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Uncompromising safety and comfort

The next MCB generation within

the proved System pro M compact®
In 1923 the first of its kind – today the best.
Our miniature circuit breaker MCB S 200
and S 200 M
In 1923, Hugo Stotz combined a thermal and a magnetic trip
unit in a single device and thereby invented a new and innovative
circuit breaker, which was a revolution in electrical installation.
As it could simply be screwed into usual fuse sockets it was
a big success for the company, which is located in Germany
for more than 120 years.

2 2CDC 002 026 B0204

A range designed to ensure efficiency and protection Facts which speak for themselves
Our MCBs are advanced for more than 120 years in Numerous patents have been made during this time and
the history and mindset of Hugo Stotz. Today we offer ensure our market position as the “original” and innovation
feasible MCB solutions for all kind of applications, which leader.
are developed in close touch to market requirements
from various branches. Terminal: The extended terminal size with insulating part
for IP20 protection and the new pressure plate for improved
conductor connection facilitate the handling and increase

Switching mechanism: A new functional design and the

assembly of the switching mechanism was developed
to increase the reliability of triggering even under tough

Design of contacts: Contact design with snap action

mechanism for improved arc movement and for an opti-
mized switching behavior.

Tripping device: Optimized arrangement of the thermal

and electromagnetic tripping device in consideration of the
arc extinguishing system to improve safety.

Easy product coding – easy identification: basic

technical information already integrated into the name

New, patented twin terminals with captive screws:

highest comfort, safety and flexibility

Laser printing: scratch and solvent resistant


Immediate system availability after fault by simply

switching on the MCB, even by unskilled people

High rated voltage with same performance

Real contact position indication, directly connec-

ted to the moving contact, for more comfort and safety

New, patented housing design: environmental

friendly and performance-optimized

Patented tripping device: uncompromising safety

2CDC 002 026 B0204 3

The details make the difference
Miniature circuit-breakers MCB S 200

Contact position indication Approvals printed on the dome PATENTED – Housing Design
All System pro M compact® MCBs S 200 and S 200 M MCBs comply By using state-of-the-art housing
are suited with a real contact position with IEC/EN 60898 and IEC/EN 60947 material, ABB is taking care of the
in­dication (real CPI). You can easily and carry all relevant approval marks envi­ronment. With the latest genera-
identify, if the MCB is in the ON or the for each market and segment they are tion of halogen free thermoplastics
OFF position – easy and safe mainte- destined to. The certification mark- for S200 and S200M it’s possible to
nance work is possible. The position ings are also printed on the dome of recycle the MCBs completely without
of the toggle and the red/green display the MCB. Thus make it possible to environmental pollution. The new
leaves no doubt about the present see the markings also in the mounted material also improved stability of
switching position, while the latter position. For control and acceptance all System pro M compact® MCBs.
offers additional security, as the exact procedure – certification marks visible
position of the inner contacts is always on fitted devices on the dome.
displayed.Thus, the device always
supplies reliable information in the
event of an error.

Laser printing Uncompromising comfort PATENTED – IP 20 finger safe terminals

All labels on the S 200 and S 200 M Special quick fastening system for an The System pro M compact® MCBs are
MCB’s, as the approvals on the dome easy removal of the devices from the equipped with 35 mm2 and 10 mm2
and the product identification, are busbar for MCBs S 200, S 200 M and cylinder lift twin terminals for challenging
printed by a laser. The laser printing RCBs F 200. industrial use. Cross wiring can easily be
ensures a friction, scratch and solvent realized by inserting the busbars into the
resistant marking on the MCBs for rear terminal part and the incoming wires
easy identification in case of mainte- into the front part.
nance or replacements.

4 2CDC 002 026 B0204

Worldwide approved S 200 / S 200 M
meet all international standards

The next generation MCB S 200 / S 200 M product range

provides highest safety solutions for the installer according
to all relevant standards worldwide.

Besides the fact that the MCBs meet worldwide standards Our products are tested acc to: IEC 60898-1, IEC 60947-2,
it is helpful if your business is global, because you can use UL 1077, CSA 22.2 No. 235.
the same basic technology throughout the world for nearly
every application and installation type. And with the com- IEC 60898-1 describes the application of a MCB as “circuit-
prehensive range of additional products in the System pro M breakers are intended for the protection against overcurrents
compact® you can solve every task in elec­trical installation. of wiring installations of buildings and ­similar applications”.
This standard applies to circuit-breakers with a maximum
voltage of 440 V a.c. between phases, a maximum rated
current of 125 A and rated short-circuit capacity not exceed-
ing 25 kA.

All products tested acc. to IEC 60898-1 can be operated by

unskilled people.

2CDC 002 026 B0204 5

Clear and strong
Definitions acc. to standards for
Circuit Breakers

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) according IEC/EN 60664-1: IEC/EN 60898-1

R.M.S. withstand voltage value assigned by the manufac-
turer to the equipment or to a part of it, characterizing the Miniature Circuit Breakers according IEC/EN 60898-1 are
specified (long-term) withstand capability of its insulation. intended for the protection against overcurrents of wiring
installations of buildings and similar applications; they are
NOTE: The rated insulation voltage is not necessarily equal to the designed for use by uninstructed people and for not being
rated voltage of the equipment which is primarily related to functional maintained.This part of IEC/EN 60898 applies for a.c. air-
break circuit-breakers for operation at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, ha-
ving a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V (between phases),
a rated current not exceeding 125 A and a rated short-circuit
capacity not exceeding 25.000 A. As far as possible, it is in
line with the requirements contained in IEC/EN 60947-2.

Rated short-circuit capacity (Icn)

The rated short-circuit capacity of a circuit-breaker is the
value of the ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity assigned
to that circuitbreaker by the manufacturer.
The sequence of operations shall be: O – t – CO.*

Service short-circuit capacity (Ics)

A circuit-breaker having a given rated short-circuit capacity
has a corresponding fixed service short-circuit capacity (Ics).
This is therefore generally not indicated.

Rated operational voltage (U n)

The rated voltage of a circuit-breaker is the value of voltage,
assigned by the manufacturer, to which its performance
(particularly the short-circuit performance) is referred. The
same circuit-breaker may be assigned a number of rated
voltages and associated rated short-circuit capacities.

Max. power frequency recovery voltage (Umax)

The voltage which appears across the terminals of a pole of
a circuit-breaker after the breaking of the current. The value
of the power frequency recovery voltage shall be equal to
110 % of the rated voltage of the circuit-breaker under test.

 he following symbols are used for defining the sequence of operatons:
O represents an opening operation.
CO represents a closing operation followed by an automatic opening.
t represents the time interval between two short-circuit operations.

6 2CDC 002 026 B0204

IEC/EN 60947-2 Max. power frequency recovery voltage (Umax)
Voltage which appears across the terminals of a pole of a
This part of the IEC/EN 60947 applies to circuit-breakers, switching device after the breaking of the current.
the main contacts of which are intended to be connected to
circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1.000 V For all breaking capacities and short-circuit breaking capacity
a.c. or 1.500 V d.c.. It applies whatever the rated currents, tests, the value of the power-frequency recovery voltage shall
the method of construction or the proposed applications be 105 % of the value of the rated operational voltage. This
of the circuit-breakers may be. The circuit-breakers are value shall be within the specified tolerance (voltage 0 / + 5%).
designed for use by instructed people.
NOTE: The value of 1.05 times the rated operational voltage for the power
frequency recovery voltage, together with the test voltage tolerance
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu
resulting in a maximum voltage of 1.1 times the rated operational voltage,
The rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity of a circuit- is deemed to cover the effects of variations of the system voltage under
breaker is the value of ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity normal service conditions.
assigned to that circuit-breaker by the manufacturer for the
corresponding rated operational voltage. It is expressed as
the value of the prospective breaking current, in kA (r.m.s. UL 489
value of the a.c. component in the case of a.c.).
The sequence of operations shall be: O – t – CO.* The requirements of this standard cover molded-case circuit
breakers, circuit breaker and ground-fault circuit-interrupters,
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics fused circuit breakers, and accessory high-fault protectors.
The rated service short-circuit breaking capacity of a circuit- These circuit breakers are specifically intended to provide
breaker is the value of service short-circuit breaking capacity service entrance, feeder, and branch circuit protection in
assigned to that circuit-breaker by the manufacturer for the cor- ­accordance with the National Installation Codes in Annex B,
responding rated operational voltage. It is expressed as a value Ref. No.1. This standard also covers instantaneous-trip circuit
of prospective breaking current, in kA, corresponding to one breakers (circuit interrupters) specifically intended for use as
of the specified percentages of the rated ultimate short-circuit part of a combination motor controller in accordance with the
breaking capacity and rounded up to the nearest whole number. National Installation Codes in Annex B, Ref. No. 1.
It may be expressed as a % of Icu (for example Ics = 25 % Icu).
The sequence of operations shall be: O – t – CO – t – CO.*
UL 1077
Rated operational voltage (Ue)
The rated operational voltage of an equipment is a value of These requirements apply to supplementary protectors
voltage which, combined with a rated operational current, intended for use as overcurrent, or over- or under-voltage
determines theapplication of the equipment and to which the protection within an appliance or other electrical equipment
relevant tests and the utilization categories are referred. For where branch circuit overcurrent protection is already pro-
single-pole equipment it is generally stated as the voltage vided, or is not required. Compliance with this standard is
across the pole. For multi pole equipment it is generally acceptable for use as a component of an end product.
stated as the voltage between phases. An equipment my
be assigned a number of combinations of rated operational
voltage and associated making and breaking capacities for
different duties and utilization categories.

2CDC 002 026 B0204 7

Two sides of the same coin
Quality and sustainability

Our experience shows, that the expected life for a MCB is

more than 30 years. What could be more sustainable than a
high quality product which is built of environmentally friendly
material and last this long.

Quality is our most relevant Standard Certificated Sustainability

Developing and manufacturing circuit breakers for more than The Materials of our System pro M compact® MCBs comply
120 years successfully means also knowing about the quality with all actual requirements of the EU (RoHS, REACH) for
factor in customer relations. Therefore reaching for the best materials. With it we follow the standards of deleting all ma-
quality is one of our main targets in daily business besides terials and processes that prevent the proper recycling of the
­providing our partners with innovation and reliable partnership. product, such as noxious chemicals or components.

One of a kind Free of halogen – full of strength

Every device gets a unique identification with a lasered, two- The housing of our S 200 and S 200 M MCBs is from a
dimensional data-matrix code. It contains all relevant informa- Halogen free thermoplastic that causes no pollution nor in
tion such as EAN-Codes, serial number and production facts production neither in recycling. Besides the new material
to obtain you and us with helpful details. improved the stability of the housing significantly.

Trust is good, control is better

Every single device that leaves our facilities is checked three
times for quality and performance reasons. Our completely
automated test methods such as thermal test, electro-mag-
n­etic test and isolation test guarantee best results and
to provide you with highest quality in your daily business.

8 2CDC 002 026 B0204

Always up-to-date
Various sources for further information

Today a smartphone is more and more your fast and easy infor­
mation source. With our offer it becomes the new professional
tool in the pocket of every ABB installer. Scan the QR code with
your smartphone and get the reques­ted information immediately.

MCB S 200/S 200 M – S200 Wizard – MCB S 200/S 200 M –

technical data sheet download The right choice always in your hand additional information
Get the technical data sheet with With S200 Wizard only 5 easy questions This QR-code links you directly to our
all detailed information of the next result in one single solution. After website where you can find a lot of ad-
generation MCB S 200 and S 200 M answering those 5 questions, a short ditional information you may need
device as a PDF file with this QR overview shows all mandatory informa- for your decision. Also see the available
code. Find the technical data, infor- tion for choosing the right product. If accessories and your country contact
mation about the tripping charac­ necessary, a link is routing you to the information to our sales force.
teristics and accessories as well as ABB products detail page for all techni-
a dimen­s ional drawing for your cal details, certificates, brochures and
planning. others. S200 Wizard app is available for
download in iTunes store, versions for
Android Market and Windows Mar-
ketplace coming soon. Stay tuned for
more news on ABB Wizard Apps!

2CDC 002 026 B0204 9

All-rounders for every application
The comprehensive circuit breaker range

Our circuit breakers are available Rated short circuit capacity

in various configurations to meet the
requirements of different applica- Type Rated short circuit Rated Number Tripping
breaking capacity current I n of poles characteristics
tions. So you don’t have to mix up
kA A
different systems and can rely on the
IEC 60898-1 IEC 60947-2
proven System pro M compact ® in S 200 6 10 0,5…63 1, 1+ N, 2, 3, 3 + N, 4 B, C, D, K, Z
every situation. They are selectively S 200 S 6 – 6…20 1, 3 B, C
switchable, even under load, in case SN 201 4,5 – 10 6 – 10 2…40 1+ N B, C
of a fault or for maintenance pur- S 200 M 10 15 0,5…63 1, 1+ N, 2, 3, 3 + N, 4 B, C, D, K, Z
poses. The MCB guarantees con- S 200 M UC 10 10 0,5…63 1, 1+ N, 2, 3, 3 + N, 4 B, C, K, Z
stant tripping-characteristics over its S 200 P R – 15 0,2…63 1, 2, 3, 4 K
entire lifetime. SU 200 P R – 15 0,2…63 1, 2, 3, 4 K
S 200 U – 25 0,2…63 1, 2, 3, 4 K, Z
S 200 UP – 25 0,2…25 1, 2, 3, 4 K, Z
S 200 P 25 25 0,2…63 1, 1+ N, 2, 3, 3 + N, 4 B, C, D, K, Z
S 800 B – 16 32…125 1, 2, 3, 4 B, C, D, K
S 800 C 15 25 10…125 1, 2, 3, 4 B, C, D, K
S 800 U – 50 10…100 1, 2, 3, 4 K, Z
S 800 S 25 50 6…125 1, 2, 3, 4 B, C, D, K

Residential buildings Motor and transformer protection Semi-conductor circuits protection

The MCBs offer reliable solutions The K-”power” characteristic- The Z-”sensitive” characteristic-
and effective products for all kind function assures protection function assures protection and
of residential, commercial and and control for circuits like control for the circuits of semi-
industrial applications. Thanks to motors, transformer and conductors or equal devices and
IEC 60898-1 they can be handled even auxiliary circuits, against overloads auxiliary circuits, against overloads and
by unskilled people. Our outstanding and short-circuits. The big advantage short-circuits. The big advantage is the
quality is obtained by a 100 % quality is no nuisance tripping in the case of very fast tripping in the case of functio-
check of all products and all relevant functional peak currents up to 10xIn, nal peak currents or short- circuits at
functions. depending on the series. Through its 2xIn, depending on the series. Through
highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal
trip, the K-type characteristic offers trip, also the Z-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in protection to damageable elements in
the overcurrent range and also provides the overcurrent range and also provides
best protection to cables and lines. best protection to cables and lines.

S 201, S 201 M, SN 201 S 201, S 201 M S 201 Z, S 201 M Z, S 201 P Z

10 2CDC 002 026 B0204

Protection of PV applications Protection devices for USA and Canada Marine applications
With our special designed One solution for all applications, These MCBs are approved and certified
PV products and the high whether UL, CSA or IEC by all major ship registers like GL, DNV,
performance universal current standards are required. The BV and many more. They are suitable
MCBs we offer the best protec- UL MCB range meets North for use at 440V and offer high breaking
tion and control of photovoltaic strings American/Canadian and global capacity. For different applications they
against overloads and short-circuits. The approval requirements. So the devices are available in all characteristics to
combination of those special designed can easily be used as global circuit meet the special requirements properly.
MCBs with remote switching and control breakers for OEMs, building global
devices are an ideal alternative for fuses equipment.
due to comfortable string failure identi­
fication and signalization.

S 201 M UC, S 802 PV S S 201 U, S 201 UP, SU 201 PR S 201, S 201 M, S 201 M UC, S 200 P

2CDC 002 026 B0204 11

Benefit from an established system
System pro M compact®

Thanks to its extensive expertise ABB offers the best solutions

and effective products for residential, commercial and industrial
applications. Our System pro M compact® is the perfect proof.
This comprehensive, fully integrated range of reliable and easy to
install products is a synonym for efficiency and feasibility in your
daily installation business.

The System pro M compact® is the most complete range of One of the most important innovative solutions is the new
miniature circuit breakers and residual current devices in the and patented bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal for easier and
market. It is suitable for all applications in residential, com­ quicker connections. It also avoids errors by preventing the
mercial and industrial installations. use of free cable seats and with it eliminates industrial acci-
dents deriving from incorrect wiring right from the start.
As a matter of course all components of the System pro M
compact® are completely compatible – upwards and down- The new terminal design guarantees a very high tightening
wards. So you can add any accessory from the comprehen- torque for cables with a cross-section up to 35 mm2 and
sive product range to electrical installations at any time. This 10 mm2 at the second terminal. Besides the innovative hous-
guarantees maximum flexibility and high investment security. ing the connection of busbars at the back guarantees easier
The wide range of available accessories allows versatile appli- wiring. For an easier and quicker identification the product
cations and offers the possibility to install up to three acces- code and the approvals are laser printed on the front of the
sories at the same time. With a lot of hands-on benefits and device.
unrevealed patents the system is a benchmark in electrical

PATENTED – Maximum safety PATENTED – Space saving PATENTED – Comfort connection

Error proof terminals avoid the use Use the bottom fixed auxiliary contact Connection busbars at the back of
of free cable seats. for space saving installation. Existing the patented twin-terminals guaran­­-
installations can be easily upgraded to tees easier wiring even when device
include auxiliary switch functionality. is already fixed.

12 2CDC 002 026 B0204

PATENTED – Maximum flexibility Easy assembling Safe connection
Two terminal spaces on top or bottom RCD-blocks DDA 200 2P, 3P, 4P up to Safety connections between DDA 200
can be used for cables with different 40 A fit into two modules. Versions in and S 200 thanks to a safe plastic key
cross-sections or combination of cabels 63 A sizes are supplied with two addi­ system.
and busbars. tional terminals for remote tripping.

Protection allrounder All accessories you need Open to all sides

RCBOs are tripped by leakage to earth, Universal signal/auxiliary and All devices can be supplied
overloads and short-circuits and are auxiliary contacts fit on S 200, from top or bottom either with
self-protecting up to a maximum short- F 200 and DS 200. cables or busbars.
circuit current indicated on the label.

High availability Uncompromising comfort Maximum installation comfort

Remote control units for switching Special quick fastening system for More working space between
the connected MCB create highest an easy removal of the devices from component rows for comfortable
system availability and money savings. the assembly, both for MCBs S 200, handling.
S 200 M and RCCBs F 200.

2CDC 002 026 B0204 13

Everything you need
for your installation tasks –
System pro M compact®

System pro M compact® is an innovative, professional and

multi-functional platform, which provides all installation
solutions you need. The system offers a wide range of DIN
rail products, suitable for all applications.

Miniature circuit-breakers protect installations against
overload and short circuit to ensure reliability and safety
for operations. They are selectively switchable, even under
load, in the event of a fault or for maintenance purposes.
The standstill periods are minimized thanks to the devices
reclosing capability.

The System pro M compact® also covers a lot of other

devices such as on-off switches, pushbuttons, indicator
lights, disconnectors, relays, contactors, bells, transfor-
mers, modular sockets etc. to meet all your requirements
in electrical installation.

Auxiliary elements
Auxiliary and signal contacts are the connection from
status signaling to protection devices, and help to ensure
the highest level of efficiency for all applications. The wide
range of auxiliary elements allows countless installation
variations and with the available connection accessories
like busbars, connection terminals and feeder terminals
any kind of wiring is possible.


14 2CDC 002 026 B0204

RCDs Command devices
Our wide range of Residual current circuit-breakers (RCDs) This category includes devices that are operated manually
protect people and installations from fault current to earth to command the electric system such as contactors,
and the risk of fire. latching relays, switch-isolators, switches, pushbuttons
Following types are available: etc. Typically they are installed to control lights from several
– Residual current circuit-breakers (RCCBs); points of the same circuit or to pilot user devices with a
– RCD-blocks; high number of operations.
– R esidual current circuit-breakers with
overcurrent protection (RCBOs); Load management devices
– Residual current relays (modular and front panel) Overload relays, load management switches, anti black-out
with external toroid. lamps, time switches and the other modular devices in this
category react automatically to variations of parameters and
SPDs other events in the system to allow plant optimization.
Surge protective devices ensure the limitation of overvol-
tage and impulse currents to an acceptable level. So they Measurement devices
protect installations e.g. from switching and lighting surges. The range of devices in this category is very wide, including
a great number of auxiliary components and accessories
Protection devices that make installation in switchboards and consumer units
In addition to MCBs and RCDs, ABB supplies other mo- practical and economic.
dular devices for protection such as fuse holders, fuses,
switch disconnectors, insulation monitoring devices etc.


2CDC 002 026 B0204 15

Protection Command other Functions Measurement

2CDC 002 026 B0204 16

One System – countless possibilities
Absolute compatibility between all

Accessory overview

H Auxiliary contact S2C-H6R

(change-over contact)

H-R Auxiliary contact S2C-H6-...R

S/H Signal/Auxiliary contact S2C-S/H6R

S/H (H) Signal/Auxiliary contact

used as auxiliary contact S2C-S/H6R

ST Shunt trip S2C-A...

UR Undervoltage release S2C-UA

OR Overvoltage release S2C-OVP

H-L Auxiliary contact S2C-H...L

H-BF Auxiliary contact for

bottom fitting (1 per pole) S2C-H01

BP Mechanical tripping device S2C-BP

NT Neutral disconnector S2C-Nt

MOD-S* Motor operating device S2C-CM

DDA 200 RCD-block DDA 20...

* In case of using S 200/S 200 M coupled with DDA 200,

MOD-S doesn’t operate in case of earth-leakage fault.

Accessories connected to MCBs and RCD

18 2CDC 002 026 B0204

Contact us


Order number 2CDC 002 026 B0204 07/12-pdf

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