2CDC002026B0204 View PDF
2CDC002026B0204 View PDF
2CDC002026B0204 View PDF
Contact position indication Approvals printed on the dome PATENTED – Housing Design
All System pro M compact® MCBs S 200 and S 200 M MCBs comply By using state-of-the-art housing
are suited with a real contact position with IEC/EN 60898 and IEC/EN 60947 material, ABB is taking care of the
indication (real CPI). You can easily and carry all relevant approval marks environment. With the latest genera-
identify, if the MCB is in the ON or the for each market and segment they are tion of halogen free thermoplastics
OFF position – easy and safe mainte- destined to. The certification mark- for S200 and S200M it’s possible to
nance work is possible. The position ings are also printed on the dome of recycle the MCBs completely without
of the toggle and the red/green display the MCB. Thus make it possible to environmental pollution. The new
leaves no doubt about the present see the markings also in the mounted material also improved stability of
switching position, while the latter position. For control and acceptance all System pro M compact® MCBs.
offers additional security, as the exact procedure – certification marks visible
position of the inner contacts is always on fitted devices on the dome.
displayed.Thus, the device always
supplies reliable information in the
event of an error.
Besides the fact that the MCBs meet worldwide standards Our products are tested acc to: IEC 60898-1, IEC 60947-2,
it is helpful if your business is global, because you can use UL 1077, CSA 22.2 No. 235.
the same basic technology throughout the world for nearly
every application and installation type. And with the com- IEC 60898-1 describes the application of a MCB as “circuit-
prehensive range of additional products in the System pro M breakers are intended for the protection against overcurrents
compact® you can solve every task in electrical installation. of wiring installations of buildings and similar applications”.
This standard applies to circuit-breakers with a maximum
voltage of 440 V a.c. between phases, a maximum rated
current of 125 A and rated short-circuit capacity not exceed-
ing 25 kA.
he following symbols are used for defining the sequence of operatons:
O represents an opening operation.
CO represents a closing operation followed by an automatic opening.
t represents the time interval between two short-circuit operations.
Today a smartphone is more and more your fast and easy infor
mation source. With our offer it becomes the new professional
tool in the pocket of every ABB installer. Scan the QR code with
your smartphone and get the requested information immediately.
S 201 M UC, S 802 PV S S 201 U, S 201 UP, SU 201 PR S 201, S 201 M, S 201 M UC, S 200 P
The System pro M compact® is the most complete range of One of the most important innovative solutions is the new
miniature circuit breakers and residual current devices in the and patented bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal for easier and
market. It is suitable for all applications in residential, com quicker connections. It also avoids errors by preventing the
mercial and industrial installations. use of free cable seats and with it eliminates industrial acci-
dents deriving from incorrect wiring right from the start.
As a matter of course all components of the System pro M
compact® are completely compatible – upwards and down- The new terminal design guarantees a very high tightening
wards. So you can add any accessory from the comprehen- torque for cables with a cross-section up to 35 mm2 and
sive product range to electrical installations at any time. This 10 mm2 at the second terminal. Besides the innovative hous-
guarantees maximum flexibility and high investment security. ing the connection of busbars at the back guarantees easier
The wide range of available accessories allows versatile appli- wiring. For an easier and quicker identification the product
cations and offers the possibility to install up to three acces- code and the approvals are laser printed on the front of the
sories at the same time. With a lot of hands-on benefits and device.
unrevealed patents the system is a benchmark in electrical
Miniature circuit-breakers protect installations against
overload and short circuit to ensure reliability and safety
for operations. They are selectively switchable, even under
load, in the event of a fault or for maintenance purposes.
The standstill periods are minimized thanks to the devices
reclosing capability.
Auxiliary elements
Auxiliary and signal contacts are the connection from
status signaling to protection devices, and help to ensure
the highest level of efficiency for all applications. The wide
range of auxiliary elements allows countless installation
variations and with the available connection accessories
like busbars, connection terminals and feeder terminals
any kind of wiring is possible.
Accessory overview