keith et al. (1974); b) Rancitelli et al. (1974); c) O'Kelley et al., (1974)

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

76215 (a) 76255 (b) 76275 (b) 76295 (b) 76295 (c)

26A1 56+3 79+4 110+3 71 +4 67+5
22Na 60 + 4 71 + 4 100 + 3 64 + 3 54 _+4
54Mn 22 + 17 38 + 9 103 _+2D 69 + 26 38 + 15
56Co 45+6 37+4 86+9 35+5 41 _+7
46Sc 5+3 3.9+ 1.2 7+2 6.4+2.6 5+2

Natural activity
Th (ppm) 4.6 2.33 5.6!) 5.76
U (ppm) 1.27 .58 1.*) 1.55
K (ppm) 2900 2250 2300
SAMPLE76285- 97

Agglutinate of Dark Matrix Breccia Fragments
2.208 g, 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm


This fragment (76285) was collected

from the soil between the boulder A dark brown glass splash
blocks at Station 6. This soil was (agglutinate) holds several dark
collected as a comparison with brown matrix breccia fragments
76245, which was permanently together (Fig. 1). This breccia may
shadowed, be a soil breccia rather than a
highlands impact melt. This
fragment has not been studied, and
there are no thin sections.

Figure 1: Sample 76285. Cube is 1 cm. $73-20182.

SAMPLE76285 - 98

Figure 2: The other side of762_5. $73-20181.

SAMPLE76286- 99

Impact Melt Breccia
1.704 g, 1.5 x I x I cm

INTRODUCTION cdginally had a relatively coarse

grain size (1 to 3 ram'?.). However, WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
This small rock fragment was the thin section allocated to Warren
collected from a trench in the soil et al. (1978) showed a "fine-grained, Warren and Wasson (1978) analyzed
between the blocks of the big polymict texture" that is very similar a piece of 76286 and found that it
boulder at Station 6. Although it was to the boulder samples 76215 and had a composition very similar to the
called a "brecciated troctolite" in the 76015 (Fig. 2). This vesicular samples of the big boulder at
original catalog, it is instead a typical poikilitic impact melt breccia is Station 6 (Fig. 3). Sample 76286 had
impact melt breccia (Fig. 1). reported by Warren et al. to have high Ir and is nonpristine (Table 1).
about 51% plagioclase (An 85-95),
26% orthopyroxene (Wo 3_5En72_77 There are no other data on this small
PETROGRAPHY F's19-25), and ~13% olivine (FoT0). fragment.

The binocular description by Butler

(1973) indicated that this rock

Figure 1: Poikilitic matrix, blue-gr'ey impact melt rock 76286. Cube for scale = I cm. $73-2018l.
SAMPLE 76286- 100

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 76286,3, illustrating clastic poikilitic texture and large vesicle.
Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.

1000 . I I I I I I I I I I 1000

-r- 100" 100


03 10" 10

[] 76015 matrix

1 t I I I 1 I I I I I 1

La Ce Nd Sm Eu GdTb Dy Er Yb
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 76286, with data from 76015for comparison.
SAMPLE 76286 - 101

Table 1: Chemical data for 76286.

From Warren and Wasson (1978).


Na (%) 0.499
Mg (%) 7.55
AI (%) 9.53
Si (%) 22
K (%) 0.232
,Ca (%) 7.8
Sc (ppm) 16.7
Ti (%) 0.94
Cr (ppm) 1330
Mn (ppm) 917
Fe (%) 7.1
Co (ppm) 13.8
Ni (ppm) 57
Zn (ppm) 2.44
Ga (ppm) 4.82
Ge (ppb) 445
Zr (ppm) 500
Cd (ppm) 8.4
][n(ppm) <50
Ba (ppm) 384
La (ppm) 32.1
Ce (ppm) 83
Nd (ppm) 56
'_m (ppm) 14
Eu (ppm) 1.92
Tb (ppm) 3
Yb (ppm) 10.4
Lu (ppm) 1.45
Hf (ppm) 11.3
Ta (ppm) 1.34
Re (ppb) 0.27
lr (ppb) 1.4
Au (ppb) 0.77
Th (ppm) 5.2
U (ppm) 1.5
SAMPLE76295- 103

Impact Melt Breccia
260.7 g, 10 x 6 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION PETROGRAPHY (Wo 30_40En44.57Fs 12-15), olivine

(Fo70_76), and feldspar (An81.97).
Sample 76295 was chipped from The grain size of matrix feldspar is
Block 1 of the big boulder at Szunple 76295 is a banded, clast- <15 _m, pyroxene 10-25 _m
Station 6 (Wolfe and others, 1981; bearing, nonvesicular, blue-grey (Fig. 2).
Heiken et al., 1973). It is a non- breccia with aphanitic matrix. The
vesicular, crystalline matrix breccia modal mineralogy of 76295 is about Banded areas of aphanitic tan matrix
with a blue-grey color (similar to 50% plagioclase, 40% low-calcium are included in the aphanitic blue-
76275). Light and dark clasts have a pyroxene, with minor amounts of grey matrix (Fig. 3). There are only
distinct outline with the matrix augite, olivine, ilmenite, armalcolite, minor differences between the
(Fig. 1), and the fine grain size of the and metallic iron. The texture of the mineralogy of the tan areas and that
matrix of this sample and that of fine grain matrix of 76295 is of the blue-grey matrix (Fig. 4).
76275 form an important argument subophitic (Simonds et al., 1974). There appears to be significantly
of the thermal model of Simonds Tile matrix consists predominantly of more olivine in the blue-grey
(1975) and Onorato et al. (1976) for low-calcium pyroxene portions and more augite in the tan
the genesis of impact melt breccias. (Wo4En60_73Fs19_26), minor augite

Figure 1: Freshly broken surface of impact melt breccia 76295. Scale is I cm. $72-56409.
SAMPLE 76295 - 104

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 76295,85, showingfine grain aphanitic matrix and vesicular basalt clast.
Field of view is 4 x 5 ram.





_ d__

/_ /---TAN

'_'-" TAN TA___CLAST

Figure 3." Maps of two slab surfaces through sample 76295.

SAMPLE76295- 105

• .._ . A A A

• :A •

... '_A A

• _.
Er, / _,' • _/- ' v v V V V FS

283 polnt__t-I

I[ 7 171 polntsF7,
1C 1 r Jl

L...__ -4

70 80 90 1_3
An+ Ab

Figure 4: Mineral composition of blue-grey matrix and tan-grey clast veins in 76295. From Phinney (1981).

areas, but this is not well Misra et al. (1976) have studied the element composition of the matrix of
documented. Rare rounded clasts complex metallic nickel-iron 76295 is within the tight grouping of
(50 pan) of pink spinel are found in particles included in 76295. the Station 6 Boulder (meteorite
the blue-grey subophitic matrix 1 group 2) on the Ir-Au-Re composi-
(Simonds, 1975)• tional diagram, but that the Ir-Au-Re
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY ratios of the 76295 clasts are
Norman et al. (1993) have compared distinctly different (Fig. 7). The
the composition of minerals in The matrix of 76295 is homogeneous 76295 matrix has a higher abundance
LKFM clasts in 76295 with minerals and apparently similar to that of the of these meteoritic elements than the
in similar clasts in 76315 (Fig. 5). other samples of this boulder matrix for 76015 and 76215
They conclude that the clast (Fig. 6). Unpublished chemical data (Table 2). Some data for 76295 are
population in 76295 is dominated by are :reported in Phinney (1981)• also given in Simonds and Warner
"Mg-suite norites, troctolites and There is no difference between the (1981).
gabbronorites?' Minor-element REE composition of the tan matrix
abundances in both olivine and and that of the blue-grey matrix
pyroxene are unlike those found in (Table 1). Higuchi and Morgan
lunar rocks of the ferroan anorthosite (1975) find that the trace siderophile
SAMPLE 76295 - 106

Apollo 17 LKFM clasts Plagioclase

s0 I 76295
40 r"l 76315
=_ 20

70 75 80 85 90 95 100
An content

12 Olivine

_ 8

ft. 2
65 70 75 50 85 90 95
Fo Content

b_/_-Ca pyroxene

70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84
En content

Figure 5: Histograms of plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxene con!positions of clasts in 76295 and 76315.
From Norman et al. (1993).

1000 .- _ ' I I I I I I I I I .1000


"" 100' 100

_. -I- Column 2
o_ + Column 3
CO 10" • 76295,14 blue matrix 10
o ,46 basaltic rug
• ,31 tan matrix
n ,51 dark grey clast
• ,30 light grey matrix

1 I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm EuGdTb Dy Er Yb
Figure 6: Normalized rare earth element diagram for matrices and cla,cts in breccia 76295. The blue-grey and tan
matrices have the same exact composition. The dark grey clast has higher REE and the basalt is lower. The basalt is
not like a mare basalt.
SAMPLE 76295 - 107

q 20 Ir

Figure 7: lr-Au-Re diagram from Higuchi and Morgan (1975), showing that the 76295 clasts are slightly different
from the breccia matrix (group 2).

basalt clast (from Simonds, 1975). Unpublished U-Th-Pb data by Leon

SIGNIFICANT CLASTS The composition of the porous Silver were reported in Phinney
basaltic clast (see Table 1) is quite (1981).
The dark grey and light grey aphani- exotic, with preferential enrichment
tic clasts analyzed by Phinney (1981) in the volatile elements such as Rb
are, respectively, subophitic and relative to U (Simonds, 1975). COSMOGENIC
poikilitic melt rocks quite similar to RADIOISOTOPES AND
the fragments that form the matrix of Simonds (1975) also studied the
the boulder. They have slightly mineral composition of a "troctolite" Some of the Apollo 17 samples
higher KREEP contents than the clast in 76295 (Fig. 9). (including 76295) provided a unique
matrix (Fig. 6). opportunity to study the energy
Four small vuggy basalt clasts RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES spectrum (and potential angular
(similar to the large basaltic vug in anisotropy) of the incident proton
76015) oecm' in 76295. Because of Cadogan and Turner (1976) deter- flux from the August 1972 solar flare
their high porosity, these "clasts" mined the crystallization age of two (Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al.,
appear to be vug fillings. Their samples of 76295 by the 39Ar-40At 1974).
texture iS that of an intersertai basalt, plateau technique. The tan matrix
but with pore s_aces in place of yielded an intermediate temperature Bogard et al. (1974; see unpublished
mesostasis (Fig. 2). Plagioclase plateau age of 3.95 + 0.04 b.y., and data in Phirmey, 1981) have deter-
occurs as subhedral groins up to 300 the blue-grey matrix yielded one of mined the noble gas abundances in
Ima long with inclusions of pyroxene, 3.96 + 0.04 b.y. Both exhibited 76295.
K-feldspar, opaques, and a silica appreciable high-temperature
phase concentrated at the rims decreases in 40Ar over the last 30%
(Phinney, 1981). Fig. 8 gives the i_elease (Fig. 10).
mineral compositions of a porous
SAMPLE 76295 - 108


Di ....

I i I t I i I L I I ] I I t IF8




70 80
An + At)
90 100

Figure 8: Microprobe analyses of minerals in a porous basaltic clast in 76295. From Simonds (1975).
SAMPLE76295 - 109

/_ ,_ ^ ,, ^ Hd

En v ' "_'v" v v _ v


30 14 points J


0 I I I I I I
70 80 90 100

Figure 9: Microprobe analyses of minerals in a "troctolite" clast in breccia 76295. From Phinney (1981).
SAMPLE76295- 110

76235 762_5 76015 76295 _

o.oo4l i o
7"-_ " ,,_ ...... _ ........ , i2 _'" : 20 3

0 0.5 10 0 05 1.0 0 0.5 1.00 0-5 1.0

Froct on
01rt...... ' T r ]'-l]'_-1
]1 _-7 '''r -" l r "-'_O_ 3'7A[ ''R]l_leOISl_T " d '.Z.__' ..... o1

37Ar 0 .......... _LG_- _- 0 01 :_

/ I }oo15

300 " _ ...... 39

40At _, i 3.8
3F • F'. _ _,i 3"7 :_
,38 (Malrix) • !f"i3g _>
250 • .3(Troctolitic .30(Matrix) ,36 (Plagioclase) [:]. ,l(Tan Matrix):2_ >
• Closl ) ,36 (Pyroxene) _7"S-_3(BlueMalrix) • 3.5
:34 _

200L_-_-_--.-__ ........ ,__ _________J.............. l......... _3.3 o

o 05 1.00 0.5 I-0 0 0.5 f 00 05 1.0
Fraction of 39Ar Released

Figure 10: Ar-Ar release diagram for 76295 matrb:. By Cadogan and Turner (1976).

propose that the large scatter of

MAGNETIC STUDIES magnetization direction of '76295 PROCESSING
implies the predominance of pre-
Gose et al. (1978) have carefully impact magnetization in this sample. A slab and a column were cut from
studied the remanent magnetization Brecher (1976) is convinced that this rock (see lithology maps and
of 26 subsamples from the Station 6 alignment of magnetism fo:tlows the diagrams in Phinney, 1981).
Boulder. The direction of direction of foliation and is caused
magnetization after alternating field by "textural remanent
demagnetization of breccia sample magnetization."
76295 was found to be scattered for
this clast-rich sample. Gose et al.
SAMPLE76295- 111

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76295.

a) Simonds (1975); b) Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975); c) Phinney (1981)

Split ,14 (a, b) ,46 (b, c) ,31,35 (c) ,51 (c) .30 (c)
Technique IDMS fused bead. INAA INAA INAA
blue matrix basaltic rug tan matrix dark grey clast light grey clast

SiO 2 (wt%) 47.03 48.11 47.55 46.89 47.04

TiO2 1.39 1.80 1.64 1.50 1.36
A1203 18.25 16.95 17.67 18.67 18.98
Cr203 - 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.16
FeO 9.09 9.17 9.05 8.79 8.44

MgO 10.78 9.72 9.78 9.66 9.64

CaO 11.54 11.22 11.49 11.69 11.95
Na20 0.76 0.7 0.74 0.71 0.66
K20 0.26 0.6 0.29 0.23 0.28
P203 0.32
S 0.06

Nb (ppm)
Zr 541 232
Hf - - 13.2 16.3 12.4
Ta 1.9 2.4 1.7
U 1.83 0.66

Th 6.12 2.01 5.6 7.6 5.2

Sr - 191
Rb 5.43 20.47
Li 19.4 20.5
Ba 376 334

Ni 160 220 170

Co 19.9 28 23
Sc 17.8 18.2 16.7
La 37.8 18.2 37.5 44.2 31.8
Ce 95.7 46.6 102 127 95.8
Nd 60.0 31.1
Sm 16.9 9.22 17 20.4 14.3
Eu 1.91 2.08 2.11 2.01 1.77
Gd 21.3 12.4

Tb 3.91 4.56 3.56

Dy 22.3 13.3
Er 13.2 8.06
Yb 12.0 7.6 12.2 14.1 10.8
Lu - 1.07 1.71 1.95 1.49
SAMPLE 76295 - 112

Table 2: Trace element data for 76295 matrix and clast. Concentrations in ppb.
From Higuchi and Morgan (1975).

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

76295,31 76295,34 76295,37 76295,49 76295,52
clast matrix matrix basalt clast

Ir 5.98 6.1 7.88 3.18 5.42

Re 0.48 0.486 0.566 0.267 0.456
Au 2.65 3.43 4.36 2.91 3.93

Ni (ppm) 179 218 250 146 203

Sb 1.03 1.68 393 1.84 2.11
Ge 198 374 316 321 423
Se 75 132 103 235 68
Te 2.4 4.62 4.9 5.81 1.9

Ag 0.87 5.09 4.55 1.03 1.2

Br 23.5 27.9 78.7 30.5 37.5
Bi 0.46 0.8 0.97 0.4 0.56

Zn (ppm) 2.3 2_5 27.1 2.2 2.6

Cd 1.88 1 6.56 1.13 1.28
TI 0.44 0.64 1.41 0.99 0.33

Rb (ppm) 3.31 4.22 9.2 12.5 1.75

Cs 192 297 151 649 110
U 1620 1320 1910 760 1940
SAMPLES 76305-76307- 113

Feldspathic Granulitic Impactites
76305 -- 4.01 g, 76306 = 4.25 g, 76307 -- 2.49 g

INTRODUCTION patina with micrometeorite craters on

the surface (Fig. 1).
Samples 76305, 76306, and 76307
are parts of 76235. They were The magnetization of sample 76307
chipped from the same light-colored has been studied by Gose et al.
clast in the boulder at Station 6. (1978).
These fragments have a thin brown

Figure 1: Feldspathic granulitic impactite 76305, 76306, and 76307. Cube is I cm. 573-16711.
SAMPLE 76315 - 115

76315 , ----
Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
671.1 g, 10 x 12 x 4.5 cm

INTRODUCTION extent that the underlying lithology from the boulder. The "clast I" was
could not be discerned except on the found to be disappointingly small in
Sample 76315 was chipped from the freshly broken B 1 face (Fig. 3). The volume.
side of the big boulder at Station 6 broken surface was composed of
(Fig. 1). This blue-grey breccia dark grey breccia with a large The modal mineralogy of the matr'Lx
sample is part of lithology AB, in:egular patch of "pink-grey" of 76315 is about 50% plagioclase
which is mapped as a "transitional material and a 1 x 2 cm light grey and 40% low-calcium pyroxene with
zone" on Block 2 by Heiken et al. clast (Phinney, 1981). minor amounts of augite, olivine,
(1973). Sample 76315 is a micro- ilmenite, armalcolite, and metallic
poikilitic impact melt breccia that A distinct foliation is apparent in the iron (Fig. 4). The texture of the
has been studied by many slab of 76315 due to variations in matrix of 76315 is micropoikilitic
investigators. It is typical of the matrix color, and trains of minute and similar to the matrix of the other
other samples Of the big boulder (see vesicles occur in the matrix. Along samples of the large boulder
the introduction section on the one edge of the slab and parallel to (Simonds et al., 1974). The matrix
boulder at Station 6). the foliation are white patches consists dominantly of low-calcium
referred to as "clast 1" by Phinney pyroxene (Wo4En60_73Fs19.26),
(1981). However, this brecciated minor augite (Wo30_40En4a.57
PETROGRAPHY clast was apparently squeezed along Fs12_15), olivine (Fo70-76), and
the direction of foliation, forming a feldspar (An81_97). The grain size of
The surface of 76315 was covered zone of weakness along which the matrix feldspar is ~ 10 tun; pyroxene
with patina (Fig. 2) to such an rozk was fractured during sampling is 25-30 pan. Histograms of matrix

Figure 1: Photo of the downhill side of Block 2 of the Station 6 Boulder where sample 76315 was chipped.
SAMPLE 76315 - 116

Figure 2: Exterior surface of 76315, showing thick patina and many micrometeorite pits. Scale is 1 cm. $73-17108.

mineral compositions (Fig. 5) from pyroxene (Simonds et al., 1974). James (1994) has carefully reviewed
widely separated regions, including The clast population in 76315 has the volatile and siderophile elements
subophitic and micropoikiltic also been studied by Norman et al. in Apollo 17 melt rock. There is
regions, showed similar (1993). remarkable similarity in the patterns
compositions (Simonds et al., 1974). of these elements in the matrices of
Misra et al. (1976) have studied the all these samples.
Simonds et al. (1974) studied numer- complex metallic nickel-iron
ous small lithic clasts in 20 thin particles included in 76315.
sections of 76315, including two SIGNIFICANT CLASTS
poikilitic 70-80% feldspar fragments,
three granulitic 70-80% feldspar WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Clast 1 (,52) was a thin white rind
fragments, one crushed feldspar or along the side of the sample. The
anorthosite fragment, three intersertal Simonds (1975) gives the chemical white rind's mineral mode, mineral
feldspar-pyroxene-olivine fragments, composition of 76315 and two of its composition, bulk composition, and
one crushed olivine or dunite, one clasts (Table 1). Morgan et al. textural data are reported in Simonds
poikilitic 50-60% feldspar fragment, (1974) and Gros et al. (1976) have (1975) (Fig. 6). This granulitic clast
two crushed spinel-olivine determined the siderophile and trace has ~70% plagioclase (An95), -15%
fragments, one crushed troctolite element abundance of matrix and pigeonite (Wo3_5En83Fs12), and
fragment, and three aphanitic clasts in 76315 (Table 2). Jovanovic -15% olivine (Fo82). See also the
feldspathic fragments. Among the and Reed (1975) have determined F, REE diagram (Fig. 7).
mineral clasts in 76315, pyroxenes C1, I, Li, U, Ru, and Os in external
and olivine fragments range in and internal pieces of 76315. Allen
Mg/Fe ratios above and below the et al. (1975) have reported heavy
composition of the matrix element abundances.
SAMPLE 76315 - 117

Figure 3: Freshly broken surface of 76315 showing two large, prominent clasts. The large pinkish-white clast (clast 1)
was found to be very thin. The light grey clast (clast 2) was found to have a coarse poikilitic texture. The large pinkish-
white clast was apparently a zone of weakness where the fragment broke from the boulder. Scale is I cm. $73-17109.

Figure 4: Photomicrograph of a portion of thin section 76315,111 illustrating aphanitic, poikilitic clast in aphanitic,
micropoikilitic matrix. Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.
SAMPLE 76315 - 118


_j".., It'* MINERAL

/" :." '1

l $ / :'
/' bgl '

i,ol T"
NTS_ I k.

FO_F a g IH I
Z 80 90 100
Ab An

Figure 5: Composition of minerals in matrix of 76315 (from Simond_ et al., 1974). Note the Ca-rich plagiocIase
and Mg-rich pyroxene mineral inclusions in the matrix.

Clast 2 (,62) was a light grey, (Table 3). Unpublished U-Th-Pb Turner and Cadogan (1975) reported
poikilitic-texture, "anorthositic" clast data by Leon Silver were also a poorly defined Ar exposure age of
with ~70% plagioclase (An95), reported in Phinney (1981). around 13 m.y.
~17% pigeonite (Wo3_5En78Fs18),
and -13% olivine (Fo75). The Bogard et al. (1974) have studied the
minerals in this clast were found to COSMOGENIC
RADIOISOTOPES AND rare gases in a large number of
be very homogeneous in composition EXPOSURE AGES subsamples of 76315 (see unpub-
(Fig. 6). lished data reported in Phinney,
Concordant 81Kr-Kr and cosr_.ic ray 1981).
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES track ages from sample 76315 show
that the Station 6 Boulder tumbled or MAGNETIC STUDIES
rolled to the present position at the
Turner and Cadogan (1975 and
1976) report a well-defined Ar base of the North Massif 22 m.y. ago Pearce et al. (1974) and Gose et al.
plateau age of 3.98 + .04 b.y. for the (Crozaz et al., 1974a). The in_;orrect (1978) have carefully studied the
matrix of 76315. The white anortho- 11 m.y. exposure age originally remanent magnetization of 26 sub-
sitic clast (,61) appears to have reported by Heiken et al. (1973) samples from the Station 6 Boulder.
retained Ar from an older event becomes consistent with the 22 m.y. The direction of magnetization of
(Fig 8) in the highest temperature age when one takes into accou.nt the sample 76315 (from unit AB) was
release, fact that this sample was from the difficult to determine because the
side of the boulder and only exposed high metallic iron content caused it
Nyquist et al. (1974) report Rb-Sr to half the sky. Apparently, Iqleiken to be very susceptible to the acqui-
data for several splits of matrix from et al. incorrectly used productiLon sition of an anhysteretie magnetism
76315 and note that the Rb-Sr rates calculated on the basis of or a viscous magnetization.
systematics are probably partially assumed 2n geometry (see discussion However, the direction of magnetiza-
reset by the Serenitatus impact event in Arvidson et al., 1975). tion of this sample is more uniform
SAMPLE 76315 - 119

/,16 POiN+s s
En _' #*" .... En " " ',

Fo . . L . _ , I _ I Fo i . _ _, . i . | , I
76315 7.6315

60 - 60

u 40 - 40

uu 30 - 30

< j?i
20 - 20

10 -

0 i

I J|_t
II 10

o _ '., I I
90 100 90 100

Figure 6: Plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxene composition in white-rind clast 1 and light grey clast 2
from 76315 (Simonds, 1975).

than for the more clast-rich samples, similar to KREEP with a slight Samples of 76315 were allocated for
Nagata (1975) has reported the upturn at the high wavelength several studies of"physical
intensity of saturation magnetization (Fig. 9). It would be interesting to properties." Gold et al. (1976)
for 76315. Brecher (1976) has determine the difference in spectra determined "electrical properties."
proposed textural remanence in for patina covered surfaces as Housley et al. (1976) have deter-
76315. Stephenson et al. (1974) also compared with fresh surfaces of mined the ferromagnetic resonance.
attempted to determine the lunar lunar rocks. The lack of a significant Hoffman et al. (1974) have
magnetic field aleointensity using pyroxene adsorption band at 0.9/Jan determined the iron distribution by
76315. may be due to the thick glass patina M6ssbaner spectroscopy.
on the surface of 76315.

Adams and Charette (1975) have
determined the reflectance spectra of A slab and a column were cut from
the surface of 76315 and report that this rock (see lithology maps and
the spectra of poikilitic rocks are diagrams in Phinney, 1981).
SAMPLE76315- 120

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

76315 matrix

_. grey clast = = _
E 10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gel Dy Er Yb
Figure 7: Normalized rare earth element diagram foT matrix and clasts ] and2 in 76315.


101 _36 _ #'67

_-0 ..' .........

_ 4.1

_ 3.7
3.5 .
0 0-5 1.0 05 t_ 0.5 IO

0 0 10 5 1 _0

Figure 8: Ar-Ar plateau age of matrix and clasts in 76315. From Turner and Cadogan (1975).
SAMPLE76315 - 121

I ' I I " I


_ A _ 67455,2
_ .._ .

-_ o_ kO.9 72215,90 _
• 3_ . 76315,38

_1 1 = = I I i i = i I i = i I I i i : i
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 9: Reflectance spectra of 76315. By Adams and Charette (1975).

SAMPLE76315- 122

Table 1: Whole-rock and dast chemistry of 76315.

a) LSPET (1973); b) Rhodes et al. (1974a); c) Hubbard eta]. (1974); Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975)

Split ,2 (a, c) ,30M (b, c) ,30,3 (b, c) ,35M (b, c) ,52 (b, c) ,62 (b, c)
matrix clast matrix clast clast

SiO2 (wt%) 45.82 45.64 46.45 46.21 48.57 45.10

TiO2 1.47 1.50 1.43 1.50 0.32 0.36
A1203 18.01 17.53 18.18 18.14 17.91 26.37
Cr203 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.12 0.11
FeO 8.94 9.53 8.83 8.95 7.66 5.29
MnO 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.07

MgO 12.41 12.50 12.34 12.02 13.84 7.46

CaO 11.06 10:97 11.30 11.32 10.36 15.12

Na20 0.57 0.70 0.64 0.60 0.47 0.47

K20 0.27 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.15 0.10
P205 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.12 0.06
S 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.04

Nb (ppm) 33 33 32 33 -
Zr 477 485 465 522 105 95
Hf 12.5 - 11.9 - - 5.3
U 1.52 1.47 1.36 2.52 0.34 0.343
Th 5.2 5.36 5.23 5.69 1.34 1.234
y 111 113 107 111 -
Sr 180 175 172 174 115 153
Rb 5.88 6.56 3.85 5.78 3.73 2.336
Li 14.6 15.6 14.1 13.9 11.8 9.5
Ba 359 349 366 337 129 72.8
Zn 4 3 2 4 -
Ni 149 77 82 74 -
La 30.1 32.9 24.7 31.6 7.33 5.41
Ce 84.6 84.0 78.6 82.3 18.4 13.7
Nd 53.5 53.5 50.2 52.7 11.5 8.6
Sm 15.1 15.1 14.1 14.8 3.2 2.42
Eu 2.00 1.97 1.88 1.95 0.971 0.94
Gd 18.9 18.5 17.6 18.8 3.93 2.99

Dy 19.9 19.7 18.3 19.1 4.59 3.39

Er 11.7 11.5 11.0 11.4 2.91 2.14
Yb 11.0 10.6 10.0 10.4 2.98 2.07
_ .455 0.30
Lu - -
SAMPLE 76315 - 123

Table 2: Trace element data for 76315. Concentrations in ppb.

a) Gros et al. (1976); b) Morgan et al. (1974)

Sample (a) Sample (b) Sample (b)

76315,118 76315,73 76315,74
clast matrix

lr 18.6 5.42 5.97

Os 20.9

Re 1.85 0.507 0.575

Au 6.41 3.21 3.48
Pd 22.6

Ni (ppm) 423 256 260

Sb 0.85 1.49 1.54
Ge 57.7 346 354
Se 71 100 107
Te 3.4 4.04 5.1
Ag 0.72 0.84 0.88
Br 39.2 48 44
In 4.61
Bi 0.44 0.098 0.28
Zn (ppm) 2 3.1 3.4
Cd 12.1 5 6.4
"11 1.6 0.31 0.34
Rb (ppm) 2.73 5.91 5.9
Cs 110 250 250
U 355 1540 1490

Table 3: Rb-Sr composition of 76315.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).

Sample 76315,2 ,35M ,30C3 ,30M ,52 ,62

wt (rag) 52.4 49.2 66.7 51.6 38.9 52.5

Rb (ppm) 5.88 5.78 3.85 6.56 3.73 2.34
Sr (ppm) 179.5 174.4 171.5 174.8 115.2 153.1
87Rb/86Sr 0.0948+8 0.0960+8 0.0650+6 0.1086+9 0.0937+9 0.0441 _+5
87Sr/86Sr 0.70515_+5 0.70521_+7 0.70351_+10 0.70595+5 0.70491+6 0.70185+5
TB 4.45 + 0.08 4.44 + 0.09 4.72 _+0.14 4.40 + 0.08 4.33 + 0.08 4.35 + 0.13
TL 4.50_+0.08 4.49+0.09 4.80+0.14 4.46+0.08 4.40_+0.08 4.46_+0.13

B _=Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC bias)

L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE76335- 125

Cataclastic Troctolite
502.89 g, largest piece 8 x 6.5 x 5 cm

INTRODUCTION given in Bersch et al. (1991). Ryder

PETROGRAPHY et al. (1980) report the composition
Sample 76335 is a pristine, friable of metal grains.
"anorthosite" that was collected from Warren and Wasson (1978) estimate
the regolith about 15 meters from the tile mineral mode of 76335 is 88%
Station 6 Boulder (LMP--"It's plagioclase (An95.6) and 12% olivine WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
pretty fragile.., very white--looks (Fo 86.8). Bersch et al. (1991) also
like a crushed anorthosite"). It was report minor low-Ca pyroxene. The Warren and Wasson (1978) have
returned in the BSLSS bag (which plagioclase and olivine are shocked, determined the composition of 76335
received rough handling on the but Warren and Wasson report that (Table 1). It is free of meteoritic
return from the Moon). Fig. 1 shows "the rock shows vestigial cumulate contamination and low in trace
the pieces of 76335 in a tray. The texture" with intact plagioclase element abundance (Fig. 4).
residue in the BSLSS bag (76330) grains up to 4 mm in dimension and
contained additional pieces of this relict olivine at least 2 mm across.
sample. The olivine has been crushed RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
(Fig. 2).
So far, no one has attempted to date
76335 is a poorly studied, potentially 76335.
important piece of the original lunar MINERAL CHEMISTRY
crust that deserves additional study
(Ryder and Norman, 1979). All of Note: Weight discrepancy with
The olivine and plagioclase composi- original catalog; additional pieces
the thin sections are from one piece
and may, or may not, be tions have been plotted in Fig. 3. were selected from thefines in the
Precise mineral compositions for BSLSS bag.
representative! olivine and low-Ca-pyroxene are

Figure 1: Trayfull of76335. $73-19384.

SAMPLE 76335 - 126

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76335,28. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

An in plagioclase
75 . 80 85 90 95


mg-suite .__ 8090



Y'_ pyroxene
ferroan- 60

an°rth°s l
,...._.1 so
Figure 3: Diagram of plagioclase composition and olivine composition.
SAMPLE 76335 - 127

1000 I I I I I I I I I I i000

matrix station 6 boulder


] 1 I I I I I I f I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 76335. Data by Warren and Wasson (1977).
SAMPLE76335- 128

Table 1: Composition of 76335.

From Warren and Wasson (1978).

Sample Sample
76335.38 76335,38

Na (%) 0.239 0.228

Mg (%) 5.4 6.2
AI (%) 16.5 14.6
Si (%) 20.3
K (%) 0.03
Ca (%) 12 10.7
Sc (ppm) 1.33 1.72
Ti (%) 0.04
Cr (ppm) 356 408
Mn (ppm) 202 286
Fe (%) 1.75 2.3
Co (ppm) 13.1 15.6
Ni (ppm) 20.4 <20
Zn (ppm) 3.1 0.38
Ga (ppm) 3.5 3.15
Ge (ppb) 10.2 1.1
Zr (ppm) 160
Cd (ppm) 5.2 8.7
In (ppm) 0.078 <1.1
Ba (ppm) 56 46
La (ppm) 2.47 2.12
Ce (ppm) 6.7 5.3
Nd (ppm)
Sm (ppm) 0.8 0.7
Eu (ppm) 1.03 0.91
Tb (ppm) 0.12 0.13
Yb (ppm) 0.56 0.56
Lu (ppm) 0.073 0.082
Hf (ppm) 0.4 0.45
Ta (ppm)
Re (ppb)
Ir (ppb) 0.013 0.13
Au (ppb) 0.089 0.013
Th (ppm) 0.16
U (ppm) 0.1
SAMPLE76505- 129

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
4.69 g, 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 1). Thin sections of sample

76505 show that it is a very fine- CLAST ?
The original catalog by Butler (1973) grained, micropoikilitic impact melt
describes 76505 as a "light greenish- rock with only a trace of ilmenite The original catalog reported a
grey breccia" and the rake sample (Fig. 2). The mode is roughly 55% second, darker lithology, but this
catalog by Phinney et al. (1974) plagioclase and 45% low-Ca turned out to be nothing more than
describes 76505 as an "annealed pyroxene. Section ,8 also has a small some soil packed in a large vesicle of
crystalline breccia." Simonds and patch of "granitic melt" surrounding the feldspathic impact melt rock
Warner (1981) and Simonds et al. a small vesicle. (Fig. 1).
(1975) mistakenly claim that 76505
is a "vitric matrix soil breccia," but
correctly report that it has high AI WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
and low Ti.
Simonds and Warner (1981) report a
preliminary analysis of 76505 by
PETROGRAPHY fused bead electron microprobe
analysis (Table 1) (these unpublished
Sample 76505 was sieved from analyses are suspect because fusion
highlands soil 76501. It is a may not have been complete).
coherent, light grey fragment

Figure 1: Photograph of light grey sample 76505. Scale bar is marked in I mm. 574-20167.
SAMPLE76505- 130

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of a portion of thin section 76505,8. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76505.

From Simonds and Warner (1'981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron
microprobe analyses, R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO 2 (wt%) 46.85

TiO2 1.54
A1203 18.64
Cr203 0.19
FeO 7.82

MgO 11.13
CaO 11.26

Na20 0.88
K20 0.29
SAMPLE76506- 131

Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
2.81 g, ~1.3 x I x I cm

INTRODUCTION and abundant ilmenite and was

PETROGRAPHY derived from the mare surface.
This sample was sieved from soil However, it also contains small
76501. It is a regolith breccia with a Sanlple 76506 is a dark matrix white clasts of feldspathic material
brown glass matrix and a high regolith breccia (Fig. 1). Using SEM from the lunar highlands (Fig. 2).
percentage of mare component. It is petrography, Phinney et al. (1976)
clearly a lithified mare soil. Simonds term 76506 a friable microbreccia
and Warner mistakenly label the with 35% porosity. Thin sections WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
analysis of 76506 as "clast-bearing show that this sample contains
fine grained micropoikilitic impact abundant orange glass beads and Simonds and Warner (1981) report
melt rock." broken glass fragments (Fig. 2). It an analysis with 4.6% TiO 2 and
contains numerous mare basalt clasts 11% FeO (Table 1).

Figure 1: Photograph of 76506. Scale bar is in mm. 574-20168.

SAMPLE76506- 132

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76506,7. Dark matrix contains orange glass. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76506.

From Simonds and Warm.,r (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron
microprobe analyses, R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 42.94

TiO2 4.64
A1203 16.74
Cr203 0.30
FeO 11.08

MgO 10.36
CaO 11.73
Na20 0.49
K20 0.12
- 133

Rake Samples from Station 6

The collection of samples by raking (1975). They are also discussed in on the talus of the North Massif. The
the soil and shaking out the fine Wolte and others (1981). A large Station 6 rake sample was important
material has proven to be one of the soil sample, 76501, was also because it collected 76535 (a pristine
best ways to sample the lunar collected at the same location, and troctolite), which has become our
surface. Fig. 1 shows the rake used the coarse fines (4 ram- 1 cm) sieved most interesting sample of the Moon.
on the Moon. It has wires spaced at from it were cataloged by Meyer
1 cm in the scoop so that everything (1973). Jolliff et al. (1993) are The rake samples were returned in
less than 1 cm will shake out. The studying the 2-4 mm coarse fines SCB 4/558. The residue from this
Station 6 rake sample was taken from from the North Massif (Fig. 3). bag is numbered 76530. A summary
the rim of a small (~10 m) subdued Sample 76505 and 76506 were of the rock types found in this rake
crater about 20 meters west of the sieved from soil 76501. sample is given in Table 1.
large boulders (Fig. 2).
A su,prisingly large amount of mare
The rake samples collected at material from the valley floor is
Station 6 were originally cataloged found included in this rake sample,
by Butler (1973) and Phinney et al. considering that this site was located

Figure 1: Rake used to collect samples. Wires spaced at 1 cm. AS17-142-21706.


\ % \ _s P Pan 22
\ \
\ \_..---- Edges of _\
boulder track
\ \

\ \
x \
\ x/Approximat(_ location
, / "of 76220
"_ ._- 7- ._ x X \ 76320

X \

' _I '_'\ _.._ BiTk /_ A617"140"21459"82

F ./ \ Co.tact_,_"_\ ,.-,,_-.../
\ / / _N,_ "_V._fXa_-- 76255, 76275, 76295

_ "_J---A-_'Pan21 {(" BI;ck 2_ )--76235-39and76305-07

17 76500-06 and 76535-77 I - \ / "6315
Block t _, L,.-'

3 4_-_ _A617.140.21435.39

Approximate 17-140-21414-34

LRV "-_

Approximate _X 76240i _672_1 _IS Approximate Iocation--X

location of 76055
x--DT N of 76030-37

0 5 10m

Figure 2: Sketch map of Station 6 showing the location of the area where the rake samples were collected.

An in plagioclase
75 130 85 90 95


8O m

norites 5"

E 70 m
norites x
76503 t_

Ferroan- 60


Figure 3: Plagioclase vs. pyroxene composition diagram. Fields are from James and Flohr (1983).
Data are from Jolliff et al. (1993).
Table 1: Summary of rake samples from Station 6.

76535 Troctolite
76536 Crushed Troctolit,_

76537 High-Ti Mare Ba_;alt

76538 High-Ti Mare Ba_;alt
76539 Aphanitic High-_i Mare Basalt
76545 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76546 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76547 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76548 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76549 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76555 Micropoikilitic Irapact Melt Breccia
76556 Micropoikilitic Irapact Melt Breccia
76557 Micropoikilitic Irapact Melt Breccia
76558 Impact Melt Breccia
76559 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
76565 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76566 Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
76567 Light Matrix Regolith Breccia
76568 Aphanitic High-Ti Mare Basalt
76569 Aphanitic Impac! Melt Breccia
76575 Feldspathic Impact Melt Breccia
76576 Micropoikilitic hnpact Melt Breccia
76577 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
SAMPLE 76535 - 137

155.5 g, ~5 x 5 x 5 cm

INTRODUCTION grains (0.2-0.3 mm) occur in clusters Cr-spinel, Ca-phosphates (apatite and
and are honey-yellow brown in color, whitlockite), baddeleyite,
Troctolite 76535 is without doubt the Plagioclase shows nice striations on "pyrochlore," "K-Ba feldspar," and
most interesting sample returned flat cleavage surfaces, metallic iron. These minor phases
from the Moon! It is a colorful, occur in "mesostasis areas" and in
pristine, coarse-grained, plutonic symplectite intergrowths.
rock that has had a slow cooling PETROGRAPHY
history. It is interesting to note that This rock has a granular polygonal
it was collected as a random sample Gooley et al. (1974) and Dymek texture with smooth, curved grain
as part of the rake sample collected et al. (1975) describe lunar sample boundaries and abundant 120 deg
at Station 6. It has been widely 76535 as a coarse-grained, olivine- junctions resulting from the slow
distributed and much studied, but its plagioclase cumulate that shows process of grain coarsening leading
origin is still debated, evidence of extensive annealing and to a mineral fabric with minimum
re-equilibration (Fig. 3). Gooley surface area (Fig. 3). Stewart (1975)
Fig. 1 shows the main mass of 76535 reports the mode as 58% plagioclase used the grain size of 76535 (2 to
before processing. The sample is (/M196),37% olivine (Fo88), and 4% 3 mm) and various assumptions to
friable, separating easily at the grain orthopyroxene (Wo 1En86Fs13), calculate the interval of annealing
boundaries. Closeup photos of small while Dymek finds 35% plagioclase, (~108 y.) in the temperature range
pieces show the granular texture of 60% olivine, and 5% low-Ca 1100 °C to 600 °C. Stewart termed
the olivine and plagioclase (Fig. 2). pyroxene. Warren (1993) wisely this "Apollonian" metamorphism.
White plagioclase grains puts it at 50% plagioclase! Other
(0.2-0.7 ram) are translucent to trace minerals reported include
slightly milky, while lustrous olivine Ca--rich pyroxene (Wo48En50Fs4),

Figure 1: Photograph of lunar troctolite 76535. Cube is 1 cm. $73-19459.

SAMPLE 76535 - 138

Figure 2: Photograph of lunar troctolite 76535,2. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19601.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of thin section 76535 in partially cross-polarized light.

Field of view is 2 x 3 ram. $76.20796.
SAMPLE 76535 - 139

Gooley et al. (1974) used the (1975) report that these elongate
enstatite content of the high-Ca inclusions are another form of MINERAL CHEMISTRY
pyroxene coexisting with low-Ca symplectite. Using high resolution
pyroxene in the symplectites to TEM techniques, Nord (1976) found Minerals in 76535 are homogeneous
calculate an equilibrium temperature that the inclusions in the plagioclase in composition. Dymek et al. (1975)
of 1000 °C and a minimum pressure are augite, pigeonite, orthopyroxene, and Gooley et al. (1974) present
of about 0.6 kb, which would be and holes (or an unidentified phase detailed mineral compositions
about 12 km deep in the Moon. which is preferentially thinned out (Fig. 4). High Ca-pyroxene and
Dymek et al. (1975) agreed that this during-sample preparation). Ni-Fe Cr-spinel are only minor phases.
rook formed deep in the Moon, but metal particles are also present but Fig. 5 shows the position of 76535
not with the calculation of the depth! constitute a small volume of the on the plagioclase vs. pyroxene
Finnerty and Rigden (1981) argue inclusions. These elongate inclu- diagram. It is the end-member of the
that the high-Ca pyroxene in the sions in the plagioclase of 76535 "Mg-suite" of lunar magmatic rocks
symplectite is secondary and not in appear to be the result of unmixing in James and Flohr (1983).
equilibrium, of unwanted components in the
plagioclase that have nucleated on Hansen et al. (1979) have determined
The plagioolase has striations dislocations, subboundaries, and twin the Na, K, Fe, and Mg distribution
(Fig. 2) reportedly due to twinning boundaries during solid-state by electron probe in plagioclase from
(LSPET 1973; Phinney et al., 1974; exsolution. The geometric 76535, and Steele et al. (1980) have
Gooley et al., 1974). Oriented rows distribution of these rows of small determined Li, Mg, Ti, K, Sr, and Ba
of fine elongate metal particles are inclusions precludes entrapment of in plagioclase by ion probe. Smith
also reported in the plagioclase melt droplets during crystallization, et al. (1980) have determined the
(Gooley et al., 1974), but Bell et al. trace element contents of olivine


1_\ BOAIZSi_O 8354POINTS _ _

/| \\= FeAI2Si208 * _vr 2

I _ I!l! ,b "_

NOA'_ISi3%Ar_9o _ A;;5 "CoAIz$izOii



/ xx=NoAISiz06+ CaTiAIzO6 +

,/ (zz po_urs _/ (a Po,Nrs ,/ I Io POINTS

MgzSizO6 (Fe,Mn)2SizO6

NumOer 40 . SPINEL

Of Anotyses 20 ._lL__/ Mg.4s Fe_7 Mn_zCrl3t AI.61Ti_'zVol 0_4

601 1/fOLWINE Cr-
Mg Fe + Mn

Figure 4: Pyroxene diagrams and mineral compositions of 76535 (from Dymek et al., 1975).
Plagioclase and olivine are main minerals.
SAMPLE76535- 140

An inplagioclase
75 80 85 90 c.15



/ °


Figure 5: Plagioclase vs. low-Ca pyroxene composition of 76535 troc,_olite, showing that it is the end-member of the
Mg-suite of plutonic lunar rocks. Fields are from James and Flohr (1983).

from 76535. Precise mineral compo- Smyth (1986) performed a cry:;tal (Table 2). The low siderophile
sitions for olivine and low-Ca structure refinement of anorthite content indicates its pristine compo-
pyroxene are also given in Bersch using plagioclase from 76535 to sition with no meteorite contribution.
et al. (1991 ). H askin et al. (1974) determine the position of the cations
determined the rare earth contents of in the structure. Haskin et al. used the whole-rock
plagioclase and olivine separates by composition and known distribution
isotope dilution mass spectroscopy Based on identical mineral coefficients to calculate the probable
(Fig. 6). Heavilon and Crozaz chemistry, Warren et al. (1987) parent liquid (Fig. 7). They
(1989) have also used the ion apparently have found at least two concluded that this rock may have
microprobe technique to determine additional pieces of troctolite similar had ~16% trapped liquid when it
the rare earth elements in plagioclase to 76535 in the "'coarse fines" from originally crystallized from the melt.
and pyroxene, the soil samples (76504,12 and
76535 has symplectite intergrowths i
along some but not all of the grain
boundaries (Gooley et al., 1974; WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Heroic efforts have been made to
Albee et al., 1975; Bell et al., 1975). date troetolite 76535. Most recently,
Bell et al. discuss in detail several Rhodes et al. (1974a), Wiesmann and Premo and Tatsumoto (1992) have
types of symplectites in 76535. Hubbard (1975), and Haskin et al. carefully considered the age of
Gooley et al. (1974) and Ryder et al. (1974) have determined the b_Lik 76535 and conclude that it was
(1980) report the composition of chemical composition (Table ! and formed between 4.23 and 4.26 b.y.
metal grains in 76535. Haggerty Fig. 6). Morgan et at. (1974) .'rod Note that Hinthorne et al. (1975)
(1975) gives the composition of Wolf et al. (1979) report the sidero- originally determined 4.27 +
chromite in 76535. phile and volatile trace elements 0.03 b.y. using the 207pb/206pb,
SAMPLE 76535 - 141

lo00. I J I I I I J I J , looo
76535 troctolite

100 100

A t
10 _ 10

E whol
1 1

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb
Figure 6: Normalized rare earth element diagram for lunar troctolite 76535. Data are from Haskin et al. (1975.)


K Itb $r BaLoC* Nd SmEuGd Dy Er YbLu

Figure 7: Calculated liquids for parental magma of 76535. Figure is from Haskin et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 76535 - 142

ion microprobe technique to date U- 76535 and determined a "probable

rich phases, age" of 4.236 + 0.015 b.y., with a COSMOGENIC
young "disturbance" at about 62 m.y. EXPOSURE AGES
The various age dating studies of (Table 6 and Fig. 10). This requites
troctolite 76535 provide an a high U/Pb in the source region. Bogard et al. (1975), Crozaz et al.
interesting study in the preservation Tera and Wasserburg (1974) had (1974), and Lugmair et al. (1976)
of radiogenic information through previously tried to date 76535 by reported cosmic ray exposure ages of
the course of major metamorphic U-Pb systematics, but found that 195 + 10 m.y., 211 + 7 m.y., and
change (Table 3). Careful study of their techniques did not give gooc_ 223 + 16 m.y., respectively. Premo
the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and 40Ar/39Ar data for this rock, even after careful and Tatsumoto (1992) show a hint of
systematics has yielded a broad leaching of mineral surfaces. The a lower intercept age at 62 +
range of apparent isotopic closure discordant data by Tera and 320 m.y., suggesting Pb disturbance
ages, 4.61 + 0.07, 4.26 + 0.06, and Wasserburg are presented in Figs 11 at the time of excavation.
4.23-4.34 b.y., respectively, for and 12.
troctolite 76535 (Papanastassiou and
Wasserburg, 1976; Lugmair et al., Bogard et al. (1975) and Premo _tad SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE
1976; Lugmair and Marti, 1978; Tatsumoto (1992) have measured
Husain and Schaeffer, 1975; Bogard additional Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd data on Charette and Adams (1977) have
et al., 1975; Huneke and Wasserburg, 76535 (Tables 7 and 8). recorded the spectral reflectance of
1975). The Rb-Sr isochron (Table 4 76535 and note the minimum near
and Fig. 8) is based on Rb-rich Hohenberg et al. (1980) and Caffee 1.1 _m due to olivine as well as the
inclusions in the olivine (one point et al. (1981) have carefully studied absorption at 0.9 lain due to pyroxene
was excluded), whereas the Sm-Nd "excess" fission xenon and trapped (Fig. 15).
isochron (Table 5 and Fig. 9) is solar wind noble gases in troctolite
based on pyroxene, plagioclase, and 76535 (Fig. 13). Stepwise heatinlg of
accessory phases, exclusive of separated olivine and plagioclase PROCESSING
olivine. The Rb-Sr isochron showed evidence for in-situ decay of
presumably dates the isolation of 244pu leading to fission Xe ages of This sample was extremely friable
Rb-rich inclusions in olivine and is 4.50 b.y. and 4.25 b.y., respectively and had already broken into many
apparently insensitive to the (consistent with Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd separate fragments by the time of the
metamorphism that produced the ages above). Ne, Ar, Kr and preliminary examination. There may
texture of the rock, while the Sm-Nd "parenfless" fission Xe are loosely be additional pieces of it in the
and 40Ar/39Ar isochrons involve a bound (Fig. 14). These rare gase:_ residue from the collection bag
variety of lower temperature mineral are apparently located at the grair, (76530, 70 g).
phases that are more sensitive to boundaries and apparently due to
subsequent metamorphism and trapped solar wind located in this The largest remaining piece (,0)
closure to movement of radiogenic sample! weighs 26 g. A 20-gram piece is at
elements at a later time. The study Brooks Air Force Base, and a 10-
of rare gases by Caffee et al. (1981) Braddy et al. (1975) reported a gram piece is at the California
also shows that the different minerals fission track age of 4.07 b.y., which Institute of Technology.
in 76535 have different, mineral- they say may record a metamorphic
specific, isotopic closure ages. age. However, fission tracks in There are 14 thin sections. Sample
apatite are easily annealed over a 76535 was cut with the band saw!
Premo and Tatsumoto (1992) long time, and it is unlikely that they
performed careful leaching experi- would be fully preserved.
ments on mineral separates from
SAMPLE 76535 - 143

0.714 i I I' I I l I I I i i I L i i I i _ i I ' y


0.710 T=_4.61 ± 0.07/E--

'_ 0.706


7 -61 l I I I I o.i
I I I 7 I o.z
l I J

0.698 ---L--L---t--_r t I I I r ] J 1 t I r t I I I r t i I
0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20

Figure 8: Rb-Sr isochron diagram for lunar troctolite 76535. From Papanastassiou and Wasserburg (1976).


T = 4.26 -.*0.06 _

0.518 I = 0.50715+-0.00007

q" 0.516 Tjuv =4.56


0.10 0.20 0.30 040 0.50
0,511 147S_1144N a
0.10 0.20 0.50 0.40 0.50


Figure 9: Sm-Nd isochron diagram for 76535. From Lugmair et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 76535 - 144

12 Trc . 76535
}hte ,,'"."
1.o: ..,'"'"_,_ .__t'_ _'_._r - ''_

m:_ 0.9 ___ 4400 Ma

• ,.," 4236 + 15 Ma using

3650 Ma ,,
0.7 "" _ I'1= ~600 at 4.23 Ga
.'" from CDT initials at 4.56 Ga
," = age of the Moon
0.6 J , , ,
30 45 60 75 9O


Figure 10: U-Pb concordia diagram for 76535. From Pr¢mo and Tatsumoto (1992).

_ i i I i I I

0.8 "PL

_o .-4.5/::E

e_ 0.4

_ I I I I I
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

238U/206 Pb

Figure 11: U-Pb concordia diagram for 76535. From Tera and Wasserburg (1974),
SAMPLE 76535 - 145

o_ ,soJ_o_
_ _\
PLAG .-_,_
Q. 0.6 .4----,,---
®+ b C

0 a a bc
ca 0.4


0.4 0.6 0.8


Figure 12: U-Pb concordia diagram showing the Pb data for the leached fractions. From Tera and Wasserburg (1974).


76535,75 '-0_'_6

,..o-,14 o Olivine
0.2 m14 • Plag


- Ol 20

+ I SO 2

I _
9 !1,10
gAin I ,11,8

0.2 0.3 0.4

136xe/129 Xe

Figure 13: Xe isotope data from olivine and plagioclase in 76535. From Caffee et al. (1981).
SAMPLE 76535 - 146

x_ ,_. Olivine

Q Plag
0 -- _ + Pesyanoe



_Ne 36Ar S4Kr 132Xe

Figure 14: Relative abundances of trapped rare gases in 76535. From Caffee et al. (1981).

"1 .... I .... I .... I ....

ANTSuite 15415,60
j/ (P)' _>Anorthosite


_ _/ _' Anorthosite

_-- _ 79215,14(Ic)"teTroctolitic
_t_ "_Anorthosiie

-.,"-'_ 7701-(,4
(IC) "_Anorthositic
c..) / _/. / Gabbro

,.,- 72395,53(ICL.Norite )
) Troctolite

I .... | .... I .... s .... ]

0.5 1.0 1.5 20 2.5
Figure 15: Reflectance spectra of 76535 compared with other lunar samples. From Charette and Adams (1977).
SAMPLE76535- 147

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76535.

a) Rhodes et al. (1974a); Haskin et al. (1974); Wiesmarm and Hubbard (1975)

Split ,21 (a)

Technique XRF, IDMS

SiO 2 (wt%) 42.88

TiO2 0.05
A1203 20.73
Cr203 0.11
FeO 4.99
MnO 0.07

MgO 19.09
CaO 11.41
Na20 0.23
K20 0.03
P205 0.03
S 0.00
Nb (ppm) 1.2
Zr 24
Hf 0.52
U .056
Th 0.16
Y 4.4
Sr 114
Rb 0.24
Li 3.0
Ba 32.7
Zn 1
Ni 25
La 1.51
Ce 3.81
Nd 2.30
Sm 0.61
Eu 0.73
Gd 0.73

Dy 0.80
Er 0.53
Yb 0.56
Lu 0.079
SAMPLE 76535 - 148

Table 2: Trace element composition of 76535. Concentrations in ppb.

Data from Morgan et al. (1974) and Wolf et al. (1979).


Ir 0.0054
Re 0.0012
Au 0.0025

Ni (ppm) 44
Sb 0.014
Ge 1.7
Se 4.1
Te 0.28

Ag 0.12
Br 3.2
Bi 0.037

Zn (ppm) 1.2
Cd 0.6
]1 0.012

Rb (ppm) 0.2
CA 14
U 19.4

Table 3: Summary of age data for 76535.

4.19 + 0.02 K-Ar Husain and Schaeffer (1975)

4.16 + 0.04 K-Ar Huneke and Wasserburg (1975)
4.27 + 0.08 K-Ar Bogard et al. (1975)

4.61 +_0.07 Rb-Sr Papanastassiou and Wasserburg (1976)

4.26 _+0.02 Sm-Nd Lugmair et al. (1976)

4.330 + 0.064 Sm-Nd Premo and Tatsumoto (1992)

4.27 + 0.03 Pb-Pb Hinthorne et al. (1975)

4.236 + 0.015 U-Pb Premo and Tatsumoto (1992)
SAMPLE76535- 149

Table 4:76535 analytical results.

From Papanastassiou and Wasserburg (1976).
(Footnotes may refer to material not included in this catalog.)

Weight K Rb b 88srb 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86SrC

Sample a (nag) (ppm) 10"8mole/g x 10 2

Plagioclase /d4.6 AE
1. 25 8 400 0.509 185.9 0.639 + 3 0.69946 + 5 0.69904 + 5
2. 25 2e 374 0.521 182.0 0.669 +-7 0.69951 + 7 0.69907 _+7
3. 25 2e 371 0.563 177.4 0.741 + 7 0.69947 _+4 0.69898 + 4
4. 13 13 392 0.522 186.7 0.653 + 3 0.69939 + 5 0.69896 + 5

Olivine 7dBABI(AE)
1. 25 192 5.6 0.03231 0.925 8.t5+5 0.70448+ 15 4.70+0.13
2. 14 90 2.2 0.01623 0.3486 10.86+8 0.70534+18 4.09+0.12
3. 14 67 3.0 0.02029 0.3050 15.52 + 13 0.70907 + 18 4.53 + 0.09
4. 13 112 2.6 0.01393 0.1518 21.41 + 22 0.7132 + 3 4.63 + 0.10
5. 13 + 25 92 9.4 0.0492 1.262 9.08 + 5 0.70507 + 10 4.67 + 0.08

Pyroxene /d4.6 AE
1. 13 + 14 + 25 26 6.7 0.02973 2.878 2.41 + 4 0.70060 + 14 0.69901 + 14

A. Leach - 0.48% f 4.0% f 0.29% f 7.38+ 15 0.7044+3
Residue - 292 0.3268 140.5 0.543 + 3 0.69924 + 5
Combined 1.04 g 293 0.3397 140.9 0.563 + 3 0.69925 + 5 0.69888 + 5
B. -300 ttm 100 209 0.2469 100.1 0.575 + 3 0.69937 _+5 0.69899 + 5

aSubsample number (assigned by Curator) from which separate was obtained.

bConcentrations calculated using normal compositions 85Rb/87Rb = 2.591; 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194; and
84Sr/88Sr = 0.006748.
CErrors are +-2Omean and correspond to last figures given.
dlnitia187Sr/86Sr using the isochron age T = 4.61 AE. Model ages are relative to BABI = 0.69898.
eConcentrations uncertain by -5% due to small weight; element ratios are not affected by this uncertainty.
fAmount in leach given as percentage of the amount in the combined total rock.
SAMPLE 76535 - 150

Table 5:76535 analytical results.

From Lugmair et al. (1976).
(Footnotes may refer to material not included in this catalog.)

Sample Weight a [Sm] b [144Nd]b

Subsample no. (mg) 10 -9 mole/g 147Sm/144NdC 143Nd/144Ndd

Plagioclase, 66 52.50 5.085 4.975 0.1533 _+1 0.511 481 _ 15

Total rock, 64 72.02 3.909 3.768 0.1556_+ 1 0.511 556_+ 14
"Symplectite," 66 47.5 e 9.31 6.61 0.2111 _+14 0.513 206_+ 157
"Magnetic," 64 31.03 1.258 0.743 0.2538 +_14 0.514 304 _+26
Pyroxene, 66 7.87 5.15 1.67 0.462 _ 7 0.520 272 + 91 f
Olivine, 66 777.5 e 0.2200 0.1956 0.1689 -+2 0.512 889 - 26

aWeights are calculated for aliquants taken from total sample solution for spiking.
bSm concentrations are calculated using measured composition (see text); for Nd normal Nd (see Table 1) was used.
CErrors correspond to last figures given and represent 95% C.L. Included are uncertainty in concentration ratio of
Sm/Nd in spike solution and 50% of the blank corrections, quadratically added.
dlsotope ratios are those given in Table 1 but corrected for a neutron capture effect (1.5 parts in 105).
eFractions were totally spiked and isotope ratios corrected for spike contributions.
fIsotope ratio corrected for 3% blank of terrestrial composition (Table 1); uncertainty of correction included in error.
SAMPLE76535 - 151

Table 6: U-Th-Pb analytical data for 76535.

From Premo and Tatsumoto (1992).
(Footnotes may refer to material not included in this catalog.)

Sample/ Weight % Blank Pb* U* Th* 2°6ph/ 204ph/ 2°7pb/ 208pb/ 238U1 232Th/
Fraction (rag) Pb (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) 204pb t 206pb_ 206pb_: 206 pb_ 204Pb_ 238U _


WR 91.9 2.0 45.2 21.0 45.2 349.3 0.00223 0.6829 0.6595 421 2.23
(1.0) § (4.4) (0.11) (0.42) (4.7)

PL-I 185.7 1.0 44.2 15.1 64.5 300.2 0.00294 0.7455 1.119 288 4.42
(0.38) (2,0) (0.05) (0.t 4) (2.2)

PL-2 137.0 2.3 26.8 6.85 25.4 141.3 0.00620 0.9594 1.112 109 3.83
(1,2) (2.5) (0.07) (0.25) (2.8)

OL-P 55.5 3.7 40.1 39.9 28.0 747.7 0.00040 0.5299 0.2861 3890 0.725
(0.35) (35) (0.16) (1.6) (36)

Dilute HNO 3 (l .IV)leaches

A2-WR 30.4 2.39 0.094 1.67 23.40 0.03778 0.8435 2,016 3.52 18.3
(0.14) (3.0) (0.20) (0.22) (17)
A2-PL- 1 11.5 3.95 0.173 2.73 23.02 0.04194 0.8367 2.127 3.61 16.3
(0.14) (0.6) (0.09) (0.15) (4.2)
A2-PL-2 33.7 1,38 0,058 0.418 22.61 0.03945 0.8729 1,810 3.41 7.48
(0.13) (2.9) (0.46) (1.0) (18)

A2-OL-P 59.9 1.16 0.290 1.49 28.62 0.01430 0.6468 1.147 42.5 5.31
(0.21) (65) (6.7) (18) (101)

Dilute HBr (0.1 iV)leaches

AI-WR - 11.2 14.7 0,309 4.54 21.06 0.04655 0.8492 2.153 1.58 15.2
(0.10) (0.35) (0.10) (0.17) (4.8)

AI-PL-I 19.9 3.66 0,239 6.43 29.04 0.02779 0.7775 3.558 11.0 27.8
(0,14) (5.1) (0.40) (2.3) (14)

A I-PL-2 - 2.7 45.3 0,080 0,546 19.06 0.05230 0.8351 2.014 0.113 7.07
(0.05) (0.12) (0.07) (0.14) (9.8)

AI-OL-P - 18.5 13.5 0.528 1.77 20.80 0.04668 0.8406 1.964 2.79 3.46
(0.13) (0.56) (0.12) (0.22) (7,0)
Water washes

W-WR 91.9 `I 41.2 1.46 0.ff26 0,089 19.16 0.05090 0.8420 2.019 1.18 3.54
(0.07) (0.8) (0.31) (0.34) (47)
W-PL- 1 186.6 84.3 0.094 0.011 0.105 20.17 0.02809 0.7778 1.878 13.2 9.91
(0,18) (350) (26) (33) (815)

W-PL-2 137.0 8.6 7.33 0.007 0.061 18.95 0.05253 0.8299 2,014 0.063 8.77
(0.05) (0.13) (0.07) (0.14) (103)

W-OL-P 55.5 29.3 4.09 0.159 0.302 19.68 0.04946 0.8248 1.963 2.60 1.96
(0.21) (0.68) (0.18) (0.33) (17)

Concentrauons corrected for blank Pb; ppm for leaches and washes are calculated using the original weight of the sample fraction.
t Measured ratio, uncorrected for blank Pb or mass fractionation.
:_Correeted for blank Pb (amounts are given in the text) using the methods of Ludwig (1980, 1985a).
§Numbers in parentheses are 2 o errors given in percent for the values just above them.
`1Original weights before washing and leaching procedure.
SAMPLE 76535 - 152

Table 7: Rb-Sr composition of 76 .

Data from Bogard et al. (1975)

Sample 76535,21..22

wt (rag) 53.9
Rb (ppm) 0.238
Sr (ppm) 113.9
87Rb/86Sr 0.00605 + 28
87Sr/86Sr 0.69950 +-5

Table 8: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd analytical data for 76535.

From Premo and Tatsumoto (1992).

Weight Rb St- 87Rb/ 87Sr/ 87Sr/

Sample (mg) (ppm) (ppm) 86Sr* 86Sr* 86Srt v.Srt

WR 91.9 0.29 161 0.00520 + 3 0.699472 + 33 0.699152 + 49 -3.53 + 0.90

PL-1 185.7 0.33 180 0.00530 + 2 0.69944!) -+ 17 0.699122 + 45 -3.96 + 0.89
PL-2 137.0 0.35 180 0.00570 + 2 0.699481 + 20 0.699128 + 46 -3.87 + 0.89
OL-P 55.5 0.01 5.14 0.00810 + 20 0.69959',3 + 43 0.699085 + 53 -4.49 + 0.91

*Isotopic ratios corrected for blank and mass fractionation. 87Sr/86Sr data are normalized to 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194 and
adjusted for instrumental bias to 87Sr/86Sr = 0.710265 for NBS SRM 987 standard. Uncertainties correspond to the
last significant figure(s) at the 95% confidence level.
iInitial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and eSr are calculated using an age of 4.23 Ga; 3. = 1.42 x 1011/yr; present day
(87Sr/86Sr)uR = 0.7045, and (87Rb/86Sr)UR = 0.0824, where UR = uniform reservoir.

Weight Sm Nd 147Sm/ 143Nd/ 143Nd/

Sample (rag) (ppm) (ppm) 144Nd* 144Nd* 144Ndt eNdt

WR 91.9 0.70 2.73 0.15592 + 14 0.511430 + 43 0.507025 + 36 -1.10 + 0.41

PL-1 185.7 0.69 2.76 0.15134-+ 15 0.511277 -+ 14 0.507001 -+30 -1.57 +0.39
PL-2 137.0 0.73 2.97 0.14834 + 80 0.511220 + 51 0.507029 -+ 123 -1.02 + 0.72
OL-P 55.5 0.26 0.43 0.36345 + 25 0.517372 + 92 0.507104 + 104 0.45 + 0.64

*Isotopic ratios corrected for blank and mass fractionation. 143Nd/144Nd data are normalized to 146Nd/144Nd=
0.7219 and adjusted for instrumental bias to 143Nd/144Nd = 0.511860 for the La Jolla Nd standard. Uncertainties
correspond to the last significant figure(s) at the 95% confidence level.
tlnitial 143Nd/144Nd ratios and eNd are calculated using an age of 4.26 Ga; Z. = 6.54 x 10112/yr;,present day
(143Nd/144Nd)cHUR = 0.512636, and (147Srn/144Nd)cHUR = 0.1967, where CHUR = chondritic uniform reservoir.
Note: Our 149Sm data were corrected for a 0.43% depletion due to neutron absorption observed in 76535 (Lugmair
et aL , 1976).
SAMPLE76536- 153

Crushed Troctolite
10.26 g, 3.5 x 1.8 x I cm

INTRODUCTION (unpublished), and Warren and

MINERAL CHEMISTRY Wasson (1979) have determined
Lunar sample 76536 is a pristine trace elements by RNAA for 76536
troctolite that has been shocked and Precise mineral compositions for (Table 1). The unpublished analysis
crushed--without contamination by olivine and low-Ca pyroxene are by Blanchard indicates a higher trace
other lunar or meteorite materials, given in Bersch et al. (1991). Both element content than the analysis by
Sample 76536 was collected as a olivine and pyroxene seem to have a Warren and Wasson and is not
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 slightly lower Mg/Fe ratio in 76536 plotted in Fig. 4. The analysis by
(Phinney et al., 1974). than in 76535. The composition of Warren and Wasson is in complete
plagioclase has not been reported agreement with that of 76535, which
(Warren et al., 1993). Ryder and is plotted as a reference. Ebihara
PETROGRAPHY Norman (1979) observe that 76536 et al. (1992) have reported the trace
contains symplectite intergrowths siderophile and volatile element
Sample 76535 is white or very light that are similar to those reported in content of 76536 (Table 2).
grey with a hackly surface. It has a 76535.
granulated texture and is relatively
coherent (Fig. 1). There are
occasional large grains of plagioclase WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
(2 ram) with striations (Fig. 2).
Simonds and Warner (1981) report
The mineral assemblage in 76536 electron probe analysis of fused glass
has been crushed in place. There bead by Roy Brown (unpublished),
appear to be about equal amounts of Ryder and Norman (1979) report a
olivine and plagioclase (Fig. 3). REE analysis by Blanchard

Figure 1: Photograph of 76536,1. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19600.

SAMPLE 76536 - 154

Figure 2: Photograph of 76536,4. Scale bar is m_rked in mm. $73-19604.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of thin section 76536,15. There are about equal amounts of olivine and piagioclase.
Both minerals are crushed in place. FieM of view iS 2 x 3 ram.
SAMPLE76536- 155

1000 I I I I I I I 1000

" 76535 ref I

"_ 100 100

1o _ lO

1 I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Ncl Sm Eu Tb Yb
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 76536. Reference data from troctolite 76535 are plotted as
squares on the diagram. Data from Warren and Wasson (1979).
SAMPLE76536- 156

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76536.

a) S imonds and Warner (1981 - unpublished emp analyses by Roy Brown); b) Ryder and Norman (1979 - unpublished
REE analysis by Blanchard); c) Warren and Wasson (1979)
*(Cautionarynote: Thesepreliminaryanalysesweremadebyfusedbeadelectronmicroprobeanalyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,9 (a, b) ,16 (c)

Technique EMP, INAA INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) 43.54* 42.4

TiO2 0.07* -
A1203 21.01" 26.2
Cr203 0.12" 0.08
FeO 4.94* 3.6
MnO 0.04

MgO 17.42" 13.6

CaO 11.76* 13.3

Na20 0.28* 0.29

K20 0.06* 0.04
Nb (ppm)
Hf 1.04 0.36
Ta 0.13 0.031
Th 4.2 0.20
Zn 12 1.13
I_ 32 5
Co 25.6 20
Sc 2.42 1.8
Ba 49
La 11.0 1.9
Ce 31.9 4.1
Nd 2.5
Sm 6.03 0.65
Eu 0.745 0.78
Tb 1.13 0.13
Yb 2.67 0.44
Lu 0.341 0.062

Ge (ppb) 2.4
lr 0.051
Au 0.02
SAMPLE 76536- 157

Table 2: Trace element data for 76536. Concentrations in ppb.

From Ebihara et al. (1992).


k 0.026
Os <0.19
Re <0.004
Au 0.011
Pd <1.9
Ni (ppm) 55.3
Sb 0.37
Ge 2.73
Se 4.56
Te <0.97
Ag 0.179

In 1.41
Bi 0.6
Zn (ppm) 0.42
Cd <3.3
TI 0.005
Rb (ppm) 0.724
Cs 456
U 52
SAMPLE 76537 - 159

High-Ti Mare Basalt
26.48 g, 3.2 x 2.7 x 1.5 cm

Sample 76537 is a rake sample from
Station6(Phirmeyetal., 1974). Itis TheB1 surfaceof sample 76537 is This basalt has 13%TIO2. Ithas
atypical Apollo 17high-Ti mare covered with micrometeoritepits and been analyzedfor major elements by
basalt, patina(Fig. 1). This fine-grained Rhodes et al. (1976a) and for REE
mare basalt has a variolitictexture by WiesmannandHubbard (1975)
with olivine phenocrysts andlong (Table 1). It is typical of Apollo 17
needles of ilmenite (Fig. 2). Brown high Ti basalts (Fig. 3). Nyquist
pyroxene is intergrown with et al. (1975) have reported isotopic
plagioc!ase in radial clusters, data (Table 2).

Figure 1: Photograph of cratered surface of 76537. $73-19735.

SAMPLE 76537- 160

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of texture of 76537. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

I000 I I I I I I I I I I000

,_ loo 76537 loo

f,_ 10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1

La Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er Yb
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for mare basalt sample 76537.
Data from Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975).
SAMPLE76537- t6t

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76537.

From Rhodes et al. (1976a); Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975).

Split ,1 Split ,1
Technique XRF, IDMS Technique XRF, IDMS

SiP2 (wt%) 38.25 Th 0.45

TiO2 13.05 Sr 131
A1203 8.69 Rb 0.41
Cr203 0.37 Li 8.4
FeO 19.60 Ba 66.5
MnO 0.29 La 6.01

MgO 8.01 Ce 19.4

CaP 10.67 Nd 18.9

Na20 0.40 Sm 7.51

K20 0.05 Eu 1.51
P205 0.11 Gd 11.5
S 0.15 Dy 13.6
Nb (ppm) Er 8.21
Zr 201 Yb 7.61
U 0.13

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 76537.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975).

Sample 76537,1

wt (rag) 47
Rb (ppm) 0.410
Sr (ppm) 131
87Rb/86Sr 0.0091 _+4
87Sr/86Sr 0.69973 + 7

TB 4.8 + 0.8
TL 5.3 + 0.8

I3 = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L m Model age assuming I ,=0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE 76538 - 163

High-Ti Mare Basalt
5.87 g, 1.4 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm

Sample 76538 is a small, coarse-
grained, high-Ti mare basalt Mare basalt fragment 76538 has a The preliminary fused bead electron
collected as part of the rake sample fresh, hackly surface (Fig. 1). It has probe analysis of 76538 (Table 1)
taken at Station 6 (Phinney et al., a few relict zap pits on all surfaces, shows that it has a high TiO 2 content
1974). Thin section 76538,8 (Fig. 2) shows (~14%). This analysis indicates that
that it has an equigranular-to- this fragment is typical of mare
subophitic texture with intergrown basalts from Apollo 17.
ilmenite, plagioclase, and pyroxene.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76538. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19609.

SAMPLE 76538 - 164

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76538,8. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76538.

From Simonds andWarner(I 981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made byfused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split A_
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 36.79

TiO2 13.87
A1203 9.70
Cr203 0.50
FeO 18.58
MgO 8.37
CaO 9.63
Na20 0.54
K20 0.08
SAMPLE76539- 165

Aphanitic High-Ti Mare Basalt
14.8 g, 3x2x lcm

Phinney et al. (1974) and Simonds
and Warner (1981) f'md that 76539 is Rhodes et al. (1976a) and Wiesmann Nyquist et al. (1975) have reported
a typical Apollo 17 mare basalt and Hubbard (1975) have determined whole-rock isotopic data for 76539
sample, the composition of 76539 (Table 1). (Table 2).
It is typical of other high-Ti mare
basalts from Apollo 17 (Fig. 4).

Sample 76539 is an aphanitic mare

basalt (Fig. 1). This basalt sample
has about 15% skeletal olivine
(Fig, 2) and ~10% skeletal ilmenite
(Fig. 3), in quenched basaltic glass.
It has no zap pits on the surface and
only a few small vugs.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76539. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19606.

SAMPLE 76539 - 166

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76539,10, showing transparent skeletal olivine and opaque matrix.
Field of view is 2 x 3 ram.

Figure 3: Reflected light photomicrograph of same area as Fig. 2, showing abundant skeletal ilmenite.
Field of view is 2 x 3 ram.
SAMPLE 76539- 167

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

_ loo 76539 loo


_. 76501 soil
10 10

I I I I I I I I I I 1

La Ce Nd Sm EuGcl Dy Er Yb
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram from 76539, showing pattern typical of
high-Ti Apollo 17 mare basalts.
SAMPLE 76539 - 168

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76539.

From Rhodes et al. (1976a); Wiesmama and Hubbard (1975).

Split ,3 Split ,3
Technique XRF, IDMS Technique XRF, IDMS

SiO 2 (wt%) 38.21 Sr 130

TiO2 12.65 Rb 0.383
AI203 8.80 Li -
Cr203 0.34 Ba 64.8
FeO 19.42 La 5.88
MnO 0.29 Ce 18.6

MgO 7.87 Nd 18.3

CaO 10.91 Sm 7.32

Na2 O 0.39 Eu 1.48

K20 0.06 Gd 11.3
P205 0.10 Dy 13.3
S 0.16 Er 8.02

Nb (ppm) Yb 7.40
Zr 196 Lu 1.05

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 76539.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1975).

Sample 7653!9,3

wt (mg) 57
Rb (ppm) 0.383
Sr (ppm) 130
87Rb/86Sr 0.0385 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.6!9967 + 6

TB 4.7 + 0.7
TL 5.2 + 0.7

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0,.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE 76545 - 169

Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
51.21 g; 76545 = 7.676 g, 76546 = 2401 g, 76547 ----10.05 g, 76549 -- 9.175 g (4 pieces)

INTRODUCTION Phinney et al. (1976) have studied subcrater processes." This interest-
76545 by SEM petrography. The ing alternative model is more
Phinney et al. (1974) mated these pieces of this sample are described as consistent with the fact that these
fragments into a common group on vitric matrix breccias by Simonds fragments have the exact same
the basis of their common et al. (1975), who noted the composition as the soil (76501).
appearance (Figs. 1-4). occurrence of orange glass in the
matrix. Phinney et al. suggest that
the origin of these breccias is by hot WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
PETROGRAPHY glass quenched by cold clastic debris
in an impact (Simonds, 1974). A piece of sample 76545 has been
Sample 76545 is a dark matrix analyzed by XRF and isotope
regolith breccia with sedate distri- 76545,14 contains "radial-arcuate dilution mass spectroscopy (Table 1)
bution of mineral clasts (Fig. 5). The lapillar structures that are corn- (Wiesmann and Hubbard, 1975). It
matrix has a high proportion of pressed and deformed" and are has exactly the same composition as
brown glass, and the fragments are interpreted by Nagle (1982) as being the 76501 soil from which it was
veined and splattered with black "ejecta that was modified by collected (Fig. 6).
agglutinated glass.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76545. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19611.

SAMPLE 76545 - 170


Figure 2: Photograph of 76546. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19621

Figure 3: Photograph of 76547. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19616.

SAMPLE 76545 - 171

Figure 4: Phqtograph of 76549. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19623.

Figure 5: Photomicrograph of thin section 76545,14. Field of view is 2 x 3 ram.

SAMPLE 76545 - 172

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

," 76545

o_ 76501 soil
CO 10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb
Figure 6: Normalized rare earth element diagram comparing composition of 76545 with 76501 reference soil.
Data from Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975).
SAMPLE76545- 173

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76545.

From Simonds and Warner (1981); Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975).

Split .3,5
Technique XRF, IDMS

SiO2 (wt%) 43.45

TiO2 3.69
A1203 17.89
Cr203 0.26
FeO 10.94
MnO 0.15
MgO 10.51
CaO 12.21
Na20 0.40
K20 0.13
P205 0.09
S 0.07

Nb (ppm)
Zr 191
U 0.43
Th 1.56
Rb 2.43
I.i 8.9
Ba 114
La 9.36
Ce 25
Nd 17.9
Sm 5.87
Eu 1.29
Gd 7.96
Dy 8.89
Er 5.33
Yb 4.88
SAMPLE 76548 - 175

Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
2.527 g, I x I x I cm

INTRODUCTION together by matrix glass. The origin

PETROGRAPHY of matrix glass is uncertain. Clasts
This sample of regolith breccia is of mare basalt and orange glass
similar to 76545 except that it has Phinney et al. (1976) have studied beads are also included (Fig. 2), and
about 20% black agglutinated glass 76548 by SEM petrography. They this particle is probably derived from
welding it together (Fig. 1). found that it was a coherent vitric nearby mare soil.
matrix breccia with seriate distri-
bution of mineral clasts welded

Figure 1: Photograph of 76548. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19620.

SAMPLE 76548 - 176

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76548,5, showing clastic texture with brown glass matrix and a small
(1 mm) mare basalt clast. FieM of vi!ew is 2 x 3 mm.
SAMPLE 76555 - 177

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
8.435 g, 2.5 x 2 x 1 cm

Sample 76555 is a light grey impact
melt rock thatwas collected as arake The thin sections of 76555 show that Simonds andWarner(1981) point
sample from Station6 (Phinney it has a clastic texture with a fine- out thatthis poikilitic impact melt
et al., 1974). grained, annealed,mieropo'fldlitic breccia has less Fe and moreMg
matrix (Fig. 2). than the boulder at Station 6
(Table 1), and is similar to sample

Figure l: Photograph of 76555. Scale bar is in mm. $73-19618.

SAMPLE 76555 - 178

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76555,7. FieM of view is 2 x 3 ram.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76555.

From Simonds and Warner Ct981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made byf_Ised bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 46.,36

TiO2 1,49
AI 203 18.04
Cr203 0.18
FeO 8.32

MgO 12.23
CaO 10.96

Na20 0.8
K20 0.29
SAMPLE76556- 179

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
7.396 g, 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm

Sample 76556 was collected as a
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 76556 is a light grey, microcrystal- Simonds and Warner (1981) point
(Phinney et al., 1974). line impact mek rock (Fig. 1). Thin out that this micropoikilitic impact
sections of 76556 indicate a clastic melt breccia has less Fe and more
origin. The matrix has a micro- Mg than the boulder at Station 6
poikilitic texture (Fig. 2). (Table 1). They speculate that it may
be similar to the large sample 76055.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76556. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19597.

SAMPLE76556- 180

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76556,7. FieM of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76556.

From Simonds and Warner (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analysit.)

Split ,3
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 46.55

TiO2 1.47
A1203 18.73
Cr203 0.18
FeO 7.40

MgO 11.73
CaO 11.47

Na20 0.75
K20 0.24
SAMPLE 76557- 181

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
5.592 g, 2 x 1.5 x I cm

Breccia 76557 was collected as a
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 Sample 76557 has a clastic texture Simonds and Warner (1981) point
(Phinney et al., 1974). with micropoikilitic matrix. Fig. 1 out that this micropoikilitic breccia
shows that it has small flattened has less Fe and more Mg than the
cavities that def'me a foliation. Fig. 2 boulder at Station 6 (Table 1). They
shows the clastic texture and speculate that it may be similar to the
annealed, poikilitic matrix. A clast large sample 76055.
of exsolved pyroxene is incorporated
in the crystallized melt.

Figure 1: Photographof 76557. Scale bar isin ram. $73-19599.

SAMPLE76557- 182

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of section 76557,7, showing exsolved pyroxene clast incorporated in poikilitic matrix.
Field of view is 2 x 3 ram.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemis_try of 76557.

From Simonds and Warner (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,1
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 46.26

TiO2 1.21
AI 203 18.05
C_203 0.17
FeO 7.64

MgO 13.79
CaO 10.46
Na20 0.8
I(20 0.39
SAMPLE76558- 183

Impact Melt Breccia
0.683 g, 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm

Sample 76558 was collected as a
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 This small fragment of light grey The composition of 76558 has not
(Phinney et al., 1974). impact melt breccia (with some dark been determined.
matrix regolith attached) is held
together by black glass (Fig. 1). The
appearance of 76558 is very similar
to 76559.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76558. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19631.
SAMPLE 76559- 185

Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
0.747 g, I x 1 x 0.75 cm

Sample 76559 was collected as a
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 Sample 76559 is light grey impact Simonds and Warner (1981) point
(Phinney et al., 1974). There is a melt rock with a poikilitic matrix, out that this poikilitic breccia has
black glass splash and some soil Pyroxene and ilmenite oikocrysts less Fe and more Mg than the
breccia attached (Fig. 1). enclose anorthite grains (Fig. 2). The boulder at Station 6 (Table 1). They
sample is completely crystalline, speculate that it may be similar to the
large breccia sample 76055.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76559. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19629.

SAMPLE76559- 186

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76559,7, showing well-developed poikilitic matrix.

Field of view is 2 x 3 mm

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76559.

From Simonds and Warner (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO 2 (wt%) 46.47

TiO 2 1.49
Al203 17.53
Cr203 0.18
FeO 8.:36

MgO 12.!)8
CaO 10.78

Na20 0.454
K20 0.27
SAMPLE76565- 187

Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
11.6 g, 2.5 x 2.5 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION a brown glass matrix (Fig. 2) and has (Table 2). It has a relatively high Ti
been termed a "vitric matrix breccia" content for talus from the North
Fruland (1983) included 76565 in the by Simonds et al. (1975). It contains Massif, indicating lateral transport
suite of soil breccias to be studied by orange glass beads and mare basalt for the adjacent mare surface.
the Regolith Initiative, and it has fragments. It also contains fragments Simonds et al. (1975) speculate that
been studied in detail by Simon et al. of feldspathic materials from the the vitric matrix breccias from the
(11990). Warren et al. (1983) found highlands (Figs. 1 and 2). Station 6 soil may have come from
the small white clast to be small (less than 1 km across) craters
nonpristiue, that are within the Apollo 17 valley
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY (e.g., SWP, Cochise, and Shorty).

PETROGRAPHY The rare earth element composition

of the dark matrix part of 76565 is SIGNIFICANT CLASTS
Sample 76565 is a dark matrix identical to the Station 6 soil, 76501
regolith breccia (Fig. 1) with a high (Fig. 3). The composition has been Warren et al. (1983) have studied the
percentage of mineral fragments reported by Simonds and Warner small white clast seen in Fig. 1
(Simon et al., 1990) (Table 1). It has (1981) and by Simon et al. (1990) (estimated mass is -150 mg). They

Figure 1: Sample 76565, showing a white clast studied by Warren. Scale bar is 1 ram. $73-19644.
SAMPLE 76565 - 188

conclude that it is a nonpristine of the metal indicate meteoritic high-Ca and low-Ca pyroxene
"anorthositic, polymict, granulitic contamination. It is about 70% (Fig. 4).
breccia." The relatively high Ir plagioclase (An92.6_97.3), with
(20 ppb) and the Ni and Co content olivine (Fo 71.9-74.1), and with both

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 76565,7, showing brown glass matrix and part of a clast of feldspathic highlands
material. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.
SAMPLE76565- 189

1000 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1000

M 76501 ref I
100 100

2 .-----u----_r,

_o "--_-_____J\
white clast
= , 1o

1 I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Tm Yb
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 76565 and white clast in Fig. 1. The brown glass matrix has the
same composition as 76501 soil.

SAMPLES/ _ _, = 14318,149m

x =i _k_k 76565'8c

c(l?)_ En.il_
_- 76565C('4)_ _
/ = _ _:::)
'_'-12318m(8) _ _

Figure 4: Pyroxene composition of 76565 white clast. From Warren et al. (1983).
SAMPLE 76565 - 190

Table 1: Mineralogical mode of brown glass matrix of "r6565. From Simon et al. (1990).

76565 78546 79035 79135 79175


Lithic Fragments
Mare Component
Mare Basalt 0.4 2.2 0.1 3.7 1.1 5.0 0.4 1.9 0.5 3.3
Highland Component
Plutonic 0.5 2.5 0.1 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.3 3.0
Feld. Frag. Breccia 0.1 - - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.5 - 0.2
Feld. Basalt - - - 0.1 - - 0.1 - - -
Granulite/Poik. 0.5 1.9 0.2 0.5 - - 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.2
Impact 0.6 0.4 0.5 1.5 0.7 1.2 0.5 1.5 0.4 1.2

Fused Soil Component

Regolith Brecc. 0.1 1.5 0.1 2.7 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.1 2.0
Agglutinate 1.6 1.5 0.7 3.5 5.0 8.6 0.9 5.0 0.6 4.0

Mineral Fragments
Pyroxene 3.8 1.6 3.8 1.2 3.8 1.7 3.2 1.7 2.9 1.7
Olivine 2.4 1.0 1.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.3
Plagioclase 7.8 5.6 4.2 3.4 2.2 0.8 3.4 1.6 1.7 1.4
Opaque 1.5 0.3 0.8 - 1.7 0.2 1.9 0.3 1.5 0.6

Glass Fragments
Orange/Black 1.1 - 2.5 0.5 1.1 - 2.7 0.7 0.7 0.3
Yellow/Green 0.6 0.6 1.5 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.2 1.1 0.2 0.1
Colorless 1.0 0.1 0.8 - 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.1 0.2 0.3
Brown 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.2 0.1

Devit. Glass 1.7 1.2 3.7 6.8 2.2 1.4 3.0 2.7 2.0 3.1
Other 0.2 0.2 - 0.2 0.1 - - 0.4 0.1 0.2

Total 24.0 20.6 20.6 26.8 20.7 21.2 20.1 21.0 12.1 22.0

Matrix 55.4 52.6 58.1 58.9 65.9

Matrix = <201am; S = small clasts (90 - 20pxn); L = large clasts (1000- 90_un); tr = trace.
SAMPLE 76565 - 191

Table 2: Whole-rock chemistry of 76565.

a) Simonds and Warner (1981); b) Simon et al. (1990); c) Warren et al. (1983)
*(Cautionary note: Some of these preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2 (a) ,13 (b) ,10 (c)

matrix matrix clast

SiO2 (wt%) 43.94* - 45.37

TiO2 3.24* 4.57 0.25
A1203 18.59" 16.1 26.08
Cr203 0.27* 0.32 0.16
FeO 9.57* 12.4 5.66
MnO 0.16 0.08

MgO 10.22" 10.3 8.13

CaO 12.15" 12.0 14.56
Na20 0.49* 0.41 0.35
K20 0.12" 0.09 0.10
Nb (ppm)
Zr 120 -
Hf 5.00 1.08
Ta 0.86 0.16
U 0.32 0.21
Th 1.12 0.72
Sr 160
Rb 4.7
Ba 105 62
Cs 0.14 0.22
Zn 35 9.4
Ni 130 420
Co 30 33.1
Sc 38.7 10.9
La 8.55 2.71
Ce 22.5 7.1
Nd 18.7 3.9
Sm 6.04 1.13
Eu 1.38 0.75
Gd 7A
Tb 1.4 0.3

Dy 8.7 1.91
SAMPLE 76565 - 192

Table 2: (Concluded).

Split ,2 (a) ,13 (b) ,10 (c)

matrix matrix clast

Tm 0.81
Yb 4.78 1.32
Lu 0.72 0.21
Ga 3.9

Ge (ppb) 0.15
Ir 4.5 20
Au 2.0 7.2
SAMPLE 76566 - 193

Dark Matrix Regolith Breccia
2.639 g, 2 x 1.5 x I cm

These two fragments of brown glass
matrix regolith breccia are very Sample 76566 is typical brown glass
similar to 76545 from the same rake regolith breccia (Fig.1). It is lithified
sample, local soil. No studies have been
done and no thin sections exist.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76566. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19639.

SAMPLE 76567 - 195

Light Matrix Regolith Breccia
5.49 g, 2 x 1.5 x I cm

INTRODUCTION The surface of 76537 has zap pits

PETROGRAPHY galore (Fig. 1). The thin section
Sample 76567 is a vitric matrix shows that the matrix is transparent
breccia that contains fragmentsof Phinney et al. (1976) have studied (Fig. 2). A clast of a feldspathic
mare, nonmare, and orange glass. It 76567 by SEM petrography. They highlands rock is attached.
has a light-colored grey matrix with term it a moderately coherent vitric
both light and dark clasts. It does not matrix breccia with only -20% glass
have the brown tint characteristic of in matrix.
the mare regolith breccias.

Figure 1: Photograph of light grey breccia 76567. Scale bar is marked in I mm. 5"73-19641.
SAMPLE 76567 - 196


Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 76567,7, showing matrix attached to clast of highlands material.

FieM of view is 2 x 3 mm.
SAMPLE 76568 - 197

Aphanitic High-Ti Mare Basalt
9.477 g, 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION fragment has been determined by

PETROGRAPHY Roy Brown (unpublished, in
Sample 76568 was collected as a Simonds and Warner, 1981). The
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 Sample 76568 is an aphanitic mare high TiO2 content (~11%) is
(Phinney et al., 1974). basalt with variolitic texture (Fig. 1). consistent with the ilmenite
The thin section of 76568,7 shows abundance in the thin section.
that it is ilmenite rich (Fig. 2). The
chemical composition of this

Figure 1: Photograph of 76568. Scale bar is in ram. $73-19642.

SAMPLE76568- 198

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 76568,7. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76568.

From Simonds and Warner (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by J[tsed bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 39.50

TiO 2 1] .12
A1203 9.16
Cr203 0.46
FeO 17.79

MgO 8.70
CaO 10.65

Na20 0.53
[(20 0.I0
SAMPLE 76569- 199

Aphanitic Impact Melt Breccia
4.207 g, 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm

Sample 76569 was collected as a
rake sample fromthe soil at Station6 Sample 76569 is a coherent, dark Simonds andWarner(1981) reporta
(Phinneyet al., 1974). grey impactmelt rock. Ithas zap preliminaryanalysis of 76569
pits on all surfaces (Fig. 1). The (Table 1).
matrix of this sample is crystalline,
but Veryfine grained, so that the
sample is aphanitic. Mineral and
lithic clasts in the matrix are rounded
(Fig. 2).

Figure 1: Photograph of 76569. Scale bar is marked in ram. $73-19635.

SAMPLE76569- 200

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76569_,8. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76569.

From Simonds and Warner (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO 2 (wt%) 47.79

TiO2 1.23
A1203 17.34
Cr20 3 0.23
FeO 8.66

MgO 11.42
CaO 10.73

Na20 0.68
K20 0.36
SAMPLE 76575 - 201

Feldspathic Impact Melt Breccia
16.25 g, 3 x 2 x 2 cm

Sample 76575 was collected as a
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 This unique fragment has clasts of This sample has been analyzed by
(Phinney et al., 1974). The surface aphanitic breccia included within a XRF and isotopic dilution mass
of this rounded fragment is covered fragmental matrix of mostly feldspar spectroscopy (Table 1). It has a high
with glass splashes, patina, and (Fig. 2). A1203 content (~ 26%) and low trace
micrometeorite pits (Fig. 1). element content (Fig. 3).

Figure 1: Photograph of 76575. Scale bar is marked in mm. $73-19633.

SAMPLE 76575 - 202

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76575,10 showing suevite texture. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

¢) 100 100

_ 76501 soil

10 m__m__-_ 10

1 I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gcll Dy Er Yb
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram comparing 76575 with the Station 6 soil (76501).
SAMPLE 76575 - 203

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76575.

From Simonds and Warner ( 1981 ); Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975).

Split ,3
Technique XRF, IDMS

SiO2 (wt%) 44.83

TiO2 0.34
A1203 25.77
Cr203 0.11
FeO 5.61
MnO 0.08
MgO 7.45
CaO 15.23
Na20 0.35
K20 0.03
P205 0.04
S 0.04
Nb (ppm)
Zr 47
U 0.13
Th 0.48

Rb 0.697
Li 3.7
Ba 36.7
La 2.67
Ce 7.02
Nd 4.49
Sm 1.31
Eu 0.775
Gd 1.75
Dy 1.90
Er 1.23
Yb 1.16
Lu 0.169
SAMPLE76576- 205

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
5.327 g, 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm

This light grey fragment has lots of
small micrometeorite pits on its Sample 76567 has an annealed According to Simonds and Warner
surface (Fig. 1). This unique cataclastic breccia texture that is (1981), sample 76576 has "a K20-
highlands sample is a nonpristine different from the boulders at poor unique composition and an
impact melt breccia with a Station 6 and may be from a different annealed texture which is totally
micropoikilitic breccia texture, part of the highlands crust. It has different from the boulder matrices."
many small mineral fragments set in However, there is the possibility that
an aphanitic matrix (Fig. 2). it could have been a clast in the melt
Pyroxene oikocrysts are just sheet. This sample has also been
beginning to form. It has about 65% analyzed by Warren and Wasson
plagioclase, 20% olivine, and 10% (1978) (Table 1). It is nonpristine
low-Ca pyroxene and ~5% high-Ca and has a uniquely low and flat rare
pyroxene, earth element pattern (Fig. 3).

I "4 ! _|
Figure 1: Photograph of rake sample 76576. Scale bar is marked in 1 ram. 573-19637.
SAMPLE 76576 - 206

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 76576,7. Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I 1000

100 100

co 10 10

La Ce Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for highlands sample 76576.
SAMPLE76576- 207

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 76576.

a) Simonds and Warner (1981); b) Warren and Wasson (1978)
*(Cautionary note: Thesepreliminary analyses were made by fused bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2 (a) ,3 (b)

technique EMP INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) 43.34* 45.15

TiO2 0.29* 0.20
AI203 19.95" 23.06
Cr203 0.19"
FeO 10.53" 8.23
MgO 12.95" 9.88
CaO 11.62" 13.86

Na20 0.34* 0.30

K20 0.08* 0.10
Nb (ppm)
Cr 1230
N'm 780
Hf 1.7
Ta 0.28
U 0.31
Th 1.2
Ba 90
Zn 1.4
Ni 111
Co 28.4
Sc 12.1
La 4.7
Ce 12
Sm 2.03
Eu 0.75
Tb 0.45
Yb 2
Lu 0.29
Ga 3.22

Ge (ppb) 20
Re 0.51
Ir 6.3
Au 2.18
SAMPLE 76577 - 209

Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
13.54 g, 2.5 x 2 x 2 cm

Sample 76577 was collected as a
rake sample from the soil at Station 6 Sample 76577 has a nicely Simonds and Warner (198 l) point
(Phinney et al., 1974) (Fig. l). developed poikilitic texture (Fig. 2) out that this poikilitic breccia has
with orthopyroxene and ilmenite less FeO and more MgO than the
oikocrysts surrounding relict angular boulder at Station 6. They speculate
clasts of anorthite plagioclase. It has that it may be similar to the lithology
small rounded vesicles (1 ram). represented by large sample 76055.

Figure 1: Photograph of 76577. Scale bar is marked in nun. $73-19645.

SAMPLE 76577- 210

Figure 2." Photomicrograph of thin section 76577,7, showing ram-sized vesicles and poikilitic matrix texture.
Field of view is 2 x 3 mm.

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistr'¢ of 76577.

From Simonds and Warner (1981).
(Cautionary note: These preliminary analyses were made by.[ksed bead electron microprobe analyses,
R. Brown, analyst.)

Split ,2
Technique EMP

SiO2 (wt%) 46.34

TiO2 ! .49
A1203 18.07
Cr203 0.17
FeO 8.02

MgO 11.94
CaO 11.09

Na20 0.8
K20 0.33
SAMPLE 77017 - 211

Poikilitic Anorthositic Gabbro
1730 g, 17 x 12.5 x 9 cm

INTRODUCTION Various names have been given to

the feldspathic portion of this rock: PETROGRAPHY
Sample 77017 is a large, annealed,
feldspathic breccia set in a frothy Crushed anorthositic gabbro - Butler The feldspathic portion of Apollo 17
black glass matrix (Fig. 1). A (1973), Helz and Appleman (1974) sample 77017 is an olivine-beating,
photograph of a slab through this Poikilitic anorthositic gabbro - anorthositic gabbro with a relatively
rock reveals how the anorthositic McCallum et al. (1974) coarse-grained poikilitic texture
portion has been incorporated in the (McCallum et al., 1974; Helz and
black glass matrix (Fig. 2). The Feldspathic granulitic impactite - Appleman, 1974; and Ashwal, 1975).
feldspathic portions all appear to be Warner et al. (1977) The mineral composition of 77017 is
the same, with uniform chemistry Olivine gabbro breccia - Wolfe and ~75% plagioclase (An94_97), ~5%
and mineral composition. The others (1981) olivine (Fo60-65), ~10% augite
(Wo 37En46Fs 17), and ~ 10%
philes with anportion
age ofhas high4 b.y.,
about sidero- Poikilitic anorthositic nofite - pigeonite (Wo8En62Fs30). It
while the glassy matrix is basaltic Lindstrom and Lindstrom (1986). contains relict lithic clasts of
with a fusion age of about 1.5 b.y. annealed troctolitic anorthosite and
(see below). The petrogenetic his- anorthosite. Mineral clasts of
tory of this rock was well-described plagioclase, olivine, pink spinel, and
by Helz and Appleman (1974). opaque minerals are enclosed within

Figure 1: Photograph of lunar sample 77017. Cube is I cm. $73-17772.

SAMPLE 77017- 212

Figure 2: Slab surface of 77017. Cube is 1 inch. $75-34250.

pigeonite and augite oikocrysts. All extensive subsolidus annealing, be that this represents the Apollonian
minerals show a restricted composi- Pyroxene oikocrysts (up to 1 mm) metamorphism proposed by Stewart
tional range, occur as both pigeonite and augite; (1975). However, the abundant
sometimes found epitaxially amount of trace siderophiles leads
A late shock event has caused partial intergrown (McCallum et al., 1974). one to consider the impact model of
granulation, producing a fine-grained Both pyroxenes show well- Simonds et al. (1975). Warner et al.
cataclastic matrix. The proportions developed exsolution lamellae up to (1977) propose that 77017 formed in
and compositions of minerals in the 2 pan wide. The pyroxenes are the period after the consolidation of
crushed areas are the same as in the homogeneous in composition and the lunar crust but before the final
uncrushed, indicating that the show a well-defined compositional bombardment when "still hot
cataclasis was not accompanied by gap (Fig. 5). Anhedral olivine: grains impactite sheets could have been
any significant transfer of material, occur in the troctolitic anorthosite buried by layers of younger ejecta
Shock features are common: and are included in the pyroxene that were themselves hot." Helz and
undulose extinction, shock-induced oikocrysts. Ilmenite oikocrysts Appleman (1974) and Lindstrorn and
twinning, mosaicism, and partial to enclose plagioclase and mafic Lindstrom (1986) interpret the clasts
complete vitrification of plagioelase, minerals, in 77017 to represent a plutonic
Minor amounts of clear glass in the anorthositic norite lithology that was
interior of the rock were produced by Temperatures calculated from the brecciated and metamorphosed to
this late shock, pyroxene pairs indicate a temperature produce the poikiloblastic texture.
of equilibration between 1050 and Cushing et al. (1993) and James
The plagioclase in the relict anortho- 1100 °C, which is estimated to be (1993) have recently discussed the
site and troctolitic anorthosite lithic about 100 *C below the solidus for a relationship of 77017 to the
clasts has well-developed polygonal rock of this composition (McCallum "granulitic suite."
grain boundaries indicative of et al. 1974). One interpretation could
SAMPLE 77017 - 213

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of a thin section of the feldspathic portion of thin section 77017,65, showing coarse
poikilitic texture. Field of view is 3 x 5 ram.

Figure 4: Photomicrograph of the same feldspathic portion of 77017,65 using partially crossed polarizers to show the
granulitic texture on the plagioclase grains with 120 deg triple junctions. Field of view is 3 x 5 mm.
SAMPLE 77017 - 214

CoMgSi=06_ A A A / /_ A A A A /_o FeSi=06

BU/K ,8 P0%...

V geSi05
(Mgt SiO4) MgSi03 ( Fet Si04 )

Figure 5: Pyroxene and olivine compositions in 77017. Data from McCallum et al. (1974).

Finally, the anorthositic portion of analyze several relict clasts, but

this rock was caught up in the black WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY found that their samples all had
matrix, which has a high mare basically the same composition
component. This is best seen in the Hubbard et al. (1974), Laul et al. (Fig. 11). However, the feldspathic
saw cut of the slab (Fig. 2). (1974), and Lindstrom and portion of this large rock has not
Lindstrom (1986) have determined been fully explored.
Bence et al. (1974) have studied a the rare earth element contents of
small fragment 78503,7,1, which 77017 (Table 1). The feldspathic
they claim is the equivalent of portion of the rock is very low in STABLE ISOTOPES
77017. trace elements (Fig. 9). The
incorporation of abundant sidero- Mayeda et al. (1975) have studied
philes without the addition of ;a the oxygen isotope fractionation of
MINERAL CHEMISTRY significant amount of rare earth 77017. Two olivine seParates have
elements by mixing with KREEP- different isotopic compositions, and
The composition of olivine, plagio- rich rocks is thought to be an the plagioclase-olivine fractionation
clase, and pyroxene is relatively important constraint to when KREEP is larger than for other lunar rocks.
homogeneous in the feldspathic was present on the lunar surface Muller et al. (1976) attempted to
portion of 77017 (Helz and (Warner et al., 1977). determine the nitrogen in 77017.
Appleman, 1974 and McCallum et
al., 1974). Fig. 6 shows that 77017 Morgan et al. (1974) have deter-
falls in the field of ferroan anortho- mined the siderophile and volatile RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
site even though the minerals have element composition of 77017
"equilibrated" composition. This (Table 2). They found extremely Phinney et al. (1975) dated 77017 as
indicates that the precursor of 77017 highlr, Re, andAu (Fig. 10). The 3.97+ 0.02b.y. by theAr-Ar
may have been a ferroan anorthosite, data by Lindstrom and Lindstrom plateau technique (Fig. 12). Kirsten
(1986) also confirm the extremely and Horn (1974) determined 4.05 +
Taylor and Williams (1974) and high siderophile content of this rock. 0.05 b.y. for the white mineral
fraction of their sample and 1.5 +
Hewins and Goidstein (1975) have Hertogen et al. (1977) and James
studied the compositions and phases (1994) have reviewed the siderophile 0.3 b.y. for the black glass vein
of the metallic particles (Figs. 7 and volatile element data. within it (Fig. 13) using the Ar-Ar
and 8). Metal grains in the poikilitic technique.
facies of 77017 are chemically
homogeneous, containing 15 to 20% SIGNIFICANT CLASTS Nunes et al. (1974) and (1975) have
Ni, while grains in the shocked studied the U-Th-Pb systematics of
portion of 77017 show exsolution. Helz and Appleman (1974) artd 77017 (Table 3), but could not
McCallum et al. (1974) describe determine an internal isochron or an
McCallum et al. (1974) present x-ray relict feldspathic clasts with apparent age for this rock. Nyquist et al.
diffraction data for pyroxenes, cumulate texture. Lindstrom .and (1974) obtained Rb-Sr data for
Lindstrom (1986) attempted to 77017 (Table 4).
SAMPLE 77017 - 215

An in plagioctase
75 80 85 90 95

t roctolil_nl

7o _

Figure 6: 77017falls in the field of "ferroan anorthosite" even though the minerals have a metamorphic origin.
Boundaries of rock types from James and Flohr (1983).

. * 77017.88
2.0- • 70017,117 _
zx 75035.82

o 1.5- *
_t_t W_

_1.0 ,*__ -

0.5 *_
5 10 . 15 20 25 30 35
Wt. % Ni

Figure 7: Composition of metal grains in 77017. From Taylor and Williams (1974).
SAMPLE 77017 - 216



Io ;,:o 30
WT. % Ni

Figure 8: Composition of metal grains in 77017. From Hewins and Goldstein (1975).

1000 I I I I I I I I II 1000

100 100

i 77017

_ 10 _ _ ; _ _ 10

1 I I I I I I I : : _ 1
La Ce Nd Srn Eu Gd Dy Er YbLu

Figure 9: Normalized rare earth element diagramfor 77017. Data from Hubbard et al. (1974).
SAMPLE 77017 - 217

studied the remanent magnetization

RADIOISOTOPES AND of 7'7017. Huffnan et al. (1974) and SURFACE STUDIES
EXPOSURE AGES Brecher et al. (1975) studied the
distribution of Fe by M6ssbauer Adams and Charette (1975) and
Phinney et al. (1975) determined an spectroscopy (Fig. 14). Charette and Adams (1977)
exposure age of 224 + 20 m.y., while determined the spectral reflectance of
Kirsten and Horn (1974) determined Mizutani and Osako (1974) have 77017 and compared it with other
one of 80 + 10 m.y. studied the elastic wave velocity, anorthositic gabbros (Fig. 17).
thermal diffusivity, and thermal
conductivity of 77017 (Fig. 15). PROCESSING
MAGNETIC STUDIES According to Horai and Winkler
(1976), the thermal diffusivity of Sample 77017 has 32 thin sections.
Brecher et al. (1974), Nagata et al. 77017 is the lowest among the solid The largest piece is 1053 g.
(1974 and 1975), Pierce et al. (1974), rock samples (Fig. 16).
and Cisowski et al. (1983) have





164 Breccio • 77017 Anorlh.

Cryst. o 15455An_'lh.(
Breccio • 15102 Norite
Cryst. o 15272 Bosoll

Figure 10: Trace element data for 77017 compared with other rocks. Sample 77017 has elevated siderophiles.
From Morgan et al. (1974).
SAMPLE77017 - 218

1000 I I I I I I II 1000
77017 splitsfromLindstrom and Lindstrom 1986

100 100

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
Figure 11: Normalized rare earth element diagram for multiple splits 0.[77017. Data from Lindstrom
and Lindstrom (1986).


_,j 0.05

:z ]

0.02 --

! '_ I ! ! ; I L q
4.2 I ,' ' ,_ ,i ,, _ _ ¢

>, 4.0-- 8 _E_ 13

..6 17 , 12 ...j



_ 77017, 46


3.2 ¢ [ [ ( [ [ I f f
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Cumulative fraction 39*Ar released

Figure 12: 39Ar-40Ar release patterns and apparent K/Ca ratios for anorthositic breccia 77017,46.
From Phinney et al. (/975).
SAMPLE 77017 - 219

('_ .... ":
(j" [ - i "-rL ......... -k.........

0.0 I I , I , I I I i

5_" ,o _0ArI JsAr_"

II 6 . _ ,a,_ _
r 3$_--

t , o I
I 2 02 04

<[ 2 , 77017,32tB-
L4.;-"¢ -r--
I 11 -r 13 r .I_ - ......
8 L..I..---- _ .....
I , I , I , I J I i
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Froction of 3gAr Releosed
Figure 13: 39Ar-40Ar release patterns and apparent K/Ca ratiosfor anorthositic breccia 77017,32A andfor a black
glass vein penetrating the breccia 77017,32B. From Kirsten and Horn (1974).

OLIV I NE GABIBRO 77017 m6ssbauer spectra, 8 peak fit

I_ r-', ....... _ IOO ; ..... , , , , !


" I


L 'J _ ,o

? ,II i r
I,- IJ I j i j
Z : I I II F
I_1 tl . ii i

t. I r "_

i ,-
ll_;- l![

I 5 ,_ ii

velocity rnm/see

Figure 14: Mo'ssbauer spectra of 77017. From Brecher et al. (1975).

SAMPLE 77017 - 220

Pressure, kb
0 I 2 3 4
I I r

8 73235,ia

° /

U b ,OIlO 16 G_l)broic A,lorthosrtes


> ,25

4- 61175,22
Porous Anorthosite

0 20 40 60 80
Oepth, km
Figure 15: Elastic wave velocity as function of pressure. From Mizutani and Osako (1974).

_.0 1 I I t I I I

,-,_ t LunQr Anorthosite

uE \ 77017, 24

i oo. !

1.0 L I i t t f t
103 10 10-' 10-3 10-s
Pressure, torr
Figure16: Thermaldiffusivityof 77017. FromMizutaniand Osako(1974).
SAMPLE 77017 - 221







., ..... I , , , , L.
O.5 I.O 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 17: Reflectance spectra of 77017 compared with other anorthositic gabbros. From Adams and Charette (1975).
SAMPLE77017 - 222

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77017.

a) LSPET; b) Hubbard et al. (1974); c) Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975); d) Laul et al. (1974)

Split ,2 (a, b, c) ,57 (d) matrix (d) grey fragment (d)


SiO 2 (wt%) 44.09

TiO 2 0.41 0.75 5.3 0.35
A1203 26.59 26.0 18.9 27.1
Cr203 0.13 0.14 0.29 0.126
FeO 6.19 6.2 12.1 5.7
MnO 0.08 0.085 0.155 0.077

MgO 6.06 6 8 6
CaO 15.43 14.5 11.7 15.7

Na20 0.30 0.31 0.39 0.36

K2 O 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.076
P205 0.03
S 0.15

Nb (ppm) 4.1
Zr 59 200
Hf 1.6 1.5 4.9 1.0
Ta 0.22 0.85 0.14
U 0.22 - - -
Th - 0.4 0.6 -
y 14
Sr 142
Rb 1.31
Li 4.4
Ba 49 30 70 40
Zn 4
Ni 95 290 290 300
V 40 70 40
Co 24 27 23
Sc 12 36 9.8
La 3.48 3.3 6.4 3.6
Ce 8.9 9 22 10
Nd 5.56 5 18 5
Sm 1.6 1.5 5.9 1.7
Eu 0.794 0.78 1.42 0.81
Gd 2.01
Tb 0.3 1.3 0.3

Dy 2.34 2.4 9 2.4

Er 1.50
SAMPLE77017- 223

Table 1: (Continued).

Split ,2 (a, b, c) ,57 (d) matrix (d) grey fragment (d)


Yb 1.50 1.6 5.1 1.4

Lu 0.23 0.21 0.66 0.18

Ge (ppb)
lr 10 9 10
Au 3 3 3

Table 1: (Continued).
From Lindstrom and Lindstrom (1986).

Split ,151g ,151 ,152 _153 ,154 ,155


SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 1.17 0.70 0.41
A1203 24.9 24.7 24.9
Cr203 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.12
FeO 6.34 5.99 6.18 6.21 6.02 6.02

MgO " 6.2 6.5 6.1

CaO 15.5 14.9 15.3 15.4 14.9 15.0

Na2 O 0.36 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.33

Nb (ppm)
Zr 40 30 38 50 32 48
Hf 1.57 0.8 1.10 1.27 0.89 1.16
Ta 0.28 0.103 0.112 0.152 0.128 0.148
U 0.11 0.05 0.18 0.17 0.13 0.06
Th 0.47 0.52 0.52 0.72 0.84 0.71
Sr 165 155 170 147 151 150
Ba 45 34 45 46 47 50
Ni 360 300 312 297 296 290
Co 28.5 24.8 27 25.2 24.9 24.6
Sc 15.2 13.4 12.0 13.1 11.8 11.5
La 2.76 1.68 3.17 3.46 2.69 2.4
Ce 7.1 4.3 8.3 9.2 6.6 5.7
Nd 4.5 2.9 5.0 5.7 4.0 3.4
Sm 1.61 0.984 1.621 1.824 1.258 1.164
SAMPLE 77017 - 224

Table 1: (Concluded).

Split ,151g ,151 ,152 ,153 ,154 ,155


Eu 0.835 0.75 0.765 0.762 0.74 0.745

Tb 0.41 0.235 0.403 0.44 0.29 0.295

Yb 1.57 1.06 1.60 1.61 1.26 1.28
Lu 0.237 0.163 0.24 0.248 0.193 0.203

Ge (ppb)
k 15 14 13 13 13 13
Au 6.2 4.1 4.8 3.5 7.9 3.5

Table 2: Trace element data for 77017. Concentrations in ppb.

From Morgan et al. (1974).


Ix 17
Re 1.7
Au 5.65

Ni (ppm) 443
Sb 0.72
C._ 110
Se 68
Te 1.9

Ag 0.87
Br 35
Bi 0.22

Zn (ppm) 2.5
CA 9
TI 0.77

Rb (ppm) 1.34
Cs 6t
U 137
SAMPLE 77017 - 225

Table 3: U-Th-Pb for 77017.

From Nunes et al. (1974).

wt (mg) 94.7 79.8

U (ppm) 0.2699 0.4147
Th (ppm) 1.025 1.489
Pb (ppm) 0.5733 0.8663
232Th/238U 3.92 3.71
238U/204pb 643.0 863.0

Table 4: Rb-Sr composition of 77017.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).


wt (mg) 68.4
Rt) (ppm) 1.310
Sr (ppm) 141.5
87Rb/86Sr 0.0268 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.70072 _+6
TB 4.22 + 0.20
TI, 4.40 + 0.20

B = Model age assuming I _ 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T _ 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE 77035 - 227

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
5727 g, 15 x 15.5 x 22 cm

INTRODUCTION of obvious clasts (Fig. 2) The fractionation during lunar evolution.

micropoikilitic matrix (Fig. 3) is Jovanovic and Reed (1974) have
Sample 77035 is primarily a non- uniform throughout the rock, and the determined C1, F, Br, and I.
descript impact melt rock that has sawn surfaces are aphanitic and Petrowski et al. (1974) have
partially dissolved the original clasts nondescript. The relict clastic determined C and S.
or welded them into its recrystallized texture of the matrix is obscured.
matrix such that they cannot be
easily extracted. It does contain one SIGNIFICANT CLASTS
large, pristine clast of norite (Fig. 1). WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 77035 has one large white
Boynton et al. (1975) and Wanke clast (~100 g) that has been studied
PETROGRAPHY et al. (1975) have analyzed the by Warren and Wasson (1979) and
matrix of 77035 (Table 1 and Fig. 4). Warren and Kallemyen (1984)
The main mass of 77035 is a Wanke et al. (1977) report V (Table 1). Warren (1993) lists this
micropoikilitic impact melt breccia, analyses and Garg and Ehmann large clast as probably pristine
apparently very similar to the matrix (1977) have determined the Zr and (Fig. 1). It is a cataclastic norite,
of the large boulders at Stations 6 Hf contents. The Zr/Hf ratio is high apparently monomiet, with
and 7 (Simonds et al., 1974). It is for 77035. Hughes and Schmitt approximately 60% plagioclase
dense, nonvesicular, and except for (1985) have utilized the composition (An93) and 40% orthopyroxene
one large white clast, relatively free of 77035 to discuss the Zr-Hf-Ta (Wo2En89Fs9). The pyroxene

Figure 1: Photograph of 77035 showing the large white clast of pristine norite. $78-27393.
SAMPLE77035 - 228

Figure 2: Photograph of 77035. Cube is 1 cm. $73-15907.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of matrix in thin section 77035,92. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

SAMPLE 77035 - 229

1000 I I I I I I I 1000

77035 breccia matrix

loo "'-----_ ...__ _ loo

oo 10 77035 white clast "- 10

1 I I I I I II 1
La Ce Sm Eu Tb YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77035 showing matrix and large white norite clast.
Data from Boynton et al. (1975) and Warren and Wasson (1978).

Di_ _ Hd

v _ a _
En Pyroxene composdlon (mole 1.) Ys

no olivine

,_...._o...._ ....7'0 ....5'o

of olivine

100 95 90 85 80 15 "tO
Anorthite contentof plogioclase(mole %)

Figure 5: Pyroxene composition of large norite clast in 77035. From Warren and Wasson (1979).
SAMPLE 77035 - 230

diagram (Fig. 5) is from Warren and et al. contained high Au; some have
Wasson (1979). Fig. 6 gives the very high Ir (Table 2). Warren RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
position on the plutonic rock (1993) lists these clasts as only
diagram, showing that it is within the "marginally pristine." Murthy and Coscio (1977) have
Mg-norite suite of lunar highland reported Sr isotope measurements for
rocks. Berschet al. (1991)have Clast ,206 has 37ppmIr. "IheREE aplagioclaseclastin 77035.
precisely determined the composition profile is flat (Fig. 7). It ha_ about
of pyroxene in 77035,69. Papike 66% plagioclase (An93.96), 12% PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
et al. (1994) have determined the orthopyroxene (Wo 4En73Fs23),
REE in the orthopyroxene of this -14% high-Ca pyroxene, and -7% Sugiura et al. (1978) studied the
breceiated norite clast using the ion olivine (Fo71-74). thermal remanent magnetization in
microprobe method. Much of this 77035 (Fig. 8). Simmons et al.
clast has been shocked into diaplectic Clast ,229 is a gabbronorite with (1975) studied differential strain and
glass and thoroughly comminuted. -75% plagioclase (An85_87), ~11% crack closure in 77035. (These
orthopyroxene (En 71-72 ), ~ 11% results proved applicable to the
Eckert et al. (1991), Neal et al. high-Ca pyroxene (Wo43En44Fs13), microcracks in the Vietnam
(1992), and Neal et al. (1994) have and -3% olivine (Fo69.73). It has a Memorial/) Horai and Winkler
studied additional lithic clasts in positive Eu anomaly (Fig. 7) and is (1976) studied the thermal diffusivity
77035 (Table 2). They report one reported as pristine by Nea!l et al. of 77035 (Fig. 9).
"dunite," two "norite," and two (1994).
"anorthosite'" clasts. It was very
difficult to extract these clasts from Clast ,226 is essentially all olivine PROCESSING
the crystalline matrix of this rock, (dunite?) Fo80-89 and has a deep
and the trace element data for these negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 7). The main portion of 77035 was very
clasts (Fig. 7) may be compromised hard, and it was extremely difficult
because these sample splits may have Bickel and Warner (1978) report a to separate the small clasts that were
been contaminated by breccia matrix, small clast (plutonic fragment?) in welded into it.
All the small elasts studied by Neal thin section 77035,71.

An in plagioclase
75 80 85 90 95



Figure 6: Position of norite clast on the plagioclase-pyroxene diagram for pristine lunar samples.
Fields from James and Flohr (1983).
SAMPLE 77035 - 231

looo I: J I I I I I I I I looo
Clasts in 77035 matrix


_ 10 10

1 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy Yb Lu
Figure 7: Normalized rare earth element diagram for small clasts in 77035. Data from Neal et al. (1994).

425V 375*

r 0 +475*

_IRM +

+155 •


E 4
'o 270" 77035, 43
2 375*
IX 5°
Z 0 I I I I
0 2 4 6 8
pTRM (h=O.05 Oe)(lO'%mu/gm )
Figure 8. Remanent magnetization of 77035. From Sugiura et al. (1978).
SAMPLE 77035 - 232

12 ' I ' : ' ' I ' i i , I [ i i t I i t i I

• 1 otto oir

1 0 0 10 .6 torf rJir





°v i

0 2 u u f] P 0 _''3''_


0 I I I t t I I I t t t I r t i t I I I t I
100 200 500 400 500
T (*K)

Figure g: Thermal diffusivity of 77035. From Horai and Winkler (1976).

77035- 233

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77035.

a) Boynton et al. (1975); b) Wanke et al. (1975); c) Warren and Wasson (1979)

Split ,84 (a) ,84 (a) ,61 (b) ,130 (c)

breccia breccia breccia large white dast

SiO2 (wt%) - - 46.87 -

TiO2 1.38 1.38 1.52 0.20
A1203 17.4 18.1 18.1 19.09
(3"203 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.32
FeO 6.94 9.00 8.87 2.64
MnO 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.09
MgO t 2.2 11.95
CaO 9.24 11.76 11.23 11.76
Na20 0.60 0.62 0.62 0.44
K20 0.26 0.09
Nb (ppm)
Hf 7.4 10.6 10.8 1.9
Ta - 1.8 1.46 0.20
U 0.31
Th 3.7 5.5 4.5 1.1
Sr 210
Ba - 360 370 96
Zn 2.2 2.4 1.7
Ni 281 333 360 9.5
Co 25 32 32.! 22
Sc 13.6 16.8 16.0 10.9
La 23.4 34.0 32.2 5.5
Ce 63 101 85 13
Nd 55 8.6
Sm 10.7 15.2 14.3 2.19
Eu 1.37 1.90 1.95 0.93
Tb 1.7 3.0 3.2 0.49
Dy - 14 19.1
Yb 7.6 11.1 10.2 2.2
Lu 1.12 1.50 1.39 0.32
Ga 5.13 5.02

Ge (ppb) 444 433 3.9

lr 5 6.9 9 0.050
Au 4.6 5 0.026
SAMPLE 77035 - 234

Table 2: Clast chemistry of 77035.

From Neal et al. (1994) (with permission).

Split ,206 ,226 ,227 2,28 ,229 ,230


SiO2 (wt%) ......

TiO2 0.22 nd 1.48 0.21 0.69 0.68
A1203 23.9 0.28 17.1 19.7 27.4 32.1
FeO 5.80 11.0 8.4 5.8 3.9 2.0
MnO 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.05 0.03

MgO 7.9 49.0 11.7 11.9 5.9 4.8

CaO 14.6 nd 9.7 12.2 14.2 18.2

Na20 0.43 0.02 0.65 0.46 1.21 0.55

K20 0.08 nd 0.3 0.11 0.18 0.32
Nb (ppm)
Cr 810 510 1170 1950 440 300
Hf 1.72 0.44 12.8 1.71 0.9 5.2
Ta 0.2 1.7 1.44 0.24 0.19 0.76
U 0.2 nd 1.5 0.29 nd 0.8
Th 0.93 0.33 5.3 1.38 0.47 2.7
Sr 180 nd 240 160 410 200
Rb nd nd 12 4 nd 9
Ba 110 nd 350 100 130 240
Cs nd nd 0.34 0.4 nd 0.32
Ni 560 110 300 26 nd 35
Co 41 62 38 21.4 5.8 4.3
Sc 9.4 5.6 t5.7 10.1 3.0 5.0
La 5.1 1.28 33 7 4.5 18.1
Ce 14.1 3.5 81 17.8 11.3 47
Nd 7.5 3.4 48 11.3 6.7 29
Sm 2.27 1.38 14.8 2.89 1.81 7.7
Eu 0.96 0.026 1.78 1.10 3.19 1.58
Tb 0.59 0.3 3.3 0.65 0.38 1.6

Dy 3.4 1.8 19 4.1 2.7 11

Yb 2.12 1.18 10.3 2.5 1.09 4.8
Lu 0.31 0.2 1.19 0.37 0.16 0.66

Ge (ppb)
Ir 37 nd nd nd nd nd
Au 11 6 9 5 6 15

Introduction to Boulder at Station 7

Samples 77075, 77076, 77077,
77115, 77135, and 77215

The boulder at Station 7 is about 77135. The contact between the several of the boulders from the
3 meters in size and is thought to vesicular and nonvesicular lithol- South Massif (Fig. 5). In addition,
have tumbled downslope from high ogies is apparent. Fig. 3 is a sketch the trace element data for siderophile
on the North Massif (Wolfe and of the north side of the boulder and volatile elements by the Anders
others, 1981). Fig. 1 is a map of the showing the large (0.5 x 1.5 m) clast group show that these boulders are
location of samples at Station 7. of norite with penetrating black related (e.g., Hertogen et al., 1977).
Although the Station 7 Boulder has veins. While the norite clast These similarities have led various
nearly the same exposure age as the appeared off-white (light grey) in authors to conclude that these
larger boulder at Station 6 (28 m.y. surface photography, the fresh boulders represent ejecta from the
instead of 22 m.y.), the Station 7 surfaces of the samples (i.e., 77215) Serenitatus impact event (e.g.,
Boulder has no boulder track that are pure white in the laboratory. At Winzer et al., 1975; Spudis and
would allow us to know where the time of sampling, Schmitt (in Ryder, 1981). James (1994) has
exactly it came from on the North Schmitt and Cernan, 1973) observed reviewed the siderophile and volatile
Massif. that the dike material was continuous element composition.
with the "blue-grey matrix-rich
Field observations of the boulder by breccia" (represented by 77115) that
the astronauts showed that it was surrounds the off-white norite clast CONSORTIUM
composed of four main lithologies: a that the dike cuts.
large white norite clast (represented The boulder at Station 7 was system-
by sample 77215), cut by dark The Station 7 Boulder has a chemical atically studied by the international
dikelets (77075, 77076, and 77077), composition that is distinctly consortium led by E.C.T. Chao (see
enclosed in a blue-grey breccia different from the local soil on which the final report by Minkin et al.,
(77115), which is in turn surrounded it rests (Fig. 4). The composition of 1978). The original distribution of
by a vesicular, green-grey breccia the matrix of the Station 7 Boulder samples is recorded in Butler and
(77135). Fig. 2 is a photo of the (both 77115 and 77135) is similar to Dealing (1974). Several interesting
southeast side of the boulder the composition of the matrix of the clasts have been identified (Fig. 6).
showing the locations of 77115 and Station 6 Boulder, as well as that of


0 10 20 m APan 24 T

I I |


x Area of 77035

77075-7';', 77215 77017x x"_7 Area of 77510-26


Pan 23 A x

Figure 1: Planimetric map of Station 7. Map from Wolfe and others (1981).

The dike through the clast (77075) According to Arvidson et al. (1975),
HISTORY was dated at 4.07 b.y. by Nakamura the final emplacement of the
and Tatsumoto and at 3.97 b.y. by Station 7 Boulder is one of only a
The history of the Station 7 Boulder Stettler et al. The matrix of the few well-dated events on the Moon.
is discussed by Winzer et al. (1977), breccia (77115 and 77135) ha.,;a The 81Kr-Kr exposure age is
Nakamura and Tatsumoto (1977), Rb-Sr age of _ 3.75 b.y. by 28.6 m.y. (Crozaz et al., 1974), while
Stettler et al. (1978), and Minkin Nakamura and Tatsumoto, while its Ar spallation age is reported as
et al. (1978). A summary of the age Stealer et ai. determined about 27.5 m.y. (Stettler et al., 1974). The
data for samples of the Station 7 3.9 b.y. (see the age discussion of apparently discrepant young cosmic
Boulder is given in Table 1, taken individual samples). It is worda ray track ages (5.4 m.y.) are
from Minkin et al. (1978). Measured noting that the different ages for the explained by loss of a few
39At- 40At ages are generally dike (77075, age 3.97 + 0.04 b.y.) centimeters of boulder surface about
consistent with the apparent and the surrounding breccia (77115, 5 m.y. ago (Arvidson et al., 1975).
stratigraphic sequence (Fig. 7). The age 3.90 + 0.03 b.y.) are not ill
large white norite clast, represented agreement, which is surprising
by sample 77215, has been dated by because of Schmitt's observation that
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd at about 4.4 b.y. the dike was continuous with the
(Nakamura et al., 1976), while the breccia matrix (see discussion in
plagioclase in a norite clast within 77075).
77215 gave an 39Ar-40Ar plateau
age of 3.98 (Stettler et al., 1978).

Figure 2: Photo of southeast side of 3-meter boulder at Station 7 showing location of samples taken. AS17-146-22336.

/ r,.,_ \

/ 1,,'2<L"
[ " / 3:/4 c -._
c"'__-" Y,%
>J I , "¢'__ _ _ I

J/,"; "_L_
/2- _.- _ ,//-- _- _ _f,
,_ /

"gr Y r eta X __ / -, Blue-gray and light- _1 \ _ h --

/ X,/ /f I \ grl, breccia, mixld '| / _ J'_/X /

/_ "¢ --- 1 I_--_- _-

/ / 1.5 m
APProximate scale (
_ / --__ I
Figure 3: Sketch of north side of Station 7 Boulder, showing large norite clast (light grey clast) with penetrating veins
and the location of the samples taken (from Wolfe and others, 1981).

1000 I I i I I I I If 1000


IO0 I00

10 I I I I I I I I I v 10
Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er YbLu
F_ure 4: Normalized rare ear_ element da_ _r Station 7 ma_ samples compared wi_ Station 7
soil sample (7_01). Dam _om Wiesmann and Hubba_ (1975).

1000 I I I I I I I II 1000


100 100

with 76015 for comparison

10 I I I I I I I ',', 10
Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er YbLu
Figure 5: Normalized rare earth element data for Station 7 matrix samples compared with Station 6
Boulder sample (76015). Datafrom Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975).

..... I 1 -_-----T 1 [ Tq-T .... T I I I I I

APfllLfl 17 ] I'_ 77135, 66 NON-VESICULAR MATRIX

_ ]oo _, BRECCIAS
........ ,__7 5, 21 DARK V EIN
I 0

uJ ,_\\\\ • / _""'-.----.-\VI ,F'77215 45 NORITE BRECCIA

_- 't\\_ __ •/.x-----_,__...._ _"-', I'/ ,J_,__S.:-,-----'_.,.___-,

d$ \\\\_ .__i['_'i-/_ _"_/ L_-7713541 OL.PLBRECCIA

_: 771 _5 ,ST
_'--_'/ """77135.57 OLIVINE-RICH CLAST

I I 1 I I __ I I I I_ I i I .____.--L
Li K Rb Sr Ba Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu Zr HI

Figure 6: Normalized rare earth diagram from Philpotts et al. (1974) comparing compositions of
Apollo 17 breccias and clasts in Station 7 Boulder.

77,3s- r7,o,5

t !
1 Meter

Figure 7: Summary of Ar plateau ages of different lithologies in Boulder 7. From Stettler et al. (1978).

Table 1: Summary of ages of Station 7 Boulder samples (b.y.).

From Minkin et ai. (1978).

Sample 40Ar/39Ar Rb/Sr Sm/Nd U-Pb 207 ph/206 Pb


Dikelet 3.97 + .04(2) 4.07 + .09(3) 4.48 (6)


Matrix 3.90 + .03 (2) 3.8 + .2(5) 4.45 (6)


Matrix 3.90 + .04(4) ~3.75 (5) 4.40 (6)

Clast type 1 3.88 + .05(2) 3.89 + .08(6) 4.37 (6)
Clast type 2 3.99 + .02(1)
77215 3.98 + .03(2) 4.4.2 + .04(5) 4.37 + .07(5) 3.8 + .2(6) 4.49 (6)

(1)Stettler et al. (1974)

(2)Stettler et al. (1978)
(3)Nakamura and Tatsumoto (1977)
(4)Stettler et al. (1975)
(5)Nakamura et al. (1976)
(6)Nunes et al. (1974a)
SAMPLE 77075 - 241

Impact Melt Dike in Cataclastic Norite
172.4 g; 4 x 4 x 4 cm, 1.2 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm, 1 x I x 0.5 cm (3 fragments)

INTRODUCTION breccia that is a fine-grained equiva- size (Fig. 3). The average grain size
lent of the boulder sample 77115. of the matrix of 77075 is 5-10 _n,
Sample 77075 was sampled from one Schmitt (in Schmitt and Cernan, with poikilitic pyroxene averaging
of the dark dikes within the large, 1973) observed that the dike material 10-20 pin (McGee et al., 1980). The
"off-white" clast in the boulder at was continuous with the "blue-grey, principal minerals in the matrix are
Station 7 (see the section on the matrix-rich breccia" (represented by calcic plagioclase (An89_92),
Station 7 Boulder, page 235). The 77115) that surrounds the off-white pigeonite, and olivine (Fo74-78).
dike material is a fragment-laden norite clast that the dike cuts (Fig. 2). Orthopyroxene xenocrysts have a
melt rock with a matrix texture and Indeed, the chemistry, age, uniform composition of
chemical composition similar to that mineralogy, and texture of the thin Wo3_4En66.69Fs28_30. Augite was
of 77115, but with a finer grain size. sections all confirm this field not observed in the matrix of the dike
Friable white cataclastic norite observation (or is it the other way material in 77075. The dense, dark
(equivalent to samples 77077 and around?). The white material dike has a sharp boundary with the
77215) is attached to the black dike. attached to the sides of 77075 is the porous, noritic microbreccia.
Sample 77076 and piece 19 of 77215 same noritic material as that of
are also from the same dark dike. 77215 and is part of the large, "off- McGee et al. (1980) have studied the
The dark dike was about 3 cm thick white" boulder clast, microstructures in the pyroxenes
(Minkin et al., 1978) from the different lithologies of the
Chao et al. (1974) and Minkin et al. Station 7 Boulder, including the
(1978) have described 77075. 77075 dike. They measured exsolu-
PETROGRAPHY Megascopically, the dark vein in tion lamellae that were ~10 tim wide
77075 is aphanitic with scattered in pigeonite compared with
Sample 77075 consists of three small xenoliths of calcic plagioclase, 20-25 _rn wide in pyroxenes in
pieces that fit together (Fig. 1). The pyroxene, and olivine. The matrix is 77115 and 77135, leading McGee
dark dike material is a fragment- holocrystalline with very fine grain et al. to conclude that the 77075 dike
laden, micropoikilitic impact melt

Figure 1: Photograph of 77075. Scale is 1 cm. $73-24005.

SAMPLE 77075 - 242

Figure 2: Closeup photograph of the boulder at Station 7. The vein through the off-white norite clast can be clearly
seen through the brown patina. Schmitt observed that this vein (770Z5) is continuous with the surrounding breccia
(77115). AS17-146-22327.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of 77075,11, showing the poikilitic texture of the dike material.
Rounded olivine xenocryst is included. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.
SAMPLE 77075 - 243

crystallized and cooled through the Warren and Wasson (1978) find that
solidus more rapidly than did the chemical composition of the white WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
enclosing rocks 77115 and 77135. noritic portion of 77075 is
Presumably, the relatively rapid "extremely similar" to the composi- Winzer et al. (1974) have reported
cooling of the dike rock also tion of the same lithology on 77077 the chemical composition of the dark
inhibited precipitation of matrix and 77215, which are from the same vein in 77075, and Warren and
augite and resulted in coprecipitation sample location on the boulder at Wasson (1988) have reported the
of ilmenite and pigeonite. The Station 7. All three rocks are the composition of the white norite
abundant population of cooler, same crushed norite (Fig. 4). The material (Table 1 and Fig. 6). The
unmelted fragments in 77075 plagioclase in the norite is An90-92; composition of the dark dike is the
probably contributed to the rapid the orthopyroxene is same as for the continuous boulder
initial cooling rate and favored fine Wo4.5En65_70Fs26_30 . Bersch et al. matrix 77115 and similar to many
grain size by providing a high initial (1991) have precisely determined the other lunar impact melt breccias.
density of nuclei. Rapid quenching composition of pyroxene in the The attached white norite is the same
of the dike rock by injection into a white, noritic portion of 77075. composition as 77215.
cooler clast, 77215, probably also Fig. 5 shows that the white portion of
contributed to the faster cooling time 77075 plots within the Mg-norite Morgan et al. (1974a) determined the
(McGee et al., 1980). Sanford and suite of lunar rocks, trace siderophile and volatile
Heubner (1980) have also discussed elements in the dark dike material
the cooling rate for the dark dike in and found that it had high Ir
77075. (Table 2), while Warren and Wasson
(1978) found that the siderophile
elements were very low in the white,
noritic portion of 77075 (Table 1).

Figure 4: Photomicrograph 0f 77075 white norite material. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

SAMPLE 77075 - 244

An in plagioclase
75 80 85 90 95
I 1 I I I


so _

70 _



Figure 5: Plagioclase and pyroxene composition of the white portion of 77075. Fields from James and Flohr (1975).

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

77075 dike

1oo - -- _/,....' lOO

__whitenodte" _-
10 10

I I I I I I I U I : I : I
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTb Dy ,Er YbLu
Figure 6. Normalized rare earth element plot for 77075. The data from the dike are from Winzer et al. (1974), and the
data for the white norite material are from Warren and Wasson (1978).
SAMPLE77075- 245

dike material after separating as

SIGNIFICANT CLASTS many of the xenocrysts as possible PROCESSING
(Table 3). They obtained an age of
The white material attached to 77075 4.18 + 0.08 b.y. (Fig. 8). However, The initial processing and
is the same material as the cataelastic this apparent "isochron" may be distribution of 77075 is outlined in
norite in 77077 and 77215. misleading because the mineral splits Butler and Dealing (1974). It was
may have included small plagioclase studied by the international
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES xenocrysts, consortium led by E.C.T. Chao (see
final report by Minkin et al., 1978).

Stettler et al. (1974) determined ages Nunes et al. (1974) have reported A detailed description of the splits is
of 3.99 + 0.03 b.y. and 3.96 + U-Th-Pb data (Table 4), and given in open-file report 78-511.
0.08 b.y. by the 39Ar- 40Ar plateau Nakamura and Tatsumoto (1977)
technique (Fig. 7). Stettler et al. have determined'a Sm-Nd "isochron" Sample 77075 has five thin sections.
(1978) reported an age of 3.98 + (Table 5): The three largest pieces are:
0.03 b.y. for a third split of the dark ,13 (57 g); ,14 (41 g); and ,15 (53 g).
dike and concluded that the age was COSMOGENIC
3.97 + 0.04 b.y. (weighted average of RADIOISOTOPES AND
three analyses). EXPOSURE AGES

Nakamura and Tatsumoto (1977) Stettler et al. (1974) obtained an

have determined an internal Rb-Sr exposure age of about 25.5 m.y. by
"isochron" for the matrix of 77075 the Ar method.

,D',..,r--" m.- t
,0* 77075.+8 7721S.45A
! I i i # |


138.&mg) 3.96_.06AE = (912mgi /.,03.* .03AE

z.00 m fl142mgl 3.96 * 03 AE
i i
= 193.0mg)
3.99t.0/.AE I I
" (61.7mg)/..05
_ .03AEI
05 tO o o5 i11
m:rto, oF A,.
n trsto
Figure 7. Ar-Ar plateau data for two splits of 77075. From Stettler et al. (1974).
SAMPLE 77075 - 246

0.7'09 ' ' I ] OL_e'

' ' I ',,

o.7o 3.I<p<3.2-o
1 / ]I
p >3.25_/


r 4.18+0.08 b.y. /
e6Sr / 1=0.(_9913±0.00013 I

0.70_ 2.81p?e X= I.:59x IO'"yr-I _

/ +_1-:.;:,_.o__:;
/ -,}-
0.699 I , _ , I , , ,
0 0.05 87, 860"10 0.15
Rb/ Sr
Figure 8. Rb-Sr isochron for dark dike material from ?7075. From Nakamura and Tatsumoto (]978).
SAMPLE77075- 247

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry 0f77075.

a) Winzer et al. (1974); b) Warren and Wasson (1978)

Split ,21 (a) ,27 (b) ,27 (b)

dark vein white white

SiO 2 (wt%) 46.4 51.1 50.9

TiO2 1.38 0.34 0.35
A1203 18.17 14.97 14.00
Cr203 0.17 0.38 0.41
FeO 9.31 10.67 10.16
MnO 0.11 0.17 0.18
MgO 12.57 12.9 13.78
CaO 10.55 8.82 8.82
Na20 0.65 0.38 0.36
K20 0.23 0.18 0.16
P205 0.26
Nb (ppm)
Zr - 210 170
I-If 10.8 3.5 3.5
Ta 0.34 0.40
U 0.5 0.58
Th 1.57 1.8
Sr 165
Rb 6.1
Li 21.5
Ba 333 160 158
Zn 3.25 3.31
Ni 6.1 <1.1
Co 33 25.9
Sc 16.6 16.5
La 7.2 8.3
Ce 74.3 22 24
Nd 47.5 8.5 15
Sm 13.4 3.0 3.9
Eu 1.84 0.98 1.01
Gd 16.4
Tb 0.74 0.92
Dy 17.2
Er 10.0
Yb 9.53 3.9 4.4
Lu 1.5 0.59 0.68
SAMPLE 77075 - 248

Table 1: (Concluded).

Split ,21 (a) ,27 (b) ,27 (b)

dark vein white white

Ga 4.03 4.1

Ge (ppb) 10.9 16.8

lr 0.25 0.0084
Au 0.026 0.088

Table 2: Trace element data for dark dike in 77075. Concentrations in ppb.
From Morgan et al. (1974a).


Ir 8.89
Re 0.781
Au 5.09

Ni (ppm) 286
Sb 1.92
Ge 532
Se 112
Te 6.3

Ag t .2
Br 81
Bi 0.34

Zn (ppm) 2.8
Cd '7.5
TI :2.4

Rb (ppm) 6.4
Cs 270
U 1450
SAMPLE77075- 249

Table 3: Rb-Sr analytical data for 77075.

From Nakamura and Tatsumoto (1977).

Weight K Rb Sr 87Rb I 87Sr 2

Sample (rag) (%) (ppm) (ppm) 86Sr 86Sr

Handpicked fraction
Whole rock 22.75 0.1937 5.927 161.72 0.1060 0.70554 + 4
Matrix 5.13 0.1996 5.978 153.49 0.1126 0.70583 + 4
Olivine 0.62 0.0160 0.878 18.78 0.1352 0.70869 + 8

Density separates of > 74 grn fraction

13<2.83 9.42 0.1132 2.604 211.24 0.0356 0.70123 + 6
2.8<13<3.1 38.33 0.2090 6.274 165.35 0.1098 0.70571 + 4
3.1<13<3.2 6.05 0.1834 6.079 135.35 0.1299 0.70690 + 4
13>3.2 2.81 0.0961 3.554 66.25 0.1552 0.70827 + 10

Density separates of < 74 gm fraction

2.8<13<3.0 0.9 0.1247 3.613 140.56 0.0743 0.70358 -+6
p>3.25 0.75 0.0505 1.764 42.92 0.1189 0.70630 + 8

1Uncertainties are estimated to be <0.3%.

2Uncertainties correspond to last significant figure and are 20 mean.
3Combined with the p<2.8 separate of<74 fraction. Density is in g/cm 3.

Table 4: U-Th-Pb for 77075.

From Nunes et al. (1974).

Split 77075,22

wt (mg) 98.2
U (ppm) 1.425
Th (ppm) 5.299
Pb (ppm) 3.083
232Th/238 U 3.84

238U/204pb , 2110
SAMPLE 77075 - 250

Table 5: Sm-Nd analytical data for 77075.

From Nakamura and Tatsumoto (1977).

Weight Sin Nd 147Sm {143 Nd _1

Sample (rag) (ppm) (ppm) 144Nd _144Nd ]

p<2.82 9.42 10.23 37.59 0.1645 + 2 0.511801 + 37

2.8<p<3.1 38.33 15.18 53.04 0.1732+ 1 0.512040+ 19
Whole rock 22.75 14.10 49.00 0.1739_+ 1 0.512050+ 19

p>3.2 2.81 6.58 22.86 0.1740 _+4 0.512094 + 40

1Normalized to 150Nd/144Nd = 0.236433. Errors corre:;pond to last significant figures and

are 20 mean.
2Density is in g/cm 3"
SAMPLE77076- 251

Impact Melt Dike in Cataclastic Norite
13.97 g, 3 x 2 x 2 cm

INTRODUCTION grain size. This rock has not been

studied. It is essentially another
Sample 77076 was sampled from a piece of 77075 (Fig. 1). Note the
dark dike in the large white clast in fine black veins extending into the
the boulder at Station 7 (see the white portion.
section on the Station 7 Boulder,
page 235). The dike is a fragment- This sample has not been allocated or
laden melt rock with a matrix similar studied.
to that of 77115, but with a finer

Figure 1. Photograph of 77076. Cube is 1 cm. $73-17101.

SAMPLE 77077 - 253

77077 _
Cataclastic Norite with Black Veinlets
5.45 g, 2 x 2 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION WatTen and Wasson (1978) find that

the mineralogy of the white portion WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 77077 was sampled along of 77077 is "extremely similar" to
with the dark dike in the large "off- the same lithology on 77075 and Warren and Wasson (1978) found
white" clast in the boulder at 77215, which are from the same that the siderophile elements were
Station 7 (see the section on the sample location on the boulder at very low in 77077 (Table 1). It has
Station 7 Boulder, page 235). This Station 7. All three rocks are the the same chemical composition as
sample is friable white cataclastic same crushed norite with plagioclase 77215 and the white material
norite with thin black veinlets (An90_92) and orthopyroxene attached to 77075 (Fig. 3).
(Fig. 1). (Wo4_5En65_70Fs26_30).


Sample 77077 is cataclastic norite Bersch et al. (1991) have precisely

equivalent to sample 77215 and the determined the composition of
white material that is attached to the pyroxene in 77077. Hansen et al.
black dike 77075. Thin sections (1979) report the trace elements in
show that it is crushed with schliern plagioclase.
of very fine material (Fig. 2). It is
about half pyroxene and half

Figure 1: Photograph of 77077. Scale is 1 cm. $73-17182.

SAMPLE77077 - 254

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77077,6. Field of view is 1 x 2 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

c 77077
_ 10 _o

with data for 77215 and 77075 white

1 I I I t I I I I : _ 1
La Ce Nd Sm EuGdTb Dy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element data for 77077 plotted with data from 77215 and 77075 white portion.
Data from Warren and Wasson (1978).
SAMPLE 77077 - 255

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77077.

From Warren and Wasson (1978).

Split ,1 (a)
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) 50.9

Ti02 0.30
A1203 16.16
Cr203 0.32
FeO 8.74
MnO 0.15
MgO 10.6
CaO 9.94
Na20 0.44
K20 0.22
Nb (ppm)
Zr 150
Hf 3.4
Ta 0.38
U 0.59
Th 2.0
Ba 220
Zn 2.84
Ni <1.7
Co 25.2
Sc 13.8
La 9.9
Ce 25
Nd 16
Sm 4.28
Eu 1.12
Tb 1.0
Yb 4.5
Lu 0.67
Ga 5.0
Ge (ppb) 18.7
Ir 0.0029
Au 0.056
SAMPLE 77115 - 257

Mieropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
115.9 g, 6.5 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Sample 77115 is a grey, vuggy, very

fine-grained, fragment-laden, PETROGRAPHY
Sample 77115 was sampled as "blue- crystalline-matrix breccia containing
grey breccia" from the boulder at abundant xenoliths (clasts). It The fine-grained matrix of 77115
Station 7 (see the section on the consists of two parts: a grey, fine- (Fig. 2) consists largely of an
Station 7 Boulder, page 235). It is a grained matrix making up most of interlocking network of anhedral and
sample of the boulder matrix that the rock and a thin layer that is part lath plagioclase surrounded by
incorporated the large white norite of a brown granular breccia clast pyroxene in a micropoikilitic texture
clast (77215). It contains obvious (Minkin et al., 1978). Chao et al. generally typical of the matrix of the
large lithic clasts, as seen in the band (1975) state that 77115 is "not a other impact melt rocks from
specimen (Fig. 1), and has numerous breccia in a normal sense, but is a Apollo 17 (i.e., 76035, 72435,
small lithic and mineral clasts in the crystalline rock, formed by 73155, etc.). The plagioclase and
matrix. The texture and chemical crystallization of a fragment-laden pyroxene form a subophitic-to-
composition of 77115 is similar to melt." The probable origin of impact poikilitic intergrowth in which the
that of the black dike in 77075, melt breccias has been explained by maximum grain size of pyroxene
although it is somewhat coarser Simonds (1975) and Onorato et al. oikocrysts is approximately
grained. Schmitt had observed that (1976). 25-30 gm and of matrix plagioclase
these rocks are closely related in is less than 15 Inn (McGee et al.,
origin (see discussion in 77075). 1980).

_• i¸

Figure 1: Photograph of broken surface of 77115. Note the dark clasts as well as the large white clast. $73-24122.
SAMPLE 77115 - 258

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77115,60, showing the crystalline matrix with partially dissolved clasts.
Field of view is 3 x 5 ram.

Chao et al. (1975) reports the modal from Wo30_40En46_54Fs14_16 Thornber and Heubner (1980) have
mineralogy of the matrix of 77115 Olivine is Fo66-72. also performed an experimental
(Table 1). The matrix has ~60% study of the phase equilibria relations
plagioclase, -30% pigeonite, and 77115 contains a large variety of of a melt with the composition of
~6% olivine, with minor amounts of lithic clasts, and according to ,Chao 77115 (Fig. 6).
augite, phosphate, troilite, meso- et al. (1975), the clast population
stasis, and metallic iron. Equant appears different from that of 77135 MINERAL CHEMISTRY
grains of olivine are scattered (which is from the breccia that
throt_ghout the matrix. Clusters of surrounds the 77115 lithology).
ilmenite platelets mold against grains Figs. 3 and 4 are photomicrographs Chao et al. (1975) report the
of plagioclase and pyroxene and of a small compound lithic clast in compositions of pyroxene, olivine,
poikilitically enclose plagioclase, thin section 77115,11, illustrating a and plagioclase. McGee et al. (1980)
olivine, and pyroxene. Small small anorthosite clast within a larger have carefully studied the composi-
amounts of a K-rich mesostasis and granulated noritic clast, tion (Fig. 7) and microstructures in
associated small grains of phosphate the pyroxenes from the different
minerals, metallic iron, troilite, and Chao et al. (1975) and Huebner lithologies of the Station 7 Boulder,
ilmenite occur interstitially. Some (1976) reported diffusively rimmed including 77115. They measured
pyroxene and plagioclase occur as xenocrysts in 77115. This occurs exsolution lamellae in pigeonite
euhedral crystals in the vugs. The where the enclosed mineral clast has ~20-25 _rn wide in pyroxenes in
grain size of the plagioclase, a composition different from the 77115 and 77135 as compared with
pyroxene, and ilmenite in the matrix matrix. Thornber and Heubner ~10 Inn wide for 77075 dike rock,
ranges from 1 Itrn to about 30 _tm, (1980) and Sanford and Heubner leading McGee et al. to conclude that
with most grains about 5-10 _n. (1979 and 1980) discuss cation the 77075 dike crystallized more
Olivine grains are generally larger, diffusion and cooling rates for rapidly and cooled through the
about 6-8 _n across. 77115. They use chemical gradients solidus more rapidly than did the
in olivine (Fig. 5) to calculate a enclosing rocks 77115 and 77135.
In the matrix, plagioclase is An85.88, 'cooling rate of 10-25 °C/hr. fi'om
low-Ca pyroxene ranges from 1230 °C to 1180 °C and <7 °C/hr.
Wo4_13En66_77Fs19_21, and minor below 1180 °C.
amounts of high-Ca pyroxene range
SAMPLE77115- 259

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of an "anorthositic" clast in thin section 77115,11. Field of view is 3 x 5 mm.

Figure 4: Cross-polarized view of same area as Fig. 3.

SAMPLE 77115 - 260





*°o. Q • • °'•• ° . •m
_5 • * .o•° •o •l

_ l_ - 20 30 410 5[0 60 710 80


Figure 5: Composition gradient at edge of olivine xenocryst in 77115. From Sanford and Huebner (1979).

1300 _eMelt Phases

__ _'+PI

7065 _]
1200 3
554 0_ L+PI+OI

oL) 6_I_L + Pl+OI

_ 5,_),+Cpx +11m
'- 1I00 L_PI+
t:::: 1_ Cpx + IIm

O, Pt+Cpx

1000 + I Im

Figure 6: Phase relationships from experimental study by Thornber andHuebner (1980).
SAMPLE 77115 - 261


o 77115,:56

• 77135,63

V _ v V

Figure 7." Pyroxene composition in 77115 matrix. From McGee et al. (1980).

Bersch et al. (1991) have precisely matrix of smaller, slightly fractured Nakamura et al. (1976) have
determined the compositions of yellow-green olivine (Fo69) and determined a Rb-Sr isochron
olivine in 77115. Engelhardt (1979) colorless to light grey plagioclase. (Table 4) with an imprecise "age" of
has reported the composition of the 3.75 + 0.20 b.y. (Fig. 10).
ilmenite. Hansen et al. (1979) report Warren and Kallemeyn (1993) have
the trace element content of restudied the "troctolite" clast in Nunes et al. (1974) have reported
plagioclase. Warren and Kallemeyn 77115 that was originally reported by U-Th-Pb data for 77115 (Table 5).
(1993) report that an uncommonly Winzer et al. (1974). Warren and
magnesian Cr-spinel is present in the K_dlemeyn conclude that this clast
troctolitic anorthosite clast, should be properly called a troctolitic MAGNETIC STUDIES
anorthosite and be classified as a
member of the "alkalic suite." This Cisowski et al. (1983) have
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY unusual clast has very high REE determined the thermal remanent
abundance (Fig. 8). In this clast, magnetization of 77115. Hale et al.
Winzer et al. (1974) reported the plagioclase is An95, olivine is Fo89, (1978) also attempted
chemical composition of 77115 and pyroxene is WOl.7En88Fs10. (unsuccessfully) to determine the
(Table 2 and Fig. 8). Note the high magnetization of this sample.
trace element and phosphate content
of the "troctolite" clast. Ebihara RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
et al. (1991) report the trace PROCESSING
compositions of siderophile and Stettler et al. (1978) have restudied
volatile elements (Table 3). Fruchter the. ages of 77115 and confn-rned The initial processing and
et al. (1975) report K, U, and Th their results of 1974. They have distribution of 77115 is outlined in
contents, determined a pronounced Butler and Dealing (1974). It was
intermediate temperature plateau at studied by the international
3.90 + 0.03 b.y. (Fig. 9). This is a consortium led by E.C.T. Chao (see
SIGNIFICANT CLASTS problematical puzzle because this final report by Minkin et al., 1978).
rock was observed to be continuous Detailed description of the splits is
Chao et al. (1975) discuss a with the dike rock (77075), which given in open-file report 78-511.
brownish-grey xenolith that is found has been dated by the same
as a thin veneer on the surface that laboratory at 3.97 + 0.03 b.y. The largest remaining piece of 77115
was attached to the boulder Possibly the enclosure of 77115 is 76 g. Twenty-eight thin sections
(presumably why it broke this way). within the "green-grey" breccia of 77115 have been prepared.
This clast is a recrystallized breccia 77135 (age 3.89 b.y.) has reset the
with a bimodal grain-size age of 77115 without resetting the
distribution (but not cataclastic) age of 77075.
containing millimeter-size clasts of
granulated clinopyroxene set in a
SAMPLE 77115 - 262

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

77115,19 "troctolite clast"

m 100 100

03 10 10

I I I I I I I I : : I
Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er YbLu
Figure 8: Normalized rare earth element composition of 77115 matrix and clast. Data from Winzer et al. (1974)
and Warren and Kallemeyn (l 993).

i I I I I i

6--" 7

10-1 _
o 1 1__ 1--- 1

i i { I I I


,,r 3.0
I" m, i=
Z _ 77115.22 matrix _ ?7215.151 plag
LIJ of blue-gray rock

i _ 77135.57J ctost I i _ 77135.41D ctast 1

a.a"2.0 I'-- _=
,a: 0, ,
0.5 '
1.0 0' 015 110


Figure 9: 39Ar- 40.4r thermal r elease pattern for 77115. From Stettler et al. (1978).
SAMPLE 77115 - 263

0.719C 77115, 35 =Px



0.71lC ,3_ =1"'_0

? 0,707
. 1 ,=

070, OAO 0.20

0.30 0.40

Figure 10: Rb..Sr isochron for 77115. From Nakamura et al. (1976).

Table 1: Mineral modes for 77115.*

From Chao et al. (1975).

77115,52 77115,53 77115,56 Average Average

Mat_dx t Matrix t Matrix t matrix t

(A) Matrix, anhedral
and laths 46.3 59.2 49.3 61.4 50.2 61.1 48.6 60.5
(B) Xenocrysts 10.5 -- 13.3 - 11.2 - 11.7 -
(A) Matrix 24.7 31..6 22.4 27.9 22.4 27.2 23.2 28.9
(B) Xenocrysts 2.6 -- 1.5 - 0.7 - 1.6 -

(A) Matrix, granular 4.5 5.7 5.3 6.6 5.5 6.7 5.1 6.3
(B) Xenocrysts 3.8 -- 2.4 - 3.4 - 3.2 -
Orthopyroxene xenocrysts 3.5 -- 1.5 - 1.8 - 2.3 -
llmenite 2.0 2.6 2.5 3.1 3.6 4.4 2.7 3.4
K-rich material 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5
Phosphate 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Ni-Fe material 1.4 -- 0.9 - 0.7 - 1.0 -
Troilite 0.2 0.3 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
Fe metal TR. TR. TR. TR. TR. TR. TR. TR.

Total 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.0 100.1 100.0

*Normalized after subtracting voids and xenoliths.

tNormalized after subtracting xenocrysts.
Done in reflected and transmitted light by C. L. Thompson.
SAMPLE77115- 264

Table 2: Whole-rock chemistry of 77115.

From Winzer et al. (1974).

Split ,69 ,70 ,71 ,19 ,19

matrix matrix matri,,_ "troctolite" chilled
clast margin

SiO2 (wt%) 47.1 47.1 47.2 41.8 46.6

TiO2 1.31 1.23 1.34 0.17 1.15
A1203 17.35 18.86 17.55 16.78 18.63
0-203 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.04 0.19
FeO 8.90 8.39 9.51 6.08 8.44
MnO 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.06 0.11

MgO 12.33 10.98 12.43 23.54 11.96

CaO 10.79 11.11 10.89 10.24 11.01
Na20 0.66 0.69 0.67 0.31 0.67
K20 0.26 0.32 0.2,1 0.08 0.25
P205 0.33 0.31 0.3:t 0.53 0.37
Nb (ppm)
Zr 538 524 477 160 549
Hf 12.9
Sr 170 180 167 134 176
Rb 6.82 8.82 6.35 1.24 6.10
I3 17.6 16.8 19.3 12.1 18.1
Ba 416 461 393 243 386
Ce 95.4 92.4 82.7 226 120
Nd 62.4 59.3 55.5 155 76.5
Sm 17.3 16.1 15.2 42.2 21.4
Eu 1.93 2.06 1.91 1.68 1.96
Gd 25.2 20.8 18.9 50.8 26.3

Dy 22.7 21.4 19.5 44.2 28.6

Er 13.2 12.5 11.1 21.6 15.9
Yb 12.1 11.7 11.0 17.2 14.5
Lu 1.86 1.80 1.5'9 2.51 2.20
SAMPLE 77115 - 265

Table 3: Trace element data for 77115. Concentrations in ppb.

From Ebihara et al. (1991).

Sample Sample
77115,38 (a) 77115,74 (b)

Ir 8.62 7.15
Os 8.19 7.99
Re 0.894 0.715
Au 5.52 4.43
Pd 18.1 10.9
Ni (ppm) 332 287
Sb 3.01 1.99
Ge 512 462
Se 101 104
Te 5.48 6.15
Ag 11.8 1.21

In 6.61 9.95
Bi 0.46 0.33
Zn (ppm) 2.19 2.34
Cd 4.15 16.3
TI 3.51 1.83
Rb (pprn) 8.93 7.43
Cs 230 281
U 1480 1500

(a) Fine--grained impact melt breccia matrix

(b) Troctolitic anorthosite clast (?)
SAMPLE 77115 - 266

Table 4: Rb-Sr composition of 77115,35.

Data from Nakamura et al. (1976).

Separate Plag. Olivine "Pyroxene"

wt (rag) 4.74 4.63 0.80

K (%) 0.078 0.029 l 0.1129
Rb (ppm) 1.300 0.700 4.465
Sr (ppm) 243.6 19.6 32.81
87Rb/86Sr 0.01543 0.1033 0.3942
87Sr/86Sr 0.70002 + 4 0.70491 + 6 0.72000 + 11

Table 5: U-Th-Pb for '77115.

From Nunes et al. (1974).

Split 77115,35

wt (mg) 192.4
U (ppm) 1.453
Th (ppm) 5.436
Pb (ppm) 3.116
232TW 238U 3.87
238U/204pb 2415
SAMPLE 77135 - 267

Vesicular Poikilitic Impact Melt Rock
337.4 g, 10.3 x 8.0 x 4.0 cm

INTRODUCTION Sample 77135 is a vesicular, grey,

fragment-laden, fine-grained, PETROGRAPHY
Sample 77135 was sampled as cITstalline-matrix breccia (Minkin
"green-grey breccia" from the et al., 1978). It has two parts: a Chao et al. (1974), Bence et al.
boulder at Station 7 (see the section larger, highly vesicular part and a (1974), Chao and Minkin (1975), and
on the Station 7 Boulder, page 235). smaller, less vesicular, finer-grained McGee et al. (1980) have provided
It is similar in texture and part (Figs. 1-3). The highly vesicular descriptions of 77135. Sample
composition to 76015 and other part includes clasts of recrystallized 77135 contains two textually distinct
rocks from the boulders on the North troctolitic anorthosite. Major clasts fragment-laden melt rock units (seen
Massif (Chao et al., 1975, and present in the less vesicular part in Fig. 3): a coarser-grained matrix
Winzer et al., 1975). The probable include recrystallized troctolitic fraction that contains vesicles
origin of impact melt breccias has breccia. 77135 is stratigraphically 100-500 0m in diameter and a finer-
been explained by Simonds (1975) the youngest lithology on the grained matrix fraction that contains
and Onorato et al. (1976). However, Station 7 Boulder, and this seems to 50-150 _xrn vesicles. Bence et al.
members of the international be confirmed by age dating. (1974) describe the texture as
consortium were impressed with poikiloblastic, while members of the
arguments that this rock may have an international consortium (Minkin
igneous origin (see for example Chao et al., 1978) refer to it as "fragment-
and Minkin, 1974).

Figure 1: Photograph of 77135, illustrating vesicles and clasts. Cube is I cm. $72-56391.
SAMPLE 77135 - 268

Figure 2: Photograph of a piece of 77135 showing dark patina. Cube is 1 cm. $72-56387.

Figure 3: Photograph of slab surface of 77135. $73-34469.

SAMPLE 77135 - 269

laden, pigeonite basalt." Mineral Chao and Minkin (1975) calculate result of two-stage cooling: initial
fragments, mostly plagioclase and the CIPW norm as 53% plagioclase, rapid cooling near the coetectic with
olivine, are more abundant in the 31% pyroxene, 13% olivine, and 3% nucleation of feldspar and olivine at
coarser fraction. The matrix of the ilmenite. Vaniman and Papike many foci, followed by slower
coarser fraction consists predomi- (1979) give the mode of the matrix cooling and crystallization at the
nantly of poikilitic pyroxene (mostly as 41.1% plagioclase, 30% pyroxene, point where pyroxene saturation is
pigeonite with minor augite) 15% olivine, and 1.4% ilmenite (with reached, allowing the growth of large
enclosing subhedral to euhedral 6.2% plagioclase and 2% pyroxene pyroxene grains encompassing the
plagioclase (Fig. 4). Borders clasts). Plagioclase in the matrix previous crystals. Ryder and Bower
between the pyroxene oikocrysts occurs in two distinct morphological (1976) and Lofgren (1977) suggest
contain granular olivine, ilmenite types: as small, sharply defined laths that nucleation effects (e.g., many
plates and rods, and mesostasis. The or elongated platy inclusions (An91) nucleation sites) are important in the
pyroxene oikocrysts generally are in the poikilitic pyroxene, and as origin of this texture.
2130-600 pm in size, but some stubby laths and anhedral grains
oikocrysts are larger than 1 mm. The associated with granular olivine Storey et al. (1974) and Ford (1976)
finer fraction commonly surrounds or grains (An89). The dominant have studied 77135 experimentally.
is adjacent to large lithic clasts. The pyroxene in the matrix is pigeonite Storey et al. have concluded that
matrix of the finer fraction also (Wos_12En67_76Fslg_21). Augite is 77135 would not be a liquid at less
consists predominantly of poikilitic minor. The olivine occurs both as than 1280 °C, 1 atmosphere pressure.
pyroxenes (75-200 larn) enclosing rounded inclusions in the pigeonite
plagioclase. Plagioclase grains are (Fo66_79) and as irregular grains Note: This sample was chosen as
finer and more irregular than in the associated with the anhedral part of the "suite" of reference
coarser fraction. Intergrowths of plagioclase (Fo64-72). samples for the Basaltic Volcanism
rounded, small (<20 pro) olivine Study. It was considered a
grains and irregular plagioclase The poikilitic texture of 77135 is the "highland" basalt even though it had
grains form aggregates of approxi- result of enhanced growth of a texture of an impact melt Its
rnately the same size as the pyroxene pyroxene and ilmenite enclosing apparent importance is that its
oikocrysts. Plates and rods of smaller grains of feldspar and composition is very near the
ilmenite mark the borders between olivine. Olivine may also enclose coetectic of the low-pressure phase
the oikocrysts and olivine- feldspar laths. Simonds et al. (1973) diagram of Walker et al. (1973).
plagioclase intergrowths, suggest that poikilitic texture is a

Figure 4: Photomicrograph of 77135,7, showing vesicles and the micropoikilitic texture of the matrix.
Field of view is 3 x 5 ram.
SAMPLE 77135 - 270


The composition of minerals in Winzer et al. (1974 and 1977), Winzer et al. (1974) present trace
77135 is given in Bence et al. (1974), Rhodes et al. (1974), and Hubbard element data (Table 2, Fig. 7) for two
Chao and Minkin (1974), Vaniman et al. (1974) have analyzed 771135 pronounced clasts in 77135
and Papike (1980), and McGee et al. (Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 7). Higuchi ("troctolite" clast 77135,52 and
(1980) (Figs. 5 and 6). McGee et al. and Morgan (1975) and Morgan "olivine-rich,' clast 77135,57). The
have studied the microstructures in et al. (1974) have measured the trace numbering and original distribution
the pyroxenes from the different siderophile and volatile element of splits of these two clasts are given
lithologies of the Station 7 Boulder, contents of 77135 (Table 3). None in Butler and Dealing (1974). Chao
including 77135. Steele et al. (1980) of the clasts was found to have: low et al. (1974) give petrographic
have analyzed the plagioclase by ion Ir. descriptions and mineral analyses of
probe. Smith et al. (1980) and Ryder these xenoliths. Minkin et al. (1978)
(1992) have analyzed olivine, and Gibson and Moore (1974) report also discuss the clast types in 77135,
Engelhardt (1979) has studied the sulfur abundances, and Gibson et al. but it is sometimes difficult to tell
ilmenite in 77135. Hewins and (1987) reported the hydrogen which data are from which clast.
Goldstein (1975) report Ni-rich metal content.
grains in a clast in 77135.

]D/___ 77135,18 _5

/ %.
90 95 An

EN v .
,,/+ + +.x_. ,_/ \/ "",) " \
Figure 5: Pyroxene diagram for the matrix of 77135. From Bence et al. (1974).

F" / _" ^ "o 77115,36 Hd

, ;° o

_, 771_5,3

FnJ _' Y 0 v Y v "_ _¢ |

Figure 6: Pyroxene diagram for 77135 compared with "/'7115. From McGee et al. (1980).
SAMPLE 77135 - 271

1000 I I I I I I I I I 1000

77135,77 matrix

-= 7'7135,41
_ 100
_o'-" -_] 100

10 10
"troctolite clast"

Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 7: Normalized rare earth element diagram for the matrix and selected clasts in 77135.
Data from Winzer et aL (1977) and Hubbard et al. (1974).

Clast 1 (the "olivine-rich" clast ,57) 0°08b.y. for the vesicular matrix and determined an apparent age of 4.14 +
was found to have very high Ir by 3.99 + 0.02 b.y. and 4.00 + 0.03 b.y. 0.08 b.y. (Fig. 13), but they surmisc
Higuchi et al. (1975). Nunes et al. for the troctolitic clast in 77135 that this "isochron" is a mixing line
(1974) determined a Rb-Sr internal (Figs. 9, 10, and 11). Stettler et al. between partially reset old
isochron of 3.89 + 0.08 b.y. for (1975) report an age of 3.90 _+ plagioclase xenoliths and the young
clast 1 (Fig. 8) and Stettler et al. 0.03 b.y. for a matrix sample and an matrix (Table 5). In this case, no age
(1978) dated clast 1at 3.88 + olivine-rich clast (,57). Stettler et al. significance should be given to this
0.05 b.y. (Fig. 9) by the Ar-Ar (1978) determined ages of 3.88 + mixing line.
plateau technique. 0.05 b.y. and 3.87 + 0.04 b.y. for the
recrystallized clast 1 (Fig. 9) and Nunes et al. (1974) report U-Th-Pb
Clast 2 (the "troctolite" clast ,52) concluded that the cooling age of the data for 77135 (Table 6).
was also studied by Morgan et al. green-grey breccia was 3.89 +
(1974), who again found high Ir. 0.04 b.y. This is the same age as
Stettler et al. (1974) dated a split determined for 77115 by the same RADIOISOTOPES AND
(,51) of this clast at 3.99 _+0.02 b.y. laboratory. EXPOSURE AGES
(Fig. 10).
Nunes et al. (1974) report a Rb-Sr Turner and Cadogan (1975) deter-
internal isochron age of 3.89 + mined an exposure age of 23 m.y.,
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES 0.08 b.y. for clast 1(,57) of 77135 Crozaz et al. (1974) determined an
(Fig. 8). Nyquist et al. (1974) report age of 28.6 m.y., and Stettler et al.
Turner and Cadogan (1975) found Rb-Sr data for the matrix of 77135 (1974) determined an age of 28.5 and
that 77135 gave a very poor Ar (Table 4)and note that the Rb-Sr 29.6 m.y. Eberhardt et al. (1975)
release pattern, preventing an systematics for "noritic breccias" at
accurate age determination. Stettler determined 31.8 + 1.6 m.y. by
et al. (1974) determined 39Ar-40Ar Apollo 17 are probably partially 81Kr-Kr and 20 + 2 m.y. by 37Ar-Ar.
reset by the Serenitatus impact event The Ar exposure age is sensitive to
ages of 3.83 _+0.04 b.y. and 3.78 + (Fig. 12). Nakamura et al. (1976)
SAMPLE 77135 - 272

57A OL.Z /

0.709 7?158, 57


II I 570 OL.

0.705 Sr //_5
0.70_ /
I 57A W.R.

o.,o, , .o ,,,

o.. , , 0,041
, O. | 2
, 0.1 •

Figure 8: Rb-Sr internal isochron of an olivine-rich clast (,57) in 77135. From Nunes et al. (1974).

I I I J r i

o 10-I _ _'---'
u ; t_ '

m L., L_ -
_..t.r _ J" ¢.

•_ I I I I I L

0 /_.0 _ _ -

3.0 =
- =
Z IBm 77115.22 matrix _ 77215.151 ptag
14J of blue-gray rock
<( _ 77135.57J ctast 1 I _ 77135,_1D ctast 1

_. I--
< 0' 0.5
' 110 0' 0.5
_ 1.0


Figure 9: 39Ar-40Artemperaturereleasepatternfor 77135clast 1 (,57). From Stettleretal. (1978).
SAMPLE 77135 - 273


iS .,,,.,,

_ (_69) 178.08_ _ (12.19) 400 t_


Figure 10." 39Ar-40Ar temperature release patterns for 77135 clast 2 (_51) and vesicular matrix.
From Stettler et al. (1974).

10-1 Y

o tlJ
I I--


i,.,d f77135.57
"_ 3. [

"_ 2. 7 PART I_| Ill/CLAST


" 6 o15 1:o_ o15 11o


Figure 11: 39Ar-40Ar temperature release patterns for 77135 vesicular matrix. From Stettler et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 77135 - 274


TfiABI = 4.6AE "_

w 76015,22M
"-,. 0.710
p, 76315,35M
w 76315,2 -T = 4.02 ± .10 AE
I = 0.69974:1:15

0.705 72435,1 - ,30

73235,55h j,
T = 4.09 :t: .33 AE

0.700 -78155,2 I = 0.69924:1:17

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Figure 12: Whole-rock isochron for noritic breccias from Apollo 17, including 77135. From Nyquist et al. (1974).

77135, 34

0.70go /_ OL
0.7070 /


42 j" '

(87/86)_-_e99Jr -31- _1 4
0.699(: ± o.00o08 / , "1:_,,...-1
o.I J.O.2
, i , i
O.lO 0._o
Figure 13: Apparent Rb-Sr internal "isochron," or mixing line,for the 77135 matrix, including small plagioclase
xenoliths. No significance should be given to this "age" (see discussion). Figure from Nakamura et al. (1976).
SAMPLE77135- 275

shielding by part of the boulder,

whereas the Kr exposure age is not. MAGNETIC STUDIES SURFACE STUDIES
Eugster et al. (1984) have also
discussed the exposure age of 77135. 77135 has been used for numerous Adams and Charette (1975) have
studies of the magnetic properties of determined the spectral reflectance of
Some of the Apollo 17 samples an old, wel]-dated lunar rock. 77135 (Fig. 16). Fechtig et al.
(including 77135) provided a unique Cisowski et al. (1983) have (1974) have studied the microcraters
opportunity to study the energy determined the thermal remanent on the surface of 77135.
spectrum (and potential angular magnetization of 77135. Nagata
anisotropy) of the incident proton (1975) has reported the intensity of
flux from the August 1972 solar flare saturation magnetization for 77135. PROCESSING
(Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al., Pierce et al. (1974) and Brecher
1974). Table 7 compares the (1975) have studied the direction of The initial processing and
induced activity of 77135 with other magnetization, and Brecher (1977) distribution of 77135 is outlined in
samples of Apollo 17 (see also table ha_ discussed apparent alignment Butler and Dealing (1974). It was
for 76215). Yokoyama et al. (1974) with petrofabric. Hale et al. (1978) studied by the international
discussed the cosmogenic isotopes, have used microwave heating to consortium led by E.C.T. Chao
improve demagnetization (Minkin et al., 1978). Detailed
experiments (Fig. 15). description of the splits is given in
open-file report 78-511.
Brecher (1975) has determined the
MOssbauer spectra of 77135 The largest remaining piece of 77135
(Fig. 14). weighs 234 g. There have been 34
thin sections prepared.

BRECCIA 77135,36 m6ssbauer spectra

300 K 80 K

w unheated

i i i 1

; _ heated t
| i :i io

"l 0
4 "_
i ....


velocity (mm/sec)

Figure 14: M_ssbauer spectra for 77135. From Brecher (1975).

SAMPLE 77135 - 276

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20x10 -7
[gauss cm3 g-_)

Figure 15: Demagnetization curve for 77135. From Hale et al. (1978).



_ 35 -

'_ _o.J 3s 76315,38

0.5 , , , iI.O , , , J 1,5I I ._t I

2.O , J . I -25

Figure 16: Spectral reflectance of 77135. Fror,_Adams and Charette (1975).

SAMPLE77135- 277

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77135.

a) Rhodes et al. (1974); b) LSPET (1973); c) Hubbard et al. (1974);
d) Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975); e) Winzer et al. (1977)

Split ,2 (b, c, d) ,5 (a) ,82 (e) ,92 (e)

matrix matrix

SiO2 (wt%) 46.13 46.17 47.5 46.3

TiO2 1.54 1.53 1.45 1.31
A1203 18.01 17.83 17.18 19.82
Cr203 0.20 0.21 0.18 0.16
FeO 9.11 9.14 9.01 8.28
MnO 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.10
MgO 12.63 12.39 12.66 11.78
CaO 11.03 11.08 10.91 11.74
Na20 0.53 0.69 0.66 0.56
K20 0.30 0.27 0.41 0.21
P205 0.28 0.30 0.29 0.21
S 0.08 0.07
Nb (ppm) 33 33
Zr 494 508
U 1.50
Th 5.60
Y 107 111
Sr 172 174 177 171
Rb 7.32 6.2
Li 19.3

Ba 337 360 294

Zn 4 4
Ni 110 62
La 32.1

Ce 81.2 82.8 59.2

Nd 51.6 53.2 41.1
Sm 14.6 14.8 11.2
Eu 1.99 1.97 1.80
Gd 18.5

Dy 19.1 18.3 15.1

El" 11.4 (1.4) 8.16
Yb 10.5 10.6 8.11
Lu 1.55 1.18 1.17
SAMPLE 7"7135- 278

Table 2: Whole-rock and dast chemistry of 77135.

a) Winzer et al. (1974); b) Win_zr et al. (1977)

Split ,66 (a) ,77 (a) ,41 (a) ,52 (a, b) ,57 (a)
matrix matrix OI-PI breccia Troctolite OI-rich

SiO2 (wt%) 45.3 46.3 45.3 44.4

TiO2 1.72 1.48 0.4'.3 0.24
AI203 18.03 18.39 25.1:3 27.81
Cr203 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.09
FeO 9.56 9.48 5.98 4.19
MnO 0.11 0.11 0.05 0.05

MgO 13.38 12.19 8.5'9 7.96

CaO 10.64 10.96 13.95 15.09

lqa20 0.61 0.65 0.40 0.41

K20 0.22 0.23 0.09 0.07
P205 0.28 0.28 0.10 0.03
Nb (ppm)
Zr 308 643 146 62.1 71.8
Sr 169 181 147 147 87.4
Rb 5.99 6.63 2.67 2.00 1.18
Li 18.4 19 10.2 10.1 10.6
Ba 343 359 96.6, 63.3 60.8
Ce 81.2 83.3 19.4. 9.63 10.5
Nd 52.2 54.6 12.7 4.99 7.14
Sm 14.7 15.4 3.62 1.41 1.96
Eu 2.02 2.16 0.o 19 0.80 0.687
Gd 18.6 18.6 4.73 2.03 2.51

Dy 19.3 20.0 5.(17 - 2.69

Er 11.4 11.6 3.24 1.50 -
Yb - 10.6 3.08 1.45 1.79
Lu 1.56 1.75 0.481 0.223 0.293
SAMPLE 77135 - 279

Table 3: Trace element data for 77135. Concentrations in ppb.

From Morgan et al. (1974a) and Higuchi and Morgan (1975a).

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

77135,10 77135,50 77135,62 77135,57 77135,69

lr 3.78 7.2 15.1 17.4 10.5


Re 0.485 0.662 1.42 1.38 1.06

Au 3.57 1.46 4.74 3.09 6.45

Ni (ppm) 205 174 412 221 438

Sb 1.21 0.58 0.47 0.778 2.16
Ge 295 50 78 113 618
Se 137 11.3 33 40 144
Te 3.6 1.32 1.1 5 8.84
Ag 1.1 0.38 0.58 0.7 1.2
Br 47 11.6 17.6 35.7 45

Bi 0.18 0.17 0.14 0.25 0.23

Zn (ppm) 2.9 2.6 2.4 2 3.3
Cd 10.5 6.8 3.7 2.4 3.5
TI 2.6 0.48 0.58 0.8 2.3
Rb (ppm) 6.5 1.8 2.6 3.59 6.1
Cs 270 74 73 95.3 250
U 1390 260 450 590 1380
SAMPLE77135- 280

Table 4: Rb-Sr composition af 77135.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).

Sample 77135,2

wt (mg) 52.6
Rb (ppm) 7.32
Sr (ppm) 172.2
87Rb/86Sr 0.1230 _+10
87Sr/86Sr 0.70688 + 7

TB 4.4]L+ 0.08
TL 4.45 + 0.08

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI + JSC

L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903 (Apollo 16
anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)

Table 5: Rb-Sr composition of 77135,34.

Data from Nakamura et al. (1976).

Separate Plag. Olivine Whole Rock Matrix

wt (mg) 4.94 6.36 7.23 5.35

K (%) 0.056 0.028 0.226 0.116
Rb (ppm) 0.911 0_818 6.77 3.77
Sr (ppm) 157.4 13.27 167,5 140.2
87Rb/86Sr 0.01547 0.1766 0.1168 0.0777

87Sr/86Sr 0.70007 + 4 0.70943 + 19 0.70608 + 3 0.70381 + 3

Table 6: U-Th-Pb for 77135.

From Nunes et al. (1974).

Split 77135,33 ,3,1 ,.57A

wt (nag) 133.2 125 122.1

U (ppm) 0.4674 1.390 0.5461
Th (ppm) 1.863 5>224 2.136
Pb (ppm) 0.9713 2.840 1.115
232Th/238 U 4.12 3.88 4.04
238 U/204pb 1387 2755 1191
SAMPLE 77135
- 281

Table 7: Solar flare induced activity from large solar flare, August 1972.
a) Rancitelli et al. (1974); b) Keith et al. (1974); c) O'Kelley et al. (1974)

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

77135 (a) 78135 (b) 78235 (b) 78255 (b) 78597 (c)

26AI III+6 42+4 77±7 65__.6 48__.4
22Na 100±5 74___5 iii_+8 50+5 33+4
54Mn 21 + 15 180 + 20 55 + 8 10 _+5 80 + 10
56Co 66 + 4 240 + 20 52 + 9 30 _+20 80 + 20
46Sc 7.2 + 2.2 76 5:5 1.4 5:.9 <15 25 5:10
48V 18 5:5 <12

Th (ppm) 5.51 .26 .59 .83

U (ppm) 1.42 .107 .196 .227
K (%) .0525 .049 .059
SAMPLE 77215 - 283

Cataclastie Norite
846.4 g; largest piece is 6.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm (41 or more pieces)

INTRODUCTION and stretched or smeared out to form

schlieren, so that the relict host rock PETROGRAPHY
Sample 77215 was sampled from the types are only represented by very
large white clast in the Station 7 small clasts (Chao et al., 1976). This Sample 77215 is a pristine norite that
Boulder (see the section on the made consortium work very difficult has been shocked and crushed in
Station 7 Boulder, page 235). It was to coordinate because samples place. It contains lithic fragments of
quite friable and broke up into many representative of the major lithic "norite" and apparent "anorthosite"
pieces on the way back from the clasts in 77215 were generally too set in a porous mass of fine mineral
Moon (Fig. 1). One of the pieces small for allocation to all consortium fragments and thin glass veins
(,19, now ,80,81 and ,82) contains members (Minkin et al., 1978). (Fig. 5). The modal mineralogy is
the dark dike similar to 77075 Selected subsamples were therefore approximately 41% orthopyroxene
(Fig. 2) and other pieces contain assigned to individual consortium and 54% plagioclase with trace
black dikelets (similar to 77077). participants for analysis on the basis amounts of troilite, ilmenite, clino-
Some pieces have small areas of of suitability for their experiments, pyroxene, spinel, silica, K-feldspar,
unbrecciated norite with primary and the resulting data cannot now be zirconolite, whitlockite, and Fe-Co
igneous texture (Fig. 3). The large exactly correlated for this sample as metal (Table 1). The fragments of
cataclastic "norite" sample may itself a whole (as is sometimes done). In "anorthosite" may be plagioclase-
contain other clasts of similar general, the whole sample seems to rich regions within the original norite
igneous material (Fig. 4). Most of be one material, but care should be (Chao et al., 1976).
the lithic clasts in 77215 have been exercised because of the cataclastic
crushed and fractured, and some nature of the sample.
have been intensely granulated

Figure 1: Tray full of 77215. Note that some pieces have "off-white" patina. $73-17778.
SAMPLE 77215 - 284

Figure 2: Photograph of sawn surfaces of slab and butt ends of 77215,19. Cube is I cm. $75-21992.

Figure 3: Photograph of 77215,16, showing igneous textures of some regions in the rock. Cube is I cm. $83-34595.
SAMPLE77215- 285

Figure 4: Photograph of saw cut through 77215,92. $75-21980. Scale bar is in cm.

Figure 5: Photomicrograph of thin section 77215,12. Field of view is 4 x 5 mm.

According to Chao et al. (1976), the has a narrow compositional range also has a narrow compositional
original uncrushed norite is medium- (An 88-92 Abl 1-7Or 1), mostly range (Wo3_5En63.68 Fs29_32). The
to coarse-grained (up to 3 nun, with An90_91. Plagioclase grains orthopyroxene in 77215 is notable
an average of about 1 mm) and has a frequently contain small inclusions for having well-developed, yet
holocrystalline igneous texture. Its of K-feldspar (An2Ab I Or97), silica, texturally diverse, augite blebs and
principal assemblage consists of and granitic glass. The plagioclase is lamellae (Wo41_43En44_47Fs12_13).
idiomorphic greenish-yellow ortho- not chemically zoned and has not Huebner et al. (1975) distinguish
pyroxene and clear to milky white been converted to maskelynite by the these blebs as "worms, planes,
calcic plagioclase. The plagioclase shock pressure. The orthopyroxene hachures, and septa." Within a
SAMPLE 77215 - 286

single orthopyroxene, all augite is in Lindsley (1982) have carefully 77215. The plagioclase and pyrox-
the same optical orientation, but this calculated the equilibrium temper- ene are uniform in composition
does not seem to be crystallo- ature of the pyroxene pairs in "77215. (Fig. 7).
graphically controlled. Augite
lamellae are 5-10 pzn thick, rarely The anorthite, orthopyroxene, and Winzer et al. (1977) report analyses
30 Ixrn thick. The host and exsolved minor augite account for 97.3% of of orthopyroxene and plagioclase
pyroxenes are optically and chemi- the norite. The rest, 2.7%, consists mineral separates for the white
cally homogeneous (Fig. 6). of mesostasis, with a variety of noritic portion of 77215 (Fig. 8).
accessory minerals, that occurs in the Papike et al. (1994) have also used
Pyroxenes in 77215 show some of interstitial areas between the aaor- the ion probe to determine the REE
the features of"inverted pigeonites." thite and orthopyroxene. K-feldspar in orthopyroxene from 77215,203.
Huebner et al. (1975) explain that the with a fine network of thin silica
misoriented nature of the augite, lamellae is a common accesso_:y
relative to the host orthopyroxene, is mineral in these interstitial areas.
a common feature of pyroxenes that Clusters of accessory minerals occur
originally crystallized as homoge- in the norite clast and in the Winzer et al. (1974 and 1977) report
neous pigeonite crystals at high brecciated matrix. Fe-Co meter, analyses of various portions of the
temperatures. According to Huebner troilite, ilmenite, chromite, 77215 sample, including dikes, glass,
et al., coarse pyroxene exsolution plagioclase (An91.92), orthopyroxene and the white noritic material
lamellae can form in geologically (Wo4En64_72Fs24.32), silica, lare (Table 2 and Fig. 9). The grey glass
short periods of time (<30,000 yr.) at augite, whitlockite, zirconolite, and appears to be melted norite, while the
elevated temperatures (>300 °C). rare armalcolite occur in these black glass has been injected from
Huebner et al. argue that such condi- clusters. All these accessory phases the surrounding matrix. Wolf et al.
tions could have been met in the are thought to be from the parent (1979) report the trace siderophile
upper levels of the lunar crust during norite (Chao et al., 1976). and volatile elements (Table 3). This
early lunar history as a consequence rock is a pristine norite. James
of the cooling of anorthositic crustal (1994) has also reviewed the
material. According to Huebner MINERAL CHEMISTRY siderophile and volatile element
et al., the exsolved pyroxenes do not composition.
necessarily suggest the deep-seated Chao et al. (1974), Huebner et al.
origin as originally proposed by (1975), and Chao et al. (1976) report
Chao et al. (1974). Anderson and the compositions of the minends in

Di _ x \ ",kHd

%00 40

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10


Figure 6: Pyroxene composition for 77215 norite. From Huebner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 77215 - 287

An in plagioclase
75 80 85 90 95
I I I 1 I



/ o_ro- jr t

rroan- 60

Figure 7: Plagioclase and Fyroxene composition of 77215. Fields from James and Flohr (1983).

1000 I I I I I I I I I

a_ lOO
77215 WR


1 I I I I I I I _ I
Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er YbLu
Figure 8: Normalized rare earth element diagram for whole rock and minerals in the noritic portion of 77215.
Data from Winzer et al. (1977).
SAMPLE77215- 288

1000 I I I I I I I II 1000

77215,115 black dike

._ 100 100

_. grey glass
(_ 10

ii I I I I I I I I I I
Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er YbLu
Figure 9: Normalized rare earth element data for portions of 77215. Data from Winzer et aL (1977).

The orthopyroxene within the clast 4.42 + 0.04 b.y. and 4.37 + 0.07 b.y.
SIGNIFICANT CLASTS contains the exsolved augite. This respectively, for the bulk sample
norite clast is probably a small 77215,37 (Figs. 12 and 13). This is
Chao et al. (1976) describe two clasts sample of the source material for the one of the few pristine samples of the
(1 and 2) of least-shocked norite that breccia--a relict that escaped original crust that have been dated!
they separated from fragment granulation.
77215,22 and distributed for age A thermal event must have heated
dating, the noritic breccia at 3.98 b.y.
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES without disturbing the Rb-Sr and
Chao et al. (1976), Huebner et al. Sm-Nd isotopic systems. This could
(1975), and Minkin et al. (1978) Stettler et al. (1978) separaled have been the event that intruded the
describe a region (or "clast") within feldspar from clast 2 (sample ,151) dike material and enclosed the norite
77215 that has highly magnesian from fragment 77215,22 and clast in the melt sheet represented by
olivine grains (Fo83-97) and calcic obtained a well-defined 39/u'- 4°Ar the boUlder matrix (samples 77115
plagioclase (An90.91). plateau age of 3.98 + 0.03 b.y. and 77135), or it could have been
(Fig. 10). This confirms the ages of mild heating throughout the time
Huebner et al. (1975) briefly describe 3.96 to 4.05 b.y. (Fig. 11) reported span 3.9 to 4.4 b.y.
a small clast in thin section 77215,13 earlier based on intermediate
that consists entirely of ortho- temperature plateau from samples of Nunes et al. (1974) have also
pyroxene and plagioclase in equal crushed matrix material (Stettler reported U-Th-Pb data for 77215
proportions with a subophitic texture, et al., 1974). (Table 6). This system has been
The composition of the pyroxene and disturbed.
plag!oclase is the same as for the Nakamura et al. (1976) obtained
isolated grains and grain fragments Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd data (Tables 4
observed elsewhere in the sample, and 5) and internal isochrons of
SAMPLE 77215 - 289

Chao et al. (1976). Detailed

COSMOGENIC ]PROCESSING description of the splits is given in
RADIOISOTOPES AND open-file report 78-511.
EXPOSURE AGES The initial processing and
distaibution of 77215 are outlined in The largest pieces of 77215 that
Stettler et al. (1974) determined an Butler and Dealing (1974). It was remain unprocessed are: ,18 (103 g);
exposure age of 27.2 m.y. studied by the international ,17 (101 g); ,21 (69 g); and ,22
consortium led by E.C.T. Chao (see (60 g). Twenty-five thin sections
final report by Minki n et al., 1978). have been prepared.
Some notes on the distribution of
77215 are given in the appendix to


I0-I _ _--_
,t..._ L_


L - -,
, _--_

t I I E I I


4- 3.o

II.I of blue-gray rock

_ 77135.57J ctost I l| _ 77135.410 ctast 1
o_ 2.0
Z i_ _ 77115"22 mQtrIx _lplagj==:l III 77215A51
, I t , ,
0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0


Figure 10: 39Ar-40Ar temperature release pattern for plagioclase from a norite clast in 77215.
From Stettler et al. (1978).
SAMPLE 77215- 290

! i i


g_ _ 77075.18 77215.45A
l I I I I I



v .... (93.0mg) 3.99z.O/*AE _ (61.7mg)/,.05-* .03 AE

_'z _ (36./,rag) 3.96±.06AE im ( -* .03 AE
J (1182mg}3.96 -* .03 AE
0 O.5 I
tO 0I I
O5 1I0


Figure 11: 39Ar-40Ar temperature release pattern for composite noritic material from 77215.
From Stettler et al. (1974).

0,730 .... /


77215 OFF-WHITE ,3.3


0.72(3 /
WR O j_
_)0.71S /¢"'" Slope=0.0634 ± 0.000!

PX_L/ T--4.42+0.04 b.y,

O.71C _ 2.9 _--

+ 2 + 0,04 b.y.

PX-H/ ....


dPL o._ 0.2 0.3 0.4

0.70C /
87Sr/86Sr)I =0,6 9901 + 0.00007 (2 o')

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4


Figure 12: Rb-Sr internal isochron for 77215. From Nakamura et al. (1976).
SAMPLE 77215 - 291

0.516 APOLLO 17
I I I I I I |
51 77215,37
O. 5_-

0.514 + JUVINASILUGMAIR8t =1.,19751 PX_'I'/O../"

t. JUVINAS(THIS WORK) /_o/' p> 3 3(I)

_= 0.513 o 7T215,37(
WORK1 //-p>3.3_z,

_._ 0.512 PL
z ACt

_" 0.511 /,_ o pL

0.510 T=4.56_*0.08 b.y, // +3'I"......... "1
I.0.50677.+10 _,// +2 ......
_./,,/ _ T=4.37_O.OT(2cr}b.y. ,kl E_ T ....... _" J


0°507 0]5 0.20 0.25


0 0.1 I 4 7Sm/I 44Nd 0.2 0.3

Figure 13: Sm-Nd internal isochron for 77215. From Nakamura et al, (1976).
SAMPLE 77215 - 292

Table 1: Fragment population o1F77215,138.

From Chao et al. (1976).

Fragment type Voi. %

Norite 8.3
"Anorthosite" 10.2

Gray glass 6.4

Mineral clasts 75.1
Total 100.0

Mineral elasts >30 _tm <30 Ixm Total* Recalculated

to 100%

Orthopyroxene 7.4 23.7 31.0 41.3

Plagioclase 6.3 34.2 40.5 54.0
Troilite .2 .2 .5 .6
Ilmenite .1 - .1 .1
Fe-Co metal .2 .1 .2 .3

Clinopyroxene .2 .1 .3 .4
Spinel .2 - .2 .2
Silica phase .04 1.3 1.4 1.8
K-feldspar .06 .1 .2 .3
Glass-coated clast .10 .6 .7 1.0
Total 14.8 60.3 75.1 100.0

*Volume percent recalculated from point count 1251 clasts >30 _m and 1370
clasts <30 Ixm, measured by C. L. Thompson.
SAMPLE77215- 293

Table 2: Whole-rock chemistry of 77215.

a) Winzer et al. (1974); b) Winzer et al. (1977)

Split ,45 (a) ,152 (b) ,115 (b) ,119 (b) ,121 (b) ,130 (b)
norite norite black dike dike dike grey glass

SiO 2 (wt%) 51.3 51.1 46.8 47.2 46.0 51.1

TiO2 0.32 0.."t0 1.37 1.35 1.32 0.37
A1203 15.06 13.98 17.44 16.89 17.75 14.32
Cr203 0.32 0.'t6 0.19 0.20 0.14 0.36
FeO 10.07 10.38 9.39 9.36 9.04 10.32
MnO 0.16 0.17 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.17
MgO 12.56 14.31 13.16 12.93 12.74 13.23
CaO 8.96 8.65 10.88 10.76 10.94 9.08
Na20 0.43 0.39 0.65 0.68 0.68 0.55
I(20 0.14 0.18 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.15
P205 0.11 0.1.4 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.10
Nb (ppm)
Zr 171 - 419 147
Sr 105 102 171 169 174 103
Rb 3.54 3.21 6.51 6.48 6.26
l.,i 12.3 12.4 21 21.9 26.5
Ba 166 154 350 349 336 154

Ce 27.2 24.6 84.4 73.3 79.1 29.6

Nd 16.8 15.5 51.9 51.7 50.1 18
Sm 4.68 4.4 14.4 14.5 13.8 5.05
Eu 1.08 1.03 1.93 1.90 1.97 1.01
Gd 6.64 5.21 -
Dy 7.08 6.64 19.6 19.4 18.4 7.31
Er 4.51 4.57 10 - 10.7 4.44
Yb 4.98 4.88 8.59 10.5 9.94 4.45
Lu 0.766 0.592 1.76 1.68 0.835
SAMPLE77215- 294

Table 3: Trace dement data for 77215. Concentrations in ppb.

From Higuchi and Morgan (1975) and Ebihara et al. (1991).

Sample Sample
77215,35 77215,37

Ir 2.66 0.0221
Os 3.04
Re 0.173 0.0047
Au 0.557 0.0108
Pd 1.45

Ni (ppm) 50 <3
Sb 1.04 0.121
Ge 47.1 14.3
Se 83.2 77
Te 1.92 1
Ag 1.89 0.62
Br 42.4
In <0.10
Bi 0.645 0.13

Zn (ppm) 2.95 3
Cd 4.39 4.4
TI 0.637 0.61

Rb (ppm) 12.3 4.9

Cs 393 180
U 799 920
SAMPLE77215- 295

Table 4: K and Rb-Sr analytical data for 77215.

From Nakamura et al. (1976).

Weight K Rb Sr 87Rb 1 87Sr 2

Sample (mg) (%) (ppm) (ppm) 86Sr 86Sr

77215,37 (density separates)

Acetone float 29.12 0.127 4.933 136.7 0.1044 0.70553 + 4
9>2.9 g/cm 3 29.41 0.387 11.10 184.2 0.1743 0.70990 + 7
Whole rock 29.67 0.127 6.177 65.46 0.2733 0.71641 _+12
13>3.3g/cm 3 31.09 0.0081 0.526 3.387 0.4504 0.72738 + 7
13>3.3g/cm 3 25.13 0.0092 0.611 3.936 0.4499 0.72748 + 20

77215,145 (hand-picked mineral concentrates)

Plagioclase 3.33 0.154 3.442 204.1 0.0488 0.70207 + 3
Whole rock 18.19 0.0842 2.326 86.61 0.0777 0.70397 + 3
Black material
(glass?) 6.24 0.148 2.908 105.2 0.0800 0.70422 + 5
Pyroxene 7.56 0.0053 0.2303 4.958 0.1344 0.70909 + 4
(13>3.3g/cm 3) 7.96 0.0063 0.2752 4.187 0.1902 0.71306 + 7

1Uncertainties are estimated to be _<0.3%.

2Uncertainties correspond to last significant figures and are 2 o mean.
SAMPLE77215- 296

Table 5: Sm-Nd analytical data fi'om 77215.

From Nakamura et al. (1976).

Weight Sm Nd 1 147Sin 2 143Nd 3

Sample (mg) (ppm) 144Nd 144Nd


Plagioclase 9.66 4.084 15.784 0.1564 0.51129 + 7

Acetone float 129.39 5.516 19.42 0.1717 0.51178 + 4
Whole rock 21.26 4.372 14.84 0.1780 0.51200 _+7

Pyroxene (1)
(13>3.3g/cm 3) 115.37 2.173 5.329 0.2474 0.51397 +_2
Pyroxene (2)
(0>3.3 g/cm 3) 119.01 2.217 5.724 0.2341 0.51359 _+2

Whole rock
(this study) 92.11 2.021 6.361 0.1920 0.51256 + 2
Whole rock 4
(La Jolla) 0.1936 0.51264 + 4

1Nd concentrations were calculated using our data normalized to 142Nd/146Nd ffi1.58170 in Table 3, and
148Nd/146Nd ffi0.33466 and 150Nd/146Nd ffi0.32752.
2Uncertainties are estimated to be 0.1-0.2%.
3Ratios were normalized to 142Nd/146Nd = 1.5817. Uncertainties correspond to the last figure and are 20 mean.
4G. W. Lugmair, pers. comm. (1976).

Table 6: U-Th-Pb for 77215.

From Nunes et al. (1974.).

Split 77215,37
whole rock olivine plagioclase

wt (mg) 158.4 208 194.2

U (ppm) 0.5068 0.7764 0.2390
Th (ppm) 1.993 1.815 1.198
Pb (ppm) 1.079 1.239 0.6817
232TW238U 4.06 2..42 5.18
238U/204 Pb 1455 479'.0 85.4


from 77530 contained rock fragments Meyer (1973) prepared a catalog of

meters 77535-77545. Keil et al. (1974) additional small "coarse-fine"
Station 7 prepared a catalog of these rock fragments from these soils.
contained rock fragments.

77515 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia

77516 High-Ti Mare Basalt
77517 Unique Fragmental Breccia
77518 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
77519 Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
77525 Impact Melt Breccia
77526 Impact Melt Breccia
77535 High-Ti Mare Basalt
77536 High-Ti Mare Basalt
77537 Impact Melt Breccia
77538 Unusual Fragmental Breccia
77539 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
77545 Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia


0 1(] 20 rn APan 24 T

L.... I I

r.-,-_ LRv

x Area of 77035

77075-77, 77215 77017x x---_* Area of 77510-26


e 35Pan 23 A 77530-45

Station 7 at Apollo 17 showing location of rake samples. From Wolfe and others (1980).
SAMPLE77515- 299

Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
337.6 g, 7.5 x 6.5 x 5.5 cm

INTRODUCTION (Fig. 2). llmenite is also poikilitic.

Mineral clasts are abundant (mostly WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 77515 is a rake sample from plagioclase), but lithic clasts are rare.
soil 77510 at Station 7 (Fig. 1). It is Warner et al. (1977) give the mineral Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have
a vesicular impact melt breccia mode of the matrix 77515 as 52.7% reported the chemical composition of
similar in texture and composition to plagioclase, 44.5% pyroxene, and 77515 (Table 1 and Fig. 4). 77515 is
the boulder sample 77135. 2% ilmenite, very similar in composition to the
boulders at Apollo 17. Warner et al.
(1977) also analyzed the matrix by
PETROGRAPHY MINERAL CHEMISTRY broad beam electron probe analyses.

The texture of 77515 is poikiloblastic The composition of pyroxene,

with irregular pigeonite oikocrysts olivine, ilmenite, and plagioclase is SURFACE STUDIES
enclosing abundant euhedral given in Warner et al. (1978)
plagioclase laths and tablets and (Fig. 3). Engelhardt (1979) has also There are micrometeorite craters on
minor rounded olivine grains studied the ilmenite in 77515. most surfaces.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77515. Cube is 1 cm. 573-19416.

SAMPLE 77515 - 300

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of matrixfor 77515',12. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Di Hd

En Pyroxenecomposition(mole%) Fs

_ v _ v

ioo 90 80 _o _o _'o 4'o _'o 2'o ,_ 6

, __;_ Forsterite
n content of olivine (rnoieO/o)
,oo 90 8o /o _o _'o ,'o _o 2'o ,b ;
Anorthite content of plagloclasc =(mOle%)

Figure 3: Pyroxene, olivine, andplagioclase composition for 77515. From Warner et al. (1978).
SAMPLE 77515 - 301

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000


loo \
_ N IO0

m 10 10

a 77135 data

La Ce Nd SmEuGdTb Dy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth eIement diagram for 77515. Data from Laul and Schmitt (1975).
Note the similarity in composition with the Station 7 Boulder sample 77135.
SAMPLE77515- 302

Table 1: Whole-rock chemist_ry of 77515.

a) Laul and Schmitt (1975); b) Warner et al. (1977)

Split ,3 (a) (b)

Technique INAA BB e-probe

SiO2 (wt%) - 48.3

TiO2 1.4 1.51
A1203 18.6 18.2
Cr203 0.17 0.19
FeO 8.4 8.1
MnO 0.099 0.09

MgO 11 11.0
CaO 11.0 11.4

Na2 O 0.68 0.70

K20 0.24 0.28
P205 0.27
Nb (ppm)
Zr 420
Hf 9.8
Ta 1.4
Th 4.1
Ba 350
1_ 450
Co 38.6
Sc 14
La 29.8
Ce 73
Sm 14.7
Eu 1.93
Tb 2.7

Dy 17
Yb 9.6
Lu 1.4

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE77516- 303

High-Ti Mare Basalt
103.7 g, 6 x 4 x 2.5 cm

Sample 77516 is a rake sample from
soil 77510 at Station 7. It is a The compositions of the minerals in Paces et al. (1991) have studied the
medium-grained, high-Ti mare basalt 7'7516 are given in Fig. 3 (from Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd for whole-rock
that is similar to other Apollo 17 Warner et al., 1978). samples of 77516 and classify it as a
basalts (Fig. 1). _ Type B2 Apollo 17 mare basalt
because the Sr and Nd isotopes do
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY not fall on the whole-rock isochrons
PETROGRAPHY for other Apollo 17 mare basalt
Warner et al. (1975) and Laul et al. samples (Table 2). This may
Warner et al. (1975) describe this (1975b) have determined the indicate a different source region for
rock as olivine-microporphyritic chemical composition of 77516 this basalt sample.
ihnenite basalt. The texture of the (Table 1 and Fig. 4). This basalt has
matrix is variolitic, with well- very high TiO 2 content (13.7%).
developed sheaves of alternating SURFACE STUDIES
plagioclase and pyroxene (Fig. 2). Classification of Apollo 17 basalts
Large ilmenite phenocrysts extend up has been discussed by Rhodes et ai. There are micrometeorite craters on
to 5 mm. The mode is 47% pyrox- (1976), Lindstrom and Haskin all surfaces.
ene, 5% olivine, 24% plagioclase, (1978), and Pratt et al. (1978) (see
and 19% ilmenite. A silica phase is appendix). Pratt et al. give it a
present. Type B2 classification.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77516. Cube is 1 cm. $73-19409.

SAMPLE 77516- 304

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section

of view isshowing itmenite phenocrysts
3 x4 ram. and variolitic texture.


Di _ X

/ \

En _rox_e _r_ositi_ (m_e ,%1

io , ,


( 06 08 Comt_ilt.o¢, of S_I g_ mlnl1'als

_/v,,. uo
II ILll--

a_ d, d2 Fe/r-e*Mq
an 0:4of ds'"_'--0:_
_ o:o ,_

_, 0:_ 0:s d4 o_ o'._ o_ _ .o

Fe/Fe*Mg of Ilmemte

Figure 3." Pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase composit!on for 77516. From Warner et al. (1978).
SAMPLE 77516 - 305

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

100 100


° f
m 10 10

La Co Nd Sm Eu GdTb DM Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77516. Data from Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE77516- 306

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77516.

From Warner et al. (1975).

Split ,2 Split ,2
Technique INAA Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt %) - La 4.7

TiO2 13.7 Ce 18
A1203 7.8 Nd 18
Cr203 0.48 Sm 6
FeO 20.2 Eu 1.25
MnO 0.25 Gd

MgO 9.4 Tb 1.6

CaO 9.4 Dy 10
Na20 0.33 Er
K20 0.04 Yb 6
Nb (ppm) Lu 0.91
Hf 6.2 Ge (ppb)
Ta 1.4 Ir
Co 24.6 Au
Sc 80

Table 2: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd composition of 77516.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sample 77516,19

wt (mg) 46.77
Rb (ppm) 0.340
Sr (ppm) 110
87Rb/86Sr 0.008913 +_89
87Sr/86Sr 0.699619 _+17

Sm (ppm) 6.39
Nd (ppm) ,_,' 15.5
147Srrd144Nd '' 0.24944 + 48
143Nd/144Nd 0.514130 -+ 60
SAMPLE 77517 - 307

Unique Fragmental Breccia
45.6 g, 4 x 4 x 3 cm (3 pieces)

INTRODUCTION rather than matrix supported. It is clasts is ptagioclase An94_98, olivine

also different from the soil breccias Fo72_81, low-Ca pyroxene
Rake sample 77517 is a light grey, because it does not have glass in the Wo 3_14En57_82Fs14_22,and high-Ca
fragmental breccia containing clasts matrix, pyroxene Wo34_41En44_50Fs14_17.
of anorthosite, norite, troctolite (and One clast (1.5 mm) has a basaltic
possibly of spinel cataclasite) in a Breccia 77517 consists of abundant texture with intersecting plagioclase
highly porous, poorly sintered matrix mineral and lithic clasts in a porous, laths (0.5 to 1 mm).
that is composed of fine-grained poorly sintered matrix. The mineral
mineral clasts bound together by clasts are equant and subrounded Warner et al. (1978) have speculated
irregular, wispy overgrowths that (Fig. 2). Grain size is seriate, on the apparent deep-seated origin of
form sinuous grain-to-grain contacts ranging from 400 to 20 lain. Of the the pink spinel-aluminous enstatite,
(Fig. 1). There is no glass in the >50 _'n mineral clasts, plagioclase is forsterite, and anorthite assemblage.
matrix (Warner et al., 1978). Sample ~55%, mafic minerals are ~40% Herzberg (1978) and Baker and
77517 is exotic to the Apollo 17 site, (with more olivine than pyroxene), Herzberg (1980) have provided
containing mineral fragments of pink and pink spinel is 3 to 4%. Pink thermodynamic calculations to
aluminous spinel, aluminous spinel grains range in size up to define the temperature and pressure
enstatite, and forsterite. -400 lain. conditions of such a mineral
Lithic clasts (up to 1 mm) constitute
PETROGRAPHY ~20% of the breccia. They include
very fine-grained breccia clasts and MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Warner et al. (1978) have studied armealed anorthosite, norite, and
breccia sample 77517. This sample u'octolite (ANT) clasts. The range of The compositions of minerals in
is different from the crystalline mineral composition in the ANT 77517 are given in (Fig. 3). Warner
matrix breccias. It is elast supported, et al. (1978) have a table of mineral

Figure 1: Photograph of 77517. Scale is 1 cm. $73-19404.

SAMPLE77517- 308

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77517,',!2. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

analyses. The range of plagioclase forsterite + plagioclase and alumi-

composition is very restricted WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISq?RY nous spinel). The brecciated nature
(An96_98). Olivine mineral clasts of this assemblage raises the question
range from Fo81-90 with the majority The composition of 77517 ha.,_not of whether or not it represents an
being Fo81-83. Most pyroxene is been determined, probably because equilibrium assemblage.
orthopyroxene, ranging from individual clasts need to be armlyzed
WO1-5En70-91Fs8-26. The most separately. One glassy area of 600 _na was
Mg-rich pyroxenes are also Al-rich, found to be -77 SiO2, 14% A1203,
and may be related to the abundant SIGNIFICANT CLASTS and 5% K20.
Al-rich pink spinel in the same
brecciated areas, but this cannot be Warner et al. (1978) report a i_last The clasts in this sample deserve
ascertained because of the extreme assemblage corresponding to spinel more study.
brecciation, cataclasite (i.e., aiuminous enstatite +
SAMPLE 77517 - 309

Di Hd

0°0_ _

too 90 eo 70 so _0 40 _0 2'0 _b

m Forsterite content of olivine (mole %)

,oo 90 do 7'o _ 5'o 4'0 1o 2'0 _
Anorthite content of plogioclose (mole%)

I.O • , , , "-- 1.0 ,,,


_06 0,6

0.2 0.2

_ ' I .-- Cr AI J _
O0 G2 0.4 O_ 0.6 IJO 11.4 o,e
FeTFe*M _ Compolitlonof spine_ group minerols 0,0 d2 FeTFe * Mg O_ 1.0

, d5
dTo'._ oi_ o13 o.* ?qn_
deRo.r o;a o:, ,;o
Fe//FeeMo of ¢rmolco_ite

o!o--_'., o'.= 073 o'.4 o:3 o'.e o'._o'.B o'.e ,'.o

Figure 3: Pyroxene quadrilateral diagram and compositions for minerals in 77517. From Warner et al. (1978)
SAMPLE 77518 - 311

Micropoikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
42.5 g, 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION are rare, mostly recrystallized ANT analyses" (Warner et al., 1977).
and feldspathic breccia. These analyses also indicate that this
Sample 77518 is a rake sample from sample is typical of impact melt
soil 77510 at Station 7 (Fig. 1). It is Several pink spinel grains with rocks at Station 7.
a vesicular impact melt breccia plagioclase reaction coronas are
similar in texture to the boulder reported (Warner et al., 1978).
sample 77135 and to 77515. SIGNIFICANT CLASTS

MINERAL CHEMISTRY Warner et al. (1978) report that one

PETROGRAPHY edge of the chip that they studied had
The compositions of minerals in an area of Si-Al-K-rich glass (80%
In thin section, the texture varies 77518 are given in Warner et al. SiO2, 12% AI203, and 8% K20 )
from microgranular to micro- (1978) (Fig. 3). Engelhardt (1979) with a gradational boundary with the
poikilitic (Fig. 2). Pigeonite and has also studied the ilmenite in breccia matrix.
ilmenite chadocrysts enclose 77518.
plagioclase and olivine oikocrysts.
Warner et al. (1977) give the mineral m
mode for 77518. The matrix is about WtlOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
52% plagioclase and 44% low-Ca
pyroxene and olivine. One large The chemical composition of 77518
olivine clast contains symplectite (Table 1) has been determined only
chromite intergrowth. Lithic clasts by "broad beam microprobe

Figure 1: Photograph of 77518. Cube is 1 cm. $73-19143.

SAMPLE 77518 - 312

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77518,12. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Di Hd

0 v v ir v

El1 _ P_roxene composition (m ole %1 FS

,oo 9o io r'o io _'o 40 io io ,b 6
Forsferite content of olivine (mole%)

Anotfhite cottlenf of plagiocl(ise (mole%)

i .(] IC


oo E= 0.4 oJ d8 ,o c, al oo o'.= o., c_ o_ ,.o

FeTFe * Mg _tlon of spiral group mineral= FeTFe * Mg

o'_ d, o:= ds o.'4 o'._o'_ dr o18 o'.e ,'o

Fo/Fe*Mg of ¢rmQIc_lte

olo _l o_= o3 0.4 _5 o_ 07 o_ o'.e _'o

Fe/F_ *M9 of Ilmenlfe

Figure 3: Mineral compositions of 77518. From Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE 77518 - 313

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77518.

From Warner et al. (1977).

Split matrix
Technique BB e-probe

SiO2 (wt%) 47.1

TiO2 1.25
A1203 19.7
(5"203 0.15
FeO 7.8
MnO 0.12

MgO 10.5
Ca() 11.7

Na20 0.72
K20 0.42
P205 0.31
SAMPLE 77519 - 315

Micropoikilitie Impact Melt Breccia
27.4 g, 3.5 x 2.5 x 1.2 em

Sample 77519 is a rake sample from
soil 77510 at Station 7 (Fig. 1). Sample 77519 is an aphanitic, dark
grey, coherent, nonvesicular impact
melt rock (Fig. 1). There is no thin
section, and the chemical composi-
tion has not been determined.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77519. Cube is 1 cm. $73-19134.

SAMPLE 77525 - 317

Impact Melt Breccia
1.19 g, 1 x 1 x 0.5 cm


Sample 77525 is a light grey chip of

impact melt, breccia (Fig. 1). It is There are no thin sections of 77525. The chemical composition has not
angular and aphanitic and appears to been determined.
re_mble sample 77217.

Figure 1: Photograph of77525. Scale is 1 cm. $73-19379.

SAMPLE 77526- 319

Impact Melt Breccia
1o07 g, 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm

Sample 77526 is a light grey chip of
impactmelt,breccia(Fig. 1). tt is Approximatelyhalf of this chip The chemical compositionhas not
angular,aphanitic,and resembles appears to be aclast of been determined.
sample77517 in overall appearance, c_3,ptocrystallinemicrobreccia.
There are no thinsections of 77526,

Figure 1: Photograph of 77526. Scale is 1 cm. $73-19380.

SAMPLE77535- 321

High-Ti Mare Basalt
577.8 g, 10.5 x 8.5 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION 77535 has about 1%vugs and Classification of Apollo 17 basalts

cavities with projecting pyroxene and has been discussed by Rhodes et al.
Sample 77535 is a rake sample from opaque crystals. It has zap pits on all (1976), Lindstrom and Haskin
soil 77530 at Station 7. It is a surfaces. (1978), and Pratt et al. (1978) (see
coarse-grained, high-Ti mare basalt appendix). Lindstrom and Haskin
that is similar to other Apollo 17 _ designate 77535 as a Type U basalt,
basalts (Fig. 1). MINERAL CHEMISTRY while Pratt et al. call it a Type B3.

The compositions of the minerals in

PETROGRAPHY 77535 are given in Fig. 3 (from RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
Warren et al., 1978).
Warner et al. (1978) classify 77535 Nyquist et al. (1976) have reported
as a coarse-grained, plagioclase- Rb-Sr data for the whole rock
poikilitic ilmenite basalt (Fig. 2). WItOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY (Table 2).
They give the mode as 48%
plagioclase, 31% pyroxene, 17% Rhodes et al. (1976) and Laul et al.
ilmenite, with only trace olivine. (1975b) have determined the
They report -3% silica and trace chemical composition of 77535
zirconolite and armalcolite. (Table 1 and Fig. 4). Gibson et al.
(1976) determined the sulfur content
of 77535.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77535. Cube is I cm. $73-19122.

SAMPLE 77535 - 322

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77535,11. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Di Hd



v w v v v
En F1/¢oxenecorr4)ositic41
(mole%) FI

,c;o eo 80 r' ' _b 4'0 _:o io ,b

Forsferile COl)lenl of olivine (mole %)

,do _o
b_8'o io _ _ 40 so 20 ,b <_
Anorthite conlent of plagioclose (mille%)

i,O i.O

_1 | e;

0.2 0.2
_o.,, 11 io.(,
0,4 0!6 018 1.0 Cr _ _ "NAI 0.4 dS d8 I0
Fe/Fe*Mg Composition of spinel group minerals Fe//Fe*Mg

_:o d_ o_2 ct_ 0:4 o:s o:6 dr o_ o:_ _:o
Fe//Fe* Mg of ormalcolite

OJO OJ GZ 0.3 0,4 0.5 0.6 0.1' 0.8 _d) 1.0

Fe//F-e*Mg of Ilmenite

Figure 3: Compositions of minerals in 77535. From Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE 77535 - 323

1000 I I I I I I I I I I 1000

I O0 I O0

10 10

I ', : I I I I I I _ I
La Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77535. Data from Rhodes et al. (1976).
SAMPLE77535- 324

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77535.

a) Laul et al. (1975); b) Rhodes et al. (1976)

Split ,1 (a) ,6 (b)


SiO2 (wt%) - 38.57

TiO2 12.1 12.39
A120 3 8.6 8.95
Cr203 0.485 0.43
FeO 19.5 18.53
MnO 0.239 0.27

MgO 8.7 8.85

CaO 9.8 10.66

Na20 0.36 0.39

K20 0.066 0.05
P205 0.04
S 0.16

Nb (ppm)
Hf 8.6 8.6
Ta 1.6
Sr 184
Rb 0.55
Li 9.7
Ba 70.7
Co 20.5 20.4
Sc 79 80
La 5.7 5.24
Ce 23 18.3
Nd 22 20.7
Sm 8.8 8.7
Eu 1.94 1.98
Gd 13.6
Tb 2.4

Dy 15 15.8
Er 9.84
Yb 8.1 8.91
Lu 1.3 1.29

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 77535 - 325

Tablle 2: Rb-Sr composition of 77535.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 77535,6

wt (nag) 51
Rb (ppm) 0.547
Sr (ppm) 184
87Rb/86Sr 0.0086 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69961 _+8
TB 4.14 + 0.80
TL 4.70 + 0.80

B = Model age assuming I m 0.69910 (BABI + JSC

L - Model age assuming I _ 0.69903 (Apollo 16
anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE77536- 327

High-Ti Mare Basalt
355.3 g, 11 x 7.0 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Sample 77536 has about 1% rugs

with projecting pyroxenes and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 77536 is a rake sample from ilmenite crystals. One side has a
soil 77530 at Station 7. It is a partial glass coating. All sides have Warner et al. (1975) have reported
coarse-grained, high-Ti mare basalt micrometeorite craters. One the chemical composition of 77536
that is similar to other Apollo 17 plagioclase crystal is 3 mm long (Table 1 and Fig. 4). The rare earth
basalts (Fig. 1). It has a very high (Fig. 2). pattern is identical to other Apollo 17
TiO2 content (14.5%). samples, including 77535.

MINERAL CHEMISTRY Classification of Apollo 17 basalts

PETROGRAPHY has been discussed by Rhodes et al.
The compositions of the minerals in (1976), Lindstrom and Haskin
Warner et al. (1978) classify 77536 77536 are given in Fig. 3 (from (1978), and Pratt et aL (1978) (see
as a coarse-grained, plagioclase- Warner et al., 1978). Note that some appendix). Lindstrom and Haskin
poikilitic ilmenite basalt (Fig. 2). of the olivine is Fe rich. designate 77536 as a Type U basalt,
They give the mode as 50% plagio- while Pratt et al. call it a Type B3.
close, 27% pyroxene, 19% ilmenite,
with Nl% olivine. They report The sample has very high TiO2
~1.6% silica and trace armalcolite, (14.5%) and Cr203 (0.56%).
zirconolite, and baddeleyite.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77536. Scale is 1 cm. $73-19154.

SAMPLE 77536 - 328

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77536,8. FieM of view is 3 x 4 mm.

X x X

v v v×xx , v
En Pyroxenecomposilion (tool _>%] FS

Forsteroe content of olivine (mole %}

ic;o _o
,It,. -_
80 7o 60 50 40 50 zo io (_
Anotth_te conlentof plaglocloSe(mobe%)

10 i0


0,2_" •
:" •


i I
0.4 o.s o_ ,o ds o_ io
Fe/Fe*Mq Composition of spinel group nlineroSs Fe/Fe+Mg

(3.0 o.I 02 0.3 0.4 C_5 06 0.7 0.8 C_e I.O

FefFe,Mq of armatcolit_

050 o!, o!z o'_ oi,,o'5 d6 o_ 08 o.9 ,o

Fe/Fe +Mq of ilmenile

Figure 3: Mineral compositions of 77536. From Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE 77536 - 329

100( , I I I I I I I I I 1000

10C 100
"= 77536

"_= ='X_ : = --

¢n I0 10

I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Dy Yb Lu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77536. Data from Warner et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 77536 - 330

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77536.

From Warner et al. (1975).

Split ;2
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) --
TiO2 14..5
AI203 8.0
0-203 0.56
FeO 18.8
MnO 0.23

MgO 9.2
CaO 1(].2
Na20 0.33
K20 0.07
Nb (ppm)
Hf 8.8
Ta 2
Co 17.8
Sc 78
La 45.1
Ce 21)
Nd 2:5
Sm 8.5
Eu 1.94
Tb 2.0

Dy 14
Yb 8.5
Lu 1.3

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE77537- 331

Impact Melt Breccia
71.7 g, 5 x 4.5 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION without fractures and has about No thin sections of 77537 have been
10-20% vesicles ranging in size from prepared.
Sample 77537 is a rake sample from <1 mm to more than 15 mm. Some
soil 77530 at Station 7 (Fig. 1). Itis of the small vesicles are in the walls
a dark grey, vesicular impact melt of the large ones. The large cavities WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
breccia, have a preferred orientation.
The chemical composition of 77537
Clasts in 77537 are difficult to has not been determined.
PETROGRAPHY discern and are welded into the
matrix. Sample 77537 has micrometeorite
Keil et al. (1974) provided a brief craters on all sides.
description of 77537. It is coherent

Figure 1: Photograph of 77537. Scale is 1 cm. $73-19145.

SAMPLE77538- 333

Unusual Fragmental Breccia
47.2 g, 4 x 3.5 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION m silicate liquid immiscibility took

PETROGRAPHY place on a scale larger than the
Rake sample 77538 is a light grey, glassy mesostasis in lunar basalts
fragmental breccia that is composed Warner et al. (1978) have described (Warner et al., 1978; Taylor et al.,
of abundant mineral and lithic clasts 77538 as a clast-rich, friable breccia 1980).
set in a porous, poorly sintered with abundant mineral and lithic
matrix (Fig. 1). It has a very high, clasts in a poorly sintered matrix.
KREEP-Iike trace element content. Mineral clasts are generally MINERAL CHEMISTRY
subequant and subangular, with the
An important feature of this unusual majority being about 100 Inn. Lithic The compositions of minerals in
breccia is the occurrence of both clasts range up to ] mm. Fig. 2 77538 are given in Fig. 3 (from
high-Si, high-K clasts along with illusa'ates a granitic clast in the Warner et al., 1978). Note the Fe-
high-Fe lithic clasts whose ground-up matrix of 77538. rich olivine in this rock.
compositions resemble those of
immiscible-melts produced during The collection of mm-sized clasts of
late-stage magmatic crystallization high-Fe and high-K, high-Si
via apparent silicate liquid composition in 77538 probably
immiscibility, represents the best example that

Figure 1: Photograph of 77538. Scale is 1 cm. $73-19064.

SAMPLE77538- 334

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of 77538 illustrating one of the granitic clasts in the porous breccia matrix.
FieM of view is 2 x 3 mm. From Warner et al. (1978).

been analyzed by broad-beam The high-Fe clasts are mainly ferro-

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY electron microprobe analyses augite (Wo 32-40En 15-22Fs42-48)
(Warner et ah, 1978). and ferropigeonite
Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have (Wo 14_15En30_36Fs49_56) that
reported the chemical composition of The high-Si clasts consist mostly enclose blebs of silica and fayalitic
77538 (Table 1 and Fig. 4). This of silica and K-feldspar olivine (Fo12.17), troilite, metal, and
sample has a very high trace element (An 1.4Ab4.5Or 88-93), frequently ilmenite.
content, intergrown in a barred texture, with
small amounts of sodic plagioclase
SIGNIFICANT CLASTS (~An68Ab30Or3), fayalitic olivine
(Fo4-13), ferroaugite
Both graphic-textured high-K, high- (W°40-44En6-9Fs48-51 )' ilmehite,
Si clasts and high-Fe clasts are metal, troilite, and a Ca-rich
present as small patches that have phosphate mineral.
SAMPLE 77538- 335

Ol Hd

;_ oo_,_ _
// ooo ..\
_ _ °°o°o2
v v
Pyfoxenecompolltl_ (mole%1 F't

ioo _o ao 7b io s'o _'o go io ,_ a

_go] Fortterile¢onl_mto* oli,,*ne(tool.%)

of plogiaclo|e

I.( ----'_-_--- 213 I,( , '


Cr _

Fe/FI*M,] Compositionof spinel tjro_p miner=it Fe/Fe*ivig

Fo/tFe*Mg Of Ormol¢ollte

F$//FecM_ of ilmei'lite

Figure3: Pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase composition of 77538. From Warner et aL (1978).

1000 I I I ' I I l l : : : : 1000


• - • •

t4 10 10

• 77135 data
1 J I = : : : : : : :: 1
La Co Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77538 compared with 77135. Datafrom Laul and $chmitt (]975).
SAMPLE77538- 336

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77538.

a) Laul and Schmitt (1975); b) WaIner et al. (1978)

Split ,2 (a) average (b) average (b)

Technique INAA BB e-probe BB e-probe
whole rock 5 clasts 4 clasts

Si02 (wt%) - 74.0 50.3

TiO2 1.2 0.54 2.82
A1203 14.5 12.5 0.96
Cr203 0.24 <0.01 0.17
FeO 10.6 2.21 31.3
MnO 0.15 - -

MgO 5.0 0.08 4.3

CaO 10.3 1.86 9.8
Na20 0.75 0.90 0.12
K20 1.04 7.6 0.29
P205 0.if,T 0.28
Nb (ppm)
Zr 730
Hf 21.5
Ta 3.3
U 4.2
Th 16
Ba 700
Co 13.5
Sc 22
La 59
Ce 150
Nd 90
Sm 25.1
Eu 1.7
Tb 5.5

Dy 35
Yb 21.7
Lu 3.2

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 77539- 337

Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
39.6 g, 5 x 3 x 2 cm

Sample 77539 is a rake sample from
soil 77530 at Station 7 (Fig. 1). It is The compositions of minerals in Keil et al. (1974) reported that 77539
a vesicular impact melt breccia that 77539 are given in Fig. 3 (Warner contained a large white clast (30% of
is similar in texture to the matrix of et al., 1978). Engelhardt (1979) has sample?) that is very fine sugary
boulder sample 77135. Sample studied the ilmenite in 77539. material with patches of "yellow-
77539 contains a quasipristine green" mineral up to 2 mm. Warren
et al. (1991) found that this clast is a
"anorthosite" clast (Wanen, 1993). WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY pristine "anorthosite." This clast is
reported as having an extremely fine-
PETROGRAPHY Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have grained granulitic texture. A bulk
reported the composition of 77539 analysis of this clast is given in
The texture of 77539 is (Table 1 and Fig. 4). The analysis of Table 1. Warren (1993) reports that
poikiloblastic, with irregular Laul and Schmitt indicates that their this clast is -99% plagioclase
pigeonite oikocrysts enclosing piece had an excess of plagioclase. (An94.5.96.3), and -1% olivine
abundant euhedral plagioclase laths Warner et al. (1977) analyzed the (Fo72) and pyroxene
and tablets and minor rounded matrix by broad-beam electron probe (Wo9En64Fs27). Metal grains found
olivine grains (Fig. 2). Ilmenite is analyses and reported a composition included in this clast are low in Ni
also poikilitic. Mineral clasts are more typical of impact melts and Co. Although this clast has very
abundant (mostly plagioclase), but (Table 1). low Ir, Warren (1993) lists it as only
lithic clasts are rare. Warner et al. "quasipristine."
(1977) give the mineral mode of the
matrix of 77539 as 50.8%
plagioclase, 45.2% pyroxene, and
2.2% ilmenite.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77539. Cube is I cm. $73-19062.

SAMPLE77539 - 338

Figure 2: Photomicrograph (partially crossed polarizers) of thin section 77539,13, showing poikiloblastic matrix and
part of a large clast (6 mm) of shocked and recrystallized anorthite. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

O_ Hd

I00 90 SO 70 eO 50 40 30 2'0 Ib ()
For4telite Co¢lteh| 0f 01ivirl@(inole_)

,_ , nnl

Ahorthite content of plaQio¢Icsa (mote%)

*.o . l.c :

_°.. _o

I i i

_;/F*,_ ofurinalS.*

Figure 3: Compositions of minerals from 77539. From Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE 77539 - 339

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1O0 *'-'-'*''--- • • [] [] 1O0

77539 ma_

m 1o 77539 cl 10

" 77135 data

1 I I I I _ _ _ I t ', ', 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4. Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77539matrix and "anorthosite clast" compared with
data from 77135. Data from Laul and Schmitt (1975) and Warren (1991).
SAMPLE77539- 340

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77539.

a) Laul and Schmitt (1975); b) Warner et al. (1977); c) Warren et al. (1991)

Split ,8 (a) matrix (Ib) ,15 (c)

Technique INAA BB e-probe INAA
matrix clast

SiO2 (wt%) - 48.1 44.08

TiO2 1.1 0.84 0.11
At20 3 22 17.7 34.2
Cr20 3 0.136 0.16 0.02
FeO 6.9 7.8 0.67
MnO 0.082 0.11 0.012

MgO 8 11.3 0.896

CaO 12.5 11.1 18.9

Na20 0.56 0.73 0.45

K20 0.2 0.27 0.047
Nb (ppm)
Zr 300 46
Hf 8.4 0.94
Ta 1.1 0.106
U 1.2 0.161
Th 3.2 0.62
Ba 240 57
Ni 300 3.0
Co 28 1.18
Sc 11 2.58
La 23.5 4.2
Ce 58 10.4
Nd 38 6.1
Sm 10.5 1.65
Eu 1.65 0.99
Tb 2.1 0.35

Dy 13 2.12
Yb 7.1 0.99
Lu 1 0.132

Ge (ppb) 16
lr 7 0.012
Au 2 0.028
SAMPLE 77545 - 341

Poikilitic Impact Melt Breccia
29.5 g, 3.5 x 3 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Pigeonite oikocrysts in the matrix of matrix. Wasson et al. (1977)

77545 are large (up to 1 mm) and repeated the analyses and found that
Sample 77545 is a rake sample from form an interlocking network 77545 was typical of the Apollo 17
soil 77530 at Station 7 (Fig. 1). It is throughout the matrix, impact melt rocks (Fig. 4).
a vesicular impact melt breccia
similar in texture and composition to

The composition of pyroxene, Warner et al. (1977) studied a large

PETROGRAPHY olivine, ilmenite, and plagioclase is (6 x 6 ram) angular dunite clast in
given in Warner et al. (1978) 77545. The clast has a coarse
The texture of 77545 is (Fig. 3). Engelhardt (1979) has also granoblastic texture, with 0.5 to
poikiloblastic, with irregular studied the iimenite in 77545. 1 mm size olivine grains intersecting
pigeonite oikoerysts enclosing at near 120 deg triple junctions. The
abundant euhedral plagioclase laths clast has been shocked, resulting in
and tablets and minor rounded WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY undulous extinction of the olivine
olivine grains (Fig. 2). Ilmenite is grains and minor recrystallization
also poiki_ritic. Mineral clasts are Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have along fractures. The olivine is Fo89
abundant (mostly plagioelase), but reported the composition of 77545 with minor amounts of chromite
lithic elasts are rare. Warner et al. (Table 1). The major element located along the olivine-olivine
(1977) give the mineral mode of the analyses of the sample studied by grain boundaries. This clast has not
matrix of 77545 as 53.2% Laul and Schmitt do not agree with been analyzed.
plagioelase, 44% pyroxene/olivine, those of Warner et al. (1977) for the
and 1.6% ilmenite.

Figure 1: Photograph of 77545. Cube is I ram. $73-19128.

SAMPLE 77545 - 342

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 77545,8, showing poikilitic matrix and large vesicles.
FieM of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Di Hd

v v Y v v
Pyroxene composition (mole %} F$

,oo 90 80 ro io s'o 4'0 _;o 2'o ,b 6

Forsterite content of olivine (mole %1

,90,ooeo io do _o ;o _o 2'o ,b
Anorthtle content of plogioclose (mole*/*)

I.o IO

° O.l _06

0,; 02

O0 0:2 0.4 O_ _II _0 Cr AI O0 Ore2 0.4 O.e 0.8 tO

RITFI _Mtl C._t_ of Ndnt4 group minimal FeTRI * Mg

_o o:t o:2 c_3 o)4 ds o:e o',r o'J o',9 ,:o
Fe/Fe*Mg of _mclcalll

fro 6, _z _3 o14 o'.5 d_ Q_ os d,

1 ,:o
FII//Fe*Mq O| _ln_l_ite

Figure 3: Compositions of minerals in 77545. From Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE 77545 - 343

1000 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1000


Wasson et al. 1977

1O0 , _---_I_ _ 1O0

Laul and

t_ 10 10

[] 77135 data

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 77545 with 77135 data for comparison.
The data of Laul and Schmitt (1975) do not agree with those of Wasson et al. (1977).
SAMPLE 77545 - 344

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 77545.

a) Laul and Schmitt (1975); b) Warner et al. (1977); c) Wasson et al. (1977)

Split ,1 (a) matrix (b) ,3 (e)

Technique INAA BB e-probe INAA

SiO2 (wt%) - 49.6 -

TiO2 1.2 0.77 1.52
A1203 10.9 17.7 18.7
0"203 0.52 0.19 0.20
FeO 10.3 7.4 8.89
MnO 0.11 0.11 -

MgO 10 11.5 12.9

CaO 6.6 11.4 11.06

Na2 O 0.47 0.72 0.71

K20 0.14 0.21 0.24
Nb (ppm)
Zr 240 560
Hf 8.2 11.8
Ta 1 1.4
U 0.9 1.4
Th 3.2 5.4
Ba 220 340
600 60
Co 67 13.5
Sc 11 17
La 21.5 32.2
Ce 55 82
Nd 35 51
Sm 9.8 15.4
Eu 1.3 2.00
Tb 2 3.1

Dy 12 23
Yb 6.3 11
Lu 0.94 1.52

Ge (ppb)
Ir 7 1.0
Au 2 0.8
SAMPLE78135- 345

High-Ti Mare Basalt
133.9 g, 5 x 4 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION contents of Apollo 17 samples,

MINERAL CHEMISTRY including 78135 (Table 2_.
Sample 78135 is a medium-grained,
ilmenite-rich mare basalt collected Brown et al. (1975a) report a "new" Rhodes et al. classify 78135 as a
from the regolith at Station 8 Zr-rich mineral in 78135 that is Type U basalt, but the trace element
(Fig. 1). closely related in composition to data indicate that it may be Type A
terrestrial zirkelite. (see appendix).
Brown et al. (1975a) gives the modal
mineralogy of 78135 as 0.4% Rhodes et al. (1976a) measured the
olivine, 24.4% opaques, 20.6% chemical composition of 78135
plagioclase, 50.7% pyroxene, and (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Gibson et al.
4% silica. Plagioclase and pyroxene (1976) determined the sulfur content.
are intergrown in a variolitic texture Keith et al. (1974) and Fruchter et al.
(Fig. 2). (1975) determined the K, U, and Th

Figure 1: Photograph of 78135. Scale is I cm. $73-15003.

SAMPLE 78135 - 346

opportunity to study the energy

RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES spectrum (and potential angul_x SURFACE
anisotropy) of the incident proton
Nyquist et al. (1976) have reported flux from the August 1972 solar flare Part of the surface of 78135 is
Rb-Sr data for the whole rock (Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al., covered with a thin film of dark
(Table 3). 1974). Table 2 compares the glass.
induced activity of 78135 withLother
COSMOGENIC samples of Apollo 17 (see also table PROCESSING
EXPOSURE AGES The largest remaining piece of 78135
Drozd et al. (1977) have detem'tined weighs 83 g. There are only three
Some of the Apollo 17 samples an exposure age of 126 m.y. for thin sections.
(including 78135) provided a unique 78135 using the 81Kr-Kr method.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78135,27. Field of view is 3 x 5 nun.

SAMPLE78135- 347

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

78135 basalt

_) IO0 IO0

0c _

_ _0 10

• 78501 soil
1 : : I I I _ _ _ _ _ ._ 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78135 basalt compared with 78501 soil.
Data from Rhodes et al. (1976a).
SAMPLE78135- 348

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78135.

From Rhodes et al. (1976a).

Split ,5
Technique XRF, I]DMS, INAA

SiO2 (wt%) 37.98

TiO2 12.89
A1203 8.38
Cr203 0.45
FeO 19.05
MnO 0.27

MgO 8.69
CaO 10.71

Na20 0.36
K2o 0.05
P205 0.04
S 0.18

Nb (ppm)
Hf 9.3
Sr 174
Rb 0.58
15 9.2
Ba 74.1
Co 18.4
Sc 84
La 5.8
Ce 20.2
Nd 22.4
Sm 9.43
Eu 1.93
Gd 14.9

Dy 17
Er 10.5
Yb 9.21
Lu 1.33

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78135 - 349

Table 2: Solar flare induced activity from large solar flare, August 1972.
From Keith et al. (1974).

Sample Sample Sample

78135 78235 78255

26A1 42 + 4 77 _+7 65 + 6
22Na 74_+5 111 +8 50+5
54Mn 180 + 20 55 + 8 10 + 5
56Co 240 + 20 52 + 9 30 _+20
46Sc 76 + 5 1.4 + .9 <15
48V 18 _+5 <12

Th (ppm) .26 .59 .83

U (ppm) .107 .196 .227
K (%) .0525 .049 .059

Table 3: Rb-Sr composition of 78135.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 78135,5

wt (rag) 50
Rb (ppm) 0.584
Sr (ppm) 174
87Rb/865r 0.0097 _+3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69969 _+6
TB 4.25 _+0.56
TL 4.74 _+0.56

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)
SAMPLE 78155 - 351

Feldspathic Granulitic Impactite
401.1 g, largest piece 6.5 x 4.5 x 3.{}cm

INTRODUCTION S_unple 78155 is important because and Lindstrom (1986) have also
its clast population reveals the nature discussed the polymict nature of
Sample 78155 is a friable white of rocks that resided at or near the 78155.
cataclasite that was found in a small hmar surface before 4.2 b.y. (Bickel,
"_pitcrater" (1 meter) in the wall of a 1977, and Warner et al., 1977). Table 1, from Bickel (1977), shows
15-meter crater at Station 8. The the complexity of 78155 based on his
sample itself may have been the m
study of a number of thin sections.
projectile that made the small "pit Roughly 65% of the rock is
crater." It appears to be exotic to the PETROGRAPHY granoblastic matrix with another
site because other pieces of it were 20% "crushed material." The
not found in the nearby rake sample. Bickel (1977) describes 78155 as a mineralogical mode of the matrix is
The transcript shows that the holocrystalline, weakly coherent -75% plagioclase (An95), and ~25%
astronauts originally collected "one polymict breccia that has been mafic silicates (mostly pigeonite
big and several small in bag 567" thermally metamorphosed at a high Wo10En62Fs18) with trace olivine
and recognized that it was very temperature (1100 °C). Warner et al. (Fo60-65), augite, and opaques.
friable. The big piece apparently (1977) group it with other rocks from Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the grano-
broke up along the arduous way to the early lunar crust as "feldspathic blastic matrix next to a polygonal
Houston (Fig. 1)! granulitic impactites." Lindstrom anorthosite clast.

Figure 1: Photograph of 7,8155. The largest sample is about 6.6 cm. $73-15408.
SAMPLE 78155 - 352

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78155_48. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Figure 3: Same area of thin section as Fig. 2, but with partially crossed polarizers showing the granoblastic texture of
the matrix and the polygonal texture of the plagioclase clast.
SAMPLE78155- 353

A variety of lithic clasts from the

highlands are described by Bickel MINERAL CHEMISTRY WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
(1977). Most of the lithic clasts have
mineral compositions like those of Mineral compositions are given in Laul and Schmitt (1973), Hubbard
the matrix (relatively Fe-rich Bickel (1977). The average et al. (1974), Wanke et al. (1976),
pyroxene), but a few clasts have plagioclase composition in 78155 is and Lindstrom and Lindstrom (1986)
more Mg-rich pyroxene (Fig. 4). O_0.8Ab4.7An94.5 , with a narrow have analyzed 78155 (Table 2 and
Type I clasts are fine-grained range from An91 to An97 (Fig. 5). Fig. 7). Moore et al. (1974) and
anorthosites with a felty texture in Average pyroxene is Wo 10En61Fs29 Gibson and Moore (1974) reported
which the interstices between tabular (Fig. 4). Note that pyroxene with sulfur abundance and Brett (1976)
plagioclase are occupied by crystals less than Wo 5 is exceedingly rare in discussed reduction by sulfur loss.
of pigeonite and olivine. Type II this piece of the early lunar crust
lithic clasts in 78155 are coarse (although it is common in impact Morgan et al. (1974) have deter-
grained and display a range in melt breccias from the 3.9 b.y. mined the trace siderophile and
composition (40-80% plagioclase; event). Olivine also has a limited volatile elements (Table 3). Morgan
the major mafic mineral is olivine in range of composition (Fo62_65). et al., Wanke et al., and Lindstrom
Engelhardt (1979) has studied the and Lindstrom have all found high Ir
some, low-Ca pyroxene in others, ihnenite in 78155. (3, 4, and 8 ppb, respectively), indi-
and augite in one) and texture cating that this rock is not pristine.
(subophitic, poikiloblastic, and
gtanoblastic). Hewins and Goldstein (1975) studied This is consistent with the relatively
the provenance of iron metal in high Ni content of the metal.
Evidence of temperatures in excess 78155 (Fig. 6). They found that the
Ni and Co contents were inter-
of 1100 °C during the metamorphism mediate between those of the coarse- SIGNIFICANT CLASTS
of breccia 78155 are inferred from
coexisting uninverted pigeonite and grained lunar anorthosites and
low-Ca augite (Bickel, 1977) and anorthositic "remelts." Again, there SOlimited
far, claStto
equilibrated olivine and ilmenite is a rather narrow range in metal
(Anderson and Lindsley, 1979). composition, sections.

® / ...


Fo j , _ , , . , . , Fo 'f'o,
J , i . _ J=, . _ . J . t , _ . _ . t Fa



En / o7:.
v v v* v _,_ En ),
v v v v _ v v Fs

Fo , L ..... J- .. Fo ...... J, J, , . , ....... Fa

Figure 4: Pyroxene compositions in metrix end in clasts in 78155. From Bickel (1977).
"([/6I) u!aIsPl°D puv sul._a H u,to_d "g£IRi u_.._u_.vJglmazu fo uo_t?_od_oD :9 aangl.d
"IM !N % '.LM
g 0 g 0

// \ l°' oo o.,
;'112. NI ±svTo 'I S'l 6_,'_m_z "g'l
"(ZZ6I) la)la!_ ulolz_ "SSSDIa
affll_.lH ad'(,Zn. (1 puv '._I._vlaa!_ll_.l
I ad,(i n D "sZsvla aSnla°!gvldllvms sz.g 'x_m.g a_llul. asvl.7.o_.gvld._l" V "f;_IgZ u_,uo_.21..eodmoa,_._vlaoz.gVld :[. aang_.d
u'v" G6 06
u'v' c_6 06
uv G6 06
uv c_6 06
_ " °
_E£ - _Igt Bq41_YS
SAMPLE78155- 355

I000 I I I I I I I I I I I000


¢_ 100 100

'- 10 -- "- = - 10

Al203= 26 %

La Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 7: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78155. Data from Hubbard et al. (1974).

(Fig. 9). Using acid-leaching experi- using the 81Kr.Kr method, and
COMETS ? ments, Oberli et al. were also able to Turner and Cadogan (1975)
obtain a 207 pb/206 Pb age of 4.17 _+ determined an exposure age of
Sill et al. (1974) studied the carbon 0.02 b.y. (Fig. 10). Nunes et al. 30 m.y. by the Ar exposure age
content of 78155 with the hope of (1974 and 1975) also studied the technique.
finding evidence of a cometary U-Pb systematics of 78155 (Table 4),
contribution to breccia 78155. They but there were too many different Pb
found that 78155 was the most components and Pb loss events to MAGNETIC STUDIES
volatile-rich of all samples studied, obtain a unique U/Pb age. However,
13ae CO2, CO, and CH 4 content there is evidence from these studies Nagata et al. (1974 and 1975)
represented 267 ppm carbon, that the early Moon had a high U/Pb reported the intensity of saturation
Hydrocarbons (exclusive of CH4) ratio, magnetization for 78155. Hargraves
were present in approximately and Dorety (1975) have also
60 ppm quantity; the most abundant Nyquist et al. (1974) (Table 5), attempted to study the remanent
ion was m/e = 43. This sample also Murthy and Coscio (1977), and magnetism of 78155.
outgassed hydrogen cyanide Murthy (1978) have determined the
(~5 ppm) and hydrogen sulfide Rb/Sr ratio and Sr isotopes in 78155. SURFACE STUDIES
(,-.6ppm). "[hese studies did not yield Rb/Sr
ages, but they did set limits on the Adams and Charette (1975) have
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES initial Sr isotopic ratio for the Moon. determined the reflectance spectra of
78155 (Fig. 11). Note the deep
"l_rner and Cadogan (1975a) deter- COSMOGENIC pyroxene absorption band at
mined a 39Ar-40Ar plateau age of RADIOISOTOPES AND 0.91 _na. This absorption band
4.22 _+0.04 b.y., identical to ffs total EXPOSURE AGES appears deeper than for rocks with
Ar age (Fig. 8). Oberli et al. (1979) high contents of pyroxene!
confirmed this Ar age with a plateau Drozd et al. (1977) have determined
of their own at 4.17 + 0.03 b.y. _mexposure age of 22 m.y. for 78155
SAMPLE 78155 - 356

78155 73275 73235

1.0 ......... = ......... _, .........


co 0.01

ua 4.Z,

_z 36

0 05 10 05 I0 05 1-0

Figure 8: 39Ar-40Ar plateau age of 78155 (4.22 +-0.04 b.y.). Note the flat pattern for all temperatures.
From Turner and Cadogan (1975a).

4.5_ APOLLO 17 78155 AND 79215 I

< 4.0 K_---79215,92 CLAST

P- _ F {_
n_ Ill _'_-79215, 91 MATRIX m


i I ! i l J
O 0.5 I.O


Figure 9: 39Ar-40Ar plateau age of 78155 (4.17 +-0.03 b.y.). Note the agreement with Turner and Cadogan.
From Oberli et al. (1979).
SAMPLE 78155 - 357


207pb i
ZO_p--'-_ TR._.. 7 -i

cs L3 _ 78i55 I

L2_ !

_--T_417 ±002_ Fig. 4 _i

0002 0004 _2'336 3C_,5

Figure 10: 207pb/206pb diagram for 78155. Note the age of 4.17 +_0.02. From Oberli et al. (1979).


-- 78155,29




0.5 I.O 1.5 2.0 25


Figure 11: Reflectance spectra of 78155. From Adams and Charette (1975).
SAMPLE 78155 - 358

Table 1: Lithology of 78155.

From B ickel (1977).

Maximum size eft

Approximate fragment or clast
Lithology % of rock* (mm)# Grain size (_rn)

Granoblastic matrix 65 4.6 x 3.0 Anorthite: 20-100, mafic silicates:

2-40, oxides: 0.5-75

Mineral clasts
Anorthite 10 3 x2 -
Pyroxene t 3 0.8 x 0.6 -
Olivine < 1 0.6 x 0.2 -

Polymineralic lithic clasts

Fine-grained, 1-2 2.8 x 1.0 Finer grained:
felty textured Anorthite: 8 x 40 to 16 x 80;
anorthosite marie silicates: 8 x 12
(Type I) Coarser grained:
Anorthite: 20 x 160 to 30 x 200;
mafic silicates: 15 x 25, wedge
shaped up to 60 _trn long
Annealed Type I 1-2 1.2 x 0.8 Same as Type I, but with greater
range in sizes of mafic silicates
Medium and
coarse grained
(Type II) < 1 1.5 x 1.0 See Table 3
Crushed material 20 0.1 Angular fragments < 100 Inn across

*Mode based on visual estimates and limited point counting.

#All the constituents are seriate in size.
tPigeonite is much more abundant than augite.
SAMPLE78155- 359

Table 2: Chemical composition of 78155.

a) LSPET; b) Wiesmann and Hubbard (1975); c) Hubbard et al. (1974); d ) Laul and Schmitt (1973);
e) Wanke et al. (1976); f) Lindstrom and Lindstrom (1986)

Split _2 (a, b, c) ,57 (d) ,127 (e) ,137 (f)


SiO 2 (wt%) 45.57 - 45.35 -

TiO2 0.27 0.22 0.29 0.32
A1203 25.94 26.2 25.34 26.0
Cr203 0.14 0.12 0.14 0.14
FeO 5.82 5.3 5.63 5.62
MnO 0.10 0.076 0.085 -
MgO 6.33 6.2 6.42 6.2
CaO 15.18 15.2 15.19 15.2
Na20 0.33 0.39 0.38 0.39
K20 0.08 0.07 0.073 -
P205 0.04 -
S 0.04 -
Nb (ppm) 4.8 2
Zr 59 - 54 48
Hf 1.4 1.49 1.42
Ta 0.23 0.25 0.22
U 0.28 0.4 0.24 0.25
Th 1.01 0.9 0.84 0.86
W 0.104
Y 16 16
Sr 147 141 165
Rb 2.061 2.01 -
Li 5.2 4.8
Ba 58.8 50 63.6 61
Cs 0.11 0.103
Zn 4 4.13
Oa 4.52
Ni 53 90 80 100
Co 14 14.3 15.8
Sc 11 13.3 12.9
l-,t 4.02 4.3 4.28 3.98
Ce 10.2 12 11.3 9.9
Nd 6.29 8 7.3 5.7
Sin 1.81 1.9 1.69 1.74
Eu 0.874 0.9 0.862 0.835
Gd 2.32 2.3
SAMPLE 78155 - 360

Table 2: (Concluded).

Split ,2 (a, b, c) ,57 (d) ,127 (e) ,137 (f)


Tb 0.35 0.39 0.41

Dy 2.64 2.3 2.63

Er 1.69 1.90
Yb 1.73 1.7 1.83 1.57
Lu 0.259 0.23 0.271 0.244
Ga 2.91
F 15
CI 6.9

Re (ppb) 0.24
Ir - 3.9 8
Au - 0.68

Table 3: Trace element data for 78155.

a) Morgan et al. (1974); b) Wanke et al. (1976)

Sample Sample
78155,30 (a) 78155,127 (b)

Ir (ppb) 3.32 3.9

Os (ppb)
Re (ppb) 0.278 0.24
Au (ppb) 0.66 0.68
Ni (ppm) 68 80
Sb (ppb) 20.4
Ge (ppb) 27
Se (ppb) 49 60
Te (ppb) 3.2
Ag (ppb) 1
Br (ppb) 65 68
Bi (ppb) 0.29
Zn (ppm) 2.3 4.13
Cd (ppb) 63
TI (ppb) 5.9
Rb (ppm) 1.76 2.01
Cs (ppb) 84 110
U (ppb) 250 240
SAMPLE 78155 - 361

Table 4: U-Th-Pb composition of 78155.

From Nunes et al. (1974).

Split 78155

wt (rag) 112.1
U (ppm) 0.2683
Th (pprn) 0.9352
Pb (ppm) 0.8513
232Th/238U 3.60
238U/204pb 165

Table 5: Rb-Sr composition of 78155.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1974).

Sample 78155,2

wt (mg) 51.6
Rb (pprn) 2.06
Sr (pprn) 146.7
87Rb/86Sr 0.0406 + 4
87Sr/86Sr 0.70164 + 6
TB 4.37 + 0.14
TL 4.48+0.14

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)

Station 8 Boulder

Station 8 at Apollo 17 was located at ctfipped samples of the original top However, the glass coating on 78255
file base of the Sculptured Hills, surface to get pieces 78235, 78236, had numerous micrometeorite craters
although it was located only about 78237, and 78238. These fell in the (Butler, 1973), indicating that it had
20 meters above the valley floor and dirt, where they were collected along been on top at one time. The
within the zone mapped as dark with some soil (78230). Samples astronauts noted how easy it was to
mantle in detailed pre-mission maps 78235 and 78237 were found to fit roll the boulder on the slope where it
(Jackson et al., 1975). The small together, so were combined. 78236 was located.
boulder at Station 8 was selected for was located a few centimeters away
sampling because it was perched on from where 78235 was chipped. All of the samples from the boulder
the surface. However, it had no Samples 78255 and 78256 were have the same norite lithology,
boulder track leading up the taken from the original bottom although the 78255 sample may have
mountain, and its glass coating may surface of the boulder after it had more plagioclase. The boulder is
mean that it was delivered to the been rolled further and were also coarse grained (~5-10 mm) with
location as a "bomb" (Wolfe and collected with dirt. In the laboratory, about 50% yellow-tan orthopyroxene
others, 198 I). Fig. 1 is a planimetric 78255 and 78256 were found to fit and 50% blue-grey plagioclase.
map of Station 8 showing the together, so 78256 was relabeled as a Distinct structural features such as
location of the samples collected, part of 78255. 78255 had a lower foliations and fracture planes, as well
solar flare--cosmic ray induced as branching glass veins, are
The boulder dimensions are about activity, as would be expected conspicuous features of the boulder
30 x 55 x 55 cm (Fig. 2). The because of the shielding by the and the samples taken from it
astronauts rolled the Station 8 boulder from the solar flare. (Jackson et al., 1975).
Boulder completely over and then

before rolling _'__ - -\

After rolling -------------_
t x 78155 78230Pan / 25_
78235, 36, 38
_:__,5_ Norite boulder _ 78220
Rake area 78250, 55
78500-18, x 78135


78420 x-
78440 _ 0 10 20 30 m
l 78460-65
Trench sample_ Pan 26 I I { 1

Figure 1: Planimetric map of Station 8. From Wolfe and others (1981).


Figure2: Photograph of the Station 8 Boulder showing location of samples. AS17-146-22370.

This boulder is one of the oldest The following summary of the this rock is from Nyquist and Shih
samples from the Moon. Its original crystallization ages for samples of (1992).
crystallization age is about 4.4 b.y.

Summary of Age Determinations

39Ar- 40Ar Rb-Sr Sm-Nd U-Pb

78235 4.426 + 0.065 (a)

78236 4.39 (b) 4.38 +_0.02 (b) 4.43 _+0.05 (b)

4.11 + 0.02 (d) 4.34 + 0.04 (c)

(a) Premo and Tatsumoto (1991); (b) Nyquist et al. (1981); (c) Carlson and Lugmair (1981);
(d) Aeschlimann et al. (1982)

The chemical composition of the reported range from 14 to 27%, 1978) shows that the rock is free of
norite boulder has been difficult to indicating variable amounts of meteorite contamination and is
determine precisely because of the plagioclase in the analyzed splits, chemically "pristine." The lack of
coarse grain size and the small This is also seen in the range of Eu meteorite signature is also indicated
sample allocations (~100 mg) that contents. The low Ir in samples by the low Ni in the metallic iron
have been made for chemical 78235 (Higuchi and Morgaa, 1975) particles in the norite.
analysis. The A1203 contents and 78255 (Warren and WzLsson,

Summary of Compositional Data

AI203 (wt. %) Th (ppm) Ce (ppm) Eu (ppm) Reference

'78234 14.36 0.62 8.6 0.7 Warren et al. (1987)

78235 20.87 9.2 1.03 Winzer et al. (1975)

0.59 Keith et al. (1974)

78236 17.66 0.6 12.8 0.82 Blanchard and McKay (1981)

"78255 27.40 0.44 7.8 1.21 Warren and Wasson (1979)

0.83 Keith et al. (1974)

6) At rest at an unknown location for 06 20 20+ CDR "I think I'll get one
BOULDER HISTORY about 0.75 m.y. with its bottom up, more swap off there. Well, that
receiving micrometeorite craters on disappeared. Get it this way. That
Jackson et al. (1975) wrote a sug- its glass coating, disappeared, too? That probably
gested history of the norite boulder, went into orbit. Boy, is that pretty
7) Movement to its discovery site at inside. Whoo! We haven't seen
1) Crystallization from a magma, Station 8, where it rested, with top anything like this. I haven't. Unless
with plagioclase and orthopyroxene side up, for an amount of time you've been holding out on me."
on the liquidus. The grain size and approximately equal to that at its
texture argue that the depth of former site. LMP "No, this is a nice crystalline
crystallization was at least 8 km, and rock. This is about a 50-50 mixture
perhaps as much as 30 km.
8) Rolling and sampling by the of what looks like maskelynite or at
Apollo 17 crew. Return to earth, least blue-grey plagioclase, and a
2) Settling of the plagioclase and lh'eliminary examination, very--let's say light yellow-tan
orthopyroxene crystals onto a floored mineral, probably orthopyroxene.
chamber under the influence of lunar 9) Cutting, distribution, dissolution, It's fairly coarsely crystalline. By
gravity, irradiation, and vaporization. Use coarsely crystalline, probably, the

3) Folding of the planer lamination for education of students, average grain size will turn out to be
about 3 or 4 millimeters, maybe half
by unknown process, possibly an a centimeter."
irregular magma chamber floor. FIELD GEOLOGY

4) Shock metamorphism, producing Note: During collection of the

maskelynite and fractures, samples from the Station 8 Boulder
by the astronauts, many observations
5) Shock metamorphism, possibly about the lithology of this coarse-
during excavation or possibly during grained sample were correctly made,
the same event, producing additional proving that field geology could be
fractures and veins, done on the Moon---by humans at
least. Obvious excitement was noted
in their voices.
SAMPLE 78235 - 367

Shocked Norite
199 g; 4.0 x 5.0 x 5.5 cm, 3.5 x 4.0 x 5.0 cm (2 pieces)

II_rRODUCTION Sample 78235 is a heavily shocked

plutonic norite of cumulate origin PETROGRAPHY
Samples 78235-238 were chipped off with a glass coating and glass veins
file top of the Station 8 Boulder after (Fig. 1). Some of the glass veins are Dymek et al. (1975), McCallum and
it had been rolled over completely continuous with the glass coating. Mathez (1975), Jackson et al. (1975),
(see section on the Station 8 The degree of shock was sufficient to Sclar and Bauer (1975 and 1976),
Boulder). The chips fell in the dirt, convert some of the plagioclase to Steele (1975), and the astronauts
from which they were then collected, maskelynite. Except for the glass have all described 78235 as a
"Ihe sample bag also included more and the shock features, this rock is a shocked norite. James and Flohr
than 200 g of dirt that may include coarse-grained (5-10 mm), pristine, (1983) consider it the best example
additional fragments of this igneous lunar norite (about half of the Mg suite of lunar norites
important rock. Sample 78237 was plagioclase and half orthopyroxene). (Fig. 2).
combined with 78235 because these It has an initial crystallization age of
two pieces were found to fit together, about 4.4 b.y., making it one of the 78235 has a well-preserved, coarse-
Samples 78236 and 78238 are also oldest lunar rocks sampled during the grained (5-10 mm) cumulus texture
from the top surface of the boulder; Apollo missions, where cumulus plagioclase (-50%)
78255 is from the bottom. These and cumulus orthopyroxene (~50%)
samples are all very similar, form distinct layers (Jackson et al.,
1975; McCallum and Mathez, 1975).
SAMPLE78235- 368

An inplagioclase
75 80 85 90 95
I i I i i




Figure2: Plagioclase-pyroxene compositional diagram for 78235. 78235 is one of the best examples of the
Mg-suite norites. Fields from James ai_clFlohr (1983).

Postcumulus enlargement of these silica (Sclar and Bauer, 1975 and metal plus troilite in the glass have
minerals eliminated all but a few 1976). This mineral assemblage is compositions within the meteorite
percent of the intercumulus liquid, probably just part of the mesostasis range, indicating meteoritic
Plagioclase (An93_95) and ortho- of the cumulate (McCallum and contamination of the glass.
pyroxene (Wo3 En78Fs19) are Mathez; EIGoresy et al., 1976), but
homogeneous, with no compositional Sclar and Bauer argued that it had a Solar and Bauer (1975 and 1976)
variation among cores, rims, and shock origin, have studied the shock features in
interstitial grains. Interstitial zones 78235. The presence of maskelynite
contain a remarkable suite of The rock has been heavily shocked, indicates that the shock pressure was
accessory minerals formed at a late resulting in partial destruction of the between 300 and 400 kbar, and the
stage from a fractionated, trapped original cumulus texture in some occurrence of glass veins may mean
liquid. In decreasing order of areas. Plagioclase has been partially that the rock experienced pressures
abundance they are silica, apatite, maskelynitized and locally even in excess of 500 kbar. Solar and
REE-rich whitiockite, Fe-Ni-Co melted, while the orthopyroxene Bauer (1976) have speculated that
alloy (Co = 2.6%; Ni ,- 2.4%), shows undulatory extinction, fine oriented rods of metallic iron in
diopside, chromite, troilite, niobian cracking, and mosaicism. Some of the plagioclase and maskelynite are
rutile, zircon, and baddeleyite, the cracking of the pyroxene is due to subsolidus reduction of iron
obviously due to the expansio:a of the during shock.
Sporadically distributed through the partially maskelynitized plagioclase
orthopyroxene and localized in the (Fig. 3). A brown, vesicular,
pyroxene at specific sites along partially devitrified glass fills MINERAL CHEMISTRY
orthopyroxene-plagioclase interfaces fractures in the rock. Flow banding
are ameboid patches and veinlets, in the glass is def'med by cryslaUites MeCallum and Mathez (1975) and
These consist of the four-phase of metal and troilite. Spheric_d Dymek et al. (1975) have analyzed
assemblage iron-chromite-diopside- globules (~20 grn) of metal artd the minerals in 78235. Pyroxene and
SAMPLE78235- 369

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of thin section 78235,41. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

plagioclase are uniform in composi- microprobe analysis. Winzer et al. microstructural data favor Nyquist's
tion (Figs. 4 and 5). Dymek et al. (1975) measured the compositions of thermal model for cooling of 78236
report high AI, Ti, and Cr in small plagioclase and orthopyroxene because formation at 4.4 b.y. may
diopside grains in 78235 separates by isotope dilution mass have produced exsolution lamellae in
(Wo47En45Fs8; A1203 = 2.86, spectroscopy (Fig. 6). Delaney and the orthopyroxene during cooling
TiO2 = 1.01, and Cr203 = 1.11%). Sutton (1991) attempted to determine below 1000 °C in the lunar crust.
McCallum and Mathez have used the the Fe/Mn ratio in plagioclase in Takeda proposed that 78236 was
compositions of the pyroxenes to 78235 using the new synchrotron excavated when this rock reached
estimate a temperature of equili- x-ray technique. Palme et al. (1984) about 1000 °C and then cooled more
bration of-800 °C. discussed trace elements in slowly at moderate temperatures to
plagioclase, produce the Guinier-Preston zones.
McCallum and Mathez (1975) and
Steele (1975) report analyses for McCallum and Mathez, Hewins and Irving et al. (1974) also studied
whitlockite, apatite, chromite, rutile, Goldstein (1975), and Mehta and orthopyroxene with associated
and baddeleyite. The Nb content of Goldstein (1980) have studied the diopside from coarse fines in the
the rutile is extremely high (-14% by provenance of iron metal in 78235 soils adjacent to 78235.
Steele and ~5% by McCallum and (Fig. 7; also see figure in section on
Mathez). About 10% of the REE in 78238).
the rock are tied up in the WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
whitlockite. Nyquist et al. (1981) Steele (!975) has shown that
It should be remembered that 78235
report a few grains of K-feldspar oxahopyroxene with space group
(Or90.sAb2.1An7.1). P2 lca in 78235 means that this rock is a coarse-grained rock, and that
is of plutonic origin. Takeda et al. small sample splits of a coarse-
Bersch et al. (1991) precisely (1982) studied the orthopyroxene grained rock may not represent the
determined the composition of the (Wo3En76Fs21) in 78236 by whole rock. Winzer et al. (1975)
pyroxene. Hansen et al. (1979) and combined single crystal x-ray have determined the major element
Steele et al. (1980) measured the diffraction and TEM techniques and and rare earth element content of the
trace element contents of the showed that there was no augite whole rock: glass, pyroxene, and
plagioclase. Hinthorne et al. (1977), exsolution with (100) in common, plagioclase separates form their
Steele et al. (1980), and Papike et al. They found abundant Guinier- small sample split of 78235 (Table 1,
(1994) determined the trace elements Preston zones, several unit cells Fig. 8). Blanchard and McKay
in plagioclase and pyroxene by ion wide, in the pyroxene. Takeda's (1981 ) have determined the
SAMPLE 78235 - 370

CaMgSi206 A A

/ _,,-5 0 pointrs I
..... / v _" v v '4
M g2_12U6 t0 20 50 40 ---_ Fe2Si206
Figure 4: Pyroxene quadrilateral. From McCullum and Mathez (1975).

i(.75 points -'_mol %

V V :" v V V
90 92 94 96 98 t00
tool % An
Figure 5." Plagioclase composition diagram. From McCaUum and Mathez (1975).

100 B

::= _'_ _,.,,_ .V3"OPX
o"_'_ "c_:,,"
,, A (" ..._ A-REM'OPX
4 "_
_ b'_, "_,.. A ._o_
o lo \ ...._.""_-_ ---=_:::_,<,,""
-- _ ...... . _'_r=
- ....... -"°"-
Cp. o-" T''_ ...... _ RIND GLASS
" -'_°J_\ ....


1 I I I I i I I I I I I I
Ba C,e Nd Sm Eu Gd I)y E:r Y0 Lu

Figure 6: Normalized rare earth element diagram for mineral separates from 78235. From Winzer et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 78235 - 371

3 I I I I
_o44 points
oo _-metal in norite
(_o o- metal in glass
2 m

o_ °
4-- 0
-_ _- o o

o I I I I
0 5 40 45 20 25

wt. % Ni
Figure 7: Ni and Co concentrations of metal particles in 78235. The metal grains in the pristine part of the rock have
low and uniform Ni contents, while the metal grains in the glass are high in Ni, indicating two different origins for metal
in the rock. Datafrom McCallum and Mathez (1975).

1000 I I I I I : : : : : : 1000

100 100

10 10


I I I I ........i
i • i i i i • I
La Ce Nd SmEuGd Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 8: Normalized rare earth element diagramfor 78235, Data from Winzer et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 78235 - 372

composition of 78236, which is in Glass veins and coating (rind) plot understand how the U-Pb system in
reality another piece of 78235. halfway along the tie line from the minor phases could not have
Warren and Wasson (1978) have plagioclase to pyroxene (Filg. 9). been affected by the shock melting
analyzed 78255. Warren et al. The glass appears to be forined by that is evident in this rock. For these
(1987) analyzed "coarse-fines" in situ melting of the rock without reasons this Pb-Pb age is generally
sample 78234,5, which they believe the addition of other rock not accepted--although it has
to be another piece of 78235-78255. components. A meteoritic generally been confirmed by more
This analysis is included in Table 1 component is indicated by the very recent work.
for comparison, high Ni and Ir in the glass.
Premo and Tatsumoto (1991 and
Higuchi and Morgan (1975) reported 1992) have studied the U-Th-Pb
the trace siderophile and volatile STABLE ISOTOPES isotopic systematics of 78235
elements in 78235 (Table 2). James (Table 5) and determined a
(1994) reviewed the siderophile and Mayeda et al. (1975) report typical crystallization age of 4.426 +
volatile element composition, lunar delta 180 (o/oo) values of 5.67 0.065 b.y. with a disturbance at 3.93
(plagioclase) and 5.41 (pyroxene) for + 0.21 b.y. (Fig. 10). Their work
Keith et al. (1974) have analyzed this pristine lunar rock. also shows that the Moon had a high
large pieces of 78235 and 78255 and U/Pb ratio----about 508. There is also
found that the Th, U, and K contents RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES a hint of a mild event (shock?) at
were slightly different in the two about 900 m.y. in their data.
samples (Table 3). Hinthorne et al. (1977) dated 78235
by the Pb-Pb ion probe method. Nyquist et al. (1981), Aeschlimann
The glass coating and glass veins in Ages from three baddeleyites and et al. (1982), and Carlson and
samples 78235-78255 also give an one zircon in thin section 78235,49 Lugmair (1982) have precisely dated
indication of the bulk composition of were all consistent at 4.25 J: 0.09 b.y. 78236 by 39At- 40Ar, Rb-Sr and
this sample. Winzer et al., Sclar and These data required correction for Sm-Nd methods (see section on
Bauer (1975), Steele, McCallum and unspecified molecular ion interfer- 78236).
Mathez, and Dymek et al. have all ences. It is also difficult to
analyzed the glass (Table 4).

20. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I


- _ (e-"VEINS" _
_ _ \0 - "COATING"J

I i I I I I I l I I I I I i I
0 10 20 30

Wt % MgO
Figure 9: Composition of glass veins in and glass coating on 78235. From Dymek et al. (1975).
SAMPLE 78235 - 373


lr 15 Norite 78235
14 |O. 67075 _
. \ _o= • residues
\ _ _ both leaches
X ,-,
12 \ _- [] leaches + washes
" \ \ _ residues + leaches
'_ \ _ • total: res+lch+wsh

._ \ _ Maske_yn_le. Glass, and Who_e-ro¢_

O. _ _ intercepts
¢:_ _ _ s0C, 4426_65and3930J:210Ma
¢_ 0.8 \ \ __ us:rigCDTin_ialvalues
M.T. \X_
0 "6 / Metal \_.-_
ia. _ Mask
' ......... .........
4 _"=' ._,_ . _,,._.
0.... , . • . , . . . , __ , . . . , . . . , .
0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 \ 1.5 1.8 2.1

0.60 238UI206pb 1

\,,_ • residues
\\ • both leaches

0.58 Mas]. % 13 leaches + washes

'_, $ residues + leaches
0.56 \\ • total: res+lch+wsh

#,_} 0,54 Glass t/_

o Ii- .... _q];,

o Metal X=\\ WR .....

¢_ 0.50 ,_, "_\\

0.48 . . . , . . . , . . . , __\ \.,,
0.95 0.99 1.03 1.07 1.11 1.15


Figure 10: U-Pb Concordia diagrams for 78235from Premo and Tatsumoto (1991), illustrating the U-Pb behavior of
leaches + washes (open squares), both leaches (open diamonds) and residues (solid circles) of mineral separates. Total
U-Pbfor each separate (combining residue + leaches + wash) is shown as a solid square, and theposition of each along
a tie line (residue to leaches + wash; short-dashed lines) shows the effect of the leaching procedure on the U-Pb
systematics of each separate.

COSMOGENIC spectrum (and potential angular Drozd et al. (1977) have determined
RADIOISOTOPES AND anisotropy) of the incident proton an exposure age of 292 + 14m.y. for
EXPOSURE AGES flux from the August 1972 solar flare 78235 using the 81Kr_Krmethod.
(Rancitelli et al., 1974; Keith et al., Aeschlimann et al. (1982) reported
Some of the Apollo 17 samples 1974). Table 3 compares the in- an Ar exposure age of 300 m.y. for
(including 78235) provided a unique duced activity of 78235 with 78255, 78236.
opportunity to study the energy from the underside of the boulder.
SAMPLE 78235 - 374


The original catalog (Butler, 1973)
notes that the glass coating on 78235 The largest piece remaining of 78235
is pitted and in places cracked by weighs 112 g. Thin sections of
spalis from micrometeorite craters, sample 78235 have been widely
Larger pits have penetrated the glass distributed to undergraduate students
to the crystalline rock beneath, as part of the JSC educatior_al thin
section set (Meyer, 1987).
SAMPLE 78235 - 375

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78235.

a) Winzer et al. (1975b); b) Warren et al. (1987); c) Dymek et al. (1975)

Split ,34 (a) 78234 (b)* 78235 (c)

Technique INAA INAA calculated

SiO 2 (wt%) 49.5 50.93 49.8

TiO2 0.16 0.25 0.08
A1203 20.87 14.36 18.4
15"203 0.23 0.40 0.31
FeO 5.05 7.33 6.02
MnO 0.08 0.126 0.10
MgO 11.76 16.43 14.5
CaO 11.71 9.24 10.5
Na20 0.35 0.25 0.3
K20 0.061 0.055 0.05
P205 0.04
Nb (ppm)
Zr 29
Hf 1.66
Ta 0.25
U 0.22
Th 0.62
Sr 107
Ba 79.6 53
Ni 11.5
Co 29.3
Sc 13
La 3.3
Ce 9.16 8.6
Nd 5.4 4.5
Sm 1.49 1.49
Eu 1.03 0.7
Tb 0.38
Dy 2.26 2.73
Er 1.47
Yb 1.64 2.33
Lu 0.241 0.35
SAMPLE 78235 - 376

Table 1: (Concluded).

Split ,34 (a) 78234 (b)* 78235 (c)

Technique INAA INAA calculated

Ga 2.9

Ge (ppb)
k <15
Au 15

*78234 is a "coarse-fine" fragment from the same sample bag as 78235 (see text).

Table 2: Data for 78235.

From Higuchi and Morgan (1975).

Sample Sample
78235,31 black glass

Ir (ppb) 0.135 25.9

Os (ppb)
Re (ppb) 0.0117 1.66
Au (ppb) 0.421 5.08
Ni (ppm) 12 450
Sb (ppb) 0.079 1.1
Ge (ppb) 18.9 131
Se (ppb) 7.5 176
Te (ppb) <0.8 3.5
Ag (ppb) 0.4 0.96
Br (ppb) 6.4 6.7
Bi (ppb) 0.05 0.41
Zn (ppm) 1.5 2
Cd (ppb) 2.9 5.4
TI (ppb) 0.023 0.038
Rb (ppm) 0.922 1.1
Cs (ppb) 64.3 80.3
U (ppb) 360 200
SAMPLE 78235 - 377

Table 3: Solar flare induced activity from large solar flare, August 1972.
From Keith et al. (1974).

Sample Sample Sample

78135 78235 78255

26A1 42+4 77+7 65+6
22Na 74+5 111 +8 50+5
54Mn 180+20 55+8 10+5
56Co 240 +_20 52 + 9 30 _+20
46Sc 76 + 5 1.4 + .9 <15
48V 18 + 5 <12

Th (ppm) .26 .59 .83

U (ppm) .107 .196 .227
K (%) .0525 .049 .059
SAMPLE 78235 - 378

Table 4: Glass chemistry of 78235.

a) Winzer et al. (1975b); b) McCallum and Mathez Ct975); c) Dymek et al. (1975)

(a) (a) (b) (c) (c)

vein rind brown rind vein

Si02 (wt%) 49.8 49.7 49.32 49.42 48.41

TiO2 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.15
A1203 17.15 17.58 18.64 17.86 18.52
Cr203 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.35 0.34
FeO 7.52 7.39 7.53 6.97 7.67
MnO 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.12

MgO 14.98 14.51 13.43 14.25 12.96

CaO 9.92 9.86 10.48 10.24 10.52

Na2 O 0.35 0.34 0.39 0.25 0.39

K20 0.06 0.058 0.07 0.06 0.08
P2 05 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.10
S 0.20

Ba (ppm) 62.5 87.3

Ce 20.5 23.2
Nd 9.52 9.48
Sm 2.04 1.52
Eu 0.815 0.819

Dy 2.97 2.34
El" 1.77 1.66
Yb 1.91 1.63
Lu 0.297 0.258
SAMPLE 78235 - 379

Table 5: U-Th-Pb analytical data for 78235.

From Premo and Tatsumoto (1991).
(Footnotes may refer to material not included in this catalog.)

Sample/ Weight % blank zc6pbl 2°4Pb/ Z°TPb/ 2tmpb/ 2_U/ 232Th/

Fraction (mg) Pb Pb'(ppb) U" (ppb) Th" (ppb) 2°4p'0* 2°6pb: 2°6pb: 2°6pb: 2e4pb: 238U=

WR 67.3 0.30 468 295 363 2862 0.000270 0.5252 0.4185 3913 1.27
(0.31) $ (8.7) (0.06) (0.15) (8.7)
D-Pl-Px 110.0 0.43 196 99.0 63.3 5399 0.000064 0.5188 0.5250 1388O 0.661
(2.6) (57) (0.06) (0.18) (30)
Mask 52.5 3.1 210 108 253 634.3 0.000643 0.5801 0.6522 1550 2.41
(0.29) (44) (0.25) (1.5) (45)
Glass 22.4 0.72 396 197 667 1146 0.000634 0.5322 0.9162 1657 3.50
(0.10) (11) (0.09) (0.10) (11)
Metal 0.12 11 4220 1880 3790 77.83 0.009667 0.5730 0.8t61 95.6 2.08
(0.11) (11) (1.1) (1.0) (13)

Dilute HNOj (1N) leaches

A2-WR -- 1.5 56.!5 6.73 123 95.91 0.009911 0.5929 1.379 31.0 18.9
(0.12) (1.5) (0.15) (0.30) (2.0)
A2-D-PI-Px -- 2.8 18.!5 1.88 27.8 598.1 0.000600 0.5482 1.240 412 15.3
(0.08) (54) (0.35) (0.75) (55)
A2,-mask -- 4.7 19.2 5.93 38,4 406.7 0.000731 0.6062 1.093 984 6.69
(0.34) (73) (0.40) (0.82) (74)
A2-glass -- 24 8.63 2.37 16.7 86.02 0.002377 0.5635 1.219 278 7.27
(0.14) (145) (3.3) (4.7) (150)
A2,-metal -- 67 247 53.4 211 22.59 0.02966 0.6499 1.414 19.2 4.07
(0.26) (7.7) (26) (35) (204)

Dilute HBr (0.1 IV) leaches

AI+WR -- 0.71 152 85.6 638 103.1 0.009424 0.5464 1.585 162 7.70
(0.69) (1.1) (0,11) (0.33) (1.3)
A1-D-PI-Px -- 0,45 153 17.0 164 1804 0.000373 0.5374 1.465 772 995
(0.50) (15) (0.08) (0.31) (15)
Al-mask -- 1.2 103 86.7 601 817.5 0.000748 0.4649 1.541 2940 7.16
(0.24) (19) (0.22) (0.62) (19)
A 1-glass -- 11 28.5 11.9 105 175.5 0.000854 0.5097 1.790 1390 9.16
(022) (190) (2,0) (2.6) (191)
Al-metal -- 65 342 27.1 369 19.20 0.04959 0.8480 1.986 5.40 14,1
(0.02) (11) (5.1) (5.5) (189)

Water Washes
W-WR 70.81 2.7 25.1 4.63 22.2 29.33 0.03354 0.7157 1.662 16.2 4.95
(0.12) (0.46) (0.13) (0.19) (1.5)
W-D-PI-Px 113 6.6 6.25 2.08 7.66 99.20 0.007910 0.5664 1.154 98.8 3.81
(0.21) (8.5) (0.70) (1.5) (10)
W-mask 63.5 3.0 25.7 24.4 137 106.7 0.008455 0.5155 1.056 250 5.81
(0.13) (3.2) (0.38) (1.0) (3.9)
W-glass 22.4 23 7.63 3.05 18.6 45.10 0.01506 0.5967 1.403 69.2 6.29
(0,64) (18) (2.8) (3.1) (27)
W-metal 0.12 83 83.3 11.3 30.6 18.52 0.05650 0.8774 1,961 8.10 2.80
(0.11) (29) (25) (27) (570)

• Concentrations for leaches and washes are calculated using the original weight of the sample fraction.
*Measured ratio, uncorrected for blank Pb or mass fractionation.
z Corrected for blank Pb (amounts are given in the text) using Ludw/g ( 1980, 1985a).
SNumbers in parentheses are 2-sigma errors given in percent for the values just above them.
I Original weights before washing and leaching procedure.
SAMPLE 78236 - 381

Shocked Norite
93.06 g, 7.5 x 5.5 x 2.0 cm

Carlson and Lugmair (1982) and
PETROGRAPHY Nyquist et al. have pointed out the
Sample 78236 is a piece of the same importance of the minor phases to
norite as 78235 (see section on the Nyquist et al. (1981) have discussed age dating studies. An important
boulder at Station 8). It is a heavily the petrography of 78236. Modal part of the Sm and Nd must be tied
shocked, coarse-grained, plutonic analysis and the mineralogy of their up in the whitlockite, and Rb must be
norite of cumulate origin. One side thin section of 78236 agreed with present in the K-feldspar inclusions
of this piece has a thick coating of previous descriptions of 78235 and (Nyquist et al., 1981). Partially
black glass (Fig. 1), and the other 78238. All minerals in 78236 have devitrified dark brown mesostasis
side shows a coarse-grained igneous been shocked to a moderate degree occurs interstitially--mostly
texture (Fig. 2). @30 GPa), with local areas of more intergranular between pyroxene
intense shock (up to ~50 GPa). grains--and contains tiny
78236 has been used extensively for Veins of solidified melt have been clinopyroxene and opaque crystals.
age dating studies, developed in situ. The shock event(s) that have

Figure 1: Photograph of 78236. Cube is I cm. $73-15394.

SAMPLE78236- 382

Figure 2: Photograph of 78236. Field of view is 5 x 7 cm. $73-17813.

partially altered the texture of this 4.11 + 0.02 (Fig. 4). Nyquist et al. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages determined
rock must have at least partially (1981) also dated 78236 by the by the most retentive samples are
remobilized the radiogenic pairs in 39Ar- 40Ar plateau method, but they 4.38 + 0.02 b.y. (Fig. 7) and 4.43 _+
these minor phases. Some of the obtained an age of 4.39 for a e;ample 0.05 b.y. (Fig. 8), respectively.
plagioclase has lost Ar while being of the whole rock (Fig. 5). TILeAr Nyquist et al. note that all of the
converted to maskelynite, released during the low temperatures isotopic systems in 78236 have been
has a younger age. reset to some degree. They discuss
this from two points of view--shock
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Carlson and Lugmair (19811 dated effects and slow cooling of the rock
78236 by the Sm-Nd internal after crystallization.
Blanchard and McKay (1981) have isochron method (Table 2). A
determined the major and trace crystallization age of 4.34 5:0.05 is Jost and Marti (1982) and Marti
element content of 78236 and found indicated by a best fit isochron (1983) have recognized a low
it to be the "same" as that of 78235 (Fig. 6). However, one of the:hand- temperature release pattern of
(Table 1 and Fig. 3). picked plagioclase and one of the spallation Xe in plagioclase separates
pyroxene separates were outside of from 78236 that is different from the
RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES the 5:50 m.y. error envelope, and high temperature release pattern,
evidence of isotopic resetting was possibly due to recoil events from
noted, adjacent mineral phases.
Sample 78236 was used for age
dating studies of the norite boulder.
Aeschlimaun et al. (1982) dated the Nyquist et al. (1981) also dated Sample 78235 has been dated by the
Plagioclase in 78236 by the 78236 by the Rb-Sr (Table 3) and U-Pb method (see section of 78235).
9Ar-40Ar plateau technique at Sm-Nd methods (Table 4). The
SAMPLE78236- 383


EXPOSURE AGES The original catalog (Butler, 1973) The largest piece of 78236 remaining
notes that the glass coating on 78236 weighs 79 g. There are only two thin
Aeschlimarm et al. (1982) report an has been pitted by micrometeorites, sections, but there are numerous
Ar exposure age of 300 m.y. Drozd The largest spall is 6 mm; the sections of 78235.
et al. (1977) have determined an average pit size is reported to be
exposure age of 292 + 14 m.y. for 0.5 mm.
78235 using the 81Kr-Kr method.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

"E I O0 1O0

E r-.-'e---..._.__ --_.; =
m 78236 1" - "
co 10 10

I I I : ........•
• • | • • • • I
La Co Nd Sm Eu Gd To Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78236. Data from Blanchard and McKay (1981).

1Oil i i | , 1 i i 1 i i 9
l0 i i ! i i i i i I i

,_ 8 8

,.,. 6
tl I I J I | I I I J J | [ J I J J I

3.9 78236,t ,.,

3.9 36,1" -
m 3.8
i I I I t i t t I t t 3.7
,.oi l t PtA I t t _ t I I I
0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0

.Figure 4: Temperature release data from the 39A_-4OAr plateau age dating technique for plagioclase from 78236.
From Aeschlimann et al. (1982).
SAMPLE 78236 - 384

i i I [ I I I [ I I
5.0 ,t---'-

4.5 r-------'i
I,M ! I

t J 1300oC
u.] 4.0

•_3.s a
,.,=3.0 78236,4 FELl)SPAR

2.0 I I I I I t I I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 5: Data from 39Ar-40Ar plateau technique for 78236feldspar. From Nyquist et al. (1981).

0.519 - I I I [ I I I I I I I I I
Px - 4e/
0.518_ T = 4,344

Io= 0.50712 o"

0.517 eJUV(4,34,tE)= I.I J Px-2


0.516 -_

'¢ 0.515 o I
- i
z 0.514 "-4
_ Px-I

+1 _- "_. +50
+ m Y"_L._- _TSPK
m T _-

1 4/ 8Y O--Z_T-- / -..-.._:_^ 1"

3_ °'° -' "-_ I I_

02 -2 - "" "_"
0.51 / PLAG t I I I I t "r --,,
O.t4 0.18 O,Z2 0.26 0,30 0,3=I 0.38 /
"1 I I I I I I I I I 14"tsm/lllNdl I I I-]
0.12 0,16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40


Figure 6: Sm-Nd internal isochron for 78236. F;,om Carlson and Lugmair (1981).
SAMPLE 78236 - 385

I I i I

78236 PX-!
0.73 T= 4.38+0.02 AE
I =0.69907_ 2

0.01 0.02 0.03

0.7010 t

4.38 "_,_
WR o PX6
0.72 0.7005 T= 4.27+ 0.11 AE
MS 3 I =0,69912 ¥ 9
_o PL 1

_:o ff

0.71 O.SSS5

,I I" T= 3.47+0.05 AE


o.o o'., 0:, o13 o.,, o.s


Figure 7: Rb-Sr internal isochron fbr mineral separates from 78236. From Nyquist et al. (1981).

78236 - JSC DATA


T=443 ± 0.05 AE i)_:

.516 O MOST RESET jf

( _'a'_(_- r ="3" °'°s"E

WR_" oI-__-*;;. ---':3-3-*-_---

.510 ' vMS2 I I I t I' I I" _'¢f

t L '141 "221 .30 i .38
.14 .18 .22 .28 ,30 ,34 .38


Figure 8: Sm-Nd internal isochron for mineral separates from 78236. From Nyquist et al. (1981).
SAMPLE78236- 386

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78236.

a) Blanchard and McKay (1981); b) Dymek et al. (1975)

Split ,3 (a) 78235 (b)

Technique XRF, INAA calculated

SiO2 (wt%) 50.15 49.8

Ti02 0.18 0.08
A1203 17.66 18.4
Cr203 0.31 0.31
FeO 6.49 6.02
MnO 0.12 0.10

MgO 14.28 14.5

CaO 10.12 10.5

Na20 0.31 0.30

K20 0.04 0.05
P205 0.08
S 0.02

Nb (ppm)
Hf 1.7
Ta 0.2
Th 0.6
Co 28.2
Sc 11.2
La 4.47
Ce 12.8
Sm 1.93
Eu 0.82
Tb 0.53

Yb 2.12
Lu 0.32

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78236 - 387

Table 2: Sm-Nd analytical data for 78236.

From Carlson and Lugmair (1981).

Separate Weight ISm] [Nd] 147Sm/144 Nd a 143Nd/144Nd a

(mg) (ppm) (ppm)

PI-1 12.16 1.47 6.24 0.1426 0.511333

2 40
P1-2 20.08 1.40 5.99 0.1412 0.511186
1 16
PI-3 17.43 1.62 7.24 0.1352 0.511026
1 19
PI-4 24.22 0.466 1.86 0.1513 0.511442
2 36
P1-5 18.17 1.59 7.02 0.1369 0.511041
1 18

Px- 1 46.35 0.814 1.81 0.2726 0.514956

3 24
Px-2 67.45 0.812 1.39 0.3540 0.517354
3 20
Px-3 71.41 0.785 1.45 0.3270 0.516466
3 25
Px-4 74.22 0.774 1.18 0.3968 0.518543
3 29

aQuoted uncertainties are 2Omean; the Ncl data are first corrected for isotopic fractionation to
148NdO/144NdO = 0.242436 and thereafter for oxygen (148Nd/144Nd = 0.241572).
SAMPLE 78236- 388

Table 3: K, Rb, and Sr analytical results for 78236.

From Nyquist et al. (198_[).

wt. K Rb Sr 87Rb (a) 87Sr (b)

Sample (mg) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 86Sr 86Sr

WR(c) 35.3 - 0.862 104.0 0.02398 + 17 0.70057 +_4

Plag 1(d) 8.7 844 1.056 207.1 0.01475 + 11 0.70005 _+6

Plag 2(d) 79.9 - 1.168 206.9 0.01634 + 12 0.70011 _+5
Mask 1(d) 8.7 789 0.796 209.9 0.01097 + 8 0.69979 + 7
Mask 2 (d) 41.2 - 0.966 206.5 0.01354 + 10 0.70003 + 5
Mask 3 (e) 23.4 - 1.450 210.3 0.01995 -+ 15 0.70030 + 5
Px 1(d) 19.6 42.6 0.237 1.56 0.44 -
Px 2(d) 120.2 - 0.195 2.42 0.233 +- 2 0.71282 + 8
Px 3(e) 58.5 - 0.25 (g) 2.013 - 0.72135 + 9
Px 4(c) 55.5 - 0.259 6.20 0.1208 + 9 0.70531 + 6
Px 5(c) 55.3 - 0.407 2.312 0.508 + 4 0.73095 + 8
Px 6(c) 70.9 - 0.526 4.8.6 0.313 -+3 0.72176 + 5
DBG(c) 3.3 - 0.956 99.06 0.0279 + 2 0.70069 + 6
NBS 987(0 0.71021 + 3

(a) Uncertainties correspond to last figures.

(b) Uncertainties correspond to last figures and are 2Om. Normalized to 88Sr/86Sr = 8.37521.
(c) Final Rb-Sr procedure.
(d) Initial Rb-Sr procedure.
(e) Interim Rb-Sr procedure.
(f) Average of 8 analyses from April, 1980 to April, 1981.
(g) Rb content calculated assuming a 4.3 AE age.
SAMPLE 78236 - 389

Table 4: Sm-Nd analyticaldata for 78236.

From Nyquist et al. (1981).

wt. Sin(a) Ndl 147Sm (b) 143Nd (c) 145Nd 144_n (d)
Sample (rag) (ppm) (ppm) 144_-- 144Nd 144Nd _ (x 10 "5)

WR 35.3 2.001 7.0"20 0.1724 + 2 0.511191 + 29 0.34896 _+3 0.8

Plag 2 79.9 1.640 6.811 0.1456 +_2 0.510363 + 18 0.34897 + 5 0.5

Mask 2 41.2 1.122 4.697 0.1445 + 2 0.510334 +_39 0.34894 + 4 0.2
Mask 3 23.4 1.400 6.050 0.1399 +_2 0.510354 + 34 0.34897 +_5 0.2
Px 2 120.2 0.9361 1.526 0.3710 + 4 0.516731 + 85 0.34890 + 10 7.2
Px 3 58.5 0.9211 1.552 0.3589 + 4 0.516475 + 36 0.34902 + 4 0.8
Px 4 55.5 1.027 2.329 0.2667 + 3 0.513883 + 21 0.34898 + 4 0.2
Px 5 55.3 0.9783 2.0"2.6 0.2920 + 3 0.514678 + 18 0.34900 + 3 0.4
Px 6 70.9 0.9800 2.228 0.2660 + 3 0.513738 + 31 0.34902 + 4 0.3
Ames Nd (e) 0.511146 + 28 0.34898 + 3
La Jolla Nd(f) 0.511116+33 0.34893+3

(a) Calculated using measured Sm isotopic composition.

(b) Uncertainties correspond to last figures and do not include the g0.1% uncertainty in the Sm/Nd ratio of the spike.
(c) Uncertainties are 2Om and correspond to last figures. Normalized to 148Nd/144Nd = 0.24308.
(d) Estimated assuming mass 147 due entirely to 147Sin.
(e) Average of 4 analyses for January, 1980 to July, 1980.
(f) Single analysis--January, 1981.
SAMPLE78238- 391

Shocked Norite
57.58 g, 5.9 x 4.5 x 3.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Bauer (1975) found that the

composition of iron metal in 78238 RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
Sample 78238 is another piece of the was high in Co and low in Ni
same norite as 78235 (see section on (Fig. 3). These Co-rich metal grains Sample 78238 has not been dated.
the boulder at Station 8). It is a are found in both the shocked coarse
heavily shocked, coarse-grained, zones and finer-grained crushed THE SURFACE
plutonic norite of cumulate origin. It zones in the rock. These high-Co

also has a coating of black glass. It metal grains presumably crystallized The original catalog (Butler, 1973)
has a penetrating vein of black glass slowly from intercumulus liquid, notes that the glass coating on 78238
which includes vesicles (Fig. 1). Mehta and Goldstein (1980) have is pitted. There are 10-15 pits/cm 2
studied metal in glass and found it to on the T, N, and S surfaces.
contain more Ni.
Fig. 2 shows the shocked plagioclase WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY

and crushed pyroxene. McCallum The largest piece of 78238 weighs

and Mathez (1975), Hewins and The composition of 78238 has not 56 g. There are only three thin
Goldstein (1975), and Sclar and been determined, sections.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78238. Cube is 1 cm. $73-15461.

SAMPLE 78238 - 392

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78238,8. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

2.5 o




0 5 tO
WT. % Ni

Figure 3: Composition oJ metal grains in 78238. From Hewins and Goldstein (1975).
SAMPLE 78255 - 393

Shocked Norite
48.31 g, 4 x 3 x 2 cm (2 pieces)

Sample 78255 was chipped off the
"bottom" of the Station 8 Boulder Sample 78255 is a heavily shocked, Bersch et al. (1991) have precisely
and collected from the soil (see coarse-grained, plutonic norite of determined the composition of
section on the Station 8 Boulder). cumulate origin. It also has a glass pyroxene in 78255.
Sample 78256 was combined with coating and penetrating veins of
78255. The bag in which they were glass including vesicles (Fig. 1). It
returned included 50.57 g of dirt that is the same rock as 78235 (see
may include additional fragments of section of 78235 for petrographic WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
78255. The glass coating on 78255 description). Fig. 2 illustrates
has been pitted by micrometeorites, shocked plagioclase and glass Warren and Wasson (1978) provided
veinlets, an analysis of 78255 (Table 1 and

Figure 1: Photograph of 78255. Scale is 1 cm. $73-15189.

SAMPLE 78255 - 394

Fig. 3). This analysis was very high RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES SURFACE STUDIES
in Al203 (27.4%), indicating that
their sample split may have had
excess plagioclase. Note that the Eu Although sample 78255 has not been The glass coating on 78255 is
is also high. Photos of the hand dated, it should give an age identical reported to have numerous micro-
specimen indicate that the sample to that of 78235-78236. meteorite craters (Butler, 1973)
which is an interesting observation,
may have a higher content because 78255 was from the
plagioclase than 78235. This is COSMOGENIC "bottom" of the boulder, which
consistent with plutonic layering RADIOISOTOPES AND
observed by Jackson et al. (1975). EXPOSURE AGES means it had rolled around on the
The Ir content is slightly elevated, surface--even before the astronauts
but low enough to conclude that this Keith et al. (1974) have determined got there.
sample is a pristine lunar rock. the amount of 56Co, 46Sc, and 54Mn
in 78255 (see table in 78235 ,,;ection).
Keith et al. (1974) determined K, U,
and Th (see table in section on
78235). These data should be
representative of the rock as a whole,
and it is interesting to note that they
are slightly different from those of

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78255. FieM of view is 4 x 5 ram.

SAMPLE78255- 395

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1oo 1oo
_ 78255 )_

10 10

1 t : I I _ _ = , : =: 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78255. From Warren and Wasson (1978).
SAMPLE 78255 - 396

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78255.

From Warren and Wasson (1978).

Split ,4
Technique INAA, RNAA

SiO2 (wt%) 47.2'9

TiO2 0.068
A1203 27.40
Cr203 0.145
FeO 2.64
MnO 0.046

MgO 5.98
CaO 14.98

Na20 0.446
K20 0.084
Nb (ppm)
Zr 49
Hf 0.67
Ta 0.086
U 0.]9
Th 0.44
Ba 86
Zn 0.95
Ni 21.7
Co 22.6
Sc 4.6
La 3.3
Ce 7.8
Nd 5
Sm 1.2
Eu 1.21
Tb 0.23

Yb 0.98
Lu 0.14
Ga 5.1

Ge (ppb) 58.3
Ir 0.43
Au 0.107
SAMPLE 78465 - 397

Soil Breccia
1.039 g, 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm

This fragment was sieved from
trench soil 78460. It is the only rock Sample 78465 is a friable dark There are no data on 78465.
fragment larger than 1 cm from the matrix breccia. It has a glass splash
trench, and it was sampled from on one end (Fig. 1).
between 1-6 cm deep in the trench
soil (Wolfe and others, 1981). There is no thin section of this

Figure 1: Photograph of 78465. The sample is I cm across. $73-19724.


Rake Fragments
from Station 8

RAKE FRAGMENTS FROM Keil et al. (1974) prepared a catalog 78504 (the 4-I0 mm size range).
STATION 8 of the rake samples from Station 8 There may also be important
and reported studies of them in particles in the residual dirt from the
Station 8 was located only about several catalogs from the Unwersity rake sample 78530 (89 g) and the
20 meters above the Taurus-Littrow of New Mexico (Warner et al., trench soils (78220-78280). There is
Valley (Wolfe and others, 1981). 1978). Fig. 1 shows the location of only time here to refer to a few of the
The comprehensive sample at tile rake sample and rake soil on the studies of the numerous coarse-fine
Station 8 consisted of both a rake rim of a subdued small crater particles.
sample and a soil sample from which (10 meters).
rock fragments and "coarse-fine" Irving et al. (1974) and Steele and
fragments were separated. Soil Table 1 gives a summary of the rake Smith (1975) have studied a number
78500 (called the rake soil) samples. Judging from the large of coarse fines from Apollo 17.
contained rock fragments 78505- number of mare basalts and small Bence et al. (1974) have studied a
78518, and the rake sample number of highland breccias, the small fragment, 78503,7,1, which
contained 78525-78599 (the residual Sculptured Hills formation was not they claim is the equivalent of
dirt in the rake bag was called well sampled at Station 8. Meyer 77017. Jolliff et al. (1993) has begun
78530). A soil sample from trench (1973) prepared a catalog of an extensive study of the coarse fines
78460 also yielded one particle additional small "coarse-fine" from the talus slopes of Massifs
greater than 1 cm (78465). fragments from the Apollo 17 soils, surrounding the Taurus-Littrow
There was a total of 84 particles in Valley.

F Noriteboulder _ 7822

After rolling _x/_

¢ x 781 5) before rolling
. 78230Pan
_ 25)tc

Rake area
78250, 55
78500-18 x 78135


78420 x-
78440 A 0 10 20 30 m
l 78460-65
Trench samples) Pan 26 I I I I

Figure 1: Map of Station 8showing location of the rake sample.


Table 1: Summary of the "Rake Samplles" from Station 8.

78465 Soil Breccia 78556 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia

78505 High-Ti Mare Basalt 78557 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia

78506 High-Ti Mare Basalt 78558 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
78507 High-Ti Mare Basalt 78559 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
78508 Light Matrix Soil Breccia 78565 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
78509 High-Ti Mare Basalt 78566 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
78515 Dark Matrix Breccia 78567 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
78516 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 78568 Breccia

78517 Friable White Cataclasite 78569 High-Ti Mare Basalt

78518 Dark Matrix Soil Breccia 78575 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78525 Agglutinate 78576 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78526 Green Glass Vitrophyre 78577 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78527 Granulitic Noritic Breccia 78578 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78528 Basalt 78579 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78535 Dark Matrix Breccia 78585 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78536 Dark Matrix Breccia 78586 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78537 Dark Matrix Breccia 78587 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78538 Dark Matrix Breccia 78588 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78539 Dark Matrix Breccia 78589 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78545 Dark Matrix Breccia 78595 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78546 Dark Matrix Breccia 78596 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78547 Dark Matrix Breccia 78597 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78548 Soil Clod 78598 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78549 Soil Clod 78599 High-Ti Mare Basalt
78555 Soil Breccia
SAMPLE 78505 - 401

High-Ti Mare Basalt
506.3 g, 6.5 x 7.5 x 8.0 cm

Sample 78505 was collected as part RADIOISOTOPES AND
of a soil sample at Station 8. It is a The compositions of minerals in EXPOSURE AGES
typical ilmenite-rich mare basalt 78505 are given in Warner et al.
from Apollo 17 (Fig. 1). (1978) (Fig. 3). Heiken and Keith et al. (1974) have reported the
Vaniman (1989) studied ilmenite, solar flare and cosmic ray induced
and Roedder (1979a) studied the activity of 26A1, 22Na, 54Mn, 56Co,
PETROGRAPHY melt inclusions in ilmenite in 78505. and 46Sc (Table 2).

Brown et al. (1975) give the modal Drozd et al. (1977) have determined
mineralogy of 78505 as 0.5% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY an exposure age of 121 m.y. for
olivine, 21% opaques, 27.7% plagio- 78505 using the 81Kr_Kr method.
clase, 47.7% pyroxene, and 1.9% Tile chemical composition of 78505
silica (Fig. 2). Warner et al. (1978) is reported in Warner et al. (1975a)
refer to this rock as plagioclase- (Table 1 and Fig. 4). Keith et al. MAGNETIC STUDIES
poikilitic ilmenite basalt. (I 974) have determined the K, U,
and Th contents of 78505 (Table 2). Stephenson et al. (1975 and 1977)
used 78505 to look for changes in the
Moon's magnetic field.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78505. Scale is 1 cm. $73-15384.

SAMPLE 78505 - 402

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78505,61. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Di Hd

•e •

v _ _ v v
En F_roxenecomposition(mole%) F|

,c;o 9'O do _o '_" 6'_"o" sb 4'0 1o zo ,b _J

For_terde conlent of olivine(mole%)

_do 9'o r_ eb _ 20 _o 20 ,_
Anorthlte eo_tenl of pla_iocloSe(m,)_e%)

i.0 I_

• _OA

0.2 0._

0.4 ,
Ct6 ,
0,8 1.0 Cr A, _4 de dB ,o
Fe/Fe*Mg Composition of s_nel group minerol$ Fe/Fe#Mg

iiii i

Fe/Fe,Mg of armolcolite

ob _, _z o'3 d.* o'_s d6

07 Q9 ,o
Fe/Fe_Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3: Compositions of minerals in 78505. Erom Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE 78505 - 403

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

100 100
C _

E lO lO

1 I I _ = = _ ' : : :: 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78505. Data fi'om Warner et al. (1975a).
SAMPLE 78505 - 404

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78505.

From Warner et al. (1975a).

Split ,32 Split ,32

Technique INAA Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%) - La 5.9

TiO2 12.0 Ce
AI203 10.6 Nd
Cr203 0.436 Sm 9.4
FeO 18.6 Eu 2.1
MnO 0.227 Gd

MgO 9.5 Tb
CaO 9.9 Dy 15

Na20 0.458 Er
K20 0.07 Yb 8.9
Nb (ppm) Lu 1.2
Ni Ge (ppb)
Co 18.7 h"
Sc 74 Au

Table 2: Solar flare induced activity from large solar flare, August 1972.
From Keith et al. (1974).


26A1 72 :- 10
22Na 67 :--.8
54Mn 100 _+6
56Co 59 :--.13
46Sc 45 __.4

Th (ppm) .39 + .05

U (ppm) .135 + .012
K (%) .0508 + .008
SAMPLE78506- 405

High-Ti Mare Basalt
55.97 g, 4 x 4.5 x 3 cm

INTRODUCTION Brown et al. (1975) give the modal

mineralogy of 78506 as 2.0% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
S_unple 78506 was collected as part olivine, 22.6% opaques, 20.7%
of a soil sample at Station 8. It is a plagioclase, 52.4% pyroxene, and Rhodes et al. (1976a) reported the
typical ilmenite-rich mare basalt 2.3% silica. Irregular vugs take up chemical composition of 78506, and
from Apollo 17. It has a network of about 10% of the volume of the rock. Gibson et al. (1976) determined the
large vugs (Fig. 1). sulfur content. These analyses are
-- given in Table 1 and Fig. 3.
Brown et al. (1975) have reported a RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES
Pyroxene and plagioclase have "new" Zr-rich mineral in 78506 that
crystallized together in a nice coarse- is related to zirconolite. Nyquist et al. (1976) have reported
grained subophitic texture (Fig. 2). Rb-Sr data for the whole rock
(Table 2).

Figure 1: Photograph of 78506. Scale is 1 cm. $73-15467.

SAMPLE 78506 - 406

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78506,27. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

1000 I I I I : : : : : : : 1000

1oo 78506 I O0

E 1o 1o

1 I I ......
i i i i i i : '
i '
• 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gel"l'bDy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78506. Data from Rhodes et al. (1976a).
SAMPLE 78506 - 407

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78506.

From Rhodes et al. (1976a).

Split ,29 Split ,29

Technique XRF, IDMS, 1NAA Technique XRF, IDMS, INAA

SiO2 (wt%) 38.55 Ni

TiO2 12.93 Co 17.6
A1203 8.99 Sc 73
Cr203 0.51 La 5.1
FeO 19.36 Ce 17.8
MnO 0°27 Nd 19.6

MgO 9,59 Sm 8.19

CaO 9,94 Eu 1.85

Na20 0,39 Gd 12.9

K20 0.05 Tb
P205 0.02 Dy 14.9
S 0.16 El- -

Nb (ppm) Yb 7.99
Hf 8,2 Lu 1.11

Sr 175 Ge (ppb)
Rb 0.44 Ir
Li 9.4 Au
Ba 65.9

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 78506.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 78506,29

wt (mg) 50
Rb (ppm) 0.442
Sr (pptr0 175
87Rb/86Sr 0.0073 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69961 + 6

TB 4.85 _+0.78
TL 5.50 _+0.78

B = Model age assuming I = 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b,y.)
SAMPLE 78507 - 409

High-Ti Mare Basalt
23.35 g, 3.8 x 3.4 x 1.5 cm


Sample 78507 was collected as part

of a soil sample at Station 8. It is a Sarnple 78507 is a very vuggy, Ma et al. (1979) have reported the
typical ilmenite-rich mare basalt coarse-grained mare basalt. The chemical composition of 78507
from Apollo 17 (Fig. 1). large pyroxenes surround ilmenite. (Table 1 and Fig. 3).
Plagioclase is intergrown with
pyroxene (Fig. 2). Based on its trace element content,
sample 78507 would be classified as
a Type B Apollo 17 basalt (see

Figure 1." Photograph of 78507. Scale is 1 cm. $73-16144.

SAMPLE 78507 - 410

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78507,4. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

I000 I I I I I I I I I I I I000

1 O0
o_ I O0

,..- 78507
O _ -,-- - : -

IE lo

1 t 1 I I I i I i I :: '1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78507. Data from Ma et al. (1979).
SAMPLE 78507 - 411

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78507.

From Ma et al. (1979).

Split ,1
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 11.9
A1203 8.8
Cr2()3 0.536
FeO 18.0
MnO 0.222
MgO 10
CaO 9.7
Na20 0.407
K20 0.037
Nb (ppm)
Hf 5_5
Ta 1.3

Co 21
&: 79
La 3.4
Ce 13
Nd 16
Sm 6
Eu 1.59
Tb 1.4
Dy 10

Yb 5.8
Lu 0.86
Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78508 - 413

Light Matrix Soil Breccia
10.67 g, ~2 x I x 1 cm

Sample 78508 was collected as part
of a soil sampleatStation8. It is a Butler(1973) described78508 as 78508 has never been studied. There
typical soil breccia from Apollo 17, friable, medium grey, matrix-rich are no thin sections, chemical
althoughperhapsof a somewhat brecciawith clasts generally of analyses, or references in the
lightercolor, millimeter size composing less than literature.
5%. Small clasts are generally white
plagioclase,mare basalt,black
aphanite,and orangeglass.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78508. Cube is 1 cm. $73-18608.

SAMPLE 78509 - 415

High-Ti Mare Basalt
8.68g, 1.5 x 1.0 x 1.0cm

INTRODUCTION Sample 78509 is classified as a

WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Type B Apollo 17 basalt (see
Sample 78509 was collected as part appendix).
of a soil sample at Station 8, Itisa Ma et al. (1979) have reported the
typical ilmenite-rich mare basalt chemical composition of 78509
from Apollo 17 (Fig. 1). ('Fable 1 and Fig. 3). The soil
(78501) has a high percentage of
mare basalt.

Sample 78509 is a typical vuggy

mare basalt (Fig. 2) with medium
grain size (Butler, 1973).

Figure 1. Photograph of 78509, Cube is 1 cm. $73-18608,

SAMPLE 78509 - 416

Figure 2. Photomicrograph of thin section 78509,5. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

100 100

o -,N,/-
m 10 10

n 78501 soil
1 I I I i t i I I : :: 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 3. Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78509. Datafor the local soil are also included for comparison.
Data from Ma et al. (19179).
SAMPLE 78509 - 417

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78509.

From Ma et al. (1979).

Split ,1
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 12.3
A1203 9.2
Cr20_ 0.388
FeO 19.0
MnO 0.252

MgO 8
CaO 10.9

Na20 0.414
K20 0.04
Nb (ppm)
Hf 5.1
Ta 1.3
Co 22
Sc 89
La 3.9
Ce 14
Nd 16
Sm 5.8
Eu 1.22
Tb 1.3

Dy 9
Yb 5.5
Lu 0.8

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78515 - 419

Dark Matrix Breccia
4.76 g, 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm

Sample 78515 was collected as part
of a soil sample at Station 8. It Butler (1973) describes 78515 as Jerde et al. (1987) have reported the
appears to be an exotic breccia with moderately coherent, medium grey, chemical composition of 78515
relatively high AI203 (22.8%). matrix-rich breccia with clasts (Table 1). The sample has very high
composing less than 5% of the rock. Ir (14 ppb). The rare earth element
It also has an unusual rare earth However, the texture of this sample pattern is not like the local soil
element pattern, is not like typical soil breccias (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 1). Jerde et al. (1987) deter-
mined that the maturity (Is/FeO) of
78515 was very low. Consequently, PROCESSING
it may not be a soil breccia.
The largest piece of 78515 weighs
4.39 g. The only thin section is too
small to study.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78515. Scale is 1 cm. $73-18607.

SAMPLE 78515 - 420

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1O0 1O0
"0 [] U [] II
•J= [] IIII

'_ lO 78515 10

u 78501 soil
1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1

La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 2: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78515. Data from Jerde et aL (]987).
SAMPLE 78515 - 421

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78515.

From Jerde et al. (1987).

Split ,1 Split ,1
Technique INAA Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%) 44.08 Ni 340

TiO2 1.67 Co 31.9
A1203 22.87 Sc 18.7
0"203 0A8 La 4.3
FeO 7.72 Ce 11.3
MnO 0.11 Nd 8.2
MgO 7.52 Sm 2.56
CaO 14.42 Eu 0.93
Na20 0.37 Gd
K20 0.054 Tb 0.62
Nb (ppm) Dy 4.1
Zr 200 Er
Hf 1.8 Yb 2.2
Ta 0.29 Lu 0.36
U 0.24 Ga 3.6
Th 0.75 Ge (ppb)
Sr 130 Ir 14.8
Ba 69 Au 4.9
Cs 0.26
SAMPLE 78516 - 423

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
3.18 g, 1.5 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm

INTRODUCTION 5%. Small clasts are generally white Sample 78518 appears to be the
plagioclase, mare basalt, black same material.
S_unple78516 was collected as part aphanite, and orange glass (Fig. 1).
of a soil sample at Station 8. It is a
friable soil breccia and contains The thin section of 78516 shows that WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
orange glass beads, it contains a seriate distribution of
small mineral fragments in brown Jerde et al. (1987) have reported the
glass matrix (Fig. 2). Orange glass chemical composition of 78516
PETROGRAPHY beads are a distinctive feature. (Table 1 and Fig. 3). It has a
composition almost exactly like that
Butler (1973) described 78516 as Jerde et al. (1987) have determined of the soil from which it was
friable, medium grey, matrix-rich that the maturity (Is/FeO) of 78516 is collected (78501), and it has a high Ir
breccia with clasts generally of snbmature, content.
millimeter size composing less than

Figure 1." Photograph of 78516. Cube is I crn. $73-18607.

SAMPLE 78516 - 424

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78516,3. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

I O0
I_ 100

"0 []

t,- • • m
o -_ -78516 r _NI__ _• _

10 10

[] 78501 soil
1 I 0 i I I t I I I :: 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTb Dy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78516. Data from Jerde et al. (1987).
SAMPLE 78516- 425

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78516.

From Jerde et al. (1987).

Split ,1 Split ,1
Technique INAA Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%) 44.51 Ni 250

TiO2 2.47 Co 35.7
A1203 18.09 Sc 26.1
(2r203 0.31 La 10.1
FeO 10.41 Ce 26
MnO 0. ] 6 Nd 17
MgO 10.94 Sm 5.3
CaO 11.75 Eu 1.21
Na20 0.41 Gd
K20 0.11 Tb 1.14

Nb (ppm) Dy 6.9
Zr 190 Er
Hf 3.9 Yb 4.3
Ta 0.52 Lu 0.67
U 0.44 Ga 4.4
Th 1.79 Ge (ppb)
Sr 180 Ir 10.7
Ba 100 Au <4
Cs 0.32
SAMPLE 78517 - 427

Friable White Cataclasite
1.82 g, 1.1 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm

INTRODUCTION (80%) and green (20%) minerals. It should be noted that anorthosites
However, the thin sections of a small senso stricto are rare at the Apollo 17
Sample 78517 was collected as part piece of 78517 (Fig. 2) exhibit a site (Warren et al., 1991).
of a soil sample at Station 8. It "granulitic" texture with "shear"
appears to be a shocked anorthosite zones of crushed material (Warren,
or cataclasite (Fig. 1). It apparently private communication). Metal PROCESSING
is nonpristine, grains have high Ni contents (14%)
and low Co (0.95%) (unpublished). A portion of this sample was
allocated to P. Warren in 1978, and
PETROGRAPHY - two thin sections were made.
The Preliminary Examination Team
described this small sample as a Analyses of this sample are not yet
friable white cataclasite (Butler, published. Sample 78517 has a low
1973). During splitting for alloca- rare earth element content; Ir is
tion in 1978, this sample appeared to ~14 ppb, Au is ~9 ppb, and Ni is
have the relict texture of a coarse ~320 ppm (Warren, unpublished).
plutonic rock composed of white

Figure 1: Photograph of 78517. Cube is 1 cm. $73-18607.

SAMPLE78517 - 428

Figure 2. Photomicrograph of thin section 78517,3 with partially crossed polarizers. Field of view is 2.5 x 1.25 mm.
(Photo courtesy of Paul Warren.)
SAMPLE 78518 - 429

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
0.88 g, 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm


Sample 78518 was collected as part

of a soil sample at Station 8. It is a Butler (1973) described 78518 as
dark matrix soil breccia, very similar friable, medium grey, matrix-rich
to 78516 and 78555. breccia with clasts generally of
millimeter size composing less than
5%. Small clasts are generally white
plagioclase, mare basalt, black
aphanite, and orange glass.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78518. Cube is I cm. $73-18607.

SAMPLE78525- 431

5.11 g, 2.6 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm


Sample 78525 was collected as part

of the large rake sample at Station 8 This relatively large agglutinate
(Keil et al., 1974). consists of about half fragments of
dark matrix microbreccia welded in a
vesicular black glass (Butler, 1973).

Smnple 78525 has not been studied.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78525. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21033.

SAMPLE 78526 - 433

Green Glass Vitrophyre
8.77 g, 2.2 x 1.6 x 1.6 cm

INTRODUCTION chromite euhedra. Relic grains of Warner et al. (1978a) report that
olivine, pigeonite, plagioclase, metal grains have a range in
Sample 78526 was collected as part chromite, and metal are present in composition: in the porphyritic
of the large rake sample at Station 8 the glass, and two types of very low lithology, 1.0-6.7% Ni and 1.3-2.8%
(Keil et al., 1974). It is a very Ti (VLT) mare basalt are present as Co; in the granular lithology,
primitive volcanic glass, with very lithic clasts. 0.8-1.6% Ni and 1.0-1.4% Co; and
low Ti and REE contents, individual grains in the glass,
Warner et al. (1978a) have studied 1.2-18.9% Ni and 1.0-3.4% Co.
PETROGRAPHY 78526 carefully and have concluded None of the metal in 78256 appears
that :itwas formed as an impact melt to be of meteoritic origin, as all the
that mixed at least two very different grains analyzed by Warner et al.
Butler (1973) described this sample low Ti basalts, contain >1 wt % Co.
as a "mixture of coherent grey

breccia disrupted by numerous veins Papike and Vaniman (1978) classify

of paie green glass" (Fig. 1). A thin this glass as a VLT basalt.
section of the glass shows that WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
needles and chains of olivine and
pyroxene have started to grow MINERAL CHEMISTRY Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have
(Fig. 2). Warner et al. (1978f) find reported the chemical composition of
that two textural domains are pre- The compositions of minerals in 78526 (Table 1 and Fig. 4). In 1977,
valent in the glass. One has feathery 78526 have been reported by Warner Murali et al. repeated the analysis
pyroxene and acicular, chain olivine et al. (1978f) (Fig. 3). Plagioclase is and got identical results. Hughes and
and pyroxene; the other has abundant almost pure anorthite. Schmitt (1985) have used the
small "hopper" olivine and tiny composition of 78526 to discuss the

Figure 1: Photograph of 78526. Scale is I cm. $73-33667.

SAMPLE78526- 434

i i
Zr-Hf-Ta fractionation during lunar

Jovanovic and Reed (1978) have Small clasts of VLT basalt are The surface of 78526 has many
determined CI, Br, I, U, and P in included in the glass. In hand micrometeorite craters.
78526. specimen, large elasts of basalt
appear to be present. At the time of
cataloging, 78526 is being a,'.tively
studied by P. Warren and
M. Tatsumoto.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78526,18. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

SAMPLE 78526 - 435

Di Hd

En Pyroxenecomposition(mole%) Fs

t_o 9'o 80 To eo 5'o 4_o 1o io ,_)

Forsterite content of otivine (mole%)

100 90 60 50 40 30 l0
Anorthile contentof plog_oclase(mole%)



o o


0.1 A v_ O.g I I
0.4 o6 ae a4 as o.e I.o
Fe//Fe*Mg Composition of spinel group minerols Fe//Fe,Mg

Figure 3: Compositions of minerals in 78526. From Warner et al. (1978a and.t).

SAMPLE 78526 - 436

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

._ 100 100


o. 78526
= 10 --.41 10

1 I I I I I I I I : : : 1

La Ce Nd SmEuGd TbDy Er YbLu

Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78526. Data from Laul and Schmitt (1975).
SAMPLE78526- 437

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78526.

a) Laul and Schmitt (1975c); b) Murali et al. (1977a)

Split ,1 (a) ,6 (b)

Technique INAA INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) - -
TiO2 0.8 1.1
A1203 11.1 10.7
Cr203 0.74 1.02
FeO 17.4 17.6
MnO 0.261 0.278
MgO 11 12
CaO 10 9.7
Na20 0.15 0.16
K20 0.02 0.015
Nb (ppm)
Zr - 226
Hf 0.5 0.7
Ta 0.06
Co 45.4 44
Sc 51 48
La 1.2 1.3
Sm 1 1.1
Eu 0.3 0.25
Tb 0.28 0.27
Dy 2 1.8
Yb 1.4 1.4
Lu 0.23 0.24
Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE78527- 439

Granulitic Noritic Breccia
5.16 g, 1.8 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm

INTRODUCTION orthopyroxene (Wo 3En77Fs20 ), 2% (Fig. 3). Metal grains in 78527 are
olivine (Fo77), and ,-0.3% acces- all high in Ni (25-53%) and Co (1.9-
Sample 78527 was collected as part sories, including minor high-Ca 2.2%).
of a large rake sample at Station 8 pyroxene (Wo42En48Fs10),
(Kiel et al., 1974). It is a light- armalcolite, ilmenite, rutile, chro-
colored, recrystallized norite (Fig. 1). mite, baddeleyite, zirconolite, zircon, WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
K-feldspar, metal, and troilite. The
rock consists of large, seriate, Laul and Schmitt (1975c), Murali
PETROGRAPHY subangular plagioclase (up to 2 mm) et al. (1977a), and Warren et al.
and orthopyroxene (up to 0.8 ram) (1983) have reported the chemical
Butler (1973) described this sample crystals in a fine-grained recrystal- composition of 78527 (Table 1 and
as a "brecciated, coarse-grained (up lized matrix (Fig. 2). Minor olivine Fig. 4). This composition and the
to 4 mm) gabbroic rock with a dark occurs as large polygonized grains, mineral composition are similar to
glass coating. The plagioclase is that of pristine lunar norite 78235.
probably maskelynite, and the mafic Cushing et al. (1993) include 78527 Warren (1993) lists it as a potentially
silicate is pale green." In a few in their suite of lunar granulites, pristine lunar sample. However, it
places the sample is thinly coated by has a relatively high Ir content.
dark breccia material, suggesting that --'
it was a clast in a soil breccia. MINERAL CHEMISTRY

Nehru et al. (1978) describe 78527 as The compositions of minerals in

a recrystallized norite, containing 78527 are given in Nehru et al.
~52% plagioclase (An94), 45% (1978) an4Warren et al. (1978t3

Figure i: Photograph of 78527. The white spot in the center is an artifact. Scale is I cm. $73-21026.
SAMPLE 78527 - 440

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78257. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm. From Warner et al. (1978).

Oi Hd

"" " FS

*oo 90 ao 70 _o _o 40 30 2'o ,b b
Forsterite content of o_ivine (mole%)

I00 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 I0 0
Anort/lite _onfenf of p(oqlocros_ (reel@%}

OJ 0.8 • • •

o._[ , g • *i Cr • AI o I i
0.4 G6 08 ; 0.6 OJB I0
Fe//Fe* Mg Composition
of spinelgroupminerois Fo//Fe* Mq

ge//Fe_,Mgof orrnolcollte

, , |m,J
o_o dl d2 o_s d4 0.5 o.6 o.7 o_e d9 ,'.o
Fe//Fe+Mgof ilmgnite

Figure 3: Compositions of minerals in 78527. From Warner et al. (1978).

SAMPLE78527- 441

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

•E. 1O0
" 78527
tj re"---e----._

1 i I I J I i I I _ _: 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78527. Data from Laul and Schmitt (1975).
SAMPLE78527- 442

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78527.

a) Laul and Schmitt (1975c); b) Murali et al. (1977a); c) Warren et al. (1983)

Split ,2 (a) ,2 (b) ,5 (c)


SiO2 (wt%) - - 45.37

TiO2 0.6 0.3:3 0.37
A1203 16.8 13.3 14.93
Cr203 0.21 0.191 0.215
FeO 7.4 8.3 9.90
MnO 0.09 0.087 0.12
MgO 15 14 19.75
CaO 9.2 7.8 8.12

Na20 0.42 0.36 0.35

K20 0.065 0.054 0.07
Nb (ppm)
Zx - <350
Hf 2.9 3.2 2.76
Ta 0.3 0.3,3 0.33
U - 0.29
Th 1.4 0.7 1.6
Ba 150 110 140
Ni 120 170 102
Co 31.6 35 47
Sc 9.4 8 9.4
La 8.5 7.9 9.3
Ce 20 (25) 25.5
Nd 14
Sm 3.9 2.!) 3.72
Eu 1.07 0.!7"/ 0.98
Tb 0.8 0.7 0.83

Dy 5.5 4:1 5.7

Yb 5 3.4 3.76
Lu 0.73 0.59 0.61

Ge (ppb) 86
k 6 2.8
Au 0.23
SAMPLE 78528 - 443

7.00 g, 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm


Sample 78528 was collected as part

of a soil sample at Station 8. It 78528 is a fine-grained mare basalt
appears to be a typical ilmenite-rich with breccia attached to its surface.
mate basalt from Apollo 17 (Fig. 1). It may have been a clast in a breccia
(Butler, 1973).

This sample has not been studied.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78528. Scale is I cm. $73-21028.

SAMPLE 78535 - 445

Dark Matrix Breccia
103.4 g, 2 pieces: 6.0 x 5.0 x 4.1 cm; 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION basalt. Keil et al. (1974) and Warner

et al. (1978f) have also described WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sarflple 78535 is a coherent soil 78535 in their catalogs.
breccia that was collected as part of a Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have
large rake sample at Station 8 In thin section, the breccia matrix reported the chemical composition of
(Fig. 1). 78535 appears to be similar consists of abundant small mineral 78535 (Table 1). The chemical
to 78546, which is perhaps the best clasts together with dark brown glass composition is almost exactly like
studied of this group of soil breccias, that firmly cements the rock (Fig. 2). that of the local soil (78501) (Fig. 3).
Warner et al. found abundant
mineral, glass, and lithic clasts. SIGNIFICANT CLASTS
PETROGRAPHY Lithic clasts include anorthosite and

mare basalt. Orange and devitrified Fig. 1 shows a relatively large

Butler (1973) describes 78535 as orange glass spherules are common.
moderately coherent, medium grey, (8 mm), chalky white clast that
matrix-rich breccia with clasts Warner et al. (1979) have studied the apparently has not been studied.
composing less than 5% of the rock. glass compositions in 78535.
Clasts are predominantly white and
consist of plagioclase and mare

Figure 1: Photograph of 78535. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21429.

SAMPLE 78535 - 446

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section of 78535,7. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000


•'_ II •

u 78535

10 10

" 78501 soil

1 I I 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGd TbDy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 76'535 compared with data from local soil.
Data from Laul and Schmi/,t (1975c).
SAMPLE 78535 - 447

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78535.

From Laul and Schmitt (1975c).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 3.9
A1203 17.2
0"203 0.30
FeO 11.3
MnO 0.14
MgO 9.7
CaO 11.6
Na20 0.38
K20 0.09
Nb (ppm)
Hf 4.4
Ta 0.75

Th 1.0
Ni 200
Co 30.7
Sc 32
La 8.3
Ce 24
Sm 5.9
Eu 1.2
Tb ].2
Dy 7.2
Yb 4.7
Lu 0.72
Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE78536- 449

Dark Matrix Breccia
8.67 g, 3.0 x 1.8 x 1.3 cm

INTRODUCTION Clasts are predominantly white and

PETROGRAPHY consist of plagioclase and mare
Sample 78536 is a coherent soil basalt.
breccia that was collected as part of Butler (1973) describes 78536 as
a large rake sample at Station 8 moderately coherent, medium grey, Sample 78536 has not been studied.
(Fig. 1). It is similar to 78535 (Keil matrix-rich breccia with clasts
et al., 1974). composing less than 5% of the rock.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78536. Scale is 1 cm. $73-33419.

SAMPLE 78537 - 451

Dark Matrix Breccia
11.76 g, 3.0 x 2.0 x 1.9 cm

INTRODUCTION Thin sections of 78537 show that it

PETROGRAPHY has a brown glass matrix including
Sample 78537 is a coherent soil orange glass spheres and mare basalt
breccia that was collected as part of Butler (1973) describes 78537 as fragments (Fig. 2). This breccia is
a large rake sample at Station 8 moderately coherent, medium grey, probably from the mare surface near
(Fig. 1). This brown glass matrix matrix-rich breccia with clasts Station 8.
breccia is similar to 78535. composing less than 5% of the rock.
Clasts are predominantly white and Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
basalt. of plagioclase and mare glass compositions in 78537.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78537. Scale is I cm. $73-33404.

SAMPLE 78537 - 452

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78537,17. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

SAMPLE 78538 - 453

Dark Matrix Breccia
5.82 g, 2.1 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm

Sample 78538 is a coherent soil
breccia that was collected as part of Butler (1973) describes 78538 as
a large rake sample at Station 8 moderately coherent, medium grey,
(Fig. 1). It is similar to microbreccia matrix-rich breccia with clasts
78535, but perhaps is darker grey composing less than 5% of the rock.
(Keil et al., 1974). Clasts are predominantly white and
consist of plagioclase and mare

Figure I: Photograph of 78538. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21010.

SAMPLE 78539 - 455

Dark Matrix Breccia
3.73 g, 2.4 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm

INTRODUCTION Keil et al. (1974) suggest that the
PETROGRAPHY matrix of this fragment of soil
Sample 78539 is a coherent soil breccia is "somewhat transitional to
breccia that was collected as part of Butler (1973) describes 78539 as soil clods."
a large rake sample at Station 8 moderately coherent, medium grey,
(Fig. 1). It is similar to 78535. matrix-rich breccia with clasts
composing less than 5% of the rock.
Clasts are predominantly white and
consist of plagioclase and mare

Figure 1: Photograph of 78539. Scale is I cm. $73-33443.

SAMPLE 78545 - 457

Dark Matrix Breccia
8.60 g, 2.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 cm

INTRODUCTION Clasts are predominantly white and

PETROGRAPHY consist of plagioclase and mare
Sample 78545 is a coherent soil basalt.
breccia that was collected as part of Butler (1973) describes 78545 as
a large rake sample at Station 8 moderately coherent, medium grey, Keil et al. (1974) describe one large
(Fig. 1). It is similar to 78535. matlix-rich breccia with clasts clast of mare basalt.
composing less than 5% of the rock.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78545. Scale is I cm. $73-33398.

SAMPLE 78546 - 459

Dark Matrix Breccia
42.66 g, 4.9 x 3.9 x 2.5 cm

INTRODUCTION Warner et al. (19780 report that

78546 has a relatively high propor- MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Sample 78546 is a coherent soil tion of clasts to matrix. Part of the
breccia that was collected as part of a breccia is intruded by irregular, Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
large rake sample at Station 8 sometimes vesicular, glass veins, glass compositions in 78546.
(Fig. 1). Warner et al. (1978f) state Lithic clasts include a large poikilitic Shearer et al. (1991) have used the
that 78546 is similar to 78535. anorthositic norite or gabbro, several ion microprobe to analyze glass
Fruland (1983) included 78546 in the mare basalt clasts (mostly fine- beads in 78546.
suite of soil breccias to be studied by grained), and abundant fine-grained
the Regolith Initiative. breccia clasts. Orange glass and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
devitrified orange glass spherules are
PETROGRAPHY abundant. Minor pale yellow, green, Laul and Schmitt (1975c) and Simon
and colorless glass fragments are et al. (1990) have reported the
also reported.
Butler (1973) describes 78546 as chemical composition of 78546
(Table 1 and Fig. 3). This breccia
moderately coherent, medium grey, Simon et al. (1990) give the has a high Ti content. The REE
matrix-rich breccia with clasts com- mineralogical mode of 78546 and
posing less than 5% of the rock. content is similar to the Station 8 soil
compare it with other regolith (78501).
Clasts are predominantly white and breccias.
consist of plagioclase and mare
basalt (Fig. 2).

Figure 1: Photograph of 78546. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21410.

SAMPLE 78546 - 460


One side of 78546 had numerous The largest piece of 78546 remaining
micrometeorite craters (Butler, weighs 32 g. There are three thin
1973). sections of 78546.

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78546,8. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1O0 1 O0

_ m

10 10

• 78501 soil
1 I I I I t I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd l'b Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 785415. Data f7'om Laul and Schmitt (1975c).
Data for local soil 78501 are for comparison.
SAMPLE78546- 461

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78546.

a) Simon et al. (1990); b) Laul and Schmitt (1975c)

Split ,10 (a) ,3 (b) Split ,10 (a) ,3 (b)

Technique INAA INAA Technique INAA INAA

SiO2 (wt%) - - Cs 0.13

TiO2 4.33 4.2 Zn 60
A1203 13.9 15.3 Ni 100 150
Cr203 0.41 0.33 Co 37.1 35.3
FeO 13.6 13.2 Sc 40 31
MnO 0.18 0.16 La 8.62 7.8
MgO 10.6 10 Ce 22.7 22
CaO 11.5 11 Nd 17.8 16
Na20 0.47 0.45 Sm 5.8 5.5
K20 0.11 0.10 Eu 1.4 1.4
Nb (ppm) Gd 7.3
Zr 110 - Tb 1.3 1.2
Hf 4.7 4.7 Dy 8.6 7.6
Ta 0.76 0.67 Tm 0.71
U 0.33 - Yb 4.42 3.9
Th 1.15 0.8 Lu 0.66 0.56
Sr 150 Ge (ppb)
Rb 10.8 Ir 4.5 6
Ba 110 100 Au 6.0 1
SAMPLE 78547 - 463

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
29.91 g, 4.0 x 2.8 x 2.4 cm

INTRODUCTION Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al.

(1978f) included this sample in their WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
S_maple78547 is a friable soil breccia catalogs (Fig. 2). Warner et al. noted
that was collected as part of a large that it contained a fragmentof very Lanl and Schmitt (1975c) have
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). low-Ti basalt, a few recrystallized reportedthe chemical composition of
ANT clasts, and a variety of 78547 (Table 1). This soil breccia
feldspathic breccia clasts. Also has only about half the TiO2 (2.2%)
PETROGRAPHY included are glass spherules,angular of the local soil 78501 (5.2%). It
glass fragments, and several also has a lower and flatterREE
Butler (1973) described 78547 as agglutinates (proof of soil origin), pattern (Fig. 3) and may be a soil
friable, medium grey, matrix-rich breccia derived from furtherup the
breccia with clasts generally of slope of the Sculptured Hills.
millimeter size composing less than MINERAL CHEMISTRY
5'70. Small clasts are generallywhite
plagioclase, mare basalt, black Warneret al. (1979) have studied the SIGNIFICANT CLASTS
aphanite, and orange glass, glass compositions in 78547.
One clast is .-,7mm across (Fig. 1).
This clast has not been studied.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78547. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21404.

SAMPLE 78547 - 464

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of grains from 78547. From Warner et al. (197839.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

100 100
"m =
0 • • • •
='- • •

--_ 78547
6'3 10 10

• 78501
1 _ _ _ ........m
u J i • i i i 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGd'rbDy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78547 with data from soil 78501for comparison.
Data from Laul and Schmitt ('1975).
SAMPLE 78547 - 465

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78547.

From Laul and Schmitt (1975c).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 2.2
A1203 16.3
Cr203 0.36
FeO 11.8
MnO 0.16

IVlgO 11
CaO 11.1

Na20 0.36
1<2o 0.085
Nb (ppm)
Hf 2.9
Ta 0.47
Th 1.0
N 150
Co 33
Sc 30
La 6.4
Ce 18
Sm 4.2
Eu 0.94
Tb 0.8

Dy 5
Yb 3.4
Lu 0.48

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78548 - 467

Soil Clod
15.95 g, 2.6 x 2.2 x 2.1 cm

INTRODUCTION Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al.

(19780 discussed this sample in their WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78548 is a very friable soil catalogs. They noted that it contains
brec,cia that was collected as part of a clasts of mare basalt and highland Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have
large rake sample at Station 8 materials, and that there are reported the chemical composition of
(Fig. 1). It broke up into soil during fragments of pale green glass, or 78548 (Table 1 and Fig. 3). It has a
processing (Fig. 2). green glass vitrophyre, similar to •chemical composition exactly like
78526, as well as other glasses, that of the rake soil (78501).

Butler (1973) described 78548 as
very friable, medium grey, matrix- Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
rich breccia with clasts generally of glass compositions in 78548.
millimeter size composing less
than 5%.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78548. Scale is I cm. $73-33400.

SAMPLE 78548 - 468

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of grains from 78548. From Warner et al. (1978f).

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I I000


100 100


10 10

m78501 soil

1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTb Dy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78548. Data from Laul and Schmitt (1975).
Data for 78501 soil are for ogmparison.
SAMPLE 78548 - 469

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78548.

From Laul and Schmitt (1975c).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 5.2
A1203 16.0
Cr203 0.34
FeO 13.2
MnO 0.167
MgO 10
Ca() 11.3
Na20 0.41
K20 0.09
Nb (ppm)
Hf 5
Ta 0.9
Th 0.8
Ni 120
Co 31.2
Sc 41
La 7.9
Ce 24
Sm 6.6
Eu 1.4
Tb 1.5

Dy 9.3
Yb 5.7
Lu 0.81

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78549 - 471

Soil Clod
16.09 g, 2.2 x 2.6 x 1.4 cm

INTRODUCTION : _ Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al.

(19780 included this sample in their wHOLE,ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78549 is a very friable soil catalogs. They noted that it
breccia that was collected as part of a contained feldspathic breccia clasts, Laul and Schmitt (1975c) have
large rake sample at Station 8 minor basalt fragments, and some reported the chemical composition of
(Fig. 1). It broke up into soil during agglutinates (which prove that it was 78549 (Table 1 and Fig. 3). This
processing (Fig. 2). a soil), sample has only about half the TiO 2
• of the 78501 soil. It may be a soil
breccia from upslope on the

Butler (1973) described 78549 as Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
friable, medium grey, matrix-rich glass compositions in 78549.
beeccia with clasts generally of
millimeter size composing less than
5%. Small clasts are generally white
plagioelase, mare basalt, black
aphanite, and orange glass.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78549. Scale is I cm. $73-21015.

SAMPLE 78549 - 472

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of grains from 78549. From Warner et al. (197839.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

._ 100 100

¢- __
78549 _,
_ P ,,
V) 10 10

• 78501 soil

1 ', ' I I I I I I I ', : 1

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram for 78549. Data from Laul and Schmitt (1975).
Data for 78501 soil are for comparison,,
SAMPLE 78549 - 473

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78549.

From Laul and Schmitt (1975c).

Split ,1
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 2.6
A1203 18.0
Cr203 0.294
FeO 11.4
MnO 0.142
MgO 10
CaO 11.9
Na20 0.39
K20 0.10
Nb (ppm)
Hf 4.3
Ta 0.63
U 0.4
Th 1.2
Ba 140
Ni 300
Co 41.8
Sc 26
La 9.4
Ce 25
Nd 18
Sm 5.4
Eu 1.2
Tb 1.1

Dy 7.3

Yb 4.1
Lu 0.6
Ge (ppb)
k 10
Au 3
SAMPLE 78555 - 475

Soil Breccia
6.64 g, 2.6 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm

IICrRODUCTION I(eil et al. (1974) and Warner et al.

(19780 included this sample in their MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Sample 78555 is a very friablesoil catalogs. They noted that it was very
breccia that was collected as part of a porous and contained fine-grained Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
large rake sample at Station 8 bleccia clasts, minor basalt glass compositions in 78555.
(Fig. 1). fi:agments,and some agglutinates
(which prove that it was a soil). WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Glass spherules and angular glass
PETROGRAPHY fragments are abundant. Jerde et al. (1987) have reported the
chemical composition of 78555
Butler (1973) described 78555 as Jerde et al. (1987) have determined (Table 1 and Fig. 3). It has a TiO2
friable, medium grey, matrix-rich file maturity (Is/FeO) of 78555 to be content about half that of the local
breccia with clasts generally of that of a submature soil.
millimeter size composing less than soil and may be another soil breccia
5%. Small clasts are generally white from npslope on the Sculptured
plagioclase, mare basalt, black Hills.
aphanite, and orange glass.

i i:¸

Figure 1: Photograph of 78555. Scale is i cm. $73-21021.

SAMPLE 78555 - 476

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section of 78555,4. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

1000 I I ! I I I I I I I I 1000

,_ 100 100

10 10

• 78501 soil
1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth _elementdiagram for 78555. DaJ!afrom Jerde et aL (1987).
Data for 78501 soil are for comparison.
SAMPLE78555- 477

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78555.

From Jerde et al. (1987).

Split ,6 Split ,6
Technique INAA Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%) 44.5:1 Ni 260

TiO2 2.4,2 Co 35.6
A1203 17.97 Sc
(2r203 0.35 La 9.9
FeO 9._) Ce 25
MnO 0.15 Nd 16
MgO 11.2,'7 Sm 5.3
CaO 11.4..9 Eu 1.17
Na20 0.39 Gd
K20 0.11 Tb 1.1
Nb (ppm) Dy 8.1
Zr 180 Er
Hf 3.7 Yb 4.2
Ta 0.56 Lu 0.65
U 0.53 Ga 4.2
Th 1.86 Ge (ppb)
Sr 160 Ir 11
Ba 130 Au 3.3
Cs 0.55
SAMPLE 78556 - 479

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
9..50 g, 3.4 x 2.0 x 1.3 cm

PETROGRAPHY plagioclase, mare basalt, black
aphanite, and orange glass.
Sample 78556 is a very friable soil
breccia that was collected as part of a Butler (1973) described 78556 as This sample has not been studied. It
large rake sample at Station 8 friable, medium grey, matrix-rich appears to be similar to 78555 (Keil
(Fig. 1). breccia with clasts generally of et al., 1974).
millimeter size composing less than
5%. Small clasts are generally white

Figure 1: Photograph of 78556. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21020.

SAMPLE 78557 - 481

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
7.1!9g, 3.0 x 1.8 x 1.2 cm

PETROGRAPHY plagioclase, mare basalt, black
aphanite, and orange glass.
Sample 78557 is a very friable soil
breccia that was collected as part of a Butler (1973) described 78557 as This sample has not been studied. It
large rake sample at Station 8 friable, medium grey, matrix-rich appears to be similar to 78555 (Keil
(Fig. 1). brex,cia with clasts generally of et al., 1974).
millimeter size composing less than
5%. Small clasts are generally white

Figure 1: Photograph of 78557. Scale is I cm. $73-21012.

SAMPLE 78558 - 483

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
3.'78 g, 2.2 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm

PETROGRAPHY clase, mare basalt, black aphanite,
and orange glass.
Sample 78558 is a very friable soil
breccia that was collected as part of a Butler (1973) described 78558 as This sample has not been studied. It
large rake sample at Station 8 friable, dark grey, matrix-rich breccia appears to be similar to 78555 (Keil
(Fig. 1). with clasts generally of millimeter et al., 1974).
size composing less than 5%. Small
cl_Lstsare generally white plagio-

Figure 1: Photograph of 78558. Scale is I cm. $73-21019.

SAMPLE78559- 485

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
3.05 g, 2.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm

clase, mare basalt, black aphanite,
PETROGRAPHY and orange glass.
Sample 78559 is a very friable soil
breccia that was collected as part of a Butler (1973) described 78559 as This sample has not been studied. It
large rake sample at Station 8 friable, dark grey, matrix-rich breccia appears to be similar to 78555 (Keil
(Fig. 1). with clasts generally of millimeter et al., 1974).
size composing less than 5%. Small
clasts are generally white plagio-

Figure 1: Photograph of 78559. Scale is I cm. $73-21008.

SAMPLE 78565 - 487

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
3.50 g, 1.9 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm

INTRODUCTION clase, mare basalt, black aphanite,
PETROGRAPHY and orange glass.
S_unple 78565 is a very friable soil
breccia that was collected as part of a Butler (1973) described 78565 as This sample has not been studied. It
large rake sample at Station 8 friable, dark grey, matrix-rich breccia appears to be similar to 78555 (Keil
(Fig. 1). with clasts generally of millimeter et al., 1974).
size composing less than 5%. Small
clasts are generally white plagio-

Figure 1: Photograph of 78565. Scale is 1 cm. $73-33414.

SAMPLE 78566 - 489

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
0.77 g, 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm

INTRODUCTION clase, mare basalt, black aphanite,

PETROGRAPHY and orange glass.
Sample 78566 is a very friable soil
breccia that was collected as part of a Butler (1973) described 78566 as This sample has not been studied. It
large rake sample at Station 8 friable, dark grey, matrix-rich breccia appears to be similar to 78555 (Keil
(Fig. 1). with clasts generally of millimeter et al., 1974).
size composing less than 5%. Small
clasts are generally white plagio-

Figure 1: Photograph of 78566. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21011.

SAMPLE 78567 - 491

Dark Matrix Soil Breccia
18.88 g, 3.1 x 2.4 x 2.2 cm

INTRODUCTION size composing less than 5%. Small

cl*,sts are generally white plagio- MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Sample 78567 is a coherent soil clase, mare basalt, black aphanite,
breccia that was collected as part of and orange glass. Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
a large rake sample at Station 8 glass compositions in 78567.
(Fig. 1). It is similar to 78546. Compared with other soil breccias,
thin sections of this sample show that The chemical composition of this
PETROGRAPHY it has less fine-grained matrix and sample has not been determined.
more mineral fragments (Fig. 2).
Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al.
Butler (1973) described 78567 as (1978f) have provided very brief
friable, dark grey, matrix-rich breccia descriptions.
with clasts generally of millimeter

Figure 1: Photograph of 78567. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21017.

SAMPLE 78567 - 492

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78567,7. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

SAMPLE 78568 - 493

3.57 g, 1.6 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm

INTRODUCTION Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al.

(19'780 have given brief descrip- MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Sample 78568 is a coherent soil tions. One side of the particle has a
breccia that was collected as part of white coating (Fig. 1). The interior Warner et al. (1979) have studied the
a large rake sample at Station 8 has a brown glass matrix character- glass compositions in 78568.
(Fig. 1). It is similar to 78535. istic of a soil breccia (Fig. 2).
Warner et al. noted that glass spheres The chemical composition of this
were not very common. Lithic clasts sample has not been determined.
PETROGRAPHY include a medium-grained, granular,
very low-Ti basalt, several fine-grain
Butler (1973) describes 78568 as high-Ti basalts, a variety of fine-
moderately coherent, medium grey, grained breccia fragments, and a
matrix-rich breccia with clasts large devitrified anorthosite clast.
composing less than 5% of the rock.
Clasts are predominantly white and
consist of plagioclase and mare

Figure 1: Photograph of 78568. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21007.

SAMPLE78568- 494

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78568,3. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

SAMPLE 78569 - 495

High-Ti Mare Basalt
14.53 g, 2.3 x 1.9 x 1.5 cm

II_rRODUCTION manalcolite, tranquillityite, and

zh'conolite (Keil et al., 1974 and WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78569 was collected as part Warner et ai., 19780.
of the large rake sample at Station 8. Laul et al. (1975b) and Warner et al.
It is a typical ilmenite-rich mare Partial breccia coating suggests this (1975b) have reported the chemical
basalt from Apollo 17 (Fig. 1). basalt may have been a breccia clast composition of 78569 (Table 1 and
. (Butler, 1973). Fig. 4).
Sarnple 78569 is a fine- to medium-
grained mare basalt with -48% The compositions of minerals in this
pyroxene, 27% plagioclase, 4% basalt sample are given in the catalog
olivine, and 17% ilmenite (Fig. 2). by Warner et al. (1978f) (Fig. 3).
There are trace amounts of silica,

Figure I: Photagraphof78569. Scale is 1 nun. $73-21035.

SAMPLE 78569 - 496

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78569,7. Field of view is 3 x4 mm.

Oi .... Hd



v w v v v
En Pyroxsne comoositic_(roche%) Fs

= II. /-¢,p., .
,_o 9'o 8'o 7_ e'o s_o ,'o _o z'o ,_o
Forsterlte content of olivine{mole%)

,do _o
,1.8'o 7_ _o _ ;o _o io ,_
Anorffute content of plaqiocloseIm01e%)



0.; 04 0.'i I
OJB I0 Cr *_ 0._ 4 d, LO
Fe//Fe*Mg Composition of spinel _r0up mineral1 FI//F,_Mg

o_o o_l o_z o.'3 o'.4 _s o'., o'.7 o'., _'9 _'.o
fe//F, * Mg of or mof¢otlfe

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 O, 0.7 Ct, C¢9 1,0
Fe/FO*Ma of ilm,nite

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78569. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78569- 497

1000 I ' I _ _ _ _ _ : : : : 1000

100 100
'_ 78569

10 10

1 i t I = = , _ = = ==
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78569. Data from Warner et al. (1975b).
SAMPLE 78569 - 498

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of _

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split _
Technique INtL_

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 12.3
A1203 8.7
0"203 0.4
FeO 19.3
MnO 0.24

MgO 7.8
CaO 10.6

Na20 0.40
K20 0.075
Nb (ppm)
Hf 8.8
Ta 1.7

Co 19.2
Sc 76
La 6.6
Ce 23
Nd 25
Sm 10.3
Eu 2
Tb 2.6
Dy 18
Yb 9.2
Lu 1.4

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78575 - 499

High-Ti Mare Basalt
140.0 g, 5.8 x 4.8 x 3.4 cm

INTRODUCTION also reported (Keil et al., 1974, and

Warner et al., 19781"). MINERAL CHEMISTRY
Sample 78575 was collected as part
of the large rake sample at Station 8. The texture of 78575 is described as The compositions of minerals in this
It is a coarse-grained, vuggy, allotdomorphic-granular by Warren basalt sample are given in the catalog
ilmenite-rich mare basalt from et al. (Fig. 2). Coarse pyroxenes are by Warner et al. (1978f) (Fig. 3).
Apollo 17 (Fig. 1). subequant to equant, uniformly
- granular, and tend to cluster. WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Plagioclase occurs as broad, tabular,
PETROGRAPHY nonpoikilitic crystals. Ilmenite Warner et al. (1975b) have reported
crystals are subequant and form the chemical composition of 78575
The modal mineralogy of 78575 is chains.
-51% pyroxene, 30% plagioclase, (Table 1 and Fig. 4).
16% ilmenite, and trace olivine.
Trace amounts of silica, armalcolite, Sample 78575 is a Type B Apollo 17
tranquillityite, and zirconolite are basalt (see appendix).

Figure 1: Photograph of 78575. Scale is I cm. $73-21414.

SAMPLE 78575 - 500

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78575,,5. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Di Hd

X X Xx Xx

X _" X

v v v v
En Pyroxe,_ composition(mole %] Fs

do do do ¢o'" do • sb " 4'o io 2'o ,b b

Foi_tite content of olivine(mole%)

,do 90 ao io 6o 6O 4'0 io 2'0 ,b 6

Anorthite content of plagioclose {mole%}

1.0 I.G

02 • • , 0._
Oil __ o.m
G4 ,
Oil I
08 1.0 Cr AI 0.4 d_; 01JI I.o

Fe/Fe.MQ Compollltlon of Sl_nel group mineroIs Fe/Fe+Mg

do dz _ d3 d4 d5 o_ e'.7 o:s dg i:o
Fe/Fe*Mg of armolcollte

ItIII, ml_ll
o_o o'.* dz 0:3 0:4 o_3 de ca o.e a9 ,.o
Fe/Fe*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3: Chemical compositions of minerals in 78575. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78575 - 501

1000 I I I : : ': : : : : : 1000

I O0 78575 I O0

o_ 10 10

La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu

Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78575. Data from Warner et al. (1975b).
SAMPLE 78575 - 502

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78575.

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 11.8
A1203 9.0
0"203 0.46
FeO 17.0
MnO 0.216

MgO 7.5
CaO 11.0

Na20 0.36
K20 0.04
Nb (ppm)
Hf 5.4
Ta 1.2
Co 16.1
Sc 75
La 3.6
Ce 15
Sm 6.7
Eu 1,47
Tb 1,8

Dy 11
Yb 6,6
Lu 0.95

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE78576- 503

High-Ti Mare Basalt
11.64 g, 3.0 x 1.6 x 1.5 cm

INTRODUCTION mode is estimated as ~50% pyrox-

ene, 29% plagioclase, and 18% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78576 was collected as part ilmenite with trace olivine, silica,
of the large rake sample at Station 8. armalcolite, tranquillityite, The chemical composition of 78576
It is a coarse-grained, vuggy, zirconolite, and spinel, has been reported by Warner et al.
ilmenite-rich mare basalt (Fig. 1). (1975b) (Table 1 and Fig. 5). The
Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al. very high TiO 2 content (13.6%) and
(1978f) refer to the texture as REE pattern are typical of Apollo 17
PETROGRAPHY plagioclase-poikilitic, basalts.

The interior texture of 78576 is Trace element data indicate that

variolitic with coprecipitating MINERAL CHEMISTRY 78576 is a Type B Apollo 17 basalt
plagioclase and pyroxene in radiating (see appendix).
clusters (Fig. 2). Fig. 3 shows the Warner et al. (19781) have reported
pyroxene needles "end on" and also the mineral compositions of 78576
illustrates the chainlike behavior of (Fig. 4).
the euhedral ilmenite crystals. The

Figure 1: Photograph of 78576. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21036.

SAMPLE 78576 - 5O4

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78576,6. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Note radiating cluster of pyroxene and plagioclase crystals.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph of thin section 785:76,6. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Note "end on" texture of pyroxene needles.
SAMPLE 78576 - 505

Di Hd


xx xx
x ×X
X x X
xN x
v v v v v

En Pyroxenecomposition(mole%) F$

_c;o 9'0 io 70 60 5'o 4'o _o 2'o ,b 6

ForSlerite conlent of olivine(mole%)

gll _ . ,
,c;o 9'o 8o 70 6o 5'o ,'o 1o z'o ,_
Anorfhiteconlen#of piogioclose(mole%)

_jO.8 0.8

I- -o, , "

?: /-:\'I
°t A "ii
_.o.4 G0.4

.. / .,-.\ 01
0.4 0.6 01.8 . Cr t .......... AI 0.4 _6 . 1.0

Fe//Fe*Mg Composition of spine_lgroup minerals Fe/Fe+Mg

/_lgB • •

o_o & o_a o'.3 o_4 ds o'.e dr o_8 o_9 _:o

Fe/Fe+Mg of ormolcolite

o.0 o'.1 0'.2
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Fe/Fe,,M<] of itmenite
.o.'4 . I'.O

Figure 4: Chemical compositions of minerals in 78576. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78576 - 506

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

"E 1O0 78576 lOO


0 _--_--- -

m_ 10

1 I I I I I I I I : : : 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu

Figure 5: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 7_576. Data from Warner et al. (1975b).
SAMPLE 78576 - 507

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78576.

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 13.6
A1203 8.2
0"203 0.60
FeO 19.1
MnO 0.23
MgO 9.0
C.aO 9.4
Na20 0.35
1(20 0.04
Nb (ppm)
Hf 6.8
Ta 1.5

Co 24
Sc 82
La 4.3
Ce 24
Sm 6.4
Eu 1.49
Tb 1.9
Dy 12
Yb 6.5
Lu 1.1

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78577 - 509

E[igh-Ti Mare Basalt
8,,84 g, 3.0 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm

INTRODUCTION pyroxene and plagioclase which

surrounded the ilmenite and olivine WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
S_maple 78577 was collected as part phenocrysts (Fig. 2).
of the large rake sample at Station 8 Ma et al. (1979) have reported the
(Keil et al., 1974). This sample is a chemical composition of 78577
coarse-grained, vuggy, ilmenite-rich MINERAL CHEMISTRY (Table 1 and Fig. 3). This REE
mare basalt (Fig. 1). pattern is typical of Apollo 17
The compositions of minerals in high-Ti basalts.
" 78577 have not been determined.

Tile texture of mare basalt 78577 was

controlled by coprecipitation of

Figure 1: Photograph of 78577. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21034.

SAMPLE 78577 - 510

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78577,4. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I

loo 78577

c f N_ "'1

1 I I I I I I '. ', ', ', :

La Co Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 3: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78577. Data from Ma et aL (1979).
SAMPLE 78577 - 511

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78577.

From Ma et al. (1979).

Split ,1
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 12.1
A1203 8.8
FeO 18.9
MnO 0.244
MgO 9
CaO 10.6
Na20 0.416
K20 0.051
Nb (ppm)
I-If 7.2
Ta 1.5
Co 20
Sc 82
La 4.7
Ce 18
Nd 21
Sm 8.3
Eu 1.73

Tb 1.9
Dy 13

Yb 7.6
Lu 1.04

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78578 - 513

High-Ti Mare Basalt
17.13 g, 3.6 x 1.7 x 1.7 cm

I/'¢rRODUCTION basalt. It has about 51% pyroxene,

28% plagioclase, and 16% ilmenite WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78578 was collected as part with a trace of olivine, silica,
of the large rake sample at Station 8 armalcolite, tranquillityite, and Laul et al. (1975b) and Warner et al.
(Keil et al., 1974). This sample is a baddeleyite. (1975b) have reported the chemical
coarse-grained, vuggy, ilmenite-rich composition of 78578 (Table 1 and
mare basalt (Fig. 1). Fig. 4). It is a high-Ti basalt with
MINERAL CHEMISTRY typical REE pattern.

PETROGRAPHY The mineral compositions were

reported in Warner et al. (1978f)
Fig. 2 illustrates the plagioclase- (Fig. 3).
poikilitic texture of this ilmenite

Figure l: Photograph of 78578. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21032.

SAMPLE 78578 - 514

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78578,7. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Oi Hd


x x

v v v v v
En I_roxefle composition(mole%1 FS

_do do ao 70 ao 50 40 _o zb ,b b
Fors_rlte content of olivine(mc4e%)

,do _;o
1, Bo :;o +b _ go _o io ,b b
Anorthitl content of plaqioctose (mole%)

1,0 1.0

" t
o OA

0,2 _ .... _ O, i ,
G8 I
0.8 1.0 Cr AI ( b GS OJ
FII/'FI*M9 Compolifi_ of _nef group mi_llrall Fe/Fe+Mg

I iiii ii
o'o dJ o'z o's _+ ds o'_ _r de o9 J_o
Fe//Fe*l_ of armolcolite

Fe//F'i,Mg of ilmonite

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78578. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78578 - 515

I000 I I I I I I I I I I I I000

1oo 78578 10o


m lO 10

1 I I _ _ _ : : : : : : 1
La Ce Nd Sm EuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78578. Data from Warner et al. (1975b).
SAMPLE78578- 516

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78578.

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split ,3
Technique 1NAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO 2 11.2
A1203 9.0
Cr203 0.42
FeO 18.6
MnO 0.23

MgO 8.2
CaO 10
Na20 0.4
K20 0.07
Nb (ppm)
Hf 7.7
Ta 1.5
Co 19.4
Sc 75
La 5.4
Ce 25
Nd 22
Sm 8.6
Eu 1.9
Tb 2.2

Dy 14
Yb 7.8
Lu 1.1

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78579 - 517

High-Ti Mare Basalt
6.0'7g, 2.4 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm

INTRODUCTION microporphyritic and plagioclase-

poikilitic. The mineralogical mode VCHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78579 was collected as part is ~48% pyroxene, 28% plagioclase,
of the large rake sample at Station 8 16% ilmenite, and 4% silica. There Murali et al. (1977b) have reported
(Keil et al., 1974). This sample is a is also a trace of olivine, armalcolite, the chemical composition of 78579
coar.';e-grained, vuggy, ilmenite-rich and tranquiUityite. (Table 1 and Fig. 4).
mare basalt (Fig. 1).

Warner et al. (19781) determined the
The texture of mare basalt 78579 is compositions of all the minerals in
transitional between olivine- 78579 (Fig. 3).

Figure 1: Photograph of 78579. Scale is I cm. $73-21031.

SAMPLE 78579 - 518

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78579,4. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Di Hd

gO e° •

v _ v v _
En +:'ytoxenecornoo_il=on(mote%) FS

mm A
IO0 90 elo 70 60 _O _0 30 _l O _b

For_ll_tlle ¢otltenl of ohvmelmole*4)


_*notlhlte cOnlent Of plaqloc_oseqmole*/o)

lO I01
2Ti i


0.2 02

04 Q'_ d8 _o c, AI a4 d6 do _o
Fe//Fe*Mq Composilion of spinal ¢jroup minerol$ Fe//Fe+M<:j

_ Bill II
o_o dl o.'z o:s d4 o_5 o'6 dr o'.8 o's J_o
Fe//Fe+M9 of armalcoiite

L= =
/ I •
o_o o'.,o'.z o_ o'+ o'.s 0'.6 o'.;, o'.8 d9 ,!o
?l/Fe,Mg Of ilmenile

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78579. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE78579- 519

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

_ 100 100
¢. , --

_ 10
_ 10

1 : : I I I I I I I : _ 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78579. Data from Murali et al. (1977b).
SAMPLE 78579 - 520

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78579.

From Murali et al. (1977b).

Split ,1
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%) --
TiO2 12.0
A1203 8.5
cr2o3 o.44_
• FeO 19.8
MnO 0.241

MgO 8.2
CaO !).9

Na20 0.37
K20 I).064
Nb (ppm)
Hf 9.7
Ta 1.8
Co 17.9
Sc 77
La '7.9
Ce 31
Sm '9.9
Eu 12.14
Tb 2.8

Dy 17
Yb 11.1
Lu 1.54

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE78585- 521

I-I_gh-Ti Mare Basalt
44.60 g, -,3.0 x 3.5 x 4.0 cm

IN'HIODUCTION thin section it is opaque with ~10%

thin chains of skeletal olivine WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Saznple 78585 is a dark black, (Fig. 2). Since it has high TiO 2
aphanitic mare basalt from the large (11.8%), the opaqueness is due to Ma et al. (1977) have reported the
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). free ilmenite, which commonly chemical composition of 78585
nucleates on olivine (Fig. 3). (Table 1 and Fig. 4). The rare earth
In hand specimen, one surface of dement pattern is similar to those of
78.'i85 appears to have a large brown the other Apollo 17 basalts. Rhodes
clast, but this is a cavity filled with MINERAL CHEMISTRY and Blanchard (1983) also performed
regolith dirt. an analysis of 78585, but give no
Mineral compositions have not been data.
m determined. This sample was not
PETROGRAPHY studied by Warner et al. (19780. The low Hf content indicates that
78585 is aType B Apollo 17 basalt
Butler (1973) describes 78585 as a (see appendix).
veiy fine-grained mare basalt. In

Figure 1: Photograph of mare basalt 78585. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21400.

SAMPLE 78585 - 522

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78585,'-;. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Figure 3: Reflected light photomicrographz_f same area as Fig. 2.

SAMPLE 78585- 523

1000 I f I I I I "1 I ' I' I I 1000

100 100
"0 78585

10 10

1 I I I I I I I I : : ! 1
La Ce Nd Sm EuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78585. Datafrom Ma et al. (1977).
SAMPLE78585- 524

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78585.

From Ma et al. (1977).

Split :,7
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%) --
TiO2 12.2
A1203 9.1
Cr203 0.361
FeO 19.6
MnO 0.245

MgO 7
CaO 11

Na2 O 0.396
K20 0.041
Nb (ppm)
Hf 6.4
Ta 1.6
Co 21
Sc 86
La 5.6
Ce 20
Nd 21
Sm 7.5
Eu 1.42
Tb 1.8

Dy 12
Yb 6.9
Lu 0.97

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78586 - 525

High-Ti Mare Basalt
1.0.73 g, 2.6 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm

Sample 78586 is a dark black,
aphanitic mare basalt from the large Warner et al. (19781")have deter- Paces et al. (1991) have studied the
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). mined the compositions of minerals Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd for whole-rock
in 78586 (Fig. 3). samples of 78586 (Table 2) and
- classify it as a Type B2 Apollo 17
PETROGRAPHY mare basalt because the Sr and Nd
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY isotopes do not fall on the whole-
Keil et al. (1974) and Warner et al. rock isochrons for other Apollo 17
(1978f) describe the texture of 78586 Laul et aL (1975b) and Warner et al. mare basalt samples. This may
as vitrophyric (Fig. 2). Skeletal (1975b) have reported the chemical indicate a different source region.
olivine and acicular ilmenite crystals composition of 78586 (Table 1 and
exist in a groundmass of arcuate, Fig. 4).
feathery pyroxene crystals and glassy
mesostasis. Minor armalcolite The low Hf indicates that 78586 is a
phenocrysts are reported by Warner Type B basalt (see appendix).
et al. (1978f).

Figure 1: Photograph of78586. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21029.

SAMPLE 78586 - 526

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78586,5. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

v v v v
=n IX/roxene con'_)sitic_i (mo_e%) F$

L_o io io 70 eo 5_o 4'o _o 2'o ,b b

Forttetite content of olivine(mole%)

,,_o 9'o ao ro _ _b 4'o sb zb _6 6

Anorthtle con_entof plogioclaSe(mole%)

1.0 I.(


0.4 ,
041 cr
Compo_tion of *pinet
group minerals


, die II
do dl o_z ds a4 as d_ dr o_ do ;.o
FefFe_. Mg Of armolcolite

I .

ob o'._ dz o'.s d4 o'.n o_ ._o

Fe/F-e*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78586. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78586- 527

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

k.,, 100 78586 100

10 10

1 I I I I _ _ _ _ : :: 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78586. Data from Warner et al. (1975b).
SAMPLE78586- 528

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78586.

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split ,3 Split ,3
Technique INAA Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) - 1.,a 5.2

TiO 2 12.5 Ce 20
AI203 8.7 Nd
0-203 0.37 Sm 7.5
FeO 19.4 F,u 1.44
MnO 0.25 Gd

MgO 7.4 Tb 1.9

CaO 10.3 Dy 12
Na20 0.41 ]_
K20 0.055 Yb 6.9
Nb (ppm) Lu 1.0
Hf 6.2 Ge (ppb)
Ta 1.6 'h-
Co 20.8 Au
Sc 82

Table 2: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd composition of 78586.

Data from Paces et al. (1991).

Sample 7_86,7

wt (mg) 46,81
Rb (ppm) 0.389
Sr (ppm) 129
87Rb/86Sr 0.008637 + 86
87Sr/86Sr 0.699704 _+18

Sm (ppm) 7.58
Nd (ppm) 18.6
147Sm/144Nd 0.24637 + 49
143Nd/144Nd 0.513989 _+10
SAMPLE 78587 - 529

High-Ti Mare Basalt
11.48 g, 2.5 x 2.0 x 1.2 cm

INTRODUCTION has skeletal olivine and skeletal,

acicular ilmenite microphenocrysts WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78587 is a dark black, in an extremely fine-grained, wholly
aphanitic mare basalt from the large crystalline groundmass (Fig. 2). Warner et al. (1975b) have analyzed
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). Sparse microphenoerysts of armal- 78587 (Table 1 and Fig. 5). It has
colite and chromian ulvospinel are high Ti and typical rare earth element
present (Fig. 3). abundance.
The low Hf content of 78587
Keil el: al. (1974) describe sample MINERAL CHEMISTRY indicates that it is a Type B
78587 as very fine-grained and rich Apollo 17 basalt (see appendix).
in opaques. Warner et al. (19780 The mineral compositions were
classify this sample as olivine- reported in Warner et al. (19780
microporphyritic ilmenite basalt. It (Fig. 4).


Figure h Photograph of 78587. Scale is I cm. $73-21030.

SAMPLE 78587- 530

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78587,6. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph in reflected light of same area as Fig. 2.

SAMPLE 78587 - 531

Di Hd

v v w _
En PyroxenecompositLon(mote%) gs

=m • m_'m
, _[i"-I
tn T
,6o 9'o e'o 70 60 _o 4'0 io to _o 6
Forsteritecontent of olivine (mole'/.)

Anorfhite conlenl of plagioclose (mole°l,)

I -o, ...
/. \o
l I / i
0"4 Om_ 0.8 _mO 0.4 Om6 0." _ 0

Fe//Fe*Mq Composition of spinel (_roup minerals Fe/Fe+Mq

=,k sin.
do o'.io)z d3, 0)4 o_s 0'.6 o'.7o'.8d9 :.o
e/Fe,Mg of armolcollte

0.0 o.I O.Z 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0:7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fe/F'e,Mg of i[menite

Figure 4: Mineral compositions for 78587. From Warner et aL (]978f).

SAMPLE78587- 532

1000 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1000

•c 1O0

{" -_f'_-I.-_ll I-II

1 I I I I I I I I : : : 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 5: Normalized Fare earth element diagram of 78587. Data from Warner et aL (]9756).
SAMPLE 78587 - 533

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78587.

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 12.2
A1203 8.8

Q:203 0.375
FeO 19.4
MnO 0.235

MgO 7.0
CaO 10.3

Na20 0.37
K20 0.046
Nb (ppm)
Hf 6.0
Ta 1.6
Co 20.3
Sc 81
I_t 5.7
Ce 23
Srn 6.6
Eu 1.41
Tb 1.6
Dy 10
Yb 6.7
Lu 1.0
Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78588 - 535

High-Ti Mare Basalt
3.77 g, 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm

II_RODUCTION count shows ~6.5% olivine, 43%

pyroxene, 28% plagioclase, 16% WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78588 is a dark grey mare ilmenite, and ~5% silica.
basalt from the large rake sample at Murali et al. (1977b) have reported
Station 8 (Fig. 1). the chemical composition of 78588
MINERAL CHEMISTRY (Table 1 and Fig. 4). The Ce
" analysis needs to be checked again.
PETROGRAPHY The minerals in 78588 have been
analyzed during the cataloging The relatively high Hf content
Warner et al. (19780 describe 78588 process by Warner et al. (1978f) indicates that 78588 is a Type A
as an olivine-microporphyritic (Fig. 3). basalt (see appendix).
ilmenite basalt (Fig. 2). A modal

Figure 1: Photograph of 78588. Scale is I cra_ $73-21023.

SAMPLE 78588 - 536

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78588,5. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Oi Hd

oo 8
el oo

• • o.

v v v
En Pyroxei'_ composition (mole %) F$

, , , eli,
,oo 90 so 70 _o 5'0 4'o _o z'o ,_ 6
Fot3rerlte conlent of olivlfle {too e°/.I

_do ,;o 8'o r'o _ _'o Lo _o _'o ,_
Anorthlte content of plaqloclose(mobe'Yo)

_0-' o., 1

o.2 o._ -j
, I Cr AI I _ ]
0.4 06 0.8 I0 0.6 08 _0
Fe/Fe*Mg Compositi_ .-,,u,
of spinel group minerals . Fe//Fe

do d, c& o_3 0.4 a5 o.6 o.? o'.e 0:9 ,_

Fe//Fe* Mg of ormolcolite

i "lU'iJ
ob d, o:z o'.3 o'.,,, o_s o'J o'.7 as a9 ,o
Fe/F-e*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3." Mineral compositions for 78588. F'rom Warner et al. (1978f).
SAMPLE 78588 - 537

1000 I I I I I I ! I I I I 1000


l,... 100 100


_ 10 10

1 I I I I I I _ i t = : 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78588. Data from Murali et al. (1977b).
SAMPLE 78588 - 538

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78588.

From Murali et al. (1977b).

Split ,1
Technique INAA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 13.0
AI203 8.9
Cr203 0.469
FeO 20.3
MnO 0.25

MgO 8.9
CaO !}.9

Na20 0.38
K20 0.69
Nb (ppm)
Hf 10.8
Ta 1.9
Co 18.6
Sc 76
La 6.6
Ce (*5)
Sm 9.9
Eu 2.15
Tb 3

Dy 18
Yb 9.8
Lu 1.44

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78589 - 539

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4.10 g, 1.8 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm

INTRODUCTION sometimes skeletal, olivine and

skeletal, often acicular, ilmenite WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sanlple 78589 is a dark grey, fine- microphenocrysts in a variolitic
grained mare basalt from the large groundmass (Fig. 2). Murali et al. (1977b) have reported
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). the chemical composition of 78589
(Table 1 and Fig. 4). The analysis
MINERAL CHEMISTRY for Ce needs to be checked.
Warner et al. (19780 have deter-
Warner et al. (1978f) describe the mined the chemical compositions of
texture of 78589 as predominantly the minerals in 78589 (Fig. 3).
very.fine-grained, with subequant,

Figure 1: Photograph of 78589. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21024

SAMPLE 78589 - 540

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78589,5. FieM of view is 3 x 4 men.

Oi Hd

4• "

En Pyro×ene composition (mole%] Fs

,do _;o do r'o _o _'o ,fo _o 2'o _ b
Forsterlle content of OllVlOl_(mole%}

ida 9'0 e'o 70 60 50 .1o 30 eo _o o

Anorlhlte content of pla_lo¢lase (mole"/*)

1.0 I0

08 •

ii "8
06 " 06

0.2 0

o.4 o!6 .o c_ o'6 ,o

Fe/Fe*Mg Composition of spinel grou_, minerals Fe/Fe*M_

o!o dJ o!2 o!3 o14 o.5 oe J.,-,-,-..

27 ale o19 _io
Fe/Fe t=rmolcollte

0.0 0.1 02 03 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 08 09 I0

Fe/Fe*Mg of iimenite

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78589. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78589 - 541

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000


I O0

lO lO

La Oe Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78589. Data from Murali et al. (1977b).
SAMPLE78589- 542

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78589.

From Murali et al. (1977b).

Split ,1
Technique E_AA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO 2 ]2.6
A1203 9.2
Cr203 0.324
FeO 20.4
MnO 0.25

MgO 7.9
CaO 11.4
Na20 0.4
K20 0.047
Nb (ppm)
Hf 7.7
Ta 1.6
Co 19.2
Sc 83
La 6.3
Ce 33
Sm 7.4
Eu 1.59
Tb 1.9

Dy 12
Yb 7.9
Lu 1.12

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78595 - 543

High-Ti Mare Basalt
4.19 g, 1.3 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm

II_¢I'RODUCTION fine-grained groundmass has a

variolitic texture (Fig. 2). WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78595 is a medium dark
grey, fine-grained mare basalt from Warner et al. (1975a) have reported
the large rake sample at Station 8 MINERAL CHEMISTRY the chemical composition of 78595
(Fig. 1). (Table 1 and Fig. 4).
Warner et al. (19781")have deter-
- mined the chemical compositions of
PF,TROGRAPHY the minerals in 78595 (Fig. 3).
Pyroxenes are chemically zoned.
Sample 78595 has slightly resorbed
equant olivine phenocrysts. The

Figure 1: Photograph of 78595. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21025.

SAMPLE 78595 - 544

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 7859'_;,6. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Oi Hd

En Pyroxene composihon{mole%1 F$

Lnnr_n ,--q n,
K)O go eo ?0 60 _'0 40 30 2'0 io 0
Forsterite conlemt of obvine :tool,; %)

& e'o
,do 9'o 70 _ _o 40 30 2'o ,b <3
Anofthde Content of ploqloclase (_ole%)

.O I0


0.2 0.2

_jO'8 _ 08
0.4 ,
0.6 ,
0.8 IO cr Ai o.4 d6 o'.o ,o
Fe/Fe*Mg Composition of spinel group mi,lerols Fe/Fe*Mg

do d, o_z o'_ o!4 c;s o'.6 o'.r o'.o ob ,'.o
Fe/Fe* Mg of ormolcolite

, r i , .lk , ,
0.3 04 06 0.6 0=7 0.8 (19 1.0
0_0 dl 012 Fe/Fe*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78595. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78595 - 545

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

100 100

'(3 _ .-_--
U _

_ 10 10

La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78595. Data from Warner et al. (1975a).
SAMPLE78595- 546

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78595.

From Warner et al. (1975a).

Split ;_
Technique 1NAA

SiO2 (wt%)
TiO2 12.8
A1203 9.0
Cr203 C.443
FeO 19.9
MnO C_.253

MgO 9.1
CaO 11.0

Na20 0.387
K20 0.063
Nb (ppm)
Co 20.5
Sc 86
La 7.5
Sm 10.5
Eu 2.05

Dy 16
Yb 9.9
Lu 1.4

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78596 - 547

High-Ti Mare Basalt
7.55 g, 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm


Sample 78596 is a dark grey, fine-

grained mare basalt from the large Warner et al. (19780 have deter- Murali et al. (1977b) have reported
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). - mined the chemical compositions of the chemical composition of 78596
the minerals in 78596 (Fig. 3). (Table 1 and Fig. 4). This analysis
-- may need to be repeated because the
PETROGRAPHY Ce seems too high.

S_mple 78596 has slightly resorbed Sample 78596 is a Type A Apollo 17

equant olivine phenocrysts. The basalt (see appendix).
fine-grained groundmass has a
variolitic texture (Fig. 2).

!i i !!!i̧

Figure 1: Photograph of 78596. Scale is I cra. $73-21037.

SAMPLE 78596- 548

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78596,6. Field of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Di Hd

v e v v
En F_roxene composilton (mc_e%) Fs

,do s:o do ro go _'o 4'o 2o 2'o ,b d

ForSlerlte content of olivine (mote %)

,da _o 80 io _o _o 4'0 30 _o ,o o
Anorthite conlent of plOqlOClO_e(mole*/*}

1.0 l.O

0.2 0.',

i I Cr _I
o., o_ o_ ,o . o_ oa ,o
Fe/Fe*Mrj Composlt_o_ of spineJ group rnit_erals Fe/Fe_Mq

o_o dJ o12 e3
I 0.4
r a5
, _ .s o.7
i o.s
, o'_ _',o
Fe//Fe*Mg of ormolcolite

o_ o'l de o'_ d,_ d5 de dr
, o'8 ,-14__
d9 ,:o
Fe/Fe*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78596. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE 78596 - 549

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1O0 1O0

Oe" /._ --"


E 10 10

1 I I i I I I I I I t _ 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78596. Data from Murali et at. (1977b).
SAMPLE 78596- 550

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78596.

From Murali et al. (1977b).

Split ,4
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) -
TiO 2 11.5
A1203 8.4
Cr203 0.424
FeO 19.5
MnO 0.24

MgO 8.1
CaO 10.4

Na2 O 0.37
K20 0.065
Nb (ppm)
Hf 9.6
Ta _L
Co 18.2
Sc 79
La 6.8
Ce 45
Sm 10.1
Eu :2.08
Tb 12.6

Dy 17
Yb 10.6
Lu 1.51

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE78597- 551

High-Ti Mare Basalt
319.1 g, 6.7 x 5.7 x 5.0 cm

INTRODUCTION instrumental neutron activation

MINERAL CHEMISTRY analysis data.
Sample 78597 is a dark grey,
medium-grained mare basalt from Warner et al. (19780 have deter- Gibson et al. (1976) determined the
the large rake sample at Station 8 mined the chemical compositions of sulfur content.
(Fig. 1). the minerals in 78597 (Fig. 3).

Nyquist et al. (1976) have reported
This basalt has a porphyritic texture Laul et al. (1975b) and Warner et al. Rb-Sr data for the whole rock
with relatively large olivine pheno- (1975b) have reported the chemical (Table 2).
crysts. The gronndmass has a composition of 78597 (Table 1).
variolitic texture with intergrown Rhodes et al. (1976a) have also O'Kelley et al. (1974a) used the
pyroxene and plagioclase needles in reported the chemical composition of induced radioactivity of 78597 to
radial clusters (Fig. 2). The plagio- 78597 (Fig. 4). Please note that the study the solar flare of August 1972
clase laths have a well-developed isotope dilution mass spectroscopy (Table 3).
intrafasiculate texture, data give a superior view of the true
shape of the rare earth element
Sample 78597 has a network of pattern of these Apollo 17 basalts, as
interconnecting vugs. compared with the poorly defined

Figure I: Photograph of 78597. Scale is I cm. $73-21424.

SAMPLE 78597 - 552

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78597,11. Note the hollow plagloclase laths.
Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Oi H_


v v v v
En Pyroxene¢omposltlc_
(mole%) Fs

io¢1 9o do '
_z'c'_'q _o ' nn s'o 4'0 _o 2'o ,b 6
Forsterne conlent ol oiiv_e [mo_0%)

ioo 90 80 ro ¢_o 5o 40 :so 20 i0 0
Anorlhlfe conlenl ol pluglocl(ise (mote%}

I0 I0

0.8 0,8 •

_o.* "I* O

0._ Ol

i i Cr '_I i i
0.4 06 O_ I.O 0.6 O_ I_0
Fe//Fe * Mg Composition of sOnel group mlnerol| FII//Fe* Mg

do o_, o_z d6 o_, o6 oJ dr o:e d6 ,'.o

Fe//Fe*MQ of ormolcollfll

0,0 0.I 0.2 0,3 0,4 0.5 0.6 O_ 0.6 09 1.0

Fe//Fe*MQ of [Imenitll

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78597. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE78597- 553

1000 I I I I I I I I I I ! 1000

,_ 100 100
-o 78597

10 10

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Er Yb Lu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78597. Data from Rhodes et al. (1976a).
SAMPLE78597- 554

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78597.

a) Warner et al. (1975b); b) Rhodes et al. (1976a)

Split ,1 (a) ,4 (b)


SiO 2 (wt%) - 38.54

TiO 2 11.8 12.39

AI203 9.0 8.85

Cr203 0.348 0.32

FeO 18.0 19.67
MnO 0.24 0.29

MgO 7.1 7.83

CaO 10.7 10.94

Na20 0.42 0.39

K20 0.06 0.04

P205 0.11
S 0.19

Nb (ppm)
Hf 6.2 6.8
Ta 1.5
Sr 130
Rb 0.37
Li 9.9
Ba 60.6
Co 18.5 20.7
Sc 75 85
La 5.3 5.67
Ce 18 17.9
Nd 18.8
Sm 7.3 7.17
Eu 1.4 1.48
Gd 11.2
Tb 1.9

Dy 12 13
Er 7.94

Yb 6.7 7.37
SAMPLE 78597 - 555

Table 1: (Concluded).

Split ,1 (a) ,4 (b)


Lu 1.0 1.07
Ge (ppb)

Table 2: Rb-Sr composition of 78597.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 78597,4

wt (rag) 61
Rb (ppm) 0.370
Sr (ppm) 130
87Rb/86Sr 0.0082 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69954 + 6
rib 3.76 + 0.66
TL 4.34 _+0.66

B ffiModel age assuming I ffi0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L ffiModel age assuming I = 0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)

Table 3: Solar flare induced activity.

From O'Kelley et al. (1974a).

78597 (a)

26A1 48 ___4
22Na 33 + 4
54Mn 80 + 10
56Co 80 + 20
46Sc 25 _+10
SAMPLE78598- 557

High-Ti Mare Basalt
224.1 g, 8.6 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm

INTRODUCTION fine ilmenite crystals separated by

feathery pyroxene crystals and glassy WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY
Sample 78598 is a dark grey, mesostasis (Figs. 2 and 3).
aphanitic mare basalt from the large Laul et al. (1975b) and Warner et al.
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). (1975b) have reported the chemical
MINERAL CHEMISTRY composition of 78598 (Table 1 and
-- Fig. 5).
PETROGRAPHY Warner et al. (1978f) have deter-
mined the chemical compositions _f The high Hf content indicates that
Thin sections of 78598 reveal a the minerals in 78598 (Fig. 4). 78598 is a Type A Apollo 17 basalt
dendritic network of evenly spaced, (see appendix).

Figure 1: Photograph of 78598. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21770.
SAMPLE78598 - 558

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 78598,5. Field of view is 3 x 4 ram.

Figure 3: Photomicrograph in reflected light of same area as Fig. 2.

SAMPLE 78598 - 559

Oi Hd

110 ii e

v v v v v

En I:_roxenecomposition(mole%) Fs

,do 9'0 o'o _,'o _o 5'o ;o _o 2'0 ,a a

Forsterite content of olivine (mole%)

,do 9'0 do ¢o _o s'o 4'0 _o 2'0 ,a a

contentof plogioclose

I0 , , -- I.C =

__3o.s 06

0.4 d6 d8 "l.o cr
/ ....... AI 0.4 de o'e ,o
re/re • Mg Composition of spinel group min era Is FeJFe + Mg

o'.o o'.l olz o.'3 o14 o's o'.6 dr o'.e o:e ,'.o
Fe/Fe,Mg of armalcolite

......0.5 0.6 o.r 0.8 o.9I,I, ,.o

o_o o'J olz 0'.3 0.4
Fe/Fe*Mg of ilmenite

Figure 4: Mineral compositions for 78598. From Warner et al. (1978J9.

SAMPLE 78598- 560

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1O0 1O0
m 10 10

1 I I I I I I I I I I I
La Ce Nd SmEuGdTbDy Er YbLu
Figure 5: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78598. Data from Warner et al. (1975b).
SAMPLE78598- 561

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78598.

From Warner et al. (1975b).

Split ,3
Technique INAA

SiO 2 (wt%)
TiO2 8.9
AI203 10
6t2o3 0.2
FeO 18.5
MnO 0.246

MgO 5.2
CaO 11.5

Na20 0.44
K2o 0.075
Nb (ppm)
I-If 9.7
Ta 1.8
Co 15
Sc 72
La 7.8
Ce 30
Nd 30
Sm 11.6
Eu 2.4
Tb 3

Dy 19

Yb 10.3
Lu 1.5

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE78599- 563

High-Ti Mare Basalt
198.6 g, 7.2 x 4.7 x 3.0 cm

INTRODUCTION Trace element data indicate that

MINERAL CHEMISTRY 78599 is a Type A Apollo 17 basalt
Sample 78599 is a dark black, f'me- (see appendix).
grained mare basalt from the large Warner et al. (1978f) have deter-
rake sample at Station 8 (Fig. 1). mined the chemical compositions of
the minerals in 78599 (Fig. 3). RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES

Nyquist et al. (1976) have reported

PETROGRAPHY WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY Rb-Sr data for the "whole rock"
(Table 2).
Sample 78599 is a fine-grained Warner et al. (1975b) and Rhodes
basalt with small phenocrysts of et al. (1976a) report the chemical
olivine and ilmenite in a fine-grained composition of 78599 (Table 1 and SURFACE STUDIES
groundmass with a variolitic texture Fig. 4). Gibson et al. (1976) deter-
(Fig. 2). mined the sulfur content of 78599. Micrometeorite craters are abundant
on at least one surface.

Figure 1: Photograph of 78599. Scale is 1 cm. $73-21392.

SAMPLE 78599 - 564

Figure 2: Photomicrograph of thin section 7859!9,6. FieM of view is 3 x 4 mm.

Oi Ha

_ X X


v v v v
En F_roxe_e corrmosition(mc4e%) FI

_o io _o 70 _o s'o 4'o _o _ _b 6
Forsterite conlent of olivine(ntok_%)

m [| ....
,do ,o eo 70 6o 5o 4'0 _o io _b b
Anorthite c0ntenl of plogioclou_(mo4e%)

I.( I.C

_E oJ '

Ol 0

' ' Cr AI _6 O!e IO

0.4 O_5 OIB 1.0
Fe//Fe.M9 Compoltti_ of ilpinel group minerolll Fe//Fe_M9

"o dl d_ d3 o.'4 d5 o'.e dr o'.a do J_o
Fi/Fe,Mg of armalcollte

O0 0.1 0.2 0,3 0.4 0.5 0.8 O.T G8 0.9 1.0

Fe/Fe*Mg of llmenlle

Figure 3: Mineral compositions for 78599. From Warner et al. (1978f).

SAMPLE78.599- 565

1000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1000

1oo 78599 1oo

10 10

1 I I I I I ! _ i i i ! 1
La Ce Nd SmEuGdToDy Er YbLu
Figure 4: Normalized rare earth element diagram of 78599. Data from Rhodes et al. (1976a).
SAMPLE78599- 566

Table 1: Whole-rock chemistry of 78599.

a) Warner et al. (1975b); b) Rhodes et al. (1976a)

Split ,4 (a) ,3 (b)

Technique INAA XRF, 1DMS, INAA

SiO 2 (wt%) - 38.44

TiO 2 13.0 12.52
A1203 9.2 8.67
Cr203 0.5 0.43
FeO 20.2 19.14
MnO 0.234 0.28

MgO 7.8 8.47

CaO 10.4 10.48

Na20 0.41 0.38

K20 0.076 0.06
P205 0.04
S 0.18

Nb (ppm)
Hf 9.6 10.1
Ta 2.1
Sr 190
Rb 0.71
li 10.4
Ba 83.2
Co 20.6 18.4
Sc 84 79
La 7.1 6.45
Ce 27 23.7
Nd 25.8
Sm 10.2 11
Eu 2.2 2.12
Gd 16.6
Tb 2.5

Dy 16 18.8
Er 11.2
Yb 9.4 10.2
Lu 1.6 1.46

Ge (ppb)
SAMPLE 78599 - 567

Table 2- Rb-Sr composition of 78599.

Data from Nyquist et al. (1976).

Sample 78599,3-2

wt (nag) 50
Rb (ppm) 0.707
Sr (ppm) 190
87Rb/86Sr 0.0108 + 3
87Sr/86Sr 0.69978 _+5

TB 4.39 + 0.45
TL 4.83 _+0.45

B = Model age assuming I _ 0.69910 (BABI +

JSC bias)
L = Model age assuming I ---0.69903
(Apollo 16 anorthosites for T = 4.6 b.y.)

On the Classification of High-Ti
Mare Basalts from Apollo 17

All the large Apollo 17 basalts have ilmenite basalt" from "plagioclase- (Fig. 4, Paces et al., 1991). How-
very high TiO2 contents (8-14%). poikilitic ilmenite basalt," but these ever, for those samples whose ages
On the basis of differences in trace differences are mostly due to have not been determined by internal
element concentrations (quality data variable cooling rates of the volcanic isochron technique, classification
from large splits of fine-grain-size liquid, based on isotopic data is model
samples), Rhodes et al. (1976) dependent assuming an age of
recognized three types (A, B and C). Neal and Taylor (1992) have recently ~3.7 b.y.!
They found the Ba/Rb ratio to be reviewed the petrogenesis of lunar
especially useful (Fig. 1). Since basaits. On the basis of La versus Very low Ti basalt (VLT), a rare but
then, other authors (Lindstrom and LalSm and Hf versus Cr/La plots, important rock type at Apollo 17, is
Haskin, 1978; Pratt et al., 1978) have Neal et al. (1990) have distinguished found only in the core tubes and as
proceeded to continue to classify the Types A and B Apollo 17 basalts, clasts in some of the breccias (Fig. 5,
high-Ti mare basalts (often on the Figs. 2 and 3 plot the data for the Vaniman and Papike, 1977;
basis of data from sample splits as basalt samples included in this Wentworth et al., 1979; Lindstrom
small as 50 mg). Some authors volume, et al., 1994). The only large sample
(Warner et al., 1978) have used of VLT basalt is the glass breccia
petrographic differences to Isotopic data have also been used to 78526.
distinguish "olivine porphyritic help classify the Apollo 17 basalts


160 •
× 70017
150 x

,.a 130 75015 0 S OO

g 120


I I f I I I I I
36 40 44 48 52
100 Mg/(Mg + Fe)

Figure 1: Ba/Rb ratios for some Apollo 17 basalts (from Rhodes et al., 1976). In this diagram
the circles are Type A, triangles are Type B, and squares are Type C.

regolith attached, will not accurately

CAUTIONARY NOTE provide the composition of the
original basaltic liquid. Sample
The quality of analytical data depend splits that are too small with respect
critically on sample size versus grain to their grain size will yield
size, analytical technique, and questionable data (Clanton and
cleanliness of sample. Basalts that Fletcher, 1976).
were clasts in breccias, or have


0s /
La/Sm / 77;16
78_oe9776539 / 78579
/ 78585 /

0.7 i " 77_asj_- 78585°

7a856_ <. . 7as98
/ ° ° _ t 785118 78596
p=- _=,. /" / --;
05 7 76136 Type A

85 e 785!_._._...._

0.5 _ I I I I I
3 4 5 6 7 8
La ppm

Figure 2: La versus La/Sm for Apollo 17 basalts (this volume only). Fields from Neal et al. (1992).


I Tgpea 7d. '_

1o \. _,a 78b,":_"
78"5_ k_

9 78s. rrr_ rrL_.

8 7_so_


78585 •
78587 78586 77516

200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Figure 3: Hf versus Cr/La for Apollo 17 basalts (this volume only). Fields from Neal et al. (1992).


,_,0.6993 _ _.

"_ ns_s\ o. f_......
....... T................
7109700 -
0.6092 7J57_ "_13P


m,,o Sr (ppm)
0.6991 i i i i i
50 100 150 200 250 3(]0 350

b) 8 ....

6 ?_o97_9
•_ 7157d 0
Z 5 71545 0
4 _'S16 0

3 ms, o Nd (ppm)
20 40 60

Figure 4: Initial isotopic ratio (calculated at the age of presumed eruption) versus element plots
for some Apollo 17 basalts. From Paces et al. (1991).




l_ •AA •t_ihAlkA C_
v. A
A 12




/X_V_, _ • A 17 HIGH-Ti BASALTS :' ," A(STOLPER,IS.A



0_ 9 _ ( Severol Missions)


oc 7

0 c_cN

• QO.•I D _1 nUll n m

v _._v_.____v_ ....................
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t9 20 21


Figure 5: MgO versus Ti02 for lunar basalts. Field of very low Ti basalt is shown. From Vaniman and Papike (1977).


Note: LS and LPS refer to the abstract volumes of the annual Lunar Science and Lunar and Planetary Science
Conferences. These abstract volumes were issued by the Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, Houston.

Adams J.B. and Charette M.P. (1975) Spectral reflectance of highland rock types at Apollo 17: Evidence from Boulder
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Conf. 4th, 569-595.

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Albee A.L., Chodos A.A., Dymek R.F., Gancarz A.J., and Goldman D.S. (1974b) Preliminary investigation of Boulders
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Albee A.L., Dymek R.F., and DePaolo D.J. (1975) Spinel symplectites: High pressure solid-state reaction or late-stage
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72415 76535

Allen R.O., Jovanovic S., and Reed G.W., Jr. (1975) Heavy element affinities in Apollo 17 samples. Earth Planet Sci.
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72275 76315

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74275 75075

Alvarez R. (1974a) Electrical properties of sample 70215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2663-2671.

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76255 77215

Arvidson R., Crozaz G., Drozd R.J., Hohenberg C.M., and Morgan C.J., (1975) Cosmic Ray Exposure Ages of Features
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70017 70030 70035 70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 74220 742.41 74243 74275 75035 75055 75075 75083
76010 76015 76055 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 77215

Arvidson R., Drozd R., Guiness E., Hohenberg C., Morgan C., Morrison R., and Oberbeck V. (1976) Cosmic ray
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70135 71055 72535 73275 75015 75035 71135 71569

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72255 72275

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Science Institute, Houston), 1-5.
70035 70017 70135 70215 74255 74275 75075

Becker R.H. and Clayton R.N. (1975) Nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions in lunar samples. Proc. Lunar Sci.
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in lunar regolith nitrogen: Noble gases and N in ilmenite grain-size fractions from regolith breccia 79035.
LPS XXII, 85-86.

Bersch M.G., Taylor G.J., and Kei! K. (1988) Ferroan anorthosites and the magma ocean: Searching for trends in the
Sea of Confusion. LPS XIX, 67-68.
73217 73235

Bersch M.G., Taylor G.J., Keil K. and Norman M.D. (1991) Mineral compositions in pristine lunar highland rocks and
the diversity of highland magmatism. Geophys. Res. Letters 18, 2085-2088.
72415 73146 73217 73235 76255 76335 76535 76536 77115 77035 77075 77077 78235 78255
- 576

Bhandari N. (1977a) Solar flare exposure ages of lunar rocks and boulders based on 26A1. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th,
75035 79215

Bhandari N. (1977b) Solar flare induced A1-26 in short exposure age rocks. LPS VIII, 100-102.

Bhandari N., Bhattacharya S.K., and Padia J.T. (1976a) Solar proton fluxes during the last million years. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 513-523.

Bhandari N., Bhattacharya S.K., and Padia J.T. (1976b) Solar flare records in lunar rocks. LS VII, 49-51.

Bickel C.E. (1977) Petrology of 78155: An early, thermally metamorphosed polymict breccia. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
8th, 2007-2027.

Bickel C.E. and Warner J.L. (1977) Petrology of 78155: An early, thermally metamorphosed polymict breccia.
LPS VIII, 109-111.

Bickel C.E. and Warner J.L. (1978a) Survey of lunar plutonic and gr_tnulitic lithic fragments. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. 9th, 629-652.
73155 73215 73235 77035 77115 77135 77215

Bickel C.E. and Warner J.L. (1978b) Textural-mineralogical relationships in a population of ANT samples. LPS IX,
77017 78155 79215

Bickel C.E., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976a) Petrology of 791215: Brecciation of a lunar cumulate. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 1793-1819.

Bickel C.E., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1976b) 79215: A unique, early lunar breccia. LS VII, 55-57.

Bishop K.M., Jolliff B.L., Korotev R.L., and Haskin L.A. (1993) North Massif Lithologies and chemical compositions
viewed from 2-4 mm particles of soil sample 76503. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing Site. LPI
Tech. Rpt. 92-09.2-3.
76503 76535

Blanchard D.P., Brannon J.C., Jacobs J.W., and Haskin L.A. (1977) Major and trace element abundances in anorthositic
gabbro clasts and a clast of K-rich felsite from consortium breccia 73215. LPS VIII, 124-126.

Blanchard D.P., Budahn J.R., Kerridge J.F., and Compston W. (1978) Consortium breccia 73255: Rare-earth-element,
light-element, and Rb-Sr chemistry of aphanitic lithologies. LPS IX, 103-105.
73215 73255

Blanchard D.P. and Budahn J.R. (1979a) Remnants from the ancient lunar crust: Clasts from consortium breccia 73255.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 803-816.
73215 73255

Blanchard D.P. and Budahn J.R. (1979b) Clasts from consortium breccia 73255: Remnants from the early lunar crust?
LPS X, 134-136.
73255 73215

Blanchard D.P. and McKay G.A. (1981) Remnants from the ancient lunar crust IlI: Norite 78236. LPS XII, 83-85.

Blanchard D.P., Haskin L.A., Jacobs J.W., and Brarmon J.C., and Korotev R.L. (1975) Major and trace element
chemistry of Boulder 1 at Station 2, Apollo 17. TheMoon 14, 359-371.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., Brannon J.C., and Haskin L.A. (1976) Major and trace element compositions of matrix and
aphanitic clasts from consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2179-2187.

Blanchard D.P., Jacobs J.W., and Brannon J.C. (1977) Chemistry of ANT-suite and felsite clasts from consortium
breccia 73215 and of gabbroic anorthosite 79215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2507-2524.
73215 79215

Blanford G.E., Fruland R.M., McKay D.S., and Morrison D.A. (1974a) Lunar surface phenomena: Solar flare track
gradients, microcraters, and accretionary particles. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2501-2526.

Blanford G.E., McKay D., and Morrison D. (1974b) Accretionary particles and microcraters. LS V, 67-69.
75035 79115

Blank H., Nobiling R., Traxel K., and El Goresy A. (1981) Partitioning of trace elements among coexisting opaque
oxides in Apollo 17 basalts using a proton probe microanalyzer. LPS XII, 89-91.
70215 72015

Blank H., E1 Goresy A., Janicke J., Nobiling R., and Traxel K. (1984) Partitioning of Zr and Nb between coexisting
opaque phases in lunar rocks - determined by quantitative proton microprobe analysis. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters
68, 19-33.

Bogard D.D, and Nyqnist L.E. (1974) 76535: An old lunar rock? LS V, 70-72.

Bog_u'd D.D., Nyquist L.E., and Hirsch W.C. (1974) Noble gases in Apollo 17 Boulders and Soils. LS V, 73-75. (Note
that unpublished data is available in Phinney 1981)
76015 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315

Bogard D.D., Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., Wiesmaun H., and Shih C.-Y. (1975) 76535: An old lunar rock. Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett. 26, 69-80.

Boynton W.V., Baedecker P.A., Chou C.-L., Robinson K.L., and Wasson J.T. (1975a) Mixing and transport of lunar
surface materials: Evidence obtained by the determination of lithophile, siderophile, and volatile elements. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 2241-2259.
71055 75055 79155 72155 77035

Boynton W.V., Chou C.-L., Bild R.W., and Wasson J.T. (1975b) Surface correlation of volatile elements in Apollo-16
soils. LS VI, 74-76.
71055 72155 75055 79155 77035

Braddy D., Hutcheon I.D., and Price P.B. (1975a) Crystal chemistry of Pu and U and concordant fission track ages of
lunar zircons and whitlockites. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 358,'-3600.
73215 76535

Braddy D., Hutcheon I.D., and Price P.B. (1975b) Crystal chemistry of Pu and U and concordant fission track ages of
lunar zircons and whitlockites. LS VI, 77-79.
72215 72255 73215

Brecher A. (1974) Inferences from comparative magnetic studies of some Apollo 17 basalts, breccias and soils. LS V,
70017 71055 72275 74275 77017 77135

Brecher A. (1975) Textural remanence: A new model of lunar rock magnetism. LS VI, 83-85.
72415 73215 74275 76315 77017 77035

Brecher A. (1976a) Textural remanence: A new model of lunar rock magnetism. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 29, 131-145.
72415 73215 74275 76315 77017 77035

Brecher A. (1976b) The magnetic characteristics of highland breccia ;'3215: Evidence for textural control of
magnetization. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2217-2231.

Brecher A. (1976c) Textural control of magnetization in lunar, meteoritic and terrestrial rocks. LS VII, 91-93.

Brecher A. (1977a) Interrelationships between magnetization directions, magnetic fabric and oriented petrographic
features in lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 703-723.
70135 75035 77035 77135

Brecher A. (1977b) New evidence for textural magnetization (TXM) in lunar rocks synthetic analogs and meteorites.
LPS VIII, 142-144.
70135 77135

Brecher A., Menke W.H., and Morash K.R. (1974) Comparative magnetic studies of some Apollo 17 rocks and soils and
their implications. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2795-2814.
72275 77017 77135 70017 71005 74275

Brecher A., Menke W.H., Adams J.B., and Gaffey M.J. (1975) The effects of heating and subsolidus reduction on lunar
materials: An analysis by magnetic methods, optical, Mossbauer, and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 6th, 3091-3109.
77017 77135

Brett R. (1976) Reduction of mare basalts by sulfur loss. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40, 997-1004.
70017 70035 70215 74275 75035 75055 72275 72415 72435 76055 76315 77017 77135 78155

Brown G.M., Peckett A., Emeleus C.H., and Phillips R. (1974) Mineral-chemical properties of Apollo-17 mare basalts
and terra fragments. LS V, 89-91.
70017 70035 70215 71055 73235 74275 75035 76535 77017

Brown G.M., Peckett A., Emeleus C.H., Phillips R., and Pinsent R.H. (1975a) Petrology and mineralogy of Apollo 17
mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1-13.
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 70315 71035 71055 71075 71135 71155 71175 71569 72135
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 78135 78505 78506 79155

Brown G.M., Peckett A., Phillips R., and Emeleus C.H. (1975b) Mineralogy and petrology of Apollo 17 basalts. LS VI,
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 70315 71035 71055 71075 71135 71155 71175 71569 72135
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075 76136 78135 78505 78506 79155

Brunfelt A.O., Heier K.S., Nilssen B., Steinnes E., Sundvoll B. (1974) Elemental composition of Apollo 17 fines and
rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 981-990.
70017 70215 71055 74275 75035 73235

Butler P. (1973) Lunar Sample Information Catalog Apollo 17. Lunar Receiving Laboratory. MSC 03211 Curator's
Catalog. pp. 447.

Butler P. and Dealing T.E. (1974) The dissection and consortium allocation of Apollo 17 lunar rocks from the boulder at
Station 7. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 429-434.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Cadogan P.H. (1981) The Moon-Our Sister Planet. Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 391.

Cadogan P.H. and Turner G. (1976) The chronology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,
76015 76215 76235 76255 7627.5 76295 76315

Caffee M., Hohenberg C., and Hudson B. (1981a) Troctolite 76535: A study in the preservation of early isotopic necords.
LPS XII, 120-122.

Caffee M., Hohenberg C.M., and Hudson B. (1981b) Troctolite 76535: A study in the preservation of early isotopic
records. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 12th, 99-115.

Carlson R.W. and Lugmair G.W. (1979) Early history recorded by norite 78236. In Papers Presented to the Conference
on the Lunar Highlands Crust. LP1 Contr. 394, 9-11.
78235 78236

Carlson R.W. and Lugmair G.W. (1980) 78236, a primary, but partially senile, lunar norite. LPS XI, 125-128.

Carlson R.W. and Lugmair G.W. (1982) Time and duration of lunar highlands crust formation. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters
52, 227- 238.
73255 78236

Carr L.P., Wright I.P., and Pillinger C.T. (1985) Nitrogen abundance and isotopes in lunar breccias - a progress report.
LPS XVI, 115-116.
70175 70295 74246

Carter J.L., Clanton U.S., Fuhrman R., Laughton R.B., McKay D.S., and Usselman T.M. (1975) Morphology and
composition of Chalcopyrite, Chromite, Cu, Ni-Fe, Pentandite, and Troilite in Vugs of 76015 and 76215. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 719-728.
76015 76215

Chao E.C.T. (1973a) The petrology of 76055,10, a thermally metamorphosed fragment-laden olivine micronorite
homfels. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 719-732.

Chao E.C.T. (1973b) 76055, a fragment-laden contact-metamorphosed :magnesian hornfels. EOS 54, 584.

Chao E.C.T. and Minkin J.A. (1974a) Preliminary description of Apollo 17 station 7 boulder consortium rocks. LS V,
77075 77115 77135 77215

Chao E.C.T. and Minkin J.A. (1974b) The petrogenesis of 77135, a fragment-laden pigeonite feldspathic basalt - a major
highland rock type. LS V, 112-114.
72435 76315 77135

Chao E.C.T., Minkin J.A., and Thompson C.L. (1974) Preliminary petrographic description and geologic implications of
the Apollo 17 Station 7 Boulder Consortium samples. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23, 413-428.
77135 77115 77075 77215

Chao E.C.T., Minkin J.A., Thompson C.L., and Heubner J.S. (1975a) The petrogenesis of 77115 and its xenocrysts:
Description and preliminary interpretation. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 493-515.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Chao E.C.T., Minkin J.A., and Thompson C.L. (1975b) The petrogene,;is of77115 and its xenocrysts: Description and
preliminary interpretation. LS VI, 134-136.
77115 77135

Chao E.C.T., Minkin J.A., and Thompson C.L. (1976a) The petrology of 77215, a noritic impact breccia. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 2287-2308.

Chao E.C.T., Minkin J.A., and Thompson C.L. (1976b) The petrology of 77215, a noritic impact ejecta breccia. LS VII,

Charette M.P. and Adams J.B. (1975) Mare basalts: Characterization of compositional parameters by spectral
reflectance. In Papers presented to the Conference on Origins of Mare Basalts and their Implications for Lunar
Evolution (Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 25-28.
70017 70215 71055 74235 74275 75035 75055

Charette M.P. and Adams J.B. (1977) Spectral reflectance of lunar highland rocks. LPS VIII, 172-174.
72215 72275 72395 76015 76535 77017 79215

Chen H.-K., Delano J.W., and Lindsley D.H. (1982) Chemistry and phase relations of VLT volcanic glasses from Apollo
14 and Apollo 17. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A171-A181.

Chen J.H., Tilton G.R., Mattinson J.M., and Vidal P. (1978a) Lead isotope systematics of mare basalt 75075. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 509-521.

Chert J.H., Mattinson J.M., Tilton G.R., and Vidal P: (1978b) Lead isotope systematics of mare basalt 75075. LPS IX,

Chen J.H., Tilton G.R., and Mattinson J.M. (1979) Lead isotope systematics of three Taurus-Littrow mare basalts.
LPS X, 195-197.
70017 75075 71055

Chen J.H. and Wasserburg G.J. (1980) The isotopic composition of U in meteorites and lunar samples. LPS XI,

Church S.E. and Tilton G.R. (1975) Lead isotope systematics of soils and soil breccias from Taurus-Littrow. LS Vl,
70019 79135

Chyi L.L. and Ehmann W.D. (1974) Implications of Zr and Hf abundances and their ratios in lunar materials. LS V,

Cirlin E.H. and Housley R.M. (1977) An atomic absorption study of volatile trace metals in lunar samples. LPS VIII,

Cisowski S.M. and Fuller M. (1983) Lunar sample magnetic stratigraphy. LPS XIV, 115-116.

Cisowski C.S., Dunn J.R., Fuller M., Rose M.F., and Wasilewski P.J. (1974) Impact processes and lunar magnetism.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2841-2858.

Cisowski S.M., Hale C., and Fuller M. (1977) On the intensity of ancient lunar fields. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th,
70017 70019 70215 72215 79153"

Cisowski S.M., Collinson D.W., Runcom S.K., Stephenson A., and Fuller M. (1983) A review of lunar paleointensity
data and implications for the origin of lunar magnetism. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13th, A691-A704.
70035 70135 77017 77115 77135 78505 79155

Clanton U.S. and Fletcher C.R. (1976) Sample size and sampling errors as the source of dispersion in chemical analyses.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1413-1428.

Clanton U.S. and Morrison D.A. (1979) Hypervelocity impact craters less than 1000A diameter. LPS X, 212-214.

Clanton U.S., Carter J.L., and McKay D.S. (1975) Vapor-phase crystallization of sulfides? LS VI, 152-154.

Clayton R.N. and Mayeda T.K. (1975a) Genetic relations between the moon and meteorites. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th,
72275 72417 79155

Clayton R.N. and Mayeda T.K. (1975b) Genetic relations between the Moon and meteorites. LS VI, 155-157.
72275 72417 79155

Clayton R.N., Mayeda T.K., and Hurd J.M. (1974) Loss of oxygen, silicon, sulfur, and potassium from the lunar regolith.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1801-1809.

Collinson D.W., Runcom S.K., and Stephenson A. (1975) On changes in the ancient lunar magnetic field intensity.
LS VI, 158-160.
70017 70215

Compston W., Foster J.J., and Gray C.M. (1975) Rb-Sr ages of clasts from within Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. The
Moon 14, 445-462.
72215 72255 72275

Compston W., Foster J.J., and Gray C.M. (1977a) Rb-Sr systematics in clasts and aphanites from consortium breccia
73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2525-2549.

Compston W., Foster J.J., and Gray C.M. (1977b) Rb-Sr systematics in clasts and aphanites from consortium breccia
73215. LPS VIII, 199-201.

Compston W., Williams I.S., and Meyer C., Jr. (1983) U-Pb geochronology of zircons from breccia 73217 using a
Sensitive High Mass-Resolution Ion Microprobe (Shrimp). LPS XIV, 130-131.

Compston W., Williams I.S., and Meyer C. (1984) U-Pb geochronology of zircons from lunar breccia 73217 using a
sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 14th, B525-B534.

Crawford M.L. (1973) Crystallization of plagioclase in mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 705-717.

Crawford M.L. (1975a) Magma genesis by in situ melting within the lunar crust. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 249-261.

Crawford M.L. (1975b) Closed system partial melting of a K-rich highlands rock. LS VI, 164-166.

Cripe J.D. and Moore C.B. (1975) Total sulfur contents of Apollo 15, 16, and 17 samples. LS VI, 167-169.
72135 72395 78235 78505

Crozaz G., Drozd R., Hohenberg C., Morgan C., Ralston C., Walker R., and Yuhas D. (1974a) Lunar surface dynamics:
Some general conclusions and new results from Apollo 16 and 17. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2475-2499.
75035 73275 76015 76315 76535 77135

Crozaz G, Drozd R., Hohenberg C., Morgan C., Walker R., and Yuhas D. (1974b) Lunar surface dynamics: Some
general conclusions and new results from Apollo 16 and 17. LS V, 157-159.
73275 75035 76315 76535 77135

Cushing J.A., Taylor G.J., Norman M.D., and Keil K. (1993a) The GraJmlite Suite: Impact Melts and Metamorphic
Breccias of the Early Lunar Crust. LPS XXIV, 369-370.
72559 77017 78155 79215 78527

Cushing J.A., Taylor G.J., Norman M.D., and Keil K. (1993b) Refining the Granulite suite. Workshop on Geology of
the Apollo 17 Landing Site. LPI Tech. Rpt. 92-09.4-5.
76230 76255 77017 78527 78155 79215

Dankwerth P.A., Hess P.C:, and Rutherford M.J. (1979) The solubility of sulfur in high-TiO 2 mare basalts. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 517-530.

Delaney J.S. and Sutton S.R. (1991) Fe-Mn-Mg in plagioclase from lunar basalt and highland samples. LPS XXII,
70035 78235
- 583

Delaney J.S., Sutton S.R., Bait S., and Smith J.V. (1992) In situ microXANES determination of ferrous/ferric ratio in
terrestrial and extraterrestrial plagioclase: First reconnaissance. LPS XXIII, 299-300.

Delano J.W. (1977) Experimental melting relations of 63545, 76015, and 76055. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2097-2123.
76055 76015

Delano J.W. (1980) Constraints on the chemical nature of magmas parental to pristine highland cumulates. LPS XI,
72415 76535 78235

Delano J.W. and Lindsley D.H. (1982) Chromium, nickel, and titanium abundances in 74275 olivines: More evidence
for a high-pressure origin of high-titanium mare basalts. LPS XIII, 160-161.

Delano J.W. and Lindsley D.H. (1983a) Mare volcanic glasses from Apollo 17. LPS XIV, 156-157.

Delano J.W. and Lindsley D.H. (1983b) Mare glasses from Apollo 17: Constraints on the Moon's bulk composition.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 14th, B3-B 16.

Delano J.W. (1993) Mare Volcanism in the Taurus-Littrow Region. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing
Site. LPI Tech. Rpt. 92-09.5-6.
74220 74275

Delano J.W. and McGuire J. (1993) Abundances of sodium, sulfur, and potassium in lunar volcanic glasses: Evidence
for volatile loss during eruption. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing Site. LPI Tech. Rpt. 92-09.

Dence M.R. and Grieve R.A.F. (1976) Secondary impact mixing in the formation of Apollo 17 grey breccias. LS VII,
73215 73235

Dence M.R., Grieve R.A.F., and Plant A.G. (1976) Apollo 17 grey breccias and crustal composition in the Serenitatis
Basin region. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1821-1832.
73215 73235

Des Marais D.J. (1978a) Carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in Apollo 15, 16 and 17 rocks. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th,
70215 75035

Des Marais D.J. (1978b) Carbon isotopes, nitrogen and sulfur in lunar rocks. LPS IX, 247-249.
70215 75035

Des Marais D.J. (1980) Six lunar rocks have little carbon and nitrogen and some rocks have detectable spallogenic 13C.
LPS XI, 228-230.
70017 74275

Dickinson T., Bild R.W., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (1988) Late-stage enrichment of Ge in the magma ocean: Evidence
from lunar basalts. LPS XIX, 277-278.
70017 70135 70215 71055 7427.5

Dickinson T., Taylor G.J., Keil K., and Bild R.W. (1989) Germanium abundances in lunar basalts: Evidence of mantle
metasomatism. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 19th, 189-198.
70017 70135 70215 71055 74275

Dowty E., Keil K., and Prinz M. (1974) Plagioclase twin laws in lunar highland rocks; possible petrogenetic significance.
Meteoritics 9, 183-197.

Drake M.J. and Consolmagno G.J. (1976) Critical review of models for the evolution of high-Ti mare basalts. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1633-1657.

Drozd R.J., Hohenberg C.M., Morgan C.J., Podosek F.A., and Wroge M.L. (1977) Cosmic-ray exposure history at
Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3027-3043.
70035 70185 70215 70275 78135 78155 78235 78505

Duncan A.R., Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., Sher M.K., and Ahrens L.H. (1974a) Trace element evidence for a two-stage
origin of some titaniferous mare basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1147-1157.
70017 70215 73235 74275

Duncan A.R., Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., Sher M.K., and Ahrens L.H. (1974b) Trace element evidence for a two-stage
origin of high-titanium mare basalts. LS V, 187-189.
70017 70215 74275

Duncan A.R, Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., and Sher M.K. (1974c) ComposiLtional characteristics of the Apollo 17 regolith.
LS V, 184-186.

Duncan A.R., Erlank A.J., Sher M.K., Abraham Y.C., Willis J.P., and Ahrens L.H. (1976a) Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,
70135 75035

Duncan A.R., Sher M.K., Abraham Y.C., Erlank A.J., Willis J.P., and ,Marens L.H. (1976b) Source region constraints for
lunar basalt types inferred from trace element chemistry. LS VII, 218-220.
70135 75035

Dymek R.F., Albee A.L., and Chodos A.A. (1975a) Comparative mineralogy and petrology of Apollo 17 mare basalts:
Samples 70215, 71055, 74255, and 75055. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 49-77.
70215 71055 74255 75050

Dymek R.F., Albee A.L., and Chodos A.A. (1975b) Comparative petrology of lunar cumulate rocks of possible primary
origin: Dunite 72415, troctolite 76535, norite 78235, and anorthosite 62237. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 301-341.
72415 72417 72435 76535 78235

Dymek R.F., Albee A.L., and Chodos A.A. (1976a) Petrology and origin of Boulders #2 and #3, Apollo 17 Station 2.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2335-2378.
72315 72335 72355 72375 72395 72435

Dymek R.F., Albee A.L., and Chodos A.A. (1976b) Petrographic inve:_tigation of lunar sample 72435 with emphasis on
the nature of its clasts. LS VII, 227-229.

Dymek R.F., Albee A.L., and Chodos A.A. (1976c) Chemical and mineralogical homogeneity of Boulder #2, Apollo 17
Station #2. LS VII, 230-232.
72315 72335 72355 72375 72395

Eberhardt P., Eugster O., Geiss J., Graf H., Grogler N., Guggisberg S., Jungk M., Maurer P., Morgeli M., and Stettler A.
(1974) Solar wind and cosmic radiation history of Taums-Littrow regolith. LS V, 197-199.
70035 74275

Eberhardt P., Eugster O., Geiss J., Graf H., Grogler N., Morgeli M., and Stettler A. (1975) Kr81-Kr exposure ages of
some Apollo 14, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 rocks. LS VI, 233-235.
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70035 70135 70185 70215 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577 72155 74235
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- 596

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78235 78236 78238 78255

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72255 72415 72417 73255 76255 76535 77215 78235 78238

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72215 72235 72275 72375 73215 73255 76015 76235 76255 76315 77017 77215 77135 78235

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73255 76255 78235 78238 78255 77035 72255 77215 77075 77077 72415 76535

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73215 73255

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76535 78527 73255 78155 77017 79215

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73215 73255

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78236 76535

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72275 72395 72417 73235 73275 74275 75075 76315 76535 77035

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72215 72255 72275 72395 72417 73235 73275 76315 77035

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71507 71508 71509 71515 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 7"1535 71536 71537 71538 71539 71545 71546
71547 71548 71549 71555 71556 71557 71558 71559 71565 7"1566 71567 71568 71569 71575 71576 71577
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78527 78535 78537 78546 78547 78548 78549 78555 78567 78568 78569 78575 78576 78578 78579 78586
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70215 77017

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73131 74220 74240 74260 74001 76001 79001 79002

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72235 72535 77515 77538 77539 77545 78526 78527 78535 78546 78547 78548 78549

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70135 72155 72315 72335 72355 72375 72395 75035 77017 79035

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71515 71559 71566 71567 71569 71577 71578 71587 71588 3'1596 73219 77516 77535 78569 78575 78578
78586 78597 78598

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Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 465-486.
70017, 70035, 70135, 70185, 70"255, 71175, 71546, 71567, 71566, 71569, 71577, 71255, 74235, 75015, 75055,
75075, 76136, 78506, 77535, 78135, 78599, 79155

Lindstrom M.M. (1985) Compositional distinctions among lunar granulites. LPS XVI, 491-492.
73215 77017 78155 79215

Lindstrom M.L. and Lindstrom D.J. (1986) Lunar granulites and their precursor anorthositic norites of the early lunar
crust. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 16th, D263-D276.
77017 78155 79215

Lindstrom D.J., Wentworth S.J., Martinez R. R., and McKay D.S. (1994) Trace element identification of three
chemically distinct VLT basalt glasses from Apollo 17. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 1367-1375.
70007 70009 78526

Lofgren G.E. (1977) Dynamic crystallization experiments bearing on the origin of textures in impact-generated liquids.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2079-2095.
76215 77135

Lofgren G.E. and Lofgren E.M. (1981) Catalog of Lunar Mare Basalts greater than 40 grams. LPI Cont. 438. (Note: this
catalog can be obtained from the Curator)
70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 70315 71035 71036 71055 71175 71546 71557 71559 71566
71567 71569 71577 71578 71587 71588 71596 72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75035 75055 75075
76136 77516 77535 77536 78135 78505 78506 78575 78585 78597 78598 78599 79155

Longhi J. (1990) Silicate liquid immiscibility in isothermal crystallization experiments. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
20th, 13-24.

Longhi J., Walker D., Grove T.L., Stolper E.M., and Hays J.F. (1974a) The petrology of the Apollo 17 mare basalts.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 447-469.
70017 70215 71569 75035

Longhi J., Walker D., and Hays J.F. (1974b) Fe and Mg in plagioclase. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1281-1300.
70017 75035

Longhi J., Walker D., and Hays J.F. (1978) The distribution of Fe and Mg between olivine and lunar basaltic liquids.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 42, 1545-1558.
70215 70017 71569 71255 72135 74275 75035

LSPET (The Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team) (1973a) Preliminary examination of lunar samples.
Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-330, 7-1--7-46.
70035 70135 70175 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 71155 72255 72275 72355 72415 72435 74235 75055
76015 76055 76215 76315 76255 76275 76295 77017 77135 78135 78155 78235 78236 79135 79155

LSPET (The Lunar.Sample Preliminary Examination Team) (1973b) Apollo 17 lunar samples: Chemical and
petrographic description. Science 182, 659-672.
70035 70215 72135 72255 72275 72415 72435 73235 74235 75055 76055 76255 76315 76535 77017 77135
78155 78235 79135

Lugmair G.W. (1975) Sm-Nd systematics of some Apollo 17 basalts. In Papers presented to the Conference on Origins
of Mare Basalts and their Implications for Lunar Evolution (Lunar Science Institute, Houston), 107-110.
70017 75055 75075

Lugmair G.W. and Marti K. (1978) Lunar initial 143Nd/144Nd: Differ(mtial evolution of the lunar crust. Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett. 39, 349-357.
75075 75035 75055 70017 76535

Lugmair G.W., Scheinin N.B., and Marti K. (1975a) Sm-Nd age and history of Apollo 17 basalt 75075: Evidence for
early differentiation of the lunar interior. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1419-1429.

Lugmair G.W., Scheinin N.B., and Marti K. (1975b) Sm-Nd age of Apollo 17 basalt 75075: Two-stage igneous
processes. LS VI, 531-533.

Lugmair G.W., Marti K., Kurtz J.P., and Scheinin N.B. (1976a) History and genesis of lunar troctolite 76535 or:. How
old is old? Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2009-2033.

Lugmair G.W., Kurtz J.P., Marti K., and Scheinin N.B. (1976b) The low Sm/Nd region of the Moon: Evolution and
history of a troctolite and a KREEP basalt. LS VII, 509-511.

Ma M.-S., Schmitt R.A., Warner R.D., Taylor G.J., and Keil K. (19791 Composition, petrography, and genesis of
Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts. LPS X, 765-767.
70075 70136 70137 70315 71037 71045 71046 71065 71066 71067 71068 71069 71085 71086 71155 71156
71505 71506 74248 74247 74249 75085 78507 78509 78577 78585 79516 79515

MacDougall D., Hutcheon I.D., and Price P.B. (1974) Irradiation records in orange glass and two boulders from
Apollo 17. LS V, 483-485.
72255 72315 72335 72395

Mac H.K., El Goresy A., and Bell P.M. (1974a) Evidence of extensive chemical reduction in lunar regolith samples from
the Apollo 17 site. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 673-683.
70017 70019 79155

Mac H.K., E1 Goresy A., and Bell P.M. (1974b) Orange glasses: Reaction of molten liquids with Apollo 17 soil breccia
(70019) and gabbro (79155). LS V, 489-491.
70019 79155

Man H.K., Bell P.M., and Haggerty S.E. (1975) Chemical reduction of glasses in breccia 70019,93: The most reduced
Apollo sample. LS VI, 548-549.

Marti K. (1983) Recoils: New opportunities to study and date early solar system processes. LPS XIV, 462-463.

Marvin U.B. (1975) The Boulder. The Moon 14, 315-326.

72215 72235 72255 72275

Masuda A., Tanaka T., Nakamura N., and Kurasawa H. (1974) Possihie REE anomalies of Apollo 17 REE patterns.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1247-1253.
70215 75075 73235

Mattinson J.M., Tilton G.R., Todt W., and Chen J.H. (1977) Lead isotope studies of mare:basalt 70017. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 8th, 1473-1487.
70017 75035 75055 75075

Mayeda T.K., Shearer J., and Clayton R.N. (1975) Oxygen isotope fractionation of Apollo 17 rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 6th, 1799-1802.
70017 71055 72155 75055 75075 79155 72275 72417 76315 77017 78235

McCallum I.S. (1983) Formation of Mg-rich pristine rocks by crustal metasomatism. LPS XIV, 473-474.
72415 78235

McCallum I.S. and Charette M.P. (1977) Partitioning of Zr between crystals and coexisting high-TI mare basalt melt.
LPS VIII, 637-639.

McCallum I.S. and Charette M.P. (1978) Zr and Nb distribution coefficients: Further constraints on the genesis of high-
Ti mare basalts and KREEP. LPS IX, 711-713.

McCallum I.S. and Mathez E.A. (1975) Petrology of noritic cumulates and a partial melting model for the genesis of Fra
Mauro basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 395-414.
78235 78238

McCallum I.S., Mathez E.A., Okamura F.P., and Ghose S. (1974a) Petrology and crystal chemistry of poikilitic
anorthositic gabbro 77017. Proe. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 287-302.

McCallum I.S., Okamura F.P., Mathez E.A., and Ghose S. (1974b) Pyroxene relations in highland plutonic and high
grade metamorphic rocks. LS V, 472-474.

McCallum I.S., Okamura F.P., Mathez E.A., and Ghose S. (1975) Petrology of noritic cumulates: Samples 78235 and
78238. LS VI, 534-536.
78235 78238

McGee J.J., Bence A.E., Eichhorn G., and Schaeffer O.A. (1978a) Feldspathic granulite 79215: Limitations on T-fO 2
conditions and time of metamorphism. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sei. Conf. 9th, 743-772.

McGee J.J., Bence A.E., and Schaeffer O.A. (1978b) Feldspathic granulite 79215: Conditions of metamorphism and
age. LPS IX, 720-722.

McGee J.J., Nord G.L., Jr., and Wandless M.-V. (1980a) Comparative thermal histories of matrix from Apollo 17
Boulder 7 fragment-laden melt rocks: An analytical transmission electron microscopy study. Proc. Lunar Planet.
Sci. Conf. 1lth, 611-627.
77075 77115 77135

McGee J.J., Nord G.L., Jr., and Wandless M.-V: (1980b) Comparative thermal histories of matrix from Apollo 17
Boulder 7 fragment-laden melt rocks. LPS XI, 700-702.
77075 77115 77135

McKayD.S.,WentwolthS.J.,and Basu A.(1988) Core 79001/2: An example ofextrememixinginthelunarregolith.

LPS XIX, 758-759.
- f_6

McKay D.S. and Wentworth S.J. (1993) Morphology and composition of condensates on Apollo 17 Orange and Black
Glass. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing Site. LPI Tech. Rpt. 92-09. 31-33.
74220 74001

McKay G., Wiesmann H., and Bansal B. (1979) The KREEP-magma ocean connection. LPS X, 804-806.
72415 72417

Mehta S. and G01dstein J.I. (1980a) Metallic particles in the glassy constituents of three lunar highland samples 65315,
67435, and 78235. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth, 1713-1725.

Mehta S. and Goldstein J.I. (1980b) Metallic particles in the glass coa_ags of lunar highland samples 65315, 67435, and
78235. LPS XI, 720-722.

Merlivat L., Le_u M., Nief G., and Roth E. (1974a) Deuterium, hydrogen, and water content of lunar material. Proc.
Lunar S_. Conf. 5th, 1885-1895.
70215 75035

Merlivat L., Lelu M., Nief G., and Roth E. (1974b) Deuterium content of lunar material. LS V, 498-500.

Merlivat L., Lelu M., Nief G., and Roth E. (1976) Spallation deuterium in rock 70215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,

Meyer C. (1973) Apollo 17 Coarse Fines (4-10 mm) Sample Location, Classification and Photo Index. Curator Report.
pp. 182.
70064 70164 70184 70274 70314 70324 71044 71064 71134 71t'54 71504 72134 72144 72224 72244 72264
72324 72434 72444 72464 72504 72704 72164 73124 73134 73.1'44 73154 73214 73224 73244 73264 73284
74114 74124 74244 75064 75084 75114 75124 76034 76124 76134 76224 76244 76264 76284 76324 76504
77514 77534 78124 78224 78234 78424 78444 78464 78484 78504 79124 79224 79244 79264 79514

Meyer C. (1987) The Lunar Petrographic Thin Section Set. Curatorial Branch Publication No. 76. JSC.
70017, 70181, 72275, 74220, 78235

Meyer C., Anderson D.H., and Bradley J.G. (1974) Ion microprobe mass analysis of plagioclase from "non-mare" lunar
sampleS. LS V, 506-508.

Meyer C., Williams I.S., and Compston W. (1989) 207Pb/206Pb ages of zircon-containing rock fragments indicate
contintlous magrnatism in the lunar crust from 4350 to 3900 milliion years. LPS XX, 691-692.
73217 73235

Meyer C., Jr. (1976) Petrology, Mineralogy and Chemistry of KREEP Iqasalt. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 10,
239-260. (Ahrens L.H. and Runcorn S.K., Eds)
72275 76315

Meyer C., Jr. (1979) Trace elements in plagioclase from the lunar highlands. In Papers presented to the Conference on
the Lunar Highlands Crust. LPI Contr. 394, 111-113.
74235 76215 77135 78135

Meyer C.E. and Wilshire H.G. (1974) "Dunite" inclusion in lunar basal_174275. LS V, 503-505.

Meyer H.O.A. and Boctor N.Z. (1974a) Opaque mineralogy: Apollo 17, rock 75035. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,

Meyer H.O.A. and Boctor N.Z. (1974b) Opaque minerals in basaltic rock 75035. LS V, 512-514.

Miller M.D., Pacer R.A., Ma M.-S., Hawke B.R., Lookhart G.L., and Ehmann W.D. (1974) Compositional studies of the
lunar regolith at the Apollo 17 site. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1079-1086.
70017 70215 71055 73235 74275 75035 79035

Minkin J.A., Thompson C.L., and Chao E.C.T. (1978) The Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder: Summary of study by the
International Consortium. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 877-903.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976a) Textures and compositions of metal particles in Apollo 17, Station 6
boulder samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2251-2266.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

Misra K.C., Walker B.M., and Taylor L.A. (1976b) Native FeNi metal particles in Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder. LS VII,
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315

Miura Y. (1982) A new indicator of formation process based on bulk An and Or contents of terrestrial and extraterrestrial
plagioclases with or without exsolution. LPS XIII, 524-525.

Miura Y. (1988) Normal and anomalous compositions of lunar feldspars - I. Lunar plagioclases. LPS XIX, 794-795.
70017 73215 75055 76535 77515

Mizutani H. and Osako M. (1974a) Elastic-wave velocities and thermal diffusivities of Apollo 17 rocks and their
geophysical implications. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2891-2901,
70215 73235 74275 77017

Mizutani H. and Osako M. (1974b) Elastic wave velocities and thermal diffusivities of Apollo 17 recks. LS V,
70215 73235 74275 77017

Moore C.B., Lewis C.F., and Cripe J.D. (1974a) Total carbon and sulfur contents of Apollo 17 lunar samples. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1897-1906.
70215 71055 72275 72395 73235 75035 77017 78155 79135

Moore C.B., Lewis C.F., Cripe J.D., and Volk M. (1974b) Total carbon and sulfur contents of Apollo 17 lunar samples.
LS V, 520-522.
70215 71055 72275 72395 73235" 75035 77017 78155 79135

Moore C.B. and Lewis C.F. (1976) Total nitrogen contents of Apollo 15, 16 and 17 lunar rocks and soils. LS VII,
70215 71055 72135 72275 72385 73235 75035 77017 78155 78235 78505 79135

Morgan J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979a) Bt'eccias 73215 and 73255: Siderophile and volatile trace elements. Proc. Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 789-801.
73215 73255
- 6O8

Morgan J.W. and Petrie R.K. (1979b) Siderophile and volatile trace eleraents in breccias 73215 and 73255 and in core
74001. LPS X, 852-854.
73215 73255

Morgan J.W. and Wandless G.A. (1979) Terrestrial upper mantle: Siderophile and volatile trace element abundances.
LPS X, 855-857.
72415 72417

Morgan J.W. and Wandless G.A. (1988) Lunar dunite 72415-72417: Siderophile and volatile trace elements. LPS XIX,
72415 72417 73215

Morgan J.W., Ganapathy R., Higuchi H., Krahenbuhl U., and Anders E (1974a) Lunar basins: Tentative
characterization of projectiles, from meteoritic dements in Apollo 17 boulders. Prec. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1703-
70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035 79155

Morgan J.W., Ganapathy R., Higuchi H., Krahenbuhl U., and Anders E. (1974b) Lunar basins: Tentative
characterization of projectiles, from meteoritic elements in Apollo 17 boulders. LS V, 526-528.
70215 72255 72275 73235 73275 75035 76315 76535 77017 77075 77135 78155 79035

Morgan J.W., Higuchi H., and Anders E. (1975) Meteoritic material in a boulder from the Apollo 17 site: Implications
for its origin. The Moon 14, 373-383.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Morgan J.W., Gros J., Takahashi H., and Hertogen J. (1976) Lunar breccia 73215: siderophile and volatile elements.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2189-2199.
73215 73235 73275

Morgeli M., Eberhardt P., Eugster O., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Jungck M. (1977) The age of Shorty Crater. LPS VIII,
74235 74255 74275

Mori H. and Takeda H. (1980) Thermal and deformational history of dJogenites and a lunar norite, as determined by
electron microscopy and crystallography. LPS XI, 743-745.

Mori H., Takeda H., and Miyamoto M. (1982) Comparison of orthopyroxenes in lunar norites and diogenites. LPS XIII,
72255 78236

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1975) Studies of solar flares and impact craters in partially protected crystals. Prec. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 6th, 3373-3390.
76015 76215

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1977a) 12054 and 76215: New measurements of interplanetary dust and solar flare fluxes.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 841-863.

Morrison D.A. and Zinner E. (1977b) Microcraters and solar cosmic ray tracks. LPS VIII, 691-693.

Morrison D.A. and Clanton U.S. (1979) Properties of microcraters and cosmic dust of less than 1000 A dimensions.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 1649-1663.

Mtaan A., Lofall T., and Ma C.-B. (1974) Liquid-solid equilibria in lunar rocks from Apollo 15, 16 and 17, and phase
relations in parts of the system CaMgSi206-CaFeSi206-Fe2SiO4_CaAI2Si208. LS V, 529-530.
71055 75075

Muehlberger W.R. and many others (1973) Preliminary Geological Investigation of the Apollo 17 Landing Site. In
Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report NASA SP-330.

Mahich T., Vaniman D., and Heiken G. (1990) llmenite in high-Ti Apollo 17 basalts: Variations in composition with
degree of exsolution. LPSC XXI, 817-819.
70035 70215 71055 78505

Muller H.W., Plieninger T., James O.B., and Schaeffer O.A. (1977a) Laser probe 39Ar-40Ar dating of materials from
consortium breccia 73215. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2551-2565.

Muller H.W., Plieninger T., James O.B., and Schaeffer O.A. (1977b) Laser probe 40Ar-39Ar dating of materials from
consortium breccia 73215. LPS XVIII, 697-699.

Muller O. (1974a) Solar wind nitrogen and indigenous nitrogen in Apollo 17 lunar samples. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
70215 77017 79155

Muller O. (1974b) Solar wind and indigenous nitrogen in Apollo 17 lunar samples. LS V, 534-536.
70215 77017 79155

Muller O., Grallath E., and Tolg G. (1976a) Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1615-1622.
70215 77017 79155

Muller O., Grallath E., and Tolg G. (1976b) Nitrogen in lunar igneous rocks. LS VII, 580-582.
70215 77017 79155

Murali A.V., Ma M.-S., Laul J.C., and Schmitt R.A. (1977a) Chemical composition of breccias, feldspathic basalt and
anorthosites from Apollo 15 (15308, 15359,15382, and 15362), Apollo 16 (60618 and 65785), Apollo 17 (72434,
72536, 72559, 72735, 72738, 78526, and 78527) and Luna 20 (22012 and 22013). LPS VIII, 700-702.
72435 72536 72559 72735 72738 78526 78527

Murali A.V., Ma M.-S., Schmitt R.A., Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor G.J. (1977b) Chemistry of 30 Apollo 17 rake
basalts; 71597 a product of partial olivine accumulation. LPS VIII, 703-705.
71507 71508 71525 71526 71527 71528 71529 71535 71536 71537 71538 71539 71545 71547 71548 71549
71555 71556 71568 71575 71576 71579 71586 71589 71595 71597 78579 78588 78589 78596

Murthy V.R. (1976) Rb-Sr studies of A-17 mare basalts and some general considerations early terrestrial and lunar
evolution. LS VII, 585-587.
74255 75035 75075

Murthy V.R. (1978) Considerations of lunar initial strontium ratio. LPS IX, 778-780.
77035 78155 79215

Murthy V.R. and Coscio C., Jr. (1976) Rb-Sr ages and isotopic systematics of some Serenitatis mare basalts. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1529-1544.
70017 70035 70135 71055 74255 74275 75035 75075 75055
- 610

Murthy V.R. and Coscio C., Jr. (1977) Rb-Sr isotopic systematics and initial Sr considerations for some lunar samples.
LPS VIII, 706-708.
74275 77035 78155

Nagata T., Sugiura N., Fisher R.M., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1974a) Magnetic properties of Apollo
11-17 lunar materials with special reference to effects of meteorite impact. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th,
70017 70215 73275 74275 77017 78155

Nagata T., Sugiura N., Fisher R.M., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dttnn J.R. (1974b)Magnetic properties and natural
remanent magnetization of Apollo 16 and 17 lunar samples. LS V, 540-542.
70017 70215 77017

Nagata T., Fisher R.M., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1975a) Effects of meteorite impact on magnetic
properties of Apollo lunar materials. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3111-3122.
70017 70215 74275 73275 76315 77017 77135 78155

Nagata T., Fisher R.M., Schwerer F.C., Fuller M.D., and Dunn J.R. (1975b) Basic magnetic properties of Apollo 17
basaltic and anorthositic lunar materials. LS VI, 584-586.
73275 74275 76315 77135 78155

Nagle J.S. (1982) Evidence of subcrater lithification and hot ejecta deposition in lunar polymict regolith breccias and
achondrites. LPS XIII, 568-569.
76545 79135

Nakamura N. and Tatsumoto M. (1977) The history of the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th,
77075 77135 77115 77215

Nakamura N., Tatsumoto M., Nunes P.D., Unruh D.M., Schwab A.P., and Wildeman T.R. (1976) 4.4. b.y.-old clast in
Boulder 7, Apollo 17: A comprehensive chronological study by U-Pb, Rb-Sr, and Sm-Nd methods. Proc. Lunar
Sci. Conf. 7th, 2309-2333.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Nash W.P. and Haseiton J.D. (1975) Silica Activity in Lunar Lavas. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 119-130.
70017 70215 74275

Nautiyal C.M., Padia J.T., Rao M.N., and Venkatesan T.R. (1981a) Solar and galactic cosmic ray records of noble gases
in lunar rock 79215. LPS XII, 753-755.

Nautiyal C.M., Padia J.T., Rao M.N., and Venkatesan T.R. (1981b) So)lar flare neon: Clues from implanted noble gases
in lunar soils and rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 12th, 627-637.

Nava D.F. (1974a) Chemical compositions of some soils and rock types from the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 lunar sites. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1087-1096.
70017 76055

Nava D;F. (1974b) Chemistry of some rock types and soils from the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 lunar sites. LS V, 547-549.
70017 76055
_CES- 611

Neal C.R. and Taylor L.A. (1989a) The nature of barium partitioning between immiscible melts: A comparison of
experimental and natural systems with reference to lunar granite petrogenesis. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
19th, 209-218.
73215 73255

Neal C.R. and Taylor L.A. (1989b) The barium problem in silicate liquid immiscibility: Influence of melt composition
and structure on elemental partitioning. LPS XX, 770-771.

Neal C.R. and Taylor L.A. (1991) Evidence for metasomatism of the lunar highlands and the origin of whitlockite.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 2965-2980.

Neal C.R. and Taylor L.A. (1992) Petrogenesis of mare basalts: A record of lunar volcanism. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 56, 2177-2211.

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990a) The significance of fractional crystallization in the
petrogenesis of Apollo 17 Type A and B high-Ti basalts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 1817-1833.
70138 70139 70145 70146 70147 70148 70155 70156 70157 70165 71047 71048 71049 71087 71088 71089
71095 71096 71097 71157 74286 75065 75086 75087 76037 79265

Neal C.R., Paces J.B., Taylor L.A., and Hughes S.S. (1990b) Two new Type C basalts: Petrogenetic implications for
source evolution and magma genesis at the Apollo 17 site. LPS XXI, 855-856.
71095 74245 74247 74255 74275 74285 74287

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990c) The importance of fractional crystallization in the
petrogenesis of Apollo 17 Type A and B high-Ti basalts. LPS XXI, 857-858.

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., and Patchen A.D. (1990d) An Apollo 17 safari: Exciting new clast from breccia "pull apart"
efforts. LPS XXI, 859-860.
73215 73216

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., and Patchen A.D. (1990e) The dichotomy between primitive highland cumulates and evolved
interstitial whitlockites: The process of"REEP-fraction" metasomatism. LPS XXI, 863-864.

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Schmitt R.A., and Liu Y.-G. (1992) The recognition of monomict and polymict clasts from
Apollo 17 breccias. LPS XXIII, 979-980.
73215 73216 77035

Neal C.R., Taylor L.A., Snyder G.A., Schmitt R.A., and Liu Y.-G. (1994) Monomict & polymict clasts from the
Serenitatis basin: The influence of"KREEP" on Apollo 17 highland samples. Inpress.
73215, 73216, 77035

Nehru C.E., Warner R.D., Keil K., and Taylor G.J. (1978) Metamorphism of brecciated ANT rocks: Anorthositic
troctolite 72559 and norite 78527. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 773-788.
72559 78527

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76295 76315

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- 614

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70017 70135 75075

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74275 75015 76136 77535 78135 78506 78597 78599

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74275 74285 74287 75035 75055 75075 77516 78586 79155

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70017 70035 70135 70185 70215 70255 70275 71035 71135 71136 71175 71546 71566 71567 71569 71577
72155 74235 74245 74255 74275 75015 75055 75075 76136 76537 76539 77535 78135 78506 78597 78599

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- 620

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70017 70035 70135 71175 75035 75075 79155

Roedder E. and Weiblen P.W. (1977) Compositional variation in late-stage differentiates in mare lavas, as indicated by
silicate melt inclusions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1767-1783.
71135 78505

Rose H.J., Cuttitta F., Berman S., Brown F.W., Carron M.K., Christiart R.P., Dwornik E.J., and Greenland L.P. (1974a)
Chemical composition of rocks and soils at Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 1119-1133.
70017 70215 71055 75075 72275 79135

Rose H.J., Brown F.W., Carron M.K., Christian R.P., Cuttitta F., Dwo_rnik E.J., and Ligon D.T. (1974b) Composition of
some Apollo 17 samples. LS V, 645-647.
70017 79135

Rose H.J., Baedecker P.A., Berman S., Christian R.P., Dwornik E.J., Finkelman R.B., and Schnepfe M.M. (1975a)
Chemical composition of rocks and soils returned by the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
6th, 1363-1373,
70135 74235 74255 74275 75035 79155

Rose H.J., Christian R.P., Dwomik E.J., and Schnepfe M.M. (1975b) Major elemental analysis of some Apollo 15, 16,
and 17 samples. LS VI, 686-688.
70135 74235 74255 74275 75035 79155

Runcorn S.K., Collinson D.W., and Stephenson A. (1974) Magnetic properties of Apollo 16 and 17 rocks - interim
report. LS V, 653-654.
70017 70215 76315

Russell W.A., Papanastassiou D.A., Tombrello T.A., and Epstein S. (1977a) Ca isotope fractionation on the Moon.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3791-3805.
70215 75055

Rassell W.A., Papanasatassiou D.A., Tombrello T.A., and Epstein S. (1977b) Search for Ca isotopic fractionation and
correlation of Ca and O effects. LPS VIII, 823-825.
70215 75055

R'athefford M.J. and Hess P.C. (1975) Origin of lunar granites as immiscible liquids. LS VI, 696-698.
70135 75055

Rutherford M.J., Hess P.C., and Daniel G.H. (1974a) Experimental liquid line of descent and liquid immiscibility for
basalt 70017. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 569-583.

Rutherford M.J., Hess P.C., and Daniel G.H. (1974b) Liquid lines of descent and liquid immiscibility in high Ti lunar
basalt. LS V, 657-659.

Ryder G. and Bower J.F. (1976) Poikilitic KREEP impact melts in the Apollo 14 white rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
7th, 1925-1948.

Ryder G. (1982) Apollo 17 ol-plag vitrophyres, 76035, and the Serenitatis melt sheet: Another brick in the wall.
LPS XIII, 669-670.

Ryder G. (1983) Nickel in olivines and parent magmas of lunar pristine rocks. Workshop on Pristine Highlands Rocks
and the Early History of the Moon (Longhi J. and Ryder G., Eds.) LPI Tech Rept. 83-02. The Lunar and
Planetary Institute, Houston, 66-68.
72415 76335 76535 76536

Ryder G. (1984a) Most olivine in the lunar highlands is of shallow origin. LPS XV, 707-708.
76015 76035 72255

Ryder G. (1984b) Olivine in lunar dunite 72415, a rather shallow-origin cumulate. LPS XV, 709-710.
72415 72417 76535

Ryder G. (1992a) Chemical variation and zoning of olivine in lunar dunite 72415: Near-surface accumulation. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 22nd, 373-380.
72415 73215 76255 76535 7713.5

Ryder G. (1992b) Lunar highlands totality from bits and pieces: A whole-rock-chemistry-free characterization of an
evolved hypabyssal igneous gabbro schlieren from the Apollo 17 landing site. LPS XXIII, 1195-1196.

Ryder G. and Norman M. (1979) Catalog of pristine non-mare materials Part 1. Non-anorthosites. Revised. NASA-JSC
Curatorial Facility Publ. JSC 14565, Houston. 147 pp.
72255 72275 72415 72416 72417 76255 76335 76535 76536 77075 77076 77077 77215 77115 78235 78236
78238 78255

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., and Bower J.F. (1975a) Lunar Granites with unique Ternary Feldspars. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 435-449.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Bower J.F., and Wood J.A. (1975b) Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17: Petrology
and petrogenesis. The Moon 14, 327-357.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Ryder G., Stoeser D.B., and Wood J.A. (1977) Apollo 17 KREEPy basa_it: A rock type intermediate between mare and
KREEP basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 35, 1-13.

Ryder G. and Spudis P. (1980) Volcanic rocks in the lunar highlands, lh:oc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 353-375.
72275 73255

Ryder G. and Taylor G.J. (1976) Did mare-type volcanism commence e_trly in lunar history? Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,
72235 72275

Ryder O., Norman M.D., and Score R.A. (1980a) The distinction of pristine from meteorite-contaminated highlands
rocks using metal compositions. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth, 471-479.
72415 76335 76535 72255

Ryder G., Norman M.D., and Score R.A. (1980b) Ni, Co content of metal grains for the identification of indigenous
rocks. LPS XI, 968-970.
72255 79215

Ryder G. (1993a) The Apollo 17 Samples: The Massifs and Landslide. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing
Site. LPI Tech. Rpt. 92-09.48-49.
76035 77215 76535 76335 78235

Ryder G. (1993b) Impact Melt Breccias at the Apollo 17 Landing Site. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing
Site. LPI Tech. Rpt. 92-09. 49-50.
76055 72735 72255

Salpas P.A. and Taylor L.A. (1985) Basalt clasts in breccia 72275: Examples of pre-mare volcanism. LPS XVI,

Salpas P.A., Willis K.J., and Taylor L.A. (1985) Breccia Guidebook No. 8 72275. Curatorial Branch Publication 71, JSC
20416 pp. 43.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1986a) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalts: Pristine basaltic breccias.
LPS XVII, 748-749.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1986b) The first Apollo 17 ferroan anorthosite: Its significance relative
to Mg-suite highland clasts. LPS XVII, 752-753.

Salpas P.A., Lindstrom M.M., and Taylor L.A. (1987) Highland materials at Apollo 17: contributions from 72275.
Proc. Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. 18th, 11-19.

Salpas P.A., Taylor L.A., and Lindstrom M.M. (1987) Apollo 17 KREEPy basalts: Evidence for Nonuniformity of
KREEP. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 17th, E340-E348.

Sanford R.F. and Huebner J.S. (1979) Reexamination of diffusion processes in 77115 and 77215. LPS X, 1052-1054.
77115 77215

Smlford R.F. and Heubner J.S. (1980) Model thermal history of 77115 and implications for the origin of fragment-laden
basalts. Proc. Conf. Lunar Highlands Crust, 253-269.
77075 77115 77135

Sato M. (1976a) Oxygen fugacity and other thermochemical parameters of Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts and their
implications on the reduction mechanism. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1323-1344.
70017 74275

Sato M. (1976b) Oxygen fugacity values of some Apollo 16 and 17 rocks. LS VII, 758-760.
70017 70019 74275

Schaal R.B. and Horz F. (1977a) Shock metamorphism of lunar and terrestrial basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th,
75035 79155

Schaal R.B. and Horz F. (1977b) Shock effects in some lunar basalts. LPS VIII, 832-834.
75035 79155

Schaal R.B., Horz F., and Bauer J.F. (1978) Shock experiments on particulate lunar basalt - a regolith analogue.
LPS IX, 999-1001.

Schaal R.B., Horz F., Thompson T.D., and Bauer J.F. (1979a) Shock metamorphism of granulated lunar basalt. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2547-257t.

Schaal R.B., Thompson T.D., Horz F., and Bauer J.F. (1979b) Experimentally shocked lunar basalt: Massive and
particulate. LPS X, 1055-1057.

Schaeffer G.A. and Schaeffer O.A. (1977a) 39Ar40Ar ages of lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2253-2300.

Schaeffer G.A. and Schaeffer O.A. (1977b) 39Ar40Ar ages of lunar rocks. LPS VIII, 840-842.

Schaeffer O.A. and Husain L. (1974) Chronology of lunar basin formation. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5, 1541-1555.

Schaeffer O.A., Warasila R., and Labotka T.C. (1982a) Ages of Serenitatis breccias. Lunar breccias and soils and their
meteoritic analogs. LPI Tech. Rept. 82-02, 123-125.
72215 72255

Schaeffer O.A., Warasila R., and Labotka T.C. (1982b) Ages of Serenitatis breccias. LPS XIII, 685-686.
72215 72255

Schaeffer O.A., Muller H.W., and Grove T.L. (1977a) Laser 39Ar-40Ar study of Apollo 17 basalts. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 8th, 1489-1499.
70215 70017 75035

Schaeffer O.A., Muller H.W., and Grove T.L. (1977b) Laser 39Ar40Ar study of Apollo 17 basalts. LPS VIII, 837-839.
70017 70215 75035

Schmitt H.H. and Cernan E.A. (1973) A geological investigation of the Taurus-Littrow Valley. In Apollo 17 Preliminary
Science Report NASA SP-330.

Schmitt H.H. (1975) Geological model for Boulder 1 at Station 2, South Massif, Valley of Taurus-Littrow. The Moon
14, 491-504.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Schonfeld E. (1973) Determination by non-destructive gamma-ray counting of radionuclides produced by the August
1972 solar flare. LS IV, 659.

Schwerer F.C. and Nagata T. (1976) Ferromagnetic-superparamagnetic granulometry of lunar surface materials. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 759-778.
70017 70215 78155

Schreiber E. (1977) The Moon and Q. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1201-1208.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1975a) Shock-induced subsolidus reduction-decomposition of orthopyroxene and
shock-induced melting of norite 78235. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 799-820.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1975b) Shock-induced subsolidus reduction-decomposition of orthopyroxene and
shock-induced melting in norite 78235. LS VI, 730-731.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1976a) Subsolidus reduction phenomena in lunar norite 78235: Observations and
interpretations. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2493-2508.

Sclar C.B. and Bauer J.F. (1976b) Redox reactions involving nonvolatile ionic species as a mechanism of shock-induced
subsolidus reduction of Fe +2 in plagioclase and orthopyroxene: Indications from lunar norite 78235. LS VII,

Shaw D.M. and Middleton T.A. (1987) Lunar boron: A preliminary study. LPS XVIII, 912-913.

Shaffer E., Brophy J.G., and Basu A. (1990) La/Sm ratios in mare basalts as a consequence of mafic cumulate
fractionation from an initial lunar magma. LPS XXI, 1130-1131.

Shearer C.K., Papike J.J., Galbreath K.C., and Shimizu N. (1991) Exploring the lunar mantle with secondary ion mass
spec_ometry: A comparison of lunar picritic glass beads froea the Apollo 14 and Apollo 17 sites. Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett. 102, 134-147.
70017 70295 74115 78546 79035 79135

Shill C.-Y., Haskin L.A., Wiesmann H., Bansal B.M., and Brannon J.C. (1975a) On the origin of high-Ti mare basalts.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 1255-1285.
70017 70035 70135 70215 70275 71135 72155 74235 74255 75055 75075 76537 76539 79155

Shih C.-Y., Wiesmann H.W., and Haskin L.A. (1975b) On the origin of higb-Ti mare basalts. LS VI, 735-737.
70017 70035 70135 70215 72155 75055 75075 76537 76539

Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Dasch E.J., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmann 1-I.(1989) Ages of pristine lunar plutonic rocks and
their petrogenetic implications. LPS XX, 1004-1005.
73255 76535 78236

Shih C.-Y., Bansal B.M., Wiesmann H., and Nyquist L.E. (1990a) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies of an Apollo 17
KREEPy basalt. LPS XXI, 1148-1149.

Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., Bansal B.M., and Wiesmarm H. (1992) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd chronology of an Apollo 17 KREEP
basalt. Earth Planet. ScL Lett. 108, 203-215.

Sill G.T., Nagy B., Nagy L.A., Hamilton P.B., McEwan W.S., and Urey H.C. (1974) Carbon compounds in Apollo 17
lunar samples: Indications of cometary contribution to breccia 78155? LS V, 703-705.
71055 78155

Sirmnons G., Siegfried R., and Richter D. (1975a) Characteristics of microcracks in lunar samples. Proc. Lunar Sci.
Conf. 6th, 3227-3254.
70215 71569 75035 75055 77035 78235

Simmons G., Richter D., and Siegfried R. (1975b) Characterization of microcracks in lunar igneous rocks. LS VI,

Sim_m S.B., Papike J.J., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R. A. (1989) Comparative petrology and chemistry of
Apollo 17 regolith breccias and soils. LPS XX, 1014-1015.
70175 74115 76565

Simon S.B., Papike J.J., Gosselin D.C., Laul J.C., Hughes S.S., and Schmitt R.A. (1990) Petrology and chemistry of
Apollo 17 regolith breceias: A history of mixing of highland and mare regolith. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 20th,
70019 70175 70295 74115 74246 76565 78546 79035 79135 79175

Simonds C.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in impact melts and the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 641-672.
76015 76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315

Simonds C.H. and Warner J.L. (1981) Petrochemistry of Apollo 16 and 17 samples. LPS XII, 993-995.
76275 76295 76506 76555 76556 76557 76559 76569 76575 76576 76577 76295 76538 76539 76537 76568
76536 76255 76565 76545 76505

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phinney W.C. (1973) Petrology of Apollo 16 poikilitic rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.
4th, 613-632.
72275 72435 76315 77135

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., and Warner J.L. (1974) Petrography and classification of Apollo 17 non-mare rocks with
emphasis on samples from the Station 6 boulder. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 337-353.
72215 72235 72255 72275 72315 72335 72355 72395 72415 72435 73215 73235 73255 73275 76015 76055
76215 76235 76255 76275 76295 76315 76535 77017 77035 77075 77115 77135 77215 78155 78235 79215

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J.L., and Heiken G.H. (1975) Thermal regimes in crater debris as deduced from
the petrology of the Apollo 17 Station 6 boulder and rake samples. LS VI, 747-749.
76015 76215 76275 76295 76315 76505 76545 76548 76565 76567

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., Phinney W.C., and McGee P.E. (1976a) Thermal model for impact breccia lithification:
Manicouagan and the moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 2509-2528.
76015 76275
- 626

Simonds C.H., Warner J.L., and Phirmey W.C. (1976b) Clast-melt interactions in lunar and terrestrial impact melts.
LS VII, 812-814.
76015 76215 76275 76295

Simonds C.H., Phinney W.C., Warner J,L., McGee P.E., Geeslin J., Brown R.W., and Rhodes M.J. (1977) Apollo 14
revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 1869-1893.
76015 76215 76255 76275 76295

Smith J.M., Meyer C., Jr., Compston W., and Williams I.S. (1986) 73235,82 (pomegranate): An assemblage of lunar
zircon with unique overgrowth. LPS XVII, 805-806.

Smith J.V., Hansen E.C., and Steele I.M. (1980) Lunar highland rocks: Element partitioning among minerals II:
Electron microprobe analyses of AI, P, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe in olivine. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth,
73215 79215 76255 76535 77135

Smyth J.R. (1975) Intracrystalline cation order in a lunar crustal troctolite. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 821-832.

Smyth J.R. (1986) Crystal structure refinement of a lunar anorthite, An94. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sei. Conf. 17th, Egl -E97.

Snee L.W. and Ahrens T.J. (1975a) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial peridot and lunar dunite. Proc.
Lunar Sei. Conf. 6th, 833-842.

Snee L.W. and Ahrens T.J. (1975b) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial olivine and lunar dunite. LS VI,

Spudis P.D. (1993) The Geology of Multi-Ring Impact Basins: The Moon and Other Planets. Cambridge Univ. Press,
pp. 263.

Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1981) Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis basin. In Proc. of the Conf.
on Multi-Ring Basins. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sei. 12A - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Suppl. 15. Pergamon Press.
72215 72235 72275 72315 73215 73235 73255 76015 76055 76215 77075

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979a) Armalcolite/ilmenite: Mineral chemistry, paragenesis, and origin of textures. Proe.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 383-405.
70017 74275

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1979b) llmenite/armalcolite: Effects of rock composition, oxygen fugacity, and cooling
rate. LPS X, 1160-1162.
70017 74275

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980a) Armalcolite: an oxygen fugacity indicator. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth,
70017 74245

Stanin F.T. and Taylor L.A. (1980b) An oxygen geobarometer for hmar high-titanium basalts. LPS XI, 1079-1081.
70017 74275

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1977) 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of consortium breccia 73215.
LPS VIII, 896-898.

Staudacher T., Dominik B., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1978) Consortium breccia 73255: 40Ar-39Ar dating.
LPS IX, 1098-1100.

Staudacher T., Jessberger E.K., Flohs I., and Kirsten T. (1979a) 40Ar'39Ar age systematics of consortium breccia 73255.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 745-762.

Staudacher T., Dominik B., Flohs I., Jessberger E.K., and Kirsten T. (1979b) New 40Ar-39Ar ages for aphanites and
clasts of consortium breccia 73255. LPS X, 1163-1165.

Steele I.M. (1975) Mineralogy of lunar norite 78235: Second lunar occurrence of P21ca pyroxenes from Apollo 17 soils.
American Mineralogist 60, 1086-91.

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1976) Mineralogy and petrology of complex breccia 14063,14. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th,
72415 76535

Steele I.M. and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion-probe determination ofLi, Na, Mg, Ti, Sr and Ba in lunar plagioclase. LPS XI,
73155 73215 76535 78235 79215

Steele I.M., Hutcheon I.D., and Smith J.V. (1980) Ion microprobe analysis and petrogenetic interpretations of Li, Mg, Ti,
K, Sr, Ba in lunar plagioclase. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth, 571-590.
73155 73215 76255 76535 77115 77135 78235 79215

S tephenson A., CoUinson D.W., and Runcorn S.K. (1974) Lunar magnetic field paleointensity determinations on
Apollo 11, 16, and 17 rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 2859-2871.
70017 70215 (erroneously listed as 72015 in INTRO) 76315 77035

Stephenson A., Runcorn S.K., and Coilinson D.W. (1975) On changes in intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic field.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, 3049-3062.
70215 78505

Stephenson A., Runcorn S.K., and Collinson D.W. (1977) Paleointensity estimates from lunar samples 10017 and 10020.
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 679-687.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Maurer P. (1973) Ar39-Ar 40 ages and Ar37-Ar 38 exposure ages of
lunar rocks. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 1865-1888.

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., and Grogler N. (1974) 39Ar-40Ar ages of samples from the Apollo 17 Station 7
boulder and implications for its formation. Earth Planet: Sci. Left. 23, 453-461.
77215 77075 77135

Ste_er A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1975) Age sequence in the Apollo 17 Station 7
boulder. LS VI, 771-773.
77115 77135

Stettler A., Eberhardt P., Geiss J., Grogler N., and Guggisberg S. (1978) Chronology of the Apollo 17 Station 7 Boulder
and the South Serenitatis impact. LPS IX, 1113-1115.
77075 77115 77135 77215

Stewart D.B. (1975) Apollonian metamorphic rocks--The products of prolonged subsolidus equilibration. LS VI,

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., Wood J.A., Wolfe R.W., and Bower J.F. (1974a) Petrology of a stratified boulder from South
Massif, Taurus-Littrow. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 355-377.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Marvin U.B., Wood J.A., and Bower J.F. (1974b) Petrographic studies of a boulder from the
South Massif. LS V, 743-745.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Wolfe R.W., Wood J.A. and Bower J.F. (1974c) Petrology and Petrogenesis of Boulder 1. In
Interdisciplinary Studies of Samples from Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. Volume 1, Consortium Indomitabile.
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Also Lunar Science Institute Cont. no. 210D, 35-109.
72255 72275

Stoeser D.B., Marvin U.B., and Bower J.F. (1974d) Petrology and Petrogenesis of Boulder 1. In Interdisciplinary
Studies of Samples from Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. Volume 2, Consortium Indomitabile. Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory. Also Lunar Science Institute Cont. no. 21 ID, 1-59.
72215 72235 72275

Stoeser D.B., Ryder G., and Marvin U.B. (1975) Lunar granite clasts with unique ternary feldspars. LS VI, 780-782.
72215 72235 72255 72275

Stoffler D., Knoll H.-D., and Maerz U. (1979a) Terrestrial and lunar irnpact breccias and the classification of lunar rocks.
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 639-675.
72215 72415 78235 76535 78527 79135 76255 77135 78526 79215

Stoffler D., Knoll H.-D., Marvin U.B., Simonds C.H., and Warren P.H. (1979b) Recommended classification and
nomenclature of lunar highland rocks - a committee report. In Proc. of the Conf. on The Lunar Highlands Crust.
(Papike J.J. and Merrill R.B., Eds.) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Suppl. 12, 51-70.

Storey W.C., Humphries D.J., and O'Hara M.J. (1974) Experimental petrology of sample 77135. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
23, 435-438.

Storzer D., Poupeau G., and Kratschmer W. (1973) Track-exposure and formation ages of some lunar samples. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf. 4th, 2363-2377.
75055 76055

Sugiura N. and Strangway D.W. (1980a) Comparisons of magnetic paleointensity methods using a lunar sample. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1lth, 1801-1813.
70019 70215

Sugiura N. and Strangway D.W. (1980b) Thellier paleointensity: Studies of lunar samples. LPS XI, 1111-1113.
70019 70215

Sugiura N., Strangway D.W., and Pearce G.W. (1978) Heating experiments and paleointensity determinations. Proc.
Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 3151-3163.
75035 77035

Sugiura N., Wu Y.M., Strangway D.W., Pearce G.W., and Taylor L.A. (1979a) A new magnetic paleointensity value for
a "young lunar glass." Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th, 2189-2197.

Sugium N., Wu Y.M., Strangway D.W., Pearce G.W., and Taylor L.A. (1979b) Paleointensity studies on 70019, a young
glass sample from Apollo 17. LPS X, 1195-1197.

Sung C.-M., Abu-Eid R.M., and Bums R.G. (1974a) Ti3+/Ti 4+ ratios in lunar pyroxenes: implications to depth of origin
of mare basalt magma. Proc. Lunar Sei. Conf. 5th, 717-726.
70017 71055 74275

Sung C.-M., Abu-Eid R.M., and Burns R.G. (1974b) A search for trivalent titanium in Apollo 17 pyroxenes. LS V,
70017 71055 74275

Takeda H. and Ishii T. (1975) Typical processes of exsolution, decomposition and inversion of pyroxenes and its bearing
on thermal history of lunar rocks. LS VI, 795-797.
72255 77135

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1976) Characterization of crust formation on a parent body of achondrites and the Moon
by pyroxene crystallography and chemistry. LS VII, 846-848.
72255 76015

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1977a) Inverted pigeonites from lunar breccia 76255 and pyroxene-crystallization trends
in lunar and achondritic crusts. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 2617-2626.

Takeda H. and Miyamoto M. (1977b) Inverted pigeonites from lunar breccia 76255 and pyroxene-crystallization trends
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70017 70035 70135 70181 70215 71501 72141 72155 72161 72275 72417 72435 72501 72701 73141 73235
73275 74220 74241 75055 75061 75075 76015 76055 76215 76230 76295 76315 76501 76535 76537 76539
76545 76575 77017 77135 77531 78155 78501 78135 79261 70275 71135 74235 74255 75055 79155
- 638

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77115 77135 77075 77215

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72215 72255 72275 73215 76015 76315 77075 77115 77135

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75055 72255 72275 76255 76535 77215

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72215 72235 72255 72275 72435 76055 76315 77135

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70017 70019 70135 70175 70185 70255 70275 71035 7113_r 71136 71155 71175 75035 75055 79155 72255
72415 72315 73215 73255 73275 76215 76255 76275 7629'-; 77135 78135 78235 78505

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71055 74255 76015 76215

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76215. LPS VIII, 1044-1046.
INDEX- 641


Sample Type Vol. Page Sample Type Vol. Page Sample Type Vol. Page

70017 basalt 2 1 71048 basalt 2 169 71528 basalt 2 305

70018 2 13 71049 basalt 2 173 71529 basalt 2 309

70019 2 15 71055 basalt 2 177 71535 basalt 2 313

70035 basalt 2 25 71065 basalt 2 187 71536 basalt 2 317

70075 basalt 2 39 71066 basalt 2 191 71537 basalt 2 321

70135 basalt 2 45 71067 basalt 2 195 71538 basalt 2 325

70136 " basalt 2 59 71068 basalt 2 199 71539 basalt 2 329

70137 basalt 2 63 71069 basalt 2 201 71545 basalt 2 335

70138 basalt 2 67 71075 basalt 2 205 71546 basalt 2 339

70139 basalt 2 73 71085 basalt 2 207 71547 basalt 2 345

70145 basalt 2 79 71086 basalt 2 211 71548 basalt 2 349

70146 basalt 2 83 71087 basalt 2 215 71549 basalt 2 353

70147 basalt 2 87 71088 basalt 2 219 71555 basalt 2 357

70148 basalt 2 91 71089 basalt 2 223 71556 basalt 2 361

70149 basalt 2 95 71095 basalt 2 227 71557 basalt 2 365

70155 basalt 2 97 71096 basalt 2 231 71558 basalt 2 369

70156 basalt 2 101 71097 basalt 2 235 71559 basalt 2 373

70157 basalt 2 105 71135 basalt 2 241 71565 basalt 2 377

'70165 basalt 2 109 71136 basalt 2 245 71566 basalt 2 381

'70175 basalt 2 113 71155 basalt 2 249 71567 basalt 2 385

70185 basalt 2 115 71156 basalt 2 255 71568 basalt 2 389

70215 basalt 2 121 71157 basalt 2 259 71569 basalt 2 393

';'0255 basalt 2 131 71175 basalt 2 263 71575 basalt 2 401

70275 basalt 2 137 71505 basalt 2 269 71576 basalt 2 405

70295 2 141 71506 basalt 2 273 71577 basalt 2 409

"/0315 basalt 2 143 71507 basalt 2 277 71578 basalt 2 413

"71035 basalt 2 147 71508 basalt 2 281 71579 basalt 2 417

71036 basalt 2 151 71509 basalt 2 285 71585 basalt 2 421

'71037 basalt 2 153 71515 basalt 2 289 71586 basalt 2 425

71045 basalt 2 157 71525 basalt 2 293 71587 basalt 2 429

71046 basalt 2 161 71526 basalt 2 297 71588 basalt 2 433

71047 basalt 2 165 71527 basalt 2 301 71589 basalt 2 437

INDEX- 642

Sample Type Vol. Page Sampk Type Vd. Page Sample Type Vd. Page

71595 basMt 2 441 72559 1 203 74285 bas_t 3 75

71596 basMt 2 445 72705 1 207 74286 basMt 3 81

71597 basMt 2 449 72735 1 211 74287 basMt 3 85

72135 3 1 72736 1 215 75015 basMt 3 91

72145 3 5 72737 1 21!) 75035 basMt 3 97

72155 basalt 3 7 72738 1 221 75055 basalt 3 109

72215 1 3 73145 1 225 75065 basMt 3 121

'72235 1 21 73146 1 227 75066 3 125

72255 1 33 73155 1 231 75075 basNt 3 127

72275 1 55 73156 1 235 75085 basNt 3 141

72315 1 93 73215 1 237 75086 basNt 3 145

72335 1 101 73216 1 277 75087 basalt 3 149

72355 i 105 73217 1 281 75088 basNt 3 153

72375 1 109 73218 1 291 75089 basNt 3 157

72395 1 113 73219 basNt 1 29'3 75115 basNt 3 159

72415 1 127 73225 1 295 76015 4 11

72416 1 137 73235 1 297 76035 4 25

72417 1 139 73245 1 309 76036 4 27

72418 1 147 73255 1 311 76037 bas_t 4 29

72435 1 149 73275 1 32;5 76055 4 31

72505 1 161 73285 1 343 76135 4 39

72535 1 163 74115 1 3z_ 76136 bas_t 4 41

72536 1 167 74116 1 3_ff 76137 4 45

72537 1 171 74117 1 3_ 76215 4 47

72538 1 173 74118 1 351 76235 4 57

72539 1 175 74119 1 353 76236 4 65

72545 1 179 74235 basalt 3 15 76237 4 67

72546 1 181 74245 bas_t 3 23 76238 4 69

72547 1 183 74246 3 29 76239 4 71

72548 1 185 74247 bas_t 3 31 76245 4 73

72549 1 189 74248 bas_t 3 35 76246 4 75

72555 1 193 74249 bas_t 3 139 76255 4 77

72556 1 195 74255 bas_t 3 43 76265 4 89

72557 1 197 74265 3 55 76275 4 91

72558 1 199 74275 bas_t 3 57 76285 4 97

INDEX- 643

Sample Type Vol. Page Sample Type Vol. Page Sample Type Vol. Page

76286 4 99 77135 4 267 78535 4 445

76295 4 103 77215 4 283 78536 4 499

76305 4 113 77515 4 299 78537 4 451

76306 4 113 77516 basalt 4 303 78538 4 453

76307 4 113 77517 4 307 78539 4 455

76315 4 115 77518 4 311 78545 4 457

76335 4 125 77519 4 315 78546 4 459

76505 4 129 77525 4 317 78547 4 463

76506 4 131 77526 4 319 78548 4 467

76535 4 137 77535 bas_t 4 321 78549 4 471

76536 4 153 77536 basalt 4 327 78555 4 475

76537 bas_t 4 159 77537 4 331 78556 4 479

76538 basalt 4 163 77538 4 333 78557 4 481

76539 basalt 4 165 77539 4 337 78558 4 483

76545 4 169 77545 4 341 78559 4 485

76548 4 175 78135 bas_t 4 345 78565 4 487

76555 4 177 78155 4 351 78566 4 489

76556 4 179 78235 4 367 78567 4 491

76557 4 181 78236 4 381 78568 4 493

76558 4 183 78238 4 391 78569 bas_t 4 495

76559 4 185 78255 4 393 78575 bas_t 4 499

76565 4 187 78465 4 397 78576 bas_t 4 503

76566 4 193 78505 bas_t 4 401 78577 bas_t 4 509

76567 4 195 78506 bas_t 4 405 78578 basalt 4 513

76568 bas_t 4 197 78507 bas_t 4 409 78579 bas_t 4 517

76569 4 199 78508 4 413 78585 bas_t 4 521

76575 4 201 78509 bas_t 4 415 78586 bas_t 4 525

76576 4 205 78515 4 419 78587 basflt 4 529

76577 4 209 78516 4 423 78588 bas_t 4 535

77017 4 2!1 78517 4 427 78589 bas_t 4 539

77035 4 227 78518 4 429 78595 basalt 4 543

77075 4 241 78525 4 431 78596 bas_t 4 547

'77076 4 251 78526 4 433 78597 basMt 4 551

'77077 4 253 78527 4 439 78598 bas_t 4 557

77115 4 257 78528 bas_t 4 443 78599 bas_t 4 563

INDEX- 644

Sample Type Vol. Page

79035 3 163

79115 3 169

79125 3 175

79135 3 177

79155 basalt 3 185

79175 3 193

79195 3 195

79215 3 197

79225 3 209

79226 3 211

79227 3 213

79228 3 213

79245 3 215

79265 bas_t 3 217

79515 basalt 3 221

79516 basalt 3 225

79517 bas_t 3 229

79518 bas_t 3 231

79519 bas_t 3 233

79525 basalt 3 235

79526 bas_t 3 237

79527 bas_t 3 239

79528 basalt 3 241

79529 bas_t 3 243

79535 bas_t 3 245

79536 bas_t 3 247

79537 bas_t 3 249

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