The Reluctant Fundamentalist: A Quest For Identity: Abstract
The Reluctant Fundamentalist: A Quest For Identity: Abstract
The Reluctant Fundamentalist: A Quest For Identity: Abstract
II.Literature Review:
These reviews and comments have not dealt with the major issue of
identity, being presented by personal, cultural and political factors, in the
context of interaction between Pakistani and American cultures. The
present study intends to fill this gap. Therefore the novel relates an
cumbersome and compact analysis, which has not been undertaken so far.
The present study aims at taking care of the core problem of the longing for
identity on the part of a Pakistani living in America, in response to his
experiences and observations, in the light of postcolonial theory.
But even his mimicry cannot grant him acceptance and equality in the
American society. Because of his Asiatic background and painful colonial
history, subjugated society, he became an easy prey for her, Erica. He is
still classed as “Other” (40). His being Pakistani cannot be camouflaged by
his expensive suit, expensive car or even by the company of his American
friends (42). Everything he adopts to accept her goes against his identity.
Changez assimilates American culture, and falls in love head over heels
with Erica. And forgets his Asiatic background, to be called Other, in taking
her at any cost_ which is paid by him later in the form of identity and
personality loss. Like a text book subject, Changez adopts the neo-colonial
American culture in total, as a whole, as it is his own. But he can never be
like white Christian American, Chris, an ex-boyfriend of Erica. Chris, even
after his death, has an impact upon the identity of Erica. Because these
both characters belong to the same culture_ which they take as usual. It is
not a chance that Erica is wearing the T-shirt of her dead lover, when
Changes visits her for the first time. This shows the bond that exists
between Chris and Erica, for belonging to the same culture. Changez is
treated as a lesser Other by Erica’s family, in spite of his enormous
achievements (33) and also by the interviewer, from Underwood Samson,
for his job when he refers to his financial aid status at Princeton (5). the
affectionate bonds between the two, Erica and Chris, never separates
them. they are same in culture, religion, language, art, personality and
identity, and even have same political, social, moral, ethnic values. All these
mentioned things attract them to each other, and repel Changez from both
of them, despite all his attempts and bests. The cost they ,Erica and Chris,
pay for their love and affection is paid by the sincerity and affection of
Changez towards Erica.
Hamid shows that Erica fails to come out of her past love affair with
Chris and fails to respond to the passionate love of Changez or rather his
obsession with her. This the thing that repels Changez from her, and he
wants to be loved and honored but cannot. The reason behind this is the
only his Asian culture and a language. In the result of this relation he
forgets even his personality perspectives, and is ignored, gained his
cultures and national values shattered and battered. Her refusal to come
out of her nostalgia for Chris and live in the present, has a negative impact
upon the present bond of love between Changez and Erica. Hamid shows
that the affection between Changez and Erica does not blossom, because
their racial origins and cultural identities pull them apart. Their mutual
relationship remains shallow and mechanical, in spite of Changez’
obsession for Erica. Erica at the unconscious level withholds her body and
soul from Changez, a kind of denial of the identity of Changez, because she
feels that she belongs to her. They make an attempt at love making which
also fails (54). Changez’ infatuation with Erica does not let him give up his
mimicry of the American culture. This reaches its culmination when one day
he offers to become Chris, in his desperation to overcome the dilemma of
dysfunctional love on the part of Erica. Hamid shows that Changez, who
is regarded as a citizen of a subject culture, resorts to the ultimate
mimicry of surrendering his identity, to be accepted by his beloved
belonging to the superior culture of the neo-colonial super power.
In answer to the question Mohsin says: “I am a strong believer in the
intertwined nature of the personal and the political; I think they move
together. In the case of Changez, his political situation as a Pakistani
immigrant fuels his love for Erica, and his abandonment by Erica fuels
his political break with America. Similarly, I think countries are like
people. Not that countries are monolithic -- even people have fractured
identities and conflicting impulses -- but notions of pride, passion,
nostalgia, and envy shape the behaviour of countries more than is
sometimes acknowledged. In the Muslim world, one sees love for
things American co-exist with anger towards America. Which is
stronger, politics or love, is like asking which is stronger, exhaling or
inhaling? They are two sides of the same thing.”
He gives up his name, his identity, his values and culture and
becomes Chris.The beloved accepts him. The implicit message is that
the non-Europeans are acceptable to America and its culture only when
they give up their identity and culture and “marry” the American dominant
culture. This conditional acceptance of Changez on the part of Erica
transports him into a world of momentary bliss and ecstasy (63). It works for
the time being. But it leaves an indelible impact upon his identity. He
experiences satiation and shame simultaneously. This is the turning point in
his search for his identity At the symbolic level Erica stands for the
American culture, therefore, Hamid points his finger at the American culture
for its negative impact upon individuals. Living in the past is not the only
fault of Erica and America. Hamid shows that American culture suffers from
very serious malaise. He shows that American individuals, the society and
the government are guilty of displaying arrogance, prejudice and
discrimination on cultural and racial grounds.
In the beginning Changez is loyal and a supporter of America and its
views and values, as America has boundless opportunities to offer, and
upholds his view of wealth and status, in order to achieve the American
Dream. Working for Underwood Samson, Changez is much more exposed
to the fundamentals, and policies of America of which he experiences inner
conflict with. It is through his work assignments sending him Manilla, and
Valparaiso, as well as his experiences in the post 9/11 climate of America,
that Changez comes to find his true identity and views towards America.
Coming to terms with his place of belonging, especially through the
influence and enlightenment of Juan Bautista, Changez quits his job and
Underwood and Samson, cutting of his loyalties with America, and returns
to his chosen city, Lahore. It is in Lahore where Changez advocates the
disengagement from America, by Pakistan, and vindicates the notion of
returning Pakistan to its “former greatness” by promoting “greater
independence in [its] domestic and international affairs” by participating in
demonstrations that become to be labelled “anti-American”.
Changez recognizes the American, in Lahore, not by the colour of his
skin, dress or fashion and style but by his bearing. “Instead, it was your
bearing that allowed me identify you” (1). Sidhwa in her novel, (An
American Brat, 174) also portrays an American with the same arrogant
attitude. Hamid makes it clear that it is the “bearing” or the neo-colonial role
of America around the world that has bred tension between American and
Pakistani individuals and cultures. Hamid shows that American culture
breeds a sense of superiority among the Americans and their attitude of
arrogance towards non-whites offends and annoys them. This breeds
resentment against America and its culture. Hamid portrays the racial
discrimination to which non-Europeansare subjected to by the American
culture and society. He shows that American culture and society or not
flawless and they are as intolerant towards the racial and cultural
differences as any other culture or society. Jim, Changez’ interviewer for
the job, cannot accept that a man from Third World Muslim country like
Pakistan could be that smart and intelligent. The father of Changez’
beloved, Erica, has the similar condescending attitude towards Changez.
He finds the attitude of the father of Erica offensive and insulting.Her father
reminds Changez that he comes from a backward culture with its inherent
problems of corruption, dictatorship, the class differences, poverty and
fundamentalism (33). Hamid offers his explanation on the issue of tension
between American and Pakistani cultures. Jim Ottewill in The Observer
(March 11, 2007) review rightly maintains that “
VI. Conclusion:
The study has shown that Mohsin Hamid, has shown the impact of
politics, religion, language, ethnicity, and personality and culture upon
individual identities. He has cooped with the problems and isues of
colonialist ideology, neo-colonialist “bearing” the internalization of this
ideology, the mimicry and the resultant hybridity and its impact upon the
identity of the people from the so called, countries with Asiatic background,
developing (lesser) cultures. Hamid has presented that unlike the troubles
of white American personality to a whole, it has very grave and crucial
problems, that have been urgent to be solved and seen, also that have
plagued Asian countries. He relates that the colonialist culture is as
extremist, as intolerant of the racial, cultural and ideological differences as
any so called Third World culture. The intolerant American culture is having
its negative impact upon the Non-Europeans and is also breeding hatred
and hindrances against American policies around the world. Hamid rejects
and ignores the cause of disturbance that only the so called developing
cultures produce and breed extremism. He points his finger at America and
its culture for producing extremism, hatred and international tensions and
confrontations and frustrations. Hamid shows that disregard and lack of
acceptance, and to be loved, honored and accepted by American culture of
the people from other cultures is the biggest barrier in the way of natural
and mutually compromised interaction among various cultures and
countries. The discriminatory and insulting attitude of America and its
culture makes people reactionary and extremist like was the case with
Changez who inspite of his education from Princeton, his love for a white
American girl, his job and status in America becomes the fundamentalist.
All this has become due to the rude and supreme behavior of America, its
culture, and calls him a fundamentalist. Changez rejects all these benefits,
in the form of love, in the form of wealth, in the form of prosperity, in the
form of relation with other people, and also in the form of his worldly
pursuits, along with American culture and comes back to the culture of his
origin, discards his hybrid identity and invents his new identity which is
shaped by extremist ideology. Similarly, Hamid has proved that
American nullification and intervention in the internal affairs of other
countries is neither in the interest of America nor in the interest of
international peace and cooperation, because it breeds ill will and
encourages people from developing cultures like Pakistan to embrace
extremist ideologies.
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